#I was sitting with a girl of his class on the bus and he came up to her
Heyy dekho toh apne coffin se uthke kon apni dukhiyaari kahani sunane aaya hai :')
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solelifauna · 8 days
Yandere Batfam & Neglected Reader Prt. 2
Okay, so I didn't realize how much building I was gonna do around (Y/n's) social life so this chapter is honestly about knowing (y/n). Anyways, the next chapter will be from the batfam's pov and focus more on the yandere bits! Hope you enjoy this chapter tho!
Tag List!: @sitepathos @ferakillia @uknowimdumb @shycreatorreview @niggrrooo @dhanyasri @cantfindmelol @space1crow @earth-to-mee @rosecentury @yuyuzi-ling @simpingfor-wakasa @bat1212 @sheepintherain @person-from-daaaa-voidddd @resident-cryptid @cupids-pretty-boy @danni1323
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The change started slowly on a normal evening, an evening like every other. It was a football season game day, the big match between the Gotham City High Bats and the Gotham Prep Knights. For the rich prep kids, this was nothing more than another game, but for your school, this game was everything. This would help your school get the recognition and funding it deserves, and allow some students to be scouted and rewarded for their talent.
Not only that, but Gotham Prep always, every season goes to state, beating out all the other public schools in the city. They haven’t lost a game since the early 80s so there was a lot riding on this game. 
Your role, funnily enough, was representing the school as one of the Gotham City High school cheerleaders. Turns out that the gymnastics classes you took before were actually useful for purposes other than trying to impress Dick. You surprisingly took to cheerleading like a fish to water, liking the competitiveness and sense of belonging that came from joining the team. 
Anyways, you, the cheer team, and the football team were on a bus headed towards the bigger, better Gotham Prep football field. The bus was loud with music and schoolmates hyping each other up for the big game. Ethan, a friend of yours on the football team was nervously shaking his leg and squeezing his helmet so hard you thought it would crack.
Both you and your friend Arya noticed.
“Ethan, the game hasn’t even started yet and I already see a crack forming on your helmet.” You said jokingly, a gentle arm on his shoulder.
He startled, “Jesus Christ (Y/n) warn a guy next time.” Ethan spoke, offering a nervous smile.
“You need to stop freaking out bro. When you do, it freaks out the others on the team.” Arya gently said.
“I know, I know but— but there’s just a lot riding on this game. For a lot of us, this is our only way to get out of Gotham, and if we screw up the finals, we’ll be stuck here forever.” Ethan said solemnly, looking around at all his teammates.
“Well then good thing you guys aren’t gonna lose. Y’all have spent two years training to make this comeback, to make sure that Gotham City High finally gets this win. I promise you’ve worked harder than those assholes at Gotham Prep, so just go out there and put your training to use. Don’t let your nerves get to you, you have no reason to.” You calmly said.
“Yeah—yeah, we have trained harder, haven't we? Yeah, you’re right! We've just gotta go out there and play like we've practiced.” Ethan exclaimed, as if suddenly realizing why he should have confidence in himself and his team.
“Exactly!” Arya said, matching his enthusiasm and hitting Ethan playfully on the shoulder. 
The rest of the bus ride to the stadium was louder than ever, the coach and other teammates taking turns to hype up the more nervous members, to get them confident for the field. Everything was about normal once everyone made it to the stadium. The band was set up, and people were flooding the bleachers. It wasn’t until the last ten minutes before the game when normalcy died.
“Hey (Y/n), isn’t that your family?” A girl, Maya, says.
Lo’ and behold, Bruce Wayne and his entire gaggle of children were sitting on the home side of the bleachers, sporting Gotham Prep t-shirts. 
“What—oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell are they doing here, they don’t even like football like that!?” You shout in frustration.
It was then when you remembered a conversation Dick, Bruce, and Damian had at the dinner table. Something about how it would help Damian out if he started going to school events and games, getting him acclimated to what being a normal teenager was like. That was all fine and dandy, but you didn't think the entire damn family was going to show up. Oh, the gossip columns are gonna have a field day with this. You could already imagine the headlines, “Bruce Wayne openly isolates daughter (Y/n) Wayne” or even, “The Wayne Family once again publicly shows dislike for daughter (Y/n) Wayne.”
You rolled your eyes at the thought, you had bigger things to worry about right now.
“Are you good (Y/n)?” Arya questions softly. 
She was one of the only people who you spoke your sorrows to, one of the only people who actually knows of just how lonely you were. Of course everyone knew that Bruce Wayne and his family didn't really like you very much– thank you Vicky vale– but nobody but Arya and Ethan really understood the crux of your situation. 
“Yeah, I'm all good bro, don't worry about it. Just focus on the game.” You said dismissively. It didn't bother you anymore, sure it hurt a little bit, but this was expected.
“Alright, its time to shake hands with the other team, everyone line up!” the football Coach, Coach Daniels, all but yelled.
You sighed, moving to the front of the line for the cheerleaders; you were team captain after all. Both the football teams and cheerleaders made their way to the center of the field where they met. You looked back at the rest of your team, you all knew that this was going to be an unpleasant interaction, it always was. The Gotham Prep cheer captain walked up to you, disdain and poorly concealed disgust on her face. You all quickly shook hands, trying to get this exhausting ordeal done and over with, but of course the other captain had to open her mouth.
“You lower end city girls sure have your own sense of style.” Darla, which was basically code for calling you and your team sluts. Wow, how original.
“You should see what’s underneath the jacket.” You replied, giving her a sharp smile.
She floundered, clearly expecting her insult to rile you and your team up. 
“Ugh, as expected of Bruce Wayne’s biggest embarrassment. You sad Daddy doesn't like you? Or maybe she’s just glad she gets to mooch off of him before he ends up disowning her.” Another girl pipes up, drawing mind grating giggles from the rest of their team. You recognized her, she was the daughter of some hot-shot CEO.
You just tiredly look back at your team, a few of them getting angry on your behalf while others looked to you in concern. 
“What, not going to say anything?” The other captain haughtily questioned. 
“I mean, what exactly is the response you’re expecting? Yeah, Bruce Wayne doesn't like me, but at least I didn't have to buy my way into the cheer team or have my daddy pay to make sure I wasn't held back.” You stated boredly.
She was silent in shock, right before the anger came bursting through.
“You whore! I’m going to fuck you up, take you to court and sue you!” She shrieked.
“You’re going to sue me? You mean sue Bruce Wayne?” You snorted, “Like that’ll ever happen. And bitch, you couldn’t fight if your life depended on it, so next time you threaten me remember–I can and will beat the ever-loving shit outta you.”
That must have sparked some fear in her because she just turned around and led her team back to their side of the field. You’re sure others noticed your altercation, obviously having no idea what was being said, but it was clear to both sides of the field that nothing good was said. You’re ready to turn back to your side when you accidentally make eye contact with Tim. The cold, calculating look in his eyes has you shifting in discomfort, you quickly look away as the cheer team and football players head back to their respective sides.
The players took their place onto the field while your team got into formation.
“Aright guys, this’s the big one! Give it all you got, just like we practiced!” You yelled.
Just like that, the whistle blew signaling that the game started. 
By the time you reach half time, Gotham Prep is fifteen points ahead of Gotham High. Your school does its low budget halftime performance which pales in comparison to the extravagant Gotham Prep performance. Your side of the stadium grows louder, louder in support of the football team. Before you know it, the boys are lining up for the second half of the game. Thankfully, Gotham High shoots up in points, the score now becoming 34 to 29. The issue is, the game is starting to come to an end with only two minutes on the clock. The crowd is loud, but everyone knows it'll be damn near impossible for Gotham High to win now. The only way to win would be to score a touch-down, which would bring Gotham High to 35 points.
It isn't until the 36 second mark when Ethan sees an opening and makes a run for it with the ball. The crowd is booming, your own voice adding to the mix of cheers and shouts. 
“Come on Ethan! Come on!” You yell, voice undoubtedly hoarse.
There's 5 seconds on the clock when Ethan dives over an opposing player and rolls into the other team's touchdown zone. The score board changes, the numbers now showcasing 34 to 35. Gotham City High with 35. Everyone goes crazy. You and Arya are holding each other jumping up and down. Holy shit, yall won! The football team was celebrating on the field, as they’re announced as the winners, a big trophy being handed into Ethan and his team's hands. And by tradition, you, Arya and the coach go grab the large gatorade barrel and proceed to soak the football team with it. There are yelps and laughs but everyone knows what it means, it means “you’ve won”. You and Arya run up to Ethan launching into him, uncaring of the gatorade now soaking your uniforms. 
It was a good day, a happy day. Everyone started loading up into the buses, starving for the victory dinner at Taco Bell. You honestly, truly forget that the Bats were even here. Shit hits the fan however, when you're in the middle of messing up a chalupa and Bruce Wayne and the rest of his brood walk in, making awkward eye contact with you. You promptly proceed to choke, Arya hitting your back to get you to stop. You do, but holy shit was that embarrassing. Also, what in the ever-loving fuck were they doing here!? 
Before you could voice your utter disbelief, another familiar face barrels into your table. Oh great.
“Hey ladies, how’d you like the game? Betcha I looked good on the field.” The voice of Adrien, a freshman player on the team, made itself known. 
He even made it a point to flex his arm muscles, hoping to impress you and Arya. You both just looked at each other before bursting out laughing. This poor freshman has been trying to get with y'all all year, despite you and Arya being sophomores. His god-awful attempts at flirting were absolutely adorable and downright hilarious. 
“Guys please don't laugh, I promise I have better pick up lines.” he begs, his demeanor that of a kicked puppy.
“I'm sorry man, you're just too adorable, we can't take you seriously.” Arya says amused.
“Why don't you go talk to one of the freshman cheerleaders? I'm sure I heard Hiba and Darla talking about how good you did on the field.” You pipped in.
“No way! Are you serious!? Oh-uh, gotta blast ladies! See ‘ya around!” Adrien stutters, excitedly scrambling off to go find the girls you mentioned.
You and Arya broke off again into a fit of laughter.
“Were you guys teasing Adrien again?” Comes a lighthearted scold from Ethan.
“Not anymore than usual. Plus, I think we finally got him to pursue girls in his own grade.” You responded, a smug smile on your face.
Ethan just chuckled before sitting down with you and Arya. You all talked and laughed some more, your mood only being slightly soured by the Wayne family’s presence at the table across from yours. You did your best to avoid their not-so-casual glances in your direction. Why they were here is a can of worms you had to marinate on later. But for now, you'd just enjoy the rest of your night.
It didn't take long before everyone started getting ready to leave. Some students had their parents come pick them up, probably to go celebrate the school's victory with their families, whilst everyone else was getting ready to load back up into the buses and head to the school where parents would be waiting for their kids. You, however, would be biking back to the manor on your own. Sure both Arya’s and Ethan’s parents had offered you a ride, but you had declined. There was no need for them to go out of their way for you, especially when they should be spending their time celebrating with their children. You’d honestly just ruin the mood with your shitty circumstances.
So as you threw away the last of your trash and started walking to leave the restaurant, you were not expecting to be stopped, let alone stopped by Bruce Wayne. You froze, not knowing what to do. What did he want?
“(Y/n),” He started, voice lacking any tell-tale emotions, “no need to get on the bus, you’ll be riding home with us.”
You noticed immediately how he didn't really give you a choice, just an order meant to be followed. You swallowed nervously, you did not, under any circumstances want to be in a car with any of them.
“There's no need for that Bruce, I–um actually left my bike back at the school and I can't just leave it there so…yeah. I’ll–I'll see you back at the manor.” You said nervously. You weren't used to talking to him and to be quite frank he scared you.
Bruce of course took note of the fact you had not called him “dad” or “father” and had called home, “the manor” instead. This is when Dick decided to chime in.
“What, you're not going to bike all the way back home, are you?” Dick jested sarcastically.
“Uh, yeah? It's how I get back home everyday.” You mention abashed. Did they seriously not even know how you got home? Whatever, you’re too tired for this.
Bruce and Dick glance at each other, their shared look holding a meaning you couldn't understand.
“Well, it doesn't matter. You’ll just ride home with us from now on.” Dick stated, faux cheer in his voice. 
“Wha–what? Hold up, I can’t just leave without my bike! It’s gonna get stolen or–”
“We’ll get a new one, now stop fussin' and get a move on,” Jason grumbles, cutting you off.
You just sigh in defeat. Why the hell are they doing this? Why now? In the end, your questions don't matter as you get marched over to the waiting Rolce Royce Limo. That was when Arya and Ethan noticed you walking away from the bus, not even noticing the Waynes in their hurry to catch up to you.
“Hey (Y/n), why are ‘ya–oh.” Arya yells out before going silent after noticing the intimidating figure of Bruce Wayne and the even more intimidating figure of Jason Todd.
“Oh, hey guys. So–uh, I actually have a ride back to the manor now so I'm all good.” You say awkwardly.
“That's–that's great! But, what about your bike bro?” Ethan questions worriedly, the awkward and almost tense energy affecting him.
“I'm just going to pray and hope that it's still there when I come back for it tomorrow.”You answer tiredly.
“Damn, well, get home safe and get some sleep. We’ll see you soon girl.” Arya says, hugging you.
You hug her back.
“You too guys, get home safe. And Ethan, good job on the field bro, we’re all super proud of you.” You voice, a small smile on your face while you give him a hug.
“Thanks (Y/n), couldn't have done it without y’all hyping me up.” He says.
“Alright, alright no more sappy, corny lines. Now get on the bus before Coach Daniels pops another blood vessel.” You joke.
“Shit, I didn't even realize that was him yelling! Ethan, we gotta go! See ya (Y/n).” Arya exclaims, practically dragging Ethan to the bus with her.
You wave at them, your smile slowly disappearing as you realize you're about to have the worst fifteen minutes of your life on this car ride. The staring you were trying to ignore when talking to your friends was more prevalent now, making you anxious as you entered the car, squirming and fiddling uncomfortably in your seat as everyone else piled in.
You internally sighed as you heard the door shut and the car engine start. Perhaps it’d be better if you drank acid and died instead, but alas, it was too late for any of that. 
You’d just do your best to stay quiet and avoid the eyes boring into your very being.
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kooktrash · 1 year
summer bummer, baby | jeon jungkook [1 of 2]
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summary: summertime is supposed to be a time of easy living and that’s what you were hoping for when you signed up for an extra credit program cleaning up the shores of Busan and staying in a luxurious beach house. what you didn’t sign up for was to live with Jungkook, a failed talking stage who you’ve avoided for the past few months. despite having a slight disliking toward each other you find yourselves be by pulled back into each other throughout your stay. the only question that remains is if this is just going to be a summer thing or something more.
➢ genre/au: enemies to lovers/beach read. jungkook x y/n [afab she/her]
➢ 12.6k words
warnings: soft e2l. smüt with plot. beach foreplay. handsy sunscreen scenes. oral [f and m]. händjob. cünnilingus [face sitting] heavy makeout and groping. jealous jk. jealous y/n. jk is a soft tsundere [v antisocial and cold except to y/n —mostly]. love bites. jk almost gets into a fight over y/n. y/n meets jk’s family. future smüt
What started as excitement had turned to complete disgust the second your eyes locked with his but it is at least fair to say that he’s feeling the same.
It was supposed to be a summer at the beach spending your days in a summer house and meeting hot guys, not spending two months with the biggest asshole you’ve ever met. You aren’t even sure how exactly this happened but you do know that you should have prepared for the worst. You were in the same environmental science class, for fuck’s sake. You both knew about this summer job but because you refused to speak to each other you didn’t know you would actually be living together.
“Alright, Professor Choi’s been kind enough to rent out his beach house to you all for the summer,” your student-teacher Jin, started speaking once the charter bus came to a stop in beach suburbia, “I understand you’re all adults but let’s not forget the reason you’re here. This is being sponsored by the University and there is zero tolerance for misbehavior so let me go over some rules.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you stared out the window hearing your professor list off rules.
‘No parties—outside guests are allowed but not past capacity.’
‘No illegal substances permitted whatsoever, no destruction of property unless you’re ready to pay for whatever is broken out of pocket.’
‘If you miss a shift, provide a notice at least three hours prior and if you miss too many back to back you’ll pay your own trip back to Seoul and there will automatically be a deduction in your attendance record as part of the credit program.’
“Wow, this is school away from school, how am I supposed to get laid in this quick paced environment?” Jimin joked as he nudged Jungkook’s arm playfully. He barely reacted as he stared out the window waiting for the moment to get out of this hot bus.
“Yes Mr. Park, that’s the point,” Jin said, sending him a glare, “You’re here because you applied to get extra credit, not a vacation for you to get ‘laid’.”
Jimin lifted a hand to his forehead as if saluting the professor and it made Jungkook crack a smile when he rolled his eyes and continued.
“Mr. Kim! Question,” another student, Hoseok, raised a hand, “So if we were to want to… get laid? Can we do that in the house or do we gotta do it on the beach? Or is it absolutely prohibited to de-stress after a hard day’s work picking up trash?”
An eruption of light laughter filled the bus as the student-teacher’s eye twitched in annoyance. Even you managed to laugh a little at that guy’s fair question. The student-teacher only glared at him, “Get off the bus, I’m tired of you all.”
“Wanna room together?” The girl you’ve spent the last four hours on the back of a bus asked as everyone began to line up to get off. You’re actually kind of surprised Sora would want to room with you after how awkward you’ve been. To be fair, you’ve done very little talking since this morning when you arrived at campus waiting for the shuttle bus and spotted no other than Jeon Jungkook, that was enough to ruin your mood. So it took you by surprise that she still wanted to room with you. With that in mind, you gave a subtle nod to her question and she smiled.
You both joined the others outside trying to get your suitcases out but you refused to get closer. Jungkook was one of the ones helping everyone get the luggage out of the compartment on the side of the bus you weren’t going to get close to him—except till he pulled out your suitcase looking around to see who would take it. Your eyes met as you practically snatched it out of his hands without a thank you and turned away.
Jungkook was more annoyed than he let on. He didn’t even look fazed by the fact that you were coming, acting indifferent but inside he was punching the air. He’s had to spend two semesters with you and now he can’t even catch a break over the summer? He gets that this was some extra credit program but why did you have to be here? It’s not that he completely hates you, it's just awkward.
The two of you had a failed talking stage a couple months back because you were both too flakey and immature. Since then it’s just been annoying to see each other. You texted enough to know a good amount about each other and that’s why it’s so weird, nothing ever came out of your talking so now anytime you see each other it’s just a reminder that you’re practically strangers who know too much about each other.
“I’m so happy we’re gonna be living with hot girls this summer,” Jimin whispered once they passed Jin as he unlocked the front door. It was a large white house with light beige accents like the doors, garage, trimming, etc. It also had large glass windows and it was just huge, like a scene out of a movie.
There were eight of you in total and aside from you, Jungkook didn’t know the others that well. He’s met the three other guys a couple times but not enough to be close friends with them. They all attended different lecture times for the same class so it makes sense that he’s not familiar with everyone else and on top of that the ‘supervisor’ here is the student teacher who’ll be staying in the guest house just next door all on his own so he doesn’t even count.
Despite being in college there are still rules in this house—it’s your professor’s beach house after all—and it’s Jin’s job to make sure everything happens smoothly. He’s practically a babysitter who directed you all down the halls of your bedrooms.
Jungkook didn’t mind the rules and the place was big enough that he could find a private spot for himself but he did have to find a roommate and his best luck is Jimin, so it’s best he plays nice.
“I guess,” was all he said in response to Jimin’s statement following everyone else into the house. The place was amazing and everyone clearly thought so, Jungkook now knew what his tuition money was used for at least.
The interior of the house looked like a typical modern style with light color and there were four bedrooms but only three will be used for all eight students. It sounded cramped but the bedrooms were huge and the girl’s room was specifically split into two separate rooms that were connected by a bathroom and large closet they could all share. The boys had two separate bedrooms but much smaller and aside from the two rooms there was an entertainment room too. Overall, the house was amazing and that’s without going into detail about the main level.
Once everyone had split to unpack their bags is when the real conversations started.
“Why are they all so hot?” One of the girls, Mirae, started saying. All four of you were all in the vanity area unpacking your things in the closets.
“My favorite is Jimin,” Sora pointed out as she took out folded clothes from her suitcase, “But I’ll admit Jungkook is really fucking hot.”
“I agree, he’s not usually my type but it’s hard to ignore a guy that looks like that,” The fourth girl, Jia, said with a laugh. Great, you thought, feed the guy’s ego even more.
“What about you, Y/n? Anyone you think is hot?” Sora asked but you only shrugged.
“I haven’t gotten a good look at them.”
You were tired of this conversation and so was Jungkook, who was having an awfully similar one.
“Come on, you’ve got to think at least one of these girls is hot,” Hoseok said as they all gathered in Jungkook and Jimin’s bedroom. It’s the third time they’ve asked Jungkook what he thinks about you and the others but he hasn’t said anything.
He’s not going to tell them the hottest person is you and he’s got two reasons for it. One, he’ll never admit that he’s physically attracted to you ever again, second, if he says it he has no doubt in his mind that the guys will bring it up around you. Yeah it’s awkward and he dislikes you slightly but he’s also not blind. You’re his type and even if he has a distaste toward you that doesn’t change your looks.
“They’re okay,” he said with a simple shrug as he tried paying his attention on unpacking his clothes while the others talked.
“Well Y/n is hot,” the fourth guy, Jisoo, spoke up from his seated position on the floor next to his roommate, Hoseok.
“Yeah, I agree,” Jimin said, adding on to the conversation happening around Jungkook as he focused on what he was doing instead. Hoseok made sure to tell everyone he thought the same and the only one who stayed quiet was Jungkook.
For the first night you and Jungkook were able to avoid each other well enough to not have to speak to each other once. Jin had gone out of his way to buy the first round of groceries for the house and you all went out for dinner. When you came back you went straight to your room knowing tomorrow you would have to start working.
𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ
It was basically a paid school trip for you all. The main reason why you did it was for the extra credit but living on a beach for two months and getting paid for it wasn’t so bad. Your professor had proposed the idea to all of his class hours months ago. It was part of some project to keep oceans clean and he was a part of a few nonprofit organizations that did things like this but this time around you would be paid. You weren’t going to be making a crazy amount of money but enough to support yourselves while here for two months.
He made it a blind raffle sort of thing where everyone who applied for the program got put into a raffle that one of the board members would choose and you still find it bizarre that both you and Jungkook managed to get chosen.
Now you’re both waiting in the living room for Hoseok to come downstairs so the three of you could go to your first shift of the week.
“Okay, I’m here! I couldn’t find my sunglasses,” Hoseok said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, “Are we walking or driving?”
“Doesn’t matter,” both you and Jungkook said at the same time.
“Let’s driving then, who wants to driv—“
“Me.” Once again you said it at the same time and it was hard to ignore now as you glared at each other.
“Jungkook can drive,” you gave in and said. Despite living on the beach the section you were at was more secluded than where the public usually stayed near the boardwalk. Your professor worked with beach organizers and that’s how you all got the jobs for the summer and today was your first day.
The organizer explained what you would be doing today and it was fairly easy. You would be picking up trash, setting out chairs or umbrellas, making sure no wildlife that appears on shore gets interrupted by beach goers.
You were trying to set the umbrellas up right now since it was early enough that not that many people were here yet and it let you all do morning duties first. Jungkook stood behind watching the way the wind picked up the ends of your hair and smacked it back into your face with a little smug smile. He could tell you were getting flustered but he just finished setting out chairs with Hoseok so he was taking a little break.
“Oh my god,” you groaned in frustration, flipping your hair out of your face for what felt like the billionth time, trying to get this stupid pole to click into place. Behind you, you could hear a little chuckle and immediately you turned to glare at the culprit—or culprits.
“You should’ve worn your hair up,” Hoseok joked as he came to help you but Jungkook stayed behind still laughing a little. You rolled your eyes as you let him take over watching Jungkook come over to help too.
“I don’t have a hair tie,” you told him, “And you guys have watched me struggle and just now decided to help?”
“It was funny,” Jungkook muttered, making you scoff. Of course the first thing he says to you is about how funny it was to watch you struggle. Up close now you had to force yourself to look at his face only but when he’s wearing a blue t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and the beach’s name displayed on the front it was hard to look anywhere but at his tattooed arm. You understand why all the girls are thirsting for him and at one point you did too.
“Funny?” You questioned.
“That’s what I said,” Jungkook told you as he and Hoseok finished what you couldn’t do. You didn’t pull your gaze away from his because that’s what he wanted and you were set on making him look away first. Neither one of you said anything and he knew it was because you were biting your tongue.
“Your face is funny,” you finally said immediately regretting it after how immature it made you sound. He was just annoying you. He didn’t talk to you at all yesterday and today he had the nerve to laugh when you were clearly struggling? There were tons of things you could’ve said instead that wouldn’t make him laugh like he is now.
Jungkook raised a questioning brow as he stood in front of you, having to look down now, “You can do better than that, say what’s on your mind.”
If you really wanted to say what was on your mind you would be here forever. You could start with the fact that he’s arrogant and an asshole. You could say that it’s not fair that he basically put all the blame on you for why you didn’t go out. You could point out that he thinks he’s better than everyone and that he feels like he could do whatever he wants which is so annoying. You could say that the reason you bailed on your first date is because you saw him with another girl the night before. You could tell him that every time he looked at you in class you would get annoyed looking at his stupid pretty face—but you won’t. You won’t say any of that because you have to live with him for two months.
You’re not sure how either of you had become so blissfully unaware of the third party there as Hoseok’s eyes darted between you two like he was watching a game of ping pong. He was just a little confused and so he asked, “Are you two into each other or something? I’m sensing a lot of sexual tension here. Like a little hatefuck moment.”
“What the fuck!” Jungkook nearly choked on his own spit as he took a huge step away from you, “No, we’re not. We just—it’s not what you think. I, Y/n—we, we don’t like each other.”
Hoseok lifted a suspicious brow before letting a smile adorn his face, “Alright I get it. You loathe each other—but you could’ve fooled me.”
“Whatever,” you muttered under your breath, turning away from them so they wouldn’t see the way your face flushed like Jungkook’s.
Jungkook watched you move to sit under the umbrella reaching into your bag for a bottle of sunscreen. You poured some into your palm before running it over the length of your thigh. You wore the tiniest pair of denim shorts he’s ever seen and a blue shirt like his but more fitted. He could see your bikini top straps peeking out from the neckline and he wondered what kind of bathing suit you had on underneath.
Your legs looked so smooth and the way you had them posed in front of you had his eyes following the way your hands caressed them.
He didn't realize how engrossed he was in watching you until a flying object came and hit his shoulder, hard. Jungkook whipped around rubbing at where he was hit, “What the fuck?”
“You look like you needed some,” Hoseok said as he nodded toward where you were, clearly catching Jungkook sort of checking you out. With a smack of his lips in annoyance Jungkook picked the bottle off the sand and looked back to you to make sure you didn’t see that.
You glared at both of them catching Jungkook’s eyes again and lifted a middle finger at him. With a roll of his eyes he flipped you off and turned away, you just annoyed him.
The rest of your shift went without a hitch and you needed a desperate shower after but Hoseok had other ideas. When you got back to the house he proposed a beach day and with the sun beating down on your back you did not turn down getting in the salt water.
“People are disgusting,” you had told Sora when you all headed back down to the beach for a swim, “They will literally litter anything, no wonder our oceans are polluted.”
“So you basically just picked up trash?” She asked as you both shimmied out of your shorts.
“Mostly,” you told her, tugging off your shirt, “It wasn’t bad and there were so many hot guys on the beach.”
“Like Jungkook?” Sora asked, pointing in his direction as he headed down to the shore, already letting his toes sink into the wet sand, feeling the tide rush toward him. You looked at him for a moment seeing him without a shirt and it was clear he’s updated his workout regime since the last time you talked about it months back.
But who cares?
𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ
Jungkook was able to ignore you for the most part. Aside from the first day at work he hasn’t really seen you too much. You both have only worked twice since then and because you’re on a set rotation to make sure everyone works the same amount, you haven’t seen each other that much.
Not that he minds, it’s just something he’s noticed.
He doesn’t pay attention to everything you do but you’ve got a weird relationship, alright? Of course you’ve spent the last couple of months avoiding each other but there’s a very valid reason for that.
The first time the two of you talked, you completely hit it off. You had been assigned to do a project together in the same class as the one where you joined this summer camp for. You met up in the library mostly, but you had this light banter that would go on between you that was clearly flirty, it wasn’t until after presenting your research on the destruction of the Ozone layer that you really started texting.
You were talking all the time and sometimes the conversations would drift a little too far into dating territory and you just realized you were different in some ways. Jungkook likes texting all the time whereas you could go hours without responding. He’s been in about the same amount of relationships as you and you both had been in that hook up only phase. When you did decide to try going on a date the first time he flaked but it wasn’t intentional. He had to work that night and had completely forgotten that when he agreed on a date.
The second time, you both sort of flaked after attempting to reschedule the first one. He’s not sure if you had gotten fed up with trying to find an available time to get drinks but it just wasn’t working out. You both had finally decided on a Saturday but when the day came neither of you said anything. He had been waiting for you to reach out first since he had been blowing up your phone about it the night before. You had been waiting for him to reach out first and confirm the plans since he’s the one who canceled last time. Clearly neither one of you put in the effort to make it happen so it never did.
Then, the final time you attempted to get drinks together was about three weeks later. After the second time you cut back on how much you talked but when you got back to talking like normal and set a date you ended up blowing him off completely. You didn’t even show up so clearly he was bothered by that enough to ask you about it.
You had a tiny argument over it and it just made you both realize that if it was this hard to go one just one date then you clearly weren’t working for each other and that pursuing anything past a friendship wasn’t going to happen. Of course that then made the friendship itself awkward and in the end you avoided each other.
Now he’s stuck in a house with other guys with one who seems to be clearly interested in knowing more about you.
“I’m just saying,” Jisoo said as all four guys sat outside on the deck facing the beach, “Y/n is hot, like mysterious hot since she doesn’t talk to anyone.”
“She talks to Jungkook,” Hoseok pointed out, making Jungkook roll his eyes.
“That’s because we have class together,” Jungkook said, trying not to give out too much information. He doesn’t need any of them asking questions. Besides, it’s only been a week, how do they expect you to be cool with everyone right away? He’s not defending you, he’s just being realistic, plus Hoseok is still going based off what he saw the first day of work.
“Really?” Jisoo asked, “Are you guys friends? I haven’t seen you guys talk? Did you guys date or something? It seems like you hate each other, tell me something about her.”
“Jesus,” Jimin laughed, “Obsessed much?”
Jisoo groaned, “I can’t help it. She’s so hot, have you seen her in those bikinis?”
Jungkook felt his jaw clench but he hid the action behind a glass bottle of beer as he muttered, “You’re not her type.”
“What?” Jisoo asked, clearly catching what he said. Jungkook just looked him over with a shrug, “I said you’re not her type.”
“So what is?”
… is what he would have said if he was crazy. It’s not like he’s wrong, when the two of you were talking you had tons of conversations about ideal types and how you fit each other’s even though it didn’t work out. Aside from his looks you liked that he had a sense of humor but never pushed it too far. You liked that he was calm but also knew how to get loud and have fun. You liked that he was able to have serious talks with you along with lighthearted ones. You had the same sense of humor, even similar MBTIs, so yeah, he’s still your type even if there are no feelings anymore.
Jisoo? He’s loud, obnoxious, arrogant, and rude—all of the things you can’t stand. Jungkook wouldn’t be surprised if you already had a disliking toward the guy after one week of knowing him, but it’s not like it matters to him.
So, once again he shrugged his shoulders looking off to the beach to avoid giving Jisoo an answer he wouldn’t like. He knows he’s probably getting on the guy’s nerves but he couldn’t care less. He already annoyed him enough by hearing Jisoo talk about your body and looks since the first day so he doesn’t care if the guy knows he doesn’t like him.
Like he said earlier, Jungkook doesn’t care much about you anymore but he does care that Jisoo can so freely say whatever he wants about you and expect Jungkook to help him out with you.
Fed up with Jisoo’s attempt at locker room talk, Jungkook stood abruptly and went through the glass sliding door to the living room. Just then, you and the others came through the front door holding grocery bags. His brows scrunched in curiosity as you all came in holding bags when he thought you were supposed to be having a spa day.
You walked past him to set the bags on the kitchen counter with the others when Jia came up to him with a huge smile. She felt so utterly blessed to be able to walk through the front door and find Jungkook standing there shirtless in just his swimming trunks and his hair half-up in a ponytail. She would like to thank the beach gods for this gorgeous view of a man. It didn’t matter to him that she was checking him out but that’s because his eyes went to you.
“What did you guys bring?” He asked and before you could answer, Jia was doing it for you.
“Oh! Since it’s the first Friday and we have the night free we thought it’d be cool to grill tonight and do a bonfire on the beach, then tomorrow go out drinking,” Jia said, making you scoff.
“If Jungkook doesn’t flake.”
Low blow, you know but since the first day at work he’s just been irking you. He’s just always watching you like he has something to say and you just want him to spit it out.
Jia watched the way he rolled his eyes and it was clear to her that you two weren’t very fond of each other. At least that was one less person in this house she had to worry about liking Jungkook. His tongue poked against his cheek in annoyance as he glared at you unpack the bags, “Don’t worry Jia, I would never make plans with everyone only to blow them off without saying a word. I’m better than that.”
This time you looked up glaring at him because why is he acting oblivious? He knew the reason why. He thought he could play you by going out clubbing with some girl the night before and expect you to still want to go out with him the next night? Yeah, the third failed attempt at a date was a miss because of you but he was obviously the reason why.
You were lucky that Jisoo came through the sliding door right then and there that you didn’t feel the need to respond to Jungkook’s snide remark. He flashed you a warm smile, “I heard we’re grilling tonight.”
Mirae and Sora were outside telling the rest of the boys the plan and when Jisoo saw you in here with Jungkook, of all people, he had to interrupt. It’s the summer and he’s looking for a hot fling so who better than you?
You gave him a girlish smile, “We are, can you teach me how to prep the meat?”
Immediately he went to join your side, “Only because you asked so nicely.”
Jungkook released a scoff in disbelief as he left the kitchen to go back outside, making sure to slide the door a little too hard.
𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ
It’s been two weeks now and Jungkook still can’t stand the sight of you, or no, he can’t stand the pretty sight of you.
Now that everyone’s more comfortable around each other you’ve all become very open and he can tell that just by what you wore to work today. You wore your bikini bottoms that huffed your curves perfectly and a small t-shirt with the beach’s name displayed over where your breasts were. Your hair was all over the place again and he wanted to give you the hair tie he always carried on his wrist now but he couldn’t. Not when you’re standing there flirting with some random guy.
“Taehyung, and you?” He said as he extended a hand out for you to shake.
“Y/n,” you said with a flirty smile. He’s the first guy to approach you at work that was actually hot. He had been in the middle of a volleyball game with his friends when the ball went flying and nearly hit you. It landed by your feet and he was happy to come over and get it.
“So what are you doing here?” He asked, running his fingers through his hair.
“Um, well I’m here for work but just for the summer,” you told him watching him pout just slightly but nodded understandably.
“That’s a shame, we don’t have cute girls like you here,” Taehyung said, obviously flirting and you had absolutely no problem doing it back. You smiled, “I’m sure that’s not true but I’m flattered anyway. What’s your number? Maybe we should hang out sometime?”
You were being forward but who cares? You’re only here for a few more weeks and you want to have fun with someone who doesn’t live in your house. Is that too much to ask? Taehyung was very happy when you asked for his number and he was quick to give it to you.
Jungkook was annoyed because he was working with you again and this time there wasn’t an extra person. Mirae felt sick this morning, most likely dehydrated and couldn’t come to work so it just left you two. It wasn’t so bad since you mostly did your own thing but he’s tired and hungry.
“Y/n! Are you ready to go?” He asked, coming over to where you were and placing a hand on your back, not firm but just to let you know he’s right there. The guy you had been flirting with for the past fifteen minutes looked up at him but he acted like he wasn’t even there. With an annoyed roll of your eyes you said, “I guess.”
“At least I have your number, I’ll see you around?” Taehyung asked giving you a side hug in goodbye and you nodded. Once he was gone back to his friends, you joined Jungkook as he said, “You gave him your number?”
“Yup,” you said as you put your sunglasses back on, “Let’s go home, I’m hungry.”
“Let’s go to the boardwalk,” Jungkook said, “I want Busan street food.”
“Fine,” you said thinking about all the food Jungkook used to tell you about. His family lives in Busan but he’s only gone to see them once. He doesn’t seem to mind it and you wonder why but you’re not gonna ask.
Neither one of you bothered to change into different clothes considering it was the boardwalk and everyone was dressed in bathing suits. The only downside is that you and Jungkook looked like a couple wearing your matching beach uniform attire. This time he wore blue swimming trunks with the beach’s name and no shirt. You wore a similar pair of shorts, just more casual and shorter and you only wore a bikini top since it was hotter than usual today. You could also feel the sun burning at your shoulder and Jungkook noticed it too.
“You need sunscreen,” he muttered under his breath as he dug into the beach bag you all usually bring for work.
“I know but I can’t reach it all,” you told him honestly letting your brows furrow as he took out the bottle and poured some into his hands before rubbing them together. He motioned for you to turn around and you did without much fuss.
It’s not that the two of you like each other now but you’ve given up on being rude simply because the rest of the house is too nosy. They haven’t quit asking about why you two are so snarky toward each other and you’re sure they’ve all come up with conclusions on their own but neither you nor Jungkook are going to tell them the real reason why.
Jungkook placed his hands on your shoulders feeling the warmth of your skin from the way the sun glared down on you all day. You had a tanner complexion than usual and he’s sure he does too. Your skin was smooth and his hands were able to glide down the expanse of your back.
He sort of liked it. His touches were gentle but you hated that the touch of this man in particular made you feel a sort of way. He could rub sunscreen on your back all day but that would be weird so instead he cleared his throat and pulled away saying, “Can you get mine too?”
Jungkook did not like you. Whatever romantic feelings he had for you once died off over time but…
But right now your hands felt so good massaging his muscles with sunscreen. He resisted the urge to let his head fall back in bliss as you did the same to him before the two of you went to the boardwalk. Jungkook got on his phone shortly after some time walking and with a small sigh he said, “I’ve gotta go home, my mom has a bunch of fruit she wants me to pick up. Do you want me to walk you home or do you still want food?”
You thought about it for a second, “It’s fine, I’ll just get something to eat and then go home.”
He released a small huff, “Want to come with? It’ll be quick, after we can get food. It’s a walking distance from here and it'll be quick.”
“I didn’t bring a shirt.”
“You can wear mine,” Jungkook said, rummaging through the bag that was hanging off the shoulder and tossing it to you.
“What about you?” You asked even as you slipped the shirt over your head. Jungkook just shrugged, not really caring either way as he texted away on his phone, most likely to his family.
Honestly, you just didn’t want to go back to the house. It’s fun living with so many people because you're never bored but you also just needed some time away. You loved being able to go to work and just listen to music while you did work. Plus, if you went home without eating out you would be grumpy having to make yourself something after being out in the sun.
Also, at the end of the day you’re still most comfortable with Jungkook despite getting close to Sora and the others.
So the two of you were in front of Jungkook’s home looking as ridiculous as ever with him being shirtless and you wearing the large t-shirt and small shorts.
Jungkook didn’t knock or anything, just checked if the door was unlocked and immediately yelled for his mom. You stood back awkwardly, as Jungkook walked around the house motioning you to join him outside where he found his family eating watermelon outside.
“Kook!” They cheered when they saw him and you could feel their eyes drift toward you. He pointed a thumb in your direction as he casually said, “This is Y/n, my housemate,” hugging his parents.
“Y/n?” His older brother, JungHyun, repeated your name looking between you and Jungkook with narrowed eyes before smiling knowingly and said, “I’m JungHyun.”
You ended up just having dinner at Jungkook’s parent’s house and left with baskets of watermelon to enjoy on sunny days.
𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ
The day was perfect.
Jungkook felt at ease for the most part. The only ones who had to work today were you, Jimin, and Mirae so he was just hanging out around the house.
He spent a good amount of the morning on the back deck working out as he stared at the beach. He took a morning jog and came back to lift weights but aside from that he didn’t have much to do. Usually he’ll hang out with Jimin or Hoseok but one was at work and the other was taking a midday nap. The others wouldn’t even be off work till later so he really had nothing to do. He wandered around the house trying to think of something but nothing came.
“Hey Kook,” Jia said, suddenly appearing on the deck. He had given up on a workout and lounged on the pool chairs instead. He glanced up at her, nodding his head in greeting.
“Do you mind driving me to the store? Jisoo said he’s busy and Hobi is sleeping,” Jia asked and as much as Jungkook wanted to say no, he had no reason to. With a small huff he rose to his feet looking across the beach toward the boardwalk as if he could see you working from the house—he’s tried but he can’t.
He doesn’t care, honestly, but he’s just nosy? He wants to know what you’re doing or if that guy from the beach came by to see you again.
Jungkook went inside to put on a shirt and grab the keys while Jia waited downstairs for him. He stood by the window where he had a perfect view of three familiar people walking down the shore in familiar blue shirts and his eyes landed on you. He found himself stalling now, taking his time getting dressed, doing his hair up in that half low ponytail look, reapplying deodorant, spraying some cologne. He doesn’t know why he’s getting so dressed up for the store until you catch him upstairs on your way to your room.
You looked him up and down as he stood in the narrow entryway to the next floor, “You and Jia going somewhere?”
He was a step down the stairs already as he turned to you, “The store. Do you need anything?”
“Um… maybe,” you said as you listened to the call of his name from downstairs. You didn’t know why you even said that but suddenly you have a list of things to get. He brushed his bangs back, “Want to come? We’ll wait in the car?”
You just nodded leaving to your room to get your things. Jungkook and Jia went to the car and he watched her hop into the front seat as he went to the driver’s side. He tapped on the wheel nervously as he listened to Jia tell him about all the things he needed. He would have preferred if you sat up with him but it’s not like he could’ve directed her to the back. It’s becoming very clear that your frutal attempts to stay away from each other have failed as now he finds himself wanting to be closer again.
When you came out and got in the backseat you barely talked. The silence was filled with low music playing and Jia occasionally saying suggestive things to him.
“I heard you’re a pretty decent cook, Jungkook. Any chance you’ll make me something one of these days?” Jia asked but Jungkook just shrugged glancing at the rear view mirror to see your focus solely out the window. Couldn’t you attempt a conversation with him too? Did you really hate him that much still?
Slightly annoyed at the thought he found himself saying, “Sure, whatever you like.”
You were slightly annoyed but you blamed it on the summer heat and that you were a little tired from work. You tried not to think about the fact that you only came along because you wanted to see what Jia and Jungkook would do. You never realized how close they were until Jia was putting her arm on Jungkook’s giggling at whatever he said even if it wasn’t even funny… and he just let her.
At one point you even rolled her eyes at her third whiny, ‘Jungkook’ and went off to do your own thing.
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to notice your shift in mood and at first he didn’t get it. It wasn’t until Jia grabbed him by the hand to go down a different aisle that he saw the way your eyes locked on the action. Were you annoyed with him right now?
Or were you annoyed with the way he and Jia were acting right now?
He found himself wanting to test it out. He interlocked his fingers with Jia’s as he walked with her making sure to be extra attentive. You didn’t know why you felt the need to even come and think that it would make a difference. You felt most comfortable with Jungkook but clearly he didn’t feel the same and that annoyed the shit out of you. Why bother inviting you if he was just going to ignore you the whole time?
You thought you were finally getting over that tension between you two but if this was how it was going to be then you’ll be the same. That’s why you grabbed a box of condoms at the checkout line and set them down on the belt in a completely different row than them.
“So what’d you get?” Jia asked you once you were all in the car again and this time you willingly sat on the back. “Condoms.”
You missed the way she turned to Jungkook with twinkly eyes as if hoping he would look back at her and share some sort of inside joke about it but he didn’t. His eyes were dead set on the road, fists clenching around the steering wheel, face stone cold.
“Oh,” Jia laughed softly, “I didn’t know you were interested in someone like that. Who?”
“I don’t know yet, I’ve got a few options,” you muttered, arms crossed over your chest, shutting yourself off from them and looking out the window again. You were being petty but you didn’t even care. If those two were going to have fun and flirt in the house why shouldn’t you do the same?
The entire ride back to the house was filled with a silence louder than the music. Jungkook kept thinking about the guy at the beach. Were these for you and Taehyung? Did he actually come by and see you again when Jungkook wasn’t there? Why was that thought driving him absolutely insane right now? So you have absolutely no problem meeting up with some random guy but when it came to planning to ever go out with him you flaked? Did he do something? Were you just never serious about him?
He released a small scoff, lost in his own thoughts as he parked the car in the driveway. The three of you got out all your things and headed inside where everyone was.
You’re not sure if Jia lacked maturity or if she felt somewhat threatened by you but the second you all made it inside she loudly exclaimed, “Y/n bought condoms so she’s probably gonna get more action than the rest of us.”
Immediately there was a cluster of awe’s from Jimin and Hoseok who have failed to get laid these last couple weeks and you still had a month to go here. Not bothering to even act like you cared what she said you went up to your bedroom unaware that Jungkook stormed up to his clearly ticked off.
“Does Y/n have more game than us?” Hobi said as they all followed Jimin into his shared bedroom with Jungkook, “I wanna get laid too. Life is so unfair for a man.”
Jungkook was in their bathroom pretending to do something as Jisoo had the nerve to sit on his bed and say, “At least now I know I have a chance with Y/n. She must be a little desperate if she bought condoms. A guy usually does that when he knows he’s gonna find someone to fuck.”
The room fell silent as Jisoo laughed, clearly not reading the sudden awkwardness in the room at what he said. He continued on, “You know… Y/n’s always showing off her body for attention. I bet that’s why she came anyway.”
Jimin shook his head, “I don’t think that’s ri—“
“What did you say?” Jungkook asked so suddenly that it was like everyone forgot he was even there. Jisoo looked up at the others as if seeing if they’d agree with him before saying, “You know… Y/n’s hot, she knows it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came on this trip for a good fuck. She’s pretty much asking for it. I mean why else buy co—“
Jungkook was in front of him in a heartbeat, towering over him with a dark gaze, “Talk about Y/n like that one more time.”
“I dare you.”
Jisoo’s smile vanished and a sense of anger replaced it. Feeling defensive now he rose to his feet so that Jungkook wouldn’t think he intimidated him even if he sort of did.
“Jungkook. Jisoo, just chill for a minute, the girls are gonna hear an—“
“I don’t give a shit who hears,” Jisoo says with a scoff, “If I want to say that I plan on sleeping with Y/n then I’m gonna say it. If Jungkook is bothered by the fact that she doesn’t want him, that's not my fault—Ah.”
Jungkook’s fists tightened over the collar of Jisoo’s shirt pulling him closer and twisting the fabric tighter. Jisoo’s hands immediately flew to Jungkook’s forearms trying to get him to let go. He might talk his shit but if there was one thing he knew it was that he was not getting into a fight with a man who did boxing as a hobby and could lift more than his body weight.
Everyone knew Jungkook was serious just by the look in his eye and in hopes of easing the tension Jimin said, “Jungkook come on, let go. He’s just running his mouth, don’t let it get to you. It’s not worth fighting.”
“Oh but I think he’s asking for it,” Jungkook said jostling Jisoo enough to make him sway as he looked him dead in the eye, “Aren’t you?”
“Let me go, man.”
“No, I want to hear you try and run your mouth about Y/n again,” Jungkook said, testing him now but Jisoo only shook his head. Jisoo looked around hoping to see if they would get him to lay off when he stared at the door.
Jungkook let go almost immediately, turning his head to the door and catching you standing there. You must’ve left your room and heard the commotion.
“Y/n, I don’t know what you heard but this guy’s cra—“
“Jisoo. Shut the fuck up and don’t talk to me,” you said looking absolutely disgusted in him, “You’re worse than the trash we pick up off the shore—and just so you know you’re the last guy I would ever fuck.”
He scoffed, “Bitch.”
Jungkook stormed over to where Jisoo was standing in front of you trying to make his leave. Your hand stuck out, palm flat against the ridges of his abs as you looked up at him, “Stop. He’s not worth it.”
“Y/n,” Jungkook said softly now, not caring at all about the other two who stayed in the room awkwardly, “He’s got no right talking about you like that and I don’t know how much you heard but I have a right to beat his ass.”
“I have a right to beat his ass,” you said in the same soft tone he used. He looked down at the hand that was still on his stomach and before he knew it his hand was down on your waist.
“Y/n none of us agree with what he said at all,” Hoseok said but your attention was on Jungkook who still had his jaw clenched thinking about Jisoo and how much he would really enjoy putting his hands on the guy.
“Let’s go for a walk,” you offered and before he knew it he was nodding his head following you downstairs ignoring the others as they looked in confusion as to why Jisoo stormed out the front door and what the yelling was all about. Jia watched as Jungkook’s hand’s never left your waist as he followed you outside to the deck and down to the sandy beach.
“You defended me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Jungkook asked as you both took your shoes off and let them at the end of the backyard to walk toes in the sand.
“I thought you still hated me.”
“You think that means I’m gonna let some guy say shit about you? Did you forget we talked about some serious things back then and how hurt you used to be?” Jungkook asked, “Besides I never hated you.”
You winced at his reminder. Back then you would have serious talks about past relationships and how you were both treated awful in them. He always told you that he had no respect for guys who would tear their girlfriends down and that if he could he would fight every single one of them for you. Clearly he hasn’t gone back on his word.
The sun had already set and what had started as a day quickly changed because of Jisoo. Jungkook was tired out but he didn’t want to go inside yet. He wanted to enjoy the empty beach with you and try and talk.
“Want to sit?” He asked, pointing to the shore. It was low tide and you could get close enough to the water without worrying about getting soaked. You nodded your head going to sit as he dropped to the sand next to you.
“Why’d you ditch me that night? I was waiting for you for an hour and you never showed and when we argued about it… you wouldn’t tell me why,” Jungkook finally said.
You took a deep breath deciding to be honest, “I saw you with a girl the night before and I guess I got kind of jealous and thought you were playing me since you flaked the first time.”
Jungkook looked visibly taken back, “I—the only girl I talked to other than you was my coworker. I went out with her because it was all of us but I just ended up taking her home because she was drunk. There was never anything between us.”
“Oh. I’m sorry,” you said awkwardly but he just shook his head. The sand was cool underneath you two and the water was a pretty shade of light blue and foamy white.
“It’s my fault, the first time I mean. I did flake so I get why you thought that so I’m sorry too.”
“Ugh,” you groaned as you fell back to lay down in the sand. Jungkook used his hands for support to sit but he looked down at you, “What?”
“Just annoyed. We could’ve avoided all this if I just asked you about it,” you told him making him laugh softly. He lied down next to you, “Maybe but I think I like you more after hearing what you told Jisoo and that wouldn’t have happened if we made up sooner.”
You laughed with him, “He’s so gross.” Jungkook nodded in agreement as the two of you looked up at the darkening sky.
“But I liked that you stuck up for me so thank you,” you said, making him smile.
It was quiet for a moment, “So why’d you buy the condoms?”
You groaned in embarrassment as you tried cov ring your face but he was on his side looking at you, “Because you were only paying attention to Jia after I thought we were beginning to be friends again and I don’t know… it was stupid.”
“You were jealous?” He asked if you actually were because every time he sees you with another guy he gets jealous. A little smile came to his face and you hit his arm lightly, “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not, I’m just surprised. You know how many guys are into you? I’ve been jealous this entire trip and I don’t know, I’m just surprised to know you were too,” Jungkook admitted and you looked over at him too.
Neither one of you said anything for a moment and you just spent time outside deep into the night.
You looked at Jungkook, he looked at you, and you’re not sure if this was an unspoken agreement or if it was just a long time coming but before you knew it you were both leaning in for a kiss.
You captured his lips with yours making him let out a small groan as he kissed back fiercely. It was careful at first still seeing if this was something you both wanted before Jungkook began to turn his upper body enough to hover over you. His tongue found yours and explored the inside of your mouth, swiping along yours and letting them glide against each other creating a pool of drool. Your hand was on the side of his face, fingers digging into his hair as a hand of his reached over to hold you down against the sand by your waist. Jungkook felt his blood rushing, as every part of him felt on fire. You pulled away first, tugging his lips between your teeth before kissing him even harder than the first time. He let his tongue go even deeper into your mouth causing you to moan softly, breathing getting heavier as a light breeze coursed through the two of you noting that it was night time on the beach.
It was when a seagull went over your heads did the two of you realize how exposed you were. Raccoons had a tendency to be on shore once the sun had set looking for burrows of baby sea turtles and neither one of you wanted to be out when they came scurrying past. The lights in the house were off for the most part due to how late it was and the two of you were finally able to see how long you had been out.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbled against your lips before pulling away enough to look at you. His hands were gently around your face wiping away the blown over sand from your features and brushing your hair back, “I didn’t want to be here at first because it was still awkward.”
He placed a tender kiss against your lips, “But if I wasn’t then… you know, we’d probably still be mad at each other.”
You reached forward to pin his bangs behind his ears, his ponytail loose and almost out but he just looked so handsome like this.
“The beach is so empty,” you commented as your hand trailed down the tight space between your bodies. Jungkook looked around, it was dark out and stars scattered across the night sky. You were utterly alone out here just making out like you hadn’t been put off by each other for the last few months.
You glide your hand down his chest, feeling the faint outline of his hard abs through the black shirt he's wearing with the sleeves cut off. He looked down at your hand, breath hitting when your hand reached the waistband of his trunks. You bite your lip as he leans down and starts kissing and sucking on your neck again.
You let your hand trail lower over his swimming trunks, softly tracing the outline of his length that was slowly hardening in your touch. It didn’t take long for you to notice he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. You let out a light gasp as he kissed along the curve of your jaw toward the end of your ear sucking just below it, body already shifting against you for more friction. He let out a low rumble through his chest when your hand palmed his erection, eyes already hazy as he dug his face into your neck.
"Dangerous territory," He mutters lowly, pressing his body down onto yours, kidding you deeply as your hand goes back down to his crotch, “We’re gonna get caught.”
It hasn’t left either one of your mind’s that you’re still outside laying against each other as the warm sand tickled your back and the waves of the sea acted as background noise. You trace the hard outline of his dick through the thin material.
"Fuck," He moans into your mouth, pulling back to catch his breath as he looks down at your hand. You slowly stroke up and down his length as you grab it through the material.
He raised his hips up just enough for you to be able to sink your hand inside his trunks and he bit his lip in anticipation. If you didn’t care that you were outside then neither would he, if anything it’s just arousing him even more.
You slowly and teasingly stroke up and down, palming him at a slow pace as he lets out a groan, “Y/n.”
You smile, “Jungkook.”
“Do you really want to do this?” He asked and for a second you weren’t sure if he meant what you were doing right now or what you were doing with each other in general. Instead you grip him by the base, moving your hand up to run your thumb over his mushroom tip. You spread his precum around with the pad of your thumb, “You don’t want to?”
"Fuck..." He whispers, pressing his forehead against yours, “I do. So fucking bad.”
You reconnect your lips with his, pumping his cock moving your hand up and down in tight then loose strokes. Your bodies were still so pressed against each other that if someone watched you from a distance then it would just look like a heavy makeout and not like your hand was jerking him off under his trunks. You start to move your hand quicker up and down his length, watching him as he presses his face into your neck and starts sucking and kissing the skin beneath your ear as you pulled his trunks down enough to slip only his hard length out for better access.
You speed up your hand even further, twisting and flicking your wrist as you feel him throb and twitch, hips bucking into your hand chasing that feeling that was getting closer, embarrassingly so. With a small tsk sound you release him making his body freeze before bringing your hand up. He looked down at it and his eyes stayed on yours as he spit right into it, you doing the same before running your palm against his tip then down his length.
He lets out a groan as he twitches, your quick strokes bringing him closer and closer to release. If anyone were to ask him if he knew you, of all people, would be giving him a wet handjob on the beach he’d laugh in their face.
"God, I'm gonna cum......" He moans out, placing both hands on the sand to hold himself up enough to not completely crush you with his waist as he fucked into your hand. You smirk and look up at him making him fuck your fist faster. With a small push-up then back down he crashes his lips against yours, growling into your mouth as he cums. Your hand immediately gets drowned in his release and the bottom of your shirt does too but you just smile into the kiss as his breathing gets heavier and more uneven.
“You know, I’ve never been to the movie room,” he whispered softly to you and you looked toward the house. He was still pressed against you but you had tucked him back in once he reeled back in.
The movie room was one of the only other rooms aside from your bedrooms and it was pretty much untouched. That meant that it was good for privacy and right now he felt like he needed privacy—with you. He wants to take you on a date and try it again but right now he wants to feel you even more.
“Me neither,” you said with furrowed brows as you tried to understand why he randomly brought it up. He didn’t answer you right away, tugging on your bottom lip lightly between his teeth, “Let’s go see it.”
You gave a brief nod of your head and he was helping you to your feet reaching behind you to dust off the sand for your denim shorts. He took your hand in his and led you back to the house being as quiet as possible. You still weren’t fully sure what you were doing but it didn’t seem to stop either one of you from making it into the movie room. Jungkook checked the hallways to see if they were empty before locking the two of you in.
Before you knew it the two of you were laying on the dozens of floor pillows and cushions on the floor making out with a movie playing in the background. This time you were on top. You were laying over him with one leg raised high against his waist with his hand on your butt, fingers pinching just slightly. Your other leg was between his and it was getting hard to ignore the growing length against your thigh. Jungkook reached for that same leg pulling it over so you could straddle him properly as you pulled back for a breath. His hands slid down to your eyes, bottom lip between his lips, hips softly grinding against yours as you reached for the hem of your shirt. He leaned up enough to yank the back of his shirt and with your help he threw it somewhere with yours.
It was very clear that it was your turn to be pleased by the way Jungkook so easily pulled you up onto all fours over him as he undid the button of your little denim shorts and yanked them down. You took it from there and shimmied them off fully before his hands gripped your hips tightly once more and you couldn’t silence the squeal you let out as he tugged you forward nearly dropping you over him, “Ju—Jungkook, what are you doing?”
“Wan’ you to sit on my face, like now Y/n,” he said in a serious tone. You shook your head, “No, I—do you really want me to?”
“Y/n…” he looked you dead in the eye as you sat on his chest with his hands flat on your thighs to make sure you didn’t move back. Your knees were over your shoulders and you just needed one pull to do what he asked and it was just all so tempting when he could smell your arousal.
“You just took my dick in your hand and made me cum out on the beach and you’re asking me if I want you to sit in my face?” Jungkook asked looking amused but also not, “I want you to ride my face, got it?”
You licked your lips at the thought and before you knew it Jungkook was already pushing you that small space forward until your heat was hovering over his face but not yet pressing into him. You sighed letting yourself relax and brush your fingers through his hair as he looked up dazed and waiting for your consent.
“You gonna show me how good you are with your tongue?” You asked, making his eyes roll just slightly.
“God yes,” he said with a sigh as he finally pulled you down the rest of the way, feeling your hand tighten in his hair. Your underwear was still in the way but it didn’t stop him from pressing his mouth to the soaked fabric of your underwear and his nose lightly tapped against your hooded clit already making you squirm. He gripped your thighs firmly now to keep you in place and just let him mouth at your covered cunt, licking at the fabric for just a hint of a teasing taste.
You tried not to put too much weight on him but he practically forced you down, face right against your soaked panties rubbing gently. You squirmed, “Jungkook.”
“Hm?” He hummed against you, hair brushed out of his face by your fingers, sparkly doe eyes looking at you from between your legs. You couldn’t see it but you knew he was smirking and it didn’t take long for Jungkook to slide his hands up from your thighs to your hips. Before you knew it he was gripping one side of your underwear and yanking in it hard enough to tear. He even jostled you a bit and then he did the other side too until it slipped off and he threw them somewhere far.
Jungkook looked up at your wet pussy, a line of slick dripping onto his tongue as he let his mouth open expectantly. As it touched the tip of it he did one swift lick between your folds to catch whatever else might drip. Immediately you gasped as he did it again, not wasting a moment to tease any longer. He’s so turned on he can’t even register the thought of taking his time.
“Careful,” You started to speak again, trying to remind him to take it easy since the others were sleeping and the television wasn’t that loud. It was pointless as he gave you another long lick followed by another. You bent forward, bracing yourself with one hand again in his hair pulling just slightly making him groan into your cunt as he tightened his grip on your thighs. Jungkook’s tongue worked upwards, shifting from long licks to short flicks against your clit. You couldn’t stop the rocking of your hips, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning loudly and letting everyone know what the two of you were doing.
“Fuck,” you whispered softly, bucking your hips forward as his hands slid to your butt, gripping hard enough to grind your pussy down on his face as he ate you out.
You released a low groan and this time Jungkook lifted you off despite your protests. He glared up at you, “You want everyone to know how I’m eating your pussy out?”
“Ugh,” you rolled your eyes, hips still moving just slightly praying he’d just continue, “Slow down then.”
Jungkook gave you a cocky smile, his hold already growing firm as he sent you a wink before pulling you over his face once again licking at your pussy.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck," you murmured, nearly under your breath as his head moved frantically to follow the way you fucked into his face, tongue stiff as he flicked along your cunt sloppily.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, the knot in your stomach tightening, body convulsing with pleasure as he took in the sight of it. The way your torso moved with each buck of your hips, and your breasts. The tilt of your neck as you looked up trying not to look at him and the tight hold you had in his hair.
Without warning, you reached your climax all over Jungkook’s tongue. He eased your orgasm, licking softly before moving you off of him. As he did so his hands came down to your waist sliding you down with ease. He held you down to lay on top of him and without question your lips were on his again.
“So good,” he whispered against you, ready to take his trunks off once more, “I need you.”
“Mmh,” you said between kisses still not registering what he said until he was rolling you over under him so he could take them off. He kissed down your neck, “Condom?”
You nodded ready to reach out for one before your body froze. Jungkook, who still kissed and sucked on your neck blissfully, wasn’t paying attention. You tapped on his head to get him to look at you but he kept going, surely leaving live bites.
“I don’t have any.”
He stopped but didn’t pull away, “What?”
You sighed, “They’re in my room.”
He sighed as he pulled up but kept his body pressed against yours, “You’re lying.”
The situation made you laugh. Out of all times this could be happening to you. The first time you’re even attempting to get physical and after everything you've done tonight but you’re responsible.
He let his head fall onto your chest with a small groan. You sighed, “Sorry.”
Jungkook left a soft kiss on the mound of your breast, “Don’t be. Not like you knew this would happen, right?”
He definitely didn’t. Jungkook did not for one second even think about the possibility of kissing you this summer and definitely not as far as the two of you have gone tonight.
“Ugh,” you groaned as he hugged you, “If I go in and Sora wakes up, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“It’s okay,” he said, finally moving off you as he made himself comfortable next to you, still only in his trunks.
“Where’s my shirt?” You asked sitting up but he just pulled you back down grabbing one of the large throw blankets laying around and tossing it over you.
“Let’s just sleep right here,” he mumbled looking over to the door making sure he did lock it. He grabbed his shirt off the floor for you to put on and once you did, he let you cuddle into his side. He tried ignoring the sexual frustration that built up from not having sex with you but neither one of you were doing it without protection especially so soon.
“Everyone’s gonna think something is up,” you whispered as he let you use his bicep as a pillow.
He just shrugged.
“Who cares?”
𖠳 ᐝ
Jungkook was zoned out all morning the next day. No one’s said anything about the fact that the two of them didn’t return to their bedrooms last night but it’s very clear everyone has their suspicions just from the way they’ve been looking at you two. Of course they probably think the two of you made use of those condoms but they are gravely mistaken—almost but not yet. Soon though, he’s already made that promise to you both. When you get back to Seoul he’s gonna take you out and then everything will just fall into place, hopefully.
“What’s with the pigtails?” Jisoo — of all people — had the nerve to ask Jungkook.
“Why are you talking to me?” Jungkook asked, glaring at him as you fixed the end of one as the hair in the pony curled just under his pierced ear. Jisoo looked at you as if you’d stick up for him and that only annoyed Jungkook even more.
Jisoo seems to have forgotten that just yesterday he almost got into a fight with you both — even if it made you and Jungkook make up — it didn’t mean you liked the guy.
“Y/n,” Jisoo said, making Jungkook roll his eyes, “Can we talk?”
“No,” Jungkook said but you just placed a hand on his shoulder and handed him a mirror.
“I guess,” you said before looking at Jungkook, “Look at how good your hair looks. I’ll be right back.”
“Come get me if he tries anything,” Jungkook said as he held up the mirror checking himself out. The end of his growing mullet was in low pigtails but he still had wavy bangs curled around his ears and over his forehead. He looked ridiculous using his tattoo covered hands to clear his bangs out of his eyes.
“What?” You asked Jisoo, already sounding annoyed as he dragged you outside to the deck. You sat at the wooden table by the grill and waited for him to speak.
“I just wanted to apologize for yesterday,” Jisoo said honestly, “I was out of line and honestly if I knew you were with Jungkook I wouldn’t have said anything but I just don’t get why you two were hiding it.”
You laughed, like actually laughed, and it confused him even more. You stopped for a moment to look at him, “So you’re apologizing not because of what you said but because you didn’t realize I was with Jungkook? Which I wasn’t, let me just say.”
“No, that's not what I meant, I just… well you know, you weren’t giving anyone the time of day and I showed you I was interested. I guess I just wanted to annoy Jungkook because he seemed so territorial over you but I didn’t expect you to hear,” Jisoo said, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“Are you stupid?” You asked, “This isn’t an apology to me at all, and honestly if you can’t just apologize for the way you spoke about me then why even bother? You’re making excuses saying that I wouldn’t give you the time of day? Damn, Jisoo, I wonder why!”
Jungkook didn’t even hide the way he was glaring out the sliding glass doors. He can’t even hear what you’re saying and that just annoys him more. He’s just waiting for Jisoo to do something so that he has an excuse to go out there. If he tries anything then he picked the wrong day for that.
Jungkook is sexually frustrated, homesick, and annoyed with him still over last night.
“Oh my god! Jungkook! Your hair is so cute!” Jia and Mirae said when they made it through the door carrying takeout. Jungkook looked over at them seemingly unimpressed, “Thanks.”
You and Jisoo made it back inside after you made it incredibly clear that you don’t like that guy just in time to see Jia reach for the end of Jungkook’s pigtail.
“You look so cute, I’m not used to this cute side of yours. Did you do your hair like this?” Jia asked as Jungkook looked at you and Jisoo walk in.
“No, I did,” you muttered and Jungkook reached for Jia’s hand to push it away before coming over to where you were.
“Oh,” she said as he followed you up the stairs without a single glance back at them, “Well it’s really cute.”
“Take them out,” you said just as the two of you made it to the top floor. His brows furrowed in confusion, “What?”
You huffed as you began pulling his pigtails out, “I don’t want them looking at you like that.”
He laughed, “You feeling jealous already? We just made up yesterday.”
“So? Do you want me to go tell Jisoo he looks cute?”
“I’m taking them out,” he said, helping you, “The only person you can call cute is me.”
“Well don’t let other people touch your hair then—“ You cut yourself off as your eyes drifted to one of the bedroom doors.
Jimin and Hoseok didn’t even bother to act like they didn’t see the whole thing. Jimin smirked as he looked at you two then at Hoseok. He just laughed, “Looks like someone did get laid, and it sure as hell wasn’t me.”
“Ugh!” Jungkook groaned, “We didn’t—“
“Yeah sure bud,” Jimin said as the two walked past you and Jungkook, “Not what we heard last night.”
Your jaw dropped realizing that you might’ve been louder than expected. Jungkook just glared at them, “Want me to kill you?”
“How morbid!” Hobi gasped dramatically, “You’d think getting laid by the girl he’s been obsessing over would loosen the guy up.”
“We didn’t!” Jungkook yelled ready to trail after them but you just hugged him by the waist laughing.
“Let them think we did, who cares?”
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whew okay this was a fave and don’t worry bc in part two? 🤭🤭oh yeah the fuck. and it’s gonna be city vibe relationship next so y’all better tune in.
personal taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile
summer bummer, baby taglist: @jjkreblog @wobblewonble822 @aloverga @lilyflowerguk @ssaltytears @lovelykookiee @hazzzelsdimension @minayas1998 @v-taeunofficial @angryblizzardtale @sunwooful @livjknj @4yjwonnn @screamertannie @jkoma @uarmyhore @eversincejimin n @withluvjm @exquisitely-tasteless @miracle2023 @ktownshizzle @generalchopshopgoatee @jksnumber1fan @sharkipoonis @laffatae @annabtsangels
3K notes · View notes
axelsagewrites · 8 months
Felix Catton*Period Pains
Pairing: Felix Catton x afab! reader
Word count: 1322
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Warnings: periods, period pain, mentions of drinking, pure fluff
Masterlist Here
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There were few things worse than waking up at 7am for a lecture, rolling out of bed and seeing the blood stain on the sheets. The brief relief of getting your period was quickly swept away when the first cramp hit. You managed to get through your classes with a few pills and the promise of your hot water bottle in your dorm.
During your lecture you felt your phone buzz and sneaked a glance only to see Felix had messaged the group chat with plans to go out for the night. You weren’t exactly sure how you managed to join his and Farleigh’s drinking gang, but you were always down to have a pint with them at the end of a long day.
But today even just reading the text made you tired. Instead of replying you slipped your phone back into your pocket and tried your best not to fall out your seat and writhe in pain.
You’d seen in the chats they’d planned on meeting at seven. When the time ticked around and your friends were all out downing their first drinks you were laying in bed instead with 2 hot water bottles, a jumbo bar of chocolate. At 7. 15 your phone buzzed again with a text from Felix.
Felix – You running late?
You – sorry I can’t make it. I don’t feel great
You really thought that was that and unpaused mean girls so you could see who had been personally victimised by Regina George. However just as Regina got hit by the bus there was a knock on your door.
You shut your laptop and paused for a second to see if they’d walk away but another knock came, and you were forced to drag yourself out of bed with a loud groan. “What-oh” you paused as you opened the door to a concerned looking Felix, “Hi? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I was just worried about you. You never miss a night out, so I thought I’d come check on you. I’m sorry I can go if this is weird,” he said, his voice trailing off with a flush growing on his cheeks.
You’d never seen Felix nervous before, but it was an oddly cute sight. “No don’t be sorry. Its sweet really,”
“You don’t look sick,” he said, and it was at that moment you actually remembered how you looked.
Yes, the well-dressed incredibly cute aristocrat was now seeing you in your baggy pyjamas, bare faced, messy haired, with cow slippers on. It didn’t help that he was dressed up in a shirt and everything. “I’m not sick,”
“Then what’s wrong?” You paused, an awkward look accidentally washing over your face. Felix quirked an eyebrow before looking behind you and seeing your snack pile and hot water bottles on the bed, plus the one you still held in your hand. “Oh,” he said, realisation dawning on his face, “Do you need me to go pick you anything up?”
“Um no I’m alright,” you laughed though still feeling slightly awkward about it all, but Felix seemed completely unfazed by it all.
“Okay,” he said, before suddenly walking straight past you and into the room. “What were you doing before I came?”
“Just watching movies,” you said, voice trailing off as you followed him across your own room to where he sat on your bed.
“Oh, movie night!” he grinned, his charm turned back on. He moved to half lay on your bed and put the laptop on his lap, “What are we watching?”
Your eyes scrunched together in confusion as you looked at him, “I thought you were going out with the guys?”
Felix snorted, “Nah mate. They’re boring without you there,” he smiled in his adorable accent that made it even harder for you to wrap your head around this. “You, okay?”
“Yeah just- “you shook your head with a slight smile, “Never mind its nothing,” Felix nodded, seemingly accepting your answer as you moved to sit beside him on the bed.
“I like the outfit by the way. The slippers are a nice touch,” he grinned making you shove him away.
“Shut up,”
Felix laughed as he moved to put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you back to lay beside him as he looked at the movies you had on your list, “10 things I hate about you?” he asked, turning his head to look at you.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making it near impossible not to blush. “Its actually really good. It was inspired by The Taming of the Shrew but its okay if you don’t wanna watch it. Its just some dumb chick flick,” you said, pulling your hot water bottle onto your stomach.
“I trust your judgement don’t worry,” he grinned before starting the movie. “Oh popcorn! May I?” he asked, nodding towards the bag you had at the bottom of the bed. You nodded and quickly grabbed it to pass to him. when you moved to sit back his arm ended up around your waist, “Thanks love,” he smiled as he took the bag and settled in to watch the movie.
It was 1am when pretty woman wrapped up. All your snacks were now long gone and at some point, you had both ended up spooning on the single bed with your laptop on a chair beside the bed. Felix had stolen one of your hot water bottles for his back, stating it was the best invention ever.
At first the feeling of Felix’s arms around you and his breath tickling your ear made your skin red hot however now it was like a laying in a hot bath. “I can’t believe you’d never watched it before,” Felix said as the screen went black.
“I can’t believe you have,” you laughed making him roll his eyes with a dopey grin. “But I’ll admit it’s a good film,”
“What can I say? I have great taste,” he said, gently pulling your hip so you moved to lay on your back with him looking down at you, “I know a pretty woman when I see one,”
“Stop, that’s so cheesy,” you giggled making Felix do the same.
The laughter stopped but there was still a dopey grin on his face, “Its true though. This was fun though. We should do it again sometime,”
“You don’t regret ditching your pals?” you asked.
He shook his head, moving his arm to rest his head on his fist, “I can honestly say this is one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time,”
“Me too,”
A thick silence hung over the room as Felix glanced down at your lips, “Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?” he whispered, his eyes gazing into yours and putting you in a trance.
“I think it would be worse if you didn’t,” was all you could whisper back.
You felt your heart racing in your chest as his head dipped down, his soft lips pressing gently against yours. the kiss was brief, but all the air was knocked out your lungs as he pulled away, “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages,”
“Then maybe you should do it again,” you said, your hand moving to rest gently on the back of his soft waves.
Felix smiled down at you as his head dipped down for another kiss, “Maybe I will,” he teased.
Nothing happened that night, but you did wake up with Felix still in your bed the next morning, your head resting on his chest. “Morning pet” he murmured as you woke up.
“You’re cute when you sleep you know,” he said, your skin instantly heating up. His arm tightened across your waist though with a devious grin on his face, “Even cuter when you’re all shy though,” one thing was for sure, Felix and his cuteness would be the death of you.
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Saltburn taglist: @cdragons @artemis0054 @spiritofbuddha @zaldritzosrose @jasenialovesjinx @hunky-sad-eyed-sex-machine @jxnellat @agustdeeyaa @artemis0054
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉.. a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
smut (p in v, slight praise kink, use of pet names), cursing, arguing, kissing
6.1k words
introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6
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addilyn richardson,
was currently standing in front of her torn apart closet on a monday morning, contemplating what to wear. normally she would just throw on something comfortable, but today was the day her and matt had their science project to present. she woke up with a sick feeling in her stomach, presumably from nervousness. the nervousness from presenting, and from seeing matt for the first time in days. she stood there, seriously considering playing hooky today and going back to sleep. it was so cold, and the warmth of her bed was calling out to her. she shook her head. she couldn’t do that to matt, though, not after she treated him this weekend. she texted him early saturday morning that she was still “feeling under the weather” and that it was best if they wrapped up the project on their own. all they had left was the worksheet, so it wasn’t a lot of work to do, but deciding to work alone and then submit it was risky. she had ignored his questions of how the project was coming along, and she even declined nicks request to hang out at his house. although he was weary, matt trusted addilyn, though, he knew she was a smart girl and she could pass them with ease.
addilyn sighed, settling on a her favorite pair of jeans. she rummaged through the clothes on the hangers, trying to find something that paired well with the pants. she found a small blue lacy tank top, close to the blue of matt’s eyes, and decided on that. she shook her head, trying to push thoughts of the brunette haired boy to the back of her mind. she had to focus today, no more matt, she could not mess up her presentation in front of her class. she looked in her mirror quickly, before opting to put a silky white headband in her hair, attempting to make her curls look a little neater. she tugged a sweater on over her shoulders, grabbing her backpack, before heading out the door.
she hasn’t gotten a ride from matt for the last couple days, not since the day they came so close to kissing. granted, matt would have driven her if she asked, but she grew distant with him, not wanting to embarrass herself anymore than she already had. that moment kept replaying in her head all weekend. how she felt him nearly pressed against her body, the feeling of their noses brushing against one another, how close their lips were to touching one another. she thought about what it would feel like to kiss matt. if it would be gentle, their lips barely grazing one another, or if it’d be the rough, messy kind, where it was a clash of teeth together. she wouldn’t have minded either one, as long as she was kissing matt.
addilyn. she told herself. get a hold of yourself. you need to present well today.
making her way to the bus stop, she saw matt’s van drive past her, nick sitting in the back. addilyn sighed, putting her earbuds in as she waited for the bus alone in the cold. a part of her hoped matt would’ve pulled over, jumping out of the van, and ushering her in quickly, telling her that she did nothing wrong and he liked her back. they would drive to school together, walking in hand in hand, until they had to go separate ways. but he didn’t, he simply kept on driving.
₊˚ 𓂃✧
“i hope you all are ready to present today,” the physics teacher announced as the bell rang, watching a few stragglers shuffle in. addilyn held her breath, looking over to matt. he didn’t turn around to meet her gaze. “maria and joey already offered to go first, but before each group goes up, i’ll allow you guys to prepare yourselves in the hallway.”
addilyn sighed of relief. she only briefly met with matt before class to go over their assignment quickly, barely having enough time to make sure they did it right. although she was confident in her part of the work, she couldn’t help but feel worried it was wrong. she was so out of it this weekend, picking up her phone every five minutes to see if matt would reach out her, and ignoring him when he did. she partly felt bad, but that feeling would instantly be washed over with embarrassment. he texted her a few times in the span of the two days, but addilyn just kept on ignoring matt, praying he would just forget about it and let her work. by sunday, though, matt stopped reaching out to her. she couldn’t help but feel disappointed, but she knew ignoring him would get the boy to leave her alone. but deep down she hoped that if she pushed him away enough he would come back around.
the class watched as each group went up, sitting in anticipation waiting for their turn. about four groups in, addilyn and matt were on deck to go.
“gianna and kian, you’re up now. addilyn and matthew are after if you guys want to go to the hallway.” the teacher told them.
the two of them glanced at one another, slowly getting up and going into the hallway with their project. taking in a deep breath, addilyn looked at matt up and down. he wore dark blue baggy jeans with his car keys clipped onto the belt loop, accompanied with a black and red t-shirt that read ransom across the front. he wore a black zip up over his clothes, where his hands were currently engulfed by the sleeves. her stomach was instantly in knots as matt smiled at her and sat the experiment down delicately on the linoleum floor. he pulled out a bag of marbles from his zip up’s pockets. “you ready?”
addilyn nodded quietly, watching as he bent down, setting the marble on the top part of the slope. he let it go, watching it go down and run its course. it raced down all the slopes, speeded through all the sharp turns, evening spinning around and around the funnel they added. it was flawless. matt and addilyn smiled at one another, both of their chests feeling tight.
“you finished the packet, right?” matt asked, looking at the paper she held in her hands. “can i see it?”
she nodded slowly, a soft blush creeping onto her cheek, handing the pile of paper to the boy in front of her. she hadn’t seen him in person since friday afternoon when he bumped into her, when he saw her crying. she had been so embarrassed. she had a crush on the kid for barely a week and she’d been a crying wreck over him. how pathetic of her. she wanted to explain to matt that afternoon she was upset about something that happened earlier in school, but she couldn’t bring herself to look in his eyes without bursting into tears. instead, she ran away and ignored him all weekend. she watched matt intently as he looked through the packet, seeing the mix of both of their handwriting as they had both taken turns working on it. he paused as he got to one section addilyn did over the weekend by herself.
she watched as his eyebrows furrowed. “are you sure you calculated this right?” he asked, showing her the paper as she leaned into him to look. she could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne. she flashed back to last week, when his face was inches from her and the only thing she could smell was him. his scent stayed in her room all night. matt’s voice snapped her back to reality. “i think you used the wrong formula.”
“no i didn’t, matt.” she told him confidently, looking up to meet his eyes. she looked back down at the work, going over it carefully. she was certain she did it correctly.
“no, you used the formula for potential energy, not kinetic.” matt pressed back, showing her the paper and pointing. “look.” she directed her gaze back down at the equation in front of her, then back at him absolutely dumbfounded.
“i didn’t.”
“you did.”
“matt, i know what i’m doing,” she told him, her voice starting to grow louder. “i know i did it right.”
“addy, you did it wrong.” matt shot back at her, also starting to become frustrated.
she didn’t even realize she was yelling. it’s as if all the flirting and joking they shared with each other over the last week was gone, and it was the first day all over again. “who’s the straight a student here, matt? i know i did my work right. you just don’t want to admit you’re wrong!”
he shook his head, opening his mouth to speak, before addilyn interrupted him. “i know how to do this shit matt, you don’t, so don’t come out here questioning my work that i know is ri-”
he cut her off by pulling her by the arm into an empty classroom, dropping the papers to the floor and shutting the door behind them. her back was flush to the door, matt standing over her with his arms extended on either side of her head. the space between them was so small, it was dizzying. she looked up at him, trying not to let it falter her confidence.
“what is your issue?” she spat, “we need to go over our project.”
“my issue?” matt yelled, “what’s my issue? you’re the one who’s been acting weird the last four days! we wouldn’t be in this situation right now if you just did the project with me over the weekend instead of avoiding me.”
if looks could kill, matt would be six feet under the ground. addilyn glared up at him. “i wasn’t avoiding you, asshole, i was sick.”
“sick, my ass,” he argued, “you were avoiding me! i know you were!”
“was not.”
“were too”
“matt,” she whisper-shouted. he still had her against the door. “stop it.”
he looked down at her sighing, trying to cool himself down. she continued to look up at him with daggers in her eyes. all the emotions the two felt in the past couple of weeks, they were getting it all out now, only in the form of an argument. how typical of addilyn and matt. she spoke up again. “i knew working on this project with you would go to shit.”
“you don’t mean that.” he told her, looking back just as angrily, standing even closer to her than before.
she stood her ground, trying her best not to feel small underneath matt. he’d always been a few inches taller, but with the position they were in now, he towered over her small frame. she yelled back at him. “yes, i do mean it! if we never worked on this assignment together, everything would’ve worked out so much easier! i would have been fine doing it alone, and you wouldn’t have been bothering me and ruining my-“
matt couldn’t handle the sound of her voice yelling at him anymore, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. in the heat of the moment, not even thinking, he took his hands off the door from behind her and grabbed her shoulders, pressing his lips to hers. she blinked, kissing him back after a moment. he pulled away from the girl, eyes wide as he met addilyn’s shocked expression that was plastered all across her face.
what the fuck did he just do.
matt didn’t even have the chance to speak, hell, he couldn’t even move, all of his words left his mouth. addilyn blinked up at him, pausing for moment, before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling the boy into her. she titled her head to the side, deepening the kiss as she kept one arm wrapped around him, her other hand moving to hold his face close to hers. matt’s hands moved down and gripped her hips, pressing them against his. he kissed her back hard, like she would slip out of his grasp if he didn’t. addilyn cupped his jaw, pulling him impossibly closer to her as she felt him smirk against her lips slightly. she broke away momentarily to look at matt, flashing him a soft smile, his favorite smile. before she could fully pull back, matt was already connecting his lips back with hers. he ran his hands up and down her sides as he kissed her with all the feelings he couldn’t convey over the last couple weeks. addilyn sighed against the boy’s lips, moving her hands from his face up into his hair. she tugged lightly at the brown locks while she felt matt’s teeth graze against her lip. addilyn pulled back slightly, placing a few small pecks on matt’s grinning lips before pulling away fully.
they two of them giggled, still holding on to one another. matt spoke up first. “i still think you did the equation wrong.”
“shut up” addilyn laughed, pressing her lips to matt’s once more.
₊˚ 𓂃✧
“and that’s how kinetic energy works.” matt concluded, taking the marble off of the track and placing it back into his pocket. the class burst into applause, a few kids even obnoxiously whistling to really add to it. addilyn beamed next to matt, looking at him for a moment before returning her gaze back to the rest of the class. the pair returned to their respective seats, glancing at one another as their teacher praised the work. they sat through a few more presentations, before the bell dismissed the students, matt finding his way to addilyn rather quickly. they walked together out of the classroom, not long before the girl pulled matt by the arm into a lesser crowded hallway.
“hi.” she grinned up at him, arms hugging around his waist. he brushed a curl behind her ear, retuning the smile.
“do you wanna skip the rest of the day?” he asked, watching addilyn’s face widen. it was only the middle of the day, they still had at least four more classes before they had to go home. she instantly shook her head no. “come on addy, live a little.” he laughed, watching her contemplate her choices. stay in school like you’re supposed to, or spend the day with matt.
“i’ll buy you lunch.” he bribed in a sing-songy voice, his hands still playing with the hair behind her ears. he brought his lips to her cheek, kissing it softly a few times. he pulled back. “please?”
she sighed, giving in. matt cheered, lacing his hand with hers as he pulled her out of the double doors leading outside. she instantly felt a chill run down her spine as they were met with the cold winter air. matt took notice, slipping off his puffer jacket he was wearing and giving it to her. she smiled sweetly at him as he opened the passenger side of his van, letting her in. he climbed in next to her, starting the car and immediately turning on the heat on full blast. he plugged his phone in, queuing up a few songs, before kicking the car into reverse.
“where to?” he asked addilyn, backing out of the parking space, putting his hand on her knee as he began to drive. she felt her face redden at the action, shifting her legs closer to the center console as matt rubbed his thumb back and forth.
the girl shrugged. “wherever you want to take me.” matt smirked, an idea popping into his head.
they drove comfortably, making small talk about whatever came across their minds. after about fifteen minutes, matt pulled into the parking lot, turning off the car and looking over at addilyn. he found that she was already staring at him, leaning across the middle to place a quick peck on her smiling lips. “let me get the door for you.” he said quietly, quickly getting out of the van and opening her side of the door, offering a hand out.
“such a gentleman.” she laughed, taking his hand in hers. she still was wearing his puffer jacket, only a thin zip up keeping matt’s body from being met with the brisk january air around them.
“are you sure you’re not cold, matt?” she asked the boy as they began to walk, hands still held together.
“i’m fine.” he promised, leaning down to kiss her rosy cheek. they walked through the parking lot, before the park came into view. the large bare trees that surrounded the vicinity became separated by a walkway that lead into the grassy area, where the playground and baseball field resided. she gasped, turning to look at matt.
“i love this park!” she gushed, leading matt though the gate. they started down the walkway, making their way around the track that stretched a mile around the perimeter of the park. they lost count of how many laps they took, walking with their hands together the whole time. they talked about whatever crossed their minds.
“tell me about the book you’re reading right now, adds.” matt asked her, turning to look over at the girl as they walked. her cheeks were all pink from the cold, her lips glossy. she looked back at him, the widest smile spread across her face. nobody’s ever asked her that. she talked to him about the book, her favorite characters, favorite quotes, all of it. she talked of the book she read previously to the one now, and how it was all connected. matt just listened and smiled at her as she talked, loving the way her eyes lit up while she spoke.
they continued walking around as matt told addilyn about his love for nature and the comfort it brought to him, especially in the colder months.
“i just love the trees and shit,” matt told her, taking in the surrounding around them. the trees were dead and bare from the cold of the winter, but matt continued to admire them anyway. “my favorite season is fall because of the leaves. i think they look super pretty and i love the colors of everything.” addilyn beamed up at him listening to him talk about his other favorite things about fall. he talked about how he loved to wear fuzzy sweaters as the weather grew colder, and found peace for himself being surrounded by the outdoors.
they’d been in the park for a good hour and a half, just talking about everything and nothing all at once. they were currently sat on a bench that was located across from a small pond, abandoned from the small animals that typically lived there due to the freezing winter weather. addilyn was resting her head on matt’s shoulder as they still held hands, simply enjoying the moment in silence. she was tracing small patterns on his hand when she broke away and sat up for a moment to look up at him.
“what?” matt smiled, looking back at addilyn. she shook her head, muttering a small nothing, leaning up slightly to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. it felt just like the dream he’d been having all week.
the air around them was cold, but addilyn felt so warm against him. she removed their intertwined hands and wrapped both her arms around his neck, pulling him back down into her as she leaned her back against the bench. matt turned his body to match hers, arms instinctively wrapped around her waist as she sighed contently into the kiss.
“do you want to go back to my house?” he whispered against her lips.
she pulled back, glancing up at matt. “yes please,” she said, leaning back into him. the pair shared a few more quick pecks before they got up, walking back to matt’s car with their hands together once more
₊˚ 𓂃✧
when addilyn and matt got back to his house, they were the only two home seeing as it was still the middle of the day. they were currently up in matt’s bedroom, sitting together on his bed watching a movie. despite the fact the two had already kissed, both of the teenagers were terrified to make another move. they were both sat upright, matt’s arms crossed while addy’s sat her in her lap, their legs barely touching one another. they both wanted more but neither would act on it. addilyn kept feeling matt’s not-so-subtle glances at her, only looking back at him when his focus returned to the t.v.
this was about the fifth time addilyn addilyn looked over at matt in the span of thirty minutes, and she was ready to give everything up right then and there. upon arriving home, matt pulled a grey hoodie over his t-shirt, trying to warm himself after spending nearly two hours in the cold outside. brown hair flopped over his blue eyes and scrunched eyebrows as he tried his best to focus on the movie and ignore the twitching feeling in his jeans. his cheeks stayed a pink rosy color, his lips slightly parted while he breathed heavily. addilyn felt her stomach flutter as matt repositioned himself so he was now laying down as opposed to having his back against the headboard. his arms moved to lay behind his head, his sweatshirt riding up just enough to reveal the waistline of his boxers. matt could feel her eyes digging in to him, looking up and smirking to meet her gaze.
“take a picture, addy, it’ll last longer.” he said in the most flirtatious way, the words immediately making her panties soaked. two hours ago she’d kissed a boy for the first time ever, and here she was now wondering what he’d feel like insider of her. her eyes stayed wide looking at matt as she felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks and the back of her neck.
“sorry, i just-” she started, being cut off by matt’s arms pulling her on top of him following his sudden and bold change in attitide. “matt!” she yelped, half giggling.
“hi pretty girl,” he smiled up at her, his face getting red and his dick starting to get hard as his hands made home on her hips, rubbing them back and forth. her hands traveled up his chest to play with the strings of his hoodie
“hi” she whispered back, unable to stop herself from trailing her eyes all over his body. he looked so good underneath her, it was driving her insane. matt’s hands moved to her back, bringing her down to meet his lips in a passionate and hot kiss. the two lazily kissed as addilyn felt matt’s tongue swipe against her bottom lip, granting him access by opening her mouth more. they both explored the inside of each other’s mouth as their tongues clashed against one another. matt slid his hand beneath the bottom of her tank top, lightly tracing tiny shapes into the small of her back. she whined quietly at the boy’s touch, matt swallowing her sounds as their lips moved together perfectly in sync as they continued to exchange slow, sloppy kisses.
“matt,” she breathed out, pulling away to catch her breath as he began to kiss down her neck. he stopped when he got to where her neck met her shoulder, peppering kisses all along the base and across her collarbone. she gasped when she felt him going back to leave marks all along where he had previously kissed her. he slowly worked his way back up her neck, sucking and biting at the sweet spot beneath her ear. she let her hands dance in his brown locks, pushing him closer into her neck as he continued to leave small kisses over the purple bruises he was leaving.
he pulled away from her neck, looking up to meet her eyes. her one hand still stayed twisted in his hair, the other moving down to rest on his chest, while she breathed heavily and looked back at him intensely, smiling at the boy beneath her. he felt his mouth curl up into a big grin pressing his lips to hers again. he left small quick pecks on her lips while addilyn was giggling softly in between them, trying to kiss him back and laugh at the same time. matt removed his hands from her waist, holding her face still while he began give her dozens of small kisses across her cheeks, forehead, nose, closed eyelids, and all over the rest of her face. he made his way back around to her mouth, pressing it against his firmly. “i want you so bad addilyn,” he mumbled against her lips, “please.”
she retreated from his lips, looking down at him with wide eyes. she’d be fantasizing about this moment more than she’d like to admit for the past week, and now it was finally happening. it all seemed to have worked out perfectly, there only being one issue.
“i’m a virgin” she blurted out, her mouth going up to cover her mouth. she hid her face in the crook of matt’s neck in immediate embarrassment, him just giggling softly and running his hands up and down her back.
“it’s fine, addy,” he told her softly, whispering in her ear, “i just want to make you mine.”
she whined quietly in his neck, rocking her hips back and forth slightly against his now noticeable boner. “what if i’m bad?” she asked, drawing away from his neck.
he peered up at her, moving his hand up to cup her jaw, running his slender thumb across her cheek. “listen to me sweet girl, we don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” he examined her face, looking for any signs of discomfort before he pulled her down into an endearing kiss.
“i want you too, matt.” she sighed into his lips, getting a little more comfortable and planting kisses down his neck. matt smiled, flipping the two around so he was now on top of her, holding himself up with his two hands. his lips met her in hungry and ravaging kiss, very different from the one they had just shared previously. it was a mess of teeth and tongue, their lips barely even catching each others.
matt kissed all the way down her neck, stopping when he got to where her breasts were revealed in the tank top she wore. he began to suck and leave a mark at the top of her left tit, his hand reaching up and underneath her shirt to cup the right over her bra. she curled his fingers in his hair, pushing the brunette boy further into her chest.
“can i take your shirt off?” he asked addilyn, looking up at her through hooded eyelids, his once blue eyes now getting darker with lust. she nodded slowly, gaping downwards at the boy. “use your words, addy, tell me it’s okay.”
“i-it’s okay, please take it off.” she told the boy, holding his face and meeting his gaze.
he leaned up slightly, gifting her pink cheek with a soft peck. “tell me if you want to stop at any point, okay?”
“okay.” she whispered.
he instantly was yanking the tank top off of her body, throwing it behind him onto his floor and he attacked her tits with his mouth, his quick contrast in attitude turning her on even more. he kissed and licked all around the valley of her breasts where it was exposed from the white lace of her bra, leaving soft kisses in the wake of the purple marks he left all across her chest. his one arm was wrapped around her waist as his head stayed buried in the girl’s chest, his other arm reaching around her to play with the clasp of her bra. the girl impatiently moaned, moving her arm behind her to take it off for matt. he pulled away for a second, admiring the girl beneath him. addilyn looked up at him, suddenly feeling insecure.
“you’re so fucking pretty addilyn” he breathed, tossing her bra to the side as he took her right nipple into his mouth, sucking gently while his hand reached up to massage her left. she moaned loudly, holding the brunette boy closer to her chest as she felt his tongue flick across the sensitive bud. he did this repedealty, sucking and licking her one tit until he brought his attention to the other, giving it the same treatment.
the girl grew more and more restless, wanting nothing more than to just feel matt inside of her. she groped at his hoodie while he was leaving a hickey underneath her boob, signaling she wanted it off. he laughed to himself at her actions, lifting his head from her so she could take off both his sweatshirt and t-shirt at the same time. the two took a moment to pause, looking at each other intently, both of their chests bare and heaving. “matt i need you, please.” addilyn murmured, her voice laced with desire.
“i know, baby, i do too.” the brunette boy moaned out, grinding his hips down on her, the friction driving him insane as he buried his face into her neck, sucking a dark bruise into her skin. his hands reached down, toying with the hem of her washed out jeans. “can i take these off of you, beautiful?”
“yes, just do something please,” addilyn sighed, running her nails up and down matt’s bare back, scratching at it slightly. he nodded, moving up from her neck as he swiftly removed her pants, the girl reaching up to fiddle with his belt to do the same. matt, also growing just as needy as her, reached down to help addilyn undo his belt and take his jeans off too, leaving the both of them almost fully naked.
upon the removal of his jeans, matt met addilyn with an aggressive kiss, rubbing his clothed dick to her soaked underwear. they both moaned at the new feeling of only a thin piece of fabric separating them, both moving their hips against one another’s. addilyn felt matt slip his hand down beneath her panties, teasingly playing with her clit, rubbing it in soft circles with his thumb. “that feel good, pretty girl?”
unable to talk, addilyn only nodded as she gasped, feeling matt’s fingers move down to her folds, running them lightly across the entrance, before inserting the middle one and curling it up. “fuck, matt” she panted, her eyes rolling back in pleasure, “don’t stop please.”
“trust me, adds, i wont.” the brunette hair boy replied, adding another finger as he thrusted them in and out of her, looking down at the mess of the girl he’s made. “you’re doing so good for me.” she only moaned in response, feeling her stomach grow tighter as her face contorted.
right before she was about to release, she felt matt suddenly pull out, opening her eyes as she watched him suck on his fingers that were drenched in her arousal. her jaw slack, she reached up to trifle with his boxers, dipping her fingers beneath the band and running them along the tip of his dick.
“please matt,” she began, her voice hoarse, “fuck me.”
that was enough for matt to tear her underwear off of her, ripping it slightly as it was discarded into the messy pile of clothes on the floor next to them. he leaned over her, opening his bedside drawer to search for a condom as he felt the girl sucking and biting at his neck. he met her lips to messily make out with her for a moment, before pulling his boxers down, his erection springing free. he felt her soft fingers wrap around his dick, pumping it as he dropped his head into her neck, moaning. impatient, she snatched the condom wrapper from him, tearing it open with her teeth as she grabbed his cock to slide the rubber on.
“that was really hot,” the boy laughed, stroking his dick that was poking into the girl’s stomach, moving it to line up at her entrance. he looked up to her eyes, his facial expression changing to more serious. “tell me if i hurt you at all, okay?” he told her, stroking her inner thigh lightly with his hand.
she shuddered at his touch, replying with a meek “okay.”
“you ready?” matt asked, taking his hand from her thigh and moving it to her hip to hold her. she gave him a small nod, quietly saying yes before he began pushing in.
her face scrunched up as she felt him insert his dick, gasping at the new sensation. “matt,” she breathed, her voice undeniably having a discomforting undertone.
“i know, pretty, i know.” he soothed her, running his hand along her hipbone and tracing soft patterns on it, pausing for a moment before pushing in any deeper. “tell me when i can go again.”
she took a deep breath, reaching for his hand that was playing at her waist, grabbing it tightly. “go ahead.”
matt nodded, continuing to push deeper and deeper until he bottomed out, feeling addilyn squeeze his hand. “tell me when to move.” he groaned, peppering her face with light kisses as he tried to distract her from the pain. she grabbed his jaw, pulling his lips to hers, whispering a soft you can go into the kiss as he began to thrust in and out of her as slowly as he could, trying not to hurt her. he kept on kissing all around her face, diverting her from the uncomfortable feeling as best he could, until she brought his mouth back hers as she moaned, the once pain subsiding to pleasure. her hands tangled in his hair and his around her waist, the two messily kissed one another as matt continuously fucked her, the two finding a rhythm as they rocked their hips back and forth together.
“faster, please,” she begged, her mouth still against his as he simply groaned in response, snapping his hips up into her at a quickened pace. trying to focus on something other than cumming right away, matt pressed hard kisses to her lips, each one growing sloppier, their tongues hastily moving around each other.
“addy,” he whispered in between the kisses, “i’m so sorry-” he was cut off by a long kiss from addilyn, her arms tightening around his neck and she ran her tongue along his lips, catching some of his teeth as he opened his mouth. “i’m so sorry i was mean to you.”
“i forgive you,” she told him, pulling the boy down into her boobs as he began to kiss and leave marks, moving his hand down to play with her clit as he kept up his pace of thrusting. “fuck.”
between the stimulation from her clit, matt’s dick ramming inside her, and him sucking at her tits, she was absolutely spent. “matt” she whined, trying to let him know she was close, unable to form coherent sentences.
“i know, beautiful, let go for me.” he groaned into her tits, rubbing her hands up and down her sides as she came all over his dick, a loud moan escaping her lips. he continued to fuck addilyn through her orgasm, his hips sputtering and bucking against hers as he came too, whimpering slightly at the sensitivity. she breathed heavily, holding the boy against her breasts while he pressed light kisses to them. he looked up at her, stroking her chin as he watched the her regain her breath. “you okay, adds?”
she nodded rapidly, closing her eyes for a moment. “yeah.” she breathed. matt smiled, planting a quick kiss on her jaw as he pulled away from her embrace, pulling out and cleaning her up quickly with a tissue, discarding of the condom. he returned after a second, moving so he could hold addilyn against his chest , resting his head atop hers and their legs tangled together.
she looked up matt, smiling widely as she pressed a loving kiss to his lips. he smiled at the feeling, tilting her chin up as he held her face gently in his hand. “matt?” she breathed, pulling away for a second, “can i tell you something?”
“yeah,” he muttered, brining his mouth back to hers.
“i never hated you, not even in the beginning.”
matt broke apart from her, looking at the girl in his bed with wide eyes. his hand stayed on her face, rubbing his thumb across her lip gently, examining every little detail of her face. his gaze flicked between her two eyes, then down to her smiling lips, before pulling her in for another sweet kiss.
“me either.”
the end
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: first off thank u sm for 340 followers 😭😭😭 i love each and every single person who’s ever came across my account thank u sm for taking time to read my stuff. also thank u to everyone who’s shown love to this series!!!! i loved writing it so much im so sad it’s over now :( i plan to do another series at some point so stay tuned for that! i hope u all enjoy the final part <3333 i love u all sm! 💕💕
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie @imwetforyourmom @dlyansworld
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divineei · 9 months
TOOTM  zero. old beginnings
! go kyungjun x fem!reader
# relationship lore, first meeting, heavy infatuation, mentions of kyung jun having daddy and mommy issues
a/n. chill yall i swear im putting my whole authorussy on this
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months before the school trip…
rain pours on top of the bus stop's roof. although tiny, the cover is enough to prevent kyung jun's clothes from getting even wetter.
if only he had brought an umbrella. he was in such a rush to get out of his house after yet another fight with his parents, he didn't even hear the water falling from the sky before it was too late and was already running around the streets.
kyung jun had no idea how long had passed since he stormed out, not that he cared anyway. he considered this ten times better than all the yelling at home. when he managed to ignore the cold, the little bus stop was peaceful; quiet.
or it was.
he dug in his pocket to take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth when the sound of hurried footsteps stepping on puddles distracted him. he turned his head towards the noise, immediately setting eyes on the figure sprinting towards him: a girl in winter clothes held a bag above her head as a shield from the rain while she ran in his direction. she stopped right next to him, breathing heavily and drenched in water.
kyung jun turned his attention back to his tobacco. he paid her no mind. why would he? he had enough to deal with seeing as he also fell victim to the pouring rain.
he felt the weight of the stranger sitting at the other end of the bench as he took out his lighter. however, rolling the flint wheel was useless as only a spark came out. he tried again. and again. and again, but still no flame. kyung jun's breath rose erratically and his pent-up frustration with it.
"fucking piece of shit", he sent the thing flying with as much force he could manage, making it break into pieces. was nothing supposed to work in his favor? he can't stop misbehaving like he promised his mother, he can't be the top of his class like he promised his father, he can't stop himself from lashing out right in their faces; for fucks sake he can't even light a cigarette. maybe they were right: he was worthless.
out of the corner of his eye, he saw something being handed to him. the stranger had reached her arm out with a lighter in hand. kyung jun's eyes varied from it to the face he'd been ignoring: drops of water were falling from her hair to her cheeks, she wore headphones around her neck and a lit cigarette between her parted lips, with eyes that stared at him through wet lashes, waiting for him to accept the offer.
he reached for the lighter, brought it close to him, and finally took a puff of his cigarette.
"you okay?", asked the pretty girl.
he looked back at her, seemingly taken aback by her interest but nodding nonetheless.
their interaction was cut short with a quick smile from her as she put her headphones on.
in his mind, kyung jun caught himself juggling feelings from shame to disappointment, realizing maybe he wanted somebody to ask if he was alright. he wouldn't have minded an opening to more conversation, even if it was to forget his troubles for just a few minutes. but he understood. i mean, who would care about a stranger on the streets anyway? who would care about him anyway?
the time passed as quickly as did his pack of cigarettes and now, with an empty box in his pocket, kyung jun's anger was rising once again. not because of the distress of his mind though but because of the loud music disturbing his peace.
after what felt like hours of trying to ignore the noise, he decided he had enough and aggressively waved his hand to catch the girl's attention.
"mmh?", she looked at him and removed one of the speakers.
"turn that shit off."
"excuse me?" she scoffed raising her brows.
"i said," kyung jun pointed at the headphones that were now around her neck, "turn it off. it's fucking annoying me."
she let out a teasing chuckle. was she... laughing at him right now? "fuck off. i'll listen to my music however i want."
...the fuck? his mouth opened in disbelief. this was a first. nobody, and i mean nobody, would even think of talking back to him like that.
"who do you think you're talking to?" he turned his body to her with a scowl intimidating enough to make anyone at his school go running with their tail between their legs.
"someone with no taste in music, apparently."
damn, she really was laughing at him.
kyung jun's mouth opened to fight back but no words came out. he couldn't believe it. he was stunned. did the rain wash out every threatening aspect of him?
it could be the cold, the shock, the contagious smirk of the pretty girl, or maybe the exhaustion finally catching on to him, but for whatever reason, he couldn't find it in him to say anything back. so he laughed. just slightly. some probably would consider it more of a defeated sigh. but he did.
her smile was taunting him, provoking him to keep talking.
"nothing", yet he didn't have the energy for it, not right now. so today, he'd let it slide.
her smile shifted from cheeky to genuine when he brushed her off. as much as she enjoyed the banter, she had enough awareness not to tease any further.
"you know what," instead, she disconnected her headphones before handing her phone to the guy. "if my music is so annoying to you, show me something better."
kyung jun frowned, but a small smile graced his face, betraying his attempt at indifference.
and so he accepted her offer, for the second time that day.
minutes went by with surface-level conversation and recommended songs. it was a pleasant distraction for him, at least enough to make him miss the way his pulse merged with the beats of the tunes. they enjoyed their time together until the faint sound of wheels appeared in the distance. turning off the music, the pretty girl stood up in front of him.
oh right, the bus.
for a second, he forgot where they were.
"well, that's my ride" she announced, just seconds before said ride stopped before them.
for a second, time seemed to freeze.
the girl said something else, but whatever it was fell on deaf ears. it felt like his senses were failing him all of a sudden.kyung jun sat there, helpless and paralyzed, as he watched her walk away. a chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to break out all over his body. his mind was screaming at him to do something, anything, to make her stay just a little bit longer. he wanted to ask for her name, to strike up more conversation, to find out who she was and where she was going. but he couldn't bring himself to move. all he could do was see her disappear, without time to wonder what might have been.
when he came to his senses the bus was out of sight, and the empty spot on the bench felt heavier than ever.
kyung jun looked at the sky. there was not a single ray of sun to be seen, but at least the rain had finally stopped. he leaned back and just as his hands came to rest in his pockets he touched something cold. he took it out, eyes falling on a lighter. her lighter.
he could feel the beat of his heart against his ribcage. why? where did all this adrenaline come from? since when has he become so soft as to let such a flimsy little thing make his head spin and his face fire up?
"fuck", he cursed to the skies.
as the days went by, his intense but short-lived experience with that stranger remained fresh in the back of his mind. no matter how many times he tried to blur her face she was like a ghost that reappeared every time he looked away, a fading memory he couldn't fully forget. 
at the back of the school's building kyung jun took the last puff of his cigarette just when the bell announced the start of classes. he dropped what was left of it on the floor at the same time his two companions dropped the innocent student they had been tormenting. they walked together to their classroom with the same enthusiasm as a kid who received a pair of socks for christmas and sat in the back row. 
"good morning, class", the teacher greeted as she stood in front of the students, who immediately saluted back.
kyung jun rolled his eyes and laid down on his desk with no thought other than finding the perfect position for the three-hour nap he was about to take until his next break, wondering if his dreams would finally be undisturbed by images of the one he couldn't fail to recall again and again. 
"alright," the teacher clasped her hands to get the class' attention. "before starting our lesson, i'm pleased to inform you that we have a new student coming in today and i hope you'll help them accommodate to the school."
already starting to doze off, kyung jun's eyes remained closed even after someone knocked on the door and the tutor welcomed them in. "welcome, please come in and introduce yourself."
"hello everyone, my name is yoon yn. i hope we get along well."
what the...?
his eyes shot open. 
there's no way. no fucking way.
he saw the new student politely bowing at the front of the room like she wasn't the same that had been living in his mind rent free day, night, and day again. 
"thank you. please, take a sit."
she walked like in slow motion towards the back of the room and, for a split second, their eyes met. the idea that he must've already fallen into a deep slumber invaded him when she sent him a subtle smile before sitting just a few sits away from him.
the teacher regathered the attention of the room and started her lesson. needless to say, his plan of breezing through the school day with a nap got ruined.
hours passed insanely slow until the bell rang through the speakers and announced a much-needed break. 
having pulled up two chairs by his side, jin-ha was cracking up at something on seung-bin's phone. whatever it was, kyung jun couldn't care less. his eyes were set on the crowd surrounding the new girl as his classmates smothered her with questions and compliments.
"are you new in town, yn?"
"what school did you use to go to?"
"were you in any clubs?"
"well–", yn tries to answer in between the frenzy.
"O-M-G, you should join our cheerleading group!" interrupted mi-na.
"im not interested in any clubs, thank you" yn declined with a smile.
"oh, of course." said so-mi, "someone like you was probably on the student council, right? you can always help me and jun-hee with-"
"i'll pass. thank you, so-mi."
"woaah, the class president got rejected!" heo yool pointed out and the small crowd joined in the teasing.
in the chaos of it all, she managed to find him staring. the moment was brief, yet enough for kyung jun's heart to skip a beat. 
"you know her?" 
"do you know her?", jin ha repeated. "the new girl."
kyung jun hesitated but shook his head, "no, i don't."
"could it be?", seung bin dramatised. "does ko kyung jun have a crush?" 
his friends patted his back, mocking him, and giggled in unison. 
"shut up," kyung jun sighed and leaned back on his chair closing his eyes with his arms crossed, trusting they'd get the hint that his temper was better off not tested.
"he didn't say no," seung bin whispered, gaining a repressed chuckle from jin ha.
boring lessons and occasional glances between the delinquent and the new student continued throughout the day until finally the moment to get out that hellhole arrived. 
by the time kyung jun had his bag over one shoulder and ready to go the class was almost empty. yoon yn was putting away her stuff without any rush as if she wasn't the only one left in the classroom.
"hey, kyung jun!" seung bin shouted from the door. "you coming or not?"
"nah," he answered without turning his eyes away from the girl. "i'll see you tomorrow."
with a shrug, seung bin left the room with jin ha following after him, not before exchanging a knowing look.
"move, nerd!" was the last thing heard from the two vandals out on the hall before they left. 
kyung jun approached yn with the same caution you do a stray cat in fear it'll run away and with each step, his pulse accelerated. as the girl cleaned up her belongings, he leaned on the desk next to hers wth his hands inside his trousers' pockets.
"the uniform doesn't suit you, you know?"
she turned to him–smirking–their eyes met and, for the first time today, neither looked away.
"i could say the same for you", yn crossed her arms.
"i'd say it's better than wet clothes.", he shrugged.
"please," the girl rolled her eyes, "it was just a little rain."
"a little rain?", kyung jun repeated. "you were literally running with your bag on your head."
"you were watching me?", yn put a hand over her chest and furrowed her brows, yet her smug smile remained. "you weirdo."
"look who's talking, you fucking stalker."
"excuse me? why the fuck would i stalk you?", she pointed at him.
"you tell me," he teased, lifting his hands. "you're the one in my school."
kyung jun kept staring at yn waiting for another one of her snarky comments but instead she tightly closed her lips together.
"what?" he provoked.
unable to hold back any longer, she let out a peal of laughter which made kyung jun's eyes widen as much as his own smile. he couldn't help it, her laugh was contagious and the situation was amusing. randomly meeting someone and obsessing over them to later find out they just enrolled in the same school as you is something you would only see in movies; or fanfiction.
yet here they were.
"nothing", yn smiled, finally gathering her stuff and putting her backpack over her shoulder, ready to leave.
flashes of the day he thought he'd never see her again flooded kyung jun's mind. he couldn't bear it. to someone else, this might seem extreme; desperate. now that they were classmates he'd most likely see her every day, so why even panic in the first place? but maybe, just maybe, he was desperate. to him, seeing her leave felt devastating. like a reminder of the day his whole body failed to even ask her name. but if the universe saw it necessary for them to meet again, that meant he wasn't supposed to let her go, right?
kyung jun clumsily opened his backpack and took out the trinket he'd been carrying around since that rainy day, handing it to her.
yn stared at him with her eyebrows wrinkled.
"here", the guy insisted, slightly shoving the lighter toward her.
"'fuck you mean why? it's yours."
"i told you to keep it. you didn't hear me?"
"oh," he felt what seemed like a heatwave run through his neck and ears. "i guess not."
"all that shit you gave me about my loud music and look at you." she mocked.
the guy lowered his head. he would have run away right then and there to avoid any more embarrassment if it wasn't for the little pride he still had.
"hey, uh..." she paused. "sorry, what's your name?"
all this time and he still hadn't introduced himself? fuck, he really couldn't do anything right, huh? 
"ko kyung jun."
"right. so, kyung jun, since it's such a nice day out i was wondering if you'd be free to show me around?" 
like on queue, sunshine started squeezing through the window’s blinds.
he wasn't sure if it really was the world roaring at him to see the signs or if she just happened to take pity on him, but whatever it was he felt relieved, and his anxiety washed away the moment he lifted his head to look at the girl with her arm extended.
this was it, wasn't it? the opportunity he keept missing? 
how many times will she have to reach out until you take the chance, dumbass?, screamed the universe.
"sure", kyung jun uttered. "i can do that."
she offered her hand, and for the final time, he accepted.
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🏷️ @flaneurpastel - @jwijii - @watamotee33
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© to @divineei on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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kairoot · 11 months
❝ 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝. ❞ | nrk.
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, enemies to lovers
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: nikis kind of mean.. not really idk
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝: by @keiipopped
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: niki x fem!reader
author’s note: I’m so sorry this didn’t come out sooner 😭 i lowkey forgot abt this request which I feel super bad abt cause kei’s been waiting for like a month
as everyone gathered on the small bus, y/n placed her things in the seat located at the middle of the large vehicle.
she grabbed her small black headphones, putting them over her ears as she found herself looking out the window before they even started their journey down the road.
niki sat two seats across from her, his friend, jake joining him. they sat and laughed at whatever they were talking about.
“what if we have to share bunks with a girl or something?” jake snorted, moving his bags as the bus began to move. niki shook his head at the older boy, chuckling a bit.
“don’t be ridiculous, hyung.”
“i’m not! but what if you have to share with her?” he nodded his head back towards y/n. niki turned around, looking at her for a moment. she looked over from the window catching his gaze before he quickly turned back to jake.
“who? y/n from chemistry?” he asked.
“not just chemistry, she’s joined us at a couple of parties in the past.” jake shrugged, pulling out his phone.
“yeah, no. why would i wanna share with her?” niki said in an irritated tone.
“why not? she likes you, so.” the boy shrugged once more, now scrolling on his device.
niki’s brows furrowed in confusion. he remained silent, sitting back against his seat. did y/n really like him or was jake just saying things?
arriving at the campsite, y/n grabbed her bags as she began to head off of the bus. jake caught up with her, niki following behind as he watched the two.
“hey, y/n!” jake tapped her shoulder causing her to take her headphones off of her head.
she smiled slightly, “hi, jake.”
he smiled back at her, the both of them walking side by side now.
“i was wondering if you were going to the campfire tomorrow night?”
she shrugged, “maybe. i was thinking about it.”
the boy nodded, leaving her to walk to her cabin, “well if you do, we’ll be there.” he gestured to himself and the taller boy now standing behind him.
niki’s gaze met hers before she looked back at jake, “oh. ok then.”
as nightfall came, y/n wiped the sweat from her forehead, unpacking the last item from her bag. the trip was for a few days so she made sure she packed enough.
she began to climb into her bunk before there was a knock on her door.
she opened it to see jake and niki standing outside. her brows furrowed, starting to ask what was up.
“there was a huge spider in our cabin. there’s no way i could’ve stayed in there.” jake clutched his things in his arms, eyes pleading.
she looked from him to niki, his own eyes already on her. his hand stuffed into his pockets while the other carried his bag.
“can we stay with you?” jake’s voice knocked her out of her trance as he shifted his stance.
“uh, sure.” her response was short, not wanting to stutter from the nervousness she felt. the two boys walked passed her, settling in her cabin.
y/n laid in the dark, staring up at the ceiling as she heard one of the boys settling into the other bunk.
“yo, y/n,” a deeper voice called. “do you.. like me or something?”
she quickly recognized the voice as niki’s. the question was out of the blue and random for her so it took her a moment to answer.
“um.. um, no.” she said, hoping it didn’t hear the shiver in her voice. there was a loud silence before he hummed and brushed the short conversation off.
the next day went by like a breeze and it was nighttime again. y/n was getting ready for the campfire that the class would be attending. she slipped on her boots and furry sweater before slipping out the door. jake and niki left before her since jake wanted to be the first one there.
she walked until she saw the orangish light in the distance. everyone sat on the logs, laughing and talking with eachother. y/n found a log where there were no people. she sat, wrapping her arms around herself to shield her body from the cool air.
the mini event started as everyone took turns with the guitar one guy had bought and the karaoke mic. she saw Jake laughing and talking with some girl on the other side of the orange light. y/n smiled knowing he was probably telling one of his corny jokes.
“hey,” a voice sounded from behind her. she looked up to see the taller male she had hoped to bond with tonight.
“this seat taken?” niki asked, already going to sit next to her. she shook her head, smiling gently. he took a moment to look at her before turning to look at where jake was seated.
“he’s gonna talk that poor girls’ ears off.” niki shook his head, laughing slightly. y/n felt herself chuckle at his small joke since she knew he was probably right. they both knew jake too well.
after a while, the awkwardness between the two faded and they eventually conversed like two best friends (lovers).
it began to get chilly out, the campfire dying down a bit. y/n shivered as she only had one sweater on, suddenly wishing she brought more.
“cold?” niki asked, already picking up the blanket he had with him. he brought the blanket to where y/n’s lap was, letting her adjust it to her liking.
he opened his arm slightly, silently asking if she wanted to lean on him. of course she didn’t refuse.
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author’s note: im sorry that this was so short, it was very rushed 😭 i was trying to hurry since i didn’t want kei to wait any longer than what she already has.
taglist: @haechansbbg (message or comment to be added)
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yuheartss · 10 months
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IN WHICH — light finally makes a move on the girl he’s been stalking since high school
ʚɞ WC? 949 wordss
ʚɞ warnings! - stalking, hint of kidnapping, fem!reader, fluff-ish, unedited, lowercase intended!
ʚɞ a/n: I feel like I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don't b mean ⟢
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In collage you were a bubbly person you had all the best fashions, best friends everything you could’ve ever wanted except one thing, a boyfriend, you told yourself that you didn’t need one you had to work on your fashion design major
You went to a small cafe to work on a dress sketch with your earbuds on you don’t notice a man coming up to you, he taps your shoulder and you look up at him “yes?” You ask “um can I sit here? All of the other tables are full” you look around and he was right it was full
“Yea sure” you said welcomingly the man smiles and sits with a cup of tea in hand “so what’s your name?” He says, hoping to start a conversation you look up from your sketchbook you give him another smile “y/n what about you?”
“Light” he says leaning back against his chair he looks at your sketch “are you in a fashion major or something? I can tell because of your unique style and your sketches” light finished, like he didn’t already know, you stare at him for a minute and laugh softly “your very observant Light,yea I’m in that major what about you?”
“I’m in criminal justice my father was a cop so I’m just following his footsteps” he said casually, looking into your eyes for any suspicions you might have “interesting…you don’t look like you’d be a cop more like a…scientist or something” you tilt you head as he chuckles
Your phone buzzed causing the both of you to look at the phone “hello?” You answered the keychain on your flip phone dangled as you leaned over to talk to your friend as you were doing this light took notice of your slicked back bun your curls covered in glitter hairspray, charms and hair clips near your ears
He knows you’ve been like this since high school you’ve Always been friendly you were popular and all but you never had any classes with light so of course you weren’t gonna remember him
Ryuk hoveres over Light his smile never falters what are you gonna do Light? Your not gonna stalk her are you? Ryuk teases looking over to you, still on call with who ever
“Very funny” Light says softly “i already know where she lives” Ryuk laughs as you turn back to Light “sorry about that something came up I gotta go it was nice meeting you Light” you say as you start to pack your things up
“Wait! Can- can I see you again?” He asks a little too desperately but that’s what girls like right? You blush a little and flip a page of your sketchbook and write your number down you rip the paper out and give it to him before speed walking out
He watches you go and looks at the note :
xxx-xxx-xxxx call me! ♡
He smiled at this and left the cafe as light walked out the street he couldn’t help but start thinking about if you r always like that or do you fake a face or the public he just couldn’t help but think about you about what makes you tic your fears everything
So two months later you guys have been hanging out and then light calls you, he asks if you want to take a walk in a park and of course you agree, you put on your best outfit ever cheetah print leg warmers here bows with similar patters over there
And of course you being the only person of color with bright colors on, it made you stand out quite a lot you got stares from girls and boys, men and women, dogs even! it made you slightly uncomfortable as you noticed this one man who kept following you ever since you got off the bus
You brushed that aside once you saw Light in the distance you called his name and he looked over to you with a smile you caught up to him and held his arm “sorry about this” you muttered as you leaned you head on his arm
Thinking that this’ll throw the man off and he’ll leave to which he did leave after a while of walking and that’s when you let go of Light “sorry some guy was following me and I wanted to shake him off” you explained as he nodded “yea I kinda figured that’s what you were doing it’s no problem” he replied deciding to be bold and take your hand
You bit your lip softly to stop the expression that your blushing to appear “soo where are we going?” You ask as you both go deeper into the park “you’ll see..” was all he said when you both got onto the center of the park he had shown you a lit up little area fairy lights, the water fountain reflecting those light’s making the water light up, flower bushes all around
“Oh wow..” you said softly placing your well-manicured hand over you mouth “like it?” He asked with a smirk watching your every move “yeah.. are you finna propose or something?” You questioned him eyeing him suspiciously
He chuckles “no no nothing like that, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend” you pause for a moment he was so casual about it you almost missed the question, you practically jumped on him screaming a yes he returned your hug smiling but what you couldn’t see was the dark look in his eyes
Next thing you know, your on tv you watch as the reporter says that you’ve been missing for three months she finally asks? who’s that girl?
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stinmybubs · 4 months
" Doing It For ME." Pt.3
Summery: The quirkless girl finally moving on. A new path ahead of her, her own that she can carve out, instead of following behind her first love Izuku Midoriya. But nothing ever stays. And its time to say goodbye to the Bakugou Family.
M. Izuku x AFAB! Reader x B. Katsuki
Pt.1 | Pt.2
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Katsuki Bakugou. He is horrible at expressing he is horrible at expressing his emotions, when he first saw you, sitting there all alone on the bench he couldn't help but pity you, especially after the day he had he felt nice so he let you in.
Slowly but surely your presence became something he needed, it didn't help that you always hung around Izuku all day which pissed him off, but in the end you always came home with him.
But now that school is over, you looking for jobs and a good high school while he was getting into UA, he was afraid you two would drift. That he would loose you.
Katsuki Bakugou loved you. He never will admit it, he never will say it but he knew he did. But seeing you crying and hugging Deku on the last day of school made him livid, to the point where he couldn't even look at you for days.
His jealousy was his downfall.
You, oblivious to his love, you were confused why the rowdy boy was ignoring you at home. It disheartened you, he was the only thing you had left. This home was the only thing you had left.
“Hey! Katsu? You’ve been ignoring me I just-“ you followed him into his room, shutting his door so you could have this private talk with you. What startled you was him suddenly slamming you against the wall, hands gripping your shoulders.
“Ah! Katsu- that hurts..” you wince confused at his sudden aggression. “Stop botherin’ me…how about you go to your lover Deku so you two can be a happy quirkless couple.” Katsuki grinding his teeth, the grip on your shoulder tightened.
“Wha-what’s are you talking about!? Stop it you’re hurting me!” You could feel your heart begin to race, memories of your father beginning to flash through your mind until all you saw was your father standing in front of you.
Your body filled with fear, tears welling into your eyes as your breathing begins to quicken. “Please…” you couldn’t breath. You started to panic and you started to struggle. Wriggling around so he would try and let you go.
Katsuki’s anger and jealousy consumed him, not realizing what he was doing to you until he saw your face morph into a horrified look. A look you have your father the last day you saw him. Shit. Katsuki quickly released you realizing you were starting to have a PTSD attack.
“Hey..- hey it’s okay. Shit Y/n I’m sorry!” You collapsed to the floor and begin to crawl away, struggling to get back on your feet and out the door.
“Y/n!” You couldn't hear Katsuki, all you heard was your father yelling. You felt like a kid again, the day after you found out you couldn’t develop a quirk. Your father had slammed you into a wall screaming curses at you.
You quickly run into the bathroom, trying your best to make yourself smaller in the bathtub. Trying your best to keep your crying as quiet as possible. Crying until you passed out in the tub.
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You and Mitsuki were packing your things, preparing you for the hospital.
“Thank you Mitsuki…for everything…for accepting me into your home. I just don’t think I can…” she cut you off hugging you. “It’s okay I understand.” Mitsuki began to tear up.
“Take care of yourself okay? Promise to keep in touch.” Mitsuki Bakugou. The mother you never had, she gave you the world, if only you could repay her.
Dragging your small luggage, you turn to look at Katsuki “it’s okay Katsu…it’s not you, I just need to work on…my...uh goodbye. Thank you so much, for everything.” You give him a big smile, wiping your tears before entering the bus.
Leaving everything behind.
Katsuki wished he could stop loving you.
He wished he had never let you in.
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While in the hospital you had talked with various councilors about your future, giving you classes to see which course you wished to take while you were taking therapy. Diagnosed with PTSD, and Severe Anxiety disorder.
They said being a hero was out of the question, being quirkless and having PTSD of grown men being violent wouldn't mix well, so many factors were involved you didn't know if you could even have a future job anywhere. You needed a job that nothing to do with violence, was nowhere near the violence and where you could work on your own with no triggers around you.
"Have you ever thought of taking the support course? Inventors? You wouldn't have to interact with anyone as long as they put in a commission." Your head perked up, the sound of being helpful to Izuku from behind the scenes sounded like a dream.
"That sounds great! But...where do I start? I've never touched any sort of mechanics in my life!" You stated. Only being in the hospital for a few months, hearing from Mitsuki that Izuku and Katsuki had made it into UA.
"We can help you by setting up some classes, take it over this and you can transfer into a real high school when the time is right. Recovery is very important!"
So began your new passion, something of your own. Something you can do for yourself and for others! You finally can be useful for once in your life. But you decided that you didn't want your name out there at all, you wished to go under a hero like name, an alias.
Protea, a flower that represented strength, courage and resilience.
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Time felt faster than ever, you spent your days hauled up in a garage making little gadgets and gizmos, taking everything Izuku had told you about hero's in consideration. It was almost like art, with a lot of welding and math.
This little hobby helped you move forward, but not forget. Something to keep your mind occupied was the healthiest thing you can think of, especially building your portfolio for the various support courses in the different schools. It was a shot in the dark but you submitted one for UA as well, you knew you couldn't do it but there wasn't any harm in trying.
Maybe you couldn't be Izuku's future, but you could help make a path for him.
From afar of course.
When your counselor brought the various envelopes from the schools you submitted your portfolio and application to. You were terrified, the fear of being rejected swallowed you whole.
"Deep breath Y/n, I know for a fact you'll get into one! Youve been doing a great job, and your progress has been amazing!" Your counselor placed the envelopes on the desk in front of you.
You let out a deep breath, slowly opening each one some were just regular letters and others were these flashy video tapes, the one you paid attention to the most was UA, your hopes were high wishing and praying that you hear the words of acceptance.
"Congratulations Y/n! You have been accepted into-!"
Your eyes widen, a smile creeping across your face.
I'll finally can make use of myself....
I can help!
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AN: I imagine in this society certain hospitals are different and better! Mitsuki wanted you to have the best care! I used my own experience with PTSD and fear of men yelling in this! Thank you all so much Xoxo Stinmybubs! Also the school you think she's gonna get into might not be it. ;)
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Stop teasing me boy!!
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SUMMARY: While sitting in a boring class you didn't expect Jungkook would send you thirst trap, the pic makes you concisely wet and he is there to help you out.
PAIRINGS: Professor kook X student reader.
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex oral (f, m), Jungkook calls her sweet names JAGI🥺❤️ he makes a sex tape, READER LOVES HIS SEXY BACK aftercare. ALSO, THEY TAKE A STEP AHEAD YAYYY!!! JK is a cat dad 😔🥰, As always Jungkook smokes be aware , also this is kind of second part fir stop teasing me girl part 1 😊
A/N: Thank you so much for the love I received for pt.1 , And with Jungkook posting this it was so stop teasing me girl coded I knew I had to write something about it, ALSO a big thankyou to @delusionisaplace for the smut prompts. I hope you all would like it please like reblog and comment your feedback means a lot to me 🥰🥰
You were sitting on the last bench as usual, when your phone chimes with a small ting , you opened to see jungkook had texted you .
Kook❤️: Hey baby, you busy ?
You looked around yourself shielding your phone with books, the teacher continued teaching.
Y/n❤️🥰: Yes Mr.jeon , why?
You see the three dots appearing but instead of a text you nearly choke seeing the picture , off-course you have seen him naked and his back is so sexy but you didn’t expect this to see this while your in your class.
Kook❤️: sent a photo
The students looked a bit concerned asking you if your okay while you waved them telling them your fine . Your pussy twitched making you get wet by passing seconds .
Kook❤️: how is it y/n?
Y/n❤️🥰: at least tell me you were gonna send this pic I am in the class right now , and to answer your question you look pretty hot , makes me wanna leave marks all over your back😏
Kook❤️: yeah, baby want to leave marks all over my back? Also, I thought you won’t be in an ongoing class baby shouldn’t I punish you for bad girl using her phone in an ongoing class?
Y/n 🥰❤️: Our history teacher is talking about his personal story, and I’m not even interested. And also, you should punish me Professor 😌
Kook❤️: Is my punishment a damn pleasure for you yeah Jagi? meet me when this class gets over, I’ll be home, I’ll finish up my workout in few.
Y/n🥰❤️: yes I’ll text you when I come home . Bye !
You texted him while leaving from the class soon taking a bus home. Unlocking the door, you were greeted with Maple his cat pawing at your legs purring as if she is telling you to take her in arms. “Hey maple, how are you baby?” Softly meowing telling you she is fine that’s what you think she is telling.
“Hey y/n, want to have something?” Jungkook came dressed in his grey sweatpants taking maple from your arms letting you keep your bag on the sofa.
“ No it’s fine kook I had my lunch” you said waking to them while maple jumped out from his arms going back in her cat kennel. Washing his hands Jungkook passes you some strawberries telling you he had brought them while he was on his way back home “Have some baby” plopping one in his mouth, taking the strawberry bowl from his hand and placing it on table you straddled his lap passing your fingers through his hair you said, “I guess someone was going to punish me for being bad girl?” You asked softly pecking his cheeks “yeah I was going to but then I guess I would have done the same” Jungkook takes your hand in his softly pecking them, Jungkook's lips found yours when you both went in for the kiss softly moaning when his tongue sucks yours "mph kook" giggling you purposefully let your tongue out while Jungkook chuckled at the mess of both of yours saliva mixing , still continuing to suck your tongue and lips he spoke in between. “let’s take it to the bedroom yeah?” Picking you up you gasped giggling, kissing him the lips he made his way to his bedroom.
Jungkook gently made you sit on the bed; your cloths soon joined the floor moaning when Jungkook teasingly bit your nipple and chuckling when he saw you instantly react “Baby’s sensitive isn’t she?” Sucking on them instantly to soothe the pain “please Jungkook need you” you said moaning when he was near you clothed core, resting his head on your thighs he was knelled down on the floor “begging already?” Teasing you soft kisses on thighs “pretty please you look so hot want to have your fingers and mouth here” you took his hands and guided towards your core slowly hissing when his long fingers come in contact to your clothed heat “yeah I can see Jagi I bet your so wet would slide in won’t I?” He teased you knowing damn well. “Lay down, will you?”.
Laying down on the bed your head rested on his soft pillows which smelt just like his shampoos. Jungkook removed your panties kissing your clit and occasionally biting it your hands were now in his hair pushing his head down against your core you whimpered his name. “Fuck kook so good”, “yeah baby tell me more” his mouth made sucking noises “does this feel good Jagi?” He asks now inserting his fingers you nodded “Words y/n or I’m stopping” he said slowing his speed. ” Want it fast Jungkook I’m going to come, keep doing that feels good” Jungkook fastened his thrusts, you moaned loudly “Right here baby? Found it” he said “Cum for me baby” while you soon came on his fingers.
"Aw, you're out of breath. Was that too fast, baby?" Jungkook removed his fingers from your heat soon sucking and moaning “fuck you taste so fucking sweet” he groaned “ Take of your cloths kook want to have you now” you said slowly getting up slightly just so you could lower his sweatpants helping him his cloths join on the floor with your , you took his cock in your mouth kissing the tip "You make me so fucking hard, baby. "He rasped pushing your head down so you could take him better while you palmed him you made sure to give some attention to his balls kissing them and massaging him on his taint making grab your hair telling to make him feel good "Is there anything you can't do with that tongue of yours? Looks so fucking hot when you do that.”
Soon Cumming on your hands and face you cleaned him up.
"You look good with my cum all over your face." He laughed and told you to be at the edge of the bed “Y/n is it fine if I take a video while fucking you OfCourse I won’t take your face” he asked slightly unsure “yeah kook no problem send me too yeah?” You said already laying down on your back while Jungkook got his phone in his , teasing his cock on your cunt he thrusted in letting you adjust to his size "Feel free to tell me to stop if it's too much. "His body was all over yours when while your hands supported his back and he started thrusting and recording watching in the mirror in front his bed , his moans raising when you cleaned around him "God, you feel so fuckin good." His moans raised in volume "Wrap your legs around my waist. "Jungkook threw his phone on the bed raising from his earlier position "Such a good little pup, aren't you? "His thrusts now becoming more powerful “Faster—ah shit—harder…” you said moaning the thrusts making you unable to speak, your nails clawing on his broad shoulder while he groaned “uh…keep going, you like marking me yeah baby?” He said rasping "Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough. "You said grabbing his face and kissing him “ yeah fuck Jungkook” his lower body now rubbing against your clit “ your going to make me squirt Jungkook” you warned him “ go ahead baby make a mess can feel you coming” Both of you chased your orgasm soon Cumming while you squirted all over his cock and making a mess “ Fuck I’m sorry kook I didn’t mean I’ll change them up” you panicked “hey calm down you did nothing wrong Jagi , it looked so hot when you did it” he said slowly removing himself smudging his cum all over your pussy “ Stay like this baby want to take a picture of you” he took his phone from the side clicking few pictures while you posed for them . Jungkook then kissed your cheeks and got from the bed and got a wet towel to clean you both up, “I’ll bring you something to drink, should I bring maple in? I’ve ran a bath” humming you got up thanking him.
Washing up Jungkook had changed up the sheet's maple was now lying on the end on his bed meowing when you come in her site “Hey pretty girl” you said petting her head and kissing her soon getting changed in your cloths.
“ I’ve bought some tea for you it’s almost evening” Jungkook said looking at you from balcony while he had his cigarette in his hands “ Thanks Jungkook” drinking it and Jungkook soon came inside while watching tv Jungkook suddenly asked you something which made you nervous “ y/n I think I like you I know we agreed on not having any relationship except sex but I feel like we could be more , I know it will risk both of us but think about it?” He said slightly nervous about your answer “I think I like you too Jungkook your always so good to me I’ve had feelings too, but I was just so scared, I know it will risk us but yeah we can give a try” you said hugging him and smiling “So what now am I your girlfriend now?” You asked “yeah baby shall I ask you properly” he asked laughing “ yes Jungkook” you said smiling “ y/n will you want to be my girlfriend?” He asked “hell yeah” laughing you both kissed each other and hugged while maple made her way to both of you pawing at your sweater as if she wanted to be included chuckling you took her in your arms kissing her “I’m lucky to have you both in my life baby” Jungkook said clicking few photos of you and maple.
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chrispotatos · 2 months
private school headcanons
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summary: basically if you, madi, nick, chris, and madi went to a private school and had a friend group. (matt and reader are talking)
warning: none, (I've never been to a private school before, so don't come for me)
a/n: two posts in one night? wow
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- plans hardly ever make it out of the group chat
-you and chris are the ones that gets the whole friend group in trouble. it would be dead silent because everyones trying to focus on work and then chris will make a face or whisper something to you that makes you burst into laughter and then the rest of your friends start laughing even if they dont know why.
-skipping detention is a must. all though you and chris landed everyone in detention matt and madi are the main ones who wanna leave.
"guys the teachers gone, lets go" matt whispers.
"why the fuck are you whispering it's just us" madi spoke aloud. "right" he giggled shaking his head "so we leaving or what" madi said
you look over to nick who makes the smartest decisions out of the five of you and he said yes.
"who is this and what have you done with nick" you joke out of shock of his decision " well im not going. im not getting more detention because of this" you cross your arms not going along with everyone. "c'mon y/n you know you want too" matt dragged his words in a bit of a sing song way and of course you gave in.
-yall made plans to go to a gas station for snacks after sneaking out of detention. you and madi made a few tiktoks one of the boys getting in the screen on purpose to 'mess up' the video.
-when the class goes on school trips you and matt sit next to eachother on the bus; talking and showing eachother funny videos half the ride.
-his brothers teased him for letting you fall asleep on him but madi was the number one supporter of this soon to come relationship so she took pictures whenever she could.
-if you saw matt talking with some girl and it looked like they were having a good conversation you would complain to madi and end up crying because you wore your heart on your sleeve and sometimes regretted it. even if it was nothing serious you were sensitive so it hurt even more.
-when you were alone with either nick or chris they would tell you stuff matt said about you
"bro i look like shit today" you were looking at yourself in the camera app fixing your stray hairs that flew from your half up half down hair style, and your mascara that was trying to clump the other eyelashes together but overall failing and it frustrated you too much so you put your phone away.
"matt said this is probably the prettiest you ever looked" chris mentioned so nonchalant like that wasn't sweet of his brother to say. thinking about it made your cheeks heat up, you hide your smile with a confused look "really?" chris shrugged "he said it not me"
-matt came into your dorm later on in the evening to just hang out and you confronted him about what chris said and he didn't deny any of it.
"you thought i looked pretty today?" you asked with a teasing grin on your face. he snapped his head up from his phone, metting your eyes "who told you that" "it doesn't matter"
the boy shrugged going back to his phone "well i didn't lie"
- the groupchat consists of gossip and homework answers
- you and matt would separately make up lame excuses of why you can't go through with the plans that for once made it out the groupchat, just to stay back and cuddle, taking turns talking about one anothers day.
a/n: im gonna write fics based off of this. also lmk if you would want a pt.2
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Our children yearn for violence
Barbie dolls: jegulus x reader (James, regulus, you)
Words: 3.6k ish
Summary: the school calls you in bc your son got into an altercation what happens when the other kids' parents are hot
Warnings: your son is named Elliot, also you're referred to as Ren and Rena like the gn term for your parent so just yk it's not an oc i promise, you're a highschool art teacher, pushing the trans James agenda, misgendering James from the principal, honestly you pour coffee all over the principal and I'm pretty sure that's assault so just yk, no consequences very fictional world, condoning violence, abortion mentioned, James is a baker and regulus is a stay at home dad/writer just so you know, modern au I'm SORRY, Lily has a wife but she isn't here Lily is just mentioned, actually kinda unwarranted meanness toward the principal but yk whatevs, kinda extremely fanficy if that makes sense but let's just close our eyes and laugh along okay, that's all I think man
Your son, Elliot, was quite kind. You weren't one to toot your own horn, but he was a pretty well raised 6 year old. He was more introverted so when he came home telling you all about his new friends you were very proud of him. He loved Lightning McQueen and he was absolutely giddy to tell you his new friend, Harry, had a Lightning McQueen backpack. And his other friend, Luna, loved Tinkerbell almost as much as he did. Elliot loved art too, he took after you in that field. You were a high school art teacher. Luckily for you the same bus that picked up the first graders for his school, also picked up from your high school. Elliot would ride the bus and after dropping off all the other students the bus-driver would  drop him off at the high school. Elliot would spend the last few minutes of the school day with your last class. They loved him, they thought he was adorable. They often made him little cards or gave him candy. Elliot was the best and nicest, if you do say so yourself, first grader you ever met.
When his school called you in the middle of your class, telling you he got into an altercation, you were shocked. You sent your class over to classroom next door, another art teacher who gladly helped you. Then you quickly gathered your things and got to the Elementary school as fast as you could. You spoke to the front desk. They pointed you down a hallway. If you were a third grader, you'd be scared shitless walking down this hallway.
Finally at the end of the row was your son. He was in a short sleeve plain red shirt and his favorite pair of shorts that has a little lightning bolt towards the bottom. Elliot's backpack was sitting next to him on the floor. He was digging his hand into a little ziploc bag of pretzels, a ziploc bag you didn't remember putting in his lunchbox. Elliot glanced up when he heard you approaching. He memorized the sound of the keychains on your bag clinking, thinking of home. He smiled brightly, and scooted out of his chair. He ran towards you, latching onto your leg.
You saw a row of three chairs, each filled with a small child, sat next to a door. The door had a small sign that read 'Princapal' so you assumed it might be the principal's office.
The child closest the the door was a girl with curly white hair tied in two pigtails down by her ears. She was wearing a shirt with Tinkerbell on it and a bright pink tutu. Her tennis shoes looked to light up. Her backpack was sat next to her. It was green and had beautiful flowers embroidered on it. She had what looked to be a thousand keychains, all of which were characters to another children's show. She was snacking on a small ziploc bag of goldfish. Luna.
Next to her was a boy. He had glasses that looked to large for his face, and curly hair that looked tossled from what you assumed was the altercation you were called in for. He had on a Spider-Man shirt and jean overalls. One of the straps to the overalls was unhooked and thrown over his shoulder. His shoes were of Lightning McQueen, they looked to light up too. They matched his backpack. That must be Harry. He was snacking on a ziploc bag of cheezits.
"I missed you, Ren. Am I going to get kicked out of school?" Elliot mumbled against your leg. You squated down and clutched onto his hands. You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"No, baby. Why did they call me? Are you okay?" Elliot nodded as you asked him questions, holding up his bag of pretzels.
"Luna's dad gave us snacks. I took the pretzels because the cheezits are white cheddar and Harry likes those the best. And Luna likes the pizza goldfish, but I don't because they don't taste like the good pizza. But look, Rena, these pretzels have butter inside." Elliot quickly pulled out a pretzel and bit into it, showing the inside to you. Sure enough the pretzel had the fake cheese filling inside.
"Oh yeah look at that it does have cheese inside." Ignoring the fact he called cheese butter, you looked around Elliot as he continued to tell you all about his snack. You noticed two men  standing next to another water fountain. One of them was holding a green lunchbox that looked eerily similar to Luna's backpack. The other was holding a matching Lightning McQueen backpack, Harry's dad. They looked as confused as you, talking to each other quietly so their kids couldn't hear them in the near empty hallway.
"Okay baby I'm going to go talk to your friends' parents,  you go back to your chair and keep working on those cheese pretzels for me." Elliot quickly nodded. You kissed his forehead before standing up. Elliot turned back to his row of friends and started talking to Harry. You headed toward the water fountain.
Luna's dad was dressed in all black, you were curious as to how he had such a colorful kid. He was in a black button down that was tucked into his black slacks. His shoes were shiny and they made you wonder if he just came from a board meeting or whatever people who don't spend their entire day listening to your mom jokes as they teach high schoolers how to weave do. His hair was black and curly and looked to be perfectly set in place.  The only pop of color was his nails, bright green and pink splattered on each finger. Luna's doing. If you weren't deeply worried for your son, you'd say he was hot.
Harry's dad, and you do mean this in the nicest most respectful way, was fucking jacked. He was just as attractive as Luna's dad. He was in jeans and red converse. He had on a t-shirt that had red text on it. It said 'Boys with Tits' and little stars printed around the text. You wondered how strong that cotton t-shirt was because the sleeves around his biceps and pecs looked tired. Holding on for dear life. Harry's dad had what looked to be flour smeared on his cheek. His hair was also curly and black but was much different from Luna's Dad's hair as it was more messy. He looked a lot like Harry. He even had on very similar glasses. On his own Lightning McQueen backpack, was what looked to be the same number of keychains as Luna's bag had. Although his had less children's shows. You spotted a trans flag and a raccoon eating a sandwich among them. You glanced down at your own appearance, realizing you most definitely looked like an art teacher. Your hands were covered in paint. You grimaced before shrugging. One of these men had bright pink and green splattered on the tips of his fingers and the other was holding a Lightning McQueen backpack, you doubted they would care much. When you finally reached them, they both looked away from the other to stare at you.
"Hi. I'm Elliot's Parent." You gave them a light wave, giving them your name as well. They both nodded.
"Hey. I'm Harry's dad, James." you smiled at him.
"I'm Luna's Dad, Regulus."
"Do you guys know what happpened? They just said altercation on the phone." Regulus shook his head at the question. James shrugged. At this point you honestly felt sympathy for his sleeves.
"Luna won't even tell me what happened. She's just been sadly eating her pizza goldfish." Regulus said, looking between you and James.
"Oh yeah. Hey thanks for giving Elliot those pretzels. He thinks they're a hoot." Regulus shrugged at you.
"Luna's the one sharing." James moved the subject back to the whole reason you three were here.
"I asked Harry what happened and he told me 'name calling' and then continued with his cheezeits. So that's all I have." James explained. You thought you might be putting the pieces together now. Yes, Elliot was a kind boy but he was also loyal to a fault. You were both the type to self sacrifice in the name of love. You'd kill someone for Elliot and any one of your friends. Elliot does take after you in a lot of areas...
"Okay well I only see three children, they all seem to still be friends so who were they fighting?" You asked. There wasn't even another backpack sitting near the chairs. From what you spied in window to the principals office, the only person in there was the principal herself.
"Do you think our kids would actually get into a fight?" James asked. You and Regulus glanced at each other.
"Yes." You said in sync. You glanced back at Elliot. He had finished his snack and pulled out his Lighting McQueen picture book, showing Harry all the pages. Sweet boy, but also a tad rabid. You wouldn't be shocked if the principal told you he bit somebody.
"Luna's lovely don't get me wrong, but her favorite uncle has had to pay for a lot of bail." Regulus said, zipping open Luna's lunchbox. He peered in there. You wondered if he was looking for a shank she made during her art class. James huffed.
"If this is some stupid bullshit, I think I'll riot." James whispered.
"That's something Barty would say." Regulus muttered, stuffing his hand into Luna's lunchbox.
"Listen, I'm sure we're all just a little peaved because it's our kids, but surely this is something serious that truely needs me to leave 17 high schoolers alone with another teacher." James and Regulus gave you a knowing look. "Okay so I'm lying." Regulus pulled out a bag of apple slices. He held them up above his head and leaned to look around you.
"Lue, I'm stealing your apples. Is that okay with you?" Regulus yelled down the short hallway. Luna looked up from making her goldfish swim in the air, to look at Regulus. She nodded and held up a thumbs up. Regulus zipped her lunchbox again and pulled open the bag of apples.
"So what if they threw a couple punches, I taught Harry that we don't start fights, we end them." James explained. Regulus nodded as he bit into an apple. You huffed.
"I'm pretty sure I taught Elliot the difference between oil and acrylic. I'm honestly shocked he even knows the word fight." You felt a little behind on your parenting. Regulus set down Luna's lunchbox by his feet.
"Well to be perfectly honest, I am not shocked that Luna got into a fight. Her mother was, in the best way, fucking rabid. Love her to death, literally, but she got into a good number of fights while we were school." Regulus said. He chuckled after he said 'to death'. You kinda felt like he kept making inside jokes but he was the only one in on them. James nodded along.
"High school sweat hearts?" James asked, giving Regulus an understanding look.
"No," Regulus laughed as he bit into another apple. "Hell no. Um I knew her mother in high school. We were really close. She passed and I adopted Luna." You and James both let out sad ohs. Regulus didn't seemed bothered by it at all though, continuing to much on his apple slices.
"Well me and Harry's mum were high school sweethearts. After Harry was born though, we got divorced. His mum and her wife are both stuck at work so that's why they aren't here." James said, filling the awkward silence. You nodded.
"Really glad we're spending this time trauma dumping." You joked. Regulus snorted and held an apple slice out towards you. You great-fully took it as Regulus held one out towards James too.
"What is the Principal doing in there? Feeding her hostages?" James muttered not even a breath later he was following up his comment. "Sorry, that was mean." You and Regulus both laughed, looking at each other to make sure someone else thought it was funny, too. With that the door to her office opened, the Principal's head popping out.
"Sorry for the wait." She said, holding the door open.
The Prinicple would be terrifying to any first grader. She was in a perfectly pressed suit. Her perfectionism rivaling Regulus'. Her hair was back in an extremely slick bun and you questioning whether or not her name was Trunchbull. She sat down in the chair behind her desk, turning to her computer and typing away. She listed off each of your names, started with what you assumed was James' last name as he nodded at her and ending with yours.
"You should be." Regulus muttered before plastering a smile on and helping Luna out of her chair, shooing her into the office. James carried Harry's bag for him as they entered the office. The principal grimaced at James as he entered.
Elliot took his time, gently putting his book back into his backpack. You smiled at the care he took with his favorite book. Then he scooted out of his chair and pulled his arms through the straps. Elliot clutched onto your hand, as you walked him through the office door. There were three chairs sat in front of the Principal's desk. James was sat with Harry in his lap, James' arm crossed over his stomach. Regulus was sat similarly, Luna deciding not to face the Principals and instead sitting sideways in Regulus' lap. You sat in the chair in between Regulus and James. Elliot hopped up into your lap, placing his backpack next to you. He leaned back against you and held onto both your hands. You were pretty sure he was scared shitless, but you completely understood.
"Today your children got into a fist fight with another student. We do not accept bullying of any forms here so we will-" Regulus cut off the principal, pausing from digging into his bag of apples.
"Well what caused the fight?" Regulus asked. The Principal stayed silent for a moment before continuing.
"What started the fight does not matter. What matters is that your three children ganged up on one student, and beat him. We do not accept physical-" It was James' turn to cut her off this time.
"Well who swung first?" The principal clenched her jaw. She glared at James. Harry took it upon himself to answer for her.
"Charles did." Harry said as he swung his feet back and forth in his father's lap. James hummed.
"So you didn't start it?" James asked. Harry shook his head.
"One could say that he didn't start it but he did finish it." Regulus muttered chomping into an apple. You stuck your hand out to him. Regulus dropped a slice from the bag into your hand.
"Listen, if you three would please let me finish-" The principle started.
"Actually I have a question for you, Mrs. Principle. I didn't have time to learn your name, I was quite busy with my job," James snorted at you. "I was wondering, what happened before the fight? What triggered it to start? I am quite confident that my son wouldn't just beat some other kid up for fun. At least not unwarrantedly." Regulus nodded at you. Luna wouldn't kick somebody in shin just for breathing wrong, well actually.
"Again that does not matter-" Harry took over the principal's speaking time yet again to answer the question himself.
"Charles called Luna a bitch." Harry said, matter of factly. Regulus scoffed and James leaned down to ask Harry if he was serious.
"Yeah he did, so I called him a bootlicking, slimy, vomit inducing, retched, failed abortion." Luna said. You glanced over at her. It was actually the first time you heard her speak. You felt a small smile grow, understanding what Regulus said in the hallway earlier. Regulus was smiling brightly. He held his hand out in front of her. Luna slapped her hand in his, giving Regulus a loud high five.
"Then Charles said she was a dumb idiot." Harry explained, still swinging his feet back and forth. "Then Elliot said something, I don't 'member but it pissed Charles off so he punched Luna in the arm." Harry continued. You looked down at Elliot.
"I told him the only time anyone will ever love him is if he was cremated and turned into a diamond." Elliot whispered. You laughed. Elliot looked up at you, a small smile growing on his face. You gently kissed his on his forehead.
"Oh I love you, you know that Elliot?" Elliot nodded and looked back to the empty Ziploc bag he was tearing holes in.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you three would take this seriously, this is no laughing matter. " The principal said, clenching her jaw.
"Well I would greatly appreciate it if you took this seriously. A boy called this girl a bitch and then punched her and yet we're the ones who had to leave work to meet with you. It seems to me that these kids were just defending themselves. I think you just grabbed the nearest kids and blamed them. Luna didn't do anything she's the victim. Elliot and James were just protecting their friend. Sure maybe they should've gone easy on him the failed abortion comment would've been just enough but-"
"Your children broke a boy's nose."
"Well, maybe he should've kept his mouth shut." Regulus said, sitting up in his chair.
"I think he'll be too busy breathing out of it to call anyone else names, now." James said, setting Harry on his feet. James stood and swung his backpack over his shoulder before holding out Harry's.
"Ms. Potter we are not done here." The prinipal said.
"Seems to me we are, see you Monday." James said. Luna took that sign and hopped off Regulus' lap, pulling her own bag on.
"Well Ms. Potter I do hope over the weekend you find a new shirt, along with new manners." The principal said. You stood up, letting Elliot run out the door after Harry and Luna.
"Well Mrs. Principal I do hope you learn how to shut your mouth on matters that don't concern you, you foul, lothesome, grimy, bottoming-feeding, transphobe. Enjoy your night." You said. You reached over her desk and knocked her mug over. Her coffee spilled over the papers on her desk dripping into her lap. You assumed it was cold by now because she just clenched her jaw.  You gave her a bright smile and left out the office door. Regulus and James shared a look before following. You three lead your children out of the school building and stopped on the steps. The three kids ran off towards the nearby tree, attempting to climb it.
"We are probably going to have to enroll our kids somewhere else, huh?" You asked. James shook his head.
"No, schools almost out and luckily for us she's actually transferring in about a month anyways." James explained. Regulus nodded, setting Luna's bag down.
"I do mean this in the most respectful way, but that was extremely attractive." Regulus said. You heard Elliot laugh over in the tree at something Luna said. James nodded at Regulus.
"Oh yeah extremely Pilf-y." James grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Regulus turned to him with a confused look.
"Public Interest Legal Foundation?" Regulus asked. James, smile fell.
"No, Parent I'd Love to Fuck. Like milf or dilf." Regulus laughed and reached out for James. He gripped onto James' bicep as he laughed. You started chuckling along with him, his laughter very contagious. Regulus wiped at his eyes and he stood again.
"Oh that was good, James."
"I don't think it was that funny." James muttered. You shrugged.
"I thought it was good." Regulus sighed and straightened his back.
"So our kids beat another kid up." He said. You nodded. You glanced over at Harry and Luna helping Elliot climb up.
"Your kid has a filthy mouth Regulus, if she said that to me I think I'd cry." James said, nudging Regulus with his elbow. Regulus smiled proudly.
"I know, right? What a psycho first grader." Regulus said. His chest seemed to puff out a little more.
"Where did she even learn half those words?" You asked. Regulus' face fell as he stared at you with serious eyes.
"Her uncle." You and James shared a look.
"well Elliot isn't innocent either, that diamond comment was wild." James said, jumping topics. You nodded.
"I'm extremely proud of my son, I personally think they derseve some ice cream, what do you guys think?" You asked. They both looked at each other.
"Sounds good to me." Regulus muttered, Pulling Luna's bag over his shoulder.
"They'll have napkins there so I can give you guys my number." James said, winking at you both. You chuckled.
"Ah ha yeah that was smooth, James. Good one." You complimented.
"Yeah I thought so." James said, turning towards the tree and calling the kids down. You looked to Regulus.
"Oh by the way I love Luna's bag it's so pretty." You said. Regulus' ears turned red. He glanced down at his shoes before looking back up at you.
"Thanks. I actually made it for her." You gave him a shocked look.
"Did you really?" Regulus nodded. "Well you're extremely talented Regulus." Soon enough all six of you were in an ice cream shop. The kids were giddy. They were getting sticky ice cream all over their faces and hands, but it didn't matter. This was a celebration. you spent the time laughing along with James and Regulus. When the kids finally finished their ice cream James stayed true to his word and gave you both his number. He made a group chat before you even left the parking lot, starting up a conversation about a date.
part two
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gard3nias · 5 months
Amor tam pulcher | KTH - masterlist
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❁pairing: taehyung x oc
❁description: if he could, he'd write poems on how pretty she looked, on how perfect she was. He'd probably make the next Catullus or even better, he'd dare say. Everyone would love to read about her and how she makes him feel. He even wonders how she isn't loved, worshipped in fact, by everyone but he's glad he's the only one whom she hops to whenever class is dismissed, the only one to have her cheeks explore all possible shades of red, the only one whose arms she'd willingly fall asleep in between.
❁genre: romance, fluff, smut, angst
❁wc: 82.59k
❁date: 30/03/2024
❁warning: mature content, mdi
❁notes: strangers-to-lovers, teen love story, lots of fluff, smut, senior!taehyung (taehyung is like super smart), junior!oc (academic weapon, she loves herself an excellent academic performance), a lil angst, taehyung is head over heels for oc, nature lovers (oc loves flowers, taehyung loves butterflies), countryside (looks like Italy because that is the only type of countryside I know and love), oc has a lovely family, taehyung has daddy issues, jimin and jungkook are taehyung's besties( they also have other two girls as best friends); oc has a girl best friend (childhood best friend) and three boys as best friends); oc is so fucking prettyyy, like girl pretty (pretty privilege a bit)
❁chapters (status - ongoing) ⇀ updates every two Saturdays, 10 AM CEST
❀ ❛prologue❜ - 1.52k
a memory; taehyung is staying over oc's place and trying not to lose his mind for her ⇀ «A love that drives me crazy, a lovely crazy, a sexy crazy, an amazing crazy»
❀ 01 ❛love is all around❜ - 4.24k
oc moved to town; oc meets her childhood friend, cleo; lovely family lunch ⇀ «If only you knew how special it feels to be special to someone...»
❀ 02 ❛ying yang❜ - 4.28k
oc and cleo hang out all day at a field; oc meets cleo's cats; oc and cleo childhood flashback ⇀ «Always thought my match would look like me but two pieces of the same puzzle can't be equal»
❀ 03 ❛the exploratory stage❜ - 5.48k
oc and cleo go shopping; cleo gives oc a tour of the town; oc and cleo go to jimin's restaurant and cleo gives oc a description of tae and his friends ⇀ «This is who I am now or maybe who I always was but forgot to be»
❀ 04 ❛just like old times❜ - 6.70k
oc's first day of school; she makes new friends and goes home to simp on taehyung through his social; taehyung comes back from his holidays ⇀ «He's pretty. No wait! Heavenly. Gorgeous. God's favourite for sure... and mine too»
❀ 05 ❛a monarch butterfly❜ - 4.17k
tae's back to school; came back home from jk's beach house; he goes shopping with adrielle, his friend; all the friends are driven to school by jk ⇀ «They say mental exhaustion is greater than the physical one and yet I feel dead up there and no different when it comes to my body»
❀ 06 ❛venus❜ - 4.82k
tuesday; tae sees oc for the first time in the bus and admires her from afar; the whole day in school he thinks about her; jk is the only one to notice this is starts 'investigating' oc ⇀ «Whenever she walked in, time would slow down and my pupils would expand, all for me to sip in her majestic beauty without missing anything»
❀ 07 ❛a laurel❜ - 4.92k
tuesday of the following week; tae is hanging out with his friends at adrielle's place; adrielle wants to become the school's president; tae stalks oc's instagram ⇀ «Like you a little, don't want no riddle. Say it, say it back, oh, say it ditto. Can't wait 'til the morning, so say it, ditto»
❀ 08 ❛fuck you!❜ - 6.10k
thursday; daphne is in her physics class and she can't understand shit; she has a little mental breakdown and takes it out on her friends ⇀ «I see her in the back of my mind all the time like a fever, like I'm burning alive»
❀ 09 ❛en route❜ - 5.07k
friday; daphne wants to impress tae; daphne and tae sit next to each other in the bus; ⇀ «If only he knew... if only she knew...»
❀ 10 ❛who we are, what we do❜ - 6.01k
saturday; love for routines; shopping; hanging out with cleo; lunch with the two families; video call between the five friends ⇀ «They say not to believe what you see online. "The beauty you could find there is so surreal that it can't be real", they say. But what happens when it's standing just a few feet away from you, glowing like the moon on a starless night? How do you withstand it?»
❀ 11 ❛an overly ambitious hedonistic seductress❜ - 6.04k
sunday; the five friends meet up for their school project; daphne suspects there is more going on between cleo and nick; little gossip time with asher ⇀ «Chiquitita, tell me the truth. I'm a shoulder you can cry on. Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on»
❀ 12 ❛the butterfly, the cricket and the wing-man❜ - 4.49k
sunday; while the five friends meet up for their school project, tae and his meet for the electoral campaign; jk is so unserious; maknae line interaction; they have dinner at adrielle's place; jk is drunk asf and his friends make fun of him before they go home ⇀ «Life itself has nothing to give you. Lay in your bed all day and you'll get the point. Life starts making sense and having a shape when you start doing something, when you meet the right people»
❀ 13 ❛the Titanic❜ - 7.31k
wednesday; second week of october; the electoral campaign is officially on; tae and his team are stressed out because of it; in the meantime, Daphne undertakes her physics test; it doesn’t go well so her friends work something out for her ⇀ «There's a monster in the water. It clawing into the ship. I'm sinking»
❀ 14 ❛from five to ten❜ - 11.44k
wednesday; second week of october; daphne and her friends have a picnic together; they travel by train; daphne is happy after the failed test; taehyung stalks her Instagram and realises she started following his main ⇀ «'Temptare', handle, try, test»
❀ 15 ❛bold, red and underlined❜
❀ 16 ❛it's Daphne!❜
❀ 17 ❛hesperiidae❜
❀ 18❛opposites attract❜
❀ 19 ❛peek-a-boo (boo boo)❜
❀ 20 ❛caramel macchiato❜
❀ 21 ❛monarch and blue morpho butterflies❜
❀ 22 ❛rosy cheeks❜
❀ 23 ❛caramel macchiato❜
❀ 24 ❛butterflies, flowers... and butterflies❜
❀ 25 ❛whistling missile❜
❀ 26
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remlionheart · 6 months
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* ˚ ✦ MDNI ✦ ˚ *
*:・゚✧*:・゚ when i first decided that i wanted to write some yuuji angst, i had a v vague idea in my head of what it might look like, but when i tell you that this fic took me for a ride, i mean it. angel boy yuuji itadori finds himself mourning his 22nd birthday rather than celebrating it. sitting alone at a bar, overwhelmed by grief when he's suddenly greeted by the one part of his past that doesn't hurt to look at. 4.9k words. hurt/comfort, angst, smut, fluff, slice of life, shonen, literally everything and anything going on here. i was crying and smiling and rooting for these characters and i'm not sure that i'll ever emotionally recover from writing this, but i'm really happy w the outcome so lemme know whatcha think, luv you ♡ (also shoutout to my girl @bratbby333 for always being my biggest hype-woman and proofreading for me when i've looked at a fic for too long and start to hate it) *:・゚✧*:・゚
now playing: marinade by dope lemon
Yuuji hadn't seen you since middle school.
He remembered you as the girl who had pretty handwriting and a serious affinity for the color blue. The girl who would leave pastel origami hearts on his desk without ever saying why. The girl who'd hide away in the library during lunch instead of eating with the rest of the class. The girl who he'd watch on the bus ride home with a sinking feeling in his stomach, catching the way your eyes glossed over each time the driver stopped in front of your house.
He learned how much you loved to read and write that year. Glancing at you from across the study hall room, secretly jotting down what number was printed along the spine of your book so that he could get you the next one in the series. He'd leave it on your desk before class started, the same way you did with his origami hearts. Never saying a word about it.
He watched you fill countless journals, your face always so concentrated as you poured your thoughts into them. He’d stop by the shopping plaza near his house after school every time he noticed that you’d reached the last page, spending his allowance to make sure there was a new one waiting for you the next morning. Each one he gave you, a different shade of blue.
But it wasn’t until the last day of eighth grade that he finally mustered up the courage to break the not-so-silent-silence the two of you had been sharing for the last 6 months. He sat down next to you, introducing himself even though it went without saying. His eyebrows furrowed a bit when you wordlessly slipped out an earbud and handed it to him. A rare, but visible smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. He held it in his palm for a moment, his eyes drifting along your face as he brought it to his ear, letting the tangled white cord tether the two of you together.
He’d never heard the song before, but he still remembered thinking how fitting it was. Dreamy and melodic - just like you. The singer's voice was full of raw sincerity, adding another layer of atmospheric haze to the already heady beat while the chorus gradually filled the space between you.
He didn't have the right words to explain it at the time, but he felt lucky as he watched you stare out the window that day. Lucky to know how pretty you looked when the sunlight caught the side of your face. Lucky to know which fantasy novels you liked to spend hours losing yourself in. Lucky to know what type of music you listened to when you were deep in thought. Lucky, just to be sitting next to you.
His heart jumped around in his chest when your eyes met his again. Both of you exchanging the same somber smile as you realized what road you were on.
He handed his half of the headphones back to you, secretly relieved at how calm you still seemed despite the fact that your stop was next.
“That song,” he hesitated, the lyrics still swirling through his mind. “what was it –”
But his question came to an abrupt end as the bus began to brake, a new and overwhelming warmth dancing through his veins when he noticed how close you suddenly were to him.
His pupils doubled in size, his breath catching in his throat while you leaned in carefully, pressing the softest kiss against his boyish cheek.
"Have a good summer, Yuuji." you whispered, grabbing your backpack off the floor.
His hand rested where your lips had been, his gaze following you off of the bus. You made it about halfway up your driveway before pausing to look back at him over your shoulder, two lingering smiles blurring past one another as the driver hurried on with her route.
The next two months were filled with sunshine and soccer practice for him. Bike rides and camping trips and basketball courts. His days were usually full, but no matter what he was doing or where he was going, there was one song that was always on the tip of his tongue:
♫⋆。 ♪ ₊ ゚“Do you want me? Just how I am? Do you need me and where I stand?”
One song that would forever remind him of you:
"Let's go steady, let's make a plan. Marinade on that for a little while." ⋆。 ♪ ₊♬ ゚。
And he did.
He marinaded on the infatuation he felt for you the rest of that entire summer.
When August arrived that year and brought everyone back for high school, he was ready.
There were stories he wanted to tell you, questions he wanted to ask you. Playlists he wanted to make with you. Books he'd found while thrifting that he wanted to give to you. Daydreams he had of roaming the halls and laughing with you. Visions of bringing his lunch into the library so he could eat with you. He couldn't wait to hear about your summer. Couldn't wait to catch up with you. Couldn't wait to see you.
Unfortunately for you both though, life had other, much darker plans in store for the pink-haired boy who just wanted to carry around your books for you and hold your hand during passing period.
He was called out of class early on the first day. Forced to leave the building before he even had the chance to see you as he frantically tracked down the nearest shuttle and rushed across town to get to the hospital. His grandpa’s health had been on a slow decline, but after his most recent fall, it had suddenly started to plummet.
Yuuji missed the majority of that week, dedicating all of his time to the man who had essentially raised him. He would bring him food and sit with him for hours even though he was mostly incoherent. He’d tell him about his day and leave flowers by his bedside. He'd watch reruns of old game shows with him that they used to watch when Yuuji was little, completely ignoring the nurses who would say things like, "You need to give yourself a break.”
The hospital staff tried their best to get him to take a day off. To go back to school and live his own life, but Yuuji just couldn’t. His grandpa was the only family he'd ever really had. There was no way he was going to leave him. He ditched the comfort of his bedroom and began sleeping on the cramped hospital futon next to the grey-haired man, teaching himself what each machine hooked up to him was responsible for and what vitals they monitored. He’d sometimes leave throughout the day, but it was only for a couple of hours at most. He'd return with more flowers and books to read to him. By the third week of school, he'd missed almost every single one of his classes, but he didn’t care. His priorities were firm.
Yuuji stayed by his side - day in and day out, until the very end.
When he woke up to the sound of erratic beeping and codes that he didn't understand being called out by nurses, he knew. He knew in his heart that this was it. Amongst the chaos were two sets of shaking hands reaching for each other, his grandpa's last words hanging heavily in the space between them,
“Yuuji... You're a strong kid, try your best to help others, okay?”
He remembered thinking at that moment that there couldn’t be a worse feeling. That he couldn’t possibly have anything else left to lose. He was only 15 and he was now officially all on his own as he watched the only parental figure he had let out his last breath of air.
He had no family, no future, no chance.
Fate was a cruel and calculating thing though. A few days after the funeral, Yuuji discovered that he did have a future. One that was irreversibly sealed the minute he stepped foot into Jujutsu High. He had to let go of everything he'd known in exchange for the damning task of becoming a vessel for Ryomen Sukuna. He had to trade in his mundane role of being a high school freshman for the daunting responsibility of becoming a first-year sorcerer. And arguably the hardest thing of all, he had to give up the simple pleasure of sharing a set of tangled headphones with you to try and save a world that didn't truly care about him.
There was no room for normalcy anymore. This was his new life and it was ending, one day at a time.
He sat at a nearly vacant bar by himself, staring down the empty glass in front of him, watching the ice melt as he ran a shaky hand along the back of his neck.
It was 4 o'clock and he was only one of two people here this early. The lights and music were still being adjusted by the workers. Cups being stocked and coolers being filled for the inevitable Saturday-night rush that would come in the next few hours. His goal was to be absolutely obliterated by then - to already be on his way back home before the swarm of college students took over.
He paused, noticing the calendar hanging by the craft beer list in front of him. His heart stuttered a bit as he blinked back at the date. No wonder he'd been feeling so reminiscent lately.
He leaned over the counter hoping to find the bartender who'd poured his first drink, but to no avail.
He grabbed his glass, sucking down the very last drop of whiskey it had to offer, trying desperately to drown out the realization that today was his 22nd birthday and the people who should be here with him weren't.
Almost every friend he'd made over the last ten years had been ripped away from him. They were scattered memories. Familiar voices that he did his best to hold onto. Faces, names, deaths that followed him everywhere he went.
Middle school and the innocence of just wanting to hold a pretty girl's hand while she walked down the hallway were long gone. He was an adult now. A very tired and traumatized adult.
He peered around the corner again, half-tempted to jump over the bar and pour himself another drink when the stereo kicked on, an overwhelming wave of pure, deep blue nostalgia flooding over him without warning.
His back straightened, his eyes suddenly darting towards the speaker as the lyrics drifted across his skin, causing every hair on his body to stand up at once.
"She wanted to die by a river. She wanted the tide to come up and drag her away, so that when she's dreamin', she can watch the tree line fall away." ⋆。 ♪
It was the same hazy melody that he'd spent an entire summer listening to on repeat. He still knew every word, every beat. It was muscle memory the way his fingertips began to drum along the counter when a bartender finally emerged from the back.
"Sorry, do you need a –"
Time stilled, the glass nearly slipping from his hand as your gaze caught his.
Despite how much you'd changed since the last time he saw you, your voice was somehow just as soft as he remembered it being.
He stared back at you in quiet disbelief, guilt quickly settling in the pit of his stomach as he thought about how fucking strange and unexpected this all must feel for you too.
From your perspective, he'd spent all of 8th grade trying to befriend you only to up and leave without even saying goodbye. And now, 7 years later - he was at your work, looking back at you like you were an actual angel, and forgetting every word he knew.
Your eyes stayed locked on his for another moment, both of you studying the person in front of you before you finally let out a shaky breath and smiled at him.
"Here," You offered, suddenly feeling the need to soothe your own nerves too. "On the house."
He tried to tell you that he could pay for it, but it was too late. You were already pouring two shots and motioning for him to put his wallet away.
"Okay, fine. But..." There was a glimmer in his eye as he pulled his glass away from yours. "What are we toasting to?"
The smile he gave you felt like a warm hug. One that you didn't realize you needed until you had it again. "Oh," You stammered, trying to ignore the blood that was rushing to your cheeks. "What about... To old friends?"
He nodded, still wearing the same expression as your drinks lightly knocked together. "To old friends."
He couldn't help but grin again at the little shiver that swept across your body as you finished yours.
Your hair was longer, your features a bit more mature, but your mannerisms were all the same. You were still the girl that was made up of mid-day sunlight, handbound books, and shades of blue that were too pretty to exist in this world.
You grabbed a beer out of the cooler and slid it to him, once again ignoring the credit card he tried to hand you. "Yuuji, relax." you leaned against the counter, resting your head in your hands so that you were eye-level with him. "They're not gonna go bankrupt over a $2 IPA, I promise."
"If you say so."  
You both exchanged the same small smile, his finger lightly running along the counter. "So," he cleared his throat, completely unsure of where to start. "How've you been?"
It was a loaded question, maybe even a dumb question considering how much time had passed, but he didn't care. He really did want to know how you'd been. What you'd been up to. What type of things you'd been writing about. What your Spotifty playlists looked like. What you did on your days off. He wanted to know everything. All of it.
"Well," you exhaled, trying to find an easy way to condense the last seven years of your life. "My parents..." your eyebrows furrowed, realizing that you'd never gotten the chance to tell him why you used to dread your old bus route so much. "My parents finally got divorced..."
“Oh shit, I’m sorry -"
“No,” You said swiftly, not wanting him to feel bad for asking. "It was more of a relief than anything. They used to fight, a lot. My mom wasn't always the nicest when she drank... It probably should've happened way sooner to be honest."
His breathing slowed as memories of you with tears in your eyes walking up your driveway smashed through his mind. He'd promised himself that he would ask you about it one day, but he had no idea it'd be this much later on. He'd wanted to talk to you about it as kids. Wanted to know what scared you so much about going home, but he didn't know how. It was the reason why he left journals on your desk. The reason why he never let you go without the next book in your series.
For everything he couldn't say, he tried to show. But he'd failed you on both accounts the day he disappeared.
"My parents separated my -" you paused, eyes dragging to his as you corrected yourself. "our graduation year."
He nodded, doing his best to digest the thought of you walking down the aisle in a cap and gown with the weight of your parents' downfall on your shoulders.
"But, after that," you smiled slightly. “I applied to college and got accepted. Started working here. Got my own apartment. And I don't know...” you shrugged, "I think in a weird way, things happened the way they were supposed to. It was like everything needed to fall apart before it got better, you know?"
He smiled back at you, your last sentence lingering in the space between you as he reached for your hand. He probably wouldn't have understood that sentiment a year ago, but watching your eyes widen while your fingers slowly tangled into his, he knew exactly what you meant now.
"I'm really sorry I wasn't there..." His thumb brushed against the side of your hand, steadying himself as he let 15-year-old him and 22-year-old him come together to say what they had both been holding onto for so long. "I didn't want to leave. I just -"
Your heart swelled in your chest, watching him blink back tears he wasn't prepared to shed. "Life got really hard for a really long time for me too. But, whenever I felt myself drifting... I thought of you. Thought of the way you'd glance at me from over your book during class. Thought of the way you smiled when you thought no one was watching. I thought of you... all the time. And it was like, no matter how dark things got, it reminded me that life could be good, because it was at one point. So..."
Your hand tightened around his, two sets of glossy eyes now staring back at each other as he forced himself to say what he should've years ago. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there, but... I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."
You were dizzy with emotion. Swimming through feelings that you'd kept buried for nearly the last decade. The thoughts you'd only been brave enough to write down. The overwhelming urge to kiss him again and again and again until neither one of you had any air left in your lungs.
Your mouth opened and then closed, your body saying more than you were capable of with how desperately you were holding onto him.
You weren't sure what you were doing. Didn't have time to think or care about the repercussions of your impulsiveness.
"Hey Mai," You called out, "I'm really not feeling well. Think I'm gonna go home."
Yuuji's head was shaking no, but the surprised smile tugging at the corner of his mouth was saying otherwise. "What're you doing?" he whisper-shouted, watching you run around the bar to grab his hand again.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Mai yelled from the back, but it was too late.
You and Yuuji were already gone, practically sprinting alongside each other, laughing as you booked it across the parking lot.
"First the free beer and now this?"
"They won't go bankrupt over me missing one day." You winked. "C'mon, I wanna show you something."
You may have been leading the way, but he was still the athlete between the two of you, purposefully slowing himself down to not be right on your heels. But when he noticed you starting to pant as the road curved into an upward slope, he reached out for you, gently spinning you around to face him.
"Come here." he knelt down, positioning himself so that you could easily wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
He carried you piggy-back style up the hill, the sun fading into an array of pink and orange as you pointed out every bookstore around campus, explaining which ones were your favorites and why. Promising to get matcha with him tomorrow at a local coffee shop you passed. Asking him about his time at Jujutsu High and trying to wrap your mind around what little he was able to tell you as he swore that he'd fill you in on the full story when the time was right. You caught him up on what he'd missed the last three years of high school and how your college classes had been going. You talked about libraries and ghosts and laughed about how in 7th grade he'd joined the occult club just because he thought it'd be an easy after-school credit.
By the time you'd finally reached the spot you'd wanted to show him, the moon had almost completely replaced the sun. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and your hands were full of a mixture of different flowers that he'd picked for you along the way.
"This is..." he trailed off, watching the sky shift into a deep blend of blue and silver. "Beautiful. How'd you even find this place?"
It was an abandoned park surrounded by overgrown trees that overlooked the city, only one rusted swing set left to its name. The hike you had to endure just to find it had more than likely been the cause of its demise, trekking up here with a backpack was hard enough, let alone a stroller.
"I kinda found it by accident." You shrugged. "I was working on an art project and needed a good view of the skyline. I looked up a bunch of different places online, but then I saw this spot and just knew."
Yuuji pulled off his hoodie, sweat trickling down his neck from the late-summer heat as the two of you sat in the grass, his arm gently wrapping around your waist.
There had been so many times you'd sat in this exact same spot by yourself, wondering what the odds were that you were both somehow looking up at the same star.
Your head rested on his shoulder, a warm gust of air swirling around you as you both looked out into the distance, watching the way the stars faded into the Tokyo lights.
"Hey, Yuuji?" You twirled a blade of grass between your fingers, not wanting to ruin the moment, but still needing to be sure.
"You promise, right?"
"Hm?" He could hear the concern in your voice, his grip tightening as he pulled you closer.
"You promise that... you're not leaving again?"
"I swear, I'm not going anywhere. And if I do," His eyes returned to yours, his free hand attentively resting under your chin. "I'm taking you with me."
You nodded, warmth washing over you as he traced along your jawline, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
Your fears were lost to his touch. Your worries dissolving into the sincerity of his voice. Your need for reassurance wholeheartedly met when his hand cupped your cheek and his lips finally caught yours. Seven years' worth of pent-up feelings pouring out between the two of you, hands roaming and little moans slipping out between breaths while you tugged on the collar of his shirt to bring him closer. He was gentle but eager. Soft but secure. Perfect, in every way.
He hovered over you, easing you onto the grass as he made a makeshift pillow out of his hoodie for you to rest your head on.
You smiled as his lips drifted from your mouth to your neck, his palm delicately traveling up your shirt, pulling your bra to the side while he helped slide your tank-top up over your head. He kissed your collarbones, whispering sweet little praises into your skin. "You're gorgeous, you know that?"
He rested a hand under your back, steadying you as his tongue flickered across your chest. He took his time, making sure to give each nipple the same amount of attention, still humming things like, "the prettiest girl I've ever seen" while his hand traced over your hip.
He tugged at the waistline of your shorts, looking up at you through his lashes as he began to leave featherlight kisses along the inside of your thigh, his blood racing at the sounds you were suddenly making.
"Does that feel good, baby?"
You whimpered out a broken "yes", practically dripping when his fingers spread you apart. He watched you writhe beneath him, drawing slow but firm circles around you. Trying not to lose himself to the way your legs were already shaking for him.
"Yuuji," you whined. "I -" his mouth was ghosting your center, his fingers still playing with your clit while he held you in place. "I n - need you." your voice was heady, lost somewhere in the clouds the faster he went. "I wanna f - feel you, so bad."
"Yeah?" He smiled, his breath still fanning across your core as his digits prodded carefully at your entrance. He groaned at how beautifully your walls swallowed him. "I wanna feel you too."
Your head lulled back, eyes pointed at the sky while your hand tangled into his pink hair. His mouth was warm and heavenly, his tongue running uppp and dowwnnn your center, saliva mixing with slick while his fingers plunged into you.
"Oh, fuck."
He only went deeper the louder you got, flattening his tongue against you with just the right pressure to keep you saying his name. His ring and middle finger hitting spots you'd never been able to reach yourself. You were clenching around him, your thighs locking around his head as you rocked against his tongue.
"Yuuji - you're gonna make me -" he thought it was adorable the way you struggled to get more than two words out at a time. "Fuck, I -"
"Mhmm, just like that."
He was in the same daze you were, sliding in and out of you feverishly until he finally felt the blissful release of your walls spasming around him. Your body suddenly unable to hold it in any longer as you gave him the privilege of really tasing you.
"Oh my god," he moaned, faithfully lapping up every bit of you he could get, only pulling away when you started begging for him.
"Yuuji -" It was needy and light-headed. "Come here, come here. Please."
The way he lifted his head up, smiling at you with your cum dripping down his chin made something inside you ache.
You pulled him towards you, desperately wrapping your legs around his waist as he began undoing the buttons on his pants. He kissed you, again and again and again, using it as a pleasant distraction while he wriggled himself free.
He took a breath, both of you watching in blitzed out awe as he lined himself up with you. "I love you." he whispered, your eyes widening from the blend of his words and the feeling of his tip slowly entering you. "Always have."
His hair brushed against your forehead as he parted your lips with his tongue, your nails digging into his neck with his first full thrust. You were so tight and warm around him.
He tried to ease into you, encouraging you while also making sure you were comfortable. His voice sweet as honey as he asked you things like, "Is that okay, baby?" and "Aw, you like when I go deep like that, huh?"
Your gaze locked with his, your eyebrows knitting together the faster his rhythm became.
You'd thought about this moment before. Thought about what it might feel like, but nothing could've prepared you for the way your heart would race at the sound of him moaning, "You're doing so good for me." The way he'd hold you, looking back at you with stars in his eyes as he filled every inch of you.
"Yuuji -"
"Let it out, baby. S'okay." He whispered, his hand reaching for yours. "I've got you."
Your vision was blurred by the feeling of his tip meeting your cervix, warm summer air brushing against your skin as you reached your breaking point.
"I love you." The words left your mouth so fast you barely had time to register them, but then... they wouldn't stop. It was the only phrase you remembered how to say. The only emotion you remembered how to feel. "I love you." you whimpered again, feeling yourself tighten around him as your confession became more frantic. "Oh - mygod, Yuuji. I love you. I love you. I love - you."
His movements were suddenly beyond his control, his body completely succumbing to the grip of yours. "Fuck, baby - I -" He didn't know if he should pull out. Didn't know if he could pull out. His head was everywhere, his mouth dropping open the longer he watched you.
Your legs locked around him in heady reassurance. "Mm'mm, d - don't stop." You panted. "Cum with me."
It was a sentence he'd only ever thought he'd be lucky enough to hear you say in his dreams.
His hips stilled after one more thrust, your walls holding him tight as he began to twitch inside you. His forehead pressed against yours, his arms struggling to keep him propped up.
You exchanged the same exhausted smirk, leaning up to kiss him while he carefully pulled out of you. A blend of fluids spilling out onto the grass beneath you as he laid by your side with his forearm over his face, trying to regain his composure.
There was a calm silence that settled between you, the both of you looking up at the stars before you rolled over to reach for your shorts, letting him catch his breath while you dug something out of the back pocket.
"Here." You said, unraveling a tangled pair of headphones and handing him one.
His eyes widened with the same curiosity they had 7 years ago as he held it to his ear, your head resting on his chest while a song he knew all too well flowed through the small speakers connecting you. A smile splitting across his face as he held you closer.
"You know, I think you were right." he exhaled, running light fingertips along your arm. "Everything did have to fall apart before it got better."
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉.. a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
2.2k words
introduction 1 3 4 5 6 7
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matthew sturniolo,
woke up the following morning in a frenzy. being one of four boys, his mom implemented a strict morning routine when the triplets started kindergarten, that they have been following right up until now, their senior year of high school. this morning however, matt was awoken about five minutes before he had to leave to the sound of chris and nick’s yelling to hurry his ass up. matt scrambled to pick out whatever clothes he could find, a pair of grey nike sweats and a fuzzy brown hoodie, and hurried downstairs to brush his teeth at record breaking speed before he was out the door heading the the mini van.
as he was throwing his and his brothers hockey bags into the trunk, he caught a glimpse of addilyn leaving her house and starting to walk down the block to the bus stop. as if his thoughts were being read, chris out loud wondered “what senior is still taking the bus?”
before matt could even open his mouth to make a rude comment, nick was already calling her over to offer a ride.
“dude what the fuck,” matt muttered under his breath to nick as addilyn approached the van, “i don’t wanna drive her.”
addilyn’s appearance totally switched from what she was wearing when matt saw her last night. her slim fitting dress was swapped out for a pair of mom jeans and an oversized sweater, her curly brown hair held back by a clip. “are you sure?” she breathed, looking at nick, “i’m okay with taking the bus, really.”
“we don’t mind at all, do we matt?” nick smiled through gritted teeth, nudging his brother in the arm.
“we don’t have time to mind,” chris interrupted them, climbing into the passenger seat, “we’re gonna be late.”
matt huffed, telling addilyn she could sit in the back seat with nick. he quickly plugged his phone into the aux cord, playing circles by mac miller as he backed out of the driveway and made his way to school.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
it was only fourth period, and matt was already pissed off. the start to his day had been thrown off by waking up so late, and addilyn richardson being in his van this morning did not help one bit. he wasn’t sure what it was about that girl that bothered him so much. maybe it was the way she shut out the world by indulging herself in a book or in a drawing she was working on. or maybe it was the way her curls would stick up and fly away from the rest of her hair sometimes making her look like a mad scientist. or maybe it was the way she was the only girl who didn’t pay one ounce of attention to him. being the school’s best hockey player alongside his two other triplet brothers definitely made matt one of the most popular guys in school. he never had any trouble when it came to girls, because all of them already wanted him. except addilyn.
get yourself together man, she’s weird matt thought to himself as he entered his physics class, sitting next to his best friend nate. as he plopped his backpack down beside his friend, matt looked up at the white board and read in all big letters:
matt and nate grinned at each other, beginning making plans to pair up. the bell rang, and the teacher began to lecture. matt pulled out his notebook, already struggling to follow along with his teacher’s presentation. he had never been a straight a student, but he needed to keep his grades decent to stay on all his teams. however, physics was bringing his overall average down, and he needed to do well on this project to be able to start in his upcoming hockey games.
as the class made its way to an end and the students began to pack up, the teacher started to explain the project. “it’s quite simple really,” he began as he was erasing his notes from the board, “you and a partner will pick your own type of demonstration to show how kinetic energy is used in everyday objects.”
“this project will be worth a quarter of this semester’s overall grade, for both you and your partner, so it is crucial you all do well on this.” he explained, looking directly at matt. “before i let you all leave, i will be assigning your partners.” the entire class groaned.
he pulled out his class roster and began reading off names paired together.
“alexa and william… michelle and quincy… peter and xaiver… isabelle and ryan…”
please let me be with nate, matt thought. please let me be with nate. please let me be with nate.
“matthew and addilyn… louise and theresa… nathan and catie…”
no fucking way. of course addilyn was matt’s partner. he didn’t even know she was in his class. he looked around, annoyance written all over his face and he locked eyes with the curly headed girl sitting in the back of the room. she didn’t look too pleased either.
“this is an out of class project, so i suggest you start working on this asap.” the teacher announced just as the bell was ringing.
matt headed straight for the door when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. “what?” he snapped, looking down at the girl who tapped him.
“sorry,” addilyn said in a hushed voice, “its just- do you want to work on the project after school? we can go to my house, or i can come to yours or-”
“yeah, thats fine.” matt cut her off, walking out of the classroom, trying to shake her and walk with nate.
“which one?” she called out to him, her voice barely above a whisper.
“my house, but don’t expect anymore free rides from me. take the bus home.” matt told her angrily. she simply nodded and let him walk away from her, watching as he laughed with his friends in the hallway.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
it was currently 3:30p.m., and matt was sitting at his kitchen table waiting for addilyn to come over. he had his laptop and textbook open, with messily written notes scattered all across the table. he found out later on in the school day that if he failed physics this semester, not only would be not be starting in his games, he would be benched for the rest of his hockey season. so to say he was stressed about this project was an understatement. he was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a tiny knock at the door, yelling for one of his brothers let addilyn in.
she wasn’t too excited about this project either, to be quite frank. but not for the same reasons as matt. addilyn simply hated working with others. she felt her quiet and introverted nature caused her to not work well when came to partner projects, so she typically opted to do these assignments alone. she even tried emailing her physics teacher after class, begging for him to let her work alone. he insisted that this was a two-person project for a reason, and told addilyn to stick it out. so here she was, at 3:30 on a monday, in matt sturniolo’s kitchen.
addilyn wasn’t sure why matt didn’t like her very much, but she wasn’t exactly is number one fan either. all the girls in the school loved matt. star hockey player, good looking, what wasn’t there to like about him? addilyn never looked at people surface level, though. she was a hardcore people watcher, mainly due to the fact she was almost always alone. she saw right through matt’s act and knew he was mean. she wasn’t sure how on earth he was related to nick and chris. they had only started talking a day ago, and she was greeted with smiles and waves every time she passed one of them that day. nick had even gone as far as switching his seat in art to sit next to addilyn. “i never liked sitting by the window, he had told her, “it’s always too drafty.”
addilyn quietly put her belongings down at the chair opposite from matts things, trying her best to be careful and not do anything to piss off matt even more. she was already on edge having to work one on one with him in his own house. matt didn’t even bother to look up at her. he mumbled a small “hi” as be started to type away on his laptop. addilyn pulled her belongings out, a stark contrast to matt’s. her notes were all written perfectly, with all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted, in a small cursive font that looked identical to if it were typed. matt took slight note of this.
“how do you write so neatly?” he genuinely asked, then realized he sounded nice, following up with “you probably so much free time on your hands because you have no friends” after addilyn told him quietly she re-writes her notes during lunch.
addilyn simply rolled her eyes. “i came here to work on the project, matt, not to take shit from you.”
“besides,” she started “we both get the same grade on this, and i am not letting you fuck up my gpa just because you want to be a dick to me.”
“it’s not like i can afford a bad grade on this either, sweetheart.” matt shot back at her.
sweetheart. why did her stomach suddenly feel weird?
stop it addy, she told herself, it’s matt, for crying out loud.
addilyn scoffed and began to look through her notes. “what were you thinking we do the project about?”
“i was hoping you could just do all the work.” matt had replied, blunt and matter-of-factly.
“what?” addilyn said in shock, dumfounded.
“what do you mean, what?, i don’t know shit about physics, you do. plus, i know you hate to work on these kinds of things with other people, so why don’t you do it alone?” matt told her.
she was in shock. had he really noticed i always work alone? she thought.
stop addy. he knows you work alone because you’re always doing things alone. it isn’t rocket science to connect the two.
before she could open her mouth to reply, chris came downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a pepsi from the fridge. a smile grew on addilyn’s face as she said hi to him.
“no way, you and addy got paired together for this project?” chris gawked at matt, looking between him and addilyn.
“you’re so lucky, dude,” he continued, taking a swig of the soda, “justin told me he did this project when he was a senior, and everyone did so bad. thank god your partner is like, one of the top ten students in our class, or your senior season would have been shot.”
matt simply looked at chris. he was right, this shit was hard. he looked between the paper and addilyn a few times, before asking “where do we start?”
‎*₊˚ 𓂃✧
addilyn and matt ended up working until about 7:30 that night. his mom even insisted she stayed for dinner too.
“really sweetie, i don’t mind. i’m already feeding four kid’s, what’s one more?” she laughed.
“yeah addy, stay with us for dinner, please?” nick somewhat whined, dragging out the “e” sound.
addilyn gave in, and joined the sturniolo’s for dinner the second day in a row. like the previous night, dinner was filled with chatter from nick and chris, and radio silence coming from matt’s end. instead of giving her mean looks like he did at the previous dinner they shared, he just started at his plate the whole night and picked at his food.
“sorry about matt again,” chris apologized as he and nick began walking addilyn back next door to her house, “i don’t know whats been up with him lately.”
“it’s fine, really.” addilyn said. people being mean to her, or making rude remarks, was not out of the ordinary for her. she heard small whispers in passing everywhere she went. she was just used to it. “i’m glad you and nick are nice at least.”
chris just smiled at her and nick gave her a quick side hug. “we’re glad you’re nice, too, addy.”
the trio got to the front door, and addilyn gave them a small wave goodnight before she turned on her heel to walk into her home and upstairs. the boys walked back over to their house, noticing matt had already gone upstairs and disappeared to his room. he was sat at his desk, writing in his journal, when he noticed the light in the window across from his turned on. he saw addilyn set her book bag down, and sit at her mirror undoing her hair. he couldn’t help but to think how pretty she looked.
she’s weird, matt, he reminded himself, and you don’t even like her.
he sighed, closing his journal, and getting up to pull his blinds down to try to clear his head from the girl. out of sight out of mind. he saw her give a small smile, and he returned it by giving her a death stare, yanking the blinds down.
he got into bed, tossing and turning all night about this project with addilyn. he didn’t want to work on it with her, let alone even be nice to her, but he had to for chris and nick’s sake. they only started talking to her yesterday for god’s sake, and were already acting like they’ve been best friends since birth. matt knew these next two weeks of working on the project with addilyn everyday were going to be long.
𝐚/𝐧: oooo part 2! i hope u all enjoy! i'm writing a lot but part three won't get posted this weekend because i'll be out of state. but i appreciate all the love part one got and i hope u guys r just as excited to read this as i am to write it!!! lmk if any of u guys wanna be on on taglist too <333
© mattscoquette
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia
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braxlrose · 1 year
HII ! CAN I REQUEST A LOT (like A LOT) OF BILL SFW AND NSFW HEADCANNONS PLS 🙏🙏 the brain rot is hitting hard. THANK U
this is not proofread btw BUT ANYWAYS
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Bill is a sucker for you
When you two first met in 2003 when you moved to Magdeberg, he fell in love so quickly
He believes in love at first sight and in destiny and soulmates
He truly believes you two are meant for eachother
Now even though he does believe in that, it takes him a while to want to be bf and gf
When he found out you played an instrument, he fell EVEN harder
After a few days of pining for you and constantly talking to tom about you, he sits down next to you in class
He starts chatting with you a bunch and ends up finding out so much about you
When he told you he was in a band you were so intrigued
You always wanted to start your own band but never met the right people
He invited you to come to one of their concerts and you had such a fun time
You thought he looked so cute (and cool!!) when he was wearing his plaid skirt in front of everybody
You two got closer and you even met Gustav, Georg and Tom
Tom was totally skeptical of you at first
He thought that you were using him for your own gain or just pretending to be his friend to embarress him.
A lot of people had bullied Bill and he just wanted to make sure you weren't one of them
But he got less skeptical as you and Bill grew closer and actually came to liking you
On your first date with Bill, he came to your house and even brought you flowers
He's just cute like that
Your dad thought he was gonna be some perverted little teenage boy (he is but not in the gross bad way) so when he came to your house with a cute smile on his face and flowers in his hands he was surprised to say the least
He brought you two to a drive in movie theater and you guys sat in the back of his step-dads truck.
He brought a blanket for you two and his mom gave him some money so he could get you guys popcorn, soda and candy
You two watched Labyrinth
And he later found out you also shared his joy for David Bowie
After that you two were officially bf and gf
You would sit at lunch with him and the band
And come to his house
His mom LOVED you
You two would also make out up in his room
Tom would always interrupt you guys 😒
You were there at the site when the band was filming 'Monsun' and were so in love with him
He looked amazing and felt so happy and less stressed because you were there
When the musikvideo came out, TONS of girls became obsessed with him
Which made you a bit insecure and jealous, but Bill always reassured you, he only wanted you and no one else
When they went on a tour in the summer, after weeks of asking your mom she finally agreed to let you go with them.
You went on the tour bus with them, which they were all happy to have you
They loved you and thought you were the perfect match for bill
You two would cuddle while sleeping and he would always hold your waist
In the mornings, you'd sit on his lap and do his makeup for him
Which he definitely enjoys, yk having a pretty girl on his lap
He just sits there and smiles up at you since your faces are like 2 inches away from eachother
You obviously get free tickets for the gigs and love watching them
Bill loves hearing you scream out their songs and is super happy whenever he's finished a song and sees you smiling and waving at him
After a show, you always run back stage and give him a big kiss which lasts forever
When you guys go to parties you two are either standing by the food table drinking spiked punch
On one of the couches making out
Or dancing together
If you're standing by the food table, he has you standing in front of him and has his arms wrapped around you waist
If you get tired, he'll turn you around and have you lay against his chest with one of his hands rubbing your back and the other playing with your hair
If you two on are one of the couches making out, he has his hands tightly on your hips and your hands on in his hair, if it's more of a heated make out
If you two are just mindlessly making out, soft and slow. He has you sitting sideways on his lap and has his hand caressing your hair. No tongue, just soft sweet kisses
If you two are dancing together, like I've said A MILLIONS TIMES.
hands. on. your. waist.
He loves having his head buried in your neck and swaying your hips side to side.
He loves the closeness
Once you guys get home from a party you are tired out
You go up to yours and bills hotel room and you two practically pass out
But first you change out of your closes
It really depends on how drunk you two are
All of those 3 scenarios are a result of drinking
If you were standing by the food table, you were drinking which either led to dancing or making out.
And the making out led to dancing
And the dancing led to making out
But anyways
No matter how drunk bill is, he's always holding you close
In bed there are many positions
You two spoon or lay face to face
And sometimes one of you lays on top of the other
When you two are totally plastered, you are spooning, if it's in between, one of you two are laying on the other, if you're only tipsy you two are laying face to face and giggling half the night
As I've said before
You're his everything and he tells you that
The first time you two had sex, he was so sweet
It started out as just a simple night and he was braiding your hair and you two ended up kissing
Which led to sex
He was so soft with you
Asking you if everything was okay
Making sure to go slow at first
Kissing you everywhere
And he always made sure you weren't uncomfortable
And he wiped you down afterwards
And you two cuddled away again
In 2008, when bill lost his voice, he was so scared
But thank God you were there
You held him every second and kissed his tears away
When he couldn't talk for 2 weeks, you babied the fuck outta him
But not in a bad way
Just getting him food, and giving him bathes and stuff like that
Which he enjoyed bc he knows how much you care for him
And you were literally jumping for joy when you heard his voice again
In 2011 you and bill got married
It was so beautiful, there were flowers everywhere and everything was absolutely perfect
You were so lucky to be with bill and he was so lucky to have you. You two were the perfect match for eachother and Georg, Gustav and Tom were so happy to finally see you guys get married
They all had bets on when it would finally happen
As a husband, Bill is the absolute sweetest
I mean, as a boyfriend he was sweet too but oh my god
Husband bill is everything
He rubs your back, feet, shoulders, head, legs WHATEVER YOU WANT HE WILL DO
Showers with him are so fantastic too
Shower sex is even better 😏😘
But besides that, he makes sure to get your soap all lathered up and make you squeaky clean
They're so cute
Even if it's something stupid, he's so happy to get matching tattoos
He also got matching tattoos with you back in the 2000s but I forgot to say that
You two have movie nights all the time
Labyrinth, the princess bride, Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, the Neverending story.
yall love 80s and 90s American movies
you two celebrate the cutest anniversaries
First date obviously
Bro somehow remembers the exact day you two met 💀???
You two have a bunch of firsts and he loves to celebrate them
He's a romantic
A big romantic
Especially for his darling schazi
Schatz, schatzi, liebling, maus, etc.
He wants to grow old with you and be with you forever
He's never ever thought of being with someone else and never will
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