#I will find out
voidzphere · 1 month
me when i cant tell if that one dude is a “idm dreammare!!1” kinda mf so i just keep my distance and squint my eye socketz at em from afar
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21milespastblue · 5 days
satosugu band au is real
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nikoforgot · 4 months
umm..... airy hfjone with a Dumpy. i will be taking my leave now
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??? WHAT??
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eluxcastar · 9 months
I've seen some vampire dude consistently every time I opened Tumblr for the past few days and tbh it has me on the verge of getting the game because I am FERAL over vampires and I need to know everything about him
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snigora · 1 month
Thinking about that time 2 years ago when I mentioned I have debilitating shyness in an essay for uni. Through the echoes of time I can hear exactly what my tutor must’ve said. Babe that’s called an anxiety disorder
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unhindercd · 6 months
if you spray things that are kind of fae with raid...
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p0th · 7 months
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this is me btw... if you even care...
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I am going to bed
Don’t any of you do anything while I’m gone
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*Slams desk* I did it, I’m doing a for the heck of it prompt fic. An all in good fun, sun and moon trying to avoid a reader (y/n) because I thought it’d be funny (especially with all the sun and moon/reader (y/n) fics, one of mine included).
Fic is Sun and Moon just minding their own business (literally running a daycare in the suburbs post fire) and the y/n in the fic is there all *wink, smile, finger guns* ‘so do you want to have a slumber party tonight and into ur day off?’ Sun, picking up his and moon’s self adopted child and making a run for it. ‘No, see you on Tuesday!’ Y/n: sad face ‘y won’t u luv me?’
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
crying at work today bc i had a sudden realization about tenshi as i was retranslating aru sekai shoushitsu. noticed the word saisei used in both songs and had a thought. like. the whole rebirth type theme really does tie to her. its not just the umareyou mou ichido melody as lyrics at the end of the song its in the other lyrics as well its in the first ou line in aru sekai shoushitsu. she has something to do with this. so say she is the reason they get second chances. we also now get to answer the other question i had, which is if the other's are people and they can lose that and therefore no longer repeat, does tenshi have something to lose? and i dont like the answer i got. shoushitsu calls it a "major sin" and since she's an angel naturally theres going to be a punishment for that. we know the song starts with rain, and rain is our symbol for this whole calamity, both end and beginning of it, but it doesnt end with rain. it ends with the motif. it ends with the world going dark. at first i thought u know well yeah if u die in one world its going to go dark before u wake up in another. but i think this is different now. & i draw ur attention to the art again. the umbrella- she was a safeguard, but theres nothing left to it now. its useless essentially. shes sitting not standing, shes not fighting anymore. shes crying but she's also smiling- like shes made a decision she doesnt like, but shes sure of. i think she self sacrificed for them. she wanted to help, to give them a chance, but in doing so she passed limits she wasnt supposed to (similar to what happens in laboratory but more specific to her).
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darkiecat · 2 years
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Why're they both typing?
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haunted-xander · 20 days
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If you skip a meal Senshi will materialize next to you w/ food at the ready
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heedra · 7 months
unsung benefit i think a lot of ppl are sleeping on with using the public library is that i think its a great replacement for the dopamine hit some ppl get from online shopping. it kind of fills that niche of reserving something that you then get to anticipate the arrival of and enjoy when it arrives, but without like, the waste and the money.
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bananonbinary · 10 months
here's your fucking feedback @staff
list of problems the removal of icons causes:
i cant see my friends
ruins the sense of community
can't tell at a glance who's online right now and what they're interested in
literally cannot tell without scrolling back up who put a post on my dash if it has a single addition attached to it. or like. 2 paragraphs in the op.
i cant click my own icon at the top of the dash to quickly view my own blog
can't tell who someone used to be if they change their username
squashes the margins between the menu and posts, making the whole dash feel more cramped
ruins the quick visual cue of how long each post is and where it ends when you're trying to scroll past ones youve seen before
people put a lot of creativity and individuality into icons, and now i never see them
makes people who primarily reblog instead of make their own posts all but completely disappear
list of problems solved by removing icons:
who the fuck was asking for this
ive never in my life seen a website or app that has profile pics forcibly HIDE them, so i guess you did it you made the dash unique again in the worst way
here's some more feedback: maybe when you run an a/b test you should, idk, actually have a feedback form people can fill out about it somewhere
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give-soup-please · 10 months
raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.
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juiche · 5 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
get your own print here ❤️
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