#I was overthinking and got scared but it was chill!!
okcoolthanks · 7 months
I was like ‘ok fuck it’ and I gave him an origami dinosaur again and we talked for a bit and we walked to his class because I don’t go to my next class and it was great (:
Also I’ve come to the conclusion that I just like him as a friend which is also great ((:
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sso-montana · 8 months
Frida Cateagle
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She lets me down, then gets me high Oh I don't know why she's just my type She's bad advice, I don't think twice Oh I don't know why, she's what I like
The Vamps: Just My Type
Frida belongs to @mrssnail
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! ghost husband x gn! reader)
In many asian cultures,
it is taught to people to not touch any offerings or money that is left on the ground.
For if you do so,
you shall be married to a dead person.
however, you chose not to heed these warnings and picked up a heavy wad of cash that was left on the sidewalk of a forest.
you picked it up, happily thinking it was just some rich guy who dropped his money while on a nature walk, that you got lucky enough to stumble upon his secret stash.
so you brought it home with you, thinking of all the wonderful things you'd buy with this newfound money you got.
unfortunately, that was just the start of many unexplainable things that begun to happen to you.
"dude can you not close my door?! I'm trying to go on a date!"
you yell at the air, staring at your door which suddenly slammed shut. it had been a few weeks since these events had started occuring. and events as in, random paranormal events. yes, paranormal.
it all started when you found that thick wad of cash on the sidewalk of some asian country and brought it back home with you. you thought you were lucky to have stumbled upon such treasure. like, holy shit that's a few hundred thousand of dollars!
yet the second you stepped foot inside your house, chills ran down your spine and you couldn't help but feel absolutely scared to enter your home.
but you simply shrugged it off, thinking you were just overthinking and worrying over nothing. must be the scary asian ghost stories you heard.
you should've went to the exorcist the second you felt that gut instinct though.
because as the days went by, your lights started turning in and off by itself, your house would be cleaned meticulously even when it looked like a fucking dumpsite a few hours before, and more importantly, you'd start hearing voices of a man who claimed to be 'your husband'.
at first you wondered if you were schizophrenic. holy shit, were you hallucinating right now? why the hell was there this attractive voice that kept on talking to you from time to time?
but it wasn't you being schizophrenic, unfortunately.
for what you were experiencing was very much real. there was now a ghost in your house, or rather around you, that would not leave no matter how hard you tried.
and you came to live with it, until today.
why? because you were about to go on a date with this super sexy guy but then this... this ghost husband wouldn't let you!
freaking slammed the door when you tried leaving! like who even does that?!
"ugh, you're being unreasonable!"
you yell at the air, glaring angrily as you place your hands on your hips. you didn't know where this ghost husband of yours was, but you did know he was near you. i mean, the temperature drop was a clear sign that he was.
"me? unreasonable?"
ah, there he was.
you turn around to face the aur, glaring angrily as you feel your skin prickling. his voice came from behind you and he was whispering into your ear. he always likes to do that, you noticed. speaking from behind.
"yeah, you! dude i just want to get laid!"
you reply in irritation, hands on your hips as you shake your head. you wait for his reply, pursuing your lips angrily before shrieking as you feel him blow cold air against your nape.
"but you have me, don't you?"
"well I don't want you! I didn't know you'd come together with the money! and I can't even use the money..."
you mumble off, shivering slightly as you continue to glare at the air. god damn it, so much talk about being your husband and you don't even know how he looks like! heck, you can't even see him!
"I don't even know how you look like! how could you prevent me from going on a date with this sexy guy-"
in the middle of your complaint, you suddenly yelp as an attractive male, albeit a translucent one, stares right at you, an unamused face as he looks you down.
"well you can see me now."
he mumbles, arms folded across his chest as he glares back at you.
your mouth is dry, cheeks slightly pink as you stare at the man. holy moly! you have a hot husband?!
"holy cow! you're hot?"
"what's that supposed to mean?"
you stare at the male, jaw dropping before you slap your face and look him up and down. he was clad in a traditional outfit, looking expensive and absolutely drop dead gorgeous- well he's dead but... gorgeous!
"damn okay, I won't go on that date..."
you drool slightly, moving away from your door as you continue staring at your ghost husband dumbly, giggling as you walk past him onto the couch.
"of course you won't. you're already married to me."
your husband follows after you, a cold aura following him wherever he went, chilling the area. thankfully the heat in your body helped to warm you up.
"why didn't you show me your face earlier? you're so sexy..."
"well you never asked."
he shrugs before floating over to you and resting his head in your lap. his eyes look into yours, a lovesick expression in his eyes as he traces his translucent hand into your skin, making the area tingle slightly.
you stare down at him, pursing your lips before giggling stupidly and blushing. damn, you really did have a hot husband. even though he's dead, he's still your husband! you only wish he was alive... then maybe you two could get dirty and-
"you know i can still pleasure you right?"
the ghost suddenly deadpans, looking right at you as though he had read your thoughts. you blink at him, not registering his words before you suddenly choke on air and look away.
"oh, are you choking? don't die yet... i like your body heat."
your husband suddenly moves away from your lap, getting up to pat your back in a pitiful attempt to relieve you from your choking fit. all you felt while you coughed was the tingling sensation of cold hands.
"damn you can't just say stuff like that-"
"but you were thinking about it, no? i can hear your thoughts, you know."
you proceed to choke on air again, having yet another coughing fit as your ghost husband continues to pat your back with his cold ghostly hands.
"oh my god just kill me now... this is so embarrassing-"
"no, i already said i like your body heat and you can't die yet."
you immediately shut up, staring at the ghostly male with dead eyes.
before you know it, you're walking to your kitchen to grab a knife to kill youself just to spite him. but of course, you were stopped by your husband who immediately wrestles the knife away from you, smacking your head painfully hard before dragging you back to the couch where he begins to suck your warmth away like a leech.
damn him, maybe you should get an exorcist.
"you know i can hear your thoughts right? you're not getting rid of me."
damn him, you really are going to get an exorcist.
"what? darling i just said no!"
you're getting an exorcist.
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just-a-ghost00 · 10 days
General channeled messages
To pick your group, take some time to ground your energy and when you feel ready choose the number or the image that you feel drawn to. Of course, you can select several groups if you feel called to.
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Group 1 - Can you feel my heart?
Someone has been trying to reach out to you for days but they are so scared of your reaction that they find it hard to do. They are stuck in their head about you and they struggle to find the right words to express how much you mean to them. A part of them hopes that you can feel their inner turmoil and give them a nudge because they feel like they'll never find the courage to spill the tea. I'm getting the feeling of two introverts waiting for each other to make the first move because they both fear rejection. And if neither of them makes a move, this could last for a long while and this connection might never take flight. They wish that they could telepathically convey to you their feelings and telepathically pick up on whether those feelings are receiprocated. Truth is they probably can but they are so caught up in their fear of not being understood and possibly losing you that they do not notice. I'm told that this person has been given many signs by the universe but they failed to see them or did not want to see them. You were probably given the same signs and picked up on them. But you, on the other hand, purposefully ignored them. The reason for that is because you are tired of always being the one to make the first move. It's like both of you dance around one another without ever coming close, trying to express through your steps and glances words you dare not utter. And they know it would be so much better to get closer and properly embrace you. However, closing the gap feels like a herculean task to them. To you, it feels like a scene you've seen so many times before. And each time, it didn't end that well. So you feel wary about moving to that beat again. Who is going to give in first? Only time can tell. On that note, I felt like pulling a few cards to get advice from your guides. You got the page of cups, 9 of swords and 2 of pentacles. Your guides are encouraging you to consider this connection in a very chill way. Don't overthink it and just enjoy the experience. If you feel like interacting with them, go for it. If you feel like telling them about your feelings, go for it. If you wish to keep your distances, that is fine as well. Just go with the flow. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. There's nothing that could go wrong. What do you have to lose? You are already whole. Whether this person reciprocates the feelings or not doesn't change anything to who you are. So be straightforward and keep your expectations leveled. Keep your exchanges simple and balanced. Give when they give, retreat when they do. This is a dance after all. Just feel the rythm and groove to it.
Group 2 - I don't care! I love it!
A man has been eyeing you for days. He fell in love with your unique sense of humour and unconventional personality and has been wondering what you were up to ever since. You don't get to be in contact with that person very often. Every time you do, there are other people involved which limits your interactions. This person is a bit shy around you and doesn't know how to approach you. They wish they could know more about you and tell you more about themselves but they're afraid of how people are going to react if they approach you so they keep their distances. They try to find excuses to talk to you or get closer to you. So, let's say you have a common group of friends and all of them are talking, they would try to get you to participate to the conversation by bringing up certain topics. Since they don't know you that much, the topics they bring up can be really random lmao It's like one minute you and your friends are talking about the latest news and this person suddenly mentions UFOs and how they believe aliens are real. And somehow the trick seems to work because their dorkiness has caught your eye, I feel. Please if that resonates with you, tell me in the comments! lmao That man didn't realize they had a crush on you until one day they noticed that they kept thinking of you every time a subject was brought up by their peers or every time they were doing something random. Like going to the groceries, they would see a perfume or a body lotion and would think "I bet group 2 would love that". If they go to the barber, they would pick a cut that they think would be to your liking. If they know you like something in particular, they would start doing the same. Like buying your favorite coffee brand or learning about things that you like so that next time they see you they can talk about it a bit more. This person really wants to make an impression on you and they now understand that you hold a very special place in their heart. They are currently tip toeing around you, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.
Group 3 - Never know how much I love you...
I feel like all messages today revolved around romantic interests. I guess Fall season seems to be a good time of the year to fall in love ;) We have here yet another secret admirer who is not so secret because I feel like you know them very personally and you probably have a crush on them too. You steal glances at each other, give subbtle hints and send inuendos every chance you get. Yet, none of you has made a clear move. You're waltzing around each other, gauging each other, trying to see who will give in first. Both of you are hardcore introverts and honestly this could last for months, if not decades at this point. You met this person randomly and very quickly became friends. You might have confided in this person very early on, shared with them intimate stories about your past. The chemistry is undeniable. But somehow both of you are scared to death. I guess this echoes with your past romantic experience. You call each other friends but both of you know very well deep down that this is so much more. They wince every time they hear that word in your mouth because they want to be every thing but that. The single thought of you being with someone else makes their skin crawl. They are praying all gods and entities that they can think of to keep creeps away from you. They are wishing for you to be single and only interested in them because they can't stand the thought of losing you to someone else. Especially if that someone else is an ex lover that they know of. This person is ready to love everything about you, even the little details, the little quirks. They want to embrace every part of you, no matter what you think of them. They wish that you could see yourself in their eyes because you mean the world to them and they think you are gorgeous. I'm picking up on people feeling insecure about their body, especially considering that they find their crush way more attractive. This person is saying "don't assume what I like or don't like" that is up to me to figure out. "If you don't show me all of you, how could I know if I love you? Let me decide for myself instead of hiding away." I'm really getting a very sweet energy from them. Puppy love kind of vibe. They really want to pamper you.
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beneatheaven · 11 months
friends with benefits with soobin
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lowercase intended, 1,512 words, haven’t proof read
smut under cut, minors do not interact
another weekend just hanging out at a friends house. this was a more chill and quiet house party. people entering in and out of the house to the backyard, the comfort in seeing your close friends and catching up with them after a week of stressful classes.
what you didn't expect was to see soobin talking to another girl.
not that either of you were exclusive, you just messed around with each other.. a lot. to the point were you both promised each other, this would just between the two of you. he didn't like the thought of you sucking another guys dick, and you didn't like the thought of kissing other girls. so to say you were jealous, was putting it very lightly.
he knew this would hurt you, just seeing him next to another girl, so maybe you were being too possessive, not that he's ever had a problem with that in bed. that was until she leaned in closer to whisper something in his ear, and he flashed a smile at her.
it made your blood boil, what did she say? and what does she want from him. he was yours, kind of, right? running out to the backyard to get away from the sight. it was starting to get too overstimulating with the overthinking.
taking a seat on one of the couple of chairs sprawled outside, taking some time to yourself thinking if any of this was worth it. the idea of you two dating has come up in conversation before. but you had to jump in and say you were too busy for anything serious at the moment. the reality was that, you felt like you weren't good enough for him.
the sound of the sliding door opening and footsteps getting closer to you had broken you out of your thoughts. turning your head to see who had came out, it was soobin. "hey it looked like something happened, are you okay?" he said while coming by to sit to a chair next to you.
"i'm fine, but looks like you were getting comfortable over there." the tone in your voice, he could pick up that you were upset at him. "y/n it's not like that, we were just getting to know each other." his hand finding yours to hold. trying to comfort you, what he did best.
"maybe you can get to know each other some more alone.." you couldn't look at him in the eyes, you felt so frustrated. "i promised you i wouldn't do that with anyone else, you remember right?" nodding your head, he was so patient with you, you didn't deserve him.
"i remember, i'm sorry i just got.. upset." he let out a quiet laugh, he was just so cute. "aw my girl got jealous didn't she?" he leaned into you to whisper "you'll always be my girl." he said as he left small kisses on your neck. he always called you that, and you never had a problem with it, even with the terms you were on.
your heart ached for him, and he felt the same way, he just wanted you to be ready. he didn't want to scare you by coming off to strong or mess up and lose you. maybe it was time to let go and be ready for him. "yes i'll always be yours." turning to him and sharing a sweet kiss.
kissing him felt so sweet and meant to be, there couldn't be anyone else for either of you. bringing your hands up to his face to hold him and deepen the kiss. he reciprocates with his hand finding it's way to your waist. whining into your mouth at the way you pull at his hair slightly, bitting down onto your bottom lip.
"did you miss me baby?" looking at you with hooded eyes "i always miss you." whimpering at him. "don't want anyone else but you soobin, please be mine." a small smile appears on his face. "do you really mean that?" his touch on your waist became softer. "yes, i'm so sorry for making you wait." "i'd wait forever if that's it took." he said immediately. your chest ached at how he made you feel so loved. leaning into kiss him again, your favorite thing ever.
"god i want you so bad, confessing really does something to you doesn't it?" giggling at his words. "we can't do it here everyone is gonna hear." you said as he peppered kisses from your neck up to your ear. "hmm you know how you always wanted to try pubic sex?" whispering into your ear. "mm very briefly, and it'd still be very obvious to everyone."
he started looking around the back yard, anywhere to hide or sneak behind. his eyes landing on a ladder still propped up to head onto the rooftop. there was a flat area, he knew what the next step was. "look, we can go up there." you turned your head to where his focus was. "are you serious?" questioning his thoughts right now. "let me just taste you, and i can take you to my place after for some more..privacy, promise." giving you a quick kiss on your lips. "okay, but just because i know you'll keep your promise."
both of you stood up and made your way over. he helped you get onto the roof smoothly. almost scared you were going to fall off but he held onto your hands tightly. he took off his sweater for you to lay on. making sure this experience was comfortable for you. once he had you under him, he went in to kiss you, one and on your waist and the other holding your face. your hands all over his back, pulling him down closer to you.
bucking your hips up into his would make him moan into your mouth. his sweet moans you loved to hear, all just for you. he removed his hand from your face, bringing it down to to your skirt. hand going under it and pushing your panties to the side."you're so wet for me bay, all for me right." quietly moaning into his ear. trying your best to keep quiet.
coming closer to your ear. "shh not too loud, don't want anyone hearing you do we." shaking your head, he had you so weak for him. running his fingers up and down your folds, lightly pinching your clit, making your knees buckle. thighs clamping around his hand.
he inserted two fingers, thrusting them slowly into you. breathing heavily while looking at his fingers going in and out of you. he would leave wet kisses around your neck, kiss you hard if you were about to get too loud. after a couple more thrust, he took his fingers out to raise your skirt higher and take your panties off. kissing them before putting them into his pocket for later. making your cheeks heat up.
"hold onto me baby." bringing one of your hands to his hair before he brought his lips to your wet pussy. his tongue landing right onto your sensitive clit first, inserting his fingers into you once again. giving it kisses while he thrusted his fingers.
he would go so fast, lapping his tongue on you, having to cover your mouth from your loud moans and whimpers. "good girl, you're so good for me y/n. my perfect girl." gripping onto his hair harder each time his fingers hit that spot inside you. "yea pull my hair like that baby." a loud moan slipping past your hand when he went harder.
he could feel your thighs slightly shaking, you were getting close. "cum on my tongue bay, for me yea?" "yes for you, god yes." taking his mouth off your pussy to kiss you as he kept thrusting his fingers into you. your hands gripping his hair and his shoulders. digging your nails into his long sleeve shirt, the feeling of his soft hair against your hand felt so comforting.
coming down from your high, legs shaking around his hand, chanting his name over and over in a whisper onto his lips. holding him down close to you once again, his closeness was your safe space. he brought his fingers to his lips, licking your juices clean off his fingers. "you came so much, all from going down on you, did you miss me?" catching his breath, you could see how wet his mouth was from you.
"yes, but i don't have to miss you any longer, right?" shaking his head at you, another sweet kiss onto your lips. "no, my girlfriend never has to miss me." smiling up at him. "hmm now can my boyfriend take me home? it's so uncomfortable up here." laughing at how long you both had been up there. "yes yes he will. i'll go down first, and carry you to the car, and wear my sweater to cover you." peppering your face with kisses as he made his way down the ladder. soobin was finally yours.
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ericshoney · 4 months
Eating ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You've struggled with eating and developed an eating disorder. Your best friends are there to help you.
Warnings: eating disorder, platonic pet names, crying, weight talks, fear of food, anxiety
It was a warm day in LA, you had planned to hang out with Nick, Matt and Chris for the day. You agreed to go to the beach for the afternoon, before going back to their place to chill and you said you'd stay over for the night.
It was gonna be a fun day, you thought. Until you look at yourself in your mirror, staring at your body in your blue bikini. Your ribs were now starting to show.
Unfortunately you have now developed an eating disorder. You had yet to tell the guys. Scared they would judge you. You knew that they aren't judgemental people when it comes to their closest friends and family, but deep down, you were still scared.
You broke out your thoughts when you heard a car horn outside, knowing it's the guys. You slipped on a large t-shirt, grabbed your bag and ran outside, seeing the car parked up.
"Hey kid!" Nick shouted, his head sticking out the window.
"Hi!" You exclaimed, jumping in the back beside him.
"You okay?" Matt asked, looking at you through the mirror.
"Yeah, I'm good. What about all of you?" You replied.
"We're fine. Chris suggested lunch before we head to the beach." Nick answered.
Shit. Your brain started screaming, you didn't want to eat, but had to be careful around the guys. You couldn't throw it up either.
"Oh okay." You mumbled quietly.
"You okay?" Chris called.
"Yeah, let's go." You said, Matt listening as he began driving.
The car ride was full of chatting and laughter, you smiling until you arrived at Burger King.
"What do you want?" Nick asked you, once he got his brothers orders.
"Um just a water is fine. I'm not hungry." You answered.
"You don't want a Dr Pepper, or fries?" He asked, slightly shocked.
"No thanks." You replied.
Nick gave you a side eye as he ordered, you looked out the window, not listening as he reeled off what everyone was getting. When he finished and Matt drove to the window to pay and collect the food, a drink was passed to you.
"Thank you." You said, putting a straw in it and taking a sip, only to taste Dr Pepper, not water. You looked at Nick and saw him smile.
"Your not hungry, fine, but get a better drink." He said.
You nodded and took a few small sips, overthinking the sugary taste.
After a while you all arrived at the beach. You all got out and went to find a good spot, you relaxing on a towel as Matt and Chris raced to the water. Nick coming to sit next to you.
"You sure your okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?" You replied.
"It's not like you to avoid food, or even just want water." He mentioned.
"I'm just not hungry, but I appreciate the drink." You said.
Nick nodded as you all spent the afternoon at the beach. A few fans saying hi to the guys, whilst you watched happily.
When it got a bit later, you all packed up and headed to the guys place. You had some spare clothes in the back of the car. When you got to their place, you all wanted to shower before picking a movie to watch. Nick let you use his bathroom before himself.
You took a quick shower, not wanting to take much time up and got dressed into a t-shirt and some joggers. You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment, holding your t-shirt up, seeing your ribs again.
"Hey bub, you done?" Nick called.
"Yeah. Now coming." You answered quickly.
You walked out and let him shower as you headed downstairs to sit on the sofa. You opened your phone and on your for you page on TikTok, was many diet plans or tips. Matt walked over and peaked to see what you were watching.
"You don't need a diet, sweetheart." He said, making you jump slightly.
"Oh I....I know, I'm just watching." You stuttered, making him feel confused.
Nick and Chris soon joined you both, the four of you picking a movie to watch for a while before ordering some food.
"What do you want, kid?" Chris asked.
"Oh um, nothing." You muttered, going back to your phone.
"What....but you didn't eat lunch." Matt said.
"I'm just not hungry." You said again.
The three boys shared a look before a nod. They sat around you as Matt gently took your phone, closing it so you couldn't watch another diet video.
"Sweetheart, tell us what's going on." Nick said softly.
"Nothing is going on." You answered quickly.
"Kid, we can tell your not eating. Plus don't try and hide that you've lost a lot of weight." Chris replied.
You looked at the trio and instantly broke. You buried your face in your hands, crying loudly. The guys frowned as they rubbed your back, letting you cry.
Once you calmed down and stopped crying, you looked at the guys, seeing worried looks on their faces, not dissapointment.
"I....I haven't eaten." You slowly admitted.
"We can tell, petal." Matt said.
"In....two weeks. Only a small and I mean very small snack if I felt like I was gonna pass out." You continued.
"You have an eating disorder." Nick responded, making you nod.
"I'm sorry." You cried.
"It's okay, bub. We're gonna help you, okay." Chris said.
"Wait....really? You...Your not gonna leave me?" You asked in shock.
"Fuck no! We're not leaving our best friend. We want to help you. No matter how rough it is, how long it is, we're not going anywhere. We're going to help you." Nick answered.
You smiled, falling into his arms for a hug as Matt and Chris joined too. The three being very proud that you confessed to them and knew they would help you no matter what.
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seungkwanniee · 14 days
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pairings : barista!seungcheol x fem!reader
genre : angst with little fluff in it , strangers to acquaintances
warnings : mention of food , lonliness , agoraphobia (being scared of crowded place) , overthinking , anxiety / panic attack , reader being harsh to herself , struggle to breath , people making fun of reader , mention of bulimia ( not at all ) , tears , few swearing
wc: 1.8k
synopsis : s.o. just has a messed up mind, and Seungcheol is in the right spot in the right time
an : starting school in one day so manifesting that it will be not hard write trought the school year + changed my dividers because the previous ones were basic asf. My frist time writing a thing like that so yes i know this isn't the best 😭
〔 masterlist 〕
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today was not your day but again, when it was ? At least, you got dropped earlier from work, so you just decided to make a quick stop to the near bar. You went here for like, 2 times? and it was long ago but you always overhear your coworkers talking about how they always try to make in time to eat ones of their breakfast. They must have gold hands then?
as you enter in the cozy bar, the little bell above the door makes everyone knows your presence. It wasn't that crowdy, fortunately. You just wanted to chill and eat as you were starving after your tiring work today. In you sight, you can only see an old couple ejoying their tea while behind the counter a young and lovely man raise his head as soon he hears the familiar sound
"what we order for you?" he asks when you stand up in front of him. His soft smile shows his single dimple and makes his eyes go so cutely tiny "a capuccino" you reply, completely forgotting about your hungry state "that's all?" he involountary remembers you that you haven't eat nothing for hours "oh, a brioche too" the guy behind the counter nods, inviting you to take a seat
and now, you get why they love this place. It wasn't for the food (well, also this) but you founded this so comfortable, maybe you liked it better than your home. From your house you can't eat a spetacular brioches, smell the good things that they prepare at the moment, you can't hear the sound of the laughter filling the athmosphere while watching the stunning sun setting down the flower sitting outside the bar. Your house was nothing compared to his: your cooking skill weren't this good, the smell was nothing but the atrocius gas coming from the cars running down the street. Your house was always so soundless, no laughter filling it, and from your window no sunset can be seen.
It wasn't a home, it was just an house, but you never really realized how sad and underwhelming it was.
Your thoughts got distracted from the same guy - Seungcheol, you can read from his tag now - serving you what you ordered, "eat well" his smile was always here, and you find it so cute but you wonder how many times he fakes it, what's under it. You just smile back at him, thanking him. Overall, they were so right about this place, its like entering in another world.
[2 days after]
you never liked waking up early, but what you were doing today? You just woke up 30 earlier than usual just to experience the same coziness before going to work. It was so additcing, not your fault
You get dressed in your usual clothes, swatpants and big coat because it was damn cold outside. Just the walk from your front door to your car, freezed your cheeks and nose making them slightly red. Maybe you were too sensitive, but anyway you rushed trowards the car door, making inside and putting on your playlist to wram you up. You hum along the songs, tapping your fingers on the wheel, involountary smiling as you know the warm and cozy place will confort you.
It wasn't like you expected tho, you widen your mouth when you see the amount of person entering and exting the bar. Even tought it was all cute, the big sign with the cutest writing and the colorfull flower standing outside, you didn't finded it cute anymore with all this people. You was so stupid, ofcurse it would be crowded if they are making the best breakfasts. Your soul was fighting inside: you were a grown woman, how you can't go inside a place only because people were in there. It sounded so redicolous to yourself, you can't even imagine what people would think. Otherwise, you wanted to taste another time the delicious brioche you eated only two days ago, it was so good that just thinking about it was making your mouth watering. You didn't even did breakfast at home for this reason, it was time to take aside your childish fears, no?
The cold weather hitted once again your cheeks, making you walk faster trowards the entrace and without even thinking about it, you were in. Maybe it was a bad choice as your legs were trembling under your warm sweatpants, but now you're here. You can't just walk outside againg, you would look dumb. What the other people would think of you? an odd weird kid. They would laugh while telling the not-so-funny story to ther friends, coworkers, family. And what if they recognize you in the street again? they would laugh right in your face for sure. What if, what if, wha-
"omg, y/n is here" the sound of a voice calling you out makes you raise your eyes from your shoes. You hide your head more into your scarf when the familiar faces are right in front you, and this makes you wish you never left your car or maybe your house. You awkwardly smile at their not welcomed figure, letting out an hand from your pocked to give the girls a little wave. You never get along your coworkers that much, you just ended up with no friends inside the place so they just makes little fun of you. Nothing you can't handle, it was common, but you being already overwhelmed because of the crowd inside of the place wasn't helping you at all. "what are you doing here? you eat for real?" you giggle with them, when they make fun of yourself, "it wasn't even funny" you wish you had the courage to say that, but in reality you just stand here while they makes fun of you. "make sure you don't throw up after eating, mh" the disgusting hand lands on you cheek, caressing it while her fake caring tone only makes you feel dizzy. Making fun of you just because you're skinnier than them wasn't funny.
You watch them walking away, well you can't properly do this. Your eyes were itching because of the tears wrapping them, and your head spinning wasn't helping at all. Your slightly trembing hands were making a pounch inside of your coat pockets because you were angry, sad, tired, defenceless and weak at the same time. The troath was now completely dry, you weren't even sure if you were able to speak to someone in few minutes, adding to your heavy chest. You were having a panic attack for sure. You went trought this many times before, so you should know how to deal with it, but it was like you can't even think straight right now, never wishing more to someone rescue you.
And it was like today the planets were all on your side, literally an angel falling from the sky. When you hear the soft voice speaking almost near to you ear, taking one of your arm walking you somewhere, you tought you was in heaven. 'This is real life or I just died?' were your exactly tought. "i'm sorry to bother you, I just saw what happened" the guy says, but it was like you weren't even listening him. "sit down" he places both hands on your shoulder, forcing you to take a sit in a place you never seen, but it seems more like the back of a local. "okay, kay, it's okay" probably he was looking at you with pity eyes, and it just sound so ridiculous. Your eyes weren't able to contain this amount of water, they just needed to escape somewhere. Your elaborated breath was making your chest havier and more painful, at the point that it started to be harder to breath by yourself. "gosh" he humble, Seungcheol was mad worried for you. It may sound weird but as an empathetic, yes, he was so worried about a stranger, half-stranger. He noticed you right away when you entered for the frist time to the bar, you looked so pretty in your big coat that was pratically eating you. It looked so obvious in your face your tiredness but in his eyes, you still looked so gorgeous. Something in you attracted him that he almost jumped from happiness when you appared again today. He was praying all day long hoping that you would show up so he could make a move and well, now he is making a move, not the one he expected tho.
"watch my breath, can you?" he kneels in front of you, his hand slipping down to your shaky arms and it may looks nothing, but his hands were bringing you the comfort you always wanted, not only when your mental health was messing with you. His brown eyes never leaving yours for a sec, piearcing right inside of you. "you need to match my breath, you can do it" his voice like honey for your hears, he wans't rushing you neither disrespecting your boundaries. Your heart was literally racing inside of you, and so many thoughts were going inside of your head. Why you weren't able to controll your attack today, you always deal with it but it was like you weren't in your body anymore. You was wondering why a stranger was helping you, there were still angels in this earth. What the fuck he was thinking of you, maybe you just looked so ugly, rediculus or like a kid. His bar was so full of people, he must be working right now but you were probably just a pain in the ass for him.
"stop thinking, focus on my breath" his hand moves on your chin now, slightly raising your head, while he gently caress your cold cheek. It didn't disgust you as before, his touch was gentle, almost scared of breaking you, that it brought a feeling of inexplicable calm. Your eyes glued on his lip, following his same peace.
"i'm so sorry" you take deep breaths when you were able to talk again without killing yourself for the lack of air. Now that you were able to think straight, the face of the guy seems so familiar to you. "for?" the guy tilt to one side his head, still kneeling in front of you while his hands lay on your knees. He looked so cute when his dimple shows, while his hair moves to his forehead because of the movement. Your hands were playing with each other, still feeling a little embarassed. Doing this, your eyes land on the tag attacked on his brown apron. "Seungcheol" it was supposted to be a thought, but it involountary slipped out of your mouth, "yeah, that's me. What's your name?" your cheeks turn red when you realize, making him giggle. Almost wishpering your name, you stand up from the chair, making Seungcheol standing up too. "you must be busy, i'm sorry that i bothered you. We can go back inside" you words were almost impossible to understand as your voice was so low and still a little cracked for the crying.
"don't worry, stay here, I can bring you something to eat" he invites you to take a sit again, but you were to stubborn. You already fucked up his schedule, you weren't bothering him any more. Plus, your work was waiting you soon. "Don't bother, go back to work. I have to go to mine soon" your still red eyes looked at him, and those were the things that weren't convincing him at all. "I insist, you must be hungry. I can take you to work if you want"
how angels can still exist?
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beautifulhigh · 5 months
Hi hi!! It's unfair of me to ask you to actually write the full essay on the rwrb red room kiss scene, but I saw your tags and am very interested in at least what the main thesis would be, if you feel like sharing!! No worries if not 😊 Have a good night/day/whatever time it is where you are!
The last few weeks have been, well. They've Been™ and I'm going to use this wonderful ask to dust off my overthinking tag and write a meta post on this movie, these boys, and then hope more than three people care what I have to say.
The Red Room kiss scene is Iconic™ and Important™ and in this essay I (really) will discuss agency, framing, and why it always had to be Alex to be the one to make the move.
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While book!Alex takes book!Henry to the Red Room, here he's waiting. Bundle of nervous energy. He doesn't know what to do with himself, how to hold himself, how to present himself when Henry turns up. He's backlit in this (which is a theatre technique, I see you Matthew) but it also adds to the drama and tension of the scene.
The (in)famous painting of Hamilton, about to bear witness to things.
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We jump cut between Alex trying to find... something. Here he is realising his shirt has come slightly undone and he wants to try and be somewhat presentable. At least for the moment. But it speaks to Alex's physicality in this scene because he is shifting and moving so much that his clothing is shifting. There's also an interpretation that this suit represents the formality of the situation - the Prime Minister's dinner, at which he (the First Son) and the boy he wants to kiss (the actual Prinec) are supposed to be front and centre and the picture of formality.
He's coming undone in this moment because he's the First Son and he's waiting for the Prince, but he's also Alex and he's waiting for Henry.
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Ah, yes. The casual lean against the wall. Fancy seeing you here, your Royal Highness, what do you think of the menu? But there's grounding here too. When you're spiralling focusing on a physical point of contact between you and and something can help ground you.
It's also a defensive stance in a way. You shall not pass, I'm not moving. Alex is claiming space and territory and he's controlling it.
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"How dare you fucking kiss me, run away, ghost me, then walk into the White House like nothing changed." This is closed off, defensive, protective - probably why it's the quickest of the poses to be dismissed. He's got his back against the wall like he's scared or ready to come out fighting. And, in a way, both of those are true.
Book!Alex is mid-crisis on his bisexuality and while he logically knows he is very much into Henry, he's not gotten to the point of turning theory into reality.
Movie!Alex is more chill about being into guys, but this attraction to Henry is confusing him. He hates the guy. He wants to punch him in the mouth. With his mouth.
(What? That's literally book canon: and if he weren’t already hell-bent on destroying Henry’s infuriating idiot face with his mouth right now, he would consider doing it with his fist.)
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Casual lean against the table, less staged and jarring than the extended arm against the wall.
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But then Henry walks in and Alex stands to attention and he is... rapt. He is calm and composed and he is focused. We're back to the back-lit position which helps frame him with a near-halo effect.
And you can see that he is relaxed. There's a slight drop in the jaw, his shoulders are sloped and rounded. Because none on what he was trying to convey before matters. Henry is here.
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"Look" he starts with - he's expecting a fight. He's expecting Alex to go off on one for the kiss, for the liberty taken. Even if Alex is willing to forget that it ever happened, take Henry's secret to the grave, Henry gets one thing right in this.
"my behaviour was appalling"
Because it was. Look, Hen, I love you and I'm with Alex in the feeling that I will go to war for you to see you happy and safe. But you did kinda kiss him without consent (harsh reading) and you did ghost him without apology (soft reading) and for a boy raised in the Royal Household that... well... it's pretty much top items on the Very Bad Behaviour list. He did not act with decorum or dignity, he did not act in the way that his status and position demands.
(That's OK, Hen. Because the boy under the linden tree wasn't the Prince. It's OK to not be him, and Alex is going to spend the rest of his life loudly loving the man, not the prince.)
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"Shut up, stop talking." // “Shut up, shut all the way up, oh my God,” Alex hisses
Because even though both versions of Alex said he wanted to talk to Henry, in the moment that's the last thing he wants to do. And actions speak louder than words, right?
Why it had to be Alex
Henry needed to make the first move, that New Year's kiss, because there needed to be something to make Alex realise that this thing he's feeling is very much reciprocated, and that Henry wants it too. If Alex had kissed Henry for the first time on New Year's Eve/Day then it would have been too much of a leap. Alex, at whatever stage of his bisexual journey, has no clear idea of Henry's orientation at that party. It's only with retrospective viewing that he realises that Henry was low-key flirting, and that the sharing of these deeply personal moments wasn't just a "two bros in a hot tub" thing.
So Henry had to kiss Alex first but then he had to run because there was no way that the mostly-closeted, private Prince could accept that a) he fucking kissed a boy, b) said boy is the one he's been dreaming of since Rio/Melbourne, and c) the boy kinda?? kissed him back?? Henry will have been having a low-grade anxiety attack all through January (and trying to reclaim some control with the date he went on in the book).
In this moment, Alex knows all the pieces. He's played this logic game to its conclusion and he knows all the facts. 1) Henry is gay. 2) Henry is into him. 3) He's into Henry. That last fact is something Henry isn't fully aware of (or at least can't bring himself to believe it to be true) and so it has to be Alex.
He doesn't want Henry to say something that would get in the way of this, doesn't want to hear any kind of pre-prepared speech of "yeah, we're better off as friends" that always happens when the couple get too close to getting together too early in the run time. Alex is full on shutting that down, shutting Henry up, and he gives as good as he got.
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"Wait a minute" // Henry’s too shocked to respond, mouth falling open slackly in a way that’s more surprise than invitation, and for a horrified moment Alex thinks he calculated all wrong, but then Henry’s kissing him back, and it’s everything.
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And this time it's both of them. Framed between Hamilton and the books. The American political trailblazer and the literary. In the space between? There's our boys.
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Alex's hand is on the wall again and he's controlling the space but Henry is very much in it. He's protective but in a different way.
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In one frantic motion, Alex knocks the candelabra off the table next to them and pushes Henry onto it so he’s sitting with his back against—Alex looks up and almost breaks into deranged laughter—a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Henry’s legs fall open readily and Alex crowds up between them, wrenching Henry’s head back into another searing kiss. They’re really moving now, wrecking each other’s suits, Henry’s lip caught between Alex’s teeth, the portrait’s frame rattling against the wall when Henry’s head drops back and bangs into it. Alex is at his throat, and he’s somewhere between angry and giddy, caught up in the space between years of sworn hate and something else he’s begun to suspect has always been there. It’s white-hot, and he feels crazy with it, lit up from the inside. Henry gives as good as he gets, hooking one knee around the back of Alex’s thigh for leverage, delicate royal sensibilities nowhere in the cut of his teeth. Alex has been learning for a while Henry isn’t what he thought, but it’s something else to feel it this close up, the quiet burn in him, the pent-up person under the perfect veneer who tries and pushes and wants. He drops a hand onto Henry’s thigh, feeling the electrical pulse there, the smooth fabric over hard muscle. He pushes up, up, and Henry’s hand slams down over his, digging his nails in.
The sensibility of the suits is on its way out, they're not the First Son and the Prince. And Alex is taking the lead.
Henry is somewhat passive in this - although he is fully engaged - but it's Alex who set this in motion. Pun intended. Alex who pushed him against the wall. Alex who pushed him up onto the table and hiked his leg up around his hip, Alex who is driving in. Because Alex needs Henry to know that third fact. The one he's worked out, the one that Henry is just catching up with. This isn't payback, it's not some prank. Alex Wants™.
There's a scene I'm writing in my current FirstPrince WiP in which Alex and Henry have a charged moment. And Henry wants to act on it but those princely sensibilities get in the way and he can't let himself be led into doing something that could be used against him. If Henry made all the moves then the accusation of him taking advantage, of the inherant imbalance that comes with status and titles and positions of power. So in the scene, and here, Alex takes the lead. There's no way anyone could accuse Henry of forcing Alex into doing this.
(Good luck getting Alex to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to.)
So Alex gives and Henry takes and he gets the memo very quickly.
Fact number three. Alex wants this too.
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Then Movie!Amy walks in on them (which IMO is way funnier than Book!Amy hissing through a crack in the door) and these idiots try to act like they weren't redefining International Relations a second ago. Alex is by the painting, Henry is by the books. They've gone back to their sides and they're playing at being interested in what they find there. But they're not, it's all for show, someone who gives a passing glance at this point sees this part of them, this side of them The First Son and the Prince: the politician and the literary.
They're both backlit, they're in line even if it doesn't look like it, Alex is no longer on Henry's right, and they're both trying to act like the people that others could see them as.
But we - and they - know better. 1) Henry is gay. 2) Henry is into Alex. 3) Alex is into Henry.
4) Everyone is on the same page now.
(Also I know Casey talked about seeing the Red Room on a White House tour and so that's why they included a scene in that room in their book, but I cannot ignore the fact that red = love and passion and danger and fire [the counter to the water motif] and it's a warm colour designed to excite.)
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could do slashers (RZ Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Sinclair brothers) with a s/o that works and performs with dolphins, sharks, and alligators and has a really good relationship with the animals. like their s/o is like "they're so cute!" And they're petting a shark or crocodile and the slasher is just like "😳"
OMG YES!!! Imma do sharks/alligators cuz dolphins are wacky. She/her, sfw, Request open
Slasners with s/o that befriends wild animals
Jason Voorhees
Guy lives in America im sure there are gators in this lake of his
Imagine, before s/o and Jason became bffs, s/o friends wanted to hang out in Crystal Lake but there where huge alligators there. Imagine s/o just bonding with gators slowly, like giving them lil treats and other stuff
Belly rubs and head pats all the way! Im sure they love it
When s/o and Jason got together, I swear his soul left his body when he saw her walking around gators. This guy just died
I mean im sure he and gators are best pals, BUT THEY USUALLY EAT NORMAL PEOPLE S/O WHAT ARE YOU DOING
NONO ITS WALKING IN YOUR DIRECSION S/O STOP- oh wait you are petting it, aww
"Aww look at this big boi! Soo cute!"
He wants some headpats too pls
Jason, s/o, beautiful beach, sunset, 3alligators chilling next to them. Wonderful afternoon
Bo , Vince and Lester Sinclair
"I swear if it even looks at you in wrong way im skinning it"
"So... your taming big lizards now?"
Vince secretly wants to be aligator dad and have litte gator puppy. Definitely wants to yoink (adopt) one egg and tame it
Lester tried to pick one up and put it in truck once, mostly just to prank Bo. Imagine "lester where is my shotgun🤨" "oh its in truck😈" "hsss🐍" "AAHH HOLY SHIT"
Bo hates it so much, I mean yeah gators look epic and are great if somone tries to escape Ambrose thrue lake. But s/o! My love! They can crush your hand without even thinking about it!! It's an idea for suicide!
Lester agreed to adopt one (due to vincent begging)
Micheal Myers RZ
Aw hell naaah
Man ate a cat once, ya think that thicker skin is going to stop him?
Will have stare contest with the gator
Also if s/o is a professional and works with sharks.. THIS GUY IS OBSSESED WITH SHARKS OMGOMGOGK YAS!!
Especially that its his s/o playing/swimming with the creature... so he is not the only dangerous thing shes dealing with? Maybe that's why she isn't so scared of Myers? He is overthinking sm
Pls buy him hammer head plushie or whale sharks (bro tbh lemon sharks and whale sharks are so cute i have like milion tiktoks of them saved)
Will lisen to s/o mumble and monogluge about difrent kinds of sharks, their behaviours, how they bend with humans and how cool they are!
He finds sharks very funny and goofy, and im sure he doesnt really know how fish breathe underwater.. he's convinced that they just swallow water and that's how they breath
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nyubiecore · 9 months
Paris In The Rain ☆ kim sunwoo
a the boyz sunwoo oneshot
" walking down an empty street puddles underneath our feet "
kim sunwoo x fem reader
genre : fake relationship , frenemies to lovers , fluff , kiss
in which the fake relationship you both agreed upon started to feel too real to be fake in Paris , the City of Love
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a beep noise came from your phone , notifying you of a new message
you reached for your phone beside you as you pressed the on button , now displaying a selfie of you and sunwoo that you guys took before taking off
you checked the message from sunwoo :
" wyd "
" taking a shit "
" why'd you even bring your phone w/ you to the toilet "
" jk " " just chilling at the balcony " " why? " seen by sunwoo
you only roll your eyes and enjoyed the view of Paris in the rain. you've heard from your mom that Paris looks the most beautiful when it rains . you smile to yourself as you take some pictures of the Eiffel Tower from your hotel room to show to your mom
your class had arranged a week trip to Paris in the holidays , you got to share rooms with your best friend , Yoora for the week
at first , you didn't want to go since it costs a hefty amount of money but since you figured it would be one of the last memories in high school so why not , since your apparent fake boyfriend offered to pay half of it that you thanked him for the thought but still pay all of them off yourself - with some help from your parents of course
" why why? is it sunwoo? " Yoora asked from inside the room where she sat on the bed
you looked over your shoulder , " yeah , but he put me on read " you said in your most annoyed tone
she smiled " this is good times , you should go on a date with him tomorrow since we're free anyways "
" i won't bother " you replied
she let out a huff in defeat " hey you guys are couples in love , we are in the city of love , do you see my point right here? "
you stopped on your track then moved to join her inside " does it look like that? do you really think he's in love with me? "
" are you a fucking fool? everyone could see that you moron "
" what do you mean? "
" ask any of our classmates who've never seen him staring at you hopelessly , and that one time you almost fainted in class that he escorted you to the nurse's office even if he knows he needs to pass that class " Yoora said half defeated " don't keep denying it Y/N , cut yourself some slack will you? just because of that jerk you saw last summer and it didn't work out make you think it'll never work out , okay? " she continues comforting your overthinking self
you were silenced
since you guys started this agreement just because of some petty ex-boyfriend of yours who's currently a psychopath that would chase you all the way down the worm's hole to get back with you
and his possessive fangirls who'd never shut up and chase him everywhere , there's not one person in your class that has found out about this agreement and only compliments about how cute you guys are
at some point , you yourself were confused about this. is it really fake? since the last 3 month you guys became the school's hottest ship , it would be a lie to say that you've never had a thought to actually put hope in this relationship and never fluttered upon his actions
like that one time you didn't answer his text because you were crying over the miserable life you were put in and he searched for you all over town until he found you , finally hiding at the playground all by yourself
but all of those thoughts didn't last long as you kept hearing voices about how he is bad news , that he's a big red flag and that one time he cheated on 3 girls at the same time
some oil were also poured into the flame by his fans who couldn't sit back and watch you guys happy and always , searched for any possible chances to judge you , trample you and gaslight you that sometimes you even felt so small that you were scared to even face them at some point
you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt your arms getting swayed by Yoora
" girl? Y/N? gosh stop with the daydreaming , the doorbell rang , go check it out will you? " she said
you blinked your eyes , coming back to your senses as you rush to the door
you pushed down the door knob , opening the door revealing sunwoo , in his comfortable hoodie over his head and a hot pink colored umbrella on his right hand
" wanna go for a night walk , princess? " he said in an attempt to charm you
sunwoo always likes to give you pet names but since last time you guys watched a classic movie about the royal family , he started to call you princess and couldn't stop talking about it
your heart fluttered a bit but you couldn't possibly show him that " in this weather? " you ask ridiculed
his brow hanged higher than the other as he showed off the umbrella on his hand
" in this? " you continued as you looked at yourself in a graphic pajama set
his lips corner curled up , " if you'd like to , i won't mind but i could wait here if you mind the cute fit " he chuckled to himself
you gave him an eye as you asked him to wait while you go put on a proper clothes for the ocassion as Yoora give you the eyes
by a few minutes , you came back out in a white sleeved crop top and black loose jeans
sunwoo stood on his feet as he checks you out
you roll your eyes " keep your eyes to yourself would you? "
he smirked " sorry to offend you princess "
you guys walked to the lobby and sunwoo leads you along the revolving door until you guys came outside the hotel , taking in the scent of the rain and the sound of Paris's bustling streets
walking on the sidewalks of the road , sunwoo opened the umbrella that mostly covered you
" what's with this hot pink umbrella? " you laugh
" shut up " he said as he roll his eyes
" hehe"
you wanted to say something about how his other hoodie side that were exposed to the rain were clearly wet but you knew he wouldn't bother.
while walking , you came over a wine shop
you look at sunwoo who were already looking at you as you smile cheekily
" can you read my mind? " you asked as you nudged sunwoo's side
" I can't read minds but I can see what's in front of us " he replied
you nudged harder to his side as you rushed to cross the streets
after a successful attempt of buying the cheapest wine , you guys were seated at one of the bench near the Eiffel Tower
you drank straight from the wine bottle and swallowed the berry flavor.
the rain had stopped raining by this time
sunwoo just looks at you
you took in the view of the big Eiffel Tower in front of you. far from what you expected , you couldn't actually hold your liquor as much as you thought you could.
you grunts as you leaned into the bench
" I'm so glad that I'm here now , right? " you turned your head towards sunwoo who were quietly looking at you
he smiled to himself as he nods softly " me too "
maybe it was the air , maybe it was the wine - it should be the wine - but you felt like you were free off pressures and your right mind because …
you smiled cheekily " did you know? that none of our classmates suspected our relationship? " you chuckled " I mean , it's such a sudden thing but how could they be so gullible , right? " you said as you chuckle
sunwoo stayed quiet - furious? - as he reached for the bottle of wine and took a sip of it
you watch him as he put the bottle down " oh? did we kiss just now? ommo ommo " you said as you laugh drunkenly
he only kept quiet as he avoids eye contact with you
" hey , I'm sad that you act so relaxed over my first kiss " you say making a sad expression
" princess , that's not a real kiss okay? it's just an indirect kiss " he said earning a nudge to his side
you look up at the Eiffel Tower , " did you know? I heard from that if you go to watch the Eiffel Tower in the rain with your lover , your love will last for a long long time " you said drunkenly
" who says that? " sunwoo asked
" me! " you said as you pointed to yourself and chuckle
" then, we're going to be lovers aren't we? "
" ey , how can the kim sunwoo of Daeryeon High date a nobody like me. you won't know how much it takes to date you even if it's fake " you let out a huff
" why is it hard? "
" your lover would have to see your table full of gifts from girls prettier than her everyday , don't even mention the judging eyes she'll get from your die hard fans too , oww even talking about it sends me shivers to the bone " you say hugging yourself on the bench
he stopped on his track. it's not like he never knew how bad girls who've had relationship with him got bashed. it's just , since you he started to feel eager to keep the relationship though he knows you're having a hard time , ofc he tries to protect you at all cost tho
" so you won't do the role? " he laughs
" do you want me to? " you jokingly say as you make eye contact with his sweet eyes
the sudden eye contact only triggered sunwoo and you didn't really mind it since you were drunk and everything
he looked away , his cheeks slightly tinted with pink blush " what if I say I want , then what will you do then? "
you stopped , " hek " you got hiccups. you embarrassingly cover your mouth and looked forward
he smiled looking at you " we should go now " he stands up as he wrapped his arms on your side holding you steady while you hold the wine bottle on your hand
maybe because of the late hours or the choice of way , the streets seems a bit more quiet not in a spooky way , just comfortable? or maybe it was because of your company? you didn't know anymore as the alcohol takes control of your brain
along the road , you saw a flower shop that were still open and many bouquet and varieties of flowers from the glass
" pretty tulips " you said drunkenly
he looked at the flower shop
" wait here " he said before abandoning you outside the flower shop
he ran back out in a few minutes with a few tulips wrapped in his hand then hands it to you
" what is it? oh! tulips! " you say as you clap repeatedly
he only smiled as you take the tulips from his hand
you guys continue the walk as it freshen you up
but the unstraight walk didn't go away
" princess , can't you walk straight? it's dangerous "
you only chuckled " hey do you like me? why do you call me princess all the time , it made me flutter.. " the last part was said in a lower voice
he only shake his head
you kept the unstraight walk until you wanted to cross the road that you almost did carelessly
when a bicycle almost hit you , that you felt a hand on your elbow pulling you back from the road , turning your body to the owner of the hand and sending your tulips to bounce to the sky
panicked sunwoo is now a few inches to your face , you could smell the light scent of wine from his breath that were fanning your face
" gosh you're so clumsy " he said but didn't break the close proximity
your eyes broke into an emotional eyes " hey , can you stop making my heart flutter? do you know how much I started to like you since 3 months ago? "
he was taken aback for a bit but the emotions left his eyes as it went to your lips
" what if I like you " he said
" don't make those kinds of jokes , it hurts "
you said before seeing your tulips that is now stuck on one of the tree branches
you point at it " my tulips "
sunwoo looked at the spot you pointed to , him being a few cm lower from the branch helped as he reached for it
it became a failed attempt , so he held the end of the branch and shake it lightly sending the tulips to almost reach the ground when you and sunwoo tried to prevent if from falling
reaching for it , both of you accidentally held hands - with tulips in it - and were faced in the same proximity from just now
you turned to face him , you scanned his delicate face
you never cared how sharp his nose and his jawline is - also the fact that he's much more handsome than you imagined , you were pretty much in awe
" your nose is so well sculptured "
" stop that , princess "
" stop that pet name "
" what if I like you that's why I give these pet names? "
you stopped on your track
" you're kidding "
" are you still drunk? "
you look at him ridiculously " umm.. no? "
" then I should prove it to you " he said before bringing his hand to both your jawline and pulled your face closer to his bringing your lips together
the kiss was slow but you can feel the adrenaline pumping in your brain and your heart rate soaring
sunwoo pulled away a few seconds after
you look at him , still ridiculed " what does that kiss mean? "
" I'm sorry for stealing away your first kiss , but I do actually like you and the reason all of our classmates didn't find out isn't because they're gullible but because I liked you for real and I show my gestures to you " he said
you could see his vulnerable gaze towards you , you could fall in love in that gaze every time and now , you're sure , you're in love with him
" can I kiss you back? " you asked
" if you kiss me now , it means you are my girlfriend , real girlfriend and I won't want to let you go anytime near " he said smiling
you smiled widely as you connected your lips with his into a kiss you knew you could never forget for a long time
the kiss was firm as he wrapped his arms around your body and your arms going to wrap his neck
you pulled away for air as you tasted the last remaining taste of wine lingering on your lips
" should we go now , princess? " he asked making you flutter
you got up and wrapped your arms on his neck , gave him a peck " we should , prince " you smirked as you walked along the empty lane with him
sneakily , he reached for your hand and held it
" I guess a walk in the rainy Paris actually helped huh? " he said
thank you for reading , i think this one is kind of awkward since i'm not really good at writing these types of things so please cut me some slack :>
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emsgwenstan · 10 months
Personal or professional?
Chap 1 | chap 2 | chap 3
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader.
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Words: 2k
Warnings: bodily issues, swearing.
Note: imma b honest I’m filling In for the parts I want to write. I’m not there yet. Just know there will be a few things coming within the next few chapters! Xx
Just as I was thinking about how ridiculously bold it was for me to put my number on that cup, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket once I returned home.
‘Meet me at the weathervane in your lunch break tomorrow?~Larissa’
My eyes went wide as I re-read the message over and over until I realise that she can see if I’ve viewed it, I quickly replied.
‘Sure, 12:30? Are you sure you have time?’
Immediately it was seen and I waited in anticipation once the three little dots popped up.
‘That’s fine, even if I don’t I will always make time darling.”
I didn’t know exactly what to reply, so I just turned off my phone and threw it on my bed, I could feel my face flushing at the thought of her. I stripped off and got ready for a shower, the chill of the room raising goosebumps along my skin, the tile floor of the bathroom freezing the soles of my feet, stepping in, I let out a hum at the hot water encapsulating my body finally letting myself relax against the wall, ridding myself of the day, not that it was so bad.
Once out, dried off and dressed, I jump into bed not bothering with dinner, being far to exhausted to cook or order anything, I snuggle into my thick duvet and flick on the tv to half watch and listen to another true crime story. It isn’t always ideal to watch this stuff when I live alone, especially as a woman, but there’s something oddly calming about it, even if I get slightly paranoid. After a while I fell asleep at around 8:00pm, but woke at around 12 to turn the tv off.
The next morning I woke up earlier than usual to perfect my simple make up, applying a layer of foundation and mascara, the smallest bit of matte pink lipstick and to be sure to have every hair on my head in place held in a slicked back ponytail. ‘I just hope this will last for at least 8 hours, the next 4 don’t matter.’ I thought.
Throwing on my black jeans and fluoro pink work shirt, as well as a baggy pink and black work wear jacket, I glance at myself in the floor length mirror, every time I do I see nothing I like, nothing pretty, nothing special, I feel like I must be such a curiosity to other people, my job, my height, my weight, my strange mix of masculinity and femininity, I know I’m not skinny or thin but I’m not that big either, anymore at least. The stretch marks on my stomach, thighs and breasts are the things I try so hard to cover up. I can’t help but wonder why anyone would want to be with or associate around someone like me, even if I personally don’t discriminate against what people look like. That also brings me to ponder why Larissa asked to have lunch with me today.
I think my collar bone length, warm blond hair is probably the only thing I change often or really take care of, I try to do my nails and keep them clean and presentable, always painted in a nude pink, which is ironic considering i don’t actually like the colour. I change the studs in all of my piercings, rotating the gold from small hoops to diamonds. My hands are scared and calloused from 22 years of working with rough materials as well as my legs and forearms, I guess I’ve no need to be jealous or overthink about others body’s or physique’s I’m a grown woman after all, but the insecurity is always at the forefront of my mind.
After traipsing out of the house, I finally made it into work at 5am, turning on all the lights and compressors and the radio I listen to until 9, it goes off once my boss turns up. “No music in the factory Violet.” He’d say, which is bullshit, it’s so fucking boring without it. Walking into the shop’s kitchenette, I flick on the kettle to make my morning tea in a travel cup and tap my fingers on the bench in waiting. It’s already freezing today, the cold seeping through my layers of clothing and apparently the concrete walls, yesterday was warm enough to wear shorts and go without a jumper.
Consulting with my boss about the order needing to be placed for the cupboards going to nevermore was nauseating, It took a lot longer than usual because of all the questions he asked about yesterday afternoon. “So how was going to the school for strange kids yesterday?” He asked sarcastically, not looking up from his computer. “Their not strange, their just different to you. And it was fine, obviously got all the information we need.” I said annoyed. “Right.” After a long pause he spoke again. “Miss Weems seemed to enjoy your presence, she didn’t shut up about the stuff you showed her.” I was perplexed and rolled my eyes. “Well at least someone appreciates it.” I said under my breath looking down at my thighs picking bits of lint and sawdust off the material. He was quiet after that.
12:15 rolled around, I grabbed the keys to my personal car and popped back into his office to tell him I’m going on break, it was so nice on the short walk in the sun. I jumped in my black Mercedes sports car and made my way down the street, turning a few corners I parked outside the wethervane and locked the car before entering the cafe. Larissa wasn’t there yet, so I took a seat in a booth next to the large window with my back turned to the door.
Staring out the glass and watching the towns people walk about, some in tandem with each other holding hands, some parents with young children or strollers, a few elderly people walking in groups giving the impression of being friends for years going for a walk with their wife’s arms wrapped around there husbands. One in particular caught my attention, a young man who looks to be in his early 20s exiting the florist bearing a bunch of white roses, his demeanour riddled with nerves, he sat at a park bench close to the other side of the road, pulling out a little black box, he observed it for a moment before snapping it shut, than stood smoothing down his hair and blazer before walking away. A small smile crept on my face hoping all goes well for his next obvious destination, but it quickly faded in a realisation, which I wish to forget.
A hand on my shoulder ripped me out of my mind, turning my head around I see her. Larissa. A huge grin took over my face clearly out doing her small smile. “Afternoon violet.” She greeted. “Hi.” I responded sounding so high pitched I internally cringe at myself. Larissa placed her purse on the surprisingly unsticky table and takes a seat in front of me. “How are you darling.” She asked removing a black leather glove. “I’m alright, not particularly busy today which is pretty good but that just means the day will drag a lot longer, better now I’m here with you though.” I said, staring at her beautifully red painted nails. “Oh that’s horrible, you must get lonely in there by yourself no?” She stated. “It’s nice, but sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to. Don’t you get lonely? Being in your office?” I asked wondering why she’d worry about me when I’m sure she’s in the same position. “Not at all, I have teachers, students, parents, groundskeepers and just about every other kind of person in and out all day, sometimes it gets so frustrating I put a ‘do not disturb’ sign on my door just for at least five minutes of peace.” She exhaled slightly rolling her eyes at the thought, I nodded in understanding, chuckling softly at her annoyance.
Idle conversations flowed between the two of us before we were politely interrupted by a waiter handing over two menus. “What are you having.” I asked her. “A chicken Cesar salad. You?- Oh and I’m paying by the way… you bought me things yesterday.” She stated. “There’s no need really.” I answered. “I insist what would you like.” She pushed. “Probably just a grilled cheese.” I said. “No. Don’t think I don’t know that’s the cheapest thing here, get what you want sweetheart.” My pulse skipped then ran faster at her new term of endearment, I felt like I was melting from the inside out. “Fine I’ll just have the same as you please.” I settled, displaying a shy smile. I didn’t care about the food really, I don’t plan on letting her see me as a naive and difficult thing who can’t pay for myself or play her as a fool, I guess that’s just what happens when you’re completely independent for a long period of time. “Are you sure? you can have anything.” She asked again. “Positive, thank you.” Larissa waved over the previous waiter and ordered for the both of us, we ate once our meals arrived and sat in comfortable silence.
Larissa did in fact pay, she left no room for argument and we both walked out together into the fresh, crisp air and warm sun. “Do you need to go back just yet?” She asked. “No I think having a break over half an hour would be fine considering how much overtime I do that I don’t get payed for.” I chuckled trying to come off lighthearted, but it sounded more bitter than I intended. “What do you mean? What are your allocated hours?” Larissa stoped the slow pace causing me to walk a little in front and turn around to face her concerns. “Allocated… 7:30 to 5, but I usually get to work around 5 and finish at 7.” I said furrowing my brows. “Why?” I ask. Larissa was silent for a moment. “So your telling me you work 12 to 13 hours every day? When your only supposed to be doing 9 and a half?” She asked incredulously. “Yes.” I said almost immediately realising that wouldn’t seem right or normal to anyone else who doesn’t know what it’s like to do my job. I laughed at her, not in a rude way but at her worry. “How do you do that!? You work almost 70 hours a week!” Her eyes growing widder with the facts she’s coming to know. “I’m fine. I manage.” I simply said turning to walk a bit more for her to follow, at this point there is no destination.
“You look gorgeous today, channel right?” I asked, pulling my hand out of my pocket to point at her outfit, a ploy for a change of subject. “Yes, thank you. How did you know that?” She asked. “Just like I know your heels are louboutins, your watch is Valentino, your bracelet it Cartier and your broach is probably the hardest to guess I’m not quite sure about that one, but I know your necklace is personally made. Oh and your pearl earrings are vintage Tiffany & co.” I stated proudly hoping I wasn’t wrong. “You continue to surprise me Violet. First your this strong independent woman who can build an entire house and the interior with you bare hands and now your a fashion expert, what else don’t I know?” She said with an amuse smile. “There is a lot you don’t know about me Larissa, but what ls the fun in letting you in on all my secrets just yet? Who knows, I could be very boring.” I giggled. She shook her head gently and placed her gloved hand on my arm. “You are the most interesting person I’ve been around for quite some time darling, I don’t believe you could ever be a bore.” At that i blushed furiously letting out a foggy exhale.
Larissa was the epitome of ethereal, the way her eyes look so piercing in the sunlight almost as if they were so blue they could be mistaken for white, her porcelain skin illuminated as well as her platinum hair. Right now her nose and cheeks are flushed red and her lips displaying the same shade she had painted on herself, I hoped anyway, their a little swollen due to the cold. “Hey, can I ask you a random question?” I asked timidly hoping it’s not to weird. “Of course you can.” She said. “Do you…ahhh, do you have…someone, like-.” I struggled to spit it out. “A girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, partner?… no sweetheart.” She continued on, laughing at my shy state. “Right… that what I was trying to say, and how is that, wouldn’t you have plenty of people lined up for you? surely.” I exaggerated. “So your a flatterer to I see.” She gasped feigning herself from being to serious.
About two seconds later Larissa looked away and her attention was taken by the front of the Jericho book shop and Library, she moved so quickly to snatch my wrist and drag me in the direction of the entrance. “Woah, you could have just asked me to come with you.” I just about snorted. “I’m sorry come on I haven’t been in her for ages, please!” The sparkle in her eyes showing unwavering hope. “Of course I’ll come I love books to ya know.” I grinned. “Well that’s another thing I just learned about you.” She said holding the door open for me.
It was so warm and cozy inside, the smell of a vanilla candle that was placed next to the register and the scent of paper was almost nostalgic, I hadn’t been in here for a while either. Larissa ended up in-front of me and I don’t think she realised she held out her hand behind her for me to take. After mild contemplation I took it, Larissa immediately tightened her grip, pulling me along with her to a section she clearly has been down before. She let go of my hand a crouched to the wooden floor removing her gloves again so she could feel the spines of the books.
Larissa was in her element, completely enraptured in her own world. I let her be and scanned the shelves above her, taking an interest to one that was a royal blue colour with gold embossed lettering, I placed my palm on her shoulder to stabilise myself and stood on my tip toes to reach it, admiring for a moment before I could read the blurb, Larissa gasped in excitement. “Yes, I found it!” She exclaimed. “What is it?” I asked. “I hid this book almost a year ago because I didn’t want to buy it at the time.” She said looking up at me. ‘she’s so bloody adorable.’
I helped her off the floor and we moved back to the register. “So what do you have?” She asked. “Um I think it’s a book of poetry, I flicked through it and read one, I like it.” I said. “You should read me one.” She smiled. Before I could respond a little lady with grey hair and a long green cardigan came walking behind the counter from what I assumed was the ‘back’. “Oh Larissa! How are you dear!?” She said surprised. “Francis! I’m well how are you?” She responded, it would be silly to think they weren’t aquatinted. “I’m doing ok, finally got that hip replacement back in may, working like I’m a teenager again.” She said. I quietly chuckled. “That’s wonderful.” Larissa replied placing her book on the counter. “And who’s this lovely lady with you?” She asked. “Oh forgive me, violet this is Francis, fran, this is violet, she’s making the new classroom cupboards for nevermore.” Larissa was almost proud to be able to introduce you to someone. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said holding out my hand for her to shake, instead she took ahold of my palm with one hand and placed her other on top. “Like wise dear. Your a hard worker I see.” She stated observing my hand. “Thank you?” I said unsure of how to respond.
Larissa stood to the side waiting for me to pay for my own book. “Oh this one’s good, perhaps you can read some to your girlfriend over there.” Francis said talking about the book and Larissa. My eyes were just about bulging out of my head at her words, I was rendered speechless. “Hush now Fran! I see your still cheeky as ever.” Larissa hissed. The elderly lady chortled at her with a shit eating grin. “Don’t you forget it. When you get old you tend not to hold your tongue.” She initially spoke to larissa than back to me. All I could do was stand there awkwardly, but praise her for not giving a fuck, I like her.
We exited the shop bidding the woman farewell and set off to back to our cars. “Sorry about that, I’ve known Francis since I was 14, she can be very brazen sometimes.” She said. “Don’t worry about it shes cute and hilarious… so you went to nevermore when you were at school?” I asked. “Yes, every weekend I’d go to the library part of the shop and sit for hours, than we’d exchange opinions on the books I’d read over a cup of tea.” She expressed clutching the book tighter to her chest. “That’s so sweet, I wish my childhood was that simple, I would have loved to have the freedom to Sit and read until I was to exhausted.” I said. “Well it wasn’t all that easy but I didn’t have to many friends to mingle with I suppose.” I felt a tinge of sadness at her confession, understanding what she means. “Nor did I, but I guess that’s why it’s so important to you now as headmistress right? To ensure all the kids are happy and safe?” I wondered. “Exactly.” She said pulling out her car keys while I simultaneously did the same. We both hit the unlock button to find we were parked right next to each other.
To our surprise we both had the same car, except hers was red. “Nice car.” I said. “Like wise.” She laughed. “Well I suppose this is goodbye.” Larissa said looking at me slightly saddened at the fact. “I suppose it is.” I retorted. Larissa stood peering into my eyes, her expression turned confused. “What?” I asked. “Your eyes…they’ve changed colour, I thought that yesterday, but now I’m sure.” She said hoping she didn’t sound to insane. “Yeah they do that, I don’t really know why, they go from blue, green, grey to blue grey to green blue, it’s weird but I find that when I’m tired my eyes are really blue and when I’m happy or focused they’re really green, almost like a mood ring.” I laughed. Larissa own eyes flickered between my own causing me to become short of breath. “It’s very interesting, very unique.” She said. “What are they now?” I whispered, Larissa seemed to be closer than I thought. “Green on the outside with a little bit of blue in the centre.” She matched my tone of voice. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and tilted my head down before exhaling and returning the gaze.
“So when will I see you again? Apart from the obvious work reasons.” I asked. “Would Friday night be ok, I could take you out for dinner?… if your not interested then that’s ok we could-.” Yes yes yes yes yes. “No! I’d love to just text me with plans yeah?” I wished I didn’t seem to overzealous. “Really? Alright than I will see you Friday.” She said. “Of course I’ll see you than.” And only than I did something I wish I could take back, something so stupid, so unprofessional. I leaned in a little closer and kissed her cheek, not like it was hard or strained, not even a millisecond went by for me to not look at her after, I all but ran to my car and shoved the keys into the ignition and turned it on ripping the gear stick into reverse to get the hell out of there. I did spare her a glance and and idiotic wave before practically speeding away.
Larissa stood there on the footpath shocked, blushing like one of her students, she returned the wave and set to get in her own vehicle. Sitting in the drivers seat hands clamped to the steering wheel, she let out a chesty giggle and a smile reaching her eyes. It was Larissa’s turn to feel like a giddy little girl. On her way back go nevermore I was the only thing on Larissa’s mind, by the time she arrived through the gates it was just after 2 pm, she would spend the rest of the day in a haze hardly concentrating.
Later that night she dragged a chair in front of her fireplace with a blanket adorned over her lap with her new book in hand and a glass of wine placed on the floor next to her, a relaxing evening to go along with an eventful afternoon. I was much the same, unlike the previous night I had enough energy to make something for dinner while standing in the kitchen with my own book, reading passages from it whilst stirring the food on the stove.
the eyes
are portals to
different worlds
this is why
we shut them in
beautiful moments.
Let’s just say both of our dreams that night were of each other and the next morning consisted of thoughts for Fridays dinner.
Just wait for the dinner;)
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar @giogwensversion @sabraaabra
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lvlystars · 1 year
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his birthday, his shitty navigation skills, and your paranoia! — c.sc
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pairing. choi seungcheol x gn!reader
genre. fluff, a bit of panicking and reader overthinking and being paranoid.
summary. when your boyfriend trusts his ability to get his way around an unknown area, you can expect that all goes to shit.
warnings. none really :/
a/n. this is so poorly written i'm so sorry 😭. also happy (belated) birthday, seungcheol (aka my pookie 🫶🫶🫶)
wc. 1.1k
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“those falls over there, they lead to–” you turn to notice that once again, seungcheol is not beside you. “oh my god.” you groan, rubbing your temple in an attempt to remember where you last saw him out of the corner of your eye, snacking on some shrimp chips he bought after lunch.
walking back to the café you both were previously at, you look around, hoping to find your boyfriend just wandering around the café, waiting for you to find him again. to your dismay, seungcheol was nowhere to be found, and knowing seungcheol, he trusted his poor navigation skills once again and got himself lost.
pulling out your phone, you dial his phone number, hoping that his phone was on ringer mode. as your phone rang on, your heart sinks as the line goes to voicemail, the panic settling in.
“fuck, where did this kid go?” you whisper, sending him a message to reply with his whereabouts.
you're startled when jeonghan’s caller id pops up, yelping out loud and making a few eyes turn to you. apologising and bowing, you walk away to pick up the call.
“jeonghan, we have a problem.” you mumble as soon as you slide the green icon, pressing the phone up to your ear.
“what? why?” he replies in a confused tone.
“i lost seungcheol.”
complete silence is heard on the other side of the line as you bite your nails—a habit that you never seemed to shake off, and a habit that seungcheol seemed to dislike, explaining that it’s not good for you and he loves seeing your nails “long and pretty”.
“y/n, what do you mean you lost–”
“I LOST SEUNGCHEOL.” you hiss. “i went out with him for brunch like you wanted me to, then we went to a café nearby and just chilled for a bit, before we went on a little stroll for fun! i don’t know how i lost him but i did!” you ramble, your breathing quickening as you take in the situation. possible scenarios pop up into your brain as you try to control your breathing, and it only induces your panic.
“y/n, honey. i need you to calm down first, and i want you to know that seungcheol just called me and said he’s at some park, so breathe.” you calm down when you heard that he was at least someplace safe and public. “second, he said he doesn’t know where the fuck he’s at and he sounds pretty scared which is really fucking funny when he prides himself in his apparently wonderful fucking navigation skills so that’s something to laugh about.” you hear jeonghan snicker on the other end of the line, making you roll your eyes.
“jeonghan, let him live, won’t you? he’s just…”
“full of himself? fuck yeah he is.” you scoff as you shake your head. “you’re so mean.” you chuckle. “alright. i’ll see if there’s any parks nearby and call you guys back if i find him.” you say before you cut the call and start walking around.
you’re now on the verge of tears when you approach a park full of children, all happily running around and sliding down slides.
you walk over to a nearby bench, shoving your head into your hands as you silently sob. you’ve never really been away from seungcheol like this in the 4 years you’ve been with him. well, yes you have, but you never lost him like this. you’d always manage to find him within an hour or so, and now, it’s been almost 3 hours since you lost seungcheol. there was no doubt that you were scared now. as more time passed by, the worse the scenarios in your head grew.
what if he got distracted by a dog on the street and got himself bitten? what if he met up with a friend and went on a coffee date with them, only to find out that he was a bad person and he hurt him? what if someone tried robbing him? what if he got hurt? what if–
the sound of a familiar giggle pulled you out of your thoughts, and you immediately look up.
lo and behold, your boyfriend, choi seungcheol, was playing around with some 5-year-olds on the playground, pushing them on the swings and laughing along with the children.
immediately getting up, you sigh out in relief and run over to seungcheol, tackling him in a hug and completely losing it.
“woah!” he laughs out, bringing one arm over your shoulder as you hide your face in the crook of his neck. “youdon’tknowhowlongittookformetofindyouiwassosca–”
“hey, hey.” seungcheol pulls out of the embrace and holds you by your shoulders and bends down to your eye level, bringing his hand up to your cheek to wipe away your tear that had fallen, adorning a stupidly dopey smile on his lips which almost immediately washed away all the anxiety and fear that once coursed through you.
slinging your arms around his neck once again, you held him tight as you planted a fat kiss on his cheek, making him giggle like a schoolboy as he snaked his arms around your waist, pressing you close to him. “i don’t even know how i lost you, baby.” seungcheol murmured into your hair as he squeezed your waist in a reassuring manner.
scrunching your eyebrows, you pull away and look up at your boyfriend, and he looks back at you, feigning an innocent face with playful nature underneath it. “you got lost yourself and you know that, you son of a–”
“ah! there are children here.” seungcheol presses his index finger on your lips, effectively hushing you. out of the corner of your eye, you spot jeonghan and joshua waving towards the two of you and making faces that clearly indicated that we have to get the fuck out of here because the restaurant reservation we made is in less than 10 minutes and we are 10 minutes away from the goddamn restaurant.
“cheol, honey.” you mumble, noticing that seungcheol was clearly leaning in for a kiss, despite the young audience around you. he hums, still leaning in, and you pull away, making his eyebrows furrow in confusion. you point behind him, and he turns, groaning when he notices the two.
“oh god,” he pinches his nose bridge. “they planned something and now they're late for it? what's it for? my birthday?” you slowly nod, sheepishly smiling. seungcheol widens his eyes as he connects the dots, and gasps.
“...happy birthday?”
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tags 🏷️ –
@star1117-archives @kyeomyun @seonghwas-lighter @jaehunnyy @leo-seonghwa @wqnwoos
networks 🔗 –
@preciousillusions-net @caratsland @cacaokpop-fics @k-labels
send an ask or drop a comment if you want to be added to my general taglist!
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ⓒ lvlystars
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
record shop rescue
stmf one shot #11.
album release date is coming up, but there is no stopping Harry's teenage daughter from going out, even if that means getting caught up with the press. luckily, Harry is always there to save the day.
a/n: for my wonderful best friend becca. thank you for this amazing prompt (i wouldn't have been able to think of it myself lol)
warnings: fluff & dadrry, bit of teenage angst thrown in
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“Are you sure you’re going to be alright on your own?”
“Yeah, I just need to try and find something for my Dad,” Lottie replied. “I’ll be fine,”
When the girls were younger, it was easier for you and Harry to keep them safe from the press. You were in control of where they went and who could interact with them- but those days were long gone, with Tilly already learning to drive and Lottie coming close to sitting her GCSEs. As much as it scared you, you both knew that you couldn’t always safeguard their teenage lives, despite wanting so hard to keep them in your tiny family bubble. When album release dates came up, it always seemed to get more extreme, and whilst Tilly had learnt from this, there was no way that 15-year-old Lottie was going to scrap her plans just for the sake of the press who in her own words, had ‘ruined her dad’s life’.
It was a busy Saturday afternoon on Carnaby Street- she knew that. But within the crowd of people, she didn’t notice the group of paparazzi following her- until she closed the front door of the record shop and turned to look behind her, the flash of a camera reflecting off the glass window like lightning, only it was a clear spring day. She hoped desperately that they were following someone else and gave them time to disperse themselves whilst going up to the till after finding a Fleetwood Mac record for her Dad- but all that actually happened was that the frequency of the flashes increased.
“Oh my, it really is true,” The girl serving her gasped, clocking onto Lottie’s shocked gaze, her eyebrows furrowed in the same way that Harry’s did when he was confused by something.
“What’s true?” Lottie laughed slightly whilst slotting the record into her tote bag.
“You’re Harry Styles’ daughter, aren’t you?”
Lottie blushed slightly. “How did you-”
The banging on the windows only got louder as she turned around to face the cameras.
“Christ alive,” She gasped. Lottie wasn’t usually one to be frightened of anything: whilst Tilly was much more of a nervous overthinker like you were, Lottie followed on from Harry, having a very chilled out perspective on life. But in that moment, as she bit her lip, she began to feel a pit growing at the bottom of her stomach. There was no way she was getting out of that shop by herself.
“Daddy, please,” she muttered, listening to the dial tone on her phone for longer than she would have hoped. Finally, a deep muffled voice answered.
“Hey princess, you okay?” Harry exhaled, his voice still tainted with tiredness after a long day at the studio.
“No,” Lottie sobbed slightly.
“No? What’s happened, baby?” He said, his tone changing suddenly to a panicked one. Lottie barely ever cried, and whenever she did, it always meant that something was very wrong.
“I don’t know what to do Dad,” She began to cry. “I’m in this record shop, and all these paps are waiting for me outside, and I’m trapped in here, and I-”
“Don’t cry, baby,” He sighed. “I’m coming, okay? Send me your location on text and I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?”
The rover juddered slightly as Harry put his foot down far too quickly when he pulled off the drive, his hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, dark Gucci sunglasses shielding the frown that was on his face. You and him had always agreed that no matter what, you would never let them upset your little girls. They’d crossed the line.
Harry almost knocked out one of the men standing next to the car as he opened the door after he had parked up at the side of the road. He didn’t care. He could only just make out his daughter’s shaking frame through the distorted glass windows, her eyes widening as she noticed him making his way through the crowds of people outside.
“Hey Harry, is it true that one of your daughters is dating Louis Tomlinson’s son?”
“Fuck you,” he grunted as he pushed the door open.
As soon as he put his arms around Lottie, she burst straight into tears, black mascara trailing down her face.
“Hey, now,” He breathed softly, running a hand through her long brown curls. “It’s all alright, I’m here now, you’re safe,”
“I can’t,” She sobbed. “Go out there,”
“Well you’re going to have to at some stage, aren’t you poppet?” He sighed. “But you’ve got me with you, okay? You just stay close to me and keep your head down, okay? Here,”
He took off his sunglasses and put them on her face, tucking her hair behind her ear as he did.
“You don’t even have to look at them, see? Now let’s get you home,”
He tucked his coat around her as they marched through the crowd, and he quickly opened the car door for her to get in, before he got in the driver’s seat and rolled down the window.
“Harry, why are you being so aggressive? Something’s bothering you? Your marriage?”
He rolled his eyes. “You stay away from my daughters. Follow me around all you want, but you stay away from my girls, you hear me? They didn’t sign up for this,” He shouted, before closing the window.
Harry turned around to take in Lottie’s wide-eyed gaze, rubbing soothing circles across her back, rain beginning to lash at the bonnet of the rover. Her body sunk into the leather passenger seat slightly at his touch.
“I’m okay, Daddy,” she whimpered slightly. “Just wasn’t expecting that,”
“I know baby, and it’s not fair, is it?” He sighed, gazing at her over the top of his sunglasses. “I’m sorry you have to go through all of this because of your Dad and his silly songs,”
A small smile graced her lips, dimples forming on her cheeks in the same places as Harry’s did.
“They’re not silly, Dad,” she giggled. “I love them,”
His green eyes lit up. “You do? What were you doing in a record shop, hmm?”
“I can’t tell you,” She laughed, putting her hand over her mouth to reveal her green painted nails. “I got you something, I’m not telling you any more than that,”
“You didn’t need to do that, poppet,” He smiled. “But I am excited to see what it is,”
She smiled slightly again, as he reached over to kiss her cheek.
“Lottie baby, remember a while back when me and your Mum said to you about going out when I’m releasing new music,”
Lottie grunted slightly. “Daddy, I’m not a prisoner, I want to go out,”
“I know you do, babygirl,” He exhaled. “But all I want for you is to be safe when I’m not here, okay? So please, promise me that you won’t go out on your own, not until this blows over a bit,”
“But Tilly can-”
“I’ve said the same to your sister,” He cut her off. “I know you hate it, and I would too, but I don’t want these crazy people to be following you and making you upset again, hm? It breaks my heart, so you need to promise me, okay? Just for a little while,”
She frowned at him, her lips pouted, and he mimicked her face, before breaking into a smirk, and she began to laugh again.
“Okay, fine, I promise,” She moaned.
He took her hand in his, holding it up to his lips, before kissing it softly.
“Thank you, Lottie baby,” he smiled. “And if something does happen, you know I’ll always be there, don’t you?”
She nodded, now beginning to fiddle with the radio stations on the dashboard.
“I love you, Lottie baby,” he beamed, before turning the keys in the ignition and setting off, leaving the crowd of cameras far behind them.
poor lottie :/ being a teenager isn't easy, but especially not when you're the daughter of a celebrity. luckily he isn't just any celebrity :)
have a request for this series? my inbox is always open! i post new one shots every week <3
the link to the slipping through my fingers masterlist is here:
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who1ssheesh · 6 months
If you're still doing it I can't wait to see the prompt with squalos s/o being buds with Xanxus 😂
Squalo's S/O being buds with Xanxus
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Pairings: Squalo/Reader, Xanxus/Reader (PLATONIC)
Notes: yes. absolutely. i live for those two idiots. This one is long af compared to Xanxus' one and I can't explain why. But I had so much fun with this, Xanxus is a soulmate in a bro-ish way????
Warnings: good ol swearing, brief mentions of sex (not much really), probably OOC and terrible english (ur not my teacher ha ha)
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• First of all, holy shit that’s impressive?
• Second of all, must be mentioned that Xanxus kinda….doesn't see women as friends? He looks at them sexually right away. Or so he thought
• Third of all, Squalo gotta be terrified
• Fourth of all (that's a lot of counting) Squalo situation is not having any drama as Xanxus' does, he is a pure comedy gold and so is his relationship with you. That's what no daddy issues does to you, but what do i know
• Not comedy as if a clown comedy, but a good harsh bri'ish comedy - insert Utopia reference. Squalo is more than confident in you since you obviously date for some time for him to move in with you and therefore reveal you to his boss.
• I'll tell you a secret btw, Xanxus probably guessed he has you because Squalo is a loser cuck and started to act differently.
• I think Xanxus doesn’t give a shit enough to just bust into Squalo’s apartment for any stupid reason as if it’s his own. So if you at least haven’t heard of him as your boyfriend’s boss, you’re going to meet him in person
• Xanxus coming up and breaking your door just to nap:
• Squalo never told Xanxus where he lives, that bitch just knows
• Never in his life Xanxus expected to see one day a shmoll girl there and not hear screaming at the top of one’s lungs. He still says Squalo is a fucking virgin loser femboy ugly ass haha lol lmao, he can’t be deprived of those shitty jokes…
• I mean it, Xanxus can get pissed seeing you too being lovey-dovey but I'll expand this drama later
• Xanxus is basically your adopted stray cat, deal with it
• Squalo won't say this out loud or says this very...covertly and probably insults you along the way, but anyways he really appreciate you dealing with all that bullshit. He does indeed value strong character - you don't need to wield a big sword or shoot a gun, but going through his path even though you can be confused or scared means much. He knows a lot of cowards who can shoot a gun, so...Squalo looks much deeper than that. Shark, ocean, DEEP, get it<<<<<<</////??????? I'll see myself out.
• He is lowkey terrified but...also chill? Unlike Xanxus, he doesn't overthink (at least not much). He of course draws a line at some things - at first Squalo was really mad at his boss staying...alone....with you....at you house (he is jealous) cause Xanxus is immoral bitch and would try to fuck you if he wants to.
• Also is you start gossiping or making fun of him with Xanxus, holy shit Squalo is quick to start raging. It's one thing to gossip and laughing at some bud, but doing so about your partner is a huge red flag for him. If you have any problems. come straight to Squalo he is an adult and prefers just discussing problems.
• Well, Xanxus also will certainly not respect you for trying to spill out your bullshit on him and talking shit about his captain. He has standards. (And not because he is a little uwu girl and actually deep DEEP like ocean bottom deep cares about Squalo)
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• “The fuck happened here?”, Squalo is on edge, to say the least, seeing stains of blood around the apartment and you cleaning it with a clearly annoyed expression
“So your boss-“
“My boss?!”
“-got over again”
• So, the situation: Squalo, as a person who values trust in relationship the most, is really pissed (sad….) you’re keeping the truth away from him, and you, thinking he’s aware his boss is chilling around since…..well, Superbia is his right hand, makes sense?
• You didn’t know about their burning hate for each other. Gotta be jealous, his love to you will never be as true, fiery and emotional as his undying HATE!!!! for Xanxus
• You screaming “get a fucking room, deepshits” when they start arguing again
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• You probably got Xanxus with an insult. Obviously. Sorry, you’ve signed a pact, nothing in your life will be normal again, just like your boyfriend (he’s a little unstable. Just a little)
• Xanxus haven’t been around your house for long - leaving more work for Superbia and leaving right after, quickly patching a quick wound and stealing alcohol, of course
• You’ve been quieter than a mouse, thinking you shouldn’t be involved in Squalo’s business, but one day Xanxus was noticeably not feeling good, ready to pass out, so…you helped him obviously
• Xanxus being Xanxus didn’t thank you, got pissed because air was too warm for his liking or smth and was whining that actually you did a poor job tending his wound
• “Bitch, I will kill you in your sleep?” sent him away, he honestly found this hilarious (we’re talking about your audacity here)
• You got a chuckle out of him, whick you didn't think about much at first, but a Squalo's shocked expression said everything. You can be proud
• Lowkey Xanxus doesn't separate you two together in his mind, you both are a one Superbia homunculus in his mind. Maybe that's why Xanxus with Squalo's s/o feels so....included for all three of you compared to other way around lol
• Even your jokes are on the same line istg
• Xanxus feels even...bittersweet.
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• He is...kinda cautious? He knows Squalo is capable of getting out from the devil himself (remember how may times he "died" in manga lol), but you...well...he double checks every visit. Xanxus is very brutal and, unbothered and nonchalant but very smart. Makes sure no one is on his tail.
• Don't get me wrong, it's not in a sweet family way, but you kinda start having dinners together? Both are bitching around but you notice in the end they start having a human conversation instead of their regular unga-bunga
• Xanxus likes this
• Xanxus feels home
• Unlike Squalo, he can't show his devotion to save his life, so you just know there is a "useful friend of a friend that can solve some problems with a call". But I'll tell you, Xanxus will double-check if something is serious, not just throw problems as subordinates.
• Mafia is not flowers and sunshine. Those two have had a conversation "what to do if Squalo dies". Xanxus probably threw a glass at him and said to not be an idiot, but he didn't say no. You're the first person he can call at least an acquaintance, so...
• Well, that counts when we talk about older Xanxus, I'm sure he is mellowed out by that time (+ just enough time for you and Squalo to establish your relationship)
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• He's not the type to get over at 2am if there's a problem lol. Maybe he can miss a call cause he's a heavy sleeper. But if anything, you have his subordinates at your place.
• He will teach you to drink. Will laugh his ass off when you fail to beat his ass at drinking competition again and Squalo is having a heart stroke on the background
• Xanxus will turn you in a copy of himself just to piss ofs Squalo lol
• You learning his mood by the intonation he says 'trash'
• Also you calling him janitor or sum in return. Varia horrified you dare to do this, and Xanxus laughing. He still shoots your way though...
• If you're not Italian, you MUST teach him swearing on your native language. Also tell him if there is any local alcohol (of course)
• "Yeah, I teached him coupla words", you laugh, looking obviously happy being a useful friend and having a surprisingly cozy chat with Xanxus.
Squalo is very confused by that. "What the fuck, but he DOES know this language already?"
• I'm sorry but so many sex jokes. Xanxus doesn't give a shit what you do there in the bedroom (until you invite him over ahaha joke unless), but he's going to be a little shit
• Xanxus is 12 yo btw.
• "Can you suck him off so he shuts the fuck up or smth?"
• This idiot fools around sometimes and throws 9-yo-school-bully insults lol
• "He said he wants to marry /insert random woman name/ when he grows up". 25+ y/o Squalo looking at him just:
• I hope you two have a cat. Xanxus will feed it. Raw meat and everything a fluffy boy shouldn't but it's Xanxus we're talking about. Literally a teenage edgy teen "ITS NOT A PHASE MOM" at your house.
• Naps on your bed ONLY to leave hiss smell of tabaco, whiskey and a heavy cologne. He 100% heehaws thinking about this - Squalo will NEVER be able to have sex if there is reminding him of Xanxus, like an instant turn off. You always try to complain to Xanxus about this absurd situation but start laughing to the point of crying, Xanxus becomes HYSTERICAL at these moments.
• He will teach you how to shoot. Usually he just drinks there and says you're pathetic while you try. But he keeps inviting you himself, so....Xanxus is a little sappy shit. You only use Squalo's photos as a target, so you get sad a bit and probably tell your boyfriend afterwards. He will say he wants to kill you both or smth.
• Xanxus bringing you ideas in your bed. "Hey so you can tie him up and beat to death as a foreplay".
• He will make you rank up bodies of other women he finds hot. Also if you're a girls' girl, Xanxus will ruin this completely. Basically like "just by looking at her tell be if she's a bitch"
• Xanxus enjoys if you talk shit about someone cause he is the same way.
• He will drag you into his shitty gang ideas. If Squalo could go gray-headed again, he would.
• Squalo looking at you both beaten up anf almost getting caught by the police: "why are you like this."
• To be honest, you may be having a serious talk with your man. Squalo is unironically worried, he did a LOT to keep you away from mafia but here you are. If you are very good at convincing (20 CHA lol), he can just a little bit become convinced that you getting hardened can be useful for mafia life "just in case".
• Also MAYBE he can notice the influence Xanxus has on you. Feminine clothes change to leather jackets and grunge, your knuckles even being bloody way too often, you may be smoking more frequently. Squalo is kind of chill with you finding you identity, but if you start wearing feathers in your hair HE LOOSES HIS MIND
• Xanxus will personally train you, if you ever discover your flame. They will have a fight about this with Squalo.
• Xanxus is proud of you tho. One day he will say this, I'm sure
• People know your bond, they know he does appreciate your opinion even in Varia business, and even anything happened he knows Varia is in the right hand - Squalo is more than competent and there is a little angry copy of himself so Xanxus' spirit always haunts Vongola till the end of time. hehe
• You are a badass little sis. He has never had a family, but that...feels nice.
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
Am I able to request a Lotus Dragon one shot with a hatchling dragon?
Like- Lotus and the hatchling are just chilling when the baby gets cut and Lotus goes into kinda protection mode? Eh???
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Lotus Dragon Cookie + Hatchling Reader: …An Injury?
Summary: Lotus Dragon is your caring parent, and you are their sole surviving offspring. They are extremely protective of you. While the two of you were relaxing by one of the lotus ponds within the palace, you clumsily fell and received a cut. Your parent immediately shifts into "protection mode" as they assist you.
TW: Just a little mention of blood from getting a cut, in this kinda-sorta AU, you did have a sibling but the egg was stolen then found broken (no, the hatchling was not alive) so there is a mention of that
(Don’t worry I know the user behind this anon and we talked about this a while ago)
You, the young hatchling of the great and majestic Lotus Dragon, was simply swimming in one of the lotus ponds within the Lotus Palace, with your parent absentmindedly playing the mandolin in boredom while also keeping an eye on you. After all, you were the miracle child. Of course they wouldn’t want to lose you, even if the pond was only three feet deep. There was still the possibility of drowning, or getting tangled up in the lotus roots, or-
No, they couldn’t panic. This happened too much already, they know you wouldn’t just drown randomly. Even if the thought scared the soul out of them, they wouldn’t overthink this. No, they couldn’t overthink this. Being stressed out would do nothing to help anyone. Might as well relax and watch you eagerly splash in the water and let out some happy giggles.
Your toothy smile and overjoyed face warmed their heart, and the Blue Dragon let out a quiet sigh of relief. Perhaps they were being a bit too stressed out. Our of the corner of their eye, Lotus noticed that you clumsily slipped on the ground as you tried to reach them, but a quick glance showed them that you were alright.
You scampered up to your parent, your soaking wet scales and hair created stray water droplets that almost made you slip once more, but you powered through it and proceeded to fling yourself onto Lotus, and they laughed softly.
“Ah, my child. Did you just want me to look like I got sprayed by a waterfall, or did you just want to embrace me. Hm?”
Lotus asked amusedly. You merely giggled as you snuggled up to them, savoring their attention and touch. The Blue Dragon let out a soft, yet slightly exasperated sigh as they patted your head, ruffling your hair softly. Ah, you would never really get in trouble with your parent. They were too much of a pushover for you, their little flower.
“Ah- you’re so sweet- oh. Now you’re just running back to the pond? What, have you become shy now, dear?”
The Blue Dragon asked with a smile, watching you zoom back into the pond and swim around. Ah, you looked so energetic right now. It’s just like how they were back in their youth, always eager to swim around and have fun. Now…well, they certainly preferred to take it a bit more slower now.
For the next few minutes or so, the two of you were relaxing together, your fast and energetic swimming now a more relaxed and comfortable laze in the pond. The Blue Dragon had gone back to playing the mandolin, until they heard a loud screech and…gargling noises.
WERE YOU DROWNING!? Lotus didn’t want to think about that as they swiftly (yet gently, they love their mandolin) put down their mandolin and rushed into the water, grabbing you by the scruff with their claws and letting out a short sigh of sweet relief, holding you close. They were practically panicking still. What if you were silent? What if they played the mandolin a bit too loud, not being able to hear you? What if…no, they didn’t want to think about that. You were their miracle. The one who survived. And you will keep surviving. Lotus would definitely make sure of that.
“Are you alright, my child? Look at me, it’s okay. Let me see what happened to you.” The dragon tried to sound calm and composed, but even they were still startled from how loud you could screech.
Your parent quickly yet carefully examined your body, before finding a large thorn in your little claws. Well, they were certainly going to discuss with Hydrangea about some extra cleaning. It seems that thorns were now sprouting in the ponds. How strange. Well, no time to dwell on that further. Lotus quietly looked into your teary eyes, and seeing your lip pouting in frustration and pain made them melt. Oh, you had no idea how bad it could’ve been…
You could feel the Blue Dragon wipe away your tears, and you snuggled into their embrace as they kissed your forehead and then your injury, before holding you in an especially tight hug. You tried to complain about it, but then you felt Lotus take the thorn out, and you cried a bit more, sniffling pathetically as you angrily swatted the thorn away and crossed your arms in annoyance.
“Ah, it seems you’re still as sour as a lemon about that. How about we go and walk around the palace?”
(Had to end it early because my mother was forcing me to give her my devices and now I'm back on the shitty 2013 kindle)
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blueberryducky · 1 year
This is ridiculous but I’m feeling very vulnerable and emotional about the fact that I can put a label to my queerness I’m literally crying right now because I want to hug my past self and tell her everything will be ok.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt fucking RELIEVED the day I found out what asexual meant, and not only that but also there’s the term aromantic?? I was over the moon. I finally had a word to describe what I felt (or lack of felt in this case??).
I genuinely thought there was something off about me while growing up, and it got worse once I started watching all my friends and classmates getting into relationships and breaking up and feeling the pressure of having my first kiss and losing my virginity (a whole other discussion entirely bc of how wrong the concept is used and the importance is given) I was so fucking stressed and nervous all the time and felt so isolated and lonely.
I was scared I was not be prepared to have my first kiss.
I was so scared for someone to ask me out because of what my friends would think of me if I rejected them.
I felt violated every time someone made a sexual innuendo or hinted to a sexual situation with me.
I felt very uncomfortable when my friends talked about their relationships and getting intimate.
Fuck, I was and still am so scared of intimacy that I barely even hug my more trusted friends, and I only started doing that when I was 20 and felt like I could finally trust the first friend I made into adulthood.
Being a teenager and being told that you’re a late bloomer while you see everyone engage in intimacy and having their first experiences with being in a relationship makes one feel so alienated, I thought I would have to say yes to the first person to ask me out just to get it over with.
Not understanding yourself while making people believe that you ‘totally get why that actor is hot’ and ‘omg of course I kissed before’ for fear of rejection is like adding more confusion to an already unsolvable puzzle. Why did this happen to me?? Why did none of my friends have the same questions as I?? Why was everyone so fucking chill all the time about this when I was anxiously overthinking every single interaction for fear of being too cold or too friendly and hence making the other person believe I was interested in something other than friendship?? Why was I crying to sleep assuming I was unlovable and incapable of loving someone??
Realising that not only your feelings are valid but there’s other people out there who share the same burdens and questions as you feels like being able to breathe again. It’s like waking up from a nightmare where everyone was in on a bit that you just didn’t understand.
I’m still not at peace with myself because I have a lot of internalised bullshit, but being able to understand a part of me, a part that ate at every thought I ever had while growing up feels so good.
I don’t know if I’ll ever have answers to all my questions, and I don’t know if I will ever be ok with the fact that I can be alone without being lonely because right now that seems like fiction to me, but I’m healing and I’m trying and that’s enough for now.
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