#I think ororo would gladly help-
lauriel816 · 2 years
Charles: Why do you like being out in the rain?
Scott: The rain is just fun.
Jean: It does good to my mental health.
Ororo: Walking in the rain brings me illuminating ideas.
Kurt: I like splashing in the puddles!
Peter: I’m trying to get hit by lightning.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
angels and demons
warren worthington x reader fluff
@shuckfaced-fangirl Hi! can I request a warren worthington x female mutant reader where her powers are shadow summoning? So I guess everyone in the school kind of views her as some sort of demon? With a lot of fluff? Thank you!!
Description - Y/N is a shadow summoner and is isolated from her peers. Warren helps her see that not everyone fears her and that she is worthy of affection.
warnings - its so fluffy. fem pronouns. some angsty stuff (isolation, depression, sadness), one innuendo, devastating fluff, warren being an angel. i tried to make it POC inclusive, please let me know if it feels restricting or excluding and i will edit it.
word count - 3700, i got carried away
A/N - im so sorry this took so long, i took a break from writing while i am working on moving to college. i will still be spotty for the next few weeks but hopefully, i will post a few more things in that time and then get back on a normal schedule. also, thanks so much for this request, i had a lot of fun writing it and i hope it is something you enjoy reading!
You walked through the halls with a lowered head. You knew that you made others uncomfortable and so you chose to try to make yourself as small and unthreatening as possible. You had been 'gifted' powers with which you could manipulate and create darkness. You were a shadow summoner. That wasn't a name that many found reassuring or comforting.
There were a few who could see past it and who was close to being what you might call friends but those people were few and far between. There were overwhelmingly more people who believed that you must have been a scary and mean person, that you were some sort of demon. This couldn't have been further from the truth if one were to look past appearances. Your shadow was larger and darker than that of your peers and it trailed behind you with a mind of its own, moving and growing without you even meaning for it to happen. Your hands were constantly covered in something darker and dustier than the rest of your skin, a deep and pure black. It trailed from the tips of your fingers and faded on your forearm so it looked as though you had just dipped your arms into a chimney or that shadows were crawling up your arms.
When you first got them, you thought they were sort of cool. They made you look sort of goth and that was fun. That feeling quickly faded when you saw how others, even your family, reacted. They said it was a curse from hell. You were barely convinced otherwise.
You sat away from others at the school during free periods. During lunch you sat alone and in the sun when you could, you hoped it might make others be less scared of you as it might make you look brighter but your shadow, dark and ominous, maintained a spot near you. You wore clothes that made you look more approachable to try to maintain that you weren't scary. Your brightly colored outfit didn't ever seem to work though, no matter how hard you tried.
You looked down at the food in your hands, the sandwich only half-eaten, and you noted your hands. They were so normal looking, your nails were well kept and you thought they were a good size. That they might even be a good size for someone to hold. The only thing was the unnaturally colored dust that seemed to cover them. It was a cool black, it glistened and sparkled in the sun when your fingers moved. It never moved or transferred to anything else, always stuck securely to your skin. You were distracted by the way your fingers seemed to shine when a shadow came near yours, wings outlined in it. You looked up to see a tall blond boy above you with curly hair and bags under his eyes. He nodded to a spot on the grass near you.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
You shook your head and even scooted away from the spot to give him more space despite the fact that you were in a large field.
"Do you want me to move?" You asked gently, wondering if maybe he wanted this particular spot and you took it from him unknowingly.
"I mean, I think that would sort of take away the whole point of me trying to sit with you." He smirked and you felt blood rush to your cheeks. "I like your hands" He hummed and you looked at him in shock. When his eyes met yours you tilted your head a bit.
"They don't bother you?" You tried to speak softly.
"No, I think they're awesome. They make you look punk." He smiled and you felt the corners of your mouth tug up a bit too.
"I like your wings." You almost mumbled as you allowed your gaze to move to the large feathery wings behind him. They moved in the wind and you found yourself wanting to run your fingers through them. "They make you look like an angel." You smiled and he groaned dramatically.
"I'm trying to look grunge." He pouted and you giggled a bit. At the sound, he looked up at you and blushed a bit. "Maybe we should trade."
"If I could trade you I would. Everyone is scared of how I look." You gazed back at the grass.
"I'm not." His simple statement made butterflies erupt in your stomach and you smiled a bit. You looked back at him and made eye contact for a moment.
"What's your name?" You asked and he maintained his gaze into your eyes. It was the most contact or conversation with someone else you'd had in a long time.
"I'm Warren." He smiled a bit and stuck a hand out to you to shake. You looked at his hand in shock. Nobody ever voluntarily touched your hands. Most of them worried that whatever was on them would spread. You hesitantly brought your hand to his, purposefully giving him plenty of time to remove his hand if he felt uncomfortable. But he didn't. Instead, your hand reached his and he shook it before letting go as if it was no big deal.
"I'm Y/N." You smiled a bit more and you felt a giggle come out of you from the joy of realizing this wasn't a dream, that someone was trying to talk to you and they weren't afraid.
"Is my name that funny?" He teased.
"No, I just-" you paused to think, "it's been so long since anyone has done this with me."
"Talked to you?" He questioned, obviously expecting you to say no and explain what you meant. Instead, you just nodded and his heart clenched for a moment. "Well, you can stick with me then."
"I don't know if you want your reputation to take a hit like that."
"My reputation is 'the angry and damaged kid', I'm sure it can handle the breaking news of me talking to a nice and pretty girl." He reassured before he even realized what he was saying. You could have cried at the feeling that rose up in your chest.
After that day, you stuck to his side like glue and he took no issue with it. The more you got to know him the more you appreciated the fact that he had taken you in. With his help, over the coming months, he helped you develop a stable friend group. That group included people like Ororo and Jane who had heard rumors about you and never bothered to check and see if they were real. They apologized profusely, especially Jean as she felt like she could have easily found out that you were kinder than she thought with her abilities but just had never done so, and you gladly accepted, just happy to be within a group.
You and Warren had developed a reputation. He was overly protective and gruff while you were overly nice and empathetic. You balanced each other well and if you were honest, you were in love with him. That always felt weird to say, you'd never been in love with anyone before but every second you spent with him made you more and more sure of your feelings.  
When you and Warren were together, you would daydream about what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. Being held by him and wrapped in his wings. Getting to play with his unkempt hair. Holding his hand.
Sometimes he would try to encourage you to hold his hand. He would hold it out to you when he was helping you jump down from somewhere high. He would ask you to hand him things and then make decisive contact as he took it from you. He knew that it meant a lot to you, you practically gasped and blushed every time he did it. He had never met anyone so touch starved. He wanted to give you all the affection that you craved.
Unfortunately, Warren was rather oblivious, especially towards things like feelings and emotions. He had no clue that you had any interest in him, even though he hoped you did every day. If he wasn't so attached to your friendship, he might ask you out. Instead, he tried to maintain a friendly distance so he didn't cross any lines while also being as affectionate with you as he could be. You followed a similar path.
The person caught in the middle of this was poor Jean Gray. she had watched you pine over each other since you met and had heard every thought that went through both of your heads. She knew you would never complain or ask for help about anything so she liked to keep tabs on your thoughts every once in a while to make sure you were okay. Still, she tried her best to not listen very often or when you were thinking about anything very personal, she honestly did. But she was a romantic. All she wanted was for you two idiots to get together but you were both oblivious. She decided, probably 3 months into you becoming friends, that she had to do something about it.
She was sitting on your bed while you sat across your bedroom on your small couch. She fiddled with her thumbs while she tried to ignore your constant thoughts about Warren, his hands, his wings, his smile. She was exhausted. she took a small breath while she planned how she would try to say this to you.
"Do you want to know what I heard today?" She called and you looked up at her from the book you were pretending to read.
"Do you mean heard or 'heard'?" You laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"Either." Then she tilted her head. "Both."
"Yeah, I wanna know! What's it about?" You asked while leaning forward in your seat. Jean always had the best gossip to tell because she could literally hear it.
"Warren." She stated simply and watched your reaction. You flushed and stopped breathing for a moment.
"Wha-" you stuttered, "what about him?"
"That he has a thing for you." she winked and you flushed even more.
"You're lying." You assured, a questioning look on your face.
"I'm not and I'm tired of watching you two longing after one another while the rest of the school watches." She smiled and your heart picked up.
"I thought I told you not to look in my head!" You scolded but you weren't actually all that upset. You knew that it was very hard for her to control.
"I cant help it! Both of you think so loud. And I wouldn't have to anyway, Ororo mentioned it to me the other day and she definitely cants read minds." She giggled and you smiled a bit.
"Does he actually like me?" You almost whispered in disbelief.
"Yes! He's been obsessed with you since you started talking."
"But like he would want to actually go-"
"Y/N, I swear to god. If you don't go and talk to him right now I'm going to have a fit." She laughed and you glared at her.
"Okay okay fine, I'm going," you grumbled as you stood and walked toward your door. "If you are wrong I'm gonna be so upset with you."
She just laughed again and you started to walk down the hallway. You thought he might be in his room or outside. You decided to check his room first.
You knocked on his door but you were met with silence. You tried the handle and it moved.
"Warren?" you paused, "I'm coming in," you warned and pushed the door open. When you looked inside, he wasn't there. You took a moment to gaze around his room, it wasn't the first time you had been in there but every time was a bit exciting as you got to see all of the things he had that represented him. He had a boombox and a CD collection on his dresser. Some of his clothes were thrown around his room haphazardly and some of his drawers were open. You looked at the wall next to you where he kept photos that you took. You would carry around a camera or take pictures on your phone of everyone around campus. He always asked for them and then printed them out so he could hang them up. He had even managed to get a couple of you. You smiled a bit before heading back into the hallway, closing the door behind you.
You instead moved towards the door to get out onto the lawn where you thought he would probably be. He often sat under the big oak trees or on the roof if he wanted to get away from people. When you made it outside, you looked around for him.
"Y/N!" you heard him shout. You turned to look for him and saw his silhouette flying from the roof. You paused to admire him and his wings. He always looked so angelic to you. So powerful. You thought about how your power emanated darkness. That you would never appear angelic to someone and would more likely look like a demon. You looked down at your hands for a second, a habit you had when you were thinking about your powers. They sparkled a bit in the sun but it did little to quell the distaste in your mouth.
Suddenly there was a shadow in front of you that was not part of the darkness that surrounded you.
"Y/N?" he asked gently. "Are you okay?" he tried not to startle you. Being empathetic wasn't something that came naturally to him, but he tried extra hard around you. he noticed the way you were staring at your hands. The growth of your shadow as you thought about your powers more. He moved to touch one of your hands but you flinched back a bit. He brought his hand back and looked at you with concern. "Whats wrong, angel?" He asked lightly and you looked up at the pet name. He had started calling you that soon after you became friends. You thought it was out of irony but he really was convinced that you were some sort of angel. He also loved the way that your eyes would light up when he said it. You stared at him for a moment in silence.
"Do I scare you?" You asked quietly and your voice shook. He looked surprised by your question and you were surprised too. You didn't know why you were suddenly getting emotional. Why this was now all you could think about. Why it had to come up now when you were trying to express your feelings for him. Instead of responding he reached out to your hand, holding onto it when you let him, despite flinching away slightly. He started to walk, leading you toward the same tree you had met under. Once you both reached it he sat down and looked up at you, waiting for you to sit down too. You did, maybe a bit farther away from him than you needed to be.
"Do you think you scare me?" he asked genuinely and you took a second to think, looking back down at your hands which were now pulled back into your lap.
"I scare me," you stated simply and paused.
"That's not what I asked."
"I don't know." You mumbled. "I think I freak everyone out. Including you I guess." Your voice was quieter than you meant it to be. you really hadn't thought about it in a little while. It had been on your mind plenty when you first started talking to him. You were extra conscious of not pushing him to be around you or near your shadow. You knew that he would move away if he needed to but you also had so many memories of everyone around you fearing you, running from you, telling you that you were a curse. Instead of responding he held his hand out in between the two of you, palm up. You knew that he was inviting you to take it but that he wouldn't push you to. Instead of taking it, you placed your hand near his on the ground and he left his next to yours, not trying to take it if you didn't want him to.
"You don't." He let out, sounding sure of himself and slightly pained. "You don't scare me." You looked at each other. He had tears in his eyes. He was never one to get emotional so you were surprised. "Do I scare you?" he questioned, already knowing your answer but trying to prove a point.
"Of course not." You sighed.
"You have a lot more reason to be afraid of me than I have to be afraid of you." he looked at your hand again. "I'm the one who has a rough history, I'm the one who is angry and has a reputation of being aggressive."
"But, Warren, your mutation is-"
"Mutation has nothing to do with it, Y/N." he sighed. "You have control over your abilities, I have control over mine. The only difference between us is our personalities and I have never had any reason to fear you or dislike you. You're the kindest person I know and everyone in your life who has let you think that there was something wrong with you was terrible. And that was on them."
Your hand reached for his and you laced your fingers together. He squeezed your hand and ran his thumb over the back of it.
"I love you." The words came out of your mouth faster than you could think and you sucked in a breath, almost hoping he didn't hear you. When you glanced up at him he had a gentle smile on his face. He brought the back of your hand up to his face and kissed it before placing it against his cheek.
"I love you too, Y/N" He reached out for your waist and pulled you toward his lap, giving you plenty of time to give him a sign that you were uncomfortable. Instead, you put your leg over his waist so you were straddling his thighs. You held one of his hands in between you and fiddled with his fingers, admiring how your hands contrasted with his. Somehow, him holding your hand made it seem less out of place. You almost felt pride.
You were suddenly surrounded by warmth and shadow, the sounds of the quad around you becoming muted. You looked up around you and his wings were wrapped around the two of you, closing you off into your own little world. You felt the urge to reach out to them but you had never asked. You had never seen him let anyone touch them and you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"Go ahead." your eyes snapped to his in shock.
"Warren, you never let any-"
"I want you to," he admitted and it was true. He had thought many times about asking you to run your fingers through his wings. He would never complain about it but they were a little high maintenance and also sensitive. He never let anyone touch them because most people weren't gentle or he didn't trust them. He knew though that you were the gentlest person on Earth and that he could count on you to be careful.
At his reassurance, you smiled a bit. You reached a hand out to the part of his wing next to his shoulder. You both gasped a bit when your fingers made contact. Warren was a bit surprised at how sensitive they were to your touch and it had been a long time since anyone but himself had touched them. You were entranced by how soft they were. The feathers were delicate and there were so many. You were very careful in how you moved your hand along his wing, looking at him often to see if he was uncomfortable. As you were carding your fingers through his feathers, one came out. You gasped slightly horrified that you had hurt him.
"Hey, it's okay!" he rushed out as he saw your panic. "They just sort of... shed sometimes." He almost seemed embarrassed. Feathers would come off occasionally and he would often have to brush through them himself to release all of the loose feathers, sort of like brushing your hair. He reached to pick up the feather and held it in front of you for you to take. You gladly did and you twirled it in your fingers. "Maybe sometime, if you wouldn't mind, of course, you could help me brush through them?" he asked quietly and you smiled.
"Yeah of course. They seem like they might be a lot of work." you were touched that he trusted you to do that and you thought about how hard it must be to take care of them by himself when they were so big and most of his wings were behind him.
"You should see what it's like to shower with them," he grumbled and then his eyes widened at what he had said. He hadn't meant it to be an innuendo but now he was worried he offended you. Instead, he looked into your eyes and you fell into a fit of giggles.
"I might have to take you up on that offer." Your gentle gaze made him blush. He had never felt this comfortable with anyone. This safe. He decided right then that he would do anything you ever asked of him.
After that day, you and Warren became the cutest couple at the school. You were opposites in multiple ways and your relationship was more wholesome than any of your friends could handle. You got more confident in yourself and your abilities and he allowed himself to be more vulnerable. everyone agreed that you were a match made in heaven.
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: Aftermath
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Continuation of previous chapter. Set after the battle with Apocalypse, you and the others are finally picked up from Cairo by allied forces and transported to a nearby aircraft carrier for temporary shelter/debriefing while you try to arrange travel back into the U.S. The reader helps Peter work through the continued emotional fallout from realizations of all that his father Magneto has done.
Warnings: Some cursing. More emotional baggage being unloaded. But also fluff/comfort, and eventual brief makeout session to help with the stress relief.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp , @wintwrsoldiwr , @tommy-braccoli , @amourtentiaa , @cringingmemeries , @bi-panicatthe-disco
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Like Magneto had warned, it’d still been a long time before anyone had come to help. Trying to put back together some semblance of working communication equipment from the remnants of the jet, and whatever they could scavenge from the damaged homes and buildings all around had taken Hank and Moira long enough.
But even when Moira could finally establish renewed contact with the outside world to put out a distress call, finding a U.S. ally willing and even capable to fly into ground zero to pluck all of you out was another matter.
Unfortunately, you had eventually realized that the destruction here in Cairo hadn’t been all there was. Most population centers through the world had been impacted, many of the larger air and naval bases among them. It was hard to say how much had been Apocalypse, and how many had fallen solely because of Magneto though. From the little bit Moira did relay back to you all, the more metal any structure had had in it, the more likely it had ended up decimated.
It was only helicopters that finally came, no runway area available in all the rubble for any larger plane. When the soldiers exited them, you picked up that they were all speaking Greek.
“We’ll all be going to the island of Crete.” Xavier had confirmed, meeting with you all before boarding. “There is an allied naval base there, where U.S. officials will be awaiting to debrief us.”
It was no surprise that he could sense the unease in the majority of you, after all that had occurred the last time you’d been forced into helicopters with men dressed in military fatigues like this.
He had changed then to communicating telepathically with each of you individually, to give the soldiers no chance to overhear. Though the message was the same for everyone. “We will all be split onto only two helicopters. I will be in one, and Jean in the other. If they should even think of anything unsavory, we will, let’s say alter their plans to otherwise. But everyone stay at least paired please as precaution. Together, you are all your own best protection.”
It’d been no question that you would board with Peter. On one helicopter it would end up being the Professor, Moira, Peter, yourself, and the white haired girl you now knew as Ororo Munroe. On the other, Hank, Raven, Jean, Scott, and Kurt.
Ororo had actually been rather nice to talk to, once she was no longer trying to blast you out of the sky anyway. You’d learned she’d been living on the streets of Cairo for quite some time, just stealing to survive before she’d run into Apocalypse by chance when he was first trying to recruit powerful mutants.
When she’d spoken about having no living family, and thereby no desire to stick around in Egypt any longer, Kurt had been the one to excitedly tell her all about the school. Which the Professor had already vowed to rebuild thankfully, inviting Ororo immediately should she wish to join you all.
Gladly, she accepted, and by the time the soldiers were sliding the helicopter doors closed, the sun was finally setting. The interior lighting was already dim, as you glanced over to Peter in the growing darkness, seated together on bench like seats along the inner hull. He’d been waiting until the very last moment you thought to see if Erik would come back, but he never did. Though you couldn’t imagine Magneto ever would have agreed to travel like this. Or that the Greek airmen would have even allowed it, still knowing he was wanted worldwide.
You did believe Xavier though. When the dust finally settled, you thought Erik would be back. He’d find his own way home. And to contact Peter again, he’d only have to reach out to the Professor. Which of course Erik would no doubt, as those two old friends always crossed paths again eventually from all the stories you had heard. They never gave up on each other in the end, despite all their differences in beliefs.
You didn’t fight it when you finally began to nod off. Even over the pulsing of the helicopter and the radio chatter coming from the soldiers’ headsets, it was all just white noise eventually. Peter had his arm around your waist, his head leaned back against the hull and yours on his shoulder as you’d both fallen asleep somewhere over the now moonlit Mediterranean Sea.
Waking up had been much harder. As stiff as you were from the helicopter ride, you still had been in no hurry to move as you’d heard your name called. Xavier was trying to round you all up before the soldiers got impatient.
They’d at least provided him a wheelchair you noticed as you all groggily reconvened on what was actually the flight deck of a large U.S. aircraft carrier now docked in the bay alongside the Greek naval base.
All of you certainly looked worse for wear, Peter especially had his glasses skewed almost comically now, hair mussed in about every direction as he yawned big, standing on one leg with an arm thrown over your shoulders for support.
Once you were all accounted for on deck, the Professor spoke quickly. “Given the state of things, there will not be any transatlantic flights available currently. We will be staying here in the short term. For all of you, you will be given medical treatment as needed in this ship’s sick bay. We have also been provided sleeping arrangements separate of the crew. I am asking all of you to please rest up as best you can tonight. Moira and I will speak to these gentlemen as to the events that have transpired today.”
The “gentlemen” Xavier referred to looked about as pleased to be here as you all had been to wake up in Stryker’s base. You knew little of actual military rankings, but from the amount of bars on the fronts of their uniforms, you’d guess they were pretty high up there in authority.
But the Professor only continued in your heads for good measure. “Please understand that non-mutants especially are on edge right now. There were fatalities and very extensive damages to some cities today. I implore you all to be patient with any persons you may encounter on this ship. I believe they’ve moved the majority of the crew to the mainland already to better quarantine us here and limit tensions. But please remember, that by your demeanor and your choices, you represent us all. I will reach out to you all as soon as I know anything more on our options for returning home.”
He’d bid you all good night then, leaving with Moira and the most senior looking of the men while the rest of you had followed some nervous looking officers to the lower decks. You got the sense that Hank and Raven now felt obligated to chaperone and protect the group, as the oldest of you now, only second to the Professor.
Raven had assumed her blonde, human appearance before the helicopters had arrived, but without his medicine Hank could only remain in his Beast form. You could tell how uncomfortable both he and Kurt now made the soldiers as Hank had requested to accompany you and Peter to the sick bay, while Raven went with the others to whatever living quarters you were being given.
You’d be lying to say that their obvious judgment on Hank and Kurt’s physical appearances didn’t bother you. But you tried to remind yourself that they also didn’t know any better. They didn’t know how ridiculously smart, and even a bit nerdy and loyal Hank could be. Or how kind, forgiving, and genuine Kurt was.
When you did get to the sick bay, the doctor on call also looked like he’d just been dragged in there against his better judgement. But he did greet you all, saying he’d been made aware that there was a broken leg he needed to set and make a cast for.
His reaction to the metal splint Peter already had though was almost something funny. You knew Peter wanted to joke so badly about his “dad making it for him”, but you’d all agreed before the helicopters had arrived to downplay Erik’s role in all of this if he didn’t show himself.
Xavier had promised to make clear to the U.S. officials that Erik had been on your side in the end though. Yes, Magneto had blood on his hands from past and present, but having the world pursue him any further would only lead to more violence. It wouldn’t undo anything that had already been done.
Beast had been strong enough to unbend the metal with his bare hands, carefully removing the splint. He’d also helped Peter get out of the flight suit and dirtied clothing to wash up. Though they’d just cut his clothing away from his broken leg with surgical shears, not to injure it any further.
They’d put a screen up for some privacy while they worked on him. You knew Hank would protect Peter, so you were okay focusing on yourself a bit as you also got undressed and a nurse checked you for broken bones. With your clothes off, you finally got to see how badly bruised you were everywhere. But they’d agreed that your only actually damaged bones were cracked ribs, which there was no real treatment for save going easy to give them proper time to heal.
After the examination, you were allowed to take a shower. Which was honestly more amazing than you expected, not realizing just how much dirt, sweat, and blood had accumulated through all of this. Afterward, you’d gotten dressed with some clothes they’d left you. A plain white t-shirt with a small U.S. Navy insignia, and dark blue sweatpants essentially.
They’d offered to escort you to where the others were bunked. But you declined, choosing to wait for Hank and Peter instead.
And it had been a while, but eventually they cane back out. You could see they’d gotten the same treatment as you while here. Both had showered, though Peter made a point to laugh at how poor Hank had had to help him essentially get a trash bag tied over his leg cast first so he wouldn’t get it wet.
They had on the same white t-shirts as you as well now. Though even in the largest size, Hank’s looked uncomfortably small. Hank also got the same blue pants as you, but for Peter it was only blue shorts to accommodate his cast. You all looked like you were late for P.E. class honestly, albeit maybe at a U.S. Naval academy somewhere. You’d gotten a good deal of amusement from that.
They’d given Peter crutches too, which he was clearly playing with as he tried to see how quick he could move on them. Hank reprimanded him more than once when Peter had almost fallen flat on his face a few times on your way to the bunks.
The soldiers hadn’t separated you into guys and girls for the sleeping arrangements. Probably because to them the separation was more mutant/non-mutant only in all reality. But it didn’t bother you any. Really you felt safer knowing everyone else was close. By the time you had gotten to the bunks though, it was already lights out and Raven was the only one still awake waiting for you three.
“Sleep where you want,” She said, motioning to all the still empty beds. It looked like this block was meant to house a lot more than just your small number, but had evidently been cleared out for your arrival. Still being on a ship though where space was at a premium and the beds were double stacked and inset into the walls, it would be sleeping like books on a shelf.
You’d walked down a ways past your sleeping friends to find some open ones. Naturally you started to climb into the top bunk, knowing Peter would need the bottom with his cast in the way.
But you didn’t even have both legs pulled in before he startled you by grabbing your ankle. “What?” You breathed in a whisper, not wishing to wake the others as you tried to look down at him in the dark. With the main lights off, there was only the faintest glow from small emergency type lights sparsely spaced along the walls.
Mostly you could just see the white of his teeth, knowing he was grinning back at you. In this moment it reminded you only of the Cheshire cat, mischievous and a little disconcerting.
“There’s room down here, goofball,” He whispered back.
“Peter,” You answered, the tone saying far more than the short response. You weren’t alone here, and it, well it just didn’t seem proper. With the immediate threat of death now finally passed (hopefully), it really felt more like being back at school for the moment. There were standards of behavior and-
“If one of Hank can fit in these, then two of us definitely will.” He was clearly unfazed by your sudden reservations, though seemed to realize the cause pretty quickly. “Raven doesn’t care. Where do you think Scott and Jean ended up? You didn’t even notice did you?”
You could hear the bit of amusement in his voice. But no, you didn’t count heads as you were walking by. Why would you? If Scott and Jean had made it into the same bunk already, it wasn’t your business.
Which, yes, admittedly if you felt that way, would the others be as okay with it for you and Peter? He’d rightly guessed that it was more the fear of being judged that made you hesitate, than actually being uncomfortable sleeping beside him. You’d already slept side by side in the helicopter on the way here after all, but that wasn’t quite the same as being in the same bed.
“Still waiting,” He reminded, squeezing your ankle lightly.
You knew if you actually said no, he would drop it. It was only your indecision that he was waiting for you to resolve. But, how often would you have this chance again? Thinking of it in those terms, you relented at last, climbing back down.
You could still see his smile in the dark, no doubt excited over the small victory as he scooted back as much as he could to allow you in.
Trying to get into a comfortable position was a little awkward at first, especially with his cast. But you eventually ended up both laying on your sides, your back against his chest as he wrapped an arm around you under your shared blanket.
You were quickly learning how much he seemed to be comforted by physical contact. It wasn’t long at all before his breathing steadied out and you realized he was fast asleep, his head nuzzled into the back of your neck.
The feeling was warm and pleasant though. Yourself following suit not long after, sleeping deeply at last for a long deserved rest.
When morning finally came, there was no real way to know it. There were no windows to let in the daylight. By the time you’d woken to hear the others’ voices and the fluorescent lighting buzzing back on when one of them hit the switch, you’d learned it was actually almost noon local time.
Which none of you were complaining about. But you were hungry now. Sleep had been the primary physical need beforehand, and with that now met, you needed some more calories to burn.
Peter especially. You could actually hear his stomach growling as you’d all gotten up and headed into the common bathroom to brush teeth, brush hair and the like with the standard toiletries they’d left in there for everyone.
“Yeah, I’m like a hummingbird basically,” He’d explained nonchalantly on your walk to the mess hall afterward. “I just haven’t fallen out yet here because I haven’t gotten to run since dickhead busted my leg. But normally yeah, high octane all the time to keep things going. My blood sugar tanks if I don’t keep snacking at least. Twinkies are a personal fave in the old survival kit.”
“Those are good,” Kurt agreed. “I like the little pies too,” He gestured a circle shape with his hands, “With the little...the dried purple fruit, what are those in English?”
“Raisins, my bro.” Peter responded. “Old raisin creme pie. I swap back and forth on those. Oatmeal pies are alright too, but you know where it’s really at is zebra cakes, man.”
“Zebra...cake?” Clearly Kurt was trying to envision in his head how a zebra would have anything to do with the naming of a cake.
“It’s got white icing with brown stripes,” You answered. You weren’t super into junk food, but you did grow up in the U.S., so a lot of this knowledge was entirely unavoidable.
“But zebras have black stripes?” Kurt replied with some bit of bemusement.
“I don’t think Little Debbie or Hostess are too concerned with accurate representations of wildlife.” Raven chimed in, halfway amused at the randomness of the topics you all came up with, but still looking quite unimpressed.
“They do have brown stripes when they’re juveniles, before they get their adult coat.” Hank corrected though, glancing down at her.
“So they should be called baby zebra cakes. Got it.” Scott finally piped up, though also clearly thinking this ridiculous.
Raven and Jean just exchanged a look of their own as Ororo glanced to you. “Is it always like this?”
“Pretty much,” You answered with a slight smile. It was good to see Peter meshing in so well with the others though, even if he was a little bit older. You hoped that whenever the school was rebuilt that he’d consider staying. Xavier always seemed to be able to make room for any young mutant willing to learn and also work as a mentor to the even younger kids.
You were all still chatting lightly as your group walked through the mess hall doors. But after being just the few of you for so many hours, it was a bit of a shock to see several tables worth of sailors look up at your sudden intrusion.
It was clear by the amount of still empty tables though, that this wasn’t near the normal occupancy rate. You remembered the Professor commenting that he thought a lot of the men had been forced to disembark to the mainland, just to make a larger bubble for you all.
And by all the expressions on the faces of those that were left, it seemed that most disagreed whole heartedly with that decision.
Your group quieted immediately, everyone picking up on those stares and the bit of whispering as you got in line together. The mess hall was set up cafeteria style, so you had to grab trays and slide them along, picking what you wanted as the kitchen staff would spoon out or serve whatever it was you’d chosen onto your tray.
“Maybe we should just take the food back to the barracks?” Kurt asked quietly, looking down with an evident bit of anxiety building.
“It’s okay,” Raven answered, “Just keep your head up. We won’t be long.”
You were conflicted though. You shouldn’t have to eat, segregated out of everyone else’s sight like some sort of criminals, just because your presence might offend someone. But then again, what purpose did it serve in the larger scheme of things if you antagonized these sailors into an avoidable confrontation right now?
As the Professor had said, tensions were already high. Throwing any spark into that powder keg couldn’t possibly end well.
Hank had volunteered to carry Peter’s tray for him, as Peter needed both hands to work his crutches. You were glad for that at least as you could only envision yourself dropping it all in spectacular fashion. Especially when Peter insisted on a triple portion of some kind of strawberry cake desert they’d had.
“I think we should go back to the bunks,” Jean spoke up though when you were all about to walk away from the line with your trays and drinks. “There’s one of them, he’s about to go off.”
You all paused, looking to Raven and Hank simultaneously, seemingly all deciding without speaking that they’d become the de facto leadership in the Professor’s absence.
“Fine,” Raven relented, obviously not wanting to roll over in this situation, but also remembering all you’d already been through recently. Just getting to eat in peace should be a reasonable thing to want.
But even turning the other cheek, didn’t seem to be enough.
“Hey!” One of the sailors called out before you could get close enough to the door.
“Keep walking.” Raven just directed.
“Do you even know what the rest of the world looks like right now!?” He kept on, standing up as his voice only grew louder. “My Mom and my little brother were in San Francisco. Their goddamn apartment building collapsed!”
Peter was the first one to stop, looking back then.
You could hear the tone in the man’s voice change though, and in that moment you knew he was not going to attack anyone. But it almost made it worse that he didn’t as his voice broke, nearly pleading to you all. “I don’t even know if they’re alive, if they made it out or not. The phones won’t work...no one can get through.”
“We didn’t do that,” Raven spoke up as calmly as she could, looking back to him as well then. “I’m sorry.”
“But you know who did, don’t you!?” He countered. “It was him. Wasn’t it? The one from Washington D.C. that could move metal. And he got away. You let him get away!”
The men next to the sailor were trying to pull him back down to sitting now, trying to remind him something about orders, making you realize they must have been given a similar talk as you all had. Don’t cause trouble, don’t antagonize, keep the peace because you’d been told to.
Even with two food trays in hand, Hank was now trying to usher you all through the mess hall doors just as intently as the man’s friends were trying to make him stop as well.
But Peter just twisted right out of Hank’s reach in a blur, calling back suddenly then. “It was Magneto. I’m sure it was. But he’s gone, man. He ran.” Peter looked pained, but shook his head. “His family was killed...but that doesn’t mean he had any right to take it out on the world. I hope you find your family. I really do, and I’m sorry.”
With that Peter shoved through the doors, going on ahead of you all and not looking back. His frustration was palpable as the crutches limited him. If his leg hadn’t been broken you doubted any of you would have seen him leave at all. Like he too wanted to run away now, instead of having to face the painful reality that this was.
Nothing was said about the incident for quite some time as you’d all eaten quietly in the barracks. The food was plain, the simple kinds of things that could be made in bulk to feed a large crew on a ship like this. Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, rice, and the like.
You were sitting on the floor eating while Peter was sitting on his bottom bunk, now just picking at the strawberry cake he’d most wanted with a fork. “This was definitely some pre-made frozen crap they just defrosted and put whip cream on.” He commented in dry disappointment.
“Yeah, I guess it’d be hard to keep fresh strawberries for long on a boat,” You replied, sipping one of the soft drinks you’d brought back. At least these were canned to still be carbonated well, but it wasn’t all that cold anymore.
He smirked. “I’d go crazy living on this thing out at sea. Not too many steps up from a prison cell really.”
Though you could imagine submarine life would be even worse, you didn’t think he was far off base. “It takes a special kind of person to enlist that’s for sure.”
“Yeah,” Peter agreed, going back to silence for a while as he dissected the cake idly.
You’d about finished all your food before he spoke to you again.
“What do you really think of him, (Y/N)?” Peter asked you in a somber tone then. “I mean, am I an idiot for trying to get to know him? My whole life I thought about what it would have been like if we’d had a real dad. If it wasn’t just Mom stressed the hell out all the time trying to keep us from getting evicted, or me from getting arrested honestly, or her worrying about Wanda being depressed so much. It’s like we were always broken. I had this idea if we’d just had that missing piece of a father, that everything would have been fixed. But then I finally meet him, finally find out who he really is, and he’s just as fucked up as anyone.”
You moved your tray to the side, considering your words carefully as you got up to go sit beside Peter on the edge of the bed. “You’re not an idiot.” That was the easiest point to make first. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know who your parents are.” But the rest, that was muddled and complicated.
“I mean, that was the first time I’ve actually ever met him in person. So I only know the stories really.” You continued. “I know the Professor thinks highly of him. They’ve always been close.”
“Xavier punched my dad right in the damn face the first time I saw them together.” Peter responded, turning his head to look at you directly. “Knocked him on his ass actually.”
You blinked. “Um, well...I have heard their relationship has had its rough patches too. They disagree on a lot of things as well. But they always seem to care about each other in the end, when it’s all said and done.”
Peter laid the last of the cake back down on the floor, before laying back down behind you in the bunk. “So you’re saying that’s what I have to look forward to? Alternating between wanting to kick his ass, and wanting him to stick around and have a relationship together?”
You could only be honest. “Not really what I was going for, but, I mean, that’s kind of Erik right?”
“But he’s killed people hasn’t he? How do I get past that?”
That was really the hardest question of all, wasn’t it? And now the one probably weighing on Peter’s mind the most after the interaction with that upset sailor in the mess hall.
“His sins aren’t your sins, Peter.” Was what you finally said, sighing and looking at your hands now in your lap. “Erik has lost so much too. His parents, your grandparents, I know they died at Auschwitz. The Professor told us that. And they experimented on Erik, tortured him to try and use his powers as a weapon. Erik ended up killing the man most responsible for that. But Xavier had tried to stop him anyway and ended up paralyzed for it. It was an accident though.”
You could feel Peter shift behind you, sitting up slightly in the bunk. It was most likely that he’d never heard any of this. You hated that it had to come secondhand from you. That you, this random mutant would know more about his own father’s history than himself.
But you continued. “And then what he told us in Egypt, about his wife and daughter....I mean, my God. Like you said, it doesn’t mean he can just go around hurting everyone else just because of what’s been done to him. But what would anyone else really do? How can we say where our own breaking points would be?” You weren’t trying to absolve him by any means, but how could you sit here and judge him either?
“Yeah,” Peter answered, sounding distant. “I mean, I tried not to think about it too much, everything was already so messed up. But I’ve got to tell Wanda all of this too at some point. And I don’t know how. We had a little sister, and she’s already gone. How do you...how do you even process that when you didn’t even get to meet them? How do you get closure?”
You heard him moving around like he was wiping at his face with his hands. You didn’t think he was crying, but maybe his eyes were trying to build up something that he wasn’t willing to allow yet.
“Can we just lay here for a bit?” He asked you after another moment.
“Sure,” You answered, laying back down in the bunk with him. This time you didn’t care if the others would pay any mind or not. He needed someone right now.
You were just laying the same way you’d slept last night with your back to his chest. But after a while you felt him tug at your side.
“Turn around,” He asked.
You did hesitate momentarily, knowing how much more personal that would be in the confines of the small bunk. But you allowed it, rolling over so that now you were nearly face to face, torsos touching as he wrapped his good leg over you before pulling up the blanket.
“Hey,” He smirked, seeming to cheer up at your awkward look. Your stomach flipped as you thought he was going in for a kiss, but he just ended up kissing your forehead once before pulling back.
Whatever expression you made then got a real laugh out of him.
“I was just going to tell you thank you.” He said teasingly, before leaning back in to whisper in your ear, “But you look kind of disappointed...did you want a little more?”
There was no question you were fully flustered now as you felt that heat rising in your face yet again. You’d have to make a mental note to apologize to Jean later if she was getting any of this broadcast to her. But then again, she did live in a house full of teenagers doing God knows what at any given time. Maybe she was already used to it. But you didn’t even want to think about Xavier possibly picking up on your current emotional panic either, that would be mortifying.
Sensing your spiraling distraction, Peter lightly touched one fingertip to the end of your nose. “Boop. Earth to (Y/N), have we lost signal? Overheated the engines already?”
You blinked. “That’s not funny.”
“Oh, it’s hilarious. And still waiting, dear. Always waiting...”
To be honest, when you finally kissed him, it was more just to wipe that smug look off his face. But on second thought, maybe that had been his plan all along. To taunt you into action. But it worked. It worked extremely well, as you’d both closed your eyes. His hand pressed into your back, making sure you stayed tight against him as you’d let it happen again and again. One kiss after another.
It’d been different too. The first ones back in Cairo had been so desperate more than anything, just a burst of emotion like a dying wish when neither of you had really expected to make it out of that desert.
While this now was far slower, much more thought behind each. It did make you forget everything else for those moments except the taste and feel of him.
But as much as you liked the sensations, you also knew you had to be the one to steer you both back out of it. When you felt his hand starting to move under your shirt, sliding up greedily across your bare skin, you realized he was already wanting more. And this wasn’t the place, not the time. Not yet at least. You weren’t immune to those feelings either, but it’d be much better if you waited. As much as you knew he hated waiting...
You’d pulled your lips away, but he then only moved to kissing your neck instead as you had to speak his name to try and call him back out of it. “Peter.”
“Mmm?” He responded after a moment, at least pausing, even though his lips were still touching against your throat.
You tugged his hair a little to try and get him to look back up at you.
He resisted slightly, not a lot, but you knew he was stalling as best he could before he finally relented. “Stop sign comes out huh?” He breathed, though not upset, just clearly having trouble coming out of the mood as his hand slid back out of your shirt to rest only on top of your clothes.
“Not exactly enough privacy here,” you responded quietly. Which was of course a huge understatement as the others were probably just out of earshot right now. If you were lucky anyway.
“It’s a big ship, babe. I’m sure we can find a place,” He joked, but only partially you were sure. As you really thought if you said the word right now, he’d make it his mission to find such a place immediately.
You toyed with his hair a little more, moving the messy silver strands out away from his eyes. “I think it’s getting to be pretty inevitable if you really want to know the truth.”
He leaned into the touch, just kissing your hand once more as your palm neared too close to his mouth. “You make it really tough either way, I’ll say that.”
You knew better than to lecture this one on the virtue of patience. But this was already the most physical you’d ever been with anyone as it was, and all so soon. Yet you knew it was only a matter of time. These new feelings were only growing. None of this would be fading any time soon.
You just laid your head back on his shoulder after a while, speaking to him, “Hey, after we’ve cooled down a bit more here, you want to see if anyone will allow us on the flight deck? It’d be nice to see the ocean at least before the sun goes back down. Get some fresh air.”
“Romantic stroll in the ocean breeze you say? Well maybe more a romantic hobble for me.” He chuckled dryly. “I’m game.”
(Continued in next chapter here)
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triptuckers · 4 years
Thunderstorms - Peter Maximoff
Request: no Pairing:  Peter Maximoff x reader Summary:  Peter isn’t a fan of thunder storms. Luckily, you are always there to help him out.  Warnings: language Word count:  1.9K A/N: My first X-Men fic!! please let me know what you think of it! I need someone to cuddle with :’) also I kind of adapted the curtains/window thing from myself lol I do that. anyways, enjoy reading!! :) 
Another loud crash erupts the silence. It makes Peter jump up from the mattress of his bed. He sighs deeply and slowly eases back into the pillows. Peter hates thunder storms. Doesn’t matter if they’re during the day or the night, he despises them. 
Seconds later, another loud crash scares him. Peter closes his eyes and sighs deeply. He would never admit he’s scared of storms. After all, he’s part of the X-Men. Out of all the things he could have feared, he’s frightened of thunder storms. It just seems so silly and childish, which is why he’s ashamed of telling anyone about it. 
Though he never told you about it, he had a feeling you knew. You could tap into people’s mind. Your mutation was similar to Jean’s and Charles’, just not entirely the same. From the moment you met, you and Peter felt some sort of deep connection, a trust, and a strong friendship blossomed. You had promised never to read his mind. And even if he told you he’d be okay with it, you’d still hesitate.
One day, the two of you were sitting underneath a tree outside, enjoying some relaxing time, when thunder rumbled in the distance. Though he didn’t say anything, you could feel Peter move uneasily next to you. And without meaning to, you heard some of his thoughts. Calm down, Peter, it’s just a little thunder. Relax, you’re just sitting under a tree, which is likely to be struck with lightning. Oh, fuck. You really hadn’t meant to hear it. It’s just when people feel strong emotions, their thoughts are louder and easier for you to hear. While trying not to give the impression you heard his thoughts, you suggested to go inside “because it might rain soon” and Peter gladly accepted the offer.
Peter couldn’t think of anything else. He wasn’t going to get any sleep soon with the thunder still crashing high up in the clouds. Barely a second later, he’s standing in front of his door, pressing his ear against the wood. About a month ago, Peter wanted to go to the kitchen to get a late night snack. He hadn’t even reached the end of the hallway before he ran into Hank. Apparently Hank was checking to see if all of the younger kids were in their rooms. He wasn’t very amused to found one of the responsible ones out of his room.
After listening for a while and confirming Hank isn’t out roaming the halls, Peter slowly and quietly opens the door and gets out of his room. Your room isn’t far from his, but nevertheless the walk there takes him longer than usual. Partly because he tries to be quiet and also because he’s not sure why he's going to your room. You couldn’t control the weather like Ororo could. It would make more sense to wake her up, but Peter tried that once. And let’s say that didn’t really work out. 
Peter stands in front of your door. He’s still hesitating. Shouldn’t he just go back to his room and try to sleep? As if he asked for it, thunder crashes above him in the sky, followed by a blinding flash. Peter swallows thickly. You always eased his mind, why wouldn’t you do it this time? He inhales deeply to calm himself down and knocks on your door. 
You don’t answer right away. Peter didn’t expect you to, given that you’re quite a heavy sleeper. He knocks again, slightly louder than the first time. Still, no answer. He’s afraid if he’ll knock a third time, some of the kids that sleep down the hall will wake up. Or worse, Hank could hear him. Just as he’s about to give up and go back to his room, the door opens.
You’re rubbing your eyes with one hand. Your hair is messy and the hem of your oversized shirt rests on your thigh. Peter can’t help but to look at you. This is the version of you he liked the most. You, in your most natural way. It’s something he’ll never get tired of. 
‘What’s up, Pete?’ you say in a raspy, sleepy voice. Pete. Another thing he likes a lot about you. You’re the only one who uses that nickname. And everyone else sort of knows that nickname is reserved for you. 
‘I-’ As lightning strikes in the distance, Peter squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. You look at him and remember the time underneath the tree. And then you hear it. Calm the fuck down Peter it’s literally just thunder. You shoot him an encouraging smile. 
‘Want to stay here tonight?’ you ask him and Peter finally looks you in your eyes. He frowns a little and you can see he’s a bit upset. ‘Did you just read my mind?’ he asks you. ‘No.’ you say truthfully. ‘Strong emotions means strong thoughts means loud thoughts.’ you explain to him.  Peter looks nervous after hearing that. ‘Right.’ he says. ‘I do want to stay here tonight. But only if you’re okay with that.’ You smile and step aside so he can enter your room. ‘Of course.’
‘You can take the right side of the bed.’ you say. And Peter, who had already started moving towards the couch in your room, looks up. You pretend you don’t notice it. ‘There’s enough space for the two of us.’ you state. Peter says nothing, but smiles briefly at you. You walk over to the curtains. It was a habit of yours to not fully close them. Meanwhile, Peter had moved over to your bed and sat down on the edge.
‘Why do you always keep those open?’ he asks you. You look over your shoulder at him as you close the window and the curtains.  ‘I like listening to the silence outside. Or, in this case, the rain and thunder. I just like it, it calms me down. And I love natural lighting. Waking up with a few rays of morning light is the best way to start my day.’ you say and you walk over to the bed. 
You lay down and feel Peter moving uneasily next to you. It’ll probably take a while for him to get comfortable. There have been countless of times in which you fell asleep on Peter’s shoulder. But this is entirely different. You try not to think much of it. Peter just needs someone he trusts to calm him down, that’s all.
Lighting strikes again and Peter’s body shocks a little. You reach out in the dark and rest your hand on his bicep. ‘You’re fine, Pete.’ you murmur softly. ‘Besides, you’re so fast you could probably just run away should something happen.’ Peter nods without you seeing it. ‘Yeah.’ he says, to let you know he heard you. Your hand feels warm and soft and almost loving on his arm. Peter inhales and exhales for a while, trying to drown out the storm. He focuses on the feeling of your hand on his skin. And eventually, he falls asleep with you next to him. 
Miraculously, Peter sleeps well and doesn’t wake up until it’s morning. You’re not next to him when he does and he’s a bit upset because of it. He reaches out but the pillow on your side is cold, a sign you’ve been up for a while. Peter knows exactly where to find you. Most of the older kids eat breakfast early in the morning, before the younger kids wake up. 
Peter gets dressed and heads downstairs towards the kitchen. Charles is there, reading the newspaper, Hank and Raven are talking and smile at him when Peter enters the kitchen. On the other end of the table, Jean and Scott are eating cereal. Jean notices how Peter is scanning the room and smirks.
‘She’s out back.’ says Jean. Peter nods, not asking her how she knows he’s looking for you. Everyone with a decent set of eyes could figure out Peter wants you to be more than a friend. 
He speeds through the doors and finds you sitting on the stairs by yourself. Your head is tilted backwards and you’re soaking up the sun and peace while you can. The coffee in your hand is still warm. 
‘Hey Pete.’ you say. He hadn’t realised you noticed his presence. ‘Morning.’ he says as he sits down beside you. Without opening your eyes, you offer him some of your coffee. Peter takes a few sips of the hot drink before handing the cup back to you.
‘Thanks for letting me stay at yours last night.’ says Peter and you smile and turn your head to look at him.  ‘Of course.’ you say and you reach out and squeeze his hand. The touch of your hand takes him back to the night before, and how he felt safe when you put your hand on his bicep. 
‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ asks Peter. ‘Sure!’ you say and you finish the last of your coffee and get up. You talk about small things as the two of you walk on the grounds. After some time, Peter starts walking slower and eventually, he stops. You stop walking as well and turn around to look at him.
‘You okay speedy?’ you say. Peter nods but he looks like there’s definately something on his mind. He doesn’t look you in the eye as he’s thinking. ‘Come on, Pete, spit it out.’ you chuckle. ‘What’s on your mind?’ Peter sighs and gives in. ‘You.’ he says softly. 
‘What about me?’ you say, trying to focus on Peter’s words and not his thoughts.  ‘You let me stay in your room because I don’t like thunderstorms.’ he says. ‘I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it means a lot to me. The way you care about me, check in on me.’  ‘Well that’s what friends do, right?’ you say.
Shit. You said something wrong. Peter smiles briefly but you know it isn’t a genuine smile. He actually looks kind of hurt by your words, and you don’t know why. Peter plays with the sleeves of his silver jacket and looks away from your eyes.
‘Do you really see me as your friend? Just your friend?’ he says quietly. Oh. So that’s why he looks upset. You step a little closer to him.  ‘Well, maybe a bit more than just a friend.’ you say. You take Peter’s hand in yours and he looks at you. ‘More than just a friend? And that means?’ he says. You smile and wink at him. ‘Shoot your best shot, Pete.’ you say. 
Peter steps closer and reaches out to put both of his hands on your cheeks. You can smell the coffee in his breath, but you couldn’t care less. You drank coffee too, so it’s fine. Peter leans in and slowly presses his lips against yours. You close your eyes and melt into his touch. You step closer and your toes touch his. Peter deepens the kiss and you don’t even have to try to drown out his thoughts. They’re so loud you just let them wash over you. 
When he finally pulls away he rests his forehead against yours, still holding your face in his hands. ‘How’s that for shooting my shot?’ he chuckles and you laugh softly. ‘You know, I never would have taken you for a slow kisser.’ you say. ‘Maybe thunderstorms should occur more often, if this is what comes after.’  ‘Oh, fuck no.’ says Peter and you laugh. ‘This? Absolutely amazing. Should occur more often. I’ll make sure it does. But thunderstorms? Fuck no. Never.’ he says. You laugh and press a short but loving kiss to his lips. You’re glad Peter can’t hear your thoughts. You’re sure they’re louder than ever.
If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
tequila - warren worthington iii
nobody asked for this and it’s nothing but like here it is. i haven’t slept in 28 hours. this is bad but anyway. u and warren get drunk on tequila and make out. that’s literally it.
word count: 1,532
warning(s): drinking, kissing, peter maximoff being ur best friend because i said so, idk if i even swore in this but im gonna throw that in there anyway
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Everything was bright, the grounds of the academy were covered in a layer of warm golden sunlight.
Summer had just come in, the sun had come out to prove it and you were quite happy with the change in the weather. You were laying in the grass outside of Xavier's school, the sun beams hitting your face and casting an almost ethereal glow over you.
Warren watched you from afar, Peter Maximoff laid beside you on the grass making you laugh and smile like he always seemed to be able to do no matter what. Warren would never admit it, but he was jealous, extremely so. 
He wanted to lay out in the sun with you, to be able to make you laugh and smile even if you were about to cry, he wanted what you and Peter had- and some more.
Despite your closeness to the speedster, you weren't dating Peter, Warren knew that but he still wished it was him that was always so close to you.
The winged blond however always held his cards close to his chest. His admiration for you was huge, sure, but it was also silent. You didn't have a clue about what he thought about you, in fact you had almost been sure that he disliked you.
You'd never actually received more than a nod from him, you'd seen him talk to others, to Peter, but he rarely ever opened his mouth to say anything more than a 'hey' to you. 
How were you to know that the boy was simply guarding himself? You weren't a mind reader, unfortunately, and the only reason you knew that he didn't absolutely despise you was the fact that he often teamed up with you during training.
As you enjoyed the sunshine, you felt his eyes on you from across the courtyard, you turned your head toward him, his green eyes were brought out by the way the light hit them when your eyes locked with his, you gave him a soft smile before you  turned your face back to look at Peter.
"Warren's staring at us again." You said, to which Peter only laughed and moved closer to you, whispering in your ear.
"I heard from Ororo that he's got a thing for you." Letting out a laugh of disbelief you shoved Peter playfully.
"Yeah right, he barely says two words to me outside of training." You rebutted only for Peter to shrug and flop his head into your shoulder, "Then why does he look like he's gonna murder me?"
To be fair, Peter did have a point, Warren did seem to be looking at the pair of you with an almost murderous glare.
You couldn't help but giggle as you ruffled your best friend's silver hair, "Maybe he's got a thing for you, Petey." 
Peter laughed wholeheartedly, poking your sides and making you laugh as loud as he was, "Shut up."
"Should I try talking to him at the party later?" You asked, eyes falling on Warren, the way the sunlight hit him made him come across like some kind of Greek god.
"Definitely. He'll be easier to talk to after you both get some liquid courage." Peter encouraged you and you nodded determined to get to the bottom of the winged boy.
There was a party happening that night, a celebration for a successful mission and also a celebration of the good weather, Charles was a sucker for a good barbeque party. 
After a few more hours of soaking up the sun with Peter by your side you decided to go to your room to get ready for the party.
You changed into a dress that was appropriate (but not so appropriate that you didn't turn a few heads), it was a sundress with a fitted top and a flowing skirt that ended just above your knee. You threw on your white converse, so you didn't look too dressed up, checked yourself out in the mirror then headed down to the lake where everyone was partying.
"Damn, who are you tryna impress tonight?" Peter's voice rang out mockingly from behind you before you felt his arm slinging over your shoulder, red solo cup with cheap beer in hand.
"Someone who isn't here apparently." You said, dejected as you looked around and the winged boy you were looking for was nowhere to be found.
Before you knew it, Peter had sped away only to return two seconds later with a triumphant grin on his face and a bottle of Tequila in his hand.
"He's by the edge of the lake." You raised an eyebrow at him and snatched the alcohol out of his hands.
"Did you steal this from him?" You asked the boy in question, laughing as he raised his hands defensively, "Now you have a conversation starter. You're welcome."
With that you began walking towards the more secluded portion of the lake, eventually finding Warren.
"Hey. Mind if I join? I come with alcohol." You greeted him, holding up his bottle of Tequila with a hopeful smile.
"Isn't that my tequila?" The blond asked with a smug smirk, you only shrugged, taking a swig from the capless bottle and sitting down next to him.
"Isn't it technically Charles'? Yanno from his liquor cabinet?" You replied cheekily, taking another swig, the liquid burning your throat as Warren watched you, smirk broadening on his face.
"No comment." He answered, taking the bottle from you and taking a swig himself, you couldn't stop your eyes from watching the way his lips wrapped around the rim of the bottle or how his neck looked as he swallowed.
Shaking yourself out of it before he noticed, you directed your eyes at the lake.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked him, after a few more hits of tequila of course.
Warren raised an eyebrow at you and nodded, he was admittedly starting to get a little tipsy and he could tell that you were right there with him, half the bottle of Tequila gone.
"Do you like, God I don't know- not like me or something?" His eyes widened and he turned to face you fully and you did the same.
"Why do you think that?" He asked, trying his best to play it cool, taking another swig of tequila before offering you the bottle, which you gladly accepted.
You took a gulp before starting, "We never really talk outside of training. Figured you didn't like me all that much since I see you talking to pretty much everyone else." You explained to him with a shrug, passing the bottle back to him.
"Nah I like you plenty." He told you, smugness returning to his face as you mirrored his expression.
"Plenty, huh?" You teased raising your eyebrows and silently challenging him. You didn't expect him to bite but you couldn't back down as he moved his face closer to yours.
You wouldn't be so quick to thank tequila for your state in the morning, but for that moment, tequila was your new best friend.
"Yeah. Plenty." He repeated lowly, breath fanning against your face as his lips moved closer to your own.
His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips before they eventually settled for staring only at your lips, his own bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
And with your tequila fueled confidence you licked your lips, knowing full well he couldn't take his eyes off them, and whispered a daring, "Prove it."
In speed that could rival Quicksilver's, Warren's lips were moving hungrily against yours and his hands were pulling you into his lap.
All you could taste on his lips was tequila and you could feel yourself becoming more intoxicated with each messy kiss he placed on your lips.
Hands tangling in his blonde curls, he let out a groan when you caught his bottom lip between your teeth gently before pulling away to look at him.
"Do you believe me now?" He asked, already inching his lips back to yours.
"Still could use some convincing." Oh and convince you he did.
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bo-rhapheart · 5 years
Good Impression
MasterList | People I Write About
Word Count:1698
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To Charles Xavier, everyone should have a second chance to remake their lives. So after they took Apocalypse down. He knew that he needed to bring Warren, Ororo, and Psylocke. They had nowhere to go.  So he invited them to come to his school. It took some convincing but they finally agreed. Now he just needs to introduce them to the other students and X-Men. Which couldn’t be easy since they already know them from being on Apocalypse side. When Xavier brought them to the house. Everyone would just stare at them. Too scared to try and pick up a conversation with them. 
“I don't know why even know why Professor Xavier thinks that they can play nice. I mean they almost kill us” Scott once said walking around the school. Making everyone roll their eyes since Scott has been talking bad about the three new members of the X-Men.  “You know you talk some real big talk. Why don’t you go over there and tell them instead of us.” Y/N spoke already fed up from hearing him complain. This just made Scott get annoyed since Y/N rarely talk. Along Jean is best friend with Y/N. “I kinda agree with Scott,” Kurt spoke up with his thick accent. “You guys are such an asshole. They’re mutants just like us. We already get judged by people that don’t have power. We don’t need from each other.” Y/N replied looking at the group. When no said anything. Y/N just rolled her eyes and walked outside to get some fresh air. 
After 10 minutes of being outside and sitting near the pond. She sees Ororo sitting on the bench staring at the kids playing around the yard.  She stood up and walk over to her. Once Ororo notices that Y/N was walking over to her. She started to get nervous thinking that Y/N was going to come and tell her to leave. When Y/N finally get to Ororo, she smiled softly. “Hey, I haven’t properly introduced myself. I’m Y/N. “ “Ororo” was all Ororo could let out since Y/N hasn’t told her anything rude yet. “ I know, Professor Xavier told us all three of your names.” Y/N replied. “Can I join you?” Y/N asked staring at her. “I’m sorry,” Ororo asked confused. “Can I join you?” Y/N asked again pointing at the spot next to her on the bench. Ororo just nods staring down at the ground. “I have been meaning to come up to you guys and tell you that if you three need anything. I will gladly help.” Y/N spoke up staring at Ororo. “Thanks, you’re the first to want to help,” Ororo replied staring at Y/N shyly. “Yeah, I know. I’m very sorry about the ones that are just plain out rude around here. We’re already judged by normal people. We honestly don’t need it from each other.” Y/N answer playing with her pants that are rip. “You don’t need to apologize,” Ororo replied smiling at Y/N, who smile back
Later that day, Ororo told Psylocke and Warren about Y/N coming up to her. “She didn’t tell you anything rude?” Psylocke who’s real name is Elizabeth, but only Ororo and Warren know. “She didn’t. She actually said that if we need anything that we could go to her. I have been thinking that we could tell her about homework for English. Warren only knows so little English since it’s isn’t his first language.” Ororo suggests looking hopeful. “I don’t know. This is the first meeting.” Eliza replied. Leaving them in silent to think about the situation at hand. 
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Warren opens the door to find Y/N standing there. “Hey, Professor Xavier is asking if he can see you guys in his office,” Y/N said staring at them. “Why he send you?” Warren asked crossing his arms. “I actually don’t know. He can send a message through his mind and everything.” Y/N replied honestly making a face like she was embarrassed for not thinking of Charles's power. “Did he tell you about what he wanted us?” Psylocke asked. Y/N shook her head. “Do you mind showing us where it is?” Ororo asked since she knew they didn’t know where the Professor office was.  “I don’t mind.” Y/N smile that least Ororo was asking for her help. 
They all start to follow Y/N’s lead towards the Professor’s office. “What did you say your name was?” Psylocke spoke walking up next to Y/N. “I didn’t really say, my bad. I’m Y/N” Y/N held her hand out for her. Psylocke just stares at it, making Y/N just put her hand and shrug. “How’re your classes going?” Y/N asked staring at them. Ororo stares at Psylocke and Warren hoping they would admit that they need in English. Warren sighed. “Actually we have been falling behind in English,” Warren confesses making Ororo smile and nod. “Well if you want, I could help you guys. It has been going too fast.” Y/N replied looking at them. “Sure” Psylocke let out. 
Once they arrive at Professor Xavier Office. Y/N turns to them and nod. “This is where I drop you off.” Y/N spoke looking at them. “After you guys could come over to my room if you want to help with the English homework. It’s in the same hallway as you guys but it down the hall to your left. 206” Y/N continued before leaving them to speak to Professor Xavier.  
Professor Xavier just wanted to ask them about how they were settling down. Making sure that they feel welcome. Of course, Ororo was excited to tell him about Y/N. It was no surprise to Charles, Y/N has always been the girl to make everyone feel included. So, Charles encourages them to go to her after their talk. He wants them to make more friends that aren’t each other. 
So that is exactly what they did. They made their way to Y/N’s room. They could Y/N running around the room. Ororo just shrugs and knock on her door. Y/N opens the door out of the breath. “Hey” Y/N let out smiling at them. “Hi,” Ororo replied. “So are you ready?” Y/N asked looking at them. They just nod and walked into the room. 
After the study session that they had. The three of them always went to Y/N if they had a question. Slowly they started to let Y/N into their group. They would find themselves hanging out instead of studying. They would just get to know each other. Even found out Y/N was a pathokinesis.  There was even a time that they went to Y/N and asked if she wanted to join their little Friday hangout that they have every week. Y/N was studying outside leading against a tree. Warren, Psylocke, and Ororo walked up to her, whispering to one another. Finally, Psylocke pushed Warren towards Y/N almost falling on her. This made Y/N look up and saw the three of them. “Hey” Y/N spoke closing her book. “Hey, we were wondering if you will like to join us this Friday in our room. We do this hangout and we thought maybe you will like to join us.”  Warren asked nervously while looking at the two girls behind him. They both nod and smile. “Sure, I would love to.” Y/N answered smiling at them. After that, Y/N would join them for their Friday hangouts. 
Eventually, Charles would send the X-Men on mission including Warren, Psylocke, and Ororo. The rest of them would be okay around during mission but after they return to the mansion, they would ignore them. Y/N had tried to include them but they quickly told her to don’t try. She wanted the rest of them to see the three of them as a friend, not a threat. 
As the months came. Warren started to feel feelings for Y/N. He would make an effort to look good around Y/N. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by Ororo and Elizabeth. They would tease him about his crush. But they care enough that they would pull themselves away from hangouts leaving Warren and Y/N alone. “Ororo and Psylocke didn’t come.” Y/N asked looking up and seeing Warren by himself. “Yeah, they wanted to nap. I hope you don’t mind that it’s only me.” Warren answered, thinking that maybe Y/N is starting to get bored with him. “I don’t mind. You’re actually pretty fun to be around” Y/N replied smiling and started to walk towards the lake that they always hang out. “I doubt that.” Warren objected. “Are you saying that I’m lying.” Y/N asked crossing her arms. “Hey if the shoe fits, wear it.” Warren answer shrug smiling. “Well, I will have you know that I don’t lie. I don’t got time for that.” Y/N huffed looking away while still having her arms cross. After a minute, Y/N stopped pouting and acted like normal. “But thank you for saying that I’m fun,” Warren spoke once they got to the lake, sitting on the grass. “It’s the truth.” Y/N dismissed. “I have been meaning to say that thank you,” Warren adding looking at Y/N, who made a confused face “What for?” Y/N questioned. “For getting to know us before you judge us,” Warren replied. “You don’t have to thank me. I wanted to. You guys better than anyone was here before. You ain’t stuck up” Y/N said looking at Warren. They stayed like that just staring at each other while smiling. “Can I kiss you?” Warren asked quietly making almost hard to hear. Y/N smiled and leans in to kiss Warren. It was a simple peck but it made both of them blushed. “Next time don’t ask. Makes it a bit awkward.” Y/N said once they both stopped blushing. 
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Coraline au (Firebird)
N/A: Here comes the Firebird.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
Kitty´s hair is getting longer and she can recognise this as her curly long hair is spread around his shoulder and chest. In his own words, Kitty looks like a cute cat(and he chuckles as she looks at him funny. He adds, amused, she also look like a puppy too) and their hands/tentacles are untied. Is a calming moment among a human and Chaos itself.
"Hey, were you ever married before?" Kitty asked trying to hear his heartbeat. His mask is perfect in every sense, but, he´s not human and that´s something many, many people never realize until is too late.
No Heartbeat is found.
Kurt just chuckles again. His own laughter seems to vibrate through his body and Kitty has the feeling that the universe can feel it too. For some reason, that does make a smile born in her face.
"You mean if I was ever needing of a wife for my plans? Well, yes, and no, whatever happens, was consensual. Some lesser gods take women, men without caring for ethics" and flashes a big smile "when I was king of Kaldrum" and he´s not surprised by the fact Kitty knows this planet and this faction "I was married to a woman. She was a good cover!"
"Well, yeah, I can see you being a king and needing a Queen. And when you´re just being YOU?" now her face is directly making contact with his. Kurt won´t mention she´s in a compromised position now. He´s a gentleman.
"I mean, have you as well you, ever want company? The cats told me you´re the forever alone, but, you´re very, very old so I found hard to believe you never had anyone to share the night" Kitty explains and now Nightcrawler is pondering. His tentacles are playing with her hair.
When her hair got so big? Is almost full of life.
(LK can remember vividly of a certain case of a certain Outer God walking in his domains with such lively hair...)
Nightcrawler chuckles again. Odd how such malicious god can have such calming and soothing laugh, well, this is a special moment sure he keeps his ''evil laughter'' to work hours.
"Well...once upon a time another Outer God pretending to me be, doing a comical job at that" Kitty for some reason frown at that. "was walking down my realms and I got to admit she was ballsy for her endeavours. Do you know who she was?"
"Zaorva" she speaks as if is a question but deep down she is well aware is not.
"Yes, she! And is now funny how people really think she was me. The sea of dogs that follow her should have been a big clue" Kurt responds bemused "yes, yes, some cats follow her as well. Still...dogs!"
"Hey! Dogs are pretty cool as cats too." Kitty feels bothered by his comment for some reason. Kurt notices. IT smiles now.
"Anway, she also eats my snake god" now he feels sad and Kitty rolls her eyes. For some reason, she´s thinking in chicken when he details how Zaorva eats his favourite pet snake "and I would be very cross with Zaorva " his eyes trail Kitty´s petit form as she shakes her head not believing him and IT knows she is right. As if IT would hurt her "she also changes Anubis into a dog"
LK watches as Kitty rants about this case. "That fake dog. He was advertising himself as a dog, a good boy, but, in the end, he was just a human with a good aesthetic. I didn´t like that story and yes I can see Zaorva changing him into a dog to teach him a lesson" she crosses her arms.
LK is amused.
LK is also worried. The woman lay her head on his chest as she continues to talk softly with him and, for once in his entire existence, LK is listening gently.
Am I getting soft? Better go destroy something latter.
Jupiter is drinking his water looking at the moon. A full moon indeed. And back to Cosmo who is staring so intensely at the moon. "Hey, you won´t turn into a werewolf, right?"
"Jupiter, we talk about it. Werewolf is a human thing." Cosmo replies and asked something to Jupiter. "hey, remember when you asked about my patron?"
"The lady with many, many and many names? yep"
"Do you still want to meet her?"
"As long she´s not a werewolf..." Jupiter side-eye to the dog who rolls his eyes again.
"Not a werewolf, promise. And you´ll meet her soon. Right after Pheonix arrive on Earth"
The phone rings in Kitty´s newest residence. A superstar("guys, I´m not that famous!" "Don´t be modest Katzchen") living with her parents is cute until it isn´t. And when Kitty answers are the X-men begging, that´s right, begging for her help.
"Is Jean...she´s not alright" Ororo´s voice is speaking in a low tone as if she´s hiding. She can hear Dazzler and Rogue shout something and a third voice saying "Ah, damn I just finish fix the ceiling!"
"What happened?" Kitty asked with Cosmo on her lap.
"A team of X-men were sent to Space to help the Shiar´s civilization...but...but...Jean returns differently. Could you help us?"
"Of course, I´m on my way"
Cosmo only gives on a word to this situation. "Firebird."
Jupiter now has questions. Is this part of the dogs´ plans?
Jean Grey is fine. In fact, more than fine as now she sees everything with total clarity. Logan is not having a good time as Jean´s power is upgraded to the maximum.
"Am I still a myth little man?" she said in a deep voice. Non-human like as she, using her powers, juggle Logan among other objects. "Apology and I may stop it"
"Jeanie. Please, that´s not you" Logan pleads. "Please, for what you feel for me"
"Urg. Seriously? Did I have to fuck Scott Summers in your face for you to get I don´t love you? You know what? Stay here thinking about your life...if I´m the mood I may kill or change you, whatever strikes my fancy"
And no one manages to take Logan from that punishment.
Kitty arrives with Nightcrawler and, of course, Jupiter and Cosmo who have mixed reaction to seeing Jean Grey aka Pheonix in the flesh. Jupiter is scared ("I think she knows I eat many birds on the way here") Cosmo is calm and a bit bored("Ok, ok, you can stay behind me. I´ll protect you, but, can you stop using the slim form? Is freaking me out") Kitty is surprised and Nightcrawler is laughing in a mocking tone.
Pheonix is not happy to see Nightcrawler. But smiles gladly at Kitty. "Is good to see you again even if IT is here" Pheonix replies to a very smiling and creepy Nightcrawler.
"You´re Pheonix!"Kitty states calmly playing with the deity hair as if she´s a small child. "Does this mean you eat Jean?"
"In other versions? Yes. In this one? No. We merge, so to speak. She was made to be my vessel" Pheonix respond as Kitty is playing with her hair "She is not very fond of you"
"I noticed. Jean Grey is not good in being subtle ...just like me" Kitty jokes and the good moment is broken as Pheonix turns to Nightcrawler and speaks with venom in her voice. "And you! Keep your damned cats away from my birds"
"I can´t control my cats"
There´s something oddly familiar in this scene. "You two ...know each other...intimaly?" Kitty was sure they were exes with a bitter past. Nightcrawler and Pheonix are disgust by the question.
Kitty is somewhat relief by this revelation.
"So...Jean is Pheonix?" Scott asked once Kitty explain the situation. People were hoping for Kitty to fix this situation, and deep down maybe Kitty could take Pheonix out of Jean´s body, but, for some reason, she does not want.
Pheonix arrives first. She´s a fair person.
"Think of this way. You have a relationship with Jean now" she points at the red hair who has control of her choices and frowns as she recalls Pheonix let Kitty braid her own hair. "and a relationship with the Firebird of life and destruction. Pheonix"
Scott looks at Jean for a moment. "Is something really strange. And don´t know what to think right now, but, Jean is here and that´s what matters as for the Firebird, I mean Pheonix, well, uhm...I´m open to date an Outer God" Scott jokes cracking a small smile from Jean.
"Dazzler" Pheonix speaks and the blonde can feel the fire even in her small words. Dazzler bows to the Outer God. Pheonix seems to enjoy the love and respect she got.
"Relax, I don´t have any mission for you, in fact, me and Galaticus are very pleased with your track so far. I´m here to ask one thing" Pheonix draws suspense for a moment and Dazzler waits for the question. She hopes she won´t take a page from Zaorva/Gaia and ask something impossible, however, she chooses something different. "When Kitty punch Nightcrawler, did it feel pain?"
"Extremely so. I have the memories if you want to see it"
"Yes, please. I have Jean´s recollection of the case. I watch from space, but, oh that still is worth watching"
Nightcrawler is watching is not impressed.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 6 years
tricks of the trade 1/2 new age x-men x reader
in which the new age x men get together for a friendly game of truth or dare that slowly leads to spin the bottle
i know warren has metal wings now but were just gonna say that when apocalypse was defeated his magic on the horsemen wore off so he has his regular wings back. (also this ends with warren and the reader so if you dont like that pairing skip part two)
song: crush culture by conan gray
we all sat around the common room and drank as we pleased. it was a casual party that we deserved after the latest mission. we all just wanted to chill and be the stupid kids that we had once been deprived of. the couches and chairs had all been moved so we could be close to each other but still giving enough room to those that  would end up on the floor where most of the drinks resided when not being consumed. i sat on a single chair and looked around at the tired yet happy faces of my class mates and team mates. the couch across from me sat scott, jean, jubilee, and ororo. the chair to my left held warren and the chair to my right held kurt. it was hard for me to see him though because peter sat close to me on the chairs arm rest that i was seated in. i laughed at something scott said, quickly retaliating with my usual sarcasm.
"gee scott, didnt know you had a funny bone anywhere in that body of yours."
he threw a pillow at me but peter caught it before it could hit me. he just smiled at me and put it under his head as he leaned closer to me, into the back of the chair.
"bite me y/n"
i raised an eyebrow.
"i would but you have a girl friend."
the collections of oos around the room made jean stir in her seat as scott protested to my accusations.
"chill buzzkill, we all know the two of you have the hots for each other, you dont have to hide it, we're all friends here."
warren let out a snort. i looked at him and smirked.
"well at least most of us are friends here."
he sent me a glare and i winked at him before taking another sip out of my red solo cup.
jubilee hopped up quickly and sat back on her crossed legs on the couch.
"you guys we should play truth or dare."
there was a collection of groans, kurt looking between us all slightly confused. jubilee piped back up.
"oh come one, when was the last time any of us got to be proper teenagers?"
i dropped my head for a second before closing my eyes in regret.
"jean, truth or dare?"
i looked up to see jubilee smile in excitement. jean looked annoyed. she sighed.
she sent me a look.
"fine, all cards on the table. no questions asked to any truths, just simple answers. you can answer to whatever extent you feel comfortable. now, jean, how do you really feel about scott?"
peter let out a small laugh, causing me to look at him.
"so, so."
i side nodded.
"that wasnt so hard was it?"
jubilee piped up.
"jeans turn!"
she looked at warren.
"warren, truth or dare."
he squinted his eyes at her.
he looked at me.
"now were getting somewhere."
we both looked back to jean.
"i dare you get y/n a leaf off the tallest tree on the mansion grounds."
many of our friends eyes went wide but warren had his game face on.
"you all gonna come watch or what?"
we all got up and quickly followed him down the hall and out to the courtyard. we watched in awe as he took off with his immaculate wings and fly across the lake to the tallest tree on the other side. he came back with a gentle land and handed me the brightest red leaf id ever seen. i turned to jean.
"can we all go back inside? its freezing out here."
warren grabbed my shoulder.
"not so fast lil miss."
i sent him a glare.
"what could you possibly...?"
he patted my shoulder.
"truth or dare?"
his eyes were intense in the moonlight.
"is that a challenge angel?"
he raised a brow at me.
i squinted my eyes at him.
"y/n no."
i looked to jean and took into consideration her warning but it was too late.
"i dare you to jump in the lake."
my head snapped towards warren in a fit of anger.
"theres no way in hell."
"oh so its gonna be like that is it?"
i crossed my arms over my chest and before i knew it he had lifted me up and flew me to the side of the lake, throwing me into the cold water. when i came up for air he was standing on the shore laughing at me.
"i hate you, you overgrown chicken."
the others had run over to see if i was okay and all had looks of concern and anger written on their faces. i waded for a second before splashing him and pulling him in with me. when he came up he was flailing around and coughing. he stopped for a second before splashing me and climbing out of the freezing water. i followed suit and shivered when the cold air hit my wet skin.
"okay i think its time to go back inside."
jubilee nodded in agreement.
"you two go dry off and when your done come back to the common room. we are gonna keep playing though."
we both nodded and followed the team back into the mansion, splitting off to go to our respective rooms.
when i came out of my room i could hear a commotion down the hall. i knocked on warrens door and when he opened it he was shirtless but still dripping wet. he seemed beyond peeved but more annoyed than anything.
"something wrong?"
he scoffed at me.
"yeah my wings are wet. i cant do shit."
i tried to stifle the giggle that came to me.
"do you want some help?"
he paused but admitted defeat. he hung his head.
i followed him back into his room and caught the towel that he threw me. i let out a small laugh before patting down his wings.
we walked back into the common room only to find cups empty and friends sitting on the floor in a circle, a bottle in the middle of them where the coffee table had been.
"yall decide truth or dare wasnt enough?"
ororo laughed.
"actually, kurt was asked a truth and he said party games here were very interesting, we told him about spin the bottle and to our surprise he dared jubilee to set the game up."
i let out a small laugh and shook my head. peter patted the floor beside him and i gladly obliged. jubilee piped up to explain the rules. warren rolled his eyes but took a seat between peter and scott.
"i dont believe ive ever played this game."
peter piped up.
"cant say that any more pal."
i lightly nudged peters arm.
"remember when we used to play this in middle school? every time it was your turn to spin the bottle you got up to go get more food or go to the bathroom."
we both laughed at the memory. jubilee shook her head but grabbed the bottle and spun it quickly. we all waited patiently for it to come to a stop. it landed on peter to all of out suprise. i smacked his back.
"guess its to late to leave."
he looked at me before slowly leaning across the center of the circle to give jubilee a quick peck on the lips. next ororo spun, it landed on kurt who turned a deep shade of purple when she leaned over to give him a short kiss. next kurt spun and it landed on warren. we all giggled but warren had the sternest face id ever seen. kurt looked to me and then jubilee.
"maybe i should not, i believe warren is still angry about our past before coming to be here at the mansion."
i looked at warren who still had a stern gaze on kurt. i patted kurt reasuringly on the back.
"i think your right kurt, we can skip this one."
he nodded and i spun. it landed on jean. she sent me a glare before rolling her eyes and leaning over to peck me on the lips before returning to her seat in annoyance. when she looked back at me i winked at her and laughed.
"this game is stupid."
"come on jean, your just saying that cause you havent kissed scott yet."
she sat back on her hands but didnt say anything. next peter spun. it landed on ororo and he pecked her with just as much haste as he did jubilee. when we got situated back in his seat we all stared at warren who didnt move. he looked around to all of us.
"its your turn hippogryph."
he sighed but spun anyways. it went around a few times before slowly coming to a hault in front of me. peter laughed before nudging me and pointing at warren. i nodded at him.
"thanks peter, i get it."
i got up on my knees and crawled across to warren, kissing him slowly, but pulling away and quickly returning to my seat. we all kept playing, drinking as we did, and everyone kissing everyone at least once before the game finished.
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utt-archived · 7 years
Send 💞 for a headcanon about the (potential or not) relationship between my muse and yours  / selectively accepting / @asgardianhammer
 💞  A few people and governments will get nervous about their relationship. The X-Men have been considered everything from vigilantes to a terrorist group, most people can’t be bothered to separate them from The Brotherhood or Charles’ goals from Erik, so one of their most powerful members growing close to the alien prince raises some concerns. Anyone that truly knows them won’t be worried about Ororo ever asking to borrow Asgardian tech or an army, and much as he loves her Thor’s not dragging his people into a Midgard cluster fuck solely for her sake. But plenty of people who don’t will have no problems picturing the lovely weather witch swaying the god into believing mutants have been wronged enough and with their people working together Earth could be easily overtaken, the whole planet left in more capable hands, the next step in mankind’s evolution. Which is true just not what on their personal agenda, right now, tho maybe they could be pushed there, but that’s for another meme or skype. 
  💞  I’ve mentioned before there are certain levels of her power Ororo is hesitant to tap into. She’s definitely I’ll do it slower on five what could probaly be done in half the time on eight or ten, the longer they’re together the more that changes and the same way their relationship has helped her let go emotionally she’ll be freer with the use of certain abilities and the force she chooses to exert. They also kind of egg each other on, and the fact of having someone around who can help gauge when something is too much that adds to her loosening up.  Whether this is good, bad or more likely some mix of both, I have to think about more but since her powers are wound tightly around her emotions and will it feels like a natural progression.  
💞  At some point, Thor debates the pros and cons of asking Ororo to be his queen. Not because he doubts her ability to fill the role or doesn’t love her enough for that kind of commitment, committing is done and the easy part at that. Sharing their lives and planning a future that’s already happening and neither is anything but pleased about it, but he’s aware of the strain it would bring her. Not only from his own experience and watching his parents but from her own recounting and while she’s made it clear she wants him Ororo couldn’t care less about a crown. Nothing says they couldn’t just be together as they are, even have kids, without giving her any sort of official title. Much as he wants her by his side in all things lovable self-sacrificing soul that he is can’t help wondering if sparing her the burden would be better for her. It’s one of those things that makes him restless for a few nights till she finally tires of waiting for him to spit out what’s wrong on his own.
There is a long conversation that basically boils down to Ororo assuring that her eyes are wide open even knowing all she’d be stepping into she would gladly take that role if it meant lightening his burdens even a little. That she couldn’t be content standing on the sidelines and not doing all she could for the place and people he loves. She also mentions the talk with Frigga, and her how invested she already feels. (I mean it’s Ro, and her affinity for the place can be found in canon) And that’s without the added connection of having children who’d undoubtedly be a part of it. 
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Baby Logan - Wolverine x Reader
Summary : You have to tell Logan you’re pregnant, and that of course, it’s his. You’re terrified he won’t take it well...
This is part of some sort of a serie, where the reader is afraid to announce their pregnancy. Here’s the one I made for Captain America : Baby Rogers, and the one for Batman : Baby Wayne.  and sorry if it’s a bit crap, I just have so much trouble writing good things lately ! : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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It was Storm’s 40th birthday party, and you were probably the only person present, along with Logan, that wasn’t drunk. Logan because his healing factor prevented him from getting drunk too long, and you because....
-You’re not drinking (Y/N) ? 
Ororo. The queen of the party. She was drunk since 4 in the afternoon, and was the most hilarious one ever. She kept trying to make sure everyone was having a good time, and unintentionally buzzing them with a small and weak lightning coming out of her fingers. Right now, she was afraid you weren’t having fun...
-You always drink, why are you not now ? Hahaha are you pregnant ? 
You don’t answer and look away. She stares at you, and it hits her. 
-Wait you are ?! 
-Shut up I didn’t tell Logan yet..
-No really, shut up ‘Ro ! 
She looks at you and, in her drunken state, suddenly understand what you just meant. From the corner of your eyes, you make sure Logan didn’t pay attention to what just happened, but he’s in a conversation with a very drunk Nightcrawler, and seem to have the time of his life listening to your blue friend’s Bible stories...Drunk Bible stories. He didn’t notice anything. Thanks God. Storm comes close to you and whisper : 
-Sorry. You didn’t tell him ? 
-I’ve only known for a day...or two...Ok I’ve known for two month. 
-Ro ! 
-Sorry sorry -she goes back to whispering- two months ?
-Yes. I just...I don’t know how to tell him. We never talked about it, or rather we did but he talked about his son, Daken, and then...oh my God I just can’t tell him !
-Oh, oh, I know how, I know how ! I can help ! 
-Yeah ? 
-You go to him, and you say : “Logan, I’m pregnant”. 
-...Thanks Ro’. Really. 
-Oh you’re very welcome honey ! -hips- 
She’s about to leave you to go and check on other friends when she really fully realize what you just said. The next thing you know ? You’re squeezed against her boobs in a warm embrace (warm because she’s kinda burning you with some small lightnings...). 
-This is the best birthday present you could give me (Y/N), I’m going to be an aunt ! 
You smile weakly at her and hug her back. 
-Yeah, I guess you are...Auntie Ro’. 
She lets out a small smile, and on her face, genuine happiness appears. Of course, she has been like a big sister to you for years...The happiness in her feature reminds you of the day you discovered you were pregnant.
Pregnant. You were pregnant. Logan’s. You were going to have Logan’s child.
A surge of happiness overtook you, and you resisted the urge of jumping excitingly...until you realize that, yes, you were going to have Logan’s child.
What if...What if he didn’t want a kid with you ? You often talked about his kids. Daken, his son with whom he could never get along and that skimmed to make Logan kill his other own biological children, of course not knowing they were his kids...There was Laura, whom he raised as best he could since she was about eleven. Amiko, his foster daughter, the one he promised to take care of to Mariko, a woman he used to love...The two girls were grown women now, taking care of themselves, coming to visit from times to times. You often talked about his children...but you never talked about having children together. You were even pretty sure he did not want one now...with...you.
You sat down on the edge of the bath, and the weight of the news you just got started to make your gut churned. How the Hell were you going to tell Logan ? The more you thought about it, the more you were afraid he’d leave you, bolt out like he used to at the beginning of your relationship...
It had been a very long time since his last escapade, not telling you where he was going. In fact, the day he first told you : “I love you (Y/N)”, he stopped leaving you without a word. Sometimes he needed his time alone, but the weeks he used to spent away turned into days, and then into just one day spending riding his motorcycle, coming back to your arms at night. But, what if a child was too much ?
Oh god it was totally too much !! And yet...you wanted a baby. With him. You had to tell him, you just had too. It was going to be ok, it was going to be...
-Darlin’ ?
His voice. Coming from your shared bedroom in the x-mansion.
-...(Y/N), baby, are you ok ?
You could hear the worry in his voice, and it made your heart beat faster.
-Yes, Yes Logan I’m good, I was just...washing up !
-Aaah, ‘f course. Come back to bed ?
You smile to yourself, and go back to the room. He’s sitting up in the bed, naked, and a mischievous smirk is on his face. You slip into bed and he immediately wraps his arms around you. You laugh, forgetting all your stress. Damn you loved that man. And you will tell him, just not now. For now, you were going to just enjoy being in his arms...Which was exactly the reason you got pregnant in the first place by the way. Yes, you’d just tell him later...
And here you were, almost two month later, with a belly that was starting to show, and you had to tell him, or he’d found out on his own. Of course he’d notice...most of the times, he’d fall asleep spooning you, his hand on your stomach. You were actually pretty surprised he hasn’t noticed yet...You just had to tell him.
Ororo pulled away from you, and smiled fondly at you. Sounding almost sober she said : 
-Oh I’m so happy for you. Don’t worry about Logan, he will be happy. I’m sure.
-Well I’m not...
-You’re stupid if you think he won’t. 
-Wow jee thanks Ro’ ! 
-You know what I mean. You really need to tell him. 
You don’t answer, and just glare at her. Of course, she was right. You needed to tell him indeed...it wasn’t fair to withhold such an information fro him. 
-I know Ro’, I will, I just...
-Don’t you dare wait until he’ll very obviously see it. Logan won’t appreciate that at all ! 
-What will I won’t appreciate ? 
You froze. Of course he would come over at some point...
-Oh hey Logan, (Y/N) got something to tell you. It’s super important ! 
You glare some more at your best friend, and she leaves with a wink. Oh she was gonna regret that later...But she was already gone, checking on Hank who was passed out on a couch. 
You turned to your boyfriend and smile shyly, but don’t say anything. He returns your smile and raise a hand to cup your cheek, brushing a gentle thumb over your lower lip. 
-Come on baby, it’s me, you know you can tell me anything. 
You shift awkwardly on your feet and...his lips pressing lightly on yours, and the smile you feel growing on his face as you respond to the kiss finally help you make a decision. You’re going to tell him. But not here, in the middle of everyone. You take him by the hand, and gesture toward your shared bedroom. He nods with an encouraging smile, and follows you. 
He was going to let you speak, to let you tell him. He was going to act surprise, and finally show you how happy he was about everything. But when he saw how much you struggled to get your words out, how much you were sweating and all...No, he couldn’t let you “suffer”. He had to help. Besides, stress wasn't good for the baby...
-I already know. 
-And you see I...Hum, what ? 
-I already now sweetheart. You’re pregnant. And I’m pretty sure it’s mine...It is right ? 
-Hum...I...you kn...Yes, yes of course it’s yours you idiot. 
A genuine smile appeared on his face, and you could only read happiness and a bit of amusement in his features. 
-Oh my god Lo’, you’re such an asshole...
-What ?
-You knew for the past two months and you didn’t say anything ? 
-You do know I have enhanced senses and that I fall asleep every nights with my hands on your belly right ? Of course I knew. As for why I didn't say anything...I wanted you to tell me yourself. 
Of course he wanted you to tell it yourself. You felt extremely guilty, you should’ve told him when you first learned it...But you couldn’t. 
As usual, your Logan understood you though. And as you listened to him explaining to you why he wanted you to tell him, and why he knew you were afraid and all, you couldn’t help but fell a little bit more in love with him, if that was even possible. Your heart melted when you understood that he was trying to give you time to cope with things, that he held his happiness in for so long just because he thought that you needed to tell him yourself...and that he understood why you were afraid to tell him. He really did. And as he was speaking, you realized your fears were, like Storm said it so well : “stupid”. 
Because the man facing you, caressing tenderly your back as he held you in his arms, was clearly totally ready to have a baby with you. Because that man facing you, loved you. You were sure of it, after all, he repeated it enough times...And you just felt silly thinking back on your worries. He soothed that too though, explaining to you that he understood your fears...
-I know that you thought that because of Daken and what he made me do I wouldn’t want any...biological children anymore. I can understand why you printed that into your brain. We talked so much about him...but I also talked a lot about Laura and Amiko. I told you that, though I was far from being the best father they could have, I took care of them gladly and...We never talked about having kids our own.  But...Ok I’m kinda loosing my train of thoughts there. 
He makes you sit on the bed, and kneel in front of you. 
-Listen (Y/N), you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in that long life of mine. The best. I never loved one like you. I...I know I will never love one more than I love you. And if I can build a real family of my own, it is with you that I want it. That kid growing inside you, I already love him or her to death too and again I might not be best suited to be the greatest father but I...
You shut him up with a kiss, you heard enough. He said exactly the right words to make you feel better, to make you feel happier than ever. He had the best reaction you could have hoped for, better than you expected definitely. He was...Perfect. Perfect for you, perfect for your future child, you just knew it. 
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Is this the end, or the beginning?
He laid there, tired and exhausted. After all these months, and possibly years of fighting, he finally was able to just lay down, under the crashed plane and just try to rest or even just pass away through his thoughts. He could barely move and breathe as he heard Apocalypse sigh and growl in disappointed in him. 
He failed. All he wanted was a new and better life with Apocalypse and beat these so called “X-Men” and just feel better about his life.
But no- he tried, tried harder to help Apocalypse, tried hard than any cage fight he’s been. And yet here he is, laying under this crashed plane that he wrecked with, tired and exhausted. He knew this was an end for him, maybe he can finally join his mother, knowing she would be proud with what he has suffered through with each and every fight. He gave his life his all, feeling like his life wasn’t needed anymore. Now- all he can do is sleep, sleep for eternity and never suffer anymore.
Warren slightly woke up to feeling like he was being carried but didn’t really care. He guessed it was Erik, burying him in his own grave or wherever else. Again, he didn’t care, so he just kept on resting, still too tired and exhausted.
After weeks and months of resting, he slightly woke up to looking at a wall, wondering where he was at first. He panicked a bit but since he couldn’t move much, only his mind panicked. He breathed heavily for a few moments, turning his head to the side to see a few students there in beds beside him, but farther away from him. He looked up to see the X-Men kids, talking with this silver-haired adult, or was he a adult? He couldn’t tell.
And HOW is he still alive after all that’s happened?!
He couldn’t put his mind or any thoughts as to why he was still alive, even after that plane crash.
Did Magneto bring him here? Did he have a choice or was it- something else?
“Quick! Get Ashley or Hank!” Jean said as Kurt nodded as he looked at Warren, worry in his eyes before taking Ororo with him to find either Ashley or Hank. After they teleported, Jean looked over at Warren along with the others and smiled. 
Warren was confused, why were they smiling at him after he tried killing them and living his better life. He didn’t care really, he just growled a bit before turning his head and ignoring them. Warren still hated them, more than anything, even that nightcrawler kid. As he ignored them, he felt someone’s hand gently go through his hair and scald, feeling them lightly massage his head, which relaxed him. 
“I see your awake Warren?” A strange female voice asked as Warren turned his head again to the other direction to see a small figure with smaller wings than him and a fox tail that was patterned strangely. “Let me get ya some water and medicine real quick. Then I’ll help ya up~” She smiled assuredly before walking away real quick. 
W-wait. What? How was she so nice to him? Surely she heard what he has done- right? If she did, she wouldn’t be...this NICE to him?
He didn’t know, his mind couldn’t wrap around the idea of how nice she was to him. 
“Here we go~” The female strange said and smiled at him. “Just don’t move alright~ I got ya~” She said before using her tail and strength to help him up and lean his back against the other side of the bed. She then carefully gave him his medicine and some water which at first, he refused but seeing her death glare, he took it ‘gladly’. “Now try to speak, slowly and carefully, no matter how stupid it sounds, I won’t laugh. I promise my kit~”
My kit? Wtf?! Why would she call him that for starters? Well- first of all, WHY was she still so nice? And HOW could she handle his weight?
“To answer your questions~ I call everyone younger than me my kit and I’m nice to ya because I know what ya have been through. Knowing I haven’t gone through it but I can feel it, all the emotions and how your aura felt. And I lifted feedbags and goats so your not that heavy~” She said smiling. “I’m Ashley by the way, a motherly figure~”
OHHHHH she can read my mind? Well sh**- What is he suppose to think now? And Ashley, what a interesting name for someone looking like her, possibly wondering if she was single.
“Heh- sorry Warren but I’m with someone. So better find another fish in the ocean~” She smiled and giggles a bit, shaking her head. “Now speak-” Ashley said daringly, shocking Warren for a moment as he nodded.
“H-H....Hi.” Warren started as Ashley smiled and nodded approvingly.
“There that’s a start~” Ashley said before looking at the window out the room where the X-Men, even Kurt were watching.
Kurt smiled as he felt glad that Warren was alive, feeling bad as it is that he had no choice but to go against him and win their fights, twice. He felt like this plane crash was his fault and wanted to apologize for it. But he had no choice but to wait until Warren was awake, alive and moving.
“W-wings...”Warren said looking at his sides to see him metal wings gone and new ones coming in.”
“Well we had to get your metal wings off cause they were trying to reject your body to the point of no chance in surviving but thanks to Shy, Erik, Hank and I. We were able to get them out and help your new ones come in without any permanent damage~ All ya have to do now is rest and try to get comfortable here, alright? They will grow back beautifully and ya will be better soon~” Ashley said smiling and looked at Kurt, nodding a bit to him as Kurt smiled back. “Well I’ll let ya be to your thoughts for a while and look out at the beautiful weather outside~ If ya need anything, just say so in your mind and I’ll come back, promise~” She said, slowly getting up and walking away as Warren didn’t stop her.
He needed some time to think things over of what just happened. How did he get here and why? Will they force him to stay here or will they let him go? And is everyone else gonna be nice just like her? That would drive him crazy, at least a few should hate him... right? Like the X-Men themselves, even nightcrawler? And why is that nightcrawler always on his mind for some reason? Because he wants another fight with him to finally win once against him? He didn’t know.
All he could do now was look outside the window, feel the slight sunshine hit his body, and just think. 
(Hope it turned out alright, just woke up a bit early and couldn’t get this idea off my mind)
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au (missions and secrets)
N/A: this idea hit me up last night, so, I´m based again on Ultimate but taking a bit of 616!
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 @bamfoftheundead
The rain, without warning, hits on the area watering the grass, trees and of course, the roof of the mansion. No one was outside, well, saved for one woman who was feeling the rain gentle hitting on her body, hair with a smile on her face.
"Kitten?" Ororo Monroe finally found Kitty Pryde enjoying the rain as Ororo often does. Kitty Pryde is the newest addition to the X-men and so far they can all label her as a free hippie style. "Enjoying the rain?"
Kitty Pryde, with her trademark freckles, only nods and replies. "You know, when I was younger," Ororo noticed the corner of her lips curve slightly and she remembers how no one knows Kitty´s real age ("old enough to drink and vote") "I used to fear water very much...something bad happened with me there, but, now...I´d not fear water anymore"
Ororo blinks at this admission and wonder if maybe Kitty was drowning or did suffer an attempted. Either way, Ororo Monroe can´t judge as she too deals with claustrophobic and doesn´t like to disclose that to anyone.
"Getting over a fear like that is truly remarkable" Ororo states.
"You´re remarkable as well Storm never forget that" Kitty said and the rain stopped, the young woman is offering a smile and Ororo smiles back, Kitty may be an odd hippie girl, but, she means well and after the disaster of Jean Grey...they prefer an odd hippie girl that anything remotely linked to Jean Grey.
"Come on, Kitten, Scott is calling us for a meeting...and careful to not get flu"
"I won´t!"
Scott Summers is the leader of the X-men, that´s a given at this point, and the man really manages to be professional even when he mentioned the names, Jean and Logan. "We still have no information on their whereabouts" no one is sharing any real worry for any of them.
Rogue hands a towel to Kitty joking she knew kitty would be in the rain. Bobby and all the seniors are sitting in their respective places, for a moment, it makes Kitty thinking about the round table, but, there are not enough people for the comparison.
"I want to talk about a new issue that is calling my attention, Ororo did show her side of the argument and even Kitty too and the two are correct. We´re the X-men, we do look out for our own, but, if we closed our eyes to any injustice...are we doing any good? As long the police don´t get brutal with mutants...can we call this justice?" Scott said and the others are listening.
"How can we call ourselves heroes if we don´t do anything against injustice?" Scott said and taking a deep breath he explained "the Friend of Humanity are getting support from...other racists groups to, well, in their own racists' terms, to purge the mankind of what is undesirable"
Bobby raises his hand, a comical salute for a serious situation. "Professor Summers, I thought the Friends of Humanity were over, didn´t we fight them off?"
"We did Bobby, but, the friends of humanity are parasites, work as a cell, you can destroy one, but, soon it will have a new one to take over" Rogue explained.
"Yes, and right now they are operating in Chicago" Scott explained and Kitty only speaks one line "I live in Chicago" there´s foreboding in her tone and the others look at her.
Everyone feels a bit of cold all of sudden, and Scott clears his throat and speaks again. "Thanks to Cerebro and the modification Kitty made, we managed to locate their next meeting and it will be..."
"Building Langford, 334. Is a part hotel they all rent for this meeting and even replace the staff with their own...so paranoid" Kitty responds coldly and no one asks how she knew about this.
Well, the logical solution is, of course, she did use Cerebro or heard Scott´s talk before the meeting. That´s the only solution.
The team assembled, a word Scott is not very fond thanks to the Avengers, and they are now at the location, however, Betsy states something curious. "I´m not feeling anyone inside that building"
Once they are looking at the entrance they can see how everything is desert. Ororo saw the flags of said racists groups and has no problem in breaking those flags, but, she notices something odd.
"Their car´s keys are here...but we saw no car outside" Ororo replies and Bobby and Rogue confirms as they went outside...the parking lot is empty.
Scott asked Betsy to see if she can sense anything. The woman activated her butterfly for a moment.
Grayson Creed is a pure man, he has pure intentions, so, when they discover the existence of this, of course, Creed knew IT would be on their side.
"Now, God is truly on our side, we will purge the mankind of the undesirable once and for all" many people wearing white cheer on that, however, their celebration is cut short when a woman wearing the Davi star, on her necklace and on her shirt, shows up.
"Well, thank you, I was rather famished lately and eating things like you...does a great service to mankind" Kitty explains and before anyone could do anything to Kitty a vortex opens with tentacles with mouths and eyes.
The mouths are bigger than the eyes and no one realizes the room is no longer the hotel, only that everyone under this ideology is here. EVERYONE.
Creed watches in horror as the mouth eats the first one, then the second. He can´t move. Either because of fear of the tentacles wrapping around his ankle.
"I don´t understand, we want to save the world," Creed said "we invoke a god to help"
Kitty rolls her eyes and lets her crystal azzure eyes be the only "deformation" on her mask.
"Oh please, you barely know how to write one of my names and is the easier one." She shakes her heads and ignores the screams of help, the number of people are getting smaller and smaller " and you ask to save the world, well, I´m helping you with that...I´m saving from you"
And the tentacles sealed Creed´s fate. There´s no one in the room, saved for Kitty.
__________________________________ Besty stops and shakes her head. "I feel nothing? what´s the odds of everyone in this hotel, literally, everyone, leave in such a short time and without making any noise?"
This is getting alarming. Scott is about to gesture the X-men to follow him when he notices that Kitty is missing, but, she's appearing next to Rogue.
"Where were you?" Rogue asked. And Psylocke did nod as if saying that´s Kitty Pryde and not Mystique or any other shapeshifter
"Bathroom" points to the bathroom that Rogue swear was not there before, but, then again, she was not looking for a bathroom.
"Really, now?"
"Well, yeah, I think I drink too much soda"
"Kitty, we talk about this, you need to stop drink that much soda"
"easy said than done"
They start searching in each room and it´s all empty. Ororo spot a room, technical, a stage room that has a white board with a name write down. The X-men went to see what´s written.
"Zig?" Bobby asked once reading the word again.
"Zag?" Ororo read again confused.
Scott and Betsy can´t read the word. It´s the only clue on what happened but the bad handwriting is proving to be a troublesome and dangerous foe.
"Zaorva," Kitty said annoyed at this. "aside from racists they prove to be even dumber"
Again, the sense of foreboding is strong and no one dares to bother Kitty after that. Scott and Ororo wonder on what to do now. Do they report the missing on those people?
"No" Kitty suggested "they want attention anyway, and they will use this to make us look bad, now, is very possible that the Friends of Humanity and friends bite more than what they can chew and if ...people do are looking for them, which let´s be honest no one will, then, let´s close the case and go home"
"But...the Friends of Humanity..."
"Won´t ever bother us again" and no one dares to doubt the words. Not when Kitty´s eyes are getting slightly blue now.
"You know, I´d love when you do that...is fun to watch" LK replies amused.
"Thank you, I know you are very voyeuristic, but, I admit...they did piss me off and I was being creative. I wanted them to see a Jewish girl as each one of them is eaten and tortured" she offers a torso to LK who eats it gladly.
"I know and that´s why it gets so prettier, my zaorva"
"Oh, shush you, love, not in front of the food" and Zaorva eats a nice tasty leg and the couple talks in such romantic and kind way that is almost easy to ignore the scenario and their food, who is trying to escape, of course, without any success.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au (The truth)
N/A: Time to come to clean Scott.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9  @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
In the yard of Bayville High school, many teenagers are talking about several subjects, each teenager is in a unique group to fit their taste, however, Spike Monroe is sitting quietly and looking ahead and sighing.
Tabbitha Smith was loudly talking with Amara, her girl, as she often proclaims, notices Spike gazing and sighing and decides to do have word with the boy.
"Hey, boy!" she claps her hand hard on the wood table prompting Spike to notice herself. "whatcha looking at?"
Spike hissed at her to Tabbitha to be silent as the girl sits next to Spike on the empty wood table. Her eyes travel to where Spike was watching and smirks. "Looking at Melissa again? Spike...you´d have a crush and you´re being creepy"
Spike now gazes at Tabbitha and back to Melissa Jones, the girl is wearing an orange dress which goes well with her dark skin and with her newly red hair(many girls are changing their hair colour to look a bit like Jean, just to prove how popular Jean Grey is) and finally Spike replies."ok, I guess I´m being a bit creepy, staring at her like that...is just I have no idea what to do"
Tabbitha only rolls her eyes and decides to share her wisdom. "I´ve no idea why you boys love to talk about us as if we are something out a Lovecraft novel, I´ll tell you a secret, we girls aren´t outer gods, Spike" Tabbitha concludes and of course, the table was never empty as Kurt, Kitty and Jean are there. Of course, they were always on the table.
"Yes, Spike, we girls aren´t outer gods" Jean and Kitty confirm amused and Kurt chuckles.  Tabbitha nods gladly Kitty and Jean are on her side. "See, Spike? if you want to ask Melissa is just going there"
Spike is unsure. "Well, but...what I said? She´s not an outer god" he jokes "I can´t just kill goats to her name" Spike chuckles nervously. Kurt laughs amused, however, Tabbitha swear his voice was rough and deep too much from a teenager boy. Oh, must be a German thing.
"How did Kurt ask you out?" Spike inquiries and Tabbitha is curious as well. And Kurt smiles widely, yet, who answers it was Kitty. "He sacrifices thousands and thousands of souls to me" Kitty then smiles friendly and of course, she´s joking.
Jean pipes in. "He just talks to her as you should do with Melissa" and Tabbitha would like to crack a joke about her and Scott, however, green eyes told to not start.
Spike rose from his position. And Jean give one last piece of information to help. "Melissa likes flowers, her family has a flower shop and she dreams taking care of the shop, so, you can go from there" Spike thank Jean and he thought Kurt would give a piece of advice.
"Nah, you can´t afford this type of advice, not from me," Kurt respond and Spike goes to talk with his crush. Tabbitha watches and ponders if she´ll say yes.
"Boys! always thinking we´re something way outer of this world" Tabbitha shakes her head. Kitty, Jean and even Kurt laugh at that and Tabbitha know she´s a funny person.
Spike is back and it seems Melissa said yes to a date. "Girls aren´t outer god" Spike fist pump in the air. Jean and Kitty laugh as Kurt is too amused. Tabbitha then, as she did give some advice, is trying to cash in a favour.
"If we´re going to follow that logic, you all own us a favour" Kurt replied and Spike and Tabbitha agree on whole heart, of course, as Kurt was here the entire time.
"Yes, of course," Spike and Tabbitha speak in unison. Kitty and Jean are amused.
Magik is facing Professor X with dread, the other members of New Mutant are silent as Storm, Wolverine and Dr MCcoy are taking the new source of information and Scott Summer is silent.
"So, you´re saying there´s something more powerful than Apocalypse and IT killed Emma Frost, wipe out the pool and any memory of the pool and IT is behind Susan Storm and the Fantastic Four's bizarre behaviour" Professor X replied remembering how Susan Storm´s last interview talking about family and motherhood with such devotion and her belly can be spotted now, 4 months ever since Susan put her feet on the mansion.
Magik has a photo of the said pool and everyone was there. Logan looks at the photo, not a photoshop expert, but, he can know when someone is lying and no one New Mutant is lying or cracking a joke.
Storm is a bit at loss. "So, Jubilee is a vampire, are you sure?" Ororo asked and Rhane nods and pipes in "That´s why she can´t be here, we think she´s already under the spell of a vampire"
Storm closes her eyes and adds. "Then is not a regular vampire," Dr MCcoy asked what she´s talking and Ororo offer a better explanation. "Blade, I´ve met him a few years before joining the X-men, and I did meet vampires, the regular vampire will only drink your blood...but ancient vampires are far, far more powerful, they can control how you feel and you won´t want to leave if the ancient vampire does not want"
Professor X nods and looks at Scott, knowing he wants to confess something, but, won´t spy into his mind. Meanwhile, Scott thinks about Jean Grey.
Am I being stupid? Can I know trust in her word?
Scott remembers his talk with Jean Grey and how she´s not human, she´s not hiding this, not from him, and is he thinking with his head or the lower head?
No, whatever it is, the safety of the team matters more.
"Professor, I want to confess, Jean Grey is not exactly human either, I´ve known this for a while and I think she´s far more powerful than an ancient vampire" and Scott continues to confess "I´d notice for a while things aren´t normal, but, I thought we were saved as Jean promised to not hurt us...I made an error, however, she´s far more powerful than Apocalypse and ...yes, I made an error"
Logan didn´t react at this information well. "Slim, what the fuck?" and Professor X asked permission to enter into Scott´s head to see if he´s being controlled and to see more evidence.
A minute passed and Scott was never being controlled.
Scott, beating yourself down, won´t help, but, you like the New Mutants tried to solve everything on your own.
"Scott is not being controlled nor acted on an ill wish, he wanted to help and if he did that...sure he understand this person is not human and far more powerful...Kids, we´re the X-men, we should act together, that´s what this creature or creatures want" Professor X demolish "if we give in to fear and despair, then, the creatures won"
The New Mutants and Scott are feeling ashamed, however, Scott refuses to mope and asked what they can do.
"Bidding time, Destiny is our best chance, so, Logan and Ororo will go, no!" Professor X speaks strongly when the New Mutants tried to protest "The creatures expected you all to go to Destiny and who can´t say they won´t kill Destiny? Now, they won´t pay attention to Logan and Ororo leaving to a new mission" and Logan takes the lead.
"Destiny takes many shapes and is not in the US right now, " now Logan looks grumpy as he continues " I´ve some contacts who spot Destiny in...Canada, new face, but the smell is the same"
"Then...we´ll ask help to Blade to deal with a vampire" Ororo offered the solution with a heavy heart, Jubilee is a student she liked deeply, but...if she´s an ancient vampire...
"And...we´ll act as we know nothing" Scott speaks and Professor X confirms, Dr MCcoy is silent and pipes in. "You think...the creatures is also controlling Magneto and the Brotherhood?"
"Is...a possibility"
A plan is made and Dr MCcoy can´t complain, the new student´s safety comes first, but, now...who is human and who is not, is a question they need an answer quickly.
Scott Summers is conflicted, far too much, a part of him wanted to be quiet about Jean Grey and the other...fear her deeply, he only saw a glimpse of her power and that´s enough to cause a huge impression.
Maybe I've got a thing for dangerous girls, first was Betsy, now, a girl who can kill everyone with a snap of her fingers.
As he comes close to his room, in the vain hope to sleep, Jean Grey is there and Scott is not surprised.
"You told about me" Jean speaks not holding anger or sadness.
"Yes, I´m sorry, this could be a secret forever" Scott answers honestly and Jean nods and gently put her hands on his face, only after he let this action to proceed.
"You never take the sunglass?" Jean asked looking at said sunglass.
"Yes, is...a way to help to control my powers" is the truth, yet, Scott shouldn´t feel so sad. Jean, then, ask something "do you trust me?"
Scott knows she´s not human. Knows she can kill her and yet despite everything, Scott only nods. Jean takes the sunglass kindly and Scott´s eyes aren´t shutting lasers. He can see Jean Grey and her bright red hair.
"So, that´s how your eyes truly are" Jean replied amused. "You have pretty eyes Scott and a beautiful mind and that´s rare, even for me"
Scott touches Jean´s hair twirling the locks on his finger and he can see the fire, if only by a second. "Well, you´re pretty rare too"
The mystery will be over and when is finally revealed, what they will do?
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