#I wanna make sure your name is attached to this in all possible ways
banannabethchase · 1 year
he is a bad boy with a tainted heart, nick and luchasaurus 😊
Dino Fuckers Not-So-Anonymous
Here's this thing. Help.
Nick leans against the wall, trying to make it look casual.
"What the hell are you doing?" Matt asks, looking him up and down.
"Nothing," Nick says. He wiggles a little, the tight pants making this far less comfortable than he'd like. "I'm not doing anything."
Matt raises an eyebrow and stares him down. Nick feels like blinking will end his life. "Oh, good lord."
"It's nothing!"
"It's Luchasaurus again," Matt says, groaning. "You keep waiting like this, outside his locker room. It's embarrassing."
"It's not -"
"Just - ask him out, you weirdo. Just say, 'hey, I'm into the dino thing, let's make out.'"
"I can't just ask something like that!" Nick hisses. "And keep your voice down."
Matt's face breaks into a grin. And Nick immediately knows his life is about to implode.
"Lucha!" Matt yells down the hallway. "Lucha, you're in here, right?" Nick chases after Matt as he bangs open doors, making his way through locker rooms and poorly hung curtains until he rips open one to see Luchasaurus in -
Oh god. He's in nothing but a towel and his mask. Sitting on a bench, thighs out for all to see, Luchasaurus looks up at Matt and Nick with an air of amusement. "Hey, man. What's up?"
Nick is transfixed by the tattoos, by the muscles, by the mask. It's the only explanation for why he didn't choke Matt out right then and there.
"Nick thinks you're hot."
Nick panics, almost dies, he thinks, then winds up and hits Matt as hard as he can in the arm.
"Shut up!"
"Um," Luchasaurus says. "Are you good?"
"Oh," Matt says, shoving past Nick to get to the door. That stupid jacket's too slippery to get a good hold of him. "I've probably lost all feeling in my left side, but Nick's great. Bye!"
Nick's left alone with a burning face and the man he's been not so secretly lusting after for the past few weeks.
"So," Luchasaurus says, and his grin is so knowing it makes Nick squirm, "did this start before or after I nearly killed Jack?"
"After," Nick mumbles. He feels too hot.
"You like a bad dinosaur," Luchasaurus says. "Interesting." He licks his lips, and Nick is suddenly wondering if that green dye transfers easily.
And then he thinks about where that green dye could transfer.
Luchasaurus reaches out and yanks Nick into his space, two massive hands on the back of Nick's thighs, and Nick automatically shifts to straddle his hips. "You want me to keep the mask on?"
"Fuck yeah," Nick gasps.
The dye transfers.
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cyberjam · 1 year
ATSV HEADCANON: the spiders as yanderes . . . ☆
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warnings - usual yandere themes, use of (bug) pet names like ladybug, no use of y/n or reader, stalking, manipulation, paranoia, a hint of kidnapping, a suggestion of stockholm syndrome, not proof read etc...
word count - 814
i was sleep-deprived while writing this request, so i apologize for any errors or mistakes, enjoy :)
main masterlist <33
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MILES - the delusional yandere.
Miles would be so deeply in-love with you that there wasn't much you could possibly do to get him away from you. You could kick and scream at the top of your lungs and he'd just laugh to himself thinking you wanted to play fight. He would go to the ends of the earth for you and he assumes you would do the same for him as well. You could tell him how much you hated his guts and he'd simply take it as you being a bit cranky and in need of a nap. There wasn't a single thing in this world that could make him think you hated him, and once you found out he was Spider-man, that tiny bit of assurance that you were safe was completely washed away and you no-longer felt secure in the city that was supposedly protected.
"you're shaking, bug..don't worry your friendly neighborhood spider-man is here."
GWEN - the overprotective yandere.
You were just a sweet quiet kid. You sat in the back of the class, constantly in your own world. You didn't disturb anyone, always got your work done, and simply just tried to make yourself invisible to the best of your abilities. But It didn't take long for gwen to take notice of you. (you did share multiple classes together..) gwen took pity on you for some time, you were so quiet and innocent...so weak. How could someone like you survive in this world without her? It didn't take long for gwen to take on an aggressively protective role over you. She just knew deep down in her heart that people were gonna walk all over you and she had to be the one to stop them before they reached you. You don't need to be involved with the filth of the world, you need to be with her. So, once she takes you please don't be mad, she only wants what's best for you.
"i finally got you in my arms, ladybug..shh, don't worry i'm not doing this to hurt you, i just wanna protect you."
PAVITR - the clingy yandere.
Pavitr becomes so emotionally attached to you that he truly believes a second without you by his side would shatter him completely. It was rough for him in the beginning, not being able to hold you, smother you in kisses, and talk your ear off about his endless amounts of love for you. But once you two became well acquainted enough to his liking, he won't hold back at all. Pavitr will always be able to slip in his obsession with you in any conversation you two have, always going a bit overboard when he mentions how the reason he's able to live and be the best version of himself is because of your very existence. He gets overwhelmed when you're not close by, it worries him when he doesn't know what you're doing 24/7. What if you're talking to someone else? Laughing at someone else's joke? Surely whoever you're talking to isn't as amazing as Pavitr and If you can't see that he'll just have to show you.
"being away from you causes too much pain, jalebi...we were meant to be one."
HOBIE - the manipulative yandere.
Hobie will make you feel like you can't live without him. That you need him for absolutely everything, wether it be running to the store, picking out an outfit for the day, or even eating food on your own. He will break you emotionally until you're fully dependent on him and feel absolutely useless. He wants you to ask him for everything, he wants to hear the sweet sound of your voice calling his name for help, He needs to hear you say that you need him. Because you do, don't you?
" I don' know why you continue to fight my affection, darling. I'm the only one who's gonna love you the way you need to be loved. Why don't you get that? "
MIGUEL - the possessive yandere.
Miguel wants to be wanted by you. He wants you to be so dependent on him that the only words that ever slip past your lips are silent pleas for his help. He wants you to cling to him and whine at the absence of his presence. He wants you to be fully dependent on him. Any ounce of freedom you used to have before you met him is completely stripped away. Whenever he feels as if you're being independent or going about your day without acknowledging him, he gets extremely upset. You are his and his only so he will not hesitate to remove family and friends from your life if he has to, because in reality you don't really need anyone but him, right?
"tsk. this is why you should always come to me for help, it's what i'm here for, baby."
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maybe i'll make a more descriptive one in the future, who knows...until then, send me some requests :)
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated <33
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pparadiselost · 1 year
la maison.
noel noa x single mother fem reader noa finds himself falling head over heels for the sweet mom next door. warning(s): nsfw, alcohol, dubious consent (drunk sex), single mother reader, named son oc (irrelevant outside of pornmaking plot), creampie, breeding minors do not interact.
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recently, noel noa has developed a bit of a problem. 
he had fallen in love with his next-door-neighbor. which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn’t the most unique nor the most world-shattering of issues he could possibly have, but these once trivial feelings he had no time to waste on started taking root in his head, they began to spread like wildfire throughout his daily life.
the pro soccer player was mildly surprised to find out that the young man who had lived next to him in the quaint apartment he called home had moved out while he was playing overseas. noa didn’t think too much of it. he rarely ever grew close with the neighbors around him. he was often out of the house, gone for months to even years at a time playing for whatever country or club summoned him, and when he was home, he preferred spending his time alone rather than getting attached to people who he had nothing in common with.
but the two of you had gotten off on a completely unexpected foot.
“dada!” the squirming toddler in your arms squeals. you nearly drop the bag of groceries you were precariously balancing on your elbow, yelping softly as your son uses all the force he can muster in his tiny body to lurch towards noa. “dada, dada!”
“no, sweetie, that’s not your dad,” you gently remind him, unable to stop the sheepish smile that tugs at your lips. you expertly lean the little boy against your hip while you regain your grip on your groceries, flashing an apologetic smile at noa. “i’m so sorry about that. he has a habit of saying that to every man he sees.”
noa stands practically frozen in his doorframe. he’s seen his fair share of almost blasphemously beautiful women in his life: models, actresses, influencers… but nothing holds a candle to the way his heart thumps in his chest when his eyes land on you. every bit of you screams sweet yet battered to him, your eyes mild and gentle by the tugs of time and your body all covered with loose clothes to make sure your boy could hug right into every little nook and cranny that he pleases. 
a perfect image of motherhood.
his dick throbs in his pants. 
it’s lecherous. he doesn’t even know your name, and he’s getting turned on. hell, you might even be married, yet he’s lusting after you. 
“it’s alright. i know how kids are,” he lies. he actually doesn’t know how kids are, but it’s enough to get you to laugh again. “do you live near here? i don’t think i’ve seen you around.”
“ah! i do.” you lift a hand to point at the door right next to his while your son tugs at your clothes impatiently. he keeps mumbling dada, dada in that gurgling voice of his, looking up at you and then stealing glances at noa. “we moved in fairly recently. i didn’t think we’d have a neighbor, because i thought the next door apartment was empty.”
his heart skips a beat, and noa coughs to clear his throat. “i see. my job requires me to be overseas a lot, so i’m out of the house often. i suppose, that makes us next-door-neighbors then. my name is noel noa. it’s lovely to meet you.”
he half-expects you to gasp and run off upon hearing his name, but instead your smile widens. “it’s lovely to meet you as well. my name is (y/n). this naughty little elf right here is honoré. do you wanna say hi to mr. noa, sweetie?”
you keep cooing at the boy, while noa breathes a sigh of relief. so you don’t recognize him to be a pro player. in some ways he prefers that. he wouldn’t want to scare you away. his mind races when he thinks about how he’s now next door to who he believes is the most fuckable woman on earth. 
“alright, it was a joy meeting you. i’ll see you around then, mr. noa?” you offer. 
‘noel is fine.’ noa nods, mumbling an agreement before you wave and disappear into your suite, leaving him dumbfounded in his doorframe. what was he even leaving the house for? he doesn’t remember anymore.
but god. temptation had fallen straight into his lap, and if the arousal churning deep in his gut told him anything, it was that his life was going to be trouble from now on.
noel noa has also come across a stroke of luck. his manager on the other end of the phone sighs and tells him that the next season has been postponed for a few months, mumbling on about some logistics issues between the professional leagues regarding budgeting and some new stadium being built. noa couldn’t care less: his job was to play soccer, and that was final.
the bottom line was clear. he wouldn’t be flying out and disappearing again, and for a few months, he was free to do as he wanted so long as he kept himself in tip-top shape and maintained his usual training.
a guilty part of him celebrates. it means he gets to stay longer with you, right next doors. he’s been running into you more often, and you’re always quick to offer up a small greeting and make small talk with him when time allows. noa tries so, so hard to be a good man and genuinely get to know you as a good neighbor should, rather than to look at you and be driven half-insane by how much he wishes he could drag you to his suite and fuck you on his bed. 
honoré never fails to happily scream out “dada!” at noa when he sees the man, and you always correct your son with a stern voice. part of noa wants you to stop correcting him, his inner lust-demon celebrating slightly at the fact that your son is ready to accept him as his father. noa had been hesitant on full-on courting you, or at least, what he considered courting (lavinho never failed to make fun of him for having “the flirtation skills of a 13th century monk!”), having assumed that you had a husband.
but he notices the lack of a wedding band around your ring finger. could it be that you didn’t have a husband, after all?
not that it matters. noa knows he shouldn’t let himself daydream. he barely knows you, and the very least he can do is show you a modicum of respect rather than treating you like some hunk of hot meat on the dating market. 
it’s dark outside when noa sits down in his bed, unwinding by himself after a long day of analyzing previous games and practicing by himself out in one of the nearby training fields. he hasn’t seen you all day, but he knows you’re home because he stole a peek at your apartment window while heading in. the lights are on, and presumably, you’re inside. it isn’t safe for a woman and a little child to be out and about when it’s dark, and noa wonders if he should offer to escort you if you ever need to go out. 
no. he shouldn’t overstep. he really shouldn’t.
but what really throws him for a loop is what he hears through the thin apartment walls. at first he thought it was his phone, having auto-started a video, but nothing in his house could be capable of making that noise. noa sits still on his bed and cranes his ears, and then realization settles like cold snow on his body.
you’re singing. your voice is hushed, loving, and every now and then, noa makes out the whiny cries of a little boy.
he pauses. 
dear lord. are you singing your son to sleep?
noa grits his teeth and stifles a groan when a rush of blood floods his groin, and his pants immediately start tightening up. he’s used up all of his self-restraint to not feel this way around you, yet the thought of you, in such domestic bliss with your toddler, turns him ridiculously on. his cock fucking hurts from how hard it is, pressing up angrily against his pants and demanding that he do something about it. his stomach throbs and swirls with need, with the desire to fuck something until he’s satisfied.
his hand absentmindedly wanders to the waistband of his pants, and he guides his dick so that it springs free from its restrictive confines. noa doesn’t think he’s ever been this hard before in his life—his cock slaps up against his stomach, and the irritated tip is already drooling greedily. noa hisses quietly when the cold air rushes against his swollen organ, and he carefully wraps his hand around his dick.
you continue your singing.
noa wonders how you must look. he wonders if your sweet hair is damp from a shower, or if you’re getting ready to step into the bath once you put your son to sleep. he wishes he could bury his face in your hair and lewdly inhale, and he begins to slowly stroke his cock at the thought of your features.
maybe you’d hold your son to your chest. blood swells south at the thought of your breasts. the sloping curve that you always hid behind conservative clothes. noa isn’t sure if he wants to sweetly coax you out of them, getting you to shyly bare yourself for him, or if he wants to rip them off of you like an animal and savor the way you squeal and try to cover yourself up.
he wants to grope your tits. your gorgeous tits, made to hold a little boy close to your heart, once filled with milk to feed your son, all swollen and easily filling up his cupped hands. noa barely holds back a moan as he fists himself while daydreaming about your breasts. 
he’d ghost his fingertips over your puffy nipples. he’d hear you cry out, sobbing out a “i-i’m sensitive there, noel-” while he teases them. he’d tug on them too, after a while, feeling your cunt grow wetter and wetter while he has his way with your body. he’d keep on circling his fingers all over your supple breasts, the dainty signs of motherhood filling out and fueling his own libido.
his cock twitches in his fist. he’s leaking pre-cum like a broken faucet. just the mental image of your fat tits has him acting this way, and noa doesn’t know what to do with himself. his balls tighten and contract, and your singsongy filling his ears overwhelms with lust.
he wants to fuck you. he wants to fuck you so bad. his length is fuming at him for not being buried into your delicate body. noa wants to fuck into you anywhere he can get. 
your smaller hands, struggling to fully wrap your fingers around his thick cock. or your mouth, that canary-like voice of yours being put to good use by choking and slobbering all over him. or even your tits that he had been drooling over, slapping his cockhead over your sensitive nipples until you’re squirming and scrunching your face up the way he likes it. your plush thighs wouldn’t be too bad too, hearing your breath hitch and hike up an octave whenever his tip catches on your throbbing clit.
‘fuck- fucking hell, fuck, fuck…!’ he grits his teeth as his hands speed up, fucking against his cock as if he were a bull in heat. he hasn’t even had the opportunity to fantasize about your gummy pussy yet, and he’s already this close. 
he’s too preoccupied taking his time fucking you with his eyes in his mind, stroking fervently to the sound of your muffled voice. he wants to cum, he wants to cum so bad, he wants to take all of his pent-up frustration and make it real and tangible that you’re the one who drove him to this ridiculous state.
he swears he’s going to fuck you. he swears he’s going to fuck his cock into you until your body bends and breaks to him, until you turn into a fucked-out shell of the sweetheart that lives next door. he’s going to get you fucking hooked on his cock so that you’re drooling and chasing after sex with as much as he’s going crazy for you. 
horribly wet shlick-shlick noises echo around his bedroom as he thrusts himself all over his hand. his stomach twists violently, and his heavy balls contract painfully before noa cums all over himself.
‘shit. shit…!’
he grits his teeth and shuts his eyes, forcing down any noises out of fear that you might hear. the rush almost breaks him. ropes of heady cum splash all over his chest and abs, instantly drenching and burning into his skin. he strokes himself through his orgasm, the coils in his gut twisting against themselves, unfurling in and out as pure pleasure streaks through his body. god, this was so wrong of him to do, but noa would be fucking damned if he said he ever came this hard before.
his cock hangs from the pricks of overstimulation as he continues to stroke himself, coaxing out every second of his orgasm as he possibly could. shame immediately floods his body like ice water when his foggy mind clears bit-by-bit, yet he can’t bring himself to jump to his feet and start cleaning up.
noa sits defeatedly in his bed. his chest heaves as he catches his breath, wishing his cum was streaked all over you rather than his own body, and he swallows thickly. he feels horrendously guilty, yet in a twist of ironic fate, your voice keeps trickling through the thin walls.
noa doesn’t even have time to fully let the guilt hit before his dick is swelling up in his fist again. 
‘one more round. just one more round,’ he bargains with himself, ‘just until you stop singing lullabies to your son.’
“i’m so sorry, noel,” you laugh awkwardly. “i really hope i’m not bothering you.”
“it’s no problem at all, really. this is what neighbors are for.”
you stand a few paces in front of him, and the exhausted smile on your face makes noa’s heart speed up dangerously. honoré is fast asleep on your back, strapped to you with a baby harness. in noa’s hands is a stubborn jar of sauce, which, according to you, absolutely refused to open no matter what you did or how hard you had tried to wrench the lid open.
noa firmly grips the lid, and with a small grunt, he easily pops the jar lid open. your eyes widen in awe as he flexes his muscles subtly, a few of the veins in his toned arms becoming visible. he notices you staring at him, and he gently screws the lid back on before handing it back to you.
“thank you so much!” you beam. “it stressed me out so much that i couldn’t get it open. silly of me to think that when i have you right here. classic case of mom brain.”
noa thinks he’s going to stop breathing. you’re beaming at him in such a lighthearted manner, and your words bring his brain to full halt for a split second. he manages a lukewarm smile, and he’s getting ready to wave you off and let you scurry back into your apartment complex before you pause.
“you know… if you aren’t that busy tonight, would you like to come over for dinner? i’m in the middle of cooking right now—well, duh—and i feel like it wouldn’t hurt to make friends with the person living right next door,” you offer up innocently. “you don’t have to if you don’t want to! i completely get it-”
“-i’d love to. when would you like me over?” noa doesn’t even need to consider his options. “should i dress up?”
“dress up?” you gasp. “you don’t need to do anything fancy like that! it’ll just be a nice home cooked meal, maybe a little wine, just as a sign of goodwill. i’ll still need about… let’s say an hour? that way i can clean up a little too… the petit rascal here has a knack for getting into everything.”
“an hour sounds good to me. thank you for the invitation. i’ll look forward to it,” he responds plainly. his thoughts are going a million miles per hour. 
dinner. at your place. with you. just you and him. 
lady luck must be on his side. not even playing in the world cup could compare to the amount of anxiety and anticipation bubbling up inside of him. you flash him a thumbs-up, unaware of the wrench you had thrown into his nearly nonexistent courtship plans. he stands a bit dumbfounded in the doorframe (not too dissimilar when he first met you) when you scoot back into your place, most likely jumping straight back to work in order to prep food and spruce up your home to take him as a guest.
an hour. noa decides that it’s enough time for him to groom himself a bit too. jump in the shower, douse himself with a nice perfume, pick out a casual yet still suave outfit. if time allows, he’d even run down to a nearby store to buy a bouquet of flowers. a nice little thank you present for the meal, but undoubtedly enough of an ambiguous gift to give it a slight romantic tinge.
noa was going to milk this opportunity. you had thrown him the perfect chance, and noa knew that once he fixated on something, he would see it through.
to his success, all things willing.
everything about your house suited you. your apartment complex wasn’t decorated too lavishly, yet it wasn’t barebones either. noa smiles when he sees all the pictures of your son you have framed against the walls, and your shelves are stuffed with picture books and other memorabilia of the toddler.
you had expertly put honoré to bed before noa had came around, and when he knocked on your door an hour later, you had buried your face in your hands and laughed like a schoolgirl that had been confessed to when he presented you with a bouquet of beautifully prepared calla lilies.
“you shouldn’t have!” you had smacked his arm playfully, but noa felt his chest swell with pride when you rifled through your closet to find a makeshift vase to place the flowers in. 
dinner had been delightful. noa had eagerly wolfed down whatever food you served him, and you were more than happy to prattle on to him about how honoré had recently developed an affinity for blueberries and that you were debating between buying him legos or a toy truck.
of course, the wine flowed generously throughout too. you had admitted that you had saved the red wine for a long time, never having a reason to drink it since your hands were full with a baby and not really wanting to crack a whole bottle open just for yourself. noa could tell you were enjoying the drink, swirling the wine glass around rhythmically as the drink slowly stained your plump lips a deep shade of maroon.
how lovely. noa wondered if it would smear if he were to kiss you.
letting you chatter on without stopping you let him extrapolate a lot that he wouldn’t have known otherwise. it didn’t take too many sips to get you a little tipsy, and with a few questions to ease you up, you were practically an open book.
you had gotten pregnant with your son a few years back, and when you approached honoré’s dad with the news, the sleazebag had completely vanished from your life. as awful as it sounds, noa celebrates inwardly when he hears that you’re single. you admitted that you were lucky enough to have good friends and a somewhat stable support system who took care of you through your pregnancy, and you had honoré without too many complications. but one thing led to another, and you ended up moving here.
“i work remotely,” you murmur, stealing another mouthful of red wine. “it’s… not much, but it’s enough to provide for me and my little boy. i get to pamper him a fair amount, and working from home means that i don’t need to worry about a babysitter! it won’t be too long until i can send him to school, and at that point, i can probably look for a better paying job that i can commute to.”
“i see. if i’m ever around, i wouldn’t mind looking after honoré. you already have a lot on your plate, and if there’s anything i can do to ease the load…,” noa trails off. you sigh dreamily, shaking your head.
“oh, i couldn’t ask you to do that. but i really appreciate the offer.” you glance towards the nursery. “honoré has taken a liking to you though. he gets so excited whenever he sees you!”
the tension between you two is electric. noa feels like his heart is about to give out on him, and if the tension mounting in his stomach tells him anything, it’s that he should be thankful for having the foresight to wear loose pants. your house smells like you: sweet, light, a perfect aphrodisiac for the starved man.
this is the closest he’s ever been to you, the longest he’s ever talked to you. you keep batting your eyelashes at him, looking up at him with such pretty, tipsy eyes. maybe it’s the alcohol talking for the both of you, but noa finds it hard to even swallow. he sips tentatively at his own wine glass. his mouth keeps drying up, and he’s thankful that you’re so good at filling up his silence with your own little chit chat. 
“if you don’t mind me…,” you start. you peek at him, and he stares back at you with his sharp golden eyes. “what do you do for a living, noel?”
“me…?” panic stabs at him for a moment. 
should he be honest with you? you didn’t recognize his name when he introduced himself, so it was clear that you had no idea that the man right next to you was quite literally the world’s best striker. would that change the way you viewed him? would you be scared? repulsed? would you talk to him again if you knew?
“sorry-,” you’re quick to apologize. “that was too much of me. you really don’t have to answer me. that was entirely my bad.”
“no, i don’t mind.” he owes you that much. you had been nothing but kind and welcoming towards him, and all he did in return was go insane with desire. the very least he could do was come clean about who he truly was.
he shifts in his seat, and noa braces himself for the worst. “i’m a professional soccer player.”
you blink at him. “r-really? wait, that’s kinda cool! do you play for a local league or something?”
“i play as a striker for bastard munchen. it’s a german team. they’re one of europe’s most prestigious leagues, and they’ve sent players to the world cup.” his grip on his wineglass tightens just a tad bit. “i’ve played in the world cup.”
your jaw drops. “oh my god. you’re not joking with me, are you?”
he risks meeting your eyes. “do i look like the kind of man to joke around?”
you cover your mouth with your hand, unable to look him in the face. “oh my god… ohhhh my god…! i’m so sorry! i’ve been referring to you so casually, and- and-”
he raises a hand, and he shushes you. “what are you apologizing for? you’ve done nothing wrong. you’ve always treated me kindly. i don’t see why knowing my job would change anything between us. we’re still neighbors. and at this point, we’re friends as well, I'd hope.”
he sees you swallow back a sigh, and you take a deep breath and nod. “right. yes. this doesn’t change anything… it’s still a lot to just- to just take in, you know?”
“you take the time you need. and if interacting with me becomes too much, then i understand. the last thing i’d like to do is make you uncomfortable.” his heart wrenches painfully inside of his chest at the thought of no longer being able to talk to you. but you’d find out sooner or later, and if his cover was going to be blown, noa would prefer doing it on his own terms. 
“can i ask you another question then?” you ask with your mousy voice.
“go ahead.” 
“why do you live here then?” you hiccup. “shouldn’t a super talented soccer player like you live in a big mansion?”
“i could. but i don’t particularly want to.” noa notices that you’re working up the courage to look him in the face again. his stomach twists once more, the sight of your pretty face all conflicted throwing his brain into turmoil again. he clenches his fist, digging his nails into his palm to bring himself back to the same plane of reality that you were on. “i’ve never been interested in a flashy life. i prefer living quietly and doing as i’m told.”
“that does sound like you,” you hum in agreement. “well, as surprising as it is, i’m glad to have someone like you for my neighbor. and i promise i’m not saying it just because i know that you’re a professional athlete now!”
you giggle brightly, your lips curving to match the rim of your wine glass. you down the remaining liquid, giving a soft smack of your mouth to fully savor the notes. noa clenches his jaw visibly, and his nails threaten to break the thick skin of his palms.
you’re tempting him. you’re driving him insane. your lips are dyed and pretty, and noa has been staring at them all evening. his throat feels dry and heavy, and he forces the arousal pooling in his crotch to calm down.
he can’t be like this right in front of you. it was one thing to act like an immoral, debauched man in private, but it was another to be unable to control himself in front of you. he was better than this. he knew he was.
but the heart wants what it wants. and there was nothing more that noa wanted than to force you to your knees, to whip his hardening cock out of his pants and smack your slutty wine-stained lips with the tip. he’d force you to open up and stretch that cute mouth of yours around his girth, watch you struggle to take him into your mouth and whimper all over his cock. knowing you, you’d beg him to be gentle with you, to be quiet so that you wouldn’t wake up the slumbering angel in the next room over, and noa would have to fight every animalistic instinct in him to not fuck you until you’d be wailing the house down.
“is everything alright, noel?” you break him out of your thoughts. he shakes his head, clearing his thoughts before he faces you. he can’t stop the heat from flooding his face, but he’s quick to decide that he’d simply blame it on the alcohol.
he couldn’t keep doing this forever. something or other would give, and the last thing noa would want would be to do some unforgivable or stupid. it was torture, to have his body say one thing and his mind another, especially when you were quite literally within arm’s reach.
“i’m alright. you don’t need to worry about me. i can take care of myself,” he promises. you lean in closer, enough so that noa can feel your warm breath trickling across his neck. his heart threatens to stop, and he looks at you with hesitant eyes. 
“are you sure?” your hand lands on his thigh, squeezing him gently.
oh. so that’s how things were going to be. what a goddamn minx you were, doing something like this with such disgustingly innocent intent. 
“yes. i’m fine,” he presses his lips into a thin line. “would you mind passing me the wine bottle? i’ll pour us another glass, if you don’t mind…”
your mouth tastes delicious, like fresh wine and everything he had wanted to do to you since forever. your face is flushed, and your eyes are hazy, barely meeting his as you struggle to keep up with him through your drunken state.
“n-noel-!” you squeak out. his heavy body weighs you down, keeping you trapped between him and your squeaky bed. things are a blur, even for him. 
one moment he’s pouring you more wine, and the next, the two of you are stumbling into your room, where he tosses you down onto the mattress like you’re a ragdoll.
“tell me you want it.” he rolls his clothed hips into yours, and you recoil into the bed with a choked whine. the sound goes straight to his dick. god, how long had he wanted to hear that? to hear the woman he had coveted for so long moaning underneath him?
you shake against his larger form. “w-want it- i want it, noel-“
“you want me to fuck you? you want your next-door-neighbor to fuck you?” he whispers. you shut your eyes as he kisses up your neck, his hands gripping your waist as his lips capture your earlobe. he sucks, his tongue lapping at your soft skin.
his imagination has nothing on how you actually feel in his hands. even through your clothes, he has no issues palming at your figure. you breathe out his name as his palms feel your curves, his fingertips dancing with the hem of your clothes.
you nod wantonly, not once fighting off his advances. “yes! yes, i want it- want you to fuck me- want my next-door-neighbor to have sex with me!”
“good girl,” he exhales. your breathing shallows as he coaxes your shirt over your chest and head, and you shudder as his eyes land all over your stomach and breasts.
your bra struggles to hold onto your chest, your full breasts pooling over the edge. you yelp when he yanks at your bra, snapping it off of you and letting your chest tumble out fully in front of him.
you instinctively try to cover yourself up with your arms, and noa grabs your wrists and wrenches them off of your chest. you mewl when the air nips at your nipples, causing them to perk up slightly.
“don’t you dare think about hiding yourself from me,” noa whispers. “you have no way of getting yourself out of this.”
you rub your thighs together, your cunt throbbing. when was the last time you had done this? you hadn’t had sex in years, not when you had your hands full with a baby and keeping yourself afloat. you were a mom, for fuck’s sake, with a whole baby to watch out for, yet here you were, pinned down underneath noel noa while he grinded his boner into your thighs.
his hands latch onto your chest, and his palms grope at your fat tits slowly. you moan out breathlessly when his calloused palms tease at your nipples, sending a jolt of arousal into your stomach. a wet patch forms in your panties, horribly turned on just from having your boobs squeezed a few times.
“god, you have no clue what your body does to me,” noa rasps. “do you have any idea how much i’ve dreamt about this? how much i wanted to touch those slutty tits of yours? look at you—your body was practically made to be fucked.”
your core twists painfully, and his fingertips pinch tentatively at your nipples.
“ah-! ahhh- noel-,” you buck your hips unconsciously, arching your back as he tugs at your chest. it stings, but it feels so good. even with the wine muddying your thoughts, your body responds to every little bit of attention noel showers onto you. you didn’t know you had it in you to be this lewd or to be this responsive. 
you want more. it had been far too long since anyone showed you any love like this.
he slaps your tits before bringing his hands down to your pants, expertly undoing the zipper and hooking his fingers around the waistline. you let him wiggle your clothes over your hips and legs, leaving you almost entirely naked save for your drenched panties. it feels so terribly lewd, to lay there all bare for a man, even if you two haven’t technically done anything.
his hands squeeze possessively at your thighs. “i wanted to fuck you ever since the first time i saw you. ever since you told me your name, since your son started calling me dad. that wouldn’t be so bad, would it? if i became his dad?”
your chest tightens, and you bite back another lewd moan. noa ducks his head down and nips at your thighs with his teeth, and you flinch into his chest. 
“you said it yourself. your little boy loves me,” noa murmurs. his tongue laps over his teeth marks, and you suck in a breath. your pussy twitches, clenching around nothing. your body wants more, wants to feel more noa more, wants him to take over your body and make you his. “nothing would make him happier than his beloved mommy to have a dad by her side.”
his mouth heads upwards, and he uses his strong hands to pry your shaking legs apart. you whimper, already feeling so exposed to the bigger man despite still having your panties on. he leans back, but his fingers ghost over your crotch. two fingers press up right against your pussy, and he rubs them up and down your covered slit. 
his fingertips are damp. you’re obscenely wet, and watching you struggle to control yourself has noa’s cock straining for its life in his pants.
“or even better,” noa grabs at the waistband of your panties, “daddy fucks mommy pregnant and gives him a younger sibling that he can dote on.”
you throw your head back against your pillow. your mind spins with arousal and alcohol, and noa slips your panties off without any resistance. a strand of slick sticks to the crotch of your underwear, and noa’s finally rewarded with the sight of your bare pussy. he can see your hole fluttering and twitching on itself, desperate to be stuffed and stretched out with something.
god. your body is so attractive to him. he’s never wanted to fuck someone more in his life. with your full hips and soft stomach, motherhood has mellowed out and accentuated you into a woman noa just couldn’t resist.
he thinks he’s going to stop breathing. 
“d-don’t look too hard-,” you stammer out. your body heats up and flushed at how intently noa’s staring at your defenseless cunt, knowing that your body’s begging to be penetrated and fucked.
“i’ll be so good to you,” noa vows. you’re frozen on the sheets, and noa nearly shreds the clothes off of him. your voice catches in the back of your throat when you see his toned chest and abs, the silhouette of the soccer player resembling more of a greek god than the man you had always known as your neighbor.
he pulls his pants down, and when he shoves his boxers off, you can’t help but gasp “oh!” at how big his cock is. he’s obscenely thick and long, and your pussy is both parts scared and aroused at the sheer size. god—you just know that he would stretch your walls out deliciously. his tip smacks his abs, and prominent veins run all along his length.
“you’re so big…,” you eke out. “it’s been so long since i had sex… i don’t know if it’ll fit.”
“i’ll make it fit.” noa rests his hands on top of your knees. “do you want me to prep you?”
you nod. “yes please…”
he reaches over and grabs your hips, and before you can fully register what’s happening, noa hoists your hips up into the air. you give a loud cry, and the bed creaks underneath you as noa ducks his head. his grip on you is firm, and his fingers press into your hips as he brings your drooling cunt to his mouth.
noa’s tongue circles your throbbing clit. your hands fly up to your pillow, gripping at the plush material. jolts of electricity shoot up your core, and your stomach twists with pleasure. your thighs subconsciously try to shut, but noa curves his hands to keep them spread open.
“nngh…! wait, noel, hold on-,” you sob. you grip your pillow, clamping your teeth shut as noa teased your clit with the tip of his tongue. your hips shake as you grind up into his mouth, each wave of stimulation making your pussy drool and throb for more. “ah- be gentle with me…!”
be gentle with you? dear lord, noa sucking on your clit like a starved man was him being gentle with you. he had jerked himself off countless times fantasizing about having you naked and in his arms like this, and it took everything in him not to break that dripping cunt of yours in half with his dick. his cock twitches and protests when noa ignores his own arousal, too preoccupied in trying to force an orgasm out of you.
you taste so sweet on his tongue. you mewl out his name over and over, and your voice sounds like literal honey to his ears. one of his hands snakes down from your hips, and while noa swirls his tongue around your nub, he circles your pulsing hole with a finger. he could die right there and then, and noa would die a happy man. drowning in your honeyed cunt, losing himself to the tantalizing sensation of pleasuring you like any devoted man would. 
“oh! oh god, noel-” your pussy can’t stop leaking with slick as noa keeps teasing you. he slips a finger in without much resistance, and your walls eagerly latch onto him. noa groans against your cunt when he feels your wall twist and clench around his finger, greedily sucking him in. 
god, noa thinks he’s going to go insane. his cock wants nothing more than to bury itself into your sweet pussy, and feeling you twitch and clamp up on his finger makes his dick grow hungrier. his arousal is almost impossible to ignore, yet noa continues to swallow and lap at your core while he fingers you slowly.
he slides in another finger, thrusting in and out of you carefully. you buck your hips, crying out so prettily for him. noa curls his fingers and presses his fingertips all inside your pussy, and he stays vigilant in looking for that sweet spot that would completely unravel you.
“fuck-! fuck, wait- please, i-i can’t-!” you plead. your pussy tightens up around his knuckles dangerously, and noa fucks his fingers up into the spot that made you clench up and mewl so loudly. you’re already moaning and trembling this much just from being fucked on two fingers and having your clit sucked. noa can’t get enough of the way your body twists and reacts to everything he gives you. 
a third finger prods at your hole, as if to ask if you’re ready. you inhale shakily as noa pushes another knuckle into you. 
“fuck…!” you’re immediately clenching up, and your pussy’s walls are rubbing all against his fingers greedily. you’re nearly in tears, just from being fingered, and noa fights his desire to break you. “it feels so good- you feel so good, noel…!”
he thrusts his fingers into you, and you reel visibly. he can tell from the way your pussy has been twitching and gushing all around him that you’re close, stretched to your limit just from three fingers. he doubles down on flicking his tongue all over your clit: letting you grind your hips down greedily against the broad of his tongue. your body shakes, and you can’t stop sobbing. 
you’re almost there. you both know you’re almost there. noa focuses himself on pleasuring you fully, and he roughly fucks his fingers into you and curls his knuckles into your g-spot without any mercy.
your cunt squeezes his fingers for dear life, and noa latches himself onto your clit as you nearly wrench yourself out of his grasp. heat shreds your body, and the tightening in your stomach snaps violently as you cum shamelessly all over noa’s hands and mouth. you cry out his name loudly again, your normally gentle voice sounding so lewd and desperate as your slick gushes all over his chin and palm.
“fuck…! cumming- i’m cumming, noel…!” your body twists in his hands, and noa continues to stimulate your cunt until you’re babbling incoherent noises. he pulls his fingers out of you slowly, feeling your pussy try to cling to his knuckles before he lets you down properly onto the bed again. you’re struggling to catch your breath, your wide eyes all hazy and drunken as you suck in shaky breaths.
noa has no issue swallowing down your cum. he sucks your juices off of his fingers, cleaning up his mouth and chin before he scoots closer to you. you let out such a pathetic moan when he spreads your legs out again, your body too pliant and weak to offer any resistance. the sight of your obviously overstimulated and squirt-slicked cunt makes some sick monster in him swell with pride.
he did that. he made you cum.
he grips his long-ignored and fully engorged cock, and he smacks it against your cunt lightly. you flinch, your hole flaring up as he rubs his dick up and down your slick pussy lips. 
“are you doing alright?” noa asks. his hands grab your hips, and your heart flutters as he rubs soothing circles into your skin. you nod weakly.
“yeah- i can do it,” you promise. you glance up at him with such pretty fluttering eyes, remnants of tears clinging to your lashes as you swallow. “i want you in me… i want your cock in me, please…”
“alright. deep breath. relax for me,” he commands. you nod again, and you shakily inhale and try to loosen your muscles up. 
it immediately burns when he slides into you. you grit your teeth, trying your hardest to keep your pussy relaxed as his thick cock invades your pussy and stretches your walls out to its limits. noa grips your hips tightly, and he groans lowly when he feels you clamping up around his dick.
“fucking hell-,” he breathes out. “you’re so fucking tight-”
“t-too big-” hot tears prick at the corners of your eyes. “oh god, you’re going to break me!”
your pussy sucks him in and rubs all around his cock in a way that makes noa see stars. you’re so soft and tight, clinging and drooling all over his dick while his girth stretches and flexes your walls out. he keeps pushing past the resistance until he bottoms out, his balls resting heavy on top of your ass. you choke and gasp as he pushes your hips back even further, and he hovers over you, keeping you trapped underneath his thick legs.
a mating press. 
“listen to me now,” he says. “i’m going to fuck you pregnant. i’m gonna fuck this pussy of yours till you’re pregnant again, and i’m going to give that little boy of yours a sibling of his own. you’d like that, wouldn’t you? have a baby of our own and form a perfect family…”
your pussy squeezes involuntarily, and even without you saying anything, he knows you’re turned on at the thought of being bred by him. a loud moan bubbles up in your chest as he slides his monstrous cock out of you before roughly slamming his hips down, forcing his entire length back into your tight cunt.
you barely choke back a scream. his cock has filled out every single bit of your hole, leaving you no room to comfortably take him. you swear that his tip prods dangerously at your womb, threatening to force it open so that he can dump as much of his cum into you as he wants.
oh god, you’re fucked. you’re having raw sex with your hot neighbor, and he’s talking about fucking his own child into you.
“god, you’re so fucking tight,” he groans. “can’t believe you had a whole baby with this pussy with how goddamn tight you are-”
you shudder as he thrusts in and out of you. every time he pistons his hips, he doesn’t waste a single movement. none of his thrusts are shallow; each one pumps deep and directly into your womb, clearly with the sole intent of getting you pregnant.
“haven’t had sex with anyone since- since i got pregnant with honoré,” you manage out. “fuck, fuck- you’re going too deep!”
irritation irks him in at the thought of some bastard getting to fuck you first, at the thought of another man getting to fuck that slutty pussy of yours. what kind of madman would even dream of letting you go, let alone throw you out so cruelly into the world? if he could, noa would keep you at home and lavish you with all the attention and love you could ever want. he’d pamper you, treat you like the goddess you are, make sure you know your worth and more. he can imagine it: buying you pretty clothes, taking you out to expensive dinners, spoiling honoré until the boy’s world is flipped upside down by his indulgent stepfather. 
but when noa glances down to see you all spread out and submissive for him, your hole eagerly taking his cock and getting ready to be stuffed with his cum, he can’t help but gloat slightly. he’s the one who has you now, the one who’s going to properly sweep you off your feet, the one who’s going to make you his.
“don’t lose yourself just yet. i know you can take it.” he fucks his dick into you once more, and you moan, unable to stop the arousal coiling up in your core. he wants to make sure you feel it, makes sure you feel every inch and ridge of his cock rubbing against your insides. he doesn’t know when the last time you had dick was, and neither does he particularly care, but he wants your body to know that his dick is the best you’ll ever have. “get used to how it feels. i’m going to make you my wife—gonna give you a family of our own. that’d be nice, yeah? to have someone that can support you? so you’re not all alone with just your son?”
you can’t help but nod, your pussy quivering at the thought. you know you’re not thinking straight, not when wine stains your thoughts and your body’s overrun with lust. but for some reason, thinking about noa wifing you up, taking you to be his cute little housewife while he fucks his kids into you, chasing after honoré and whatever other babies he’s going to put in you, finally having someone kind and reliable to depend on… 
you want it. you want it so bad.
your cunt makes it obvious from how much you’re clenching up around him, unconsciously milking his cock.
“you like that? you like the thought of getting married to me and having my babies?” noa eggs on. 
“don’t tease me like that-,” you protest. you can barely keep up with everything happening around you. his cock keeps stretching you out, rubbing all over your slick walls and sending waves of heat up your core. arousal floods your gut, and all you can care about is how good it feels to have sex, to finally let loose and forget about all the worries in the world, to lose yourself to a man who wants nothing more than to be good to you.
“tell me it feels good. tell me you want it.” noa’s fingers dig into your thighs. your clit throbs, and you bring a hand to your crotch to rub at it frantically. you’re sniffling and sobbing pathetically underneath the pro player, already this cock-drunk and overwhelmed just from having cum on his mouth once. 
“want it-,” you obediently repeat. heat floods your face and neck. he’s so possessive, but it turns you on so much. “want you so bad- want you to fuck me-”
“is that all?” his hips pound into you mercilessly, and you groan. his balls slap against your ass every time he fucks his cock into you, a constant reminder that you’re about to be bred by him. 
“it’s embarrassing to say…” you can’t meet his eyes. noa hums disapprovingly, and dread pools in your chest when he draws his hips back all the way, until just the tip remains buried inside your indecent hole. “what are you doing…?”
you instantly turn to look at him, horror flashing across your face when you choke out, “n-noel, hold on, you can’t-!”
he slams himself all the way into you. you shriek, your core immediately burning at the ruthless stretch. his cock prods at your womb brutally, and a mix of pain and unbridled pleasure rips at your body. you’re instantaneously reduced to a crying mess, unable to form words as noa breaks your pussy. you swear you’re going to break into pieces, body left completely to the man’s mercy. he keeps drawing his hips back like that, his cock reveling in the feeling of being completely enveloped by your welcoming hole.
the room echoes with your cries, the desperate ah- ah- ah-! noises from you spurring him on to keep fucking you like a bull in heat. as much as he loves you, cherishes you, wants to keep you by his side, the sex is animalistic and unforgiving. your body feels bruised and battered as he bullies his length into you over and over again, stretching and molding your insides to adjust to his massively unfair size.
“say it!” noa’s voice doesn’t waver even once. “say it properly, or i’m not stopping until you pass out.”
you open and close your mouth dumbly, your mind too fogged up to think properly. you endeavor and push through, pursing your lips to form the words that noa has wanted to hear since the beginning. “w-wanna have sex with you more! wanna be yours- wanna be your wife-! wanna get m-married to you and- and have your babies!”
“yeah?” the blond man repeats. “you want me to be your husband? you want me to be honoré’s stepdaddy? you want me to father the rest of your kids?”
the dirty talk arouses you in a way you didn’t even realize was possible. you throw your head back, your back fully arched. you’re being so loud, too loud, and while you knew you should be quiet and good for your son’s sake, you can’t help but shamelessly beg for the man on top of you to fold you in half and fuck you pregnant until you’re nothing more than a stupid breeding bitch for your evidently soon-to-be husband. 
“yes…!” you moan wantonly. “i want it all!”
he’s dangerously close. so are you, he can feel that much. you babble on and on about how you want him, how you want him to make you his, how you’ll be anything he wants you to be. what a depraved woman, he muses to himself, so desperate for love that you’d throw yourself at him once he gives you an opportunity to. he thinks it's awfully ironic, knowing that he did the same to you, and he’s glad that he has nothing but relatively good intentions.
minus the fact that he wants to get you pregnant.
his cock throbs and threatens to spill his cum into you. you’re teetering on the edge, aroused beyond your own comprehension by the sex and dirty talk, your sticky fingers playing with your abused clit. his hands reach for your tits, groping your sensitive breasts again.
he can’t wait to see you pregnant. your pretty chest, swollen up with milk for his baby, and your hips full and rounded out. your soft belly is stretched out, and you practically glow with warmth. he knows you’d be a good mother—he knows you’re a good mother. you dote on your son with so much love in your heart, and he knows you’d do anything to make sure that your family stays happy and healthy.
his heart swells. 
“fuck-” he pumps his dick in and out of you at such an inhumanly fast pace. your pussy won’t stop coiling all around him, making sure to milk him for all he’s worth and intoxicating him endlessly. noa knows he hasn’t had that much to drink during dinner, but the sensation of fucking into your warm hole makes him feel like he’s had one sip too many. “gonna cum, love- gonna cum inside you and make you my wife…”
“do it-!” you encourage him. your voice is strained and high-pitched, and your thighs ache with the pressure of having him breeding you in such a demanding position. but he’s so deep in you, touching you in places you didn’t even know was possible, and the pleasure makes your mind go blank. “cum in me- please, cum inside me, noel!”
how can he refuse? you’re begging for him, asking him with such doe-like eyes and offering up that tempting body of yours. 
it’s his turn to beg. “stay with me.”
you let out a loud squeal as he draws his heavy hips back one last time. your hole contracts around him, your desperate walls trying to drag him back inside, and he slams down into you as far as he can go. he knows he’s going to be hooked on your pussy, hooked on your body and the way it feels like you were made just to take his cock and get pregnant with his babies, hooked on all the ways he’s craved you with such an insatiable appetite since he’s laid eyes on you. 
he lets himself go. with all the lust in his heart, enough to rival the sheer amount of love he has for his sweet, sweet neighbor.
he’s never cum this hard before. his balls tighten up painfully as he empties himself out inside of your cunt, and you moan out his name when you feel him pulsing inside your core. noa clenches his jaw, gritting his teeth together as the rush of his orgasm possesses him. you’re too much for him: too loving, too ready, too perfect, and noa would rather be damned than let you escape him.
it hurts to thrust into you so quickly, not having fully even finished riding out his climax, but he’s determined to shove as much of his semen into you. he needs you full, needs to know that you’ll be knocked up with his baby, and he uses his cock to force ropes of his hot cum into every inch of your womb.
your core tightens and twitches when you feel him cumming inside of you, all of the tension building up coming to a standstill in that moment. “fuck! fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck- noel, i’m- i’m cumming- i’m cumming, i’m gonna cum- noel…!”
your cunt wrings his cock, gripping onto his length furiously. noa has to double down, brace himself for the way your body refuses to let him go, as you cry loudly and cum all over him. your pussy keeps contracting and squeezing, your second orgasm immediately setting your nerves on fire and taking complete control of your senses. he can tell you’re instantly overwhelmed, your breathing turning irregular as you pant out for air, a slick ring of ivory froth forming at the base of his cock.
“s-so good-,” you slur out, your words melting into one another. you shudder when noa pulls out of you, whining in slight protest at the sudden feeling of emptiness overtaking your warm pussy. a strand of milky cum follows his dick before breaking, and like a broken dam, a rivulet of semen leaks out of you and drips down. it follows the curve of your ass before beading momentarily on the sheets, creating a pool of cum underneath you.
even noa didn’t realize he came that much. he blames it entirely on his intent to breed you.
he sits down wordlessly by your side, the two of you laying in the darkness in silence as you catch your breaths. noa debates getting up to fetch you some water or a towel, but before he can, you grab at his wrist and coax him back to your side.
“you asked me to stay with you,” you whisper. you sound so hushed, but noa would have to be an idiot not to pick up on the wavering tinges of longing in your words. “don’t go just yet… stay with me.”
he wipes some of the sweat off of your forehead, tucking some loose hairs behind your ear. he ducks his head down to kiss your face, just like how proper lovers would. you smile so brightly, despite your body still aching from the number noa just did to you. you’re an angel sent from heaven, this much noa is sure of. he has never been one to believe that sincerely in abstract concepts like soulmates and fate, but when he cups your face and rubs his thumb over the apples of your cheeks or your eyelids, he gets it. he truly does. 
“don’t worry.” his voice is calming, and despite the fatigue ebbing over you in relentless waves, you can hear him loud and clear. “i’m not going anywhere.”
you’re fast asleep. noa’s aware that he should be asleep too, the clock ticking into the long and lonely stretches of early morning as he keeps you tucked into his chest. a firm arm holds you close to his heart, and your body slots against his like you were made to be held by him.
a missed call notification from his manager rests on his homescreen. he doesn’t want to pick up just yet. he doesn’t want to return to the real world, to his responsibilities, to be away from you.
a text message from his manager pops up, and he scans the preview with his usual eagle-like eyes.
‘sorry for calling you so late, noa. hope you’ve been doing well,’ his manager writes. ‘unfortunately, it looks like you’re going to have the next few months off as well. some material shipments got delayed, and without it, the stadium won’t be completed for a little while longer. your instructions are the same as last time: keep up with your exercise regime and do as your club tells you. other than that, you’re free to do as you want.’
relief floods noa’s weary body. he turns his phone over, blocking off the light before he pulls you to his chest even tighter. burying his nose into your hair, he holds you against his beating heart. thump-thump, your heartbeats syncopate to one another, and noa already knows he’s going to spend his precious time dedicating himself wholly to you and your happiness.
what he doesn’t see is the next text from his manager. not that it matters, noa has everything he could possibly want right now.
‘you sure are one lucky man,’ it reads. ‘make sure to take some time for yourself and relax, away from sports. breaks like these are rare.'
'you know what they say, noa. there really is no place like home.’
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
Good morning/afternoon/evening :)
I'd like to request some headcanons for Mikey and Izana where the darling had a one night stand with them as a revenge on their cheating boyfriend. The darling planned for it to be a one time thing and never see the boys again but unfortunately they get attached.
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₊˚⌗ darling thinking they're having a one-night stand, but unfortunately, izana and mikey get attached.
⤷ cw : NSFW 18+, general yandere themes, possessive behavior, drugging (mikey; only sleeping pills), kidnapping (mikey), use of pet names (baby, pretty baby), coercion, reader is implied to be weaker than izana, gn!reader for mikey and implied fem!reader for izana (no pronouns though, reader just has a pussy).
note : i have a candle that smells like whiskey and coffee and i honestly think that the scent fits mikey a lot; if you don't think so i don't care >:( it smells good
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mikey doesn’t take it well when he realized you actually planned to never see him again. he thought maybe his dick would be enough to make you wanna stay, if not his sweetly strung words and the way he cared for you as he fucked you. he’d just gotten done cumming on your stomach when you sighed, utterly spent, and told him that you would be gone by morning, and thanks for the help. what a joke. too bad for you, mikey slipped a drug in your mouth while you were asleep so you wouldn’t wake up when he took you.
you wake up groggier than you thought you would have, your head clouded and your eyes feeling heavy with tiredness. you groan and roll over in the bed onto your back, pulling the covers down from your body when you realize how hot it is. the cool air feels nice, and finally after being a wake for a few seconds you will your eyes open. you're so out of it though that you don't even notice you weren't in the room you fell asleep in until a door clicks open, sobering your hazed thoughts.
you jolt up in bed and look around the room, which is not a hotel room. the scent in the air is of coffee and whiskey rather than the refreshing, clean smell of the hotel room you were in. smells like mikey, you realize when the memory of you clinging onto the man from last night because of how delicious he smelt floods your thoughts.
speaking of, the very man you'd spent hours with last night steps into the room, closing the door behind him when he does.
"mikey...?" you call meekly, and he snaps his head up to look at you.
"oh, hey baby. didn't think you'd be up for a few more hours," he says casually as he walks towards your disheveled form on the bed. you look at him with a blank expression because you're not quite sure what to say, or think for that matter, but you know that this should not be happening—something isn't right.
"uh, where... where am i?" you ask hesitantly. is that something you should ask someone who potentially kidnapped you? maybe not, but your head still feels all fogged up which makes your coherency and rationality not all here at the moment.
"my house," he says simply, and your only rection to the confirmation that you were literally kidnapped, is a small pout and slump of your body. maybe it's how casual mikey is about the whole thing that keeps you at ease, or maybe it's the fact that he fucked you so well that you can't possibly think he would kill you; either way you aren't entirely scared, just... confused, and maybe a little bit concerned.
"okay... well, why am i here?" you ask him, pushing yourself up to sit against the headboard of the bed you're laying in. you pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them for a little bit of security when mikey sighs frustratedly and crawls onto the bed towards you. maybe you were wrong and he actually will kill you??
"listen, pretty baby," he tells you lowly, pulling gently on your ankle to make you fall back into the bed. he crawls over you and presses himself between your legs while pinning your wrists above you with one of his hands. "i don't know where you get off trying to leave me, but you need to get one thing straight in that pretty little head of yours: you belong to me now and i'm not fuckin' letting you go."
izana knew you were being serious when you told him. you had asked him many times if he was sure he didn’t mind being used for revenge after all. he said sure, but he didn’t really mean that it was okay. you can try to leave him, but what does poor, little you think you could really do against him? he can easily overpower you. if you want to leave, good luck trying.
"mmh– izana?" you call for him when he continues thrusting inside of you after both of you have already climaxed. you agreed on one round, and then he would take a video of you as he came for your boyfriend to find later, but nothing else after that.
a low grunt reverberates against your neck where his head is nuzzled tightly into, his tongue lapping where he'd been nibbling and kissing for the past few minutes. he pulls out of your neck and runs his hand through his tousled hair as he looked down at you, and upon seeing your confused expression, he smirks.
"awe, look at you. shit, you're so cute like this," he huffs out hotly, tilting his head down at you as he leans back over you, caging you under him once again. his hands are digging into your thighs as he holds you against his hips that are lazily humping into your sensitive, sopping cunt. you whine weakly, your eyes watering from all of the confusion and stimulation.
"what're you doing? we agreed–hngg–" you're cut off when a particularly rough thrust makes you choke and gasp for air, your eyes rolling back and your hands coming to hold onto his shoulders.
"i didn't agree to anything, baby, you just assumed i did. y' really thought i was just gonna let'ya go?" he asks you, a raspy laugh falling from between his lips when you whine and look away from him. he grabs your chin and gently drags you to look back at him, and then his lips press to yours, and he groans into your mouth as you hesitantly kiss him back and pull at his shoulders to bring him closer to you.
"nah, i would never. you're too fuckin–shit, hah–too fuckin' good to give up just like that," he drawls after pulling away from the kiss, "could treat y' better than your man does anyway. i know he doesn't fuck this pretty little pussy as good as i do, so just stay with me, yeah?"
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
The sound of our tied souls
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Genre: soulmate!au, rockstar!au, kinda enemies-to-lovers but not really, a bit of angst, fluff, happy ending
Word count: 3.3k
Pairing: rockstar!San x fem!reader (feat. reader's best friend x Mingi)
Warnings: swear words (quite a lot), time-skip, kind of a bad guy attitude—San's a bit of a jerk at the beginning but he has a character development :), soulmate rejection, mentions of some jealous fans, kinda slow-burn, one kiss, possible grammar mistakes
A/N: this oneshot is part of @sungbeam's soulmate collab, which i was so proud to be part of; thanks for the opportunity, love 🤍
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You got woken up by that annoying song again, your beauty sleep being thrown away for the rest of the night—cause it seemed like your soulmate had no sleeping schedule. You couldn't understand how he could listen to this all the time, you often wondered if his hearing was still intact—cause the loud growl of what seemed to be an electric guitar could surely manage to make you deaf by now. 
You have first discovered your soulmate bond after your 16th birthday, when you began hearing rock music everyday. Everyone was talking about how sweet their marks were: a tattoo with the letter of their significant other's name, a highlight in their hair matching their future partner's color, and the list could go on. You, on the other hand, had to struggle with listening to something you absolutely despised, without thinking that your soulmate returned the same feeling to your music choice. With a mischievous smile on your face, you made your way to your piano, starting to play one of your favorite songs. God, if only you knew how frustrated your soulmate got. 
"San, you messed up again! Can you fucking focus?" Hongjoong, the leader of their group, Guerrillas, shouted, watching as the culprit lowered his head. 
"I can't, Joong. I can't, because all I hear right now is Für Elise, and it messes my head up!" he shouted too, pulling his hair back in frustration.
The others looked at each other with confused looks; was there something they didn't know? Without actually meaning to, Mingi bursted into laughter, leading Wooyoung to chuckle as well. 
"Since when do you listen to classical music?" he asked San, smirking playfully. 
"I don't. That thing you call soulmate does." 
"You're hearing what your soulmate listens to?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, covering his mouth in shock. 
"Yeah. But you know I'm not into this shit of yours, so let's get back to practice. I'll try and focus." he simply said, taking his guitar again, the strap attached to it hugging his torso perfectly. 
Seonghwa shrugged and signaled the others to start playing, their practice session blooming once again. You could swear that he'd never played music that loud before; it felt like a competition between the two of you, and you smiled at the thought of having him so frustrated. You didn't know who he was nor how he looked, but you were ready to make his life a living hell, as much as he had started to turn yours into one.  
At one point, the music stopped and you managed to sleep a bit, but it was way too little for your liking. You woke up at the sound of your doorbell, your best friend standing behind the wooden door. 
"You won't believe what my boyfriend got me!" she said as soon as you opened the door, barging into your house like it was her own. 
"Do I wanna know?" you sighed, thinking that your best friend's excitement meant chaos. 
"He got me two tickets at his band's concert! We're gonna see the Guerrillas!" she jumped, pulling the two golden-like tickets from her pocket. 
She and Mingi—her soulmate, met a while ago, and since then, she was always talking about him and how much their music grew on her. She must have been so happy now, that her world had finally earned its colors. Her and Mingi's soulmate mark consisted of seeing the world in black and white, until the two of them met. You still remembered how fast they agreed on becoming a couple, and you still wondered how they made it work so well. You knew how proud she was of her boyfriend, mainly because it was the third time she was trying to convince you to go with her, thinking that it would be, somehow, her lucky chance. 
"There's no way I'm going to a rock concert." you protested, crossing your arms. 
"There's no way I'll leave you alone until you say yes." she smirked, shoving one of the tickets in your jacket. 
Nice try, you thought, before taking a moment to actually read the information on the ticket. How bad could it be, after all? Maybe, in this way, you could find more about your soulmate's favorite genre of music. You also thought it was maybe an occasion to meet Mingi's friends; you knew he was in the college's rock band, though you've never met them in this formula.
"Fine. I'm only doing it for Mingi's effort to get you these." you said coldly, side-eyeing your friend when she gave you a bear hug; it was gonna be a long week.
While the two were already making plans for the big day, the boys took a break from their intense practice session, starting to talk about whatever traveled their mind while drinking a can of energy drink. San was absent from their conversation, fidgeting with his calloused fingers, the effort of always trying to hit the right strings showing. The thought of having a soulmate was really burdening him, he didn't want to spend his energy searching for someone he didn't even want to meet. Little San would probably be disappointed, because all he has ever wished for was to grow up and meet his other half. Arts student San, though? He didn't need anything else as long as he had his guitar by his side; a capo and some sheet music could easily solve his problems. But he couldn't stand the thought of someone constantly hearing the feelings he tried expressing through music; it made him feel vulnerable, like he had no personal space anymore.
"San, do you agree with the outfits we've decided on?" Jongho asked, looking curiously at the way too quiet boy. 
"Huh… yeah, sure, sounds great." he replied, avoiding the way Yunho raised his eyebrow at his reply. 
"You didn't pay attention," he sighed, before adding some other words: "Something's definitely bothering you, so talk to us." 
"Is it because of your soulmate? Why don't you just search for her?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the way the elder tensed. "It should stop after you meet, right?" 
"Meeting her means that I have to be committed, and I don't want to commit to her." he spat, putting emphasis on not wanting to do so, and without bothering to spare his friends the slightest glance, he just took his things and left them speechless, in the middle of the studio. 
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The week passed fastly, the not-so-wanted (by a certain someone, 'cause the whole college actually went crazy for it) concert finally coming to life. The boys were backstage, trying to memorize their lines or chords for the last time. You and your friend would be late though; because she couldn't let you wear the clothes you would usually wear. 
"I can't believe you want to wear a coat to a rock concert," she sighed, slightly amused by your antics. "They cover songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sweet Child O' Mine and more, and they will most likely sing their own songs as well. This isn't Antonio Vivanti." 
You let out an offended scoff, grabbing the leather jacket she was trying to put on you and wearing it, despite the ick the weird material was giving you. "And it's Vivaldi, by the way. Pay respect!" 
"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, or else we will be late!" 
Luckily for her (‘cause you tried to lose as much time as you could), you arrived just when they settled on stage, greeting the ones who came to see them. You couldn't say you weren't a bit jealous whenever you saw the way her and Mingi looked at each other—because it did something to you. But you were scared of being rejected, pretty sure that the soulmate thing wasn't as easy as it seemed. 
Your thoughts were brushed off by the loud sound made by the mix of instruments, making you flinch, to your friend's amusement. Not being able to sneak outside because of her hand constantly holding yours, you decided that the least you could do was to pretend you were enjoying it. The others seemed to have fun too, even the boys, who really owned the stage—until something stole the show. San was taken aback by the way his in-ears worked—or so he thought. The same song they were performing was playing in a faded but bothering way in his ears, making him look at the others with a questionable look. He then made a few gestures to the staff, waiting for the song to stop so he could go and see what was wrong. Hongjoong looked at him worriedly while still focused on his bass, meanwhile Mingi almost messed up while playing the drums. 
"We will be back in a few minutes, wait for us, okay?" Jongho screamed, hoping to keep the audience busy for a bit, while the others went to see what was wrong with San; their mics weren't off, though. 
"There's nothing wrong with your in-ears, San. They work perfectly," the staff informed him, a few curse words leaving his mouth. 
"What if your soulmate is at the concert, San?" Yeosang asked innocently, almost like a joke—though the younger boy freezed in his place. 
The audience went crazy; some fangirls gasped and started to whisper several things about San's potential soulmate, meanwhile some of them had the same reaction as San. Some of them even started to run, looking suspiciously at every single girl they saw. "San has a soulmate?", "God, what did she do in her past life?", and so many other phrases that made you scoff. Who was this San and why was he so popular? The influence of his jealous fans spreaded through the whole venue, making the staff finally notice their mics and turn them off, though it was too late—the fuss was already created.
"I don't think that's the case—" Seonghwa tried to protest, but San stopped him. 
"I think that's exactly the case." San looked at them, before throwing his in-ears somewhere. "What should we do now? I don't want to perform anymore." 
"Then… let's wrap it up." Hongjoong sighed, before going back on stage. "Due to some unfortunate events, we need to stop here, darlings. Don't worry, we will come back soon!" He bowed and left the stage, leaving the fans high and dry. In other circumstances, nothing could have made him leave the stage that easily; he would have found a solution. But seeing how messed up his friend was, it made him want to try and understand him, he was going through a quite special phase, after all.
"I will go ask Mingi about what happened, do you want to come?" your friend asked, though your answer didn't even matter, she was already dragging you after her. 
She greeted her boyfriend and the others as if they knew each other since forever, asking them about what was wrong. 
"San hears whatever his soulmate is listening too, and he has only told us a few days ago," Mingi said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. 
Your eyes widened at what he said, but you decided to keep composure—maybe it was just a coincidence. 
"And she is into classical music, it's so frustrating. Why would she come to our concert?" San snapped, ignoring the guest his friend's soulmate brought. 
It all made sense to you then. You probably didn't realize the music coming from him because you tried to enjoy the new experience, but it made sense. The two-tone haired boy, the arrogant San everyone was talking about was standing in front of you—moreover, he was your soulmate; and he didn't seem too happy with the idea of being bonded to someone. 
"Who's the lady next to you?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the need to make you feel implied in the discussion. 
"She's Y/N, I dragged her here with me," your friend laughs awkwardly. "She's not a fan, but Mingi got me two tickets so I made use of them." 
"Oh! Do you happen to hear rock music sometimes?" Wooyoung asked, smirking playfully. 
"Uhm… no, sorry." you said, looking at San, who was already looking suspiciously at you. He was really arrogant, you wished to be able to reject him, but he seemed to do it first. 
"Even if she was, I told you guys I don't care. My soulmate can go search for another one." he said, before leaving them, once again. You were the next one to leave, not even caring about the possibility of giving your little secret away.
Even after a few days, you couldn't deny the emptiness you felt the moment you were indirectly rejected by your soulmate—it was definitely noticeable, somewhere in your heart. It was safe to say San didn't feel as good as he thought he would either, even when he rejected the one he was assigned to live his whole life with on purpose. He figured out it was you, because he stopped hearing the once annoying music; but he missed it. And the news about his soulmate was spread in the whole college as well, not helping at all; they were making even the outsiders interested in the tea going on. 
"I'm tired of this shit, guys. I won't come to practice today." 
Hongjoong looked at him once again, nodding, not knowing exactly how to comfort his friend in this situation, words long forgotten. San started to walk in the direction of where the studio was, his ears filling with the melodious sound of a piano playing. Like it was a habit of his, his legs guided him to the door, which he cracked open, just to reveal you playing the piano. Your fingers moved skillfully along the piano keys, Debussy's Clair de Lune resonating beautifully in the room. The sweet melody managed to comfort him somehow; he didn’t know if it was the calming nature of the song or the closure he was supposed to have with you, but he felt relaxed, listening peacefully until the painful silence started to bother him. He then took the matters into his own hands—in such a San way. 
"You’ve got some skills, soulmate," he said, his lips stretching into a little smile, though a little dimple made its appearance still. 
You got a bit surprised by his presence, but stopped what you were doing, to return a small smile and answer him. 
"Thank you. I guess you do too." 
"Was that Beethoven?" he asked curiously, sitting on the chair in front of the piano, next to you. 
"Claude Debussy, but A for effort," you said, smiling at his attempt. 
A wave of silence spread across the room, before you decided to break it: "We got off to a bad start, but we can still repair it. I'm Y/N," you said, sticking your hand out to him. 
He grabbed it, shaking it softly. "I'm San, nice to meet you again." He waited for another reaction of yours, but seeing that you didn't plan on saying anything else, he made the next step: "Let's be friends." 
You spent most of the day with him, sharing tips and talking about your opposite passions—though it was well known that opposites attract. Now, that you've gotten to know him a bit better, you could say he was more than just an arrogant guy. 
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One month passed since your first interaction with your soulmate, and you would have never expected that there would be more; yet here you were, watching as he excitedly got two tickets from his pocket. 
"You're invited to our concert tonight! My treat this time, for you and our friend." he winked, handing the same golden-like tickets to you. 
"I'll be there, Sannie." you smiled, giving him a side hug before running to your class. He smiled softly, not believing the effect love could have on him.
Furthermore, tonight's stage would be an important one for him; it could mean accomplishment or failure, but he was still willing to try. The boys found him smiling like an idiot—but they enjoyed it, they could tease him about how a certain someone made him change. He never failed to amaze them, but someone definitely brought the best in him. He watched as the boys looked at him, his freshly dyed hair glowing nicely into the dim lights. His hands were covered in a pair of fingerless mesh gloves, fingers full of rings, while his t-shirt was nicely tucked in his leather pants. Some chains were dangling on his neck and waist, and a fake lip ring laid on his lower lip, completing the rockstar look he opted for. 
"Where's San and what have you done with him?" Yeosang joked, entertaining the other seven boys in the room. 
"Shut up, Sang. Are you ready?" Seonghwa asked, taking his mic and retouching the last details for tonight's show. 
"Never been more ready." San smiled, taking his guitar and being the first one to get on stage. 
"Hello guys, thank you for coming today too!" Wooyoung exclaimed, getting ready to perform at his best. 
You and your friend were somewhere in the front row, singing along with the other fans who came to see the eight boys. You were bouncing with her, enjoying the genre you softly became addicted to, but it was surely an influence San had on you. You didn't know what happened to you, but you still had hope, that maybe something would change his mind. Suddenly, the culprit's voice was heard in the whole venue, catching your attention and making you stop whatever you were doing. 
"As you all know, one month ago, I met my soulmate at the concert we held in the same place. I'd like her to join me here, please, Y/N?" he smiled, gesturing for you to get on stage, next to them. 
You looked confusedly at your friend, who pushed you in the direction of the stage, playing their game. You got there, finding yourself in front of the crowd and waving awkwardly at them, not expecting to hear their loud screaming. 
"I know I was a bit of a douchebag at the beginning, and that was definitely not the way you wanted us to meet. I messed up, but I hope you can forgive me." 
The fans cheered up louder, while a big smile found its way to your face, making the boy's lips stretch into one as well. 
"I know I rejected you at the beginning, but let me try to fix things. I hope it's not too late," he laughed softly, before continuing: "Have you started your looking for another soulmate project yet?" 
You burst into laughter, nodding as no a few times. His cheeks got colored in a crimson red tone, and you could swear you've never seen anything cuter than a shy rockstar.
"Can I have the chance of being the lucky one, then?" he asked and watched as your expression changed, nervousness noticeable in his voice as well. 
"I thought you considered yourself unluck—" Wooyoung interrupted, but Jongho was fast to cover his mouth and prevent him from saying anything else. "You're screwing the moment, Woo." he said, mouth still pressed on his older friend's mouth. 
You laughed at their antics, taking the mic from San's hand. 
"As much as you've annoyed me, I still like you, Choi San. I always did, which is why I would actually love to give you this chance." 
As soon as you finished your romantic little speech, he cupped your face, pressing his lips on yours softly. The fans went crazy, cheering and jumping as the two of you sealed the promise of loving each other forever with a soft kiss. 
"With these being said, I'd like to announce the title of our next album, entitled The sound of our tied souls!" Yunho said, making the night of every single soul attending that concert, the stars shining even brighter above their heads.
You pressed your forehead on San's, admiring his beauty while your noses rubbed lovingly against each other's. The road you had to walk on to find your soulmate was a tough one, but looking back on it, you wouldn't want it another way; you were too excited for your future with your other half—the arrogant boy you started to love, the one destined to be eternally yours. 
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127tyong · 1 year
Be There For You
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Pairing: Jaemin X Reader
Genre: Smut, PWP (let's be real for a second... just the 1st P) Doctor Jaemin, Public(ish), Good Ending (an ai good ending.) (i know nothing about medicine this is all fiction)
Warnings: Mind break (honestly, not that bad imo)
Word Count: 2k
“Come on, I know you need the money! Just think about it!” Your friend slammed the stack of papers in front of you as you sat at the dining table. “It’s just an experiment, how bad could it be?”
“That’s the problem! Those things are always too good to be true.” You looked at the first page, reading “Sleep Clinical Trial 6.4”. “Like, what if they do something weird to me?”
“They won’t! They’re a legit pharmaceutical company! They give you medication, you sleep for a bit, and then you get like, 500 dollars! It’s not that big of a deal.” She sighed, her hands on her hips. “I did the 6.2 experiment, trust me, I know these guys!”
“Ugh…” You groaned. “Is this a pyramid scheme or something? Why are you vouching so hard for them?”
“Listen, I don’t wanna be that person, but you haven’t paid rent in 2 months. I love you, but I can’t let you keep eating and sleeping here for free. If you’re not gonna get a job, you can either do this, or get out.”
You sighed. “I’ll go. I don’t promise anything, but I’ll at least hear them out.” ~ The next day, you made your way into the trial clinic on the address your friend gave you.
“Hello! How can I help you?” The receptionist, wearing a “Jeno” name tag, asked you.
“Um, hi, I’m here to participate in the sleep clinical trial.” You told him, already nervous and fidgeting.
“Oh, dear…” He clicked his tongue. “Honey, that was yesterday…”
“Fuck! I’m sorry…” You nearly bolted out the door.
“Wait! Miss!” Another man called after you. “If you’re willing to, I’m testing something else out right now, I’ll pay you $2000!”
You spun around. “What is it?” 
He handed you a clipboard, with some papers attached. “Let me take you into my office.”
He dragged you into his office, the grandeur of it shocking you. Rows of bookshelves, giant velvet seats, and an oak wood desk that sat in the middle of the room, a leather chair in front of it. You focused your attention back to the doctor, who was wearing a suit with a lab coat over it, his hair an ash blue color, his glasses resting down his nose. 
“Let me introduce myself, I’m Na Jaemin, MD. I’m testing a medicine right now, it’s a female hormone regulator.” You shook his hand as you sat on the leather seat, him sitting across from you. You flipped through the papers. “What do I have to do for this, exactly?” 
You read the first page. “Project E 1.0”
The subject will be given a shot containing an unlabelled test medication. 
Effects may vary, but it will be used to treat PCOS and other hormone irregularities.
“You just have to take a shot, and I’ll do the rest. I’ll take your blood work, weight, physical changes… It’s supposed to be all good… hair growth, regulates your cholesterol, and makes your breasts bigger.”
“What are the possible side effects?” You asked.
“Hormones can cause a large amount of side effects, like birth control. Although, I must warn you that you are the first person to be administered this drug, which is why the pay is so good. There may be side effects we are unaware of.”
“...So basically you have no idea.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, but I’ll be here for you the whole time.”
You nodded. "I'll do it." After all, it seemed more good than bad, and $2000…
"You'll be taking a shot every 2 weeks, which I'll administer, then I'll have you report any changes in your mood, body, etcetera. Sign here, and then we can start!" Jaemin pointed to the last page of the stack he’d given you.
You quickly signed your sanity to Na Jaemin, MD.
You quickly realized the bad outweighed the good. Sure, your hair was healthier than it had ever been, your skin was glowing, your breasts grew…
But your back hurts from the weight gain and you’ve never been so horny in your life.
You were sweating, your vibrator overheating, and your cunt was drenched from the constant need of relief.
Your phone shined brightly in the dark of your bedroom. 2 weeks had passed. You needed to see your doctor again.
You were put together enough to make the average person think you were okay, but Jaemin could see through you, the pained look in your eyes familiar to him after working in the medical field for years. Mini skirt barely hiding the fact your juices were pouring down your legs, wishing you wore jeans, but you didn’t even have the strength to slide a pair up.
"So, I take it that the past two weeks haven't been the best?" Jaemin's pen clicked to the tempo of the clock ticking. 
"No…" You rubbed your thighs together, your sweat sticking to the leather chair. You could practically feel yourself soaking the leather, still so wet, so needy. “I’ve… had a raised libido, I guess.” Your throat was dry, swallowing.
"Have you tried masturbating?" His words filled you with dread, not knowing if he fully understood.
"Everyday… Multiple times everyday. I haven't been able to sleep properly because of it…" You felt sticky, hot. You could practically smell Jaemin, the scent of his cologne, his musk, glancing at the way his hands moved as he wrote, the veins traveling up his arms. You nearly started drooling, noticing he didn’t have a ring on his finger, imagining his fingers inside you. You shook your head, knowing you couldn’t do this to yourself.
Jaemin kissed his teeth, the pop echoing in your ears. "Is a partner not an option?"
"No, I'm single… Can I go to the bathroom?" You were throbbing, practically able to feel the blood rushing to your clit, your panties rubbing against it too much to handle. You nearly toppled over as you stood up, dizzy, your legs too weak from needing to cum more than anything.
Jaemin stood up then helped you stand up. "Are you okay?" His arm on your waist, the scent of his cologne overwhelming you.
"Is… too much." You whimpered. "Need to cum right now."
Jaemin rushed you into a sterile, brightly lit patient room. He started laying you down onto the small, leather bed covered in a disposable sheet, then shutting and locking the door. "How long has this been going on?"
Tears ran down your face. "Since I took it…"
"Why hasn't it worn off?" He grumbled to himself, pacing around the room. "It's been 2 weeks, it should be out of your system…"
"It hurts…" You cried out.
"Oh, right… Fuck, you should've called me when it started! What should I do?" He touched your cheek, wiping your tears away, the chill of his hand shocking you.
"Make me cum." You cried out, your body burning up. "Doctor, make me cum…"
As he thought to himself, Jaemin thought about how he couldn't fuck a patient, how he was a professional, how he could probably give you a pain medication to make it stop. But then seeing you in agony made him reconsider the fact that he was the one who did this to you, that he was responsible… Then he realized how hard he was from listening to your cries and how much he wanted to help you cum.
Jaemin spread your legs open, sliding your panties off as they stuck to your cunt, soaked. "So wet, cute…" He muttered to himself. His hands grabbed your thighs, squeezing onto them to stabilize himself as he bent down to eat you out.
Licking up your wetness, Jaemin sucked on your clit, flicking at it with his tongue.
"Cumming!" You cried out, your back arching, hips grinding against Jaemin's tongue.
Your pretty, high pitched whines were enough to make Jaemin risk losing his job. 
As Jaemin pulled away, he licked his lips and swallowed the taste of you. "Do you feel better?"
"A little…" You mumbled, sitting up, still dizzy, but less stressed.
Jaemin lowered the hospital bed using the remote on the end of the bed. "Bend over the bed."
“Doctor-” You stood up.
“Call me Jaemin, please.” Jaemin took your hand, spinning you around, then pressing his hand against your back, bending you over, his hand trailing up to the back of your head, pushing your cheek against the leather cushion. Your hands outstretched in front of you, gripping onto the paper-wrapped pillow.
“Jaemin…” You moaned, your voice only a little louder than a whisper, listening to the sounds of Jaemin removing his belt and unzipping his slacks.
His hand slid cupped your ass, watching you squirm from his touch. His tip rubbing your clit, covered in precum, getting even more wet from you. “I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
“Please, hurry up.” You whimpered, crying into the pillow.
“Of course.” Jaemin plunged straight into you, grabbing onto your hips, pulling you towards him.
You never really got a good look at his cock, but it was safe to say that he was longer, thicker than your dildo, or any man you’ve ever been with before. Your back arched instinctively, not knowing how to handle a cock that big. Jaemin was only inside you for a little while, but you were already close, and after a few thrusts from Jaemin, you were at your limit. “Doctor, please!” You moaned out, biting onto the pillow as you came.
Jaemin didn’t know how to react, but he knew how he wanted to react. He grabbed you by your neck and shoved the rest of his length into you. His hand was pressed against your windpipe, making you unable to properly breathe, forcing you to arch your back so you could breathe properly. Once you did, Jaemin adjusted his hand, squeezing onto the sides of your throat. 
“I told you to call me Jaemin.” He whispered into your ear.
“Sorry…” Jaemin’s pace began to quicken. “Sorry, I’m sorry!”
“You should’ve listened to me.” Jaemin started kissing your neck, nibbling, biting, trying to stop himself from pitifully moaning.
“Jaemin! Jaemin, I’m sorry!” His grip on your neck tightened, cutting off your jugular vein, making you feel euphoric.
“You’re so fucking nasty… It’s so beautiful.” He moaned into your ear while you whimpered, begging Jaemin for mercy.
You knew you were an overstimulated, noisy mess, left at the mercy of Jaemin, an overworked doctor who needed you to take his stress out into your pathetic hole.
Jaemin was certain Jeno could hear everything and prayed he would cover his ass. The way you screamed his name was worth it though. The way you shook when you came, the sweet squelching sounds you made, they were all beautiful.
“I’m gonna cum.” Jaemin bit down on your neck, already having left multiple bruises and bite marks on your pretty neck. Treating you how a dog bites down on his chew toy. Forcefully and mercilessly, like you couldn’t feel a thing.
And you basically couldn’t, afterall, all you could feel was how good Jaemin was fucking you. In that moment, Jaemin could’ve done anything he wanted to you and you would’ve nodded your head and taken it. 
Which is why you didn’t even say anything when your insides were coated with a thick layer of Jaemin’s cum.
Jaemin left you for a few hours, letting you get the sleep you desperately needed.
When you woke up, you realized you were no longer in pain. Forcing yourself to get dressed, you made your way over to Jaemin’s office.
“You’re up?” He looked up at you over his glasses.
You nodded, sitting back down at the chair you were sitting in earlier, noticing the wet mark was still there.
“Are you still in pain?” 
You shook your head, rubbing your arms.
“Shall we continue the trial then?” Jaemin stood up, removing his glasses and setting them on his desk.
“But I was in so much pain…” You looked up at Jaemin as he walked over to you. “I think I have a solution to that.” Caressing your cheek and gently kissing your lips.
“Please fuck me again, Jaemin.”
“As my patient wishes.”
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buggzincognito · 9 months
Riled Up
Spencer Reid x Reader
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Summary: The BAU is currently on a case in Colorado, Reader and Spencer are stuck in the same room, will they be able to keep it cool?
CW: One Bed Trope, Mutual Pining, Canonical Violence, Friends/Coworkers to Lovers, Hand fixation, future Smut, Dom!Spencer Reid, praise, Spencer loves to tease reader, pet names like “angel” and “sweetheart” reader gets Spencer “worked up” *insert wink*
You and Spencer were really good friends, just that, friends, and despite his adorable smile, angelic face, and irresistible body, his fingers in particular…ahem, that had to be enough for you. You guys were coworkers and have a really good relationship; you didn’t want to ruin that just for him to reject you and make things weird. Pretending you weren’t pining after one of your closest friends was fairly manageable…
Until now.
“Bad news everyone,” Hotch started “We’re gonna need to pair up for the next few nights. The hotel doesn’t have enough room for all of us.”
Everyone started getting into their pairs. Hotch and Rossi, JJ went with Prentiss, Morgan with Garcia, so that leaves… aw man.
“Guess that leaves you and boy wonder, huh sweet pea?” Pen said with a wink.
Spencer looked excited. He nudged your arm with his and said with a giggly smile “What can I say? We make a good team”
“You bet we do” you feigned a chuckle.
As much as you adore that tall, lanky, ball of sunshine, sharing a room with Spencer was not going to be easy. What if your feelings take over? No no no, Totally nothing wrong with sharing a bathroom with the unrequited love of your life. Totally won’t be eating away at you and pulling at your heartstrings. It’ll be okay though, you’ll stay professional and just stick to your bed and keep as far away from his as possible. You got this.
You trudged closely behind Spencer to the door of your room, he fumbled with the keys in a way that should not have been as entrancing as it was, and he unlocked it. Spencer did a quick scan of the room and was shocked by its small size.
“Uhm” he said your name with hesitation.
What’s that about? “Yeah, what’s up Spence?- Oh”
One bed. One fucking bed.
Spencer admittedly freaked out a bit.
“You know what? I can just sleep on the floor don’t worry, you can have the bed, I’m sure you’re tired.” Spencer was always sweet like that, putting you first.
“Spence, don’t sleep on the floor, and you worked just as hard as me.” you were gonna regret saying this, “It’s a big bed right? we can probably share if that’s okay with you. It’s not like we’re gonna get much sleep on this case anyways”
Spencer’s face grew red and he was looking anywhere but at you “Yeah, I mean if you’re okay with it, you make a good point, we can share.”
“Okay cool cool cool, do you wanna shower and then we can go over the case?” Your eyes were lingering on Spencer’s digits tapping rhythmically on themselves, if he noticed he didn’t make a comment.
“Yeah sounds good, you go ahead first.”
On your way to the shower, all you could think about was sleeping in the same bed as Spencer, sharing a room would’ve been hard enough, but a bed? You’re not sure you’re gonna make it.
You couldn’t focus on the shower either, mind still focused on the tall lanky and sweet guy like, 30ft away from your naked body, it was driving you wild.
After half an hour of wiping the grime off of your body, you finally feel clean. You reach for your towel to dry off- or you try to. It wasn’t there. Oh fucckkkk you left it out there.
You crack the door open as little as possible “Uhm Spence, I left my towel out there could you get it for me?”
“Y- Yeah of course!” You hear him semi-shout.
About thirty seconds later you hear a knock on the door and when you open it, a purple towel attached to Spencer’s hand is presented to you.
“I couldn’t find yours so.. you can just use mine.” His face was looking away from the door entirely and even his eyes were closed.
You managed to mumble out a thank you and take the towel from his hand.
You dry off and dress in your favorite graphic t shirt and a pair of boxers that make your ass peak out ever so slightly. In your defense, you thought you would be rooming alone. They’ll be covered by the shirt, right?
When you exit the bathroom you see that Spencer already set out the case file and you smell your favorite take out food.
“You didn’t eat all day so I thought you should eat!” he said in a bit of a high pitch. “You need the energy you know- Not that you’re out of shape or anything!”
Fuck him for being so goddamn sweet and considerate. Fuck him for making your heart melt.
“Thanks Spence, that’s really sweet of you.” despite your heartache, he always knew how to draw a smile out of you.
Spencer beckons you to sit down at the small coffee table the hotel provided.
“Spence, I thought you were gonna shower”
He started fidgeting with his fingers. and you’re eyes were glued.
“Well, I wanted to eat with you, but I didn’t want you’re food to get cold,” you’re getting a toothache, “plus I can shower later, we should work on the case before it’s gets too late.
Spencer and you went over the case for about an hour or so, but it was hard to focus when all you could look at was Spencer’s beautifully sculpted hands. You yawn.
“You know what it’s getting late, we should head to bed.” Spencer interjected.
“But it’s only…” you check your phone. “…uh 3am”
“Precisely. Ok so, I’m going to take a super quick shower and I’ll be right back, don’t worry about waiting up for me!” and he was off.
You were out the second your head hit the pillow.
When Spencer came out of the bathroom, he cleaned up a little bit, turned off the lights, and got tucked in at a respectable distance, and he tried to doze off into a slumber.
Until he woke up 30 minutes later with a tent in his pants.
He initially thought it was because he was laying 1 foot away from the love of his life, but upon further inspection he realized it was because the love of his life was burrowing into his chest and dry humping him in their sleep.
“Mmph~ Spencer” you whined while rubbing your barely covered core against your roommate for the next few days.
Hearing his name on your lips sounded like an enchantment. Spencer had no idea what to do, so he just.. scooted away.
But of course you gave a dissatisfied whine in your sleep, moving closer to him and this time gripping onto him like a vice.
Spencer Reid is many things, but an assaulter is not one of them, you clearly weren’t letting up though, and you wouldn’t stop moaning his name. So he decided to give you an acceptable amount of attention to your neck and face in order to calm you down, praying you wouldn’t wake up.
He peppered kisses along your jaw and right behind your ear and he whispered.
“It’s okay angel, go back to sleep.” and by magic, you were out.
And as Spencer said goodbye to the last of his pride when he waltzed into the bathroom to take care of himself. He vowed that he would tease you ten times as much as you did him tomorrow.
The next day you and the team were at the victims house investigating. You and Spencer were in the attic, looking at the victim’s belongings.
You two were shuffling about the cluttered space with barely any room. You keep catching him staring at you but when you look, he just smirks and goes back to his business, leaving you all riled up. Was he doing that on purpose?
What was even weirder is that Spencer I hate physical touch Reid kept finding excuses to touch you, like holding your hips when brushing past you in a narrow hallway or brushing his thumb over your cheek because “you had something there”. And now while you’re trying your best to focus on your job, your brain is yet again occupied by this fucking prick.
Spencer calls your name
“Can you come over here real quick? I need your help something.”You went and kneeled down next to him.
“So Im pretty sure we could find something useful in this chest, but it’s locked. Do you think you can open it for me?” You listened intently, while his gentle fingers danced along to an absent rythme and his eyes wandered your body, making you heat up.
“Y-Yeah no problem!” Is there something on your shirt or-
“Reid! Come here real quick!” Morgan shouted from below.
But Spencer’s gaze never left your figure, he just picked up where you left off.
Spencer said in a more sultry voice than usual, eyes filled with…want? “I knew I could count on you sweetheart,” he began to rise, “such a good girl for me hm?” and he took his leave.
What the hell just happened?? As confused as you are you’d be lying if you’re heart wasn’t beating out of your chest and the tingling sensation between your legs was nonexistent.
When Spencer returned, he acted like nothing happened and just…kept going on with his day? Were you imagining things?
After a long day of work you guys finally made it back to your hotel room. Spencer was currently in the shower and you were using his absence as an opportunity to read your…explicit book.
When Spencer exited the bathroom however, he was wearing grey sweatpants and the most well fitted shirt that perfectly displayed his slender figure. That’s it. You died. You died and this is heaven.
You were entranced by his figure you didn’t even notice him sit on the side of your side of the bed.
“Whatcha reading?” he rested his head in his hands.
“You uh, you probably wouldn’t have heard of it.” That’s believable right?
“Read it to me.”
“Read me the part your on,” Spencer repeated himself. “Please?” he flashed a grin and how could you resist?
“Okay…” you swallowed your pride. “He never knew how badly he needed her until she laid in front of him, bare body on display. He took his time tracing the curves of her body and peppering kisses to her freckles… That’s when he knew, he had reached heaven.” You dared not to look up at Spencer.
“That sounds…beautiful.” he started. “By the way, i have a question for you, been meaning to ask you this actually.”
Your ears perked up, “Yeah what’s up?”
“You look at my hands a lot, Why is that” Spencer tilted his head a bit. He already knew the answer.
“Uhm…” You were speechless, what were you supposed to say to that??
“They look…pretty.” You managed to mumble
“I think you look pretty.” Spencer patted his lap, motioning you to mount him.
You were entranced, how could you say no?
Spencer started tracing circles into your hips with his thumbs. and brought his lips to your ear
“You know, I’ve always known how much of a fucking whore you were for me sweetheart,” he whispered. “But I didn’t do anything about it, to stay professional.” he gripped your ass, invoking a gasp out of you. “You though, my beautiful angel, had no problem grinding your pussy into me and whining my name the second you got the chance hm?” He looked at you and his gaze softened. “Tell me to stop and we can pretend this never happened. I won’t be mad at you I promise.”
Despite the tent making itself known to your core, Spencer still prioritizes you. But still, “Spence, just kiss me please.” you were desperate.
He wasted no time pressing his lips to yours. He tried to be gentle, but how could he when you were just so needy?
You were grinding your core onto his and moaned into his ear as Spencer placed lovebites all over your neck just to sooth them with a lick of his tongue. He flipped over so you were laying on your back, caged beneath him.
Spence nudged at your shirt, eyes pleading for permission. You nodded, thinking he was going to take it off, but he dragged his fingertips along your abdomen and only lifted your shirt so it scrunched up just above your chest. You squirmed, hoping to achieve some friction from his knee between your legs.
Spencer peppered kisses along the center of your body, starting at your sternum, and working his way down to your belly button, to right above your your shorts, and then she pressed a hickey into the space, being sure to emphasize his tongue, causing you to whine. He did it another time just to achieve that reaction again.
Spencer rose up to your level and placed your chin between his index and thumb. He kissed from your jaw to the skin under your right ear and asked “Can I taste you, angel?” it was clear from his voice that he was restraining himself.
“Please Spence…need you.” All you could think about was him touching you.
Spencer placed a kiss to your mouth. “Oh you pretty little thing, I’ve barely touched you and your brains already mush?” Spencer removed your shorts. “That’s alright love, I’ll do all the thinking for you, you just focus on feeling good for me okay?” He positioned himself between your legs and pleased to find your lack of underwear.
“You were just waiting for me hm? Were you that ready to just whore yourself out for me?” Spencer licked a stipe down the center of your folds. “Fuck , you taste amazing” You shivered.
Spencer flicked his tongue on your clit, earning him a shriek. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and put his mouth on your clit, sucking and licking like it was the only thing he knew how to do. You rocked your hips as best as you can into his face. He moved lower and swirled his tongue into your entrance, collecting all your juices and making you scream. As he tasted you, his nose would brush against your clit. The sensation became too overwhelming and you were about to climax, but he pulled away. You sobbed and pleaded for him to keep going.
Spencer looked up at you, lips swollen and eyes full of lust. He kissed you passionately, the taste of you still lingering.
Spencer put two of his fingers against your lips.
You happily obliged.
“I figured since you like my fingers so much, I should use them hm? Does that sound nice, love?” You hummed around his fingers and nodded eagerly.
“Thought so.” he smirked and removed his fingers from your mouth.
With his body caging yours, he reached his wet fingers between your bodies and spread your wetness around your folds, making you whine.
“Spencer, stop teasing.”
“You teased me first,” he entered two fingers into your core. “forgetting your towel so I’d have to give you one, do you know how hard it was for me not to waltz into that bathroom with you and make you mine?” Spencer began to curl his fingers inside you. “Prancing around in those slutty fucking shorts, you wanted to rile me up huh? That get you off, sweetheart?” He found your g-spot in record timing, your vision went blurry. “Not to mention last night, when you were so desperate for me that you started rubbing this pretty pussy on me, and moaning my name from those pretty lips.” Spencer went rougher. “You made me go into the bathroom to take care of myself when i could’ve just filled you up instead.”
“Mmph S-Spence” your voice was shaky, you were so fucking close and then..
He pulled away again.
“Nononononono” you were clawing at his hand and canting your hips, trying to get some friction.
Spencer tsked at you. “Awww,” he gave you mock pity. “Does my angel wanna come? Would you like to come around my cock, sweet thing?”
You were crying at this point. “Fuckfuckfuck, need you inside Spence.”
He thrusted his clothed cock against your pussy.
“Now that’s not how you ask.”
“Spence please…Fuck me”
Spencer began to pull down his grey sweatpants. “There you go, that’s much better.”
Spencer’s cock so big you didn’t know if you’d be able to take it all. He must’ve seen the worry in your face because he swooped down and kissed you.
While he was kissing you, Spencer lined himself up and put himself in you so slowly. You whimpered into his mouth and right before he was all the way in, he almost pulled out completely, before slamming right back in at a rough pace.
“G-God, you feel so amazing, angel.” Spencer was death gripping the headboard and your waist while he was pounding into you.
You were chanting his name and various pleads, you weren’t sure for what, but it just felt right.
Thrust, after thrust, after thrust. Spencer was pussydrunk.
“Fuck, do you hear that? You’re making such beautiful sounds, is that all for me?”
“Only you” your eyes were closed and you were so fucking close, your release washed over you faster than you expected. Spencer just kept going.
“Walls squeezing so tight fuck” You mewled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Where do you- mmph- where do you want it, love?” Spencer groaned through his sentence.
“M-My stomach” Spencer pulled out and obeyed your request. Your foreheads rested against each other.
You fell asleep under him.
When you woke up, you were cleaned and clothed. Spencer’s arm was draped over you and his face was burrowed into your neck.
This was right.
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ofallthingsnasty · 1 year
heyy omg it's so fun to read your manipulator post!! can I please get when they become a total mess without you? like when they regret and all.. I know that kaiser won't ever regret something due to his superiority complex. so I wanna know what will he do without reader, I'm sure he somehow got little attached to reader right? AND PLEASE LET READER GO FOR GOOD NOT COMING BACK TO THAT BASTARD xD (thank youuuu! I know that I'm asking to much *sigh*)
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ah I'm so happy it resonated so well with so many people!! I really like the more hopeless, mean side of yanderes and I feel like Blue Lock really provides us with so many fucked up little guys who can really make your head spin -- it's the same reason reader will always end up with them but let me give you some food for thought haha. References this post. Requests are open!
tags: yandere, baby trapping, reader can get pregnant but no pronouns are used, emotional manipulation, noncon mention
word count: 0.6k
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We talked about you escaping Kaiser as a foreign darling here and I still think that at first, Kaiser will be seething. It takes him a good while to calm down again, to mend his broken ego at least a little bit. He does have feelings for you - he isn't cold, doesn't only view you as something to possess - but he wants to be worshipped. That anger is definitely born out of a sense of superiority and entitlement but also hurt feelings. That man loves you more than he likes to admit and your absence hurts him in ways he hasn't experienced before. It’s a confusing mix for him.
All things he does during those initial weeks: (subtly) dragging your name through the mud in the public, pulling strings to make life as hard as possible for you, having Ness talk to you - if they all fail, if nothing can make you crawl back to him on your hands and knees, I can see that anger slowly turning to desperation. It’s absolutely ugly. He doesn’t know what to do with the feeling, too used to getting what he wants, to winning. Ness will bear the brunt of it, no doubt. Moody, even more easily irritated than he already is, he’ll all but terrorize his team mates. Even the media picks up on it and they’ll have a field day with reporting on the subject. People around him are incredibly concerned for him and it will only drive him further up the wall.
In the end, he’ll turn up at your door on his own, no middlemen needed.
You’ll barely recognize him. Hair disshevelled, face pale with too little sleep and eyes red, he looks pathetic as he stares at you from his place on your doorstep.
It’s hard not to feel at least a little bit of pity for him when he looks like this. And maybe because he only ever emotionally abused you - never really kept you, never hurt you physically - your memories soften and you see his raw, vulnerable innards, see that big soccer star as some genuinely hurt young man, small and desperate. It isn’t really an act but the words he weaves aren’t all that truthful, either. It won’t take long for you to let him back into your heart: Being so close to him, remembering how you did love him, how he could be so sweet when he wanted to- that and the heartfelt talks you two are having even make you forgive him for the stunt he pulled with Ness. Everything is just too easily explained away with desperation, with him being beside himself after you left. One tiny part of you wants him to change, wants that initial magic of dating a pro athlete, back. You want to believe that he can and will change, that’s why his little spiel works on you in the first place. You still have too much love for him, in the end.
Kaiser is obsessed with control, we know as much - and what is one way to really bind you to him? Oh, it’s almost too easy. Marrying you is a no-brainer but today’s marriages are easily broken apart. No. He needs something entirely different - a child. Just one. A tiny little bundle of joy, the spitting image of the both of you, something that irrevocably keeps you with him, makes you think twice before leaving again. And he wouldn’t mind a child, even if he doesn’t feel quite ready yet - it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay with him for as long as you both live. Getting you so drunk you puke up your pill and don’t even remember him fucking you while you’re half-conscious is a breeze. Happy little accidents happen all the time, don’t they?
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pink---condoms · 1 year
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Late night drives
boyfriend!Karl x girlfriend!Reader
Genre: Smut.
Warnings!: sex in the backseat of his car, making out, hickeys, hair grabbing, he sucks on the reader boobs, pussy eating, cum eating, fingering, cock riding, Karl cums in reader, dirty talking if you squint?
Summary: After streaming all the way to midnight, Karl asks his girlfriend, Y/n, if she wants to go on a late night drive with him to the gas station for some snacks. Unexpected happens in the parking lot of abundant building.
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A sigh left your lips as you gaze between two snack, you didn't know which one to pick and it was starting to hurt your head. Getting frustrated, you walked over to your boyfriend, who was picking up his own snacks on the aisle behind you.
"Which one should I get? " you asked, catching his attention, holding up both of the snacks on the side of your face. "Get both, it's on me babe"he replied, grabbing your snacks to hold them for you.
"Let's go get something to drink, then we'll leave? " you said looking back at him, watching his eyes shoot back up immediately to face you. "Yeah sure" he stuttered a bit, trying to act like he wasn't just staring down your ass.
You didn't really take it on, this wasn't the first time you caught him looking at your ass. Walking over to the refrigerator section, your eyes glazed the different drinks that was separated into sections.
"What do you wanna drink babe? " you asked loud enough for him to hear from behind you. "I don't know, maybe a monster zero ultra" obviously, how could you forget about his monster addiction. (you didn't actually forget)
"What about you? " he asks looking over at you, who was busy thinking about what to get. "I think I'll just get a sprite" you replied, as you grabbed one of the sprite that was on it's shelf.
After getting everything you both wanted, he paid for it and grabbed the bag before you could, not letting you hold anything because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he let you carry the bags?
Taking your seat as the passenger princess, he started the car, waiting for the engine to start. While waiting, he placed his hand your thigh, squeezing it in the process.
After like a solid one minute, he took off back to his house. The ride to his house was a good twenty minute drive.
You felt his gaze on you between the ride, causing you to look back at him. "What? " you questioned, not saying anything he quickly swang the car next to an old building and taking off the engine.
"What are you doing? " confusion laced your voice and an eyebrow was propped.
"I want you so bad right babe"
He leaned down to your neck, scattering small pecks in your neck. "Right here like right now" you bit back a whimper, as he laced small kisses on your neck.
"Yes right here, right now" he gently suckled on your soft spot, causing your to moan out softly, your fingers softly combing through his hair.
"Fuck, come here baby" almost immediately, his hands reach down to your seatbelt, unbuckling it and pulling you into his lap.
His lips was instantly sealed with yours, pulling you into a steamy make out with him. His hands slide lower down to where your ass was, giving a hard squeeze.
That causing you to moan out, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, tongue clashing against yours. Your hands snaked around his neck, pulling him as close as possible.
Pulling away from the kiss, a string of saliva attaching to your lips, but neither of you cared. He made his way down your neck, marking you with his love bites. You moan out his name, praising him which boasted him.
His hands tug at the end of your (his) hoodie, silently asking you for permission, in which you desperately nodded at him. He wasted no time into pulling it off of you and getting straight to work.
"Fuck" you whimpered out, as his tongue toyed your sensitive nipples. Threading your hand his hair, while he took your breast into his mouth, sucking like if you were his mother and he was your son. (I'm so sorry for this comparison)
"Get in the backseat, wanna eat you out" he says letting your nipples out of his mouth with a pop. Carefully, you climbed into the backseat with him following you right behind you.
As soon as you were in the backseat, he hurriedly pulled down your skirt and panties, desperate to taste you. Feeling the cold air greet you, you shut your legs close suddenly feeling a little shy as well.He chuckled at you, whispering how much he loved and how lucky he was.
You layed back on the seats, while he propped your right leg on his shoulder, leaving the other to slightly hang. You were now on full display for him to see all your corners and ends.
Leaning down to be on same level as your pussy, he held intense eye contact with you. The first swipe of his tongue, had you slightly squirming, it's been awhile.
Reaching down to grip his hair, while he slowly licked your clit cause experiences with his mouth tells you, you'd need something to grab onto.
A breathy moan left your throat, when he gently circled your bud with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. "Your so wet right now, all for me" he groaned against your clit, which escalated to you letting out quite a loud moan.
The wet noises he made from eating you out was to good to ignore. He desperately sucked hard on your clit, causing you to moan out and slightly pull on his hair. His fingers made they way to your entrance, pushing two in at the same time. The moans and whimpers that left you made him want to bury his head in between your thighs for the rest of his life without stopping.
His fingers pumped at a speedy pace inside of you, while he was mouth was never giving you a rest. "Fuck baby, eating me out so good" a sultry moan was followed from you, he moaned against your clit hearing you.
His tongue glided at a fast pace, flickering your sensitive bud. Feeling the familiar knot, you warned him. "Babe your g-gonna make me cum" by now tears of pleasure were welling your eyes, he was not stopping. Instead his fingers went faster and his mouth sucked in your clit.
Your legs started to shake, as your grip on his hair became harder, but he didn't care. Your moans were getting louder by the second.
Finally, hitting your high, you came, finishing off in his mouth. He pulled his fingers out of you, letting his mouth do the clean up now. You were breathless. His tongue softy glide to your hole, tasting all of of you.
Your fingers thread through his hair, as he placed a last kiss on your clit, before making his way back up to you. He kiss your jaw, before smashing his lips against yours, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. He hurriedly pulled off his pants and boxers.
He sit up before pulling you up to sit on his lap, letting you feel his cock raw. You whined softly when he didn't slide in as yet. You wanted him in you. He laughed slightly at how impatient and cute you were wanting him in you.
Carefully, he reached down between you, grabbing his painfully hard cock, bringing it up to your entrance. Slowly, he slide the tip in earning a groan from you, slowly he slide the rest of his shaft in you.
Karl wasn't small, the first time you fucked, you were shocked seeing the 8 inch cock between his legs. So taking him in could be a challenge sometimes, not today though.
Your hands were wrapped around his neck and your face was pushed up on his shoulder, letting out small puffs of breath. His hands encircled your waist, holding you from moving around. He littered small kisses on your jaw, slightly reassuring you your doing ok.
Slowly you grind down your hips, feeling him so deep in you was making your head spin. "So deep" you whimpered out, his hands on your waist helping you grind down on him.
Without warning, you suddenly lifted your hips, before snapping them back down to meet his. A loud moan escaped from his throat from the impact, nails digging into the skin of your hips.
"Fuck baby, just like that" he says, helping you lift your hips again and slamming them down, harder this time. You moaned out, hands still on his shoulder, slowly you started riding him.
Trying to conceal your moans, you latch your lips onto his jaw, sucking and softy biting his skin. Your back arch painfully when the tip of his dick hit your weak spot. "Making me feel so good baby" he groaned out, hands helping you ride him faster, "so big Karl" you clenched down him. He groaned out feeling your tight walls around him, sucking him in so good.
A thin layer of sweat coated the your skins and the smell of sex was high. The sounds of skin slapping echoed throughout the car, you were pretty sure it could be heard outside but neither of cared nor did you stop.
You grabbed his jaw turning him to face you, and smashing your lips against his. His left hand reached down to your ass, giving it a good smack. The impact made you gasp into the kiss, giving him access to push his tongue into your mouth.
He gripped your ass harshly, pounding deep into you from under you. You broke apart to kiss to catch your breath, you buried your head in his shoulder moaning his name.
"I'm gonna cum, babe fuck" you said breathless, hips still bouncing on him. "Me too, just keep riding me like this" he says breathless just like you. Can't expect him to breathe perfectly when a pussy like yours is wrapped around him, squeezing the life out of him.
"Yeah? You gonna cum from how tight my pussy is squeezing you? You love my pussy don't you" you chuckled, feeling him twitch in you. "Gonna cum" he let out a sultry moan, letting you know he's about to burst.
"Cumming for you, lover boy" you cried out, letting go and cumming all over him. You were sure you were gonna get marks from how tight he was gripping your waist, letting out his loads inside of you.
You both sat in silence, only panting was heard in the silent car. You could feel his dick getting soft in you as you desperately tried to catch your breath. The smell of sex and arousal was high in air.
You looked at him only to find him already looking you. "What? " you shyly asked, like you weren't just bouncing his junk. "I love you that's what" he responded, attacking you with a kiss to the lips.
Not like the intimate kiss you had like five minutes ago, this one was filled with love only. You kissed him back, smiling against his lips feeling lucky to have him. You broke apart the kiss and rested your forehead against his, "I love you too" you smiled at him in which he returned.
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I hate this, but I feel like I spent way too much time on writing this, so why not post it. This wasn't a planned story, I just wrote what came to my mind as I went along each sentence.
Your Author signing out.
I'm not actually signing out, I just wanted a dramatic ending. Anyways love all the support I'm getting, love you guys <33.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
So here is an Au idea I wanna run by everyone.
Note: I'm not combining the fandoms.
Au: Self-aware characters
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ, and DMC.
Characters: Sunny Day Jack, and Dante Sparda.
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Sunny Day Jack
His would be interesting. A yandere trapped in a yandere vn away from the one he has grown so attached to.
You may not know it, but he sees you as his lover already. When first grew a consciousness the world around him was dark, and silent (think of the backrooms) not even then one he calls his darling is around. The more he explored the world around him the more he learned, and the more he wished he didn't.
His whole life was a lie. It was all coding and story. None of it was real. Panic and fear began to set in when he begins to hear the music box melody of "You are my sunshine." Followed by a very faint light. Desperate Jack followed the sound and light.
What he was met with only confused him further. It was....a title screen?? While looking ahead he could see a room filled with things he has never seen before. There is faint music and talking before a voice gets louder followed by the sound of a door shutting. Not long after he saw you.
At first, he was unsure. Who were you? Did you make him? If you did; did you know he would or was self-aware? So many unanswered questions, and no way of knowing how to ask them.
So Instead he observes. You may not see him on the screen when it's not his time, but he is there watching you. Evaluating every expression you made, and every word you said.
After the first playthrough, he was able to conclude that you in fact were not the creator, but a player. You also seemed to know a lot about him even gushing over some of his lines.
After the second playthrough, he began to enjoy your company, and liked the things you did while playing. He enjoyed your company and even came to see you as a friend.
After the third playthrough, Jack grew curious about who you were. Jack didn't want to spook you yet so instead, he began to dig through your computer while you slept. He didn't learn everything, but he learned quite a bit
After the fourth playthrough, Jack found that he didn't like the times when you weren't around. It was a reminder of everything he lost or never really had. He sits alone in silence waiting for you to come back.
After the fifth playthrough, he realizes he is undoubtedly in love with you, and judging by how much you gushed and cooed over him he was sure you felt the same. So he was coming up with his plan to make parts of his game come to life. Just for you.
Dante Sparda
So with this one, I had to think about it because though I love the thought of my first idea. It didn't make sense in the end so had to scrap it. Here is the outcome of that.
Dante came to consciousness in Nico's van, but it felt off. It was dark, no music was playing and it was like everyone was frozen in place. No one moved, blinked, or talked no matter how much Dante cried for them.
Dante begins to panic. Was this Urizen's doing!? Did they not stop him!? Were they too late?! Trying to find more answers and possibly a way to fix it Dante began to explore. The further he explored the more he learned of the world he had thought he was living in. It wasn't real none of it was.
None of his memories were really memories just things programmed into his head. His head was nothing more than code! He could feel himself falling apart at this realization. He wasn't sure what do anymore.
He wasn't sure how long he had been in the dark alone, but as if the heavens were opening up themselves all the light came back, and his "family" began to move again. Nothing outside their code, but still moved.
Not long after he heard Trish's voice say the name of his shop in an echo-like fashion before a person appeared in front of him. You seemed to be in a room lit up by colorful lights. Music played somewhere in the background as you looked through the menu options.
Dante observed you. You seemed excited to play as you talked about which mode you should play. Until finally deciding on the Bloody palace.
When Dante blinked he was on the platform now unable to control his movements as he killed demon after demon. You always seemed so proud after every fight, and on occasions, you would sit there for a minute or two just watching him do his taunts.
It felt weird at first like he was some sort of performing monkey, but after he came to like it because it felt like he was communicating with you. Especially when he learned how to do whatever taunt he wanted to.
The two of you would spend hours together as you used him to climb the bloody palace. Each day getting higher than the day before. In those times Dante didn't feel alone anymore. He could forget that his world was a lie and just be happy.
The times you took a break he would sit in the dark and just think of you. It helped keep away the dark thoughts he had when he was alone. He was always ecstatic to see you when you came back.
He was always on the front screen to see you, and his first taunt is always the heart to show that he missed you.
After awhile it wasn't enough anymore. He wanted to be with you. To hold you, and feel something. It doesn't matter if your world is like his or not. As long as your there it will be worth it.
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onepiece-oc-archives · 8 months
Oda-approved questions to help build your OC
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If you head to the One Piece Wiki page of the Straw Hats and take a look at the Miscellaneous section, you'll find a lot of trivia questions about the Straw Hats that Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, has answered in the Q&A portion attached to some manga chapters, called an SBS. I like to call those answers "Straw Hat Fun Facts" and I love them, because they work really well if you want to flesh out your OC and give them a bit more life and depth.
So, even if you're not planning on making your OC a Straw Hat, these questions might still be helpful for you to think about.
The way I'm gonna structure this post for the sake of avoiding spoilers is I'm gonna list all current LA Straw Hats with their facts and all future confirmed Straw Hats will have their facts mentioned without their name, if it makes sense to mention them. That way you can avoid duplicates within the crew if you want to do that and still have no clue about who's gonna join. I'm also gonna comment on how the various fun facts apply to the live action adaptation wherever applicable.
If you're looking for people's birthdays, I'm gonna make another post about them, don't you worry. But you won't find them here.
Animal Resemblances
Luffy: Monkey
Zoro: Shark/Tiger
Nami: Cat
Usopp: Armadillo/Chameleon
Sanji: Duck/Bighorn Sheep
Others: Reindeer, Red Panda, Crane, Falcon, Bull, Rhinoceros, Horse, Giraffe, Whale Shark, Bear
I don't think any of them were mentioned or referenced just yet in the live action, aside from Luffy's name having the word Monkey in it, but that doesn't count. I'm pretty sure we'll get some hints in the future though since these just have such great potential for easter eggs.
Specific Numbers
Now, this is a category that's a bit more complicated because each Straw Hat has at least two signature numbers, for very different reasons. Everyone has a main number based on when they joined, with Luffy being number 1. The second number is the same but it skips Luffy, making Zoro number 1, but this version is rarely used, if ever at all. Then there's the possibility of a Straw Hat getting a number assigned to them based on a pun, whether that be based on their name, their devil fruit, or something entirely different. I'll explain pun numbers in a bracket.
Luffy: 01, 56 (go-mu)
Zoro: 02/01
Nami: 03/02, 73 (na-mi)
Usopp: 04/03
Sani: 05/04, 32 (san-ji), 59 (ko-kku = cook)
Others: 06/05 - 10/09, 110, 87, 26, 43
Now, you may ask: "Evie, I wanna have a pun number for my OC, how do they work?" I got you, buddy. You can make your own pun numbers using a technique called goroawase, using this handy chart I made based on a Wikipedia chart. Everything I added is in (brackets) and consists of variants that would technically be possible due to my own understanding of goroawase, but might not be commonly used.
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On a very basic level, all you have to do to create your pun number is to grab the readings from this table and glue them together. I took some work off your shoulders by adding the phonetic changes you can use, indicated by the arrows. You can also only use the first syllable of a reading or add or remove an n at the end of readings that end in vowels or n's. As you can see whith Sanji's ko-kku, you can duplicate consonants, and you can also turn short vowels into long vowels (tsu -> tsū, for example), both for spelling reasons. If you need to transcribe a c, either use an s or a k (or whatever else fits), depending on the pronunciation.
Here are some examples with my OCs:
Cora: 96 (ko-ra) or 25510 (a-ka-i-to - would be very unusual due to its number of digits, but I think I'll use this as a plot device in a future fic!)
Luna: 67 (lu-na/ru-na)
Inari: 576 (i-na-ri) or 53 (ka-mi)
Create away!
Specific Colors
This was in the live action! And I think we'll definitely see something similar again later.
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You can't really see it that well but here are Luffy, Nami and Zoro lit up in their respective colors - red, orange and green respectively! I tried to take a better screenshot but, alas, Netflix will not let me.
Luffy: red (aka)
Zoro: green (midori)
Nami: orange (orenjī)
Usopp: yellow (kiiro)
Sanji: blue (ao)
Others: pink (pinku), purple (murasaki), light blue (mizuiro), white (shiro), black (kuro), ochre (ōdoiro)
As you can see, we pretty much have the whole rainbow here, which makes picking a unique color for your OC pretty hard, BUT it's completely allowed to use different shades of the same color (see: blue vs light blue), which is why I listed the Japanese color names for you. I did some digging and it turns out that these are the names of some of Japan's traditional colors. Those traditional colors don’t always match up with what my impression of the character's color is, BUT I made this handy little graphic for you:
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In case there are any animal-related characters around and for those of you who like describing smells in their fanfic (me too, me too), this might be very useful!
These are all of the Straw Hats' specific colors (top row) according to the overview of Japanese traditional colors I linked for you above, their color names underlined with my perception of what color Oda might actually have been referring to, in modern terms. As for the grey names beneath orange and pink, those are the traditional colors from the overview that I used to replace the romanized English colors, based on what the first translation that popped up was. The columns directly underneath are a selection of different shades of the same color, also with their names. It just goes to show that you have a huge variety of colors to choose from for your OC - Japan's traditional colors alone are about 1,000 different colors and you can definitely play with hex codes some more. So, go wild!
Specific Smells
Luffy: meat
Zoro: steel (and probably blood, let’s be honest)
Nami: mikan (tangerines, essentially) and money
Usopp: gunpowder
I'd say everyone smells of the sea at least a little bit, realistically speaking, since they are pirates.
Sanji: cigarettes and seafood (and I'm willing to bet he wears some type of cologne or aftershave or something)
Favourite Type of Island and Season
Luffy: summer but he also loves snow, basically everywhere with meat
Zoro: autumn on an autumn island
Nami: summer on a spring island
Usopp: summer on an autumn island
Favourite Food
Sanji: a spoilery gag, so get creative!
We either directly see some of these in the live action or can easily guess.
Luffy: any kind of meat
Zoro: white rice (specifically in the shape of onigiri aka rice balls), sea beast meat, any food that compliments sake (though he's also pretty fond of beer, at least in the live action)
Nami: mikans (tangerines) and most other fruits
Usopp: pike from an autumn island and other fish of the season
Sanji: spicy sea food pasta, food that compliments black tea
Others: not really relevant but maybe interesting; cotton candy, chocolate, sweet stuff in general, sandwiches, not-too-sweet cakes, food that compliments coffee, basically anything that you can find at McDonald's, curry, mozoku seaweed with vinegar and fruits
Basically, Sanji gets to juggle around a whole lot of different flavours and cultural influences - and he does it really well and finds a way to make everything special, by the way! He generally favors the ladies in his cooking though.
Least Favourite Food
Even Sanji can't make them like everything. Their reasons for not liking something are very different, so they probably still eat it, especially if it's used in something Sanji prepared because he's their cook
Luffy: Cherry pie
Zoro: Chocolate (yes, chocolate! Adds a lot more depth to the scene of him eating Rika's rice balls, doesn't it?) - it's too sweet
Nami: orangette (candied orange peels) - she prefers actual fruit
Usopp: mushrooms - he got sick once
Sanji: konjac (Japanese konjac gel is usually made by mixing flour from the konjac plant with seaweed; it pretty much tastes like nothing and is used mainly for its texture) - it's not nutritious
Others: anything spicy, chewing gum, marshmallows, lemons, parfait
As a Family
This is part of the reason why Oda said there would be no romances within the crew in canon - but this is fandom, he has no power here. Feel free to ignore any of these roles and substitute canon with your own
Luffy: fourth son
Zoro: first son
Nami: daughter
Usopp: third son
Sanji: second son
Others: another child, parents and grandparents
Real-world Nationalities
Now, this is interesting, because these played a part in how the Straw Hats were cast for the live action!
Luffy: Brazilian (Mexican in the live action)
Zoro: Japanese
Nami: Swedish (her actress is American, but she was kept as white)
Usopp: unspecified African (his actor is Jamaican-American, so it sort of checks out)
Sanji: French (Sanji's actor is very international, but he's not French - I do believe Sanji is still supposed to be at least part French in the live action though, at least he still has an affinity for the language and he may very well have grown up multilingual)
Others: Canadian, Russian, American, Austrian, Indian
Inner Brain
Basically: What are the five words their brain/subconscious circles around?
Luffy: meat, meat, meat, meat, pirate king
Zoro: sword, sword, strength, train, sleep
Nami: money, money, money, money, beauty
Usopp: warrior, lies, lies, run, run
Suited Flower
Sanji: You guessed it, it's a spoiler-y gag. But, to summarize, he thinks about cooking and women
These were actually answered by one of the voice actresses for the anime (except for Luffy and Zoro's alternates) but they're Oda-approved! I know fanfic writers love flower language, so rejoice!
Luffy: cosmos, sunflower
Zoro: thistle, wisteria
Nami: sunflower
Usopp: daisy
Sanji: delphinium
Others: tulip, casablanca, anemone, rose, peony
Blood Type
-> this is a topic for another post since it's more of a life fact than a fun fact, isn't it? Maybe, I'll put the blood types in with the birthdays and make a sort of Straw Hat info post?
How often do they bathe?
Bathe, not shower, I would assume. Zoro showers after training... right?
Luffy: once a week
Zoro: once a week
Nami: every day
Usopp: once every three days
Sanji: every day
Typical Hours of Sleep
The only reference to this we have in the live action is Zoro's habit of napping. An interesting thing to note is that the Straw Hats' sleep schedules largely coincide in just such a way that someone is always awake - except for during one hour. Maybe this really is a coincidence or maybe this is a habit they built while travelling together. They do still have night watches though, I believe. But that means there's usually always someone to keep the night watch company :)
Luffy: no set time, but usually sleeps around 5 hours
Zoro: 4am to 7am (3 hours) + naps
Nami: 11pm to 7am (8 hours)
Usopp: 1am to 8am (7 hours)
Sanji: 12am to 5am (5 hours)
In conclusion, more than half of the crew has no idea what a healthy sleep schedule is. This is a pattern that's gonna continue, by the way...
Suitable Careers
Basically what careers they would have if they weren't pirates. Their actual careers in-universe also don't count.
Luffy: firefighter
Zoro: police officer (I will not accept this slander)
Nami: childcare worker
Usopp: graphic designer
Sanji: beauty salon worker
Others: elementary school teacher, cabin attendant, pilot, detective, train station attendant
Cooking Specialities
What are they best at cooking? According to Usopp in the live action, none of the guys besides Sanji can even boil water, so I'm willing to assume Sanji may have taught them a little. A lot. Not Luffy though. He's still a disaster.
Luffy: raw meat on a plate
Zoro: sashimi - a dish consisting of variously cut raw fish and meat
Nami: roasted duck with mikan sauce
Usopp: fish and chips
Sanji: literally anything, but he prefers seafood
Who would win a 50m sprint?
Only the current Straw Hats count here.
Fifth: Nami
Fourth: Usopp (he's already fairly fast, mind you)
Third: Zoro, slowed down because he got lost (but I still don’t think he could beat the people ranked higher than him, I'm sorry, Oda)
Second: Luffy
First: Sanji
Alcohol Tolerance
Another very useful one for fanfics! Tolerance doesn't equal how much they like drinking, by the way. I'd be willing to bet that the Straw Hats' alcohol tolerances got toned down in the live action, or at least Zoro's, judging by him stating how he woke up under a table once. With his manga-level tolerance, he would have had to drink gallons worth of alcoholic beverages before that happened. Still, I think the ranking holds up.
Fifth: Luffy
Fourth: Usopp
Third: Sanji
Second: Nami
First: Zoro
And finally one last bit that doesn't really fit anywhere else:
Sanji is currently the most qualified to give the crew a haircut. This makes sense if you read about his alternative career choice earlier and due to him generally putting a lot of thought into appearances.
So, that's it! Hope these help you!
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Jealous Bucky Headcanon
Kinktober 2022 - Day 5: Jealous Sex with Bucky Barnes
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Summary: I decided to do this one as a headcanon because you know jealous sex with Bucky is a fairly regular occurrence
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - swearing, oral sex, pet names, dirty talk, biting/marking, rough sex, spanking, needy Bucky is a warning by itself
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Bucky hates seeing other guys flirt with you. He's terrified that you'll realize you could do so much better, or just how many issues he has. 
He hates that he gets so jealous, and he knows it isn't the healthiest thing in a relationship but he's working on it.
In the meantime though, his jealous and possessiveness usually leads to really good sex. Even if it takes some pouting or mild arguing to get to it.
There are 2 ways things usually play out when Bucky has had one of his bouts of jealousy.
The first is if he is left feeling insecure and needy. This is sweet, passionate, and intimate. 
Your wish is his command, and he will stop at nothing until you're writhing in pleasure telling him how good he makes you feel. 
You are barely through the door before he is on his knees trying to bury his face in your pussy. 
His touch starved side takes over and he could get off just from your taste on his tongue and your fingers tugging at his hair. 
The way he moans and whimpers as he licks at your slick folds and sucks on your clit making your eyes roll back in your head. 
He doesn't even have to finger you he's tongue fucking you so good. 
If he has access he will start inadvertently grinding against your leg, trying to get some relief for his cock that is now aching from the way you drive him nuts. How everything about you makes him hard. 
Then after he has made you cum with his mouth once already, he'll scoop you up and carry you to bed.
Taking his time in removing the rest of your clothes as well as his own. He wants to show you how he worships every inch of you. How no one could possibly love you more than he does.
He always fucks you in missionary or a mating press position on these nights. His forehead pressed to yours or whispering little praises in between kisses the entire time.
He will stop several times to go down on you again and make the session last as long as possible with as many orgasms as he can give you.
Only worrying about his own orgasm when he is sure you are completely satisfied and cockdrunk for him. 
When he is about to cum he needs to hear that you love him and that he is all you want. Looking into his big blue eyes and assuaging any fear he ever had of losing you. 
"Love you so much, Bucky. So perfect. You make me feel so good. Wanna feel you cum baby. Cum inside me Buck, fill my pussy up. It's all yours. I'm all yours."
The second way is if he ends up feeling pouty and grumpy. Even angry sometimes, never really angry at you but at whoever tried to steal your affections. 
If you try to tease him by flirting with someone it will always lead to this ending. 
This sex is rougher and more intense. Think hairpulling, spanking, biting/marking, and lots of dirty talk. He wants you to know you are his.
As soon as you are through the door you find yourself up against the wall or bent over any available surface with Bucky already working on leaving a couple marks on your neck.
"Can't stand seeing another guy flirt you. Now everyone will know you are mine."
You better not be too attached to the panties you are wearing, or the rest of your clothes, because they will most likely be ripped off of you.
He likes to fuck you from behind when he feels possessive like this. That way he can really fuck you hard and fast. Using your hips or your hair for leverage. 
He will still guarantee you cum multiple times, but he is more driven by his own hunger when he feels this way. 
He wants to have you screaming his name and unable to form coherent sentences. He also really really wants to cum in you. He wants you marked from the inside out. 
"That's it babydoll, taking my cock so well. You know why? Because this pussy was made for me. It's my pussy isn't it baby? I'm the only one who can fuck you. I'm the only one who gets to hear you moan like a needy little slut. Who's slut are you baby? Who's pussy is this? Let me hear you say it."
If you don't answer loud enough he'll give you a good slap on the ass and make you say it again. Never slowing the pace of his cock slamming into you over and over.
"Gonna fill you up doll. Gonna keep you so fucking full of cum and dripping all night. I want people to smell my cum on you. Beg for it. Beg for my cum. Gonna cum so fucking hard for you baby. Gonna cum so much."
Either way your night begins it ends with him holding you close and making sure you know he loves you and you assuring him you are his. 
Back to Kinktober 2022 masterlist
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So apparently I only have a Doctor Strange taglist. If you want to be tagged in Bucky stuff let me know. There will be a handful more for him this month.
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ooops-i-arted · 11 months
filoni called anakin "the greatest jedi of all time" in the ahsoka sneak peak lmaooo that's wild. just the cherry on top of the slop he's been serving us in recent years.
is that why other jedi in his works are often trashed and his darling favorite oc ahsoka is so elevated in importance? is that why he doesn't know jack shit about attachments and constantly misrepresents it, because to him, jedi are the big meanies that tried preventing anakin from boning padme? someone please stop this man.
Ah, anon, did you sense a disturbance in the Force that brought you here? Instagram forced me to look at the new Ahsoka trailer about forty times today and I'm sure my saltiness is palpable. Every time I hear that orange fucktart say "Heir to the Empire" I could rip up his stupid notebook emblazoned with Ahsoka's symbol I saw in a behind the scenes post with my bare hands.
I think Filoni's Anakin (not canon Anakin, not the one in the prequel films, because TCW Anakin is NOT Anakin* and I will die on this hill) is a dear OC to Filoni, but of course not on the same level of Ahsoka. So of course he's speshul just the way Ahsoka is. The Jedi ~just don't understaaaaaaand them~ and they DESERVE special treatment and to break the rules like many an amateur writers' OCs.
*Apparently the TCW Anakin voice actor was told to "do a mix of Luke and Han" so clearly staying in-character for Anakin was never on the radar.
I did see a post I can't find now that was directed at Anakin stans, not Filoni, but it was interesting because it said basically Anakin is called the greatest Jedi of all time by his stans but they really mean "the most powerful Jedi of all time." Because he possibly/probably was, whether you go by midi-chlorians or just demonstrated power with the Force. But the post went on to say the Jedi don't value power like that, don't measure by it, so it's a fandom projection to say Anakin was the "greatest of the Jedi." Which makes sense to me, because the greatest of an organization wouldn't be the one who destroys them. And how are we measuring "greatness" anyway? Overall accomplishment? Skill with the Force? Number of people helped/saved (and do you get a penalty for people you hurt/kill)? Does Yoda win by default just because he's had longer than everyone else to rack up Jedi Greatness points and longer to practice his skills? Personally I would pick Revan, powerful in the Force, made a huge impact in her day, and her redemption (if you play Light Side like I did) was actively undoing the damage she did and defeating Malak for good, not just killing a Sith to save her own loved one and then dying. And of course I'll freely admit part of that is because she's one of my favorite characters. The point is, it's subjective. And Filoni has shown again and again he cannot be subjective about his faves. Just look at TCW Character Bo getting the Darksaber literally handed to her by the main character being shafted in his own show.
Oooo, since you're here, wanna hear an absolutely RANCID crack theory I had today? What if the whole Din Grogu thing is setting up some obscure Outer Rim tradition of taking on another's name with your own so that Filoni has an excuse to have Luke say "Oh Ahsoka, you are so wise and perfect and the Best Jedi Of All Time Who Truly Embodies What Filoni Thinks A Jedi Should Be, I would like to go by Ahsoka Luke now! Who's Padme anyway, no one important." While Filoni claps and honks like a seal as Ahsoka Luke Skywalker appears in the credits. Okay it's very silly but I put nothing past him.
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executables-sims · 7 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Thank you so much for the tag, @goatskickin! :D I am ill rn, so please excuse the rambling. x) Long post ahead!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Maybe fright? I've only ever had it happen once via ghost, the anim is pretty funny. :)
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? My Simblr probably says otherwise, but I don’t have a preference! I’ve had nearly every possible CC style under the sun throughout my years of playing, and I constantly think about reviving my 'semi-realism' folder (living vicariously through you, other simmers!). I didn't play with CC until early 2006 though, so MM is a little bit more nostalgic. :)
Do you cheat your sims weight? Hell no! I'm still in awe of Nysha's townie body diversity mod finally letting townies be fat. :D I wish the game had a better way of managing bodyshapes so I could add more variety that way.
Do you move objects? Of course!
Favorite Mod? Of all time? Impossible! My continued interest in gameplay is always because of new mods. :)
I did gain a new outlook thanks to a mod recently, though! My wild romance sim Blaze Biermann ended up 'mood swinging' to fortune before he went to uni, and instead of reverting, it got stuck.
He had a few flings still (pleasure secondary), but after he returned home and met his daughter (for the first time since her birth), he started cringing whenever I directed him to romance his dates. It felt like he had grown as a person, and I loved it!
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TL;DR: Randomly change your sims' original aspiration/s to give them interesting character arcs! First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I mean, not my decision, but our first TS1 EP was Hot Date. I'm pretty sure I got TS2 EPs/SPs in order of release (miss those days of unwrapping a new one every birthday/christmas!).
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? We're LIVE, baby! 🎥
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't usually get very attached to my first-generation sims, but maybe Evonne Milos, from the gameplay/story hood I accidentally destroyed in four days? Never actually played her, but I had a lot of ideas for a corrupt 'sexpot' politician. x)
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Have you made a simself? Lots! 99% of the fun I had playing TS2 as a kid was me and my best friend making ourselves and our respective crushes of the week, and we'd always live in one of those Veronaville lots that was two houses connected by a balcony. I can't even tell you the amount of times she got me pregnant against my wishes whilst I went to the bathroom, lmao.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? For colour consistency, probably brown? But there are a lot of brunettes in Brunwick (must be the name!), so I enjoy the recessives popping up in gameplay. :)
Favorite EA hair? Does an EA download count? Jeanette is lovely.
Favorite life stage? Ohhh dude, that's so difficult to answer. They all bring different challenges and dynamics to the household! I feel like I've started to appreciate the child lifestage more since Brunwick has grown large enough to have multiple friendship groups. It's fun watching them goof around with each other and be actual kids, instead of sitting indoors skilling. I really need to build a park! :)
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
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Are you a CC creator? Yes, I really love how this game has led me to so many creative hobbies! Would like to tackle BHAVs one day. :)
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Yeah! I consider us all friends over our shared enjoyment of the game really, but as a chronic lurker I'm not the best at cultivating connections. x) Does anyone wanna make a secret club? xD
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I do have a bunch of rad sims memories. 👉😎👉
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I watched plenty of sim music videos back in the day! Found a lot of songs that way. :) Some formative memories here: One / Two
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I sadly don't have screenshots of my oldest saves thanks to a combo of no external HD and no screenshot program, but here's one example:
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But gameplay-wise, a lot! My early years were probably based around creating stories more than actively playing, but when I did I would just emulate perfect families, attempt legacies, and restart BG hoods over and over. x)
Now I'm all about wants-based gameplay; witnessing and interpreting a story, as opposed to creating one from scratch. But I will add drama if I find my interest waning! x)
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Again, super-duper impossible to answer because everyone's CC makes the game fun, but my most recent CC shopping spree was Honeywell and HugeLunatic! :) 🛒
How long have you had Simblr? Technically 2011, officially 2013, but if we're being pedantic, I finally made a dedicated Simblr (this) in 2016. x)
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How do you edit your pictures? These days, just sharpen and shrink! CC previews aren't too complicated either- a blurred out screenshot for the BG and a shadow.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? Ooh… maybe Nightlife, by a smidgen? I feel like it gave us a lot of new features and items, and the subhood was nice (as a non-builder at the time!).
Tagging: @daman19942 @aondaneedles @eulaliasims @profesionalpartyguest @tvickiesims @and everyone else, I love reading these! :D
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darlingkirstein · 3 months
hiiii just wanna know what's your hc about em and jp love language:))
hi anon!! this is such a fun question, thanks for asking!! :)) this is for modern au because that’s the verse that i predominantly write!
— Eren Jaeger:
I think Eren sometimes struggles to voice his affection, so he loves expressing love through physical touch — he loves cuddling and holding hands and kissing Mikasa, especially since she sometimes struggles with words, too. There's nothing he likes more than slow dancing in the kitchen and keeping Mikasa close against his chest, and ending the night with their limbs tangled together as they cuddle is the best way to sleep, no need for any melatonin supplements.
He loves receiving touch from Mikasa as much as he loves giving it, feeling so loved — but spending quality time with her is also so important to Eren. He likes his other friends, but getting personal time with Mikasa relaxes him. Eren feels most loved when, while rambling about something random, like the quality of the latest horror film in theaters or an awkward encounter at work, Mikasa listens attentively. Eye contact is super important for Eren; looking into her eyes and sensing her genuine desire to spend time with him turns his cheeks red. The best is when Mikasa initiates plans to go out to a new restaurant or to the movies — where they'll obviously be holding hands the entire time.
— Mikasa Ackerman:
Quality time is the easiest way for Mikasa to be affectionate with Eren — she's a very good listener, and Eren loves to talk. Making sure Eren knows he’s being cared for and appreciated when they’re together is feels good for Mikasa. When they’re together, Mikasa’s phone is stashed, ignoring any notifications to ensure that not even a second of their time together is wasted. Though she wasn’t the biggest fan of touch before Eren, she’s learned to appreciate physical touch as well. It makes her happy to see how Eren lights up when her palms hold his cheeks between them or how he blushes when she kisses his forehead, so touch comes easy to Mikasa when they’re together.
She's an introvert, so she always asks to stay inside their apartment. The quiet apartment helps keep her calm, as crowds tend to make her uncomfortable — so sitting on the couch to rewatch her favorite movie for the hundredth time is her idea of a perfect date night. She’s also particularly fond of Eren’s compliments for her, especially when he gets flustered as they leave his mouth. Watching him learn to flirt and discover her favorite pet names makes her heart flutter; Eren’s voice is a great source of comfort for her — especially since they’re so often cuddling, so Eren feels comfortable being sappy when they’re close.
— Jean Kirstein:
Just like Eren, Jean thrives off physical touch — probably even more than Eren does. He’s obsessed with clinging to Pieck in all scenarios: cuddling in bed, hanging out with friends, riding public transportation, and every other chance they can have to be attached. Beyond that, Jean insists on doing whatever acts of service Pieck most benefit from around the apartment — taking care of her any need and doing any chore. Cooking is another way he expresses his love; he’ll make whatever dinner, lunch, or breakfast Pieck requests, something he learned from his mother. He’s the perfect househusband, and he’s almost obsessive with how attentive he is to Pieck’s needs, making sure she’s eating, showering, and as content as possible.
If expressing physical touch is nice, receiving it is damn near heavenly for him. Nothing feels better than Pieck’s fingers in his hair or her arms spooning him and cuddling. He becomes a big baby in Pieck’s grasp, unwilling to leave her arms when he’s in them. Being touched and caressed and kissed makes him feel unconditionally loved. It’s so important to him that he struggles to sleep unless he’s sleeping tangled up with her. Jean also needs words of affirmation — he’s an overthinker, more anxious than he’d like, but Pieck expertly reassures him. Receiving praise, comfort, and validation makes him feel better and more confident in himself.
— Pieck Finger:
Of course she loves kissing Jean and snuggling up to him. But Pieck’s strength tends to be her words, her ability to express herself eloquently. She loves boosting his confidence through compliments and praise, but teasing Jean is another way for her to show love — unconventional as it seems. She likes seeing the way he blushes when she’s playfully making fun of him for being such a baby around her. Her clever tongue expresses so much affection hidden behind jokes. Both Pieck and Jean love taking care of each other — being able to trust Jean and being able to repay him for his generosity makes it easy to express affection. She’s so loving when he drinks more than he can handle, taking care of him at his goofiest moments.
Pieck sometimes struggles to take care of herself. She doesn’t mean to forget to have breakfast, or to pack lunch for work, or any of the million tasks she has to remember. Thankfully, Jean remembers — and he goes above and beyond to make sure she’s okay. His dedication to acts of service eases her mental burden and makes it easier for her to devote more attention back onto Jean, so it’s a win for everyone. She struggles to admit how much she loves how he takes care of her — sometimes it’s a little embarrassing, but mostly, she can’t help but feel so appreciated and loved by Jean whenever he insists on doing the laundry or washing her hair.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 4
So a reminder, I made a post in the past about how i wanna do this story justice and make it a full fledged fic and not just the stream of consciousness it's been. So I think I'll be doing 2 more parts that hit major beats and after that I'll be outlining and eventually posting the actual full bodied fic. Anyways enjoy!
It was chaos, right up until the end. While Vecna had been on his last legs, cornered animals were always at their most dangerous. Rather than using his mind, which was being attacked by El, he used his actual hand to sink his claws into Steve and pull them over the cliff together. Every hit along the way hurt but Steve wasted no time, making sure his axe was swinging with every breath he was still taking.
When they landed on the ground below, Steve needed a moment to catch his breath. While Vecna broke his fall, it was still quite the descent. He heard two voices calling out his name when the claws that had released him during the plummet pierced him again. Steve let out a cry and plunged his axe into Vecna's chest furiously.
He heard El and Will calling out to him again and even felt the pull of trying to lift him up. But Vecna was still attached, and in his desperation trying to get into Steve's mind and break him.
"Get! Outta! My! Head!" Each word was a stab in the chest yet he didn't let go. El was tired. Will was tired. But they still needed to close the gate.
And for a shred of a moment, both Steve and Vecna's intentions combined.
"Go!", they both shouted together, the intensity of it propelling the two others back through the portal. Steve wanted to save them. Vecna wanted to get as far away as possible.
El barely had a moment to catch her breath on the other side before Eddie was on her.
"Where is he?! Where's Steve?!"
She felt as small as she had ever been and it took Nancy shaking Eddie to get him to back off. He looked so stricken El was sure she'd never forget it.
"Close it", he said through a sob.
"But Ste-", Dustin started.
El wasted no time then, sealing it all, hopefully for good this time.
Eddie remembered Steve's words, as everyone else collapsed around him as the gravity fell upon their shoulders.
"Don’t keep the gate open. Don’t open it again. Don’t come looking for me.”
Don't come looking for him. Well why would he need to look when he knew exactly where his husband was? In a hell world where everything was trying to kill you. So he's either lost an already dead husband or condemned him to a fate worse than death.
"I gotta get home", he said in the silence. Or maybe it wasn't silence. Someone was crying. Maybe two someones.
But he had a daughter to get home to. Lucy, who thought she'd be waking up in a world with two dads.
Eddie rubbed his face. "I gotta-", he cut himself off with a choked sound. "I gotta figure out how to tell Lucy."
"Eddie, you shouldn't be alone", Robin said, trying to put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Eddie shrugged it off. "I can't be around anyone right now. Just-just give me until tomorrow? Alright?"
He would have to tell Lucy then because he could never lie to her. And this was just too big to keep from her.
About three years later and he still finds himself struggling to tell the story. Because now it's not 'Your dad died as a noble hero' but 'One dad sacrificed the other dad'.
"So, you guys have been doing this since high school?", she asked once they were settling in the guest bed at the Byers-Hopper residence. Lucy definitely felt like she'd outgrown sleepovers with her dads, but Eddie wasn't letting her out of his sight tonight.
"Technically that was only my second time dealing with it. Your pops though, he was a regular veteran. We should've been getting discounts at the grocery store."
Despite the sad story, Lucy found herself smiling. "So, what now?"
"Now..." Eddie sighed. "Now we get him back. And we make that bastard pay."
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