#I think she’s neat but also what do you MEAN fiance
ajaxxa · 1 year
Real footage of me meeting Yona in TOTK
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asura22zoro · 6 months
why I would prefer a lok remake ( obviously ending with makorra back together or a hint to it ) while the love triangle stays the same rather then go the asami the equalist spy route
it would feel like I am vilifying asami giving her the Ron the death eater treatment because of the irrational hate for mako alongside feeling like I am coming down to the people who had an irrational hate for mako daring to be flawed in a way that cant be romanticized away to the point they gave him the Ron the death eater treatment ( outright lying about him twisting his words or trying to portray him as a womanizer or cheater or whining if anything good happened to him ( like becoming a police officer claiming it makes him a Gary stu or putting him through standards they don't put any other character to) when he was just an emotionally immature teenager who messed up a messy situation his flaws were always acknowledged and treated as such he didn't need a punishment at b1 (I even saw some ridiculous people try to equate him to yues fiance.
when mako repeatedly showed to care about asami sato and genuinely like asami ( he just had stronger feelings for Korra) but he also felt security with asami sato or trying to claim he was in the wrong to tell raiko about what korra's was doing (it would be neat for a lok remake with b4 kuvira its implied that kuvira had a moment /;plot in the past which was to her what Korra doing what she did with the fleet was to her but she didn't have a mako ( someone close to her that called her out) Korra and mako both had issues that led to the b2 breakup they weren't ready for a relationship with anyone
mako gets a lot of bullshit from the fandom where they twist/lie about his character to bash him ( it reminds me of someone claiming someone only apologized due to being surrounded by classmates ignoring that there was panels showing him thinking about it )
like trying to equate him to yue's fiance who didn't care about him or only cared about her looks etc which is nonsense
or tried to claim him telling raiko about korra's plot was akin to that one guy telling about the party ( its not) mako was in the right and in a full lo
claiming mako was a Gary stu for ending b1 happy or becoming a police officer and looking to be a detective is worse then someone claiming katara was a Mary Sue for being a master water bender)
I mean seriously their logic was just something good happens to mako = creators pet/Gary stu when it doesn't.
seriously you cant give me the but there are people older then him in the police force argument when there were people training as water benders longer then katara was and this is a cartoon show.
(speaking of which did you know that there were people calling Korra a Mary Sue for some reason )
they even twisted mako's words to claim he called asami a leech he obviously used a figure of speech ( their equivalent to rip off a bandaid but because its mako they twist it to their worst possible idea because they cant stand that he mishandled a love triangle its a minor mistake
zuko's actions were worse
you cant give me but he was the antagonist excuse for mako's mistakes weren't worthy to be an antagonist his mistakes were that of a main character
even katara made mistakes or said rude things. its like they are wearing hate goggles when it comes to him
so I would keep the love triangle and asami as is
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webbedphantom · 10 months
Took way longer than I expected, but that's probably because I'm an idiot and decided to do every quest-
Anyways, full spoiler breakdown below the thing
Okay, so I called a lot of the twists for the third kingdom ahead of time. Like the second I saw Eri, I was like "She's gonna die," and when they kept covering up the ruler's name in static, I was like "It's Toshiro's shadow"
But like even though I kinda called it, those moments still hit me hard. Like I didn't think the creepy principal would push her in front of a train, or that she'd survive only to have her spirit broken.
And while I kinda saw the God thing coming too, I didn't think the Shadow was a fake created by him, or that Erina would turn out to be TOSHIRO'S PERSONA LIKE WHAT???
(Though that does mean that my whole concept of Arsène becoming his own person is now substantiated in canon, so that's neat)
Also the Velvet Room becomes a Train because shut up it's cool
The final kingdom was a bit of a slog, though probably because I'd been marathoning the entire game for several hours with no sleep, but still doing a boss rush, broken up by lengthy combat arenas is like... like the most padding that has ever padding'd.
Still I did it, beat all those refights, and even did the bonus quests to unlock everyone's ultimate skill which was SUPER NOT WORTH IT FOR EVERYONE BESIDES JOKER AND TOSHIRO BECAUSE LITERALLY ALL OF THEIR GUNS DO MORE DAMAGE
(And I'm pretty sure Joker would've been in the same boat if I grinded to get his best weapon)
Granted, that's my fault for not putting points into the amplifiers, and spending a lot of time fiddling with Personas to get the best weapons possible, but still like c'mon! Why would you ever want to spend like 75 SP for a big blast when I could just use my gun and do like 10-15 more damage??
Granted, the AOE on those attacks came in handy sometimes, but because by the time I unlocked them for everyone (because yes you still have to put points in for them after doing the quests), I was at the final boss, so there weren't a lot of enemies to blow up
Final boss was a good time though! Had some fun gimmicks, a cool design, actually made me think for a bit, didn't last too long, had great music, all the good stuff you'd want from a final boss. Certainly better than Midnight Suns final boss, I'll tell you that much-
I thought Strikers had a good ending with them doing an All Out Attack on the final boss, but this-!! OH MAN, this a whole other level of cool
Literally an entire shonen anime fight scene to cap the whole thing off, everyone gets a moment to shine, Joker uses his grappling hook in some very Spidey-esk maneuvers, Erina has a Super Saiyan moment, turning into her Persona form to blast away some gears, it is EVERYTHING I could've ever wanted.
The ending was really sweet too. I had a feeling Erina wouldn't be coming into reality, as much as I wanted her to, but they had a touching good bye, Toshiro exposes his father's crimes and breaks it off with his "fiance" on live TV, the team has a cute scene in Leblanc, and then after the credits-
We don't get to see much of her sadly, nor much of their reunion, but it still really tugged at my heart strings, as all Persona games are apparently required by law to do now.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time with Tactica. Is it worth $60? Honestly not sure. It's definitely short for an RPG, but there's definitely some extra content to keep you coming back. I'm looking forward to replaying the game on hard whenever I eventually save up enough to get my own copy (gotta play that DLC at some point)
So, while I do recommend it, especially if you're into Tactics games, maybe try to get it on a sale if you're planning to get the DLC. $60 was already pushing it, but $80?? Yeah, no thanks-
Strikers is still my favorite spin off though. Doesn't even come close.
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bigdickevans · 2 years
i watched smile and wrote down my live reaction if anyone cares lol. long story short it was better than i thought it would be, the death/spooky effects were fun but it was kinda heavy handed with the mental health commentary
i went into this thinking it would be funny bad but. goddammit. ok i liked the opening.
the fucking back and forth shots of the main lady and the college girl’s faces, it set me up!!
then when it showed college girl had gotten up. idk man something about how empty and sterile the office is wigged me out even more.
and her cutting her neck was neato
at the title card now and alright goddamn it didn’t have to flash like that yeesh
oh also it sounds like this is just gonna be it follows but with suicide instead of sex
lord they’re trying to do mental health commentary. great.
ugh if i end up liking this movie i’m gonna be embarrassed
that cat’s dead. and nooo i don’t know that because i checked doesthedogdie.com
i was hoping the cat would smile lmao
i’ve decided this takes place in The Boys universe
sorry i got so distracted by a-train that i forgot to say that main lady seeing the dead girl in the dimly lit kitchen did freak me out.
we’re back to the mental health commentary.
why does the cat have such a big fucking bowl
Young cop(?) dude gives me the creeps.
Haha sassy black coworker!! very funny and cool el oh el
ooooo i liked her passing the rooms and having to backtrack
bro is vibing stop snapping
im so sorry but this carl actor has a really silly voice
i feel like this boss also looks familiar
oh he was in designated survivor ok
actually i’ve been kinda constipated so maybe if i watch this on the toilet i’ll shit myself and finally be free
jesus this lady just can’t stop breaking glasses
none of this would’ve happened if you just KEPT YOUR HOUSE WELL LIT
wow what a cast
i sorta missed the whole bit where she listened to the recording and heard stuff, i was unclogging my toilet
main lady and blonde bitch are sisters?? wow that went straight over my head until now. i knew they had to be related in some way? but i kinda thought the husband and the main lady were siblings
dead cat moment
love that they felt the need to clarify it was her cat lmao
when the boy picked it up it looked like really bad cgi
yeah babe sometimes you just gotta yell it out
im sorry… mental health preachy message aside, are you telling me the fiance had to look up the fact that mental illness can be hereditary??
for some reason i feel like the main character’s spiral happened way too fast
but to be fair i guess she does have that trauma with her mom, so maybe even though she works in healthcare she’d still be more susceptible to this line of thinking?
the number of times they say “crazy” in this movie is getting ridiculous
love a good smashed in head, i appreciate they didn’t add a loud noise with it considering the amount of jumpscares in this fucking thing
thank god horrible events always happen to artists so we can have ooky spooky drawings
these “coincidences” are so obviously connected it’s ludicrous that literally nobody noticed until now
I mean cops being inept is nothing new i guess
main character is being? unbelievably unreasonable here?? yes, calling a mental health professional is what you’re SUPPOSED to do when someone around you starts acting like this
i thought one of the whole points of this smile demon thing was that it could look like anyone? they haven’t really been utilizing that as much as i assumed they would which is a bummer
loved that moment with the sister at the car
it is kinda neat that the death has to be super dramatic so it inflicts as much trauma as possible
but also couldn’t you just do something traumatic that doesn’t involve murder or suicide?
like pretend you murdered someone or killed yourself in a crazy violent way in front of someone so they believe it happened, orchestrate a big practical joke
the demon voice is goofy
putting a knife that big up your sleeve seems like an atrocious idea
it’s like in chainsaw man. the whole door thing with denji. i’m not elaborating bc i don’t wanna spoil anyone.
the mom is kinda hot
lol i like how slowly rose closed the door
ooooooo!!!! suddenly tall mom!!!
i’m a tad disappointed with the monster design :/
HELL YEAH you thought a house fire could kill a demon?? lmaoooo
rose the throat goat
hell yeah love a good person burning
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bitter-hibiscus · 2 years
hav a good sleep and good luck spending money !!!!!!!
okay okay i might have mentioned this to you before but because there's already the foot clam and then rise added the council of heads i think it would be rlly funny if all the different hidden city/yokai related 'factions' were named after different body parts especially the. the arms dealers. so like a lot of these gangs are joining together after the kraang left the hidden city a little bit shaken up theyre unifying they may even have the beginnings of stronger tech
so the hamatos are stretched pretty thin they're getting worn down on all sides and big mama js a very prominent antagonistic force on the day to day bc shes taken to having grunts film their fights with the various gangs to hold over her audience between nexus fights as rise in technology means alternate means of entertainment means less buisness for her. or something i actually hadn't thought of the details of big mama before typing this out but they confront her and she ends up injuring either raph or april haven't decided yet
tension is high around the lair bc no one has really had time to recover emotionally from the kraang and they're out fighting constantly (casey is actually p normal about it bc all he knows is fighting. casey needs therapy probably) so like they're all pissy they're all one bad day away from snapping
getting heavy inspo from the donnie betrayal arc from the idw comics my best friend the idw comics donnie thinks that forging an alliance with big mama is the only way they'll get the upper hand. leo is like violently against this because raph/aprils wounds are still fresh literally and figuratively and he absolutely does not want donnie giving his resources to whats in his eyes enemy #1. donnie disagrees and thinks that her influence in the hidden city and ability to find people and know when fights are happening would be really useful leo orders donnie to stand down (leader moment!!! so proud of him) but donnie refuses point blank. things escalate when donnie reveals hes already spoken to big mama and they've worked out a deal and it turns into a family wide argument
leos side is raph (im leaning toward raph for injury reciever i think. i just feel bad fridging him after the movie already did) april (april donnie fight!!! i also just dont think she would trust big mama) and like most of the 1-2 time appearance side characters. maybe casey sr too? but i could see her hoping mama can like get normaler because that's what she did. what are your thoughts on this
donnies side is mikey (who loves a redemption arc and wants to look out for donnie) casey jr (he probably knew mama in the future when there was literally no choice but to be allies) and draxum (dont get me wrong he HATES big mama but he agrees with donnie that shes useful to them + he likes mikey best) also todd. he gives them lemonade
splinter is probably more of a mediator than anything he would love for his ex almost fiance to decide to turn to good but he wants to trust the judgement of his eldest and the son he made leader so he stays with them and lets draxum watch donnie mikey and the gang
so donnie and mikey (+ co maybe) take up temporary residence in the hidden city probably in the battle nexus hotel. haven't decided if one of them has to fight in the nexus but it would be neat
they also 100% meet big mamas assistant who was very heavily implied in the show to be a turtle that was left in the lab and captured by big mama. it is venus she shows them secrets and shit and is like plot relevant and stuff
tagst mostly what ive got in my little brain so far im bad at wrapping things up so im not really sure how that would go yet. i do thibk its really funny that like half of donnies side are looking at big mama like omg i could fix her and he is telling them to shut the fuck up and draxum is solemnly nodding in the bg
I think Cass/Casey Sr would be against Big Mama but only because one of the turtles would've told her about what she put them through and she'd be like AH! A WORTHY OPPONENT! BUT AN OPPONENT NONETHELESS!
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xoluvx · 4 years
the last great american dynasty; peter parker
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» pairing: peter parker x stark!reader » song: the last great american dynasty » word count: 2.7K
“Look who’s here,” Cap muttered looking down from the large glass windows in the compound. For a place that was suppose to be top secret, it was pretty damn open and obvious. He sipped from his coffee mug watching the woman slide out of the shiny black car. Even from far away, he could see the mischievous smirk on her face that spoke louder than the white feminine suit clinging to her body.
Peter approached Steve from the side, curious as to who he was referring to. It was certainly you. Suddenly he’d forgotten how to breath and his brain had completely given up on him as his mind went foggy and his limbs limp.
“She’s here,” Tony rushed down the hallway and into the common room where both Steve and Peter were standing. They snapped their heads towards him, an ecstatic Tony was rubbing his hands together as he heard the elevator ding.
“Daddy!” you exclaimed pushing your big sunglasses towards the top of your head, your arms outstretching towards Tony who sprinted to you. His arms engulfing you in a big bear hug, just like he’d do when you were younger.
“How was the flight?” he asked releasing you watching you stand there not a hair out of place, you were always so composed. There was no way you had just been on an almost day long flight.
“First class, can’t complain.” You smiled playfully, but others could have said it was more snobbish. By others, I mean Cap who was now approaching you with his coffee mug. His lips pursed slightly until you saw him.
“Uncle Steve,” you smiled stretching your arms again. He chuckled slightly. He may not have been a fan of your lush life and your extravagant arrivals, but there was always a glint in your eyes that reminded him of when you were younger and he relished in those moments.
“How’s the fiance?” he asked pulling away. Totally oblivious to why you were visiting. Why you’d practically lugged your entire life back to America.
“Oh, you didn’t tell him?” you chuckled awkwardly turning to your dad. You wished you could push down your sunglasses and simply vanish.
“I didn’t think it was my place, sweetie.” You dad gave you a slight shrug in the douche-baggy way people were used to seeing from him. Clearing your throat, turning towards Steve again you gave him a tight line smile.
“It didn’t work out.” You weren’t heartbroken. You’d broken it off. He wasn’t who you thought he was and he definitely wasn’t who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He just wasn’t on your level.
“I’ve gotta head out, Mr. Stark.” A distinct boyish voice, which you’d recognize anywhere, approached the three of you. Diverting your attention from Cap, you looked at Peter. He hadn’t changed one bit. If anything he’d only grown more handsome, his jaw was more defined and his hair. Had he gotten a haircut maybe? It suited him.
“Pete,” you muttered his nickname. You suddenly felt small. Everything you owned and everything you’d projected was just so insignificant in the presence of Peter.
“Hey,” he chuckled slightly as if he hadn’t recognized you. As if you were a stranger walking down the street and he just happened to bump into you and was being courteous because he had manners.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” Tony placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder talking to him directly. Waving his finger at him. Peter nodded as Tony and Steve disappeared leaving him alone with you. Still standing by the elevator.
“You look great,” Peter complimented awkwardly looking at your crisp outfit and your perfectly flawless face. Your lips curled into a smile and you felt yourself growing warmer. He always knew how to make you feel flushed.
“You’re not looking so bad yourself,” you retaliated watching him stand there in jeans and a plain faded grey t-shirt. His hair was somewhat shorter at the sides, but his curls were still there, slightly framing his face in a sideways sweep. He’d matured. But he was still Peter. 
“I really gotta go, I’ll see you around.” With that he quickly sprinted towards the stairs. His light footsteps haunting you as he walked out.
“Morning, Peter.” Tony’s voice echoed through the compound’s kitchen as Peter entered. He was wearing a baggy hoodie and jeans. It was like his uniform. Comfort over anything.
You were up bright and early. You were also wearing jeans, but they were form fitting and dressed up. The blouse you were wearing elevated the look. The loose chiffon hung on your body, but the built in straps at the neck were done in a neat bow around your neck.
“I’ll be down in the lab in a bit. You want breakfast?” Tony asked lifting up the pan with eggs. He was hovering over the kitchen island serving himself. In your hands, there was a coffee mug and next to it a small bowl of fruit.
“Sure,” Peter said clearing his throat. He was usually a lot more laid back with Tony. His level of respect was still there for the man, but their relationship had relaxed over the years. He wasn’t sure why he was feeling so tense now. Maybe it was the fact that you were staring at him.
Or the fact that he hadn’t seen you in years and you were just sitting there now. Pretending like you’d never been gone.
Clearing his throat, Peter muttered a ‘thanks’ as Tony placed a plate of food in front of him. Your eyes never leaving him.
“Is it weird seeing her?” Ned asked, his face registering more excitement that concern for his best friend. Ned had stopped by the compound, something he’d do regularly as he’d been able to land a job with the Avengers. You know, guy in the chair and all.
Peter cleared his throat trying to avoid the topic. Ned had seen you, the two of you had a quick conversation before Peter was able to drag Ned away. And now here was a curious Ned.
“It’s a little weird, but-” Peter shrugged not being able to finish his sentence. Simply because he didn’t know what to feel. He felt so much, yet he couldn’t decipher exactly what that was. So he was ignoring those feelings. Pushing them aside, but now Ned was prying. He knew he couldn’t lie to him.
“Okay, but you have to admit...she looks incredible and the way she was looking at you, man.” Ned shook his head chuckling slightly ignoring the fact that he currently had a million things to do.
Peter froze. So he wasn’t the only one who’d noticed.
It’d been weeks of scrutinizing encounters. Awkward bump-ins on the elevator or halls. Did Peter live here? You started to wonder. It was the only logical explanation for why he was constantly roaming the compound.
Neither of you ever held a conversation, except if Ned was involved. Other than that, all interactions were composed of stolen glances and sly unintentional brushes of hands or shoulders.
“Black tie event,” Tony warned pointing at Peter who was nodding his head walking backwards towards the stairs. You glanced at him quickly clutching the fork in your hand. Inside of you, a weird bubbling feeling was brewing. The prospect of seeing Peter in a suit and tie, unlike his multitude of t-shirts and jeans, which you totally didn’t mind, was enticing.
“Black tie, got it!” Peter exclaimed rushing down the stairs. 
“Are you excited?” Tony asked looking at you snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, what could go wrong with hundreds of people, who I haven’t seen in a long time, coming to celebrate my arrival to the states? After I’ve called off my engagement?” You added that last part just for kicks. A smug look on your face as you finished eating your pasta.
The sea of bodies consumed the room as you looked for a drink. Everyone was chatting away and it seemed almost everyone had forgotten about you. Good, you didn’t have time to entertain anyone’s crazy theories about why you’d left and why you were now back.
“Thank you,” you hummed taking the glass of wine from the bar. The bittersweet taste coated your taste buds and a sigh of satisfaction exhaled from your body. But your peace was quickly interrupted when two men approached you as you walked away from the bar. He whispered something in your ear that made your body recoil, and you stared at him with a blank face. A subtle shake of your head was indication that you didn’t want anything to do with him, but his friend was instant.
“I’m not going to dance with you,” you exclaimed shaking your head again as you clutched your wine glass tighter.
“No wonder your husband left you,” he spit the words with a vile laugh. The comment didn’t phase you, but the fact that this dimwit thought he could insult you was amusing. “Probably only wanted you for daddy’s money,” he added as his friend laughed quietly next to him.
“It’s funny that you assume everything I have is because my dad is Tony Stark,” you said not raising your voice. Your face expressionless as you took a sip of your wine. People were starting to gather around you. The men drawing attention as they continued to laugh and make childlish remarks.
“I’ll have you know I not only own half of Stark Industries, but I’m heavily involved in everything that happens around here. It’s a shame women can’t have fun and do business at the same time without pathetic men like you and you-” you pointed at his friend while sighing, “-shaming them.”
It seemed like everyone had silenced as you finished your speech, chugging your wine. You handed the man your wine glass before ushering everyone to scram. There was nothing to see here. 
“He had that coming,” Peter’s voice approached you at the bar. He leaned against the counter slightly watching you take your eyes off your glass, which he was sure was now filled with something a lot stronger. Startled you jumped slightly, now watching him with a playful smile on your face. The playful banter felt familiar. Felt like the old Peter.
“Men,” you scoffed shaking your head with disgust.
“You got that right,” he chuckled nodding in agreeance motioning towards the bartender. 
“How’s MJ?” you asked diverting the conversation from you. His eyes bulged slightly as he brought the beer to his lips. His brows quickly furrowing as he grunted, the cold beer settling down his throat. You’d noticed he hadn’t brought a date. Lies. It wasn’t just noticing, you were practically watching his every move. Just like he had with you.
“MJ?” He asked clearing his throat.
“Last I heard you two were getting pretty serious, right?” you said trying not too sound too desperate, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. You stirred your drink moving the glass with your fingers awaiting his answer.
“Uh...no.” He said a bit stunned. “We agreed we were better off as friends. She’s abroad, actually. Has a huge galley.” He chuckled.
Suddenly you get a weight pushing on your chest. It seemed like MJ had rejected him too. Had he lost total hope chasing after women? You couldn’t help, but wonder as you sipped on your drink watching his jaw clench.
“What happened with the fiance?” He teased. That’s what everyone called him. ‘The Fiance’. Like he was so mysterious, almost mythical. Peter had started to doubt if he had been real.
“Men,” you scoffed. “Remember?” you joked letting out a soft laugh chugging your drink.
Peter chuckled nodding his head, not wanting to pry. His beer was growing warm in his hands.
Placing your glass down with a clank on the counter, you grabbed Peter’s free hand leading him out of the room. “Come!” you demanded leading him towards the lab. You felt like a couple of kids sneaking out of a grown-up party. Even though you were the grown-ups.
Peter marveled at the suit in front of him.
“I didn’t want to show dad until it was presentable. What do you think?” you asked looking at the shiny suit. A multitude of laser beams sprouted at the sides with specific information about each feature and setting. Peter’s eyes scanned over the details. A look of approval registering on his face.
He turned to look at you. He was fascinated by the juxtaposition of your soft silky dress and the rough metal suit. The two sides of you. Both of which he’d known so well.
“Have you tried it out?” he asked trying to distract himself from how more attractive you’d grown. He didn’t know you were still in the labs being hands on, but somehow it elevated you further on the podium he’d slowly built for you over the years.
"Not yet. Wanted to get a second opinion,”  you said walking with him around the suit. He looked at the suit from every angle. You were touching something on a glass screen, your lips slightly parting as you concentrated.
Placing his beer down, Peter approached you. Maybe it was the alcohol or the smell of your intoxicating perfume. Maybe it was the fact that you were physically here and all his dreams were coming true.
He was standing close behind you. You could feel his breath on your exposed skin; you could smell the traces of beer. Not moving, you felt him come closer. His hand fell on your arm gently as his lips landed softly on your shoulder. His lips were like fire on your skin and you were rapidly melting. Shocks of electricity coursed through your body. Electricity only he was capable of producing.
His lips were soft and gentle on your skin as you pressed your back on his chest. His arm now wrapped around you, fingers spread across your torso. His lips traced a line all the way towards your neck, right below your ear. Your weak spot. He remembered.
A soft moan escaped your lips and with that, you turned your body capturing his lips in a heated embrace. His hands were firmly planted on your back. Yours wrapped around his neck, your fingers softly caressing his hair as the moment grew more fierce and heated. 
The only sounds vibrating on the walls were the sounds of your lips colliding and your soft panting as he pushed you towards the table. His lips were intoxicating, shooting bliss right through your veins.
It’d been too long since you kissed him. Since you were this close to him.
You mumbled something against his lips to which he nodded in agreeance, reluctantly pulling away so you could whisk him away to your room. Just like you had when you were teenagers. Sneaking around. Stealing kisses and secret touches.
The door to your room slammed shut, but no one heard it as the party roared all through the night.
“Wow,” Peter huffed laying in bed. Your sheets were draped across his lower body, your own body curled into his in peaceful bliss. Your head was resting on his chest, your fingers tracing circles on his torso.
You could clearly see his abs and you knew he’d definitely changed up his workout routine. He no longer had his boyish thin body, his muscles were perfectly defined. He was a man.
Peter’s hand rubbed your arm gently before running across your neck clutching the back of your head pulling you towards his lips. Your lips collided again. This time, they moved slowly. Your lips intimately reacquainting themselves. His grip was gentle, but maintained your head in place as his other hand wrapped around your back pulling you closer.
“I missed you,” he whispered against your lips and you smiled sharing one last kiss before you rested your head on the pillow close to his face.
“I couldn’t tell,” you joked; your lids were heavy as you smirked. 
He grabbed the hand that was tracing circles on his torso and intertwined your fingers. Your hand slipped into his perfectly like you’d been molded from the same slab of clay; made just for each other.
The two of you looked at your hands intertwined in the air. His fingers opened and closed around your hand checking if this was real. If you were real. You rested your elbow on his chest gently watching him play with your fingers now. His thumb running across your ring finger. Any traces of previous commitments had vanished.
This felt like a clean slate. A new beginning. One you wouldn’t regret.
folklore masterlist
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berserk-jewel · 3 years
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She's not one for pda. At most, she'll hold your hand in public. But, when you too are alone she's constantly telling you jokes to make you laugh or asking about earth. She loves just hearing you talk about things.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Anisa is such a good friend. She's incredibly loyal and always there for you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She likes to cuddle but good luck getting her to stop doing something long enough to actually cuddle her. She's super shy about it but will do it and enjoy it if you ask her.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Anisa is also....very bad at chores. We've seen her room. I think she might be an okay cook though. And she'll definitely help you around the house, especially if you're trying to make her a food from earth.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She'd hate to and definitely blame herself. She would still want to be friends but would feel awkward asking you to be.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Anisa would like to get married but is a bit too devoted to her work. She would feel like she's not giving you enough attention so if you want to get married, just ask her first. She'll definitely say yes but then want to discuss it with you seriously.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She's gentle both emotionally and physically. She'd never hurt you and is always aware of people's feelings. If she does ever hurt you, she'll do anything to make it up to you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She gives the best hugs! All you have to do is ask for a hug and she's immediately crossing the room to hug you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She doesn't say it too quickly but you know she means it. The first time she says it will probably be while laughing at something you did.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She's not a jealous person but will always come to your rescue if someone is talking to you and you look uncomfortable.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are really gentle and sweet. It's less of a kiss and more of her smiling against your face because she's so happy. She likes to kiss your cheeks or your nose (because she's so cute).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Anisa wants children to like her but she's kind of awkward around them. Consequently, they get away with a lot of things around her because she doesn't want to scold them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
She's the first person up, always. She waits for you to wake up usually before she leaves and she likes to have tea together in the morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Like Felix, you'll probably have to drag her to bed. But she's out like a light as soon as you can get her to lay down.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
She's not super closed off, just a bit awkward. She'll answer whatever you ask but is a bit hesitant to admit anything about herself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She's super patient with you but Sage and Felix can get on her nerves sometimes.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She remembers everything and loves hearing about you! Especially if you talk about earth stuff but don't be surprised if she pulls out paper and starts taking notes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably the first time she gets to show you around. She wants to share new experiences with you and loves to see the wonder on your face.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She's super protective! Not overbearing, just really conscious of potential danger and wants to keep you out of it. She won't let you protect her but if you get the opportunity to, she'll appreciate it.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She tries really hard but I don't think she's a good gift giver. It'll probably be a gift that makes no sense to you but she'll say that it made her think of you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She's not over concerned but she likes to look neat and put together. In fact, she rarely looks disheveled or anything like that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If you had to go somewhere without her, she'd be torn between knowing you can't take care of yourself and wishing she could go with you. She'd definitely be tempted to just follow you anyway.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She's always losing things in plain sight. Partially because of how messy her room is and also partially because of how scatterbrained she can be.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She hates feeling like she's let anyone down or isn't doing enough for you. Please ask her to do things! But also, don't let her overwork herself.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She's the type to pass out rather than actually go to bed. She feels like she should be doing something 'more important.' Just drag her to bed though. She'll go to sleep if you ask her to but she'll be the first one up in the morning.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Nick Amaro
Requested by no one, but whenever I’m stuck on a fic, I seem to turn to headcanons, so here we are. I hope y’all enjoy some Nick headcanons!
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm​ @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @stardust-fray​ @permanentlydizzy​ @infiniteoddball​ @ben-c-group-therapy​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​ @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @barbasimp​
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(gif by @dwaynepride)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nick’s pretty affectionate—he likes to sit with you on the couch after a long day, arm wrapped around your shoulders. His love language is words of affirmation, so he’s constantly giving you compliments and telling you how much you mean to him. He also loves massaging you, whether your neck, shoulders, back, or simply your calves.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nick’s always there for you if you need him. He’s mastered the art of listening to you vent and rage, or just sitting with you in silent comfort, whichever you need. You met Nick while at the park—he was with one (or both) of his kids, just a bonding day, playing. You were walking your neighbor’s dog at the time, and the kid(s) became enamored with it, asking to pet and play with it. The dog needed a good run, and what better way than with a child? So, you let it off the leash, and you and Nick idly chatted while watching them play. You quickly exchanged numbers, so that the kid(s) and dog could play again some time (and so Nick could have an excuse to talk to you)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Nick likes to cuddle on the couch, but more so in bed. The only problem with cuddling on the couch is that one or both of you have to get up too often. In bed, however, he can hold you close to him for hours, his nose nuzzled against your neck.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nick’s always been in a relationship—he doesn’t know how to not be. That being said, he hates cooking. He does it (and does it well), but it’s his least favorite thing to do. As for cleaning, he’s a bit of a neat-freak. He’s gotten Zara good at cleaning up her own mess (though her room is a different story), and he’s on top of messes in the house. He’s quick to clean anything that happens, and knows how to mix chemicals safely and effectively to clean any stain.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nick would keep his cool, collected façade the whole time—in person, of course. But, as soon as he’s alone, he breaks down crying. He’d be civil about it, making sure to get your things back to you quickly and efficiently so that you don’t have to go to his place.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
After Maria, he’s a little wary about marriage. He doesn’t want to make any mistakes again, so he’ll take it slow. He’d make sure you were really the one before proposing, and even then, he’d wait to marry you. And unless you were really into a big wedding, he’d probably just take you to a small chapel, with his mom, Zara and Gil, and your family as witnesses. But he doesn’t necessarily believe you have to be married to be in love.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
For the most part, Nick is gentle as can be. Because of his upbringing, he knows what it’s not to not have that. Though, sometimes work can get to be too much, and he’ll come home pissed, yelling and screaming. Once his anger passes, however, he’s apologizing profusely, holding you and caressing you gentler than ever. Even so, no matter how mad he gets, he’d never think to raise a hand to you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Nick loves hugs, even if he won’t admit it. He’ll hug you on days you need it, rubbing your back and resting his head on yours. And on days he needs it? He won’t ask for a hug, but if you do hug him on rough days, he fucking melts against you. Sometimes, he forgets how much love and affection can be in such a soft touch, especially if he’s expecting something rougher, more violent.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a little bit to say it, but he shows it quickly. It’s evident in everything he does. And after he finally mutters it to you, it’s as if he’s seeing a door that was painted the same color as the walls. Of course, he loves you! Why didn’t he say it earlier? No matter, now he has all the time in the world to make it up to you, saying it constantly.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Nick is the epitome of jealous. He trusts you, sure, but he doesn’t trust anyone else. If a man so much as looks at you for too long, Nick will wrap himself around you, pulling you in for a dominating kiss. And if it’s a friend/coworker looking at you? Well, then that just means Nick has to take you home and mark you as his, so that those prying eyes will see his mark on your neck.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nick’s kisses as rough and dominating, yet somehow tender and full of passion. His lips are soft against yours, his hands cupping your face, neck, hips, ass, pulling you closer to him. But his tongue is in your mouth, massaging yours, leaving you completely breathless by the time he releases you. Besides on the lips, Nick loves kissing your hands/knuckles/arms. He watched Tom ‘n’ Jerry as a kid, and saw that one episode(s) where Tom kisses the girl cat from hand up her arm to her face, and he loves doing that to you, especially because it makes you giggle.
Nick has a ticklish neck and loves when you kiss/nibble his neck/throat. It makes him laugh and he feels so warm and loved. And if you mark him? He plays it off as if he’s embarrassed, but he secretly loves it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Nick’s the best dad! He has infinite patience with both his kids, never getting mad with them. Yes, he can be strict with them, but that’s only to make sure they’re taught right. He’s also never too tired after work or on days off to play with them, or read a bedtime story (for Zara). His only downfall is that he can’t be around them more. Nick also embarrasses them both with the worst dad jokes.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On days that he works, Nick Is up early, making sure Zara is ready for school (if he has her). Then he’s shaved, dressed, and ready for work. He makes breakfast for both of you (and Zara, if she’s there), and then is on his way.
On his days off, and without Zara, Nick will stay in bed with you, waking you up with sleepy morning sex. If he can get away with staying in bed until noon, he will. Otherwise, he’ll get up and ready for whatever he needs to get done that day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sometimes, Nick needs to be held. When the cases are bad, or when he wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares of his childhood, he’ll sob softly against you while you cuddle with him, telling him how much you love him.
Other nights, Nick will take you to bed and spend half the night rememorizing your body, the noises you make. He’s gentle, tender, whether you have sex or not. If not, he’ll just caress your skin with his big, warm hands, massaging you muscles slowly. And if you do have sex, then he’s slow, loving, his touch tender against you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Nick’s pretty guarded—he’s been hurt before and is afraid to be hurt again. He’ll tell you important things first, like that he has two kids, and that’s divorced, but you won’t learn about either mom for months. He’ll also tell you he’s a detective, but he won’t tell you what department, nor what kinds of cases he gets. He compartmentalizes his work life and his home life. It’s not until he gets super defensive around his kids that you can put two and two together.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly, Nick’s not easily angered…at least in his home life. He’s quick to anger if his children or family are threatened, but otherwise, he’s pretty chill. That being said, things at work, and his conversations with Maria, can get under his skin easier than anything else. But once he blows off some steam, he’s pretty quick to apologize, making it up to you or anyone else that was a recipient of his verbal lashings.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Nick’s brain is a steel trap. He remembers most things, even little details you didn’t think were important. Sometimes, though, he gets his facts a little mixed up (“I thought you said you loved ranch?” “Yeah, only as a dipping sauce, not as a salad dressing”). But he obviously tries, and you’re shocked that his years as a father didn’t completely destroy his brain.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Nick got called in on his day off, and his mother was busy. In desperation, he called you to watch Zara, which you happily accepted. You had a great day with her, and she loved hanging out with you. When Nick finally came to pick her up, she didn’t really want to leave. “Can I come stay with Auntie [y/n] again? I love her!” Zara said. Nick picked her up, holding her against his side, heart swelling. “Uh, I don’t know. Would you like—” “I’d love to watch Zara again. Anytime,” you replied, and Nick fell completely in love with you at that moment.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Nick tries to make every date special, he really does. But if he had a dollar for every time he got called away halfway through a date, then Zara would be able to afford college no problem. If you’ve been dating for a long time, then he’ll slowly start giving up—though, he’d be sure to do at least something special that night. Gifts are always special with Nick—he puts extra thought into every single one, and they’re all incredibly touching.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Nick relies on takeout too much. Man hates cooking, and since he doesn’t have Zara 24/7 anymore, he doesn’t eat super healthy anymore. Which isn’t a problem for him—he goes to the gym and works out. It’s becoming a problem for you though. He also tends to turn to alcohol if he’s had a bad day.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Nick is well shaven and keeps good hygiene. It’s not that he’s concerned with his looks, it’s just simply taking care of himself. Sometimes, he’ll let the scruff grow out into a neatly trimmed beard, mostly because he knows you love it. But this man was slumming in Narcotics for a bit—he doesn’t care what he looks like, as long as he’s dressed for the correct occasion.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once you’ve joined his family, you’re a part of the Amaro clan. It’s not so much that he would feel incomplete (though he would), but he wouldn’t know how to tell Zara. Poor girl has already had so much heart break in her short life; she doesn’t need to deal with that again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Nick loves watching cartoons with Zara. He’ll sigh and roll his eyes when she picks out a movie or show to watch, but he sings along with the opening credits, and has matching shirts with the characters on them with Zara (you are to never tell anyone that). You once came home while Nick was off and Zara with her mom, and he scrambled to change the channel from Spongebob to sports, but you had already caught him red-handed.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Nick will never be with someone who’s abusive, whether verbally, emotionally, or physically. While he understands venting and releasing pent up anger, he’s dealt with that for too many years of his life to deal with it from a partner. And if you so much as looked at Zara or Gil wrong, you’re done.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Whether it’s paternal instincts or because he’s been in a relationship so long, you don’t know, but if you and Nick are in bed together, he’s touching you. More often than not, he’s wrapping his limbs around you, holding you close. It’s only rarely that his back will be pushed against you. No matter how hot it is in the room, Nick is on you.
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Desperate Times 3
Harry Potter AU 
Link to Chapter 2 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Rating: M 
(A few months later…)
“3 more weeks...just 3 more long excruciating weeks.”
You muttered as you finished washing dishes. Putting a hand on your stomach, you fought the urge to go curl up on the sofa and go to sleep. It was only three more weeks until your due date and you weren't sure if you were going to make it.
Sirius definitely will not make it.
You thought with a smile. The poor guy was so close to losing it. After a few close calls and a night in the hospital, you were convinced that your husband would have a panic attack if you made a pained squeak in his presence. If it hadn’t been for James calming him down, you weren’t sure how Sirius would have handled the night that you almost went into labor.
A knock on the door quickly pulled you from your thoughts. You wiped your hands on the dishtowel before waddling to the door. The moment that you opened it, you automatically froze.
You managed to choke out your ex's name before daring to look at his face. He stood in front of you with a scowl on his face. You swallowed before looking down at his arms. The outline of the dark mark made all of your fears come swirling back.
“Hello, Y/n. You and I need to talk.”
Regulus didn’t wait for you to invite him in before strolling right past you. You blinked a few times before glancing down at your watch. Sirius would be home soon. You could hold Regulus off until Sirius returned with James and Remus.
Closing the door, you took a breath before walking into the living room where Regulus stood. Your heart broke looking at him. The fear of still being in love with him was made a reality. You still loved him. In fact, you wanted nothing more than to throw your arms around Regulus’ shoulders and beg him to stop with the dark arts.
Regulus looked rough. Rough was putting things lightly. He looked as if he had been “burning the candle at both ends.” His normally neat curls were a shaggy mess and his skin looked two shades paler.
“What do you want?”
You asked, timidly. Regulus looked you over. His eyes seemed to be looking right through you.
“Well, let's see here. There could be several things. You were supposed to be my fiance. You ran off and married my brother. There’s also the fact that you're pregnant with my baby.”
Regulus’ couldn’t move his eyes away from your stomach. You had to be getting close to giving birth and Regulus would finally have the answer as to who the father was.
“This is your brother’s baby.”
You said, stubbornly. Regulus rolled his eyes.
“It's my baby, Y/n. You and I had enough sex to knock you up plenty of times...or were you sleeping with my brother the whole time that we were together? It's my baby, Y/n. If you think for one minute that I am going to stand by and let my brother raise my child...you’re going to have another thing coming.”
You held a hand up.
“Regulus, I am not letting you within five feet of this child. I am not letting this child see what you have become.”
“A death eater?”
You nodded, frantically. Regulus stepped closer.
“You’re so scared of the fact that I am on the right side of things. What does Sirius have to offer you anyway? He doesn’t know anything about being a husband. Do you think that once this kid is born he is going to settle down? No, love, he is’t. You’re going to be that forgotten housewife who is miserable. Can’t you remember how things were with us...they were so good.”
Regulus quickly reached out and pulled you into his arms. You snapped your eyes closed as his mouth pressed against yours. Had the situation been different (say a different universe in a different reality) you would have eagerly kissed back. You had missed kissing Regulus. It took everything that you had not to reach up and cuddle his face. If you could just stroke those pretty dark curls and tell him how much you missed him….
No! I can’t do this.
You thought as you tried to push Regulus away.
“Stop it, Regulus. We aren’t together anymore.”
“Let her go, Regulus.”
Both of you turned to see James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius in the doorway. Your heart sank at the expression on Sirius’ face. It was a mixture of heartbreak and rage. Regulus, meanwhile, kept his hand locked around your forearm. The tone in James’ voice clearly said, “I really wish you would, bitch.”
“Or what?”
Regulus snapped. You winced as he tightened his hold on your arm.
“You don’t want to know what.”
James replied. Remus came in next.
“Come on. You don’t want to hurt her.”
Peter was the next to speak.
“Do you really want to hurt the mother of your child, or niece, or nephew...whatever the baby is to you?”
Every man in the room turned to scowl at Peter, who shrugged innocently. Regulus was quickly losing his temper.
“I want that to be the last thing you say.”
Regulus snapped as Sirius finally got his temper in check enough to not attack his younger brother.
“Regulus, I’m going to say this once. Get your hands off of my wife.”
Regulus scowled at Sirius before letting go of your arm. His eyes flickered back to yours
“She may be your wife but if you think that I am going to stand by and have nothing to do with my child you're wrong.”
“That is my child.”
Sirius snapped. Regulus had to choke back a few snide responses before looking at you once more.
“Who do you want, darling?”
You didn’t hesitate but in your head, you were screaming “Both of you. I want both of you!” Regulus closed his eyes before yanking you into another kiss. The kiss wasn’t long before he pulled away and disappeared from the room.
You wiped your mouth on your sleeve before meeting Sirius’ gaze. He was across the room and in front of you in the blink of an eye. You sighed as his hands cupped your cheek.
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. Something told you that no matter what the situation was Regulus would never hurt you physically. You reached up and placed your hand over Sirius’.
“No. He didn’t. How much of that did you see?”
Sirius said, calmly. He wanted to tell you that it almost made him sick seeing Regulus with his hands on you. You are his and he wasn’t about to share.
“Sirius, I’m sorry...I didn’t mean for…”
“Love, you did nothing wrong. You chose me.”
You smiled, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his chin.
“I’ll always choose you.”
Remus cleared his throat.
“We are going to head out and let you two talk.”
You, meanwhile, put a hand on your stomach. Both Sirius and James were looking at you with wide eyes.
Sirius said in almost a squeak. You shook your head.
“We gotta go. I don’t think there is no playing this time.”
Sirius’ eyes were wide as James quickly walked to the door and in search of your bag.
“Who knew it would have taken Regulus being a psycho to get the little ready to make his or her grand appearance.”
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
The Convenient Groom: 10/14
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Well, here it is everyone! One of the chapters I have been really looking forward to! There’s no kissing, but I give you platonic bed sharing plus emotional hurt/comfort with a side of jealousy. Enjoy!
Summary: Killian Jones just happens to be there when Emma Swan gets the phone call that changes everything: her fiance is leaving her at the altar. The thing is, it could also mean the end of her career. Convenient that Killian has nothing better to do that day. Convenient that he’s secretly in love with her. Not that Emma has to know that. Written for @spartanguard​​ .
Rating: M
Words: about 5k in this chapter
Also on Ao3
Tagging:@snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @kmomof4​​ @let-it-raines​ @teamhook​​ @bethacaciakay​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @tiganasummertree​ @shireness-says​​ @stahlop​​ @scientificapricot​​ @welllpthisishappening​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @thislassishooked​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kday426​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​ @lfh1226-linda​​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @nikkiemms​ @distant-rose @optomisticgirl​​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @carpedzem​ @ohmakemeahercules​​ @branlovestowrite​ @superchocovian​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @vvbooklady1256​ @hollyethecurious​​ @winterbaby89​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @jennjenn615​ @snidgetsafan​
Emma sighed as she polished off another piece of toast. She brushed the crumbs from her lap and relaxed into the comfortable chair on the back porch. She enjoyed the view of the ocean and the soothing sound of surf. It felt wonderful to be out in the fresh air after days cooped up inside sick. She contemplated going back to the kitchen for something more substantial, but she had given Killian her word. Besides, she’d already pushed her luck by spreading an extremely thin layer of butter on her toast.
Her cell phone started ringing on the patio table, and she jumped as if Killian had some sort of sixth sense about the butter. It was Ruby calling, however, not Killian.
“Hey, Rubes.”
“Hey, Ems,” Ruby’s simple reply was laced with meaning, “sooo, how’s it going being married to Mr. Hottie? Please tell me he leaves crumbs in the bed or smells really bad when he first wakes up in the morning. Otherwise I’ll be depressed over the state of my love life.”
Emma laughed as she flicked a few more errant crumbs off her pajama pants. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he’s annoyingly neat. As for what he smells like when he wakes up, I wouldn’t know.”
There was a fumbling sound on the other end and a muttered curse from Ruby. “I’m sorry, I almost dropped my phone. How the hell do you not know? Please tell me you’re not -”
“Making him sleep on the couch? Well, yes. This isn’t the fifteenth century where I sold my body for a goat or something.”
“So the poor man has to sleep on the couch indefinitely?”
“Well, technically, I’ve slept on the couch the past couple of days. I had some sort of stomach bug.”
“That sucks, Ems, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Killian took good care of me.
“Did he?” Once again, Ruby’s voice was laced with unspoken meaning.
“Don’t start, Ruby, he was just being nice.”
“If he took care of you when you were sick, I personally think you should let him back in the bed.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “I can’t let him back in bed if he was never in it to begin with.”
“Girl, I would change that arrangement ASAP.”
Emma just laughed and shook her head. “Ruby -”
“Emma,” her friend countered, “if you’re going to be married to that for a year, you might as well enjoy it.”
“And the purpose of this call is exactly . . . “
“Fine, fine,” Ruby muttered, “straight to business, if that’s what you want.”
“Yes. Please.”
“Okay, well Regina asked me to call and go over your itinerary for the book promotion.”
Emma rose from her chair to go back inside and find her laptop so she could pull up her calendar. “That’s good. I feel so out of the loop. I mean, I’m back to normal at my practice, but the new book has honestly been the last thing on my mind.”
“I don’t blame you with that fine piece of -”
“Ruby,” Emma cut her off, “focus.”
“Right, right, okay . . . so, we’ve got that interview set up on The Tiana Show. And Regina did tell you that will also have a Q&A segment with the audience, right?”
“Mhm,” Emma said as she scrolled through her calendar, “yeah, I made a note of that.”
“They also requested that Killian be there, and Regina okayed it.”
“Wait - what?”
Ruby’s voice was reassuring. “They just want him in the audience. You know, so they can pan to his reactions and stuff.”
Emma slouched back on the couch and wearily rubbed her forehead. “Ruby, how could the two of you not check with me first? Killian has a business to run. He might not be able to take off to New York in the middle of the week.”
“I don’t know, the man seems pretty willing to come running when you call.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, never mind,” Ruby said hurriedly. She changed the subject to the next item on Emma’s itinerary, and Emma didn’t press it. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what her friend meant by the comment.
When Killian came home from work, he had a huge pot of chicken noodle soup that Elsa had made. It made Emma wonder if the woman cooked anything but soup. She was also grateful for something to eat that wasn’t toast. Personally, she could go for a cheeseburger, but she doubted Killian would agree.
He did, however, agree to eating outside on the back porch. He also said nothing when Emma slathered a hunk of French bread with butter. The bit she had at lunch hadn’t bothered her stomach, not that she would tell Killian that.
“Why do you look so nervous?” Killian asked her after blowing on a spoonful of soup.
Emma jabbed at a chunk of chicken with her spoon rather than looking at him. “I just have to ask you something, and I’m a little nervous you’ll be pissed.”
His forehead creased. “Why would I be? Emma, seriously, you can ask me anything.”
Emma gave him a tentative smile. “That’s sweet, but it’s just . . . well, my agent kind of agreed to something for you.”
Killian rested his elbows on the table. “Okay, I guess that was inconsiderate of her, but I’m not going to blow up about it or anything. Especially not at you.”
Emma let out a breath of air. “Good, and I told Ruby that they need to ask first from here on out.”
Killian tore a piece of bread from the loaf and dipped it into his soup. “So, what is it? I may have to tell them no, depending on what it is, but . . . “
He trailed off and shrugged as if to say he would have an open mind about it.
“They want you to go with me to do a talk show in New York City in a couple of weeks. Not to be interviewed or anything,” Emma rushed to add, “just to be in the audience. The show wants you there for like, reactions or whatever while they’re interviewing me.”
Killian nodded, completely calm, and it honestly threw her more than if he’d gotten pissed. “That’s fine with me. When is it?”
“A week from this coming Wednesday?”
He shook his head at her as a smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “You don’t have to phrase it as a question. I don’t bite, love. Unless you ask me to, that is.”
He punctuated the innuendo with a wink, and she rolled her eyes as she laughed. “You think you’re cute, don’t you?”
“I try.”
“So can you do it?”
“I don’t see why not. I don’t have any plans.”
“But isn’t this your busy time of year? I mean, with all the tourists around.”
He reached out and took her hand. “Not so much that I can’t take one day to support your career.”
Emma felt her jaw drop slightly, and her gaze flicked to where his thumb was caressing her knuckles. When he saw her expression, he quickly pulled his hand away and cleared his throat.
“I mean, that’s the whole reason for this arrangement, aye?”
“Right,” Emma said with a nod, “to save my career.”
Silence fell between them as they continued eating their soup. Emma drained her bowl with a sigh, almost embarrassed at how ravenously she had eaten.
“Did that hit the spot?”
“Definitely,” she replied, patting her stomach, “I just hope I don’t regret it later.”
“I’m sure if your appetite has returned that you’ll be fine. Besides, it was soup.”
She nodded, regarding him thoughtfully as he continued to leisurely eat his own dinner. “So,” she finally worked up the courage to ask, leaning her elbows on the table, “your half of the bargain was that I would casually help your brother out with his marriage. But from what I see, they’re fine.”
Now it was Killian’s jaw dropping as he paused his eating, spoon held in midair. Emma arched one brow at him.
“Well,” he finally said, resting his spoon on the table, “they do love each other tremendously, and Elsa’s good for Liam -”
“But, there’s been some tension lately.”
Emma searched his face intently as she rested her chin on her clasped hands. She didn’t know why in the world he would lie about his brother needing her help, but it felt like he was grasping for words. “Tension?”
“Aye, tension. Elsa’s ready to start a family, you see, and Liam -”
“Doesn’t want kids?”
“No, no, it’s not that. He does. It’s just . . . he wants to be sure they’re ready. Financially speaking.”
“That’s wise. Having children isn’t something you do lightly.”
“And Elsa understands that, but she -”
Emma lifted a hand. “If you say anything about her biological clock, I might dump the rest of that soup over your head.”
His eyes widened at that. “Okay, I sense a touchiness -”
She gave him a withering glare. “I just don’t like women being treated like they have a shelf life, that’s all.”
Killian leaned back in his seat, his arms crossed, his brow furrowed. Uh-oh. “So you’re going to deny basic biology?”
“What basic biology?”
“That there are a certain number of years -”
“Choose your words very carefully, buddy.”
His hands dropped to the table, and she noticed that his hands were now clenched in fists. “All I’m saying is that Elsa’s waited the first five years of their marriage for something she wants deeply, and my brother is being way too practical. As usual.”
“You have to be practical - it’s a lifetime commitment!”
“But no one can ever be one hundred percent prepared!”
This had quickly gotten out of hand, both their voices rising slightly, and Emma wasn’t even sure where the conversation had gone off the rails. She took a deep breath and when she spoke again, she used her professional therapist voice.
“It’s a big decision that you shouldn’t rush into.”
Killian leaned across the table, his eyes flashing. “Or it’s something that scares you to death, scares the hell out of you actually because you never had a good example of what a father should be. So even though you want it more than you ever wanted anything, that fear holds you back. So you wait, then wait some more, until one day you’ve waited too long!”
He rose from the table then, so forcefully that the chair behind him flew backwards and wobbled, almost toppling over. Then Killian turned and left, the screen porch door slamming behind him as he headed down the beach.
Emma just sat there for a moment, processing what the hell just happened, and suddenly understanding dawned. She didn’t have a phD in psychology for nothing.
This had nothing at all to do with Elsa and Liam.
Killian came to a dead stop halfway down the beach when he realized what he was doing. He leaned over his knees, taking big gulps of air. It wasn’t from the exertion of his run - he was in better shape than that - it was the sudden fear washing over him. How could he be this stupid twice? And Emma was just getting over being sick. What if she tried to follow him, got dizzy, and . . . and . . .
He couldn’t finish the thought. Instead, after one more deep breath, he raced back the way he had come. The fear was even worse when he saw how far he’d run. The house seemed so far away . . .
Finally, he slowed down right at the back of the house. In the distance, he saw Emma by the fire pit talking to Anna. Relief flooded through him, and he suddenly felt like he’d run a 10k in less than a minute. Once again, he was leaning over, bracing his hands on his knees. Emma turned towards him, but he couldn’t tell from here if she was angry or not. Then she turned back to Anna, gesturing in his direction. Anna nodded, then turned around and went back into the house.
Killian straightened as Emma drew closer. Her arms were crossed, holding a sweater around her frame, and the ocean breeze tugged at her hair. Even when she got close, her expression was unreadable.
“I’m sorry.”
Seemed as good a place as any to start.
She tilted her head at him. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t know.”
Killian blinked, then looked back over Emma’s shoulder at his brother’s house. He sighed, “Anna told you?”
Emma nodded, then her expression changed, and her eyes widened. “Wait - did you race back here because you were worried about me?”
Killian ran a hand wearily over his face. “It was just so eerily the same. A fight, me running off -”
Emma stopped his words with a gentle hand to his arm. “Her death wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was just a senseless accident.”
“You don’t understand, Emma. We fought about . . . “ he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat. “We were renovating our house, on the other side of Storybrooke. We added on a new master suite, giving us three bedrooms instead of two, and then Milah suddenly starts referring to one of them as a nursery.” He turned to look out at the water, his hand raking through his hair. Emma said nothing.
“I always brushed her off with a joke or something. Finally, we talked about it, and I told her I wasn’t sure we were in a good place financially. The truth was, I was scared.”
“Of what?”
He turned to look into her green eyes. “Of failing. As a father. My dad left us when we were kids, you see, and . . . well, how was I supposed to know what a good father looked like?”
Emma just nodded. “I understand that fear.” She settled down in the sand and motioned for him to join her. He did, knowing she might still be weak from being sick.
Killian shook his head and sighed before continuing. “But it meant so much to her. Her first husband never wanted kids either, was really volatile about the issue, and it got to be a touchy subject between us.”
Emma said nothing, just looked at him with an expression that made him feel it was safe to go on. No wonder she was so good at her job.
“One day, we were in the middle of working on the house, and she confronted me about it, wouldn’t let me deflect. We ended up getting into a huge fight, and I took off in anger. Just like I did tonight.” He struggled to go on, lowering his head so she couldn’t see the tears starting to form.
“You don’t need to explain the rest if you don’t want to. Anna told me.”
“If I had been there, she might not have fallen off that ladder.”
“You don’t know that.”
“She might have lived.”
“Killian,” she said in a soft voice, “Anna told me what the coroner said. She broke her neck. Even if you had been there, you wouldn’t have been able to save her.”
He shook his head, clenching his jaw. “But she might not even have been on that ladder if I hadn’t taken off. She might have been more careful. She was probably so distracted . . . “
“Killian look at me,” Emma knelt down in front of him in the sand and took his face in her hands. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I was only gone for ten minutes. No one expects their life to change that much in ten minutes.”
Emma gave him an encouraging smile. She had also started to stroke his face, and he wondered if she even realized she was doing it.
“Exactly. Ten minutes. How could you have possibly known what would happen? You left for a few minutes to calm down. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I . . . I didn’t . . . it wasn’t my fault.”
Emma nodded. Liam had told him the same thing a thousand times. So had Elsa. And David. Yet for some reason, here on the beach with Emma’s soothing voice and gentle hands, the truth of it finally washed over him like the waves crashing against the shore. Something broke inside of him, and his head fell forward onto Emma’s shoulder. She wrapped one arm around him while she stroked his hair with her other hand. He waited for tears to come, for sobs to shake his body, but instead he felt lighter somehow. He supposed he’d shed an ocean of tears for Milah over the years, and nothing but a shaky sigh was left.
“She wouldn’t want you to blame yourself,” Emma told him.
He pulled back and took Emma’s hands in his. “You’re right. She wouldn’t.” He stared down at Emma’s hands for a minute, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. The sound of the ocean surrounded them, and he slowly breathed in the salty smell of it, then exhaled.
“Better?” Emma asked.
He nodded, feeling slightly sheepish all of a sudden. He rose to his feet and offered Emma a hand, which she took. Once she was up, he turned towards the house, but she didn’t relinquish his hand.
“You know,” he told her, “I never scheduled a session.”
She laughed. “Lucky for you I had an opening.”
“How much do I owe you?” he teased, bumping her hip.
“This one’s on the house, Jones.”
Despite their fight and the intense conversation on the beach, they spent the rest of the evening the way they normally did - on the couch with Netflix. Around eleven, Emma stretched and yawned.
“You’ve got me falling into the sleeping habits of an old man,” she told him, poking his leg with her toe.
“Hey, I may have a few years on you, but I’ve retained my youthful glow.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes as she rose from the couch, wrapping an afghan around her. “What about you?”
A yawn cracked his own jaw as he rubbed at his tired eyes. “I think I’m ready to turn this couch into my bed for the night.”
Emma chewed on her lower lip as she regarded him carefully. “Why don’t we just share the bed?”
He arched a brow at her. “Seriously?”
She shrugged. “Yeah, why not? I mean, we’re both adults.”
Killian rubbed at his jaw as he thought it over. He wouldn’t lie, he was sick of the couch. And as long she was comfortable with it . . .
“Come on,” Emma said, giving him a playful kick, “don’t make a big deal out of it. You know you miss sleeping in a real bed.”
“Well, if you’re sure -”
“One hundred percent.”
“Okay then.” He tossed aside the remote, got up, and followed Emma down the hall. She had already changed into her pajamas, so she brushed her teeth while Killian changed in the bedroom. He went ahead and slipped under the sheets and flipped off the light before Emma came in. Why was his heart pounding like a fifteen year old?
He heard Emma shut off the faucet and flip off the bathroom light. “Whoah, it’s dark!” Emma cried as she stepped into the room. “Why are you hiding? Do you sleep in the nude?”
“No,” Killian protested, “well, not totally. I mean, I’m wearing boxers.” Shut up, he reprimanded himself, you sound like a nervous idiot.
Emma swore under her breath as she tripped over something on her way to the bed. Knowing her, it was a pair of shoes. He felt the bed dip as she got in and wrapped herself up in the covers. He tried to make her out in the dark, but all he could see was her hair.
“Good night,” Emma whispered.
“Good night,” he whispered back.
Killian was awakened the next morning because something was tickling his nose. It was Emma’s hair - spread all over her pillow and his. He brushed it out of his face as he rolled over. Emma was curled up on her side, her back to him. He took the opportunity to admire her creamy shoulders on display. One strap of her tank top had slipped, and the sight had him getting hard. He was just about to slip out of bed before she noticed how - er - excited he was to see her, when she suddenly rolled over to face him.
“Hey,” she said groggily.
“Hey,” he answered, his voice strained. He tried to inch farther away from her without making it obvious.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
He blinked. “Uh, why would I be embarrassed? Like you said last night, we’re adults.”
“Exactly,” Emma replied through a yawn. She arched her back and stretched both arms over her head, which definitely didn’t help his erection. “And I’m also an adult who counsels couples and has extensive knowledge of sexual physiology and psychology.”
“Are you bragging, Swan?”
“No. I’m just trying to explain why I understand your situation. After all, it’s extremely normal for a healthy man to wake up with an erection.”
She smirked at him as he coughed. He wished he had control over the red creeping up his cheeks. He quickly recovered, however, and winked at her.
“That confident that I’m happy to see you?”
She shrugged, that damn strap still teasing him. “Guess it’s good I’m not a cuddler, or there would be no doubt.”
“Oh trust me, love,” he told her, dropping his voice an octave, “when I jab you with my sword, you’ll feel it.”
Now she was the one blinking rapidly as a blush stained her cheeks. He laughed as he flung the sheets aside.
“Now look away, darling, unless you want an eyeful. My boxers have never been able to contain my prodigious manhood.”
She didn’t respond at first, and he chuckled again. But when he reached the door of the bathroom, his pillow hit him in the back of the head.
Sharing a bed was changing Emma’s sleeping habits. She was getting up earlier for two reasons: one, she had lied to Killian. She apparently was a cuddler. Every morning her eyes flew open before the sun was up when her body sensed something warm, solid, and hairy beneath her cheek. She always extricated herself from his embrace before he woke up. Second, Killian had convinced her to ditch her treadmill and join him on his jogs. She had to admit, she looked forward to her morning workout more with the combination of the gorgeous setting, Smee’s encouragement, and Killian’s company.
He wasn’t chatty on the morning runs, for which she was grateful. She preferred getting in the zone when she exercised. However, they were talking over breakfast and coffee each day. Now that she was up earlier, she had time for more than a bagel as she dashed out the door. She could honestly say that they were friends now, and she enjoyed his company. She had hopes that things wouldn’t be weird after all this was over, and they could still hang out. Especially since they worked in the same building.
Emma was far more aware of the sounds coming from below her than she used to be (heavy metal music aside). She now knew the difference between the sound of the table saw versus the sander, for example, though both were faint by the time they reached her ears. Her clients probably didn’t even notice.
She also knew when he was meeting with a client. The sounds in his workshop ceased and the pleasant timbre of his voice drifted up through the vents. Not enough for her to eavesdrop, but enough to bring a smile to her face. He was talented at what he did, and she wanted him to succeed.
Right now, she could hear the buzz of his table saw as she listened to her current client talk about finally setting boundaries without apologies with the man she had just started dating. Emma was encouraged by her progress, and honestly proud of the young woman. When she first started seeing Emma, she was broken and filled with social anxiety after going through a very public breakup. It had taken a year for the woman to even accept a date from a man who had already proven himself as a good friend. Now, here she was speaking up for herself without apology.
“You know, Jasmine,” Emma told her, “I think you are at a very healthy place. How about we try meeting every six weeks instead of monthly?”
“Really?” the woman asked, beaming. “I think that would work. Does that mean I don’t need the citalopram anymore?”
“No, I think you should still take it. Talk it over with your doctor, but it’s a really safe medication, and ten milligrams a day is a very small dose. Besides, remember what I always say?”
“Medication is just another of my tools to help me cope and nothing to be ashamed of.”
Emma grinned. “Exactly.”
They both rose, and Emma showed Jasmine to the door at the top of the stairs. Over the brunette's shoulder, she saw Killian welcome in a smiling redhead. The woman flipped her hair over one shoulder as she laughed, then she laid a hand on Killian’s bicep. Killian smiled back, then - Emma’s breath caught - he reached up and scratched behind his ear! Emma’s lips pressed together in a thin line. That was his tell when he was nervous - usually sexually nervous. Emma barely heard Jasmine’s goodbye as her head spun. She leaned over to try and see the pair, but Killian led the redhead further into his shop and out of sight.
Emma went back into her office and started pacing in the small waiting area. Ariel! That was the woman’s name. Killian had made an arbor for her wedding to Eric, similar to the one he had made for her. Well, this Eric might want to know that his wife was flirting with other people’s husbands.
As soon as the thought entered her brain, Emma tried to put on her therapist hat and remind her subconscious that the woman’s red hair had triggered memories of Walsh’s infidelity with Zelena.
Her subconscious was hearing none of it.
Emma stilled her movements and cocked her head as she tried to make out the low voices from the first floor. Were they laughing again? The woman sure was smiling a hell of a lot.
Maybe she always smiles a lot. Therapist Emma tried to say.
Her subconscious ignored Therapist Emma.
Emma marched over to the floor vent near the door so she could hear better. All she could make out was Killian’s accent and Ariel’s more bubbly voice, but not what they were saying. She rolled her eyes and let out a huff of breath before getting down on her hands and knees. Wait, was that more laughter? She leaned closer, turning her ear to the vent and concentrating. She thought she heard Ariel say Killian’s name. In her mind’s eye, she saw her smiling brightly at him, flicking that unfairly beautiful shade of red hair over one shoulder, and gushing, “Oh Killian, you are just so funny.”
Emma snapped back to reality and realized that it had gone quiet. Why were they quiet all of a sudden? What were they doing? Emma’s ear was practically pressed to the vent at this point, and -
“What the bloody hell are you doing?”
Emma let out a strangled yelp as she jumped up from the floor. Killian was standing there in her doorway, looking at her with confusion etched on his brow and barely contained humor teasing the corners of his lips. She blinked and suddenly wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. She had been acting like a complete fool!
“Umm . . . I was . . . looking for something. What are you doing up here?”
He arched a brow at her and struggled to keep a smile at bay. “It’s lunch time. We were going to go over to Granny’s - remember? What did you lose?”
“You said you lost something,” he said, gesturing to where she’d been on all fours like a dog.
“My earring,” she lied quickly, “I thought maybe it rolled into the vent.”
“Oh,” he said, “well let me help you -”
“No that’s okay!” she told him hurriedly. “I found it, see?” She held up an empty hand with the fingertips pinched together as if she were holding something, then she pretended to fiddle with her earring. Thank God she wore studs!
Killian arched a brow at her, then sauntered close. So close, his chest almost brushed hers. She had to tilt her head to look up at him. He leaned down, his lips almost brushing her ear.
“You mean this earring, love?” he purred. He reached up and caressed the ruby stud with his calloused fingers. “The one you were already wearing when you first stood up?”
He pulled back just enough so he could look her in the eye, and the sinful smile upon his face should have made her furious.
But it didn’t. Damn him, it almost made her melt into a puddle of goo on the floor.
HIs eyes scanned her face, and for one thrilling moment she thought he would kiss her. Kiss her with absolutely no one watching. But then he pulled back and walked backwards towards the door.
“You coming, love? Grilled cheese at Granny’s?”
“Uh . . . yeah,” she muttered.
Emma wanted a way to wipe that shit eating grin off his face, but she couldn’t figure out how to do it.
“Oh and Emma,” Killian said before she could head down the stairs, “Ariel was smiling and laughing because she and Eric need me to make them a cradle. For their new baby.”
His satisfied smile as he sauntered past her down the stairs made her want to kick him in the ass as hard as she could. Mostly. But another part of her was too busy being relieved about Ariel’s order.
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wafflesetc · 5 years
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I’ll be there for you, Chapter 6 (previously) 
A/N: This one is long. So buckle up! I owe a kidney to @kkruml​ who has looked at about 6 different versions of this. And to @walkinginland​ and @happytoobserve​ who also read multiple versions, held my hand through  some tough parts, and gave encouragement along the way.  I couldn’t do it without you guys. And you know, the end of this chapter is a little NSFW. I mean, most people are working from home now.. But you’ve been warned.
The One With The First Fight (Part 2) 
Jamie 2:30 AM 
He looked down at the screen of his phone. 
‘Just tell me you are safe.’ 
He had said things he hadn’t meant. He had said things that were sore. He had said words that he knew would haunt him for the rest of his life.  
He thought back to growing up and having fights with Jenny. His Mam used to tell them to take back the words they had spoken to one another, that they were brother and sister, by tomorrow  all would be forgotten because- that’s what family does.
He closed his eyes and took a sip of whisky. The bar was still somewhat alive, even for a Tuesday night. He could picture her right there almost as if she were standing right next to him: The bright red hair he had inherited from her, her soft grey eyes and that strong brow his sister had. He could see it: her hands on her hips, the small raise of her brow and a glare in her eyes that scared him deep into the marrow of his bones from the time he was a small lad. 
“Ye are not here to help me with this one, mam.” He whispered to himself. 
He knew better than to storm out in a rage, yet this was uncharted territory.  He and Claire had moved so fast there had barely been time to realize that they had yet to set some boundaries in regards to their relationship. And Claire- the stubborn, fierce, strong woman that she was, was carrying newfound cargo- a life that was half of him, half of her. It was a surreal and sobering  thought, the idea of bringing a new life into this world. Someone he’d have to love unconditionally, someone who’d need him for the rest of his. And by some miracle, it was also not just this small life, but Claire that was in it with him. She was no doubt his forever, surely he did have a small say in some matters. 
He took another drink of his whisky, emptying the contents. He raised the glass signaling the bartender for another round. 
Just this one more and then he’d go home. 
He felt a hand on his shoulder and a familiar voice in his ear, “Fancy seeing you out.” 
He turned to find Mary smiling at him. He saw the glimmer of a ring on her finger. A small sense of relief flooded through him. It wasn’t that he’d dodged a bullet, but in some ways he was thankful for Mary for letting him go- for she was the reason his daft mind finally made all the pieces click- that he’d been in love with Claire from the beginning. He was thankful she’d seemed to find the same happiness he had found.
“Looks like congratulations is in order.” 
“Ah yes,” She took the seat next to him. “It was rather quick but I guess when you know, you know.” 
The bartender arrived asking what she wanted. “A whisky, neat please.” She hung her purse on the edge of her barstool and smiled, “How are things with you?” 
“Och,” He let out in a small Scottish grunt. “I am sitting alone in a bar in the middle of the night, how do ye think it’s going?” 
“I know you, Jamie…” The server placed her drink in front of her and Mary reached for it, taking the first swig. He looked at her with pleading eyes, a sense of helplessness running through him. 
“You’re a good man- a loyal one no less. I also ran into John at the store a few weeks back, he said you and Claire were finally together.” 
“We are.” He smiled ruefully and took a sip of his own drink. “Happened rather quickly, but we are… And uh, we’re actually expecting too.” Jamie felt the tips of his ears burning. 
“Seems like you sure move fast then too!” Mary grabbed her tumbler and tipped towards him, “Cheers then.” 
“Uh…Cheers.” He attempted to seem like he was in good spirits, but he could tell Mary knew it was just a facade.
“Still, you’re not a man who tends to sit at a bar, alone, in the middle of the week.” 
“And ye are no’ a woman to be here in the middle of the night like this either.” 
She laughed at that and nodded, “You’re right. My fiance’s flight is delayed because of a mechanical problem… If I had gone home I would fall asleep. Figured I would catch a dram before I get him.” She took a swig of her own beverage. “But you, look like you need to talk.” 
“It’s a long story…” He tried to stop there but she raised a brow at him and ordered another round of drinks.
And it came pouring out him-all of it. He hadn’t known he needed to talk about- least of all his ex girlfriend- but apparently he did. He told her about Claire-  how she grew up, how she became a doctor, how he had moved in with her, how they had happened. She listened and listened, and finally once he was done speaking shook his head at her in sheer exasperation. 
“Ye are a smart man, Jamie Fraser, but ye sure are a daft one sometimes.” He saw her laugh at him. 
“I need ye to explain that one, lass.” 
Her breath shook as her phone buzzed on the counter. “You are right- she needs to be more careful and she needs to listen to your concerns… But Jamie, she also is right. She’s a doctor and a good one from what I hear. She won’t do anything that would harm her or your child intentionally, but it’s her body. Only Claire can be the one to know when enough is enough.” 
Mary stood and pushed her barstool in. “Neither one of you wants to concede to the other and I’m not saying there’s a winner in this fight, but Jamie… Giving her space and allowing her to be in control seems to be a big piece of who she is. This is all as new to her as it is to you, except she’s the one who’s growing the human.” 
“So what is it ye are telling me to do?” 
“Weel, I am telling you, that you need to tell her how you feel- but you need to be okay with whatever her decision is. It’s teamwork and compromise. You’ll find your balance, you both will.”
And with a smile she hugged him and was on her way. He felt a sense of peace rush through him, in some ways he thought it was almost relief. He would forever owe Mary for making him realize what he had with Claire. Mary had been good and kind to him, nurturing his soul in ways  that he wasn’t sure he would ever fully understand. Yet, through the ups and the downs there had always been the one constant piece in all of it. 
Claire. Sorcha.
He threw the cash on the bar top and shook his head knowing exactly where he was headed.
Ye wee daft man, ye must go and repent yer words while you still can. 
Claire 4:45 AM 
I heard the deadbolt. 
He turned it slowly and opened the door. I knew he would know I was waiting for him. He always had a keen sense of things like that. 
“And just where do you think you’ve been?” I finally asked once the door was closed.
I watched as he tossed his keys onto the table and shrugged his shoulders, “Out.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question…” I sat up on the couch and wrapped the plaid blanket tighter around me. 
“Sassenach… It’s late. Ye havena had a good night’s sleep in at least two days and I am exhausted. Go sleep in our bed.  We can talk when yer rested.” 
That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Just earlier he had reprimanded me for coming home and wanting to sleep and not talk- now I was the one who wanted to talk and he was telling me to go to sleep.
Circles, we were running around each other in circles. 
It was infuriating me. 
We’d talk, now, whether he liked it or not. 
“James.” I rose from the couch and crossed my arms. I seldom used his full name like that.“You were out all night after getting mad at me when I said I didn’t walk  to talk. I think I am owed the decency of knowing where you were!”  
I could feel frustration oozing out of me. 
I had worked nearly three days in a row. There had been accident after accident, trauma after trauma. I had nearly doubled my surgeries from my last three rotations earlier that week with this weekend stint at the hospital. 
I barely had time to enjoy a cup of coffee, let alone a minute to tell Jamie what was going on. I hadn’t come home to eat, sleep, shower, or give him the knowledge of what was happening.  
“Claire,” He breathed. I could hear a small sense of anger rising in the pronunciation of my name. “I went to clear my head, I stopped at the place down from here, the one that is open late.” 
He took a step closer towards me and came into the dim light. He was still in his office clothes from the day before- he wore a solid white button down with khaki pants, but now he looked tired and worn down. Though the small light from the lamp on the end table didn’t illuminate the entire room, it was bright enough for me to still see a small piece of red lipstick on the outside of his collar. 
I kept my arms folded, standing my ground. The anger and exhaustion was catching up to me. Tears were near the surface.
“Och!” He threw his arms up in frustration when he read the look on my face. “Ye really want to do this, then?”
I pursed my lips and nodded. 
“Like I said,” He hissed through his teeth, “I was at the place down the street, I have receipts if ye must see them!” 
“That’s not what I want to talk about and you know it!” My voice was louder than usual but cracked at the end. It was taking everything in me to remain even the slightest bit composed.
He fisted his hands and took a step closer to me. We were now just a foot apart. I could smell the whisky coming from him. 
“What is it, then?” 
I scanned his eyes and saw he was completely helpless- he really had no clue.
“There’s lipstick- on your collar.” I could feel the tears rising to the surface. It was a mix of exhaustion and hormones, that I was sure of. 
“Sassenach…” He whispered my name, I could hear the plea behind it, “Ye dinna think, that I…. Ye mustn’t?” 
I shook my head and sat down on the edge of the sofa, “No….NO.” I put my face into my hands. “I know you didn’t…” 
“Let me explain.” He took a seat next to me but kept some distance away, but placed a hand on my knee. 
“I was sore, said things to ye before that I dinna mean.” I turned my head and looked at him. His face was earnest and I saw a small hint of a smile. “I went there to clear my head, hoping ye’d get tired enough and just crash… But I see no’ telling ye where I was was no’ wisest choice.” 
That earned him a laugh as I shook my head, “No, you bloody Scot. You kept me up worrying!” 
“Aye, I see that.” He scanned my face and scooted a little closer. “I was finishing up when Mary walked in.” 
That sent a flash of anger through me and caused me to stiffen in resposne. 
“Let me finish.” His voice was shaky but I could hear the determination in it. He closed the distance between us- our knees were touching, my hands in his. “She’s engaged now… And  she was waiting to pick up her fiance from the airport. We just talked. I told her all about you.” 
It still wasn’t enough to make me feel better. 
“I told her about the wee lass.” He reached and put a hand on the small swell of my lower abdomen. “And she helped put things into perspective for me.”
“And just how did she do that?” I was jealous. I had never disliked Mary- she was a kind, smart, well rounded woman. Her helping my Jamie in a way struck a chord in me that I didn’t know I had. 
“She gave me warmth, when I was questioning all of my choices.” He took a deep breath and tilted my face to his so we were eye to eye. “She gave me understanding and a sense of enlightenment when I needed it most.”
Daft man. I laughed out loud and could feel my own fists clenching. 
“That’s what I am supposed to be, for you! You bloody Scot” My voice was louder than usual and cracking.! I took a breath and shrugged my shoulders, “At least, I think that’s the way this is supposed to go!” 
I laughed again and steadied my voice. “This is our life we’re working through. Our relationship, our child, our future! I know we went from zero to one hundred rather quickly.. But you need to talk to me and no one else!”
He laughed at me and I let a tear fall. “Ye are just as daft as I, mo nighaen donn.” 
He wiped the tear with his thumb. “Ye are for me what I am for you, but this..” He rubbed my stomach, “Has turned our world upside down rather quickly and we dinna ken what we are doing, together. We ken what we would do when we were alone and no’ together, but it’s no’ like that anymore.” 
Slowly, I was starting to realize what he meant. 
We had both been overworked, over tired, and stretched thin. He hadn’t been understanding of the requirements of my job and I hadn’t been receptive of his issues, especially since I was carrying our child. Instead, I had walled myself in and closed myself off. I had thought only of myself through all of this, with little regard to Jamie’s concerns at all. 
This was new to me- new to him. We were in uncharted waters and if it was scary for me then I knew it must be for him, as well. But at the end of all of this, I knew there was no one I’d rather navigate treacherous waters with, than him.
“I have you, and we have her.”  He kissed my forehead. “We dove into this head first and havena stopped since. We need to set some boundaries-  and I must be more understanding of  the circumstances of yer job.” 
“And I need to clue you in a bit more…” I turned my face to his, nuzzling our noses.  “And be more cautious of the cargo I am carrying.”
“Aye.” He breathed.
He kissed me, soft and slow. His tongue traced my bottom lip and I reached for his neck, pulling him on top of me.  
Swiftly, his hands were on the waistband of my scrubs. In one fluid motion he had them off and strewn somewhere in the room. It was a flurry of events: my hands were in his hair and then I was scrambling to lift his shirt over his head. I could feel the sense of urgency pulsating through him. The need for reassurance, the closeness we were both seeking. Our lovemaking was always a risk- exposing our most vulnerable parts to each other, yet my soul was safe in his hands. I always knew that.  
His mouth was hot and heavy on my neck as I fumbled with the button on his khakis, “I want ye Claire. I want ye so bad I can scarcely breathe. Will ye have me?” 
I laughed into his next kiss, surprised he was asking, but finding it oddly romantic, “Yes… Yes I’ll have you.” 
It wasn’t like I was going to say no, bloody Scot. 
He trailed kisses up my chest as his hands found their way to my scrub top. Slowly he pulled it over my head and tossed it into the abyss. I laid my back down onto the couch as I watched him discard his shirt. His muscles tensed and even in the dimness of the room, the moon illuminated his every definition. 
By some miracle he was mine. 
His shirt fell just between the coffee table and couch. My eyes followed the curve of his abs as his hands hastily pulled my undergarments down my legs.
“Mo Chridhe,” he whispered, “Mo nighean donn.”
His hand worked quickly to rid himself of his clothes as I took in his full form. He wanted me, he wanted me badly. 
Jamie lowered himself onto me trailing kisses from the small swell on my stomach until he reached my mouth. He fisted his hands into my hair while reaching for my hips so he could align my body just right. 
He stopped for a moment, his fingertips pulsing against my skin, but his eyes locked on mine. His face scanned mine looking for something. What- I didn’t know nor did I care. 
All I wanted was him. Body and soul.
I was quite literally bare and naked before him- nothing to protect me. Yet while I was in my most vulnerable state, Jamie saw right through me, as he always did. 
Whatever he was searching for he found the answer. He situated himself between my legs and guided himself into me. We were as close as we could be, yet it didn’t seem like it was enough. It never was.
His movements were slow and methodical. He was taking the time to make sure I knew he was mine just as I was his. 
As his pace started to gradually pick up, I could feel the wave building and building. Our eyes met and I saw a small smile form on his lips. We rode it together knowing whatever murky waters we might face in the future, so long as we were together, that was all that mattered.
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ovvnwords · 4 years
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WANTED  CONNECTIONS  ....  hi  here  is  a  list  of  connections  i  would  really  really  want  for  my  gremlins.  inspo  from  all  places  ;  music,  movies,  pins,  etc.  i’ll  post  this  in  the  server  /  put  it  linked  in  my  pinned  post  but  for  best  results  send  me  a  dm  on  d/scord  bc  i  suck  at  things!  thank.
AVIVA  ROUX  .  podcaster  /  content  creator (  meg  t.  stallion )  !
GIRL  GANG  !  not  necessarily  ‘girls’  but  yk  what  i  mean.  very  close  knit,  always  hanging  out,  never  one  w/o  the  other,  etc.  i  like  the  idea  of  them  all  bein’  kind  of  different  ----  breakfast  club  style?  (  aviva  cld  be  the  *jughead  vc*  i’m  a  weirdo  for  example  ).  idk  i  think  it’d  be  neat  n  interesting  cld  even  have  group  chat  edits  n  things  on  the  dash  frankly  i  wld  just  like  for  her  to  have  some  friends!  inspo  ( one  ,  two )  .
PODCAST  PARTNER  ! the  shane  to  her  ryan,  so  to  speak.  the  show  talks  about  mysteries  and  internet  oddities  and  different  spooky  things ( they  borderline  on  true  crime,  but  they  don’t  necessarily  go  into  detail  about  cases  if  that  makes  sense  )  .  i  think  the  dynamic  of  a  outrageous  thinker  to  her  pessimistic  ideals.  inspo  ( one  ,  two ,  three  ,  this  tag  ) .
YOUNGER  SIBLING  !  i  like  to  imagine  they’re  pretty  close,  maybe  close  in  age?  i  don’t  rlly  have  much  to  say  about  this  one,  should  probably  put  it  on  the  main,  but  i  love  sibling  connects  so  !
HATEHSHIP  !  someone  she  jus  can’t  stand  yet  can’t  stay  away  from.  maybe  they’re  an  asshole  but  damn  cute,  or  another  reason.  inspo (  one  )  .
ROOMMATES  ! like  to  imagine  it’s  a  bunch  of  them  living  friends-style,  either  in  the  same  apartment  or  even  building  (  or  wld  that  be  jersey  shore  style.  idk  ) but  it  cld  be  fun  especially  if  they  don’t  get  along  all  that  well  but  the  rent  is  nice  and  they  make  it  work.
FIRST  CRUSH  ! eeeeeeeeeeeee  they  cld’ve  met  when  they  were  children  and  had  one  of  those  one  day  long  things  in  elementary  school  where  they  broke  up  bc  they  didn’t  share  crayons  or  something  JSDVKJDFVKJV  they  could’ve  remained  friends,  been  neighbors,  had  crushes  or  a  fling  in  high  school  .
EX  SQUAD  !  i  like  the  idea  of  aviva  having  a  solid  friend  group  in  high  school  that  all  aren’t  good  terms  with  each  other  for  whatever  reason  ..  don’t  have  to  figure  it  out  asap  i  just  love  the  tension  thts  all.
BEST  FRIEND  /  RIDE  OR  DIE  ! someone  who  has  her  back  and  vice  versa.  supports  each  other  thru  thick  and  thin,  gives  each  other  the  whack  on  the  head  they  need  every  once  in  a  while.  inspo  (  one,  two )  .
FLING  /  FWB  /  HOOK  UPS  ! kind  of  self  explanatory.  aviva  doesn’t  really  have  a  preference,  if  she’s  attracted  to  u  she’s  attracted  to  you,  has  her  fun  but  s*x  isn’t  really  her  idea  of  a  fun  thing  to  do  24  /  7  .  like  to  imagine  she  mostly  goes  for  women  ( hey  ladies  .... )  !
EX  PARTNER  ! i  like  the  idea  of  them  being  super  cute  n  lovey  dovey  in  hs  but  then  maybe  one  of  them  went  off  to  college?  they  had  a  falling  out?  ended  on  not  so  great  terms?  the  possibilities  are  endless  to  be  frank!
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  /  SOMEONE  SHE  JUST  CAN’T  STAND  !  ig  this  could  be  more  chemsitry  based  but  they  just  avidly  dislike  each  other  for  one  reason  or  another?  can’t  stand  each  other?  petty  tweets  /  subtweets  etc  etc  .  could  be  fun  n  juicy.
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.
DAWSON  ELLIS .  unemployed  /  formal  journalist ( chris  pine  )  !
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.    he’s  40,  so  rlly  he  just  kinda  vibing.
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  i  like  the  idea  of  just  hating  each  other  since  high  school  and  just  have  this  burning  hatred  for  each  other  even  after  all  this  time  …  chuckles.  inspo  (  one  )  .
PEOPLE  HE  TAKES  UNDER  HIS  WING  !  idk  what  this  could  entail  maybe  he  jus  likes  one  of  u  youngins  …  doesn’t  want  to  see  u  in  the  same  path  he  went  down,  tries  to  steer  u  straight  a  little  bit.  stuff  like  that.  very  dad  like  as  if  he  has  a  maternal  bone  in  his  body.
EX FIANCE ! heheh .. i plan on making this a wc possibly, but i like the idea of someone who he dated for a long period of time after he graduated and left irving, eventually who he proposed two. maybe his addiction could have caused a strain, maybe it was because he was traveling so much, or some other reason but then they broke it off. they came back to irving for one reason or another, he came back bc he’s sober now, there’s tension. kind of based on exile by taylor swift + bon iver .
EMPLOYER  !  this  man  needs  a  job.  so  ........    hands  on  hips  who  is  hiring.
FRIENDS  FROM  HIGH  SCHOOL  !  if  anyone  grew  up  in  irving  /  or  was  in  hs  around  the  time  he  was,  it  could  be  quite  fun  to  reconnect.  old  friends  yadda  yadda  yadda.  
SOMEONE  WHO  KNOWS  HIM  ONLY  FROM  HIS  SISTER  !  smiles  at  jean  so  wide  .....  yes  dawson  is  leonora’s  annoying  lil  brother.  he’s  very  elusive  (  or  so  he  thinks  …  )  so  .  we  cld  do  something  with  that  perhaps.
ELIJAH  PALERMO .  little  league  coach  /  student  (  lukas  gage  )  !
THE  LAST  PALERMO  SIBLING  !  yes  …  this  is  on  the  main  but  i  imagine  elijah  and  them  to  be  very  close  and  it’d  be  fun!  sorry  for  the  grey  hairs  though.
BEST  FRIEND  !  this  is  someone  elijah  trusts  more  than  jus  abt  anybody  ..  including  his  siblings  maybe.  they’re  always  together,  never  apart,  besties  forever.  causing  chaos  and  mayhem.  probably  co-parent  georgia.  knows  each  others  fast  food  orders,  encouraging  their  bad  behaviors  …  
EXES  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  is  the  type  to  rush  into  a  relationship  then  have  it  all  turn  to  shit.  could  be  on  good  terms,  bad  term,  neutral.  
EX  FRIENDS  !  along  the  same  vein,  maybe  they  had  a  falling  out?  one  of  them  just  didn’t  want  to  be  friends  anymore?  they  just  stopped  talking?  give  me  angst  thank  u.
FRIENDS  !  hes  so  talkative  and  annoying  please  give  him  more  friends  …  my  personal  favorites  are  old  couple  bickering  /  complete  opposites  /  good  or  bad  influences  /  new  age  “thembo  summit”  where  there’s  no  got  damn  thought  in  anyones  head  just  vibes.
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  they  flirt  …  they  give  each  other  eyes.  and  yet?  nothing.  wtf.
HOOK  UPS  /  FWBS  !  they’re  hot.  and  he  has  eyes.  it’s  basic  math.  
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  didn’t  mean  to  be  rude  /  or  did  something  bad  to  this  person  but  he  did,  even  accidentally,  but  now  they  hate  him.  or  even  mutual  hatred  <3  constant  subtweets  n  petty  comments  in  public  …
PARTY  BUDDIES  !  theyre  always  together  at  parties  …  self  explanatory.  
PARENT  OF  KIDS  HE  COACHES  !  self-explanatory.
CLASSMATES  !  must  go  to  community  college,  but  otherwise  self-explanatory.  
WILL  THEY  /  WON’T  THEY  !  i  love  this  kinda  shit  ..  theyre  constantly  acting  like  a  couple  but  also  aren’t  one.  everyone  is  dying  to  know  like  …...  so  isn’t  eli  <3
HATEHSHIP  !  they  hate  each  other  .  but  also  f*ck.  then  hate  each  other  again.
ROOMMATES  !  pls  give  him  a  roommate  this  fucker  can’t  function  by  himself.
KALANI  MADDEN  .  student  (  auli’i  cravalho  )  !
PEOPLE  SHE  TEACHES  ASL  !  this  is  my  favorite.  pls  pls  pls.  she  uses  asl  as  her  primary  source  of  communication,  she’s  most  comfortable  with  it  due  to  her  hearing,  but  many  people  don’t  know  it  so  pls  let  her  teach  ur  muse  i’d  love  it  so  much.
FRIENDS  /  BEST  FRIENDS  !  i’d  love  to  have  a  lil  squad  ..  lil  baby  squad  or  even  just  a  best  friend  who  they’re  always  sharing  tiktoks  over  videos  and  having  sleepovers  and  going  to  wendys  at  1  am  bc  they’re  bored.  
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  people  who  just  don’t  fuckin  like  her  bc  she’s  annoying  like  i  understand.
PEOPLE  WHO  DON’T  TAKE  HER  SHIT  /  HATE  HER  DRAMATICS  !  pls  hate  her.  punt  her  to  the  moon.  
PEOPLE  SHE  SPOILS  WITH  HER  PARENTS  MONEY  !  pls  let  her  sugar  mama  u.  she  will  buy  u  legit  anything  if  ur  nice  to  her.  
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  this  wld  be  a  bit  cute  ..  almost  a  will  they  won’t  they  vibe.  they  flirt.  they  smile.  they  make  googley  eyes.  they  subtweet  each  other.  it’s  messy  and  cute.  
BAD  INFLUENCES  /  GOOD  INFLUENCES  !  people  who  lead  her  either  down  a  really  good  or  really  bad  path.  
PEOPLE  SHE  KNOWS  BC  OF  HER  BROTHER  !  self-explanatory  but  also  kind  of  need  him  for  this  so  .  hehe  .
HER  BROTHER  !  on  the  main,  but  pls  bring  this  kid  her  parent  (  almost  )  .
PEOPLE  SHE  KNEW  BACK  IN  NYC  !  self-explanatory.  her  family  is  very  wealthy,  famous  in  the  social  scene.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
I see that you're one of the most active blog in the tags and I like...have no idea about anything dream SMP or lore or what they do, I just keep up with certain stiff because my friend really loved them and she's really shy to talk to people she doesn't already know and thus doesn't have anyone to talk about her fandom with so I talk to her about it but here's the thing...I am confused. She keeps saying I'm a lot like Ranboo, and from what I know from my friend he's the half Enderman with memory issues? I'm so confused 😭😭 what does being like Ranboo even mean 😭😭 I mean I am really glad my friend thinks I resemble someone she appreciates so much but what does it meaaaan.
Also I've been super confused about like?? The actual progression of the lore and stuff? My friend always talks so excitedly about it so I never want to stop her and question just...what the fuck is going on because wow, all of the things I heard are just..wild.
I've done all I can to help my understanding, but the part of the lore I still don't understand is the egg cult? The Red Banquet? The rail road skirmish? What's happening there is completely beyond my understanding 😭 I'm so sorry if I'm sounding weird or just being annoying k just want to understand the lore better so that my friend and I can talk about it without her feeling like she's being annoying(which she never is but she thinks she is because I get so confused ;-;)
I'm one of the most active? Really? Neat. I'll happily help out where I can, though I'm not sure how much I'll be?
Being like Ranboo means many things, some of which include: Loyal, a good friend, a little forgetful, funny, and helpful. And also tall. There's plenty more as well, but all good things!
So, lore-wise, there's like, a huge amount to cover. I'll give you the basic rundown of some recent events, but here are a few links I think will also be helpful!
Dream SMP Timeline: A link to the timeline of things on the Wiki-which is very useful for info! Covers everything to Las Nevadas so far!
Dream SMP Thing: I found this post awhile ago! It has the majority of the plot-relevant videos on there, in order too! Very helpful!
Now, some recent events! You're right to think it's pretty wild, but it's just all the more interesting for it!
Ranboo seems to be a character your friend likes, so I'll start there.
Ranboo's recent lore, as far as I know, seems to be revolving more around his Enderwalk state, and learning more about it. For this, he has built a lab to study in! Also, the Enderwalk ARG, though I don't really know what's going on with that. He's also platonically(???) married to Tubbo, and they've adopted a son together named Michael-that last bit was awhile ago, but it's adorable.
Red Banquet was a plot by the Eggpire(a group of people who fell under the thrall of the Egg, a mysterious entity that may possibly be a Dreamon(possibly, I'm not sure it was ever confirmed or what) to sacrifice people to said Egg under the guise of a party! The guests were lured there by Hannahxxrose, who had been effected by the Egg, but pretended not to be so she could betray them! Once the guise was up, they attempted to sacrifice Eret, but Foolish took his place, dying instead, and losing a canon life. Puffy, his father, killed Antfrost in return with a sword(axe?) Quackity tossed her when he burst in with Technoblade and Purpled to rescue the group.
Las Nevadas is also a new thing cropping up. It's a casino-kinda place built by Quackity-originally for his fiances, I believe? So far he's recruited Sam, Foolish, Purpled, Fundy, and Slime to it, using some, uh, very aggressive tactics. Las Nevadas hasn't done anything huge yet as far as I know, but they're certainly gearing up for it. They've already gotten into a confrontation with Tubbo and Ranboo over a...cookie shop, I believe it was?
Revivedbur now! Wilbur Soot, formerly deceased president of L'manberg was recently revived when Dream got ahold of his ghostly counterpart, Ghostbur, and dragged him back to life! According to him, he's been in limbo for years, as time passes differently there than in the realm of the living. Most unfortunately, it seems like he's up to no good.
And finally, Technoblade is now stuck in Pandora's Vault, after going to visit Dream, who was imprisoned there a bit back-not actually sure why he was visiting him, but when he entered the cell, Sam, the Warden, trapped him there under Quackity's orders. So now they're both stuck there! I think the Syndicate may be planning to bust them out? That or Techno's planning something himself, lots of theories. The two also summoned god(DreamXD, who's a whole 'nother can of worms) and Techno wished for a bell, so that also happened!
I hope this is helpful, and you can understand a bit more of the lore better! If anyone has anything to add to help out, feel free to toss it in!
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Edmure Tully
Our sweet Trout boi was requested!! Tryna go more with his book description haha.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Edmure gives his affection to you easily and happily. It’s half showing off what a lovely wife he has, and half he just can’t keep himself from not spoiling you with attention. Even when he has to put on his Lord’s face and tend to the court, he’ll have a hand on yours and you’ll feel him stroking your fingers while he listens to petitions. At feasts and galas, he’s always wanting you close at hand so he can kiss your cheek and hold you by the waist as the party goes on. Everyone knows the Lord of Riverrun is absolutely taken with his Lady, and sometimes it’s downright sickening how sweet you two can be.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s a loyal friend and vassal, but also hard-headed as can be. He likes friendly and outgoing sorts of people, but you might have to pull him out of trouble when he’s had too much to drink. Edmure doesn’t have a malicious bone in him, and he often worries after vassals, small folk and friends alike, even if he tries to hide how concerned he is. He’ll listen to your problems seriously, even if he doesn’t have the best plan to fix them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Given how often he hugs and kisses you, it’s no surprise he loves to cuddle, but he can only do it for so long before he gets antsy and has to move. Edmure wants to relax in your arms, but sometimes he’s just too wound up. Cuddling in bed is easier because he’s already tired, and he falls asleep within minutes once you start petting his hair or snuggling up on his chest. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It’s expected of him to marry, and he always hoped he’d have a bride he got along with so he could have a large family. He’s great with kids and has always wanted several - many times in his childhood he wished for an older brother to look up to, or a younger one to play with. So, it’s no surprise he starts getting domestic thoughts just a day after your wedding.
Edmure is a lord, so he wasn’t expected to clean and cook, nor does he have an interest in either. You probably have to urge him to keep his study area tidy, at least, and not allow the children to leave their things wherever they please. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It’d be clumsy and he’d try to be brusque with it, but his emotion would likely make him choke up. He’d just cut it short and leave the room, then.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Edmure knew he had to do it eventually, and his father’s failing health only made that more urgent. He thinks too much with his heart to make a proper political match, and he knows it. He always thought his father would tie him down before long, but Lord Hoster never seemed satisfied with this bride or that one, and by the time he passed, the chaos of war was upon them. Edmure was too occupied with that to think about arranging anything. It was Catlyn who brought you to his attention, and she wasn’t subtle about how much Robb needed your house’s support. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Edmure always speaks to you and holds you kindly, but he’s never acted like you’re fragile. He knows you aren’t, and being overly gentle with his touches or words feels patronizing to him. If anything, his enthusiasm and stubbornness means sometimes he can be the opposite.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Well, he prefers kisses but he’ll be happy with any attention. Edmure especially appreciates long hugs when he’s had a difficult day, and he’ll wrap you up longing if he knows he’s going to be gone for a long time. His hugs are always long, sometimes swaying, and he doesn’t mind giving you one in front of his men. In more lighter moments he’ll whisper something stupid just to make you laugh or snort ungracefully, making others wonder what he said. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He felt it quickly, strong feelings and affection that he’d associate with “love”. Edmure wondered if it was too soon to say such a sappy thing to you, but every smile and kiss you gave him wore that down. It slipped out one evening after you both were intimate, when you were cuddled so cutely under his chin and after you made him laugh with some joke. He didn’t even notice it slipped out, he was just too content - though he wasn’t embarrassed, even as you blushed. It was the truth, so you should know. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Edmure gets jealous fairly easily; you could tease him on purpose simply by tittering at young lord’s “subtle” flirtatious jokes, or pretending to shy away when handsome musicians wink at you - he especially hates the bards that love singing to the “fair Lady of Riverrun”. Your husband will be pointedly sullen when you return to him, but he comes around once you’ve given him plenty of kisses and praise … That evening, though, he’ll get you back once he figures out you were just teasing. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Your lord husband’s kisses are eager, you don’t doubt his love for a moment every time he showers you in attention. It’s very easy to distract Edmure’s train of thought by pulling him in for a long, lingering kiss before he leaves to go do something. While he loves the taste of your lips, and how cute they are, when you’re alone and intimate he likes kissing all over. Your breasts are lovely and he likes to feel your heartbeat as he kisses there, and when you’re both feeling more silly, he’ll kiss up your legs or your arms, hitting every ticklish spot until you swat at him to stop.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Edmure tends to not watch his mouth when young ones are around, but he does love to bounce his son on his leg or sit patiently at the table while his daughter serves him “tea”. He doesn’t notice, but he has a knack for understanding children’s whims and tempers and easily redirecting them. Even if he has several children, Edmure tries to be attentive to all of them and teach them different things. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He wakes up with an absolute mess of bedhead, no matter what, and if you aren’t out of bed already, you’ll be pulled into a lazy hug and peppered with several sleepy kisses. You might have to swat Edmure off and remind him of the duties you both have, but he’d just laugh and want to pull you back in bed (some mornings that’s interrupted by the children running in and jumping on the bed). He’s not great at waking up early; if he could sleep without interruptions, he’d gladly sleep in until the late morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You have to keep Edmure from staying up too late, as he naturally burns midnight oil and tends to lose track of time. Before that, he likes to help put the children to bed and tuck them in. He can never resist his daughter asking for a story or his son wanting to hear about some battle, so sometimes he’s at this task for quite a while. Once that’s done and he’s still busy, you’ll have to all but drag him to bed, and his attention will redirect to pleasing you. You’ve reminded Edmure several times that his late hours is why he hates getting up in the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Edmure finds it easy to talk to you, and he’s an open man by nature, so he doesn’t mind chatting about this or that, especially when you ask. You think it’s cute how fondly he speaks of his sisters, even if they were apart from him for so long, and how much he admired his father and all the things his uncle taught him. When he’s angry, he has a habit of pacing a room and ranting while you listen with some amusement. And when he has to make decisions for the Riverlands, he likes to run them by you, even if your honesty makes him bristle at times.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Even though Edmure gets irritated and bothered easily by things people say or do, even things you say or do, he isn’t the sort to stay angry for a long while. Especially if it’s you, he knows that you were right about whatever you both were arguing about, and he’ll come back and sullenly apologize after he’s calmed down. He rarely yells when he’s upset with his men - and he’d never do that to you - but sometimes he raises his voice when he’s impatient. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Edmure won’t remember specific details or things you’ve said, but he’s fairly good at remembering your tastes and how you want things taken care of in Riverrun. Sometimes he’ll confuse things, mistaking something Catlyn liked for something you don’t, but that doesn’t happen too much. If something genuinely upsets you - or gods forbid, someone offended or hurt you - he’ll remember that for a long time.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Edmure thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen on your wedding day, dressed in the fine silk and samite gown he later so carefully took off. He never thought he’d be happier, or so anxious, as he draped his family’s cloak around your shoulders. 
A new one ended up taking that one’s place, and it’s an afternoon he thinks of often. He went out by the riverside, where you were curled up on a blanket playing with your toddler, who finally figured out his legs and enjoyed circling around you. Your hair wasn’t tied in a neat plait, it was a mess about your shoulders, and you weren’t in a fine gown, just a lovely linen dress that was pooling around your thighs as you tried to wrangle the boy in your arms. Edmure gladly ignored whatever he had to do for the day to join you in chasing the little devil down.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Whenever you need to leave Riverrun, he always has several men he trusts accompany you, in addition to the usual knights. Edmure really isn’t overprotective until you have to travel somewhere, but when the war broke out, he went into overdrive. You and the children would always have guards around, ones he absolutely trusted and knew were fierce in battle. He wouldn’t want you to leave Riverrun unless it was absolutely necessary, nor would he want you to be separated from the children for any reason.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Edmure always puts in effort for you. He has a good eye for things you might like, and on your birthday and anniversary (and sometimes just because) he’d give you something lovely. He likes to give you plenty of attention each day, anyhow, and sometimes he’ll bring by flowers or whatever else he found that you might like, so you feel plenty beloved each day anyhow. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
While Edmure does have his fleeting temper, he also has his impulsive and childish jealousies. Sometimes it can get to be too much and you have to scold him for it. Other times he’s hard-headed with a decision he needs to make for Riverrun, and you have to talk him down and ask him to consider other options. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He actually keeps up with his looks a little, or he at least wants to look nice for you, which you find quite cute. Sometimes you’ll help him shave if there’s time in the morning, or you’ll drag him into a bath. He does his best to dress the lordly part, but he prefers more practical clothing that he can train and hunt in.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If something had happened to you and you were no longer in his life, Edmure would almost become unrecognizable. He’d be depressed and prone to moods, and anyone attempting to call on him would be liable to get someone’s head bit off. The only solace he’d find would be the children, who he’d try to keep being attentive to and care for, even if it hurt to look at their faces and see you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you didn’t know how to swim, Edmure would teach you. He’d take it especially seriously if you were fearful of water, since now you’re living in a place surrounded by it. He’d hate for an accident to happen. It’d start with you knee-deep in the river, then waist, then he’d help you paddle and swim around. After several lessons you’d both be goofing off and splashing each other. Afterward he’d want to carry you to the castle, even if you insisted you weren’t that tired, and you two would just be sopping wet and dripping all over the hall. Your handmaidens would not be pleased with the mess they’d be cleaning out of your hair.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Edmure can’t handle frivolous or nervous types of people, it just puts him on edge (and reminds him of Lysa). 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Edmure sleeps soundly, so no matter how much you move around or make noise, it won’t bother him. He likes to snuggle against you, even if it puts him in an awkward position and he wakes up sore. He just prefers to be touching you in some way, whether is full on cuddling or just an arm loosely wrapped around you. He sleeps the best during thunderstorms, he’ll actually go to bed early. Of course, anytime a kiddo runs in scared from a nightmare, he’ll be the first to get up, sleepily carry them back to their room and tuck them back in.
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cloneslugs · 4 years
Wolf + Yayoi + Akiyama :)
this is seriously ill im sorry
First Impression: well he seems neat <3
Impression Now: he's very soft and kind.. <3 and very cool very nice man i love you wolf
Favorite Moment: the whole rice thing b/t the divine child and him and kuro, this isnt a moment but i enjoy how he speaks to people he makes me (: 
Idea for a Story: I'd like to see him first meeting Kuro ^__^ that would be cute.. or how he grew up w Owl bc it seems so … … … well anyway he has a lot of cool background that would be fun to explore 
Unpopular Opinion: i think people draw him smiling too much in some interactions i dont want him to even remotely have a sense of humor or even emote well tbqh, not that i think hes unhappy or anything but like well … + also people are freaks w him but that's another story.. i dont think he would date grandpas
Favorite Relationship: kuro <3 it's cute how he actually engages in conversation w Kuro i like how he talks w him and how Kuro talks w him it's nice.. i think his relationship w Owl is interesting but not . good. Emma + Isshin + Sculptor & every other friend he meets i enjoy esp Kotaro ^^
Headcanon: *gives him transgenderism + autism + homosexuality*, selectively mute (:, he also just has a general issue w socializing & when he doesnt know what to say he defaults to repeating people or just ignoring people, he likes being called Wolf by like Kuro and whoever but Isshin deciding to call him Sekiro makes him feel a little something (:, he can "cook" + knows lots of misc skills like sewing and stuff, doesnt like loud noises, doesn't like being in water -_-, i think he has trouble differentiating b/t what he likes v what he dislikes bc hes used to just putting up w things and never really got to acquire preferences ever hes accustomed solely to survival, he's done kuro's hair for him before <3 but he does it very quick and messy but he tries 
First Impression: ig this is her k1 substory idk i just kind of like . wow this lady seems cool ig goodbye 
Impression Now: … hi <3 she holds a very very special place in my heart now i miss her everyday please babygirl come back to me i need you back ive written out how you can come back please 
Favorite Moment: her k1 substory always makes me sad um.. everything in k2 when shes taking charge.. i love watching her interact w kiryu they have a really interesting relationship.. i like when she got on ryuji for his bullshit and i really really like her introduction in k2 i love watching her handle shitty lieutenants <3 i love you.. oh also whenever she looks sad + worries over daigo thank you for being a mom ma'am <3
Idea for a Story: um i have a lot of stuff already written for her bc im a sicko .. um ig most interesting to me is how her relationship w dojima developed & also what she was up to when dojima died and daigo went to prison right after bc i think about that period (+k1 substory) a lot.. </3 seeing what she was doing in 3 when daigo was shot would be nice iwant her to be homophobic to mine i think <3 ik a rggo event covered it but id like to see more of her when she stepped up to he acting chairman & how that went ig more in depth.. or just her general role w the dojima family back when it was relevant and uh yeah <3 
Unpopular Opinion: um i personally would never call her a milf that feels so :x idek to me gross almost not even bc im a homo or anything i just never would it feels too disrespectful aieeeeeee 🙈 also i wish people didn't care for her just as daigos mom or her being more compotent than daigo or whatever idk people are weird about them in a stupid way and i </3 ik shes just a side character but whatever.. also i hate everyone who writes her like "yes i married dojima for power and i crave violence" fuck you im the only right person ever 
Favorite Relationship: um daigo.. i have lots of thoughts they are so nice together ilove them very much <3 kiryu and kashiwagi are very cute w her too they respect her very much its sweet <3 i think nishiki and kiryu helping out w daigo as dojima members when daigo is little has very sweet potential b/t lady dojima and them not saying they outright would be seeking for a maternal figure but um.. also well kashiwagi uhh well i want her to move past her [k2] baggage and um.. um.. 🙈 boyfriend 
Headcanon: she's so bisexual shes very very bisexual and she knows it and no part of it even concerns her shes just bi + also her first major crush was on a girl that went nowhere and it embarrasses her to death <3, her dad is who introduced her to wielding a sword it was a very unorthodox introduction and came about by kind of bittersweet means but she very much enjoys it (he didnt teach her anything more than the very very shoddy basics he really just helped introduce), she comes from a very non-traditional [japanese] family, really bad vanity issues i wont publicly elaborate on, um something about dealing w loneliness, she was like daigo and was top of her class in school, she comes off as prett7 different outside of professional settings + acts a lot colder and meaner than she actually is around work people bc that's the only way she thinks she'll be taken seriously, she was a very excited first time mommy <3 she still loves daigo more than anything, she used to sporadically grow her hair out and chop it all off and grow her hair out and chop it all off growing up mostly as a teen -_-, she doesnt socialize well but shes good at parroting and imitating proper social etiquette,  she has an "older sister", she loved kiryu and then she hated him more than anything and now she likes him again, perfectionist but a lot of things come naturally to her, not very expressive but her eyes give away a lot, she used to really like kazama very fondly until she didnt, shes not much of a hand-to-hand combat fighter but she can handle self defense, cooking does not come naturally to her ):, shes kept every gift + prize daigo has gotten for her, shes not much for gifts (from people not daigo) but she likes flowers 
First Impression: he's funny (: 
Impression Now: he's still just funny <3 but also bisexual i love him he's very endearing and easy to like 
Favorite Moment: hanging out w haruka in rgg5 or any time he is having fun w hana <3 his one substory in rgg5 where you get more of his background is nice or when he first gets together with shinada + tanimura is funny.. anything that's not rgg6 um
Idea for a Story: i want him to hang out w haruka more <3 or just some of his day to day life.. what he splurges on when he does ummm.. background on when he and hana first met + his ex fiance, hin hanging out w the rest of the group .. anything fun i think ^_^
Unpopular Opinion: he has annoying/questionable moments but so does everyone in the series um.. akiyama/hana is superior when he crushes on her hard vs her to him idk if that's even unpopular ummm idk idek any freak stuff w him nobody talks about akiyama much 
Favorite Relationship: hana (: trans bisexuality <3 him + kiryu & haruka are sweet together, him and tanimura are fun.. i think hes a nice central point for both 4+5 protags i just enjoy him <3 hes good w people 
Headcanon: hes the least athletic i think that's canon though, tried to keep a fish tank in the office but hana ended up taking over + then getting rid of it but by then he wanted an office cat or bird or something "more interesting" so that hed feel like taking care if it but by that point she put her foot down on animals, tries out lots of misc hobbies that he eventually drops (golf, tennis(very embarrassing), gardening, etc (mostly sports bc he feels like a lazy piece of shit sometimes + gets splurges of Yeah Fitness!!!)), all kinds of math teams and etc growing up he actually really likes math, has a lot of gifts he chickened out on giving hana just kind of buried in the office, bad at video games, can't cook, he buys lots of cheap things bc he doesnt really see the point of splurging on fancy unnecessary stuff, magazine hoarder bc he just picks up whatever for a mindless read when at the store and forgets if he's gotten it before 
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Clone Wars          Escape from Kadavo
Well this is certainly a      scene change and one that doesn’t really make sense,
   I mean I thought it was a Camp of Holding for slaves
     Where they got transported to different places on the island to do     slave labor, per         hap        -s
   Now there’s apparently a lava pit under it,
    -doesn’t make any sense
    Also wtf,
   Coal, metal
Since when was   refinery really this place’s MO      (Like this is really starting to feel like they got the        Mandalorian           And           This        Set         -ting        s       Switch           ed,)
      Not to say they can’t be a     coal/mining industry,  
      Just, that the setting should    reflect it,
     From we saw there was nothing to indicate this was anything but        an ar       chai          c      Soc-either
     With no flues        Or fu    -mes
     To indicate   that they were burn        Ing combustibles,
   Honestly some kind of stalactites   mine,
     Or someplace where they       dig for      “valuables,”            -like      prized st-          one for         Jew           elery-          Would          make         more        sense-       -        Anyway, I’m getting.      way too        focus        -ed          on          the        se-          tt         -        Ing-      - Again Rex is    just straight up chilling,     This is      n’t       his first rodeo with abusers,
  Ok, seriously what was up with the    Wil       -h         el          m,?
     (Like I don’t honestly see anything          steep enough to fall off)
   You could say      it was a whip but we haven’t seen any        Of       That,      Ye      t-
  I don’t get the    screaming-
  Also that   dude just attacked him out of nowhere,
  Like   could we have gone    establishment of that?
  What was even his ber-zerk        butt-        on       there?
   Dude was doing his job
  Like if it was a faster thing you kind of have to establish that before hand      -        Also then the environment, the ma      jor      ity,       Would be working at a   breakneck speed,      With a sense of anxiety,       In the       air,
    Then,     the whip,
  He-     was?
  (Like that was just        plain - pointless
     Not even an emotional reaction
     Like that told us absolutely nothing about the setting      and character
    The mate didn’t even have a reaction
    It’s one random guy that just decided to hit      someone else-
   Like that’s not even calculated never mind       systematic,
    Also I like how Rex like yeah      I wouldn’t know anything about that,        feck’in             Jedi             -
      Also       “Effect?”
      Not really more like 
     “ Dave’s having a real rough day and I really don’t want to talk to              (In that               state)
          Like they didn’t wince.
         There was no antici             pation-
          No                  anxiety,
            Like no signs of this is had a           permanent          psychologically            damaging              affect
(Note all toxic behavior is           harmful,               The difference here is             Between                The intensity of the        in-dentation,
            It can get pretty       bad
            And enabling        tox can have serious effects                 (Pretty                   bad)
              (Requiring a lot more time   to undo)
               From;            Dave is really an    asshole,
                 To                           I am really an    asshole,
                  To                    The world is really an   asshole (And Dave is the       savior-)
   (Apologies to anyone who’s chosen name is          Dave or similar vernacular,               It’s not out of any Mala-    cian-              Just the first identi          fication I could think of,
          And tox-    ic logic is really not something you wanna enable,
         Again what the Frick?
(This is really not an   or-ganic way to      introduce        your       rules
Like, “oh yeah    speech is for-bidden,       Have a nice        day,”
 Like      you   think   dude-
Like you were pretty damn path     -etic     abu       ser-        (s)         -    (Sla       vers)       Wow,
   There was no emotions or anything     -be      cause the set up was so poor,
  W-        h      -a         t
    Again the emotion    is non existence,
  Also what the fuck     happened to Rex over there?     -      
Tumblr media Tumblr media
When did he      go down?
 (Like don’t    get me wrong   I saw a flash in the corner?)
  But why       him?
   [also did the scenery just completely changed because he was on the far end of Ken-        Obi with something in between
      Some thing they were       shoveling the stuff on?
     That’s just       gone in this shot]
  [Also,           From a narra-         tive,     standpoint wouldn’t it have made more sense and been a more engaging concept,          If the guy had threat          -ene             d-            The clone          in Obi- wan’s              stead,             Seeing as of the     republic’s version of slavery,
      Rex pos          s-             ib          ly
     Reflec-         ting on the          (Other           Species?)
And    contrasted with them,
   On how much    Obi-Wan views him as a possession,
   (Or his reaction to the people under him getting hot          ,and why)
   Allo-      wing for more heart, 
     “I’m            sorry,”
        “No              Wors              e-               Than               The            Kamino               -ins,”
       Rex’s         Sub             Cat;
        Seeing the people he was trained (and order-ed) to protect              Harm                 -ed                   -                    Much like the people (under him) were harmed during the Kamooin.   s-
  Groom          -ing,                  ?]
      Any      -way,  
    Again,     and what was the emotion?       -         M-aster
  Rex must be like,         Kar-           ma
     If he’s   not,
    [Never mind      he isn’t asleep      just one frame     made it look weird?]
   Ai-       gh -t
  Oh yeah seriously check up on that one guy instead of you know the person under the command,
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 What The fuck?
    What the feck,
     What is with that       expression-
     What is with that              facial-
   (Seriously someone tell me what      emotions this is supposed to por-     tray!
    Also yeah 
  they completely waltz.       -ed     past the ab-        us         -er.        Be-         Ing        -         Con-          fron         ted-              by         the       Con-        Seq-        Uen        Ce        (s)          Of       their      actions,
  It’s not pointed out that Obi-Wan totally caused this by (not)-    listen-ing,        To dude’s        initiative      to stay out of it
(Or, what he did to Cody        Rex,       and basically         all the clones,)
(And what could’ve been a good moral about negative effects of “Pos-       itive  over-       invo        lv           e-       Ment-            )
   so I am slightly big mad
         Not com-   -pletely
          But I’m      get-ting          th-ere
   Drinking         my        slightly       bitter       ju-ice-
   Gett    -ing         pr-etty          salty
     Which is odd since I normally don’t criticize      aesthetic differences
              Like                    This-       -
   The problem is it isn’t the aesthetic       that I have a problem with,        (You want to have a Obi-Wan show more compassion to the slave of similar generation then to Rex?
    (That’s per-fect-ly fine and could even show how he values his job and  Mission over someone he is actually wound-        ed-)
     However that’s not it-
        (It doesn’t             even do that)
   My problem with it is that it shows no        emotion
   No emphasis
   No moral
   It’s - empty               -          Watching this scene,     there is absolutely nothing I get out of it,
       Also wow that was a        quick turnaround,
Like seriously     it generally takes longer      for that kind of behavior to be indented,
  This is literally the only Jedi       he’s seen be there
       One time
         This is barely scraping        logic,          And            even             then,                not              really            requiring-              pre-knowledge                  of the emotions               and general plot               (before                       hand)
   I know that I should feel bad for the        slave because         slav-ery is a bad thing           And any real person would be          pretty upset it/             Suffer for the toxic environment,
         Note; it’s not from the               medium
         I didn’t gain that                 knowledge             from the medium
(In which the chara-       cters      actions and emotions,         Make me        conclude,       “oh wow,         slavery is a real         bad thing!”
   No the characters are wooden puppets          with no emotion,
          Going from;                Point a to point B
      Nothing to connect them              (No preamble)
         No emotions
         No motive(s)
       ‘why is Obi-Wan doing what he’s doing?’
         ‘I don’t know’
                    (And I honestly don’t think the wr-     iters did either)
       And no damn interest
        Barely scraping        logic..
   ‘Why is Obi-wan      doing what he’s doing,’
     ‘Because he has the rescue the slaves,’
    ‘ why does he have to rescue the slaves,?’
      ‘ because you have to rescue slaves,’
        It’s literally circular
   Rely- ing completely on the cookie   cu-    tter,
    Resulting in it being as flat as a cookie when      rolled over by a rolling pin,
         Where                It             should;                Be;
    “ why does Obi-Wan want to rescue the slaves?”
        “Because of his dedication to his moral compass/ because of his dedication to his generation/ non-      clone- ena         blers,/      (Whatever        you want           to put            there)
           (Hey that was almost emotion from   ,Rex)
         (We’re      2:29      Min      Ut        es        In,        And I’m already        salty about the episode refusal to be         fun,
   That’s nice        exposition      *Palpatine*.       Sidious,
     Tra-        dition           (S);
  That’s literally all I      -heard-
      -(I assume they’re saying             “millions,”)
         Which would actually be neat if we got to see some you know human soldiers on the Darkside to counterbalance the whole do you know clone troopers, contrasting the dark side’ s more ethical but none the less toxic practices,
    To the light side’s-          Gen Break-
      De-       fiance?
   (I think you mean that other Zygerian’s death because we have literally not seen the queen act even remotely rebellious,
   Yeah she      con-     templates possibly free-        ing them,
   But we haven’t seen her openly communicate with either of these 2 to inform them
   And she still wants to keep     Anakin,
  So she at least     has one Jedi,
   With the others possibly be blamed on a       -prison break-
      And literally nothing that we’ve seen       com-municating the concept of open - rebel-      lion
   Or any of the connection between      her    and the separatist,
   Again seriously        how am I     supposed to feel about that             (Also the one person that gives even the slightest bit of emotion and it’s the villain,)
    Like I’m surprise’d       Dooku’s surprised by that
   (Also, now there         are flues).           (Don’t recall        seeing them                last time,)
        Or just sticks with gold          on them
 (I am very        con-        fused,)
This seems pretty different
And totally safe
  (Also wasn’t the castle       blue?)
  But I’m not against it because it could work with the       symbolism of wild,       Or just.          Wor      -k                 (I know I’m being way too hop-   - eful but I try,
      Re-        hash-
   So why is there no other emotion 
   And why do you look like a         caveman,
    (Eyebrows    constantly furr-        Ow-        ed)
    Also what was with the      pro-nunciation and        emotion?
   Also literally no     one else is paying attention to that guy?        ?
‘ he also doesn’t   cause me to have any emotions’
  Like seriously I know that it’s a cat person but you still have to show some sentient emotion here
   If there’s no emotion,        there’s no risk,
   (Part of   sent- ience)
   Att-        end,
   Again that’s not the cha-    llenge I think they were trying to make it out to be;              (Un-accountabili-          ty)    Aka         What it would work best as;
    “ I’ll would never turn away from a challenge,” Anakin said snarkily,
      The queen se-           duct              iv             el-              y
          Taking his light saber,                -                that works better;
           -                   Ser-iously                       -                       Um-                       No,  
(Last time someone fall from a height that      high, they died,)
   (You have to play by        your       own      rules,             )
    Also again wh        -at-
   Sky -walker
  When          ?-
   Would be nice if you ever         feckin showed it,
       (Seriously the concept of Obi-Wan having to come to terms at least temporary that his Over-involvement has      hurt people is an interesting concept,”
     Also bullshit      that you know that
   (You’re all enabled and you haven’t spent any time around     Obi-Wan)
   (That’s a stupid plan            and the animation really doesn’t help,)
       Perm     -     R-       i-,
Oh yeah so no reserves,     about using the term,             “master”      After this     schism            ?            -         Y-eah           -         How?           -           W-at
 [The emotions are off the roof and I have no idea 
    with the scale of escalation
   Lesh          -       Li- fe
    You did-            n’t?             -              Emo            tion-
      Who        called-        the       guards?
   Seriously if this is such a constantly abusive (tox) relationship than how do they not know,
     (Unless the previous guards got killed and these          are the         newbies,)
    Because you don’t act like it all don’t have any of the characteristics generally associated with constantly rein-forc       -ed toxicity,         Show-       ed no emotion including     (anxiety and anticipation)         In that previous           fight,
 As well as no negative    con-    seq-    uen      ce          s for your behavior             -               Even now your voice is just     “ oh I’m     dyi-ng-            -,’.                 .        
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 [Something        happened 
   not a Tumblr refresh,
  There’s absolutely no emotion in the scene and the fact that she just dies after that being the threat is just kind of cheap,
  [and the fact that she had absolutely no expression            (Or emotion)     during that entire fight                  Not showing any of the general signs             -               Just no)
    And that expression is a weird way way to end
   The scene.       not the movie that still going,          (Un-fortunate-         ly)
   Uh, why             Off to you obviously evil factory,       land,”
   Hey     isn’t it that minor antagonist    that hasn’t showed up since the last episode?       . . .       Why?         . . .       And he included       the clone        why?
    (Oh yeah I want the      Jedi Knight         Obi-Wan          Kenobi,          And especially the to my knowledge           (default)             clone.
       And Rex who is honestly a lot more intimidating,
  [Again this is supposed really be about.     Ken-obi but I’m really focusing on     Rex,]
    Wh-        at-        -
    They were on a        bug?
  Sorry my memory     gave out for a moment at the whole     Anakin durp face thing         -       -
   Again, how is he supposed to do that?
    -       Ter-         -        I-l
   Sl-av          es
   So Ahsoka goes to rescue the slaves while An-a      kin,    stays here and carves a hole,
   No emotion!
   Oh,     I thought he meant         Ah         -soka         -          Oh so yeah let’s bring a warship into what seems to have been         intended as a stealth mission,
      Screw                    Fitt              Ing                Re                Action-
How   did that change the fact that they have the button that can kill all the    slaves,
    (It didn’t)
Obi-won just apparently stopped giving a       fr-ick         -
   Well then they were impossible to   take out,
 F-a         -           S-l
   But only the         Tyger-ian        (Apologies for any misspelling          I mean Ahsoka’s            kind,)
      “He           -at,”
         Rex did more than Obi-wan,
          Also yeah     completely forgot about that,
        Also he said               kill,
         [Not further         im-prison,”         ]
       Rex had some      rage-
      Also you’d think that be Obi-Wan       considering how much he’s gotten       ,screwed with         This entire          ,time              -           Wh,at 
      Wh            -y              -
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Wh        -y          -     H-ere         -               How is Rex still fighting      guys?         -       Also thanks a lot Obi-Wan      you useless      piece of shit,
   [Again, would         n’t it make           sense?            .)
      -           You just came into a door        just hop them - over-                                -                             Lan      d-
                      Wait,                            How did you just get in, there                     though,
                     .                        Co-                    vert                          -                            ?
O-Kay,     new character,
(Also oh no they gave      plo another fleet  
      Great      )
     Ser-iously,   what     where are these guys coming from?        ,     You’ve literally been allowed this dude to heck around the entire time while Rex did all the hard work
 Also seriously where was all that                    -  ,coming from-                     -                Wh    at-
Where   was the   emotion?       -      Hey that had no meaning, symbolism      or emotion behind it -       whatsoever,
         -            W-h              -             -           -            Whelp, was completely boring
    Covenants of a good,                  fun story;  
       - Set;  Excessive in instances that don’t directly affect the story’s           up,    cohesivity
       -Tone; Is appropriate
       -Emotions; And appropriate, and consistent and manage to keep a consistent tone,
             (Un-nessary,                        Typically switch-ed for a        more logical tone,                        In works of                      non-fiction,
                  Though may be in both,                        So long as note                        is given,)
        This            film            (Movie      -      Gets absolutely none of it right except the basics for a         good story
      It’s        co -         hesive-          But damn           boring         and empty,
Story         -      Re-write.          -            (I needed something fun after watching that       boring documentary,)
     So let’s       get into it,            -                   (May          feature            episode             -overlap)
   Obi-Wan emerges from the carrier,              With R           -ex,
    (Obi-Wan possibly sub- con-ciously           mov              -ing                  In              Fron                 -t                        Of                    Rex-)
         [Or              Cody]
             The                  minor              antagonist                welcome(s)                 them;                   Obi-wan trading some banter with him                      -                     It                being part of a plan to get captured,
              Unfortunately somethings went ar-ray and instead of              Cody being the back up plan; he got taken with him
               The minor antagonist                                   -               quickly cuts the chatter                                 -                                     By having the guard                               (S-                         bring Cody forward, introducing him as                                                           Obi-Wan’s                                                               Slave
           Giving a veiled threat of                “ would be a shame if something happened to such a                    ,pretty specimen,”
                  Obi-Wan getting   def-ensive,
                      The atag,      Com   menting,       “ Pretty protective,           Of your toy,            Aren’t              You,”
      Before         having           them thrown            somewhere,
         Next time,        we see them they’re getting e-           scor-            ted-             for gem            Min-            Ing,
         (Possibly some black humor from the vil               -ains-                about how people                 will pay,                     “An arm                  or leg
*Pos-sibly        yours,
                For                      the                      stuff,’           
            On the way there one of the guards notices Rex    (Cody)’s                                                                                     ey-ing the place.                                                                                          warning him                                                                                          That,                                                                                           ‘He’s                                                                                        not                                                                                 the only                                                                                     one                                                                                    under                                                                                 ob                                                                            -servation)
                                                                             Possibly                                                                               causing                                                                              a wincing                                                                            or anxious                                                                           reaction                                                                             from                                                                             them                                                                                  .   (I would generally  encourage flashbacks to be        able to - show the emotion          em-          ot            ion,)
      (Under-stand               what is going inside their            head,)
         But for now            I’ll stick           with           the example            given by the show         which is no flashbacks,     The      guard        making        it clear what will happen
Shock-     -Ing-
  The clone       (Eith          er)           Ha-ving       a bad reaction         to this,
     Knee       jerkingly      reaching            out,
     The guard       grabbing him         and         holding him    back -            -           Forced into a      distressing circumstance of         fa            il           -in            g-         The           Miss-         -ion             -
                                                                                             Those two are                                                                                     pretty much out of the action                                                                                for the rest of the episode being                                                                   stuck
                                                  Obi-Wan can’t do anything without hurting Cody                                                       Cody can’t do anything without hurting                                                                         the slaves                                                                               -                                                                              Most of their part is                                                                               contrasting                                                                            the condition,
Most of the     action is with      Ahsoka,        Who talks down that  dweeb         (Maybe someone near-er          to her age)                     And they go break      Obi-Wan out so he can back up, Anakin
    In the Dooku fight,
               The most consistent and                       clear char-                        -acter                          Being                              Q                             -ueen,                              Being a     slaver-
   If         it’s         Ana-       Kin,
          Anakin having to begrudgingly put up with this        slaver’s nonsense
      - Her talking about how life is slavery     and him just not...
          Then                  Dooku                 Shows                      Up,
   (The whole transition between the mine scene and the Anakin- slaver scene,        Being a cut from the sparks in a mine           To the jewel on her finger              With extra focus       being put on the jewels,
        Possibly all done with all of them              Zy-              gar-ian                (Or of all        the planets that         she’s taking people from-  
      Zygarian            Heir               loom)
          A black stone          (in the middle of her chest)               By a pendant                 (Generally                   implied to be by                 Count Dooku)
    Toxic        court-ing           implied,
              Count Dooku                   announces                a surprise visit,
               The Queen is pleased                    but nervous                       (Hands                         behind -back)
              Putting        a wine glass down behind it,
                     Dooku is immediately aggressive
        The queen            offering                Anakin as a consolation prize
       As the youngest and newest to the-ir possible              rank,
        Dook-u snark                  Ing,
          Dooku threaten                -ing  to kill
          The queen having issue with that whole main characterization being the collector of rare things
          (Possibly a reflect-                Ion  about the no speaking rule)
             More likely Dooku dismissing her con-           cerns just saying that he can always get her a new one,
            “The Queen possibly wincing at a raised hand                  - if we want to go for indications of                  physical tox-’
          Poss-ibly a conversation about why she put up with           him
        “He treats me well”
        Focus on the necklace and pendent to             - contrast with the choking necklace-
          Possibly a poison               Sub-line
                -                     If you want                    to go there,                       -                    But focusing on Ahsoka,              they broke those guys out,
                 Ahsoka finding a heartbroken                         Jedi,                       Explaining that their res       -pect     ive  clone friend,        Has given up on them
   Ahsoka finding that person,
   Who manages to explain that he can’t        move either-
    To be cut off by the guards      who has really had enough of         every-      thing-
   Decided - screw it if pain isn’t going to make you stop and then might as well put them in a life or death situation,
    Add-ing time on the clock         (Or at least a new var-         iable-)
   Ahsoka possibly     does a whole speech thing          (Since seriously         we’ve seen none of her involvement or even care about         her own         spe-cies)          Via dem            on-          Strat           Ion-
      (Very likely leading to a            riot situation,)
     As they didn’t plan on the           Tagroatians (?)             Rebell              ing due to                crush                  -ed                 spirits,
     That happens                  -           Those two re-         unite and go to fi-ght                Dooku
        (I never.       really cared for the        Zy-            ger-             Ian           queen,)
         If she lives in then,    she’s grateful for them driving off Dooku,          Allows them to get off with the slaves,
      (Necklace might have information            might not,)
   *Honestly I felt it made more sense for        Anakin to be the one in the mine;             The Zy-          garian queen, and Obi         -Wan hav-          ing boomer ban             -ter,              With Obi-Wan a lot more           aware of that stuff,               (Show-ing               worldliness       by identifying the stones)             While Anakin compares       the circumstance to the one that he used to live in,              And the one he enabled Rex living in,           While Ahsoka,    could team up with a          Zy-ger-Ian round              her age,               Possibly some conversations about           enabling-           May-be Ahsoka talking about getting a clone         command of her own-            (If we want the clone commanders to be a constantly          featured theme                here)               Boomer                 Bait,               Busting Anakin out of the            mine,                Obi-Wan getting hidden behind a             cur-tain,                     And going to heck over Dooku,                   (Slaves recovered-)
           Both the Zy-                Gar-                  Ian-                    (And a flirtatious                promise to return                      By                       Obi-wan, )                       [contrast                        Mandalorian]                    Gets                         Free-                        Dom-                        -                         End-                         -
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