#I think that’ll be really fun and cute
teddybearty · 2 years
obscure ships/ Queerplatonic relationships / polycules for the background characters my beloved. Your ideas are sooo cool !!ALSO. Consider- daiya hiro and fujiko. As friends or poly or whatever!!
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And I really see the boys being friends with Fujiko and the trio just hanging out a lot!!
I drew Daiya and Fujiko hanging out together a while back so here’s some Fujiko + Hiro stuff!!!
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seungisms · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff and so much dumbassary 
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: more stupid tiktok trends, hyunjin and minho being haters in the comments, shy!seung 🗣️🗣️🗣️ chan and felix being the most perfect boyfriends ever <3
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: based of this tiktok! (making me feel so single fr) so in love with this trend, i just had to write it! felix and jeongin are shorter than the rest cause i’m just one (dumb) woman and incapable of thought 👍 this took me like two hours to write please forgive if it's absolute dog. reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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as we’ve already established this man is a whole ass boomer and doesn’t know what tf you’re talking about half the time
so when you come to him chatting away about another stupid tiktok trend he’s only half listening
humming along occasionally and going ‘that sounds fun sweetheart’ but as soon as the words ‘kissing trend’ hit his ears his interest is 📈📈📈 and you have his full attention
will be soso useless when you’re trying to find the right lipstick shade cause every time you ask his opinion he’ll just go
:) they all look pretty on you :)
and you’re just like chan that’s so cute and all but yOU’RE NO HELP RN
finds it so hard to concentrate while you’re leaving the lipstick stains all over his face cause you just look so cute giggling between every kiss and he’s so <333
just really wants to kiss you :( and gets all grumpy when you tell him to focus :( 
takes his role very seriously when the camera is on him though
will take your face in his hand after wiping away your lipstick smudge, turning your face towards him and this mf is looking at you all 🥺 with your red lipstick covering his face
and you’ve never seen a prettier sight
cue the comments going wild over how dreamy ur boyfriend is
and he just laughs straight in ur face when you get all huffy
the type to repost it all over his socials, like this tiktok will be his whole personality for the next three months 
probably has it pinned on his insta and linked in his bio or some shit 😭
down so bad and it shows
expect to be clowned in the comments by the rest of the guys
they just don’t wanna admit how cute the both of you are though <333
takes a good full week of nagging for him to finally give in
he just really likes to see u beg :(
will be soso moody at the start and sits on the edge of ur bed feeling sorry for himself as you choose out ur lipstick
and every time you ask him what colour you should use he’s just like ‘🙄 idc what you wear let’s just get this over with 🙄🙄’
and you would’ve punched him straight in the teeth if he wasn’t essential to ur plan 
pls he’ll literally melt once you sit on his lap and take his face between his hands
kissing you is definitely one of his fav hobbies so he’ll come around as soon as your pretty lips come in contact with his skin
will be all <333
you end up having to re-film it so many times cause this guy gets so carried away
every time you think he’s finally gonna do what you asked he just ends up planting his lips on yours again
you can’t even count the amount of times you had to reapply your lipstick cause this mf was busy kissing it off you
you’ll probably end up with so many drafts of the two of you just making out
you just look so pretty with your lipstick all smudged, he can’t help kissing you :(
will take a good hour of filming before this guys finally gets it right
cutest couple on the internet istg
gets so smug when he sees all the comments swooning over him the next day and you’re just like :/ stfu or else i’ll delete it 
if only they all knew how hard he made the whole process for you 😭
ends up being one of his fav videos 
so much so that’ll he’ll send it to everyone he knows and is like
heart, comment and share or die
thinks tiktok trends are stupid af but he doesn’t mind this one ig 🙄
down so bad that he’ll agree right away 
but you bet your ass he’s gonna be complaining the whole time about how he’s ‘putting his reputation on the line’ for you
but he’s sitting on your bed blushing, twiddling his thumbs and kicking his feet like a fucking teenage girl while you apply lipstick to your lips
suggests you kiss him on the lips first and you’re just like ‘yeah bro not gonna happen 🙄’ cause you j u s t know as soon as your lips meet his you’ll be pulled into making out with him for the next hour 
he’s just very bad at focusing on the task at hand so every time you plant a kiss on his face he’ll be chasing after your lips with his own and pouting all cutely when you refuse to kiss him
likes watching you reapply your lipstick 
ur just so pretty to this guy 
can’t stop fucking laughing when you finally get to it
when he sees his face in the mirror he’s like whAT HAVE YOU DONE?? THIS IS GONNA TAKE FOREVER TO WASH OFF????
every time he turns your face towards him and you pan the camera over to him he’ll just go sdhisjdidjdAHAHAHAHA
and now half your drafts are just you shouting at him to f o c u s and hitting him with a pillow and he’s just cackling like an idiot 
you end up having to post one of those cause this mf is useless and can’t follow a simple trend 
first to comment is minho cause he has ur notifications on just to clown u
literally just a ‘look at these pussies’ and somehow it has 40k likes in three minutes
you’re surrounded by idiots  
your lipstick stain is his fav accessory so you bet he’s agreeing right away
doesn’t mean he’s gonna make it easy for you though
argues with you about what shade of lipstick you should wear
and has no problem taking his sweet ass time going through your shades
‘what colour lipstick do you think would suit me the most? 🤨’
‘bro idc you’ve been at this for the last half hour, just piCK ONE?!’
‘-idk i think pink will go with my hair the best but all the pink shades you have are ugly af’
probably records you while you’re leaving the kisses on your face and posts it
don’t be surprised when it ends up getting twice as much likes as your original tiktok :(
puckers his lips all annoyingly and makes kissy noises when you’re done with the rest of his face
and you’re just like 🙄 c’mere idiot 🙄
when you finally film the tiktok he takes is soso seriously that it gives you whiplash
swipes at the smudge stain all lovingly and turns your face towards him, thumb tracing over your bottom lip and eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth and you’re just like?????
how??? tf??? is this man able to turn from the most annoying brat you’ve ever met to an actual dream boat within the span of 10 seconds???
you have half a mind to post the bts just to show everyone what he’s really like (aka a little asshole)
just knows tiktok is gonna go crazy over you guys
and sure enough it’s filled with
‘you mean OUR boyfriend’ 
‘[name], where did you find him again? 🧐 for science ofc’
‘the smudges are meant to be all around his face [name] not just his lips 🙄🙄’
and he just comments ‘she can’t resist me guys <333’ just block his ass already 
nodding his head and agreeing before you even finish your sentence
‘hey babe, wanna film this kissing-‘
‘…bro i didn’t even tell you what we were doing??’
‘idc as long as i get to kiss you idc … i get to kiss you right!? … [name]?!’
very enthusiastic 
just likes showing you off so he gets really into it
picks out some random red shade cause it ‘brings out his eyes’ 🙄
and you’re like okay whatever but you can’t help but agree he looks so cute all smiley with your lipstick smudged all over his face 
gets distracted so easily 
demands you kiss him on the mouth before moving onto his face and before you know it you’ve just been making out for the last half hour
‘but jisung, what about the tiktok trend?’ ‘the what????’
goes back to kissing you cause he’s so love drunk and can’t think straight once he’s had a taste of your lips
good luck getting him off you
can’t keep a straight face while you’re filming istg
knows the actual trend doesn’t involve kissing but as soon as he swipes your little smudge stain away and turns your face towards him he just finds himself leaning in again
and the rest of the tiktok is just him giggling against your mouth
and before you can even think about cutting that part out he’s already posted it
all the comments are so in love then there’s just hyunjin with ‘🤮🤮’
his lockscreen is 100% a selfie of the both of you covered in lipstick stains
one of his fav videos ever and will have no problem shoving it in peoples face out of nowhere
‘hey jisung, haven’t seen you in awhile-‘
so whipped for you and this trend didn’t help that fact
probably the one to suggest it tbh
saw it on tiktok one day and was like ‘…me and [name] would slay this’
you only agree to do it cause he’s so cute when he’s excited over smth <333
looks up at you so 🥺 as you kiss all over his face
hold his chin in your hand and he’ll melt
forgets the trend as soon as your soft lips make contact with his skin and can’t help but kiss you every now and then while you’re marking his face 
can’t keep the smile off his face when you’re recording and he looks so damn lovesick and whipped for you that it breaks tiktok for a good week
all the comments will be
‘he’s so in love with her 😭’
‘wish my boyfriend would look at me the way felix looks at [name] 💔’
‘girlie pls drop a tutorial on where to find a guy like this 🙏’
definitely the type to forward it to everyone he knows
and their mother
probably becomes his lockscreen and everytime he holds his thumb against the screen and replays it he’s just so :)
acts like it’s so inconvenient to him and his life 
but really he’s so giddy at the mere thought of your pretty lips all over him
won’t catch him admitting it though
when you first ask him he’ll just be like
🤨 no?? i’m not doing that?? 🤨
and when you say ‘oh okay i’ll just get jeongin to do it with me’ he’s straight into fight or fight mode and hot on ur tail
sitting all >:( on your bed as you go through your makeup looking for a good shade 
but he’s blushing so hard and fiddling with his fingers cause he always gets so shy when he’s about to kiss you
another to try to chase your lips when you’re leaving your lipstick mark over his face 
and you’re just like
‘excuse me?? i think i deserve some compensation for agreeing to this dumb trend?’
punch him
right in his pretty face
falls in love with the sight of your lipstick stains all over his face and can’t stop looking at himself in the mirror cause the shape of your lips is just so pretty
but as soon as you catch him smiling at himself in the reflection he’ll go straight from :) to >:( again
has to keep his little tsundere act going you know
surprisingly focused when you get to it 
only takes you around three tries before you get the perfect shot
(he just wanted you to hurry tf up so he could finally makeout with you)
comments go wild 
and he’s just like ‘see, told you the people loved me’
so shy
plays it off though and tries to act cool but really he’s melting on this inside
looks into the mirror every time you leave a kiss on his face and is like 
:) you missed a spot :)
but really he just wants you to keep kissing him
before you know it his whole face is stained in your lipstick
takes a good hour before you can even start to think about filming
he’s just too pretty and distracting
especially when he’s looking at you all 🥺 with his lips puckered
gets so nervous once you whip out your phone to record and doesn’t know what tf to do
‘okay … what’s the plan again? does my hair look stupid?? do i look directly into the camera or-‘
gonna have to talk him through this one 😔✊
probably needs a full step by step tutorial to get though this stupid trend 
once he gets it down though he’s a natural
tilting his head all cutely after swiping away the lipstick smudge and smiling at you with so much love that it almost made you forget about the recording 
can’t help but kiss you anyway and it makes tiktok go wild <333
changbin probably sends it into the group chat not even a full minute after it’s posted and clowns tf out of you two
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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genshin-obsessed · 4 months
may i request for jing yuan, sampo, and ayato with a reader who is completely oblivious and dense to their flirting? like when they try to flirt, the reader's just like "yeh 😊"
Ooh always fun! Not to mention, I absolutely adore the choices of men here lmao
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╰┈➤ Jing Yuan
You would think he’s bothered but he’s not. Actually, he finds it so amusing watching all his flirty jokes just soar over your pretty little head.
He does keep it at a minimum, though, mainly because he doesn’t wanna overdo it but he has a sneaking suspicion you still wouldn’t figure it out.
Every time he throws a flirty like at you and you have the audacity to just go “aww ok!” Or something, he just laughs and laughs.
He’s just waiting for the day it clicks. For the day you, at 3am, realize he’s been flirting with you for a year now. He won’t let you live it down.
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╰┈➤ Sampo
You little annoying person! You’re so dense that if you could be lifted above Jarilo VI and dropped on it, the entire planet would implode.
He gets kinda irritated but then you’ll do something kinda cute? And suddenly he’s like head over heels for you. AGAIN.
Sampo doesn’t think there’s ever gonna be a day you realize on your own. This man would need to get down on his knees and confess and you might still not get it.
He still adores you. You’re a dense dumbass, but you’re his dense dumbass. Or… you could be if you ever realized he’s in love with you.
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╰┈➤ Kamisato Ayato
Man, you really just are that dense huh? Like… there’s no amount of hints that’ll just make it click or something?
Thing is, Ayato isn’t sure if he should let you crash and burn or just confess. Yeah, confessing is easy, but watching you fumble when you realize on your own would be entertaining.
Is actually pretty comfortable with others flirting with you because you’re just as clueless and it actually makes him laugh when they get embarrassed cuz you didn’t understand or something.
He does actually plan on confessing. The slow hints didn’t work, the stronger hints didn’t work, him asking if you’d hypothetically date him didn’t work, so now he’s just gonna tell you he’s in love and you should like marry him or something. Idk.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
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Leah Williamson x Reader [Tooth-rotting, diabetes-causing sweet af fluff]
Leah meets the hottest golfer she’s ever seen.
word count : 2.3k, there will be more parts coming soon!
Based off of true events, I do play college-level golf and I thought it would be fun to incorporate that into a story!
“Come on Leah, our tee time is at ten fifty!” yelled Jacob from the living room. They had planned on playing some golf today, but Leah couldn’t pick an outfit out and was becoming frustrated. “Give me a minute you arse! We won’t be late!”
Finally deciding on something to wear, they headed to the Abbey Hill Golf Club (a/n this is a real course in Milton Keynes!) where they were just in time for their tee time. “What was it you were saying about not being late, sis?” Jacob quipped, earning a hard smack on the upside of his head for his mocking tone. “Shut it before I shove this club up somewhere you don’t want.” “Alright, alright, I’ll bring the cart around.” He answered with a laugh, walking over to the golf carts searching for the one with the number 6 on it.
“Just you then, Y/N/N? Right, you’re gonna have to pair up with those two then. The course is pretty full today, that’ll speed up play.”
“Right, thanks so much Greg!”
“You’re welcome, kid. I’ll give you a tenner if you beat your own course record!”
“I’ll hold you to that, Gregory!”
“Hello, I’m Y/N. Greg paired us up today, I hope that’s okay!”
Someone taps Leah’s shoulder and she swears time stopped. Standing before her is the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She had the most beautiful smile and was dressed in the cutest golf outfit. She looked professional, like she knew what she was doing, not like herself.
“Um, are you alright?”
“What? Oh fuck, yes. Um, what did you say?”
You giggle at her flustered answer. “Fuck,” thought Leah, “I think that’s the cutest sound in the world.”
“I’m Y/N. Greg wanted us to play together since the tee times are full, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh no, not at all! My brother and I just came out to have a little fun but we’re not that good so I hope we don’t slow you down. You look like you play golf a lot. That’s a really cute shirt you have on, perfectly paired with those trousers. I really like your shoes too, mine are really beat up.” “I love you.”
You giggled again, amused by her rambling. “Don’t worry about it! I just came out to have a little fun but I did bet Greg ten pounds if I could beat the course record today so you’ll need to be witnesses.”
“Course record? Just how good are you?”
“I’ve played my fair share of golf. Between secondary school and college, I’d say I’m alright.”
If Leah had a ring, she’d be on one knee proposing to this girl right now. Jacob finally pulls up with the cart and starts to lock the bags to the back. Leah, in a split-second decision to abandon her precious baby brother, tells him he can have his own cart and that she’ll share with you.
“If that alright with you, of course.”
“Not at all; what’s your name again?”
“Shit, where are my manners? I’m Leah, that’s my brother Jacob. Jacob this is Y/N.”
“Hello Y/N, Greg set us up eh?”
“Yeah, I won’t be too much trouble!”
“You’re alright, just beat my sister and let her take you out, we’ll have a fantastic day.”
“Jacob, I swear–”
“See you two on the first tee!”
A deep blush creeps up Leah’s neck as she rummages in her bag for something she isn’t looking for. You smile fondly at the woman, finding her obvious nervousness extremely attractive; her brother’s request more of a hope than a dream now.
You hop into the driver’s seat, looking back at her still rummaging but now with added grumbling. “You ready, Leah?” you ask with an amused voice, her head popping up as she stood straight and smiled, walking to the passenger side and sat in the cart. You headed to the first tee, the course looking beautiful this time of year.
Jacob stood on the first tee with a cheeky smirk on his face, driver in hand. You park right behind him and get out, grabbing your glove and driver before walking up to him. Leah copies you, following quickly behind you.
“Leah normally plays the reds but I knew you’d come up here to the men’s tees.”
“The women’s tees are too short for me, I like a little challenge anyway.”
Leah, under the guise of stretching, listening intently to your conversation with her brother. It made her stomach do flips and fill with butterflies as you spoke so elegantly about golf. She knew it was the same way she did about football but there was something so hot about the way you spoke that made her heart want to jump out of her chest.
“Would you like to start us off, Jacob?”
“Yes! Then my sister can show off her swing to impress you before you undoubtedly bomb in perfectly down the fairway to show her how it’s done.”
Leah swears she nearly committed first degree murder right then and there. You let out a comical laugh, clutching your stomach as you watch Leah come over and smack her brother hard. He does eventually play his first shot, which isn’t bad, and it’s now Leah’s turn.
“Good luck!” you tell her, smiling softly. She blushes, setting up her shot way too much to the left out of nervousness.
“Leah, too much left darling. Come over a little.” You say nonchalantly, giving her a thumbs up when she corrects herself. Her brain has short-circuited, the pet name you used making her last two braincells abandon her. She manages a shot, ball going only about 50 meters before coming to a stop. You clap nonetheless, telling her it was a good shot. She blushes even harder when you give her a high five, walking over to the tee box to play your shot. Just as Jacob predicted, you hit a drive straight down the middle, flying way past both their balls.
“Wow, that was impressive.” “I love you.”
“Perfect, that was my intention. Come on, let’s get to yours.” You tell her, taking her hand and walking back to the cart. You get in and make your way to her ball. Her face held an expression of pure shock, staring at you with her perfect blue eyes. You could only smile shyly, your boldness was a surprise to everyone in the cart.
“You’ve got 215 meters, Leah.” You tell her as you approach her ball, pulling out your rangefinder and shooting the distance for her. You sat back into the cart and let her hit her ball. You knew she wasn’t going to get there with one shot but you always tried to make anyone you played with enjoy the sport regardless of their talent level so they didn't feel intimidated. Having been surrounded by coaches who made you resent golf while playing in college, you made it your mission to have people enjoy the sport; for golf to be a hobby and not a chore.
“Thanks, what should I play?” she asks, wanting your expert opinion she convinced herself; truthfully she just wanted to hear you talk about golf. “Well, how far does your 5 wood go?” “120 meters if I don’t waffle it.” “Ha! Wonderful, use that.” “I love you.”
She does, in fact, waffle it. But she laughs it off and tries again. This time she does hit it good and it lands beside the green. “Yes Leah, that was great!” you give her another high five and see Jacob already by your ball.
“100 perfect meters. You hit that drive a long way down here.”
“Thanks Jacob, this is one of my longest ones on this hole I think.”
“Which club do you want?” Leah asks, wanting to return the favor. “Pitching wedge please.” you tell her, grabbing it from her and playing your shot. It flies past the hole a little, leaving you with 15 feet for birdie. You smile and wave a little as they impressively clap. Jacob catches the lovesick glint in his sisters eyes as she watches you like you're the only person in the world.
“You’re a goner, aren’t ya?”
“Hook, line and sinker Jacob.” “I love you.”
The three of you spend the next 4 hours playing the most fun round you’ve had in a while. Leah ends up playing a 102, Jacob was better with a 95 and you won ten pounds from Greg after posting a course record of 63.
She was a little sad that the round was over, packing her bag much slower than was necessary. She didn’t see that you were doing the same. Jacob said goodbye and left, winking at her and teasing her. She shoved him and smiled happily, nervous about not wanting the day to end. You had just about plucked up the courage to ask her out when you stood and there she was, almost as surprised as you were.
“Uh, fuck. I was j-just wondering if you would w-want a drink or something.”
“Depends, would that mean that it’s a date?”
“Only if you wanted it to be.”
“I would love nothing more. Well, you eventually but, we’ll see.”
“You’re WHO?!”
“You saying you didn’t recognize me?”
“I hate that I have a feeling you’re more amused than offended that I don’t know THE Leah Williamson.”
“It’s honestly refreshing.”
You laugh as arrive at your car. You wordlessly grab both golf bags and pack them into your boot. You close it and smile at her standing there, hands shoved into her pockets as she rocked on the balls of her feet.
“How about a little lunch? I know a pretty good café I think you’d like.” She nervously suggests, somewhat scared that you would say no.
“I’d love that, Leah. Quit being so nervous, I don’t bite.”
“Could I do the cranberry and chicken wrap please? Maybe an iced latte to go with that too, please.”
“Make that two. I’ll pay.”
“Leah, I couldn’t let you do that.”
“It’s a date remember? I asked, I pay.”
“What a gentlewoman, you are. Makes a girl weak in the knees, you know.”
“I’ll catch you doll, don’t worry.”
Leah doesn’t think she’s ever been able to talk to anyone the same way she could with you. You were the perfect listener; attentive and engaged. You also spoke so eloquently and had the best jokes she’s ever heard. It’s not till the café owner comes over at 7PM to let you both know that they were closing did you realize the time.
You both walk hand in hand down the streets of late-night Milton Keynes. Leah insists on getting ice cream, beating you again at handing over money to pay. You both settle on a bench at a nearby park and enjoy the cold dessert. Your hands don’t leave each other’s, her thumb softly brushing over your knuckles.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, Y/N. I don’t think I would be able to sleep tonight if I didn’t tell you.” She blurts out suddenly and it sends a dark blush up your cheeks. “I love you.”
“I lied.”
“I lied, of course I knew who you were. How could anyone not? I was fangirling so hard but I had to keep my cool so I didn’t scare you. I’m sorry.”
“That’s the best lie anyone has ever told me.”
You continued to eat your ice cream, sitting closer to her as your laced fingers sat in your lap. Ice cream cones now finished you both just enjoyed the cool Milton Keynes night.
“Are you from here?” Leah asks as she mindlessly plays with your fingers. “Yeah, but we moved around a lot as kids because of my dad’s job. I moved back here for secondary school but went to the US for college.”
“A great friend of mine studied in the US while playing sports too.”
“Alessia? I’ve met her, she signed my jersey one time.”
“Signed–which game did you come to?!”
“I was at the Euro’s last year. Loved watching the final, I had a sore throat for a week from all the shouting. I had just come back from graduating so I thought I’d enjoy a little soccer.”
“It’s football, love.”
You laugh and lean your head on her shoulder as she takes the opportunity to slip her arm around your shoulder. You don’t protest, leaning into her. She smiles wide, grabbing your hand to hold with her other. It was past 11PM, both of you walking to your car begrudgingly at the reality of a perfect date coming to a close. You get in and suddenly have a burst of confidence. You lean in and to your surprise, she does too. Your lips meet and it's like fireworks. Her lips mold to yours perfectly, tongues swiping and tangling like a practiced tango. You pull away first, hand cupping her beautiful face and stroking her cheekbone.
“I don’t want it to end.”
“Then don’t let it.”
“Stay the night?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
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Warnings : NSFW obviously, marking/bruises, somewhat rough sex, bratty sub!Rafayel, mean dom!reader, hair pulling, handjob, overstimulation, light choking, implied corruption kink, implied dacryphilia, one moment of nipple play, implied voice kink, mentions of masturbation, cum-eating, can be read as pegging or just regular sex because reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : nasty smut
Word count : 1.0K words of filth
Additional notes : I’d been waiting for LaDS to release globally for years, so forgive me for going feral over the men. Rafayel is part of the sassy man apocalypse but I would die for him. Also, I want him desperately.
Tip jar!
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“I never said I liked this,” Rafayel managed to gasp out, though his half-hearted words were completely betrayed by his own body. His slightly-bruised hips pushed back onto them, practically begging them to push even deeper into him, and his hands fisted the sheets below him even harder, knuckles almost growing white as he tried to get a semblance of control.
Control that his darling would certainly not relinquish to him.
With a dark chuckle, they pressed their palm onto his sweat-slick back, keeping him still against the mattress. “Could’ve sworn I just felt you clenching around me, sweetheart.” Angling their hips a little, they drove their cock deeper into him, just to hit that spot that had him crying out their name and seeing stars.
A whimper escaped Rafayel’s lips, and with furiously flushing cheeks he buried his head into the pillow. They clicked their tongue in mock disappointment, a hand reaching out to sharply tug at his hair and pull him off the drool-stained pillow to turn his head to the side, pounding into him from behind as he moaned in desperation and pure shame. “Poor baby. You think you can hide your little sounds from me? That’s cute.”
“You’re awful,” he huffed out, still trying to put up a front when his thighs were shaking and barely able to hold him up, and his gaze that struggled to meet theirs was just as fucked out as his body seemed. “Really fucking awful.”
Arching their eyebrow, they wondered how long he’d deny how much he was enjoying this. His hole practically swallowed them back inside every time they began to pull out, their cock glistening as they slipped into him with an almost-pornographic slick sound. “Kind of hard to believe you actually think so when you’ve made a mess out of my bed.”
Their hand fell from his mussed hair to curl around his leaking cock against the mattress, beginning to fist him at a cruel pace. His pre-cum dribbled from his tip, and his hips jerked from the overstimulation. Taking him so roughly from behind and jerking him off simultaneously had him right where they wanted him; needy and wantonly writhing in their sheets.
Rafayel choked out a sob, his back arching as he tried to escape the burning ache of pleasure bordering on pain. How long had it been? Thirty, forty minutes so far? It was a miracle he’d stayed sane throughout it so far. No matter. It was always fun to see him brought to ruin. “F-fuck, ‘m not gonna last like this.” His voice trembled with every thrust of their cock inside him, dragging deliciously against his fluttering walls, telling of how close he was.
“Good. I want to see you fucked into oblivion. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson or two to keep your mouth shut.” Their laughter in his ear was a dark promise, leaning in and pressing their weight ontop of him just like how they knew he liked it. His weeping tip made it so easy to fuck his cock even faster, their fingers feeling every vein and every ridge they’d memorized.
“Mm, ‘s too much—!”
Every inch of him was burned into their memory; framed into their mind as the picture of his wanton ruination seared itself into their brain. Rafayel was a beautiful man, there was no doubt about it—but for some wicked reason, they always found him most ethereal when he was marked all over his back and chest, tresses of hair messy, and eyes watery. When he was painted in the shades of his own arousal, he rivaled his biggest painting masterpieces.
The arm that had been holding them up snaked up his torso, two fingers teasingly pinching his nipple, earning a dragged out moan from his gaping mouth. Their light touches against his ever-so-sensitive torso had him pulling his lower lip between his teeth, trying to hold back his whines of annoyance at not giving him the instant release that he wants—an attempt they turned futile as they began to fuck faster into him, their unrelenting fisting of his angry red cock pulling a sudden cry from the back of his throat.
A knowing grin on their face, their hand finally found its resting place: curling around his throat in just the right places, with a slight dig of pressure. Both their hips flush against each other as they nestled into him as deep as they could, their other hand now making rough circles to the tip of his cock. His gasping breaths and shaking form almost stilled to a halt as they leaned their head right next to his ear. “Cum,” they whispered.
And the way Rafayel moaned and instantly spilled into their hand, like their word was a command he’d repeat in his head for days and have the filthiest dreams about, had to be the single most erotic thing they’d ever born witness to. Babbling rushed “thank you”s, “oh God”s, even one or two “feels so, so fucking good” and—their personal favorite—“love you, s’ so much”, he was the picture of obedience and submissiveness.
If they could file this moment away in their mind to revisit every time they’d pleasure themself in bed at night, thoughts of him muddling their brain and driving them insane with every time their fingers tried to take his place but never quite managed to, they would.
But all they could currently do was slow their thrusts to a halt, milking every last drop of cum from his cock as it jumped against his abdomen. ‘Adorable,’ they thought to themself, an amused expression on their face. Even after he shuddered and slumped against the mattress, they remained buried inside his warmth, addicted to the feeling of him around them, like they were made to fit inside him.
The heady scent of sex and sweat, along with him trying to even out his labored breathing as the dim lights of the room danced across his pretty, exhausted features—and oh, was he a sight to behold—were enough to have their core burning with the inferno of uncontrollable want. As they brought their hand up to their mouth and licked at his release, they hummed appreciatively at the taste of his raw pleasure.
“Maybe I’ll make it a habit of fucking the brattiness out of you.”
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boba-beom · 1 month
me running full speed to your inbox because you said taehyun (it’s me the full time taehyun simp)
fratboy football player taehyun x cheerleader!reader 😁😁😁 (i know he’s more of a soccer guy but BARE W MEEE)
honestly football players txt all of them… sookai ate this up in ways i can’t even describe
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good girl cheerleader reader who’s a little ditzy but she’s so sweet n sugary… tutoring w/ football player tyun who’s also top of his classes cos he’s just so smart hehe .. the tension at his games good lord
footballer!taehyun x cheerleader!reader suggestive thoughts (literally all over the place bear with me)
first of all I LOVE this concept, and I wholeheartedly agree that sookai ate up that fit but they’re a good looking group of guys who can fu—
idk what it is but when you mentioned ‘sweet n sugary’ I get it, I really do omfg. like every time the cheerleaders have a dress rehearsal you’re all out on the field beside where the footballers have their training outdoors. short fitting shorts under the cute flap of your mini pleated skirt and your fitted long sleeved bodysuit with the university’s logo and the name of the football team you’re supporting.
literally going insane over the fact taehyun most likely watches the cheerleaders, specifically you, doing cartwheels and splits, his tongue poking his cheek once he sees just how flexible you are. probably storing it in a compartment in his brain with a massive label addressed as your name in bold and all caps.
thing is, taehyun knows you’re too good and a little ditzy to even realise half of the team is salivating over you. even better, you don’t know what he thinks when he watches you, thinking he’s giving you innocent eye contact from where he was watching.
tutoring with him must be fun. he knows your ditzy, but also knows you’re academically competent. he knows that when you set your mind to it, you’re able to do it with confidence. hence your place in cheer since the selection for the group wasn’t easy.
during your tutoring sessions you’d sometimes come in your practice clothes after a cheer rehearsal—the clothes being a oversized cropped tshirt and skin tight booty shorts that leaves little to the imagination. sitting next to taehyun and he instantly glances down at the meat of your thighs while you take your books and laptop out.
occasionally, he’d be talking to you about a section within the subject in which you’re struggling in but far from failing. you just want all your grades to be as good as his. he’s been your inspiration this whole time anyway. and sometimes when you work out the questions a little quicker than he does, he lays his warm palm against your inner knee and caresses your exposed skin gently, cooing praises like, “you’ve gotten better I see.” or even a, “atta girl” 😵‍💫🫠🤯
and the games THE GAMES 😵‍💫 I just know tension rises during the games, knowing just how competitive he can be and you’re cheering as hard as you can for the home team, for taehyun. just like when the cheerleaders are performing at the beginning of the game (idk how it works I’m sorry I’ve never been to … nor seen an american football game cjdmdk) the footballers are all getting ready to enter the field, and once the performance is done you make sure to make eye contact with taehyun and blowing him a kiss with a wink. that’ll for sure keep his energy up at the beginning of the game.
and let’s say the home team won 🤭 and the cheer squad end with another performance, you run up to taehyun and congratulate him for being one of the teams best players that evening. smiling up at him with your sweet smile, asking him if you can be his plus one to the team’s celebration later that night. how can taehyun refuse?
“‘course you can, doll. want you by my side tonight, m’kay?” and he’d cup your cheek, thumb caressing your skin until he slides his hand to cup your jaw, then a little lower to hold onto your neck with no pressure.
and all you do is nod with your pretty doe eyes and your pretty, perfect smile that has him wrapped around your finger. boy does taehyun want to ditch that afterparty and take you home to ruin in his sheets. because fuck the tension, he wants you. he always has.
© BOBA-BEOM ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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asapeveryday · 1 month
nika smut pleasee
Make a Wish
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: smut (thigh riding), alcohol
Summary: After a good game the team is ready to celebrate with a fun night out…you and Nika have a different kind of fun afterwards
A/n: I’m not gonna lie this lowk sucks 😣 forgive me. I’ll get better at writing for her I promise.
The drink burns your throat on its way down, but the warmth it brings to your body makes it worth it.
Fingers tingling, mind racing and body moving. The music was loud and the place was bustling. The girls usually kept it lowkey, but this win was so big it deserved something more, so when you suggested clubbing nobody objected.
Being Nika’s girlfriend meant you were automatically invited to these things. You felt awkward at first, seeing as you two were a fairly new couple and this was a team celebration, but she never failed to reassure you.
“You’re my girlfriend…there’s no way I’m going to a club without you.” She said with a smile. Who were you to argue?
Seeing her like this was something else. The lights were flashing, her hair was swaying against her moving body, her eyes closed and enjoying the music. You needed to be closer to her.
Dancing with Nika was something out of a dream. She was upbeat, singing along to songs, pouring shots into your mouth and spinning you around. It was all fun until you took it upon yourself to really dance. Slowly moving, pressing your backside against her front and tilting your head so her own could fit above your shoulder.
The look in her eye immediately changes. You’d never had a situation like this before. That point in the relationship hadn’t been met yet, so being pressed against her like this, your ass basically grinding into her? It was nerve-wracking, and turning you on to no end.
When her hands find your waist you can’t help but smile. You can feel her breathing on your neck and it sends goosebumps down your spine. Her eyes are burning holes into yours as you grind together to the music.
The moment is interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. A very amused KK whispers something in Nika’s ear, and she parts from you. “Paige just puked everywhere, so we have to head home.” She yells over the music. You’re disappointed, but there’s nothing you can do. The three of you join the others outside. You, Nika and KK call an Uber as you were all a little too tipsy to drive.
The quiet inside of the car is is shocking in comparison to the pounding noise of the club you’d just been in, you and Nika were squeezed in the back together while KK was in the front. Your knee was bumping into Nika’s, and although it was nothing to think twice about, your skin was tingling. Perhaps it was the tequila, or the memory of her calloused hands strong on your hips.
You almost choke on your breathing when she reaches out a hand to wipe your cheek. After shooting her an inquisitive look she says “There’s an eyelash on your face.”
On her finger there is in fact an eyelash, and she holds her hand in front of your mouth with a smirk. “Blow, make a wish.”
Nika’s eyes are stuck to you like honey, when you blow on her finger and hold her stare you don’t miss how her vision darts to your lips.
Lowering her hand casually to grip your thigh, she whispers “I played pretty good today, didn’t I?”
“So good.” You mumble, nervous at the change in atmosphere. She’d never touched you like this, possessively, and her usual cute and almost awkward voice had turned quiet and serious.
“I don’t think I can stay at my dorm tonight.” She murmurs into your ear. It’s less of a statement and more of a suggestion, one that you’re willing to take.
“Stay with me.” You look up at her. “That’ll make one wish fulfilled.”
You can tell that if it weren’t for KK and the Uber Diver in the front, Nika would’ve kissed you by now. Her hazel eyes keep darting to the mirror upfront, KK is on the verge of passing out and the driver is pretending not to notice anything. You and Nika share an understanding look between each other, one that says “just a little longer”
The lights are still off in your apartment when the two of you tumble inside, and you slam the wall multiple times before you actually hit the switch. Nika’s lips are too distracting, and she’s been dying to taste you all night.
Being flush against the wall, one hand is beside your head and the other on your face as her mouth clashes with yours. It’s urgent and fiery from your combined drunkness and Nika’s confidence from the earlier victory. You can feel yourself get wetter by the minute.
Her leg is positioned between yours, and her lips are trailing from your face to your neck. She sucks and licks at the sensitive skin, smiling at your breathy moans. You can’t help but lightly grind against her leg in hopes for any type of pressure.
At that, you’re moving around the apartment again, tangled in one another as you crash into things before finally landing on the couch. You scramble to sit on top of her, straddling one of her almost bare thighs as your lips connect again. One hand grips your ass and the other gropes your breasts, pinching at your nipples which causes you to gasp.
Your core is pulsing and she can feel it on her skin. Suddenly both her hands find your hips again, and she slowly manipulates you to grind onto her.
You pull away from the kiss to look at her, hair wild and makeup smudged. You don’t care how you look, you just want her to see how she’s ruining you, puppeteering your movements as you make a mess on her thigh. Her tongue occasionally wets her lips, muttering in Croatian and whispering praises.
When Nika starts to flex her leg muscles you feel the knot building gradually. You’ve fully soaked through your underwear now, and the skirt you wore to the club was riding up to no amend. Your breathy moans turned to louder ones with her help.
“C’mon baby, keep going.” She sweetly murmurs, your forehead pressed against hers, her eyes glued to your body grinding against her skin.
You’re tired but determined to chase your high. Nika had preformed for you all day so you were happy to put on a show for her, rocking your hips to achieve that heavenly friction as she slapped your ass and kissed you sloppily.
When you cum it sends shivers down your spine, the deep knot inside your stomach unraveling. You can’t help but slump over her, sticky, hungover and exhausted.
“So good.” You mumble against her neck.
Nika traces on your back and places a soft kiss on your cheek before saying “You looked so sexy.”
You lift your head to meet her eyes, her expression is tired but satisfied. You can’t help but laugh as as you swipe her cheek with your finger and show her the stray eyelash you’d captured.
Holding your hand to her lips, you smile.
“Blow, make a wish.”
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hi! How are you? Can i request a Velvette x F reader? Or GN if you feel more comfortable, I don't mind. The reader being so slow to understand Velvette flirting and she gets frustrated like "oh you are so lucky that i love you"
Hi there! I’m good! Hope you’re doing good too. Love thisssssss. Velvette would get so lovingly annoyed lmao 💜 thanks for the request! And enjoy~
TW: suggestive themes, lots of cussing
Notes: gn!reader, this is just a short little drabble
ALSO, I got a ton of requests waiting for me rn. Plz feel free to keep sending em in! Just be patient with me, I’ll get to them 😉
Velvette x reader- Oblivious 💓
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Girl tries soooooo hard and gets soooooo mad when you don’t get it.
Velvette is pretty confident, extroverted and bold naturally so when it comes to her fat crush on you, she’s not afraid to make it known.
But come on! She’s trying to have fun with it, trying to tease you and get you all flustered but you just won’t budge.
She will straight up compliment you, loudly and in front of all her models and assistants, something about looking hot as hell, and you just figure she really likes your outfit today. That’s all she means, right?
Velvette likes to jokingly do things that’ll allow her to touch you intimately.
For example, she’ll drop something in your lap just so she can slowly reach down and pick it up, letting her fingers linger on your thigh all while maintaining eye contact
Literally doesn’t phase you and she’s just flabbergasted…like damn, what does she have to do? Straight up kiss you on the mouth to get her point across?
She’ll post pics of you on her sinstagram with nothing but heart emojis as the caption and you just like it and comment “BESTIE” and now she’s pouting bc she wants to be bae, not bestie
One time, she made this big scene complaining about being short a model and her desperately needing an extra body. She’s so dramatic, so cute.
Immediately points to you, wiggling her brows suggestively as she motions for you to follow her.
“I’ll even dress you myself~”
And she proceeds to take you to a room alone and watch as you happily undress. You’re comfortable with her, why not?
Meanwhile, Velvette is dripping in sweat and trying not to straight up moan at the sight of you so bare and vulnerable before her.
“You okay? You look like you don’t feel good.” You feel her forehead as if checking for a fever and she wants to slap you rn bc hello?! She’s literally in love with horny asf for you and you think she’s sick? Satan, help her.
“UugggHGGGHHH! Bloody fuckin hell, (Y/N). Just-just…ugh.”
And when her words fail her, she goes to plan B- kissing you right on the mouth.
It’s one of those kisses that starts tense and awkward but is easy to melt into.
“Oh.” Is all you can get to come out of your mouth once you part and this makes Velvette huff in frustration once again.
She goes on a tangent about her feelings and how frustrated she is with you. She’s like lowkey scolding you as she confesses her love and attraction for you.
By the end of it you’re a bright red, stuttering mess of embarrassment and adoration for her.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve been..very into you this whole time too.” You finally admit it.
“You’re adorable, truly you are. I love you but for FUCK’S SAKE, (Y/N)!”
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baby-yongbok · 6 months
I loved the chan needs you post, so hear me out…Lee know realises he needs you…! I feel like he would take some time to actually figure out he doesn‘t just think you are attractive and like a cool fun person to be around, but that he genuinely starts to take an interest in you and who you are. I think it would hit him hard…and just imagine how he would look at you, full of adoration and need😩
Picture this with me 💭
This wasn’t part of the plan. When he met you he thought you were cool and kinda cute… okay he thinks that you’re really cute, breathtaking actually, but he had every intention of just being your friend. 
It’s been years since you’ve first been introduced to each other and you’ve developed a friendship like no other. It’s gotten to the point where his favorite thing to do is spend time with you and the cats. You get along with all of the members but you and him spend the most time together. You’re always texting and calling each other. You spend your days off on pointless facetime calls while you’re getting stuff done. It’s the ultimate friendship. You’re the person that he goes to when he’s stressed and needs a good laugh, you’ve seen each other go through every emotion humanly possible and he wouldn’t trade your friendship for the world. So why have his eyes been lingering over your frame for five extra seconds lately? Why does the sounds of your laugh make goosebumps rise on his skin and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up in excitement? When you talk he shuts out the world around him, nothing else matters, nothing else exists. There’s only you. 
The two of you are supposed to be friends, just friends, but he keeps dreaming about you. He keeps waking up breathless and hard as a rock as he wonders how similar your laugh is to your moan. Every time he holds your hand he tries to memorize the feel of your skin. He can’t help but wonder if you would feel this soft against him. Would your back feel like silk against his chest as he holds you? Are the spots that make you laugh when he tickles you the same ones that’ll make you moan when he…He stops himself, You’re just friends. 
He reminds himself of this boundary everyday until he’s over at your place helping you cook dinner. You’re singing and laughing and messing with him and he can’t help but to take in the way that your eyes sparkle every time they meet his. You’re just friends. When you sit on the counter next to him and your shorts ride up his eyes rake over the exposed skin of your thigh. You’re just friends. He moves in front of you abandoning his mixing bowl. You’re just friends. You don’t stop him when he places his hands on your thighs, his voice wavers, his breath catches in his throat. You’re just friends? He wonders if you’ve always been this beautiful, has your skin always had this glow? You’re just friends? Your touch makes his heart skip a beat, his eyes search yours and yours his, your gaze drops, you’re looking at his lips. Fuck it. 
His boundary breaks and it all comes flooding in, no more denying it.
He loves you and he needs you now. 
You’re way more than a friend.
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rosicheeks · 9 months
You imagining having your legs and ass on the other side of a glory hole, presented for all the people there and being used over and over again by fingers, tongues and cocks 😇 xx
Yes I am my dear anon 😇
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daemour · 4 months
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Pairing: Yunho x f! yn, mentioned possible woosan
Word Count: 4002
Warnings: cursing, kissing
Genre: Angst, fluff, e2l, school setting (unspecified), E for everyone
Summary: Getting flowers from a secret admirer was the highlight of your week. But with a certain blonde student disrupting your every day, things may change.
Hello @hotteoki <3 I am your secret admirer! It was great getting to know you and I hope you enjoy this! It kinda got away from me, and I do have a bonus woosan drabble that connect to this so i hope you enjoy it! and can you figure out who was giving the flowers?
“Ooh, look how popular you are, (Y/N), you got flowers again!”
Your peace of mind is shattered when you hear your worst enemy, Jeong Yunho walk by and tease you about your secret admirer. “Just because you’re going to die a lonely old geezer doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy my flowers, Jeong,” you snap at him before returning your gaze to the bouquet of wildflowers lying on your desk. Every Monday, an assortment of flowers would be waiting for you, and every Monday Yunho teases you about it incessantly.
Yunho cackles, leaning forward (on your desk, might you add) and poking at the flowers. “What’d you get this time? White and purple lilacs? Cute. This person must really like you, (Y/N)...I feel sorry for them.” He punctuates each word with another poke and you close your eyes, exasperated.
“Jeong Yunho, get back in your seat before I smack you,” you threaten, but it does nothing to intimidate your personal pain in the ass. All he does is laugh and raise his hands in mock surrender.
“Hey man, I’m just saying. You’re so mean to me already, how would you be if they came out and told you.”
You blink at him, barely processing his words before your mouth drops open and you get ready to retort when the teacher comes in and you’re forced to sit down with a polite smile.
“Mr Jeong, please take a seat so we may begin our lesson,” your teacher calls out and Yunho shoots you a smile that you want to wipe off his face before taking his seat.
“I don’t understand what he has got against me,” you complain to your friends as soon as you sit at your lunch table. “Ever since we went into college he’s made it his life’s mission to annoy me. I don’t think we ever interacted with each other in middle school. Or even high school! I know he’s my neighbour or whatever, but he could stand to be nicer.”
Wooyoung slurps on his banana milk, not even caring about your issues, but Seonghwa leans forward, always invested in the gossip. Even if he’s heard the same thing from you dozens of times. “Maybe he likes you?”
You scoff loudly at the suggestion. “Ew, no.” You shake your head and shut down that idea. “Even if he did, that’s no way to get me to like you back! What, I fall into his arms? ‘Oh, Yunho, thanks for making fun of me and putting me down at any moment you get!’ Yeah, that’ll work.”
You roll your eyes so harshly you think they might pop out of your head and Wooyoung finally looks up. “Have you told him to stop?” You open your mouth to object but your friend cuts in again. “Or do you just fight him back and keep playing his game?”
You blink owlishly before sighing and leaning back in your chair. “You know, sometimes you can be pretty smart.”
Wooyoung nods happily before it hits him and his head snaps toward you. “Sometimes?”
Your usual bouquet awaits you when you arrive at school the following Monday. This week it’s white lilies and you stop to breathe in the fresh scent. But to your surprise, something else is sitting on your desk. A packet of mentos sits plain on the desk and you stare at it for a few unblinking moments.
“Do you like it?” You jump at Yunho’s voice suddenly appearing from behind you.
Of course. You whirl around and point at the offender. “Can’t you leave me alone? I don’t know what I’ve done to make you hate me, but really, dude. What lengths are you going to go to? How did you even find out my least favourite candy? Why do you keep bothering me day after day?”
Yunho stares at you, his eyes wide and you almost feel bad. Almost. But you shake away these unwanted thoughts and narrow your eyes. Wooyoung was right—you let the teasing go on for far too long. “Just leave me alone,” you sigh and plop down in your seat and bury your head in your arms, no longer wanting to see your biggest tormenter. (And yes, you are exaggerating.)
Yunho mumbles something you can’t quite hear but you’re unbothered by it and just steadily ignore him. There’s another pause before you hear him walk away and your shoulders relax. But even so, you can’t help but feel guilt for how you snapped at Yunho. Maybe he really didn’t know you were feeling annoyed.
But no, you can’t bend like that. He’s been bothering you for a good part of the school year and even if he thought you were okay with it, surely he should’ve at least gotten to know you before jumping into teasing you.
You have more important things to worry about anyway, such as your secret admirer. Every time you see a new bouquet on the desk, your heart rate spikes and you can’t stop a smile from growing on your face.
But, the more you think about it, the more worried you are about what the outcome of this would be.
And lately, not just flowers have been appearing on your desk. Sometimes, there’s a phone charm, maybe a strawberry milk or two, always something extra alongside it. It’s only made you more curious about your secret admirer, and you can’t stop talking about it to your friends.
In your quest, you’ve narrowed it down to two people, Choi Jongho and Kang Yeosang. Both are in your grade, although you don’t talk to them very often. You just know they’re on the quieter side so would be more likely to prefer secret gifts. Plus, you’ve had projects with both of them so they are at least connected to you in some way.
“Are you just going to spend your lunch doing this?” Wooyoung barges into your empty homeroom during lunch, carrying his lunch as well as a sandwich from the cafeteria for you. He pulls a chair in front of you and sits. “You gotta at least eat. Just because Hwa is sick doesn’t mean I’m gonna feed you in his place.”
You laugh, looking up at him and taking the sandwich. “Aren’t you doing that right now though?” You dodge his swat, laughing as you push aside your gifts of the day. “Anyways, yes. I have my guesses narrowed down, but even if they’re both wrong is just fun to me,” you shrug.
Wooyoung hums, leaning forward to poke at the ring pop. “Can I eat this?”
You can’t help but snort, nodding. “Go ahead. But, you know, I wonder if they’d ever come forward. All I get are gifts and I don’t know if they’d ever tell me how they feel. That's why I keep guessing. I want to know.”
A sigh escapes Wooyoung’s mouth, and he cocks his head. “But (Y/N), what if they don’t want to be known? I mean, maybe they’d just like to be anonymous and just it die after graduation?”
You shrug, meeting his eyes. “I just wouldn’t want to live my life not knowing. Of course it can be scary to confess, but missing that chance would be worse, wouldn’t it? I wouldn’t ever reject them meanly if they turn out to be someone I wouldn’t like. Hell, my two guesses I don’t know if I’d want to date.”
Wooyoung nods, relaxing in his chair. “No, that makes sense. It’s better to get a solid answer than not. Do you think they’ll ever reveal it?”
Yet again, you shrug. “I really don’t know. I would understand if they don’t, but I hope they do.”
Wooyoung opens his mouth to say something else, but before he can, the door to the classroom opens and an unfortunately familiar head of hair pokes through. “What are you doing here, Jeong?” you snap, eyes narrowing. “Can’t even have lunch in peace now?”
A choked sound escapes Yunho’s throat and he looks ready to run back out and pretend it never happened, but he swallows it back and steps into the classroom. “I want to talk to you, (Y/N). I promise it’s nothing bad. Will you hear me out?”
You narrow your eyes and beckon him closer. “Fine. What is it?”
His eyes flick to Wooyoung, who leans back with a face of disapproval. “You can say it in front of me too,” he states, his expression unchanging.
At that moment, you really appreciate Wooyoung. Although he’s the one who told you to set a boundary with Yunho instead of letting him have his fun, he’ll still have your back. Yunho glances at you but you make no move to correct Wooyoung so he sighs and steps fully into the room.
“It’s about the gifts. And no, it’s not a joke,” Yunho quickly adds when he sees your face shift to a deeper frown. “Uh. I was just passing by when I heard you talking to Wooyoung and I figured I should tell you now.”
A sinking feeling starts to grow in your stomach. “No–”
Wooyoung starts to look genuinely regretful that he decided to stay, and you can’t blame him one bit. “It is me,” Yunho confirms. “I wasn’t the flowers.”
You squeeze your eyes shut. “You think that helps, Jeong?” You let out an exasperated sigh and a shake of your head. “You’ve been making my life here difficult for the better part of a year and I finally tell you off. And you think adding to my confusion on the secret admirer is going to help? You must be crazy.”
Yunho shakes his head frantically. “No, it’s not just that. Of course, I wanted to show I was sorry but there’s another reason. I…uh. Do I really have to say it in front of Wooyoung?”
You frown, eyes flicking back and forth between them before you sigh and concede. “Wooyoung, could you give him some privacy?”
With a nod and a face of pure happiness at not having to witness what would be awkward for him, Wooyoung practically runs out of the classroom, leaving everything but the sandwich he had brought for you. “What did you want to say, Jeong?”
“I like you, (Y/N).”
Before his words settle fully your head’s already a mess. “What?” You can’t get a full sentence out, just blinking at your classmate, whose ears seem to be turning red. “No, this is another prank, right? You’ve decided that I can’t just have a good time with my friends.”
Yunho steps forward, pleading with his eyes but you scoot back in your chair. “(Y/N), please. I’m being serious. I wouldn’t joke about that.”
“You wouldn’t?” You scoff, even though it sounds a bit wet. “Tell me, why would I believe that? Even if you had left me alone, that doesn’t erase everything else you did to me. You don’t act with sincerity, Yunho. Go away like I told you to weeks ago.”
Yunho frowns and doesn’t go away, only coming even closer. “How can I make it up to you?”
“You can make it up to me by leaving me alone. You can’t expect me to like you after bothering me so much, really now, Yunho.” You shake your head again, standing up and gathering your stuff, pointedly leaving the gifts he had been giving you on the desk. “I should go find Wooyoung now.”
And before Yunho can say anything you leave him standing in the middle of the class as you wander through the halls hoping to pass the time before your next class (thankfully not with him).
“Can you believe he did that?” You groan, pressing your face against Seonghwa’s shoulder as Wooyoung awkwardly pats your back. After successfully avoiding Yunho for the next week, you had to call an emergency movie night with your friends to figure out what to do.
“Well, I hate to say it, but I told you–” Seonghwa cuts off his jibe when you glare at him. “Look, (Y/N), you don’t have to accept him or even be friends. But maybe you could just let him try and redeem himself. He seems genuinely sorry. And if you do that and then still tell him no, maybe then you could feel less conflicted about it.”
“I don’t know if you should do that,” Wooyoung cuts in.
Both you and Seonghwa turn to face him with confused looks. Out of the three of you, Wooyoung was the most realistic when it came to Yunho. Seonghwa wanted it to end up like a storybook romance, while you just wanted to never speak to Yunho ever again. Wooyoung had always been the voice of reason that maybe Yunho just didn’t mean it with malice and was the one to tell you to set a boundary with Yunho in the first place.
“Why not?” Seonghwa frowns, shifting so that he can face the two of you properly. “Out of us all, you’re probably the closest to him since you know his friend, San.”
Wooyoung snorts, waving his hands. “Just because I’m friends with San doesn’t mean I’m friends with Yunho. I just think if (Y/N) doesn’t want to have anything to do with Yunho, then that’s that.” He shrugs, leaning over to grab a handful of popcorn but Seonghwa isn’t letting it go.
“But I feel like it would be good for Yunho to learn how to properly apologise,” Seonghwa argues again. “He shouldn’t expect you to fall for him after he confesses right after an apology.”
You bite your lip and look at your hands clasped on your lap. Both of your friends have a good point, and to be honest, before Yunho had started bothering you, you didn’t hate him. In fact, every so often you had thought about inviting him to hang out with the three of you. You sigh again. “I’ll try. Just till the end of the school year, okay? When I see him with his friends he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Plus, wouldn’t it just make things awkward with you and San, Woo? San is one of Yunho’s closest friends after all.”
Wooyoung shrugs, still clearly unhappy but not willing to fight any longer. “What’s the worst thing that can happen? Yunho’s a cool guy, so I do hope he doesn’t screw it up.”
Seonghwa laughs. “Who knows? Maybe in the end, they’ll fall in love and get married and I’ll be the best man..”
You laugh and shove at him. “In your dreams. You just want to be in the wedding party.”
Seonghwa shrugs, leaning over to rustle your hair. “We all know it's true.”
“Oh, hi, Yunho.”
You didn't even have to find the tall blond this time. He's waiting by your locker. How did he even find out the number? You have no idea, and you’re not too sure you want to know.
“(Y/N), can I say something?” He holds out a bag with all the gifts you had left behind the previous week. “And you can honestly keep these. I don't like these candies anyway.”
“Uh. Sure? Thanks.” You take the plastic bag from his outstretched hands with only a little hesitation. “What's up?”
Yunho blinks, surprised at your willingness to listen, although he quickly composes himself. “Uh. My friend, San, told me I should apologise sincerely, not just saying sorry and then confessing.”
You can't help but smile at that—San and Seonghwa would probably make good friends. “Well, that would be appreciated,” you joke and Yunho’s body relaxes at your short laugh. “I can't fall in love if you go from bullying to loving.”
Both of you realise at the same moment how badly timed that joke was, but Yunho gracefully ignores that. “Would…would you like to go to the library with me after school today to work on finals?” Yunho almost whispers, as if he’s scared you would reject him. And at any time before today, you probably would’ve. But this time, you offer a small, unsure smile.
And although your brain is screaming at you, your heart is telling you that this is not a mistake.
As much as you hate to admit it, you’ve grown close to Jeong Yunho. and his dumb smile. His jokes that somehow always make you laugh and also want to choke him out sometimes. Even your friend group has warmed up to him. Seonghwa still teases you in private about being with Yunho, but Wooyoung is just as friendly as ever and…also seems to be joining in with Seonghwa on the teasing. You’re not quite sure what to make of it.
But one problem still persists—the question of your secret admirer. The flowers have dwindled, although they’re still showing up. It’s almost finals week and you’re stressing out of your mind over the exams, and sometimes you can’t help but wonder to yourself if the person’s crush on you is dwindling. And why don’t you feel bad about it?
At first, you thought you liked them, whoever they are. You’d smile every time you see the flowers and you were genuinely relieved that your secret admirer wasn’t Yunho. But these days, you look at Yunho, and you wonder what would’ve happened if you had said yes to his confession. Would he hold you gently the way he holds your weekly bouquet to admire it?
“Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?” Wooyoung’s voice cuts through your thoughts, his hand waving in front of your face.
“Ah– Sorry, Wooyoung. What’s up?”
“No, no, you seem distracted.” Wooyoung plops down in front of you, leaning onto your desk and looking up at you with his brows furrowed just slightly. “Is something wrong?”
You shrug. “It’s just that…I’m confused.” You sigh from your bones, propping your head up with your head. “I couldn’t stand Yunho for such a long time, and yet, these days I can’t seem to get enough of him. I look at him and I’m fond. I’m not looking at him and I’m fond. But what about my secret admirer? They’ve been constantly there for me just by giving me flowers. It’s always perked me up. But I don’t think I like them the way they want me to…the way I want to.”
Wooyoong frowns. “What do you mean, the way you want to? You can’t help it if you don’t have feelings for them. And sure, maybe you appreciate them, but it doesn’t mean you have to like them back. It’s not like you’re dating. Hell, you don’t even know who they are. Maybe they won’t give a shit, or maybe they’ll be disappointed but what can they do if they never told you?” He shrugs. “If you like Yunho, just go for it. He’s a nice guy, outside of how he treated you. And a little birdie may have told me that he still likes you.”
You nod, defeated and yet relieved. “That’s true. Hey, Wooyoung.” Your close friend cocks his head, looking at you with wide eyes. “Thank you for your advice. I do appreciate you keeping my head out of my ass and in line. I know I don’t say it enough to you and Seonghwa, but you guys are my closest friends and I love you guys.”
Wooyoung’s smile softens as he leans in to give you a warm hug. “Can’t leave you floundering by yourself, dumbass.”
You slap Wooyoung on the shoulder but don’t break the hug. “Fuck off, idiot. I hope you stub your toe today.” You pause. “Did Yunho really tell San he still likes me?”
You can’t stop pacing the park in front of the school. You asked Yunho to meet you there after the last day of classes, hoping to ask him out, but now you’re starting to regret it. What if Wooyoung and San were mistaken and Yunho no longer likes you? What if he just laughs in your face and tells you it was a farce for a last prank before your graduation? You bring your thumb up to your mouth, biting on the nail as you debate between just playing it off as wanting to go to the arcade, or whether you should suck it up and tell Yunho. Or you just ditch him here and go home and eat a big tub of ice cream. The choice is yours.
You’re about three steps into your last plan of leaving when a warm hand grasps your wrist. “Hey, sorry it took me so long,” a familiar low voice hums. “San needed to talk to me. Hey, did you know–”
“Can I ask you–”
The two of you pause before giggling at the cliche interruption. “You go first,” you offer. “I want to hear the tea.” You wriggle your eyebrows at Yunho, making your friend snort.
“Did you know San likes Wooyoung?”
You blink for a moment before a grin breaks out on your face. “Oh, really? That’s so cute! I don’t know San well, but I know Wooyoung’s pretty fond of him. Hopefully it works out for them!” You’re pretty sure you’re practically sparkling from hearing about this. Wooyoung has always been the single one in your friend group—Seonghwa’s dating this one girl from a different area and they’ve been happy for years, and you’ve had on-and-off partners through the years. It would be nice if he finally liked someone.
Yunho nods, pleased. “I hope so too. They would be cute together. Anyways, what did you want to ask me?”
Ah. You’re pretty sure you’re looking a little sick from how Yunho’s barely hiding his concern behind his eyes. “Uh. So. I changed my mind. See you at graduation!” And hopefully never again.
But before you can back out like a coward and never face Yunho again, you catch a twinkle in his eyes and a knowing smile and you immediately have a sinking feeling in your gut. If your fears are confirmed, you’ll make sure to write a nice eulogy for your friend. “...What did Wooyoung tell San and what did San tell you?”
Yunho chuckles. “Same as what San told Wooyoung, who told you.” His smile somehow grows even larger. “Honestly, the only reason I haven’t killed San yet is because I’d like to see him and Wooyoung get together.”
Your eyes narrow. “Well, I’m not sparing Wooyoung that same courtesy. I sure hope San’s able to keep Wooyoung alive.” You turn away, ready to find Wooyoung to beat him up but the grip that you forgot Yunho had on your wrist tightens and he tucks you into a back hug, his other arm wrapping around your waist.
It feels like time stops as you can hardly breathe when Yunho’s chin rests on your shoulder. “You can fight Wooyoung later, but I think something is slightly more important than that.” And before you can say anything, Yunho spins you around and presses a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Now it really feels like time has stopped for you, but all you can do is stare up at him with your face slowly heating up until you feel you may melt. “Uh,” is all you manage to eloquently say, but Yunho just smiles, waiting for you to gather your thoughts while looking at you softly. “Uh. I think that slightly is a bit of an understatement.”
Yunho bursts out laughing at your admission, leaning in again until his nose brushes against yours. “There’s the (Y/N) I know and love. May I kiss you again?”
You’re pretty sure he can feel the heat radiating off your face, but you can’t bring yourself to care as you nod before whispering out a ‘yes’. And, before you can even blink, his plush lips are on yours again. It feels like a daydream, but as your hands come up to cup Yunho’s face, you smile into the kiss and feel at home in his arms.
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soft-mafia · 11 months
Hands Occupied
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warnings: nsfw, oc insert, female reader, breast play, breast sucking, fingering, groping, oral(fem receiving), hands free male ejaculation, blanket humping
a/n: oh my goodness it’s been a long time😭 it’s been such a long time but I’m finally back to making fics! Hopefully nothing comes up that’ll make me go on hiatus again🙏I might take requests again soon, I’m still thinking about it👀Also, if you didn’t see my last post, I’m going to be deleting any negativity I see and not responding to hateful anons, I don’t want that kind of stuff on my page, I want this to be a fun, safe place for people who love Hisoka, hxh and fan fiction! I haven’t written for a long time, this is just me warming up again lol, sorry if this one is a bit rusty!
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Hisoka’s greedy hands roamed over Y/n’s body, his nose hovered above Y/n’s skin, taking in her scent as he dragged his face up her body until his nose was buried between her breasts. Y/n’s breathing was soft, she whimpered when she felt his hot breath on her bare skin. Hisoka couldn’t help but smirk, he really loved how he was able to get Y/n like this, soft and submissive, bendable to his will— it was like he had domesticated a wild beast and made it his pet.
Hisoka withdrew his face from Y/n’s chest, although his face was still in front of it. His hands moved from her hips up to the sides of her rib cage, his thumbs were pressed underneath her boobs.
“Don’t just stare at them..—“ Y/n let out a huff of impatience as she looked at Hisoka while he ogled her. Hisoka shook his head and chuckled, “Ah ah, patience my dear. You need to work on your patience.” Hisoka looked up at Y/n through his eyelashes, before looking back at her breasts, admiring the curve of them, her cleavage, her areole and nipples that hardened in the cold of his bedroom.
“I want to take a moment to admire this.. admire this body.” The magician whispered, flipping his soft ginger bangs away from his face before leaning his head back to her breasts.
Hisoka rubbed his face over her tits, feeling them move under his face, feeling how soft they were against him. “You’re always so impatient..” He chuckled, “Such a greedy woman..” He smirked.
Y/n’s pussy clenched, a feeling of arousal shot through her body at Hisoka’s words. She couldn’t help it, the rumble of his deep voice, the way he was touching her— Y/n bit her bottom lip and titled her head back, letting out soft pants into the air as her hand moved down her body, just when she was inches away from touching herself to get some relief, Hisoka’s hand was suddenly gripping her wrist firmly. Y/n tensed for a moment, but softened when Hisoka’s grip tightened.
Y/n allowed for Hisoka to set her hand back where it was, not allowing her to touch herself. Instead, he used his fingers instead. Y/n’s back arched at the sudden sensation, a soft mewl escaped her lips as her body trembled.
Hisoka let out another evil chuckle, “I will touch you if you’re so desperate for it, baby.” He moved his face over Y/n’s right breast. “Your body is mine, it should be mine and mine alone to touch.” Hisoka’s strong fingers moved in and out of Y/n’s dripping cunt, her walls clenched around him, her juices seeped out of her entrances and between her fingers as he shoved them in with that repetitive rhythm that made her shiver.
“Eghh..~ mghh..” Y/n moaned, her brows furrowed lightly as he dug his fingers deep inside of her.
“The way you shiver at my touch is so cute, my dear.” Hisoka lapped at Y/n’s nipple, then took it into his mouth, fitting the entire areolae into it. His tongue swirled around the pert nub. He sucked on her breast as if he was getting something out of it. He loved the slightly salty, skin-taste of it, he couldn’t get enough. Hisoka pressed his palm against Y/n’s privates so he could finger her even further, enjoying how soft the girl’s labia and inner walls were. Hisoka was hardening in his boxers, the fabric that brushed against his hard length nearly drove him mad. He wondered if he could cum like this— cum without even touching himself, cum just by sucking Y/n’s breasts and fingering her.
Y/n arched her back, throwing her head back and letting out a loud groan into the air as she bucked her hips further. Hisoka couldn’t help but crack a slight smirk. She was truly like a wild animal.. her thrashing led to him pulling away from her breast for a moment. “Calm yourself, Y/n.” Hisoka spoke with a firm voice, before moving to her other breast, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking, leaving the other one looking swollen and hard, slicked over with his saliva exposed to the cold air.
Hisoka was amused by Y/n’s obedience, he took his fingers away from her crotch, feeling satisfied as he heard a disheartened whine leave Y/n’s lip. Hisoka moved his hand over to cup her unoccupied tit, he rubbed his wet fingers over that swollen nipple, rubbing his index finger around it in circles. Y/n twitched and shivered under his touch again, the sensation was so much for her, a tingle in her chest that led down to her abdomen, her wet cunt clenched with need and desire.
Y/n squeezed the pillows, trying to hold back the urge to touch herself, knowing that Hisoka would try to stop her again anyway..
Hisoka continued what he was doing, fondling one tit while sucking the other. Though, once he was satisfied he pulled back. “Lay down for me, baby.” Hisoka said, and began to position Y/n as she lowered herself flat on the bed. The red haired man smirked as he looked down at her, her nipples: swollen and slick from his own doing, and her cunt sopping wet. Y/n spread her legs as she laid down, her fingers squeezed the flesh of her soft inner thigh.
The mad magician licked his lips, then pushed his bangs back with his hand, his muscles flexing as he did this swift motion before he lowered himself down between her legs. His face was so close to Y/n’s heat, he could feel the warmth on his skin and it drew him in. Her pussy was glistening with her own wetness in the lighting of the dim lamp light. Hisoka laid his muscular arms up on either side of Y/n’s body, his hands cupping her rib cage, her breasts cupped into the curve between his index and thumbs.
Hisoka leaned into her cunt, he didn’t waste any time before he dove his tongue into her. He wasn’t inexperienced when it came to eating Y/n out, he knew what made her shiver and climax like the back of his hand. Hisoka tilted his head so he could writhe his tongue in deeper into her.
He could feel her shivering, he could hear her whimpering and moaning as he licked and lapped at her inner most sensitive parts. He was getting a bit antsy himself, listening to Y/n’s noises, tasting her, feeling her and smelling her— his hard cock rubbed against his boxers, and he couldn’t help but rock his hips against the blankets underneath him. He dug his knees into the bed, his muscular legs tensed as he began to rock and grind his hard cock into the sheets. His muscular body twitched in arousal as he did so, and it only further encouraged him to bring Y/n to an orgasm, wanting to chase it with her.
Hisoka always felt at his most primal when he was intimate with Y/n like this, this shared moment of arousal and heat— a feeling that was built instinctively into the both of them made Hisoka feel like a true beast giving into his own nature. His hands gripped around Y/n’s chest slightly as he ground his cock down onto the sheets. His entire body coursed with arousal, he felt so close, he involuntarily let out a low groan against Y/n’s cunt.
Hisoka trembled and twitched, and as Y/n jerked up slightly, and a flood of juices came rushing onto Hisoka’s tastebuds— that’s when he knew it was time. Hisoka immediately had a release of his own, and grunted firmly into Y/n’s cunt as he did so. His body jerked subtly, his hot sperm squirted out into his boxers, the sensation was like electric. Hisoka’s hold on Y/n went lax as they both panted heavily, coming down from their orgasms. “Oh fuck..” Y/n groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and turning her head to the side as she let go of her legs, resting her hands down onto the bed.
The magician chuckled softly, giving Y/n’s pussy a soft kiss before rising up, sitting on his knees with a noticeable stain in his boxers. Y/n’s eyes opened, and her gaze immediately shifted to Hisoka’s package. She pouted at him, “You ruined your underwear— that was like, my favorite one.” She laughed softly. Hisoka couldn’t help but smile at that, his boxers were a bit goofy for the intimate situation— they were bright pink with a cartoonish flower print pattern. Hisoka had remembered how Y/n laughed so hard the first time she saw them— she laughed so hard that it brought the entire mood down, she didn’t let him hear the end of it for an entire week..
Hisoka smiled and leaned down to lay beside of Y/n, “It’ll be another memory, my dear.” He smiled at her, kissing her temple gently before he watched her grab her phone from the side table. “I’m hungry.. I’m gonna order something what do you wanna eat?”
Hisoka looked at her for another moment before chuckling and laying on his back, letting her snuggle up to his side, “Mm.. I’m in the mood for a chicken sandwich, perhaps..”
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rainba · 2 months
(not in a romantic way 😭)
I made a scenario question,
What if Darling thought it was there friend in the shadow and bonked/slapped there head for fun, but it turns out it was Luka/Kairo, what would they react? (It was night, the Darling couldn't see shit 💀)
The Darlings personality changes to people they communicate with 😭 there kind to Luka/Kairo but they do have the same humor as there friend group (chaotic, there love language is hurting and insulting each other, but like the Darling slaps harder than them all 💀, but they still care for each other 💓💓)
Darling could barely see anything in the dark– and then… Bonk!!
Assuming this is before Luka/Kairos has made themselves known to you:
Kairos would probably have a heart attack and pass away on the spot (〃>_<;〃)
You scared him and got him by surprise! He thinks he’s been caught red-handed stalking his beloved, and now you must think he’s creepy and you despise him and will run away from him at any second… His mind races, his heart stops, and all he can do is stare in horror. Completely freezes. o(TヘTo) 
But, if his beloved ends up apologizing and you aren’t aware that he was stalking you, he’ll be so incredibly relieved and shocked. You explain to him that you thought he was someone else and he just goes: “h-huh? Oh– Right! Don’t worry, um… I’m sorry!” And then he does whatever he can to escape the situation as soon as humanly possible. (×_×)⌒☆
As for Luka? Man. If you bonk him while he’s stalking you in the shadows…. it’s so over. He’ll snatch you by the wrist and drag you into an alley, his eyes full of fury and panic. He thinks he’s also been caught red-handed, so he’s gotta improvise before you try to run away! And that’ll be the last time you walk alone at night, or maybe even the last time you go outside at all (;;;*_*)
For the second part: 
if their darling communicates love through insults and stuff? It really depends! Sometimes Kairos will think it’s endearing and cute. He really tries to not take it too seriously. However… There are some days where he’ll get extremely emotional about it and will break down crying in front of you. “Y-you don’t mean any of it, right..?” Clings onto your shirt and begs you for reassurance. (。•́︿•̀。)
And Luka would be fine with it! He’d probably talk back,, playfully throwing back insults to you every now and then. Might pinch your cheek a bit after you playfully hit him. However, if he’s in a bad mood, he might just growl at you and tell you to shut it (×﹏×)
((Also, TYSM!! I’m super happy you love my art and stuff!!
( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡  Thx for leaving an ask!))
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henneseyhoe · 9 months
I Think She Like Me.
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Oc x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS: smuttt, masterbation, gay shit, smoking, sexual confusion.
Summary:your girl crush wants you more than you thought.
Ps. This is my first girlxgirl smut so please give feedback and advice if y’all can! Also some of this is unedited but it’s late so I’ll do it later Lmfao.
Look at her. She was so. Damn. Fine. The way she applied pink tinted gloss to her already two toned pink lips had my thighs clenching, wishing she was in between them instead to halt them from closing, my very own honey flooding her tongue as she made it her mission to lick up every drop that spilled from this pussy, which she claimed belonged to her.
Just gawking at her like this made me confused. I was confused looking at her and her beauty, but something in me said I didn’t have to understand to admire, and I was fine with doing that without dissecting my feelings towards her, or any other woman for that matter.
“You got a staring problem” I hear from besides me, making me look back down at the assignment papers I was really supposed to be focused on. I heard Marlo sigh. “I’ve been talking for five minutes and all you can do is stare across the room! Who you thinkin’ bout’, shordy? Me?” My bestfriend teased, poking at my stomach. I chuckle and swat his hand away, pulling my crop top down to cover the place he poked.
Marlo wasn’t a fan of being ignored, especially by me. He demanded attention all the time like the extra drama king he was. You’d think he wouldn’t want any more attention with how racially ambiguous and confusing he looked as a whole, but I stood corrected.
“Cut it out. I’m just…thinking of ideas”
“What kind?”
I glare at him, getting ready to say something smart, per usual. “The kind that’ll get us both an A, nigga” He kisses his teeth, us both laughing because he knew he wasn’t gonna do any work that was helpful anyway. He was never any help during these group assignments, but I was use to it after two years of friendship. If it didn’t have anything to do with the frat he pledged to, or girls, he wasn’t interested.
“You know you ain’t shit for not helping me”
“Ain’t shiiiit?” He held his chest, gasping. “I provide the supplies, mamas. Ion need to help if I’m spending money”
“Yeah, yo ass need to buy us an A so I don’t have to work either” I shook my head, and he shrugs.
“Speaking of buying A’s, here comes bird chest and her AyE kAy aYes” he joked, making fun of the group of girls walking towards us, specifically pointing his insult at his ex, Alicia, and her new C cup titties.
I kept my giggles to a minimum and lowered my gaze to avoid any unnecessary looks from any of the girls that’d have my heart ready to jump out from my throat and onto the table in front of me. Obviously that was unsuccessful, Raven greeting me with a soft spoken “Y/N” while walking by me with a sultry sway, her dropping a paper besides my hand and sliding it into my main view before she made her way out of the cafeteria with the rest of her friends.
“Well damn, I’m invisible?” Marlo grumbled, his eyes following Raven just as intensely as mine. It was obvious we were both looking at her ass sitting up in that skirt. I took it upon myself to control my urges and turned away first to avoid any questions, picking up the flyer in front of me. Reading the paper that was just given, my eyes skimmed over the words to get the gist of what was going on, but before I could even finish, the paper was snatched out of my hand by Marlo, a devious smile on his face.
“Ouuu! Y’all havin a sleepover, how cute is that? A bunch of girls in ya’ girly little bras and laced panties, braiding each other hair and painting toes all night” his tone got more perverted as he went on, a disgusted groan leaving my mouth.
“You’re a pervert” I say, snatching the paper away and reading the rest of it. He laughs and peaks over my shoulder to read the rest of the paper. “It’s at Raven’s house? Matter fact, I think imma come” He smirks, but I shoved the paper back in his face before he could settle on that idea. “No boys allowed! Have fun beating your dick to the thought tonight though” Getting up from my seat, I excuse myself from the conversation by walking away. Marlo sucks his teeth and stands from his seat, walking the opposite direction of me.
“Aye! Raven!” Marlo shouted, the girl stopping dead in her tracks. Letting out a sigh, she turns to him, a sassed hand placed on her hip. She could smell the bullshit a mile away. “Why do you always find me? What now, Marlo?” She asks, having no time for his daily shenanigans he always attempts to pull her into for some odd reason.
“You ain’t call me last night. Wassup wit’ that?”
“I gotta talk to you everyday now?”
His lip arched up and he looked at her up and down. “Ian askin’ you to cupcake wit’ a nigga, I’m just wondering why you ain’t call”
“Cause I didn’t have to…” she shrugs, looking around, waiting for the perfect time to exit. Marlo chuckles with no humor. “That’s how you act after you put the pussy on somebody?” He boldly mentions. Raven took all disrespect to him even approaching her, but talking about them fucking in public? A big no-no.
Raven squints, ready to bite his head off for mentioning their little “moment” together. “I told you not to tell nobody, and yet here you are, talking about it freely”
“I didn’t tell nobody, but why you don’t want nobody to know we fucked? It ain’t even that deep”
“It is! I don’t need everybody knowing who getting this pussy, and you not about to have my name out here” she huffs, frustrated that she even had to explain that to him. “I knew I shouldn’t have fucked wit’ ya’ ass! Y’all niggas chat more than women” she fussed.
Marlo kisses his teeth, waving her off. “Man, cut the bullshit. You probably got a nigga and don’t want word to get around”
Raven laughs, shaking her head. “Ain’t nobody worried bout no nigga, irritating ass. Now lemme get to my class ‘fo you make me late” Her accent became more pronounced the more irritant she got.
she turns to walk away, but Marlo was stubborn and was planning on bussin her down again by the end of the day, so he pulls her right back to place. With undeniable anger, Raven jerks away from him, her hot head traits popping out like never before. Too bad for her, Marlo was also quick to get loud.
They argued. Back and forth. Marlo’s Brooklyn accent over lapped with Raven’s Creole one, a loud, hot mix of cajun and tajin that would have never lasted in a relationship.
“You know what- I got sum fa’ you!” Raven said, her hand held up to the boys face. He immediately stopped talking, his head tilted and his eyes in a squint. “Whatchu got for me, ma? Huh?” He asks, his tone threatening, but Raven was unfazed.
“You’ll see when I’m fuckin’ ya’ friend” She smiles. Her statement was both a threat, and a promise, and Raven was a woman to always keep her word.
“…Excuse me?”
“You heard me” She stepped closer. Marlo only had one friend that Raven knew, and he knew that friend wasn’t on no freak shit like that. Or so he thought.
“That sleepover tomorrow night? I’m gonna fuck your best friend”. Marlo stood there, unimpressed with the threat. “Okay. You have fun with that, Raven” and with that, she walked away, leaving a salty Marlo in her dust.
“Listen up, ladies! First task of Raven’s super summertime slumber party, we gotta take our shots. And no pretending, I’m willing to smell breath after this to make sure!” Raven announced, the girls laughing and taking their shots as soon as they were served to them. Everyone was packing into the kitchen to get their own drinks of choice, downing them with small “eck”s and “yuck”s leaving their mouths.
I shivered as I took my shot, patron being my choice of liquid death.
“Oh, you got balls” I heard from behind me as I finished my drink. I cleared my burning throat and turned, Raven giving me a soft smile as she took a small sip of her drink.
I paused, looking around to make sure she was talking to me. “Yeah, you” She confirms.
“No chaser?” She asks, grabbing at the punch bowl on the table next to her and pouring herself a little more of whatever spiked drink she had in her red solo cup.
“Yeah, no. I don’t do chasers” I answer, my energy becoming more reserved like I wasn’t just shaking my ass to the yinyang twins a few minutes ago.
“You like the taste of it without a chaser?” leaning closer to me, I feel her hand brush against my lower back, softly pushing me aside to grab a piece of chocolate that was offered out for everyone to take as they please. I nod, watching her take a bite of the Hershey kiss, then lick her lips to rid them of the droplets of alcohol and chocolate that didn’t make it into her mouth. I could only hope she knew what else she could do with that damn tongue.
“What else do you like? The smooth or the burning feeling?”
“Both..I like how it feels going down” I answer, and she smirks.
“I like how it feel going down too”
She hums, eyes trailing down my body. It was like she was only using the conversation as a way to freely steal glances. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was checking me out. “..Nice top by the way” Darting her eyes back up to mine, she takes another sip of her drink, then simply walks away.
‘What the fuck?’ I questioned myself. If I didn’t have my thighs clenched so tightly right now, I probably would have already had dampened my panties by now.
Minutes later and there was music blasting, dancing, card games, but most importantly, and my favorite part, a blunt rotation. The blunt was passed around more than twenty times by now between me, Raven, and five other girls who decided to partake.
“I think I’m feelin it!” Tinesha gasps, smiling to herself. I chuckle at her reaction and take a strong pull from the blunt, passing it to Raven right after. She happily takes the blunt from me, her soft fingers caressing mine simultaneously to her taking the spliff from me.
I attempted to ignore all over her subtle, yet not so subtle movements and comments towards me. I felt like I was tripping for even thinking she was coming onto me. Maybe it was the shots and this blunt.
Weed smoke surrounded all of us, the taste of herb and alcohol parading my tongue. I blew smoke into the air and smiled, the girls around me cheering me on.
I felt my body relax in the couch as the minutes ticked by, the heat of Raven’s body next to me giving me a sort of comfort as I tried to find calm in my current space. I could physically hear my heartbeat in my ears now, and I was thinking about how bold I had to be to actually come to this sleepover, but it must’ve looked like I was geeking instead of panicking.
“You feelin it yet?” Raven asks, her leg making its way over mine. I felt her run her freshly done toes up my shin, her touch sending sparkling tingles through me. It was like my brain went into panic mode, my first thought being to jump up. Was she really coming onto me?
“We should go change for tonight!” I declared suddenly, the girls attention falling onto me. If I were them I’d look at me like I was crazy, but seeing that the weed was louder than a frat house, nobody saw a problem with my sudden urge to end the night. “Ouuu, yes! I bought us all these cute onesies to wear tonight for pictures” one of the girls exclaimed, standing up and running off to the living room to grab the clothing.
“I actually need to take another shower, so imma take this outfit change as an excuse” Tinesha spoke up, one other girl agreeing. A shower is just what I needed to cool me down. “I’ll take one too” I said, wiping my sweaty hands in my jean shorts. “I guess I’m taking a shower too” Raven says, smiling.
Like I said before, a shower is just what I needed. The bathroom was huge, and the shower alone was bigger than any I’ve ever been in before. The water was hot, just how I liked it, and the water pressure was enough to send me to heaven. It honestly almost did when I was rinsing off with the detachable shower head and accidentally put it too low, the water grazing my clit ever so slightly, but it was still enough to make me let out a stifled moan as my knees buckled.
I had to quickly get out of there before I started something.
Wrapping a towel around my body, I grabbed the clothes that was given to me and exited out of the fogged up bathroom, walking through the long hallways of this house that was quite literally made for a princess. The house was huge, no doubt. Five bedrooms, a bathroom in each, outdoor pool, basement AND attic, even a kitchenette to compliment it all. I’d love to live in some big ass castle like this, but obviously it wouldn’t fall into my lap easily, and I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. Raven though? Born a heiress to both her parents fortune. Her mother was an accountant, and her father a successful realtor. She had it made.
I knew because I may have done some snooping on a few girls upon deciding whether I wanted to pledge AKA or not.
‘Damn, does this place end?’ I asked myself as I picked a random room to change in, assuming not all of them could have been occupied. Twisting the door handle, I walk in, but immediately stop in my tracks once I realized it was occupied, specifically by Raven.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I’ll go to another room-“
“No, come in! I don’t bite, I promise” she smiles, holding the towel up to her body.
“Y-..you sure?”
“Yeah! The rest of the rooms are occupied too so you might as well” I nervously chuckle. “All of them?
“All five, baby” She confirms, giggling.
I clear my throat and hesitantly walk into the room, my heart beating like a drum in my chest. “Close the door, silly. I don’t want just anybody seeing my goodies” she says, flipping her 26 inch bundles off of her shoulders.
I slowly close the door behind me with my foot, my arms clutching my clothes close to me. I had never been alone with her before, or any woman like this. Not this close, not this naked. I felt hot, and not in the heated way.
Easily slipping off her towel as if she wasn’t naked underneath it, she begins moisturizing her body with what I presumed to be oil. My hands fly up to my face at lightning speed and my clothes fell to the floor, a light gasp leaving my mouth at how it happened so quickly. I couldn’t tell if she was being promiscuous or if she was just that comfortable with me. Something told me it wasn’t the second option.
I heard her let out a shallow sigh, like she was tired of my reactions. “Raven I-“
“I want you to look….” She interrupts and I tilt my head, my hands still covering my eyes.
“I said, I want you to look. You want to anyway. Cmon..” she pried. my breath was shaky as I slowly let my hands down, the girl continuing with her previous actions.
I had never been this open with women before, it shocked me how she was so free. Just last year I was convincing myself that I was straight. I was wrong. I don’t know what I am, but looking at the scene in front of me, it definitely ain’t that.
She rubbed oil over her torso and arms, her hands smoothing over her collar bones before making their way down to her titties. Round, brown, perky, pretty. She had tits models would die for. Her nipples were hard, standing at attention as her fingers caressed over them, her plump lips letting a moan slip right passed them. The touching was constant, her hands never leaving her body with her left hand sliding towards her freshly waxed pussy.
You could immediately see the glow and sheen the oil gave her lips as she used her entire hand to spread the oil over her before taking her middle finger and sliding it between her lips for a split second, a smirk growing on her face as I watched in almost a controlled state, not missing a beat.
“You wanna watch?” She asked. I didn’t even have to answer before she climbed into the bed and laid on her back, her ass slightly hanging off the bed with her legs spread wide, giving me a clear show of everything she had. Umber on the outside, rose pink on the inside. I couldn’t even help the jumping of my clit, my slick coating between my thighs as it had no barrier to stop it.
Ravens fingers danced around her slim body, one of her hands still working on tweaking her nipples as the other did as it pleased with her pussy, a singular finger playing with her pink button. She rubbed in circular motions with her jaw slack, breathy sighs leaving her mouth and moans following after. She could feel my urge to fall to my knees, but she gave me no permission.
Her juices her slowly pushed out of her as she clenched around nothing at all, her fingers tracing down to spread a little of what was urging to touch the sheets under her. She only rubbed faster from this point on. Her toes curled, and her moans picking up. her hips bucked upwards, and her legs shook. She came so gracefully with a constant lull of her head, her fringes falling into her face once she picked her head back up and looked at me.
“You like me…don’t you, Y/N?” She spoke suddenly, controlling her breathing.
“…yeah” I answer, nodding.
“So..can I make you cum tonight?”
“Yes, please” She smiles.
“Come lick me up and I’ll make you cum as many times as you want then”
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marvelslut16 · 8 months
The Yule Ball
Prompt number: 13 "Come with me, hurry."
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ron Weasley x reader
Rating: E(veryone)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Teenagers being stupid and clueless. Pining.
A/N: No one's gonna read this, but oh well. I've loved it and been to afraid to put it out for years, so now I'm finally just doing it.
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You roll your eyes at Ron and Harry complaining that they don’t have dates for the Yule Ball yet, they should be concentrating on the exam that you’re all supposed to be doing. However, you do giggle quietly as Fred asks Angelina to the ball by throwing a piece of paper at her and miming dancing horribly. 
“Well what about you (Y/N/N)?” Ron looks to his left, you're sitting between him and Harry. “You wanna go with me?” 
Your heart picks up speed for a second, the boy you’ve been hopelessly in love with since you were kids is finally noticing you as more than a friend. But the euphoria you feel is short-lived, realizing that you're just a last resort to him, that you’ll never live up to Fleur. Plus you already have a date, one that’ll be tons of fun. 
“I, um, I actually have a date already,” if Ron could tear his wide eyes off your face he would see the mischievous glint in George’s eyes, accompanied by an all knowing smirk. 
“What? Who?” Ron’s voice echoes through the quiet hall, Snape comes up behind him and smacks his head with a book. 
You ignore the question, quickly glancing at the still smirking George, before finishing off your exam. You rush from your seat to hand in your booklet to Snape, as you grab your bag and books you hear Ron asking Hermione to the ball. Your heart plummets into your gut, Ron doesn’t really want to go with you, he just wants a date on his arm. 
You can feel the quick glances of pity from all of your friends; Harry, Hermione, Fred, and George. All of them know about your big ol’ crush on the youngest Weasley boy. You high tail it out of the Great Hall just as Hermione starts telling him off and admitting she has a date. Her and Viktor are actually quite cute together. 
You forgo heading to the library or any other place you typically meet your friends- Hermione will surely head straight to those spots and try to get you to talk about your feelings. Instead you head up the many flights of stairs to the Astronomy tower. The fresh air cools your flushed face, and you take a deep breath willing yourself to shake it off. You lean against one of the railings and stare at the black lake as it ripples from the wind. You close your eyes and think back to when you got asked to the ball mere days ago. 
McGonagall is teaching you how to dance for the ball, boys on one side and girls on the other. You can practically hear Fred and George snicker as you repeatedly glance at their younger brother as the professor lectures the group on etiquette. Ron makes a joke and McGonagall calls him to dance with her, this time you do hear the twins snicker and you join them. 
Once everyone joins in, Ron partners off  with a random girl and you're left standing there alone. You and Ron always pair up for everything, you have since you were in diapers. George quickly swoops in and starts dramatically waltzing you around the room. 
“Mr. Weasley!” McGonagall calls, grabbing everyone’s attention and placing it on you two. “Miss. (Y/L/N) is a young lady, not a rag doll, treat her as such.”
You hide your face in George’s chest, partly from embarrassment from all of the eyes, and partly to hide your giggles. 
“Of course, Professor,” George stands taller and he gracefully leads you through the steps. “I wouldn’t want to hurt dear (Y/N) here. Who else would help me prank Ron?”
You refuse to meet George’s eyes after the two of you see the girl in Ron’s arms giggling at something that he’s said. Usually you're the only one to giggle and laugh at Ron’s jokes, the only one affected by his ‘charm’. George elegantally spins you out and then back into his arms, trying to get you to cheer up and get your mind off of Ron. 
“Ow!” Ron’s partner cries.
Smirking, George leans in and whispers in your ear, “Ickle Ronniekins can’t keep his eyes off of you. Even stepped on his partner’s foot ‘cause he can’t look away.” 
“He’s not looking at me George,” you push the older boy away so he can watch you roll your eyes at him. 
“He stares at you constantly, (Y/N/N),” George frowns at your obliviousness. “He’s been in love with you since he met you, you two always understood each other on a different level than the rest of us.”
“If Ron liked me he would have asked me to the ball already, and he wouldn’t be drooling at Fleur’s feet,” your answer is short and snappy. “Can we just focus on dancing again?”
“Go with me,” it comes out more as a request than a question. “Freddie wants to take Angelina and I’m not going to get in the way of that. We can have fun and make Ronniekins jealous.”
“I don’t know about Ron getting jealous, but it would be fun,” you grin at the red head. “I’m sorry about the Angelina thing.”
“So you’ll be my date?” he ignores the second half of your statement, not wanting to dwell on his twin taking his crush to the ball. 
“I guess,” you tease, your giant smile giving away your excitement. 
“Wicked!” he cheers.
“Who do you think is taking (Y/N)?” Ron asks George, not bothering to lower his voice, even though Padma is standing beside him. Ron had been openly staring at you since you admitted that you have a date, and he kept asking who, but you never answered because you agreed with George not to tell anyone.
“Ickle Ronniekins, you should have asked her sooner,” George teases with a smirk. Both your date’s and your crush’s jaws drop slightly as you make your way down the stairs. 
Your hair is pulled back in an updo, you and Hermione did each other's hair and makeup this morning. You're in a flowy silver dress, giving you an angelic appearance. Your mother even sent her best jewelry to finish off the look. 
“Whoa, (Y/N/N)?” Ron asks, eyes wide and jaw practically on the floor. Padma rolls her eyes at Ron, clearly regretting being his date already. “You look-whoa.”
“You look quite handsome yourself Ron,” you giggle lightly as you take in his old colorful dress robes. Most people would laugh at how ridiculous they look, but Ron can somehow pull the look off.  
“You look smashing, Miss. (Y/L/N),” you giggle again as George grabs your hand and places a kiss on it. 
“Oh thank you Mr. Weasley, you look,” you let your eyes drag over George in his black dress robes as you come up with a compliment. “Striking.” 
“Shall we love?” George puts his arm out to lead you into the Great Hall that the teachers transformed into a beautiful ballroom for the night. You catch a quick peek at Ron as you slip your hand into the crook of his brother's arm, and the young boy looks livid. His face is almost as red as his hair, his jaw locked, and a glare that could level even George if the older Weasley saw it. 
You can feel eyes watching your every move, but you elect to ignore it, instead focusing on George as he twirls you from song to song. No matter how disappointed you both may be that neither of you got to go with your crush, you don’t let it affect your spirits, instead both of you push those thoughts to the back of your minds and have fun as friends. 
“I could use a drink,” you holler to George after two hours on the dance floor and he leads you to the table Ron and Harry are sitting at.
“Stay here,” he takes his coat off and drapes it on the seat you plop down in. “I’ll go get us some punch.”
“Why aren’t you guys out there dancing?” you turn to Ron and Harry, then glancing at the dance floor where Padma and Parvati are dancing with some boys from Beauxbatons.
“Cho is with Cedric,” Harry grumbles, while Ron just glares behind your back.
“One punch for you my lady,” George does a stupid bow as he hands you your glass.
“Why thank you kind sir,” your giggle is cut off by an irritated scoff coming from Ron.
“Is there something you’d like to say Ickle Ronniekins?” George goads him.
“What's wrong Ron?” you ask at the same time, reaching out to touch his shoulder. 
“Bloody hell, you’re what's wrong,” Ron exclaims, and you're thankful the Twisted Sisters are too loud for anyone further than your table to have heard him. 
“Don’t talk to her like that,” George defends you, but it only seems to make it worse.
“What did I do wrong, Ron?” you fiddle with the bracelet that your mum sent you. 
“Come with me, hurry,” Ron pulls you out of the ballroom, up two flights of stairs, down a hallway, and into an alcove hidden by drapery. 
“What has gotten into you?” you finally ask when you two are hidden from prying eyes and ears. 
“How could you go with George?” he ignores your question, pacing back and forth in front of you.
“Because he asked me? Because he was the only one to ask me,” your voice cracks ever so slightly.
“I asked you,” you level your oldest friend with a glare.
“Out of desperation! You asked me as a last resort, Ron, not because you actually wanted to go with me! George at least asked me to go as friends,” angry tears are fighting to breach the surface. “You were too interested in trying to get Fleur to go with you to even consider asking me until you had no other choice.”
“I didn’t think you’d have a date,” he pitters off, not knowing how to save himself.
“Godrick Ron, can you even hear yourself? Do you think that low of me that no one would ask me?”
“But why George of all people?” he asks again, sounding like a broken record. 
“Is that it? Am I not good enough for your brother in your eyes?” you laugh humorlessly. “All those years of friendship and you truly think so low of me…” 
“He knows you’re off limits!” he says out loud, but by the look on his face he clearly meant to keep that thought on the inside.
“I’m not one of your chess pieces, Ron, I’m a person with feelings. You can’t just stake a claim on me-” he cuts off your rant.
“He knows I love you!” his words have so much conviction behind them that you're momentarily stunned. 
“What?” your moth is gaping open like a fish.
“I love you,” he says again like it isn’t the most heavy and meaningful thing he could possibly say. “I don’t ask you to the Ball sooner because I didn’t want you to reject me.”
“You love me?” you can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that he feels the same.
“Bloody Hell (Y/N), how many times to I have to say it? I love y-” he’s cut off by your lips desperately colliding with his.
“I love you too,” you sigh, resting your forehead on Ron’s. “George only asked me to make you jealous.”
“I’m going to beat him with his bludger,” Ron steps back ready to go fight his brother.
“You can do that later, how about we go back to the Ball so I can dance with my boyfriend,” you lace your fingers with his and pull him back towards the Great Hall. Ron has a dopey smile on his face the whole way down, you called him your boyfriend. 
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n6ptunova · 6 months
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skater girlfriend • chris sturniolo
a/n: i’m obsessed with this idea! thank you @rac00ns-are-c00l4 hope you like it🫶
summary: you teach chris how to skate
warnings: some fluff and making out.
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“who’s skateboard is this?” you asked chris as soon as he left the meeting. you were waiting for him in the warehouse, wandering around when you came across a skateboard. your boyfriend chris knew you were a skater girl but he never mentioned that he, or any of his brothers skate so you were confused.
“oh, i forgot we had this here. i bought it a while back to get back into skating but-”
“forgot? you were just busting your ass yesterday to learn a simple trick on it,” nick chuckled interrupting him. chris punched his arm mumbling for him to shut up.
“what? chris why didn’t you tell me? we could’ve skated together this whole time,” you pouted.
“that was the plan but…” he trailed off avoiding eye contact with you, he looked embarrassed for some reason. “but what?”
“i kinda wanted to teach myself the basics first bc i wanted to surprise you. also didn’t wanna look like a complete idiot in front of you.” that tugged on your heartstrings oh my god how could someone be this cute. you walked over to him wrapping your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss.
“that’s sweet, baby. but i don’t care about any of that i just wanna share this with you. come on, i’ll teach you, it’ll be fun!”
later that night, you found an empty street for you two to skate. chris showed you what he knows so far and it was quite literally just moving forward with the board. he didn’t even know how to stop properly he just jumps off. so you decided that’s the first thing you’ll teach him.
chris, being his prideful self, claimed he knows how to come to a stop but then proceeded to do a heel drag.
“nooo, chris, that’ll cause razor tail, dumbass!”
“razor what-”
“it’s gonna damage your skateboard. look you can try to do this instead.”
you showed him a couple easy ways for beginners to stop. “and you can do a power slide,” you said while demonstrating, “but this is when you get more pro.”
“wait but that’s the coolest looking one i wanna do that!” he whined. so of course, you spent the next half hour teaching him how to power slide. if there’s one thing you admired about him is his determination, he fell way too many times but he finally got really close so you decided to move onto the next.
“ok i think you’re ready to learn your first trick, a simple ollie.” you said while doing the trick yourself.
his jaw dropped, he couldn’t believe how cool his girlfriend actually is. you looked so beautiful and graceful while doing the most badass things. he got lost in his thoughts for a second you had to wave and snap your fingers in front of his face to get him to focus.
“sorry babe, i just have such a cool girlfriend don’t i?,” he smugly said raising one eyebrow while pulling you in for a kiss, his hand resting on your neck and the other on the side of your face. you melted into his touch and almost got carried away until you quickly snapped back to reality and pulled away to teach him an ollie before he starts to give up.
you told him how to position his feet and gave him tips to make the trick easier for him but he interrupted you halfway, “that’s impossible.”
“no it’s really easy i promise. it just takes some trial and error.”
he took in a deep breath like he’s preparing for the worst and stood on his board, positioning his feet the way you told him to and bent his knees slightly but just before lifting his feet he stopped, “are you sure i’m not gonna fall?” “you will fall.”
he rolled his eyes, “thanks for the reassurance.” as he attempted the trick he landed straight on his ass, the board rolling away from him.
“owww, can’t you teach me something easier first.” he’s used to falling off his skateboard a lot but not in front of you. he wanted you to think he was cool too. you’d think it’s childish if he wasn’t so adorable.
“chris, this is as easy as it gets. come onnn do you want me to hold your hand princess?” you smirked, teasing him.
“shut up. i can do this.” he stood up and positioned himself on the board again. and before you know it he’s back on the ground with a loud thump.
you give him a knowing smirk and raise your eyebrows reaching your hand out to him. “you sure you don’t need help?” he snaps his head towards you and purses his lips forming a straight line.
“no i got this bro.” he’s so stubborn it made you giggle. after a few more hits to the ground he finally gave in and asked you to help. you held both of his hands and told him what he was doing wrong and before he attempts it again you looked him straight in the eyes, flashing him the sweetest smile, the street lights illuminating your face slightly, “you got this, babe.”
that was all the motivation he needed to attempt this trick again and surely enough, with you keeping him steady holding his hands, he was able to land it.
“I DID IT!!” he screamed and ran around you in a circle before engulfing you in his arms and picking you up feet off the ground spinning around. all that could be heard was both of your laughs and giggles. “yesss baby you did it!!”
“all thanks to the best and hottest teacher i could ever have,” he winked as he put you down and slapped your ass.
your face heated up but you pulled him in by his belt loop catching him off guard and placing a sweet but slow kiss on his lips he practically whined into your mouth, his knees growing weak. only you could have him like this.
he snaked his hands to your hips and gripped them tightly making you gasp, he uses this to slip his tongue into your mouth. you moan and both pull each other impossibly closer, bodies pressed against one another, your hands ruffling through his hair and tugging lightly.
after what felt like eternity (it was only 2 minutes) you pulled away catching your breath. “we should do this more often.” you nodded your head in agreement and he added, “and i guess the skating too.” you smacked his chest jokingly as he chuckled.
the rest of the night you spent just skating back and forth on the street, listening to your favourite music and talking about everything and anything.
when it was time to head home you did a nollie to pick up your board. chris thought it was the coolest thing ever and whined about how he can only pick it up the “normal” way but as he’s showing you, the board flips up and hits him in the crotch making him bend over in pain.
you tried your best to hide your laughter to spare his feelings but it slipped out and even though he shook his head disapprovingly he was smiling like an idiot because your laugh was the most beautiful sound to him.
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