#I will not stop making 'jack got outed by a fucking necklace' jokes
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It's the impossible quest girls!!!!
Had the energy to draw again. A win for humanity (me).
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
3,4,5,9,10,19,29,34,35 for chrysi and/or azure? u can pick and choose..!!!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
chrysi’s is a quarterstaff… or a scythe… she gets to whack ppl rlly hard OR she gets to feel like she’s harvesting :3 also a bow and arrow on occasion because she feels vv satisfied w hitting her target frm a distance.
azure’s.. hmmm i always imagine him w a rapier. it’s light, it takes a lot of skill to wield, and he likes the challenge of it. vv classy. 
chrysi likes to use his rapier at times too, but she does it jst to jab at ppl. stab stab stab, she’s awful!! (she’s actually p gifted at using it, but i feel chrysi’s fighting style is more practical in the sense that she knows that sometimes you’ve jst got to whack ppl to get stuff done! no need for flashiness! azure doesn’t realize he’s being flashy because that’s jst how he was taught 💀)
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
chrysi’s been in Situations and she sure has gotten out of them!! she’s very quick on her feet and quick to assemble cockamamie schemes to get out of a rough situation. sometimes, though, she’ll fashion a way to escape a situation that is.. very very dangerous in retrospect. azure will yell at her for it later, to which chrysi always responds with, “but did we DIE?” he has no argument <//3
azure’s less prone to coming up w batshit escape plans, but he’s p decent at coming up w a reasonable response. he’s less resourceful than chrysi because of his practical he can be though!! and also because his brain doesn’t make the connections that hers does. 
5.  how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
azure’s outfits tends to be nice slacks and a nice sweater or dress shirt.. he starts wearing band t-shirts after chrysi starts getting them for him, but he’ll always being wearing nice slacks w them, which. hm! that’s a decision! if he HAS to wear jeans, then they’ll b black jeans of course. his outfits do tend to be more practical, except for his fucking shoes. he’s always always always wearing dress shoes, even when chrysi once had to take him on a hike to investigate something. she wouldn’t stop teasing him the entire way up. altogether though, azure’s fashion sense is classy, even when casual. 
chrysi’s also p practical in her outfits, if a lot more casual. lots of off-the-shoulder shirts and shorts and ripped jeans.. okay, the off-the-shoulder shirts are a bit impractical. and her dresses are also not practical either—BUT I CAN BLAME JACKS FOR THAT! ITS HIS FAULT!!… chrysi’s a bit vain tho, so it’s also a bit of her fault too….
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
azure’s fav food is. good question. juno said baguette or croissant 💀 but jokes aside, i genuinely think he would love crêpes <3 get some fresh fruit on that bitch and he’s having an excellent time. as for least favorite.. he is french, but escargot is awful horrible disgusting <3 he’s not a picky eater (literally was thinking abt how he’d enjoy bone marrow tbh…. ) nor does he have any dietary restrictions :) 
chrysi’s fav food is chocolate strawberries 🖤 tastey!!!! she jst likes strawberries a lot in general :> least favorite ughfjdksls hmmm she doesn’t like fish that much rlly…. seafood in general isn’t her thing :/// she’s not too picky besides the seafood thing, BUT. might project my banana and honey allergy onto chrysi.. it’s okay, her mouth jst burns sometimes whenever she eats stuff w that haha, don’t worry abt it! 
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
CHRYSI WEARS RINGS, CHOKER NECKLACES, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, ANKLETS……. everything 🖤🖤🖤 she prefers silver + her fav gem is probably any type of quartz.. srry to be basic <//3 
azure starts wearing bracelets because chrysi got them for him + now they match :) then he wears a ring for their engagement and then their marriage, and they match chrysi’s ring sets :) he also prefers silver + his fav gem is probably ruby…? matches chrysi’s eyes !!! 
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
i wouldn’t necessarily say either of them are quick to anger. chrysi’s definitely quicker in situations (when ppl don’t LISTEN TO HER and also when they’re already infuriating.. rlly it’s not HER fault 🤷‍♀️), but what sets her off are ppl being mean to those she cares abt + they mention her parents negatively. alright, roll up your sleeves, she’s gonna pummel you!!
azures not quick to anger at EXCEPT FOR when ppl threaten chrysi or otherwise be cruel about her. he’s very ruthless when it comes to her… :)
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
chrysi’s defs fire, whereas azure’s more.. hm. he’s defs more earth and air. 
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
azure would describe himself as withdrawn, lonely, impersonal.. chrysi would describe herself as super cool and pretty 😌… but does she mean it? honestly, she’d call herself a bitch and leave it at that.
35. do they ever return home?
.. their home is each other. they return home, but they’re always torn away from it again. there’s no rest. 
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy jack and tubbo
requested: yes/no
an: part 4 of the great adventures series
pairing: platonic y/n/tommy/jack/tubbo
warning: cursing
It was the afternoon before your new adventure with your friends. you had no idea what to expect, however everyone else knew even ranboo, and he wasn’t even joining you all. you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, especially after hearing some of tommys plans for future uploads. tubbo had been trying to drop hints about what was going to happen. You honestly couldn’t tell if he was excited or nervous, either way you could tell it was going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and boy were you excited. the sound of knocking pulled you from your thoughts.
“hi y/n! sorry for the unexpected visit, i tried to call you but it wouldn’t go through.”
“oh god sorry, tubbo, my phones on charge upstairs, ive just finished babysitting my friends twitch chat.”
“that’s okay, tommy wanted me to see if you want to stay the night as i can take you with me now. he said something about it saving time tomorrow as jack won’t have to go as far and we can get there earlier, i honestly just think he’s slightly nervous and wants to spend time with someone.”
“i’ve not prepared a bag or anything as i was just planning on grabbing everything i needed in the morning, but i’m down to go with you. i’ll pack a bag real quick, make yourself feel at home. you can stay down here or come upstairs with me.”
tubbo followed you upstairs, and helped you pick which outfits would be the best to wear for the trip. around 10 minutes later you finished packing your bag and turned around to see a very pale tubbo, dropping your bag to the floor you pulled a chair up to your bed sitting opposite him.
“you feeling okay tubs?”
“just nerves, I'll be alright, are you ready to go?”
“ready if you are!”
the journey to tommys was relatively quick, you spent it talking about group plans for when ranboo comes to the uk.
tubbo: almost here!
tommy: yes! want to stream for a bit later, just something small could do laugh and the stream ends. i’ll go talk to my mum now!
tubbo: please open the door
tommy: on it
the pair of you stood at the door waiting for tommy to unlock it
not too long later, you and tubbo had put everything away and sat with tommy planning out a small stream.
“so i was talking with my parents and we can do an outside stream, and set fire to marshmallows!”
“as much as i love fire tommy i don’t think your parents will appreciate arson in the garden.”
“it’ll be fine now grab a jacket, we need to go walk to the shop.”
the three of you set off determined to get to the shop and back before it got dark, tommy and tubbo walked on either side of you as they want you to feel safe. thankfully the shop was only around the corner so you were all only out for about 20 minutes maximum, you probably could have made it back earlier but you stopped every time you saw a pretty rock.
“y/n come on we still need to stream!”
“did you tweet that you were streaming?”
“no he didn’t.”
“then come and look at this pretty rock!”
tommy and tubbo couldn’t help but laugh at how many rocks you managed to pick up.
“guys i think i’d rather just spend time with you all rather than stream.”
“that’s fine, tommy!!”
the three of you sat around the fire updating one another about plans and opportunitie, coming. the conversation swiftly came to an end when tommy had set fire to a stick claiming it was to make the fire grow. you laughed as you heard his mum yelling at him to stop trying to set you and tubbo on fire.
“sorry about that everyone, but look the fire is big again.”
it got colder as the sun went down, so the three of you sat with a blanket draped over you all. his mum offered to take photos for you and you happily accepted, the pictures looked amazing and you posted it to instagram with the caption ‘i am cold and no one is telling me what’s happening tomorrow.’
it was around 11pm when the three of you agreed it was time to go back inside and sleep.
you and tubbo stayed downstairs and tommy stayed in his room. the sound of tubbos alarm woke the pair of you up.
“turn that fucking thing off!”
“this is the fourth time it’s gone off and you’re still not up?”
“that’s because i’m tired.”
“please get ready jack will be here soon enough.”
realisation finally hit today was the day you were finally about to find out what this once in a lifetime opportunity was. tubbo advised you to wear sensible clothing and not wear the zodiac necklace you always wore, so you decided to wear the hoodie ranboo sent you a week ago and leggings.
“y/n you might wanna tie your hair up.”
“tubbo are you sure you’re feeling okay? you genuinely look ill."
“i’m fine.”
jack: right i’m outside so whenever you’re ready
lani: we’re making our own way later on as the hotel we stayed at is closer
y/n: will someone tell me what we’re doing
ranboo: no
y/n: you’re not even joining us how did you get in the gc
ranboo: magic
y/n: fuck off give me a clue
ranboo: i’ve said it since you dyed your hair neon f/c you’d be able to see from way up in the sky
y/n: what the actual hell is that supposed to mean
soon enough you met up with everyone else and lani started recording.
“we’re skydiving, you ready tubbo?”
you honestly couldn’t wait to do this. it was something you had wanted to do for a while, tubbo on the other hand clearly didn’t agree, which was evident through his whining.
you stood with tommy laughing as tubbo sat alone questioning why he agreed to this.
“look at him.”
“he’s is not happy.”
you sat next to jack and tubbo watching the video demonstrating what you will all be doing soon. you let out a nervous laugh, as although you were excited, you couldn’t help but be a bit nervous.
“you could fall into the engine and get chopped up.”
“tommy stop scaring tubbo!”
“what if the parachute doesn’t work?”
“free fall to your death.”
“y/n you’re not helping!”
you stood recording tubbo laying on the floor once again whining.
“tubbo there are so many people behind you!”
“i’m sure the parachute won’t fail tubbo, but if it does it was lovely knowing you!”
“i fully agree bo.”
soon enough you tommy and jack joined tubbo on the floor.
“look at the clouds.”
“we’re going to be in them soon.”
“hell yeah!”
you tried not to laugh trying to calm tubbo down a bit before you all jumped out a plane, which worked until you left him alone with tommy whilst you spoke to jack for a while.
“to be fair that looks quite fun.”
“and dangerous!”
“well sounds like tubbos thrilled to be here.”
the four of you sat on a bench talking about what’s going to happen, and laughing at tubbos nerves trying to make light of the situation.
“look it’ll be fun, tubbo, provided we don’t die there’s a chance we’ll be in more vlogs.. okay so ignore the black cloud of smoke!”
“that’s not a good omen.”
“shut up!”
you wrapped an arm around tubbo trying to make him feel comfortable and reassure him it’ll be fine, only to be interrupted by jack and tommy bickering about eating before jumping from the plane.
the four of you went to the briefing, at this point you were struggling to contain your excitement, and couldn’t help but laugh out of pure joy.
“no, they are listening, they're just excited.”
after doing training for the jump, you stood with tommy whilst someone questioned him about how he got 9 million subs.
“I just went around being incredibly cool.. doing minecraft.”
you and jack burst out laughing whilst tommy went on to make jokes about how much money he was earning.
it was now almost time to jump out a plane. it was around now nerves were kicking in, so you all went around messing about till you were told it’s time to make your way to get ready.
“let’s go gamers!”
“are you a skydiver enjoyer?”
“i am.”
“well that’s always good... please, don’t let me die!”
“y/n are you scared?”
“no, my ranboo merch will protect me, but if i die can we blame tommy for coming up with this?”
“ranboos not going to believe that you’re wearing the jumper he sent you to jump out a plane.”
a few minutes later you over heard a worker say they’re nervous causing you to tilt your head and blink again, trying to process what was said.
it was now time for the four of you to put the equipment on, so you were ready to jump. jack started talking a lot more than usual at a quicker pace due to the fact he was getting nervous. tommy pointed it out and jack trying to argue he wasn’t made you laugh.
“y/n keeps making a lot of jokes about my parachute being shit.”
“sorry manifold should be fine...more than likely...hopefully. only time will tell really.”
“how you doing buddy?”
“i’m feeling okay. i feel my insides doing inside bits.”
you were now all waiting to go as a worker jokes about forgetting something.
“y/n you’re going with him!”
“okay, but why?”
“well you said your ranboo merch will protect you..”
someone went by going rather fast causing you to stare in awe.
“we don’t go that fast, do we?”
“no not unless something goes terribly wrong.”
you all stood there laughing.
“y/n, i’m now thinking you should go with them instead!”
“are you trying to kill me off jack?”
you all set off towards the plane, a mixture of excitement and nerves began kicking in.
“tubbos on a lead.”
“oh i’m really nervous jack.”
“look at y/n!”
lani began to record you, who was now way ahead of the others, so you stopped and waved at lani.
the others caught up and everyone had their equipment checked again.
“oh dear.. should be fine.”
“i’m alright, don’t worry my ranboo merch will protect us!” you got on first and that when you realised they set you up, so you jumped last as you were more confident and tubbo was jumping first so he could get it out the way.
you all sat on the plane and waved at the camera.
“hi there!”
“please don’t let us die!”
“we’re really jumping out a plane with a dream stan.”
“this is the highest we’ve ever been.”
“gamers in a plane whatever will they do...hopefully not die!”
“sorry tubbo!”
you were currently at 2,000 feet and sat looking out the window waiting to reach 14,000 feet. jack turned to you and tommy, “i can’t believe you’re jumping out the plane in philza merch and y/ns jumping out in ranboo merch.”
“if i die at least ill look great doing it.”
12,000 feet later it was now tubbos turn to jump, he looked back at you all.
you watched as tubbo went.
you laughed as tommy went.
“see you later jack!”
you gave jack a high-five and watched as he went.
“holy shit they actually did it!”
“are you ready, y/n?”
“hell yeah, let’s do this!”
you laughed as you jumped, you couldn’t believe you actually got to jump out of a plane, you waved at camera.
lani met the others as they landed and began telling them about it.
“wait where’s y/n?”
“there they are!”
the others ran up to you as you landed.
“i’m glad you didn’t die!”
“thanks jack!”
“would you all do it again?”
“maybe, i’m not sure.”
“i reckon so.”
not too long later, you were all given certificates to celebrate the fact you had jumped out a plane.
“yay it made nearly dying worth it!”
“you’re so dramatic!”
you thought the day was over and that you were going home, little did you know that wasn’t the case.
“were not done for the day.”
“you’re tilting your head again.”
“i know it’s because i’m confused!”
“anyway, what do you mean we’re not done?”
“you know george, he’s arrived!”
“can i have a nap in the car please? i’m so exhausted."
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starlitink · 2 years
Some modern Race headcanons
Race has definitely cursed in front of small children before. Davey smacked him upside the head with his book when he screamed “FUCK” in front of Les after dropping something heavy on his foot.
He is a solitaire GOD. Davey taught him to play so he would quit pestering everyone to play poker with him. Now he can win a game in less than two minutes.
He snorted sugar once. Like straight granulated sugar. Not even joking. He snorted the sugar and then cried for half an hour because that shit hurt like a bitch.
He chews pens. All the time. And they always end up exploding in his mouth. Jack and Davey won’t let him have any red pens now because a red pen exploded in his mouth once and he looked like a vampire or something and scared Crutchie.
He is severely ADHD and has an oral fixation (he puts things in his mouth to help him focus). He always has one of those chewy necklaces on hand and chews it when he needs to focus (because he can’t bring a cigar to school without being suspended).
For some reason, I feel like Race would be O B S E S S E D with Disney. His favorites are the classic Disney films like Snow White and The Great Mouse Detective (which was one of my favorites when I was little), but he’ll gladly watch anything as long as it’s Disney.
Obviously this boy is a theater kid. His favorite musical is Mean Girls (his favorite character is that one kid who says “x is greater than the value of y” (iykyk)). He says it’s a PG version of Heathers, and therefore it’s okay to play the soundtrack in front of Les.
I also feel like he makes a playlist for every occasion. Romeo finally got a second date? Race has a playlist specially made for the occasion. Davey’s car broke down? Race has a playlist. Les tripped and skinned his knee? Race has a playlist.
He wants to be on Broadway (obviously), but if that doesn’t work out, he wants to work at Ellen’s Stardust Diner when he graduates. He would get to interact with a lot of cool people (including (hopefully) Broadway stars), and he’d get to sing and dance on the job.
He has an aversion to loud noises. If it’s too loud in a room, he’ll shut down and cover his ears until someone gets him out of the situation.
He and Albert have a tradition where they get together every Friday night and watch shows like The Owl House (they both freaked out when Luz x Amity was confirmed to be canon because HELL YEAH WE HAVE GAY REPRESENTATION) and Gravity Falls.
He has everyone’s ringtones set as various songs from Broadway musicals (ex. Crutchie’s is “Top Of The World” from Tuck Everlasting, Katherine’s is “Non-Stop” from Hamilton, etc.).
His name is Edward. (This isn’t a headcanon, the real Race was named Ed Higgins and he was the leader of Brooklyn.)
He wore a bright pink ballgown to prom. The other newsies laughed, and he got upset until Davey was like “Race you put the dress on backwards”.
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valwentinefics · 3 years
Ahhhh I love your fics and your NSFW Zemo headcanons. Would you consider doing a full NSFW Alphabet for him?
Helmut Zemo NSFW Alphabet (18+)
A/N: My tumblr was so laggy writing this I wanted to scream so sorry for any errors I wasn’t really able to fix them. Thank you so much for enjoying my stuff I hope you like this!
Warnings: mostly dom Zemo with a little bit of sub (I’m horrible at writing subs ok sorry), sexual choking, breeding kink, some bdsm dynamics, pegging if you’re afab in one part, innocence kink, very very brief pee mention in the no section, 
Letters C and T were written with an afab reader in mind.
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After sex Zemo would dote on you, holding you close into his warm chest as he praises you for how well you took him and calling you sweet Sokovian pet names.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you Zemo is a big fan of your thighs. No matter what they look like, big or small, stretch marks or no stretch marks, he loves them. He enjoys the way he can trail his hands up them, loving your pretty little whimpers as he gets close to touching the spot you want him to touch the most
On himself Zemo loves his hands. They’re soft and well taken care of and make the prettiest necklace when wrapped around your throat.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
This man has a breeding kink, if you don’t want to have a child or unable to have one that’s fine with him he at least likes the fantasy of it. He cums a lot and will ensure you don’t waste a drop, keeping himself in you to make sure nothing spills out until he goes soft. If you’re bad he’ll make you cockwarm him with his cum in you until he gets hard again, then fucking it further into you.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Zemo wants to get fucked in the ass. He’s usually a dom because he enjoys having control as well as making you feel good, but sometimes he wants to be put in his place and what better way to do that than to make him get on his hands and knees and pound into him?
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I can’t see Zemo having had many partners, but he definitely knows what he’s doing. He encourages you to be vocal about what you like and don’t like so that he can hopefully be the best you’ll ever have.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Because of his breeding kink I see him loving the mating press position the most, especially since it lets him get super deep inside you and allows him to see your face while he plows you which he absolutely loves as well as it gives him control over you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Zemo seems like he’d be more on the serious side during sex, but if you feel more comfortable cracking a few jokes then he wont mind. All that matters to him is that you’re both having a good time.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Zemo doesn’t seem like the type to shave fully, instead he’ll keep it trimmed short.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
This man is romantic. Sometimes you’ll come home to rose petals leading to a candlelit bedroom. He’s real cheesy and dramatic like that most of the time before sex, although he won’t be all too opposed to doing it anywhere regardless of if its fancy and nice or not. 
He can be degrading or sweet during sex, it depends on what you want, Zemo is a very generous lover and is down for nearly anything. He mostly enjoys being strict with you though if you let him. He is usually a dom and a good one at that.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Zemo doesn’t masturbate that much, why do it when he can just fuck you? However if he’s gone for long periods of time and can’t stop thinking of you he’ll have some lingerie sent to wherever you are and ask you to send pictures wearing it for him.
Other than his breeding kink I see Zemo having a thing for innocence. Zemo loves to be the only one to touch you and make you feel good, to have you trust and depend on him completely for your pleasure. He’s a good teacher too if you’re a virgin. (will be elaborated on in a future fic)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Zemo is a traditional man, he loves to fuck you in the bed. Although he also loves quickies in whatever closet he can find, he worries about hurting your back when he’s pounding into you somewhere that isn't soft.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Zemo loves it when you listen to him, even if he’s just asking you to do something like the dishes. He also loves when you wear things he gives you and are impressed with him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I’m sorry but I’ve got to say it, Zemo’s not gonna piss on you. He’d like to keep it clean of things your bodies produce unless it's like spit or cum.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Zemo is great at giving and will if you ask him, but he doesn’t really like oral that much.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Zemo changes depending on the mood, but he loves to fuck you slow but hard, usually ending up fast and rough when he’s about to cum.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Zemo likes to be romantic, but sometimes he can’t help pulling you into a closet and fucking you roughly as a punishment if you tease him in public.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Zemo is 100% down with experimenting. He loves to try new things to find out what works and doesn’t work for the two of you.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Zemo can go for an average amount of time but he makes sure to give you multiple orgasms during it.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Two words. Vibrating panties. Good luck if you accompany him while he does business, you better be good and silent for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Unless you misbehaved Zemo wouldn’t tease you… too much. But when you warrant it he loves to push you until you’re begging him to fuck you, and when you’re on your knees before him with such teary and needy eyes, he can’t say no.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Zemo is pretty quiet despite moaning a lot. It makes it really easy for quickies in public as long as you’re able to be quiet too.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He loves to be called Baron, he loves how powerful he feels when you call him that, especially if you call him your baron.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Pretty average, I think he’d be circumcised. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Zemo fucks. A lot. The man will have you bent over whenever humanly possible.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s super tired afterwards, but always makes sure to be awake long enough to make sure you’re doing okay and have everything you could possibly need before falling asleep.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
A series of commands accidentally given to Tubbo by their friends in the Devil's Friend AU (long post):
1. "Get me some water, bitch." Tommy to Tubbo, just after Tommy's revival. Tubbo laughed and immediately stood to go get Tommy water.
2. "Wait, don't just leave, what the fuck!" Tommy to Tubbo, immediately after the first command. Tubbo was a bit embarrassed and unsure why he almost just walked away when Tommy can barely stand. He came back, helped Tommy up, and helped him walk home. He then got Tommy a glass of water.
3. "Get some sleep, Tubbo." Ranboo to Tubbo, the first night after Tommy's revival. Tubbo blinked and immediately laid his head down in his arms, falling asleep in the chair besides Tommy's bed. Ranboo was a little surprised, but not distressed. He let Tubbo sleep.
4. "Don't worry about it." Tommy to Tubbo, the next day, after Tubbo asked how Tommy was feeling. Tubbo said okay and didn't worry about Tommy at all for the next hour or so. Tommy accused Tubbo of not being clingy enough anymore. They both laughed it off.
5. "Hand me some more stone?" Ranboo to Tubbo, a few days later, while the two worked on the Bee 'n' Boo hotel.
6. "No, give it to us instead!" Jack Manifold to Tubbo, watching the two of them from the BigInnit Hotel. Tubbo handed stone bricks to Jack, to Ranboo and Jack's bemusement. Jack joked, asking if Tubbo was thinking of switching over and working at the BigInnit Hotel with him. After a few seconds, Tubbo blinked and then laughed self-consciously. He handed more stone to Ranboo. Jack and Ranboo shared a confused look.
7. "Alright, gimme the launch codes, I'm nuking this bitch." Jack Manifold to Tubbo, referencing a skeleton shooting at him. Tubbo immediately gave Jack another key to the nukes. Jack stared at Tubbo, stunned. After a few seconds, Tubbo blinked, then snatched the key back, laughing artificially. He said he was just kidding and then ran away. Jack thought about this for several more minutes.
8. "Come listen to a disc with me." Tommy to Tubbo. They sat on the bench and listened to Cat.
9. "I know I don't deserve it, but... please forgive me." Awesamdude to Tubbo, referencing Tommy's death. Tubbo blinked and said alright. Sam was very surprised. They talked pleasantly for a few minutes. Later on, Tubbo abruptly felt furious at Sam again for failing Tommy. With a shaky hand, he touched the emerald hanging around his neck. He avoided Sam for several days.
10. "If there's something going on, tell us." Ranboo to Tubbo, standing beside Jack Manifold, referencing Tubbo's odd behavior. Tubbo opened his mouth, and in the back of his mind, half-remembered being told not to tell anyone about his deal without Dream's permission. Tubbo blinked, then told Ranboo and Jack that he was just happy to have Tommy back. Ranboo and Jack looked doubtful.
11. "PLEASE COLLECT THREE STACKS OF COAL..." Sam Nook to Tommy and Tubbo. Tubbo almost left for the mine without Tommy. He did not take a break to eat until all three stacks had been gathered, despite Tommy's requests.
12. "Stop being weird, Tubbo." Tommy to Tubbo, after giving three stacks of coal to Sam Nook. Tubbo laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He assured Tommy he would be normal.
13. "Please just go to bed already." Ranboo to Tubbo, while the two of them were up late working on the Bee 'n' Boo. Tubbo immediately dropped his tools, walked home, and fell asleep in his bed without another word. Ranboo became very concerned.
14. "Just forget about it." Tommy to Tubbo, in response to Tubbo trying to ask Tommy about what happened in exile. Tubbo blinked, apparently zoning out for a few seconds. When Tommy got his attention again, Tubbo changed the subject. Two days later, Tubbo remembered that Tommy had been in exile. He stayed in his room for the rest of the day.
15. "Tell me what's been going on with you." Tommy to Tubbo, the day after Tubbo left his room. Tubbo opened his mouth and then remembered Dream telling him something. He blinked and told Tommy that he was just happy to have him back.
16. "Stop lying!" Tommy to Tubbo, the same conversation. Tubbo told Tommy that he wasn't lying.
17. "Then be honest, what is wrong with you?" Tommy to Tubbo, the same conversation. Tubbo blinked and told Tommy he was just happy to have Tommy back. Tommy walked away.
18. "Give it to me." Jack Manifold to Tubbo, referencing the chain around Tubbo's neck. Tubbo went to unclasp it, but the chain wouldn't open. Tubbo pulled on the chain, trying to break it. Jack Manifold grew increasingly concerned.
19. "Tubbo, stop, Jesus!" Jack Manifold to Tubbo, the same conversation. Tubbo stopped yanking the necklace. He also stopped moving. Tubbo did not respond to Jack Manifold or anyone else for several minutes.
20. "Stay here, okay?" Ranboo to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Ranboo, Jack Manifold, and Tommy discussed Tubbo's behavior outside. Tubbo stayed where he was.
21. "Stand up, Tubbo." Tommy to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Tubbo stood up.
22. "Now sit down again." Tommy to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Tubbo sat.
23. "Touch your nose." Jack Manifold to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Tubbo did so.
24. "Why the fuck are you just doing whatever we say? ... Answer me, honestly, please!" Tommy to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Tubbo blinked. He vaguely remembered something. After several seconds, Tubbo told them he was just happy to have Tommy back.
25. "Tubbo, please tell me you did not make a deal with fuckin' Dream or anyone else." Tommy to Tubbo, in Tommy's house. Tubbo frowned. Tommy had told him to stop lying. After several minutes of thought, Tubbo interrupted the conversation that had moved on without him and lied, telling Tommy, Jack, and Ranboo that he hadn't made a deal with Dream.
26. "Pass me that book, Tubbo-- oh, shit." Jack Manifold to Tubbo, in a stronghold library. Tubbo abandoned his research, handed Jack the requested book, and then sat still, unblinking, for an hour. Jack looked guilty.
27. "Try now." Ranboo to Tubbo, in a stronghold library, holding a glowing artifact against Tubbo's necklace. Tubbo tried to unclasp the necklace, but his fingers couldn't find a break in the chain. Ranboo looked upset. Tubbo stood, unblinking, for an hour.
28. "Please, please, please, just go back to normal, Tubbo. Tell us what Dream made you do, what-- can we undo it, do I have to die again? Why was this worth it to you, this is so fucking awful, please, Tubbo, tell us what to do, I can't-- I fucking miss you, man." Tommy to Tubbo, in a stronghold library. Tubbo's head swam. He touched the necklace around his throat. Slowly, Tubbo said that he'd give up anything for Tommy. Of course this was worth it. He's just so happy to have Tommy back. Tommy sat miserably with him while Tubbo sat, unmoving, for three hours.
29. "One more try." Ranboo to Tubbo, in a stronghold library, after having tried to disenchant Tubbo's necklace without taking it off his neck. Tubbo tried to unclasp it. His fingers found the clasp and unhooked it. An instant later, it jumped back together and the necklace shone with enchantment again. Regardless, Ranboo and Jack celebrated that at least some progress had been made. Tommy held Tubbo's hand while he sat, unmoving, for four hours.
30. "Hey, Tubbo. Put the book down, listen to me, and follow my lead." Dream to Tubbo, in a stronghold library. Tubbo blinked, his mind going blank. He stood, listened to Dream, and followed his lead.
Hey anon. This hurts me. Thanks, and also ow.
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel Headcanon : Summer Court - Jealousy Jealousy
Alright so, I had not posted all week so here is the compensation.
Over the last few days, the crew and Gwyn had gotten pretty close. They talked and were finally frank with each other. But it happened that night, when Gwyn had finally found the courage to wear a neclace which had a small red stone in the center.
They were at the dining table and were talking politely to each other. Jack making a joke saying that Azriel is getting sloppy but everyone knew that wasn't true, including him. Suddenly Elain noticed the red neclace on Gwyn's neck and jealousy filled her.
"Where did you get that necklace? " She had asked. Knowing where the situation was gonna go. Azriel had noticed the neclace on Gwyn and only hoped Elain wouldn't notice. His hopes were gone unheard by the gods. He was happy to see the neclace on her.
Happy to see that she wore his necklace, constantly touching it to make sure it was there, it made her feel comfortable. Azriel knew all that and it made his chest fill up with pride. But right now, everything was going downhill.
"Clotho gave it to me, i don't know who had give-", Elain cut her off by saying, "Azriel gave me that neclace on the night of the winter solstice, I want it back".
Gwyn looked towards Azriel, hoping that whatever Elain said wasn't true. But Azriel looked down, not meeting her gaze. That was enough indication for Gwyn to know she was true. She was so hurt.
She thought that this neclace had found her, it had always given her comfort. The nights which she had nightmares at night, and the days which were nightmares.
It was her only source of comfort and to find that it was never meant for her made it even more difficult.
Gwyn's eyes were swelling up with tears now. Before she let any of them fall, she took out the neclace and handed it to Elain before walking out.
The tears took the best of her as soon as she walked out of the front door and into the huge ground. She knelt down on her knees and let the tears flow. She cried and cried until she felt a hand on one of her shoulders. She looked up and so Jack, he sat down on her right.
Then came Tom, who sat down on her left. Then one by one, all the others came and sat down in a circle. Not one of them speaking a word, just offering that they were their for her. Gwyn stopped crying and just hugged her knees and hid her face in them. Unable to meet what she thought would be the judging eyes of them. She was wrong.
Jack finally broke the silence and said, "He's not worth it" He said. "You knew? "Gwyn innocently asked. "Of course we knew Gwyn, If I may call you that", One of the girls, Samantha said. Gwyn nodded.
"W-we see the wa-way you look at h-him during practice" Tom said. Gwyn smiled and said, "It's that obvious? ". "Yeah, you fucking right it is, you're love struck, you're like what, 22, just 4 years older than us" One of the girls, Molly said. Gwyn liked Molly the best, because she always said the truth and never sugar coated it. All the other girls hated her. Mostly because she was the best at practice.
They all just stayed there for the night and that's how their friendship started. They all became really good friends. Like "really good" like Molly and Tom, who just glanced at each other secretly. It was no secret for Gwyn, she knew they liked each other but never interfered. Every night, they started coming outside and starting a bonfire. They talked about their pasts and hopes and dres, it was like a new family, even Tarquin started coming.
Today was supposed to be no different, but Today was. Elain and Azriel were here. Hand in hand. They sat down in a corner of the ground and started their own bon fire. Sometimes Elain glanced at Gwyn and then kissed Azriel, while looking at her. Gwyn had had enough. She got up and Tarquin asked, "Where are you going? ", "I need a drink" She said.
Tarquin and everyone chuckled. "Since when did you start drinking? " Tarquin asked, while laughing. "I can drink" She said. "No you can't" Tarquin said, still laughing like crazy.
"I'll prove it to you" Gwyn said and went inside the huge mansion. She then went to the kitchen and brought a bottle. Tarquin stopped laughing now, "Gwyn calm down, that's Faerie wine, you'll have a terrible headache" He said. Even Azriel was looking in her direction now.
"Really" Gwyn said and popped open the cork. She then started drinking straight from the bottle. She didn't stop until Tarquin finally came up to her and took the bottle from her. Gwyn was feeling very drowsy now, but it felt like all the problems in the world had disappeared. She then sat down. Her mind still fuzzy.
Tarquin noticed she had almost finished half of the bottle, and even a quarter of Faerie wine was very dangerous. Gwyn noticed that Jack and the others were playing a game.
"Hey! What game are you playing without me" She asked, her voice very slow. She saw Tarquin go back to opposite her and rub his head but she could care less.
"Truth and Dare, wanna play? " Jack asked. "SUURE" She replied. "Fine, Gwyn, Truth or Dare?", Molly asked in her usual tone. "Mhmm, DARE" Gwyn said. Before anyone could say anything else Jack said, "I dare you to kiss me" And everyone gasped. "It's not like she's gonna do it, Chill out" Jack said.
"No, no, I can do it" She said and got up. "Really? " Jack got up with her. "Yeah" Gwyn said and everyone started whishpering to each other. "Fine" Jack said and started coming towards her to kiss her.
Tarquin suddenly pushed Jack to the ground and put her hands on Gwyn's face and kissed her. Her lips were the softest. They were the definition of perfect. He then stopped himself before it became too obvious. When he pulled away, he saw a smirking Jack on the ground, he knew, this smart son of a bitch knew.
He also saw a red Gwyn. Her cheeks were completely red and she was just staring at him with her eyes wide open. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED, Her rational self said. But she was too drunk and the started thinking if it was really that bad.
"You're a good kisser" She blurted out while touching her lips, the realization never kicking in. Everyone had quieted by now. It was Tarquin's turn to blush now. "Well Goodnight" She said and hugged Tarquin before sliding away from the bondfire and skipping.
Tarquin had no idea what the hell just happened. He then saw her skipping and smiled. He then went back to his room without telling anyone, to think about how soft her lips felt on his.
Azriel was burning, like literally burning. He was so infested in watching Gwyn skip away that he didn't notice he walked into the bonfire and his shoes had caught fire. After multiple shoutings and shakings from Elain, Azriel finally came out of his trance and put out the fire.
His shadows were wrathful and ruthless. He knew today he wasn't gonna get any sleep tonight, his shadows won't let him. Gwyn had once told him that she had never kissed a guy, she wanted to wait for her mate. But she just wasted her kiss on a FREAKIN GUY WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO STAY IN THE REAL WORLD.
He was gonna kill someone tonight. He was sure. He then just walked out of the ground and into his room. Remembering that he had wanted to be her first kiss, he had wanted to see her blush after their first kiss. He had kissed her before, a little peck she had given him on the lips before falling asleep. He knew Gwyn wouldn't remember it and thought he wanted it to stay that way.
He didn't. He didn't want that memory to be of his and his alone. He wanted to share everything with her but now, it was too late...............
TAGLIST - @trashforazriel @imsointobooks @hlizr50 @shisingh @katiebellf
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Chapter Four - Part 7
Dapper wakes up beside Red disoriented and upset and decides to take him somewhere he barely remembers to help him come to terms with their situation.
Tws for hospitalization, bruising, manipulation, and imprisonment.
Part 7 - Aftermath
aether-mae asked: Ok ok hear me out Dok- what if you were to make a deal with Dark, for him to off a certain someone for you. That way he won’t hunt you anymore and you take the opportunity while he’s undertaking the deal to run away
Dok sits stroking Noodle, staring at the ceiling, lying across his bed. He has nothing else to do. Nothing to do but wait and think and wonder. His mouth parts. He looks young and casual in his boxers and t-shirt, his usual semblance of professionalism and normality having faded away with his stress and the torn white coat lying beside his bed.
“Oh, yes, that would work,” he mutters, a gleam coming back to his eyes. “If that Dark thing can kill Anti and we could turn them against him… I mean, Anti’s pretty fucking terrible, so it couldn’t be too hard to switch the side that Dark’s on, yeah? Unless they’re equally terrible… damn. But I think I’d ally with just about anyone at this point if they told me they could kill him. But who would even know how to do that?”
He sighs, shaking his head against his pillows, mussing his hair. He hasn’t eaten. He wants his siblings, all of them. All of the real ones. Safe and sound.
“Doesn’t someone have to know? Was there ever anyone? Did you ever know, back when you knew us, from before? Does Dapper remember anything? I have to find a way to make him stop hurting us…”
Anonymous asked: um. so hey dok! things are... stable for now. trick's alright, he's with anti, who did possess blue. red has a cut on his throat but trick said it wasn't lethal. dapper got hit pretty bad. they're both in the upstairs bathroom, um, sleeping/unconscious? they were just now coherent, though. anti is... not as angry as he could be, which is good at least! we're working on keeping everyone safe. i'm sure it's not been easy. how are you?
The door to the downstairs guest bedroom creaks open. Dok shoots up, staring at the entryway - and there, unharmed, is his twin.
“Trick,” breathes Dok, reaching out for him, and Trick has rarely looked as relieved to go crashing into his arms, halfway tackling him onto the bed.
“Is that all true?” asks Dok, muffled by the closeness. “Red’s not going to die? You’re okay? Dapper, what’s wrong with him? Where’s Blue?”
“Anti was still wearing Blue last I checked,” says Trick quietly. “I think I heard Red talking to Dap, but I’m not sure. He was pretty busted up, Dok. Are you alright?”
“No one touched me, Trick, I’m alright. It’s been days since someone’s laid a hand on me.”
“I was so scared Dark would send people into the house while we were all distracted, but I knew the cameras would tell me if someone tried to take you.”
“Thank you for going up there,” says Dok, wrapping him in his arms. “You’re my hero.”
Trick’s face flushes with pride, scooping Dok close to his body, though fear lingers in the whites of his eyes. He runs his fingers over the ravens on Dok’s chest without even having to look down at them, his other hand in Dok’s hair. Noodle jumps on top of his stomach and makes him yelp - and then laugh, accepting kisses on his nose from his kitten.
Anonymous asked: Yeah, you're both okay. Everyone's okay. You're all alive and okay.
“What are the chances?” murmurs Dok, and it makes Trick laugh. He wants to build him nests out of t-shirts and blankets and buy him fish and chips. He wants to give him coffee at Christmas and deliver babies with him. He wants to make him smile.
“Let’s go get some breakfast,” says Trick. “I bet you haven’t eaten.”
Anonymous asked: Dok, still got your necklaces?
“And wouldn’t take them off for anything,” he says, pulling them out from beneath his shirt - three little black raven talismans, arranged one two three from his collarbone to the curve of his chest. Trick doesn’t react, heading upstairs without looking back.
“The animal one, the light weapon, and the one that protects my head and my heart,” says Dok gently, plucking at his ravens one by one. “From my friends.”
Anonymous asked: JJ, I know you're beat to hell right now but we're running out of time. Anti's done playing around. Red and Dok are basically out of his control and he sees that, if he starts cutting losses, he's going to kill them. He's gonna hold onto Blue for usefulness, and trick out of favoritism, but JJ, somehow you've fallen in the middle. This damn twin system is throwing everyone's judgment but I think you have a better glimpse of the whole picture. We don't want to cut losses but we need a plan.
“Noooooo,” protests Dapper unhappily, shaking his head. “Nooo, don’t make me decide things, am tiredddd.”
He draws out his signs in long motions and flops down against the side of the tub, silver chain around his throat. At least he’s been able to get out of the bathtub and move around a little with only his neck chained - Red is not so lucky.
“Don’t shake your head so much, buddy,” he coughs, sallow and pale with the coming of the morning, his neck as white as the t-shirt strip wrapped around it. “You might still be concussed.”
“I want off my collar,” protests Dapper, struggling to get up to his feet, only to crash back down to the floor. “I should have been a good boy, I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” whispers Red. “He’s been like this all night. Anti hurts him and it snaps him back into his sugar-sweet, obedient little brother mode. It’s not healthy. Dap, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Reddy, lemme go.”
“Just try to lie still.”
“I wanna go home, I wanna go away, I wanna go somewhere nice.”
Red shudders, both of them struggling to take care of each other while they deal with their own shit. Dapper is spacey and injured, wheezing when he breathes, and Red has been over-stimulated and uncomfortable for about nine hours straight. He ran himself a bath for the blood and Haldol and everything on the floor of the filthy tub, but he hates it when his clothes are wet almost as much as he hated sitting in his own blood. He wants to cry again but he’s too tired. He’s just got to stay strong and get through it, like he always does. Tomorrow, this will be over. Tomorrow, this will be over. Tomorrow, this will be over.
“Wanna go home,” repeats Dapper weakly.
Anonymous asked: i know, buddy. i'm sorry, dap, jamie, love, you didn't do anything wrong, you don't deserve this. but i don't think you'll be stuck like this for much longer, okay, bud? i don't think you'll be stuck right there for more than a few more hours, and i think in a week or so things will have been figured out. hold on, okay? you're doing great, and i know it's hard, but just hold on, buddy. we're doing our best to help you guys.
“I do not want to hold on.”
He is grumpy and tired, childish in his fear of Anti, because it’s always been the best way to protect himself.
“I want my bear and my friends and pasta and Jack. I don’t want to hold on. I don’t feel good. Red, come home with me. Can’t we?”
“We’re kind of stuck right now, bud.”
“Not stuck, never stuck. I wanna go. If I can think of something. Take you with me so you’re not so unhappy.”
“I don’t know what you mean, Dippin’ Dots. Want to look for Tylenol or something in the drawers?”
“Anti took everything out of the bathroom in case I try to overdose,” signs Dapper. “I can’t even die to escape him.”
“Hey, we don’t talk like that,” warns Red with a thrill of fear down his back. “Don’t have to die to escape anyone. We’re going to be okay.”
Dapper plays with his clock distantly, running it between his hands.
Red sighs and turns back to you. “Is my twin okay?” he asks. “Please? Can you see him? Is he awake?”
Anonymous asked: Anti if you're going to be wearing Blue, march him to a hospital. You're only making him worse.
Anti is running his hands over the flesh of Blue’s arms, standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom.
“You know,” he says, his voice a fine low rumble. “I’m almost getting used to having skin.”
He strokes his throat, his fingers drifting down his esophagus.
“With the sickness I get otherwise, it’s a lot more comfortable. And with Blue breaking down and always turned against me… I’m starting to wonder.”
He cups his face in his right hand, his left resting on his caved stomach. He listens to Blue’s heartbeat in his skull. Thump, thump, thump. Quiet and tired, but reassuring in its steadiness.
When he was small, he used to sit in the back of Jack’s head, only half-formed, and listen to the beating of his heart. The only rhythm he knew.
“I could maybe just wear him all the time,” he says. “And only leave when I needed to glitch. He scratches a little. Doesn’t fit quite so well as Dapper. But still, I could just… rest.”
He touches Blue’s image in the mirror.
“Change this body til it feels like my own.”
There’s a sly light in his eyes as he turns to you. You know that look by now. He’s trying to get a rise out of you, to wind you up, to piss you off - but he could be serious, too.
Blue shudders faintly, Anti’s eyes gleaming in his head.
Anonymous asked: You really think that'll impress Dark? Okay then.
Anti rumbles out a laugh. “Dark’s always impressed by me. Even when I thought they were a total creep they looked at me like I’m the prettiest little killer in the world, right down to the essence of me. Sometimes people tell you to go kill yourself with enough emphasis that you can tell they got it bad.”
It’s difficult to tell if he’s joking or not.
“But I’m glad you agree Blue’s unimpressive right now too.”
Blue’s body drops like a sack of flour as Anti steps out of him almost literally, backing away from his body and regarding him coolly, popping bubblegum in his mouth as he looks down at him.
“Got something on your face,” he says, nudging Blue with his foot as his eye begins to bleed.
“F - fucker!” gasps Blue, clawing at the hardwood and drawing in huge lungfuls of air. “What did you do to Red?”
“I’ll give your precious twin back to you when he’s learned his lesson. Get out of my sight, you little witch.”
pine-storm-season asked: Hey, Dok and Trick? Anti just unpossessed Blue, he's in Anti's bedroom and might appreciate help leaving the room and stuff.
Trick puts his cereal down right away, turning to head upstairs. Dok makes to follow and Trick shakes his head at him, warning him off. “You’re still not allowed up here.”
Dok can’t say he really minds staying away from his torture room. He waits for his siblings at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey,” says Anti, pleased when Trick comes up to him.
“Hey, Green. Can I have him?”
Anti rolls his eyes. “If you want him, you can have him, but you don’t have to look after him if you don’t want to.”
“It’s okay, I just want to get him out of your hair,” says Trick nicely. Anti relaxes against his bed, watching Trick pull Blue to his feet. He isn’t looking well.
“Red, Red,” begs Blue.
“Maybe we can have Red and Dapper back too?”
“Don’t worry about them. A little later.”
Anonymous asked: (Dok, while you're alone, Anti hypnotized the ever-living FUCK out of Trick and told him that he has three days to get the necklaces off you or else he'll kill you. I'm really sorry to drop this on you so bluntly but it's really important you know. If you don't want Trick to know you know, you can probably play off your reaction to this news as reacting to Blue looking like shit, Trick's bringing him back now)
Dok’s mouth parts so softly you see his chapped top lip cling to the bottom for a second, revealing his slightly crooked front teeth. He doesn’t answer you - barely looks at you - for a good thirty second. A deep breath passes in and out of him without conscious thought and his eyebrows fall into a dismayed sort of terror.
“Oh, he - he said he’d kill me? Anti did?”
And how stupid it is - how utterly and painfully stupid - that after all the realization he went through, after all the growth, after all of his own hopes to kill his little brother - the thought of Anti killing him still burns like a betrayal.
He never loved him at all.
He spent so long being so good for him - gave his whole life up for Anti, loved him no matter what he did to himself and his siblings - and Anti would cut him open and leave him dead on the grass of the lawn just to punish Trick.
Dok has to go. He gets up and he leaves you there, racing away and back down the stairs.
Anonymous asked: well on one hand dok is totally entitled to that reaction on the other hand FUCK
“What reaction?” asks Trick, and then his twin isn’t at the bottom of the stairs.
“You told him!” he accuses instantly, whirling on you. “You - he shouldn’t have to know that! He shouldn’t have to think about it! Why would you - ugh! I was going to keep him safe, like I always do! He’s got enough going on right now, he - Blue?”
He catches Blue as he begins to slide off Trick’s shoulder, sinking towards the ground. Trick heaves him up in his arms, huffing with the weight of him, and, determined, he carries him to his and Red’s bedroom, setting him down on the bed.
“N-no, I’m okay,” stammers Blue, wiping at his forehead. “I’m okay, Dok.”
“It’s Trick, Blue.”
Blue pants, looking up at him. His foggy eyes are squinted nearly into slits, blinking fast.
“Can you see me?”
Blue closes his eyes and turns away, burying his face in his hands.
Anonymous asked: Can we set the cameras to transmit audio? If not, Trick, can you pass it on to Blue if he can't read these? It's gonna be alright, Blue. Right now, you're downstairs in Red and Trick's room. Trick is in the room with you, and Dok is I think also downstairs? But not in the room. Anti, Red, and Dapper are all upstairs. What's one thing we or someone else can do for you right now to help?
“I want Red!” snaps Blue, turning suddenly on Trick and shoving him away. “Get out! You’re just Anti’s little pet! Leave me alone! What can you or somebody do? Fucking nothing, that’s what! I’m just disgusting and sick, leave me the fuck alone!”
“Hey, Blue, calm down,” Trick snaps right back, real fear in his voice. “You’re panting way too hard, okay? Just try to breathe.”
“Then get out! Get out of my room! I don’t want you here! I don’t want anybody but Red and even he can’t save me so go away!”
Trick’s never really been snarled at by Blue, but he won’t let it get to him while everyone else in the house is in worse trouble than him. He decides his sibling isn’t joking about wanting to be left alone. Trick knows the feeling. He gives you a meaningful look, tilting you towards Blue. Keep an eye on him.
Trick leaves Blue alone. Blue tries to get up to draw the curtains closed for himself, but even this one little thing he can’t do for himself - he crashes to the floor, his legs giving out, and grits his teeth as the blurry image of his pale hands holds his shaking body off the floor.
Not even his hands. Not even his skin. Not even his body. Oh, fuck. His head swims. The world is falling away from him. He sits up, trembling, and falls back against the bed, gripping at his head. Gripping at the head. Not even his skull. Not even his fucking body.
“This isn’t me, this isn’t me, this isn’t me,” he whispers, his voice faltering back into despair. “Where did my body go, holy shit. This isn’t happening. This isn’t Blue.”
Trick finds Dok downstairs, hiding under the bed.
He’s never seen him under there before.
“Dok, I’m here.”
He crawls down beneath his twin, reaching for him. Touching Dok does not make him look over or speak. He’s just still.
Trick’s heart sinks.
“One of your zone-outs, my brother?” he asks quietly.
Dok stares at nothing, breathing a little too slow, a little too deep. In. Out. In. Out.
“I’m here,” Trick repeats quietly, even though it never seems to be enough. “I’m here.”
Dok lies still. Lets him hold onto him.
He’s scared. No matter what he told himself, it all seemed to come down to this - in three days, he’ll most likely be dead. Yeah, he’s scared. His brain decided to give him a break. He’s far off in his head. Trick doesn’t think he feels anything at all when he’s like this. It’s a defense mechanism.
For a moment, Trick reaches up and touches Dok’s necklaces. The talismans burn his fingers dark red, but he doesn’t draw them away until he has to. He doesn’t think he can get them off with just his hands, but if he got a knife…
He sighs and leans against Dok’s shoulder, closing his eyes. Not right now. He can’t even think about it right now.
“I’m here,” he whispers. “I’m with you.”
They lie beneath the bed, in silence.
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
“Dap,” begs Red, panting through his discomfort, trying to keep his calm. “You gotta stop rambling, little brother. You are okay. Okay? I’ll get you out of here.”
“No, I want to go home! Now, now, now!”
“Dap, we’re stuck! Come on, please take it easy!”
“No, we’re going now,” says Dapper, determined. He brushes at sweaty curls on his forehead and shivers, scrambling around the bathroom, his silver chain jingling. “We’re going away. Maybe we don’t have to come back. Where, I don’t know. I have to remember something. We can go home. I want to.”
His hand finds his little clock in the corner of the room. Red’s eyes widen.
“Now - hey, hold on a second, Dapper. I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”
“Where do you want to go?” asks Dapper, barely seeming to hear him, staggering back towards him in the tub. “Who should we go see? I just have to remember… I just have to… we’ll go somewhere it doesn’t hurt so much. I’ll be good then. I promise. He won’t catch us. He can’t smell it, not in here. Where do you want to go, J-happy?”
pine-storm-season asked: I don't think that's a good idea, Dapper. He's already irritable and angry, and the chances of making it worse seem too high. I'm sorry, buddy, I think you have to stay here.
“I don’t want to, I want to go away, my whole body really really hurts.”
He crashes down besides Red and his big brother does his best to catch him as he falls, but this only makes Dapper gasp in pain as hands make contact with his bruised side. For a second, it seems to startle him out of his frantic determination. He collapses against the side of the tub, his head falling against Red’s. Red holds his shoulders and tries to make him breathe in time with him, rubbing his arm.
“It’s okay, Dap. It is. I promise. It will be.”
Dapper shakes his head, low, low, his eyes haunted.
“He really beat me. Like he used to back when I was never good.”
Red just holds onto him, shaking his head. He doesn’t know what to say anymore. He just knows - they have to go. They have to. He has to get his family away from Anti. He hopes Anti will forgive him someday, but he can’t worry about him now. Not when he’s treating them like this.
“I loved that big house in the forest,” signs Dapper quietly. “I only got to live there about a year.”
“Some day I’ll find a place where we can live and you can feel safe again. I promise.” He presses their foreheads gently together, minding the dark bruises across his little brother’s tired face.
“I want to go see Jack,” signs JJ gently, pressed against Red’s head. “I really want to talk to him. I think I need to talk to him. I miss him. He doesn’t remember me in reality. But I still remember him in my own timeline. I want to go see him.”
Maybe Red should protest more. But the truth is he’s filthy and hurt and in a lot of discomfort, something that translates directly into distress and pain for him.
And that one time when Dapper sent him back - when he saw them all again - when they were so healthy and clean and safe and Blue laid beside him and told him he was a good man -
Yes, Red wants that.
So he whispers:
“Are you sure you can make it? Even though you’re hurt?”
“Jackie,” signs Dapper, like it could be the sign for love or brother or family. “I’m sure.”
“And Anti won’t catch us?”
“Not if we’re quick. He didn’t catch me before.”
Dapper has eyes like suns faraway, big and bright. Red has had trouble saying no to him ever since he began to see the little recluse trapped in the attic as his baby brother again.
“Okay,” says Ro. “Let’s go home.”
He touches Dapper’s hand.
Anonymous asked: He, Dok, I doubt you'll be up to reading cameras right now, but however you're feeling is okay. You've done incredible work getting as free as you can from him, but not even magic can undo the effects of months of conditioning, abuse and hypnosis overnight. He's a master manipulator, you've done so well getting this far. Please don't beat yourself up for how you're reacting. Also Trick, this is a crazy stressful time for you guys, and you're doing your best, and we thank you sincerely for that.
“You know what?” says Trick, a little weakly. “We’ve gone through worse times together and come out okay, right, Dok?”
He’s managed to get Dok out from under the bed. They’re curled up on the couch in the basement, playing Lord of the Rings on the big TV. They don’t have internet, but they do have a DVD player.
“Look, Aragorn,” Trick prompts his brother, patting Dok’s arm. “You love this movie, right? When was the last time we saw it?”
Personally, Trick doesn’t really get the appeal, but he likes the monsters and the fighting scenes and things. Dok’s really into it, though, most of the time. But right now he’s just burrito-ed in all the blankets Trick gave him, staring down at the floor with a truly miserable expression on his face.
Trick hovers unhappily, patting his arm.
“It’s okay, buddy,” he says. “They’re right, don’t gotta blame yourself. It’s okay. You’re doing great.”
He curls up against him and keeps him company. Dok’s eyes don’t start to re-focus until they’re on their way to Mordor.
Anonymous asked: Yeah, you both are doing so well handling all this. Dok, however you're feeling is okay. We're going to do our absolute best to protect you guys, yeah? It's okay.
Dok lets out a small, tired sigh at Trick’s side.
“Hey,” whispers Trick. “Are you with me?”
Dok looks wearily over at him, meeting his eyes at last, but he doesn’t say anything.
Trick scoots forward and presses their heads together, lying against him. Dok glances over at you before lying back again. Faintly, his hand moves to rest across Trick’s.
They do not speak about the talismans. They do not speak about the death threat.
“Gimli is my favorite,” says Trick, after the dwarf says something funny, and Dok is grateful that he’s pretending to care.
“Can we watch all three?”
“We can watch all three.”
Dok will be asleep by the end of the first, but Trick doesn’t mind that either. He slides the second DVD in and goes back to his place at his side.
Anonymous asked: Hey Dap, Red, I'm all for you guys doing that, but are you completely sure you're going to be safe? If anything goes wrong, things could go even more south for you guys, and it's already really bad at the moment. Again, not trying to dissuade you, but please please make sure it's going to be safe. Or, as safe as anything in this family can be.
Ro comes to spitting and coughing.
He finds himself on his hands and feet - mid push-up, he thinks? He lets himself go down and then rises again, and, with a burst of pride, he feels taut muscles raise and lower him as though his weight were nothing to them. Another push-up. Another.
Jackie was strong, he realizes, and he blames the flash of jealousy on his old counter-part for being this fucking ridiculously fit, and then notices how strange it is to think of the person he used to be as someone else entirely.
He gets to his feet, glancing around.
Was this his room?
A lava lamp bubbles in the corner. His eyes get fixed on it, watching the colors rise and fall and float. His windows are open and cool air and birdsong float into the room. The walls are a nice light blue, the bed is a Queen with thick black blankets, and everything else - oh, fuck - it’s neat! It’s clean! Everything he owns is packed politely into drawers, a row of nice running shoes tucked in a perfect line in his closet, Spider-man decorations and pictures of his family arranged in clean lines on his dressers and drawers.
This is like Heaven.
For a long time, he sits in the middle of his floor, just breathing. Just watching. Just trying to remember.
A slow breath fades from his chest. He closes his eyes and he opens them again.
He remembers you and looks down, smiling.
“Safe, huh?” he mumbles, feeling the cool breeze through his hair. “What’s the fun in that?”
Anonymous asked: Oh alright, you made it safely!! Your room does look pretty cool, and damn wish I could do push ups like that. Way to flex, hero man. If you're able, would be be able to look for Dapper? You both weren't exactly doing super well when you left, and the magic might've taken a toll on him. (Hope this trip goes well for you!!)
“I’m not even flexing, this is just how I be,” purrs Ro, letting himself revel in the pride of it for a second, standing up and looking down at himself. He feels immortal like this. He looks into the mirror and his face is flushed with health - though he finds one deep scratch across his collarbone that surprises him, bandaged by neat hands, but stinging across his skin.
“Weird… wonder what that’s from? Oh, geez, yeah. Where is Dap?”
cest-mellow asked: it’s good to see you so healthy, red. but where is jameson? is there anyone else in the house with you?
“I better find him,” mumbles Ro, looking around like he expects JJ to crawl out from under the bed. “I don’t know if anyone else is here. I’m assuming this is the same house I was at last time he brought me back, the house in the woods he always talks about.”
He glances out the window. The trees are swaying in the wind.
“I don’t know how to get home without him, so he has to be around here somewhere. Right?”
“Hey, Jackie, are you coming?”
A voice with a familiar accent startles Ro out of his thoughts. He turns towards the door. “Uh… yeah, Dok, sorry, give me a second!”
“I know you’re just visiting, but I have a shift to be on time for, you know.”
“Right, sorry,” says Ro, a little startled. Did Dok just give him sass? Dok? “Oh, fuck, that’s not his real name. Uh… H, something German.”
cest-mellow asked: henrik! his name is henrik. where is he trying to take you? maybe jamie is there too? you should ask tho O_o
“Henrik! Right.”
“No, I was just - uh - ”
Henrik pushes open the door to his room, leveling a look at him.
“Oh,” says Ro. “Hey.”
He’s got this clean white coat on and a dorky, cute blue turtleneck. His hair is very short at the sides, soft and dark on the top. He raises his eyebrows at Ro in a way that is both bemused and challenging. It’s not a look Ro is used to.
The Dok he knows is quiet and submissive, scampering back to his nest every time Red used to raise his voice at him, slathered in scarring and always trying and failing to keep his hands clean. But Henrik has this light in his eyes like nothing in the world has ever made him afraid, and his back is held so straight that for a moment Red thinks that he’s taller than him. Maybe he is taller than him, and Ro just never noticed before.
“Come on, dummkopf,” laughs Henrik, nudging his head towards Ro’s shoes. Ro doesn’t think Dok has ever insulted him out loud and to his face, even as a joke. “Let’s get going. Don’t you want to visit Jameson?”
Anonymous asked: Oh wow, guess this is happening, cool! What do you want to do while you're here, Red? (Is there anyway you could get information on Anti or any weaknesses? Or not, goodness knows you guys deserve to just have a nice time without worrying about him)
“One second, Henrik, I’ll be right there.”
“Oh, Henrik,” he says, and it takes Red a couple seconds to realize he’s being teased. “Today I’m Henrik, huh? Well, of course, Jackson, take all the time you need.”
There must be something else he’s supposed to call him, but Ro doesn’t remember what. Henrik grins at him like he’s waiting for him to say something back, but Red’s at a loss. Henrik blinks and steps back.
“Sorry,” says Ro. “Really, I’ll be right there.”
“Um, okay,” says Henrik. “I’ll just be on the porch.”
Henrik leaves and Red smacks himself in the head. “Two seconds in and already I’m acting weirder than usual. Okay, what do I want to do while I’m here? Geez, I gotta leave most of this up to Dap. Sounds like he had somebody he wanted to talk to. But, uh.”
He pauses, cocking his head.
“Well, if we have time, I would like to see Blue and Trick and… well. Blue and Trick. And just - yeah. Well. Probably don’t have time for anybody else, but I really liked last time seeing how healthy everybody looked. Kind of jarring. But right now especially, I really want to see that Blue’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: Ro, Dok's name is Henrik (von Schneeplestein)! If you run into Trick, he's Chase, you know Blue's name, and Dapper's with you, and oh if there's another guy you haven't seen before, he's Jack or Seán, I think JJ might be looking for him. Also, from what I can remember, yeah expect some sass from Henrik haha! These guys are probably going to pretty different to who they are now, but regardless of all that, you're still their brother. Best of luck!
“Holy shit,” gasps Red. “Holy shit!”
Schneeplestein, holy shit!
And it’s funny, first things first, just because that seems like such a ridiculous name on the surface, but Red isn’t even laughing, not for a second, because shit, that was his name, wasn’t it?
“Schneep,” he breathes, and it doesn’t matter how silly of a name it is, it’s a memory alive again on his tongue. “Holy shit… we were friends.”
He doesn’t remember the things they used to do or the way they used to get along, but with that name he knows that they did used to get along, that they did used to love each other in a way he’s long since forgotten, that Schneep was his brother long before Dok and Trick were bound at the hip, that that’s not just his tired, struggling little brother with the haunted eyes - that was Schneep, his Schneep, the doctor who always kicked his ass when he came home hurt, the man who would patch them up while grumbling in German the whole time, the arms he would come back to when he was in pain. That was his brother.
Ro has to sit down for a moment.
“Shit,” he whispers, biting on his nails. He lets his eyes slide shut for a second. “Schneep…”
Because it’s one thing to know that they used to know each other better and that their bodies used to be healthier. But to know that they used to be different people who loved each other, deeply, in different ways than they do now -
Fuck, it’s a lot to have stolen from them. It’s not fair.
It’s not fair that Schneep is dead.
He wants to see the others right now.
hollenka99 asked: Just a reminder for if you bump into them, Trick is Chase and Blue is Marvin. I'm guessing you used to call Henrik by a nickname. Try 'Hen' and see how he responds. After all, you're still shortening people's names now like Dapper being Dap etc. Can't hurt to try. Worse that will probably happen is that Henrik may tease you again.
“Okay, right,” mumbles Ro, getting to his feet. “Yeah, I’ll just… Chase. Right.”
And then he can’t bring himself to say the name Marvin out loud.
He tugs on sneakers - nice sneakers, red and white - and finds thin black gloves near the door, slipping them on despite a warm fall outside his window. He loves having gloves. Jackie is wearing a long, heavy red hoodie and long black and white sweatpants. He feels covered and comfy and - for the first time in a long time - handsome.
But somehow even that realization is painful, and he turns away from the mirror, swiping at a place on his forehead where a scar will one day exist.
He pushes out of his room, glancing down a short hallway towards a homey little living room with a couple worn-down couches. The house is quiet. He wanders through the kitchen and the laundry room, where faint voices waft in through an opened window. Pushing through the back door, he sees a pair of siblings working on a pretty little garden together, helping each other tear up weeds and chattering about nothing.
He’s never seen Blue and Trick spending time together alone.
“Hey,” he calls weakly.
Their heads turn up together, both smiling at him. Chase sticks his tongue out at him. Marvin winks. Ro hears a laugh bubble out of him, shaking his head in amazement.
pine-storm-season asked: Here you are, yeah! This is good, I think, to see them again like they are. You doing alright, Red?
“I feel weird,” he says, with a fluttering laugh. “But after being stuck in that fucking bathtub, I can’t be upset with anything. Hey, guys.”
“Hey, J-man.”
“The king, the legend!”
“Your shift at the hospital?”
“We’ll be there after lunch to give you a break.”
“He likes those Twix bars in the little shop out front if he gets upset.”
“I love a little shop.”
“Look how my mint is coming in!” Chase and Marvin both lean back to give him a view of bunches of herbs growing up from the ground. Ro shakes his head, laughing.
“Why don’t you just grow it with magic?” asks Ro.
“I’m still so tired from the fight,” says Marvin, grinning up at him and pushing long, dark hair from shining eyes. “But even if I wasn’t, it’s good for me to work the earth a little sometimes.”
Marvin buries his fingers in the soft damp earth, breathing in the deep richness of the smell like a worshipper breathes Easter incense. He closes blue eyes. The wind brushes across his soft hair. He smiles back at Ro and Chase follows their gazes.
“You have freckles,” says Ro faintly.
“When I get enough sun,” answers Chase warmly, touching his cheeks.
Anonymous asked: I think Schneep is a common nickname for him, maybe try that? This is probably going to be painful, seeing how much you guys have lost, and remembering things too, but hey, you can still reach something like this again. Healing is possible, and while you're not likely to be the same, you can still all make progress and learn to love each other like that again. While you're here, do your best to make the most of it!! Love you Jackie <3
A hand descends on Ro’s shoulder and he turns to ice eyes behind thick glasses.
“Are you okay?” asks Schneep, frowning. “How’s the cut?”
Ro touches his chest uncertainly, feeling the faint burn of a clean wound. “Um. Okay.”
“Ready to go to the hospital?”
“Yeah, okay. Is Jack coming?”
Henrik blinks. “He’s still there from last night.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, let’s go.”
Anonymous asked: So... are you guys going to visit Jack at the hospital? Is he okay?
Ro doesn’t know how to start asking about it without alerting Henrik to the fact that something’s wrong. He trails after his little brother towards the door of the house, next to which hangs a great silver mirror.
Schneep takes his wrist without preamble, making Ro startle, but all his brother does is say “amo, vale,” and then -
Hold on a second.
Ro is too startled to protest when Henrik pulls him through the mirror after him.
Gone is the forest. Red closes his eyes in shock against a strange sensation, feeling the world give an odd lurch around him, and - well, it’s not unlike the time travel, but his body has moved instead of changed. Brick walls rise on both sides, birds chittering around the rooftops. It might have been a dirty alleyway, once, but so many flowers and weeds and grasses have grown up through the broken earth and brick and pavement that it makes a tiny pocket in the back of the alley, hidden from the world. Henrik pushes through a curtain of vines and Ro sees people and cars rushing down the streets around them, feels the burn of city electricity, hears the laughter and the noise and the life of lived-in places. He takes one last look back at an abandoned mirror sitting in a dirty rectangle of painted blue wood and moves after Henrik, counting his breaths to keep them steady.
“What did you say?” he asks shakily, hurrying after Henrik to catch his wrist. “Those words, like a spell?”
Henrik quirks his eyebrows at him. “Marvin’s password? That was all.”
“Henrik, how’s everyone doing?”
“I didn’t get any calls overnight, so I’m hoping that means good. No more breakdowns for JJ, I hope, and if Jack got caught staying past visiting hours and thrown out on his ass, well, he can take care of himself.”
nikkilbook asked: .... Jackie, ask how Jameson is doing.
“How is Jameson? How was his last breakdown?”
That light like sunflame in Henrik’s eyes gives its first flicker of the day, and he turns to give Ro a frog-frown look, his mouth tight.
“Look, I promise I won’t let them put him back in the psych ward. I’ll convince them to let us take him home first, once they know he’s going to be okay without the hospital. It’s not his fault. It’s just Anti in his head… soon, things will clear up, and he won’t be saying things like that anymore.”
“Things like what?”
Henrik rubs his arms together, shaking his head. “You know what! Like that there’s messages hidden in his prescriptions and all the doctors are secretly trying to kill him.”
Red’s head clears a little. “Oh. He’s psychotic?”
“No, I told you!” protests Henrik, his upset rising. “It’s just Anti, it has to be! He’ll clear up again!”
“You should put him on Haldol,” says Ro wisely. “If we’ve learned one thing from all this.”
Henrik gives him a despairing look, stopping in the middle of the path. “Bayard, he’s been through too much already. I don’t… I don’t want him to be any sicker than this. Don’t want him to have to deal with delusions. We just got him, can’t he have a break? I want him to not get hurt anymore.”
Red’s chest twists. Dok never did stop trying to look after him, either.
He looks smaller than Ro again, standing in the middle of the street, playing with a loose button on his sleeve.
“We’ll do everything we can, okay?” he says, stepping forward. He slides an arm around Schneep’s shoulders and finds that it feels easy, natural, normal. Henrik pushes gently back against him. “Even if he has got something going on in his brain, he’s still perfect. Can still be happy. You’ll see. I’ll make sure he gets the chance. I promise.”
And Henrik smiles again, small and correct, yes, correct, right, normal, natural, true. Schneep. Like nothing has ever hurt him. Pride in the cold ice of his eyes, in his clean skin, in his head lifted up.
Was Anti the one who taught them all to cower?
Anonymous asked: Oooh they don't know yet about Jamie's psychosis... Red, can you find a way to discreetly ask how long JJ has been with your brothers? Because it either has been not that much or they've all gotten lucky for a big stretch of time
“He’s been in here… what, how many days is it now?” asks Ro, dodging out of the way of harried nurses and - oh, Schneep just slammed his shoulder into the arm of that doctor with the clipboard.
“Watch where you’re fucking going, Kerchek!” he hollers, narrowing a glare at her.
“Hey, everybody look out, it’s Mr. Genius!” snarks back Kerchek, rolling her eyes.
“Still jealous about that botched piggyback, aren’t you?”
“I’ll show you a botched piggyback, Schneeplestein, you check your back.”
“Just stay away from my brother or else.”
“Holy shit,” laughs Ro. “Stop fighting with the other doctors! What the hell?”
“She deserve it,” huffs Henrik, tearing away. “Hey! You two stop snickering and get back to work!”
A pair of howling medical students all but crumple over their assignments, head bent low together.
“Yes, Doc,” they laugh.
Henrik just rolls his eyes and keeps walking.
“You cause a lot of trouble, Schneeps?”
“Please, everyone knows I run this hellhole. Clarissa, how is my patient?”
“Hi, Jackie. Hi, Schneep,” says a dark-haired nurse, glancing them both over fondly. “He’s doing okay. Just slept most of the night. You’ll have to go check if he’s been giving the morning staff as much trouble as you do.”
“Unlikely,” answers Henrik dryly, pulling Ro away again. The hospital is crowded and he dislikes the smell and feel of it, but everyone is smiling at them as they pass - or glaring at Henrik, who snipes right back. He’s a vicious little man and ever since he started working here, any passive-aggressiveness or false niceties died with a bang rather than a whimper. The hospital’s been better for it - and a lot more entertaining.
“It’s been what, a week and a half?” answers Schneep belatedly. “He was so shaken up to begin with. But a nice young man, isn’t he, once you get past the murder attempts?”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around the thought of you being a competent professional,” answers Ro cheekily, and a moment later a clipboard slams into his stomach. He groans out a laugh, snatching Henrik by the turtleneck and dragging him under his arm, making him yelp in protest and squirm to get away. They half-chase each other down the hallway towards Jamie’s room, Henrik fending him off with his clipboard, and Ro can’t stop laughing.
Fuck, when Blue reads him poetry with love in the lines of it, this is what he means.
Anonymous asked: Dang, I almost forgot how much confidence Schneep used to have. It's nice in a way to remember that he wasn't as quiet as he is, or well... will be. Bask in this moment, red. Enjoy that long passed time where brotherhood still held any kind of meaning other than simple hierarchy.
Ro looks at his brother as he pushes open the door to a nice little hospital room with lots of light. He doesn’t think he wants to know what sort of things you have to do to a person like Schneep to turn him into the little brother in a tattered coat shaking beneath the bed.
And this is better, he thinks, fleeting and true. Not that he was a different person. He could love him for whoever he is if he only got the chance. But that’s what was better - the chance to be his friend, and not just his brother. Maybe Jackie got swallowed up, too, the same way that Schneep did. Eaten up by that one role, letting it define him.
I’m more than his protector, though. I’m more than his big brother. He’s more than someone I need to look after all the time.
“Hey.” Henrik’s voice, gone gentle, interrupts his thoughts. “How are you feeling, my dear?”
Letting his legs dangle over one side of the blue hospital bed, Jameson tears his eyes away from the sun through the window and meets their eyes.
He looks exactly the same.
Anonymous asked: How's Jamie doing? Is he alright?
JJ reaches out for Ro.
He moves over to him and wraps his arms carefully around him, pressing JJ’s head to his shoulder. “Did you come to not knowing where I was?”
JJ nods, gripping at his sweatshirt. He doesn’t know what would have happened if he and Ro weren’t together when the timer on his clock ran out. He doesn’t travel like this a lot, or not that he remembers.
“Fuck, you really don’t age, do you? Like, truly. You just don’t.”
“Not until it’s my time,” answer JJ’s hands, a needle taped to the back of the right one. “And I haven’t had much of a chance at being twenty-five yet, you see.”
“I never thought this would be possible, but you might be skinnier now than you are… well, now.” Red draws back to look at him, pushing stiff, overgrown hair from his eyes and touches the back of his head, examining him. “I thought you said there used to be a time when Anti was nicer to you.”
“That time hasn’t come yet,” answers JJ wearily. “When he gets me back the second time…”
He notices Henrik standing by the door, staring between the two of them with his eyebrows up, worried and excited and confused all at the same time.
“You seem better,” he breathes, bouncing on his feet just a little. “Are you, um… feeling safer today? You are hugging today? We are not the enemies?”
JJ smiles, reaching out his arms. Henrik sweeps forward, beaming, and hugs him to his chest, pouring reassurances into his ear.
It’s about halfway through that JJ realizes this might have been the first time in his life he ever hugged Henrik. In the original timeline, he doesn’t think that happened until weeks later, when he stopped baring his teeth at anybody who tried to come close. He holds tighter and closes his eyes.
“You’re shaking,” murmurs Henrik. “You need more for the pain?”
JJ sucks in a breath, feeling at his body bit-by-bit. He does hurt, terribly, somewhere beneath the dull relief of whatever drugs he’s on. He’s beat and fragile, one of his ankles wrapped in a cast and an awful haze of weakness making him feel more like a ghost than a man.
And he’s never been medicated for his psychosis in his life. He knew it from the moment he came back to this moment in time. He miscalculated. He can barely think straight, and he’s afraid, and he doesn’t want to leave this room or face anyone.
“Where’s Jack?” asks Henrik, pushing lovingly at his hair. “Didn’t he stay with you?”
“Went to get me a hot chocolate,” signs JJ. “I really wanted one.”
“Oh, good.”
“Can I stay with Jackie a little while, H-healing? I want to talk to him.”
“Alright,” says Henrik, despite a little disappointment in his face. “Well, I need to get started at work for the day. But I’ll go over what the nurses said and if you need anything at all, I’ll come right back. Okay?”
JJ nods. Henrik cups his bruised face, soothing his thumb over a cut by his ear, and then, with one more look at the pair of them, he sweeps away again.
“You’re going to have to talk to Jack for me,” signs JJ immediately.
“What? No way! I don’t even know who that is. Leave me out of it, Jay. Hey, come on… don’t look at me like that.”
Anonymous asked: Jamie, how about you explain Jack real quick, and then we can also help Jackie talk to him if we need to?
“No, I refuse to explain,” says JJ politely.
“What! You might remember as you see him… I’d prefer for you to remember what he meant to you than me have to explain…”
Ro sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“This is the person Anti hates so much,” he says. “The old master.”
JJ picks quietly at the hospital bedsheets, watching mice crawl up the sides as he hallucinates. “I guess. Well, yes, he is the person Anti hates.”
“The magician who created us.”
“Something like that.”
“How can somebody have that much power?”
“It happens once in a millenium, my brother. And he has a bit of an energy boost.” JJ glances over at you, raising an eyebrow. “But I don’t remember all the details. Nobody understands the full thing. Usually, we let Jack stay out of it. It’s not really his fault, and he has a completely different life that’s not anybody’s business. We fight our battles without him. But… now I need to know.”
“What do you need to know?”
JJ stares up at him. “I… Dok and Blue have been… I just… I need to know more about… Anti.”
“What, Dap?”
“I can’t say it.” JJ ducks his head, squeezing his eyes shut. “Not while I can hear him whispering to me from the television…”
Ro glances at the TV on the wall. It’s off.
Anonymous asked: It's safe, bud. You can say.
“You should know by now,” says JJ begrudgingly, turning away from Ro. “You want to protect us, do it. I want my hot chocolate and to go back to bed.”
“Oh my goodness.”
“Blue has been sneaking around with Dok ever since Peru, Ro. Hasn’t he told you anything he’s been thinking?”
“No!” protests Ro, offended. “Well, I mean - he’s not sneaking around without me! We sneak around together! Geez!”
“Ro, we all know you haven’t picked a side yet. Blue doesn’t - ”
“Picked a side?” Ro scoffs, pacing at the foot of his bed. “What sort of side is there to pick? You’re talking about Anti. I want to get you away from him, I do, but that’s our brother, Dap, that’s our - ”
“You think I don’t know that!” JJ’s hands tear the air apart. “What, you think I’m naive to his love and his hatred, Ro? Look around you! Do you see Anti back home with you? Does he come to visit me in the hospital, bring me hot chocolate, garden with Marvin, play around like a kid with Schneep in the hallway? Ro, Anti can be your brother if you want him to be, but it’s a choice that we make. Or you, at least… I think I’m bound up in his blood forever.”
“You’re talking about hurtingAnti.” Ro holds onto his wrist, trying to make him look at him again. “You’re talking about hurting him, not just running.”
“He just chained us to a bathtub!”
Ro backs away, gnawing on the nail of his thumb. He shrugs, eyes flickering around.
Anonymous asked: I know he's your brother, Red. But can I ask you a question? If you just met him, and he started pushing people around like he does now, is he the kind of person you would want to be friends with?
“Mh, no, he scares me, but it’s not about friends, it’s about brothers.” He shifts on his feet, hugging his arms over his chest. “And Anti’s protected me before too, even if he’s hurt me to match. He gets lost in his temper… I want us to be away from him, and not to go back until he can stop hurting us. If he can. But I don’t want to hurt him…”
He knows the warmth of Anti’s body in a hug. He knows the warmth of his own blood on Anti’s hands. He shivers.
nikkilbook asked: Jackie, what does “brother” mean?
“Well,” says Ro. “Your blood, yeah? You gotta look out for your brothers. And they’re supposed to look after you. And if they don’t, well, I think you gotta go, at least to keep the others safe. But you don’t turn around on your family. He doesn’t… mean to hurt anybody. Just angry. Right? And hey!”
He whirls on JJ again, wagging a finger. “That’s Jack’s fault! Anti always says the old master made us like this.”
“Anti blames him for everything,” answers JJ bitterly, wiping at his face. “Just because Jack fucked up a couple times when he was younger. It’s not Jack’s fault Anti’s always mean and you know that. Or if it is Jack’s fault - honestly, I don’t remember - then Anti can never change, and it would be better to kill him than to let him keep living so ferociously miserable.”
Real emotion breaks Dapper’s face. He turns away, pulling his hair over his eyes.
He hates Anti. Often. Not always. And no matter what he tries to tell himself, he can’t deny that it hurts to see Anti in pain. Lately, he doesn’t even hold him at night. His condition rears thoughts in his head - traitor little brother. Selfish brat. Turning on him. Something touches his ankle and he gasps, jerking it back to his chest, but nothing’s there. Ro reaches out to soothe him, hand held out in front of him like a shield.
nikkilbook asked: I’m not sure Jack “made” you anything. He created you, but that doesn’t mean he micromanaged your every flaw and personality trait. You are you, you’ve always been you, you’ve never not been you. All he did was give you a way to exist physically in this world.
Maybe Anti’s angry a lot. Maybe that’s outside of his control. But hating is a choice. Turning affection into a weapon meant to hurt and to maim is a choice. And crucifying yourself on the hate of someone who would call himself brother has only ever been the role of one man, and you are not Him.
“Jackie,” signs JJ gently. “Jack doesn’t even remember us anymore because of what I did… so we know for a fact he doesn’t control any of us any longer, if he ever did. You are you. And I… I’m me, for better or for worse. And Anti is himself. The person he’s chosen to be. Ro… how long have we loved him, and he still does things like this?”
Ro tears a strip off his nail, eyes haunted. “You remember better than I do.”
“Well, it’s been a long time,” he sighs. “And all of us have done our best. But it’s not our fault, Ro. It’s not… it’s not my fault. I have loved him, I have… it’s not your fault if that’s not enough to change him… it’s not my fault.”
Ro tilts his head, pressing his lips together, but JJ doesn’t turn back to his gaze. He’s curled in on himself, petting his hands through his hair, face very tired, and very guilty.
Anonymous asked: It doesn't equal out like that, Red. You don't owe a n y loyalty to someone who hurts you, even if they also protect you. And what you said about his temper, and if he stops hurting you? Red, he's had the chance to stop, many times. If he hurt you once when he was angry, and then did his best to work on it and not hurt you again, that would be okayish. But he doesnt, Red. He has no excuse for cutting your throat just last night, or for any of the other things he's done. Nothing justifies that.
“Okay, fine,” snaps Ro, pulling at his hair. “I know that Anti sucks ass and I have for a long time, okay? But I’d be scared, Dap! I’d be scared! It’s always safer to stay away from him or just wait his temper out! That’s always been true… and I… he is my brother, even if he’s the fucking worst and I hate his guts half the time!”
Dapper sighs. “Alright, Red, just - ”
“If we try to hurt him he’ll kill us!” shrieks Red. “He’ll do things to us like he did to Blue at the river while I was running away! I got scared and he put Blue in the hospital and he still hasn’t recovered, Dap! I don’t think he ever will! Anti did that to him just because he hated him and wanted something he had. He can get inside our heads, he can control us. I wanted to attack him in Peru, but I had to protect Max.”
“Ro, I know.”
“And then he made me feel like I loved him again! Even when I know the truth, I still feel that way sometimes. I’m not strong enough, Dap, don’t you get that? I can’t keep him out of my head, can’t convince myself to do anything, can’t protect you from him! He does things like chain us to a bathroom and I can’t stop that, JJ, I can’t, I’m sorry. I’m not… I’m not enough! I’m not what anyone needs me to be! He’s going to keep hurting us… but he’ll hurt us less if I can just get you away for a while or keep shielding you the best way I know!”
“No, that’s not true!” cries JJ, slashing at the air. “Stop, Ro, J-Joy, listen to me. Watch. Watch. Ro, don’t you know why I’m in the hospital?”
Ro blinks, glancing around. “You’re hurt. Anti hurt you. He’s always hurt you. Your whole life.”
“But Anti’s not here.”
Ro brightens a little. “I found a way to get you away from him? You’re hidden?”
“No, Ro, better,” says Dapper, clutching at his aching ribs as he leans forward. “You and Blue beat him. Beat him into the earth and took this past version of me away from him. And that was the night you made Anti terrified of the weakness that would force him to scamper away from a fight like an animal.
We are not the ones hiding right now, Ro - he is.”
Anonymous asked: Red, Ro, Jackie, you're strong. And I'm sorry you've been forced to be for so long. But you can get through all of this. You can win. We've been with you for a long time, haven't we? We know you. And we believe you can do this. We're with you, bud, we'll help you. It won't always be the way it is, because you all can fight, and you can win. He wouldn't beat you all down into dust if he didn't think you could be powerful enough to fight back and win.
Ro sits down at the edge of JJ’s bed.
His little brother’s fingers tug gently on his sleeve, waiting for him.
“I love you,” he says, though the words are ashy in his mouth.
JJ nods, stroking at his wrist. He presses an “I love you” into the mattress as he scoots closer.
“I love all of you. I want to keep you safe. I’ve never been able to do that. And I… still don’t think I could hurt Anti.”
“I know I couldn’t,” JJ agrees. “But I need to find out. For Blue and Dok. Cause, Jackie, I think maybe… when it comes down to keeping all of us safe, or staying Anti’s brother - I think maybe, on that day, we’re going to have to hurt Anti.”
“Kill him?” asks Ro weakly.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I could watch that. But if he comes at us again and tries to hurt us like he did today, wouldn’t you rather that we had a way to stop him?”
Ro bites down on his lip.
“If he tried to hurt Blue like he hurt us today, wouldn’t you rather that you had a way to protect him?”
Oh, yes.
Instead of running away.
He would like to stand tall again.
nikkilbook asked: There is no “enough,” Jackie. There’s only you, and that’s all your brothers—your friends—have ever needed. Not the you that Anti has twisted you into thinking you’ve become, but the you that’s real. The you that says “I love you” by telling the truth. That’s who you are. And sometimes, the truth does mean fear. Because Anti is frightening. You deserve the right to be afraid. But fear does not mean cowardice, and it does not mean shame. You are not shameful for being afraid of him. Remember yourself, Astrifer. You’re the boy who loves by telling the truth.
Red - Ro - Jackie - hell, but he can never make one of them fit quite right. He thinks there used to be a truth to him, somewhere, before all the lines went blurry and his hands spilled so much blood in the name of someone who’s always hated him anyway.
JJ touches his palm.
The contact of skin makes Jackie shudder, but he’ll allow it, just for a moment. Beneath JJ’s touch, with a smell like the earth after rain, Jackie’s clean white hands rise with Red’s scars, revealing his present again.
“Anti always mocked you for being a terrible liar,” signs Dapper. “Because when you knew what was true, Jackie - that was when he was afraid of you.”
“What’s true, JJ?” he asks numbly.
JJ puts his head against his shoulder.
“Big brother, you’ve always known.”
Anonymous asked: Yeah, it's gonna be hard, I know. But we believe in you all, and we'll be right here with you to help.
“Okay,” says Jackie softly, an arm around Dapper’s waist, and he knows what it is to be holding him - natural, right, truthful.
“If you want me to, I’ll go talk to Jack.”
Dapper closes his eyes.
He thinks a part of him wanted Jackie to refuse. To refuse to allow Dapper to betray their false brother. But he said yes, and Dapper has.
He hides in Jackie’s shoulder and tries to ignore everything else in the world but the feeling of his warmth beside him.
Anonymous asked: Where is Jack?
“Getting me hot choccy.”
“Holy shit. Don’t shorten it to hot choccy.”
“What? You don’t want hot choccy too?”
“That’s - hahaha. The worst possible spelling.”
“It’s the best way!”
“Don’t you have a sign for chocolate?”
“Maybe I like saying hot choccy! What!”
“Jay, haha, I - ”
The door pushes open.
Jackie’s on his feet in a second, adrenaline pumping, fists clenched, body taut.
He knows that face. He knows that energy in the air. It makes all his nerves light up like firecrackers.
Anti stares back at him, holding a little cafe cup in both hands.
No, he was wrong. Not Anti.
He just looks like him.
Down to the second and third tattoo.
Down to the way his fingers move.
Down to the way his eyes gleam in the light.
“Hey, man,” comes his tired voice, coughing a little. He steps past Jackie and hands JJ his hot chocolate, setting a coffee down on the table beside him. “You just got here?”
“Yeah,” says Ro quietly. “Yeah, I did.”
Jack adjusts the white cap on his head and lays his head down at JJ’s side without another word, letting half-circled eyes slide shut.
Ro doesn’t move.
The air feels like a storm is coming, faraway lightning playing with the ends of his fingers. The air feels like the birds have flown away and the frogs are hiding.
Anonymous asked: Red, you alright?
“Um, yeah,” murmurs Ro, scratching at the back of his head. “Yeah, fine.”
But he’s nervous watching this person lying beside his little brother like nothing is wrong. Like they’ve known each other their whole lives. And Jack isn’t talking either, which means - worse still - Ro might have to start the conversation.
In all honesty, he just wants to take JJ and go back to the house, to have a few minutes of peace before they’re returned to that goddamn bathtub. He glances at his little brother, whose face has gone dead, his affect flat and his body tired. JJ lifts up his little pocketwatch, where only a sliver of gold, counting mercilessly down, continues to disappear.
Anonymous asked: What are you supposed to talk to Jack about, again?
“Anti,” mumbles Ro.
“Hm?” asks Jack, like a cat uncurling.
“Nothing,” replies Ro, backing off a little.
Anti. His master. How to hurt Anti. Anti, who hates Jack more than anything. Ro shouldn’t be doing this. But he told JJ he would. So they would have a way to protect themselves and each other if Anti becomes violent with them again before they can find a way to escape. Ro can’t watch his brothers get hurt anymore. He doesn’t want to be a bystander in their pain. He doesn’t want to be a coward.
He glances down at his outfit, clutching his hands into fists. A thick hood at his back, strong running sneakers, gloves on his fingers.
He wants to be a hero again.
Anonymous asked: Ro, there is a way to help Blue recover. When we were with Dok and the magicians, a magic book told a story of a girl who had her magic stolen and had the same ailments as Blue does now. The girl recovered and got her magic back when the thief was killed and had blood stolen from him and given back to the girl. There's a way to fix it, but something tells me you won't like this very much.
“Whoa, whoa, hold up, no way!” cries Ro in sudden alarm, making Jack sit up on the bed, blinking. “Nobody said killed, okay, what? What the fuck? Is that what JJ meant when he said Dok and Blue were trying to figure out how to hurt Anti? They’re going to - oh, fuck no! I’m not a part of that, okay?”
Terror and panic and guilt burst like a water balloon in his chest and overwhelm Ro with a sudden ferocity, making his eyes water.
“I’m gone, I’m out. This is fucked up. I know he’s cruel but I would never want to killhim. What’s wrong with Dok and Blue?”
“JB,” calls Jack. “What - what is going on?”
Ro locks eyes with him and gets no comfort from the face so much like his own. He turns and races out the door, needing to cry.
Anonymous asked: hey, red, it's okay. deep breaths, love. i know you don't want to kill him, and that's okay. no one says you have to. it might have to happen eventually, but right now we're just figuring out ways to protect them, okay? no one says you have to kill him, it's okay. we're just protecting your other brothers, that's all we plan to do.
“Might have to?” wheezes Ro, sweeping past a crowd of medical staff to race towards the stairwell. “Might have to happen… holy fuck… I didn’t… I’m not… but then, he’s the one who made me a killer, isn’t he?”
He shoves through the door into the stairwell, racing away, logical thought flown from his head. “But then, I do have to protect them, don’t I? I do, I do. I - ”
“Is this because I couldn’t do it?” cries Jack’s voice behind him, the door clicking open again. “Jackie, I tried, I - he was screaming for me! What was I supposed to do? He’s gone, isn’t he? Isn’t that what matters? I’m sorry.”
Ro stops dead, panting. Jack’s footsteps race down the stairs towards him.
Anonymous asked: red, do you think it's safe to tell jack what's happening? you don't have to, it just might help.
Ro lets out a shaky breath, turning to face Jack.
“Can we talk about this? Are you okay?” asks Jack, pushing a strand of long hair from his eyes and tucking it beneath his cap again.
His mouth is curled with guilt, his voice small and sad.
Ro stares at him, trying to make his heart stop pounding. He doesn’t know why he feels afraid of him - though it’s not uncommon for him to feel confused about what it is that he’s feeling or where it’s coming from. Jack, for his part, makes him feel like lightning is about to come down over his head.
“JB, you’re kind of scaring me,” he admits uncertainly, stepping forward to put a hand on Ro’s shoulder. “Are you - ?”
Ro jerks away from his touch, staring at him.
Jack’s eyebrows raise, a flash of something more sinister than confusion entering blue eyes.
No, wait…
One blue, one green.
Jack takes a step back, green eye swirling. “Is it you?” he asks, voice hardening. “Or is it… no, I would know if it were you. JB, what’s going on?”
Ro swallows. You have a good point - he’s going to have to tell Jack something, unless he’s about to become a much better actor than he’s been the whole rest of his life very suddenly.
“It is… it is Jackie,” he says.
“What’s going on?” asks Jack, the light fading from his right eye, leaving it blue again. “Is it just the hospital? Do you want me to walk you home? Where are your headphones?”
Anonymous asked: Do you think you could ask him what Anti's weaknesses are? That might be a place to start, Red.
“What were you taking about?” asks Ro quietly, taking another step away from him. “Just now, when you said you couldn’t do it. When you apologized.”
Jack’s shoulders slump. He waits for a moment to see if Ro will follow up or move again, but when he doesn’t, he lets out a deep, tired sigh and sinks back against the railing of the stairs.
There’s no walls on the outside of the stairwell. White light streams in as the colors of cars and people and the soft dappled green flickers of a few well-loved trees move around them in a silent dance.
“Look, I… I know you would rather I killed him,” says Jack, pushing round glasses up on his nose. “I’m sorry. If you’re mad, I just… didn’t have the guts for it, JB.”
Ro nods, eyes flickering. “How… how did he get weak enough that you could have killed him? What were you going to do?”
Uncertainty in blue eyes.
Jack stands up again.
“Jackie,” he says. “What year is it?”
Anonymous asked: uhhhh my guess is 2017? i don't know if i'm right though?
Ro bites down on his lip. “It’s 2017, Jack.”
Jack blinks at him.
Then he laughs, burying his face in his hands.
“Oh, my buddy,” he says. “Not even close.”
“Come on,” protests Ro, embarrassment making his cheeks flush.
Jack reaches up to shove his shoulder, making Ro start.
“Just tell me next time he sends you back! What’s up, man, you seem spooked as fuckkkk.”
He draws the word out and grins, his posture loose and relaxed again, bumping shoulders with Ro as he comes to stand next to him.
nikkilbook asked: He created you all, Jackie. He knows what JJ can do.
“Guess that’s true,” grumbles Ro, a little off-put.
“Thought you could get away with it,” teases Jack. “I shoulda smelled it even without you acting all weird. Why’d you hide that from me, Mr. Boyman?”
“You’re making fun of me.”
Jack’s joy falls out of his face. “Oh, um. Sorry. No, I was just playing. I’m sorry, I’ll stop. I didn’t… sorry. Um. What’s up?”
Anonymous asked: Can Jack hear (see?) us? What even are we rn?
I’ve said since the beginning that the camera system requires a suspension of disbelief at times when it’s not convenient. I describe the audience as a camera even when it doesn’t always quite make sense. For now, we’ll assume you’re a little camera clipped to Jackie’s hoodie or in his hoodie pocket, but he can still get your messages. Jack can’t see or hear you and doesn’t know you’re there.
Anonymous asked: He wasn't mocking you Ro. Anti may have used your name to belittle and hurt you, but Jack uses it to love you.
Ro flushes and ducks his head, rocking on his heels, uncomfortable. He isn’t the person Jack expects him to be, and he’s awkward on top of that, and he wants to go home.
“What’s wrong?” asks Jack, flustered.
“I just need to ask you some stuff,” mumbles Ro. “I don’t want to pretend we’re friends.”
Jack’s face falls. He doesn’t move for a second, his eyes flickering. He wraps his arms around himself in a hug, sets his mouth, and nods. “Okay… Fine. What’s up?”
Anonymous asked: It might take too long to explain everything, so maybe try saying you're worried about the others, and that it'd help to know Anti's weaknesses just in case you need to use them?
“I need to know about Anti’s weaknesses,” says Ro.
Jack looks up at him, blinking. “You just kicked his ass a week and a half ago in this year. How far in the future are you?”
“Don’t ask questions, please,” he answers quietly.
Jack rubs at his chest and adjusts his cap again. “I wish you’d tell me what’s wrong. I can help, right? Where am I in the future?”
“Not around, okay? I’m kind of… stuck. With him. I need to get out.”
“Well, it was you and Marv and JJ the other day,” says Jack. “I made sure there’s enough between the three of you to hurt him. Are Marv and JJ with you?”
“Kind of? But, come on, what did we even do to him? I don’t remember the fight well - hit my head.”
“Oh, okay.”
“You were apologizing,” says Ro. “What did you mean? When you said I’d rather he was dead?”
Jack shakes his head quickly, clasping his hands together. “JB, seriously, if that’s why you’re mad, I’m sorry, man. I’m really sorry. I can’t stop thinking about it… if I had just got my phone out and filmed it… but I let him live. He was there writhing beneath your hands, calling for me! What was I supposed to do? I know he took JJ but he’s still… he’s still…”
Jack shakes his head again, turning away. He pulls his cap lower over his eyes and hugs himself.
“You and Marv just beat him up as you would normally, I guess? Marv’s fire and you fighting him and JJ there to make sure it all went alright. And then you… you had him pinned down… you were both bleeding but Marvin had him trapped in his vines and he was too hurt to glitch away. He doesn’t have weaknesses, per say - I just made sure the five of you would be enough to defeat him if you could ever pin him down. And you did. I’m glad. I’m sorry I couldn’t finish him off.”
Anonymous asked: I don't know if telling Jack straight up that you're from a time where you're with Anti is a good idea, but perhaps getting to the point fast would be. How much time do you and JJ have left here?
“Oh, shit,” hisses Ro. “You’re right, I should have stayed with JJ. He has the clock.”
“Don’t worry about it,” says Jack quietly. “Here.”
He reaches into the pocket of his jacket and hands Jackie a clock just like JJ’s, with the little sliver of gold still counting down.
“How’d you get this? What the hell?”
“It’s not really a clock,” shrugs Jack. “Just a piece of his power. Our power. He and I can pull it out whenever we need it. But I can’t use it unless he’s nearby.”
Jack grins wryly. “Hey, I handed that power over when I made him. No use to me anyway. But when he’s close enough…”
“You can tap in.”
“Same with Blue?”
“Er, Marvin?”
“Yeah, same with Marvin. And Anti, too.”
nikkilbook asked: All five? Are we talking power of friendship here, or do Schneep and Chase have specific contributions? And does it have to be you that films it, or is it just cameras in general? Would it have to be posted on the channel?
“Anybody could hurt Anti,” says Jack. “It’s just not often that people do because he can teleport and shapeshift. And he’s vicious. And smarter than most of his enemies, though of course he acts like a fucking idiot.”
“Yeah,” says Ro. “I’ve seen him hurt before, Jack, but he never dies. I don’t understand why.”
Jack lowers his eyes, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
Anonymous asked: Maybe ask him that if one of you couldn't do it, if he thinks it would still be possible to beat him again? Because Marvin doesn't have his magic right now, so he can't use it against Anti.
“Would we be able to beat him?” asks Ro. “If we couldn’t fight him like we can now?”
“You might be able to beat him,” mumbles Jack. “Anyone could beat him, even strangers to us, but only the five of you… well. Best chance is always getting the drop on him. Otherwise you gotta muster up enough strength and power to kick his ass, and that’s a lot harder.”
Anonymous asked: Okay, that went well. You could probably tell him that in your time you need to fight him, and so his weaknesses would be good to know?
“What do I need to know, Jack?” asks Ro, beginning to get frustrated. “Don’t cut corners or bullshit me. My family’s in trouble.”
Jack steps into his space, unafraid, eyebrows drawn back in worry. “Okay, deep breaths, okay? There’s nothing special to hurting Anti. You said you’ve seen people do it before.”
“Yeah,” says Ro. “In Singapore, there was a magician who fried him with electricity for about fifteen minutes and then set the house on fire, and he still didn’t die. I’ve seen a whole pack of magicians come after him. JJ says he’s seen Anti take all sorts of blows that should be mortal. He always comes out alive.”
Jack’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t question. He grips at Ro’s hoodie as he thinks.
“Listen, JB. I’m a creator, yeah. But creation doesn’t happen alone. There’s ways to focus power. Ways to make things happen. Like how Marvin can only grow plants if there’s already seeds or bits of them deep in the ground or nearby. There’s limits. There’s ways things have to be done.”
“Be direct,” Ro demands.
“You came to be not just because of my power, but because I shared you with other people,” says Jack earnestly, squeezing at the fabric of his jacket. “When I created most of you, you were pretty clearly human, so you can die like humans do, because that’s what people expect you to do. But Anti…”
“Isn’t human.”
“And that’s obvious about him from the start.”
“So he doesn’t die like a human.”
“What does he die like?” Ro asks. “What is he then? A demon? A fairy? If you tell me then I’ll know how to kill him.”
“Right,” says Jack softly. “But that’s the thing. I… didn’t have a clear idea in mind when I created him. And I never told the audience jackshit about what he is.”
Ro stares at him, thinking.
Jack clears his throat and closes his eyes. “Anti is confined only by the story that we tell. That means two things - you can’t kill him without telling the story, without building up to it, showing it, making it believable. And, two…”
Jack’s eyes open. His mouth is tight and trembling. He looks up at Jackie.
“It has to be one of the other characters in the story who kills him.”
Ro’s stomach drops.
“It has to be one of the five of you.”
Anonymous asked: why doesn't he die?
Ro clutches at Jack’s shoulders.
He can’t help it. His brain is spinning. There’s nothing but a feeling he can’t name driving through his head, pounding against his skull, painful.
“You’re saying that Anti is immortal unless one of us kills him? One of his own brothers?”
Jack squirms a little beneath Ro’s tight grip, trying to back away, looking up at him in alarm. “Yeah. JB - ”
“And it has to be in front of a fucking audience? Like a public execution? No.”
“I made you real, but you’re characters at heart,” says Jack, panting a little as Ro squeezes tighter. “Since Anti’s not human, you have to tell the story.”
pine-storm-season asked: Would we count?
“How?” asks Ro weakly. “How can an audience be there?”
“Most of your story happened on my channel, over video.”
“On your channel?”
“Right,” says Jack, like it’s obvious.
“I… okay. So on video? Who has to see it?”
“Well, I don’t know exactly. The point would be… the point would be that the people who care about you, about these characters, about the people that you are - they would have to believe that something had changed.”
“They would have to believe that Anti had died.”
“They’d have to see Anti die. See his corpse. See - ”
“Jackie, get off!” cries Jack, shoving at his arms as Ro’s grip begins to bruise, but Ro can barely breathe. He feels himself shove Jack back against the railing of the stairs. “Jackie, it’s okay, ow, you don’t have to squeeze me like that! It’s going to be okay, alright? Tell me where I can find you in the future! I’ll remember and I’ll come get you!”
Anonymous asked: Mmmh, is there really a point to avoiding telling Jack you don't remember him? I get that you didn't want to attract too much attention on yourself but at this point he's aware you're not from now and that there's something wrong. It's probably worth a shot, no?
“I don’t even know who you are!” cries Ro, trying to make himself let go of Jack, though he only seems to feel his fingers squeezing tighter. He can feel his heart racing, fast, fast, and he sees his vision going red. “If you think that Anti should die, why don’t you put his fucking costume on and film it yourself?”
“I was going to film it when you beat him!” shouts Jack. “You had him beat, had him hurt, and I had JJ back again, where he belongs! But he’s my creation too, Jackie! He was screaming for me to save him! How was I supposed to film that? Post that? He’s my boy too! I just wanted him to stop hurting JJ! He’s gone now, why can’t we just let him go!”
“He’ll come back!” screams Ro, shaking him, hard. “He’ll come back and spend the rest of his life hurting us!”
“Tell me where you are,” chokes Jack. “JB, I’ll come get you.”
“You left us the fuck alone!”
He lets go of Jack and staggers back, letting his creator crash back against the wall, panting.
“You���re not coming, Jack. You don’t even know me anymore. You never told the story in this timeline. It’s just the people who actually cared about us who remember.”
Jack stares up at him, shaking his head. “Jackie,” he croaks. “Jackie.”
And Red wonders if it’s the same way he said his name when Max came to his door, asking him where he was, and all Jack could do was stare at him and repeat their names like memories from dreams that were never real.
nikkilbook asked: He already tortures and abuses you in front of an audience. We’re the audience, Jackie. We’ve always been the audience. He rigged the cameras this way so he could make us watch, because he thought it was funny. Let us help you. Let us make a real difference.
“No, no, no,” chants Red. “No, no, no. This is awful. I don’t care if he’s terrible sometimes. He’s my little brother. I can’t… we can’t… not like that. Is that what Blue and Dok have been planning? I can’t, I…”
He needs to go home. Needs to see Anti. Needs to get back to JJ. He races towards his little brother, rushing up the stairs, his heart throbbing so hard it hurts in his chest.
“Let’s go,” pants Red, pushing back into JJ’s room. “Let’s go right now.”
JJ looks up from his hot chocolate, wiping at his tired eyes. “The timer’s almost up. Did you find out - ”
“Don’t talk about it, Dapper!” shouts Red, slamming his hand down on the table beside his bed.
nikkilbook asked: Remember yourself, Astrifer. Even if Ro-Red-Jackie don’t feel like they can fit, you can build a new identity, starting now. You can do this, Hero.
Ro covers his face with his hands, trying to breathe.
He needs to calm down. He can’t do this again. He can’t let his emotions control him so much. Make him so despairing, make him so angry. Make him so afraid. Surely Jackie never felt like this. That’s why he was a hero and Ro isn’t.
No, no.
Even saying that is letting the self-hatred win. He has to be stronger than it.
He slumps back into the hard plastic of the hospital chair at JJ’s side. Pulls the hood up over his head and hides in it, eyes closed, hugging his body the same way Jack did.
Okay. He’s okay. He just needs to calm down. He just got a little spooked. He’s okay. If Blue were here, he’d rock him and tell him he loves him and that it’s alright to be scared. If Max were here, he’d sit with him and talk to him until the terror passed and tell him he’s not going anywhere, even if he does get too angry and too loud and too aggressive sometimes.
And JJ sits with him, and doesn’t go anywhere either.
“Shit,” whispers Ro, beginning to uncurl from his ball when five minutes have passed. “I’m sorry for yelling at you… shit. I shouldn’t have grabbed him like that either. I don’t know why I… I’m sorry.”
JJ nods quietly, staring at him.
nikkilbook asked: Out of... curiosity, what would happen if we were able to help JJ get on meds and other supports from the very beginning? Would that do anything to prevent or weaken the psychotic episode that made Jack forget them?
“No, sorry,” says JJ softly, giving you a fleeting smile. “This is the timeline where Jack did create us and does know who we are. Nothing we do here will change the present. But thank you for thinking of me.”
Anonymous asked: You know the truth Ro. Anti is not, and never has been, your brother. You know the truth of brotherhood, and you've been there every time he's broken it.
It’s a truth that both of them are still struggling to grasp. It cuts Ro deep. He’s made Anti his whole life - his protection, his leadership, his service. But he’s known for a long time that his little brother does not love him. He’s told him things like that to his face, but Red still stays, because he wants to believe something different. The thought that all of this time and this life and this love that he’s given to Anti was for nothing is almost worse than if he had been trying to escape this whole time.
I gave myself over to this monster. I loved him. I never should have. We have to get away from him or I will never stop finding excuses for him.
For JJ’s part, what you’re saying is the truth of not just the last year, but of his whole existence. There was never anything but Anti. JJ tried for years to love him, and it was never enough. A part of him - fuck, more than a part of him - wishes desperately that he could still change his brother. Beneath his anger and his hurt, he just wishes that he had ever been enough to make Anti love him back. Maybe he did, time to time, but it never lasts.
Anonymous asked: Red, I know, bud. I know it's a really fucking hard thing to think about. I wouldn't want to kill any of my little siblings either. But killing Anti could save the life of Dok, or Trick, or Blue, or Jamie, it might be that for one of them to live Anti has to die. I'm sorry, Red, I know this is incredibly hard. And it doesn't have to happen now, okay? No one says you have to go back to your time and kill him immediately. But you might have to later, Red, love, and I'm sorry you do.
“Even if I don’t kill him,” whispers Red, whispers Ro, whispers Jackie. “We still have to go. Like I promised you. I’ll get you away from him. Okay?”
“Okay,” answers JJ despondently. “Okay.”
“I really shouldn’t have grabbed Jack. He asked me to stop and I didn’t even listen. If someone did that to me I’d lose it. I’ve got to go tell him I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have much time.”
nikkilbook asked: You are not to blame for choosing to love him. Either of you. He is wrong for choosing to hurt you with it.
“You know what? You’re fucking right. Especially because he’s a goddamn hypnotist. I just… I don’t understand why he would go to all this trouble of making us feel this way for him if he didn’t really want to love us back. We could be a real family… why not just kill us? I - ”
He catches sight of Jack, still sitting in the stairway, right where Red left him.
His face is covered by his hands. His glasses are abandoned on the ground beside him. He doesn’t move.
Red steps down towards him, mouth opening, but no words come out.
He stands above Jack for a long minute. His creator never moves.
Ro sits down beside him and touches his arm.
Jack lets his head fall against Jackie’s shoulder, face still hidden, crying quietly into his hands. And it’s only now that Ro sees just how tired he is - it’s in the curve of his shoulders, the bow of his legs, the subtle shaking of his fingers.
“Have you… been staying up with JJ at the hospital?” asks Ro softly.
“Don’t want to let Anti get him again,” whispers Jack. “Don’t want him to get any of you again. But now I know I can’t protect you. It’s my fault. I should have killed him when he was crying for me. It’s my fault.”
Anonymous asked: Jack? I don't know if you can see this, if so Red maybe tell him, but Jack, it's not your fault for being kind enough to spare him. I'm sorry that he took that and used it against the others, but Jack, you are not to blame for letting him go. You couldn't know what was going to happen. You're not to blame.
“Hey,” says Jackie, taking his hand in his own, drawing it away from his face. Jack looks up at him with Anti’s eyes. It makes Ro’s heart hurt.
“I’m sorry, buddy,” says Jack, eyes red, voice rasping. “I should never have let this happen.”
And Red wants to tell him a million things, everything you’ve told him to say and more. Things like “it’s not your fault” and “it’s not wrong that you loved him, that you didn’t want to kill him, I feel the same way” and “I know I wasn’t very nice, but I hope you know that I have wondered about you for the longest time and that, even though it hurt, I think meeting you just this once fixed something inside of me - ”
But it’s too late.
Time’s up.
“Jack,” says Red, and then he’s gone.
Anonymous asked: Did any time pass at all? Are we back to the bathtub?
You are back in the bathtub.
Ro struggles for a second, spasming against the ropes that bind him before he realizes his situation and surroundings and forces himself to quiet again, shaking with the pain of his aching muscles and the discomfort of being bound and wet.
That’s when he becomes aware of the screaming.
“Hey, wake up!” Anti shrieks, shaking Dapper’s shoulders. “My little brother, my little brother!”
Time has passed.
Dapper is unconscious, bleeding from his nose - he has been for several minutes.
“What’s wrong with you?” Anti tears the collar off his throat and cradles him against his chest. “He was fine! I was watching, he was fine! Dapper! Jamie!”
“Anti,” begins Red shakily.
“Shut up!” screams Anti. “This is your fucking fault for stealing his medicine! Get the fuck out of my sight! Carver, Monochroma!”
Red yelps as the rope around his body combusts into a short burst of flame, singeing his legs and his blue hoodie.
Anonymous asked: Red? Dap? You guys okay?
Red is shaken and hurting, but no worse than he has been the rest of the night. He still desperately, desperately wants to get out, get a shower, put on clean clothes, and just sleep, but now his little brother is weak.
Dapper has gone frigid pale, but then he’s always so white. This nosebleed is worse than most of his casual ones. It’s like a vessel has popped in his nose, sending streams of red dribbling down his mustache and beard and all the way down to his shirt. Ro thinks he sees him twitch for a moment, his eyes flickering, and he wonders if it’s safer for Dapper to be unconscious as long as his eyes are silver anyway. He recovered alright last time, didn’t he? But he’s still so black and blue from the night before, still wheezing and trapped in Anti’s arms…
“I said get out!” shouts Anti, throwing a shampoo bottle hard at Ro’s head. Ro startles and leaps out of the tub, retreating to the doorway of the bathroom.
Anonymous asked: red, can you go? i don't trust anti at all, but he sounds actually worried for dapper and so i think you should leave him be, i don't think dapper will get hurt worse.
“Okay, okay,” he pants, backing out of the room. “Just… keep an eye on him for me.”
Dripping water, he races away and down the stairs, casting one glance back at that room at the top of the hall. The door slams shut and locks.
Anonymous asked: anti, is he okay?
“Well, I don’t know, I don’t know what went wrong!” he cries, sweeping Dapper into his arms and rising like he weighs nothing. “It’s not catatonia, it’s not a concussion, he’s breathing alright… shit, Dap, what were you doing? Oh, fuck’s sake, this is cracked, and not in the good way.”
He’s gripping at Dapper’s side, feeling the shifting of his ribs.
“Goddamn, goddamn… I barely threw him around! He’ll have to rest. I’ll tape it. It will hurt for a long time, but he’s still breathing well enough. Nothing punctured. Come here, my doll, lie down…”
Anonymous asked: do you think this might be his body shutting down from getting hurt, or something?
“It’s because he time-traveled,” mumbles Red from the bottom of the stairs, looking up at locked door. “Going back a day or so - he can do that maybe a half-dozen times without it knocking him out. But going back so far… it’s like in Colombia, when he passed out afterwards. It takes a lot out of him.”
Ro sighs and rubs at his face, stepping into the hallway, looking around. Everything is so quiet. Where are the others?
“Think I’m going to get a shower,” he mumbles. “I’m gross and exhausted.”
Anonymous asked: Anti, do you know how to help him?
Anti grits his teeth in frustration and turns away from you, setting Dapper down in their bed. He sinks into the mattress and the pillows as Anti pulls the blankets over him and strokes his knuckle down the side of his face, his own expression twisting with fear and anger and exhaustion all at once.
“Why do you keep causing me so much trouble?” he growls, though his voice breaks halfway through. He grabs Dapper’s unmoving face between his fingers, trembling with the urge to squeeze until he leaves bruises. He forces himself to let go instead, sinking down onto his knees beside him. “You used to be so good for me. We never fought. I never had to discipline you. Why did this fall apart…”
He growls again and strikes his own face like he’s waking himself up, letting a shiver run up his spine and then, with a soft sigh that ruffles the bedsheets, letting his head sink onto the bed beside his brother, and closing his eyes.
Dapper’s eyes flicker, showing blue and silver. Anti is lying beside him, touching his hand. It hurts Dapper’s heart.
Anonymous asked: Red, you doing alright?
“Um, no, everything sucks and I’m probably going to lose it later and just… I just need a break. From all this. Hey, at least Blue’s not in bed. Worried about him sleeping so much. Don’t tell him I’m upset. I’m just getting a shower, okay? See you guys later. And… thanks for the help.”
He leaves you on his bed and heads into the bathroom, stripping off his clothes for the hamper as he goes.
Anonymous asked: Is Dap still out?
Anti’s eyes slide open as Dapper’s fingers curl around his own.
They look at each other. Dapper’s eyes, barely open, are tired and silent. He’s joyless lately. He’s numb.
“Where’d my little boy go?” mumbles Anti, pressing his forehead against their joined hands.
Dapper closes his eyes again. The wind is brushing against the screen over their window. The trees sway outside. A clock is ticking.
“Look,” says Anti. “I… I didn’t think about how Dark would scare you. Alright? I should have. I just wanted to see them again. I didn’t do it on purpose to make you upset. I didn’t realize you were still upset about them. I could have asked.”
Dapper blinks, opening his eyes to look at him.
“Dap. I’m sorry.”
Dapper’s mouth parts. He glances away, awake now. Anti doesn’t look up from their hands.
“When I said I wanted us to be friends again,” he mumbles, quiet and begrudging. “I meant it.”
Dapper touches his side, his bruised face darkening with unhappiness and hurt - and something deeper, too.
Anonymous asked: Are you more hurt than before, dap, or is it just still hurting?
“I’m more tired than before,” he admits, drawing his hand gently away from Anti’s. “That’s all.”
“Maybe you just needed a second out,” sighs Anti. “But I couldn’t wake you up. Just rest. You’re such a fucking… I just… just… just rest.”
Dapper nods, not sure what to say.
“I didn’t mean for you to get really hurt. I was just mad. Don’t do that again.”
Anonymous asked: Anti, you're calm now? Not gonna hurt anyone at the moment?
“Why don’t you fuck off,” sneers Anti, turning to you, but Dapper takes his hand and pulls his attention back.
“Yeah, we’re done,” mutters Anti, nuzzling back into his hand. “Quiet time, whatever. We’re going to stay up here and watch the trees so Dark doesn’t try to pull shit tonight. Tonight or tomorrow, I expect. We’re just resting.”
Anonymous asked: Don't fall for his same old excuse Jamie. "I was just angry" doesn't cut it this time. Don't forgive him this time, he could have killed you and Ro.
“Look, you shouldn’t have taken that medicine.”
“I just didn’t want to be - ”
“You have to listen to me, Dap! I wasn’t going to let anything actually happen to you.”
Dapper sighs, shaking his head. Anti squirms, frustrated, and gets to his feet. He touches Dapper’s beard and strokes his fingers through the short hairs. Carver looks up at him, his body aching.
“It’s been hard sleeping without you,” says Anti.
Dapper purses his mouth, but he nods. It’s been hard for him too.
Anonymous asked: He used love as a tool of manipulation. The main reason he bothered with love, with the brother and twin hierarchy, was to ensure you never left him and went back to Jack, was to ensure you never stood up for your true family, to solidify the deaths of your sense of self.
Manipulation. Tools. Weaponry. Love.
The slow death of self.
Red stands in the shower and thinks about it, head bowed, the water running down his skin.
But for Dapper - for JJ, for Carver, for Monochroma - there never was any self before Anti. There was never anyone to go back to.
“You have to be nicer to me if you want to be friends,” he protests weakly. “You can’t keep hurting me.”
“I… I’m sorry about the cracked rib too,” says Anti. “Okay? Fuck. I shouldn’t have fucked around with your medication in the first place. It was stupid. I’m sorry. But you can’t just disobey me either. You’re rebellious by nature because we’re cut from the same cloth, Dap. You and me - we’re the same. But at the same time, I’m big brother, and I’m the one who has to be in charge. Sometimes you make things so hard from me… I’ve been trying to make amends and it’s like you threw it back in my face. We’re supposed to be brothers. You know I don’t have anyone without you… not really.”
Dapper’s eyes water. He turns away, closing his eyes.
Anti sighs, a slight whimper in the noise. He puts a hand on Dapper’s side to be mindful of his ribs, and then he crawls into the bed beside him, and - carefully, carefully - wraps himself around his baby brother.
“Why you’re crying?” he whispers, stroking his hair. “It’s okay now. I’m sorry. I am. I’m right here.”
But Dapper doesn’t know why he’s crying. It’s not even because of the pain of every part of his body being coated in bruising. He doesn’t know.
“You have to stop hurting me, Anti, I don’t understand, I try to be good… I love you, I do, I…”
Anti listens to him. Pressed against his body. Rocking him gently against the bed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
He holds him for a long time.
“You’re tired. Sleep. We’ll rest. I’ll watch. Go to sleep.”
Anti lays his body down against the bed, pushing the pillows beneath him and tucking him in. He strokes Dapper’s beard, staring at him.
“I love you,” he whispers, his eyes closing, like it’s not a truth he can admit while looking him in the face.
Dapper closes his eyes too, hot with tears. The pressure on the bed beside him could just as well be Jack, watching over him in the hospital, but it isn’t.
It never is.
He’s so tired.
“I love you too,” he signs, and JJ lets his head rest against his brother’s.
Anonymous asked: Trick, Blue, Dok, are you three still alright?
You can find Trick and Dok dozing on the couch downstairs. Trick’s been talking to him and trying to ground him for a few hours now, and he’s exhausted from the emotional toil - but he still figures he’s doing better than his twin, who is only just now coming back from his panic.
At least Dok looks cozy and content now. Trick’s wrapped him up in blankets and made him a cup of the coffee he gave him for Christmas. Dok is so enamored with the smell he hasn’t even bothered to drink any yet. He sits breathing in the smell and holding the warm mug in his hands, his knees drawn up to his chest and his eyes sleeping. Trick lies down on the couch beside him. They haven’t seen Blue in a while when Trick hears his footsteps coming down the stairs.
Anonymous asked: Blue? Dok? Where are you guys? Is everything okay?
“Trick,” says Blue softly, padding towards him.
“Hmmmm,” hums Trick, lounging beside his brother. He lets his eyes slide open and finds himself very suddenly wide awake.
“Blue? Why do you have…?”
He trails off, staring up at him.
Blue holds the big kitchen knife limply in his left hand.
“I was thinking about cutting myself,” he says.
His voice is very dull. His face is numb. He barely looks at Trick. Like he’s seeing right through him.
“But then I thought I should tell somebody.”
“Oh,” says Trick. “Good… good job. Telling. Yeah. Can I have that?”
Blue lets him take the knife from him. Trick is stammering too much to speak. Dok takes a long drink of his coffee and lets out a deep, contented sigh, his eyes glazed.
“Dok looks better,” says Blue, turning to head back up the stairs.
“Come here, bud, come here,” gasps Trick, finding his voice. “Hang out with us a while, yeah, love?”
“Okay, Tricky.”
Anonymous asked: Blue, you ok?
Blue squints at the camera.
“They asked if you’re okay,” Trick manages.
Blue looks at him like he doesn’t understand the question. Trick reaches out and grips his hand tightly, drawing him down to sit with them.
“What’s, uh. Are you… What’s going on?” asks Trick shakily.
“Not much,” answers Blue. “How ‘bout you?”
“We’re… we’re… Blue, what’s going on?”
“Not much, Trick.”
Trick scrapes at his hair, gritting his teeth in his mouth. “Blue, why were you going to cut yourself? Please help me understand?”
Blue stares down at the silver gleam of the blade in his brother’s hand.
“I was just in the bathroom and I thought maybe it would help. But then I thought, I have to tell someone, because that’s not right.”
“I’m glad you told me.”
“Well, yeah, you’re my darling,” says Blue. At last, Trick hears a little emotion in his voice: fondness. But still no fear or distress. He’s just… numb.
“I just wanted to check,” says Blue.
“Check what?”
“That the blood… that the blood is mine,” answers Blue bizarrely, touching Trick’s cheek. “Oh, dear… I’m feeling a little faint. I’m really far away from you. I don’t know where I am.”
“Roll your pants up a little and let me check you didn’t hurt yourself.”
Blue obeys, unperturbed. His thighs and stomach and arms are all untouched. Trick grips at his shoulder, massaging his muscles, and Blue relaxes a little.
“You like to be touched when you’re like this, right?” asks Trick, because he doesn’t know what else to say.
Blue nods, eyes flickering. Trick pushes towards him and wraps him arms tightly, tightly around him, kissing his cheek and pressing their bodies close together. He can feel his own chest shaking. He doesn’t want to get triggered, but he won’t leave Blue alone.
Anonymous asked: Blue, if you're interested to know, Anti just kicked out Red of the bathroom he chained him in. It's, uh, it's good news yeah?
Blue sighs through his nose, humming a little.
“Better a bathroom than flesh to keep us. Still stuck, though. Still stuck. I’m in the walls of this house. Or nowhere at all.”
You hear Trick swear quietly against him, but he just holds him tighter, rubbing circles into his shoulder with his thumb.
“Hey,” somebody whispers, but Dok is really too tired to care who.
“Mpf,” he replies, letting his head lull over to the other side of the couch. This has the chain reaction of stirring Blue from his sleep, but he too only flops back onto the arm of the couch.
The hand that reaches down to brush Dok’s shoulder is warm. He hears a tired little laugh. “Come on, Schneep, wake up.”
“Mmffff…. I’m up, I’m up. Trick?”
“It’s Roser.”
“Where’s Trick?”
“I waited til he went upstairs to cook you guys some dinner. I need to talk to you.”
Dok tries to rouse himself at last, shoving his glasses back up his nose and turning to look at Red. “What’s going on?”
There are eyes crossed out on your cameras. Ro has turned Anti’s sight away. They don’t have long before he notices.
“Dok,” says Red, looking him in the eyes. “Have you really been planning to kill Anti?”
Adrenaline pours into Dok’s blood and he chokes, sitting up quickly on the couch, drawing his knees to his chest. He’s going to flip out. He’s going to scream. He’s going to cry again.
“Red, Red,” he gasps, hiding his face from him. “Don’t punish me.”
“Fuck, Dok, no, no, I won’t, I swear, I just… I just need to know. Schneep, don’t cry…”
“He said he’s going to kill me,” sobs Henrik. “In a couple days. He said he’s done with me, he’ll murder me. I’m scared, I don’t want to die.”
“Okay,” says Red quietly, and it’s shocking enough that he doesn’t freak out himself that it makes Henrik almost stop, looking up at him in surprise, sniffling. Red touches the back of his head. “Okay, come on, then. I want you to go get your shoes on.”
“Blue’s not well,” answers Red, drawing away from him. Dok sees a backpack stuffed full on his back, his shoes already on his feet, Blue’s cane in his hand. “And you’re in trouble. Come on. We’re going to the hospital.”
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Park Jinyoung NSFW A-Z Rated 18+
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The only time Jinyoung submits and does whatever you ask of him is after the two of you make love. He is very attentive whenever it comes to aftercare and wants to make sure you’re well taken care of before either of you goes to sleep. He’ll start up a shower for the both of you but if you’re too much in pain, he’ll run you a bath. Once the two of you are done if it doesn’t end in round two then Jinyoung will blow dry your hair and change you in to one of his shirts. In my opinion, Jinyoung portrays himself to be a very strict and assertive person, but he’s extremely soft whenever it comes to you.
B-Body Part
Your neck. Jinyoung has made it known that the most attractive body part on a woman is the back of her neck. This man will purposely buy you a bunch of necklaces because he loves how elegant and classy they look on you. He also makes it known that he loves it whenever you put your hair up in a bun or a ponytail because not only can he see your pretty little face better, but because he loves looking at the back of your nape. To your dismay, he has a habit of leaving love bites all along your neck but seeing you marked up is such a turn on to him. He wants people to know your bed is spoken for.
He loves coming inside of you. This man is a huge fan of hitting it raw. Feeling your tight, velvety walls clench around him drives Jinyoung insane. Something about releasing his load inside of you excites him, especially if the two of you come together. However, he will only have raw sex with someone he’s in a relationship with. With that being said, if the two of you are just hooking up, he’ll come on your stomach or on your ass. It all depends on the position. If you’re sucking him off, he’ll pull out before he comes and paint your face with his warm, creamy liquid. You’ve scolded him for it a couple of times, but he makes jokes about your face being a blank canvas and his dick being the paintbrush.
D-Dom or sub
DOM. Don’t get me started. I just know this man is a dom, have you seen the way he controls JB and sometimes takes on the leader roll? Even around Jackson, Yugyeom and BamBam, he makes it known whose in charge. He’s no different whenever it comes to the bedroom. I personally get sadist vibes from him. He loves hearing you beg, loves edging you and bringing you to the peak of your climax only to stop you from orgasming. The fucker will even get you to cry from pleasure and not being able to come. If the two of you get in to an argument, good luck. Angry sex with Jinyoung is a mind blowing experience. He will degrade you, will literally fuck the shit out of you and if you really upset him, he’ll make you chase your own high. However, if you’re a good girl, he’ll give you what you deserve.
He knows exactly what he’s doing. I feel like he isn’t opposed to having one night stands, but he prefers to make love rather than just having sex. The longer the two of you are together, the better the sex gets. He’s very confident whenever it comes to making love; he knows exactly what to do to make you scream, to beg for more. The scratches you leave on his back are proof of how good he really is. However, he constantly asks for reassurance. He wants to make sure you’re having as much fun as he is.
F-Favorite position
Cowgirl. He loves watching you ride him. Just because you’re on top means nothing to him; he’s a power bottom. Seeing your breasts bounce as you sink up and down on his dick drives this man wild. If he feels you slowing down; whether it’s because you’re close, tired, or trying to tease him, he will roughly thrust himself inside of you. Hearing your ass clap against his pelvis every time you sit back down on him is one of his favorite sounds. He also enjoys hiding his face in your neck and biting down gently on your skin when he’s about to come. If he’s feeling adventurous, he will bring one of your titties in to his mouth.
I don’t know if it’s because I feel like he’s such a classy guy (not that the other members aren’t they’re all so proper and I’m sure their hygiene is A1) but I feel like Jinyoung is completely bare down there. He’s so clean-cut and I feel like he’d want everything about him to be up-kept. Like, he has no tattoos, no piercings and not once did he ever color his hair anything other than a lighter shade of brown and I feel it’s because he wants to keep up the “innocent” and “proper” status. However, he doesn’t force you to do the same. He doesn’t care what you look like down there, he will go down on you regardless.
He’ll throw in a couple of jokes here and there; but for the most part he likes to keep a sensual and romantic atmosphere when it comes down to it. But if a joke that he heard pops in to his mind, or if he comes up with a pick up line while he’s pounding himself inside of you, he’ll blurt it out earning himself a soft chuckle from you. However, the playful banter never really interrupts your love making sessions and sometimes it makes it all the more enjoyable.
Making love to you is one of his favorite past times. Especially if the two of you haven’t seen each other in a while. Although he’s not a fan of pda in public, it’s a whole different thing when the two of you are alone. He’s clingy to the tenth degree. Even when the two of you are making love, he always has to be touching you, kissing you, holding you; anything that will remind him that you are real and not a figment of his imagination. Jinyoung is a huge fan of cuddling especially when the two of you are naked. Although the two of you can be doing your own things, he always wants you around.
J-Jack off
Going back to his sadistic ways, if you make him mad, or if he is jealous even if it isn’t your fault he will give himself a hand job in front of you and you’re not allowed to touch him at all. Jinyoung prefers the real thing over masturbation, but if he’s on tour or filming a movie and you aren’t around to help him, he’ll help himself find release. However, he’ll face time you or have you send him some nudes to bring him closer to his end.
Since he’s obsessed with your neck and because he’s the definition of dominant, he has a huge choking kink. The first time he wrapped his hands around your neck was an accident but when you clenched around him and got even tighter after the ministration, he knew it was going to be a reoccurring thing (with your consent of course). He even finds him playfully choking you when the two of you aren’t even having sex but it usually ends up in steamy and passionate love making sooner or later. Daddy kink. He loves being called daddy, especially when he’s eating you out. You have a habit of chanting it as he fucks you doggy style, so he’ll make sure to be rough with every plunge. It’s just as much of a turn on as hearing you beg is. Role play. There’s a catch to this, the two of you have to plan the role play before you have sex. One time you surprised him and bought a sexy nurse outfit with intentions of “nursing him back to health” since he was so exhausted with his back to back schedules and the two of you had such a wild time. Since that night, he’s bought you a few more outfits and even a couple of toys to make the experience all the more fun. Exhibitionism. Jinyoung loves watching the two of you having sex. He purposely chose an apartment with mirrors on the closet doors so he could watch himself fucking you. Both you and Jinyoung even agreed with filming your own home videos to watch whenever you were in the mood but weren’t together.
He is a very private person, so sex usually happens in the bedroom or in the shower. However, if there’s a situation where the two of you are out in public and you happen to turn him on by what you are wearing, he won’t be able to make it to the bedroom and end up fucking you up against the refrigerator or up against the kitchen counter.
Loves hearing you beg. It’s what gets him off. In Jinyoung’s eyes, you are the most delicate flower and he wants nothing more than to give you the world you deserve. However, something about hearing you beg for him to fuck your mouth or to blow your back out knowing the softspoken and shy person you are gets his eyes rolling to the back of his head. To your dismay, even if you do whatever he tells you to, he won’t give you what you wants just because he loves it when you beg.
He is a fan of BDSM, but only when it comes to you. You will never get this man to submit, no matter how much you ask and try to bribe him in to it. There was only one time he allowed you to dom him, and it was on your birthday. As hot as it was having you handcuff him to the bed, he hated not being in control. He also hates not being able to see and he’s sure you feel the same way, so absolutely no blindfolds. And no teasing. At all. If you’re going down on him, he will shove himself down your throat before you can even think about teasing him.
The only time you will get this man to beg, is when his cock is in your mouth. He loves face fucking; seeing you on your knees as his dick goes in and out of your mouth is one of his favorite sights. He knows that it must hurt, so he tries his best not to go too fast however; feeling how tight and warm your mouth is, he can’t help but want to thrust himself down your throat at a rapid pace. So he’ll ask if you can swallow him completely and if he can go faster. Prefers receiving head over giving it, but that’s only because of how good you are at blowing him. That doesn’t mean he won’t return the favor. Jinyoung is very generous when it comes to sex and he eats you out almost every single time you make love to one another. He’s gone down on you enough to know where to lick and suck that will get you screaming.
Depends on the situation. If he’s angry, hasn’t seen you in a while or he knows he’s going away for a couple of weeks, he won’t go easy on you. The two of you actually had to go out and purchase a new headboard because of how fast and hard your last few love making sessions have been. But if things are a bit more passionate and sensual and the both of you have time, he’ll take things slow. He prefers being able to love on your body and taking his time with you.
He’s not opposed to them, but if the two of you are able to, he would prefer making love to you. If you just so happened to turn him on, he’ll ask you to either blow him or jack him off and he’ll fuck you up against a wall if time permits him to. But if there is a situation where you turn him on and he knows you both are heading home right afterwards, he’ll just wait till then. In fact, it makes the sex even more hotter and eventful.
Since he is at the peak of his career with being an idol and an actor, he has no plans of having kids as of right now. He’ll suggest that you go on birth control but only if you want to. However, he makes it known that he can’t wait to settle down and start a family with you when the time comes. Also, like I’ve mentioned earlier, since Jinyoung is a very private guy, he won’t have sex where anyone could walk in on the two of you. As kinky the idea is of having someone see the two of you fucking, he doesn’t want anyone seeing you naked and in your erotic element other than himself.
For someone who is constantly working, he has a very high sex drive. He just loves sex and he loves you. So even if he had a very exhausting day filled with multiple schedules, he’ll gain energy by just the thought of burying himself in between your thighs. He can go multiple rounds if you’re up for it. If anything, you’re the one that has a hard time keeping up with him.
He was scrolling on social media one day when he just so happened to stumble upon a remote controlled vibrator and he was quick to purchase it. As soon as it arrived, he couldn’t wait to use it on you. When he showed you what he bought, you were nervous yet very intrigued and put it inside of you. The two of you went out for lunch that day and let’s just say you had to take your food to go because you were over-stimulated and he got hard watching your fucked out expressions. Best purchase ever.
Won’t let you come unless he tells you to. Jinyoung will make you work for your orgasms. Sometimes begging isn’t even enough for him. One time you threatened him by saying you’d call one of his friends to help you find your release which ended up with you calling out sick from work that week because you were in so much pleasurable pain and couldn’t feel your legs.
He tends to bite his lip or hide his face in your neck to prevent himself from being loud but your name will fall from his lips like a mantra whenever you ride him. You can also expect a few curses, animalistic grunts and a couple of breathy moans when you’re sucking him dry and if he’s hitting it from the back, he’ll whisper dirty things in your ear and praise you for how well you’re taking him.
W-Wild card
He has a secret folder in his phone of all the nudes he’s either taken of you or that you’ve sent to him on top of some homemade videos and audio and he finds himself looking through them while he’s away and even if you’re together. He’s just obsessed with your beauty and thinks you’re an actual goddess. Thinks you’re the most beautiful when you’re naked. Might or might not have a few nude polaroids of you in his wallet.
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You and Jinyoung have sex almost every single day, if not every other day. The only time he really wants sex is when he can’t have it. So whenever he’s away, that’s when he craves to be inside of you.
Although his schedules run him dry of all his energy, he’s a sucker for pillow talk. No matter how many rounds the two of you go, you can expect him to stay up for at least an hour so that the two of you can catch up on life. He doesn’t like falling asleep too early because he already feels like he doesn’t get to see you enough and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
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writersdaydream · 4 years
Lotus Inn
Daniel Seavey x OC (Kora King)
Requested: No 
word count: 1.8k
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 Not my gif
With a final groan, the radio cut and the car had finally given up on us. “I told you we should have gotten it looked at” I said to my best friend sitting in the passenger seat. Knowing I was right, all she could do was glare my way and unbuckle her seatbelt. “Yeah, yeah, now help me push this to the side” she said. I put the car into neutral and got out to help her move the piece of shit to the curb.
“You have your CAA card right?” She asked as we started slowly pushing the car, “mom never lets me leave without it” I said. “Man, why did this have to happen? We’re literally in the middle of our trip” she moaned, trying to push the car with me. “Need I remind you, I told you to check what the engine light was all about” I groaned with her. We were barely making any progress, but after a few minutes we finally got the car to a safe-ish position on the side of the road. “Let’s just call CAA yeah? See if we can’t get ourselves to a motel or some shit” she said, leaning on the boot of the car.
40 or so minutes of waiting in the heatwave, we finally saw the tow truck. “Is there anywhere I can drop you girls off?” The driver said as we grabbed our bags out of the trunk. Ella and I looked at each other, we had reservations at a hotel that we were nowhere close too. “Not unless you’re willing to drive us 4 more hours to our hotel” she joked, earning a laugh from the worker infront of us. “That’s a bit out of my pay range, but I know a place I can take you – always looking for new customers” he said. With no other options in site, we climbed into his car and were soon on our way to the mystery location.
“Here you are girls, Lotus inn, best local hotel on this side of the coast.” “Thank you for all your help, we really appreciate it” Ella said handing the man a 50. “No problem, we’ll get back to you on how much the car will be – hopefully you’ll be able to make the rest of your trip with no issues.” We nodded to him in gratitude and with that we went our separate ways.
“This place looks pretty nice” Ella commented, “yeah, let’s hope its in our price range” I tell her.
Surprisingly, we were able to book a room for a while – having enough money and having to splurge some what into the emergency stash we took. “Well, considering we can’t make it to anything else – feel like going to the pool for a while?” I offered once we settled. “Why not, maybe find something to do” she agreed.
The pool was near empty, people were lounging about – sunbathing, drinking and not a single kid in sight. “Did we get lucky?” I asked plopping myself on one of the lounge chairs. The two of us laid in silence, trying to decompress from the day we just had, I on the other hand was just excited to be out of the passenger seat after 5 hours. “Hey, don’t look now but that guy across the pool is totally checking you out” she said, I looked at her – but due to her sun glasses I couldn’t tell if she was bluffing or not. Deciding to investigate for my self, I flipped to my back and looked across the water – sure enough, a group of five guys were across from us and the bleach blonde one was subtly looking in our direction. “What do you think, out of 10?” I say looking at her. She glanced up once more and then back to her book ���I give him a solid 9” she said.
I laughed at her response and headed to the bar. “Hey, two cranberry vodkas please” I tell the server, however I was trying to see if the blonde had followed me or not, sure enough – when I looked one more time, he left his friends and started making his way to the bar. Wanting to talk to him, I took a seat, placing my foot on the one next to me.
“This seat taken?” He asked putting his glasses on his head. I couldn’t help but smirk when he came by – totally a ten in my books. “Not at all” I tell him, grabbing my drinks from the bartender. “So I couldn’t help but notice you from across the pool” he told me, placing his arms on the bar in front of himself. “Oh, so you weren’t just checking out my ass?” I tease him, biting my lip. “Couldn’t help it, you caught my eye” he admitted smiling at me. “I’m Kora, my friends Ella” I tell him, “Daniel. I’ll introduce you to my friends later” he says.
Conversation flowed easily between the two of us, that was until Ella came up and interrupted us. “I take it that’s for me?” She asks referring to the second cran vodka sitting between us. “Oh, shit sorry, uh Ella this is Daniel. He’s in a band” I say emphasizing the last fact. She wasn’t surprised however, “and you say you don’t have a type” she mutters nudging my shoulders. “So what brings you two to the Lotus inn?” He asks, including her in the conversation. “Her car broke down, sort of a last-minute kind of thing – you?” I ask looking him in the eyes. “Me and the guys come here a lot, sort of a hidden gem to everyone, great for a get away once in a while” he said. “Hey Daniel, we gotta go” a taller boy with curler hair said coming up to us. “So much for a getaway – hey we’ll see you at the bonfire tonight right?” He asked pointing to a poster hung up behind the bar. I look to my best friend but before she can refuse anything I agree. “Cool, here’s my number by the way.” He writes 10 digits on a napkin before leaving with the curly haired boy.
Later that night as we get ready for the bonfire Ella cannot stop with all the questions about Daniel. “What’s he like? You guys were literally there for 40 minutes. Is he sweet? Does he seem like a douche bag?” I can’t help but laugh at her – its been way too long since she’s seen her boyfriend and now she’s living right through me. “He seems really authentic? I guess I can say, I mean, we literally lost track of time. He’s so charming” I say as I finish curling my hair. “Well what are you going to wear? You gotta wow him” she says going through my clothes. “I’m going to wear a this set and we’re going to go” I say pulling my outfit out for myself. “I’m not going to dress up for someone I just met and will probably see ever again” I tell her, “boo, you’re no fun” she said shuffling over to her own bag.
The sun had started to set by time we make it to the bonfire. Everything is in full swing, but I don’t see Daniel anywhere or the guys he was with. “Come on! Let’s grab something to drink!” I turn to Ella and she places a lei on my neck as well as handed me some glowsticks. “Where in the world did you get these already?” I asked sliding them to wear as bracelets “It’s a bonfire! They’re just being handed out!”
The guys were taking their sweet time getting ready for the bonfire and I was getting impatient, wanting to get out their and meet up with Kora already. “Dude chill have some pre-drink” Corbyn said handing me a red solo cup. “What are you guys even doing? Let’s just go” I said, chugging the beer.
After some more complaining we finally made our way to the bonfire and I found Kora and Ella dancing in front of the fire almost immediately. I stayed with the boys while they grabbed some drinks. Kora looked over at me and winked, earning a blush – which she would never hear about. “That her?” Zach asked as I handed him a beer, “yeah with the flower necklace on” I tell him. I couldn’t help but just watch her for a while, she looked absolutely perfect swaying her hips to the music playing loudly. I downed my drink and went to grab another one when I felt someone grab my wrist. Looking back I saw Kora with a big smile on her face. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked bringing me to the dance floor, “just admiring the view” I whisper in her ear. I noticed the shiver roll down her spine. “you keep talking like that and I think we both know how this night is going to end” she said.
Kora handed me her drink as Elle came up to give her a refill and grabbed my free hand. I slowly twirled her around and brought her back to my front, keeping her with me and telling other guys to fuck off. “So mr. Rockstar – I take it I’m yours for the rest of the night?” She whispered in my ears, “I mean, if you’ll take me” I tell her.
Elle and the boys soon crowd around us making a semi circle. I can’t seem to look away from Kora however, the sunset hits her face just perfectly. Her eyes are highlighted by the golden rays and she’s glowing. “It’s getting dark – do you guys want to get out of here?” Zach suggested to everybody. “Yeah, we don’t have anywhere to be in the morning” Ella said for us – clearly smitten with the brunette beside her.
We all take some booze from the party and make it back to our suite. “Shit you guys rich or something?” Ella jokes as Zach takes her hand leading her to the couch. “I mean, Daniel did say they are a band” Kora said, her hand never leaving mine. We all disperse around the living room; Jonah setting up spotify on the tv, Corbyn grabbing some glasses, Zach with Ella, Jack with Corbyn and Kora always by my side. “So, we partying or what?” Jonah asked as the music started playing.
The next few hours are spent with booze flowing, jokes being made and games being played. It was only midnight, and a few more people showed up making the hotel room a little crowded. I had opened the door to let the salty sea air cool us all down, and looked towards Kora.
She made her way to me and grabbed my hand. “Baby, come with me” she said leading me out the doorway.
  To be continued?....
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and wilbur - racing across the sea
requested: yes/no
part 8 of the great adventures series
warning: cursing, anxiety about the sea
ever since the argument you and tubbo had become inseparable, he practically lived with you and your parents at this point, and your community was loving it. everytime one of you would stream, tens of thousands of people would tune into your stream to see what madness was going on and today was no different. the pair of you decided to stream a laugh and the stream ends challenge. safe to say you ended up changing the rules several times, you even made ranboo join the stream so you could have extra lives. not long after the stream ended you, ranboo, and tubbo practically dominated the twitter trending page. today however was tubbos last day at yours and shortly after you ended stream, the pair of you headed out to the train station so you could make sure your best friend made it onto the train safely. after you said your goodbyes, you decided to facetime jack on your way home to discuss vlog ideas, and just to talk to him, as you had been rather busy this past week going over plans with ranboo, tubbo, and all of your parents about the uk trip that was happening pretty soon.
a few days later, it was finally time to go film the vlog. you couldn’t exactly lie, you weren’t exactly looking forward to this, as you were told it had something to do with the sea and boats which oddly enough didn’t mix very well with your fear of the deep sea. you had no idea what’s down there and you didn’t want to find out, but hey at least you’d be with tubbo.
your parents offered to drive you there so you didnt have any additional stress from having to get a train then a taxi, this allowed you to have a pretty quiet journey to meet up with your friends. you sat in the back of the car on facetime with tommy who was the only one who knew about your fear and was rather confused as the why you would agree to do such a thing
“i’ll never understand what goes through your mind, you’ve got this though! you’re going to be completely okay, plus you never know it might help you get over your fear, you did tell me you had been working on getting over it.”
“I suppose you’re right, it can’t be too bad. I mean I love the sea. I just don’t like what’s deep down, you feel me?”
“i understand mate, but you need to remember jack wouldn’t put you in danger. as much as he acts like he would, and even if you do fall off the boat or some how end up in the water, you won’t automatically end up at the bottom of the sea. just try to enjoy yourself, yeah?”
“call me when you get home you can tell me all about what happened, afterwards we can record a minecraft mod video.”
“of course, boss man.”
“you hang out with tubbo too much, you should hang out with me a lot more.”
the car pulled into the car park and within a minute of the car stopping tubbo was at the window shouting your name.
“right tommy, i should probably go, ill see you later bud!”
you said goodbye to your parents as tubbo opened your car door for you.
“what a gentleman, thank you, tubbo.”
“anything for you, now let’s go. jack began filming the intro and i really want the hat hes wearing.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
he stood with his arms crossed shaking his head, pretending to be offended before walking off with you not far behind him.
you stood with niki and wilbur as tubbo went off filming some of the intro with jack. the three of you stood talking about how you have all been and discussing more plans for your meetup.
“y/n, go control your friend, he’s stealing a hat!”
you ran up behind tubbo and stole the hat from him, putting it on your own head.
“why have you got the hat now?”
“i am now captain!”
“but i wanted to be captain!”
you and tubbo stood arguing back and forth over who was captain, ignoring jack trying to get the pair of you to stop.
“you have 5 seconds to stop arguing or you’re being separated 5...4...3...2...1 right.”
“jack no!”
jack pulled you aside claiming he has something really important to ask you.
“so did you bring something valuable?”
“yeah i did actually, i brought tubbo and the necklace tommy gave me for my birthday last year.”
tubbo overhearing the conversation walked over telling you both that he also brought a valuable item, in fact it was a family heirloom.
“i brought an urn.”
“why would you do that tubbo? what the fuck-“
“you two do realise if either of you lose it had to go in the sea?”
“poor grandma.”
“aye about that you will have to pry that necklace out of my hands in order to throw it in the sea!”
the three of you went up to wilbur and niki where wilbur stole the hat you stole from tubbo, and you were told that you were all about to race to the isle of wight.
it was unfortunately time to board the boat, you sat next to tubbo, so that you felt like you had some sort of control with what was about to happen. the others sat making jokes about what was going on whilst you were trying to get control of your breathing. as you all set sail, you thought you were doing a good job of hiding the fact you were potentially about to have a panic attack as no one seemed to notice, or so you thought. considering the fact tubbo was your best friend, he instantly noticed something was wrong and wrapped an arm around you, and decided that distracting you would be a lot better than making you focus on what was currently happening.
“hey y/n, i have an amazing idea for when ranboos in the uk. a 4 month sleep over.”
before you had time to fully process what was going on, all you could hear was wilbur now claiming to be captain then going on to tell you why portsmouth is called portsmouth. you couldnt help but laugh at the random things he was coming up with since he put the captains hat on.
“that is a cinema..i’ve been in this industry for a while now, isn’t that right?”
it was silent for a while until niki tried to steal the captains hat, but was unfortunately unsuccessful .
“maybe next time niki.”
“thank you for believing in me, y/n.”
you pointed out a castle which ended up with wilbur talking about how the planned executions there .
“are they dead?”
“...tubbo of course they’re dead. what kind of question was that?”
the other boat began getting closer to the boat you were all currently in, indicating that it was almost time for you all to split up into two groups.
“my boat is going much faster.”
“that is a sign of pollution.”
“wow jack you’re polluting the world, i hope you’re happy!”
the ride was pretty chill until jack asked what he had lost in the past.
“past relationships.”
“the love or host.”
“laugh you lose streams.”
“the waterslide races from when we went to the water park.”
you and tubbo continued listening things that jack had lost.
“okay. so i’ve lost a few things.”
jack looked towards the other boat.
“however, you two are about to lose each other.”
“excuse you?”
“no, y/n is mine!”
eventually wilbur had enough and picked tubbo up and took him to the other boat with him.
you and niki sat laughing as jack and wilbur bickered about who was going to win the boat race. whilst jack was distracted, you felt niki tap your arm and told you to look over to the other boat where tubbo was reaching his arm out to you so you could quickly swap boats.
you quickly got into the boat and sat next to your best friend, tubbo knew you were still slightly nervous, so made it so you would be sat in between him and wilbur so you would feel a lot more comfortable. a few minutes later, your boat began to set off and all you could hear was a mixture of tubbos laughter and jacks yelling getting quieter the further you went.
you turned to face wilbur who pointed towards a building before announcing that it definitely belonged to the the three of you, and was renaming it reddit gold.
“reddit..reddit gold, are you serious?” you said through your laughter, the three of you sat together taking turns narrating what was happening .
“go on, y/n.”
“if this capsizes, were all drowning.”
“cheerful as awful.”
“do you think sharks are beneath us?”
“i’m not even answering that question.”
you looked over your shoulder to see that niki and jack were catching up to you all.
“i hope they don’t overtake us, otherwise it’s bye bye tubbo.”
“and grandma.”
“excuse you, tubbo?”
“he’s claiming that he brought an urn with him and if we lose our valuable item gets chucked into the sea.”
a little while later jacks boat was next to yours and you and wilbur started to shout how it was like romeo and juliet.
“y/n, you studied this at gcse a while back, yell some quotes.”
“tubbo i didn’t listen to the teachers.”
“do it!”
wilbur continued to talk to the others whilst you and tubbo sat bickering about William Shakespeare .
“tubbo my favourite character was benvolio and he fucked off halfway through.”
“what do you mean he fucked off?”
“he literally disappeared.”
wilbur was genuinely questioning what he was listening to he slowly turned around and tried to catch your attention; however you were currently in the middle of a debate about why benvolio disappeared, which was that last thing you expected to be doing on the boat. eventually your debate died down and you looked up to see wilbur shaking his head at you both, clearly confused as to why you spent 5 minutes arguing about romeo and juliet. an idea came to wilburs mind as he started laughing and pointing at the sea.
“drink some seawater, tubbo.”
you looked away as tubbo reached into the water trying to hold as much water as he could before bringing it to his lips and drinking the seawater.
“tubbo did you really just-“
“more tubbo!”
tubbo did the same as before, however this time brought his hands towards your face.
“drink it, y/n!”
“yeah, y/n, you can help desalinate it.”
“how wonderful, i’ll pass though.”
tubbo looked at you pretending to be upset and lifted his hands towards you again, this time you gave in and drank some of the water.
“thanks, tubbo, I can now only taste salt.”
jack noticed what you and tubbo were doing and looked at wilbur confused.
“im making them drink seawater!”
“what’s it like?”
“salt.. a lot of salt!”
you checked your phone as you kept receiving multiple messages from tommy trying to get your attention, forgetting that you were currently on a boat with the others. you looked up from your phone to see tubbo drinking more seawater.
you had no idea what was going on for jack and niki, but it sounded a lot like they lost hope as jack yelled asking if there was room for him on the boat while tubbo sat flipping him off in response to his question. jack continued to yell at the three of you however none of you could hear what he was yelling, so you kind of sat just nodding your head in agreement to what he was saying. wilbur pointed out that he could see the finishing line and how it looked like you were all going to make it. you looked over to see jack and niki recreating that one scene from titanic tubbo looked at you smiling, trying not to laugh.
“absolutely not one of us, if not both of us, would end up in the sea.”
the boat began to go significantly faster. at the start you were unsure how to feel, however a few minutes into it you began laughing enjoying how fast you were going.
“woahhh we’re turning!”
the boat did a loop before going straight on as fast as it could go.
“y/n, tubbo, we’re going. we’re going.”
you ended up passing another boat you and tubbo instantly waved to everyone on the boat a few people waved back .
“they don’t wanna wave.”
“they know their boat is bigger than ours.”
“they could easily ram us and kill us all.”
“hopefully they decide against doing that.”
the boat began weaving resulting in you, tubbo, and wilbur constantly crashing into each other, not that any of you cared you were all having the time of your lives. you pointed at a boat which was cutting off the boat jack and niki were in .
“we’ve got this in the bag boys, victory is ours!”
your boat slowed down so it could dock.
“i think we’ve won!”
“we won”!
“holy shit we won! tubbo doesn’t have to go in the sea now!”
everyone got out of the boat so you could all wait for jack and niki to reach the dock, as the two of them approached you all tubbo began to sing.
“we are the champions my friend!”
“i have to go into the fucking water!”
you pulled niki into a hug.
“jack you cruel man.”
“did you not have fun niki..we had a great time.”
you let go of niki and stood behind tubbo placing your head on his shoulder whilst jack explained to wilbur what was going to happen if they lost.
“oh, I thought we got to decide who was thrown into the water.”
“no no no no no no!”
“well i think considering we won..”
after a small discussion as a team, you all instantly agreed that jack should be thrown into the water, you all stood on the boat as niki argued that he cant throw her into the water. a couple seconds later wilbur walks towards jack handing him the camera before picking him up.
“are you ready?”
“i don’t think the bits that funny will, i don’t think the bits that funny!”
you all screamed and laughed as jack was thrown into the water. jack complained about the temperature of the sea as he climbed back onto the boat only to be pushed off again by you and tubbo.
“that’s revenge for trying to put us on separate boats!”
you spent the rest of the day together just hanging together as a group before you said your goodbyes.
the ride back home was you excitedly explaining what your boat ride was like to your parents, once you got home you ran upstairs to your room then called tommy on discord
“how was it then?”
“tommy it was so cool, honestly i wish you could have come with us.”
“i mean you’re coming with me george and wilbur to a water course next week, you don’t have a choice.”
“oh okay, it’s a good job i’d love to be there then, tom, also what mod are we playing just so i can check i have it ready.”
the two of you spent a good hour talking before getting ready to film a video with charlie and jschlatt for tommys youtube channel.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @c1loudee
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mandadoration · 4 years
you’re a fine girl - iii
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summary: Agent Whiskey would really like you to say his real name for once, and you refuse, playing this little game of his until he finally makes you say it. The circumstances for it aren’t exactly ideal, though. 
word count: 1, 909
pairing: agent whiskey (Jack Daniels) x reader
warnings: canon-typical violence (and then some), swearing
chapters: i | ii | iii
Read this on AO3
As much as you want to, you can’t find the power to visit Whiskey while he’s recovering. He’s fine, obviously, with the medical advancements and Soda’s expert skill, he’ll be up in no time. But every time you stand in the elevator, hand hovering over the button for level sub-4, you feel sick.  You retreat back to your office and ignore the video calls from Ginger and Soda. You’ve even gone as far as to shove Whiskey’s black Stetson in a cabinet under your desk, and you consider doing the same to the necklace he had given you, but instead opt to just wear it and tuck it into your shirt out of sight. It weighs heavy against your neck, but it makes you feel the slightest bit better. Maybe you can just ignore everything until you finally grow a pair and do something about the worry that’s been nagging at you. 
You, however, cannot ignore Ginger and Soda when they walk into your office unannounced. 
“Can I help you?” you ask tiredly, taking off your Statesman issued glasses to rub your eyes. 
“What's wrong with you?” Soda asks bluntly, and Ginger smacks him. “What? I’m being honest. You’re holeing yourself up in your office more than usual.” Ginger rolls her eyes. 
“What he meant to say,” she stresses, “is that you’ve been… down ever since Whiskey came back Saturday.” You sigh and put your glasses back on. “We’re worried. This isn’t like you.”
“I’ve been working,” you say. A total, complete lie, and they know it too. “There’s a lot of paperwork that comes with severe injuries sustained in the field.” Not a lie. “Besides, why would… There’s no reason for me to go to the medical wing.” The biggest lie. 
“Whiskey’s been asking for you,” Soda blurts out, and Ginger smacks him again. “Ow! Quit that!” You tense and crumple a paper in your hand as anxiety swells in your chest. Well, there goes the contingency plan mock-up you had made for Ale’s mission. 
“Why?” you ask before you can stop yourself. Ginger stops her harassing to stare at you incredulously. 
“Seriously?” she sighs. “You don’t know?” You throw your hands up in the air. 
“Once again!” you say, almost hysterically. “What am I supposed to know? Everyone keeps asking me that, I really don’t know what the fuck--”
“For an intelligence supervisor, you’re really fucking stupid,” Soda says, and Ginger doesn’t hit him this time, instead nodding in agreement. You’re taken aback. 
“Excuse me?”
But Ginger and Soda are soon manhandling you out of your office and shoving you into the elevator, paying no attention to your complaints as they head to sub-4 and practically drag you to Whiskey’s recovery room, ignoring the curious stares that follow the three of you. They push you in, and shut the door, and your heart leaps to your throat when the lock clicks. You bang against the wall. 
“Let me the hell out!” you shout, but all you can hear on the other side of the door are the receding footsteps of the traitors you call friends. “I swear to God, I will make your life a living hell when I get out of here--”
If your heart was hammering before, it completely stops at the sound of his voice. There’s the shuffling of sheets behind you, and you slowly turn around with wide eyes as the blood drains from your face as Whiskey strains to sit himself up, looking much worse for wear that you had initially feared. You really should stop him from overexerting himself, but you’re glued to the floor. “What are you doing here?” he asks. His voice sounds so tired, and it’s only made worse when he tries to crack a smile. “Here to see little ol’ me?” he rasps, but dissolves into a coughing fit, holding his ribs as his face contorts in pain. Once he calms down, he looks up at you again, and frowns. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I think I should be the one asking you that,” you finally say, voice small as you slowly make your way over to him. You keep a good distance away from him still. 
“‘m better now that I’ve seen you,” Whiskey says, running a hand over his face. He motions to the chair next to him. “Take a seat, darling, you’re making me anxious.” Your eyes dart over to it, and then back to his face, and eventually lower yourself into it. 
“What happened?” you ask. Whiskey winces. 
“Dealers somehow found out I was there to take down their operation,” he explains. “Got ambushed, got the shit kicked out of me, got the hell outta dodge.” He chuckles. “Told ya I didn’t want to go back.” You play with the impeccably white trim of his hospital blanket.
“Why didn’t you tell us as soon as you got on the plane that you were hurt?” you whisper. Whiskey runs the hand not stabbed full of IVs through his greasy hair. 
“I knew you would worry.”
“It was irresponsible of you.”
“And it was irresponsible of you to not take care of yourself,” he says sharply. “Seltzer’s been telling me how you’ve locked yourself away since I got here.” You curl inwards and lean away from the bed. Whiskey sighs. “I do apologize, sweetheart,” he says after a moment. “I’m going crazy from being stuck in here. Didn’t mean to snap at you.” 
“It’s fine,” you mutter. You’ve had your fair share of bedrest, and it is not fun. He shakes his head. 
“No, it’s not,” he says. “There’s no excuse for treating you like that.” A beat. 
“I said that you didn’t have to get me anything,” you say to change the subject. 
“And I said that you couldn’t stop me,” he laughs, but it wheezes out. Whiskey slowly reaches a hand out, pausing when you tense up, but keeps going when you don’t stop him. He loops his forefinger under the chain that’s peeking out of your collar and pulls it out from under your shirt. “You like it?” he asks, and he sounds uncharacteristically nervous, and he’s playing with the collar of your shirt instead of pulling his hand away. “I know-- Well, I don’t see you wearing any fancy jewelry or nothing, but I saw this and thought the opportunity was too perfect. Like, c’mon, it’s a braided chain--”
“‘Made of finest silver from the north of Spain’?” you finish. You’ve gotten countless jokes about the song, but it’s endearing when it comes from him. He quirks a smile. “Andalucia is technically Southern Spain, Agent Whiskey.” His smile drops. “N-not that I mind,” you stammer, afraid you’ve said something horrifically wrong. 
“I know you don’t,” Whiskey sighs. You purse your lips. 
“Then what’s wrong?” He shrugs. 
“I guess I dreamt you saying my name in the elevator,” he says, following it with an empty laugh as he looks away. “Ain’t that the cruelest trick the Sandman could play? He’s always been a son of a bitch to me. It had sounded so sweet...” You swallow and grab his hand where it rests on your collarbone, and you scoot your chair closer until your knees press against the edge of the bed. You hear his heart rate jump up on the monitor. 
“I… It wasn't… It wasn’t a dream.” Whiskey turns your hand over until he can lace his fingers through yours. 
“No?” he murmurs, and he brings your hand to his lips as he presses a kiss to it. He closes his eyes and keeps your hand there for a moment before letting it rest in his lap. “Mind reacquainting me with the way my name sounds coming from your lips?” Your mouth is suddenly very dry, but you lick your lips and the way you feel warm with how his eyes watch you is enough to give you the little push you need. 
It’s barely audible over the rapid beeping of the monitor, but a pained noise emanates from his chest, and the hold on your hand tightens. “Again.”
Then louder this time, “Jack.” A disbelieving laugh. 
And Jack Daniels yanks you closer to him until you’re halfway on the bed to bring you in a bruising kiss that steals the breath from your lungs, an arm wrapped around your waist as he presses as much of his body to yours as he can without yanking the IVs out. His heart rate is through the roof, rapidly beeping on the screen next to him. Jack’s mouth is warm and yours is pliant as he nips at your bottom lip, digging his fingers into your side. His voice is growling when he says, “Good girl,” against your lips.  
You’re one second away from slinging your leg around his hips to straddle him when Vermouth bursts in with wild eyes and a flushed face. 
“Whiskey! What’s wrong-- Oh.”
You nearly throw yourself out of Whiskey’s embrace, but he keeps you close as he glares daggers at the cowering medical assistant standing in the doorway. “You ever hear of knocking?” he drawls. Vermouth’s mouth opens and closes like a fish. 
“It’s just that-- Well, your heart rate it, um, we thought that you were, uh-- We thought you were in danger,” they stutter. Whiskey motions around the room. 
“Do you see any dangers here?” Vermouth makes a ‘kind of?’ motion with their hands. 
“You really shouldn’t be overworking yourself--”
“Kid, I’m fine,” Whiskey interrupts. “Now, shoo,” he says, “get,” and waves his hand at Vermouth, who has never looked more eager to leave the situation. And they’ve seen a lot of shit. You bury your head into his shoulder as you sigh. While Vermouth wouldn’t be coming back any time soon, you know they’re blabbing about what they’ve seen to anyone and everyone. 
“That was so embarrassing,” you whisper.  
Whiskey just laughs, pets your hair, and lets you keep your head where it is, only moving when you slide in the narrow bed next to him when your leg goes numb. The worry that’s been constricting around your heart starts to loosen with every breath he takes in, and he must sense that because he holds you as close as he can, minding the bandages and stitches and his bruised ribs. “You’re mighty affectionate today.” 
“I’m allowed to be after the emotional trauma you put me through,” you mumble. “I still have your hat.” Whiskey just hums and runs his fingers over the skin of your upper arm. He clears his throat. 
“Brandy, I… I have to tell you something,” he says, and there’s that nervousness from the day he was scheduled to leave. His heart rate picks up again, and he presses kiss to your hair to give him a moment to gather his thoughts. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while,” Whiskey says, “what you mean to me, and I know I’ve been a real ass sometimes, but I promise you, it’s all in good humor.” You’re glad you’re not hooked up to a monitor because your heart is pounding in your ears. “And… and I can’t promise anything, not after--” His voice catches, and he clears his throat. “But I, um, what I’m trying to say is--” You take pity on him and reach up to kiss the underside of his jaw, rough with stubble. 
“Don’t you know, Whiskey?” you say. “I already know.”
Forever Tag: @mabelleen @mando-vibes @isaissafail @adikaofmandalore @lavenderl3mons
you’re a fine girl Tag: @mrsparknuts @jokersdoll @ariasfandom​ @blondecity​ @yodaswrinkles​ @everythingaboutnothingstuff​ @cloud-of-roses​
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tnystrk-exe · 4 years
we both know how this song ends 4
Jack Daniels x Reader
Warnings: Suicide and talks of miscarriage
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Chapter Four
Being in the house was a struggle. Neither of you ever said anything about that night. You weren’t sure your mother would have believed what had happened. So confronting her wouldn’t be an option. Steve seemed to not remember just how he got the bruise across his face. You attempted to figure out if it was an act or he really was just a gap in his memory. He had gone quiet though, which made you doubt he had forgotten. None of Steve’s unnerving lines were yelled at you in the mornings anymore. A hate filled glance, then he’d leave to do whatever he did for the day.
“Give me your necklace,” your mom demanded, her hand already opened to take it.
“What?” You choked on the piece of toast you had been eating. 
“You fucking heard me. Stop acting like you’re a stupid bitch and do what I say.”
You didn’t make a move to take off the locket. It had been yours since the day you were born. Your father had passed it onto you the second he had held you in his arms. A tradition that started with your grandpa. “Why?”
“You’re nothing but a freeloader. I’m going to pawn it to get some extra cash. Hand it over already.”
“No,” you scoffed at the idea of it, “It’s all I have, from dad now. You already took my bracelet.”
She motioned around the apartment. “You have a roof. A room. Clothes. Stop being an entitled brat and give me the chain.” This time she didn’t wait. Instead opting to reach and pull at it instead.
You pushed her hand off. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m not going to let you take it. You’re just to shoot up and drink with that piece of shit you keep around.” Her hand reared back and you managed to catch her wrist before it could land. “I used to think the world of you, you know? I understand you lost someone you loved, but I loved him too.”
She pulled away her hand roughly. “He killed himself because of you.”
“Get a new line,” you sighed, “I’m tired of hearing it already. You sound like a broken record.” 
“You’re not his. He found out you weren’t. Then he killed himself. You’re the reason.”
“You’re lying,” you shook your head, laughing. “Nice one.”
She caught you in a stare, the one you knew meant no games were being played, “Didn’t you ever wonder why you’d always have play dates with Cindy? Why do you two kinda look alike? Or how come her dad was wrapped around your finger and got you anything and everything you wanted even when we said no?”
You swallowed thickly, the events not so innocent to you anymore. Sean’s usually cheerful exclaim of not having one but two daughters rang out loudly in your head. The memory of it being a sweet gesture tinted now. The resemblance with your once best friend was no longer able to be shrugged off by coincidence. “It’s not true.”
“It is. If you want to admit it to yourself or not. You’re Sean’s kid. But hey,” she clapped her hands, “It’s better than having a dead dad. Isn’t it?”
“It’s not true,” you held back your tears, not wanting to give your mother the satisfaction, “I know who my dad is and as much as I hate it, he’s gone. You can say Sean is my biological father all you want but he isn’t my dad.”
She rolled her eyes, “Isn't that sweet. Guess you’ll always take his side, Killer.”
“I didn’t kill him! That’s on your hands! Did I ask to be born? Did I tell you to jump in bed with Sean when you had someone that loved you more than anyone in the world at home? I’m not going to take the blame for your guilt.”
“Get out of my house and get me some money. I don’t care what you do to get it, sell yourself for all I care.”
You shook your head, disgusted but not surprised anymore. Wordlessly, you just left. All you needed was to be alone. Some time to process this new information. Grabbing your bike, you got on and started pedaling. 
“Dad!” You yelled, “I’m home.”
“Kitchen!” He responded, “Just had to pick up real quick. Ready for your driving lesson?”
You grabbed an apple from the bowl, taking a seat on the counter as you watched him clean. “Ugh, you don’t believe how ready I am. I’m so tired of that bike.”
“Hey, that old thing has served you well. Don’t bash it.  How was school?”
“Same old. Cindy has been pissed with me lately, no clue why. I think it’s because I talked to a guy she liked, but I swear it was just a couple of jokes.”
“That age is rough, Squirt. People get set off over the smallest things,” he shrugged it off, “Give her a couple of days, she’ll come back around.”
“I hope so, this whole thing is getting annoying,” you complained, “He isn’t even my type.”
“And who have you been seeing to make you know you have a type?” He asked, raising a brow.
You laughed around a bite of apple, “I’m just saying! I mean, how did you know mom was your type? You just knew right? It’s supposed to just click into place right?”
He rolled his eyes, “Nice diversion. It’s not that easy. Your mom seemed pretty ready for a relationship, but I had come out a really rough one when I met her. Things don’t just click, you know, things take time and you nurture it. You work with someone and you hope it’s all worth it in the end.”
“What happened in your last relationship?”
“A lot of lying and running around,” he admitted, “I didn’t want to see it, but it was clear.”
“Oh… I’m sorry dad, that sounds…”
“Don’t sweat it,” he patted your shoulder, “If it hadn’t happened then I wouldn’t have you around Squirt. A little struggle was worth it.”
You grinned, he had to work away from home often, but you always loved these little moments with him. Learning things about his past was always nice. “Come on you old sap, teach me how to drive so I can stop bugging you for rides.”
“Grab the keys. I can’t wait for you to sneak out in the middle of the night and steal my car.”
“It’s not teenage rebellion if you encourage me,” you complained, tossing the apple in the trash.
“I’m sorry, your highness. I’ll ground you for the rest of your life. You won’t even know what a car looks like.”
“Thank you. That’s much better.”
Making your way to the front yard. Sean flagged your dad down, trying to grab his attention. “What do you need Sean?”
“I need to talk to you,” he looked at you, “Privately. It’s, um, a family matter and I need some advice.”
“Can it wait? I promised the kid I’d teach her how to drive. We’ll take an hour at most.”
“Okay, fine, but see me first thing.” Sean walked away, your dad waited until he was out of earshot. “See? Her problem probably isn’t even with you. Sean and Cassandra are probably fighting.”
“Huh? You think? I hope it settles down soon then,” you trusted his view on the situation. “You ready?” You jingled the keys at him.
“Give me a second,” he crossed himself jokingly, “Now I am.”
“Please!” You laughed, “I can’t be that bad!”
“We can only hope.”
It was a nice time. The open windows let the air flow through, music playing loudly as you concentrated on your first drive. Despite his underlying panic, your dad managed to instruct you calmly. He wouldn’t say you were a natural, but a bit more practice and he’d be ready to lie through his teeth for you. “I’m not ready for the freeway,” he shook his head, “We're sticking to neighborhood streets for a while.”
“Aw! Dad! I got it!”
“Give me two more practice runs. Then I’ll let you try it.”
“Fine,” you parked the car in the driveway, “Two more only. I gotta learn sometime you know.”
“Yeah, kid, I know,” he looked across the street, at Sean who was waiting on his porch, “Can you make some spaghetti for dinner? Your mom should be coming home soon and I’m not sure if Sean will be done by then.”
You nodded, “I got it, dad. Any special request?”
“We do have a box of brownies…” he shrugged, “If you wouldn’t mind?”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a minute, old man.” 
You hung up the keys and got to your task in the kitchen. It wasn’t long until your mom came home. The smell of brownies and the radio playing greeted her. “How was the drive around town?”
You grabbed a stack of plates and started serving. “I think I did well. Though I think dad would beg to differ.”
“What do you mean?”
“No freeways until I get some more time in,” you blew out some air, “I can handle it.”
“Sometimes you just gotta test the waters before you jump in,” she patted your shoulders, “There wouldn’t be any harm in you learning a little more.”
“If it was up to you, I’d never get to drive,” you said, sticking your tongue out at her, “Too afraid something is gonna happen to me.”
“Well, you’re my only baby. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you.”
“Nothings going to happen to me. I’m invincible,” you grabbed the plates to take them to the table, “Mind getting drinks?”
She grabbed three cans of Coke, “You’re not invincible. You’re just young.”
“Mom, I can promise you, nothing’s happening to me anytime soon.”
“Where’s your father? In the garage?”
“Nope! Sean needed his advice with some family stuff,” you shrugged, “Didn’t want to talk about it in front of me.”
The front door slammed breaking your thoughts away from your mom’s strange tone. “You good dad?”
“Y-“ he coughed, “Yeah. Just… give me a second to freshen up a bit. I’ll be right there.”
“He sounds weird.” You moved to go check on him, your mother blocking you from doing so.
“I’ll check on him.” 
You watched her walk down the hall. A bit worried, but you supposed she’d be able to handle the situation. She knew your dad better than anyone. Besides, you doubted he’d actually talk to you about what had gotten him emotional. Though you weren’t a child anymore they seemed to refuse the thought.
It took about fifteen minutes for them to come to the dining room. Your father looked distraught, but you weren’t sure if you were willing to push him to ask. Whatever was happening in Cindy’s home must have been major. The quiet while you all ate was deafening. Forks scraping against plates was all that could be heard.
Finally, it started to feel too strange for you to handle. “I think I’m going to go finish up my essay. It’s due tomorrow and I haven’t really been on top of it,” you excused yourself from the table. Quickly you dropped off your dish in the sink and left to your room. Some thirty minutes later, your dad walked into the room. You looked up at him expectantly, setting your notebook to the side. “‘Sup dad?”
He sat down beside you, handing you a bowl. A slice of brownie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it. “You thought I’d let you miss out on dessert?”
You smiled at him, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, kiddo.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. He grabbed your notebook reading through your essay as you ate. “You’re getting pretty good at this. Coulda sworn some big wig wrote this.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “I can do better. I’m just being lazy.”
“Lazy or not. It’s good. Keep it up.”
“Are you okay, dad? You seemed a bit off during dinner.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” he tugged on your necklace gently, “You know how I can get around this time of the year. I just wish you could have met him.”
“Oh… It is around that time. Sorry about grandpa, dad, but from what you tell me he was great.”
“He was pretty alright.”
“Well, I think you’re pretty great. I can’t wait to pass it on. Imagine seeing you as a grandpa. You’re already a pushover now.”
“No. You can stand to wait. Give that thing at least until you graduate college. We don’t need any ankle biters around anytime soon.” He moved a lock of your hair behind your ear, “You know I love you more than anything in this world, right?”
“‘Course I do. I love you too, old man.”
“I should get to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“‘Night, dad.”
It was a simple rinse and repeat kinda day. Nothing spectacular happened. School was school. Cindy was still pissed. You stayed for a couple clubs and rode your bike home business as usual.
“Dad!” You called out, “I’m home!” Hearing the car droning in the garage. Setting your bag on the floor you went to check on what he was working on.
Opening the door to the garage, you saw him just sitting in the car. “Dad?” You walked to the driver’s side. Everything clicked in that moment. A picture of you was held limply in his hand. A stray bottle of sleeping pills on the passenger seat. You tried to open the car door, but he had locked them. “Dad!” You knocked desperately on the glass, “Dad!”
You didn’t know what else to do. You ran out of the house as fast as you could, straight on to Cindy’s porch. “Sean! Sean! I need your help!”
“What? What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, seeing the panic written all over your face.
“M-my dad. I think… he’s in the garage. The car was on and I think he took some sleeping pills and I can’t get him out because the doors are locked,” you word vomited, still trying to process it all. “You need to help him!”
“Rachel, call the cops! You stay here kid, okay? I’ll go check it out.”
Your head kept on replaying those couple of hours again and again. Seeing your dad being rolled away had been imprinted on your memory. You let your bike fall onto the sidewalk and took a seat on the bench. Covering your face, you let out a groan into your hands. 
“It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t,” you said quietly, trying to convince yourself. 
It wasn’t, you knew that, but the guilt was there. Your father had made an irreversible choice and you had to figure out how to live past it. Still, maybe there was something you could have done. Pushed to make him talk. Missed class that day with a lame excuse. Gotten home early instead of going to a club you hadn’t even enjoyed. Anything could have saved him. You could have convinced him to stay.
A hand on your shoulder made you jump. “Bug?”
You relaxed slightly, wiping the tears from your eyes, hoping they weren’t too red. “Hey, Mr. Daniels,” you greeted, giving him a small smile. 
He was dressed in work clothes. The outfit stained with oil that would never wash out. “Are you okay? It wasn’t my boy was it?”
“No, we haven’t seen each other all day,” you sniffed, “I’ve been home all day… Jack’s been really great. You don’t have to worry about that.”
Mr. Daniels nodded, taking a seat beside you. “You should know I’m not amazing at this, it’s more Mare’s kinda thing, but I can lend you an ear. What’s wrong, Bug?”
You wrapped your arms around yourself protectively. “I dunno,” you shrugged, “Got to thinking about my dad. I guess it overwhelmed me some. Mom said something today and it just tipped all that over.”
“It hasn’t been long, right?” He sucked his teeth, “I can tell you, it’s hardest the first year, but it gets easier.”
“I can’t help but think I should have done more…”
“If you don’t mind… how did your dad pass?”
“Monoxide poisoning. He, um, took a bunch of sleeping pills and locked himself up in the car,” you stated, deciding to opt out of the newly learned information. “I just wish I had gone straight home. I could have… don’t know.”
“Oh Bug, I’m sorry. You can’t blame yourself for that.”
“I don’t. I just wish I could have done more.”
He frowned, “That’s too much to put on your shoulders, kid. Thinking about things like that is bad for you. Don’t put yourself through the wringer with a bunch of different scenarios. It makes the hurt worse.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“What you can do now is live a good long life. I know having a kid like you, he’d want nothing more than for you to be happy. Maybe you could talk to your mom about this?”
You shook your head. “We haven’t been good since the day it happened. I think she’s counting the days until I leave now,” you said, admitting more than you wanted to.
“Why would you think that?” He looked at you, brows furrowed. 
“I guess, I’m just a reminder of the past,” a guilty conscious more like it, “Maybe it’s just better off if I find myself a job and leave after graduating.”
Mr. Daniels perked up at that. “You’re still looking for a job? I could help you out there at the very least,” he offered. 
“Are you sure I’m qualified?”
“We just need a secretary. The shop is in shambles when it comes to organization. You’d expect us to run it better, but honestly most of the time our wives need to step in and help out. Maybe you can help us start a call ahead program, keep track of things, and go on quick runs for us.”
“I could help out,” you nodded, “When do you need me around?”
He stood gesturing for you to follow him, grabbing his bag. “You seem to have some time now. I can show you around the shop today and the things we’d need you to do. Throw your bike in the back.”
You did as he said before getting in the truck. “Thanks for the job, Mr. Daniels.”
“Don’t sweat it, Bug. In all honesty, you’d be helping us more than we’re helping you.” He started up the truck. “I’m thinking three hours after school and a hundred a week. Does that sound okay with you?”
“That sounds great.”
“You can have this Friday off, of course. Jack’s gnawing my ear off talking about his nerves over that dance. I’m sorry, by the way, that kid can’t dance to save his life but I’m pretty sure I caught him practicing.”
You laughed at the idea. Jack was absolutely too sweet for you. “I guess we’ll have to make do. I’m not sure I can do any better.”
“Trust me, you can. Oh and none of this Mr. Daniels stuff. Hanging out with you is gonna make me feel old enough we don’t need that to pile on too.”
“Whatever you say, Boss Man,” he made a face at that, “Fine, a work in progress Picky.”
The shop wasn’t too far from where you had been. Mr. Daniels said he needed some part they didn’t have in stock so he went to the store. Lucky for you. He was keeping your mind busy from the horrible morning as he showed you around the shop. His desk could be yours while you were there after school and you were welcome to do whatever made you comfortable.”
“Derek isn’t here today, but he’s the other owner. Those three are Larry, Moe, and Curly,” he pointed at the men working on cars. “They’re basically my other boys.”
The three were a bit older than you and Jack but far younger than Mr. Daniels. “Pops!” One of them called out, “This one’s ready for a test drive.”
“Okay, Slugger. Go take your break. You’re up to bat, Bug. Get the keys in our office and take that car out on a test drive,” he instructed.
“Ah, Buddy Pal, I’m afraid I’m already gotta disappoint you. Don’t know how to drive.”
“That’s not gonna work,” he shook his head, “Hey, Scout, toss me the keys. Bug get in the driver’s side.”
Slugger looked at you curiously, “What brings you around here, angel?”
“Needed some work.”
He nodded, “That’s good. That’s good. Got any plans this weekend?”
“Yeah. I do actually.”
“Shame,” he gave you a smile that probably would have flustered you before, but now you knew sweeter, “Anyone special?”
“I’d say he’s special.”
“C’mon sweetheart, ditch the kid. Come out with me. What do they know?”
You laughed, “I don’t know, Jack and I are pretty set on this date.”
“Jack?” He asked his eyes wide, “Our Jackie Boy? What game does he have? ...Hey, um, can we forget about that? Didn’t mean any disrespect.”
“Water under the bridge,” you let it go, “Nice to meet you, but I should probably…”
“Yeah, sorry again.” He started walking away, “Can’t believe I hit on Jack’s girl,” you heard him mumble to himself ashamed.
Mr. Daniels thwacked him on the back of the head as they passed. “That’s for not stopping at giving her the keys, dummy.”
“Yeah, Pops, I know.”
“Get in, Bug.” Mr. Daniels got in the car. “Okay, so what do you know?”
“A decent amount. I’ve only gone on one drive with my dad. I scared him a fair bit honestly.”
“Don’t worry about that, Bug. After Jack I have nerves of steel. He drove us into a ditch his first time. Just take it easy. We’ll help you out and when you get decent we’ll take you to get your driver’s license. Already making yourself more useful as you go.”
Mr. Daniels didn’t instruct you much. He let you go at your own pace to get used to it. However, he was telling you things to pay attention for to correctly test out the car. It was the little things that you had to pay attention to the most. 
“Okay, so the car is perfect,” he informed you, “The brakes could be better if anything else, but they could probably get away using them a while longer if they don’t want to change them now. Take us back to the garage. Next time we get a bad one, I’ll let you drive it. The only way you’ll know what to look for.”
“Sounds good,” you nodded, already making a U turn to retrace your steps. “Thanks for this by the way, I wasn't sure I’d get to learn anytime soon.”
“Well, Bug, I’m here for you anything you need, but… y’know, if you wanna say thanks sometime, I still haven’t gotten that berry cobbler.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Got it, dad.” It took you a second to realize what you had said. “Oh, sorry.”
He put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry kid, I don’t mind it. Got used to pops and dad a while ago between the Stooges and Jack. Besides, I understand you’ve been thinking about your dad. It’s okay.”
“How come the Stooges call you pops?” You asked, deciding to sidestep the awkward conversation.
“It took a long time for Mare and I to have Jack. We had been trying since we had gotten married. I was 25 and she was 21. She got pregnant four times before but those never got to stay with us and we had given up. So, to get a feel of being important to some kids, she started helping out at the elementary school and I coached little league and helped with the local scouts. We gained ourselves a couple kids that have been trailing after us like little ducklings since then. Jack was just a bonus we weren’t expecting when we were in our 40s.”
“Was it scary? Having Jack I mean.”
“The first six months were,” he acknowledged, “that was the farthest our third try made it. Once Jack cleared that it just felt like a constant miracle happening.”
“I’m glad, he did.”
“So am I. I’m not sure Maria could have handled another loss like that.” The car rolled to a stop in front of the shop. Jack’s truck parked across the street, the familiar vehicles bringing a smile to your face instantly. “You two really are some lovesick pups.” He shook his head, “I don’t think Mare and I were so infatuated.”
“Nah, buddy pal,” you denied him, “I’ve seen you together. Y’all are the lovesick ones.”
“Yeah, yeah, go do your job. Call the owner and tell them the car is ready to get picked up.”
You nodded and took a quick look to check what type of car it was. You walked straight to the office, seeing Jack looking into a motor and spitballing the problems that there may be with it. Flipping through a notebook, you found the owner and started dialing the number.
“Hello? ...I’m calling from Tovar and Daniels Repairs,” you startled slightly when arms wrapped around you, but you quickly relaxed into them when Jack pressed a kiss to your temple. “Your car is ready for pick up at your earliest convenience…” You elbowed Jack softly when you felt him bite at your neck. “Well, we advise you to change your brakes, but it’s not an immediate issue. ...Change them? Okay. I’ll get one of the guys to work on it right now.” The line cut off and you hung up the phone, “Do you mind?”
Jack took a break from your neck to press a kiss to your cheek. “Couldn’t help it. You looked cute talkin’ business. Heard you got yourself a gig here.”
“Yeah, your dad asked me to be the secretary and he wants me to be the test driver too, but he has to teach me how to drive first.”
He swayed the two of you lazily, “I’m glad for you, baby. I know you’ve been wanting a job.”
“How come you don’t work here?” You wondered.
“Didn’t wanna take a job away from the guys. Also didn’t like the idea of getting a position just because I was the owner's kid,” he said, talking against your neck, “Though, when I think about it, they’re not any better. I like outside work better anyhow.” Jack pressed a couple more kisses to your neck, earning himself a moan. “Sugar, that was a little too loud,” he scolded, his proud smirk couldn’t be kept at bay.
You laughed, turning around to face him. “I can’t believe you’re gonna get me fired during my orientation.” Pulling him close, you gave him a proper kiss. 
Recently the kisses had started getting more eager. As Jack pulled you flush against himself, you couldn’t find any reasons to complain. His hands found some purchase under your shirt as yours tugged at his hair. Jack quickly sat you on the desk, his lips never leaving yours.
“Go Jackie!” You heard three loud whoops at the door. “That’s our boy!”
Jack groaned when you pulled away and hid your face against his neck in embarrassment. He raised his hand to flip them off. 
“Jack! Stop kissing my workers on company time!” 
Next Chapter
wbkhtse tag: @carringtonhill @dizzydazed​
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
The Lava Incident - Devil's Deal for a Friend AU
So uhhh…. I wrote a thing. What do you think?
Tommy’s heart dropped as Tubbo’s eyes glassed over, glowing a faint green. “Tubbo…?” He turned silently and without another word, jumped into the lava pool. “TUBBO!” Tommy screamed, jumping in after him, ignoring the burning sensation that sent waves of agony throughout his body. Luckily, he had armor. He dragged his best friend out of the lava pool, burns marking his skin as blood soaked into his clothes. He fought against his friend’s grip as he desperately tried to fight to jump back in. “No, NO Tubbo stop it, stop it it was a joke, stop it right now!” He yelled, and as if on command, Tubbo’s body fell slack in Tommy’s arms. 
  Tommy, ignoring his pain, pressed his ear up to Tubbo’s chest and nearly cried in relief upon hearing a heartbeat. Tubbo’s breaths were slow. Thankfully he was knocked out from the pain. That had to be what happened to make him stop… why did he jump in?! Tommy made these kinds of jokes all the time, but Tubbo never took it literally. Why did his face just glaze over like that?!
  What. The. Fuck?!
  Tommy placed his armor on Tubbo to not irritate his burns more, as he picked him up and searched for the nearest nether portal. “Hold on, Tubs.”
Tommy propped his unconscious friend up as he took the potion from Sam Nook, who looked toward him worriedly. “This won’t help for long, I don’t have any other potions or any gapples - Get Sam, you’ve gotta get Sam, please…” Sam Nook nodded, rushing out the door without another word, nearly bumping into Jack Manifold on his way out. Tommy pinched Tubbo’s nose as he poured the colorful-looking potion that smelled terrible into his mouth. “Come on, work, work dammit-”
  “Tommy? Tommy, what’s-?” Jack asked awkwardly from the entrance, and Tommy turned around, eyes wide with fear and panic. 
  “Do you have any potions on you, anything to heal at all, please-!” Tommy cried. Jack finally noticed the state of Tubbo, laying burned and beaten on the bed, and he couldn’t help but just stand there in shock, how did this happen? How did this happen?! “Jack, please…” Snapping out of his trance, he bolted over as he quickly placed his ender chest, searching through it wildly.
  Three Hours. Three hours of tears and mad dashing to keep the teen’s heart from failing. Three hours until Sam arrived and kicked them out to focus. But somehow, someway, Tubbo managed to survive. His body was covered with bandages, he looked weak laying there unconscious on the bed. Tommy couldn’t help but blame himself for this, there was so much he didn’t understand but he knew one thing - if he never made that stupid joke none of this would have happened. It was late when Sam left Tommy alone with Tubbo, who gave him some crushed kelp for the burns. Sam held Tommy tightly in a hug as a few tears slipped past that he couldn’t hold back. “It’ll be okay, he’s okay. He’ll need to rest for a day or two, and apply that cream to the burns, they’ll heal up quicker.” Sam gently squeezed his shoulder. “Now get some rest, alright?”
  “Okay, Sam.” Tommy tried to smile. “Thanks.”
  Tommy fell asleep with his head resting on Tubbo’s bed, not wanting to be away from him, not after what happened. Not tonight.
Tubbo’s head pounded, his body felt sore and stiff. What… what happened? His mind raced to remember what he was doing, where he was before he blacked out. He was going on a trip with Tommy in the Nether, they’d just come from near Snowchester, he was so cold that Tommy told him that if he was so cold, maybe he should just-
  Oh no. 
  Oh no no no.
  He bolted upwards, looking around frantically as Tommy was knocked onto the ground, startled awake. Tubbo whined in pain slightly from the movement, pain shooting across his body. He was more than relieved to see the red walls of Tommy’s Hotel, that was for sure. He put his hand to his chest to check for the necklace - phew, still there.
  “The hell-?!” Tommy groaned from the ground, rubbing his pounding head as he froze, staring at Tubbo. His face broke out into a wide smile as he rushed over and wrapped him in a tight hug. “You’re awake, you’re awake!” The impact caught Tubbo off guard as he smiled and returned his friend’s hug. “You’re okay, you’re okay…”
  “Ha, sorry, uh, sorry to give you a scare Big T…” Tubbo said awkwardly, not knowing what to say to cover up the truth, what excuse he could give so he wouldn’t have to tell him the real reason behind it all. Tubbo knew he’d want to reverse it, and for Tommy’s sake he couldn’t let that happen. It was for the best he didn’t know. “I… uh… tripped…”
  “Tripped?! But you were nowhere near-!” Tommy smiled, pulling away only for his smile to fade as he looked to his friend, confused. 
  “Tommy…?” Tubbo said nervously.
  “I…I thought you said you got rid of it. You said… you swore you got rid of it…”
  “What… what do you mean…?” Tubbo asked, before following Tommy’s gaze to see his necklace unhidden from the tackle. Tommy looked toward him, confused and concerned.
  “Tubbo, what’s going on?”
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dust-broken-berry · 3 years
This is more an extra and a lot people aren't gonna like it cause it's a NightHorror. But here it is anyway, second post up soon.
Part 12: His Hopes, His Dreams
    Nightmare and Horror walking out of the hospital, Horror asking-
“So when did you want to go and look at those books?”
“Well I’m not doing anything unless you are?”
“No but you want to look at them now?”
“Well no I need to get some things first but yes I do.”
“Oh ok, what do you have to get?”
“You ask a lot of questions”
    Nightmare said, making Horror grumbled
“It’s just because I wanna know”
    Nightmare walked as he kept talking, so Horror followed.
“Ya I suppose that makes sense, well I need to retrieve some documents, and I may have passages and books about It.”
“Ok….can I ask where?”
“In my AU…”
    Horror was surprised and asked-
“Wait, wasn't that place destroyed?”
“It was but it is Ink’s job to fix AU’s so I can only assume that’s why it’s still there.”
“Ya I guess, but don’t they kinda hate you? Like a lot”
“Yes but regardless I need to get those things, they could be important so a little while of scrutiny is fine.”
“Will they try and stop us?”
“Ya sure why not”
    Nightmare looked away for a moment then back at Horror as he spoke
“Nothing, I just never said anything about there being an us.”
“Well I could go with you, hell I may even be useful.”
“Ya I suppose you could be, the people there won’t take very kindly to...us.”
“Well they will if they know what’s good for them.”
“I would hope”
    Nightmare said as he opened a portal
“Come on let’s go”
    He said as him and Horror entered his AU. As they did Nightmare shed his tar body, Horror looked over confused and asked-
“Why are you doing that?”
“I don’t know, maybe they won’t have that much of a stick up there ass if I do.”
    They both laughed, as Horror said-
“Haha, hey don’t these monsters not like swearing, fighting, and you know all that junk?”
“Ya but they’ll need to get over themselves. Come on now, unless it’s just me.”
    Nightmare said, as the two began to walk through the AU as the portal closed behind them. They were walking on a cobblestone path with many heads turned towards them, Nightmare just put his hood up.
    Horor on the other hand was amazed as he looked at the olden styled town
“Holy shit man, are we back in the eighteen hundreds?”
    After Horror said that some lady with a child slapped him, he was angry and confused to say the least.
“Hey! Watch it lady!”
“Then you watch your tone, demon!”
    The lady said as she walked off, Horror screamed back
“Horror I’ma go ahead and tell you now that if you’re associated with me, then you're gonna be called demon, or evil, or anything else they can think of.”
“Eh not the first time”
“Ya I guess… Come on we might need some new clothes.”
“Why? We never have before?”
“Horror, look at everyone else then look at us. We don’t need the attention looking like this.”
“Fine, just don’t make me look ridiculous”
“Ha don’t worry you want look any worse”
“Haha good…”   
    Nightmare waited a minute, then Horror yelled-
    Horror angrily yelled and chased Nightmare as he laughed, they then made it to some store. Nightmare trying to calm Horror down.
“Alright, alright it’s time to stop yelling.”
“Ok fine…”
    The two walked up to the clerk at the counter, the clerk said-
“Hello there sir, madam”
“PPfff- who’s madam?”
    Horror asked trying not to laugh, the clerk confused answered-
“Why the lady next to you?”
    Horror could hold it anymore and burst out into laughter, while Nightmare tried to keep himself from screaming. The clerk was even more confused now so he asked-
“Did I say something funny?”
“Ahaha oh ya man. The ‘lady’ over here is actually one pissed off dude!”
“O-Oh, my dearest apologizes s-sir.”
    The clerk tried to apologize, and Nightmare just grumbled
“Ugh...it doesn’t matter right now, we need clothes!”
“Y-Yes um is there anything that you two are interested in?”
    The man asked nervously, Horror thought about it and looked around the store then back at the guy.
“Well I don’t really care so...uh...anything like red? Or something? But I don’t know about the ‘lady’ though.”
    Nightmare looked angrily at Horror as he grumbled
“I would like a vest, formal fitting. Either black or dark purple.”
“Ok, and ok, I’ll be right out with that. You can get anything else you need while I’m gone.”
    The clerk practically sprinted into the back room. Nightmare and Horror started looking at other things in the store. Horror looked over at Nightmare and asked-
“Hey, why are you getting something with such poofy sleeves?”
“Because we’re skeletons, anything tight looks stupid trust me.”
“Well ok then but why are we looking at shirts, isn’t that guy doing that for us?”
“He’s gonna bring you a vest, jacket, and maybe pants but not likely. And since you weren’t very specific he’s probably just gonna bring you something red.”
“That may look stupid”
“Eh not always”
    They got some shirts and some pants just in case as the clerk ran back out of the backroom.
“Ok you can go try these on”
    Nightmare grumbled as the two monsters went ahead and put the clothes on-
    Horror had a dark red vest with a dark brown coat, he had on a normal pair of black pants on with it.
    Nightmare had a loose sleeved white shirt that was cuffed at the bottom, he had a dark royal purple vest on over it. He had a gold chain from one of his buttons to his pocket. Like Horror he also had on a normal pair of black pants.
    Horror angrily groaned-
“I feel like a fucking clown”
“Don’t worry about it. Let’s just pay and we’ll go.”
    They walk back over to the counter
“How much?”
    Nightmare asked, the clerk turned and looked back at Nightmare and freaked out.
“Uh no I get that a lot though, my names actually uh...Jack...ya, so how much?”
    The clerk kinda calmed down
“Oh...Er sorry then Mr. Jack… Uh it’s gonna be fifteen coins”
“Ok here”
    Nightmare handed the man some coins as he opened a portal, he told Horror
“Horror throw are clothes in here”
“Where is here?”
“My house, I’ll give you your clothes back later.”
“Uh ok?”
    Horror said as he threw the clothes through the portal as the clerk cashed them out.
“H-Have a nice day”
    Nightmare looked down at his cufflinks and asked-
“Can I swap these out?”
“Oh ya sure, what would you want instead?”
“Really Ni-”
    Nightmare gave Horror death stare before he could finish his sentence.”
“Oh don’t worry about it. This’ll just be a sorry for earlier, so what would you like?”
    Nightmare said, confusing the clerk a little bit
“Hm moons?”
“Yes, unless you don’t have any?”
“I think we do...let me go check”
    The clerk said as he went to the backroom again, Horror asked-
“Why do you want those?”
“I don’t know...I guess…”
    Nightmare pulled his old crown out of the portal as it closed. He put it around his collar, like an emblem or a necklace.
    Nightmare said as the clerk ran back out. He handed Nightmare the cufflinks.
“Wasn’t sure if we had any but I found them. They’re a bit old but they should work fine.”
    The clerk looked at Nightmare, and the new golden emblem around his neck.
“Hm? Where did that come from?”
“I just had it”
    Nightmare put the cufflinks on, he said-
“Have a good day”
“You to sir’s”
    The clerk said as the two left the store. They walked and Horror want ask something so he said-
“Hey Nightmare, can I ask something?”
    Horror hesitated a bit, but still asked-
“Are you and Dream getting along better or somethin’?”
“That’s a bit random”
“Well I just wanted to know since you brought up nostalgia and all.”
    Nightmare paused for a moment, then said-
“No...we have petty differences and yet now more than ever we neglect to try and solve them…”
“So you’re saying that you wish you were on better terms?”
“Eh I don’t really know anymore...some days I wish he were dead with his dust six feet under… While other days I wish I were fine calling him my brother, and maybe him the same…”
“Dude I think that’s just how siblings are-”
“You know why it’s different…”
“If I’m being honest…I really don’t”
    Nightmare sighed
“Just take are time here for example. Dream was practically put on top of a throne and given gifts, friends, and more importantly he was given kindness, respect… Me on the other hand was put in the dirt, treated as rotten as the food and trash the people threw at me, the only thing they felt for me was hatred. And the only reason they liked Dream was because he put off positive feelings, and they loved that. As for when I was near I put off negative feelings...and worse when I felt empty and bitter. And with how they treated me, it always made it so.”
    Horror said, then asked-
“Then how come I don’t feel more like shit around you when you’re angry or something?”
“You and everyone else I found...they all seem to be much less affected by my aura.”
“Ha well maybe that because we’re all already depressed as balls! But hey maybe that’s just me!”
    Horror said in a jokingly trying to cheer Nightmare up, he failed.
“Then how does that explain Outer, he’s generally happy around me. Hell even the baby is…”
    Horror did really know what to say anymore, so he just decided to say-
“Well...you never know, maybe we all did something different. Something better…”
“I know for a fact that we didn’t treat you like garbage, or as some kind of freak. We thought of you as an equal, a boss, a friend, we even thought some of that when we first met you and frankly we still do now...hehe hell I guess you could say we all might’ve cared.”
    Horror said as he looked over Nightmare, he was smiling and even crying a little bit. Horror chuckled a little bit and asked-
“Why are you crying?”
“Wait what?”
    Nightmare questioned as he put a hand to his face.
“I don’t know…”
“Don’t make me cry t-to”
    Horror said sarcastically. Nightmare just rolled his eyes as he wiped the tears.
“Oh come on I thought you were unassholed for a second there.”
“If I can joke around then I’ll never be unassholed”
“Ha figures”
    Nightmare said, looking down at the ground then back at Horror.
“But then again that’s just you”
    Nightmare said, as he sighed
“And I may regret saying this but for once I think I’m happy that you’re you.”
    Horror smiled, saying-
“I wish I could get that on tape…”
“Haha don’t push it”
    Nightmare said, the two laughed as Horror looked up.
“Oh we’re here”
    Horror said, Nightmare looked up to and nodded
“Ya this tree, where my life slowly became-”
“An existential crisis?”
“Got it”
“Fist bump?”
“You heard me”
“But when have you ever done that?”
“Since you’re happy I’m me”
    Nightmare just rolled his eyes again, and gave Horror a fist bump. He said-
“Ok happy?”
“Very, let’s go”
    Nightmare stood there as Horror walked into an invisible magic dome around the tree.
“Ow my fucking nose”
    Nightmare smiled mischievously as he spoke-
“Oh ya I forgot to tell you, Dream made that when we were here so only me and him could get through, and some others when he allowed it.”
“Ya and you just forgot to tell me?”
“Eh maybe so, maybe no”
“Anyways, can’t you just move or whatever?”
“Dream made it, I can only pass through it”
“Then just put your arm on it and make a doorway or something.”
    Nightmare put his arm through the wall, and it was surrounded by a little circle of bright yellow magic.
“Even if I wanted to I couldn’t…”
“Ok? Then how do we get in?”
“Um well I saw Dream sneak creatures in before so I know how to do it…”
“Ok then, do it”
“It’ll make us both very uncomfortable”
“Oh come on it can’t be that bad”
“Come on it’s fine”
“Ok then...come here…”
“Ok I will”
    Horror walked over to Nightmare. Nightmare made Horror crouch down as he basically draped his whole body over Horror and walked him inside, Horrors face was red the whole time. Since no one had seen anyone get near the tree in many, many years so a crowd began to form. Nightmare got off of Horror when they were inside. Horror screamed-
    Nightmare blushed and screamed back
    Nightmare took a few breathes and calmed down
“Ok! Ok it’s time to relax, ok?..”
    Horror looked at Nightmare, and Nightmare seemed genuinely sorry.
“...Ok fine...it’s fine lets just go and get your shit.”
    Horror looked outside and saw the crowd of people, he asked-
“Why is there a crowd out there?”
“Because there hasn’t been anyone near this dead tree for many years.”
“So they know who you are now don't they…”
    Nightmare sighed
“Sorry about that”
    Horror said as they began to walk up the small hill to the tree.
“What for?”
“For being loud and obnoxious...and drawing them over here. It’s more my fault then anyone else’s…”
Nightmare looked over at Horror and smiled
“Horror even if you weren’t here they would’ve looked over. So just don’t worry about it, ok?”
    Horror said as they got to the old dead tree.
“Ok we’re here”
    Nightmare said, as he opened his satchel and started old dusty papers in it, along with a book or two. Nightmare said-
“That should be all here, we just need to go to the library and we can leave.”
“Uh how late is that library open?”
“Not very, why?”
“The suns going down, looks like we’re gonna have to stay here.”
    Nightmare looked over and saw the sun had almost set.
“Ya and I don’t think we can get a motel anymore.”
“Can’t we just stay here?”
    Nightmare looked over at Horror confused, Nightmare said-
“Well I guess, but why would you want to stay up here.”
“I don’t really want to. I just don’t think we have any other choice, besides…”
“The view is kinda nice”
    Nightmare chuckled and said-
“Never took you for a guy that would like the view."
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harleenfleck · 4 years
Don’t forget me (Part. 4 and finale)
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader fic
Summary: After your reunion with Arthur, you feel the luckiest and happiest person on earth, you will believe that things cannot be better and you are just waiting for the day when Joker comes for you and takes you with him. However, things don't go as you both planned.
Warnings: Angst, description of violence, language, little bit of fluff  
NSFW Warnings (FINALLY): Smut, unprotected sex
Words: 6.6k
Part one here <3, Part two here <3, Part three here <3
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A/N: Well folks, this is the finale part of this fanfic that was born from my heart 🥺I hope you liked these series 💖 well, I wanna say some things, I looked for a lot of references about how to do sex scenes (On Tumblr with that naughty blogs it was pretty easy HAHAHA), and recently around here I saw an image of a long-haired boy carrying a girl, and just you could see the boy's back, we all went crazy with that image because the boy looked too much like our Arthur, so that image inspired me a lot to do a scene like this 🤭 I’m inspired a LOT of songs too, Inspired in “Haunted” & “Gingerbread man” by Melanie Martinez and “Sad Girl” & “Love” by Lana del Rey (Lana it’s my eternal muse ) also if you remember the previous part, Arthur mentions a lot about a necklace that he wants to give to the reader, so this is the necklace (And of course, I’m gonna buy it) and well, I hope that Tumblr no longer caused me more problems like the previous part. Well, to finish this A/N I’m sorry if I make some grammatical, spelling or writing mistakes, English is not my native language. Enjoy this final part! :3 I hope you like it and thank you for read me! <3
Your life had become happier those last days. There was a splendid shine in your eyes, people could see the happiness as you walked the streets of Gotham, and when you were alone in your apartment, you put some music and danced all over the room, imagine your partner of dance on your side, dancing with you.
Of course, you were so happy, because the boy you love had come back to you, and he'll do it again. It was only a matter of time before you got back in his arms, and you kissed those lips again, whether were covered in clown-paint or not.
In your work, you ate a little sweet cupcake, thinking impatiently about his return. Once again, another delivery man arrived with another bouquet of lilies. Your heart melted like frosting when you saw those flowers reach you. You took the bouquet with great affection, but your eyes noticed a small note. You took it between your fingers and read it.
"Do you think it's too early to say we'll be together soon? I don't know, but I can't wait. Wait for me soon. J"
“J?” Celeste was behind you reading the card too “Who’s J? It’s your secret admirer, Y/N?”
“Maybe” You said it with a smile. Celeste get enthusiastic again.
“Oh! Think in all boys you know who name starts with J! Jonathan, John, maybe Jack”
You giggled with Celeste's words, you don’t know any boy who his name starts with J, just only one. You wondered what her face would look like if you told her what your secret admirer's real name was. Maybe you'd give the poor woman a heart attack. “The true is you look so happy Y/N, I’m really wondering who’s gonna be that boy, have he dared to come out of anonymity?” Your chance to scare her appeared, but you had a lot of appreciation for your boss, you decided to give her a pious little lie "No, not yet, but I'm waiting for him to do it”
“Well, almost it’s a word, J… Well, back to work” Celeste entered again to the kitchen while you stay in the corner again. Before you notice him, Peter was in front of you, seeing you, his gaze was making you uncomfortable. It would be amazing if Arthur arrived at that moment and made his original plan. Suddenly, you began to daydreaming, with him coming to you, with another bouquet of flowers and the necklace that he was so enthusiastic to give you. You'll run to him to kiss him passionately, in the middle of all the sweets and desserts around.
“Ok, my little princess, you catch me”
“Huh?” Peter interrupted your daydreaming; you didn't understand what he meant “What you said?”
“You catch me Y/N, I can’t stay hide anymore. I am your secret admirer”
“What?!” Your face must look so confused you when you heard the words of Peter, but what the fuck was that idiot saying? You can’t help thought it. That was a very bad joke, and it was a joke, where the fun is?
“I’m the guy who send you all that flowers”
“Oh… I see… Peter, why you say that bullshit?” Peter stunned; it was the first time you said rudeness to him “My secret admirer… He's definitely not you, I know he's someone else. And I’ve told you many times I’m not interested in you.  Please don't do that again."
“Oh, c’mon Y/N, you really know who is he? And why he doesn’t appear? What are he waiting for? He’s afraid? If I were him, I wouldn’t hide of you, I wouldn’t be a coward like that idiot, you know what Y/N? Why you don’t forget him and come with me tonight? For a drink, what you say? I know a nice place where… “
You can’t believe what Peter said it to you. His words made you angry, how he dared to offend the man you love? How he dared even compare himself to him? He would definitely never be like Arthur, not even like Joker. Totally mad, beating the corner with your fist, made his mouth shut up. Peter looked at you little afraid, like some else replaced you, some else were in your place.
“Watch your mouth Peter, be careful with your worlds, with you talking to me”
“Y-Y/N? Princess?” He asked full of fear.
“First, stop call me princess, I’m not your princess. Second, you think you know me; you think you know what I want, but you don't know nothing about me. Nothing. And by the way, he’s not a coward, my fucking god, you haven’t seen my man to say those shit about him.  If only you saw it in person, I’m pretty sure he would terrify you”
“W-W-W-What the fuck Y/N?” More feared and confused, Peter was petrified with your words.
“I told it, and please, stop bothering me, or I’ll call my boyfriend to teach you to respect what’s not yours”
“O-O-Ok, ok, I don’t know he was already your b-boyfriend. I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll not bother you again… I’ll with Celeste I-if you need s-something”
And before you knew it, Peter ran out of your sight into the kitchen, almost running, you really intimidated him, but you were sick of him and his absurd flirtations. Your heart belonged only to one person in the world, and graciously, you hoping Peter suspect too who your "Boyfriend" was. You smiled, referring to Arthur as your boyfriend, he already was, wasn't it?
A customer walked into the store, with that smile provoked by Arthur, you raised your gaze to the customer. But the look of that client gave you a bad feeling. He looked like someone dangerous. The smile disappeared. That man was observing around the store, looking for something, you thought he was going to rob at any moment, but what he could steal besides money, cakes and cookies?
The guy set his gaze on your lilies, then his gaze turned to where you stayed. You tried to give him a kind smile and a welcome like all the customers, but this time you felt very bad. “Hello, can I help you?” you asked to him. The guy doesn’t say nothing, only seeing you with an intimidating stare. You thought in any moment he was going to pull out a gun and point it at your head. He looked you for almost a minute. Definitive he was a bad guy. Getting nervous, you only waiting the moment when he leaves the shop.
Looking at you once more, finally he leaves the place, and your back to breathe again.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay?!” Celeste and Peter run to you “We looked that guy, we thought he was assaulting the place, are you okay darling?” Celeste took you for the shoulders and hugged you.
“I’m fine, thank you Celeste, I thought the same" You trembled a little, you were really scared of what had happened. You didn't want to live something similar again in your life. You even came to think if Joker could take care of the guys like that, only if they bothered you again.
“I hope that jerk won’t back again” Peter took a look out the street, but the strange guy was already gone “That guy is one of the savages who keep rotten this poor city. If he will back, I’m gonna punch his face”
“No Peter! Probably that guy had a gun, don’t you dare do something like that!” Celeste reproached to Peter. You stopped listening to them, you could only feel helpless. Could you tell Arthur what happened that day?
You came out of your work with mixed emotions. You wanted to have the same joy you felt in the morning, but so many things were going on in your mind at high speed. First, Peter's immaturity for not accepting the fact you were not in love with him, and then that stranger who had perhaps studied the cake shop to assault it in the next few days. Celeste, worried about you and what might happen, decided to close the bakery for a few days, hoping that, if they were planning an assault, the bakery would no longer be an option for them.
You were walking worried, watching your back, the bouquet of lilies held it tightly in your hand, you were making yourself the idea that you had to pull those flowers in case something went wrong. Before you knew it, you got to that dark street you hated having to cross to get home. Looked everywhere and cursed that the street lighting was failing, you took your bouquet and walked faster. You didn't know if it was your instinct or your paranoia, but if was the second thing, it was right. You turned back, and you realized two guys started following you. You increased the speed of your steps, the problem? They did too.
“She is, it’s the girl of the bakery, the girl with the flowers”
Your ears sensed the conversation of the guys and realized he was the same bad guy who'd gone into the bakery. No, they weren't studying the store to rob it, they were looking for you, you became their target. With pain in your heart, you dropped the bouquet of lilies and started running for your life. The men started running too, they weren't going to let go the prey so easy that night.
It didn't matter if some car could get over you or if you ended up on the other side of the city, you didn't want to be a crime victim, and to know what they wanted to do with you, all you knew was that they will do bad things and that if they caught you, maybe you'd end up in a dumpster. You ran down a lot of blocks, looking for help, but nothing that could save you, to your bad luck, the streets were empty, and the few people there were had no interest in saving the life of a girl in danger.
They caught you and took you by the arms. You yelled "Fire!" like you were once taught at school when you were in danger, but your screams were quieted when one of they hit your face. "Shut the fuck up!" he put a huge knife in your face as they dragged you into an alley. You were paralyzed for a few seconds, but you couldn't let them get away with it. You struggled again and managed to free yourself, not without first kicking one of them in the balls. Freeing you, ran again and this time you lost them. But you knew that kind of men wouldn't rest until hurt you.
You decided to cross an avenue, no matter if that was a risky thing, you just wanted to get out of there safe. The moment you ran on the asphalt, you were illuminated by the lights of a car, it what was missing, being hit by a car. You fell backwards and fortunately the car stopped before hit you. Started with the horn as you got up and ran again. “Hey! Hey!” You heard a yell of the car but you ignored it, you turned back and looked at the person inside the car getting out and it looked like it was coming for you too. Are you fucking kidding me?!, You thought when you still running for your life. In your desperation, you tried to hide in an alley, but it was a dead end.
“Wait! Hey wait!” That person finally caught you and you screamed full of terror “Y/N calm down! It’s me!” And you felt ridiculous for not recognizing that voice before. You looked into his face and all of a sudden, you felt protected. Joker was here “What happened Y/N?! Are you okay?!” You hugged him, you didn't want to be unprotected, to be helpless, you embraced him so tightly, as if he decided to leave you alone at any time, even you knew he wasn't going to do it. You cried heartbrokenly on his shoulder, while he gently stroked your hair and comforted you “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Y/N, you’re with me, nothing gonna hurt you anymore” His voice calms your fears, feeling in home.
“Arthur…” in sobs, you said his name.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here Y/N, I’m here…”
You kept crying, but slowly the feeling was calming down. You looked his face, making sure it was him. Yes, it was him, it was Arthur, it was right there next to you. "Arthur, how... How you know it?"
"That's not important, tell me what happened, please" Passed a finger down your cheek, cleaning your wet and salty face.
“T-those were some men who wanted to hurt me. O-One of them went to the bakery today and I thought he was going to rob the place, but he was looking at me. A c-couple of streets before, I-I had been caught for they, but I can-“
“What? They hurt you Y/N?! They touch you?!”
“W-well, a little… In my face, and they threatened me with a knife… I, I..." As soon as you remembered that, you wanted to cry again. Joker took your face and noticed the blow under the eye. He hugged you back much harder, feeling guilty for not protected you before.
“Hey! I can hear the bitch in the alley!” you heard the voice of those men who wanted to hurt you in the distance, Joker only hugged you more tightly, and you noticed that his body became rigid. You heard those men's footsteps go into the alley and how they stopped instantly. They realized were already dead men, as found the girl who they wanted to injury and damaged in the arms of the Clown Prince of Crime.
Joker looked at them frighteningly as he kept hugging you.
“Baby, listen me, I don’t want you get hurt in this, go back, protect yourself and don’t look”
“Okay…” You said in a brittle low voice, and before you do what Joker asked you to do, he took your face and planted a kiss on your forehead, all while still seeing those bad guys. While you hidden of the scene, Joker started his show.
"Good night gentlemen, it seems to me that we had seen before, you know, in previous businesses, and it seems to be that this will be a second meeting not so friendly … May I ask you two something?" The guys didn't answer, they just lowered their heads "What you planning do to my wife?"
You were trying not to listen to the conversation because any moment could become dangerous, but you couldn't help hear those words that came out of Joker's mouth, the way he referred to you, and those feelings in your stomach.
“Y-Your wife?! You have a wife?!”
“Yeah, that beautiful girl it’s mine, and you, fucking bastards, you trie-“
“We don’t know she was yours! We never see her by your side before! We wouldn’t have done anything to her if we’d know she was your wife!”
Bad decision of them of interrupting Joker, very bad idea.
"Do you think I'm an idiot to risk my lovely girl to an environment like my job? I would never put her in danger, just because of this" He took the gun out of his pockets, the guys tried to defend themselves, but they knew it was useless "For fuckers like you who think they have the right to bother her, to hit her and to try to hurt her!”
“Sorry J! We really don’t had idea-“
“No, you don’t have idea, you were really don’t had idea, bastards, and you don’t have idea of the consequences of messing with what belongs to me!”
The gunshots were heard all over the alley until his gun was unloaded. Of course, you screamed scared, you hated having to go through situations like that. A few steps you heard until Joker came to you, kneeling quickly “Y/N, are you alright?” You looked at him and you didn't say anything. You just hugged him one more time. "Let's get out of here, but first" Joker cover your eyes with his hand "I don't want you to see my mess." Very carefully, he took you out of the alley until there was no danger. You walked to where his black car was, opened the co-pilot's door for you, and as he got in his car, you were trying to think about everything that had happened. Joker got in the car.
“Yes Y/N?”
And then, you pounced on him, kissing him hard. He didn't expect you, but he received you anyway, surrounding you with his arms, making you come closer to him. You and he showed in that kiss how much both missed each other
“Thank you, Arthur… Thank you for save me”
“It was the least I could do for you, my love. Let’s go home Y/N”
Sitting in your place again, he turned on the car and started driving, you looked back, and you noticed there was a bouquet of lilies in the back seats. "Again our plans were ruined?" You asked him smiling. Arthur laughed a little with the personal joke between you two.
"No... That bouquet I found on the street. I saw and I realized that was one of those send you" You saw the bouquet again and I told you that some flowers were stained with mud "I knew something bad was happening, and I drove around like crazy, looking you until I found you".
"Oh... I'm so glad you found me again... Hey Arthur…”
“Yes Y/N?”
“I… I know you tell me I don’t hear about, you know, what happened with that two guys, but…”
“I’m sorry if I scared you”
“No, I’m fine Arthur I just… Why you said I’m your wife?” You asked full of curiosity and in a good way, Arthur laughed at your question.
"I must have really scared them or the threat wouldn't have worked. Besides, it's possible in my future plans I want you to be. Of course, if you want it"
You raised your eyebrows when Arthur said that "Wait, is this a marriage proposal or something?"
“Not exactly that, I just plan for the future "
“Well, keep planning” Arthur gave you a gaze full of love and confidentiality, you just smiled at his cute face. “Arthur? Where we go?”
“I told you darling, we go home”
Got to the place where Arthur used to hide, or, rather, where he now lived. It was in a building that apparently looked abandoned, yet he was being watched by his men. Some wore clown masks, others similar makeup to what Joker wore. “So… This is your home”
“Wow… It’s elegant”
Joker laughed with your words "Just a little" go into the place, got out of the car, and he grabbed you by back with his arm. Some clowns looked you in the distance, being surprised, never imagined seeing their boss accompanied by a woman. Both come into the building and you looked carefully. Was an elegant place, very decorated, Joker had a good taste and knew how to hide all that from Gotham's gaze. He offered you to sit down, and that's what you did. At the end of the day, you were finally by his side. But that couldn't leave you calm. A lot of things happened that day, you didn't realize the magnitude of the problem you could get into. You barely realized you could have died.
You noticed that he walked away from you, you didn't know why. Your mind was still rambling "So… Now they call you Joker”
“Yeah” Joker said as he took off his red blazer and left it on the back on a mint-colored sofa, similar to his shirt. You only saw him walk back and forth as you were still sitting in one of the dining room chairs drinking a glass of water, you needed it.
"Should I also call you that?"
“If you prefer, you can call me that, you can call me Joker, but I like more when your voice says my other name"
A little smile under the clown makeup was created “Yeah… You're the only one who can call me that way” Joker went to one of the rooms. You kept thinking again while you were done drinking. Suddenly, Joker came back with a little red box and a couple of white lilies to you"Take it, this is for you”
“For me?” You smiled at him as you took the box and the flowers, you smelled the scent of flowers, as sweet as he “What it’s?
“Open it”
Animated, you opened the little box to discover inside a white necklace with a small drop of pearl hanging from it. “Arthur… This is…?” You couldn't help smile, it was the necklace Arthur so much wanted to give you, and for which he almost got into trouble.
“Yes, finally I got it for you Y/N”
“Oh Artie, it’s so beautiful, thank you” you started laughing next to him. You missed that too, you missed sharing a laugh with him. However, seconds later, you stopped doing so, Joker noticed that.
“I’m sorry, I just… Was too much today, you know? I had a bother day in the job, and well, those idiots… I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to be sad, I should be happy” you didn't want to cry at that moment right in front of him.
“You only had a long day Y/N, take your time baby, okay?” Joker passed a hand in your hair and cheeks, you got carried away by the feeling of his touch “I’ll back. I’ll take a shower”. Those words took you by surprise and your cheeks get in red color, but you tried to hide in front of him, was that an invitation? You didn't say anything, just said yes with your head. Joker gave your cheek a slight squeeze with his fingers and went to the bathroom.
The truth is, it wasn't just everything that day had happened, it was all you've been through since Arthur and you split up for over a year. It was so strange to see Arthur there, in person, just for you. Before he wouldn't let you sleep, because you only thought of Arthur before bed, and when he let you sleep, he'd sneak into your dreams. That ghost that throwing you finally became real in front of you, and it wasn't a menace. For some strange reason, all the feelings you wanted to give Arthur were hidden in your heart and you didn't want to show them, and you don’t have an idea why your mind and heart were making that move to you.
You must have gone around that in your head because you were a little startled when the bathroom door opened, you saw Arthur again, but no more as Joker, just Arthur. Shirtless, only with his red pants, his wet hair, and some blows to his torso and one on his face. Of course, your mind focused on those blows and you were going to ask what had happened to him, maybe it was the result of his criminal life, but of course, you didn't go unnoticed seeing him shirtless. Those thoughts came back to you.
“Arthur…” You got up from your seat and go to him “What is that blow Arthur?” and without any permission, you put your hand on the blow to his chest, causing Arthur to tremble with your unexpected touch.
“That’s nothing Y/N, don’t worry”
“Oh really? And this?” with your other hand, you put it in the blow of his face “Arthur, don’t lie to me again, please”
Arthur looked at the ground, remembered the first time when he had lied to you because he didn't want to worry you, but Arthur knew that if he hid the truth from you, you were going to worry more about him "It was a work thing, it's nothing, I had problems with some guys, it got out of hand, but don't worry, that's already solved" Arthur took your hand off his face and put a kiss in your knuckles. Again, you and Arthur were so close together at the time, could both feel your breaths, you could feel Arthur's heart under your hand as fast as it was beating. Yes, you two had shared a kiss before, but that had been a kiss of thanks. You wanted to kiss him differently this time. Arthur however appeared to doubt yet of that moment. He took your two hands and kissed again "You should take a bath Y/N, you worked today, you ran a lot, too many emotions in your body, you should relax".
You nodded at him, it seemed that he too was hesitating a lot whether to take the next step with you. The truth is when Arthur saw your face, he felt guilty, that blow you had in your face was still visible, and he was ashamed he hadn't found you before you were wounded. "There are some clothes I got for you, they're in the bathroom too. We can go for your things in your apartment another day"
“Yes, I’m okay with that you said, darling. Thank you, Arthur”
You got up with the tips of your feet and kissed him on his cheek. You went into the bathroom, not without looking at Arthur one more time, which had his hand on his cheek, and blushed. Gradually, as the water-filled the bathtub, you took off your clothes, looking in the big mirror, soaked in sweat, was a very long night for you. Inside of the bathtub, a lot of things cross your mind, about you, your relationship with Arthur, and what you really want of him. Of course, you want to be with Arthur, they had to plan everything they would do together because you were sure they could never separate again.
But that night, just that night, you wanted to feel Arthur, and go back to what you two left on in that old bed.
You came out of the bathtub, dry yourself, went to the clothes he got for you and just put on white lace panties, opened the red box and put that special necklace, wrapped your body in a white towel you found, looked you in the mirror one last time and left the bathroom. Arthur was sitting, writing in his journal, and smoking a cigarette. For a moment you had a charming memory of that old Arthur who was shy, that everyone rejected, what they considered a freak, when you were his best and only friend, when you were Carnival and Night Mime. You smiled caringly at the memory. Slowly you would go to him, expect him to notice your presence, soon he felt it, and turned his gaze to you, and was speechless when he looked you were only in that white towel.
“W-what are you--"
You didn't let him continue, because, at that moment, you approached him, and slowly passed a leg over his knees, sitting on his lap. You took his face, slowly caressing his lips and finally, kiss him again, in a very burning kiss. Arthur took you by the waist, feeling you. "You know something, Arthur? All these months I hadn't stopped thinking about what we almost did in that bed, you remember?" You stop to kiss him, looked him with love, but with desire too.
"... There's no day I won't forget that, not even by mistake" He touched your shoulders, passing his fingers in your collarbone, playing with the drop of your white necklace.
“… You want to continue?”
Arthur saw you with a look you had never seen in him, a deep and dark gaze, full of lust “What you think?”
You both smiled and kissed again. Arthur was carrying you down your waist while you were holding on to him. The kiss started slowly, but soon; the desire reappeared and began to consume both as the cigarette remained in the ashtray of the table. You passed your hands behind his back, feeling his skin burning, while you stopped to kiss his lips and started to kiss his chest, Arthur He felt some tickles in the start, but it didn't take long for the feeling was pleasurable for him. You kissed his chest and went to his neck, kissing it too. Arthur, starting to go into ecstasy, stopped you gently, and kiss your lips again.
“I love you Y/N” He whispered between kisses “I love you too much, and you don’t know how I want you, how I need you”
“I love you too, Arthur, and I need you too, I need your love Art… Please, love me” With the red color in your cheeks, you separated a little from him, and with nervous but with flirtation too, you took the material of the towel, and without thinking much, you removed it, revealing your body to Arthur. Him, dumbfounded and amazed, look every centimeter of your skin, he always imagined that intimate and warm moment with you, but he never believed would happen, not even when he became Joker, but you were there, loving him the same way he wanted to love you. He looked at your body, your chest, your breasts, your abdomen, and those lace panties, hiding the most intimate part of you. Hypnotized, he wanted to kiss all you, started kissing your neck, and you couldn't help moaning, more when he came down to your breasts and began to kiss them, “Arthur… Arthur…” you were moaning his name and caressed his hair when his lips and tongue delighted with your taste. and unconsciously, you started to move on him. Without you expecting it, Arthur began to be a little rougher, sucking the skin of one of your breasts, you almost yelled, but he wanted to leave a mark on you, something that every time you looked in the mirror and saw that mark you would remember him with a smile.
“Y/N, you’re so fucking beautiful…” He kept kissing your chest “Your face, your body, you… You look like an angel… My own angel…”
He went back up to your neck, and of course, left little marks on you. He looked at you and saw how you were losing, with your eyes closed. So, he decided to kiss you by surprise. In the middle of the kiss, you felted a slight bulge in your entrance, you decided to provoke him more. You moved over him again, but this time you did it consciously, massaging his member with your pussy, knowing that turned him on. Arthur tried to suppress a moan, but he failing, put his head on your shoulder, trying to be quiet, breathing hard. You moved slowly and quickly at the same time when Arthur threw his head back, you could see his expression and smiled. And then he made that move on you. He took your jaw, forcing you to look at him, you smiled naughtily, but you didn't expect him to put a hand into your underwear. “Oh fuck!” you yelled, hugging his shoulders. His touch was gentle, rubbing his fingers in your pussy, taking you to heaven, feeling on the edge of your sanity. Arthur decided to put his fingers in you, and you started screaming louder, moving the toes of your feet on the floor. He took his hand away from you and brought his fingers to his tongue, that image excited you more than you imagined. “You taste so sweet Y/N, wanna try?” put his fingers in your mouth, and you tasted them. Desperate, Arthur began to take the elastic of your panties, wanting to remove them from you. But you took his hands away from there and put on your butt.
“Hold on to me” He whispered on your ear “You are driving me crazy”
“More?” You laughed a little and he smiled. You did what he asked you, you hugged him by his shoulders and your legs surrounded his torso. Taking you under your thighs, Arthur rose from the chair, carrying you, while you kissed him in the air. All the ecstasy of the moment made him very strong, perhaps he was stronger since his dark part of him came to light. Slowly left you on a couch, making you sit. He knelt down and you knew what his intentions were the moment he did. He went back to your panties and this time, he got them off you. Arthur caressed your crotch while you felt his fingers touched your skin, and gradually he made you opened your legs for him. He looked at you completely in love and lust, and without warning, he went straight to your entrance, kissing it. “Arthur!” you yelled his name once more. He used his tongue inside you, tasting you sweet as he pressed his thumbs tightly to your thighs, one more way to mark you, something that said you were his. You squirm on the couch while feeling his tongue and his breath, he wanted to take you to the same madness that he was in. In your delirium, you heard a strange noise, opened your eyes and tilted your head, to find that Arthur had his hand inside his unbuttoned pants, moving it frantically, an image that turned on more than you were.
Arthur left one last kiss there and was leaving kisses on your body until he reached your mouth, you took his jaw, while he continued caressing your entrance with his fingers. He wanted to prepare you, he wanted you don’t feel pain. He lowered his pants and his boxers, and you observed his member, it was hard, big and hot, being you amazed and a little scared, but having Arthur like this made you love him so badly, and before he could do something with you, you took it and you started to masturbate him so softly. Again, there was that delirious and frail face on Arthur, he never imagined that one day you would touch him that way, feel your fingers around him, your gentle touch on his member, and then, you started kissing his neck. It was his turn to moan, the girl who loves giving him pleasure, the feeling was better than he had thought, “Y/N… Y/N” you saw his chest grow rapidly, his face imploring you, biting his own lips. He wasn't going to hold it anymore. He softly took your hand from him and pulled it away, kissing it first, and slowly began to settle into the space between your legs.
Your faces were flushed, he caressed your cheek, as he slowly got closer to you. “Please Y/N, if you feel pain you have to tell me” You nodded with your head, your voice had been lost in all the sighs that you dedicated to him. Took his erection with his hand, starting to direct it to your entrance “Oh Y/N, you have no idea how I'm gonna adore you” And without waiting, he entered you. He did it softly, while you felted him inside you, moaned very loud. Arthur started to move inside of you, you felt a little pain, but that pain was disappearing, being replaced by pleasure, Arthur looked at your reddened face, how many nights had he dreamed of that, and at the same time, he observed how his member went in and out of your pussy, covering with your love. In delirious, you were tilting, falling backward on the couch. He went behind you, laying on top of you, and continued to adore you in his own way. You stroked his hair with one hand, and with the other hand you took his back, burying your fingers in his skin. He couldn't stop kissing you, he was almost glued to your lips, being addicted to your taste. He couldn't describe the sensation of feeling your soft and warm walls around him. You couldn't describe what it was like to feel Arthur inside you. You definitely love him. Arthur looked into your eyes, those green eyes had you haunted, and every time you saw his eyes you fell in love with him again. You were breathless, moaning his name. You just felt every thrust of him, how his pelvis fit so well on you, how he was so desperate to show you all his love.
“Y/N, you’re mine?” He asked in the middle of everything, forcing yourself to open your eyes and try to answer, which seemed impossible.
“You... You will always be mine?” He said while he kept penetrating you and left kisses in your mouth, cheeks and neck.
“I-I’m yours Arthur! Only yours!” you almost cried of all the pleasant sensations that he put you through. You heard his moans, how he too suspires your name. He went back to your neck, leaving marks there too, and decided to left a few bites. You hugged him so tightly, wanted him to be closer to you, even though at that moment both were one. You were burning inside. Arthur took one of your hands and laced his fingers with yours, your and his screams were heard throughout the room, your heart was going to explode with love. The little drop on your necklace moved to the rhythm of Arthur hitting on you
“A-Arthur, Arthur! I-I’m…!” you couldn't help moan so loud his name, and when he felt your orgasm around him and your body shaking under him, he lost his mind.
“Oh Y/N! Oh!” And in a big yell, you felted his warm cum, feeling every drop fall inside you. He stayed for minutes inside you until his erection went down, and when he came out, you felt how his cum was coming out of you.
He dropped his forehead until it lightly hit with yours, breathing deeply and harder, falling in pieces. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you, felt his heartbeat. Arthur separates from you just a moment, just only to appreciate the beautiful woman who loves, lying down from him. He closed to you to kiss your forehead, kiss your cheek and kiss your lips once more. "I love you Y / N ... I love you ..."
“Art… I love you too…” You said in a fragile voice, which worried Arthur.
“Y/N? Are you okay darling?” He asked to you because get little worried, you breath deeply too and stay with your eyes closed.
“Yes Art… I just…” You giggled and he smiles. He really loves you more when you smile.
“What happened baby?” He took a pair of wet tufts of your hair. You, opened your eyes and tried to explain yourself, but you had a little difficulty doing it, until you finally could.
“I just… I can’t feel my legs” both started to laugh. Arthur again took you for your cheeks and kiss you. He got up and knowing that your legs couldn't react, he carried you back into his arms, taking you to the bedroom and laying down on the bed, immediately he lay down next to you and hugging you. Until that moment the bites and the marks that it had left began to burn a little, but that pain did not matter to you. That night you were finally going to sleep in Arthur's arms, it didn't matter if he was now Joker, if he was a dangerous person, you waited for that moment for a long time and it was the only thing that mattered to you.
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