#I’ll go re retweet it I guess
I went through my dobermann and catapult tags looking for a specific piece of art but then I remembered it’s not on tumblr bc it likely would’ve gotten flagged or removed
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bakapandy · 3 years
BakaPandy’s FAQ
Hi, I’m Pandy, welcome to my tumblr! I thought I’d make a little post about me and some frequently asked questions I get. Please read this before sending me an ask!
Who are you?
I’m BakaPandy, but you can call me Pandy! Pronouns are she/her/hers. I’m 27 years old and I draw for fun or whatever catches my fancy.
Where are you from?
Do you draw professionally?
No, I draw as a hobby. I work in the medical field.
(While I’m glad people are interested in what I do, I’d rather if you don’t ask me questions about it as I would like to keep my professional life private and separate from fandom)
How did you come up with your username?
I was a 11 yo weeb in the 2000s - early 2010s where everything had “baka” or “kawaii” or “sugoi”, etc. The name bakapandy stuck from way back then and has become a bit of a brand and changing it is just too much effort. 
How can I support you as an artist?
I have a Ko-Fi!
Reblogs are always the best. And feel free to comment! I love reading comments, replies, and tags. They always make my day.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to take commissions, but I do appreciate any sort of support!
Do you take commissions or requests?
Currently, no. Since I have limited time to draw because of school, I’d prefer to spend it drawing something that I want to draw. I do read suggestions and ideas if they end up in my inbox but I can not promise that I will draw it. 
Where did you learn to draw?
I’m self-taught. Lots and lots of admiring other people’s work and practicing a ton.
When did you start drawing/How long have you been drawing?
I’ve loved to draw all my life, but I got invested when I was about 10 when I truly dedicated time and effort into improving. So I guess it’s going on 17 years now.
What do you use to draw?
I use an 11in iPad pro, apple pencil, and Clip Studio Paint iOS
I’ve previously used a Wacom intuos, but switched over to the ipad pretty much exclusively a couple years ago
Can I use your art for my profile pic?
You can use my art for icons, phone and desktop wallpapers for YOUR OWN USE ONLY without asking me, though I’d really appreciate if you’d credit me if you use it in a public domain. 
Can I share your artwork on other sites?
No, please don’t repost my artwork anywhere else. You can always link to my blog or the page of the drawing (if there’s a thumbnail involved that automatically generated, then that’s fine), BUT PLEASE DON’T RE-UPLOAD ANYTHING. Share my work with whatever function is given to you on the site (reblogs for Tumblr, retweets for Twitter, etc.) so that it comes DIRECTLY FROM ME. I really appreciate your cooperation for this.
Can I translate your work?
The ONLY exception I make for reposting my artwork is for translation purposes. I don’t require you to ask me, but I would you appreciate it if you did. I’d also love to see it! 
Where else can I find your art?
I have a Twitter and Instagram
Will you ever draw Free!/sourin again?
Honestly, I don’t know. I loved Free! and SouRin for so long but my creative energy for them fizzled out and I just don’t have anymore ideas...maybe when I finally see Final Stroke, I’ll make something?
Who are your favorite Naruto characters?
In case you couldn’t tell from my art content, I love the Sand-Nara family. Gaara has always been my favorite since I was in middle school.
Who do you ship with Gaara?
No one. I headcanon him as aro/ace.
What do you think about Gaara ships?
They’re not my cup of tea but people can ship what they want. Go live your best lives.
What about Boruto ships?
I don’t ship the kids. I just like them all being cute and friends. 
Recently, though, I got into Konohamaru X Log lmao.
Please note that Log is an adult and I consider him separate person to Mitsuki. I do not ship or endorse KonoM*itsu in any way, shape, or form. They are not the same people and have entirely different personalities. 
Do you have ANY ships in Naruto?
Pretty much only ShikaTema is the one I’m the most invested in. I follow along with the canon ships (e.g. NaruHina, SasuSaku, ChoKarui) but I have no particularly strong feelings for or against them.
Other ships I enjoy in passing: KakaGai, NejiTen, SaiIno, NejiLee
Do you have a Naruto OC?
I have one OC and her name is Kotori, and she’s Shinki’s daughter haha. She’s a joint OC with my friend @bichobolitagaarashusband
Usually though, I prefer to stick to canon characters, relationships, and dynamics
Do you not like Naruto OCs?
They typically don’t really interest me so I don’t really engage with them. But people can do what they want and I’m not going to criticize them for it. I have Kotori and tbh I really only interact with one OC mostly bc he belongs to my friend haha
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Delete the Twitter app, Mr. Barba
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In which Rafael Barba deletes the Twitter app because of the Householder case, and Carmen babysits him. 
Accidental Feminist Icon
The last thing on Rafael Barba’s mind when he was in the hospital room with Maggie Householder was his online reputation. Once he’d turned himself in and been released on his own recognizance, however, he opened his phone to call mami and instead saw hundreds of Twitter notifications, emails from people whose names he didn’t recognize, and missed calls and voicemails from unfamiliar numbers. He didn’t touch Twitter, texting Carmen to ask how bad it was and she advised him to delete the application until at least after the trial. When he went home, mami was there and just as disappointed as he expected. There were tears the minute she saw him, but not any offered comfort. 
“You murdered a child, mijo.”
“You don’t understand, mami. No lo viste. El no estaba realmente vivo.”
“Esa fue la decisión de Dios. No es tu decisión. Tu abuela estaría tan decepcionada de ti.”
“No estoy de acuerdo. Si estás aquí para regañarme, vete a casa.”
“Te llevo a la confesión.”
“Vete a casa, mami. Me confesaré cuando esté lista.”
“Go home.”
Lucia stormed out, and Rafael went inside his apartment and went straight for the scotch he kept aside. It wasn’t his good scotch. It was the cheap one that burned his throat and left him sicker than he ever was the next day. Before twisting off the cap, he heeded Carmen’s advice, deleting the Twitter app as he dropped to the couch and began to drink. It was only eleven, not even noon, but he didn’t want to remember what had transpired the day before. He should wade through his email, but someone had posted it. He knew because it was referenced time and time again that they’d found his personal email via some Twitter thread or Subreddit or something else he hadn’t yet encountered. He’d had to mute his phone as phone calls rolled in; the only one he answered confirmed it was strangers from the Internet who had seen the news. Carmen called it getting cancelled when it happened to other people. That usually didn’t involve the loss of a life, so the term seemed not quite right for what was happening, especially given the fact this included more than just the people he was used to. People who had never encountered him were hearing about him in the news. 
He ignored Olivia’s calls, considering the morning’s interactions enough. As he drank, Rafael was able to filter unknown numbers and messages, tossing the phone aside and quickly finishing the bottle. Olivia came by, and he didn’t answer, choosing to lay back on the couch as the room spun around him. Carmen texted him, and he didn’t look. An hour later, he heard her outside of his door with Olivia and unlocking he apartment for her. He’d given her a key long ago so she could get files or suits or drop off leftovers. Both of them came in, and it suddenly dawned on him that he had his suspenders down and shirt open over his undershirt. He’d spilled the most recent tumbler over himself with the pizza he’d ordered. And now, they could see him like this, eyes rimmed red and mood unstable as he thought more than he could about himself. 
“Mr. Barba,” Carmen said softly, kneeling by him. Olivia stayed closer to the door, surveying the room. By the nature of their constant proximity, Carmen had seen the tail end or starts of Rafael getting frustrated, though he always pressed it down with a glass of scotch and good meal. That said, she’d found him too drunk after a trial didn’t go his way. Seen him frustrated as he went through a case he may not be able to do anything about it. Caught him yelling at paperwork as though something would happen. She’d also seen him the next mornings when he came in pretending not to be insanely hungover and was wearing the suit from his office.
“I’m fine.”
“No you aren’t. Is this what happens between an eight o’clock bourbon and the office suit?”
“Shut up, Carmen.”
“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m helping you.”
“Sorry,” he said with a huff as his hand ran down his face, and Olivia had to stifle a laugh at how properly embarrassed he looked. “My email and phone are bad. How bad is Twitter?”
“Medium. A lot of people understand. Or they feel that they can’t understand, so they’ll watch the story.”
“People understand murder?” he scoffed.
“No. No one does. But we all understand how impossible your choice was. How badly the parents were hurting.”
“I was too selfish to do it for my dad.”
“I know, Mr. Barba. But people want to know how long until they hear more. Want people to wait. Can see why you did it. It’ll blow over. We can change your number and your email. Twitter has a really handy button. Block.”
“My name’s Rafael.”
“You’re my boss.”
“Not for long,” he chuckled bitterly before his gaze softened. “All I wanted was for people not to hurt.”
“You need to go to bed, Rafa.” It was Olivia now, and his eyes suddenly snapped open. It was different when it was Olivia. They were friends, but they kept things to work. Other than the occasional group event, they’d grab dinner after work. She didn’t hear him debate pocket squares or see him drunk alone in his office or help him think of replies on Twitter. He’d probably lose his friendship with Carmen once he wasn’t in the office, he supposed. She humored her boss a lot more than she probably should.
“I’m fine, Liv.” It came with more of a snort than he liked, and he was suddenly pulling himself up to sit, wrapping his shirt around himself as though it were a cardigan. Carmen watched he was steady, and Olivia was sure she now knew what she’d looked like when Noah was learning to walk on his own with her hand on his back to keep him upright. Once things passed, she wanted to ask if Rafael was always this willing to be relaxed around Carmen, but she wasn’t sure she really wanted to know.
“I don’t think I’m helping things,” Olivia said softly, and Carmen gave a gentle nod.
“My son’s with my mom for a visit. I’ll take care of him.”
“You’re sure? I can call Lucia.”
“I’m fine, lieutenant. And mami has already been here.”
“Make sure he meets with an attorney tomorrow.”
“I make his calendar. I know.”
“You two can stop talking about me like I’m not here,” he grumbled, heels pressed against his eyes. “I’m drunk, not deaf.”
“You’re belligerent, counsellor.”
“Call me Rafael,” he said again, flopping onto the couch when Olivia had left again.
“I thought Lieutenant Benson was your best friend, Rafael.”
“She is, I guess. Is that sad? My best friend used to be Alex, but I pursued that case. As if mami needed more reason to hate me.” 
“You don’t act like you in front of her. Not all the way.”
“This isn’t me.”
“It’s you without a carefully constructed persona.”
“If that’s the case, I suppose you’re my best friend, Miss Frye.” She’d expected to see a bemused smirk or annoyed scowl, but Carmen was taken aback by how sincere he looked as his hand moved to rest on her forearm and squeeze as well as he could.
“My name’s Carmen,” she teased. “Now come on. You need to go to bed.”
“My suit will get wrinkled.”
“I’ll hang it for you.”
“You can sleep in the guest room. It’s not safe for you to go-” His eyes were suddenly wide. “Carmen, where’s Ollie?”
“With my mom. I told her you needed me for a couple days.”
“You don’t need to disrupt your life.”
“I’ll tell you a secret Mist- Rafael.”
“What?” he asked, flopping into bed where she’d pulled the blanket down once he managed to strip to his boxers.
“You’re my best friend too.” She tugged the blanket over him, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. He smiled up at her, and she made her way out turning off the lights. It seemed silly to say it to someone like him, but they’d worked together a long time, had a lot of late night talks. She liked him more than a lot of people she knew, and saw him more than anyone outside of her family. 
Carefully, she cleaned his living room, dumping his other bottle of cheap scotch out and disposing of both before setting up the coffee to brew at seven, just in time to have him at an attorney’s office by nine. McCoy had approved her to work from wherever she needed to in order to keep Rafael functioning. She’d have been miserable helping Peter Stone with this trial anyway. They both knew about his father, and it seemed he may be a ticking time bomb. She logged into his twitter, going on a blocking spree as she explored his mentions, tweeting from her own account and his that she’d done it and retweeting it from his account. 
She also liked all the kind ones. The ones asking for understanding or expressing empathy. The ones that acknowledged he had an impossible choice and neither one would have sat well with their own conscious. Leave a child and his family to suffer without end or expedite the inevitable. Then there were his direct messages. Since getting verified, he had the ability to only see messages from people he followed. As she combed through, there were a couple of hateful messages she ignored, but most who knew him expressed understanding and a couple even included leads if he wanted out of the city. She marked those down in her notes app before falling asleep in the guest bedroom. 
The sound that greeted her in the morning was Rafael Barba vomiting as the coffee machine roared to life in the background. Silently, she ordered ginger tea and vitamin b12 for delivery, going to fetch the pedialyte she’d brought from home. When he came out, hair wet from a shower, she’d already brewed him tea, cooked breakfast, and given him an expectant look as she slid a glass of unnaturally purple electrolytes to him. He didn’t know what to say, so he took the proffered glas and took a long sip before wincing.
“Grape,” she said plainly.
“Grapes don’t taste like that.”
“Ollie likes it okay. I make him popsicles though.”
“He’s old enough for popsicles? Isn’t he still on milk?”
“Rafael, he’s two. He drinks milk, but he even eats.”
“Does he like books yet?”
“He does. He really likes being read to.”
“I’ll read to him next time I see him.” He was quiet for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was thick. “Do you play him music?”
“Some. Usually my playlists.”
“Play him Bach.”
“You’ll have to tell me what’s best to play him.”
“I’ll send you a playlist.” 
“Why Bach?” She watched as his jaw shifted from side to side, lips pressed together, and that told her all she needed to know. “Drew liked Bach?”
“He’d never know if he liked Bach. Maggie was playing one of his cantatas.”
“Maybe we can take him to an orchestra one day.”
“There are some shows. Kid friendly.”
“He’d like that.”
“I’ll send it to you.”
“You’ll come, won’t you?”
“It’s your idea.”
“You’d still let me around your son?”
“My son is a healthy vibrant boy. If he was in the same situation as Drew, it would be hard, but I’d still want you there. You did exactly what I would have done for him, okay?”
“Did you mean what you said last night?”
“Which part?”
“The last part.”
“You probably are my best friend. And that hasn’t changed. I wish you didn’t have to be put in the situation, but I would hope I’d have been strong enough to do the same. And other people agree with me.”
“God, you’re not actually looking at Twitter.”
“I looked at Twitter. I blocked anyone vitriolic. But, I collected all the kind ones in your favorites for when you’re ready. A lot of your attorney friends have job leads for you if you leave the DA’s office.”
“I’m leaving. And I’m probably going to fucking prison. You’ll be down a friend in a few months.”
“Stop it.”
“They’ll end me in there, Carmen. I sent some of them there.” She wasn’t sure what to make at how at peace with the prospect he was.
“And you won’t go to prison. Don’t focus on that. Even if you do, they’ll have to do something to protect you. And I’ll come visit you.”
“You barely know me.”
“We spend more time together than I do with anyone else. I know you’re good, you have a good heart, you send birthday presents to every SVU detective’s kid and think I don’t know you send them coffee gift cards on their birthdays. You’re a total mama’s boy and despite what a snarky prick you are, you have imposter syndrome out the ass. You’re lapsed enough Catholic not to go to church, but you pray when things are really bad. I also know some part of your brain feels like you’ve let down people who think you do good work by this one thing, but one bad doesn’t outweigh an exorbitant amount of good. I hope Ollie has half of the ethical backbone you do. I know there have been occasions in the past you weren’t perfect, but the man I’ve known deserves every ounce of credit he gets. That doesn’t mean you’ve never made a mistake.”
“You’re ridiculous,” he muttered, and much to his chagrin, Carmen wrapped him in a hug that he returned, refusing to look at her. He was suddenly aware he’d cry if he looked at what he knew was a genuine smile. “I’ve got to get dressed to see an attorney.”
“Who are you going with?”
“Randy Dworkin.”
“He’ll be good.”
“I hate to admit that. And I’m sure I’ll hate every second with him.”
“How about you teach me about Bach this afternoon?”
“You have work.”
“McCoy approved me to be remote.”
“So you’re my sitter?” She could almost swear a smile pulled at the corner of his lip, and she felt pride she didn’t expect.
“I suppose. So Bach?”
“Bring Ollie?”
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Someone's Trying To Fully Restore That Obscure Super Mario Anime
So, as one does when one runs a Twitter account that's centered on video games, I tried to be "part of the conversation" by participating in this year's Mario Day. Generally speaking I avoid hopping on the bandwagon, yet I like retweets as much as the next person, so as with all other similar situations, I use the chance to unload everything that happens to be related and which I've been saving for some time now.
In this case, a ton of various odds & ends from suppermariobroth & smallmariofindings that's been in my war chest of stuff to post... Point being, the day (which might be one of the fakest of fake holidays to be concocted by some company's marketing department in recent memory) was hardly special. That was until I came across a Twitter account belonging to one Stian Schultz.
I honestly don't know much about Stian; he has a homepage that has a few precious morsels of personal information, largely due to the fact that much of his official web presence is apparently offline. Though the placeholder, I guess, tells us that he's based out of Norway and runs a company that handles Norwegian/English video game translations.
I plan on reaching out to him shortly after I publish this point... or maybe I'll wait till this coronavirus deal blows over, not sure which first yet... cuz I need more info on what Stian is doing. Something that has me so excited that I absolutely needed to say something ASAP (yes, this is a transparent attempt at me going "I saw it first"; at a time in which everyone is hunting for game culture artifacts, you basically have to lay your claim ASAP as well).
Anyhow, are you familiar with the Super Mario Bros.: Peach-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!? It's an anime circa 1986 and is a loose translation of the very first Super Mario Bros. According to its Wikipedia entry: "It is notable for being the first movie based on a video game, predating the live-action Super Mario Bros. movie by seven years." And a self professed video game cinephile... that sounds about right actually.
Here it is for those who haven't seen it...
... The above claims to be "Restored" & "Best Quality!", with both descriptors being technically true. At least for right now. But Stian is in the process of fully restoring the rather obscure anime. Actually, from the sounds of it (again, I hope to get more details eventually), it's a project that's been in the works for some time now.
To make it happen, Stian is utilizing elements hailing from "Two VHS tapes, vinyl soundtrack and single, and a cell comic. All digitized through an LG RC185 and an ION iTTUSB Turntable."
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Though the heart of it is an 16mm print! Not only that, but also: "The vinyl soundtrack has been re-ripped via a combination of this rega turntable, hooked up through a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 via a rega Fono Mini A2D pre-amp (which has it's own USB interface, but I prefer the Focusrite)."
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At the very top of this post is one of scanned frames. Some additional intel: "I want to avoid using DNR filters (no Disney level detail butchery on my watch). Thankfully, since the movie is basically done in doubles, it's very easy to clean up dust/lint -- even horrible splices like this -- by simply using the nearest frame as a partial donor/match.
In the same sequence, despite the tape harming an identical frame, there's still matching duplicates available to use as donors, making it very easy to remove dirt -- and even the tape itself -- whilst [simultaneously] keeping as much of the original frame intact as possible."
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"For those curious about technical stuff: Each frame in the current editing flow is at a resolution of 2736x2192(!). The project folder is currently at nearing 300gb(!!). Each manually edited frame is a 22.9 MB tif."
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Once again, this all so crazy awesome that I had to share! I hope to sooner or later speak with Stian and provide a closer look at the history of the project, specifics regarding the workflow, and more! Also, apologies in advance if this is old news; been so damn busy with grad school that I haven’t been on Tumblr proper in ages.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice Society of America #10 (1993)
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Fact: Golden Age heroes didn't have penises.
I was starfished on my bedroom floor tonight staring at the ceiling and thinking about how in my teens and twenties, I could revel in it, thinking, "Who am I? Who will I become? What does life have in store for me?" But a grown ass man doing that simply thinks, "This is it, isn't it?" At least I can lose myself in reading comic books I've already read and which I didn't really enjoy that much the first time. It might sound like a waste of time but it gives my life meaning! The most shallow of meanings, sure. But at least I'm not growing old watching conservative news because I need anything at all to light my passion. I'll say this about Fox News: they understand how old people are so bored they'll watch the dumbest shit and then get mad about it. I know other people who aren't old also watch Fox News. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with them. I guess they have fears and hatreds I hope I'll never truly understand. I just don't understand watching Fox News (or any of the other non-propaganda 24 hour news sites). People do understand there are channels which show programs that make you laugh or feel merry or that simply entertain the other non-lizard parts of your brain, right? How do you pick Fox News when you can watch Sci-fi or Buzzr Comedy Central or the Ru-Paul's Drag Race all day channel? I just realized that the people who watch Fox News basically use Twitter the same way. The majority of my feed are funny people so even when they're discussing politics, it's always entertaining (or fiercely intelligent because witty people are smart. Dumb people think they're witty (see Mike Huckabee)). But when I check out the Twitter feeds of conservatives I know, at best they'll retweet a sports tweet sandwiched between forty retweets of Ben Shapiro and Dinesh Souza. Maybe they think some of the right wing pundits they follow are funny. But calling somebody a mean name or tagging everything "liberal tears" isn't funny. It's the kind of funny that the bully's weasely sidekick guffaws over and then says, "You tell 'em, Jimmy!" Speaking of things bullies would say, it's now time for me to criticize Len Strazewski's Justice Society. Previously, some old fart named Kulak made everybody in the world begin to hate. But they aren't just randomly hating everybody else. They really seem to be bonding over their hatred for the Justice Society of America. Is this story a metaphor about me and my hatred of this comic book? Because that would be a terrible metaphor seeing as how I don't really hate this comic. I wish I did though! I'm old and I need to feel passion! I bet if I hadn't dropped cable eighteen years ago, I'd be addicted to Fox News too! No, I wouldn't be. I'm as liberal as you can be while still making offensive jokes. So not really that liberal, I guess? Maybe I'm socially, economically, and politically liberal. But I'm a complete asshole when it comes to punchlines. Don't get me wrong! I don't make offensive jokes at the expense of people different than me. I make offensive jokes about myself and those Goddamned fucking babies. Fuck those parasitic monsters. This issue begins with Starman finally reappearing.
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It really wasn't exciting enough for an announcement of his return. He's just another half-balding old guy. But it lets me talk about the DC Universe show, Stargirl!
I decided to watch Stargirl because what else am I going to do with my life? Finish reading Gravity's Rainbow? I mean, I am going to do that now that I'm done re-reading those awful Lando Calrissian books. But I can't spend all of time reading Pynchon! Just too much of it! I mean, I'm only 18 pages into Gravity's Rainbow (which is further than I've ever gotten on my previous three attempts!) and I'd estimate I don't understand 5% of the words he's used. And that's me being an English Lit major who has been a voracious reader his entire 48 years (minus the ones where I couldn't read yet. Like ten or something?). I was in bed reading and didn't have a dictionary at hand so I just powered through. But I think I need to go back through and learn all of those words so I can impress the local Starbucks barista! Or are people not impressed when you use a word they have nearly zero chance of knowing and don't know you enough to keep the conversation going by asking you what that means and instead just smile and nod and glance occasionally at the tip jar? Anyway, so I've watched three episodes so far and I'll tell you how I feel about it after I mention how I've actually watched four episodes. The first episode I watched, I was impressed with because Courtney was already palling around with a bunch of legacy JSA members and the Injustice Society was trying to tackle the "Who is Stargirl?" problem and I watched it thinking, "This is really impressive how they decided to start in the middle of the story like this. I like it!" Then I went to watch episode two and I was confused because it didn't seem to follow after the previous episode. So I kept thinking, "Maybe this is a flashback?" And then eighteen minutes into it, I thought, "Maybe I didn't watch the pilot episode. I'd better check." And I started watching the first episode which I totally hadn't seen. So I guess I started with Episode 7 or something. Here are some of my tweet-thoughts on the show for those who don't follow me on Twitter (why don't you follow me on twitter? What is wrong with you? Is it because you don't know I'm @GrunionGuy?): Tweet #1: "Sometimes you think maybe you're having inappropriate thoughts but then you check to make sure the actress playing a fifteen year old Stargirl is actually 21 and then you breathe a sigh of relief and think, 'I won't be cancelled today! Unless I tweet this experience, probably.'" Tweet #2: "Sometimes you think maybe you're having inappropriate thoughts but then remember it's okay to fuck a car that's been converted into a giant robot with Luke Wilson inside of it." Tweet #3: "3rd episode of Stargirl begins with a dying white woman's final wish to her white husband that he make the world safe for their white son. She dies and he goes out into the enormous hedge maze garden of his mansion to scream into the sky about the injustice of it all. All in all, a pretty good villain origin!" That third tweet was the only one that really makes any sort of socially acceptable commentary on the show. Saying things like "Stargirl's butt doesn't look like my mouth should be inside of it because she's fifteen although the actress is twenty-one so maybe it actually does look like that?" aren't the greatest things to admit even if you're just joking (which I am but just adding this statement makes it sound like I'm not but I totally am (that "totally" doesn't help but I assure you, I'm joking (did the hole just get deeper?))). I mean, sure, her body is super fit because she's a super hero (or will be?). But she has such a baby face! And even at twenty-one, she's just a baby! If I were younger, I'd totally have a crush on her. But I'm 48 and I just don't consider young women proper targets for my sexual deviance anymore. The only interaction I should have with young women these days is warning them against going out to the summer camp at the lake where that boy drowned so many years ago. The girls I had a crush on when I was younger (Christina Applegate (Kelly Bundy), Winona Ryder (Veronica Sawyer), and Stacie Mistysyn (Caitlin Ryan)), I have even more of a crush on now. Judging by the crushes I've had my whole life and not society's stereotype of women, women definitely get better looking as they get older. And probably as I get older. I'm sure that's part of it although I like to think that fifteen year old me would still look at these nearly fifty (or maybe fifty? I'm not so obsessed I know their ages but they're all around my age anyway) year old women and think, "Holy fuck mommy." I'm sorry for that last comment. But I'm only sorry to God not anybody who was reading this. Oh, I forgot to mention that Joel McHale is the original Starman (I mean original in the show although he's Sylvester Pemberton who was never Starman but only Skyman although in the show he was at one point the Star-Spangled Kid and Luke Wilson does mention Ted Knight at some point). And he's funny in his death scene just like he should be because I've obviously decides Sylvester is Jeff Winger's new superhero secret identity alias. Starman heads off with his Cosmic Buttplug to stop Kulak in Gotham City. He doesn't know it yet but the rest of his pals are currently battling Kulak and probably losing. Although Kulak is even older than they are so maybe it's a fair fight. I'm just surprised that a comic book where old men battle other old men has made it ten issues.
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I think some editor was fired last issue and the new editor's only job was to make sure it didn't look like Thunderbolt had been speared through the asshole.
Although this editor seemed to think it was okay to have Hawkgirl fucked from behind by Kulak.
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I hope this isn't a terrible conservative take on women that exposes how terrible I am at sex but even mind-controlled, I can't imagine licking a woman's shoulder would elicit that response. Although she could be "Ummming" from his pee-hee in her bee-boo.
I know conservative talking points are generally fucking idiotic but Ben Shapiro somehow thinking women can get "too wet" from sexual excitement might be the most hilariously idiotic. I don't think I've been with a woman who was all, "Yes! Yes! Lick my shoulder blade!" and I then I got super into it and then suddenly she was all, "Nope. Too wet. This isn't working for me anymore. I need a doctor, I guess?" Who am I kidding? I know I've never been with a woman who did that because that would mean I've had to have been with a woman! Also, women get wet down there? What's that about? Is it because the vagina cries at the sight of the penis? Kulak takes away all of their super powers but I guess he forgets that Wildcat doesn't have any so I'm hoping Wildcat just punches him in the face soon. Although that Starman bit probably was a hint at how the coming fight might end. You know, with Starman shoving his Cosmic Buttplug into Kulak's third eye, if you know what I'm saying. You probably do because I called it a Cosmic Buttplug. I should try to be more subtle. Kulak's entire purpose is to get revenge on the Justice Society for defeating him way back in 1940. Can't even one super villain just accept defeat and move on with their lives? Or are writers just always going to be so inherently lazy that they'll never give up the crutch of the villain attacking the hero directly out of revenge for that one single time they tried to actually commit a crime and were stopped? The JSA puts up a fight that helps to drain Kulak's power but it isn't until Starman arrives and does that thing I mentioned with his Cosmic Buttplug that Kulak is defeated.
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This is the grossest orgasm I've ever seen and my computer is riddled with viruses from all of the previous ones I've watched.
After Kulak's defeat, Jesse Quick wraps up the issue with her super hero dissertation which is less a dissertation and more of a thorough cleaning of all of their asses with her tongue. She's all, "I didn't really do much research or define heroes too good but the Justice Society of America are my heroes so I deserver a degree, right?" Justice Society of America #10 Rating: B. This comic book was as average as they get. I suppose that should garner a C grade but a B grade just seems to say decent but mediocre. By the time I get down to a C grade, I feel like the comic book needs a lot more faults than "I don't really care about stories with heroes who are having strokes during the battles." It's a valid criticism but it's probably too subjective for a critical review. I know, I know! When has that ever stopped me before? Well, I feel charitable today. It probably has something to do with Mars being so close to the full moon earlier this week. My blood is all riled up and wacky!
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] Various VAZZROCK Tweets - 04/01/2019 - 04/08/2019
Welp, I was bored with nothing to do and VAZZROCK posted some tweets that have not been translated yet so, here’s some of them~! If there are some tweets you’d like to see translated, just reply/ask/DM and I’ll work on them ^^
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- April 01, 2019 -
“Please do a killer pose together with Warrior Red!!”
RED: “Warrior~!! Warrior, over here~~~!!!”
WARRIOR RED: “I was called and so I have arrived from the bamboo groves. WarriorRedWarriorRedWarriorRed...”
#Heartbreak Post
More under the cut, enjoy~!
- April 04, 2019 -
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☆ Sakura, Sakura ☆
AYUMU & REIJI: (sighs)
AYUMU: ... The cherry blossoms are pretty, huh.
REIJI: Totally~ Ah~ It makes me wanna drink some alcohol.
AYUMU: So, instead of favoring food over flowers, you’ll favor alcohol more?
REIJI: I’m pretty sure you’d go for the “dango” though. **
AYUMU: Pretty much.
REIJI: ...
AYUMU: ...
REIJI: ...
AYUMU: ... zzz...
REIJI: No, uh, don’t sleep (laughs).
#Sometimes they laze around in between recordings
T/N: ** The actual phrase is “Hana yori dango” which generally means people preferring the practical over the aesthetic. And since Ayumu is a known wagashi enthusiast, Reiji teases him about preferring the “dango” instead of the “hana” because dango is a common wagashi ^^
☆ Sakura, Sakura 2 ☆
NAO: I am in the middle of experiencing something new for the first time! The hot air is amazing! 
TAKAAKI: Ah~ The opening ceremony is finally over. Congratulations, you’re a college student starting this spring, Naosuke-kun.
NAO: Yes!
TAKAAKI: Choose a good circle [of friends] that doesn’t have bad adults, okay?
NAO: Bad adults...
ISSA: Someone kinda like this guy (Takaaki).
TAKAAKI: Wait a sec.
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☆ JOYSOUND Collab In Session~ ☆
SHO: Come and visit, okay?
HARUTO: And then please have some Shouchikubai alcohol to drink.
GAKU: Um, that... I think that singing would be the best thing to do here? (wry smile)
RUKA: But, it might be a good idea, y’know? Wait, is drinking shouchikubai the thing right now, Haru-kun?
#Drink something delicious and sing, okay~?
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SHO: Please take care of us for this one, too, okay?
HARUTO: My real worth is here.
GAKU: In a lot of ways, I guess they’ll get to see a lot of surprising things from us here.
RUKA: You got that right~
#Pre-orders are open right now #VAZZROCK #VAZZLIVE
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☆ play of color Series 2 [be lived forwards.] ☆
YUMA: It will be on sale starting May 31. Please do look forward to it.
RUKA: You’ll get a chance to handshake with Lychee Red, too! 
OUKA: I have a ly... No!!!!
#VAZZROCK #That’s not it #It has nothing to do with the actual drama
- April 06, 2019 -
“Can I request you to summon Lychee Red who didn’t appear last time?”
LYCHEE RED: “HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have been summoned!! As Reeeeeeeedd as this lychee AND this lychee!! Farewell!!!
RED 1: ... I’m glad you got called, huh.
RED 2: ... Yeah.
#Heartbreak Post
“Please tell us how the first red image color meeting went.”
NOZOMU: “I wasn’t called for this year’s April Fools’~”
ICHIRU: “I feel embarrassed even though I wasn’t a part of it...”
YOU: “Don’t say anything.”
ISSA: zzzz
#Heartbreak Post 
☆ Genius ☆
NAO: Ah~~~~! This is so difficult! This step is so difficult!!
ISSA: You have no sense at all, huh.
NAO: *gloom* So mean! Praise me, will you!? I’ll get better if you praise me!!
ISSA: You have no prodigious sense at all.
NAO: No... Even still...
FUTABA: Don’t be fooled, Nao-kun.
☆ Genius 2 ☆
NAO: I was just about to be deceived...
FUTABA: You were really deceived though.
NAO: Issa!! Won’t it do you some good to be nice to someone younger than you once in a while!?
ISSA: Hah!? And what will I gain from doing that?
NAO: You might not gain anything but, it’ll give you virtue!
ISSA: ... Don’t think that what you’re saying is good at all.
(Issa ruffles Nao’s hair)
NAO: Ow, ow, ow, ow...
Not really completely VAZZROCK Official per se but, I felt like I needed to put this in, too~! Also, Sasa Tsubasa’s tweet about Nao, too! 
Art by: Natsuo-sensei (Official Twitter)
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“Nao-kun’s going to be a college student this spring, huh...” #VAZZROCK
[Sasa Tsubasa’s Quote Retweet]
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
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deathreckoned · 5 years
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𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬  ❝ 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 ❞   𝐛𝐲   𝐀𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝  𝐨𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥  𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐈  𝐚𝐦  𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐚𝐬  𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧   :
               (  in  response  to  “   What’s  ur  favorite  thing  to  do  in  the  castle   ?  “   ) ❝   It’s  a  tie  between  crying  &&  brushing  my  hair   .  ❞
❝    Alucat   ?  ❞
❝    I   <3   you  guys   .  ❞
❝    Aluuuuuuuuuuuuu   !  ❞ 
❝    Come  at  me  bro  .  ❞
❝    You  are  all  maniacs   .   ❞
❝    Oh  hello  there   ,   handsome   ❞   (  retweeting  a  fanart  of  himself   )
❝    Um   ,   you  know  the  answer   .  ❞
❝    I’m  not  crying   ,   you’re  crying   .   ❞ 
 ❝   Just  like  Momma  used  to  make  !   ❞
❝    Trevor  is  going  to  be  so  pissed   .     ❞
❝    Does  Godbrand  not  float  your  boat   ?  ❞ 
❝   Have  you  been  watching  me  sleep   ?!?!   ❞ 
❝    I  guess  you’re  not  a  viking  vampire  then   .  ❞
❝   That  looks  like  a  nice  kitty  but  I  prefer  dogs   .   ❞
❝    I  have  been  to  a  fort  at  night   .   Who  hasn’t   ? ❞
❝    Ugh   ,   why  would  they  pick  that  brute  over  me   ?   ❞ 
❝    Yes   .   Yes   .   Flock  to  the  dark  side   ,   my  minions    ❞
❝    Honestly   ,   I  don’t  know  why  I  ever  put  a  shirt  on   .    ❞
❝    I  get  it   ,   you’re  excited  to  see  me   .  Who  wouldn’t  be   ?   ❞
❝    Here’s  a  higher  res  phone  wallpaper   .   It  was  all  Trevor’s  fault   .   ❞
❝    I’ve  decided  to  give  you  all  a  wallpaper  of  the  most  beautiful  being  in  Wallachia   .   Consider  this  a  gift   .    ❞    (   Wallpapers  of  himself   )
❝    Listen   ,   this  has  been  fun  but  also  very  tiring   .   I’m  going  to  take  a  nap  &&  think  about  how  much  I  hate  my  dad   .   Who  knows  when  I’ll  be  back  but  what  I  do  know  is  this  has  been  an   honor   .    For  you   .   ❞
❝    Just  because  I  lost  the   ❛   Best  Finishing  Move   ❜   competition  doesn’t  mean  I  shouldn’t  post  my  amazing  finisher   right   ?   I  mean  I  turned  a  wolf  &&  threw  a  sword  with  my  mind  for  Satan’s  sake   !   ❞
      𝐀𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝   𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐭𝐡𝐞    👀   𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢   (   𝐢𝐧  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞  𝐭𝐨 𝐚  𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐭  𝐨𝐟  𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟  𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  𝐧𝐨  𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭  𝐨𝐧   )
      𝐀𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟  𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐞  𝐆𝐨𝐝   .
     𝐀𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝  𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐡𝐚  𝐚  𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
     𝐀𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐡𝐞𝐫  𝐚  𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐬  &&   𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐡𝐞𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥  𝐌𝐕𝐏
     (    In  response  to  “   Dracula  vs.   Alucard  is top  10  anime  fights  this  year   ”  )    ❝   Top  10  saddest   .   ❞
     (   In  response  to  “   No   .   Go  back  to  sleep   ”   )   ❝    Ok   .   ❞   [  uses  the  gif  of  him  rising  out  of  his  coffin  but   in  reverse   ]
      (  in  response  to  “   C’mon  people  ,  he  turned  into  a  wolf   !   That’s  impressive!   “   )   ❝   I’m  also  house  trained   .  ❞
      (  in  response  to  “   I  got  kill  Alucard  twice   .   I  apologize   ,   but  it  muse  be  done  “   )    ❝   Fair  is  fair   . . .  ❞  
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eirenare · 6 years
EPISODE ARDYNNNN*aggressively vibrates*
I can’t believe we’re gonna be playing it in less than 48h Q____Q
I can’t wait to actually PLAY with Ardyn rather than just looking at him, to put on him all and every hat (let there be moogle and chocobo hats AND a tiny top hat PLS PLS PLS), to do parkour all through Insomnia, to team up with Ifrit, to see again Aera and Somnus, to fight Regis, to get ALL THE FEELSSSS
I better stock up on tissues lol I’m REALLY going to need them
Also I have to say that, after Episode Ardyn Prologue came out, I felt I had to remake the document of my theory. I’m re-writing it, but I’m not sure if I’ll have it ready before Episode Ardyn happens (I’ll play as soon as it launches), so maybe I’ll just share some thoughts of it before the DLC >.<
I didn’t share all of my Ep. Ardyn Prologue thoughts now that I think of it... And in Twitter I did so later on, mostly through retweets and some comments. On TW I won’t be able to do so with Ep. Ardyn little after I finish it apart from tweeting nonsensical screaming (I want to wait some time so that I won’t spoil anyone about the DLC), so I guess I’ll do it here under a “read more” and then share it on TW .
As Ardyn would say... “Your heart’s desire, so close now!”
We’re almost there now, guys! <3
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[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 4 - Track 2 - Part 1
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Here’s track 2 of SOARA’s 4th drama CD~! The actual track is 23+ minutes long so it’s cut into two parts again ^^ This track runs from minutes 0:00 to 15:04. Still quite long but, it was kinda difficult to actually cut it into parts XD
A special thank you to @ryuukia for sharing with me~!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [~現在~今日も元気にレッスンです!] “~Present~ We’ll face our lessons excitedly today, too!”
  DANCE INSTRUCTOR (JUNYA): Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
JUNYA: Sora-kun, you’re a bit too fast.
JUNYA: Ren-kun, don’t look down. Look in front.
JUNYA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… (laughs) Nozomu-kun, that’s a great smile! Can you still do more?
NOZOMU: Yes! I can still do more~!
SORA: (tired) Nozomu-kun’s really lively, huh?
NOZOMU: Leave it to me! Being lively is my specialty!
NOZOMU: Spin here and then a killer pose!
SOSHI: Sensei, looks like it’s okay to make Nozomu do 10 more of these.
NOZOMU: Are you a demon?! I might be lively but 10 times is too much!
MORI: Soshi, too… The fact that you can speak normally after this… You have a lot of energy, huh? (sighs)
SORA: (panting) Well, Mori’s more fit than I am…
REN: A-a-are you okay, Sora-senpai?
SORA: Ren-kun, the pretty boy at first glance is actually a kendo boy so obviously, you have a lot of stamina.
REN: Obviously, you say…
SORA: This is bad! At this rate, I’ll…! I feel like I’ll be the only one who’s super weak…!
JUNYA: Ah, no~ To me, Sora-kun seems super energetic!
JUNYA: Alright~! Let’s do one from the top again!
JUNYA: Okay, that’s a great response~! I’ll be dancing with you in the next one so try to keep up.
JUNYA: Here we go! Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
  SORA: (sighs) It’s over.
SORA: I overcame… a lot of things.
SOSHI: I think you mean that you did your best but I feel like that sounds like something else.
SOSHI: Hey Sora, don’t sleep on the floor.
SORA: But the floor’s cold and feels good!
MORI: I understand that but, you’ll get dirty, Sora.
MORI: Here, a towel. If you wash your face you’ll feel refreshed.
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~! Nozomu-kun will also wash his face, be sparkling clean, and be dripping with water~!
SOSHI: What a good puppy. (Soshi starts petting Nozomu) There, there, did you get all clean~?
NOZOMU: Woof, woof, woof—Hey, Soshi-paisen! When I said ‘dripping with water’ I meant like, the way hot guys do, not like dogs do!
(Nozomu spills water)
SORA: A-a-ah…! That’s cold! The water’s splashing!
REN: Ah, geez, Nozomu. Your hair’s dripping wet. (Ren wipes Nozomu’s hair with a towel)
NOZOMU: Ah, sorry, Sora, Ren.
REN: I wonder why even though you dried your face, you didn’t dry your hair.
NOZOMU: I wonder why, too~!
REN: You don’t know either? Ah, come on. You’re getting wet here, too.
NOZOMU: Eh, which? Where, where?
REN: Your nape. Give me the towel. If you don’t dry off properly, you’ll catch a cold.
NOZOMU: (laughs) That tickles!
REN: I’m not playing with you! Stay still!
NOZOMU: Y-yes…!
SOSHI: He really is a dog. I’m sure he is.
SOSHI: A big dog that’s a lot to deal with.
SORA: Yeah, I can tell. Nozomu’s a dog. A puppy.
MORI: Come now, you guys. Don’t treat your cute kohai like a dog.
MORI: Come on Sora, go wash your face, too.
SOSHI: Guess we have to take care of the clingy toy dog, too.
SORA: Who ya callin’ a clingy toy dog, hey!
SORA: I am a man who is a wolf at heart!
SOSHI: (with a sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, sure. A wolf. Got it. So cool~ (he pats Sora’s head) There, there, good boy~
SORA: Awoo~! Hey! Don’t come at me just ‘cause you’re tall!
MORI: That’s becoming common for Soshi now, huh?
  (water splashing)
SORA: (sighs) I feel so refreshed~ My body will be super sore tomorrow for sure. Ah, is it time to head back?
SORA: Ah, I was right on the mark. 6 PM.
SORA: Time to review “LIFE IS AMAZING”.
SORA: (breathes in) Finally, huh? (sighs)
SORA: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not alone this time.
SORA: It’s what everyone decided.
SORA: It’s a song that everyone agreed to and supported me with.
SORA: (sighs)
(Sora’s phone vibrates)
SORA: Hm? It’s from Wakatsuki-san. What’s it say?
SORA: “Everything’s all in place~!” (laughs) What’s with this sticker?
SORA: Wakatsuki-san’s really good at finding appropriate stickers. That calmed me down a little.
SORA: Let’s see… (Sora starts typing on his phone) Thank you for going out of your way to report to us…
NOZOMU: What? What are you looking at, Sora?
REN: Sora-senpai?
SORA: Uwah! You startled me… Nozomu and Ren?
REN: Sou-nii told me to go wring Nozomu’s hair.
SORA: His hair’s that wet? Geez, what were you doing?
NOZOMU: (laughs) It was wetter than I thought~
REN: You were checking your phone, Sora-senpai? Did something come from the agency?
SORA: Ah, yeah. Wakatsuki-san contacted me about our preview video.
SORA: The PV was supposed to be released at 6, right? SOARA’s RE:START Series. A song with all five of us after a while. For “LIFE IS AMAZING”
NOZOMU: Ah, I see! That was today, wasn’t it?
REN: Nozomu… It’s important so you should remember it…
NOZOMU: I knew the day but I couldn’t remember the exact time.
NOZOMU: Alright~! I’ll go retweet it to help advertise, too~! Ah…! I left my phone there.
SORA: I already did it~ Advertising’s important, right~?
REN: Yes. I’ll do it later, too. So, uh, senpai…
REN: How was the reaction…?
SORA: It looks like they’re saying “it’s amazing!” or “it’s cool!” That’s great, huh~
SORA: Well, there are also some so-so reactions.
REN: Ah… Is it a reaction that says something about how it’s different from usual?
SORA: Well, that’s right. I understand anyway~ They’re people who have been listening to our music since the beginning after all.
SORA: Compared to a solo or a duet, it’s easier to tell a unit song’s atmosphere.
NOZOMU: You know, Sora? I really love our new song.
NOZOMU: All our songs before were good but this one is exceptionally good!
NOZOMU: Singing and performing it is super fun and it makes you excited! I wanna hurry and perform it live.
SORA: Nozomu…
REN: Me, too…! I love it too, senpai. “Life is Amazing” is a song that we can sing because of who we are now.
REN: The past me wouldn’t have been able to sing such a grand song. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to follow with all the challenging and powerful lyrics.
REN: No… Even more than that, I couldn’t imagine myself even singing back then.
REN: If I did sing, I’m sure that it would have been with a small voice.
REN: It’s not only because I lacked skill then but my feelings about it weren’t strong as well.
REN: This song is important to me because it’s proof of how much I’ve grown by being able to follow with such a strong song.
SORA: Ren…
SORA: Ah, um… Am I being comforted by you two? I wasn’t really…
SORA: I guess I was…
SORA: Yes, I’ll admit it. I was honestly curious about it. Also, a little bit scared. Like, a lot of things might happen again…
SORA: But, I know now.
SORA: Just like when I told everyone that I’ll be sharing my burdens, I challenged it while knowing the consequences.
SORA: I have to receive those results properly, too.
REN: Senpai…
  SORA: Hm, Sensei? You’re still dancing?
JUNYA: Ah, I just thought of starting the choreography for my next work.
JUNYA: Your lessons are already over so, rest assured.
JUNYA: Review the parts you had trouble with and try to work on it, okay?
SORA: Yessir~!
MORI: It’s already this late but you’re still working. Sensei, you had another lesson before ours, didn’t you?
JUNYA: Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, those boys are from TsukiPro, too.
JUNYA: They were going to start filming a PV next month. They’ve started practicing the choreography for that.
JUNYA: It’s got a lot of steps so we had to start earlier.
SOSHI: From the same agency, huh… So that’s why I thought there was someone who looked familiar when we were arriving…
MORI: Eh? You greeted them when you weren’t aware?
MORI: I knew who they were.
MORI: You need to remember the faces of the people who work at the agency. It’s an important part of this job, too.
SOSHI: Ah, damn. I got lectured.
SORA: Yeah~ Sou got scolded~ I knew who they were, too~!
SOSHI: Shut it.
SOSHI: I entered the studio last so I really only got a glimpse of them.
MORI: Sou, that’s not an excuse.
SOSHI: Yes, I’m so sorry.
SORA: (laughs) He got scolded again.
SOSHI: You better remember this later.
JUNYA: I’ve been having lessons since this morning with a lot of TsukiPro artists.
JUNYA: TsukiPro is such a good agency to actually secure rehearsal times early, huh?
JUNYA: That kind of method is the best in the long run so I’m not regretting doing a lot.
MORI: You’re right. I think so, too.
MORI: Normally, we perform as a band and don’t really dance. But, during the joint live, we all had to do a dance.
MORI: That time, I thought that it was good that we did lessons beforehand.
NOZOMU: Ah~! You mean for “Dear Dreamer.”? When the song run was done, they sudden;y said, “okay, let’s start counting!” and they started adding choreography! That totally surprised me!
REN: Exactly. The other units followed easily as if it was a given.
REN: They do dances normally and they could remember the choreography easily. I was really panicking then.
SORA: Like SolidS’ Tsubasa-san and those three from Growth, right?!
SORA: I really panicked a lot then! The dance was only showed once and they could already dance most of it!
SORA: It made me think, “What are these people?!” y’know?
SOSHI: And then, the one who’s panicking and dancing desperately behind them was our Ohara Sora.
SORA: Shut up! Even I… knew that much!
REN: So you knew?
JUNYA: Well, remembering choreography is a talent but it’s also something that takes getting used to.
JUNYA: Dance is a fixed form to a point. But it can also be freestyle so I understand the feeling of not knowing what comes next.
NOZOMU: Oh~! Is that so?
JUNYA: It’s pretty simple but there’s really not much steps that are very showy, you know?
JUNYA: Plus, dance should be something that anyone can dance regardless of the costume they’re wearing, and skill level, when the music plays, right?
JUNYA: Today’s should’ve been adjusted to your level, though.
NOZOMU: Oh ye~ah! The choreography lesson today didn’t scare me so it must’ve been that.
SOSHI: Oh yeah. Whenever we go to rehearsals or to a venue, the production staff were dancing along at the end, too.
REN: The chorus is pretty lively after all.
JUNYA: I think it’s important for idols to have dances that are easy to remember even for normal people, rather for your fans.
JUNYA: If that happens, the song will be a big hit, too.
NOZOMU: And then we can go wild together during the live!
JUNYA: Exactly. That’s important, right?
NOZOMU: It totally is!  
JUNYA: That’s exactly why we choreographers do our best to make dances easy to copy but unique at the same time.
MORI: I knew it was obvious but, making choreography requires a lot of thinking too, huh?
MORI: We don’t really know much about dance so that was very useful to know.
JUNYA: I tend to talk a lot when it comes to dance, y’know~?
JUNYA: Like, for example. Even though they’re all idols, there’s a lot of difference between the choreography of idols from Japan and those that are K-Pop idols. There’s a lot of instances where they go all out with their dances that they’re pretty hard to copy.
JUNYA: A lot of those steps are kinda cool so I try to incorporate them sometimes, too.
MORI: I’ve seen those in videos, too. They all look like they’re professional dancers.
JUNYA: Yeah! Over there it seems like dancing is a must-have skill so if you try to debut as an idol there, the hurdles are definitely higher.
JUNYA: That sounds troublesome, doesn’t it?
MORI: Now I feel so glad that we’re a band in Japan.
JUNYA: You guys do a lot of work that are similar to idols but under the agency label, you’re “artists” aren’t you?
MORI: Yes. There’s never really been a division between those who do idol work and those who don’t.
MORI: But, the work we do receive is somewhat different.
MORI: There’s a possibility for us to actually do work like acting in dramas or stage plays but our main focus is music.
MORI: Though I think there would be opportunities and things that we want to do that would play to our strengths, too.
JUNYA: It’s wonderful that you want to do and your visions for the future won’t be imposed on you by the agency but rather something that you’ll be discussing together.
JUNYA: But I’m sure that there a lot that might not be easy to do.
MORI: It looks like it, yes.
MORI: It makes me so glad to have joined an agency where we could learn a lot about things like that.
JUNYA: (chuckles) I guess you could say that. TsukiPro is quite a large agency so I guess it’s flexible and kinda stable, too.
JUNYA: And so, everyone in SOARA, please relax and just make good music. I’ll be supporting you as a fan, too.
To be continued~
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
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athanasia-istolla · 6 years
Personal plans re tumblr stuff.
So as I added to my er bio or into thingy to my blog... yes its large I'm sorry I'm so verbose lol.
I did try to make it more readable but apparently it only recognizes br code / new lines on desktop or something..
Anyway I plan on staying here on tumblr. It's been deeply refreshing to connect even passively in my shy ways with the FFXIV community through here, even while my own girl is a wip mess o sorts and my health can make playing difficult at times.. and juggling play vs development was very hard in the past so I've been trying to get the dev stuff bit more focus when able..
It's also been very encouraging, seeing others who have found ways to do as they please within the setting & their characters, how they apply the lore an what twists or out right stepping beyond some do..
Things I was given a lot of harassment for in previous attempts.. which is part of what makes the dev/writing work hard. Can't let go o the image I've in my mind for my Riri, an I know for some she'll likely ruffle some feathers despite how much am trying to weave her plausibility.
So ye, I'll be here. If you wish to catch me else where I have a private set personal everything kinda Twitter. Link is in that mess of a blog into.
I've already used it to follow some of you, an some have followed back, please don't see the private setting as a turn away.. I'm considering unlocking it but I locked in the first place cuz o targeted harassment round LGBTQIA stuff..
If you do follow, again it's a melting pot of interests, both sfw & non, lots of art and some microfiction retweets.. don't tend to post to much of my own stuff kinda like how I've not made many of my own posts here much..
There is a rather disproportionate amount of WoW art that I share at times cuz I followed a few artists who play that and that means also getting their retweets & likes in my feed.
Hopefully with more FFXIV artists joining Twitter I can balance that out a bit more. X3
I am working on a new "pin" or intro tweet thread, course I can't set it to public unfortunately cuz Twitter is very all or nothing with its privacy settings.. like people wont even see my likes or comments or that I retweeted their stuff unless they follow me too.. it's kinda isolating which is why I'm considering unlocking.. but well see.. I'd really rather not have another terf hate mob come at me again..
If yer shy and still wana like double check before requesting a follow (which I have to approve with private mode) my DMs both there and here are open.
I've also added this tumblr as a link in my bio on Twitter so it's just a lil less confusing if its actually me lol.
Anyway that's my lil psa or Ted talk I guess?
Be safe & thank you all for helping me feel like I'm not alone in "crazy" ideas.. just by being you an doing your own thing.
4 notes · View notes
tobns · 7 years
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@alexanderludwig: can’t believe we’re gonna be starting 2018 without queen latifah #rip
@jackie_emerson: what in the fresh hell are you talking about
@isabellefuhrman: ????????????
@alexanderludwig: @jackie_emerson queen latifah died
@amandlastenberg: uh, no she didn’t
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg yes she did look it up
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludiwg WE DON’T NEED TO LOOK IT UP
@dayookeniyi: god i hate white people
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@jackquaid92: you know, the last 2 years have been so peaceful without getting a single notification from twitter on december 31…one of you please tell me why in the hell we’re descending back into this ridiculousness
@amandlastenberg: once the annoying orange became president, all bets were off
@willowshields: believe me, my life was going so well without one of these sucking up all of my data, so i don’t know why we’ve all of a sudden decided to breathe life back into this dead tradition
@jackie_emerson: as with everything in life, i blame @alexanderludwig and his inability to not believe everything he reads on the internet
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@jhutch1992: long time, no see twitterverse
@jhutch1992: @jackquaid92 dude calm ur tits, i legit just back got into my twitter account
@jackie_emerson: …then who in the fuck has been tweeting for you
@amandlastenberg: hey josh’s publicist!!! hows it going? pls tell josh he owes me 300 bucks okay thank u :)
@jhutch1992: @amandlastenberg it’s actually me this time, and you will get a nickel out of me when i’m dead
@amandlastenberg: @jhutch1992 don’t speak too soon, bc that can be arranged
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@alexanderludwig: @jackie_emerson https://bit.ly/lu43t0 this is the article that confirms queen latifah’s death ill wait for my apology
@jackie_emerson: who’s sat scores did you steal in order to get into usc
@willowshields: i have met hardwood floors smarter than you
@jhutch1992: guess it’s time to log back off of twitter for forever!!
@isabellefuhrman: everyone who says you have no talent is completely wrong
@alexanderludwig: @isabellefuhrman aw thanks izzy <3
@isabellefuhrman: bc it’s truly talent, being THAT stupid
@alexanderludwig: @isabellefuhrman HE Y
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@isabellefuhrman: last nye w/out alcohol #21hereicome
@amandlastenberg: yeah ok
@jackie_emerson: i can see the champagne glass in your hand from here, and i don’t even think we’re in the same time zone
@dayookeniyi: illegal alcohol, maybe
@isabellefuhrman: ok why are you all treating me like i’m ludwig
@alexanderludwig: not much fun is it, being the punching bag of the bunch, huh @isabellefurman
@willowshields: @alexanderludwig you misspelled isabelle’s last name u dumb fuck
@alexanderludwig: @willowshields EXCUSE ME WATCH UR PROFANITIY
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@jackquaid92: while i’m not surprised none of u thg fuckers have lives to tend to instead of tweeting all the livelong night, but i on the other hand DO so peace out #livefromvegas
@jackie_emerson: i didn’t know you renamed your living room ‘vegas’
@jackquaid92: @jackie_emerson YOU ARE RUDE
@amandlastenberg: there is nothing for you in vegas aside from a lifelong gambling problem, why are you there
@jackquaid92: @amandlastenberg wow you are not ready to hear about this thing called a britney spears residency
@jhutch1992: @britneyspears run
@jackquaid92: @jhutch1992 i liked you better when your publicist tweeted from your account
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@dayookeniyi: can we re-ring in 2012 instead of 2018? asking for a friend
@amandlastenberg: why, so @willowshields and i will be back to being 10 again??
@dayookeniyi: @amandlastenberg actually so obama will be back to being our president but THAT IS A VERY VALID POINT
@willowshields: it’s so he can take a few steps back from being a literal grandpa
@dayookeniyi: I’M ALMOST 30 NOT 300
@amandlastenberg: i see no difference
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@jhutch1992: ok but why do we never drag @levenrambin into our twitter holiday dumpster fires like…she’s on here too
@jackie_emerson: just like you can’t work a remote, lev can’t work twitter aside from hitting the retweet button
@willowshields: she disassociates herself from us, like ludwig did that time in an interview
@alexanderludwig: @willowshields hey i apologized for that
@jackquaid92: @alexanderludwig @willowshields yes, and you could have spent more than $2 on an apology fruit basket, those berries were weak
@isabellefuhrman: i’m sorry @jackquaid92 i thought you were too busy with britney to tweet
@jackquaid92: @isabellefuhrman ….i am, it’s my publicist tweeting for me
@amandlastenberg: @jackquaid92 YEAH RIGHT
@jackie_emerson: just like you can’t work a remote, lev can’t work twitter aside from hitting the retweet button (RETWEETED BY @levenrambin)
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@isabellefuhrman: you’re never getting rid of us
@amandlastenberg: all the old goons are like barnacles
@amandlastenberg: @dayookeniyi or what? you gonna whack me with your cane? run me over with your walker?
@dayookeniyi: @amandlastenberg i am two steps away from blocking you, calling your mother, and summoning my fairy godmother to turn you back to an eleven year old
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@alexanderludwig: cant wait to liv it up tonite
@jackie_emerson: die
@isabellefuhrman: no one cares
@amandlastenberg: stop trying to revive liv it up it died before it even began
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg liv it up deserved a grammy
@amandlastenberg: @alexanderludwig if liv it up deserved a grammy, then @jackquaid92 playing the recorder deserved to be our national anthem
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg: i see nothing wrong with this logic
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@amandlastenberg: if any of my neighbors are reading this – i hate u and i hope the cops show up to arrest you not for being too fucking loud, but for making it sound like pitbull is playing an outdoor concert on your patio
@willowshields: …why don’t YOU just call the cops on them
@alexanderludwig: what do you have against pitbull
@jackquaid92: and yet, you people wonder why others find us judgmental
@amandlastenberg: @dayookeniyi go back to a) knitting your sweaters and b) minding your own business
@dayookeniyi: @amandlastenberg you just wait until you hit your late 20s and all you want to do is tactile things, you’ll be singing a different tune then
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@jackie_emerson: nothing screams quality nye party like frolicking on the beach and throwing all of the stupid shit 2017 gave me out into the ocean
@amandlastenberg: pls don’t get eaten by a shark
@isabellefuhrman: @amandlastenberg i wouldn’t worry, the shark would bring her back
@alexanderludwig: you’re stupid for going out in the ocean when it isn’t shark week, emerson
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig i know damn well YOU aren’t calling ME stupid
@alexanderludwig: shark week is the only safe time to get in the water, since all the sharks are busy being on tv
@willowshields: i can feel my brain cells dying the longer i keep this app open
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@isabellefuhrman: for any of you who actually bought that whole bit about @jackquaid92 being #liveatvegas …have i got news for u ;) #EXPOSED pic.twitter.com/j7skao2lm
@jackie_emerson: MY EYES I’M BLIND
@amandlastenberg: @jackie_emerson suuuuuuure you are ;)
@jhutch1992: part of me doesn’t want to know….but part of me does want to know where you got ahold of that seashell bra
@isabellefuhrman: @jackquaid92 what, merquaid??? just figured everyone would want to be part of your world this evening
@jackquaid92: @isabellefuhrman you are STILL EVIL IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS
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@amandlastenberg: not that i’m surprised you assholes are keeping secrets ONCE A-FUCKING-GAIN, but i never thought i’d live to see the day when jackabelle was the only thg ship that sailed
@isabellefuhrman WHAT
@jackquaid92: WH A T
@willowshields: oh how we (and the shippers) were wrong
@amandlastenberg: @alexanderludwig listen you don’t get to be sad jack made a move first, mister ‘all i date is discount isabelles’
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@jhutch1992: #highlightsof2017 @amandlastenberg outing @alexanderludwig ‘s type for all of twitter to see
@alexanderludwig: I DO NOT HAVE A TYPE
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig HOW DUMB ARE YOU
@isabellefuhrman: i am blocking all of you numskulls
@amandlastenberg: @isabellefuhrman who are you calling a numskull #mrsplebeian
@willowshields: @amandlastenberg @isabellefuhrman HOLY SHIT DID U JUST GO WHERE I THINK U WENT
@isabellefuhrman: @amandlastenberg BLOCKED
@isabellefuhrman: @amandlastenberg AND I AM NEVER TELLING YOU ANYTHING EVER AGAIN
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@jackquaid92: @willowshields STOP CALLING ME
@isabellefuhrman: @willowshields WE ARE NOT DATING
@jhutch1992: @isabellefuhrman no guy willingly wears a seashell bra and red wig for a picture that isn’t being taken by their girlfriend
@willowshields: @jhutch1992 for the first time in your life, you have made sense
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@isabellefuhrman: today’s word of the day is BLOCKED!! here it is in a sentence: all of my thg costars are getting BLOCKED
@jackie_emerson: excuse me i’ll have you know i did nothing to perpetuate this jackabelle insanity
@amandlastenberg: i’d love to see you try
@willowshields: who’s gonna help you block us, @jhutch1992
@jhutch1992: @willowshields i see what you did there and i do not appreciate it
@alexanderludwig: pls don’t block me
@isabellefuhrman: @alexanderludwig ……..
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig SHE’S HAD YOU BLOCKED SINCE 2013
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@dayookeniyi: almost 2018 and the hunger games relationship disaster is STILL plaguing my life
@amandlastenberg: you’re just jealous that no one shipped you with anyone
@jackquaid92: wanna trade places?????
@dayookeniyi: @jackquaid92 no thanks, especially seeing as how ludwig’s probably gonna show up on your front door within the hour to pummel you for going after his girl
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@alexanderludwig: #wolfpackcode
@amandlastenberg: for my birthday, all i want is for someone to print @jackquaid92 ‘s reply and @jackie_emerson ‘s og snapping on ludwig tweet and frame them
@jhutch1992: wait since when did we have a code???????
@dayookeniyi: ……who is we
@jhutch1992: @dayookeniyi YOU BETTER CALL ME
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@jackie_emerson: one year, we can’t have ONE YEAR WHERE NOTHING STUPID HAPPENS
@willowshields: you had two of them, clearly you took them for granted
@jackie_emerson: @willowshields if only you and amandla had like, a half an ounce of chill, i would not have to play the role of the bomb squad
@amandlastenberg: @jackie_emerson @willowshields THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT INCLUDING US
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg YOU GET INCLUDED WAAAAAY MORE THAN I DO
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig YES AND THAT IS FOR A R E A S O N
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@jackquaid92: new year’s resolution: hire a publicist to run my twitter for me
@jhutch1992: dude you really should, best decision i ever made
@dayookeniyi: what, and miss out on these beautiful little breaks in sanity?????? why would you ever wanna do that
@jackquaid92: @dayookeniyi might i redirect you to like, the last half hour of my twitter timeline
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@jackie_emerson: the only thing i have to do in life is die
@amandlastenberg: @jackie_emerson keep it up and it will be by my hand
@dayookeniyi: we don’t have a group chat
@isabellefuhrman: @dayookeniyi or you’re just not in it
@dayookeniyi: @isabellefuhrman EXCUSE ME YOU BETTER GET TO ADDING ME
@amandlastenberg: @isabellefuhrman i swear to god if you add dayo before me i will show up at your house
@isabellefuhrman: @amandlastenberg i mean, my house has become thg cast central this evening against my will anyways so what’s one more person
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@madelinefuhrman: @alexanderludwig i can see your car parked outside my window so i’m just gonna go ahead and save you the trouble – go home
@madelinefuhrman: @alexanderludwig 2017’s just been a year of disappointments, hasn’t it
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@willowshields: how is it that we all just magically happen to be in the same zip code whenever we go on one of these twitter tirades
@jhutch1992: and i’m always not
@amandlastenberg: @jhutch1992 you’re rich, hop on a plane and fly out here
@jackie_emerson: i mean, i always try to not be anywhere near you people during the holiday season but the universe hates me
@isabellefuhrman: @jackie_emerson says the girl who texted me yesterday begging me to cancel all my plans so we could hang out
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@isabellefuhrman: in 2018 i’m going to chase after my newest career goal: professional receipt collector and exposer
@dayookeniyi: does that mean your athlete phase has finally ended???? thank jesus
@jackquaid92: @dayookeniyi i still think nike mistook her for the OTHER, actually athletic isabelle fuhrman in existence
@isabellefuhrman: @jackquaid92 @dayookeniyi we’ll see who gets the last laugh, tweedledumb and tweedledumber
@jackie_emerson: exposer is not a word, isabelle, stop trying to imitate your one true love
@isabellefuhrman: i have dirt on ALL OF YOU i might as well be the key-keeper of the fucking thg cast secrets
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@dayookeniyi: @isabellefuhrman is not cut out to be an athlete in any form – a thread
@dayookeniyi: exhibit a) the infamous platform incident where we were all convinced she was dead and we’d have to recast the role of clove (and thus introduce alexander to his first knockoff isabelle)
@jackie_emerson: I’M INTERRUPTING THE THREAD TO CONTRIBUTE and remind everyone of when isabelle tripped over the fucking LEVEL SIDEWALK AND SPRAINED HER ANKLE
@jackquaid92: isabelle gave herself a black eye opening my freezer
@amandlastenberg: isabelle fell through the pool ladder at my fourth of july pool party and had bruises all over the insides of her legs for 3 weeks
@alexanderludwig: once during filming isabelle was in my room and walked smack into the balcony door and i thought she’d broken her nose
@jhutch1992: ooh on the mall tour isabelle sliced her thumb wide open trying to tear off a piece of scotch tape
@isabellefuhrman: all of you are going to begin 2018 in this wonderful land called my blocked list
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@alexanderludwig: SOS
@jackquaid92: told u not to follow jackie into the closet
@willowshields: it’s true she’s driving like we’re auditioning for fast and the furious 9
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg this is not seven minutes in heaven belieb me it’s seven minutes in heLL
@dayookeniyi: @alexanderludwig did you just type ‘belieb’
@alexanderludwig: @dayookeniyi autocorrect
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig GET OFF YOUR PHONE BEFORE I THROW IT INTO THE OCEAN
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@jackquaid92: the worst thing to ever happen in 2017 was for twitter to give all of you nimrods 280 characters
@isabellefuhrman: says the guy who just got done using all 280 to roast alexander like a marshmallow
@willowshields: in dark times like these, twitter needs as much of our fuckery as they can get
@alexanderludwig: if trump, the least deserving person ever, gets 280 characters, THEN SO DO I
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@amandlastenberg: alright which one of you motherfuckers called the cops on me and willow
@jhutch1992: don’t look at me i’m busy freezing my ass off in kentucky and trying to set up this roku
@dayookeniyi: i just learned how to dial 911 in this country like, 7 months ago so count me out
@jackie_emerson: what excuse did you use on them??? ‘sorry i was speeding officer, my ships from 2012 were on the verge of sinking’
@jackquaid92: consider this payback for starting jackabelle
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@jhutch1992: have any of my followers/thg costars set up a roku tv and can give me advice
@dayookeniyi: advice: give up now
@isabellefuhrman: use your roku as a coaster
@jackie_emerson: who at best buy talked you into buying one of those like did they not know you were technologically inept the minute you walked through the wrong set of automatic doors
@amandlastenberg: call the lapd and tell them officer chad wrongfully accused me of about 20 different traffic violations
@willowshields: put it back in the box and send it to me, where it will actually see use
@jackquaid92: still trying to decipher if this is josh or josh’s publicist….
@jhutch1992: and the award for the least helpful people on the planet goes TO
@jackquaid92: @jhutch1992 yep this is definitely josh
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@isabellefuhrman: @jackie_emerson you have 46 seconds to get the fuck out of my closet before i come in there and drag you out by the hair
@jackie_emerson: i’m trying to jumpstart your love life okay hold your fucking horses
@isabellefuhrman: @madelinefuhrman please come out of your room and literally kick everyone out i’m going crazy
@madelinefuhrman: @isabellefuhrman you had your chance to lose touch with them years ago, time for you to make your bed and lie in it sis
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@willowshields: things i need to happen in 2018 – for the traffic court to take away @amandlastenberg ‘s license
@amandlastenberg: don’t you even START
@dayookeniyi: @amandlastenberg DON’T TWEET AND DRIVE
@dayookeniyi: @amandlastenberg they listen to me as well as they do to you: not at all
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@alexanderludwig: i wish i was @levenrambin right about now – not involved in this mess, probly enjoying my new years eve, living without the knowledge of what the back of @isabellefuhrman ‘s closet looks like
@isabellefuhrman: YOU WHAT NOW
@amandlastenberg: MY FOOT OF LEAD IS ONLY SO HEAVY
@jackie_emerson: you’ll thank me later ludwig
@alexanderludwig: @jackie_emerson i can’t thank anyone who doesn’t have respect for the dead
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@dayookeniyi: we have descended into hell
@willowshields: @amandlastenberg pls turn the car around i suddenly want to go home
@jhutch1992: are there any subliminal messages in the hannah montana soundtrack about how to properly set up a roku tv without using the usb cord to gouge out one’s eyes
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@jackie_emerson: @jackquaid92 serenading me with ‘if we were a movie’ is not the way to my heart
@isabellefuhrman: #jacquelackFOREVAAAAAAA
@dayookeniyi: dude don’t disrespect corbin bleu like that
@jackie_emerson: @dayookeniyi for someone who’s SOOOOOO opposed to this hannah montana marathon, you sure do have a vast hm knowledge
@dayookeniyi: @jackie­­_emerson listen we only got like….5 channels back in the day and one of them happened to be the disney channel, i’ve lived through more hannah than i care to admit; i could bust out into the nobody’s perfect dance right here and now but I’M NOT
@willowshields: you guys are like in the same room….WHY ARE YOU TWEETING EACH OTHER
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@jackie_emerson: you barely have common sense period
@isabellefuhrman: there’s this magical thing called youtube that might be of use
@amandlastenberg: @isabellefuhrman please like he knows how to work a web browser
@jackquaid92: go cry about it into your tissues made of 20 dollar bills and tell someone who CARES
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@alexanderludwig: for a moment, i thought the word box was spelled b-o-c-k-s
@jackie_emerson: sometimes i wonder how hard you were thrown at a brick wall when you were a child in order for these to be the results twenty something years later
@dayookeniyi: ………..just HOW much marijuana did you smoke before arriving
@alexanderludwig: @willowshields @isabellefuhrman @jackie_emerson @dayookeniyi oh come on like you people haven’t had moments like this
@jackie_emerson: @alexanderludwig WE HAVEN’T
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@amandlastenberg: somehow we have run into nye traffic even though we’re headed in the opposite direction of downtown…is everyone trying to get to isabelle’s house or something this evening
@jackquaid92: i’m sensing passive-aggressiveness
@amandlastenberg: @jackquaid92 NO SHIT
@isabellefuhrman: maybe it’s just a sign that you’re not meant to ever experience a nye with us
@amandlastenberg: @isabellefuhrman you will take that back or else i will drive my car right into your living room
@isabellefuhrman: @amandlastenberg assuming you ever get here, that is
@jackie­­_emerson: the devil works, but la party-goers work harder
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@dayookeniyi: @elinafuhrman is the best cook on the face of this planet
@isabellefuhrman: it takes one housewife to know another
@alexanderludwig: if you schmooze your way into getting that last vegan brownie imma wake up madeline and set her on your ass
@amandlastenberg: i’m going to take this as a sign that things have gone back to being uneventful as i requested so thank u dear idiots you all get gold star stickers when i get there
@jackie­­_emerson: @amandlastenberg *if, not when
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@willowshields: can someone please come pick me up i’m on a road somewhere near isabelle’s house and amandla is 3 seconds away from a meltdown
@jackquaid92: this is karma for the jackabelle thing
@amandlastenberg: @jackquaid92 I am coming for your ass.
@dayookeniyi: @jackquaid92 @amandlastenberg dude she used proper capitalization and punctuation you better leave now while you still have a chance
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@isabellefuhrman: #champagnefordaysssss
@jackquaid92: what happened to this being the last nye without alcohol?????
@amandlastenberg: keep on drinking your champagne girly, means that the hard stuff gets saved for me and by jove i’m gonna need it
@alexanderludwig: SHARE
@jackie­­_emerson: keep the alcohol away from ludwig’s grubby paws the last thing we need is him getting drunk and writing the 2018 follow up to liv it up
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@alexanderludwig: WAIT IT’S NEW YEARS THERE
@jackquaid92: what’s the sound situation down there?
@jhutch1992: @jackquaid92 sounds like the revolutionary war is occurring right outside my window BUT IT’S OKAY BC IT’S 2018
@jackie­­_emerson: your idea of modern technology is a toaster
@jhutch1992: @amandlastenberg THANK YOU
@jhutch1992: @amandlastenberg: HEY WAIT A SECOND
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@jackquaid92: is it too late to ask for things i want for christmas bc i need life alert right about now
@jackie_emerson: you and me both
@willowshields: amandla wants to know what happened and so do i (but i’m not gonna tell amandla until traffic starts moving because i’m actually afraid for my life)
@dayookeniyi: @elinafuhrman where do you keep your bleach
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@alexanderludwig: it’s midnight somewhere ;)
@jackie_emerson: and it’s 2017 here which means i’ve still got time to leave you behind
@amandlastenberg: ELABORATE PLEASE
@isabellefuhrman: x
@dayookeniyi: time to burn the best of both worlds into my retinas to hopefully unsee what just happened
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@amandlastenberg: things i can officially say i’ve done before 2017 ends: off-roading
@jackie_emerson: in la?????
@amandlastenberg: @jackie­­_emerson you can do anything you put your mind to
@willowshields: we’ll be spending 2018 in the hospital getting treated for whiplash
@dayookeniyi: @willowshields see this wouldn’t be a problem if you and amandla were still 10
@amandlastenberg: @dayookeniyi go back to your hannah montana marathon oladayo and leave me ALONE
@alexanderludwig: @amandlastenberg who the hell is oladayo
@dayookeniyi: @alexanderludwig ....that’s it i give up @amandlastenberg if i come stand outside isabelle’s house will you hit me and put me out of my misery
@amandlastenberg: @dayookeniyi you got it dude
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@jackie­­_emerson: the rise of the little merquaid
@dayookeniyi: white people
@amandlastenberg: i hope one of you knuckleheads has a hidden talent of being a mechanic because MY CAR SURE IS GONNA NEED THE TUNE UP
@madelinefuhrman: CAN YOU ALL GO HOME ALREADY
@isabellefuhrman: @madelinefuhrman you had your chance to get rid of them hours ago, time to make your bed and lie in it SIS
@madelinefuhrman: @isabellefuhrman don’t use my words against me or i’ll start tweeting out old diary entries now that alexbelle is a-happenin
@willowshields: @amandlastenberg SLOW THE FUCK DOWN I JUST SAW US PASS LIGHT
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@jhutch1992: next year i’m gonna fly out to wherever the hell in the world you guys decide to be so i can spend new years with you guys instead of my redneck neighbors and malfunctioning roku
@jackquaid92: i nominate we all go to disney, and you foot the bill
@jhutch1992: @jackquaid92 why the hell should i pay when i have liam’s credit card information stored in my apple pay
@jackie_emerson: i’m with jack, let’s go to disney world next year!!!!
@isabellefuhrman: we just gotta make sure wherever we go, we give @amandlastenberg ample travel time or else she might blackmail mickey into stabbing us
@amandlastenberg: @isabellefuhrman i’m touched that you know me so well
@jhutch1992: @jackquaid92 @jackie_emerson @isabellefuhrman @amandlastenberg are you guys just gonna ignore the bit about my roku????
@jackie_emerson: @jhutch1992 you actually expected otherwise?
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@isabellefuhrman: i hear tires squealing so i’m going to assume @amandlastenberg has finally arrived to the wasn’t-supposed-to-be-a-party party
@amandlastenberg: also pls let me in it’s cold
@dayookeniyi: WONDERFUL @amandlastenberg i’m waiting at the door with scissors, provide your license upon entry
@amandlastenberg: @dayookeniyi maybe in 2018 you’ll stop being so delusional
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@willowshields: i have never been so grateful to see @alexanderludwig in my life
@alexanderludwig: um what are you talking about i’m a cATCH
@jackie_emerson: how to know you’ve gotten Desperate
@willowshields: @jackie_emerson you weren’t in that car
@amandlastenberg: WE WERE NOT GOING THAT FAST
@willowshields: @isabellefuhrman please lock @amandlastenberg outside bc lightning is about to strike her down
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@alexanderludwig: you guys are going to leave behind this mess of USING ME AS A PUNCHING BAG IN 2017 DAMMIT
@jackie_emerson: they will be lowering you into the ground and i’ll still be throwing hands
@jackquaid92: if you haven’t shaken it by now, you never will dude
@alexanderludwig: @isabellefuhrman please protect me
@isabellefuhrman: @alexanderludwig you’re a good kisser but you’re an even greater punching bag xoxo
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@jackquaid92: almost all of the gang back together again…..i wish i was in vegas with britney
@dayookeniyi: all we have to do is pull out a karaoke machine and put ludwig in some heels, it’ll practically be the same thing
@jackquaid92: @dayookeniyi how dare you liken ludwig to jesus spears
@isabellefuhrman: um do you not remember what happened when we went to go see taylor swift’s nye performance a few years ago in times square???????
@jackquaid92: @isabellefuhrman it was wonderful what are you talking about
@jackie_emerson: @jackquaid92 WE ALMOST GOT ARRESTED
@amandlastenberg: get off your PHONES AND ENTERTAIN ME
@jackquaid92: @amandlastenberg this is why we don’t invite you, you’re too high maintenance – always trying to build up more footage for your alexbelle/emerquaid repertoire
@amandlastenberg: @jackquaid92 okay first, i don’t buy that you know what the word repertoire means so get off dictonary.com and SECONDLY I HAVE A DUTY TO THE PEOPLE OF TUMBLR
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@dayookeniyi: i thought i had seen it all tonight….and then someone mentioned the word ‘reputation’
@jackquaid92: BEST ALBUM OF 2018
@alexanderludwig: SAVED MY LFIE
@isabellefuhrman: you had to know the taylor swift fan-men would be extra rabid on a full moon, dayo, it’s your own damn fault
@amandlastenberg: @jhutch1992 since when did you become a taylor swift fan
@jhutch1992: @amandlastenberg SINCE ALWAYS
@willowshields: @alexanderludwig *pretends to be shocked*
@dayookeniyi: @isabellefuhrman suddenly your closet is looking more and more like a safe place to begin the new year
@isabellefuhrman: @dayookeniyi WHAT IS SO SCARY ABOUT MY CLOSET?!
@jackie_emerson: @isabellefuhrman sweetie, you can’t be that oblivious
@amandlastenberg: @jackie_emerson don’t speak so soon, this is the girl that’s had the hots for ludwig for how long now???
@isabellefuhrman: @jackie_emerson @amandlastenberg get out of my house
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@jackie_emerson: maybe in 2018 i will join @levenrambin and break free of this thg twitter curse
@jackquaid92: maybe in 2018 alexander and isabelle will actually stay together
@isabellefuhrman: maybe in 2018 you all will stop coming to my house uninvited
@willowshields: maybe in 2018 amandla will get her license revoked and stop terrorizing the roads
@dayookeniyi: maybe in 2018 i will get to watch as the isabelle posters in nike come down
@isabellefuhrman: @dayookeniyi maybe in 2018 i’ll get you your aarp card for your birthday
@dayookeniyi: @isabellefuhrman I AM NOT THAT OLD DAMMIT
@isabellefuhrman: @dayookeniyi i’m sorry i don’t speak grandpa
@dayookeniyi: maybe in 2018 you people will stop being so SASSY
@jhutch1992: maybe in 2018 you guys will learn about this thing called communication
@alexanderludwig: maybe in 2018 (as in this week) when queen latifah’s funeral is televised you all will apologize and acknowledge that i’m not dumber than a bag of rocks
@amandlastenberg: 3 words, all of you: NEVER. GONNA. HAPPEN
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Update on Narita’s Health
I’m still not going to be able to do much tumblr related + fic related over the next several days but after the tweet I just saw from Narita I remembered I never posted an update here about his November 25 PSA tweet about his health. And...I thought I should at least take seven minutes right now to hurriedly update you guys on the status of his health, and then I’ll share the tweet I saw just minutes ago today:
November 25 Tweet
So, from what I understand (thanks to @toushindai for double-checking the tweet), the PET scan Narita got a while back revealed lymph nodes for which he needed surgery, and for a while he was seriously worried about lymphoma. I’m pleased to report that not only was the surgery successful, it confirmed that the tumor(s) were benign, and not malignant.
After explaining all that, Narita apologized because the recovery will slow down his writing process for the next few months.
Today’s Tweet (December 01, 2017)
Remember how Baccano! wasn’t the only Narita novel postponed? His anticipated Bleach novel was also delayed due to the health problems at the time... In the tweet linked above, Narita seems to be announcing that Volume II of his Bleach series “Can’t Fear Your Own World” is now releasing digitally as of Dec 1, followed by what I think is another explanation-apology about how the serious writing delay was the result of the poor health + hospital + surgery. 
(I’m very tentative about this next bit, but I...think he is also “very sorry” for the word count at present being less than the previous [novel]?)
The tweet is a follow-up of a retweet of the publisher’s promotional tweet for CFYOW II finally starting up again. I looked the publisher’s page and I think the novel will be released in installments bi-weekly on Fridays. 
So what does that mean for Baccano!’s 1935-E? I wonder. I guess it depends on how much work Narita will have to do re: CFYOW II as it releases. I’m not actually sure if this means he a) finished it in advance, b) written enough of a stockpile that he’ll have a buffer for the next few chapter releases, or c) he’ll be writing each new installment as he goes along. If I actually knew Japanese, I might have been able to pick up on more clues... 
(The reason I wonder if he’s writing it as it goes along is because he says 今の所 of the word count, and yomichan tells me this can mean something like “at the present time/currently/so far/for now/for the time being”). To me, that might imply that the “current installments” released so far aren’t as long as their Vol I counterparts...buuutt he hasn’t written all of it and the word count ‘could’ end up being longer.  
Since I, again, don’t actually know Japanese, someone else who does should/will need to get back to me on that. I’m probably not getting any of the nuance. 
Still, the fact that his new Bleach novel is finally publishing must mean that we’re inching closer to 1935-E...yeah? CFYOW II and Baccano! Vol 23 were basically his two really big on-the-horizon publications that were postponed. Fingers crossed he’ll tweet about Baccano! in the near future with info.
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weeklyhumorist · 4 years
Why Did You Unfollow Me on Twitter?
It’s been a while! Seeing you reminds me, the strangest thing happened the other day: A tweet of yours popped up on my feed (hilarious, by the way!) and I could have sworn you follow me, but when I hovered over your name, it didn’t say that you do.
  Didn’t you like a tweet of mine a couple months ago? You remember, the one about how annoying it is when your Uber driver says they’re outside but they’re actually a block away. A few months before that, you retweeted another one of mine. Well, to be fair, it was only a viral tweet that I retweeted—a video of Chrissy Teigen teasing John Legend. Regardless, I thought we were getting along great.
  I know we haven’t seen each other in a long time, but isn’t that the beauty of social media? I thought you enjoyed my tweets about where every free agent in baseball should sign. Plus, I saw you still follow Colin, and none of us have seen or heard anything from him since high school.
  It couldn’t have been because you were offended by a political tweet of mine, either, since I never tweet about politics. Or did my lack of political tweets imply that I don’t care about politics and am therefore part of the problem, so you had to purge me from your Twittersphere? If that’s the case, I assure you that I am very political outside of Twitter, and I’m confident we share the exact same views on every single issue so we can stay friends.
  It’s not like I tweet so often that I clogged up your feed. Even if I did, the polite thing would’ve been to simply mute me. I’d be blissfully unaware you were never seeing my tweets. I myself don’t shy away from muting—I’ve muted my cousin, for example, who constantly tweets videos of himself playing Overwatch and tags celebrities challenging them to play. They can’t even see his messages because his profile is private.
  Nor do I tweet so little that you could reasonably assume I never log on and then unfollow me to improve your follower-to-following ratio. (And like I said, you’re still following Colin, whose last tweet was during Kelly’s graduation party years ago, before he went off the map.)
  Okay, to be honest, I don’t just think you used to follow me. I’m 100% sure. If you’re creeped out, relax. It’s not like I regularly go through every single one of my followers to check that they still follow me—that would be crazy. No, I downloaded an app that sends me a notification as soon as someone unfollows me. Then I go through every single one of my followers to check who it was.
  I guess what I’m asking is more than why you unfollowed me, it’s whether you’ll re-follow me. After all, we still follow each other on Instagram—I always like your posts, even when they’re just photos of craft beers. We’re still Facebook friends, although I keep telling myself I’m going to delete my account. Obviously, we’re still connected on LinkedIn. Imagine what would have to happen to disconnect with someone there. (Don’t you think it’s odd that Colin doesn’t have a LinkedIn? Do you think he’s working?)
  Look, I’m not threatening you, but if you don’t re-follow me, I’ll have to unfollow you. Then I would have to manually check your Twitter every couple days to see what you’ve been saying, and that would really be a pain.
Why Did You Unfollow Me on Twitter? was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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breedavies · 7 years
Vote, Baby. Vote.: Here’s How I Voted in the 2017 Denver Elections
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Denver! Ballots are due by Tuesday, November 7th at 7pm. So far, voter turnout has been abysmal. Can we really allow a small percentage of our population to make the decisions as to how $937 million of our future money as a city is spent? I don't think so. We can do better!
Since many of you asked (and I'm so happy that you did!) what I think about the 2017 ballot, I wanted to share my reasoning for how/why I'm voting -- still, I encourage you to seek out sources for additional information so YOU can make the informed decisions that best represent your own views. Below my voting information, I’ve included some resources to guide you! ***I'm also not interested in debating:) This is how I voted and I encourage you to make your own decisions*** (p.s. I dunno if it needs to be said but these are MY views, not the views of any organization, group or business I may do work with or represent outside of social media, etc.) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE. These elections are important and will have an impact on your life in Denver for generations to come. We are always talking about what is happening to this city and you actually have a chance to do something about it! 
On twitter? let me know you voted and I will retweet you! @cocodavies
You should have gotten a ballot in the mail. After you fill it out, go to
the Secretary of State’s website to find out where the nearest ballot drop-off is located.
It's super easy! Just put your address into the box marked "Where do I vote or drop off my ballot?" and it will tell you where the closest location is.
Please drop your ballot ON OR BEFORE 7p.m. on Tuesday, November 7th!
Here goes, in order of how issues appear on the ballot:
Denver Public Schools Director At-Large:
Maybe you're like me and don't have kids in DPS. Maybe you have kids but they go to private schools. Neither of these things matter -- YOU NEED TO HAVE A SAY IN WHO LEADS DPS.
Why? DPS is one of the largest employers in the state. The health of our public schools is often a good indicator of the health of our neighborhoods. Also, hi. Children are the literal future. We need them to have equitable access to all of the tools, resources and experiences they need to become great humans.
My vote is for: Julie Bañuelos
I'll let Julie say why:
"During my 15+ years with DPS, I’ve worked mostly with communities of color with large constituents of immigrants, students and families of English Language Learners – groups to whom I am still tied and who are most impacted by passionate teachers that invest not just their time, but also their souls to these academic and personal relationships."
Enough said. I was sold. Julie’s career has been equity-focused and she’s been on the ground working with the populations she will be serving. We need more people like Julie in office.
(NOTE: If you have an open seat in your district for school board, please see A+ Colorado's breakdown of each candidate on their website! I have a link below.)
Ok, so- The GO Bond:
Here's the "nobody reads paragraphs just gimme the votes" version:
2A- No
2B- No
2C- No
2D- No
2E- Yes
2F- Yes
2G- No
2H- Yes
I-300- Yes
::::::::::::::::And here's the blowhard version of my votes:::::::::::::::::
GO Bond: some thoughts
This was tough. I am beyond disappointed that not a drop of money could have been set aside for affordable housing. That, and I was also inundated with materials from the city pushing me to vote yes on all measures; in fact, the city spent $2.4 MILLION on the campaign to push this through, a campaign that was unopposed, by the way, so they technically could have spent nothing. (I'm also including a link below to all of the donors who contributed to this campaign, because they will no doubt be donating to Hancock's re-election campaign, so get ready for that nightmare.)
My burning question with the GO Bond as a whole: With all of these "improvements" promised to be made with almost a billion of our future tax dollars, will we be subsidizing our own displacement? Will these improvements only accelerate gentrification? I don't have a crystal ball. I can't tell. But I am skeptical.
I also straight up do not trust the current administration or city council with $937 million. We have multiple multi-billion dollar "shiny object" projects in the works already- the I-70 environmentally racist nightmare, the National Western 
None of these projects have the most vulnerable people they will be negatively impacting in mind. I am scared for my city and our people. Money is seemingly everywhere, but we are losing our foundational folks because they cannot afford the basic necessities anymore.
2A- Denver Transportation & Mobility System Bonds - No.
I have no doubt this will pass. It doesn't need my vote to pass. But the refusal to consider housing as a part of the $431 million transit alone is unbelievable to me. I also don't trust that these projects will necessarily be fulfilled and I worry that those neighborhoods that need basics like sidewalks and safe crossings may never see them. I love you, transit lobby, and know you mean well. I wish you the best. You’ll be fine. 
2B- Denver Cultural Facilities Bonds - No.
I know, you're thinking, like, what? Bree, you love arts & culture! You're an advocate for artists and the institutions that make our arts scene great! I'm all for supporting any entity that creates opportunities for folks to see/participate/experience/make art. But guess what?
We already passed the SCFD tax - that tax FUNDS THESE INSTITUTIONS. The large organizations (think the Denver Zoo, the DMNS, Botanic Gardens, the DAM, DCPA) get their own dang tax. They also have large donor bases. They also have marketing departments and funding streams small non-profits on the ground doing the hard work do not.
Until our smaller organizations get the funding they deserve, these cultural behemoths can take care of themselves.
2C - Denver Health and Hospital Authority Bonds- No.
It comes down to a total lack of trust in the finds actually being spent on these things promised. Shout out to Candi CdeBaca for her research on this one. I've linked her own voter guide below. Please read her POV on all of these issues.
2D- Denver Public Safety System Bonds - No.
It sucks that they lump fire stations in with police stations because I would have voted yes on this otherwise. But- fuck the police. Fuck the police state. Dismantle the system. No money to support a racist, classist unjust "justice" system.
2E- Denver Library System Bonds - Yes.
The library takes better care of our people than our government does (just see how they are taking an empathetic approach to the opioid crisis and our folks experiencing homelessness.) Libraries are *thankfully* hotbeds of radical liberalism and I love everything they do for our world. Knowledge is power. Librarians save lives.
2F- Denver Parks & Recreation System Bonds - Yes.
This was a toughie, ONLY because this is one of those instances where I am concerned we will be subsidizing displacement. When we make improvements to long neglected areas of the city, they often become flags for land-owners to wave to attract gentrification.
If Westwood finally gets its long-deserved rec center, will the folks/families who live there now get to see it come to fruition in five years? My friends working in land trust operations and food access say yes, our people will get to stay. I trust they are right because they work directly with the people.
I do not want to see what happened to the Northside happen to the Westside.
2G- Denver Public Facilities System Bonds - No.
I again referred to Candi on this one. She says the allotment of money is too vague and that's enough for me. Again, a lack of trust in our current administration is having a huge impact on how I'm voting -- which is a bummer, because they have so many tools at their disposal to make this city a more equitable place for all. Money just isn't the only tool.
Beyond the Bond:
Referred Question 2H- Yes.
I can only assume (hope?) adding more board members to an entity of this size will bring more voices to the table.
I-300- The Green Roof Initiative- Yes.
This requires builders to put money into investing in our future. It is a step toward an actually greener city. It was opposed by our mayor, which is disheartening. I believe that he is ok with spending our money as a city, but when builders are asked to put more money toward a better Denver, he's not interested in asking for that. Who he stands with says a lot about who he cares about.
Also, this was a citizen-led campaign. This is how much people care about a healthy future for Denver. (A link to the Green Roof Initiative is below, if you want a detailed explanation of what, exactly, the initiative will do, if passed.)
Please, take a few minutes to read about each ballot issue so you can feel confident in the choices you make for the city of Denver. I’ve compiled a list of places I found good information to help me make my choices: In Denver’s at-large school board race, a familiar face and two challengers who want change via Melanie Asmar at Chalkbeat A+ Colorado's 2017 Denver Public Schools – School Board Candidate Survey GO? Or No GO?: A 2017 Denver Election Guide by Candi CdeBaca via Project VOYCE Your Denver 2017 Election Guide: What you need to know about ballot measures and school board candidates - via Erica Meltzer at Denverite Denver 2017 election guide: A $937 million bond package and the Green Roof Initiative are on the ballot via Jon Murray at The Denver Post A line-by-line look at the Mayor's recommended investments (where the GO Bond money is supposed to go if it all passes) Green Roof Initiative's breakdown of their proposal Ballotpedia’s breakdown of each measure And if you’re interested, here’s the campaign finance report for the entities/companies/people donated (to an unopposed campaign) Denver, please. Please vote. 
xo b
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omfgtrump · 4 years
The Tale of Two Viruses: Part 7
This week we saw more evidence that the White House was aware in mid January of a potential devastating coronavirus pandemic. And on January 29th, a memo from Peter Navarro, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy.
It was entitled: “Aggressive Containment versus No Containment.”
In the memo, Navaro wrote: “Doing nothing (the “No Containment” option) could range from “zero economic costs” to $5.7 trillion depending on the lethality of the virus.”
He also estimated a scenario in which the coronavirus could kill 543,000 Americans.
Of course, The Don claims he never saw the memo.
Navarro’s Feb 23rd memo begins with, “There is an increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1-2 million souls.”
Navarro called for an “immediate supplemental appropriation of at least $3 billion” to support efforts at prevention, treatment, inoculation and diagnostics. He described expected needs for “Personal Protective Equipment” for health care workers and secondary workers in facilities such as elder care and skilled nursing. He estimated that over a four-to-six-month period, “We can expect to need at least a billion face masks, 200,000 Tyvek suits, and 11,000 ventilator circuits, and 25,000 PAPRs (powered air-purifying respirators).”
Guess what happened to Navarro: He was disappeared from the task force and replaced by, “Mr. President, I think I love you more than Jesus” Mike Pence.
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The Don persisted in magical thinking, asseting that this would never happen here, because after all, he is The Don, and not only will he not allow bad things to happen, but the virus is no match for him.
So while the virus was taking hold, The Don was still waxing about how the virus was going to just fade in to the sunset. He saw what happened in China and what was happening in Italy and chose to do nothing!
The Don railed at the World Health Organization trying to blame it for his administrations incompetence. He has railed against governors and the news media; I am waiting for him to say that if Obama hadn’t been president none of this would have happened. Actually, if he had heeded the Obama administrations warnings, not discarded the plan they set up for a pandemic crisis-including setting up a special pandemic task force- our country would have managed this crisis more effectively.
The Don did take time to get rid of Glenn A. Fine, who was the acting inspector general for the Defense Department since before Mr. Trump took office and who was set to become the chairman of a new Pandemic Response Accountability Committee to monitor how the government carries out the $2 trillion Coronavirus relief bill. Is there a chance Don that you will be minding the store, siphoning off money, making your friends richer, while people die? Why else get rid of someone whose job it is to make sure the money is distributed appropriately? Does that sound immoral and disgusting? Yes, and you have proven time and time again, that you are quite capable of doing this!
He also had the government purchase 29 million doses of Chloroquine for treating the virus when there is no evidence that it works. In fact, one study in Brazil had to be terminated, as it caused fatal heart attacks in 11 patients. Sweeden also terminated it study and no longer administering the drug to patients as numerous died of heart attacks as well.
When a reporter asked Dr. Fauci to speak about the drug you told the reporter that the question had been answered many times before and cut off the reporter so Fauci couldn’t speak.  Instead there is reporting that says you have been listening to Rudy Guiliani and Laura Ingraham, of Fox News, who have been feeding you with unscientific anecdotal evidence of the drug’s efficacy. (Hey Rudy, welcome back! Aren’t you in jail yet?)
What do you imagine is on Fauci’s mind when he is being silenced by the master of disinformation and lies?
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Your patience with Fauci has been running thin; he, as opposed to you, tries to tell the American people the truth. Finally you couldn’t take it anymore and retweeted a former Republican Congressional candidates post: “Time to #Fire Fauci.” Perverse acts of intimidation in your demented reality show “Survivor.”
Hopefully, this schoolyard bullying will have no impact on Fauci’s truth telling as he is interested in saving lives and is truly devastated by what is going on; you, on the other hand, have no empathy and just want to win an election and somehow think getting the economy buzzing back is your pathway, no matter the casualties. If you fire him, maybe he will be liberated and tell the American people how badly you botched this.
We know things are starting to get bad for The Don when you start criticizing the Wall Street Journal. Soon he may even have to go after Lindsey, “I’ll do anything, and I mean anything for you,” Graham. Suddenly, they are starting to say that maybe it isn’t a good idea for you to be spending so much time rambling during the press conference because as far as the public is concerned as the great B.B. King sang: “The Thrill is Gone.”
Donald J. Trump
The Wall Street Journal always “forgets” to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are “through the roof” (Monday Night Football, Bachelor Finale, according to @nytimes  & is only way for me to escape the Fake News & get my views across. WSJ is Fake News!
The bump in your popularity for handling the crisis is retreating. Your lies, denial of facts and reality, insults of journalists and governors and preening about ratings, are starting to lose their luster, even with some of your supporters. Maybe people dying because of your incompetence breaks the hypnotic spell you have over your base? If death doesn’t then…
The Very Stable Genius faces a true existential dilemma: When is the right time to open up the country again and get people back to work with the prospects of a resurgence of the virus looming?
The Don is right in referring to his decision to reopen the country for business as “the most important decision he has ever made in his life.” Sure is Don, but your attention span to think through things and make decisions based on facts and not your “instincts” leaves me panicked. Luckily, governors are in control of their states and can make independent decisions despite you tweeting that you have the ultimate authority.
Recently you referred to the virus as a genius and in your daily version of “Survivor” you, The Very (Evil) Stable Genius, pitted yourself against an evil genius virus. The consequences of that match up is the unnecessary death toll we are facing. You are so over-matched; your utter incompetence and delusions of grandeur have given the evil genius virus more power to destroy.
If you are serious about making the right decision, then why do you keep repeating that we really don’t need to do a lot of testing? And why do you keep saying we have tested more people than any other country when there are 17 countries that have tested a larger percentage of their population? Why are you not coordinating a national response instead of putting the onus on the states? So when all is told, it will be the states and the governors that failed? That’s your re-election strategy?
Everyone is telling you that massive testing is the way to figure out how to bring the economy back, yet you downplay its importance? There is only one explanation: You are trying to hide the numbers of infected from the American people. You don’t want us to know how bigly and huge they are so you can say “look our numbers are so much lower than expected, see what good job I did!”
Don, the Covid-19 virus is eatingThe Very Stable Evil Genius alive. It feeds off your incompetence, which has allowed it to increase its devastation. But thanks to governors, mayors, front line medical workers, and essential workers, we are fighting the good fight and we can see some progress because of our mitigation tactics of staying home.
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Now you are pushing to open the country for business on May 1st, despite scientists imploring that it is too soon. It is clear that you don’t have the smarts and patience to stay the course to save lives. If you open the country too soon, more will die and more blood will be on your hands. And that blood is not the kind that can be washed off with soap. The sad part is that your immorality will prevent you from caring. Let’s hope the American people do and get rid of you the way we are all trying to get rid of the virus.
———————— On a more somber note, the greatest percentage of people dying from the virus are brown and black. This is not surprising, but no less devastating. Poverty, poor health care, higher levels of preexisting conditions, as well as the fact that many are working at jobs that have high exposure rates, explain this gruesome reality. In Chicago, more than 70 percent of the deaths related to the Coronavirus were among black residents, though black residents make up only a third of the city’s population. In Michigan, black residents make up just 14 percent of the population, but over 40 percent of the Covid-19 deaths. This is happening all over the country. What the virus has brought to light is the stark reality of inequity in this country. There is no hiding from statistics. America’s long standing institutionalized racism has been brought to bear in the grimmest of ways. In this game of “Survivor,” it has been clear who the greatest losers are. The question is, when we finally get to the other side of this, will there be the political and spiritual will to do something about it. Will there be institutional change allowing access to healthcare for all. Will there be an emphasis on creating real economic opportunities for people of color to address this shameful inequality?
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inkyfingerstoo · 7 years
aos rewatch
2x19 - The Dirty Half Dozen Thanks again @consoledacup !!!!
In this one: Team SHIELD is reunited and it feels so good wrong! Mike and Lincoln get cut up then saved. Jemma commits murder. Fitz pea-cocks. The Bus dies. Jai-ying talks a lot. Gonzalez talks more. Coulson talks the most. Raina has visions of Ultron.
-Coming to you in full Raina-vision - Hi Ruth Negga! -I loved Kyle Mclaughlin as Cal - he brought a lot of spark and heightened emotion to the show -Whatever happened to all these rando inhumans at the sanctuary? -Felt no connection to Robert Gonzalez (getting major Malick vibes), slow, low growly voice -Coulson exposition might be the worst part of the show -Boring Jai-ying/Skye scene, more exposition, less action -BAKSHI (I love him) - I can’t believe the villains end their phone calls with “Hail Hydra” ::snortlaughter:: -eugh back to Coulson/Gonzalez exposition -FITZ! First appearance at the 8:31 minute mark (standard Fitzsimmons first episode appearance average is probably ~10minutes - forever salty about it). -Iain, you’re adorable. AND HUNTER, I love and miss you -Nice saucy comment by Ward there “May’s actually pretty friendly…once you get to know her.” -“What happened?” “They removed Deathlock’s eye.” Yikes. Captain obvious. -JEMMA at the 12:00 minute mark (Fitz just staring at her) and a Fitzsimmons scene. “Whatever that is, it’s not love.” “Tsh, course not.” THE TENSION IN THAT SMALL SILENCE AFTER THIS EXCHANGE IS UNBEARABLE. Jemma’s reaction after this excahnge is very interesting. Nervously clasped hands, looking down to her feet, not looking at Fitz. Poor girl. She’s in so much pain -FitzSimmons sandwich of love. Fitz’s earnest thanks and Jemma’s soft “you’re welcome.” -Fitz pea-cocking is my favorite thing in the world -“You know what I should have done is toss him from the plane.” “Yeah, that would have been fitting.” I guess it’s good they can (kind of) joke about it now? -Never really unpacked how I feel about murderous Jemma. On one hand I get, bc Ward is evil and deserves to die and he nearly destroyed the most precious thing in the world to Jemma. But on the other hand, it’s murder, it’s taking a human life, that’s pretty intense. I'm sure there were some agents who joined SHEILD with the understanding that at some point, they will likely have to take a human life. But I don't think that ever occurred to Fitz or Simmons. They joined (well she joined, he followed) for science, discovery, exploration and adventure. And look at them now. It's all quite tragic really. Always wonder about these secret agent shows and how much murder is going on and the lines of morality that get pushed, and the justifications that occur. It’s all too deep for me to dive into so…..I’m just gonna not do it. -Whoa Coulson going to Andrew behind May’s back (to me that makes Coulson/May weirder, sorry I’m not on that ship, I like them as devoted friends only). I wonder how many times in the series Coulson has said the words, “but right now” - I bet it’s a lot -Afterlife crap, Ward/Kara crap, Bobbi/Gonzalez exchange, not really paying attention -Jemma and Coulson……man she really wants to murder Ward! Look how tense she is, her body language is very desperate borderline manic. (Ok, here’s a complaint I have about the show, Jemma says she should come on the mission for medical support…but she’s not an MD. Sure, she’s a genius but she didn’t go to medical school. I feel like this is something the show has forever been a bit confused about (like later in the season when she’s part of the surgery team for Bobbi - that made zero sense). I’m undoubtedly in the minority here, but I wish they would focus Jemma’s science prowess back to what it was in season 1 with the chemistry portion of her expertise and how that works in conjunction with biology. The only slack I’ll give for this case is that it was Mike Peterson who is half cyborg and as she states, she knows all his tech.) -Fitz in tach gear…..yes please (I wonder if he questioned or asked Jemma why she was there since she was a last minute add to the crew) -I’ll always be salty about the way Coulson clearly cares about Skye above all others -Trio™ pow-wow is adorable. -Ward, King of Excuses. He doesn’t regret killing people???? What a sociopath!!!! -Cal/Jai-ying scene…..boooooring -Hunter/Mack scene, all the awz, Bobbi/Kara scene, don’t care -The twins! Wanda and Pietro mentioned. Neat -All this choreographed hustle is hilarious (when they’re running around in the bus before it’s shot down) -RIP Bus - I’ll forever miss the lab and the little cubbie bedrooms (and forever have AUs where Fitz and Simmons cuddled in them.) -Shaky camera acting is always silly looking (weird moment at 28:11 - during one of the cuts to the team as the quinjet falls, Simmons holds her fist out, as if she wanted a bump from Fitz, haha). -Nice vfx Kolpack! -Man did the SHIELD team easily get into the base. No follow-up from Team Hydra to check for survivors, I guess. Lazy villains will never prosper. -“Be careful, Jemma.” Fitzsimmons for: “I love you.” -This one-shot action sequence with Daisy was SICK. Probably my second favorite Daisy scene in the series (The Fitzsimmons shipper speech is #1 obviously.) -Jemma with some nice moves against Bakshi. I wish more than anything we saw Jemma and Fitz doing the physical training (the way we always see Daisy) -Bakshi dies! Aw saddddd. Fun fact: after this episode aired I tweeted Simon Kassianides about how I was sad Bakshi died because I loved him as a villain and he liked and retweeted my tweet! (Said something along the lines of maybe he’s just “mostly dead,” Princess Bride style). -Why is Jemma so willing to die? “Get it over with you monster.” (“Just let them kill me.”) - did they forget at the end of s1 of Jemma refused to die, refused to let Fitz die? OOC (I suppose you could argue that it was a front of bravery in front of Ward. She just assumed he’d kill her so why give him the satisfaction of showing fear. Better scene in my opinion? Let her ‘go down’ fighting, let her say fuck it and pull the gun out and try and shoot Ward, but he shoots her in the vest she’s wearing, more dramatic fodder for FitzSimmons) -Love how these agents just murder people with no qualms. (May shooting the guards). I’m glad Fitz didn’t kill anyone. -Awww Fitz standing next to Jemma over Lincoln’s med bed -Aww2.0 Fitz and Jemma talking to Mike Peterson, like old times. “He didn’t make it.” (re. Bakshi) Jemma gives no shits. -lol This episode setting up Ultron. “It’s all connected.” bahahahaha
Fitzsimmons screen time once again woefully inadequate at 7.25 minutes 
Tagging: @wheres-your-rum @nerdlove4thewin @jemmathepoptart
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