#I want a dog for Christmas Charlie Brown
peanutsgifs · 9 months
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I Want A Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003)
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southhbound · 10 months
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I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003)
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einaudis · 9 months
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december in movies [25/31]: i want a dog for christmas, charlie brown (2003) dir. bill melendez & larry leichliter "Did Beethoven ever play "Jingle Bells"?"
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the-swift-tricker · 2 years
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I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003)
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lamia111 · 1 year
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 years
Christmas Adam // Vlogmas 2022 Day 23
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princess-unipeg · 2 years
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Christmas watchlist 2022
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sasa-chan · 10 months
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Day 03:
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I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown [2003]
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The Man Who Invented Christmas [2017]
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scribble-kitti · 1 year
love list <3
This is a list of all the smaller things I love. Specifically the ones i wanna think about more often (ofc this isn’t everything and its not in any particular order, it’s just stuff i’ve come up with)
- i love singing along to energetic music
- i love working with the morning crew at my job
- i love wearing fun pants
- i love wearing fun/ patterned dresses
- i love cats
- i love to “waste” my time. I love not feeling like i’m in a rush or have to hurry because i’ve got all the time in the world
- i love getting ready before going out to do something fun
- i love to see red orange and yellow leaves in the fall
- i love the bright green leaves and white/ pink blossoms in the beginning of spring
- i love rain
- i love thunderstorms and lightning
- i love snow
- i love dogs
- i love to enjoy things
- i love to watch movies and tv shows, then see fanart about them
- i love sitting in arm chairs the “incorrect” way
- i love books
- i love making things and creating
- i love to bake, especially the decorating part
- i love to eat hot food when it’s cold outside
- i love when the air is crispy in the fall
- i love the natural high you get after being sick for a week and you finally feel better
- i love the smell of pumpkin and vanilla candles
- i love holidays, especially the big ones
- i love Christmas lights
- i love when tv shows make holiday specials
- i love colors, i think everything should be more colorful
- i love to go to the aquarium
- i love to sit in the quiet hallways at my school
- i love animation, cartoons, and movies. I especially love 2D animation
- i love enjoying things, i mean, who doesn’t?
- i love yummy drinks, especially when it’s something you’ve been looking forward to and it tastes exactly the way you wanted it to.
- i love bread
- i love to laugh. Laughing at myself is fun too, especially when I’m the only one that knows why i’m laughing
- i love when other people laugh
- i love to talk to myself. I love to hum, and narrate what i’m doing out loud
- i love decorations. The little things people put on their desks or shelves, the wreaths they choose for their doors, the things they put in their cars
- I love farmers markets and creative booths where people sell their stuff to me
- i love to look at art. i love to experience it too.
- i love Charlie Brown, especially snoopy
- i love nostalgia and having memories
- i love love. i love romantic love and platonic love, and seeing people enjoy the company of others. i love to watch people interact with the ones they care about
- i love old box TVs, the ones that you can feel the static and electricity bouncing off of
- i love stuffed animals
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Cozy and Funny Thanksgiving Prompts
Ah it's that time of the year again, one of my favorite holidays is right around the corner when the kitchen can go from cozy to chaotic in a split second. Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot, Press Play and Lessons in Chemistry.
Getting up at 6am to cook and prep everything
Cooking while it's snowing outside
"Alright, go grab gram's recipe book, we're going old school"
The babies wanting to help set the table
"Your family is gonna be here in less than an hour and we still don't have the turkey in the oven"
"Whoever thought going out in the middle of nowhere to hunt Thanksgiving dinner was a good idea, clearly forgot that it snows here every year"
The men of the house trying to get the turkey prepped but they end up turning the kitchen into an operating room with doctor scrubs, tools etc.
"Get your mitts out of that pie mister!"
Making the living room all cozy and smelling dinner while it's cooking
Putting out the little decorations the kids made in school once the table is set
Recreating Lucy and Charlie Brown's football gag
The whole family gathering in the living room and the shenanigans that ensue
Dancing in the kitchen while dinner cooks
The one recipe they absolutely have to make
"Darlin the cat's trying to get at the turkey again!"
Thanksgiving movie marathon
Their mother-in-law showing them how to make all the secret family recipes
Their s.o's glasses fogging up when they check the turkey
Sleeping for a while after dinner is done
A big announcement at Thanksgiving dinner
"Oh honey no worries, everybody's first Thanksgiving goes awry sometimes.....now lets see if we can get that apple pie to set properly"
"I don't wanna move this couch is too damn comfortable......and I'm full of food"
Baby's first Thanksgiving
"You sure that's gonna fit in the oven?"
Slipping some of their table scraps to the dog who's hiding under the table
Several members in the extended family playing a prank on the chef with the turkey
Thanksgiving turning into a sleepover because everybody's had a little too much to drink
"How much liquer are you putting into that dessert?"
Making a mixed drink for the guests
"We are NOT frying the turkey!"
Fixing the old centerpiece their grandmother made
Thanksgiving day football game
School getting out early the day before
Thanksgiving dad jokes
"You did what to the bird?"
Having to run to the corner store because there's no more wine
The kids wanting to help in the kitchen
Grocery store shenanigans
After Thanksgiving sandwiches
"Is it too early to start decorating for Christmas?"
A little model ship for the centerpiece
After dinner entertainment
"Ah mac'n'cheese one of the best Thanksgiving staples in existence"
"You're what I'm most thankful for"
"Want some creampie for dessert?" (SMUT)
An unexpected dinner guest
Breaking the wishbone
Hilarious stories told at the dinner table
"Dear I love you but you might wanna get out of the kitchen for a few minutes"
"I'm thankful that we're all together"
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flashnthunder · 9 months
Tag game (Christmas edition)!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
@deputy-buck tagged me in this :)) !
Favourite nickname you've ever been given?
i have never gone by my full name but technically izzy is my nickname, i've gotten iz or izzers by friends before and izzy-maye is my family nickname which i like
Where are you located?
the US, specifically ohio so very midwest
What season is it where you are now?
it is winter and officially Cold, it has not felt like winter for the past month but now i am freezing and already crying thinking about driving in ice
Favorite tradition this time of year?
there's a zoo that puts on this big light show every year and i usually go with friends which has become a little tradition, but tbh there's not a lot i can think of other than that
Favourite holiday food?
probably fudge?? idk if that counts as holiday food but i only eat it in the winter
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider?
apple cider for the win i am not a big any type of wine fan and eggnog is only kinda not awful if i don't think about what i'm drinking
Turkey, ham or nut roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
ham! i feel like turkey is a very november food and not my favorite
Would you rather spend the december holidays in: a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
right now im gonna say cabin because that sounds nice and peaceful but check-in with me in a month and i will have switched up once i am sufficiently sun-deprived and looking like a sad vampire with scurvy
are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
pro-snow in the hypothetical sense of enjoying it when i don't need to do anything, and anti-snow when i'm slogging to class in the slush at 9am which is the reality of january
have you ever built a snowman?
YES i love building snowmen i don't care if i'm getting freezing and wet and gross outside it's gotta happen it is just way to funny to not leave them everywhere possible
Skiing or snowboarding?
i have never really done either, i like ice skating though in terms of a winter sport :) i will fall on my ass
Do you decorate for the holidays?
i try to a little!! i like putting stuff outside, have some lights and things like that
Favourite holiday movie?
nostalgia wise stuff like charlie brown, that claymation rudolph movie, the muppets, it's a wonderful life but around the holidays i like to religiously rewatch the original star trek show so that is like My Holiday Movie
Favourite holiday fanfic?
people should rec me some because i can't think of anything off the top of my head??? i might be forgetting one i'm sure i have read them before
If you were to star in a hallmark movie, who would be your love interest?
confession time i've never really watched hallmark movies but going off the memes maybe i am the small hometown man waiting on a stressed businesswoman from new york to come home for christmas and then we can get a dog or something while the credits start
if yall would like to- tagging: @ewipandora @blood-mocha-latte @lewis-winters @good-night-space-kid @heystovepipeboys @gorgeousundertow @1waveshortofashipwreck + anyone who wants to do it :)
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peanutsgifs · 9 months
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I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003)
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watchmenanon · 2 years
A chat with Noah Schnapp, the 11-year-old Montrealer who voices Charlie Brown in The Peanuts Movie
'I listened to as much as I could find online to get the voice right. Winning the role took a lot of hard work'
Special to National Post
Published Nov 06, 2015
Noah Schnapp, the 11-year-old actor, son of former Montrealers Karine and Mitchell Schnapp, was selected to provide the pipes for the ever-flappable Charlie Brown in The Peanuts Movie after an extensive hunt. For good reason: his take is dead-on. It turns out that wasn’t accidental.
“In preparing for my recording audition, my mom told me to YouTube the old Peanuts Thanksgiving and Christmas specials to hear how Charlie Brown speaks,” the articulate Schnapp says in a phone interview from his family’s New York City base. “So I listened to as much as I could find online to get the voice right. Winning the role took a lot of hard work, but good fortune as well. There were a lot of other talented kids up for the part, too.”
After studying the character, Schnapp says, he can relate to Charlie Brown in a lot of ways. “Charlie never gives up, and I try never to give up either. And my dog Spaghetti is a bit like Snoopy — a real wise guy.”
Schnapp already has an impressive resumé — moviegoers can catch him in Steven Spielberg’s new Bridge of Spies, and will soon be able to see him in the indie feature, We Only Know So Much, based on the book of the same title.
He is commuting between New York and Atlanta, where he is in the midst of shooting Stranger Things, a supernatural thriller series for Netflix.
And he spent a portion of last spring in Park City, Utah, where he took part in the Sundance Directors Lab and played the lead in director Brent Green’s Untitled Loveless Fable. No surprise, Schnapp was the youngest person invited to the event, which was also attended by such heavies as Robert Redford and Ed Harris.
To top it all off, he was just listed in Variety’s Youth Impact Report as a rising star under 21 to watch out for.
Pretty heady stuff for a kid who only started acting in community theatre three years ago.
Schnapp plays the son of Tom Hanks’s negotiator character in Bridge of Spies, and is most convincing as a kid who’s concerned about a Soviet nuclear retaliation at the height of the Cold War. He dutifully learns the ludicrous duck-and-cover technique should a missile strike while he’s at school, and keeps his bathtub full of water should it strike while he’s at home.
“I have to be honest and admit that before I started working on that project, I actually didn’t know much about that period or who they (Hanks and Spielberg), were,” Schnapp says. “But you have to understand that I was only nine at the time.
“However, when we started pre-production, I watched most of their movies. Then I went: ‘Wow!’ I hadn’t realized how big and how important they were.”
He was particularly struck by Hanks’s manner.
“He’s just such a selfless, generous actor,” Schnapp marvels. “In most of his movies, he’s usually playing the hero and good guy, which is what he really is. He would always be holding on to my shoulder (during shooting), and putting me into the spotlight. And not just me — he was always trying to make everyone else shine, too. It was really such a great experience working with him and Steven Spielberg.”
Schnapp is nothing if not determined. Because of his lack of experience, he figured he was a long shot to land the roles in The Peanuts Movie and Bridge of Spies.
“It was kind of crazy — those were some of my first auditions,” he recalls. “I was very excited, but I didn’t really think I could get the work in Peanuts. Still, I really, really wanted it, because I knew I could do it. And I got it.
“It was the same thing for Bridge of Spies. It was crazy, too. Then I just started getting more and more roles.”
Apart from Hanks, he’s had some solid parental figures watching his back when he’s on the job. In We Only Know So Much, Jeanne Tripplehorn plays his mom, while Winona Ryder takes on that role in Stranger Things.
The Sundance Directors Lab was a great learning experience. “There were about 200 directors, actors and screenwriters. I learned that it was OK to experiment with scenes and improvise new lines. We were like a big family — everyone became my friend.”
Though he didn’t start acting until he was eight, Schnapp says he caught the bug two years earlier.
“After I saw Annie on Broadway, I came out of the show crying, because I wanted to be on that stage. Then when I watched TV, I just knew I wanted to be that person in the TV, too.”
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Chirstmas in July: Here Comes Garfiled A Garfield Christmas: A Rope of Sand (Patreon Review for Emma Fici)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome to christmas in july! Kev had the idea, I said why not, a bunch of my other friends and finical contributers got involved, and here we are.
And starting us off we return to Here Comes Garfield, my look at all the garfield specials and films. Last time I looked at the minty fresh Garfield Movie, which was decent and had John unraveling as it should. This time we look at one of the franchise's high points with A Garfield Christmas.
Garfield Christmas is the 7th TV Special, airing in december 1987 and being the last special to air before the advent of Garfield and Friends. I suspect they took a bit before doing christmas both to get it right and to be ready as they'd be directly compared to the juggernaught that is a Charlie Brown Christmas. And understandably so but i'm happy to say this special, while not reaching those near impossible heights, is still excellent and worth checking out both for the novelty of being the only story to focus on John's family from this era of animation and for genuine quality. Find out why and more under the cut
The special follows Garfield as he's unwillingly drug out of his bed to go down to the farm on Christmas Eve Morning to go see John's Family, something it's implied they do every year. IT's stuff like this that reminds you Garfield is more "spoiled teenage son" than "housecat" and it is great. He also has an elaborate dream about a gift giving machine with a lou rawls song about christmas greed which parents all over the world reacted to with a resounding
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So let's talk about Jon's Family. Jon's two unnamed parents and brother Doc Boy are some of the strips only recurring characters. Part of the reason you get so many special exclusives is that Garfield has a very limited cast of the cat himself, Jon, Odie, Liz, Irma, Nermal, Arlene and John's Parnets. And lyman before he was banished to the phantom zone. They later added the meanest dog in the world but aside from a few one off sin the earlier days, they tend to stick to these guys.
Yet weirdly they aren't used a ton when it comes to garfield adaptations: His parents only appear here, in ONE episode of the massive run of garfield and friends, and for a guest apperance and a cameo on the garfield show. Doc Boy actually seems to get a decent chunk of apperances on the latter, but his only apperance during peak animated garfield was this special. There's also Jon's Grandma, who wasn't as recurring as the other three, but did get a week to herself early on and got a redesign for this special that stuck for the strip
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As for the rest of the Arbuckles they were introduced early into the strip, two years in 1980.
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As you can grab from context, Jon's parents are farmers, his mom an avid baker and loving mother his dad a somewhat terse but loveable farmer. The two don't show up a ton these days, but still show up ocasinally. They were also originally the owners of this guy
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Who owns nermal now I have no idea, but yeah, while Nermal debuted before them, he was their pet originally. Later apperances including this special just sorta soft retconned that and Nermal's current owner remains one of the great mysteries of garfield lore, and one of the few left unsolved as bigguns like "Where's Lyman?" And "Who's His dad" have been answered by the Garfield Show with Lyman having gone to australia as a wildlife photgrapher and staying to protect the wildlife by dressing up as a mythical beast... and I suddenly want to watch this entire four parter because what. While the Dad situation was resolved with the movie.. which raises further questions in regards to the strip continuity, etc etc, but at least vic's appearance gives us an idea of what he looks like in most continuities if nothing else.
Doc Boy was, as I forgot till I grabbed his first apperance from teh wiki, originally not living with Jon's parents before being retconned as such witht his special. As such he stayed home while Jon moved to the city, adopted an overweight son who treats him poorly and another son who treats him better, sexually harassed his vet then backed off enough that she actually reciprocated his feelings. You know a normal track.
I've always loved Jon's family partly because I relate: my own dad was raised on a farm as one of 9 children, moved to the suburbs later and visited frequently, while like Garfield I was carted along. It wasn't nearly as much of a put out for me.. except when he made me attend church as going to a catholic church with adhd and a poor phsique is a form of torture I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Point is I visited the farm often so I relate to getting up early, being forced to help with choring despite plenty of your uncles being there who have more muscle to them, and the quite serenity of farm life. My grandma also had a nice little toy room under the stairs for the various grandkids and a giant mountain of disney and other kids vhs'. it's how I found my love of problem child and the little rascals, both of which are on my bucket list review wise. If your curious
All-Star Superman Total Drama Island (Original) Child's Play Child's Play Comic Problem Child Little Rascals Bloom County Home Movies Daria: Is it Fall Yet? Daredevil By Mark Waid House of X/Powers of X Scarlet Witch by Steve Orlando FF by Fraction and Allred Giant Days Scary Go Round TMNT IDW Steven Universe Doom Patrol by Gerard Way Doom Patrol V2 #75 Hazbin Hotel The Legend of Vox Machina For Better or For Worse The For Better or For Worse Christmas Special For Better or For Worse Animated Series Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman More of JLI X-Factor by Peter David (Both Runs) Wolverine and the X-Men Marvel Graphic Novel #4: The New Mutants Wolverine and the X-Men (Comic) Kireon Gilleon's Uncanny X-Men The Wicked+The Divine Bad Machinery The Dream of a Lifetime Space Jam Chew An Arc from Fox Trot Batman: the Caped Crusader Crisis on Infinite Earths Heart of the City Phantom of the Paradise Something Positive WALL-E The Peanuts Movie Cats Don't Dance JLA First Arc Crisis on Earth 3 That Shang Chi Arc where he has to fight a train X-Men 97 X-Men: From The Ashes (Story Arc) Birds of Prey by Gail Simone Nightwing by Tom Taylor Booster Gold TMNT: The Last Ronin Something Samurai Jack Sonic the Hedgehog Reboot by Ian Flynn (Archie) Mega Man 3 Tuca and Bertie An Extremely Goofy Movie Scream An Episode of the Red Green Show Letterkenny Shorsey Beef's Lovelife Retrospective Flame Princess Retrospective CJ Retrospective OK KO Let's Be Heroes! Storyline Retrospective A Doonesbury Special Phantom Investigators Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy Final Space Top 12 Close Enough Episodes Ready to Rumble No Holds Barred The Aristocats Hades Mother 3 Ikenfell Banjo-Kazooie X-Factor by Louise Simonson X-Factor by Leah Williams The Flintstones by Mark Russel Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles Tim Curry's Album Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble More Legion of Super Heroes The First time X-Men fought Dracula That time Superboy became hitler The Death of Superman Retrospective The Death and Return of Superman DuologY Batman: The Long Halloween (Comic) The Megas Retrospective Earthbound It's CHristmas, You Dorks Girls with Slingshots House (Japanese Film) The Fall Guy (Movie) Transformers The Movie Transformers (Energon Universe) Disney Rap Album Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story My Summer Story
It helps that John's grandma looks exactly like my grandma on my dad's side... no really it's eerie: frizzy white hair, big glasses (if not blue ones), the only diffrence is my grandma pauline is more sweet , soft voiced and sedate while Grandma Arbuckle is loud, rambunctious and sarcastic. She shoudln't entirely work, essentially being one rap ballad away from being the sterotypical wacky grandma.. but there's a realness to her antics. She's mildly passive agressive with Jon's mom in a way that comes off less mean and more "they do this a lot", talking over her when she gets worked up and spiking her gravy because Jon's mom is just.. better. With Chilli Powder mind you this is still for kids. Vodka was last week when the kids werne't looking. She also sings a rocking as hell version of o christmas tree that no one else seemed to like but is easily one of the best parts of an already stellar special.
What really sells Grandma as a character though is her friendship with garfiled. While she makes the weird wood burning cat joke (something that took me YEARS to figure out and wasn't that funny when i did), after that the two really get along, from their similar sense of humor to him sneaking her food to Garfield being the only one to keep hre company in her chair as she waxes on her husband. The scene is really touching with her talking about how he didn't show much emotoin, but really cared. You get the sense Davis put his own dad into the special with Jon and Doc Boy's pajamas based on his own as a kid. It's really sweet and heartfelt. it also pays off lovely as Garfield bumps into some letters while trying to figure out what odies up to and finds their old love letters from her late husband.
IT's one of the specials strengths: i'ts warmth: Garfields around to keep it from getting TOO schmaltzy, but it still has more than enough to fit the season. The special is mostly just some fun hangout stuff as John's Mom overcooks food, Garfield snarks and hangs with grandma, and Odie works on something> We also get some fun bits as Jon and Doc Boy act like kids at times. Sometimes it's just to play with their dad as mom makes his read how binky saved christmas. I assume it was fighting the world serpent with sword in hand while riding Smaug as we don't get much. it's also fun as the two later do act like kids, wearing footy pjamas, waking their parents up at midnight, and being threatned with chorin. It's oddly adorable and works with both being manchildren, but isn't overdone enough to get annoying.
The special just moves right along footloose and fancy free and getting there is half the fun. We get bits like working in the snow (With garfield unable to see anything form how thick it is), and a few musical numbers but it's really relaxed and uses every minute well, with grandma and odie's little side plot givnig the special just enough plot to not feel aimless but just little enough to feel like a christmas.
So those musical numbers: Besides the usual from lou rawls, we get a fun one with jon that shows thom huge can really sing, while Garfiled interjects. I especially like when he responds to "wiring all the lights" with "electrical contracting". God Lorenzo music was great. I miss him.
We get a pretty bland christmas is here song that coming right after the jazzy version of o christmas tree really makes Jon's family come off bland as fuck for not liking the former. Which fits his whole personality, but still. We get another fun lou rawls bop with you can never find an elf when you need one as Odie finishes his b plot of making some thing in the background.
It's a fun runner as he grabs random stuff and the reveal it's his present to garfield, a backscratcher he can rub up against, is really sweet as is their hug. We then get a country christmas song to close it out that's a lot of funa nd stuck in my head now thanks.
So yeah, there isn't a ton to say about a garfield christmas: i'ts nostalgic, despite having seen it in high school, warm and hits me right in the heart with some really sweet moments> It's also REALLY funny when it wants to be, with garfield getting to use both his catchphrases "Nice touch", my personal faviorite and "Whoever did (X) outta be drug out into the street and shot" which works for the time but I haven't used at all for obvious reasons. Should use nice touch more. This special.. is easily one of Garfield's best if not the best. I'll have to wait till the end of this project to see, but it is a wonderful special, eaisly on par with a charlie brown christmas and worth your time this.. july season. Thanks for reading
P.S.: This episodes ranking
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superdogbiter · 2 years
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lamia111 · 1 year
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