#I wish I made look more Christmasy
sparkleface42 · 2 years
I was listening to Christmas songs and Last Christmas came on and just… Laurance bro 😔
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angelicjungwon · 10 months
yang jungwon - love at first sight
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plot: you were out with a few friends, enjoying your time at a christmas market when you locked eyes with the most beautiful man you have ever seen. he never left your mind until a few years later you two meet again, same location, same time.
tw: kinda cute? mentions alcohol, enhypen screaming at a cute plushie, jungwon being nervous.
an: i try to always write genderneutral !
word count: 907
it was a cold winter evening, the sun was nowhere to be seen, it was foggy and snowing. the perfect day for a christmas market. you and your friends decided to meet up around 6 p.m., to get some christmasy snacks before going on a little shopping spree.
you were holding your cup of hot cocoa, sipping on it peacefully while looking around, ignoring the conversations going on, as you were too blinded by the beautiful lights and the wonderful smell of candy and baked goods.
however, as you were looking through the crowds, your eyes met the ones of a handsome boy who seemed to be appreciating the scenery as much as you did. he smiled at you, you smiled back but quickly turned away has you felt your face heating up.
you didn‘t expect someone as cute as him to flash you a smile, suddenly feeling insecure about your outfit and the way you looked in general.
you shyly looked back around, him mid conversation, turning his head to face you again before smiling once more.
he was extremely gorgeous and in that moment all you wished for was for him to walk over and ask you for your number…
but sadly he didn‘t.
you lost him in the crowds of people and didn‘t get the chance to see him again..
(4 years later)
same place, almost all friends from four years ago, just a few new ones you met once you started university.
some things have changed of course. your hair looked a little different, your style has changed a lot, since you got older and started becoming more yourself.
and let‘s not forget that most of your friends were now standing here with alcohol in their hands, however you stayed true to your hot cocoa.
your eyes were roaming around the market, trying to find a food place to get a snack, as you were extremely hungry after a long day at uni and work, but your eyes came to a stop when they met with a familiar persons eyes.
he was already staring at you, probably trying to figure out whether it was you he has seen a few years back or not.
he flashed you a smile and you smiled back, your heart was skipping a beat once you realised it was the boy you have seen a couple years ago. the one who didn‘t leave your head.
„oh, who are you staring at?“ your friend asked, trying to follow where your gaze was landing. „the boy… the one i told you about…“ you muttered back. she pushed you forward, telling you to finally walk over and talk to him before you regret it once again but before you could even make a move, a male voice interrupted you.
„hi, uhm… i hope i‘m not bothering.“ you turned around to whom this angelic voice belonged to. he was so soft spoken, it made your heart melt.
„oh uhm.. no worries, how may i help you?“ you asked, suddenly speaking in your customer service voice.
„is it possible that we‘ve met a couple of years ago? your face seems familiar.“ he asked politely, making you nod. „yes, i remember you as well.“ you chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up. suddenly it didn‘t feel cold outside anymore.
„i was wondering if i could maybe have your number. i hope it doesn‘t sound too bold, i just couldn‘t get you out of my hea- actually that sounds super creepy but what i‘m trying to say is, that i think you‘re really uhm… cute? sorry i have never done this before.“ he stuttered, causing you to flash a big smile at him. you‘ve never met someone as adorable.
„sure. and no worry, you don‘t sound weird or creepy, you didn‘t leave my mind either. i was hoping to meet you again.“ you replied as you handed him your phone so he could text himself.
you could see him blush slightly as he typed a message before handing it back to you.
„are you from around here? maybe we could meet up tomorrow for lunch? or coffee?“ he asked, now a little more confident.
„i live a couple blocks away, 10 minute walk from here. and i would love to!“ you replied, making him smile. „wonderful. i moved here the other week, a few minutes from here as well. i‘ll text you later okay? i have to get back to babysit my friends and make sure they don‘t do anything embarrassing.“ he smiled, pointing over to his group of friends who were screaming at a random object they found at one of the little shops. „maybe a little too late for that.“ he added before facepalming himself. „anyways, it was nice meeting you… oh my god i forgot to ask for your name…“ you chuckled as he looked at you in shock. „it‘s (y/n)! i suppose yours is jungwon, right?“ you asked and he nodded. „how do you know?“ he seemed a little confused. you showed him the name he put in your contacts as he gave you his number. „you know what… i‘ll leave now before i embarrass myself more.“ you giggled as you waved him goodbye and turned back to your friends.
„THAT WAS SO CUTE HE WAS SO NERVOUS OH MY GOD“ your friend squealed before jumping up and down while holding your hands. „stop he can still hear you oh my god…“
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try02line · 9 months
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I was very busy studying and this was a last minute idea ahahaha but i think it actually looks pretty adorable if we ignore the hands!
I had this random wittebane-brothers idea and was like- why not? I think is actually a very pretty cute Christmas card, and I would really love if you could tell me what you think about it!
Also, this is a silly Christmasy art, so do not take my following words too seriously, these are just silly comments about this art.
I tried to make the outfits sort of fit their personality in the sense of how much they were committed to it. I imagine lil Philip just taking every and any opportunity to put on some deer-stag antlers on, the small bells are because children are little menaces, so better always be aware where he is and what he is up to- Caleb was more committed to the role, but he was no competition for our professional cosplayer Hunter who decided to go all the way out,, and 100% made his outfit himself from scratch.
Tell me if you wish more silly headcanons.
ANYWAY, hope you all enjoy this little art peace albeit a bit late. Hope you all are having super lovely Christmas holidays, and if you are studying for exams like me, good luck! 🦊
PS: want to dedicate this little art peace to @bananadramaaa bcs albeit i already said this, i still get so much inspiration from the art of this amazing artist! My wittebane brainrot is still mostly fueled by their amazing art style, and i still think their version of Caleb is the best ever, from what we have seen. So I really wanted to wish particularly happy holidays to them! And also to @barnowled for listening to all my brainrot and always be there to support my hyper fixation and helping me with my TOH AU. Love you so much 💜
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
Carol of the Archer (Dr. Stone)
Summary: In the aftermath of a blizzard that kept everyone apart for a couple of days, Chrome and Ukyo reunite to talk about Christmas carols in the old world. When Ukyo gets more emotional than he expected over it, Chrome decides there's only one thing to do...
A/N: This is one of four Christmas fics I had written for last year's 12 Days of Ficmas that never ended up happening. I'm not doing the 12 Days this year either, but I wanted to finally share these holiday fics with you, starting with this one. There will be three more released between now and Christmas Day, as well as Peppermint Mocha drabbles in between. Enjoy, and happy holidays!
Word Count: 1,725
“Hey, why are you sitting all the way out here by yourself?”
Ukyo turned, not at all surprised to see Chrome striding up to him, bundled up in his blue fur coat and gloves as he trudged through the half foot of snow that covered the ground. It was the first time it had been safe to go out in the last couple of days; no one had been able to do anything outdoors thanks to the winter storm that had blown through. That had meant no working, no playing, and only socializing with those in your respective hut. It wasn’t surprising that Chrome was confused by his desire to spend some time away from people for a moment when that’s all they’d been doing the last two days.
“I’m just thinking,” Ukyo replied now, scooting over to make room for the brunette on the seat beside him. They were overlooking the river that ran by their camp. “Remembering the old world.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Chrome asked, shivering as a breeze picked up his hair from his ears. He flipped up the hood of his coat.
“Since Senku made a calendar, I know that next week is Christmas. I’m just missing the feeling that used to come with that, I guess. I wish I could hear some carols.” The archer smiled wistfully. “It would sure have made that blizzard suck a lot less.”
Chrome opened his mouth to say something, then seemed to reconsider. He was quiet for a moment. Then, “What’s your favorite carol?”
The question took Ukyo by surprise. He hummed thoughtfully, recalling all his favorites from three thousand years ago. “Probably ‘Carol of the Bells’. It’s beautiful in a haunting kind of way.”
“Haunting? A Christmas carol?” Chrome nudged him. “Why don’t you sing it for me?”
“What?” Ukyo turned to look at him, startled. “Why?”
“Because I only remember one of the carols Gen taught the kids last year, and even though it’s about bells I don’t think it’s the same one you’re thinking of if yours is ‘haunting’.”
That, and Ukyo was pretty sure Gen wouldn’t have taught the kids “Carol of the Bells.” It was too complicated for beginners.
He shifted in his seat, blowing out a puff of air that dissolved in front of them. “I’m not much of a singer.”
“Can’t be any worse than me,” Chrome replied, grinning. “Go on. I won’t make fun of you.”
Feeling mildly uncomfortable but also very nostalgic, the archer compromised. “How about I just hum it?”
At his friend’s nod, Ukyo started humming quietly under his breath, relieved when Chrome looked away from him to focus on really listening. Not having eyes on him made it a lot easier, so he gradually increased his volume until he was humming a Christmasy tune into the freezing air around them without reservation, the words of the tune coming back to him as he went. He remembered all the times he’d hear this song in the streets when he passed by a group of carolers, and the thought was enough to make him come to a halting stop, suddenly too choked up to continue.
“It sounds neat,” Chrome said, turning back to him with a smile that vanished when he saw how emotional Ukyo had gotten suddenly. “Whoa, are you all right?”
“Sorry.” Ukyo swiped at his eyes and laughed humorlessly. “Guess I miss it more than I thought.”
“Hey, no need to be so sad. You know we’re going to take a couple days off for Christmas again this year, right? Senku made that clear at the beginning of the month.”
“Even after we’ve fallen two days behind because of that blizzard?”
At that moment, a third voice called out to them from somewhere nearby, making both men turn in their seats. Gen waved at them cheerily with one hand, his other firmly clasped in Senku’s, who walked beside him with his usual nonchalance and sarcastic smirk. “Hey, you two! What are you up to?”
“Ukyo was teaching me ‘Carol of the Bells,’” Chrome answered with a returning grin.
“I wouldn’t call it teaching,” Ukyo muttered. Their resident brilliant scientist and his partner stopped just behind where they were sitting. “Out for a romantic stroll?”
“Something like that,” Senku replied, trying for indifference and failing spectacularly. It was clear he was enjoying his time with Gen. “‘Carol of the Bells’, huh?”
Chrome nodded. “It was his favorite in the old world.”
Gen considered this. “Is that the one that goes, ‘Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw cares away’?”
Ukyo’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! That one.”
Chrome nudged him again, a little more playfully this time. “Look at you getting all excited. See? There’s no need to be sad. We can probably sing it on Christmas Eve if enough old-worlders know it.”
“Sad? Who’s sad?” Gen chimed in, eyes focusing on Ukyo. He already knew the answer of course; nothing could get past the mentalist. “Why are you sad? It’s nearly Christmas!”
Ukyo suddenly felt embarrassed. He waved his hand quickly. “No, I’m not sad. I just had a moment of nostalgia, that’s all. I’m fine, really.”
Chrome shot him a look of exasperation that transformed into one of mischief so fast it actually scared the archer a little. “Really, now? No more crying, then?”
“I wasn’t crying!” Ukyo yelped, cheeks burning. “It was just an emotional moment. Quit picking on me!”
“But it’s so easy,” Chrome laughed. He brought his gloved hands up in front of his face and curled them, wiggling his fingers teasingly, making Ukyo gasp and scoot as far away as he could while still sitting on the bench. “See? I’m not even touching you yet.”
“Don’t!” Ukyo begged, unable to help that he was smiling wide already, body shivering just from the thought of having those fingers on him, making him giggle and let out all kinds of humiliating noises. “I don’t need you to – I’m fine, Chrome, really!”
“Cheer up tickles?” Gen gasped excitedly, pulling his occupied hand from Senku’s grasp to wiggle his fingers, too. “Those are always a good idea~”
Ukyo’s eyes darted to Senku, who merely looked at him as if to say, you’re on your own. He got up to try and run, but the others were on him instantly, leaving him no chance of escape. He was giggling hysterically even before they started in earnest, squirming and kicking up snow. “No! Please, no, I’m fihihihihihine! I swehehehehear! Guhuhuhuhuhuhuys!”
Chrome grabbed one of his arms and pinned it out to the side, wiggling his fingers into Ukyo’s ribs through his coat, which gave him absolutely no protection whatsoever thanks to how insanely ticklish he was. Even the slightest brush of feeling against his torso had him cackling, let alone determined digging and pinching.
Gen pinned his other arm and wormed his way into his armpit, beaming all the while. “Being cooped up inside is never good for one’s mental health, you know. I think a good tickling ought to help bring you back to a good place~”
In the back of his mind Ukyo knew he was right, but it just tickled so bad he didn’t care if it would help him or not. He struggled and laughed loudly, the cold air refreshing in an odd kind of way every time he sucked in a lungful of it to catch his breath and expel it back out again in a cascade of unstoppable giggles.
“Plehehehehehehease, stahahahahahahap! I’m fine! I dohohohohon’t need thihihihihihis!” he begged, squealing when Chrome started pinching at that awful spot below his ribs. He threw his head back into the snow, so far beyond caring how wet and cold it was. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
At this point Gen glanced up over his shoulder and winked at Senku. “Come join us, my love~”
Senku crossed his arms, but he was smiling. “Nah, I think I’m good.”
“Aww, does someone else need some cheer-up tickles, too?” the mentalist teased, and the words were enough to make the scientist kneel into the snow beside him and commit to at least trying to help out, squeezing Ukyo’s knees and lower thighs, narrowly avoiding being kicked in the face for his efforts.
He sighed, then shrugged resignedly. “Well, laughter does have its scientific benefits, I suppose. And Gen’s right about it being a good way to get you out of a bad headspace—”
“I DOHOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHAHAHARE ABOUT THAHAHAHAHAHAT!!” Ukyo screeched with laughter, desperately trying to buck and roll away from Chrome’s relentless pinching in that awful, highly ticklish spot. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE, I FEHEHEHEHEHEEL FINE!! I’M GOOD!! I’M GOHOHOHOHOHOHOOD!! LEHEHEHEHEHET ME GO!!”
Chrome grinned, getting right down into his face to tease, “Isn’t there a Christmas carol that talks about ‘laughing all the way’? Do you miss that one, too?”
Ukyo’s cheeks went dark red and he twisted his face to the side, giving in to the knowledge that he was stuck like this for at least another few minutes even as he screamed, “YOU’LL PAHAHAHAY FOR THIHIHIHIHIS, CHROHOHOHOHOHOME!!”
“Uh-oh, is that a threat?” Gen chuckled. “Sounds like he needs some more tickling. Don’t you agree, dear Senku?”
Senku rolled his eyes but smiled all the same. “I’m sure another minute or two couldn’t hurt. Chrome?”
Chrome dug into his friend’s death spot with even more vigor, beaming at the way it made Ukyo dissolve into silent hysterics. “Yeah, another minute should do it. Then I’m gonna hightail it out of here before he can recover.”
Senku snorted. “Scared?”
“Not really,” Chrome admitted, tuning back into Ukyo’s ticklish distress right as he let out a high-pitched shriek and a flood of bubbly giggles so adorable it made the brunette’s cheeks turn pink. “But if he wants to make me sound like that, I’m going to make him work for it!”
Ukyo heard and understood the challenge, but he was too far gone laughing himself silly to formulate any kind of response at this point. All he could do was laugh and writhe and kick and laugh some more, and curse that all-knowing mentalist if it wasn’t making him feel about a hundred times lighter.
Well, he supposed, his favorite Christmas carol did encourage him to ‘throw cares away’, didn’t it?
The archer gave up the fight and did exactly that.
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l0serloki · 2 years
Christmas Time
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Genshin Christmas Headcanons
(Tartaglia, Itto, Diluc, Kaeya, Ayato)
A/N : Me and da bb @butterflybboy​ wrote these for fun. He wrote Kaeya and Ayato and I wrote the other three! I apparently am writing these for every holiday and special occasion LMFAO
Tartaglia :
Childe is gonna go all out
He got a bunch of cliche decorations, your house looks like a christmas bomb
Mans makes sure to get a giant tree for the living room (it makes him feel more at home)
When the day comes he wakes up early and makes the two of you warm drinks
He gets excited to open presents/watch you open yours (indulge his inner child please)
The two of you visit his family as well - the dinner is lovely and he’s so happy to have you with him
Childe sat on the floor of your house, arms reaching out to pass you presents. “I got you some really good gifts. You’ll love them baby!” You could only coo at his elated attitude, allowing him to tear open the boxes, wrapping paper going everywhere.
Later that day, Childe still laid on the floor messing around with his new legos. His new ugly christmas sweater was visible from miles away, making your heart soar. His cerulean hues met yours, hands waving you over. “Come help me! I wanna finish before we have to catch our boat home!”
Itto :
He didn't even realize at first but now he wants to enjoy it
He practically begs you to bake cookies with him, dragging you into the kitchen
The two of you made homemade frosting and it somehow ended up everywhere (he tried to eat all of it and then smashed some into your face, he apologized)
Your cookies turned out nice but Itto’s looked atrocious
“I don’t know what you mean Y/N, they’re abstract.”
He tried his best and even gave you kisses after, cookie crumbs getting everywhere
“Y/N! I got all the stuff we need to make cookies.. Please!” Itto tugged at your hand, leading you into the kitchen. You could only smile at the man's childish attitude, the grin on his face adorable. “Yeah yeah Itto, go grab the ingredients out of the cupboard.” The tall man threw the items in front of you and the two of you got to baking.
Not even thirty minutes later Itto was running around with frosting all over his face, the sugar rush getting to him. You finally grasped onto him, his lips coming down to peck at your face. Your nose crinkled as the leftover frosting smeared across your skin. “Itto! You got frosting all over me!” You smacked his shoulder as his boisterous laughter filled the house.
Diluc :
He knew it was Christmas coming up, he just hadn’t had a good one in a while
He tried his best to get into the festivities, he brought home some pie and made warm cider
The two of you sat next to the warm fire and cuddled as Diluc talked about his day
You both ended up falling asleep to the crackle of the fire and the company of each other
Diluc had come home early, a grocery bag in hand. You raised an eyebrow as you kissed his cheek, welcoming him back. “I got us a pie and some cider, why don’t you get the fire going?” You were surprised to say the least - Diluc was getting festive? You wouldn’t say no to that!
The two of you laid against the plush couch, Diluc’s arms framing around your body. His voice murmured about his day as you felt drowsiness overtake you. You couldn’t help but want this moment to last forever.
Kaeya :
Insists on stopping into like every store, just to fool around and be random
Will put beanies on your head and say, “look into the mirror, you’re so cute!” You will have at least one new beanie or pair of gloves that he wanted you to try on
He sings along to the christmas music playing over the mall to make you laugh, and may even dance to embarrass you just a little
He’ll want to wish into the mall fountain which is adorable…
Will want to stop and buy the two of you a reindeer cake pop or something christmasy to make it feel more in the spirit
You ask Kaeya if you can stop and sit by the brilliant, decorated Christmas tree to rest for a moment. “Of course, Y/N.” He keeps one arm warmly around your shoulder while his other arm is stretched across his body to trace innocently along your leg. He always wants to stay connected to you somehow, and it makes you feel secure. The lights from the tree twinkle in his eyes, but even if there were no lights, there would always be that happy gleam in them.
Ayato :  
Ayato noticed you were feeling in a rut lately in many different senses. He asks you if you would like to go on a trip to refresh and reset. Of course, you accept
“Is this too much? Is it cheesy? It is a long travel, and I thought this would be more romantic than traveling by means of the clan…” You intake his words while admiring the horse drawn carriage about to take you to Snezhnaya to visit the snow
You take turns cooking throughout the trip, he loves your meals, and equally you love his. He says cooking for you is a rare pleasure since he seldom has the time to do so
You notice the child in him come out even more in times like these. He always loves to be playful, it only amplifies when the world is open for him to celebrate. And celebrate he may with you
You notice the child in him come out even more in times like these. He always loves to be playful, it only amplifies when the world is open for him to celebrate. And celebrate he may with you
You feel so content watching him enjoy building a snowman, resting by the fire with him snuggled up to you, laughing at the cute winter bunnies racing in the snow so quickly that it flies up behind them. He is so genuinely happy to be spending this relaxing time with you. “Whenever I have time to spare, I always want to spend it with you. I revel in these times, and I wait patiently until I can do it more and more. And more, and more.”
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
✨️Holidays With You✨️
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🎄🎉 100+ Followers Special Event!🎉🎄
✎ Dottore x GN/Fem!Reader Christmas Prompt list~
Deadline for sending asks: December 31st
Since we've reached 100+ followers and it's almost Christmas. I've decided to do something for it!
(Might as well turn this into a blog dedicated to Dottore at this point /j)
This is my first time doing this so I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right :')
Here's a list of prompts that I've made myself. I originally wanted to make 100 of them. But because I'm sick rn I wasn't able to think much with my brain 💀 I'll have to settle for 50. I hope that's enough-- (Edit: added 15 more to the list!)
I tried to make this as Christmasy as possible. Hope I didn't disappoint lol.
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1. You can choose only up to 3 prompts per ask!
2. You can send them via ask!
3. Please note that it might take me a long time to complete them (due to some personal issues.)
4. It is not garanteed that I'll be able to do yours, no hard feelings.
5. I only write for GN or Fem Reader. I'll use GN Reader as default if not specified.
6. no nsfw(suggestive is fine)/gore/anything hateful towards anyone or any community/etc.
Prompt list:
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Note: You can also add specific scenarios along with the prompt(s) you choose if you want to!
#1 - “Love, you're freezing.”
#2 - “Hey, this snowman has your eyes!"
#3 - “You’re weird… but fine. I’ll share my scarf with you.”
#4 - “One bowl of hot steamy soup coming right up.”
#5 - “Get in the blankets with me.”
#6 - “You made this yourself?”
#7 - "There’s chocolate on your face, silly.”
#8 - “I already have you, my greatest present.”
#9 - “Did you steal my coat?”
#10 - “You look adorable in it.”
#11 - “Are you cold? Come here.”
#12 - “Here let me warm you up.”
#13 - “I don’t need any gifts.”
#14 - “Let’s decorate this tree together.”
#15 - "I don't like holidays... But I suppose they're alright when I'm with you."
#16 - "How can I not stare when you look so nice like this?"
#17 - “Careful not to slip now.”
#18 - “Here, I knitted this sweater for you.”
#19 - “I’m sorry I didn’t prepare anything for you…”
#20 - “Why buy ornaments when you can make them?”
#21 - “You look so cute in my arms.”
#22 - “This is a gift that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.”
#23 - “You got a snowflake on your nose.”
#24 - “Let’s go skating!”
#25 - “Let me hoist you up so you can put the star at the top.”
#26 - “Here, hold my hand.”
#27 - “We should stay in bed for a little longer.”
#28 - “Only you can make me feel like this.”
#29 - “The cookies are still hot so don’t touch them!”
#30 - “Spend Christmas with me, please?”
#31 - “Let’s go out into the snow!”
#32 - “You’ve missed me? Good, because I’ve missed you too.”
#33 - “You hear that? That’s my heart beating for you.”
#34 - “Hoho, your Santa is here.”
#35 - “You’re so silly and I love that a lot.”
#36 - “Darling, why didn’t you tell me you feel cold?”
#37 - “I love seeing you smile. You should do that more.”
#38 - “It’s ugly, but I love it.”
#39 - “Maybe taking a day off today wasn’t so bad.”
#40 - “Hmph, my face is red only because it’s freezing outside. Don’t think much of it.”
#41 - “I’ll only stop kissing you when I deem that you’re warm enough.”
#42 - “I got you a little something. It’s not much but I hope you’ll like it anyway.”
#43 - “Careful, it’s still hot.”
#44 - “Why don’t we dance for a while?”
#45 - “You’re so pretty…”
#46 - “I love seeing you flustered.”
#47 - “Is something burning?”
#48 - “To be able to spend every day like this with you… is not something I object to.”
#49 - "I have a wish only you could make it come true."
#50 - “Don't laugh, I'm a scientist. Not a baker."
#51 - "Who needs a fireplace when I have you."
#52 - "Your cooking isn't bad for a scientist."
#53 - "Hug me, please."
#54 - "Stand still and just let me hold you."
#55 - "I can't reach up there. Can you lift me up?"
#56 - "It's okay, we still have this, uh, whatever this is for when the food is burnt… which is now."
#57 - "Hey, look over to this Kamera real quick. I need a photo of you so I can show Santa what I want this year."
#58 - "Oh look, we're under a mistletoe."
#59 - "You, is all that I want."
#60 - "Don't be a fool. Santa is not real; I am though."
#61 - "What are you doing? Put that snowball down– mph!"
#62 - "Shopping for you is hard!"
#63 - "Don't put that ridiculous hat on me."
#64 - "Is that what you wish for? I'll make it come true for you then."
#65 - "Don't be shy, look at me."
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 9 months
i am enough of a Grinch that taking the Christmas shit down feels good every year. My house always seems bigger and cleaner when it's gone. But this year in particular, I've never been more ready to box it up and put it away. A was here before I put this shit up this year. And when I heard he died, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was playing on our living room TV, and the lights were sparkling on our tree. I've never been a huge holly jolly Christmasy person. But wow this year made me actively resent it. I know it's 11 months away now, but I'm wondering if I'll be able to conjure up any joy at all after Thanksgiving next year.
If I can't rewind back to before Thanksgiving, like I wish I could so badly, I can at least feel like I'm fast forwarding to next year. When I don't have to look at Christmas for a while.
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min-yunki-agustd · 1 year
December Prompt List
Unfortunately, these were supposed to be requested. I didn't get many requests, But, I still want to write to writing and be Christmasy so here's a request from myself ...
Day 19 - Sick in the cold
Sickie: yoongi
Caretaker: Hoseokie
Tw: emeto, nausea, maybe the flu/ cold situation.
Word count:
Yoongi hates the cold. For some reason, he's easily susceptible to it and he's wishing he had on more layers. His hands shook and he felt another breeze go by. Every cool breath of air borough more shivers down his spine. The cool air also made his throat dry causing him to cough roughly every so often. His body was rigid and he didn't dare move from where he stood. He only shivers against his will. He was already starting off with a crap day, he hoped a group activity with the members would improve his mode or at least take his mind off of it but the only thing he can think about is how numb his fingertips feel. He looks at the other members in an attempt to distract himself. he sees Seokjin who is moving around an awful lot in this weather, jungkook is doing the same. The two act like children as they run around in the grass. Jimin talks to the rest of the members about something, Yoongi was listening before but then he got lost in his own thought. rm, tae, and hobi listen and laugh as Jimin speaks. Yoongi lurked over quickly and sneezed catching the attention of hobi who stood near him. Yoongi meets his eyes. Hobi smiles at him. " you ok hyung? this weather getting to you?" hobi asked with a chuckle. " ah-ccchoooo" Yoongi shook his head after he sneeze once again. Hobi was slightly genuinely concerned his hyung was getting sick. Hobi looked at the details of his face. If it wasn't for his rose cheeks yoonngi's skin would almost look like the color of milk. Hooseojk watched as the other man shivered when a particularly strong wind blew by.
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songbirds-sweet · 2 years
Ok so I'm still alive.. Barely lol It's been such a hectic few days as I try to finish up last minute Christmas things. But I'm off work now so that makes things a little easier. It'll be nice when you're off. Not working really makes it more Christmasy you know. You have your trip soon after the big day right? Are you getting excited? I'm just glad for the chance to sleep in daily honestly 😂
She's gorgeous. I've not had a dog since I was a kid but I love visiting friends and family that do so I can get all the loving doggies provide!
Oh Pinterest is a girlbloggers best friend! I go on looking for one thing and end up in a rabbit hole for something else.
Ooh I don't think I've had cookie dough ice cream but it's going to be tried if I see it. I love most fruits but especially mangos when they're just right. So delicious. Also avocados (that's a fruit right?). How about you? What's your fav?
They're so cute. A couple of my mutuals post pics of them and they just seem like they're all so fun! I guess being family and close friends they have a bond that a lot of other bands don't have.
The tree is up but I still have to put more ornaments on. Never seems to be enough for some reason.
Oh fruitcake is definitely not for everyone and honestly I can only handle a cup or 2 of eggnog. It's almost to rich and gets kinda sickening sweet after that. I love sugar cookies. I don't mind gingerbread but it's not my go to sweet treat. Working with kids I've made my fair share of ginger bread houses and people. It's always a disaster but they have fun 😁 And growing up me and my sisters worked together on one. Such a fun activity.
Gotta run out in a bit and run a few errands when I just want to stay in my PJs all day and watch Christmas movies. I saw that the SNL Christmas special is on tonight so I'm going to sit and relax and watch it hopefully.
I know Ontario was getting some bad weather. Hope it's not too bad where you are. Does it matter to you if it's a White Christmas or not?
I fully understand!!! And yes I can't wait until Monday and also next week I'll be doing a special spamming of pics for Danny since it's his birthday next week as well!
Aww well I'm always happy to send you pics of Jasmine! I hope you can have a dog again one day!
Same goes with me for Pinterest 😂
You gotta try it for sure! And I think it counts as a fruit! My favourites are apples, oranges, and peaches! I also like the melons and the berries!
Well my friend, I am happy to help you get more into them once we become mutuals and I'll help you with a GVF guy 👀
That is understandable for the tree and the Christmas treats! ANd I agree, the houses are so much fun to make!!!
Oh that is a mood, I don't want to go to work, I just wanna stay in my PJ's and look at GVF pics 😂
The weather is really bad here rn, I'm just about to leave for work cause it's mandatory (or else we don't get paid for the holidays) so wish me luck! What is the weather like down east right now?
Personally I LOVE a white Christmas but I don't mind a green one as well! What about you?
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n0nb1narycode · 2 years
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So to appease those who wish to (incorrectly) argue the holiday/christmasy-ness of that last little block, I will now go on to some irrefutably designated ones. A double shot of Disney takes on the most produced christmas tale there is (of which more versions are still to come...) 🌲 Blu Christmas Holiday Movie Asplosion 2022! ⛄ Chapter 14: Disney's A Christmas Carol 🦌 This grand experiment in computer animation (also released in 3D) was shot with motion capture, much like Robert Zemeckis' earlier Christmas film, Polar Express, and while that one seems to get more grief over it, I honestly think the "uncanny valley" effect (or whatever you want to call the slightly off-putting look of the animated characters) is worse in this one. Probably because they went even further with more technology available. In any case, it is actually a pretty decent version of the so oft made story. Also, much like Tom Hanks in the other film, most of the lead cast in this play multiple parts, including Jim Carrey not only as Scrooge, but all three ghosts of Christmas as well. ❄️ 🎄 🎅 #DisneysAChristmasCarol #2009 (#AChristmasCarol2009) #JimCarrey #AChristmasCarol #GaryOldman #RobinWright #CaryElwes #ColinFirth #BobHoskins #JimCarreyAsScrooge #RobertZemeckis #TuppenceIsTuppence #BluChristmasHolidayMovieAsplosion2022 #iLoveMovies #christmasmovies #holidaymovies #xmas #christmasspecials #holidayfilms #holidays #movies #christmas #iLoveChristmas #blurays #bluray #MovieNerd #abluchristmas #christmasfilms #christmasmoviemarathon . https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwSbIyuf0EIPfGDayC176Su3Ur9SVvEyw6if00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Erik ‘The Phantom’ x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: self consciousness
Author’s Note: Hi! I have nothing else Christmasy this year (as you can tell, I only go out for halloween lmao) and I realized I have never doen this before and so I needed to do it. Here is this, for one of my first bad boy crushes if you could call him that lol. 
Summary: You are Erik’s secret wife. 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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The Phantom haunted the walls of the opera. Everyone knew this. There was not a person who came through its walls that wasn’t keenly aware of the mystery of him. Receiving payments from the owners, a reserved booth for him. 
No one knew him. No one understood him past the idea that he loved the opera. There was even a rumor that he had taught each of the best singers there. That he lingered in the dressing rooms as a teacher. 
It allured people. It made them want to come to the opera. To catch a glimpse of the Phantom or the people that he once taught. It made it mysterious. He made it mysterious. 
 You were a singer. You had been the lead of the last two operas that they ran. It wasn’t unusual for questions to be shot at you, people to ask if your voice had come from the mysterious opera teacher. They wanted all the details you could give them and you held it against your chest each time. 
You sat in your dressing room and messed with your hair gently. You were done for the day. No more shows, no rehruals, not even a note from the directors. Just you, your mirror and your brush. 
Until he came. 
He always came after a good show. 
It was not long before he appeared in your mirror, just behind you. You put down the brush gently and looked at him in the mirror. 
“What did you think?” you asked him, voice light. He didn’t answer right away. He chose to be mysterious about it. “Erik?” you whispered and this time you turned around to look at him. His face was shrouded by the dark lighting in the room. 
“Perfect,” he whispered. His voice was dark. You let out a breath of ease then. You were happy to know that he felt you had done well. With his approval you turned back to the mirror. He walked closer to you and picked up your hair brush. He knew how to style your hair. You had taught him. It was one of the only things you could teach him that he would listen. 
He brought the brush up to his hair and gingerly began to brush. 
“I’ve gotten a hold of your last interview,” he said. You looked down at the ground and then back at him in the mirror. “‘The Phantom has never said a word to me, as far as I’m aware,’” he quoted. “Do they question the ring? Behind closed doors?” 
His voice sounded slightly questionably harsh. You knew he wished that he could sometimes leave and be with you out there when you left. You were his everything. All he could understand now. He couldn’t see past you and watch the opera. He could only see your face, your voice always sounding perfect. You were a blur that he could never see past.
It was a weakness he couldn’t bring himself to squash. 
“No one mentions it. They want to. They wish nothing more than to ask about the marriage they were not invited to. They want to know who the man is but they all know. They never see me with another man, not even the snoopy girls.” You smiled into the mirror and then raised your hand to touch his. He let you. “You are as mysterious as you always have been Erik.” 
He nodded gently. You took the brush from his hands and put it back down. You stood up and faced him. 
He brought his hand up to your cheek and brushed it gently, moving hair out of your face. He looked into your eyes.
You brought your hand up as well and slowly placed your hand on his mask. He didn’t like to take it off. Not even with you. His wife. You understood but still, you wished he would. You wanted him to. 
You moved a step closer, your chest flushed against his. He almost stepped back but he didn’t. He made a conscious effort to let himself touch you. 
“Am I still a mystery to you?” he asked very quietly. You smiled gently and looked him in the eyes right back. They were deep. Deeper than any other girl you worked with on the daily.
“You will always be a mystery to me. Always a Phantom,” you whispered. He brought his other hand up to the one that laid on his mask. You gripped the edges gently and he brought your hand and therefore his mask down to your side. 
You looked at him softly. He was almost quivering. You leaned over slowly and kissed the side of his face that he was so wary of. You kissed his cheek and his forehead and his jaw. You had seen his face before of course but never this close. He hated it. 
You hugged him and he gripped you like you were going to run.
And even though he already loved you it seemed to deepen in that moment. 
He could feel it in the kisses you left.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Festive movies w/ August Walker
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This is my first fic for Auggie! And second submission to happy hoelidays challenge cohosted with @navybrat817 @stargazingfangirl18 . I used the prompt 'I know a wy to warm you up'.
Warnings - 18+ only please, Smut(m/f), daddy kink, slight ddlg, cockwarming, soft!August.
Word count - 1k
7 days of ficmas
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“But, daddy!” you whined, clinging to his huge bicep, putting on those princess eyes that always worked on him and an exaggerated pout.
“That’s not going to work, honey,” he seethed, trying to shaking you off of him. His heart swelled when you fell against the armrest of your couch, your eyes misty as you whimpered, calling him a ‘meanie’.
“I said I’m sorry,” you sniffled, knowing exactly what you were doing to him when you caught his face softening, and although your tears were real, so heartbroken about being rejected so cruelly, you wanted to milk his guilt and make him feel bad as much as you could. “And you’re still being mean!”
“Saying sorry doesn’t make everything okay, princess,” he shook his head.
August had told you to stay home, especially when he was gone, making you quit your job at the café where he had met you. You didn’t need it anymore anyway, he was going to take good care of you now. He needed to keep you safe, he had too many enemies, who would be happy to get their hands on something so precious to him.
He explained it all to you as nicely as he could, promising you as many stuffies as you could ever wish for when he gets back from his mission, and a nice Christmas spent together. Buying you a diamond ring, planning a proposal and a speech to go along with it to officially make you his.
Although he wasn’t much for the holidays he wanted to make it special for you as it was your first Christmas together.
But you decided it would be more fun to go out to your friends Christmas party, and then get drunk on eggnog, so naively thinking that you could trick him.
“You’re such a dumb baby,” he shook his head. “Since it’s Christmas, you get to decide your punishment.”
“Um...” you tried to think, something that seems like a punishment but actually isn’t, “You could maybe fuck me stupid with your big scary cock?” you blinked, your eyes wide and innocent as if you’d ask for something as wholesome like another scope of ice cream.
“No, that’s not a punishment. You would enjoy it far too much. I got you something from tiffanys,” although he didn’ttell you what exactly he had gotten you, he pointed to the gifts under the tree, “Maybe I should take that away? Return it?”
“NO!” you screeched, your heart hammering at such an outrageous prospect, you climbed on his lap, slobbering his face with kisses, apologising over and over again to try to make him less mad. “Please! I’ve never had any real diamonds, please,” you spoke against his moustache before kissing his lips.
“Alright, alright...” his resolve crumbled as he smiled, blowing a raspberry in the crook of your neck, “Since it’s Christmas, I can let it go for now, I’ll just have to punish you next year.”
“Okie, good! Now it’s time for the grinch,” you smiled proudly at your accomplishment, at being able to have fun with your friends and get away with it too as you put on the movie. Sure daddy would ‘punish' you, but you would just have to convince him to let you off with a few spankings.
“Ugh, I’ll forget about your punishment if you don’t subject me to this,” he threw his head back and groaned.
“Daddy, you promised. Are you going to break a promise to me and go back on your word?” He had promised to do all Christmasy things with you when he had left for his mission and you fully intended on holding him to his word.
“You’re too clever for your own good,” he said, pulling you onto his lap.
You almost wanted to tell him to pick whether he thinks you’re dumb or clever instead of going back and forth on it, but then thought better of it.
Half an hour or so into the movie August was too bored, he watched your cartoons with you sometimes to indulge you, but right now he wanted something more.
“Time to take this off, Y/N,” he said, unzipping your onesie.
“But I’ll get cold...” you looked back to him over your shoulder, not quite catching onto what he wanted to do with you just yet, his perfect innocent doll.
“Don’t worry, princess, I know a good way to warm you up,” his smirk almost predatory as he rid you of your pesky clothes, leaving you in just your socks as he took his hard cock out of his pants.
Nudging your intimate lips apart, he teased you with his leaking tip, kissing your temple to sooth the whines and whimpers you gave him.
“Daddy, it hurts...” you cried as he pushed into you, your legs spread wide on sides of his thighs, his fingers digging into the meat of your hips to keep you from running away.
Since your cunt hadn’t had any type of attention for over a month, it had grown unaccustomed to his long and thick length. It was always a struggle to fit him, but even more so now since you weren’t as prepared as you usually are, where it felt as if he was splitting you apart. You weren’t allowed to touch yourself when he was gone, or ever since you were his. That was one rule you were way too scared to break.
“Shh,” he hushed you, sitting back against the cushion once he was fully impaled inside your heat, “It’ll get better in a bit. Stay still for daddy will you? Don’t you want to be good for me?”
You whimpered, tears streaming down your face as you fought to seek more friction to your aching, swollen clit and sit still. Your pussy quivering around him and then clenching around his length, which earned you a slap to your behind.
“You better behave, princess. Be quiet and sit there like a good slut if you want your diamonds.”
You wiped your tears away, determined to be good for him, not really paying attention to the movie anymore.
“I’ll suck your cock after, daddy.” You said after some time, he hummed in response, drawing random patterns on your hips, “and maybe... you can fuck my ass? As my Christmas present to you?”
Which made him perk up and sit up straight, you hissed as his tip hit your spongy spot, “Are you serious, princess?”
It was something he had always wanted. But you were too scared to try, on account of just how fucking huge he was. And while you had gotten him a nice watch and cuffs, you wanted to make up for being a bad girl.
“Yes, daddy,” you murmured.
Laying your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes as you vaguely heard him say ‘Merry Christmas'.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm. Comments and reblogs are really appreciated! ❤❤
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
I know you said you don't write much, but I just read your Mando fic and loved it. Can you do some kind of fix with Christmas? Maybe having Din try hot chocolate for the first time? Lots of fluff thank you xx
This is so sweet of you! Here's a a lil something for you.🎄 It gets a little christmasy? If thats a word lol. But soft!Din all the way.
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It's not surprising to Din, of course he doesn't expect you to stay inside the Razor Crest while he's away, would he like it that way? Yes, but even he understands how the walls seem as if they're slowly closing in, air gets thinner, things start to move in forms of shadows. Dark confines have a way of driving anyone crazy.
It's cold out though, heavy snow started to gather on his trip back to the crest even the bounty he shoved into carbonate complained of the cold the whole way. It made him nervous, you and the child, no where to be seen. He told himself to relax, that it's just a walk, you're smart enough to make it back but then again it was snowing heavily, have you ever even seen snow before? Din was worried.
With a click on a button on his right arm the hatch of the crest hisses open, footsteps heavy but abruptly stopped at the sight of your fingers touching your own, but instead it's attached to a string wrapped around your neck. It was given to you a while ago, been decided wrapped around your neck was a safe spot. Maybe he didn't have to go looking at all. "I'm glad you're back, Din."
It's a relief, even though snow has started to mat to your boots, clump in your hair, you're safe. Grogu is tucked into a bag that wraps around your shoulder, small green hand reaching out to touch the falling flakes. In your other hand a bag filled the brim but the dark brown makes it impossible to see what it is.
Din steps forward to the edge of the hatch, taking the bag from you as well as the baby, small whines as the baby descends deeper into the hull of the crest as he reaches out for the snow.
"It's beautiful out, don't you think?" The hatch closes behind, the crest already feels warmer.
"You like snow?" Din is curious, mostly because he's not the biggest fan. He doesn't like the cold much, actually he doesn't like any weather particularly, prefers a storm of stars through the Crest's windshield. The baby little fingers reach out to touch the basker of his helmet, small coos as his nose lifts toward your direction, large bars of chocolate catching his attention.
"Yes, it reminds me of my home. Actually of Christmas."
"Christmas?" You can't see it, but the question alone his filled with confusion. "What kind of word is that?"
You laugh, it's soft with small dimples that form on the corners of your lips. It's enough to make him smile under all the basker, but it's not like you can see it.
"I wish you were able to see it Din. There are beautiful lights everywhere, bright whites and colors, there's singing. You exchange presents, and even decorate trees."
"decorate trees?" It's his turn to laugh, holding the child back from reaching out to the chocolate on the small table tucked in the corner.
"I'm being serious. Me and my family would go to a farm every year, cut down our own tree and bring it inside and make our own decorations for it." Din notices the small frown on your face, his throat dries at the fact that he's the reason for it. The memory of your family was one you never wanted to share... It hurts too much.
"I-I, I didn't mean to laugh. I didn't mean to upset you cyare, I'm sorry." Din's feet carry him close to you, face inches away to show his own seriousness.
"No, you didn't upset me Din. It does sound kind of ridiculous." It's a sad smile but not his fault, "Anyways I have a Christmas tradition for you to try. It's called hot chocolate, I couldn't find marshmallows though but it's still good, promise."
The excitement comes with a big smile as you move to warm the small stove. The child slips from his grasp, pulling on your pant leg, reaching forward to try and dip his fingers into the hot mixture but you don't allow it.
The new aroma of sweet, melted chocolate takes over the crest, even the Mandalorin's mouth waters at the smell. Before he knows it a cup is being pushed into his hands. It doesn't look to appetizing, a thin, dark liquid that kind of looks like fuel?
Your hands stay a locked on his a little longer then they should, warming his entire body with slight embrassment. The proximity making his cheeks warm, he wasn't used to having women close to him. It's not even that, it's the fact that you were this close, big doe eyes urging him to try it.
"Oh, yeah, sorry." You realize that he can't drink it in front of you. Now he feels disappointed, heat flushing his chest, stomach dropping. He's about to get up, he doesn't want to make you move but is surprised as you turn around, bringing the child with you.
"I won't peak, I promise. I'll make sure Grogu doesn't either." He already knows that, eyes roam the small of your back with thought. A small gasp of surprise leaves your lips as the warmth of his back against your own. His helmet is released with a loud hiss, the child is too busy drinking his own chocolatey goodness to pay attention.
This feels personal, his stomach hot, a new level of intimacy for the pair. He stares at the cup between his hands, he already feels warm enough with your heat, he doesn't want to finish it, he doesn't want to leave you. "Well? How is it?"
Din presses the mug against his lips, taste buds exploding with the heat of it. It was delicious, and very, very sweet. "It's good. Very good, thank you."
His voice sounds different, less static, more like a human. "I used to chug this stuff as a kid, my mom used to always make it. But with marshmallows, we need marshmallows. Does space have marshmallows? Like anywhere?"
He finds the rambling cute as well as the small memory he offer him, he imagines a small version of you with a pile of whatever the hell marshmallows are on your hot chocolate.
"I don't miss earth at all." You admit, "it's not home anymore, it's not where my family is anymore. I rather spend Christmas with you and Grogu, you are my family now."
His heart thumps inside his chest, his breath stopping at the confession, chest still, he wants to say that you're not safe with him, you never will be but he decides against it, he talks with his heart instead of his fear. "I don't know what Christmas is but I'm happy to share something you love so much with you."
The hot chocolate is long forgotten as he slides his helmet back on. His bare fingers soak the touch of your face, running over the highest parts of your cheeks bones. The child looks between the two with a small coo.
"I can't replace them, but I will try to be your family."
You press into his hands, leaning against the tanned digits. "You already are Din, I love you."
The three words are put out, never to be taken back. While Din had always put up a hard front, tried to make it impossible to love him out of fear you managed to weasel your way through the tight cracks filling his heart completely.
"I love you Cyare, I'm sorry I made it so difficult for you to love me." He regrets all the times he decided not to ask if you were okay, hold you close at night. His heart feels like it's going to explode as your press your forehead against his.
"It was never hard to." Din stays there for a few more minutes, just enjoying the warmth of not only your skin but inside his body.
It confuses you as he stands quickly, opening the hatch and finding the sharpest object he can manage. "Are you coming?"
Your head turns, confused as you hear his amused tone. "Well who else is going to pick the tree to decorate?"
The smile that curls those lips are enough for Din to die a happy man.
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klirk-hammurton · 3 years
All I want for Christmas is Dr. Love
The Demon Christmas Fluff
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Here it was, Christmas day, and you felt absolutely miserable. Between being sick with another winter cold, and not being on the best of talking terms with your family really made Christmas this year feel--not so Christmasy. You had seen the hottest band in the world earlier that year for New Year's against your parents' wishes and boy was it a blast. There, you and your friend got to meet the band and well--you went from former roadie/groupie to now the girlfriend to their bassist, Gene Simmons. Sure he was 17 years older than you, but you both made it work out. Your parents on the other hand were all but happy for you. So what? You're an able bodied adult in their 20s, it shouldn't matter the age gap. You were loved, cared for in every single way, and could live in comfort financially.
So now there you sat on the couch in Gene's loft, bundled up in one of his hoodies and several blankets. Your nose stuffy and red, it could have been from the cold or from the crying you had finished doing. You wipe your eyes with the backs of your hands and heave out a sigh to yourself. It was Christmas. You should be happy, especially so now that you had freedom from such controlling parents AND you got to stay with Gene permanently.
"Hey, babe. I'm home. How're you feel--yikes....you look uh--" Gene stammers when he sees how red your nose, eyes and cheeks are. The glare you give him could have killed him in his tracks. "I uh....I brought you some medicine. Oh and some chocolates. And here, I also grabbed some of that herbal tea you like so much and-" he pauses when you shuffle over to him and hug him tightly. Who would have guessed that you of all people could tame The Demon.
"Thanks, Genie. But I feel better already with just having you here," you nuzzle his chest. All the stress and sadness seemingly leaves your body when he wraps his arms tightly around you. It was comical how short you were compared to him, barely making it to his chest even without the platforms on. You pause for a moment and look up to him. "SHE called....she's still not too happy about us living together but, it's our first Christmas together. I'm not gonna let the Grinch ruin or steal our first Christmas."
He laughs softly, "the Grinch huh? Yeah, I can see the resemblance, Mrs. Grinch." He grins widely when you slap his arm with a playful glare. "Hey! You don't slap the doctor! I brought you gifts a plenty, y'know!" He laughs even more and backs you up to the couch and makes you sit back down. "You just sit there and look pretty. I'm gonna go make you some tea and get you to feeling better."
"Thanks Genie," you smile up to him. Sure he had his flaws and vices, but he was imperfectly perfect in your eyes. In truth, you couldn't think of anyone better for yourself. You really were living every teenagers wildest dreams. You snuggle into the couch with your blankets and close your eyes contentedly. When you open them back up, Gene was standing in front of you offering a piping hot cup of blueberry herbal green tea. "Thanks again, Genie. I really do appreciate this," you snuggle up against him on the couch, your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you.
"No need to thank me for that. I know you'd do the same for me," he shrugs without much thought on it and kisses your hair. "After all, they do call me Dr. Love," he winks at you, a new softness rising to his eyes. "I--I love you," he murmurs ever so quietly. Your eyes widen at first but you quickly hug him tightly.
"I love you too, Genie," the words flow effortlessly from your lips. You had begun to wonder when he was going to tell you the 'L word' after almost a year of dating. "That is the best Christmas gift, Genie." He smiles at your words and kisses your cheek.
"Mmmm, good. Now, why don't you let Dr. Love take care of you?" He suggests and turns the TV on to a Christmas movie where you both spends the day snuggled under the blankets.
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nincompoopydoo · 4 years
Can you do a Theseus x reader with a Christmas theme? Like they’ve been separated for a long time cause of work but they finally reunite at Christmas? Lots of fluff ya know? Thanks :)
Happy Christmas, dung brain
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Pairing: Theseus Scamander x reader
Words: 1279
Summary: You visit the Scamander household on Christmas, seeing Theseus after a long time and the two of you’re not sure what to do with all these feelings.
A/N: This was probably requested a year ago (I hope not longer than that) and I never wrote this because at the time, I had a terrible writer’s block from what I can remember but alas, I’m now in a very Christmasy mood and I hope this lil’ thing does this amazing request justice.
You stood on the doorstep, staring blankly at the slightly disarrayed decorated wreath hung by the Scamanders’ front door. You shiver at the sudden chill. It had started to snow the minute you arrived, and it was colder than you anticipated, wishing you bought a warmer coat. With a deep sigh, you watched your own breath gradually disintegrate into the surrounding cold air. You really should knock but you could never bring yourself to lift even a single finger for the past five minutes because every time you tried to, a surge of panic courses through your body causing you to stiffen. 
Maybe, you shouldn’t have come. 
But, Mrs. Scamander sounded so eager to see you in the letter you received two days ago, mentioning that everybody missed you. Including Theseus.
Your heart nearly stops for the hundredth time at the thought of seeing Theseus.
Oh, Theseus Scamander. The charming Head Boy who had your entire heart.
You find yourself shuddering at yet another chilled breeze. It may have been the true source behind your sudden surge of courage, but you made the bold choice to at least knock on the door, mind still however wrapped in a contemplative dilemma when the door suddenly opens. Your fist froze mid-air, prepared to knock as you met with a pair of familiar eyes, gazing down at you with a similar expression to your own.
“Theseus,” you almost gasped at the sight of someone you used to call a close friend; he looked changed, face more refined and matured with dark circles under those blue eyes you would recognise any other day. He wore a hickory brown wool waistcoat adorned with black buttons over a light blue dress shirt, You recognised the tie he wore, deep maroon with swirling patterns of jade green; you gave it to him at Christmas. A long time ago. 
You make out a glimmer of a smile playing on his lips as you watched his eyes roam across your pleasantly surprised face. He says your name in a way that instantly made sense of sentimentality like you have never felt in years. There was a pause, a moment as your name passed his lips; time seemed to dramatically freeze.
On the subject of “the freeze”, you feel it once more running down your spine. You blinked, snapping out of your racing thoughts, you brought a flash of a small smile to your face and huffed out a nervous laugh. The sudden awareness of the box clutched in your arms that seems to grow heavier with each passing minute. In a quick manner with outstretched arms, you present a neatly wrapped gift adorned with a red bow to Theseus. “This is for you,” you paused to catch your breath, it’s getting colder by the second. “-and your family. Of course.”
You were encountered (or rather blessed) with his beaming face once more as you felt the graze of his fingertips against your woolen mittens. “Thank you.” Theseus graciously says, eyeing the box in his hands wistfully. Your cheeks are growing crimson as the seconds go by and you aren’t sure if it’s the cold or it’s the man standing in front of you. Theseus seems to notice this when he looked up to face you; you observed how the grin slid from his face and how his eyes softened. “Merlin, I’m so sorry, you must be freezing,” he steps aside, running his hand through his hair, pushing the door open wider. “Come on in.” 
Gingerly, stepping into a narrow hallway with hung photographs across the walls, mainly of the two brothers. You caught a peak of the living room, slightly cluttered with stacks of books scattered across the room. The house was small but bright, accompanied with autumn-like hues. Everything was exactly as you recognized it all those years ago. 
There’s a sudden feeling of guilt at the very pit of your stomach as you were reminded how long ago was the last time you stepped foot into the Scamander household. You quickly spotted what you recognised was Mrs. Scamander’s famous apple crumble pie, placed on the dining table as you shrugged off your coat, it wafted a heavenly and sweet scent. And so did the man that stood just about a metre away. Theseus smelled like cinnamon, shaving cream and a hint of ink. 
With the sound of the shutting door, everything was much more silent but in a comforting way. Theseus steps into your view, gesturing to hand him your coat and as you do, you suppressed the urge to pull Theseus into a hug. You were happy to see him, over delighted in fact yet everything felt so strained; he was the same Theseus all those years ago but your relationship unfortunately isn’t. “Thank you for coming, I-well, I didn’t expect you to come, actually.” 
You swallowed thickly at the change of his voice, shoulder sinking as your smile faltered. “You know I will come, Theseus. Especially, if it’s Christmas in the Scamander household.” You laughed, but your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes and he’s staring at you in a way that beckons you to say more. “It’s just I’m always working on Christmas. You know how St. Mungo’s is-”
“It’s fine. I just-I’m really glad to see you here.”
You can’t help but smile at the sight of his returning curve of a grin across his lips once more. “You look nice.” he says after a moment or two, discreetly changing the subject that you both know is unavoidable. 
Still charming, as always.
You watched him then look at you up and down with genuine amusement in his eyes as you draw yourself up to full height. It was a tangerine dress, a little out of date but you have worn this for years one every Christmas. 
It may have been the heat of the moment or the chill from earlier on had gone into your head, the tension in the air was too much too bare. You promptly found yourself with arms wrapped around Theseus’s shoulders, savouring in his warmth. Theseus found himself immediately leaning in your touch, you always had the effect on him; all those emotions he had known were gone from many years ago came flooding back in an instance. He quickly realised he had never forgotten what it was like to fall in love with you all over again.
And so did you. 
“I’ve missed you so much.” You say under your breath, holding him just a little tighter. You feel him shift his hand from your shoulder to the small of your back, “I missed you too, dung brain.” He muttered in your ear, and you couldn’t help but snort, chest rumbling with laughter. Happiness and relief was all you felt at the time; happy to see a childhood friend and relief to feel home once more. It may have been his mind playing tricks on him but he swore he sensed your lips upon his cheek for a split second; it made his heart stutter and he feels like his fourteen-year-old self, crushing hard on you. Maybe, just maybe, you loved him as well. The two of jumped at the sudden sound of your name being called, realising it was Mrs. Scamander, stood by the dining table, wearing an apron with the widest grin ever. 
“Happy Christmas, Theseus.” you murmured before hesitantly pulling away from Theseus’ embrace, beaming at his mother’s direction as you made your way towards her now extended arms. With the sight of you and his mother embracing with the widest smiles and growing heat upon his cheeks, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks; smiling to himself. 
“Happy Christmas, dung brain.”
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writing-wrxngs · 4 years
Mall Santa
(Long break again, I know! Being home means I’m hella busy bc I have to help out around the house and also, I’m writing longform fic on my ao3, it’s Writing_wrxngs if you haven’t found it yet. Just a little Christmas thing for the season bc I’m feeling Christmasy)
Wilbur looked down at the floor of the shopping center, hiding his face with his hand. At that moment, he wished he could be anywhere but where he was now. Or alternatively, he could be in this stupid line just fine if there was no one else there to see him. “You let Techno go off and shop on his own, why do I have to be stuck with you?”
Sighing, Phil turned to his son. “You’re here because watching Tommy is a two person job,” he said, tugging against Tommy, who had started getting antsy, almost as if he was punctuating the point that he was unmanageable alone. “Besides, he said he wanted to do some actual Christmas shopping. I know you already did all that, so you’d just be running off. Is there some issue with being seen with your father?” he joked.
“No,” Wilbur said, shifting his weight and frowning. “I just don’t want to be seen here,” he explained, gesturing to the crowd and the line they were in. It was awkwardly gated off and decorated to be sickeningly Christmas themed. He kicked a stray piece of the cotton batting they were using as fake snow away and scowled at it. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Wil, you know I promised this to Tommy ages ago. Your little brother just wants to see Santa and get his picture taken. It’s not the end of the world to be seen with your family. Work with me here.”
Groaning, Wilbur rolled his eyes and finally gave up trying to hide himself. “Fine. I’m not sticking around much after, though.”
Phil couldn’t help but lightly chuckle to himself. “Sure thing,” he said, shuffling along with the queue.
Tommy glanced around the legs of the people in front of them and whined. “How much longer?” He complained. “I’m boooooored!”
Counting the people ahead, Phil figured it wouldn’t be much longer. Ten minutes, tops. “Not much longer!” He said in a cheerful tone.
“I’m sick of standing.”
Phil looked down at Tommy. “I’m sure you can handle a few more minutes, Tommy. You’re getting too big to be carried around now.”
The boy grumbled petulantly, but gave up his efforts.
“You know, Tommy,” said Wilbur, a sick smile creeping across his face, “those elves there aren’t just there to help Santa.”
“They’re not?” asked Tommy.
Wilbur leaned down to Tommy’s height like he was telling him a secret. “Nope. They’re keeping an eye on when kids are being bad or good. Not just for the naughty and nice list, but for the security guards, too. So if you keep being bad, not only will you not get any presents, they’ll lock you in mall jail. We’ll have to leave you in there until they let you out, which might be alllllll night.”
Tommy let out a louder whine. “I don’t wanna go to mall jail!” He cried.
“What?!” asked Phil, immediately turning to Wilbur. This was clearly his doing.
“W-wilbie…” Tommy stuttered out. “Wil said if I was bad they’d lock me up in mall jail if I was bad!”
Running his free hand through his hair, Phil took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could fix this. This was the far from the worst thing Wilbur had said to Tommy. This was not going to turn into a hissy fit. “Tommy, that’s not a real thing. You’re not getting locked up anywhere if you’re bad.”
“I’m not?” he asked, the flush of emotion already running from face.
“Wilbur made it up. It was all a very mean lie,” he said. Turning to Wilbur, Phil immediately switched from reassuring to frustrated. “I know you’re bored and angry to be stuck here, but for the love of god can you not take it out on Tommy? He’s five. You don’t have to instigate something every time you feel like it. Especially when it’s during something your brother has been waiting for.”
Wilbur sighed and crossed his arms. “I know…” he said, just glad the lecture ended there. He was still angry to be stuck in this stupid display in the middle of the whole place. Techno got to go off and do fun things on his own. Of course he did. That line about Christmas shopping was probably bullshit. Techno never went out if he could avoid it. And when he was out, he just did solitary things where nobody could bother him. This entire time, Techno was probably in the bookstore, reading books on his own or buying his hundredth book on history or something stupid that he liked.
Phil shot one more glare at Wilbur in silence.
Getting the message of the look, Wilbur looked down at Tommy. “I’m sorry,” he said. God, this kid couldn’t take a joke. When Wilbur was his age, he never got this pissy about anything. Counting heads of all the parents in line in front of him, Wilbur let out a small sigh through his nose. There were about five families ahead of them. That meant it wouldn’t be much longer before they all would be at the front of the line, Tommy could get his dumb picture taken and then he could leave.
God, Wilbur couldn’t wait to leave. He was dying to leave, in fact. The music store he frequented was the same store this girl from school frequented. They were always in the same section, looking at the same kind of music. He anxiously played with the piece of paper folded in his pocket. Today was the day he was going to totally impress her with his recommendations, and in that moment, ask her out. He’d been planning this for ages. It had to be today, since it had taken him so long to work up the courage, and if he missed the chance, he wouldn’t have another chance for weeks. By that time, he’d lose all the nerve he’d gained up. Hell, he was worried that he’d lose it all now. If it didn’t go exactly like he had imagined it, odds are, he’d choke so hard he’d never want to be seen in that store ever again.
Eventually, Tommy’s turn came, and he scrambled to the man dressed as Santa excitedly, having completely forgotten the boredom of the wait, and the teasing from WIlbur.
“What’s your name, little boy?”
“My name’s Tommy! Santa, you won’t believe how good I’ve been this year!”
Santa let out a jolly laugh in response. He turned to Phil. “Right to the point, isn’t he?” he joked.
Phil chuckled in response. “Yep, he’s just real excited to see you.”
Even Wilbur couldn’t help but smile. Sure, Tommy was annoying as all hell, and did cause problems on purpose, but, he was just a kid. Watching his little brother whisper all his hopes for Christmas to a stranger dressed as a man who didn’t really exist was actually a nice sight. Maybe he was too hard on him. Wilbur laughed that last thought off. There was no such thing. He could tease Tommy about anything and everything forever, and the kid would be right there by him.
The camera flash went off, and Tommy hopped off to join them again. Phil looked at Wilbur and gave him a nod. “You’re free to go, Wil.”
“Thanks,” Wilbur said in response, heading down to the music store.
By the end of the day, the family reconvened outside the building. Wilbur returned first, trying his best to hide his embarrassment and the sting of rejection, with Techno behind him, with a few bags that clearly held wrapped gifts, but mostly just books from the bookstore. Phil was waiting for them with Tommy, of course. “Well,” he said, “looks like you two had busy times in there.”
“Yeah, we did,” said Techno. “I don’t think Wil wants to talk about it though,” he joked.
“Please just shut up,” Wilbur begged.
Techno just laughed.
“Well, I’m wiped, too,” said Phil. “You boys down to just get some takeaway for dinner and relax for tonight? Maybe watch some movies when we get home?
They all agreed that that sounded like the perfect way to end the day.
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