#I would die for the cockatoo hair
nico-di-genova · 6 months
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mcjeanalds · 2 years
in history class rn its bloggin time baeby
lets do some headcanons since my last one did SO FUCKING WELL ILY GUYS
- hange is a die-hard samsung user and levi always bullies them for the camera quality
- armin has been in a gender identity crisis for a while and wants to experiment with different pronouns n shit (and we love that!)
- erwin is a h oh my god if my history teacher doesnt put on her mask i stg
- erwin is a huge fan of vinyl records and has one of those crates just filled with classic rock vinyls
- connie can do voice impressions but really weird ones, like morty from rick and morty or eric cartman from south park
- mikasa does eren's eyebrows, and she's the only one eren will let touch them
- levi has glasses for when he reads n shit, but they're the black square-ish ones and he doesn't push them all the way up and it's sexy
- jean can't drink boba because he chokes on the bubbles and sasha always spits them at him through her straw
- mikasa journals her emotions n shit, but she also draws very emotional and dark sketches in the journal too (but they look sick asf and she's actually super talented)
- armin has watched the entire twilight series and didn't hate it, and he's is so upset with himself for not hating it
- levi has the highest spice tolerance ever, like it takes like a 100,000 on the scoville unit for him to even feel something
- hange will visit people just for their pets, but obviously won't tell people that's why they're visiting
- eren's the kind of person who always has to have more followers than people he's following, and it has to be a decently big difference like 50 people or more
- hange will just like.., snack on cheese. and i mean like slices of american cheese or the little mozzarella cheese balls
- much like myself, jean gets random memes in spanish on his explore page. both myself and jean do not speak spanish (at least i don't think he does, i just know i don't)
- sasha has like 17,000 flannels, like she's got the whole rainbow and more, and she wears every single one
- erwin smells like one of those pine tree air fresheners. he doesn't even use one he just smells like it
- connie wanted to shave a design in his hair, like how drake shaved the heart, but absolutely everyone told him no
- we all know levi doesn't sleep, but neither does mikasa and they'll just reach out to each other like "are you up" "yeah" "i'm getting water do you want anything" "you're literally in a different city" (you can decide who's who in that example)
- though sasha eats everything with no hesitation, she won't eat out of a styrofoam container. she hates literally every single aspect about styrofoam
- eren gets so aggressive when it comes to video games. is he one of those "you wouldn't survive a cod lobby" guys? no, but he will scream and insult people
- armin is the victim of deez nuts/ur mom jokes. hange and connie are the ones that make the jokes
yas that's it enjoy my little cockatoos
ps i would love to see some of these things drawn, i absolutely adore aot art so if you wanna draw out any of these for visuals, please go ahead and show me!!!!!
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lunacyxxx · 4 years
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Your shoes hit the concrete of the sidewalk as you ran trying to ignore the numerous shouts behind you, the sound of your beating heart echoed in your ears as well. Your mind was racing, you were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time while walking home from your last class, your curiosity got the best of you when you stumbled upon a drug deal going wrong.
You knew and heard rumors about the mafia being in town, but you didn’t think they’d be this close to your neighbourhood. Turning down an alley, you pushed your body to keep going; tears pricked in your eyes and you wiped them away when you saw the street your house was on come into view. Your rejoice was cut short when a sleek black car skidded to a stop in front of you swinging the door open, before you could stop you skidded into a pair of heavily tattooed arms that wrestled you into the backseat of the vehicle.
A cloth was pressed to your nose and you ended up inhaling the bizarre sweet scent that came from it, black dots claimed your vision while a male with black hair and blue eyes smirked down at you.
You woke up with a gasp as cold water was dumped over your body, you cough and struggle slightly to wipe your face only to find your arms tied behind you. You were on your knees and you could feel ropes digging into the skin of your legs, your limbs were bound making your calves press against your thighs. Someone clears their throat and you finally look up to a white haired male with red eyes, behind him were two other people as well.
You could recognize the tattooed dude who dragged you into the car and knocked you out with the chloroform drenched rag, there’s a blonde that’s smirking at you standing next to the black haired man. An audible gulp escapes your mouth once the guy who seems to be the leader starts to speak.
��I’m gonna just cut to the chase here you dumb girl, first of all how much did you see and hear,” the lanky male circled around your form and you nervously lick your lips before answering with a shaky voice. “I only saw when the money and stuff was being exchanged, and when someone pointed out that the money was counterfeit, I turned to leave when things got serious and one of the guys saw me and that’s when they started chasing me.”
“I was surprised at your speed though Babybird, you almost got away from me,” your eyes trail to meet golden ones. You couldn’t tell if the marks by his eyes were makeup or birthmarks, something glints in his hand and you’re shivering now. “I wasn’t done speaking Hawks,” Shigaraki crouched down in front of you and took your chin in his hold.
“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t put a bullet in this pretty little head of yours.”
Your breath hitches and you look between the three males, it finally clicked in your mind that you were dealing with the mafia and you swore they could possibly hear your heartbeat too. “Awe c’mon Shigs, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She seems like a really good girl too, she hasn’t put up a fight or anything either. What’s your name, even though I’m still gonna call you Songbird or Babybird.”
“Its Y/n,” Keigo nods and a ring cuts through the silence. It’s the personal ringtone you have set for Katsuki, you and him were best friends. He had ‘practice’ today so he wasn’t able to walk you home today, “Katsuki? Ah, I’ve heard about that kid. He’s a really good student with a shitty personality though. And he’s involved with Deku’s gang.”
You honestly forgot Shigaraki and Dabi were in the room until the white haired male spoke, “Do what you need to do then get her cleaned up before she gets a fever. I don’t need a cold floating around here,” you heard the door close leaving both you and Hawks alone.
Katsuki never told you he was participating in the mafia.
“Let’s answer this phone call shall we?”
“Wait! Please don’t,” Hawks ignores you and he props the phone up before answering the video call and walking back in front of you.
“Hey Shitty Girl, you didn’t call when you got home so I- what the fuck?”
The blonde’s red eyes were wide as he took in the sight of you bound on your knees, he felt awful for getting slightly aroused.
Hawks brought up a chair behind you and sat down pulling you back to lean against his form, fingers decorated with a few rings circled around your throat. The cold barrel of the gun lightly taps the edge of your jaw making you flinch and lean away, “How bout we play a game? Let’s meet up, but you have a few things to tell me first before you get your precious girl-.”
“Listen you cockatoo reject, Y/n has nothing to do with anything that fucking happens between our group and yours so let her go.”
A short scream escapes your mouth when the ceiling is shot, “I wasn’t finished you explosive brat.” Hawks’ grip tightened on your neck as he placed the hot barrel against your inner thigh making you cry out and squirm. “Everytime you cuss and or interrupt me, this cutie right here gets burned. Be mindful of what you do or say because I don’t plan on wasting the last bullet.”
Your breath comes out in short pants and Keigo releases the hold on your neck to take a hold of your jaw making you face Katsuki, you plead with your eyes towards your friend who grits his teeth. “What the f-what do you want from me?”
“First of all, a shame you kept this cutie hidden away. I guess you just wanted to be a good friend and keep her safe, you calling just made things a lot easier though.” Katsuki sucked his teeth and crossed his arms, “We’re gonna meet up and you’ll give me all of your gang’s current plans. If I find out or suspect you’re lying, this cutie right here is gonna suffer the consequences of your actions. I’ll be sending you the address shortly.”
“You bastard, I’d rather fucking die than give up that damn nerd Deku,” Katsuki immediately regretted his words when another gunshot rang out and your scream echoed through the speakers on his end. The tip of the gun was pressed up higher on your inner thigh then Keigo shot the ceiling for a third time and dragged the barrel of the gun from your hip up making your shirt ride up.
You were panting and whimpering, your body shivering from the cool air, Keigo let out a small groan. “I wonder what other sounds you can make Babybird. We can possibly find out now maybe?” A look was in Keigo’s and Katsuki hated it, the younger blond gnawed at his lip, mixed emotions were flowing around his mind. Katsuki was possibly just as guilty as the other male, the sight of you bound, water dripping off your body excited him.
The way your chest heaves with every breath you take, “Like I said. I’ll send you the address and you better be on your way as soon as you get the text.” Before Bakugo could speak, Hawks reached over and hung up the phone. His golden eyes landed on you, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You could feel the ropes coming undone and you rubbed your arms then legs to get the blood flowing through them.
“You’re not gonna hurt him are you?”
“That all depends on how he decides to approach this whole situation, truth be told you should worry about yourself.” Hawks had a sly smile on his face before he picked you up leading you through the same doors Dabi and Tomura used. You were led through what seemed like a maze of halls before Keigo stopped at a door, “This is my room. There’s a bathroom in there for you to use and we can just grab something of mine for you to wear, after that we’re gonna meet your friend so don’t take too long or try anything.”
You nodded and he unlocked the door ushering you in before coming in and pointing to the bathroom, your feet lead you to the door before opening it.
The bathroom was simple, a bit larger than the one at your home but you knew this was the base of their operations so there was no need for extravagant spaces here. Keigo taps your shoulder and you jump lightly, folded up in his hands is a pair of sweats and a shirt. You thank him softly and take the clothing before closing the door, after about twenty minutes you were done and you come out seeing your captor laid out on his bed texting away.
“Alright let’s get this show on the road,” he smiles at you but your gut tells you something more is gonna happen. He takes you by your wrist and leaves with you trailing behind him, “You don’t have to be so scared Babybird. I don’t think I have it in me to actually hurt that pretty little face of yours unless you’re into stuff like that. I don’t kink shame.”
You sputter softly and your cheeks redden brightly, Hawks laughs shaking his head and soon you’re being pushed into yet another car; Keigo slides in beside you resting his hand on your thigh.
Katsuki doesn’t tell anyone about the ordeal that he’s in, he knew that if he did Deku would want to wait it out and make some dumbass plan. Katsuki was always protective of you, seeing you bound like that in front of the other blond made him upset yet turned on. He watched his phone until it lit up with the text containing the address, Bakugo was already pacing in front of his door beforehand.
Exiting his home, he plugged the address into his maps and saw that it was only a fifteen minute walk. He made sure that the hood of his jacket was up to stop anyone he knew from recognizing him being out this late.
Katsuki stood in front of what seemed to be a penthouse and snorted before ringing the buzzer to be let in.
Hawks gave you your phone to unlock it before snatching it back out of your hands to text Katsuki as soon as the two of you made it to his place. He ushered you inside and told you to sit on the couch, “What did you mean when you said I had to worry more about myself earlier?”
“Ah that’s still on your mind? Well maybe I could just show you,” he stalked towards you and placed his hands onto the back of the couch beside your head. You audibly gulped as your eyes gazed into his own golden ones, “Your friend isn’t exactly who he seems. I know he never told you about his gang affiliation but I’m sure he’s never told you about how he’s also a double agent.”
You blink owlishly opening your mouth to ask what he meant until there was a buzzing sound, “He’s here already.” Keigo strolled to the front door pressing a button, his hand looked around your bicep when he walked back urging you to follow him to his room. A startled yelp leaves your mouth when he tosses you on the bed telling you to stay put, Hawks leaves the room and you keep quiet.
The door opens and you could hear an exchange of words, both of their voices mingling a bit before there’s a shared laugh. Your heart speeds up as they enter the room, Katsuki smiles at you and the whole situation becomes even more confusing.
Your breath came out in short pants, your legs were shaking and you were trying your best to wrestle your hands from the iron grip that pressed them to the comforter. Red eyes stare down at your teary e/c ones, “P-Please. I-I can’t..let me c-cum please!”
Keigo gave a hard lick against your clit while slipping his soaked fingers from your aching pussy, “Oh come on Babybird. You can hold out just a bit longer can’t you?” Katsuki leaned down to press an upside down kiss to your lip, “Yeah Teddybear. If I knew you were such a fucking slut, I would have snatched you up before this birdbrain right here did.”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you were trying to hide your boner through that video call Sparky. You should be fucking thanking me that you’re here with me, I didn’t have to send the address and shit.”
A squeak leaves your mouth when Keigo leans back down taking your clit back into his mouth while reinserting his fingers back into your quivering cunt. Bakugo’s insults are ignored as Hawks noisily (and sloppily) eats you out like he’s been starved. Your thighs are quaking and the gold eyed male huffs sitting up, “Grab her thighs.”
“W-wait I-“ you’re suddenly sitting upright but Katsuki has you in a full nelson position leaving you completely exposed to Hawks. Your head knocks back against Bakugo’s shoulder and he places kisses along your neck. “Look at you all spread out like this. You love the fucking attention don’t you? Being fucking dominated by two guys that could do literally anything they want to you.”
You were babbling softly as your hips twitch, Bakugo’s words and Hawks’ mouth turned your brain to mush. You slick walls were clinging to Keigo’s fingers as he hooked them upwards making you scream.
Keigo let your clit go with with a loud wet smack before bringing his face towards yours while finger fucking you.
“There we fucking go, you ready to cum? Yeah? You wanna cum after we took turns edging you over and over again, go ahead and cum so we can fuck your brains out.”
Your eyes squeeze shut and white flashes behind your lids as a shaky keen erupts from your throat as you finally cum. Your essence gushes out soaking his fingers and the covers below, “Holy shit Teddybear. To think you were a fucking squirter.” Katsuki kisses your temple and lets your quivering legs down while Hawks licks his fingers.
The both of them give you about a minutes to come down from your high before Bakugo pulls you into his lap, you look down gulping seeing that he’s already naked. His cock pressed against your puffy lower lips before his hot hands gripped your waist, he soon began rutting against you making your juices coat his cock.
“You’re gonna sing me a song right Songbird? Let everyone know, especially the one behind you know who this pussy belongs to?” You look up through your lashes at the older blond smirking down at you, “Shut the fuck up you damn Tweetybird. My Teddybear knows who she really belongs to, you don’t know her like I fucking do.”
You’re snatched up from Bakugo who growls and Keigo holds you up hovering your dripping folds over the head of his leaking cock. “Let’s see who can make her cum the most amount of times then we’ll decide who gets her.”
They were talking and snapping at each other as if you weren’t right here dangling over a cock. Your hands place themselves on Hawks chest, during their banter you were able to somewhat calm down to think again.
“Ah you’re back with us finally Babybird?”
You give a soft nod and swallow hard, you adjust yourself so you’re properly straddling him hissing softly when the tip of his member grazes your clit. Warmth covers your back as Katsuki leans over you to kiss your cheek.
“I’m tired of having your fucking back to me.”
Your world spins and now your back is pressed to Hawks’ chest, you gaze up into red irises as Bakugo claims your mouth in a heated kiss. Hawks rolls his eyes and gropes at your breasts playing with your budding peaks, you feel a prod at your back entrance making you jolt slightly.
“Sorry Kid, I should have warned you but I’m dying to get inside of you. Just relax for me okay,” Katsuki breaks the kiss and pulls away to spit on your pussy and watch his saliva flow down to the puckered ring of muscle.
“K-Katsuki,” you were shocked at the display. You and Keigo both knew you were already wet down there anyway, “You sly bastard. Just know I’m still gonna make her scream my name more than yours.”
Hawks gripped one of your thighs while his other hand took his cock guiding it to press at your hole again. “Relax and be a good girl for me yeah?” You nod and glance at the other occupant in the room who’s stroking his cock at the sight of you spread out like this. You and Hawks sigh out in unison when he finally slips inside of you, “Ohhh fuck.”
Keigo’s voice drops an octave or two while he slowly pushes his member deeper into your gummy walls, “You’re so fucking tight. Fucking hell.”
You were panting and trying not to squirm too much until you could feel his hips flush against yours.
“Fucking finally you damn extra.”
Katsuki was back over you, his cock lightly tapping at your pussy before it slips inside of you. Both men hiss at the way you squeeze their cocks, the three of you lay there panting.
Your hips soon begin to wiggle, the stinging melting into pleasure. “Someone’s a little eager. Ready for us to fuck you, pump you full of our cum Babybird? Ready to show this amateur who you belong to?”
Katsuki suddenly delivers a sharp thrust making you and Hawks yelp, “You talk too fucking much.” Katsuki sets the pace and Hawks soon followed, they’re moving in sync so that when one of them is pulling out the other is pushing in.
The room is filled with a chorus of moans, filthy promises and skin hitting skin. Your hands are scrambling to find purchase on either of the guys as you could already feel your orgasm approaching, “I’m gonna-I’m gonna c-cum!”
Katsuki’s hand flew down and his fingers started rubbing your clit making you arch your back, you were about to cry out his name until Hawks shoved his middle and ring finger into your mouth making you gag. Katsuki clicked his tongue, “That’s fucking cheating.”
“And you stroking her clit right as she’s about to cum isn’t,” Hawks sasses back. The both of them are too involved with their bickering to notice you cumming until you went limp in their hold weakly pushing on them.
Your muffled plea for them to slow them was ignored as Hawks picked up the pace, “We’re gonna have to redo that one Babybird.” Katsuki nodded as his hand left your clit to wrap around your throat, your eyes struggled to stay open as they both wrecked your body overstimulating you until you ended up squirting again.
You could feel the throbs if their cocks as they too began to reach their climaxes, their dirty talking to you (and maybe some to each other) was drowned out by the overload of pleasure.
With a final thrust, they both cussed and groaned as they filled you up with their seed.
The three of you lay there trying to catch your breaths, your eyes widen slightly when you feel Keigo twitch inside of you. “You tired already Blasty? I bet I can last more rounds than you ever could.”
Bakugo clicked his tongue and gave an experimental thrust while his teeth dug into his lower lip, “Shut the fuck up.” Hawks rolled his eyes and shifted, “I wanna fuck her pussy next so move.” Katsuki gets up slowly slipping out of you and he watches his cum drop out of your pussy, “You look so good with my cum dripping out of you Princess.”
Your meek voice doesn’t seem to reach them as Keigo sits up with his member still inside of you. His right hand wraps around your throat while the other grabs your hip, “I’m gonna fuck you while you clean him up. How does that sound, Babybird?”
You nod and the younger blond cups your cheeks as he kisses you, a moan comes from you as the other male in the room grunts. You feel the blunt head of his cock pressing at your pussy until he slips in, Keigo had a slightly larger girth than Bakugo but he filled you up so well.
Leaning down after breaking the kiss with Katsuki, you wrapped your hand around his cock and took his tip into your mouth. His warm hand made homage on the back of your head while he let out a guttural growl, his hips began bucking slightly making you take more of his length.
Hawks cooed at you and told you how much of a good girl you were being for taking them both like his. “You love having your holes fucked and stretched like this huh? You like the idea of both of us filling you up with our cum, who knew such a cutie like you would be a cumslut.”
Bakugo would never admit it to anyone, not even himself but the way Keigo spoke to you combined with your glossy eyes gazing up to him drove him wild. He didn’t expect to cum again so quickly, Keigo massaged you’re throat making sure you swallowed all of the other male’s seed before sitting back on his knees with your body to his absolutely pounding into you.
You cry out when Hawks spanks your thigh, “Look at your best friend. He’s such a pervert for watching you being fucked like this, I’m pretty sure he’d love it even if Dabi were here. Hell maybe even my boss, we’d pass you around and take turns filling you up and fucking you until you can’t remember your own name. But you’d damn well remember ours, you like the sound of that? Your pussy clenched down on me, you gonna cum again huh? Don’t fucking close your eyes and let him see you cum all over this dick.”
You were reduced back to stutters and soft babbles as you weakly reached towards Katsuki who interlocked your fingers together and grabbed your chin. His tongue collected the drool coming from the corner of your mouth before he slips his thumb between your lips and spits in your mouth again.
“Don’t fucking swallow,” Hawks turns your towards him and does the same thing. You couldn’t stop yourself from swallowing before a choked up sob exits your throat as white flashes behind your eyelids. Your legs are practically vibrating now and you slump completely against Katsuki when Hawks lets you go to grab your hips. Feral growls come from the man behind you as he reaches his peak yet again making sure his hips and as close as they can be against yours.
“Y/n you swallowed when I told you not to,” Bakugo grumbles wiping your tears with his thumbs. Hawks pulls out of you and you fall into Katsuki’s arms, your mind was fuzzy and you could only murmur softly as you came down from your high. Keigo rubs your back and kisses your shoulder, “Maybe sharing with this pipsqueak won’t be so bad.”
“Tch, shut the hell up you damn flamingo.”
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rurifangirl · 3 years
oc askssssss💃💃
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
8. How does your character feel about religion?
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
Aight, let's go w another one you whore😍
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Overall he's pretty much in control? Like, he's really self aware of his limits and how weak he is so he would have somethin, but I think most of the times he'd still do somethin outta the blue. You're on a mission with him? He's gonna try and pet that little death servitor that just tried to kill ya. So yeah, even tho he knows n Is self aware he's still pretty damn much impulsive.
N also would do anything in his power to make ya feel as good as ya can n doesn't really have much regolation at that point- So really It depends on context/day.
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They have like, a lil simile always with them. Like even when they're not doing/feeling anything special they still have a lil smirk w them. Plus they also wanna seem approachable so then again, I'm sayin that they'd have a sorta cheerful expression
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I mean she doesn't really had that much of a profession. She would've liked being a medic but since she well, run away, she never got the occasion to nor the knowlege, so even though she enjoys being an adventurer with the gang she would've 100% liked studying abroad to learn more bout erbs rather than stopping some cult that got in the way.
But she'd help others trying to study something too.
🍵Shoe- (Shou)
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Listen, Korekiyo's voice. Am I self projecting? Yes. But just, Korekiyo mf Shinguji's voice onto him. That's litteraly the best way I can put his voice and I'll die onto this hill.
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Thecnically speaking they still had an own education, but I think that being a traveller influenced A LOT more their ways of talking/behaviour in general. In fact they do speak in a somewhat of an accent, though they can very much understand complex texts too.
But they do have a strong accent, or takin out words from phrases to sound more southern in a way or nother.
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They feel absolutely great bout It, since It Is part of human behaviour too. Or part of some types of folktores. It's really interesting for her to understand how a religion in particular works.
Like why are the whorshipped gods painted like that? Why are the offerings in that specifical way? How Is that going to influence all of that? All of these combined in one, THAT Is something that Is really interesting for them.
I could ramble a lot bout It but i got other ocs to feed 😩
⚙️ Evelyn-
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HOHIHOHO SO, it's very based of their appereance. Like that steam-punk vibe? Absolutely like that. Everything's on that whole topic and he's absolutely livin it. She also has lots of projects messed up in their room n it's just, really REALLY messy around. The only clean part Is Sunshine's cell (which being their cockatoo btw) that he cares bout.
The other parts of the house are based off like that and are much smaller.
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He didn't really get an education of her own, but definetly like, if she did he would've 100% been that loudy and cheerfull classmate everyone seems to be Friends w. That's really the best way I could put It.
Though honestly he would've prefferred going to school ESPECIALLY since she was young, but he unfortunatly never had the choise other than some gifts here n there :(
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Well... he's Qiran's older brother so 😃 We gonna get funky when he's gonna get introduced cuz spoilers he wasn't really much of a good brother to him n his other siblings.
He doesn't despise them for a good reason he just, never really wanted to have anything w them, though currently and after a lot of time in isolation he, he regrets it. All of It.
But Is way too scared to try and tie something back togheter with everyone. Much more will be in his post so ill not go further for now
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Depending on the person, but yeah. I can totally see her gaining some form of pleasure into seeing suffering. I mean not when it's coming from the only people she cares about, but in most cases It's like that. Though she'd now avoid It not because it realized that it's wrong but more of that it's usless doing so.
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @damnfoxx @nadi-117 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @ahmanetsmultifandom
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
I'm in ur inbox solely for purposes of crying about the latest shifter au installment, holy shit it's so good!!!!!! I love the narrative style and how soft everyone is, whilst still also being protective af!!! Lambert's cone of shame was the funniest thing ever lmaoooo In short I would die for you thank you have a good day
Please don’t die! Nobody is worth dying for. (I know you meant it in a very nice way but I much prefer people living - especially if they are friend shaped!) While you’ve got the shifter au on your mind, may I offer you a little bonus as thanks for your super sweet message?
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
With their secret out, Jaskier found that he was having to fight for the limelight when out and about with his wolves. He encountered not just his own fanbase but the steadily growing numbers of those who dubbed themselves The Wolf Pack. It was both nice to know that his wolves were so popular but also infuriating because they were Jaskier’s wolves, he adopted them first. Things only got worse as more details filtered out about how they met, sleeping on the streets and helping each other out.
“Aren’t you frustrated that you can’t keep up with them?” A voice, silky and soft whispered from by Jaskier’s shoulder in a coffee shop. “I could help you with that.”
“Not interested,” Jaskier growled. For once, he was without his wolves because he had only wanted a coffee and if they went out together, they would get mobbed. The shop was only down the road anyway.
A business card was thrust towards him. “Call me when you change your mind. We can discuss payment then too.”
The problem was, the idea lingered. Jaskier never did see himself as much of a wolf, he lacked the regal majesty of one. Plus he was much more vibrant. Knowing his luck, he would get turned into a cockatoo. At least he could still appreciate music in that form, headbanging along to decent tunes. But that was beside the point. He threw the card down onto the table and ignored it until Geralt picked it up.
“What’s this?” he asked, frowning at the simple design. The other wolves, as if summoned by his unease, crowded in.
“Some creep wanted to help me “keep up” with you lot. I told him where to shove it. Seemed like a weird old man.”
Vesemir looked the most troubled. “Stregebor is bad news. If you want something, I would suggest Vilgefortz. A much more honest sorcerer.”
It was the first time Jaskier even entertained to notion. He would have loved to be able to keep up with his wolves who seemed to never run out of energy. So he asked Vesemir to set up an appointment.
“How much will this cost me?” he asked, sat opposite the sorcerer.
“It’s not an issue of money. It’s about sacrifice.” Vilgerfortz was looking at him seriously. Outside, the four wolves shifted nervously, wanting to barge in but the privacy spell was keeping them at bay.
Jaskier nodded and thought about what he had to offer. “My singing? My career? Looks? I mean, I’d look rather dashing with a facial scar and at least I’d truly be part of the pack then.”
That drew a laugh from Vilgefortz and he shook his head. “Shifters are dangerous. If they ever had children, they would be unpredictable, maybe even beastly. Even if you’re not a wolf, whatever your inner animal, even if it is a sweet, fluffy moth, you will be infertile.”
It was Jaskier’s turn to laugh. “Take it. I don’t think Geralt ever was the type I could impregnate, even before his mutations.”
In a way, Jaskier couldn’t believe that the price of keeping up was that. He had been prepared to give up fame and fortune for his wolves and now he was being asked for something he never wanted in the first place.
The potions tasted vile and Vilgefortz’s spells grated on his ears but Jaskier weathered it. There was no dramatic wind, no lightning, no quaking of the earth as the spell took hold. At most, it tickled Jaskier’s bones as he felt something shift in him. It was like there was a part of him that had been locked away until that very moment. He certainly didn’t feel like a fluffy moth.
“Concentrate, let your new form come forward.”
The world twisted in the blink of an eye. Everything looked bigger and Jaskier looked down at sandy coloured paws and the swish of a thick, bushy tail. He barked in excitement which settled into an odd purr.
Behind him, the doors opened and four wolves pushed in, curious and worried. They stared down at Jaskier, blinking dumbly until Geralt stepped forward and gave his new form a delicate sniff. The excitement was too much and Jaskier launched himself, trying to play with Geralt before running away, making loops of the room. It was Lambert who first joined in with the chase, heedless of pushing tables over as he chased Jaskier. After two laps, Vesemir stood on two legs next to Vilgefortz and watched the three idiot wolves chasing a fennec fox, nipping and tumbling as if they were young pups.
Once the whole room was a mess, Jaskier stopped by their feet, knowing he was safe from being bowled over in their vicinty.
“How about trying to shift back?” Vesemir asked. There was a knowing smirk on his lips.
Concentrating, Jaskier almost toppled over at the sudden shift and he had a new appreciation for how effortless the others made it look. A snicker from behind him had him twirling. Three pairs of yellow, human eyes were fixed on the top of his head. Reaching up, he patted around and found two large ears nestled in his hair and the bushy tail swished behind him.
“It’s okay, it takes a little while,” Vesemir reassured him. “Geralt had his ears and tail for a good three weeks before he learned to shift fully.”
Lambert reached up to tug at the ears. “They suit you, foxy,” he teased. Immediately, Jaskier was shifting back and jumping at him, barking in excitement as Lambert took on his wolf form once again and the game was back on.
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
ok time to break my silence caused by the fact that i spent all day making this lol too many feels 
so.. palm springs thoughts !! and there are manyyyy so buckle up and feeel free to hit me up with either matching or contradicting thoughts or whateveer!! i would LOVE to nerd out about this movie with someone:’)
here comes thoughts and pictures!! 
we basically start off with a mr. samberg sex-scene okAYYYYY the mood is set. we love the view
nyles aka. mr. samberg is the most gorgeous man alive and it was a true pleasure to admire him for 90 minutes straight 
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CURLS!!????! THEY ARE UNREAL. i shall dedicate an entire post to them
Cristin Milioti is perfect for her role. her acting? *chef’s kiss* I love that she’s not the stereotypical female rom-com lead.
Her chemistry with Andy? Gosh.. Can’t believe Nyles x Sarah is my new main movie-ship!! They play off of each other SO. WELL. Their characters are equally stone cold and bitter, but then again not really, and they both portray it so well!!
“You don’t ned a leg up.” *moans* ���Hold my leg up!” i SCREAMED
“Don’t you kiss me.” “Don’t you tell me what to do.” hoW DARE THEY!
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Ok ur basically on love already stop it
The fact that they were just gonna fuck on a blanket on top OF ROCKS?!
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but then again in this movie’s already insane universe it’s prob pretty normal:)
The overall dark, existential humor?? This is what I live and breathe for on a daily basis. Basiaclly both main characters are a BIG MOOD
Nyles not giving a shit vs. Sarah severely freaking out in the beginning is an iconic dynamic
“I am the antichrist” and then the rock falling? For a hot sec I literally thought the movie was gonna take a turn with Nyles being some magical/scientific creature that’d created the timeloop or something idkkk ahhha
Nyles in the suit... ridiculous(ly hot)
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The torture methods Roy uses on Nyles and the fact that he’s not mentally scarred?? How?? 
On that note I love that Nyles and Sarah keep their memories even if the day starts over. Would’ve been a completely different concept if they had to “meet each other for the first time” every day and it wouldn’t’ve allowed their relationship arc to evolve as it did 
Darla is the fucking shit 
Nyles in the baseball cap, amirite?
“You fucked Jerry Schlieffen?” “Well he fucked me.” Yes SIR. Andy Samberg’s characters are all bottoms and we’re here for it
Sarah’s tongue click and “nice try” when Nyles asks her about her sex life?? 
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Randy is hella annoying. That’s it. That’s the tweet.
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the fact that they both start waking up smiling because now at least they have each other 🥺😭🤯
uhm i love a good ship that’s like... best friends to lovers and the montage of them basically becoming besties killed me 
this outfit Y E S: 
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sarah falling off the car and nyles laughing it off is relationship goals
the crashing plane I LOL’ED
okay so... big moment... the DANCING AND MATCHING OUTFITS? THEY ARE MY DREAM TEAM. Also how excited they are running away from the bar 🥺
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the bomb in the cake and french pirate-skit? so fucking random but i lovee it because it’s so them
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the deep talks by the fire were SO well written. they were actually deep and genuine, allowing the characters to grow and opening up to us as viewers but also remained fun and witty
sarah trying to get nyles to admit he cares for her and him joking it off??? the flirtinggg
really wish we’d gotten to know more about what nyles meant with “it drifts away: just like they all do.” because it really seemed to trigger something within him. Like WHO “They”???
the dinosaurs lmao no comment but at least they got a cute cuddly moment
from the very first millisecond inside the tent you can CLEARLY tell Sarah is just dying to do something about them!!!
 the disbelief on nyles’ face when sarah says “lets just get it over with” because she’d clearly stated he didn’t want to and even though he obviously did he’s respected it and not done anything further about it oh babey
we love some good making out:’))) 
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i will die for a post-sexy timez cuddle and how sarah is trying to staying awake to be besides him is just *explosion* 
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this has to be *the moment* she realises 
and they’re both sooooo fucking happy when they wake up after damn love me like that pls
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Baby is trying so hard and is so cute and nervous about it. SARAH LISTEN TO HIM HE LOVES YOU.
“Going to bed maybe just got a little better” 😭😭😭😭
The entire cop scene is just pure insanity, very Lonely Island and I’m here for it even though I just want Sarah to rEALLY LISTEN TO WHAT NYLES IS TRYING TO SAY 
“Pain is real” oh babey that means SO MANY THINGS 🥺💔
“I followed you into that cave because I liked you!” like jake would say: don’t love how we got here but we’re going where i want
“pretentious sad boy” me
not shocked that they’ve hooked up before because c h e m i s t r y but don’t like how it got out :)))
why is nyles’ one sleeve shirt rolled up? im triggered
drinking pure vodka? oh babey its gonna be okay 
Sarah’s parents singing:)) i would cry too, nyles
"I love her.” “I see... That’s interesting” lmao savage
I actually really love Roy’s character. It turns out to be very humble actually and he has some insightful and lowkey poetic that lines i love. Besides that he’s hilarious. 
SO the whole time i was wondering how they’d get out of the whole “same day forever”-thing, if they were to. and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that they had such a logical way out of it: science. Not anything cheesy like “a true love’s kiss” or “you learned your lesson”. Pure logic and Sarah’s hard work to get there. Huge fan of this. 
I will never get over how good Nyles looks waking up and Sarah is xtra pretty in that scene:’) 
Nyles just wants to stay in a loop forever because it means for sure that he gets to stay with Sarah forever and I’m lowkey into it but also like lowkey LISTEN TO HER AND GO WITH HER PLAN, NYLES
“I wanna stay with you” *sniffles*
“I love you. How about that?” PRETTY FUCKING GOOD 
I love Nyles’ character development. He started off so nonchalant and cold, closed off and by this point he’s the softest, smiliest in love fool I’ve ever seen and Andy does it so good. SAMBERG HEART EYES!!
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“Nothing is real in here” YES SARAH UR LOVE IS
I’m taking Sarah’s asking Nyles to believe in her and leave with her as her first “I love you” because it’s very clear that she wants to leave with him rather than without. 
just- this entire scene i ugh <3 <3 <3 <3
BREAKING. UP. WITH. MISTY ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
glass of wine filled to the brim? sarah’s my type of gal
the speech was really beautiful and sweet without being too cheesy and kudos to cristin for really delivering it like a pro! especially her “abe, don’t fuck this up” like yes girl kill him, chop him to pieces with your eyes!!! also camila is such really pretty bride
nyles looks like a cockatoo here :
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nyles taking the shot and smashing the glass into the ground got me 🤭😵😏🥵
“I’m your son” I SCREAM
Gotta admit Sarah looks like a bomb (lol nu pun intended) ass super hero in her bridesmaid dress and C4-gettup 
The sentence ending up being total grammatical gibberish but Nyles trying so. damn. hard is the sweetest thing ever and should and will go down in rom-com history. It’s super romantic but also well-balanced by humor and I just.. so good. This is the kind of characters and relationships I love and wanna write myself 
“you’re my favorite person that i’ve ever met” 🥺🥺🥺
“i’d rather die with you than live in this world without you” WHY AM I SO SINGLE SOMEONE LOVEE ME LIKE THIS 
okay so idk but “what if we get sick of each other?” “we’re already sick of each other. it’s the best.” is so so so soft, the way nyles says it like it doesn’t matter and is honestly another key moment for me: they’ve experienced basically everything imaginable during their time in the box/loop. they’ve liked, disliked, loved, hated each other and still: he loves her. the fact that nyles knows no matter what happens it won’t stop that because it’s them?? ouch my heart. 
Them dissing Nyles’ mom on their way into potential death? that’s love, baby 
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Ok so I was SURE that when it faded to black that it was done and I grew super ficking frustrated because it would leave us with this “the ending is up to whatever you chose”-kinda thing kinda a la Celeste and Jesse where it just feels unresolved and I WASN’T OKAY WITH THAT. So I’m so happy we got to know that it worked and the bebes will live happuilly ever after with Nyles’ shaggy dog:’) 
Their hands on each other’s knee >>>>>
all in all 100000/10 
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that is so cute. that is so adorable. mic calling eraser his 'tomcat' and shinsou his 'kitten' is just adorable and so perfect. do you think shinso might try to return to favor by calling mic 'cockatoo' or something?
Listen, I love nicknames more than I should, so I’m going to give you a set of images, okay?
Present Mic on patrol and running in as backup to a pro hero who’s in the middle of a fight with what he assumes is a new villain - he certainly dresses like one. Present Mic lingers back, watching, though, because he notices right away that this ‘villain’ isn’t fighting to hurt - just to incapacitate. Aizawa, with his weapon that he invented and labored and bled over, manages to tie up the hero with minimal to no damage. He isn’t in this for the villainy. He’s in it for a message. How will the public feel about their broken systems when a man with hardly any quirk (with his quirk he might as well be quirkless) manages to defeat all of these pro heroes?
Ah, but Hizashi is Hizashi and he runs after Aizawa when he runs, and they come to a dead end and Hizashi finally sees this man in the light. A lanky frame, dark clothing, exhausted and bloodshot eyes, and a snarl that would send most running.
What are you up to then, tomcat?
Months and months later and this time he hears about ‘Eraserhead’ and his new sidekick and Hizashi is so curious and maybe just a little bit jealous, but then he sees this kid who fought in the Sports Festival and who suddenly left the school. He sees the scars from a muzzle, and a look of fear and dread at seeing him - at seeing a hero - and the instinctive grab for his quirk as he takes shaking steps back and tries to run. 
Hizashi has always been good at calming people down, though. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t need to, and doesn’t stop until he has Shinsou wrapped up in a hug. It had been a bad fight, a very bad fight, and Shinsou was scared because he only had just found his family, and it was all crumbling down around him and he’s scared, okay. Hizashi doesn’t fault him for that, and just ruffles his hair, and gives him a bright, hero smile. 
Come on, kitten, let’s go find that tomcat of ours. 
Hizashi has always been a fan of nicknames, okay, he will call people the dumbest and nicest shit depending on who they are. He calls Tensei Sonic half the damn time and when he’s a little shit he calls Midnight Mistress. It was in an interview, once, because he was tired and gay and running on nothing but energy drinks and spite and it was supposed to be mocking. 
Anyways. He’s a fan of nicknames, but he never has any of his own, okay? At most he gets loud or loudman or DJ or, by some of his sidekicks and radio workers, boss man. It’s nothing that’s really a name for him, though, just a word to describe him in passing. No one ever really bothered to give him a name just for him, but then you have Aizawa and Shinsou. You have Shouta and Hitoshi. 
Sunshine. Shouta whispers it to him after things are settled and right, the word a whisper between soft, slow kisses. Hizashi thought he meant the sun leaking through the curtains and was complaining, but his tone is soft, and his eyes fond, and his smile warm, and he’s looking right at him and whispering, Come here, Sunshine. 
And then you have Hitoshi who is their son in all but blood, and even then Hizashi sometimes doubts that because look at those two. But they’re a family, the three of them, and Hizashi knows that Hitoshi is his kid even if he’s only ever called Mic or Sensei or, when Hitoshi is feeling soft, Yamada. That’s okay, though, because he knows what it is to not trust the world. That’s why he never expected a whispered little, Thanks, Dad.
What I’m saying is that I would die for this family and you can pry these nicknames out of my cold, dead hands. 
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vincentferard · 5 years
Not Just A Bruise (an Erasermic One-Shot)
Somewhere in an apartment in Musutafu City, an air-conditioning unit whined loudly, filling the apartment with cool, brisk air. It was almost summertime, final exams were over, and for most schools’ things were starting to die down a little. However, that wasn't the case for UA High. Everything was just as pumped up as always, if not more so, in preparation for the upcoming summer camp. Normal assignments too, like English, maths, and science, were just the same as always.
Of course, that's probably how Aizawa got stuck in this situation.
With assignments still being in full swing and preparation for the summer camp going on at the same time, a certain blonde teacher got more than a little behind on his grading. Naturally, he turned towards his dark-haired best friend asking (with his whining it seemed more like begging) for help grading. The teacher had begrudgingly agreed to help, lecturing him lazily on his careless time schedule.
And that's where he was now. Sitting on his couch. Grading his best friend’s papers for him.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock on his wooden door. Sighing heavily, he got up and answered the door. On the other side stood the green-eyed, cockatoo haired, leather covered man himself.
“Shōta!” He grinned brightly. “I came over to help! I just got done with my radio session so I have the rest of the night free!”
Aizawa winced slightly at his loud tone and rolled his eyes. “Oh, how considerate of you.”
The blonde pouted slightly at his sarcasm. “Hey, you know I don't like asking you to help with this!”
The dark-haired teacher rolled his eyes again but nodded, simply letting out a hum and stepping aside to let the blonde in. Once inside, Hizashi flopped onto the couch, picking up the ungraded papers.
“Why don't you sit down?” Aizawa asked sarcastically, sitting down next to his friend.
Hizashi just chuckled and shook his head, starting to grade the papers. “You did a lot, huh?”
“Of course. I actually do my job.” He jested slightly, earning a 'humpf’ from his cockatoo friend.
Sighing, he leaned forward towards the coffee table and started sorting the already graded papers into piles based on the assignment and class period. As he was putting paper clips onto the stacks, something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
“Hm?” The blonde didn't look up from his papers.
“Hizashi.” His tone was more demanding, causing the other to look up in confusion.
“What's that?”
Four darkening purple marks decorated the side of his neck, just barely visible under the collar of his leather jacket. Of course, the question Aizawa had asked was rather stupid. It was obviously-- and he knew-- bruises. But that wasn't quite what he meant.
“Your neck.”
Hizashi frowned and quickly looked down, going back to his papers. “It's nothing. It’s just a bruise.” His response was quick and short and lacked any emotion in the tone.
“ It’s clearly not nothing.” Aizawa argued.
Hizashi looked back up at him with a frown, his glasses slipping down slightly, exposing his eyes. The skin around them was slightly poofy and pink while the whites looked slightly bloodshot.
“You’ve been crying, I can tell. Please don’t lie to me. “ He sighed.
“Please just drop it.” The blonde practically begged.
Aizawa didn't want to drop it. Something was wrong and, even if he didn't care to admit it, he cared enough about his friend to make sure it was remedied. However, to not upset his friend, he agreed. “Fine.”
A stuffy, uncomfortable silence took over the room for the next hour before Aizawa decided to get up and make dinner. It was already almost six so the sooner, the better. Walking into the kitchen, he pulled some ingredients out from the fridge and got a big cast iron skillet out from under the sink. Crêpes. He was going to make crêpes.
“Hizashi,” he called from the kitchen. “What kind of crêpes do you like?”
From the living room, he heard his friend call back, “Breakfast crêpes!”
Aizawa sighed and shook his head. Breakfast crêpes. For dinner. Who the fuck-
“Or whatever you have ingredients for!” His friend’s loud voice suddenly sounded behind him, causing him to jump slightly.
Turning around he scowled slightly, half jokingly half seriously. Rolling up a nearby newspaper loosely he gently and slowly went to bop the blonde on the head. However, before the newspaper even got close, the sight of Hizashi flinching made him stop in his tracks.
“Hizashi, I-”
“It's fine.” He quickly cut him off, smiling awkwardly yet warmly.
“I’m okay. It’s all fine.” He tried again.
Aizawa's stomach churned slightly, anger, worry, and guilt swirling around. Words filled his head of what he wanted to say. “It’s not okay! you’re not fine! People who are okay don’t act like this.”
Shit. He hadn't meant to say it like that but that was how it came out.
Hizashi's face dropped and he tilted his head. “Act like what?”
“I went to gently bop you on the head jokingly with a newspaper and you flinched.” Aizawa explained calmly.
The blonde bit his lip lightly. “So? I'm a pro-hero, I've had more than my fair share of beatings. Flinching is something that a lot of heroes do without thinking.”
“You've never flinched before.” He argued. “Not until you started…” He trailed off slightly.
Hizashi had started dating a guy named Inokuma three or four months before. He seemed like a pretty decent guy, he had a great sense of humour, was decently muscled, and was attractive. Hizashi stayed over at his place often, usually ending up being late to school the day after if he did.
“Hizashi...is Inokuma abusing you?” The dark-haired teacher asked quietly.
The blonde didn't respond, only frowned deeper and turned to leave the room. Without thinking, Aizawa reached out and grabbed his arm, earning a loud hiss of pain from him. He quickly released his grip but stepped in front of him to keep him from leaving the room.
“Jacket. Off. Now.” His tone left no room for debate.
With a heavy sigh, Hizashi glowered at the shorter male but complied, painfully slipping off the jacket to reveal his arms. A white tank top covered his torso, showing off deep dark bruises accommodated by small shallow cuts sprinkled like confetti. The sight was ghastly, more than just concerning. Aizawa was speechless, unable to say anything. Anger boiled deep inside of his stomach causing him to feel almost sick.
“Inokuma did this to you?” He questioned.
The blonde nodded slowly, opening his mouth only for soundless words to come out.
“When were you going to tell me?“ The dark haired male questioned again.
Hizashi shook his head slowly. “I...I wasn't going to.” He spoke. “I couldn't. I wanted to but I couldn't.”
“Why not?”
“I'm a pro-hero. How pathetic would it be if people found out that I was abused? And besides…” A few tears rolled down his face.
He didn't say it but it was obvious.
“Did he threaten you?”
A nod.
The anger in Aizawa's stomach grew but more than that, he felt something else: guilt. His best friend had been dating this guy for three or four months and he was just now noticing. Only now was he noticing that his best friend had been being subjected to domestic abuse.
“I'm sorry.”
Hizashi looked at his friend in confusion but before he could ask 'why’ his friend spoke up again.
“ This is all my fault, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could have done.”
Aizawa didn't look up. His fists were clenched at the side of his body, teeth gritted. Despite the fact that he didn't know he felt like he could've done something. Anything.
“I wish I could take the pain away.” He growled, picking up his phone. “You should have told me sooner.”
“What are you doing?” The blonde asked softly.
“I'm going to call the cops to go arrest that douchebag.” He answered back gruffly.
Hizashi quickly reached out, grabbing Aizawa's hand firmly. “Don't. Please.”
Aizawa looked at his friend and frowned deeper. His eyes looked so sad and scared.
“I’m never going to let him hurt you again. He'll be in prison. He won't be able to touch you.”
The bird man shook his head. “No, I know...but if the police know, then the media will find out and then-”
“I won't give them your name.” He cut him off. “I'll tell them that one of my friends is being domestically abused and I’ll tell them Inokuma's name.”
The blonde still seemed concerned but he nodded and released Aizawa's hand. Aizawa carefully set down Hizashi's jacket on the nearby table and gently grabbed the taller man's shirt corner, leaning him to the couch.
“Sit and rest.” He sighed. “I'm going to go call, I'll be right back.”
And with that Aizawa left the room, leaving Hizashi on the couch. He attempted to start grading the papers while his friend was in the other room but couldn't get himself to focus. Sighing, he curled up on the couch, shaking slightly. He knew Aizawa wouldn't mind. Roughly ten minutes later the dark haired man returned from the other room, sitting next to his friend.
There was dead silence before he spoke up. “It's all taken care of. They're heading over there right away.”
The blonde was silent for a minute. “Hey, Shōta?”
Aizawa let out a small hum.
I'm sorry…”
He turned towards his friend. “Because I didn't tell you and now we have to go through all this.”
“You were threatened.” He sighed tiredly. “Besides, I'm not worried about that. As long as you're okay everything is fine.”
Hizashi didn't respond, he only leaned against his friend slightly. More tears involuntarily slipped down his face. Hesitantly, Aizawa slipped his arm around the back of his friend's shoulders, pulling him into his side.
“Please don’t regret me... “ 
“Just breathe.” He mumbled quietly. “I could never regret you.”
Next to him, Hizashi was still shaking slightly, his breathing unsteady.
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If Yu was a Math Teacher - Part 7
Yu: who has finished these 5 questions
Yu: you guys are gonna take a million years PLEASE KILL ME
Futaba: do you think Mr Narukami has sexual fantasies
Ryuji: I would rather not get involved in the Souyo private life thanks
Futaba: i dont have any more finger hair to pluck
Ryuji: then pluck your down there
Yu: what
Futaba: if you say desmos Mr Narukami will get triggered
Yu: are any of you going to take accelerated maths
Ryuji: no but to quote Akira “the only thing i want accelerated is the bus over me”
Akira: What did John Napier say to his colleague that invited him out for drinks? Nay peer.
Ryuji: *Horrified screaming*
Akira with his hair fluffed up: Mr Narukami do you like my new hairstyle?
Yu: ...yes
Ryuji: He looks like a cockatoo!
Futaba: He’s the evil cockatoo from Rio
Ryuji: the ball exists at both positions at the same time!
Yu: I definitely don’t want to teach you for 4 years. You have downgraded from “maybe” to “no”
Yu: Every student tells me “I want to die”
Class: Ha ha ha ha h a h a h a
Yu: We have 3 plus 1 questions today. It’s because the 3rd question is quite hard
Ann: It’s still too much!
Makoto: If you know my form password you’re gonna die
Futaba: Makoto what’s your password I wanna die
Yu: Oh my god Futaba you’re so annoying
Akira: Basically get good Futaba
Yusuke: Wow, really great advice Akira. We have been enlightened
Ryuji: By our god Akira
Akira with the sword: For shame, bear Juliet something something
Yusuke with the hilt of the sword: Peace Ho, for shame!
Yu: What is this happening in my class???
Futaba: Mr Narukami reminds me of a middle aged Japanese man living in Shibuya
Yu: I am a middle aged Japanese man living in Shibuya
Yu: Last year half the cohort failed. Mostly because I set it hard. BUT THAT’S NO EXCUSE!
Ryuji: I did the previous question!
Ann: There is no previous question!
Haru: This is the first question
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jarel-dot-thepoet · 5 years
Excuse the typos Character Asks
Character Asks
Choose a character and a question
Indy - sorrowful, wealthy writer
Sage - chipper, eccentric barista
Nova - mischievous, astute activist
Charleut - intelligent, sharp lawyer
Claud - sly, wise police officer
Neal - silent,  spontaneous movie director
Lora - sassy, correctional actress
Gray - informational, caring talent agent
Gemini - quirky, strong pet store manager
Havin - easy going, comical interior designer 
Gwen - shy, analytical banker
Patches - innocent, wild real estate agent
Doc - practical, blunt attorney
Harry - self-absorbed, glutton realtor
Loa - logical, stringent automotive engineer
Chief - philosophical, misunderstood politician
Jack - gentle, follower gardener
Deuce - mysterious, leader chemist
Roy - lying, nerdy bandmate 
Olivia - serving, fiery housemaid
Consuela - altruistic  firm casino co-owner
Constance - powerful, creepy casino co-owner
Joy - perky, pragmatic talent agent
Mrs. Feathersby - grandmotherly, assertive cafe owner
Dr. Whyte - optimistic, spiritual surgeon
Jensen - passive, generous nurse
Angeliica - feminist, tactical nurse
Stone - unexpected, remorseless police officer
Atticus - conversationalist, innocent bartender
Admiral - disciplined, sexually busy retired  veteran
Mr. Peru - soundful, pacifist butler
Daz - impervious, 
Fighting urges horned up searching for meaning feeling breathing living God please forgive these flesh feelings keep dealing me a strain in my pants my brain likes to dance I feel afraid sometimes without Lord I pray your Kingdom come evil need be delivered me from i feel bottom of ocean scum always comes with repercussions dumb didally down fiddling these emotions floating to my head crazed dazed in a hazed Hayes estate
Josiah - trustworthy, there landscaper
Doctor Profit - heartless, gassy teacher * Waiting is a new covenant, so wait patiently and you will see the return of Jesus Christ. * The killer of Casanova Hayes * the unexpected english teacher witha bold moustache piercing blue eyes takes brown skin elegant afro hair nice smile a kind voice whispering elegance peaceful harmonies bird talking chest as proud as the cockatoo merciful tattoos of kazoos and coconuts lustful legs that stood high enough to see the tempest shelf in southern creek high water soloist for sure team player and dauntful 
Dawn Delaware fifth sister  the child Karen Delaware was pregnant when she disappeared that hot day in Australia critic to town if Ostrasizer England smokes cigars piercing red eyes devilish tongue fierce brutality of the hands southpaws swearer of Osvits Germany ta I want to thank you for being my son my Lord my savior my grace mercy My Redeemer what treasure my everything my all amen
George Carl Bigsby - judgmental, prejudice grocery store owner
Z'riya Turner - affable, southern comfort Mexican store owner
Ashlee | Hectic - smarter than you, has to be right confidently beautiful curves radio talk show host producer
Lefwhich Greenfield - destined Turner of the turntables championship Dr. Profits twin cousin cornball hornball 
Nessie - grits thrower, angsty photographer
What do you do for a living 
Where's your money go most on
Least on
Where do kids come from 5 year old answer
Topic of the day
Wheres your worst kiss from
Best kiss
Who saw you running naked that one day down the street
Is the cat out if the bag secret bonus
Sandwich ir taco
Spaghetti or hamburger
Waffles or pancakes
Listen to music on low listen on high
Destined to live destined to die
Whi gets to watch what they want you or your spouse nobody who wins the argument
Do stacks stack best left to right or right to left
If I were atop a mountain and u wanted you to hold me would you cry ir ask why
If a donkey had a really bad smell but a really great smile would you hug it
Can you kiss an elephant and remember it
What causes reflections looking within or without
Do stalls needto he further apart or many more single bathrooms
West coast hemisphere easy coast hemisphere
If you could live anywhere and why
 Rigamortus would you prefer the body seen or sunseen
Truth be told what's your worst secret
Truth be told who do you live the most
Marry me yes or no after three years
Do the stanky leg or the waltz
Fishing or bowling 
Dog sitting or cat sitting
Miscues or misshapes
Music or reading
What do you di when you first wake up
Is there anything to wear in here jeams or slacks for gals dresses or pants
Austin texas or Atlanta georgia
Fila or fubu
Red wine or white wine
Questions or answers
Chess or checkers
Pig or cow
People watching or tv watching
Yes person or no person
Balanced or imbalanced
Perfect or flawed
Half full or half empty
Shark or lion
Chicken or egg
Basketball or football
Softball or baseball
Soccer or rugby
Do you stand tall or stand with a hunch
Breathe in breathe out ornbreathe out breathe in
Angry or happy
Sad or content
Joyful or hateful
Peace through war war through peace or peace through peace
Victory or fail
Thumbs up or thumbs down
Do you talk more or listen more
Effortless or thoughtful 
Faithful or hardship
Constipation or diarrhea
Jokester or serious
Golf or nascar
Do you believe in ghosts
Do you believe in werewolves
Do you believe in God
Flying ir driving 
Stay at family's house for the holidays or at a hotel
Do you walk in with confidence or doubt 
Day person or night person
Early to bed early to rise ir stay up late and ahh *stretches* after 12 pm
Wake up with a hangover dude I cant believe we did that or dude I cant believe we did that!
Lefty or righty
Sauce mixed in with the meat or sauce mixed in with the noodles
Bacon cordon bleu or bacon and eggs
Fitzgerald Jones or Fitzgerald Hawkins
What day do you clean your house
Check mail now when you come from home or later
Dinosaurs did they exist
If we could meet a celebrity who would it be
Why them
Where would we go
If we could meet Jesus without dying what would you say to Him
Beach or mountain
Fiasco or calm
Tupac or biggie
Elton John or Michael Bolton
Lois and Clark or lois and clark Kent
venice or Rome
How much would could a woodchuck chuck
If your brothers  dad died and your brother was left alone what would you say
Earthquake or sandstorm
Hurricane or fire 
Get shot or get stabbed
Art or home economics
Understanding or pigheaded
Left alone or social butterfly
Apples or bananas
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necropsittacus · 5 years
answer all the ones you have an interesting answer for, i guess?
i had FAR too much fun with this and it’s horrifically long so. Apologies For That. also thank you friend
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)i really want some finches, when i'm actually in a place to care for an animal? maybe a pigeon3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?in real life i actually Wear button downs and black jeans most of the time for convenience. *ideally* it would be something more like "unholy union of like three different goth aesthetics, and sith fashion, and also Pirate. and spikes/chains/glowy lights." it's probably good for everyone else's eyes that i'm too cheap to redo my entire wardrobe in line with my ideal aesthetic sensibilities. i also have a set color scheme; at most one bright color, which is generally red, blue, or purple, and everything else should be black or grey. 8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]melancholic with choleric leanings.9: Are you ticklish?nope! im pretty sure i trained myself out of it 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?tea. i like the taste of coffee if it's very heavily creamed and sugared but it does terrible things to my body so i don't drink it. too much chocolate also makes me sick14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?VAMPIRE. practically already am. 16: How tall are you?5'7"-5'8". measurements have varied. 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?starscreamthis one is Already a name change? i've been through a few names and honestly i'm pretty happy with "ren." i thought about changing to something people could actually spell right on the first try, but nothing Felt right? 20: Do you like space or the ocean more?ocean! but both are pretty neat21: Are you religious?yes, but it's not remotely clear what i actually believe, just that it's Something  23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?i'm already practically nocturnal tbh and it's fun 30: Favorite movie?i really appreciate the star wars prequels32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?nine; six fish and three budgies, not all at the same time37: What is your eye color?green38: Introvert or extrovert?i think the whole dichotomy is a bit overhyped and doesn't exactly apply to me. my situation is more that i act like extroverts are "supposed" to with close friends but people i don't already know and like very much are deeply exhausting to be around and i'd rather not40: Hugs or kisses?depends. hand/forehead/cheek/etc kisses are intensely blessed and important to me, but i don't particularly enjoy making out or whatnot, and hugs are Very nice. 42: Who is someone you love deeply?tumblr user @autisticsansa​44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?yeah!45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?yeah, occasionally. obligatory disclaimer that it's a terrible habit and you shouldn't start. it's more a "i'm extremely anxious and need to do SOMETHING" thing than a regular habit, though. 57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]several. it's just not 100% clear which ones. the most recent Professional Opinion was OCD and CPTSD with probably related anxiety and depression. also autism but i don't think that's quite the same thing58: What does your URL mean?it's a pun on "neurodivergent" that i stole from someone else's post about liches61: What makes you unfollow a blog?if your opinions start pissing me off too much or you post things i consider morally objectionable or dangerous to me. also if we have a sufficiently bad personal fight. i don't really care if a mutual or someone i've been following for a long time stops having common interests with me or anything like that, at that point i'm invested in You as a Person and will stick around for that64: Favorite animal(s):all birds. also cetaceans69: What is your star sign?i'm a fake scorpio. i have been telling people i'm a scorpio and tagging zodiac posts accordingly for literal years, out of a combination of the stereotype applying to me much better than the one for my Actual Birthday and residual influence from homestuck. 76: Do you like birds?i LOVE birds.86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?i can't run a mile at ALL i'll have an asthma atatck88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?no and trying hurts90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?goth cockatoo94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?both of those sound fantastic. i want to say fly, though, both because bird thing!!!!, my latest batch of Attachment/Projection Characters has me thinking about the idea a lot, and mind reading seems like it would likely become a burden on me. i struggle enough with other people's feelings about me as it is96: Winter or summer?winter. summer is consistently a miserable time for me101: Favorite type of shoesaesthetically, high heeled black lace up boots. irl i mostly wear combat boots, though103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?vegetarian. i don't really Know why; it was how i was raised, i have no actual desire to eat meat, and i'm reasonably certain trying to start now would interact disastrously with a lot of my preexisting food issues. also, some of you are incapable of not responding to asshole vegans by acting like eating meat is a moral imperative and it's ok to bully people who don't. so even if i did want to, i wouldn't out of sheer spite106: Do you like bugs?depends on the kind. bees/wasps, dragonflies, and butterfly/moth type things are all fine. i'm deathly afraid of crickets107: Do you like spiders?yeah! i think they're cute109: Can you draw:not very well, but i keep doing it anyway114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?cloudy. bright light tends to hurt me115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:i'm in an odd place right now where i'm either not sure if the people i'm closest to (and/or most want to Become close with) would be comfortable with anything of the sort, or know for a fact that they wouldn't be, so i'm going to refrain from naming anyone, but certain friends129: What would you want written on your tombstone?"túrin turambar dagnir glaurunga." for old times' sake/the sentimental value. i doubt christopher tolkien would give anyone permission for that, though131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?arrogance, ambition, drive to succeed out of sheer Spite. it's a very good aesthetic, but i don't imagine it's very pleasant to actually *interact* with someone with a complex about being #1 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?nope. i exclusively either smirk or keep my face as blank as possible; i don't think smiling like that looks good on me. 133: Computer or TV?computer. i don't actually know how to operate a television139: What nicknames do you have/have had?a lot. tends to come with changing your name 500 times. atm i don't really have any, to my slight disappointment140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?i had imaginary enemies as a kid143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?depends? it's hard for me to help people, especially to guess what kind of thing actually Is helpful to them, and i absolutely LOVE being given things, but also if i know someone well enough that we're giving each other things i would feel absolutely terrible not reciprocating, and doing it makes me happy. 145: How many languages do you speak fluently?only english, unfortunately. i have like a six year olds level of russian, which i want to improve, and i think i Could get there with japanese eventually if i start taking classes again147: Are you androgynous?honestly i can't really tell? not deliberately so, particularly, but i think i have a very Traditionally Feminine kind of pretty face and the way that combines with mostly masculine presentation and facial hair is pretty androgynous148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:this isn't a Specific Thing per se, but i do think HRT has been taking my appearance in a very "g1 seeker" direction and i am DELIGHTED151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?hm. viking stuff is a Big Aesthetic, but also i think i deserve to be a sickly victorian gentleman and die of tuberculosis154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?YES. this is one of my favorite forms of affection irl. also hand kissing is The Most Valid kind of kissing. 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yes!!!157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:talking to people when i'm not 100% sure where i stand with them or how much they like me. especially if i'm requesting anything.168: Do you like to wear makeup?i used to. i probably still would if i could do it without being read as a woman, but as it is the discomfort of being misgendered outweighs the joy of Having Sparkly Colors on My Face
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onthewingsofpoesy · 6 years
Here Beside Me 2
“And what is this thing supposed to be?”
Yuuri stirred from his nap at the sound of now-familiar Russian voices drawing nearer. Heavy footsteps resounded over the cement floors, accompanied with a rhythmic and heavy thumping sound. A shadow suddenly loomed over him, so large and wide, it blocked the light of the entire cage.
The kitsune stared disgruntled at the imposing figure looking down at him with disinterest through the bars. The big man leaned against a heavy cane, the source of the resounding thumping. It was capped with a heavy metal jaguar head baring its canines in mid-roar.
A thin, hunched man stood next to him, twiddling his fingers nervously as he regarded Yuuri.
“We think it’s some sort of fox species from Japan,” the thin man replied, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose as if trying to see the kitsune better. “However, he’s a bit of a peculiar case since his fur is quite thin rather than bushy like most fox fur is. He also has a strange set of markings on the crest of his head, quite like Tabby cats with that signature ‘M’ mark on their forhe-”
“It’s quite disappointing, wouldn’t you say?” The imposing figure interrupted, eyebrows raising in consternation. Thin, wrinkled fingers smoothed a heavily gelled cap of salt-and-pepper hair flat against his long skull.
Yuuri bared his teeth at him, irritation flaring through his body. Who did this guy think he was?
“What kind of exotic flair does a black fox have over, say, a tiger? Or a monkey? Even cockatoos are in higher demand than foxes, and they’re just ugly, disgusting little birds. Although, this beast has quite the taste for drama, wouldn’t you say? Look at the way it challenges me.”
“Ah...yes, sir.”
A low growl built up in Yuuri’s chest, rumbling up his throat.
The large figure smiled back, all teeth as if baring them at the kitsune. Without warning, he swung his cane at the steel bars of the cage. The heavy baton blurred as it struck the metal so hard the entire cage threatened to collapse. Yuuri jumped back, startled at the violent shaking of the bars and the loud sound of steel being bashed with a blunt object. The figure laughed, a sound so oily and wicked that Yuuri’s ears pulled back in distress.
“Perhaps this thing can be domesticated. Like a dog. Smack it around a few times and soon enough it will lay at your feet and surrender.”
Yuuri’s tail twitched in agitation and he fought his body not to release the hiss building up in his chest. This man was certainly no stranger to teeth and claws. He must fear none of the animals in this godforsaken warehouse. In fact, he seemed to delight in torturing the creatures enough for them to scream out in agony. Often, the sound was loud enough to be heard over the din of chatter from the other beasts.
Yuuri did not want to be on the receiving end of the heavy cane in the man’s hands.
“It’s already learning not to test me. Perhaps it’s just a strange dog. Quick to bite, quick to fear, easy to condition. Even if it is only a fox, I sense no use in its investment here. No one will pay for this thing, and if they do, it won’t return much profit. I assume the expenses involved in capturing this beast will outweigh the return value. What a poor waste of resources, da?”
The thin man let out a nervous whine and ducked slightly as if expecting a blow.
It never came.
The large man simply tapped his cane on the ground and watched Yuuri with hungry eyes. “Perhaps it will look good lounging on my lap during meetings. They get so tedious these days, and my men are starting to question the mass of my power. Perhaps this little fox would be a lovely addition to the office room, wouldn’t you say? I honestly don’t care if it’s alive to be there or dead and skinned as a rug on my floor.”
The large man turned away and the sound of heavy boots and a tapping cane echoed down the cement walkway. He paused suddenly and called out, “Oh and Marat?”
The thin man turned expectantly.
“I would advise a better settling of our expenses next time. I expect investments to garner suitable interest from our buyers. Returns must be more than the costs taken to make them. It’s all simple economics, you see. Our customers have certain needs and desires when it comes to exotic pets. We capture and ship them cheaply, sell them exorbitantly, and then start the process again and again and again. You won’t get another chance if our next shipments go awry. It would be unfortunate if you were to be involved in a little...accident on your way to Kazakhstan to see your family, wouldn’t you say?”
The thin man shuddered visibly and bowed his head. “I won’t fail you again. I already have a team with a shipment full of animals from a South African black market trade. We will get what our buyers are asking for.”
The boss let out a quiet chuckle. “For your sake, I hope you succeed, Marat.” He turned away and continued down the dirty cement floor, wooden cane tapping the ground as he walked away.
The thin man let out a quiet sigh of relief, shoulders hunching impossibly forward.
Yuuri took a couple more soundless steps backward until the fur of his tail brushed the back wall of the cage. He curled up in a small ball and watched warily over the bulk of his tail as Marat, the thin man, straightened up, a determined expression lighting his features.
Chocolate brown eyes met a set of slate grey ones. Marat broke the stare first and glared down at Yuuri. “I made a mistake with you. You’re nothing special.”
That you know of.
“The boss will kill you, skin you, and use your fur as a place to rest his feet after a long day of work. You’re nothing here and you will die as nothing better than the ground that we trod upon. I won’t make the same mistakes again.”
Marat turned away and strode purposefully after his boss, probably to settle the rest of his plans for the animals being exported from South Africa and get back into his boss’s good graces.
Yuuri felt a twinge of sadness in his chest at the thought.
Every animal in this room and many creatures in the future would be bought and sold by wealthy people who wanted exotic bragging rights, circuses who wanted a set of extraordinary beasts in their repertoire of strange acts, people who would use them as rare meats, who would turn them into handbags, use their organs in drugs, crush their bones to dust, feed their carcasses to other animals, and destroy every trace that they’d ever existed in the world. Their life would be snuffed without a second thought.
It would be as if they’d never existed. Meanwhile, time would keep on moving forward and most of the world would never give a thought to the thousands of animals that perished alone and in pain every single day.
With a heavy heart, Yuuri rested his chin on his tail and watched the bright lights dim in the warehouse. He fell asleep gradually to the quiet noises of the nocturnal animals as they stirred awake and made their restless pacings around the perimeters of too-small cages.
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“It’s 6:45 in the morning, could you give me another 30 minutes before you start being weird?” and/or “How have you not died from alcohol poisoning after all those shots?” with Henry and Leo? Text form could fit both, but art is good too! The way you draw Henry is cute~
He’d only taken his eyes off him for a second. Henry swore it.
But, as was often the case with Prince Leo, his knack for getting himself lost and in trouble prevailed. Henry often wondered how someone so well traveled could have such a lack of direction.
That wasn’t his job though, to ponder such things. His job was to protect the Prince and, as it currently stood, he was doing terribly at it. Mainly because he had no idea where he’d gone.
The tavern near the palace was heaving with people out for the festival. Leo always enjoyed sneaking away from the palace festivities to be among his people, it was one of the reasons his future subjects loved him so much. Henry tried not to worry, even as visions of Leo, robbed or murdered in a gutter, came unbidden to his mind. Gently, yet with urgency, he wedged himself through the crowd of revelers. More than once someone spilled alcohol on him, the contents of their glasses sloshing due to their exuberant gestures (a common trait of Andavillan people, exacerbated by their various states of drunkenness).
By the time he’d gotten through to the other side of the tavern, sweat was crawling down his back and he smelled like he’d bathed in a monstrous mixture of beer and wine. Running a hand through his now damp curls, Henry searched for the lost prince with a growing sense of panic.
When he found him, his relief was short lived.
“HENRY!!!!!!!” Leo boomed, waving him over and smacking his passed-out companion in the face. The companion, an older man with a five’o’clock shadow and long, lanky hair, looked like the sort of person whom Leo’s parents would fire Henry for letting the prince associate with. “Where have you been?”
Fighting the urge not to pinch his nose in despair, Henry strode over to Leo trying not to denote how worried he was. “Leo,” he croaked, failing step one as soon as he saw the amount of empty shot glasses strewn across the table Leo sat at, “how much have you drunk?”
“I lost count at eleventeen!” Leo chirped, standing up and swaying. Henry lurched forwards, grabbing Leo’s sleeve and tugging him upright before he fell. “Come and join me! Did you know I am excellent at holding my drink? I never knnneeeeew!” his voice rose in pitch as he drawled his words, hiccuping, then chortling at said hiccups.
Well, Henry thought, at least he was happy-drunk this time. Still, how he hadn’t gotten some form of alcohol poisoning was beyond him.
“I’m not going to get drunk Leo, I can’t,” he replied. “What if something happened to you whilst I was inebriated? You’re the only royal heir.”
“Talkytalkytalkytalky, Henry, you always have excuses to not have any fun! I have fun sometimes in between my shtudiiiies- like TONIGHT! This is ONE of those times! So YOUUUUUU can have fun TOOOOOO.”
Leo held up the numbers on his fingers respectively, unaware that he was making rude gestures. Henry had to grin at that. His charge, and friend, was a bit ridiculous at times. But in a good way.
“If I have one drink, will you come home with me so we can hide your state from the King and Queen?” he said, grabbing the bottle of what appeared to be some form of tequila, and pouring it into an empty glass. This wasn’t fun for him, but as long as it made Leo happy he’d do it. It was only one shot, how bad could it be?
Leo’s eyes lit up like Henry had just agreed to let him marry Skye before he came of age (though that decision wasn’t up to him even a little bit). He nodded a few times, and Henry knocked back the shot, swallowing it in one hideously bitter gulp.
That was the last thing he remembered.
The morning after, Henry awoke in his room with a raging headache, surrounded by eight oil lamps and a very angry cockatoo. Not much later, Leo barged in with two cups filled with coffee, none the worse for wear, forcing Henry to drink one whilst trying to capture and release said cockatoo. He failed miserably and Henry sat, slumped on the floor, trying not to die. 
How they’d managed to sneak back into the castle in the states they’d been in the night before, Henry would never, ever be able to understand. It was nothing short of a miracle.
Maybe everyone else had been drunk too. That would explain it. It was a festival after all, and Andavilla was known for its festivals.
Either way, that was the last time Henry would ever drink tequila.
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rapid-oxidation · 6 years
Tumblr media
Read it on Wattpad: https://my.w.tt/2hz7rn6BlO 
"Can you believe he's still in his cage? I guess this fancy new lock was worth the money."
"Could it be?" my boyfriend, Jonah, declared theatrically. "Have we finally bested the mighty Pablo?"
Pablo is my cockatoo, and the first thing you should know about him is that he's an escape artist, and a damn good one, too. This came to my attention the day I got him, when, shortly after settling him in, I returned to find him out of his cage. He had undone the latch with his beak.
The trend continued, even as I took measures to keep him in. Zip ties, duct tape, it was all child's play to him. Anything I tried would end up in a mangled heap on the ground by the end of the day.
The funny thing was, though, that after escaping, Pablo never flew around, even though his wings aren't clipped. He would only climb to the top of his cage and stand, victorious, looking down at me with his inscrutable black eyes. He didn't really want the freedom. He just wanted to prove to me what he could do.
The new lock seemed to be holding him well, though. I was going to miss him, but I trusted Jonah to be his keeper.
After saying hi to Pablo, I walked over to the fridge to look for something we were out of.
Ah, there we go. No grapes. Pablo's favorite food, incidentally.
"Hey, where are the keys?" I asked. "I'm going out to the store to get grapes."
"On the counter." Jonah shot me a grin and flopped down onto the couch. "Have fun. Save the world."
"I will."
"Hey, Aaron." He stopped me. "Are you good? You've been kinda...weird lately. Distant. I don't know."
"Yeah, I'm good," I said, turning away from him. "You keep an eye on that rascal while I'm gone, alright?"
"Are you talking to me or Pablo?"
We both laughed as I went out the door.
Once outside, I pocketed the car keys and got on my bike instead. I rode to the tiny grocery store near our apartment and found a nice heaping bag of grapes inside. However, as I was checking out, I realized the only money I had in my pocket was a twenty-dollar bill. I handed it to the cashier and she started fiddling with the register.
"Keep the change," I said.
"But sir, I owe you nearly eighteen dollars!"
"Keep it," I repeated, dashing out with the grapes before she could say any more.
Relieved to be outside, I placed the grapes in my bicycle basket and continued to the big bridge a ways down from the store. It was blustery and sprinkling slightly, and the wind nipped at my eyes, but I carried on.
I rolled up along the side of the bridge and looked out at the gray sky and low-hanging clouds. It was a pretty crappy day to die, I'll admit, but some things can't be helped. I took the letter I had written and placed it on top of the bag of grapes in the basket. I hoped it would find its way back to Jonah soon.
I climbed onto the railing of the bridge, holding onto a beam for support. My feet dangled off the edge. The wind whipped my hair around and beat at my back as if trying to push me off itself. As I looked at the churning black water below, I sent up some silent farewells.
Bye, Professor Daniels. Sorry I never turned in that dissertation on German folk dancing like you asked.
Bye, Mrs. Macy. You were a good neighbor, and your cookies were delicious. I wish cookies could save lives, don't you?
Bye, Mom and Dad, even though we haven't spoken since you kicked me out after finding out about Jonah.
And bye, Jonah and Pablo. I hope you look out for each other, alright? I love you guys.
I shifted forward. I was hovering over the precipice. My hand loosened around the beam and-
"Aaron, there you are! Help me catch him!"
I turned around in time to see Jonah running frantically towards me, pointing to something above me. I cocked my head at him in confusion, but then I felt a gust of wind on my shoulder and looked up. And there was Pablo. He had alighted on the bridge over my head.
I swung my legs back over the railing and onto the bridge as Jonah reached me and bent over, trying to catch his breath.
"That crazy bird pried his new lock right off," he huffed. "But I didn't see him do it. And when I opened the door for some fresh air, he flew right out. But...he usually just stays on top of his cage, right? Why did he fly out?"
Jonah stood back up and narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were getting grapes." I opened my mouth, unsure of how to respond, but he spoke again. "Y'know what, that can wait. Just help me get Pablo."
"I actually did get some grapes," I said, going over to my bike. "I think we can use them to attract Pablo." I snatched the letter off the bag and shoved it into my pocket so Jonah wouldn't see it before picking a few grapes from their stems. Pablo was too high up for me to reach, so I held a grape up for him to see.
"Look, Pablo, it's your favorite!" I called. "Come and get it!"
Without a moment's hesitation, Pablo glided down onto my arm and plucked the grape from my fingers.
"Incredible," Jonah breathed with laughter in his voice. With Pablo secured, we began to head back home.
"Y'know," Jonah said, "it's actually good you were out here. You're the only one he listens to anyway." He turned to me, smiling but serious. "Promise me you'll always be around to help me catch that bird."
"I promise."  
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nerdyindigeniousart · 3 years
Kaya babbin
I found this story in a book published in 1983 by a wadjella man who grew up in South Perth – somewhere down at the northern end of Suburban (now Mill Point) Road in the 1920s and 1930s. The hotel and racing course mentioned are long gone, but were somewhere near the bottom of Hurlingham Road.
I really enjoyed this story and thought you might like it too, so I have obtained the permission of the publisher to share part of it.
Just a couple of notes – I have edited some of the wording to bring it up to today’s protocols but the original words and phrases were not intended to be inappropriate.
Tom Mix and Ken Maynard were actors in early American movies and played cowboy characters.
The Western word for woomera was ‘mero’, but as ‘kilee’ became better known as ‘boomerang, eventually the mero was more widely known as the ‘woomera’.
The author would have been about 11 years old at the time the story takes place which would make the period around 1922. I couldn’t find any records of the fulla mentioned in the story but if anyone knows any members of the Good Mob I would love to know whether anything more is known of Simon.
When I walked out into the bright sunshine at the other end of the stables I nearly bumped into an Aboriginal man sitting on a box. His skin shone and his teeth were very white. His hair was black; parted over one ear and combed right across the top of his head. It smelled of brilliantine.
He was dressed in grey denim pants like my father's, and a grey flannel shirt with short sleeves that showed the muscles in his arms. He had on black socks and shiny black elastic-sided boots with long, pointy toes: you could see where his feet came to in them, and the shape of his toes inside. On the ground beside him, on the dry grass and gumnuts, there was a wide-brimmed black felt hat like the ones Ken Maynard and Tom Mix wore.
“What are you doing with that?’ I asked him. He was rolling and squeezing a lump of marri-gum between the pinky-brown palms of his hands.
‘Making a woomera.’
'What's a woomera?'
What I really liked about him, straight away, was that he spoke to me as if he was another boy, like me; better still, as if I was another man, like him. Equal. When I asked him what he was doing with the ball of gum he told even me. Most people would have said: Nosey Parker!
The man was looking at me, smiling. I suppose he wondered what I was thinking about. I said: 'Do you work here, now?'
'Yeah. I work here.'
'Where do you come from?
He gazed around at the stables and the marri gums and the old hotel. 'Round about here. '
I looked across the polo ground. I could remember it before, when it had been the old Teagardens Racecourse, and we used to run around the course playing racehorses, and scamper like possums all over the old weatherboard grand-stand: it was still there, falling to pieces under some big gum trees and our parents would have had a fit if they'd knowns we went near it. The judge’s box and the two big ponds they used to water the horses at, and right down the bottom of the ground, Billy Bew’s little plaster-and-board cottage at the top end of his garden above high-water mark in the biggest floods.
I couldn't see how the man could have come from all that, because we played on the racecourse all the time, and if he'd been there I would have seen him. I turned around and looked at him.
'You can't have come from here. There was races before. With a grandstand, and everything.'
'Before that, sonny. He smiled again. 'I was only a little feller. My daddy used to catch possums in the trees, used to be all over the paddock.' He pointed down to the river. 'And crabs, down there.'
'We still go crabbing,' I said, 'in summertime, after tea. You can get a chaff-bag full.'
'Yeah I know.'
I thought he must be very old, perhaps even as old as my father and a thought struck me.
'Did you ever sell clothes props when you were a little boy?' I wondered whether that was where he'd really come from: trudging along Suburban Road in the dust of the carts, selling gum saplings for clothes props, like other some Aboriginal people.
'No. We never sold no props.' He'd been smiling while I spoke but he'd stopped. 'We left.'
'Where'd you go?'
'Oh all-about. Up Murchison way. My daddy worked for farmers, and I learned about horses.'
All the time he was speaking he kept on rubbing and pressing the marri gum between his palms. I watched him for a while, and then I said' 'What's your name?'
'Simon. Simon Good. What's yours?'
'Tommy', I said. 'Show me what you're making with the gum?'
He leaned sideways and picked up something I hadn't noticed in the grass beside his hat – a peeled white gum stick about an inch thick. It was a bit flat down one side, maybe three feet long and straight as a ruler. He felt along the band of his black hat and took out a piece of white shining stone about three inches long, shaped to a point at one end. It was the sort my father had told me, once, was called quartz. He said it was the kind you found gold in. Then Simon took a little coil of fine copper wire out of the breast pocket of his shirt – you could see it had been straightened out from a piece of electric-light wire.
‘What’s all that for, Simon?’ I said.
‘You’ll see.’
He stuck a wad of the gum on the flattened side of the stick, close to one end, and pressed a shaped wedge of wood into it. Then he laid the white stone on the piece of wood so that the tip of the stone stood away, maybe half an inch from the side of the stick. It looked like the barb of a fish-hook. Then he wound a few turns of the copper wire around the stone and the stick, binding them together. He smeared the bind with gum, made some more turns with the wire, and smeared on more of the gum. He kept on doing it until there was a knob of wire and gum around the stone: as big as a pigeon's egg maybe. Only the very tip of the stone poked out of the gum. Then he held up the stick and looked along it out of one eye, squinting with the other and frowning a bit.
‘Did the black people have those things?' I asked, and he nodded.
Then how did they tie them up?' I felt very smart. 'They didn't have any copper wire.'
He smiled again. 'Pulled the strings out of kangaroos' legs.’
‘What's it for anyway?' It all sounded a bit wonky, but I let it go. ‘What do you do with it?'
‘It helps you to throw a spear, maybe.’
‘Woomera,’ he called it, and it sounded wonderful. Old and strange and wonderful.
Show me how?'
‘Not with this one. It's new. The gum's got to set real hard before you can use it. Wait a minute, eh?'
He got up off the box he'd been sitting on and went into the stables. There were two little rooms for the men to sleep in, the ones who worked there all the time. One of them would be his, now, and I guessed he was going into it.
When he came out again he was carrying another woomera like the one he'd just made. And he had brought along half-a dozen straight flower stalks off a grass-tree: I knew them all right, because we used them for spears ourselves, when we played black men out in the bush. He stopped beside me held the woomera out to me, the little stone hook pointing upward. ‘See?’
He put one of his fingertips on the stone. 'You fit the end of the stick against the stone, like this.' He showed me how, and I could see that the end of the spear had been hollowed out a bit so that the point of the stone wouldn’t slip off it. 'You hold the spear against the woomera, right at the other end like this. See? Then …’
He bent backward into a sort of a curve. He looked like the spring of an alarm clock I had got from a boy at school. He raised the arm with the woomera and the spear and pointed it at a kerosene tin against the stable wall.
I didn't quite know what to expect, and what he did next took me by surprise. It seemed as though he let go the spring in his body all of a sudden so that he stood up straight and his arm shot out in front of him straight as a die. The grass-tree spear flew at the kerosene tin, harder and faster than I thought anyone could have sent a spear just by hand. The tin went rolling with a clang. I don't think I’d ever seen anything more wonderful.
'Who showed you how?' I said.
‘My daddy. When I was a little feller, like you.’
'Can I have a go?' I said.
He handed me the woomera and one of the spears. I stood there staring at them, and my fingers curled around them. It made my back ripple. I felt as if the big trees were still standing all around the racecourse, full of possums for Simon's father to catch. And I remembered they used to come and play in our ceiling, and make it wet in places, and hiss and fight, before the trees were all cut down and dynamited and burned, and you never saw possums any more.
I thought of the Aboriginal people selling their clothes props at our front gate, and how they sounded crying out: like the flocks of black cockatoos that flapped over our house in stormy weather, on their way to the shelter of the hills. I felt as though I was looking through the window into Simon's room in the stables, watching him sitting on his bunk and making the woomera and the spears his father had taught him to make: now when really he had no use whatever for them anymore.
Come on,' he said, 'I'll show you how to throw a spear.'
He took my shoulders and turned me about, so that he stood behind me. Then he put one arm around me and guided the fingers of my throwing hand into the proper hold, so that I’d be able to let the spear go while I still held onto the woomera. All the time he talked to me about what we were doing and the horses, and about the Murchison where he'd grown up and had got to know all about them. Before very long I’d got the knack of it. I could send a spear nearly all the way to the kerosene tin, and usually in the right direction. I woke up to what time it was when the groom came out of the stables with his friend and banged the door behind them.
‘We’re going, Simon,’ he sang out, ‘You got the keys?’
‘Yes, I got them.’
They took off through the marri gums towards Suburban road.
'You got jobs to do at home?’ said Simon, ‘It’s getting a bit late.'
It was getting late. Most of the bees had left the marri blossom, and Roberts’ cows were making their way in from the paddocks to the milking shed, mooing and swinging their udders. Down at the bottom of the polo ground Billy Bew's little cottage got caught in the last of the light, and it looked as if it was on fire inside. Before dark I had to be home to milk our cow, cut the wood and feed the chooks.
I didn’t miss going out on the horses. Inside a couple of weeks I was hitting the kerosene tin most times and once I even hit a beer-bottle.
From Stories from Suburban Road by T.A.G. Hungerford © 1983 published by Fremantle Press. Reproduced with permission.
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theapprentices · 7 years
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? Neliah Peregrine Hall. It’s long and boring right? haha
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? My parents wanted to be creative and ho boy they did. So now we have to live with these names until we die.
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? Single //thumbs up// 
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? I specialized in wind magic, thanks to that I can fly! But I can only last for a short while in the air. I have lightning magic which I don’t use much. I know a bit of healing. 
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? I have heterochromia, it’s a kind of abnormality that happens to the eye whether from injury, genetics or heredity. My left eye is a light blue while my other eye is hazel! They’re quite lovely eh?
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? eeeehh I did try to make it look all spacey like but it was a mess I tell you.
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? My parents are still around, I have three younger siblings, a brother and twin girls. I have an older brother but I have’t heard from him for a long time so I’m not sure if he’s alive. Hah then again, the guy’s probably just too busy for family. Or he forgot my address again and can’t write a letter back //sigh//. 
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Well //two cockatoos fly in and sit on her shoulders// I have these guys. They’re not pets though, they’re familiars. 
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. //thinking//…..vegetables and blood.
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? Well, other than running the store and fortune-telling, I hang around with the neighborhood kids, play my violin and talk to my familiars. Oh! and I write stuff, kinda like novels but I’ll probably never publish them. I don’t think they’re good anyway. I do a bit of studying on magic.
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? Oh…well this is got personal quickly. Next question.
Hmmm I don’t know, a frog sounds nice.
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. Uhhh…..I smoke. I’m trying to quit of course. And biting my nails when I’m nervous.
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? Other than Asra, my aunt. She was a good magician, she loved helping people and making lame jokes. She was super motherly and she’s my dad’s sister but they’ve cut ties already. I’ve always wanted to grow up like her.
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? I’m honestly not sure but I just go with whatever my heart tells me.
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? Nope. Never went to school. My dad told me, “Why go to school when you can study at home with your parents. Or go to a local library to borrow some books to read. Heck, you can even learn a thing or two by travelling the world.” I feel like he only said that because we didn’t have enough money for all three of us to get an education haha. Or he hates school. 
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY OR HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? I would love to get married, the problem is, I haven’t found my soulmate yet and honestly I feel kinda hopeless hah. Kids though, sure why not? There’s always adoption.
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? I have a few nice customers who’re obsessed with me, and the kids. Do they count?
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? Bats. I didn’t before but I had a terrible encounter with them one time and I swear they were trying to eat me. Never again.
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? Light and soft colors, sometimes dresses.
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Feelings are weird my friend. 
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? That depends on what you’re talking about, friend.
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? 3 and I love them. 
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? Ooooh pie, well I like apple pie. It’s okay I guess.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Mixed fruit juice. All the good stuff is in there with a delicious smell. 
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? I don’t have a favorite place. There are too many good places out there. But I love my house where it’s nice and warm.
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? I–I’m not even a man, why the hell is this a question? Why is this here?
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? Both sounds nice, just make sure there’s nothing dangerous in it like oh I dunno, sharks or vampire eels.
33. WHAT’S YOUR “TYPE”? Someone who respects me. Loyal and devoted.
34. ANY FETISHES? hahaha
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS That’s tough, but I like both.
This was actually kinda nice, I enjoyed the conversation.
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