#I wasn't really sure what to write to lololol
stave-writes · 5 months
Omg plz write the nsfw Laios blurb
Laios Touden x Overstimulated!GN!Reader (NSFW ver.)
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A/N: Oh my god I was so nervous writing this I'm literally So Shy about writing smut. Sorry this took like 2 days I had to listen to video essays while writing this to survive lololol
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Summary: First time with Laios goes a bit haywire, in a good way.
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Laios wasn't exactly some pure, virginal man despite what a lot of people seemed to think. Sure, he hadn't directly had sex, but he knew a lot about it. Things like shibari, or even teratophilia were always interesting to him, the science behind why people enjoyed such kinks.
So when he finally mustered up the courage to ask if you'd be willing to sleep with him, you had to lay down the ground rules. Just for the first time, you'd be vanilla. No kinks, no roughness, just getting used to eachothers bodies. The date was set, and Laios couldn't lie...he was excited.
You'd had a nice dinner before the kisses began, peppered across your face, trailing down your throat where your heart raced. Laios's strong hands gripped your hips, thumbs circling the flesh as his mouth moved down along your collarbones, leaving red little hickeys along the sensitive skin. The feeling of mouth upon skin, the needy kisses against flesh, there was a desire more pronounced than you could resist him for.
A careful sway led you towards the bed, pushed carefully down into the sheets as Laios smiled down at you,
"Are you okay with this?" His voice was soft, despite the heated lust visible in his eyes. At your consent, those hands that embraced you began to work your clothes away from you, ending up discarded on the floor alongside his. More kisses dotted your skin as he worked his way down, bites and hickeys dotted like stars on your sensitive flesh, reaching the border of your underwear and looking to you for consent once again to slide them away.
It was a lewd feeling as he slipped them down your legs, discarding them aside with an almost shy smile. Kissing the insides of your thighs, feeling a twitch as your sensitive flesh was sent shuddering with his affection, Laios let a deep chuckle radiate against your skin. His face despite being aflame with blush, found its way against your crotch. A long stripe was licked along your sensitive area, sending a shiver up your spine, a noise unable to be restrained as he continued lapping at you. You had to give it to him, he was good with his tongue. Long, provocative licks against your needy flesh kept riling you up, one of his hands aiding his mouth in pleasuring you. He kept going, and chuckling at your reactions until you were rising to your limit, pawing at him to slow down. As he'd been lapping at you, Laios had a hand on himself working away, now lost in the pleasure as he sent you to the brink of orgasm.
You came, hard. Even as you came down, Laios didn't stop, pushing you further than you could handle. A cry racked you as you pushed at his head to get him to back off, Laios pulling off with a confused expression until he saw your face.
It was a second before you could speak, still catching your breath before carefully telling Laios he'd pushed you too far, causing a frown to settle on his face.
"Oh- I'm...sorry. I didn't realise. Are you okay?" Laios moved carefully to your side, hugging you to his side while you wound down, feeling the embrace of his warm flesh.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-" He began again, being shushed by you, cuddling into his arms. Instead of another response, Laios held you tenderly, closing his eyes with a smile as he kissed your head carefully.
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part one
part two: if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her
Eddie had felt completely numb after leaving Steve's apartment. He wasn't really interested in doing anything with his band even though they definitely owed the studio a new album but Eddie wasn't feeling inspired after the abrupt departure of his most recent muse.
He didn't want to be that guy who wrote songs about his exes or aired dirty laundry in public through cryptic lyrics. It worked for other people but his band's vibe was a lot more fantasy and concept albumy and he couldn't quite find the energy to allegorize his current heartbreak. This is where the reality of the music industry really sucked because at some point their label didn't give a shit about Eddie's need to wallow and his manager could only negotiate so many extensions.
Thankfully, all previous qualms he had with writing about his ex and their breakup ended when he saw another fucking TMZ headline about Steve leaving a club with another model. This had to be the thirtieth person Steve had been tied to since their breakup. Eddie's best guess was that his pact with Robin to be each other's whatever to get the media off their back had ended.
Lyrics started flowing out of Eddie as he swiped out of twitter and into his notes app.
Your new girl is my clone And did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights At least I had the decency To keep my nights out of sight Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs And my whispered sighs
Eddie knew it was probably a low blow to flaunt his escapades after he'd worked pretty hard to keep them under wraps. He didn't need the world to know he had pity sex with some random guy he picked up because he really got Eddie's last album. Eddie fucking hated how pretentious some fans were about his lyrics. Like sometimes a sword is just a sword, bestie. Anyways, an NDA and really shitty coffee later, Eddie pretended that mistake hadn't happened but was petty enough to make it clear to Steve that he wasn't the only one finding solace in someone else's bed.
He put together a rough melody on his acoustic and sent it over to his band to see what they thought. He wasn't sure if they'd be into it but it was fucking therapeutic to get the feelings out of his body that were festering there. Gareth was over the moon because he had been anti-Steve from the beginning and was super on board with some pretty boy actor directed snark. Ronnie, Jeff, and Freak were a little harder to bring around as they felt like they should at least sort of protect their darker brand but once Freak laid down a pretty sick base and Ronnie added some haunting piano it was undeniably a Corroded Coffin song. They packaged up a rough draft and sent it over to their producer to work his magic. Before Eddie knew it the song was approved for a sound on TikTok and Eddie and the band were thinking of video ideas to promote the single which would apparently be ready for streaming in the next month. Eddie wasn't quite ready to concede an entire angsty breakup album but it did at least feel good to get a start on producing what the studio was looking for.
Eddie sat back and scrolled through the sound on TikTok and thought about Steve's reaction to the sound or the single a perfectly healthy amount, thank you very much.
@lololol-1234 (it's not quite fixed yet but i hope you don't mind the tag)
part three
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voidedaurora · 2 months
she deleted the video of them dancing lololol
(TW: SA,Coercion sexual Talk)
I wish people would understand that even if it is “innocent” it’s still weird af to be doing that. Like put it into perspective. Let’s look at this example:
you find out your 15 yr old daughter is sleeping on an online visual open world game for hours with an 18 year old man.
Would you let your 15 yr old kid/sibling be “cuddled up” beside some 18 year old they met on the internet????
On another note.shame on Mel for trying to make it look like y’all forced her into doing anything with her when she was the one who would inititiate the “fun time” stuff mostly. what I think is that she regretted doing it. She regretted it, and trying to hide or quell that feeling , she made it seem like it y’all were the ones constantly begging for it and kept pressuring her to do it. ( I am also confused as to why in the response her friend made it said she had no genuine enjoyment? From the screenshots you provided, she appeared to be very open and interested in it and would be the ones bringing up how she”s horny….sorry if I sound ignorant I genuinely am asking)
You're honestly making some really great points here And yea I don't doubt she could be regretting it, especially with how things turned out now, but clover and I genuinely thought she was 100% on board and did our best to make sure of that, we made her more than aware that she wasn't forced into anything at all
In terms of the PDF her friend wrote, He's actually reached out to clover and I to apologize and express his regrets for writing it in the first place, according to him it was written the way it was because mel had (and still has) nothing to prove or disprove anything, so the doc was essentially entirely written according to her opinion/feelings I'm still formulating how I feel about the apologies I've received but I do think he took enough accountability and clearly regrets it Think ab that what you will
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redpiperfox · 4 months
red it is i
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
On this lovely last Friday in May~
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🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
...I am constantly working on multiple projects at the same time lol SO I will give you five emojis for five wips I'm cycling thru!:
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Ooooooh I dunno if you want me to do this one 😅 Some friends can tell you-- my skzitzy headcanons go WILD lololol
Okay um... ah! Chan had mentioned previously how he's close to Yeji because she asks him about a lot of "leader" stuff, and Yeji mentions (and models lol) how if she isn't really good at something or has no interest in it, she's really not good at it, and she had no initial interest in the Itzy plan to be leader. So I headcanon that between Chaeryeong shouldering a lot of official leader things (canon: she would have been leader if she wasn't on the maknae end, and she's been the first to go do solo PR for the group), Chan has literally given Yeji a Do What I Do policy, and Yeji has done that (there's a lot of little ways in which she relates to fans and tries to approach things that are very Chan-like, and I say that because Chan does things in a very atypical way to kpop XD)
....I'll stop with that one haha
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Only three!!!!!
1. I have gotten time to write and paint post graduation!
2. I have a scheduled date for license exam and have been able to study pretty diligently, which is unexpected bc I really thought it would be harder post graduating to get back into the books haha
3. All the animals outside our house have been so funny haha they're endless amusement to me, they're absolutely sitcom material lol
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
.... I shoudn't answer-- OKAY WELL the LEAST weird thing is when I watched coleydoesthings' mini research vid on a/b/o history and stuff? Only... I don't really usually write a/b/o... 😅
I've looked up the usual-- murdee things, random chemical irregularities, space physics, kpop idol bdays to make sure I'm keeping everyone in approximate age-order, kpop names bc I only know them by stage name, niche interviews, drowning scenes, torture scenes.. I have a couple of my fav angsty movie clips and/or kpop moments that'll get me in a very niche mood I sometimes need to write? Idk if that counts XD
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
EMBRACE IT! And try to see what it's there for? Sometimes, it's a period of consuming media, and doing "fic research" in enjoying storytelling styles and methods you wouldn't have considered in your muse-inspired hazes. Sometimes, it's a good handbrake your brain has to keep from being burnt out by your hobby! But sometimes, if it is a thing that really isn't being shaken off and you'd like it to be-- challenge yourself. Write even when it's uncomfortable. Have a dump AU that's nonsensical and crude and serves only to work the muscle again. Ask other people for random tags and ideas to give your brain something new to work with. If bullet pointed ideas are all you can do, do that! Just keep writing, and somewhere the writing muscle will remember how to do it's thing, or grow into something stronger, and the muse will be working through you again 😊
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emchovy · 7 months
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Learned about the release of this book real late, (as in, this February, when I decided that I wanted to show my roommate Epithet for the first time) but thankfully that was just in time to preorder a copy of the hardcover release, which finally came.
Or well, it came yesterday, and I'm finished reading it now. It was AMAZING.
The writing style is pretty different from the stuff I normally read, but once I got in the groove, I felt like I didn't need the audiobook (which I'm definitely gonna get eventually) because I could basically hear all the characters in my head. Also, spoilers for the rest of my review. Pick up a copy. You won't regret it.
I say review. This is disconnected rambling. Also, seriously, spoilers for the whole book delivered in a random out-of-context way.
This book is definitely Molly's story more than anything, and beyond that it's a story between Molly and her sister Lorelei. Two kids with epithets, and opposite personalities. There's a really masterful job here of balancing realistic family drama with the fun, villain vs. hero hijinks.
I love a pathetic loser, and so I was immediately taken by Rick Shades, and his quest for friends, to the point I was getting bummed out when he kept getting rebuffed lololol. However, it was all earned in the end. The scene with him and Molly was <3. Also, I am glad he's gonna get a job. Of some sort.
Naven meeting Molly in the street and just agreeing to give her speech training is an incredibly cute concept.
I liked the Neo Trio a lot, but they're surprisingly not the new faves I expected them to be, though I did laugh pretty much every time at the running joke with Feenie and money.
Actually, my favorite new character was probably Lorelei. We love a girl who's making every wrong decision and also just doesn't leave the house anymore and wonders what's wrong. Also, the Martin + Lorelei relationship was also pretty intriguing. He's more supportive of Lorelei, she's got more of his traits, but Lorelei needs someone who'll help her manage better. Martin's vague support of her 'playing', as Molly puts it, is doing more harm than good. I wasn't exactly sure how to take the fact that Martin constructs Lorelei's ideas in the real world, also. Is he plagiarizing? I wouldn't read it that way, but he's also not collaborating with Lorelei, so they could build something together. A relationship that could go either collaborative or parasitic, depending.
Also, I want Lorelei to get better (and I fully believe she will) but I really liked the end. She needs some time in the real world right now, to grapple with her actions. Neven's gentle support was good. Her and Molly need time apart, so that they can be able to be together again.
Gio and Molly remain duo of all time. Every interaction they have is cute and/or funny. Two characters I could probably enjoy watching/reading about doing basically any boring task you can think of and enjoy. Painting a fence, doing laundry, vacuuming, whatever.
Giovanni's complete blindness to romance was so fuckin' funny in this book. Him and Lorelei and him and Crusher were also distinctly different levels of complete obliviousness.
Also, Crusher and Molly, right at the end <3!! Pulling out the stool for her, her getting reassured by the fact she was nervous. Augh. So sweet. I've reread that scene like 4 times. I do hope we get Molly hanging out with more of The Boys. Crusher's coming across like a pretty gentle sweetie, but I'm very curious about how she'll integrate into the larger group.
All of that to say! Good book!! Would recommend! I'm extremely excited for Sweet Escape.
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darkisrising · 5 months
suuuuusssshhhhiiiiiiiii my love! Thank you for playing with me, and per our dm conversation you settled on the sex worker bobadinluke au series for the director's commentary ask game. Which is gonna be hard since you were there when I was writing it, I'm not sure what I can come up with that you wouldn't already know/vaguely recall, but I'll give it my best shot.
Right away, I'll say that everyone that knows me has dragged me at least once about my fic titles. I'm not great at coming up with them, and usually just pick something at random. At the time I was writing this series, I had this idea of grouping fics together with some very loose theme. Which is why my dinluke stuff mostly have a mando'a words as titles, the big BDL series are all lines from songs by Frank Sinatra, and this series has titles that are all songs from the 2000s. The songs have nothing to do with the fic, except that the one line I used for the title somewhat had something to do with the fic itself. Which I know drives @bronze-lorica crazy, lololol, and I'm sure she'd not alone.
This series started off as three prompt fills. Three people requested "sex worker" from a list of AUs but asked for different ships, and I decided to make my life easier by setting them all in the same, modern world. This series got me by the throat as I was writing, and I'd post a little more, only to be like "Oh! And another thing..." over and over, until there were 37k words of it.
I knew I didn't want to tell an angsty story with this one-- I love angst but I wasn't in the mood--so instead I went with the idea that Luke's a sex worker that's doing this as a means to an end, and is very clear about when the end will be. So, instead of seeing him hit rock bottom and let that be the motivation for the sex work, it's more transitory than that. This is only a moment in his life that we're seeing, and he's very clear about that.
His sex worker style I sort of based on the persona I take on in my client-facing/customer service jobs. Upbeat and patient. "You can trust me" and "We'll get through this together" vibes. And since I like my triads where everyone is a puzzle piece that fits in together, providing something for each person that's unique and different, it synced up nicely to make Din someone with a repressed/religious fanatic background. Luke's very open and non-judgemental, not to mention competent, energy is like Valium to Din. It lets him soften and be more willing to engage in a way that he doesn't really with his bristly husband. Boba's my gruff, blue collar man and when I hit on the idea of him dealing with chronic pain from an accident at a construction site (the Sarlacc building project, he fell into the pit, natch, and then after I decided that, I couldn't stop hearing Andy Dwyer singing "pit. I fell in it, the pit. You fell in it, the pit. We all were in that pit.") it made sense that Luke was able to help him if he was training to be a physical therapist. After that, it was all a matter of teasing those three connection points in different directions to see how the three of them could provide for each other in unique ways. That's really where the plot (such as it is) came from. Writing it was a really organic, natural process, which isn't normally the case for me. But, I guess, I started off knowing the characters in this incarnation really well (and with faaaaaaar more clarity than usual) so it was mostly a matter of seeing where that would take me.
(link if anyone else wants to play)
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Such a Softer Sin (Part 23)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: This one’s on the shorter side and I’m on the fence with posting the next one right after or not. There’s only five chapters left, the last one being more of an epilogue that’s short too and I’ll be posting that one right after chapter 27. I don’t want to rush posting these last few chapters but I always feel bad when the chapters aren’t quite that long lmao 
It doesn’t help that I told myself I would start on my next Billy fic as I’m posting this one so I get a nice head start on writing it, but I haven’t written a goddamn thing since I started posting it lololol So I know when this is all over, there’s gonna be a wait until I post something else. 
You made your way down the hallway, smiling at the staff as they passed by and thankfully, only a few bowed their heads. You were hoping they were getting used to it. You’d been back a few days now and everybody had celebrated the return of their King and Queen. Billy seemed pretty much back to normal now he seemed to grasp the fact you were here with him and you were thankful for this whole ordeal to be over. With everything now in the past, there was something playing on your mind and you decided to speak to Billy about it. You pushed open the office door and walked inside, Billy glancing up from whatever he was writing to give you a warm smile. You closed the door and hovered uncertainly and it made him look back at you with a raised brow.
“What's up?” he asked curiously.
“I wanna ask you something,” you admitted and his lips twitched into an amused smile.
“I got that part… Why you so nervous?” he asked, eyes narrowed a little as you shifted on your feet. He frowned then as he tilted his head, dark eyes pinning you in place.
“You know you can tell me anything,” he murmured and you nodded, licking your lower lip nervously as you moved to sit in the chair opposite him at his desk. You really weren’t sure just how he’d react to what you were about to ask him, you knew it was a big deal and a part of you hadn’t wanted to bring it up, scared of his reaction. But the part of you that wanted this won out and now, here you were as you toyed with your hands in your lap and he watched you warily.
“It’s the full moon tonight,” you said softly, glancing at him.
“I know, everyone’s pretty excited about it,” he replied, his tone confused as to why you were bringing it up. You nodded, looking down at your hands as you willed yourself to have the courage to ask what you wanted.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” he asked, now slightly concerned by your silence. You heaved a breath, forcing yourself to meet his eyes. This was Billy, your Billy, and while what you were about to ask him was a big deal, he could always say no, it wasn’t like you’d be upset. You’d understand. 
“I want to shift at Anvil,” you started and his brows raised a little at your request. 
“And I want you to shift with me,” you added quickly, heart beating a mile a minute. His brows raised so much at that statement, they almost flew right off his head and his eyes were wide. 
“Anvil is safe, so you wouldn't need to worry about shifting there. I enjoyed spending time with your wolf last time, even if it wasn't for long. I… I really want to share this with you,” you admitted nervously. He didn't say anything, just looking at you with that deer caught in the headlights look and you kicked yourself.
“It doesn't matter, I’m sorry,” you rushed out, shaking your head with a frown. You should have known better than to ask him to shift voluntarily like that, not with how he fought so hard against it. You stood up quickly, feeling guilty for even bringing it up and feeling a little stupid as you hurried to the door to make a hasty retreat.
“I’ll do it,” his voice stopped you just as you got to the door and you whipped around to face him. He was standing at his desk now, his dark eyes warm yet shining with so much vulnerability that it made you breathless.
“You really don’t have to, not if it makes you uncomfortable,” you frowned, not wanting him to do it because he felt bad. He moved around his desk and walked over to you, cupping your cheeks as you blinked up at him. 
“It doesn't… The idea of shiftin’ together… I want that. If I was gonna shift voluntarily for the first time in a over a hundred years, I’d wanna be doin’ it with you,” he murmured and you felt your heart swell as a smile painted your lips. You knew this was a huge deal and the fact he was willing to do it made you happy. 
You both set off to Anvil before it got dark and you felt excitement clawing at you. Your last shift had been forced and given the circumstances of it, you hadn’t been able to enjoy it. The full moon used to be a very special time for you since it was the only time you’d be connected with your wolf, but even now you were reconnected, you were excited for the shift. 
“Will shifting be any different now?” you asked curiously, wondering since you were a little different after the ritual if it would change things. Force shifting was a lot quicker than a normal shift, so quick that you didn't have the chance to really take in the pain of shifting. Shifting under the full moon was usually a little slower and more painful, not like how some people thought it was where you felt each bone slowly breaking one by one, but enough to feel the shift take place instead of a quick burst like force shifting. 
“It’s kinda like a force shift but not dangerous,” he explained, looking at you warmly and you nodded, feeling yourself get even more excited. You couldn't wait to just let the wolf free properly, to really enjoy it. And you couldn't wait to share it with Billy, for your wolves to really spend time with each other in your other forms. Once you got set up in Anvil, Billy made dinner before the moon was full. He had a nervous energy about him the whole time and after you’d eaten dinner and were just sitting on the sofa together, you almost couldn’t take the anxiety you were getting from him.
“You don’t have to do this, you know? I won’t blame you if you don’t want to,” you said carefully, looking at him with worried eyes. His eyes snapped to yours, wide and focused as he rolled his shoulder. 
“I want to, it’s just been a long time,” he admitted and you heard the nerves making his voice tremble. You shifted closer to him, grasping his hand and bringing it to your lips, placing a soft kiss there that made him relax a little and give you a smile. 
“We’re safe here, it’s just you and me. You can let yourself be free and I’ll have your back,” you murmured. His smile widened as he leaned down and captured your lips in a sweet kiss. 
“I love you, you know that?” he whispered against your lips, kissing you again and you smiled into it before moving away.
“You tell me like ten times a day, I’m definitely aware,” you muttered cheekily and his mouth dropped open, mock offense all over his face and it made you laugh.
“I love you too,” you grinned impishly at him and he scoffed, shoving you lightly. 
“You’re a real asshole sometimes,” he huffed and you snorted.
“And yet you're doomed to love me for the rest of eternity,” you shot him a toothy grin, and he pulled you closer again, peppering your face with kisses that tickled you and you laughed, trying to free yourself from his grasp.
“Not doomed… blessed,” he smirked, nipping your cheek and you smiled widely.
“Such a sap,” you teased and his hand gripped your jaw, his lips crashing to yours in a kiss that left you breathless. His tongue commanded all of your attention and it felt like your brain forgot everything but Billy. When he pulled away, he had a satisfied smirk on his face by your dazed face.
“Only for you, always for you,” he grinned and you rolled your eyes playfully, a smile on your lips.
You could feel it as the moon started to become full and the pair of you stripped off naked and walked outside. You took a deep inhale of the cold and crisp air, excitement and anticipation swirling around you and you felt like you could taste the electricity in the air around you. You turned to Billy, watching as he just gazed at the moon and you grabbed his hand, pulling him closer as you leaned up to kiss him. He smiled at you when you pulled away and you could feel he was starting to get excited too. You weren't sure if it was because he was feeling how excited you were and it was affecting him or if it was the prospect of finally letting the Lycan out of his own free will, but you were happy he was more receptive of this now. You readied yourself as you started to feel it building up inside you and quicker than before, except your force shift, you turned and a large white wolf was now taking your place. You turned your golden eyes to Billy then, seeing a gigantic black wolf stood beside you. Silver hues locked on to gold for a long moment before Billy’s tail started to wag and he jumped, playfully nipping at your feet. You lunged at him, knocking him over as you both started to playfight and nip at each other. You bit his tail and he let out a startled yelp before you took off running quickly, quicker than you’ve ever moved before. Anvil wasn't as big as the castle but it was still quite big and had a lot of land inside of the grounds. You ran a circle around the cottage, the wind whipping past your face as you felt exhilarated, Billy hot on your heels as he chased you. You couldn't remember feeling this free since you were younger, playing with Kos and Atti when you’d shift. He pounced on you, pinning you to the floor and you wagged your tail as you looked at him mischievously. He leaned up, licking the side of your face and his tail wagged so hard that you heard it thumping against the mud. You spent the night chasing each other around, playing like a couple of young pups before you wound up curling up together and falling asleep. 
The next morning, you woke up to find yourself now in bed but as you rolled over, Billy wasn’t there. You got out of bed, stretching with a yawn before you grabbed the sleep tunic you had here, slipping it on before you padded out of the bedroom and downstairs. You found him making breakfast and you stood there and watched him for a moment, completely in awe at the overwhelming happiness that was coming off him in waves. He turned then, smiling when he saw you and you couldn't help but smile back as you walked over to him. When you reached him, he grabbed the back of your neck, his lips connecting with yours smoothly. It was a brief kiss but it still made butterflies swarm your stomach. 
“Are you okay?” you asked him after he’d pulled away and you moved, hopping up to sit on the counter next to him as he continued on breakfast. 
“More than okay,” he grinned and it made you smile.
“I uh… I loved last night. I never thought I’d want to shift again in my life after everythin’ that happened but you changed that for me,” he said earnestly, his dark eyes imploring as they went to you and you felt warmth wrap around your heart like a blanket at his words.
“It was always so hard to keep the wolf at bay, it made me fuckin’ miserable. But now I… I wanna turn with you every full moon, let my wolf out in a safe way like that,” he admitted and you grinned at him. You were over the moon about it, happy you’d allowed him to start healing from all the trauma he’d been through and that had haunted him ever since. You watched as he plated up the food before he turned back to you, walking over and settling between your legs where you were perched on the counter. 
“You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and every day I wonder how the fuck I got so lucky to have you as my mate,” he implored and your chest felt tight, face hot as you blinked at him, a shy smile tugging at your lips.
“I think you’re pretty amazing too,” you smiled and he grinned at you, picking you up before setting you on the floor. He grabbed the plates and you both walked into the living room to eat.
After food, you snuggled into him on the sofa, just enjoying him and the calming atmosphere here at Anvil. You really liked it here. You wondered if this would be where you moved with him after you’d had kids and they were old enough to take over. The thought of having that with Billy, having kids with him, you found you wanted that now. You didn't feel any of that worry and anxiety like you had the last time you’d thought about it. The threat was gone and things were finally settling down and you felt in your bones that you wanted that with him.
“I’m ready,” you blurted, making him look down at you with a confused face and you moved to sit up so you could look at him properly.
“We talked about having kids before the war and I was a little… anxious. But I’m ready now, I want that with you. It doesn't have to be right now, but I’m ready if it happens,” you clarified. A surprised but pleased grin spread across his face and you felt his happiness. 
“You sure?” he asked, eyes so full of hope and you knew you wanted to give him anything he wanted. 
“I’m sure,” you smiled and he let out a delighted laugh, moving to plant a firm kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you,” he murmured, cupping your cheek as he tilted your face to look at him.
“I love you too,” you smiled, closing your eyes when he rubbed his nose against yours affectionately. A thought hit you then and a small frown graced your face.
“I’ve never… I’ve never been in heat before,” you admitted and surprise colored his face. You knew you needed to be in heat to get pregnant. 
“Never?” he asked in shock and you shook your head.
“I figured it was something to do with the lack of connection to my wolf or something. I never really minded it because I was happy not to go through all that, especially without a mate,” you murmured. You felt a little weird talking to him about this but he was your mate and you knew you could tell him anything. You’d never really thought about the implications of never having heat before or what it might do long term to your body. You’d always been glad to miss out on it after seeing the other women in your pack go through it and you knew without a mate, it was even worse. 
“You could use the medical facility if you want, we have doctors there for that kinda thing,” he offered softly.
“Not yet. I’m connected to my wolf now so maybe I’ll go into heat soon. I want to see if it happens on its own before resorting to medication,” you smiled at him and he nodded, reaching out and taking your hand. You idly worried that never having heat before might have messed up your body and what that would mean for you both. 
“What… what would happen if I couldn't give you children?” you asked worriedly, your heart faltering in your chest. He frowned, his hand tightening around yours.
“It wouldn't change how I feel about you,” he answered.
“But it would hurt you, right? You’ve longed for a child just as much as you had for your mate,” you pressed, your chest feeling uncomfortably tight. He looked away from you looking uncomfortable and the tightness in your chest increased. His obsidian gaze turned back to you then, determination shining behind them.
“Yeah, I have longed for one, but I have you and I’m more than happy with that. I do want a kid but if that don’t happen, it wouldn't make a difference,” he implored vehemently and you nodded, swallowing thickly as you looked down. 
“We could always adopt if it came to that,” he suggested, drawing your eyes back to him. You knew as King, Billy oversaw all the wolf orphanages and made sure they all ran well and that the kids were well looked after. It was an option you were willing to consider if it came to it but you realized you were jumping the gun quite a bit. You’d wait it out and see what happened first, see if you went into heat or if medication could help you if you didn't. It did touch you that he’d still love you anyway, that he wouldn't be upset with you or resent you for it. It didn't make you feel any less worried or guilty though. 
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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bunkernine · 4 months
hi pls ignore this if i have mistaken you for someone else and am making a fool out of myself but are you the person who wrote isosceles?? because that fic altered my brain on an abnormal and chemical level way back when and i just remembered it the other day and binged it all again and i feel like i remember there being a few other fics in that universe (one from travis’s pov iirc) and i wanted to know where they are. of course if you are not the person who wrote isosceles i am a fool and feel free to ignore this ❤️
I did, yeah.
I wrote it when i was 14 so at a certain point i didn't want to be associated with it because it didn't reflect me as much anymore. It was my big baby at the time!!! But i divorced from that a few years ago. As for the other universe fics, if i remember correctly: connor, drew, a vers where jason admits to liking him back (some point isos implied that jason DID like leo back but was too confused to do anything).... But i deleted those first because they just weren't as fun, and my own friend group was falling apart so it felt too close.
But yes, you have found me LOLOL. Isos is orphaned, but unfortunately the other fics are deleted fr. Sorry :( but thanks for enjoying it!!! 💖
(ramblings under the cut)
The reason why i didnt delete isos too was because so many people were saying what you are now. If i could, id rewrite it (both with style and plot differences) and do a whole new remastered version. Im not sure why i decided to write his senior year when i was a freshman/sophomore LOL so I always figured I would've came back to it when I was older.... Clearly I did not.
I WAS miserable in high school, at least socially. So Leo was a little TOO personal and it made me mad when i basically did what he did towards the end. I spent some time just doing some random apolleo fics. Capolleo series, so my name should've been capolleon by then? LOLOLOL i had been majorly influenced by some now-deleted fic which is why apollo is even there 💀 but now im apollos age in the fic and im like 'hmm. Yeah maybe not...'
Then there was a fic that was coming out towards the end of isos that i felt was copying me 😭😭😭 ← 14/15 yr old feelings. Who cares! But i would update and then they would update and i was so paranoid 😭😭😭 honestly, the vibe in general for valgrace in 2018 is much different than right now, and it was much more open and varied in topics. This is not to discredit the current valgrace leaders or whatever the fuck, but the vibe is just ... Pretty different.
But yeah. Im sort of using this ask as an excuse to talk about it, but isos was SO big and what i was known for within the small vg circle (outside of the text fic at the same time 💀) so i was constantly reminded of it. And dont get me wrong, i ADORED that fic when i was writing it. I was upset whenever my life was too messy for me to drop the chapter of the month. Double updates felt so ... Um. Mature and awesome, like i was a professional 💀 i wrote leo as bisexual but he had a pretty strong inclination to men because i was figuring I'm out that I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian, but I couldn't really articulate that, especially as I was dating a guy through that fic. That was some cute little endpoint i was gonna have but its reality frightened me so it was dropped... The complexities of piperleojason were insane to think about when i was like, crying at lunch in my bf's car 😭 When it was posting, i left some really crazy A/N's showing how volatile i was at the time, that i eventually deleted. But i was so proud of it and it was a comfort to write. I think the drafts were a lot more raw but people loved it anyway.
Anyway. It's been a while since I've been able to talk about this fic. People have left the most loving comments in the world and it connected with a lot of readers. Its also my only fic that had fanart and playlists and such made for it! I was so proud of that! I dont think people understand how incredible that is and it truly is the dream for fic writers!!! I have other fics that inspired ppl, but isos was the one ppl constantly flocked to or appreciated :)
I used to cry writing some parts of it and now it just feels like an old diary entry. I haven't read it in a while and thought about remaking it (probs... As college kids though) but haven't bothered. Technical-wise, theres so many things that are dropped or forgotten or are just clumsy but thats really just a maturity thing.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! Ppl dont ask me about my fics like they used to which was the whole reason why i made this account :(((( among other things, lack of interactions in fandom have decreased so much :((((
Love love love uuuuuuuuu
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lurkingshan · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad to start some trouble. There are a lot of these, so I'm mostly going to do quick hits and maybe expand on a few that really get me going.
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
It would be easier to list the BL soundtracks that are not horrible (offense intended).
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I'm so bad at remembering specific lines of dialogue unless I think they're beautiful/heart-wrenching, so I got nothing.
Most stupid decision made by a character
In a BL?? Baby, I do not have all day.
Worst plot line
Hmmm I'm gonna give in to recency bias and say faking amnesia to get your fiancé to love you again after you iced him out and denied him sex for four years because of your tiger attack-related PTSD (no I am not making that up, never change actually Naughty Babe).
The most problematic show you've watched
Problematic is in the eye of the beholder, so honestly who can say.
A show people love but you find bad
LOLOLOL. There are. So many. Probably the one with the wildest fandom fervor :: Shan personal enjoyment ratio is KinnPorsche.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Theory of Love and y'all stay wrong about this. It is easily one of the best early Thai bls and the writing, character development, and narrative structure are all excellent, but people hate slutty characters so they can't deal with it.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
Why r u? What can I say, I'm a Fighter/Tutor girlie.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Hmmm I usually just drop it if I'm truly not having fun. I guess you could count me finishing Minato's Laundromat 2 despite knowing any hope for it was over at the end of episode 9. I just needed to see how mad I was going to be in the end (pretty damn mad).
A bad show that you would still recommend
There is too much BL nowadays to be trifling with the bad shit.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG (Together With Me). cc: @bengiyo the co-president of the Plern Pleng antis.
Most awful character that you loved
Boston, a beautiful chaos demon (Only Friends).
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Anyone played by Podd or Jimmy (it's their faces I can't stand them sorry to those men).
A hero that should have been a villain
This is an interesting one! I’m not sure this counts, but I’ll just say I did not love the way The Untamed white washed Wei Wuxian and removed his culpability for all his worst choices (I recognize this was largely due to censorship). I much prefer the more morally complex and deeply flawed version of him we got in MDZS.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't believe in holding fictional characters to real life moral standards. Bad behavior makes for good stories.
The show that disappointed you the most
Let me take this opportunity to drag Plus & Minus again, a show that had all the right ingredients to be a top tier friends to lovers narrative and absolutely blew it to do some beyond clichéd noble idiocy and breakup bs that violated character and undercut the relationship to such a degree that I can never rewatch or enjoy anything about it again.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Hmm I do not have one. It's rare for me to not be able to find something of value in any media I consume.
Tagging @chickenstrangers @sorry-bonebag @kayatoasted @blmpff @twig-tea in case you want to play!
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Sooooo, the interviews keep coming, the one I watched on YouTube today was on the Zach Sang Show with Pete. And it was very interesting to watch, there was a lot of nice stuff in it, including very interesting discussion at the end, where one of the hosts asks Pete about a line from the recent album referencing Sugar, and his answer was very interesting, you’ll like it ;)) (on 57:12 maybe)
Also, what I liked is watching his body language, his little antics, it’s very captivating, if I’m being honest. And in this one he got to talk, and express his opinions without interruptions for sure, so that’s a plus! Give it a shot, if you haven’t already :)
It was sooooo good, what an excellent interview. I really loved hearing him talk about the algorithm and its effect on music, and I felt like they asked him more questions than anyone else really trying to dig into how writing works both for him and with Patrick. I also appreciated how he was like, "Look, my mom's friends think Take This to Your Grave and From Under the Cork Tree sound the same." Me, I'm your mom's friends, Pete. Also really loved when he was like, "When I'm in a coffee shop and a Fall Out Boy song comes on, I'm always kind of like, ....did they put this on because I'm in here?" lololol AND getting asked about Baby Annihilation! And giving that more in-depth answer where he was like, "I felt like I had this thing and I had something to say." Awwwww, Pete, <3 times a million
Also he never listens to Fall Out Boy music once the album's done, I'm fascinated by that! I read my own stuff incessantly! Am I really weird???? I was just thinking, like, if the point is you want to make art, surely you also want to go on enjoying that art????? Just fascinating to me.
BUT ANYWAY. LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT PATRICK ANSWER. There really wasn't as much Patrick in this one aside from tons of casual references to him, but it's okay, he made up for it with that one answer where he's like, "Argh, that seems like something Patrick would do and then not tell me about, because he never does anything unintentionally." WAIT, LET'S UNPACK THAT. PATRICK NEVER DOES ANYTHING WITH PETE'S WORDS UNINTENTIONALLY. IN FACT, ACCORDING TO PETE, PATRICK THINKS HARD ABOUT THE WORDS AND PICKS UP THINGS NOT EVEN PETE REALIZED HE WAS PUTTING INTO THEM. AND NEVER EVEN TALKS TO PETE ABOUT IT, JUST DOES IT, AND PETE JUST KNOWS THAT THIS IS WHAT HE DOES WITH HIS WORDS.
"He would do something like that and not tell me, knowing I'd be sitting in some fucking interview and someones asks me about it. . . . He doesn't do things like that unintentionally, so if you heard it, probably."
k, that's all, carry on
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the-cult-of-riley · 7 months
Sleeping With Ghosts (Act One: Chapter Twenty One)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Female OC
A/N: Simon’s out here splashing the cash on his girl lololol
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2008 was a miserable year and Charlotte wanted no part of it. He'd been gone now for almost 8 months and she didn't know what to do with herself. Not being able to even write him a letter was nothing but pure pain and she cursed him for fucking off to the SAS like that even though she knew it made her selfish. Beth had tried to be a distraction for her, constantly having her over or taking her out on days off, surrounding her with Joseph who was getting bigger by the day. It worked somewhat and Joseph was definitely a joy to be around, but she always wound up back at their place, miserable, silent, alone. 
She'd lost weight despite not needing to but she hadn't been able to help it. She'd pushed on, trying to be brave for his sake for as long as she could but she'd reached her breaking point somewhere along the way. Dishes piled up in the sink, rubbish didn't get taken out. Her hair was up in a greasy bun and she was withering away. She just didn't feel hungry enough to eat properly when this horrible depression was seizing her so tightly. She felt ashamed and she knew Simon would be disappointed in her if he could see her. 
She hated not knowing where he was or what he was doing. Was he being tortured right now? He was being waterboarded? Nails being torn off? She had no idea what the SAS resistance to interrogation training was like but it couldn't be good and he'd willingly put himself there. He'd made it through the selection process like she knew he would, that was sure because he'd have been home months ago otherwise, but she had no idea when he'd even be back. 
There were different kinds of training and a lot depended on how you did in the one previous. For all she knew he could fail out and get sent home tomorrow. While she'd be happy to see him, she knew he'd be devastated and she felt bad for even thinking it. She wanted him to do well because he clearly wanted this so much. She'd been there when he told his family and by what Tommy had said, it was clear that he'd planned for this for years. She couldn't be selfish just because she loved him and stop him following his dreams. She had to suck it up and suffer in silence and just hope he'd come back soon. 
She was laying in bed after work in her pyjamas, blinking at the ceiling slowly. She'd had to put his pillow long ways in the bed so it felt like someone was behind her when she slept, spritzing it with his cologne at every chance she got. It helped, but not by much. It was only about 8pm but she didn't have it in her to sit all alone on the couch and watch nonsense on TV when he wasn't here to criticise it with her. Everything felt so empty without him here. So devoid of life. 
The door to the apartment knocked and for the briefest of moments, her heart rate spiked at the idea that he was home. It dawned on her then how utterly stupid she was being because he wouldn't knock, he'd just let himself in. Then she was just confused because no one had buzzed up. Maybe it was a neighbour. She heaved herself out of bed, feet shuffling on the carpet as she made her way to the door. When she opened it, she really didn't expect to see Mrs Riley herself standing there with a face the picture of concern. Her brown eyes flit over Charlotte, worry creasing her brows. 
“Oh, lovie. Come here,” she didn't wait for a reply before scooping Charlotte into a hug and she just stood there in confusion for a moment as her throat closed up. 
“Beth told me you weren't doing well, I didn't think it was this bad,” Anne murmured, squeezing her tightly and she felt the dam break. 
She'd purposely been avoiding Anne because the woman was rather observant and she knew she wouldn't let it slide as easily as Beth did. She found herself sobbing as the woman gently shushed her, rocking her side to side softly. She felt so stupid at breaking down like this, this was Simon's mother. She had more of a right to be upset than she did yet here she was comforting her. 
She was unable to stop her gut wrenching sobs though, months and months of pent up sadness, loneliness and frustration finally being let out. Really though, it ran deeper than that, years of painful loneliness rushing to the surface. Simon's absence had opened up old wounds. Anne held her until her sobs turned to sniffles and then led her inside properly, ushering her over to the couch where she plonked Charlotte. She wrapped the quilt she'd made Simon around her like a burrito before whisking off to the kitchen area. Charlotte watched on, shame burning her cheeks red as she started to clear away to rubbish. 
“You don't have to do that, Anne,” she called out with a frown. It made her feel all kinds of bad having her tidy up for her. 
“Nonsense, Charlotte. We're family, it's what we do,” the woman gave her a soft smile before getting to work in the kitchen. At some point, a cup of tea had been put on the coffee table for her before Anne returned back to the kitchen area. A few hours later and the entire apartment was spotless.
With the place now clean, Anne started cooking and from the smell, Charlotte instantly knew it was bolognese. Her stomach ached fiercely and she frowned at the sudden hunger that hit her. Once it was simmering, Anne came into the living area, sitting in the armchair looking at her. 
“I'm sorry,” Charlotte murmured with red cheeks. The shame she felt at Anne seeing her and this place in such a state was eating her alive like a wildfire. 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” Anne smiled softly, sipping a tea of her own. There was a brief moment of silence before she spoke up again. “I remember his first deployment, I don't think I slept the entire time with the worry. It got easier to manage in time. I try and keep myself well distracted with my crafts and bingo,” she gave Charlotte a rueful smile at that and her lips tugged up, the woman really did love her bingo. 
“I knew it'd be rough because we can't contact each other at all, but… I really thought I'd adjust once he was gone. I guess I'm just dealing with a lot,” Charlotte admitted, clutching the cup in her hand tightly.
“There's no shame in that, hun. We need to find you some new hobbies. I know you love art but we should see what else we could do to keep you occupied and he'll be back before you know it.” Charlotte had to admit that Anne's words and presence were comforting to her and even though she was embarrassed to be seen this way, she definitely appreciated it. 
“A new hobby sounds good. I think it's not just Simon, if I'm honest. I mean, I miss him. I really, really miss him, but… I think it's the adjustment of having someone here every day and then not. With everything in my past, I think it's brought up a lot of old feelings and it's overwhelming,” she confessed shyly. Anne didn't know much of her past, just bits and pieces from Simon or that she'd put together from asking her questions. She'd always been polite enough to not really mention it to Charlotte. 
“I can imagine it's tough. If you want to talk about it, you know I'm here. It helps sometimes… to talk about traumatic things. I was in therapy for years after… after Simon and Tommy's dad,” the woman had a haunted look across her face that made Charlotte's chest pinch but it was gone as quickly as it came. “I'd be more than happy to listen if you wanted me to,” she added with a warm smile. 
She thought about it for a moment, considering it. She always felt like a whiny baby talking about her past, even though Simon would try to convince her she wasn't. She trusted Anne and the woman had the mother's aura about her that she had always craved to have in her life. She was kind, caring. She was nurturing and Charlotte needed that, so she did open up. 
The floodgates completely opened as she told her all of it, from her first memories to the letter her mother had left her on Christmas Eve. She told her even more than Simon and when she was done, she felt cleansed from the inside out. Anne didn't make her feel like a burden, she listened intently, poking into the conversation every now and again to tell her whatever she was talking about wasn't her fault. She appreciated the talk immensely.
Anne stayed for a good few hours, eating food with her and putting the leftovers in tubs to freeze so she could help herself to more when she wanted. She had a feeling Anne would be popping in a lot more often and she found herself feeling a little less lonely. 
“It's your birthday in three weeks, isn't it?” Anne asked as they both made their way to the front door. She blinked blankly for a moment, she hadn't even realised it. Time had become so muddled in her miserable state that she didn't notice the date. 
“Yeah, the 31st,” she answered, leaning against the doorframe as Anne hovered in the hall looking thoughtful.  
“Come to mine and I'll cook something. I'll get Beth, Tommy and Joseph to come too,” she beamed and Charlotte felt her lips tugging upwards. 
“Thanks, Anne. I really appreciate it,” she murmured. Anne bundled her into a tight hug, patting her cheek affectionately before she moved away. 
“I'll let you get some sleep, it's getting a bit late now. Don't forget I'm only a phone call away, lovie,” with another warm smile, Anne was gone. 
Charlotte tried to not let the sudden loneliness get to her as she walked back inside. She felt better with the place now clean and she felt some sort of accountability now to keep it that way. She wouldn't be so rude as to have Anne tidy her mess just for her to mess it up again. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders after her deep and meaningful talk to the woman. She felt closer to her and just saying all of it out loud was cathartic. That was the first night in eight months she fell asleep peacefully.
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Charlotte was dressed casually, some jogging bottoms and a tank top. She was munching some cereal as she lounged on the couch watching TV. It was a little warm out and she couldn't be bothered getting dressed properly just yet. The buzzer by the door went off in the tune of shave and a haircut and her lips quirked up, amusement and confusion colouring her face. She knew exactly who was wanting to be let in but she wasn't sure why he was here at 10am on her birthday. 
She set her cereal down on the coffee table before getting up, pressing the button to open the big door downstairs. She moved to grab her cereal bowl, no longer bothered with it as she took it into the kitchen to empty it and wash it. It didn't take long before she heard someone in the hallway.
“Happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday dear Charlotte! Happy birthday to youuuu!” Her cheeks flushed red, a large snort escaping her as she hurried to the door, not wanting the neighbours to be mad at them. The door swung open to reveal a cheeky looking Tommy at the door, grin in place and a bin bag in his hands. 
“Really? You trying to burst my eardrums for my birthday?” She asked in amusement and he laughed with mischief shining behind his eyes. 
“Did it work?” His grin widened as she rolled her eyes playfully, moving aside to let him in. He waltzed right in before plonking the bin bag on the dining table. She looked at it, raising her brow before dragging her eyes back to him. The shit eating grin he was sporting did little to tell her what was going on. 
“Presents… not off us, you'll get those later at mum's. These are from Simon. Told me back before he left that if I didn't give them to you the morning of your birthday that he'd kill me,” the look on his face told her Simon had definitely threatened him and she almost felt bad for him. She was more overtaken by shock that Simon had gotten her something, something he'd bought way back in January before he left. She didn't think it would have crossed his mind if she was honest. It hadn't even occurred to her that he'd miss another of her birthdays. 
“I'll leave you to it, don't wanna be a weirdo and loiter when you open them. God knows what he's got you,” he snorted and her cheeks flushed as she levelled him a look. 
“I'll see you later, then,” she murmured, giving him a smile. He nodded, grin still firmly in place as he clapped her on the shoulder before he saw himself out. 
She blinked at the bag before opening it up to reveal five wrapped presents. Her eyes narrowed and if she had a way to contact him, she'd have chewed him out for getting her so many things. Wanting to be comfortable as she opened them, she carefully took them over to the couch, making a few trips before sitting down. 
The first one she opened was a bath set and not a cheap looking one either. It was a brand she'd never heard of before, all lavender themed which Simon knew was her favourite. She was excited to try it out, already planning on having a bath before bed and what she'd use. She wanted to be sparing with it. 
When she unwrapped the second gift, she was greeted with the fluffiest and softest dressing gown she'd ever seen. Her eyes lit up as she rubbed it between her hands, knowing this would be perfect to put on after her bath. The next one she unwrapped was a copy of the complete works of H.P Lovecraft. Her chest warmed at how attentive he was, at how he listened to her every word, even her random musings in passing. She'd only mentioned wanting to read this once to him and yet he'd remembered. 
She opened the fourth and blinked slowly at it as she came face to face with a framed picture of one of her own artworks. It was a landscape piece of Clayton Vale she'd done, where the blackberry bushes were, where she'd taken Simon. She had no idea when he got it off her tablet or how but it was so odd to see her artwork displayed like this. It was surreal, a slightly out of body experience. She liked art and she didn't think she was bad at it but she didn't think she was that good to have her stuff framed either. Yet looking at this picture, she felt pride swell in her chest and a smile tug at her face. 
The last gift was the smallest and she wasn't sure why she'd decided to save it for last. She tore open the paper, looking at the small, velvet box, so similar to the one she'd gotten Simon for Christmas. She cracked the box open and it felt like the air left her lungs in a whoosh, eyes widening alarmingly. It was a necklace, a very beautiful necklace. The chain was silver and the pendant had a light blue gem in the centre, surrounded by a bunch of clear gems. It wasn't quite a circle, nor was it a square and the inside of the lid caught her attention with a small sticker inside. 
Cushion Cut Aquamarine and Diamond Halo Necklace.
Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets. Diamonds, like real actual diamonds. She'd presumed they were cubic zirconia because there was no way he spent that much money on her to get real fucking diamonds. She was speechless and while she was mad he spent so much money on her, she felt her chest full with inexplicable warmth as she reached into the box and carefully took it out. 
She'd never owned anything like this and she was almost scared to put it on. She knew damn well though that he didn't buy it for her to just never wear it so she put it around her neck. Took her a few tries to get the clasp by herself but once it was on, she moved over to the mirror to glance at it. It looked so elegant and she bit her lip with a smile as the light bounced off it. It was beautiful and she really couldn't believe it. 
She felt utterly spoiled and she knew that was his intention, the little shit. She couldn't wait for him to get home so she could try and show him just how much she appreciated them all. She scooped up all of the wrapping paper, moving into the kitchen to put it into the bin. When she grabbed the bin bag to do the same, something fell out of it onto the floor. She crouched and grabbed it, eyes reading her name scrawled on the front of an envelope. She moved to sit at one of the dining chairs as she opened it, revealing a birthday card. The front had a cartoon T-Rex on it, the text reading;
You give me a
An inelegant snort left her lips at the bad joke and she shook her head. She wished he was here so she could take the piss out of him for it. He and Tommy always did the bad jokes and she knew he would have found this hilarious. She opened up the card, surprised to see the entirety of the inside covered with writing, not just a simple birthday greeting. 
Hello love. 
Sorry I've missed another one of your birthdays. Can't wait to actually celebrate one with you in person, want to take you out for a nice meal. I hope you liked all your presents. I know you might be a bit miffed I spent so much, but I've got nothing else I'd rather spend my money on. Treating you isn't just for you but it's for me too. I like being able to take care of you and I want to be able to spoil you. Hopefully you won't be too mad. 
You'll be reading this eight months after I've written it. Weird that. I know for a fact that right now as you're reading it, I'll be missing you like mad. Honestly dreading going because of how much I'll miss you. Deployment last time was fucking miserable because of it. Don't think I'll ever get used to having someone back home waiting for me. It's a bit of a double edged sword but I wouldn't change it for the world. 
I hope you have a good birthday and make sure you're not locking yourself away for it. You don't have to spend it alone. Hopefully I'll be back soon enough. Can't wait to just wrap you in my arms again. Hate sleeping without you next to me now. 
Running out of space so I'll finish this up. There's so much I wish I could say but I'll settle with telling you that I love you. So much that I can't even put into words. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Lottie. Thank you for loving a man like me. 
I love you and I'll see you soon, sweetheart.
Simon x
She wiped her eyes with a watery smile, standing to go and put the card up on the fireplace. While he wrote it before he left, it was nice to read it now. It made her feel a little closer to him and she was sure she'd read it a few more times before he ended up coming back. She hated having no contact at all. After putting her gifts in the appropriate places, she decided to start to get ready to go to Anne's. Despite Simon's absence, having his gifts and card and spending time with his family made her feel cared about and much less alone on her birthday. Maybe this birthday would be a good one. 
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kill-your-fics · 1 year
I don't know if you "do" prompts or whatever, but I thought you could do more with this idea than me.
Wilson is working on something and being Very Focused, and a bored Willow is talking is ear off, trying to distract him. After being ignored for a while, she says something like "Come on, nerdy boy, I know you like me" and Wilson, because he's Very Focused on his work, his mouth runs on autopilot and says something like "Yes, I find you very attractive" and Willow is just left completely blindsided and flustered, while he hasn't even realized what he said.
I can't promise to write something for every prompt because I'm not always a very inspired writer but I always welcome suggestions! Idk if this is what you wanted but I tried lololol. WITHOUT FURTHER ADO..... ur ficlet.
There was nothing much to do around camp today, Willow decided. It was too warm to start a regular fire just because she felt like it- Wilson would surely complain, the man suffered worse in summer than in winter, if it was possible- and it was too bright to sleep.
"What'cha up to over here?" No response, which meant he was deep in Science Mode(tm). She peeked over Wilson's shoulder, glancing at the prototypical diagram he had spread out in front of him. He had been talking earlier about an invention, some sort of clothing that would actively cool the wearer rather than just slow their increase in temperature. The current drawing looked, to Willow, an awful lot like a giant ice cube strapped to the user's head. Now, she wasn't saying Wilson never had any good ideas, but perhaps the heat really had cooked his brain today. Having concluded that whatever he was doing wasn't of dire importance, she decided to continue pestering him.
"Do you think you could invent a flame thrower to melt all the snow in winter?"
No response.
"Maybe it could be, like, a super-torch?"
Nothing. It was time to try a different tactic.
"Ya know, if it's soooo unbearably hot today, you could just take off your shirt... Or at least that dumb vest."
Wilson hmmmed and hunched further over the table, scribbling furiously.
This was ridiculous. Not even a verbal acknowledgement she was here? "C'mon, dork! I know you like me."
"Of course, I'm quite attracted to you." Wilson agreed. He ducked down to rummage for something in the chest that sat beside the table.
"Whu-HUH?" Willow sputtered. Was this a joke? She wasn't laughing.
"Yes, I'm afraid you can be rather distracting," Wilson replied, paying her no mind as he stood up again with several small gears and the old ice box schematic. He scrutinized both.
Was he serious? No way. But he wasn't laughing, either. What? I'm quite attracted to you. You can be rather distracting. The hell did that mean? The HELL did that mean?
Several beats of studious (and stunned) silence later, Wilson spoke. "Willow?" He looked up, over at her, caught a glimpse of her reddened face. "Are you alright? Is the heat finally getting to you as well?"
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burins · 8 months
20 Questions for fic writers!
@froizetta tagged me ages ago and i've been picking away at this as my arm allows! thank you :D
putting these below a cut because this ended up quite long.
How many works do you have on AO3?
67... not including some older stuff I orphaned. total (including the orphans and 2 fics i put on an alt) is 78! i've been on ao3 for 12 years, which is a frightening number to contend with.
What’s your total A03 word count? 304,059 (half of which was written last year....)
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently mostly DCU and subfandoms, but once a year I do Secret Samol for Friends at the Table my beloved.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
unfurl - DC, Superbat with bonus Timkon, 7.4k
Everyone loves a sex comedy (including me– there's another in my top 5 fics.) This one came about bc I wanted to come up with a shape for Clark's junk that wasn't your standard tentacle.
2. mission parameters - DC, Superbat, 33k
Alien fake dating! This was the first fic I ever intentionally posted chapter by chapter instead of all at once and I had so much fun seeing people's responses come in week to week. Also, this fic started as an excuse to write them fighting about Clark getting evicted and.... REALLY spiraled from there.
3. talk about all the good things (and the bad things) - MDZS/CQL, Wangxian, 6.3k
The second sex comedy! I just really think that "every day is every day" is a beautiful sentiment and not perhaps a feasible production if you are having Wangxian levels of sex on the regular. Plus a porn coda because, out of spite, I wanted to write Lan Wangji as a sub.
4. can I look the other way - MDZS/CQL, Wangxian, 2.7k
DEEPLY tropey Wangxian misunderstandings. The title for this one came from Westerman's "Think I'll Stay," which never ceases to give me post-canon Wei Wuxian emotions. This is the much much much lighter version of the story I'll never write about Wei Wuxian's probable mental state after the end of CQL.
5. everybody says - DC, Superbat, 2.8k
This was for Bruce Wayne Week using the prompts "inconvenient soulmate reveal" and "Bruce gets kidnapped," which I had great fun shoehorning into under three thousand words.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lololol. i've written two separate fics where one member of the pairing kills the other onscreen! so probably one of those. whetstone (the edeleth major character death) i think wins out because the murder, while deeply romantic in my opinion, doesn't actually happen in canon. (while samot doesn't directly stab samothes in fatt canon he sure is instrumental in it happening!)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is the harder question! i write a lot of fic tagged "hopeful ending" and "ambiguous/open ending." i struggle with an unequivocal HEA! for a long time i struggled to write endings at all, and so i wrote mostly vignettes that just sort of faded out. i tell myself this is because life doesn't tie up neatly, and so neither do my stories, but also i am just bad at writing endings. probably one of my wangxian fics, tbh... i think give it all for a taste (sex pollen) or my remix fic (all the singing in the tops of the trees) have really sweet, happy endings.
Do you get hate on your fic?
I've never gotten actual hate directed at me! I got a kind of shitty comment on everything is new from someone who really hated that i had written a knightfall fic in which bruce pushed people away, but i think i've come out pretty lucky!
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
i've never written a crossover in which characters from different universes interact, but i did write a very long locked tomb/mdzs fusion!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge! i don't think my stuff is popular or long enough for most people to bother lol. like, love and light, idk if my 30k fake dating fic that was also a trojan horse for me to talk about class and oppression and the sometime futility of individual action in the face of systemic injustice is going to do numbers on wattpad? maybe i'm underestimating wattpad.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! itsuki_minatsu did an amazing mandarin translation of take a pic, strike a pose. i wish i read enough (any) mandarin to be able to see how they did the group chats bc i love seeing how puns and jokes get translated! shoutout to translators.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
only for OCs! but god did we write a lot of fic about RP OCs, most of which never made it onto the ol' ao3. i miss them :')
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
oh god. this is like asking a favorite child and also DEEPLY subject to recency bias. we've been rewatching nine's season of doctor who and i've been getting smacked in the face by the absolute nightmare energies of nine/rose recently. nine treats every man rose looks at like a stray dog she brought home that's pissed on the carpet. for their first date he takes her to watch the destruction of everything she's ever known!! she completely abandons her entire life to be with him! every other episode they are tearfully trying to die for each other and also nine is the most heinous bitch you've ever met <3
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hm... i'm not sure! i'm trying not to say "anything long" right now. my arm is doing better than it was at the beginning of the month but it's not up to longfic or really writing for more than about 25 minutes at a time. so it goes!
What’s your writing strengths?
individual scenes and character studies, imo! i am quite good at setting a scene and creating an atmosphere. also (i think) dialogue. i'd better be good at dialogue, since i've been doing the "rehearse scenes in the mirror with your characters" thing since i was about 12.
What’s your writing weakness?
plot! absolutely absolutely plot. i really struggle to plan out What Happens Next and how to get from point A to point B. this is almost entirely due to lack of practice; before 2020 i'd never written anything longer than about 6k, and never finished anything with an extended plot. also this is just something that writing endless amounts of fic is not actually the best tool to learn, because i'll always have the existing plot scaffolding of canon instead of really having to flex my plot-building muscles.
also action scenes, but is there anyone who doesn't struggle with those? sounds fake.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wouldn't personally do it because I do not actually speak any other languages besides some pretty slipshod German! and nothing is more jarring than reading something and being like "that is NOT right." I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as the dialogue is actually correct both linguistically and character-wise, but I'd need a very strong plot/character reason to do it, and also an assist from someone who did speak the language!
i also think English-language fandom has a tendency to toss in other languages to like, prove a character's either exoticism (as in a Latine character randomly dropping in Spanish) or skill (as in a white character suddenly sprinkling Thai in an otherwise English sentence) and I think that can be pretty shitty depending on context. but both of those are writing pitfalls that you can fall into without ever using the language!
First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior Cats! I read some of it out on Staircast :) It was honestly pretty good for being written by a 10- or 11-year old.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I couldn't answer this question the last time I got asked and I'm struggling again! I think this one really suffers from recency bias. right now, for instance, i'm deeply enamored of my secret samol which will go up next week! but that feels like cheating. i think i shouted out a lot of my faves already, though.
tagging: anyone who wants to do this, but especially @try-set-me-on-fire and @timetoboldlygo!
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 1 year
I'm still working on my current WIP, which isn't really Shonen with Women. This is to practice finishing projects from beginning to end, from conceptualisation to posting. And I'm making good progress on that, writing 400 words a day.
And I do have a list of works I want to finish before engaging with a lot of Shonen umbrella works (presently it's all the books I bought but haven't read yet -> Bayonetta 1 and 2 -> finish Sailor Moon). This is to clear my watch/read/play list because I get to anything new. (And if I'm not done with my WIP yet, it may be more toyetic media so as to continuously motivate me to write; I tend to do best researching as I write).
I think I do want to share some ideas I have right now though. Also some thing which I want to do first.
My next WIP is probably a bit closer to SWW, even if it wasn't really conceptualised as such. It's post-apocalyptic fiction, it explores gender relations, I play around with tropes and cliches, I'm hoping to make it relevant to SEAsia as a story. And the current protagonist I'm conceptualising is probably going to be something special. When I write original fiction I tend to just make up ocs as I go along, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what she is even before putting down a word. She's blorbo from my brain to me.
I know I want to do yuri. One appeal from Shonen already is the homoeroticism. I think we should have Shonen yuri, as a result. Like just. Shonen lesbians. And avoid the heteronormativity prevalent in the genre too (it's both a heteronormative and homoerotic genre, funnily enough). Make them canon lesbians.
Though it would also probably be interesting to explore F/M in such a setting. I had discussed this with a friend before, but basically she pointed out that a part of the reason for Shonen's heteronormativity is because of the misogyny, because men typically aren't expected to really be invested in women's inner lives. So playing around with gender there could also be interesting. (My F/M couples will also likely be queer in some way, bi4bi, T4T, A4A, or any combination of them.)
I also do want to see if I can write a work that's also rooted in an aspec sensibility. This is mostly to do my part in creating an aspec culture in some way, beyond the flags and the emojis and the basic 101 stuff. I know it's possible within this genre. I mean, just look at the popularity of One Piece! I can do that but with more girls, I'm sure.
As for characters and themes, I think it'll be interesting to have a work about exploring the politics of disgust. Especially as it pertains to women/intersectional feminism. I'm even envisioning a protagonist already. I want her to have some sort of 'gross' power. And I know I want her to be curious about it. Like, if she can control people's large intestines, I want her to want to know what that means. If she learns she controls large intestines via talking to the bacteria in them, I want her to do things like buy some Yakult or fish meat out of a dumpster and try and see if she can communicate with that too. I want a curious protagonist, because I think they're fun to write.
I think I should be open towards the various subgenres found under the Shonen umbrella. Competition to be the very best, battle series, superhero, mecha, what have you.
I do kind of have a concept for a story that plays on 'elemental masters'. And especially when elements go beyond the Wuxing elements/the four classical elements (think stuff like the element of ice, sand, tech, what have you). Mostly, this is because a surprisingly large amount of Western Shonen is like this. I want to see if I can play around with it and do my own version. (Also more focus on female leads lololol.)
I want to read some classics like the Iliad and other epics, because they are very much proto-Shonen in a lot of ways.
I also think it would be really funny if I watched Ninjago and read Naruto simultaneously. BUT every time I finish a season of Ninjago I watch a woman-centred Asian film and every time I finish an arc of Naruto I read a Japanese novel written by a woman. And at the end I read the Wikipedia page on ninjas. I don't know what this will do to my brain exactly, but it will probably do something to my brain.
In all seriousness though, I think I would like to do silly exercises like that to ensure I keep getting ideas. Just need to think of more thematically appropriate silly exercises to do after that.
But yeah. Assuming I finish my watchlist, I guess the media I'll prioritise engaging with first is peripheral SWW, Shonen with female leads, and Shonen written by women. We'll see where all of that takes me afterwards. My watchlists tend to be fickle, but yeah. I guess I have a rough plan. Just gotta fuck around and find out where I go after that.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
1 & 12 for the fic asks!
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
Honestly, my current longfic WIP (Lent From Tomorrow) is easily the best thing I've ever written, fic or original work. But I'm proud of most of my longer-than-a-drabble fics for something or another.
I'm very proud of the Five Places Cinna Came From for actually finishing the whole thing, and same with Milliefic.
(The longer it's been since writing Milliefic, the more I'm like, 'its only real redeeming value is having finished something of that length, especially posting as I wrote,' but that's just me letting Larries spoil my fandom experience, I think.)
I'm proud of every Big Bang or Mini Bang fic I've actually finished and posted. I think Not In The Answer But The Question is currently the best fic on my AO3, probably, although I do think that I had to flub the pacing on the last quarter to meet the deadline. I still to this day think that Valor Valeria and What They Don't Tell You In History hold up, and they're old as heck, so that says something.
I actually really love the Stereo Kicks/H*rry P*tter world crossover that @fille-lioncelle and I wrote? It's paced well, IMO, and I think we took a fairly unique take on that trope by making them all adults and out of school.
I love all of the Since Feeling Is First stories that @nichestars and I wrote, even though it drives the OCD part of my brain a little nuts that we're three words short of an even 100,000 on the series, LOLOLOL.
I don't know that there's any one fic that I'm like "THIS IS MY PERFECT MASTERWERK" about, because I don't do like, extensive rewriting or whatever on fic and I know that I don't quite meet any lofty goals of having Symbolism! or Theme! that I try for with longer stuff, but there are aspects of pretty much everything longer than a drabble that I can take pride in. I try hard to be gentler to myself about the quality of my output than I used to be, because being cruel to myself just made me Not Write At All, and that's the opposite of the point, so.
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
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Well, the Fanlore page for the "Timeline of 1D Fandom" says that Milliefic created some of the Larrie Truther tropes, and I've accepted that even though I don't GET it because it's CLEARLY ALL MADE UP OUT OF MY DUMB HEAD, but that would count as causing issues, for sure.
Landslide got (and still gets) inane hate for having M/F sex scenes even though it's M/M endgame. WAYYYYY back in the day, I wrote an Alec/Clary fic before Alec came out as monosexually gay in the Shadowhunter books, and every so often someone reads it without seeing that it was written in like 2010 and they get angry about me making a gay character bi (which would be fair if I'd done it after he came out as gay, but ::shrug::).
I feel like I vaguely recall someone trying to stir up something about my THG fic when The Panem Companion was announced, but they're completely separate works that have nothing to do with each other, so I feel like if there WAS drama about it, I wasn't actually aware of it.
But yeah, Milliefic takes the cake on that one.
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It’s CMA-
I’m writing this from a paleontology society meeting this time lmaoooo. Time to learn about trilobites and clover’s traumatic past in one fell swoop.
Also I watch binged dimension 20 a court of fey and flowers and am now in the mood for some regency romance/drama let’s goooooo
Lmaoooo clover straight up saying that an apology wouldn’t work without even trying😂😂 queen of the emotionally constipated dumbasses club (I think we all know who the king would be…. (Not romantically just in general)
Yessss her uncle is calling her out on her bullshit finally!! I love that everyone who loves her is totally willing to call her on her shit and she completely refuses to listen to any of them lmaoooooo
“The head of the family said yes” LMAOOOOOOO I mean we knew they were going to bond over their protectiveness of Lottie but this is genuinely hilarious
“She doesn’t like you anthony” lmfaooooo damn Ben. I love how you write them like normal siblings just roasting the shit out of one another.
(Have you seen that LOTR tumblr post that’s like when the fellowship is half reunited and they all start roasting one another immediately and the king goes like ‘surely we are witnessing the reunion of dear friends’ or something like that? Anyway that’s siblings in ur fic. They roast because they care (like monsters inc but not))
Lmao Ben and Anthony and clover are that meme from the office of the three people pointing finger guns at one another
(note: at my meeting they’re talking about paleobotany which feels fitting for it being the meeting I’m reading clover’s story in lololol)
I do wonder if Lottie was more willing to listen to clover because she doesn’t know her as well, so the betrayal stung less, or because clover was the one who inadvertently revealed it, compared to Ben and Anthony who would have theoretically would’ve kept it a secret forever.
…. Does Lottie know what lust is? Also bless her for forgiving clover right away and being understanding. I just hope no one overheard them talking….
Omgggg they’re bound by fate that’s so sweet 😭
Oooooh the marina/Colin scandal is coming up!!! Haha Anthony really isn’t getting a break
“Holding you” skdjndsnnddndn I am unwell. The way that they’re so casually affectionate even when no one else is around and clover still thinks that they’re not in love with one another I just-
(also knowing that her parents are going to come and ruin this as soon as possible…. Grrrrr….)
Fuck this chapter is an instant fave for sure
CMA my love hiiii! 🥰😍
Oh that sounds like a very fun meeting! 😁
Exactly! 😂 She's not used to apologizing at all, so she was so using that as an excuse 😁 And her uncle knows her so well😂
Both Anthony and Clover absolutely adore Lottie🥰 And them bonding over that will be entertaining for sure! 😁
I love how you write them like normal siblings just roasting the shit out of one another. IT IS SUCH A FUN DYNAMIC😍 I'm so happy to hear that you like it, I love writing them like that 😂
Wait I haven't seen that LOTR post! Ooooh I'm so curious now! ❤️
Totally fitting for Clover😁
I think there were a lot of reasons why Lottie was willing to listen to her! ❤️ One of them was that she approached her first and another one is, like you said, Clover ended up telling her the truth even if it wasn't intentional, while Anthony and Benedict were still hiding it from her ❤️
Lottie definitely does know what lust is😈 And she'll get to experience it soon 😏
Bound by fateeee🥰
Anthony needs to take Lottie and go on a realllyyyyy long holiday to get over the string of scandals this season 😁
They are having a bunch of romantic moments for months now, and Clover is still in so much denial 😂
Character development my beloved! 😂 It only took her like thirty chapters😂
Thank you so much for this darling! ❤️ I hope you're having a wonderful day! ❤️
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