#I would love to see what them fighting togther would look like
merv606 · 1 year
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Updated / July 5, 2023
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faellain · 3 months
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
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charles goes back to avoiding him while he weans himself off the shots. raven is clearly annoyed with erik, but she knows he didn't want to do this to her. to either of them. neither does she take a shine to the kids but kids were never exactly raven's speciality.
on the third day of charles flushing out the drug, erik finds him leaning on the outside rail, staring at the satelite dish. erik lifts his hand, moving it towards them, memories of his mother and their menorah and of charles bringing that memory back dancing in his mind. charles jolts when it moves but then turns to see erik. after a moment, he turns back, but does not tell him to leave.
erik stands next to him, staring at the satelite. silence hangs over them like dark clouds before a storm. did charles really hate him? did he really hate charles? when he was worried about his children, charles was where he had turned. yet, he felt stung- betrayed by charles saying they did not want the same thing. by charles' dedication to a coexistance that could never be.
"we'll never be those men again," charles says.
"we'll never be them again," charles repeats, his voice wistful, "i will never be the charles xavier who pulled you out of the water. you will never be the erik lehnsherr who could not move a satelite dish."
"we are those men," erik tells him, not fully understanding.
"no. those men died on a beach in cuba," charles all but whispers, his voice shaking, "erik died the moment you put on that helmet. charles died when you left him on that beach."
erik frowned, his nose wrinkling in disgust, "so it's all my fault then?"
"yes," charles replies, quick and firm, his once piercing azure eyes still dull and tired. he hasn't been sleeping.
"fuck you," erik snaps, "i gave you the chance to stay at my side. you told me no. you said we didn't want the same thing."
"we don't," charles tells him, "my erik did. but you do not. you tried to kill my erik so often. the minute you found a way to shut me out of his mind, you took it. and you made him a monster."
"i am not a monster," he growls, taking charles by the shirt with one hand, "i didn't come out here to fight with you."
"i loved you so much," charles says, voice so gentle that it hurts, "but it was never going to be enough. your hate will always be so much stronger than anything else in your heart."
erik wants to scream until his throat is raw. part of him wants to hurl charles into the satelite dish. his teeth click as they grit togther inside his clenched jaw. his hand shoves charles back as he shakes his head, disgusted with him.
"you are so self-righteous," erik sneers, "you always have been. it is why raven left. it is why i left. you think you are some beacon of morality and peace, but you're just a man. and you've become a pathetic one at that."
charles laughs, hollow and broken, "maybe so. it's nothing i don't already know."
erik did not expect charles to agree. an arguement would have felt good. instead, charles rolls over like a tired hound dog. there is no bite in him, no spark of hope and kindness.
i did that, erik thinks and wishes that charles could hear him.
"did what?" asks charles, fingers rubbing his temples in hypnotic circles.
erik whips his head up to look at him. instead of trying to press, charles is walking away, rubbing the side of his head fiercely as a headache comes on. he mutters something about not wanting to know. instead of letting the other man be, erik follows him his pace brisk.
"you need to sit down," he says.
"you need to leave me be."
charles glares at him, anger taking over him, "you do not get to pretend you care about me!"
as he storms over the threshold with thundering steps, charles gasps, hand flying to the base of his spine. his legs give out. erik sees him falling and rushes forward, grabbing him before he can hit that hardwood floor. he all but flies toward the wall, hitting his own back so he can sink them both down, cradling charles in his arms.
"i- i can't do it," charles whispers, voice shaking before he shouts, "HANK! i can't do it. ask your diamond friend, erik. i can't do it."
"charles, breathe, tell me what's wrong," erk says, moving to cup charles' face.
charles laughs bitterly, his cracking pale lips shaking, his hand riddled with tremors as he touches his leg, "as these go," he moves his trembling hand to his temple, "this comes back. as i said."
all this over his powers. this was the result they wanted. raven had come here so charles could use cerebro and his familiarity with sean, but there was nothing stopping them from having azazel teleport emma in. it would have been faster than flushing the drug out of charles' system. had erik and raven not bothered to think of it because charles was already there or had they made a silent agreement to get charles back to the way he was.
but he had never been like this. from erik's arms, he calls for hank again. the young scientist runs by the top of the stairs, looks down at charles and shoots off. no doubt he was willing to give in to the demands of a charles clearly in pain. erik is tempted to as well. a shaky breath all but plows through charles' body, lifting his hands to cover his ears.
"they all come back," he whispers, wincing as he pressed against erik.
charles starts wrestling with his shirt, trying to roll up the sleeve. ever since he had arrived, even when they had kissed, erik had not seen charles' arms. at his vein there is a dark pock-mark. purple and red petals blossom around it, but it churns erik's stomach. he presses his arms around charles, keeping him from doing any more.
"don't stop me," charles hisses, begging, "i can't do this. i can't hear them all. it's too much."
erik cups charles' cheek, pressing their foreheads together. such tenderness feels foreign to him now, yet it's so easy to remember holding charles like this. it's even easier to imagine they're on a beach in cuba, erik about to make the biggest mistake of his life. leaving charles behind should have never been an option.
"focus on me," he tells him, "you can do that. find my mind. only feel my thoughts."
"i- i will never go back inside that head again," spits charles, though he does not push away.
i love you, erik all but screams, knowing now that charles has to be able to hear him. he lights his thoughts up like a beacon, trying to blare them loudly. charles goes remarkably still in his arms.
happy memories- of the road trip. of that first kiss. of dancing. of channukah. of the satelite. of doing missions together. all of it love. all of it their story. erik came here because no matter how many allies he has, charles is his friend. his lover. his other half.
they had been made for each other. erik truly, deeply, madly believed that, even now. even after everything.
a hiccup escapes charles' lips, mind prodding at the recent memory of their angry kiss. there had been no danger. just a frustrated erik who was struggling to pretend that was was between them was dead. charles reaches up, his hands clinging to erik's arms like a life line, letting himself be bathed in the noise of erik's thoughts.
of erik's love for him.
"i- but- " charles tries to garble out but fails.
i have loved you from the moment you told me i was not alone, erik explains, nuzzling charles' hair, even though it was stringy and tinged with sweat. it was still part of charles, his beautiful perfect charles.
every pained gasp made erik's heart wrench. as much as he wanted to blame moira, this was hardly her fault. by god, did he want it to be her fault. yet, she had only done it to stop him. he had only been careless a moment.
charles was shaky as he cups erik's cheek, smiling at him. he says no words, but shakes his head. erik wishes he was a telepath, not for the first time. charles is painfully cryptic. still, he gasps again as hank rounds the corner.
"raven is keeping the kids from seeing. i've got some serum with a little bit extra if he wants it."
erik looks down at charles, "do you? we can get emma."
that is the last thing he wants. but charles is clearly in pain, he is fighting his very nature. suffering is not something erik likes to see in charles' face. yet, the other slowly shakes his head no.
"erik, carry me to the study, please."
without question, erik slides his arm beneath charles' knees, hoisting him up as he stands. charles arms come to rest at either side of his neck. erik presses his nosebridge to the side of charles' temple. all three are silent as they go to the study. charles lets out a breathless chuckle- he hasn't been in here since erik's arrival. erik knows because he dusts and cleans in here often enough.
memories float along which make charles, still tired, still unsure lean against erik's shoulder slightly. their heartbeats thud in tandem. all erik does is adjust his hold, securing charles closer.
hank opens the door to a closet. there are plenty of things in there, but erik has never opened it. curiousity nearly got the better of him several time since he could feel a magnetic pull in there, but he was trying to avoid losing the tenative acceptance he and his children had. even if he did prefer to argue with charles.
inside, sits a sleek wheelchair. its not the rickety thing that erik is used to seeing. much of it is polished wood with built-in gray cushions for charles' comfort. yet erik can feel it. metal lines the wheels, the brakes. despite everything, charles designed this wheelchair so erik could one day push him in it.
i had always hoped you'd come back, a soft, tired voice prods into erik's mind.
you fool, he replies, what if i had used it to kidnap you?
unaware of their conversation, hank shakes his head, "are you sure about this?"
charles shakes his head, "absolutely not."
all three of them head downstairs to cerebro, erik pushing charles along with a light curl of his fingers. he can feel charles' focus playing with the edges of his mind, still using him to keep from hearing every voice his powers let him all at once. good. it means that charles is exercising his ability to control his powers.
erik had not seen this completed cerebro. he had helped build the skeleton of it when they were training for cuba, but he never saw it finished. a blue 'x' scans charles' eye before an automated voice welcomes him inside. he watches charles' jaw clench with apprehension.
i'm here with you, he reminds him, softly. is it as much of a comfort as he hopes?
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aciddaffodil · 2 months
The Boy and the Beast Unfiltered Thoughts
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He just lost his mom in a traffic accident, like it’s fair for him to be angry and want his dad. Even if he was under sole custody of his mom.
UMMMMM EXCUSE ME what was the spirit shadow thing that looked like him. I am enchanted with this music. Mamora Hosada’s style in this film feels very Science SARU esque. THE FUCKING MUSIC. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE BEAST KINGDOM WORLD IS SO EPIC.
This is absolutely gorgeous. I’m eating this up.
When he sees his mom, but it’s just a hallucination and she isn’t there. Ouch.
The difference between the two contenders of Beastman Lords is crazy. They’re now facing off against each other in a fistfight.
Huh, Iozen says that humans and beastman are seperate is because humans easily can get overtaken by darkness, and in this world could grow out of control. Makes sense to the shadow we saw after he said “ I hate everyone” at the beginning.
The kid roots for him and as he looks, he gets distracted and gets hit. The current lord stops between them and says he’ll take on any responsibility if Kyatu is a mistake. But that not all humans will let themselves be sealed up by the darkness.
The way he’s trying to eat rice and raw eggs, and just this bonding moment between teacher and pupil. The mink is losing it as Kumatetsu is trying to reach him how to handle a sword.
This movie is stunning to look at. It’s so vibrant and detailed and lived in.
I love how much they fight and argue. The Lord tells him to go on a pilgrimage with his pupil and so they go. Learning different abilities and strengths that exist within this world. The fact there’s so many different meanings of what strength is.
Hmmmmis the way he sees his mother in the moments he needs her because of his inner darkness or just receiving within himself, like her spirit being with him.
This training montage of him copying Kumatetsu’s moves is so cute and endearing. The monk says they’re like father and son with him trying to mimic him.
The moment he realizes he knows his teachers movements and finds him predictable they agree to train eachother in return. He may not have power but he’s quick in his feet and getting better. He gets recognized by the other kids.
This is going to turn sad and deal with his inner demon AHHHHHHHH IM NOT READY FOR THIS. Also the kid of the other Lord contender looks like he is human. WHOAH and he finds the path back to the human world on accident, oh no.
NOOOOOO is him visiting and being enamored by the human world, is what leads to his darkness??? AGAGAHAHAHA. He’s now trying to go to college but needs a new identification card so he goes to the address of his dad. He sees his father on the street but he doesn’t recognize him at first but then asks if he’s Ren and gives him a hug.
“ Do you think I can live a normal life?” BRO WHY WOULD YOU THROW AWAY WHAT YOU HAVE ARGHHHHH. Kyuta tries to have a conversation with him but it doesn’t work out and he leaves him.
The way he calls him out, because his dad is just assuming stuff. To say “ Let’s start over” negates everything that has happened. OMFG THE SHADOW THE SHADOW IS SCARY. GENUINELY SCARED FOR HIM. WHAT HAPPENS IF IT OVERTAKES HIM?? WHAT THEN??
He goes back to the Beastman world to find out the next day is when the match is decided to who will become Lord. I FUCKING CALLED IT THAT ICHIRIKO WAS HUMAN.
Damn ICHIRIKO is gonna be the darkness monster fr…sad times. I’m so happy but this won’t all be happy. NOOO HE’S BEEN STABBED IN THE BACK. OH SHIT THIS WHAT HIS FATHER TRIED TONPREVENT BUT IT HAPPENED ALREADY. NO, NO NO NO NO NO NO. HIS OWN FATHER FUGURE YOU KILLED. The sword within everyone’s hearts and WHOAH. OMFG had no idea where this was going.
He cant be dead. Oh thank goodness, he’s hooked up and in a hospital bed.
Now Iozen explains how he find his human kid who was just abandoned out in the rain. He says it’s his own conceit. Bro you could not have lied to him for this long, of course he has a complex which caused the darkness to grow.
He leaves to go look for ICHIRIKO to help him, and drive the darkness from him. I’M CRYING GUYS. Of course it would include the other two, they were equally as important to him growing up.
He goes to the human world and finds him. I love that he adheres to not unsheathing his sword in this fight. HOLY SHIT MAMORA STRIKES AGAIN. I have chills…I’m so scared. The dude makes a giant whale of darkness, the tie into the story of Moby Dick that REN has been learning all this time. And the fight within oneself and the battle against one’s inner darkness is AGHHH.
The destruction he caused, also that explosion was fucking beautiful to look at.
Awww Kaede’s words I think are the answer, for him to remember the love his family has for him. Kamatetsu is asking to be reincarnated so he can help Kyuta, because he knows his boy can’t do it alone however there’s no turning back when he does.
He returns back a hero. But goes to live a normal life in the human world. I love that his master is happy for him. :)
I am about finished with my essay sized analysis/recap to be posted on Instagram. This movie is so special to me. I adored it and gives me great comfort that even if we have darkness within us, you're not alone in experiencing this. It makes me so thankful for my dear friends and loved ones who are my support system. And happy I'm still here even with all the curve balls life is throwing me this year..
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dearlyanqels · 2 years
The Boyfriend Series — High School Sweethearts
five years after graduating, they met in the most random places, but they glad they met and caught up on past memories. maybe they still had a fling.
"can you two quiet down, and let me think" he said looking at the pack of ramen, they were filming their regular season of Bon Voyage: Seoul Edition. yoongi, as the main cook, was trying to calculate somethings for the week, yet the producers do provide them food, he still wanted to make sure they had plenty.
he was accompanied by taehyung and namjoon, the two who talk more aloud than he does which usually doesn't bother him, but now he is trying to ask himself questions. "hyung? do you think we have enough for this?" namjoom point at some snacks from the bakery "yeah, ask the other team if they would like some" he said, yoongi end up throwing both packs into his cart and travel down the aisles. a sudden name calling made him stop, he look over the person, and seen that same smile, beautiful locks of hair and those eyes. "yoongi?" you called, his breath shorten as you walk closer to him and the camera crew felt like they needed to intervene. "ma'am, we're filming something" one of the producers said.
"no no, flim those two, ah --- its been so long" he said taking you in for a hug, it was warm and gentle, yoongi was always that gentle. "five years, wow you look, wow" you said adding a short chuckle, taking a step back to admire yoongi "don't bring up those years okay? anyways what are you doing here, instead of the obvious?" he ask as you two stroll down the aisles togther. "oh my sister's kids is having a birthday party tomorrow and coincidentally her boyfriend's is today as well, so we're buying 'adult' things" she said grabbing a stack of beef and some other meats. "oh yeah I forgot you had a sister" he said.
they walk along the to some ice cream, you study the ice cream, while he admire your face and scrunch nose when in thought. "oh yoongi hyung, I got you this" taehyung sing handing him a kids bracelet. "oh who's this?" he ask smirking as if namjoon told him to keep quiet but taehyung was always the nosy one of the group. "I'm ---, you must be taehyung. I remember you when you guys debut" you said grabbing a tub of ice cream.
"how'd you two know eachother?" taehyung wiggle his eyebrows, the two smiled "we- we um dated in high school" yoongi said gripping his cart. "oh really, so your the phantom of love. he always told us you were the one who encouraged him to try out" you've smiled at taehyung's little mirth voice and smile. "namjoon also ask if you're ready? he's got a cart full of things" taehyung ask "oh yeah, um --- nice meeting you again." yoongi turn, but taehyung was not done, not one bit "actually --- why don't you give me your number. I know yoongi hyung is a shy man, you probably know that as well." yoongi hiss at taehyung's comment but it was true he was a shy man when it comes to things like this.
in high school he was not the one to make the first move, it was you, he was confident but alone he was a shy guy. you practically push him to audition, you kiss him, you ask him out. you never push him past the limits though. "actaully --- next week we're having a concert, come, I'll save you some tickets" yoongi needed to be the confident. taehyung smirk and wiggled his eyebrows once more "oh yes of course I'll come, I been fighting for them" you chuckled.
"you'll get the best house seats, front row, I'll text you the details, flower" taehyung suck in his lips as he saw the two of you look at eachother. "you still remember?" you ask biting your bottom lip "of course, I'll see you there" before the camera crew came, the two parted ways after exchanging numbers.
"who was that?" your sister ask, she rub her belly and smirk "shut up, no he is not my future baby daddy, you remember my old boyfriend from high school? that's him" you watch your sister gasped and stutter which you nodded to "holy shit, you better keep him this time" she said nudging your shoulder.
"you better keep them this time yoongi hyung" taehyung said nudging his shoulder.
I will, this time. I promise
you both thought.
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reaction2whatever · 3 years
Agents of SHIELD S3E06-S3E08 reaction
Agents of SHIELD S3E06
-Yay! Andrew is alive!
-May is finally back!! it's about damn time. shield needs specialists right now
-Why is May suddenly fighting Bobbi...? is this a test?
-it's a test lol
-that was a hot spar scene
-ahhh Bobbi is not mentally ready to go back out there yet
-She seems nervous
-ahhh welp Bobbi's Chinese is...pretty bad lmao
-Finally something Bobbi can't do
-I had to say I agree with Hunter. I don't think FitzSimmons should open the portal again. I mean don't they have a protocol somewhere saying "do not open alien portal"?
-I'm sorry but this scene with May and Bobbi speaking Chinese with each other is very cringy it's hard to watch lol
-But I guess I understand Bobbi. She's trying to avoid fighting. It's understandable
-Daisy and Mack watching Hunter shoot and beat the ATCU guy is so hilarious lol
-I like the connection Andrew formed with both Daisy and Jemma
-I have questions. Is shield just letting FitzSimmons open a portal to a whole alien planet?? Coulson just... agreed to this?
-They don't think it could be dangerous at all? especially with that monster thing on that planet and all
-Fitz's new dwarf can cloak? That's cool
-Oh no This can't be easy for Daisy. She just saw other Inhumans being caged and locked up and put into a coma
-I know for sure Daisy won't want that for herself
-But how is Coulson agreeing to this?
-That's like admitting being Inhuman is a disease and...it doesn't sit right with me
-I do miss kick ass Bobbi. she's so cool
-Andrew is Lash????
-I mean it is not that far of a stretch but I like therapy guy Andrew I don't want him to become a villain ugghh
Agents of SHIELD S3E07
-May is so pretty in vacation mode
-I still cannot believe that Coulson would agree to the gel matrix thing. what happened to him?
-I hate the idea of treating Inhumans as a disease
-oh no Andrew is trying to kill Joey?
-Yeah I guess now that I think about it he is inside shield and it makes it easy for him to kill Inhumans and get information
-I know May is stressed with the whole Andrew situation, but the way Daisy hugged her is still very cute
-Bobbi in a bra. She is so gorgeous helppp
-I think Bobbi is wise for stopping them from the revenge trip.
-How did Lincoln figure out Lash is in shield?
-I think Rosaline's "for every Daisy Johnson there is a Lash" argument is pretty weak. At least she didn't convince me. Whereas Daisy has very valid points.
-an average normal person has the ability to just pick up their cooking knives and start stabbing people, but we don't put them in jail or trap them in a gel matrix, because they are innocent until they truly start to wave the knife around
-Like Daisy said, this Rosaline only see the terrible things and never anything positive
-Lash is a instinct for Andrew? why?
-I hate this Rosalind Coulson romance
-Andrew is finally busted by shield. i hate to think andrew will disappear
-like him being lash is a very interesting storyline but this team desperately need a good therapist lol (almost everyone is traumatized one way or another
-So Andrew as a therapist has a job of assessing inhumans and Lash kills off whoever he thinks is unfit of having powers?
-Yeah I see what you did there, writer
-Just how cool is Daisy's power!!!! she just saved Rosalind omfg that's so badass
-I never get tired of seeing Daisy use her power
-She's so hot in her superhero outfit ugghh Ma'am that's a look
-May's speech and the way she shot Andrew ughh I love May
-I love the way that May asked Daisy what she'd do and Daisy said she'd put Andrew in a gel matrix
-I feel like after this episode Daisy and Rosalind both understand each other better
-FitzSimmons get to watch the sunrise togther and Simmons never made it to sunrise with Will is kinda symbolic? I could be wrong but feel like it?
-wtf Rosalind is working with Hydra???
-and Coulson just slept with her?????
-the fuck???
Agents of SHIELD S3E08
-Hate to admit it, but Ward's fight scene is pretty good
-So Lincoln is staying with shield now?
-Ward really is falling to a deep end this season...
-Daisy being a hacker again! YES! I will forever love hacker Daisy
-Bobbi's FBI look is soo hot omfg
-"Thanks for flying the friendly skies" lol Ward is a charming son of a bitch that's for sure.
-Ugghh I live for big brain Daisy
-"God save the queen" lmaoo gotta love Hunter
-Ahhhhh a FitzSimmons kiss!!!
-I'm a bit confused because Simmons just said she loves Will and then next moment they are kissing
-But I guess it finally happened. It took them long enough lol
-I thought Andrew would be in stasis?
-ATCU is actually trying to get as many inhumans as possible but I'm not surprised lol given Rosalind is calling Hydra old man
-May is very easily misunderstood. the way Lincoln assumed the worst and May actually apologizing for Andrew. May has such a sweet heart I love May so much
-just how cool Bobbi's baton is
-I love Bobbi
-Rosalind really is innocent?
-well didn't see that coming lol I thought for sure she's evil
-Hydra has more monolith?
-But what is that monster on the other side of the portal that's like the leader of Hydra
-That's even more reasons as to why FitzSimmons to NOT open the portal?
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
I was watching muster 2019 jk singing euphoria and I saw a comment saying jk looked at jin before saying ilu to army. Fine let it be.Op also told they just entered the Fandom and watched analysis video and knew they were real . Also provided some links for jinkook analysis. They were saying jinkook is having a special relationship even couples would envy . Like where bitch. Are these fools even watching original content. Everyone in a right mind with enough life experience knows how jinkook are. Funny thing is almost everyone is agreeing and not even a single calling out reply for that deluluness. But are ready to hate on jm and people who comment about jikook
Then I found another another person saying tae was very eager to dance for jk singing who knows why. With some smirking emoji. Gladly someone replied that 'there was a person who knew the exact choreography and it was not tae'.
JM was the only one knew choreography and Tae n hope were struggling to follow him.and Jk was smiling and watching with his eyes FIXED on jm.
I think these morons have some kind of eye problems where they won't see jm and dont know how he goes to hell and back for that boy.
I really don't know how these people with a brain existing write away big and small things jikook have done and continues to do with eachother.
No wonder jm is getting this much hate. Jinkookers are now as worse as taekookers. All jk ships see jm as the problem as he's the one living the life with jk which they want for their ships. They want their ship to have gcfs with eyebrow raising lyrics well there's jm , they want their ship to spend tym togther there also jm , they want many subunits for their ships well there's jm. Easiest thing is to hate on jm for stealing their ships boyfriend or say they love jm and announce him as the president for their ships.
No wonder they crop out jm from videos to make it look like jk is staring jin , tae or rm. Today I saw the video where jk staring at jm in dynamite reaction video conveniently cropped jm and captioned the admiration this boy have. So you see admiration from kook but won't accept the person receiving it. Made it look like he's staring at tae or rm n Behaving like rabid dogs to people who corrects them . Still don't bother to watch original content as their 'reality' will be shattered to pieces.
As a jikooker I'm so proud to not to depend on any analysis videos to know about jikook I knew about jikook from themselves their own words and actions , done all researchs watching original content taking some months , love all 7 and not even a bit insecure on how jikook interact with members or friends. Love and Respect all bonds beyween these boys. As long as I see what i see between jikook I'll continue to support them as couple , if proven wrong fine i still support them as I'm first the fan of their music and as individuals than my thoughts on a possible couple.
I know I was rude first but I don't care as these people hating on jm and calling him whatever they want. If they can hate a person like jm and dismiss his bond with jk then I have no regret calling these ugly foolish people names they deserve.
Every ship wants want Jikook has soooooo bad. You aren't wrong! And jinkookers do seem to be moving very very sheep like lately. Which really sucks. Can we not just ship whoever you want to ship without hating on anyone else?
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This is bothers me about toxic solo stans so badly too. Yesterday Jhope solos and Jimin solos were fighting and being so so toxic towards the other member. It was incredibly depressing. And makes NO SENSE. Because JiHope are so close and so loving! They are honestly one of the closest pairs in the group too.
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You can celebrate a member, you can celebrate a duo, without having to hate on any other members or any other bonds at the same time. It's very possible. All the haters can go stuff it. We don't want you here. Damn.
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scheherezhad · 2 years
prompts 3, 17, 28 pls
spring prompts
this ask has been in my inbox for two months, and my brain finally decided to spit out some words. enjoy~ ❤️
3. Dinner with friends
It takes a few months to get the lot of them back togther. Though Caroline is often reliably in the same place for a while, Givo and Yevelda have been off in the world, doing their own things, and Church still travels the mists. Ezmerelda is a bit difficult to get ahold of, as well, still fighting for Barovia's freedom, but they manage to exchange messages once in a while. After a few false starts, they all an opportunity at the same time to come to the seaside for a slightly belated housewarming dinner at Memir and Bele's home.
Their friends arrive on the morning of the dinner that Bele's been meticulously planning, bearing new clothes, new stories, new scars. Church and Ez step out of the mists on the beach before the sun comes up; Givo, Yevelda, and Caroline cheerfully tumble out of a caravan of merchants coming to market. It nearly makes Memir cry to see how much they've all changed since he last saw them and still how much the same they are, these people who changed his life. They all light up at being together again.
The group makes a day of it, exploring the town and enjoying the beach before retiring to the house to start dinner. Memir and Bele had gone back and forth about whether they wanted to stretch their limited cooking skills or have one of the restaurants in town deliver food, and they'd finally decided to prepare the meal themselves. It goes over well, everyone gathering in the kitchen to chat and lend a hand like they all belong. As with any task among this group, they stumble a couple of times while they find their rhythm, but everyone is so happy to be together that it doesn't matter.
The seven of them gather around the table with wine and laughter and comforting food, and the night is one that Memir thinks he'll always remember. Even if they drift apart, even if adventuring eventually takes its toll, he has this night to hold close, surrounded by the people he loves.
17. Caught in a sudden rainstorm
Dashing across the field at Bele's side, a breathless laugh bubbled up out of Memir. The rain that had been threatening all day was pelting down all at once, and they had been soaked to the bone in seconds. They'd only barely gotten the animals sheltered before it began. He could just make out the sound of the hounds bounding alongside them, heavy paws squelching in the wet grass and mud. A lazily swaying flame beckoned them toward the house, the cat watching them smugly from his perch in one of the windows.
The four of them clattered into the lanai, and Gwormaleth tackled Jessica into a wrestling match, still exhilarated by their run.
"Aren't you glad you changed clothes first?" Memir asked, grinning at the sight of Bele's drenched work clothes clinging to him, at his hair plastered to his head.
"If I hadn't, we probably would've gotten done before the rain started," Bele grumbled.
Memir stepped in, arms sliding around Bele's shoulders, Bele's arms winding around his waist in return. "You don't know that. I'd never hear the end of it if your favorite jacket got ruined."
"Hey, Atanna doesn't do that kind of embroidery for just anyone, and I'd never hear the end of it if she found out I not only got it soaked, but also pecked by annoyed chickens."
"So my point still stands."
Bele rolled his eyes but squeezed Memir. "Yeah, yeah, you were right. What would I do without you?"
Memir's mirth softened, and he rose up on his toes to kiss his husband. "Why don't we get out of all this and go warm up with a hot bath?"
28. Spring cottage
Looking out at the small second house on their property, Memir and Bele leaned into each other on the wicker loveseat on the lanai. Before last year, neither of them had ever imagined that this would become part of their lives.
They watched as Sonnet and Faith tended to the flowers that had begun blooming with springtime abandon, and Vieravin sat in the deepest shade of the porch with a book. Kasry was hanging the group's washing out on the line to dry. Breshi stood out in the field, trying to teach Corkas how to wield a morningstar against a straw training dummy. In a few hours, the lot of them would troop up to the main house for dinner.
"Yevelda will be here in a couple of days. We'll need to get ready to say goodbye to Faith," Bele murmured, rubbing his thumb along the back of Memir's hand.
"So will Sonnet," Memir said. "They've gotten very close in only a few weeks."
"You have, too."
Memir gave a little shrug and squeezed Bele's hand. "It's hard not to. There are so few of us, even here…"
"I know. Faith will be in good hands, though. Yevelda's got plenty of experience with sad tieflings."
"She does have a knack," Memir agreed. "Maybe it will push Sonnet to finally get over his fear of going back out into the world, if he wants badly enough to follow Faith."
Bele hummed in thought.
"I wouldn't mind him staying, of course, but he's been here longer than anyone else. I've been afraid that we've let him get too stuck in his comfort zone and he isn't going to find the motivation to move forward. I know it takes time, but I don't want him to feel like I did for so long when he doesn't have to."
Letting go of Memir's hand to wrap him up in a firm embrace, Bele kissed Memir's temple. "I want him to be happy, too, babe. Maybe his happy is going to be here, though. He's good at managing the house and helping the new kids sort themselves out. He wouldn't be the first here who realized they weren't meant for adventure and just needed a hand with starting a new life."
The two of them fell silent for a few minutes, contentedly soaking in the breeze cooling off the warm afternoon.
"Anyway, if you're worried about him losing out on a star-crossed romance, you haven't been paying attention to the way Tory at the bakery looks at him," Bele said, huffing out a laugh.
"Are you saying I should be sending him to buy the bread instead of getting it myself?"
"I mean, they might start giving us a discount if you did."
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91percentpynch · 4 years
jean moreau and tattoos
look i have both terrible time managemant and the inability to focus on university when my brain keeps yelling jean moreau headcanons at me so i‘ll give you ✨ this✨ now and the update of my kevaaron fic hopefully next tuesday? next week? this is so short but i still hope you enjoy it!! if you‘re wondering what dogs i‘m talking about you can check out my „jean + dogs“ post!!
jean moreau covers up the cursed three with a moon. it‘s the first tattoo he chooses for himself. it matches the sun jeremy got on his collar bone after jean called him his sun and jeremy continously told him „if i am the sun, you are the moon. reflecting the love i‘m giving you right back to me“
so following the moon were stars. wandering from around his moon, down his neck to his back where they would get lost into constellations. constellations that resemble his thoughts and feelings. messy and chaotic. dark and beautiful. that they covered up some more of his scars was just a bonus. really.
on his bad days jeremy would mumble to him „have the courage to exist, jean moreau. the future is bright“. so naturally the next tattoos he got was „have the courage to exist“ in jeremy‘s handwriting on his left wrist and „the future is bright“ in the same font on his right wist.
jean loves to doodle. from flowers to the sun to jeremy‘s eyes. one day he drew an anatomy heart with flowers growing out of it. he went to the tattoo shop, showed them the drawing, pointed right over his heart and told them to put it there. it was a reminder that yes his heart might have been broken into a trillion pieces and yes his biggest wish might once have been for it to simply stop beating, but today he was alive. flowers grew out of the broken pieces of his heart fixing it together again. with his journey to find self-love and self-acceptance they began to bloom just like he himself. and the broken, lost twenty one year old boy turned into a force of nature so strong and beautiful and bright that god himself wouldn‘t dare to fight him.
jean and jeremy decided to get another matching tattoos on their ankles. two hands holding out to reach each other. because that‘s what they did, isn‘t it? they held each other on their bad days, holding the broken pieces togther. they held each other on their good days to absorb the warmth of each other. they held onto each other as if their life depended on it, because perhaps it simply did.
jean morau found an unusal friend in the ever so angry, ever so quiet aaron minyard. because in some way they were the same. in some way they were connected. in some way they simply understood each other. so they got matching tatoos as well. they decided on a semikolon on the inside of their middle finger. the semikolon a symbol for a story that is not yet done and the middle fnger? well, it‘s a fuck you to everyone who ever dared to doubt them. a fuck you to everyone who ever dared to hurt them. a fuck you to everyone who looks at them and doesn‘t see how good they are, how they deserve love and attention and all the good in the world. a fuck you to their younger selves, a fuck you to their abuser, because aaron and jean lived and they died.
the words riko craved into his skin, using jean‘s body as a curel cavern for his ugly painting, were covered up by declarations of love. „worthless“ was replaced by „mi amor“. „faggot“ was replaced by „moi lunes“. „riko‘s property“ was replaced by „love of my life“. it were things jeremy called him. things that showed him that after all this human being - the emobidment of the sun even - was able to look at him and fall in love with every single scar, every single truth and lie about him, every inch of his being.
so when jean moreau finally was ready to let go of the three, to let go of the pain and the insecurities and anxieties that came with it, when he slowly but steadily began to see his body as his own canvas, he began to fill it with things he loved. with his friends and declarations of love. with the stars that gave him hope and the moon that would reflect the love of his long lost lover. and when he understood how good it felt he decided he wanted to give it back.
so when jean morau saw the little shop in a hidden corner of los angeles where the sun always shone he got it. he always knew he would quit exy and so he did. he started his own tattoo studio, drawing on other people with so much love and affection that he was one of the best in the field. after training jeremy‘s laugh would fill the studio. in the mornings his dogs would sleep at his feet, while he designed tattoos. ocassionally renee and aaron would come around, looking at him with so much pride and happiness in their eyes. and it was one of those days that jean moreau realized: he might not have healed now but he felt happiness and love and affection and that was all he ever truly needed.
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cartoonfantic8 · 4 years
I would love to have either a Roman Prequel Series or a Hunters of Artemis Spin-off
I want to see Jason and Reyna just becoming close and bonding because we never saw that. Also the moments when Jason and Reyna came to Camp and there adventures togther fighting monsters, going on quests and becoming prators, them becoming close friends and how it almost became more.
I want to see how Jason became this leader like how we saw Percy did. That’s why the fandom loves Percy but not Jason because we never saw how Jason became Jason and how he developed to who he is in Heroes of Olympus. I feel like Jason would stand up for the 5th Corhort of them being treated differently because there the “weakest”. Jason felt pressured being the son of Jupiter, and having to live up to that expectation. Jason loved the Romans but he never felt at home in Camp Jupiter.
I want to see Reyna learning about herself and her own self love. I want to see her become the strong character we see in Heroes of Olympus. Her having to hide how she really felt because of her being a praetor. That sometimes she cracks under stress and pressure and just hides it. Her bottling up her emotions and realizing it’s not heathy.
I want to learn all about the side characters like Gwen and Dakota who we saw in SoN. I want to see and learn about who they are as people and get to know more of there backstory. I want to know how they feel about Jason, Reyna, Octavian, and about Gods specifically there parents. We’re they mad and bitter like some demigods were or did they understand that there gods and they don’t pay attention to there kids sometimes but still care? I want to see them get fleshed out arcs like we saw with Clarrise.
I want to see more of the 5th Corhort team and all the stupid shit they would get into like we see with the Greeks. Sure they still would train and fight monsters but just imagine them playing pranks on each other or sneaking out late night to party or something like that. We saw how even though the Greeks did prepare for quests and fought monsters, they still acted like kids or teenagers.
I want to see the moment when Frank and Hazel came to Camp Jupiter. Hazel being the daughter of Pluto, making her feel like an outcast like how Nico was. Plus being in the 5th Corhort to add to that. I want to see how she feels about people treating her differently because of her dad being Pluto. She already was mistreated in the 30s for the color of her skin. I want see her badass moments of her beating someone in a sword fight and proving to everyone that just because she small dosen’t mean she can kick your ass.
I want to see Frank being self-consciences and insecure of how he looks. How everyone has these muscler body in Camp Jupiter and then there him. I want to see him learn about how he is amazing and strong and it dosen’t matter how much he weighs. I want to see more of that and how he’s slowly becoming better.
I want to see cute Frazel moments of them either awkwardly flirting and being all cute togther. I want see Frank teaching Hazel about mordern life, which would be so cute.
I want to see Nico cameos and him accidentally almost blowing his cover several times but covers it up, the reader knowing what or who he’s talking about. Reyna being suspicious but brushed it off, thinking he’s a son of Pluto and there all just werid. Also the Roman’s dissing the Greeks and Nico pretending that it’s funny but he’s lowkey mad.
I want to see to build up to why Octavian acts like he dose. We never really saw why Octavian acted like he did in Heroes of Olympus, with Luke there was a reason because he was mad at the Gods for not caring and we understand why he’s petty. Luke never had a parent figure growing up and Hermes could have done something about it but he didn’t. Something similar in Octavian’s childhood could have pushed him to act that way.
I want to see the wars they faced. The one in California during the “Battle of Manhattan”. How the Romans reacted to there friends and family dying. All the work and training the put for this battle. How they keep pushing through and we see a more humane side to them. The Romans are not all business and work, there more than that.
I want to see different POV’s like we saw in Heroes of Olympus. I want to see all the adventures they’ve had. The monster fights and training. Going on quest to save the Camp or even the world. I want to see the introductions to characters we all know and love. I want to see even the fun times they’ve had because the Romans are not all training and work. I want to see the heartbreak of there friends or siblings dying. We saw how the Greek were and how they acted, now we should see how the Romans are.
Another thing I want to see is the Hunters spin-off
I want to see how the hunters fuction and work. I want to see the badass monster fights or missions they go on. I want to even see the stupid shit like them seeing who can fit the most marshmallows in there mouth or Thalia making a bunch of pop culture references that no one gets. I want to see the Hunters being the queens they are and showing that hey you don’t need a singficant other. You can still be powerful with or without a partner. The Hunters imbody female power and sisterhood.
We have seen a lot about the Greeks and now I want to learn about the other two groups, the Romans and the Hunters.
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witchofmorena · 4 years
@jaskiersvalley​, darling you helped me with the idea for this so thank you💚 and tagging @she-who-ate-pizza-with-cap​ we know why😃
Geralt and Jaskier stopped for a night in a clearing. The forest around them was dense. Jaskier started to pick and make a heart for fire, singing softly, while Geralt went hunting. When Geralt returned, he had a couple of rabbits already prepared for roasting with skins he wanted to use to make blankets or something (Jaskier didn’t care much) and bard had heart almost ready, he left lighting it to the witcher. Less then 15 minutes later meat was roasting over fire. Suddenly a man stumbled into the clearing, he had two swords like Geralt and was even dressed in similarly to Geralt. The white haired man got up, looked over the stranger and hugged him, leaving Jaskier completely stunned!
“Lambert, you son of a bitch!“ Geralt said loudly with a happy smile on his face, making his bard look at him disbelief.”I heard you were nearby, just didn’t know how close you truly were!“
“White-haired fucker!“ man with same yellow eyes as Geralt, now identified as Lambert, greeted Geralt with an insult and a smile of his own. Musician gave up on trying to understand what was going on and turned back to dinner, ensuring it didn’t burn. He felt eyes on his back.”Where are your manners, old wolf?“ Younger witcher teased White Wolf,”won’t you introduce me to your friend?“
“Right, lets go to the fire“ Jaskier could hear footsteps coming closer, stopping beside him and a thump on either side of him. On his left was Geralt and on his right Lambert.”Jaskier, meet Lambert. He is a fellow wolf witcher“ Geralt  noticed the way Lambert’s sparkled.”Lambert, this is my....friend...Jaskier“ Lambert noticed how Geralt paused on ‘friend’ for a moment and wanted to pick on him for it, but changed his mind, deciding instead to insult Jaskier and see the reaction.
“Jaskier? As in the one who was dumb enough to try to befriend you?“ Geralt sighed deeply. He wasn’t in the mood to argue with Lambert.
“I believe insulting the man who could easily ruin your reputation to be dumb“, Jaskier said, smiling pleasantly,”but then again what would I know? I’m just a bard“ Lambert liked this human, he didn’t smell of fear and was ready to throw his insults back. He changed the tactic and starting to flirt. He smiled at the bard, and Jaskier knew he passed some kind of test.
“So is what Geralt says true? That you two are” Lambert glanced at fellow wolf, and smiled charmingly at musician,”just friends?”He said last two words in a disbelieving voice.”I hope Geralt wouldn’t mind sharing...” cue a wicked smile full of promise, his pupil rounding and dilating.
“I’m not a toy to be shared or owned“, Jaskier answered with a flirty smile of his own and adding a wink. Oh yes, Lambert definitely liked this one.
Lambert and Jaskier kept flirting and insulting each other over dinner, becoming more aroused and the scent was making Geralt’s nose twitch. Eventually he told them to go and fuck it out but not too far away, the scent was starting to make him uncomfortable. Jaskier was looking at him with concerned, Lambert was quick to reassure Jaskier that Geralt didn’t mind it at all and that “knowing him he’ll want to cuddle when we come back”. They left Geralt to take care of left-overs and sleeping bags.
Geralt hummed to himself, a habit he picked up from Jaskier, as he moved around camp. He didn’t care the two of them went to “have some actual fun” as Lambert’d put it, he was happy that they liked each other and were attracted to each other, it meant two he cares about coulv. White wolf preferred cuddling over any other form of affection, while Lambert and Jaskier were similar. They needed sex, Jaskier enjoyed it while Lambert loved having sex, especially with people he knew he could trust. The sleeping bags were, indeed, all placed close to each other.
Several weeks later, Jaskier was traveling alone. He was on a road to a bigger settlement when he was attacked by bandits. They thought he’d be an easy target and have coin for them to take, if nothing else they’d happily take his lute. They didn’t expect a witcher to jump into bards defense. The witcher quickly chased them away. Jaskier noticed the man was older, seemingly in late forties or early fifties, and that his medallion was a wolf. Bard figured this must be a wolf witcher and from Geralt’s school.
“Hello, kind witcher!“ Jaskier started dramatically, forgetting to introduce himself, unsurprising considering his barely contained excitement.”I was wondering if you perhaps know Geralt and Lambert of Wolf school?“
The witcher was amused by young man in front of him “Of course I know those two little rascals for I’m the one who’s trained them in sword fighting!” the man was trying to be as dramatic as bard he just met.“I’m Vesemir, and you must be one of my pups flower? The bard named after a flower, I mean?”
The new nickname brought a bright smile on Jaskier’s face. He confirmed that “yes I am in fact Jaskier” asked older man if he’d mind some music? And a song in his honor was most certainly in order, he was after all his wolves teacher. The old wolf gave his new flowery pup an indulgent smile. Jaskier traveled with papa wolf who adopted him (Vesemir kept calling him pup or flower and eventually Jask asked about it....Vesemir admitted to viewing bard the same way he views his witcher pups). When they got to town where they were supposed to split up, flower made several songs in wolfs honour (Ves adored the songs his pup created for him) and bard received a dagger “for protection”. Jaskier knew enough about handling a dagger to be able to protect himself somewhat.
In early autumn Jaskier met up with Geralt again. Geralt invited Jaskier to join him and others in Kaer Morhen. Jaskier was overjoyed, he’d get to see Lammy again! And he’d hopefully meet some other withcers. Geralt and Jaskier made their way to Kaer Morhen much earlier then Geralt usually did and arrived after Vesemir (who was delighted his pups were almost all home) and another witcher, this one was also a wolf and he had scars deforming left side of his face, pulling his upper lip and revealing his teeth. Jaskier didn’t stare, nor was he bothered by scars. He found the witcher, who was taller then Geralt and with boarder shoulders and chest, to be endearing with his shy attitude. Bard was sad when he noticed how he kept trying to hide his scars, Jaskier unable to contain, his excitement and love for this new witcher, pulled the scarred wolf into a hug. Eskel was confused why this pretty songbird wasn’t afraid and "oh this is nice". From day 1 Jaskier called him “Eskie” and always had a smile for big and seemingly scary man.
A week and a half later, Lambert finally arrived, with two new witchers. These two weren’t wolves, one was from Griffin School and the other was a Cat. Jaskier noticed how cat witcher looked over everyone with interest on his face, while griffin looked at Jaskier with open curiosity. When they were introduced, griffin’s, who was known as Coën, seemed excited to speak with him about Oxenfurth and music lessons and a shy “could you show me how to play lute?”. Honorary pup was so happy to see a witcher who wished to learn about his music and could discuss it. Coën reminded him of his lovely White Wolf, but nightingale (as Geralt called him) couldn’t figure out what. Cat, or Aiden as he was introduced, was a lot more like Lammy then Geralt or papa wolf. He was a lot more flirty then insulting (or, as Geralt and Eskel called it, flirting aggressively), and flower was happy to have all attention on him.
After a few days it took to newcomers to settle in, they started training. Aiden invited bard to join, saying he wished to see how he handled his dagger. He was unimpressed, disappointed really. He turned towards Geralt and asked dead serious "Really, Wolf, you travel with such precious human and you don't teach them how to fight???"  Coën joined training the bird how to fight, he adored the bard didn’t wish for him to get injured.
Every couple of days Jaskier and Lambert would disappear and come back smelling like each other. Sometimes Aiden would join them, and Geralt knew Eskel wanted to as well, but...well, he was too insecure and didn’t know Jaskier well (which made things hard for Eskel even more....he preferred to have an emotional connection with his lovers). So the rest of witchers ensured that Eskie and bird spend some time togther, without anyone. Geralt and Coën were fixing a part of the keep, trying to make it functional, Vesemir, like he most often did when he didn’t train with others, was in his lab, making a potion or something, while Lambert dragged Aiden somewhere, presumably to fuck.
Eskel was in the kitchen making bread and singing to himself, when Jaskier entered. “Oh thank Melitele! I thought everyone has gone off doing something dangerous!” the wolf was confused, they had enough meat for the next three days, after all Lambert had a successful hut yesterday, there was no monster bothering them, and Geralt and Coën were working on the keep...Maybe others were sparring? “You can sing” bard said softly, completely in awe of witcher’s deep rough singing voice. “Can we sing together? And can I help you somehow?”
“I thought everyone can sing? If you could pass me some flour that’d be great“ Eskel was even more confused, none of the others ever offered to help him bake, but he wasn’t one to look gift horse in mouth. “And sure, we can sing together tonight, after dinner....I know most popular songs” And from there they kept talking, mostly Jaskier and Eskel was more then happy to let him talk.
That afternoon Geralt and Coën found the two still in kitchen, talking laughing, dancing and making dinner. Geralt felt warmth in his chest, his darling got along with all of witchers and it seemed like Eskel had opened a bit to Jask. Dinner was ready quickly, and all men tucked in. Everything was fine until Aiden took a bit of bread from a plate next to Jaskier. It was spicy....very spicy just like how flower liked it so....cat soon ran around, bumping into things and crying. Vesemir, being the first to realize what happened, brought some milk and forced younger witcher to drink it. Aiden after his pain subsided a bit, rejected to eat anything. Musician apologized over and over again, feeling guilty for convincing Eskie to make some spicy bread for him and then forgetting to warn others. Cat (or Kitty how Jaskier called him.....he was the only one allowed) mentioned forgiving if Jaskier played his lute and sang for them to which bard readily and happily agreed to. All seven of them moved closer to fireplace, Vesemir sitting in his armchair and petting his youngest pup, who was leaning against his leg and strumming his lute, the rest were laying on furs they brought from their rooms in front of fire. After a couple of hours bard became tired and Coën moved him to the furs so he could cuddle with others. Slowly one by one they fell asleep. Vesemir tucked them in (tho if asked he’d never admit he did or that he had a smile) before going to sleep himself.
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
Congrats on 200!! Fake dating au Daminette please?
Thank you so much :>
I hope this came out well, I wasn’t sure where to go with this... without further Adieu 
Why damian was picked to go to Paris to asses the situation he wouldn’t know, and no Grayson he doesn’t need more human interaction he’s perfectly happy with what he has. ‘This Marientte girl better be worth his time’ was all he could think as he entered the bakery he was told he could find his contact. Why a simple civilian would baffle him but he didn’t make those kinds of choices.
 He was greeted by a short woman with grey eyes, not his contact, and a warm smile. “How may I help you today monsieur?” thank god Damian had brushed up on his French before walking into the bakery, “Earl Grey and a chocolate croissant?” he asked, the crash in the back taking most of his attention. “Of course monsieur,” he just placed some money on the counter and sat down at a small table to wait for his order. ‘This was the right place right?’ he checked the address Dick had sent him, it was… now where was she?
 A cup of tea was placed in front of him, bringing him out of his thoughts, “I believe this is yours,” the girl around his age said in near perfect English, though accented it was clear. She handed him a small slip of paper with the code word he was told to look out for and winked as she went back to the back to help in the back. It also had a number Damain assumed was hers and a place to meet later. ‘At least she knows subtly,’ he finished his food and left to get ready and to tell Dick he had made contact.
 Damian was early, but there he stood at the base of the Eiffel Tower, she should be there soon. And as luck would have it there she was walking up in a different outfit. Light blue overalls with a baby pink crop top underneath and simple vans, casual attire that wouldn't look out of place, so she was smart. His black jeans, a t-shirt and high tops didn't feel under dressed anymore. 
 “So I assume you’re the ‘little bird’ Nightwing was so happy to talk about,” there was amusement in her tone as she spoke in English. ‘Didn’t she know I know French perfectly fine’ “Perhaps, are you the one I’m supposed to be spending my time with?” “Oh god don’t tell me he was serious about fake dating, I swear to god…” she was starting to ramble ‘So that was Dick’s idea who was he kidding of course it was, human interaction my ass’ “I’ll be in your class by next week,” Damian cut her off on whatever she was rambling about, “We should get our story straight.” “True true,” she lead him to a small secluded area off of the Seine so they could talk more freely. 
 The story they came up with was they met at a gala and had hit it off despite the odds. Believable because Mari was the kind of person to make friends with almost anyone, she also told him to use English around her if he wanted a minimal chance for people to follow what they were saying. He came to do the exchange program to broaden his horizons and the fact his new girlfriend was there was a plus, believable knowing his family. She also warned him about her class and a liar, ‘lovely’ was all he could think, more social climbers. 
 The weekend before Damian joined the class he couldn't figure out how this petite girl one had contacted the League and two why she was trusted by the heroes of this city, she looked like hard a breeze would hurt her. Okay that might be an exaggeration but still! She didn’t look like she could hold her own against anything, so why her? That was something he’d get his answer in due time, walking in on something he wasn’t meant to know.
 Damian insisted on taking her to school on Monday, as a way to show that she was his and so he didn’t need to ask where the class was. Not that he would admit the second part. Damian took her hand as they left the bakery, and they made idle small talk on the short walk to the school. When a black limo pulled up Mari seemed to perk up, something to keep of note. A blonde boy with light green eyes walked out and instantly lit up upon seeing Mari. she was quick to let go of Damian and whisper something into the blonde’s ear and hug him nodding her head slightly back to Damian’s direction, interesting.
 Damain had spent the rest of the day close to Mari but otherwise not paying attention, he already knew everything that they were teaching, this was a waste of his time. Sitting in the back with his ‘girlfriend’ at least let him avoid the looks of the class and watch their behavior. Only three people of note in the whole class. Mari by his side (she also seemed to pay little attention but had well done notes that seemed ahead of the class), the blonde boy for earlier who he learned rather quickly was Adrien Agreste (seemed to also be way too ahead for this class and to share something secret with Mari, he’d need to look into that later) and lastly the Rossi girl. She was not the good interesting though, lies were constantly coming from her mouth to the point he found it hard to believe anyone could take what she was saying seriously. Damain assumed Mari was over exaggeration when she warned him.
 That was routine for about a month: go to class with Mari, be bored out of his mind, hide from the Akumas of the week, then go to her place to get more info. The occasional “date” to a coffee shop or walk in the park. Nothing out there but so it was clear they were dating, constantly holding hands, conversations in English and small gifts. Most of the class had left him alone after it was clear he was with Mari, “If he’s willing to date a jealous girl like Mari he wasn’t worth their time” was the general consensus of the class, he’d gladly take it. 
 It wasn’t until he had wandered from the library to what he assumed was an empty training room on the school grounds. The sounds of rapid fire French and fighting made him curious, it wasn’t an Akuma, there hadn’t been an alert so what could it be? 
 To say being Agreste and his fake girlfriend locked in an instance spar, one that seemed evenly matched. He could expect Agreste to be able to fight, the boy was in fencing after all, but not to this level and Mari… well that was unexpected. 
 To say he didn’t find their banter and technique interesting would be a gross understatement. He was starting to understand why Ladybug trusted Mari, that was until he heard “M’lady” and “Kitty” leave their lips. Things were clicking into place, it all made sense now. Damian felt like an idiot for not seeing it earlier, of course! 
 To say he was seeing both the heroes in a new respect for all they had to deal with in their regular lives and that not affecting their Hero lives would be putting it lightly. For Mari to be capable and cunning but also be able to hide her strength like it was second nature was something Damian wouldn’t admit but he  found really attractive. 
 He found himself actually making an effort to be closer and nicer to her, and slightly to Adrien. He did this in his own Damian way, starting off small by calling them both by  their first names and then slight nicknames, for example Marienette was now Mari. he learned more about their dynamic both in the mask and out, they were like siblings attached at the hip. Ready to throw down at the drop of a hat to help their counterpart.
 To say Damian wasn’t prepared when Adrien invited him to spar with him and Mari was more true then Damian was willing to admit, they knew he knew didn’t they? “Wouldn’t want to leave out her boyfriend would we?” Adrien said with a wink leading him to the same room he had first spied on their spars. 
Her swing to his head was barely dodged and he ducked out of the way just in time, “So when were you planning to tell me you knew?” Adrien stood off to the side making sure no one walked in like he had. It was just the two of them on the mat talking in English and sparing. “Well to be fair I didn’t know you knew,” his smirk didn’t last long as he had to do a backflip to dodge another kick coming his way.
 They went back and forth for about 20 minutes before they were both tired out, Adrien only chiming in to encourage his “Lady”. So here they were both breathing heavily laid on their backs on the mat. 
 “You know you could be cute if you were more open, Sparing shouldn’t be how I get you to open up,” Mari was playful as she turned to look at the ten boy beside her. 
 “Oh just kiss already,” Adrien shouted from the side lines, this was something he had been waiting for since he saw the two togther. If Mari can get the Ice Princess Kagami to open up and be more herself Damian was a goner. Almost everyone eventually fell for the personification of sunshine that was Mari at some point, at least this one might actually have a chance. 
 “How ‘bout a real date first?” the gentle squeeze on his hand and content sound from the girl next to him brought a genuine smile to his face… maybe Grayson did have a point. 
Please send more Asks in !!
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goldenhydreigon47 · 3 years
Y'know, I'm bored. May as well talk about the OCs I have for Rebel Hearts.
Aight so context: Rebel Hearts is based on the Terraria Calamity mod and is set after the Supreme Calamitas fight (Henceforth, I shall refer to Calamitas as Cal, Catastrophe as Cat, and Devourer of Gods as Dev. Why? Because that's what they prefer to be called in the story) but before the Yharim fight. Why? Well, simple: The Yharim and Draedon fights aren't in the game yet.
Please note, the only characters original to Calamity mod involved in this story are Cal, Cat, Cataclysm (the youngest of the siblings of themself, Cal, and Cat. I'll make another post about these three and Dev since I like all four of them so much), Dev, Xeroc, Noxus, Ignalius, Providence, Yharim, Yharon, and Draedon. Everyone else is a fully original character. So, uh, yeah. Here we go!
First up is the main character: Mariko Yamamoto (he/him or they/them pronouns). He's half human and half demon and boyfriends with Cataclysm in the story. Mariko's in the Mage class but specializes particularly in ice magic. His father, who was a thief and murderer who also did quite atrocious things I don't feel comfortable mentioning on here, was killed in front of Mariko when he was only 5 years old. His mother, depressed at the loss of her husband, tragically took her own life a few weeks later. Mariko was trained in combat, education, and life skills by his brother, Kronus, until Mariko was 16. A few weeks later, Yharim came along, bringing a then brainwashed Dev and Cal with him, and demolished Mariko's entire hometown, his brother sacrificing himself to save his life. Mariko, determined to save people, guided everyone to the exits while warding off Cal, who was less aggressive seeing how noble and polite Mariko was. Afterwards, Mariko literally dies from exhaustion, but is revived by Xeroc, who mentioned that his brother's dying wish was to, "Keep Mariko safe," or something along those lines and gives Mariko temporary immortality. Three years and three hundred and sixty deaths later, he defeats Cal and her brothers, but spares their lives, knowing that they don't want to live under Yharim. Months later (and additional fifty deaths, one of which caused by a backstab from Mariko's ex-ally Necro. Also, Mariko is 20 by now), Mariko is kidnapped by Yharim and tortured, causing him to die ten more times. However, as he was chained up, Mariko saw remorse in Cal's eyes, and decided to free her himself since her brothers had escaped already. Three months later, he encounters an escaping Cal and Dev and togther, with Cal's brothers, they form an alliance to defeat Yharim, with others joining later on. Speaking of which...
Akira Tadashi (they/them) is the next major OC to join Mariko's alliance. They were a vigilante Rogue class after Yharim burned down their hometown with Yharon when Akira was 15. This, along with constant abuse from his father because of Akira's feminine looks, caused immense trauma and PTSD for Akira. As a vigilante, they sometimes encountered and helped Mariko, with Akira never saying their actual name to Mariko. Upon encountering Mariko, Cal, Cat, Cataclysm, and Dev, Mariko and Akira have a friendly duel to test each other's strength and, after Mariko wins, Akira quickly joins them in their quest to eliminate Yharim (they are 19 during the story).
Next is Josephine Joachim (she/her), or Jojo as she prefers. Raised in the village of Erupis, she is from a long line of Summoners and gained her Stardust Guardian, which she dubbed 「Guns and Roses」 (yes, this is the character most of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure references are going to) after an encounter with Yharim when she was 14 (she's 18 in the story). Upon meeting Mariko and Cal, she offers to take the team to her hometown but tragedy strikes as her mother is killed in front of her by Draedon and his new assistant, Sunork (keep that name in mind when I give the villains analysis later this week 😉). As she watched her mother die in her arms, she realized her true purpose: Defeat Yharim and free those trembling in fear from his tyranny.
Also, Yhagrim (he/him). Labelled as the "Hermit of the Mountains," most details about him are unknown minus his age (he's 27). After being discovered by Mariko, Yhagrim explains that, in fact, he is the youngest of the sibling trio of himself, Ignalius, and Yharim (Yharim is also related to Mariko but we'll get to that in the villain info). Upon their village trying to kill Yharim for trying to obtain power with dirty deeds, Yharim goes mental and destroys the village, including killing Ignalius. When he saw his brother, Yhagrim noticed Yharim stole the dragon egg that he was given by his parents at age 13 (this egg hatches to become Yharon). Yharim then quickly takes over a majority of the world and banished Yhagrim, erasing his name from all records as well as any info about him. When asked if he wanted to join Mariko's squad, Yhagrim initially declines, but joins after hearing about some of what Yharim did to his subjects (trust me it isn't pretty. Btw, Yhagrim's Joining arc isn't complete yet but it goes DEEPLY in depth into Yharim's childhood and family life. This is just a summary). Being an expert at Melee class attacks, Yhagrim can dual wield two of the Melee's best weapons: Nanoblack Reaper and Triactis' True Paladinian Mage Hammer of Might, so don't cross him.
And finally for the main cast out of the OCs I made, Drakonis Tremaine (she/her or they/them). While this Ranger class hasn't joined Mariko's group yet, her arc is after Yhagrim's so its very soon (she even forms a love relationship with Jojo). However, I wanted to mention her here because, what the hell, I mentioned everyone else, may as well talk about her. She is notably the edgiest and angriest of the group (only getting slightly less edgy during the story might I add) and is very reckless. How this came to be? Well, as a child, she grew up around a very conservative community she didn't really care for, despite how rich her parents were. This hatred only grew as she slowly started to become more comfortable with saying she was trans feminine and lesbian. However, upon coming out to her parents, they screamed at her and abused her for several months because bastards. If that wasn't enough, because her parents were high standing citizens in her city, many of the other bigots living there harassed, bullied, and even attacked her with intent to kill. All she wanted was to be accepted and validated, which she would later gain upon meeting Mariko's group, but her idiotic community wouldn't give her the acceptance or validity she needed (this entire bigoted community thing is based on my experience as a bisexual in the highly conservative state of Kentucky. I am not okay. Send help). So, eventually, her bottled up sadness, pain, and rage erupted and she genocided everyone in her town. This temper and dark side of her was sought out by mega bastard Yharim. However, Drakonis now lived by the ideal of, "Trust nobody, not even yourself, unless your desperate," so she outright refused to join Yharim, shooting him in the arm and nearly killing him, but he escaped because of Draedon's teleportation device. Many years later (she's 18 by now), she encounters Mariko and Cal, who offer her a spot on the team. With an annoyed and sarcastic tone, she again refuses, but some midnight talks with Jojo while the group is in Erupis and another major event that takes place during Drakonis' arc force her hand causing her to join.
Main Character OC Infodump completed. Infodump on Cal, her brothers, and Dev is next, then an infodump on the villains.
Hope you enjoyed this and I'll post excerpts from the story (currently in Yhagrim's arc) soon to show what happens during each arc (which range from two to twenty five sections). : )
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est11 · 4 years
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Get Your Shit Togther part 2.
It has been a week since your argument with your husband and it seems nothing has changed when you awoke the night after the arugment he was gone. Jax has been staying at the clubhouse not coming home to be with his kids at least and when the kids ask you where there dad is you choke back tears and tell them he’s working. That was a week ago, a week you haven’t talked or seen your husband. You were now sitting at the kitchen table of your home holding in one head your leave of absence papers from St. Thomas hospital that were already approved and in the other hand a paper confirming what you already knew... your pregnant 3 months pregnant to be exact. As you looked at the paper you couldn’t help the tears that fell you did not know how you were going to do this. Jax made his choice and he choose Tara, looking at the suitcases by the door you decided the night before that you and the boys should go stay at the secret cabin your parents bought for you to have if you ever needed to get away it was a two hour drive from charming. Your mother knew what club life was like and she wanted you to have a place just for you that you could escape to and no one else knew about this place not even your brother Opie.
You smiled as the boys came running into the kitchen ready to go you told them where going on an adventure. It was already 12 noon and you wanted to leave before anyone noticed or came by to see you or the boys you locked them into there seats and pulled out of the drive way. You have been driving for two hours and you were only about 15 minutes away from the cabin when your mom called and said it was stocked with food and all other essentials.The boys were napping in the back so when you guys got there you knew they are going to be ready to play. You arrived at the cabin and you smiled you couldn’t wait to spend time with your boys away fromJax and Tara, away from charming and away from Everything that followed. You and the boys have been at the cabin all day, they’ve played all day and they have just about wore you out. There in the bed and your washing dishes from supper when you hear a knock at the door..your heart stops because no one else knew you where here and your mom promised she wouldnt say anything you grabbed the gun out of your purse as the knocking got louder. You peeked out the window but you couldn’t see the door from that angle so you slowly walk to the door gun drawn and ready “ Who is it” the door handle giggles and you start to panic “ I have a gun and I will shoot you” before you could say anything you hear the voice of your brother “ Y/N is opie open the damn door”. You slowly walk to the door and look through the peep hole to see Jax and opie standing on the porch you cuss your mom knowing she told them.
You open the front door and turn to walk away Jax storms through the door hot on your heels with opie following “ Y/N what the hell is wrong with you you took the boys and left.. Do you know how worried I was to come home and find you gone” you look past Jax “ opie give us a minute please” opie walks out the door and closes it behind him. Before you could say anything Jax steps closer to you fear evident on his face “ What where you thinking I thought something happened to you” in the moment you couldn’t help but to laugh “oh so you can leave for a week and not come home I know you where wth Tara this whole time but it’s ok for you to leave me but I can’t leave when I need to get away.. don’t be such a hypocrite Jax your suppose to be better than that.” He looked dead at you “yes I was at the clubhouse for a week but I wasn’t with Tara. I kicked her out the day after we had our fight I told her my family was more important than she will ever be. That my wife and kids are all I need. I haven’t been home in a week because I wasn’t sure how to face you or the kids after everything. I love you and only you Y/N if you don’t believe me ask opie.” You have no more fight left in you to scream or argue so when you called Opie back in he just peeked in “ he’s telling the truth I watched him kick her out”. You weren’t sure how to react so you quickly turned and went to the back room and shut the door a few minutes later you heard the roar of a motor cycle leave assuming it was opie the bedroom door opened and Jax walked in you looked up at him and he was crying. Jax walked up to you and dropped to his knees infront of you he wrapped his arms around your wait and cried into your lap. “Jax I’m pregnant” where the only words you could think to say. “W-what” he looked at your belly “ I am 3 months pregnant Jax” you pushed him away and stood up walking to the window looking out “ Jax I’m pregnant and I’m scared I am so scared because for the first time in my life I am unsure If your going to be here . I need to know that it is us..that your going to be here for this family and not leaving us for another woman. I need to know that we’re enough.” Jax wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his chest “you are baby it’s us I promise no body else I will never let anyone get between us again.” And Jax kept his promise proving to you everyday that you where his number one and when you had your baby girl 9 months later Nova Lee Teller you knew that the only other girl that would have his heart was your daughter.
Y’all.. wanted part 2 here it is.. but eww it is awful.
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go the frick away if you find this its shit, and you don't want to read It Im not joking just don't, its not for you you touch it I will eat you
Fuck off bitches its a suicidal rant I don't give a flying fish fried fuck if you think my life has more meaning that the american school system, you try to help me i swear i will deate this page bitches i won't joke let me vent in peace i need this tumblr nd if you try to report thsi I'll have to deltete it and I can't and i need this I swear im fine jus t go away
swear to fucking god I'm going to kill myself. if fucken hate my life. every one is a motherfricken cockslot of a homophobe and I hate myself and my own mom can't even love me enoght to not be a shitty person. I hate her and my dad can't fucken care less, and If i get a tatatto I am disowned wft if im gay, you kill me you fucken trump supporter. like you r so fucken rasict and married to a poc wtf is wrong with you. I am so fucken patethic and I can't stop and Im so fucken skinny and still look like shit, and I get so hungry it hurts and my thighs still look thick and I don't want to be gay anymore, I like girls but Its wrong or not? or whats with my gender its wrong its stupid i just hate it, and Im not smart anymore and Im gonna fail because the USA can't work and the country is gonna colaspe in a decade, and I am so sucky at schhol, I can't fucking spell for shit, wtf I can't do anything I should die, Im not gifted anymore I just want out I need out i can't do this wtf is this shit, I hate it im so dumb no ones gonna hit me like my mom is why do I nearly cry everytime someone insluts me and my breasts are too big i don;t like it it should go away i can't look at them, its to bad, I just want out, but I have to be there for lizzy she already self harms and she has it worse and im so stupid for thinking i should die, she is worse than me, i should be better, I can't be there for her, what about my bestie, I swore on the river styx I'd be there for him, and I'd talk to him, but he probably has other mutals and that person that didn't answer my ask and posted about thought I was disrespectful peroably, and they hate the anon now and thats me, they hate me just like my class mates is this a fucken panic attack, I want to call my friend but he has enogh and she has enough and all my friend that are ok don't talk to me and the lights to fuken bright now, god i even fake this shit, im shit, i should die, I know im not adhd, i can't be overloaded with shit like music at a fair or light. and my phone is locked because i need it to smile after my mom yells at me and they say I use it to much but i just want to feel ok again and its locked now god i fucken hate this im shouldn't breath that lud it s dumb its dumb I should die god I want to go home but I am home and its hell, and my mom is chanting angain, and I don't want to be reliogus anymore, I hate it, its not real to me. I just want out but I can't because if I miss school, I get a low grade that gets me a o and I fail the class, and I can;t because its a credit class, and I need it to graduate and I am gifted or some shit and If i mess up I miss my one shot in life, I don't want a life, its too much so many taxes too many lies on the news, everyone hates me, I hate me, I want to die, its so dumb thatI am typing this and trying not to cry I just want out, I don't want an office job, but i want to live and not be homelesss, so I suffer to suffer, i shouldn't even try I want to die I just want to go back to before this started I hate this, I wish my mom would hold me again and not hit me wtf am I crying my mom willf ind out, she'll say Im dramtic or blame me and I'll get hit and my dad willl get mad for casuing a loud fight and my phone will be taken and all me friends will be lost to me and I need thema and its dumb, because they don't want me, they like me because I let them talk all the time, they need me tho because they hace bad thoughts and I can't hold it togther Im going crazy like azula, and my favorite tumblr user ever donsn't like her and she would hate me she hate me she ahtes my type of person she's ace and I love her and she ahtes me and I can't tak to her just follow her like a creep and ima nerd like ym mom said and its dumb and I want out iwant to die I just want to go home Im swear Im not faking I know others ahve it worse but i can;t do it I going crazy I jus t wan it to stop please why can't I even pick up the blabe and cut, I just want out but it hurt when my friend cut i should delte this o post It i don't know its a void no ones there, no ones here
for me I alone and I should I should stop bothering people on tumblr, they don't like me I don;t need to be here, I should die Ishould die ishould die i want to go home this is dumb Im faking it im noyt going crazy i know Im fine i just want out where are you, i just need one person that cares, and I won't ever tellthem or bother them with this crap i just want them to care stop tears, I can't let ym family know they think im weir dt they hate me they hate me I should just leave my own mother regrets my life, then says she loves me I don't know i want outi want to die go away its to loud in ym head so I type like a craxy person and till im bad at that i can't do this I can't even look at the screen please go away just leaveme I want to go home I want to die iwant out plase god its dumb wtf do I even try I will post this because no one will see it and its like leaving a note after my death if someone finds my remains. fuck im so dumb i make my life worse i just want out. o gos i want out now i nedd a new life or no life god i ewant otodie
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jaethaone · 5 years
Lost Without You - Part 2
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Prompts: #13“I Loved You And You Still Left Me” & #15 “If I Could Go Back And Do It All Over, I Would Do Anything To Get You Back.” From @xxwritemeastoryxx 1k Challenge
Warnings: None .. I Think
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“Hello Love”
When You Opened The Door , The Last Person You Thought You Would See Was Klaus . So Many Questions Flooded Your Mind .. So Many Emotions That Were Suppressed.. Everything Came Flooding Back. You Tried To Close The Door But His Foot Was Too Fast
“What Are You Doing Here” You Asked
“So You Do Remember Me” He Quizzed “Mind If I Come In Love” He Said Trying To Peak Into Your Apartment
Seeing As Though You Didn’t Have Much Of A Choice, Against Your Better Judgement You Let Him In “You Can Come In” You Said Stepping Aside Letting Him Enter. Your Heart Began To Slightly Race As He Observed Your Place , Hoping That He Didn’t See The Pile Of Baby Clothes Sitting In A Basket By The Couch .
“How Have You Been” He Asked Turning Around Looking At You
“I’m Going To Ask You Once More Klaus .. What Are You Doing Here” You Said Walking Over To The Couch To Sit Down
“Well Let’s Skip The Formalities Shall We” He Laughed Out Taking A Seat In The Chair By The Couch “I Miss You Yn .. Truth Is I’ve Tried To Stop Thinking About You But I Cant”
“Well You Need To” You Said Not Bothering To Sit Down Because You Were Going To Keep This Conversation Short “You Shouldn’t Have Come”
“If You Would Let Me Explain Love We Can Cl-“ Klaus Started To Say But You Really Didn’t Want To Hear What He Had To Say .. Or That’s What You Told Yourself Every Night You Stayed Up Hours On End Trying To Figure Out Why .
“There’s Nothing To Explain Klaus” You Started To Yell But Hushed Your Voice A Little Remebering Just How Light Of A Sleeper Your Son Could Be Sometimes. “You Compelled Me To Leave !”
“That I Did .. So Excuse Me If My Curiosity Gets The Best Of Me .. But How Is It That You Remeber That Night Sweetheart .. And Why Are We Whispering?” Klaus Questioned
“I’m Not Whispe-“ You Started To Say While Whispering The Straightened Out Your Voice Some “I’m Not Whispering.. And After That Situation With Those Vampires I Got Freya To Charm My Locket So A Couldn’t Be Compelled Anymore” You Said As You Held The Locket Around Your Neck
“Love I’m Sorry .. I Didn’t Know. I Was Only Trying To Do What Was Best For You” Klaus Said And Stood Up Walking Towards You
“YOU THOUGHT THATS WHAT WAS BEST FOR ME” You Yelled. At This Point All The Emotions That You Bottled Up From That Night On Were Pouring Out Like The Blood From The Arteries Of One Of Klaus’ Victims. You Couldn’t Hold Back No More. You Needed Him To Understand How You Felt That Night.. Every Night After That .. You Needed Him “I LOVED YOU AND YOU STILL LEFT ME” . By This Time You Were In His Face With Tears Clouding Your Vision
“Well If I’m Processing This Correctly Love .. You CHOSE TO LEAVE .. My Compulsion Didn’t Even Work .. So Don’t Say I Left You .. If We’re Being Honest You Left”
You Scoffed “Typical” You Should Have Know Klaus To Try And Find A Way To Flip This Around So He Wouldn’t Have To Seem Like The Bad Guy In The Stituation “Typical Klaus Mikaelson .. Always Trying To Flip This So He Could Play Victim In Something He Caused .. I Left Because You Took Away My Choice” You Said Poking Him In His Chest “Once You Fixed Your Mouth .. Your Mind To Even Try To Compel Me.. AFTER YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD NEVER DO THAT .. You Took Away My Option To Stay By Your Side, You Took Away My Trust In You .. So I Left. It Was What You Wanted Anyways Right.”
“I Didn’t Want To Hurt You” He Started
“But You Did” You Interrupted
“Could You Please Listen Yn!” Klaus Quipped “I’m Trying To Make This Right .. I Love You And I Should Have Never Done What I Did To You .. These Last Couple Of Months Have Been Hell Without The Woman I Love”
“Well That Seems Like A You Problem Because I’m Fi-“ You Started To Lie But Was Stopped Mid Sentence When You Heard A Faint Cry Through The Baby Monitor Sitting Ontop Of The Clothes In The Basket Next To Couch “Excuse Me” You Said As You Started To Walk Down The Hall But Stopped “If You Want To Make Things Right Klaus ... Just Leave”
But Of Course Klaus Being The Hardheaded Egotistic Hybrid That He Is .. He Didn’t Leave .. Instead He Let His Curiosity Lead Him Down The Hall After You To The Source Of The Crying That He Too Heard. He Came To The First Door Down The Hall On The Right And Peaked His Head In . He Observed The Master Bedroom Grey And White Decor , Clothes Everywhere .. Not Messy Though Folded . Guessing That’s What You Were Doing Before He Came. But As He Skimmed Over Your Room The Sight He Saw Next Nearly Dessicated Him There Where He Stood .
You Were Walking Out Of Your Bathroom Rocking Kase In Your Arms While Quietly Talking To Him. Once You Picked Him Up Out Of His Bassinet Next To Your Bed It’s Like Everything Disappeared .. All Of Your Troubles , Your Sadness .. That’s What This Little Boy Did To You .. Without Even Trying He Made Your Whole Mood Change With The Blink Of An Eye .. If No One Loved You Unconditionally, You Know That He Would. As You Were Getting Ready To Walk Out Of The Room You Realized Klaus Was Standing In Your Doorway Looking At The Little Human You Were Holding In Your Arms. “I Thought I Told You To Leave”
“Come On Now Love .. When Have You Ever Known Me To Listen” He Said In A Hushed Tone Walking Futher Into The Room.. Eyes Still Fixed On The Baby. “. So Who Is This Little Fellow.. I Don’t Think We’ve Quite Met”. As Much As You Tried To Come Up With A Quick Lie In Your Head You Couldn’t.. As Much As You Were Hurting Right Now Because Of The Man Infront Of You.. And Because Of How Much You Loved Your Child .. You Knew You Couldn’t Be Selfish With Either Of Them So Now Was The Time. “This Is Kase” You Said Walking Towards Klaus So He Can See The Baby Better “Kase Alexander Mikaelson”
“Mikaelson” Was All Klaus Said As He Kept His Eyes Fixed On The Baby Snuggled Up Into Your Arms. “Is He ..” Klaus Was So In A State Of Shock That He Honsetly Was At A Lost For Words .. He Didn’t Know What To Say .. How To Feel .. But Then He Remebered That Night .. How You Came Back From The Doctor And Said That You Had To Tell Him Something Also .. He Remebered Those Nights Before When You Couldn’t Keep Anything You Ate Down.. Was It Possible Though .. Could This Child Be His He Thought And If He Was Why Didn’t Yn Say Anything .. Why Would She Leave
“Yes He’s Yours Klaus .. That Night .. I Was Going To Tell You But” You Started But Klaus Stopped You
“You Don’t Have To Explain Yourself Love .. I Hurt You In Ways I Probably Couldn’t Imagine That Night And I Forced You To Walk Out Of My Life In A Way” He Started As His Looked Into Your Eyes “So I’m Not Mad At You For Not Saying Anything .. If Anything I’m Mad At Myself .. I Let The Fear Of Losing You And Letting You Down Take Over That When I Thought I Was Doing What Was Best For You I Was The One Hurting You”
At This Point Tears Were Falling From The Both Of You “ If I Could Go Back And Do It All Over, I Would Do Anything To Get You Back”He Said Taking Your Hand “I’m Not Asking You To Forgive Me Just Yet Or At All If You Don’t Want .. But We Have A Son Togther Love And I’ve Already Missed Enough.. Please Come Back With Me” He Pleaded
“I Don’t Know Klaus I’ve Made A Life Here And I Cant Just Up And Leave Like I Did Last Time” You Said Sitting Down On The Edge Of Your Bed “And I’m Not Asking You To Love .. It’s Your Choice” Klaus He Said Sitting Next To You “I’ve Made That Mistake Once And It Cost Me The Love Of My Life .. And The Birth Of My Son If You Decide To Stay Here In Atlanta That Is Okay With Me .. Just Know I Will Be Right Here With You.. And If You Decided To Come Back Witn Me I Would Love That Too .. And You Can Come Back Here And Visit Whenever You Want Too”
“Klaus ...” You Started But He Interuppted
“Just Hear Me Out” He Started “ I Messed Up I Know .. And I’m Not Asking To Get Back Togther Right Now .. I Know That Is Going To Take Some Time.. But Yn I’ve Been Lost Without You, If I Could Just Have You.. And The Baby In The Compound I Would Take That .. Anything To Have You In My Life Again, And Also If I Don’t Show Up Without You By My Side I Wouldn’t Hear The End Of It From Rebekah” He Smiled
“So ..” You Started To Say As You Looked Down At Kase Who Was Looking Right Back Up At You With Those Same Eyes As Klaus. “If We Come Back With You .. You’d Give Me The Space I Need”
“You Also Wouldn’t Hover Whenever I Need To Go Into The City .. Alone”
“Now Love That’s A Bit Mu-“ He Laughed Out
“Klaus” You Looked Up At Him Seriously. “Alright .. Alright . Anything You Want Or Need You Have It .. I Just Need You Back .. Especially Now That I Know We Have A Child Together” He Said As He Let Kase Grab Hold Of His Finger. The Simple Action Filling Your Heart With So Much Love
“Okay.” Was All You Said
“Okay” Klaus Looked Up Breaking The Trance Kase Had On Him “”I’ll Come Back With You To New Orleans” You Said “I Miss Beks Anyways” You Laughed “Oh You Have No Idea How Happy I Am To Hear You Say That Love” Klaus Gushed As He Looked Down At You And The Baby
“Would You Like To Hold Him” You Looked Up At Klaus
“I Would Love Too”
As You Carefully Handed Kase To Klaus You’re Heart Instanly Melted .. The Way Kase Just Settled Into His Arms You Knew Everything Was Going To Be Just Fine.. And Your Decision To Go Back Was No Mistake. Yes Klaus Did Hurt You And It Is Going To Take Sometime To Recover From That Night .. But Him Being Here Right Now .. Holding His Son Shows Just How Much He Wants To Fight For You Back .. And You’re Completely Okay With That . Looking Down At Kase In Klaus’ Arms You Laughed To Yourself A Little
“What’s So Funny Love” Klaus Quizzed Looking At You “Nothing Just A Funny Thought” And By The Way Klaus Continued To Look You Figured He Wanted In On The Joke “From The Moment He Was Born I Knew He Looked Like You .. And The More He Grows The More I See You.. But Just Looking At Him The More I Realize Thats All You” You Laughed Out
“He Has Some Of Your Features Love .. Like That Wonderful Smile .. You’re Ears.. But Those Eyes .. He Has A Hint Of The Devil In His Eyes” Klaus Smirked Looking Up “Thats All Me”
“Of Course It Is” You Smiled Back
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*I Made This GIF To Fit The Story*
Well Guys .. That’s It For My First Imagine .. I Hope You All Like It . And Honestly I Didn’t Think It Would Be This Long .. It’s Just Once I Start Writing I Cant Stop lol . But Anyways Congratuatioms Again To @xxwritemeastoryxx For 1k I Loved Writing For This Challenge And I Cant Wait To Do It Again !!
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mikasocks · 4 years
Dating Shoto Todoroki would include...
A/n : HI! hope you all enjoy my first post, much lovee Paring(s) : Shoto Todoroki x Reader  Tyoe/Warning(s) : Mm swearing? 
Synopsis: How would Shoto Todoroki act as you boyfriend?
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Tbh todo was intrigued by you from day one, I mean you gave 110% to everything you did. don’t think the boy didn’t notice you.
He found you admirable, albeit a dummy when you worked so hard you looked like you’d puke.
Todo worried about you somtimes but from a distance of course.
It started with little glances, it almost became a tradition to just peak your way before and after class. I guess you could say he just wanted to check up on you.
Glances became longer until one day you noticed, the stoic boy who sat across the class was looking right at you.
Neither one of you tore away just staring at each other until the bell rang. A hot blush crawled up your neck.
After that you ran into the boy at the dorms, you and shoto both rounding the corner at the same time in the still of the night.
You walked straight into his chest, gripping at his shirt so you wouldn’t fall backwards. His hand placed on your shoulder to keep you steady.
looking up slowly you hoped it wasn’t bakugo who’d surely wake up everyone.
You looked up to see todoroki’s eyes on you
You both quickly let go of each other, as he straighten his shirt.
“I’m so so sorry todoroki-kun, I didn’t think anyone would be awake at this hour.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I couldn’t sleep, mm what about you?”
“Me too.”
You two spent the rest of the night talking/sitting in a comfortable silence under the moon until you began feeling sleepy.
You both returned to your rooms. Not without a small “sleep well.” From todoroki.
Todo wasn’t gonna lie, he definitely started to take a liking to you after that day. Not that he didn’t like you prior, you were just easy to be around now that you’ve shared a conversation.
He started walking you to class
The first day everyone was surprised to say the least, seeing you both walk into togther.
Walking each other to class slowly turned into training together, eating togther, studying togther, and anything else you would think of.
He was your person and you were his through it all
Todo never fully realized he had feelings for you until one day when you were both sparring without your quirks.
You punched him square in the jaw and he fell back looking up at your figure.
You looked gorgeous your hair was down to emulate a real fight and your forehead glistened from your sweat. You held your hand out to the boy.
You were strong with or without your quirk. He knew you could take care of yourself and that fact made you so very attractive in his eyes.
He fell literally and figuratively
“You getting up? Or should I put my hand down todo?”
Todoroki confessed on accident tbh ha..... ha
Of course you and todoroki would study togther for finals
You worked so hard trying to get a good mark, you left little time to eat or sleep. Once you set a goal there was no way you wouldn’t reach it.
You two usually studied in your dorm, you sprawled your stuff on your bed while todo sat on the floor his papers on the small table in the middle of the room.
Ngl you both always faced each other while you studied, It was an unspoken tradition.
little glances made your heart go kajskjakaia
Wow he’s so pretty
You honestly didn’t need his help to study and he didn’t need yours, you both just enjoyed the company.
One day you were feeling sick, you pulled an all nighter the day prior to study and do homework, only to do it the next day with todo.
Of course todoroki noticed he was observant with the ones he loved
Oo love
You looked pale and kept rubbing your temples
Todo sighed, standing up and gathering your papers before sitting on your bed next to you.
“Okay, time to take a break.”
“Mm Why?”
This boys sooo blunt
“Because I love you and hate that you aren’t taking care of yourself.”
0.0 <- u
-_- <- todoroki on the outside
0.0 <- todoroki on the inside
You guys stare at each other for awhile
Todo thinks he fucked up big time.. damn poor boy, he really didn’t mean to just confess like that but ig there’s no going back now.
“Do you just love you me or are you in love with me?”
“I’m in love you with Y/n, I’ve always been.”
“I love you too shoto.”
Baby doesn’t know how what to say ha.... ha.. yikes
For your first date todo so nervous, he wants it to be perfect. To him you deserve it.
He even searched up cute date ideas, pick up lines, and how to ask a girl out.
What a cute loser
Todo ends ups setting up a beautiful picnic by a quite River, it’s just you and him. A blanket sprawled under a tree and soba for two.
It really was prefect. You shared your first kiss under that tree and even collected a cute rock that you still have lying on display in your room.
“Can we kiss again?”
Thus began your relationship with icy hot
Touching is unlike todo at first tbh, he doenst really initiate skinship very often so you usually have to.
But once he gets comfy, he really is all over you.
When shoto gets clingy and you’re not paying attention to him, all he does is tap your leg repeatedly and look up at you until you start loving on him.
Shotos hands are a bigger than yours so somtimes when you two are lying in bed, he’s just playing with your fingers and wrapping them around his own absentmindedly.
He likes hugging you from behind and putting his head on top of yours or on your shoulder.
Best know shoto loves when you wrap your arms around his neck when you hug. He loves just being fully engulfed by you. Somtimes he picks you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist and he’ll just carry you to bed for cuddles.
Shoto switches between big and little spoon
He really like being little spoon though, hearing your heart and knowing that it belongs him.
The boys a little possessive. Growing up, nothing was ever just his.
But here you are, all his.
Sometimes he mumbles in his sleep and it’s super duper cute but never coherent enough to make fun of him for anything he says.
Other times when he has nightmares he’ll wake up to your sleeping body pushed up against his side. He’ll sigh grateful that you’re next to him, awake or not just looking at you comforts his heart. Todo will then pepper kisses along your collarbone and hold you close.
If he wakes you up ?
Oops. But not really. He’d feel bad obviously, but honestly in that moment of fear all he wants is for you to hold him and tell him everything will be okay.
And that’s exactly what you’d do?
“It’s okay, it was just a nightmare sho.. I’m here. I got you.”
At first he thought cuddling was weird, like holding somone while they sleep? the slight chance of rolling onto them and suffocating them ? Yeah no.
He needs you alive.
But slowly you forced him to cuddle and now he loves it.
Forehead kisses are a must
His favorite place to kiss you is your cheek
And his favorite places to be kissed are his is jaw/shoulder
His mom loves you to bits, you’re so good for shoto and she sees that.
Endeavor.. well.. he doesn’t mind you, scratch that he doenst mind your impressive quirk. In all honestly though he’d rather you stay away, you’re a distraction. Fucking asshat
No.. but actually he’s a fucking asshat
You’re parent(s)? (Guardian(s)/silbing(s)) love shoto, he’s so quite and nervous at first so they didn’t really have an opinion tbh. Until they see how well he treats you and how happy you are. Overall their love for shoto is endless, it’s gonna take a lot to mess that up.
Sometimes when shoto is feeling down about anything or his father, you two just lay togther. His head on you chest while you massage his scalp, his arm wrapped around your waist slightly under your shirt.
When you’re upset, shoto sits with his back against leaning against whatever is convenient. You curl up in his lap, and he’ll pat your head and kiss away your tears.
You two don’t really like talking when you’re hurting. A comfortable silence always lifts your spirts and if you wanna talk about it later? of course he’s ready to listen. Always.
You two almost never fight
There’s no reason to fight in todoroki’s eyes. He’s had enough fighting. He doesn’t like yelling at you ever.
If you two end up in a disagreement, you both talk through it calmly.
If you do fight though, hes quick to apologize. He hates anything that reminds him of his father. The yelling. the screaming.
Just know if you cry, he cries. He can’t stand stand seeing his baby hurting. Especially if he’s the cause.
“Hey hey baby I’m so sorry, it’s okay, we’re okay. We’ll figure this out, I love you y/n please forgive me.”
Jealous todo? so hot (but actually)
One time mineta tried to lift your skirt, in front of todo. (Before anyone knew you were togther) bro.... I mean shoto was fuming, like actually smoking.
“Mineta.” He would grab mineta shirt and slowly pull him close, honestly the most aggressive you’ve ever seen him.
Good thing there was only midoriya and Iida in the classroom
“You got some nerve touching my girlfriend like that mineta. Don’t ever pill that shit again understand?”
A quick nod sends the small boy flying out of your boyfriends hand
There’s a ashy hole in mineta shirt now. oops.
Midoriya and lida are this 0.0 until they hear girlfriend, then their like this “??”
You grab shotos shoulder gently
“I’m okay sho.”
Shoto lets go and minetas gone. no where to be seen the rest of the day.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey don’t apologize, I know you always got me and I always got you.”
You tiptoe to kiss his nose and hug him completely forgetting the two boys standing in the corner
lida and midoriya are just •o•
Shoto calls you..
Baby :) RARLEYYY. he honestly doesn’t get it, but after you call him that a couple times he starts to think it’s kinda sexy.
Sweetie :) he thinks it’s cute and simple. Only in private when he’s super cuddly.
Y/n, l/n, n/n :) he’s a simple guy, he loves your name as it is.
What you call shoto..
Baby/bub :)
Cutie :) look at him I’ll wait
Sho, todo, Todoroki, shoto
Honestly your relationship with shoto is super pure and wholesome. You guys go through loads togther. You’re each other’s person and he loves you so much. Love straight out of a book :)
Fluffy extra :
Shit todoroki asks to you
“Did you eat today?”
“Can you play with my hair?”
“Why’d you stop?”
“Do you want some soba baby?”
“How’d I get so lucky?”
“Are you cold?”
“Is it too hot?”
“Do you need a hug?”
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