#I will never and i mean NEVER stop being emotionally attached to this silly little guy that i love so much
graciousvoid · 1 year
I'm still confused about tumblr and i feel like i should be pumping out some art right about now.... Yet I haven't So have a doodle of Shawn I did just now at 2 am in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
So, I don’t mean this in a request way, bc I know those are closed, but I had a daydream where Tav is TERRIFIED of regular spiders of all sizes. They struggled really badly with the phase matriarch and the spiders in the goblin camp. But Kar’niss doesn’t spook them one bit!
So I imagined the group walking down the road and suddenly there’s a tarantula sized spider that crosses the path and Tav screams and dives underneath Kar’niss to be caged under his legs.
And everyone else laughs at the reaction, but Kar’niss is so confused????? Like “True soul, we are a DRIDER, and you are not afraid of us. Why do you hide from a small spider?” “KAR’NISS I TRUST YOU, NOT THAT SPIDER!”
Bonus: to speak to Tav he leans forward with his drow torso and looks at them upside down so he look really silly.
This scenario applies to a good portion of the Kar’niss fandom in general. I can’t count how many “Kar’niss has cured my arachnophobia” posts I’ve seen but I’m not mad about it. I suppose it helps when a humanoid is attached to the creature we find creepy or frightening. They can talk back and communicate their intentions. Spiders are a bit more...unpredictable.
I’ve never considered myself arachnophobic but Kar’niss definitely elevated my interest in spiders ten fold. I feel I have a better understanding of them now than I ever would’ve and I’ve come to appreciate nature’s pest control. I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole of watching jumping spider videos and I’ve become obsessed. I’ve even contemplated getting one as a pet but two things have stopped me from having a fuzzy friend.
1) I have a cat and if the little guy ever escapes she will activate murder mode and that’ll be the end of itsy bitsy’s whole career.
2) Jumping spiders tend to live one to two years on average. I don’t think I am emotionally equipped to handle that loss with such frequency. I’d become a blubbering, inconsolable mess for days on end mourning the eight legged pal I spent years bonding with. No can do.
I could imagine Kar’niss being perplexed by Tav’s fear of spiders for two reasons. One being the aforementioned situation that they are hanging around a drider willy nilly no problem. The second, Kar’niss comes from a society that worships and pampers spiders. To him they are as normal as dogs and cats are to us.
“True Soul, why do you fear the spider but not us?”
“The spider might bite me but you wouldn’t.”
“Erm—how much do you know about driders?”
Cue the bosom buddies to lovers story arc. Kar’niss learns to love himself and Tav discovers that spider bites aren’t as bad as they once thought. *wink wink*
Also the mental image of Tav getting sent to spider leg jail anytime they did something stupid does amuse me. Considering most of the Tav’s I make are classic himbo types they may as well situate their sleeping bag under him and get comfortable. Yet another moment where I wish I learned to draw.
Thanks for the ask!
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illocopon · 11 months
Tw: suicide mention, mental health, toxic relationships
Ok I get it, the first season was all fun and games and silly little gay pirates, so it's obvious and easy to point Izzy out as the antagonist -ahem, the English and Spanish navy, ahem-. So yeah, we have this little and agry fella, trying to bring our lovers appart, trying to boss around The Revenge as if he's the Captain and being mean to everyone around. Of course we thought he's the bad guy. But have we stopped and cared about what are Izzy's drives? HAVE WE??
Izzy Hands is Blackbeard's first mate. Not Ed's, as he says later on. The good functioning of the ship and the relationships between his Captain and the crew is his duty. And all of a sudden, his Captain turns mad and in love with someone who is weak and has nothing to do with piracy. Izzy is absolutely stressed, like a stray cat taking a bath for the first time. The time Ed and Stede spend together is lost time: not pillaging well enough, not hiding properly from the Army... So he blames it all on Stede, ignoring completely his boss' state of mind. Izzy's job is to make everything work and it's just not happening anytime soon. He's so desperate that he even takes a deal with the English army. He even forgives Ed when he punches him in the face, because he's convinced he deserved it. What else could he do?
*S2 spoilers ahead*
And in the second season, Izzy has regained power as first mate. But he's utterly destroyed, both physically and emotionally. He has sacrificed his integrity for this ship, and it's not paying back. Ed treats him like a dog and the crew is so profoundly mentally devastated that he cannot make it work anymore. And again, in desperation, Izzy keeps searching for solutions. It's his job, at the end of the day. He's too emotionally attached that he needs to stay, to make it work again like it used to. He's once again against the wall, he even asks to talk it through. Anything is working, so even Stede's ways were given a try. And this gets him shot in the leg, leading to losing it in a 50-50% chance to die.
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So dying is the last frontier. He's not sacrificing his life to a suicidal boss that doesn't care who goes down with him. He almost gives up, but luckily he fails his shot. When the storm comes, he gets his revenge on all the damage that he has taken over the months, over the years; and yet again he's doing his job: he's protecting the crew from what's now the enemy, their current Captain.
When Izzy sees Stede again, he asks him to insult him, to unburden all his hate on him -but that's Izzy's coping mechanism, not Stede's-, he needs punishment, for he hasn't been able to complete his duty and to save Blackbeard from insanity to it's last consecuences. All he gets back is just nothing, and it hurts more than anything because he's left alone with guilt. No bad words, not even a side eye. He's broken and ignored.
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Later on, when Stede's crew escape, they take Izzy with them -he would probably be killed or used to track them back- and he tries, for the first time, to thank Stede. Ignored again. He's not worth a thought. So he first falls in booze and then progressively into absolute madness, guiltyness and grieve.
He's not been loved once. Not even when he gave all his life to the one he loved. It was never returned back and now he's disabled for life, alone and aboard a ship where everyone hates him -or so he thinks.
I was so happy to see that the crew ended up understanding his pain and situation, taking care of him and making him a new leg all together. So fuck yeah. FOR THE NEW UNICORN. For the new and crafty Izzy, for the new and sensitive man how's yet to come to terms with some things. To Izzy Hands.
So what I really want to say is: stop hating Izzy. He's been through a lot of shit, has done questionable things to maintain his crew safe and he's a baby girl and I'm too emotional to end this with something that makes sense.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons of five accidentally being a kid after he comes back? Like he likes kid stuff
hi!!! i'm getting to this super late and i'm responding to this super late at night so this may not be my best response.
but i think that five subconsciously or deniably likes to indulge in kid things. i think even though he's technically like 50 something he never really grew up? but that i mean he never really had a child hood nor did he have any guidance from anyone developing physically, mentally, and emotionally past the age of thirteen.
so i think he might deny it, but i think he secretly enjoys/ can't help himself from being into kid things. i also think he partially craves it because it's an attempt at getting back the the chance for a childhood that he lost.
some specific headcanons i have for him are:
he really likes to play silly games like tag and hide and seek, and even board games like monopoly, sorry, snakes and ladders, operation, and card games.
he really likes to read children's fiction that's aimed at thirteen year old's and that his favorite genre is fantasy.
he has a massive sweet tooth and is trying to sneak candy all the time and his siblings are constantly trying to stop him (except klaus because klaus just asks for a few pieces himself).
he has attachment to certain toys, like specific stuffed animals or figures that he refuses to part with.
even though him and his siblings are the same age/he's older than them, now that he's thirteen again and they're physically in older bodies, i think he sometimes wish/appreciates when their a little protective over him
he gets super excited over holidays like christmas because of all the decorations and festivities and gifts
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unseelie-grimalkin · 2 years
🔍 ❌ 💝 :3 three!
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
She is actively denying her crush on her own, yes, thank you. This, however, doesn't stop people interested in her happiness from meddling (she has That Vibe, where it is kinda a lil fun to help her get what she needs over the solitary loneliness she wants. She's a lil Like That when befriending her to begin with, so gentle meddling within reason is entirely on the table and makes for some fun stories for later).
Are they scared of being in love?
Actively terrified, at first. Her mantra, when dealing with her emotions with Flannán in real time is "Uh oh, I am in danger!" very specifically because...well, frankly, he's pretty much everything she ever dreamed of in a partner when she was younger, when she knew how to dream and have hope. But well, over time we go through:
She was in a very different kind of danger altogether. But. She was no stranger to cutting her own heart. // Oh, she was in danger. // This was a rather comfortable danger to be in, she thought.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
Hmmm...this one is genuinely difficult to answer? Tríona actively suppresses her feelings, no matter if they are friends or not. It's just actively easier to do if they're a stranger. Though, she does tend to have deeper feelings when she crushes on friends versus strangers.
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
She manages on her own! Besides, who's she gonna talk to about it? I mean, sure, she could talk to her little potion friend who's good with handling hurts and emotions, but- but nah, start that conversation on her own? That'd be silly, Ronit would never-
Are they scared of being in love?
Not in the slightest. You'd think so, with Ronit valuing her freedom so deeply, but...you have to understand that Ronit is a thrill seeker. She is an asexual, 19th-century Catwoman. The idea of being vulnerable, even in a way like this, with her being able to navigate the tricky parts on her own judgement and skills...that's exhilarating to her.
It's just, y'know. Getting her to admit she's got the emotions in the first place and not letting her run that's the trick. Once you get her settled into the idea of being in love though...very addicted to the feeling of turning social interactions into friendly...not sparring, but definitely like...somewhere between sparring and a game. She loves the idea of having a person she can play with in an honest and fair way, would make a point system for blushing and taking care of.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
I can't see her falling, like truly falling (a true emotionally compromised state, vulnerability and attachment in one wrapped package), not a crush or a curiosity, without being friends first.
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
Handle it on their own, largely. He does like to sometimes ask for an outside opinion, just to verify his own observations, so if you have a friend that'll toss the knowledge of your crush up to him, make sure they don't speak to Lachtna. He won't scheme to get the information out of someone, but he's got this very earnest and sincere way of speaking that gets folks to spill information.
Are they scared of being in love?
Not at all. Looks forward to it, actually. Something of a hopeless romantic, truth be told.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
If you're friends first, you largely have to deal with Lachtna simply liking you a whole bunch which can be torture if you're suffering silently in crushing on this man.
He's the type to befriend you if he's in love with you: get you comfortable, make sure everyone's on the same page, that sort of deal. He's a caretaker type, through and through, and it makes it extremely hard to tell if he's in love with you or simply likes you as a friend.
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
Congratulations on your 100 followers. Can you write a San helping reader to recover from depression and anxiety?
Mending yourself
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Paring : Choi San × Reader
Genre : Smut, Angst, Fluff, Growth
Warning : Mention of self harm, Vanilla Sex, A little harsh San, Mention of degradation
"I don't think you will be able to understand, nor can I bear the reoccuring of your mindset of being so oblivious and not understanding a simple thing ' a person isn't entitled to text you everyday and if they don't it doesn't mean they want to get away with you ' and half of your problems about ' people leaving you ' is because you don't have the patience and i guess mental strength to respect space for other people. I know you claim to, but in reality you have a habit of making everything about yourself and how you're the only one suffering and you always need someone to depend emotionally and mentally. In reality you're really dense in understanding that everything goes both ways and no matter how much someone advices you or no matter how much someone wants to help you, you can't make yourself to change even after receiving the help. You just like depending and that's why you can't let go of the things that make you more miserable"
You read the msg again and again for two years by now. It was from the last friend of yours whom you thought was never gonna let you go no matter how mentally sick you were. It was you, really yourself, you always knew, always warned people that they are bound to leave you. Though with help to you, you were trying to get better with her help but your mental health was too fucked that it was taking so much of your friends' patience to help you. You were being too much, to possessive, to insecure where at a point they got tired of your negative mentality and insecurities.
Insecurity was you biggest enemy you thought and it stabbed you again and again no matter how many times you started being friends with someone. You were tired of telling people how fucked your life was, how fucked up you were where at a point you stopped being attached with everyone.
With Choi San, your fuck buddy probably, it was just day and night, where you were in denial that you wanted him more than fucking him. It's not new to you how much he always tries invading the doors you've closed for loving someone, but you always pushed him away with something he would like more than talking deep shits. Him always trying to comfort you when you would starts crying out of nowhere while he would be inside you, his soft kisses to make you understand he loves you were enough to build something inside of your stomach for him. But you act like a jerk everytime his soft side was shown in front of him. No, you can't love him, ruin him like your old friends, not when you still haven't healed from your traumas.
And again, he was at it when he is in your apartment couch, having you on his lap while you were straddling him sitting on his dick, moving your ass like your life depends on each thrusts. You both covered with blankets because it's too cold even though he fucked you thrice tonight.
And here he goes again, kissing you firmly. His lips on your jaw, down to your neck. You can sense care with each kisses which you hate, your stomach cries for those but you know it's bad, "Bite me!" You command but he doesn't listen. He is adamant tonight to make you understand how his mind is always filled with you, not because you let him fuck you so well neither the way you scream when he doesn't stop but for the way you laugh at his silly jokes, hit him gently, care for him but act like you don't give a fuck. He was in love with you so badly that he couldn't ever describe.
When he first saw you in college, you were a loner. You talked with people, laughed, went to parties but no one knew about how you were, who you really were. He would notice your puffy eyes in parties but never saw you cry. He would see how you would drink too much and walk along with some boy you seemed to be interested in through the party. He always got eyes on you not knowing he would be able to be one of those boys one day. Even if he fucks you only, it because it's better than other boys ruining you, because to him you should be belong to him but he can't even claim you.
You stop moving still having him stretching your walls, "I told you to do something," you utter cupping his face, making him look at you but he has got a tension in his face. You don't understand, you can't read people like that anymore, don't even try.
"Not every fucking time I have to listen to you," he tells you and proceed to kiss you again but you stop him, "I think we should stop then!" You tell him trying to get off him, but too suddenly he makes you fall on the couch still him being inside of you, deep thrusting you which make tears rolling from your eyes, "Fuck, San, what's gotten into you?" He leans over you rubbing your lips by his thumb, "I want to ask you, what is wrong with you? Why are you willing to die but not let me love you."
"Don't get started now," you tell him looking away earning another thrust, deeper you thought,"Fucking hell!" You scream at the pressure digging your nails inside his tanned skin. He is just pushing into you whenever you are making him mad, it's fucking unfair.
"I lo-" he starts to say but you take his lips into his. No way you're letting him in the walls you've built for years, not when you have stopped asking for help from people, crying with them making them see the most vulnerable sight of yours. You don't want him to get tired of you too, not when he fucks you so well that you forget how much of a mess you are deep inside yourself.
But you have to break the kiss when he suddenly thrust you over and over again, he is being harsh, you like it, you deserve it. But your already sore thighs, back arching are making you cry out loud.
"I fucking love you, y/n, please stop denying how you love me crazily," he tells you not letting you kiss him further because you are too busy clenching the sofa to help you whimper.
"I-I don't, I just love the way you fuck me," you smirk with pain, "Make me cry!ah!" You scream again throwing your head back. It feels like you are about to die feeling so much arousal that it is overstimulating.
"You're a fuckin liar, baby," he says still going back and forth, this time stretching your one leg over you grabbing you thigh to make more space. The blanket has fallen on the floor, abandoned like you abandoned yourself few years from now. He saw how you didn't care taking care of your cuts or burns, being a chain-smoker, walking on the railing relentlessly, you were always so self-destructive. It's like God was trying so hard to keep you alive while you weren't. And he hated all these, he hated seeing your annihilation.
Your brooding face still aching his heart. He loves you at a rate where he knows that he can never get tired of you, of your cries, hugs, kisses, possessiveness, pains. No, he can never get over you, your lips kissing his, your breathe falling on his neck giving him butterflies. He didn't realize when he wanted to take the responsibility to make you happy with his happiness, when he wanted to share your pains with his and throw all these at some abandoned city so it would never bother you two. He wanted to do it all, for you and you only.
You one the other hand, didn't care about anyone loving you, taking care of your tears. They're only yours and you wanted to go to grave with them. But this man is trying too hard to reach inside of you, bringing the real you out, "Stop lying to me. I can't take anymore," he stops after releasing inside of you, filling you with him for the fourth time, maybe, you thought.
"You don't have to take care of my lies. We are not gonna be in this term, ever," you tell him while he keeps looking at you with tears peaking in his eyes.
He smiles caressing your cheek, "You don't make the rules when your heart beats so fast only for me. Do you think I didn't notice how you've forbidden Luke to touch you anymore? I know you don't like anyone touching you, making you scream, making you cum more than me," he cups your face, "Lemme be with you. I swear I won't leave you."
"You're gonna get tired of me. That's how everything started always, you know nothing. I'm so fucked up to mend now," you tell him but he only touches his forehead with yours, "Baby, I don't need to fix you. I just wanna be with you till the end. Please accept me. I can't do this anymore. I can't live a single second without you."
"I will die if I have to let you go. I can't do this, Sana. You are so perfect, such a arranged mind of yours, mine is a fucking mess," you tell him looking at his lips where your bite cut his bottom lips an hour ago.
He puts his hand under your head, "I don't think I can ever stop loving you like I do now. I can never. I will die if I have to lose you."
Should you take the risk again? It feels like history is repeating itself, another light of hope in front of you. He is such a ball of sunshine and his dimple, fuck they make you want to keep yourself inside his arms all the time you feel unsafe. You think you can die for the smile of his, you can jump into a war for his warmth. But what if it leaves you too?
"Please," he asks for you again, his voice soft, but raspy. You can't believe this man was dirty talking with you a while ago, your hair was in his hand pulling them down, giving your body bruises from the sucking. How can he do everything so well?
"Maybe I don't have the patience and mental strength to respect space for other people," you tell him.
"Let me in, we will see what happens then," he tells you, still softness in his voice.
"If you don't text me everyday I might feel unwanted," you tell him but, "I am gonna live with you from now, see you everyday, how can I feel you unwanted?" He asks you.
"I'm insecure," you tell him about all of the red lights you can give him.
"I'll make it okay giving you all the love of mine," he tells you, tears brimming down from your eyes, heart aching, sobbing. Is it real? Or he will get disgusted of your broken side, what if he sees how filthy you are? Hasn't he seen already? You already slept with hundred of boys, he knows it all. He saw the scars on your skin, kissed them like they are his. Didn't question why do you have them, only kissed, marked them. Is it real?
"What if I can't make myself to change even after receiving your help. What if I just like depending and that's why I can't let go of the things that make me more miserable," you ask him not knowing what will come from him.
"You are someone who is growing, you have accepted your flaws that you think are, I don't think I'll ever have any problem if you the same woman even after me helping you. Because I fell for this woman, broken one, how can I let go of that woman then? When she is all mine, mine to chase, mine to kiss, mine to taste, only mine?" You pull him closer for a pathetic kiss, your tears mixing with kiss making it salty while your hands caress the back of his neck. He has gotten his answer, that you have become his, no matter what happens this isn't gonna end.
And even months later when you opened up properly, being your old self maybe he was the happiest person for that. Him giving you morning kisses everyday, goodnight kisses, maybe more night or morning things. Helping you with the therapy because you couldn't afford it alone, making you smile when you would have a breakdown.
He saw your ups and downs in a whole year, marked what triggers you, told you to work on those. He made your birthdays best days. Fucked you all night and day having vacations making you cry so bad when you wouldn't listen and wear shorts to tease him.
He loved you, years after years. And you grew with his love swept around you. You become a positive woman, taking care of yourself and him too. Yes from belonging to a broken family your insecurities were still there but he made sure to make you feel secure everytime he saw you worry, tensed. You help other people to grow with you too and he didn't know how he fell for you even more with your each growth, becoming healthy where the most favorite part of your day is your self-care routine.
From drinking alcohol every end of a day to only drinking on occasions, leaving smoking in two months, instead getting addicted to yoga and stretching, healthy fruit juices, you grew a lot you thought. You thanked yourself for everything you have done for yourself, for accepting his proposal.
And you loved him for being beside you for years after years. Even when you lost control, broke his favorite controller, threw his shirt on his face, he was calm. He understood you, hugged you to make you feel ease because he knew no matter what you did, it wasn't you. It was your trauma, pains. He accepted everything you did and that make you who you've become. A self dependent woman in every way, physically or mentally. You got better than ever.
You still have gotten ups and downs in your life but you've learned to keep yourself calm taking a better decisions now. That's your life with him around yourself. With him, with your love for yourself, you have become such a fine woman.
Hope you've liked it...
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world
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sukirichi · 2 years
Ok so, out of curiosity... are there any small moments we haven't seen between suna and yn where suna looked at yn and thought, "Damn, I might actually be capable of falling in love with you."
And yes, this is me asking for suna crumbs of fluff bc the latest chap hurt me😃
oh they’ve definitely had their moments where suna had to stop his heart from being confused
+ one time, suna did aftercare and brought you to the tub. he was massaging your shoulders and you’re sitting facing each other, talking and laughing about the silly little things. it must be around two am, the yuzuru manor is empty, and suna doesn’t have work to do back at the palace. its one of those few moments where he feels relaxed and he feels his life is normal, and he just... gets that shock, you know? he looks at you, he smiles with you, and he realizes he likes this peace. he realizes he likes hearing you laugh, and so he makes it a mission to keep making you smile because you’re prettier when you’re happy. and for once, he doesn’t feel guilty about spending time with you because iris doesn’t even cross his mind
+ when you’re asleep in his arms and suna wakes up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. it’s common that suna spends the night at your place. he’ll always tell himself he sleeps with you because one) its nice, he likes the sex, and two) he needs you to be emotionally attached to him and intimacy is one way to achieve that, and three) he needs to show you how much he ‘likes’ you but as time flies past, his feelings also transform into something more than he intended. because his mind is a mess, his heart is troubled every minute, and he can’t even sleep properly. but then he wakes up, and you’re there with him, and your presence is so calming that he thinks maybe he can fall in love with you. he looks forward to marrying you if it means waking up like this and nightmares don’t seem so haunting when you’ll be there no matter what, because he’s never stayed the night with iris before (prior to suna marrying you.) he doesn’t know what it feels like waking up next to her, and he can’t have that sort of attachment with anyone else but you. he thinks having you in his arms and pulling you close when he’s about to break down into tears is much more intimate than the sex. suna hasn't really had that experience with iris before―being vulnerable, crying in front of her, being weak.
iris has just always been the one who needed more help, needed more love, needed more attention. suna always had to be strong for her and put on a fearless front to make her feel at ease. but you do that for him. you make him feel safe, and when he’s with you, he can feel that its possible for all the cracks in his heart to heal.
+ when he sees you hanging out with tobio. tobio is the baby brother of the royal family, and suna adores him the most because he’s actually the only brother who has not the slightest of malice within him. granted, tobio is kept unaware of the horrible secrets of his brothers and maybe that’s why he treats suna lovingly, but suna just melts when he sees you hanging out with his youngest brother and you’re such a good, older sister figure to him that he can’t even take his eyes off of you. there’s something about you, his wife, getting along with his family that makes his chest swell with pride. it makes suna happy because he starts to believe that maybe he can have his own happy family after all and he won’t be the same like his father.
+ when you read him poetry while carding your fingers through his hair. suna is an absolute sucker for physical affection, and despite dating for two years, you've always been shy to initiate things. there are times, though, times like this where you pocket that shyness away and let him rest on your lap, brushing his hair back with your gentle touch and the poetry falling from your lips sounds like a lullaby to him. it’s romantic, yet simple, and suna suddenly gets the urge to write you poetry in hopes you'd read it to him out loud.
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troubatrain · 4 years
bad behavior - m. tkachuk
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a/n: i don’t know when i started writing consistently but here we are. this another part of this series i was super excited about writing because this song is what put the idea in my head to begin with. quick shout out to @hookingminor​, @tkafuckit​, & @davidpastrsnack​ for reading my work and validating it because i swear i would never finish without you guys sometimes. hope you guys like it!
as per usual i recommend listing to the song while you read!
part of my lovely little lonely series
warnings: smut
“...you tell me, you're insecure, but don't be, stay soft, but don't be gentle, it's altogether mental...” - Bad Behavior - The Maine
I’m not a distraction am I?
Of fucking course you are, Matthew thought, buttoning up his dress shirt while he looked at the fresh marks he bit in your back not even fifteen minutes ago. You were the biggest distraction, Matthew forgoing his pre-game nap just for extra time with you between the sheets. You were a mistake he couldn’t stop making, ignoring the constant pull in his chest whenever you left because you didn’t do anything more than what you gave him.
Really, it was probably karmic punishment for all the shitty things Matthew’s done in his life. The universe would drop his dream girl in front of him but as it turns out, she played the game better than him. It wasn’t like he didn’t get a warning from your best friend Ella who’d been dating Sam from what seemed like the dawn of time. You were a heartbreaker, it was just how it was and that was how it’s going to be. Matthew ignored Ella, taking you home without a second thought because that’s what he wanted too. No Strings Attached. Turns out, he was in over his head when you left one night and the other side of Matthew’s bed felt cold for the first time in his life.
“You’re not a distraction pretty girl,” Matthew nods, curls bouncing against his forehead while he admires you from the otherside of his bedroom, “Are you coming tonight?”
“Are you going to be on your worst behavior?” You ask, rolling out of bed to collect your clothes Matthew never seemed to toss in one place. That’s why you were different, every person in his life telling him to ease up in his game - except you. You loved watching Matthew get into it on the ice because after those games the sex was just better.
Matthew chuckles, watching you unhook your panties from the lamp in the corner of the room and frowning when you saw the tear he ripped in them, “I’ll be on my worst behavior if you’re coming home with me later.”
“Twice in one day is pushing your luck Matthew,” You sigh dramatically, fixing his collar and flattening his tie, “And exhausting for me quite honestly.”
“I’ll be easy,” Matthew suggests, fingers gently pushing a piece of hair from in front of your face. Your eyes flutter shut, enjoying the moment. This made it so hard to keep your distance, the fact that Matthew was more of a gentle giant than he led on most of the time. Sure, he could pull your hair back when he hit it from behind and he made the dirtiest jokes in crowded rooms, but when all was said and done - he was kind. Someone would be lucky to have him one day, but that someone just couldn’t be you.
“You’ve never gone easy on me ever,” You giggle, pressing a kiss against Matthew’s jaw, “Good luck.”
Matthew didn’t know why he was so nervous about a silly All Star game, but he was. Maybe it was because it was at home, or maybe Brady’s last minute addition had him reconsidering. Either way, he’d been pacing for the last hour and trying to decide if he should tell you to stay home. He couldn’t do that, as if he was going to deny himself the small sliver of happiness he got every time you decided you wanted to see him. You were in charge, and it changed the playing field for Matthew entirely. It wasn’t like it usually was, Matthew being the one who often found themselves hanging by the phone in hopes you’d call. You didn’t, so Matthew got his hopes up and told you to stop by before he left for St. Louis.
“Hey All Star,” You muse, sneaking inside and taking off your coat. Matthew stops his pacing, smiling to himself that you actually showed up when he asked. No answer to his text, because why would you bother to let him know you were on your way. That would be too easy, and you weren’t by any means easy.
Matthew opened his mouth to ask you how your day was, but shut it once he realized he’d never get an answer. The only things he knew about you were learned from Ella and Sam, not a single detail of anything that happened outside of the walls of Matthew’s apartment was ever mentioned to him by you. You knew tons about him, because he opened up to you so easily it was breaking his heart that you wouldn’t do the same. He wondered why he did this to himself, why he didn’t just find someone who was obsessed with him. He liked the chase, Matthew’s athletic intuitions pushing him to strive for the best prize he could find, and you’d be the best of them all if he could have you.
Instead Matthew did what he always does, he pressed his lips to yours and pushed you up against the door. His hands were on your waist, an ironclad grip as if you’d slip right through his hands if he didn’t stop you. You probably would have.
“What’s wrong?” You question, Matthew confused as to how you knew something was up. His eyebrows furrowed, head cocking to the side like a puppy who was trying to figure out what a new sound was. You laugh, a melodic giggle carrying through Matthew’s almost barren apartment, “Your hands are right above my ass but you failed to touch it once, what’s up?”
“I’m, uh, nervous?” Matthew admits, his weaker parts of his brain succumbing to the pout on your lips. That pout could be what killed him. Matthew wasn’t dealing with it well, it being the newfound pressure he’d been feeling to be a top tier player. People expected him to turn it on for every game, and at first he loved it. Then he realized he no longer got the chance to slack off when all eyes were on him, Matthew had been internally crumbling ever since.
That wasn’t necessarily the only reason he’d been insecure lately. You weren’t helping, but you couldn’t be hurting him that much. Maybe you were. Matthew was trying really hard to be cool, but he was failing miserably. He got jealous more often than he liked to admit, and he was a liar if he didn’t deep dive your Instagram to see if you were very clearly seeing someone else. He was gone a lot, and you didn’t owe him any sort of explanation and he knew that. He knew he respected you enough not to ask but he liked you enough to care, and it was eating him alive.
“Pressure’s a lot, I just don’t feel like, you know,” Matthew explains, fumbling over his words and waving his hands because he didn’t want to say it. His voice got lower, words mumbled together when he spoke, “I’m insecure.”
“Don’t be,” You shrug, a wide confident smile on your face. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little surprised by Matthew, because as far as you knew he was a big bad guy, or at least he thought he was. You thought it was all bullshit, but you did often think that kind of pressure couldn’t be healthy. Every fiber of your being told you to run, that this was getting too emotional and if you didn’t stop you were going to ruin him forever. You did it all the time, your heart wasn’t built for more than a night and you were just accepting it. If you weren’t going to be able to stop self destructing anyone who tries to connect to you emotionally besides your loved ones you protected so fiercely - then you were going to have fun.
Which is what you thought you were getting into. You took Matthew home with nothing but his reputation spinning around in your head that he was the perfect conquest. Then you fucked, and it was too good to give up. So you kept him at arms length, never giving into those damn eyes and his frown whenever you left after you had sex. It was better that way, for both of you really.
“That’s all you got for me?” Matthew asks, stifling a laugh at your simple answer. He was admitting to you something he’s never let another soul know but you simply just shrugged.
“Okay, how about this,” You take a deep breath, snaking your hands under his shirt and grazing your nails against his skin.
You’re Matthew fucking Tkachuk. Your lips pressed against his jaw, a smirk gracing his face. You don’t give a fuck who’s in your way, you’ll hit them. Your lips moved to his ear, whispering softly. You’re what Doughty’s nightmares are made of. Your hands slipped down, playing with the waistband on his boxers. And you can score with the best of them, on and off the ice. Matthew laughed at that one, a smug smile back on his face where it rightfully should be. You have nothing to worry about.
Both of Matthew’s large hands landed on your cheeks, calloused fingers rubbing against your skin and his lips on yours. He didn’t need to say anything, he’d show you just how badly he needed that. Matthew pushed you towards his bedroom, your back hitting the plush mattress. You tossed your hoodie off, Matthew losing his at the same time. You admired him, the way his muscles were defined in the moonlight from his windows. Matthew’s hands slid down your back, unclasping your bra with one hand and smirking to himself when it slid off. You stroked his ego for a reason, one that ran a chill up your spine while he pressed kisses down your body.
“You’re fucking sexy,” Matthew mutters into your skin, sliding off your leggings and eyes practically rolling to the back of his head when a pair of lacy red panties caught his attention. His finger slid underneath them, fingers slick from your core, “And wet too huh?”
“Do you plan on doing something about it or should I call someone else,” You tease, Matthew’s free hand gripped your thigh when you spoke, jealousy coursing through his veins. He finger pulled against your panties, a loud rip catching your attention, “Matthew!”
“Don’t joke like that then, I’ll take care of you just fine on my fucking own,” Matthew growls, lips ghosting your clit. You whimper, running a hair through Matthew’s hair. His tongue lapped at your pussy, trying to remind you just why you couldn’t shake him. He was competitive, and if he had to fight for his spot in your line up he’d do it. You were a mess, a string of curses falling through your lips and your moans echoing in the room.
“Matty, fuck,” You let out a cry, gripping his curls tightly. Matthew flicked your clit with his tongue, a gasp leaving your mouth. Matthew went to overdrive, his well skilled tongue moving quickly to send you over the edge. You grinded against his mouth, his hands holding down your waist so he could keep going while you came on his face. You finally push his head back, unable to take anymore.
Matthew crawls back up your body, capturing your lips with his and kicking off his boxers. You push him onto his back gently, a smug smile on his face and his hands landing behind his head, “A show?”
“Shut up,” You shake your head, letting out a laugh while you straddle Matthew. You pumped him a few times, lining his cock up with your pussy and easing yourself onto him.
“You look so good on top of me,” Matthew muses, a cocky tone to his voice. You grab the overgrown curls on the nape of his neck, rolling your hips against him and smirking when a groan left his lips, “My perfect fucking girl.”
Matthew’s hand smacked your ass while you rode him at your own speed. His free hand gripped your hip, speeding up your pace. Matthew loved being on top, a translation of his control that he desperately craved, but he let you do whatever you wanted. His hand snuck up your body, hand gently gripping your neck, “If you leave a mark this time Matthew-”
Matthew chuckles, remembering the borderline vicious threats you sent him the last time his grip got a little too tight and you didn’t realize until the next day. Matthew pulls you down to meet his lips, flipping you over onto your and back wrapping on your legs around his waist. His forehead pressed against yours, something you noticed he'd been doing more often lately, “Cum for me, fuck, c’mon.”
“Harder,” You nod, eager to chase your high and give him what you knew he wanted. He liked to get you off, the satisfaction of pleasing you did it for him, Matthew often bragging about how much a giver he really was. Your pussy fluttered around him, Matthew pulling his cock out and spilling onto your stomach. He looked down at you, completely fucked out with his cum on you like you were his. Your eyes were glassy, lips swollen from his while you caught your breath, “Shit.”
Matthew laughs lightly, walking into the en suite bathroom to get you a towel. He was always gentle afterwards, taking care of you after he absolutely wrecked you as if it was going to remind you that maybe he deserved more than you were giving to anyone else. You tuck your head into Matthew’s pillow, sleep about to take over your body. You never stayed, your own little rule because you just knew if you let him hold you it would be over, “Just stay, you look tired pretty girl.”
Matthew’s voice was gentle, his finger running along your bareback lightly while he offered you a shirt in the other. He wanted you to stay so badly, “Matty-”
“My flight leaves in a few hours, it’s like a nap,” Matthew whispers, and you smile at his excuse for you to sleepover. You nod, sitting up and tossing on whatever gray t-shirt he’d given you. You didn’t know, but it was his favorite shirt in the world, the fabric soft like a tee that had been well loved.
Matthew was supposed to have woken you up before he left, dropping you off at your place before he headed to the airport to go home. He was going to, he swore he really was, but when he was leaving you looked so damn cute snoring away in his favorite shirt. So he left you a note, telling you to lock up before you left and that he’d see you the day he got back. You woke up peacefully, the light shining through the floor to ceiling windows in Matthew’s apartment and rolling your eyes at his note. You grab your phone, smiling when you notice he left it charging for you. 
You told me it was a nap.
Maybe you shouldn’t look so cute when you sleep then.
You roll over screaming in the pillow because you were going to ruin him.
Matthew had enough of the waiting game.
It's been nine days since that night and Matthew was losing his fucking mind. He was playing like absolute garbage, his name off the scoresheet since the All Star break. Matthew was lashing out left and right, both against the opposition and his own friends when they grew concerned. He thought about moving on, even calling up an old fling. That didn’t end well, Matthew moaning your name by accident in bed and then she left almost immediately after. He was frustrated with himself for getting this invested, but you were intoxicating. Matthew left the Saddledome after another shit game and drove to your place, with the intent that you were either going to hear him out or he was going to have to cut you out of his life.
“Hi?” You were confused when you saw him on the other side of the door, you leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. You were already pressed, wondering what Matthew thought he was doing banging on your apartment door. He looked pissed, bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days and you were already rolling your eyes at the tweets about him being a bust.
“I can’t do this shit anymore,” Matthew steps inside, stomping into your space and gritting his words, “You have this hold on me, and I know I told you I could be cool about this but I can’t be. I’m fucking jealous of every other dude you could be with and I think about it all the time-”
“And I’m a heartless bitch,” You hiss, every wall you had just got taller. Your words could cut like a knife, and you were ready to let Matthew have it, “I’ve heard it from everyone, I ruin people Matthew, save me the argument.”
“You’re not going to ruin me, I know you, fuck,” Matthew steps forward, every bit of anger in his body disappearing when he saw the way you lip was starting to quiver. His voice got lower, his thumb running along your jaw, “I know you think you bring out the worst in me, but you bring out my best too.”
“I’m going to hurt you, I always do,” You whisper, averting your eyes down so you didn’t have to look at him.
“Then hurt me later,” Matthew took this as his turn to shrug, try and take a page in your book and be a little nonchalant, “For now, could we just try this out? No games, no one else, just us.”
“This is bad for you Matthew,” You give him one more warning, pulling him closer to you and tugging on the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Be bad for me then,” Matthew groans, grabbing a handful of your ass and pressing a kiss to your lips.
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sanris3 · 3 years
A fine line
Pairing: reader x san Genre: friends to lovers(?)/angst Summary: You realize you're in love with your best friend San and unsure how to approach it. Playing with the thin line between friends and lovers. author notes: This is my first piece in a while, I hope everyone enjoys it! in a silly goofy mood at 5am Word Count: 1.6k
The both of you definitely started off on the wrong note. When you and San were first introduced to each other, it was difficult to get close to him. He radiated this intimidating aura and with your shy self, there was no way you'd approach someone like him. You had mutuals through a couple friend groups, it was only natural that you'd end up friends. However, there had been a misunderstanding through a mutual friend and you never thought to clear the air.. because after all, you weren't in a position to fight for the friendship anyway. The both of you left it as it is. Fast forward to 2 years later and the two of you are closer than ever. There was a stark difference between your personalities, hobbies, hell- even the way you both processed things were different. But oddly enough, you guys make it work. You were the epitome of 'opposites attract.' You'd never expect that a toxic relationship would deem you two as inseparable. San struggled a lot and you were there for him whenever he needed a shoulder to lean on. No one understood him but you oddly did. Looking at his situation, you found yourself looking in the mirror recognizing you had been in his position just a year ago. You desired to be there for him. You were reminded of the turbulent moments and unexplainable behaviors that took place- and unknowingly, you began to prioritize him. Not in a romantic way- more so, just ensuring San is doing okay because after all, he is your best friend. All you could think about were the empty moments you experienced when you went through the same thing, you didn't want him to believe no one understood him, because you did. How delightful would it have been if you had someone like this to root for you back then? San allowed himself to become comfortable with you. Sharing each vulnerable thought was a common conversation you two had and honestly- it was fascinating to learn how aware he was about his emotions because all this time, you believed he was emotionally constipated. Even after being friends for so long, the conversations you had never reached the depth that they did now. This was a sign he genuinely acknowledged you to be his closest friend. You'll never overlook the excitement you experienced at the realization he trusts you at his most vulnerable moments. It was happiness. This is what it feels like to have a friendship reciprocated. Vulnerable. Stable. Consistent. Several months go by and that relationship ends. You adhere to his side until the end, making sure he's completely taken care of; and even though it's challenging, you walk him through the emotions, keeping him together at his roughest moments. You had become his pillar. And that's exactly what you did, until, he suddenly cut off contact with you. You understood his heartbreak. He needed time to heal, but that time apart managed to lead through the most confusing part of your friendship. You missed him terribly but what could you do? He needed his space and you respected that. You hear from him for the first time for what feels like forever and you notice something is off. There's something about his aura that shifted- and you couldn't figure it out. Both of you are nervous to talk to each other after the sudden break but as always, you get through it and pick up on the flow once again. But this time it's different. There was a new feeling of awareness in your stomach when you got a notif from him- and for so long, you assured yourself it was because you missed him. Which was true. (at least for now.) There were many instances where you wanted to reach out and invade his space but that would only harm your friendship, and that was the furthest thing you desired to do. But you couldn't help yourself, you grew anxious that he would disappear on you again and started attaching yourself to him a different way and it was a scary feeling because you knew where this would lead to. "She was my person. It was rocky but I've never loved anyone so hard," he says amidst another vulnerable conversation. You try to bring him comfort by wrapping your arms
around him, gently pulling him in for a hug as he sobs again for the night. Your hands rub against his back, gently finding a pace. You feel his grasp on you tighten, hands clinging to you like you'll slip away. But you stay there, bringing him all the comfort he needs, he was still healing. There was that feeling again. Like always, you brushed it aside and never dared to ponder upon it. For the first time, your heart sinks when he's talking about her. It's a good day for both of you. Throughout your hangout you're able to pick up conversations like before, San is starting to smile again and joke a lot more often, the bright San you knew was returning and you were genuinely happy for him. "I knew you'd turn out okay, if I did, you would. It just took some time." you blurt out in the middle of silence as the two of you are watching a movie. He stops in his tracks to turn towards you, "Thank you." His lips curve up into a warm smile with his arms reaching out, unexpectedly pulling you into his arms. "You know, I'm sorry for disappearing. You've been nothing but good to me through everything. I'm grateful to have you around, I promise I'll return everything." You go along with it, loosely wrapping your arms around his frame. "It's okay." You answer with a pause before continuing. "I missed you a lot." "I did too."
There it is again. That feeling. As time went by, it was growing difficult to ignore the little jump in your heart seeing anything of him. A text? A call? Hanging out? Your wavering heart couldn't ignore. The overwhelming feeling was too much for you to handle so that day you ignore San for your sake. You took the day off to think about your feelings for the first time. Why him? Why now? It was hard to understand the sudden change in heart. You pondered over and over again if this was true. Overthinking leads one thing to another and the next thing you know, you're on your bed crying endlessly in the sheets. Out of all people, your feelings were stirred up by Choi San. For the next few months, it was a brutal game of push and pull. Not between you and San, but you and yourself. Slowly, you were filled with frustrations no one but him had answers to, it was driving you insane; One moment you would see San as a friend, then it would be more than that. The friendly gestures you were recieving from him were transforming to a different meaning in your heart. The pet names, the random compliments, the sporadic oversharing- oh you wished that it would stop. But a part of you knew you were acting like this due to the fact you were hyper aware of your feelings.
At one point you wondered what it would be like to feel his lips against yours. It was a confusing cycle you couldn't stand to seperate from him. How bad could it be if you started and ended things on your note? But if you revealed your heart, what if it backfired? There was a chance you'd lose your best friend and it was too risky to cross that line. You were desperate enough to go on dates, and of course, San encouraged you through all of them. There was a clear answer to your questions but the little hope you had in you, kept praying. Just maybe. You wanted San to feel the same way. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or you were tired of stringing yourself along- so you initiated the conversation about dating again. Of course, you were extremely careful with how you apporached the situation; One mess up and it'll change the dynamic of your bond forever. You thought about what would happen far ahead. Sure he accepts your feelings and there's might be connection but what if you guys aren't compatiable as lovers? would the both of you have the courage to love like you haven't been hurt? "San- Can I ask you for advice on something? Or not really advice.. but your input." The brunette gears his attention towards you fully, emmitting the same flustering feeling in your stomach. But you don't react physically.
"Is it something serious?" "Yeah sort of-" "Is this another joke you're play-" "I'm serious!" "Okay, what's up?" "what do you think about dating a friend?-" "what?" "just answer the question." "I'm scared it'll happen again." " yeah same, I get you." The both of you return to the movie, carrying on like the conversation didn't happen. The air turned thick. At one point the comfortable silence grew suffocation. Did he catch on or are you thinking too much? For the first time you realized how dangerous that fine line between friends and lovers were. In the end, you didn't want him to take responsibility for your actions. Why should San suffer because of your feelings? that was the last thing you wanted. Sure, you won't be able to kiss him and hug him, or feel his embrace in a much more intimate way- but he was by your side and that mattered. With that, you were happy and content. Even if his heart wasn't yours. "San?" "Yeah?" "I'm really grateful you're my best friend." "I could say the same."
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sharkmobster · 4 years
more funtime found family au stuff but this time focusing on funtime freddy and michael's relationship. it's incredibly rambly and turns into off-kilter dialogue but i gotta get this off my chest.
tw mentioned child abuse/death
• doesn't actually like michael (at first) even tho i draw them hanging around each other a lot
• bon bon is the only reason he does loaf around him. (bon bon and bonnet being the only ones who like Michael in the beginning.) They're attached to each other so it's inevitable that they would hang around mikey.
• ft freddy plays really mean spirited jokes on michael bc he's not allowed to harm him. he has to get real creative. (ft freddy has a lot of anger inside of him. people write him off as being dumb and goofy but really that's just a mask that he put up so he didn't scare people away. of course the funtimes know how he is, knows who he is right to his core bc they're all connected on a deeper/technological level.)
• (slaps funtime freddy. this bear can fit so much trauma and abandonment issues in him!)
• can be incredibly vindictive when he wants to be and takes out a lot of his agression on Michael. michael shares the afton name (bc he sure as hell doesn't look like william in my au lol) and that alone is enough for ft freddy to bully him.
• (the funtimes blame william for abandoning them so ft freddy takes it especially personal when his ankle biter comes around to "liberate" them. and on some deeper level freddy is just terrified that michael will abandon them all, just like willy did. he never voices this of course. opting to show his apprehension and fear in a more destructive way, pushing Michael further away.)
• canon ft freddy: sinister but still goofy and knows how to have a good time
my ft freddy: goofy and repressed anger issues, doesn't know how to enjoy himself without causing someone some kinda pain.
• michael gets fed up with being terrorized eventually and confronts him, and ft freddy drops the silly act for a bit just ready to blow up at him. (he can't even place why he's still so angry at michael when really he's been nothing but hospitable and accomodating to their wants and needs but fuck he's just so wound up he doesn't know what to do) michael compares him to william during the argument (cruel and vindictive just like william wanted) and ft freddy nearly rings his neck, absolutely seething but bon bon doesnt let that happen of course. (idk if this is confirmed canon but bon bon was designed to placate freddy. he raises his voice even slightly and bon bon's petting his face, stopping him from getting even more agressive)
• ft freddy shuts down after the confrontation ends (emotionally, anyway) and the blow out itself is completely anti climatic, nobody getting hurt. he ends up isolating himself from the others with bon bon hovering around like a concerned mother hen. Baby and the others give him space but michael (after he cools down anyways) won't leave him alone.
• See the thing is: Michael understands. Michael understands more than anyone what it's like to feel so deeply, what it's like to hate and hate and to keep hating until that rage is your whole life. It's suffocating. and he had to deal with that all on his own, choking on his own grief and rage without anyone to guide him. (his brother is dead bc of him and he carries that with him everywhere he goes, in everything he does.)
• They're living in the countryside of France at this point in time, far off from any wandering eyes, a thick forest surrounding their home. Freddy has a few hiding spots that he scouted out within the first few days of staying there. And that's where Michael finds him, hiding out in a small alcove by the a creek, throwing rocks at the trees (and sometimes wildlife).
• freddy doesn't aknowledge him, ignoring him like a child would and bon bon frets nervously between them, not wanting another fight to break out. Michael tells them that he's not here to fight anymore, he just wants to talk. you like to talk, don't you? and freddy doesn't say anything, running his fingers through the dirt, absentmindedly.
• michael asks bon bon to leave so that they can have a private convo and bon bon freaks out like absolutely not, he might hurt you and michael asks freddy directly like "are you going to hurt me?" freddy still isn't talkative, and he's rigid when he shakes his head no after a bit of silence. Bon Bon asks if he's alright with him leaving and freddy just shrugs, still staring at nothing in the distance. bon bon hesitates for a few moments before finally leaving, telling Michael to call out to him if he's in danger but michael rushes him along.
• it's just them now, nothing but the sounds of nature around them. michael asks how he's feeling and freddy shrugs again. Michael strikes up a one sided conversation, stepping closer and closer to him over time not really getting any kinda response out of him but eventually, during his rambling, freddy finally looks at him and says "Y-You just don't get-get it." and then goes back to the silent treatment.
• Michael's quiet, having made his way up to standing right next to freddy (he's only a tiny bit taller than him when he's just sitting like that). he nods his head, considering something for a while until finally he goes "Did I ever tell you about what it was like? Ya know. Being William Afton's golden child?" freddy doesn't say anything but he pauses from drawing circles in the dirt, tilts his head just a fraction to let mikey know he's listening.
• michael stares at the creek. "He wasn't the most outwardly loving father. Wasn't really the nicest one, either. But, I wanted his approval so bad, I'd do anything for it." Freddy slowly turns his head to watch him carefully. that's got his attention. "I did a bunch of stupid shit back then, all cause I wanted to be noticed by him. But all that attention went to my little-" and michael draws in a sudden breath, pained. stays silent for a moment, working up the courage to speak. "I did something awful to my brother. All for my father. And it's an awful thing to say but his death didn't matter. Pops didnt bat an eye and Mom was too far gone by that point after Elizabeth...." he looks back in the direction of the cottage. "Well.... you know what happened to Elizabeth." Freddy's stare is hard and unyielding. "He's gone now and I was the only one who cared enough. His fuckin' abuser cared more for his passing than his own father did."
• "He threw me into the basement. Did you know that?" Michael bounces from one foot to another, anxiety written into his very bones. he's lost in his rambling now, having never spoken these words out loud to anyone. "I killed his son and he locked me away in the dark for three years." Freddy fully turns to give Michael his undivided attention, stock still, hanging off of his every word. "I got out. Eventually. I ran away and lived on the streets for years until someone got a hold of me. Told me my old man was missing, presumed dead. Got a pretty penny from the fazbear business he co-owned with Mr. Emily. Things were going good, I guess. I was overwhelmed for the most part, didn't do anything other than bounce around from hotels every few days. In some way, I felt like he was still out there, watching me. I just kept running. And then i found out about you." He glances at freddy and looks away quickly when he finds an unblinking visage staring back. "Found out about all of you. Locked away in a storage facility for over 30 years. In the dark. All alone." an incredibly long silence stretches out between them, freddy fidgeting, hyperaware of every noise going on around them.
• "You think I don't get it. But I do. I think I understand you more than anyone could." Michael's staring back at him, raw emotion across his face, eyes soft with empathy and that's what makes Freddy turn away from him. Suddenly uncomfortable. "I don't want to fight with you. Not you. Not Ballora, or Foxy, or Eli-" He visibly winces, but regains his composure. "...I just... need you to understand that I want to help."
• Freddy's never been so quiet, and it's such an odd sight. Michael's not sure if he should say anything else or if he should leave the bear alone. the bear speaks up, finally "W-We could've kill-killed you."
• "That was always a possibility, yeah. I woulda deserved it." Freddy's not sure if he likes the way Michael talks about himself sometimes. "I needed to get you guys out of there, though. That was more important than whatever could've happened to me." Michael huffs. "Besides, if I hadn't bailed you guys out then I would've never gone to Paris. Ballora has good taste in real estate, I think." and despite everything, freddy lets out a sudden breath that could've been mistaken for a sensible chuckle. Michael smiles anyway.
• Things settle down afterwards, though there's no bite to Freddy's jokes now. They're not as close as Michael wants, Freddy still keeping his distance, keeping his walls up but it's something.
• Freddy starts watching horror movies with him late into the night and until dawn. Doesn't let Michael sleep in afterwards and he might just regret this but it makes Freddy happy. Things go back to normal in the cottage, as normal as things can be for a motley troupe like them anyways. Michael starts laughing at his jokes more.
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httpsaiki · 4 years
Hi. Sry to bother you but I saw requests were open. Could I maybe get a Kusuo x male reader? They are on a date and maybe Kusuo is a little more laid back and soft. His friends catch him with this very sweet boy and are kinda confused. It’s revealed that they are dating and his friends are kinda ???? cause they didn’t really know Saiki was gay? Ik this is bad but I just love my husband and wanna read abt all his dumbass friends trying to wrap their heads around Saiki being a soft and caring boyfriend (and him being with such a soft and caring boyfriend). Pls no pressure and you can ignore this of course. Have an amazing day/night!
Hi! You are most certainly not bothering me, and this is anything but bad, it's so damn adorable!!! I really hope this is good, it was so so much fun to write and I loved that idea so much. I apologize if this was a bit overboard or not really what you wanted! And, hey, nothing wrong with wanting to see Saiki being soft, I mean, don’t we all? You have an amazing day or night yourself! Thank you so so much for this request!
Reader is male! This is very cute! No warnings.
WC: 1473
Italics are Kusuo “speaking” aka telepathy.
In which the reader and Kusuo go on a cute date, but the nuisances stumble upon them, forcing Kusuo to introduce his boyfriend.
“Kusuo! I’m here!” You yelled out into his house. You’d received a telepathic message that said nothing more than Come over from your boyfriend. Interested, you were quick to arrive at his house, feeling free to just let yourself in. You opened the door looking for him, walking into the house. 
“There you are!” You exclaimed, happily running towards him. Kusuo was quick to open his arms, pulling you in for a hug with a small smile. You were rather lucky, being the only person to ever see him this sweet and soft. The two of you hugged for a short time, neither one wanting to let go. It had been merely two days since you’d last gotten a chance to see each other, but it felt like an eternity. Separating from the hug, you looked up at Kusuo, your smile growing. You stared at him for a bit, before opening your mouth to speak.
“So what did you need?” You said, a more serious expression replacing your previous smile. Kusuo froze at your question, clearly not sure how to answer. 
“...Nothing. I just missed you.” He reluctantly replied, trying to hide his face without making it obvious he was even the slightest bit flustered. As your smile came back, you had an idea.
“Kuu! Let’s go somewhere!”
“Where are you thinking?” An ironic question - as he knew exactly where you wanted to take him. All you did was smile, grab his hand, and make your way downstairs. Off to the park, it was! After a quick stop in the kitchen to pack some lunch boxes, you and your boyfriend were out the door. 
Sitting hand in hand, casually eating your lunches and chatting, you and Kusuo were quite happy on your date. It was perfect out, there was a nice light breeze and it was far from too hot out. Kusuo was calm and relaxed, which was a rare occurrence. He usually looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and it probably wasn’t an obscene guess to assume he really did. 
Despite that, you enjoyed being like this. It was so nice to see Kusuo relax, and you knew he appreciated the chance for peace and quiet. You’d made sure he put his ring on before sitting down so that he could truly enjoy it with you. Even if that meant less talking from him, he hated actually speaking - you really didn't mind, he was able to relax. Besides, he loved listening to you talk to him anyway. Kusuo’s eyes were closed as he rested his head on your shoulder. Lunch was long finished and you were telling him about something silly that happened at school the other day. It was so clear how badly he needed this, and you were more than happy to oblige.
Suddenly, that was all ruined as his shoulders tensed up, and his head lifted off your shoulder. You heard it too.
“Hey, pal!” 
Nendou. Great.
“Hey look, it’s Saiki! Oh- who’s that he's with?” Teruhashi? Was she here too? You’d heard all about his so-called friends, but never met them as Kusuo “didn’t want you to suffer from their stupid”. You adjusted your hand that was holding Kusuo’s, carefully moving so that his ring would come off but you wouldn’t have to let go. You could tell having them here without being able to read their thoughts was a stressful experience for him.
Kusuo let out a sigh, now being able to identify who had come up behind him. He counted three, recognizing the thoughts of Nendou, Teruhashi, and Kaidou. This was not preferable. He was in no way prepared for them to meet his boyfriend, he hadn’t even told them he had one. He felt your thumb rubbing circles on his hand in comfort. He may act like he doesn’t like his friends, but you knew he was scared they wouldn’t accept him nonetheless. Despite being able to read their thoughts, it was still anxiety-inducing for him to actually have to tell them.
Teruhashi was first to take note of how relaxed he looked (despite his current internal struggle), and your hands being interlocked together. She was highly observant, after all. You were sitting close enough to him that your arms were touching. Was her conclusion really correct?
“Saiki? Is that… Are you...?” She trailed off, not sure if she should continue or not.
Kaidou picked up where she left off, “You have a boyfriend?”. He said as he pointed towards your hands, still tightly locked together. 
Kusuo looked over to you, where you simply nodded to him, silently letting him know it’s okay to continue. He sighed, was he really ready? Oh well. No avoiding it now. 
“Yes. I’m gay. And… Y/N. His name is Y/N.” He stood up to face them as he spoke, pulling you with him. You extended your other hand out to shake each of his friends' hands, politely introducing yourself to each of them.
All of his friends were focused on how close the two of you seemed. They saw already how happy you made Kusuo, and they were all prepared to support him no matter what. They had no idea he was gay but were delighted that he now trusted them enough to tell them. What they couldn’t believe was how sweet he was being? They saw before, he was all cuddled up to you? Never had any of them imagined Kusuo could be so soft towards someone. He seemed really attached to you, and they’d never seen him more relaxed nor this content. It was clear Kusuo wanted to be near you - something none of them had ever seen from him before. It was something he would likely never admit out loud, but it was made clear by his actions and his body language around you. It was a strange sight to see but in the best possible way. 
Even more, you seemed way too sweet to be with someone like Kusuo. You had a large smile painted on your face the entire time, and it seemed like on the surface you were polar opposites. They just didn’t expect you to be Kusuo’s type. They were really learning a lot about him today, huh? Somehow they unanimously agreed they’d never expected someone like you to be with him, but needless to say, if Kusuo of all people liked you, you had to be pretty great.
“Well,” Teruhashi started, “we’d better leave you to enjoy your date. Have fun!” She spoke, walking away with the two others as not to impose. As they left, the group discussed what they’d just discovered. They were shocked. But overall they were excited for you both, although still, a tad bit surprised both at Kusuo having a boyfriend and his entirely different demeanor. 
“I don’t believe it,” Kaidou spoke in a tone of pure confusion, “Saiki can show emotion?” The rest of the group laughed a bit, clearly, he was kidding, although they did agree with him. It seemed Nendou hadn’t understood the situation, he was even more confused than Teruhashi and Kaidou. None of them could quite comprehend what they’d seen but were rather happy about having learned of a new side to their pink-haired friend.
After Kusuo’s friends left, it was decided that it was time to go home. That had been pretty emotionally draining for Kusuo, and it was better to give him a chance to rest. Once the picnic was packed, you walked back to his house, still hand in hand (Kusuo not-so-secretly preferred it that way).
Once back at his house, you made your way up to his room. Kusuo looked up at you, tears in his eyes. You pulled him in so that his head was resting on your chest and you wrapped your arms around him. Worried, you pet his hair and let him let his feelings out.
“They… accepted me. Y/N, they accepted us.” You’d never seen Kusuo smile so wide.
“Of course they did Kusuo, they do genuinely like you.”
Kusuo let out a small sniffle. You could tell just how much their acceptance meant to him. He started moving towards his bed, that whole ordeal was tiring. He needed a nap. You started gathering your things, getting ready to leave so that he could sleep in peace when you felt your hand being grabbed.
“Stay. Please?”
“Of course.”
You laid down beside him, allowing him to roll over and be close to you. As Kusuo dozed off, you continued to pet his hair, planting a small kiss on the top of his head every now and then. You both stayed like that the rest of the night, you eventually dozing off as well. It had been one of the best dates you’d ever had.
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Rhett and Link’s problems with the Enneagram
I have now watched both Enneagram EBs and the second one actually set my gears to work (So Anon here it comes! I promise it was spontaneous).
After listening to Link and mostly Rhett talk about the Enneagram again and again, I realised I have a problem but I can not place its exact root. There is either something fundamentally wrong with the Enneagram itself or maybe it’s Rhett and consequently Link who talk about it in a way that made me feel a little uncomfortable.
My problem and cause of concern was that everything that was said during the two podcasts had a clear negative tone to it. I will have to bring in myself to it to give you an example so bear with me for a paragraph. I did the test and I am a 5 (Investigator - Observer, something like that) which suits me rather well, especially since it agrees perfectly with my Myers-Briggs INTP type. The results said I was a 5w6 (essentially an emotionless analytical robot) which is definitely wrong as I am clearly a 5w4 (a sad mess who analyses the world and searches pointlessly for the true meanings in life and wants to come up with the ultimate all-encompassing philosophy). I mean, OK, they are not described exactly like that but trust me, that’s the point. But despite all the flaws associated with it, especially in the fields of socialising and tremendous procrastination due to an insane fear of failure, I am actually very much in touch with it. I revel in analysing, in trying to see the bigger picture, to make up my own theory about life and the world. It gives me fuel to go on, it fills me with excitement, it gives me a purpose.
Now, what I kept hearing from Rhett and Link are the things they would hope to run away from. I can’t seem to remember a single positive thing they said about their personalities. All traits they mentioned ( which were all pretty one-dimensional for both I dare say) were presented in the context of torturing them and having to confront them. With these insights in their personalities and the spiritual deconstructions earlier, their old (surprising back then) statement that they are “fundamentally sad people” makes more and more sense. Some of their traits, like Link’s care for perfection to the smallest detail and his moral concerns could have been neutral or positive but, no, they are almost all given as clear negatives or at least as things that have an emotional toll on them.
This gives me the impression that Link and especially Rhett have found comfort in studying the Enneagram and try to find an explanation for what they are like, to feel part of a group, represented in their misery. In short, they focus on the analysis of the flaws of their personalities as a part of who they are and avoid dealing with the root that caused said flaws. Link is more self aware while Rhett still struggles to reach the root of it, which is his childhood. Not that he doesn’t know it but he can’t just deal with the people and the situations that impacted him enough to make him a three. For instance, Rhett seems to believe that he is a natural three that his parents made manifest even more strongly. It could be the case or the threeness we observe in him is the direct product of his parents’ constant judgement. By keeping chanting he needs to “be” instead of “do”, I am not sure Rhett will achieve much. Honestly, the one impactful step he needs to take is to stop caring about what his father thinks and I am sorry to say he is still not near achieving this. Especially when I take into account how scared he was during his videocall with his dad in GMM and how relieved he looked after the call was over without drama. In short, my problem with their take in the Enneagram is that it seems that Three is Rhett’s pack of unresolved issues rather than his complete personality type.
Furthermore, Rhett speaks knowingly about all numbers / personality types which proves he consumes passionately all Enneagram information that is available. For a man of his level of active lifestyle, hectic schedule and impatience, this shows that he indeed seeks comfort in finding a detailed description and an explanation for his personality, for the way he feels and acts. What does this mean? Well, that he does not like the way he feels about himself a lot. Not only that, but he is actually in a search of self. At this point, he is no longer cryptic about it but it is more serious than he lets on. He tries to make sense of himself and he tries desperately to find something in himself to love. I hope there are people in his life who let him know that he is worthy of their love, friendship and appreciation even though he is so deep inside his head that even the affectionate feedback can only help so much. Rhett will start finding some peace only if he takes the one step I mentioned above.
And then it seems that Link’s personality type is also exclusively a byproduct of his childhood and is aggravated by his relationship with Rhett. Link’s perfectionism doesn’t cause him enthusiasm - he just dreads the disturbance of his supposedly perfectly stable world. In all honesty, Link doesn’t strike me as an ambitious person. Link would just love to have his dear routine and a loyal person to share it with. Link needs stability and companionship. He is fine with just one person as long as this person contributes to the stability of their bond. Who that one person is in Link’s life is another story…
Link doesn’t care that much about the creative process and, frankly, he doesn’t care all that much about the comedy. Link cares to keep the environment Rhett and he work stable and safe. For Link, judgement from the audience is not as alarming as Rhett’s frustration because of it. Link cares to ensure that Rhett’s idea will be successful enough to keep working and to keep working together. So Link’s entire self-identification as a one seems to stem from his fear of abandonment and worthlessness only. Link fears he has not much to contribute to Mythical and he tries to counteract that by becoming the ultimate source of management and control. Because if he didn’t even manage the company, then what would Rhett need him for? Hence, Link’s obsession for control is a consequence of his fear, he doesn’t necessarily love to be in control for the sake of it. This is proven by his plane example, which shows that he finally relaxes when he does NOT need to be in control.
Link has been working hard most of his life to ensure his position next to Rhett. This brings even more insight in his resentment for Rhett that explodes from time to time. Link resents Rhett because he tries so hard to be always by his side but due to Rhett’s opportunitism, he can’t tell whether Rhett wants his companionship or he simply needs it for their brand. Even worse, Link dreads that the reason Rhett is his friend is because Link feeds his ego with his loyalty and admiration, because he takes Link for granted and not because he loves Link for who he is.
“Do you care for me or do you revel in the fact that I care for you?”
Now, I can’t get inside Rhett’s head but I doubt he uses people. I believe his genuine care for Link can be found in the weirdest examples - those from which Rhett has nothing to gain i.e getting frustrated when Link doesn’t enjoy food as much. Yes, this is a sign of love. Rhett enjoys food so much that he wants to share that enjoyment with Link. He can’t realise Link’s tongue works differently - he thinks Link is missing out and it frustrates him. Another silly example is Rhett buying Apocalypse equipment for a clearly disinterested Link and probably never getting its money’s worth back. This is important to Rhett for some reason and he is concerned enough to protect careless Link as well despite having no personal gain from it.
The truth is that these two men feed off each other; Rhett keeps Link attached to him to always feel worthy and Link keeps Rhett attached to him to always feel safe. However, the fact that Rhett is almost his entire source of safety and that Link is Rhett’s biggest calibrator of worth is indicative of the levels of love and need. Nevertheless, Rhett and Link are not independent people. They were constantly in search of support from one another and they lost themselves in the process of satisfying others or being safe. This is something they are realising only now.
Link’s fear of abandonment is so big that it frequently leads him to an almost paranoid behaviour. It is crazy that he felt left out when Rhett communicated with the audience during a podcast whose key purpose is to… communicate with the audience. His fear here has two sides: 1) that Rhett didn’t consider him an equally important business partner so he preferred to speak directly to the audience and 2) that Rhett isn’t emotionally invested in him in order to open up to him. And by saying he can deceive people if he needs, Rhett doesn’t help Link overcome his huge insecurities. This is why Link begs Rhett to talk to him about his feelings more. He does not understand whether Rhett loves him or uses him. The notion that Rhett doesn’t truly love or appreciate him is one of his biggest fears in life.
As for Rhett, it is certainly huge growth that he starts opening up and being vulnerable to a few thousand strangers yet it all still derives from his need to be accepted by said strangers as I am afraid that the late disproportionate criticism he gets for silly stuff on Twitter and Tumblr surely don’t help him deal with his issues, no matter how hard he tries. Therefore, Rhett is trapped in a vicious circle. Besides, Rhett was overly sensitive to be hurt when Link stated the obvious; that he was being vulnerable in hopes to be understood and accepted, because that was clearly what Rhett was openly doing. However, having someone discussing openly his vulnerability immediately made Rhett retreat back to his shell because no matter how hard he tries, Rhett hasn’t managed to separate vulnerability from weakness in his mind yet.
Long story short, Rhett and Link might be Three and One respectively but I am not sure they have a good understanding of themselves anyway. They may have figured out their types correctly but they certainly narrow their entire sense of being to their unresolved issues and phobias. They entirely lack a sense of self-worth and they probably have not realised the extent of the traumas in their youth. In the Enneagram language, the nine personality types have nine levels of development. I believe Rhett and Link are either in the average levels or the mildest unhealthy level. They are certainly not in the healthy top three levels.
Their obsession with the Ennegram helps only superficially but they seem to have based an illogically huge part of their self exploration on it. The Enneagram might offer some insight but won’t offer the resolutions they long for and badly need in order to find some relief. The ones that come when you confront your environment instead of overanalysing yourself and beating yourself up because of it.
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culticunti · 4 years
may i please get sasuke for the whole fluff alphabet? ty either way!
hi my love, thanks for stopping by! enjoy (o´ω`o)ノ
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A... Affection - How do they show affection?
Sasuke isn’t very physically affectionate, and will even push you away at times. He shows affection through words, and through sitting down with you at the end of the day, watching the dying embers of the fire, and pouring his soul out in words that are spoken too softly for their heavy meanings.
B... Babe - What kind of nicknames do they give you?
He’s not one for nicknames, but he does indulge in the occasional “babe” or “Honey”. Mostly, though, he calls you by your name, but for some reason when he says your name, it might as well be a pet name from the way it makes the butterflies in your stomach do laps.
C... Coddle - How differently do they treat you in a relationship/out of a relationship?
Outside of a relationship, Sasuke is very stoic. There’s always people begging and pleading for his attention, yet he’s always only had eyes for you. In a relationship, he’s much less stoic, but he still tries to keep his distance to avoid getting too emotionally attached. ( That doesn’t work, of course, but let’s let the poor man have one thing. )
D... Daddy - Do they get along with your parents?
Your parents absolutely adore Sasuke! When he’s away from the public eye, he’s so courteous that he practically had your parents begging you to marry him from the first time they meet him. 
E... Earful - How talkative are they about your relationship with other people?
Sasuke is relatively quiet about your relationship, though sometimes he’ll talk to Kakashi about how happy he is that you’re in his life. He can’t help but let a look of pure bliss slip onto his features, eyes crinkling and a light flush covering his cheeks, which rewards him with nothing less than a wide-eyed look from his former Sensei.
F... Flaunt - Do they brag about you?
Sasuke brags about you to the people who approach him to ask for a date. He'll probably say that he already has a partner that he has no intention of leaving, and his lips will curl on satisfaction when the group crowding him disperses. 
G... Gifts - Do they spoil you? 
Absolutely. Sasuke tries to compensate for his lackluster physical affection by buying you everything that you show even the slightest interest in. At first, it was suspicious, and you began to think that he wanted something from you, that he was trying to ask for through gifts. But no, he simply enjoys watching the joy on your face when you receive something you've been waiting for. 
H... Heartfelt - How do they compliment you? 
His compliments are soft-spoken, almost inaudible, and if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it entirely. His words are so achingly full of emotion that he gets choked up on them, reaching out a shaky hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face.
I... Intuitive - How easily can they read your emotions and comfort you?
Sasuke may seem emotionally constipated, but he’s anything but unaware. He can read your emotions like an open book, pages laid out and sorrows so plainly obvious to him that he can’t help but try to reach out with shy, comforting touches.
J... Jealousy - How easily do they get jealous over you? vice versa?
Sasuke attracts the attention of a ton of people, and you can’t help but be jealous. You knew none of the people who approached him had even a sliver of a chance with him, but you couldn’t help your heart racing and your face glowing in embarrassment as people who adored him looked at you like you were nothing but scum.
Sasuke was very overprotective of you, if not a little obsessive. Any man or woman who gave you even so much as a second glance was struck with Sasuke’s heated glare that seemed to strike their hearts as it sent shivers up their spines.
K... Kisses - Where is their favorite place to smooch you?
Sasuke isn’t the type to beat around the bush. He loves to kiss you out of nowhere, lips always tasting like some variety to juice. Full and greedy, his usual appetite doesn’t even compare to how constantly starved his lips felt against yours, like a starving man hungry for food.
L... Lonely - How attached to you are they?
He’d never admit it, but Sasuke simply can’t live without you. On any given day, he’d lay down his life for you, but at the same time, he still tells you to stay on your side of the bed. ( Even if this never works, and you always wake up with a Uchiha pressed into the crook of your neck. )
M... Mannerisms - What silly things do they do for your attention?
Sasuke almost reminded you of a cat, always curious and ever so push, but never in a blatant way. He’ll follow you around for hours, eyes never leaving the back of your head, silently trailing you like a predator stalking its prey, until you can’t take it anymore and ask him what his damn problem is.
A small smile creeps onto Sasuke’s lips as he laughs, wide smile and scrunched up eyes so contagious you can’t help but laugh along with him about his stupid antics.
N... Name Tag - Who’s name would they take after marriage?
Sasuke would keep his name, but it’s up to you to decide what to do with your last name. He loves you more than anything, and he’s not really bothered by the fact that your last name won’t be Uchiha, Sasuke is just happy to have you all to himself.
O... Oath - What promises have they made you?
A long time ago, when the two of you were all but children, Sasuke promised to marry you when the two of you were old enough, and not a single second later.
P... Provoke - What silly things do you do to get their attention?
It’s quite hard to piss your lover off, but you know how to do it in just the right way every single time. Your best ploy to date was subtle, yet effective, and it involved moving every single object in the house an inch or two to the left every single day until Sasuke noticed.
Q... Quiet - What are some things that they do that renders you speechless?
When the Sea breeze rustles his hair, salt flooding the air around the two of you, so dense you can practically taste it on the tip of your tongue. When he stares into the coastline, his frigid fingers weaved with your own, his eyes shining with unvoiced desire and hopefulness you’ve never seen directed at anything but yourself before. You can’t do anything but admire your lover as he has such an intimate moment with the sea, all you can do is stand witness to their holy matrimony.
R... Rapt - What part of you did they notice first?
It’s hard for Sasuke to remember his first time meeting you- you were only kids, after all, but the thing he appreciates the most about you is your honesty. He adores your sheer transparency about every topic, and your calm stature when faced with problems that may be even too big for you to handle.
S... Sour - What kind of candy do they like to share with you?
Sasuke loves bitter things, which you always joked was perfect for such a bitter man. Dark chocolate was a must-have in the (Last Name)-Uchiha household.
T... Truce - What’s one thing the two of you will never agree on?
Sasuke prefers sleeping on the left side of the bed, while you also prefer the left. The middle ground is sleeping on top of each other, of course, but after a few too many mornings waking up with kinks in your neck, you’ve collectively decided it was a battle neither of you could win.
U... Unconscious - What’s something they do around you without realizing it?
Sasuke has a bad habit of laying his hand on your thigh and mindlessly rubbing circles into it, his mind a thousand miles away and definitely not paying attention to the flush that carried from the tips of your ears down to your knees.
V... Vulnerable - What’s a topic that you should never bring up with them?
Naruto. Never speak of the man if you want your lover to speak to you for the rest of the month. Sasuke is very vocal about his dislikes for the two of you being on good terms. His reasons aren’t as shallow as you would think, though, he’s just worried that you’ll see something in Naruto that Sasuke just can’t compare to. For one thing, Naruto felt *alive*, his aura so welcoming and inviting that Sasuke simply couldn’t compare if his lover did leave him for his friend. ( Which - To clarify wouldn’t happen in a thousand years, but the poor man still worries. )
W... Weightless - What’s the happiest they’ve ever been around you?
Sasuke has honestly lost count of all the times that you’ve made him happy- for one thing, every morning that he wakes up to your relaxed face, his gaze softens and he runs a calloused thumb across your cheek, waking you up softly and with a tooth-rottingly sweet kiss.
X... Xanax- How do you calm them down?
When Sasuke is really, really, really mad, there’s no stopping him, but when he’s just plain angry, a careful hand slipped into his own and comforting words whispered in his ear calms him down almost immediately. 
Y... Yearning - How often do they find themself thinking about you?
Sasuke has much more important things to do than think of his partner- is what he would say, if that wasn’t the biggest, fattest lie he’d ever tell. You never leave his mind, whenever he’s out in public without you he’s always daydreaming about what it would be like if you were here with him. Even if he appears present in the moment, his mind is a million miles away.
Z... Zzz - Do they fall asleep easily?
Sasuke has a hard time falling asleep on his own, but with you wrapped in his arms, he sleeps like a little kid. There's just something so relaxing about feeling your chest rise and fall in time with his own, his senses being filled with nothing but you, and knowing that you’re his and not going anywhere.
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yugirl-with-dragons · 4 years
Beyond the stars
This was in my notes for awhile and I hope you enjoy these two blushy dorks! 
“Yusei?.. Are you awake?” 
Her body still coursing  with quiet adrenaline, tense from a nightmare that haunts her tonight. Though it wasn’t a bad premonition, it just startled her. A crackle of the wood underneath the warm fire against the soft summer night filled in between their silence. 
“Hm?.. Aki what’s wrong?” 
“ I.. I can’t sleep. I just had a bad dream.” 
He didn’t quite catch it at first, since he was starting to feel sleep calling for him. Though when her words registered in his brain he quickly became concerned. Almost ready to wake up stardust from his slumber, waking a dragon without cause was a death sentence but a premonition was a good justification. 
“Did you have another premonition?” 
Sitting up, with her hair a bit messy she gave him a glance to his eyes. His eyes, they had a brunt force but allowed his softness to seep through them. 
“I.. no it’s..”
Trailing off, she turned away from him from a force of habit. Not being able to face him. She wasn’t confessing a crime or avoiding punishment when she hid information. Though in difference her face flushed a bit red and warm as if she had drank rum straight from a flask, suddenly nervous for punishment for speaking out of turn. As if she suddenly remembered rules she forgot before realizing that she was no longer bound to Divine’s guidance. 
So why do I feel all.. jittery and nervous when I look at him? I.. I can trust him.. can’t I? I mean, stardust is his companion after all..
Subconsciously, her fingertips tapping against the ground, huddling herself. Her restless hands made their way into her hair, fiddling with it to ground herself, to try to not appear anxious or show any fear. Trying to break her old habits of holding back information, as she was no longer bound to the rules and guidelines Divine had set for her.. before draining her magic.
Yusei waited with patience, seeing if she would elaborate on her own terms. 
Though the only words she could muster up were, 
“it was just a bad dream..”
Yusei let out a small breath of relief as his muscles relaxed, knowing that it may just be a bad dream, but not a nightmare that would potentially kill her or stardust in the real world. Even though she refused to make eye contact with him, he still kept his focus on her. To keep a protective watch over her while to maintain an ear out for nearby danger. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
The wildlife of the night and stardust’s gentle snoring filled between their silence. Aki started debating in her head if she should say anything to Yusei about her dream. Normally if it wasn’t deemed as of ‘importance’, she kept it to herself. 
Why? If it doesn’t affect him or his companion.. Why would he want to know?  
It wasn’t a premonition, only a bad dream. Why would a knight like him want to care about a silly little nightmare? He’s got more important things to worry about, like saving the world from complete destruction than to listen to her ramblings!  After all, he wouldn’t want anything to do with her once all of this is over. It wouldn’t make sense for him to fuss over her because she had a minor bad dream!
The warm glow from his face, that signal of friendship and joy.. She was going to miss that. After all, she couldn’t live with him. She’s a witch, an outcast, she couldn’t live with a knight. She’d only endanger him despite saving him with the magic she used to once save him from death. In the few times they’ve stopped in town for supplies words of hate and accusations of her manipulating him were thrown at her. Of course no one would enforce their threats with Yusei at the helm, it was practically stupid to do so! She was definitely going to miss that feeling of safety if she ever had to return to town without him. Reminding herself that they can’t stay together forever, she has to be ready to separate when the time comes for them to part ways.  
He has to do his job, and I have to get my magic back. After this I can .. find elsewhere to stay.
She blinked out from her thoughts as if to shove him mentally out the door once again. 
“..I.. no its.. it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” 
Yusei could still feel a small pang of sadness, that she still couldn’t bring herself to place her faith in him. That he means that he will protect her at any cost even if he suffered for it.
Normally, he’d try to take guesses of what’s bothering his friends if they couldn’t give a direct answer. As sometimes it could help ease the stress on the other person on what it could’ve been about without directly stating the issue.
With her, he wasn’t going to take any sort of risk. He was only able to gain her trust by slowly helping her out of her shell in the big and little moments outside of normal society; forcing an answer out of her would undo any progress he’s made with her. Little by little, the rules that she had ingrained into her being started to fade the more time that had passed between them. Her hesitation still showed through however, as she always asked for permission; Whether it was for a minute task or even to speak, there was  still a disconnect showing that shouldn’t be there. A  part of her that still feared him because of her mentor’s teachings about the outside world. As there were sometimes where she had completely regressed back into her shell, though it’s only a very few times and primarily about her parents. Still, neither he or stardust pressed about it. Something in his gut told him that it’d be best if she were to bring it up to him when she felt ready for that conversation.
So he gave a small smile as she turned back to him. 
“Well.. whenever you feel ready to talk about your dream, you can always tell me or stardust about it. We’ll listen to you.” 
Her heart skipped a beat, as the door gave a gentle knock from the other side to call back to her. It was a similar conversation whenever she had a minor nightmare. Afterwards she allowed herself to drift back to earth and root herself into the soft dirt. Though tonight, she didn’t want to drift. She wanted to be rooted, but the clear skies twinkling down amongst the clearing let her drift to the stars instead. 
“Um.. I know this is weird to ask.. but.. could.. could we look at the stars?.. Together?” 
Yusei temporarily blocked out his sensing for danger; focusing on her words. A small touch of faith she started to place into him. 
 A faint flicker of hope starts to burn as a consistent but weak flame. 
Her face started to heat up as she started to backtrack her words, fearing punishment for breaking an unspoken rule she never learned about. Though his reply cut off her fears for a moment in exchange for one of peace. 
“ You don’t have to ask, Aki. We share the same sky and stars. ” 
He couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear, mixture of being proud and happy of the slow growth he’s seeing from their first meeting under the stars. From reservation to taking a few more steps to confidence to take her ex–mentor down to the realm waiting for him. Not hesitating, he sat himself up and patted to the soft earth next to him as a means for her to join him. 
Sitting up next to him she brushed the leaves and dirt that became entangled with her being, apologizing profusely. Yusei didn’t care, he may have been tried but goodness she was adorable when she became flustered. Though this realization forced his heart hammer in his chest, unsure how long he’d been admiring her for her strength and resilience against the odds of her mentor. 
The two of them could feel their hearts race against their minds as they slowly closed the space between them. Yusei, trying to fight the warmness riding in his cheeks and aki trying to fight the thoughts of being emotionally open with another person. Afraid that she might say something wrong? No no, that wasn’t quite it as the knots in her stomach were telling her.
She wasn’t going to lie, she was grateful for the knight and his companion taking her in after being left to die. Though lately she couldn’t help but feel more .. attached to him. Almost wanting to reach out to him before remembering that when she trusted someone, she nearly died. Though her heart kept screaming that he was different, that it wouldn’t wind up like last time. 
Though right now, she shoved her competing thoughts to gaze up to the twinkling of stars down to the earth. With him right by her side, getting comfortable, she gently grazed her hand over his before retracting away out of embarrassment. He felt a tug of disappointment pull at his heartstrings at her retraction. 
Soon enough the cackling fire filled in the stretched out silence. Though it didn’t last for long as she spoke up. 
“ Hey Yusei?..Do.. uhm, do you think that there’s life beyond the stars?“  
“ What do you mean Aki?” 
He turned to her briefly paying attention to her stumbling of uneasiness. It was clear that she didn’t ask too many questions on her own if they weren’t guided. Which internally made him furious on Aki’s behalf, seeing how she is barely functioning with a team that cares for her. He can only imagine any other manipulation she’s gone through disguised as ‘ love and guidance’. Though it goes against his moral code as a knight to take personal vengeance, he was going to make sure that Divine is permanently taken care of when their blades next meet.   
“ Well, after our time in this world has passed.. Do you think that.. This is gonna sound stupid but, um..”
She started to fiddle with her bangs and avoided his gaze again. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, the purity of balance shone through the fiber of her being. A beacon of hope, once all of this was over they would part ways as if they’d never met and she’d be alone all over again. It was better for them if she didn’t get too attached to him.. right? 
He may be tired but he wasn’t going to rush her. She’s slowly reaching out to place faith within him in small pieces. ��
“That our souls go beyond the stars to another world? One just as real as ours but.. different?” 
His gaze returned back to the stars with a smile on his face. She couldn’t ignore the twinkling of the nocturnal beauty and life that reflected back into the lakes of his eyes. The mirrors of hope that were his eyes. 
“ I can’t answer that.. But I won’t doubt that there’s something beyond this earth. Maybe our souls end up in a separate world as our final resting place.. Or  maybe our souls are reborn in another time and another place… Who knows? If that’s the case, then I’d want you, Stardust and my friends to be there with me.” 
Aki felt her heart race a marathon as her face started to flush a rose color in her cheeks trying to defend herself in justification. Turning to him and raising her hands to put up a wall of insecurity. 
“ Really? Why? I can see Stardust.. But me? I’m a witch! I manage to get myself into trouble and–”
Yusei, meeting Aki’s eyes, didn’t like interrupting others, but only had to do it when necessary; her anxieties were flaring up and he needed to give her a stable grounding of trust and foundation. Fully knowing that it was something she hasn’t had since Divine pulled the rug under her, from taking the ability she’s lived with since she was born. 
To tear down her wall of insecurity to give her an embrace of warmth and love she deserved. Knowing that her life wasn’t an easy one, that she needed a friend to call on without fearing being left behind to be burned at the stake of judgement. To let her know that she was no longer isolated and a sacrifice ready to be slaughtered in the screamings of fear, that she had someone to defend her in her time of need. 
“ Aki. You may be a witch, but that doesn’t define your heart. You have abilities beyond comprehension but that doesn’t mean that you’re exiled to a life of misery for being different..” 
I wish one day that you could see that your magic is a gift and not a curse.. 
She did let her head hit his shoulder as she let out a yawn. Yusei could feel his face light itself on fire as in his years as a knight he’s never dealt with maidens in this context. Yes many of them have flirted with him, but he wasn’t interested in them. Their claims for marriage felt more for association and lust rather than with love. 
With Aki? His heart would flutter with the monarch butterflies that would land in her hair and frame her face. Her smile gave a light of hope to him that he had the strength to curb the darkness rising in the evening skies. 
Her laughter? He doesn’t hear it often, when he does it’s a sound he keeps close into his soul. A sign of her shedding her past of pain and isolation to a new life filled with joy just waiting for her. What would happen to the two of them after this was all over? He wasn’t sure, but he hoped that she would open her heart to completely to him when all of this was over. 
“ I know.. but that’s how it is Yusei.” 
“ Maybe, we can’t change what we’re born with or our circumstances.. But it’s what we do with our life is what matters. ” 
Aki let out a tired yawn staring up at the stars, entranced by their sparkles of life. 
“ I suppose..” 
Yusei gave a nod as the two of them slouched back against Stardust. With her head against his shoulder, he let himself stay still as he had no intention of moving anytime soon. She changed the subject to point out the constellations sparkling down in the night sky, taking in the map of the night sky. Sharing a few small moments of hilarity that ensued, whether it calling out the wrong spell and trapping Divine in an entanglement of vines for a solid hour when she started training with him or when Yusei played revenge pranks back at Martha’s on some of the other children from a relatively stupid bet. Glints of happiness and laughter sparkling under the stars. 
Slowly as her eyes shuttered she left her body be engulfed in the warmth from the fire and encasing loosely her arms around her new pillow for the night. Yusei, a bit surprised that he now has a sleeping woman in his arms, did his best to be still, to not disturb Aki. Trying to figure out if he should move her off onto the ground or if he should just let her sleep on him for the night and figure out if he should just wake up earlier before the sun rose. 
He wasn’t sure when but as when she fell asleep, a smile grew on his face. She may not have put her faith in him completely, but she was starting to trust him. Though it didn’t stop him from whispering his thoughts to her as her magenta hair lit up with the warmth of the fire gave a soft glow to her. Wishing that she could see the goodness in herself, that she is a good person with or without her abilities.
“You have a good heart Aki.. I wish you could see that..” 
To show his trust, showing his faith in her, he let his left gently hold her side and held his sheathed sword tightly in his right side wedged between his arm. Ready to fight at the slightest movement.
He let his head swing back into the dragon’s side as his eyes started to close as he left out a soft snore with a little too much force from deadweighting.
Stardust, awoke a bit startled that something hit his left side ready to attack. Only to see his two human companions sleeping right on him. Stardust never understood human concepts of courting and the rules that go along with it, but he could at least see that the concept of love could change a human.. or two. 
Take your rest and enjoy this moment of peace..  you two deserve it.
---submitted by  @taytay4674788 ---
thank you so much for this gift!!!!! I love how this one shot focuses on Aki feeling hesitant about trusting someone else again... Divine traumatized her enough to give her trust issues and it’s okay not feeling ready even if there are green flags basically everywhere about a specific person... 
“I wish one day that you could see that your magic is a gift and not a curse” big canon vibes !!! I love it *chef kiss*
The fact that they’re sitting there, stargazing together fills my heart with sparkles and little hearts. Thank u for the feels
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pudding-head-kenma · 4 years
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↪ request: hey!!! i really love your writing and i was wondering if u could do a hc of oikawa, bokuto and kuro w a s/o who is hyper sensitive and cries for everything?? like they go on a date and they saw a lonely dog so they start crying?? (I'm sorry for my bad English 🥺🥺💗)
↪ a/n: i’m not exactly experienced with this but I hope it was okay anyway!
↪ pairing(s): oikawa tōru x gn!reader, bokuto kōtarō x gn!reader, kuroo tetsurō x gn!reader
↪ genre: fluff, maybe a little angst if you count the parts with the reader crying but i wouldn’t say so!
↪ word count: ~1.4k
↪ warnings: i mention a stray dog and a car accident very vaguely!
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❊ Oikawa Tōru ❊
↪ Oikawa is the type of person to know how to handle someone else’s emotions, even if sometimes he lets his own emotions get the better of him.
↪ You can tell by the way he interacts with his team and can bring out the best in each player that he knows everyone’s strong and weak points, be it physically or emotionally, and knows exactly the right words to say when he’s trying to influence someone.
↪ That being said, while it could be surprising at first to find out about this side of his s/o, he would easily adapt to it and make it so that he’s always around to help them whenever they get into these moods. 
↪ I feel like he’d really look into the situation and ask a lot of questions so that he could be more aware of what could trigger crying, so by the time he sees the stray dog he’s already looking at his s/o wondering if they’re about to cry.
↪ Once they do, he always follows the same strategy: The first thing he does is hug them close and turn them away from the situation. He stops the obstacle by obstructing the view to it, so that now they’re thinking about it like it’s a memory and not seeing it happen right then and there, which makes it so that it feels distant in time. 
↪ The second thing he does is whisper reassurance to his s/o. Nothing about the problem itself, in this case the dog, because that could trigger the memory. Instead, he uses gentle sentences that show compassion and understanding of the situation and let them know he feels the same way while never addressing it head on. For example, ‘I know baby, I know.’ ‘I understand, it’s okay.’ ‘I’m so sorry, it’s awful, you’re right.’
↪ The third thing he does is focusing on movement. Oikawa would start by rubbing their back in a gentle, soothing manner. Once they calm down even slightly, he’d begin rocking them side to side as slowly as he can. His s/o would start focusing on that pattern and subconsciously match their breath to it, which would help them calm down.
↪ Fourth step, not scientifically proven but definitely Oikawa proven, kisses. He starts by kissing away their tears, distracting them just a little further. Soft kisses move up in a pattern after that: he goes back down to their chin and moves up their nose to their forehead and the top of their head. If they’re calmer, he’ll peck their lips, but he always has to make sure they’re ready to handle that.
↪ Lots of reassurance, always lets them know it’s perfectly understandable and that there’s nothing wrong with them. I just truly feel like Oikawa knows how to handle this type of situation really well.
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❊ Bokuto Kōtarō ❊
↪ Contrary to Oikawa, I don’t think Bokuto would really know how to handle the situation at first. It’s not that he’s careless with other people’s feelings, it’s more that he feels things intensely as well. This means his s/o being in distress would also affect him.
↪ The first time it happens, he just starts freaking out. His s/o is crying, he’s on the verge of tears because they’re crying and not one word is shared between the two for a solid five minutes other than complete gibberish
↪ His s/o is used to these things and they know it happens to them every once in a while so they’re able to calm down on their own (though it’s definitely harder than with help). Once they’re calm they end up having to calm Bokuto down and explain the situation to him
↪ That’s when he finally relaxes. He’d end up feeling really bad that his partner was freaking out and they had to comfort him, so he starts trying to prepare for next time. It’s just very difficult for him because he handles his emotions very abruptly. He’s really trying to find a way to help, though
↪ The next time it happens he figures out his own method. It improves the more it happens and it’s definitely not scientific or proven to be effective on anyone else other than his partner, but it’s just the method he finds himself using because it works. He probably tested it out because he figured it would work on him so it was worth a try
↪ He covers their eyes. It’s really stupid and it probably startled his s/o at first, but now they’re used to it. He just tries to cover their eyes to make it so that the problem vanishes.
↪ Immediately starts yelling nonsense because it’ll distract them from the problem, probably tells a really dumb story of something stupid he did (thankfully, he has many of those to use) in order to make his s/o focus on something else.
↪ Internally, he’s FREAKING out. Like his heart is speeding and his voice is obviously shaking but he’s trying his hardest. Attaches himself to his s/o’s waist once the story is over and just clings to them in an attempt to make them feel better from his presence and warmth. 
↪ Lots and lots of reassuring words, and once his s/o feels okay they better be ready to handle a good twenty minutes of: ‘okay okay.... but are you sure? okay! but for real? okay got it! ... but honestly?’
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❊ Kuroo Tetsurō ❊
↪ Kuroo would also take a different approach from the other two. He’s definitely closer to Oikawa in terms of being experienced with people’s emotions, but I don’t think he would be as methodical as Oikawa in order to help
↪ He’s the type of person to try and use the issue and turn it into something pleasant. A little like vaccines, like how they contain some of the virus/bacteria (weakened) to help your immune system, he would take the problem and talk about it in a way to make it seem smaller/more pleasant. 
↪ In the case of the dog, he would probably try to make it seem like it’s not a stray, simply out for a jog without its owner. Would bring up a post the two had seen a few weeks ago about a dog who goes to pick up mail and then comes back and just apply it to this situation and turn it into a cute story instead.
↪ If he can’t do that, he probably just tries to reassure his s/o with stories about the topic to have them see it in a different light. He just essentially tries to bring up the positive parts of life to distract them from the sadness they’re feeling and maybe even help them through it.
↪ Take a car accident, for example. He’d point out everyone wearing the bright vests and just say everyone should be thankful that they all got out alive and this will be nothing more than a cool story to tell at family gatherings and a bit of a scare, you know?
↪ He does keep his s/o very close to him, offering comfort through his body language. Holds them  tight against him and presses occasional kisses to their cheeks and forehead as he talks to make sure they’re calming down and doing okay. 
↪ If all else fails and he really can’t come up with a positive story, he usually just shifts their attention to him. Starts dropping everything he can: silly jokes, dumb stories or just sweet words. He would be the type to start deeply professing his love to distract his s/o (bonus points because he actually means it!)
↪ Comfort food! Would buy his partner street food or offer to cook them a meal back home so that they can feel all better. Lets them know that they did amazing and that he’s very proud of them for handling it so well, and reassures them that he’ll always be there to help them through it so that they don’t have to struggle on their own.
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↪ taglist:  @semiluvr​ ; @h0rny-m3ss​ ; @sayakaaaaaa​ ; @dramaqueenweeb1469​ ; @aggressivelyshoutsokay​ ; @therainroguefanfiction​ ; @kunimi-bby​ ; @snazzieyama​ ; @lemonandgreentea ; @oyasenpai​ ; @kaminii​ ; @krusty-cheetahs​ ; @luckywritesss​ ; @boosyboo9206​ ; @kenmasprinkles​ ; @johnnysactualgf​ ; @cleopatera​ ; @isthistherealifeoristhisafantasy​ [you can send me an ask or fill out this form!]
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jamaisvuandyou · 4 years
Please Dry My Eyes: Part 6
Description: Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi have had a running streak of bad luck, but Jin isn’t sure what to make of this one: His old friend’s trickery that leads to him being the new father of a little toddler, Jeon Jungkook.
Posted: 02/6/2021
WARNING: Mentions of death
Angst/Fluff: 2,846 words
A/N: Welp.
Previous Part.  Next Part.
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The one thing they dared not do at this exact moment was take Jimin away from Jungkook. He was distracted. He was happy. He wasn’t sobbing pitifully into Jin’s shoulder.
Jin had finally been able to take a shower, and put on a dry shirt. Not because he wasn’t expecting more tears, but because it made him feel better to get a dry shirt.
Hoseok was distracting both of them with some sort of silly song time, and the babies were laughing more than singing, but that was good. That was progress.
Yoongi was working on paperwork with Namjoon, so once Jin was finished with his shower, he went to make lunch for all of them. Something that would be easy to feed the boys while some trivial kids show played on the TV because today, of all days, was a cheat day.
“Yoongi,” He whispered, leaning on the table so that the two men seated there could hear him better. “We need kids DVDs. ASAP.”
Yoongi glanced down at the paperwork, then at Namjoon, before looking confusedly up at Jin. “Now? Why?”
“Because, we don’t have cable and we don’t have any other TV watching things, I barely remembered to get the internet installed here, and I am not trying to wrangle two emotionally unstable children for lunch when the rest of us are feeling emotionally unstable without some sort of distraction for said children,” Jin said, putting money on the table. “Take Namjoon if you need to. I’m assuming you’re staying for lunch.”
Namjoon sort of bobbed his head, a little shy. “Yeah, sorry, there’s a lot of paperwork and I thought it might be better for me to stick around and help a bit with Jimin the way he is.”
“That’s fine. Great even. Hope you like kids food. Shoo, off to the nearest store or resale shop or something.” Jin pulled both of them up by the arm. “You’ve been doing paperwork for three hours. Think of it as a coffee break, but without the coffee.”
Both of them headed for the front door, putting on their shoes to go on the trivial errand.
Jin got everything ready for when he was actually going to make lunch, then checked on Hobi and the boys again, trying to buy some time for Yoongi and Namjoon to get the required materials, and cleaned up the house a little bit since it was just short of a disaster thanks to the mess of a morning.
Lunch was almost ready when Namjoon and Yoongi returned, a few bags in tow.
Jin eyed them as he portioned out more sliced grapes. “Um….”
Yoongi held up his hands. “We went to the resale shop. It was the closest store, and we did get movies, though the quality of them is…questionable, but they had some of their toys on sale and I know that Jungkook likes the puzzles and Jimin looked like he liked books so….”
Jin nodded. “That’s fine. It’s a good idea for us to check out what they have for kids clothing-wise too. What DVDs did you get?”
“Well, we found some VHS tapes, and I remembered that ours still worked so I grabbed Cinderella, Rugrats—whatever that is, and The Lion King.”
“Let’s save Lion King for when they’re much, much older,” Jin said, thinking it would be a bad idea to show toddlers who recently lost their parents a movie where the father dies. Heck, who was he kidding, he didn’t think he could watch it.
“Right…um, well, DVD’s were even more scarce, but we found a couple DVDs of Veggietales—which I’ve never heard of, but they look pretty harmless and it is marked as having won a parent’s choice award so it’s got to be decent—Lyle the Kindly Viking, and The End of Silliness. Then there was Curious George and a Barbie movie. And the lady said we were lucky to find most of these.” Yoongi showed him the DVDs.
Jin grabbed one of the ones he hadn’t heard of, scanning over the back and then shrugging. “Let’s try one of these new ones, I guess. If it’s too bad we’ll switch to Curious George. Meantime, I’m going to look it up.”
“Already doing that,” Namjoon said. “Oh. I mean, they are Christian influenced…but definitely kids and…” He trailed off as he saw the look on Jin’s face. “Vegetables singing and acting out stories, sounds like a great distraction for the kids.”
Jin nodded. “I will take anything at this point. I’m not about to get picky on a day like today. There’s a lot of christian crap that’s secular enough to pass as not christian and at least we don’t have to worry about someone dying. And this one says it’s mostly songs from the show. Songs are good. Do you hear them singing?”
“Jin didn’t get as much sleep as you’d have thought,” Yoongi muttered to Namjoon, gently tugging him away.
Namjoon nodded, retreating with Yoongi with the DVDs to get it set it up.
Jin rubbed his forehead and finished plating it up. He didn’t have to patience to contemplate religions or whatever. He needed distractions for toddlers and they wouldn’t even really remember this. It would not be a formative memory. As long as it distracted his kids and didn’t trigger them, it could be any religion, any language, any content. He wouldn’t care until he’d slept a full night, and he had to care about their formative memories. He would figure it out then.
Just one of many meals that would blend into nothing in the minds of the infants.
And he wouldn’t have to contemplate what sort of language would be acceptable in his house for another day.
He would have to look into shows for the kids though, and get either a streaming service or a lot of DVDs.
But the four men got the two infants settled in front of the TV with their lunch.
Yoongi and Namjoon went back to their paperwork about halfway through.
But Hoseok, bless him, kept the kids invested in the show while also getting food in them. He had them dancing to a few of the songs.
And Jungkook kept watching even though he did give up on dancing to sit on Jin’s lap.
It wasn’t until it ended that Jimin seemed to calm down and remember.
He stood in the middle of the living room, hands at his sides, staring at the credits as they rolled. “Eomma,” he whispered.
Jin gently deposited Jungkook onto Hoseok’s arms, then crouched beside Jimin.
Jimin looked at him, then sighed and wrapped his arms around Jin’s neck, burying his face.
Jin held him carefully, lifting him and just holding him against his shoulder. There was a certain amount of fear inside of him: fear of Jimin becoming too attached to them, fear of letting Jimin go….
Jimin sniffled lightly.
“Well, baby,” Jin whispered. “It’s going to be long ride, but I’ve got strong shoulders. I can hold you as long as you need me too.”
As Jin sat down, Hoseok snuggled closer and rest his head on Jin’s shoulder so that Jungkook could rest on his shoulder but seemed to be satisfactorily close to Jin.
“Nice wide shoulders,” Hoseok murmured.
Jimin studied them a little bit, then reached out a hand.
Jungkook innocently took it, then closed his eyes.
Jimin smiling a bit through his quiet little tears and soft sniffles, and closing his eyes as well.
Jin watched both of the little ones until they seemed to be asleep. “Let’s put them to bed for their nap.”
Hoseok sighed. “Two more minutes.”
“No, two more minutes and we’ll both be asleep. Come on. Give me Jungkook. They’re sharing a bed. Yoongi, you took a picture, right?”
“I’m not stupid.”
Jin and Hoseok maneuvered Jungkook onto Jin’s other shoulder, then Hoseok helped Jin get up.
The toddlers barely stirred when Jin lay them down.
“For someone who supposedly hasn’t worked with kids that much, you’re doing really well,” Namjoon said quietly. “And I’m sorry about questioning you earlier on the dvds. You have every right to decide what is and isn’t okay in your house. And you were right. It was harmless.”
Jin waved them all out, closing the door for now. “Religions…are complicated, but I know a lot of religions have higher censorship, which means they’ll be more…friendly for kids who have been traumatized like mine have. Supposedly, anyway. I’m still going to screen a bunch of stuff before I let them watch it, but tonight it was desperate measures. They’ll be able to choose what they want to believe.”
Yoongi nodded. “I went to catholic school. It wasn’t all bad.”
Namjoon shrugged a bit. “Sorry. I’m an atheist, so…I didn’t think about your perspective on it.”
“Now you know my perspective on it. I’m not really religious or anything, I don’t have a set of beliefs, but if they decide they want to pursue any sort of religion, I’m not going to stop them…unless I think it’s a cult, then I’m probably going to lock them in the basement and try to talk sense to them.”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say lock them in the basement and just roll with the talk sense to them, but yeah. I get it. Like I said, you were right. I’m sorry. But…did you really just call both of them your kids?” Namjoon was smiling.
Jin stared at the social worker, trying to remember what he had said.
Yoongi and Hoseok were smiling as well.
“I’m a duck,” Jin muttered. “A damn duck. I’ve imprinted. What the hell.”
Yoongi sputtered behind him.
Hoseok was make a lot of choked laughing noises as he followed Jin into the bedroom.
Jin changed into sweats, and stared at himself for far too long in the mirror, zoned out while trying to figure out when he’d subconsciously decided that Jimin was his now and that was such a dangerous thing to think.
Yoongi was sitting on the edge of the bed when he came out of the bathroom, but Hoseok was under the covers. “Namjoon left.”
“Right. Okay.”
“He said he’d see about trying to keep Jimin with us.”
“Right,” Jin repeated intelligently. He climbed under the covers, just waiting for Hoseok to get comfortable cuddling with him.
“Jungkook’s doing really well with him, and Jimin seems to really love Jungkook,” Hoseok whispered, holding his hand out for Yoongi to cuddle with them. “Actually, I’ve never seen Jungkook so…so….”
“Pacified? Independent? Detached from Jin?” Yoongi offered as he moved to spoon Hoseok, sandwiching the youngest in the middle. “Yeah, I think having another kid might be good for Jungkook, but we’ll still have to watch carefully over the next few days.”
Jin nodded, closing his eyes.
“But hey, we discovered that music is a good distraction for them. That’s good, you know?”
“True. And we found out that a desperate Jin doesn’t give a—”
“Language,” Jin grumbled, reaching out blindly and gently hitting at whatever his hand reached.
Soft chuckles were the response, then they all fell quiet, falling into a well-earned nap.
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