#I will hopefully be able to get back to this story soon
morningberriesao3 · 9 hours
I'm super excited to finally be able to talk about my Steddie Big Bang fic!!!
If you know me, you know I don't shy away from angst/miscommunication/(seemingly) unrequited feelings. A Thousand Flowers Could Bloom will be no different.
Here is the official summary--a story about finding the right person at entirely the wrong time. Hopefully, they get a second chance at rekindling their romance before it's too late, even though Steve is standing at the altar with his soon-to-be bride *wink wink nudge nudge*
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Even more exciting, I've been paired with @inflomora-art @emobvcky who is extremely talented. I'm more than thrilled to be able to work with her and see what she creates for this story!!!
Read below the cut for a snippet of this fic!!
A Thousand Flowers Could Bloom
JUNE 28th, 1992, 11:59am
Eddie’s fingers tremble as they form into knots on his lap.
Memories. All the memories of him and Steve seem to flash before his eyes, like they always say happens in those few fleeting moments before death.
As someone who has experienced nearly bleeding out on the cold ground of the Upside Down, Eddie can confidently say that this hurts worse. That falling in love with Steve Harrington has singlehandedly been both the greatest regret of his life, and something he’d never take back for the entire world. Every memory he wants to change, or maybe it’s just that he wants to revisit them. All the words that were spoken—sugary sweet—but somehow always left a bitter tang on the back of his tongue. All the wounds that were opened and left to fester, and every touch shaped like a bandage that came a second too late to heal.
Because Eddie always knew this day was coming. He knew from the first second Steve pressed him against that door all those years ago, and he knew every second since.
Steve’s wedding feels more like a funeral. It’s Eddie in the casket, waiting for those two words that’ll drive the final nail forward and seal his fate.
Maybe then he can start mourning his own demise.
He squirms in the small seat he’s crammed in near the back of the groom’s section. Steve’s section. Row after row of family and friends and acquaintances—some that Eddie’s seen before, some that he hasn’t. And he’s behind them all.
It’s Eddie’s own faut that he’s parked in the overflow, he knows that. The last time he saw Steve he swore to himself—and to Steve—that it was the last. But the days turned into weeks, which turned into months, and then years. And Eddie slowly—so slowly—realized that his love for Steve isn’t exclusively the romantic kind. It spans beyond that.
Eddie doesn’t just miss the sex. He misses the laughter, too. The inside jokes. The companionship. The understanding. The bond that can’t be forged or faked with anyone else.
They started as friends. Maybe they could end as friends, too.
It took a long while for Eddie to land on this decision. That—even though his feelings will never fade—the rest of it isn’t worth throwing away. Being an adult is all about prioritizing, learning what’s important, the things that someone needs in order to survive this harsh and unforgiving world.
Eddie needs Steve. It’s as simple as that.
For the last two years, Eddie refused to accept Steve in any other way than in the throws of a fiery passion. But there are different types of need, he’s come to conclude. If he breathes in water like he breathes in air, it’s a death sentence. But still, he needs both to survive. If the fire he uses to heat his home ignites the walls, he’ll be left to freeze. But that doesn’t mean that the fire is dangerous. That the walls are too flammable.
Maybe he and Steve will never touch like they used to, or share dreams and aspirations in the earliest hours of the morning. Maybe they’ll never whisper to each other as the sun sets—words that tease the idea of love but never fully reveal it. Maybe Eddie’s fingers will forever be cursed to reach, but never to grasp.
Eddie needs Steve. It’s taken him this long to accept that sitting in the back row, behind the waiter from Benny’s and the owner of Melvald’s, is better than not being here at all.
When the music starts, Eddie’s heart stops. It’s a soft, melodic tune on the piano. Light. Romantic. Happy. Everything that a traditional wedding should sound like. But Eddie thinks it might as well be the fucking Death March.
The moment has officially arrived. Everything inside Eddie goes into fight, flight, or freeze. He’s always been a flight type of guy, so his thighs twitch, and he sits on the edge of his chair, and the little voice inside his head chants for him to stay still. Don’t run. Don’t throw up. Don’t make a scene.
He can feel his blood pressure spike—a roar behind his ears, a pesky light-headedness, a sheen of sweat on his brow.
It’s hot in here, he thinks. Is anyone else hot? Is anyone else on the verge of a panic attack, or is it just Eddie?
His eyes dart around the room, to the smiling faces that are all angled toward the huge set of carved double doors looming behind his shoulders. No one appears how Eddie feels. No one’s face is split wide open in anxiety. Only him, alone in his dread.
And then the doors open.
The first thing Eddie sees is a shimmering dress that matches the plethora of lilacs decorating the venue. Floor length and flowing. Elegant, just like the twist on the back of Steve’s mother’s head. She looks beautiful, having aged gracefully into her fifties. Her skin glows the same way Steve’s always did, olive-toned and sun kissed. Scattered in freckles.
Yes, she’s absolutely stunning. The only ugly thing about her is the look on her face as she walks down the isle and catches Eddie’s eye. The way her face screws up in distaste. The way it always has throughout the years when her gaze has seemingly been forced upon him.
In fact, it’s only seemed to have gotten worse. Each time Eddie sees her, it’s like she smells some putrid disease wafting from his skin, stronger and stronger, until his presence—the very sight of him—now threatens to infect her.
Eddie isn’t sure what she knows, but it’s plain as day that she knows something. She’s a smart woman. An intuitive one. A part of Eddie believes that she might be able to read his mind, see all the depraved things he’s done with her son, the way he loves him fiercely, the fear that Steve might have, at one point, felt the same.
A threat to the good Harrington name—that’s all Eddie’s ever been. A smear on their perfect record.
Luckily for her, the love is one-sided. Probably always was.
When she disappears to the front of the isle, Eddie’s sight doesn’t follow her.
Because Steve is next.
He steps onto the floor, his eyes cast towards the deep blue carpeting beneath his feet. His hands are balled into fists by his sides, clenching and unclenching the way they always have when he’s fighting his demons.
There’s no smile on his face.
Eddie itches to step out, but he visualizes bolts gripping him to the hardwood instead.
Steve seems to focus on nothing at all as he slowly makes his way up the isle. Step by step, slightly off the beat of the music, like his feet are itching to finish the walk from the gauntlet rather than drag it out. The only time he seems to snap back into reality is when someone gasps in the audience and whispers about how handsome he looks. His eyes flick up to his left. He forces a small smile. And then they lower back to the floor in front of him.
There’s not a single moment that Steve looks towards his own guests. Not one time that he looks at Eddie.
Finally, after what feels like both hours and seconds, he stands up front with his mother, gives her a small kiss on the cheek before he climbs the single step onto the podium.
It’s a blessing and a curse that he’s facing his guests, but still not daring to glance Eddie’s way. He’ll be forced to watch Steve as he speaks his vows, as he looks his bride in the eye, as he promises all of himself to another for the rest of his time in this world.
Eddie’s eyes are already tearing up thinking about it—but who is he to deny that they’ve been watering all morning.
His Steve will no longer be his.
Was he ever?
Was everything a lie?
Did Eddie misremember each moment that passed between them, every touch, every broken promise?
His jaw fuses together tightly, pain spiking up into his temples as he studies Steve with laser focus. Steve really is handsome—maybe the most handsome Eddie has ever seen him—in his light gray suit, his lavender tie, the little pansy in his pocket that must have been replaced because it’s perfectly pert and unwilted.
Steve has always been flawless, even with all his flaws. Every scar just made him more beautiful, every shameful secret he spoke to Eddie just made him more real, every mistake he made just made it easier to forgive him.
Eddie loves him for all of it. He loves him so fucking much, and it’s a special kind of cruelty that he’s not standing up there with Steve today. It’s a certainty that no one has ever loved Steve the way that Eddie has. No one ever will. Fuck society, fuck Steve’s parents, fuck every law that doesn’t allow same sex marriage—because it’s Eddie that should be standing next to Steve. Not her. Not when she could never feel half of what Eddie does.
The tears start to steam. And they don’t stop as more bodies keep marching up the isle.
Robin is next—Steve’s Best Man. Or maybe it’s Best Woman? She comes arm-in-arm with a young lady who must be the Maid of Honour—one that Eddie doesn’t recognize or bother to even look at. How could he when Robin is so radiant? Her hair is tied on the top of her head, somehow intricate and messy. Her outfit is also a suit—a muted red like all the other groomsmen—but she makes it look feminine with her delicate silk blouse and sparkling silver jewellery.
If anyone has the chance of outshining Steve, it’s Robin.
She stands behind Steve’s right shoulder as she parts ways with the Maid of Honour. Only, her eyes find Eddie’s in the audience when she stills, and Eddie dares to say they rarely ever leave.
The Party is next, all in matching suits to Robin’s, but instead of an open blouse they wear crisp white shirts. Lucas, Will, Mike, Max—the last in a dress—all line up behind Rob, their hands clasping elegantly in front of their laps.
There are other people too, ones whose backs are facing Eddie, ones who are associated with the bride. People Eddie has never met. People that Eddie doesn’t care about meeting—even if the admittance makes him a shit person. They’re all faceless to him. They’re all strangers—nobodies—and he wants to keep it that way. A disconnect that grants him a single thread of dignity, a single ounce of solace.
His eyes feel heavy as El comes through the doors next. Twenty years old now, but she’s still the pinnacle of youth. Still has that same roundness to her cheeks, the same mischief in her eyes. Though her hair has grown into wild curls, it’s neatly clipped into a braid on the back of her head.
She slowly walks down the isle, sprinkling flowers along the way. Lavendar and Lilac—the ones that match the colour of Steve’s tie, Robin’s shirt, his mother’s dress. Petunias. Sweet peas. Irises. All flowers in shades of purple, all flowers that waft their fragrance into Eddie’s nose as she whirs by and dusts a few near Eddie’s feet.
He looks down as a cluster of petals float onto the toe of his shoe. And there, amongst the purple, is a tiny shock of yellow. A halo of sunshine amongst the monotony of gloom. A single pansy, slightly wilted, the only one of its kind in the abundance of blooms littering the floor. The only one that matches the flower poking from Steve’s pocket.
It would be silly to assume this is the same flower that Steve replaced before walking the isle. The sad little flower that sat in his pocket as Steve’s arms wrapped—maybe for the last time—around Eddie’s shoulders. Pressed between them, delicate and fragile.
Eddie bends to pick it up.
He loosely pinches the stem between his fingers as tears more steadily stream from his eyes. It’s stupid that Eddie has sympathy for the damn thing. But still, he can’t help but think it was only a little wilted. A little imperfect. And it was plucked from Steve’s life, replaced by another more appealing to the eye.
But what if Steve wanted to keep the sad little flower? What if the flower wanted to stand next to Steve on the podium and hear Steve’s sweet words of adoration? What if its petals would perk back up if Steve just wanted it? Just loved it?
Eddie takes the stem, pops it in his small cup of water. And he vows to take care of it the best that he can.
That flower is just like him, he decides. At least they can wilt together.
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waveofahand · 2 years
The Fete: John Recounts Meeting Paul to a Cop
Someday I am going to actually have the strength to get back to writing and finish this book, but because today is “McLennon Day”, and because I have still not got anything new to post, here is an excerpt from Chapter 34, in which John tells an OC (a copper who has become a McLennon friend and confidante) about the day he and Paul met. It’s a rueful, bittersweet retelling because the talk occurs directly after a night when Paul’s PTSD has them all wondering whether Macca will ever be himself again after a brutal assault. I hope you like it, and if you haven’t yet read “Carry that Weight” I hope you’ll check it out. 
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Against every expectation, the previous day – and most especially the nighttime – really had been good. John had awoken to Paul sleeping deeply, and that had developed into an extended lie-in for the lad. Whatever it was that Brian was taking to “relax” himself, a single dose of it had knocked Macca out until the afternoon, and while Paul had slept, John and Dawson had shuffled about the kitchen, making coffee and eating cereal and speaking in low, worried tones about the night before – the strange mania that had gripped Paul for hours after he’d learned about the fruit basket, his mood swinging from defiant, to fearful; angry to childlike; flippant to defiant again. “We will need to get some help for him,” Dawson had said. John, hating the idea, silently nodded over his toast. “Never in a million years ever thought Paul would be the one needed help. Figured it would be me, if anyone; I’ve always had one foot in the loony bin, haven’t I?”
“Well…I’m sure that’s not true,” Dawson said, his face grim. “But I’m equally sure you never in a million years thought he’d be… taken apart as he has been. Need to be put back together.”
“No,” Lennon agreed. “The fuckers. Paul…” John looked up. “He was always right in his head. And so… so freaking strong. Strong willed, strong minded. When he followed me out of that bath last night, and looked so confused…”
His voice trailed off at the unsettling memory. He shook his head, taking a huge breath and closing his eyes, bringing himself under control. “Will I ever get him back?” He looked up, his eyes pleading the question. “Will I? The whole way back?”
Dawson’s eyes were full of sympathy, both for Paul, and all that was yet before him, and for John, to whom he could not possibly give an answer.
“It’s hard to predict. He’s been severely traumatized, so it’s understandable, both his wreckage and your wondering about it. And rape trauma…” he mused. “It’s hard enough for women. They get slandered; they’re tossed aside. They question themselves and whether they were ‘asking’ for it. For a man? There’s all that, plus the rest of it – the ‘is he still a man’ of it. Even if he’s not saying, John, you can be sure our Paul is thinking it, worrying over it. He is very lucky to have you, you know. You’ve not treated him like that…”
“It’s not luck,” John scoffed. “If anyone’s lucky, it’s me. My lucky day was the one when I met him. And every day since, even though I’ve been too stupid to see it.”
“I wish I’d met him before this,” the copper mused. “The little I gleaned of him before he got sick… I could see that in him, the strength, the strong will you mentioned. I’m sure it’s all still there, you know. But trauma…it’s tricky,” he repeated, as though trying to gather a specific thought.
“The day I met him,” John said, getting up to refresh both their coffees. “He was this 15 year-old -- and just fifteen, mind you. A month earlier he’d been fourteen. With a spangled white jacket and a pink carnation on the lapel. And the face.” He laughed as he sat down again. “Bloody fucking angel. He was a beautiful little Irish Elvis, still not full-grown, just getting past the baby fat. And feckin’ brilliant.” John shook his head, thinking back. “Minute I saw him, something in me just… recognized him. I felt like, ‘Well, here you are, Lenny, your whole life’s just shown up. Here comes the rest of your life’.”
“You were as struck as that?” Dawson wondered, “And himself walking the streets of Liverpool dressed so nattily? A bold thing.”
“You have no idea.” John smiled. “All the bleedin’ confidence I put on for show? He had it even back then, for real, and in spades. We had a mutual friend, Ivy, who’d brought him down to see my skiffle band play a church fete. We weren’t very good, but we were a band. Macca came by with his guitar and watched. When we met later, I asked him what thought and he just got this look, like --” John’s whole tone and demeanor grew soft with the affection of memory. “Little rat bastard wasn’t going to give anything away. Just looked me in the eye and said, ‘You’re alright.’ Get that? ‘Alright’, he said.”
Dawson chucked. “You’re painting a picture and I can see it so well…”
“So, I see the guitar he’s carryin’ and ask if he plays. He looks down at it, like he’s never seen it before and shrugs. ‘I’m alright.’”
The cop gave a hoot of appreciation. “That’s attitude.”
“Then he swings it over his shoulder and cranks out ‘Twenty Flight Rock’ like a pro, all the lyrics, all the chords down cold, and with that, that --” John sighed. “That voice. Clear as a bell, sweet and smooth as a custard. Gobsmacked, I was. We all were.”
“And that was that?” Dawson summed it up. “You were together?”
John shrugged. “Musically, that was that. The rest of it came a bit later. He was really young, you know.”
“Glad to hear you’re no cradle-robber, anyway.”
“No, I was a good boy,” John agreed. “I waited for him.” His lips pursed as he considered. “Maybe good practice, since I’m going to have to wait again. I should remember that, when the going gets tough. As I know it will, because I’m a selfish bastard.”
“You’re not so bad,” Dawson’s deep voice had a soothing note. “You’re a better man, I think, than you realize.”
“That shows all you know,” John answered back. “I didn’t say I didn’t lust after him. I just waited until you know… he was a bit older. Less boyish, I guess.” John sighed. “God, he just got more and more beautiful. He still is. I can’t even guess what he’s going to look like when he’s thirty. Here,” he reached into his pocket, hauling out his wallet. “When I took this shot, I thought he’d never look better. I was wrong, as I have realized daily.” He fished a photo from its depths, handing it to Dawson. “Still my favorite shot of him, though. So far.”
John Dawson’s gasp came out before he could stop it borne on a jolt of something instinctive and lusty. “Good Christ!”
Before him was Paul McCartney, his age indeterminate thanks to the grainy photo, but perhaps twenty or twenty-one, wearing dark swim trunks and looking a little bit cold, his broad shoulders narrowing down to trim hips and long, long legs. Legs so shapely any bird would love to have them, but without the fur, for the lad was surprisingly hirsute in the limbs. A swimmer’s limbs. With the dark hair. All so like my Neddy. Except hairy.
John Lennon watched the cop study Paul’s photo with a sharp bite of jealousy gnawing at his stomach. He suppressed it as unworthy. “That’s from a couple of years ago,” he said, reaching to reclaim the snapshot. “Our first trip to Miami in ’64.”
“An utterly gorgeous young man,” Dawson sighed, lingering another moment on the image before handing it back. He had the good sense not to add that Paul was just his type. Paul might have laughed when he said it, but John, Dawson knew, would fail to see the humor. And perhaps understandably, so.
“Aye,” John agreed, taking a second to appreciate the photo again, himself, before slipping it back into his billfold. “And he’s only getting better every year. And I’m getting… fatter, and more blind.”
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theclosetedskeleton · 8 months
i kinda wanna read needful things but. Jamfaces music HGFHHD STARTS BITING THE NEEDFUL THINGS PDF I HAVE SAVED
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rafaelsvala · 11 months
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im-no-jedi · 9 months
I get sad checking my AO3 on Wednesdays cause that’s the day I’ve been uploading chapters to the Kamino story, and the hit count has consistently gone up every Wednesday since I went on hiatus, I feel both honored and terrible 🥺
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hotpinkstars · 2 months
LAZY MORNINGS - aventurine x reader
- your husband gets a call early in the morning, kicking a start to your day. but instead of him going into work, he stays in your arms.
- hellooo everyone! i'm back and i changed my theme up a little bit. thank you to all of the condolences i received, it made me smile and also made me happy :) but i feel ready enough to write once again, and i've been having aventurine brainrot...... hm... also my bad if this is really ooc i've read most of the penacony story and have payed extra to aventurines parts (i can also write ratio for all you ratio simps who want more food..) but my brain is wired weird so.... i fuck some things up anyways enjoy!!!!!!!!!
- no warnings, wc 528
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You wake up, and immediately check the clock on the side of your nightstand. It reads 5:30 am.
You rub your eyes, scanning the room before your eyes land on your husband, Aventurine, who's got one hand in his hair and the other holding his phone up to his ear.
He was a beautiful sight; his eyes half open, hair messy, and pajamas in a bundle with one button keeping it on his torso. You lay a hand on the naked part of his chest, letting him know you were awake. He looks down at you, shooting you a soft smile before speaking into his phone.
“...Alright, I understand,” He said, his tone laced with irritation and sleepiness. “Lets schedule the interview for today.”
You sighed, replacing your hand with your head, trying to go back to sleep. You pull the silk sheets over your ear, everything below your eyes covered by the warm covers. Aventurine wraps an arm around your body, hanging up on the man who called to inform him of what you assumed was something important, and put his phone down next to him.
“Sorry if I woke you, sweetheart,” He sighs, wrapping his other arm around your torso. You nuzzle into him, eyes closed. You mumble something incoherent, and he chuckles. “Someones tired this morning.”
You nod, and he kisses the top of your head. “Do you have to leave early this morning?”
“Nope, not today. They wanted me to, but I'll just say I didn’t feel well enough to get out of bed. I don’t miss work too often, so they won't bat too much of an eye, hopefully."
You giggle a bit, snuggling even deeper into his chest, his heartbeat audible. It comforted you, it always does, and you could’ve fallen asleep right away if it weren’t for his voice keeping you conscious.
“I wish I could bring you to work with me, but unfortunately I can’t. I have to work with Ratio again today,” he groans, putting a hand up to his forehead. “I’d rather spare you of the nuisance he is.”
You laugh once more. “I bet he’s not that bad. You just make him sound like a geek, that’s all.”
“He’s much more than that. Much more insufferable.”
“I doubt it.”
You both laugh before simply holding each other. It seemed like it was only the two of you on this planet; the sounds of birds chirping brought a harmonious feeling, and it was as if none of your worries were able to break through your bedroom door and haunt you.
You tried to stay awake with your husband, considering he was probably up for the day due to the ever so rude interruption at such an early time in the morning. He was used to waking at this time, so he would’ve likely been up soon anyway. You, on the other hand, usually wake up when he’s long gone for the day, so it’s just natural to want to sleep a little longer.
“Fall back asleep, babe,” he pressed a tiny peck to the top of your head, burying his nose in your soft locks. “I’ll be here when you wake back up.”
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pixiiipie · 9 days
Since your my only hope for sub zayne stuff. If you have any spare time could you write a dom to sub fic? please🙇‍♂️. I love your content
jealous boy
includes: dom to sub zayne | reverse comforting | handjob (giving) | hickies (receiving and giving) | nipple play (giving) | a little possessive zayne | not proofread!! (yet!)
awww i’m so honoured i’m just a single mom supporting all my kids <3 and thank youu! i rly like dom-> sub things but writing it is a whole other story 😵‍💫 writing dom character things are rly hard i dont wanna make it actually awful. hope you like my attempt <333
authors note!: the dom part of this is very small and mostly just body language and some not super sexual things. just zayne being possessive and jealous but we soon sort him out. mostly comforting him. i don’t really like this… i promise i can write things that aren’t sickly sweet!!
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it was very rare for zayne to have a day off let alone a whole weekend. he committed himself fully to his work but even though they rely a little too much on him, his colleagues (and you) insisted that he took some time off. to help him completely forget about his ‘abandoned duty’, you treated him with days out and simple moments of intimacy to reward him.
on one of these days, you took him to a bakery to pick out any dessert he wished to enjoy in the park. although it took some time for him to allow you to spoil him like this, he happily pointed out a few treats for the both of you (though he was quick to repay you with a bouquet of your favourite flowers-of course he knows-intimately arranged on your way home). it was a lovely warm day and it felt warmer with every longing gaze zayne looked at you with. he’d never been as happy as he was in that moment.
after your long day, you both decided to stay in and enjoy a home cooked meal in each others company (the flowers weren’t enough and zayne really wanted to treat you to your favourite restaurant but you managed to push him home instead- it was his day! you were spoiling him!). cooking together was a shared activity that you and him tried to do as often as you could. making something for both of you to enjoy and feel proud of as you danced around each other was a perfect way to end any day.
however, this time it felt a little different. instead of his usual actions where he would occasionally come over to press kisses to your head as you chopped vegetables, he barely left you unsupervised and would (a little too tightly) hold you by the waist occasionally brushing his fingers over any bare skin he could reach. noticing this, you tried to bring it up with him whenever he did something like this but zayne was too good at remaining in control of his tone and brushed it off. even if he didn’t give it away with his responses, you knew him and could tell something was up.
you planned to talk to him about this over dinner where you could watch him without being distracted. hopefully things didn’t turn sour and ruin what was a beautiful day with him. since you were still trying to spoil him, you insisted for him to sit at the table and you’ll dish up and bring the food over. obediently, he does so but his demeanour is making you a little uneasy. you’ve dealt with many of his different emotions and are stating to be able to tell how he’s feeling even if it’s not obvious to others but this was new.
as you set his plate down in front of him, he pulled you onto his lap in one quick motion and kissed you. this took you off guard since although you’ve been trying to get him to open up to you and act with more confidence, this was a first. it was difficult to gain control of the kiss but he soon stopped as you lightly hit his back. “zayne what is it? what’s the matter?” you asked unintentionally avoiding pet names in your confusion and slight annoyance. he didn’t answer and instead focused on peppering kisses down your neck before sucking a prominent mark in the most sensitive place (god damn doctor).
while he did this, one hand stayed wrapped around your waist while the other firmly held onto your thigh rubbing small circles with his thumb. you’ve cuddled like this before either casually or to comfort one of you but never like this. never in such a possessive way. he didn’t do anything more than this- even if he was lost in this sudden possessive mood, he would never go further and overstep your boundaries.“you’re mine” he breathed into the crook of your neck. the words felt unnatural coming from him. “and i am yours” that felt better. it didn’t seem like zayne said this to you but more to himself as an affirmation.
his initial possessiveness was becoming desperation and it hurt your heart to see him like this. just as he was about to make another mark, you stopped him by cupping his face with your hand and tilting his head up to look at you. “zayne. my darling what’s bothering you?” your voice was stern but softened when he avoided eye contact. you kissed his forehead to coax a response from him worrying that he was embarrassed or ashamed of himself.
“you’re so beautiful” he whispered so quietly that if all your attention was not on him, you would’ve missed it. as a reward, you kissed his temple and waited for him to feel ready to continue. “i apologise for… that. i don’t know what came over me.” taking a deep breath, zayne took his hands off you and let them hang by his sides but you were quick to take one before it dropped and held it. as he spoke to you, you intertwined your fingers and traced lines over it to steady him.
“everywhere we went today,” he started but unsure where to look, “people were staring at you. that’s very natural as you are… so beautiful but they were friendly to you and likewise you were back.” you half understood what he was saying but the last part threw you. you squeezed his hand to encourage him to continue. “this is very childish of me but i think i was jealous of how well you get along with people and how they look at you. i… i didn’t want you to forget about me.”
ah so that’s what it was. usually when he’s jealous, he owns up to it in a “yes i was jealous, so what?” or “i was not jealous.” way but his entire demeanour was different. he didn’t feel sour, just sad.
“my darling zayne,” you say, bringing his hand up to kiss his knuckles which made him look at you, “you kiss are a very kiss silly man.” a fond expression crossed your face to help him understand that you weee teasing. “you said it earlier you are mine.”
“i am yours.” he finishes, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. zayne let his head fall against yours and breathed deeply. you were the biggest comfort to him in every way. “besides, everyone in the hospital looks at you like you’re god incarnate! they can’t help but sing your praises.” you say rubbing his back.
“they’re not you though.” zayne says. that was the sweetest thing about him. people would flock over him and admire him but nothing they said would ever come close to how warm you made him feel with a simple word. finally moving his other hand, he gently took your face and allowed you to close the gap between you both. kissing always felt better when you took the lead. kissing always felt better when it was with you.
taking this opportunity to straddle him, you return the favour and kiss a trail down to his neck to mark him up. zayne keeps a softer hold on your waist and tries his hardest not to move as you kissed and bit all over his neck. no matter how hard he tried though, trying to suppress his soft whines became more difficult the more you continued.
“there. now you know i’m not lying.” you say, sitting back to admire your work. zayne’s entire figure was struggling to not slump over as he gazed at you through half-lidded eyes. those eyes were a stark contrast from the look he gave you a few minuets ago. you knew what that face was. “use your words darling. what do you need?” you whisper with a smirk taking his chin to look at you.
“you” was all he could muster and all he could think of.
“cute. that’s my good boy.” you say leaning close to his ear as your hands unbuttoned his trousers. “how’s this, my love?” zayne nodded, carefully rubbing your waist and back too embarrassed to speak. just as you managed to free his dick, you move some of his hair out of his face and ask, “what would you like?” blowing a little cold air towards it to make him twitch.
“mmn just your hand please. i’d like to kiss you more.” zayne replies. all he wants right now is to be close to you and be reminded that here, in this universe, in this lifetime, you love him and he is yours. fulfilling his request, you kiss him deeply and start moving your hand just to hear him moan into your mouth. you loved the subtle change in his body language whenever you touched him like this. zayne truly melts and his body becomes even more obedient to you. all he wants is you.
“zayne, my love, you know there’s no need to be jealous of all those people today.” you say watching him try to hide his face as you call him out. hearing you call him ‘jealous’ made him feel immature. “you’re the only one i want to do this to.” you add, twisting your wrist and kissing his cheek. your legs were holding him down but it was becoming increasingly difficult to not buck into your hand.
“please… only do this hnng- with me.” he pleaded his breathing becoming heavier and shakier “i- haah… i love y-you.” zayne was so soppy but it made you want to spoil him more. he could get anything he wanted when he acted like this and he probably knows it. while one of your hands worked on his dick, you moved the other under his shirt to play with his nipples. over time, you’ve been building him up and trying to make them more sensitive and he’s mentioned how they���re starting to feel good (in a very blunt way of course. very professional, very straightforward, very much breaking eye contact).
“c-careful!” zayne gasped, his body jolting forwards to the added stimulation. “i love the way your body reacts to things. i wish i could cary out a doctor’s inspection of it.” you muse mostly to yourself taking time to admire him.
“mmaybe o-one day.” he shudders as you focus your attention on his other nipple. with this promise, you increase your movements wanting to test everything on him now. “you’re so pretty like this zayne. i want to show you off to everyone.” you say moving back to his neck trying to get him close. “nno haah…” he whined not wanting to share this moment with anyone but you.
“but… seeing you like this is for my eyes only.” your hot breath on his neck and what you were saying made it hard for him to concentrate and a familiar feeling started to build. “y-yes…yes oh gods yes mmghhh just f-for you.” he babbles tilting his head back to give you more access.
“cum for me darling. i love you.” you say sucking one last mark onto him which makes him practically whine at how good you were making him feel. “tha-ank you mmghhh l-love haah- love-!” his breathing became erratic for a moment before he let out a long moan, relishing in the moment. he came over your hand and a little got on his exposed stomach but you’d be helping him out of his clothes soon enough. the day was over but you hadn’t finished spoiling him.
it didn’t take zayne too long to come back to his senses although his head was still a little foggy. he readjusted himself and rested his head on your shoulder subconsciously nuzzling a little. “‘m sorry.” he mumbled. pressing a kiss onto his head you simply reply “there’s nothing to be sorry for it’s okay. i’m just glad you’re okay.” you were so warm to him he was so lucky to have you.
“dinners cold.” he then says a little dejectedly. even though he wasn’t quite in his right mind when you were making it, you two were still making it together and he hates the idea that he wasted a home cooked meal just because of how he acted. “let’s order a take out! it’s been a little while and it’s good for you to eat unhealthy things sometimes.” you say trying to comfort him. he only scoffed in response which meant he was feeling a little like his usual self. this otherwise annoyed response made you smile.
“it’ll take a little while for it to get here,” zayne says moving his head from its safe place, “please, allow me to return the favour to you and apologise in the meantime. this is how i want to spend my days off.”
if you enjoyed, please consider liking or even reblogging! any kind of interaction let’s me know that you liked this and gives me motivation to write more. make sure to follow to stay up to date with all my thoughts <3
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
Hi baby!
I love your writing so much!
Are you able to do a aftercare fic? Majority of smut stories I see they have little to no aftercare or very shitty aftercare
Hope you're doing well!
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earned it (one of the girls part 3)
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fwb! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: smutttt, p in v, cream pie, overstimulation, oral (fem receiving), pretty fluffyyyy, cursing
a/n: hopefully this is enough aftercare for you 🙏🏾
hope you enjoyyy
part 1. part 2.
“well? what are you so afraid of?” she asked, looking at me expectantly.
“i don’t know” i breathed out, finding it difficult to speak the words i wanted to.
she squinted her eyes at me, “yes you do, chris. why are you lying to me?”
fuck her for knowing me so well.
“i’m not” i spoke, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“yes you are”
“no, i’m…” my voice trailed off as she leaned over me on the bed, making me move my body away from hers until i was laying down.
“do i make you nervous, chris ?” she asked as she looked down at me.
“still lying, huh?” she asked as she ground her hips down into mine.
“oh my god” i groaned as my hands shot out to her waist.
“no touching until you stop lying to me” she spoke as she slapped my hands away.
her hands pushed down on my chest, keeping my body pressed to the bed as she rubbed her clothed pussy against my bulge.
“touch me again and i’ll tie your ass up” she spoke before pulling her shirt over her head.
“fuck” i sighed out as i realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.
you make it look like it’s magic
‘cause i see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
i was lost in the way her hips moved on top of me. the way she leaned back on my thighs, her head thrown back in pleasure.
she knew what she wanted, and she was going to get it.
when she put her mind to something, she never allowed anything to stop her. and right now, she was determined to get the truth out of me.
i was damn near ready to give it to her.
she never broke eye contact with me, despite my dominant nature, she was never intimidated by me.
although she was usually the submissive one, she never failed to put me in my place.
so i love when you call unexpected
‘cause i hate when the moment’s expected
so i’ma care for you, you, you
i’ma care for you, you, you, you
she caught me off guard with the role switch, the last thing i was expecting tonight was to have her on top of me, looking down at me with those hooded eyes.
she knew exactly what to do to drive me crazy, she knew what to do to get me to break.
she grabbed my hand, moving it up her ribcage but stopping right under her breast.
“wanna touch, chris?” she asked, tilting her head to the side and batting her eyelashes at me.
i nodded my head frantically.
“no?” she raise her eyebrows at me, halting her movements.
“i wanna take care of you” i spoke up to her.
“that’s a first” she scoffed. “you can make it up to me after, right now i wanna hear you beg”
“you want me so bad? you care about me? actions speak louder than words, pretty boy. so fucking prove it”
“please. i wanna touch you so badly, ma. i wanna worship your body, show you how much you mean to me. wanna show you how loved you are” i said.
cause girl, you’re perfect
you’re always worth it
and you deserve it
the way you work it
“go ahead then” she said. as soon as the words came out of her mouth, i sat up, wrapping my arms around her waist.
“love your tits” i whispered before bringing one into my mouth, making her moan.
i focused on swirling my tongue around her nipple before doing the same to the other one.
i left open-mouthed kisses all over her chest while staring up at her.
“i know you like it rough, but i’m gonna take my time with you. you deserve it”
‘cause girl, you earned it, yeah
girl, you earned it, yeah
i left kisses up her neck, and jaw before leaving them all over her face.
“chris!” she laughed before i placed a soft kiss against her lips.
“you’re so fucking beautiful, have i ever told you that?”
“yeah, but you were also buried inside of me when you said it so i don’t think that counts” she said playfully.
“i mean everything i tell you, no matter when i say it. it’s never just the heat of the moment baby” i whispered to her.
“ok” she whispered back, a slight smile growing on her face.
i left kisses all up and down her arms, before starting my descent down her stomach.
“can i?” i asked as my mouth stopped at her sleep shorts.
“always, chris”
on that lonely night
said it wouldn’t be love
but we felt the rush
i couldn’t keep my hands off of her, not being able to touch her seemed to have affected me way more than i thought it had.
i needed to feel her bare body against mine.
“need to feel you” i whispered against her skin, looking up at her.
“you have me, chris. i’m right here” she responded, breathing heavily.
i pulled down her shorts and panties, while she helped me rid myself of my own clothes.
once they were off, i flipped us around, laying her down under me.
we just stared at each other for a while, so many unspoken words being exchanged through our eyes.
we both knew what this meant, but were too scared to say it aloud.
i love you.
at least, that’s what i was thinking. who knows what was going on in her head.
“mark me” i told her.
“what?” she asked, eyes widening.
“no more other girls, i only want you. i’m yours, so mark me”
she wasted no time in pulling my neck down, placing her lips on it.
i let out a moan at the feeling of her sucking on the skin, her lips massaging the area sensually before she let it go.
she moved further up my neck, repeating the motion several times, before moving her head back to admire her work.
“pretty” she whispered with a smile on her face.
i dipped my head back down, now leaving kisses to her thighs.
‘cause girl you’re perfect
you’re always worth it
and you deserve it
“you deserve all of the love in this world, and if no one else gives it to you, then i will” i spoke between kisses. “i love everything about you”
“chris-”she started, but let out a loud moan when i licked a stripe up her pussy.
“just need a little taste” i spoke as i stared at her wetness.
i hooked my hands around her thighs before lapping at her arousal.
“oh my god, chris. yes, yes, it feels so good!” she gasped.
i groaned against her as i felt her thighs push against my hands, attempting to close.
her gasps and moans filled the room as i continued to work my tongue through her folds, relishing in the taste of her against my tongue.
i pushed my tongue into her needy hole, her hands flying to my hair to grip the brown locs.
i curled my tongue inside of her, shoveling it through her velvety walls, making her scream.
“c-chris, i’m gonna cum if you keep doing that” she moaned out.
i shook my head side to side, allowing my nose to press against her clit, before moving my face away.
“god, you taste so fucking good” i whispered as i licked my lips, watching as she looked down at me with her eyes slightly widened.
“need you so bad, chris” she whined, clenching her thighs together.
“i got you, princess. just relax. gonna take care of you” i told her before lining myself up with her.
“ready?” i asked, grabbing her hips. once she gave me a nod in response, i pushed into her.
her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to her, making us both moan as i bottomed out.
i leaned down, pressing my chest to hers as i began to move.
my thrusts were slow but deep, allowing her walls to cling onto my dick tightly.
“h-holy shit” i groaned out, shuddering at the way she felt around me.
we’d done this a million times before, but this time was different.
it felt like i was closer to her than i’d ever been.
she looked so good, staring up at me with her face contorted in pleasure, her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
“god, you feel so good around me. not gonna last long” i groaned when she clenched around me in response.
“fuck, i-i’m so close” i moaned as my hands clenched the bedsheet under her.
“good, i want you to fill me up so badly” she spoke as she stared up at me.
she was pushing me closer to my orgasm embarrassingly fast, but i couldn’t help it.
being with her like this was driving me crazy. my every thought was consumed by her. my skin pressed against hers, the taste of her essence lingering on my tongue, her breathy moans, her hands wrapped around my arms, all of the little things turned me on even more.
“come on, chris. you gonna cum with me?” she asked as she clenched around me again, pushing me over the edge.
“oh my god! fuck, fuck, i’m cumming” i panted out as i shot my load inside of her, making her cry out.
she shook under me as she released all over my cock, while my seed continued to spurt out of me.
“fuck, chris. didn’t even know you could cum this much” she spoke when i finished, her inner thighs covered in my pleasure.
when i pulled out, we watched our juices spill out of her and onto the sheets.
“got anymore?” she asked before wrapping her hand around my dick, making my hips jerk into her hand.
“w-wait, baby that- shit, shit, shit” i whimpered as more cum shot out of me.
“hmm, someone liked that, huh?” she teased as she continued to stroke me, watching as my hips shook.
i went to grab her wrist, but she stopped me before i could.
“what’s that you always tell me? sit there and take it?” she smirked at me.
a few more beads of cum flew out of me before she let go of me, making me let out a heavy sigh.
“i- you’re fucking insane” i breathed out as she pulled me on top of her into a hug.
“ yup, and you love it” she smiled, leaving a kiss to my nose.
“ok, i gotta go now” i spoke as i began to get up, jokingly.
she saw the smile on my face, knowing i was joking, before pulling me back down onto her.
“shut the hell up, you’re not funny” she narrowed her eyes at me.
“i think i’m hilarious”
“i think it’s hilarious how i just had you whimpering a minute ago”
my smile instantly dropped at that, as i shot her a glare, “ok fuck you”
“just saying” she shrugged.
“are you ok? anything hurt?” i asked, scanning her body over.
“i’m ok, chris”
“mmhm, what hurts?” i asked as i placed a few kisses to her shoulder.
“my legs”
“want a massage?” i asked her.
“please” she sighed out.
i moved down to her legs, placing my hands on one and gently squeezing it.
i rubbed the soft skin between my hands, soothing her achey muscles.
she moaned at the feeling, her eyes fluttering shut.
i continued to massage her leg, her noises of approval fueling me to keep going, before moving to the other leg.
when i finished i looked up to tell her i was done, only to be met with her soft snores.
i went to her bathroom, wetting a clean wash cloth with warm water, and coming back to clean her up.
when i finished, i put my shirt on her to keep her from getting cold, before cleaning myself up.
i discarded the wash cloth in the hamper before getting back into the bed with her, pulling the blanket over both of us.
i looked at her before whispering, “i love you so much, you’re worth it. i’m not running away ever again”
‘cause girl you’re perfect
the way you work it
you deserve it
girl, you deserve it
tag list: : @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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cinnamostar · 6 months
seven dates to fall in love
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part two. part three. part four. part five. part six coming soon.
pairing : hyunjin x gn!reader
summary : after a two year long unspoken hatred, hyunjin and you are forced to be costars in a romantic series, but when it comes to filming any of the romance scenes, you both utterly fail and are unable to get through your lines. the director threatens to take your roles away if you two aren't able to get past this within the next week, which spawns the genius idea from both your managers: can you learn to (fake) fall in love in seven dates and save your careers?
wc : 4.3k
cw : actor!au, enemies to lovers ?!, slowburn (?!), cursing, one gorey joke thing, arguing, they;re each other's biggest haters, let me know if i missed anything !!
a/n : this is part one of a possible mini series! not sure how many parts this will be, but let me know what you think <33!! likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated. this is supposed to be an uncomfortable read so i hope i got the vibe down LMAO this is also more to set the scene/story so not much going on in this part...
Tears rolled down your cheeks as Hyunjin cupped your face, lips trembling as your doe eyes looked into Hyunjin’s. His hands gently rested on your cheek, his palms cool to the touch in contrast to your warm tears. His eyebrows furrowed in concern as his thumb gently caressed your cheek in an attempt to soothe your broken heart, yet his eyes lacked any emotions, no love to be found behind his cold, dark eyes. His body was stiff and uncomfortable, his movements almost robotic as he tried to lean closer to your face, yet all you could do was roll your eyes and sigh, as you braced yourself for what was next.
“Cut!” yelled the director furiously, a frown painted on his face, “This is ridiculous! We are never going to finish filming if you two can’t act out a simple kiss scene with each other.”
Hyunjin and you instantly jumped away from each other, not missing the chance to glare at the other as the director chastised you both.
“You two are amazing actors, that’s why I picked you both for these roles, I’ve seen you both act these kinds of scenes before, but my god, do you two lack chemistry,” ranted the director, his face reddening in frustration, “I get you two don’t like each other, but your entire job is to act like it for a bit. If you guys can’t solve this, then one of you is getting kicked off the project and being replaced.”
The last sentence caused you both to snap your heads towards him, eyes widened in disbelief as you scoffed, “It’s not my fault he doesn’t know how to fucking act properly! He’s the one who is messing up the scenes,” pointing your finger accusingly towards Hyunjin.
Hyunjin crossed his arms defensively, venom lacing his words as he spat with incredulity, “Me? Please, I should be getting paid more for having to pretend to be in love with that face of yours.”
You turned to Hyunjin once more, your hands balling into a fist as you opened your mouth to speak, but you were quickly cut off, “Save it, I don’t have time to listen to your childish arguments anymore. I will give you guys one week to figure this out, and if you are not able to get through this scene, consider it over for one of you,” promptly spoke the director before turning to the crew, “Everyone, go home. We’ll come back in a week from now and hopefully we will have something to work with.”
As everyone began to shuffle off set, you stomped your way to the dressing room, wanting nothing more to get away from Hyunjin at that moment as a rageful fire burned inside of you. You slammed the door open as you slumped in your seat, seething as you remembered Hyunjin’s words and how unlucky you were that he had to be your costar. You sighed as your manager entered right after you, a serious look taking over his features, “Y/N…”
“I know, I know!” you groaned, rubbing your face with your hands out of frustration, “I know a lot rides on this project and I promise I am trying my best to work with him, but he makes it so difficult too!”
Your manager, Chan, gave you a sympathetic look while shaking his head, “Well, you two are going to need to get over your differences somehow. This will look really bad for you if you get kicked off and you will be less likely to get any other roles in the future,” he murmured, “I will… talk to Hyunjin’s manager and see if we can figure something out, okay?”
You removed your hands from your face, your apologetic eyes meeting Chan’s, “I’m sorry, he just really knows how to get under my skin.”
“It’s alright, we’ll work something out. I’m not letting you lose this opportunity,” he promised before stepping out of the room, presumably to meet Hyunjin’s manager.
Sighing once more, you recalled the day you met Hyunjin on the set of another project two years ago. Initially, you both seemed to get along really well with each other and had great chemistry on camera, as you each were playing two side characters that had a small romance flourishing in the film. Yet, somewhere along the line, your relationship with Hyunjin soured out of nowhere, him suddenly being cold with you and making snide remarks every chance he had. It created such an uncomfortable work environment, you almost considered dropping acting altogether, afraid to encounter other similar characters like him. Luckily, Chan had convinced you otherwise, reassuring you he would do everything in his power to avoid any projects with him in it and also insisting your talents would go to waste if you let one guy ruin it all. Besides, you loved acting and you were slowly making your dreams come true. Why would you ever let Hyunjin of all people ruin it for you?
Ever since then, you despised Hyunjin due to his treatment of you and whenever you did have the misfortune of running into him, you did your best to keep it curt and cordial, never lingering around too long. He seemed to be on the same page as you, but the look on his face spoke of every nasty thought he was holding back on, and you hated him for it.
And while Chan did hold up on his end of his promise, it all came crashing down at this latest project. This was an offer neither you or Hyunjin could resist, especially when the writers, producers, and director personally approached both your managers and offered the role to you directly, plopping the opportunity right in your lap. The writers really wanted you both to be the leads, believing you two were perfect for the roles and had even seen that one film project you and Hyunjin did years ago, which unfortunately set their expectations extremely high, which led to the disaster you two are currently in.
It was impossible to say no to them, especially when they went out their way to contact you, and the script was great, it seemed like something you would have so much fun filming it, yet Hyunjin was quick to suck out all the joy from it.
You tried, you really tried to be as professional as possible with Hyunjin, and filming went pretty well the first few days. In fact, it may have gone a little too well that you both left the entire staff speechless after filming an argument scene between the two main characters. So much so, that the director applauded at how real you two were able to portray the scene, even bringing him to tears as he beamed proudly at you two, assuring him that he had made the perfect casting decision. Little did anyone know, you and Hyunjin’s scripted argument was not acting at all, but was a reflection of how you felt about each other. The rageful yelling, the resentful expressions, the improvised insults, and emotions were all entirely real - there was no need for acting when you both loathed one another.
Once it was time to finally start filming the romantic elements, the prospects of this being the next greatest show was squandered instantaneously by the painful awkwardness between you and Hyunjin. And to be honest, it was mostly Hyunjin who was tripping up during these scenes, making anyone who witnessed his weak attempts of being romantic with you cringed due to how much he struggled to even look at you and treat you like a person. Every now and then, you’d find yourself breaking character, but for the most part you were able to get through your lines pretty convincingly. Although, for some reason, Hyunjin was having an incredibly difficult time completing most of his lines and struggled keeping that abhorrent scowl off his face. Yet, even though you had managed to do quite well, you were also being punished by Hyunjin’s ineptitude. 
How on Earth was this supposed to all be resolved in one week? This was a two year long feud that was not simply going to disappear over the course of the week, but you knew both of you were too competitive to let this project go. Somehow, it would just have to work out, but it was a matter of how. As you lost yourself in thought, the door to the room opened once more with a nervous Chan standing at the entrance.
You raised your eyebrows in concern as you examined Chan’s anxious body language, “What happened?”
He gently closed the door behind me, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, “So… I talked to the producers and Hyunjin’s manager…”
You nodded your head, encouraging him to continue, “Okay, go on. What did they say?”
“They’re really upset and disappointed, as they had really high expectations and now they've decided that they’ll just replace both of you if next week doesn’t go well.”
“What?!” You jumped from your seat in shock, no longer having the possible safety of remaining on the project to back you up.
“And I don’t think I need to tell you how much worse this will be for both your public images,” Chan spoke nervously, almost as if he was dreading to share the rest of the conversation with you, “So, Changbin and I spoke, and as both your managers, we think you two need to do something to get over this bump.”
Your eyes narrowed as you tried to decode Chan’s words, “Uh huh, which means what exactly…?”
“You’re really not going to like this, I’m really sorry, I tried to think of other solutions, b-”
“Please, Chan, just spit it out already.”
Chan sighed, “Well, Changbin and I think the best way you guys can learn to recreate that kind of romantic chemistry is by, well… going on dates this next week? You know, learn to get used to being romantic with each other so it's easier to act it out on camera.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes bored into Chan’s as annoyance made its way into your body, “No, absolutely not! I want nothing to do with that man, that sounds like a terrible idea!” you exclaimed, your face contorting into a frown as your voice grew louder.
Chan lifted his hands before him in an attempt to fan the flames of your anger, “Y/N, I know, I know, but this is the best we got for now! Do you have any other better ideas?”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat as you shook your head, “No, but… That just sounds like a week of pure torture!” you whined, Chan’s face dropping into an apologetic expression.
“Just promise me you will try your best? It’s only for a week, and then all you will have to do is get through the rest of filming.”
“I guess,” you grumbled, turning your back to Chan as you ran your hands through your hair, “Let’s just hope Hyunjin isn’t too much of a pain in the ass.”
The next day rolled around as you waited outside of your apartment building with a miffed expression on your face, tapping your feet impatiently as you pulled out your phone to check the time. 
Great, Hyunjin was now ten minutes late to pick you up for your first oh-so practice dates. You felt yourself grow angrier as the minutes passed, your veins burning hot as you contemplated going back inside and calling Chan to yell at him how this idea was never going to work, but before you could, a black car with tinted windows pulled up next to you. The window on the passenger side rolled down, revealing an upset Hyunjin in the driver’s side who called out to you, “Wow, don’t look too happy to see me. Get in.”
This only made your frown deepen as you rolled your eyes, opening the car door to take a seat, “Whatever. Couldn’t even open the car door for me, huh?” you slammed the door shut, crossing your arms as you looked ahead, avoiding Hyunjin’s gaze.
He scoffed while putting the car in drive, “Now why the hell would I do that?”
“Aren’t you supposed to learn how to be all gentlemanly and shit? Isn’t this why we’re doing this?” you snapped, nails digging into your hands as you clenched them in an attempt to hold your anger in.
Hyunjin only shrugged, “Funny you think you deserve that treatment. Just shut up and let's get this over with.”
You held your tongue, resisting the urge to start another quarrel with him in this car ride to whatever restaurant Changbin reserved for you two. It was a 20 minute drive and you refused to waste your breath on some argumentative asshole, and reminded yourself that at the very least you’d be eating something delicious soon enough.The car ride was tense as neither of you dared to speak, especially after Hyunjin turned the music up to hide the deafening silence that hung in the air. As soon as you both arrived at the restaurant, you exited the car in a hurry, desperate for a breath of fresh air and some reprieve from the tension you just sat in. Unsurprisingly, Hyunjin strolled right ahead of you, not making any sort of effort to acknowledge your existence as he marched through the restaurant's front doors as soon as he exited the car, causing you to chase after him just to keep up with his long strides. Truthfully, it felt like Hyunjin was just trying to piss you off, and it was working.
Upon entering the building, you realized Changbin had definitely booked you guys an extremely upscale restaurant, which explains why he was so insistent on making sure you both dress formally. Everyone in here reeked of affluence, and while you and Hyunjin were able to afford these luxuries due to the success of your careers, you still couldn’t help but feel out of place. The other patrons were dressed similarly to you, but there was this extra layer of otherworldly riches radiating off of them. Perhaps it was their mannerism or the snobby, fake, business smiles exchanged amongst them, but something about this place was extremely unsettling.
Hyunjin approached the host with a polite smile, “Reservation for Hwang.”
The host nodded, retrieving two menus before standing in front of both of you, bowing “Mister and Mx. Hwang, please follow me this way.”
Your body physically recoiled with disgust and shock when you heard the host refer to you as Mx. Hwang, wanting to immediately correct him, yet you reminded yourself you were here on a date, so it would be best to try to immerse yourself into the role as much as you can for the sake of your career and the future of this current project. The host led you to your table, which was thankfully located in a more secluded corner of the restaurant, a small candle in the middle of it to help set the romantic mood.
You thank the host as you sat down, graciously taking the menu from his hand with a smile, which dropped into a glower as soon as the host left, “Are you not taking any of this seriously?”
Hyunjin pursed his lips, his eyes scanning the menu in his hand, “You expect me to take you seriously?”
Your jaw dropped, completely flabbergasted at his lack of concern over the situation he put you both in, “What the fuck is your problem?” you growled in a syncopated whisper, trying not to draw any attention to you, “Do you not care about the possibility of both of us losing our roles?”
Hyunjin let out another exasperated sigh, as if you were inconveniencing him, “I am trying to get through his evening with you without wanting to gouge my eyes out,” he dramatically plopped the menu down on the table, “I do care, of course I fucking care.”
“Then can you at least act like it?” you whispered angrily.
“Maybe if you would shut up-”
Before Hyunjin could finish his statement, the waiter came by with an excited and hospitable smile, “Hello, Mister and Mx. Hwang! I hope you both are having a lovely evening. I’ll be your server for the night, can I interest you guys in a bottle of wine before we get started with food?”
You smiled at the server, nodding your head, “Oh, yes, that sounds wonderful. We’ll take whichever one you recommend.”
The server nodded sweetly, blissfully unaware of the tension between the two of you, “Great! I’ll bring out one of the house favorites for you two to try, I’ll be back shortly.”
As soon as the server was out of earshot, you glared down at Hyunjin once more, gripping the menu in hand as your knuckles turned white, “I am going to pretend I didn’t hear you. Do you know what you’re going to order?” you asked, trying to at least make some sort of conversation with him.
Except, Hyunjin just hums a response as his eyes return to the menu, choosing to ignore your question as the chatter of other patrons fills the silence. You let out a heavy exhale, debating on whether you should reach over the table and slap him, play along with him, or continue trying for, once again, the sake of your careers. “Well, I’m going to get the filet mignon. I think it’ll pair nicely with the wine.”
Hyunjin continued to ignore you, now scrolling through his phone which caused your anger to boil up within you as you wondered how on Earth you were going to get through the rest of the night with any sort of progress. “Seriously, Hyunjin? Are you not even going to try?”
He looked up from his phone, an unamused look painting his features, “Please just shut the fuck up. It would make this night a whole lot more bearable if you knew how to keep your mouth shut.”
“Hwang Hyunjin, I swear to f-”
“Alright, here you go,” the waiter returned with a cheery smile, setting down to glass cups while popping open a bottle of wine, “Are you two ready to order?” he beamed as he poured a healthy amount of wine in each of your glasses, and lord knows you need a drink right now.
“Ah, thank you,” you forced a courteous smile, “I’ll take the filet mignon, please.”
“Alright, and what about you, sir?”
“I’ll have the whole grilled snapper, thank you.”
“Perfect, I’ll have those out as soon as they’re ready.”
You felt yourself growing incredibly frustrated as time ticked by, unable to sit still in your seat due to the roaring fury you felt inside of you. You just could not understand why Hyunjin was so hateful towards you, you had no idea what caused him to behave this way with you and you were growing sick of it. Maybe you could confront him about it, but right now, you were way too riled up to even think of having that conversation with him. Your face was stuck in a permanent scowl as Hyunjin wore a blank expression, seemingly not caring about the circumstance you both were in. It floored you that Hyunjin wasn’t taking any of this seriously. He said he cared about the fact he was at risk of losing this role, yet his actions and attitude said otherwise. 
If looks could kill, Hyunjin would’ve been dead ten times over, yet as he looked up to meet your eyes, he returned your gaze with a humorless one, “You know, staring is rude.”
It was taking an exuberant amount of self control for you to hold it together, “I just can’t understand how you’re so relaxed about this. It’s like you want us both to get dropped from this project.”
“Like I said, I do care, but this whole arrangement isn’t so easy to do,” he said sternly, “You’re not even giving me the chance to get comfortable. You can’t just expect me to be able to act like we don’t hate each other. And pressuring me isn’t helping much either, is it?”
You bit the inside of the cheek, recognizing that Hyunjin wasn’t entirely wrong in how he was feeling. “I guess so,” was all you could manage to reply, not willing to give him the satisfaction that he was right. 
Once more, an uncomfortable, tense silence loomed over as you each waited for your food. You decided it was best to deal with this rather than forcing a conversation, perhaps it was best to let Hyunjin take the lead since he was the one struggling with this disaster. Despite the heavy atmosphere, you found your muscles slowly relaxing as time went on as your focus returned to the environment around you, how decadent each detail of the restaurant was and the false laughters of businessmen filled your ears. 
The waiter returned with both your meals in hand, grinning from ear to ear, “Alright, here’s the grilled snapper for you, sir,” he carefully laid the plate in front of Hyunjin before turning to you with a sweet smile, “And here’s the filet mignon for the beautiful Mx. Hwang.”
You noticed Hyunjin trying to hold back a teasing laugh at the waiter’s comment, even going as far to add, “They’re lovely, aren’t they?” But only you could see through the fakeness Hyunjin wore as the waiter politely agreed, causing you to kick Hyunjin hard in the shin from under the table. Hyunjin’s face winced as he thanked the waiter for the food before glaring at you, “What? You want us to act like a couple, but the moment I do something, you have a problem with it?”
You grumbled, annoyance lacing your voice, “Oh, shut up. You were being sarcastic, you asshole.”
“Oh, really? I would say our server didn’t have a clue, I’d say I’m a pretty good actor,” he smirked, picking up his fork and knife, “Let’s just enjoy our food, hm?”
You returned Hyunjin’s smirk with an insincere smile, “You’re right, it’s probably the only good thing that’ll come out this evening.” 
Hyunjin only hummed in agreement, choosing to ignore your comment as he dug into his food, you doing the same as the familiar tense silence enveloped you once more. In all honesty, this felt like it was going nowhere, it felt like this whole project was doomed from the very inception of it and Hyunjin’s stubbornness was only making this more difficult than it needed to be. The idea that you had to put your full trust and the fate of your career in someone else was too much, it was ridiculous, yet here you were, with the man you loathed the most having full control on whether this project would be a success or a blemish on your career. His lack of cooperation filled you with anxiety, yet you knew you had no choice. Patience wasn’t always your strong suit, but Hyunjin never failed to test it and you weren’t sure if you were going to survive this entire week if this was how every meeting was going to be like.
You were half way through your meal when Hyunjin cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts, “So, why did you take the project knowing I was going to be the male lead?”
You snorted at his question, “Could be asking you the same thing.”
“Well, I honestly took the role thinking you wouldn’t do it knowing it was me as the lead,” mumbled Hyunjin.
“Wow,” you stared at him with disbelief in your eyes, “You really thought I’d reject a hand delivered opportunity?” you let out a surprised laugh, “Besides, the script seemed fun. Just didn’t realize you’d be so impossible to work with.”
“I see,” responded Hyunjin as he continued to eat, causing you to raise your eyebrow, fully expecting a witty response from him in return. 
The rest of dinner went on without a word, that being the only exchange throughout the night. While it was not an enjoyable time, you and Hyunjin seemed to have agreed that the silence was far more welcomed than any bickering you two would engage in, preferring the uncomfortable peace over anything else. 
The car ride home went the same, no words other than the loud music that drummed over your incessant thoughts, anxiety crawling throughout you as you began to worry that maybe you were losing out on the biggest role of your career, all thanks to Hyunjin of all people. If this didn’t work out, this would make it impossible for you to find other roles in the industry, as rumors would inevitably spread about how difficult it was to work with you and Hyunjin. You couldn’t trust him one bit, you had no faith in him that he would be able to get over his own differences with you, ones that you still had no idea where they even spawned from. 
As soon as Hyunjin pulled up in front of your apartment, you left his car without a word, not even looking back before making your way up to your unit. You pulled out your phone as you unlocked the front door, stumbling as you dialed Chan’s number.
“Oh, Y/N! How did it go?”
“Chan, this isn’t going to work. We’re fucked.”
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roosterforme · 4 months
Always Ever Only You Part 30 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley's excitement over the first set of ultrasound photos is unparalleled. He has never been so happy and so overwhelmed in his life, but at times he feels ill equipped to process everything that's happening. And the last thing he wants is to make you feel like he's growing tired of you.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, pregnancy topics, doctors, angst, fluff
Length: 6600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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Bradley wanted to be able to explain it to you, but he wasn't really sure he could. Sitting in the waiting room with you and anticipating an ultrasound to see the baby was honestly more than he ever thought he could have. You were more than he ever thought he deserved, and you wanted him anyway. But a baby? 
He barely had a baseline to build off of. His dad died when he was young enough that he only had a handful of fleeting memories. The sound of a laugh. Two big hands lifting him up when he fell. A lullaby sung softly as he drifted off to sleep. Besides the photos that you and he collected from his storage unit and the stories his mom recounted when he was younger, that's all he had.
But he could practically hear his mom telling him how excited Nick Bradshaw was to be a dad. Bradley could remember the joy in her voice whenever she told him about the way she would catch father and son goofing off together. She was adamant that Bradley cried almost nonstop the first day his dad was gone for a deployment. And now Bradley desperately wished he could remember these little details that made up their relationship. Because soon, god willing, he was going to be on the other side of things: the parent who loves goofing off and singing, but who also gets deployed and causes tears to fall.
It was all too overwhelming for him to put into words, but as he laced his fingers with yours, he knew he didn't have to figure out how to do everything all at once. 
"Are you nervous?" you asked.
Bradley looked at your open expression and immediately felt better. Talking through things and sharing his thoughts was the best way to keep from driving himself crazy while also letting you know how important you were. "Excited," he replied, kissing your cheek and ear. "Just really fucking excited. I've been thinking... about starting a notebook. Kind of for the baby? Like how sometimes I like to write down what I'm thinking and feeling for myself."
He still felt silly at times for sharing the notebooks with you, but you nodded with a little smile on your lips. "I love your deployment notebooks. I love what you wrote about me."
He reached for you and kissed you without hesitation. "I think I want the baby to be able to read about how much I was looking forward to meeting them. When they're older, I mean. They can read about how I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest right now. And how I can't wait to hold them and give them a name. All about how much I love their mom."
Bradley let you bury your face against his neck. It didn't feel like you were hiding from him so much as giving him a taste of the kind of response he'd get if the two of you were alone. "I like that idea." You kissed the side of his neck and said, "I adore you, Roo. You'll be the best daddy."
Bradley almost laughed when you jolted in your seat after the nurse called your name. "Come on back, you two," she said with a smile. "Hopefully mom and dad can leave with some new family photos."
"Holy shit," Bradley replied, palms suddenly sweaty. Baby photos. He was on his feet in an instant, ready to go. And maybe this was what his dad felt like. Perhaps his parents didn't know what they were doing either, but rather they just counted themselves lucky to go along for the ride. He wished one of them had left him a notebook.
You were smiling up at him as he reached for your hand again, and your fingers felt sure and steady all wrapped up with his. "I'm excited, too," you whispered, answering your own question from earlier while he ran his thumb along your rings. "And maybe a little nervous."
"I'm right here," he promised as the two of you followed the nurse into a room filled with equipment. "I'm not going anywhere."
He kissed you and then begrudgingly let go of your hand when the nurse gave you a hospital gown to change into. As she left the room with the promise that your doctor would be in shortly, Bradley dragged his palms across his khaki covered thighs as he sat down and watched you change. Even though you were suffering from near constant nausea, he thought you looked incredible. Your face was glowing, and you kept looking at him with adoration in your eyes. 
"Jesus," he grunted when you removed your bra. Was it possible that today he was the hornier one for once? "Sweetheart. Your tits," he whispered as he ran a hand over his face while you giggled. "Unreal." Then your underwear went sliding down your legs, and he reached down to help you out of them. "Hand me the gown," he told you as he folded your underwear across his knee.
You slipped into the gown when he held it open for you, and then you stood between his legs while he secured the ties and kissed you through the fabric. Your laughter filled the small room, and when the doctor walked in, she found you sitting on Bradley's lap while he ran his knuckles gently across your belly. 
"I'm Dr. Morris," she said, shaking hands with you as you stood and then reaching for Bradley's. "I love it when partners show up for appointments, too. It's a lot more fun."
He watched Dr. Morris help you up onto the table, immediately missing your warm body next to his. "I plan on being here for every appointment unless I'm deployed." Your smile faltered a little bit at his words, so he added, "And even then, I'd steal a jet and fly in for a few hours. This is that important to me."
Your smile was restored and then some. Bradley scooted the chair a little closer when you reached for his hand as Dr. Morris started to ask you some questions and enter them into the software. "Do you recall when you last menstruated? I'd like to calculate a due date assuming we find a healthy fetus."
Once you told her the date of your last period, Bradley blurted out, "Why wouldn't it be healthy?"
Now he had two pairs of eyes on him as you squeezed his sweaty hand. "It's very early," Dr. Morris said. "Complications are more likely to occur in the first trimester than in the second or third. And your wife is just between seven and eight weeks along based on her cycle."
"Oh," Bradley said, swallowing hard. You'd tried to tell him all of this information before, letting him know it was too early to inform your parents or Nat or any of your other friends. But it felt somehow wrong coming from someone else. He didn't like this information when it was laid out before him in the exam room. 
"It's okay, Roo," you told him, a sweet smile still on your face. So he nodded and watched your lips and the curve of your cheek as you answered a few more questions and asked about prenatal vitamins.
Then eventually Dr. Morris said the only words Bradley really wanted to hear right now. "Let's see what we can find with the ultrasound."
He was sitting on the edge of his seat, elbow leaning on the exam table as he gripped your hand for dear life. As excited as he'd been, now he was on the verge of being sick. What if he'd been too rough with you in bed? What if the football at the beach really did hit you in the wrong spot? What if all of the vomiting had been worse than either of you considered?
One thing was for certain. Bradley was going to love you no matter what, until his dying day. So he held onto your hand and kissed your knuckles as Dr. Morris squeezed lube onto a wand that looked a bit like one of the vibrators you had at home. "Is that for the ultrasound?" he asked, watching you spread your legs wider. 
"Yes," the doctor replied, and a huge computer monitor lit up. "We need to get really up close at this stage to be able to see anything, so we're doing a transvaginal ultrasound today. The ones you're thinking of that use a paddle on the belly will come later."
"Right," he replied, and as soon as she slipped the wand inside you, he watched you purse your lips in slight discomfort. "You okay, Sweetheart?" he whispered, eyes glued to your face for any sign of pain. But your pinched expression melted away, and your lips parted softly as you sighed and stared at the computer monitor. 
"Oh. Oh, Bradley! Look!"
When he turned toward the screen, he slowly stood as you pulled his hand closer to your body and held it with both of yours. Everything looked a little fuzzy at first, just some gray and black shapes. But then a cute little bean started to take shape as Dr. Morris adjusted the wand, and Bradley rasped, "Is that the baby?"
"Yes," she replied evenly, also watching the monitor. "And everything looks great."
Warmth spread through his entire body as Bradley huffed out a laugh while you giggled. He wasn't sure if his hand was shaking or if it was yours, but he leaned down and kissed your wrists before finding your lips with his. "That's our baby," he whispered, kissing you once more.
"It's adorable," you said, smiling nonstop. "Like a little bean, or a chicken nugget."
Bradley leaned on the table, keeping as close to you as he could. "I'm already so in love." He could feel tears in his eyes as Dr. Morris froze the screen. "Is it over?" he asked in a slight panic. In all honesty, he could happily spend the rest of the day right here with you and the baby, and he wasn't prepared to say goodbye yet.
"Just capturing some images," she reassured him. "Baby's first picture."
"Oh my god," Bradley groaned softly, and you ran your fingers through his hair as he ducked his head against your shoulder. "That's the first picture, Baby Girl."
"The baby looks just like you, Roo," you told him with a laugh, and he kissed you until the doctor cleared her throat.
"Let's see what we can find if we zoom in a little more."
With rapt attention once again, Bradley stared at the screen. It looked like the baby was bouncing around a bit, wiggling to an unknown song. "Is that movement good?" he asked. "And what's that little flickering spot?"
"Very good," she replied. "And the flickering is the heartbeat."
"The heartbeat?" That was inexplicably what threw him over the edge as a tear managed to squeeze its way down his cheek when he blinked. "Holy shit."
He just let his head rest against your chest and basked in the feel of your fingers in his hair as you whispered, "I love you." Bradley had no idea if you were talking to him or the baby. Or maybe both. Or maybe you loved Dr. Morris, because in this moment he certainly did as she snapped more photos. Maybe you loved everything right now just like he did.
"I love you, too."
Bradley was falling apart as you ran your fingertips along his scarred cheek. Or perhaps he was completely keeping it together. You weren't really sure. He had some tears in his eyes even though he was smiling, and the two of you were holding onto each other. 
"Do you want to listen to the heartbeat as well?" Dr. Morris asked, and the two of you responded at the same time. 
She laughed and adjusted the ultrasound wand inside you which was actually extremely uncomfortable, but you were starting to think Bradley would cry harder when she removed it. And then you heard it. Dr. Morris adjusted something on the control panel, and set a device on your belly, and you could hear the heartbeat. 
"Why is it so fast?" Bradley asked, squeezing your hand. "That's like really fast."
Now your heartbeat was picking up, but Dr. Morris said, "One hundred and fifty two beats per minute. That's perfectly where it should be."
"Oh, okay," Bradley sighed, eyes transfixed on the monitor. "That's good then. That's a strong Bradshaw heartbeat right there. Can you take another picture? The nugget looks really cute like that."
You laughed and reached for him when she eventually shut off the equipment and removed the wand. At Bradley's request, she printed out enough copies of each image that you'd be able to give them to your parents, all of your friends and even Bradley's cousin Brenda in Virginia. 
"This seems like overkill," you whispered as the printer just kept going and going.
"It's not," he promised. "I need all of them to wallpaper my locker and fill my helmet bag. Just a bunch of pictures of you and now the baby, too."
"We'll get more ultrasound photos at the next appointment. And the next one after that," you reminded him. 
"Good. We'll have enough to wallpaper at home, too." Eased himself back down into the chair as you sat up a little bit while Dr. Morris cleaned up her workstation. 
"When is the due date?" you asked suddenly. 
"March 24th," she replied, and you and Bradley shared a smile. "Do either of you have any other questions for me?" she asked as she handed a massive stack of ultrasound photos to your husband who looked like he just won the lottery. 
"When can we find out if it's a girl or a boy?" he asked, looking through the images with a crooked little grin on his face. 
"In the second trimester," she assured him. "You'll make a special appointment for an anatomy scan."
You cleared your throat and said, "So... I've been really quite... I'm sure it's the hormones and everything, but I've been extremely aroused for the past few weeks." Bradley gave you a wide eyed look as you asked, "Basically, I want my husband around the clock right now, and I want to know if that's normal?"
He let out a strangled choking sound, and his cheeks started to flush pink as Dr. Morris said, "That's totally normal. Have at it."
You pressed your lips together before you quickly asked, "And rough is okay? Like pretty rough."
"Yep," she replied, completely unfazed by your words as Bradley looked like he wanted to run out of the room with his stack of baby pictures. "Anything else?"
A smile crept to your lips, one that Bradley would have probably found alarming if he were looking anywhere else except the door at the moment. "Actually, yes. I do have one more question for you, Dr. Morris. Based on the size of the baby and the date of my last period, can you tell me when you think the baby was conceived?"
"Sure," she replied, turning the monitor back on and scrolling through all of the information in your electronic file. 
"You did not just ask her that," Bradley whispered, his voice deep with annoyance and maybe a little bit of desire as you grinned at him and bit your lip. 
"I would say you probably conceived right around June 27th."
You squealed with delight as Bradley groaned. "Thank you so much, Dr. Morris. We'll see you again in a few weeks."
When she left the room, you hopped off the table and started to untie your gown, pausing to pump your fist in the air while Bradley held his forehead in his hand. "Okay, okay. You win," he whined as he laughed. "You win."
"I told you the baby was conceived in the Honda!"
Later that night, Bradley kept reminding himself that Dr. Morris said rough sex was okay. That seemed to be the only way you wanted it as you got on all fours on the bed and said, "Fuck me hard, Daddy." And Bradley was never going to be one to deny his wife anything she asked for. 
Beads of sweat were rolling down his face, occasionally dripping onto your back as he leaned over you. He was panting next to your ear as he went as hard as he could, fucking you until your knees buckled and he had to hold you up. "You know, I used to have a wife who liked it sweet sometimes. I wonder what happened to her?"
"You knocked her up," you gasped as he rubbed your clit with his fingers. 
Fuck, he was getting close, and your words were not helping in the least. "Come on, Baby Girl. Come for Daddy." 
A few more swipes of his fingers and a little more dirty talk, and you were coming. Holy hell, you were coming hard, which was a good thing, because Bradley needed a break. You released an unholy moan as your legs gave out again, and this time, he let you sink down to the bed as he grabbed his cock in time to come all over your ass and your back. 
"Roo," you gasped as he painted you up, and you met his eyes over your shoulder. "That's so fucking hot!"
"I'm glad you think so," he grunted before he sprawled out on the bed next to you on his back. "I got nothing left in the tank, Sweetheart. Do not ask me for more tonight."
You crawled over to kiss his sweaty face and whispered, "You did so good," as you patted his abs adoringly. "You're already the world's best Daddy." Then you leaned down and cleaned his cum from the head of his cock with your tongue, and Bradley moaned as you climbed out of bed. "I'm going to shower and get ready for bed."
He raised his hand in a wave or surrender, he wasn't quite sure which. Forty-five minutes of nailing you until you screamed his name was the most intense workout he'd had in weeks. He needed to hit his home gym in the garage a little harder. Maybe he could invite Jake over to lift weights with him, and then he could sneak away and take a nap while you and Jake had one of your gossip sessions. That actually sounded pretty great.
Bradley managed to get out of bed long enough to let Tramp out and brush his teeth. By that point, you were getting out of the shower and drying yourself off,  humming and sighing softly. 
"I know what you're trying to do," he said with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. "And it's not gonna work."
You looked at him with one eyebrow raised as you ran the towel across your chest. "I'm sorry. What exactly am I trying to do that's not going to work?"
He spit out his toothpaste and rinsed his mouth, sending a glare at you in the mirror. "Look at your fucking tits, Sweetheart. Now you're just flaunting them."
"I'm literally just standing here."
He shook his head and kissed your forehead as he walked past. "You know what you did."
When you slipped in bed next to him, he pulled you close while you laughed softly. You were wearing nothing except for his old UVA shirt, and when you curled up next to him, he pushed you gently onto your back. Then he yanked the shirt up and shimmied under the covers so his lips were next to your tummy. 
He kissed up and down your side before laying with his cheek on your hip and one hand on your belly. "Listen kid, I don't know what you're doing in there, but I need you to chill, okay? Someday soon, you'll get to see how pretty and perfect your mommy is. Yes, I think about her all day long. Yes, I love her, but I can only take so much. Your old man is an old man."
You lifted up the covers, and Bradley felt your fingers in his hair. "No, you're not."
He kissed the spot just below your belly button before returning to his pillow. "I'll be close to thirty-eight when this little nugget arrives."
"That's not old."
When you curled up on him this time, he collected you in his arms. If you were surprised by his words, you didn't let on. "My dad died when he was twenty-nine. My mom died when she was forty-two. You're a bit younger than me, not that I mind. But my age is something I think about a lot. I'm older than all my friends. I like to be prepared for things before I jump into them. I like to feel out my surroundings. Except when it comes to you, apparently."
You snuggled in a little closer, voice soft as you asked, "What do you mean?"
Bradley kissed your fingers before lacing them with his in the dark bedroom. "I was all in with you as soon as you looked at me. Zero hesitation. No turning back."
You buried your face in his chest and moaned. "You can't just talk about me like that. It makes me insane for you," came your muffled voice, and Bradley laughed. 
"I guess I never had any hesitation about us having kids either. And I'm just saying... it's nice to have time to think about the baby before the baby actually gets here. But I'm also in my head a lot right now about my parents and how much more flying I've got left in me and how I don't actually know how the fuck to take care of a baby."
"Bradley!" Your voice was scolding as you propped yourself up on him. "We're a team. And I wouldn't lie to you. You're not old, and I'm pretty sure nobody actually knows how to take care of a baby until they have one in front of them. Then you just kind of do it, I guess. The fact that you are so excited about this pregnancy is at least half of what's turning me on so much. You will be the best dad imaginable, because you love me so well, and I don't doubt you have more of that to give."
He was exhausted, and your words settled over him like something he could physically feel. "I really am so excited. Today felt like a dream. I just want to cover the whole house in the ultrasound photos, and I can't wait to get another smaller paper airplane tattoo."
He felt your fingers trace his tattoo in the darkness. You knew exactly where it was without guidance just like he knew exactly where yours was. "You'll get it right here? With the baby's name on it?"
"Yeah," he whispered, starting to feel like he was going to doze off.
"I have a question," you said, and he squeezed your hand softly. "Earlier you asked when we can find out if it's a boy or a girl."
He smiled at the hesitation in your voice. "What's your question?"
Bradley could feel your heartbeat against his body, and he thought about how he had been able to see and hear what the baby was doing just a few hours ago. The beautiful sound of that rapid heartbeat that belonged to his child. 
"Do you care? If it's a boy or a girl?"
"No," he answered honestly. "Not one bit. I just care that it's ours."
"Me too. I'm happy either way." Your words sounded soft and dreamy, and he believed them.
"I love you both. Now let the old man sleep."
The rest of the week felt like a bit of a reality check. You tried taking the prenatal vitamins from Dr. Morris, but you threw them back up almost instantly every single time. "Just skip them," Bradley said on Friday morning as you threw up in the toilet when you were trying to get dressed for work. 
"I can't," you practically wailed. "They are supposed to keep me healthy so I can keep the baby healthy." You looked up at him from where you were sitting on the floor.
He sighed and checked the time. "Why don't you just stay home today? You're looking pretty green, and it's Friday anyway. Text Bickel."
Anger flared inside you. He was standing there looking nice and tidy in his khakis while you were on the floor turning yours into a wrinkly mess. And the reason for that was the fact that you had to deal with all of this shit. He just got to enjoy your libido while being excited about the baby. You really didn't want to start resenting him right now when you were leaving for Maryland soon.
"I can't just skip work on a whim like what I'm doing isn't important," you snapped. "I'm trying to get my presentation ready for Annapolis, in case you forgot you offered to help me with that."
He was on his knees in an instant with your chin in his hand. "Hey, that's not what I meant. I just don't want you overexerting yourself, especially since your work is important and you'll be traveling soon."
You still felt bitchy, even though he made you peanut butter crackers and took Tramp for a walk while you stayed curled up in bed for an extra twenty minutes. "That's right. I'll be gone for a week. I'm sure you're looking forward to having a break from the near constant sex."
You used the vanity to pull yourself to your feet while your stomach lurched, even though he was holding his hand out to help you. "Look at me," he demanded without touching you at all. You didn't want to, but you shifted your gaze to his face as he stood too. "If you really think that's true, then we have a serious problem. I'm going to assume that you feel the need to take your nausea out on me, and that's fine. I don't really mind. That's what I'm here for. But do not accuse me of ever wanting to be separated from you."
You pressed your lips together and just nodded as he leaned down to kiss your cheek. You didn't want to be away from him either, but you felt another wave of sickness rolling through your body.
"I need to go, Sweetheart. I'll stop and get you some of those ginger pills on my way home. Maybe they'll help. I love you."
After he left, you threw up again and fought the urge to throw the bottle of prenatal vitamins across the bathroom. Even now you were horny enough that you considered climbing back in bed with your vibrator to take the edge off, but you knew nothing would be as good as the real thing. And you'd have to apologize to Bradley before you could have that, and it would undoubtedly make you cry when you did. 
When you finally made your way back out to the kitchen, you found more peanut butter crackers arranged on a plate in the shape of a heart with one of the ultrasound photos next to it. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you tried to call your husband, but it went to voicemail. You listened to his raspy voice before ending the call and texting him instead.
I'm sorry. If you want Marry Me Rooster for dinner, pick up some chicken along with the ginger pills.
After you tucked the ultrasound picture in the new Bronco, you spent your whole morning sitting quietly with Cat, the two of you going over each presentation slide with a fine tooth comb. "Is that calculation correct?" she asked, pulling out a calculator. 
"It fucking better be. I did it myself. Months ago."
She looked at you with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you lied, anxious that Bradley hadn't responded to your text. Two days ago, you were having the absolute time of your life with Dr. Morris, and now you wanted to scream. "Can we just finish this?" you said through gritted teeth as Cat checked your math which was obviously done correctly. 
"That's what we're working on," she said smoothly, using her mom voice on you and making your nerves prickle. "Finishing the slides so we can spend next week practicing and getting our notes in order for all of these meetings and cocktail receptions."
The last thing you wanted to do right now was pretend you were drinking alcohol while trying not to vomit. Nothing about this trip to Annapolis seemed appealing. And you didn't want to have to try to hide your pregnancy from your parents if you drove to see them one night. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Cat asked, and you had to steel your spine as you nodded. 
"I'm perfect." There was no point in making her mad at you when the two of you would be in close quarters for several days, so you rolled your shoulders and got back to work.
Asking Jake if he wanted to workout actually wasn't the best idea Bradley had come up with recently. It would be nice to have someone to spot for him at the weight bench, but if you were making his favorite dinner, he'd rather spend the time with you. 
"Fuck," he groaned as Jake followed him to the grocery store on his way home. Apparently he needed protein powder and didn't mind that Bradley had to stop for chicken. Of course now he had to try to discreetly grab the ginger pills that you wanted to try for your nausea. 
It ended up being easier than he thought since Jake took fifteen minutes to decide which flavor of protein powder he wanted. He was still looking at them when Bradley went back to that aisle. "Are you almost done?"
Jake shot him a nasty look from where he was squatting at the bottom shelf. "Listen, it would go faster if I didn't get hit on constantly when I'm wearing my uniform."
Bradley rolled his eyes so hard, he was afraid he'd get a migraine. "Keep it in your fucking pants. I'll meet you at my house."
Jake grabbed a container and followed him to the registers. When they passed a hot sauce display, he grabbed one and handed it to Bradley. "Get this for Angel, and maybe you'll get laid. Sounds like you need it."
"It's literally the last thing I need," he mumbled, but paid for it anyway along with the ginger and the chicken. When Bradley slid his credit card back in his wallet, he saw the corner of the ultrasound image he had tucked in there last night. He unfolded it and took a peek as Jake paid for his powder. You were everything. And the baby was everything. And he should have been a little more patient with you this morning. 
"You coming?" Jake asked, and Bradley shoved the nugget photo back inside his wallet before slipping it into his pocket. 
You were already home, and Bradley parked the blue Bronco next to the red one. Jake came careening into the driveway, stopping about two inches from the back of the new Bronco. "Show her a little respect, okay?"
Jake snorted as he climbed out. "You literally fucked the other car to bits. I didn't do shit."
Bradley groaned as he walked inside with Jake on his heels. The first thing he saw was you in the kitchen, feeding Tramp a treat. You had on some skin tight yoga pants and a little shirt without a bra, and you turned to him and said, "Can we talk?" He opened his mouth to tell you that you could have any damn thing you wanted, and then you said, "Hi, Jake," with a look of surprise on your face. "I didn't know you were coming over."
"Hey, Angel," Jake crooned, walking into the kitchen and pulling you in for a tight hug. Shit, Bradley forgot to text you and let you know he wasn't going to be alone. "Didn't see you at lunch today."
"I worked through lunch," you replied, your eyes on Bradley. "Are you staying for dinner?"
"Nah, just going to lift weights out in the garage with Rooster for a bit. I'll be out of your hair after that."
"You can stay if you want," you told him, but he was already heading toward the hallway bathroom with his gym bag. "Why didn't you tell me he was coming over?" you whispered. "I'm not even wearing underwear, and you left one of the ultrasound photos on the fridge."
Bradley quickly pulled it down and stuck it in the freezer on his way to get to you. "I'm sorry. I meant to text you, but then I got in the Bronco and forgot." Tears welled up in your eyes; he should be used to this by now, but he was not. "If you're horny, I'll take care of you as soon as Jake leaves."
You scoffed at him. "It's not that. I don't just want that. I wanted to talk. You're not just a gigantic, walking dick to me."
Jake cleared his throat, and you and Bradley both turned to see him standing there in his gym clothes. "I'll meet you out in the garage," he said with a smirk. "Take your time."
"I'll just be a minute," Bradley called over his shoulder, but you'd already started to open the chicken he set on the counter. "Do you want to talk now?"
"No." Great. You were giving him one word answers now. 
"Would you like me to get changed and get out of your hair?"
As soon as Bradley walked through the sliding glass door and headed for the garage, you broke out in tears. What the fuck was your problem? You didn't mind if Jake was here or if he stayed for dinner. You didn't want to completely discourage Bradley from hanging up the nugget photo. You just couldn't control your emotions, and you had zero patience today. And you couldn't stop running to the bathroom to pee. 
You decided to fill up some travel mugs with water and take them out to the guys to smooth things over. Tramp ran around in the grass as you walked across the yard, and you could already hear the two of them talking over their playlist as you approached the doorway. 
"Is Angel's ass bigger now?" Jake asked, pointing to the dirty calendar that Bradley hung on the wall and strategically covered part of with a post-it note.
Your husband shook his head. "Stop staring at my calendar," he replied as he added weight to one side of the bar. "And stop talking about my wife's ass."
"She's in a feisty mood today. You probably didn't even need that hot sauce to get laid, old man." Based on Jake's response, you were pretty sure neither of them had seen you in the doorway yet as you stood there awkwardly. 
Bradley's brow creased. "She's been a real handful, actually."
Jake hooted with laughter. "In the bedroom? Never mind, I don't want to know."
It took Bradley a few seconds to respond. "Can we talk about anything else other than my wife? Please? Literally any other topic would be great."
You turned on your heel and carried the waters back toward the house as soon as you heard Jake say, "Speaking of asses, you know who has a great one..."
They were out there for a full hour. You made what turned out to be perhaps the most incredible looking batch of Marry Me Rooster of your life while you stewed. Even your husband was already sick of you. Soon you'd gain so much pregnancy weight, your ass would probably be enormous. He'd probably have to close his eyes just to have sex with you. 
You froze as you were putting the chicken onto a plate. What if he couldn't stand the sight of you with a belly at all? All stretched out and weird? Bradley had probably glorified it in his mind, but you knew it wasn't going to be all that appealing when you were nine months along in the middle of March with stretch marks galore. You were already bloated enough that Jake noticed.
You were turning and looking down at your body when they both came walking back inside, out of breath. "Smells good in here. Are these for us?" Bradley asked, pointing at the waters on the island. 
"Yes," you whispered, afraid to meet his eyes. As soon as you heard his voice, you were horny again, but you didn't want to keep forcing him to have sex with you just because you couldn't help yourself.
Jake kissed you on the cheek, and when you told him he was welcome to stay for dinner, he said, "I'll take a raincheck. See you for golf on Sunday, Rooster," and headed out to his car.
"Do you think you can eat dinner?" Bradley asked you softly. When you turned away from him and nodded, he said, "You didn't have to wait for me if you were hungry. Do you want me to shower first?"
You burst into tears once again. "I don't know if I'm hungry. I don't ever know. Sometimes I just grow up. And I can't stop fucking crying! And I don't want you to be so sick of me that you'd rather talk about literally anything else with Jake, including someone else's ass."
"Whoa, whoa," he said quietly, spinning you around again. "I don't want to talk about anything else besides you, Sweetheart."
You shook your head and covered your eyes with your hands. "I tried to bring the waters outside. I heard you."
When you were pulled snug against his sweaty shirt, you felt slightly better. "Baby Girl. I was not about to get into a conversation with Jake about how I can barely keep up with you in bed. In order to keep my pride intact, I would at least want him to know you're pregnant if I'm admitting that you're wearing me out." He kissed the top of your head over and over.
"It feels like you're getting sick of me," you sobbed softly. "And you brought me hot sauce even though I can't eat it right now, and that made me so sad."
"I couldn't be less sick of you if I tried. I just needed to keep Jake off my back rather than let slip that you're pregnant, so I got the hot sauce. And it's completely my fault I forgot to tell you he was coming over, but I had a lot on my mind today."
"Like what?" you asked, inhaling how delicious he smelled even compared to the dinner you made.
"Like possible baby names and the look and feel of your pussy when I fuck you. Do you need me right now? Because I'm ready to go when you want me."
"So badly," you squeaked. "I'm sorry, Roo."
"Don't ever apologize again for wanting to have sex with me. I will be the one to apologize if I don't last as long as you need me to."
You nodded against him. "Well then I'll apologize for having a bad attitude."
"Do you need me to fuck the attitude out of you?" 
"Yes, sir."
Imagine how excited he'll be holding that baby in his beefy arms. Just stay calm, sweet Roo. The hormones won't last forever. Up next, we're going to Annapolis. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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lovelybrooke · 3 months
Yandere Castlevania Concept Pt.1
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This takes place before the main story, kinda. You'll understand as you read it. This is part one, so expect a part 2 sometime soon, hopefully.
part 2
"Mrs...can you hear me...?" 
The only sounds were dripping water coming from deep within the dungeons. The air around you was cold, even as you bundled up in your cloak, the only solace being the fire you were holding near the bars of the cage. In the conversation, you could see the woman you were searching for, Lisa Tepes, the woman who saved you. Well, she saved your sister from a painful and sad death. She was always going to die, you knew that, but because of Lisa, she was able to pass away happy and content. 
And now you were going to pay her back. You weren't going to watch her be burned for a crime she didn't commit. 
"Mrs. Lisa, you must come with me, now." You spoke in hush but harsh whispers, stumbling slightly as you moved to unlock her cage. You needed to be quick, that sleeping guard you swiped the keys from had surely woken up by now, and the way out of these dungeons were long and dark. You could tell that Mrs. Lisa was apprehensive of you, but she must've sensed your urgency, or maybe even recognized you, because once the door was unlocked she grabbed onto you tightly, like she was scared to let go. 
You hurried as quickly as you could out of the dungeons, eventually wrapping her up in your cloak when you were out in the open. With her once long hair cut, and you being an unrecognizable peasant no one seemed to notice you. Not as you walked out of the city gates, and not as you found your way back to Lisa's home. Or at least, what was left of it, most of it being completely burnt to the ground. "Mrs. Lisa, do you have a place to go--" you knew she had a husband, but he was away, at least that's what you were told. Lisa didn't respond, mumbling thank you's as she hugged you tightly. 
"Lisa." The voice was deep, powerful even, causing you to turn your head towards the sound quickly. To your side stood a tall, older looking man, staring down at Lisa. It was intimidating, scary, making you back away from the woman attached to you, much to her annoyance. However, once she noticed the man, her eyes went wide, and she ran towards him, enveloping him in a hug. This must've been her husband, and honestly it was sweet watching his concern melt into care as he hugged her back, albeit awkwardly. "Who are you?" His voice boomed as you tried to back away. 
"Vlad--don't be like that!" Vlad, like Dracula, the vampire lord..."they saved me." Lisa finished as you froze in fear. You didn't know what to do, what to say, especially as he stared you down like you were a piece of meat. You looked over at Lisa, who was still tied to her husband, and in an instant she sensed your distress. "Come, let's go home, I'll explain everything there." She spoke, calming the man. You sighed, nodded, before smiling at the woman and attempting to walk away. "Wait--please come with us, the church could be looking for you, just stay for a while." You didn't know how you could refuse, not with her husband around. 
Their Castle was huge and intimidating, just like its owner. The man hadn't spoken a word to you since meeting back up to Lisa, only speaking to his life. You didn't get any negative signs from him, but that didn't mean you were going to let your guard down. "Mother--" a voice came from above you, meeting eyes with a very beautiful man who looked shocked. "I-I heard what happened. I thought..." He took Lisa into his arms, quiet sobs coming from his mouth as Lisa rubbed his back. It felt awkward watching them, this wasn't your place to be, and you didn't want to be in this situation any more. 
Eventually, once the man had calmed down, you felt Lisa take your hand, leading you toward the rest of her family. "I want to thank you so much--for saving me." She rubbed your hands as she spoke. 
"It's nothing Mrs.--it's the least I could do." You responded, taking your hands away and tucking them by your side. 
Lisa nodded, looking towards her son "Adrian--show them to a room, please." He nods, motioning for you to follow him, which you do a little reluctantly. 
It was strange, being with the man, he was stiff as he led you towards the upper level of the castle. "You saved my mother, correct?" He asked, randomly. 
"I--yeah--I guess." You mumbled, nervous. "When I heard she was going to be burned. I couldn't stand it. She helped me a lot, y'know, and I couldn't just--" 
"Here." He interrupted, showing you a large room. "I suggest you take a bath, you stink." Okay, ouch. You grimaced as he walked away, right into a room right next to you. "I--thank you, I--we will forever be in your debt." He shut the door behind him, leaving you alone and confused. 
Taking Adrian's advice, you took a bath once you were settled into your room. It was bigger than your entire home, and the bed was so soft you were afraid you were going to fall asleep if you were in the room too long. Luckily or unluckily, you were called to Dracula's study, apparently he wanted to discuss something, probably kicking you out you assumed. But, Mrs. Lisa seemed to like you, so you were hoping that wasn't the case. Even so, you were strong, you knew how to rely on yourself, you would survive. 
His study was surprisingly warm, a large fire light right across from the chair he was sitting in. You slowly entered the room, not really knowing what to say, but you could tell he was aware of your presence. "I wanted to...thank you." His voice was softer than the first time you heard him talk. "My wife, she means everything to me and I'm--grateful you were able to save her." He spoke quietly, staring straight into the fire as you stood motionless behind him. 
"You're welcome." You responded. "Your wife--she helped me a lot, I couldn't just let her die." 
"They would've, those vile, wretched creatures." He was talking about humans, calling them creatures. "But you---you did something" finally, he stood up, facing you "you are better than most of them, and I'm thankful for that." His voice was calm, and for a small moment, you were no longer afraid of the man. You nodded, before leaving the room, off to sleep. 
Your days at the castle weren't bad at all. Mrs, Lisa, just Lisa as she wished for you to call her, was getting better, and so she spent a lot of time with you. You'd often cook with her as she asked question after question about you. When you weren't with her, you were with her son, who you were slowly growing on. He took it upon himself to teach you how to read, and you'd often fall asleep in their huge library with him, well, you'd fall asleep and Adrian would take you back to your room. Your relationship with Vlad grew as well, he was even funny sometimes. Vlad was very smart, and he would often teach you histories and arts, all things you could tell he was very passionate about. 
You spent weeks with the family, and while they were very gracious, it was overwhelming. You were never alone, always felt like someone was watching you. And even worse, whenever you brought up leaving it left Lisa distraught. Not even the promise of visiting could help ease her. It became too much, and when you started to pick up Lisa pushing you towards Adrian, you decided enough was enough. You packed up all your stuff and wrote a note addressed to the family, making sure not to detail where you were going, just to make sure you would be left alone, at least for a while. 
You didn't expect anything to come from it, for the family to move on, but that was foolish on your part, thinking they weren't tied to you in a way beyond your comprehension. You never expected what happened next to be your fault.
A/n: don't worry, the next part will discuss Trevor and Sypha.
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Wish Upon A Star
Yandere Hanayama Kaoru x Sweet Afab Reader
This piece is a little darker and very unsettling. It’s over 7k words, making it one of my longest Baki pieces. I had a dream about this so I HAD to write it immediately. Hanayama cat >>>
TW: Yandere behavior, dubcon, mentions of past abuse, angst, fantasy elements, and other dark subjects. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to these topics. You have been warned
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Red Salvias mean “Forever Mine”
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“I don’t need your input on my personal life.” Kaoru said in a crossly tone, he glowered at his fiancée (your name). Despite this being an arranged relationship, she treated it as if they were truly in one. And it annoyed Kaoru to no end. “This is just an arrangement. Nothing more. I’d greatly prefer if you left me alone until the marriage.”
(Your name) shrunk under his gaze. The young woman did her best to make herself as small as possible, despite her already being dainty. She hadn’t meant to upset him, she merely wanted to spend time with him… she wanted to know him better so they wouldn’t be miserable together. Plus, he spent more time with other women rather than her. It wasn’t fair.
“I just wanted to-“ Kaoru held up his hand to cut her off, the yakuza boss pointed to his office door.
“See yourself out and take the bento with you. I don’t need your affections.” (Your name) bowed her head and took the bento with her while she held in a sniffle. She truly hadn’t meant to upset him…
“I won’t bother you again then. Have a good one.” (Your name) bowed her head to him for the final time before she turned on her heel and left. She wouldn’t make an attempt to get close to him again.
Kaoru grumbled and got back to his paperwork. His eyes glanced at her retreating figure. Hopefully she would keep her word.
(Your name) kicked off her shoes once she made it back to her small apartment. The young woman reached up to undo her bun as she locked her door behind her.
She sighed heavily before she plopped herself in her reading nook. Her body sunk into the plush pillows, the calming scent of lavender soothed her heavy heart.
“Rejected yet again.” (Your name) bitterly chuckled to herself. She hugged a pillow close to herself at an attempt at comfort. How foolish was she to think she could find the love she so desperately wanted all her life.
To cope with her loneliness, she’d read fairytales. The ones of romance and happy endings to dull the senses. Her only escape was in her head.
(Your name) sniffled, the dam that held back her tears started to crack. And soon a loud sob followed. Was there something wrong with her? Was she not pretty enough? Not curvaceous enough? Was she too loud?
(Your name) didn’t know but she knew none of the physical things mattered on Kaoru’s interest in her. She was her father’s daughter and their families had been at odds for generations. Their marriage was simply a truce to stop the blood shed between them.
(Your name) glanced at the night sky, her eyes filled with wonder at the shooting star that danced across the sky. A childish delight filled her pitiful form yet the bitterness from her rejection still burned in her heart.
“I wish...” (Your name) sniffled, her fingers wiped away a few of her tears. “I wish for him to fall in love with someone who has no interest in him.”
Kaoru strolled through an alleyway with one hand in his pocket and the other smoking a cigar. Every time he saw (your name), it left an awful taste in his mouth.
She always tried to come to him with her soft smiles, hopeful eyes, and warm meals. She reminded him of a bunny with those innocent eyes and shy glances. (Your name) was weak, she wouldn’t last in the yakuza world.
Kaoru took in a deep inhale of his cigar, the smoke burned his lungs a bit but it soothed his frustration. She was the daughter of his enemy. The chess piece meant to be a peace offering.
Kaoru would never be able to give her what she wanted. Not when her family has been at war with his for so many generations. Kaoru hated her for where she came from. She’d never have his heart nor a place in his bed. He only agreed to marry her to end the blood bath between their families.
Kaoru exhaled the smoke and stomped his cigar out under his shoes. Even the thought of her disgusted him.
Kaoru glanced up at the sky, a bright light caught his eye. Was that a shooting star?
Kaoru chuckled to himself, a bitter wish spilt from his lips.
“I wish for that woman to no longer be interested in me.”
And that’s when a bright light consumed him. His eyes wide in shock as his body began to shrink and sprout white fur that matched the suit he wore. What the hell was going on?!
And before Kaoru could get a word out, he was now a cat. A very fluffy one at that.
How on earth was going to explain this one to Kizaki?
For three days Kaoru roamed the Tokyo streets as a cat. So far, he’s been chased off by his own men and had rocks thrown at him from ornery children. Kaoru had no choice but to hide from the elements and the people. They weren’t friendly to cats that looked like him.
Kaoru had seen his reflection in a puddle. Sure he was a Persian but his face was riddled in ugly scars. What may have made him intimidating as a man, only made him ugly as a cat. No one wanted to touch or take care of a cat that looked like it fought.
Kaoru was miserable and at this rate, he may die of starvation. He didn’t know anything about being a cat. He has never been so humiliated in his life.
And that was when he heard a familiar, soft voice. His body froze from under the dumpset. (Your name)…
Kaoru peaked out from the dumpster, his now copper eyes took in her familiar form as she bought groceries at a local market. Why was she in a place like this? She was the daughter of a yakuza boss. She should be at an estate.
“Are you sure you’re alright dear? You look so tired.” The elderly cashier expressed concern for (your name).
“I’m alright. Thank you for your concern, Hana.” (Your name) gave the cashier a smile. Her arms scooped up the paper grocery bag. “Thank you for the fresh fish.”
“Of course! You need some more sleep. Maybe you’ll attract a husband then?” (Your name) had a disgruntled expression on her face, but it was gone in a flash.
“Maybe. Thank you again.” (Your name) bowed a bit in respect. And then she was off.
Kaoru immediately pursued her, his fluffy tail stood straight up. His small paws tottered after her.
Come on… look at me. Turn this way.
(Your name) sadly was not a mind reader so Kaoru had no choice but to swallow his pride and…
“Meow.” (Your name) froze in her tracks, her head turned around to see the fluffy Persian that sat behind her expectantly. Its white tail flicked back and forth like a clock.
(Your name) studied the scarred cat in curiosity. What on earth was a Persian doing on the street? That breed was such a high maintenance one and it could get sick… was it abused?
(Your name) bent down and held her hand out for the cat to sniff. She didn’t have a clue that this cat was her fiancé.
Kaoru reluctantly rubbed his head against her hand. His copper eyes stared up at her pretty face. Even he had to admit that she was attractive despite their circumstances.
“Are you lost?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, her expression soft. “Poor thing…”
(Your name) frowned at the mats in the cat’s white fur and the dirt on it. It was most likely abandoned… just like her.
(Your name) slowly wrapped her hand around the cat and hoisted it up in her arm next to her groceries.
“You’re a heavy thing.” (Your name) whispered while she continued on her way to her apartment. A small smile on her lips when she felt the cat’s stomach growl. “And you’re hungry… well I have some extra fish. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Kaoru sighed. Of course she’s take in an ugly cat like him. If he would have known, he would have come to her first.
Hopefully this situation was temporary. He had no intention of staying with her once he became human again… or so he thought.
(Your name) gently bathed the cat in her tub. Her fingers gently worked through the mats with dish soap. So far, the cat has been silent since she’s brought it home.
Perhaps the cat’s trauma made it mute? The cat didn’t even purr when she pet it. It hurt her heart to know this poor animal has never felt love before.
“I wonder if you’re a boy or a girl?” (Your name) muttered, her hands turn the cat around to check. The cat hissed loudly and swatted at her. “Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.”
(Your name) apologized to the cat like it would understand her (Kaoru did). But she caught a glimpse of male genitals so now she knew her furry companion was a boy.
(Your name) scratched the cat behind the ears while she pulled the plug to the tub. She then gently picked the cat up and dried it with some towels. She found that the cat’s entire body was covered in so many scars. Most likely from years of abuse.
(Your name) studied the cat’s face in thought. Now that she had a better look at the cat… “You’re a little ugly.”
Kaoru furrowed his brow, which made (your name) giggle at how grumpy the cat looked. “But you’re also kind of cute.”
Kaoru flicked his tail back and forth while she continued to dry him off. He was perplexed. Even when he was a cat, she was still sweet to him.
Kaoru couldn’t understand her. What did she gain from this? How could someone be so kind to a fault?
Kaoru felt something stir in him as his copper eyes studied her face. A thought running through his head for only but a single moment…Had she always been this beautiful?
Kaoru was fed pretty nice meals for a cat. (Your name) would share some of her vegetables and fish with him. Food he knew he’d never find on the streets.
Yet he’d catch her nearly prepare a lunchbox once and awhile. The young woman would mumble curses at herself and hurriedly feed him whatever she was about to prepare.
“Oops. A bad habit. How could I be so stupid?” (Your name) quietly scolded herself once more before she fed Kaoru the chicken she had cut up. “Here you go. At least it will go to someone who will eat it.”
It took Kaoru a week to realize that her bad habit was preparing a lunch box for him. Human him at least. She had truly stuck to her promise of not bothering him again but Kaoru could see the hurt in her eyes whenever she caught herself. Why did she look so sad? They barely knew each other?
Kaoru’s copper eyes observed her clean up the kitchen in haste. She was such an anxious thing. She was like a scared bunny. Always jumping at the slightest noise and apologizing. Kaoru found it kind of endearing.
Kaoru perked up when she sat at the little nook in the center of the apartment. Her dainty body sunk into the cushions while the city lights reflected off her eyes. She looked so beautiful… like an angel.
Kaoru found himself trotting over to her before he realized it. His feline body now seated beside her.
“Oh? Do you want to see?” (Your name) softly asked him before she picked him up and placed him on her lap. The view was beautiful from the window. Kaoru could see most of the city from here. “I bought this room just for the view…”
Kaoru turned his head up to look at her face, only to be taken aback by the sadness in her eyes. Why did she always look so sad?
“I hope to enjoy it furfor as long as I can… I wonder if I’ll have a nice view once I have to get married?” (Your name) thought aloud, which made Kaoru freeze. “I hope… I’ll just sit there all day and read. I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good.”
And that’s when Kaoru slowly began to realize the signs. She was always so quiet, her voice was barely above a whisper at all times. She’s never been treated well.
Kaoru felt so awful when he felt a few tears drop on his head. He had assumed she was an awful person because of her family and yet she was just as much a victim. She was genuine and she had hoped to cultivate a relationship with him because she’s never had one.
Kaoru rubbed his head against her hands which shocked her. His copper eyes took in the small smile on her face. He burned it into his memory.
“Are you comforting me?” (Your name) gently held the cat close to her chest. Her fingers pet the cat’s head fondly. “Thank you… Yuki.”
And for the first time in the week and a half she’s had him, Kaoru purred.
Kaoru found himself rubbing against (your name)’s legs whenever she was in the kitchen after two months with her. His custom made collar jingled while he purred. Kaoru was content with her. He was happy to be by her side.
She’d talk to him sometimes and she’d read to him her favorite stories. (Your name) let him sleep beside her in her soft bed. His feline life was peaceful with her. Kaoru wanted to stay with her. He wanted to make her smile. He wanted to make her laugh.
She told him her secrets. Of how abusive her family was. How she was scared of thunder storms. How she would hide in her closet whenever she was scared. And what her father did to her first pet. How she wished she could move far away and start over. It made his blood boil to know what she’s been through.
Kaoru didn’t want her to ever be sad or scared again. He only wanted her to smile and to live a peaceful life. Kaoru would give her an amazing life if he ever became a man again.
Kaoru would make sure she could eat her favorite meal more often. He would sit with her as she read aloud. He would hold her close if a thunderstorm passed through and whisper sweet things into her ear. He would make love to her every night. He’d spoil her like a princess. He’d give her the world.
But with her interest in him as her cat, as her companion Yuki, he failed to realize that she had completely lost interest in him as a man.
A harsh reality he’d soon come to realize…
“I’ll be out for groceries.” (Your name) smiled warmly at her cat. Kaoru purred as he sat by the door. “I won’t be long.”
Kaoru sat by the door, even when it clicked shut. His paws touched the wood as his heart raced. Six months with her… he’s been by her side for six months. And it made him realize how much he loved her. How he adored her. Kaoru wanted to tell her… he needed to tell her.
“I love you.” Kaoru was shocked when he spoke rather than meow. His body soon began to change back into that of a man. The small purple collar snapped but Kaoru was able to quickly tuck it into his suit pocket.
Was this whole situation some crap version of beauty and the beast? Was love what broke the strange magic off of him?
Kaoru admired his hands and stretched them. It was nice to be a man again… but (your name) wouldn’t understand why he was there… maybe he should make it look like the cat was taken?
He’d have to make a scene in this apartment and then he’d have to find a way to explain his absence to Kizaki.
And what better excuse to use than to say (your name)’s family had harmed him? Kaoru was going to have to make sure to rough himself up before he went home.
Kaoru used his strength to break the door knob off and threw it against the wall on the apartment. Her then threw her cheap coffee table across the room and broke a few glasses. There. Now it was a breaking and entering.
Kaoru quickly fled the scene before he was seen. He didn’t want to be caught in her home and he didn’t want anyone to see him.
Kaoru’s heart hurt. He knew she’d be so crushed that her cat was gone but he’d swoop in to save her.
He’d be her prince just like the ones in those fairytale books she loved so much.
(Your name) held her groceries close to her chest. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Yuki being excited to see her.
She made sure to buy his favorite, salmon. Maybe he’d like to sit at the table with her?
That cat had no idea how he saved her from her pit of despair. How he made her want to live again.
(Your name) began to climb up the steps to her apartment but she stopped halfway. Her eyes wide in horror when she saw police outside her door.
“Ma’am is this your apartment?”
“Y-yes.” It was so hard for her to breathe. Yuki… was Yuki okay?
“I’m afraid there’s been a burglary-“ the cop froze when she dashed up the steps and frantically checked her house. “Ma’am. This is a crime scene.”
“I just need to make sure Yuki is okay…” (your name) felt her body tremble when her beloved cat didn’t come to her. Has her father taken yet another thing she loved from her?
“Ma’am-“ the cop froze when he saw the young woman sob. The cop awkwardly put an an around her.
“I’m sorry ma’am. Is there a place you can stay until the investigation is over?” The cop softly asked. “And you called out for a Yuki. Is that a child?”
“No… he’s my cat.” Her life. He was her life and he was gone.. gone.
(Your name) sat in her old room at her family’s compound over the last few days. She never wanted to come back here but her father didn’t want her to become ‘damaged goods.’
(Your name) curled up in the dark room and hugged her knees. A small light from the ceiling her only light.
Perhaps this was her fate? To live in a dark room for the rest of her life without any light. All for being a (last name).
“Yuki…” (your name) softly whispered, her hands held her body tighter. She should have just fled with her cat when she had the chance. She no longer craved love from anyone.
All she needed was her animal companion and she would have been content. Animals were better than people. They didn’t hurt her unless they were scared. Not like people… not like her father.
(Your name) jumped when gunshots and screams echoed throughout the estate. What was going on?
(Your name) began to panic, her head whipped over to her closet. The young woman crawled into it and made herself as small as possible. She just needed to make herself small… tiny and invisible. She wasn’t here. She was far away.
(Your name) was far away and with Yuki. She was safe. There weren’t footsteps in her room- there were loud footsteps in her room.
(Your name) put her hands over her mouth and held her breath. Her body as still as water.
The figure now stood in front of her door. She could see their large silhouette. She was going to die. (Your name) hoped someone took care of Yuki, if he was still alive. That they’d feed him bits of salmon and let him lay with them.
When the door opened, she was surprised to be pulled into a hug. A large body held her tightly to his, his body shook in powerful tremors.
“It’s okay… you’re okay.” (Your name) froze at the voice. Kaoru? Why was… why was he here? “Your husband has you.”
(Your name) was still frozen in fear, which made it easier for Kaoru to scoop her up in his arms. The yakuza boss pushed her face into his neck.
“Don’t look, okay? You don’t need to see them anymore.”
(Your name) trembled and clutched onto his shirt. She didn’t have to look to know what he had done. She knew he massacred her family.
The question was… why didn’t he kill her too?
“Boss, if you want I can take care of her-“ (your name) flinched when she heard a loud slap. Her body still held tightly against Kaoru’s.
“Don’t even think about touching her.” Kaoru pressed his lips against the top of her head. “She is mine. Do you understand?”
Kaoru safely escorted (your name) into his limousine. His arms held her tightly and refused to let her go. It confused (your name) to no end.
Why was he so sweet with her now? What made her special?
Or… was he just prolonging her inevitable death?
Kaoru was frustrated. Despite (your name) being with him for a month now, she refused to come out of her room. She trembled whenever he touched her and it upset him.
“Boss, what’s gotten into you?” Kaoru froze when Kizaki furrowed his brow. “You’ve been so… obsessed with Miss (last name)-“
“Missus Hanayama.” Kaoru corrected Kizaki. The man swirled his whiskey in his glass in thought. “Why is she so scared of me-“
“You killed her family. I think that’s a normal human reaction.” Kizaki pointed out which only made Kaoru huff.
“She hated them. They were awful to her-“
“How do you know so much about her anyways?” Kizaki asked with his brow furrowed. “Where were you actually for the last eight months? Were you truly being held captive?”
Kaoru sighed and gave Kizaki a look. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. But (your name) saved me.” Kaoru muttered, his expression soft. “I love her.”
Kizaki sighed. He could tell Kaoru was telling the truth and he knew Kaoru meant every word he said.
“Okay… just start off small with her?” Kizaki advised Kaoru. “Maybe you could eat with her or something?”
Kaoru’s face lit up when an idea hit him. Why hadn’t he thought of it before?
“Kizaki. Let’s move her to a room with a big window and add a reading nook in front of it.” Kaoru smiled at Kizaki. “She’ll love it.”
(Your name) was led by Kaoru’s servants to a new room. The young woman clutched her hands close to her chest in nervousness. He’s been hovering around her for the last month like a surveillance drone. Had he been plotting all this time? Was she finally being brought to her execution?
(Your name) was shocked when the doors opened to reveal a cozy room with a reading nook that was eerily similar to her one at the apartment. Except it was much bigger than her old one. How did he know she loved a reading nook and how did he pick the same colors?
(Your name)’s fingers traced over the large nook in wonder. It looked so cozy…
“Do you like it?” (Your name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Kaoru’s deep voice. Her head whipped around to see him standing in her rooms, the servants had already skittered away like mice. “I thought it would make you more comfortable.”
(Your name) glanced towards the floor. She was still scared of Kaoru… and she felt as if his kindness had a hidden motive. She was terrified of him.
“It’s lovely. Thank you.” (Your name) jumped a bit when Kaoru grabbed a strand of her hair. The oyabun pressed a tender kiss to the silky strands.
“I just want to make my wife happy.” (Your name) was shocked when Kaoru suddenly pulled her into a hug. His lips pressed to the top of her head.
“Oh… but we don’t have to keep the arrangement now.” (Your name) replied in a mousy tone. If she had rabbit ears, they’d be folded back. “You’re free from the promise between our families-“
(Your name) squealed when Kaoru grabbed her face, his obsidian eyes filled with an emotion she’d never seen on his face.
“Has someone told you to leave me?” Kaoru asked, his eyes filled with an angry fire. “Have any of the servants been mean to you? You can tell me.”
“N-no.” (Your name) began to cry which made Kaoru move his hand down to hold her. “I… you said you didn’t want my affections…”
Kaoru froze in horror. He had forgotten he had told her that almost a year ago… that he always pushed this beautiful, sweet girl away.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Kaoru bent down and pressed kisses all over her cheeks. “I will make it up to you. You’ll live a good life with me.”
(Your name) gasped when he picked her up and laid with her in the large nook that perfectly fit the two of them. Kaoru’s large hand moved to hold her head again his chest. His heart drummed in his chest and his cheeks felt warm since he was close to her.
This was the way it was supposed to be… this was perfect. His princess was safe and sound in his arms.
(Your name) sniffled but relaxed in his hold. There was something oddly comforting about Kaoru but she couldn’t put her finger on it. He knew so much about her… it was scary. She’s never told anyone anything about herself.
Except her cat, Yuki. She hoped he was okay. She hoped he wasn’t on the streets starving or cold. She felt like an awful pet parent.
“What’s on your mind?” Kaoru asked in a gentle tone. His cheek pressed against the top of her head.
“…I miss my cat.” (Your name) admitted in a whisper which made Kaoru frown. He was her cat… but that would be such a strange thing to admit.
“You can tell me about you cat.” Kaoru replied. “Maybe I could help you find him?”
“Really? You’d do that for me?” Kaoru’s breath hitched at the beautiful smile on her face. There it was… there was her smile.
“Of course I would.” Kaoru smiled down at her. “I’d do anything for you.”
(Your name) smiled and cuddled into his chest. Yes… she’d find her cat.
And then she’d make a run for it.
Kaoru made a lot of effort to help her find her beloved cat. He had a sketch artist draw her description and he even walked around the city with her whenever he wasn’t busy. Kaoru was wonderful to her.
She began to trust him and accept his subtle touches as the weeks turned to months.
Kaoru would have his chefs prepare all of her favorite meals and he’d sit with her on her nook to read.
Kaoru would make sure to cover her windows if there was going to be a thunder storm. He would even lay with her in her bed and hold her when it was storming. He didn’t care when she shook and cried, he’d shush her with sweet words.
(Your name) just couldn’t figure out how he knew so much about her without her telling him anything. He was a completely different man now.
It was almost like he was a prince… but that pain of the rejection from long ago was still there. She wasn’t sure if she could be with him romantically.
Today would be the first time she would seek him out. (Your name) felt bad that he always doted on her.
(Your name) opened his office door and peered in. He must have been out.
She was about to leave but something purple caught her eye. Was that… Yuki’s collar?
(Your name)’s hand shook as she lifted up the collar to her eyes to examine it. The engraved heart name tag broke her heart. It was Yuki’s…
(Your name) felt her knees buckle from under her but strong arms caught her. Kaoru had snuck up on her and flipped her over into an embrace. His face buried in the crook of her neck.
“I can explain-“
“Is he…” (your name) felt a sob rack through her body when Kaoru only held her tighter. He knows she’d never believe him if he told her the truth.
“I was so afraid to tell you. I didn’t want you to fall apart thinking you’re alone.” Kaoru whispered, his lips pressed against her shoulder blades. “I’m here.”
(Your name) melted into his hold. Kaoru was right. He was here and he was warm. He looked just like Yuki in his white suit. He even had the same facial scars…
(Your name) froze while her mind began to race. How did Kaoru know she was scared of thunderstorms? How did he know she loved to sit by a window in a nook and the color scheme she liked? How did he know about her abuse? Her favorite food?
Kaoru suddenly was affectionate with her when he had only ever ignored her and pushed her to the side.
“Kaoru…” (your name) felt like something was stuck in her throat when Kaoru nuzzled his head on her shoulder the same way Yuki did.
“This is going to sound crazy but… are you Yuki?” (Your name) felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when Kaoru went completely silent. “That was stupid to say wasn’t it. I’m sorry-“
Kaoru silenced her with his lips. His hands grabbed at her flesh like she was his lifeline.
(Your name) gasped when he shoved his tongue into her mouth and eagerly danced with hers. His body trembled and his embrace tightened like a snake’s coils.
(Your name)’s eyes were still wide while Kaoru sensually moved his lips and tongue against her still ones. What… what was he doing?
Kaoru slowly pulled away, his body shivered. His cheeks were a bit rosy and he felt so warm. He finally kissed the woman he loved.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered, his eyes filled with so much adoration in them that (your name) thought she would drown. “I love you so much.”
The wish… she had wished for him to fall in love with someone who was not interested in him… why did it have to be her?
Kaoru frowned when she didn’t reply. Her eyes stared straight ahead.
“Say something… please.” Kaoru furrowed his brow. His heart hammered in his chest in anticipation of her answer. “Do you love me too?”
(Your name) shook her head, her hands tightly gripped his white suit.
“There was a shooting star almost a year ago… what did you wish for?” (Your name) muttered under her breath. Her body shook like a leaf.
Kaoru went still. The star… the star turned him into a cat. Was that (your name)‘s wish? Had she… no. She wouldn’t wish him harm. She was too kind.
“I wished… for you to no longer be interested in me.” Kaoru whispered, he gave her body a squeeze from in his inescapable hold. “But I love you now so we can be together-“
“I wished for you to fall in love with someone who wasn’t interested in you.” (Your name) whispered so softly that Kaoru almost didn’t hear it. The tears started to fall down her face. Their wishes corresponded with each other’s… is that why it was granted. “But it wasn’t supposed to be me. You’re not supposed to love me-“
Kaoru pressed another kiss to her lips. His whole body shook. She couldn’t be uninterested in him. He was the perfect man for her. He knew everything about her. They shared so much with each other. She completed him.
“Perhaps this was meant to be then?” Kaoru replied, his hands tugged his tie loose. “It doesn’t matter because I’ll make you love me.”
(Your name) could only cry when his lips descended against hers.
She should have never wished upon a star.
(Your name) found herself in Kaoru’s bed as he hurriedly undressed himself. The twenty five year old cursed a bit in his frustration.
Kaoru had lit candles around the room for a dim, romantic lighting. Yet he was restless.
“I wanted this to be perfect… I don’t want you to experience anything less than perfect.” Kaoru sighed while he ran a hand through his hair. The black tresses now a bit messy. “But it’s all fallen apart now.”
“Kaoru?” (Your name) gulped when he glanced towards her. His eyes heavy with a mixture of lust and obsession.
“Yes, my wife?” (Your name) shivered when he sat himself on the bed beside her shivering form. “What’s wrong, dear?”
“I… I don’t want this-“
“You will.” Kaoru smiled at her, his lips pressed against her forehead. “I’ll show you just how much a man can love a woman. I’ll show you love and pleasure you’ve never experienced before.”
Kaoru’s lips descended to softly kiss her stomach. His eyes glanced up expectantly into hers.
“You’re so beautiful. My beautiful wife.” Kaoru whispered. His lips trailed up her stomach while his hands pushed her shirt up. “I want to see all of you… I want to love all of you.”
(Your name) tried to push him away but Kaoru grabbed her hands and kissed them. His expression soft.
“It’s like it’s the first time again for me… except I’m going to make love to the love of my life.”
“K-Kaoru. Please-“ Kaoru pressed his lips against hers and pulled her hips into his. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt something big press against her. There was no way… there was no way he was going to fit.
Kaoru could feel her nervousness so he helped her out of her shirt. His hands and lips covered every bit of bare skin he could reach.
“It’s okay. If you get scared, you can hold onto me.” Kaoru smiled at her, his hands tugged her pants down.
(Your name) inhaled a deep breath when Kaoru tenderly pressed his lips against hers. His plump lips nearly devoured hers from how much bigger he was than her. She felt as if she was a lamb about to be slaughtered rather than a lover.
Kaoru moved his lips from her to kiss her cheeks and down her neck. He made sure to greedily suck on each sensitive spot to leave his mark on her.
Kaoru snapped her bra apart with two of his fingers with ease. His breath hitched at the sight of her bare chest.
“So beautiful… my beautiful wife.” Kaoru sung her praises while he continued to kiss and nip at her flesh.
Kaoru then gently placed one of her pert buds in his mouth and gave it a suckle. His pointer finger and thumb softly pinched the neglected nipple while he paid utmost attention to her pert chest. A smile on his lips when (your name) began to moan and gasp under him. There it was. She was starting to fall under his spell.
Kaoru continued to suckle her chest, the man switched between each nipple to give them both equal attention. His tongue and teeth circled each bud in a salacious manner. Small waves of pleasure began to stir within (your name) as her eyes stayed locked with his. She couldn’t look away no matter how badly she wanted to cover her face in her hands. And that only encouraged Kaoru to take more steps.
(Your name) gasped when his fingers ran up and down her clothed slit. Her lacy panties her last line of defense from his starving eyes. Kaoru’s expression lit up at the dampness.
“I knew I could make you feel good… I’ll be slow, okay?” Kaoru quickly ripped the panties off her and threw them across the room. The man pulling back a bit to admire her completely bare form. “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”
“Kaoru, please-“ (your name) gasped when Kaoru began to kiss down her stomach until he stopped right on her pelvis. Kaoru gave her one last look before he dragged his tongue down her damp slip, which was only the beginning.
Kaoru gave her one last look before he dove into her folds. His tongue swirling and thrusting into her entrance. Sinful noises echoed throughout the room, his hands held her hips in place so there was no escape from him.
The young woman elicited sharp gasps at the sensation, her hips bucked forward and her toes curled. Her fingers tangled in his dark lock to try to ground herself from his assault. Her body betrayed her mind as he began to bring her to the brink of ecstasy.
And Kaoru knew that from the way her body began to go taut and the cute bit of drool that dripped down her lips. She didn’t need to fight it, he wouldn’t waste anything she’d give him.
(Your name) cried when her orgasm tore through her. Her body convulsed and shook to try to get away from Kaoru but he kept going. The man greedily riding her orgasm with her until she felt so over stimulated and spent.
(Your name) felt her body go slack with bliss. The poor girl has never experienced anything like this in her entire life. Not nearly to that magnitude.
(Your name) gasped when Kaoru sunk a finger into her, the man hummed at how greedily her pussy sucked the digit in. Her face scrunched up at the uncomfortable stretch. His finger was so thick…
“So greedy. Do you want some more?” Kaoru softly asked her with a smile. A bit of her essence glistened on his lips, his pink muscle quickly darted out to lick it off. “I’ll have to prepare you a bit more. I’m more than likely bigger than any man you may have had before.”
“I… I haven’t been with a man.” (Your name) nearly screamed when Kaoru began to thrust his finger in and out of her. His eyes filled with stars and his mouth agape.
“Then… then that makes you all mine.” Kaoru whispered in a hushed tone. (Your name) could only gasp when he began to insert a second digit. “My wife… my beautiful wife.”
(Your name) began to cry from how over stimulated she was. Her poor body trembled as his fingers expertly curled in and out of her. Her hands grabbed his forearms to try to brace herself.
“You’re ready.” Kaoru pulled his fingers from her, his fingers covered in her fluids. Kaoru pulled apart his fundoshi to reveal himself to her. (Your name)’s eyes widened in terror. There was no way… no way that was going to fit inside of her.
(Your name) attempted to scoot back but Kaoru was faster. His hands grabbed her ankles and yanked him back towards him. The man smiled down at her as he aligned himself.
“I’ll be gentle… just hold onto my back.” Kaoru pressed kisses to her knuckles, his hands placed her on his back. “I love you.”
And he pushed in, his bulbous tip pushed past her tight muscles to enter her warmth. His eyes rolled back in his head from the sensation.
“So tight… you’re so tight.” Kaoru hissed, his body shook as he slowly eased himself into her. His eyes softened at her tears. “It’s okay. It will only hurt for a bit. I promise.”
Kaoru kissed away the tears in her cheeks until he was all the way in. His hands affectionately rubbed the bulge on her stomach. His eyes held so much love, (your name) swore she was drowning in it.
Kaoru gave an experimental thrust, his eyes studied her expression in awe. Her cute little gasp only egged him on.
(Your name) clutched onto Kaoru as he began to thrust. Her body slowly was being pounded into the mattress by this massive man.
“You’re too big.” (Your name) cried, her body shifted from under him. She could feel him all the way in her guts. She could feel his tip forcefully kissing her cervix in a way she didn’t think possible. He was all she could feel. All she could smell. And now she was all his.
“You’ll get used to me as time goes on. You’re taking me so well.” Kaoru grunts from above her. He made sure not to be too rough with his thrusts despite the temptation to pound her into oblivion. “You feel so good… like a dream. You were made for me.”
Kaoru smirked when she let out a loud moan at a particular spot he thrusted. He found her special spot. He quickly angled her hips up and began to hit that spot repeatedly.
(Your name) whined when she felt that coil start to build up. Kaoru’s palm pressed down on her stomach to help her reach her high.
“It’s too much! Too much!” (Your name) felt her body be brought to the edge of yet another orgasm. Her toes curled and her body stiffened.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered into her ear, his body trembled from above her. “I’m so close… I’m so fucking close. Please say you love me…”
“I…” She knew she wouldn’t mean it but she was currently lost in pleasure. She only wanted this to be over so she didn’t care about the consequences. “I love you too.”
“Cum for me.” Kaoru smiled down at her, his body trembled from above hers, his thumb rubbed lazy circles on her neglected clit. The sensation of her scratching his back and tightening around him was too much. “We’ll cum together.”
(Your name) came with a cry, her body convulsed and her fingernails dug deeply into Kaoru’s skin. And she felt something hot fill her. Without a doubt she knew he had came inside of her but she was so tired… she didn’t want to think about the consequences of this tryst.
Kaoru’s breathing was heavy, his cheeks a bit rosy from the ordeal. He never felt so fulfilled… so loved.
Poor (your name) was so exhausted. Her body sunk into the plush mattress. Kaoru pulled out, their fluids spilling out of her in a small stream of white. Kaoru marveled at his work for a second, his fingers pushed some of his cum back into her to prevent too much of a mess.
Kaoru plopped his body beside hers, his arms caged her in to stay with him. He placed tender kisses all over the top of her head.
“You did so good. You took me so well.” Kaoru grabbed the sheets and pulled them over her. He cuddled his large from into her smaller one. “I love you so much.”
(Your name) felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. And she had no desire to fight off her body’s desire to sleep.
Kaoru smiled down at her sleeping form, his fingers plays with a few of her silky strands of hair.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered in her ear. “I’m so happy you love me too.”
Kaoru ran his fingers through her scalp while she slept. How could someone be so beautiful? So perfect? He was so happy he was able to please her. To show her pleasure and his love for her.
Tomorrow he would scoop her up and take a bath with her if she wanted. And then he’d get them breakfast in bed before he had to leave for work. He wondered if she wanted to get married soon since they’ve taken this big step together.
Hanayama Kaoru would do everything in his powers to make her dreams come true. Kaoru would keep her safe from the world outside until his final breath. He would do his best to be her Prince Charming like the ones in those fairy tale books she loved so much.
Sadly he failed to realize that he was no Prince. He was the dragon that kept the princess locked in a tower.
“We’re going to be together forever.”
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gigabyte-flare · 17 days
The Devil is Real (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: You sense there's something not right about Los Iluminados and you're determined to get to the bottom of it.
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairing: plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: drug abuse mention, abusive household mention, religious cult, religious trauma, body horror, noncon, dubcon, unprotected p in v, creampie, oral (m and f receiving), masturbation, kidnapping, yandere tendencies, somno, extreme violence and gore, human sacrifice, murder, blood play/kink, breeding kink, pregnancy, pet names, stockholm syndrome, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT [More warnings may be added in future parts]
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Your eyes slowly open to find the sun pouring into the window over by the head of the stairs. You let out a loud yawn as you sit up, stretching your arms over your head before swinging your feet over the side of the bed. Heading downstairs, you find Vince already up and making breakfast. You walk up and stand next to him.
“Anything I can help with?” you ask, leaning in to see what he’s making.
“Nah I’m good,” he replies, playfully shoving you away, “you must have been exhausted. You were already asleep when I got back to the house.”
“The jet lag finally caught up to me as soon as my head hit the pillow,” you explain as you sit at the table, “you spoke to Father Méndez I take it?”
“I did. Hopefully it helps. I don’t want you to feel unwelcome here. I know Leon is just doing his job but… you’re my sister. Making sure you’re comfortable here is my top priority.”
Vince finishes making breakfast, once again bringing two plates to the table before sitting across from me. 
You speak up once more while you’re eating, “so, what’s on the agenda today?”
“I have to help out on the farm, that’s usually what I do most days. You’re more than welcome to join me, but if you don’t, I understand.”
You nod, thinking back to your time spent living with your grandparents. They had lived on a large farm and your grandfather made the two of you do almost all the upkeep. Your brother would take care of the livestock and farm maintenance while you would tend to the garden, it was brutal work for children. Regardless of the unpleasant memories, you weren’t about to sit back and let your brother do all the work.
“Sure, I’ll help out, just let me know what needs to be done.”
Within the hour, the two of you had made your way to the farm. It is a ways away from the village, requiring another short hike to get there. Once getting there, Vince is tasked with repairing some of the farm equipment while you helped feed and groom some of the livestock. You’re in the middle of wrangling up the pigs to feed them when out of the corner of your eye, you see someone approach your brother. You recognize the cargo pants and the tight fitting black athletic t-shirt immediately and that can only mean one thing:
It’s Leon.
You avert your eyes, bringing your focus back to pouring the feed into the trough, however, you steal quick glances at Leon and your brother as they speak to each other. Leon has short blonde hair and obviously takes very good care of himself; even you could see the way the sleeve of his t-shirt forms over his biceps.
“Hey Sis, come ‘ere!” Vince calls, beckoning you to join him with a motion of his hand.
You put down the bag of feed, silently cursing to yourself before walking over, standing close to your brother when you approach. Now that Leon isn’t wearing that black cloak he had on yesterday, you’re able to get a better look at him and, holy hell, were you not prepared. Leon is incredibly handsome, easily the most handsome man you have ever laid eyes on. You found yourself unconsciously squeezing your thighs together as your eyes rake over him; taking in the way the straps of his gun harness and various belts hug his thighs, how his pectoral muscles strain against that tight shirt. And, of course, those gorgeous blue eyes.
Oh no… you think to yourself, he’s hot…
“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable yesterday,” Leon begins as he holds out his gloved hand; you don’t hesitate to shake it, “I’m Leon Kennedy; I’m in charge of making sure the community is a safe place for everyone.”
His voice is as smooth as whiskey, causing your heart to race in your chest as you tell him your name, “it’s very nice to meet you Leon.”
Leon gives you a half smile which makes your heart swoon; this man is way too attractive for his own good. He must realize it because he gives you a playful wink which, thankfully, your brother missed. 
“Likewise,” Leon continues, giving your hand one more squeeze before letting go and looking to your brother “I also came over because Manuel just came in with a haul of fish from the lake, he needs help unloading the boat.”
“Of course, I’ll be right over,” Vince replies, setting down his tools.
“Is it alright if I come along?” you ask, shoving your hands in your pockets as you shift on your feet.
“Yeah of course,” Vince replies, “the dock isn’t far from here; I’d love for you to come see the lake.”
Just as your brother walks away to go to the dock, Leon gives you a pat on the side of your shoulder, giving you another playful wink as he whispers, “I’ll see you around, little bird.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as you watch Leon walk away. The nickname he had given you goes straight to your core, causing you to clench your hands as your fingers tingle.
“Sis, are you coming or not?” Vince calls out to you some ways away from the archway leading out of the farm.
“Sorry Vince! I’m coming!” you shout as you jog over to your brother, joining him as you both make your way to the lake.
By the time you two get to the dock, several other men from the village are also there helping Manuel unload the haul from his fishing trip. Vince quickly joins them as you stand at the head of the dock. As your eyes scan over the vast lake, the sights, sounds and smells once again take you back to your childhood. To the times when you and your brother would go down to a small pond that was on your grandparents’ property to have some semblance of fun. The sound of a door opening behind you causes you to draw your attention away from the lake. 
You watch two men come out of what you can only assume is Manuel’s house carrying what appears to be a very large sack. Your gaze tracks them as they walk across the property, stopping at a cave opening that’s blocked off by a large gate. They stop at the gate as one of them goes to unlock the gate. You quickly realize that the large sack is moving violently. Once they get the gate open, they carry the sack inside, shutting and locking it behind them before disappearing into the darkness of the cave. You swallow hard as you draw your attention back to the lake, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach.
Something is very wrong about this place and you feel whatever it is, it’s behind that gate.
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“Will you be ok here at the house tonight?” Vince asks over dinner.
“Yeah, why?” you ask as you take a bite out of your meal.
“We have a community gathering tonight. It will likely go well into the night. I just want to make sure you’ll be ok here by yourself.”
You look up at Vince, raising an eyebrow, “I can’t come with you?”
Vince shakes his head, “not this time. This is for members of the Los Iluminados community only.”
This only serves to unsettle you even more, especially after seeing that large sack get brought into that cave earlier that day. Not wanting to upset your brother, however, you simply swallow hard and shrug it off.
“No problem, I’ll be fine, Vince.”
“Good, thank you Sis.”
Your brother leaves the house after cleaning up, leaving you alone in the house. You take that opportunity to go up to the bedroom, settling yourself onto the bed. As you lay there, your mind wanders back to Leon and you find yourself quickly becoming hot and bothered. Taking off your jeans so that you’re just in your shirt and underwear, your hand slips under the hem of your panties, your fingers gently rubbing your clit as you lay your head back against the pillow, closing your eyes. You picture Leon perfectly, imagining it is his fingers rubbing your clit, imagining his hot breath on your ear as he leans over you.
“That’s it, little bird. Doesn’t that feel good?”
A soft whimper escapes your lips as you hear the words your mind has conjured; who would have thought a silly nickname would get you so riled up. You pick up the pace of your fingers, your hips bucking up into your hand as you chase your release. You softly moan his name over and over as your pussy walls clench around nothing, secretly wishing he was buried inside you. You then move your fingers in a circular motion rapidly and within minutes you come undone, practically screaming Leon’s name as your body convulses. In the heat of the moment, your elbow crashes into the small bedside table, causing it to tip over, causing the contents of a small drawer to spill all over the floor.
The abrupt crash immediately snaps you out of your fantasy. You sit up in the bed and stand up, picking up the items that had fallen out of the bedside table. A crudely made leather bound book catches your attention; you sit down onto the side of the bed and open it. The text inside is handwritten and you quickly realize once you start reading it that it’s your brother’s journal. You know you shouldn’t be reading it, but a part of you is hoping that it reveals what exactly is going on in this community. 
March? 2006
I’ve completely lost track of time since Josh and I were brought here. I found this notebook inside the building they brought us in, so I figured I’d use it to chronicle what’s been going on in case someone else finds it. It was Josh’s idea to go backpacking across Europe. I regret not telling my sister where I was going; she must be worried sick! 
This group, called Los Iluminados, promised us a paradise on Earth. A place for us to disconnect from the world and detox and it doesn’t take a genius to know I definitely need that. They didn’t seem very bothered by the fact that Josh is my boyfriend despite being a religious group, so that was refreshing.
You stop reading for a moment, absorbing the information you just learned. Your brother is gay. It came as a complete shock to you, however upon looking back, it’s a wonder you hadn’t realized it sooner. It certainly explains why your grandfather was especially hard on Vince. Why didn’t he tell you? You can’t help but feel hurt by the fact your brother wasn’t comfortable enough telling you. You set aside these emotions for the time being and continue to read.
They injected both of us with something, said it would help us with the detox process. And then they brought us into the basement of one of the houses. It’s almost pitch black down here, the only indication of time passing is from the faint streaks of light coming down from the floorboards. It’s a miracle I can even see what I’m writing. I feel ok, but Josh on the other hand isn’t looking good at all. He’s broken out into a rash and he won’t stop sweating. He keeps saying everything hurts. What the fuck did they inject us with?
March… Maybe April? 2006
It’s been a few days since they first locked us into this basement. I keep coughing up blood and having weird dreams, but otherwise I don’t feel too bad. Josh on the other hand isn’t doing well at all, he’s been violently convulsing and hacking up way more blood than I have. I don’t think he’s going to make it.
April 2006
They came down into the basement and took Josh, he had gotten worse from when I had written earlier. They came back later and examined my eyes, saying my blood had accepted the gift, whatever that means. They led me out of the basement and gave me one of the houses. They say I’m part of the community now. I don’t know what happened to Josh.
There are no new entries in the journal after that. You’re completely overwhelmed with emotions, both from what you learned about your brother and the implications of what happened to his boyfriend Josh. All of this just further cemented the fact that you had to find out what lies beyond that gate you saw them bring that sack into.
After picking up the mess and tucking the journal safely back inside the bedside table, you go to bed where your mind enters the realm of dreams which have been invaded by thoughts of Leon.
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The next morning, your brother informs you that the two of you will be going over to Father Méndez’s house to have dinner. The house itself is grandiose, we’re immediately greeted with the large dining room table already laid out with food and drinks. The dinner itself is largely uneventful, Father Méndez asks you a lot of questions about living in the United States and how you’re liking your stay with the community. As the dinner wears on, you realize that this is a golden opportunity to try to find some answers. 
You abruptly stand up, “sorry I need to excuse myself for a moment. Where’s the bathroom, Father?”
Father Méndez motions to the archway over to the left, “through there, sweetheart.”
You smile at him and nod in acknowledgement, “thank you Father, if you excuse me…”
You walk through the archway, finding a set of stairs going up to the second floor of the house. You look over at the dinner table, waiting until Father Méndez is completely focused on your brother before silently ascending the stairs. At the top is another hallway. You carefully walk to the end of it, finding what you guess is the master bedroom, a large four poster bed immediately to your right, a dresser to the left and a small desk next to the window ahead of you.
You slowly walk up to the desk, which is covered in various papers that have words written in Spanish on them. You then open up one of the drawers and you suck in a breath at what you find. It’s an ornate key, embellished with the same weird cross symbol that you saw back at the church and, now that you think about it, the gate by the dock also had this same symbol. This key has to go to that gate, you’re sure of it. You softly close the drawer, tucking the key into your pocket.
“What are you doing in here?” you hear Father Méndez ask.
You jump as you turn around, placing your hand over your racing heart, “Father I’m so sorry! I got lost looking for the bathroom.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, but then smiles at you warmly, “that’s quite alright, I wasn’t clear in my direction. It’s downstairs, the door on the right just before the back door, follow me and I can show you.”
You allow Father Méndez to lead you to the bathroom, which is quite literally a hole in a raised part of the floor. The smell coming out of it almost knocks you out. Despite this, you spend a couple minutes in there to make it convincing before you return to the dinner table, all the while fiddling with the key in your pocket.
You and your brother finish up dinner with Father Méndez, getting back home just before it gets dark. You excuse yourself and go to bed early, claiming to be exhausted from socializing. You sit on the side of the bed, twirling the key you found in your fingers as you examine it as you listen for confirmation that your brother is asleep. It takes a couple hours, but you hear the telltale signs of your brother’s snoring. Getting up from the bed, you walk over to the window over by the stairs, carefully opening it and climbing out. It leads you outside on some crude scaffolding, you quickly find a ladder to climb down. 
The waxing moon casts a gentle glow throughout the village, which you use to your advantage as you make your way to the dock area. You walk crouched, trying to use the environment to mask your movements, hoping to not draw anyone’s attention. You eventually make it to the gate, looking around before digging the key out of your pocket, putting it into the keyhole and turning. As you suspected, the key unlocks the gate with ease and you push on it gently, the gate letting out a soft squeak as it swings open. You shut the gate behind you, making your way inside the cave. 
Once you get to the back of the cave, you come across another gate, pushing it open to find a furnished room filled with various root vegetables and supplies. Upon stepping in, you’re overwhelmed by the smell of decay, bringing your shirt up over your nose to mask the smell. It doesn’t take long for you to find the source. To your right, there is a person on their knees, held up by their wrists on a rope. You hesitantly approach, finding that it’s a young woman, her skin pitch black in decay and that weird cross symbol painted on her face with blood. You fight back the bile building up in your mouth.
“I fucking knew it,” you say to yourself, “this is a fucking cult.”
You take another look around, spotting a ladder leading upwards through the floor in the back. You hesitantly approach it and begin climbing up. As you ascend to the top, you are greeted by another horror; an altar with another young woman laid onto it, her blood completely covering it. You see her hands are tied behind her back. You walk around the altar to face her. She has that same symbol painted onto her face. Her skin still has color to it, suggesting that she hasn’t been dead for very long. You begin to suspect that this woman was in that sack that you saw carried into the cave. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” you hear Father Méndez’s voice boom from behind you.
You spin around and face him, he’s standing straight with his hands neatly folded in front of him.
“What the hell kind of operation do you have here?!” you shout, balling your fists, “I knew something wasn’t right about this place. I’m taking my brother, we’re leaving and reporting you to the authorities!”
A low chuckle comes out of Father Méndez, “her blood did not accept the gift. You, however, may have better luck.”
Méndez brings one hand up, snapping his fingers. Suddenly, two men that had been standing behind you grab you by your arms, twisting them behind your back as you struggle as hard as you can. You watch as Father Méndez reaches into his coat pocket, producing a large hypodermic needle. As you struggle, Father Méndez begins to approach you. Your gaze shifts to the figure standing just behind him, seeing that Leon is standing there, watching, back to wearing that large black cloak, the hood mostly obscuring his face. All you can see is a menacing smirk that is on his lips. 
“Sis calm down, it’s going to be ok!” you hear your brother, quickly realizing he is one of the men that is restraining you, “my blood accepted the gift, I’m certain yours will, too.”
“Vince!” you cry out, turning to him, “do you hear yourself? This is insane!”
Father Méndez looms in front of you, grabbing the side of your head and pushing it to expose your neck, wasting no time inserting the needle into your skin, injecting the strange liquid into your body. Whatever it is, it burns. You feel it spread across your neck as you continue to struggle, tears now flowing down your face. 
“Bring her to the holding area,” Father Méndez commands.
Without any hesitation, your brother and the man helping to restrain you bring you back down through the hole you had come up out of, carrying you out of the cave as you kick and scream. They bring you to Manuel’s house, carrying you inside. In the back of the house, there is a trap door. The other man retraining you kicks the trap door open before he and your brother gently lower you inside. Once on the ground, you scramble to your feet and stare up at the opening, seeing your brother stare down at you, only, there’s something very off about him. Black veins cover his skin and his eyes are glowing red.
“Vince, you can’t do this! You need to get me out of here!”
“I’m sorry, Sis,” he says softly before slamming the trap door shut. 
You stand there in utter shock as you hear the door being locked, trapping you in the pitch black darkness.
Part 3
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authorhjk1 · 7 months
Interlude: Ms. Satan
(Kim Bora X Male Reader)
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You immediately know it's a dream as soon as you open your eyes. Your body is that of an 18 year old. Standing in front of a large, dark building you feel shivers run down your spine.
Your friends made you do this. A bet. A bet that could earn you 200 bucks. Is it worth it? Maybe not. And yet, here you are. Although you are scared, you still want to find out what's going on in this building.
The cold night air messes up your hair. The stars and the moon seem unusual gloomy.
There are stories of some sort of ghost or witch or something. Hiding in this abandoned building. If the stories are true, no one has gone in there for two years now.
You gulp, the palms of your hands starting to sweat. The huge double doors are covered in yellow tape. "Caution" is written in big black letters all over them.
One of the doors is slightly ajar. Not creepy at all. You try to squeeze through the gap, hoping to not make a sound.
Your backpack feels heavy on your shoulders. You win the bet, when you leave this building tomorrow morning. Hopefully alive. For now, you plan to make your way to the roof, hoping to be able to sleep up there. There shouldn't be so much potential trouble up there. The problem is just getting there.
You hear your steps echo through the empty building as you start to climb the stairs. The bright circle of light from your flashlight illuminates the walls.
A cold breeze rushes through the building. You hear some weird noise further upstairs. You stop in your tracks. It sounded like someone was walking. But the sound is gone now. Maybe that was just your imagination.
You sigh as you reach the first floor. Five more to go. The circle of light keeps dancing on the walls in front of you as you begin the climb for the second floor.
Another sound. Your heart is almost in your throat. After a second you realize it's just rain. Heavy drops hitting the building and some of the broken windows down the hall.
You get a little wet as you climb the stairs, the rain making the steps slippery. But if it rains, you can't sleep on the roof.
You groan in annoyance. Your heart stops. There it is again. The sound somewhere in the building. As if someone is walking.
You ponder if you should just run. Just run for your life without looking back. There is definitely something here. Something that already seems to know about your presence.
You reach the second floor. Your senses heightened. Should you really turn back? But that would be so embarrassing. You just hurt some stuff. Probably just the wind.
You start to take the stairs to the third floor. After a couple of steps, you freeze. Your heart almost stops. The light of your flashlight shows you a scene you never wanted to see.
A woman is sitting on the stairs. Her dark eyes seem cold. And yet they look like they can burn with fire. Her dark hair is held back by a ponytail. Most of her body is covered in a black and orange fur coat. The patterns and colors remind you of lava. Two necklaces are decorating her neck and a huge golden flower ring is slipped on her finger.
The most eye catching are her boots though. They are white and almost reach her knees. The heels look quit high, which makes you think that these can't be comfortable at all. The most disturbing thing is the fact that splashes of blood are on them. Her white boots are covered in blood.
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"Hello there, hero."
Her voice sounds sultry. Her eyes seem to stare into your soul as she keeps talking.
"You are the first one after quite a while. I was almost getting bored."
"You.... You live here?"
She chuckles. It's a beautiful sound. For some reason you expected it to sound evil. Like that of a witch.
"Of course not. But I do feel some sort of connection to this place."
You hesitantly nod. She seems nice, but you would argue that her boots say otherwise.
"What's you name, hero?"
"It's-It's (y/n). But why do you keep calling me that?"
The woman chuckles again.
"Only heroes are brave enough to face me."
You nod in fake understanding. This woman seems to be a little out of her mind. Or is this actually something supernatural?
"You are here because you want to feel my warmth though, am I right?"
"Your-Your, sorry, what?"
"My warmth. The people in this area send me dozens of heroes over the last hundreds of years."
What is she talking about? Is she actually that old? But she can't be human then.
"Y-You are here for over a hundred years?"
"Don't young men like you prefer an older woman?"
Another chuckle.
"You don't seem to have a clue what's going on."
"I-I don't."
The woman slowly let's her fur coat glide off her shoulders. Her black top is decorated with some lace around her cleavage. The straps show of her naked shoulders. She rests her chin on her hand.
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"I will make this night the best of your life."
Her smile seems a little warmer now then before.
"Come closer."
She motions you with a finger to step towards her. You do so. Her boot is right next to your leg now.
"Have you ever been with a woman before?"
You blush as you shake your head. The woman reaches out. Before you can react, she traces the outlines of your dick with a finger over your jeans.
"Virgins are always the best ones. They are so eager to please."
It seems like she said that to herself.
"Let me see that cock of yours."
She has been staring at it, but is now looking up at you.
"Come on,boy. Take it out for me."
You gulp. Her voice has become a little deeper. More seductive.
As you open your jeans, you realize that you don't have a choice. As if she is making you do it.
Your pants drop. And a second later, your underwear does the same. The cold air makes you shiver as you are now completely naked from the waist down.
"Not bad."
The woman let's her fingertips dance over your length. You jerk away at first. Her hand is warmer than you expected. It's almost hot.
"What is that? Six inches?"
You nod as she wraps her hand around your cock. As she slowly starts to stroke you, you feel yourself harden.
Your desire to fuck her slowly starts to rise. You were scared at first. But it seems like she really wants this.
"What do you think about making it a little bigger?"
There is that melodic chuckle again.
"Don't worry. It will only benefit you in the future."
You hesitate before you nod.
Your core starts to heat up and you see your dick starting to grow very slowly. In length and in girth. Six inches become seven, then eight and then nine.
"That's more like it."
The woman stops stroking you. She sticks her tongue out, letting it swirl around your tip.
You groan. You never felt this before.
Her lips slowly wrap around you. Your dick feels heavier than before. She looks up at you as she starts to suck you off. Her tongue is pressed against the underside of your shaft as she slowly takes more.
The woman retreats while stroking you again.
"And you taste good, too."
She winks, before sliding your cock into her mouth once more. The warmth heats up your whole body. Her saliva starts to coat your dick as she keeps sliding down your length.
You slowly start to enter her throat. You can feel it by the way her walls tighten around you. There is more friction now. She doesn't stop though. She keeps going and going.
Your eyes are wide in surprise and pleasure. You did watch some videos before, but none of the women were able to do it this easily. Especially without gagging. But for her it seems like a piece of cake.
You slide further down her throat. How is she taking all of that? She looks up at you, when she finally reaches your base. Your whole cock is inside her mouth and throat. Her walls massage your cock as she breaths, making you a little dizzy. How does this feel so good?
You see her using a finger to point at her throat. You crook your head the side. A visible bulge has formed in her throat. A familiar tug starts to build up in your core as you watch her place her hand on her own throat.
You feel the pressure of her hand as she pushes against her throat a little. Needing to tighten your grip on the flashlight you are holding, you try to hold it in. You don't want to cum so fast.
Your head starts to spin as she slowly retreats. Inch after inch leaves her throat and mouth. It's all covered in a thick layer of saliva.
"Does that feel good?"
Her question and her voice sound so innocent. As if she didn't just swallow your whole cock. You nod as she strokes your spit covered cock slowly.
"I think it's time to repay the favour."
She kisses your tip with her plump lips, before standing up.
"Get on your knees for mommy."
You are surprised by her calling herself mommy. And yet it does seem kinda fitting. You do as she says, kneeling down on the stairs.
The woman steps a step down, now standing almost directly above you. You are able to look underneath her black mini skirt. Her black panties have a golden miniature bell in the front.
"You have never eaten pussy, have you?"
You shake your head. You have seen it in the videos though.
"Stick out your tongue."
Once again, you feel as if you don't have choice. Before you can think about it, your tongue already leaves your mouth.
"Such a good boy."
She murmurs, while reaching out with her hand that's decorated with the big ring. Her finger slowly glides over your tongue. You feel it tingle a little, until she removes her finger.
"That should do."
The woman cups your cheek, while looking into your eyes.
"Now eat out mommy."
You reach underneath her skirt. Feeling the light fabric in your hands, you start to pull down her panties. The small bell jingles a little. It's barely audible.
You slide her panties down her legs. When you reach her boots, you fumble around a little, trying to get them over the white material. The fact that there is blood on them has already become unimportant to you.
Once they hit the floor, she steps out of them and kicks them aside. You straighten your back, now able to reach her pussy with your mouth. You are about to have your first taste, when you suddenly feel her hand in your hair. She pulls you back.
"You can't just go in there, honey. You have to start slowly."
You do as she says. You kiss her skin right above her right knee, before switching to the left. Slowly, you make your way up her creamy thighs. Her smooth skin tastes quite good. Not something you expected.
You become hungrier with every second. She sighs as you close in on her pussy, kissing the insides of her thighs.
Now that you are going slower, you can take a good look at her center.
Her pink pussy is hidden behind her folds, her clit barely peeking out. She is cleanly shaven, the skin just as smooth as her legs. You can see her lips glisten with arousal after your exploration of her thighs.
"Oh damn!"
She moans as you swipe your tongue through her folds. You have never done this before. And yet, your seem to know what you are doing. Or rather, your mouth knows what it's doing. It must be because of that thing she did with your tongue. A spell or something.
You begin to eat out the black haired woman. Moan after moan starts to spill from her lips. You push your tongue inside her pussy. Then, you swipe across her clit, drawing different shapes.
"Fuck. I shouldn't have given you this ability."
Her knees buckle as she gets overwhelmed by your new found skills. She has to hold onto your hair for support. You feel the wide sleeve of her fur coat rest on your head.
"Hold onto my waist."
You do as she says, holding her underneath the coat. Her skin feels a little warmer underneath your hands now.
"What a good boy."
She sighs and you can feel her, throwing her head back in bliss.
"You wanna make mommy cum, don't you?"
As if your body knows what to do to increase her pleasure, you nod. Because your mouth is still attached to her snatch, you make the woman's legs buckle again. The new sensation almost too much for her.
You feel her pussy becoming wetter as you feast on it. No spot stays untouched as you make sure to drive this unknown woman to her orgasm.
"Eat my pussy like the toy you are."
Her voice has become more sultry again as she nears her climax. Her grip on your hair becomes stronger. You feel her nails dig into your scalp.
"Mommy is gonna cum!"
She loudly announces her orgasm.
You keep up your work as she starts to cum. Her juices flood your tongue as she cums in your mouth. Her thighs close instinctively, trapping your head between them. Your face is pressed further against her pussy as she pulls at your hair.
You hear the woman breath heavily as she starts to come back to her senses. She parts her legs again, but doesn't loosen her grip on your hair. She pushes your head out of her pussy and makes you look up at her.
"You want to become a man?"
Her question sends shivers down your spine. You have never done this before. Especially not with a woman who seems to be supernatural.
But you know that the answer is yes.
She can see it in your eyes, her smile urging you on.
After letting go of your hair, she leans against the wall to your right. One foot on the step you are kneeling on, the other one step above.
"Come here then. Treat me like a man would treat me."
You almost jump to your feet, unable to hide your excitement. Standing right in front of her, you place your feet on the same steps like she did. She is a little smaller than you and yet, her pussy is on the perfect hight for your cock, due to her heels. It's tip grazes against her lower lips already.
"Put it in."
She whispers as she slings her arms around your neck.
"Take me."
You look down, as you start to part her folds. For the first time in your life, you start to penetrate a woman's most intimate area.
Her walls squeeze your cock tightly as you push forward. You go slowly, not wanting to hurt her. She bites her lip as she looks up at you.
"Give me all of it. All of your cock."
You feel her pussy molding around you as you penetrate her further. As if her cunt is reshaping itself to fit your cock like a tight sleeve.
You groan as you finally bottom out inside of her.
"Fuck. That's a good boy."
She bites your earlobe slightly, before whispering in your ear.
"Put your hands on my hips. And then, fuck me. Fuck me good."
You place your hands on her sides once more as you nod.
"That's good!"
You see her closing her eyes as you slowly pull out. Her pussy seems to try to keep you inside as you struggle to even pull out half of your cock.
You push back inside, making the woman lean her head against the wall.
"Faster, boy."
You do as she says, finally convinced you are not able to hurt her like this.
Your thrusts become faster and stronger. Her wetness makes a little easier to slide in and out.
More lewd words and moans are thrown your way as you start to actually fuck her. You nail her against the wall with every thrust, before you retreat. Then, you pull her body towards you as you thrust forward, pinning her against the wall yet again.
You keep your steady pace. Her moans increase in volume as she feels your cock hit the right spot deep inside her body.
"That's it. Pound your mommy like a good toy."
You fuck her harder. You pull her forward harsher, before slamming her against the wall.
The longer you keep fucking this woman, the longer your primal desires take over. You care less and less about your surroundings. You only care about her. Her and her pussy.
How rough you are with her doesn't matter anymore. You have to take from her as much pleasure as you can. Use her body to make yourself cum.
The woman seems to have sensed the change of your nature.
"That's it, boy. "
She moans into your ear.
"Fuck me like the slut I am. Use my hole until you cum."
You let out a groan as you think about cuming. You realize that you are lasting longer than ever before. When you do this on your own, it usually takes just a few minutes. But you feel like you have been fucking her four half an hour. Maybe that's another thing that changed, when she made your dick grow.
"Pound me with that cock of yours. I want to feel all your cum on my face."
Her words make you want to step up your game. You feel her increasing wetness as her juices slowly dribble out of the connection between your bodies.
"Fuck. You're gonna make mommy cum again."
You groan, close to your own orgasm as well. You don't know if you can survive her climaxing around your cock. Her pussy is already incredibly tight.
"Yes! Make mommy cum around that big cock of yours!"
You strengthen the grip on her hips, trying to use it to thrust into her just a little harder.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
You almost scream as well as you feel her orgasm. Her walls tighten around you, trying to milk you. Her nails scratch at the back of your neck. Lewd sounds leave her mouth, which is dangerously close to your ear. Her legs buckle.
You stop thrusting, giving her time to regain her composure. It takes her a couple of moments.
Once she has come down, she looks at you hungrily.
"Increasing your length and stamina was a good call."
She traces your jawline with a finger.
"But the best feature is your cum. From now on, you will drown every woman in cum."
You are too stunned to speak. Partially because you are still trying to recover as well, while her pussy is still hugging you tight. You believe she is exaggerating.
"You don't trust me?"
Her hand wanders to the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair. You suddenly feel her pussy tighten around you. You can't believe she is able to adjust the size of her cunt. She squeezes you, making your cock twitch inside of her. You feel overwhelmed as she pulls at your hair at the same time. Her pussy is almost painfully tight by now.
"I trust you. I trust you!"
You sigh as you feel her releasing her grip. Both around your cock and on your hair.
"A toy doesn't question it's mommy. Understood?"
You nod.
"Good. Now be a good boy and cum on my face."
She pushes you away, making you slowly glide out of her pussy.
You watch her sit down on the stairs, like she did as you first saw her.
"Your cock looks so tasty with all my cum on it."
She takes you into her mouth, making you groan. Her lips wrap around you, her cheeks hollow. You feel her tongue dance along your cock, teasing and edging you. There is no way you are going to last much longer.
As the woman sucks you off again, you feel a tug in your stomach. It's a little stronger than it usually is. Maybe because you actually had sex? Or because you have more cum? You don't know. But it feels so good.
She doesn't even need to take your entire length down her throat again. Her lips have reached the middle of your cock as you feel yourself twitching.
Her eyes are wide with lust, demanding you to cum right now.
You can't hold back. A new kind of rush fills your system.
The first shot of cum hits the back of her throat, before she is able to react. She moves her head away, pointing your cock towards her face with one hand.
You have to hold onto the steel banister as you start to paint her face. Rope after rope of cum covers her perfect skin. Some lands on her lips. More lands on her closed eyelids, making them visibly heavier. It's dripping down her forehead, while the hair that frames her face is coated in cum as well.
But it still doesn't stop. You give her so much, that it starts to drop down from her chin. She tries to save it by opening her mouth and letting her tongue roam around. But a second after her mouth is opened, it's almost overflowing with your cum already. She has to gulp it down, preventing herself from choking and suffocating as more and more runs down her throat.
Once you finally finish cuming, you almost don't even dare to look at her.
Her whole face is covered by a thick layer of white, sticky cum. She can only open her eyes halfway, the cum on her eyelids weighing them down.
"What did I tell you?"
She chuckles, before she starts to lap up your cum from her face. Not just with her tongue, but her finger as well.
"This is even more than I expected. Probably because this was your first time."
You are unable to respond, still trying to comprehend what has happened in the last hour. For some reason her cum covered face turns you on again. The desire, to use her body, from earlier is slowly coming back.
When she looks up at you, you see her licking her finger for the last time. Her face is mostly cleaned up.
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She seems to sense your new found desire. A smile forms around her lips.
"That's right, boy. You want to fuck me again, don't you?"
You nod hesitantly.
"You can't take your eyes off me. You want to feel every part of my body underneath your hands."
You nod again. Her words make your cock hard.
"I still have some time, before my husband comes home."
You didn't even think about the possibility of her being married.
"Don't worry about him. He never pays attention to me anyways."
She reaches forward, letting her hand stroke your cock again.
"I'm always trying to teach boys like you something new. But I've already given you my mouth and my pussy."
She kisses the tip of your cock, her eyes a little darker.
"There is one more hole of mine that you can use. Make my ass cum. And maybe I will se you again after tonight."
The man on his throne laughs as he looks at the flames. His red body is glistening with sweat, screams of fear echo in the distance. Through the flames, he watches you stand behind his wife, aligning your cock with her rear entrance.
"You always corrupt the good ones."
He laughs to himself, his voice raspy and dark.
As you push inside of her, he can hear her moan, telling you to cum in her ass later.
Satan grins as he stands up, ready to punish the sinners that are burning in hell.
Hi everyone!
Enjoy this interlude. It wasn't planned at all, but after seeing SuA's Instagram post..... What am I supposed to say?
Hope you guys like the concept.
I'm excited for the new album.
Have a nice day!
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perlelune · 1 year
Tag, You’re It | Ethan Landry | vi.
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Happy, carefree college days meet their abrupt end when every guy who approaches you mysteriously turns up dead.
Warnings: NON-CON, Stalking, Bimbo!Reader, Clueless Reader, Loss of Virginity, Incel Ethan, Cheerleader Reader, Skin Carving (w/knife), Canon Typical Slashing, Voyeurism, Kidnapping, Forced Masturbation, Filming, Blackmail
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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"You know you shouldn’t lead him on like that," Mindy muses from your bed, her eyes not lifting from the Stephen King novel she’s engrossed in. 
You place your phone above the vanity drawer after hanging up. You just decided on another study meetup with Ethan. 
It’s been a few weeks since he began tutoring you. There’s been a sharp improvement in your grades and you’re starting to believe that maybe you’ll be able to graduate just like the rest of your friends. 
Before, all those things felt as unreachable as the stars in the sky. But Ethan, with his kindness and unlimited supply of patience, made it a reality. 
Sure, you won’t be a top student anytime soon, but at least now there’s hope of you not failing the course and falling behind. 
"What? I’m not leading him on. Ethan and I are just friends," you defend, puckering your lips as you apply the finishing touches to your makeup before the big game. Your gaze keeps bouncing to the clock. The playoffs begin in a little less than an hour. 
Tensions are high tonight. This is no regular game as whichever team wins will go on to compete in the national championship. 
It’s one of the reasons Chad and most of the guys on the team have been in a weird mood all week. 
Besides, honor’s at stake when a team plays on their own turf. 
The pressure’s been off the charts for the cheer squad too, Alana having run the team into the ground to perform well today and not miss a single step. 
Despite how exhausted you are, you’re almost thankful for that. Focusing on cheerleading has helped you file away that god awful night. 
The humiliation you experienced still burns a hole inside you whenever you remember it.
While you can’t quite shake the lingering sensation of being watched, you can at least try to reclaim a semblance of normalcy. 
Hopefully Ghostface had his fill of tormenting you and won’t do anything like that ever again. 
Mindy arches her brow and scoffs, "It’s pretty obvious he’s got some desperate puppy crush on you." Under her breath, she mumbles, "...And I’m still not entirely convinced he’s not Ghostface."
You pause, the tip of your lipstick almost snapping as you press it tight against your mouth. You unleash a heavy sigh and whirl to her, brows drawing together.
"Mindy, please. Not that again," you plead. 
It's not the first time your best friend has shared her doubts regarding Ethan and you wager it won't be the last.
Every time she catches you texting him or hanging out, disapproval paints her features. She also squints and gestures at him that she’s watching him whenever she crosses paths with him. 
It saddens you that she can’t get along with him and won’t relent regarding her suspicions. 
Ethan’s helped you so much. It’s unfair that your best friend keeps claiming he’s a murderer without any evidence to back it up. 
And outside of tutoring, he’s been a great friend to you, always here to wipe your tears and listen to you talk about anything, however trivial. Every time you ramble on about cartoons, your collection of stuffed animals and how you’d love to get more, clothes or anything really…Ethan wears that same fond smile on his face. 
Outside of Chad, you never had a guy best friend. Unfortunately since getting into college, you haven’t seen much of him since he’s so well liked and has developed such a large circle of friends. 
So Ethan’s a breath of fresh air. 
You relish the ability to talk without fear of judgment or being belittled for the things you pluck joy from or how forgetful and absentminded you can be sometimes. 
Ethan has not made fun of you once for misremembering a word or your tendency to get lost around campus. Instead, he escorted you to class and promised to be with you more often so it doesn’t happen. He also agreed with you that it’s not your fault because every building looks the same, which everyone in your friend group laughed at you for mentioning before.
Mindy leaps from the bed, exclaiming, "Come on, Ethan? Shy, dorky guy who no one suspects because he’s so shy and dorky." She lets out a humorless laugh. "Maybe he went all 'if I can’t have you, no one can' and decided to get rid of the competition…permanently."
Your eyes roll as she concludes her theory with a repeated stabbing motion towards her throat.  
"You’re ridiculous." You get back to gauging your reflection. As you adjust the pink bow in your hair, you add, "Ethan’s cool. And I can actually understand some of the stuff Professor Atkins says in class now thanks to him."
In the mirror, you watch a sullen Mindy fold her arms behind you. 
"I still don’t trust him." She flicks her hands skyward and exhales in defeat. "But I can’t tell you who to hang out with."
You step away from the vanity to make your way to your pouting best friend. She accepts your hug, a deep scowl still etched on her face. 
"Let’s just drop it, okay?" you offer. "I hate arguing with you."
Mindy sighs against your shoulder.
"I’m just trying to keep you safe."
Leaning back, you squeeze her shoulders and smile. 
"I know, and I love you for it…but you gotta ease off him, Min." She groans at that, tossing herself back onto your bed with her arms spread. As she glowers at the ceiling, you maintain, "Ethan’s been an amazing friend to me."
More curses are grumbled under her breath. Shoulders slumping, you elect to give it a rest and stop trying to convince her. 
You know how stubborn Mindy can be. There will be no changing her mind tonight, or anytime soon. 
Casting the upsetting topic aside, you hop to the center of the room and spin in your cheerleader outfit.
"How do I look?"
"Like a fembot specifically designed to appeal to the male gaze," Mindy deadpans. 
You angle your head sideways. "Is that a good thing or bad thing?"
She chuckles and smiles at you before elaborating, "You look smoking hot, babe." The befuddled frown on your face vanishes, an elated grin supplanting it. Mindy returns to her reading and gives you a thumbs-up. "Break a leg."
Grimacing, you grab your pom-poms from underneath your bed and head for the door. 
"Hopefully not or Alana will kill me."
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You’re on your way to meet up with your squad when you stumble upon Ethan in the hallway. As usual, he’s dressed simply in a blue button-up and dark slacks, damp locks of his curly mane kissing his forehead. 
He greets you in that bashful way he does while you beam at him, shaking your pom-poms. 
You jog in his direction with a bounce in each step.
"Ethan, hey!"
His gaze widens as it roams over you, pink dusting his cheeks. 
"Wow, you look…"
Placing a hand on your hip while the other lifts your pom-pom above your head, you adopt a cheerful pose. 
"Cute?" you suggest. 
Ethan’s throat ripples as he gapes at you. 
For a while, he only does that, stare at you open-mouthed. 
His face then turns an even brighter shade than before as he dips his head down momentarily. 
"Y-Yeah. Something like that," he stammers. 
His reaction drags an amused chortle out of you. You surmise it’s the first time you’ve addressed him in your full cheerleader getup and he must be somewhat taken aback. 
"I didn’t know you liked sports," you observe.
He shrugs.
"Not particularly but everyone is going and Chad’s my roommate." He points at the camera hanging from his neck. "I also kind of got roped into taking pictures for the school paper."
Some of the other cheerleaders wave at you as they’re running out to the field. The impatient clamor of the crowd already swells from the bleachers, loud enough to be heard even from the corridor. 
One of the girls from the squad, Lisa, stops as she catches sight of you and Ethan. A quiet conversation flows between the two of you, an inquiry swaying in her hopeful blue orbs. 
You give her an imperceptible nod and she smiles at you, quickly averting her gaze and striding away when Ethan glances from her to you with a look of utter confusion on his face. 
"What the hell was that about?" he asks, thick brows drawing together.
"About that…It’s good that I ran into you because there's something I meant to tell you, hm, more like ask you."
He inches closer, his eyes on you wide and alert. 
"Ask me what?"
A sliver of hesitation zips through you but you remember the promise you made just a few hours ago at cheer practice. 
You can’t back down. 
You swallow a lungful of nerve and reveal, "So…one of the girls in my squad sort of has a massive crush on you."
"Oh," he exhales, his shoulders sagging. His smile fades, understanding seeming to dawn on him. "You mean that girl I just saw?"
You nod and explain,  "Her name’s Lisa." He considers you blankly. You wave your hands in front of yourself. Words rush out of your mouth in an apprehensive string. "I know. I know. Trying to set up your friends is so cringe but she noticed you since the beginning of the year. The thing is she’s shy and doesn't know how to approach you. I promised her to ask you if you’d be interested in hanging out sometime." You twiddle your thumbs and mumble, "She’s super pretty and so nice, and she’s even into that same board game you told me about the other day…" You trail off, forehead creasing as you try to remember the name. 
Ethan tonelessly corrects you when you misspell the name of the game. 
You perk up and giggle, "Right. She just told me. I don't know how I forgot."
Ethan studies you long enough that it becomes unnerving and you start fidgeting under his sizzling focus. 
You grow nervous, wondering what he’s thinking. Usually, you wouldn’t meddle with anyone’s love life. But Ethan’s done so much for you. If possible, you want to do something for him too.
You just don’t know what you could do to thank him. 
Setting him up with someone from your squad seemed like a good idea, especially since you’re pretty sure Ethan’s single. You haven’t seen him hang around any other girl besides you. 
A heavy sigh drops from Ethan’s chest as his lips lift into a small half-smile. 
"The thing is, I already like someone," he confesses, patting his camera.
Your eyes bulge as a wave of embarrassment washes over you. 
"You do? I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize." You blink up at him in curiosity. "Who is she? Does she know?"
He chuckles. "She doesn’t know anything."
You approach him and squeeze his arm encouragingly. 
"Well you’re awesome so if she can’t see what’s right in front of her, you’re allowed to move on."
Ethan lets out another wry laugh. 
"If only it were that simple."
Your brows knit. "What do you mean?"
He runs his hand through his thick curls and exhales a long, weary breath. 
"She’s all I can think about. Literally." He pauses, his gaze corralling yours. "Every hour of every day, I think about her."
"Wow, that’s intense." You rub his forearm and send a sympathetic smile. "Sounds like it’s more than just a crush. Sounds like you’re in love with her."
"Yeah, I guess I am. Silly me, huh?"
"Don’t say that. I’m sure things will work out in the end. You deserve to be happy, Ethan."
His attention on you sharpens before a slow smile unfurls on his lips. 
"You know what? I think I do."
"Of course you do."
Your answer makes him smile wider. 
The moment is shattered when one of the players wedges himself between you and Ethan and steals an ephemeral, chaste kiss from you. 
The buff brunette quarterback flashes you a pearly grin.
"A kiss for good luck?" he says, winking at you.
"Uh, sure," you reply shyly, butterflies swarming your belly. 
He smiles at you one last time before jogging towards the stadium. 
"Who’s this guy?"
You blink, Ethan’s deep, blunt voice startling you. 
Pivoting back to him, you explain, "Oh. Tyler and I met at the boba shop the other day. It’s too early for anything serious but he’s cute and has been super nice to me."
It’s been pleasant to bask in some sense of normalcy again after what happened last month. You craved it. Tyler’s easygoing, fun to be around and he’s never pressured you to do anything once. 
Ethan’s jaw clenches as he scoffs, "Do you just go for every guy who buys you candy or gives you some half-assed compliment?"
Your mouth hangs open in shock. "Ethan? What do you mean?" 
He scrutinizes you for a few seconds before sighing and moving to walk away. 
"Nothing. Don’t worry about it."
The hand you wrap around his wrist stops him, Ethan halting in his tracks. You tug him back with a contrite pout, your concerned gaze rising to meet his. 
"I am going to worry about it. Ethan… Did I say something upsetting? I feel like maybe I did. I'm sorry about Lisa. I thought she'd be your type. She's everyone's type."
"Well, she isn't mine," he replies icily. 
Budding tears tickle the back of your eyes but you repress them. It’s not the time to weep. The game’s about to start. 
So you swallow them with ease, deciding you’ll give Ethan a proper apology later on. 
Instead you give a sunny smile and ask, "Are you coming to hang out with everyone after the game? We all decided to meet up for chili fries and beers whatever the outcome is."
Ethan’s eyes fall on your hand wrapped around his wrist. He shifts your grip so your small hand rests in his larger one. He studies your twined hands, rubbing his thumb against the back of yours. 
When he looks at you again, a glint dances in his chestnut orbs. 
"Thanks but I’m gonna be busy actually." He flashes you a broad grin. "I just remembered I have some trash I need to take out."
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llonelygoddess · 8 months
Ned Stark wife headcannons ❤️👀
Being Ned Starks wife
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A/N: Thank you for the request!! I'm always so excited to get these<3 I also added what I thought would be a cute wedding dress! Feel free to send more requests!
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Marrying Ned after Catelyn's death was not easy and you knew this coming into the relationship. Your father was close friends with Ned, so to help stave off unwanted advances from other houses he offered you.
You knew Ned didn't love you, that this was solely a political move to strengthen both your houses, but you refused to let that get to you. This was your life now and you'd do your duties to the best of your ability.
The first few months after the wedding Ned requested that you slept in separate rooms and you respected his decision. It gave you time to settle into the home but left you quite lonely.
You found yourself watching over the younger children. Rickon, being too young to really know his mother, latches onto you quickly as well as Bran. While Bran knew his mother, he confided in you that they never got to spend time with her the way you were able to. This told you all you needed to know to take care of these kids and hopefully make your husband happy. 
In the mornings before breakfast, you made it a habit to greet Ned and wish him well on his daily activities. With Rickon on your hip, you and Bran would spend time reading in the library until the older boys came to train with him. Watching them shoot arrows and spar together was exciting, and more than once you found yourself cheering them on. 
You didn’t see it but soon the boys started competing to see who could get you to cheer for them.
Some days you'd sit in on Sansa and Arya's stitching lessons and honestly you could use the lessons as well. Showing off your horrendous stitches made both of the girls laugh and feel better about their own. Sansa felt a sense of pride whenever you complimented her stitching and once gifted you a beautiful flower bouquet she made.
Arya, of course, felt that once again she was being looked over for her sister. You could easily spot the hurt within her and went out of your way to compliment her on the things she was good at even if they weren't "proper".
One day, she sneaks off to the training area and tries shooting arrows. You discover her and instead of calling her back inside you decide to assist her with the little knowledge you’ve picked up from the boys. The first time she gets a bullseye she runs up to you giving you a tight hug. You both hear clapping in the distance and notice Ned standing off to the side with a brilliant smile on his face. 
That night Ned asks you to his room for the first time since your wedding night. It caught you off guard but you gathered yourself and made your way over. It started off innocent with the both of you laughing and sharing stories about the kids. Then the discussion of your wedding night comes up, and how it was never truly consummated (because he’s a gentleman and didn’t want to pressure you). A glass of wine later and you both find yourselves under the sheets entangled in each other.
From that day forward you started sleeping in his room together. 
The way this man can balance all his responsibilities and still be doting and loving is crazy.
Life with Ned is peaceful. He wakes you up in the morning with a kiss on the cheek, and prefers you to call him Ned in private. It wasn’t often you both had alone time but when you did it was spent reading to each other or talking about the day you had. He loved watching you with the kids, especially the younger ones.
On more than one occasion he’s had to break up a disagreement between the kids only to find out it’s about who can spend more time with you.
He couldn't help but smile at the small piece of happiness he's created with you here.
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