#I’d like to give it to people who can do something with it
Let’s Soothe Your Mind
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about Save The Redwoods. They’re a non-profit organization who is committed to protect and restore redwood forests. If you’re interested do check out their website and if you’d like to further your support here is their donation link.
Divider Credits: @ianrkives & @plum98
New Song Discovery for the Reading: Reservations – Dugong Jr, Julia Lostrom, Keelan Mak
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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🚨 P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings! Disclaimer: this is for entertainment only!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ General Messages: Rain; Autumn; Libra and Leo Seasons, “My love do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops”- Candy Rain by Soul for Real, Longboards (Skateboarding and Surfing); Raya the Last Dragon; Dewdrop; Spicy (foods); Avatar the Last Airbender; Fire Flakes; Honeydew; Drinks; Tantrums; Saturn Hour; Saturn Placements and Aspects; (Smithsonian) Museums; 1010; Kendrick Lamar; Trouble - Taylor Swift; Caught Up; Cheat; Exclusion; (Reaction) Memes; Distrust; Camping; Tents; Connections; Frustration; Online ]
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Pile 1
[ Cards: Justice; Moon Reversed; Ace of Wands; Seven of Cups Reversed; Two of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Gojo & Geto; Anxiety (Playlist); “Get off of me/Ew get away,” (directed towards emotions feeling stuck to your body or feels like “bugs” crawling on skin); Anxiousness; Nervousness; Shadow and Bones (?); Shadow Hunters; Slowing Down; Chaotic Energy; Out of Control; Bugs; (Breaking) Habits; Messy Thoughts; Strategic; “Playing it Cool”; Patrick Star?; Hares; Hates Feeling Emotions; Pink Flowers (Real or Artificial); Systems Down; Mewing (?)
Something new might have happened or you feel like this is the universe (or whoever you believe in) giving you something. This energy feels like Carl and Cindy’s interaction (from Jimmy Neutron). In this case you’re Carl and Cindy is the universe lol. Maybe you were in a rut or had a cycle of “unfortunate events” in regard to circumstances or people.
If you’re asking for clarification: You have free will — it’s up to you whether you want to continue what you’re doing or not. I’m not sensing anything “bad” or “malicious” intent in regards to what/who you’re inquiring about. There’s this sense of catastrophizing new things. There’s also this feeling of “too good to be true”. I don’t know if you said/thought/felt this: “I need a fucking break” is strongly coming in.
So now that you have this break — it’s almost like you don’t know what to do or how to proceed. It’s as if you’re holding a globe but you don’t get to actually go anywhere. Maybe at one point you did get experience with this, only to be let down? Either way having no control is what’s scaring you and causing this anxiousness (especially if this deals with a person).
What’s coming in for those who are iffy about proceeding: “let them, just let them because you are your own before and after meeting this person”. This can also deal with a situation too — as in this doesn’t define you. There is no need to punish/blame yourself for being afraid/ not taking this offer. It just means you weren’t ready and that’s okay. Go at your own pace.
For those of you who want to proceed with this situation/person then you’ll have to let down your walls bit by bit. Again it’s okay to go at your own pace or ask to slow down. The same applies: “let them”. The door is always open so let them or “let you”. You can always set it down and move to the next one. It’s okay.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What did I keep doing that keeps hurting? Why do I keep repeating this behavior?” - by WNRS
So that’s all that I’m getting for pile 1. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. If this resonates let me know. I am supporting you through and through 🧡!
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Pile 2
[ Cards: Three of Swords Reversed; 3 of Pentacles Reversed; 6 of Swords; 5 of Pentacles Reversed; 9 Of Swords; 3 of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Courage; Charli XCX (Brat album); The Sun; Music; Concerts; Celebrity; Billie Eilish; Air and Earth Placements; Careless; Responsibility; Overthinker; New Things; Success; Moving On; 55; 66; 333; 9; Truth; Waiting; Patience; Releasing Judgement; Let it flow; Getting or Wanting Numbers? Holding Back; Calculated Risks; Chappell Roan; Doechii; Temptation - Raveena; Gemini; Aries
So I’m feeling like you’re releasing this heartache (for some it could be from your past?) I don’t know why, I pulled a clarification and it’s the 10 of Cups and I heard “No that’s so scary, Boo Feelings and Happiness!” So maybe you’re afraid of things working out because you were always let down in the past.
I feel like this can be about a connection (?) — there’s a lot of air coming in which means social lives. This may have come when things just started to calm down or in the midst of healing? To be honest this pile’s energy tends to overthink a lot. Like I feel like there’s this thing where you’re scared of saying the wrong thing which makes you take a step back only to make the overthinking worse. Maybe you’re asking friends what to do because I split the deck and saw 3 of Cups.
For some reason I feel like you need more reassurance so I’ll just pull out more cards for you. So I got the 2 of cups and the Eight of Wands (reversed), Judgement, and the Emperor. The first thing I’m picking up is that: you two may have opposite personalities or are awake at different times because we have two blue cards and two gold cards.
I’m also getting that the pace is painfully slow despite things going smoothly. It’s like you want to take control but you’re aware it won’t go smoothly if you rush it. For some of you there’s this thing of being afraid to take the “lead” or being pressured by society to take the lead.
(Side note: I don’t know who needs to hear this but there’s no hierarchy in a connection. There’s no, “who wears the pants” or whatever heteronormative stuff that gets constantly pushed into connections. What makes a connection work is when both people see each other as equals and accepting of one another)
You’re going to hate me for this but…it takes time and teamwork for a connection to work out. So yeah, go at your own comfortable pace (not a pace society tells you to go by) and enjoy the present time. For some reason I really have to “hammer it in” to take your time; let this connection take its time. Let things fall into place all on its own and if you feel called to do something (meaning the timing is right) then by all means take that initiative.
When you let things slowly progress you will also get a better understanding and feel of this person, from there you can see if you want to proceed or not.
Bonus Questions to Ask Yourself: “When have I given too much of myself in a relationship (could also be platonic)? What did that look like? What lesson did that leave me with?” - WNRS
That’s really all I’m getting, to be honest this reading is so chaotic and so long even though it barely reached 5 paragraphs. If you made it this far thank you so much, I appreciate it. I’m wishing you luck and please take your time!
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Pile 3
[ Cards: Queen of Pentacles; 7 of Swords; Justice; Five of Cups Reversed; 8 of Pentacles; 7 of Cups; 7 of Pentacles ]
Confirmation Messages: Horror Games; Paranormal; Libra; Yellowjackets; Birds of a Feather; Unrequited; Nevada; Winter; Baby Powder; Scents; Insincerity; Friday; Outcasts; Water(falls); Late Spring; (Couples) Therapy; 777; (Down by the Water) PJ Harvey; Library; Goth (Music); Unknown; Earth Placement; Situationship; Clear Mind; Tiredness; “Success is the Best Revenge”; Lana Del Rey; Distractions; Cheating; 1:23
You may have left a connection or felt this person was dishonest. I think what made it worse is outside advice (which is ironic because y’know we’re here lol). Perhaps someone gave you the, “time heals all wounds” or “it’s okay! Just get pretty and focus on your job!” Only to feel dread, I’m not going to lie. I don’t know if you put a limit to your sadness because there’s this sense of, “I should be over this by now.” I feel like some of you did achieve this success/glow up you wanted yet still feel grief.
Honestly, it’s okay to grieve as long as you want to. There is no time limit to feel grief and sadness. Realistically speaking, grief stays with us. Grief can come in the form of memories popping up or when you feel nostalgic — that’s a part of grief and that’s okay. All we can do is look at them and see them for who they are and what they did. (Now, I’m not excusing their actions at all!) For example; it’s one of those things where someone waits for years to get closure only to get nothing and in the end they accept they’ll never get it.
I know this may sound bitter and for some bittersweet, but let the grief flow. You’re not crying over “spilt milk”, for all we know it’s not just spilt milk! Maybe it was milk you got with your hard earned money and now you don’t have milk because you just spent the last portions of your money so you can wipe your ass! So no, it’s not just milk! (lol sorry I just hate when the 5 of cups gets that connotation — there’s always something deeper to it.)
Look, distracting yourself out of emotions via deep diving in your work isn’t always the best thing to do. Sometimes you need silence (no music or sounds!) and sit with yourself. Really sit, lay or something with yourself and be vulnerable. Sit with that feeling for just a minute (not drown in it) because it’s asking to be acknowledged. Acknowledgment is a key to acceptance and with that comes the healing.
I feel like when you do acknowledge your grief, come to terms with the situation/person for who they are it’ll make the healing process bearable. I’m not saying it’ll be easier and you’ll be happy at a flip of a coin. I’m just saying because of this acceptance you may find you’re not doing your work/hobbies/goals for the sake of revenge but because it’s for you. You’re doing these things because you love it or for your own happiness/fulfillment.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What’s my favorite song at the moment? Why do I love it so much? (Play it for yourself)”. - by WNRS
Alrighty Pile 3 that’s all I got for you, thank you so much for reading until the very end! I appreciate it. I'm giving you some peace and love 🧡.
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bucksboobs · 2 days
I was literally just thinking about your most recent comment on ~daddy kink-gate~, and how I’m curious what the demographics of the two opinions are. several of the vocal critics have been people who aren’t attracted to men, and like, yeah, of course that would give you the ick then, you don’t like men?? I’d also raise that for straights, daddy issues is often just shorthand for (a woman) who is hypersexual and possibly a little kinky but not necessarily invoking daddy kink. specifically for women who interact with straight men, it’s kind of used as another way of calling someone a slut? all that said, that doesn’t justify the reaction to the conversation when Buck is the one who initiated it and having Daddy Issues in all meanings of the phrase is literally a core character trait of his. and they’re both queer men, so as you’ve pointed out, it means something specific to them. people need to stop and think for five seconds and recognize that just because *you personally* might be uncomfortable if your partner responded in that way doesn’t mean that 1) Buck, a fictional character who is Not You!, was uncomfortable, and 2) that Tommy is a Bad Person for responding to Buck’s flirtation in that manner.
There is a lot going on Gender Wise because yeah “daddy issues” when applied to a woman is often code for “slut” and yeah from a heteronormative perspective saying “I hope you have daddy issues” is a fucked up thing for man to say to a woman.
You can see that in the way some male-attracted women reacted to the scene e.g.:
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But from a non-heteronormative, queer male perspective that was a playful flirty joke that opened up potential talk about kinks. As you can see in my reaction:
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And even in the captions of queer male gifmakers like @tylerposey here
I think the ultimate disconnect is that this is a genuine misunderstanding of what the interaction was like from a MLM perspective (and people willfully ignoring Buck being the one who brought up daddy issues and kept pushing on it when Tommy said he didn’t) and I don’t know how the exact demographics shake out but it seemed like most queer men picked up the intent of the scene (Buck and Tommy talk about their fathers, then the conversation gets a little flirty to show that they’re more comfortable with one another) and most of the most vocal disgust has come from people who, by and large, are not queer men.
Like the Big One that caused several unfollows and blocks all over the fandom was written by a lesbian and yeah, if you’re a lesbian, the idea of a man saying he hopes you have daddy issues WOULD activate your fight or flight response and to that I do have some sympathy but it keeps coming back to the simple fact that in context, a joke about daddy kink is about as tame as you can expect from two boyfriends flirting in the privacy of their apartment.
I shudder to think what the reaction will be if they ever make a joke about Actual Gay Sex.
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aita-blorbos · 1 day
AITA for telling people I don’t work here?
Ok so it’s Saturday morning and I (28M) don’t have a lot on my mind, besides like maybe lunch, I’m a little hungover so I go to the supermarket really to just get out of the house. Then suddenly this woman approaches way to fast and her eyes are intense And she spits on me a little as she asks, “where do you keep the pasta?” and I’m confused but I try to be polite so I say, “I dunno aisle 3?” And then she demands get it for her! I just stand there for a moment because I was just trying to get a Gatorade and I don’t want to deal with this, but then she rolls her eyes and I kind of lose it. 
So I tell her, “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not sell you shit!” And then I say, ”Maybe should work here so I can hide all the things you want from you!” and, “If I did work here do you think I’d be wearing a dirty white singlet? Ya fool!” Then I noticed the pasta was there the whole fucking time so I tell her, “Silly me I’ve had the pasta all along. Fuck you” and she starts crying. 
So now it’s the afternoon and I’m not going to lie, I feel really great about making a middle age woman cry today. So I’m taking a walk on the hot sand on the beach and decide to take a rest in the shade of the lifeguard tower (and my foresight readies me for melee) so then this man runs up from the surf way to fast, with a bluebottle across his chest he shakes me as he asks “you’ve got to save my kid!” But I can’t swim, so I tell him that, and he gets all upset and goes “what kind of a kid guard are you then?” And I’m tired and just wanted to take a nap but he rolls his eyes so I kind of snap.
And I tell him “Hey! I don’t work here but if I did I would not save your kid!” And then I tell him “maybe I should work here that way I could help relieve that nasty sting for you” and I tell him “do you think a life guard would make a race car out of sand then fall asleep?” And then I get a bit sidetracked thinking about how I should probably get a job and I guess I’m mumbling because the guy asks if I was thinking about saving his son and I tell him no and he says “What about my son, he's drowning?!” Then I look over his shoulder and see that no he isn’t and I tell him "Your son's fine, he just swims weird, and you shouldn't hold that against him.” And the guy turns around to check and I take that as my moment to get out of there.
So it’s night now and I’m not thinking about much just kicking a ball down the street then I give it to much juice and it flies over the fence of my local NASA compound (just bear with me) I climb over the fence to get it when I realize the guards are all passed out and it seems there’s been a planed attack. The alarms are blaring but I’m the only one in tact. I try to phone for help but something must be blocking it. And they’re an alien transmitting itself to NASA screens specifically. And the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I’m trying to figure out way to do or find any one who can actually handle this and I tell the aliens but it just repeats “Give us ya planet” and I try to get someone to answer me and tell them we’re under attack and again the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I try to tell it that I don’t have the authority to do that but it just won’t listen. I just came to get my ball but it’s been a long day so I’ll speak for all of humanity. 
(Also I didn’t know this at the time but apparently this had worldwide news coverage)
So I tell the alien “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not surrender shit!” And I tell it “maybe I should work here that way I could take a trip to mars and strangle you!” And I ask “Do you think the president of Earth has a fucking mullet?” And at this point I’m just letting out all the anger from the day and I tell it  “maybe I should work here that way I could put my planetary fist in you, I could teach your kid to drown in front of you, and I could hide all of the linguini from you!” 
Then the alien fucked right off and also I’m the president of earth now. So AITA
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sequinsnstars · 1 day
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚ i’d do anything just to be with you 🪽˚⋅
ingredients; frank zhang and scrapbooks
fyi; fem reader, loads of fluff, references to mothers laufey and beabadoobee, not proofread whoops
notes; hiii this is a little blurb ab frank’s birthday :) i had finals last week so this is late but hope u like this bbies!! was sooo fun to write
wc; 715... is this still a blurb
food mood; a nice piece of chocolate cake. made with oat milk and topped with dairy-free chocolate buttercream frosting.
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“You let me win, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Frank’s grin said otherwise.
You two had been playing a game to see who could name every song, in order, off Laufey’s album Bewitched faster. When you started, Frank was whizzing through writing down the tracklist on his paper, but after getting closer to the end, his pace mysteriously slowed down.
You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, trying to hide your amusement. “I refuse to believe you suddenly forgot ‘Letter to My 13 Year Old Self’ was on the album. That’s your favorite Laufey song of all time.”
Frank shrugged and replied, “It’s really very possible I did. Even if I didn’t, sacrifices can be made for my pretty girlfriend.”
Moments like these with your boyfriend were always your favorite. You loved that you could truly be yourself with Frank and he could truly be himself with you. He knew and understood you better than anyone, which was why it was initially your idea to throw him a birthday party. Nothing big, just with the seven demigods, plus Reyna, Grover, Will, and Nico. Annabeth and Percy had also suggested having a double-birthday-bash at Camp Half-Blood, since Grover’s and Frank’s big days were both today.
The party started off pretty emotional, what with the satyr bawling about the fact that his friends had taken so much time to do this for him. (You’d have done the same, honestly.) Frank shed a few tears as well – you knew you’d made the right decision throwing him a birthday party when he told you he hadn’t had one in years. Afterwards, Grover ate his personalized grassy, aluminum-flavored cake while Frank had his chocolate, dairy-free one that you’d baked with Hazel and the others gave him their presents.
They were currently going for a swim at the beach. You suspected Percy had been using his powers, as there were frequent water splashing sounds and exclamations of “Dude, not cool!” from Jason. Annabeth was the one who led all the others outside, picking up that you wanted some time alone with Frank. (Thank the gods for that woman.)
You brought yourself back to the present moment. “You’ve really got a way with words, don’t you?”
Leaning in, you kissed Frank on the cheek. Regardless of how many times you’d done it before, his face still grew warm at the gesture. 
You remembered something and grinned. “That reminds me, I still have to give you your present.” Before Frank could protest with some nonsense about not needing any gifts, you pulled out a beige book that had a cover adorned with photos of you and your boyfriend from over the course of your relationship. The time you both went to the photo booth, the time you went to see beabadoobee perform live, the time Frank got stuck as a bunny for a few hours and you took gentle care of him.
A little nervous, you handed the book to him. Frank silently flipped through the pages, which contained even more photos of your memories with little doodles, notes, and messages on the sides. He stared at the page where you’d written a list of things you loved about him. About half a minute passed without any comments.
“Sorry if you don’t like it. I know it’s not as glamorous as some of the other stuff people got you. It’s totally fine if you maybe want something else–”
Frank put the book on the table and grabbed your wrists, bringing your forehead to his in one smooth move.
His voice was deep and quiet as he spoke. “This is… the most meaningful thing anyone’s ever done for me.” A pause. “If you thought for one damn second that I wouldn’t fall in love with you even more after you gave me that book, you were wrong.”
You whispered, “So does that mean you liked it?”
Frank kissed you almost immediately after your question.
His lips were soft and warm and tasted like the cake you’d made, sweet and chocolate-rich. When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open. Frank’s dark brown eyes shone, and you realized his pupils were dilated. You remembered reading something about that, but you couldn’t remember what.
He smiled softly. “Did I answer your question, princess?”
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hope you enjoyed the meal!
thank you for your order and your waitress siara hopes you come again soon 💌
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lordkingsmith · 30 days
To anyone who might be interested I’m giving away a reoccurring dream plot I can’t do anything with
Christianity never happened and dragons exist and are like large, cantankerous goats. A Jewish family are dragon and goat farmers. It’s a multigenerational story, I think
I’m not Jewish and I’m not sure I can give this premise the justice it deserves. I was raised Catholic.
So anyone who wants to take it on please consider it a writing prompt :)
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arionawrites · 3 months
1. it’s my 24th birthday today, so my goal of being published by the time i’m 25 is now a one year looming monster, but i never specified what kind of published and am currently looking in various literary magazines that are recommended for writers who have yet to be published, so i’m surprisingly confident that i can make it work? and tbh even if whatever i write isn’t officially published before my 25th birthday, if i have someone in the process of being published then i’ll be happy!! no matter what though, i’m gonna try to be proud of myself for at least giving it my best shot!!
2. i honestly love that my birthday is on the ides of march because the ides of march meme shitposting is only a thing on tumblr but it also being my birthday makes it easier to like. be excited about the ides of march outside of tumblr. like even in person i can be like “it’s my birthday! i’m an ides of march babe (:” and if someone is like oh what’s that? or if they say something along the lines of oh like julius caesar? i can be like yep!! and even if it’s a small thing outside of tumblr it brings me immense enjoyment and amusement being able to bring it up off of tumblr
3. transportation situation has been very rough since june 2023 when i totalled my car, my gap insurance are being assholes and i ended up putting my foot down on the phone with them yesterday which i’m pretty proud of because i am NOT a confrontational person (something i’ve been working on this past year, so seeing some improvement with my ability to hold my ground and not be a pushover yesterday was very cool!!) i was told i’d get a response from them by friday next week no matter what, and if i don’t then friday of next week i will continue to wreak havoc upon them. but my moms car which i’ve been using since my accident broke down yesterday, hopefully it’s fixable but my parents were saying it might be done for, so trying to think of how i’m gonna get to work next week is kind of stressing me out lmao, but for now i’m just gonna focus on enjoying my birthday the best i can because i don’t want to start off being 24 with an overwhelming anxiety for something that won’t be a potential issue until monday. plus i already messaged my boss today to let her know that i’m going to do everything i can to make it work out but just so she’s in the loop and knows of the potential of me not being able to make my morning shifts (one of my coworkers said she’s more than happy to give me a ride for our afternoon shifts which does help relieve some of the stress!) and i told her i’d let her know for sure sunday so that if necessary she can have time to figure out someone to fill in for me in the mornings!
overall: life is weird and i ended being 23 yesterday with a shitty situation but a positive outlook and i am going to enjoy my first day of being 24 no matter what because honestly i fucking earned it. happy friday everyone, i hope it’s a good day for you and me both!
#aritalks#i did cry a little bit when i first woke up because i dont really know what to do about work and also i hate not having a car i can use#not only because of the work aspect but also getting my license when i was 18 gave me a freedom i didn’t have before#and i don’t like having to rely on other people just to like go to the fucking store or something yk#but then my best friend/roommate messaged me happy birthday and i was like fuck it! today is going to be a good day!#the stressful uncertainties can wait until tomorrow#also one of my best friends who hasn’t said happy birthday to me the past two years#(not intentionally im p sure they were just busy on my birthdays the past two years#and then had that moment of ‘oh shit i didnt send a message fuck i think its too late now’ which i totally get bc anxiety things yk)#was one of the first people to message me happy birthday!!#i’m also hoping to still be able to go see my mom and then stay the night at my dads tonight#so i can see both my parents and also my baby siblings for my birthday#my dads working today but after he texted happy birthday i sent him a text asking if he thinks we could still make it work#my mom is asleep still i think (she called me at midnight and left a voicemail singing happy birthday!! but her sleep schedule has been all#over the place recently so i’m waiting until 11:30 to call her which is in like 30 mins)#but she said something yesterday about driving out to me to give me a hug and also bring me my diabetes stuff that got delivered#(her house is my mailing address because i know it’s not going to change bc it’s my great grandparents house that she’s partially inhereting#when my great grandpa dies but since i have moved out of my dads my address has changed twice and i didnt have a mailbox at my last place so#just for the sake of consistency and not having to worry about important shit getting sent to the wrong address i’ve had her house as my#mailing address since i moved out of my dads at 19)#so i think i’m gonna ask her if she can just pick me up instead so i can go to her house w her and hang out with her#and hopefully my dad will be able to at least stop by with my siblings so i can see them too#i’d like to stay the night with them but if we can’t make it happen then i can also stay the night w my mom and hopefully tomorrow figure#out the car situation. might have to rent a car for a week if i can afford it? best case scenario is my moms car can be fixed but i still#dont know whats wrong with it ik there are two potential problems and one is fixable the other is not#the fixable one would cost like $150-$400 to fix depending on if we get a used part or a new one#if its $150-$200 ish i can probably afford to pay for the whole thing or at least most of it#but if its more than that hopefully my dad or one of my family members can help#and i can just pay them back in like $50 increments with my next few paychecks#just realized i said i wouldnt worry abt the car thing today and also i think im at tag limit to i’ll stop now lmao xoxo gossip girl ❤️
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lmfao someone who commissioned AI generated images from Bing and tagged them as “fanart” tried to follow me, an actual digital artist. Blocked.
#Newsflash: pressing buttons on Bing to make it chop up and mash together images from the internet does not make you an artist#I wouldn’t have a problem with it if the process were ethical#and it picked from a specific database of work the artists consented to be uploaded to the mainframe#That would be fine; I’d participate in that and give it art to see what it cranks out#But I still wouldn’t call the end result art#I’d call it… computer fever dream#Only after AI gains sentience can you call its work art#AI right now is awful#same with filters and all convenience-centric low-effort means of so-called “creation”#It’s just a vehicle to let lazy anti-intellectuals with egos too large for their skill sets boast about how creative they are#at the expense of the people who actually put in the blood sweat and tears to create things#It reminds me of those kids in school who called themselves nerds when they weren’t interested in learning at all#and actively picked on the real nerds with unconventional interests#Sorry but no. You’re not smarter than everyone else and you’re not fooling anyone; if you want skills you have to work for it#Don’t say you’re skilled when you’re not even trying to be; it’s genuinely offensive to those who do try at any skill level#Full offense#I don’t have a problem with people who use certain types of AI for humor or describing what something they saw looks like#but I do have a problem with people taking credit they don’t deserve#No you’re not an artist if you only use AI#pick up a pencil and put it to paper
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dreamed about [redacted] again :/
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merriclo · 1 year
ahsjkds rant/vent in the tags
#i fucking LOVE having to hug my friend as they sob bc our rights r actively being revoked#i’m literally 16 years old. i don’t even have my permit yet.#it shouldn’t be up to us kids. i shouldn’t have to tell them that we’ll fix it and make it all ok one day#it’s not that fucking hard to let trans people exist. it’s really not.#and yet#i just. ughajdnfjkw#they were sobbing. and all i could do was promise that i’d try and fix it.#i’m pissed and tired and upset and all i can do about it is hope that my emails and club speeches actually do something while i wait#there are wonderful adults who are fighting for us and i cherish them greatly#but that doesnt change the fact that the government - the very people i was raised to believe we’re there to protect me - is actively#passing laws in favor of my suicide.#and the only thing i can do about it in the meantime is comfort my friends and hope they give my email the light of day#it’ll be okay. we can fix this and save our community. i know we can.#i just wish this wasn’t something we have to do in the first place#this is gonna sound indelicate but i wish i still flinched when getting called a faggot#i’m not sure if this makes sense but it feels like i lost something when i started teaching myself to remain neutral in the face of bigotry#i want to be mad and upset but instead i’m carefully crafting how im perceived and judged at every moment#where’s the justice in me forcing myself to watch bigoted videos at the age of 14 so i wouldn’t be caught off guard or shocked when harassed#tell me where the fuck the justice is in that.#sorry for all this rambling i’m just upset
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
gonna be blunt and just say that people make me feel like I’m not worth any effort or that I’m just a joke and I’m really sick of it
#whimsy whispers#I usually just say this in tags but why not just make an upfront post about it#y’all make me feel ignored or like I’m not worth speaking to#even if I did say something about it it wouldn’t change anything#it’s so many people and it’s all the time and I just am tired of it I don’t even want to talk or try anymore#im like literally better off talking to my stuffed animals or the cats#at least I know that they don’t reply because they can’t#I feel like a lame joke#so like to stop feeling like a bother I’ve simply stopped bothering#the only people I really talk to anymore are people who talk to me first#and not even in a ‘I’ll only take if spoken to first’ thing anymore like#even if people were to talk to me now at this point I don’t know if I’d trust anyone actually cares or if they just saw my post and assumed#it was about them#which probably it is! but like that’s not the point#I don’t want people to talk to me because they see my post venting about this shit#I just want people to actually give a shit I don’t want to put energy into a friendship that feels like it’s useless to other people#I don’t want to talk to someone or a group of people that just ignores everything I say#so like yeah yay I’m sorry so many posts are on this topic it’s just an all the time kind of feeling and it’s not something I can just get#over#like how do you get over feeling like the majority of the people you think of as friends don’t even want you in their lives?#I don’t even know what to do to make myself worth peoples time#I don’t complain to people if i can help it anymore because I know that’s annoying and that people probs dislike me because I’m always sad#I try talking more and nothing improves I try talking less and nothing improves#it just feels like maybe people would be better off if I stopped trying#i don’t even feel like my best friend wants me in their life anymore or like my roommate(s) even like me#much less any of my other friends#im just tired of it all I just want to feel/be liked and loved ig#and I’m sorry to like place blame on people I always feel bad for feeling how I do because I want to believe no one actually feels this way#about me or makes me feel this way on purpose and don’t want to paint people as bad friends because they’re not I just like don’t know how#to deal or do better to be liked ig. anyways this is the last tag cause i hit the limit lol
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
So literally a full week ago HR emailed me double-checking something that was in one of my references, I emailed them back within the hour clarifying literally everything they wanted to know, and I haven’t heard from them since. Normal behaviour
#i got offered this job in fucking JULY mind you. and i still haven’t started working there#HR is just sitting on i don’t even know how many of my details and has drawn this out for such a ridiculously long time. i don’t understand#at what point do i email them back like ‘hey any updates?’ i’ve literally already had to push them for updates like twice already lol#they just do not communicate with me. there’s like 4 people using one email address and presumably one braincell as well#i am just like.. i filled in six forms; completed six pieces of online training; you’ve gotten three references which i know damn well#were more than ‘satisfactory’ because i didn’t give you the contact details of the one person who Would’ve given me a bad reference#you’ve got virtually every piece of information about me that there is. you could sequence my dna at this point#WHAT THE FUCK IS THE HOLDUP#it has been 84 years#and i am so sick of people asking me if i have a start date yet or i’ve heard everything from work etc etc. stop asking. the answer is no#next person who asks me that question i’m straight up going to ask them for money. it’s SO annoying#like at this point just assume the answer is no. like why after all these weeks would i suddenly hear something and then not immediately#tell everyone. the answer is that i wouldn’t#i’m just so annoyed. by everything. in a way getting sick has been a good thing because it’s meant less people have been able to ask me#annoying questions & i’ve had an excuse to hide from everybody. i’m nearly better now though#i don’t know what the moral of this post is. i just don’t understand why a simple recruitment process has taken this long#i’d given them every single piece of information they wanted to know by the 9th of august and they’re STILL dragging this out. for why#like if you’re going to reject me over a tiny error on my application that has now been CORRECTED… at least let me know so i can apply#for another fucking job#they don’t know i’m still living on my bursary! i could be completely broke and relying on this job and they’re just withholding/delaying#my salary for no reason lol. i hate them all#and i thought my boss might have called me back but no. i am literally being ghosted by people who wanted ME to work for THEM#like… YOU called ME. YOU asked ME to come in for an interview. YOU offered ME a job. WHERE IS MY JOB#if you’re reading this don’t go into teaching it’s the absolute fucking worst#if this falls through i’m defecting to retail#personal#rant
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hellfireeddiemunson · 2 years
Im ??? suddenly only 3 followers from 2k uhhhhhhhh HELLO ?!?!?!?
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johndonneswife · 1 month
are you and Ayesha planning on having kids? 🥺
nope never ever!
#my opinions on children are too much for tumblr to handle but yeah. don’t want them#have never wanted them#will never want them#the thought of being a mother makes me feel so panicked and sick and depressed#idk i’m the type of person who can’t be held too tightly without freaking out. i need space and i need to be able to do what i want#whenever i want to#ayesha grew up in poverty in pakistan like. eating paper when you’re hungry type of poverty. and i grew up poor / working class in america#and like. idk. i have strong opinions on that too but i won’t get into it here. we’ve just seen too much shit to ever want kids of our own#anyway the thought of having that kind of connection with another human being is terrifying and i don’t want it. my relationship with ayesha#is a choice that we both make#i can leave for work trips at any time without having to worry about her. i can go out. i can go camping. i can make last minute plans. etc#also i just don’t like them enough to have them!! i like playing with my friend’s babies for a few hours#and then giving them back like that’s truly enough for me#being a parent sounds awful. i wish more people would accept that they’re just having kids for the wrong reasons#just bc it’s something to do/you’re expected to have them#i’m also a millennial who can’t afford a house in any of the big cities i want to live in#i’d want to send my kids to private school. sorry but like. i’d want to give them everything i didn’t have and give them whatever edge i can#also school shootings and climate change and child predators. fucking TIKTOK. i can’t#ANYWAY sorry i don’t know when to shut up but like no. i don’t want children 😭#i don’t like them or enjoy being around them and i don’t want to sacrifice my time money autonomy for a child i don’t even want lmfao#i wonder if this is my grandma sending me this ask from beyond the grave#*** I DONT HATE CHILDREN *** i’m excited to have our future nieces and nephews visit and do fun stuff with them and teach them anarchy \m/#aish obviously feels the same about all of this and we’ve felt this way since we met#which is also why i knew i’d be w her forever 🥰
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sprout-senior · 2 months
i refuse to abbreviate when i’m talking about undergrowth bc i don’t want someone who’s unfamiliar to come across one of my posts and have to do any kind of sleuthing to figure out what the fuck im referring to.
if you’re stumbling across my post and don’t know about undergrowth, it’s my undertale AU! check it out if you would like! everything’s on my pinned post :]
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ebonyheartnet · 5 months
-Recording begins-
Spider-Man: Hi folks! I’d like to give a PSA to my usual villains, and anyone else with ideas for the next two months.
Spider-Man: *holds up a brick sized lump of metal* See this? It’s titanium!
Spider-Man: *starts flattening it out and shaping it*
Spider-Man: See, we all know that I’m crazy strong, but I never wanna really hurt anybody right? Right. While that hasn’t changed, something very important does right around this time of year.
Spider-Man: *pulls off a glove and pulls a chunk into a long stem with his nails carving lines for added texture*
Spider-Man: See, this is what we like to call exam season. Anybody who knows anything about college can tell you that it drives people up the wall, and I already climb mine when I’m antsy.
Spider-Man: *starts winding the thin sheet around the stem, delicately crimping petals in place*
Spider-Man: I do wanna be clear that this isn’t a threat, okay? I’m still not interested in crossing the line, which brings me to my point.
Spider-Man: *throws the titanium rose at the brick wall behind him, stem first, and embeds it all the way through*
Spider-Man: /That/ was restrained because I could focus enough to have full control. If I’m extremely tired or otherwise distracted, there’s just as much risk of me slipping up as someone operating heavy machinery. I’m probably not going to remember what sleep is for two whole months, so remember!
Spider-Man: *pulls out a brick and snaps it like a cookie*
Peter fucking Parker: Don’t.
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there is… a job.. and it’s kinda perfect for me i think.. and it’s working somewhere i already know and love………. and the pay is good… and the hours are what i’m after………. and it’s easy enough to get to….
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