#I want to work
the-witch-of-saturn · 2 months
Pls my friends I’m desperate
Venmo @Mari-Mackenzie
Last 4 digits 6349
I’m behind on so many bills
I’ve been applying to so many places everyday it’s getting so discouraging
Either “ don’t qualify” or “no longer accepting applications “ OR clearly only looking for a certain demographic… I just wanna cry
How am I not qualified to do the jobs available if they won’t even give me a chance even when I have experience in the field selected I am so sad. I’m willing to learn and grow and learn new this is not the type of employee they want?
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x22817 · 8 months
Per two of my doctors' recommendations, I filed for disability
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mawita · 9 months
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It's hard to say i might be dying
it's tough to tell if i'm already dead
they told me to bark i have no voicebox
just a flowercrown and all these legs
10 kilos made to calm me
pressing down against my thorax
and while i want out
be a busy bee
there's no colony left for me
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arc-archernar · 8 months
im so hungry
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and it’s…
good lord why
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I've held off on it after doing my filming but this would be a good dive into why I am making this sort of video that I always keep talking on my Insta and some of my pals on Discord.
Saturday at 11 on Tumblr, and same time on Insta.
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
some of my coworkers are genuinely shocked at the insane amount of private tours I’ve been given. Like it’s getting fucking insane. It’s gotten to the point where I said I’ll skip the third training for the new tour and just start doing it tomorrow if they stop giving me these fucking private tours.
to be sure, it’s not that I hate them, I will do them no problem OCCASIONALLY, but they pay significantly less. It’s so fucking ridiculous that I’ve been tipped MORE than what the company pays me PER TOUR. To put into perspective, I’ve worked as much as my coworkers, and yet earned about a third less than they have so far. 
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prinnay · 10 days
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Flower child
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badolmen · 1 year
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
Edit: if you are able, use $5 you would otherwise use for a streaming subscription to donate to a GazaFunds campaign.
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dovesick · 9 months
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endless night
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seagiri · 5 months
when did this happen???
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bug-s0da · 1 month
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i made an aa/lawyersona of @snapscube :3 we all know and love the lawyer+silly girl duos of ace attorney but it's about time the silly girl became the lawyer
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aropride · 6 months
it's so fucking frustrating to be in college and know everyone uses chatgpt and to be tempted by it constantly while also knowing intellectually that it doesn't work and it's a bad idea. like, i hang out in the library a lot, and i see people using chatgpt on assignments almost every day. and i know it isn't a good way to learn, because it's not really "artificial intelligence" so much as it is an auto text generator. and it gives you wrong information or badly worded sentences all the time. but every week i stare down assignments i don't want to do and i think man. if only i could type this prompt into a text generator and have it done in 10 minutes flat. and i know it wouldn't work. it wouldn't synthesize information from the text the way professors want, it wouldn't know how to answer questions, it just spits out vaguely related words for a couple paragraphs. but knowing my classmates get their work done in 10 minutes flat with it while i fight every ounce of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in my body is infuriating.
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awendlandconceptart · 14 days
Commission Prices
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Dags^e, Dumelang, Sawubona, and Hullo!
I need to help my sibling buy a new computer to use for school. Here is my price list.
*Please note: I'm not a US citizen. Payment is to be made through PayPal. A percentage of the full amount must be paid before work begins. Then full payment should be paid before you can reserve the final work.
DM on Thumblr.
Thank you for your time.
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buzzrds · 2 months
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here's my wonderful isopod child, handcrafted in leather
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cosmicpines · 1 month
I think a lot of people haven't actually read Flatland so you may not realize A. What Bill's eye mutation means and B. What precisely Bill did to destroy his homeworld.
Bill's home isn't completely the same as Edwin Abbott's Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (notably, women and men can be both polygons #feminism) but we can assume most of the mechanics are the same. The basic premise is that the world is 2D. Everyone perceives the world in a 1D way, along the plane. There's a part of Journal 3 that describes this pretty well.
Bill can see up to the stars because his eye is on the flat surface instead of on the side like everyone else, like this:
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(He's also slightly 3D, as we can see in the show.)
But there's one more important Flatland detail. The denizens of Flatland (and therefore likely Euclydia) do still have organs "inside" their bodies. Since there is no depth, they're just on the inner radius of their bodies. The 2007 Ehlinger movie adaptation shows that:
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If Bill wanted to "give his world a new perspective" and "show everyone what they were missing," he wanted to get everyone to look upward.
Meaning he probably tilted the entire world.
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Meaning everyone not only slid off of the plane, but all of their organs spilled out and everyone died.
...Hence "so much blood."
(The only issue with this is that it doesn't account for the number of times Euclydia is referred to have been burned ("saw his own dimension burn / misses home and can't return", he only has ashes leftover), but I'm sure the act of turning an entire dimension upwards expends a lot of energy.)
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