#I was super busy rip
vonkarma2 · 2 years
👪 family, 💥 collision, 👑 crown, 🌌 milky way with rocio?
what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
This will contain information about Rocio’s overly edgy and arbitrarily miserable backstory  cause I can’t really talk abt her family without talking abt that at least briefly so :P
When growing up, Rocio lived with her two parents in a remote location. (I’m not sure what they did for a job yet :P but they lived in a very rural area mostly apart from other people, it was on the edge of the woods and I think near some mountains). Her mother strongly preferred to live alone, as, like Rocio, she was easily overwhelmed by being around other people and greatly calmed by nature. Rocio’s dad (these people don’t have names I’m sorry I should come up with some) liked both nature and being with people, so living out in the woods was peaceful, but he did really miss his family (Rocio’s mom’s was like. Pretty shitty). They would visit occasionally but although he did love his family and being out in nature he would miss people he knew and being in like bustling city or whatever he’d feel lonely pretty often. Additionally to this, Rocio’s mom’s mental and physical health would sometimes fail, she would sometimes have feelings of intense anxiety and paranoia + was sensitive to like minor diseases, so she’d sometimes end up bedridden with Rocio and her dad taking care of her + all the work and chores and et cetera. The parents both wanted to have more children, but she probably like couldn’t have handled it physically, so they never did. Her dad also had a bit of a hard time adjusting to how shy Rocio could be and how she would very rarely talk, but eventually he became like fine with it, ofc he loved her a lot.
All that being said, they did all get along very well despite their difficulties. Very loving family very beautiful. Her mom admired how outgoing and kindhearted her husband was, he thought she was really smart and funny as well, and ofc they both loved their child cared for her were proud of her etc etc. They thought it was funny that she was like really serious as a kid.
Unfortunately there’s no nice way to say this both of Rocio’s parents fucking die :( when they were like 10-12 I think. But in the present day the story takes place in, they aren’t totally sure that’s what happened even though that’s what they suspect, they’re afraid to find out the truth. Basically what happened was once the Suns were like ok let’s use her for our evil plan they not only cursed her, but also killed her parents and then possessed them so as to monitor Rocio and also make sure she didn’t have anyone to turn to etc etc it was very sad whatever. So I guess I would say when they think of their family they feel 1) scared 2) regretful 3) sad. 
They do have an extended family on their dad’s side, but they haven’t actually contacted them at all because they’re afraid of finding out the truth of what happened to their parents (they’re kind of holding out hope they’re still alive while also hoping they’re dead, overall they just really don’t want to know), and also just bc it would make them feel uncomfortable in general. They’re hoping they don’t get recognized in like the newspaper (she last saw any of these people when she was like 9). Some of them live in Zeolan but some also live abroad. I’m not gna say what country because I haven’t come up with a good name for it yet :P
Originally, like in terms of development, Rocio was going to have a younger brother, but then I realized that with her backstory the implications would be kind of horrific. Like, that kid would be DEAD. So I retconned him out of existence as a mercy and she is an only child. It makes more sense anyway, since isolation is a core part of her character, and I think her being an only child would make her more likely to be targeted as a candidate for this type of thing in the first place, in addition to living in the middle of nowhere. That being said, I do miss it, because it would be nice to show her having unconditional affection and support towards someone, since all her other relationships are either the other person being nice to her and her feeling guilty about it, or both people being mean to each other. She should get a hamster to take care of or something.
what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
It’s cliche to say all of them. But all of them. Well, that’s actually not really fair to say. It’s not that they’re unable to deal with a lot of them, it’s more so that the way they deal with emotions is skewed. When uncomfortable, they tend to either press through it for as long as possible to like practice building up their force of will (which is very important for a wizard. Rocio hates eye contact with a passion and yet is undefeated in staring contests) or avoid the situation entirely like just fucking leave. They tend to repress all their emotions as much as they possibly can. If something’s upsetting them they will try to ignore it ever happened/is happening. So it’s not a very good way to deal with negative emotion bc it means the problem never gets addressed, she just channels the frustration or discomfort or regret or whatever else into more motivation for achieving her goal. 
Positive emotions are even worse bc she can’t do that with them. She just has to experience them it’s terrible. Being happy or liking someone makes her miserable. What she does do sometimes is try to channel that into acts of service type things like helping them out in some unemotional way looking like this the whole time 😐 so they can pretend they don’t care. But usually she just is a little freaked out by it. Luckily she doesn’t experience positive emotions very often <3 you know when you’re super hungry and you have a mild headache and everything irritates you that’s how Rocio feels on like an amazing day. 
what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Not as a person but as a concept. I think they actually do want to be remembered. Well, not that exactly, but they want to make an impact on the world that will last long into the future. They DEFINITELY don’t want to be remembered personally like through stories from people who knew them, if anything they’d actively dislike any sort of like remembrance of their personality at all. I think they’d rather be remembered as a almost religious icon than a historical figure if that makes sense. If that sounds insane and very hubristic it’s because it is and they are. But yeah they’d like to inspire future generations of magic users to do like insane things + try to fully explore its possibilities. 
They definitely don’t want to be remembered by their real name as opposed to their title, they’d strongly prefer that to be lost to time.
what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Ive said before that when first coming up with them, they were supposed to be a foil/competition to Cirillo so I guess I’d say that was the inspiration, like they were kind of the positive of him being more mean and ambitious and powerful etc etc.
Genuinely unironically a lot of the like current/fully realized character (like. After they started having a motivation) was inspired by this meme
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(But later on of course both they and the narrative changed a lot. I thought of her being like the main character bc I was like ok if Cirillo is so nice he probably wouldn’t start a con like this on his own so I switched it to him and Rocio working together, + then since I thought of her as a more dramatic character I made her the main character instead. I actually kind of disagree with this decision now I think for what the premise was at the time pitting them against each other was more fun and gave him more agency.)
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martin-tma-liker · 2 years
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Martin sometime before season 4
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Martim monday again, mis amores.
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ilhoonftw · 1 year
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 days
If I don’t have this current wip posted by tomorrow someone kick my ass
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cellgatinbo · 9 months
i'm still just like rocking back and forth excited about quarantine, like i got really into dnd last year with jrwi and though i haven't seen much of ordem i'm REALLY interested (hell i bought merch even before finishing the first season) so this with other creators ive gotten into recently is. really fucking cool i'm. the only way i can express myself is just >:DDDDDDDD
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pybun · 2 years
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🃏 Try your luck~ 🃏
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un-pearable · 1 year
i love the way you draw sonic characters omg
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i’m honored, thank you so much!!!! i also like the way i draw sonic characters :]
i have drawn surge before, but it’s been a long time (plus she’s a ton of fun) so it would be my pleasure!! infinite thanks to @hishighnesstheprincess for the panels to redraw, now i’m off to get caught up on the actual comic
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kiealer · 5 months
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i'm moving in a month--!! just under a month. and i have a week and a half more of work before I officially quit. but even after I quit, I have things to do like. packing. and also P3 Reload comes out next week and I guarantee no one will see or hear from me for at least a week.
i am still here! i'm in the final stretch!!! just..... a little more.....
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crovoroh · 2 years
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Have a little faith, boys! You'll be eating mangos in tahiti soon enough!!
Harringrove week day 4, prompt cowboys, im a day late for this one and i didnt finish the other two lol and im not gonna 🥴 i might do one more drawing for this event tho!
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zaideaben · 2 years
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my piece for the rare-pair danganronpa zine over at @rare-delights-zine! ♡
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airenyah · 5 months
wait idk anything about sea, does he actually know how to play the piano or did he learn to play the song just for that product placement??
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 7 months
please I need hivemind Flower content I remembered randomly going through all your hivemind Flower posts before I had an account a couple months ago you don't get it this is my lifeline I need hivemind Flower I need the hivemind to take over the world and then just have Flower society with Flower president and Flower cashiers and Flower pilots and Flower jerma985
glad u like the au hehe :3 if you've already seen everything i'm sure the thing ill be posting in a few min wont offer much new stuff but that's one thing i can give rn, aside from this shitty doodle:
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ragingbullmode · 7 months
sorryyyyy just venting about something thats been on the brain since yesterday 🧍
man i cant stop thinking about how my lunch hour was wasted yesterday picking up my friends weed when 1) no one told me anything despite me demanding what we were doing 2) my friend clocked me out & pulled me out of the store with an iron grip on my wrist 3) they didnt take me seriously when i told them i was beyond pissed they didnt bother to inform me bc i was under the impression we were picking up food & i had to eat shitty gas station taquitos 4) i was in the middle of fixing the fucked up meat section when they rushed me out like. they apologized & i accepted bc it was genuinely sincere but the autism is still fuming yknow lmfao
like everything was just out of my control bc if i took control back it wouldnt have been good since me masking was completely out the window but im glad i at least like. didnt have a meltdown esp since there was no point to me coming along 😭 i was looking forward to a chill quiet lunch too i brought my switch & was planning to go to my favorite matcha cafe 🧍
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magpie-rogue · 8 months
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I cannot draw dogs to save my damn life, but I attempted to draw my and my friends twins we'll be playing for a Halloween oneshot this month!
oc: Sun [she/her] (belongs to my friend) oc: Moon [he/they/ze]
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gayalienwilde · 7 months
Thinking about how we don't get an "I love you" from Brian to Curt or viceversa ever in the movie, and wondering, who said it first if they said it all. In the doll scene the young girl saying "You don't have to say it mate" as Curt genuinely gets to me, it's so bittersweet and it fits their relationship perfectly.
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