#I want all these assholes to Die
haroldtea · 2 years
who was it on here that posted about yue and azula being 2 of the most popular girls in school and becoming rivals 2 lovers cuz i can’t stop thinking about it
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milolunde · 2 years
One of their friends walk past Jules and Chuck and puts emphasis on saying Sir before Charles but just says Hey Jules
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You’re a blessing to my inbox
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I’m humbly asking for a little help for myself since this is probably the worst trauma of my life right now.
Dad was t-boned by a drunk driver Friday night, the car was spun and he was ejected through the windshield into the engine (the hood opens different from most cars) and was trapped unconscious burning til a passerby saved his life. He’s going to need amputations, and he’s combative about all care, so not only are we fighting to keep him alive, we’re fighting HIM to do it (he’s phobia-terrified of hospitals). NONE of us have had sleep.
I have to stay home from work to help with things here, and I can’t afford to stay home. I’m only part time at work and make about $180 a week, and i really seriously need the income to stay up on bills, but there is no way I can leave right now. I’ve already missed two days and I’m not coming in next week either (there’s too much we have to legally do within a certain time frame even with the trauma we’re all trying to process) but the loss of paycheck isn’t doable but if I go into work I’m gonna break down (none of us have slept) but if I don’t go into work next I can’t pay my bills (unless like, can you pay a credit card with a credit card somehow? I’ve had maybe 15hrs of sleep in six days since it happened I can’t think straight but if that’s an option it can keep me floating til I double pay I guess idfk I can’t think)
I just need a little bit of help. Dad has a severe concussion (a literal softball sized lump on his head where he went through the windshield), the vertebra that supplies blood oxygen to the brain is fractured, and the surgeon just said he’s probably gonna lose 2 fingers from the fourth degree burns on his hand (you can see his tendons— his knuckle is completely gone- and the burns have pretty much degloved him. Do NOT google that if you don’t know what it is). I am very much still in shock even if it doesn’t seem like it. A human person should never look how my dad does, and he should absolutely be dead rn.
If anyone could spare a couple bucks or reblog or whatever, I’d super appreciate it. It would be one less thing for me to worry about and I’m absolutely desperate for any kind of help with things rn because I don’t know what to do. We’re all so exhausted on maybe 2-3hrs of sleep a night, my mom couldn’t remember how to turn on the tv with the remote and started sobbing (that’s ALL our brain states right now) and I’m the oldest child and trying to keep shit together..
I’d really appreciate if anyone could spare a few bucks just so I can keep my head above water while drowning in everything else. If you can’t, I’d really really appreciate reblogs.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
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This entire conversation feels so bad to me. Like I get what Hori was going for but there is no reason for Ochako to feel this way given how he set up their previous fight.
Of course Ochako doesn't understand Toga at all--Toga never actually tried to talk to her. Himiko sought out Ochako by tricking her, then tried to stab her, and letting her know she killed a person using Ochako’s Quirk. She didn't mention Twice nor did she approach Ochako in a way that was in anyway conducive to a real conversation. (And it’s not like Toga is incapable of talking to people normally. She talks to the LoV members just fine.)
If Hori had wrote it so that Toga had tried to talk to Ochako without attacking and was obviously trying to explain how her friend was just killed, but Ochako just kept trying to arrest her, not letting her get a word in, this would make more sense. The reason Ochako knows so little about Toga is her own fault, for refusing to listen to her or take a moment to notice she was just trying to talk. 
As it is Ochako wasn’t wrong and it’s Toga’s own fault she didn't get the answer she wanted. Hori has already established with the Todoroki’s that it’s good to tell someone the ways they hurt you and you’re not obligated to be nice to them/ understand them.
I mean, just imagine if Shoto had had these same thoughts about Enji, lamenting about how he doesn’t understand his dad, and what he thinks is truly right. That he’s unsure because when he told Endeavor off he looked really sad, so maybe his dad just needs some understanding. As if all the sudden the reason Shoto doesn’t know any of that stuff isn’t entirely Endeavor’s fault.
I’m hoping that these humanizing feelings the kids are having toward the villains are less, “wow, we were the real bad guys all along and we must fix these poor broken babies” and more, just an understanding that their people. It’s not as if I want the kids or any of the Heroes to just see all the villains as evil cardboard cut outs. I think understanding the reasons why people do bad things is important. Sympathy is good.
But I don’t want the kids to just forget all the horrible things these people have done to them and their friends/family and never hold them accountable for that pain. And more then that I want it to be a two way street. It’s not as if the LoV have given a shit about their kid counterparts feelings or tried to understand them either. If the kids have to see the villains as more then just villains, then I want the villains to see the heroes as more then just heroes. 
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rattus-viridis · 2 years
TW Private Christian Schooling
Did you know private christian schools don't require a teaching certification? Period. Literally anyone can get a job as a teacher there. I was talking to my younger siblings and they wanted me to be their science teacher, that theirs was quitting. I laughed and said, I dont have a teaching degree! And they said, it doesnt matter, none of the other teachers do!
I want to throw up!!! I hazarded the question if they even cover evolution in their bio classes, and they told me they only mention evolution to tell the students that its Wrong. The Earth is 6000 years old. I want to cry, this is literally so backward. These schools arent built for any kind of education, just to churn out more Christians. No certifications?? Please can someone help me understand how this is barely even legal??
I went to those same Christian schools as a kid, and the only thing getting me through this right now are the words of a friend who told me, "We turned out ok. We were able to figure things out." Both of us being raised religiously, now two gay adults in STEM. I hope my siblings can figure it out too. Against all the odds, the misinformation, the hateful rhetoric.
Maybe just being around them, I can inspire a little bit of science, a little bit of critical thinking. Maybe not. I'm just one person, against the Narrative. What can I do? There's seven. And I cant even tell them I'm gay, otherwise I wont be allowed to even visit.
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chiefguideandcentre · 2 years
You will get a lot farther in life by being nice and pleasant to people instead of being rude and demanding every single time you call them. Just be nice!! BE NniiiCcCcEEeeE!!!!!
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sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
i genuinely lie awake at night sometimes wondering what happened to Siris though
#and megan!! were they safe!!!#did they both die or have to go into hiding??#i love fics where like. siris ends up getting scooped up by ONI so he has to be like super secretive and stuff#but like. now that rvb's in this state and people moved on to other things and i don't want to like.#pester miles bc boy ain't that rude he's got his own life and i don't even know him#idk man. but it keeps me up at night.#where is purple dad?? where is Mrs. Megan Wu? are they okay?#did megan decide enough was enough and make Siris stop bounty hunting and take a safer job for the whole family's safety?#did a job put a target on his family's back and he decided he couldn't take it anymore#did locus and felix betray him? did he betray them?#did siris die and LF barely made it out with their lives and had to go tell a grieving megan what happened?#maybe they just left her hanging. i don't think locus would have done that but. what if#what if they just argued explosively and finally decided they'd all had enough#'cmon sam' felix says sneering at mason. 'we'll get better work without this asshole dragging us down'. locus gives siris a last regretful#look and turns to follow felix out of the alley. siris stares after them. furious. and halfway relieved.#megan would be glad to hear they're finally out of his life. she'd probably nag at him to get a desk job now.#but it might be worth it. with the third kid on the way. something stable and safe.#he'd do anything to put his family first.#in a brief moment of pure clarity he realises felix and locus must be doing the same.#after the gates' divorce.... after the accident.... they were the only thing resembling famly either of them had left#he sighs. resigned. it's not ideal. it's not what he wanted. but he understands. and he hopes the other two do as well. someday. maybe.#they were honestly kind of idiots but they'd probably be okay if they stuck together. maybe.#it wasn't his problem anymore though. mason wu formerly siris turned around and headed home to his wife and children.#microfic#i think#anyway#rvb siris#i gotta get that guy his own tag#wu family#fic in the tags
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everybody else in this country developed a bunch of really niche hobbies that I already was fucking doing for the last 10 years (gardening, baking sourdough, etc) whereas I did the exact fucking opposite. I got a mainstream hobby, got really into it, went to a workshop, discovered the workshop in fact an MLM grift, fucking hated it, gave it up immediately, and jumped into the weirdest and nichest possible hobbies (writing novel-length fanfiction for indie audio drama podcasts, learning bookbinding to bind said fic, worm composting, food preservation, maple sugaring, home orcharding, mycology walks, performing NYSNC covers at live jam sessions with amateur musicians who are either bluegrass, old-time, Irish traditional, queer, or some combination thereof, etc) that are in fact so devoid of mainstream appeal to people with disposable income that they’re fucking completely influencer-free spaces. Nary an MLM in sight. I love it here and I’m never ever leaving. 
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loptrcoptr · 2 years
Is there a way to get through an interview and not feel like you assed it all up? Or is it human nature to be like “fuck I fucked that right the fuck up”
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sokkalore · 3 years
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i was skimming early book one last night because i was trying to figure out how much time passes between the ox cart and hua cheng heading back to ghost city at the end of book 1 (it’s like. 9 days by the way but that’s a conversation for a different post) and i found these two passages and just…..
he WANTED to make friends!!!!! he got his debt paid off and was excited to start fresh and make new friends and. as we all know they just shut him down and ignored him .
and the second passage, xie lian thinking to himself, “oh it’s okay that everyone’s ignoring me this will be a funny story to tell…. someone …. someday” i literally want to cry maybe heaven Does deserve to burn like what the hell
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People entering FR Hunger Games 2020: It’d be fun if they win but probably not! People entering FR Hunger Games 2021: I want this bitch to die in the most painful way possible.
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hilichurlrights · 3 years
An interesting little list of things Kaeya and Xinyan have in common:
Four star characters with a 5* counterpart of the same weapon/element combo
Impressive range of skills and utility even many 5* characters do not have
Insane damage-dealing capabilities to the tune of “tactical nuke incoming” memes
Easy-to-use playstyles that can render them effective DPS or support of any kind
Shit on and completely forgotten by the majority of the genshin fandom
Called useless and bad by predominantly white creators on streaming and social media platforms who have never built or played them
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mxdotpng · 2 years
its about kim dokja & yoo jonghyuk having almost the same character growth by healing from completely different things
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vvanite · 3 years
All of Nua publicly denouncing the Commodore for his greed thus removing his title and worth as “greatest naval hero in Nua”? As it should be ✨
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ibis-gt · 3 years
What inspired you to create Cam and Luther?
i'm going to bare my entire heart and soul to y'all right now: they started out as jack aub/rey and stephen mat/urin from the aubr/eyad. it was a mermaid jack AU i was playing around with in a discord server for a while, and then i was like "hmmmm actually..... i want to do OOC things with them. what are some good names. cam and luther? cam and luther. they are OCs now."
their personalities have shifted drastically since!
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
I am. ACTUALLY. Begging y’all to tag negative comments about a show/character/ship/whatever as anti [thing] and not the actual thing.
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