#I think one of the funnier aspects is Bruce panicking like ‘’WHO IS THIS SMALL CHILD LIVING WITH DICK AFTER HE STARTED ACTING WEIRD???’’
msfcatlover · 1 year
I'm spit between frosying at the mouth and sobing over your "If Worst Comes To Worse" time travel au. Some incredibly galaxy brained ideas. Is Bruce affected by any of this? I feel like if, and thats a BIG if, he notices anything "off", any further investigation would just send him tumbling down multiple sortaconnected rabbit holes of confusion. (Maybe the universe let him sit this one out. He's gonna be upset enough learning about his children's deaths in other timelines)
Listen. Every single Robin knows the secret Robin motto: “What Bruce doesn’t know, Bruce can’t make more problems out of.”
(Bruce does notice Dick being weird—hard not to, when they went from not speaking at all, to one very pleasant family dinner, to Dick picking a fight, to “I’m moving back to Gotham for a little while for a case. Stay out of it, stay out of my business, this was a courtesy call.”—and once Bruce finishes with his, “Was it me??? Did I do something???” moping, he’ll be engaging detective mode.)
…Let’s just say, Tim “I Can Fix It By Joining A Supervillain Cult” Drake is not the only one who might have Batman as an antagonist for a little while.
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