#I wrote this in the chat with master-of-munsons
sweet-villain · 7 months
Just Another Lie~2
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Summary : Billy works in the mechanic shop with Eddie, Eddie Munson. But he hasn't told you. He kept it away from you while you moved on in your life to be a mother, to Billy Hargrove child. What happens when things get ugly?
Tags : @ali-r3n
Part 1
Author's note : Just wrote this an hour before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!
As the cool night air enveloped you two, Eddie and you lay on the grass, gazing up at the starry sky above. The twinkling stars seemed to dance above you two, as if they were putting on a show just for the two of you. As you lay there in silence, Eddie turned to you with a determined look in his eyes. 'I promise you, one day we will live where we both live happily,' he said with conviction.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and excitement wash over you at his words. Eddie was always full of big ideas and dreams, but this one seemed different. It was as if he truly believed that a happy ending was possible, and that he was determined to make it happen.
“ It’s going to be two of us surrounded by people we love, dreams happening and we will do it together. Take on the world” he says, turning his head as his gaze bore in on you. The smile on his face made you feel at ease and made you feel like it was all alright. 
At school the following week was buzzing with excitement about the upcoming dance and everyone was busy making plans and preparations. Eddie and you happened to be seated next to each other in our English class and couldn't help but discuss prom plans during breaks in the lesson.
Eddie let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders. 'I don't know, prom just seems like a big, overrated event to me. I'd much rather be hanging out with you at home, watching movies or something.'
You felt a twinge of disappointment but you didn't want to let it ruin the day t. 'Come on, Eddie. It's our senior prom, we have to make the most of it. Plus, I've been looking forward to this for so long and it wouldn't be the same without you.'
Eddie looked at you with a soft expression and you could tell he was considering your words. 'Okay, fine. I'll try to make the best of it for your sake.'
Your face beamed with happiness. Eddie laughed, noticing how your face lit up at his words. 
You were adorable. The two of you would flirt all the time and everyone assumed the two of you were dating. 
You had spent weeks searching for the perfect dress and shoes, and now it was time to focus on your hair. You had always dreamed of having a beautiful updo for prom, but you had no idea how to achieve it. That's when you turned to your mom, who was a master at styling hair.
When it was that time to go to prom, you had walked into your room with your mom greeting you. The smell of hairspray filled the room.  She had set up a mini salon in your room, complete with all of her tools and products. You sat down in front of the mirror, and your mom immediately began combing through your hair, discussing different styles and options.
“ Did you ever end up telling Eddie how you feel, sweetheart?” she asks. You eyed her in your mirror.
How did she even know? Did she read your diary or something? 
“ Mom” you groaned. She chuckled, and continued to comb your hair. 
“ You can’t hide anything from me, sweetheart. I’m your mother” you groaned, sifting in your seat. 
“ Can we talk about anything else?” She squeezed your shoulder apologies if she overstepped. 
Your mom started by sectioning off your hair and curling each section with a curling iron. As she worked, you two chatted about plans that Eddie had for the night and reminisced about her own prom experiences. It was a special bonding moment, and you were grateful to have your mom by your  side for such an important event.
Let alone going to prom with Eddie. Your best friend. The boy that took your heart at first glance. 
She added in some sparkly hair clips and a delicate flower crown, which added the perfect touch of glamor to your look. As she finished up, she gave you a quick spritz of hairspray and turned you towards the mirror.
You were in awe of your reflection. Your hair looked even better than you had imagined, and you couldn't wait to show it off at prom. Your mom beamed with pride as she admired her handiwork. 
“ Look at you, all so pretty. You always are the prettiest out of everyone, my little girl” she leaned down to kiss your cheek. “ You’re going to rock it, tonight” you laughed looking over your shoulder at her. 
“ Thanks, mom” 
As you were getting your makeup on and dressed, your mom couldn’t stop telling you how beautiful you looked and teased how much Eddie would love you in the color you chose. A hint of red appeared on your cheeks, trying to look away and brush off the fact that she knew how you felt about Eddie. 
“ Eddie is going to faint when he sees you, sweetheart” 
“ Mom!” you shoot her a look but chuckled, not being mean or trying to yell at her. She put her hands up telling you she’s finally going to stop. 
You couldn't wait to see your date, Eddie  all dressed up in his tuxedo, ready to sweep you off your feet. He never liked wearing one of those things, but he promised he was going to rock it on what he chose out. 
But as the minutes ticked by, your excitement turned into worry. Eddie was never late, he was always the punctual one. Maybe he got caught up in traffic, you thought. But as the time passed, the sinking feeling in your stomach grew. 
You kept asking your mom if the phone had rang. But it didn’t. 
Your mind raced with all sorts of scenarios, trying to make sense of why he hadn't shown up yet.
As the clock struck 7, the time you were supposed to leave for prom, you couldn't ignore the fact that Eddie was a no-show. Panic started to set in as you imagined the worst. Did something happen to him? Was he hurt? Did he change his mind about going to prom with you? The questions swirled in your mind, but you pushed them aside, not wanting to believe any of them.
“ He will be here, he promised” you kept telling your mom who gazed at you with longing and sadness. She knew how much you were looking forward to this night. It was special, to you anyways. 
As the night went on, you couldn't help but feel heartbroken and betrayed. You had trusted Eddie, and he had let you down. All your dreams and hopes for a perfect prom night were shattered, and you couldn't understand why. The hours dragged on as you sat alone in your room, the sound of the music and laughter from prom night taunting you.
The next day, you were furious with Eddie. You saw him sitting laughing with his friends at the lunch table, the spot next to him being empty. Your spot. You stomped your way up to him with your hands on your hips and foot tapping on the ground. 
“ Oh hi Y/N!” Dustin greets you with a cheery look on your face but your eyes are glaring hard at Eddie. He felt your presence and turned his head to see you standing there. 
“ Oh Y/N! I-” you cut him off. 
You started off calmly, “ I was really disappointed that you didn't show up to take me to prom last night. What happened?” 
His face dropped once he realized what this is about, cleared his throat as he answered, “ I completely forgot about it. I got caught up with some other things.” 
“But you promised me weeks ago that you would take me. Prom is a big deal, and it meant a lot to me to have you as my date.”
“ I know, I'm sorry. I just had a lot going on and it slipped my mind. I didn't mean to let you down.” 
“ It's not just about letting me down, Eddie. It's about the fact that you didn't even bother to reach out and let me know you couldn't make it. I was waiting for you all dressed up and excited, and you didn't even bother to call.”
“I understand, and I feel terrible about it now. But at the time, I was so caught up in everything else that it didn't even occur to me.” 
“ That's not a good excuse, Eddie. You knew how important this night was to me. It wall for nothing.” 
“ Sweetheart..” he clasped his hands together. “ I know, and I'll make it up to you.” He adds. 
“No, It's about the memories and the experience of going to prom with someone special. And now I'll never get to have that. I was hoping we’d create those memories…” 
Eddie’s heart sank as he felt disappointed and guilty. His other plans were distracting and he had forgotten all about taking you to prom. 
“I understand, and I'm truly sorry. I wish I could go back and change things. I know I messed up and I'll do whatever it takes to make it right.” 
“ I appreciate that, but it's not just about making it right now. It's about the fact that you didn't prioritize me or our plans. I can't help but feel like I wasn't important enough to you.” 
Eddie now felt even more guilty as he looked down in his lap feeling like he really messed up. 
“That's not true, you are important to me. I just made a mistake and I'm really sorry for it.” He looked up with his brown eyes becoming glossy, holding back tears. 
He was so pretty but you couldn’t just let this slide. 
“I'll try to forgive you, but it's going to take some time. I hope you understand that I'm hurt and disappointed.” 
“Sweetheart, I completely understand and I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I promise to never let you down like this again.” 
He tried to reach out to take your hand in his, but you stepped back. 
“I appreciate your apology and I hope you've learned from this. But for now, I need some time to process everything and figure out if I can truly forgive you.” 
You couldn’t understand what other plans he had that were so important that he had forgotten about taking you to prom. It wasn’t until you were in math class when you found out what those exact plans were. 
‘So, how was your date with Eddie last night?' Chrissy’s friend asked, causing your eyes  to immediately widen and head perk up and lean in a little closer.
Chrissy let out a dreamy sigh before responding, 'It was absolutely amazing. He took me out to Benny's and we had the most delicious food. And the best part? He remembered my favorite and ordered it for me’.
Your jaw clenched and hands balled into a fist. So where was he? 
'That's so sweet of him,' Chrissy’s friend replied. 'What else did you guys do?'
Your nose twitched in anger. How could he do that to you? 
'Well, after dinner we went for a walk in the park and talked for hours. I couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him. We have so much in common and he just makes me laugh,' Chrissy gushed.
'Did he try to make a move on you?' Chrissy’s friend asked, making you lean in even closer to hear Chrissy's response. Yeah right, like Eddie had the guts to do anything with her. He was too shy to show any affection let alone touch a girl. 
Chrissy let out a giggle before saying, 'Well, he did try to hold my hand when we were walking, but I think he was a little nervous. But it was cute, I could tell he really liked me.
'Well, I'm happy for you, Chrissy. You deserve someone who treats you like a princess,' the friend said, before excusing herself to use the bathroom. 
By now, your pencil was broken down and you were in need to sharpen it. There was black hard dot on your paper too and you stopped writing notes for class that your eyes were locked on the back of Chrissy’s head. She had felt someone staring at her and turned to see it was you. 
“ Do you need any help?” She asks you, sweetly. 
Mustering a smile with a shake of your head, you gazed down muttering the words " lucky bitch” under your breath. You were jealous and hurt that Eddie chose her. What did she have that you didn’t?
Tears began to form in your eyes and you raised your hand to be excused. Your teacher saw that you were holding back tears and waved you off. You hurried to your locker to grab your books and head home. 
As you walk outside you can't help but notice Billy Hargrove leaning against his car in the parking lot. You've never really spoken to him before, but you've heard all the rumors about him being the resident bad boy of Hawkins High. You try to avoid eye contact and make a beeline for your own car, but as you fumble with your keys, you can feel his gaze on you.
'Hey, you okay?' His voice startles you and you turn to see him walking towards you. You can't believe he's actually talking to you, and you can feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
You try to play it cool and shrug, 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just a rough day.'
He nods, understanding, and leans against the car next to yours. Need a ride home? I see you're having some trouble with your keys there.' He smirks, and you can't help but let out a small laugh.
'Um, yeah, that would be great. Thank you.' You mumble, still in disbelief that Billy Hargrove is offering to drive you home.
As you climb into the passenger seat of his car, you can't help but feel a bit nervous. But as he starts the engine and drives out of the parking lot, you start to relax. Surprisingly, Billy is a good driver, and he even turns on some music to break the silence. As you drive through the familiar streets of Hawkins, you start to open up to Billy about your rough day.
“ Stupid men… stupid prom.. Stupid me..” you mumbled underneath your breath but Billy had caught it. 
“ That loser doesn’t deserve you, and prom is overrated. You don’t need all that. You’re better than that” He tries to tell you to make you feel better, he’s not good with words but he is trying. 
He has seen you plenty of times hanging around Eddie and his friends to know what you're like and he knows you're into Eddie too since it’s so obvious. 
Before you know it, you're pulling up to your house. You thank Billy for the ride and start to get out of the car, but he stops you. 'Hey, if you ever need to talk or just need a ride, I'm around.' He gives you a small smile and you can't help but smile back.
You had never in your life time seen Billy Hargrove smile, maybe this was a new thing. Maybe you were meant to meet Billy and have him drive you home. For a moment you forgot that your car was still in the parking lot at school. 
But you were sure someone would bring it back. You were in no mood to think about it. 
But Eddie felt hurt when he found out that Billy Hargrove drove you home and found your car in the parking lot. He waited for you after school but you never showed up. He thought you might be home sick or something. But then, he heard from Lucas who heard from Dustin who heard from Robin that she saw you get into Billy Hargrove’s car. 
Since when were you friends with Billy? 
How could he have the audacity to approach you like that? It was like rubbing salt in the wound.
Eddie had always been jealous of Billy. He was everything that he wasn't - confident, rebellious, and popular. And now, it seemed like he was trying to steal the one thing that Eddie held dear - his friendship with you.
 Eddie could feel his anger rising, his body tensing up as he clenched his fists.
He had always been there for you, through thick and thin. He had protected you from bullies, nursed you back to health when you were sick, and listened to your problems without judgment. And yet, it seemed like all of that meant nothing to you when suddenly Billy Hargrove happened. 
Eddie knew he shouldn't be this upset. After all, you were free to talk to whoever you wanted. But he couldn't help the feeling of possessiveness that washed over him whenever Billy was involved. He didn't want to share you with anyone else, especially not with someone like Billy.
Wait, Eddie had to backtrack. He felt possessive? But the two of you were friends that flirted. But it was like a light bulb appeared on top of his head as Eddie understood what this was. Why did he feel the way he felt..
It wasn't just about jealousy either. Eddie was genuinely concerned for you. He knew Billy's reputation and the trouble he could bring. He didn't want you to get caught up in his dangerous lifestyle.
It was later he showed up at your door with your car parked near your house. He drove it there. He thought he was being thoughtful and nice about it. He raised his fist to the door and knocked on it, three times to be exact. It was his way of telling you that it’s him. 
You threw the door open, an unhappy look on your face and had your arms across your chest with an eyebrow raised waiting for him to talk. 
He frowned seeing the expression on your face and shifted from one foot to the other as he tried to find the words he wanted to say to you. But he came up with nothing. Your eyes fall to your car behind his shoulder.
“ Thanks for dropping off my car” you break the silence between you two. He nods as his head raises a bit and eyes lock with yours. He didn’t like this silence that has fallen between the two of you. It was uncomfortable and he didn’t like it. 
“ You left with Billy Hargrove…” he started to say. Mentally he slapped himself for starting the conversation with that instead of asking how you were or if you were sick. 
“ Yeah, and what of it?” you shrugged. 
“ You know he’s not a good person” 
“ Neither are you, Munson” he winced when you used his last name in a sentence. You only used his last name when you were really pissed at him. It seems like you were. 
“ What did I do?” He asks. 
You scoffed, “ You lied to me, Eddie Munson. You were doing things on prom night when you were on a date with Chrissy Cunnigham. Does that ring a bell?” 
His eyes go wide and swallows the lump in his throat. How did you find out?
“ I bet you're wondering how I know. Your little girlfriend talks a lot” 
“ She’s not my girlfriend-” 
“ And I don’t care, are we done here?” you asked, ready to close the door on him. His lips go into a deep frown and his heart sinks to his stomach. 
“ I’ve told you I’m sorry about not taking you to prom…I am going to make it up to you.. I told you…” 
“ No you lied to me, you hurt me and you broke your promise Eddie.. I can’t forgive you.. Not now” He hung his head as he heavily sighed. 
“ I’ll go” he mumbles and turns around to walk. You threw him an umbrella that you had from your bag by the door. Even though he hurt you, you still cared about him and worried about him. He caught it in his hands when you called out to him. 
He had hoped you had something else to say to him and when he saw you gave him your umbrella, he had hope in his eyes. 
“ It’s not your concern who I hang out with, Eddie or whom I talk to. We’re not dating… good luck with Chrissy.” 
It was the last thing you told him before you closed the door for the night on him. 
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later when you found out where your friendship stood with him. It was nothing. After that night, he didn’t glance at you. He rarely spoke to you. He didn’t even hang out with you anymore or offer you to smoke with him. 
Your friendship with him was sinking. 
All you saw was he was with her. But you were with him. He made you feel better. He made the pain feel easier. He made it all better with one smile, one laugh and one gesture. 
“ I don’t know what you see in him” you heard for the very first time his voice as he spoke to you. You looked around to see if he was talking to anyone else. But it was you. 
“ So we're on speaking terms again, are we?” you asked, closing your book. Eddie rolled his eyes as he sat next to you on the benches. 
“ You’ve seen him go to your own little world thinking he’s all rainbows in whatever you two have “ Eddie continued. 
“ I don’t believe I’ve asked your opinion” you mumbled about standing up and walking away. You didn’t need to hear anything from him. He hasn’t been a friend to you in a while now. 
“ You’re going to hear it whether you like it or not '' He chuckled. “ You don’t get to walk like your tough shit, sweetheart..” 
“ I’m not-” He shook his head, waving a finger in your face. 
“ You don’t get to just walk with his arm around you like you owe this school. I’ve got the girl who does. You’ve only been nothing but a joke in this school…” 
Your head snaps toward him, ready to slap him in the face if he needs it. It looks like he did because you have no idea who this is. Not Eddie anymore. Not the same person. 
“ How many times did you have to suck Hargrove off to get where you are today? He takes you to parties, he lets you drive his loud ass Camaro, you reek of him. I bet you he’ll give you some disease and knock you up. Then, what? Who are you going to come crawling to? Who-” 
He didn’t get to finish his sentence because you push him in between the bleachers as he falls. 
“ Fuck you, Eddie Munson” you spatted at him. Those were the last words you said to him. 
He regrets ever speaking to you like this. It wasn’t like him. But he was jealous that Billy Hargrove took you away from him. It wasn’t until graduation when he saw how happy you were with Billy. He watched Max fist bump her brother for graduating. You captured the moment on the camera, sneakily. 
Chrissy was forgotten and he stood wearing his cap and gown, holding back tears. He always thought that he’d graduate with you and the two of you would end the year.
But it was his fault. It wasn’t his year. It wasn’t both your years it seems. But to Eddie it felt like it was your year. 
When you turned to look at him to see him in the cap and gown, you almost cried. Even the two of you had a huge fall out and didn’t talk anymore, you were proud of him. You knew Wayne was proud of him. You sent him a small nod with a smile letting him know he did it, and you were happy for him. 
He sent the nod and smile back to you, but it turned into a frown when Billy wrapped his arms around you. Jealousy flared up at him as he sighed to himself before Dustin jumped on him and tackled him to the ground. 
Now, here you were years later, a mother and you were happy. You never really questioned your happiness. You always took care of your son and made sure he was happy. As long as he was happy, you were too. 
Eddie overlooked Billy who was having his own lunch. The two sat in silence as one gazed at the other with a sandwich in his hands. Billy could feel Eddie’s eyes on him. It was starting to annoy him but he didn’t say anything feeling like if he didn’t then Eddie wouldn’t speak to him. Billy knew that Eddie had questions. 
“ Are you two still together?” He asked. Billy stopped chewing the food he had in his mouth, sighing and dropped it on the plate. He didn’t look up at Eddie to know what look that Eddie had on his face. 
“ Why does it matter to you?” Billy asks, once he swallowed his food and looked up at Eddie. 
Eddie shrugged, “ I just thought she would leave Hawkins and move somewhere else…” 
Billy chuckled, “ She couldn’t. This is home, her mom is here. Daniel was born here… I’m here” Billy added the last part to see the reaction on Eddie’s face. Eddie scrunched up his nose and looked away from Billy. Not wanting to see how he feels through his eyes. 
Billy could read Eddie. They knew each other for quite some time. 
“ She doesn’t talk about you if that’s what you want to hear. She’s over it. She’s moved on, but she doesn’t want to even think you exist… not after what you had told her.. What you put through her…” 
“ What did I put her through?” Eddie glances back at Billy. 
“ You’ve only disappointed her and hurt her” 
“ No, I didn’t mean it. I was stupid back then, and it was a different time..” 
“ She was your best friend and you screwed it up..” 
Eddie nodded. 
“... Do you think she’ll talk to me? Ever?” 
“ I don’t know, you can try but I am not going to promise you anything, Munson. You’re on your own..” 
“ But man… I thought we were friends….” 
Billy stood up from his chair as he put the trash in the trash can and ran a hand through his hair. 
“ This is something between you and her… “ 
“ You never answered my question, Hargrove” 
“ Which is it?” 
“ Are you two still together?” 
“ What if we are? Billy’s eyebrow raised. 
“ That’s not your concern about what I do” Eddie says. 
Billy puts his hands on the table and leans forward, getting into Eddie’s face almost. 
“ If you do anything to hurt her, say something to hurt her or use my son as a way to your advantage.. You’ll be sorry.. “ Billy grumbles. “ I promise you.” 
49 notes · View notes
ilovecupcakesandtea · 6 months
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Chapter one Chapter seven My master list
Title: Chapter six
Word Count: 1454
Archive Warnings: Smut in future chapters. Slight angst. Alcohol misuse.
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Benny, Uncle Wayne & The Party
Tags: Smut. Angst. Steddie. Buckingham. Steve Harrington. Eddie Munson. Robin Buckley. Chrissy Cunningham. Band AU. TW Alcohol use.
Summary (optional): Two different styles of music, two boys that really don't like each other. What could possibly go wrong?
Beta Reader: Thank you so much to my beautiful beta readers @slippy-slip @ladydarklord & @dontwasteyourchances
Art link and credit: Art is by the wonderfully talented @pink-luna-moth (as is the banner)
Fic link and credit: Ao3 Link
AN: First off thank you to Alex for the art and being just amazing to work alongside. Thank you to Slip for dragging me back from the edge so many times over this. I really am so excited to have this out here!!
I wrote this for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang event and had a lot of fun doing so!!
Divider links: reblog and music notes
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“Right, great practise guys. Think we need to practise our timings for the second song but other than that we sounded great” Eddie voiced as he packed up his guitar and notebooks. “I’m off then, Chris, you need a lift?” he asked, turning to Chrissy. 
“I was thinking we could hang out a bit, I’ll order pizza and we can watch a movie,” Steve suggested before Eddie could leave.
“I’ll pass Harrington, see you all next time.” Eddie answered, continuing to leave. 
“That’s 3 weeks in a row now he’s just left. We always used to hang after. He’s missed writing sessions 3 times as well.” Robin pointed out, packing her own guitar away. 
“Yeah ever since that gig at Healer he’s been acting weird. Skipping out of practice as soon as he can, heading straight home after gigs, missing writing sessions and everything. He hasn’t replied to any of my messages or anything since that night either.” Steve huffed as he grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. 
“He’ll be ok, he’s just going through something right now, ok? He still turns up and plays and he’s here for practice, that's all that really matters.” Chrissy defended. 
She knew exactly what was wrong with Eddie, having done her own intervention 3 days after the gig when he’d called out from work and she hadn’t heard from him. Letting herself into his apartment, she’d found him passed out in bed. Empty bottle of whisky on the nightstand and half-smoked joint in the ashtray. She had made coffee and toast after waking him and they’d sat and had a chat which is when she had found out what happened between him and Steve at the club, including the bit afterwards. 
“Shall we go put a movie on and get a pizza ordered?” she suggested wanting to steer the conversation away from Eddie. 
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“You never mentioned something was up with Eddie.” Robin started the conversation later that evening once they were both back at Chrissy’s house. 
“It’s not my place to say, can we leave this conversation? Let’s just get ready for bed and go and cuddle.” Chrissy said, trying to change the subject. 
“No, if it’s going to affect the band, we should know.” Robin pushed. 
“Your best friend should have thought about the band in the club,” Chrissy mumbled, grabbing a vest top and a pair of underwear and heading to the bathroom
“What was that?” Robin asked, following her girlfriend. Steve hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Nothing, this is why I wanted to leave it! Eddie will be ok. He just needs a little time away from Steve, that's all.” Chrissy huffed as she started to take her makeup off.
“Is this about what happened at the club?” Robin questioned, sitting on the closed toilet lid. 
“I’m not discussing this anymore. Please either drop it or allow me to get ready for bed on my own.” Chrissy sighed. 
“Whatever” Robin fumed, storming out of the bathroom and ultimately out of the flat.
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Robin walked and walked, not really knowing where her legs were taking her until she got there. 
She knocked on the door before she could think twice and was greeted with the sight of Eddie, hair thrown up in a bun, topless and drinking a beer.
“Everything ok, Buckley?” he asked, clearly already drunk, letting her into the apartment. 
“No, it’s not.” Robin stated, “It hasn't been for weeks now, you keep missing writing, skipping out of practice as soon as possible, and going home as soon as gigs are done with. I’d hoped you had a partner we didn’t know about but you’ve been miserable for weeks now, not just everything else I mentioned, and if having a partner is making you this miserable maybe they aren't for you.”
“Nothing’s wrong, everything's ok.” Eddie frowned, downing his drink and heading to the kitchen for another. 
“Sure it is, you just ran out of practice as soon as you could to come home and get drunk because everything is fine.” she snorted, taking the beer she was handed. 
“Why do you care?” Eddie questioned the girl. 
“We’re all worried about you ok, you’ve been so different these last few weeks. What happened at Healer? Don’t say nothing, it was something.” She pressed. 
“Nothing happened at all. Just doing what I need to do, ok? I’ll be fine, just let me work through some shit. Please” 
“Is this about Steve taking that guy home that night? Do you have an issue with Steve getting laid?” She asked, confused.  
“No! I have an issue with him being on his knees for me less than an hour beforehand and then acting like it meant nothing. Not that I wanted it to mean something, just forget it, ok. Like I said, I’ll be fine.” Eddie sighed, pulling his knees up to his chest and making himself as small as possible. He really didn’t want to have this conversation.
“Oh, oh Eddie, I’m so sorry. This isn’t really for me to say but I don’t think the situation is as bad as you think. Let me talk to him.” Robin pleaded. 
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The following morning Robin went back to Chrissy’s apartment. They had to talk. First of all, she needed to fix the issue she had caused last night and secondly, they needed a plan to get the two men together.
“Baby, I am so sorry for last night.” she said as soon as Chrissy opened the door “I should have listened to you and kept my mouth shut when you asked me to.” 
“Yes, you should have. But I love you too much to be mad at you, come in. I’ll make coffee.” Chrissy replied, walking back into her apartment and leaving the door open.
“So I ended up at Eddie’s last night when I left here. He was drunk already and he mentioned that something had happened that night at Healer.” Robin mentioned as she followed her girlfriend into the kitchen.
“Yeah he told me a few days after, don’t be mad I didn’t tell you. He wanted to forget it. It happened, not long after, he saw Steve making out with someone else, figured what had happened meant absolutely nothing to Steve, and walked off. He’s been in a funk ever since.” 
“Oh shit, so he likes Steve like that then?” Robin gasped.
“Yeah, he really does. He figured Steve didn’t like him like that but to see evidence of it so soon after thinking maybe something was there was crushing for him.” Chrissy shrugged.
“Ok, in Steve’s defence, they aren't together and he’s an idiot. Mostly the idiot thing. He likes Eddie so much it’s actually annoying, I’m just not sure he’s admitted it to himself fully yet.”
“We need to get them together.” 
“Yes we do, now can we drink coffee and make out, I mean make up?” Robin asked, pulling Chrissy into her before kissing her deeply. 
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“Steven Brett Harrington, you are an idiot.” Robin declared as soon as Steve opened his door later that day.
“Good evening to you as well, what did I do this time?” He questioned. 
“You never told me about you and Eddie at the club for a start!” She accused, pointing a finger at him. “You know that’s why he’s been acting like he has been, right?” 
“Why? Because he’s upset that someone else wanted me when he didn’t?” He asked, annoyed at how he was being made to feel like the bad guy. “I put myself out there and after, he just walked away and didn’t look back. Why shouldn’t I find someone who wants me in that situation?” 
“You two are idiots I swear, you’re both going to give me and Chris migraines.” she sighed, pulling him into a hug.
After Robin’s conversation with him, both girls thought, and hoped, that he would talk to Eddie, either whilst at practice or go to Eddie’s without them knowing. This however did not seem to be the case. Eddie was still leaving practice as soon as he could and heading home from any gig as soon as he could. 
“Bunny, we’ve got to do something,” Robin sighed, throwing herself dramatically onto the couch after practice one day. “We’re getting more and more gigs in different states, we’re going to have to start staying over for some of them and there’s talks of contracts and things like that. They need to figure this shit out and quickly.” 
“Yeah, they do. We need to force them to talk, they won’t do it willingly.” Chrisy agreed. “I have a plan though” she declared, grabbing the other girl and pulling her into a cuddle so they could plot.
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The Adults: Steddie- Knowing Hell
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Pov: 3rd Pov
Warnings: Killing, Ghostface killer, smut, fluff, Robin, BJ's, shower sex
Summary: A year has passed since the fight with Vecna. Eddie and Steve have spent a whole hell of a lot of time together.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 3.0k
Main Master List // Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List
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The murders had stopped when Vecna died. That didn’t mean that the people of Hawkins still didn’t think that Eddie was a devil worshipper. The people who lived in Hawkins were jerks, assholes—the best of the worst types of people. The trailer had been vandalized while Eddie was trying to save these bullshit people. Eddie’s name was evident when they got top side, but he had nowhere to live. He didn’t want his uncle to be a part of the shit being rammed toward him daily. He was left all alone. All over again, that was until Steve, the jockey douchebag turned kid babysitter, mentioned that he could stay at his house. 
“Stay with you?” Eddie said back to Steve. Steve had pulled up to the older boy packing his things into the van. “Yeah, stay with me, don’t worry about my parents; they are never there,” Steve said. He tried to be accurate and sincere and understand that Eddie had nothing, just like him. Steve may live in a large, expensive house and drive a nice BMW that doesn’t mean that Steve is any happier than Eddie is. “Are you sure, though?” Eddie questioned as he stood at the back of his van doors with a box overflowing with clothes. “Yeah, I’m sure, Eddie, and if I didn’t, the kid would probably kill me over it,” Steve said nonchalantly, but that was true. Dustin, the kid, needed both of the older guys. He needed more than he unfortunately had. 
“Let me finish packing, and I can drive over,” Eddie says with excitement boiling over in the pit of his stomach. Eddie didn’t know what the feeling was, but it scared the hell out of him. He rushed back in. Wayne was gone working at the factory. He wrote him a note telling him that he wasn’t far. A friend of his, he guessed, was taking him in until he could get on his feet and leave, taking his uncle with him. 
Far away from Hawkins. Forever. 
Eddie graduated that year just like he had planned. He crawled out with the skin on his teeth and gave his middle finger to the people he hatred most as he walked across the stage. Then came the world. He was now living in Steve’s house, a guest room near Steve’s. He was living in the wealthiest part of Hawkins, yet he still felt like an outcast. 
Maybe it was years of living in the trailer park, being bullied by those at school, or simply not believing that someone could want him not to hurt as much as he had over the last few months. Regardless of all that, though, Steve and Eddie co-habituated quite well. Robin comes over, chatting up the boys about what she plans to do once she moves away and starts her college classes. 
The three of them share one last dinner together the night before Robin leaves Hawkins—a dinner filled with laughter, wine, and some leftover weed. Eddie compliments the chef for his outstanding cooking skills. Eddie can’t remember the last time he had a good-cooked meal, not that his uncle wasn’t a good caregiver; he just wasn’t that good cook in the kitchen. 
That night they all end up outside, sitting by the poolside. Lights glow from beneath the water as Robin takes a sip of her wine and a puff of the blunt being passed around. “So, what is your plan for when I leave you two behind?” Robin asks, unaware of how sad her words make Steve feel. Somehow Eddie catches the look in Steve’s eyes before Steve can even figure out what he will say. “I think you underestimate the two of us, Rob. We will do just fine. Not like we’re going to kill anybody if that’s what you’re thinkin’. Hell, been there, done that already.” Eddie is rambling but gets a sly punch in the arm from Steve at the mention of the ‘been there done that.’ 
Almost weekly, Steve and Eddie would sit out in the backyard. A blunt was shared between the two of them. “Do you even know how much I wanted to be like you in high school?” Steve says to Eddie one night. Eddie can’t keep the giggles in the back of his throat as he tries to blow out the smoke from the blunt. “What does that even mean, Harrington?” Eddie asks as he finally catches his breath once again. 
Steve takes the blunt from Eddie’s hand. Pressing the wet tip into his mouth. “I was just tired of being in that sorta of friend group. They only cared about me because I had money, and they liked that I threw huge pirates and didn’t care if they brought liquor with them or not.” “So you’re sayin’ that because I don’t ask about your money, I’m a good friend?” Eddie asks. Not clear about where Steve’s thoughts are going. “No, you jack-ass. I’m saying that I wish that iH ad left my friend group and been friends who cared about me and not about my money.” Steve said a little harshly to Eddie. 
Eddie stared at Steve for a moment. Steve’s cheeks were hot and red with blush, fluttering long lashes across his high cheekbones. “I would have let you join the hellfire club, ya know,” Eddie says. Taking the blunt back from Steve’s hand. Their hands brushed up against each other. “You would?” Maybe it’s the weed or the wine they had at dinner tonight. Maybe it’s that Steve finally feels comfortable nowadays. Eddie gives him comfort that Steve hasn’t felt in a long time. “Just because you’re cute right now doesn’t mean you’ll get all the answers you want,” Eddie says briskly between puffing the rest of the blunt. 
Over the next few months, Steve and Eddie got closer and closer together. Sitting closer on the couch. Falling asleep in each other arms. Panic attacks, mixed with soothing words and touches. Those touches became more, and the panic attacks lessened until they finally disappeared. “You know that Tommy guy from school?” Steve asks one night when the two of them lay in bed together, wrapped in each other arms. “Hagan?” Steve nods into Eddie’s hold. Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s silky hair and listens to Steve. 
“Hagan and I used to fight a lot.” Steve starts, “He was just such a fucking asshole. I mean, I remember being an asshole. At least most of it, I remember. I went out after the whole upside-down thing happened a third time, and I apologized to the people that I hurt.” Eddie hums, trying his best to calm Steve down. “God, he said so many fucked up things and never not once thought that he was in the wrong. I wish; fucking, I wish that I could just kill him and get away with it. We don’t need people like him or Jason on this planet.” Steve says. 
Eddie can feel Steve’s heart pumping faster as they lay there together. It sparks something inside Eddie. “I kinda wish that to Stevie.” Eddie says, “I wish a lot of things could happen, but I guess if you want something to be done about it, you have to do it yourself.” Eddie says; Steve looks up at him. His cheek was pressed into Eddie’s chest. Eye to eye, they come up with a plan. A horrible, dirty, disgusting plan that fuels a fire in them that neither knew they had. 
The plan takes rot in each other their brains. It’s all they can think about for weeks until one of them breaks. “You know we could do this, right?” Steve says to Eddie out of the blue. As if this is a typical conversation you have while making dinner. “Do what, Stevie?” Eddie asks, not fully understanding where the conversation might lead. “Do the killing thing?” Steve isn’t sure how he wants to phrase it. Because ‘the killing thing’ sounds fucking horrible, even when it comes out of his mouth, he knows it’s wrong, but the feeling he brings with it. The idea of just one horrible person being gone brings satisfaction to Steve’s whole body. 
“You want to kill him?” Eddie asks, at first horrified, then disgusted, and finally turned on by the whole thought. “Yeah, why not? Not like the town would be looking at the rich kid killing another rich kid. Hell, half the town isn’t even here anymore. So scared how the town is haunted and plagued with curses, we might as well give them what they already think is true.” 
Steve is wildly throwing his arms around, forgetting about dinner for a moments time. Eddie thinks, notching his head to the side. “You know you might be right,” Eddie says, giving into Steve’s diabolical thoughts. He would love to see Jason Carver finally get what he deserved after smearing his name, how Eddie would love to see Jason’s name smeared across the new stations in town like his own was. 
The phone rings in the dark and empty house. Steve had promised that Tommy would be there to pick it up. It rings once, then twice, and finally, the phone picks up. “Hello?” Tommy asks into the phone. “Hello,” Eddie echos. “Who the hell is this?” Tommy asks angrily. The walkie that Steve had bought for the kids years ago is budded up to Eddie’s ear. He can hear Steve’s every thought and step. “Just keep him talking.” Steve had said to Eddie before he had left. “You called me,” Eddie says back into the phone. “I didn’t fuckin’ call you. You’ve got the wrong number.” Tommy’s rage-fueled his every word. “Well I’m sorry.” Eddie’s so nonchalant about it that Tommy lets him off. “No problem.” the phone clicks off. Eddie groans with frustration that can be heard through the walkie to Steve. 
“What just happened?” Steve asks. Eddie can already see the furrowed brows and hands on the hips stance. “He just ended the fuckin’ call, is all.” There’s an identical groan on the other side of the walkie. “Did you use that voice mod thing Dustin gifted me years ago?” Steve asks Eddie. “Umm.… no” Eddie can visualize the rolling of his eyes. “I’ll call back,” “Use the voice box thing,” Steve adds. 
The phone rings once this time. “Hello?” Tommy answers. A girlish, prettier voice answers him back. “Hello, is this Tommy?” Tommy’s following answer is much more excellent than before. “Yeah, and who might you be?” He asks; Eddie rolls his eyes. Off the top of his head, he thinks of a quick girl’s name. “Wendy,” Eddie answers. “Well, Wendy, how’d you get my house number?” “Well… umm, I asked one of your friends.” “Did ya?” Tommy drawls. It makes Eddie’s skin crawl with disgust. 
Tommy starts to walk around his house with the phone in hand. “He’s walking around the house.” Steve’s voice echoes into Eddie’s ear. “Was there something you wanted to talk about, Wendy?” Tommy asks, “I just wanted to talk with you… you don’t know me,  but I’ve…” You’ve what, Wendy?” Tommy asks. His voice is huskier and deeper. “I just I’ve always had a crush on you,” Eddie says regrettably. He can hear Steve hold back his laugh.
Outside the Hagan resident stands Steve. Laced in black head to toe. His face is covered by a white mask that makes him unbearably unrecognizable. Steve continues to listen in on the conversation between Tommy and Eddie. Wendy is a great character. Making Tommy feel all the things he likes to feel. This Wendy character makes Tommy the all-father of everything. He’s lovely in a way that nobody has ever made Tommy feel. 
Steve takes his chance. Tommy had never been an intelligent guy. Always leaving a window open for a girl to come crashing through it. Steve tried his luck; now Eddie’s questions and Tommy’s answers echoed in both of his ears. He isn’t sure how he managed to be so connected to Eddie, but now if this went according to the fucked up plan. Eddie and Steve would be connected in more than one way. “What are you wearing?” Steve hears Tommy ask into the phone’s end. Steve walks around the house carefully and closes the window behind him. He hadn’t grabbed a weapon, and he thought it best to grab one he got to the house. He followed the voice. Tommy was far from the kitchen, far from the large butcher knives that Steve had seen countless times whenever he had come over.  
“Oh, aren’t you a pretty girl?” Tommy’s voice rang through the house. Steve climbed the stairs where he figured Tommy had traveled in his conversation. Eddie’s voice rang out, “I could always come over.” Sweetly, almost an overdose of sugar laced his words. “How quickly could you be here, sweetheart?” Tommy’s voice is sicking to Steve and Eddie. “I could be there in just a few minutes.” Eddie’s voice echoes into Steve’s ears. He waits, and when Tommy rounds the corner.
The blood that smears against the wall and the large butcher knives makes Steve heart bound in the best way. His heart is pumping faster than he’s ever felt, and when Tommy slumps down to the ground—blood that’s falling down the wall and the floor into a large red puddle. Steve takes off the white mask, smeared with rich red blood. “Ste-ve?” Tommy’s broken and low voice asks. “Hmm… used to think you were the shit, you know. You were the only one that could understand me. The reality.” Steve says, brushing the sharp edge of the knife up against Tommy’s cheek, “The reality of it, Tommy, you were a fucking asshole, and now you’ll be just a blimp in the history of Hawkins.” Tommy and Steve stare at each other. When Steve plunges the butcher knife into Tommy’s chest, Tommy’s life disappears from his eyes. 
Steve walks home in the dark shadows of the night, and when he arrives, Eddie is ushering him in. “Steve?” Eddie’s voice is calm and so gentle. The knife got dropped at the crime scene; nobody will know that Tommy is dead until his parents get home. Eddie’s hands are wrapped around Steve’s cheeks. “Steve?’ Eddie mutters once more. Then they make eye contact. Steve’s eyes are lit like Christmas lights the night before Christmas morning. “Did you?” Eddie asks. Steve nods and leans into the touch of Eddie. Blood smears and mixes into Eddie’s clean clothes. “Talk to me, Stevie?” Eddie forces him, “I did. He’s… I…” Steve’s words get stuck in the back of his throat. 
Eddie walks Steve to the shared bedroom. Sheds him off the dirty, bloody clothes before turning the showers on and checking the water temperature to ensure it’s warm enough for the both of them. Eddie sheds himself off his own clothes. They lay in a mixed pile on the bathroom floor. “Steve, let’s get in the water and clean you off,” Eddie mutters to Steve, helping him into the tub and the spray of warm water. Eddie helps wash Steve’s body and his hair of the blood. When he starts to shampoo Steve’s hair, Steve moans at the feeling. “Do you want me to make you feel good big boy?”  Steve moans into the gripping feeling of Eddie’s hand around his waist. Eddie drops down to his knees. Steve had moved, the water hitting him with a constant stream of warm water. Eddie massages Steve’s thighs. Looking up through the water and thick eyelashes. Licking his lips before he kisses Steve’s thighs and belly.
Steve’s cock twitches at the feeling as the water turns back to the transparent color, and when Eddie’s mouth wraps around the tip of Steve’s cock, the moans that fall out of his mouth bounce on the porcelain and shower walls. “God, Eddie!” Steve moans out, grabbing the wet locks of Eddie’s black hair. Eddie sucks just the tip of Steve’s cock before Steve pushes the rest of his cock down Eddie’s throat. The burning sensation tears Eddie’s eyes before Steve starts to rock his hips. The tip of Steve’s cock hit the back of Eddie’s throat. The moans bounce like waves off the walls, hitting Eddie’s ears like delicious melodies. Eddie looks up through his lashes to Steve. His head is thrown back over his shoulders, and his mouth is left gapping open. The moans that fall out are loud and almost like listening to heaven; it’s hard for Eddie to keep up his tongue’s vigorous licking and sucking while focusing on Steve. When Steve reaches his climax, he pulls Eddie in and spills deep into his throat. “FUCK… god dam Eds. I’m going to.” 
The next day is quiet and off. The news station is on in the living room. The headline is in bold black letters. “Murder in Hawkins.” An older woman sits behind the desk at the news station. Dressed in a red pantsuit. “Just a year ago, the town of Hawkins dealt with the horrible murder spree of a manic who the police were never able to find. A year later, another horrible murder occurred in Lake Nora a few nights ago. The poor Hagan family has lost their only son. They are grieving and will be holding a candle vigil and funeral later this month.” The reporter ends her reading of the dialogue box in front of her. Steve looks over at Eddie. “I thought it would take longer,” Steve says. Eddie shrugs his shoulders. “You want to come sit.” Eddie offers, patting the spot next to him. “What do you want to do now?” Eddie asks. “I don’t… I don’t know yet.” Eddie can sense the change in Steve, but for now, he won’t say anything about it. “Give the news time to die down, and we can think about what to do next. That okay, Stevie?” Steve just nods and leans into the touch of Eddie next to him.
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Completed on: 08/01/23
Posted on: 08/04/23
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sugarpopss · 2 years
Showering/Caretaking Gareth Emerson x Reader blurb
Everyone stayed out super late after a show, you don’t even get back to Gareths house until the sky is beginning to lighten. He’s dead on his feet and wants nothing more than to collapse into bed, fully dressed and everything. You, however, with your super special girlfriend powers (observation and comprehension) know that’s fucking gross and he’ll feel disgusting in the morning. “Come on, puppy, just a quick shower, you’ll feel so much better.” “I’ll feel better when I sleep.” He groans, but let’s you pull him into the bathroom anyway. God, you love him with your whole heart, but right he smells like sweat and cheap beer and the inside of Eddies van. Poor boy is SO exhausted (and maybe everyone had a couple drinks to celebrate a good crowd-more than ten people-and alcohol makes him sleepy anyway) fumbling with his jeans and converse laces. It’s cute. You have to take over if you want this done quickly. Gareth fully lets you, gentle hands petting down his hips and thighs when you let his jeans fall to the floor. He’s even more compliant in the shower, leaning his head on your shoulder while you wash his hair, letting you move him however you need, mumbling little assurances the whole time. “You were great tonight, those people loved you.” And “Such a good boy, Gareth, all the time.” If you get a little distracted working out a knot smack in the middle of his spine, well, you’re not on trial. He lets you sit him on the closed toilet afterwards and work leave in conditioner through his hair, dap a little of your moisturizer on his cheeks and nose where the skin is still healing from his summer ‘sun streak’. You have to give him a little shake when you’re finished. “Hey, baby. Let’s go, come on. Bed time.” You pull the softest pajama pants you can find from his drawer and an old Iron Maiden shirt that’s been washed so much the hem and sleeves are fraying. He’s sluggish getting dressed, and is out like a light the moment he lies back on the unmade bed. You take a little bit, do your skincare and fold your clothes (even though they also don’t smell great). When you do come to bed, not that much later, the first rays of sunlight are peeking through the blinds. Gareth immediately, even in his sleep, moves closer to you, face in your neck and arm over your waist. That’s your boy.
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jakekiszska · 2 years
pairing: eddie munson x female!reader
warnings: explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, spitting, p in v intercourse, tiny bit of a master kink if you squint, spanking, praise kink. (reader and eddie are both 18+).
a/n: pls cut me some slack as a d&d 5e player. i tried my best to write as accurately to 1e & 2e as i could. :)
summary: you finally joined hellfire after months of your best friends begging… but you can’t keep your eyes off him the entire time.
if u see an error no u don’t. :)
word count: 2.9k
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“shirt looks good on you.” eddie comments, winking as he passes you in the school hallway.
“thanks, perv.” you joke back, giving him a smirk. he blows you a quick kiss before facing the correct direction and walking down the hallway. you made the decision last week to start playing dungeons and dragons with eddie and his friends, so of course today you had to don your t-shirt.
you entered your final class and sat down, hardly able to focus. who really needed math anyway, right? you stared at the white board as the teacher lectured and wrote formulae down. you couldn’t stay focused, so you let your mind wander.
thinking of it, you probably did need math, especially for your dungeons and dragons game… you’d need to add or subtract your modifiers from your rolls, or add to your attacks… so maybe you’d better pay attention.
your teacher’s monotonous voice was hard to focus on, especially since she never faced the class. you took out your notebook and started scribbling tiny doodles in the corner of the page. a few ideas came to you for playing your character today, so you tried to jot them down as discreetly as you could, passing them off as notes.
you thanked all the deities you knew when the bell finally rang. you met eddie in the parking lot, standing by his van. he was chatting with his friend gareth, but quickly turned his attention to you as you approached.
“ready to go?” he asks, looking you up and down. you nod a quick yes and hop into the passenger seat of his van, throwing your stuff to the floorboard. the drive to your house was quick, but eddie stalled you before you could exit the van and head inside.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, looking over at you with a concerned look. normally you would’ve talked his ear off the whole ride over. you try to assure him that you’re fine.
“hey listen, y/n… you’ve been my best friend for like, i don’t know, six? eight years? i know when something is wrong. spill it.”
you finally turn your head and look at him. “i’m nervous to play tonight. what if i look stupid?”
“babe,” he says affectionately, making your stomach lurch, “we’re a bunch of dudes in high school playing a fantasy table-top roleplay. you’re definitely gonna look weird.” he says casually, a playful tone to his voice. you can’t help but laugh. “it’s gonna be okay. i’ll wait to bring your character into the game that way you can see how everyone else plays, okay?” he asks you, his tone comforting.
“okay, eds. okay. that works.” you say, running your hands down your jeans. you open the van door and hop out, strolling over to your porch. when your feet hit the bottom step, you hear eddie call after you. “pick ya up at 6:40!” he screeches, and then you hear the tires of his van screech too as he backs out of your driveway and drives away maniacally.
you grab yourself a snack from the kitchen once you make it inside, a few strawberries your mom had left over from some cake she decorated.
you take them up to your room and set the plate on your bedside table before grabbing out your books and starting on your homework. stupid math.
you work through as many problems as you can before you can feel your eyelids starting to droop. you close your book and slide it back in your back before taking your plate of strawberry stems to the kitchen and dumping them. you quickly wash the plate and head back to your room, anxiously awaiting your evening.
for the remainder of the time you’re waiting for eddie you clean your room up and then decide to take a quick shower. you tie your hair up in a scrunchie to avoid wetting it and you quickly go through your routine. once you’re out you decide instead of wearing your jeans again that you’ll slip on a black skirt that sits just above your knee, and your hellfire shirt.
finally, 6:40 approaches, and just as he promised eddie is in your driveway at that exact moment. you grab your notebook and a pen along with the dice set he gave you and run out to meet him.
you hop in the van and your nerves return, but you try to play it cool. you make it to the school and you’re let in by some of the faculty who have to facilitate after school gatherings, but eddie assures you none of them ever sit in on the sessions.
he gets all of his stuff laid out and puts up his dm screen before sitting down on this throne-like chair. you try not to stare at him, but the way he’s sitting so relaxedly with his legs spread open is making you squirm.
you’d always thought eddie was attractive, but something about him being in his element like this was really tempting to you, and you figured that’s why you were so nervous to play.
all of his friends start pouring into the room and taking their places and eddie has to quiet them down a few times before he can begin.
“y/n won’t be playing immediately, but if you don’t mind would you tell us your characters race and class please?” he asks you, his tone a lot softer than what he uses for the boys.
“um, my character is a hobbit and my class is cleric.” you say nervously, staring at the table.
“a hobbit, huh?” eddie teases. “that’s accurate.”
you can hear his friends dustin and mike laughing insanely loud at his jest. “shove it, henderson.” you say, finally scanning the room. “you’re about 4’6, yeah?” you joke.
the rest of the room laughs at your joke and after a minute more of teasing you get right into the game. eddie was able to work your character in as someone the party met at some stables, and they figured they’d need your spellcasting abilities to help them in battle.
the session goes on for a while and you’re really having a lot of fun, but you can’t take your eyes off of eddie. his facial expressions, his tone of voice, all the gestures he makes towards the party. he’s so immersed and it’s driving you a little crazy. seeing him so passionate is nothing less than hot to you.
it’s time to wrap the game up and you’re just finishing your battle when it’s dustin’s turn to roll for attack. he just makes it and the room erupts, cheering that he finally slayed the beast you’d been fighting.
“congratulations, henderson. describe the killing blow.” eddie beams. dustin goes on to describe some disgustingly gruesome scene and you continue to stare at eddie until he catches your eye, to which you finally look away. when dustin is done talking everyone clears out, leaving you and eddie alone to pick up so he can take you home.
“you did so well tonight! i was so proud of you!” he beams, reaching out to ruffle your hair. his praise makes your body stiffen.
“something wrong?” he asks, walking up behind you and placing his chin on your shoulder. you’re not sure if you can make words but you try to force them out anyway. “um, no eds. i-i’m fine!” you manage, shuffling away from him. his hand catches your hip and spins you around to face him.
“really? you seemed to be staring at me the whole game. have i upset you?” he ponders, leaning in so his breath fans your face. it smells slightly smoky and slightly like mint, and you’re dizzy for a moment.
you assure him he hadn’t, and once again you try to move away, but his grip tightens. “well, i’m really proud of you.” he reiterates, watching you squirm under his gaze. you can almost feel your cheeks flush and your pupils dilate.
he leans in even closer, speaking into your ear. “do you like when i tell you how good you are?” he asks, his voice a bit lower, a tinge raspier.
“oh fuck off, eddie.” you choke out, pushing a hand against his chest.
“is that any way to talk to your dungeon master?”
he pulls away from your face slightly and tilts up your chin with his pointer finger. “my apologies master,” you tease sarcastically, “forgive me?”
this time it’s your turn to taunt him, so you push your hand up his chest and wrap it around the back of his throat, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. he takes a step closer to you and you shudder when you realize just how close he is to you.
“that’s a pretty little skirt you have on.” he whispers. your whole body shudders. “eddie..” you whine, tugging at his hair lightly.
“hmmm.. what is it baby?” he leans in so your noses are touching. “please eddie, kiss me.” you beg, your voice an octave higher than usual. he places his left hand on your other hip before finally closing the gap between your lips.
you aren’t expecting his lips to be so soft. you also aren’t expecting to feel so drunk off his kiss immediately. it’s experimental, but it quickens. he swipes his tongue along your bottom lip and you part your lips for him. he slides his tongue into your mouth and he moans as he feels you suck on it gently.
his hands have made their way around your backside and he slips one past your skirt, keeping it still until he can gauge your reaction. when you don’t stop him, he grabs a handful of your ass before lifting you up and placing you on the nearby table. you whine into his kiss and he presses himself between your legs.
you kiss each other hungrily for what feels like hours until you finally pull away. “hey, let’s get outta here.” you propose, and he nods, moving away so you can grab all of his stuff. his expression takes on that of a lost puppy.
you grab him by the arm and he looks over at you, so you reassure him. “eds, i didn’t wanna stop… i just don’t really wanna fuck in the school after hours.”
“f-fuck,” he stammers, “you wanna.. we’re gonna.. oh my god we’re gonna fuck?”
you shake your head yes at him. “if you want to… let’s go back to your place?” you ask. “hell yeah. hell yes we are going to my place!” he says ecstatically. you grab up all of his stuff and practically race out to his van. he gets you back to his uncle's place in record time and you go in quickly, headed for his room.
once you’re in you waste no time in reconnecting your lips to his. he disconnects to pull his shirt over his head and you moan when you can see all of his tattoos. you lightly scrape your nails over them before reaching behind you and unzipping your skirt, letting it fall to the floor.
“cute panties.” he says smugly, and you slap his arm. you made sure to wear one of your favorite pairs, baby blue and cotton with a pink heart on the front. he sits back on his bed against the headboard and you crawl into his lap, leaning down to kiss his neck. his hands find your hips and he moans as you lick a stripe just below his ear, biting it seconds after.
“kiss me again.” he says, his raspy tone going straight to your core. you connect your lips with his and soon after your tongues are meeting, sliding against each other as you makeout hungrily. your hips start grinding involuntarily but he uses his grip on your hips to help you. you can feel your cheeks flush.
“no need to be embarrassed baby,” he says, almost reading your mind, “if it feels good, then do it. feel how hard i am?”
and you could. you could tell he was straining as you continued to grind your now soaked panties across his lap. after a few more minutes you’re mewling and whining loudly, then you finally beg him to touch you.
“what do you want?” he asks lowly, hands palming at your ass. “want you to touch me, eddie. please.” you whine, arching into him. he slides you off his lap and pushes you down onto the bed so that your back is arched, in a face down ass up position.
“okay, princess,” he teases, rubbing your left thigh softly, “but first you need a punishment for how you talked to me earlier. remember that?”
you let out a deep whine as you feel him grab your panties and rip them down your legs. you clench as you feel the cool air hit your core. “just one, okay? that’s all.” he says, massaging your ass. a second later his hand is gone, and is quickly replaced again with a loud crack. you could feel the cool metal of his rings stinging against your ass sharply. seconds later he leans in to kiss the spot, a gesture to make sure you’re okay.
when he can tell you’re fine he rolls you over onto your back and slides your panties off your legs completely, tossing them to the floor. he pushes your thighs apart and stares down at you, fully exposed for him.
“fuck.” he groans, taking all of you in. “you have the prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen.”
you blush at his comment and throw your arm over your face to hide it. you feel him run two fingers along your slit to gather some of your slick before dipping them into you. he leans down and spits on your clit before his thumb from his other hand rubs tight circles into it. your back arches and you begin to work your hips in time with his hands.
“fuck yeah, baby. fuck yourself on my hands. that’s my good girl.”
my good girl. you shudder again.
“eddie, i’m close!” you warn, his fingers curling inside of you and working your g-spot deliciously. “come on then, lemme see that little pussy cum for me.” he commands, and you’re teetering over the edge. it’d been a while since you came that hard, and eddie wears a proud smirk as he watches your legs shake with aftershocks.
he stands from the bed and you look him up and down, eagerly watching as he unclasps the handcuffs on his belt. his zipper is down soon after and then he’s shuffling out of his jeans, not leaving you much to the imagination. your mouth waters as you see the outline in his briefs - and he is big.
you didn’t notice your mouth hanging open. he sheds his underwear before crawling over you and you admire how tidy his pubic hair is kept… and then you wonder if that’s weird. you won’t say anything.
he positions himself between your legs and leans down to kiss your neck, whispering to you teasingly. “what’s wrong, worried it won’t fit?”
“i don’t care. i want it.” you assure him, and he slides his tip through your folds quickly before pressing his cock inside of you finally. you take it slowly, inch by inch, until he’s bottomed out.
tears prick at the corners of your eyes because of the stretch, but he wipes them away sweetly. “it’s okay, we’re gonna take our time.” he promises, and you lightly tug at his hair. “you can move, please move.”
he pulls his hips back slowly before rutting into you again, working at a slow but delicious pace. “fuck eds, that f-feels so fucking good.” you whine, your hands still tugging at his hair. each time you pull on his hair it spurs him to go faster, and soon he’s pounding into you so hard that you barely recognize the voice coming from your throat.
his fingers dig into your hips and you know the indentions from his rings will leave bruises for you to admire for days. he’s letting out soft moans above you and if he hadn’t been speaking to you so filthy this entire time they’d almost warm your heart.
“i’m not gonna last.” he warns you, his hips snapping into yours quickly. you reach your hand down between your bodies and start to rub your clit, to which he lets out a filthy whine.
“cum for me, baby. let me feel it. cum for me again.” he coaxes, his breathing laboured. a few seconds later you feel the band snap again and your body arches upward as your second orgasm hits you, the sensation washing over you and making you lose vision for a second.
seconds later he pulls out and finishes himself off in his hand.
“holy shit. you’ve been keeping that from me?” he laughs, wiping his hand with some article of clothing he found on the floor. “you could’ve had it if you’d asked.” you tell him, being completely honest.
he walks back over to you and leans down to place a gentle kiss to your forehead. when he pulls back a playful smirk tugs at his lips. “well in that case, do you wanna fuck?”
you grab a pillow from his bed and smack him with it before he lunges at you, pressing kisses into your neck and softly tickling your sides. “i think i really like this, eds.”
“me too.” he assures you, laying down and pulling you onto his chest.
tags: @alwayzthere @strangersingold @garbagevanfleet @harmonyhous @obetrolncocktails (message me to be added!)
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crystaldragonette · 2 years
Imma do short stories, all you have to do is pick characters from this list, then pick an emoji and/or theme word. I'll type it up! Trying to get rid of writer's block.
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Wayne Munson
Dustin Henderson
Nancy Wheeler
Mike Wheeler
Ted Wheeler
Karen Wheeler
Holly Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
Sue Sinclair
Charles Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Susan Mayfield
Neil Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Tommy Hagan
Chrissy Cunningham
Grant (unnamed freak)
Sam Owens
Steve's Mother (I've named her Patricia)
Steve's Father (I've named him Richard)
Altean Lance
Pidge (Katie Holt)
Matt Holt
Sam Holt
Colleen Holt
Slav ( First dimension, Crazy)
Slav (Second dimension, Crazy but actually does field work)
Galra Keith
Princess Allura
King Alfor
Emperor Zarkon
Kova (Haggar's alien cat)
Keith's Father
Space Mice
Space Caterpillar
Laika (Yupper, Basically a really really big alien that acts like a dog)
Commander Iverson
Rover (small pyramid flying Galra robot that Pidge reprogrammed to help her)
Beezer (Robot)
Xiavon (an bird reptilian alien OC that is basically a father figure and was a prisoner with Lance in a story I wrote)
Danny Phantom
Samantha "Sam" Manson
Tucker Foley
"Jazz" Fenton
Jack and Madeline "Maddie" Fenton
Box Ghost
Dark Danny
Ember McLain
Fright Knight
Ghost Writer
Johnny 13 & Shadow
Pariah Dark
Nicolai Technus
Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius
Valerie Gray
Danielle "Dani" Phantom
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
Jesus Alzamirano "Soos" Ramirez
Wendy Corduroy
Stanford Filbrick "Ford" Pines
Candy Chiu
Grenda Grendinator
Fiddleford Hadron "Old Man" McGucket
Sheriff Blubs
Deputy Durland
Bill Cipher
Gideon Charles Gleeful / "Li'l Gideon"
Pacifica Elise Northwest
Robert Stacey "Robbie" Valentino
Trainer Red
Trainer Blue
Trainer Green
Trainer Ethan/Gold
Rival Silver
Train Lyra
Of course most of the pokémon as well
Recovery Girl
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura
Dabi/Touya Todoroki
Himiko Toga
Jin Bubaigawara/ Twice
Mr. Compress
All for One
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight
Yuga Aoyama
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Tenya Iida
Ochaco Uraraka
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Mezo Shoji
Kyoka Jiro
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Toru Hagakure
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Minoru Mineta
Momo Yaoyorozu
Itsuka Kendo
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Hitoshi Shinso
Mei Hatsume
Emi Fukukado/ Mrs. Joke
Yo Shindo
Inasa Yoarashi
Camie Utsushimi
Enji Todoroki/ Endeavor
Keigo Takami/Hawks
Kugo Sakamata/ Gang Orca
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum
Kai Chisaki/ Overhaul
Hari Kurono/ Chrono/ Chronostasis
Naomasa Tsukauchi
Oboro Shirakumo/ Loud Cloud
Masura Bakugou
Mitsuki Bakugou
Inko Midoriya
Hisashi Midoriya
Jagged Stone
Lê Chiến Kim
Felix (but like original concept for Chat Felix, not canon gremlin Felix)
OOT Link
OOT Zelda
BOTW Zelda
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