#I will say tho that I will be very prepared for the proposal defense now
quicksilversquared · 7 months
My advisor, a month ago: so the nice thing about this being a Master's project and not a PhD is that I can help with the stats analysis stuff!
My advisor, this week: I would like a PowerPoint presentation on the arguments that the authors of the papers you mentioned made regarding why they used the statistical tests that they did, please and thank you.
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Could I have a Band of Brothers ship? I’m a brunette with green eyes who has a resting bitch face but once you get to know me you’ll find that I’m a sarcastic smart Type A feminist dork. I’m also very self assured in who I am so I don’t care what people think of me so I like to be genuine and honest. I love spending my weekends reading as many books as I can and I’m a morning person so I love the quiet early morning where I can just sit and drink my tea. I’m a mix between a homebody and adventurous during my vacation time so hobbies include reading, spending time with my family, arts & crafts, traveling, surfing, rock climbing and hiking. Thank you in advance!
I ship you with...
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Johnny Martin
Notes: I just wish I could have your personality! But yeah, I hope you like it, I think I could’ve done better tho :/
You got the scariest motherfucker of them all.
But you see, the fact that you have a pretty strong fist and that you couldn't care less about what he thinks or others think, caught his attention. 
I’m sure you both have some pretty good matching resting bitch faces.
It’s the kind of couple that is quiet but then can cut someone like a blade just with their gaze. (Iconic) 
I think you guys in the beginning started as small enemies, not exactly enemies, just the fact that you have both strong personalities. 
Once some guys started saying some stupid sexist comments about you he defend you: “Oh, you little dick motherfuckers have nothing better to do, do you? Get the fuck out of here. Go on!” 
You admired that but still got a little angry because you could've handled it alone. 
You had already prepared some sarcastic throwbacks.
Also, in the beginning you were a little defensive towards him, but you couldn't care less tho.
But eventually when you started dating you became the power couple. 
Not many people know but Johnny was a pretty cunning and loner guy. 
Johnny is the type of man who is basically: “I hate the whole world but you.”
When the Easy boys saw you two together they were definitely asking themselves if that was the real Johnny Martin that they know, love and fear.
He’s just so much more vulnerable and caring. 
May any fucking god protect the ones who try to mess with you. 
When he gets angry Johnny just needs to gaze into your beautiful green eyes to get himself back together.
I believe Johnny overthinks a lot and due to being a sergeant, he blames himself for some of his men's deaths.
In those moments he just needs you to sit him and let him get it all out, and after that please give this man a hug. 
You guys spend every morning reading alone in peace and quiet.
Sometimes he likes to snuggle with you and read out loud for you.
Both enjoy your tea while reading. (He definitely needs some.)
I believe he was more of a coffee guy but then switched to tea because of you and he loves it now.
Both of you are pretty adventurous, but he had never tried rock climbing.
So, one weekend you guys got into a road trip and you did everything: Hiking, rock climbing, exploring some places. 
He admires you so much for loving to do all that stuff.
Sometimes he just stays there watching you and is thinking: “How the hell does she do that?” 
I don’t know if you want to get married but during one of your trips you guys stopped on a beach for surfing and he did really consider proposing to you.
The first time he met your family he was so nervous, what the fuck.
But they loved him, he spent all evening talking with your family like they knew each other ages ago.
This is a little short but I hope you like it <3
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Part four
TW/CW: implied kidnapping (actual kidnapping tbh), yelling, verbally fighting, mentions of past relationships, breakups that ended wrong, interrogating someone, unsympathetic Patton, slightly unsympathetic Remy/sleep
After playing battleship, which Roman and Virgil won, they moved on to different games during the afternoon, Patton cooked dinner after they were done, he also backed some cookies and let the others decorate them while he finished packing.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Virgil asked Dee once more, he had been asking the same thing over and over since he joined them on the board games.
Dee was placing some sprinkles on the cookies “I am Virge, I’ve been since you started asking”
Virgil sighed “I know... I’m just making sure, the jar is not... that nice to be in...”
“Yeah...thanks, but really, I’m fine” he gave Virgil a small smile “I’m out of there now, and that’s what matters”
“Just try not to get yourself in there again, that’s the hard part” commented Roman who was eating the icing.
Virgil looked at him “You will go in there if you keep eating that much sugar, you could start to yell at Pat again”
Roman shook his head “I won’t, and Patton gave us a small bowl of icing, he knows how I get with sugar”
“It’s a small bowl for him” Virgil smacked Roman’s hand that was reaching again for more
“Hey” Roman turned to look at him “okay, okay, I’ll stop”, he sat down next to him “I’m allowed to eat a cookie tho”
Dorian chuckled looking as they continued arguing, they really were used to it by now, he both hoped and feared for the day he would be too.
“Are you guys done?” Patton asked as he went back to the kitchen “aww, those look great!” He took one cookie, careful to not startle any of his boyfriends, and bit it “mmm, we did a great job with these” he took small pieces of that same cookie and placed them down “we can finish the rest after dinner” Each shrunken guy grabbed a piece of the cookie and ate it, Patton left his hand down for them to climb once they finished.
But before anyone could move, someone knocked the apartment’s door, Patton hummed, he wasn’t expecting anyone today, specially since they were moving tomorrow “I’ll go see who it is, I’ll be back in a sec” he said to the others and got out of the kitchen, making dure to close the door and place a towel under it before opening the main door “Yes?” He asked, his smile dropping a bit as he saw who it was.
“Patton Heart, my name is Remy Black, private investigator” They said taking their sunglasses off
“I know who you are Remy” Patton faked a smile “No need to be so formal, what can I help you with?”
Remy sighed “I’m just following the protocol Patton, and I’m here for business, don’t get the wrong idea” they searched on their jacked pocket and got a picture out of it “I’ve been contacted to investigate the disappearing of Roman Prince, and I was informed you used to date, I just came to ask you some questions” they handed the picture to Patton, it was a pic of Roman.
Patton took it “we used to yes, but I haven’t known anything about him for a long time” he lied.
“This will be quick then, can I come in so we can talk?”
“No need” Patton closed the door behind him “it’s a mess in there and you said it, this will be quick”
Remy raised an eyebrow “Alright then” he got a notebook and a pen out of their pockets “When was the last time you saw him?”
Patton hummed as he faked to think “about... three or four years ago”
“You were going to run away together, what happened?”
“Right, that, well, we went back to my apartment and had something to eat, but then he said he had forgotten some stuff at the theatre and was going to go back and get them, I told him he could go on our way to the new house but he refused and went alone, I waited a couple of hours for him to come back but he... he never did, he didn’t answer to my calls or my texts and I never saw him again” Patton faked being hurt as he told his fake story, something he had already prepared jus in case.
Remy wrote on his notebook “we have a witness who saw your car getting out of the building three hours or so after you two got in, why didn’t you wait longer for him?”
Clever, Patton knew Remy was a great detective, but he had everything prepared because of this “we had plans, we had to arrive to the new house at a certain day and everything was already prepared, I didn’t want to risk te landlord cancelling the deal, he knew our route, he knew where to find me and I told him to meet me there, I kept calling at every stop, still nothing, I stayed a year on that apparent and he never appeared”
“That’s the other issue, you’ve been moving quite a lot since then, why?”
Patton smirked “Remy, if I didn’t know you any better I would say you’re blaming me for Roman’s disappearance”
Remy mocked a smirk back “Well, I have my reasons to believe it, so I will until you prove me wrong, you’ve been in four different houses, in four different countries in the past three and a half years, why?”
“Because I like change, I haven’t really found my propose in this life or something, I just decide to change atmosphere from time to time, it’s not like I don’t have the money to do it”
Remy huffed “was that a threat? Because I won’t stop just because you pay me, and I’m not afraid of what you could do Pat”
Patton chuckled “see how you’re just blind aiming at me? I never said it was, I’m just answering your questions, it’s not my fault that you’re still a judgmental person”
“Once again, I’m not here to open a wound”
“Right, because you had to choose a case I was involved on, which is just because I’m Roman’s ex boyfriend, what? You wanted to know what horrible things I would have done to you if you didn’t ditch me?”
Remy blinked “Come again? You ditched me”
Patton shook his head “Remy, Remy, Remy, that much mystery is affecting your memory, please remind me, who rejected who or their preferences? Because I’m certain it wasn’t me, and you seem very personally offended for being here for ‘business’” he made quoting marks with his fingers.
“And you seem very defensive for someone who’s ‘innocent’” Remy mocked him and this the same sign.
“Lets just” Patton sighed “get this over with so you can go, any more questions?”
Remy rolled their eyes “yeah, why won’t you let me in?”
“I’m in the middle of moving out and there’s a mess in there, I was also cooking and the kitchen is very dirty, it’s not like I’m hiding something”
They sighed “Fine, I’ll believe you, for now, but I just drove way too many hours to get here, so expect another visit from me very soon”
“Gladly” Patton faked a smile and opened the door of his apartment “but once again, I’m not going to be here that much longer” he went inside and turned to look at them “goodnight Rem, I hope you find Roman” he said before closing the door.
Remy wanted to kick that door down and register Patton’s place, but they knew they couldn’t do it without an order, this was going to be harder than they thought, they walked out of the building and into their car as they considered getting Patton out of his suspects list.
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resiheadcanons · 4 years
Headcanon - Marriage proposal and Marriage life to all the main characters (and Becca too please)
Yay, um sorry I did it really late 💔
Ok, I’m imagining this while the guys are in their mature age in the canon, I don’t actually think of them and marriage being that young 🤷🏻‍♀️
I do see her proposing to her s/o, I mean I see her wearing the pants in the relationship lol she’s such a woman. She would propose in a very serious not romantic way, she would just say “you know what? Let’s get married” she wouldn’t be a very present wife tho (her job), when she was younger she didn’t even think about children but now that she’s older, she really want to be a mother but she’s kinda scared of it too, for many reasons. She’s not really romantic, she’s corny in a funny way, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, I mean if is someone important in her life, she would literally die for that person (no pun intended). Oh and Barry walked her to the altar.
My man🤭 ok no. Chris in his older self is kinda more of a sweetie pie than when he was the young 25 year old Chris Redfield, so yeah his s/o came in the right time in his life, Chris is an idiot, a very corny and awkward idiot, so it would be really difficult for him to finally propose, he would prepare a whole romantic thingy for the love of his life, he would be so awkward around her/him, he wouldn’t be finding the right words to say it but a little “will you marry me?” Is all. They love each other so much so everything is alright. He’s a very absent husband, but he would make it up with his s/o for all that absence, if his s/o wants children he would want them too, he’s such a good dad and his children adore him, I mean what would you do if your dad is a zombie killer legend?.
Ok I’ve never EVER imagined Claire as a wife before so…yeah here it goes lol.
“Oh god… will you fucking marry me?” She would say in a very drunk way, while looking at her s/o like it was the first time she ever looked at her/him. But she really did mean it, lol so they got married in a big celebration, Chris was crying, so she called him a “pussy” ,they all got angry in the end, finally Leon walked her to the altar because Chris was still crying, she was laughing, but she finally got married. She doesn’t want children, even though everybody thinks otherwise, she actually would want to adopt kids (if her s/o want kids obviously), she’s really lazy that her husband/wife has to drag her out of bed, in their house there’s a little room that she only can enter, and is her painting room (she gets angry if anyone does), in many occasions she would make a painting with her s/o as a model.
When I imagine Leon and marriage, I just see him having like one or maybe two failed marriages, and when he finally founded the special one, never married her/him
Leon is awkward and kinda dumb when he likes someone but when is a longtime relationship he’s a really dorky guy. So yeah he’s in that point of the relationship when they’re so in love with each other and everything feels so familiar, the defects, the flaws. he values the little time, every minute he has with his s/o, because he has learned so much of how life can be at times. about he’s marriage proposal he would be very dorky but he would try to control it, but yeah this person has to be a real special one cause mr kennedy had seen some shit and he’s kina scared to pick the wrong one.  The marriage celebration would be very private maybe a few family here and there but that’s it, As a husband he would be very absent, and he is sorry about it but he always thinks about his s/o during missions, about how much he wants to be there for her/him, when he has free time he would just be sleeping and in bed all day, but his s/o understand it, and he´s such a sleepy cat, if his s/o want children he would be kinda defensive about it (cause he always thinks Sherry is like his only daughter) but maybe in the end he would want to have kids.
Uff… maybe in some very very veeery far future she would marry someone, idk I see this kinda out of character so instead of her I’m gonna do some bonus character in the end lol sorry :(
She would be kinda like Leon, not with the failed marriages lol, but with the subject of being right about her s/o, if this person is the right one to finally give the next step, I don’t see her so much doing the proposal, but she would do it if her s/o is taking too long and she know what he/she wants, she’s very present as a wife, she doesn’t want children at all, she’s the kind of wife that would cheer her s/o up every time, she would talk about work a little too much, she does not cook in the house lol, everybody came to her wedding, even though she didn’t invited them, Leon was there, Carlos was there, Sherry was there, even that Jake guy she didn’t even know.
•BILLY (this was for the Ada one)
He would be so in love, and he would appreciate everything of his s/o, every little thing, he's like falling more in love. His marriage proposal would be like so spontaneous, like he would be looking at his s/o just waking up, and he would ask her/him to marry him. Private wedding, cause of his issues, but he actually don't care if he doesn't have a big celebration, he just wants to marry his s/o. He's literally so romantic, every day with him would be like the first, he is so caring and lovely all the time, he would like to have children one day especially from the love of his life, he's a cool dad, like that cool dad that would laugh if you fall.
(I actually think of Billy and Rebecca marrying some day. But don't mind me lol)
Ok this HC was a little hard to do, but I managed to do it so I hope u liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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lovelylogans · 4 years
what are your favorite episodes of gilmore girls?
ooOOOOOOH GREAT QUESTION i’ll break it down season by season:
season one
pilot. i mean, obviously. it sets them all up so well, character-wise; plus, you can tell some episodes in season one that were filmed shortly after the pilot vs a while later, just bc of emily’s differing hair lengths
the lorelai’s first day at chilton: introduces such great characters (paris, madeline, louise) and also is such a great way to continue the transition into learning about this world
rory’s birthday parties: god. just. the stark difference between emily and richard’s world vs stars hollow...... the found family of practically all of stars hollow showing up to rory’s home party...... “lorelai’s right. i don’t know my daughter at all.”...... God
forgiveness and stuff: like, gOD. a masterclass of acting especially from kelly bishop and lauren graham; it hits so differently after edward hermann’s actual passing. luke and lorelai’s relationship displayed on what he’d do for her. lord!
paris is burning: paris................ the Beginning of turning from enemies to friends...... plus, like, you get to see some of lorelai’s commitment issues, which plays out throughout the entire series (sometimes To My Great Aggravation)
concert interruptus: the bangles 🥺paris and rory 🥺
christopher returns: i mean. you see the dynamic between rory and christopher, lorelai and christopher, and emily, richard, and christopher, which just paints such a clearer picture of what lorelai’s life might have been like back then. PLUS, emily being soft toward rory; it’s one of my fave relationship moments for them, and i kind of regret taking that line from her and giving it to christopher in wyliwf.
star crossed lovers and other strangers: the same way we get to see emily and rory, we get to see richard and lorelai; also, you can see how lorelai’s commitment issues might have inadvertently affected rory in this. plus i love love LOVE the backstory of the stars hollow lovers festival, i wish they’d repeated it in later seasons!
emily in wonderland: i really wish you’d gotten to see the effect of learning about lorelai and rory living in the shed play out more than a one-episode arc, i really wish we did, but like. emily bishop, once again, acting her damn heart out. phenomenal.
season two
the road trip to harvard: you get to see the beginnings of how rory leaving for college might affect lorelai, plus you get to see rory in her ivy league habitat. luke getting so suddenly, “inexplicably” cheerful when he hears that lorelai’s not marrying max. and at the very ending emily being sympathetic to max. bless it.
nick & nora/sid & nancy: first jess ep. “dodger.” what else is there to say. points off lorelai tho for immediately losing it at jess when he snarks at her, when, like, that is your move, lorelai, you should recognize that?
presenting lorelai gilmore: rory stepping more and more into her grandparents’ world in a way lorelai never wanted to; though i don’t ship christopher and lorelai, their dance scene is adorable. plus, emily and richard fighting a bit and the beginnings of richards (seasons long!) arc about his journey with his work.
the ins and oust of inns: MIA. you get to see mia for the first time! lorelai and sookie having a fight is :( but you get to see lorelai’s turmoil over actually leaving the inn. emily coming to see mia! luke yelling at the town over them being rude about luke! lorelai coming to his defense! rory telling jess off and jess wordlessly fixing luke’s toaster in silent apology!
the bracebridge dinner: GOD. love it. the horses and carriages! the absurd historical acting! emily and richard! rory and jess! luke and lorelai! it’s fantastic!
a-tisket, a-tasket: I LOVE THIS EPISODE. some of the town absurdity that was just A Plus. “it’s not like she’s shipping off to ‘nam!” is a great line. jackson proposing to sookie! and poor lane........
there’s the rub: emily and lorelai, seeing how great they could get along, but seeing how either of them wreck it just when it’s getting a-okay. god. it’s just such a great microcosm of their relationship.
dead uncles and vegetables: luke......... Luke. lorelai and rory and jess all rallying around him in their ways, and stars hollow by extension. even tho they were pretty shitty at first, they, like. managed to make it up to him in the end.
lorelai’s graduation day: GOD LAUREN GRAHAM, KELLY BISHOP, AND EDWARD HERMANN KILL IN THE GRADUATION SCENE!!!!! i ADORE that shot of the three of them, gets me every single time!!! the only thing i dislike about it is rory accidentally missing the graduation bc....... :/. like. i really like jess. but. come on.
i can’t get started: sookie’s wedding!!! her freaking out over the cake so much in her dress is So Her, she looked so pretty omg! plus, if the spa ep is a good microcosm of emily and lorelai, this is a great microcosm for christopher and lorelai. plus!!!! RORY AND JESS FIRST KISS!!!!!!
season three (look, full disclosure, seasons 3/4 are like. my faves. so)
haunted leg: gosh. lauren graham kills it in that last couple scenes. plus! kirk asking lorelai out on a date is hilarious! emily and lorelai’s lunch at luke’s going So Bad! and i know that not a ton of people like the francie chilton student politics intrigue subplot isn’t great for some people, but i do think that the potential was Great and there are definitely some really good scenes that arose from that subplot, so
take the deviled eggs... like. just. a great blend of town insanity (patty’s new boy, the town loner pitching a protest no one knows the reason behind) and lorelai and rory bonding (by deviled-egging jess’ CAR) and just!!! yes!!!!
they shoot gilmores, don’t they?: i mean. come ON. what list would be complete without this? literally every single favorites list has this episode on there. the dance marathon is the perfect example of town insanity! lane and dave getting their bonding! that little luke and lorelai moment about having kids! that scene of rory crying into lorelai’s shoulder!
a deep-fried korean thanksgiving: i love the whole “three thanksgivings” thing. Can Relate, Do Understand. i think that lorelai freaking out at rory for applying to yale is definitely a contrived subplot (i mean. she was never going to apply to only harvard. ma’am.) but i do like seeing sookie, and luke and jess, and just.... Yeah
dear emily and richard: our ONLY flashback ep! while i do think that only lauren graham can really pull lorelai off, the actress is, like, fairly decent (young christopher, however, does not really fit) and you just! yeah! you get to see them back in their youth and FINALLY get the context of how lorelai ran away!
the big one: like! yay paris! lorelai’s reaction (”i’ve got the good kid!”) is Gross, Frankly! it’s gross and bad! but also poor paris 🥺but!!! rory helping to comfort her afterwards!! richard falling asleep in the middle and having No idea of what just went down is also inexplicably hilarious to me!
those are strings, pinocchio: i mean. it’s the graduation episode. God. i just???? god. it’s such a great episode, there’s so many great moments, i just. 🥺
season four
the lorelais’ first day at yale: a great little titling parallel to chilton, but also, rory panicking when lorelai leaves is like. such a Thing ya know??? i just. yeah. i really like that ep it’s a nice introduction
the festival of living art: one, this show won its only emmy bc of the makeup, so that alone is great. uh, kirk being so adversary to the guy who plays judas is god tier humor! plus! sookie and jackson having their baby!
ted koppel’s big night out: THE FOOTBALL GAME EPISODE! i actually kind of love it, but more the first half than the latter; it’s such an emily and richard way to prepare for a football game, you know? and then meeting pennilyn lott! igniting the arc of emily and richard having doubts about their marriage which has Acting! Moments! but this also has jason and lorelai’s first date, which i Dislike, bc i Dislike Jason Very Much.
nag hammadi is where they found the gnostic gospels: seeing jess come back into town and you get to see how unfinished things are between him and rory..... the luke angst..... Yes.
the incredible sinking lorelais: a very realistic part of college, imo, in which you feel overwhelmed and anxious and EVERYTHING SUCKS NOW CAN I JUST CALL MY MOM, though i wish they’d set it up a bit more and followed it longer than an episode, and also that rory hadn’t gone to dean; but also, trix, and richard standing up to her, which!
scene in a mall: idk i just love this episode? seeing emily in her shopping element; seeing her break down in that way; seeing how shopping is like, one of her Only ways to execute power, and how she’s kind of jealous of lorelai’s career bc she was born into a generation where the only thing it was really acceptable for her to do was cultivate a husband and a nice house; plus!!! that last bit of emily and richard and the apples at the table just BREAKS your heart!!!
girls in bikinis, boys doin’ the twist: SPRING BREAAAAK which is so unexpected for paris and rory and therefore very funny. you get to see madeline and louise again—i actually really love their characters, lmao! paris and rory kiss! just! yeah!
tick, tick, tick, boom!/afterboom: another “idk i just enjoy it” episode. richard and floyd coming to a head; kirk’s easter egg hunt; seeing little davey. however i have some Words for rory because lindsay deserves better??? i understand that she could get a part time job but also MIND YOUR BUSINESS?????? dean’s the one taking classes! that’s an unnecessary expense! he has two jobs!! he’s allowed to take a pause!!! also i can’t believe i’m forced to defend dean right now!!! fuck asher, tho, but yay! breaking up with jason!!! yay breaking up with jason!!!!!!
luke can see her face/last week fights, this week tights: i can’t, okay??? i literally had to. the beginning of jess’ (admittedly mostly off-screen) development arc! luke and the self-help books! the absurdity of the renaissance wedding! the WEDDING DANCE!!! 
raincoats and recipes: truly an episode has never gone from such a “FUCK YESSSSSS FINALLY” scene to a “FUCK NOOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGG” but honestly it’s just. it’s Such a fantastic episode like i can’t
season five
written in the stars: their first date 🥺the horoscope 🥺”i am in, lorelai. i am all in.” 🥺 HER GOING DOWNSTAIRS IN JUST HIS SHIRT 🥺 HIM YELLING AT THE TOWN ABOUT HOW IT’S THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS 🥺🥺🥺
we got us a pippi virgin: literally the concept alone of “nearly coming to blows via bop it” is great. also luke being like “rory is like pippi!” and showing off what a high regard he holds her in 🥺
emily says hello: LITERALLY so many great little things about this episode. emily deciding she wants to try dating! rory and christopher snapping at each other! KELLY BISHOP’S ACTING AFTER THE DATE WHEN SHE CLOSES THE DOOR ON HIM AND BURSTS INTO TEARS!!!!!!!
women of questionable morals: the dog. 
wedding bell blues: HUNDREDTH EPISODE couldn’t NOT make it on here, so here it is!!! luke and lorelai looking at each other when she’s next to the aisle! luke and christopher both yelling and logan—AcTING! also emily being so manipulative even on her second wedding day, it’s just So classically her, and kelly bishop and lauren graham in the final scene is just. Mwah!
so... good talk: rory literally stepping into lorelai’s shoes for a dinner and being the one to snap at emily and richard is Such a role reversal for her but honestly whenever it does happen i actually really enjoy seeing the dichotomy between the grandparents seeing rory as their perfect little second chance and lorelai seeing her as her mini-me and how rory walks the line between each. AND THAT ENDING KISS SCENE BETWEEN LUKE AND LORELAI????? I CAN’T?????
pulp friction: LORELAI CONTINUING TO ICE OUT EMILY AND RICHARD!!!!! the yelling scene at the diner!!!! plus seeing the chilton skirt come out again was nice imo i too have reused private schoolwear
season six (the season, admittedly, i have watched the least)
we’ve got magic to do: the outfits of the dar bash. paris’ sudden dedication to the proletariat. emily’s rant to shira. that is all
twenty-one is the loneliest number: them finally starting to talk; “this is luke, my soon-to-be-stepfather”; the pastor scene is also just. hilarious. but also so very richard and emily
let me hear your balalaikas ringing out: lorelai’s emotions toward paul anka being sick Oof and luke and the soccer team lmao but also JESS RETUUUUURNS!!!!! RORY SNAPS OUT OF IT!!!!!! FINALYYYYYYY!!!!
friday night’s alright for fighting: literally the montage of all of them intercut with fighting and them sitting in silence while the other two yell in the background to them laughing is just. Peak gilmore
this turned out..... even longer than expected lmao
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lowkeyorloki · 3 years
hiii its BC anon i re read chapter 34 last night but i was like half dead from writing 2 reports and a grant proposal and i got worried i'd forget all my theories so i typed "loki is fucked up" into my notes app and then like immediately passed out i woke up this morning and was like oh thank god i wrote that vital information down lmao ANYWAY yep they are breaking up i have never been more sure i want to stick to my y/n is gonna do it but idk that chapter made me rethink?? im not sure i still think she's more likely too especially with the line "if it was something we couldn't solve and something I didn't deserve... I would leave." SO I THINK SHES GONNA THINK SHE HAS TO LEAVE bUT Loki was talking about how she should be enjoying her time in college and not burdened with parenthood so maybe he's gonna do it? maybe it will be mutual after all. Idk but they are DEFINITELY breaking up and i am not emotionally ready good thing i have a week before the chapter drops i have to prepare. also this chapter reads v differently and is much more sad now that we know whats coming ESPECIALLY when loki is like "you wouldnt hurt me" like oh no oh loki sweetie im so sorry its gonna get rough for you. anyway i see you throwing in vital plot information and then immediately distracting us with omg where's narvi and i totally fell for it and forgot the relationship stuff lol. i wish i was capable of sending you asks of an appropriate length but anyway i hope youre have a relaxing weekend and get a break from schoolwork!!!
BC anon you are literally the sweetest 😭 also writing "Loki is fucked up" in your notes and finding that in the morning is so fucking funny LMAOOOO but bestie it's totally okay if you can't re read the fic or send messages to make sure you get your work done!! I took a grant writing class last year and for our final project we had to write a mock grant request and that was NOT easy, so I can only imagine how hard it is to actually do. anyway that aside we r in sync because i also had a very intense workload yesterday and on top of that we did a bulgarian bag workout at my self defense class last night and i was OUT the second i got back to my dorm. I hope you're feeling well rested, and congrats on getting all your work done :D
I think that I need "oh no oh loki sweetie im so sorry its gonna get rough for you." on a tee shirt right now. In fact, I need it expeditiously. Maybe that's the asis fandom's signifier - like if you meet a Loki fan and want to know if they read fic that's a code to see if they do ajanmnvanVn (<- ugly keysmash don't look at me)
Also this is some top notch analysis and I think that you got your thesis statement (breakup, largely by y/n) your supporting evidence (the quotes you just gave me) and your counterargument (possibly mutual breakup). And u know the loveliest thing about papers is that is doesn't matter if you're right or not, just that you can appropriately defend your position. Even if your theory ends up being wrong (which I can neither confirm or deny... for only the next six days tho hehehe) you, so this ask in particular gets an A+ in my book and also a gold star sticker :)))
And BC anon you got me... anytime after the reader reached out to Nat trying to talk again, I tried to balance any relationship/plot stuff with SOMETHING else to a) compensate + balance out the absolute pain I knew this third act would be putting y'all away and b) make re reading the fic, if any of you choose to do so, more fun hehe. I didn't want their angst to come out of nowhere but I also wanted to imply it in a way that people wouldn't really pick up on in a first read. What can I say, the holy trinity of Vee aka lowkeyorlok is angst / cliff hangers / redirection 😈
PLEASE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH OF YOUR ASK I love them all and this one is no exception! Thank you so so so much for sending me even though you had such a busy day :') I hope you're getting a (well-deserved!!!) break too
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