#I think the difference is that most “guitar boys” are just some guy with a jawline who just play four chords and have a mediocre voice
Me normally: What even is so hot about guys playing guitar? I don't understand the appeal at all
Me when Javier starts playing and singing at camp: I will literally ride him until he breaks
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strangersmunsons · 4 months
Eddie, My Love! eddie munson x reader // valentine's day special series Day 2 Prompt: Chocolates 🍫 ~ 2,000 words Eddie's grumpy until he sees a familiar face in the candy aisle.
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“This is a fake holiday,” mumbles Eddie as he pushes the cart past the pink and red aisle of Bradley’s Big Buy. 
His uncle chuckles. “When you have someone to spend it with, you’ll feel differently.”
“Wayne,” Eddie deadpans, “this is just some bullshit that Hallmark made up so they could take more of our money.”
“I’m not sayin’ you need to go all commercial,” Wayne clarifies. “I just mean that when there’s someone special in your life, boy, you might be in a better mood during this month.”
Eddie’s mouth sets bitterly. He’d rather not get the ‘you’ll find someone someday’ talk right now — the last thing he needs is another reminder of how lonely he is.
Wayne senses his nephew’s reluctance to discuss the matter, and so bites his tongue. Instead, he points at a row of cans on the shelf beside them. “Do you need more tomato soup, or are you set for a while?”
Back at home, Eddie lays on the floor of his bedroom, staring at the ceiling. Yeah, okay, maybe Wayne had a point. Maybe he’d hate all this stupid cutesy shit less if he didn’t have to watch everyone around him enjoy it while he spent yet another Valentine’s Day alone in his uncle’s trailer, with no one to keep him company, save for a six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
The worst part of it is — and Eddie would rather die than admit this — that deep down, he thinks he really could be…romantic. 
Sure, he’s rough around the edges. He tends to be prickly, wary of others’ intentions, but it’s necessary in order for him to survive in Hawkins. The Munson name was already notorious, and his reputation preceded him; the incident with poor Chrissy Cunningham three years prior, despite his innocence, had sealed his fate as the town pariah.
But if someone could just give him a chance, a real chance, he thinks that he could make that person really happy.
He’d help around the house. Cleaning, laundry, anything you — whoever you are — needed a hand with. He’d learn to cook better so he could keep you eatin’ good. He’d plan fun dates. He’d play your favorite songs on guitar, maybe write you new ones, if he was feeling inspired…anytime you needed him, he’d be there. He’d be the most reliable, affectionate, loving — 
“Ed?” There’s a light knock on his door. 
“Come in,” he calls back.
Wayne pokes his head into the room. “I’ve got to head to the plant in a few,” he says. “While I’m gone, can you do me a favor?”
Eddie sits halfway up, propped on his elbows. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Wayne fidgets, looking apologetic. “I know we were just there, but d’you mind going back to the Big Buy to pick up some candy? It’s Mrs. Johnson’s first Valentine’s Day since her husband passed, and I meant to get her something sweet, but I forgot.”
Eddie hauls himself up off the floor. “No problem. Want anything specific?”
Wayne shakes his head. “Don’t need nothin’ fancy, just get whatever’s cheapest that still looks nice.”
“That’s the Munson way,” Eddie muses, smiling in spite of himself. 
Eddie reluctantly makes a turn down the seasonal aisle he had so pointedly avoided earlier, feeling depressed. Cherubs and teddy bears seem to mock him from where they sit, and he heaves a dramatic sigh. 
His eyes roam the line of cards, plush toys, endless boxes of chocolates and candies, when they finally land on you, also perusing the rows of heart-shaped packages.
Recognition flickers instantly. Eddie suddenly finds that his heart is beating very quickly in his chest.
You had still been a year behind him when he finally graduated, and though he didn’t really know you-know you, he was friends with people who did. You weren’t bullied like he and the guys were, but you weren’t exactly popular, either — and so more often than not, you ran in similar circles. Gareth and Harry used to swear up and down that you were the nicest girl in Hawkins.
Because of them, he had spent brief moments with you from time to time. He thought you had been very pretty, in your own unique way, but you were also rather shy. Your exchanges were always polite and charming, even if they never broke deeper than surface-level; overall, he’d found you incredibly endearing.
He never kept in touch, but as the years went by, he had often wondered about you.
Back then, it was hard to see past his own preoccupations: he was so focused on not failing his classes, Corroded Coffin, Hellfire, his dealing gig with Rick. But in retrospect, it always seemed to him like he had missed out on something special in not taking the time to properly befriend you.
Now, against all odds, you’re right here in front of him. And he had found you attractive back then, but now? Holy shit. You’re striking to look at.
As he studies your side profile, he thinks, it’s not that your appearance has really changed much, but rather the way you seem to be holding yourself.
You used to walk quickly through the hallways with your shoulders hunched and your head down, like you were trying to make yourself as small as possible. But now your posture is relaxed, your stance casual; your head is held high and a slight smile turns up the corners of your lips. And your clothes seem different too, like maybe you’d finally found your personal style, and were dressing in the way that you truly liked.
Is this what they call kismet? Fate, destiny, whatever, maybe Eddie’s fantasy-oriented brain was jumping to conclusions, but he thinks of the floor-misery he’d been wallowing in not even an hour ago — had his internal bitching been an unintentional prayer, which was now being answered?
He takes a few cautious steps forward, trying to act natural.
You glance at him when he comes nearer and offer him a quick smile before turning back to the sweet assortment before you. 
Eddie stands next to you awkwardly, pretending to browse, hoping to see you make some gesture of familiarity, any confirmation that you might remember him as well as he remembers you. 
But nothing. The seconds tick by.
You reach for a box of chocolates and Eddie’s overwhelmed with a sense of impending doom. He starts sweating. Any second now, you would pluck a shiny, ribbon-adorned package and twirl away from him, vanishing into thin air, and the moment would be gone. His opportunity would be over, and he’d never, ever see you again.
“I’m so sorry,” he blurts out. His face turns crimson, but he blunders on anyway. “I don’t wanna bother you, but did you graduate from Hawkins High in ‘87?”
You turn to him, eyebrows raised in surprise, one arm still outstretched. A breathy laugh escapes you. “Yeah, I did.” You give him the tiniest wave. “Hi, Eddie.”
He could almost cry in relief. You do remember him.
“Hi.” He returns your wave, dopey grin unfurling on his face. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you just now. I didn’t think you would remember me,” you explain apologetically.
Forget you? Absurd. “Of course I remember you. How’ve you been?”
Your voice is bright, cheerful. “I’ve been good! Busy with school.”
College, of course. You had definitely been an honor roll kid. “If you’re in school, then you don’t still live in town, do you?”
“Nah, my university’s too far. I got a place near campus, but I come home every now and then.” You smile, and motion towards yourself. “Obviously.”
“Oh. Nice.” Eddie twiddles his thumbs nervously. “Are your classes going good?”
“For the most part. They’re stressful sometimes, but that’s to be expected, I guess.”
“Yeah, but you’re super smart. I’m sure you’re killin’ it up there.”
“I’m trying my best,” you reply with a modest shrug. “What about you? What have you been up to lately?” You look at him with genuine interest, like you’re truly eager to hear about how he’s doing.
Oh, what to say. He opts for simplicity. “Bartending. At the moment I’m between The Hideout and The Attic. Although, I’m thinkin’ about trying to get a job at the garage instead.”
“You should!” Your voice is sincere, full of warmth. “I bet you’d be great there — I know you did a lot of work on your van.”
A bolt of pleasure runs through him. You didn’t just remember his name and face, but you recalled some minor details about him as well. He stands a little taller. “Thank you. We’ll see if it works out, I suppose.”
There’s a brief pause. Eddie moistens his chapped lips with his tongue. “Listen…”
Do it, you coward. If she says no, she says no, and you’ll get over it. Eventually.
“Um, if you’re ever home for the weekend, would you maybe wanna hang out? Grab a coffee or something?”
You look taken aback, but not displeased. Eddie counts that as a win. 
“Sure. That would be really fun.”
He flashes you a grin. “Sick.” Then it occurs to him: you came home for Valentine’s Day weekend. Surely you’re in Hawkins because you have a date lined up with some former classmate who swooped in and asked you out after he had gone, and that’s who you were buying candy for and —
“I’m assuming you’re busy this weekend, though?” You point at the treats in front of you. “‘Cause I see you’re here to pick up the goods,” you tease him cheerfully.
“Oh, n-not really,” he stammers. “Wayne asked me to pick up something for our neighbor. I’m just an errand boy.” He swallows. “Do you have any big plans?”
“Nope,” you reply casually, lips popping the p-sound. You pull the candy you’d be aiming for before he interrupted, a pack of Hershey’s cream-filled chocolate hearts. You nod at him sagely. “I am my own Valentine this year.”
You don’t need to be. I’ll volunteer. 
Eddie musters up all his courage, rocking slightly on his feet. “Actually, if you don’t have plans…like, if you’re not seeing anybody…would you wanna go out on a date with me tomorrow?” Nerves get the better of him and he starts pouring out word-vomit, totally oblivious to the way your expression is getting softer and softer the longer he rambles. “I get that it’s Valentine’s Day, I don’t know if you think that’s really…weird for a first date, or…if you even wanna go on a date with me at all, which if you don’t, that’s totally fine and I understand —”
“I don’t think that would be weird at all,” you cut in, giving him a smile that could melt an iceberg. “Eddie, I would love to go on a date with you.”
He feels like he’s having a fever dream. This can’t be real. Is this what manifesting is? 
From now on, when he wants something, he’s gonna go cry on his bedroom floor about it. 
Painfully aware of how clumsy his proposition came out, Eddie tries to put at least one suave move on you. “Well, if we really have a date tomorrow,” he says, swiping the Hershey’s from you, “then there’s no reason for you to be buyin’ your own chocolates. Allow me.”
Ten minutes later, both of you armed with candies and a phone number apiece, Eddie escorts you across the icy parking lot to your car. You grip his arm tightly crossing over a slippery patch of asphalt, and his stomach flutters in a way it hasn’t in years.
Okay, okay. 
Maybe there is something to be said for this stupid, fake holiday.
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thank you for reading!! xoxo Valentine's Day Special Masterlist
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7s3ven · 4 months
UR MY LOVER. luke (pjo)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Camp Half-Blood has its very own band to entertain themselves. Most of the campers aren’t sure where they get their electricity for their instruments but one thing they are certain about is that the substitute lead singer and lead guitarist definitely have a thing for each other.
“Look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth. The girl in my story has always been you.”
A/N : Luke seems like he’d be in a band
Warning : sex references, some details differ from the og books, modern references
Y/N has been lounging in the sun on her rickety front porch when something, or rather someone, blocked the rays of warmth. She groaned, lowering her sunglasses to get a better look at who was bothering her.
“What?” She grumbled to the mischievous son of Hermes, Luke. It’s not like she hated him, quite the opposite to be honest. His presence was a breath of fresh air in her stressful days at Camp Half-Blood. But she was sleep-deprived and in desperate need of a rest. Luke merely smiled down at her, unthreatened by her hostile tone.
“Hey, little bolt.” He uttered, crouching down beside her to almost match her height. Y/N rolled her eyes, pushing her glasses back up with her middle finger. “So as you know, Chiron is letting us form a band. The only problem is I have an electric guitar and, you know, it needs electricity. And there’s not enough ‘round here. Personally, I think we’re lucky to have a daughter of Zeus.”
Y/N scoffed. “No.” She quickly retorted, already guessing what he was going to ask her. “I won’t power your stupid performances.”
“What? Why would I ask that? I was going to ask you if you wanted a quicky backstage.” Luke sarcastically joked, his lips curving into a cheeky smirk. Y/N’s lips curled into an unamused sneer as she set her sharp gaze on the boy beside her. “Help me out this one time, babe.”
“Ew,” She furrowed her eyebrows in disgust, “Don’t call me that.”
“Come on, sweetheart. I ain’t gonna stop until you agree. I won’t ever ask for this favor again, pudding.” His nicknames were becoming increasingly worse and Y/N's ears were practically bleeding. Y/N cringed and covered her ears, desperately wanting to bang her head into a wall to drown his voice out. Her last thread was Luke calling her kitty.
“Okay!” She sat up, flinging her glasses at him. Luke effortlessly caught them, looking down at the intricate rims. He traced his fingers over the gems embedded in the sides. They shined in the light and small rainbows reflected off them. “Just stop calling me those horrid names!” She exclaimed, slapping his shoulder.
He grinned, “Deal. Practice is tonight, 8 pm sharp. Don’t be late.” He tossed Y/N’s glasses back at her and quickly stood up. “See ya, princess.”
Y/N wanted to hurl a rock at him for that stupid pet name but Luke was already running away, bellowing out a laugh as he tilted his head back in amusement. “I’m going to electrocute you, Luke! I hope your guitar backfires!” She screamed, earning another chuckle from Luke.
“Yo, guys.” He burst into his cabin, grinning at Chris and Charles who were positioned on his bed, lazily lying down. “Y/N’s in. Now we just need a lead singer. Charles, how’s convincing Silena going?”
Charles pressed his lips into a thin line. “You know she has stage fright.” He uttered, referring to his girlfriend, “Maybe if I mentioned that Y/N will be there then she’ll go? I think she has a girl crush on Y/N.” Charles let out a low chortle.
Everyone liked Y/N, apart from when she was deprived of sleep and grumpy. She was like a fire ready to flare up, stalking its way through the high grass.
“So, how did you convince Y/N? I heard from Annabeth that she was in a particularly bad mood today.” Chris uttered, chuckling. "Did you promise her sex or something?" Luke shrugged as Charles chucked a can of Sprite his way.
He pulled back the tab and the can opened with a pop and fizz. “Nah. A part of me wishes, though. I might get some if I did. But, I have my ways.” He retorted, grinning. “Band practice is at eight. Charles, do your best to get Silena on board because I can’t deal with Clarisse as lead singer.” Luke sighed, taking a huge gulp from his can. Chris chuckled while Charles silently nodded in agreement.
“She is rather hard to deal with.” Charles muttered, his voice almost a whisper in fear that Clarisse would overhear him.
Luke would have asked Y/N to be the band’s lead singer but he knew she wasn’t happy with having to power up his guitar. She’d rather jump in water than agree to sing and she hated water. It probably had something to do with the fact that she could create electricity with her bare hands.
Water and lightning never went well together.
Luke was buzzing with excitement as he jogged towards an abandoned cabin Chiron had agreed to let them use for practice. He opened the creaky door, surprised to see Y/N already sitting on a dusty couch.
“I already hate it here.” She said, turning to face him. He cracked a grin.
“Not enough sleep last night, huh?”
Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. “I barely got any. Some idiots were up all night, singing their hearts out to Olivia Rodrigo.” Luke was ashamed to admit that those idiots were him, Chris, and the Stoll brothers. “I mean, how much of a loser do you have to be to scream your heart out to jealousy?”
“I don’t know.” Luke shrugged, sitting next to her. Dust surrounded the air around him and he coughed, fanning it away with his hand. His actions made Y/N lightly chuckle. “Maybe they related to the lyrics. Unlike you, perfect girl.”
Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’m not perfect. I’m far from it.” Luke quickly turned to face her, resting his arm on the back of the couch.
“How come? You’re pretty and smart and you’ve got Zeus as your dad. Come on, you hit the jackpot on that one.” Luke grinned and the corners of Y/N’s lips twitched.
“You think I’m perfect?” She asked, confused. She quietly laughed, giving Luke an almost judging stare. “I don’t even have my life together. How can I be perfect?”
“Most of us don’t have our lives together. Look at me, I’m well over sixteen now and I’m starting a band at camp because there’s nothing to do ‘round here. And I’m also sitting in a dodgy looking cabin with dust everywhere. But hey, at least I have a pretty girl with me.”
Y/N stared at Luke for a second before she huffed in amusement. “You’re a no-good flirt, Luke.” She playfully shoved him.
“You seem in a better mood.” He smiled, proud of himself.
“You had nothing to do with it, I can assure you.” She rolled her eyes and turned her head, spotting Chris, Silena, and Charles walking towards the cabin. “Looks like your band mates are here.” She uttered, sitting up.
“Hey man, what’s up!” Chris joyfully greeted Luke while Charles’ approach was more quiet. Silena smiled at Luke and waved at Y/N with a bright smile.
“Alright, so everybody’s here. We got Charles on drums, Chris as back up guitar, me as lead and sub vocals, and Silena as vocals.” Luke loudly clapped his hands as away to earn everybody’s attention.
“Does that make me your back-up generator then?” Y/N butted in.
“Yeah. Hold this, darling.” Luke handed her a cord that connected to his guitar and she begrudgingly took it.
“No more names.” She warned, sending a small current to shock Luke. He yelped, taken aback, all while Y/N smirked. She stayed true to her words to electrocute Luke if he ever annoyed her.
Y/N lay on the couch, clutching onto the cord and aimlessly staring at the ceiling. The sound of Charles’ loud drums and Silena’s soft voice merged with the loud ringing in Y/N’s ears. She kept her eyes fixed on a certain spot, completely dazed until Luke pressed a cold can to her face.
“We’re taking a break.” He said, offering her a drink. She arched an eyebrow.
“Why are you giving me one?” She questioned, sitting up and taking it away.
Luke shrugged. “I mean, you are powering up my guitar. You deserve a little thanks.”
Y/N merely stared at Luke before cracking open the can, taking a small sip. “I trust you haven’t drugged this?”
Luke lightly snorted. “I have no purpose to put coke in your drink.” He held out his hand, silently asking for sip. Y/N shoved the can into his arms.
“So, when did you get the idea of forming a band?” She questioned, tapping her foot against the wooden floor. She glanced at Luke who smiled, a strange wishful look in his gaze.
“I’ve always loved music.” He admitted, “And being a demigod, you don’t exactly have a lot of chances. I did play at one festival, though… and it was amazing. But then I got attacked by a monster.” Luke chuckled under his breath, shaking his head in amusement. “It was still the best moment of my life. And I want that kind of joy back.”
“I’m sure you’ll get it back. What’s it like playing the guitar?” She quirked an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. Luke grinned, his tongue peeking out from between his teeth.
“Amazing. You wanna learn?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I can hardly hold a guitar correctly, let alone play it, Luke.”
“Come on, pretty. I’ll show ya.”
“I need two hands to play. But I also need to power up the guitar. How do you suppose that’ll work?”
“You’ll figure out a way. You always do.”
That’s how Y/N ended up holding the plug with Luke sitting almost directly behind her, guiding her hands. He smiled as Y/N struggled, her fingers never quite reaching the right chords.
A twig snapped and Chris walked into the cabin, wiping away sweat with the back of his hand. “Man, it is hot outside- Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something?” Chris paused, staring the pair.
“No.” Y/N quickly answered. They practically jumped away from each other. She handed Luke his guitar, clearing her throat.
“I should get going.” She announced to nobody in particular. She briefly smiled at the two boys before spinning around on her heels, quickly walking away.
“Hey, pretty, wait!” Luke stood up in a hurry but Y/N was already out the door and walking past the tall trees.
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Y/N rubbed her tired eyes as she waltzed out of her cabin, almost screaming when she saw Luke leaned up against the wall.
He grinned and greeted her, tipping an imaginary hat. “Hey, pretty. You up for charging my guitar today? I need to practice my riffs.”
Y/N thickly gulped, looking for any sign of Chris or Charles or even Silena, who she knew was busy with teaching kids archery. “… Alone?” She questioned after a long pause.
“Yeah. Does that bother you? I can practice another time.” Luke offered.
The warm sun bore down on Y/N as she stared at Luke. “No… it’s not a problem. When do you want to practice?”
Luke stood up straight, folding his arms over his chest. He grinned down at Y/N. “Right now if you’re free, pretty. But it looks like you just woke up. Bad sleep?”
“Hardly any at all. Again.” Y/N retorted, sour and harsh. She silently followed Luke to the cabin, raising her eyes in surprise when she saw the lack of dust. “You cleaned it?” She questioned, craning her head to get a better look.
“Yup. The dust was getting to my eyes.” Luke uttered. Y/N hummed in quiet approval.
“You’d make a good house husband. You can clean, you can charm your way through everything, and you can play guitar. What’s next? Cooking?”
Luke smugly smirked, “I’m actually great with a pan, pretty. I’ll make you cinnamon toast someday. Or do you prefer pancakes?”
“Food is food.” She shrugged. “So, how’s the guitar going?” She fiddled with the cord, “I always wanted to learn piano. I tried it a few times but it never stuck.”
“I think you’d look charming playing the piano, pretty.” He flirtatiously smiled, twirling a strand of Y/N’s H/C hair around his finger. Y/N stiffened, her cheeks practically glowing red.
“Are you going to practice or stare at me until we grow eighty?” Y/N muttered, leaning away from Luke.
“I think I’m going to continue staring.” He retorted, winking at her. Y/N looked away, lightly frowning.
“So, what songs are you going to sing?”
“Silena’s gonna be doing most of the vocal work but there’s one song I’ll be singing.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, silently telling him to continue because as much as she tried to dislike being here with Luke, she was curious. Luke plucked at the guitar strings, humming out a quiet melody.
“Wait.” Y/N articulated, “You aren’t going to sing to me, right? I don’t want a Barbie moment.”
“Too bad.” Luke replied, already getting ready to sing. Y/N softly groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was expecting Luke’s voice to be like nails on a chalkboard, a horrible sound overall, but the lyrics slipped past his lips and Y/N found herself not entirely hating it.
“Are you seriously singing Elvis Presley?” She said over the sound of Luke’s voice and guitar. He merely grinned, nodding his head.
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you?” Luke smiled, his gaze never faltering. He was staring straight at Y/N as he meticulously played complicated chords. She felt uncomfortable under his eyes and a part of her wanted to sink into the couch. “This is one of your favourite songs, is it not?” Luke asked as he continued strumming.
“How would you know that, Luke?”
“Trust me, pretty. I hear you singing with the Apollo kids. As grumpy as you are without sleep sometimes, you sure sound cheerful when you’re singing Elvis. Join in on the singing, won’t ya?”
“Like a river flows. Surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be.” Luke swayed, waiting for Y/N to join. She begrudgingly did.
“Take my hand. Take my whole life, too. For I can't help…falling in love with you.” They sang in unison. Y/N’s eyes were focused straight ahead of her while Luke’s ran over her soft features and lips that had been tinted with lipstick.
“Like a river flows. Surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be.”
Luke couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face as Y/N’s voice drowned out his own and he stopped singing. She was far too lost in the music to notice.
“Take my hand. Take my whole life, too. For I can't help falling in love with you.” Y/N turned back to Luke, faltering when she saw how he was staring at her. Like she was his whole world or like she had planted the beautiful stars in the sky.
“For I can't help… falling in love with you.” Luke sang the iconic last line, grinning. His face was much closer to Y/N’s than he anticipated, causing her to flinch. She didn’t shuffle away, though.
“Have I ever told you how pretty you look… pretty?” Luke chuckled at how his sentence and his nickname for Y/N clashed. The apples of her cheeks turned bright pink and she didn’t sneer at him this time. She only stared at him with eyes that were vulnerable lest Luke give her another compliment.
The door to the haughty shack slammed open, Charles entering. He spluttered in surprise when he saw Y/N and Luke. “Sorry… I can leave and come back… if you want…”
Y/N stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off her shirt. “It’s fine. I was just leaving.” She didn’t spare Luke another glance as she hurried out, flustered.
“Were you two about to kiss?” Charles questioned. Luke frustratingly groaned, holding his face in his head.
“I liked to think we were going to.”
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Y/N stood in the side lines of the stage, holding Luke’s cord while staring at a clipboard she held in her other hand. It was the list of songs Luke had given her to keep her occupied.
i, Lovesick by Laufey - sung by Silena
ii, Venus by Regina Song - sung by Silena
iii, Can’t help falling in love by Elvis - sung by Luke
The second song fit the daughter of Aphrodite. Y/N glanced at the stage, her eyes immediately finding Luke. He was helping Charles set up his drums. Luke seemed to sense her eyes on him and he lifted his head, smirking.
Y/N quickly diverted her gaze as she heard Luke jog towards her. “Hey, pretty.” He greeted her, “Silena’s vocals can only take so much singing so are you good taking over the last song?”
“No.” Y/N answered but Luke didn’t hear her, or he chose to ignore her.
“Thanks, pretty. I owe you one. Love ya!” He ran off while Y/N mentally cursed at him. She angrily looked at the list, her eyes slightly softening when she saw the song.
iv, Lover (remix) by Taylor Swift + Shawn Mendes
It was one of her favourite songs. She could remember listening to it when she wasn’t aware of her demigod status, always wishing for a love as pure as Jack and Rose’s. Despite being swamped by complicated emotions, she was still a teenage girl secretly wishing for a teen romance like the books and movies and songs suggested.
The makeshift concert started with a short light show conducted by an Iris kid and that’s when the band finally stepped out. The demigod crowd cheered, clapping their hands. The Aphrodite girls were holding signs up for Silena and Luke quietly chuckled as his Hermes brothers yelled a little too loudly.
Silena’s voice was beautiful as she sang and Y/N found herself shrinking back. How could she compete with that? She didn’t even want to sing. She was fine sitting backstage with nothing but a clipboard to stare at.
At least Luke seemed to be enjoying himself and all the attention he was gaining from the girls. Y/N felt her chest tighten. It’s not like she had feelings for Luke… did she? In this moment, Y/N wanted nothing more than to be an Aphrodite kid because at least they could sense love.
Luke sang the melody to the Elvis Presley song with as much tenderness as he did in the cabin, occasionally glancing over at Y/N to see her mouthing the words.
“Pretty, you’re up.” Luke said as the band hurried back stage for a small break. He took the guitar cord from Y/N, plugging it into some sort of machine that she didn’t recognise. “Drink some water so you don’t get dehydrated. You know the words, don’t ya?”
Y/N could only nod, too confused to process everything at once. “What about your guitar?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“It’ll be fine. Don’t ya worry.” Luke ushered her up the steps onto the brightly lit stage. “Alright guys, we’re back. Did ya miss us? Of course you did. Anyway, Silena’s swamped so we’ve got Y/N singing. Don’t worry, folks, she has a great voice when she’s feeling nice.”
Luke cheekily grinned as he adjusted his headset microphone while Y/N glared at him.
“Anyway, this song will be a duet between me and Y/N. Last song for the night, hope you guys enjoy!”
The music started playing immediately, causing Y/N to stiffen. She locked eyes with Luke, who was standing a meter away from her, nodding his head to the beat.
“We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January. And this is our place, we make the rules.” She hesitatingly sang, earning a few hollers from the Apollo cabin. “And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear. Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?”
“Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my…” The vivid image of Y/N and Luke singing together, their faces millimetres apart, haunted Y/N. She could feel her cheeks heat up as she glanced at Luke once more only to see that he was already smiling at her.
“Lover.” Luke mouthed as Y/N sang.
Luke tapped his foot, slowly playing his guitar. “We could light a bunch of candles and dance around the kitchen, baby. Pictures of when we were young would hang on the wall. We would sit on the stoop. I'll sing love songs to you when we're eighty.”
“See, I finally got you now, honey, I won't let you fall.” They lulled out in unison. “Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever, ah. Take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover.” Their voices blended together perfectly and the crowd found themselves swaying to the music, clearly noticing the romantic tension between Luke and Y/N.
“Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand. I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.” Y/N nervously clasped her hands around her mic, her breath shuddering when Luke beamed at her.
“Look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth. The girl in my story has always been you.” Luke strummed the guitar cords as he walked towards Y/N, “I’d go down with the Titanic, it’s true. For you, lover.”
The music ended there, despite the song still having another chorus left. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at Luke. “You had enough electricity this whole time?” She whispered away from the mic.
“Yeah. I just wanted to spend time with you, pretty. I like you, Y/N. More than I should admit because my fan girls will be a little upset.” Luke chuckled as he jogged off stage, Y/N following close behind.
“So I used my electricity for nothing? You could’ve just asked me to accompany you!” Y/N slapped his shoulder.
“Oh, come on, pretty. Be realistic. You wouldn’t have come if I merely asked. Even if I confessed to you then and there.”
“And what exactly do you like about me?”
“Everything, Y/N. The way your eyes shine when you read, the way you smile when you sing Elvis songs, and the way you have freckles that line up in a square, like constellations on your face. The truth is, you could break my heart into tiny little pieces and I’d still pick them up for you to hold. You like rainbows, don’t you?”
“Doesn’t everybody?”
“I adore you, Y/N. And it doesn’t matter that sometimes our worlds are coloured with different hues. Because when the colours bleed into each other, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Apart from your face and soul, of course.”
“What if the colour turns out to be an ugly yellow?”
“You’re ruining the mood, pretty.”
Y/N clicked her tongue as she tilted forward, gingerly pressed a soft kiss to Luke’s lips. He gently gasped.
“Your mics is on, by the way.” She whispered, “Just thought you’d like to know.”
PJO TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @niktwazny303 @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303
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silvergyus · 5 months
GIRL DAD YEONJUN IS A BIG YES LIKE OML I STALKED THROUGH YOUR HEADCANONS LIKE AN ABSOLUTE MADWOMAN i do not regret it its 7am and im melting from the fluffiness of it all
but what about the other members 👀
how would they be as a girldad and as a boydad? i’d love to see your take on it!
omg omg thank you so much anon🩷 we must be on opposite sides of the world lol
hehe I feel like I have differing opinions than the rest of moablr but please headcanon what you like!
txt as dads
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⋆。°✩ Yeonjun:
I obviously believe in girl dad!yeonjun supremacy (read more here and here) but I feel like he could also have an extremely cool son- think adult-size sunglasses too big for his lil face. a taste for fashion when his friends are wearing those horrendous neon Nike shorts. but yeonjun's daughter would be such a daddy's girl and he would be a girl dad first and foremost. yeonjun isn't as into video games as some of the other members so I feel like his son (or daughter) wouldn't be as into them as the kids of the other members either
rest of the members under the cut
⋆。°✩ Soobin:
I believe in girl dad!soobin because 1.) it's the most adorable thing ever and 2.) I think it would be so funny
hear me out, we obviously saw him with the twins but he said he was super nervous going into that since he is only used to hanging out with his nephew. imagine soobin with two daughters having his first son and he thinks it's gonna be a breeze since "boys are easier" but boy, was he wrong. his cutie son is a lot to handle and it turns out raising a boy from birth is a *lot* different than being a leader
like every other moa, I can see soob having the most kids. he just seems like the type of guy to have kids hanging off of him. plays video games with his kids but is also very strict about them washing their face/brushing their teeth. reads to them a lot and gets sucked into the storybooks they read together even when it's something silly like the day the crayons quit (a favorite of mine when I was a student librarian hehe)
⋆。°✩ Beomgyu:
BOY DAD!!! I know girl dad!beomgyu is so popular but I just feel in my heart that he is a boy dad!! picture him and his son in matching sunglasses and tshirts. those silly ones with like "the original" on his and "the remix" on his son's. would call the baby "beomgyu junior" the whole pregnancy but once the baby was born he would have a million lil nicknames for that kid.
I can specifically picture beomgyu getting one of the other members to both go out with their babies in carriers on their chests and they just wave to everyone they see with the babies' hands. like, use the babies' hands to wave instead of theirs
boy dad beomgyu who builds the best pillowforts and is the best at play fighting and buys the coolest nerf guns and foam swords. boy dad beomgyu who had a special relationship with his dad and carries those traditions on with his kids. boy dad beomgyu who plays guitar for his kids and they think he's the coolest dad ever
if he has a daughter, she totally roughhouses with the boys but she gets princess treatment when she sits on daddy's lap while he plays guitar, her tiny fingers resting on the wood so she can feel the vibrations of the music. her big eyes filled with such deep appreciation for the music.
⋆。°✩ Taehyun:
hmmm, honestly I also feel boy dad but he has a science son :) his wide-eyed son with glow in the dark stars on his ceiling and an ant farm and he exclusively wears dinosaur tshirts. taehyun and him nerd out together all the time. his son loves the planetarium and the library and also is in all the school plays. plays minecraft with beomgyu's son and soobin's oldest daughter
however, I can also see tyun's kids playing a lot of soccer (I can see him with two boys, close in age). they both would be on the soccer team that he assistant coaches (thank you @https-yeonjun for that headcanon<3). they are both into soccer- just like their daddy- and the one is into a bunch of other sports so he's always off to practice somewhere with his grass-stained knees and toothy grin. the three of them would spend match days glued to the tv to watch their favorite team. he'd buy them all matching jerseys for their favorite team too, with each of their favorite players names on the back
also taehyun would absolutely get a cat for his kids and they would have a chore wheel for days on who feeds it/ cleans the litterbox
if tyun had a daughter she would have the highest standards as a grown-up like. not quite spoiled like yeonjun's daughter, but omg the absolute most princess treatment of all time. that girl would have all her oranges peeled and her juice poured in her favorite cup and her hair brushed and she would never walk because she'd want to be carried everywhere and her daddy is strong so he carries her. she totally wears the matching soccer jerseys with her brothers and daddy too like, c'mon. soccer jersey and tutu and she absolutely crushes the other team when she's on the field
⋆。°✩ Hyuka:
I feel like hyuka girl dad??? I also feel like he has the second most kids behind soobin. his daughter is just like him, effortlessly good at playing musical instruments. she plays like 4 and the house is always full of music. he's really calm as a dad and he isn't super shook when his kids act up. really good at gentle parenting and loves to teach his kids through their shared interests.
his daughter's bed is absolutely full of plushies. she def collects them and names them and they have a special order they have to go in on her bed. she sleeps with them all every night and gives each one a kiss before she goes to sleep. he takes her to the store and is the biggest enabler of her collection. he says he isn't spoiling her, just gifting her as a fellow collector, but we know she's spoiled
you know how hyuka is a copy-and-paste of his dad? if he has a son it's 100% gonna be a carbon copy of him. like, that boy is a HUENING and everyone can tell. tallest kid in his grade and has the exact same laugh and nose and eye crinkles.
any hueningkids would absolutely LOVE pokemon though, just like their dad. and they would totally get a dog and name it eevee
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strazki · 2 months
School Bus Graveyard headcanons no one asked for but will still get 😤
Ashlyn has autism. Honestly pretty much canon at this point, considering what we've seen of her, but still
The whole group took a hot second to adjust, but they are now so accommodating to it
Obviously there's the noise issues, but they also recognize when she needs to be alone, and they don't bother her too much about her being so asocial
I’m projecting but I just love these guys
ANYWAY, on a completely different subject, I think Taylor is actually a really good singer! She's just very shy about it
I also think Aiden can definitely play drumset
Top that off with Tyler canonically playing guitar, all you need to do is give Ben a bass or something and then they're basically just a little band!
I think they would be called the Phantoms or some shit like that
Ashlyn can do backup vocals, and I love my boy Logan but he's giving stage manager vibes a little bit lol
Someone's gotta do it
Taylor and Tyler share their clothes all the time. We already see that they have the same room, which most likely means the same closet, and since the two of them have a relatively similar build (and thus, similar clothing sizes), they just don't really bother separating their clothes (probably why they're matching so often)
Aiden does so much stupid rich kid shit. Not obnoxiously, but just out of a lack of understanding
Probably says some shit to the others like "Wait, your parents didn't get you a car? I know we can't drive yet, but you can still like... take pictures with it."
Bro has no idea he's that rich
The twins absolutely love going over to Ashlyn's place to get self-defense training from Mike and Emma. With their father being gone for a while, and their mom being not all there (for lack of a better description), it's been a long time since they've had a stable parental figure in their lives
Ashlyn's parents are just so nice to them and treat them like their own kids. I just think it's something they needed in their life that they found in an unexpected place :(
Ben loves to paint! He took up art and drawing ever since he lost his voice, and finds painting specifically very calming
He's been working on portraits for each of his friends that are all lying half-finished around his room
Even when he finishes them, though, he probably wouldn't show them for a while because he's quite nervous about it
If he DOES show them, he would definitely give Taylor her's first, because that's who he feels closest to
She cries
I feel like Logan, with working at the flower shop and all that, probably spends a bit of time putting together little bouquets for his friends
Not as like a grand show of affection, but just little gifts to show his appreciation for them being around and caring about him
Probably personalizes them a LOT too. Not only does he coordinate them to match the favorite colors/flowers of the person he's making them for, but he knows all the symbolic meanings behind each flower
Like, for example, I bet he gets yellow roses for Ben to signify friendship, and pink roses for Ashlyn to signify gratitude, that sort of stuff
His love language is gift giving and he's never had friends as close as these guys, leave him alone >:[
Okay that's all I got right now send tweet
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Steve sniffled as he cleaned off Eddie's gravestone once again. The town had been saved, the crack closed, and somehow Vecna had been defeated. No one really knew what happened. Only that a mysterious figure with wings had saved their asses. El was still trying to find them, but they were hiding themselves pretty well. Hopper believed he slunk back into the Upside Down before it closed, but no one else believed that, especially Dustin. He didn't say it outloud, but he knew the kid believed that it had somehow been Eddie. Steve didn't want to discourage him or get his hopes up. He didn't know what to do.
All he could do now was to keep cleaning Eddie's headstone. Edward Munson: Now At Peace. Yeah, right. People keep spray painting "burn in hell" across the headstone. He didn't deserve this. . . Even in death, they were still fucking with him. Steve let out a strangled yell and threw the rag.
"It's not fucking fair!" Steve snapped.
Steve breathed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. He stared at the headstone and did some breathing exercises to help calm him down. Now would be the perfect time to tell him everything, at least, Robin said it would help.
"I never got to really know you, man," Steve said. "And I really wish that I did, though. I wish I could see you play that guitar even at the Hideout. . .to see you up on that stage. I kind of wanted to see you graduate, too. I would have loved to see you give Higgins the finger. I always hated that guy. Fucking asshole. I would have loved to see you DM up on your throne. I'm not sure I would be able to play, I honestly would have gotten distracted. I wish I knew more than that, though. Like, what's your favorite song? Your favorite movie? Your favorite color, man? I don't know. . .anything. I wish you were here to tell me. I just wish. . ."
He stood there for a moment as though he were expecting an answer. Steve sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He went to reach for the rag, but someone beat him to it. A man with a hat over his head and sunglasses on his face was kneeling in front of Eddie's grave. Steve had no clue who it was.
"Let me help, son," the man said in a deep southern accent.
Steve had been spending enough time with Wayne and Dustin to realize that this man sounded an awful lot like Wayne with his accent. He knew it wasn't Wayne, though, because this man was too young and he knew that Wayne was working.
"You didn't do this, did you?" Steve asked.
"I just want to help, boy," the man said. "A handsome man like Eddie Munson doesn't deserve this. Although, I guess you could say he is hot as hell."
"That's a weird thing to say about a dead guy," Steve said, scrunching up his nose. "Did you know him?"
"You could say that. You could also say that I knew him a little too well," he said. "I kind of overheard your speech there, son. I can answer some of those questions for you, ya know?"
"I - would like that," Steve said softly as he grabbed the extra rag and knelt down to clean up the headstone.
"Well, most people would think differently about his favorite song. He loved the song Rolling Stone by Muddy Waters. His mama would teach him how to dance to that song. Sometimes, she would place him on her feet. He loves red, but he also loves the color blue," the man said. "He loves Conan the Barbarian. He used to sneak into the theater with his best friend, Ronnie."
"Ronnie?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, she was the first friend he ever made, and she was never more than his best friend despite him making an embarrassing move on her," he chuckled.
"That sounds familiar," Steve laughed. "He told you all this?"
"In a way," he said. "Ronnie showed him the way into leading lost sheep. His uncle gave him the kick in the ass he needed into not giving a fuck what other people thought of him. He still had some learning to do. He was kind of queer in the head, though, despite all of that."
"What? Who cares what he was into?" Steve scoffed. "Are you seriously judging him on that? I'm queer in the head myself."
"Wait, hold on, son. I ain't judging him for that, and you do know that queer also means weird, right?" The man asked.
"Yeah. . .I mean, I forgot," Steve stuttered.
"Should I just forget that you came out to a complete stranger, son? Doesn't matter, I didn't have a problem with Eddie being like that," he said, and then he dropped the accent. "I can't believe you did that!"
He dropped the hat and the sunglasses, slapping his knees as he stood up. Steve gaped up at him. His hair was cut short, but he would recognize those dimples anywhere. He was grinning wildly down at Steve.
"Eddie?!" Steve choked and he stood up.
"Hey, Stevie," Eddie said.
It was the first time he had called him that, and it made his stomach flutter. His brain tried so hard to comprehend that it was Eddie, but he looked so drastically different without his hair that he couldn't really focus. He noticed that he was also wearing a hoodie and a polo that looked awfully familiar.
"Hey, that's my polo," Steve said.
"Yeah, I broke into your house," Eddie said. "I wanted to look the least like myself."
"Why?" Steve asked.
"So, that people won't try to murder me, Steven," Eddie said.
"No, I mean, I get that. Why the deception?" He asked.
"Hi, I'm Eddie Munson. I like to be dramatic," he said, and he held out his hand. "Go ahead, take it."
Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie's like he was shaking his hand. His skin was cool to the touch, and Steve couldn't help but stare at it.
"You're real," he whispered.
"Very," he grinned.
"Why is your hand so cold?" Steve asked.
"I'm vampire now so. . . ," Eddie said, shaking his head from side to side.
"You were the mysterious figure that destroyed Vecna," Steve said in realization.
"He tried to make me his little bitch. Wanted me to do all his dirty work and kill of you," Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes. "No thanks. I can't even clean my room when my uncle asks, and I love the man. Do you think I'm going to kill people I care about for someone I hate? Yeah, no."
"You saved us. You saved this town despite the fact that they hate you for no goddamn reason," Steve said.
"Well, my dad conned half the town, so yeah," Eddie shrugged, and then his eyes lit up. "Oh, I saved Higgins! You should have seen the egg on his face. He does know I'm alive, but he probably feels guilty about blackmailing me into dropping out in '84 now."
"He did what?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, crazy story. I should tell you all about it over dinner," Eddie said.
"That was smooth," Steve smirked.
Eddie ran his hand over the vest Steve was wearing and smirked.
"My vest looks good on top of a polo," Eddie said and paused, looking at him softly. "I'm not going to waste my chance this time. Hey, Steve?"
Suddenly, Steve was brought back to the Upside Down, and Eddie had looked at him with meaningful eyes before they parted ways. The memory was soon gone.
Eddie grabbed him by the vest and pulled him in, crashing their lips together. Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, pulling him in closer as he deepened the kiss as Steve gripped his hips. Eddie broke the kiss, allowing Steve to breathe.
"We're kissing over your grave," Steve said.
"Better than walking over it," Eddie cackled.
Steve suddenly began pushing him backward until Eddie's back hit the tree that was next to his grave. He pressed his body up against Eddie's and covered his mouth with his own. He really should care that he was making out in a cemetery, but all he was aware of was Eddie. Eddie's mouth against his, Eddie's tongue making its way back in, and Eddie's hands quickly pulling his polo out of his pants so his hands could press themselves against his skin. All that mattered was how alive Eddie was and how much Steve could feel it. It was like all the lights were turning on inside of him, and it was Eddie that was flipping them on. Steve quickly broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against his, breathing heavily.
"We better stop before we do something else in cemetery that we're not supposed to," Steve said.
"Probably a good idea," Eddie said. "I think we just gave a granny quite a shock."
Steve looked over his shoulder and saw an older woman standing a few yards away, looking appalled.
"My God. She's literally clutching her pearls," Steve said.
"What do you think it is? That we're two men or that we're making out in a graveyard?" Eddie asked.
"Young man, my hearing is just fine! I don't care if you two have dicks! I mind that you two are fooling around in the place where the dead sleep!" She scowled.
Eddie and Steve looked at her in shock for a moment.
"I was not expecting her to say that," Steve said with wide eyes.
"Who would?" Eddie asked and glanced at the old woman. "Alright, time to adopt a grandmother."
"No, Eddie, we have to tell everyone you're alive, especially Wayne and Dustin," Steve said.
"Right. . .Dustin. Shit, I died in front of him. I know this is a stupid question, but how is he?" Eddie winced.
"Devestated but also hopeful that the mysterious figure who saved us all was you," Steve said and took Eddie's hand. "Let's get you home."
They laced their fingers together and walked out of the cemetery, apologizing to the granny as they left. They didn't care if anyone saw them, but after the town nearly went apocalyptic, how could anything else matter? The only thing that mattered was that they were both very much alive.
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nhothicket · 4 months
Ever create a band au even though you cant draw instruments?
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more info below the cut :>
Meet Bdubs, 38, stage name BdoubleO - Boomer is often mistaken for his first name, but is just another nickname for the pile. Infamous online, if it weren't for the fact that he makes disgustingly good music he would probably have more hate followers than genuine fans. The line between charming asshole and just asshole is one he fails to tread lightly most days, but he's mostly harmless. Let's just say the Bdoubleo could also stand for boorish. A bit of a sellout, but he enjoys what he does and many appreciate his extremely.. candid attitude. Best likened to a cartoon villain dressed as a rockstar, with the ego to match. (It's usually his unrelenting pretentiousness that gets him into Twitter spats.)
Thank you @foxden-frontier for always helping out with my stupid aus ^v^
Annoying at worst, unfortunately very charismatic at best. You could say he's a softie at heart, but that implies its at all difficult to spot. Once he's done "clapping back at all the haters", in person he's still got a temper (he thinks he has a bad boy reputation to uphold) but is enthusiastically friendly.
Etho, 32, resident keytarist of creatively named band Canadian Bacon. Joined by his two best friends, Pause the frontman and bassist, and Beef their drummer. A deceptively popular band if judging by their permanent rough draft name and their nerdy-college-student dress code. Etho himself is just a guy who likes playing music with his buddies, their hobby having blown up under their noses. Now, as an unfortunately successful touring artist, Etho's anonymity is scarce, but he continues to wear his mask to discourage widespread photos of his face. In spirit. He's concerned about having his face plastered all over fan accounts, which still occurs, but a perk of having a completely rabid fanbase is that many will defend your boundaries to their last dying breath. Like his face, his legal name is out and about online, but its similarly discouraged. Best likened to just a guy.
If asked on the subject of his scar, the entire band has various different whimsical stories, brand new everytime. His lack of internet presence means Pause and Beef are free to make up whatever misinformation about him as they please completely unchecked (in jest of course), and they do take advantage of that. Many of these alternative facts are passed around on wikis and in fan circles.
To say Bdubs is jealous of Canadian Bacon's popularity is an understatement. They weren't even trying at all and yet they're the hot shit? But instead of putting that jealousy to hatred (which he had considered of course) he's instead set himself on proving himself. And if that means impressing Etho then so be it. Why does it mean impressing Etho? Good question, never ask it again. They say keep your enemies close, and Bdubs' enemies don't deserve personal space.
As it turns out, Etho wasn't too difficult to impress or maybe Bdubs was just that amazing. Either way, they end up hitting it off. Their friendship is an interesting one, mostly because Etho's fans basically hunt Bdubs for sport online. We're talking scribbled out of pictures, get behind me, #FreeEtho. Etho thinks he seems pretty cool though, if not a bit much sometimes, so no harm no foul.
Okay, rapid fire, some other notes for this au.
> Etho's legal name is Ethel. Because it is. My heart is so set on it. But if you're boring, Ethan or Ezekiel or something work too I guess.
> Etho's keytar mimics a more traditional guitar in most cases, though he's known to experiment a lot with how far he can push that.
> Etho's scar is from a mugging in this au, not a very fun story to tell. Beef practicing his brand new razor blade throwing hobby or fighting a bear to beat Pause in a bet is much more entertaining.
> Canadian Bacon is meant to have a manager, but I couldn't think of anyone I felt fit. Just a note.
> Bdubs has a habit of grabbing Etho by his tie and pulling him down to his level or otherwise using it as a leash. Etho doesn't usually wear the tie outside of show stuff or interviews, but he wears it around Bdubs because thinks its funny. When there's no tie that doesn't stop Bdubs, collars and hoodie strings are subject to the same usage.
> Etho isn't aware of how infamous Bdubs is when they meet as they meet at a festival with a big group of other musicians. Most of which already know Bdubs as his more excitable friendly self. He only finds out later when Bdubs complains about Etho's fans flaming him anytime he mentions him.
> Bdubs still has a self-imposed curfew, 10pm every night unless it conflicts with a show. He needs his beauty sleep.
> The trigger reason for the animosity toward Bdubs is due to being blamed by fans for the split of his last band that had a pretty hardcore cult following (OOG, I've not named their band yet), and that has since snowballed into what it is today, despite his actions being relatively harmless. To note, this was not an assumption at all promoted by either party, it was entirely a fanmade judgement.
> For those who can, picture s5 jungle Bdubs mixed with drunken OOG(E) ctm maps for his approximate personality. Still goofy but with a sharper tongue and a lot worse of a temper.
> Originally I considered Cleo as Bdubs' manager so he's not all alone in narrative sense, I still think it's not a bad idea I'd love to see her chew him out for acting like a moron. Ren or Scar would be also be options for manager.
> Bdubs needs a touring band, but I'm not well versed enough in the hermits to actually pick one out. Just a note.
Okay, that's most of it! There's some more pg-13 headcanons for this au, along the lines of fuck yeah rock'n roll lifestyle, but it's not really important I'm sure just that is enough to get the gist of it. Thank you for reading this overly long note. ^v~
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queentala · 1 year
Random small headcanons for my fav SJM men
Those are totally random thoughts I had and just kept collecting, also I'll be adding new ones when I'll come up with something. Feel free to reblog and add yours <3
I think Gavriel can draw really well, especially with pencil. Like, you know, he's a really precise and detailed guy, plus thanks to his soldier skills he has really stable hands, and it just sits right with me
Azriel loves when you paint his nails black. Also once you made him wear eyeliner and he actually really liked the results, so now from time to time he lets you do it
Aedion has his ears pierced but doesn't wear any earrings (it was probably a dare, even more likely he was drunk then)
Ruhn likes to have a small, faint lamp put on when he sleeps. It looks like a white sparkle and doesn't cast much light but having it next to his bed makes him feel somehow more safe and comfy
Also, he loves being held while sleeping. When you let him snuggle to your chest and hold him tight... It's his paradise, he can stay like this for eternity
Cassian is very ticklish (especially on feet). It's actually his secret because, come on, he's the Lord of Bloodshed, how can he be ticklish? And of course you fully respect that, not wanting his reputation to suffer, however, when it's just the two of you... Let's say Cass has to be pretty alert most times as you love to take advantage of that
Fenrys always brings you a plushie from his travels to foreign countries. Actually, he brings you many different things like jewellery, dresses, combs, mirrors, gems... everything. But a plushie, is a must. You have a whole collection of small cute stuffed animals (mostly wolves) from different parts of the world. Every one of them has a name, personality and a back story which you and Fenrys always come up with
Aedion is a horse girl. He rides so well and just loved being around those animals since he was a little boy. Often he takes you on all day long trips around Terrasen. Also he has few of his favorite horses and he spoils them so much, they're just his babies.
He also probably has like six dogs and wants to adopt every one he sees on the street
Lorcan most of the times either doesn't cuddle or is the big spoon. However, after really hard day he loves to fall asleep with his face in your breasts and his hair stroked
Sometimes when Rowan is engrossed in his work, he hums songs mindlessly
Fenrys talks in his sleep, and this goes to the point where you can literally argue with him or have a whole conversation as he's asleep
Aedion swears a lot. Gavriel doesn't swear almost ever and his face when Aedion starts throwing curses he could never imagine is just priceless
However, Gavriel knows many langues. So, whenever he's angry and finally hit his breaking point, he starts shit talking and insulting everyone in a foreign langue no one knows (just imagine him aggressively talking to himself in Spanish while walking around and throwing hands in the air lol)
Cassian always sleeps naked and refuses (will literally get offended) to do otherwise, even if there are different people sleeping in the room (read: Azriel)
Dorian baby talks to his dogs. Sometimes when he does this he forgets that he is a king and then have the whole castle talking about it for the next week (people find it adorable though. some of them at least.)
Rowan always has some blades with him. Always. Dude could be standing in the room only in his boxers and still proceed to pull out a knife from gods know where
Also, he will never admit it but he has some of his favorite blades that he had named. But if you'd ever done this he would laugh at you
Once you've gotten Ruhn a bracelet for his birthday that was a guitar pick of his favorite guitarist on a black string and from then he doesn't take it off. Ever.
We know Ruhn has this very rare and useful ability to speak in people's minds, however his favorite way to use those abilities is to make the dumbest jokes in your head in the most random moments and watch you burst out laughing around all those strangers that have no idea what is going on
(he also got the big d genes from him but it's the topic for other post)
So, Fenrys is a master at coming up with the weirdest nicknames for his loved one, however, no one compares to Cassian in this matter. His creativity sometimes is more than flesh and blood can bear
Lorcan is actually the biggest girl dad
Let's be honest, Dorian has better skin care than any lady in the whole sjm universe
Cassian loves being called your pretty princess
Azriel loves puzzles. And Legos! There's no better way to spend your day off than building castles and forts, and then having an actual battle between your kingdoms
Bat boys are not really fond of thunder... I think they have bad experiences with flying during storm and it haunts them to this day. They always want to be the little spoons and be cuddled when there's a storm outside
Azriel has bat slippers and Fenrys has wolf or bunny slippers
Dorian loves wearing sygnets. He has so many and you're simply obsessed with them. He's a king, he has to look decent, you know, but Dorian loves wearing them even if it's just the two of you snuggling or sitting in the library reading. Or when he fucks you and you can feel them dig into your skin when he grabs your ass..
Lorcan enjoys having his hair combed. He just melts when you do it. And if you do a little braid somewhere on his head he will keep it and wear it for the next few days
Gavriel is the best dancer you will ever meet. On the balls he can easily make everyone's attention turn to the two of you. But he also likes to dance with you in your house or chambers, where there are no people or music, and to be honest both of you like those moments much better
To be continued....
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eagerbby · 2 years
can i call you - e.m
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paring| Eddie Munson x female reader
synopsis| The year is 1999 and Eddie Munson might, quite possibly, be absolutely head over heels with a girl he met on the internet. What could go wrong?
an| this is set in the late 90s, Eddie is 21 in this as is reader. basically just a little idea i had floating around in my head. could definitely be a series if anyone wants it to be one, let me know!  
warnings- 2k, not much to warn about for part one
Part 2
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“That was Korn with Blind, here on 99.3 Metal Shop. If you’re just tuning in; we’re glad to have ya. Going back almost a decade, here's Metallica with Master of Puppets.”
“Fucking Metal.” Eddie grinned, tuning the volume knob on his radio up, the first chords rumbling through the white walls of his room. He pops the tab of his beer as he bangs his head along with the music. It was another lonely night, stuck in the small cage of his room. He’d tried to get Gareth and Jeff to hang, maybe go down to the quarry and get high, but alas both boys had plans that didn’t include hanging out with their older buddy. 
So here he was, spinning in his desk chair, a chat forum open on his black spray painted monitor. The CPU whirled loudly from under the desk but Eddie could barely hear it with the heavy guitar shredding coming through his radio. He was about three beers in and a half a joint down, the edges of his vision becoming hazy in his intoxication. 
Eddie’s ringed pointy finger rolled over the trackball on his stained mouse, flicking the screen up and down and up and down. Again and again until Eddie sighed and threw his head back. He shouldn’t be waiting for you. It was a Friday night, you probably had better things to do instead of sitting at your computer chatting with some strange guy on the internet. Although, Eddie hopes you don’t think about him like that. The two of you have been talking quite regularly for the past three months. It had started randomly, you personally asked him on a horror movie forum for some movie suggestions so he gave you his favorites -The Shining, Maximum Overdrive, My Bloody Valentine- and you had watched them all, giving him such detailed critiques he was kinda surprised you’d taken his suggestions. A week later you sent him your AOL name and told him to add you so you could chat more. He jumped at the opportunity, so intrigued by you in such a short time.   
It was a little awkward at first, with Eddie trying to play it cool because you were so different from the girls he had gone to school with and you were a little reserved, not too sure how much you wanted to share with a stranger online. But the relationship had blossomed, grown into a friendship without either of you really trying. You loved his corny jokes and he could listen to you for hours talking about your cat and your poetry. You’d even let him read a little bit of it, blessing him with the most beautiful prose Eddie had ever read before. He wasn’t much of a poetry guy, but you were turning him into one.
Eddie leans forward after a brief war in his head, debating if he should just bite the bullet and shoot you a message first. Maybe you didn’t see he was online yet? Quickly he pulls up your AOL log and types.
HellfireMaster- What’s your favorite scary movie?” 
He hit the enter key and tapped his foot anxiously. A minute or two passed with no response. Eddie groaned deeply, rubbing his hand over his face. This was stupid. 
Eddie pushed back from his desk, the wood banging off the wall with the force of it, and strolled over to his bed, flopping down on the disheveled sheets. He laid there with his hands folded on his chest, staring at the slow turn of his ceiling fan. He can’t remember when his crush on you started, but it was eating him up on the inside. He doesn’t even know what you look like for Christ-sake and yet you have him wrapped around your finger.
There’s ping from Eddie’s computer and he shoots up to his elbows at the sound, big doe eyes locked on the computer screen with excitement. He wastes no time jumping from his bed, tripping over dirty jeans and piles of crumpled paper from his last lyric writing session, over to his desk chair that groaned under his weight as he plopped down in it. Eddie’s grin rips at the corners of his mouth, wide and excited, little dimples forming by the edges. 
PrettyiNProsed- I don’t know.
HellfireMaster- You have to have a favorite.” 
Eddie bit his lip as he waited, knee jiggling with anticipation. 
PrettyiNProsed- Is this where you tell me you’re watching me?
Eddie chuckles at that, the tapping sound of the keyboard mingling with the bass from some song he wasn’t even listening to. Scream was your new favorite movie. It had taken some convincing on Eddie’s part seeing as you had heard how horrible it was from some friends, but after watching it -while Eddie watched it at the same time and you live reviewed it- you couldn’t believe you had waited so long. 
HellfireMaster- I could be. You just never know…
PrettyiNProsed- I bet that would sound more convincing over the phone, huh?
HellfireMaster- Maybe, but someone doesn’t want to do that yet.
It’s true, Eddie had been slowly slipping talking on the phone more and more into your conversations. He couldn’t help it, curiosity was killing him. The thought of finally hearing your voice was starting to consume him. It lingered in the back of his mind as he worked, as he held his campaigns, at band practice, even hanging out with his small group of friends. It had hurt his feelings when you’d all but blown him off the first time, quickly saying goodbye and logging off, but Eddie didn’t let that deter him. When he wanted something he’d work his ass off to get it.  
PrettyiNProsed- Hey! I never said I didn’t want to.
HellfireMaster- You never said you did though..
PrettyiNProsed- Don’t get all grumpy on me now, Eddie. 
You didn’t even have to see him to know he was pouting about it and Eddie loved that about you. That you could read him so well like you understood just who he was. It was a rare thing for him to feel so seen and he thinks maybe it’s because, with you, he isn’t Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. He was just Eddie, he didn’t feel like he had to play a part.
Focusing back to the computer, he cracked his knuckles and began typing back.
HellfireMaster- How was your day, sweetheart?
PrettyiNProsed- It was okay, getting better now as long as you don’t go all dark and brooding on me.
PrettyiNProsed- Think you can handle that, sunshine? 
Eddie felt like a fucking idiot, smiling at his computer with his cheeks flushed red and his lip sore from his canine repeatedly sinking into it. You always did this -using these cute nicknames that he’d probably scoff at if they weren’t coming from you. He really did have it bad and for a mysterious face behind a screen at that. 
HellfireMaster- Oh, I can handle it. 
PrettyiNProsed- Good. I’ve been waiting all day to talk to you.
God if that didn’t send his stomach swirling with butterflies. 
HellfireMaster- You have?
PrettyiNProsed- Yes! Guess why!
HellfireMaster- No, just tell me.
PrettyiNProsed- Ugh, you’re no fun!
HellfireMaster- Just tell me, princess! I don’t like waiting.
PrettyiNProsed- Sucks for you then!
Suddenly that green dot next to your name was red, signaling that you’d gone offline. Eddie’s eyes bugged, his teeth clenching tight together as his nostrils flared. You’d logged off. He couldn’t believe it. You’d never done that before and this wasn’t the first time the two of you had joked around like that. You always took his jokes and dry humor in stride. Had he upset you? Eddie doesn’t think he could live with himself if he had. You were the only thing making him get up in the mornings, you know other than his job down at the tire shop, if he lost the brilliant light you had brought into his small little world he’s sure his life would metamorphose into a miserable stream of wake work sleep until he inevitably died alone.
He might be a tad bit dramatic, but still, he needed you. 
Another ping has his eyes darting to the screen.
PrettyiNProsed- Are you ready to stop being a brat, big boy?
Eddie blanches at your words, his cock twitching to life to his dismay. Big boy. Fuck. Why did that stir something inside him? His calloused fingers hovered over the keyboard until he slowly started typing. 
HellfireMaster- I’ll do anything for you to just tell me.
PrettyiNProsed- Ohhhh, anything you say?
You were flirting with him. Eddie pressed his palms against the stubbled skin of his cheek, more in awe than shock, because you’ve never openly flirted with him before. You were sweet and funny and wickedly smart, but you always seemed to just skirt right past his flirty words, usually playing them off in a sweet dismissal. But tonight was different, you were starting it. Eddie adjusts his semi hard cock, grimacing at how dirty he feels popping a semi at two simple words. 
HellfireMaster- Whatever the princess deems suitable.
PrettyiNProsed- Hmm, so many options, but I think I want you to beg for it.
Fuck, Eddie thinks with a helpless moan. You must be in a mood tonight and Eddie thinks it might just kill him. Eddie was not a beggar, but he’d fall to his knees and grovel if you as much as asked him to. Which you kinda were right now.
HellfireMaster- Please. Oh please my dear, sweet, princess, please take mercy on my pitiful soul and tell me why oh why you’ve been waiting to talk to a simple peasant like myself.
PrettyiNProsed- You really poured it on thick there, Eddie. 
PrettyiNProsed- But I’ll take pity and tell you because I liked it, also I just have to tell you what I got!
PrettyiNProsed- I went to the mall last night and bought two things.
Eddie chuckled at this, running his free hand through his bangs as he finger typed.
HellfireMaster- Two things!! Wow, I think you have a problem there sweetheart. Impulsive spending. 
PrettyiNProsed- Hardy-har. Would you like to know what I bought, asshole?
HellfireMaster- Of course I would, big spender.
PrettyiNProsed- Well first I went to this really awesome record shop and bought that Dio album you suggested.
HellfireMaster- Shit, you got Holy Diver? What’s your favorite song?
PrettyiNProsed- Well, I’ve only gotten halfway through it, but I really liked caught in the middle!
HellfireMaster- That’s my girl! 
Eddie doesn’t think as he types it, as he hits send, in fact it only hits him what he’s said when you don’t respond back for a minute. Shit. Maybe that was a little forward. You aren’t his girl, you were his friend, maybe even best friend at this point but definitely not his girl. Not yet at least.. He’s starting to type an apology when your next message comes in.
PrettyiNProsed- You wanna know what that other thing was, Eddie?
HellfireMaster- Yes
PrettyiNProsed- I bought a receiver for my room.
HellfireMaster- A receiver? 
PrettyiNProsed- Jeezz, Eddie. I bought a phone for my room!
Eddie froze midway to lighting his cigarette, the unlit stick falling from his lips to his lap as he gaped. 
PrettyiNProsed- I didn’t want to talk to you in the living room, my parents probably wouldn't be too happy if they knew I was spending my time talking to a stranger on the internet instead of focusing on my college courses.
HellfireMaster- Can I call you?
PrettyiNProsed- Not tonight, I’m exhausted, in fact my bed is calling my name. But I’m free tomorrow at 6 if you wanna…
PrettyiNProsed- You still wanna right?
PrettyiNProsed- Eddieeee??? You still there??
Eddie’s elated, fists punching into the air as he spins in his chair. Tomorrow night. He’ll finally be able to hear your voice. His begging had really paid off this time, which was such a sudden change he couldn’t quite believe it. But that didn’t matter. Nothing else did right now. Tomorrow he’d finally hear you say his name, hear your laugh, be able to really talk to you. He couldn’t wait. 
HellfireMaster- 6pm. I’ll be waiting! 
PrettyiNProsed- I’ll send the number tomorrow, gonna make you wait till then.
HellfireMaster-  Tease
PrettyiNProsed- Hm, I guess I am.
PrettyiNProsed- Goodnight Eddie, don’t go getting into trouble before I can hear your voice.
HellfireMaster- Me? Trouble? Not ever, sweetheart.
PrettyiNProsed- Yeah, I’m not convinced. 
HellfireMaster- Sleep tight, princess. 
Eddie logged out, a blinding smile on his face, his stomach fluttering with angry little tornados. He shut his computer down, turned off the radio, and crawled into his bed. A click of the string on his bedside lamp and he’s engulfed in darkness, the only light a white moon beam peeking through his blinds, and Eddie lays on his back with his hands folded over his blanket covered chest still smiling like a love sick fool because tomorrow night he’ll be in this same spot but with the phone pressed to his head, you voice filtering through his ear like a melody. 
Eddie falls into a dreamy sleep with the thought of you and your voice calling his name. Finally.     
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tillthelandslide · 10 months
Same For You : (1) And This Is How It Starts...
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A/n: okay guys... I'm all over the place at the moment and I seriously apologise for making series after series and then taking ages to finish them... But here's another to add to the list... This is going to be a slow burn fic but I hope you enjoy. I can't lie, I haven't been this excited for a series in a long time... I really love this one and I hope you guys too. Let me know what you think 🫶🏼 - Lou
Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
Series Masterlist
The bar is a dingy little thing down some street in Soho, smoke clouds the room making it harder to see the people sitting in the booths, not that she minded. From where she stood, in the middle of the small stage, she could barely make out the faces of the people who were laughing amongst themselves.
She saw the usual people who attentively listened to their band every week when they did this gig: the guy who would be considered (by most) slightly too old to listen to them, a group of 'edgy' girls and guys who had supported them from the start (their own little fan base), a few of their friends, the usuals.
She stood in front of a microphone, holding her dark green electric guitar, the strap hooked loosely over her shoulders. She wore leather trousers and a black bralette, her hair which was once curled and down now sat in a messy bun on the top of her head.
Her band mates accompanied her, each taking a little break from their set. Her voice filled the small venue and she sounded sure of her self, confident, like she knew her place in the world. And when she was singing, performing, she did, she was home on that stage, on any stage and from the boys say, it was clear as day.
From where Matty, George and Jamie sat, they could see her and her band clearly, but their attention was trained only on her, like it had been the entire night.
"She's really good Jamie, how did you hear about her again?" Matty raises his glass to his mouth after he speaks, his curly mop of hair bouncing as he gestured towards the woman on stage.
"I didn't... George did. She's amazing though, they all are" Matty's eyes flick to George at Jamie's words, who was nursing his own drink, eyes trained on the girl too who was beginning a song on her own.
"She runs in the same circle as Charli" George says and his words surprise Matty. Matty takes in the girl on stage, she was cool, just like Charli, but the music he had heard so far was completely different to hers, more rocky and less poppy, more gritty. She looked like a rockstar and the fact she hung out with Charli's friends surprised him.
"Really? Bit of a different vibe than Char" Matty says, making George nod. It wasn't a bad thing necessary, Matty loved Charli, and obviously George did, but the girl on stage was just... Different.
"I know... Years younger too, but Charli says she's the coolest person she's ever met and that's saying something..." George says, chuckling at the memory of his girlfriend practically fawning over her to him.
"What's her name again?" Jamie asks George, eyes flicking from the stage to George and then back again.
"Y/n, Y/n Y/L/N" Jamie nods, jotting the name down in his phone.
"How have we never heard of her? Never heard her songs?" both Jamie and George shrug at Mattys words, the three of them falling silent and listening to her sing. It was a slower song than before and they hadn't realised she had swapped her electric guitar for an acoustic one. The song stops and she smiles at the people who clapped, the group of people who the guys had now identified as her 'fans' cheered and she laughed at them, throwing a hand their way as if to say "stop it" all with a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you" she says, handing her guitar to someone off stage, before they see the bassist of the band walk over to her, hooking an arm around her shoulders and pulling her towards them. They watch as they black haired bassist whispers something into her ear before she pulls away. The girl they now know as Y/n is then looking directly at them, she doesn't smile, she smirks, before they hear her speak to her microphone.
"So... We have some special guests in tonight" they hear her say. Matty and George's attention is quickly turned away by someone joining their table: Ross.
"Took your time getting here" George's eyes flick from the tall man to the girl on stage, not wanting to miss a single moment, especially now her words were directed towards them.
"Got here as soon as I could, now what's the emergency?" Ross asks, sitting down next to Matty.
Matty points to the stage and Ross' eyes follow him, breath faltering as his eyes landed on her, smiling at him, at them. He didn't often get breathless, but she was truly beautiful, and undeniably cool. As crazy as it was to say, to even think, Ross felt some kind of magnetic pull towards her, instant feeling like a fool for even thinking it, because seriously? Who believes in that? Definitely not him.
"I've been a fan of this band since I was 15... I'm now 24... anyway this is completely unplanned but we've got to give our guests a warm welcome" she nods at them, her words making them all smile. Matty nods at her, a silent thank you and she awkwardly waves back. Her eyes flick to Ross, who she finds staring at her, mouth slightly agape. He feels goosebumps rise to his skin when she sends another smile his way.
"Jesus she's ballsy" Ross says with a smirk on his face, only tearing his eyes from her for a sllit second. They hear the opening guitar of Pressure being played, by her, not the guitarist, her.
"She's fucking good man" George says, visibly getting excited as they listen to them play.
She's hot, she's beautiful, she's amazing Ross thinks.
We need to know her, I need to know her Matty thinks.
Jamie watches with a smirk too, thoroughly impressed.
"She makes Hann look shit" George says, all of the guys present laughing at his words.
"And me..." Matty says, making the three of them laugh again. They all watch in awe, clapping and cheering when the song finishes.
"We have to sign her to the label " Matty says and Jamie nods, calculating a plan in his mind, already searching her name on Google to find out if she had a record deal, a label, anything. The search reveals a few tweets about her band, a small fan base, her Instagram profile and the bands page but no information about whether they had a label or a record deal and the man shakes his head, shocked at this revelation.
They're surprised to see her standing from the stage, passing the guitar to someone off stage, she lets her hair loose from the confines of it's bun and Ross watches in awe as it falls in soft curls down her back. He realises his mouth is hanging open when she begins walking towards them, a soft smile resting against her mouth. Ross saw something sparkle in her eyes, he wasn't sure what it was, but he sure as hell wanted to find out. The idea frightened him to no end but he always felt excitement buzz in his stomach.
"The 1975... Well three of you anyway" the guys smile at her words, not out of politeness or necessity but because she genuinely made them smile. The fact she knew about them, although not utterly surprising, made them happy and for whatever reason, made them feel special.
"Y/N... I know your girlfriend" she extends her hand to George who smiles and shakes her hand.
"I know... I have to say when Charli told me how talented you were I didn't think she meant THAT talented. You're amazing" George says and she smiles, then thanks him.
Matty notices that she was the box tattoo on her wrist, he reminds himself to ask about that later but for now he smirks to himself.
"Matty" he says, offering her his hand to shake.
"I know... Big fan..." She says smiling "of all of you to be honest" she says, Matty can't help but feel proud at her words and maybe he felt something else too, excitement maybe? Her eyes then land on Ross... The one her bandmates knew she had a crush on.
"Ross Macdonald, lovely to meet you darling" he says placing his hand in hers, the tingles they both felt were hard to ignore.
"The bassist..." She says making him nod, her words are laced with something he can't put his finger on. Was it awe? Was it interest? Was it intrigue? He didn't know.
"The bassline for Love Me is one of my favourites... I forced Clara our bassists to learn it when we started playing with each other" she says making Ross smile, she throws a hand over her shoulder, gesturing to a black haired girl walking off the stage. The bassist smiles at them and y/n waves as she smirks back at her.
"Clara" she explains, they all nod.
"What brings you to this bar then? Not really your scene is it?" Her words are accompanied by an eyebrow raise, one which is almost challenging them.
"Charli told us you'd be here tonight" Jamie says "sorry I'm Jamie, the boys manager" she nods.
"We want to sign you to our label, dirty hit" he blurts it right now. He never acted like this, but just like he knew with the 1975, he knew she was it. She had starpower.
"Wow... Okay, guess we need to get to know each other then" she says, sitting down with them, right next to Ross, who was sitting with his arm resting behind her on the booth. She can't help but smirk when he doesn't remove it.
Note: AHHHHH!!! I really hope you like this so far and I hope you're as excited as me for this series!!! You'll just have to keep reading to see what I have up my sleeve for this one... I'm honestly so excited. Love you all and thank you for your continued support, would mean to world if you would like, comment or reblog - Lou
(2) Your Very Own Mirror
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badchoicesworld · 9 months
Hola this is my first req
Might I request hcs for Hobie and Miles (separately) x male reader who is a fellow super hero with a mutation in his jaw that gave him a snake bite?(sharp teeth, unhinging jaw, venom)
Despite how scary reader can look he is very kind and courteous (and head over heels for his spider boy) and Hobie and Miles help him get over his insecurities about smiling around others
Fluffy and romantic pls (sorry if it too specific lol)
Thank you and keep being awesome
😎🫶 - Crax
hobie and miles with snake mutated boyfriends !
welcome back crax lmao, the request slapped dw, you nailed it !
AND IM SO SORRY for keeping you waiting, shit kept going on in my life
separate, established relationships
warnings: hobie brown ?
pairing: hobie brown x male!reader, miles morales x male!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist please !
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
you wanna know how many fucks hobie gives about the mutation ? zero
in like the most respectful but effortlessly cool way
mutations are nothing new to him, man fights mutants on the daily
just views it as an extension of yourself, it’s apart of who you are
if you can accept that, he’s happy
would absolutely be a hype man if not though, he don’t fuck w insecurity
one thing i think he’d reference a lot ? medusa, because of that one sticker on his guitar
maybe he’s a huge greek mythology guy and thinks that your mutation is a sign for this and that- like that one comment he made about metaphors for capitalism, i think he liked to analyse things like an english student
with your unhinging jaw and venomous bite he liked to say some absurd stuff like “just goes to show how independence and self sufficiency can overcome the norms regardless of [politics]” hinting at that while you may have some unconventionally appreciated features, you’re able to rise above it and be a hero like a badass
so that being said, he thinks your smile alone is dope and can represent so much more if you want it to
if you wear a mask or something to cover it up, he’ll never insist on taking it off unless you’re comfortable, it’s not his place to dictate what you wear
he may however make a comment or two about it
“hope you’re not wearin’ tha’ to cover up them teeth of yours” ur teeth are so cool
if you’re insecure about how like exposed ur teeth are when you smile, Hobie gets into the habit of pulling his cheek back w his finger when smiling (at the appropriate times) just to show there’s nothin to be afraid of
sticks his tongue out too for funsies, ESPECIALLY if you’ve got a forked tongue
it’s a true shame getting ur tongue split is illegal in the UK, he’d love to match
at the end of the day when alls said and done, if you can’t bring yourself to feel comfortable in your own skin while you’re out and about, he’ll make it clear that he doesn’t care about your unhinging jaw or teeth or venom in private, cause that’s where it counts in his head
he thinks you look badass and really doesn’t think you should pay attention to what other people think anyway, under any circumstances
but especially when you go out there together and make a genuine difference in the world as heroes, even if you don’t call yourselves that
has once cracked a joke along the lines of “my boyfriend will bite you” and it was actually a threat, in the most loving way
he might be like- a bit surprised the first time meeting you, maybe have some slightly insensitive questions but he means no offence
he just can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes
i think he’s a tiny bit afraid at first but warms up quickly, miles doesn’t seem like a snake guy and i can see him being the associating anything with everything kinda guy
definitely felt guilty for that one now ur boyfriends
massive fan of drawing you and your snake-ness, you look so funky in his style
really likes being heroes together :]
took a double take the first time he saw your jaw unhinge but now he seems jealous at times
after having a super serious conversation about it he immediately says something so off handed that it completely cuts whatever tension there might have been
makes an excellent point that you could swallow a burber whole, he thinks that’s an accomplishment fs
“you can eat a burger in one, that’s skill.” he’s so sure of himself while saying that
there’s something very terrifying but reassuring and endearing about you having such a dangerous mouth with you ur venom and such, used some strange ass logic like “he COULD kill me, but he won’t”
so when you are comfortable just being urself and not covering up your smile, he honestly feels really grateful and trusted
mans never gonna break that trust, he’s never gonna hurt you
ur polite asf too so he doesn’t even second guess introducing you to his parents, doesn’t think things along the lines of “gonna introduce my snake boyfriend” it’s more like “he’s so polite this is an easy win”
IF YOU SMILE HE SMILES, that’s all i’m sayin
therefore, you should smile more and not go out of your way to hide it
he won’t really say anything if you actively choose to in public, you might catch him lookin a bit sympathetic from the corner of your eye if he notices you purposely doing it
it’s not his place to say a thing, but he’d really appreciate it if you got out of that habit, and he’s happy to help
like he might busy your hands just so you don’t subconsciously cover your mouth, that kinda things
he could do this by holding them or whatever
please don’t be embarrassed of urself, you are so so handsome
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry it’s not insanely romantic ?? i cant really see these boys being like that so i kinda struggled a bit w that
sorry if this is just not great overall i’ve been out of it shshshs
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faroreskiss · 8 months
Harp Lesson (+18)
Summary: You had enough of your instrument, and you wanted to try out his. How could you have said no when he offered?
AKA Link teaches you "techniques".
Pedal Harpist!Link x Fem!Reader (Sky x Reader)
Read the collection in Ao3
A/N: This is tagged as both LU and Skyward Sword Link, as I imagine them to have the same personality.
This story was born after a long inspirational chat with @pinkalmondcake about imagining the Chain in different roles in an orchestra! (From a piano technician to a pedal harpist...), which for now we are calling the LU Music/Musician AU, but who knows :D Stay tuned for more content!
Also big thanks to @beyondtheglowingstars for having a first look at it and the feedback!
Also tagging you guys because after seeing your content I think you'd enjoy this (hopefully) @chainsofgoldandash @chain-link-smut Duet mentioned: Saint-Saëns, Fantaisie for Violin & Harp, Op. 124 — Camerata Pacifica
You were in the practice wing of the conservatory, trying to play the latest piece that was prepared for the upcoming concert that was planned. The sounds were just not coming out as clean anymore as you were trying to keep yourself focused. 
Being the principal first violin, or the “concertmaster” as they called it, was absolutely making you feel the pressure. Not like the orchestra was that big, it was a chamber orchestra, a bit of an odd one perhaps due to its composition. You had both a harpist AND a concert pianist, for starters. And they all had the same name… Link.
Inner base of your left index finger started to hurt, did you start to hold the violin wrong all of a sudden? You sighed as you gave up and held your violin like a guitar, deciding to pizzicato the rest instead. It also counted as practice, right? As you plucked the strings according to the sheet of music in front of you, your mind wandered once again. Plucking… Each time you put your violin in that position and timidly pulled at the strings, you were reminded of him again. The quiet, kind boy with the full lips and calloused hands, sitting in front of the harp, carefully trailing his hands along the strings, like he was lost in a dream. You really wanted to try playing it some day. 
Link… You of course found out later that he was as gremlin-like as one could get, despite his calm and quiet appearance. You would have never thought he was the one that brought the whole chandelier down at the Lumpy Pumpkin years ago, because he “totally had to get that thing up top”. 
Well, neither of you were in Skyloft anymore, and not even on the surface you both were familiar with. And not even THAT long after he defeated Demise, he was ripped apart from all he knew, somehow trailing also you along. But that is a story for another time. 
“(Y/N)?” you heard a soft voice calling for you, jolting you away from your preoccupations. It was him, right outside the door. 
“Oh, hey,” you said absentmindedly. 
"Hey," Link replied, with the warmest smile that always seemed to put you at ease.
You couldn't help but admire how he had a knack for making even the most awkward situations feel comfortable. The atmosphere in the practice room seemed to shift as he walked in, a warm and pleasant energy filling the space.
He glanced at your violin and chuckled softly. "Having a bit of trouble?"
You nodded, still lost in thought. Of course, at this point he knew when and why you would switch to constant pizzicato. "Yeah, it's just not coming out the way I want it to. I can't seem to concentrate,”
Link took a seat nearby, his sky-blue eyes focused on your instrument. "Maybe you need a break,“ he seemed hesitant to continue to his next sentence, but regardless, he spoke up. “How about that duet we talked about a while ago? It might help you relax perhaps."
You perked up at the idea. "Oh, right! Yes, of course… Uhm… “ Your left hand was feeling quite tired at this point, since you pressed on the initial joint way too much. Probably you messed up the technique between the sea of distractions you had. His presence was not helping. 
He felt as if he said something wrong, from your reaction and suddenly his body language shifted to nervousness. 
“Uh, it’s okay if you don’t feel like it right now,” he said, slowly starting to rise from the seat he took. A sudden panic took over you, that’s not what you meant!
“No, no! I want to!” you said, your voice was a bit of a higher pitch than you expected. “I just had enough of my instrument right now,” you raised the violin, holding it with two hands upside down, pretending as if you are about to crush it on the floor, making a chuckle escape from Link. 
“But you know what, I've always wanted to try the harp a little, never had the chance," you said, but then bit your lip. You weren’t sure if he would let you touch it at all, since it was a gift from his precious Zelda. “But it’s okay if-”
A faint smile touched Link's lips as he interrupted you "Well, today's your lucky day. I can show you the basics if you'd like."
You felt a surge of excitement as you nodded eagerly. "I'd love that!"
He got up and led over to the harp in another practice room, its elegant strings shimmering in the soft light of the room. You joined him, your curiosity piqued as he explained the fundamentals, his hands gently guiding yours to pluck the strings, as he made you sit down in front of it. It was a beautiful pedal harp. He also pulled another stool near yours, though he would sometimes lift himself a bit up from it to show you the technique.
“There, I already set up the pedals for you.” 
He showed you how to slightly tilt it towards your right shoulder and there was a moment awkward yet sweet, where you panicked and thought the harp was just going to crush you. Though for some reason, when you heard you don’t need to use your pinky (which was pretty much your enemy while playing the violin), you seemed to have forgotten about the 35 kg instrument that was leaning on you as you screamed “Praise Farore!”
He was used to you being goofy one moment and panicky the next. The hearty laugh he let out made your heart melt. 
“You need to have straight shoulders and a straight back, okay?” he started instructing you.
“Like that?” Apparently you were still slouching a bit, letting the instrument actually almost crush you.
He cranked a little grin, seemingly innocent as he spoke. “Let me show you again…”
As you both leaned over the harp, you couldn't help but feel a growing closeness. The gentle touch of his fingers sometimes brushing on yours accidentally sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. It was as if the basic notes you were playing together was a reflection of the unspoken connection between you.
Link continued to guide you through the basics, his breath warm against your ear as he explained each step. The sensation of his presence, so close and comforting, made your heart race. You were entirely focused on the harp, the music, and Link. Just watching his fingers pluck on those strings, sliding between them as if it had been the most natural thing he had ever done in his life, producing divine tunes... It reminded you of your dream last night instead, the dream of the sounds that he coaxed out of you, as he played idly with the strings of your thong while he was on top of you, his tongue trailing your neck. A soft blush was creeping through your cheeks. You weren’t going to learn anything if this kept on.
“(Y/N)? You there? You gotta have your thumb up, okay?” you were once again jolted back to reality. You were glad he didn’t have a direct view of your face, but he must have still noticed how absentminded you looked. Shit, you didn’t want to be disrespectful, you were enjoying this. Though you couldn’t deny that your fingers were hurting…
“Y-yes, sorry, can you show me the last part again, please?” 
Unintentionally, as he leaned in to show you a particular technique, his chest brushed against your back, and his arms wrapped around you, cradling yours as his hands rested on the strings. There was a little pause. Your breath was stuck on your throat.
“You have to sit a little bit more upright, like this,” he broke the silence which felt like an eternity. He was still so close to your ear. His right hand pressed gently on your lower back and his left hand was pressed in the opposite direction on your bust, as he gently guided you back into the correct posture. It was a motion which should have just fixed your slouch, yet his hand was lingering a little bit too long on the front. 
“And relax your shoulders… It should only be your elbow that’s moving…”
You both froze for a moment, feeling the sudden closeness. His heart thudded against your back, mirroring the rhythm of yours.
"Sorry," he murmured, pulling back slightly. "I didn't mean to..."
Despite his innocent tone, you had a gut feeling that it was almost entirely deliberate.
You turned back to him, still close but within a respectable distance, and your gazes locked. You could see pink creeping up on his cheeks, if only slightly. You just wanted to make sure.
“It’s okay,” you softly spoke, your gaze lingering between his full lips and his cerulean eyes. 
That was most likely the sentence he needed to hear.
He noticed that you bit your lip as your eyes darted between one spot and the other. It almost felt as if he was holding back a smirk, yet he was still careful and polite with his reactions. Noticing the stray hair threatening to dangle in front of your face, he gently tucked it away behind your ear. As his fingers grazed your cheek, you marveled at the sheer willpower it took to stifle a gasp.
Was he sitting a bit closer now? And what was that look?
Now to think of it, did he ever need to sit right behind you like this to teach the instrument anyway?
His hand was still on your cheek, lingering a bit longer than necessary.
Witnessing his gradually fading ability to conceal his response, you suddenly felt bold.
You scooted even closer, he was almost pulling his hand back, but you put your hand on it decisively, feeling the warmth of his hand over your cheek. 
In the next moment, what parted was not the distance between, but your lips instead as the gap between you closed with a soft kiss. 
As your lips met, even though it was a gentle, feather-light touch, you could feel his lust through it, the sensation tender yet hungry. You instinctively moved your hands towards the nape of his neck, as he still held your cheek. 
But he stopped you, moved your hands away and held them on your lap, and grinning into the almost broken kiss the entire time. You were slightly taken aback. 
He was still staring at your lips while you were trying to still process what just happened. You were wondering how he was able to even break the kiss like that, second guessing your decision. Screaming and panicking inside.
He cleared his throat and composed himself, looking all serious suddenly once more. You could also see he was all red, and you could swear his heart was beating almost as fast as yours. Your almost trembling lips made an “O” shape to almost say something.
“Shall we continue?” He interrupted you, with a professional tone. He didn’t even wait for your reply, he stood up and pulled the older stool away. Instead, he got another chair, and moved it adjacent to your stool.
Directly behind. 
“Turn around?” He spoke in a tone that sent a warm feeling towards your center. 
Oh Gods. So that’s what we are doing? Okay…
“Let’s continue from this part here, can you try strumming again as I showed you?”
“Alright…” you were finally able to get a word out. He sat down on the chair, and his body was in direct contact with yours. So warm… You weren’t sure whether or not it was your heartbeat or his that you were feeling. You gulped.
You tried to strum for dear life, but it didn’t even sound like you were able to get a proper sound out. His mouth was so near your ear as he was humming the basic rhythm you were supposed to practice in, his arms were now resting on your lap as he rounded them around your waist. How did you end up here? The nerves were going to be the end of you.
“Nuh-uh, not like that, just relax… okay?” he said as he snaked his fingers away and this time put them on each of your arms and gently caressed them as he kept speaking to your ear, making them come back to your lap.
“Relax your arms a little bit, I mean…” 
He then guided your hands once again to the harp, his fingers brushing against the back of your hand on it. 
“Like that?” you asked, looking for some feedback as your voice trembled a bit.
“Mm-hmm, keep playing” he whispered to the tip of your ear again, as he moved his hands back towards your waist, his fingers trailing down towards your thighs, making little circles on them as he went nearer and nearer towards your center. 
Though your initial reaction was to freeze, his words and actions were also helping you at least to relax your posture, though he wasn’t letting you break the form either, pressing himself onto your back each time you dared to slouch. 
“Like this?” You pressed back as you spoke like a whimper, feeling something growing, making contact with your bottom, feeling his, and perhaps your own heartbeat rising even more. A silent low groan escaped from his lips without him intending to, in which you had the honor of being the “first ear” audience. 
You really wanted to rub your legs together, because an itch that can only be scratched a particular way was also growing. You couldn’t, lest you break form.
His hand slowly lifted the hem of your tunic dress a bit further, since it was already a bit up from the way you were sitting. Your legs were already spread to accommodate a proper position with the big pedal harp, after all. 
You didn’t make a peep.
He put chin on your shoulder, right next to your head, as his hand snaked down under the dress a bit more, and he kept speaking with that low, almost growling tone.
“There is one more thing I want to show you, if that’s okay?” spoken so innocently like a whisper, with only a tinge of mischief in his tone. 
“Y-yeah?” you barely got out.
He spoke so virtuously, indeed. Almost as if his hand wasn’t exactly on your underwear, making light circles over it with his feather-like touch that sent all your nerves screaming. Screaming for more contact, more pressure.
He could absolutely feel how swollen you were under the cotton-fabric as his fingers traced over it. And you could feel his breath also quickening, becoming more uneven yet more and more in sync with yours. 
His lips were trailing your neck and his other hand found and grabbed one of your breasts, caressing it through your dress. Those full lips, oh Goddesses, they felt so good even on your neck as they moved from one sensitive spot to another. 
Especially when he pressed you to himself, as he held you from one breast with his left hand, and grabbed you from your throbbing center with his right. 
You were still holding back that moan, desperately trying to pluck on the strings, thinking this magical moment could end the moment you stopped.
Oh your fingers were going to totally blister later, you did have some calluses on your fingers, but there was no way you could have the ones that a harpist would have. 
But as he trailed his calloused hand slowly up to your stomach and then back down, this time sliding his hand into your underwear and directly on the bundle of nerves that you desperately needed contact on… There was almost no more fight left in you. The harp was pressing on to his hand and his hand was pressing on your clit.
You let out a relieved sigh. The way his fingers callused, it felt even better than you expected.
But his hand wasn’t moving. 
“Mmmm… Very good, keep going, pluck the G string, make sure your wrist is slightly bent in…” he urged you to still try to play the fucking harp with that sultry tone. Each time you tried to pluck the harp, you were feeling even the subtlest vibration from the big instrument. 
Your heart was in your ears, all your blood was rushing south, you were instinctively trying to move from where you are sitting, just to get more pressure, more movement. He was merciful for a moment, his middle and ring finger did a couple of circling motions exactly where and how  you needed it. That was it, you did let out that moan. You could hear him lightly chuckling. 
He continued his instructions however. “Now, spread your legs a little bit more… for me?” There was a tiny bit of hesitation on the last part, as if he wanted to make sure once again that it’s alright to continue. How could you deny his request, when he had you right where you wanted him to? You could of course only oblige. His soft yet almost demanding voice left you hypnotized. 
As you spread your legs a little bit more, he pulled the chair a bit more back, along with you, and created a bit of a distance between you two and the harp. You could feel his dick pressing on you even more with each movement. You were surprised at his self constraint. From your point of view, he should have just taken you. 
“Link…” you spoke his name almost as if you were begging. The way you said his name definitely had an effect on him. But he shushed you. Though you could hear him gulp. Gods… How did he end up with his hand on your wet sex?
“Sssh, we are here for a lesson, aren’t we?” he whispered to your ear again. He took his hand from inside your underwear and brought his middle finger near your mouth. 
“Lick it.” he said firmly this time, with no hesitation. He was focused on his goal. You took his finger between your lips as if it was some other body part of him, and you made sure to make him understand that with the way you licked the tip and sucked the whole finger in, you gave him the full show, as much as you could. 
“Very good,” he almost hissed to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe just a little bit. His now wet finger went back down to where it was, this time back of his hand raising your underwear like a tent.
“Now… Here is another technique…” he said with a dark tone. His middle finger slid down, feeling almost proud after noticing how wet you are, and dipped it inside you just briefly, and brushed it up and down all over your sex, especially focusing on your clit. You gasped. With his index and ring fingers, he pulled the skin over your clit only a tiny bit up, keeping the hood intact. As his fingers were holding your clit in a place he wanted, he plucked on the tip of your slippery clitoral hood with his middle finger, slick with your juices.
“Ah…” was the only sound you could get out. As you pressed and pushed yourself to him after each of his plucks, his other hand on your breast would sometimes pinch your nipple. His kisses on your neck would get momentarily rougher. He would gently bite your ear lobes. He would make sure to dip his finger into you (sometimes two or three), to make sure everything stayed perfectly wet. As moments passed, the plucks became teasing presses, and then finally became proper rubs.  
“You are doing so well for me…” he would whisper sometimes, as your breath hitched, chasing your high, trying to adjust yourself on his fingers.
You just drank the essence of his tone in, because at that point the only thing you knew was that he was determined to make you cream his fingers. He couldn’t know what you exactly liked, but he was sure able to ask for it in the perfect way.
“You like it here…” he would ask, moving his middle and index finger to spot, “...or there?” he would ask again, moving them into a bit more direct contact instead. As your orgasm built up, the way you wanted him to touch you also changed.
Once he made you jump because he touched it too directly. “Oops…” he said as he peppered your neck with kisses, as if each one said “sorry”. He kept massaging that one breast again, and you helped him move his hand into a position you liked before.
Your panties were already gone at that point.
“More…ah… pressure…” you moaned between your pants. 
He could only do as you said. 
Oh his touch was magic.
But the fact that he listened and obliged turned you on as much as the way he was able to pluck his way through your center. 
Your legs were shuddering and shaking as he kept rubbing your clit exactly as you wanted, sometimes his fingers dipping in and out between your slick folds. 
“Yes, Oh Gods, Link…” you were so close, SO close. 
“Mmm-hm…” you could hear he was also getting impatient. His breath was still on your neck, his other hand was under your tunic just kneading your breast roughly as he liked, he started whispering things to your ears that you would have never thought could come from that innocent looking Link. 
“Let go for me (Y/N)... Come for me.” he would keep whispering in repeat as you were on the last leg to your climax.
“Show me how you come… Come on you beautiful thing…” It felt like he would say anything to coax you into your release. Then you’ll be all ready for me.. He also thought but didn’t say out loud yet.
The tight feeling that had been building in your stomach, the one that made your legs and body tremble, was finally about to reach its crescendo. 
You were whimpering his name between the continuous mumbles and mewls of “Please” and “Keep going”. 
With the last flick of his finger on your clit, he pinched a nipple with the other and sucked on your earlobe with his plump and gorgeous lips, while trying to hold you back from falling down. You reached your limit.
“Good girl…” he purred into your ear. 
It all crashed as the sweet sweet embrace of the overstimulation and orgasm washed over you as your insides contracted, you felt like an arrow getting released from a tight strung bow. You saw white.
As he noticed your sensitivity, Link pulled his hand away from there. You turned and straddled him, as you were still panting from your post orgasm bliss, and pulled him into a deep, open mouthed kiss. Not letting him speak. 
Determined the devour the soft plump lips you always adored,
But Link? He wasn’t done yet.
130 notes · View notes
dogtoling · 7 months
Deep Sea Dead Zone - Album Release Interview
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Deep Sea Dead Zone is a four-cephalopod band from Inkopolis, founded in 2017. After almost 6 years of radio silence following their debut album’s (Cut the Carp) release in 2017, the time has finally come for a new album release. Same Joke Twice released on November 2nd 2023 - and we’ve got the guys (and gals) in the studio to give their thoughts on the happenings!
(Actual interview under the cut!)
Q: It’s finally the day! Same Joke Twice has finally been released following a pretty long silent period for the band. How are you feeling right now?
Engel (vocals): I’m really excited! It’s been a LONG time coming getting new music out and I know a lot of people have been waiting like, forever. I’m super excited for people to hear the new songs and hear what people think. 
Boy (drums): It’s been six years since our last album and people have been going insane for a while now asking for new stuff. It’s nice to finally be able to have something for those people. 
Q: It’s been a while indeed - and people have been hungry for more. You guys have a lot of fans; does that come with pressure?
Engel: Well obviously. I’ve had people come up to me in the store going “new album when?” since year one. That was to the point that we made a song for the new album called “New Album When?” just to honor how much that happened.
Peppermint (bass): I don’t feel much pressure myself, I usually focus on other stuff in my daily life. But just in general yeah, especially coming outta the dark after several years is a little scary. 
Engel: It’s a LOT scary. People have mostly been bugging me, and it was awful at times because I wanted to make new stuff as much as they wanted to HEAR new stuff if not more but there was just no way. You can’t really feel like you’re not letting people down in a setup like that!
Peppermint: Even if it’s not really in your control. But we’re out of the waves and the new stuff is finally here, so I hope people will give it a try.
Q: Your first album, Cut the Carp, got really big and some of the songs even became popular Turf War hits. Do you have similar ambitions for Same Joke Twice?
Boy: Honestly the first album blowing up was super random and we were all just baffled that it happened in the first place. 
Engel: There’s not really anything special about Same Joke Twice. Not to say it’s not good or we don’t like it or anything but just like Cut the Carp, we made the songs because we wanted to make music, not because we wanted to blow up the Turf scene or whatever.
Boy: Well, in terms of ambition, there just might be a tour coming next year. But you didn’t hear that from me.
Engel: Like, it’s a bit scary knowing that people are scrutinizing the new music, sometimes people like the old stuff better and end up not liking the new songs at all, and I hate the idea that there could be people out there who have waited THIS LONG for new music just to be disappointed by the new stuff. 
Peppermint: I think most people who liked our previous songs are going to like these too, even though they’re a bit different.
Engel: Yeah, I try to focus less on the ‘oh no what if people hate it’ and more on the ‘what if people love it and it’s all they’ve ever wanted and so on’. And for every person who listens to the album and thinks it’s whatever, there’s probably someone else discovering our stuff for the first time and liking it, and that’s more than enough honestly
Q: I think we should address the cetacean in the room… well, the mastigoteuthid in the room. You have a new guitarist!
Boy: We do have a new guitarist. We picked up Lash from the street.
Lash (guitar): Yeah, hi. 
Engel: Yeah, Lash is our new guitarist and they’re awesome! They joined the band this year and have been such a good addition.
Boy: We desperately needed a weirdgirl who does nothing except stare menacingly and they’re really good at that. 
Engel: We desperately needed a GUITARIST and they’re really good at that too. 
Q: There’s been some talk about it over the years, but is it right that you didn’t have a guitarist for a while there?
Engel: Uhh, yup. I want to say that’s the main reason we couldn’t make new music or perform. Our old guitarist, Dodo, walked out not that long after the release of our first album, so we just…
Peppermint: It was a rough time for everyone since we couldn’t really do anything. We didn’t want to pick up a random guitarist to fill in for him just for the sake of having someone there so we can keep making music. The band is more personal than that. 
Boy: It looks really funny from the outside, because Lash is actually Dodo’s sister. So it looks like we kicked Dodo out and replaced him with Lash. 
Lash: Honestly I’ll take it. 
Q: So the new guitarist is the old guitarist’s sister? How did that work out?
Engel: Okay so, unsurprisingly I spend an unhealthy amount of time on InkTok. It was around Fresh Season this year that I saw her post a guitar cover of one of our old songs, Fish Outta Water, and I thought damn, she’s pretty good. So…
Boy: We all technically knew Lash before but were never anything more than acquaintances, so once we actually invited them and got to know each other better in the studio we just clicked.
Engel: I was sold as soon as she showed me her slug. If you look at the back of the CD case, we actually took our slugs to the studio and put their picture back there!
Lash: Its name is Shadow, if anyone cares. 
Peppermint: I was coaching Lash before for Turf Wars, so we knew each other a little better beforehand. It was actually around the release of our first album.
Lash: I was in a team with two of Peppy’s younger siblings, so now that I’m here, I’m getting hit with the hardest eldest sister behaviors known to squidkind. It’s like she thinks I’m 5.
Peppermint: I… yeah. 
Q: On the topic of Turf Wars, do any of you still play?
Engel: Be honest right now, do I look like I play. 
Lash: I play a lot. I’m the solo Squiffer your mom warned you about. 
Peppermint: Most of us used to be in a team together back in the day, before we started the band. We don’t play in a team anymore, but I play with my GF sometimes. I like Splat Roller.
Lash: Have you learned about the vertical flick yet?
Peppermint: I’m trying! Back in my day the rollers weren’t all shiny and fancy like they are now. We rolled and we hit people in the face and we moved on and that was it.
Boy: I was a Gal loyalist back in the day and I’m still a Gal loyalist. The .52 feels great as usual and the new Killer Wail is fun. 
Engel: I used to main the Carbon Roller back when Inkzookas were still hot stuff. I actually bought a Splat Brella recently. Because it’s cute! That’s a really fun idea for a weapon.
Boy: You know, if you came to play with us that would make four people and we could form a full team.
Engel: Way to put me on the spot, dude. I don’t think so. 
Q: Back to the album. How would you describe this album and the songs? Does it have its own identity?
Engel: How would I describe it… well, it’s the NEW Deep Sea Dead Zone. It’s familiar, but with a distinct sound that separates it from what you may be used to. So really it’s a bit eerie.
Peppermint: Dude, that’s cryptic. 
Engel: It’s like visiting your childhood town just to see that the post office is gone, things have changed and there’s a Squidonald’s now. It’s like seeing an old friend after a long time and not recognizing parts of them. A familiar unfamiliarity, if you will. Or the other way around.
Peppermint: …sure!
Boy: The music is a little different but we kept more or less the same vibe… It’s a little less edgy than Cut the Carp was. But it’s Engel making the lyrics so obviously it’s still edgy, I’m not saying it’s not. 
Engel: Yeah, I made the lyrics for most of the songs again so you know it’s not going to be all nice and cute and pink and sugar sweet. 
Boy: That really made it sound more like it should be. 
Engel: With Cut the Carp I was using the lyrics mostly as an outlet, there was a big emphasis on stuff like feeling out of place, not belonging and whatnot. I actually go to therapy now so the songs are a little lighter on that kind of stuff…
Boy: I want to emphasize that he’s saying that, but the album is still insanely edgy.
Engel: YEAH WELL some things can’t be helped. My therapist said to me something along the lines of music can be a good way to sort your thoughts, but it can also be really harmful to like, repeat your bad thoughts infinitely like that and turn them into an identity thing. 
Peppermint: I get a little uncomfortable playing some of the really rough songs, so it was actually kind of a relief seeing some of the lyrics he’d written down and seeing that all of them weren’t outright depressing. 
Engel: Yeah, I tried to steer away from, how do you say, depression fuel. There’s still a lot in there but we tried to approach some of this stuff with a more humorous or satire tone this time. It gives the ability to detach yourself from it a little bit.
Boy: He kinda makes lyrics as an outlet to reflect his own thoughts, so he can’t make them too exciting or he will lose the vibe and not be able to sing or whatever.
Engel: Something like that. I like to put my hearts into it.
Q: The new album has some interestingly named songs… one of them being You Can’t Call The Song That. Is that an example of your more humorous tone going in?
Engel: Haha, that one is great. Well, kind of. The song doesn’t really have anything to do with the name-
Peppermint: Oh boy here we go.
Boy: We wanted to name the song something else, but Peppy over here didn’t let us, so that’s where the name came from. 
Peppermint: I’m just trying to get us from being banned from most radio channels or potentially sued. 
Engel: Even Peppy doesn’t know this, but actually the album’s name… we named the album Same Joke Twice because we had other ideas for the name that we weren’t allowed to use. And, well-
Peppermint: No. Wait, REALLY?
Engel: We didn’t want to name it “You Can’t Call The Album That” because we already used that joke, so we went for a trick shot.
Peppermint: You CANNOT be serious right now. 
Boy: Honestly we had a lot of disagreements about what the name should be and it was pretty last-minute. This one clicked and it was funny, so we just kept it. 
Engel: Some people thought the joke is that we stuck around to make more music and honestly, sure. Free interpretation. 
Q: Clearly a lot of secrets went into the name of the album. So, what about the cover? 
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Engel: Ok! Unlike the last album’s cover, we actually got a photo studio to get a nice, fancy thing going on. We didn’t really know at first what we wanted to do with the cover but then figured, we have a new face in the band, we should do a group picture to make that clear. 
Boy: For the first album’s cover we just went out and posed on some shitty industrial porch, this time we went for the more abstract classic void look and focused on highlighting us.
Engel: I’ve already got people who were surprised I’m not actually 2,5 meters tall. Guys, I’m sorry… you got tricked by the good old photoshop. 
Peppermint: I’m just happy to not have to be “the tall one” for once.
Q: It’s pretty common for the frontman in a band to be at the, well, front. You guys didn’t do that there.
Engel: Yeah they banished me to the back. We were kinda drawing blanks on the composition for a while until we figured it would look fresh to have me looming in the back. And! With everyone else in front I think everyone’s getting the attention they deserve. A lot of times in bands the members other than the singer are kinda invisible, I feel like we hit a good balance here.
Boy: Well, there’s other reasons but sure, that’s a good explanation. 
Engel: That’s right. It is. I was in the front last time, but everyone else is a fantastic model too. Peeps already know what I look like. 
Q: That’s right, Engel, don’t you model on Inkstagram?
Engel: Uhh, yeah, I do. I used to do it more in the past but I’ve been sloooowly getting back out there… it’s mostly pics of my slug lately. 
Lash: I do a lot of fashion photoshoots there, though I’ve mostly been on InkTok lately.
Engel: Oh yeah, I’ve been helping Lash with her stuff here and there. We both really like fashion, so I’ve been giving them some pointers… 
Lash: Any time you see me wearing some cute loser swag like ribbons and lace that makes you think ‘wow, just like Engel DSDZ’, well, rest assured it was him. 
Boy: One way to put it. 
Engel: What’s loser about ribbons and lace???? Every day I get disrespected and attacked in my own band. 
Q: Engel, you are pretty well known for incorporating ribbons and lace into your outfits. Most inkfish guys tend to shy away from that style of clothing. When did you start dressing like you do and why?
Engel: Oh, I get that a lot… Honestly, I just think they’re really cute and really cool. I don’t really care about “girl and boy clothes”. It does lead into a lot of people thinking I’m a girl, but I don’t really mind. I’m more interested in dressing in a way that makes me feel good about myself than dressing how people expect me to.
Boy: Believe it or not, he used to dress in super normal stuff like t-shirts and Turf shorts back in the day. He thought Grape Tee was the epitome of freshness.
Peppermint: Boy, you wouldn't disrespect a grape, would you?
Engel: That was when I was super new to the surface. It took me a few years of, like, just being to figure out that I was allowed to do stuff with my appearance? So once I got through that first realization I kinda went all in. And since I started wearing frills, I never stopped wearing frills so far. 
Lash: Not my question, but in general, experimenting with what you can do with fashion is really fun. 
Engel: It is! It’s a big hobby for me. I got into making bracelets and little decorations when I was at the top of wanting to get new outfits and stuff going on, my house is full of beads. People tell me it’s bordering on a problem but those people are without joy. 
Peppermint: Those people don’t want to keep finding rhinestones and beads on the floor and under the couch six months after those last came out.
Q: Speaking of jewelry, that candy necklace. Are those beads, or is it real?
Engel: Nope, these are super real. I have a bunch of these at home. Candy is kinda half my brand, so I just started implementing it in my outfits at some point. I really like sour candy, actually, some people don’t. 
Peppermint: When we were roomies, I’d be on my way home from the city and he’d send me texts going “hey can you get me bracelets” like every day. I just started going to the candy store and getting him like, full bags. He goes THROUGH them. 
Engel: I actually fiddle with it if I get nervous and the sweetness helps a lot. So if you’ve got issues with stuff like crowds or noise or like, elevators, totally get one of these to see if that helps as a distraction. 
Q: We got a bit sidetracked, so back to the album. Or, albums, plural. This album cover actually has a lot of similarities to the first one; was this an intentional design aspect?
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Engel: Well, yeah, in the end. We figured we might as well since we settled on doing a group photo again. Especially the baseball bat is kind of a dead giveaway… I thought it would be a fun throwback since I still had that lying around.
Boy: This guy hoards stuff like he’s Octarian. And the fact that the stuff usually ends up being useful is nuts. 
Engel: I’ve got emotional attachment to this thing, man. 
Peppermint: The pink splatters were Engel’s idea in the first album, but it was actually Boy’s idea bringing them back for this one. We were kinda stuck thinking about what to add to make it a bit more visually interesting.
Engel: Oh yeah, that ended up coming pretty naturally and it was like, duh OBVIOUSLY we’re gonna do that. Same joke twice and all that! Ink is always a really good addition in dark settings because of the glow and I think it turned out really good there.
Boy: I actually suggested it to back up the claims online that Engel’s ink is sweet. They’re right. 
Engel: This is probably the fastest anyone’s ever made a conversation go super weird.
Q: Let’s quickly talk about some of the songs on the new album. Any favorites?
Engel: Ooh. We put a lot of work this time in making the songs seriously stand out from each other, and also from the first album’s stuff, so some of them are pretty divisive…
Boy: A lot of them have some pretty rough and scrappy guitar going on thanks to Lash. There’s some guitar solos that really stand out to me. Try to Drown Me, Suckers has to be one of my favorites because it just goes hard. There’s some real spirit in that one. 
Engel: Haha, I really like that one. But - yeah I’m aware this is entirely my own fault - it is ROUGH to sing. It might have to be skipped from some live shows because uhhh… gonna be real I don’t think I can do that and like ten other songs. 
Lash: I like it. But my favorite is probably Famous Fuckup. I love how quick you guys gave up on being radio safe.
Peppermint: I TRIED. 
Engel: It’s a pretty personal song… well, as opposed to every other song that are ALSO pretty personal songs. Yadda yadda. I just wanted to keep it, like, uncensored. 
Lash: I think it’s funny that Peppy managed to keep “Don’t Like The Song? Kill Yourself” from being used, but not censor the word “fuck”. 
Peppermint: I had to prioritize the one that could get us sued…
Engel: Anyway, I really like Might As Well Be Caught, actually. It’s very tongue-in-cheek kind of stuff. The lyrics are kinda out there and it’s unusual for us, but it’s- well, it’s real! It’s a love letter to the paparazzi and a culmination of my endless annoyance with being on the freaking news every time I step out of my apartment to do ANYTHING. 
Lash: I like any song that’s obviously antagonistic.
Peppermint: I like all the songs a pretty good amount… honestly I’m usually more focused on getting my parts right than like, the song happening. 
Engel: She’s too humble to say she’s biased and likes her own song the best. It’s okay, Peppy. The song slaps. 
Peppermint: THAT’S NOT… Well YEAH, there is one song that I had mostly free reign over. It was pretty fun… 
Engel: No More Misery. She’s the one singing it, too - she made one of the songs for the first album, but even on that album I was the one who ended up singing it. So this is kind of a big deal.
Peppermint: I don’t think we need to bring up Hooked To Hurt in this… ah, shit.
Boy: I vibe with No More Misery being put right before Famous Fuckup. Good job, guys, that positive energy lasted for four minutes and now we’re back to self-loathing.
Q: The first album had ten songs, plus one that was a later release. This one has TWELVE songs right from the get-go!
Engel: It sure does. Honestly, if the guys let me keep going there could’ve been twenty, still counting. I had SOOOO many ideas, all those years we weren’t able to do shit, I was still writing. 
Boy: We started the actual album production somewhere in late Fresh Season, and most of the songs were recorded mid Sizzle Season. So like we were hauling ass grilling in the studio heat and trying to narrow down Engel’s ideas into something that actually works as a song.
Lash: I think all of them work as songs if you’re not a coward. 
Engel: Some of my raw lyrics are basically journal entries or venting on paper so once we started refining them, it would sometimes take, like, a LONG time to get something coherent. For example I’m pretty sure we gave up on False Eyes like five times until-
Peppermint: Oh of course, False Eyes. This guy started spam texting the group chat at 3:30AM on a weekday going “I KNOW HOW TO DO THE CHORUS!!!!!1”
Engel: If my therapist is reading this……. I know we talked about the ‘bedtime issue’. I would like to formally apologize, I promise I’m trying, but. You see…. 
Boy: He is enthralled by the magic of creation. 
Engel: Pretty much. Uh, long story short, summarize, we just collectively had a lot of ideas,
Peppermint: Mostly you, dude.
Engel: I just had a lot of ideas. I don’t want to promise too much here but, well, the next album is probably NOT going to take six years from now. 
Lash: I can leave if you guys need a break. 
Peppermint: Please don’t.
Q: Before we get into reader questions… I’d like to hear your final thoughts on the album release. And additionally, any gossip about live shows?
Engel: Ahhh… I’d like for everyone to give the album even a quick listen-through. I think old fans are gonna like what we have here, and for new fans or people who haven’t listened yet… if you like Inkin Park, you’ll like us at least a little. It’s super duper exciting to finally be able to put out new music and I’ve been all spiky for a week just thinking about finally getting to show it to people!
Boy: Listen on SeaTube. Use adblock. We don’t really care.  We care about people getting to hear the songs first and foremost, we don’t get paid shit anyway.
Lash: I would like some money. 
Engel: This has been such a long-overdue passion project I might just go home and cry to be real with you guys. As for the live shows, uh, it’s still kinda on the table…? Some of us have like, jobs, so we don’t have all the time and energy in the world to do stuff like that.
Peppermint: Chill Season’s also coming up, and we mostly just do outdoor shows, so it doesn’t super add up. For the time being I think we can promise there will be some gig action next year, though… 
Boy: We’re going to sit for a while and see if people vibe with the music, see who reaches out. I’m hitting the festivals next summer as I always do, I’m just saying, it would be nice to do so as a performer.
Engel: Aside from just music-related stuff, expect to see more stuff like this in the near future from us! And follow my InkTok if you like slugs. Mine’s named Meat, it’s a fairy butterfly slug!
Peppermint: For those wondering, its name is Meat because he couldn’t stop being bothered by the cerata being flesh while naming it. 
Engel: What she said!
Q: That concludes our part of the interview. However, we have some audience questions left, if you’re inclined to answer?
Engel: Well obviously they’re the scariest part, but I can’t help but be nosy.
Boy: I’m just going assume they’ll be uncensored and go in with that expectation. 
Q: Audience question incoming, number one… Engel, is your Skitter account and your activities on there representative of what goes behind your lyrics?
Engel: Ummm… well. Yeah. Yes and no. 
Boy: Can I answer? Yes it is. 
Engel: The stuff I do on Skitter kinda ranges between sharing stuff I think is funny, or trying to be funny, or having a mental breakdown live on the net. So, idk. In terms of the latter, first of all I’m SORRY, I’m working on it. But also that’s… yeah.
Lash: Some of the posts you guys see on there are just the front for the most unhinged shit he’s ever written that would score him in the psych ward if the right person saw it.
Peppermint: Maybe not something you want to say in an interview…
Engel: Basically yeah. I mean, I’m a funny guy on Skitter but trust me when you see the kind of pathetic “i forgot to eat dinner for 4 days” funny relatable posts on here, it’s - like it happens. To the best of us. Mostly me though.
Peppermint: No actually, he’s very honest there. I’ve told him many times to maybe dial it back online, not everyone needs to know that- 
Engel: I would like to add that people following me there should be careful and avoid being influenced by the stuff I sometimes post… Most of it is meant to be satire!! Please don’t actually jump off of Hammerhead Bridge. 
Boy: It’s been like two years since he posted that and he’s still having to clarify that it was a joke. 
Q: Moving onto the next question; Why couldn’t you get the old guitarist back? His playing was so much better.
Boy: Huh, that’s brutal.
Lash: Whoever sent that, meet me at the Reef tonight at 10pm sharp. Pick your best weapon.
Engel: Okay, well, that’s kind of mean… I don’t think it was better personally, they just have different types of playing. It comes down to personal preference I guess, I would say hey, maybe stop expecting the same kind of art from two different squids! You can appreciate something different in both playstyles and maybe you’ll find out the new one isn’t bad, just different, no?
Peppermint: We would not take Dodo back into the band even if he came in crawling on all fours and begged to be let back in. If he’s smart, he’ll stay in whatever hole he's dug himself.
Engel: Okay and uhhhh yeah we can’t get the old guitarist back. Not going to get into it, but - yeah he’s gone.
Boy: Hey Lash, are you actually going to go?
Q: Next question! It’s a bit unclear whether this is more broad, or if it’s focused… What the Fuck do these lyrics mean.
Engel: I feel like this has been answered a few times in the interview already, but I’m a huge fan of the raw emotion here, so.
Boy: Engel makes most of the lyrics for basically every song ever, the rest of us pitch in to turn it into an actual song. But he’s the mastermind for sure. Any complaints should be addressed to him.
Engel: I started writing lyrics back when I first got on the surface and got really into writing poems and just generally writing, well, stuff. It started as a kind of way to just get my thoughts out there and out of my head where they were mostly Bad. It’s always helped me to write that into songs, so especially in older songs, the lyrics are mostly just me processing my feelings, fears, things going on in my life. For the most part they’re very personal to me. 
Boy: We talked about it a little before but a lot of the lyrics in this album specifically are a bit different, in terms of how much “post-production” went into them, and then there’s some like Might As Well Be Caught that are just kind of unusual. 
Engel: When you hear the “this is the corner where I go to cry”, imagine I’m actually showing you my house. That being said though the new songs aren’t all random scribble, the guys just took my usual whining and we worked on making it less whiny and more like, subtext? If that makes sense.
Peppermint: There’s also songs on this album that were collabs, like Existence is a Cruel Mistress. Or in the case of No More Misery, that one was mostly written by me. So… I mean I guess for a broad answer, we just put our hearts into it and see what happens. 
Engel: Peppy’s always the one writing the sappy songs, we love her and her will to live. 
Peppermint: It’s not sappy! I was just being honest!
Boy: Never change, cap’n.
Q: A question about the new album. Same Joke Twice! What inspired you to make it?
Engel: The album or the album’s name? We already talked about the name before. 
Boy: The album itself was just long overdue. We couldn’t work as a band for like five years, so as soon as we got a band back together we kinda went off and just got it done.
Engel: I’ve got enough ink for like two more back-to-back albums to be honest but I gotta give the others a little while to breathe.
Boy: But yeah, as for the album’s name, no the joke isn’t that we made another album. It’s just an inside joke, because Peppy hates fun.
Peppermint: I literally hate you guys. 
Lash: I still think it’s a skill issue. 
Q: There’s a question about the making of the pink “blood” on the cover of the album. Does it symbolize something?
Engel: I mean, blood I guess. It’s also just a throwback to the first album’s cover where it also symbolized something like blood, violence, chaos et cetera.
Lash: He is so edgy. 
Engel: Using actual fake blood was an idea we had, but blood color is kinda subjective based on your species, so it might not always register. We just went for a color that stands out and isn’t a common blood color so it… I guess, equally registers as blood for no one, and everyone at the same time. I don’t know if I’m making any sense right now!
Boy: He’s saying it’s there for the edge factor, nothing more and nothing less really.
Q: Presumably about the album cover. Engel, were you always that big?
Engel: Hahaha noooooo. Have you heard of deep-sea gigantism?
Peppermint: It’s photoshop. 
Boy: Did they specify it was about the album cover?
Engel: They should be asking if Peppy was always that small. The answer is no, they made Boy and Lash stand on chairs to make her look shorter.
Peppermint: Why’d you drag me into it????!
Lash: They got Engel’s photo separately and upscaled him into the backdrop. There’s no magic growth spurt or deep-sea gigantism going on here. 
Engel: Yeah uh no. Also this is a common misconception, a lot of deep-sea folk are actually not giant. There’s similarly sized shallow-water species too, but the Deepsea tends to get a lot of talk about… okay well, besides the point. 
Q: That concludes our extra questions and our interview. Thanks to Deep Sea Dead Zone for showing up - the new album, Same Joke Twice, is out now. Any parting words with our readers?
Engel: Thanks for having us and thanks for listening! New album now. Never ask me for anything ever again.
Boy: He’s kidding. But I’d just like to say a humble thank you for the people listening to our stuff - and an extra thank you to people already requesting our songs on the radio. We love what we do, so it’s a bonus if you guys love it too.
Engel: Yeah just in case I wasn’t clear, that was a joke. The new album wasn’t a joke tho. Thanks for sticking around through the years, I love all you guys to death. 
Peppermint: Lash made this album possible, I just wanna put that out there. I better see hype for her and hype ONLY in the future and in the comments!
Lash: Don’t be shy with the hate comments, either. Most of my previous haters can’t make it to the 1v1s anymore so I could use some more.
Engel: You can listen to the album RIGHT NOW on SeaTube and a bunch of other places, I’m super excited to hear what people think about it, pleasepleaseplease leave your thoughts in the comments. Stay sweet everyone!!
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mc-lukanette · 7 months
The back of the room was cold, but Marinette's face felt warm as she made eye contact with Luka, seeing him standing there on the stage and playing with the rest of Kitty Section. Her heart was pounding pleasantly rather than doing flips, like a massage for the inside of her body.
His confession was still playing in her head. She'd known guys who had liked her - though their crushes never lasted long - but Luka was different. She hadn't interacted much with the other boys, but Luka knew her. He'd seen her at her most embarrassing and somehow took it all in stride.
She never would've thought that he'd have feelings for her, which brought an entirely new context to their private moments together. She recalled him staring at her so lovingly when they were together and had just assumed that he was generally happy.
She felt a little silly thinking that now, and the rest of Kitty Section's performance was spent mulling over only one thing: what to do about it.
Marinette lingered behind after everything was over. Some of the workers began to clear out, some stayed behind to chat with Kitty Section, and Bob Roth was seething in a corner mulling over some papers with someone else.
She hadn't even realized that she was staring at Luka so intently, waiting for him to finish talking to everyone, until he looked over at her like he'd sensed it. She stiffened, but played it off with a shy wave, not wanting him to rush anything.
Despite that, Luka turned to the employee he was talking to, saying something she couldn't hear before walking away and heading in her direction.
Pouting, she insisted, "You could've finished."
"It wasn't anything important," he assured. "Besides, I'd rather listen to your song. Everyone else can wait."
Wow, she nearly said aloud, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She could only guess that he was riding an emotional high from managing to get the justice they wanted and getting to play on a stage with his friends, as he was more forward than usual.
Marinette was familiar with being flirted with, but only as Ladybug. This - this - was different. Luka meant it, and knowing he meant it made it extra charming. She almost had to feel her face to check for a mask, yet understood that he was simply talking to her.
To Marinette.
Fidgeting with her fingers, she stared at their shoes and explained, "It's nothing urgent. I just... didn't know how to talk to you alone?"
"Mm," Luka hummed in acknowledgment, the curiosity evident in his eyes. Without missing a beat, he suggested, "We can sneak out?"
"H-huh?" Just like that? She looked past him to his instrument, which was resting against a wall and in blatant view of everyone else. "What about your guitar?"
"Jule'll take care of it." He said it with the tone of someone who was owed many favors by their sibling.
"...Oh." Marinette giggled. "Okay then."
She went to head for the door, Luka following behind, but she only took a few steps before something occurred to her. She turned to look at him, lips pressing together in thought as she stole a glance at his hands.
Her fingers twitched. It should be alright, shouldn't it...?
Deciding that the simplest way of finding out would be to just do it, she reached out, grabbed his hand, and continued her walk to the door.
Her answer came in the form of his larger hand squeezing hers back.
Marinette brought Luka down the various halls of the TV studio, using her (admittedly mild) memory from traversing it as Ladybug to get to their destination. She had no idea whether or not Luka thought she knew where she was going, but he didn't say anything regardless and let himself be taken around.
Stopping at the door she'd been looking for, she knocked to ensure that there was no one inside, then opened it. She went in with Luka and turned to close the door behind them, but Luka had already gone to do it himself.
They exchanged smiles. As she'd thought, the dressing room she'd gone into as Ladybug did indeed provide the privacy she'd hoped for. It was so much quieter than everywhere else they'd walked past.
Granted, it may have been the atmosphere between them putting in the work.
"That was really sweet what you said back there," she told him, referring to his confession before he'd gone out to play.
Luka caught on well enough and shrugged, replying, "I only said what I was thinking."
"But that's amazing!" The idea that it was anything normal was ridiculous to her. "You always say what you think. Most people would be too embarrassed to say something like that to someone they love."
Luka loves me, her brain noted again at her own statement.
"I'm not embarrassed about how I feel about you," he stated shamelessly. "I could say what I think more if you want."
"I—" Marinette looked down at their hands - only now realizing that neither of them had let go - as an excuse not to look at his warm expression, turning his hand to stare at his nails as if his black nail polish was suddenly extremely interesting. It was a little overwhelming putting together his compliments with what she knew now, but when she thought about it, his current behavior made sense.
He confessed, she'd had yet to reject him, and she held his hand all the way down the multiple halls. Clearly, he could read the room, or at least read her. It shouldn't have been surprising given that he'd proven as much even when they first met, but it was unusual to have people like that in her life despite how many she'd befriended.
She could definitely get used to it.
"...I-I'd like that, actually," she admitted. Then, remembering the proverbial elephant in the room, she looked back up at him and asked, "You know what's going on between me and Adrien, right?"
He nodded.
She sighed, smiling despite her exasperation. "It's a whole lot of nothing."
"Oh." His surprise was obvious.
"Er, of course there was something," she corrected, waving her free hand dismissively, "but nothing ever really happened after that. We talked, but he doesn't notice me. Whenever I felt like I did anything good, it didn't actually do anything. The girls were always pushing for us to get together, but if it wasn't for them then I would've given up a long time ago. Even if I don't talk about him, everything else just... becomes about him, and I..."
"You're done," Luka finished.
"Mm." She nodded affirmatively. Pulling his hand up, she held it with her other hand as well and pulled it close to her chest. "No one said anything about him for the past two weeks. I could just focus on us—" She blushed. "—our video: your music and my designs. It was really nice... except for the whole you know."
"Yeah." He chuckled, equally amused by the contrast.
"What I'm trying to say is..." She took a breath to steel herself up. "I like you too, Luka, and I didn't want you to worry about—"
"I know," he cut in. "I believe you, Marinette. You don't have to explain yourself to me."
She was briefly thrown off by his interruption, but realized that he was trying to keep "that name" out of the conversation just as she'd said she liked. Suddenly, it was hard to even remember who they'd been talking about.
"So... you'll be my boyfriend then?" she asked hopefully, squeezing his hand. She supposed that the possibility existed that he could want to wait, or not be labeled for whatever reason. Considering how everyone would probably react, it wasn't unreasonable, though having a secret relationship with Luka was a secret she might've actually been okay keeping.
Luka opened his mouth to speak, but what came out was less words and more of a breathy noise. He hunched over, slapping his free hand over his mouth to suppress any further ones.
"Wha?!" she let out, alarmed. She released his other hand, flailing her arms and asking, "Did—did I say it weird? I could try again! I—"
He raised a hand to reassure her, needing a moment before rising back up. That was when she saw the uncontrollable smile on his face.
"Sorry," he said, delight overtaking his tone. "I got to play a song I made with the rest of the band, in costumes you made, and on live TV, but this is the happiest I've been all day."
"Luka!" She tried to pout with how he worried her for a moment, but her lips refused. She was just too happy to suppress the smile. "...Fine."
His brows quirked upwards in curiosity from the intentional vagueness.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket, went to one of the apps, and set a timer for thirty minutes. Then, crossing the room to set it down somewhere, she went for the door next to lock it. Turning to Luka with a loving smile, she explained, "We probably have about half an hour before anyone wonders where we went."
He got the idea instantly, sharing her mischievous look not unlike when they thought to sneak into the TV studio together. Marinette almost instinctively put an ear to the door to see if the girls were somehow there to listen in, but she knew better by now when it came to her and Luka, so she rushed directly into his arms.
These moments were just for them.
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boneinator · 1 month
Fanbot pt.2 💥💥
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Do u guys fw Rosetta I made this one completely on impulse . Also look at my lore boy ⬇️
So ! As I said before in that one post Rosetta is based on argentinian culture , she's genderfluid so she's constantly shifting between her dancer and gaucho mode , uses she/her and he/him exclusively respectively . She sings and plays acoustic guitar :]
She was built back in the xix century using silver (but was later repaired with scrap metal several times) and is powered by red matter ! Her creator fist intended her to be a replacement for his recently lost lover , but was helped by his community to finish her as some sort of communal companion , using her dancing skills carried over from her real life inspiration to cheer people up and later developing her "gaucho" persona to help in manual jobs . (I don't think any of you know what a gaucho is - it's like the here equivalent of cowboys just much more common at the time , most men had the gaucho rol)
Her original community has since been dissolved due to the passage of time , so now she travels by horse and lives a nomad like life occasionally making money by performing in bars the same songs she was taught at the beginning by her 'family'
Her main genre is tango ! And Buzzer is also here uhh they probably met around the beginning but they're friends 👍 brothers from different creators even
Also some concept doodles bc yeahh
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forgottenfourr · 11 months
i saw you in a dream - university smau
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chapter five - dreams✏️
warning: mentions of insanity, insomnia, and partial (very very small mention) of derealization!!
a/n: from now on soul from p1h and mingyu from svt will also be smaller characters in the story so don’t be confused when they show up randomly in the next chapter!! they are just going to be a fun comedic relief characters :) i will put a short character reintroduction before the next update
you have struggled with sleeping your entire life. never being able to fall asleep and then when you eventually pass out from pure exhaustion, the sleep was restless. you lost count of the doctors your parents took you to as a kid. each one coming to the same conclusion. there was nothing wrong with you perse. at least, nothing medically wrong. all of them told your parents that you'll grow out of it one day. that there was nothing they could do on their part besides run more tests that would evidently draw no conclusion and would just be a waste of time for both you and the doctors.
so you had to learn to live with it. you held onto hope that one day you would just magically grow out of it. but as the years drew on and you continued to sleep a most 10-15 hours a week, you just grew used to it. it was irritating most of the time. the constant drowsiness and dark circles under your eyes that never seem to go away.
due to your lack of sleep, you’ve never really had dreams before. at least, none that you could remember.
but recently that has changed. it seems now that every time you are able to sleep, even if it is just for a few minutes, you are drifted away into another dream.
but something is different about these dreams. when you wake up, you remember everything that happened in them. most importantly, you remember the boy that’s there in every dream. the boy you can’t seem to recognize. the boy you sworn you’ve never seen before. and you would surly remember him. he’s beautiful. his hair a white blonde and his brown eyes that look as if the entire universe is in them. and for someone you don’t know, you have grown quite fond of him. you don’t understand how he’s always there, his bright and warming smile welcoming you back to wherever this world is with him. but you aren’t complaining about it.
the dreams are long. or well they feel long at least. in the real world you could only be sleeping for 30 minutes but in the dream world you have already been there for days. you like the dream world. you find yourself anxiously waiting for the next time you fall asleep so you can go back there. so you can see mystery boy again.
neither of you ever bothered to ask for each others name. in fact, you guys don’t talk much. it’s more of a mutual understanding that you both are there together and are happy in each others presence. neither feeling the need to break the peaceful silence you have created. you cherish all of the times you guys have spent together. from the time you guys went cliff jumping to when he taught you how to play the guitar. you’re scared that you won’t be able to go back one day. that for some reason the next time you fall asleep there will just be black. even if you don’t understand why these dreams are happening or who he is, you yearn for them. even if it’s all fake. if it is just something your subconscious mind came up with.
of course, you haven’t told your friends about your dreams. sure, jisung might understand. or at least try to. but the others will just think you’re going crazy. which honestly, might be true.
you too have thought about the possibility of these dreams being some sort of sign of insanity or something else of the sort. it would make sense. you’ve been spreading yourself too thin for the past few months. never knowing when to say no and always wanting others around you to feel appreciated and happy. minho is constantly berating you for being a people pleaser, but you don’t know how to stop. and lately, people have taken notice of your kindness and the way you would drop everything instantly to help someone. between work, university, and your social life, you feel your grasp of yourself slowly slipping away from you.
the only thing that keeps you from losing your grip completely are the dreams. they make you feel happy and safe like before. maybe you were relying too much on the dreams but what does it matter? if you're going to have them you might as well enjoy them. enjoy him.
you got to the studio before chan this time. still reminiscing on the fantasy you were living just moments before.
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