#only to get to the league and have to listen to dabi do the exact same thing
briefmusicbouquet · 2 years
consider: dabihawks exes-to-lovers au where they dated briefly before either of them were established heroes/villains
a calm, average length, abonormally normal relationship that ended mutually with the two of them being like "i have to focus on my goals (being a hero/ruining endeavor)"
a few years pass by and then idk, some heroes are trying to arrest the league, hawks as part of the hero team, and he and dabi make eye contact and have the mutual realization;
oh fuck that's my ex
and then cause neither of them can process emotions and can't say shit to their coworkers about who exactly their ex is or how they ran itno them: they pull a bunch of hyper-specific-tailored-for-each-other pranks while the league/top 10 are wondering why they care this much about fucking with their ex and neither of them can explain it without sounding like they're still hung up over their ex because they can't say outright, "he's one of the heroes we're already trying to destroy" or "he's one of the country's most notorious villains lol"
and it escalates from there
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ultimateempath · 3 months
Alright, I've been seeing an unnecessary amount of negativity towards the direction Horikoshi & MHA took, particularly about the main league members deaths, so I'm gonna put my two cents in here: I'm not bothered by their deaths, I don't think it could've gone any other way. My reasoning is below the cut.
First and foremost, Horikoshi doesn't like happy endings. A bittersweet conclusion was the best we were gonna get from the beginning, we've known this for a while.
Even if they had survived, the league would never be able to live the kinds of lives they wanted. Like it or not, they committed many acts of murder and terrorism. Their life after the war more likely would've consisted of prison and/or possible execution. Even if they were rehabilitated and let out of prison, they'd still be exposed to public scrutiny and ridicule. Eri wouldn't be able to rewind them to children ro anything either, she wouldn't be able to do that much at her current skill level even if she still had her horn.
Dabi refused to listen to reason and his physical & mental states were rapidly deteriorating as he was entirely consumed by vengeful rage and despair, so it was unfortunately only a matter of time for him.
Toga willingly chose to risk her life doing something good for the woman she loved. She wanted to live the way she wanted and die the way she wanted, she wouldn't have been able to do either if she survived.
Kurogiri was already dead to begin with, he deserves to finally rest in peace after being stuck in such a torturous existence for so long. Mic & Aizawa have to grieve all over again and that sucks, but it was for the best.
Tomura loved the league more than anything and wasn't just going to walk away from them. Passing ofa to him was the only way to reach Tenko, even if it meant his body would crumble. You also have to remember that they were fighting afo again too! He wasn't keen on letting Tomura go, that finishing multi-punch was their only remaining option. The crying boy was saved and Tomura was finally at peace in the end, thats what matters.
Lastly, to the people who are upset about Izukus reaction and him not being very upset about being quirkless again and not saving Shigaraki: izuku is bottling up his emotions and claiming that he's fine, putting everyone else before himself. That's his whole thing, there was a whole arc addressing this exact issue. Plus after afo took over again, Izuku straight up said that he just wanted all the hurt to be over already.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 265, Replies Part 2
1) “And there`s also that problem that the clones might duplicate exponentially, but that also reduces their durability at the same proportion. Not that it matters much, Hawks can dispose of them in a single hit anyway, but if this was another kind of fight it would be a problem
as it is, we can`t even call it a “fight”, more like a “one-sided massacre””- For all that Twice’s Quirk makes him a powerhouse on an all-out-war level, individually he himself is actually not that skilled a fighter. He makes up for it with passable close-range fighting, but he always tends to default to spamming clones of his allies as backup whenever possible, or mobbing the enemy with numbers once he unlocked that function once again. If anything, I think it’s hinted that Spinner might be a better close-range fighter than him, even with his weak Quirk. In a cramped quarters against a speedy opponent skilled with blitz tactics and handling multiple foes at once, Twice’s duplication effectively can’t get going enough to overwhelm Hawks, and his own fighting skills aren’t enough to overcome him. Mulitply himself doesn’t directly multiple his fighting ability, merely the available force he can bring to bear, and against speed, force cannot win.
2) “Now, Hawks, I continue to call bullshit on you. Every time you open your mouth you contradicts yourself and let your true intentions slip. Not be allowed to trip on sentimentalism, but then immediately give him another chance to stand down because you personally like him? Yeah, sure.”- He even brought out a little recording device just in case Twice could get talked down and he could record his cooperation with the heroes as evidence in his favour when he was later sentenced. Which is…still a shitty deal to basically force him into, but to Hawks’ perspective it’s preferable to him having to kill him outright. After all, barring any unexpected interferences, Twice’s only hope for walking out that room on his own two feet was to give up, but sadly, hawks is also clearly running up against the fact that the exact same good qualities about Twice that make him want to spare him are precisely the reason he won’t go down whilst there’s breath in his body. Maybe it’s even a little bit of guilt in him that the situation turned out like this for both of them and a desire to try and ‘make it right’ somehow…but it’s too late for that. Like the Icarus he resembles, Hawks’ hubris in trying to take a middle path between stopping twice without having to kill him brought him too close to the sun, and now it’s time to get burned. 3) “OH GOD HE`S BRINGING THE WHOLE CREW THERE TO FIGHT WITH HIM
OH GOD, ANOTHER DABI AND SHIGARAKI THERE COULD EASILY BE A PROBLEM”- Dabi agrees. That’s why he’s here, specifically to fuck up Hawks’ day. And he may not be the most durable of the league, but he’s not gonna go down with a deep enough cut, unlike any duplicates of him Twice can make.. 4) “…
JUST TELL ME YOU DIDN`T HIT TWICE”- I think he did, or at least shredded off the rest of his mask, just so both we and him get to fully experience Jin’s heartbroken expressions in all their painful detail. 5) “WELL, HE DOESN`T SEEM TO HAVE BEEN HURT
BECAUSE EMOTIONALLY, OH BOY, SEEING THE CLONES OF HIS FRIENDS BEING OBLITERATED WITHOUT MERCY CERTAINLY DIDN`T DO HIM ANY GOOD”- Normally, the lesson would be ‘the real power of friendship was within you all along’, but in this case, it was better for Jin that it was actually about to bust down the door when Hawks was least expecting the interference. 6) “HAWKS PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU`RE JUST TAUNTING HIM, THIS IS NOT DOING YOU ANY GOOD IN TRYING TO CONVINCE HIM TO STEP DOWN”-At this point, he’s shifted from trying to talk Twice down to trying to talk himself up to the task of doing what he has to, speaking out a one-sided conversation towards a man who isn’t listening before the words are aimed at himself, outlining what he already knows, steeling himself for crossing that final line whilst his time is running out. Even isolated, it’s still a massive risk for him to be trying to de-escalate Twice rather than slitting his throat from behind, and all it will take is one momentary slip of concentration, one errant clone breaking free, and the parade will begin. So, he’s telling himself to finish what he has to before he loses the thin veneer of control he has over their current ‘fight’, and the worst-case scenario occurs. 7) “BEING FAIR, THAT CHANCE KINDA GOT YEET`D OUT OF THE WINDOW A FEW CHAPTERS AGO. THERE`S NO WAY FOR YOU TWO TO LEAVE THIS ROOM ALIVE, ONLY ONE CAN REMAIN STANDING.”- Well, let’s see what happens when we add an unexpected variable to that equation, shall we? 8) “OH THANK GOD THAT WASN`T A KILLING BLOW, BUT IT SURE AS FUCK GOT CLOSE TO IT”- Aimed higher, that slice would have been fatal, but even at this point, Hawks is still holding back, still holding onto that thin hope that he can stop Jin any other way than by killing him, bloodying up his body to prevent him moving freely, pinning him down and a blade just inches away from his eye… and it’s all for nothing. Jin’s lack of self-worth is so much he truly doesn’t care what becomes of him or what he sacrifices so long as the league are protected, so the only way to neutralise the threat he’s dead-set on unleashing is nothing less than death. Anything less is just drawing out his current suffering, so faced with the fact there’s really nothing else he can do to stop him, Hawks just quietly accepts that he has to stop tormenting Jin for the sake of his guilty conscience, and deal with the act for the rest of his days. 9) “I think we got that across when Hawks admitted to be spying and using you, Twice. He`s not here to be the Knight in shining armor hero type, he`s here to do the real dirty work”- Hawks might be on the side of the angels, but he’s not deluded enough to believe he’s one of them.
10) “Well, being fair, it wasn`t only the heroes that did that you, the whole quirk society did a damn good job on putting you all down. He has blame, but he certainly isn`t the only one to blame.”- This is unfortunately the sticking point that prevents the Villains from becoming wholly sympathetic and the audience switching sides to them and rooting for the fall of the current society. As much as they do have legitimate points, compelling reasons to turn to villainy and genuine humanity behind their villainous actions, they still go out of their way to involve the entire hero society in their vendetta for the way they were treated, dragging uninvolved civilians into a fight they didn’t start and are simply guilty of doing nothing about a problem they weren’t fully aware of. Granted, said passiveness is an indirect support of the system that victimised the villains, and Tomura most certainly has a grudge against the faceless masses overall, but even when Twice is being justifiably pissed at hawks for his actions, he’s extending it beyond Hawks himself, implying that all heroes everywhere are exactly like him, and will never be anything more than two-faced hypocrites about their ‘heroic’ actions. He might not be in the best frame of mind for it, but Jin isn’t considering all the innocents their revolution would harm in the crossfire, all those who’d get harmed for the sake of the league, because to him, they’re part of the problem, a problem that hawks is now embodying and targeting the only thing he feels gives his life worth, despite that hawks also has some sympathetic reasons for doing this, namely that he understands Twice’s side of the argument and doesn’t dispute that he’s wrong in any way for how he feels and acts towards him personally, but his attempts to get Twice to back down and understand how he’s being wrong to escalate this systemic problem to those uninvolved with his own suffering don’t work. Ironically, whilst Hawks sees the conflict for the morally grey matter it is, Twice sees it in Black and White, and can’t comprehend – or rather, won’t comprehend – that there’s any other outcome where he could be happy that doesn’t involve allowing the league to tear down society to make themselves feel better. 11) “But it does gives some conflicting feelings, the things that Twice is saying. The Blood-obsessed knife-crazy psychopath villain hugged him and protected him when he was having a crisis, meanwhile the number two hero, the second greatest paragon of virtue, used him and is now holding a blade to his face”- Twice always limits himself to the small picture, seeing things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ based on his personal interactions with them. And whilst he earns a degree of sympathy for his backstory, and possibly the fact he’s never really been educated or had reason to think of ethical or moral dilemma like this, he also bares a degree of responsibility for not considering anything about the other side that he’s set himself up to oppose, seeing them only as obstacles to the league’s happiness and never once doubting or thinking the league are wrong in their actions for opposing them, because they stuck by him when he needed the support. Whilst you can understand why Twice would think this way, there is an element of him actively not considering others outside his close-knit circle of friends in the league that contributes to Hawks having to try and lethally stop him like this. (MHA ch 264) 12) “ALSO THE FACT THAT TWICE HAS A CLONE RUNNING AROUND HERE IS WORRISOME. EITHER HAWKS ALREADY DEALT WITH HIM, OR HE`S GOING TO CAUSE SOME SERIOUS TROUBLE ANY MOMENT NOW.”-He’s no double, but Dabi’s here to cause some big trouble. 13) “Hawks is definitely not being that hero-like right now, and sure, sure, you can say how Twice is a threat of the highest level, how if he`s not taken down peacefully then killing him is essential because of all the damage he can unleash, but at the same time… Christ, that`s hard to watch. Hawks was a spy, and right now he`s acting like an assassin, not a hero. He`s doing the dirty work that needs to be done, away from the prying eyes of his fellow heroes.
It`s clear he takes no pleasure in doing this, he`s not toying with Twice out of some sick and twisted play, he`s just being an absolute moron at how disarm the situation. He picked every single wrong dialogue option, and in the end, it`s kill or be killed.
And good lord he was about to kill Twice there if Dabi hadn`t showed up. HE was going to split his brain again, in an ironic callback to how Twice got like that in the first place.”- It’s a really difficult situation for Hawks. We understand why he’s doing this, and he understands that he’s not doing a truly good deed, but at the same time, it’s hard to think of any other way he could have disarmed Twice, to utterly eliminate any chance of his Parade being unleashed in the slightest, without killing him. And he really didn’t want to kill him, even as the situation basically meant peacefully negotiating with him wasn’t an option. He has to ensure Twice’s freedom and options are extremely limited, that he has no chance to exercise even a bit of free will to unleash a double. With the mass surprise attack on the lodge, to prevent Twice immediately jumping to his allies’ aid, he had to isolate him and hold him at bladepoint from the start. He had to make Twice aware of the seriousness of the situation without getting him emotionally enraged enough that he’d act recklessly and force him to use lethal measures. 
Doing this at all was a bad idea, but he still did it, because he’d learned enough about Twice to know that he didn’t deserve to get casually killed because it was ‘convenient’ for the heroes. And unfortunately, whilst he knew Twice better than most of the PLF, he didn’t know enough about what he’d been through to say the right words, didn’t know about Overhaul and how this situation would trigger Jin’s guilt complex, or how Toga’s acts of kindness would move Jin more than any persuasive argument to the contrary. You can see his good intentions, despite the situation, but at the end of the day, good intentions pave the road to hell.
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turquoisea · 3 years
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Family reunion
Pairing: Dabi/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Dub-con, Degradation, Brother/Sister Incest, Manipulation, Guilt-tripping, OOC, Smut
Contains manga spoilers. Minors DNI.
Words: 4130
Synopsis: You was kidnapped while on your way home from work. Turned out your kidnapper was someone you knew.
A/N: I don't own any of the characters. Please read the warnings before continuing and we're gonna jump straight to the scene after (y/n) had been kidnapped (because i was too lazy to write the former part OTL)
Unable to escape from the kidnapper’s tight rope around your wrists, you helplessly let him carry you to somewhere that looked like an abandoned building. Not like you could exactly tell where it was, given the fact that your eyes had been covered ever since he captured you until you two “arrived” at the destination. Either had you been able to scream or to call for help, “If you decide to be a naughty little girl and make a fuss, or to even let a single person know about this and hinder my work, I can and I will burn your whole workplace while letting your watch every single second of it.” – the kidnapper had threatened, making panic surged within your body; the only thing you could blurt out to answer his “Is that clear?” was a simple “Yes.” Not wanting to involve any of your aquaintances, you decided to keep your mouth shut the entire time. You thought that it was a better idea to wait until you could learn about what he wanted, his motives behind this before trying to escape.
He placed you down on the floor after carrying you into a small room with the action being a little too gentle for a kidnapper, you thought and opened your eyes only to be met with a pair of turquoise gazes, slightly hidden behind his spiky black hair. Those reminded you of Shouto’s left eye color but they had a rather.. captivating effect, making you unable to tear your eyes off them. More like Touya’s eyes – the recollection passing your mind was quickly brushed off, given the harsh reality that Touya has been dead for more than 10 years. You cautiously opened your mouth to ask, still keeping eye contact.
"What do you want?"
“…What do I want?” He repeated the question before slowly taking off his black face mask. The way he did it was deliberate, elegant even, as if he was putting on a show to reveal what’s hidden behind the mask. In front of you was an abnormal façade: Purple skin lied under his eye bags, his lower cheeks and lower lip, all the way down to his collarbone; connected together with the normal parts of the skin by surgical staples. An audible gasp escaped your throat the moment you realized that the man who abducted you was the wanted criminal you saw on TV.
“League of Villains.. You’re.. You’re Dabi…”
“Dabi? Ah yes, people call me that now. But I thought you would recognize me now, you’re my family after all..” He trailed off at the end, as though he was rather hurt by your comment.
“Family? Stop joking now, we don’t even know each other!”
“You sure? Even when you used to call me Touya-nii with that sweet voice of yours?”
“I said stop!! Listen, I have no idea why you know about Touya but he’s not alive anymore, don’t bring him into this!” Your shaking voice resounded with rage. In the past few years you’d partly moved on from your brother’s death, even learned how to stop tearing up whenever someone mentions him. To say you was mad was an understatement, since the kidnapper crossed the line, pulled out those emotions that you’d tried so hard to hide them away. You couldn’t stay calm anymore. This villain and the audacity to even mention Touya, let alone making such an unbearable joke about him.
“(y/n)-chan,” The way he called your name was too familiar “you still have the habit of defending me after all this time.”
“Wh..What.. do you mean?”
“Don’t you remember? You were always there to patch me up every time I went out training on my own. Those nights that distress and hatred consumed me, you were the only one who was willing to give me a shoulder to cry on, to hear me rant about that stupid family. You were the only one who didn’t refuse to look at a “failure” like me while our father focused all his attention on that “masterpiece”. You made me feel like I’m not useless, (y/n)-chan. Sure you haven’t forgotten, right?”
“You’re.. lying.. Touya-nii is..”
“Yes, yes. Everybody thought so.” He interrupted. “But I escaped from the fire and as you can see,” He raised his hand to touch the staples. “I’m still here. If I’d died in that fire, I would have become a ghost, an evil spirit to haunt the hell out of Todoroki Enji.” The explanation ended with a snort.
But not for you, you couldn’t possibly laugh about it the way he did. You were nothing but speechless. The big brother you once thought wasn’t here, could never be here with you anymore was still alive and kicking. Thoughts of how Touya had managed to live since that day started to emerge your mind and probably because of the invisible connection, the blood connection between you two, you could feel his pain, his suffering, the dull ache that never go away in every single staple on his body… It must’ve been hard for a thirteen-year-old child to manage by himself after crawling out of a literal hell, you thought, mouth still agaped with astonishment. Tears neither stopped welling up, nor did they escape your shiny orbs when you looked at him through your blurry vision. You had so many questions to ask, but none of them could be voiced.
“But that’s the story for another day. Now, we have to celebrate the happy reunion of brother and sister, right?” He interrupted your thoughts before slowly approaching you. His tall body hovered over yours, enhancing the feeling of being small and helpless as your hands still being tied behind your back. He gripped your jaw with one hand, the other started to work on the buttons of your shirt while Touya’s slightly chapped lips met your own in a kiss that was soft at first but quickly turned passionate, sloppy with his tongue chasing every corner of your mouth.
“Touya..nii..” You panted between his kisses, trying your best to stop him from doing what you think he was trying to do. “We shouldn’t.. You shouldn’t do this.. We’re siblings..”
“Ah yes, you’re my favorite sibling after all, one more reason why we should do this, right?” His stapled mouth stretched into a huge grin, then he leaned back to take in the view of your body.
“My little sister has grown up.. To be honest, I didn’t have any of these dirty thoughts when we were children but now, I just want to fucking ravish you until all you can think of is me and my cock.”
His dirty talk sent a shiver thorough your body and you started to feel heat coiling up in your core. As if amused, turned on by your reaction, Touya grabbed one of your breasts and gave it a squeeze, causing a soft moan to escape your pump lips.
“What was that? Don’t tell me (y/n)-chan is aroused by her very own brother, hm? I’ve been stalking you for a while, my little sister. ‘Twas hard to find you since you don’t live at that house anymore. Can’t believe behind all those innocent act is a little whore who gets aroused easily by her Touya-nii.” He spat out, specifically emphasized the phrase you used to call him. Blue eyes looking down at you as if you were indeed what he said – a slut waiting to be bred.
“Touya-nii.. Please stop it.. I don’t want this..” Looking up at him through your wet lashes, you said with a whimper, begging him to stop.
Little did you know it had no such effect for Touya. Seeing your vulnerable face in a helpless state only boosted his ego; he felt as if he was the only one you could rely on, the only one who was able to decide your fate and damn, he could never get bored of this.
“What a pity, (y/n)-chan, because I, in fact, DO want this.” Touya murmured between kisses, leaving red spots blossoming all over your breasts, your shoulders, your collarbone. “Don’t you want to make your Touya-nii happy (y/n)-chan? You see, there hadn’t been a single day in which these staples stopped hurting me whenever I move. My tear glands were burned ever since the fire. I couldn’t cry because when I do, it hurts and blood flows out of my eye bags.” His fingers indicated the purple skin underneath his eyes as he continued. “I've lived with emotional numbness ever since. Your big brother doesn't feel anything anymore, (y/n)-chan..” Touya trailed off.
“But you, the only one who didn’t refuse to look at me... Having you here with me really makes me happy, and the kind little sister I know wouldn’t want to take that happiness away from me right?..” Turquoise orbs looked up at you through black strands of hair. As if wavering, as if pleading, as if he was asking you for your consent.
All to hide the fact that he guilt-tripped you into this.
And with him being a quick-witted, perceptive man, Touya’s tactics were never fruitless. He could tell your conscience would be troubled if you’d turned him down, especially when he phrased the words like that. He took advantage of the shocking state you were in, making you feel pity for him and overlook his immoral behaviours.
Touya waited with bated breath, eye contact still maintained.
“I..I want Touya-nii to be happy..” – your reply after a moment of thinking only caused a chuckle to escape his mouth and it’s almost like this was all he had been waiting for, all in his anticipation. This was the exact reaction that Touya wanted and as your best big brother ever, he couldn’t possibly put off anymore without his hands as your bra, nor could he wait any longer to secure this “happiness”.
“Knew my favorite sister would say that.” Touya couldn’t hide his triumphant expression when he quickly made his way down to your skirt, lifting it up so he could see what’s underneath. Gently, he palmed your groin before dragging his middle finger between your clothed slit only to find that your panties was already soaked.
“Oh? I already knew you were a whore behind your innocent façade but didn’t think you would be this shameless.. Tch.” He clicked his tongue. “Getting all nice and wet for your own brother. You said you wanted to make me happy but in truth, you just need to feel nii-san’s cock inside your hole right? Shameless slut.”
You groaned in exasperation and opened your mouth to protest but before you could even say anything, he ripped your white panties apart, making you squirm in awe. The rough pad of his thumb dragged over your clit while his knees spread your legs wide and held them in places. Touya’s finger slowly rubbed your clit in a circular motion and you couldn’t help but wanting more of those frictions, your hips involuntarily bucked forward.
“I was going to eat my favorite little sister out, but it seems like you can’t wait any longer huh? Look at this little pussy..” He said while using his index and middle finger to swipe at your entrance, gathering your juices on them, his eyes didn’t miss the way it clenched around nothing. “You must be so, so desperate to feel anything inside your pathetic hole, right? Will my fingers be enough to satisfy it?”
“Don’t be vague, (y/n)-chan. Sure you don’t want to hump a pillow like a dumb slut with her hands still tied while watching me masturbate to the sight of you right? Because if you don’t use your words now, I might let us do that for real.”
“Please, Touya-nii, I don’t want to! I want.. to be filled up by you instead..”
Upon hearing your words, Touya started palming the large bulge of his pants before unzipping the fermeture, gently pulled his boxer down to show you what’s underneath. Your eyes widened at the sight of Touya’s veiny cock. It was not as big as what you usually see on movies (not that you don’t know the porn industry isn’t anywhere near realistic), but rather thin and long as it was hard, practically throbbing in his palm whenever he stroked the shaft. However, what made you surprise was the shiny Prince Albert piercing located on the glans, signaling a hard time in the near future for your cervix.
Seeing your face expression only made Touya’s smirk grew wider and he looked like the cat that got the cream when he continued making you use more of your words, making you beg for his cock.
“And you want to be filled by what?”
As hesitant as you were after seeing his cock piercing, the way his fingers ignited sparkles of fire inside your core had your pride, your uncertainty wavering. You’d rather be fucked until your mouth can’t even form a coherent sentence than be left naked and needy while watching him masturbates until he cums anywhere that’s not inside your pussy. So you used your words, like a good girl should.
“By your cock, Touya-nii! I want you to fuck me hard!”
“Sure thing, my cute little slut.” He cooed. “Who am I to refuse to give my sister what she needs? I’m a good brother after all.”
And as a “good” brother he was, Touya even slide his fingers inside your wet pussy to prepare you for his cock. Despite having a fire quirk like your father, his fingers were cold and were only warmed up by the heat inside your core. They smoothly pumped into you, scissored you open, sometimes even curled up on purpose only to slightly brush against your soft spot, leaving you wanting more. His other hand found its way again on your clit, rubbing and circling along with his continuous fingering until you were nothing but a moaning mess, begging for your release.
He decided that he’d prepared you enough and retreat his fingers just before you could reach your climax. You whimpered loudly when he took the orgasm away from you, legs instantly wrapped around his hips to pull him closer. You had never felt this touch-starved before and all you could think of was only your Touya-nii, his captivating blue gazes, his touch, his voice and his pierced cock that somehow fits perfectly on his slim but toned body. You needed to feel him and you clumsily rubbed your pussy against Touya while trying to break free from the ropes tying your wrists together. But all that you could do wasn’t near enough so you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Touya-nii.. Please.. Please give me your cock.. I can’t take it anymore, I need your cock inside me..”
“Fine, since you asked so nicely.” Touya sneered as if he wasn’t the one who purposefully denied your orgasm before holding his cock, rubbing the swollen red tip at your entrance, feeling your juices mixing with beads of his precum then thrusted it all the way in. You both winced the moment you and your brother became one: you from the depth that his cock could go and him from the way your walls clenched around it.
“(y/n)-chan.. Your little pussy feels so tight.. Not that I mind how many people you slept with but damn.. This pussy's a keeper for sure..” Sighing with a shaky voice, he pulled out slowly only to slam back in ruthlessly. His hands used the dagger from before to release your aching wrists then started to rub small circles on them as if to soothe the pain. With your hands now free from bound, you wrapped them around Touya’s neck to pull him even closer, your lips moved under his to meet them in a kiss.
"Touya-nii.. Please move.." After a moment long enough for your pussy to stretch to his size, you broke from the passionate kiss to whisper to him; your tongue softly licked his lower lip, feeling the rough texture while your pussy clenched around his cock. You lifted your hips, inviting your big brother to bury his hot member deeper into you.
"Eager, aren't we?" To your plea, he only chuckled before moving his hand to grab a handful of your tits, squeezing the soft mound, toying with your swollen nipple. "Your wish is my command, my baby sister. Nii-san's going to make you feel really good now." His voice sounded so sensual when he moved his mouth close to your ear, whispered honeyed-words then nibbled at your earlobe, causing you to clench your pussy even more.
Touya's hands traveled down to grab both of your asscheeks, held them tightly in their places before he started thrusting his pulsing cock. "So good.. Touya-nii.." You moaned in rhythm with his hips whenever he bottomed out inside you; his cock piercing rubbed your walls every time he moved. The friction felt heavenly that you could feel your legs started to shake as if you couldn't control them anymore. He was different. His cock was different from anything you'd ever experienced. Touya filled you up so well, both physically and emotionally, making you feel good, feel loved, making tears well up in your eyes.
He let your legs rest on his shoulders as he continued claiming your pussy to himself, each thrust was hard and deep 'til the point that Touya's tip touched your cervix whenever he sheathed his full length in you. It hurt, but it hurt so good that not only did you not want it to stop, you wanted more and more of him, you wanted to indulge longer in this sinful pleasure.
"Fuck.. You're so tight around me.." He groaned as his pace became faster. A hand retreated from under you to hover above your neglected clit before he started stroking it softly, rubbing back and forth, drawing repeated circles onto your bundle of nerves.
Touya didn't leave anywhere on your body untouched: your tits, your belly, your inner thighs, your asscheeks, your clit, your core. His name fell out of your lips between heated moans like prayers and the pleasure kept building up that you felt like you're about to burst into bliss. Everything was so intense and you started to you wonder, is it because he denied your orgasm before or because his cock could actually bring you heaven? Those thoughts crossed your mind but you didn't know the answer. He'd fucked you dumb and now you couldn't think of anything else other than him and the tension deepening in your lower belly.
"Touya-nii.. 'M wanna cum.. Please.. Please let me cum.." You whined when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore, afraid that he would deny it again if you don't beg.
"Cum on my cock baby, let me feel you. And you should be.. Fuck.. grateful that I let you do it.." He didn't stop his assault on your clit as he railed you hard and fast, his thrust grew sloppier when your pussy clamped down on him. Wet noises echoed in the abandoned building along with your whines and the moans that Touya tried to hold back.
"Thank you.. Thank you Touya-nii.. for letting me cum.." was all you managed to choke out before you threw your head back, eyes squeezed shut causing tears of pleasure to fall out and your pussy clenched around him as you released your pent-up pressure.
"Attagirl, nii-san loves you.. Gonna officially mark you now, 'mkay? Gonna breed this little sister's pussy, gonna fill you up with my cum and put a baby in you.." Touya leaned over to whisper into your open mouth, planting chaste kisses all over your face while sloppily humping your body like an animal. You could feel him burry himself deep inside you when his brows furrowed and he muttered "Fuck" before Touya came inside your pussy. His thick ropes were hot as they spilled into your womb, painting your walls with his colour.
A moment passed with nothing but pants as you both tried to regain your breaths. You closed your eyes, basking in the afterglow with his cock still plugged in when you heard the clicking sound of a camera. Your eyes immediately shot open only to find Touya holding his phone in hand.
"Touya-nii.. Did you just.." You warily asked.
"Oh? Did I forget to tell you?" Touya casually looked up from his phone, a smirk tugged at the corner of his stapled mouth and he suddenly looked so strange, as if the person in front of you and the one who just came inside you was two different people.
"You see, there are two possible ways to completely break Todoroki Enji." He began explaining, his voice distant. "One, is to kill his masterpiece Shouto right in front of him by the own hands of his 'failure'."
"And two," His eyes locked with you as his smirk grew wider. "is to let him see his pure little angel being corrupted by the abandoned son." Touya finished his short speech, his hips pulled back so his now limp cock fell out of you with a wet pop. White cum slowly dripped out of your used pussy, all captured by the camera again.
You could see the flame of anger burning in his eyes when he mentioned your father's name and the tone of disgust in his voice when he spoke lowly of himself. There were so many problems that you didn't know where to begin with. All you could do was hang your mouth open, speechlessly watched him typing something on the phone.
"There, all done." Touya cheerfully informed. "Don't worry a thing, my baby sister, no one will get to keep those pictures except for me. I sent them to the old man using Vanish Mode, he'll see them for a few seconds before they disappear forever, just like how his little angel vanish from his life. Oh how I wish I could see his expression when he opens my messages."
You were absolutely stunned. You never thought your dead brother was able to come out alive, let alone to even have a detailed plan to destroy your father's mentality. There were so many things that your mind couldn't process in an instant.
"So you.. So you fucked me just for this?.." Your voice came out shakier than you expected. Your hands unconsciously moved to cover yourself as you hugged your own body, the world starting to crumble in your eyes.
"Partly, yes. But I wasn't lying when I said I love you." Touya planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
"E-Enough with all of this. I'm going home!" You raised your voice and wriggled out of his touch.
"Can't let you do that (y/n)-chan. The world doesn't know me as Touya, you're the first, the honorable one. Can't risk you leaking my secret right? And I plan to torture old man's mind repeatedly with more images of you, just like how he projected everything onto me when I was young." He tilted his head and laughed, and suddenly you couldn't tell whether his laughter was genuine or was an act of mockery. Probably both.
"Besides, I'm a little.. disappointed that my favorite sister actually wants to part so, so soon, especially when we just had a rather.. emotional family reunion, no?" His mood seemed to light up as he continued speaking.
"What.. do you mean by that? Just let me go already! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you slowly realized what the man meant. You were uncomfortable with the room's atmosphere; it's overwhelming you and you didn't want to stay any longer. You looked behind him, trying to figure out an escape path.
"Now, if you wanted to go so badly," - your actions couldn't escape his perceptive eyes - "I'm gonna escort you to a better place, 'mkay? They're gonna track down this place soon enough since I texted him with my phone. But don't you worry, nii-san won't let anyone hurt you, my (y/n)."
Touya had an almost-innocent smile when he approached you with his arms open, as if waiting for you to give him a hug. You backed away, but as stubborn as this Capricorn man was, he still wrapped his arms around you.
Ever since your childhood, Touya's body was warm, Touya's embrace was always comforting. But now, everything he did chilled you to the bone, making you start to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly you felt a sharp prick on your skin; followed by your consciousness slowly slipping away. Your vision started to grow blurry and all you heard before you drifted off was his voice, whispering to your ear.
"Now we won't be alone anymore."
The End.
A/N 2: I hope you enjoyed it! English isn't my first language so please be gentle with me QwQ. Thanks for reading!
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bluecookies02 · 3 years
Dabi x Reader- I Run To You /nsfw/
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warnings: praise/degradation, sex oriented quirk?(meaning succubus-ish!Reader), choking, overstimulation, squirting, pinning/slightly obsessed reader.
The reader becomes a villain-->brief mentions of blood, mentions of Touya's "death".
Maybe you're supposed to feel some sort of remorse when you see your childhood friend on the screen, blue flames hugging every corner of the building he's in, the poor glass shattering and melting as the reporters hurriedly fly around to catch every evidence and information they can.
You couldn't see much of his face, but the way he carried himself and the exact patterns of his scarred arm were enough for her. You only needed one glance.
It took a few months for you to wrap your head around it. Trying to push down the anger and grief by finding excuses for whatever he's doing. You became obsessed though, super fixated on every last trail of him you can find.
Years went by fast. Gaining the trust of other villains was fairly easy when you share the same hatred for the heroes. It brings you a sense of belonging and they listen. They listen and feel your anger, understand loss better than anyone else you tried to talk to before. You don't receive stupid condolences and bullshit like "it gets better" or "that's what faith had in store for you". You get raw emotion, telling you exactly what you yearned to hear, finally knowing that you're not crazy and that there are people who have enough braincells to see through the terrible facades the society has been smearing over everybody's eyes.
It's hard at first, watching blood and flesh rip through the air you breathe as your shoes leave red trails that follow your step...until they don't...they get mixed and lost and the footprints you once knew were yours look foreign, you don't know where you came from, you just know where you're headed.
You come back to your small apartment almost every night, writing down and scribbling each piece of information before it has the chance to be forgotten, intent on not letting a single detail slip.
You find it bizarre. You wanted to be a hero. For as long as your memory goes, you admired and glorified the kind and selfless faces you saw on TV, and in your own house.
He wanted to be a hero too? Even more than you. You're close, just a handful of months and you'd earn yourself a place. You know it.
Would he remember you?
Your pen breaks under the pressure of your palm, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You stack the notebooks neatly, locking your door before plopping on your pillow.
All of this for a boy...how silly of you...Would he be happy to have someone familiar next to him?
You feel lonely...You miss the comfort of the past and you wonder if he does too. Did he even like you back then? You dig for every memory of him smiling at you, gracing your hand while the two of you played the games on his computer.
Then your eyes wander to the pictures on your wall, collages of newspapers with his face on it. He aged like fine wine. Strong and handsome. His hands are something you can't look away from, his long fingers keeping you in a trance while you snuggle under your blanket, slipping your hand in your shorts. Just this time.
You bend your legs at your knees, head craned to look at the pictures on your walls, mouth loosely open. You take your time working your clit, imagining how he would do it. How he would take his time exploring you after not seeing you for so long.
Your ass bucks off the bed a little, humping against your fingers, almost dipping into your greedy pussy, ghosting over the slicked up hole and spreading the nice coat of the slimy wetness across your folds.
Would he be good at eating you out? Stretching his scarred jaw to fit his mouth over your cunt and lap at it, sticking his tongue out as far as it can go.
You stretch your shorts to fit your hand in, pressing two fingers on each side of the sensitive nub, using your other hand to flick at the exposed pearl. It almost burns from the pressure, too sensitive when it's not hidden under the thin layer.
What if he had his tongue pierced? Imagining the metal on you, swirling over every inch, digging into you as it bumps your clit. You can't make yourself wait anymore, pulling your shorts down and pressing your knees to your tummy. Like he's there in the room, giving him a perfect view of your dripping hole, untouched and clenching around nothing as you trail your finger across it.
You slip two of them in, too horny to drag it out anymore, you start pumping them in and out of your pussy, convulsing and shivering each time you hit that spot while you arch off the bed. Your other hand works your clit, chasing the trashing of your hips while your drenched cunt pools around your fingers, the sound making you high. It's wet and erotic, your palm slamming against your other hand, the rhythm on your clit rushed and messy, interrupting the pace you need.
You imagine his skilled fingers on you again, precisely circling your swollen nub as he stuffs you with his cock, his hot breath on your neck while his dyed hair tickles your face, wet kisses adoring your skin as he's about to stuff you full of his cum, press your legs to your stomach until they feel like they're gonna break. He'd try to go deeper than possible, holding your neck so that he can kiss you properly as your bodies rock the bed.
He'd cum first, seconds before you just to make sure that you milk every last drop as you cum and pulse around his shaft, your pussy gripping and sucking him in while he still balls deep inside you, groaning into your mouth.
The sensation of him shaking against you sends you over the edge, your breath being knocked out of you as your thighs flex and clench together, squeezing your hands and trapping them in place.
You're gasping for breath, eyes closing and ears buzzing from your high, light thrust against your clit coming to a stop as you slowly calm down.
Bliss washes over you as you lay there for a bit, chest rising and falling, your body completely relaxed.
You hope it'll all turn out to be worth it and joining the League would just be another step from many to go. Yet you still hope that your feelings were mutual back then. You experience loss too early in your teen years and a lot has changed since. But one thing was constant, you never stop loving someone even after they're gone, and Touya is the biggest proof of that.
You still had his books, pens, shirts and all of the notes the two of you passed around during dinners or classes...and you held onto them long before you found out he was still somewhere out there.
He was stoic and cold most of the time, his affections looked calculated, keeping you on the line throughout the whole friendship, not letting the two of you slip into a relationship. Pausing his flirting as soon as you seemed to get your hopes up.
If not a relationship, you want closure, and you want him, in any form you can have him.
Slowly you wake up to a pattern of knocks on your bedside table, not having the time to panic or get scared as you're slipping away from your dreams.
When you finally do see a tall white-haired man next to your bed, you raise your hands up in defense, heart skipping beats and toes curling as you back away to the headboard.
"Quiet a stalker aren't you?" Red eyes pierce through you, your quirk activating for a split second until he grabs a hold of your ankle with four fingers.
"You know what the fifth one does...so behave nicely, I'm not here to kill you" You look around the room, avoiding the uncomfortable gaze of the leader.
The shame of your interior upsetting you more than the initial fear of getting murdered.
"How did you get in?" Your locks are too good to be broken down, your alarm system expensive(but stolen) and working perfectly.
A purple portal flashes in the middle of the room. Well not so perfectly, you figure.
"I won't snitch on your obsession cause I couldn't care less, I want you in the League. Pack your shit or run." Your eyes are wide open, watching as the man slips into a portal and disappears, the purple mist still glowing in front of you.
You hurriedly grab a small suitcase, stuffing everything you know is important, already having some luggage packed in case you had to move fast for whatever reason. It comes in handy being organized.
You hide the newspapers you took off your walls, slipping them between your clothes and zipping the suitcase. First impression matters, so you risk wasting a bit of time to pick out an outfit, making yourself look presentable before you slip into a mellow cloud, dragging your stuff with you.
Your heart is pounding, blood rushing to the tips of your ears and the pads of your fingers, pulsing and warming you up.
The leader greets you again, grinning as he leads you to a room, telling you to make yourself at home.
"I wanted to give you a roommate, but that would be distracting" he teases, his teeth still showing as he closes the door behind you. The room is warm and surprisingly not messy at all. Yes, some things are carelessly tossed on the bed or draped over the chair but everything else is neat. You figure out fairly quickly that it was probably occasionally used.
You take your time to explore the room, piling up the stuff that wasn't yours in one corner of it. You unpack one of your suitcases and half of the other, cursing yourself for bringing the evidence of your little plan.
You don't know why you brought it, it seemed useless after you found out where you're going, but you guess it's for sentimental reasons. You didn't plan for it to happen so fast. But they were indeed a bit low on numbers after recent attacks so they must've gotten impatient and started seeking out more people.
You did do everything in your power to get noticed so you do want to take some credit. You smoothen out the sheets before you sit on the bed, thighs rubbing together from nervousness.
Is he on a mission?
How can you play it cool?
What's his favorite food now?
What are his interests?
Does anything make him particularly happy...maybe a hobby?
Should you try using your quirk to lure him in?
Does he know you exist?
Will he recognize you?
Would he remember you even after you tell him?
Maybe you shouldn't tell him.
You stop before you get too deep in your thoughts, deciding that you should make yourself comfortable. It's very likely that he's not there anyways, and he might not even show up soon, sitting there all alone is just making you more anxious.
You decide to leave the room, curious to meet other members that you heard in the hallways a few minutes ago. They were all headed to the same place, so you decided to go to what you figured was the living room.
The smell of alcohol got stronger, and the small giggles and banter got louder. You fixed your clothes one last time before opening the door, seeing the all too familiar faces in the room.
A blonde-haired girl ran to you, almost tumbling them both to the floor as she giggled excitedly.
"I was dying for more girls in this dump, they all stink" she whined, sniffing your shirt. She was grabbed by the collar by the boss, his pinkie up as the girl huffed.
So that's exactly how you met everyone, sitting on the bar as you silently wished the last member showed any desire in greeting you. He was sprawled out on the sofa in the far end of the room, a beer in hand and a cigarette in his mouth. You've never seen someone so unapproachable before, and it had to be him of all people.
Yet you didn't take it to heart. He was always like this...well minus the alcohol. New people didn't phase him, even more, he hated new. You're not worthy of his time until he deems you as so and you figure he never met "you" before.
But you do glance at him. The whole fucking night, chatting with others but always slipping and almost getting caught. They pointed it out but you just brushed it off as being curious to why he doesn't look like he's enjoying himself.
Even tho, you can practically feel his gaze on your back each time you turn away, feeling flustered you sip on your drink through the night, blushing when you catch him averting his gaze.
He is intrigued, to say the least. The way you move and talk is intoxicating, your voice feeling like something he had forgotten a long time ago. It reminds him of his past and it makes him fairly angry...but it brings some form of comfort he didn't feel in a while. He'll be selfish enough to indulge himself.
And he does. Months. Seeping into years.
Missions are exhausting, so far you've been on more than you could bring yourself to count. On the run for weeks with little to no rest wasn't the luxurious lifestyle younger you dreamed about.
The comfort of the not so soft bed never felt more heavenly than now. A cheap motel wasn't your form of rest either, but you had to deal, hopping in for a not so relaxing shower with water that jumped from freezing to burning hot every second, tho it did an amazing job on easing the coil in your stomach.
Your quirk is taking a toll on you, control over it fading away as soon as you are laying clean and fresh on the bed. Too much...You were working too much and just teasing the victims never seemed to satiate your quirks' hunger. You second guess your path a lot, especially when you end up alone and exhausted, but you never think about quitting...as weird as that feels. It has its perks you guess...
Him being your partner wasn't one of them. He's practically eating you up, showing off in front of you but ignoring you all the same. You feel like crying from frustration, huffing to yourself before digging into your backpack and grabbing your small toy. It's been a few weeks since you could indulge yourself, the tension of your muscles painful.
Tears are almost freely rolling down your cheeks, your quirk making you feel dizzy as you slip the toy against your clit.
His voice is rough and quiet in your head, the conversations you had playing on repeat, searching for anything that you might've missed.
Every time you thought of one, it was followed by a memory of him pushing you away, smirking before going to do his own thing. He always had a smart mouth, flirting with you but making sure to step right off when he feels like he's dancing on that line.
You bit back equally though, returning the snarky comments and putting up a tough facade all while you tried to cling onto every thread of hope he threw your way.
He was almost sure he heard you though, his real name followed by a muffled cough as you tried your hardest to drown it with small talk. A moment of pure joy after you both made it out alive and safe made you let your guard down.
And when he called off the rest of the mission for the day out of nowhere, you were almost sure too.
But he isn't here now. He didn't follow you, and you're certainly all alone in this empty room. He'll come around...or he'll leave in the middle of the night. You wouldn't be able to blame him for either.
He's in the room right next to you, his fist wrapped tightly around his cock and his eyes squinted shut. He knows exactly who you remind him of, knows exactly what he felt as soon as you joined. You were always similar to her.
Awfully similar.
He knows.
It doesn't feel fair. Not to you or him. But he can't think. He can't focus and he can't stop himself from moaning out your name as his cock slicks up with pre-cum, his other going to his balls and squeezing them lightly.
He feels drunk, even though he didn't drink...well more than the usual amount... his body is burning like it's on fire...which isn't a foreign feeling to him. But it's different, the blood in his veins is warm, surging to the tips of his hands and toes as he fucks into his own fist. He's almost in a haze, fighting the urge to get up and slam your door open. If he runs away now, you'll be safer, maybe quit the League if he's lucky.
But he can't win, messily pulling his pants up and slipping on his shoes, grabbing your door handle in less than a blink as he tries to go back one last time. He has a primal need that pulls him towards you, even when he's not in the same room, it urges him to reach out and chase you, grip on the last straw of sanity and happiness that happens to be you.
Your toy buzzes faintly, sweat gracing your body while you so desperately try to cum. You're too sad and it doesn't help in reaching your high at all, but if you don't do it you feel like you might explode. He knows and he doesn't want you. You wasted your life away. You deserve it for being a creep.
He opens the door cautiously, feeling his cock pulse against the loose buckle. The lamp highlights your tear-stained cheeks and it's criminally hot, illegal even, making his toes curl.
You notice him immediately, dropping the toy on the mattress and using the sheet to cover as best as you can.
"I can't believe you" he whispers.
"Please..." you whine, drinking in the sight of him, wiping the tears with the back of your hand. To leave or to stay...any of the two.You know desire when you see it, praying that he came to quench it.
You're so desperate, craving him, letting go of your quirk and sending hormones to clash and bite against his skin.
You'll lie if you have to, say how you couldn't control it for a second more.
Nothing matters now when he's crawling up your naked body like a starved man, ripping the sheets away, digging his nails into your sides as he ravages your skin like it's the sweetest thing he's ever tasted.
And it probably is, the soft nibbles turning rough and hungry as you struggle to hold one, tangling your hands in his hair. You try to pull on it, yearning to kiss him and pour everything you feel against his lips, even if you're just a fuck, you need him to know that you never forgot him.
He doesn't budge, instead, he makes quick work of his pants, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
The room is too warm for you, the air too thick to breathe. You don't know if you want to stop and talk first....maybe you'll have the chance later?
"This is your fault" he huffs, slipping one hand to his boxers to ease the tension, gripping his cock tightly. He'll have to rush it, groaning when your legs subconsciously twitch and spread to let him fit in between.
"I feel like a fucking teenager" he argues, cupping your pussy and hunching over you.
He's missing a few steps, but seeing you so desperate and aching to cum urges him to help you out first.
"Since when did you start luring me in with your stupid quirk huh? Part of your little plan?" he questions, not letting you answer.
You're shaking your head, trying to mumble how you never tricked him into wanting you, not until this exact moment. But words are not your friend right now.
His eyes pierce through yours, beautiful blue swallowed up by the black of his pupils, half-lidded stare stripping you naked. Bare and vulnerable as your back arches, ghosting his fingers over the right spots and making you moan out a soft "Dabi".
It doesn't sound right on your tongue, and he sees the way it rolls off your lips, strained and dishonest.
His large hand wraps around your throat, holding you in place as he works the small bud, lowering his lips dangerously close, whispering across yours.
"Don't close your eyes." he demands.
It's in his arms reach, and everything is so close to making sense. If you look at him, he might start feeling like himself again. One of his fingers slowly dips inside your warmth, dragging the pad of it gently while he presses his thumb against your clit.
Your soft lips fit on his, your hands pulling him in by the back of his neck. He wants to make it slow and romantic, a nice reunion, yet he lets you slip your tongue in his mouth, deepening the kiss.
He's not holding himself up anymore, his body's weight shifting onto you with each thrust of his finger, the clacking sound of your pussy urging him to move even faster, make you feel even better. He adds in another one, watching you mewl and relax.
"That's fucking right, you wanted it, you fucking planned this, you sick fuck" he muses, catching you off guard. There's something bittersweet in the fact that he'll never be able to leave every little aspect of his life behind.
Before you even try to mumble something out, his lips are slamming against yours, teeth clashing and pulling on your soft skin.
You clench around him, riding his fingers greedily and roaming your hands across his back, fisting and gripping at his shirt.
You can feel the blood on your tongue, hissing when he pulls out only to slap his palm over your clit, causing you to yelp and pull away from the kiss.
"Touya, listen-" He shakes his head, nails digging into the flesh of your ass.
"You little stalker...how much work did you do for this cock huh?" he presses against you for good measure, making you feel his hot length on your cunt.
"You have no fucking idea" you snarl, gaining some of the confidence back, wiggling from beneath him.
He kicks his shoes and boxers all the way off, getting on your bed and pulling you to him.
His shirt is thrown messily to the edge of the bed, his hands pressing on the small of your back so that you can tower over him, trapping him between your thighs as he leans against the headboard.
Your ass slides over his cock, your hips moving slowly while he trails your figure, gliding his warm fingers across your thighs and up to your breasts.
Both of his hands cup the soft mounds, eyes glued to yours as he sticks his tongue out of his mouth. Hypersensitive to every little touch, your body shivers as he takes gentle, almost there swipes across your nipple, moving his arms back to your sides while he slips the sensitive bud in his mouth.
He lowers his thumb to your clit, flicking it slowly while he nips at your tits, biting and sucking marks across the smooth skin. His cock hooks and prods at your hole each time you both sway against each other, teasing you until the knot in your belly becomes too tight, skin crawling with pleasure wherever his body meets yours. He can hear your breath hitching in your throat, grinning while he speeds up the work on your clit, patiently waiting for you to start arching into his hand. He's gonna make you feel so good...convince you that chasing after him was the best decision you made in your life. Make up for all the years you had to deal with everything on your own.
He can feel your pussy clenching around the tip of his cock, making him push up in one slow and deep motion, immediately feeling the spasms of your soft walls gripping tight around his length. You let out a shaky breath, riding out the first high that finally satiates your quirk if only for a bit, making you drop your weight on him.
"There we go...Feeling better?" the ground might swallow you up, but when his hips start to lazily buck into you, you get distracted...You didn't notice how full you are, every inch pushing and stretching perfectly. You realize his finger never really stopped, only slowed down while he built up the agonizing pace he's bouncing you on.
You know your quirk makes you needy, but it makes everyone even more so, the realization that he probably feels like 9 circles of hell causing your hips to move, meeting his thrusts more roughly.
His head moves back to the headboard, eyes glued to yours as you ride him, propping yourself on his shoulders.
He ignored the burn of his body, too intoxicated and keen on making you feel better to focus on his aching cock, getting drowned in pleasure now that he can experience everything clearly.
You're beautiful.... and he wants to break you, make you blabber his name as you cling to him like he's the only one that can make you feel good. And he's gonna make sure he is. He admires you for a moment, cheeks heating up while watches your tits bounce, your eyes averting under his stare.
Your world turns upside down, your head sinking into a soft pillow as your legs are pushed as far as they can go.
You're scared to look away now, his gaze never breaking when he starts plowing in and out of your cunt, slamming his cock all the way in with each thrust.
His feet dig into your mattress, making the cheap bed creak.
You don't know where to put your hands, switching from the sheets to your thighs.
"Dumb little whore...is this all it takes?" he moves lower to you, pressing your spit coated lips against his.
You manage to hook your arms around his neck, swinging your legs behind his back.
He's plowing too deep, his navel bumping against your clit. He can't make himself pull out at all anymore, stuck on humping inside your pussy, slamming and angling his cock until you cry out.
Panting and groaning against your lips, he manages to slip a few curses, hissing when he tries to stop himself from cumming. Your quirk is cruel.
His fingers tangle in your hair, holding you still as he bottoms out completely, feeling his cock throb and spill, your walls tightening up against his shaft as hot cum paints them white.
He's high and addicted, already fucking his cum deeper, making sure it goes into every little crease and pore it can reach. You slip your fingers to your clit, trying to get yourself off while he rocks both of you.
"You wanna cum? Wanna milk my cock again huh? Want me to knock you up?" He's stammering it out, words spilling from his mouth in a rush, feeling the burning of his sensitive head as he picks up the pace again, slapping your hands away.
He raises just a bit, pressing one of his large palms on your belly.
His other hand slips to your clit instead, circling and flicking it to make you reach your high before he fills you up again.
Your whining does nothing to slow him down, his motions too rough and almost painful, your cervix bruising up when he presses even harder on your tummy, making your hips buck off the bed.
"Want you to cum...want you to make a mess..." he urges, a low rumble in his throat.
You can only nod, grabbing both of your thighs and spreading them further for him, your pussy open and on display to him to watch as it hugs his cock, slick and dripping.
You have to close your eyes, too embarrassed as you feel the burning sensation surge through you, eyes watering from the pressure as you finally let go. Your whole body tenses up, a low scream slipping out of your mouth when clear liquid splashes over your thighs and stomach, leaking onto his cock.
"Fucking hell" is all you can hear before he stuffs you full again, this time dropping onto your chest as his knees and feet numb out, hot breath tickling your neck as he moans against your skin.
Your weak hands slump on his back, muscles relaxed and barely working.
Someone is supposed to say something...minutes passing by quickly.
Your tired voice fills the room, a soft "Touya..." reaching his ears as you trail off. You're not sure what you wanted to say, but he holds you a little tighter, heart beating faster at the sound of his name.
He kisses your cheek softly, snuggling into the crook of your neck. "Fucking creep".
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linkspooky · 4 years
Dabi’s Self Suicide
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I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but Dabi is someone who has a tendency to make things about himself. In the League of Villains which is identifiably a group dynamic, Dabi takes every available opportunity to insist that he is alone, he is just along for the ride. A single man, with a single conviction, should be enough to change the world. He has a tendency to act like he’s the most important one here, he’s the one whose going to bring an end to hero society all on his own and yet at the same time he has no sense of identity. He has no self. He doens’t even have a name. Hawks asks him his name and he literally responds with [redacted]. I think this paradox of Dabi’s is at the core of figuring out who he is, and who he is not. 
1. Father Feelings
There’s something important to understand about Dabi, and just like always it starts with the family. I don’t think a lot of people realize how truly unfeeling, callous, cold towards Dabi Endeavor really was. I know we all, even I have used the golden child / scapegoat dynamic to describe Dabi and Shoto, but one important detail is that Dabi wasn’t always the scapegoat, he was the golden child at first. 
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More important than Endeavor’s own feelings, is Dabi’s in this flash back. From the start, Dabi thought he was a normal kid in a normal family. He thought he had a normal dad. He even liked his super cool hero dad. Dabi wanted to train with him, wanted his attention and time, but these are just things a normal kid wants. 
However, Dabi was conceived of for very abnormal reasons. From the start, going into the whole affair, Endeavor’s intentions were wrong. Dabi was expected to carry on Endeavor’s legacy for him, he was the center of his attention, the center of his world. Dabi tried his best to carry all of those expectations as much as he reasonably could. 
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However, there is literally nothing Dabi could have done in that situation to satisfy Endeavor. It’s not even about being born with the wrong quirk. It’s Endeavor who was wrong. From the start, Endeavor wasn’t interested in having a child or loving a child, but rather having a miniature Endeavor, Touya was just a vessel, to carry all of Endeavor’s hopes and dreams and live vicariously through him. However, that’s impossible.E ven if Touya had been born with the right quirk, that was impossible. You can’t live through another person. Touya’s success never would have been Endeavor’s. Endeavor would hae resorted to the exact same abuse, manipulation, control. Touya was never meant to be his own person, and that’s why even now, even becoming Dabi who is the rejection of everything Endeavor is, he still forms his entire personhood around Endeavor. It’s not that kids choose to form their personhood around their parents, they have to form themselves around their parents, we literally learn how to be people by interacting with other people especially during the developmental years. The same ones that Touya died during. 
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Endeavor’s actions towards Touya is that he not only made Touya carry all of his emotions for him, he made Touya bear the brunt of his hurt feelings, all of his expectations, but then when Touya couldn’t carry them He blamed Touya. He tossed him aside. He made Touya feel, that something was wrong with Touya, and that was why he was no longer getting his father’s attention. It’s not anything Touya did, or anything Touya could do about, Touya was literally born wrong. 
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It’s literally what he crawled to Natsuo asking. Yet, still Touya tried to fix himself. He was the golden child, now he’s the scapegoat, and Touya feels he did something wrong, so he keeps trying to fix himself, keeps trying to train on his own, and it doesn’t work because it could never work until it results in his eventual suicide and then how does Endeavor refer to it. 
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Touya was just another tragic accident. Just a little mistake, along the road to creating Shoto. I’m not trying to explain away any of Dabi’s actions, just explain the way that Dabi regards himself, rather, Dabi literally has no sense of self at all. It’s been completely smashed to pieces. It’s ash. it’s dust. It’s just gone. Dabi’s name may as well just be [redacted]. There was also once a time that Shoto worried that he was more like his father within himself, but he got help from the people around him to realize he’s his own person, help that Dabi never got. 
2. Sins of the Father
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So it’s like a genetic trait in the Todoroki family to be completely self absorbed, and dense to the emotions of other people, to the point where you don’t really see other people’s feelings. Like father, like son, like other son. However, Endeavor’s just like that, whereas Dabi and Shoto were made that way. Imagine what it was like to be Shoto, to be constantly told, you’re different from them, you’re the special one, you’re the chosen one. To the point where you couldn’t even play with your siblings, or be a part of everyone’s normal lives, no you were forced to be special. Shoto is oblivious to other people’s emotions because he was literally forcibly separate from other people, and even his mother who was his strongest emotional tie during literally most of his developmental years. 
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Empathy is literally formed by interacting with people. You can’t form it or even have it, if your interactions with people are cut off and severely limited. You learn about how other people feel by normal social interaction, something that both Touya and Shoto were eventually cut off from. Touya from dying, Shoto from his mother being hospitalized. After that their ability to form connections with others was severely hampered. 
One funny thing about Shoto is he kind of acts like he’s the protagonist of his own narrative. So does Bakugo. That’s why he goes “Get out of the way all you extras.” Shoto’s the one with the tragic backstory. Shoto’s the one with this motivation to defy his father’s wishes. However, Shoto’s not the main character, he’s not the hero of the story, and it’s actually important that he’s not because the literal setting of the story is a society where everyone has the potential to be a hero. Kind of like how the point of Miles Morales story is that everyone can be spiderman. Shoto, also doesn’t really want to be a main character, or special boy, all Shoto has ever wanted was to connect with his siblings, to have the normalcy that everyone else has. In a society where everyone, even his own father is so desperately trying to stand out, Shoto wants the safety and security of normalcy. 
So you kind of have this paradox in Shoto’s head. Shoto kind of thinks of himself as a main character, even though that’s not really what he wants to be, just because that’s what’s been forced into his head the entire life. The emotional isolation of an abusive parent still ahs an effect on you, even when you’re aware, like Shoto was, that what Endeavor was saying was wrong. No one can grow up properly in isolation, that’s why kids need to interact with other kids and grow up together. 
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So, I think the utlimate explanation for Dabi’s attitude towards the rest of the league is this. I’m the main villain. I’m the biggest threat. I’m the one who is going to bring an end to hero society all on my own. 
Once again this ties back to Shoto’s trauma, and Dabi’s. Touya didn’t want to be the special one, he was forced to be. Touya thought he was a normal kid, with a normal dad until he suddenly wasn’t. Then, Touya tried his hardest to be the special one until he literally broke his body, and his dad went no nevermind, turns out you were an extra. 
Saying Dabi is just doing this for Endeavor’s attention is oversimplifying. There’s a need to give a narrative to pain. Shoto even does it. Shoto literally narrates his life, he dumps his life story on everyone who will listen. People who are traumatized, want to give some sort of special meaning to their trauma, they want to feel important, because that in some way might justify what happened to them. If they can’t feel loved, they can try feeling important, like someone who mattered. Otherwise, Dabi is literally just someone who died and got forgotten. Otherwise, he’s just a sad little mistake, the same way his father regards him. Dabi can’t let the league in, because he has to do this on his own to prove he’s special. 
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Dabi has this very individualistic and self centered approach to changing the world. He has to do it all on his own. He has to play mastermind. He was to orchestrate Endeavor’s rise and fall, and once again these are coping behaviors. Touya couldn’t control his abandonment, he had no agency in that, so he tries to pretend he’s in control of everything now. Even Dabi burning himself, his self-harming,it’s pain he’s in control of because he’s doing it to himself, father isn’t forcing him to train until he breaks anymore. 
Shoto sees himself as a main character. Dabi sees himself as the main villain. 
However, at the same time. Dabi hates himself. He loathes himself. It comes out in his self loathing behaviors, but more than that every thing Dabi does is an act of self destruction. Dabi has no feelings, no friends, no family, because he’s trying to destroy all those things. 
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Dabi has no sense of self, because Endeavor has ruined him to the point where he’s still Endeavor’s empty vessel after all these years of separation from him. Dabi has no self, and also he doesn’t want one. He doesn’t want to grow past this point. 
Dabi has entirely fictionalized his life. That’s why he makes a dramatic reveal. Hee wants to turn his life into a tragedy, where he is the main character, where he is the one that Shoto and Endeavor cannot save. Because at least this way, he will not be forgotten. Unable to grasp for love, he tries to grasp for some kind of improtance, to change the world instead. In that scenario, it makes sense Dabi would distance himself from the league. I don’t think Dabi knows what his true feelings towards theleague are. In fact, I don’t even think he thinks about them. Who cares about what his feelings are? They are entirely separate from what he must do. Any feelings he has, any regrets, are going to burn away when he explodes like a bomb to ruin his father’s life. 
Dabi’s wavering motivations, his constant flipping between different emotions, like he’s channel surfing, I dont’ believe we’re supposed to read into every single thing he says, but rather notice how constantly he’s changing what he’s saying, because Dabi has no stable sense of self. We’re also supposed to see why he has no stable sense of self, because he’s all alone. 
This is the climax of Dabi’s big revenge play, it was supposed to end here, with the tragic protagonist dying. However, I think it’s actually really important in this arc that Dabi gets upstaged. Dabi is not the main character, Dabi’s not even the main villain. He’s not even the only character whose the descendant of a hero. It’s also, really important that Compress is the one who upstages his reveal.
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What’s that? You thought I was a background character! It turns out I had this important motivation all along. The pacing is weird but it does achieve the intended effect. Dabi thought this was his moment, but that was actually bad for him. Dabi’s main flaw is that he tries to do all of these things along, but he’s not the only one who dreams of a better world. Dabi, Toga, Shigaraki, Mr. Compress says that all of their dreams are important at the same time. They are all simultaneously main characters. 
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Dabi doesn’t get to have his moment, but I think it’s narratively important that he didn’t get to have it, because Dabi does no favors for himself by cutting himself off from the league. It’s meant to be a character flaw, Dabi shouldn’t get his revenge play, because his revenge play ends up with him dying at the end to spite Endeavor one fainly time. Dabi can’t achieve his dreams, because he hasn’t figured out who he is, or even who he wants to be yet. He just knwos what he doesn’t want to be. He just knows what he’s not. He’s not Endeavor. However I don’t think there’s going to be some big twist reveal about his character where he’s like, I secretly cared about the league, or my family all along, I was secretly a soft guy at heart. Those feelings are there. It’s not a problem of being unfeeling with Dabi, rather that Dabi has no central sense of self to stabilize all those feelings around, thus we see him swinging wildly back and forth. I think while Dabi obviously has feelings towards both of those groups of people, a self is something he’ll have to develop over time when he finally introduces himself to the league. When he’s forced to live, past the tragic ending of his play. 
Who will Dabi be when he realizes he has to live past his imagined revenge, who can he become? I think his development from this point will be incredibly interesting to wait, watch and see. 
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todourouki · 4 years
Good Girls, Bad Guys | Dabi
a one shot
SUMMARY: The one where no one can understand why you’re so interested in Dabi, but you just can’t seem to help yourself. Maybe it was how soft he was when no one else was around, or how gentle his touch was against your skin, or maybe even how clumsy he is on purpose just to see you— whatever it was, you couldn’t get enough of the scarred man.
PAIRING: Villain!Dabi & Sweetheart!Reader
WARNINGS: Explicit Language, Dabi purposely acts careless during missions so u can tend to his wounds because he’s an attention whore, Smut [18+]
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Dabi was a complete mess.
He was a mess made of old silver staples, burnt purple skin adorning his lean and tall build, the same routined outfit that never seemed to alternate, unruly raven hair always managing to stay as distressed as the day before, and silky yet lewd words that slipped off his sinning lips as if it were his maiden tongue.
The only difference with his usual mess of an appearance today as he stood with arms crossed against his chest would be the large rip peaking through his black coat. Your eyes widened, rushing him into your living room and shutting the door behind him.
Your apartment was one that Dabi never seemed to get tired of. He had only really been in the living room, yet the cozy space always brought an odd sense of familiarity into his soul he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
He wasn’t sure if it was the plush and soft couches, pillows thrown against each cushion making it look just as soft and comfortable as they really were, or maybe it was the picture frames hanging around every wall with a candle on an invisible shelf not too far from the glass.
Either way, the steps he took in his plain black socks on to the carpet under the couches and coffee table brought him into a weird headspace one could only describe as happiness. It really did scare the shit out of him.
With a simple few set of steps, he swung his body down onto the cushions he always found himself sinking into at weird hours of the night like today. The only difference from the current night to others would be that it was an earlier hour, currently being only two in the morning as soft rain pattered against the windows adorning your cozy living area.
“Dabi..” Your soft words whispered into the silence of the room, hands gently hovering over the large cut in concern as you watched him throw you a rather forced smirk.
“Nothing worse than what I already got. Just patch me up like new, princess.” His words didn’t get the usual blush from your cheeks he always searched for after his usual flirtatious remarks filled the room.
All he was gifted with would be a look of sadness covering your usually content face. Without a word, you stood up and walked away towards what he assumed was your bathroom. All the man could do was furrow his eyebrows, the confused face remaining when you walked back into the couch and knelt down on the floor next to him.
“What’s wrong with you?” He bluntly asked, a once drawn eyebrow raising as you brushed the sleeve of his t-shirt off and eyed the dried up cut.
You continued to remain silent, only sighing as the alcohol pad in your hand made its way over to the open skin. Before the stinging sensation could reach his skin though, the opposing hand gripped onto your wrist and tugged it further away and just enough to make your eyes finally meet his.
The silence surrounded the room, Dabi staring at you in order to get you to speak. You were conflicted, of course you loved patching the man up almost every night and hearing about his wild adventures in words that made your eyes twinkle with excitement. Yet you were becoming exhausted of seeing him with a brand new scar eventually worse from the one than before.
“I just..” Your soft voice began, Dabi’s posture becoming subtly more relaxed the minute his favorite sound filled the room. “I get tired of seeing you get hurt all the time, you know?”
Your words made him smirk, the same infamous one he couldn’t seem to keep off his burnt lips. In one swift movement, he released your arm and pushed it back towards the large gapping wound that made your stomach turn.
“You worrying about me?” He questioned, the hand that once gripped your wrist now resting against your cheek as he stared at you mockingly.
It was hard to not get flustered around Dabi. He had such a way with words and always knew just how to get your ears to turn a hue of red you didn’t even know they were capable of becoming. You felt the heat flush to your cheeks and hoped the flattery you felt wasn’t too visible. Your face turned back to the large cut on his arm, ignoring his remark all together.
The minute the liquid reached his arm, a soft hiss you were used to slipped off his lips. You only weakened the grip on the cut, your bottom lip being tugged between your teeth in concentration.
“I have to get rid of the bacteria before I use my healing quirk— I’m sorry.” Your apology rang on deaf ears, and Dabi chose to ignore it in order to save your heart from thinking you hurt him.
He only nodded and placed his hand away from your cheek to behind his head in order to give his eye level some more precision on your face. You had a concentrated knit between your eyebrows, and he almost got worried you were forgetting to blink. This was an expression he was much too used to, yet every time he saw it gave him the same feelings he could never explain.
The silence in the room pained you both, the level of words usually slipping out of either of your lips being brought to an awkward zero. It was really uncomfortable, and you couldn’t deal with it anymore as you tossed the now bloodied up tissue somewhere on the ground.
Your hands replaced the tissue, a light reflecting across his arm and making a hiss leave his lips once again. You knew that the feeling of your healing quirk made him feel uncomfortable and he never really grew used to it yet. It shocked you though, because you’d think after being in this exact predicament probably over 100 times, he’d grown used to the prickling feeling.
“Where was this one from?” Your voice was still soft, trying to ease his mind off the pain in a way you knew was best for him.
Dabi loved the way you cared for him. The first time he met you was at the League of Villains hideout in a trashy old building he really hated. You walked in through that warp guy’s portal and the minute he saw you was the minute he believed in angels. It was like time stopped, and he really wasn’t a fan of finding people so attractive yet there you were.
You were announced to be the healer for the league. Shigaraki found you abandoned in some building destroyed in a fire you couldn’t remember, and finding refugee in the odd man was your only option to survival at that point. With that, you were granted as the only person with a full-blown apartment in the building in order to be available for their every need, and were granted immunity from being on actual missions.
That was good enough for you, though. You weren’t a violent person, and knowing most of their targets were children didn’t sit right with you. Despise that, you didn’t have the heart to quit and instead decided to spend the remainder of your days with the dysfunctional League. You had never felt genuinely needed the way the League needed you, and in some weird Stockholm syndrome way, you couldn’t shake the comfort you got from knowing they had to have you around to genuinely survive.
“If I tell you, you’d only worry more.” He smiled over at you, a rare sight blessing your wondering eyes and making you blush once more.
Dabi wasn’t a liar— that’s something that was well known amongst everyone in the league and even amongst you. So when he thought about what happened today, why he was sitting on your couch, and how he planned on hiding the truth from you, he had to mentally lecture himself for stretching the truth.
The real reason Dabi was getting patched up underneath your touch was because he chose to be.
He would never tell you, but the large and deathly gash on his arm was at first only a slight cut where a staple had fallen out. He chose to ignore it in the beginning and decided to check in with you about it after the weekend passed. Yet the minute he realized that meant he’d have to go several days without feeling your touch and hearing your voice made him change his mind completely.
With that, a tissue was wrapped into a ball and sitting in his lips and Dabi ended up watching himself remove a few staples from his arm and tug at the skin in a way that made him shiver. I literally tore myself open to see her, who the fuck does that?
Your hand had finished doing its job. Dabi could tell by the way the prickling ended, and he found his body getting pushed upwards and being replaced by the comfort of your chest against his back.
You positioned the both of you to where his body was leaning against your legs and chest in a way to make his arm in perfect reach for you. The stapler in your hand warned Dabi of what was to come, and he simply sat back against the comfort of your body heat with closed eyes.
“People that worry are people that care.” You whispered, the sound of the stapler pressing into his arm being the only other sound. Dabi’s face remained stoic as he drank in your words and let a loopy grin cover his bored expression.
“Are you saying that you care about me?” Dabi continued to tease, bright blue eyes now opening and staring into yours with flames threatening to shoot through his pupils.
You scoffed, finishing the last staple and replacing the metal object down with a bottle he recognized as the ointment you always forced him to wear after using his quirk. The cool of the cream made him sigh in content. The contrast of his burning skin to a cold burn-relieving cream brought pleasure into his body.
“I care about all of you— that’s why I do th-” “No, Y/N.” He interrupted, making you clam your mouth shut and listen to his words nervously. “I asked if you cared about me.”
You finished lathering the ointment on his skin, gently propping his body up against the backrest of the couch. He only slightly grimaced and tossed the bad arm on a side that didn’t interfere with his position. Your legs were now crossed underneath you.
“Of course I care about you, Dabi.” Your voice made a groan threaten to fall off his lips. There was nothing Dabi loved more than your voice, especially when you said his name. Whenever you spoke, he knew every one and everything didn’t matter if it wasn’t you and your vocal cords.
Dabi rolled his head to the side to make you face him. Even with a bad arm, he was able to now pick it up and peel his jacket off his body lazily.
“How much do you care about me?” The smirk playing weakly on his lips made you shiver, and just watching his expression brought butterflies to your stomach.
“A lot, that’s why I’m always ready to patch you up..” You mumbled, nervously looking down at your fingers and playing with the ring on your right index finger.
It wasn’t that you were shy— but the way Dabi’s eyes always followed yours brought a certain attraction you couldn’t stuff away. It was almost scary how much he made you squirm, even under something as simple as a gaze.
Sure, Dabi flirted with everyone. It didn’t take a genius to see that he flirted with you in a different way, though. His eyes always lingered longer on your frame when you entered the room, he spoke more words to you than he’s probably ever said in his life, and he always kept his endearing pet-names for you and only you.
“You wanna know something, doll?” He asked lowly, his face staring into yours intensely as you finally lifted your eyes to meet his and nodded your head.
Regardless of his appearance, regardless of his attitude, and regardless of the fact it’s Dabi, you knew that you were a goner from the start. You had a ridiculously annoying crush on him, and we’re pretty sure he could coerce you into doing just about anything. He probably knew that, too.
“I think I care about you more than anyone else here.” His words stitched onto your skin, the quietness seeming as if he feared anyone else would hear his words.
“You’re too good and innocent for this world.” He continued, a patchy hand stretching its way over towards your face and slowly rubbing at your cheeks.
You stood quiet, fearing that he’d stop his words all together and you wouldn’t be able to here the sincere tone he rarely spoke in. The only sound in the room one was able to hear was the pattering of water running down the window and your lit candles cracking amongst themselves. Your head leaned into his hand and let the warmth of his palm silk you in.
“That’s a problem though, baby.” Baby.. Your eyes widened at the new name, eyebrows furrowing and glancing over at him with a tilted head.
“What problem is there about that, Dabi?”
He chuckled, gliding his hand from your cheek to the back of your head as he grabbed a fistful of hair as soft as possible. He tugged your head closer towards his daringly. You breath began to shallow and you felt it, the excitement that always came with Dabi whenever he was around.
“You might be a bit too good for me.” He spoke as if he was trying not to scare you away. The timidness of words only brought you closer to him, finally feeling your chest collide with his arm as you were pressed against his side with your face dangerously close to his.
His blue eyes refused to leave yours, and the intensity of the situation made you nearly melt inside. It’s been a while since anyone ever said something like that to you, let alone a guy. A feeling jumpstarted your butterflies, and you ran your tongue against your bottom lip to hide the now dry sensation of your lips.
“I’m not too good for you, please don’t say that Dabi.” The way his name rolled off your tongue made him groan and grip your hair a little tighter.
You’d be lying if it didn’t feel good.
Your face was close enough to feel the heat run off his cheeks, and you knew that you wanted nothing more than to just collide your lips with his. The sexual tension he oozed was something you couldn’t handle, no matter how hard you clenched your thighs.
“You sure about that, princess?” You heard the dare in his voice and felt nothing but exhilaration run through your veins as if you were speeding down a highway on the opposite side of the road.
You weren’t sure when his hands reached your shorts-covered bottom, but you soon found yourself mumbling in surprise when your body was tossed (with literally one arm) across his figure in a straddling position. Your chest arched into his by the pressure he had on your ass, and a gulp slipped through your lips in embarrassment.
You refused to back down, though.
“I’m really sure, Dabi.”
You knew the effect you had on him when you mentioned his name, and he knew by the way he smirked up at you. His other arm was still limp on his side, but that didn’t stop his dominant and good arm from groping every inch of your lower half. You were trying your hardest to cover a moan, yet the minute he gripped a piece of your thigh close enough between the other, you couldn’t help but slam your lips against his.
Dabi tasted like what you would expect him to taste like. The saliva that trailed from his throat down yours had the taste of metal and mint chewing gum. The taste became something you grew familiar to within seconds of smacking your lips against his, and by the way his body gripped you closer to his, you could tell he enjoyed your taste just as well.
Dabi’s mind went empty at the way your tongue moved against his. He couldn’t believe that his pretty little girl could kiss him like this, letting out secret moans into his lips in a way that made sinning sound like a good idea. He also couldn’t believe how fast he got hard, the bulge pressing against his jeans in a way he just couldn’t work with.
You felt it, and your body began to nervously rock back and forth in a way to secretly relieve yourself. Before you started to press your body down harder, Dabi’s free hand slipped up to your hair again and pulled your head back with a tinge of softness. He was out of breath and flustered, and you were sure you looked just as distraught as him.
“Listen,” he panted, his hand letting go slightly of the grip and groaning at the way your lips swelled up in a coat of his own saliva, “if you start something, I won’t able to not finish it. I also won’t go slow.”
The words activated a switch in your head, eyes widening as you stood up from his lap. Before he could question your actions or even grow a bit disappointed at the idea of you not wanting to continue, his eyes nearly jolted out of his skull. Before him stood you, clad in a pair of plain white panties and your shorts thrown on the ground from where you had dropped them. If Dabi wasn’t already obsessed before, he knew he was nothing but smitten now.
You stood quiet and he followed suit as you took your place back into his lap. Without glancing at him, you fiddled with his belt and loosened the grip around his hips.
Dabi really wanted to stop you. He really fucking did. Yet watching you focus on nothing but trying to take his clothes off made him unable to move and speak. It was like he was brainwashed, and he nearly died the minute you sat up to push his pants down.
“I-I-Y/—” “Shh.”
Your fingers covered his mouth as you continued to stare down at his pants in focus. You knew he was trying to stop you, but you wanted to continue. You knew you wanted him to know that you were just as fond of him as he made it seem he was for you.
After struggling to shimmy his pants off his lanky legs with one arm since you were still trying to shut up him, you watched his body lie limp across your couch in nothing but a shirt and black briefs.
It was like heaven in front of your eyes.
You licked your lips, shyly taking a seat on top of him and removing your hand. Your fingers made their way over to his chest. You wanted to take his shirt off and feel the skin to skin contact, but you knew how Dabi was about that stuff. He’d never say it, but you knew he was insecure of the uneven portions of skin there.
He tilted your head up with a finger and brought your wide eyes to his. “What do you want to do, doll? It’s whatever you want.”
The words brought goosebumps up your spine. The way he said it just made you weak, each word slipping off his lips like the air you needed to breathe and you soon found yourself whimpering at the sentence you knew he set up for this exact reaction. You could tell by how smugly he watched you writhe under his words.
You thought about your next sentence carefully. His arm was injured, and you weren’t sure if he was as into this as you were. Sure, making out and dry-humping was cool for a while— but would he be okay with jumping straight into sex? Sure, most people go through an extensive amount of foreplay in order to get the mood going, but you didn’t really want to. His arm was hurt, and all you wanted to do was watch him squirm under you as you made him feel good.
“I want to ride you.” The sudden confidence of your voice made him stammer, eyes watching you as they twitched in excitement. He had never realized how much he’d wanted those words to slip off your pretty lips but he was beyond estatic to hear them he meant for him and only him.
He didn’t respond, only pressing you into his lips with the hand gripping your hair and taking your mouth by surprise. Your tongues moved in sync, and you could feel yourself only growing wetter and wetter from just the way he pounded his lips into yours.
Before you could stop yourself, you moved your fingers to the waistband of his briefs and pushed them back just enough to hear something heavy smack against his stomach. Yes, something heavy.
He gripped your hair again and this time with much more intensity, broke your lips apart and pushed your head away from his. From the quick glance you gave him, you could see his nearly throbbing dick rest against his lean stomach in a way that nearly teased you. His lips were wet and his eyes were clouded with desire.
“I want to watch your face when you sit down on my dick, Y/N.”
The assertiveness made you nod your head obediently. Instantly following his commands, you rested your body onto your knees and pushed your panties to the side. A soft hand gripped his dick, and the way he sucked his breath in at the contact made you smile smugly.
He didn’t realize though, since his eyes were now trained on your dripping heat inch closer towards his dick. He counted in his head, preparing himself to sink into the place he wanted to get into the most.
5. Your hands slowly swirled up and down his dick, pumping gently enough to prepare his body to take you up yet to also evoke a moan from his lips. And Dabi doesn’t moan.
4. Your eyes never left his the minute you had a good enough grip on him, and just that alone made some precum slip through his tip.
3. He thought you looked so pretty getting ready to sit down on his cock. ‘Imagine when she’s actually riding me, fuck.’
2. To prep yourself up a bit more, you lathered you’re wetness with a swipe of your thumb against his tip, the sensation making him suck in an incoherent curse.
1. This was your moment. Usually Dabi wanted to take control, and usually in his fantasies about you, it was you getting drilled into your own bed in a way that had you forgetting how to scream. This was different though. Dabi wanted to see what you were going to do.
Before he could even continue his thoughts, the feeling of a soft, extremely wet, and tight hole covered his penis agonizingly slow. With squinted eyes in pleasure, he watched as your face moved from that smug smile to a look of focus and surprise. Within just the first few inches, you already felt as if your insides were more full than possible.
Growing impatient yourself was something you knew would be a bad idea, but you couldn’t help it. So with that, you let go of all strain in your knees and in your hands and let your body drop fully into his embrace. Just like that, you imagined he was probably in your damn gut at this point.
“You’re so big.” You gasped, the vulgar words coming out of your lips making Dabi groan even more than he already was at the sudden contact.
You took a few more minutes to take him in as your vagina just refused to take all of him in. For a skinny guy like him, the weight he carried down there definitely made up for it and you weren’t complaining.
Before you knew it, you felt the need to continue. With that, you dragged your hands up to Dabi’s face and gripped the sides in yours. His lips met your lips, and you began to grind your body against his in order to control your pace for the time being.
You had to rip your lips off his as your slowly found yourself bouncing against him. The movements were so sudden, Dabi didn’t expect it and found his eyes slamming shut in pleasure as his free-hand gripped your ass cheek roughly.
“Fuck Y/N.” He moaned, making you feel only more determined than before.
His praises (which really only consisted of moans, groans, and the word fuck) egged you on, and before you knew it, you were bouncing your body up and down with such speed and intensity, Dabi couldn’t even say a word.
You were fucking him so good, he couldn’t even speak.
Dabi wasn’t sure if it was the way you slipped your body all the way up to his tip only to slam back down, or if it was the quick and loud moans that left your lips so richly, or if it was the trail of wetness coming down from your lower heaven pooling into his light pubic hairs. Whatever it was though, was causing him to see stars.
As thunder cracked in the background, all you could focus on was the sounds of your thighs and body slapping into Dabi’s in a perfect motion.
“D-Dabi—” you moaned loudly, the words falling off your lips quicker than you could handle, “I-You-You feel so— so fucking good.”
The word good dragged out longer than you liked, your screams being reduced to whimpers due to not wanting anyone else to hear you. Dabi watched you, groans coming out of his lips matching yours in a way that made you grow in intensity.
Your hips moved harder and faster, finally finding your own G-Spot and beginning to see stars in your trail of sight.
“You look- look so fucking pretty— taking my cock like this— baby.” The name only made you yelp, whimpering as your eyebrows furrowed and began to thrash your ass tight vagina in a quick notion of in, out, grind, out, grind, in, and over and over again.
There were many things you did to impress Dabi. Honestly, the way you breathe was something Dabi wanted to praise you with in itself. This, however, was beyond him.
Watching you throw yourself against his dick, eyes crossing and drool slipping across your still swollen lips, ass that he was gripping onto as if it would leave forever clapping against his skin, whimpers and cries coming out of your throat was something that Dabi now believed he wanted to be the only thing he ever saw again.
“Just like that doll, I want to see you cum-see you cum all over me.” He managed to get out, face scrunching as he felt his tip slam into a certain part of your pussy that damn near sent vibrations down his long length. He had never felt pussy this good before, and maybe it was just because he was attracted to you, but whatever it was— was driving him absolutely insane.
You felt your stomach tighten, a trail of curses coming out of both you and Dabi’s mouths in synch. You continued to bounce against him. Somehow, the position you were in where you were now on your feet only allowed you to ride him harder and faster than before. Dabi nearly passed the fuck out.
You, on the other hand, were definitely already gone. Watching his face scrunch up, staples clattering as his hair began to stick to his forehead and his lips rip your name and curses like they were the only words he knew— you couldn’t handle it. With that, the pressure in your stomach grew.
“Do-don’t worry about me baby—��� he could feel your hole beginning to tighten up more and more, the sensation feeling as if you were milking his cock from the inside and dragging his cum up involuntarily.
“B-but I wanna cum with you.” You whined out, head thrown back in nothing but pure ecstasy.
He could see your tits bounce harshly against your shirt, yet for some reason, he couldn’t bring it upon himself to burn the stupid material off. For a flashing moment in time, he thought about how your eyes trailed against his covered chest.
“I know b-baby.” You said, snapping him from his stare at your chest and up to your now clearly red face. “I-I ke-kept it on so that we-we both have our shirts on.”
That itself, nearly brought Dabi over the fucking edge. The simple fact that you were so fucking considerate, enough to do some little shit like that drove him insane.
Without blinking, the limp hand once thrown on the couch was now gripping onto your body. You couldn’t say anything though, because his other hand gripped the couch and brought him to an angle to where he began to obliterate you.
With nothing but a gasp being able to come out of your locked jaw, your eyes rolled back at the way his drilled in and out of you in a nearly barbaric manner. His arm gripped around your waist in order to bring himself to more pleasure, and you found yourself bouncing up and down in order to counter him and bring more force into the slams.
“Holy fucking shit.” He yelled, his jaw tightening as he began to whimper.
You were fucking him back, your hands tugging at his raven hair roughly and your lips drooling at the sensation in a way that made you seem to be out of your headspace. Just like that, your stomach tightened up and warned you that you had about a second to let him know you were going to literally cream yourself.
You heard his staples more than usual, yet ignored the small noises in order to focus on the grip pressed against your body.
“Dabi I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” You repeated, your voice hoarse and whined out from the way he fucked your brain into overdrive.
All that could be heard were your pleas of pleasure, Dabi’s hips slamming into your hips that slammed into his, the wet sounds of your pussy continuously being filled up to the brim by Dabi, and the couch beginning to squeak at the roughness.
Without catching a breath, Dabi’s hand roughly scratched its way up to your hair and tugged you to face him.
“Cum now.”
The order made your eyes roll back. You weren’t sure just how close you were, but just him commanding you to do it made you finally fall over the edge. The feeling of his dick shooting into you made you topple over onto his chest, cries leaving your lips as you orgasmed harder than you probably ever have before.
The sight you once had disappeared as you saw nothing but stars and darkness. The air once resting in your lungs cleared out, and nothing was able to leave your throat other than Dabi’s name over and over again as if it were your religion.
Dabi followed suit, finally resting underneath you and gasping for air from the orgasm he just came down from. His cock stood in you, still warm and twitching from the stimulation still being given from your tightness.
Nobody said anything, voices too tired, bodies too sticky and stuck together, and minds too empty to even be able to form a sentence. Your legs had given up on you, finally wrapped behind Dabi’s back as you clung onto him for your dear life.
“Baby.” Dabi called out softly, his raspy voice making you snap out of your fucked out trance. You looked at him, eyes barely being able to hold themselves open as your body wobbled against his.
“Let me clean you up, okay?” He softly asked, his hand gently pushing some hair still stuck to your cheeks behind your ears. You bit your lip and defiantly shook your head.
“Can we clean up tomorrow?” You asked shyly, hands rubbing up and down his chest as your voice pleaded for him to listen. “I just want to sleep with you for the rest of the night.”
The minute you looked at him with those wishful eyes and small pout, he found it really fucking hard to say no. He wasn’t really planning on staying, but now he wasn’t sure if he was ready to even think about leaving.
Agreeing with your plea to stay, he twisted his body enough to where he was finally lying down on the couch from one end to the other. He dragged your body with him, adjusting you to where your legs were tangled up and your head taking comfort on his shirt-clad chest.
With the way he just fucked your lights out, and the way he softly spoke to you and rubbed your back, you found it even harder to keep your eyes open. It was no surprise when Dabi somehow managed to turn the singular lamp on that was on the table next to him off only to find you slightly snoring on his chest.
So many times, he warned himself that when the day he got to go inside of your wet, sweet heaven came, he’d stay up and take advantage of being able to look at your fucked out expression some more.
But due to how good you rode his dick, how good you kissed him, and how good you felt weaves into his body, he couldn’t help but close his eyes and fall into the same slumber as you with his hands tightly wrapped around your frame and a small smile playing at his lips.
cue the song overdue by travis scott because this took me like a week to write for some reason 🥴 writers block aint no mf JOKE! Anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed! I did get an anon ask somewhat similar to it though so that kinda got me to finish. So anon, whoever you were that sent that one Dabi anon in about reader being a healer and such, thanks for saving the day 😔👍🏾 anyways YEA please don’t let this flop idk why y’all don’t like Dabi </3 smh no substance! Also this is hella unedited and guess what? Idc. If you see a typo though, please lmk.
don’t forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow me if u a real one
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
S/O catching Setsuno, Chronostasis, Overhaul, Shigaraki, Denki, and/or Dabi cheating on them with their friend
Gotcha darling <3
My heart broke with shiggy’s with me being the simp I am, so I had to modify his a little bit.
I can’t think with overhaul right now, so you’re only getting 5 of them until I can clear my head. They also seem to get shorter as you go down the list, so sorry!
Angst | GN! reader | SFW
Shigaraki, Setsuno, Denki, Chrono (Hari), and Dabi getting caught cheating
He was gone for days at a time, and he never told you where he was going. His phone was always faced down when he set it down, and he changed his password. You just thought it was private information for the league. Slowly, he started to get cocky, leaving his notifications open for you to see. On the screen flashed your friend’s name and phone number.
Waiting until night, you silently followed him out the door, waiting an extra few minutes to make sure he wasn’t coming back. 
Standing only a few feet away, was your boyfriend who you loved so dearly, holding your friend like she’d disappear if he let go.
“Do you think they’ll find out?” she asked, her eyes locking with his.
“Don’t worry, I made sure they wouldn’t know. Besides, even if they did, I’d rather have you. I’m only with them for ranks.” he said. Your heart shattered like glass. Was that really why?
“I’m right here, assholes.” you said, making sure they could hear you loud and clear. Their heads instantly snapped back in your direction. “I thought I could trust both of you... I guess I thought wrong” you said quietly, trying to hold back your tears.
“Baby wait-” Dabi tried to speak, but unfortunately for him, all he got from it was a hard punch to his stomach. 
You ran away, immediately getting rid of any evidence that either of them had been in your life. The only thing you could do now was watch, leaving you to question what else in your life was fake...
Eyes focused only on his figure as he held someone else in his arms. He promised to change the world for you, he promised you he’d do anything to make you happy. Was that all a lie?
“Shig- please tell me its a prank...” you said quietly.
He knew what he was doing, he knew it’d break your heart if you found out. He tried his best to hide it, but his “new lover” had found your number in his phone and messaged you to meet them somewhere. He didn’t care about them, he just needed the information they had. 
They spoke up. “Sorry sweetheart, guess your luck ran out! Oh well, you could always try again with someone else. Better luck next time!” they mocked, holding his hand tighter as he lowered his head in defeat. 
Your tears spilled from your eyes, soaking into the fabric of your clothes and the concrete below you. “I thought... I thought you loved me...” you said in defeat, your voice cracking as you lowered your head, refusing to met their glare. 
He let go of them and approached you, holding you like his life depended on it. “I didn’t mean it, let me explain... please! I’ll do anything! I did it for us, Y/N, I swear! Please... don’t leave me, I don’t want to be alone again.” he whispered in your ear as the person behind him glared daggers at you. His tears soaked into your shirt as his grip only tightened. 
He picked you up and carried you back to your shared apartment, setting you down on the counter as he kissed your cheek, trying to fix his mistake. He shouldn’t have taken the offer, not if it meant there’d be a chance you’d leave him. His tears mixed with your own as you stayed silent, an occasional sob falling from your lips as he tried to show you that he didn’t mean it.
“It was for you, I’ll explain later if you wish. Just please don’t go, I can’t handle that...” he said softly, “I promise I’ll fix it, I promise I’ll be a better boyfriend, I swear on my life I’ll make it alright, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t leave. I need you, Y/N. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just don’t go... please. We’ll go wherever you want, you can keep me locked up in a room for all I care, I just want you, no one else! I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” 
He went back to kissing you, stopping to wipe yours tears and his as he pulled you against him. For the rest of the night, you stood there with him, trying to process what had happened, and what he promised you. 
You knew Denki was a flirt, you knew what you had gotten yourself into when you agreed to go on a date with him. You never thought he’d take it this far though.
He promised you that he never meant anything he said to them, he promised you that you were the only one for him, and that everyone else was just entertaining, nothing else.
Yet here he was, kissing your childhood friend, the two people you would trust with your life, had torn you apart atom by atom. 
“Why... What’d I do wrong! If you weren’t happy, you could’ve just been honest...” you said, tears already forming in your eyes as only your “friend” turned to look at you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t think we were serious.” he said, his tone casual and energetic, like he didn’t even care. 
You ran down the block, only your friend went after you.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry! He told me he was single, I didn’t know anything, I promise! If I had known, I would’ve declined his offer...” she said, tears going down her face as well. She seemed more apologetic than Denki ever was. 
“I-... I can’t just forgive you, y’know? I’m sorry, you can have him, I don’t care anymore. Just don’t talk to me again, I just need time to think...” 
All she did in response was nod her head.
You slid down the wall of a bookstore, watching people across the street, specifically couples, trying to imagine that was you and Denki instead of two unfamiliar faces.
Hari Kurono, a respected thug, in a relationship with Y/N L/N. You knew it was too good to be true. He was pretty, he had some power, and he was a respected yakuza member, second only to Overhaul. 
You were taking care of Eri for the day, you were going to take her to an amusement park, but you came back to grab your bag. In your shared room, was Hari with another woman. His mask was off, and the girl was swooning over him. She even kissed him, and he didn’t do anything, You stood there in silence, slowly backing out, but a floorboard creaked. 
“Y/N?! It’s not what it looks like!” He frantically shouted, pushing the girl off of him and running to you. 
“Really? Then tell me, why are there lipstick marks on you? I don’t even use makeup, jerk!” You yelled back, trying not to curse since Eri was in the next room over. 
You ran out before a big scene could form. You’d deal with it later, but you didn’t want to cry in front of Eri. You picked her up and ran out, not even bothering to look back as he called out for you. 
He left his mask on your bed. You thought it was a mistake, since Overhaul always made him wear his mask. After about an hour of searching for him, you decided to track his phone. Overhaul would kill him if he found out he didn’t take his mask. 
As you approached the spot he was supposed to be at, it led you straight to a restaurant, one that he would always take you to for date nights. You saw the familiar green shirt and yellow hair, but there was someone else. He noticed you right away as you dropped his mask, taking the knife that was in it. 
He chased you out of the restaurant, frantically calling out your name. “Y/N! Wait! Slow down, I can explain! Please just listen to me!” he yelled, but you continued to sprint down the street, his knife still in your hand. 
He caught up with you and grabbed your wrist. You turned back to face him as he took the knife from you, throwing it across the road. 
“Y/N, please listen to me! I-” he started, only to be cut off by a hard slap to his face.
“Toya! I trusted you! You always said how much you hated cheaters, and here you are, cheating on me with some slut! I’m fucking done with this! Tell Overhaul I quit, I don’t ever want to see you again!’“ You yelled back. His heart broke as he realized what you said, that you were right.
The thing that had broke him had broke you, and it was all his fault. He watched as you walked away, your tears dropping onto the sidewalk. When he got back, your things were already gone, and you had already blocked him on every platform you could think of. He sank to the floor as he cried, his hair covering his face. 
You had forgotten something.
Under the bed, was a box he had given you. It was filled with pictures of you two, gifts he had given you, jewelry, plushies, knives with your names engraved in them, everything. He started picking out object from the box, until he had found a small black box. Inside was ring.
The same ring he has proposed to you with, the very thing he had sworn to love you forever with, was in his hand. He had covered the box with small hearts and even put a picture of you two inside of it. It was the exact same ring, and it was still in perfect condition. He picked it out for you, and you had taken great pride in it, showing it off to the other precepts as you dragged him around with you. His heart broke into a million pieces. The only difference now, was that you were gone. 
There were so many things he wanted to do with you, so many things he wanted to experience with you. He would’ve loved to start a family with you, and don’t get him started on marrying you. He could’ve died peacefully knowing you were his partner for life. Now, he would never get to do that.
 All he had left of you was a small box, flashing memories that he wished he could have back. A constant reminder of you, the perfect lover in his eyes, were now out of his reach, all because of him.
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The second part of this here I've always thought about this and I agree 100%! AFO literally wants minions who will follow him without any questioning regarding his actions - which is the exact opposite of what the LoV is. The LoV question Shigaraki, they have playful banter with him and are friends with him. I do believe that this will be one of the reasons for AFO's downfall - he totally doesn't understand Shigaraki and the connection he has with his friends.
AFO says that Tomura hatred is the key to get One For All.
That's the joke. If you read between the lines, does Tomura does the things he does for hatred or for love? If he's so full of hatred, why does he awakens so much love in the people that gets to know him?
Everyone talks about how hard it'd be to make the members of the League join the heroes, but I don't think that at all. Have the heroes really try to help the villains so far? Have they really listened to the villains? Have they been interested in giving them an alternative to live in a better world instead of just pushing them away?
The answer is no. Before the War Arc, and this is canon because Deku acknowledges it himself, the heroes were more worried about putting the villains in jail or making justice than hearing the villains and trying to understand. Deku knows that maybe things would have been different if only he had listened and tried to understand the villains before.
Toga and Deku still need to talk. In the War Arc, she went away because she needed to talk with Ochaco and Deku. She is such a good kid and she really wants just to live, love, make friends. He already admires the hero kids, she already loves them. Would it be hard for her to join their side? No. They only need to give her a chance and welcome her to their group, and I bet she's gonna fit just well because she already has many heroic actitudes.
What about Dabi? He wants to be seen, for his pain to be validated. But even after revealing his past to the civilians, nothing change, no one wanted to see him. Except Shouto. The reason why Shouto wants to save his brother is because he's the first to see him completely, the good and the bad, the villainous and the heroic. And Dabi still loves his family, even if the hatred in his heart has overshadowed that love.
Spinner is almost a hero right now. He has saved people, argue against killing pro-heroes, he is worried about society, about the system, he doesn't consider himself a villain even. He never has. He has always been more of an anti-hero than a villain, to be honest. If he finds a way to change society in a legal way, he would, I'm sure. He only needs the opportunity.
And when it comes to Tomura... Just like Nao said, I think he still wants to be a hero. In the bottom of his heart, that pit of never ending hurt and darkness comes from not letting go. He just needs someone to show him that AFO was wrong, that he doesn't have to hold on to the pain. Even Doc Ujiko saw a dreamer in Tomura, after all these years.
AFO's biggest mistake was not seeing Tomura, not really. He thought Tomura was not strong enough to fight him, so much AFO even possessed him. But we know from previous arcs that Tomura rises against the obstacles and he's just like Deku, never getting defeated by the rain. And the same way Deku has inspired people that is willing to fight for him and beside him, Tomura has the League. Tomura biggest strength is the things he has cultivated with his love, a feeling strong enough to even inspired Deku, the protagonist, to change.
That's why everyone was wrong about the League, that's why everyone was wrong about Tomura.
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hamliet · 4 years
Not Agaaain! - Or, Hawks Will Have To Choose Twice Over
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Large parts of this meta are taken from a conversation with the always-wise @aspoonofsugar, who is herself not a huge BNHA fan, but keeps up with it mostly so that I can blather to her constantly. 
I think I’ve already been quite clear that I think it an odd narrative choice to teaming up with the hero commission to save Dabi. While the text has strongly indicated Touya will be saved eventually, I don’t quite see how the top three heroic symbols can play a role. 
Shouto himself to Enji that he cannot earn his family back through being a hero, but instead by being a father:
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Like, does anybody think Enji should be able to have it all--the esteem of heroes and the commission and his family? When the entire narrative has set it up as either/or, as a choice Enji will have to make since he made it previously and chose... poorly? 
Even in this chapter, Best Jeanist is focused on what to say to the public, not on, you know, the actual revelations. It’s a focus on leaving the past in the past, because “things are different now.”
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Except that attitude is precisely what Dabi was calling out:
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And it isn’t only stated by Dabi, but by Natsuo:
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And also by Deku himself:
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Which isn’t to say that isn’t where Dabi’s arc will probably go eventually (moving on) but is to say the wounds from Dabi’s past are still very much festering, and literally so. 
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You gotta treat these wounds, not leave them to heal on their own, because some wounds are too deep to heal on their own. Touya most likely fell into the wrong hands after burning in the forest (Ujiko seeming a likely suspect) that might have fixed him up in the present, but did nothing to address the actual circumstances that led to him self-immolating in the woods. He needs to learn emotional regulation and have his pain acknowledged, not ignored (the symbolism is again very literal):
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So how do we do this? Because the heroes right now seem to be sweeping things under the rug again which worked so well the first time. And maybe this is supposed to happen and we have to suspend disbelief because BNHA is kinda like that sometimes. But I’m not so sure, and frankly I hope not because it’s... not awesome writing, and I’d like BNHA to be well done. 
So how does this connect to Twice and Hawks? Well, Hawks is clearly thinking about Twice in these panels: 
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However, Hawks still isn’t realizing his own role in what happened; it’s simplistic and self-centered, which has kinda been Hawks’ thing since his introduction.
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Hawks directly states that he’s projecting onto the Todorokis this chapter:
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Now, projection isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and I don’t doubt he sincerely wants to help his mentor. I do doubt his rationale. To quote Sugar-chan,
instead of fixing his own issues, he is trying to fix his childhood idol. I think the revelations about Endeavor have actually shaken Hawks, but he is not acknowledging them. 
He’s not getting to the route of his own problems: the hero commission exploiting him and his own choice to kill Twice.
Let’s examine why Hawks seems to have latched onto Twice so hard. They have quite a bit in common: they grew up traumatized and impoverished, but one had their quirk lead others to save them and one did not. Twice was also mentally unstable and believed he was the cause of the League’s problems (self-centered in a sense, but not in a negative connoted way); it sounds not only similar to Hawks, but to Tomie. I mean, he legit makes Twice the exact same offer the hero commission gave him and Tomie. 
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Hawks killing what represents the part of himself that wasn’t saved does not typically indicate good things in terms of character development. Unlike when Enji killed High End, Twice is not Hawks’ negative qualities, but is instead also his good qualities. Hawks even says he wants to be like Twice:
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Hawks’ having killed Twice might very well impede his goal to help the Todorokis. Dabi and the League don’t have any reason to trust Hawks and have some very good reasons not to; double-agent role aside, Hawks offered a chance to Twice and then when Twice didn’t take it (because Hawks wasn’t actually listening to what Twice wanted: to save his friends), Hawks stabbed him in the back, quite literally. 
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Dabi was even there for that; why would he trust Hawks is genuine? Why would he trust his family if they’re working with Hawks? 
There’s little indication that Hawks sees seeking to save Touya as anything different than his quest to save Twice, and writing-wise, he kind of shouldn’t. Hawks has had absolutely no consequences to deter him from following the same route. Unless the past only dies for Hawks or he’s gotten from Point A to Point B of realizing the past matters offscreen (since he’s literally said it doesn’t since his introductory chapter):
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Given the prominence of Twice’s death (not just in the narrative, but it had a volume cover devoted to it; you’d think it’d be pivotal) this does not seem like awesome writing, so I’m going to assume that this is setting up a future conflict for Hawks rather than resolving one. 
So what happens when Dabi refuses to be saved, which seems almost certain to happen? (Also for people who might be nervous about that: rejecting redemption several times is a staple of a redemption arc.) What will Hawks do then? 
How will that differ from what Shouto would do? (If Shouto’s endgame would be to follow Hawks’ lead, then it doesn’t make much sense to have Hawks admiring Shouto instead of the other way around, nor for a character introduced halfway through to demonstrate how to solve the problem midway through the story when killing villains isn’t really new or unique). 
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Unless Hawks gets those consequences, why would he make a different choice than the one he made last time he was driven into a corner?
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
My Sweet Love
Dabi x Sweet Reader
Request: Hey!💗Сan I, please, have a girlfriend for Dabi who likes sweets? Candy, cakes, berries, stuff like that. And she always leaves some sweets for Dabi, because she knows that he will come to her apartment, even if she is not at home. And basically she leaves quite a lot of food for him. Thank you💗
warnings: none, just a fluffy story with a bit of angst at the end inspired by the latest manga chapters! Also my apologies for making it a bit angsty, I was in a mood haha
Word Count: 2.8K
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There they were again.
The endless amount of sweets stacked upon the kitchen table for the flame-quirked villain.
Why you left so many sweets out for him was beyond his own comprehension. He couldn't even understand why you weren't a human cupcake by now with how many sweets you’d been leaving him lately. He's seen those videos you’ve shown him of 'is it cake?' and sadly watched people stab each other with forks or some other stupid shit. He's warned you before that if you ever approached him with a fork, he would burn you to a crisp. A sigh escaped his soft and wrinkly lips once he noticed there wasn't any real food around for him. The ebony-haired villain approached the pile of sweets for him, carefully picking up the small little note beside it, cringing at the silly nickname he loved but hated at the same time.
'Hey dabeebee! I left you some sweets because you are the sweetest thing in my life! :3 I know you'll probably complain looking for real food, I have hidden all of it outside just for you! If you want soba I left a pot out on the stove for you to use and put some water in it.
I love you so much dabeebee! <3
~(Y/N) : )
"Cheesy little shit..." He mumbled, searching around for some cheap booze. Of course, you had none in your possession, judging by you were only 21 and an innocent cautious adult. He sighed and finally stumbled upon a pack of instant ramen, forgetting the pot for soba on the stove deeming it too much work. He put it in the microwave and heated it up, watching the little plastic cup spin around. He took it out and slurped the noodles in the cup, savoring the flavor in his mouth. The heated food made his whole body slump in relaxation. Working for the league was tiring, and he’d lazily complained multiple times to you about it. He’d groan Shigaraki was being a spoiled little child, and get angry when he was forced to work with Geten. Ever since he came to you after their first battle, he had despised the ice-user.
Winter was when he became the most sensitive. Emotionally.
For whatever reason the villain would come visit you more often in the winter, struggling to concentrate whenever he was with you. It was like his mind was somewhere else, somewhere that made him sad. Hot cocoa always cheered him up in the slightest, something warm to melt the ice slowly starting to grow around his heart. Every time he saw you though, it all melted already, your soft voice and gentle touches taking away his pain. You were too sweet. “Stupid idiot...” He mumbled and finished his little cup of instant ramen. He strolled lazily up the stairs, a blank look on his face as he approached the door to your room. He stopped in front of the door and looked inside, pleased with the sight of you sleeping peacefully, unaware of his presence.
He stared at blankly, not a single thought running through his head as he began to shed his blemished jacket, letting it fall to the floor. Next came his shirt, pulling it over his head to reveal more of the scarred flesh everyone always claimed to be disgusting. He easily removed his boots and pants, only left in his boxers. Pulling the covers back slightly, he eased himself into bed beside you, turquoise eyes burning holes into your slumbering form. His hand reached out towards your face, gently caressing it with what little was left of his humanity instead of scarred dead skin. “I hate you.” He whispered, not even bothering to speak the words he knew you already knew. A smile graced your lips feeling his touch, instantly knowing it was your lover due to the warmth radiating off of him.
His unspoken words lingered in the air as he pulled you closer towards him, refusing to let you go.
‘I hate you, because I love you so much.’
When you woke up and found Dabi in your bed, you couldn’t help but smile ear to ear seeing your handsome boyfriend snuggled against you. He barely got any good sleep, so you wanted him to sleep as long as he could. He was a light sleeper, like extremely light. He briefly mentioned something in his past always kept him alert and on edge, having problems with insomnia and pain. You weren’t stupid. You knew the aspect of Dabi’s powerful quirk, and how much spreads through his body when he over uses his terrifying flames. Carefully easing yourself out of bed, kissing his head very very softly, you tip-toed down to the kitchen to see if Dabi had eaten any of your little experiments.
They were all sadly still there.
“Damnit! If he doesn’t eat something then I won’t know what to get him for his birthday... it’s in a couple days...” You announced to yourself, sighing heavily. It was true, putting the candy out was to get Dabi to reveal what kind of candy he liked, or flavor of cake, anything to give you the slightest hint on what he would enjoy! That was why you hid the food, you were hoping he would settle and eat what he wanted to. That wasn’t the case. “Tonight I’ll put some cake slices out and label them... maybe then! Maybe then he’ll choose one!” A sweet smile spread across your lips, putting all the candy away and putting all the normal food back. All the while unaware of a pair of ears that had been listening the whole time.
Dabi left early that morning, going off to do some villainous work before he approached your house in the middle of the night. It was around at least 2am when he arrived. His body ached, skin burning and smoking. Today had been especially rough, but the cool air that gently blew against his hot skin made him feel better. But the aching in his heart made him feel all the more hot with rage and anger. His memories plagued his mind briefly before he remembered what laid waiting for him at your house. That’s right. It was his birthday in a couple days. And the extremeness of your efforts was to figure out once and for all what his favorite sweet was. He just wasn’t a fan of sweets and preferred spicy foods.
“That idiot. Always such a hassle. Possibly worse than that crusty bastard.” He mumbled to himself, rubbing his scarred up neck gently. He didn’t understand himself how he could love someone who’s blood was probably 100% sugar and had a personality sweeter than that. He found your spare key easily, slipping the key into the lock and letting himself inside. As per usual, there were sweets on the table, cake to be exact. There were 5 different slices laid out, each labeled. He approached the neatly cut slices, bright pink flowery post it notes under them.
Vanilla! :D
Chocolate! :D
Red Velvet! :D
Lemon! :D
Cheesecake! :D
‘Good morning Dabeebee! :3
I’m sure it’s like past 1am or 2 or something, so good morning! I hope your day was okay <3 I missed you! I didn’t hide the food this time because you still found it last time! >:( But please try these cake slices! I made them all myself! I loooooove you! >///<
~(Y/N) :)
The dark haired villain rolled his eyes, sighing heavily as he shrugged off his heavy navy coat. He hung it up lazily so he wouldn’t make a mess or wake you and crossed his arms staring at the slices. His turquoise eyes observed each slice, lips set in a firm line as he thought about the textures and icing. His calloused hands grabbed onto the metal of a fork, hoping it wouldn’t melt at the heat his body was still emitting from his hard “work” of the day. A bite of each would be sure to satisfy you right? He dove the fork into the first slice, chocolate, and carefully placed the spongy sweet into his mouth. He recoiled. ‘It’s too sweet.’
As Dabi continued trying the sweets, the vanilla/yellow cake was probably his favorite, but he still didn’t want a cake. He didn’t really want anything for his birthday. Well, maybe to be dead, but that seemed unrealistic now. He sat down on the couch, mind now becoming hazy and foggy with depressing thoughts. His hands clasped together, blunt nails slowly digging into the top parts of his hands that weren’t scarred. The stables began to burn, almost like the first time they were in. His hands grew shaky, eyes blankly staring at the ground in a horrific daze. He didn’t even notice the way his breathing had turned unstable. The scars increased in heat, even though there were no more flames there to hurt him. His hazy eyes cast upwards and his whole entire world almost shattered.
The villain shot up and punched the TV in front of him as hard as he could, beating the screen senseless, panicking as he tried to rid his brain of the reflection that glared back at him. The mere sight and thought of red flames coming near him made his stomach sick with anxiety and fear, especially in the safety of your home. His eyes began to burn with tears, but sadly his tear ducts burned almost with his sanity a long time ago. His fists became bloody and bruised, body becoming numb to the sound of his name being called loudly. As soon as a hand made contact with his arm, he jerked around and swung at whatever had touched him, fearing the worst. That was when his heart shattered, eyes wide in fear once he realized he had just knocked you down to the floor.
“(Y/N)? Ah, shit.” He quickly kneeled down beside you and raised his shaky hands, scared to even touch you. There was a large mark on the side of your cheek, tears already built up in your eyes. Dabi’s chest heaved in and out heavily, eyes burning hard as blood leaked from under his stapled skin. Choked and held in sobs racked through his body like thunder. It hurt so much, it hurt that he couldn’t cry, it hurt to have a constant reminder of his past, reminders of his failure, and it hurt to know that he was unwanted and incapable of being loved by another human being. People saw him as a monster, a freak with no heart.
“You’ve failed me as a son, it’d been better if you weren’t even born.”
He let out a loud cry for help, even though the words never came from his mouth, the simple scream of pain was enough to convey his silent plea. His heart, his eyes, his skin, his stomach, his head, his chest, his lungs, everything hurt, a pain he couldn’t handle by himself. “FUCK!!” He shouted, blood dripping onto the floor with the crack of his broken voice. His whole body recoiled and flinched once he felt your soft hands gently caressing his scarred forearm. Why weren’t you leaving? Why weren’t you yelling at him? Why didn’t you hit him back? Why did you take his small abuse so quietly just like he did? Why were you just silently comforting him in the smallest way? “(Y/N)-“
“Shh, it’s okay now Dabi.” He flinched at your voice, firm yet soft, unwavering, no fear or disgust present at all. Just a loving tone for your significant other. Your hands gently pushed his forearms away from him, and you pulled him Into a tight hug, head buried into his neck. “There’s no need to cry, or fear anything... I’m here, Dabi... it’s okay... I’ve got you, honey.” His eyes widened at your sugary words, comforting him even though he’d just hit you. He inhaled your scent, shaking hands slowly resting against your back, squeezing you close with blood still dripping from his scarred cheeks. “Shh... there, there sweetheart, I’ve got you, and I’m never going to let you go okay...? I love you, Dabeebee.”
Such a big word you throw around so carelessly with him. Hearing such words always made him feel warm and happy inside. Something he missed out on, and had never experienced until he met you. Your poor excuse to cheer him up worked only a little, when he mumbled out an insult. “You’re so fuckin’ stupid you know that? I’m honestly shocked you’re still alive and I haven’t incinerated you yet...” His meaningless insults warmed your heart, your Dabi was slowly coming back. You ignored the harsh stinging of your cheek and focused solely on Dabi, and making him feel better. His breathing was slowly calming down, sniffling and wiping the blood that leaked from his abused burnt up tear ducts. “Do you feel better, Dabeebee?”
“What a stupid question to ask.” He mumbled and pulled away, composing himself briefly before he stared at you longingly. His beautiful turquoise eyes linger to your cheek stained red and he felt his heart break all over again. “Fuck, I’m... fuck I’m sorry... I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” Now that was a rare sight to see, the Dabi apologizing to you? The man who swore to take out the super human society, the man who taunts heroes and kills, apologizing to you? A lowly civilian with a mediocre quirk not good enough to be recognized by society. “This isn’t like you, Dabi... what’s wrong my love? Does it have something to do with your birthday?” He didn’t reply, turquoise eyes just staring down at the floor with a dull gleam. It answered your question as you continued. “I’m sorry... you should’ve told me.”
“Shut up you sweet-loving psycho. It happens every year... this year’s just especially worse.” The villain lowly mumbled as he embraced you. The house was silent for a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the wind rustling outside and the heater turning back and forth. He finally spoke up after his racing heart had calmed. “...I promise, I’ll tell you everything one day. Now isn’t the right time.” That sent a small pang to your heart, after 2 years of dating and he still didn’t open up to you about his past. But god did you still love him with all of your heart. He slowly pulled his blood soaked face away from you, touching the streaks of irony red that flowed from his patchy purple scars. The next thing you knew his eyes were locked with yours, staring intently as if you were the only thing in the world to him. “Just know I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll burn them alive and see them in hell to kick their ass again. You’re... the first person to ever see me this vulnerable. Be lucky.”
You smiled. “That’s my Dabi...” Once your lips locked gently with his, the night faded away. Dabi held you tightly in his arms, not wanting to let you go, not wanting to let you slip through his fingers. His heart was still eating him alive at what he had done to you. He had never loved anyone more than he loved you. No one else would’ve accepted him, stayed with him, appreciated his company, love the way he looked even though he hated himself, and loved him for who he was. You didn’t see the evil in his heart, only the pain and rage that wouldn’t stop surfacing.
He hated doing this to you.
The city was in a panic, all evacuated from the Dangerous parts that villains had raided. Dabi had made sure you were somewhere where no one could hurt you. He’d told you to visit your parents a bit farther in Japan, promising he’d return. Of course your protested with a pout, you always did. He loved that too, always wanting to spend time with him. The inky black drops of dye fell off his naturally red hair stained white. His turquoise eyes burned with rage and excitement as he stared down at the man who’d ruined his life. He thought back to you, how you were witnessing his confession, his pain in the television, learning his identity. It hurt to not be there to comfort you, but he needed to do this. He was just happy he’d told you before he ended everything. To finally have closure in his heart.
His staples burned again, blood slowly falling from his scared skin.
“Now that you all know the truth...” His eyes locked with the camera. “I love you (Y/N). My Sweet Lover.” A pure loving smile. “Ill see you again.”
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Thoughts on the New OP
Never have I been so disappointed to get exactly what I wanted...
OK so as many have pointed out, Bones is clearly not prioritizing the MVA arc in the OPs or the marketing of season 5. For some reason it feels like a minor B plot instead of the actual main plot it was for 21 chapters.
So we start with Class 1-A:
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The Trinity and OchaTsu being the last 5 to appear is not bad. Also I’m just realizing that the only two characters who have permanently changed their costumes as of 318 (not just winter changes) to match this arc are Bakugou and Ochako. Of course the two who have the coolest costumes in the bunch are the only ones who changed em.
Now we get some long, moody shots of the Big OT3 in wreckage. Wreckage of hero society maybe?
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“hey brother listen” subtle for the shot of Shoto being here, Bones. Not foreshadowing anything at all there. All they needed was to cut to Dabi right away and this would’ve been a walking spoiler.
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More Origin Trio. At this point this feels kinda gratuitous. Like, proportionately, the Internship arc here is less than ten chapters, to the MVA arc’s 20+, but the MVA arc takes up like 5% of the OP, the internship stuff like 90%. We BARELY see the League at all, you could blink and miss them:
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Like boom. This (which is just ripped from the Volume 24 cover anyway) is all. A few disconnected shots of individual members later, and that’s it. I was expecting an all out League only opening for this arc! Dissolving the title like Chapter 220, each individual villain getting their own moment, a chance to really play with some Dabi foreshadowing and maybe some cool Toga/Ocha parallels? But nope, nothing.
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Yes, I love KiriMina and OchaTSuyu, but they have like two pages of footage in this arc. WHY does every member of Class A get more footage in this OP than the League do?! 
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Like, Toga and Shigaraki in a few disconnected shots that summarize nothing are not enough! This was the League’s arc, top to bottom, and now not only have they been postponed, but demoted to extras in their own OP!
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More gratuitous OT3 shots. 
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OK this shot is pretty good. Endeav replacing All Might. I’m sure Endeav Antis love that.
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Deku meets impressionism apparently.
So I’m of two minds about this OP. On the one hand, I do love the trinity, the Winter Internship arc is maybe my third/fourth fave in the entire series (Camino, Sports Fest, and possibly PLF via for the top), and only last week I was whining really loudly about Class 1-A’s lack of screentime in the manga and being really grateful to bones for spoiling us with them. Maybe since the manga has finally decided to put out I’ve been mollified, lol.
But on the other hand, I also love the League, and the MVA arc. That storyline was one of the best put together and most unique in all of MHA. The entire idea behind it - shown so eloquently with Shigaraki destroying the logo in 220 - was to jump into the point of view of the  villains, leaving behind the heroes. The idea was to humanize the villains, explore their motivations and what made them the way they are. This was important, because one of the main thrusts of the PLF arc -the thing that we reached at the climax, the key to the Toga vs Ochako, Dabi backstory ,and Deku realizations - was the idea that the villains were tragically created by the flaws in the hero society that made them, and that some of them maybe worth saving. And we achieved that by letting hte audience jump into their point of view.
The MVA arc framed the villains as protagonists. It let us, the audience, genuinely come to care about them. They were the heroes for the better part of 2019. And that was important. Yes, Bones will still adapt the same material, but look at how they’re framing it in this OP. Rather than giving us the villains as our protagonists, they’re delivering them the exact same way they did in every OP before this: A quick shot or two of the group, framed to make them look sinister, and maybe a few extra shots of Shigaraki walking around (like Odd Future). That’s it. Nothing to put us into their heads.
So combine this OP with both the pacing of this season (taking the joint training arc slowly and leapfrogging over the arc entirely) and the marketing (ignoring the villains almost completely) and it’s clear that Bones does not consider the MVA arc a priority at all. They just don’t seem interested in adapting it. It’s clear that they much prefer TDBKDK at the Internship. Hell, they’re making an entire movie around that. Big clue. 
And I don’t know how to feel about that. Again, I love the trinity. I love their little arc together. The most popular post I ever made was about Chapter 249. I’m excited for their movie. But...I don’t think that Bones should compromise the storytelling to indulge in that. We need the MVA arc. For manga fans, even though 295 was a bit of a mess, the line from Deku about saving Shigaraki - chapter 300′s realization from Shoto about saving his brother - 289′s bit where Ochako sees Toga crying - really hit hard, because of the MVA arc. But how’s that gonna play in the anime if Bones turns this arc into an after thought?
I guess I’ll have to wait and see how Bones actually adapts the arc. I mean, they’ve still got 11 episodes left this season. They could pull it off really well. But man, I’m starting to have some doubts. 
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 years
Shigaraki's Muse CH6: Toxic
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Wow, just admit you like the girl. Shigaraki has to deal with Ember since Dabi introduced them he and most of the league can't stop thinking about her. Nothing like a break in and just being overall toxic. SFW I'm disturbed by how proud I am by this.
Warning: Shiggy being toxic bad words crime fun plot
Chapter 5, Chapter 7
Tomura Shigaraki really did try to stay away but it wasn’t his fault, it was hers, she was so sickly sweet how could he stay away. Her kindness didn’t make any sense and it was cloying, making him itch, she was ever-present at the back of his mind.
He tried to concentrate, go through with his plans, but all her stupid words came creeping in. All those stupid expressions, that stupid blush, that stupid beautiful smile that reached her eyes when she looked at him.
They changed their methods after her 42-minute visit, he remembered the exact amount of time, that’s how much time it took for him to become obsessed. They had been underestimating the heroes when a basic NPC like Ember knew better. The simple solution was a pain in the ass for Kurogiri but he was always a pain in the ass so Tomura was fine with it.
Dabi didn’t really know much about her. He met her in an alleyway, she’s quirkless, she treated him, let him do other things, and he hadn’t seen her since. She liked cats, drugs, horror movies, video games, and unicorns. Passionate about helping anyone, ‘Next time you get hurt do you really want to go to someone who might call the heroes? Or to me? Who doesn’t care as long as you’re not a total asshole.’ The quote still confused him, who did she think she was, unbiased; what bullshit.
Ember honestly vexed him so much he didn’t know what to do with her. But everyone seemed to believe a healer that was unbiased was a good resource to have. He wasn’t convinced; Spinner had a crush, Dabi wanted to screw her, Toga wanted to bleed her, so why should he listen to them? It wasn’t until Master spoke up, claiming she would be a good ally and asset, did he start to believe it.
Regardless she was a distracting side quest for a third of the league, which means he must deal with it. It was her fault too, not his. Even now he’s not fully convinced, he picked up one of her tacky unicorn dolls and shoved it in the bag along with other junk he had gathered from her apartment.
The things he had to promise Dabi was too heavy of a price in his mind, but Master agreed to it. He could have made a bigger stink, but Dabi was his heavy hitter and he couldn’t risk losing him. Tomura may have promised not to kill or maim her, nothing was stopping him from playing with her or breaking her misplaced spirit: I mean as long as the outcome is still the same what did it matter what he did to her?
Tomura wanted to destroy her, she didn’t have to die or be maimed for that. She could just be his, he would warp that stupid sweetness to accommodate him, she could be one of his lower-level pawns. Healers ap and hp were always low. She could never be as useful as Dabi, but as a support they were perfect.
Ember is perfect for that role, for him. Was it not her own fault for capturing his attention, he needed that attention for other things, so she should pay for it right? He liked the idea of stealing her from Dabi. She might end up dead but the look on his face would be worth it. It was pulling teeth getting her work schedule from him, Dabi must have asked why a thousand times.
Ember said she didn’t have a quirk but Dabi suspected that might be a lie, whether it was or wasn’t it was likely too weak or stupid to do anything with. Then she was only good for a fuck or patch up basic injuries, both can be useful if it’s not detracting from their plans.
When the last time Tomura has had a good fuck, and the answer is never. The stray sidekicks were a little fun. Most were a one-off that ended up dead because of a slip up of the fingers or rubbing him the wrong way, and in a few cases literally. He cackles at his own joke aloud, the cat hissed at him.
He really wished he could do something to the ill-mannered prick, Dabi said she had a cat that reminded him of Tomura. He met the cat earlier; it is ugly and swiped at him when he tried to be friendly. He thought it was dead when he first saw it, its face distorted from the missing eye.
He was going to use it to make her do things, but now he didn’t even want to get near it. Did she really love something that ugly and mean? Fuck that burnt asshole, he was just as ugly and mean. At least I don't smell like burnt bacon.
Tomura was pawing through her clothes, most of it was scrubs, the rest was a combo of peek-a-boo black punk clothes, what a cocktease he thinks. He dusts her comfy tacky sweats. The thought of him having to see her in them was too much. She had three different unicorn onesies; what kind of sick freak needs more than one? Maybe she’s some kind of furry?
The thought made him shudder as he shut the closet, but at least it would add some character. He decided to take some of those too. Next, he went through her drawers; yuck. Nothing sexy, no lingerie, and all her bras and underwear were plain, where was all the lacey shit? Girls should have some latex, fuck at least something lacey.
Dabi implied she was a slut, but he hadn’t seen any evidence for that. He almost didn’t want her used underwear, but again, what choice did he have? Ember shouldn’t be such a cocktease, a slut would’ve been better. She’s got the body for it, the face isn’t bad, it would be easier if she was a slut for him. He can not understand why someone with her looks would compromise sexiness for comfort and oddball style.
Dabi wanted to be exclusive, only he could recruit her, but Tomura didn’t trust Dabi. He kept insisting that he had to be gentle with this one while burning all the unworthy, that it was harder than Tomura knew. Dabi had not recruited a single person yet.
Whatever one way or another Tomura would recruit her, she will be a part of LOV whether she wanted to be or not, it couldn’t be as hard as Dabi kept saying. He went through her DVD and games next. Only serious collectors bothered with discs anymore and he was slightly impressed with her collection.
Moving on he went through her computer's search history, so stupidly trusting she didn’t have a password. It was boring, auction sites to add to her collection, her music library which was all over the place in taste, and geriatric medical journals. No porn anywhere, and he looked, he decided to add some for her. She had a vibrator and condoms in the nightstand, next to several murder mysteries, he liked to think that she masturbated to the crime descriptions. He doubted it.
He was forced to admit beyond belief that she really didn’t follow heroes or villains. There was nothing, and it was so rare for someone to not own at least some hero propaganda, they literally plaster heroes on everything. Forcing their philosophy on everyone and their bullshit permeates everything in society.
But it did seem like Ember actively avoided it, so weird, he was preoccupied with them. She had some leftovers which he ate with some fancy beer, he didn’t hate it, another surprise.
He was proud of his handy work; he knew where all the hidden cameras were and not even he could spot them. The shower was the hardest one but Tomura is nothing if not persistent. She had a collection of perfumes, he hated most of them but took the one he hated the least. He needed to know more to form a solid plan.
He had found her on the gaming networks and sent friend requests, she hadn’t gotten around to accepting them, so he graciously did it for her. Hell, he did so many good things for her today, she owed him. She could pay him back later, after all, they were about to be allies.
Chapter 7: Date Night?
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I'm kinda dissapointed that shigaraki got his ass beaten lost three fingers and almost decayed himself only to get an army for one arc and taken away from him so fast like that, i wish we got to see shigaraki's leadership more and how he lead a huge army not just a small group.
I agree the pacing is just up and down. Like if the PLF had happened way earlier on in the manga it would have paid off more I think.
However I'm not mad at how things played out.
I don't think Shigaraki's badassery is what makes him an awesome character. I think it's literally everything but. Don't get me wrong I love his badass moments, but that's not why I love his character so much. (too many reasons to list for this ask lmao)
I actually think Shigaraki being the heart of the League is a pretty good display of his leadership. Like the fact that none of them HAVE to listen to him, or even stay with him--yet they do? They live through squatting in a house and living in filth, fighting for their lives for Giran because that's what he decided they'd do, they fight Gigantomachia for two months? (can't remember the exact time) straight because they don't want him to perish lol. Freaking Dabi taking cues from Shigaraki during MVA even though he like, really doesn't have to and usually does his own thing.
I think that all shows how good of a leader he is tbh. Better than running some army.
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linkspooky · 4 years
I would like to ak you about Stain and Dabi, at the very least Stain seemed to consider Deku and Shoto "true heroes", with All Might at the example to follow. Meanwhile it seems Dabi doesn´t believe real heroes exists, not even All Might. Why do you think that´s the case?
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So your question here is whether Dabi is following Stain’s will or not? Dabi’s ideals may not line up 1:1 with Stain, but I would say he’s far more loyal to Stain and his ideals than to anybody else in the manga. He may even be more loyal to Stain to the point of being disloyal to the rest of the league of villains. A comparison of ideology and methods of both Stain and Dabi underneath the cut. 
1. Stain’s Number One Fanboy
There are lots of aspects of Dabi’s reveal that were clearly inspired by and are even a continuation of what Stain did that made ripples in society. First and foremost Stain’s greatest success was that he got the actual public talking about him. 
This has always been the difference between the League of Villains, and Stain. Even when the League of Villains has points to make and try to communicate with others, they often get dismissed as villains who chose to be villains for selfish reasons. With Stain, even characters like Deku who are often too naive to grasp this can recognize  why Stain’s motivations eventually pushed him into becoming a villain. 
Stain is the one villain so far we’ve seen the heroes react to with something other than, “Well obviously they just chose to be a villain, because they’re evil, mean, nasty and selfish.”
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To us, the audience Shigaraki makes more sense as a character. We know exactly why Shigaraki does what he does because we see him as a human. However, Shigaraki is not human to hero society. 
Someone like Stain is more palatable, because his ideals are a warped version of Hero Society’s own. Rather than being someone who rejects the idea of heroes entirely, Stain merely says, I want the number one hero to be like All Might, pure and selfless. Every hero should be like All Might. Stain only rejects a certain type of hero, not all heroes in general, and not the way Heroes are given too much license and power in this society. 
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Stain notices the flaws within hero society, however rather than addressing it as a societal issue, he believes if he kills a few posers then the real heroes will step up. Stain takes what is a societal issue, and wants people to take individual responsibility for it. Which is why he ends up taking it out on completely innocent people too. There are family legacy heroes who are just in it for the job, and the glory (cough, cough, Endeavor) but Tensei was not really one of them. It’s not really Tensei’s fault that all of hero society is corrupt,  at least not particularly more than anybody else is, he’s just a well meaning guy doing his job. 
This is why Stain’s actions can blur the line between justice, and personal revenge. Stain thinks that it’s okay to kill people in service of a cause, but in this case isn’t he just beating up someone who was otherwise a good guy because he wanted to someone else to take the blame for the ills of society? 
It’s true Stain will go as far as to spare, or even save those he deems as worthy, but at the same time it’s only ever on his personal value of worthiness. He also, only saved Deku from a nomu after his battle was already lost. When they were getting in the way of him killing Tenya, he was only a little bit relucant to try to kill both of them because they were in the way of his mission at the moment. 
So anyway those are all of Stain’s bad points. Stain emphasizes the exact same kind of survival of the fittest and individualism that only saves some people in hero society and damns all the rest in the first place. Stain’s good points, he actually did mean what he said. Stain genuinely believed his actions were going to make the world a better place. 
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Stain called Endeavor a fake, he also insists on personal responsibility that he has to do something to be the one to fix society he can’t just pretend to be ignorant of it. Stain as we know was a hero student, but couldn’t stay a student when he began noticing all of society’s flaws. In a manga where most characters are ignnorant, the fact that Stain is one of the first characters to point out something might be wrong here, and then had to act on at least his personal sense of justice does mean something. 
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Stain’s wors also managed to reach people and stif them up that there is “something wrong here.” They got a response out of people. Which as we’ve been seeing this arc is hard to do. The fact that villains are only evil because they choose to be is just so ingrained in things that it’s hard to shake off. 
So I’m going to list three ways Dabi primarily took after Stain. 
Televised Broadcast
Insistence on Personal Responsibility
Heroes Must be Pure
The reason Stain reached so many people is primarily because of the broadcast. It’s how we see it reached even Dabi himself who was apparently either just a minor crimminal, or living in hiding until that point. Dabi realizes that nothing is going to happen, no concrete change will happen, even if he’s right, unless he gets the public on his side.
This is also why even though Shigaraki has some points to make, almost no heroes listen to him. Shigaraki one does not know how to make his point in an understandable way, and two does not know how to play the game of public opinion. 
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Dabi always mentions casting public doubt on heroes, and making a stir in thenews. As long as they get a foot in the discussion, they’ve won somehow. 
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Stain reached so many people because his news coverage was a spectacle, and it sparked mass debate. Dabi has been aspiring for a long time to cause the same kind of spectacle and stirring. That’s why he intentionally lets Endeavor gets victories to build him up, that’s why he burns people and leaves them to be found to increase his own notoriety. He was creating a narrative to sell to the public, one that would be easily digestible. Taking inspiration from Stain, he wants to make another news blitz to throw everything into question. He wants to be just like Stain, seen as someone driven to villainry by their intense ideals, and their desire for a betterworld. 
In fact Dabi is even a lot smarter than Stain in some aspects. Stain attracted the wrong crowd. For the most part after the news story died down, the most people that came to the league were those not really invested in his ideals. However, here comes Dabi who knows exactly how to frame himself. Just look at the difference between the way he addresses other people, and the way he addresses Shoto and Endeavor. 
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Dabi’s playing his cards as best as he can to create a narrative that will get talked about, because the greatest impact that Stain left behind is that he got the masses attention for a litlte white. 
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Number two - Individual Responsibility
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Just like Stain, Dabi takes everything on his shoulders, for good or ill. He’s a staunch individualist. In some aspects that means Dabi can’t ever leave well enough alone. There are some injustices he can’t forgive, so he goes out of his way to punish them. 
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Part of what is happening really is just consequences for Endeavor’s actions. Something that both the rest of society, would have just let him get away with. Dabi, Stain as individuals, can’t swallow any kind of injustice, and can’t be quiet about the things they notice as wrong or hypocritical in their society. 
Hypocrite or not, I believe Dabi is moved by some kind of ideals, some idea of justice. One that easily overlaps with personal revenge, in the case of Stain, that can very easily branch out and beat up perfectly innocent people who have nothing to do with it besides the fact that Dabi is in a bad mood and wants to feel like he’s punishing an individual for the ills of society. 
For good or ill, Dabi does repeat Stain’s habit of purging as well. Like I said because of the overemphasis of personal resposnability, the belief that an individual has to overcome society all on their own (pulling themselves up by their bootstraps), if someone fails to meet Dabi and Stain’s sliding scale of standards, whoever they are, they may just decide it’s appropriate to murder them. 
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This behavior also lashes out and hits people who were almost completely unrelated. Tensei gets hit by Stain’s purge. Dabi’s plan to invite Hawks into the league (probably to dig up dirt on him) ends up hitting Twice as well. 
However, there is also a strong sense of personal responsibility that should be noted. Dabi is like one of the only league members to express remorse over killing people. Not just live on television, but also to himself in the aftermath of the pro hero arc. 
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There’s also a tragic element for this as well. Dabi’s decision that he has to do everything on his own, means he can’t open himself up to cooperation. He can’t accept the friendship, the sympathy, or the sense of community for the leaguethat’s been offered to him multiple times. Of course, it’s sadder for Twice because he’s dead. But at the same time Dabi can’t trust anyone, can’t work with anyone, it’s extremely unhealthy and self destructive behavior in the end. 
#Heroes must be Pure
Here is where Dabi and Stain differ a little bit. It’s also where Dabi differs from his brother Shoto. Both Stain, and Shoto were inspired to beieve that real heroes exist because they witnessed All Might. Shoto beliees even if his father is corrupt, he can become a hero like All Might which is the utlimate way to reject his father. 
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For both Stain and Shoto, they can believe that good heroes exist because they have All Might as an example. As far as we know, Dabi doesn’t even seem to mention All Might. 
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So for Dabi, we still have the idea that heroes need to behave a certain way, heroes need to be pure. He points out that Endeavor is a bad pillar because he’s not ideologically pure, he’s not a hero who saves others like All Might. He also believes like stain that if he culls the bad heroes, then the good heroes will rise up from that destruction.
However, I think Dabi himself may have trouble believing the idea that good heroes even exist. 
Dabi shares the same purity / stain motif with Stain himself. 
Once things are stained they’re impure. Impure things need to be cleansed. He can’t forgive the dirty past of either Endeavor or Hawks. He can’t let someone who has already dirtied their hands pretend to be a hero. 
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However, I think Dabi goes a step beyond Stain in that Stain thought if he picked off a certain amount of heroes within the society then the good heroes will do better. Dabi must believe that there is no way for a hero to remain ideologically pure in this society. So, his attacks are levvied at the society that’s incapable of producing good heroes. 
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Stain had a tendency to attack individuals while demanding ideological purity from them, Dabi has the same habits but he goes one step further and suggests that society is ignorant, that society needs to question whether these heroes it uplifts really are good people. 
Which is also what I think leads to what you said that Dabi treats Deku and Shoto differently than Stain would. Dabi can’t believe in real heroes, so he sees the kids aspirations to be a hero as proof of their ignorance. 
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I would say he doesn’t think Deku or Shoto could be a true hero because one, he doesn’t see them as individuals, he looks down on them as kids. Two, he believes they blindly follow the false heroes. He even mentions directly he doesn’t really see Shoto’s individual will, or his desire to become a hero to save his mom. He just thinks Shoto is the perfect puppet Endeavor raised him to be. Dabi is unable to separate himself from Endeavor’s abuse of him, and therefore he’s also unable to separate the idea of Shoto from Endeavor. 
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So yeah, that’s the best way I can explain it with “the vague approximation of Dabi” that canon has given us right now. Basically Dabi is pretty loyal to Stain actually, he follows Stain’s ideals to the letter,he copies his strategy, he even has the same flaws, individual emphasis, black and white thinking, blurry line between “sacrifice for a better society” and “vigiltante justice because I think I’m right.” 
The main differences come from either Dabi just seeing the UA kids as either kids who don’t know better, or blind followers in the system. (This makes sense if you realize Dabi is someone who was raised by a hero since childhood, not someone who just became a zealot like Stain). And Stain has All Might for his idea of a “pure hero” whereas Dabi either believes no good heroes exist period. Or no good heroes can exist in the current society. I hope that answered your question, nonny!
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thevoidable · 4 years
Why Spinaraki is an underrated gem of a ship
Okay, so first of all I just have to make a quick disclaimer: this is not to discredit other Shigaraki and Spinner ships, this is just to highlight why I think these two in particular are just neat. 
Also, manga spoiler warning, as per usual. Content below the cut.
Why their characters work
Spinaraki’s dynamic is something that I feel like is overlooked by a lot of bnha fans, even from a platonic sense, so I’d like to briefly go over their individual characters to reiterate why they’re such a good match for each other.
Starting off, Shigaraki is an absolutely brilliantly-written villain, with a deep and complex past and personality that make him more than your average end-game bad guy. His broken mind that has been beaten to hell and back by severe trauma is still able to recognise flaws within society and the people that live in it, and has come such a long way since his first debut in the series. But what makes him stand out from most other villains is just how human and empathetic he is deep down.
Despite all of AFO’s grooming into making him a hate-filled, destruction-craving god, Shigaraki still retains a key quality from his childhood: a desire to befriend the friendless.
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The reason why the League is such a good portrayal of a found family is because of this innate want to sympathize and look after the outcasts in his life. It didn’t take much time at all for him to come to respect the other members of the League by the time the Overhaul arc came around, and during the MVA arc, it’s clear he cares deeply about their wants and needs. He’s patient and listens to them, valuing their opinions greatly.
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And now it’s time to turn our attention to the underrated character of this underrated ship: Spinner.
Spinner was understandably one of the more forgettable villains during the training camp arc - all he had to his character was that he was a hardcore Stain fanboy and nothing more.
However, that all changed when the MVA arc dropped, and we saw a side to Spinner that ties in to one of the BNHA universe’s underlying problems in their superhuman society, and made him so much more three-dimensional, lovable, and relatable. A victim of heteromorphic discrimination, Spinner was outcasted in his hometown and forced into reclusion, where he wasted his life away in his room lest he step outside and risk being called a freak again. It wasn’t until he saw Stain plaguing the news that he was finally inspired to act, seeking out the League who claimed to uphold Stain’s ideology.
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At his core, Spinner was simply searching for something to jump on, something that would make him get up and make significant change in his life, and looking at his backstory, it’s no wonder why Stain’s ideals struck a chord with him. He has plenty of reason to despise society like the rest of the League, but his experience with being discriminated against also makes him a sympathetic and sensitive character. He recognises that he’s extremely out of place in the world, even amongst the League, because he was the last one of them to figure out what he really wanted in the end, and it’s clear he has plenty of insecurities when it comes to questioning his purpose in life, comparing himself to others - like Toga, another fan of Stain - and how they seem to fit in so easily.
It’s because of these insecurities that Shigaraki and Spinner work well together, because Shigaraki’s patience, understanding, and confidence is what allowed Spinner to solidify his conviction and come to terms with the fact that not 100% fitting in and just coming along for the ride is perfectly okay.
How their chemistry develops
Spinner and Shigaraki’s first proper on-screen interaction was during the highway scene after the Overhaul arc. This is also the first time we see Spinner question whether the League really is about Stain’s ideology or not, and Shigaraki responds by reassuring him that they’re making a necessary sacrifice. 
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Since this is the point in the series where Shigaraki begins to really place his trust and respect in the League, it really shows with how he trusts Spinner’s driving enough to sit on top of the damn truck. And speaking of Spinner’s driving, this is the first time we get a glimpse into his character beyond the fanboy, scenes that we were unfortunately robbed of in the anime.
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Spinner’s love for video games immediately gives him something in common with Shigaraki, and the both of them frequently use video game lingo to describe their battle strategies and thought processes.
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(Spinner’s face in the corner absolutely sends me.)
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From then on, their interactions go into a radio silence until the MVA arc kicks in, and this is where their relationship really begins to take off.
After we get some exposition on heteromorphic discrimination from Spinner, we return to the League in their temporary hideout where we discover that they’re not doing too hot. They’re at a stalemate, unable to really do anything too productive, which prompts Spinner to speak up. He’s frustrated with not knowing what direction they’re going in, and understandably so, because right now, the League is his only place to go. If he left, he would be entirely on his own again, and this time with the heroes breathing down his neck.
He goes into brief detail about the kind of harsh environment he came from and why he was inspired by Stain, and in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t think twice about grabbing the front of Shigaraki’s shirt, the man who could disintegrate him with one touch. Spinner’s got mad balls, I’ll give him that.
Now, it’s known that Shigaraki isn’t too fond of Stain, but he still doesn’t get angry at all, even when Spinner is right up in his face. He remains calm, patient, and is ready to explain what he wants to happen (until he gets interrupted by Machia, of course).
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Fast-forward to when they’ve all been warped inside the doctor’s lab and Shigaraki now has to present his conviction to Ujiko - Spinner’s expression is a little difficult to read here, but it seems his expectations for what Shigaraki has to say are low.
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However, when Shigaraki speaks, his words deeply resonate with Spinner, and it becomes clear that Shigaraki had listened very closely to Spinner’s frustrated rant back in the hideout.
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That last panel is especially interesting and drawn in a very deliberate way. Notice how, as Shigaraki is explaining his feelings, everyone except for Spinner is either confused or uninterested, and the panel is framed so that Spinner is the only one looking directly at Shigaraki. It very subtly conveys how Spinner is the sole person in the room who understands how Shigaraki feels, because despite coming from completely different backgrounds and experiencing completely different levels of trauma, Spinner and Shigaraki still hold the exact same sentiments when it comes to their innermost thoughts and desires.
So, needless to say, Spinner is now somewhat invested, and ready to pay close attention to Shigaraki’s future actions.
The next time we see them, it’s a month and a half later, and here we see Spinner relaying his concerns about Stain once again to Toga.
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It seems that he’s talking more to himself than to Toga, and it reveals his insecurities about his place in the League. He’s debating on whether or not he should stay or leave, and which is the better option. He appears to be willing to wait a little longer to see things through however; he wants to see where Shigaraki’s pursuit of his dream takes him.
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(That’s pretty home of sexual of you, Spinner.)
Cut to when the League are battling with the MLA - Toga gets caught up with Curious, Twice runs off to go look for her, and Compress and Dabi are separated from the group via Geten, leaving Spinner and Shigaraki to fight together. Spinner is the first to witness Shigaraki’s Quirk suddenly evolve to where the decay will spread to whatever is touching it, and he’s quite amazed by it.
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They begin to get a little overwhelmed with how many soldiers they’re up against, and since Shigaraki is in a very hazy, sleep-deprived state, Spinner voices his concern for him. Shigaraki brushes his own health off to the side to bring up his uncertainty in his decision to fight the MLA, and he asks for Spinner’s opinion on the matter, showing that once again, Shigaraki listens to and values what his allies have to say. This time it’s Spinner’s turn to reassure Shigaraki that he made the right choice, allowing him to refocus on getting to the tower.
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Shortly after, the Twices show up to help escort Shigaraki to the tower, and Spinner takes this opportunity to help lighten the burden by taking out the politician, who is basically giving the MLA soldiers stat boosts.
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In the midst of his fight, he reflects on where he came from and how he got here, and he finally solidifies why he wants to follow Shigaraki. After realising that they share the same sentiments, he too wants to see the horizon that Shigaraki is envisioning. Shigaraki “lit a fire in his heart”, and as all he can think about is helping him in whatever way he can, he comes to accept that it’s fine if he’s just coming along for the ride.
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(”I’ve got nothing I love” Are you sure about that-)
As we come to the grand finale of the battle, Shigaraki obliterates a huge chunk of the city, levelling it completely, and Spinner is the only other member from the League to witness it.
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He’s completely awestruck, and when it comes to Spinaraki, it doesn’t get any gayer than these two lines parallelling one another: 
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Some post-development crumbs
Now that we have their relationship established and developed, we can poke at the smaller stuff that takes place afterwards.
The first little crumb we get is when Shigaraki is introduced on stage in the room beneath the MLA mansion. The other League members are waiting for their cue to walk out, and Spinner’s heart beats as he watches Shigaraki intently.
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After the speech, Shigaraki collapses from exhaustion, and while Compress simply remarks on how it’s a miracle he was still standing, Spinner expresses legitimate surprise and concern.
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And for one last crumb until we see them interact again, I just think it’s cute that Spinner is in the support regiment of the PLF, yet again continuing the notion of Spinner wanting to help Shigaraki however he can.
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In conclusion…
Spinaraki is a surprisingly soft and wholesome villain ship with a lot of fluff potential. Just two local gaymers who want to get back at society for condemning them, and who have each other’s complete support and loyalty.
Shigaraki has a huge soft-spot for his fellow outcasts, and Spinner is no exception. He accepts Spinner for who he is, doesn’t make any condescending remarks about him or his appearance, and remains patient and calm even when Spinner gets frustrated, making sure to listen and take in every word that’s said. He values Spinner as a person, and that ends up meaning so much for Spinner in the long run.
Spinner was someone who had no desires of his own, and nowhere to go where he felt safe and accepted. Even after taking up Stain’s ideals and joining the League, he was uncertain if he still belonged there - he’s noticed how there is no longer a trace of Stain’s ideology within the League, and he’s still faced discrimination in the form of Dabi calling him a lizard during the highway scene, something which the CRC does at the beginning of the MVA arc. However, Shigaraki ended up becoming Spinner’s reason for staying, finally giving him purpose to his life. They feel the same when it comes to acting out against society, and they’re able to understand one another on that emotional level. They have plenty in common, and it’s very clear now that Spinner is fully-prepared to follow Shigaraki to the ends of the earth.
Spinaraki’s dynamic is severely underrated, and the concept of Spinner - who has no prior romantic experience - crushing on the world’s new destructive god is too good to pass up. And the video game dates? 10/10, so damn adorable, they could bond over so many different games and just chill out when they don’t feel like going outside. Not to mention it’s just so good how Shigaraki isn’t fazed by Spinner’s appearance and how Spinner desperately needs that from someone, because this boy has obviously not been loved at all and craves that kind of connection (I mean, just look at how easily flustered he got from Mandalay’s flirting; no wonder he was pissed about it afterwards, now that we know what kind of history he’s had. That was probably the first time anyone’s ever complimented his appearance, and it just ended up being a dirty trick).
So yeah, Spinaraki has my whole heart, and I can’t wait to see them interact more (pls lord Horikoshi, give us Spinner reacting to buffraki when they reunite, I need to see his gay little heart panic for a whole second). Their dynamic is one of the cutest within the League, and I really hope more people see it when the MVA arc gets animated.
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I hope you all enjoyed reading this - have a cute little sketch my good friend @batsyart​ did as a bonus!
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