#I wanna see a show about what happened in the other dimensions so bad
Wanna know why I don't like Peter B.?
Because when Gwen was actively forced into homelessness in front of him, he literally didn't help at all. And then it gets framed on JESS.
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Gwen asks for help. And Peter says this:
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Jess asks him to stop talking.
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And from this moment forward, Peter makes no effort whatsoever to help Gwen.
Mind you. This is AFTER Miles' escape. After the whole 'shocked Peter' gif. Peter knows Miguel is willing to get violent.
But that line is his only attempt to help.
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Even as he watches Gwen be fully restrained and physically forced into the machine. He stands there and watches.
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He doesn't try to web her. He doesn't try to stop the machine or talk to Miguel. He stands there in silence. Watching Gwen get sent home to a universe he knows she is homeless in.
And the movie just lets him. Despite the fact he's known Gwen longer than anybody in this room.
Instead, Jess is the only mentor at fault. We're told to blame her.
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During this scene we never pan to Peter, standing there literally motionless as Gwen gets dragged away. He's not panicking, or trying to talk Miguel out of it. We're just expected to absolve him of blame.
It's Jess' fault. Jess is her 'failed mentor' - despite the fact that Peter has known Gwen longer, is shown to have a better relationship with her, and we're given no reason as to why he wasn't her mentor to begin with.
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Jess says this, and we're supposed to judge her for it. While Peter said nothing at all. At most he made a joke and then shut up when he was told.
Jess might've believed she couldn't help Gwen - but what was Peter's excuse? Standing there and watching this happen? He doesn't feel the need to do anything, say anything, or even leave the room.
For him, watching this is fine. And Gwen NEVER confronts him about it.
We're not supposed to blame Peter for letting Miles and Gwen down, repeatedly.
Even when Gwen is being physically forced into homelessness in front of him.
We're told to blame the black woman when the white man who has known Gwen longer literally stands beside Jess motionless.
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Had Hobie not left Gwen the watch - We're left to assume that Peter would've just... let her be homeless in her dimension.
He watched her get sent home, said nothing, then went home to his wife and kid to ponder whether or not he was a bad mentor.
Not if Gwen was okay. Or whether he should go check on her????
That's NOT OKAY???!!!! THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!!!!! And this is the man we're supposed to be routing for? This, the dude who shows NO signs he was even gonna go and check on Gwen? The dude who lets child abuse go down in front of him TWICE and he just stands there blinking? That's our Peter Parker?
And I'm supposed to be thrilled to have him on the team??? Despite the fact Gwen had to come TO HIM. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND???? Gwen doesn't see a problem with that?????
I'm supposed to be happy he's here? Forreal???
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Oh joy. Thank you so much, Humbling Reality Spider-man. We love you.
I hate Peter B. ALL MY HOBIES HATE PETER B. (Not a typo)
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hkthatgffan · 1 month
Hey! You seem like a huge *Gravity Falls* fan, so I was hoping you could answer some of my biggest questions about morality in the show. Since the release of *The Book of Bill* (which I’ve read), do you think Bill could ever be redeemed or seen sympathetically? Is there a possibility for him to get better and maybe even have a happy ending?
I ask this because I see a lot of fans saying, "He's awful," or "He deserves everything coming to him a thousandfold," and "Don't sympathize with him!" But then I watch the show, and I see characters like Gideon Gleeful and Robbie who were also problematic—they did terrible things but still got happy endings.
I know Gideon went to jail, but he broke out and ultimately had a positive resolution. Robbie, for example, tried to brainwash Wendy into a romantic relationship (which is super messed up!). Even though it didn’t work, and Wendy only dated him because she thought he wrote her that song, Robbie knew what the CD was supposed to do. But instead of facing real consequences, he just went through a breakup and still ended up with a happy ending, with friends and a new girlfriend.
As for Gideon, he tried to kill Dipper, manipulate Mabel, and invade the entire town’s privacy—basically doing some of the same things Bill did. Yet, after going to jail and making a last-minute turn toward good, he still got a happy ending.
So I’m super confused. What should I be feeling? Is there a correct way to view these characters? What do you think?
Bill at his core is the personification of denial. We see in the book that the harbours some regret and hatred for what he's done to the people around him but he refuses to try and take it to heart and use it as a point to grow from. I mean, look at what he did.
He killed his entire dimension and family and yet tries to deny it was anything bad and that in fact he liberated them. He manipulated and almost destroyed Ford and yet denies ruining the friendship they had. He tried to kill Dipper and Mabel and yet acts like it was nothing. Bill is unsympathetic. He's a narcissistic sociopath who doesn't wanna admit it.
The difference with Robbie and Gideon is that they changed and grew past their issues. Robbie tbh was more so being a literal teen drama story while Gideon was made that way through his exposure to Journal 2 and how that corrupted him. Once both found a new lease on life, they were able to grow and become better.
Bill is not that. He cannot accept that he's not fine and that he's the sole survivor of his kind and has pushed everyone he knew out of his life through his own actions. We've all probably dealt with people like Bill Cipher. Be it a person, co-worker, significant other, friend, family member, etc. We've all had that person who acts full of themselves and manipulatively but in reality is suffering. But because of how they act and their refusal to do anything, you start to lose any sympathy or interest in helping or being there and just let them go. Congrats...you just escaped a toxic relationship.
As someone who has dealt with Bill Ciphers in my life like many of us probably have, it's easy to feel sympathy for him. Bill make his case out as such that you wanna feel like he deserves better. But he's a trillion year old being that has been doing the same thing over and over again and refuses to make an effort to move on and let himself accept what he did to his dimension and to people around him like Ford.
Ford on the other hand realized that and cut Bill out of his life. He's doing better now because of that and has his family by his side. Ford is an example of how to move on from such toxic situations and people and find happiness in your life again after that. Bill is the example of what happens if you can't.
Life is short. We all will die one day. We all deserve to lead a life free of people like Bill Cipher in it. The best thing we can do is follow Ford and find the people in life that make us happy and let go of Bill.
So, to answer your question, NO!
I don't think Bill Cipher can be redeemed or seen in a sympathetic way. He tried to. But he's shown even in the Theraprism that he can't. He's doomed to live forever with the shit he's done. And it's his own fault.
Bill can say he's fine but in the end...he's not. And he never will be. There is no redemption for Bill Cipher.
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x7mafiadetective7x · 4 months
analysis and excitement time!! tottmnt style! spoilers for the new trailer and me picking it apart 😋 ☆
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i’m not exactly trying to figure everything out, even though i have theories and lots of analysis in my noggin about the who, why, what, when, and where (especially in regards to their location when seperated.)
i’m mostly just going to cover: what the turtles are going through, what’s going on with the krang/Cynthia Utrom/Bishop, and any easter eggs or potential characters we see.
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let’s start off with Bishop! cuz oh my god, if they’re going to be the first opponent the turtles face, i can’t imagine the lead up to shredder.
im used to Bishop being a super climactic, build-up to the big bad thing that’s going to happen kinda character, so i’m kind of surprised to see them being used first. especially as an immediate villain!
the FIRST thing that catches my eye is the robot-cams on the turtles, presumably when they’re separated, and the big screen telling Bishop to ‘RETURN TO BASE’ — i have theories about their tie to Cynthia Utrom, but we know Bishop was a rebellious character against the utrom/krang throughout other gens so i don’t think it’s telling them to return to Utrom— unless they’ve freshly gone rogue to try to stop Cynthia’s plans (hence why they wanna get rid of mutants.)
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the robots Bishop uses remind me heavily of ROTTMNT.. especially that one on the left! we see more being possibly made to the right, and that kind of clues me into it being a factory of sorts.
we also see them take over the city moments after their reveal!
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the turtles look like they’re all back together and donned in robot parts. Raph is wearing a faux wrestler’s padding, Leo in some sort of samurai get-up, Donnie in a cyborg cosplay, and i’m not entirely sure what Mikey’s trying to look like, other than ‘i’m gonna beat your ass.’
this kind of reminds me of Shredder! maybe it’s just the metal, sharper weapons, and the way Raph’s holding his dual sai..
i don’t think we get enough turtles in armor at all. in 2012 we barely got to see their noir armor when fighting the shredder, and imo it was super hardcore!! so i’m happy to find that they’ve added this to TOTTMNT.
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time to analyze what is happening to our fave terrapins!!
what we know: they’ve all been transported to different locations/dimensions, they’ve been separated, and know that they can find each other.
let’s start with mikey’s situation, since we’re introduced to it from the beginning of the trailer via voice-over.
my idea is that he’s been transported somewhere in the future, and he’s with some scientist that knows them all by name— and gimmick. he tried to recreate a mutant, and that’s why we see a Pigeon Pete look alike.
besides that, he rags on Mikey for not having a ‘thing’ like his brothers while following him around. (people r always underestimating him — even in-show.. cannot catch a break i swear) i’m not sure if this rando has a destination, but it looks like Mikey does!!
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we also see Raph with the purple dragons, and a MOTORCYCLE!! i MISSED motorcycle Raph so bad.
He is also shown in a barn with two other characters in a seperate trailer, but I have no idea who those guys could be.
Raph seems less concerned with finding each brother unlike Donnie.
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Donnie opens up with a ‘I have to find my brothers, I have to save them!’ which is SUPER. cool TO ME. we got such little protective Donnie in other gens and i’m super excited to see his stress level rise in TOTTMNT.
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it looks like he’s forced to un-hack what Bishop’s done to New York’s devices (unsure if this is all devices, or just all important systems like train stations and billboards/adverts.)
ALL while there’s robots after him. UGH. i can’t wait to write major angst about this kid.
unfortunately, for me at least, we see the least of Leonardo.
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what we DO see of him is mostly combat, and quips. i’m super humored by the failed confidence which is a super different from most Leo’s!! (2012 Leo hero-quipping because he wants to be one, Rise Leo passing the charisma check 24/7, and 2003 Leo not really giving af as much so he just sounds dorky and cool whenever.) he looks like he’s fighting multiple robots in different areas, unlike Donnie who we only see in a train station, and Raph we see fighting multiple things (people and robots.)
i hope he gets to have as many badass moments as Donnie and Raph seem to have, because i’m afraid of him turning into ‘generic leader personality’ SO BAD. i dont think he will, but i’m not ready for him to be pushed aside during fights like how Mikey and Donnie was in 2012 at first, just so he can be the main star in relationship issues and stuff.. BUT i do think we will get a huge chunk of ‘i can’t do this without my brothers’ angst!!
we also get a glimpse of April and Leo interaction which i was the MOST scared of!! it looks like it takes place in a different episode than the Bishop one, along with the trailer where they’re all in halloween costumes (or party costumes???)
i cannot wait for this little party mix up. it’s super teenagery sounding and i always wanted more teenage, slice of life-ish (i don’t think we will ever get a filler without some slicing and dicing) episodes in tmnt!!
anyways. thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far! tottmnt seems a bit more childish than past gens but i’m sorta excited for it!! august 9th here we come ^_^
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triz-costa · 4 months
Young Royals Fic Recs II
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Strings Attached by kuramasgirl17 (Chapters 18/18) (Canon Rewrite) (Part 1)
Duty versus love. Head versus heart. There have always been two parts to Prince Wilhelm: Wilhelm, the prince he was born as, and Wille, the normal boy he wants to be. Then he meets Simon, and suddenly, everything changes. Wille changes. So, he invites Simon to spend Parent’s Weekend with him at Hillerska, beginning a relationship that tests the boundaries of what it means to keep both parts of himself separate. But, when stakes become higher, and their feelings become stronger, can Wille reconcile the two parts of himself without losing Simon? - - - OR, a canon rewrite where Erik lives, beginning just before Parent’s Weekend, covering S1-2.
Tethered by kuramasgirl17 (Chapters 18/18) (Canon Rewrite) (Part 2)
Everyone has a choice. Or, that was at least what Simon believed before he met Wilhelm. Wilhelm should represent everything he detests – the monarchy, title, unearned wealth and privilege. But then Simon meets him, and he finds just how wrong his assumptions were. As he gets to know Wille, who’s just an awkward, endearing boy, Simon just. can’t. stay. away. So, when Wille invites Simon to spend the weekend with him, Simon learns there is one thing you can’t choose: who you love. But, as feelings grow in secret and promises can’t be made, is love truly enough to conquer all? - - - OR, Simon’s POV of the companion story, Strings Attached.
All the people are fake (young royals one-shots) by allofthestarz/@allthefakepeople (Chapters 13/?)
A selection of Young Royals one-shots based on tumblr ask prompts
Like the Open Highway by Ripki (Post S3)
“I’m keeping you,” Simon murmurs, grazing his teeth over Wille’s ear, “I’m keeping you forever.” In the immediate aftermath of the season finale, as they drive away from Hillerska, Simon is utterly, hopelessly in love.
Sorry about the blood in your mouth (I wish it was mine) by witchjeons
In the aftermath of the video, Simon falls apart. Wilhelm is there to put him back together.
The neon lights on your face and your body on mine by andycreations
What if the first episode ended a little differently and not so cliff-hanger-like? - There was a slightly glistening outline of his palm across half of Simon’s face as sweat collected around the digits of his fingers. Simon licked his lips in a sinful way, tasting the saltiness of the sweaty layer on his tongue, noticing how Wille’s gaze fell down on his lips. Goodness, so he noticed. -
Kiss me like you wanna be loved by Skamtrash (Erik lives)
Simon and Erik unexpectedly meet + Wille and Erik talk about Simon + the boys can't keep their hands off each other after dinner with Erik
We should escape for the night by Piebingo/@piebingo
By the end of the practice, he is confident that he will get into the choir, thus securing a place at Hillerska with Sara. The teacher dismisses them and motions for Simon to come and see her. As he makes his way to her, the girl who had been eyeing him earlier lets out a squeal. “Prince Wilhelm will transfer here next week!” She says, effectively creating chaos in the room. *** Simon and Sara transfer to Hillerska the same day Prince Wilhelm does. What happens when Wilhelm and Simon have their initiation at the same time?
Young Royals Watch the Show by emwrites19 (Chapters 4/8)
The morning following Wilhelm's whole... face butting a person on camera situation, his mother, father, and brother all are snatched up by a time-twisting, dimension-traveling girl who goes by the name Adahlia. She reveals to them that she's brought them all together to watch Wille's, and subsequently their own, future! AKA: A reaction fic where Erik is besties with Simon AS HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN, Kristina exists, and Erik doesn't die - or does he? - though he does feel extreme guilt for dying.
Rewinding Young Royals by At_the_Gates (Chapters 8/?)
Wilhelm had already been having a bad week. His black eye still stung from the fight at the club, and soon, he'd be attending Hillerska Boarding School for three fuckin' years. So, when he is seemingly kidnapped by crazy people who want him to watch 12 episodes about his future, it would make sense for his week to plunge from bad to awful. Except, there's something intriguing about the curly-haired boy that's supposed to watch the episodes with him.
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youroomwasquare · 10 months
Hey just wanna pop into your inbox and say: I think your analysis for Marcy really understands the core of Amphibia's theme (change) and the basis of Marcy's arc. I could nitpick with small details I don't agree with (saying that Marcy doesn't have confidence issues (Marcy tends to overcompensate thus coming off as confident but really they're a scared kid) or Marcy doesn't have control issues (Marcy has control issues in the sense that they did feel the need to drag their friends into another dimension (those these control issues do mostly come from a lack of agency in Marcy's life)) but honestly the core of the analysis is spot on. You entirely understood exactly why Marcy's arc went like it did! And I really liked you pointing out in your response to an ask about it that escapism is not inherently bad rather how much we let it take over our life is when it becomes an issue!
It was really refreshing to see someone take a look at the end of Amphibia, and realize that it really did do Marcy justice and personally I feel that it does justice to people who have those same issues in life AS Marcy. Showing us that change will happen showing us that we will never be alone even if there is physical distance even if our relationships change even if things change that doesn't mean that life is over. The end of Amphibia I feel like a is a love letter to the fact that life is not stagnant, change is not an ending it's just a new chapter. And we see Marcy after the time skip have that agency in a world that isn't Amphibia by Marcy CHOOSING what they want to do in life. Hell we see that set up for that agency when Marcy rejects the CORE. Marcy finds healthy coping mechanisms Marcy finds a way to indulge in fantasy that isn't being consumed (or assimilated). It's something that's so wholly them how can you possibly be upset that that's what they did with their life! It's looking kids like Marcy in the eyes and saying "things get better. Throwing your life into fantasy will not save you from change but that does not mean you are doomed."
Marcy's sort of "unfinished arc" is a beautiful love letter to growing up. Just like how Anne and Sasha's arcs are love letters to growing up in their own ways.
I just wanted to say thank you for such a refreshing take :]
this is so 🥺🥺. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I read your message and was on cloud nine the entire rest of the day, this message warmed my heart SO MUCH. aaaa I cannot thank you enough for connecting with it and sending such a lovely piece of writing in response :,) looking back on my analysis, I do agree that some of my points were a bit off ahaha. especially the point I made where marcy was 100% self confident in herself.. oof. during her stay in amphibia, while marcy DID grow into herself, and was truly able to see the extent of her skills and knowledge, she still had a ways to go when it came to other aspects outside of her intelligence. and you brought up a very good point, in that marcy does tend to overcompensate in order to be well liked!! but I've never even thought of the idea that marcy could have control issues. and I love this point!! you're SO right-- marcy had a lack of control when it came to what she truly wanted, so sending them to amphibia was her way of trying to gain back control & not feel extremely helpless. agh, I love how all the girl's issues seem to bleed into one another. I'll definitely think more about this, thank you for the amphibia brain food :) your whole last paragraph, yes, this, exactly. marcy's journey IS a love letter to all those like her-- kids who are (or have been) terrified of all the change that comes with growing up. kids who retreat back into their safe spaces-- the things they've known their entire lives-- for comfort amidst all the turbulent times. kids who will eventually learn, through one way or another, that change will always be present. but that it doesn't have to be a bad thing!! "even if things change that doesn't mean that life is over"-- this, to me, perfectly encapsulates the entire message of amphibia. the epilogue showed that life goes on. amphibia healed-- the amphibians healed, grew into themselves, and finally got the chance to live the lives they wanted to. amphibia honored the impact the girls made on them, and mourned their absence (and still mourn in some ways). but they still kept living. and they still carry all the memories, experiences, lessons, and love as well. the girls continued to live as well-- and they still honor amphibia in their own ways. we see it so much in the epilogue!! to me, it shows that nothing truly ends-- even worlds apart, they all still live on and still continue to love and still let new people in, and are able to let them go if needed. because of that experience they all shared together-- they all still trickle into every friendship, relationship, and connection the others have.
the girls learned through their experiences in amphibia that change IS scary. and that it's okay to acknowledge that. and that there are so many people going through the same thing as them. and in that way, they will always have a connection. the girls are not connected forever because of their experiences in amphibia-- amphibia ended. what they are connected by though, is the fact that they will always have a place in each other's lives. and the love that radiates out of all of them-- for each other, and for their friendship as a whole.
"The end of Amphibia I feel like a is a love letter to the fact that life is not stagnant, change is not an ending it's just a new chapter"-- I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THIS!! and it's actually how I view the marcy from the end of the show. one of the beauties of marcy's unfinished arc is that marcy now has all of the time in the world to choose who she wants to be and what she wants to do with her life. she has so many lessons to learn, people to meet, tears (both happy and sad) to shed, smiles to make and love to share. amphibia may have ended, but for marcy-- it's a whole new beginning. the possibilities are so endless.. and that's such a good feeling!!
growing up is hard to do. we see that all the time in media, reflected in our own experiences of growing up. I'm so happy the calamity trio exists. I relate to them so much already-- I cannot wait to see the ways I'll continue to relate to them as I keep growing.
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princeescaluswords · 5 months
I've been thinking about Munroe and wondering what about season 6 could have been different if her supernatural trauma was related to the nogitsune and the oni instead like in the hospital attack. I think it would be make her hatred of the pack a bit more compelling because they, especially Scott, actually did choose to save and protect Stiles regardless of the danger to other people and they could do something interesting with Scott and Stiles' guilt over it all. I also feel like it would be more believable for her to have supporters if they were other survivors who saw what they thought was the sheriff's son do something terrible and then have it completely covered up.
Do you think that's something that would have worked? How do you think it would have played out?
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I think that your musings are inadvertently neglecting a very key part of Tamora Monroe's story. Unless I am mistaken (and feel free to correct me if I am) you're arguing that if her trauma had been directly connected to something the pack chose to do rather than something that they failed to stop, it would have made more of an impact. I agree that it would have certainly made her hostility toward the pack more personal.
However, I consider the fact that it wasn't due to a specific decision is vitally important dimension to her story. As usual, I'm going to preface my remarks by making it clear that Monroe is a villain, and my exploration of her motivations should not be taken as approval of her actions in any way.
To me, the central premise to Tamora Monroe's story isn't that she experienced trauma. A lot of people in the show experienced trauma and reacted to it in ways both good and bad. No, Monroe's fury arises from the way the main characters reacted to her trauma. She may have completely recovered from the damage the Beast did to her. She may have mourned the friends she lost on that school bus. What she can't accept is how unimportant the reaction made her seem. Something terrible happened to her but it was a side effect, a background detail to a trap made by a monster for others she saw as monsters.
In a bit of clever meta-narrative (with a bit of clear social commentary thrown in), Monroe existed as a minor victim, an extra designed, as T. S. Eliot put it, "to swell a scene or two." Her words to Corey in Said the Spider to the Fly (6x11) establish not only things about Corey's character but also hers.
Tamora: Look, I understand the need to keep up, to be recognized or noticed. Everybody feels invisible sometimes.
What Monroe went through wasn't given any importance. The bodies in the school bus were bait and afterwards, they were carted away never to be mentioned or dealt with again. If she hadn't survived, no one would have given her a second thought.
But she did survive, and even though she did, she still wasn't given enough importance -- enough value -- to be told what really happened to her. She figured it out on her own, and that is where her anger comes from. Her life didn't matter. That type of dismissal can be enraging, and she takes out that rage on those who she sees as acting that way in Raw Talent (6x12).
Monroe: I'm sorry. I should've told you. It's wolfsbane.
When I first heard that line, I was confused. Why would she say that to a werewolf she was hunting? However, it's clear on reflection that this line speaks directly to her motivation. Wolfsbane is dangerous to werewolves, so she should have told Brett that there was wolfsbane in the lacrosse ball, just as the Beast was dangerous to her, and she should have been told about the Beast. She is claiming an eye for an eye.
Her speech to the Sheriff in Werewolves of London (6x17) is also worth analyzing.
Monroe: Understand each other. Do you wanna know what I understand, Sheriff? Do you wanna know what I see in your little show and tell?
She speaks passionately because this is what should have happened way back after she survived the Beast. She should have been allowed to understand what was happening. She should have been listened to, but she didn't have any power. Only now, when she has power, are the people responsible willing to talk. She'll say that exact thing to Scott in After Images (6x13). Now that they're listening, she's going to do the talking.
Monroe: I see a sheriff unable to control the violence in his own county. A county he's sworn to protect. I see the same sheriff in way over his head. And not ready to believe the truth that's been staring him in the face for years.
It's clear that she thought she feels that people like the Sheriff were operating under false premises. They were supposed to keep the monsters away from people who couldn't protect themselves.
Monroe: I was told I was the victim of a wild animal attack. A bear. I was lied to. You lied to protect them over us.
The attack itself doesn't matter as much as the disregard. She was treated as a second-class citizen as opposed to monsters who can heal from stab wounds in a matter of minutes and grow claws and fangs at will. She was made to feel invisible, powerless, and unimportant.
Until she wasn't. Until she had enough power and enough followers to make them treat her differently.
So, what pushed her into become the woman who callously ordered Edgar the Werecoyote disposed of as trash? Well, she wouldn't be the first woman in Teen Wolf manipulated and used by a particularly selfish man to further his own ends.
Gerard: Someone who has been doing this a lot longer than you, but also someone who recognizes raw talent when he sees it.
Gerard had obviously been studying Monroe and figured out what I argue up above. It's not the wounds, it's the lies. It's the ignorance. Notice how many times during Season 6B Gerard emphasizes Monroe's importance or emphasizes how much she needs to learn, or emphasizes that this is what happens when the supernatural is unchecked. He's honed in on her psychology and uses her as a tactical advantage, one he's more than willing to discard once she's outlived her usefulness. Just as he did with Kate. Just as he did with Allison back in Season 2. It's the same thing -- take their feelings and twist them into action.
Monroe fit into Teen Wolf perfectly.
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ikamigami · 5 months
I wanna hear your rant. It's okay to let it out.
Thank you, dear anon 💗
I think that situation with Sun is more complicated than what I said in response to that post about how protagonists are acting awfully, no better than villains..
I don't know how many of my posts about Sun did you see but Sun was laughing at villains, yes but he did that mostly in reaction videos and I don't even remember him mocking villains mental state.. or anything like that..
Sun has every right to express his disdain for Eclipse and BM and I don't like how people often act like he doesn't or it's okay with Lunar or it's apparently okay for Eclipse to mocks Solar's death..
Whenever Sun called Eclipse insane it wasn't in a mocking manner.. he didn't want to listen to Eclipse, understandably and he also didn't want Moon to talk to Eclipse and be angry..
Moon's anger was even more of a reason why Sun tried to dismiss Eclipse's words by calling him insane than that he didn't want to listen to Eclipse because Sun is scared of Moon's anger.. Again very understandably..
I know that people can and have right to be upset at Sun for saying to Eclipse that he should kill himself.. That wasn't okay for Sun to say.. But Sun's anger is understandable..
But I think that there's more to that because for me Sun didn't sound angry in a "I'm fed up with you and your shit, get lost" type of way.. for me Sun sounded tired.. And I think that what he told Eclipse was sitting in him for quite some time and he was holding it all in himself..
Someone could say that "but Sun already said his piece of mind to Eclipse when he told him that he has nothing etc" which is true.. but here's the thing.. I think that Sun's words weren't meant for Eclipse.. he was talking about himself..
I know that it probably sounds ridiculous but I'm truly convinced that Sun has a hard time to differentiate between Eclipse that we see and the Eclipse he hears and sees in his head (the voice in his head)..
Also I think that Sun puts a tough guy persona act in front of some characters such as Eclipse.. just like Earth said about Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus when she reacted to it with Sun.. Earth said that Jax still cares but he puts a tough guy persona act so he wouldn't get hurt by all this madness..
And because we can see that Sun cares and can't stop caring and that he suffers because of this.. I think that he decided to put a tough guy persona act so he could pretend that he can't be hurt anymore by people like Eclipse for example.. and even more so because he doesn't want to show that he's hurt..
I think that Sun more than anything else tries to convince himself, even more than other characters such as Eclipse, that he isn't good because he believes himself to be evil..
Or that's what I think it is..
I think that Sun's dream proves that he sees that Eclipse is different and that he believes that not only Eclipse but also BM and even Creator can change..
His traumatised mind shows his desire to see them turning good and apologizing for their wrongdoings and to be the part of his family..
Yes, even Creator because remember how Sun didn't told Moon that Creator was in their house and called himself a grandpapa to Sun's cats.. I think that it struck Sun right through his heart (in positive sense, I mean)..
Though when Sun woke up from his dream he quickly dismissed it and wanted to forget about it.. and I think that's because he tries to deny his own kind nature..
But why, you may ask.. I think that Sun is doing this because like I said he tries to convince himself that he's bad..
I think that what Sun told Earth at second therapy session is a proof that he believes himself to be evil or at least that he's a cause of everything bad that happened to his family..
Because remember that Sun said that he sometimes wonders if it'd be better if Moon and him never separated? It's a callback to the episode where Sun went to a dimension where they didn't separate and Moon killed him there.. This heavily implies that Sun thinks that it'd be better if he was dead.. Because what he later told Earth? That if they didn't separate most of these things could've been avoided - these things which are their problems.. which again with known context heavily implies that if Sun was dead none of this would've happened.. They wouldn't have that many problems if he died in the right moment..
Even his response to Earth saying that it's beneficial that Sun is independent individual tells us that Sun doesn't agree with it.. His only response was "yeah.. yeah.." But it sounded almost as if Sun was sceptical about it but because he didn't want to argue with Earth he just resignedly agreed.. because what could he possibly tell her?
That's why he says things like I want them dead - about Eclipse and BM and Creator.. to convince himself that he's bad..
And his dream tells us what he really wants but he denies all of this for himself.. because he isn't good.. Just like hallucination of Old Moon told him that he's no different than him, that he's just like him which means that Sun thinks like that about himself because it's all in his head..
I also think that Sun could possibly laugh at villains and say some things to not oppose Moon because like I said he's scared of Moon's anger.. he's scared of causing Moon to be angry..
I don't like when people lump Sun with characters like Moon or Monty who treats villains harshly and mock their mental state.. because Sun isn't like that.. we never saw him acting like that..
I'm glad that Eclipse understood why Sun was angry and that he let him let it all out.. He didn't even interrupt when Sun was talking.. And he didn't sound as mocking as he's when he talks to Moon..
Even his remarks didn't had as much bite to them as they usually had when he was talking to Sun.. You can call me crazy but I think that Eclipse cares about Sun but he has a hard time to show him this side of himself, understandably..
I wish that some fans could also understand Sun more just like Eclipse did..
I think that's all that I wanted to say.. I hope this response satisfy you, dear anon ^^
If not, go ahead and ask me more questions :)
And I hope that I didn't do too many mistakes and that what I said isn't confusing.. QwQ
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aritany · 8 months
Do you have any pets? If yes, can we see pictures? If no, what kind of pet do you want, if any, and what would you name them?
Also, what are your top 5: Books by other people, songs, movies, and tv shows?
Also, what's the most important or best piece of feedback you've ever gotten on your writing? The one that's stuck with you the most. (From tumblr, an ARC review, a publisher, a friend, your partner, anything!)
(I know that's a lot. Feel free to skip some of that if you don't wanna answer it all.)
Congrats on publishing dgdss!!! I'm thrilled to have followed you for as long as I have (a year-ish??), and I can't wait to continue to follow your publishing adventures! (also, thanks for the commission of my boy Rook, ages ago! <3)
~ Morri (@memento-morri-writes)
ahh hello @memento-morri-writes!
i do have a pet! (technically, she's not Mine per se, but she lives in my house and shreds my furniture, so i take tax where it feels appropriate. here she is in all her slutty, slutty glory
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THE DREAM THIEVES - maggie stiefvater
BELOVED - toni morrison
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS - ayokay (ft nightly)
WITH YOU - dotan
EYES WIDE - alfie jukes (yes it came out yesterday nobody talk to me)
i'm not a huge screen media viewer so this is just a collection of movies and shows i've seen and enjoyed semi-recently
STARDUST (this gets a permanent #1 spot though)
THE GOOD PLACE (this also gets a permanent #1 spot)
as for advice i've gotten, i think the most impactful advice i've ever gotten actually came from my agent. after the edits for DGDSS i'd really let that feedback impact my writing in a way that was not helpful. in initial edits for dead girls, my prose was stripped of anything descriptive and reduced basically to plot beats and stock actions. i still have some screenshots of what happened to my prologue before i realized nobody was advocating for me and that i'd have to do it myself - PM me if you want to see those.
anyway, i edited my second novel (the one we have on sub right now) to match the general direction i'd gotten during edits, handed it in to my agent, and she went heyyyyyy bestie this is bad. and she was actually very correct. and i realized i was going to have to re-configure my voice and find the space felt like mine in prose. and i do believe i've done that now, and i would have just continued on sulking and writing stilted, awkward prose indefinitely if she hadn't given me the little kick in the butt.
anyway, thank you morri! i'm so glad you're here, and i can't wait to tell you all about the next exciting thing (very soon). :)
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xprojectrpg · 5 months
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Moment of Awesome - Sam Guthrie/Cannonball:After a shaky start, Sam gets a job interview for X-Factor Investigations. In the kitchen.
"You should talk to Jean or David, when he wakes up," he advised. "You've clearly been through a lot, and I'm sure you want to keep your privacy around telepaths like me. They're good at teaching people to shield their minds from psychics."
"Oh shit," Sam hissed. "Sorry, sorry- I took a shielding class at Muir but I was hardly around a telepath so practicing was.... a bit tricky..."
Sam closed his eyes and took a deep breath, mumbling a barely audible, "there goes your shot at that job Sammy," before turning to look at Quentin, nothing but pure concern on his face. "Are you alright? I didn't- I'm sorry. I'll work on it."
Quentin released his white-knuckle grip on the counter and stood up to stretch out the fresh crick in his neck and soreness in his arms and legs. "Don't shit yourself, it takes more than a little residual trauma to turn me off. I'd never get off if that were the case," he quipped as he did an overhead triceps stretch, keenly aware of how much he was revealing in a crop top. Shifting the balance of dominance back in his favor, as he preferred it. "Why do you want to work for X-Factor, anyway?"
"Savin' the day from a big monster is fine and all I guess, and I'm sure there's folks that love goin' around saving dimensions an' doin' big ol' trips to go help the world... but my hometown had folks come in every summer to help us and people tryin' to stop us from getting worse and natural disasters that brought in folks to put us back together and that's not what I'm interested in doin'. I was part of that rigamarole my whole life. The folks I always admired? They were the ones who put in the work in the community- the ones who helped take care of things, handled situations when they happened, and then tried to make sure they didn't happen again." Sam sighed. "Daddy always told me that you didn't fix a problem just cause you stopped it from getting worse, that you had to tackle the problem too, ya had to learn about it and take steps to make sure it didn't happen again. I reckon that's what y'all're best at. Y'all catch the bad guy and then help to make folks less vulnerable to the next one. That's the kind of work I wanna do."
Sam rolled his shoulders back and offered Quentin an awkward smile when it made the burn scar on his arm show from the sleeve of his t-shirt. "You can't individualize a systemic issue, but you can help individuals that're trapped in systemic issues. It's work worth doin' and I wanna be involved in it."
The telepath stopped mid-stretch, frozen as he processed Sam's words, then lowered his arms and sat back down. "That's very astute. I might steal that and claim it as my own," Quentin teased. "Do you have any experience with private investigating? Or criminology or the law?"
“I graduated high school early to illegally work in a coal mine to support my eight younger siblings.” Sam replied, shaking his head. “That’s about the only thing I’ve got experience with aside from bartending but I was heavily involved in the union. Worked with the secretary of our chapter and did a lot of the clerical work and pourin’ over labor law……..What I don’t know I’ll learn. Take any course available to me and work twice as hard as a pair of Percheron mules. I ain’t in the habit of lettin folks down.”
Quentin smirked, amused and encouraged by Sam's eagerness. "Sis, chill. I was younger than you and had far less experience doing anything besides being a whiny bitch when I started, and now I'm running things. Which is crazy to think about, but anything's possible when other people are footing your bills and you're psychic. So I guess what I'm saying is, let's see what you got."
"T' clarify-" Sam said, slowly, "does that mean I'm in?"
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moirastuff · 2 years
Yo! Could i request Sidon and/or (you choose!) Link with a gen z human reader who ended up in their world for some reason? The reader is literally the embodiment of chaos and does stupid shit 24/7, quotes memes and vines and stuff.
I just wanna see them confused why this generation wants to ⚰️🤪 so bad GAJAGAKAGAJAH.
Yoo I'm alive :D I really don't have an excuse, only writer's block ig
Also, I learned how to put the read more thingy, why nobody told me about that?????
Oh yeah the hcs,
Both is good
Sidon and Link dealing with a Gen Z
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He just kinda saw you walking around the Zora region and took you in, kinda surprised on how you even survived
This actual himbo of a Zora doesn't understand a single thing you're saying
He's such a gentleman, but your way of talking just immediately confuses him
But sometimes you just,“Where... Am I again?”
“the Zora region” and you looked even more confused, something that took Sidon off guard, like, alright it's fine that the Zora region right now sucks but it's not unknown, the hole city shines in the night
He was so confused on how you looked so puzzled over this
You just had to tell him, because if you didn't, he'll just think you're crazy
Of course, you told him that you're just from another dimension, the guy already has some kind of depression, we don't need him to have an existential crisis, at least one that'll just shut him down
He takes his sweet time to process and will help you to go back home
Of course, this won't be easy, you have to stay in the domain
And everyone thinks that you're a Hylian, and you know what? I think that's better for now
If you even try to talk to the elderly Zora, you will get insulted
Of course, you ain't scared of some crusty ass fish
You'll have a full discussion with anyone that'll try to insult you and won't hesitate to throw hands
Oh but "go and buy fish from the store to eat.... Yeah not happening, instant freeze, no way you're doing it
Look at the good side, you're good friends with some of the younger Zora
You actually manage to become friends with Sidon, he likes your energy... Still confused about what are you talking about, but he tries
Of course, he's the prince, he grow up in a environment that requires him to be really polite, he learned manners, everything he has to know about any other Kingdom and everything about rich people blah blah
But you are a barely middle class and to be honest, for the Zora, you might as well be poor asf gremlin child that has let loose with no supervision
Of course, he's more than nervous every single time you talk with King Dorephan, he's sweating i don't think the Zora can sweat, but you get it
You might fuck up, but you know, he might brush it off as “just young people stuff”
I swear, you get injured so easily that he wishes that he had healing powers just like his big sister
Even for dumb stuff and without you realizing it!
You will be fucking bleeding and Sidon will be like “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!!!”
“nothin' don't worry about it, i had worst”
You seem to be attracted to absurd stuff... Or that's how he calls it
It's been time he has tried to show you some Zora stuff, your either mumble “fucking rich people....” or say “sheeesh this is worth a department on New York or almost a house”
“Your houses are quite big isn't? You could buy some with this I believe”
“Some of them are, but other that are smaller? They're just fucking expensive”
“..... How do you even live?”
“I have no fucking clue”
The rain still continues, Link is taking his sweet fucking time...
“Please don't, you don't even know how to hold a bow properly”
“What are you doing?”
You go outside and look straight to the sky
“STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS!” and almost immediately a lighting strikes somewhere close to you
So close in fact your soul almost leaves your body, Sidon sees all of this and thinks you're in fact, cursed
“..... See? You don't have the-”
“Alright it's enough, whatever you made angry you have to stop”
This himbo is now you're babysitter, no, you cannot change my mind
Also, you, of course, don't like Muzu and he doesn't like you
And every time, every time, you'll get in a heated argument on each other's perspectives, he'll call you brat with no manner's and you'll say to him any kind of insult you can think on the moment
“You're a merely a bratty child that their parents have no care to teach you even the simplest of things, or perhaps you were just unable to understand them”
Even if they turned out so random that everyone doesn't even know if you two are fighting, only can guess because of the screaming
Sidon had to break out the argument and take you somewhere else, not before he reprimanded Muzu for his attitude with a guest
No, you're not getting away, he also semi lectures you, he can't help but to laugh every time he has to repeat your insults
The moment Link arrives to the Zora domain, Sidon is ecstatic, Link is very confused on what the fuck is happening, but you know, happy to help. Sidon tries to explain to the best of his capacity to Link your situation, after what felt hours of Sidon trying to say the right word, Link seemed so unamused and that just confused Sidon even more.... You know what? You're now under Link's care..... “What”
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After that, you try your best to get to know Link, what he likes and dislikes, what is he interested in, etc
Making friends is not your forte but you quite get along with Link
Normally, Link before the calamity is a quiet, put-together young guy, preferring to not show any emotions whatsoever
But after the calamity and the whole memory loss??
He's a chaotic mother fucker
Well, mostly he is quite put together when he talks to people, but when adventuring
You can see him killing time like killing a lot of octorok, getting the balloons and just sending something flying
Or infiltrate bokoblin's camps using nothing but a mask
Or just cooking amounts of food that you could serve in pre-calamity castle town and everyone could have a plate and they'll be some food left
Basically, he gets weird everytime he's bored
After you leave the Zora region, he asked you if you could fight
“I only know how to grab properly a sword"
“great, let's start from there”
He tries to train you
Good news, you can hold your own against some bokoblins
Bad news, you still suck, because your limit is like three normal bokoblins and Link helped with one
You most definitely weren't born to be doing this much exercise, and you absolutely haven't done this much in your whole life
It's that or you know everything about how to use a sword, a bow, everything because... You can get so invested with stuff
Good for you, but I'm projecting so f*ck you/j (not the projecting part tho, I swear I can be athletic... I just need a little bit)
Actually, there was once this time that you Link was trying to figure out where to go, you saw some bokoblins and decided that, somehow, it was a good idea to go and attack them
“Why did you do that?! You could have died!”
“That's the point!”
“WHAT EVEN IS /J?!?!!”
After that uncomfortable situation, you proceeded to explain what it meant and all of the tags
He was, to say the least, very confused and it took him a whole day to understand
There was this one time when you went to Kakariko, Link was trying to talk some matters with Impa
But your little gremlin brain decided that it was a great idea to grab a cucco and just do a parade with them
The cucco was not happy, at all
And when Link found out he was.... How do I explain this?
Confused, amused and a lot of stuff more but he was not surprised
He really doesn't know what to do with you, but he does find it kinda fun
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sonikkublue · 1 year
Sorry if I’m spamming your au itches my brain so much so I’m just gonna put a few questions into one ask!
How would Mr H react if someone like killed tails or at least seriously hurt him to the point he was unconscious? (I wanna do an angsty drawing of them so bad)
What is team chaotix doing in this au? Are they working with knuckles or something? Like if knuckles is a private detective they work other smaller cases as a team while knuckles takes on bigger ones ect.
What’s eggmans deal in this au? Like is he like a rival Mafia Boss or something who’s trying to take him down?
Do Blaze and silver exist in this au? cause the whole being from the future and an alternate dimension thing, or are they just regular people in the same dimension instead?
Do like tails parents know that he’s been taken in my a mafia boss or do they not know and don’t care? Even if they did I doubt sonic would let them take his son
In that one comic where Mr H gets tails to shoot the guy their interrogating is that the first time tails shot someone or did it happen before? And when did Mr H decide that his son needed to know how to shoot someone?
Is tails just desensitised to violence after being surrounded by it for so long or is he a little nervous around violent things/people?
Sorry for the spam I’m just rly curious about this au cause I love it sm, your AU is really cool and so is your art!! Keep up the amazing work man cause I genuinely adore what you do!
Hey dw!! I love answering ppls questions, especially urs!! No need to apologize👍 I rly appreciate ur love for my au, it rly does make me happy!! tyvm!!!
Now let's see...
That, I want ppl to see thru illustration. I have better experience showing ppl than explaining it to them hehe but go wild with what you see happening!! I would love to see what u come up with >:)
Actually I've been thinkin abt that tbh. I have a couple ideas, but idk who I can approve of them with since it's just me workin on this LMAO I'll come to a conclusion at some point >:) But for now, let's just say that that Chaotix are like Knuckles' deputies to the sheriff- but Knuckles mostly takes bigger cases, and cases itself alone... meanwhile the Chaotix takes smaller ones
Yes, Robotnik is in fact a rival to Mr. H!! thru business tho, nothing more. Eggman goes by "Robotnik" in this au (thinking of changing his name cuz who knows) but Eggman is used as a little insult from Mr. H, but "Eggman" isn't taken in by Robotnik, since he wants to be respected
I've been thinkin abt something for Blaze, but idk abt Silver tho. I haven't been doin much thinkin on them tbh
I've already settled with a plan for Tails' parents, so you'll have to wait and see >:)
I actually don't wanna consider that one 'canon' more like a shitpost sort of thing- but then again I can use that as an excuse for Mr. H teaching his son how to use a weapon for protection, by letting him shoot his debtors by using them as dummies LMAO
Mr. H actually keeps Tails away from violence and stuff. Cuz if it's one thing that Mr. H wants for his kid, is a childhood. He knows that littlest things of violence, or wrong choice of words can stick with a child, and form as a way of mental/verbal trauma. So Mr. H tries his best to keep his son away from that stuff. Mr. H actually covers this said violent stuff up, by explaining it in a much more 'friendly' way, and silly too. Makin it fun for the kid, yaknow?
Also tysm, i rly appreciate ur love for my au!! Again, no need to apologize!! I love getting and answering questions, and if u have anymore, just lemme know!!👍
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
👋 ^_^
So, since I can ask you any questions, here’s mine! ^^
Who is your favourite & least favourite character from:
Video Game
And why? ^^
OMT!Mina: Looks like we got our first question! Considering how obscure our stories seem to be compared to most, I'm honestly quite surprised.
CU!Sonic: Okay, let's see... @btnfstudios asks "Who is your favourite & least favourite character from cartoons, anime, video games, comics, etc., and why?"
OMT!Tails: Since there weren't any tags, I thought we'd take the question first to start things off. Sorry in advance that Antho, Brian and Devy couldn't be here for the question. They had some errands to attend to.
Nitro: That's fine. At least Smol Devy managed to get here!
Smol Devy: Hewwo! ^v^
OMT!Tails: Well, as it happens, aside from me idolising Benjamin, my favourite video game character's gotta be Alex Kidd. I really admire the effort he goes to to ensure his dad's safe from harm.
Nitro: Man, I really admire him for being able to do that, even when I couldn't...
OMT!Tails: (comfortingly) Solidarity, buddy.
Nitro: Anyway, if I was to pick between cartoon characters, I'd say I really admire Fluttershy's gentle and all-loving nature, even in the midst of danger. Trust me, you don't wanna be on the wrong end of her bad temper if she gets into one.
D-Sides Mighty: You know, I really dig Spider-Punk and his refusal to abide by society's perceptions and ideals. Reminds me of how my dimension's refusing to stick to a consistent "canon".
BK!Amy: If it's from my favourite anime, I've gotta go with Tohru Honda. I really enjoyed seeing her know that all bad things have to come to an end someday as well.
CR!Sonia: I don't really see much appeal in the cartoon characters that are solely girly and not much else.
CU!Sonia: Ditto. It's why I admire tomboy female characters from cartoons like Lana Loud, who's less enamoured with dresses and prefers activities the guys get up to like skateboarding.
Nitro: Heh, I remember she looks up to Ronnie-Anne a lot back home.
CU!Sonia: Wait, you used to live in the same town she did?
Nitro: Long story. I'll tell you later, if you'd like.
CU!Sonia: Of course!
CU!Sonic: You know, if a character in any of those media is in a healthy relationship with their loved ones, that's all I need to like for them. That, and good character development, of course.
Mr. Needlemouse: Favourite cartoon character? I am a cartoon character! (smug) What more needs to be said about me?
CR!Sonic: To be fair, you did end up on the list of "Top Worst-Behaved Cartoon Characters" recently.
Mr. NM: That again?! Remind me what I did again?
CR!Sonic: Well, blowing stuff up for the heck of it, you and Beeman being as bad as each other, hello?
EX!Alice: You know, I've really found an admiration for Blue Beetle, in a way. Seeing Batman go out of his way to see if he has what it takes to be a hero is such an honour not a lot of people get to experience.
OMT!Mina: I'd say Sam Sharp's my favourite. Rock and roll!
CR!Sonic: My personal favourite game character to this day? It's gotta be Mario! Dude's just saving the day just outta the goodness of his heart, you know?
Mini Sonic: Hmm, let's see... I'll opt for Green Lantern. I mean, come on! He can build anything just with that ring of his!
Wacky: You know, I've found Tintin to be quite the intrepid adventurer in his comics and film, especially when alongside his dog, Snowy.
Hog: What about Cuphead? Does he count?
Wacky: Well, he started as a video game, not a cartoon, though the similarities are there. Plus, he got his own TV show!
Hog: Cool! Where can I see it?
Wacky: Let's see... Ah, bummer. It's behind a Netflix subscription.
Hog: Hmph! If only there was a way to pirate that so I could watch it.
Nitro: I'm sure Lucia will figure out a way later.
Nine: My favourite in anime's definitely that guy from Fist of the North Star. I mean, he's almost unstoppable with those rapid-fire punches and hitting weak points. Omae wa mou shindeiru!
CR!Manik: I'm... gonna pretend I don't know what that means. Dad has really been getting me and Sonia into Wind in the Willows, one of those older British stop-motion cartoons. I particularly find Mr. Toad really hilarious to watch, haha! Poop-poop! The poetry of motion! What about you, Smol Devy?
Smol Devy: Me really likes Ana and Kat! They awesome ninja fwiends!
Trip: Hehe! Glad you're getting on well with them, little guy. I haven't seen a lot of that media before meeting my Team Sonic, but there's something I found appealing about Gromit, Wallace's dog; he's often the one to save the day when all those inventions Wallace makes either go awry or are vandalised by villains.
OMT!Tails: He really is an admirable character, even if he doesn't talk. And there you have it! Thanks for the question, Brendan!
Nitro: Pst! I just wanted to throw in my part for the second half of that question for you, Brendan. For the "least favourite character" concerning cartoons for me, under the Looney Tunes lot, that title's absolutely going to Pepé Le Pew. His whole schtick is absolutely inappropriate by today's standards, and I'm glad I haven't seen him around Toontopia. As Vincent Alexander once put it, "If there's any moral to the cartoons, it's that if you act like Pepé, you stink." Well, thanks for the question, dude!
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aaghht · 2 years
minor spoilers for the usagi chronicles series but just wanna try and figure out a timeline here, so...
Miyamoto Usagi is established as a "distant ancestor" of Usagi
Yuichi Usagi lives in a futuristic Edo inspired era/re-imagining of the comic world
Neo Edo exists about 1000 yrs into the future? (i think the show itself doesn't establish this as strictly, so i think might have gotten this from some NYCC livestream or something) Edit (24.10): Actually, the show establishes this a few times, but it's a bit vague/always the same:
One of the dog police guarding Usagi in ep 2 tells him the story of Miyamoto Usagi and how he was a big traitor, starting with:
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In the first ep, it's established that a 1000 years ago, something happened with the main villain Kagehito, to make him hate Miyamoto Usagi - for sealing him in the Ki-Stone for a thousand years.
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The same episode, Karasu-Tengu also mistakes Usagi for Miyamoto, and says a similar line about the Ki-Stone:
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Then the season end establishes that this sealing of Yokai and Kagehito by Miyamoto Usagi was to hold off an invasion from another dimension/space a 1000 years ago.
Another little factoid to build on: in the 1st ep, when meeting Usagi, Gen says it's the first time he's seen a rabbit in the city;
(edit end)
Auntie mentions in the 1st ep that her and Usagi's great-grandfather made her sword, Edgewing, together "back when I was your age." - so I assumed here first that Miyamoto is the great-grandfather Auntie means here. (edit: again, how old is Auntie if she's had her sword for that long???)
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so when in season 2, Usagi and crew save Neo Edo and then visit the temple again, they see Miyamoto Usagi reflected from the Ki-Stone, he calls Usagi his grandson. I checked this in translations and the subtitles too and there's no mistaking his words there.
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so I'm just wondering... What is the timeline here?? how many generations have passed between Miyamoto's time and Usagi's time?
Also, since they have different last names (Miyamoto and Yuichi) and Yuichi is his grandson, I guess I can only assume that Miyamoto Usagi had at least two daughters: Auntie and Yuichi's mom.
edit 2 (Oct 24): The 2nd season establishes that at some point, Miyamoto sent his sword, Willow Branchs away for safekeeping with a servant. The sword is lost in a war those same "1000 years ago"so at what point did Miyamoto Usagi of this series die? How old is Auntie? What's the life-span of rabbits that there are so few of them that a bounty hunter like Gen (who we will assume, travels or at least sees people a lot), would be surprised to see a rabbit in the city?
This begs another question.... if we assume their lifespans are actually quite long.... How many rabbits are left?
a 1000 years is definitely enough time for a heroic character like Miyamoto to be rumored into a villain, but even a 100 years is enough for that sometimes, so is it really a 1000 years?
Yokai are mythical beings so they can basically exist and remember a time like that easily enough, but since they've been locked away for a whole 10 centuries... (edit end)
sdfsdfsdfs i would just like to know more plz
seriously, this show is so fun but i know almost nothing abt the og comic series except maybe stuff I once read on fan wikis, so I guess I'll have to introduce myself to the series proper one day. I believe the series is a bit more removed from the series in that it exists in the comic world but in a further away sci-fi future, so it isn't too bad that it's left vague in the Netflix series.
but I'm still just wondering??? so Yuichi Usagi is a grandson???
Gen, Kitsune and Chizu are also either distant descendats/direct re-interpretations and unique takes on the side-characters of the og comic series, so very non-seriously I'm just wondering here how the family trees look like lol
edit 3 (Oct 24th): so with all this in mind..... is Auntie Miyamoto's daughter and then, Usagi's own mom, his youngest daughter? How old did the other characters from the og Usagi's time live? How many generations have passed for their families? Gen has a family tree, but both Chizu and Kitsune are orphans - how old aaahhh so many questions (edit end)
also listening to an interview with both Stan Sakai and art director Khang Le on this podcast and it all just sounds so inspiring to me but I just thought I'd make this post to think about what the timeline/relation might be. I also think it might not be that important since the show itself seems to be spiritually faithful as a spinoff to the comic, but still, got a bit curious haha!
edit 4 (Oct 24th): also, from that same interview, I remember they mentioned that Neo Edo as a futuristic city (a 1000 years from the Edo-era of the Usagi Yojimbo series) has flying cars. There are talking appliances (not Yokai-posessed), vending machines (a staple of modern japanese cities?) and futuristic games, like TRON-esque car racing games, but interestingly, no phones. So the crew put a bit of thought into that - what would a futuristic world without phones look like?
signed - Aghht, 19th October, 2022 (might add more as I remember)
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lightlycareless · 1 year
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
i wanna know YOUR top 5 d20 seasons now 👀 but also top 5 trek femslash pairongs so i can pay attention to them when i eventually have crawled through the original series
dimension 20:
Fantasy High - cause I'm basic and @counterspelling got me into it that way. "you've gotta watch it beej, it's so funny" and now because of that the two of us watch the shows as they premiere together. but yeah I love these bad kids and cycle through my own faves of them but c'mon the set up is just so fun and such a cool idea and then you hit that second episode and jfc, this is a little fucked up actually and you're hooked! you're just hooked!
Mice & Murder - I need this to have a sequel cause it was just so funny and I'm a sucker for a murder mystery type deal and grant and rekha are pure fucking chaos together and I miss raph, bring this cast back pls
A Court of Fey and Flowers - I honestly wasn't sold on this one at first cause regency stuff isn't my thing but holy shit, this one goes hard and I fucking loved it.
The Seven - for exactly the same reasons as you, I mean how can you not love this one, I will take twenty seasons of their quests now thank you
Unsleeping City - this one also took a bit for me to warm up to it but I find it a comfort one to watch now, I love Lou and Ally's characters and how they bounce off of each other and the way their relationship grew in the second season too. also Zac playing a one brain cell firefighter is just so fucking funny
trek femslash, okay so you know most of these aren't gonna be from TOS right? like TOS doesn't even have enough you can really make a top five really. also this one is not in a specific order at all unlike the other lists because it changes as I change. anyway here it is also in a specific order because I'm a liar.
B'Elanna/Seven - at least once a week I text @trillscienceofficer a thing about B7 because the two of us are so fucked up on it. it's about how they mirror each other....it's about how similar they are and can't and can see that and hate that in each other but admire each other. it's about how Seven is out here awkwardly flirting with B'Elanna like c'mon. I wrote a whole fucking essay about it! an essay!!!! (basically if you wanna know more please read that essay least I turn this into another essay about them)
Tasha/Deanna - I always think of this pairing in the sense of what could have been and what we did have still. Like in season one they were always reaching out to each other when the other was hurt or under the influence and then Tasha dies! she just dies! on a mission that was meant to save Deanna! I'm just supposed to go on with my life after that???? Like god, I can only imagine the episode when Deanna loses her powers and Tasha being there for her in that one or when Tasha's sister comes on the ship and Deanna being there for her in confronting the past and what she had to do to survive. I love them for what we got in s1 but I'm forever haunted but what else could have been there.
Uhura/T'Pring - they had one scene. one. where Uhura is out here like "hey Spock your fiance is beautiful" and damn if she a) wasn't right and b) on her way to steal Spock's fiance. that's all it took for me okay, I'm easy! sure this ship requires a lot of extrapolation and we don't know anything about T'Pring really (SNW don't interact) but I know in my heart I can fix that.
Jadzia/Lenara - the big canon femslash ship of 90s cause they got to kiss on screen and do you have any idea how that rewired my brain, like sure I took way too long to figure out I liked girls too but that episode lived in my head rent free. and it was about how they couldn't be together! there were too many external factors! and they missed their chance! they missed their chance!!!!!!!!!! the scene where they pull away from each other realizing this isn't going to happen.....god.....just end me and bury me with that scene thanks.
Beckett/T'Lyn - this one is new and currently at the top because of the newness to me and the season just ended so it's my head. like I went in the season expecting to really like T'Lyn/Tendi and I did! but I came out liking these two more, there's just something about that episode where they really bonded and understood each other. I really need more of them in the future.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch17 Return To Hammerlocke
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To say you hated flying anywhere now would be an understatement. YOU ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DETESTED IT!! The only reason you agreed was because it was already paid for and because it was the fastest way back to Hammerlocke. Woo hoo. You weren't really in the mood for more video game-..Uh. Strangers flirting with you, but at least Ms. Opal was nice company on the way there and it was very nice of her to pay for the entire ride over to Hammerlocke. You and Gloria buckled in on one side, with your Drizzilie and her on the other. When you all left Bellonlea you were a bit more cautious of your slow pace with her as you walked along the beautiful woods to leave, and kept snapping your head about keeping an eye out for any Team Yell members or that looney guy again. It was nerve wracking to say the least. Luckily you didn't run into neither when you finally got back to the lamp posts and the entrance into the forest. The corviknight and it's owner were fast asleep in one of the shadows of the trees before being woken up by Opal tapping him with her umbrella and requesting he take all of you to Hammerlocke. And after steeling your nerves and guts, you all piled in and did just that....for the next four and a half DAYS!! Opal had just relaxed back with her eyes closed most of the trip leaving you and Gloria to quietly talk between you two(when you weren't gripping your seat and forcing yourself to not look out the windows-) or more commonly watch more videos on her phone. Opal remaining silent and you would've sworn she was asleep if she hadn't opened her eyes whenever Gloria talked to her and talked back to you both in a polite but right to the point kinda way. Never heard anyone talk quite like her. You also made a few pitstops every few towns, mostly at night to let the driver rest and you have time to eat something at the local inn without having to worry about getting air sick for a while, before it was back to the fear inducing ride. You swore when you got back you were NEVER EVER going hang gliding, or even travel by plane after this. You also learnt within that time Opal was apparently looking for a successor to take over her gym soon and the person had to have something 'pink'...Whatever she meant by that. Eventually Gloria also found a good way to distract you away from your fear for short periods of time by the third day when she asked if there was anything you really liked listening too.
You blinked kinda surprised by her but shrugged and said, "Well, I've always loved baking. In fact I wanted to go into the industry when I was your age."
She seemed surprised at your answer and even Opal cracked open a eye towards you silently. "Really? Why didn't ya ever say anythin' before?"
You shrugged with a slight frown. "Eeeeehhh. It's kinda...Complicated. I wouldn't say I'm bad but I'm not good enough of a chef for me to make a career out of it, and I don't have any kitchen to cook in."
"What about an assistant chef? Bet you'd be good at that."
You shrugged. "I tried, but thins happened. So I was going to get a business license and try to open by own bakery."
"Well why didn't you?"
You paused at her question for a moment. You couldn't just say "Because I got sucked into an alternate dimension where pokemon happens to be real based off a game I used to play" unless you wanted them to think you were crazy!! Thinking quickly you shrugged and told the truth. "I left home around the time I was supposed to and started traveling." Which was the truth even tho you weren't sure exactly how you left or how to get back.
"Huh. Well I guess everyone wants ta see the world and do somethin' excitin'," Gloria said with a smile and you sighed in relief. Before she held up her phone to you. "If ya like music how 'bout I show ya some o' Miss Opal's bake offs? It'd be a good way ta pass the time. Ya wanna see some?"
"Sure why not?"
And thus the two of you relaxed back a little more now that you could watch these desert themed pokemon display their sweet powers and that filled the taxi cab for most of the remainder ride there. Of course you two made sure Ms. Opal was fine with it and after cracking an eye open said she didn't care at all. You did wonder how high you were flying sometimes but brushed it off. Besides, you had more important things to worry about. Like getting home and right now getting to Hammerlocke in one piece. Which also happened the very next day. Gloria had pointed it out early in the morning when she looked out the window and pointed but you couldn't get yourself to look down in fear of losing your breakfast, clutching the seat tightly and praying the landing wouldn't be the same as the last time you landed. Luckily whoever was listening to your prayers answered them because other than one rough shove from the corviknight putting the cab on the ground, the decent and landing procedure was pretty smooth. THANK GOODNESS!! When you finally peered out the window you were greeted with one of the entrances/exits to Hammerlocke. In fact it was the same one you two had traveled Route Six out of to head to Stow-on-Side. A Gym League staff worker awaited by the entrance, most likely for their badge rule too no doubt.
The taxi driver was quick to hop down and open the door for you three as well. "We're here ladies. Hope the trip was alright for you."
"Thank you, Young man," Opal commented slowly getting up and leaving the cab with you and Gloria right behind her. Once out she breathed a sigh of fresh air before looking up at the castle like town, "Hammerlocke. Always such a dusty town. Though I suppose some pokemon prefer it that way. "
Without even looking back to you she began slowly walking off towards the entrance, and you two slowly followed with Opal in front of you two. She was easily able to walk past the man who stood at the entrance but like the last time you were here, stopped Gloria, asked if she was a Gym Challenger, and then asked to see her badges. Opal continued walking as the two of you stopped and Gloria had to dig through her backpack to show the man her badge circle of five badges attached to it. With a nod you both were let in and she stuffed it back into her bag as you two continued off after Opal. And you looking around nervously keeping an eye out for Raihan just in case. ....But it seemed as Ms. Opal disappeared as you two walked along and looked around.
"Where did she go?," you asked peeking into the window of a cafe as you walked by but she wasn't in there. "She wasn't that far ahead of us."
Gloria shrugged as she looked at the people walking by. "She said she had some errands ta run so maybe she ducked into one o' these shops."
Hm. Maybe. You both continued walking and looking around as you neared the corner where the pink pokemon center you remembered seeing. As you two got closer and closer to the corner, someone with white fluffy hair and a giant pink coat rounding the other side of the corner onto the street on which you both walked. Both of you froze upon realizing the identity of the person who was walking towards the both of you. And he too froze lavender eyes blinking widely at the both of you as well as his jaw dropped somewhat. ...Before he pointed at you two with a large scowl.
"Uh...Hey, Bede," Gloria greeted with an awkward wave.
His scowl deepened as he shouted at her. "Come to gawk at me now that I've had my challenge band taken away and my gym challenger status revoked?!" ...WHAT!? Both your eyes widened as you looked at one another. Bede growling in frustration before gripping his fluffy white locks. "I've had to spend the past days working under that despicable Raihan person as 'punishment' for what happened in Stow-on-Side!! Do you know how much that idiot makes you work doing the most ridiculous things!? And now I run into you here too! Can you really afford to waste time like this?!"
"HEY!" Gloria scowled as well pointing a hand at him. "I was the one who saved your bloody sorry self from bein' crushed by a rock after you decided to play construction worker with the mural! If it wasn't for me you'd be flatter than a waffle under yer own mess!!"
He scoff and turned his nose away. "Well....I suppose so. You no longer have to worry about catching up with me after all." His eyes narrowed at her. "I'll have you know though that I haven't given up! I must become the champion in order to help out the chairman! I will go and ask him to let me rejoin the gym challenge!"
"Again with the Chairman, mate?," Gloria sighed letting her arms flop to her sides as she turned from a scowl to a pitied look. "Look Bede. I dunno what to tell ya. It's kinda useless to keep wantin' ta help someone who kicked ya out of the challenge. Tho considerin' what ya did I'm not surprised that's what happened. Maybe ya should just forget 'bout the guy altogether."
He gasped offended a hand to his chest. "How dare you insult my reasonings with your twisted nonsense! Any girl who'd even consider fighting for my affection wouldn't be so brazen!"
"What are ye goin' on 'bout now?!"
"Hm? That boy." You jumped as the two kids still argued with one another, whirling around to face none other than Ms. Opal herself and she was staring right at Bede with curiousity in her eyes. ..Wait. Where the heck did she come from!? "Now that's what I could call pink! So sincere and straightforward yet so twisted and misguided. I like it! That's the kind of thing that gives people some depth!" Eventually Bede looked up from Gloria and had to do a double take blinking in confusion at the new arrival. "Time for my gym mission, Child!"
"HUH!?" Bede asked leaning back in confusion and surprise at what the older woman just barked at him. "W-Wha-!?"
You yelped as suddenly with speed you didn't think she had Opal RAN past you and up to Bede who froze in place wide eyed as she looked him over. "Pink! Pink! Pink!" She shouted as she examined him. ...What did 'Pink' even mean!? She chuckled a bit examining the frozen boy's dynamax band before looking up to him with a smile. "Congratulations, Child."
"M-Ms. Opal!?," Bede sputtered out pulling his hand away from her as he looked uneasy leaning away. Wait. Bede knew who she was? "What in the world has gotten in you?!"
"You were used by Oleana. Am I right?" Bede froze once again and behind her both of you exchanged bewildered looks behind them. Opal took his silence as a yes because she hummed and nodded. "You worked hard to gather wishing stars for her only to have her throw you away like rubbish once she was done with you." Wait...How did she know that? "Come with me, Child. I might be able to help you out." She offered.
And Bede ...blinked. "I...W-What?" He shook his head before frowning. "A-Are you saying you'd be able to get me reestablished back into the challenge?"
She chuckled and nodded. "Of course, it all depends on how much hard work you're willing to put in too."
"Are you...Are you testing me?," Bede challenged before clearing his throat and shaking his head, hands tucked into his pockets as he attempted to look calm. "Very well. I accept! In fact I plan on making sure you see my full talents and tell me everything you know about the wishing stars!"
She chuckled again before smiling wider. "I think my errands to Hammerlocke have been met." Taking a moment she turned to Gloria who blinked at her. "Farewell for now, Child. You should head to Circhester. I take it you know how to get to Route Seven." And she turned away back towards Route Six and simply began walking away. Like nothing that happened just happened.
Bede made to follow but paused before turning back to Gloria who still watched silently- Before clearing his throat and turning away again. "I-I still haven't decided what to say to you officially. I'll need more time to think and at the moment I-I'm way too busy! So d-don't follow me around!"
Gloria's brow rose more clearly confused. "Uh....Alright." You both watched as he jogged on after the older woman before she blinked and turned to you with a shrug. "What was that all about?"
......You smiled. "Oh nothing. I think they'll both be fine. I have a good feeling about this." You turned and nodded towards the train station. "C'mon. It's still morning so we'll have to wait for the afternoon train. If I remember right there's a food section in the train station. We can grab a bite there."
Gloria was quick to agree with the promise of food and you two headed off towards the station. To be honest you were looking forward to food too that wasn't bland or dried tasting camping food. You had eaten enough food like that to last you a hundred lifetimes. Without having to wait for Ms. Opal anymore the two of you could walk a little faster now and were easily near the station as you continued to look around for any signs of Raihan but thankfully still found none. When you were stopped by Gloria grabbing onto your sleeve and pointing. You blinked confused at her for a moment before looking to where she was pointing and you couldn't help but stare as well. NO WAY!! Who'd think you'd run into her again while you were here? It was Sonia! Again! She must've just walked from the station because she was coming right towards the both of you, but stopped once she took notice of the familiar sight. The three of you pausing and looking at one another before the redhead smiled and waved.
"Heya!," She greeted once she was close enough, "Fancy running into you here. The badge collecting going well?"
"Sonia!," Gloria happily exclaimed in surprise before nodding proudly. "I don't mean ta brag." She crossed her arms proud of herself. "But I won me two more badges since the last time I saw ya!"
Sonia chuckled at her antics and you asked, "What are you doing back in Hammerlocke?"
She turned her attention to you one hand on her hip. "I've been doing some research on the ruins in Stow-on-Side. The sword and shield. Once Mr. Rose had his team investigate it of course. ..But I still haven't figured out some things. What kind of Pokemon were they? And where are they now?" With a sigh she shook her head. "I still have so many questions. I was thinking about taking another look at the tapestries in-"
BOOM!! Sonia was cut off as what you could only describe as a gunshot from a gun the size of an elephant going off somewhere overhead. The very action made you react immediately by ducking and grabbing the back of your head as your Drizzilie dove behind you in terror at the loud noise and shaking of the ground. Gloria gasped and fell backwards onto her behind and Sonia had jumped back nearly falling over on those heels of hers. Blinking up and totally but understandably SHOCKED at the sensation you had just witnessed. Another boom!? AGAIN!? ....Oh NO!! Was that Bede again!? Was he doing something crazy again!? Other people around you yelling or having a similar reaction to one of you three.
"AGAIN!?," you asked to no one in particular.
"Are you kidding me!?," Sonia shouted herself glaring up towards a particular tower, "What was that!?"
"Do I look like I know?," you mumbled slowly leaning yourself up as Gloria made an attempt to get off the ground.
"Hammerlocke stadium shook...That's where Chairman Rose's power plant is isn't it?" You...nodded. You think so? It's been a while since you've been back here. But there wasn't any time for talking as a buzzing sound emanated from Sonia's pocket. She was quick to scramble, almost dropping the phone in the process, as she pressed the screen in a hurry and the buzzing noise ceased. .....Her blue eyes blinked widely at the screen. "Huh?....A..power spot?"
"Power spot?" You asked confused. "You mean like where you can Dynamax?"
She nodded not looking at you. "That's right. The power spot detector reacts when it's possible to dynamax."
You rose a brow. "Well that makes sense since there's a gym stadium here. You mean Raihan can't use the stadium's spot to dynamax?"
She went to answer but didn't get a chance too. "Usually you don't."
"GAH!!" You jumped in surprise and snapped your head around to the person who scared you...And came face to face with none other than the Champion. Leon chuckled seeing your expression...before you scowled. "HEY! I thought I asked you NOT to do that the last time!"
He chuckled some more before waving a hand. "Sorry, Y/n. Hey Sonia- Oof!" He laughed more and patted the top of Gloria's head as she hugged him beaming. "And you too, Gloria! Wow. You've gotten taller! By the way you felt the shaking right?" She nodded and he hummed before looking at the same tower Sonia had been. "Seems Chairman Rose is testing something again."
"This is bad!," Sonia insisted to him, "Pokemon might start dynamaxing right in the middle of Hammerlocke!"
"Is that so?," he asked looking back to her and she nodded immediately, "I can make sure the Chairman knows."
"You'll just get lost, Leon. I'm coming too."
"Hey. I'm not THAT bad with directions, Sonia. I only ended up on top of a barn once!"
"I'm comin' too!," Gloria piped up determined hands returning to her sides. But that melted away quickly when Leon shook his head no.
"Sorry, Glory," he apologized genuinely and rested a hand on her shoulder," But it'd be too dangerous for someone your age to be wondering about a power plant of all things. Especially since there's lots of research and development happening in there that could end up going south at a moment's notice. Don't worry about a thing and just let me take care of it. Ok?"
She opened her mouth to protest. "He's right." But blinked at you as you frowned worried. "I think with everything that's already happened in the past month, it'd be better to just let the literal pokemon champion and a scientist handle whatever's going on."
She blinked between the two of you for a moment before sighing. "Oh alright."
"So you should leave the investigation on the quaking to the adults," Sonia agreed, "In the mean time why don't you head to Circhester and get that badge? I'm really looking forward to seeing you compete in the finals."
Again Gloria nodded before turning to Leon with a slightly worried expression. "Hey. You're gonna be careful right?"
He smiled brightly in a reassuring way to her. "Of course! I'm always careful!"
"Except with directions." Sonia sighed before beginning to walk away.
"HEY! I'm always careful with directions," he insisted walking after her, "Since when am I not?"
"Says the one who got stranded on top of a barn and fell into the ocean multiple times when going to Hulbury."
"Oh my Arceus. It was just one time!"
You chuckled before shaking your head..but paused noticing Gloria wasn't doing anything but staring after them. She flinched when you put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. Are you alright there?"
After a moment of silence she sighed and nodded before turning back towards the train station. "Yeah. Jus' a lil bit worried is all. Lee can get inta trouble if he ends up lost sometimes." And she began walking. "C'mon. Let's go get somethin' to eat. Ok?''
You blinked at her sad-ish tone but didn't push any further when you started walking behind her towards the train station by the flight of stairs leading to the Hammerlocke school where you two had encountered Paula. Sending a small shiver down your spine as you passed. Eventually you both reached the inside of the train station where you two found exactly what you were looking for. Within the train station was two men and a woman behind stands who looked like they either sold tickets or pamphlets, a lot of seats, the exit for entering/exiting the train, some ATM things, vending machines, and to the very left near the entrance when you two came in was the small cafe area with it's own designated seating. A man was already seated at one table looking at what you supposed was a menu, and two very recognizable teenage boys were sat at another talking....HOP AND VICTOR!? Seriously what was the odds of running into so many people today? You tapped Gloria's shoulder to get her attention but Hop beat you too it because as soon as he looked up he smiled and waved his full arm at her.
"Oh! Gloria!," He shouted at her. Like a dog to food her head snapped to him faster than lightning before the brightest smile ever lit up onto her face as Victor turned around in his seat to look at the both of you.
"HOP! Victor!," She cried out before rushing towards them with you trailing behind with your pokemon in tow. "I haven't seen ya in days!"
"Well we- Ah!" Poor Hop was nearly knocked to the floor when Gloria practically tackled him in a hug (again-) and had to wave his arms to regain balance before leaning forward luckily not falling over. "W-We just got here on the afternoon train! Glory! You're crushin' me again!"
"After noon?", you asked before looking up towards the clock on the wall surprised when you saw it read 12: 24 in the afternoon. "Huh. I didn't think we'd get here that late in the day." You then turned back to Victor. "You guys just got back here? We didn't see you at the gyms we stopped by."
Victor shrugged back at you. "We went straight to Bellonlea after I won against Bea," He explained, "Then we traveled a bit so Hop could practice his battling skills before we decided to head to Circhester. Hammerlocke was just a stop before we reached there so we stopped here to restock for the weather they have up there. ...And I wanted to stop by to see the Hammerlocke castle ruins on Route Eight. Legends say that they might even be the remains of the very first castle built in Galar."
"Oh. So how was Bellonlea for you two?"
Hop sighed, having freed himself from his best friend's crushing hug, slumping his shoulders. "First that forest then that mad quiz. I've been lost in every sense of the word...But it looks like I finally caught up to you again."
"Does that mean you didn't get the badge?"
He chuckled. "Took us one heck of a try but we managed somehow to get it from her." He turned back to Gloria. "Speaking of which. Come with me to Route Seven real quick.I could use a bit of competition to motivate me for the next leg of our adventure!"
Gloria blinked. "....Our adventure as in yours and Victor's next stop?"
Hop blinked at her a moment before reaching to scratch the back of his neck and looked away. "W-Well...I uh....I've been having a lot of time to think, and i-it would be nice for you to join us again this time....AH! A-And Y/n too of course!" He was quick to add holding up his hands and a slight pink hue coming over his face. "Of course I enjoy her company too! I-It's not the same without y-you both!" Smooth, Hop. Very smooth.
But it seemed like just like with Bede, Hop's flustered state flew right over her head as her eyes lit up as she quickly agreed. "Are ya kiddin' me!? OF COURSE YES!! I missed travelin' with you guys!" She pointed to the door making Victor duck to avoid getting hit in the head. "C'mon let's go see 'bout that battle!"
"Hang on a second!," Victor interjected with a frown, "What about lunch? Hop, y'know we need to stop by the clothes store and get warmer clothes!"
"..I-...Y-Yeah. But we're staying an extra one or two days so you can see those ruins anyways, so we still have time for a battle and food and shopping..and all that stuff."
......With a sigh Victor sat back down in the seat and picked up his menu again. "Fine. But make it quick. I would like us to get supplies before the end of today. The sooner we're all stocked up the sooner we can see the ruins and head off to Circhester."
Gloria was already tugging him out the door as Hop waved him off. "We'll be right back! Don't worry!"
"That's when I worry the most," he mumbled.
You chuckled before going to sit in one of the chairs across from him, Drizzilie hoping onto your lap of course before settling down and letting you wrap an arm around it's upper torso to hold it. "Well, you two certainly looked like you had an exciting time while we were gone."
"Yeah I guess you could say that. ..Hey. Let's just order something for the two of us while we wait." Your Drizzilie gave a thrum. "Uh...Three of us. The three of us order."
"Are you sure? I don't mind waiting for the other two."
"Nah. I'm hungry, and we'll still be here when they come back."
"Well...Alright then.''
You two went ahead and ordered, not really surprising it was more curries, and it wasn't too long before the three plates were set down in front of you three all different. Your drizzilie immediately went to grab at it's salad curry you had ordered for it, but Victor stopped it before pulling out his own camera.
"Wait a minute. Lemme get a shot of these first," he said holding the camera up to his face.
"You're doing that curry dex thing too?," you asked holding your Drizzilie's protesting hands as it pouted being denied it's food even for a moment.
"Nah. I've just been collecting more pictures of curries and pokemon for Glory since she needs them. Plus I like taking pictures anyways, so it's not a big deal."
"Aw. That's really nice of you."
He was quick to take a few pictures of the curries and you released your pokemon's hands. Drizzilie was quick to grab it's own food and begin scarfing it down much to your amusement as you two yourselves dug in. You were happy that it wasn't another bland tasting granola bar thing or dried fruit snack made for traveling. And it wasn't too long when you were into your food that the two had returned and taken seats next to the two of you as well.
"Hey you two," you greeted, "Welcome back. How was the battle?"
Hop was absolutely beaming and Gloria sighed but not in a sad way before saying, "I lost. Hop really has gotten stronger!"
"Hey, congrats!," you smiled at Hop, "I told you you could do it!"
"Hehe. Thanks," he smiled bashfully before pointing towards the food, "Looks like we're just in time to order ourselves huh? Great! We can catch up with everything that happened then!"
Gloria chuckled. "Well then better get a big curry n' some popcorn! Cuz I gotta lot to tell the both 'o ye!"
"Oh boy. Here we go."
You should've expected the shocked faces that they all gave when Gloria between eating her curry(after taking pictures of them of course-) told them everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING. From helping the lad find an applin for his crush, to the strange MAYBE ghost girl that had you all deliver a letter to Mr. Frank, to the weird guy in Bellonlea who thought he was a pokemon, to how you both met Allister, to her gym battles, and of course everything the two of you went through in Stow-on-Side after they left. The two boys looked more shocked than they would've been if you had suddenly disappeared before their very eyes back the way you came and magically ended up back home. You just simply ate letting Gloria ramble on and on and tried to keep your drizzilie was getting food everywhere. You swore it was like trying to feed a toddler in your lap. Eventually sometime between all of this Hop finally spoke with a scowl pointing at everyone.
"I KNEW it! I knew that bloke was up to no good! And look at what happened!"
"Hop, calm down," you insisted holding up a hand, "To be honest I think he only did it because he was pressured by someone and did what he thought was going to help. I don't know why he thought there would be wishing stars under the mural, but he was right about there being something under there. ...And I really don't want to just talk badly of him since he already paid for what he did." You did feel bad for him but in the back of your mind you knew he'd be fine and get back on the right path now. "...But I think Victor said something about stopping by a clothes store. What for?"
"You'll need some too, Y/n," Victor said, "If you don't wanna freeze your leg off that is. Circhester and it's gyms are located in the mountains where it's always cold and snowy. If we're heading there we'll all need to stock up on food for the long trip too since they're the farthest gyms from here."
"Oh. Well I say we finish up here so we can get started then. I don't know how when the stores around here close."
The rest of the stay in Hammerlocke wasn't very eventful thankfully. After the lot of you had finished eating and paid, you left and you followed them all to the clothing store that Hammerlocke had. You weren't expecting them to actually be selling winter clothes but low and behold they were selling them amongst the regular summer shirts and shorts. All of your pants and shirts was pretty long and warm anyways so you only felt the need to find a plain coat and gloves as the others took their time browsing around and tried on various other winter type clothing. But you did find one thing you liked. A small child's sweater that doubled as a hoodie with the hood attached to it. You looked between it and the Drizzilie before taking it and after wrangling your pokemon lightly, slipped it over his head and popped his arms gently through the sleeves. Drizzilie gave a couple chirps in protest and confusion as he was slipped into the sweater-hoodie...before blinking and pulling out the hem of it to look over it. ..And looked at you with a strange look.
"Hey. If you're not going to stay in your pokeball then you're going to need something to keep you warm too."
You were pretty sure a water pokemon without any feathers or fur to cover him wouldn't fair too well in the cold weather. By the time you all paid for the small pile of winter clothes for the five of you and left the store, the sun was close to setting and with your low food supplies without there being any supply stores in Hammerlocke Victor was clever enough to come up with a better idea. Leading the confused group back to the train station, he walked on over to the vending machines in the corner of the room and considering everything in them was already made to last a long time they'd do until you all found another store with better surprises. Sounded good to you...Or it would've been if Gloria hadn't had the bright idea to use her Rotom pokemon. You couldn't believe it but the rotom pokemon actually transferred itself from the phone into one of the machines and one after another cans of soda, chips, instant noodle things, candy bars, and other snack like foods tumbled down one after the other with the lot of you eagerly grabbing at it. When you pointed out wasn't this technically stealing, Gloria assured you the rotom would be using money coming from her Gym Challenger account to pay for this all. Oh...Well you kinda guessed she'd have one of those to be paid after battles and all. By the end of one vending machine being cleaned out Victor mentioned once it was divided between the four of you it SHOULD be enough to at least last you all the trip up to Circhester. That was good to hear. By the time the four of you were finished with your shopping spree, sun set had finally taken a hold of the town and Hop suggested now would probably be a good time to set up came outside Hammerlocke and rest up to take a visit to the ruins Victor wanted to visit the next day. As much as you'd like to go to Circhester right away it was unanimous that the next day you'd be spending your entire day at the ruins.
That night you slept pretty well and by the time you woke up the next day Victor had already cooked everyone breakfast early. By the smile on his face, you'd say he was pretty excited to spend the day at the ruins. After eating breakfast and packing everything up, the four of you made your way down Route Eight. The castle ruins weren't too far down the road from Hammerlocke, just maybe an hour or two's walk. There was some blocked off areas by rope blocking access to some of the more brittle or dangerous areas of the place. And you did enjoy yourself while you looked around too. There was a couple pokemon you hadn't seen while you were traveling before and both twins seemed to get a kick out of taking pictures of either the ruins or the pokemon hiding within them, as you all walked around along with a few other people who seemed to be looking at them as well. The only ones who really seemed bored just standing around and looking at the ruins was your Drizzilie still wearing the sweater hoodie thing you had gotten him yesterday as he grumbled and walked along after you. The ruins were pretty big and decently had a lot to look at so it was no wonder the four of you spent nearly all morning and half the afternoon there looking at it all before Hop suggested heading back towards Hammerlocke in hopes of catching the night train out of town. Sounded good to everyone..Huh. You wondered if Sonia had studied the ruins here for more clues too? It wasn't too late when the group got back to Hammerlocke, maybe three or four o' clock in the afternoon at the latest, but definitely late enough to have missed the evening train out. Of course the three had to show their badges to the man standing guard at the entrance in order to be let in but it wasn't too much of a hassle for you five to head on in and back to the train station. In the entire time you were back here in Hammerlocke you hadn't seen Raihan again even once. You guessed he must've been traveling again or just not here at the moment. Fine by you. You all had a few hours to kill until the night train showed up sometime around eight o' clock. In the next few hours you all busied yourselves by having dinner courtesy of the guys and Victor giving a very happy glory all the pictures he had taken over the days they were separated. A LOT of curry (when did they eat so much of that stuff-) and pokemon she was delighted to have and then secure into her books along with the newest pictures she took with help from Hop sorting them out and helping to place them within the labeled pages. Which took up most of the rest of the time it took you four to wait for the night train because it took you all by surprise when the sounds of rumbling tracks and a train horn made you all look up as a shiny subway like train pulled up into the station.
"Ah magikarp!," Gloria shouted before dropping her fork and then scrambling to pick up her thing played on the table. "Hop! Help me stuff these things back inta me bag!!"
Hop blinked but immediately did as his friend asked as he too scrambled to grab any leftover pictures and the two books to throw them back in her bag as Victor quickly dug into his pockets for something. Luckily you didn't have the need to pick anything up or collect anything other than the drizzilie sitting in your lap that you scooped up into your arms when the others scrambled to get up, and Victor tossed what looked like a two dollar tip on the table for whoever had to come collect the dishes. The horn blasting again for any passengers who wished to leave Hammerlocke, which you four sure did heading towards it. Looks like you all would be heading to Circhester and hopefully Gloria's next badge on the way.
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