#I was forged with a life-long love of Zelda
khalliys · 2 years
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I've been playing a lot of Breath of the Wild while I was sick in December and had an unnecessary amount of ideas for an AU. Maybe I'm gonna draw some things for it here and there.
Here you have some amnesiac and not sure if they know each other Beau and Yasha taking in their surroundings and being confused about waking up in some creepy cave, submerged in a pool of glowy liquid, among other things.
(Background is an edited in-game screenshot)
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
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This whole time I’ve been saying that people with God Powers TM are Marked. They all have something on their face! (Except Legend, what’s on his face is just scales, don’t be confused).
But this WHOLE TIME I’ve been drawing Sun without her Marks. Like. She’s literally Hylia. She has God Powers, she should have them. Anyway so this is my Sun redesign for real this time. Just pretend that she looks like this in my “I am Sky” comic.
Anyway so here’s some information about her under the cut.
I don’t have a big story for her like I do for Flora because Cryptid Sky’s story barely changes Skyward Sword like at all. He’s formed that the very very end, after the Goddess’s Silent Realm, so most things involving Sun remain the same.
I will say that she didn’t always have her Marks. When she was born as Zelda, her face was clear, like every other Skyloftian. But when she fell to the Surface and began a quest of her own, when she discovered her divine origins, she started to remember. She’d pray at the springs to recover her memories and her powers, and one by one, her face would be Marked.
By the time that Link had secured all of the Sacred Flames and forged the Master Sword with them, Sun was already lost. And in her place stood a Goddess.
I don’t think that people give her enough credit for all she’s been through. Sun deserved so much better, she lost her life to Hylia’s plans just as much as Link did. And when Link merged into Sky, he was merely mimicking the transformation that his dearest friend had already gone through. Sun’s soul is still split in half, still shared between herself and her Loftwing, but in that empty part of her core lies the domineering presence of Hylia herself. Her life as she knew it is over. Is she Zelda anymore? Or is she Hylia?
She loves Link SO MUCH. When she first comes out of their thousands-of-years long slumber, she’s in shock to see that he’s gone. She falls from the amber shards and lands squarely in Sky’s arms, and Sky envelopes her in his soft wings, holding her as if she’s the most precious thing in the world. In the haze, she doesn’t realize the change in her dearest friend. But when she opens her eyes, she’s devastated.
As far as she’s concerned, it’s her fault. She used Link. Forced him to go on this quest, forced him into the Silent Realms, forced him to wield the Master Sword and the Triforce. She’s the reason that he fused with Aepon; she’s the reason that Link is gone.
But Sky laughs the same as Link would, relief in his eyes when she gathers the strength to stand. She holds her hand in his own, and it feels just like the hand she knows. His face is the same, for the most part: his hair is different and he’s got red spots on his cheeks, but the more she looks at him, the more she sees Link. And as they make it through the Temple together, as she watches Groose fawn over him, she realizes that he’s not gone at all.
He’s changed, just like she is. But just like she’s still his Zelda, Sky is still her Link. The guilt still worms its way into her chest, but as long as Sky is smiling, she’s able to see past it.
Sky does not smile for very long, as a certain Demon Lord shows up mere moments later to ruin their happy ending. To be honest, Sun doesn’t remember much of that night. She remembers the anger in Sky’s face as his body trembled on the ground. She remembers the cold cruelty of Ghirahim’s voice against her chest as she was carried away from her Link- her Sky. She remembers feeling so weak and helpless, cursing the Goddess- cursing herself- for being so useless.
And then all she knew was pain. Blinding, burning agony that enveloped her entire being. She thought she was dying, weightless and alone and scared.
The next time she opened her eyes, she was inside the Sealed Temple. Groose held her. Sky was nowhere to be seen.
She cried into Groose’s chest, something she never would have dreamed of doing a year ago, her head still reeling from that feeling of hopelessness, that pain. All at once, she was scared and relieved and safe and in danger. And Groose held her through it.
Sky would stumble into the Temple much later, limping and bleeding and spasming. His right arm would be totally friend and his wings would drag on the ground, feathers in disarray. He’d lean away from Groose and fall into Sun’s open arms. And when it was time to return the Master Sword to her final resting place, he’d do so with a heaviness in his eyes that’s uncharacteristic and a weakness in his body that’s frightening.
Both Sun and Sky take a long time to recover from that. And really, neither of them ever do. But as Sky starts to physically heal, Sun starts to see more traces of her dear Link. Being around her closest friend and newfound lover is healing, and after the adventure they’d had, they don’t leave each other’s side for a long while.
Sun is very protective over Sky, just like she always was with Link. They exchange Loftwing feathers (Sky gives her his own). And just five days after they’re reunited, they’re separated again.
Okay okay okay. This was less about Sun and more about Sun AND Sky, but they’re pretty much inseparable I think. From Sky’s perspective, there’s a lot of confusing feelings that I’ll get into when I actually write a fic (I’m starting a fic!), but Sun just loves him so much. I have a little comic series which is actually a collection of little short stories in a much bigger plot called “I am Sky.” The short comics aren’t all finished (and they can be read as stand alones) but the order they go in is:
“I am Sky” Stories: Pipit
“I am Sky” Stories: Groose (I’m not done with it I’m sorryyyyyy)
“I am Sky” Stories: Zelda
This all takes place after the Demise battle, when Sky is healing and has the chance to sit down and reflect. When he gets the opportunity to learn about himself, the person that his two halves made him. He struggles a lot, but these specific stories have a lot of comfort. He’ll be fine. Probably.
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20elements · 1 year
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Inspired by Ren’s original songs, I align my thoughts on them with the three Triforce components in the above artwork. In the following, I’ll not only describe my drawings, but focus more on how I interpret his songs before discussing what my links are between them and the Triforce.
What I will not do is claim I know his mind and music better than anyone else (let alone the guy himself), nor will I project anything… much…
TL;DR - I entertain all three songs cohering into a story about our former alien warlord seeking new meaning in his life, transitioning from  solitude and hostility to worthwhile connections on Earth, with music playing a major role in this. (Apologies in advance if I use the word ‘connection’ a lot.) 01) Wanderer
Elements Drawn: Fire, Darkness
I want to start with his latest song first, because the MV seems to touch on the earlier stages of his lore before his descent on Earth. In other words, it seems to be chronologically first in this yet-trilogy (apart from that ending scene with the rest of ILUNA). According to his lore video, Ren was weary of his race’s bloodthirsty history and left. In Wanderer, Ren seems to express loneliness, either from the lack of friends or love in his darker home planet, or from other planets’ antagonisms towards him. Lyrics such as “could you be alone with me?” may hint that one of the things he hopes to find on his journey is at least one meaningful connection who can accept and truly understand him, however complex or enigmatic he may be, as opposed to fearing and avoiding him.
Nevertheless, my artwork sees the Wanderer of galaxies with the Triforce of Power befitting both his own strengths and violent history. (Similarly, this Triforce would traditionally be blessed to Legend of Zelda’s dark lord Ganondorf.)
“Even if I had great power, I couldn’t get anything. I keep losing them. Everyone will get up from their seats and leave me. …There is no one to invite me anymore…” —Malleus Draconia, Twisted Wonderland 02) Blue Sugar
Elements Drawn: Water, Sound
This one’s easy; methinks Alien Dabi is addicted to jumbo blueberries :D …Jokes aside, I’ll start with Ren’s own explanation: He underwent a rough time and was stuck in his head, then wrote this song out of both self-criticism and a desire to “feel alive again”. For how therapeutic he finds music to be, I want to say this “sugar high” he pursues is simply music. Not very deep, I know, but it checks off many boxes: It’s his new newfound passion and one of the easier yet healthier “highs” or stimuli to experience. More importantly, it can be a way to communicate feelings and possibly even forge connections with.
To backtrack a bit, Blue Sugar was the first song Ren composed after arriving on Earth and discovering music for the first time. Like as not, his prior challenges would include adapting to life and culture on Earth, to say nothing of a continued solitude. Nevertheless, music can soothe his soul and help him carry though his ordeals. But if he wants a song that can truly “hit the spot” and better yet resonate with others as well, Ren may want to compose a song himself for the first time. Depending on how difficult all of that is, creative frustrations and feeling trapped in his thoughts sound plausible—but hey, long story short, he made it!
The most obvious link to the Triforce of Wisdom here is the color blue (water, Lanayru’s element, go figure). A popular fan theory I embrace is that the “Blue” in “Blue Sugar” alludes to planet Earth where Ren discovers music, with much of the color reflected in our oceans and seas. And while I’m stressing music, (1) water is a good conductor of sound, so I portray Ren in a literal sea of sound in my drawing; (2) in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link even learns specific songs from Zelda/Sheik, our “Wisdom” bearer. But more pertinent of Wisdom to Ren himself is that I’m seeing Blue Sugar as a mark of his “learning stages” on Earth in general.
“To me, a life without music is inconceivable. I never turn down the volume, even when I’m working on a case.” —Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 03) Amplify
Elements Drawn: Flora, Light
After overcoming his personal ordeals and literally finding his own melody, it sounds like Ren has succeeded in getting his voice and presence across the world. The beat and melody of Amplify celebrate his successes, while his lyrics reach out to convey the same optimism and encouragement he has developed. Lines such as “Our connection is by design” not only tells me he has found his aforementioned “meaningful connections” (e.g. ILUNA enrollment), but a tremendous reward to his patience in general. The message I’m hearing is that whatever difficulties or odds we may experience, as long as we perservere and not drown in despair, a perfect timing will be there for us to fulfill our aspirations, just as he found his.
So I scarcely need to explain why Amplified Ren holds the Triforce of Courage; he sounds as encouraged as can be to take on the world and possibly the rest of the galaxy (and this time with less destruction in his wake, maybe).
“Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.” —Soothsayer, Kung Fu Panda 2
__ Nonetheless, Wanderer was released after Amplify, so I’m lead to believe either (a) Ren wrote his third song as a humble reminder of how or why he started this journey that led him to this meadow of magic, or (b) simply an expression that his earlier pursuits still continue, even with the… very mixed warmth of his genmates’ camaraderie. Speaking of which, that lower middle space between the three Triforce panels alludes to his inclusion in “Let’s Get It Started” with blessings from the Moon and Sky. Last Word
I arrange all of my ideas here with doors open to future songs from Ren Zotto that may either completely contradict what I have here or fit any of these Triforce virtues better. But to anyone who may see this in the future, I’m only working with the songs available at this current time while awaiting more bangers from the Alien Prince.
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fatefulfaerie · 2 years
Hello Fate! Congrats on that awesome milestone!!! I'd like to request some soft fluffy TP Zelink please :)
This took so dang long and like not even for writing reasons I just have trouble committing to writing these days (I still love it I'm just a mess). I'm becoming so scatterbrained! Here is exactly 1,000 words:
Zelda sat on her throne, in likely a more unceremonious and improper way than ever before. Her rear end was cushioned not by specially-made fabrics but by the lap of the man she married, her arms looped around his neck like a loose shawl.
“You’re in my seat,” she said playfully, with the elegant and yet childlike hook of a question that needed no answer.
Link snaked his arms around her waist to hold her closer, and Zelda shifted willingly, draping her bent knees over an arm of the throne and snuggling into his warm chest.
“Okay,” was all Link said in response.
“Link,” Zelda said with a giggle, withdrawing slightly to find his eyes when his fingers had begun to drift to places meant for private interactions. “Suppose someone comes in to talk to the King and Queen of Hyrule. What will they think?”
Link was absolutely enamored by her, Zelda’s blue eyes putting him in some sort of trance. Soon, Zelda too, was swimming in his eyes. Her forehead tipped to meet his.
Link never answered her question, breathing life not into words but into the kiss she began. Although to them, the ensuing, prolonged kisses seemed to freeze time, like the whole world could collapse around them and nothing would change, their guest was less lucky. The ten seconds Shad stood there simple watching them kiss seemed like minutes, awkward minutes that ticked slowly as he held himself in regret.
It was twice he breathed to interrupt them before Zelda noticed his presence, clearing her throat, composing herself, and sitting down on Link’s throne.
“Apologies for the interruption,” Shad said politely and meekly, as if he had walked into their private chambers. “But the texts you’ve me to look over…to translate…”
His words ebbed off in hesitation as he timidly reworked his grasp on the loosely bound tome he held.
“It isn’t the language of the Oocoo, it’s ages older,” Shad explained. “I think it may be the language of their ancestors.”
“Well that’s no surprise,” Zelda argued. “Their city alone is indicative of great age and decay. Surely, there were beings there perhaps even before Hyrule was established.”
Shad nodded.
“Yes, Your Highness,” Shad agreed. “That is why the content of the tome is so…unsettling.”
Zelda’s brow knitted.
“What do you mean ‘unsettling’?” Link asked.
Shad stammered as he looked down at the book.
“Hyrule has had its share of prophets and of course it’s lean on the details, but close enough to give one pause…”
He looked at the King and Queen as if they could read his mind, before he remembered he often had to elaborate more when he saw that kind of look on a person’s face.
“It’s history,” he explained, partly enthused, partly terrified. “Hyrule’s history, the kingdom being built, the Hyrulean Civil War, the Hero of Time, Ganondorf’s execution, even the invasion of Twilight, all written about in a language that’s so old that I wouldn’t even know how to begin to speak it. Someone in the past either knew everything or was really lucky on guessing because…”
He faltered again, almost laughing at how ridiculously accurate it was until he looked up to see Link and Zelda having a silent conversation of shared confused glances.
“The Temple of Time is evidence enough of the possibility,” Link said, as if picking up the ability to speak somewhere in the middle of their interaction. “But even then time travel doesn’t need to be in play for us to receive a warning like this. Hylia herself could have forged these words.”
“But why?” Zelda asked. “To warn us? Granted our victory against Zant and Ganondorf was no small feat but it wasn’t anything Hyrule didn’t handle in the end.”
Link’s mouth was leaning into his hands as he parsed through what was being said.
“It’s a show of faith,” he finally said after a moment. “We’ll have more reason to believe what is predicted to happen after us if whoever wrote it correctly wrote of everything else before us.”
“Is there anything after the Invasion of Twilight?” Zelda asked Shad, who nodded.
“My translation is rough,” he said. “And I don’t have all of it certain but…”
Shad leafed through several pages.
“Before the last sun sets on the…golden land…Hyrule will…fall like sinking sand,” Shad read slowly, before hesitating and looking up. “I-I can get more with more time with the language.”
“How long does it say we have?” Zelda asked, her hand placed on Link’s.
“Uhh” Shad said as he flipped back to the beginning. “Based on how they formatted our early history I’d say…several thousand years, give or take a hundred.”
Zelda and Link both breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Retranslate it into current Hylian and put it in the archives.”
“Are you sure?” Shad asked. “In our current Hylian it will read like any historical document. The prophecy will look like conjecture.”
Shad looked as if he wanted to object further, but he wasn’t one to argue with royalty any more than he already had. If the years turned back and Link was an Ordonian swordsman and Zelda was a not-yet-coronated princess, he might suggest that they weren’t understanding the full significance of this find because they would rather get back to sitting in the same throne.
He pursed his lips nonetheless and nodded.
“But I will do as you ask,” he spoke sincerely, stepping back into a bow. “Your Majesties.”
“Thank you, Shad,” Zelda said with kindness. “Your wisdom is appreciated, as always.”
Shad left them, obviously still uncomfortable, and Link and Zelda both silently decided that was enough of the affectionate touches for the day. First Auru, and now Shad had awkwardly walked in and out of the throne room that was supposed to be a welcoming and safe environment.
“I’m still in your throne,” Link said, voicing the only issue with going about the rest of the day normally.
“I know,” Zelda voiced with a bashful smirk.
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vinjaryou · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @razerathane - thank you~!
1: How many works do you have on AO3/fanfiction.net?
On AO3: 57 I don't remember my ff.net login, it's been so long.
2: What's your total Ao3/fanfiction.net word count?
172,928 words
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Now I focus mainly on the Compilation of FFVII (again), but I have written for Legend of Zelda, Tekken, Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, some FFIX, and some GetBackers and Higurashi.
4: What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
two guys and a gondola (Barret & Cloud)
reunions & new beginnings (a touch of VinVeld)
Control, or The Lack Thereof (written for Chaos Theory)
a nice, quiet country life (Zack/Aerith, hinted Zack/Aerith/Cloud)
a lost art (Sephiroth/Genesis)
5: Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I should, and I did for a bit before stopping. Mostly because I get shy, but I promise to try to get better about it.
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably 'etched in glass,' since it centers around Vincent flashing back to an incident in Hojo's laboratory. There's also 'welcome to my nightmare,' which features Vincent losing control of Hellmasker in the midst of battle…
7: What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'three little words.' Hands down. There's even a beautiful piece I commissioned to go with it~
8: Do you get hate on fics?
I think I got one comment that was just "uh, what," and I shrugged it off. I don't write popular enough pairings regularly enough to get hate, methinks.
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Mainly VinRei (my canon/OC pair), and it literally goes from sweet to racy. I've written sweet lovemaking, and Chaotic semi-monsterfucking.
10: Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I used to because I was in LJ roleplay communities years ago, and a lot of crackships were forged there. Vincent/Nabooru, Ban Midou/Rider (GetBackers/Fate Stay Night), angsty Dark Link & Aerith, a twisted father/daughter relationship between Akabane & Rena Ryuugu (GB and Higurashi), Kadaj and Rinoa were getting cute, and then there was the big sister/little brother dynamics of Cain and Nabooru (GodChild and Zelda: OoT)… I think I have a list somewhere of all the crackships and friendships between characters, lol
I do have an idea for a one-off crossover fight piece that I've discussed with a friend… stay tuned~
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, but now I'm feeling a little paranoid…
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Well, not that I know of.
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My late best friend and I co-wrote Zelda and Yu-Gi-Oh crackfics all throughout high school and college; never published because we did it just for fun and for our friend group, and I still have it all, including a bunch of artwork she did for them.
14: What's your all time favorite ship?
Vincent/Reilena, my FFVII canon/OC ship.
15: What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Both 'Sands of Desire' (a YGO AE canon/OC fic I was writing, and suddenly dropped; to this day I still know exactly how I would end it) and 'Bleeding Angel' (Tekken, OCs, spanned Tekken 3, Tag, and 4, but I quit writing it when 5 came out).
'Sweet Lady Luck' is the Final Fantasy VII Casino AU that I keep posting little scenes for, that I swear I will get started posting actual chapters for THIS FUCKING YEAR, because I have so much planned for it, and I love it and them so much. So that is a WIP that I WILL finish, come hell or high water.
16: What are your writing strengths?
Characterization and emotion; I think I have a pretty good grip of character personalities.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes dialogue or just knowing when to END a scene.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I used to be super cheesy about it (think old-school fansubs lol), now I try not to do it altogether; if it happens, the dialogue will be put in brackets to designate it as being in another language. If you can get it to work though, that's awesome~
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
20: Favorite fic you've written?
Honestly? Right now it's tied between 'three little words' and 'when chaos and passion collide.' Both VinRei pieces, one sweet and emotional, the other smutty and emotional.
Feel free to snag this if interested!
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greysfinder · 2 years
Kitaria fables coop
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You'll need much more than brute strength and magic to survive the coming darkness. Do your prefer to burn your enemies from a distance, freeze them where they stand, or trust in sword or bow to do your damage? Kit your loadout in a way which suits your preferred style of battle and craft magic, weapons and armour which compliment your play style. Wield melee weapons and bows and forge new spells. Make your way to Paw Village to your Uncles home, and from your new base, explore the huge world teaming with wildlife, resources and loot to help you in the long journey ahead. As the wildlife around Paw Village becomes increasingly aggressive, The Empire has called upon you to investigate and defend its citizens. Real time combat, exploration and dungeoneering sit alongside farming for provisions and the crafting of weapons and armour, and forging new spells to increase your power.Ī peaceful land where nature lives in harmony - until now. Kitaria Fables is a delightfully cute action adventure RPG with farming and crafting! Enter the cute world of Kitaria and take on the quests of your animal neighbours as they face a rising tide of darkness. If you're jonesing for a tasty action-farming-adventure, Kitaria Fables has you covered.” If Fantasy Life is a Wagyu beef steak, Kitaria Fables is a really, REALLY good burger. “A fantastic tribute to Fantasy Life that nails the kind of grindy combat that many people love, Kitaria Fables is genuinely sweet and impressively well-made for a three-person team in under three years. Or if you think you can get away with a limited income, you can mostly forgo the farming and head straight into the adventure! Overall, Kitaria Fables is a wholesome and relaxed time.” Since the game is pretty open, you can really go at your own pace, you don’t have to do any of the story quests right away if you feel like opting towards farming and gathering instead. It has a decent balance of farming and adventure, a solid story and the most adorable characters you will ever see. “If you’re a fan of games like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley and Rune Factory, you’ll definitely like this title. I played this for hours at a time, unable to put it down.” “Kitaria Fables is an incredibly fun RPG that combines the exploration and fighting style of Zelda with the farming and village gameplay of Stardew Valley and the cute animal characters of Animal Crossing.
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gliphyartfan · 2 years
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MY BOY...God he is just so pretty. I love him so much. Twilight Princess was my first Zelda game and so he will always be my favorite. -He did pout about losing the wolf pelt but he has settled for fur-lined jackets that are well broken in.
-Does own cowboy boots, mainly cause the other fuckers boys keep just giving them to him.
-You can see the chest tattoo peeking out...I am soooo tempted to draw them all. Definitely one of the more heavily inked along with Legend and Wild.
-Had to have room to run around as Wolfie.
-I see him wanting and maybe owning a ranch? He needs a weekend away to ride Epona and be away from the city. (Our girl BETTER have come with our boy or we RIOT)...also gives him an escape with y/n when she gets close enough with them. He'd love to show her an escape from the stress of the city...and how wonderful life with him can be.
-His clothes are more durable than comfortable. He likes broken in clothes, especially good leather. -Just as charming as Warriors but in a more, good boy way. Definitely, boy next door vibes...no one expects the violence he is capable of when you come between him and his singular reason to exist. He loves his darling so much.
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Oooh, if that man approached me... huehuehue
First off yes, If Epona can traverse through the portal in canon, she can travel beyond dimensions! (The horses of the modern world WISH they could be a single percent as amazing as Epona!)
Chest tattoo? I wish to to pull the collar of hos shirt out...and see the full view... huehuehue
Ahem, I mean, from a creative standpoint, of course...
I feel that the main house the chain reside in is nice and large. Not because they wanna be extravagant, but those dungeon crawlers learned a thing or two about making a large building veeeery complex (with traps and runes and places to hide their prisoners...)
But they do have large spaces and most of them DO have their own little properties. So Twilight would have a ranch with many acres of land and Legend would have a set of warehouses and a huge library that only the rest of the chain have access to.
Four would have a private personal forge to create things. (Not to be confused with the main forge he uses to make the chain their weapons)
Time would have probably bough some property on the water for Wind (and made sure the sailor had a few old fashioned and modern boats so he can expand his skill)
I like how it looks like a punk but the moment someone would speak to him, it's like whiplash!
(When he dresses for 'business', ooooh he is as deadly as his blade. Then again they all have that trait)
If he manages to obtain something of hers that has her scent, he stays as Wolfie, basically just drilling her scent into his memory, so he could never forget it. (Even though he acts intoxicated if he does that for too long, but the others merely swipe away whatever he's latching to in order to snap him out of it. Even though they'll probably do the same thing when somewhere private)
Remember, this boys be cray-cray, but they are gentlemen! (Even if they have some crooked morals these days. But for their beloved, they can reign them in!)
A fantastic piece! I just wanna snatch his jacket, I bet it's nice and comfy!
Phenomenal work!
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bokettochild · 3 years
nintendo rlly said that these peeps live right in the freakin sky and are white as hell huh. like bro?? why are they all(most of them) white?? wind lives on a tropical island, he’s at least an bit tan?? tbh i think the whitest of them would be legend, four and twi. they live in p shady areas and prob time too because he grew up in a forest
I think it would be something a bit less like Nintendo's take and a bit more like this-
Wind is the darkest skinned of them. I'm thinking Pacific Islander level of brown, well loved by the sun and much harder to burn than literally all of his brothers.
Twi is close to, if not darker than Wind, depending o how you feel about the Gerudo Twilight theory. He's got darker skin from his heritage, but also because he's a freaking farm boy! As a former farm-girl (man I miss that) I can say this- come summer you're either red as a hen's comb or you're brown as their eggs cause there isn't much in between!
Sky is tan. Not as much as most Skyloftians, because he's always been something of a sleepy remlit and tends to doze in shady places. He's tan though, a warm sun-kissed color, and definitely handles heat better than anyone blow him on this list.
Wild is nearly as tan as Sky. Kid runs around half clothed most of the time, his tan is everywhere and he is incapable of burning. Even without sun, I hc him as having a naturally darker skin shade, although I also have him dealing with vitiligo, so he does get selectively crispy in some spots, which is annoying as all get out.
When split, Red has a healthy tan from being out in the sun a lot, and Green's a got a softish one himself. Blue's inside of the forge a lot after their adventure, so he doesn't see the sun unless he's training, patrolling, or got dragged out by Zelda or his brothers. Vio though? Boy looks like he's burn if he stood in the sun for ten minutes, has to wear long sleeves or suffer throughout summer (and suffer he does) so he and Shadow have to share a sun umbrella in the warmer months when they go places.
Collectively of course, Four is only lightly tanned, hardly enough to be noticed, unless you stand him next to Legend or Wars.
Time is a healthy golden himself, I think. Like, again, farm life does that to you. Also he's got a wife he has no problem with him working shirtless, so this ain't no farmers tan, this is the legit thing. He burns easy-ish (Kolkiri ae essentially Irish), but he is capable of tanning.
Hyrule is pale. Like, the sun has been hiding behind clouds of malice for ages, you can't tell me he's tan. He's naturally of a darker skin tone, maybe slightly olive (I've seen hcs that Catalia is essentially Italy) but he just looks sick most of the time because he's never seen the sun since he started adventuring. (I have a friend who's a light olive, but tends to hide indoors, so they kinda look sickly when they don't get any sun, even when they're perfectly fine).
Wars is pale. Like, he can't tan. There's a double purpose for that scarf, and while he gets teased, it works well as a veil against harsh sunlight. He's kinda just- white. Like, not super pale, but the Gerudo desert would kill him without sun-block.
Legend could be mistaken for a porcelain doll. Like, he grew up in the shade of an orchard, and while, sure, he tanned when he was travelling abroad, he also spent a lot of time in Lorule, which has very poor lighting, and afterwards he was always galivanting around in big hats and weird clothes that covered most of him. Legend cannot tan well, and it always comes at the cost of a sunburn first.
And boy oh boy did I get carried away with that! But yes, anon, I agree. These boys ain't all white.
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ladyorlandodream · 3 years
Lady Dimitrescu-tag FanFiction List PART 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 part 6   part 7
871) Another Story DLC (Chapters in progress)
872) Oh, To Be The Lady's (Chapters in progress)
873) Rust (Chapters in progress)
874) Serendipity (Chapters in progress)
875) Mechanical Hearts (Chapters in progress)
876) Bela’s Pet (Chapters in progress)
877) The day the earth stood still (Chapters, Completed)
878) Parasite: Karl Heisenberg x Oc (Chapters, Completed)
879) A Life Of Peace (Chapters in progress)
880) Obscenum (short story)
881) I can't believe I am stuck with y'all (short story)
882) Oneshots and Headcanons For RE8 (Chapters in progress)
883) Countenance (Chapters in progress)
884) Drain You|(mostly) Gay Resident Evil Oneshots (Chapters in progress)
885) Payback (short story)
886) The Devil In I (Chapters in progress)
887) Maiden's Cum (short story)
888) A Jewel To Be Won (Chapters in progress)
889) The Fugitive (Finding Home)
890) Resident Evil Village: A Different Path (Chapters in progress)
891) to be body and nothing else (short story)
892) connoisseur of comfort (Chapters, Completed)
893) A Great and Terrible Beauty (short story)
894) In League with Dragons (Chapters in progress)
895) Helpless (short story)
896) The Dragon’s Den (Chapters, Completed)
897) I Don't Wanna Go (short story)
898) Ladies of the Night (short story)
899) The Dimitrescu Line (Chapters in progress)
900) Devotion By Choice (Chapters in progress)
901) Lady Dimitrescu captured by Umbrella (short story)
902) Roses and Thorns (Chapters in progress)
903) For the Lords (Chapters in progress)
904) A Meeting in Snow (Chapters in progress)
905) a lesser woman (Chapters in progress)
906) Wings (short story)
907) Fools in Love (short story)
908) For All Eternity (Chapters, Completed)
909) Safe Now (short story)
910) Resident Evil: Village Incorrect Quotes Resident Evil: Village Incorrect Quotes
911) Flesh and Blood (Chapters Completed)
912) Past Memories, New Body (Chapters Completed)
913) The Safe Room (short story)
914) ... (Karl Heisenberg x Reader/OC) (Chapters in progress)
915) Something Other Than Shame (Chapters in progress)
916) Protector of the Home (short story)
917) A Spark of Redemption (Chapters in progress)
918) Karl Heisenberg x OC (Chapters in progress)
919) The Killing Cure(Chapters in progress)
920) Soliloquy (short story)
921) Souls of Iron (Chapters in progress)
922) Her Pet (short story)
923) call me by your lover (Chapters Completed)
924) Living in My Demise (Chapters in progress)
925) Metal Gun and Love (Chapters Completed)
926) With a voice like that, there is no need for choirs (short story)
927) Astraphobia (short story)
928) Babysitter (short story)
929) Iron Heart ➢ Karl Heisenberg x FEM!reader (Chapters in progress)
930) Shared Nightmare (an OC / Resident Evil: Village fanfic) (Chapters in progress)
931) I'll Always Come Back (short story)
932) Impossible Tasks (Chapters in progress)
933) What Mothers Do (short story)
934) From Desperation Blooms Life (Chapters in progress)
935) Forbidden Desires (Chapters in progress)
936) Requests for the Dimitrescu! (short story)
937) His Doll (Chapters in progress)
938) Only the hallowed wade in ponds of azure (short story)
939) Stay a night.. (Chapters in progress)
940) Sleeping Beauty (Chapters in progress)
941) Peace through Superior Firepower (Chapters Completed)
942) Like A Lamb to the Slaughter (Chapters in progress)
943) Snugglebugs (short story)
944) Lost Descendant (Chapters in progress)
945) The Countess and the Lord (short story)
946) Better Yourself (short story)
947) A Herculean Effort (or two) (Chapters in progress)
948) before blood and water, there was only thirst (Chapters in progress)
949) Resident Evil Imagines (Chapters in progress)
950) Charade (Chapters in progress)
951) 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬. (short story)
952) Life at castle Dimitrescu (short story)
953) Peaches & Roses (Chapters in progress)
954) The Price We Must Pay (Chapters Completed)
955) Ivory Keys, Ivory Buttons (Chapters Completed)
956) Helping Bela dye her hair (short story)
957) A starter guide on how to be your teacher's favorite student (short story)
958) Her Most Precious Treasure (short story)
959) Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss x Resident Evil Cast (Main Games) (Chapters Completed)
960) Chrysanthemums and Amaranths (short story)
961) Belas Fear (Chapters Completed)
962) The Storm That Started It All (Chapters in progress)
963) Door #2 (Chapters in progress)
964) Kiss my knuckles and beg me to hurt you (short story)
965) And then there were five (Chapters Completed)
966) Delicate (Chapters in progress)
967) In The Dead Of Winter (Chapters in progress)
968) Numb (Chapters in progress)
969) bow and arrow (short story)
970) A Tear in the Timeline: What If? (Chapters in progress)
971) The Cure to Poison (Chapters in progress)
972) Firestarter (Chapters in progress)
973) Always and Forever (Chapters in progress)
974) Daughter Dearest (Chapters in progress)
975) Always and forever One-shots (Chapters in progress)
976) Tangled in Red {HIATUS} (Chapters in progress)
977) Plaything (Chapters in progress)
978) Held It In (Chapters Completed)
979) The Wolf and the Iron Steed (Chapters in progress)
980) Village of Secrets (Chapters in progress)
981) Is this an Adventure or a Horror? (Chapters in progress)
982) The Blood Stained Snow at the Bottom of the Hill (Chapters in progress)
983) Calamity (Andrea) (Chapters in progress)
984) Ophelia (short story)
985) Forging the Way Forward (Chapters in progress)
986) Go Gently (short story)
987) Innocent mistakes (short story)
988) Sânge Primordial (Chapters in progress)
989) Ignoring Canon: Poor Hobo Mechanic (Chapters in progress)
990) Agreeing at a price (short story)
991) Tainted (Chapters in progress)
992) The Legend of Zelda: Trope Wars (Chapters in progress)
993) Oh My God, You're Chris Redfield (Chapters in progress)
994) Blood Hydrangea (Chapters in progress)
995) Listen to me countess (Chapters in progress)
996) I Push, You Pull (short story)
997) Reincarnation (Chapters in progress)
998) The Long Mile (Chapters in progress)
999) Brought to Light (short story)
1000) to love and to lose (Chapters Completed) 1001) Two Shorten the Road (Chapters in progress)
1002) Wonderland (Chapters in progress)
1003) Village of Shadows (Chapters in progress)
1004) Family Pet (Chapters in progress)
1005) Deadly Nightshade (Chapters in progress)
1006) Heavy Metal Lover (Chapters in progress)
1007) What Could Have Been (Chapters in progress)
1008) Maybe...? (short story)
1009) room for growth
1010) Never They Will Not (Chapters Completed)
1011) When the Gears Start Clicking (Chapters Completed)
1012) The Four Families (Chapters in progress)
1013) Fine Things (Chapters in progress)
1014) Oneshots (Chapters in progress)
1015) A Honey Soaked Lullaby (short story)
1016) The Pet and the Pendulum (Chapters Completed)
1017) The Heisenberg Option (Chapters in progress)
1018) Lady Dimitrescu Isn't That Bad If You Ignore That She Tried To Kill Me! (short story)
1019) She Lit A Fire (Chapters Completed)
1020) Remove Your Hat! (short story)
1021) Reset (short story)
1022) Steel and Ash (short story)
1023) Stranger in a Strange Land (Chapters in progress)
1024) The Lady's Wife (Chapters in progress)
1025) The many joys of a broken life (Chapters in progress)
1026) The Lord of House Zamfir (Chapters in progress)
1027) The Morning After (short story)
1028) the coffee maker (short story)
1029) SUBJECT 06 (Chapters in progress)
1030) Defective (short story)
1031) “ Happy Birthday! ” (short story)
1032) Anything for You (Chapters Completed)
1033) the flowers are dead, fruit doesn’t taste the same (short story)
1034) A New Home (short story)
1035) Criminal (Karl Heisenberg x Original Character)
1036) Living with man-eaters (Dimitrescu and daughters x male reader) (Chapters in progress)
1037) What If We Had The Choice? (short story)
1038) Mrs. Crocodile (short story)
1039) Step On Me Tall Lady (short story)
1040) Drinking Pal (short story)
1041) The Deal We Made (ReaderXHeisenberg) (Chapters in progress)
1042) Nimble Fingers (short story)
1043) One day, the flower shall bloom (Chapters in progress)
1044) Multi-Verse Crack-shots (Chapters in progress)
1045) Family Matters (Chapters in progress)
1046) Pretty Little Thing (short story)
1047) Sweet Sacrilege (Chapters Completed)
1048) Self Indulgence (Chapters in progress)
1049) Deeper Roots (Chapters in progress)
1050) Karl Heisenberg: Five Star Fuckup (Chapters in progress)
1051) The Crows (Chapters in progress)
1052) The Apprentice (Chapters in progress)
1053) Lycanthropy (Chapters in progress)
1054) That was a Choice... (Chapters in progress)
1055) Already Dripping For Me, Pet? (Chapters in progress)
1056) Oh Heathens, Mine (short story)
1057) Black song, white scales (short story)
1058) Seal Lullaby (short story)
1059) The Iron Briar (Chapters in progress)
1060) A maiden's tale (short story)
1061) Terroir (short story)
1062) In the Face of Evil: A Resident Evil Village AU (Chapters in progress)
1063) Jedem das Seine (short story)
1064) Eye of the beholder (Chapters in progress)
1065) Together (Chapters in progress)
1066) BelaDonna Collection [HIATUS] (Chapters in progress)
1067) Ghost Love Score (short story)
1068) Poison & Rust (Chapters in progress)
1069) Acceptance (Chapters Completed)
1070) simple favours (short story)
1071) Red Fish, Blue Fish (Chapters in progress)
1072) The Snowfall Conundrum (Chapters in progress)
1073) Dinner for Two (short story)
1074) Make Me Holy (short story)
1075) A midsummers night monster (Chapters in progress)
1076) Don’t post this without a title- me (Chapters in progress)
1077) The Fisherman's Daughter (Chapters in progress)
1078) The Monsters We Find (Chapters in progress)
1079) Social Engineering (Chapters in progress)
1080) Look After Them (And Try Not to Make too Much of a Mess) (short story)
1081) Hearts of Stone (short story)
1082) The Iron Alpha (Chapters Completed)
1083) An Act of Kindness (Chapters Completed)
1084) Pursuit Of A Maiden's Heart (Chapters in progress)
1085) Iubirea Lui Pierdută | Karl Heisenberg (Chapters in progress)
1086) Venomous Cure (short story)
1087) Karl Heisenberg x m!reader oneshots (Chapters in progress)
1088) Eat of Me, Drink of Me (short story)
1089) Bittersweet (short story)
1090) Worst holiday ever...unless? (Chapters in progress)
1091) New in town (Chapters in progress)
1092) The Steel Omega (Chapters Completed)
1093) Psychic Attraction (Chapters in progress)
1094) Start Running (Chapters in progress)
1095) Рухлядь (short story)
1096) Blood War Rebellion (Chapters in progress)
1097) Rewarding Myself (Chapters Completed)
1098) can you feel my heart? (Chapters Completed)
1099) An evening in the castle (short story)
1100) Carrion Eating and Other Such Transgressions (Chapters in progress)
59 notes · View notes
minty-mumbles · 3 years
One Last Journey
Summary: Link has felt death before, and knows how it tugs on your bones before it claims you. He’s known for a while that it was nearly time. Well past time, in his opinion. Every man owes death his dues, and his are nearly two hundred years late.
Author's Note: You can read this on AO3 Here
Content Warning: Death from Old Age, Angst, Not exactly a happy fic, but not super sad either? Bittersweet Ending.
The funeral of Zelda, the former queen of Hyrule, is a quiet affair. The only ones there are her family and a few close friends. Normally, such an event would warrant a much larger crowd, and at least a few dignitaries, offering their condolences. And it wasn’t like the former Queen was disliked. In fact, she was beloved.
However, she had stepped down from the throne many years ago, so her daughter could take the queenship. To the general public, her death meant little more than a town crier announcing the news, and a day of mourning. Besides that, the woman had also expressed the wish for a quiet send off. Just her family and friends, no strangers from distant lands.
Slowly, after the dirt is well and truly settled over the casket, and the day grows longer, most of the funeral goers drift off, to attend to their duties, or mourn in private.
The last one to leave the cemetery is an old, aged man. He approaches the gravestone form where he had been standing at the back of the crowd. He looks, contemplatively at the cold, unfeeling stone. He did not cry during the ceremony, and he does not do so now.
He simply nods to the stone, as if saying ‘farewell, see you later,’ a dear old friend. Out from a glowing slate at his hip, he draws a flower crown of silent princesses. He places the crown around the top of the gravestone, then leaves without a word.
Although he has a room in the castle, he does not go there. He turns instead towards the city gate. He speaks to no one on the way out of town. Although he is well known, and has many friends here, no one tries to stop him. They know well the grief he feels, and leave him alone. They know, despite his age, and less than spry appearance, he is no push over, and can look after himself. There is no need to stop him from leaving the safety of town.
He first travels to Gerudo town. The vai outfit he wore in his youth hasn’t worked in many years, and he doesn’t even bother. Despite this, he’s let in with little fuss. He is, perhaps, the only man in memory to be freely let into this town. He has done so much for the Gerudo throughout the years, and has been nothing but polite. They could hardly refuse him.
He presents to the Chieftess Riju with a gift of a nearly legendary scimitar, and a beautiful shield. Both are well cared for, and seemingly untouched by age. He doesn't stay in the town for long. It’s hard for him to walk on the shifting sands in his old age, even with the help of his well-worn sand boots, and the heat is getting to him in a way it never did when he was young.
Next, he travels to Rito village. This town, like most of the other settlements, has grown since the defeat of the calamity, and is more of a Rito City. He speaks with the Elder Teba, presenting him with the Great Eagle bow. To pass on to a Rito that Teba thinks has the skill to wield such a renowned weapon, the man says.
The two sit and speak for a while, reminiscing on years past, but eventually, the man hauls himself to his feet and sets out. He has to use the rope bridges now, much too old for the paraglider he used in his youth, a fact which he curses internally.
Next, he stops by the Lost Woods. He doesn’t speak to the Great Deku Tree. The two have known each other for years, and the ancient tree had been a source of wisdom whenever the man had felt troubled. There was nothing left to say to each other, only silent understanding. The man plunges an ancient sword back into its rightful place in its pedestal, and leaves, letting the mists on the forest whisk him back to the entrance.
Although the castle is close, the man turns away from the structure, heading east instead. He has no business there anymore, and something deep within his bones tells him that he won’t be seeing it up close again any time soon.
The next stop on his path is Goron City. The flamebreaker armor has been long retired, heat resistance potions much more easy on old bones. The Elder Yunobo greets him with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm, leaving him with aching ribs. Laughing, the Goron suggests a dip in the hot springs to help soothe sore muscles and bones. They spend a good afternoon speaking amiably in the warm water, sharing stories and tales.
When it’s time for the man to move on, he silently hands over the weapon that Yunobo’s grandfather himself once wielded. In return, he received another bone bruising hug, and copious amounts of tears. He quickly excuses himself from the Goron’s presence, in fear of yet another hug.
From here, it’s only a short journey to the Zora Domain. Here, he is welcomed with more warmth than any other settlement he has visited. Not that the other places were cold, but the Domain has always seemed like a second home to him. The Zora here haven't seemed to change much since the man wandered into the Domain for the first time, all those years ago. They welcome him with the same familiarity as always.
He is led directly to speak with King Sidon, who now sits on the throne, as his father once did. The man stays in the Domain for the longest time of all the places he’s stopped on his journey, but after only a week, he can feel the urge to move off again. Before he leaves, though, he presents the Zora king with an invaluable gift. The Lightscale Trident is entrusted into the Zoras’ capable hands once again. He leaves with only a small smile and nod to the statue in the courtyard of a beautiful young healer.
From there, the man travels to Hateno. He sells the house he owned there. It had been a faithful place to rest, a good place to fall back to and recuperate at for many years. It had been rarely used in recent years, and the man did not have much to retrieve from inside of it. He sells the building to a young man named Jaxson, who owns the Bolson Construction company. He supposes that the house will be torn down and rebuilt now, as it was about to be when he purchased it.
He makes the climb up to a laboratory on top of the hill, to speak with farewell to a middle aged sheikah scientist. He leaves her with his most prized possession which has been with him since nearly before he could remember, the Sheikah Slate. He can tell that she would find much more use from it than he ever could. Perhaps she could even replicate it, and start the widespread use of Sheikah technology again.
His second to last stop is Kakariko village. He greets the leader of the town, Paya, with the kind of easy camaraderie that is forged out of years of friendship, and fighting side by side. He hardly stops to talk though, before he’s moving on.
His final destination is the Great Plateau. This place alone had been left untouched by the restoration efforts after the fall of The Calamity; Zelda had declared it a sacred place, and besides that, it was too inaccessible to most races, except perhaps the Rito.
The Temple of Time was even more run down than he remembered from when the man first saw it. The roof had nearly entirely collapsed at this point, the bell tower barely clinging to where it’s supported by a few rotten wooden boards. The North faring wall has crumbled by now as well, leaving open view of most of Hyrule. Despite the continued ruin slowly overtaking the place, the goddess statue still sat at the dais, whole and untouched.
The man did not kneel in front of the statue, standing proud in front of it. He doesn't even show the reverence of lowering his head. Instead, he looks off to the side, at the restored Hyrule Castle. The man would never grow tired of the sight of this symbol of Hyrule standing proud once more. “The first time I spoke to you,” The man says, “You told me to ‘go, and bring peace to Hyrule.’” With a sigh, he refocuses his gaze back on the statue's unmoving face. “I think I’ve done that, don’t you?”
If anyone were to observe this scene, they would hear or see no reply, the statue remaining as still as ever. But the old man smiles, as if receiving a confirmation, and turns away.
The climb up to the Shrine of Resurrection is not an easy one, but the man has undertaken far more difficult treks in his life, and he makes it all the same. He stops to admire the view from the entrance for just a moment. His first memory is seeing Hyrule spread out before him as it is now. The sight had nearly brought him to tears. Although he hadn't known what the feeling was at the time, now he knew it to be awe. The feeling of love for this wild place never truly left, even after all these years.
Though he did not kneel before even the goddess, when he makes it the final chamber of the shrine, he does kneel. He gazes reverently at the bed he once spent one hundred years laying in, and shuts his eyes. He knows that his journey has at last come full circle.
The man has felt death before, and knows how it tugs on your bones before it claims you. He’s known for a while that it was nearly time.
Well past time, in his opinion. Every man owes death his dues, and his are nearly two hundred years late.
It is not clear when he passes, but he does. Far away from any Hylian life, deep in the Shrine of Resurrection and where his journey truly began, the Hero of Hyrule dies. The aches and pains fall away from his body like water off duck feathers, and his grey hair turns blonde once again.
He is welcomed in death with countless, open, familiar arms.
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The Light’s Downfall - Chapter 1 - The End of the Beginning
[It’s past the 1 year anniversary of this fic, and I’ll be posting chapter 2 tomorrow as well, so I thought I’d finally post chapter 1. Though I guess more importantly it’s the 3 year anniversary of my grandmother’s death tomorrow who in a way got me to write this as a way to cope with the loss. Please let me know if I need to tag anything. I really don't want to upset or trigger anyone accidentally. With that being said, expect this fic to get dark.]
Read it on AO3
Warning(s): Major Character Death of two characters, grief and dealing with the aftermath of death.
The air was nearly suffocating, oppressively heavy as Link made his way up the staircase to the room above, his body still bruised and bloody from the Guardians’ onslaught. The end was in sight, Vaati was within reach, and then this would all be over. He could finally go back to how his life was before this happened. Link could feel his heart beating frantically in his chest as the platform came into view. The wind mage, standing with his arms raised in front of the petrified form of Zelda, smiled as the bell tolled a final time.
“We’re too late,” Link could hear Ezlo’s despair, his own heart stuttering in response to those words.
He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, knuckles white and shaking. He refused to give up here. He charged at Vaati, Four Sword raised with the intent to kill, only to be blown back into the wall. Vaati laughed, newfound power easily lifting him into the air, as Link was forced to watch his childhood friend crumbled where she had been.
“Now, I can finally dispose of you annoying pests!”
A burst of magic flew towards him, Ezlo squawking loudly as Link rolled out of the way before it made contact. Link glared at the mage, anger and barely contained fear causing him to shake.
“Vaati,” Ezlo’s voice shook, “Please, see reason. This isn’t you, you need to stop this.”
“No, it’s been too long since I’ve felt truly powerful, too long since I discovered what I could truly become. And you, dear teacher, were merely a stepping stone in my path to become who I truly am.”
Vaati’s form wavered, dark magic surrounding him on all sides, obscuring him from view. Link stood on shaky legs, using his sword to support his weight as Ezlo whispered reassurances, though it was obvious that he was just as scared as Link was.
They had lost, there was nothing left for them to do but to wait for the inevitable, but something inside him forced him to keep going, to keep fighting. And as Vaati appeared again, bathed in a glowing purple light, eyes now bright yellow against a shadowed face, magic gathering at his fingertips, Link charged once again. He cried out, in pain and anger as he aimed for Vaati, sword slashing through the air instead of the body of the smug Wind Mage.
“Link, look out!”
He barely registered the weight leaving his head, barely felt the corrupted magic brush at his back. He turned, just in time to witness Ezlo jumping in front of the shot that was meant for him. His breath wavered, watching as his companion screamed in agony, the sound echoing, piercing through his mind, then stopped, falling limp to the floor.
He fell to his knees, reaching out towards his partner, his friend , faint hope that the other was still alive despite the wounds he had suffered. But before he could so much as call out to him, Ezlo crumbled into dust before him, taking what little confidence and hope Link still had with him.
“Such a shame,” Vaati spoke, Link only managing to look up at the slowly approaching mage, “His fate was his own decision, he chose to save you above saving himself. Pitiful really, his sacrifice won’t make a difference.”
Link leaned heavily on the sword still in his grasp, standing once again to face down Vaati, eyes bright with rage and determination.
“This is just sad, you think you can still fight me? Stupid boy, you’ve lost! You’ve doomed your entire kingdom!” Vaati spread his arms, face twisting in malicious glee, “Look around you! I’ve won! There’s nothing left for you now! So just die!”
He blocked the spell hurtling towards him with his blade, it bursting against the holy weapon upon impact. Link refused to give in, he wouldn’t give up without a fight, not after everything he had gone through, everything he had suffered through just to get to this point.
Vaati grew angered, eyes glowing, piercingly bright as the air crackling around him, fingers growing into sharp claws in response. He rushed at Link, slashing at him over and over, each blow being blocked by sword and shield as they backed closer and closer to the edge of the platform.
Link kept his eyes on the mage, staying on the defensive to avoid the corrupted magic from hitting him dead on. Until his foot hit the open air. With a gasp, he fell back, grasping for the edge of the platform desperately as he saw Vaati standing above him, smiling gleefully.
“Seems I’ve won, little hero.”
Link growled, pulling himself up and kicking at Vaati, the mage laughing as he stepped away. Link held out his sword, panting and hoping that he could gather enough strength to finally finish him off. If only it were that easy.
“I grow tired of this game,” Vaati sighed, summoning pitch-black magic into his palm, “Goodbye, Hero of the Four Sword.”
Link watched the spell get closer, raising his blade as though to parry it back at the mage, and with a swing, all he felt was agony. Pain filled his mind, screams tore from his throat until the world finally faded away to black.
He could feel the surface below him, cold and hard and uncomfortable. He could hear the familiar calls of birds in the distance, their songs calming and grounding as they continued. He moved his hand, grasping at whatever was underneath him, only to feel coarse dirt below him.
‘Wait, dirt?’
He sat up quickly, eyes snapping open to see a stone wall before him. He was in a cave, at least, he assumed it was a cave with how light drifted in through the tall opening at one side. The birdsong was clear, but as the noise caught up to him, quiet breaths began to reach his ears. The cave was small, shallow, and it seemed that he wasn’t alone here.
“Oh, you’re finally up,” he turned to see a boy dressed in a fiery red tunic, a small almost grin on his face, “I was wondering when you’d join the land of the living.”
He flinched at the word choice, the grimace on the other’s face betraying his actual feelings about the joke. He slowly stood up, taking in his surroundings more to see two other boys leaning against the cave wall. One dressed in ocean blue was looking around lost, eyes unfocused, and staring off into space. The other donning an amethyst tunic had his arms holding his legs close to his chest, face hidden where it was pressed against his knees. He had a feeling they looked the same as he and the red one did like the copies Link could create with the Four Sword.
“What happened?”
“I had an idea, but I don’t know if it makes sense,” the red one spoke, shrugging, “I think Vaati’s magic did something to the Four Sword. We all have identical looking blades now, besides our faces anyway, so it only makes sense.”
“So we’re all Link… that's confusing.”
The red boy laughed, though it sounded unsure, falling and fading quickly.
“I figured, based on the elements we put into the sword anyway, that I’d use the name Blaze,” he gestured to the other two, “the blue one chose Wave while purple over there called himself Terra. He hasn’t spoken since then.”
Worry bloomed in his mind, but it wasn’t the time to deal with that, not yet. Shaking his head, he looked down at himself expecting some sort of appearance change like the other three, only to find nothing. Just the same green tunic he had started the adventure with, dirty and slightly torn up from the fights he had been in. He recalled the elemental stones that he had forged the blade with and it was really quite obvious what name he should choose.
“Call me Breeze.”
With that decided, Breeze motioned for Blaze to follow, trying to figure out just where they were. All that was visible from the front of the cave were trees, tall enough to block most of the sky from view. The clearing was small, but not claustrophobic. Blaze had rushed ahead, looking around quickly until he stopped and turned back, gesturing to the forest around them.
“Let’s try and climb up, maybe we can see further, figure out where exactly we are.”
It was a good idea, and they had been lucky, the trees, while tall, were easy enough to climb. Each branch pulling the two boys up and up, further and further away from the ground. When they had reached the top, gazing at the land around them, all went still, the sounds of nature around them stopping as the two boys took in the sight ahead of them.
They could see Hyrule Town, their home, surrounded by a dark cloud stretching far across the land. The Minish Woods were consumed and not even the peak of Mt. Crenel was visible through it. It was as though all Light had been stripped of the land they had called home, the people they had known, those he had befriended and loved, lost in the darkness. There was nothing left now. Vaati had won.
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shekorla · 4 years
Linked Universe Zeldas
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So last December I decided to draw my idea for the Zeldas on a whim. Found the WIP recently and decided to finish it.
Also, I typed up all my headcanons for them because I have a lot. They are below the cut. 
And I put down nickname ideas, because I'm bad at naming things, and I think the LU discord has already decided on a set of nicknames that they like. Personally, I really dislike most of those though.
❖Corresponding Link: Four
     o Age: Teen, just older than Four. Not a major difference, just enough that she can tease him about it.
     o Status: Officially still holds the title of princess, acts more like a queen. Her father is extremely protective of her, but after Vaati he conceded that he couldn’t protect her forever. Since then she has been learning to fight, forge (not good at it), and taking over more and more responsibilities from her aging father
     o Nickname ideas: Light, Picori, Force
     o Fighting style: Mostly fights with a sword and shield. Has extremely strong innate light magic. (light force, although weaker now) Doesn’t necessarily know how to focus it yet (magic bomb, some healing). If you are going to be on the battlefield stop running around like that.
     o Current relationship to Link: Best friends, practically siblings. When they were kids there was definitely some major crushing going on. Then everything with Vaati happened and things got… complicated. Neither she nor Link really knows what type of romance they want for the future. They still play lots of pranks on people. She helps keep him stable on the days when his colors get a little too wild.
     o Random stuff: Hyperactive and cheery. Always something new to see or learn and she wants to do it. hates sitting still, she is always moving somehow (got turned to stone). Top is hers; Link made the sword (gift), rest is extras from four’s parts (stolen). Hair is naturally extremely curly, lets it down for formal things, tied up for adventuring. Helped four get back to functioning as Link after being four people. Will attack him to get him to take care of himself. Is taller than both four and wind.
❖ Corresponding Link: Hyrule
     o Age: At least a hundred. Was 18 when she was cursed to sleep, no one is exactly sure how long she was asleep.
     o Status: Was a princess before falling asleep, offered the crown once woken up. Really over being royal. Link helped her get a job and lodging on a farm at the edge of Hyrule. Really likes that.
     o Nickname ideas: Legacy, Farmgirl, First, Ancestor.
     o Fighting style: Healer. Lots of bandages to patch everyone up. Doesn’t like to fight, but will stab a man if the need arises. The world is cruel, be kind. Has weak magic, a little bit of healing, and lots of prophetic. Knows the best places to hide on a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They are good friends. He checks up on her from time to time, and she makes sure that he always has a place to rest and relax in safety. Their world is a little bit of a mess, everyone needs a support system.
     o Random stuff: Has insomnia. Afraid of not waking up. Extremely wise, or maybe just world-weary. On tense but good terms with current queen Zelda of Hyrule. Forgives her brother, has come to terms with her fate. Taciturn and calm, probably depressed. Extremely sensitive to dark magic. (like an old burn wound) Dislikes people who use it to forcefully get their way. Doesn’t outright hate the principle of it, but will actively shy away from the presence of it.
❖ Corresponding Link: Time
     o Age: Adult, mentally/physically the same age.
     o Status: Queen of Hyrule. She is married and has a daughter.
     o Nickname ideas: Destiny, Sheik, Queen, Lyre/Harp (what is that thing?), Sage.
     o Fighting style: Fights mostly with magic. Uses the harp to play songs (ironically fights like HW sheik) has basic sheikah skills. Has only been training to fight for a short time, is still fairly physically weak. One of the most proficient magic users all round. Can take down the basic mooks, but won't last long against a bigger enemy. Knows how to fight alone.
     o Current relationship to Link: Strained. Not OOT sheik. Is MM Zelda. Only knows link as the boy who showed up to save the day, then left. Has had occasional interactions, she visits the ranch, he works with the guard. Only in the past year or two, she has had dream glimpses of the alternate timeline. She knows that she and link killed Ganon side by side, that she helped link disguised as sheik. Does not know about the seven years or most of the trauma. Basically, seen like five cutscenes and nothing else.
     o Random stuff: Prophetic dreams. Knew she would be leaving on a quest. Kingdom is well set up to work in her absence. Loves her family, is an idiot who doesn’t know the importance of checking in via letters for anything other than politics. Snobbish, proud, put too much stock in titles. Best manager, not a great leader (doesn’t have the personal skills for it). Sees the world as extremely black and white.
❖ Corresponding Link: Twilight
     o Age: Young adult.
     o Status: Newly coronated queen, has been running the show for a few years now, it's just barely official
     o Nickname ideas: Dusk, Dawn, Shadow
     o Fighting style: Uses mainly rapier to fight. Also, a great archer. Because of temporarily sharing a soul with Midna, has access to powerful twilight magic. Not as strong as Midna, still strong. Has goddess magic (channel through weapons). Tries to hide twili powers mostly since it's “dark magic”, but only technically. She knows it's not true dark magic and really just wants to avoid a lecture (does not get along well with time’s Zelda). Knows her way around the edge of a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They barely know each other. Only really interacted through saving the world things. Then they went separate ways. She considers Midna a sister and wants to slap both Midna and Link for not realizing they like each other. Once she knows Link better, she will probably tease him a lot.
     o Random stuff: Unlike most of the other Zeldas, sees the world as being mostly shades of grey, rather than stark black and white. Somber and stoic. Secretly a massive gremlin. Has a few habits picked up from Midna's soul along with the magic. Is awkward around ‘normal’ people. Has spent almost her entire life in political settings. One of the best politicians. Rather open about her feelings, it's just small and easily missed. Feels guilty for the troubles that befell both Hyrule and the twilight realm. Hates having to stand back unable to help. Screw rules she is going to help.
❖ Corresponding Link: Wild
      o Age: 118-120ish(?) I don’t know how long it has been since the events of BOTW.
      o Status: Technically queen, currently is focused on rebuilding Hyrule. Has no intention to take up the throne any time soon.
      o Nickname ideas: Scholar, Architect, Champion, Urbosa, Scientist, Little Bird.
      o Fighting style: Not a great fighter but she is learning. Decent with a sword. Gets a crossbow from twilight and then makes her own out of sheikah tech. (currently has no magic and good riddance). Learning to navigate a battlefield.
      o Current relationship to Link: They are good friends, but it's awkward. Neither of them are totally sure how to act around the other. Basically, either gremlin adventures, or awkward small talk. Past the first road trip, only interact a few times a month. She is caught between trying to mourn her knight and accepting her new hero. Cooking shenanigans.
      o Random stuff: Loves learning new things. Can and will study and find the effects of every plant. Knows poisons, antidotes, elixirs, potions, and everything else. Still trying to come to terms with everything that happened. Frequent nightmares. Claustrophobic/minor insomnia. Knows all the languages. Loves studying sheikah tech, and finally gets the chance to as much as she wants. Hates the castle. So many things change culturally over 100 years and she has no idea what to do. Awkward, but sincere.
❖ Corresponding Link: Wind
     o Age: Teen
     o Status: Technically the queen. Hyrule currently consists of a single town on the mainland, and lots of plans. Queenish. Anjean is teaching her how to politics.
     o Nickname ideas: Name is tetra that’s it.
     o Fighting style: Uses a pirate saber as well as the phantom sword. (IDK if spirit tracks is part of Wind’s story, but I was not passing up the opportunity to give tetra a massive sword). Decent archer, and can channel light magic into weapons…. most of the time…... It’s a work in progress. Also has general goddess magic. Big explosion of light. Knows her way around a battlefield
     o Current relationship to Link: Serve on a crew together. Best friends and partners in crime. There is a lot that needs to be done to start a country, they will do it together. It’s not going quickly. They keep getting distracted. Why do paperwork when you can steal things.
     o Random stuff: Smol. Link hit puberty and got a growth spurt. She did not. Not a politician, this child should not be in charge, whose idea was it to let a pirate child run a country. Great leader. All the social skills. Shoot first… that’s it. Sassy. Trying her best to be a good princess and live up to her lineage. It's hard. There is no book. Feels like she is letting everyone down. Hates big birds. Occasional nightmares. Really hates being cold. (turned to stone)
❖ Corresponding Link: Legend
     o Age: Older teen
     o Status: Queen. Has ruled for a while. Amazing support system. They regularly keep things running when she gets kidnapped. Good relations with all surrounding countries.
     o Nickname ideas: Maiden, Sage, Hilda.
     o Fighting style: Doesn’t. Pacifist. She can attack with light magic, chooses not to. Healing magic, team buffs, defense. Just because she doesn’t fight doesn’t mean she will let her team die. Strongest support magic. Does not know her way around a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: Good work friends. They get along well enough. No massive personal relations. She asks him for help with killing monsters, he asks her for help with laws. It works for them. Occasionally they will get lunch together and catch up. (aka make sure he didn’t get himself killed.) Can use telepathy to contact Link at any time. Keeps it to emergencies only. Because he finds it massively annoying, and a little creepy.
     o Random stuff: Massive romantic. Currently single. Misses being able to gossip with Hilda. Kind and compassionate. Does not stand for injustice. Will forgive until the end of time. Just because she is kind does not mean she is weak. Strong-willed. Good politician. Loved by her people, even if Ganon has attacked like five times. Ganon is the only person on the list of people she would happily shank. So much paperwork. Give the girl a break. Keeps craft supplies on her for long imprisonments. Scrying magic, and a little bit prophetic.
❖ Corresponding Link: Warriors
     o Age: Adult. Older than warriors, younger than time or his Zelda.
     o Status: Queen of Hyrule, and commander of its army. Her Hyrule has been in turmoil for a while even before the war with Cia.
     o Nickname ideas: General, Commander, Tactician.
     o Fighting style: Best fighter. Can use all the weapons. Summon a bow or rapier of pure light magic. Strongest understanding of how the goddess magic works with weapons. Mostly fights as Zelda (basically her gameplay style), still uses her sheik disguise sometimes (ironically fights similar to smash bros sheik because of extensive sheikah training.) Lives on the battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They work seamlessly together in battle and are friends outside of it. They haven't actually known each other very long so it's awkward sometimes. She still has to occasionally remind him that she doesn’t need a title. If they were two kids in a village then they would probably date. But they are not, and things are complicated. Duty to the kingdom comes first.
      o Random stuff: Best makeup. Amazing, if ruthless, politician. Best historian. Blunt. No time for crap. One of the best leaders doesn’t have the pure charisma to outdo warriors though. Resting B Face. 90% of soldiers are scared of her. Comes across as harsh, rude, cold. Really, she is just a bit awkward and hides behind a mask. Can’t do people, can do basically anything else. Minor prophetic magic.
❖ Corresponding Link: Sky
     o Age: Old teen/young adult. Older than Sky.
     o Status: Technically the queen, but Hyrule hasn’t been founded yet. Officially goddess Hylia reincarnated. She doesn’t go around flaunting the title, but sometimes the memories of Hylia she gained will overwhelm her. Full goddess mode. Doesn’t stand for dark magic.
     o Nickname ideas: Hylia, Sun, Swallow.
     o Fighting style: trained at the academy and knows how to fight with a sword. Not a good fighter. massive bursts of power usually win her fights. Sometimes she can channel a little bit of her power, but usually, she just gets overwhelmed by all of it. General goddess magic, cannot channel through weapons. Thinks she does, but in fact, does not know her way around a battlefield
     o Current relationship to Link: Do I need to explain? These two are head over heels. Sappy love birds all the way. Childhood friends. Everyone is surprised they're not engaged yet.
     o Random stuff: More adventure-ready style to reflect working on founding Hyrule. Fierce and determined. Kind. But she will get her way. Struggles to balance her mortality and newfound divinity. Feels bad that Sky had to fight for her. Loves her bird. Beautiful singing voice. She is trying her best but is in fact very bad at being an adventurer. Good at sewing. Loads of people skills, working on leadership skills. Best with children. 6th sense type prophetic magic. (aka see a shot before it is taken, but not a coming calamity.)
That's it. Congrats on making it to the end. You get a cookie. 🍪
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echo-three-one · 4 years
A Forgotten Memory
An Alex x OC fic
Chapter Eleven (Wow I initially planned to end it at 10)
Zelda Link to Chapter 1 (along with directory) here
Reviews and Corrections appreciated as I love to grow as an author.
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XI - Alex
The long walk toward the highest point of the forest was quiet and awkward. Guess that happens after the first time couples do it and Alex assumed she was just adjusting. She did tell him it was quite a while since she done it. So he did what's best to keep the awkwarness at minimum by initiating conversation.
"Samantha, you've been umm... quiet since we left. Is there any problem? Are you hurt?" Alex finally asked, scratching his chin while doing so.
Samantha quickly turned to her side as Alex turned his head on her.
"I'm fine, Alex. It's just... I'm just thinking about things..." she trailed off, touching some leaves as they walked.
Alex turned his head back to the path and sighed. When a woman thinks about something, it goes a lot more way back, someone from the CIA once told him that they're expert history seekers and Alex thought maybe it's something he said way back. And they always converse back in the safehouse.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Alex asked, picking up a flat rock, pretending it's a penny. Samantha chuckled and grabbed the 'penny', looking at him with utmost adoration. This guy may be all tough looking, but he's actually a caring person, it makes it harder for her to move on once it's all over.
"Fine, I'll bite." she replied, gripping the penny tight.
"What would happen to us when this is all over?" She asked. Alex stopped in his tracks and turned to her.
"You mean us? Right? This thing we're having?" he clarified, pointing to the both of them.
"Well, I'm bound to take a break after this mission. I was actually planning to ask you out on a vacation, if that's okay with you." He replied, the tone of his voice sounded shy as he scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact.
Alex patiently waited for her response, hoping she'd say yes as they continued on the trail. He started to feel nervous as the general consensus running in his thoughts is going to be a solid 'NO'.
Alex leaned on a huge tree atop the highest possible vantage point, exhaling away the exhaustion. He then felt her smooth arms wrapped around him, and her face buried on his back.
"I know you want this to work..." She croaked.
"... and I know in my heart that I do too..." She sobbed.
"...but I can't live loving you with worry in my heart..." Alex grabbed her hand and locked his on hers.
"... and I don't want to be the reason that you'll stop saving the world. I know you want that. It's your job to. It's what you built your whole life to become..." Tears started falling again. Alex sighed and turned back as he wrapped his arms around her tight.
"I'd love to make it work between us. I know you could feel that." He assured, rubbing her back and resting his chin on her head.
"... I love you, Alex. I really do... but if you're still in the line of fire after all this then I can't handle it. The feeling of anxiousness, the constant question if you'll ever come back in one piece. Not after what I've experienced before." Alex sighed. She made sense and he respected it. She's been through a lot moving on from his ex who died in an accident, and considering Alex's line of work, he's just going to make her worry.
He couldn't fight the tears as the realization set in. He could feel his knees weaken and they both slowly knelt and cried. Even though the CIA trained Alex on suppressing emotion, he couldn't help but feel a love that's not meant to be. But then again, they both knew this was bound to happen, they both agreed to feel the pain of goodbye, but they never knew it would hurt this bad.
"I love you too." He whispered as she looked up to him.
"Let's go. I still have to escort you to safety." He smiled, his eyes were still red from the tears, but no matter what, Samantha swore to herself that she's never going to forget his longing stare.
Alex pointed at the looming building not too far from them, civilization a glimmer of hope sparkled in his eyes. He noted that they were both hungry and the thick forestry wasn't able to provide food. They'll have to reach there soon before they run out of energy.
"Just a few more clicks - er.. yards." he turned to Samantha, who's hands are already on her knees and panting heavily.
"Can we take a break? I'm really exhausted." she whined, Alex quickly lifted her on his back causing her to yelp in surprise.
"You're okay with this?" He asked, letting out a little chuckle.
"Won't you get tired? I'm kinda heavy, you know."
"You're making me look like I'm not a soldier! Just trust me, okay?" he remarked as they continued their trail to the nearby village.
"If you insist." She pouted, comfortably leaning her body on Alex. Leaves rustled as they forged their own path to the tall building Alex saw by the hilltop. Samantha took this time to enjoy the quiet hum of the forest mixed with Alex's breathing.
"What about you? What would you do when all of this is over?" He asked, breaking the silence. She chuckled at the question, then silence followed.
"I'm for sure be back in that big house again, like a caged bird yearning for freedom." she said, looking up at the sky as a flock of birds pass by opposite the slow movement of the clouds.
"It took me years to fight for that freedom only to be stripped away from me... Sometimes, I wish I wasn't born with a very important person as a parent. It sucks." she sighed, leaning back to Alex, savoring the last moments she could do it to him. As promised, once she is home safe, their little getaway romance will all be over.
Alex slightly turned his head to her, smiling as he felt her breathing slowed down. He let her take this moment to rest for a while. The forest has exhausted them physically, mentally and romantically, and Alex was more than willing to carry her out of this place.
"Hey sleepyhead." Alex nudged her as she slowly woke up, panicking as she wiped off her drooling mouth.
"I hope whatever you're dreaming of was drool-worthy." he winked at her, making her blush in embarrassment.
"Well, maybe it wasn't you. So don't be too cocky." She retorted, looking around.
"Where are we?"
"In a small local town somewhere in Brazil. Based on the Portuguese people and the kids playing soccer, or uh.. Football." he replied, pointing his thumbs by the children.
"Wish we had money. I'm so hungry, I could smell everything in here." the CIA Agent looked at her with worry. Samantha looked down in dissappointment and soon realized that she might solve their problem.
"Here. Find someone who could buy this." She handed him her pendant. At first, Alex hesitated, insisting that she doesn't have to do it but his mind soon changed as he heard her stomach growl like a lion.
"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Alex grabbed her hand as they ventured the crowded marketplace. Samantha was really impressed on how Alex was able to quickly communicate and understand the people. One person led them to another as they finally made their way to a pawnshop. Then the next thing she knew they were already booked into a small inn and was seated on it's ground floor's mini restaurant.
Alex gave a thumbs up at the chef as he served the final meal missing from their order. Samantha was clearly amazed on how Alex managed to whip up a feast from just a piece of rock hanging on her neck. She smiled as she saw Alex hungrily scarfed down his order, and started eating on her own.
"We actually got a few extra more Brazilian Real to buy some clothes. Whatever that was in thay necklace was worth a lot." He looked at her, rice stuck on his moustache. Samantha laughed as she picked up the piece of grain from his face.
"It was a gift from my Father. Figured it would come in handy when the time comes. I'm actually happy I wore it before all of this. I wanted to get rid of it while we were on the ocean. So I guess it's a win-win for me." She replied, continuing her food.
"Let's not talk about this. Okay?" she added just before Alex could open his mouth. He then nodded and respected her privacy.
Alex was starting to feel her getting distant and he realized that she's not willing to take any more risks on him because she's afraid of committing to someone who has a high risk of not being able to come back to her again. Alex wanted to talk her out of it and ensure her safety, but it wouldn't be fair. He now understood what the song meant when it said "If you love me, let me go.."
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xivu-arath · 3 years
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I posted 9,519 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#presage more like i can't appreciate the atmosphere because i have gotten lost behind my fireteam for the thirtieth time and am stressed and
My Top Posts in 2021
the first part of something I’ve been working on for ages:
The Deep moves like the tides of the Fundament once did, with currents that are already dragging parts of Sol under, to consume inexorably unto a single crushing point. Xivu Arath does not follow it there, as her brother might have. Her will moves across a million battlefields, and her armies are entrenched in millions more. Her children carve her sigil into the crust of planets so that the oceans burn away in fury and the atmosphere sets itself alight. She fights, and triumphs, and forges weapons, and her worm is well sated.
But she also makes an echo, as quiet as she can permit herself to be, and traces a path amongst Sol’s besieged planets and the Deep’s steady pull. There, facing northward, is an entrance to her sister’s throne. The layers of secrets and wards guarding it tear loose, stitching themselves back together in her wake.
Savathûn is already waiting for her, a barely-there oilslick shimmering.
They fight, because she did not come all this way to not have a fight at the end of the journey. As is usual, she has the first victory, tearing Savathûn’s echo in half – and her sister has the last, as her finished spell renders the surrounding area broken down to its primordial elements.
Their meetings often go this way. Xivu suspects she treats the battle as a formality, rushing it so they can get to more serious matters than mere life and death. But she can feel her sister’s love for her in the power of the spell that killed her, and so does not mind terribly.
“This is sudden,” Savathûn says when they have both reformed their echoes. It is almost a rebuke; she means this is unplanned, there are important things you are interrupting here. Though of course she would claim every scheme of hers is important if pressed, no matter how petty.
“I know you have more plans in mind than there are stars in every sky of every surviving world, but they must be pretty terrible if all it takes is my showing up to ruin them,” she says. “Can’t I just drop in?”
The air drapes around Savathûn in heavy and obscuring coils, huffy but not yet offended. “You haven’t ruined anything, apart from my focus.”
“Yet,” her sister allows.
Xivu grins.
80 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 23:31:49 GMT
savathûn, queen of vandalism
savathûn has always been fond of scribbling in the margins of others’ work. untold millions of years ago, at the creation of the dreadnaught, she was dunking on her brother’s writing:
I will prepare for long voyages — [I am Savathûn, insidious] Into the war — [I graffiti this notice for you] Into the Deep — [These Books are full of lies!]
this sets the structure of her usual inscriptions to us, the readers, and it’s followed from the books of sorrow to the bungie blog post after fulfilling the requirements from truth to power. she even insists on further messing with calus once he’s enmeshed himself by taking the bait with the crown of sorrow - she finds the chronicon and writes in that, too:
[While this coward invents his histories and futures, I wait. These messages are my gift to you.]
but the chronicon is not the only set of lore entries that the psion scribes worked on. they also wrote up the lore for all the opulent gear that would be gifted to the shadow of earth, presumably, and there’s considerable back and forth between the underscribe shipal and the other scribes editing and overseeing their work. presumably future fanfic of calus’ new favourite person isn’t as distinguished a role as writing about calus himself, and shipal is clearly researching on the fly and making up things wholesale. the entire set is an Experience, hilarious and off-key and horrific in parts, but there is one piece of gear I want to focus on
nearly all these entries have only one editing note (if poor underscribe shipal is lucky, none at all!) but the opulent scholar hood has two, one from scribe shagac, as usual, and then this one:
+ Note from Scribe Savat: I see no reason for Scribe Shagac's harshness. I have closely studied the texts of the Sol System and of the Hive, and in my halls of learning Eris Morn's villainy is widely accepted. Therefore I deem this prediction's accuracy to be unimpeachable.
this is the only note from “savat”, and on my first read through I had glossed right over all of it because I was so used to the footnotes already. it has none of savathûn’s characteristic brackets, as she is matching the scribe notation - but of course, her phrasing actually insults both eris (the high coven took a vote and all agreed eris morn is highly problematic) and calus’ intentions in taking on a hive shadow. it’s a remarkably efficient burn and I’m proud of her
it also marks one of the first times that we see her deliberately blending in (after her appearance at the end of dust). this could perhaps be the beginning of the trend that gradually is becoming more prominent in recent lore - savathûn watching nearby, unseen, present in our spaces and always coming closer. to observe, to walk among us, to scheme, to interact...
and perhaps, to tell us to reverify our hive sources
86 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 16:06:37 GMT
osiris and savathun theories are all old news. don’t even talk to me about them
the real theory of the hour/season/expansion/era is that the traveler is an egg. it hatched elsie’s fish, which is a baby harbinger, but will also eventually grow into the aphelion
harbingers eat ghosts which is why the fish is in hiding, as elsie is being polite and trying not to kill her allies. it all makes perfect sense, and I am not taking criticism at this time
(disclaimer: this is a silly post, I am Having Fun with Lore and I urge you to do the same)
89 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 16:37:24 GMT
the tragedy of the hive, to me, is in the trap of the tautological loop and what comes from it. it is the worm eating the hive eating the worm eating the hive forever, the deliberate cutting away of self and meaning for the entire species, the osmium siblings bound to "follow their nature” by creatures who could not, would not, understand the motivations underpinning them
did xi ro test her strength just for the sake of it, or to also be able to protect her siblings and her court? was sathona cunning so she could one day guide the court past the lifetime of her siblings? aurash didn’t seek answers to become the “emperor of all outcomes” but to find out the truth in a world made up of dangerous unknowns. all those potential nuances are lost almost immediately. emotions bleed together and decay until they’re unrecognizable
the sword logic is a tautology. it forms and proves itself. is it any surprise that its followers are trapped in cyclical struggle and violence? you starve and feed your worm, or you win and feed your worm, or die and feed the ones after you, or succeed and ultimately feed your worm and your god who is also a worm, and so it goes, around and around. the only way out is to break the rules, but it’s hard to do that when the rules live inside you - we’re seeing just how far savathun is going for her freedom, making herself an enemy of everything in the system all the while
there are also so many terrible what-ifs that come along with this. what if the story on the fundament had gone differently: the king hadn’t found the dead worm to begin with, or they listened to the leviathan instead of killing it, or simply never dove. what if the traveler picked the krill courts instead?
while it’s great story fodder, there would have eventually been another pact, another form of the hive - the worm gods were still imprisoned after all, still pulling fragments of civilizations down to the fundament and still stranding larva on shorelines to whisper of doom to the susceptible. eventually the moons would line up and the god-wave would wipe out all life above, and they’d start searching for some desperate pawns once more. another cycle restarting....
I’m just sad about closed loops and the incredible effort it takes to break out of them, let alone once you’ve been shaped for them
153 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 19:33:56 GMT
One Day I will get all my hive thoughts and energy aligned enough to put together my theory of the worm gods being the one to cause the syzygy and the god wave, not the traveler, since otherwise it’s a theory I’ve only shared on twitter (which. twitter is a mess to search and use as archive and I despair of using it) and with friends on discord, and I am Quite Proud of it and pretty certain it’s right, actually!
but it’s at its best with numerous quotes and links and that takes about twenty ishtar tabs open at least
154 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 16:47:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Title: Damage Control (originally called by the prompt title Please...) Rating: T Pairings: Ghiralink and Ghiralink only (though past Zelink is fine too) Warnings: Implied Character Death, Mild Body Horror Summary: Canon Divergent Dark! Link AU (but not really)
"It's just a precaution. A safety measure. I'm sure you understand."
He does. He agreed, after all. It was a condition of joining, a fail safe to make sure he wasn't a double agent. (Even if he is. If he can go through with it.) Ghirahim's idea, one he had been lucky to convince the demon king would work. Link nods slowly, stiffly, back straight and hands folded in his lap. He's not going to back out now.
"Besides, think of the power you'll have! Near immortality, invulnerability, increased strength, and you don't even have to lift a finger!"
It is very appealing. He wants it, really. He's still scared, of course, still terrified of his own actions and unsure if he's made the right choice.
"It won't hurt too much. I promise. You'll survive. It will be wonderful." Ghirahim steps closer, taking Link's head into his hands. Link doesn't flinch, doesn't move, doesn't acknowledge Ghirahim's presence, even when a kiss is pressed to his head.
You were late, hero.
You were late, and you failed her.
In the end, it was the best decision for everyone. Zelda was no longer counting on him, after all. He wasn't giving them false hope. This way, maybe he had a chance at some sort of damage control.
Ghirahim sighs, brushing his fingers through Link's hair. Another reassurance is on the tip of his tongue, Link can tell, but his motions still. Looking back to the door, he rests a hand on Link's shoulder.
"It's time."
His heart couldn't be beating faster, his nerves strung any tighter. Not that it will be a problem soon. Ghirahim takes his hand, guides him to his feet, and kisses him again.
"I'm so proud of you, darling. You won't regret this."
It's as if he's outside of his body as they make their way down the hall. It's not him anymore, not Link as Ghirahim guides the ex-hero through the castle, twisting down, down, down dark hallways until the soft light of the moon is no more, the torches snuffed out as the demon passes by. Link shivers in the cold, and reminds himself that won't be a problem anymore, either.
"We're here, dear."
Ghirahim pushes open a foreboding door, the intricate patterns springing to life with a red glow. It means nothing to him.
Link walks ahead, as if marching towards his own death, and for all intents and purposes, he is. The boy from Skyloft is long gone. The hero is no more.
The chamber is dark. Demise is waiting for them, new sword in hand. Distantly, Link recognizes that as his future form, the vessel his soul will be trapped in for the rest of eternity.
Ghirahim is behind him again, coaxing him forward towards a stone table, glowing with the same red runes as the door. The whole room is alight with this magic, shadows dancing across the ceiling and walls as the glow flickers like flames.
The sword spirit's hands are light on his sides. Ghirahim had been unusually kind to him, after he came, broken down, to his doorstep, begging for a way out. He had been gentle, soft, even, caring for him as he sobbed and shook, pleading and admitting he was in over his head. He had kissed him for the first time that night, sealing the pact and trapping Link in his web.
He didn't mind Link's distant attitude after, long bouts of motionless silence followed by a hunger for attention, needy pleas and cries for affection. He gave it willingly in return for roughness, bruises and cuts and marks that Link didn't mind.
It was his idea, in the end. To become a sword spirit.
Ghirahim helped forge the sword, choosing from blades and hilts like they were wedding dresses not weapons, a special occasion he should be happy about, and it had to be perfect.
But for Link, this was an execution. A sacrifice. A rebirth.
Ghirahim presses another kiss to his neck before beginning his ceremonial spiel, presenting Link as a willing participant to his master, bowing and groveling and flattering the demon king with all he had, trying to keep him appeased and calm. Demise couldn't care less.
Link waits patiently for Ghirahim to finish, absently wondering if he will pass out early and not have to feel it for long. He never had a high pain tolerance.
Finishing his monologue, Ghirahim catches Link off guard with a push forward, sending him scrambling to catch his balance. The spirit's finger's slip underneath Link's shirt, snapping him from his dissociative thoughts.
"Hey! You never said anything about...." Link gasps, tucking his arms in on himself until Ghirahim swats them away.
"You'll be stuck with them forever if you don't take them off—stop fussing."
He protests still, whatever is left of his “unbreakable spirit” choosing to rear its head now, of all times. Ghirahim sighs, and lets go.
"You don't want to end up like your spirit, do you?"
Honestly, he wouldn't mind. No emotions means no emotional pain, no anger or sadness or frustration. It’s a possibility he will accept. 
Link mutters his indifference, quivering as Ghirahim scoops him into his arms.
"It'll be over before you know it. Stop struggling." Ghirahim coos, laying Link down on the cold slab. His hand drifts over his chest, where in a few hours time, a gem will appear.
Link's breathing speeds up. He is feeling the onset of panic, having second thoughts that maybe this isn't the only option, maybe he should have tried to fight harder. Words he doesn't understand invade his ears, motions that are a blur to his frantic mind pass by, his heart is pounding in his chest, blood roaring in his ears as black spots dance across his vision and—
Everything stops. All he focuses on is the blade held high above his chest, pointed down and ready to strike.
It's too late. Link screams as it plunges into the place a gem will form, excruciating pain spreading from the wound, burning away at his skin, magic eating at his core and changing his very being. It hurts, it hurts more than he can take, it is worse than death.
"Stop! Please!" He cries, but the blade only seems to burrow in farther. Ghirahim is by his side, stroking his hair as he sobs and writhes in the torture, whispering praises and reassurances.
"You're doing so well, Link. Let it happen. Let it go. It's almost over. I can already see your core forming, isn't that wonderful? It's almost done. You made the right choice."
"No! Get it out! Hylia, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, please, goddess, forgive me!"
He cries helplessly, knowing he will be ignored. He had agreed to this. He told them to do it. He can't stop now.
Link pants harder, struggling for each breath. It feels as if his lungs are solidifying, everything in his body shutting down and stopping, ceasing functions he needs to live. His blood is turning to molten lava, his eyes are glazing over.
As it goes on, he feels more numb. Maybe he is dying, maybe this is the end. This is his punishment. Maybe it won't work, maybe he'll wake up in his bed on Skyloft and it will have all been a nightmare. But as his limbs grow heavy, his eyes feel hard to keep open, and his mind grows empty with a desire to serve, Link focuses on Ghirahim's smile, his whispers meant only for him.
By the time it is over, Link can't feel anything. He can't move, frozen in place, nearly blind and deaf. He feels nothing, not even his heart beating.
The sword is drawn from his chest, clean of any blood.
"No more...."
And no more comes.
When he awakes, he is still on the stone slab, but the room is brighter. Fire light illuminates the dark figure at his side, kneeling with head resting on crossed arms upon the table.
"Oh! You're awake!" The demon snaps up, grabbing onto his hand. Link turns his head to see black against green, a shimmering diamond pattern synching up with each other's hand.
"See? It wasn't that bad, was it?"
It had been. It had been so much worse than he imagined, but it was over now, at least. Shifting his head back, he lets it rest on the stone, becoming aware of how everything felt.
He can still feel, emotionally and physically, which is a surprise. He is stiff, like rock, and his chest is sore. It's a different kind of feeling, not one he is used to, and he feels as if he is lacking something, desperate for a missing piece.
Ghirahim smiles down at him, gently stroking his hand. His gaze washes over his body, something akin to pity filling his empty white eyes.
"You're really very pretty, Link—an emerald sort of green. Green and gold, and your gem is gorgeous. Like the sky."
Link only nods. It hurts. Everything hurts. He makes to sit up, but cries out as his limbs crack, creaking like a rusty gear. Ghirahim rushes to press a hand behind his back, helping as Link swings his legs off the table.
"Oh, careful, careful, not so fast! It's difficult to get used to, yes, but before you know it you'll understand. And this!" Ghirahim brushes over his new gem, Link wincing at the touch, "You'll love this! It's so sensitive, wait until our Master first pulls your sword from it, or it heals so that soon," He smiles down at Link, taking his befuddled face into his hands. “soon enough, I'll teach you to shift forms. Not now, don't even try now. You need rest, to heal."
Ghirahim helps him stand, Link wobbly as he holds on for dear life. The other spirit laughs gently at his struggle, sighing when Link glances forlornly towards the exit.
"I expect you're feeling lost. I was too when I woke up, but Master was there for me. Unfortunately, he had matters to attend to, but I can take you to him now. The ache will dull, eventually, and you'll be able to stray further with only a weak bond, but for now, you yearn, don't you? You simply ache with the need to serve? To be used?"
Link nods, finally putting words to what he feels. It is like... like he has a purpose, one purpose, one goal now. All that matters is finding it.
That, and the spirit he is clinging to. Ghirahim seems to feel the same.
"Come now," The sword coos, taking Link's arm with his own, "It's time I introduce you to our Master."
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themanicnami · 5 years
Willow’s Pop Culture Spell Masterlist
A long organized list of all of my pop culture spells organized. 
Updated as of: 4/9/2020
🌟 “88 Call” Friendship Spell (Funbeemon Inspired) to strengthen the connection between your friends
🌟 Lilithmon’s Wicked Beauty Glamour Spell (Digimon Inspired) to appear dark, captivating and mysterious
🌟 Kudamon’s “Cool Under Fire” Spell (Digimon Inspired) to remain calm during trying and stressful times
🌟 Kyukimon’s Winds of Offense Protection Spell (Digimon Inspired) air spell that is both defensive and offensive to keep supernatural forces at bay
🌟 “Ocean Love” Binding Spell (Marin Angemon Inspired) to remove hostility from another individual or group
🌟 “Sunshine Beam” Enchantment Spell (Sunflowmon Inspired) to enchant an object with the energy of the sun
🌟 “Swipe Steal” Hex (Fangmon Inspired) to cause a target to misplace and lose things
🌟 “Almost There” Career Success Spell (Disney Inspired) A spell to bring success and advancement in your job
🌟 Aurora’s Love Dream Divination Spell (Disney Inspired) A spell to help one dream of future romantic partners
🌟 “Honor to Us All” Honor Spell (Disney Inspired) a spell to have your peers show you respect 
🌟 “Kiss the Girl” Glamour Spell (Disney Inspired) to encourage a consenting person to kiss you
🌟 Voice Theft Curse (Disney Inspired) a spell to stop hateful words and send the negativity back to the person
Legend of Zelda:
🌟 “Din’s Fire” Toxic Person Banishing Spell (Legend of Zelda Inspired) a spell to cut ties from toxic and draining people
🌟 “Nayru’s Love” Parasite Warding Spell (Legend of Zelda Inspired) a spell to deter and ward against emotional leeches and leeching spirits
🌟 Grey Paint Brush Hex (Neopets Inspired) a small hex to give someone a bad day
🌟 Psellia’s Winds of Protection Warding Spell (Neopets Inspired) air spell to create a safe and protected space for magic and rituals
🌟 Sasha’s Emotional Strength Spell (Neopets Inspired) to help one endure brutal emotional trials and times
🌟Shadow Usul’s Night Invisibility Glamour Sachet (Neopet’s Inspired) glamour to help one go unseen and unnoticed at night time
🌟 Taelia’s Winter Cleansing Spell (Neopets Inspired) a spell to cleanse oneself during winter time
🌟 Vira’s Toxic Kiss Curse (Neopet’s Inspired) a curse to cast onto cheaters and adulterers 
Ni No Kuni:
🌟 Give Heart (Ni No Kuni Inspired) to bring a friend joy and uplift them
🌟 Blood Money (Pathfinder Inspired) spell to bring financial gain
🌟 Blur (Pathfinder Inspired) to go unnoticed by others
🌟 Enshroud Thoughts (Pathfinder Inspired) protects oneself from divination and scrying eavesdropping of others
🌟 Invisibility (Pathfinder Inspired) spell to go unnoticed and travel unseen
🌟 Itching Curse (Pathfinder Inspired) cause a person to feel the discomfort they have caused you
🌟 Nightmare Curse (Pathfinder Inspired) cause a person to suffer nightmares
🌟 Shield of Wings (Pathfinder Inspired) to guard against negative words and comments
🌟 Tears to Wine (Pathfinder Inspired) turn one’s sadness into happiness
🌟 Aroma Veil (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to protect user from negative people and attract the attention of positive people
🌟 Aromatic Mist (Pokemon Inspired) to bring protection to a loved one
🌟 Aqua Ring (Pokemon Inspired) A bath spell to bring emotional healing and emotional serenity
🌟 Bubble (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to send your wishes out into the universe to seek for them to be answered and granted
🌟 Chandelure’s Hypnotic Flame Curse (Pokemon Inspired) to make another’s life go dull and for them to lose enjoyment in things
🌟 Charm (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to improve your charms and flirting
🌟 Cosmic Power (Pokemon Inspired) Cosmic spell to prepare you for divination and/or astral projection
🌟 Dazzling (Pokemon Inspired) to dazzle and stun someone trying to bring negativity to you and redirect it back
🌟 Endure (Pokemon Inspired) to give you emotional strength
🌟 Fairy Aura (Pokemon Inspired) to bring your inner beauty out to the surface
🌟 Flower Shield (Pokemon Inspired) to bring a space protection from malice and negative forces
🌟 Future Sight (Pokemon Inspired) improve psychic clarity while doing divination work   
🌟 Gravity (Pokemon Inspired) a curse to weigh someone down emotionally  
🌟 Heart Stamp (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to strengthen passion between you and a consenting lover
🌟 Heatproof (Pokemon Inspired) to help you remain strong under pressure and stress
🌟 Honey Gatherer (Pokemon Inspired) to encourage others to compliment you
🌟 Leer (Pokemon Inspired) to bind a person who is trying to intimidate you
🌟 Lock-On (Pokemon Inspired)  to make another more vulnerable to your curse
🌟 Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired) banish negativity from yourself after a bad day
🌟 Metal Claws (Pokemon Inspired) to protect against baneful magic
🌟 Milk Drink (Pokemon Inspired) promote beauty
🌟 Moonblast (Pokemon Inspired) to make your target more vulnerable emotionally to the mundane and curses
🌟 Morning Sun (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to lift your spirits
🌟 Moxie (Pokemon Inspired) to bring the caster self-confidence
🌟 Musharna’s Vivid Dreams Spell Sachet (Pokemon Inspired) to bring vivid dreams to one’s sleep
🌟 Phantom Force (Pokemon Inspired) a curse to return all of the negative things someone has caused you back at them
🌟 “Powder Snow” Spell Jar (Pokemon Inspired) to remove one’s own romantic feelings for an ex or a toxic lover
🌟 Purugly’s Spell for Intimidation and Protection (Pokemon Inspired) to protect oneself from threats and danger by making oneself appear intimidating and not worth it to approach
🌟 Quilava’s Flames of Intimidation Spell (Pokemon Inspired) to make the user appear more intimidating and ferocious 
🌟 Rest (Pokemon Inspired) bring deep, restful sleep
🌟 Saladit’s Ward Breaking Spell (Pokemon Inspired) to weaken and break wards of others
🌟 Serene Grace (Pokemon Inspired) to boost the effects of a positive spell such as a healing or calming spell
🌟 Shell Armor Warding Spell (Pokemon Inspired)  to ward yourself from curses and baneful magick
🌟 Soundproof (Pokemon Inspired) to keep harmful words and rumors from affecting you
🌟 Sunny Day (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to bring a sunny day
🌟 Sweet Scent (Pokemon Inspired) To attract a new friend
🌟 Zapdos’s Thunderstorm Power Storage Spell (Pokemon Inspired) to cast during a thunderstorm to gain power from it and store it into a rock to use for later
Sailor Moon:
🌟 Deep Submerge (Sailor Neptune Inspired) to submerge another in their own negativity
🌟 Passion of the Rose Spell (Tuxedo Mask Inspired) a spell to increase passion between consenting lovers
🌟 Pink Sugar Heart Spell (Mini Moon Inspired) a spell to promote cuteness and radiance
🌟 Sailor Uranus and Neptune Soulmate Attraction Spell (Sailor Moon Inspired) to help attract one of your soulmates into your life
🌟 World Shaking Curse (Sailor Uranus Inspired) cosmic curse to emotionally shake and shatter someone
🌟 Parabatai Spell (Shadowhunters Inspired) a spell to forge a bond with another consenting person to always be connected
Star Wars:
🌟 “The Force” Energy Work Preparation Spell (Star Wars Inspired) a spell to help prepare for intense energy work
Steven Universe:
🌟 Like a Comet (Steven Universe) to motivate self in achieving and reaching for goals
🌟 Open Your Mind Peridot Spell (Steven Universe Inspired) a spell to open your mind and relieve stubbornness 
🌟 “Strong in the Real Way” (Steven Universe Inspired) spell to bring you emotional strength and courage
Totally Spies:
🌟 Anti-Gravity Propulsion Ring (Totally Spies Inspired) enchant a ring to aid you overcome obstacles and challenges
🌟 Butterfly Barrette Bomb Enchantment (Totally Spies Inspired) a portable, wearable protection ward
🌟 Chameleon Eye Shadow (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to evade unwanted attention from others
🌟 Cherry Lip Bomb (Totally Spies Inspired) to bring confidence in your voice and to overcome vocal obstacles
🌟 Ice Queen Breath Spray (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to halt someone’s romantic feelings for you
🌟 Lip Stick Glamour Spell (Totally Spies Inspired) to help make your words ‘stick’ with people
🌟 Red Hot Lozenge (Totally Spies Inspired) makes your words more fiery and intimidating
🌟 Retractable Razor Nail Spell (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to unbind yourself
🌟 Spiderclaw (Totally Spies Inspired) grab the desire and attention of others
🌟 Breath of Spring Offensive Spell (Winx Inspired) to stop and deter a specific target from harming or manipulating another
🌟 Dazzling Spiral Defensive Spell (Winx Inspired) to deflect negative entities who are trying to invade your home or personal dwelling
🌟 Golden Pollen (Winx Inspired) binding to prevent another from doing things to emotionally harm you
🌟 Illuminate (Winx Inspired) A spell to bring light to a situation (done before divination)
🌟 Shield (Winx Inspired) a spell to guard against offensive magic
🌟 Sound Cage Binding Spell (Winx Inspired) A spell to keep someone from being heard 
🌟 Web of Confusion (Winx Inspired) cause confusion to anyone trying to pry into your life after you asked them to stop
🌟 Hay Lin’s Carefree Flyer Dream Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) a spell to bring on dreams of flying and weightlessness
🌟 Irma’s Fog Calling Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) a spell to conjure up some fog
🌟 Power of the Heart Self Love Spell (W.I.T.C.H Inspired) a spell to open your heart up for self love
🌟 Taranee’s Fire Divination Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) A spell to improve and empower fire divination/pyromancy
🌟 Graceful Charity Spell (Yugi-Oh) to bring good fortune in desperate/hard times
*All are from my digital and physical grimoires, all spells written by me
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