#I want a whole spin off series about them and their crazy adventures
walmart-miku · 1 year
You know what guys, I think we've been focusing too much on all the love wims/loses and gay in ep 11 I think that we should be paying more attention to THESE TWO
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AHHHHHHH it drive me insane
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 5
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention.  
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 15.7+
A/N:  This chapter got waaaaaay ahead of me. It got longer and longer without me realizing it. So, I apologize for the length in advance and if this isn't any good. In the anime, Nami has some wild outfits and I wanted to sort of bring that to this adaptation a little. Nothing too crazy, but still Nami anime-esque. Also, don’t shoot me but I had a little creative liberty with something in here it’s not canon so yeaaaaaa…please just indulge me for the story lol. Also, this has another Zoro POV, and from here on out things will be very angsty, because I am the proclaimed mayor of Angstville, courtesy of @chans-room and it is my duty to bring a little to the next few chapters.  As always, thank you, guys, for all the love and support. For always being so kind and loving it as much as you do. I hope you all continue to enjoy this story🖤 Much Love, Jenn
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Previous Next
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“Hey Nami?” 
You hoped the widespread dread you were beginning to feel wasn’t that apparent in your tone as you spoke. You did one last check in the mirror before turning to her reply of, “Hmmm?”
“Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but-“
God, she looked amused. 
“Is this supposed to be so…short?”
There was no denying Nami liked clothes. Gold. Berry. Okay, so Nami likes shiny things and things that could also buy her the shiny things. She also seemed to have a flair for fashion. Unfortunately, that fashion was intended to be worn on someone with a bit more confidence than you had. For once, you’d wished you’d paid attention to other things outside of just the components of what made up a plant. 
“You don’t like what I picked.” 
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” you stuttered out. “But this skirt is definitely…short.”
In one smooth move, Nami uncrossed her legs and got up from her seat. When she reached you, her hands grabbed your shoulders and gently turned you back to the mirror. Your reflections showed one woman questioning her whole existence because of a skirt with a corset style top, and one who looked confident in everything she did. 
This time you were definitely not the latter. 
“You look hot.” 
“I look ridiculous and I’m afraid to bend over.”
Nami rolled her eyes so hard for a split second all that you saw was white. The hands that were on your shoulders now forcing you to turn from your reflected look of terror to her. Nami’s eyes shown bright with a determination to make you confident in walking out of her room and heading into the restaurant. 
“Doc, do we need to do an affirmation together.” 
“Absolutely not.”
“Then I need you to shake off whatever thoughts you’re having and realize that you are hot. Be confident in your own body.” 
To send her words home, Nami clapped her hands against your shoulders and gave them one last shake before releasing you. You weren’t sure what to do or say after that so you just stood…staring back at her. 
“Are you going to blink?”
“Sorry,” you hummed, shaking your head. “I was still trying to understand why you get a whole shirt and I get this.”
While her pink and tan outfit was tight and showed a good amount, her small eyelet cut out on her shirt barely showed, if any, cleavage. You felt like a bakery with the amount of buns you were selling.  
There was that eye roll again. 
“Oh my god,” she muttered under her breath. “You are impossible.”
Nami appeared to be tired of trying and turned on her heel to go over to a drawer. You weren’t sure what she was doing - or grabbing - but instead of watching her, you found your eyes drifting back to the mirror. You didn’t look bad just…different. You weren’t used to looking hot, as Nami put it but also so exposed. You reached over and grabbed your satchel and placed it over your shoulder, using it like a security blanket. All it did was make you feel more exposed than before, like a fraud wearing your face but dressed as someone more confident than you’d felt. 
The sound of a drawer shutting hard brought you out of your thoughts and back into the present. It didn’t keep your hands from wringing the strap on your satchel. 
Fuck it
“Hey, Nami do you think-“
“Zoro is going to like it? Yeah. I think he won’t be able to keep his eyes off you.”
You felt like the air had been stripped from your lungs. Your eyes no doubt were large and showing your surprise as you struggled to make words formulate on your tongue.
“Okay, that wasn’t what I was going to ask.”
“It wasn’t?” She teased. 
“You know damn well I was going to ask something else.”
Why does she look so smug? 
No. You were not frowning. 
“Okay, then tell me: what were you going to ask?”
“I suddenly can no longer recall.”
Nami’s smile was joined seconds later with laughter that followed behind you as you tried to make your escape. The sound of very happy feet following closely behind at your heels. You were tempted to look back just to see if she was skipping, but her next teasing words sent you up the stairs two at a time. 
“Sure you don’t.”
“You can’t prove it,” you shot back just as you cleared the stairs. 
The sun was a welcome warmth on your skin after days of being covered in the mist of the fog. The sounds of happy banter between Usopp and Luffy sent you walking towards the main belly of the ship. You could see Usopp dressed in a pirate hat, a leather jacket sans the shirt, and matching pants. A pair of circle sunglasses adorned his face and you had to admit he looked pretty cool. Luffy just made you want to reach over and gently pinch his cheeks.
How is anyone supposed to take him seriously…
He was wearing overalls, for Christ sakes. Luffy looked absolutely adorable. 
At the sound of your approach the guys turned towards you and the reaction you received made you want to throttle Nami. Luffy’s smile faltered ever slightly and Usopp wouldn’t even look you in the eye. 
“Hey Doc, you look-ugh different.”
“Gee, thanks Usopp,” you grumbled. 
“Are you guys done playing dress up so we can get a drink?”
Of course he was more interested in a drink than food. Of course, Zoro sounded like his usual grumpy self, as well. The problem? He didn’t look like his usual grumpy self. 
While Zoro had been wearing t-shirts and jeans - things that looked comfy and regular the past few days - it was replaced with something dangerous. The hue of his kimono style shirt was a blue so deep it could’ve come from the ocean itself. 
The most dangerous part about the shirt wasn’t just that it left a devilish window of skin on his chest available to torment your eyes. It was that same v-shaped window indicated the indent of a sculpted chest and collarbones, but the fabric at his arms hugged the muscles tight. The same strong arms you’d watch do repeated reps with weights and push-ups. Muscles that moved with ease under the skin as he skillfully practiced with his swords.
The dangerous part, after all of this, was that it mimicked a gi. The fabric folded over each other telling you that it would only take a slight tug from your hand to release the tucked material from his pants, from the safety of his sashed belt to leave his chest exposed to your hands and-
God, focus on something else. 
But you couldn’t focus on anything else. How could you with the way he was looking at you? 
Zoro’s eyes scanned over your body and every inch his gaze lingered caused your skin to flush. You fought the urge to fidget with the strap of your satchel but couldn’t stop your teeth from pulling in your bottom lip. Zoro’s eyes caught the movement and honed in on it. Your breath hitched in your throat and you could’ve sworn Zoro noticed that too. 
You were supposed to dislike him. He was an asshole. A drunk. A pain in the ass with a smart mouth. God, it didn’t stop you from wanting him so bad your body ached. From the way he was watching you, you could’ve sworn maybe it felt the same for him. It was a nice thought until he opened his mouth. 
“You’re going to wear that?”
And just like that, whatever witchcraft was in the air to make you think of doing anything other than annoying the shit out of him was gone. 
“I think she looks good.”
Nami came to stand beside you and tore Zoro’s eyes from you to her. 
“Yeah she does,” Usopp agreed from behind you, “but Naan would have a fit if she saw you dressed like this.”
A groan exhaled from your lips as you turned and started for the ramp. No, you were not stomping your feet. You just needed to get off this damn boat and away from all the idiot men aboard. 
“Good thing Naan isn’t here, then,” you huffed. 
You could practically feel Usopp shrug his shoulders, his hands up in question as he yelled after you, “I was just being honest. Naan would tell her it wasn’t practical.” 
You weren’t sure who he said the last part too and you didn’t care. You were already stepping over the side of the Merry and heading towards the ramp when you felt a presence behind you. You expected it to be Nami and what you got was the shock of seeing Moss colored hair and the glint of three gold earrings. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m walking. What does it look like?” 
But why must you do it next to me?
The question hung on the back of your tongue. You weren’t brave enough to ask it, because you could already hear the question of, “Why?”. Why did it matter if Zoro chose to walk beside, in front, or behind you? It shouldn’t matter what he chose to do, but it did matter because the way he looked at you just now was forever burned into your frontal lobe.
“Just this once you couldn’t just leave the swords on the ship?”
“Wherever I go the Wado Ichimonji goes.”
Of course it does
You expected him to do his usual of falling back to stand with Luffy. It’s what he usually did. Today was apparently shaping up to be an unusual one. Not only did he not stop walking with you, he continued to follow close behind you as you entered into the Baratie. His presence was hard to miss since when you stopped inside the foray of the restaurant Zoro was mere inches from your back. 
“Must you stand so damn close to me?” 
Each word was uttered through clenched teeth. You didn’t want to turn around and look at him. You didn’t need eyes in the back of your head to know if you did you would come fast first to the exposed skin of his chest. 
“Why’d you bring your satchel in here? Are you worried someone is going to stub their toe?”
“Can you for two seconds-“
The words had come out as a growl. Your skin bristled with a heated irritation to rip into him, and tell him that he was being his infamous asshole self. Cool points went to you for not completely falling apart when you caught sight of him. 
Zoro was too damn close looking how he looked with his chest exposed like that. His hands in their rightful place of one in his pocket and the other resting casually on his sword. The darkness of his eyes appeared so endless you were certain the moon could call them home. Maybe she already had and that’s why they sparked to life every time he looked at you. 
Just like now. 
One minute, Zoro’s face held its usual emotionless stare and the next you watched as his eyes lit up like fireworks in the night sky; celebrating an event you once again missed. A soft tug on the corner of his lip lifted just enough you could’ve called it a smirk. 
When did he start looking at you like this?
That wasn’t even the biggest question. The biggest question was, when did you start to fall for it? 
You felt your tongue involuntarily flick out to wet your suddenly dry lips, and to your horror Zoro’s eyes lazily watched the movement. He didn’t even try to hide it. 
Oh god, you should’ve stayed on the boat.
You watched Nami come through the double doors entrance and the way her face lit up as her eyes roamed between the both of you instantly sent your eyes rolling. You were never going to hear the end of this. You let out a deep breath, your eyes scanning one last time in his direction, before you walked over to join Nami. 
The Baratie was a thing of beauty. You’d never seen a building like it. While the outside was made of boards of broken down ships in the style of an actual fish, red siding and white ashwood for those fishy lips, the inside was a well thought out piece of beauty. The foray split open to a staircase of cherry wood that led down to a tiled floor of checkered black and white. It should’ve looked ridiculous, but only the center was made with these tiles. The rest was made with the continued us of the cherry wood that led up to an intricate painting on the ceiling. Sections of the fish's belly were carved out into long booths that looked like they could comfortably seat a party of eight. 
Also, the smell of the food was making you almost willing to grovel to get a plate because there was no way- 
“Welcome to Baratie. How may I help you?”
The fishman was polite enough with his semi-warm smile. It was the smile of a man forced to be approachable and nice all day, and not one that he meant. 
“Hi. Where do we eat?”
Luffy’s smile on the other hand could make a rainbow weep. 
“Do you have a reservation, sir?”
Yup. There was no way you guys could afford a place like this or apparently even have the chance to get in. You could feel your shoulders deflate as you walked over to the railing and leaned your arms against it. All the people dining - all the pirates - didn’t appear the least bit phased at your staring. Luffy pressed himself shoulder-to-shoulder with you with the two of you taking in the fancy scene before you. 
To be fair, with food like what they were being served you wouldn’t care who watched you stuff your face either. 
“Do we need one?” 
Your forehead had already relocated itself to the cool wood of the rail. Your knees meeting the metal as you tried not to laugh at how cluelessly innocent Luffy was. 
“We are very full today. I could put you on the waiting list. It’s three weeks out.” 
“Maybe you want to check your book again.” Usopp walked forward, as confident as ever, and leaned himself against the hostess podium. You were expecting one of his smooth stories and instead wanted to throw yourself over the side of the railing as he finished. “You wouldn’t want to turn away the future King of the Pirates, would you?”
“And who is that supposed to be, sir?”
“Monkey D. Luffy. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?”
Based on the heavy sigh that came from the hostess you could tell his patience was wearing thin. So was his pleasantness. 
“Well, in that case, I suppose we could find you a table. In three weeks.”
Usopp came to stand beside you with a smile as big as the ocean blue on his face. He was so proud, like he’d accomplished something major. Usopp had both the ability to create bullshit from thin air, and the ability to believe others would believe what he said without question. That’s why he was giving you the finger gun of celebration without noticing the look on the hostess face - or the mumbled words. 
“Even out here, Doc I still got it.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
You noticed Nami move forward as Luffy conjoined himself to your other available side. You were now perfectly sandwiched between your Captain and your best friend. Both of them jumping in giddy excitement at the idea of sitting down at any minute and eating. 
“What are you going to eat, Doc?”
“I hadn’t thought about it, yet. I didn’t think we’d get past the front door.”
“Why is that?”
“She’s always been a little cynical ever since we were kids.”
You balked at Usopp’s admission and if you could’ve scoffed any louder it would’ve turned into a cough. 
“I am not cynical!”
“You are literally one of the most cynical people I’ve ever met.”
“That’s because I’m one of the few people you’ve ever met who still talks to you,” you grumbled. 
“See? That cynicism is turning its ugly little head right now. It’s okay, Doc. I forgive you.”
Your mouth was open, a reply stationed on your tongue, when you heard something shocking behind you. The hostess was advising Nami to follow after him and when you glanced at her as she smiled at Zoro, you wondered what had been said. All it took was for Usopp to see him beckoning for them to follow for his ego to be boosted. His hands clapping happily against yours and Luffy’s shoulders as he giggled out, “See, I told you it would work.” 
You peeled yourself from the railing and headed to follow the rest of the crew when, once again, you realized Zoro was waiting at the stairs edge. He wasn’t looking at you while he waited, however, for his eyes were glued to the many possibilities of would be threats in the room. 
As soon as your feet touched down on the burgundy runner that ran the length of the stairs Zoro followed after. It wasn’t like the last time when you could feel him practically right on your heels. A switch had turned on in his head and Zoro was on high alert. 
Luffy took the last step in a loud double-footed jump that finally brought the attention of most of the tables to your descent. While up top, looking down from the foray, the space in the booth’s had looked massive. It still was, but a startling realization that you could end up next to Zoro left you scrambling for some space. 
“I have to pee.”
You’d just gotten to the tables edge and it felt like the only thing to say to save yourself. Everyone froze for all of a few seconds before they continued scooting into the booth. 
“Okay, Doc. Go to the bathroom,” Nami stated. 
She looked so relaxed that you felt incredibly jealous. You wish you could be that cool, calm, and collected all the time. Except, obviously, when Luffy was testing her patience. 
You turned to ask the host where it could be located when the sound of Zoro’s swords thrashing around turned your head in his direction. For a split second, he looked a little flushed. His eyes scanning the room to see if anyone had watched him try and fail, very badly, at getting his swords to go inside the booth. 
“Just take them off,” you huffed at him in passing. 
“I’ve got this.”
Zoro’s eyes were still trained on the room, on every pair of eyes that dared to stare back, as he moved to the other side with Nami. Even then you watched him struggle to move his swords into the alcove between the pillar and the seat. 
“If you still need to use the facilities Miss, they will be right this way.” 
You gave the table with Luffy and your crew mates one last look before you followed the host closely to the safety behind a locked door. 
Did locking the door seem a bit much when there were four available stalls inside? Yes. When you say you needed to hear that click to signify that you were completely alone to ease some of the growing tension in your shoulders, you meant it. 
You rushed over to the sink and found your hands grabbing at the porcelain to help center yourself. Your head was dizzy from the mental whiplash that seemed to be your relationship with Zoro. One minute, you couldn’t stand him and he seemed equally annoyed with your very existence. The next, he was helping you with your sea sickness or inadvertently doing things around the ship to make your life a little easier. Now, he was looking at you differently. Zoro was acting strange, but honestly, when wasn’t he? 
You glanced up at your reflection in the mirror. The words falling automatically from your lips. 
“So are you.” 
It wasn’t all him. It never was. Cause and effect. One couldn’t exist without the other, and maybe that was why you felt the way you did gazing at your reflection. You’d been trying to deny the gravitational pull that you were hopelessly fighting against ever since you met him. Before you’d ever seen his face your soul seemed to say, “Oh, there you are.” 
It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t scientific and yet here you were locked inside of a bathroom all because the thought of sitting next to him made your heart feel like it would try and flee your chest. 
You allowed yourself a couple more minutes to boost yourself back up. You could do this. It was just a guy. A guy who’d tucked a flower behind your ear and looked at you like you’d both strung up the stars and drank the last bottle of his rum. 
A knock on the bathroom door brought you crashing back to reality. You quickly moved over to the door to release the latch. You’d barely had any time to move back before a woman came barreling through looking not too pleased with you locking the door. You mouthed a, “sorry,” in a way of apology before you made yourself scarce and walked back out to the table. 
The minute you stepped back into the main dining room you got the sense you’d missed something. Your eyes searched over the tables. You found a pair of shoes that belonged to a pair of legs that was attached to a man lying lifelessly still on the floor. 
Yup. You’d most definitely missed something. 
The doctor in you immediately wanted to go to the man and make sure he wasn’t dead. You could practically feel your toes point in the direction for the rest of your body to follow. You just weren’t sure if it was something you should do in a room full of pirates. Plus, no one else seemed particularly worried that he wasn’t breathing so that should be good enough for you. 
You were bouncing on your feet. You wanted to go check so badly. It almost happened to where you were going to say fuck it and just go check when you noticed your waiter at your table. He was tall, strong build set inside a stylish suit with stark white hair that appeared to reach his cheeks. He didn’t look happy to be there until his eyes spotted Nami and a smile as smooth as sin slid across his face. 
He is handsome. 
Nami looked unimpressed and a part of you was dying to know what the hell was happening. Luckily for you, you were about to find out. 
As you approached the table Zoro’s eyes that had narrowed in on their waiter flicked to your oncoming approach and…did he look worried? The annoyance that had hardened his eyes noticeably softened, his back sitting up straighter in his seat while he continued to watch you come to the table. He had his arms crossed over his chest and you wanted to scream. Everything was flexing at you and it just felt like the universe was incredibly unfair. 
“Sorry guys. Uhm have you guys noticed the ugh guy just laying there on the floor” you stated. 
You were looking. Again. 
You were standing next to the waiter who turned to greet you, his hands tucked in his pockets - fuckin great another one. The smile had wilted at the edges until his eyes fell on you and instantly he flashed a set of pretty teeth. 
“They’re alright, madam. Just a couple of men who needed to be reminded of the rules of the house. My name is Sanji and I’ll be your waiter for this evening. Is there anything that I can get you to start? Appetizers? A drink, perhaps?”
Sanji was incredibly polite and his accent was as smooth as the rest of him. His eyes were impossibly blue. While Nami’s appeared almost gray at times, especially when she became upset and the color darkened like storm clouds, Sanji’s reminded you of azure aster’s in the spring. 
“What is the strongest thing you have?”
You really could use that drink. You were in the middle of taking your satchel from across your body, eyes scoping to see where you would sit, when Sanji’s reply stopped you died in your tracks.
“That would be me, sweetheart.”
Did he just wink at you? 
“What’s wrong with your face?”
“I think he just does that.” Nami cut in sending your eyes to travel to where she sat inside the booth. “It’s like an involuntary tick or something.”
“Oh. Explains a lot.”
You knew Sanji could tell you were both taking the piss out of him, but there was no denying he was a good sport about it. 
“Not a tick. Just a show of appreciation for two lovely ladies, such as yourselves.” 
“Okay. I’ve heard enough.” 
A soft yelp of surprise came from you as you felt a soft, yet calloused hand grab at your wrist and, not so gently, pull you to their side. Zoro’s side. He had just magically removed himself from the booth and was pulling you to the now open section. The section that would put you next to Nami, but also him. 
“Oy, women don’t like to be manhandled like that,” Sanji interjected. 
“This one likes to be manhandled quite often. We don’t need your concern.”
Usopp’s water sprayed across the table and you were willing to bet that would’ve been your very own reaction if you didn’t have a mouthful of words. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” You blanched back at him. 
Zoro’s attention wasn’t directed at you. He and the waiter seemed to be in a battle of…something. Even as he sat back down, his legs spread broad and arms crossed back over his chest, Zoro oozed two simple words: “Try me.”
“See, that’s your problem right there. Women don’t like to be manhandled-“
“Sometimes we do,” Nami mumbled and you had to hide your smirk with your hand.
“They like to be treated like queen’s and with respect.”
“I thought a waiter’s job was to bring food to the table. I don’t see any food.” 
The tension that rose around you was palpable. The two of them acted like they were caught in a verbal pissing match. Nervously, you glanced around the table to find Usopp playing with his napkin while peeking out to look at both the men. Luffy just looked genuinely lost. 
You imagined there was a chance you would never get that drink, or any food, with how this evening was turning out. Finally, with an irritated roll of his tongue along his jaw Sanji turned to the rest of the table and tried to apply that same easy going smile as before. 
“I’ll be right back with your order. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get you ladies.” 
“They’re fine.” 
With one last glance in Zoro’s direction Sanji left and headed back into what you assumed must be the kitchen. When you were sure he was gone you turned and smacked Zoro in his arm. He didn’t even look phased. 
“‘What?’” You mimicked back at him. That earned you a stare. “What in the hell was that?”
“Seems to me like somebody was jealous.”
Usopp teased and for once when Zoro’s eyes narrowed in on him, Usopp didn’t even flinch. 
“I’m not jealous of a waiter.”
“Your actions say otherwise,” Nami reminded him. 
In usual Zoro fashion he didn’t respond right away. His arms tightened a little more on his chest as he situated his back higher against the back of the booth. His jaw ticking like a time bomb refusing to respond to any of your prodding. 
You wanted answers. You wanted him to explain what the hell that was all about, because your skin was still burning where his hand had latched on to you. It felt possessive; a man reaching out to claim something that was his. 
The world around you might as well have gone by in a blur. You knew at some point the drinks and food had been deposited on the table. You could smell the delicious food sitting in front of you; the appetizers everyone was sharing around the table. The only thing you were able to focus on was tracing the place of where his fingers had wrapped around your wrist. Your mind felt like it was held prisoner, unable to let go and it wasn’t until you felt someone’s presence leaning closer to you in the booth that you finally broke free.
“Are you not going to eat?” 
Nami’s question whispered against your neck and you had to fight to suppress the shiver that threatened to move down your spine. When had she gotten so close? Nami was looking at you like you’d given her reason to worry. 
How long had you been sitting there staring off into space? Your eyes drifted to glance around the table - Luffy noticeably with his mouth full - and the drink sitting in front of you. 
“Oh, thank god. Booze,” you mumbled, as you reached out to take the glass. 
It took you less than a minute to bring the rim to your lips and down it in two very audible gulps. You tried not to make a face as the liquor hit the back of your throat. When you’d told Sanji you wanted something strong, he’d delivered. 
“Well, at least you did something other than stare off into space.”
“You know, it might not be any of my business-“
“I don’t think a sentence started that way leads to anything good.”
Usopp didn’t seem the least bit deterred by Zoro’s words. He continued to trim a piece of the meat off his steak while he glanced around the table. While you didn’t know what it was Usopp was about to say or ask, you knew one thing was for sure. You needed more- 
“Beer! Yes!”
God, help you, but you were giggling from excitement of finding more alcohol. Just as you reached out to grab it, Zoro’s voice came bombarding through your good time. 
“That’s mine.”
You were sure Zoro was expecting you to set the bottle back down. To not uncap the top and stare him down as you bring the bottle up to your lips and take a long, slow pull. When you finished you set your now claimed beer down in front of you.
“It was yours.”
“I was wondering, Zoro, how you got that bruise on your face?”
Usopp motioned to the exact spot where the bruise in question used to be with the hand that held his steak knife. You cringed at the idea of him hurting himself, and could feel the words of caution bubbling up on your tongue. 
“I don’t have a bruise.”
“You did, though,” Luffy offered up in between his next bit. “It was on your left cheek.” 
“That was me.”
Why were you raising your hand? Quickly, you set it back down in your lap. The smile that spread across your lips, however, stayed. 
“Doc, let’s not go around telling tall-tales, okay,” Usopp chuckled. 
“Usopp, you are the king of tall-tales. Mine is very much real,” you beamed. 
Nami looked between the two of you. Her eyes got brighter with each passing second as she realized you weren’t lying. 
“Oh my god,” she chuckled. “It is true, isn’t it.” 
You popped the p at the end for dramatic effect. Your hand grabbing a hold of your new bottle of beer that you quickly took a sip of. 
“You seem way too happy about this,” Zoro grumbled, his food now forgotten. 
You couldn’t deny you were enjoying retelling this moment. The way everyone else acted, it’s as if you’d taken on a giant and everyone was surprised you’d survived. If that was the case, you would have to take a page out of Usopp’s book and embellish the story just a little. 
“So, there I was racing back to get to Kaya’s to save you guys, when I heard a lot of strange grunting coming from the well.” 
“The one you hate?” 
“Yes, Usopp, that exact one. I was going to pass by when the sounds got even worse - someone was indeed stuck inside the well. When I went over to peer across the ledge a wild Moss-haired idiot appeared from the side.”
“I’m going to have to object to this retelling.”
You waved Zoro’s words off and fought the urge to shush him. 
“No interruptions, please. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah the Moss-haired idiot who came over the side-“
“And instead of helping me this psycho decided to punch me and almost send me back down the well.”
“Psycho?” You balked.
“Yeah, a psycho. What kind of person sees someone struggling to get out of a well and, instead of helping them, tries to send them back down?”
“Why are you guys always like this,” Nami cut in.
“Like what?”
“You guys act like you can’t say one nice thing to each other or it’s going to be the end of the world.”
“I can too say something nice.”
You were not going to pout. Nami’s brows raised upwards like you’d told her there was no such thing as the West Blue and that fish could fly. You crossed your arms to try and ward her off, but there was no getting away from it. 
“Can I just say, this food is so good? I don’t know if I can take another bite - but I’m gonna.”
You allowed them to comment about the food. The food you still hadn’t tried. While you’d sat in silence, stewing over thoughts filled with questions and not enough answers everyone had eaten. 
“Oh, man you said it.” 
“I’m not going to be able to eat for a week,” Nami agreed. 
“Should we get dessert?”
“I have all I need right here,” Zoro stated, his thumb flicking the top off his beer before he took a drink. 
You could feel a smart ass remark sitting in the back of your throat. You wanted to say it - to see that flash of irritation darken his eyes. You liked the idea of getting under his skin, because whether you wanted to admit it or not, Zoro was definitely under yours. Maybe it would’ve been simpler if you’d stayed at Syrup Village. 
“Mmm! That reminds me. We should make a toast! Everyone grab your glasses. To the best crew sailing on the sea and to our victory. Yeah!”
Luffy grabbed his glass of milk and held it up. His happiness is enough to get most of you to join him in raising a glass. Hell, it was enough to get Usopp to clink his beer against Luffy’s milk. 
Beside you, Zoro smiled and took a drink from his bottle and you never wanted to be an alcoholic beverage more in your life. You needed to get out of this booth. You seriously needed to go back to the ship and think about your life choices. 
“No, I’m sorry. What victory exactly?”
Nami didn’t try to make her tone flat or hide the question off her face. She was genuinely perplexed, while the rest of you were eager for any reason just to drink. 
“Our victory against the marines. It was our very first battle and we crushed them.”
“I don’t know how many naval battles you guys have been a part of-“
“Two dozen, at least.”
Why did Usopp’s response not surprise you in the slightest. 
“But that was a disaster,” Nami continued without missing a beat. “We were unprepared, uncoordinated. By all rights, we should be at the bottom of the sea.”
“We’re not though. Luffy saved us.”
For a split second, this Nami you were seeing was different from the one you’d spent the last few days aboard the Merry. Sure, at times she could have a prickly exterior, but never like this. Usopp defending Luffy triggered something inside her - something rage-filled and dangerous. Something born from desperation. 
“Are we really going to ignore the elephant in the room right now?”
Luffy was smiling like he usually did. Unable to follow wherever Nami was leading you all, but you could sense it. You weren’t sure what drove you to try and play peacekeeper. Why you spoke her name softly between you and tried to reach out to her, only for her to pull away like you’d stung her. 
“You failed to mention that your grandfather was a marine. And not just any marine, but a Vice-Admiral, at that! I don’t know about you three, but I didn’t sign up for that.”
Zoro had been listening to her through closed eyes. You weren’t sure if he was truly trying to listen or dismiss what she had to say, but it surprised you when he stepped in. His first instinct was to stick up for Luffy, something you hadn’t been expecting. 
“You raided a marine base. Of course that’ll make you a target.” 
“I’m sorry what?”
If you had been drinking or eating, you would’ve choked. Neither of them seemed to pay you any mind. 
“If I stole the map, no one would’ve known I was there, as opposed to wrecking a base commander’s office.” 
Yes, you could vaguely recall Luffy’s speech to Kaya about all the marvelous things they’d done in the few days they’d known each other. Did you necessarily believe him at the time? Not really. But now…
Before a fresh wave of thoughts could wash up in your brain, Sanji magically appeared placing the bill on the table. 
“Your bill, sir.”
Luffy looked around at all of you, a soft smile playing at his lips, as he held up his finger for all of you to wait. He quickly signed the receipt and handed it back. 
“Thank you, my good man.”
Sanji took the bill back, his eyebrow quirked up as he read whatever Luffy had signed at the bottom. Whatever it was sent a grin wider than the East Blue to brighten up his face. 
“No, sir. Thank you.”
Luffy waited for Sanji to leave the table before he looked back at you all. For once, he wasn’t all smiles. All that care-free energy was contained and replaced with a seriousness you weren’t sure you liked. 
“Look, I’m not saying it’s good that the Marines are on our tail, but we showed them that they can’t just roll over us. This crew, our crew, can handle anything.”
It would’ve been a riveting Captain's speech if it wasn’t interrupted the second he finished speaking. 
“Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?”
The voice that rang across the Baratie was thick with age. You didn’t have to look far to know it belonged to the older gentleman who stood at the entrance to what you could only assume was the kitchen. His peg leg made clunking noises off the tile as he made his way towards the table. 
How did he know where to go? Luffy was just leaning out the side of the booth waving ever so-slightly with his smile back on his face. “Here.”
“You seem to be confused about the rules of the house, but Baratie doesn’t offer credit. You eat, you pay.”
How much is the food? 
You only had thirty-three Berry to your name. You started to reach inside your bag when Luffy waved you to stop. The older Chef looked from you and back to Luffy who placed his hands together like he was about to pray. 
“I think you’re confused. The meal has already been paid for. I just haven’t given you the money yet.”
“Yeah, and how’s that?”
“You can add it to my treasure tab.”
Your forehead hit the edge of the table so fast you weren’t even sure it actually hurt. 
“And what, pray tell, is that?”
“I may not look like a big deal yet, but you’re talking to the future King of the Pirates. And as soon as I find the One Piece, I’m going to come back, pay this bill in full, and with interest.” 
At least the Chef had the decency to chuckle before he lurched down and grabbed Luffy by the front of his overalls. 
“I got a better idea.” 
You watched as he placed Luffy in front of him with a controlling hand held on to his shoulder. A way to keep him from running, if he tried, but you knew Luffy would go without a fight. You glanced around the table to find no one making a move to follow. 
“You guys are seriously just going to sit here,” you huffed. 
Nami leaned her head back against the booth. Her eyes looking up at the ceiling and refusing to look anywhere else. 
“I need a drink.”
“Yeah,” Zoro chuckled as he grabbed a hold of what was left of his beer. “Now you’re talking.” 
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You’d waited until they all removed themselves from the booth before you slipped away. You were sure the three of them wouldn’t miss your presence as you made your way towards the kitchen. It wasn’t until you’d passed the last pillar before the kitchen that you felt the familiar touch of calloused fingers wrap themselves lazily around your wrist. 
The tug you felt this time was softer - a plea for your attention instead of forcing it. You weren’t sure what you expected when you turned around. If Zoro would be his usual unreadable smoothness like stone or if the corner of his eyes would be tinged with annoyance. There were only a few possibilities that you’d grown accustomed to and all of them were nothing of what you got. 
When you turned to meet him, Zoro didn’t look like he usually did. The hardness that kept him unreadable was replaced with something softer. His lips parted as he searched your face with your wrist still held loosely in his hand. 
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to help, Luffy.”
“Luffy, can handle himself.” 
You weren’t sure why your tone had come off saying his name as breathy as it did. As if you were both tucked inside the alcove of a church hiding to keep from being caught doing something forbidden. You also couldn’t explain why when he dropped your wrist from his hand you’d chosen to place it on his chest. It wasn’t until you’d done that you realized just how close you both were. 
“I’m not going to leave him to do dishes by himself until he tells me too.” 
“How do you know he’s doing dishes?”
“Why the hell else would he take him into the kitchen?” 
“Good point.”
You removed your hand from his chest and, for a split second, you thought you saw a glint of loss. 
“You guys head to the bar and I’ll meet you there shortly.”
Zoro made no move to leave. He stood there looking every bit as intimidating as a man with three swords could be, while also looking seemingly lost. He appeared to be thinking something over - a debate in his mind about whether or not he should even say whatever was weighing heavily there. 
You almost told him to just spit it out, but he looked like he would rather chew on razor blades than say whatever it was. When Zoro finally got it off his chest it sounded like he’d choked. 
“What about the waiter?”
Confusion clouded your features as you replied, “What about him? Do you need me to find him for you or-“
Zoro waved you off. He looked more awkward now than you’d ever seen him. All the cool confidence that he’d oozed seemingly gone in the blink of an eye, and replaced with a hand behind his neck and eyes that refused to meet yours. 
“No. I mean be careful of the waiter?”
“I’m confused.” That was an understatement. “Is there something I’m missing about this waiter?”
“No - it's - never mind. I’ll just see you when you finish doing whatever it is you plan to do.” 
“What are you planning to do?”
Your head was metaphorically and literally spinning from the conversation. One second, Zoro looked ready to follow after Usopp and Nami who were no doubt already at a table with drink in hand. The next, he seemed uncharacteristically bashful. 
You didn’t want to smile. What if it ruined the moment? 
“I plan on helping Luffy by helping the Chef.”
“I’m going to pretend that makes sense.”
When you gave him a thumbs up in response you wished lightning would’ve come down and burnt you to a crisp. What made it worse? From the smile that was beginning to work its way at the corners of Zoro’s lips, you could practically hear what he was going to say. 
“You really are masterful with replies.”
“Okay, well, I’m gonna go in there now,” you stated. Your body slowly backed away from him and the heart stopping smile that was only growing wider. 
When did he start smiling at you like that?
You were almost to the swinging double doors when someone came rushing through and collided immediately with your back. The sound of dishes crashing sent your eyes wide and finally tore you away from the swordsman in front of you. 
“Oi, what’s going on out here?”
Double fuck. 
You stooped down to help the waiter pick up the pieces of plates that had shattered on the ground and the food right along with it. 
“What the bloody hell is going on ‘ere?”
Looking up from your crouched position on the floor, you were greeted by the same Chef who had pulled Luffy into the back. Without thinking you jolted to stand upright to face him with your hands struggling to keep the pieces of broken plate from dropping. 
“I came to help my Captain in your kitchen.”
As the words left your mouth, so too did a couple pieces of a plate. 
It was abrupt. It was harsh and it was final. He didn’t even give you a chance to try and change his mind. The hard sound of his peg leg turning back into the kitchen cutting off whatever your next sentence might have been. 
“Hey! I can help!”
You pushed through the double doors and narrowly missed a cook passing by with a flaming piece of meat sautéing in the pan. You pulled a face and quickly moved away. This time you were watching closely where you were going and playing extra close attention to the fast pace movements happening around you. 
For someone so large, the Chef made his way with ease around the kitchen. You weren’t sure if he was just light on his feet or if everyone in the kitchen just learned to work around him. 
“No.” He sounded like he’d smoked two packs of smokes a day and finished it off by gargling with a cigar. “What you can do is get out of my kitchen before you make more of a mess.”
“Hey Doc!” Luffy waved from his place in the corner. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to help you.”
And to show how helpful you were, you placed the broken pieces of plate down on the table. The old man regarded him momentarily before looking back at you. 
“You’re with him?”
“Yeah I am.”
The old man turned back to Luffy, a large thumb pointed back to you as he spoke, “She broke a couple plates outside. That’s also added to your tab.”
“Oh, okay wait!” You came around the corner of a cutting station, arms still out in front of you like you were warding off a bear. “That’s why I'm here. I have a service I think would benefit you.”
“And what, pray tell, would that be?”
You put on your brightest smile and flared your arms out in front of you like you were a prize to behold. 
“I’m a doctor.” 
You expected a different reaction. A completely different reaction to him looking like he was about to make you fish food. 
“Get out of my kitchen.”
“Did you hear me-“
“I heard you just fine, girl. What I need is for you to get out of my kitchen.” 
The way he called you girl reminded you of Naan. It was the same tone that was used to tell you that you were in the way. You weren’t helping. You were just being a pain in the ass. There were more than a handful of times that you’d told Naan you could help; you knew enough to assist with minor surgeries. To help with childbirth when the women came in hollering and screaming like their body was being broken and molded anew. 
You’d spent your whole life learning how to forage and create and heal. You knew you could help - that you could ease this man’s pain. 
When crystal blue eyes honed in on your position you refused to bend. You stared back at him and for the first time ever you squared your own shoulders in defiance. 
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Your stump - I bet it hurts you something awful. The problem with prosthetics is that they still rub the skin - can bruise. What if I tell you that I can make you a salve that can alleviate that for you?”
He’d placed his hands on his hips somehow making him appear broader. He was trying to intimidate you, but he had nothing on a little old lady and her cane. 
“She is really the best doctor in all of the East Blue. If your leg really does hurt you, why not let Doc try and see if it helps?” 
He looked from Luffy and back to you - his eyes showing how undecided he was. You thought you were going to have to try again when he finally replied, “You got one hour before the second dinner. If it isn’t as good as you say I’m doubling what he owes me.”
The joy you felt at winning something was quickly taken from you as you resisted the urge to chase after him. 
“Wait what?!”
The old man wasn’t going to answer you. He was too busy walking away, off to see something about food. You didn’t even get a chance to ask him for a pot or if he had any mortars in his kitchen. You glanced over at Luffy who was giving you two thumbs up and smiling his usual smile. 
At least one of you believed in you. 
You were about to remind him that you were left with nothing to use when the waiter from earlier, Zoro’s best friend, magically appeared. His jacket was now missing and the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to expose his forearms. 
“I’m assuming you’re in need of some assistance.”
A breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding released from you in a soft laugh of gratitude. 
“Yes, please! I need a pot and mortar and pestle. If you can direct me where to get them-“
“No, I can get them for you. I live to serve.” 
Sanji spared you one last parting smile before he moved swiftly around the kitchen collecting what you’d asked. Everything else you either already had in your satchel or you could easily run back to the ship to get. Somewhere in the back of your mind, when Sanji came back to hand you your requested items and winked, you swore you could hear Zoro’s teeth grinding in irritation. 
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Zeff, as you later learned from Sanji, had given you all of one hour to make your salve. You’d finished in forty minutes. 
The kitchen had been cleared out and empty, which you learned was the usual between the break up in the first, second, and third dinner. It also meant it gave you ample time to look over Zeff’s leg. Not that the old man looked the least bit thrilled about it. 
His rough exterior was making it hard for you not to be a little jumpy. Add in the extra audience of both Luffy and Sanji who seemed to be fascinated just from you removing the old man’s boot a little harder to work. 
The minute you’d removed the wooden prosthetic from his knee you immediately could see the bruising. The hard rashes that bleed across the skin leaving angry marks that almost threatened to make the skin weep. You couldn’t keep the air from hissing between your teeth as you took in a sharp breath. 
You could hear Zeff too. The way he tried to swallow back down a groan that threatened to become something close to a cry of pain. Gently, you set it aside and started getting to work. Your hands pull out clean linen and wrap from your satchel and the green chiterra you’d just harvested. 
You got up from where you sat and poured warm water into a bowl Luffy just cleaned. Immediately, you placed a clean cloth inside until it was completely soaked and rung it out before you gently placed it on his stump. You could hear the whistle of pain flash between his teeth, but you didn’t look to see if he was glaring at you still. You continued to smash up the chiterra until it made a paste. 
Once you knew everything was ready, you gently began to clean the skin; exposing the places where the rash had torn skin. In those areas you placed the chiterra and in the areas where no broken skin showed you deposited the salve. The minty scent enveloped the space and as you began to wrap up Zeff’s leg, you dared to peek at him. 
“What is that smell? Mint?”
“Aloe Vera. It helps with burns and irritations on the skin. I figured it would help soothe your skin. Give you some relief.”
It was a sound you’d grown up with. Naan made the same kind when she was unsure of what to say. When she wasn’t ready to admit you were right or that you’d proven yourself capable. 
“There.” You huffed as you put the prosthetic back on. “Make sure you wash it at least once a day. The salve can be put on two to three times daily. Don’t be scared to be generous with it and-“ you pulled the piece of paper you’d written the measurements and ingredients on. Your fingers waving it back and forth in front of him just to make sure you had his attention. “I’ll give you the recipe if you knock off more than half of what Luffy owes you. Deal?”
“You really think your fancy medicine is worth more than my food?”
“Is it worth more than your comfort? You tell me: how does your leg feel now?”
You tried to hide your growing smile as you could see the battle Zeff was warring on in his head. While he was old and stubborn, you knew relief from pain of any kind was usually the path most took. 
With a heavy sigh, Zeff put his hand out for the paper and you knew you had him. This time you did allow a cheeky smile to celebrate. 
“Your Naan teach you to be a pain in the ass like this too?” 
“Nope. That I’ve learned all on my own.” 
“Sounds about right.”
You leaned back on the stool and watched as Zeff began to get up. The caution his body had grown accustomed too every time he moved was noticeable in his slow movements. 
“I told you she was the best in all of the East Blue.”
Luffy looked so proud. You weren’t sure what you expected, but the amount of pride he radiated was something new to you. Sure, you’d had Naan tell you that you did good but it wasn’t the same. There was something about the way Luffy looked at people - really looked - to the point for the first time you felt seen. 
Luffy didn’t just say he thought you were the best because he was trying to talk you up. He believed in you and what you could do. 
“Yeah, that may be so, but you still owe me some clean dishes.” 
“I’ll get right on it.”
He smacked the top of the chair he’d been sitting in as he got up. He didn’t argue or call for a rest. Luffy simply headed back towards the sink to finish on the load of dishes he’d left as they’d watched you work. The idea of him still slaving away in the space while you were all out there enjoying yourselves didn’t feel right.  
“You should be able to go out with the rest of us and have a drink.”
“I’ll be alright here. You go on ahead and meet the rest of the crew. I’ll be with you guys soon enough.” 
How soon? It didn’t feel right to leave him there. Even worse to bring over dishes you’d gotten dirty for him to wash in the end. 
“At least let me wash these, Luffy.”
He’d opened his mouth to tell - what? To tell you to go again, most likely but you never actually heard him say it. Right when he was about to speak, Sanji was just there. His hands gently taking the dishes out of yours and walking over to place them beside the sink. 
“How about I do these dishes for you.”
“Why would you do that?”
Sanji glanced away from you for a moment. His eyes focusing in on a memory, maybe. Whatever it was memory or thought, his eyes went into a thousand yard stare. One that was untouchable as the clouds. Finally, he turned to look at you and a touch of a smile was back. 
“Zeff is cantankerous old shit bag but-“
“But he’s your cantankerous old shit bag. I get it.”
And you did. Naan and Zeff had a lot in common, specifically in their not-so-great parenting that wasn’t parenting skills. Even more so in the way they tried to make it seem like any help you tried to give wasn’t going to be good enough. You’d just come to realize that, while at first you’d hated Naan for always telling you it just wasn’t good enough, whatever you did, you realized as you got older it was because she knew you could do better. Would you have preferred a hug? A lighter lesson sharing a cup of hot chocolate? Hell yeah you would’ve but…this was okay too. 
The closed smile Sanji wore cracked a little as you finished his sentence. A smile of realizing someone else understood seemed to make the tension ease from his shoulders just a bit. 
“I’ll wash these up for you and let’s say, in return, you have a drink with me later.” 
He’d remove the dish towel from his shoulders; his right hand tightened inside the fabric as he used it to prop himself up just a little. He was leaning against the counter with that soft, inviting smile still barely showing any teeth. You realized as you considered his offer you liked it better when he was smiling just a little too wide; all the flirting making him happier than he seemed now. 
Fuck you wondered what Zoro would do if he knew what you were about to say? What did it matter anyways? It wasn’t like you belonged to each other or had feelings or…you know…whatever. 
It was your turn to take your head out of the clouds and look back over at Sanji. He wasn’t being pushy. You were sure if you told him no he would be a gentleman about it. So, taking a deep breath you finally gave him your response. 
“A drink would be good.” 
What in the absolute hell’s were you doing? 
In a matter of a millisecond, Sanji brightened up and it made your chastising fall short. It couldn’t be that big of a deal if it made him this happy, it could it? 
“Great. I’ll finish up here and find you at the bar.”
“Alright. I guess I’ll see you in a bit then.”
You replaced your satchel over your shoulder and started to make your way towards the back door. You weren’t even sure where the bar was. Wherever it was you knew a certain Moss-haired swordsman would be there with the others. 
“Good. It’s a date.” 
You whirled around so fast the vertigo almost threatened to topple you over. 
“Ugh, it is not a date.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Sanji teased, his hand flipping the dish towel back over his shoulder. 
He looked so smug. Why were all the men you were running into either smug, attractive, and a pain in the ass? Well, besides Luffy, that is. He was becoming your sunshine son whether he agreed or not. 
“It sounds like a drink,” you responded. 
Your feet were still carrying you to the back door, but you honestly couldn’t get there fast enough. 
“A drink under the stars and hushed conversation.” 
“To have a hushed conversation you have to be like this close,” using your hands you indicate the amount of space necessary to make that even a remote possibility, “and it’s in a crowded place, which means yelling.” 
“You’re adorable you know when you’re all flushed like that.” 
“Excuse me while I go throw myself overboard.”
“Doc! Make sure Nami or Usopp get you out!” Luffy called after you. “I won’t be able to go in.” 
You weren’t going to tell him it was a figure of speech. He seemed so genuinely concerned that you would just throw yourself off that you kind of didn’t want to ruin the moment. One last glance at Sanji before you left out the back door, and you debated whether you were joking or not. 
You weren’t exactly sure where you were heading, you just knew that there was the sound of music. Music usually meant very few things. Either someone was having a dinner party with music playing in the background, highly unlikely, or you were headed directly for the bar. 
The bar where your crew mates were at. The bar that Zoro was at and the same bar Sanji would come looking for you at later. God, how soon was later? The thought made each new step you took sound more pronounced, louder than the last as you practically dragged yourself into the fish’s mouth. 
It wasn’t an incredibly large space. It was pretty crowded already, and if it wasn’t for its size you would’ve worried you wouldn’t have been able to find them. Luckily for you, Usopp spotted you first and waved you over to the table they’d claimed right at the edge of the fish’s lip. 
While Nami and Zoro were nursing a beer and whiskey, respectfully, Usopp apparently found a punch bowl. By the looks of said punch bowl and the glossy look hollowing out Usopp’s eyes, you knew you were going to need one just as big. 
“Where did you get that fish bowl and do they have more?” You asked, removing your satchel and sitting down next to Nami. 
“Nice of you to finally join us.”
“Oh, it’s so nice to be missed.”
You clutched your hands dramatically to your chest causing Nami to bump into you playfully in response. 
“In all seriousness though, I’m going to need one of those fish bowls. ASAP.”
“I don’t know if you want one, Doc,” Usopp replied before taking another long pull from his straw. “It tastes just like candy. I don’t even think there is any liquor in this.” 
“Pace yourself.” Zoro warned. “Last time I said that I ended up face down underneath a table.” 
You leaned forward, your elbows resting on the small table, as you cupped your chin in your hands. You tried for cute and tried to smile that ended up squished between cheeks and hands. 
“What were you doing under the table?”
“Napping,” he replied curtly. 
“No one chooses to nap under a table in a bar.”
“I’ve napped in the crow’s nest on the Merry a few times.”
Yup. There was definitely liquor in that fishbowl. 
“By the way, if you see Sanji let me know. I inadvertently may have slightly agreed to have a drink with him.” 
“Nami’s boyfriend?”
“Nami’s what?”
“The waiter?!” 
“He is not my boyfriend,” Nami protested a finger up to signify to Usopp to make a point, “and what is happening?”
“He asked after I fixed up Zeff’s - the big angry Chef - leg. I made a little salve for him to help take the pain away when he wore the prosthetic.”
“And somehow that led to you being asked for a drink?”
“I guess?” You shrugged. 
“Man, I gotta try that,” Usopp mumbled as he took another long sip through his straws. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone.” 
Your eyes panned over to Zoro. His arms painfully tight across his chest and his jaw wasn’t faring any better. It looked painful. You wanted to remind him it was possible to get lockjaw just from grinding your teeth into dust. 
“Well, I’m going to go get me a fishbowl.” 
You remove yourself from your newly claimed spot and walk over towards the bar. The bartender himself seemed easy enough, happy to take your money, and even happier to take a tip as he handed over your drink. It was so heavy that you thought it would take you half a decade just to get it back to the table without spilling it. So, the best way to combat spillage was by starting to drink some down. 
Usopp was right. They did taste exactly like candy.
When you arrived back at the table, it was noticeably more quiet. Nami’s eyes focused on her now empty glass that she swirled around in her hand. Zoro wasn’t looking at you, as per usual, as if you’d done something wrong and Usopp was busy finishing off his drink. You weren’t sure how to inject yourself back into a conversation that had grown stagnant. You weren’t born with the ease of conversation; not like Nami who always seemed to know what to do. When to smile and the right words to make someone open up. You’d only take a couple of sips of your drink when Zoro’s gruff voice sliced into the silence. 
“What are you holding onto that is so heavy?” 
He took a drink from his own glass as he waited for Nami to speak. To lift her head up or show any signs that she’d heard him. 
“You guys seriously don’t think what Luffy did was messed up?”
You weren’t following. You were too busy taking another drink, eyes darting between the two of them. You felt silly. Obviously, whatever was bothering Nami wasn’t a secret. It wasn’t something she was holding close to ruin you all later, but whatever it was that weighed on her she felt Luffy had done something detrimental. Almost. 
Zoro regarded her evenly before he set his glass back down on his thigh. His gaze looked away from her as he replied, “Yeah. He should’ve told us. But if you haven’t noticed we’ve been making enemies everywhere we go. Psycho clowns, killer butlers: what are the Marines going to do?” 
 “You don’t understand. I can’t get caught not when I’m so close-“
Nami looked ready to break. The tears of panic that edged at the corners of her eyes made all the earlier playfulness disappear. The sharpness of words you threatened to say to defend Luffy losing their edge as you watched her stare into her glass like it would be able to give her all the answers. To tell her it would all be okay. 
Zoro looked between you and Usopp, who was doing his best to not be a part of this particular conversation. His lips wrapped around the straws buried deep in his drink and refused to let go. 
You were about to reach out to her, to ask her if she was okay, really okay, not just the kind you pretend to be through words when a mask of a smile was back on her face. She set down her glass and gave a quick glance around the table before clapping her hands down on her bare legs and lifting up out of her seat. 
“Who wants a drink? It’s on me.”
“That’s my favorite kind.”
“Of course it is.”
You ignored Zoro’s stare as Nami removed herself from the booth - from all of you. She was more than halfway to the bar when you reached over and smacked Zoro’s shoulder. He looked surprised for all of a second before he looked from his shoulder and back to you. 
“‘That’s my favorite kind.’” You mimicked. “God, who says that?”
“Someone who likes free drinks?” Usopp offered up. 
“You are both -“
“Impossible. We know.”
Shaking your head, you shimmied out of the booth and started making your way through the groups of people. You could barely see Nami up ahead with an older gentleman speaking to her. A spindle of curiosity began to weave its way inside your belly and filled your head with questions. He didn’t seem to be flirting with her or trying. No, they seemed to be discussing business. 
You spoke her name lightly the way you would an animal that was skittish. The hand you’d reached out to tap her shoulder falling short as she turned halfway to face you. 
“Hey, Doc, what are you doing?”
“I came to check on you.”
Nami pulled a face, her shoulders shrugging just enough to brush off your words. 
“I promise you, I’m just fine. I don’t need a check-up or anything like that.”
The bartender chose at that moment to set down a bottle of rum and four shot glasses, which Nami grabbed immediately. She thanked him with a smile and turned to head back to the table forcing you to practically run after her. 
“Nami- Nami, wait!”
“What do you want?!”
The anger of her words forced you to take a step back. Your hands raised just to let her know you meant her no harm. 
“Do you remember when I told you that you had a friend in Syrup village?”
“What about it?”
“While I didn’t stay in the village, I’m still your friend and while I may not be able to protect you like Zoro, or be full of sunshine and stretchy like Luffy, or hell, be as sharp as Usopp with a slingshot I’m still here for you. Does that make sense?”
“I think?”
“I Just- okay look I’m not good at this either. My only friend I had was Usopp and I’m not sure how to say this but if you need to talk or if anything is bothering you, you can tell me. I’m not going to judge you or you know…”
It all felt like it was going good in your head and then you breathed, started talking, and for some reason panicked. Bless Nami for finding it all vaguely amusing, from what you could tell, because the smile that graced her lips was the one you’d come to expect. Bright and full of the youth sometimes you feel like she’d missed. 
“Why do you get so awkward at the end of long speeches?” 
Her words were light and airy; full of the laughter that flowed through each one. You allowed her go wrap her arm around your shoulders as you both moved back to the table. Your own laughter threatening to burst at any minute. 
“I don’t get awkward.”
You could hear the eye roll she gave as you both began to release one another. You wouldn’t fit in the booth this way if you didn’t. 
“Every time. Without fail. You start off so strong.”
“I just get nervous that I’m not making any sense, especially when you’re saying things that matter.”
“What you said back there matters?”
She’d placed the rum and glasses down on the table. Usopp’s fishbowl long since emptied and Zoro was moving towards the bottle at Lightning speed, as if he couldn’t wait to meet oblivion. Before Nami disappeared back into the booth you gently grabbed her hand to stop her making sure she faced you completely before you spoke low enough for only her to hear. 
“It matters because you matter to me, Nami. All jokes aside, just don’t forget I’m here for you.”
Her eyes pricked with the edge of tears but she quickly nodded and turned away from you. The only proof you’d gotten she heard you was the soft squeeze of her hand in yours just before she let you go. 
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“God, I don’t know which one of them is worse. Can that even be classified as dancing?”
Nami’s soft laughter filtered over to him and Zoro couldn’t help but respond with a smile. At some point, you’d dived head first into too many of the giant fishbowls, deciding not to heed his warning, and come out the other side completely and utterly shit faced. So, when Usopp asked you to join him out on the dance floor, you didn't hesitate. For the last hour, Zoro wished there was a camera around just to hold this moment hostage from time. 
He watched as you did moves he was willing to bet, if you were sober, would flush your cheeks in the rosy hue he’d found himself becoming obsessed with ever since he’d placed that snowdrop behind your ear. Another moment that time had taken he’d hoped to have burned into his memory. The way you’d looked up at him shifted something inside him, and Zoro wasn’t sure if he could ever get it back, or if he even cared it was gone. 
You were in the middle of your next move - one arm behind your head while the other was close to your side. Your shoulder rotating in strange circles as your body bounced off beat. Usopp had gone back to doing a shuffle beside you that broke you out of your dance and into his. 
Zoro could feel a smile threatening to burst its way on to his lips. Quickly, he brought his beer up and took a long pull from the glass. 
“You’re different with her.” Every word was punctuated. Slow. As if Nami was afraid saying it too fast would spook him. 
He took the glass from his lips and set it back on his thigh. His hand still wrapped around the cool mug as he finally regarded Nami. 
“I’m not different with anybody.”
“Well, that’s not true. You’re different with Luffy; with us. I’m betting you don’t look at us the way you look at her, though.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It’s nothing. 
God, he wanted it to be true. Even now, however, he could feel his neck straining to stay facing Nami’s direction. He wanted to look back and see what you were doing. To make sure you were safe. 
And that waiter hadn’t magically appeared.
Nami must have known he was lying. She may have been a thief, but Zoro had come to realize her bullshit calling meter was the best he’d ever seen. She regarded him coolly with her brows raised in mock shock. 
“I have eyes, Zoro. Unless you’re looking at me the same way when I’m not looking - it’s different.”
If he played it cool, kept his face free of emotion, and didn’t react he could still call her a liar. It was a solid plan that would’ve worked if his jaw hadn’t ticked in annoyance. Zoro wasn’t annoyed with Nami. He was annoyed at himself for being caught wanting something -someone - besides his goal. 
He looked down into the safety of the amber liquid in his glass. Unsure of what - how - to begin to deny you hadn’t snuck in and taken a piece of him and called it yours. Luckily, he didn’t have to. 
“Look,” Nami sighed. “I know you’ve got your own thing going on. Who doesn’t.”
“Why do I feel like there’s a but coming,” he grumbled.
“But it’s okay to still want other things too.”
Zoro allowed himself to look up from the safety of the glass and willed himself to appear emotionless as he considered her. His mind was still mulling over her words and what Nami could possibly be trying to get at. 
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Like her.” 
In a flash, Zoro could see how simple it would be to have you. His imagination ran in a million directions, in a trillion scenarios of a life that held a path for you to walk with him. He almost gave in and allowed the warmth of the idea of touching you, knowing you, to consume him until a clash of swords resonated in his mind. 
As fast as it was created, it was destroyed. He found himself back in the woods standing in front of Kuina, so full of fire and life. The determination lit a fire in her eyes until he could’ve sworn he’d be consumed. 
“Until one of us is the greatest swordsman who ever lived.” 
It was his goal then just like she had been his goal - and it had remained his goal even now. Zoro couldn’t allow himself to lose sight of that. It was his dream to be the world’s greatest swordsman, but it had also been hers. 
Zoro could still see her there waiting for him. Dead and dried leaves crunching under her feet as she waited for him to meet her in the clearing, her eyes brimming with challenge. 
Zoro could almost feel his muscles taut and ready to go to her. His thumb playing at the hilt of his sword, to pull it out in one smooth motion and come forward those last few feet in a class of steel. He could feel his feet moving and the sound of the leaves crunching under his weight. He was almost to her when the sound of laughter floating through the breeze like a wind chime forced him to stop. He didn’t know who or what it was, or why his first thought was you, but when he turned to glance behind him he felt his heart stop.
He was suddenly standing back in the lavender fields at Irkhaven. Zoro’s eyes scanned around until you were there, like Kuina, standing just out of reach. You were surrounded by a sea of purple and sunlight that only seemed to brighten as you smiled in his direction. It was the smile that warmed him down to his bones and made his chest ache for once with something other than sadness and guilt. Zoro wouldn’t dare think it - risk saying it - in case this was some kind of spell. 
You spoke his name - beckoning him to follow you - just like Kuina. Underneath all of your softness you held your own fire, your own determination, that made you appear wild. The wind whipping at your hair and turning you ethereal amongst all the life that you held within your eyes. 
Zoro could feel himself stuck between the place where he began and the place where he was going. Where you were waiting with Luffy, Usopp, and Nami. A place he never imagined his life would take him and yet…
The sound of Nami almost shouting his name shook him out of his thoughts and the sound of cracking glass filtered through moments later. He could feel the glass in his hand fracturing; dangerously close to collapsing inward if he squeezed harder. He set the weeping glass down and spared a glance to Nami as he removed himself from the seat.
“Hey, Zoro, are you okay?”
He hated how he could see the concern was etched into every crease of her features. The way she pretended to care. He made sure his hand was secured on the Wado Ichimonji before he stood to his full height. His eyes glancing over at you and Usopp now entrenched in a dance battle. 
Suddenly, being inside the mouth of a fish made him feel like he was being swallowed whole. He couldn’t be near you - couldn’t risk confessing in the heat of a drunken moment that you had consumed him, mind and soul, and he wasn’t sure if he cared. 
“I gotta go back to the Merry. Forgot something.”
“Forgot what? Zoro? Zoro!”
He didn’t look behind him to see what Nami was doing. Their earlier game of “guess my trauma,” officially over as he rushed towards the next dock. The pounding of his heart reminding him of the dangers of caring; of allowing yourself to get wrapped up in other people. 
To this day, Zoro could still feel the ice that pierced his heart when he was told Kuina was gone. The way the world seemed to shift into madness and somehow remain the same. It was his mind that could no longer make sense of a world where she no longer resided. Zoro would’ve gone to the gates of hell to get her back if he could and with the searing vision of your smile, head whipped back in joy, Zoro felt that same exact emotion he’d felt over seven years ago. 
He would tear the world apart to keep you in it and that was a confession he couldn’t afford to say. 
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For the last hour Zoro had been able to sit in the stillness of the ship and enjoy the silence. The only intrusive sound was that of things moving below the water and the of the wet stone sliding across the Wado Ichimonji. 
It’d taken him longer than he’d ever admit to collect himself. His meditation hadn’t been able to clear his mind the way it usually did, and it wasn’t until he’d begun to take care of Kuina’s blade that his thoughts had ceased.
Of course, all good things were meant to come crashing down. 
“How long do you think you’re going to hide out here and pout?”
Zoro’s wrist stopped mid-motion down the sword. His eyes unable to tear away from the moonlight gleaming on the blade just in case looking at you sent him reeling over the edge again. 
Being alone with you on the Merry was about the worst thing that could happen to him. At least at the bar he would have continued to play twenty questions with Nami and been surrounded by plenty of sound to help drown out whatever was going on with him. 
You aren’t focused. 
But he was, wasn’t he? In the last seven years, Zoro had devoted himself to his training. To become stronger. Faster. The only swordsman to use three swords and earn the name of The Demon. With every waking hour Zoro was closer to becoming who he - who she - dreamed of being. 
The sound of your footsteps drawing closer almost made him delirious. His hand tightening down on the wet stone before he set it down beside him. His eyes turned out to look once more into the endless midnight in front of him. 
“Who says I’m hiding?”
His voice sounded rough, like it hadn’t been used in months. He picked up the rum he’d taken from his room and took a swig to clear his throat and his senses. By the time he finished taking his drink, you were standing beside where he sat on the crate. Your arms wrapped around your middle with your hip cocked looking like you were ready to give him hell. 
I am hiding. 
It was the only clear thought he had as his eyes adjusted to your presence. Your eyes were glassy from the alcohol even though you were trying to make it seem like you were sober, he guessed. But Zoro could tell you were tipsy with the way you swayed along with each push of the ocean’s wave against the ship. 
He and Nami were going to have a talk about dressing you next time. Every part of you felt exposed to him and yet, it wasn’t enough. It was all just a game, teasing him constantly no matter what angle he looked at it. What was even worse was how the moon highlighted you in light and half in shadow. 
“I say you are and we both know I’m usually right.”
A sly smile slid across his lips before he could stop it. His eyes transfixed while you took the finishing steps until you stood before him. With your arms back down at your side you felt more open to him, vulnerable somehow. It was the look in your eyes that told him why. 
Maybe he wasn’t just imagining it too but what did it prove? You were both idiots on a sinking ship. Looking up at you now, the way you shamelessly devoured every inch the moonlight provided your eyes he knew you’d both happily drown. 
“Is that so?”
“It’s the new unwritten rule on the ship.”
“Guess I’m going to have to have a talk with Luffy about that.”
“He’s still in the kitchen finishing up dishes if you want to be a good first mate and help him.”
“I should go help him.”
“The waiters in there with him, though.” 
“He doesn’t need my help that bad.” 
Zoro wasn’t sure what it was that made your head fall back the way it did. What it was that caused you to laugh the way you did with your hand covering your mouth as if it was enough to silence it. He didn’t know what he did, but he swore he would do it again just to see you like this. 
“Is that why you are hiding out on the ship? Afraid of some competition?”
You went to sit down next to him and his hand reached out to grab you by your hip to stop you. It was meant to be a gesture to get you to stop. Instead, his hand slid under the fabric of the corset and he could hear the audible sharp whistle as you sucked in a breath. He wondered if you would let him keep it there, if you’d let him pull you closer until you were perfectly positioned between his legs.
As fast as his hand and touched you it retreated and it was his turn to stand. 
“Let’s cut the chit chat. I have something better in mind.
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“You seriously think now is a good time to train?”
You couldn’t believe it. Your brain was still a mess from seconds ago when his hand somehow found its way under your clothes. The way he’d looked up at you, you half expected him to pull you closer. The hunger that flashed in obsidian eyes was enough to make you think you were about to find out just how plush his lips might actually be. 
As fast as it happened it ended and the disappointment was raw in your chest. Zoro, on the other hand, looked right at home. 
“Why not? Did you have something else in mind?”
“No,” you grumbled. 
You were most definitely not pouting.
“Good. First, you have to fix your stance.” 
“Okay, how should I be-“
A scream of shock left you as you nearly jumped out of your skin. You turned just in time to see him slide the handle of a sword back inside the sheath. The same one that he’d used mere seconds ago to smack against your bare thigh. 
“Did you just spank me with your sword?”
God, he looked too pleased with himself. 
“I could do it again, if you like.” 
You could feel your mouth opening and closing. You didn’t know what to say. Yes, please do? That felt too desperate and yelling at him would do nothing but prove you did like it in some weird way. 
Shit. Your cheeks were burning. 
“How about we just direct me, verbally, like a normal sensei would do.” 
“You could also call me master, instead of sensei, if you like.” 
Zoro had stepped close to you - close enough if you leaned back just an inch you would be against him. His words were dripped heavily with teasing, but the way the husk of his tone whispered along your skin like a caress threatened to make your knees buckle. 
This was supposed to be training for god sake. Clearing your throat, you dared to lean your head back just enough it rested on his chest. Your eyes batting up at him as you replied, “Or I can just call you an asshole.”  
A heavy sigh blew through his nose as he stepped away from you, almost sending you falling on your ass. 
“Do you even have a weapon?” 
“There are pots in the kitchen,” you deadpanned. 
Zoro looked at you like he would throw you over the side of the ship at any minute. 
“I mean a real weapon.”
“My knife is in my satchel.”
You both stood there staring at one another. You weren’t sure what he was expecting you to do. If you were just magically supposed to make your satchel appear or leave to go get it. Zoro wasn’t saying much. He was just standing there one hand on his sword and a thumb tucked into his sash. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me all night or are you going to go get it?” 
Whatever tension that had been brimming between you, unspoken words, or anything else was instantly gone. All of it exploded by his usual rigid posture and dead-eye stare that only moments ago made you believe that maybe, just maybe, your drunken mind wasn’t as delusional as you thought. 
“When I come back you better be ready to get your ass kicked,” you seethed. 
You went to turn on your booted heel when a strong wave rocked the ship and almost sent you toppling forward. You’d braced yourself for impact; your knees colliding once again with the wood or possible scraps to your hands and bare legs. 
Instead, your back collided with a warm body with a forearm locked around your middle keeping you impossibly tight against them. The scent of sandalwood and skin melded together flooding your scenes until your brain was in overload. 
You looked back and found his face mere inches from yours. So close you could feel the heat of his breath along your jaw tempting you to close those last few inches. For a brief moment you thought you’d unlocked some new form of drunken bravery inside of you, but all of it came crashing down when Zoro let go and stepped away. 
“Maybe I should walk back with you. You don’t seem like you’re able to walk.” 
You didn’t know what else to say. Should you tell him to come close again? Should you tell him that while he was equally the most infuriating human on the planet you somehow couldn’t imagine a space where he wasn’t in it?
How could knowing someone for only a short while turn into…this. 
You knew you wouldn’t say any of it. Not even enough liquor in the world could get you to tell Roronoa Zoro, The Demon, that you had a crush on him just as deadly as he was. 
So, you turned on your heel and headed back towards the giant mouth of the fish. The steady sounds of Zoro’s heavy footsteps right behind you until you finally made it back into the bar. You’d only gotten a few steps to the table when you realized something was wrong. A man in a trench coat and large hat with a feather was standing in front of Nami and Usopp. They didn’t appear frightened but…why was he there?
“Oh, hey guys! This is my new best friend-“ Usopp stated. 
Nami softly smacked him on his chest as she cut in, “This is not our friend.” 
The man in question turned to stare at Zoro and you. His eyes sunflower yellow with swirls like a bullseye within making you almost take a step back from him. You bummed back into Zoro and this time when you looked at him he no longer looked unreadable. He was looking at this man like he was a godsend - a dream come true in the form of curled mustaches and oversized feathers. 
“You’re Dracule Mihawk.” 
“I have business with your captain. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll hand him over.”
“Well, we don’t know anyone named Luffy, do we guys? Zoro?” 
You’d been so enamored by Mihawk’s  appearance you hadn’t realized Zoro had moved around you. His eyes still fastened to him as he moved around to face him. 
“I’ve been following your career since I was a child. It’s an honor to finally meet you, sir.”
“Thank you.” 
Mihawk looked bored out of his skull. 
“Which is why it pains me to inform you that tomorrow you’re going to die.”
“Wait, what?”
“What the actual fuck…” 
Your words came out as an uttered whisper. You were too shell shocked to say more - do more. It felt like you were watching this whole interaction through the lense of a telescope on a distant island where idiots roamed free. 
“I, Roronoa Zoro, challenge you to a duel to the death.”
“What the actual fuck! Zoro!”
This time you were loud. Much louder than you wanted with every syllable ringing out your panic like a dinner bell. 
“I’ve never heard of you.” 
“They call me the Demon Pirate Hunter. But my lifelong dream is to best you in single combat and become the greatest swordsman in the world.” 
“You’re serious.”
“Accept my challenge and I’ll show you how serious I am.”
“Very well. Tomorrow at dawn and when I’m done with you Pirate Hunter I’ll take your captain.” 
No. No. No - “No.”
Your head was still ringing out with the word. Unable to comprehend what in the actual hell had just happened. You’d come back to get your small cutting knife. He was supposed to be training you right now back on the deck of the Merry. This was wrong. All wrong. 
Nami leaned forward from her seat. Her own worry was bleeding into her eyes, her voice, as she asked, “What in the hell did you just do?”
You were still trying to figure that out when Zoro turned and walked away leaving dread the size of a crater to worm its way inside your chest. 
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As always, thank you all so much for reading. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Tag list: @thegreatesttttttttt @katiemrty @sorasolarium @ponyboys-sunsets @flowersgirl02 @spilled-coffee-cup @instabull @charleslec-airlines @dixonsbugaboo @amanda08319 @moony-artemis @iloveautumn1 @yoheyyosup @ghostyycat7 @csmbrainrot @selmasemlan @scarletrosesposts @yeetedandoboi @snixx2088 @sourairi @nerdiestmothman21 @swthxrry @throwmethroughawindow @heyitz-julia @sabrinadelreyy @illusory-segurity @naomihatake @mrs--imperfect @shabzy1644 @fckwritersblock @glaciuswduo @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @fangeekkk @tfamidoingwithmylife @zaphira-san @kieth-reblogging @alotofrandomfangirling @emelia07 @kagatinkita @sarcastic-sourwolf @humblereaper21 @frankenstein852 @lflores2008 @hwabae8 @sseleniaa @skzoolove94 @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @kaykay0315 @geminidas
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
Chrissy Cunningham Cinematic Universe
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"I love chrissy cunningham. I want her back in st. in fact, I want her own tv show. animated and live action. both with 5 seasons & 3 spin offs. and then a whole movie. actually I want a chrissy cunningham cinematic universe. and a whole book series just about her. and videogames." - @/goddes_rabbit on Twitter
Okay I saw this tweet and I have both ADHD and nowhere to be until 11 am so I give you this! *sparkles and fairy dust*
Chrissy in ST: She doesn't die because she is simply too babygirl for that. She is Vecna's first horseman of the apocalypse but when the party defeats him at the end of Season 4, she’s returned to normal. She goes about her life as a cheerleader but moves in with Eddie and Wayne and becomes a core part of the group. Her, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Steve become besties.
Chrissy's own TV Show: This would essentially be Stranger Things but from her perspective. There's also one season that's entirely flashbacks to Vecna from her perspective and being in the UD with her Vecna peeps. The main plot points would be:
-Fallout from being Vecna'd (bullying, PTSD, revoking her "it girl" status)
-Found family with Eddie and Wayne (and the rest of the party)
-Her parents trying to get her back after she moves in with Eddie and Wayne
-Her helping the party with any lingering supernatural happenings in Hawkins.
-Chrissy healing from all the shit she's gone through and finding light and happiness.
(There's also a subplot about Chrissy being really good at science and kind of a nerd about it too and when they inevitably bring Mr. Clark back, the two of them become odd besties. He remembers her as one of his best students. He ends up becoming someone she can go to for help and advice outside of her circle of friends.)
Chrissy's Animated TV Show: I immediately went to a Winx Club/Sabrina the Teenage Witch style show about her middle school years! It would be animated and geared toward younger kids so the subject matter is super light. Fashion, cheerleading for the sake of cheerleading, sleepovers, magazines, lip gloss, and her chance encounter with Eddie at the talent show.
Spin-off #1: The Adventures of Baby Chrissy. Chrissy as a baby (a la Baby Looney Tunes and Rugrats) and all the shenanigans she gets into. Featuring cameos by baby Eddie, baby Steve, baby Nancy, and baby Robin). cutecutecute.
Spin-off #2: Chrissy's Big Scare. (Post-Vecna). This would be a mini-series, kind of like the ones that come on during commercial breaks. In it, Chrissy tries to watch a different scary movie every week as a sort of aversion therapy to help her cope with being Vecna'd. She does it when Eddie and Wayne are gone because she wants to be able to be brave without them there to comfort her. It would just be her reactions to everything: laughing at cheesy dialogue, spilling popcorn when she gets jump scared, hiding under the blanket, getting invested into the plot, (and yes, calling Eddie if it gets too scary).
Spin-off #3: Chrissy's Haunted Cheer Camp. (Pre-Vecna). Chrissy and her friends go to a yearly cheer camp but (surprise, surprise) it's haunted. Every summer is one season and every summer, something crazy scary happens. Personal items keep disappearing, things that go bump in the night, one of the girls gets possessed. The last season features the craziest story (and it occurs the summer before Will gets taken).
One of their counselors even goes missing for the majority of the summer but she's not as conventionally "pretty" as the rest of them so no one cares except Chrissy. She Nancy Drew's her way into some answers and they end up finding the girl at the end of the summer. And here's the chilling part: she walks out of the lake with no memory of what happened.
Movie: Chrissy Around the World. The summer before senior year, Chrissy was supposed to go to church camp but she was feeling extra rebellious and used her dad's credit card to go on a worldwide vacation. Paris, African Safari, everywhere. (Think Megan in the "Drake and Josh" movie or Kevin in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York"). She ends her vacation in New York and falls in love with it and decides that's where she wants to move when she moves out of Hawkins the following year. It features a very satisfying 2000s-esque shopping spree, hotel trashing, and a cameo by taylor swift (ask me if i give a fuck about continuity).
Chrissy Cinematic Universe:
Movie about Chrissy’s life pre-vecna
Movie about Chrissy’s time in the UD
Movie about Chrissy in the 90s living in New York with Eddie
Lore about her brother and his life
Movies about her and Eddie's kids and then, their lives as adults
Movies about her GRANDKIDS and their lives
(Chrissy is the Padme Amidala of the Munson family.)
Fuck it, Chrissy across the multiverse. IDC. She's a superhero in one of them. Chrissy defeats Thanos. Chrissy is a time traveler. Chrissy is the 15th Doctor. Chrissy made Bigfoot up. Chrissy is Jack the Ripper. Chrissy is DB Cooper.
Book Series: Sweet Baby Chrissy. Basically the art style of tinker bell pixie hollow books and it’s geared toward kids so it’s mundane things about her. Chrissy’s Bad Hair Day. Chrissy’s Sleepover. Chrissy's Broken Leg. Chrissy Bakes a Pie. Chrissy and Steve having a babysitting job together. Chrissy going to see christmas lights with the gang. 
Video Games:
Cheer For Your Life - complete the cheer routine or else Vecna gets you.
Chrissy’s Closet - Get Chrissy dressed for different events before the timer runs out (pep rally, date with Eddie, etc)
Chrissy Cunningham Upside Down - a scary quarry type game where Chrissy navigates getting out of the upside down. She has to hunt down objects that will help her ("Uptown Girl" cassette, her pom-poms, picture of her brother, etc.) and you don’t know who’s friend or foe so you have to fight some of your friends if they've been Vecna'd.
Chrissy Wake Up - (guitar hero basically) hit all the notes of "Master of Puppets" to wake Chrissy Up.
Surfer Girl Pizza - Chrissy helps Argyle with a huge order of pizzas (pizza making game)
The Hideout - (scavenger hunt/quest game) help Corroded Coffin get ready for their show at the hideout by locating eddie’s guitar, fixing gareth’s drumsticks and helping the boys find their lucky pins etc. 
Bad Girl - help Chrissy sneak out to meet Eddie without waking up her parents or brother.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy jack and tubbo
requested: yes/no
an: part 6 of the great adventures series - swimming with the boys
warning: cursing
an: starts with tubbo&y/n friendship as i had an idea, sorry if tumblr messes up paragraphs again, tried to make this gender neutral i’m sorry if it doesn’t come off that way, as always anything with y/n and the others especially tubbo is platonic
twitter had been going crazy the past few days. you had been telling your community something was happening, however you weren't going to tell them what. today was the day you were going to reveal what was happening, tubbo made a tweet that he was outside, and sent you a text he was in your street and to start streaming.
you started your stream like any other stream, however this time you were streaming from your phone rather than your pc, and at a much later time. you spent 10 minutes talking to chat, making comments that someone was going to randomly walk into your room of course your chat didn’t believe you until,
“Hiya y/n!”
tubbo walked into your room and stood behind your chair leaning over in order to give you a hug. chat started spamming asking what was going on.
“well chat tubbo is here for a reason and we’re not allowed to tell you why, but we did decide to stream late for a reason. you may notice it’s getting dark outside, however we’re doing a camping stream, except you ain’t watching us sleep!”
the stream wasn't going well, you and tubbo couldn’t put the tent up, mainly because you lost the pegs for the tent. you did however have an air mattress and two thick blankets. you both looked at each other and nodded. within 10 minutes the air mattress was blown up and had a blanket laying on it, and you and tubbo sat comfortably chatting to the viewers. within minutes the pair of you were trending again, this time with pictures of you both sat together with the blanket and fairy lights wrapped around you both so that you could both be seen on stream.
“well chat it’s getting pretty late we’re going to do something for a little while-”
“guess we’re going to stare at the stars for a bit, then figure out if we actually want to sleep outside. we will see you all later, thank you all for showing up to this random stream. i’m gonna raid ranboo, goodnight!” you waved goodbye and tubbo ended the stream for you. a shooting star was passing, full of excitement you tapped tubbos thigh and pointed at the star telling him to make a wish. the pair of you laid on the air mattress under the stars, eventuality you both drifted asleep.
the both of you woke up to the sound of your mother telling you that you had around an hour to get ready before jack and tommy would be there. soon enough, as always you and tubbo were sat in the back of jacks car while you set off on your adventure. like normal, you all sang along to the radio, until you and tommy decided to yell at random cars that passed you, giving jack flashbacks from the time he took you and tommy to tesco and a lake. this went on for a long time as the water park was a lot further than any other adventure you all went on. “is now a bad time to say i can’t swim?”
“are you joking y/n? please tell me you’re joking!”
you just sat laughing, tubbo took this as a sign to tell the now concerned jack that you could in fact swim, you just wanted to see their reaction.
“i thought you both said you were never going on an adventure with us again?”
“you know what they say...people change like the tides in the ocean...did i say that right?”
you and tommy filmed the intro to the vlog and then you all walked into the changing room. you and tubbo went off straight away to get ready, tommy and jack instantly commented on how warm it was, then putting the blame on the lights that looked like the sky, before deciding to get ready. like the others you wore a shirt over your swimsuit, the four of you then made your way to the pools.
“holy shit!”
“what the fuck there’s no one here like at all!”
you all passed the lifeguards on the way to the pools, thanking them for their service. you could already tell this was going to be a long day for them watching over all four of you, especially because you and tommy kept joking about drowning each other.
“this is ours...for the whole day!”
you stood recording your pov whilst tommy ran into the water, the rest of you following shortly after. for a few minutes you all decided to float in the wave pool, realising that shouting you were drowning or couldn’t swim probably wasn’t your smartest idea. everything was going well till you heard tubbo shouting to you and tommy as he realised he still had his phone in his pocket.
“next vlog is going to the apple store so tubbo can replace his phone..”
whilst he went to put his phone away, tommy dragged you under the water with him and jack for a split second, and wouldn’t tell you why.
“stop tryna drown me!”
you watched as tommy struggled to climb onto the surface nearby, followed by tubbo climbing on and being pushed off in seconds.
walking up the stairs you and tommy joked about this being physically exhausting,
“you both literally did a military assault course...this is a water park for children.”
you started defending your point that this was a lot more exhausting, especially as your ankle had only just healed from the military assault course. once up the stairs you were met by a capsule, you knew this as jack kept repeating that it was one. “thanks, jack we all know it’s a capsule now!”
you stood with jack as tommy decided to go first. you couldn’t lie you were thankful he was going first as that thing looked scary as hell, tubbo clearly agreed with you as you turned around to see him nervously laughing and walking around in circles. you turned around to jack making several comments about how scary it is, “looks like something jigsaw would put you in. it even has a control thingy.”
“i was taking you seriously till you said control thingy.”
you stood as a group watching as tommy got ready to go down the slide, you were nervous for him. you stood counting down as jack waved and tubbo stood with his hands covering his face as tommy went down the slide. jack went down next and like before you and tubbo waved him off. “hope you don’t die bossman!”
it was now time for you or tubbo to go
“are you going tubbo? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
you messed with his hair as he nervously laughed, questioning if he should go down. “i’ll go down first. if you don’t wanna go down, that’s completely okay, you can go down the stairs.”
you got into the capsule, tubbo watched nervously as the lifeguards began counting down. he waved as you were sent off laughing and screaming as loud as possible. once you were with the others, you stood waiting for tubbo to come downstairs.
you and tommy stood questioning a lifeguard about if he knew your friend george before you all made your way to the next slide, this time the four of you were carrying inflatable rings with you. you went first again, screaming due to the fact you started spinning. within a couple of minutes the others stood impatiently, waiting for you to pass them on your way near the end as they were told that they’d be able to see you go by. “oh look there they go!”
tommy went down next and encouraged you to go with him to the spinny thing he saw earlier rather than wait for the others. you agreed and made your way to the slide with a lifeguard asking him what he thought about the pair of you.
“he thinks we’re awesome y/n!”
“i agree tommy.”
the pair of you stood looking for tubbo and jack. tommy found them first and lightly tapped your arm pointing to the childrens pool, causing the pair of you to laugh.
tommy went first and you stood laughing as you heard him scream.
"just wanted to see if it was safe, you know?”
it was then your turn to go down the slide. you honestly loved it and it very quickly became your favourite slide there. as soon as you got out the water, tommy was waiting for you to go to the others. you both made your way to where you saw them last, the children’s pool.
“i am the leader of the children’s kingdom!”
you tilted your head to the side as tommy told him what he said was dodgy.
tubbo informed you all that the wave pool was on so the four of you ran to the wave pool. you and tubbo stayed together floating as the waves were rather light, and tommy bragged about you both going on the hard slide whilst they stayed in the children's pool. once tommy finally got his goggles off, he was met by you and tubbo floating. the water constantly splashing over your face and jack messing around under the water.
“y/n is drowning!”
“no, we're riding the waves.”
you looked up to notice tommy and jack constantly jumping up then going under the water shouting.
the four of you walked with the lifeguards to the next slide. tommy attempted to make conversation with one of them, however it didn’t go to plan, resulting in everyone else laughing. you stood with tubbo listening to jack joke about tommy having to sit on his lap, it was only till tubbo pointed out there was three slides.
“ill go down after you tubbo!”
“nonsense y/n you can go down with me, they can do that, right? they just have to sit in front of me and i keep them safe?”
the lifeguards nodded, so tubbo helped you get ready before the others were also ready to go down the slides. they counted down and the four of you raced down, you and tubbo made it down first. you cheered before pulling tubbo into a hug. jack came down next followed by tommy, claiming that he won the race. after arguing who won, the four of you went down again for a re-match. you and tubbo won yet again and tommy finally called it quits. you overheard tommy telling jack his face throbs because he’s ageing followed by jack getting his age incorrect
“jack i hate to tell you this, but you’re wrong hes 17 now.”
tubbo wanted to go down the spinny slide and dragged you with him, whilst the others went swimming in the other pools. you went first and tubbo followed shortly after, he noticed you waiting for him and reached his hand out to you so you could help him up, or so you thought. this was not the case, instead he decided to pull you back into the water whilst laughing. “TUBBO!”
after few minutes of tackling each other in the water, you decided you probably should find the others so they don’t think you both drowned.
“i’m not built for this kind of action, i’m made for much more relaxed things.”
“me either, wanna watch the office later with ranboo?”
“you read my mind!”
the pair of you went to go find the others. as the floor was now extremely slippery from all four of you walking around, you nearly fell several times. tubbo then made you hold his hand so you didn’t fall and hurt your ankle again, “i’m not 4 tubbo.”
“maybe not but you’re extremely clumsy...where the hell have they gone? WHY IS THERE A WATER JET THING?”
“i think they’re drowning tubbo!”
you were both told they turned up the intensity of the wave pool. you then ran to the wave pool whilst tubbo ran to tell the others. a few moments later they ran to the pool to see you floating with the waves, or at least you were trying to do that.
“think they're drowning again!”
jack swam over to you and dragged you over to the others. the four of you then swam joking about being pulled into the waves, and how you were drowning and needed a lifeguard. once the waves stopped, you stood with jack as tubbo and tommy prepared to race by running across the floats that lay on the water. within seconds they fell and you and jack bragged about how you could do better, so of course they made you both race against each other. somehow it was possible for the pair of you to do worse than tommy and tubbo as you both instantly fell.
you all made your way to the fast moving water. jack yelled to tubbo that it was rapid, this however did not stop him as within seconds he was dragged away by the water. tommy grabbed your arm and swam into the water taking you with him.
“hold me y/n!”
“you’re weighing me down bud go hold onto jack!”
tommy clung onto a bar, jack followed. you and tubbo however did not and would have continued to go around if jack didn’t grab tubbos hand, and you didn’t hold his. “HEY I'VE ALWAYS SEEN THIS IN FILMS!''
“we saved them we're heroes!”
the four of you went to the hot tub for a few minutes to relax, as the afternoon was pure chaos, and to ‘celebrate tommy and jack saving you and tubbo.' you sat laughing as tommy struggled to put his swim shirt back on and was asking jack to help him, despite jack repeatedly saying he wasn’t going to help him clothe.
not long before the final slide, you and tubbo ran off to get the double ring so you could go down the final slide together. jack found the pair of you spinning around whilst singing ‘you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby,’ you all then made your way to the final ride. tommy and tubbo bickered for a few minutes about who got to go down the slide with you, whilst you and jack just stood laughing. jack joined the conversation telling them to either pick or he was going down with you, tubbo wasn’t having this and pulled you into his chest “mine!”
“fine you can go down with y/n,” tommy rolled his eyes.
tommy and jack went down first, a few minutes later you and tubbo were sent down the slide. laughing the entire time as tubbo cheered about the fact he won. you were sat in the front, then tubbo announced he could reach your hair, and began playing with your hair. in other words you now had a tangle in your hair that was going to be a pain to get out. within seconds you made it to the colourful sections of the slide, “Y/N LOOK ITS ALMOST AS BRIGHT AS YOUR HAIR!”
the first half went well, but you ended up going backwards down the second drop.
once you got off the slide, tommy told tubbo he was going down the capsule slide since he was the only one who hadn’t gone down, and ended up going down the slide with you. you agreed to wait at the bottom of the slide so you could greet him when he came down, 5 minutes later you were met with a unhappy tubbo who instantly pulled you into a hug.
“that was awful!”
once you made it back, jack dropped you and tubbo off at yours. you thanked them for taking you both, and tommy told you to keep checking your discord as he was planning something. you agreed and said your goodbyes. you and tubbo went up to your room, you set up netflix whilst tubbo rang ranboo, nights like this were your favourite. you were huddled up under the blanket with your best friend, whilst on call with one of your other best friends, watching your favourite show. tubbo noticed the tangle he left in your hair and began untangling it, he went on to start playing with your hair whilst the office played in the background. hours later ranboo ended the call to stream, leaving you and tubbo to fall asleep in each other’s embrace.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @c1loudee
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sainadazai · 3 years
Hello, I hope u're doing well!! For the drabble promt, 55 with Dazai, please <33
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I'm doing good thx bb I like this prompt sm for dazai yay
Bad Day
Dazai had been feeling off all day long, not seeing you at work was the first to set him off, but aside from that everything just seemed a bit strange.
The two of you had been in a fight last night, because after two years of sleeping with only eachother, going out to dinners with only eachother, and caring so deeply about only eachother, dazai still had the idea that you were just friends. Just coworkers.
You thought he was joking at first but he truly didn't think your relationship was any different after everything you've done. To the point he even brought up how you might as well be sleeping with kunikida and rompo, too. To say you were baffled would be an understatement.
You both slept alone that night, but you knew everything would be okay, after all, you had a cute little dazai inside you and your spirit couldn't be crushed from a dumb fight. However dazai stayed up all night. He was terrified because yes, he never established your relationship, but he loved it how it was. He didn't want it to end. Ever.
If you left him, he wasn't sure who he'd be. Knowing that before he met you, everything he did had no purpose, it was just for the sake of it, but ever since the first case you worked together, he knew that he was doing everything for you.
It's not a healthy way to live, he knows that, but how can he help it when you have litterally jumped off of bridges together. You were just his perfect kinda crazy, and he fucking loved you.
"Hey Dazai, do you know where y/n is? I was supposed to give this to her..." atsushi speaks in a quiet voice, as if the package he holds is a secret.
"No. Why would I know where y/n is, she doesn't belong to me." He sasses, but he says it like he truly wished you did belong to him.
"Well because you're her boyfri-"
"Does everyone think that!" He screams, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. He has to take a few breaths before noticing a paper a top the box in atsushi's hands. Something messily scribbled on it , but it's not any actuall words.
"Hey, atsushi, what that paper?"
The boy looks down to see a series of numbers and letters in no apparent order. It's the paper that made him feel secretive about this package, because it seemed as though somebody was sending coded messages to y/n. He wasn't sure what it said, so if dazai decrypted something...unpreferable, things might go downhill fast.
"Its a code." Rompo interrupts, already having figured out that the box is a gift from your parents. Inside would likely be all of your old baby clothes and a nice letter of congratulations. However, rompo knee you were pregnant because he was the first you told, and he just couldn't help messing with dazai a bit.
"I suppose it could be from one of her contacts back in the port mafia, wasn't there that man she dated, the one with the gravity ability." He spoke seriously, hoping to be convincing enough to get dazai angry.
However despite the fuming rage dazai held inside at the thought of you being in contact with chuuya, he maintained his natural additive on the outside.
"Oh, a rekindled love affair, how scandalous of her. You know if she is still in contact with the port mafia, we might be unable to trust her. ROMPO! DECODE THIS MESSAGE!" He yells, he himself believing that by playing dumb, he could get rompo to solve the whole thing and then go kick chuuua's ass.
Meanwhile, you were wandering the streets looking at all of the corner shops and occasionally buying some small things you might need for the baby.
See when Dazai got home tonight, you had a plan of how to tell him you were pregnant. It was a bit out there, but you thought it was funny.
The living room floor was covered in rose petals and in the center lay two knives. You would tell him that you could commit a Romeo and juliet suicide together but when he asks why there is two knives and the vile of poison, you could tell him it was a triple suicide. Then boom! "We are having a baby!"
You thought it would be funny. It was not.
After rompo lied saying that the massage was a letter about you and chuuya running away together, Dazai rushed home to find you. However he was met with rose petals and knives, you were going to commit suicide without him!?
Even worse, he found that all of the contents of the spare bedroom were dissaray, you were taking apart the furniture and throwing away the blankets, you were gonna leave him!
"Y/n! What are you doing, put the bed back, please just put everything back you don't have to leave. And don't kill yourself without me, I'm so much better than chuiya, I can show you i-"
You noticed the man now on his knees, throwing a fit and although it was comical, it looked real. His eyes were beginning to water at the thought of life without you and the crazy adventures. He wanted you to be his forever.
"Please baby...I- I want you to be more than a friend and and- commit double suicides with me and have my babies but i- I can't do anything without you please y/n.." He was sobbing, pleading for you, while you were simply trying to move some things around and make room for a nursery.
His glossy eyes peered up at you, hands stilling in their prayer motion to hear you out.
"I think we need to talk you about the fact I'm in love with you, and also that I'm pregnant." You muttered, taking a moment to help him up from the floor while his face falls blank.
On the outside it appears he's got nothing going on in his big ol head, but inside he is going through his day to figure out when and where everything got so confusing. He doesn't even acknowledge what you mean by pregnant until you slap him across the face.
"Hey big guy, get excited I'm making dazai's over here." That's when his face comes to life again, eyes a little wider and a goofy smile on his face.
"That means. Another me!" His hands reach out to your tummy holding it delicately to feel the small bump forming.
"And me..." you roll your eyes at him.
"Y/n! Do you know what that means!" He yells, moving to pick you up and spin you around, despite the mess of a room you're in.
"Tripple suicide!!"
"We are gonna be mommy and daddy!"
Your face falls when you realize what he's said, but it warms your heart a bit that he really just wants to be a dad.
Until he kisses your forehead softly and mutters "we might need to work on that crazy head of your while your making my babies in here. Wouldn't want them to come out stupid. "
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Out all the eggman boys he pilots for battle and what not like the egg dragoon or death egg robot, what are some of your favorites? And do you have any ideas you wish he would employ in the future?
It should be mentioned that, being the Eggman fanboy that I am, I love many of them, even the simplest or shittiest ones (ie: Egg Dealer), because the aesthetic of Eggman's style really appeals to me, and the way his machines can range from goofy to intimidating, or both simultaneously, can be seen as an extension of how versatile the doctor himself is.
Still, I do have my favourites. Most of them are the ones you'd expect, but here goes:
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Well you gotta start with the classic, don't you? The first of Eggman's king-sized monuments to his own visage, and more than deserving of its iconic reputation.
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This one's a fan favourite when it comes to his smaller scale Egg Mobile attachments, and it's easy to understand why. It's an undeniably brilliant design that doesn't have any obvious weaknesses for armchair intellectuals to point and go "Why does this video game boss have that? That's stupid, IQ of 300 my ass, I'm such a clever internet person, please give me all your praise".
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The Death Egg Robot may be the one everyone knows, but the Great Eggman Robo is the one we all strive for. Both phases of the fight may be straightforward, but the scale of the behemoth cements the tense atmosphere, and it happens to be smack dab in the middle of arguably the greatest finale in a Sonic game, which is as wonderful as it is in part due to Eggman never, ever giving up.
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A more unconventional choice here. There may not be much to these two fights in particular, but I just really like the general concept of Eggman taking ancient statues or other such structures, and weaponizing them. It's a nice spin on his usual motif of converting Mother Nature to his own preference, as well as defacing ancient histories and legacies for the sake of his own.
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Both of Eggman's final mechs in SA1 are awesome. The Egg Viper is a really cool design and gave birth to a certain meme, and the Egg Walker marked the climax of one of Eggman's best moments and one of Tails' best moments.
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Speaking of Egg Walkers, I like this one too. Yeah, it's no secret that I don't like how Eggman - the guy known for making all sorts of crazy crafts - is stuck in one tiny thing for a whole game's duration (even though I'm aware it's for gameplay's sake, but still), but on its own merits, the Walker itself is still cool in my book.
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Putting them together because they're more or less the same mech. Nothing special here, I just think they're cool "modern" interpretations of the Death Egg Robot-style humanoid mech. And yes, I know Eggman technically didn't pilot the Egg Emperor in Heroes... but he did in Generations 3DS, so get it up yee.
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Another one you knew was coming. Don't we all love the Egg Dragoon? So do Sonic Team, it seems. The Dragoon is one bad mothafucka, and the way Generations added to it by incoporating an Egg Viper tail and the Egg Wyvern's wings made it even more badass. Unleashed may not be one of my favourite games in the series, but I'm thankful that it gave me this winner right here.
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These two don't really have much in common (aside from the colour blue), but I put them together because thanks for nothing, Tumblr image limits.
Anyway, I've always felt the Egg Wizard deserved more recognition. The design is interesting in itself and keeps to the nautical theming of Rush Adventure, but what REALLY makes it stand out is the way it uses the power of the Jeweled Scepter, and how we get to see some crazy magic that you don't often get from Eggman robots. Like giant dragon heads made of lava, for example. And the fight is plenty enjoyable too.
As for the Time Eater, it may not have gotten much if any story to its own nature, which is a shame, but at least we got a nice clockwork motif out of it, and the way it jitters gives the impression that it's trying desperately to fight back against Eggman's control, but can't. And speaking of, Eggman FINALLY controlling a monster successfully is worth celebrating... unless you forgot like Ian Flynn apparently did, since Worlds Collide claimed he lost control of it. Typical Flynnanigans, eh?
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I'm absolutely in love with the idea of Eggman being crafty enough to store a second mech inside the first one in the event of the latter's defeat. It's the perfect way to cap off Eggman's consistent display of brilliance and foresight in Forces. The designs themselves are pretty sweet, with the first one taking cues from Alfred Molina Dr. Octopus, and the second one being an eerie mess of wires and tentacles, as if it were the "heart" of the first mech. And say what you want about the so-so execution of the fight itself, but the sound design that went into it is seriously overlooked.
Just a shame they're collectively known as just Death Egg Robot, seeing how they don't have anything in common with the actual Death Egg Robot. Neither of them are even fought aboard the Death Egg. They deserve a more unique name IMO, but ah well.
Other examples I really like but couldn't use images for because of Tumblr being Tumblr:
- The Final Zone/Egg Pistons from Sonic 1, cause even though it may be smaller scale than the Death Egg Robot, I like the unique scenario of the room itself being your opponent. The final bosses of Sonic 1 and 2 on Master System have a similar appeal.
- Brass Eggman from the 2013 Sonic 2, because weaponizing an organ of all things is perfect for a man of Eggman's pride and swagger.
- The Egg Totem from Advance 2. No special reason for this one, I just like the simple yet effective design.
- The Gachapandora from Mania, because it's a great way to pay tribute to some older Eggman contraptions, and it suits his manchild personality to a tee.
- The Phantom Egg from Mania (again), because even though it looks like a romper suit mixed with a Pokeball, I really dig the concept of Eggman using a suit of robo-armor to go mano a mano, which this boss comes close to doing, if not entirely.
- The Klepto Mobile from Mania (three time's the charm), because a literal rush job still being able to go toe-to-toe with Phantom King is both incredible and hilarious at the same time. Even Eggman's shittiest efforts are his best! Is there no limit to this man's brilliance???
- Metal Robotnik/Black Eggman/Brak Eggman/Bruh Eggman from the OVA and Sonic Robo Blast 2. I don't know what the doc was thinking when he decided to give a robot based on himself some dragon wings and a spiked mohawk, but I'm glad he went through with it. The final fight with Metal Sonic may be the one everyone talks about (understandably so, it's an awesome scene), but the battle with Bruh Eggman is great too.
- The Eggpod from the movie. As far as translating the doctor's style into live action goes, it's a worthy first attempt, and it's understandable that they didn't go for something bigger since they probably want to save that for the sequel, so as to organically raise the stakes (wink wink, nudge nudge). It also reminds me of the Egg Hornet from SA1. I don't know if that was intentional, but it's something I appreciate all the same.
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Amy Rose the Hedgehog/Echidna
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Alright you motherfuckers, Amy Rose is a Hedgehog/Echidna Hybrid and i’m going to prove it to you.
1. The history of Amy Rose
1a. Classic Amy
Amy Rose made her video game debut in 1993's Sonic the Hedgehog CD, as a non-playable character. In this game she is an 8 year old hedgehog girl kidnapped by the new antagonist, Metal Sonic. In the Japanese release, she was primarily known by her nickname Rosy the Rascal, although it is still stated that her real name is Amy Rose. She later appeared as a playable character in several ensemble spin-off games such as Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R. She did not appear in any of the early TV series, although she was included in most comics, including the Archie Comics series, the British Sonic the Comic and the French Sonic Adventures. (Via Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy first showed up in comics, although she was created for the video games. As shown above her first video game appearance was Sonic CD. 
Amy Rose was created in response to a request from the character division of Sega's licensing business, who wanted a character that could be the "Minnie" to Sonic's "Mickey" However, it was felt that it would go against Sonic's personality for him to locked into a standard cartoon relationship like Mickey and Minnie. Instead, it was decided that a one-way relationship, where Amy's affection for Sonic is unrequited, would be more interesting ((via Sonic Wiki)) 
TLDR; Amy was created in response to a request to give Sonic a love interest, but feeling that would “Go against his character”, they made it a one-sided relationship.
Why am I letting you know this? Well to be acquainted and understand the significance of MODERN Amy, you need to know CLASSIC Amy.
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Classic Amy had a very different design, although she was still pink, she wore different clothes, has different quills (very important) and is 8. She only showed up in Sonic CD and the comics, pretty much being reduced to a minor character. Even to this day, Classic Amy has no appearance in Sonic Mania (2017), despite having Mighty and Ray, only making an appearance in a holiday episode of Sonic Mania Adventures (2018)
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1b. Modern Amy
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy was brought in as a main character in Sonic Adventure, getting a complete revamp in character design, unlike the other characters who only had minor changes.
Remember this. It will come back later. 
Now we’re to the Amy we know and love! Short cute hair, colors that actually match and don’t look horrific (why is classic wearing green and orange. Whos idea was that) And older, but maybe not too much more mature, Amy Rose. 
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Another note, her design might have been revamped, but her personality wasn’t.
2. Why that Matters
I know what you’re thinking, “why is that incredibly handsome he”-no sorry, “why are we going though the history of Amy? Why does it matter just tell us why you think she’s part echidna?” 
I’m getting there, don’t worry.
I wanted everyone to be extremely clear on her history, on the changes between CLASSIC and MODERN, which is very important to this theory. Not everyone us super aware of her history.
3. Her (modern) Design 
-it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. (Via Sonic Wiki) 
Now, Finally, let’s get to her design, and the weirdness of it. 
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3a. Her quills
Amy is a pink-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog with green eyes and peach skin on her muzzle and arms. Unlike other hedgehogs, her spines are not spiky in appearance - but are rather worn down like that of ordinary hair, somewhat resembling a bob cut. (Via: Sonic Wiki)
I’m going to assume you knew I was getting to this
“Unlike other hedgehogs”, is a totally fair statement. Every other hedgehog we’ve seen (Even non-canon ones with terrible designs ((looking at you sonia))) Have had their quills in a very specific manner.
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Out, Long, and Back. 
Very much in contrast with Amy’s, Down and Short.
Also note that Shadow and Sonic, on their heads, have six quills, silver having two long ones and 5 bang quills. Basically, their quills are layered, Amy’s however, is not. It’s one right next to each other. 
I note the layered quills as very important. Makes sense for mobian hedgehogs right? I mean they have layered quills like that in real life, even if there’s a lot more. 
This is very important why? Because there’s another species that has their quills/spines/hair/etc. right next to each other, instead of layered. 
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Interesting how close it is to Amy’s own hairstyle isn’t it?
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it’s even drawn similarly. 
In conclusion, her quills are VERY strange for hedgehogs, but very average for echidna’s, weird for a hedgehog huh.
3b. Her Back
“What?” You say, confused. 
But listen.
There’s one specific thing that other hedgehogs have, that Amy Rose is lacking.
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Back Quills
None on her back. Absolutely zero.
Again, strange and weird for a hedgehog, not at all strange or weird for an echidna.
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3c. Other stuff
-The top of her red dress looking like a crescent moon, alot like Knuckles’s own on his body. I just noticed this looking at the two ref sheets above. -Might be crazy, but I feel like with the 3D models Amy’s tail is longer than the other hedgehog’s. Might just be me though -Most (normal) hedgehogs we’ve seen like Sonic and Silver have very cool colors like Blue and White, and Echidnas are very centered around reds and oranges. And I mean, Pink is a light shade of red.
4. Hybrids
This will be a quick one, hybrid’s HAVE existed in the sonic universe
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Although an obscure character now, Fang the Sniper has always been a hybrid.
Touma would state on Twitter that he designed Fang with a jerboa (トビネズミ?) motif in his mind.[6] However, the sales departments of Sega decided upon him being half jerboa and half wolf in Japan, and a weasel in North America.[7][8]  (Via: Sonic Wiki)
And, you could be wondering why i’m saying she’s a hybrid and not just an Echidna instead of a Hedgehog. Well, She has the hedgehog ears and eye-shape.
5. The whole picture
I’ve shown you the pieces, now to put it together. 
Each of these things with her new design sepretly would mean nothing, but together it means a lot. 
But you HAVE to be thinking, “There’s no way that was purposeful.” and I get it. When I first thought of this theory, that was the roadblock that kept me from fully believing it, until I did some research. 
I don’t belive it was the idea from the beginning. And by that, I mean CLASSIC Amy.
She looks like a hedgehog, she has back spines, she has normal, layered, quills. As well as Amy debuting before Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
MODERN Amy, however. Is a different story.
Remember when I told you to remember a certain paragraph?
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
Amy’s design was changed drastically for Sonic Adventure, even saying so in this paragraph. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles got minor things, like eye colors and more dexterity. Eggman got an outfit change. Amy’s whole body was changed. Quills, Back, Outfit, Everything. 
Once again, you’re wondering, “Why does this matter?”
Amy was completely redesigned for Sonic Adventure. A game that include, features, hell, CENTERS around Echidnas. 
Every flashback is about the Knuckles clan, and how Chaos ended up like that™️ because of them.
In a game where you have a bunch of Echidnas, I, personally, feel like i’d be difficult to make the mistake of 50% of Amy Rose looking like one.
Anyway Amy Rose is an Echidna/Hedgehog hybrid and either doesn’t know or is too dumb to tell anyone thanks by
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Down Below (Chapter 68)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2.8k words
Warning: swearing, mention of sex, critical injury
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Raven's head rose up as she saw me leave Marcus' room. She read my facial expression, making sure that I handled everything well in there with him.
'Everything okay?' My sister asked as she walked towards me.
'I'm okay.' I forced a smile, thinking about the critical condition he was in and also what Jackson mentioned earlier. There was a slight chance he was going to make it after surgery.
'Oh, don't act like you care all of the sudden.' Abby said, arms crossed while she leaned by the wall.
'Abby, shut up.' Raven defended me, 'It's easy for you to blackmail kids and electrocuting them with neck collars. Why are you actin-'
I quickly turned to Abby, 'Excuse me? Neck collars?'
'Yeah, tell her Abby. Tell my sister how you not only blackmailed her but also me into making that stupid machine for your next fix.'
'Raven, I'm sorry!' Abby cried, guilt flushed across her face as she saw how upset we both were. 'I didn't mean for any of it to happen!'
Balling my fist, I tried to keep my anger in. It was one thing to mess with me but to manipulate and hurt my sister was way out of line. 'You laid your hands on my sister again?'
Her eyes widen, recalling the time where she slapped Raven when Clarke ran away from camp to save our friends from Mount Weather. 'It was wrong and I'm sorry. I feel guilty about what I did to Raven.'
'What you did to me was wrong but why don't you apologize to Y/N too?' Raven took a step towards Abby, 'You got everyone fooled, even Kane but you can't fool me. How dare you force her to take innocent lives?'
'You weren't down there, you wouldn't understand.' Abby claimed.
'I understand that you used her to kill people for no reason. You didn't have to force anyone to eat but you chose to threaten them. Even manipulating Kane to go against Y/N.' Raven's eyes start to water, 'Who even are you?'
'A coward. She's a coward that can't do shit for herself, uses and abuse children for anything to go her way.' My eyes start to water as I remembered the pain. 'You made Marcus hate me, thinking I was this disgusting human being. You abused my sister for your stupid pills!'
Abby's knees weakened, falling to the ground as she started to ball her eyes out. Watching her feel guilty made me feel nothing, it was hard for me to stand here when the urge to punch her kept crawling under my skin.
'Don't act like you feel ashamed about any of this.' I chuckled, I could tell I was going crazy the way my laughter came out of nowhere. 'You have no idea what pain I've been through, what Octavia went through. And for me to find out you used my sister too?'
'Y/N...' Raven tugged on my arm, watching me as I pace back and forth in front of Abby.
'What?!' I yelled, 'She ruined my whole life! She made my last six years a living hell!'
Raven nodded, tilting her head as she signaled me to go walk with her. I swallowed the large lump in my throat, fighting all the anger I had in me.
I kicked the wall before I walked off. Me pretending that it was Abby didn't work at all, it startled her a bit as she jumped up. Rolling my eyes, I walked away from her.
Raven followed me down the hall, grabbing my hand as she smiled at me. 'Are you okay?'
'I'm fine, Raven.' She wiped the tears off my face. 'I'm sorry she did all that stuff to you.'
'No one knows because she did it behind closed doors.' Raven shook her head, 'Just like what she did to you.'
She was right; Abby did take advantage of me knowing that I was vulnerable to do something about our situation. She even made me feel as though that it was the right choice, that forcing people to eat was a necessity to save Wonkru.
Not a day goes by where I constantly blame myself about everything that happened down in the bunker. I hate myself for going too far, putting myself in a dark path where I felt like I've belonged.
'I know you blame yourself for what happened and I may not have been there but I know you, Y/N.' Raven hugged me, 'You do everything for others. Just like how you always prioritized me after our stupid parents left. You've always made me feel like the best sister anyone can have.'
'That's because you are, Raven.' I hugged her back tightly, 'I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I hate everything that happened especially because I couldn't do anything about it. I'm so angry.'
'Yeah, I saw your face. I had to pull you out before you beat her up.' Raven chuckled, leaving our hug as she cupped my cheeks.
'I wish I can stay up here with you. We're always apart from each other since I've been locked up in the Skybox.' I sighed.
She smiled. 'Once we find out what this moon has to offer us, we can be together like we used to.'
'Moon? It's not a planet?'
'Nope! And I can't wait to do more research, all of this is so fascinating.'
I laughed, enjoying seeing my sister smile and enjoying what she loved to do best; researching science and building things. 'Okay, nerd. I guess I'll get you back to doing your thing and I'll go do mine down on the ground.'
'Yeah, go have fun on your adventure date with Sir Blake.' Raven jestered, raising her eyebrows. Her facial expression suddenly changed, seeing that I wasn't blushing like I always did. 'What's wrong with you two?'
'Nothings wrong, uhm sort of. More of there's something more with me I guess.' I couldn't figure out the words to say.
'Is this about what I told you before cryo? About Echo and him?' She instantly became worried, feeling guilty about everything. 'I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean for-'
'John and I slept together.' I blurted out, biting my lip as I saw Raven's eyes widen. 'Please don't make it a huge deal.'
Raven squealed, covering her mouth as she tried to process everything. 'It is a huge deal! Wait, when did this happen? Does Bellamy know? Give me more details.'
'Right after you told me about Bellamy kissing Echo and nope he doesn't know.'
'Oh wow. So you ran way from me to Murphy's open arms to open your legs.' Raven smirked, laughing out loud which made me roll my eyes.
'Yeah, yeah, laugh it off.' I flicked her lightly on her hand, 'I'm serious though. I feel something for him again.'
'Are you sure you're not just confused?'
'I mean, maybe but it doesn't change the fact that he cheated on me.' It felt to weird to say that out loud, it was even weirder to admit that I had feelings for John.
This whole thing with John might be just confusion like Raven said, but it felt too real to think that it was a fling. I wouldn't act on my feelings if it wasn't for the right reason, I could never do that to John.
'Now that you mention it, he did look like a sad puppy when you kicked him out of Kane's room earlier.'
'Now you're making me feel bad.'
'Don't. You have every right to be mad at him, especially because he never told you.' Raven admitted, 'But you have to talk to him.'
She may be right, I mean Raven was always right. But I didn't want anything to ruin what I had; Bellamy did say he wanted to take things slow.
I just couldn't do it, not right now.
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Clarke pulled the lever, exposing us to the new planet or as Raven corrected, moon, our new home. I held my breath, looking at everyone's expression to see if the place was habitable.
'You can breathe, Y/N.' Shaw chuckled as he saw I was struggling to hold my breath.
Exhaling dramatically, I ran outside. It had been a long time since I felt freedom and peace. After being in the bunker for all those years, we were rescued to be brought back to a massacre. It felt nice to finally have a new beginning.
Murphy ran right behind me, picking me up around and spinning me. 'New planet, here we come!'
'Actually, it's a moon. Raven confirmed.' I laughed, ignoring everyone else's gaze knowing that people are definitely questioning what was happening between us.
'You might wanna be careful, Y/N. Your wound on your leg is still healing.' Echo unexpectedly warned me. I didn't know how I felt about that, given the fact that she kissed my boyfriend. Or maybe even more.
As much as I wanted to be angry at Echo, I couldn't. It wasn't like she knew me and Bellamy's situation, I think. I did envy her a little bit; she was able to spend all those year on The Ring with him.
'Ah yeah. Thanks.' As I awkwardly replied back to Echo, I followed Miller into the woods.
Shaw rushed next to me, started to walk beside me as the rest of the group were behind us. 'Uh, so what's going on with you and Murphy?'
I turned to him, raising my eyebrow. 'Why are you asking me all of the sudden? Did Raven ask to stalk me?'
'Her exact words were "you're my spy."' Shaw chuckled, 'Sorry, was that too direct?'
'Yeah, you can say that.' I laughed, walking side by side with him into the forest. 'I appreciate you looking after Raven. I know you two have been through a lot with McCreary.'
He nodded, 'Raven is strong. I can say she helped me through a lot and not the other way around. I've heard stuff about you and I'm guessing the mental strength runs in the Reyes family.'
'No, no not at all. Raven and I can't be compared.' Giving him a fake smile, I was hoping to change the subject. 'Anyways, I'm really glad she has you.'
'You don't give yourself enough credit, Y/N. I've heard a lot about you.' Shaw tapped me on the shoulder, 'But I'm really glad to have her too. She's very special.'
As I smiled at Shaw, I bumped onto Miller's back who stood still in front of me. Curious of why he stopped, I turned to his gaze. 'Miller, you shouldn't stop whe- woah.'
There was a huge body of water spread across, light glistening as it reflected from the sun. A huge smile spread across my face, I'd never seen something so beautiful.
'Wow. Thank you, Monty.' Miller mumbled, turning around and looking at me. His smile was as big as mine, if not bigger. 'We definitely don't see this at the bunker.'
'Well, race you to the water!!' I laughed as I pushed Miller to the side. Cheater! I heard him yell from behind, eventually catching up to me.
Miller splashed water on me, playing and lightly pushing me into the water. 'You really thought you can beat me.'
'Meh, you only did because my leg is fucked up.'
'Don't have fun without me now!' John ran from the shore, jumping into the water as he splashed me and Miller.
In the corner of my eye, I saw Bellamy watching me with a smile on his face. The instance guilt rushed through my body, knowing that the best thing to do was talk to him about everything that was happening.
Bellamy motioned me to come over, he still had that smile on his face which made me assume he wasn't mad. I didn't really have a reason to say no, I decided to come up from the water and follow him.
'Are you avoiding me Reyes?' He blurted, taking a seat on the log. 'I- Did I do something? I know we're not necessarily dating but I don't know... I feel pushed away.'
It was hard to look him in the eyes, knowing that those secrets were hiding deep into his mind. Except I knew that he was keeping it away from me.
Biting my lips, I stared at the rocky sand. The way he looked at me, it was so intense and I could tell he wanted answers. At the same time I felt dumb, the way he acted as though nothing happened.
'How long were you going to keep it from me?'
'If the Dark Year never happened, if Skafaiya was out of the picture and hypothetically we were still dating... How long would it have taken you to tell me about Echo?'
The look in his eyes changes instantly, that moment Bellamy knew exactly what I was talking about. 'Reyes-'
'What, Blake? What bullshit excuse are you going to pull from this?'
'It wasn't like that, okay?' He stood up as he buried his face into his hands, looking for words to say. 'W-we never had sex.'
A light laugh escaped my mouth, not believing what he just said. 'Are you serious?'
'Yes, we never slept-'
'You asshole!' I shoved him hard but that barely did anything, making it more frustrating for me. 'You're such an ass and nothing has changed since we met.'
I didn't want to shed any tears for Bellamy or at least show him that I was crying over this. Instantly, I walked away from the beach and into the woods.
How dare he say that he never had sex with Echo. Was I supposed to praise him, be happy that it just ended with a kiss?
All the talk about surviving for each other, loving each other and wanting to be my boyfriend felt like an excuse to keep me waiting for him. It was embarrasing for me to wait for him when he backstabbed me, in front of everyone that stayed at The Ring.
Bellamy tailed me into the woods, calling for my name over and over. Eventually he caught up, his legs faster than mine and my injury didn't get me far either.
'Y/N, I promise you. I promise it's not like how it sounds.'
'Do you hear yourself? Do you honestly think that any excuse is going to make this okay? You made me believe you'd wait for me when you told me to survive for you.'
'I am happy, Y/N! I'm so happy that you're here. You don't know how happy I was to see you we rescued you from the bunker.'
'Then why did you kiss Echo?' Tears streamed from my eyes, I felt deceived and tricked by Bellamy. I truly trusted him with everything to keep going for him. 'When you fought for me to stay, you made me feel like I was worth it, that I deserved to be loved by someone.'
Bellamy's face dropped, I saw in his eyes that he felt guilt. But that wasn't enough to make up the pain I felt.
'All my life I felt unworthy of love, Blake. My parents were assholes and Kane eventually left me too. John finally made me feel something until I got locked up, I thought it was a sign that maybe I didn't really deserve him.'
'Then we got sent down and that didn't go well, me and you were constantly rocky and Kane left me again at the bunker. I held onto you for so long after made me realize maybe Priamfaya wasn't the end for me, I told myself maybe Bellamy was someone that loved me.'
'Y/N...' He cried, cheeks wet from the tears that rolled down his face. 'You know I love you, I always have and always will.'
'Apparently not enough. You didn't think of me when you kissed Echo, you've done it more than once and that tells me you don't love me enough.'
'Please Y/N-'
'Stop, this is already hard for me. Just leave me alone.' Even with the tears I've shed, there were more I was holding onto that I didn’t want to let out. I just wanted to let everything out and cry, the pain was just too much.
Turning away from Bellamy, I walked towards the other direction away from everyone else. There was no way I was going back to the beach, I couldn’t face all of them with my eyes red and puffy from crying.
I walked deeper into the woods, not having any clue where I was going. There was a possibility that I could run into a new grounder on this mood, but I was too hurt to care.
Soon enough, I’ve gotten out of the woods and saw a huge field, I started to become curious of how far I’ve walked from the beach. As I tried to move forward, a sudden force field bounced me backwards and I started to feel pain all over my body.
‘Y/N!’ Bellamy screamed, running over to me as fast as he can. He was still crying, his tears falling on my neck as he hovered over me. ‘Y/N!'
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kristallioness · 4 years
The guardian lemur
Summary: When Momo starts acting strange around Katara, she turns to Aang for advice.
Word count: 2,544
Author's note: I don't remember whether it was a blog post I saw here, or an online news article I stumbled across.. But, I think it's adorable when sometimes cats can sense if their owners are pregnant, so they become protective of them and start acting motherly towards them (like their natural instincts are kicking in). This cute concept inspired the following story. By the way, my mom has told me stories about how her grandmother (my great-grandmother) used to have a cat who'd catch mice and bring them back into the house and then release them, which infuriated her to no end. So, I guess this tidbit with Momo is inspired by that kitty, who didn't exactly understand how to be a cat. *lol* Anyways, I hope you like it since 'keeping warm' was one of my prompts, which I submitted this year (and it got chosen, yay!). Oh, and a happy beginning to all of you for Kataang Week 2020! *throws glitter and confetti*
The kitchen was filled with a mixed aroma of seaweed, herbs and noodles, all boiling in hot water. Katara added a pinch of salt into the broth and stirred the liquid with a big wooden spoon before taking a sip. From the corner of her eye, she could see the winged lemur, who'd quietly been sitting next to her feet for the past ten minutes.
"No, Momo. You can't have any until I'm done cooking."
Momo merely scratched the back of his ear with his hind leg, but otherwise didn't budge. Katara did feel bad for not giving him a taste before lunchtime. She wasn't even sure whether lemurs eat noodles, not to mention ones made out of seaweed..
And there it was again, the gentle rubbing against her shins. Momo began circling her legs in an attempt to persuade her to give him something to nibble on. Poor thing must be starving, she thought. If he was trying to make her feel guilty for not feeding him, it worked.
Katara released a heavy sigh and stepped away from the stove for a second, her small buddy padding right after her on the floor. She opened a cupboard door and grabbed the last moon peach from their dwindling fruit supply.
The constant following around nor the tiny gestures of affection weren't the things that had been driving the waterbender crazy. It was their pet's new habit of bringing live prey into the household. Last week, he'd caught dozens of bugs, five mice, three hamsters, two frogs and one unconscious bird.
Aang had nurtured the bird back to health and released it into the wild. The frogs weren't a problem either, so Katara had simply shooed them out of the house and they'd found a cosy habitat in the pond in front of their home. Luckily the bugs were also typical inhabitants on their little island, and the ones Momo brought inside eventually became dinner for the domesticated frogs.
However, it was the rodents who'd soon found their way into the pantry. Within a day, almost half of their pastry supplies were gone. Katara was furious. She had to ask her husband to buy more food from the market, and her brother to come up with ingenious traps to catch the annoying critters without killing them, like Aang had pleaded, before they could destroy their entire food supply, not to mention the vegetables in the greenhouse.
What really got on her nerves were the times the winged lemur would approach her with that proud smile on his face, something apparently dead caught between his small fangs or in between his paws, and release his catch right in front of her feet. Only for her to watch it scurry away before she could even blink, let alone catch it.
"This is the last one. Here you go," Katara said as she squatted down and extended her hand. She felt confused when the lemur pushed it back.
"Don't you want it? C'mon, it's your favourite treee-eat.."
She threw the peach into the hallway like a ball, in hopes that Momo would leave her alone to go fetch it. He did fly out of the kitchen for long enough to let her return to her cooking, but came back with the fruit fully intact between his fangs.
"Well, go on. Eat up!" Katara urged him with a wave of her hand, but Momo let out a disappointed moan and drooped his ears at that. He dropped the peach in his paws and with the utmost care, he pulled off a small piece and offered it to her instead.
"Thanks, Momo, but I'm not craving for a moon peach right now. You can have it."
The lemur hesitated at first, but under her watchful eye, he finally bit into the juicy fruit, allowing her to finish preparing lunch for herself and her husband in peace.
Speaking of peace, Katara couldn't recall the last time she and Aang had been given a moment of privacy in bed for the past couple of weeks. Often times when waking up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, Katara would discover that she'd inched further away from her partner, due to a scrawny furball who always managed to squeeze himself in between their tummies, no matter the positions they were in. Or if their intimacy wasn't being disturbed, she'd wake up due to the curled up, personalized heater sleeping on her belly whenever she was lying on her back.
Since when had she become a magnet for winged lemurs? Did she smell of something that attracted them to her? Had Momo grown fond of her and simply wished to spend more time by her side instead of hanging out with Aang all the time? Katara had no idea, but all of this was becoming a bit much.
As she poured the steaming seaweed noodles into two bowls, Momo leaped up and landed on her shoulders. He curled his tail around her neck for support, then held a leftover piece of the moon peach in front of her face.
"Oh, alright.." she chuckled, snagging the small piece from his paw and putting it in her mouth.
"Thanks, Momo!"
She scratched him from below the chin with her finger, earning a series of content purrs from the lemur. Once the bowls were full, she was ready to join her husband in the living room.
Aang was leaning on the windowsill, admiring the view of Republic City straight across the bay, when he heard footsteps coming closer.
"Lunch is served!" Katara announced as she joined him. The airbender grinned at the sight of two steaming bowls filled with delicious food, watching how she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. The smell that accompanied her was mouth-watering.
"Finally! I could eat a whole barrel of noodles by now."
His wife giggled at that comment.
"Well, I hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long."
He walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a loving smile.
"Sweetie, I waited for you for a hundred years. I don't think you could ever top that record again."
Katara laughed wholeheartedly this time, letting him give her a quick kiss on the lips afterwards.
Aang tenderly ran a hand over her slight belly bump before beckoning her to have a seat on the couch with him so they could have lunch together. They both grabbed a bowl, along with a pair of chopsticks, and clinked them together like those snobbish citizens in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se would do.
"Dig in!"
While the couple indulged themselves, Momo hopped off Katara's shoulders and disappeared to a different room. She noticed the lemur fly off into the corridor, but didn't pay too much attention to it. At this point, she was grateful for any given moment she could get, just to be alone with her beloved.
"What do you think? Is it too spicy?"
Hailing from the Water Tribe, Katara had grown up with a blander range of foods available in the frozen landscape, with the exception of meat that was either cooked or fried, and seasoned prior to the devouring.
Hence she tried to spice up their plain meals, such as these noodles, by experimenting with adding various spices or herbs. Aang shook his head.
"Nah, I think it's really good. You might wanna go easy on the garlic next time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't wanna kiss me anymore if my breath stinks."
She laughed when he planted a greasy kiss on her cheek, after which she continued to slurp her own seaweed noodles.
Her attention turned to her feet when she spotted Momo, who'd returned from another one of his adventures. For a second, her heart dropped at the sight of a mouse caught between his teeth. Fortunately, it was just a toy he'd brought along.
"Momo, why are you bringing your stuff here? Do you wanna play?"
The winged lemur jumped up on the couch and supported his front paws on the waterbender's thigh, dropping the toy right into her lap. Katara stared at the fake mouse for a mere second before Momo flew away again.
"Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna play.. with you.."
She sighed, picking the toy up from its string of a tail. Aang could sense her frustration.
"What's wrong?"
Katara put her half-empty bowl on the table and continued to stare at the toy mouse hanging from her fingertips. She twirled the tail around, making the rest of its body spin.
"I don't know. Momo's been acting really strange lately."
"Strange how exactly?"
"He's always following me around and rubbing himself against me. Not to mention he's practically invaded our personal space in bed. I don't need to remind you that he's bringing all kinds of small creatures inside the temple every day.."
Aang's focus shifted from her complaining to the culprit himself. Momo had returned to the living room and he gleefully hopped beside the waterbender, this time dropping his favourite ball in her lap.
"..He brings me food even when I'm not hungry. And now, when I find a place to sit still for a little while longer, he keeps piling some of his toys around me."
Momo tilted his head and stared back at the airbender, almost as if he was trying to communicate with him. Tell him the motives behind his actions and all the mischief he'd caused within the last month. Katara picked up the ball he'd dropped.
"See?.. Aang, are you even listening to me!?"
"Sh-shh!" he hushed her, raising a finger to her lips so she'd quit yammering.
He pointed down to her stomach. Both their eyes were fixed on the winged lemur, who lay down in the waterbender's lap and nestled the side of his face against her round belly, one ear covering it like a blanket. Momo looked up at the married couple, then shut his lime green eyes and began purring ever so silently. Aang started laughing, but Katara became even more annoyed.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Oh, Katara.. He can tell when you're in the family way. He's trying to take care of you and the baby in the only way he knows how - by acting as a daddy lemur."
Her face twisted through several expressions of anger, confusion and eventually, realization.
"So, that's what he's been doing this whole time? Tending to me as if I'm an expecting mommy lemur? Which I technically am, except for the lemur part.."
Aang reached his hand out to pet his caring companion. The winged lemur arched his back a bit and nuzzled his face against the fuzzy material of Katara's coat. His purrs become louder with each stroke.
"Momo can sense that there's life growing inside of you, so he's been acting like a proper papa lemur and looking after the unborn child and its mother. That includes bringing you food and stuff to play with to keep you well-fed and entertained."
Katara felt as if he'd opened her eyes to a whole different reality. She never thought that Momo's odd behaviour could be related to the fact that she's pregnant now. The timing fit, and Aang's reasoning explained the weird new habits.
"But, what about the snuggling? Why's he so keen on sleeping on my stomach?"
"He's trying to keep you and the baby warm. Also, since there are a lot of hormonal changes going on with you right now, your body's radiating more warmth in this area," Aang explained by running his hand over her bump, careful not to move the lemur's ear off of it.
"Which means your stomach is the perfect hotspot, literally. You're keeping him warm, too."
"Where did you learn all of that?" Katara wondered, her tone playful and curious at the same time. The cheeks on her husband's face turned crimson and he looked away for a moment, rubbing the back of his bald head awkwardly.
"I might've found some books about pregnancy on the top shelf of the bookcase in your office the last time I was waiting for you to finish work..."
She giggled and rewarded him with a soft peck on the cheek for being so caring and putting in more effort to understand this new "condition" of hers better.
"Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate you looking out for me."
Aang accepted her gratitude with a wide grin, and by snaking an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. After that, she joined him in stroking the winged lemur, who seemed to be happily napping in her lap.
"Oh, Momo.. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He looked up at Katara and let out a short disgruntled screech that could've been translated into an 'I told you so'. She laughed at that.
"Oh, okay.. I guess you did tell me. I was just too oblivious to pick up on the signs."
Momo rested his head in her lap again and raised one of his ears above her belly bump.
"Why do you think he does that thing with his ear?" the waterbender wondered out loud, tenderly running her hand over the soft fur on the lemur's head.
"Maybe he's listening to what the little tyke is doing in there. Animals can hear sounds with a much higher frequency. Take my bison whistle, for example. We can't hear anything, but Appa always comes to me when I blow it."
"I doubt that Momo can hear anything else besides my stomach growling. I mean, the baby hasn't even developed a heart yet. Believe me, I've checked.. If anything, he might be able to sense its movements in my womb."
Katara was right. She was barely into the last weeks of her first trimester. As hard as she'd tried, she couldn't detect the baby's heartbeat through her healing abilities yet. And it was too early for it to start kicking her, too.
The only changes she could sense in her body were the slight weight gain, which led to her developing a subtle belly bump. Her breasts had become a bit tender, which meant that making love with Aang at night would be less fun for a while. Not that he wasn't being more gentle with her because of this.. And finally, some unusual cravings, which was probably why she preferred to cook spicier foods recently.
Either way, these slight changes were enough for Momo's paternal instincts to kick in. He rolled over onto his back and let the couple scratch his soft belly instead. The corners of his mouth curled into a content smile as he purred against Katara's tummy.
"Aww! I guess this is kind of endearing. Plus, this way the baby can get acquainted with one of its future furry friends, too. That's right! Yes, you can!" she cooed to the winged lemur, who rubbed himself against her thighs as he twitched with delight at her scratches.
"But no more mice in the house, okay? I'm capable of finding my own food," Katara said with a wave of her finger, to which Momo replied with another chirp. Translation - 'yes, madam'.
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thecleverdame · 4 years
Control and Release - 31
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: After the rest of the staff is caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester. As the arrangement becomes more defined, you and Sam begin a sexual adventure with dangerous consequences.  
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification, mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, nipple clamps, dub-con, breath play.
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts 1-39 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories, including Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
“These are all my dirty secrets?” You look in trepidation at the folder on the table in front of you.
 It’s thicker than anticipated. 
“Everyone one of them.” Charlie is a perky, energetic redhead that’s the exact opposite of what you expected. Sam’s talked about her like she’s Sherlock Holmes, and to be honest you assumed she was a man. “Or least what I could dig up. I can confidently say that if I couldn’t find it, no one else will either.” 
Glancing at Sam you open the cover and scan over the top page. It’s a basic list of your personal details, where you’ve lived, who you’ve dated. 
“Is there anything we should be concerned about?” Sam asks. He slides his arm over the back of the couch behind you. 
Charlie hesitates, looking at Sam and then speaks to you. 
“Are you comfortable doing this with him here? I mean, it can get real weird real quick for both of you.” 
“I can leave if you want,”  Sam offers. 
“No.” You swallow the urge to take him up on the offer. “No secrets, right? This is my life.”
“Okay.” Charlie opens her laptop. “There was a polaroid of you in your underwear at a party in your senior year of high school. But we had it taken off Facebook and I was able to purchase the original.”
“It was on Facebook?” You’re both horrified and impressed. You had no idea “How did you even find it?”
“It’s what I do,” she chirps, already moving on. “You’re pretty boring compared to the people I usually investigate. No DUIs or cheating. But you did date a man named Jasper.”
“Oh Jesus.” You want to crawl under the table. Your time with Jasper wasn’t as much a traditional relationship as a hook-up that lasted a year. He never came close to what you and Sam enjoy together, it was all about sex. “I’m sorry.” You turn to Sam who’s throwing you a terrifying, forced smile. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he murmurs, a hand slipping over your thigh and wedging between your legs. 
“Did you make a sex tape with him?” Charlie asks and you choke on your own spit. 
“No, I mean, I don’t think we ever…”
“Is there a chance he recorded you without your knowledge?”
“Maybe.” You search your memory. Everything from that time is hazy, the two of you drank a lot. “I mean, I don’t know. You think he recorded me?”
“I think he has something.” Charlie’s attention switches to Sam and she morphs into all-business mode. “He was interested in why I was asking questions. When I made an initial offer for any videos or pictures he might have he acted like he had something. But I think he realized it was valuable and kicked me out of his apartment.”
“You offered the maximum?” Sam asks. 
“Yeah, he didn’t go for it.”
“Double it and see what he does.”
“Got it.” She stops to make a note.
“He has a sex tape with me in it?” You’re not past this yet. You look to Sam who’s unreadable. “I had no idea. I mean I eventually realized he was a creep but I never thought he would do something like that. What if he posts it?”
“Don’t worry,” he nods, sliding a hand over your knee. “I’ll handle it.”
“Other than Jasper, you and Sam are actually the biggest potential issue. I read Cole’s report. It’s concerning despite your prior relationship. If the wrong person got a copy of his written complaint it would be damaging. I think you can expect the real story to revolve around the fact that Sam intervened when a mad man was shooting up the office. You can choose how you want to spin that. If you decide you want some heroic meet-cute to be the official story then I can erase any trace of your relationship before the shooting happened. If you want me to leave some crumbs confirming you were together prior, I can do that to. And if you want a lid on the whole thing, no problem.”
“People will care?” you ask. 
“Oh, for sure.” She chuckles, looking at you like you’re a moron. “Sam’s personal life has been a lockbox. You’re the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to him.”
“Wonderful.” This would all be so much easier if he wasn’t so well off. If he hadn’t been quite as successful all these precautions could be avoided. 
“Just tell me what kind of story you want out there and I’ll start planting the seeds.” She grins at Sam with a warm familiarity. Few people interact with him this easily. There must be quite a back story. 
“We’ll talk about it,” Sam answers for you, shifting in his seat. “Anything else?”
“That’s all for her.”
“You have my background as well?”
“I do.” She pulls a thinner file from her bag and you look at him in surprise. 
“She did one on you too?”
“Charlie has been the keeper of my secrets for a decade. She makes sure any possible indiscretions stayed buried,” Sam explains. 
Charlie is looking between you and Sam, asking a silent question. 
“You can say whatever you need to in front of her.” Sam turns to you. “You can leave if you feel uncomfortable.” 
You find yourself suddenly nervous. Sam’s past is largely a mystery and you’re not sure if you want to know. Were there others before you? 
“The woman you had a financial arrangement with is not a problem. It’s Madison I’m concerned about.”
Financial arrangement? That piques your interest but the conversation moves on. 
“It’s been years. You don’t think she’s gotten past it?” Sam shifts beside you, betraying his discomfort for the entire situation. He’s rarely visibly distressed but there’s no covering this up. His reaction may be subtle but it’s there. 
“She still Googles you once a week.” Charlie turns her computer toward Sam. You don’t understand you’re looking at, but he seems to. Sam takes interest in something on the screen and you feel him stiffen beside you. “She’s living in Boston again?”
“She moved back last year,” Charlie confirms. 
“You didn’t tell me.” Sam’s tone shifts to his trademark disapproval but it doesn’t seem to phase the perky redhead.
“I update when I think there’s a concern. This wasn’t a red flag for me. She’s from Boston. Her father is sick. She got a good job at a tech firm. It looks to me like she came home to be near her family...or...”
“Or?” Sam asks. 
“Or she came back to be close to you. It’s hard to tell with her. Madison has always been a wild card. You know how to pick ‘em.” Her eyes dart to you, offering an apologetic grin. “Present company excluded.”  
You just sit there taking in these new tidbits of information. A trail of breadcrumbs that lead to the story that was Sam’s life before you. 
“Do you think she would try to hurt Sam?” you ask and two pairs of eyes look at each other before turning to you. “Or me?”
“She’s not that kind of crazy,” Charlie assures you. “But she would love to embarrass Sam. Make things hard for him. She’s still pissed he cut her off.” 
“I see.” You sit back as they continue talking details. You’ll have questions for him later but right now your mind is swirling. Your ex hook-up has a possible homemade sex tape of you doing God knows what, and Sam apparently hired a hooker.
“And what about Dean and my father?” Sam squeezes your knee, bringing you to attention. 
“What about them?” You lean forward with interest. 
“They’re hard to track.” Charlie closes her computer and sits back. There’s no documentation of this inquiry. Nothing to tie either of them to the wanted Winchesters. 
“That can’t surprise you.” Sam nods. “But you’re good.”
“Yes, I am.” She offers a little bow of her head. “I had to track the weird to find them.”
“What do you mean?” you ask. 
“They like the crazy stuff, ghosts, and monsters. So I kept an eye out for any weird happenings. Some lady in New Jersey claimed a sewer monster stole her baby. And you’ll never guess who popped up in town at some shitty motel the next day.”
Taking out her phone she pulls up a photo and holds it out for you and Sam to see. It’s a grainy security camera shot of Dean with a baseball cap pulled over his face. 
“When was this?” Sam inquires. 
“Six weeks ago. Your brother is staying along the eastern seaboard. Investigating paranormal bullshit in Vermont, Maine, Connecticut. Occasionally he’ll pop up in the midwest, but for the most part, he’s staying close.” 
“To me.” Sam’s not asking, he already knows. 
“Yeah, that would be my guess. I did a sweep of your office buildings, homes and so on. I found a digital hole in your home security cameras. Someone created a backdoor into the system so they could have unfettered access.”
“He’s watching us?” Dean’s been on your mind ever since the encounter in the kitchen over a year ago. But now it seems your concerns were in fact warranted. 
“Maybe,” she continues. “It’s hard to tell with him. He might be watching. Maybe he’s visiting, editing the footage to cover his tracks. Or maybe it’s not Dean at all.”
“Who else would it be?” you ask, afraid of the answer. “FBI?”
“My father,” Sam sighs. 
“It’s a possibility.” Charlie shrugs. “Unfortunately it’s impossible to tell what they’re up to.”
“What’s your gut instinct?” Sam asks Charlie. 
“I think they’re keeping an eye on you...and her.” She looks you dead on. “If you want to know why your guess is as good as mine. They believe some insane stuff, Sam. End of the world, apocalypse wack-a-doo shit. They could just be trying to keep you safe. But there’s always the possibility of something else. Y/N was right to be concerned.”
“Perfect,” Sam laughs dryly, rolling his eyes. “This is the last thing I need right now.”
“I liaised with your new security guy.  He knows what’s going on with your family, Madison, the whole shebang. He’s working on Y/N’s apartment and your house to seal the leaks. I’ll schedule a meeting for the three of us when you get back to Boston.”
“Sounds good.” Sam stands as Charlie collects her things and you stay seated. “Thank you for everything. As always, you’re invaluable.” 
“That’s why you pay me the big bucks.” She laughs. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“You too.” You wave her off, watching as Sam locks the door after her departure. He shoves a hand in his pocket, the two of you staring at each other in silence. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
“Oh, more than you wanna know.” Running a hand down your face you categorize the evening. Sex scandals, stalkers, fugitives from justice...where to start. “You paid for sex?”
“Technically, no.” Sam walks over to sit on the couch across the coffee table. 
“What does that mean?”
“It means I never fucked her.”
“Okay, but you hired a hooker?”
“And didn’t have sex with her?”
“No.” His jaws ticks. He doesn’t want to answer these questions. “She sucked my dick. She allowed me to do things to her, but I never fucked her. Would you like the details?”
“Jesus,” you sigh. “No. God...fuck. And the other woman, Madison, she was your girlfriend?” 
“No. She and I had an arrangement. The same as you and I had when this started. She worked for W & S. It only lasted a few months. She became attached, somewhat obsessive. She believed we were more than our arrangement and I put an end to it.” He stares at you, still as a statue. 
“Okay.” You hate the very idea of him with someone else. The thought of another woman makes you angry, but he’s being honest, and honesty is everything so you swallow the urge to take it out on him. “What are we going to do about your family?”
“I’ll give you the details as soon as I have them,” he offers. “We’ll have increased security.”
“Good.” Racking your brain you try to make sure you’ve covered everything. “Oh! Jasper, are you sure Charlie will be able to get that video...if there is one, I mean.” 
“She has her ways and I have money. Everyone has a price. We just need to find his.”
You’re both quiet again. Things feel unsettled, awkward for the first time in a long time. And you only know one way to reset this feeling. There are times when having Sam in complete control makes you feel the safest. 
“Sam,” you start, watching him sigh in response. He’s expecting more questions. 
“Yes?” he asks, looking at you expectantly. 
“I’d like you to spank me now.” This request makes your cheeks hot with anticipation. His face morphs from controlled irritation to pure lust, eyes narrow, a grin pulling at his mouth. “With your belt.”
“Take off your clothes and lay across my lap,” he instructs, already working at his buckle. “Get the gag. We can’t have you making too much noise.” 
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msotherworldly · 3 years
The Blue Door: Chapter One
While this was originally the second book in my Children of Pandora series, I’ve decided it will do better as book four. The adventures of Insula don’t yet have a direct affect on the main protagonist, Eradica, making the placement of her book in the early timeline fairly flexible. 
Reading this book without reading the others would be like reading The Horse and His Boy without touching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. While there’s a deeper appreciation if you’ve read Lion, Horse still makes sense if you haven’t. 
Insula’s adventure remains a self contained story, connecting to Eradica’s stories but not yet in a direct capacity. It should be noted that The Blue Door hasn’t been as heavily edited as The Cracked Mirror (or book one). Therefore, this should be treated as a rough chapter. Pieces of it will likely be cut in the future. Below is the first chapter of Insula’s journey:
Alternate dimensions played a large role in our daily lives, though we had known little about them for the first eight years or so of staying on the archipelago. That was the fancy word Grandpa liked to use: it was meant to describe a collection of islands, and we lived on only one of them.
    Life was simple and perfect and idyllic, and that made me crazy. I had explored every inch of our little island. I gazed across the sea. What were you supposed to do when everything was handed to you, and you weren’t allowed to do anything?
    Perfect. I was growing sick of that one little word, and I was only eight. Still, I had to admit that perfect was...pretty perfect. The water, a tropical blue, washed up on a sandy pink shore. Palm trees, their leaves unusually bright and green, waved in the breeze. It was never too cold here. It was always hot, hot enough to make your clothes stick to you while you tried to sleep or your head spin if you stood out in the sun too long. Mom’s skin had actually cooked once; she had stopped sun tanning after that.
    I walked along the beach. It was pleasant...but boring as heck to write about. I kept my little journal in my bag, which I wore slung across my soft body. Despite running around constantly, I was chubby.
    I plucked a small package from my bag: it was a little chocolate bar...or a big one, according to Mom. Grandpa had brought a bunch...and donuts.
    I went to the only interesting spot on the island: the ruins were large and shaded by maple trees. Palms weren’t the only native plants; they blended with northern firs and oaks and willows and other trees I didn’t know the names of. The island, despite it’s temperature, couldn’t make up it’s mind what it was.
    The ruins were the part I loved best. I ran my hand over the stone. It was rough, and patchy with moss in places. I liked to imagine kings and queens.
    “You shouldn’t be here,” a voice grumbled. Mutari approached me. Having a twin brother should have been fun, but there was nothing fun about Mutari.
    “Don’t you ever wonder who built this? We’ve never met anybody else here before!”
    “I’ll tell Mom.” Mutari crossed his arms. He looked identical to me, except that he was skinny. He had impish features, a pointed snub nose, thin lips, and a slim face. His ears had only the slightest point, and his hair was so blond as to appear almost white. We also shared weird eyes: they were like a Wolf’s, but a deep sea foam colour, and our eyelids were black.
    “Don’t you like learning?”
    “Risking death is not learning.” Mutari peered between a crack in the wall. “This structure could tumble down and crush us.”
    “Oh, don’t be a sour blanket. Somebody must have built this.”
    “Yes. Then the roof caved in and killed them.” Mutari glared around. The wind sighed through the trees, and the grass was lush underfoot.
    “There would be skeletons.” A rush of excitement went through me. “Oh, but they might have been buried!”
    “No, Insula-”
    I rushed through the none existent doors to what would have been the courtyard. There was a long hall, shrouded in shade and dappled sun. There was a raised stone dais. In addition to sprinklings of grass, daisies grew from between the cracks.
    I paused to gaze around, enthralled. Characters and stories raced through my head. I had killed Dragons here, and given Vampires Knighthood. In my mind, I had danced with princes and banners had fluttered on the walls in the glow of many golden candles.
    I could imagine it as it had been, brilliant and bright. I had been a princess in this court...and a knight. I spent my life in dreams.
    “Ugh. What’s so fun about just standing here?” Mutari plodded up to me. He looked out of place in his tight dress shirt and long slacks. Even his shoes were polished, his long hair gelled back.
    “Aren’t you hot in all that?”
    “At least I’m fit to be seen.”
    “Don’t be dumb. There’s nobody here to see us...except our squires!” I giggled. “Lord Mark is over there, and all the ladies are goggling at him. He has beautiful golden hair, but he’s too stubborn to cut it.”
    Mutari made a gagging noise. “Don’t draw another picture of him, please. The house is filled with them.”
    My face burned. “It is not!”
    “Are so. You’re in love with a made up guy!”
    “I don’t want to fall in love! That gets in the way. King Mark is just...nice.” I ran to the end of the hall. “There must be a door somewhere.”
    “What are you doing, Issy? Mom will kill us!”
    “There’s got to be a mausoleum.”
    “A what?”
    “A tomb?” I rolled my eyes. “You haven’t read the word in any of those fat, boring books of yours?”
    “I don’t spend all day reading about castles and fantastic nonsense.” Mutari spat in the grass. He looked washed out in this light. He looked…
    “You’ve got Zombie sickness! Or maybe Vampirism. Your skin has such little colour. Lady Zania must have bitten you.”
    Mutari groaned. “No more of your games. I’m going to tell Mom you were here again.”
    “No, don’t do that! I have to find the graveyard.” I ran up a set of stairs.
    There was a sharp intake of breath. “Issy, get down from there!”
    “Why?” I put my hands on my hips, and stared down at my brother from above. I imagined that I looked tough. “Are you worried about me?”
    “You’re...being stupid.” Mutari blushed. “Get down!”
    “I’m not afraid of any-” The ground beneath me cracked, and I screamed. A piece of the parapet crumbled away, and I fell.
    I seized a clump of growing vines. I dangled in the breeze, pulled like a strand of hair. I whimpered.
    “Issy, don’t move! I’ll get Mom!”
    “No, I can’t—I can’t hold on!” My grasp slipped. My arms ached. My whole body was dead weight. The vines slid further between my fingers. I screamed.
    “Oh, Genitrix, Genitrix above!” Mutari sank to his knees. He prayed, his lips moving quickly.
    “That’s not going to do anything!” I slid further. The ends of the vines were skinnier. The one I held thinned and…
    With a snap, I fell. There was nothing to grab. The ground rushed up to meet me, and then it didn’t.
    It was falling away, but everything looked bigger. Wind whistled in my ears, but I couldn’t feel the air on them. I was going around and around in circles. I was dizzy.
    I could feel the breeze rippling through my hair, but I seemed to be covered entirely in it. I could feel the hair rippling along my arms and legs.
    I tried to move my hands, but I didn’t seem to have hands anymore. I opened my mouth to shout, and a shrieking sound came out. It sounded like a hawk.
    I angled down towards the ground. Air brushed my feet, but my toes were numb. I tilted to the left. A draft shoved me, and a wall rushed up to meet me.
    I batted my arms, but it was too late: the wall smacked me, hard. I fell to the ground. I heard the plop, like a sound from far off. My head felt like mush. I stared up at the blue sky. Mutari towered above me, a giant. He was blurry. I tried to speak, to move, but I couldn’t. My vision darkened at the edges.
    “Insula.” That was the last word I heard before the darkness swallowed me.
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terrm9 · 4 years
8, 9, 25 and 34 from the writers asks 😘
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Chiara is the easiest one to write for me, no question. Also her banters with Bryce are very easy and natural for me. Now that I tried to write about Tatum and Lina, I have to say that those two are an absolute delight to write for me❤
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
Ethan!!! I am not grumpy or as sarcastic as Ethan naturally and his speech is very distinctive and I kinda struggle with that. I used to worry about making him too soft or out of character a lot.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes! There were mentions and hints about Bryce and Kyra in the Already Gone series and also in Shattered I think and I have to say I think about those two more and more often as of late.
It's canon that Kyra wants to travel the world and I just imagine that she does that for ~4 years and it becomes kind of her brand, like she is getting popular as a travel blogger/vlogger and in those 4 years she doesn't completely fall out of touch with her Boston friends but mostly the contact consists of texts and photos exchanged.
Until one day she meets Bryce in Boston and after the longest hug, he asks her: "what are you doing here? Weren't you visiting Bali, like, yesterday?"
"Yeah, I came back a week ago. I was just visiting Chiara, actually, since I couldn't make it for the wedding."
And so they talk and Kyra admits that she would like to settle down a little - not fully, just to have her own place and travel the world half of the year instead of all the time. She thinks about getting a job as yoga instructor in Boston and Bryce thinks it's super cool and says he would do yoga if she was his instructor and when Kyra asks him how is his life going, he shrugs that he still cuts people open, only now he does that as an attending.
"Where are you staying?" he asks over a coffee because they can't part.
"Not sure yet," Kyra grins and without missing a beat, Bryce proposes that she stays at his place.
"You got a spare couch?" she raises an eyebrow.
"The whole spare room."
Kyra agrees and they move to Bryce's apartment, where Kyra jokes that he must have many visitors if he bothered to rent an apartment with a spare room - Bryce answers (honestly) that it's mostly for his sister when she comes to visit ("She slept on a couch for a long time while staying at my place all those years ago.")
They open a bottle of wine and talk about everything, Kyra sharing her crazy stories from all around the world and Bryce joking that his life sounds super boring now. But Kyra wants to hear all about his job, about Edenbrook and the patients and Bryce tells her more than he has told any girl he has been on a date with ever and then they share another bottle and another and Kyra never gets to see the spare room because Bryce's bedroom is much nicer actually. They have the best sex of their lives that night and Kyra finds the job as yoga instructor that very week.
... I could go on forever and that's not acceptable but yeah I think about Bryce and Kyra very often (also they are little Matilda's favorite people and total role models)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
There was a long silence on the other side and he cursed under his breath, this was a terrible mistake, and then the door of her building opened and Chiara stood there, in her tank top and underwear, not caring that it was freezing, a sad smile on her lips.
Ethan stepped closer and he despised himself for being so uncertain, for hesitating before he reached out to her and cupped her cheek with his hand.
She took the hand and put a lingering kiss on his palm, the contrast between her soft and warm lips and his freezing skin so sharp he felt like the touch burned him.
Hmm I think I really like this. I like my writing in these particular paragraphs and I think it portrays C & E well - Ethan's hesitation even deeper into relationship, his belief that Chiara wouldn't show up. And Chiara's silent understanding, her sad smile because she knows why he is there and it hurts her that he is hurt and she doesn't hesitate, she kisses his palm because she loves him and knows that in this state, Ethan doesn't want to hear her words, she knows that her actions will speak louder.
This has gotten embarassingly long I am very sorry. Thank you so much for the ask❤
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peepingtoad · 4 years
It’s not that often that I talk about what I really think about Jiraiya, and I guess I mean more how I feel about him, since I always try to write my ‘deeper’ headcanons/metas from a more... idk, trying not to get too emotional about it point of view. Basically it’s because I know how controversial he is, and I pretty much ritually avoid a lot of takes because I don’t want to get irritated about something that really doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme, because we’re all entitled to our opinions and I largely get my say through the act of writing and developing him how I see fit.
Which is enough for me, mostly, but for the purpose of reinforcing/building upon how I see my muse’s plight, working through some of my Sannin-feels and also to dip my toes into why I find blindly judgemental/single-faceted takes of him, his priorities and the Sannin’s bond so exasperating, I kinda feel like rambling my thoughts (feelings) anyway! 
Politely sticks this stream-of-consciousness mess under a cut.
So sometimes I do think about the fact that Jiraiya kinda, lmao, forgot about Everything Else in the world because of Orochimaru and his (frankly) obsession with him/them. And the fact that a ridiculously significant portion of bad shit that happened is down to his actions/inaction. And the fact that he really did go and leave the likes of Naruto (and maybe to a degree Kakashi, although there’s zero actual evidence he didn’t get involved given the strong indications of a great rapport in the canon), just because he was so hellbent on pursuing Orochimaru, who was not even shown to be affectionate towards him at the best of times. When I think about it in terms of Jiraiya being gone and the main reason we’re given for it, things suck for a number of people, and quite largely because of potentially unrequited/horribly communicated/obsessive JiraOro pursuits, in essence :’)
(And for all it’s still quite the rarepair, Jiraiya does express on accounts that he was destroyed when Oro left. I mean... this is the guy who rarely acknowledges his sadness so... It’s not my bias at all I sware)
Of course JiraTsu is very real in my eyes too, albeit a very different kinda tragic, as is OroTsu. And the messy poly ship? Ohohoho, even better, but... yeah. Tsunade does at least go her own way for a long time, as messed up as that is in itself, for reasons including the fact she seems to pointedly not heal or move on from her grief. And given the absolute debacle that was her and Jiraiya reuniting... and both her and Oro even discussing a possibility of sacrificing him... and just, them in general for that whole arc :’))) yeah. They are without a doubt messy and troubled, but even despite how fraught things become I genuinely think all the furtive expressions and the undercurrents of longing and the evasion of their past exhibits a history much deeper and full of lost love compared to many other team dynamics we get (otherwise the Three Way Divorce wouldn’t have been quite so horrible on them, would it? That and they’d probably have split up after Team Hiruzen was no more, if they really hated each other/just tolerated each other out of familiarity like I sometimes see speculated).
But yeah, back to our main man. Jiraiya’s intense (and frankly very Scorpio of him) love for our first series Big Bad kinda did ruin him and what he was setting out to do in some ways, to the degree that the actual story of Naruto wouldn’t be very much without him in terms of drama. I mean, he always loved a good story, right? So art imitates life, and innit just pathetic poetic.
And in so many ways it is incredibly tragic and pitiable that he’s Just Like That. Idealistic and warping everything terrible, no matter how bad, into adventure in his mind! As growth! As pain that makes you TOUGH and makes you a stronger man! As something to be pushed aside while you just keep on truckin’! Whatever anyone you love throws at you, it’s Totally Fine!
After so long narrating through his personal lens, I’ve come to realise he truly is so convinced that everything bad that happens, is sort of just... something he has to deal with and feel big and guilty and feelsy for while spinning it in ways that enable him to keep going. He just loads it on himself and sorta holds it. The fact he’s so sad and filled with sickly pining grief that he has to try and exorcise it with impulsive bouts of decadence? Fine. And it’s not abnormal at all, how he approaches things with such broad scope and just kinda... thoughtlessly wrecking-balls his way through everything he thinks is a great idea at the time. He experiences the fallout of these things and simultaneously feels the entire ravages of it acutely while compartmentalising it ever so neatly away. The crazy thing, too, is that he’s exceptionally convincing at making everything he does and how he handles things seem so grand and noble and romantic and tragic... but in a humorously self-deprecating and still ultimately very hopeful way, to the degree that I as a mun get caught up in his relentless optimism and forget he actually is a sad and heartbroken guy wrapped up in all this grandiosity.
Sometimes I do step back and look and I just think yeah, fuck, he really is a total disaster! He’s a walking disaster and he’s been so damaging to himself and others in so many ways, all because of acting on emotions and impulses without really thinking about the impact! He really did kinda give up on those who needed him and for what? A love that will never love him or prioritise him back? 
A wonderfully tragic theme that I do love with him, don’t get me wrong.
But then at the same time, there’s always more nuance to be had than just ‘he is a disaster and made bad choices, as tragic and romantic as it is, he was actually just selfish and kinda sucked in the end, pathetically whipped by his friends and unable to let go of what they had’. There’s more nuance to be had than reducing him to a purely romantically-inclined character, who just snubs everyone else for a doomed love... because in the end, I think a huge part of JiraOro’s demise in particular was that Oro felt immensely snubbed by Jiraiya when he stayed in Ame, when his loyalty to Konoha (as a place and people, not necessarily a system) and of course loyalty to his own ideals was prioritised over Oro.
To an extent, I feel like Tsunade could have been a similar case, were she not preoccupied with already having lost so much, and besides I really do think she and Jiraiya were quite firmly in best friend zone at that point. With Tsunade not being able to get comfortable around Jiraiya or to pursue any underlying affection for him because of the dumbass way he always behaved (understandably of her tbh), probably until she got with Dan, by which point I reckon Jiraiya started to really come through by showing how he valued her for her, where we see by them having each other’s backs so closely in the second war. Not to mention him generally respecting that his feelings for her have no place by the time he gets her back to Konoha.
In terms of that first split in Ame, Jiraiya, I feel, simply didn’t think him leaving was going to be a big deal, because the three were always fiercely headstrong people who had their own shit going on (simultaneously independent while also being, perhaps not to their knowledge, So Very Codependent). Not only that, but his overly affectionate ways and incessant jolliness were probably considered such a joke that he was basically like ‘they’ll be fine without me’. I certainly don’t think he felt needed by them, which I don’t think is their fault or a point of angst and ‘waaah poor blameless Jiraiya’, because quite honestly, the strain on their relationship was something I fully believe even he didn’t realise he needed out of at the time. His one-track mind was just on ‘save kids, teach kids, this is right, must seize opportunity to be the change I was told I’d be, not continue with this godforsaken war’
Selfish? Maybe. Well-intentioned? Certainly. Intended to hurt anyone or imply he stopped caring? No.
In essence, when it comes to why in the end Jiraiya seemed to be so horrendously bad at being around at the worst of times, at being responsible, whatever else (and I’m not even going to go into scenes intended to be comedic because, they are comedic)... I’ve got to look at it from more than just one view. It’s easy to say ‘he’s ridiculous and terrible because he pretty much flaked on what was important based on his whims/a doomed love/his dick’ (which I have seen said lmao) but there are so many other things at play here.
So I’m thinking, while he was shirking duties (godfatherly mainly)... did he actually consider that his most important duty? Was it anyone’s place to tell him it was? Minato didn’t, as I recall, and when he sacrificed himself he specifically left it to the Third because he (presumably) respected what his teacher was about and knew he wasn’t for staying put. Did Jiraiya not consider his primary duty to be to the prophecy, and in a more general sense fixing the big wrongs and trying to foil big dangers to his home? Were these things not pretty much what he existed for (as much as his faith wavered and went off the rails at times)? Was that not the main source of any real purpose he ever had, being a kid who showed practically no ambition before? Did he not pretty much redesign himself as being ‘from Mt. Myōboku’ rather than Konoha after two devastating wars, and thus is it not understandable for him not to focus solely on Konoha—not outright destroying it, still ultimately loyal to his home and not about to let anyone destroy it, but seeing that the world is in fact so much bigger than just his little town? Is that really something that’s so bad and wrong of him, in a story where the main cast’s country has a pretty fucking nasty system and is established to do so very early on? Is he not pretty revolutionary in his own brand of not blindly serving, but not going on a destroy-it-all frenzy either?
Also, was he not the only one who actually bothered to investigate Akatsuki and the forces that would see Naruto dead, in time? For all he did help bring Akatsuki into existence in ways, it was inevitable from before he even met the orphans that they were going to be groomed/moulded into what they became, regardless of whether Jiraiya came onto the scene. Jiraiya leaving them was just a different kind of suffering to what they were inevitably going to suffer anyway, and hell, with his influence at least there was a time where they might’ve stood a chance of going totally against Madara/Obito’s path, especially while Yahiko was still around. Jiraiya didn’t know that the whole thing with the Ame orphans was, by a design out of his control, doomed to end horribly. So while he felt personally responsible not knowing this, and it’s taken as a given that he was... actually, was he, when there was a master manipulator at play? Was it wrong to want to give some kids a chance?
With regards to all those things I see people say he should have stayed and fixed, that he should have been there, he should have done x y z... Is it not the responsibility of everyone not satisfied with their lot to step up to the plate and make where they live better? Jiraiya wasn’t the only adult. Tsunade, and I absolutely love her, does seem overwhelmingly to be absolved of leaving Konoha because... ??? Kicker is that she too is related to Naruto, of course. 
So... was she not also needed for the very material ways she could’ve helped at numerous points? Was she not also placing her grief and lost love before everything else? Are some reasons inherently more ok than others to ditch? As Kakashi’s generation grew up, was it not also then up to them to decide whether they’d change the status quo? Were Minato’s own generation, presumably his own peer group, not complicit in Naruto’s ostracisation? We got a slight taste of rebellion with Asuma, Hiruzen’s own son, but the fact is many Konoha-nin were overwhelmingly complacent with how things were. And yet never get demonised at all for it. Because it’s Jiraiya’s fault for... not staying and giving it all up to be a guardian who could well be depressed and unfit to raise a child... or just being a flaky as hell one that’s never there anyway because he has shit to do? (and in doing the former would let too many things go unchecked by a completely tuned-out Hokage, not gathering all that spicy useful intel, y’know... essentially he wouldn’t have ended up largely doing his job along with the personal shit in between).
Basically when I see claims saying that Jiraiya as an individual should have done pretty much everything better, and somehow been there for everyone that needed him at any given time, and that (mostly Naruto’s) suffering was a failing on Just His part because of his selfish whims... I feel like the point of his tragedy is absolutely missed. That tragedy being that barrelling through things alone is definitely a failing and harmful in numerous ways, as we see with Itachi shouldering everything alone too, and we see them both miss out on Naruto and Sasuke as a result... but at the same time, is just settling down and leaving everything else to chance not also a huge failing, when there are so many other circumstances and enemies acting against you, when you do have the power to change tides, and when so many other people refuse to or can’t seize their own agency? Jiraiya does put his faith in a lot of people too, and a lot of people fail. Don’t fail him, but in a general sense many, like Minato, fail to make the change they wanted to. That’s life in this world, it’s tragic, and after losing a lot of loved ones yeah, he retreats and goes at it alone. 
But how can he win? How does he do what’s right, other than by chasing what he thinks he can do to actually help the world, which happens to be bigger and not centred on individuals, even those he cares about?
(and remember, nobody knows Naruto is special-reincarnation-prophecy-boi, which is why I tend not to blame-game any characters for him being treated like so many orphans were because... while it’s not morally right or nice at all, it’s tone deaf to how the world is, to the fact all characters having different degrees of knowledge and priorities, and it’s insensitive of the fact most the characters had their own struggles and were just doing their best with a bad lot gdi). 
Hell though, Jiraiya even does put Oro, his big obsessive wild goose chase that whisks him away into selfish pining hopelessly devoted land, on the back burner at points. Maybe not in a lasting way, particularly by the last databook where he’s inspired anew by Naruto, but he does prioritise other shit on numerous occasions. And there’s a lot of shit to try and prioritise.
What I’m trying to say is, Jiraiya can’t solely be held responsible for people. Sure, he’s a character whose decisions were pivotal to events, but what of every other character in the story? Why are they not held to the same crazy high standard of doing and protecting and preventing and somehow doing everything ‘right’ that would have also meant him fitting neatly into the Konoha mould? Would other characters really have been that much better in the position of The Big Guide/Martyr/Tragic Hero/Force For Change character? And also is having a tragic Chaotic Good bastard of a hero not a sign of a damn good and interesting character, that at the very least tried where so many others didn’t? Would Naruto not have been a boring as hell story, whose main protag didn’t really have much conflict to make him compelling, without Jiraiya (among others) being a mess with the best intentions? Without so many other characters having failed him, for him to overcome it and still be able to love and inspire change (albeit through sometimes-clumsy talk-no-jutsu)? Was I missing the point of the story?
............. Hmm!
No longer sure where else I’m going with this now, so.... here, I guess, ends my ode to why character hate (especially that reduces them to One Thing) is dumb, why demonising truly well-meaning characters doesn’t feel particularly woke to me in a cast full of flawed characters and horrible circumstance, and why I’ll defend this poor bastard with far too damn much hinging on him to the end I guess :’)
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evalieena · 4 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
well since dearest @bachint​ asked, here goes nothing!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
well if no downplaying’s allowed i guess i’d give it a 3/5? some mistakes since i’m not a native plus i”m still working on getting my english style better! i like what i come up with all the same, i’ve improved a lot these past two years, and my grammar isn’t that bad i guess?
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to do what developers didn’t do in the first place to make good use of my imagination, to cope with the fact that some characters don’t exist and i will never follow another one of their adventures, to forget about a boring real life...
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
my writing doesn’t stand out lmaooo but i guess i’m always trying to focus on the character’s psychology, struggles and all that, so if someone likes my work, it’s ‘original’ bc it’s usually quite different from the usual stories where there are a lot of dialogues and interactions.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
i’ve been inspired a lot by @welcometogressenheller​ (i wish i could do as well as she does.....), @aceklaviergavin​ (kudos to you even if you never see that post and you probably don’t know who i am), and some others whose name i forgot (sorry!)
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
i didn’t write much but i guess that my latest fics are really nice (There’s No Light In You Anymore, and the whole Faith series on AO3). also my big project “Now That You’re Gone”, i’m glad i’ve been able to write that much for it and i intend on continuing as soon as i find the motivation!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
pain, struggles and all that comes with it as long as it’s in the character’s mind, because beware here you step in a dark space
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
ordinary scenes of life? i always find my writing lacking as soon as i step out of my comfort zone, i’m all for rambling and never-ending pain
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
desmond/descole surely
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
all the good guys (and dimitri allen because i’d love writing about him but i’m? just unable to?)
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
that may come as a surprise! angst!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
a mix of question 8 and 10 and you’ve got your answer
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
professor layton and the shattering secrets!!! i’m so happy of what this AU will look like when i’ll be done writing the following chapters, at first it probably looks annoying but heck i wanna promise anyone who’s reading it that the plot twists are gonna be worth it even though the overall background isn’t that original because i’ve mixed up different elements from other games (aaaand we’re back in our oh-so-amazing comfort zone that covers up a massive lack of imagination)
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
ummm? the vampire diaries maybe? back when i was 10 or 11 lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
hands up... pROFESsoR LayTON
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
i didn’t write for many fandoms but back in my younger days i used to do self-insert fics with the vampire diaries cast and it was so odd and i wish i hadn’t just confessed that on my tumblr blog
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
nothing that comes to mind
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
dunno either
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
PL and the shattering secrets! huge canon divergence and one heck of an AU (also its original version is much worse, my mind was going crazy when i was 15)
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
i love reading AUs, writing some requires solid imagination which i have not, but honestly i don’t really mind
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
desmond sycamore x his wife / randall ascot x hershel layton (be it romantic or platonic) / randall ascot x basically anyone from the MM i guess though i didn’t write anything about that yet (it’s about to change guys)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
yea i can’t write without listening to music - any playlist does the trick as long as i like what i’m listening to but usually i listen to sad soundtracks, or i’m inspired by some random lyrics
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
i’d go with challenges bc my horrible ass has very few ideas but i usually come up with independent ideas
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
one shots!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
i don’t remember ;_;
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
i’ve got one OS in mind with randall/layton but i don’t want to be the talk of the town because it’s probably going to be awful? also any other fic including the PL3 crew
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
@welcometogressenheller telling me she believed i was a native!!! i struggle so much trying to improve my writing style in english and i have a lot of insecurities so it was so heartwarming and incredible to read...
also basically any other comment where people tell me they like what i write. i love that writers feel the need to take some time reviewing my works bc i need constant validation
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
well i’ve never really received ‘harsh’ criticism or anything, save for some very rare remarks on my grammar so i guess i don’t know? at first it’s always sad to see that what i’ve done isn’t perfect but i guess it’s impossible to be perfect so i’m really happy that people take some time to underline what looks wrong to them
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
currently trying to with shattering secrets and it’s actually a great way to improve!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
i wish i could but it would perhaps be a huge spoiler so i don’t wanna say much about them...
i have 1) annabell sycamore, des’s wife, whose personality fits very much mine. she’s a playwright, spends lot of her time writing and acting in front of des AND WITH des. also she’s a very realistic person and some people usually tell her that she’s being too pessimistic 
2) aurelia from the shattering secrets and on her i really cannot say much... if anyone’s read this far it would be so nice if you could give SS a shot by the way!! 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
desmond sometimes finds happiness but it’s always taken from him
(isn’t that a summary for everything i’ve ever written?)
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
i don’t translate my works from my original language to english, i write straight in english. i spend a lot of time making sure i haven’t done any grammatical mistakes, checking the definition and the use of some words i’m not sure about, and sometimes it’s quite a pain and it can be also very discouraging bc i end up believing what i write comes from a random internet dictionary while deep down i know it’s not true but hey what can i say. huge insecurities laid bare here.
(if any reader of mine’s reading this, i apologize)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
(beware: spoilers for the whole prequel trilogy!!!)
“Hershel Layton was puzzled. A funny emotion to feel for someone who loved puzzles that much, but nothing could ever describe better the way he’d felt for hours now, hours that seemed like ages.So much did happen in the span of a few hours.
First he’d learned his parents could be targeted by Targent, then Aurora had made it clear that she didn’t want to live anymore, all so she could protect them. Then Desmond—no, Descole—had taken the key from her hands, and revealed himself as the dangerous scientist Layton knew him to be.
Then they’d fought. Despair was filling the air, though Hershel didn’t understand what Descole meant when he cried that the Azran legacy was all he had to live for.
And as if there hadn’t been enough betrayals as it was, Emmy was soon to follow. Luke had been abducted. He’d had no other choice than siding with Descole to prevent Bronev from unleashing doom on Earth. Misery didn’t seem to end.
Just when he’d thought he’d finally be able to change things, Descole had been ready to sacrifice himself to save Luke. And then…
Then everything just collapsed.
He held his agonizing brother in his arms; the one who’d wanted so hard to take him down only a few hours back was now confessing, fearing death was on the way.“
from ‘Six Times Hershel Layton Remembered, Plus The One Time He Didn’t’
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
oops i haven’t got anything more to say but thank you for reading? perhaps?
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Country Roads, Take Me Home: Chap. 1
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye
Summary: It's summer, which means Kensi and Deeks are once again off on the summer vacation adventure of a lifetime. This year they've got the perfect plan and nothing can stop them. Well...almost nothing. The fourth installment of the Densi Summer Vacation Series!
A/N: It is SUMMER! This story takes place in a universe where Covid-19 doesn't exist because I just couldn't write a bummer story like that. Huge shouts out to @mashmaiden who gave me the idea for this fic. Off they go!
“So, where you two headed on vacation?” Sam asked, accepting another beer from Kensi who was behind the bar.
“Nowhere,” she said, wiping down a wet spot on the counter. “We’re just staying home.”
“For two weeks?” Callen asked in surprise. “No way.”
Kensi paused her cleaning. “What do you mean ‘no way’?”
“The two of you can’t even last two minutes at work without something to do? What are you going to do at home for two weeks?” Sam scoffed. 
“I don’t know,” Kensi said, raising her eyebrows in annoyance. “It’s a staycation, we can do whatever we want.”
“Like drive each other crazy,” Sam said while Callen snickered. 
“We can go to the beach,” Kensi protested. “And take Monty for walks.”
“That’s it? The beach and walks?” Callen said.
“You’re just jealous because you don’t know how to take a vacation,” Kensi said with a glare.
“Neither do you,” Sam said. “Or have you forgotten how the last, what is it now, three, vacations have gone for you?”
“Which is why we are staying home this year.” Kensi glared at both of them. “So stop making fun of us or I’ll send Deeks over for a playdate with your boat.”
“Speaking of which, where is Deeks?” Callen asked, looking around for their absent teammate. “Can’t really go on vacation without him.” He thought for a second. “Actually maybe that would be better.”
Kensi frowned and checked her watch. “He said he had to run an errand but that was like three hours ago.”
She reached for her phone. Deeks left unsupervised could cause as much trouble as a toddler. “Deeks? Where are you?”
“Just got back,” he said. “Can you come outside for a second?”
She knew that voice. Oh god she knew that voice. That was Deeks’, “I did something that I think will be a fun surprise but you potentially might hate” voice. She gripped her phone tightly and closed her eyes. “Deeks, what did you do?”
“Just come outside!”
She hung up and looked at Sam and Callen. “He says he’s outside.”
The three of them wandered out the front door to the street. “Where?” Callen asked.
Kensi looked up and down the sidewalk, her nerves increasing when she didn’t spot her husband. She was reaching for her phone to call him again when all three of them were startled by the blast of an obnoxiously loud horn. “What the hell?” Sam asked, looking down the street as a massive RV barreled toward them. “Somebody win the Price is Right?”
“Oh no,” Kensi breathed.
Callen looked from Kensi to the RV that was pulling up in front of them. “Oh…he wouldn’t. Would he?”
The RV came to a stop and the door opened to reveal a grinning, elated Marty Deeks. 
“Deeks. Baby. What is this?” Kensi asked faintly.
“It’s an RV!” He looked like a kid in a candy store.
“I thought we talked about making large purchases without discussing it first after the whole bar incident,” she said, trying very hard not to unleash on him.
“I didn’t buy it,” he said quickly. “It’s a rental. And I got a really good deal. But totally refundable. I just thought maybe once you saw it…”
“That I would want to move to a trailer park?” Kensi asked.
“No! No,” Deeks shook his head. “You said that you would like to see all the National Parks in an RV. And since we have PTO and we have to take the days I thought this might be the time.”
“I thought you two were staying home this year to avert any more vacation disasters,” Sam said with a frown.
“Aha, see that’s the beauty of it. No hotel. No cruise ship. No plane flight. Our RV home is our own home. We’ve taken all danger and disaster out of the vacation and put the control completely in our own hands.”
“I wouldn’t say that too loudly,” Sam said, unconvinced.
��Hey Deeks.” Callen had gone inside to explore and now poked his head out a window. “This thing have wifi?”
“Yep! And surround sound. All the bells and whistles.”
“Don’t get any ideas G,” Sam called. “You already live in a bar apartment, you don’t need to take your life mobile.”
“It’s just a thought,” Callen said with a shrug before disappearing once more.
“Deeks I—“ Kensi didn’t quite know what to say.
He stepped toward her, eyes serious. “Kens listen, we don’t have to do this. If it’s too much, or not what you want, we can stay home, no harm no foul. I just thought it might be fun. Obviously we can’t do all the national parks in two weeks, but we could hit a few.”
She looked into his eyes, so earnest and eager. He truly had put this together out of the goodness of his heart, not some kind of whim like the bar. And it was a trip they’d talked about quite a bit. Besides, like he’d said, everything would be under their own control. It would be perfectly safe. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” His eyes lit with excitement. 
“Yes, let’s go RV’ing and see the National Parks.”
“Awesome! Yes. Okay. So we need to pack and get snacks and drop Monty at my mom’s and we can leave in the morning.”
“Oh, wow, oh yeah okay.”
She had to admit, when Deeks brought her inside the RV it was pretty cool. It was certainly roomy enough for the two of them, the bed was gigantic and it even had a decent sized shower. It would be fun to road trip together and see a little bit of the country they helped keep safe every day.
They encountered their first problem almost immediately: Deeks hadn’t thought about where to park the RV overnight. “I’ll just put it in the driveway,” Deeks told her as they prepared to leave the bar.
“Babe, it’s not going to fit in the driveway.”
“We have a big driveway.”
“Not big enough to fit an RV the size of a dinosaur.”
“It’ll fit,” he said confidently.
It did not fit. “What if I turn it this way?” Deeks yelled out the window and made a wild spinning motion with his hand.
“I don’t think so—“
“I’m going to try it!” he yelled, cranking the wheel and backing up about four inches. “Am I going to hit the planters?”
Kensi looked to where the flowers she’d laboriously tended all spring in an effort to prove she was not a plant killer were in clear danger of being run over. “Uh, yeah! Don’t back up anymore!”
“Crap! Okay I’m going to pull forward and then try and go the other way!”
“If you go the other way you’re going to hit the mailbox!”
Deeks swore loudly, catching the attention of Mrs. Bradford who was walking her dog nearby. Kensi gave her a wave and a forced smile. “Sorry Mrs. Bradford!”
The woman shot her a disapproving glare. “Deeks, maybe we should just take it back to the bar,” Kensi said with a sigh.
“We can’t leave this baby at the bar!” Deeks said. “Somebody might take her!”
“Right. Well I really don’t think it’s going to fit.”
“Kensi, I’m telling you, it’ll fit.”
“Okay. Fine. Make it fit.”
Forty-five minutes later Deeks climbed out and surveyed his handiwork. “See? Fits like a glove.”
The RV was diagonal across the driveway, the front wheels gouged into the earth by the garage, the back end hanging off the curb and dangling into the street. Kensi had moved the planters and she wasn’t sure the mailbox would ever recover. “Yep, it fits,” she said.
“Hey.” Deeks reached for her hand. “This is going to be a fun adventure. You trust me right?”
“With my life? Yes. With driving this thing across the country?” She raised her eyebrows. “Jury’s still out.”
“Just think about it this way, everywhere else we drive will be built for RV’s. If I can park it here, I can park it anywhere.”
“I guess we’ll find out.”
“Do you not want to go?” Deeks asked. “Because we really don’t have to. I can take this thing back tomorrow and we can spend two weeks sitting around here drinking piña coladas and watching trashy television.”
She looked at the crooked RV and back at him. “No, let’s do it. I’m ready for an adventure.”
“Okay great because I’ve got it all mapped out.”
They went into the house and he pulled out a map. “We are using technology on this trip right?” Kensi asked a little anxiously. “I thought you said that thing had wifi.”
“It does. The map is just for planning purposes,” he told her. “Okay, so we’re going to start here in LA and then drive up north to Yosemite. Then we head to Nevada and hit Great Basin National Park. Then Arches in Utah, Colorado Rocky Mountain, and Yellowstone in Wyoming. And finally to Crater Lake in Oregon and then home.”
Kensi’s eyebrows had risen the entire time he was speaking. “That’s a really ambitious list babe.”
“Well, it’s just a start. We can take things off if we get too busy or end up somewhere different.”
She looked down at the map, fingers tracing the path he’d drawn. “We’re going to need a lot of snacks.”
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mechawhatsit · 4 years
You ever have one of those moments, when you’re roleplaying with a friend and having a good time, and you both end up cackling with pure glee at the mayhem you cause in the world you’re creating?
My lady and I just spent the last couple days plotting and executing a Transformers crossover between the Prime and Animated series that has resulted in a surprising but lovely crackship of Blitzwing/Knock Out/Breakdown after Blitzwing felt bad for an injured Knock Out and helped Breakdown patch him up.
My babbling got long, so more under the cut!
Things this crackship has further developed as headcanon:
+ Knock Out and Breakdown are Conjunx and have been for some time (we’re romantics that want our gay boys to have a good life, shut up) + Knock Out reformatted from being a Seeker to being a grounder, he still has a lot of ties to his Seeker heritage, including the language and his unconscious yearning for a trine bond + Blitzwing doesn’t have multiple personalities (DID), he has severe bipolar disorder that looks like DID and his faces switch as his emotions run wild (Random: Absolute Mania, Icy: Depression/Lack of Emotion, Hothead: Intense but Aware) + Blitzwing’s face changing is less ‘spinning’ and more ‘rapid transformation of minute particulate via nano bots’, if he focuses on the feeling as it happens, it’s more like his face is being turned inside out and backwards (Knock Out has his hand on Blitzwing’s face at one point while this occurs and he describes the feeling as oil slicked sand or ferrofluid sliding over his talons) + Knock Out is fascinated by Random!Blitzwing’s tongue (who isn’t though) + Knock Out is an unapologetic exhibitionist and he’s dragged Breakdown into his special hell with him, Blitzwing is next + Really good car washes are borderline between really intense massage and really amazing foreplay + Blitzwing has a lot of personal hangups about his size and appearance, he’s very insecure about himself when not in battle (Knock Out and Breakdown are working on it, but there’s a LOT of trauma) + Blitzwing is a huge sucker for cuddles and wings massages (he turned into a puddle when Knock Out and Breakdown used snuggling to help him come down from a really bad panic attack) + When Blitzwing is feeling really INTENSE emotion, he’ll either get stuck on a face and can’t change until he calms down, or his faces will change so rapidly he starts getting motion sick and can even get a really bad migraine (the latter one is worse for him, because his senses are totally scrambled and he can’t talk while it’s happening) + Breakdown really, REALLY likes having a third to their relationship that he can get rough with without having to worry about scuffing someone’s finish or getting them hurt on accident + Breakdown is so much a voyeur it’s not even funny, he wants to watch his Conjunx get pounded so BAD-!!
Other fun random bits that have come up that I love that aren’t related to the shippy/sexy bits that have cropped up:
+ Ratchet and Optimus find the recordings of Knock Out being his vain exhibitionist self and will critique his capabilities and technique, they have an actual grading matrix and have way too much fun taking the piss (old gays poking fun at new gays, Party Ambulance and Sexy Archivist out, peace) + The Prime Autobots are so used to the random fragging that goes on, they forget to censor themselves and have so far made Prowl startle so bad he nearly drove off the road into a tree and baby!Optimus got so flustered he almost overheated to the point of needing medical treatment + All the Prime Autobots have learned how to fix and build various items and tools over the deca-vorns due to simple survival needs, TFP!Bumblebee fixes TFA!Bumblebee’s game station when it narrowly avoids getting exploded + TFA!Megatron thinks TFP!Megatron is a sadistic psychopath so completely unhinged that he’s a danger to literally everyone, including himself, and literally Nope.Avi’d his aft back to base when TFP!Megatron tried to fight then recruit him, babbling about Dark Energon the whole time + Dark Energon is worse than a combination of crack cocaine and heroin and TFP!Megatron is going to go through such serious withdrawals, man, like- He is going to be so sick and so crazy and it’s going to either be sad or hilarious + Prowl and Arcee have become adventure buddies and they go patrolling all over the place just for fun, it’s really cute and has some sweet big sis/lil bro vibes + TFA!Megatron thinks the developing threesome is goddamn adorable and is quietly cheering them on from the sidelines, Lugnut doesn’t get it and Starscream is just Annoyed at Everything
Oh, and regarding the car wash thing, Knock Out and Breakdown find a really nice auto-wash that does Big Vehicles, they all go through -Blitzwing included- and they’re all so gungho they end up having a threesome right there in the parking lot at like 2 in the morning while a security guard in some office watches and discovers a whole new kink he never thought he had. Hothead!Blitzwing is a master of giving head, uses his toothgap to tease Knock Out’s exterior node, and Breakdown rides that bad boy so hard he passes out and Blitzwing goes so hard he rips up and crushes large chunks of the parking lot with his bare hands.
It was so much goddamn fun to write.
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