#I think toga may still got a chance to live through
kiribread · 1 year
implied bnha 399 spoilers
idk what blonde people have done to horikoshi but his blonde characters are paying the price 💀😭
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quirkwizard · 3 months
There isn't any real reasoning for why I made this. Maybe because I already did something like this with 1-A? I just thought it'd be a fun scenario to imagine where these characters would be if they had real jobs. Instead of ending up in various levels of dead or damaged. I will ignore characters that I think are simply too evil to have any real chances, like Moonfish, or others I just don't think are interesting, like Mange. That and most MLA because they already have real jobs. Them being redeemed would just be them going back to work with ankle bracelets on.
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Mustard-Fumigator: If his gas can knock out and poison people that quickly, I imagine that it can kill bugs just as well. And if he comes across any particularly bad bugs, he always has his gun.
Giran-Salesman: I mean, it'd be basically be what he was doing before. Now instead of seeing illegal weaponry, he'll be selling used cars so expensive it should be illegal.
Spinner-Streamer: He can still play games and not leave his house, but now he will hopefully have a more healthy outlet for everything he is going through. He doesn't even need a VTuber set up. He is the goofy model.
Tomura-Waste Management: This allows Tomura to let out his destructive tendencies and can help get rid of a lot of debris and trash that is just laying around. Now instead of leaving a destroy wasted, he can clean up the destroyed waste.
Mr. Compress-Street Mage: Probably the most obvious pick out of everyone on this list. Between his power, his gimmick, and his natural showmanship, it all fits right into this kind of job. He doesn't even need to change his outfit to make it work.
Muscular-Coach: Since he can't be trust in any fighting based sport. I'm not sure if this would be as a gym coach or personal couch, but either way, he is going to take all that sadisms and ideas of conflict and channeling that aggression for other people's benefit.
Kurogiri-Travel Agent: As much as hero may be on the table, I think there would be some optics issues with that. Still he could send people where ever they want to go on vacation with a fraction of the rates. Just as long as they give a way to send them back home.
Dabi-Lead Singer: Specifically something in the metal or rock genre. He's got that perfect mix of voice, look, and angst to fit right into that kind of culture. And considering how many songs are written for people who don't like their dads, he'd have plenty of material for songs.
Toga-Photographer: Toga was the hardest out of all of them. I just went with something that could express herself more healthy, maybe even being a crime scene photographer, and being in a job where stalking someone is considered worthwhile experience for the job.
Twice-Odd Jobs: As much as I want to say tailor for his sick measuring skills, he doesn't really have any definable skills. So having him be around and help people with his dozens of clones seems fitting. That and there is so much comedic potential in them doing odd jobs week to week.
Gigantomachia-Tourist Barge: Instead of demolishing cities, Gigantomachia can use his tough body to show people around normally hazardous areas like oceans or mountains. He can even use the cheers of the people he's carrying as encouragement to boost his power.
Geten-Ice Cream Man: I prefer to think that Geten's abilities would cover ice cream as well. As such, it is only a natural conclusion that he would become an ice cream man. And knowing him, he will fight and train to be the best ice cream man on the planet.
Kuin-Beekeeper: Considering how bad of a spot bees are in, Kuin could do a real service to the community be helping to spread out pollen with her power. And hey, leading a bunch of bees would come naturally to her as a living insect.
Number 6-Motivation Speaker: Forget the amount of social manipulation he did in his own story, I say this job fits because of the amount of spite Number 6 has. It's that spite that allowed him to get going and fulfil his dreams. Now that's inspiring.
Overhaul-Doctor: I've already gone over how useful "Overhaul" would be in medical work and he already has plenty of experience with medicine. Heck, we can even have the other yakuza guys around as nurses and other kinds of assistants. Beside manner may need work.
Stain-Bounty Hunter: I wanted Stain to end up somewhere where he could technically good, like a detective, but a bounty hunter fits way more within his skill set. Plus, there is a lot of comedy potential. Imagine a poster him in the bond office say "Pay your bond or else!"
Gentle and La Brava-Social Media Stars: Basically what they were doing before. Now with hopefully less crime in between videos. Gentle could even spin his whole redemption for more views, telling his sad story in prison and his time trying to rehabilitate himself. Take that as genuinely or facetiously as you want.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I've been kind of following the Gundam lesbians vs Bandai controversy from the sidelines (ie: the main characters got married (offscreen) at the end of the series and the production team is supportive; Bandai censored the explicit mentions of marriage in a recent magazine and then said that everything is up to interpretation) and. In general it's a really good example of how oftentimes it's not authors who should mainly be blamed for the lack of unapologetic queerness in anime and manga (or anywhere else, for that matter), but those companies that they work for
Which leads me to
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And as a side note I want to reiterate this but anyone who calls them "queerbait", "yuribait", etc is a stupid dickhead because Toga is bisexual and in love with Uraraka. THE QUEER IS THERE
At this point it no longer makes much sense to wonder whether the romantic undertones to Uraraka and Toga's relationship are accidental or not. I won't claim that they will definitely end up together together (although I've seen enough Japanese fans go crazy for how proposal-esque Uraraka got to, like, at least entertain the thought lol), but what I want to say is. Everything that happened between them is deliberately meant to be read as queer, romantic, and mutual. Uraraka may have not said "I love you" back to Toga in these same terms, but through her actions and words she has reciprocated her feelings. Yes, even if Those Assholes say that she's just lying, that anything that isn't spoon-fed explicitly confirmed is just a "delusional interpretation"
Even then, the supposed line between text and subtext is... a bit eyebrow raising, innit. Toga being bisexual and having feelings for Uraraka is text. Exchanging blood being equal to kissing to her is text. Her insecurities are text......... Uraraka wanting to give Toga her blood, thinking that her smile is beautiful, and that she's the cutest in the whole world is text. I feel like that strongly suggests something at minimum, no. And. Can we really call it subtext, or even coding, when characters do everything short of dramatically shouting "I gay-love you!" to each other? These are more of my personal feelings, and I know that this happens because We Live In A Society, so we tend to feel like things like these must be outright defined so that our queer interpretations can gain validity and the right to exist in the eyes of the majority (= the cishet audience), but... I do find this way of engaging with media rather stifling, especially because... people who hate us to begin with won't care if two manga girls declare their love to each other. Chances are that they will get angrier, actually, or that they will look for excuses to deny their love ("the author was pressured by crazy shippers", "akchually the wording is ambiguous", "the degenerate West is corrupting the purity of the East", you name it)
Still, I know. I know that there's a lot of hunger for undeniably canonical queer relationships (for obvious reasons! understable reasons!), but to circle back to the beginning of this post, pushing back against the system is hard. Bnha's ending is still a ways off, and no one can predict the future. We don't know if Horikoshi plans to stress even further/more bluntly within the manga that Oh, They 👭🏳️‍🌈, we don't know if Jump would allow him to, we don't know if such a thing would be met with opposition elsewhere/afterwards (see: what Bandai is trying to do now, after everything has been said and done).
Regardless, sought after explicit confirmation or not, they do have something, something that is very much there to anyone who's willing to embrace it for what it is: mutual, queer love. And they're sooo real 🩷💛
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angst-king · 9 months
A man by many names pt3
(here is part 3 of my parent V!Deku + child reader story. Its a bit short hope you like it)
Leaving the house, Izuku let out a sigh he didn’t know he’d kept in all that time. With a newfound rage, he finally had a purpose for his villainy. Vengeance. You see as said before Izuku never did anything truly villainous, more so petty theft or the occasional murder for his stocks or to dispose of a body. Besides that, he was simply nothing more than the boogie man. A person who could be anyone or anything, just a scare tactic people used to frighten people. People made up names for him, made up an image for him, and painted him as a monster. A monster no one truly saw or knew anything about. Now this monster was ready to come out.
Tonight he would be meeting with the yakuza and the LOV, though this time he didn’t pay much attention during most of the meeting. He didn’t care for whatever power-hungry bullshit those maniacs had planned out. It was simply just a boasting session and business exchange.
“It's not like you have any excuses to not allow me to borrow a nomu or two nomu, or are you that cowardly?” Joked one of the villains with a grin, Shigaraki rolled his eyes and then pointed at Izuku.
“Like you need your human garbage rat over there?” Izuku looked up to see the finger pointed at him and rolled his eyes.
“Do any of you have something important or are you going to bicker like children over who’s better? Let's get one thing straight you’re both imbeciles who can’t get things done on your own without some sort of aid or alliance. Neither of you has been getting any closer to your goals since the war. One of you wants to still recreate the quirk-erasing drug for your own cultist views and the other one is a brainwashed toddler in an adult's body who’s hungry for power.” Izuku grumbled out with a yawn to emphasize his boredom and annoyance with the group.
“Oh, do you have any plans rat boy?” Asked Shigaraki with a patronizing tone, Izuku smirked widely flashing his teeth.
“Yes I do actually” “Oh and what’s that ya gonna go eat someone?” “Do you think I’m just some animal? You and I are not the same, I just haven’t found a reason to go terrorizing people publicly….well until now.” This got the room’s attention rather well, most times Izuku was just there to listen, report, and take his tasks. Hearing that he had something in mind, Shigaraki wanted to know what it was.
“What the hell is it then?” “Revenge….I want revenge on two pro heroes specifically, Ranger and Swap.” “Hm? And why those two specifically?” Asked Dabi who put his feet up on the table lazily.
“Let's just say they have a track record for abusing children….and you know me Dabi….” Dabi raised a brow at this, seeming intrigued.
“Since you know me and so does Toga, I came here to ask for your assistance in my plan. No offense Shigaraki but I believe you have your things to worry about.” Toga grew excited, she loved getting into these sorts of things. As long as it gave her a chance to let out some pent-up upsets with a cold blade she was all in.
“Why don’t you stop being so vague, Izuku? Depending on what the reasoning for this plan of revenge I may let you borrow them.” Shigaraki hissed out, and Izuku rolled his eyes, it wouldn’t hurt to tell them. Besides, if they dared to hurt (y/n) he wouldn’t hesitate to make their lives miserable.
“Alright then. The reason for me going after these pro heroes is because I’ve taken in their child. Who must I say has gone through horrendous things at the hands of their negligent and abusive parenting.” “So you want to use my team just for some little brat you took in?” Shooting over a glare his eyes changed from their bright green to a shining red color. As if he were trying to stare right through Shigaraki’s soul his tone went cold.
“Last time I checked, your team are just pawns, you don’t actually care what happens to them. So you shouldn’t care if I ask a favor of them if it's something so insignificant to you. All I ask is that they wreak a little havoc. So I don’t see it as such a waste of their time considering you don’t have anything for them to do anyways since all you can do is run back to the drawing board after every failure.” He then looked back to Dabi and Toga with a grin.
“You two, I want you to make them feel as if their life is in danger, i want them paranoid. I want them to feel hunted down. So have fun with it~” Toga nods agreeing to this plan before Dabi asks what was in it for him. Izuku shrugged and replied.
“Hm, I don’t know, what is it that you want in return?” “Hm 1: we get to meet the kid and 2: ….a new phone” Izuku gave a small chuckle at the second request, Dabi had a phone for a few reasons, to keep up with his siblings, and to keep in touch with Hawks.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Toga is there anything you want?” The blond shook her head, saying that just getting the chance to let loose was good enough. With that Izuku got to his feet and said he’d be off. Shigaraki tried to stop him but all Izuku said was.
“I don’t want to keep my little one waiting.”
As promised he stopped by the store to pick up some rice cakes and your favorite juice before heading home. He was surprised to see that you could handle spicy rice cakes rather well for your age. He tried them himself and they were delicious, no doubt about that. Just the spice level you liked for them was was made him wonder what else you’d eat. Once he got home he made his way in quietly just in case you were asleep. But there you were sitting on the couch watching your cartoons and coloring. He smiled and softly called out to you. You grinned and got up from your spot toddling over to him.
“Hey there (Y/n) what cha watching?” “bluey,” You said, you then saw the grocery bag and asked if those were the rice cakes. He nods and leads you into the kitchen where you both make your dinner for the night. As Izuku put the containers into the microwave you asked him about his meeting.
“What was your meeting about?” “Well it was just a meeting on some important business things, I wanted to ask for some assistance on a little idea I had. They agreed to help me thankfully without much protesting. So it shouldn’t be long before that starts up.” “Ooh sounds important” You commented while sipping your juice, he nodded and lightly patted you on the head.
Izuku didn’t know when to tell you his plans or whether he should tell you at all. He would probably have to soon since Toga and Dabi wanted to meet you. But for now he didn’t want to delve into that, he just wanted to spend the rest of the night with you.
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linkspooky · 3 years
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The Hands that Will Save the League
In chapter 321 we're reminded once again of the reoccurring motif of hands reaching out to save someone in need, especially with the double spread close-up of Iida's hands reaching for Deku's hands. I couldn't help but think how this could apply to the league of villains. Hand symbolism has always been associated with Shigaraki (duh), both in the fact that his hands destroy everything they touched, and also his reason for being a villain stems from the fact that not a single hand reached out to save him that day. However, we've also had another character in the league with hands drawn up close and personal reaching out to save the others: spinner.
1. Just an Empty Cosplayer
I'm not the first one to make this observation. @codenamesazanka pointed this out long before me, especially in regards to Spinner's importance to the league, but basically, Spinner's role is that despite being a teenage mutant ninja turtle he's also the everyman of the league. He's not connected to the main conflict of the story by bloodline or legacy, the way Shigaraki, Dabi, and Compress are. He's not someone with an incredibly powerful or deviant quirk like Twice or Toga. He is a victim, but he doesn't have the elaborate villain backstories of Twice, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga.
He literally is just some guy with a lizard quirk. He has the weakest quirk in the league and the weakest reason for why he joined the league. Spinner faces societal abuse because of his quirk, but what spurred him to action was seeing Stain appear on TV, and a desire to be a less empty person than he was before. Spinner was pushed, he was rejected by society, but I would say as an inverse to the league who are driven by extraordinary circumstances, Spinner is basically an every man who drives himself to keep up with the rest of the league despite seemingly lacking everything "special" they have.
And I believe this every man quality, and this drive Spinner has is what's going to be the key to piecing the league back together. It's because Spinner sees himself as so far behind the rest of the league, and so much less special than they are, that he's driven to try to understand them.
Not only is Spinner a member who has tried to understand every member of the league in one way or another, Spinner is also someone who similiar to Sihgaraki foils every single character in the league despite just being an everyman.
2. Spinner and Toga
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While Spinner and Toga may not have the same level of development to their interactions as Twice and Toga, Spinner reaches out to her once but not twice, and there are a lot of parallels you can draw between the characters.
Both Spinner and Toga joined the league for the same reason, an empty admiration for Stain, without really caring about Stain's ideals. Toga admires Stain because he's covered in blood and fighting for something and she wants to become more like the people she admires, Spinner because he saw himself as pathetic for hiding in his room all day and when he saw Stain taking a stand trying to change the whole world on his own he wanted to become that way too. Which means both of them have a tendency to want to become more like the people they admire, because their own sense of personal identity is so weak.
Himiko and Spinner both define themselves by the way society has rejected them. Spinner has internalized the idea that he's an empty person who can't accomplish anything on his own, every terrible thing other people said about him due to his heteromorph quirk he accepted it. At the same time, Toga was somebody born with a "dangerous quirk" who was told to repress it and then did that living under a fake identity as a normal school girl that would please her parents and the people around her for as long as she could. Both Toga and Spinner are taught by the society around them to be self-loathing and to repress themselves because of their quirks. They're also characters who are both defined by a desire for release.
When Spinner asks if Toga still wants to be in the league because of Stain and she responds, Now I wanna become everyone I love. Spinner comments, "You're so free."
Spinner and Toga both claim they joined the league because of love for another person, they both loved and admired some aspect of Stain, but their real reason for joining, or at least the reason they stay is that deep down both of them desire the freedom to be themselves. Toga wrapping her desires up in language like love for other people, and wanting to become them, is because deep down she believes because of her quirk there's no one who would accept her for herself, as the normal girl she believes she is, no one will let her live as Toga thus she tries to become other people. It's the same for Spinner, who believes he can't be anything other than the Lizard Freak, so he too tries to dress himself up and become a Stain Cosplayer. It's only through the league's acceptance that Toga and Spinner slowly begin to learn that they are good enough on their own, just as themselves, and their priorities begin to shift.
3. Spinner and Twice
Twice and Spinner have several backstory parallels already. They are both characters affected by poverty, Spinner lived in a backwater town plagued by old views of heteromorph quirks, Twice lost his parents and began working to support himself at a young age before becoming homeless. Spinner and Twice were also both labeled in a way that stuck with them, after Twice got a criminal charge in an accident on his permanent record he couldn't find another job after being labeled deviant. Spinner was labeled as a deviant because of his quirk and the idea that he's a lizard freak has always stuck with him the same way that Twice has internalized the idea that "bad people don't get saved."
They also both chose to isolate themselves because of the circumstances they faced. Twice's first response to homelessness was to decide to never trust anybody but himself, and he became a criminal who pulled off heists with only clones of himself as team members until that stopped working for him. Spinner's response was also to shut himself away in his room and become a NEET. They both cut themselves off to the society that labeled them as unacceptable, but in the process they also cut themselves off from other people and became unable to trust others.
While they have major backstory parallels, I believe the greatest parallel between them is going to be that Spinner will inherit that role that Twice had for the league. While Shigaraki is the leader, Twice more than anybody else believed the League to be a family, and encouraged everyone to be friendly with one another.
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It's Twice more than anyone else who emphasizes the bond of the league, that they're all strays, that they need to take care of each other and save each other. It's Twice who urges Shigaraki to save Giran because he's one of them. He makes the unspoken bond of the league as a group of miscreants into a spoken one, because Twice wants those things, he's well aware of the fact that he wants trust and acceptance and came to the league to find those things. This is the greatest thing that ties Spinner and Twice's characters together, because they both view themselves as worthless, they define themselves by how they help the other members of the league.
Twice's death so far isn't something that has been really capitalized on by the plot, Hawks has yet to face consequences, we haven't gotten to see much of the league's reaction because they were scattered soon afterwards. However, if Twice's death is going to cause development eventually I believe it will be in the vacuum in the league created now that Twice is gone. There is no longer someone who is urging all of them to be together. Twice's death causes most of the league to become less stable. Toga goes on a killing spree, Dabi attacks Hawks, Compress tries to kill himself in a heroic sacrifice, Shigaraki hasn't gotten the chance to react yet but he's also gotten worse considering he's currently possessed. You could even say that Twice's death has caused other characters to double down on their worst habits.
Dabi's worst habit is that he acts separately from the league and refuses to participate in the group dynamic, believing himself to be a solo avenger. Dabi not trusting or telling the league what he was planning on doing with Hawks, as a consequence of his decision to play solo avenger, caused Twice to trust Hawks which led to his death. Hawks was the one who killed him but Dabi played a part, and when Twice dies Dabi obviously reacts to it, but also his decision is to double down on his bad habit, insisting he's only using the league and he doesn't care about the rest of the group. Toga also doubles down on her bad habit, she runs away from the rest of the league and insists she's only doing this for the freedom to do whatever she pleases, not because you know Twice got killed right in front of her. Compress's arc is less pronounced, but he also does, in fact, try to kill himself in a grand heroic sacrifice for the rest of the league.
When twice dies the league begins to fall apart and everyone acts on their individual worst flaws, ignoring that they were always stronger together as a group. However, there is still one person who wanted the exact same thing Twice did, to be trusted, to belong to a group. This is most likely the role that Spinner is going to grow to, someone who is trusted by everyone in the group.
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Notably, when Toga is about to run away it's Spinner who reminds her that the league is a place for them to come back to. Toga who was probably the closest to Twice and spiraling the worst because of his death, and Toga and Twice's friendship was the first time we really saw how much of a "bond" the league had formed with one another, because in the camp arc they barely cooperated, only begrudgingly. It's Spinner who who emphasizes that even though everyone in the league is doing this for individualism "doing what they want" that they are also together as a group. Spinner is set to inherit Twice's role as the heart, because one he tries to understand other people in the league making the effort to reach out, and two Spinner is aware of what he wants just like Twice he wants to be trusted by the rest of the group.
4. Spinner and Dabi
This one is a little bit harder because Dabi's character arc really hasn't started yet. We have just now gotten to the reveal of who he is and what his motivations are, after it being a mystery for so long. However unlike the rest of the league, we haven't really seen how Dabi has reacted and changed by becoming a part of the group. Even if his motivation isn't "I'm only using them" and deep down he really does care, I don't think he's even realized yet that he does care or that he's not just using them. Dabi still believes himself to be alone, and therefore he's still isolated from the rest of the league and flying his revenge quest solo even though he's really not.
In that case, the biggest parallel between Spinner and Dabi is that they both had to be won over by the league. They both joined because of admiration for Stain, probably because Dabi genuinely believed in Stain's ideals of taking down impure heroes because it fit his own agenda so well, whereas Spinner is a self-proclaimed empty cosplayer.
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Spinner, however, has already gone through an arc where he was dissatisfied with his reasons for joining the league and didn't believe he belonged with the rest of the group. He didn't have anything to love like Toga. He didn't know yet he wanted friends he could trust like Twice already did. He doesn't have a strong backstory motivation like Compress, or Dabi or even knows what he wants out of society. However, the entirety of MVA is Spinner letting himself be changed because of his interaction with the group.
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Spinner failed at life, his quirk is worthless and only good for sticking to walls. He also internalized the idea that he himself was a failure, and locked himself inside believing he couldn't accomplish anything on his own. Spinner says he has nothing he loves, and nothing he wants to do. Not only that he feels unloved and unwanted. However, Spinner finds something to love in Shigaraki, even if he can't find a strong sense of individualism and still believes himself to be worthless he becomes motivated to help others. Spinner, the most normal person in the group with the most worthless quirk, becomes the greatest help to Shigaraki, basically once he gets over himself and his preconceived notions of himself. Because, you don't actually have to be a special person or have a strong quirk to be a hero, you have to reach out a hand.
The same way Spinner was won over by the League, Dabi has yet to be won over. However, if that does happen, it's probably going to look like Spinner's arc. Dabi antagonizes Spinner a lot, but they actually have more in common than they do differences. They both have failure quirks, while Dabi has an overwhelming fire quirk he wasn't allowed to use, Spinner is literally just a gecko. They both also were labeled as disappointments and given up on, Enji gave up on Touya, Spinner never had any potential from the start and locked himself away in his room. However, their paths so far have been opposites, Spinner let Shigaraki reach him and became a part of the group, Dabi at every possible opportunity insists he's doing this all alone. He takes every chance he can to separate himself from others. If Dabi's arc is going to be a mirror to Shoto's arc eventually, then someone has to reach him and convince him he can't do this all on his own, and Dabi can only truly find himself when he's part of the group once more. After all, so far Dabi is the one most resistant to change. Toga's goal has changed, Shigaraki's changed, Spinner has changed, even Compress now admits that while they're just a gang of thieves that he cares more about everyone else's dreams than his own. Dabi is still nursing a ten-year grudge against Endeavor and doing everything he can to take him down on his own because he hasn't let the group in. And he won't improve or change until he does let others in.
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5. Spinner and Shigaraki
I love Compress but I'm skipping over him because his arc hasn't been elaborated on yet. If you want a quick summary though, both Spinner and Compress didn't believe the group to be anything more than a gathering of selfish criminals, however, both of them changed because they wanted to see Shigaraki's dream come true. Not only was Shigaraki the one who inspired both of them to change, but also Compress is the one who first sees how close Spinner is to Shigaraki more than anyone else in the group was.
He also sacrifices himself BECAUSE he's come to realize that what he wants more than his own dreams is to see everyone else's dreams come true. I know Compress's backstory is rushed as all hell, but it almost... almost... works because Compress isn't actually doing this because he's Oji Harima's grandson. His motivation changed a long time ago, he just didn't realize it until he was about to lose the league.
There are a few more parallels, they're both dropouts. It's implied that Compress was literally just a retired and failed stage magician before he decided to become a villain. Hopefully we'll become more on that later because the idea of Compress sucking in showbiz so he decided to follow his grandfather's legacy is really awesome. Spinner was a Neet before he saw Stain on television. They also both have more minor quirks, Compress just shrinks people, Spinner sticks to things. They both also are characters who don't seem important at first, but consistently hover around in the background constantly making sure everyone in the group is okay. Compress calls to check up on people, he talks to Dabi a lot, he tries to keep up with everybody in a melee, it's the little things he does that make Compress same for Spinner. They're both cosplaying as legendary villains who are greater than they are, Stein is cosplaying his grandfather, Spinner is cosplaying Stain, but it's unknown whether Compress really cares that much about his grandfather's ideals, I think he cares about the league more. Compress and Spinner are also people who question and try to understand things, Compress lectures the kids that they had their ideals handed down to them for adult, Compress realizes Spinner's importance to Shigaraki before Spinner even did, Compress and Spinner also both try to understand other people's dreams because they're lacking in their own. Spinner doesn't even have a dream, but he's the one who listened to Shigaraki's dream first.
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Now it's been directly said by canon that Spinner and Shigaraki's connection is the most developed, and they are the closest to one another. By developed I mean, it changed over time, when it started out they had almost nothing to do with one another. Spinner was just a rank and file league member that Shigaraki used on the hideout raid. They didn't even get a character introduction scene like Shigarki did with Dabi and Toga.
However, Spinner and Shigaraki's characters are extremely closely tied together. Shigaraki's like the main character of the league, his backstories parallel everyone else's, including the main character of the entire story Deku. He's the one who makes the plans, goes through training arcs, he's the one who the league unites around. However, Spinner actually has all of that too. I just spent a very long time showing how Spinner despite not having an overly complicated backstory has strong parallels to everyone in the league. If Shigaraki is the main character, then Spinner is the everyman / the perspective character, hence why he's the narrator of MVA. Shigaraki is a person of extraordinary circumstance, the symbol of society's oppression who everyone in the league deepy relates to because he's suffered the same way that they have and he accepts them. Whereas, Spinner has suffered because of Hero Society too, he's more like a normal guy who makes an effort to understand everyone around him.
However, Deku wasn't saved by his love interest, or even his childhood friend who is apparently his destined rival, he was saved by Iida trying his best to keep up with him.
Spinner and Shigaraki are both the emotional core of the league in different ways. The league all respects Shigaraki, they rally around his ideas, his dreams are what inspire everybody. However, more and more it's looking like Spinner, ordinary, average, Spinner is working to build emotional connections to everyone in a much more normal way. He talks to Toga and tries to understand her love. He even consoles Toga when twice is gone. He challenges Shigaraki directly to his face. Compress who is always sort of watching the league in the background and checking up on them in little ways notices how hard that Spinner is trying to take care of Shigaraki.
Shigaraki accepts people at their worst and gives them a place to belong, but I think by Spinner's efforts to get to know and understand others, we as an audience are shown how humanizing of a presence that Spinner is on everyone else. Spinner, just being a normal guy, brings out the fact that the rest of the league despite their extraordinary circumstances are deep down just normal people to, who want to be loved normally, and live normally. Spinner literally wakes up Shigaraki, because he remembered the one time that he opened up in front of all of them, and cares enough to try to understand Shigaraki's hurt feelings and what he cares about.
If anything from the last arc in the manga, we're shown at great length, how understanding, reaching out, it all takes effort and it's not as flashy as defeating a villain or rescuing someone from a natural disaster.
Spinner is so important to Shigaraki, because while Shigaraki has given everyone in the group a place where they can be individuals, Shigaraki hasn't realized he himself can be an individual yet. He ultimately, shares the same character flaw as Deku. It's because he's decided that he's going to carry out his dreams for the sake of the league and to create a better future for them, that Shigaraki no longer cares what happens to himself, or about his own future. Everyone talks about Dabi's suicidal nature, but this is something that Shigaraki is challenged on over and over again. What are your motivations. What are your reasons. What do you want to accomplish. He always responds with nothing. There's nothing that he wants, there's nothing worth living for, he only wants to destroy and make a better world for the people who are around him. Shigaraki is the most thoroughly dehumanized character, to the point where he just straight up accepts "god of destruction" because that is at least an identity. Shigaraki needs Spinner and his normalizing influence, because Shigaraki can't see himself as a normal person.
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Shigaraki shares the same character flaw as Deku, he does everything for the sake of others, with no regard to himself, which leads to extreme bouts of self-harming and fighting alone. Shigaraki faced off against Endeavor, and basically all the heroes alone even though he did call for backup. However, even before that Shigaraki made the decision to get dangerous risky surgery that would be like hell, because he believed deep down he wasn't good enough alone. Shigaraki just does not care about himself and is unable to see himself as an individual, which is exactly why he needs someone to care for him and see him that way.
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Shigaraki's greatest challenge to date is that he's been dehumanized so thoroughly, and lost sight of himself to the point where he's lost even his own body autonomy. When Shigaraki is battling for possession of his body as AFO attempts to take total control and make him into a symbol again, denying him his personhood, we're set up directly with Spinner being the one who reminds us that Shigaraki is just a person, who likes video games, and gets along with his friends. It's Spinner who notices right away that AFO is different from Shigaraki and challenges him the same way that he challenged Shigaraki directly in the My VIllain Academia arc. This is all set up most likely, for Spinner being the one to reach out a hand the same way IIDA did, because what Shigaraki needs the most right now, is not a hero who will save him, but rather a normal person who will understand him and remind him that deep down he was just a normal kid too before all of this happened. What Shigaraki is most in need of is a hand that will reach out to him, and Spinner has already done this once putting Nana's hand back on his face when he couldn't wake up, but what he's failed to realize is that it's his own scaly lizard hands that should be doing the reaching out.
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makeste · 4 years
So, which of these desperately sobbing children gets to compete for Worst Day? I... think Shouto's our, uh, lucky winner, but I think Deku, Momo, and Tokoyami all put up strong fights
so seeing as we are finally approaching New Chapter Times again after a very long three weeks, this feels like a good time to do a recap of just how much everything currently sucks for our intrepid heroes. it may seem a bit insensitive of me to go through the cast list one by one and arbitrarily assign each character a number score based on how shitty their day was, but... well actually I don’t really have a good defense for that, lol. whatever, let’s just get to ranking these children’s misery (and while we’re at it, some of the adults’ as well).
Midoriya Izuku
current status: unconscious. currently has a pair of those floppy inflatable flailing tube men dealios for arms. had to watch his teacher and his best friends get hurt and nearly die while being helpless to do anything to stop it. has a new quirk which “warns” him of approaching danger by giving him ice pick headaches, as if he didn’t have enough pain in his life as it is. is being targeted by the most dangerous person in the world. and last but not least, is probably on the verge of his super-secret quirk becoming not-so-secret, and having to deal with the fallout of that.
rank: 9/10. hard to imagine how things could get much worse for this little guy atm. NO HORIKOSHI THAT IS NOT A CHALLENGE. YOU LEAVE HIS MENTOR ALONE.
Bakugou Katsuki
current status: unconscious. got impaled by the Big Bad which initially did not look good, but apparently it wasn’t enough to stop him from flying around in drunken loop-de-loops whilst ignoring Iida’s protests, so who knows. proudly announced his new hero name to the world only to be met with scorn and ridicule and hysterical laughter from that fucking Caillou-looking motherfucker whose opinion he never mcfucking asked for, thank you very much. and also his best friend’s self-sacrificing tendencies are giving him anxiety, and his other best friend’s brother just pulled a reverse Darth Vader on Endeavor and upended hero society as we know it. so there’s a good chance he might be called upon to provide emotional support to one or even BOTH of them in the near future. has... has he actually become the stable friend in the trio. fuck.
rank: 7/10 just because he briefly appeared to be in a situationally-inappropriate good mood for those few brief minutes right after Jeanist appeared. you were having too much fun to get a top score, Katsuki.
Todoroki Shouto
current status: not unconscious but probably wishing he was. older brother came back from the dead and revealed that he was a mass murderer and broadcast all of Shouto’s personal traumas to the entire world before earnestly trying to set him and his friends on fire. so is currently dealing with all of the fun fallout from that, on top of watching his teacher and friends all come within inches of death. will probably be dragged into a national controversy against his will now that Endeavor’s past has been revealed. all of it is honestly so shitty that it’s all but impossible for me to put an irreverent spin on this. I honestly can’t think of a single joke to make. goddammit Shouto.
rank: 10/10. a perfect storm of shittiness.
Yaoyorozu Momo
current status: somehow Momo went from having no mentors that we knew of, to having two mentors, and then back to having no mentors, all in the span of a single day. has to be some sort of record.
rank: 8/10. and the worst part of all is that she was a fucking BAMF during this arc, but she can’t even enjoy that now because of all the trauma. I’m still proud of you, Momo.
Uraraka Ochako
current status: mentally and physically exhausted after spending a day out on the front lines dealing with the aftermath of an unnatural disaster. saw things that were canonically enough to make a grown man have a nervous breakdown right then and there. had a really weird and unsettling encounter with Toga who keeps trying to relate to her by telling her things like “hey Ochako, this one time I turned into you and used your quirk to murder someone horribly isn’t that wild.” it’s just been a very long day for her.
rank: 6/10. stressful af but she’s still in one piece and no one was actively murdered in front of her. sometimes you gotta take whatever wins you can get.
Tokoyami Fumikage
current status: his mentor was nearly burned to death in front of him and he was almost burned to death too, and the guy who kept attempting to burn him was all “YOUR MENTOR’S A MURDERER BTW AND SO YOU SHOULD JUST LET ME KILL HIM”, and so he was kind of put on the spot there and he didn’t really know what to do, and somehow he managed to escape with Hawks anyway but Hawks’s wings were all burnt off, and then a fucking video of Hawks stabbing Twice in the back got broadcast to the entire nation and so it’s like, ???? he didn’t sign up for this??? he is just a little birb??? can he live????
rank: 7/10 because he missed out on all of the other traumatizing stuff, but it’s honestly impressive how bad his day managed to be even in spite of that.
All for One
current status: All for One’s day is actually going pretty good.
rank: 0/10. hey but fuck you, AFO.
Shigaraki Tomura
current status: woke up early from his nap which always sucks. only got to enjoy his cool new Transcendent Being powers for a few minutes before the heroes all ganged up on him and incinerated him a bunch of times and fucked up his shiny new cape. has his old mentor currently taking up residence in his head uninvited and trying to boss him around. found out his grandma was part of One for All?? then slept through all of the fun stuff with the Dabi reveal. also a bunch of his friends are either dead or captured. all in all was not really the best day for him.
rank: 8/10 because he was having himself a grand old time for a while there, but once some of this stuff finally sinks in the Suck Factor is going to go way, way up. also, seriously, AFO is currently possessing his body, jesus christ. just leave him alone already.
current status: had to make an impossible choice between sitting back and letting an untold number of people die, and turning on a good but misguided man who was only trying to help his friends. has to live with the trauma of literally stabbing his friend in the back for the rest of his life. may have been rendered effectively quirkless. was publicly dragged through the mud alongside Endeavor, and unlike Endeavor he didn’t actually do anything to earn it (though that probably won’t stop him from feeling like he has). oh and speaking of Endeavor, just found out that the hero he looked up to since childhood abused his family and shit, and so now he has to grapple with that on top of everything else. how fucked is it that the minute he finally got to drop his whole double agent balancing act, his life somehow got even more fucked up and complicated.
rank: 9/10. let Hawks rest.
Aizawa Shouta
current status: unconscious. seems to have lost an eye which may possibly affect his quirk. had to saw off his own fucking leg. met the man who experimented on his childhood friend. doesn’t know yet that said man was originally targeting him and not Shirakumo. oh and also his other other childhood friend just died and he doesn’t know it yet. and someone else sacrificed himself in order to save him. and most of his other hero pals are either dead or wounded too, and all of his kids are deeply traumatized. and the guy they went through all of this shit to try and capture in the first place got away, and hero society is now in shambles.
rank: 11/10. Horikoshi. wtf did Aizawa ever do to you.
anyways it’s getting late and I was gonna throw in a few honorable mentions, but I think I’ll just call it a day instead. feel free to weigh in on any of the ones I missed. Dabi for one is having himself a FINE, fine day. but Endeavor not so much. sob.
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Subject: BNHA, Dabi aka Touya Todoroki
Title: House Party Bully 4 (NSFW, fem reader)
Trigger Warning: Non con, pregnancy, (accidentally) induced labor, drinking, smoking (weed), obsession, possessive behavior, forced marriage, dick piercings, family trauma, voyeurism, drunk kisses, jealousy
“Avoid,” Touya said slowly, finally, “the others when you can.” It was obvious advice, especially after what his siblings had done to you, but you just nodded and laid on his bed. He glanced at you and sat down beside you. For a moment, you thought he’d rub your back or pet your hair, but he pushed you onto your side, forcing you to face away from him. “Laying on your side is better for the baby.” 
Right. Even if Touya was, arguably, better than the rest of his family, he was just like them: only after the fetus growing inside you and the things that came with it. Milk, whatever prestige fucked up rich families like these got with grandkids, and ownership over you. 
“I’ll get a job,” Touya added suddenly, “a good one, then we can move out.” 
We. The word felt like an umbilical cord around your throat, connecting you to him and the baby you didn’t want. You were choking. But you needed him. Just as much as he wanted you to need him. “Don’t worry about moving out,” you mumbled into his sheets, “I’m sure your father wouldn’t let us.” 
Touya twitched beside you. He seemed to be thinking because he was quiet for a long moment. The mattress caved closer to you. “Hey,” he said, voice soft, “you didn’t like my dad better, right?” 
Something cold washed down your body. Every muscle from your head to your toes froze and curled in on themselves. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You felt him roll over, his back nearly pressed against yours, heat soaking through your shirt with unwanted comfort. He was silent for a moment, like he’d rather drop the subject, but then pushed on to say, “You didn’t like him better when he fucked you, did you?” 
With as much ice as you could muster you replied, “I didn’t like it when either of you assaulted me.” 
That seemed to rile Touya up because the bed shook with the weight of him leaping off it. He grabbed your arm, forced you onto your back, his grip bruising. “I didn’t assault you!”
“Then what would you prefer to call it Touya?” You glared at him, the ice in your body replaced with insufferable heat. “Rape? Teaching a rat a lesson?” 
He backed off at that. “No, it was...” He bit his lip. “Forget it.” 
He made for the door and your rage washed away with panic. “Where are you going?” You may have hated him, but you needed him to keep the hungry mouths of his siblings off you. 
Touya stopped in the doorway and sighed. “I’m going out. The others won’t bother you if you stay in here.” He started to close the door behind him and stopped, one cerulean eye locking onto you. “If you need anything, you can call me.” 
You wanted to say something back, something biting and cruel, but the ugly truth was that he’d saved you and you needed him. Your throat was tight when you said, “Okay.” 
The door shut. 
You laid back on your side. How did Touya bullying you turn into this? You were both just college students and suddenly you’d been roped into his fucked up family and forced to have his fucked up baby. There was a little him inside you. The thought made you sick to your stomach, but you laid there and held onto the sheets that smelled like your captor. The safest Todoroki. What an ironic thought. It was like calling him the least poisonous snake: regardless of which one sunk their teeth into you, you weren't coming out unscathed.
At some point you must have fallen asleep because you were startled awake by your phone ringing. You were too groggy to check the ID and answered. “Hello?” Your voice was weak from disuse. 
“Did I wake you?” Ice ate your bones when you heard the voice. Deep baritone and stone cold. Enji Todoroki continued, “Sorry. I managed to pull some strings with a friend of mine to keep this quiet. Long story short,” he paused, “welcome to the family Mrs. Todoroki.” 
Every word, every reaction, every thought vanished into a vacuum, a vacuum named shock. He’d done it. Any hope of escape after the baby was born vanished just like that. You were branded with his name just as your body would never be the same after it delivered his baby. You couldn’t even muster up the strength to hang up the phone. 
“Rei and I,” Enji continued as if he hadn’t just destroyed your future, “are on our way home now. I’ve got another doctor’s appointment scheduled tomorrow.” 
You didn’t reply.
“We’ll able to find out the gender of the baby,” he said, “Rei’s eager to know but Touya might prefer the surprise. Do you have a preference?”
The blank space that held your feelings erupted. Your preference? Now he cared about your fucking preference? Fuck no. Fuck that. You screamed and hung up, throwing your phone across the room into a pile of dirty laundry. You wanted to punch Enji in his stupid face. You wanted to kick Touya in his breeding balls. You wanted to... You screamed again and this time tears streamed down your face. Defiance leaked out of you with every sob. You were trapped. 
For the next four and a half months it felt like Enji was keep you away from Touya. He dragged you from appointment to appointment, insisting you stay in your room. Thankfully the other three hadn't so much as knocked on your door, but that didn't ease your anxiety in the slightest.
As your belly grew rounder it became harder to attend classes without people gossiping, especially with Enji by your side. When you couldn't fit into your desk one day it hit you that you'd have to balance Touya, school, and a needy baby. Suddenly you weren't so sure you wanted to attend classes in person.
It didn't help when you could feel it, yes it because Enji had decided to withhold the baby's gender, kicking inside you. It hurt. It was like being bullied by Touya all over again. The thought made you want to cry, but you were in class and simply bit your lip. The baby kept kicking.
After you got home from school, there was a note on the kitchen counter. "Out of town for Shouto's jujutsu match. Back Monday - Enji." The house was empty. You had the Todoroki manor to yourself. Was this your chance to run, while they were all gone?
But the front door opened. Touya stumbled in with his friends behind him. He looked at you, snarled, and walked away.
Toga smiled at you. "We're having a party tonight, feel free to come and bring your friend, too!" She pointed at your swollen belly and giggled following Touya.
Shigaraki and Spinner barely nodded at you. Twice gave you a thumbs up.
So this was how Touya got away with his parties.
But still the party could be your escape. A million cars on the lawn and—
You doubled over grabbing the counter to hold yourself steady. Throbbing pain burst around belly button as the tiny Todoroki inside you reminded you of it's presence. The baby could come any day. And then where would you go? Even if you ran you'd be alone, almost due, without any of your things: including the funds needed to simply give birth. No wonder Enji was comfortable taking off: you didn't have another option to leave without endangering yourself or the baby. Fuck.
Grabbing a snack you went back to your room and went to sleep.
Pounding base ripped you from your dreams. Each vibration traveling down your body and making every cell electrify. A familiar headache formed behind your eyes. This was just like the party nine months ago, disorienting and loud and fuck... The base was making you sick. This needed to stop. Touya. You needed to find Touya.
Quickly you pulled out your phone and called the number that felt like signing away your soul to the devil. It rang and rang and rang. Nothing. Shit. At least you knew where Touya would be. He could stop this.
You made for the door, wobbling and waddling with that cursed ten pound weight on your stomach. Nausea made it hard to focus on where you were. You wanted to vomit. You used the walls to help keep yourself upright as you descended into the bass, cringing when it started pumping louder.
Just gotta get to the study, you thought, that's where Touya always was with his friends.
Even thought you'd lived here for what felt like the better part of your pregnancy, you hadn't had the freedom to walk around alone. It was so big and twisted and confusing, especially since you could barely move. But you could also remember when Touya dragged you to his room, the smell of liquor on his breath and weed in his clothes.
He'd been terrifying then. An unknowable monster that plagued your school life. Now, he was still a monster, but one you were beginning to understand—no matter how much you didn't want to.
You understood that Touya was a result of his toxic family. You understood that Touya would likely never have normal romantic relationships. You understood that you were now parts of both these things. You understood that none of this was your fault and you didn't deserve any of it. And nothing would change in understanding your situation.
You pressed on, breathing hard, and stopped. God you wanted to sit and sleep, but the bass was an ache in your bones that kept biting you awake. You didn't have the energy for this. You checked where you were and nearly sobbed. Big chocolate doors with ornate handles. The study.
You burst through the doors. The smell of weed hit you before anything, making you double over coughing. Enji’s study was exactly how you remembered it, though the potent smell of weed this time was far worse. It was like your body couldn’t handle even the thought of it, your stomach churning, bile lapping at your esophagus. Voices fluttered through the room overlapping and swelling until you could pull out Touya's, talking excitedly. He cut himself and then started again, "There she is." His words were slurred, messy. He’d been drinking. 
He whipped around, nearly falling over his legs to get to you. A hiccup raked up his body and he burst into giggles. “She’s here,” he said again, “she came all the way down here to see me. Are you enjoying the party, babe?” Touya wrapped you in a foul smelling hug, burying his face in your hair. 
Despite how uncomfortable you were, you couldn’t help noticing how he seemed to be avoiding your bloated stomach. “Turn off the music,” you said, “its giving me a headache.” 
“But the party,” Touya whined in your ear. 
“You and your friends can smoke and drink, I don’t care, but the music has to stop. Its driving me crazy.” 
Whatever happy attitude Touya wore vanished. He dropped his arms from around you leaving you cold. “Its driving you crazy?” He backed you up against the wall, his face inches from yours, a snarl across his mouth. “Do you have any idea how I’ve felt? I’m the one who knocked you up and I barely even see you. We live in the same fucking house! You belong to me and yet you let Fuyu and Natsu suck on your tits like it was their baby inside you.” His blue eyes were fire, boring into you. “The baby isn’t dad’s or my siblings. Its mine,” his fire died out in a moment, head hanging low, the tips of his hair tickling your nose, “even if I didn’t want it.” 
Your mouth fell open. This was his scheme, his plan, to knock you up, keep you at his side and he didn’t even want it? “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Tears exploded out of your eyes, your nose swelling. “You took my freedom, my life, and you didn’t even want it?” Your voice broke into a shriek, “You bullied me every fucking day because you have a fucking crush on me and—and—.” You burst into sobs, whatever thoughts you had died on your tongue. 
Touya stared at you, his eyebrows narrowed. You thought he was going to yell at you, tell you it was your fault for making him like you in the first place. “You know,” his voice was rough, deep, “I always liked it when you yelled at me.” And then his mouth was on yours, teeth against teeth and tongue sloppily trying to enter your mouth. 
You tried to push him off, anger flaring in your chest like a wildfire, but Touya was bigger and stronger. Even drunk and high he was powerful. Another reminder of the night he’d assaulted you. Another reminder that the Todorokis could lord over you however they pleased. 
One of his friends started laughing. “I’ve never seen Touya get this worked up,” it sounded like Spinner, “wonder how far he’ll go.” 
Touya pulled back, spit connecting your mouths. His chest heaved and so did yours as you both took in oxygen. He turned around, smiled. “You just want to see my dick.” 
The others laughed in that way stoners did when they weren’t sure what was happening but they were still enjoying themselves. “C’mon,” Shigaraki laughed, “whip it out, Toga said you got a new piercing.” 
“Gotta get hard first,” Touya laughed. He dragged you to the automan and pushed you onto your back, your head just a foot from where the others sat smoking. The smile on his face vanished when your shirt rode up over your swollen stomach, your belly button flat against the stretched out skin. Slowly he put his hand on your stomach, feeling how taut it was and froze when the baby kicked. 
He met your eyes. “I—.”
“C’mon Touya,” Toga groaned, her mouth stretched into a hungry smile, “show us how you knocked her up.” They all laughed at that. Of all of them, you would have thought that Toga would be on your side, at least telling them off, but she seemed just as into your torture as the rest of them. 
Touya snapped out of whatever thought he was in, smiling that doped out smile again. He wrapped your legs around his waist and bucked into your clothed cunt. 
A high pitched shriek left your mouth. It was just humping and yet your body was reacting to it like Touya had just pinched your clit. The fiery rage inside you turned into a different type of heat. “Please,” you grabbed Touya’s shirt, “don’t do this.” 
He kissed your cheek. “I’m just giving my friends a show,” he smiled cruelly, “rat.” He bucked again and this time you bit your tongue to keep from crying out. "Ah-ah," Touya whined, "you're not allowed to hold back. We're putting on a show." He dug his tongue into your mouth again, careful to make sure you had nothing to hold back your cries except for him.
He roughly bucked against you again, his flat stomach rubbing over your swollen one. His friends cooed and cawed as he humped you through your clothes, his cock growing stiff and swollen in his pants. Touya grunted into your mouth and then pulled off gasping. "Fuck, I want to be inside." He stepped away, clawing at his pants to free himself. 
You tried to get up, run away, but his friends pinned you down, held you for him. 
Touya didn’t seem to notice the assist, too distracted trying to unhook one of the piercings from his zipper. When he finally managed to free himself, you saw the prince albert piercing you’d felt the first time and new ones along the bottom. Near the base of his cock was the beginnings of a jacob’s ladder. 
He crossed back over to you and yanked off your pants with your panties following close behind. He stared at your exposed entrance, a soft drunk giggle escaping his lips. “I don’t think I got a good enough look at this last time.” He kissed your clit and just as quickly bit into it making you shriek. “God,” he groaned, “you’re pretty.” He aligned himself with your entrance and pushed in. 
A hiss left his mouth, his hands gripping the automan tightly. “Fuuuuuuuck, you weren’t this tight last time.” 
“Last time,” your voice nearly broke, “I wasn’t heavily pregnant.” 
He smirked at you, “That must be the secret to good sex then.” Touya didn't wait for you to adjust, sliding all the way out and back in, his piercings dragging roughly against your walls. A low groan rippled out of his throat. He hunkered down above you, practically tucking himself into you with his head buried in your neck and stomach against yours. He kept up that rough pace as his friends smoked and laughed. 
You winched when the baby started kicking again. 
Touya froze. He’d felt it, too. He lifted himself up, keeping his cock firmly inside you, and ran his hands over your belly. You couldn’t decipher the look on his face. “Hey, calm down,” he said, “Daddy’s right here, there’s no need to freak out. Don’t be so selfish with Mommy’s cunt.” 
He started up his rhythm again, rougher and deeper. You shrieked when he hit your cervix and then did it again, taking your cries as encouragement. “Stop it,” you begged, pulling at his shirt, “don’t do that you’re gonna—.”
“Gonna make you cum,” Touya chuckled as if he’d finished your sentence for you. He lifted your legs over his shoulders, practically shoving your already impregnated form into a mating press. Each thrust had your heavy belly bouncing, your swollen tits leaking, your throat raw from crying. It should have been uncomfortable and terrible but the ugly truth was Touya knew how to fuck you well, from the first time he’d assaulted you to now, he felt good. 
He was better than his father. 
Touya growled as he started pumping faster, ramming your cervix harder and harder until—
You screamed. This wasn’t you cumming, this was something different, something old and terrible that had your entire body shaking and flexing at once. Hot fluid poured out of you and onto the automan, splashing the front of Touya’s jeans and shirt. 
He froze, that careless smile wiped away in less than a second. “What was that?”
“Holy shit,” Shigaraki muttered, “I think you broke her water.” And then he burst into laughter. Everyone was laughing, everyone except you and Touya. 
“No,” he whined, “nonononononono. Please don’t, no.” He pulled out of you and tried to cover your entrance but it wasn’t done leaking. “I’m not ready for a baby. I’m not ready to be a father. I don’t want... I didn’t...” He locked eyes with you, fear coloring the blue color of his eyes. Of every expression you’d seen him wear, fear was not one of them: until now. He looked at you like you could do something about it, like you could just hold it in and wait until tomorrow, but the baby was coming and it hurt. 
You screamed again and the stoners stopped laughing. 
“Bro,” Toga said, “I think she’s actually, like, y’know.” 
Touya collapsed on his hands and knees, tears flowing down his face. His chest caved and expanded as he panted. “No,” he kept crying. He crawled across the floor to his phone, quickly opening it and dialing a number. You could barely hear the exchange over your pain, a deep and terrible tearing, but you did hear Touya say, “I didn’t mean to. Dad, please, help me.”
You don’t know how long you laid there curled on your side, sobbing in pain, but the study doors burst open, Enji reeking of cold night air in just a button down and slacks. He looked between you and Touya, sighed, and scooped you off the automan. “We’re going to the hospital, you’re gonna be fine.” 
You did not feel like you’d be fine. 
Touya had sloppily redressed himself, still crying. He followed Enji out into the car. He climbed into the passenger seat while Enji buckled you up in the back. You grit your teeth to keep from screaming again. 
Enji shook the car as he climbed into the driver’s seat and peeled away from the Todoroki mansion. “I warned you,” he growled at his son, “that you needed to be delicate with her and what did you do? You tried to fuck her to impress your friends.”
“I’m sorry,” Touya sobbed. 
“You could have given her, or your baby an infection or worse,” he growled, “don’t do it again next time.”
You tried not to think about that last comment. 
The hospital was quick and efficient, taking you into the delivery room. Your mind was blank as they talked about contractions and potential complications. And then you were holding someone’s hand and screaming like you’d never screamed before, in more pain than you’d ever experienced in your life, for more hours than you thought possible in a day. 
When it was done, a nurse dumped your newborn on your chest, a tiny little lump of flesh so red he matched his hair. His father’s hair. His grandfather’s hair. A baby boy. A nurse said something about a name but all you could do was lay there and watch as the baby opened his cerulean eyes and began to wail.
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spookyceph · 3 years
Pull Test
Summary: Shigaraki and Kurogiri meet with the League of Villain's newest candidate.
Rating: Gen Fic, SFW
Relationships: Shigaraki & Magne
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura, Magne, Kurogiri, Giran, mentioned Dabi, mentioned Toga Himiko
Words: 2,732
Warnings: Implied/Referenced transphobia and deadnaming when Magne's background is mentioned, swearing
The manila folder dropped from the air like a dead bird, hitting the bar top with a slap. Tomura jerked back, stool wobbling beneath him, and grit his teeth as he heard the staccato sounds of his fighter taking damage in his game. Recovering balance, he hit the pause button before glaring at the warp gate that swirled into being across the way.
“Another one already?” he snapped the moment the tall figure of his caretaker stepped out of the darkness.
Kurogiri straightened both his tie and metal gorget. “I was quite impressed myself. Giran is proving to be as professional and efficient as advertised.” He motioned to the folder he’d air dropped in. “Shall we consider this new candidate together, Shigaraki Tomura?”
Tomura wasn’t in the mood to consider shit. He hadn’t been hanging around the bar for going on two hours hoping for work to come along. One of his hands strayed to his pocket. He touched the lump that was the jar of salve he’d taken to carrying at all times. The serpentine ridge of a friendship bracelet (I used red, white, and black string so it would match you, Tomura-kun!) had joined it a week ago. Of course, he’d die before admitting to lurking just to catch a glimpse of Dabi. Or that he’d agreed to let Toga show him her favorite otome games as soon as she came back from her shopping trip. He definitelycouldn’t tell the smug old ink splatter to fuck off and let him get back to his goal of a high score—not without having how wrong he’d been about those same two people rubbed in his face.
That left being a responsible leader as the only option.
Tomura growled and set his game aside. He flicked the folder open. “Fine. What’s this new asshole’s name?” Giving in didn’t require him to be gracious about it.
“Ah. About that. I believe there’s a conflicting issue in her files about that point. Her family name is Hikiishi, however, her given one, or both, may require an update.”
A look at the top of the file filled in the blanks. The picture Giran had included showed the candidate flashing a bold smile at the camera. Shoulder-length auburn hair framed prominent cheekbones. Slightly darker fuzz lined her jaw and chin. Tomura couldn’t tell what color her eyes were behind her sunglasses, but they locked with his through lenses and stock paper alike. Hikiishi Kenji, read the first line of information on the page beneath the photo. A police report, by the looks of it.
“I see. Well, for now let’s just call Hikiishi by her alias until she confirms with us.” Tomura skimmed through the info again. “Magne, right? Related to her quirk, I assume.”
The currents of Kurogiri’s mist slowed and relaxed into looser coils. “Correct.”
Tomura frowned. “What? Did you think I’d have some sort of problem with the name thing?”
“After the misunderstanding with Dabi—”
“Dabi and I talked.”
The yellow eyes glowing within the darkness widened. “Did you now?”
Fuck, he wasn’t turning red, was he? Was he? “We’re adults. We worked shit out, okay? Not everybody has a stick up their ass about being polite all the time.” He scooped up his game, more than ready to retreat into something he could control. “When are we expecting Magne?”
“Giran can bring her by tomorrow evening.”
“Fine. Let’s get the stupid meet and greet crap over with.” When only silence followed, Tomura raised his gaze from the screen to glare at Kurogiri. “What?”
The wisps curling from the smoggy bastard’s head looked suspiciously like smiles. “Nothing, Shigaraki Tomura. Nothing at all.”
Tomura’s finger rose and fell on the bartop fast enough to give a sewing machine needle a run for its money. The ball of his right foot bounced on the stool’s crossbar in time with it.
Giran had promised he’d be there between 9:00 and 10:00. The clock by the door pointed to 9:51.
Lots of people would be riding the trains on a Friday night. Or roaming the streets, looking for food and alcohol, karaoke, strangers to stave off loneliness. Heroes would be out in force as a result, watching for any predators stalking the herds of humanity. Tomura didn’t know how to calculate exact probability rates for shit hitting the fan, but he got the sense they were on the higher end under such conditions.
Why couldn’t he just run into party members along the way as needed, like in games? Each one would specialize in a skill, forming a well-rounded team. Everyone would follow him to the bitter end because they believed in him and not some ass goblin named Stain. Why they believed in Tomura wouldn’t matter, though money would be a reasonable guess. Idealism didn’t pay much from what he could tell.
“Be calm, Shigaraki Tomura. This meeting will go well.”
He bared teeth at Kurogiri. “There has to be a meeting for it to go a certain way. And I am calm, damn it.”
“So I see.” He finished wiping down the glass he held before setting it on the bar and grabbing another. “My apologies.”
Tomura twisted on the stool to give the smart ass shadow a piece of his overthinking mind.
Knock, knock, knock.
Without missing a beat, Kurogiri stuck his free hand through a small warp gate and turned the handle of the door across the room. He went back to polishing as two figures entered the bar.
For someone who charged such high fees, Giran went out of his way to look cheap and kitschy. Little round tinted lenses pinched to the bridge of his nose. A scrunched scarf like someone’s guts slung around his neck. One front tooth missing in his low-key sleazy smile. The woman following right behind him and surveying her new surroundings made for a more welcome sight. Sunglasses (her and Giran both, for fucks’ sake) hid her eyes just like in her picture, but her lips held a hint of a smile.
The essence of good manners, Kurogiri bowed to their guests. “Good evening. Welcome to our humble home.”
Tomura, to balance the scales, snorted and folded his arms across his chest. “Took you long enough.”
Giran shrugged and twirled his hand, leaving behind a smoke spiral from the tip of the cigarette between his fingers. “Our train was delayed by some prankster threatening to blow up the tracks.”
“Doesn’t sound like a prank.”
“It wouldn’t have been if the lazy bastard hadn’t been trying to pass off children’s clay as plastic explosive. One of the cops noticed the stuff was bright yellow and they rushed him. They didn’t even call in a hero.” The broker shook his head. “What’s this world coming to? People can’t be bothered to find and pay for real weapons anymore. It offends my pride as a businessman.”
Behind Father, Tomura grimaced. His short-lived venture with Stain had indeed moved people to lash out at society. The problem was most of them were fucking morons. He doubted any decent candidates the League managed to net would make up for all the secondhand embarrassment he’d suffered in the past couple of weeks from watching the news.
“Oh, I don’t know,” the woman said, tapping her chin. “I felt kinda bad for the poor guy. He looked like your average office wage-slave. I thought he was going to break down in tears when they hauled him off.”
“Serves him right for cutting corners. No conviction, no integrity these days I tell you.”
She hid a grin behind her hand. “You’re heartless, Giran.”
The broker snorted smoke from his nostrils like an exasperated dragon. “I’m practical.”
“And yet you still haven’t introduced me.”
Posture straightening, Giran tugged at his weirdly anatomical scarf. “Sorry, got sidetracked. Magne, Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri of the League of Villains.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Slipping off his stool, Tomura gave her a short bow. The way Kurogiri swayed slightly, as if he’d swoon from shock, made the display worth it.
“I take it I’ve earned my fee?” chimed in Giran.
Kurogiri’s misty form shuddered as he roused himself. “Of course. We’ll hear from you again soon?”
“I’ve got a few candidates lined up.” The broker sketched them a mock salute before turning and closing the door behind him.
“Please, have a seat.” Tomura motioned to the row of barstools beside him.
“Thank you. Don’t mind if I do.”
While Magne approached, he studied her movements. She strode across the hardwood floor, work boots making minimal noise with each step. Grace as well as power. She knew how to use the muscle under her shirt’s rolled up sleeves rather than relying on pure size. Although, that didn’t hurt either—Tomura put her at over ten centimeters his own height at least, and she definitely outclassed him by weight. He wondered whether she had speed to go along with strength. She slid into the next seat over and rested her chin in her hands.
“Would you care for something to drink, Miss Magne?” Kurogiri asked, jumping at the chance to play host.
“Oh, my. So formal. Sure, I’ll have whatever you recommend.”
Tomura waited until a small glass of something amber-colored had been set in front of them both (ginger ale for him) and she’d taken an approving sip before getting things rolling.
“You have quite a record, Magne.” Though he’d already memorized the relevant bits, he flipped open the folder container her information.
She glanced over, shades slipping down her nose as she scanned the first page of the police report. “Twenty-nine attempted murders, huh? Is that what they’re calling those? I’m surprised you guys bothered having me come in after reading that garbage.”
Like a small bird, Tomura’s stomach dipped and fluttered when Magne looked at him over the edge of her glasses. Not quite in the same way it did when he caught Dabi watching him from across the room, but close enough to classify the sensation as pleasant. Her irises shone like polished agates, made up of rich layers of browns from a starburst of mahogany around her pupils to flecks of burnished copper. Tomura suddenly understood her hiding them behind lenses. Such a beautiful detail would stick in anyone’s memory.
“Somebody who tried and failed to kill that many people would look pretty incompetent, right?” she replied. “Or like they chickened out at the last second. I don’t enjoy killing. I’ll tell you that up front. But…I didn’t hesitate with the three I did put down, let’s just say that.”
Tomura, a multiple murderer himself, examined the square set of her shoulders, the twist of scorn to her mouth towards her accusers, and found no reason to doubt her. He nodded.
“The so-called attempts were from the robberies you pulled off then?”
“Mostly, though I’m sure a few of the bullies I smacked around exaggerated just to prove what big, strong men they are.” She harumphed and took another sip from her drink.
“And the actual murders?”
Her lips puckered, as if she tasted something more bitter than whatever alcohol Kurogiri had given her. “Personal matters.”
“I see.” Tomura turned the page and ran his finger further down the information. “Your quirk has some unique parameters.”
The lines of Magne’s face eased into a smile. “Oh, the gender thing? A theory really. I haven’t had much opportunity to test it seriously. It might be nothing but my own perception…but I guess that doesn’t make it any less real, does it?” She lifted a hand from her glass and reached halfway toward him. “Care for a demonstration?”
Tomura caught himself drawing away from her, his nails latching onto the sides of his neck. Cowering—great way to display his leadership skills. “What’re you going to do?”
“Oh, just tug on your arm a little. Go ahead and put it down by your side for me.”
Resisting the urge to look to Kurogiri for reassurance, he did as asked. For safety’s sake he curled his fingers into a fist.
Magne smiled. “Ready?”
According to the knot in his stomach, no, but he nodded anyway. His arm jerked and leapt up as if it were tied by a string. Tomura gasped, almost slipping off his seat. Magne caught and steadied him.
“Sorry, honey! Got so excited to show off I put a bit too much oomph into it.” She patted his shoulder as if there weren’t dead, gray hands clutching it.
“’S’alright,” he mumbled. And it was—his skin showed no marks, his muscles and joints registered no pain. He readjusted the delicate hand decorating his wrist. Cold, waxy, and pliant. Nothing like Magne.
“So, can you manipulate people’s movements? Turn them into your puppets?”
She hummed and pushed her sunglasses back into their proper place. “Not really. I can move someone with the proper amount of push versus pull, but it’s such delicate work that they could break free pretty easily. Hold out your arm and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Still making a fist, Tomura followed her suggestion. Magne positioned her hands on either side of his forearm, spread about half a meter apart. Concentration dug a V between her brows. A thrum jolted through Tomura’s bones. He startled at the rush of tingles in his elbow and shoulder but kept his balance. Something like a low electrical current pulsed along his arm, raising its pale little hairs. Eyes wide, he watched as the limb drifted from one side to the other, then up, down—anywhere the poles of Magne’s palms guided it. He could even see, feel his skin being tugged and pressed by her quirk. Taking a deep breath, Tomura drew his fist back. He met some resistance, but didn’t have to put up any real struggle.
“Weird.” He shook his buzzing fingers out. “But kinda nice. Tingly. Like an electrical field.”
Magne tilted her head and smirked. “Oh? That’s a new one. Then again, maybe I’d have heard it before if I used my quirk for something besides bashing jerks.”
What would he have done without Father hiding the fact he blushed at the slightest fucking thing? He’d never get used to talking to people at this rate.
“Your skills would be a great asset to the League, Miss Magne,” Kurogiri said, saving Tomura from having to pretend he could be witty. “I presume Giran discussed the expenses we cover? Upon joining, you would also be welcome to claim a room upstairs, should you wish.”
Magne went still. Even her breathing stopped for a moment. “You’d let me stay here?”
Tomura knew right then he’d never live down being wrong about not letting League members move into the hideout. Kurogiri would never be crass enough to say it out loud, of course. He didn’t have to. Tomura sighed, accepting his fate.
“Two members live here already, including another woman. We can introduce you to them both before you decide.”
Gaze aimed at the ceiling, Magne touched fingers to her pursed lips. “I’ve already made up my mind.” She met Tomura’s eyes, a smile lighting up her face. “Sign me up.”
Well. He had no clue whatso-fucking-ever how they’d convinced her, but results were results. Besides, she hadn’t mentioned Stain once. She deserved free room and board for that alone.
“Ah, wonderful. We’re so delighted to have you, Miss Magne.” Kurogiri steepled his fingers. “Please let me know if you require any assistance in moving your belongings. I can warp them to whichever room you choose.”
A soft laugh huffed out of her. “No need, honey. I travel light these days. Would tomorrow evening be too soon?”
Tomura shrugged. “That’s fine. I’ll make sure Toga and Dabi are around so you can meet them.” Even if he had to staple the latter to a chair to make him comply.
“Sounds like a plan.” Magne raised her glass. “To new friends then?”
There was that word again. Offered with the same ease Toga had shown. And Dabi…he’d never said it maybe but his gift had implied…well, something. Tomura touched his pocket. The weight and shapes of the items inside it. With the same hand, he picked up his own glass and clinked it against Magne’s.
“Sure. I’ll drink to that.”
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Fragile Hearts
Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Hanahaki disease, sad reader hours, reader is insecure, mentions of death, name calling, this is really sad so read at your own risk
A/N: I wish this shit didn’t hit different. Wanna know why? Probably because i’ve got 2 series going down at this moment. Crying In The Club plus and a Shigaraki one thats still in the making. So we’re suffering together ya’ll.
It’s angst month motherfuckers >:)
God he looked so handsome today. Those beautiful ruby eyes always found a way to creep into your brain. How could they not? You felt a wave love whenever you stared into them. It always gave your heart joy staring into them.
But it always gave you pain.
Maybe cause you were to afraid to confess? Or was the fact that he seemed to not even show a pinch of interest in you. Or was it the fact that he seemed much more interested in a different women every day. He didn’t even try to hide the fact that he indeed hire prostitutes or escorts. 
You never showed it but every time you saw a different woman leave his quarters it always felt someone had stabbed you right through the heart. You knew he was a reserved and quiet man. Hell he barely talked to anyone if it wasn’t for a meeting or telling someone off. He was a pretty angry and harsh soul. While you, well,
You were that kind of soul that you would have given the shirt off your back to anyone in need. Many villains (mainly Dabi) asked why even bother becoming a villain if you were so kind to them all, in Dabi’s words “Villains are suppose to be rude and horrible.” It was an reasonable question really. The true reason you became a villain was simple.
You held a unruly grudge against heros.
When you were about 8 years old a fire had started in your family home. The flames were so bright. You remembered that day so vividly. The screaming of your family trying to get everyone out. But they were stuck inside while you had managed to go over to a neighbors house and call the cops but when you called and they heard your voice they said,
“Listen kid we have bigger things to do. Next time when you call make sure there’s a real emergency instead of prank calling us.” And then he hung up. The cops, who were there to protect you had hung up on you.
And that fateful call was what sealed your families fate.
After that, you never really believed in the hero system. They had failed you and your family. Which was lead you to villainy. You may have been a kind soul but you would rather use that kindness to help out someone who you feel is worthy. The League of Villains picked you up off the streets, so to you, they were your only family.
You laid down on the bed that occupied your room, staring at the ceiling. It was nicer then the old bar you guys use to live in but, to you it didn’t feel the same. You were happy for how far you guys came but it just felt like most of the PLF kinda made you sad. You didn’t know why but it did. Maybe was it due to the fact that you wanted it to be just the league? You weren’t fond of these new people. Probably cause they tore you down a lot. 
Your quirk was Energy, your quirk allowed you to use energy of the sun to heal you and use sun rays. But the down fall of your quirk was that it was absolutely useless at night. So you had to rely on your combat skill in the night. That was one of the reasons they didn’t like you, cause your quirk kinda had a big flaw. But they also merciless teased you about being kind to your fellow league members. 
You wanted to scream at them. Tell them off, do something at least but, no matter what you thought you could do. Your confidence faded when you remember that they would probably tell Tomura about your outburst. And since he has a habit of decaying people without warning, you just decided it was best to keep your pretty mouth shut.
You sigh as you get off your bed before changing your clothes to pj’s. You put on the black tank top and pajama pants which were super soft and fuzzy. Putting on some socks you open the door and make your descent into the kitchen. You tried to be as quiet as you could. Not wanting to wake anyone up while you ran to get a midnight snack.
Once reaching the kitchen you turn on the lights and almost let out a scream but took a breath instead.
“Oh geez Dabi, scared the shit outta me.” You laugh before making movements towards the fridge.
“Good, gotta keep that blood pumping.” He chuckled before setting his whiskey down. 
You grab your snack before going next to Dabi and sitting down. You picked up your fork and begun to eat only to almost choke at Dabi’s words.
“So when are you gonna tell the boss you have a thing for him?” You almost choke on your food before looking at Dabi with wide eyes. What?! Was your staring that obvious? Oh god...
“H-how did you know?”
“We maybe surrounded by them but i’m no idiot. I can tell when someone has the hots for someone else. It’s just funny seeing you even try with that gremlin.” Dabi laughed at you while you crossed your arms. 
“So what if I think he’s hot? I know that I’ll never have a chance with him, considering all the woman he has coming in and out of his office.” You say with hints of sadness in your voice. It wasn’t hard to tell. You knew what this feeling was. You knew you had grown a one-sided love for your boss.
“Well if you think that you better be careful.” You uncross your arms with a confused look on your face.
“If your talking about me getting with him I know’ll get my heart bro-”
“No, I’m talking about you getting Hanahaki Disease.” What in the ever loving hell is that?
“What the fuck is that?”
“I can tell you one thing is that it never ends up being in a happy ending. So pray you don’t get it.” Dabi said before drinking the rest of the whiskey and going towards his room.
You furrow your brows as you look down at the table. Hanahaki Disease eh? Well you could probably look it up tomorrow, since you have no missions tomorrow as far as your knowledge. 
“The disease can’t be that bad, right?”
You wake up to a burning pain in your chest. You let out a little cough before going over to your bathroom to take a shower. This time you let out a louder cough, it felt like something was in your throat. Ugh this feeling was always the worst damnit.
You start coughing trying to get whatever the hell was in your throat out. You pounded at your chest before a little daisy popped out of your mouth. You fell on your ass while holding your throat, rubbing it as you looked at the flower with confusion. 
“How did that get in my throat?” You crawl over a scoop up the daisy. Looking at it with amazement and confusion. This is impossible, how the hell?
Grabbing your phone you opened up google and searched online for any answers on what this could mean.
‘i just coughed up a flower, what the does that mean?’
You wait for the screen to stop loading only to drop the flower and scurry away from it as fast as possible.
No way...this couldn’t be real, how could this happen! You knew you liked your boss but when you read the article saying it can only happen from a one sided love you knew you were boned.
How can you get rid of a love that has taken so long to blossom? Only for it to be your down fall. You kept reading up on it while sitting on the bathroom floor. The more you read the more scared you became. You could die from it if you didn’t get it treated! But the procedure was said to be very risky and highly dangerous. So it was pretty much up to you to get over your feelings for Shigaraki. Yeah that was going to be a pain in the ass.
Time could only tell.
Day One
You sat at the meeting while your eyes couldn’t help but stare at him. He was so gorgeous, who could you ever compare to the girls he brings to his beck ad call? They were perfect! You just felt like no matter what you did, you never could get the attention of your leader. No, you need to work on yourself! The disease can’t get worse or else-
“(Y/N)! Were you even paying attention?” Shigaraki’s voice boomed causing you to yelp. Snickering could be heard around the table causing your face to heat up in embarrassment. You look at Spinner and he sends you a apologetic look.
“No Shigaraki, I’m sorry. I had something on my mind.” You say looking down. You’ve never been one with getting yelled at. 
“Well get your head out of your ass and pay attention and if your not going to the doors right there.” 
“I’ll pay attention.” You said as you looked down, trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill. Your nails dig into your clothes thighs as you only listen to Shigaraki. You wanted to but all you could hear was sweet voice that you wished was there instead of the one now.
Day 5
You looked terrible to say the least. You couldn’t believe that is was growing this fast! I mean when you looked into it it said 2-3 months but you didn’t think it would grow so unreasonable fast!
Thinking about it and pushing your panic aside you’ve come to the conclusion that its going faster because of how deep your love and loyalty is for him. It’s so deep rooted that the flowers are growing faster.
Especially the one growing on your neck. 
You’ve looked into what each flower means and the first one which was a daisy meant innocence, purity and loyal love. This time however, it was a rose. You looked it up and saw that it meant girlhood, modesty and secrecy. You knew why this one had popped up. Probably cause of the fact that you’ve been hiding in your room a lot lately. You didn’t want anyone to catch you hacking up flowers. It was already painful as it is so you don’t need any judgement stares.
That didn’t mean your coughing didn’t go unnoticed though. Your coughs were loud enough that Toga and Spinner came to ask if you were okay a couple times. You told them you were and that you were just sick and that you would get better soon.
‘If by better then you mean dead.’
You shook your head before putting your head into your pillow. Effectively screaming into it out of frustration. How in the ever loving hell where you going to get rid of this damn thing if you couldn’t keep him out of your mind?
Day 14
You felt like shit. Your entire being just felt weak in general. There were bags under your eyes and more little flowers covering your face. If it were glued on and not attached to your skin, you would have thought it as cute. Now? You hated them, you hated yourself. What would your parents think? Seeing you dying over a man that doesn’t love you back. unknowingly killing you from afar.
A knock came at your door and before thinking you said come in. Your eyes went wide and before you could change your mind Dabi walked in and locked the door behind him.
“How long did you think you could hide huh?” Dabi said as he sat on the bed next to you. He may not have shown it but he was worried. He had known your little thing for Shigaraki but he didn’t know it would be this bad.
“I don’t know. How can I get rid of it when I can’t even look Shigaraki in the face. He would think I’m weak.” You said before coughing up another flower. This time blood was seen covering some of the petals. 
“Shit this is worse then I originally thought. It’s at stage three already. Yours is progressing insanely fast. What will it take to realize that he doesn’t love you.” You knew Dabi meant good with his words but you couldn’t help but feel a little bit of your love for him chip away.
Which caused a flower to fall off of your face.
“That’s it.” Dabi said as he picked up the flower and held it in his hands. You look at him with your brow raised.
“Stay here. But before I do what im about to do, just know I’m doing this to save your life understand?” You nod worried about what he’s planning. All you can do is sigh and hold your pillow closer to your chest as you waited to see what Dabi had in store.
Day 16
You laid in you bed watching some netflix when Shigaraki barged into your room with an angry look. Your eyes widen as you clung to the sheets you had wrapped yourself in.
“So I’m hearing that you love me.” He made it sound like a statement rather then a question. You look all over in the room to avoid his gaze. You shut your eyes only to have your head jerked towards shigaraki, making you look into his crimson eyes.
“Well news flash, I don’t feel the same way.” You swore you could have felt your heart drop in his stomach. Tears rimmed your eyes as Shigaraki looked all around your face noticing all your flowers. Looking into your eyes noticing how they were slowly turning white, making him let out a little chuckle.
“Your pathetic, you let something like love get in the way of my goal? Your so selfish you know?” Your tears were falling at this point. Blurring your vision while you felt a strong pain on your cheek. Shigaraki had ripped off a flower. A pink rose that bloomed on your right cheek.
“I find this hilarious honestly, look at you, needing my validation. When guess what bitch? Your not getting any. And you never will so you might as well tear off all these flowers off your disgusting face.” You couldn’t say anything before pain filled your entire being as Shigaraki picked off every flower that covered your face and neck, leaving you bleeding. 
You feel a light feeling in your chest as you felt like you could breathe again. the flowers that bloomed on your shoulder were slowly withering away. The feeling off something in your throat went away as well as all the flowers that bloomed on your body that was still left had withered and fell off. Your once blurred vision now crystal clear as you looked Shigaraki right in the eyes.
“Look better. Now if i ever see another flower on your face or in your room I’ll dust you myself understand?” You nod your head yes before Shigaraki let go of your face.
You hid yourself under the covers in order to avoid his gaze. Not seeing the little face of sadness that crossed his face.
“Did you do it?” Dabi asked Shigaraki when he saw him leave your room.
“No shit sherlock.” Shigaraki said as he walked past him only to be stopped by Dabi’s arm.
“It was for the best. She would have died if you didn’t.” Dabi spoke softly  before taking his arms away, Not looking Shigaraki in the eyes.
“I know.”
Shigaraki walked away before going to his room. Once he stepped in he closed the door behind him before falling to the floor. He threaded his hands in his hair before pulling out all the flowers he had taken from your face. Each one of them a different color. A cold feeling entered his heart, knowing that you were suffering because of him.
He had to remain strong. He couldn’t have love be in the way. At least that’s when he told himself at first. 
Ever since you showed up at the bar that faithful day, he knew he had to have you. He knew that he needed you. Why else would his heart beat so fast when you walked past. He always imagined you by his side, sitting on his throne with him. his queen of the villains.
If only he had confessed sooner. If he had he would not have to see you dying in your room because of it. Watching your life slowly slip from your eyes as the days passed by. You were hurting because of his stupid mistake.
And now he had to suffer the consequences. 
He held your flowers close to his face. They smelled of you. Reminding him of the deed he had just done. Tears hit the petals of the flowers, effectively collecting shigaraki’s tears. It hurt. Why did it have to hurt so bad.
A blue poppy was slowly growing on Shigaraki’s neck.
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awkward-tension-art · 4 years
Put on a Show
So @weebsinstash has an incredible yandere!erasermic x reader series go read everything they write, its fantastic
I wanted to play around with the idea too, so i asked for permission on anon lol.
enjoy this full 2,090 words
Warning: yandere themes, yandere!erasermic, League of Villains, fear, mentions of past torture, mentions of abuse, mentions of past abusive relationship, implied  Spinner x Reader, kissing, Villain origin story, female pronouns used for reader, (if i missed a tag lmk)
You ran. You ran as fast and as far as you could. Your bare feet hit the wet ground, cursing as you stumbled. Your hands hit the mud, but you didn’t stop.
Even when your lungs screamed.
Even when your muscles burned.
You kept going.
With luck, a razor and your own wits you had managed to escape that hell house. You’d managed to escape from the clutches of your obsessed demons. 
At the slight thought of your tormentors, the now healed break in your leg aches all over again. 
Keep going.
Keep going.
The woods betrayed you before, but hopefully, the downpour may erase your footprints. A branch latched onto your shoulder and you screeched. Memories of Aizawa’s cruel grasp flooded your mind. You slipped on the wet ground, tumbling down a slight incline. 
Dazed, confused and hurt, you ignored your pain and kept going. Desperation and adrenaline kept you going.
Do not stop.
Do not stop.
You looked down to avoid losing your eyes to another branch, only to embarrassingly run straight into a tree. Your body fell back, landing harshly on the mud.
You heard a groan.
Trees do not groan.
Fear overran your systems as you slowly, shakily looked up.
In front of you was a man covered in green scales. He looked more like a lizard, than an actual human, but you quickly guessed that was his quirk. But, he wasn’t alone.
A scarred man with piercings. A teenage girl with blond hair. Another man with a mask. And lastly…
You recognized him from the news.
The League Of Villains
“What the hell,” The lizard-man hissed, rubbing his head, “Where the fuck did you come from?”
You took your chances.
“Please…” you gasped, looking up at the white haired leader, “Help me.”
It took approximately 3 seconds to be taken from the forest. The scarred man, Dabi you learned, pulled out his phone and called Kurogiri, their method of transport. 
Spinner, surprisingly like a gentleman, helped you stand and introduced himself. 
Not a second later your vision was filled with black and you were out of the rain.
Out of the cold.
Out of the monsters’ clutches.
Instead, you found yourself in a surprisingly comfortable bar scene. It was warm, bright, and quite homey.
Shigaraki continued to stare at you, his red eyes giving away nothing. The blonde however, hovered, as she began to talk. You couldn’t keep up, exhaustion slowing your mind and mental process. All you managed to register is ‘blood’.
A tall woman spoke up first, “oh dear, look at you. You look like a wet rat.” She inspected you before standing straight, “Let me get you something dry.You can call my Big Sis Magne!”
You nodded, managing a small “thank you,” as she rushed out of the room to come back with a dry towel, draping it over you.
‘Huh, it smells nice,’ you thought, wrapping it around your shoulders, taking in the small comfort. Almost like roses and lavender…
The leader finally spoke up, “Who are you?”
That was the question. That one simple question caused the dam to burst. You broke down, telling them everything. The torture, the abuse, the agony, all by the hands of two supposed heroes. You went over every grueling, painful detail, tears pouring down your face. 
They knew of your captors and torture before they even knew your name.
With every word, The league members, especially Dabi, became more and more disgusted and angry. You didn’t even finish when Spinner offered a kind hand for you to hold onto. 
“P-please,” you finally managed, “D-don’t send me back…”
Shigaraki scoffed, “Heroes think they can just do whatever they want huh? Well fuck ‘em. Eraserhead and Present Mic want their precious treasure back? Well too bad. It’s ours now.”
Big Sis Magne let out a happy laugh, “Oh good! Another girl! If you ask me, only having Toga around was getting to be too much.” She took your other free hand, “We’re gonna be such a good team, those nasty heroes won’t know what hit them.”
“I can’t wait to make them pay with their blood,” Toga smiled, her golden eyes shining with excitement. Dabi remained silent, but Spinner gave you a kind smile. “What a show it will be! You, coming face to face with those demons, and having us at your back!” The one with the mask, Mr.Compress, finally spoke, giving a theatrical hand wave.
With every word, you felt your shoulders get lighter. 
“Now,” The leader, your new leader, spoke up, “Tell me all about your quirk, and those pieces of garbage that hurt you.”
When Shouta and Hizashi returned home, they knew something was wrong. The house seemed...cold. You were not in the living room, nor the kitchen. 
They assumed this was one of your bad days. Where you’d sleep until it was late at night, only so you can avoid them.
Quickly, that changed. 
The closer Shouta got to your door, the more he felt his gut twist. The air seemed wet and almost humid.
“Hey, are you awake in there?” He knocked, concerned, “I’m coming in!” 
When he opened the door, the wet air made sense. Your window was open, rain poured in from the storm outside. The carpet and everything else by the window was soaked, giving the hero a clue that you’ve been gone a while. 
“HIZASHI!” The black haired male called out, darting into the room. Desperately he looked around, only to look up when he heard his husband cry out. 
“She’s gone! Our songbird is gone!!” He panicked, aiding Shouta in his desperate search. The couple tore apart the house, hoping this was something else. Hoping you didn’t leave through the window. 
They hoped and prayed, only for their optimism to be dashed when their search turned up empty. 
“We need to go after her!” The blonde hero cried, “s-she could be hurt! She doesn’t know how to take care of herself!!” 
Shouta was already preparing to venture outside. He was at the door when he turned to look at his severely distressed husband, “stay here. In case she comes back, I’ll go look for her.” 
With that, Eraserhead ran out of the front door of the house, hoping to find you in the woods. 
Days became weeks became months. With every passing hour, you felt happier and lighter. Your spirit and soul were healing. It will take time, but you knew you were able to recover. You had escaped, and found a family who would ride or die with you. 
You’d ride or die with them. 
Spinner was especially kind to you. He was a gentleman, always asking before touching. You spent most of your free time with him when he or you weren’t gone collecting information or searching for members. 
You still weren't comfortable going on missions by yourself. Most of the them were with Dabi, Big Sis Magne or Jin, who you’d met shortly after your joining. Despite the short time with them, you felt like you belonged. You helped them, they helped you. You became a part of their family. 
They’d even gone so far as to get your cat Mochi back. Dabi simply dumped the kitty on your lap and walked away without saying anything. You missed your feline friend, and now in the league, he gets all the love the villains could muster. 
They try to keep sudden loud noises to a minimum. Occasionally a surprise yell or sound would happen, but someone was always quick to jump to your defense. 
It was mostly Shigaraki, but he’d apologize begrudgingly.
Even he wasn’t so bad. You had gone with Toga to get him a new controller, and he’s tolerated you ever since (maybe even respect you after you managed to beat him to a quick video game match). 
This was your life. This was your freedom. 
This was what you wanted. 
It’s been hell without you. Shouta and Hizashi were in hell. It’s been months since the eraser hero found your footprints surrounded by others. It’s been months of searching. Months of desperation to rescue you from your kidnappers. That’s the only logical reason for your disappearance. 
You were kidnapped. 
You needed them. You needed your lovers. 
But they couldn’t save you. 
Some nights Shouta would wake up alone. He’d be cold and lonely. Slowly he’d walk to your room, and find his blonde husband asleep, holding your favorite pillow. 
It stopped smelling like you a while ago. 
With every passing day their hope waned. With every passing hour their hearts ached. 
Shouta finally broke down one night. When he woke up alone again he wandered to your room, finding Hizashi in his usual position. Instead of being asleep, the blonde’s shoulders shook with muffled sobs and cries. 
The Eraser hero sat on the bed and held his husband, not bothering to muffle his own weeping. 
This isn’t what they wanted. 
The view from the roof was both beautiful and hilarious. You orchestrated a nomu attack, remaining hidden. Spinner was accompanying you. The others were scattered around the city, taking in the chaos. 
You remembered those roads and streets. You walked them for so long. 
Until those bastards stole you. 
Now, with your life in the league, you could stroll down the sidewalk again. You could see the sky and feel the sun. 
You could punish heroes for abandoning you. For letting you get kidnapped. 
A smile graced your lips. The chaos of the nomu was beautiful. 
There was a flash of black in the corner of your eye, and you turned your head. Slowly, your smile grew at the sight of Eraserhead struggling to take down the brutish monster. 
Only to have your smile fade when Present Mic saves him. 
“Ugh, I hate them.” You growled, “I see them and I hate them.” 
Spinner looked up from his spot on the roof. He swished his tail once before following your gaze to your distant tormentors.  
“You should put on a show,” he put a hand on your shoulder, “drive ‘em even more bat shit.”
You laughed warmly, the idea of breaking their hearts even more gave you infinite joy. 
“Mind if I use you?” You asked, preparing to use your quirk. 
With the villains you have gotten stronger. Your quirk was a weapon. A strong, powerful, useful weapon. 
You’re the opposite of what Shouta and Hizashi said over and over again. 
They can’t tell you that you're weak. Not anymore. 
There was a tipped over bus, and that’s where you planted the illusion. 
You and Spinner, hand in hand. 
Oh this is gonna be good. 
When they dealt with the Nomu, Hizashi looked to the bus, and even from a distance, you could see his eyes widen. 
You gagged, and Spinner laughed softly beside you.
Shouta looked up, meeting the illusions gaze. 
You feared he’d use his quirk, destroying your fun, but he didn’t, at least not in that instant. 
“G-get away from her!” The black haired male shouted, his black eyes trained on fake-spinner. 
“No,” the illusion spoke, “I think your precious songbird belongs to me.”
The illusion of spinner pulled illusion you closer. The illusion of you looking bashful.
Shouta prepared an attack, jumping up in the air to do so. Hizashi prepared his own quirk, apparently ok with sacrificing your well-being to get you. 
You cause fake-spinner to dip fake-you into a deep kiss. 
That was apparently distracting enough to cause Present Mic to choke on air, and Eraserhead to stumble and miss his attack. 
“Come on my sweet,” fake-you cooed, “let’s go.” 
You created one more illusion, covering the two fakes in smoke, making them disappear. 
As you finished with your quirk, you rubbed your temples. 
Spinner laughed beside you, “m-my sweet! Oh my god you killed me.” 
You gave a faint smile, that only grew when you heard Hizashi’s mournful howling. 
Spinner and you peered over the edge of the roof, and spotted the two of them breaking down. The blonde was wailing. You swear you saw his fat tears from your position. 
Shouta just looked broken. He looked absolutely devastated.
Maybe a long time ago that sight would have hurt you. 
You made eye contact with your partner next to you. 
“My sweet,” you teased, promptly bursting into laughter.
“Let’s go! Before they hear us!” Spinner tried to shush you, failing with his own giggling. 
You nodded and grabbed his hand. 
“Let’s go then,” you winked, “my sweet.”
The both of you fled, making your way to Jin and Toga. 
You smiled at the sight of them, only feeling happier as more of your family of villains got together. 
This is exactly where you wanted to be. 
A villain, to make those heroes suffer.
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 4
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 1,822
Warnings: Themes of Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Daddy/Mommy issues? Substance abuse? Etc. Later chapters will involve NSFW and violent content. 
SIKE! Once a week? Nah I'm much too hyper-focused for that! Thank you everyone for your awesome feedback and support! You guys are the best! Check out my Patreon if you can, if not, just keep that awesome attention coming! Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day! ❤
Chapter 3 Chapter 5 
"Oh shit."
You said this out loud, to the room, without thinking. Toga turned to look at you, over the past few days she's grown quite attached.
"What’s wrong?" She asked.
"You didn't by any chance...take my meds when you kidnapped me, did you?"
"You're useless!" Your mother screamed.
"Useless! Ten days! It’s been ten days since my daughter was last seen alive and you can't find ANYTHING!?" She raged on, she's always had a bad temper. Poor Detective Tsukauchi held his head low in a lazy bow. He apologized repeatedly and insisted they were doing their best. There was just no trace of you or the league. They suspected it had to do with someone's quirk. 
"Please, don't yell. They're doing the best they can." Your father pleaded with her.
"Aren't you the least bit worried!?" She yelled at him.
"Of course I am! But they have the best on the case, something has to come up soon."
"Pitiful," she spat, "do have any idea what could have happened by now? Ten days without her meds!"
"I know! I know... But she's been working so hard, surely she has some control-"
"Hah! Control? Her? Have you ever even met your own daughter?" The room fell silent. Confusion and fear washed over your father. But you were always so well behaved. What was she talking about? 
"How long will it take?" Xavier asked. He sat peacefully, pouring over papers, wracking through theories and possibilities.
"How long will it take for her quirk to manifest without her meds?" He asked, but it sounded more like a demand.
"There's no telling. Her meds work to suppress her abilities, they don't halt them completely. By the time she came to Japan, her quirk was so suppressed that she could hardly use it at all. It may take some time for it to rise again, but I doubt it will be gentle."
"That’s it then. We just wait until her quirk manifests again, she’ll make a scene and then we grab her." Xavier's expression was blank, cold, and cunning. He creeped your father out, he didn't like him the moment he saw him. He was dead behind the eyes. 
"If this is the league, and All for One is behind this, we have to consider..." All Might trailed off.
"They may have stripped her of her quirk entirely. With an ability like hers... I shudder to think of a Nomu with that power..."
"This is ridiculous. We have to release this to the public. Maybe someone has seen her or the league!" Your mother demanded.
"She's right. We have to alert the public, heroes are already on the lookout, but civilians help solve missing person cases every day. I'm sorry Toshinori, but we have to go to the public." Detective Tsukauchi admitted. Your father sighed and stared blankly at the table.
"Civilians find bodies, not people." Xavier spat. "If we really want to get her back, alive, we have to let her make the first move."
"And what if they've stripped her of her quirk?" Tsukauchi asked.
"I doubt they're even aware she has a quirk. It’s been suppressed for so long, not even she is aware of it anymore. I know Y/N, she's not a girl you mess with. Quite frankly I was surprised they got her in the first place, it's not like her to lose a fight like that. She's strong and smart. She'll figure things out eventually."
"But what happens then? How do we keep her from being taken again? How do we get her back?" Your father poked at his logic.
"For now we'll announce her disappearance and ask if anyone has any information. A reward for her safe return should be offered." Tsukauchi stated.
"And what do we say? The secret daughter of The Symbol of Peace is missing? It'll be madness, people won't know what to think." Xavier barked.
"No. We say she's an American tourist who went missing. Nothing more." Your mother declared.
"It's fine, really. If it would help the case any, I don't care if people know. We kept her identity a secret for so long to keep her safe, and now...it doesn't matter anymore! If it would-"
"I'm afraid she's right. If we let it out that the daughter of Japan's #1 hero has been kidnapped, it won’t look good."
"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you urgent news!"
"What now?" Spinner groaned from his seat as Shigaraki adjusted the volume on the television. At first, you didn't pay much attention, until you heard your name.
"American tourist, Y/L/N Y/N, is missing. Y/L/N was last seen-"
"American tourist? Is that all they're going to call her?" Mr. Compress hummed.
"Why? Why aren't they telling the truth?" Shigaraki mumbled to himself. He ran his sweaty palm over his neck before the urge to scratch became too much and he gave in.
"I'm sorry." You told him. He froze. Hand still dug into the flesh of his neck, the skin turning pink under his nails. He slowly turned to look up at you.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm sorry I'm not what you had in mind. Dad is either determined to keep me a secret or the heroes are onto you. Either way, you’re plan has been compromised. You might as well let me go and move on.” You watched him as he sat there scratching at his neck. He thought for a moment, then paused. 
“As frustrating as this might be, we’re not done yet. If they won’t tell the truth, I know someone who will. Isn’t that right, Y/L/N?” 
“And what if I don’t corporate?” You swallowed nervously. 
“Aren’t you tired of being All Might’s dirty little secret? Don’t you want everyone to know the truth about you?” You watched his lips curl into a smile under the hand. 
“Why?” You paused to think. It all left a bitter taste in your mouth. You had lived your life hidden away from a man you hardly knew. After years and years of keeping the secret, it got easier and easier to lie. After all, when you said you didn’t have a dad, you weren’t lying. 
“He’s not my dad, not really. He’s some glorified…” you looked down at your feet and curled your socks around each other, “sperm donor.” You muttered. Shigaraki stood and approached you again. It made your heart race, the way he slowly shuffled over. You were all too aware that he could kill you at any given moment, with a wave of his hand, you’d be gone. Would that be so bad? You thought. Your lip began to quiver and your eyes became red and sore with tears. Damn it, you didn’t want to cry again. 
“Are you crying?” His voice was quiet. 
“Just do it. Just touch me.” You whimpered to him. He froze. He watched you as you made attempts to cover up your face and wipe away the tears that refused to stop flowing. The tension in the air, though thick, began to swirl around. A buzz of energy filled the room as you cried. The hair on the back of everyone’s neck raised and their hearts began to flutter wildly. 
“Y/L/N…” Toga whispered to herself as she watched you. She stood and started to walk towards you. Shigaraki stayed still, taking note of the energy that came from you. 
“Go on.” You growled through tears as you reached out a hand towards him. He jumped back slightly, only to feel the back of a chair push against his back. Had it moved? Your whimpers became sobs as the furniture began to raddle and shake around them. The league watched in horror as you slid to the floor. The energy built and built as your panic attack washed over you, engulfing you entirely. You had cried a handful of times in the days you had taken, intense emotions had come and gone, but something about this episode was different. 
“Hey, kiddo! It’s alright!” Twice shouted at you as he tried to make his way closer to console you. 
“We won’t make you do anything you don’t want!” Toga followed. 
“Deep breaths, you’ll be alright.” Mr. Compress reassured. Their words hardly got to you as the assault on your mind went on. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You sobbed uncontrollably. Shigaraki looked out into the room and watched as the furniture that shook began to shift closer and closer to you. He looked back down at you, his heart squeezed in his chest and his own emotions began to turn. Horrified by the way this made him feel, he moved to get away from you as others gathered to be closer. 
Toga’s hand met your back and rubbed soft circles there as they reassured you, and soon enough the furniture stopped shaking, the energy in the room dropped, and you started to calm down. You sniffled and wiped your red and puffy face as you looked up at the faces of villains. Villains that had comforted you and calmed you down during a panic attacked. You felt confused and concerned. Were they playing some kind of brainwashing game with you? But they looked so genuine. No one has ever been so kind before. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to break down like that, I just-” 
“Don’t apologize-Shut it!” 
“These things happen.” 
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Toga gave a kind smile. 
“I don’t understand, why are you so nice to me?” The three looked at one another before turning back. 
“We understand!” Twice shouted. 
“We know what if feels like to be in your shoes.” You stood on your shaky legs and looked out into the room. 
“What happened in here?” You asked when you noticed all the furniture had shifted. 
“You really don’t know?” Shigaraki asked from his place, far away from you. He was sufficiently spooked. No one had ever… 
“This is bad...this is really bad…” You muttered. You nervously chewed at your lip and tugged at your shirt. “It’s happening again. Please, please you have to let me go!” You begged him as he watched you shuffle towards him. 
“What’s happening again, Y/L/N?” Toga asked you, tugging back your arm. 
“I-I-I can’t explain, please, just let me go. For your sake, I need my meds!” Her grip on your arm tightened. 
“Why?” His eyes narrowed and she stared at you. 
“It’s her quirk,” Shigaraki noted. 
“I can’t control it otherwise, please, you’re not safe.” You begged him. The energy became to rise again, he felt it, it swept up the back of his neck and made his whole body tingle and ache. 
“Tie her down.” He ordered. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Toga said as she pulled you in close and the others began to grab ahold of you. 
“No! Please!” 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love ​ @kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Home. Yan!Shigaraki x Reader [COMM]
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Japan brings with it a plethora of memories.
Memories ranging from the highest of your life to the lowest. Times that you can recall with a special fondness, reserved in your heart for the rest of your life. But always balanced out with numerous hurts, times that you wish you could erase from your mind. All of it remains a mixed bag within you, serving only to befuddle your true feelings further as you get off the plane. 
Going through customs felt surreal, the bustle of the airport one that struck you with a sense of  nostalgia. The people, the scents, the sights -- it all left you with a weary heart, but you had already expected to feel this way. Returning wasn’t an easy decision, the dividing thought leaving you with numerous restless nights.
But ultimately, your choice has been made. With suitcases in hand, you look down towards your phone. Traveling always sounds nice in theory, but jet lag and exhaustion were taking you hostage. Still, it won’t do to get tired now; you still need to make it to your new apartment after all.
‘If I could survive that long flight in economy class, I can last through one more Uber drive.’
Blurry images of the airport scenery go by, the music in the car all but tuned out by your chaotic thoughts. It all reminds you of how you left in such a hurry in the first place, in the dead of night. How conflicted you were then -- constantly doubting your decision and wondering if you should just turn back.
But turning back to Shigaraki at the time didn’t feel like a viable option. 
You don’t think of it as running away from your problems. Even if that’s what it may sound like, you tried all you reasonably could do. From countless heart to heart discussions, to tearful phone calls. All of it fell on deaf ears, or worse, served to irritate him. Neither of you would back down from your given positions, despite the care you shared for one another. The care that led you to overlook your own morals for a time being. 
Shigaraki was always someone who was firmly planted in his ways, and didn’t care for having his morals challenged. Though he was considerably more tolerable towards your verbal opposition than anyone else would even have the opportunity to attempt, it didn’t mean he’d change his mind in the end. 
So you left. It’s bizarre to believe that eight months have already passed since then, eight months of your life being vastly different than before. Even when you weren’t in Japan, you would still hear news reports of the League of Villain's activities. Every time a headline popped up of what was happening, it made your stomach drop. 
His hold over you didn’t feel as less constricting as you had originally hoped it would. Even if he was no longer physically with you during those times, you could still almost imagine his presence by your side. His mannerisms, what he would say to you if he was there. The nightmare never ended, it only got worse as the days went on. Shigaraki would never stop haunting you.
Which leads to where you are now. Having left the car with a quiet thank you, staring up at your new apartment building. Getting your keys from the main office, you desire nothing more than for this to be a positive beginning in your life. If leaving Japan didn’t help you feel any better, it only made sense for you to come back. There’s no place like home, after all. 
But you’ll still be living your life on the down low. It’s unnerving, since the League never stayed in one area for long. If you knew where they were hiding now, you would gladly put as much distance between yourself and them as possible. But given the nature of Shigaraki’s vision, they were always on the move. 
Turning your keys until you hear a click, your last burst of energy goes into opening the door. Inside showcased an apartment devoid of furniture, but still your new home nonetheless. With a deep sigh, you tug your heavy luggage through the door frame. 
‘I’ll at least need to unpack some things before I can sleep…’
Briskly walking to the sink, you splash cold water onto your face in a desperate attempt to stay awake. Your new mattress won’t be delivered until tomorrow, so sleeping on the floor is all you can do for the time being. Shaking your head at the thought, you sluggishly get to work.
Grabbing your favorite blanket and pillow, you lazily throw it where your bed will soon take its place. Everything else can wait for tomorrow, it’s not like you’ll have any company to entertain. With the sun already having set thirty minutes ago, you close your blinds and gratefully lay down. 
Even if it’s on the floor, it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders to finally relax.
It doesn’t take long for sleep to find you, all of your pent up emotions and nonstop thinking having sapped all your energy. All you can hope for, as your heavy eyelids flutter shut, is that tomorrow will be the fresh start that you have longed for.
Rubbing your eyes, you almost panic for a moment at your new surroundings. Before recalling all that had occurred, and that this place is your home now. 
‘What time is it…?’
Blindly groping around your pillow for your phone, your eyes squint in pain at the bright screen. Displaying that it’s only 11:25 PM, and that you only had been asleep for a few hours. The effects of sleeping on the floor make themselves known, your back aching at the lack of proper support. 
Grimacing at the throbbing discomfort, you put your phone down before sitting up with a yawn. With intention to get up and soothe your dry throat with a drink, you never get the chance before a voice pierces through the dark.
“All that running sure must’ve been exhausting.”
Jumping at the sound of a lower voice in your pitch black room, your eyes rapidly dart around for the possible source. Breathing growing unsteady, you feel your lips tremble at the thought of a stranger in your apartment. Would your quirk be useful enough in fending them off? 
Hugging your knees against your chest in a reflexive response, your mind scrambles to come up with a plan. 
Reaching to grab your phone out of desperation, you finally let out a weak response. “W-who’s there? I’ll call the police!”
“Like that’d do any good.” The voice responds in a mocking lilt. Like a sudden wave crashing over you, you’re finally able to discern through your fatigued state who this is. You feel as if you’re being dragged beneath the waves, the air all but smacked from your lungs.
Footsteps approach you slowly, methodically. You feel frozen, incapable of even forming a coherent thought. As the person gets closer, you realize you need to run. But before you can even get the opportunity, you feel a foreboding weight around your shoulders.
And four fingers tapping against your bare skin.
“Did you forget about me, [First]?” 
You know that voice all too well. The fact that even sleep managed to dull your guess of who it was is astonishing, but no longer do you feel uncertain of who it is. Goosebumps line your exposed skin, the sound of your own shaky breathing filling the otherwise silent room.
“So you didn’t,” he responds with a low, humorless snicker. Tightening his grip around you, you can feel his hair tickling your face. “I’m glad I don’t have to remind you of that, at least.” 
Swallowing thickly, you feel tears prickling the edge of your eyes. There are too many overwhelming things on your mind, too many questions without answers and silent pleads. It all feels too suffocating, air becoming a luxury that you miss. In the moment, all you can will yourself to do is choke out your next words. 
“How,” you exhale shakily, mind screaming your tongue drier than sandpaper. “How did you find me?” 
For a brief moment, you feel his coarse fingers cease their previous drumming movements. In a motion that could only be described as flinching, Shigaraki quickly recovers himself while answering your question with a malicious bite. 
“After all this time, that’s what you want to say to me?” Shigaraki growls out towards you, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut. You desperately wish that none of this is real, that the cruel events unfolding before your very eyes are all but a dream. 
From all the time that you had spent with Shigaraki, you had grown accustomed to his mannerisms. Being able to pick up on every little nuance of his words, to what every twitch of his muscles meant. But now, you feel incapable of doing just that. Is it bitterness hidden in his words? Disappointment, frustration? Something tells you that it’s all of that, and more. 
“Whatever. I’ll humor you with the answer. Imagine my surprise, I get a phone call from Toga. I was barely able to understand her at first, her voice was so frantic and excited,” Shigaraki pauses for a moment, recalling the prior events. “Eventually, she manages to explain that ‘big sis [First]’ is back. And well… here we are.” 
At first you didn’t pick up on it, but there’s a slight tremble in Shigaraki’s voice. You realize now how difficult he’s trying to hold himself together, feeling his body shaking against your own. Each of his words come out more forced than the last, almost as if a lump was forming in his throat. 
Unable to conjure up a response fast enough, you hear Shigaraki’s labored breathing growing more unsteady.
“Well? Say something! Don’t just sit there.” 
All false impressions of control start to slip through his fingers, true emotions no longer being able to hide. Cracks beneath the surface reveal to you just how much pain he is in, the mere thought enough to tug on your own battered heartstrings even more. You open your mouth, wondering if there’s anything you can say to diffuse the situation. 
He clings to you tighter.
“Shigaraki… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you sniffle, small sobs unable to be suppressed any longer. His muscles tense at the sound of you crying, a battle within ensuing. “I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t take the violence, t-the constant living in fear! I don’t know, I don’t know…” 
Much to your surprise, a rough hand wipes away the tears leaving your dampened eyes. Jaw agape, you feel deft fingers working hard to dry your skin. You remember long ago how he told you once that he hated seeing you cry, that it made him unsure of what to do.
Hiccuping, you feel your lip tremble at your next question. “Are you going to kill me too now?” 
“I don’t know, probably not. Just… just stop crying already.”
Shaking your head, you know the waterworks won’t be stopping anytime soon. Now it was your turn to take Shigaraki by surprise, stuffing your head against his chest to muffle your own cries. He subconsciously moves his fingers to make sure they don’t all touch you at once, and you feel how tense he becomes at your unexpected touch.
Eventually, he places a tentative few digits against your back, awkwardly attempting to soothe you. It all brings you to the pinnacle of your emotions, unable to hold back your full fledged sobs any longer. Gripping onto the fabric of his hoodie, you take in his familiar scent. Shigaraki begins gnawing on his lip, having not expected his confrontation to go like this. 
He eventually returns your serpent tight hug, placing his head into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t think you’re getting off easy,” Shigaraki finally grumbles against your skin, his own emotions too unsteady to even understand. “I’m not ever letting you out of my sight again.”
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sparetimeimagines · 4 years
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Your Own Good | Midoriya Izuku
tags; angst, betrayal
Part one
You’ve been in your head, that day replaying on repeat for the past two weeks.
You can’t sleep.
The guilt is eating you alive.
“So can we like kill her now? She’s practically useless.” You overhear Toga from the bar as you stare to the wall at the booth.
“Silence. We still haven’t got rid of the hero. Her job’s not done.” Shigaraki hisses at the girl glancing at you. “Even if she is as useless as she appears right now.”
Dabi rolls his eyes with a click of his tongue leaving the room.
They don’t like me much, however I’m sure they don’t like themselves much either.
“Snap out of it.” Shigaraki snaps his fingers before you, making your eyes flicker to him. “Do you honestly think he cared that you betrayed him?”
“Do you honestly believe you mean anything to him?”
Yes... well. Not anymore.
“You don’t mean anything to him. You need to destroy him. As soon as he sees you, he will end you. He will incarcerate you. You are worthless to him.”
That’s not true. It can’t be. You need to see him. You need to make things right.
You stare at the silver haired man then at the exit.
“You need to end him.”
When the morning hits, you made your way back to the apartment you shared.
Your heart raced, your hands shaking as you over over the key code.
He hates me. He wants me dead.
There’s no way he’ll let me in.
The beep of the door unlocking announces your arrival and you roam past the entrance.
You make soft steps into the foyer, when you heart stops.
From the corner of your eye, you see Izuku, who immediately pins you to the wall.
“Stop. I’m not gonna fight you.” You cough, his arm in your neck.
The green eyes of hate glare into yours, hurt washing over them as soon as you can focus. His wild locks of hair brush over his eyes and he looks down at you.
How badly you want to touch him; to ruffle your fingers through his hair. Normally, you’d be running your fingers through his hair to his crown. But right now, you don’t deserve to be in his presence.
“Why did you show your face here?” He hisses. “Why do you dare put me in this position?”
He has you pinned, you couldn’t move your arms if you tried. Any other day, you’d be aroused by his sudden change in stature.
The pressure he holds; it’s identical to your what you feel in your heart.
“Why? Why would you do this to me?” He yells, tears falling from his eyes. “I don’t want to turn you in! You’re wanted!”
“Izuku I-”
“Shut your mouth. Just shut up.” You can hear the heartbreak through his lips. “I want to hate you so much. But I can’t. I can’t!”
His arms drop to his side as he releases his hold on you. His face is inches from yours and he appears to be in pain.
“I want to kiss you. I want to hold you in my arms and tell you everything is going to be ok.” He sniffles looking between each eye. “But you’re the one that hurt me. You hurt me first.” He’s fighting himself, but his willpower is stronger than his heart.
You feel this pounding in your chest, the thud catching you in your throat.
What can you say to someone who’s heart you broke?
“Why did you do it, Y/n?” He cups your face, his hand shaking against your cheek. You let your hand cover his as a part of him breaks. “Why did you want to hurt me?”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, Izuku.” Your lip trembles as his hand drops, he leaving you at the wall.
“Then why? Tell me why!”
You didn’t have a good enough reason for why you wanted to throw it all away. To betray him.
“I- I can’t!”
“Why not?”
“They’ll kill me.”
“They’ll kill you regardless, Y/n. Why would you even think to side with them?” He collapses on the couch. “You’re good. There’s so much good in you. Why would you waste it on them?”
He pinches the nose of his bridge shaking his head.
“I-” there’s no way you could explain it to him. “They-“
“Just say it. Say it. What do they want? What are they working on?”
Do you really want to tell him that they’re planning his demise? That they sent you here to destroy him?
So you confess.
As you finish exposing them, the door opens and closes. The steps are quiet but you hear them with your guard up.
“Shoto.” You back in the wall, bowing on your knees. “I’m begging you. Please don’t kill me.”
To beg for your life. To expose yourself and all your secrets, it’s disheartening. It’s degrading.
“What the hell is she doing here?” He points to you, as Midoriya shakes his head, hanging it between his knees.
“She just showed up.”
“No. You have to go. Did you call the police?”
“I can’t do it. Shoto, I can’t.” He looks towards you still on your knees. “I still love her. Right or wrong. I can’t do it.”
Shoto sighs rubbing his temples. “Are you stupid? You know what she did.”
“Yeah. But we’re the only two. I-” Izuku shakes his head with an internal fight. “I can’t do it.”
“Fine. I will.”
“No don’t.”
“It’s the right thing to do, Midoriya. You know it is.”
“Todoroki. I CANT do it.” He stands to his feet. “She’s the love of my life. I know, some how inside her, I know she’s good. She’s not perfect.”
“Midoriya. She tried to kill you.”
“No I didn’t! I told them I wouldn’t.” You cry out, watching the two, one looking at you in disbelief and the other over your story.
“Be quiet. You’re a liar. How can you live such a lie? Why are you even here?”
Shoto pulls you to your feet by your collar.
“She already told me.”
“And you believed her.”
“I... I don’t know what to believe. She’s not controlling my thoughts.”
Shoto stares into your eyes.
“Please. Dabi and Toga want me dead. They all want me dead. I’m merely a tool to them. They’ll destroy me after they get what they want.”
“And what is it they want?”
“Izuku.” A tear slides from your eye. “They want me to kill him. I can’t do it. I don’t want to.” You turn to Izuku. “I love you. I can’t kill you.”
Your knees begin to shake as you return to the floor.
“I won’t kill you. I won’t kill you.” You repeat yourself with your hands over your head. They have to believe you as you beg for mercy. He has to believe you.
It destroys him.
The sight of you on your knees begging for forgiveness, for him to help you and shelter you.
To be questioning your truthfulness like you weren’t hiding away in a bar full of criminals.
To keep away from you when all he wants to do is hold you, comfort you.
They’re all decisions he’s not sure he should make.
“Please Izuku... I don’t want to go back...”
He watches you from the ground, not noticing his friend disappearing before his eyes.
Izuku never noticed Shoto making the executive decision for their safety.
Although you may have poured your heart out to Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto decided it wasn’t enough.
There’s a knock at the door, and two officers enter with Shoto.
“You... you didn’t...” Your heart drops, as the officers arrest you with handcuffs.
“I couldn’t take the chance, Y/n. You could have killed us. We don’t know you anymore.” Shoto goes to side with Izuku who’s red faced and heartbroken “It’s for your own good, Midoriya.”
The officers escort you out the door with Midoriya’s sad eyes watching you to meet your new destiny.
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wildcrisis · 5 years
The Detriment of a Pro-Hero Society
Also known as: Kids are kind of being brainwashed into being heroes, let’s look into that.
Dedicated to @deafmic for getting me back into this bullshit and inspiring me to finish something I had started noting out about two years ago. By now, I’m sure much of this has been said over time by various people, and it makes me happy to know that there are others out there who like to look deep into the background culture and settings of their favorite manga!
I apologize in advance if you notice an idea of yours here; I haven’t been active in the fandom in two-ish-years, so I may be restating some things you guys already have. I consider this rambling analysis to be free to use and abuse by anyone, no credit necessary! I only get a little bit of time on the weekends to really be on my PC, so if you send me an ask or reply to this, it may take me some time to reply back!
Anywho, onto this mess I’ve made. It’s not very tidy and is more a collection of thoughts than a properly detailed analysis, but I ain’t got all day. Again, this is messy but I don’t really have the energy to make it nice and neat.
Looking for something in specific? You might wanna ctrl+f around these titles, because this is very long and rambling.
Part I: The Beginning of Quirks and their Effect on Society Part II: What Makes a Villain Part III: M O N E Y and F A M E Part IV: Brainwashed Part V: Ignoring Those Who Need Help Part VI: Cycle/Conclusion
Part I: The Beginning of Quirks and their Effect on Society
So, we know through the manga that, as quirks first began to evolve and more and more people obtained them, the world was thrown into chaos. People had obtained power, and power is as power does, and it corrupts.
As people began using their quirks for evil deeds that broke the law, law enforcement around the world was essentially powerless. After all, during the birth of the quirk age, quirks were the minority. The powerful minority. Against that, men with tasers, batons, and guns hardly stood a chance.
However, just as the rise of quirks gave birth to people who would use that power for misdeeds, so did it bring life to those who had the inherent desire to protect others. The beginning of the age of vigilantes, which would lead to the age of Pro Heroes.
Obviously, All for One was very relevant during this time, but we’re not here to talk about him. For once. We’re here to talk about society as a whole.
The world order was too chaotic. We are aware of this due to the monologues of certain characters, and I assume we’ll be learning more as more of the former carriers of One for All become present in Deku. In this beginning, it wasn’t so much “heroes” versus “villains”, more than it was law abiding citizens versus law breakers. It’s likely that precedent hadn’t yet been established for “no quirk use”, as there were hardly enough people who could actually enforce such a law.
As more of society began to develop quirks, the Police Force made a decision to not use their quirks to take down law breakers. They moved to a more leadership position, and took a backseat to those who did use their quirks for good. At first, it was a hard decision to allow such things as Pro Heroes to take on law breakers who were too dangerous for someone to take down without a quirk.
But why, after all this time, have the Police and the Pro Heroes remained separate entities? Why have they never combined, and why do they remain so polarized in how they approach situations?
The answer is simple, yet multi-layered. Heroes and Villains ... they’re popular. They attract attention.
Part II: What Makes a Villain
If you assign a person the label “Villain”, you de-humanize them. They are no longer a “person”, per se, but a monster. Evil, in the eyes of most people. It’s easier, then, to accept their fate of being beaten by a Hero, and being carted off to prison.
This is an important distinction to make. If you remove the labels of Hero and Villain. If you remove their Quirks. Do people still react the same way? Do they cheer and adore the hero, as the hero beats the opponent senseless? Of course not. In a battle of man vs man, in the moment, humans don’t react in such a way.
We can understand why an adult who lived a hard life may turn to a life of crime. But, hardly to we look as to why or how they got there.
In this world where quirks have become the norm, but are constantly evolving, we must wonder; how are quirks judged? How are they defined? How are people treated, for the quirk they possess?
We have many examples of outcasts, and they possess a wide variety of quirks from “extremely destructive” to simply “strange, odd, not okay in society”.
Shigaraki and Overhaul are both examples of terrifying, destructive quirks. Is it any wonder that their lives turned out the way they did? The power of death was etched into their very DNA. We know Shigaraki’s backstory and how he became who he is today. It’s implied that Chisaki was abandoned or ran away as well.
Then, you have the more odd quirks that, on the surface don’t seem nefarious, but when explained in context, would make people feel uncomfortable. Toga, who’s quirk is to drink blood and transform into another person. Twice, who can make copies of any person and used his quirk for an evil deed. Nemoto, who can force anyone to tell the truth, and lived a life where he realized everyone was lying to him.
Even Shinsou Hitoshi, desperate to become a hero, was put down for what his quirk DOES. Brainwashing. That’s a “villain’s quirk”. Fellow children said that to him so casually, and behaved as if they were terrified of him!
Eri, with her quirk that made her father disappear from existence itself ... Had she not been rescued from Overhaul, what would have become of her? Forced to believe her entire existence was a curse, told that she does nothing but harm people -- as she grew older and gained control of her power, would anyone honestly think she would have led a life of goodness, considering how she was raised?
How many people labeled Villains are currently in prison, because they were treated like outcasts from the moment they developed a terrifying quirk? Was there anyone there to help them figure their way through this world, considering what they’d been born with? Are there services for people who have trouble controlling their quirks, which are truly destructive? Even with laws in place saying that you can’t use your quirk publicly, just LIVING with that knowledge that you were born ... with a scary quirk ... a villain’s quirk ... How people treat you because of that, how you look, what your quirk can do -- do you ever have any friends? Any real friends, that aren’t just people who are scared of you?
Is it any wonder, that people like this turn out to be “villains”? Society is GROOMING THEM to BE VILLAINS, simply for who and what they are and are born with.
Part III: M O N E Y and F A M E
Throwing oneself into harms way sure is a dangerous move, that most people would never bother doing. How, then, do you entice more people to become heroes and take on the villains that are popping up all around for obvious reasons?
You make your Heroes popular. You make sure they look stylish. They have cool attitudes. You make them popular among the children. After all, getting fellow adults in on the Pro-Hero train is good and all, but much like a pro-athlete, one can likely only do Hero work for a certain span of time before their body is unable to take the strain. Maybe say, ages 18-40?
Besides, with more and more people being born every day with quirks, the number of people who turn to villainous activity will grow, right? Especially if you’re not actively helping people manage their quirks, because hey, they’re not allowed to use them publicly so what does it matter?
Kids. Kids will watch heroes on TV, and see it just like any other super-hero show or cartoon. They’ll buy the merchandise. People will begin to hemorrhage money over these heroes, because they’re flashy. They’re kind. They save lives.
Now, not to say that Heroes are just there for the paycheck -- not at all. Many people become heroes simply because they do love to help people. Some become heroes because they want to stop bad guys. Sure, there are some who do it to maybe someday live an easier life, or because it pays really well and they have family to support. But, I do believe that most people go into the Pro Hero business with good intentions.
THIS, is part of the reason that Pro Heroes have remained separate from law enforcement. They are now a business. A very wealthy business. It’s not just hero agencies that make money off of the Pro Hero business. It’s toy manufacturers. Comic book stores. Prisons. Hospitals. Roots of Pro Hero society reach into nearly every type of business that there is, whether directly or indirectly.
Nobody wants that money to disappear by folding Heroes back into the police force. No, they want MORE heroes. More heroes, and more people for the heroes to fight.
tldr: heroes = $$$, so keep ‘em coming
Part IV: Brainwashed
There are a lot of factors that go into making society as a whole okay with something. It takes a lot of time, for one. It takes powerful, well spoken people. It takes lots of media attention. Before you know it, everyone is eating up the same exact thing quite willingly ... and it spreads to the next generation. And the next. After that happens, its something that is well integrated into society, like a freckle that’s always been on your arm -- its just “always been that way”.
I’ve mentioned several times that its odd for people to be so okay with one person beating another person senseless. Again, we know that its considered acceptable, because of the labels we’ve put on these individuals based on their actions: Heroes and Villains.
What I wonder is: How long have people been okay with this? Do they not realize that, in a way, this is history repeating itself?
We know why people don’t dig deeper into this. Pro Heroes are popular and people love them. The media has hand fed the Hero lifestyle to children for some time now. There are schools, MORE THAN ONE SCHOOL, that teach your child how to become a pro hero.
Think about that. It’s not just some extra-curricular activity, like sports. These are schools, designed to take in freshly graduated MIDDLE-SCHOOLERS who have not finished their regularly schooling education, who still have growing bodies and minds, and ... crafts them into perfect pro-heroes. AND PARENTS ARE OKAY WITH THIS -- SOMETIMES EVEN MORE THAN OKAY WITH IT.
These schools send young teenagers onto the streets under a pro-heroes wing to witness and be a part of fighting crime. Not organized crime, like a ring of bad guys or something, but ... random crime. Disasters. From a young age, they may encounter situations with actual dead people. Their training is dangerous. Their powers can be dangerous. One wrong move, and a student, someone you worked alongside, had lunch with everyday, is just ... gone.
There exists a police force in society. There are already pro-heroes. Why, then, is society okay with multiple schools that are practically breeding child soldiers? They are teaching kids everything about how to kick ass, how to take down these terrifying people, how to fight, how to save lives ...
Why is no one looking into why villains exist in the first place? Are these kids ever taught de-escalation tactics? To talk their opponents down? Not everyone out there is using their quirk to be evil for the sake of being evil. There’s always a reason, a purpose.
Part V: Ignoring Those Who Need Help
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Hey, Star Wars had some good points!
I’ve discussed before what makes a villain. People who are afraid of what they’re capable of. People who society has turned their back on. People who desperately need help, but there is no one out there willing to give it.
These people will always find each other in the shadows. They begin, at a young age, being terrified of what they are. What they’ve done. What they can do. Maybe they’ve been kicked out of their families. Maybe they’ve killed before, completely on accident.
The average person turns their back on people like this.
These people begin their lives terrified. Constantly being told that their quirks, their past, their family, what ever it is, will make them end up a bad person. Or, maybe they tell them they’re already a bad person. That fears breeds anger and hate. Hate for this society that would rather see them burn, than offer them any help.
A young boy grows up into a man. He had a potentially devastating quirk that he never really got a good hold on, because he was never allowed to practice with it. Everyone is too scared to let him try. Then, one day, something happens -- completely by accident. He causes a scene. A massacre. He hurts people.
Parents are excited to see which of their quirks their baby displays. Instead of being one or the other, or even a fusion of both, the unthinkable occurs. Its a mutation. The toddler hurts a sibling, a parent, a friend. Terrified, the parents abandon the child, for fear of losing their entire family.
A child is told, over and over, that his quirk will never be good for anything other than being evil. This knowledge rests heavy on his shoulders, its repeated to him yearly as he grows. Then, when he acts on what everyone has TOLD HIM FOR YEARS HE WILL DO, they are surprised. As if they hadn’t imprinted the very notion into his mind.
In a way, Overhaul was right about one thing. Hero society is a disease. People look forward to watching Heroes take down Villains and save the day. They don’t think at all about why these people are villains, how they got there, where they came from. They will never admit to potentially being the reason villains exist in the first place.
Part VI: Cycle/Conclusion
Wow, I have rambled a lot. I don’t think I hit every point that I’ve ever thought of for sure. There’s ... a lot of them. And a lot of comparisons I wanted to make to other superhero anime, specifically Tiger and Bunny, which I believe does an excellent job of showing the ups and downs of hero societies.
What I wanted to make clear in all this rambling mess (which, if you read all of it, I am SO SO SORRY), is that the very existence of Pro Heroes and Villains exist solely because of a few factors that exist in a cycle.
Pro Heroes = $$$ -> Schools for more heroes -> ignoring quirk-related-problems -> more villains -> pro heroes beat up villains -> pro heroes =$$$ etc
There is someone, or some organization, that sits above all of this. There has to be. There has to be some more logical explanation as to why this type of Hero v Villain culture has been allowed to exist all of this time, and things have not drifted more back in the direction of police vs lawbreakers. There has to be a reason that its okay for heroes to be so popular. There has to be a reason that children are allowed to be groomed into becoming heroes. There has to be a reason that there isn’t more help out there for people with these types of potentially destructive quirks.
There has to be reasons.
There has to be reasons for how the Hero Commission moves. There has to be reasons for how the police move. There has to be a reason that society is still allowed to go on like this, and that its become culturally acceptable.
If anyone out there can put all my rambling into clearer words and actively wants to, I would love that. Thank you for taking the time to read my mess!
xoxo Wild
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Pregnancy Series - We Got News! (3)
Telling Others You’re Pregnant
5 weeks
Shinsou Hitoshi
Every week you and Shinsou made it a habit to go over to Aizawa and Hizashi’s house to visit. It was Saturday, and once again you made your way over there - sitting on the couch as HIzashi made dinner for you all. You talked with Eri, who had just turned 12, about school and life in general while Shinsou played with Aizawa’s cat.
“Hey Eri, Y/n has a surprise for you.”
Shinsou nudged your arm with his elbow as he said that, and you turned to him, “Right now? Shouldn’t we wait for Aizawa and Hizashi?”
Eri, hearing what you said, ran off to find the two and bring them into the living room so that she could hear your surprise, yelling “Dad! Papa! Y/n has a surprise for us!” It only took about a minute for the three of them to return, Eri and Hizashi especially excited for your little surprise.
“You have a surprise!? What is it?” You laughed as the two were basically bouncing on their heels waiting for you to say it, and Aizawa was just waiting patiently.
“Well - uh, the surprise is, I’m pregnant!”
The three stood there in slight shock for a minute, before Eri let out an excited scream and ran back over to you, “You’re having a baby? That’s so cute!! Ooh - ooh, can I babysit them?” Her eyes were so big, she was obviously very excited at the news. Hizashi ran over and gave you and Shinsou a hug too, while Aizawa stood in the background with a soft smile on his face - giving you a curt “Congrats.”
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Bakugou Katsuki
“I don’t wanna tell her… you tell her!”
“She’s your mom! I told my parents!”
Katsuki growled as you argued over who would tell his parents the news of your pregnancy, and obviously the one who you were more concerned with telling was his mom since you both knew she would have a much stronger reaction than his dad would. 
“But - She’s gonna get all mushy and shit…”
“So what? Imagine how mad she’ll be if we don’t tell her, wouldn’t you rather have her be mushy than pissy?”
Glaring at you, Katsuki growled again to emphasize his annoyance before pulling his phone out of his pocket and looking for his mom’s contact. He hesitated for a second, hovering his thumb over the call button before pressing on it and slowly moving his hand to his ear. 
“Do you think she’ll get mad at us for calling her instead of telling her in person?”
Katsuki’s eyes widened a bit as you said that, deciding you were right and he almost pressed the end call button before he heard his mother’s voice through the phone.
“Katsu~ Look at you, calling me? That’s new - I’m guessing you need something?”
“Tch, no! I just- needta tell you something…. Y/n’s pregnant, okay?”
You heard a loud gasp through the phone, and giggled to yourself at her excitement, and she yelled, “Wait! Let me get your dad! Masaru! Y/n’s pregnant! Come here! Katsuki, put in on speaker, I wanna talk to y/n.”
He did as she said, and she spoke to you. “Y/n, congratulations! I won’t lie, pregnancy ain’t fun - but I promise I’ll help you through it as much as possible, since I know Katsuki probably won’t be much help.”
“Hey! I’m plenty help, thank you very much!” You laughed again as the two bickered, and you couldn’t help but slightly hope that the baby took on their father and grandmother’s personality - seeing as you had grown to love it so much anyways.
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Todoroki Shouto
Shouto still always made sure to visit his mother fairly often, many times bringing you as well as Rei had been very accepting and loving towards you (unlike his father). Today he was visiting her again, and decided that she would be ecstatic to hear the news of your pregnancy so you two planned to tell her.
Walking into the small room, Rei gave you both a happy smile as you went to sit down. It started as any other visit did, with you all just sharing little details of your lives since your last visit. Shouto had mentioned a few visits ago that you two might start trying for a kid, and of course she was going to be curious as to how that was going. 
“Any luck getting pregnant?”
You gave her a bright smile as you nodded, knowing that she would be ecstatic from the news, “Yup! I found out last week!”
Rei’s eyes started watering almost as soon as you said that, and she stood up slowly so that she could move closer to you and give you a hug. “I’m so happy for you, I’m so thankful that you two are happy.” 
After seeing Shouto go through so much trauma as a child and experiencing so much herself from marriage and having children - seeing Shouto be able to live his life happily was such a wonderful feeling for Rei.
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Kirishima Eijirou
Today, you and Eijirou were hanging out with the Bakusquad, just going around town and having fun as a break from all of your stressful hero lives. After spending a short while shopping and walking around the mall, you ended up at the food court. You weren’t really all that hungry, so you opted to stay at the table while the others grabbed their food. 
But once they got back, most of them save for Denki coming back at fairly the same time, you suddenly were overwhelmed with nausea and you were forced to stand up and walk away from the table. It seemed that you could handle scents when they weren’t too strong, but due to the close proximity of all these foods, your stomach decided that it didn’t like it and you weren’t trying to throw up all over your friends.
Eijirou followed you as you walked away, giving them a quick excuse of “it’s probably the baby,” forgetting that neither of you had mentioned the fact that you were pregnant quite yet. So while Eijirou rubbed your back and tried to find a way to cover up your nose so that you wouldn’t smell anything, the others shared confused looks.
You decided to go to the bathroom just in case your body decided to betray you, and Eiji ran back to the table, “Do any of you have a face mask?” But instead of answering him, Mina asked, “Y/n’s pregnant?” Eijirou - finally remembering that none of them knew - laughed, nodding, “Oh, ya! She is~ She’s probably sick because of all the smells, so do any of you have a face mask so she can come sit back down?”
Hanta searched through his bag for a second before pulling out a cheap black face mask, “I always have one, it goes with my aesthetic~” Denki, who had finally came back, was immediately bombarded with the news by Mina, who was very excited - but Eijirou was busy texting you that when you were ready to come out he got you a face mask.
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Amajiki Tamaki
It was hard figuring out how you were going to tell everyone that you were pregnant. Should you just call them and tell them? Or should you go over to their house and tell them in person? It was a very confusing experience that neither you nor Tamaki really wanted to deal with, but you couldn’t just not tell anyone.
Deciding that it would probably be better to tell at least the more important people in person, Tamaki texted Mirio and Nejire to come over to your house - saying that you needed to tell them something important and it had to be done in person. The two came pretty quickly, worried that something bad had happened, but were relieved when nothing seemed to be out of place.
“So, what’s up?”
Mirio was quick to bring up the question, with Nejire happily bouncing in curiosity behind him. Tamaki looked to you, thinking it would be better for you to say it since you were the one who was actually pregnant, and so you did.
“I’m pregnant! I’m just over a month now.” 
Nejire immediately squealed in excitement, running over to you and grabbing your hands, “Really? That’s so exciting! You have to let me help you with names, I’ve got so many cute ones. I’m going to spoil your baby so much! I can’t wait!” She was almost more excited than you were, and Mirio was excited too - having pulled Tamaki into a hug himself. 
“Wow- congrats you two! I bet your baby is gonna be super cute!”
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“There’s something up with you, I just know it.”
Toga narrowed her eyes as she looked you up and down, inspecting you for changes. She had noticed all of the slight symptoms of pregnancy that had begun affecting you, but how you never seemed to be actually sick. And how you suddenly seemed a lot more upbeat, not letting much bother you - which was a side effect of your excitement for this baby to come. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about~” 
Even so, you enjoyed messing with the girl - she was like a little sister to you and you could never pass up a chance to annoy her, even though for most that could be a dangerous mistake. A pout grew on her face as you said that, causing you to laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you soon. I just wanna see you guess.”
However, Spinner had been in the room with the two of you and heard your conversation. “There has been something weird with you lately. You’re a lot warmer. Are you sick, or pregnant?” He laughed as he said pregnant, obviously thinking it couldn’t be true, but you didn’t laugh with him. 
“Oh - I forgot you can detect heat… so you already know.” 
The two paused their laughter, “Wait, you’re pregnant?” You nodded, putting a happy smile on your face and patting your stomach, “Yup~” Their faces stayed in a shocked state for a few seconds before they broke out into smiles themselves, “Really? That’s amazing!” 
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Shigaraki Tomura
From the moment you got pregnant Tomura has been extremely protective of you, barely letting anyone come near you in fear that they may do something to hurt the baby. Most everyone already kinda knew that you were pregnant, Dabi especially since he had been the one to grab you the test, but neither you nor Tomura had officially said anything.
But today, there was an early morning meeting that you were forced to go along with, and you sat on the large arm of his chair as he spoke, keeping your hand in his gloved one. You were still nauseous and just wanted to go back to sleep, but Tomura wanted you around him at all times and you didn’t feel like arguing with him. 
Except it started getting too much, and you let go of Tomura’s hand just so that you could sit on the cold floor, immediately feeling a little better just from being lower to the ground. Tomura stopped talking as soon as you did so, watching you to make sure that you were okay with a frown. Once you were fully seated on the floor and you gave him a soft smile to show him you were okay, he turned back to the league, “Listen - y/n is pregnant, and if she needs anything you will get it for her. Keeping her healthy and happy is our number one priority.”
He was so serious as he said this that it was almost funny - but he meant every word, he wanted to league to act as your servants almost. Luckily for you the league seemed to take it pretty well, Toga letting out an ��awe~’ and the rest kinda just nodding along. They probably didn’t care, but they also knew better than to argue with Tomura when it came to you.
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zekidork · 4 years
Say if you could date any vk character who would it be and why?
Hey there! Sorry I haven’t gotten to your question sooner (I literally just figured out I can do this). 
Now, in regards to your question, I find it would be more easy to list all the characters I wouldn’t want to date to be honest. I guess that’s just because knowing the characters from the series makes me love them from afar, but I’m pretty sure I’d be terrible with them in a conversation. But if I had to think really hard for a moment, I think it would be either Kaito Takamiya or Senri Shiki.
Both the guys are very different, I know, but the two seem more like the types I’d be able to handle for some reason. Takuma would be my third choice to be honest, because while he may have had issues with his loyalties towards purebloods (with his whole dilemma with Sara and Kaname) he proves himself to be loyal to his best friend in the end, a quality I really like (plus he’s a manga/comics fan! No way I’d ignore that). Anyways, here’s why I’d date Kaito or Senri.
Senri: Not only is he good looking, but people seem to forget that in the vk universe, he’s literally a model. So, I’d say that if I lived in that universe, I would most likely quietly crush on him while looking through the magazines he appears in alongside Rima. But if I ever had the chance to actually date him, then I feel like I could just buy him some snacks, chill out with him and talk about random stuff. Plus, he’s good friends with Takuma, so he most likely has access to good manga. If I were to focus on his actual character for a sec (and not just speculate how he’d be like) I’d still want to date him. While he did have issues with being Rido’s puppet, in the end Senri has a very loyal heart. He either wants to be with Rima or with Takuma. He’s like a teddy bear that needs to be hugged, and I definitely want to hug him.
Kaito: This is definitely not the type I’d quietly crush on from afar. I would most likely attempt to be friends with him before dating him. Kaito looks and acts very harshly with others, but to me it’s pretty clear that that’s just how he handles his issues. He’s definitely not a soft heart like Zero, but he’s not necessarily mean. I know Yuuki called him cruel once, but considering his background, I understand where he comes from. He’s the type who was raised with tough love (he had to kill his brother at a young age and he had Toga for a master) and as an adult he acts with tough love. I feel like I’d personally be capable in looking past the harshness of his words and just be good friends with him. He seems like a fun guy to be around with if you vibe with him. Plus he has a few comedic moments that really got me (him with the chainsaw at Aido’s interrogation, his justification for bringing Yori at a soirée, when he yells at Zero and Yuuki to leave together, to name a few). And I love how he’s such a big brother to Zero and really cares for him but at the same time teases him like crazy.
So, in conclusion, I guess I’d rather date the characters that appear “less on screen” so to speak. I suppose it’s because there’s less we know about them which gives a mysterious vibe that I find is worth exploring through a date.
Thanks for the question again, and sorry if it was too long for an answer. 
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