#I want them to join the Ada
walmart-miku · 1 year
You know what guys, I think we've been focusing too much on all the love wims/loses and gay in ep 11 I think that we should be paying more attention to THESE TWO
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AHHHHHHH it drive me insane
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kimetsu-chan · 2 months
The new chapter has put me through a range of emotions.
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taranasaurustea · 4 months
Having a favourite character in bsd that’s both a minor character and not in the ADA or PM is pain. I just realised that Teruko is likely gone next arc and I’m not ok. She either dies to the Fukuchi singularity or never appears again.
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sigskk · 9 months
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happy holidays :)
[ID: A reddish monochrome drawing of Sigma and Chuuya from Bungou Stray Dogs. They are standing side-by-side and looking into the camera.
Sigma is on the left and is noticeably taller than Chuuya. He's wearing a reindeer headband and is dressed in a light turtleneck sweater and a thick overcoat.
Chuuya is on the right and is wearing his hat with a holly leaf and berry decoration on it. He's dressed in his standard button-up and trench coat.
The background is a muted, dark red with lighter snowflakes drifting down. End ID.]
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benetnvsch · 1 year
thinking abt how we know next to nothing about the Tanizaki siblings + Kunikida's backstories from before they joined the agency and I just think it would be very cool and neat if Kunikida being a part-time math tutor and the Tanizakis being students were somehow connected hhhmmmmmm
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daz4i · 2 years
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imagine this being in you character id, the thing that defines you to the readers, the most basic information about you, and a few chapters after that it’s revealed the organization you work for is looking to brainwash the entire world and essentially turn the human race into a hivemind under the control of one man. does that not make you insane. do you understand why i’m so obsessed with him. i want to study him so fucking bad
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aroacesigma · 1 year
never quite understood ppl who kin characters then. sigma .
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skk-fan-page · 6 months
What does this:
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Mean in the context of skk, 15, stormbringer, and dazai acting like a lovesick puppy.
Well, the first thing I notice is that it's heavily implied that dazai didn't say shit and hasn't in his entire employment at the ada. Everyone talks about the mafia with a certain level of "hey I heard about you because my mom's dad's aunt's best friend's knitting club was talking about you and one of the members' dog's coparent said they saw you at Walmart."
Between akutagawa, higuchi, and now chuuya, it's like they know nothing that might help them with the mafia.
Why wouldnt yosano know though, she used to be mafia? Well that's what I thought at first too. I figured maybe rumors had just spread throughout the mafia in her time there.
But, at the same time, add up these numbers and then tell me if the math is mathing for yosano to know anything about chuuya
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Chuuya is 22 and joined when he was 15, meaning he joined 7 years ago. 14 years ago (11 when she finally escaped) means not only would she not have met him, he would've been 11 by the time she left.
Not only that, but she was an 11 year old child-doctor, which means she would've had no contacts in the Mafia and no friends to tell her anything.
And, most damning of all, in 15 phase.02 mori says this when asked about suribachi city.
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By the time chuuya was awakened, yosano was already out.
So maybe it's kyouka. But here's the thing: she doesn't seem to know shit outside of her (old) job description. She was in such an information silo that she didn't know what a crepe was. That makes her out of the picture for me, especially considering she was the subordinate of the subordinate of the boss's subordinate.
So that leaves 2 options: word on the street, and dazai.
If I can get information on the second highest ring of your underground murder organization by asking around, your organization is getting shit on by the feds in 4 seconds flat.
So that leaves one option: dazai.
But he doesn't seem to be much of a sharer, so why would he share about mafia things? Well we have precedent for it.
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There's this incident, proving he's totally chill with sharing about the mafia. And then, there's something so gay it will make you want to claw your eyes out and join the witness protection program to get away from how single you feel
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I wish someone would look at me the way dazai looks at chuuya's corruption form. And he's even bragging about him and how cool and powerful he is.
Regardless, this proves that he does totally talk about chuuya when he's not listening, and that he's not the inscrutable clamshell of a man he pretends to be.
Now: the other implication. Chuuya just assumes dazai was talking about him, meaning this was a pattern in the past. We can see this pattern manifest in the party that dazai tries to throw in 15, as well as the fact that ango knows chuuya in dead apple.
How many times do you think dazai genuinely set up challenges for chuuya back in his mafia days, to the point where upon being recognized, his first thought is "dazai did this."
Just put a ring on it already guys.
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look-at-the-soul · 7 months
Every little thing you do- Part 1
Tommy Shelby x reader
Series Master list
✨So first part is finally here!! Please be aware this part is set to happen in different days therefore you’ll see a little divider in the middle… and also! There’s violence. Please note I’m trying to follow the ideas/education from back in the day so it won’t necessary fit for today’s way of seeing things.
Word count: 2,977
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Waving her sister goodbye, Y/N headed outside. But to her surprise she found Scott stopping his vehicle.
“Hello sweetheart.” He greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips, she stepped back immediately in case her mother was watching behind the curtains.
“Scott, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”
“We’ll I lied and said I felt sick to get out earlier.”
This wasn’t something he’d do, but she listened to his explanation.
“I wanted to see you.”
Y/N looked over her shoulder, her parents were strict.
“You know you’re only invited for lunch and tea on Sundays.”
“I know, I know.” He moved back retrieving something from the car. “Got you these.”
“I love them, thank you.” Y/N pressed the bouquet of flowers against her chest, the fresh aroma invading her, a smile growing in her lips.
“Why don’t you go back inside and put them in water? Then meet me at the bakery around the corner.”
“Where are we going?”
Scott gave her a wide smile that took her breath away. “It’s a surprise, you’ll like it.”
Butterflies got spread all over her stomach, the expectation building. She hurried to the unexpected date.
“Listen, I want to apologize for acting shitty the other day.” Scott announced. “Can you forgive me love?”
Y/N nodded eagerly, pleased by his change of heart.
“It’s alright, just be careful next time.” Y/N suggested as he drove.
“You shouldn’t have talked Tommy that way.”
Scott rolled his eyes. “There you go again, defending him. This why we fight.”
“No, Scott I don’t want a war between you two all the time, he didn’t like the way you talked to me.”
“Why does he always sticks his bloody nose in our business?”
“It’s not like that.”
“He’s always standing in the middle, I’m sick of getting orders from him, he leaves me the worst jobs just to please himself, he’s got people to do those things. I thought they wanted me to do other things, not to clean horses shit.”
“Scott I can’t interfere in your role among the gang, he already has done more than enough.”
“There it is, you’re defending him instead of being on my side…”
Y/N realized how unintentionally she always put Tommy on a pedestal, her boyfriend was right, feeling like he was belittled. She knew Tommy didn’t like him, and there was a possibility that she wasn’t impartial.
“I’ll see what I can do.” She finally gave in, not wanting to spend their time together fighting.
“That’s my girl.” He stopped the car on the sideway and began to shower her face with soft kisses.
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”Do you need anything else?” Lizzie walked around the desk, resting against the bookshelf.
“What happened with the contracts you couldn’t find?” Tommy asked leaning back on his chair.
“Arthur took them by mistake.”
“Keep those locked.” He pointed a finger at her.
“Are you going to Karl’s birthday party?” She tried batting her eyelashes at him, but Tommy wasn’t looking at her.
“Yes, in a minute.”
Lizzie looked down at him again, hoping he’d ask her to join him.
“Heard Ada bought a huge cake.”
Tommy took his briefcase and hummed nonchalantly.
“I wrapped you a present for Karl, take it before you leave.”
She didn’t get a response.
Giving up to her wishes to be invited with the Shelby family, Lizzie shook her head. Collecting the remains of her dignity from the floor.
Tommy followed her with his eyes as she stomped her foot on her way out but dismissed it a few seconds later, not understanding her attitude.
The office was quiet when he crossed it, everyone had headed home already and his family were already in Polly’s house.
This was the first time he left considerably early in a long time. The need to release some stress made him reach for a cigarette. He had a dozen of things to do, a trip to London in the upcoming days, visit one of the fabrics… before he realized, Tommy parked outside Polly’s property.
Karl’s celebration was a rare family gathering. For his brothers birthdays they’d usually went to camp close to the river and drink all night. He wasn’t used to paper decorations and chocolate cake.
A small figure crashed against his legs. “Oh oh.”
Looking down, he found one of John’s kids. Was this Kate? Or Barbara?
“There you are.” John appeared with a sandwich in his hand. “Go with your siblings.” He instructed his daughter.
“John.” Tommy called him mysteriously, with his hand motioning his brother to step closer. “Wipe your fucking mouth, you’ve got chocolate all over it.”
Stepping into the living room, he joined his family.
“Uncle Tommy!” Karl ran towards him with his arms open.
Tommy rubbed the kid’s back and offered him his present. “Happy birthday Karl.”
“Thank you!”
“Looks like you owe me money Pol.” Ada chuckled as she helped her son open his present.
Tommy looked from his sister to his aunt, studying them.
“Damn it. I thought he wasn’t going to show up.”
“So you made a bet?” He asked in disbelief.
He usually wouldn’t. But when it came to his sister, he made an effort.
“Where’s Y/N?” Polly asked with a frown.
“I sent her the invitation, thought you’d arrive together.” Ada explained staring at her brother.
But Tommy shook his head. “No, I haven’t seen or heard from her.”
“Shit! Pol! Help me out here!” John shouted holding his son James in his arms, he was bleeding and crying. “Smashed his fucking head.”
As Ada rushed to get some clean towels, Polly tried to comfort the child.
Stepping away from the chaos, Tommy leaned against a column to think he actually hadn’t seen Y/N in almost a week. A million thoughts filling his mind, trying to find a reason for her to be distant.
He needed to know if she was alright because she had always been close to the family, she was always considered part of it to all their gatherings; she was there for them at Freddy’s funeral, at John’s wedding…
“Now that we’re here all together, I’ve something to say.” Arthur announced stepping on a chair, oblivious that Esme and Polly were taking care of a bleeding child.
As the room went quiet, Arthur announced he and Linda were expecting a baby.
“Congratulations.” Esme managed to blurr through gritted teeth. “Now help me hold James, because I need to rearrange his arm.”
As Arthur walked past Tommy, his brother patted his arm and mumbled a low congratulations.
But the thought of Y/N not being with them, stuck in his head.
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Y/N felt like sleeping on the couch. Her feet were swollen, Lady Winchester lost one of her precious earrings and decided to put everyone in the search until they found it under her vanity hours later.
Oddly her family decided to stay up late apparently as she could see the candles still on. But just as she set one foot inside, her mother pushed her abruptly.
“You’re a dishonorable daughter! We gave you everything!” One of her hands intended to land on her cheek but hit her on her ear instead.
“What happened?”
“Y-your aunt says you’re with a child, she saw you this morning and came to ask me.” Y/N’s mother was furious.
A woman came into view, her sister poking her head from the kitchen as her mother pushed her into the room next to it and closed the door. She demanded Y/N to undress and started touching her breasts.
“She’s with a child.” The elder woman confirmed, her hands still on her breasts.
Y/N’s face got paler by the second. Her mother gave the woman money and asked discretion.
A heavy silence filled the room, Y/N could hear a pin drop if someone threw one. Dizziness swept over her as her palms started to sweat.
“Your father will be so disappointed by you.” Her mother sentenced firmly. “You’re a whore, this sin will follow you from now on.”
Blood went to Y/N’s feet and she had to grab the vanity for support.
“You’ll tell Scott tomorrow and get him to ask your father’s permission to marry you before you start showing.” Y/N could hear her mother’s words as if she was underwater.
“I’ll save him the embarrassment, perhaps you can go to your grandmother’s house and hide there…” she was pacing the room as a maniac, Y/N was starting to process everything, she could hardly breathe.
“I didn’t know I could get pregnant without being married.”
Y/N’s mother laughed sarcastically. “It’s too late for that now, you should’ve waited until you got married!”
“You never told me this could happen.” Y/N felt on the edge of tears.
“I educated you with values, God only knows what you learned from that friend of yours.” Her mother mumbled something else Y/N couldn’t understand. Slowly she sat on the carpet, her skirt pooled around her hips and she finally sobbed. When one day Scott touched her breasts and it felt nice, electricity ran through her body. But he stopped right there. Then after taking her to the river, one of his hands sneaked under her skirt and moved her intimate clothes to the side and her body trembled. A week after that, he was about to start a fight with Tommy, for the night when they arrived after visiting Tommy’s new house. So in an attempt to make up for that fight, he took her to the river again and after kissing her, he told her he wanted to do something else. It had been over a month since she stepped in the middle of Tommy and Scott.
Y/N didn’t know she could feel such pleasure until he introduced himself into her body and she exploded of ecstasy. It felt right, he said he loved her and they went back a few days later.
Scott had said this should be between just the two of them, just as their love. But he never told her she could get pregnant.
Worry kept her up all night. She felt sorry for her poor father.
Covering her face with her hands, Y/N felt the tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.
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“Scott,” Y/N breathed with relief, all the worry from the past days when she hadn’t been able to reach out soon, forgotten. “I need to talk to you.”
“Y/N… I’ve to rest, haven’t had a decent sleep yet. Can we talk about this another day?” He had been out of the city, busy with God knows what, but this was important for her, for them, for their future.
Y/N studied their surroundings carefully, trying to keep her voice from shaking she placed her hands on his shoulders.
“We’re going to have a child, Scott I’m carrying your baby.” She whispered.
Scott blinked unamused by the news, his nostrils expanding profusely. Y/N wanted to reach out, to throw herself in his arms but as they were outside his house, she had to control herself. Keep her distance with him and behave accordingly.
But when he took a step back, she felt confused.
“I-I’m… this must be a mistake.”
“No, no. There’s a baby growing inside me.” She repeated, keeping her voice down. “We’ll need to figure out about the wedding, it’ll have to be something intimate and soon before it starts showing…”
“I’m not going to marry you.” Scott scoffed. “How can I be sure this child is mine? You could’ve slept with someone else just as you did with me.” He mocked her.
Before she could stop herself, Y/N found her hand flying to his cheek. Her palm tingled after the slap she gave him.
“How could you say something like that?”
“Don’t you ever dare to fucking touch me again!” He snapped. “And as for this little inconvenient… I’m not taking responsibility, you’re on your own.”
He gave her a disgusted look and walked inside his house. Leaving Y/N turned into a crying mess, she was hurt and disappointed by his reaction and terrified of the outcome.
Her mother sent her to talk to Scott to arrange the terms of the wedding and now she just realized he didn’t have her back. But what was worse, he thought she would sleep around like a whore.
Folding her arms, she walked with her head down. Guilt and embarrassment written all over her face. How would she deal with this? How would she tell her mother what Scott just said? She had been so sure she’d be able to hide it from her father by marrying Scott but now she was left in the worst possible way.
She cried uncontrollably feeling defeated, it was now too late to do something, but at the same time she didn’t know how she’d take care and raise a baby by herself.
“Where’s Scott?” Her mother hissed when her daughter appeared in her eyesight.
Y/N couldn’t speak, something heavy made her walk slowly. Her whole world was crashing down and now she’d have to face the consequences.
“He told me he wouldn’t take responsibility for a child who might not be his.” As the words left her mouth, she started crying again.
“Of course he would say that! What did you think Y/N?!” Her mother exploded. “He must think the worst of you now, how easily you have yourself away to him!”
“He told me he loved me!” Managed to shout through her tears and sobs.
Her mother’s hand flew rapidly and hit her hard.
A heavy silence surrounded them. Her cheek was burning from her mother’s slap.
“Leave Y/N!” Her grandmother intervened.
“She deserved that.” Her mother explained, she was beyond angry.
Y/N’s grandmother wrapped an arm around her granddaughter protectively.
“What happened?”
“Tell her, go on… tell your grandmother what you did.”
Y/N kept her head down, she felt like she couldn’t look her grandmother in the eyes. She had failed them terribly, the values and principles they had showed her were thrown through the window.
“No? Well, I’ll tell her myself.” Her mother warned. “Y/N didn’t wait until marriage, she gave herself away like a whore and is now with a child. Couldn’t keep her legs closed.”
“Well we’ll think of something, she won’t start showing right away.”
“There’s nothing to think mother, Scott is out of the picture he didn't accept the responsibility.”
“But he’s as responsible as Y/N.” Her grandmother pointed out thinking this wasn’t fair on Y/N.
“Your granddaughter’s honor is right on the floor, he even suggested the baby isn’t his.”
Y/N saw her mother pacing around the small room, it was making her feel sick.
“And your father arrives tomorrow… should we send her with your sister to Durham?” She pondered the possibilities thinking of her mother’s sibling.
“Absolutely not.” Her grandmother defended.
“Then what? What are we going to do?”
Y/N felt sick and rushed away from them. Her head was pounding, her stomach in a tight knot and her heart shattered into million pieces.
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“Ma’am you can’t go in there.” Tommy heard from outside his office, then saw the door swing open.
“Mr. Shelby you’re the only one who can help me.”
Tommy rose to his feet in a second, the worry he found in Y/N’s grandmother raised all the alarms.
“What happened?”
“My son in law is hitting Y/N badly.” Her voice cracked, her hands reached for the sleeve of his suit. “You’ve to help her.”
Tommy took his coat from the rack and rushed to see what was happening.
“John, get Polly and meet me in Y/N’s house.” He demanded.
“I’ll go with them Mr. Shelby.” Y/N’s grandmother expressed, not wanting to make him wait.
Tommy doubted for a second, but with her hand, the elder woman ushered him, so it must be serious. Stepping in Y/N’s house without knocking because he heard her cries and pained screams from outside, but Tommy wasn’t prepared to find what he’d see.
Y/N was in the middle of the living room half her clothes shattered, kneeling on the floor and her upper body leaned over a chair, her back covered by the belt marks and blood.
He felt a rush of anger and disgust through his body. Tommy could practically taste his bile in his mouth, but as Y/N’s father was about to hit her again, he stepped in his way, holding the man’s hand firmly in the air.
“You touch her again, and I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Stay out of this Shelby, I’m dealing with this whore.”
“Don’t make me repeat myself or you’ll regret it.” Tommy muttered through gritted teeth.
John joined him with a couple of some of their men, they went straight to hold Y/N’s father away from her.
Y/N winced in pain when Tommy tried to help her up.
“This is a family matter!” Y/N’s mother shouted disturbed for the interruption. “You should respect that.”
“Yeah? Just like you’re respecting your daughter?” Tommy snapped, he lost all self control over this injustice.
“She has to deal with the consequences of her acts! Behaved like a whore, gets punished like one.”
Y/N felt her mother’s words like daggers to her heart. She wasn’t sure what felt more hurtful; her father’s hitting her with his belt or her mother’s words.
Tommy felt like throwing up, he apologized when he got Y/N in his arms and she complained from the pain.
“You can’t take her away!” Her mother warned, trying to stop Tommy.
He gave her a warning stare and mumbled; “watch me.”
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Part 2
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @lau219 @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @red-riding-wood @lovemissyhoneybee @theendlessvoidofdarkest @wannabeperfectionists-blog @yeppaweshallsee (can’t tag) @shydysneylover (can’t tag) @holacia3 @galactic3a @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @ietss @abaker74 @natalie--rushman @elliaze @withyoutilltheendofthismess
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nicohischierz · 5 months
outed: adelaide hughes au
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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trevor zegras
adelaide and matt had slept in seeing as neither of them had training or a game.
the thing that woke them up from their nap was when addy’s older brothers best friends voice rang through their apartment.
“addy, are you home?” trevor asked.
trevor knew no limits so he walked straight into the younger girls room ready to jump in her bed. however, he was greeted with a sleep adelaide on top of a sleeping matt rempe
the new york native screamed causing addy and matt to jump out of bed.
upon seeing trevor, adelaide moved away from matt and stood on the side. she slipped a sweater over her head and turned to her brothers friend
“z, what the fuck are you doing here?” addy asked. she threw a shirt at her boyfriend, who simply pulled it on without a word.
“what am i doing? i came here to spend time with my honorary sister and im met with the rangers number one fighter. im concerned addy,” trevor rambled.
matt couldn’t help the smile on his face. after all the stories he’d heard about your brothers, trevor seemed like a true friend.
adelaide’s eyes softened as she lunged at the boy for a hug. “i’m fine z. matty makes me happy, like really happy,”
trevor patted the younger girls head and glared at matt. “that’s all i want addy,”
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
cole caufield
adelaide was having her monthly catch-up with cole as she cooked dinner for her and matt.
however, half-way through cole had to answer some texts on the team group chat leaving the two in silence.
whilst adelaide was cooking, she failed to notice her boyfriends arrival. the tall canadian stood by the doorway, admiring his girlfriend.
“well don’t you look so pretty,” matt complimented
the taller boy stood behind adelaide and pressed kisses on her neck as she plated their food in front of the camera.
when adelaide looked up she was met with cole’s shocked face. matt looked at her girlfriends phone and stepped back a bit.
“shit. is this what z meant? he mentioned you were seeing someone but i thought you’d tell me!” cole ranted.
“and you. you may be taller than me but i will fight you. god damn addy now i owe trevor $100.” cole muttered before ending the call.
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
william nylander and matthew knies
adelaide had been having a tough couple of weeks so she took some personal days and flew to toronto without telling anyone.
“adelaide?” willy asked as he saw the girl outside the practice arena.
he noticed her sunken eyes and the frail state her body was in. william immediately rushed to the girl and held her as she broke in his arms.
“come on älskling. you’re coming home with me,” willy asked matthew knies to help him, knowing that you two knew each other.
matthew helped put you in william’s car when your phone started ringing excessively. willy was tempted to ignore it but he didn’t know whether you’d told anyone of your whereabouts so he answered.
“ada!” matt rempe answered on the other side.
“this is william nylander, who are you?” he asked.
matthew urged his teammate to put the phone on speaker and that is what the blonde did.
“i’m matt. is adelaide there?”
“matt who?”
“matt rempe. look i just got back to our apartment and she isn’t here. i’ve called barzy and the martin’s but they haven’t seen her either”, matt rambled.
“she here. she’s in toronto,” willy answered.
“is she okay?” matt’s voice was timid, worried about his girlfriend.
“not really, but i’ll keep her with me for a bit,”
“can you hand her the phone please,”
william turned the phone off speaker and handed it to adelaide.
“matty,” she mumbled.
“hi ada, is willy going to make you feel better?” matt knew how close the two were during their time in toronto. he also knew that other than barzy and tito, willy was the only one who could get her out of a slump.
“willy’s the best. he always looks after me and kniesy’s here too. i miss you,” adelaide smiled at the two leaf players.
“i miss you too princess. get some rest and call me later, i love you,”
“i love you matty,” adelaide ended the call and was about to close her eyes.
“so you share an apartment with matt rempe.” kniesy stated.
adelaide hummed “i share an apartment with my boyfriend,”
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
brendan brisson
brendan and adelaide were in the latters room playing smash or pass whilst they waited for dinner.
brendan was scrolling through a girls list of hockey players on tiktok as they both shouted out their answers.
“eww i can’t believe people find my brothers attractive,” adelaide groaned seeing jack for the sixth time.
brendan laughed and continued scrolling until they landed on matt rempe.
“oh i’ve seen him on fyp, the girls really seem to like him,” brendan added.
adelaide let out a nervous laugh. “pass. he’s a ranger, i’d be hung,”
of course, the knights prospect read between the lines. “okay forget his team, smash or pass?” he asked.
“well pass, he’s not really my type i guess. i don’t know briss,” adelaide answered truthfully.
brendan scoffed. “i think you’d smash. actually i think you already have,” he accused the girl.
adelaide got off her bed and looked to her best friend. “w-w-what, you’re crazy brendan. why would i hook up with a ranger?”
“i don’t know addy but i think he’s the guy you’re soft launching. i mean when i showed you the picture you started blushing. whenever any of the guys brings your boyfriend up you just say he’s tall. also i saw the way he looked at you at the isles vs rangers game i went to,”
brendan gave his best friend a pointed look.
the girl caved fast confessing everything to brendan from the time she met matt to them living together.
“who else knows?” brendan asked.
“well cole, trevor, my team, kniesy, willy, our parents and braden schneider,” addy answered.
“how do cole and trevor know before me!!” brendan exclaimed.
“they caught us,” adelaide replied sheepishly.
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
mat barzal and the team
the islanders were out having drinks after their season and to celebrate adelaide's new sponsor.
of course, adelaide celebrated too much as she hung onto mat and slurred her words. her teammates found it amusing as she gave them all advice on their love lives.
"mat. i love you, i really do but i swear if you show up to training camp with a shaved head finding a girlfriend would be the least of your worries," she threatened.
the boys laughed as mat dropped the girl off on their goalie ilya sorokin. the girl then started counting in russian and muttering random curse words causing the others who understood to look at the girl in amusement.
"oh no, i have to factory reset her to english," mat groaned as adelaide began rambling on in different languages intertwining with her sentences.
adelaide then laid her head onto ilya's shoulder. "i miss matt," she mumbled in english. the poor goalie then pointed at his two teammates with the same name, making the girl excited.
"eww, that's not matt. i want to go home to matty," she whined.
matt martin carried the younger girl out the bar as she stumbled over her feet, mumbling about 'matt'. barzy was given her bag as he searched for a contact under that name.
just as he was about to hand the phone back to adelaide, she received a call from 'remmy 🐀'.
"ada, it's 2:30. you told me to call if I don't hear from you at this time," matt answered on the other end.
"are you matt?" barzy asked.
matt straightened up and prepared to head out the door. "yeah, I'm matt. umm is ada alright?"
"she's fine. i mean a little wasted but functioning,"
"i'll come pick her up. i've got her location, i should be there in ten minutes,"
barzy put adelaide's phone in her bag and hung it over his shoulder. "addy, matt's on his way," he told the younger girl, holding a bottle of water to her lips.
despite some having families and significant others, they all waited to ensure that adelaide got home safe even if that meant they walked across the city for her.
the sounds of matt's jeep alerted the crowd and the boy pulled up as close as possible before stepping out.
adelaide smiled at the sight of her boyfriend. she pushed away from her teammate and stumbled into matt's arm, the boy catching his girlfriend.
"matty, look this one and this one has the same name as you!" she exclaimed, pointing at the other two.
matt smiled at adelaide's teammates and fixed his grip around her waist. "come on ada, let's get you in the car and then I'll run you a bath when we get home,"
adelaide’s teammates looked at one another and then at how comfortable the girl was. “bye friends! i’m gonna miss you,” she shouted out the car door.
“is that?” one of the guys asked as they watched the couple drive away.
“yup,” barzy replied.
“with ..”
“we all pretend we don’t know until she tells us,” anders lee told the group before they split.
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myers-meadow · 2 months
Chance meetings: Tommy Shelby x reader
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader.
Summary: As you attend a wedding of the family, you meet an interesting man. He keeps popping up in your life. Maybe there's something there, something between you? AKA You share a kiss in the stables. This is firmly set in season 1.
Part two here.
Warnings: none. Safe for work.
Word count: over 2k
This is my first time writing for Tommy and the Peaky Blinders! English is not my native language, I hope I did ok! Feedback, comments and reblogs are very welcome <3. Dividers by @saradika-graphics (thank u for all u do for fandom <3)
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You may not have known who John Shelby was, but when you were invited for the wedding through your best friend, you didn't hesitate to go. A wedding was a wedding, after all, and you loved them. The getting pretty, the dress, the vows, the ceremony of the mingling blood, the food, the dancing... Oh, the dancing!
You were more jaded than your sisters by far, as you were the oldest, and still unwed in your twenties, but that didn't deter you from the topic of love. When you saw the looks the couple gave each other during the ceremony, and the tension in the air was tight-strung, it was easy to deduce this wasn't a marriage of love. But it could be, you told yourself. There is all the time in the world for love to blossom. Weddings were so beautiful, and you watched as the ceremony turned into the party. Helping the other women with serving drinks and food, the time flew by.
"I just love weddings," sighed one of the Shelby's to you, a young woman, as you handed her a drink.
"Me too," you responded, politely, not expecting further conversation. The way she looked at you made you halt.
"Are you married? I see no ring." Before you could answer, she downed the drink in one go, and continued. "I am. We got married in secret. He said I looked like an angel..."
"He's lucky to have you, in secret or not," you responded.
A worried frown crossed her face. "My brothers hate him. Or; they'd rather have him not be part of the family."
"Why is that?"
She shook her head, refilled her own glass and took a good drink. "And now they're marrying John off to solve some political dispute I'm sure. They never tell us women anything, do they?"
She needed to vent, you let her speak.
"I wore the most beautiful dress... Matching white lacquered shoes... It was-" She interrupted herself to finish her drink.
As she went for the bottle, you stopped her. "Love, not so quick. Maybe have a dance, first. If your love ain't here, there's a dozen handsome men willing to stand in, I'm sure."
Her eyes turned fierce as you held onto the bottle, not handing it over to her. "You can't refuse me. Do you know who I am? I'm a Shelby."
A man stepped closer, hands in his pockets. "I thought you were a Thorne, now."
That was how you met Thomas Shelby.
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Just like Ada, her brother Thomas was used to getting what he wanted. A little later on in the evening, the sun had set, you topped off his glass. He stopped you from moving on to the next empty glass, with the flick of his fingers, gesturing to the empty seat next to him. The smoke from his cigarette curled upwards, to the bare night sky.
"Sit. Join me." His words were spoken softly, but with an authoritative edge that made you do as he said, more curious than anything.
"Mr. Shelby, right?" you asked, with an eyebrow raised.
He set his glass down on the table, took the bottle of whiskey from him, plucked an empty glass from the table, and poured it neatly half full. He handed it to you. The drink was cold against your palm. "A toast. To the newlyweds." He didn't even really smile, but you clinked your glass against his and took a sip.
"To the newlyweds, may their union be one blessed with joy and laughter."
Thomas brought the cigarette to his lips, and the two of you simply sat, staring at the other. It felt like he noticed a great deal about you, from the way you wore your hair, how you fidgeted with your lace cardigan, to how you suppressed your wince at the sharpness of the drink. He was breathtaking in the flickering light of the campfire nearby, it danced over his face, highlighting the sharpness of his features. Yet his lips were plump, and you tore your eyes away before you could get any ideas.
"Cigarette?" he asked, already finding the case in his jacket pocket. He lit your cigarette for you like a gentleman and the drag you took was perhaps the first time you breathed properly in his company. "You're not a Lee I know. Are you a friend of the family? Recently married into it?"
"A friend, as of yet unmarried," you say, eyes dancing over his handsome face. Laughter sounds as the music takes a more upbeat turn. "If I'm no longer doing the whiskey rounds, I'd like to dance. It's a wedding after all. Will you join me, Mr. Shelby?"
He laughed softly, rubbing his face with his free hand. "Well, why don't we, hm?" And he stood up to follow after you.
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You hadn't expected to see Thomas again, not at all. It felt like a magical night, one of few in your life. One you had to make count, somehow. That's why you dared press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, before making off to your wagon at the edge of the Lees territory. Yet you did, as you followed your brother into an unsuspecting pub in Birmingham. It was by a street with factories, and workers did their work. It smelt of burnt coal and ashes.
The pub was a welcome change in temperature, as it was cold outside. Your brother, Edwin, was here on some business or the other, and you came with him purely to have a change of scenery. Or rather, that is what you'd tell anyone who asked. Rather, as the oldest, you felt you needed to keep an eye on him, to make sure he didn't get in any trouble he couldn't handle. He was rather prone to that after dad died, but it was no matter to consider, as the two of you entered the pub. It smelled of smoke, stale drink, and of wood varnish. It was after dinner, so the pub was gradually filling up with patrons, their chatter a comforting sound.
"Thank you for coming. In here," said the man you were meeting, Arthur, and he lead you to a room to the side, shutting the door behind you. Another younger man was already seated, a toothpick pressed between his lips. Another man stood to the side, leaning against the wall, and you startled as recognition hit you.
"Mr. Shelby," you greeted, nodding. "Pleasure to run into you again."
Edwin sent you a look, one that meant 'we will discuss this later', so you immediately straightened your attitude to betray no memory of that night. Thomas sent you a fond nod, and you quickly averted your eyes to avoid staring. Yet your heart leapt in your chest - what a chance to see the intruiging man from the wedding again!
"Have a seat," Arthur said, as he sat down himself. Edwin and you took a booth seat. You nodded politely to the younger one. A barmaid, blonde, came in and set down glasses in front of each of you, and left a bottle on the table. Arthur rubbed his hands. "Let's talk business, then. About those prize horses..."
Their talk and their deal went well, but you found your mind wandering off, your gaze drawn by Thomas' chiselled features. He looked harsher today, in this light, more serious. Perhaps he was softened by the wedding, by being off the clock, last time. Yet, the weight of his gaze bore down on you as the meeting went on.
When the hands were shaken, and the deal was made, his smooth voice shook you from your thoughts.
"Let me get you a drink," he mumbled, too low for your brother who was still talking with Arthur, to hear. He lead you to the bar, where a barman with a white tea towel over his shoulder was wiping glasses clean. The young women from before tended tables. "Whiskey?"
At this point, you'd agree to anything, so you nod. He ordered for you, and he clinked his glass against yours much like that first time.
"What are we toasting to?" you asked.
He looked around, leading you to a quieter corner of the pub with a hand on the small of your back, half a smile tugging at his lips. "Those beautiful racing horses you're selling to us."
"Family business," you grimace as the whiskey burns its way down your throat. Tommy nodded, deft fingers finding the cigarette case in his jacket pocket, he offered you one, before pressing one between his own lips. The flame from the match sizzles as he struck it, and you inhale sharply.
"So, this is Birmingham." you concluded, a bit of a tease. "The factories seem busy, is it like that every day?"
He nodded, regarding you with the patience of a large cat. "Every day. I like the noise, keeps the mind silent. And you, what do you do? Sell horses?"
"I take care of the horses. Edwin sells them." You fiddled with the cigarette, tapping off the ashes. "Sometimes he lets me come along to vet if the people will take good care of them. Just based on feeling, though. I'll only see the stables when we bring them over."
Tommy put the matchbox back in his pocket, leaning forward. "You wanna see the stables? Come on, I'll show you."
In hindsight, you weren't sure what made you follow him unquestioningly - out of the pub, with as little as a wave to Edwin. Your brother grabbed your arm.
"Where d'you think you're headed, girl?"
Tommy answered for you. "I'm showing 'er the horses, so she can rest easy knowing we take good care of 'em."
A short silence fell, the authoritative stare Tommy gave Edwin hung like tension in the air. It felt like he was challenging him, and Edwin didn't protest again when Tommy led you out of the pub.
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It was a bit of a walk, and Tommy kept a steady pace. You two chatted idly, about the city, about growing up Roma, about how John and his new wife were doing. Then, you arrived just outside the city, where the stables were, right next to the train tracks.
"Do the trains not startle the horses?" you question, as you look around the place. It all seemed pretty good. The smell of hay and of horse hits your nose, a familiar and comforting smell. Stepping inside of the stables, a large black horse (a Frisian?) greeted the pair of you. "What a beauty," you say breathlessly.
"Trains're only in twice a day. Horses get used to it fast. They're smart beasts." He reached out to pet the nose of the animal. "This one is Monaghan Boy. Quite the race winner."
He seemed proud and something swelled in your chest. "He's so big."
"Wanna ride him?" 
You shook your head. "Not today," you laughed, and he smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. “I’m not winning any races today,” you joke. As you reached out your hand to let the horse smell you, another man entered the barn.
"Tommy, what are you doin' out here?" He said gruffly, before he noticed you. His voice softened. "Oh, and a young lady, hello."
"Uncle Charlie," Tommy said, jovially, "This is y/n, her and her brother are selling us some horses. She wanted to make sure they'll be well taken care off. Y/n, this is the man who takes care of the horses for us."
Charlie smiled. His face was drawn by years of hard work in the open air, and perhaps by war, you thought as you shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Charlie. I look forward to a good partnership from now on."
"Then I'll leave you two it," he said, with another look between the two of you. Monaghan Boy neighed in agreement. He left, leaving the two of you alone again.
"What are you thinking? Up to your standards?" Tommy asked, teasing undertone resting in his deep voice. He walks closer, until he's next to you, next to the big beast. His cologne smells delightful.
You nodded. "Better than I expected, especially for the city. I mean, look at this one," you say full of awe, as Monoghan Boy allows you to slide your hand over his mane. Thomas mimicked your movement, letting his hand rest on yours, intertwining your fingers. 
You turned to him, finding him caging you in against Monaghan Boy's flank.
"Perhaps there's something else you'd rather do than ride a horse, out here?" he whispered, just before his lips touch yours.
“I can think of a thing or two,” and you wrap your arms around his neck.
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yaoienjoyerwife · 3 months
This is all taking place during the whole terrorism plot, but lmk if you want me to do like a just in general thing! I sadly didn't have ideas for Bram :( Tw for spoilers, Fyodor being a toxic little bitch, Nikolai kidnapping you, actually everyone except Sigma is either toxic or bordering on it
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Fyodor! ♡
You would've had to meet before the terrorism obviously
He knows it is stupid, but he doesn't include you as a terrorist
Even if you beg for him to stop it, he won't, he'll just try to make you join the Decay of Angels
Even if you don't agree he'll still trick you into doing work for him where there is room for plausible deniability
If you somehow find out about his plans beforehand he will be forced to make you a terrorist and have you dependant on him
very toxic, don't reccomend
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Nikolai! ♡
He bothers Fyodor and asks him not to make you a terrorist, but of course, Fyodor doesn't listen because Nikolai is supposed to die soon
Nikolai doesn't die of course, and instead, he figures out where you are and kidnaps you!
It's only logical of course
He keeps you with him at all times! If they can't find him then they can't find you!
He takes you to the Meursault and makes you witness all the terrible things that Dazai and Fyodor do
You start realizing how much of a freak he is but you still love him
He doesn't ever allow you to leave his side, even if you have to go to the bathroom he whined but settled on standing guard outside t the stall
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Sigma! ♡
Since his casino is canonically less than a week old you guys met a bit before
Whenever Fyodor made him aware of his plans he begged you to come over
You were confused because he wouldn't tell you why but you just assumed he missed you a lot
Turns out you were being framed for terrorism
He keeps you very well hidden but is put under 1000x more stress when the Hunting Dogs show up
He is more aggressive with his attacks, and he raises the money for injuring and/or killing the Hunting Dogs, all because he wants you safe
Y'all fall together and are unceremoniously saved by Nikolai
You jumped after him much to Teruko's displeasure
Whenever Sigma is chosen by Dazai you force Nikolai to let you go with them and you stick by Sigma and freak out when you think he's been killed, Fyodor knocks you out though
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Fukuchi! ♡
Being a hater of Fukuzawa he wanted you to join the Hunting Dogs even before the terrorism
Though of course, you told him you loved your friends there too much to ever leave (you also hated the idea of all the surgeries)
But when the terrorism happened, he specifically instructed the Hunting Dogs to bring you to him alive
And they didn't fail him, he kept you safe
He tried very hard to get you to join the Hunting Dogs, saying that he could make it go away
Of course, you still refused. You knew you weren't a terrorist and you knew none of your friends were
He still dragged you around but he wouldn't let you watch him fight his friends
He doesn't let you see any of his wrongdoings, even if you know he's doing something bad he won't let you know what it is exactly
He won't even make you aware of Bram existence
He just tells you he's doing this all for the greater good
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zepskies · 9 months
Smoke Eater - Part 18
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4,000 Tags/Warnings: Angst, fluff, brief mentions of the events of Part 13, some ADA Sam, Detective John, and a cliffhanger…
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Part 18: “V for Vendetta”
After that first rocky month, Dean started to improve physically, and so did you emotionally, as he tried his best to let you help him when he needed it. 
In turn, you did your best to gauge his moods; when he truly did need help, and when it was best for you to just be his girlfriend, not his caretaker.
January rolled onwards, and the resulting winter cold snap brought a kind of calm before a storm. Nick Savage still hadn’t been found, but that didn’t mean your worries were over.
Dean knew that this would hang over all of your heads until both Nick and his father were caught and exposed.
Today Dean walked with Sam on his day off, doing a few laps around the neighborhood as part of Dean’s rehab. They knew a police car was stationed nearby, watching them for their safety. It was a bit unnerving, but necessary.
They were walking back into the building when Sam stopped to check the mail. The box for their unit was along the wall in the corridor with several other locked boxes. Sam unlocked theirs and pulled out a rolled-up newspaper, some coupons, and a stray folded note addressed to Dean. Sam’s brows furrowed.
“What’s that, a love note?” Dean asked dryly. He took it from Sam and unfolded the scrap of paper.
20579. Your badge will join your dad’s on the wall.
Both the Fire Department headquarters and the 84th Precinct had a wall to commemorate firefighters and officers who had given their lives in the line of duty. Each of their badges had their own display plaque hung on the respective walls.
In short, the note was a threat.
Sam’s worried frown deepened as he watched Dean’s good mood evaporate. He crumpled up the note and pocket it, before he met his younger brother’s eyes.
“Keep this between us,” he warned. As in, don’t tell you.
Sam shook his head. “Dad needs to know, at least. And you two need to be careful.” 
“That goes for you and Eileen too,” Dean replied. He reached for Sam’s shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t matter that you’re an ADA. Azazel goes after cops and their families. He’s gonna be gunning for an opportunity to get to one of us.”
Sam’s lips pressed together, but he acknowledged that with a nod.
They went back upstairs together, where you were dressed casually and gathering up your purse.
“Heading out somewhere?” Dean asked. Sam shot him a glance, which Dean silently answered with a short nod. He looked back at you when you offered him a smile.
“Yep, we need a few things. Milk, eggs, more Twizzlers, apparently,” you quipped, lightly smacking his stomach. Dean quirked a smile.
“Give me a sec. I’ll go with you,” he said.
You made an uncertain sound. “Didn’t you just get back from a walk? You sure you don’t just want to shower up and relax?”
“I’m good,” said Dean. He knew you didn’t like the idea of him overexerting himself, but he didn’t feel comfortable letting you go out alone. He could tell by the look Sam once again threw his way from the kitchen that he didn’t think it was a good idea either.
Dean slid a hand up your arm. “How about this. I’ll stay in the car. I just want some more fresh air.”
You tilted your head at him, but you conceded. He followed you to the door and held it open for you.
“Can I drive?” Dean hedged.
You chuckled. “Don’t push it, Lieutenant.”
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On the way back from the grocery store, you discreetly eyed Dean’s profile. His knee was bouncing as he stared out the window.
Sometimes he checked the rearview mirror of your Camaro. Sometimes he fiddled with the radio or checked his phone.
It was all nervous behavior you took a catalogue of. By the time you pulled back into the parking lot of Dean’s apartment building, he finally seemed to relax a fraction. You parked the car and turned to him. 
“Okay, what’s the matter?” you asked.
Dean gave you a curious look, but there was an unmistakable tension in his demeanor.
“What do you mean?”
You tried your question a different way. “What’s got you all on edge?”
He didn’t seem to want to answer at first.
“Dean,” you prodded. “Does it have something to do with why you insisted on coming with me, even though I can see that you’re tired?”
His face tightened, but he reached over for your hand. Your fingers curled around his. Now you were getting worried.
“We’ve got the police watching us here, but anything could happen out there,” Dean said. “Until this blows over, I don’t think you should go out by yourself.”
Until this blows over. You wanted to ask when that would be, but you knew he wouldn’t be able to give you an answer.
“Zachariah called me this morning,” you admitted. “He’s standing in for Nick as CEO. He said I have a job waiting for me when I get off medical leave next week. Everyone’s been working from home since the fire, but we’d be going to a new building the company owns downtown.”
Dean tightened up, just like you knew he would. His eyes closed as his head tilted back against the headrest. He let out a long breath through his nose. You stayed quiet, both waiting for what he might say and preparing for him to get upset.
He surprised you by calmly looking over at you again.
“It’s not a good idea. If Nick’s still alive, it means his dad probably knows you know who he is,” he said. “And not for nothin’. Even with Nick out of there, that place’s probably been built on blood money.”
Both were fair points.
“I know. I’m going to find something else, as soon as you’re better,” you said. Dean shook his head and held your hand tighter.
“Don’t let me be an excuse,” he said. His gaze was firm and direct meeting yours. “I need you to start taking care of yourself too, all right? Please.” 
Faced with his earnestness, you couldn’t help but soften. After everything he’d done to save you, to protect you, was it fair of you to keep making him worry?
In the past, you’d felt justified. You couldn’t quit. You needed the money. You could handle it, whatever came next. You would deal with it because you had to.
But maybe this time, you didn’t have to. It wasn’t worth all this.
With that resolve, you let out a breath.
“I’m going to call Zachariah,” you said, “and tell him that I’m working from home, or I quit.”
Dean stared back at you with a measure of surprise.
“I’m not going back,” you said, squeezing his hand. “If he has a problem with that, I’ll use whatever I have left in my savings. Hopefully that’ll be enough until I find a new job.”
After a moment, Dean expelled a breath of relief. He beckoned you over, and carefully as you could over the upholstery, you leaned over and caressed his cheek before you went in for a kiss. He welcomed you, with his hands slipping up your sides and around your back, pressing you into him with a heady warmth.
He paused against your lips after a while. His forehead rested against yours.
“You don’t need to drain your savings. I can help you,” Dean started to say, but you pulled back and held your fingers to his lips.
“You’ve helped me enough. You’re already letting me live with you rent free,” you pointed out. “Let me figure out the rest.”
After a moment, Dean wordlessly agreed. He wanted to argue that you wouldn’t have had to move in with him if not for Azazel putting you in his sights, but at the same time, Dean understood that you’d been providing for yourself for a long time. He respected you for it.
So he just guided you back to him for another slow kiss.
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John Winchester owned a condo approximately 20 minutes from his sons’ apartment. It was the home they’d grown up in after the house fire, over thirty years ago.
John had learned a lot since then. In fact, some might say that he’d become a paranoid bastard.
Aside from a professional alarm system, he’d installed hidden cameras inside and out of his home, and at every window. It meant that even when he was asleep, his eyes were never truly closed.
When the intruder took his first steps into John’s bedroom, the man himself was waiting with a gun cocked and loaded. The safety clicking back made a small sound, but in the silence, it might as well have been a gunshot.
The masked man swiftly turned and ducked, throwing a punch. The scuffle that followed was quick and covered by darkness.
The cameras on “Night Mode” picked up every moment.
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And that was how John later showed video evidence of Alastair Rolston breaking into his condo, and subsequently getting his ass handed to him.
Both men had their fair share of bruises, but at the end of the day, Alastair was the one cuffed to a chair in the bowels of the 84th Precinct. He sat beside his court-appointed lawyer.
Meanwhile, Cas watched the scene from behind the one-way glass window of the interrogation room. Rufus Turner, their Lieutenant, was beside him, along with ADA Sam Winchester. He watched the man his father questioned very carefully. 
“Well, I think you know what this means, Mr. Rolston,” John drawled.
Alastair’s stance in the chair was relaxed, almost unfazed. He gave the detective a wry smile.
“What’s that, John?” he asked.
“I’ve got you dead to rights on attempted murder of a cop,” said John. “It ain’t a good look, my friend.”
“Don’t answer that,” said the lawyer. Alastair glanced at the man, unimpressed, to say the least.
“No fucking shit,” he replied.
“I’d say you’ve got two options,” John pressed forward. He leaned on the table between him and Alastair.
“Did Azazel…excuse me, Daniel Savage, put you up to this? You can answer that question, or I could just skip to the part where you sit in a cell for 20 to life.”
Alastair’s face gave away nothing but calculation and amusement. John nodded, with a grim smile.
“I’ll bet you set the fire at Savage & Co. Trying to get Nick to look like a victim in all this—the consequence of doing business with the likes of Azazel,” he said. “Better yet, I think you’re his favorite hitman. Clean, precise, no tracks left behind, no traces of evidence. Perfect kills. I’ll bet you consider yourself a goddamn artist.”
Alastair lifted his gaze, and John saw the familiar depths of a killer.
“I don’t like setting fires,” said Alastair.
John was nonplussed. “I’m sure you don’t.”
The other man rolled his shoulders.
“It’s all very…messy, you see. Unpredictable.” A smile graced his lips. “But I know someone who does.”
“He’ll give you his employer,” the lawyer said. “The person who ordered the hit.”
“Which hit?” John arched a brow. “I can’t be the only special one. What about Paul Richardson, Jerry Stillwell, Amanda Waller?”
The lawyer shared a look with his client. Alastair rolled his eyes and leaned over to whisper in his ear. After a moment, the lawyer nodded and met John’s gaze.
“He’ll tell you what you want to know, but only for a blanket deal of immunity.”
John could’ve guessed. Alastair smiled once more and leaned back in his seat.
The detective held up a finger and exited the interrogation room. He met Sam’s gaze, and the latter already knew what his father was thinking.
"Give me a minute," Sam said. He went into the room and tried to negotiate with Alastair and his lawyer, but the man wouldn't accept a plea of 20 to 25 years, even to serve all the murders they could charge him with concurrently. Nor would he accept 15 to 20, or even Sam's best deal: 10 to 12.
Sam exited the room and hid his discouragement. He met his father's waiting gaze.
“We can’t give him immunity,” Sam said. “He’s likely the one who committed Azazel’s hits. Not just for the past six months, but for God knows how long, and how many bodies.”
“At this point, it’s the only way we’re getting a chance at Daniel Savage,” John said. “Not just finding him, but pinning him as the mastermind behind the whole operation. Drug trafficking, arson, murders…the whole thing, Sam.”
Sam didn’t like it. No one did, for that matter, but even Rufus heaved a sigh.
“You can’t move forward without a trigger finger willing to testify,” he said.
“Yeah, because hitmen make notoriously credible witnesses,” Sam retorted.
“Do think he set the fires as well?” Cas asked John. “He seemed to imply that he committed the murders, but not the arson.”
John hummed in contemplation.
“We’ll find out. But first, I want a confirmed name from the horse’s mouth,” he said, shifting his attention to Sam. “Can you get me that, son?” 
Sam’s lips pursed.
Within an hour, the paperwork was drawn and the plea deal was arranged. Father and son sat side by side on one side of the interrogation room, while Alastair and his lawyer sat on the other. Alastair finished signing the final document as the cuffs on his wrists jangled.
“All right,” said John. “Tell me what I want to know.”
Alastair smiled and spread his hands as wide as he was able.
“I’m an open book, Johnny. Ask away.”
John leaned forward.
“Let’s start with this,” he said. “Who ordered you to kill me?”
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Nick Savage was unearthed from a luxury apartment in the south of France. He was extradited back the United States and hauled into a courtroom in Lawrence, Kansas for arraignment.
Sam Winchester was the prosecutor on the case. As luck would have it, one of his favorite judges was also assigned for this docket.
“What do we have here?” asked Judge Devereaux. He was a portly man, short and graying, with square black glasses that framed his perpetually surly face. The man now adjusted his glasses so he could read the slip of paper the clerk had just handed to him after reading off the docket.
The charges included four counts of murder in the first degree: the murders-for-hire, enacted by Alastair Rolston.
Followed by attempted murder in the first degree, ten counts of murder in the second degree (those who had lost their lives in the most recent building fire), conspiracy to commit murder, arson, and if that weren’t enough, a charge each of attempted sexual assault and sexual harassment.
When the last two charges were read out loud in the courtroom, Nick looked visibly angry.
Sam glanced over at the defendant with thinly veiled satisfaction. Some days, it was difficult for him to come to work.
Today was not that day.
“All right, that is a laundry list of potential misdeeds,” Judge Deveraux remarked. He looked up at Nick Savage. “How does the defendant plead?”
At the prodding of his lawyer, Amelia Richardson, Nick spoke up.
“Not guilty,” he said. Though he rolled his eyes, as if this was a waste of his time.
“What’s the deal here, Mr. Winchester?” Judge Devereaux asked.
“The primary charge is a murder-for-hire, your Honor,” Sam replied. “Mr. Savage hired a hitman to murder at least five people, and succeeded with four. He also masterminded several arsons. This includes a fire at his own company building, which claimed the lives of ten people and injured several others. This is all part of a larger connection to organized crime, which the People intend to prove in our case. Due to the nature of the charges, and the defendant clearly being a flight risk, we seek his remand to custody without bail.”
The judge raised his brows. He turned to the defendant’s lawyer.
“What about it, Miss Richardson?”
Amelia shot Sam a glance, but she replied to the judge.
“What we have here is a conflict of interest, your Honor,” she said. “Detective John Winchester has a vendetta against my client. Therefore, Mr. Winchester should recuse himself. It’s a family affair, Judge, and they have no evidence for any of these charges, except for the testimony of a confessed murderer.”
“It’s called prosecutorial discretion,” Sam cut in. “Our evidence goes beyond Mr. Rolston’s testimony and will more than support our case. I’ve also tried my father’s cases before, your Honor. This defendant is no different.”
The judge peered closer at the docket with incredulous eyes.
“Except for the fact that one of the attempted murders was on your father. John Winchester?” Judge Devereaux actually chuckled. “Oh, Mr. Savage. Many have tried and failed on that regard.”
“Judge,” Amelia tried, but Devereaux waved her off. Sam took in that small victory without giving anything away outwardly. The fact that John was on the docket as a “victim” was easily Sam’s biggest challenge in this arraignment, but he just couldn’t hand this off to another prosecutor.
“And what’re these last charges about?” the judge asked.
“Mr. Savage attempted to sexually assault one of his employees at a company Christmas party in the defendant’s home, your Honor,” Sam replied. His gaze once again cut over to Nick, who glared back at him with a sneer.
“That’s a goddamn lie!” Nick shouted.
Amelia grabbed his arm and tried to shut him up, but Nick jerked out of her grasp.
“Put a gag on your client or I will, Miss Richardson,” Devereaux warned with a deepening frown.
“Hey,” Amelia hissed a whisper, grabbing the sleeve of Nick’s suit jacket this time. “Get it together and shut your mouth. Remember where you are.”
He ignored her to try and speak to the judge himself. 
“That bitch tased me. Did she tell you that?” Nick levied Sam a look, before he turned back to Devereaux. “Yeah, she assaulted me, Judge. So that charge is fucking bogus.”
“I’ve heard quite enough!” Devereaux snapped. He raised his gavel and slammed it down loud enough for Nick to flinch. “The defendant is remanded to custody, without bail.”
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It was more satisfying than John would admit.
While the development wasn’t exactly what he had expected, having Daniel Savage’s son dragged out of his new prison home to sit in another musty holding cell was the highlight of the new year.
This was the poor excuse for a man who’d given him such a headache these past few months. This was the little shit that nearly got his son killed, and who’d been terrorizing you for months, if not years.
But he would be a means to an end.
“I’ll tell ya what, Nick. You don’t look like a man that could organize a handful of murders and arsons, but here we are,” John said.
He scratched the back of his head and sat on the corner of the desk. Sam was seated across from Nick, and Cas was hanging back within the cell, watching the exchange (and watching Nick’s reactions for any tells).
On the other side sat Nick himself, dressed down in his gray prison garb. It was a far cry from the $5,000 suit he wore in the arraignment. Next to him was his lawyer, Amelia Richardson.
“Is there a question in there somewhere?” she asked. She shot Sam a glance.
They had dated in law school for a few months. It had ended abruptly when her husband returned from Afghanistan. It had been a shock to both of them, since the man had been presumed dead.
Clearly, Sam had moved on since then. He was happier with Eileen than he ever was, but he could tell that Amelia had never quite recovered from the “what could’ve been” of their relationship.
Still, Sam had set all that aside the moment he stepped into this room. He watched his father work.
“Why did you set fire to your own building?” John asked.
He’d expected Nick to be more explosive with his denials, but the man was quietly simmering, like he just wanted the questioning to be over. It reminded John of when his sons were teenagers. Maybe he hadn’t been the perfect father, but intuition was telling him something…
“You didn’t do it, did you?” John mused. “At least, not that fire.”
It was interesting, however, that Alastair had pinned the Savage & Co. fire on the son—that Nick had started it himself, along with the other arsons. Alastair had just been the muscle, committing the murders and the brandings on the victims.
John wasn’t so sure he believed that. He leaned in a bit and gave Nick a wry smile.
“Did Daddy do that one for ya?” he asked.
At that, Nick held firm. “My father has nothing to do with this.”
Hmm, a bit of familial loyalty? Maybe trying to prove himself, John detected. How far is he willing to go to protect his dad?
“So you did do it, along with the other arsons,” John said.
“Are you trying to get him to confess without a plea deal?” Amelia snarked.
“I’m trying to figure out how badly this kid wants to stay out of jail for the rest of his life,” John said.
“I’m not a fucking kid,” Nick grumbled.
“If you have something for us on Daniel Savage, then we’re willing to listen,” Sam added. “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in jail?”
Nick crossed his arms, clearly uncooperative.
Sam narrowed his gaze. “This is your last chance, Nick.”
“You don’t have anything on me except for the word of a murdering felon,” Nick retorted. “I’ll beat this trial in a few months and I’ll be out free…but if you really want to know, I’ll let you in on a little something.”
He leaned in, meeting John’s eyes.
“Dad retaliates,” said Nick. “I think you know that best of all, Detective. This time, I think it’s one son for another. And you’ve got two to pick from.”
“Nick,” Amelia warned, but he ignored her.
He glanced at a carefully stoic Sam before he smirked in John’s face, which had become devoid of all humor and revealed the stoniness underneath.
“If I were a betting guy, I’d put my money on the one that had a fucking building fall on him.”
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After leaving the county jail, John drove Sam and Cas back to his sons’ apartment. They couldn’t treat Nick’s warning as an idle threat.
Sam was the prosecutor on the case. He wasn’t willing to step down, so the best they could do for him was give him a police security detail that would have to be with him at all times. However, all three men agreed that you, Dean, and Eileen needed to be put in protective custody during the trial.
“Damn it, Dean,” Sam muttered. His brother wasn’t answering his cell.
“Try him again,” said John.
“Is Eileen still at work?” Cas asked.
“Yeah, but she’s talking to the principal now about a temporary replacement for her classes,” Sam replied. He was worried about her safety, but he was also worried about you and Dean. Neither of you were answering your cell phones.
He later let John and Cas into his apartment, where all looked normal and clean.
“Dean!” Sam called out. He was just about to search the apartment when the man came out of his room, looking freshly showered.
“Hey, what’s up?” said Dean. “The gang’s all here, huh?”
“I’ve been calling you for an hour. Where’ve you been?” Sam asked in annoyance, though it was edged with a hint of more that tipped off Dean.
He sensed the tension in the room between his brother, his father, and his friend. He frowned.
“I had a doctor’s appointment. Why?”
John explained the latest round of questioning with Nick Savage, and his most recent threat. John asked where you were right now, if not in the apartment. Dean’s expression shifted to one of worry as he went to find his cell phone.
“She had a job interview,” he admitted, scrolling through his phone to find your name. “She couldn’t reschedule it, else she would’ve gone with me.”
He’d been uneasy about you going to the interview by yourself, but you hadn’t wanted him to change his appointment, and you had assured him it was only a few minutes away…
Dean held the phone to his ear and waited what felt like an eternity as it rang.
Pick up. Pick up, damn it.
Finally, the line connected.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted…but you didn’t answer.
“You there?” he asked. There was a pit forming in his stomach when he glanced up at John. His father met his gaze with furrowed brows that betrayed concern.
The line was silent for one more painful moment. Dean opened his mouth to call out to you again, but a smooth voice interrupted.
“Dean, Dean, Dean,” a man replied. “Forgetting something?”
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AN: 🫣 Sorry lol.
But the next chapter will bring the final showdown...
Next Time:
Dean’s heart began to pound. His mouth parted, but for a moment, the words wouldn’t escape.
“Who is this?” he said. His voice was a hint unsteady.
“I think you know, son,” the man replied.
Keep Reading: PART 19
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
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nyxi-pixie · 4 months
do you guys ever think about beast mori saying that ruling by fear is the most barbaric thing an adult can do.
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because i do.
in canonverse, we see that he uses this kind of strategy with yosano. keeps her in line by keeping her terrified, and it works up until the point that she loses her mind. she wants to stop and he kills a man in front of her to force her hand. ruling by fear but the barbarism of it drives her to insanity. and then shes no use at all.
with the mafia, his strategy is different. he keeps his best players in line through the creation of family dynamics. the way the gifts are given when someone joins gives you a physical item tying you to whoever brought you in and we see that clothes represent loyalty a Lot in bsd (mori giving dazai his coat, dazai giving aku his, chuuya getting the hat - which in turn has its own insane connections between rimlaine).
on top of that, theres a lot of stress on group dynamics within the mafia. the ada, aside from kunikida and dazai, doesnt have set partnerships or groupings. they send whoever with whoever. in the mafia, people tend to keep to smaller groups (the black lizard + higuchi, dazai + chuuya, chuu kouyou and mori, the flags, etc)
theres interaction between everyone ofc but theres a lot more focus on these groups, and that means people spend more time w specific people and grow very attached to them. its why higuchi stays, its why tachihara chooses the pm over the hunting dogs when it comes down to it, its a pretty big reason for why chuuya and kouyou havent left despite formerly both wanting to.
dazai and kyouka get out, but dazai has to lose someone like family Knowing that mori not only let it happen but planned for it. him leaving isnt the betrayal it wld be under other circumstances, bc hes been betrayed first (or at least. in his eyes. i have a separate essay on that but. not the time) and with kyouka, shes so isolated during her time in the mafia it seems she didnt rlly have time to grow those connections (and even then, she still had the dynamic with kouyou. its Hard for her to get out and it takes a lot of outside help and shes so young that the mafia hasnt had time to take root.)
and its just interesting to me that mori learned from his mistakes with yosano and has so many more people tied down because of it. the way he interacts with her now still ironically seems to be falling into that habit. hes so open with asking dazai to come back but with yosano there has to be an air of danger attached. perhaps because he knows theres no way he can ever win her loyalty without force, and hes perfectly fine doing the most barbaric thing possible if he thinks it will save the people he wishes to save. he chose to become a doctor in the first place after all, its no wonder her ability is so important to him
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au where dazai is still in the pm but somehow has met the entire ada and somehow charmed them (look the agency has strange standards) so they're all actively trying to get him to change sides
featuring fukuzawa lowkey bragging about being a better father figure i mean boss than mori
ranpo inviting him for chess matches so dazai knows he'll have an intellect buddy at the ada
them putting up his picture on their employee wall portrait thingie (lucy poe and karl are also there)
junichiro trying to bribe him with video games awkwardly
naomi trying to blackmail him (you know she would)
yosano inviting him for trash talking sessions and girl nights (they talk shit about mori mostly)
kenji gifting him fruits veggies and the occasional cow to show goodwill
kunikida regularly checking in on him and mailing him pros of joining the ada and employee benefits
atsushi at some point just taking his hand and bringing him to work
also atsushi just telling dazai to come hang out a little earlier than they can actually meet so he's forced to be at the office
yosano trying to convince kunikida to "seduce" him; ranpo flat out telling dazai why he'd prefer it here
them bribing him with food
fukuzawa openly being kind and welcoming to him; kyouka considering kidnapping him when she herself leaves
kyouka sending him regular notes about how much happier she is to convince him
haruno offering to let him pet mii-chan; kenji reassuring him they want to be his friend; junichiro offering murder; atsushi offering to feed him (he already lowkey does)
dazai thinks they're just messing with him at first - then he thinks they want his ability which fair - now he's just confused
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funniestpersonalivefr · 3 months
aftercare (resident evil women)
other half of a request, hope you enjoy it. nsfw themes, mdni. not proofread. includes; jill valentine, claire redfield, rebecca chambers, ada wong, and sheva alomar
jill valentine:
jill can be rough
so she's definitely checking on you
if there's any sore spots she's there
she kisses the marks left behind
also gives you a massage
claire redfield:
"right there baby?" jill asks as her hands glide to your hips and you nod your head. a slight whimper leaves you from the discomfort as jill begins to knead at the delicate skin.
you melt into her touch, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as the discomfort melts away. she leans down, pressing a soft kiss to the spot on your hips before she moves up and presses a kiss to your forehead.
"let me take care of you," she says.
claire is so cuddly after sex
she wants to just lay in your arms
she'll probably be like "im not gonna fall asleep"
then immediately out
it's cute, i think she snores a little
as you flopped down next to claire, she's quick to cuddle into you. her reddish brunette hair sticks to her forehead with sweat and although you'd love to get her cleaned up you know she's just wanting to rest.
the two of you are enjoying each other's company with you just rambling about anything. that's when you hear them. soft snores are coming from claire and you giggle a little. with a soft kiss pressed to the top of her head, and you know you will soon join her.
rebecca chambers:
rebecca is going the whole ten miles
cleaned up with a bath if you'd like
kissing you all over
she also has water on standby
and yall better cuddle
rebecca climbs off of you, moving the reach for the glass of water she had left on the nightstand.
"drink up, gotta keep you hydrated," she says, you gladly take the water. she smiles at you as you take a drink, her hand resting on your thigh, it glides up and down and you are relaxed into her touch.
you hand the glass back to her and she sets it back down before she kisses you on her forehead.
ada wong:
she's got a washcloth at the ready to clean you up
ada's kinda like wesker where if she's got something to do then she's gone
however she'll stick around for as long as she can
she'll cuddle with you
expect her to rub circles on your back till you fall asleep
ada and you had just shared a passionate moment and now you were curled up, your head on her chest. you were drifting off to sleep, her fingers drawing shapes on your back. however it was interrupted by her phone.
she sighed, climbing out of bed, grabbing the device. it flipped open and you watched as she paced back and forth across the room, listening to whoever was on the other line. she begins getting dressed as the call continues. she says "understood," into the phone, and with that she's gone.
sheva alomar:
sheva will do everything for you
you want a bubble bath? its already on its way
you just wanna cuddle? she's laying with you
she's the queen of aftercare
you are her top priority
sheva flopped down next to you, her beautiful face smiled back at yours. her hand rested on her cheek. the moment was soft compared to the intensity in the room only minutes ago.
"are you okay? do you want a bath or anything?" sheva asked, her tone laced with a slight concern. this was normal for her, she was always caring but that increased by ten with you.
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