#I’ll need… a few minutes now to compose I guess
erwinsvow · 3 months
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“rafe, i want a soda,” you tell your boyfriend from your comfortable seat, settled under your blanket waiting for the movie to start. rafe’s talking to kelce and topper about something quietly, adjusting his backwards cap and staring straight ahead—at people you recognize as the pogues he’s been terrorizing as of late. you rise from your position, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. kelce and topper stop talking, getting into their chairs when rafe turns to talk to you.
“yes, princess? what now?” 
you should be good—rafe always tell you to keep your nose out of his business stuff, especially when he’s making his rounds at a party trying to sell coke. you usually always comply anyways, not asking questions since the first time and not caring either, as long he swears he’s safe and not doing as much of the stuff as he used to—but this isn’t about his business. you can tell there’s something going on with those pogues and he’s planning something that you want to make him stop.
“movie’s starting. and i want a soda.” 
“kelce, give her your soda,” rafe says, turning back around to finish his conversation, when you interrupt. you shake your head at kelce, who holds the pepsi can in his hand, stopping right as he was about to toss it to you.
“it’s not diet, rafe,” you comment with a sweet smile, hoping you can distract him from whatever he’s trying to talk about with his boys.
“really kid? i think you’ll be fine-”
“please, rafe?” you interrupt again, pouting. he shouldn’t have given up so easily—but your pout is one of those things he can’t resist. 
“pain in my ass, kid, really.” you smile at rafe, thanking him while he grumbles. “you better sit tight and watch this stupid movie after this-”
“popcorn too! do you guys want anything?” you turn, asking kelce and topper.
“all good, thanks princess.” you crinkle your nose and turn back, not really liking it when anyone but rafe addresses you like that—it feels like a joke when they say it.
rafe comes back with your stuff, handing it to you with a roll of his eyes, but you notice he’s smiling when you thank him. you curl up next to him on the same chair, head on his chest trying to watch the movie. you notice he’ll turn to look at kelce and topper, and then the pogues sitting ahead of you. 
each time he starts looking, you try to distract him, bringing your straw or a piece of popcorn up to his mouth, and then he looks down at you instead, with a sweet smile and a kiss to the top of your head. 
you should have guessed it would only work for so long—the two pogue boys get up and the three boys with you rise instantly too. in a desperate attempt to keep him with you, you drop the soda onto the grass and call to your boyfriend before he gets too far.
“rafe, uhm, this spilled so i need a new one-”
“one minute, princess, i’ll be right back-”
“no, rafe, wait-” but he’s gone before you can say or do anything else.
you sit in the lawn chair, too distracted to focus on the movie, worried about what rafe is gonna do to them. it’s only a few minutes later that you hear screaming, and look up to see the entire projector screen aflame. you get up immediately, panicking at the horde of people trying to get away, when you take a step backwards and bump into something hard. you yelp, but familiar hands hold you hard and guide you out back to the parking lot, hands that can only belong to your boyfriend.
you don’t get a clear look at rafe until he parks at tannyhill—a pink and red lesion on his cheek that wasn’t there before. 
“rafe, your face-”
“kid, why d’you think i’m trying to take care of business with these pogues? huh?” you’re silent, not able to compose any kind of answer that would make sense. 
“i-i don’t-”
“exactly. you don’t know. these, these pogues? they’re fuckin’ crazy. they held a gun to top’s head. they set that fire, not carin’ who would get hurt.” he watches you stare at him with big eyes and parted lips, taking in everything he’s saying. he knows it’s a little manipulative, not giving you any context or telling you he caved in pope’s face with a nine-iron. you’re listening, and paying attention, finally. “let you get away with a lot of stuff, kid. don’t make me regret it.” 
like he doesn’t know why you make him go buy soda or try to distract him with a kiss at the beach or at the club. he brushes it aside because he likes to let you think you’re getting away with it.
“have you learned your lesson about interferin’?” you nod eagerly. “good girl. now c’mon.” he takes you upstairs to his bedroom and lets you apologize down on your knees.
“good fuckin’ girl-” is what comes out of rafe’s mouth when you settle infront of him, on your knees, hands unbuckling his belt. he repeats it, but it comes out as a grunt when you take him into your mouth, big, watery eyes staring up at him while you impale your throat with his thick cock. he wipes the tears away with his free hand, the other one gripping your hair while he slides your mouth up and down with his motions.
“that’s right, nothin’ to say now, huh? good girl, don’t worry, i’ll forgive you. you gonna meddle again? hm?” he pulls you off, your mouth letting go with a little pop sound. 
“no, no, never again-”
“good girl,” and he brings your mouth right back.
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moonstruckme · 1 month
have a bonfire - send a character + a trope (one bed, fake dating, etc.) and I’ll write a drabble
hii!! first off i wanna say congrats on 5k you deserve it so much!! can i do remus lupin and fake dating please and ty!
Thanks so much lovely!
cw: alcohol
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 969 words
“Your favorite color is green,” you say, passing Remus a glass of champagne. 
His brow twitches as he takes it from you, holding it by the stem like an adult. You adjust your grip on yours accordingly. “What?” 
“Your friend Sirius cornered me by the bar. I panicked.” 
“Ah.” Remus tucks a tongue into his cheek, just shy of the corner of his mouth, and takes a sip. “I’ve always told him I didn’t have a favorite.” 
You chew your lip, nodding. “Okay. That’s okay, we can just say you told me because you’re, like, so into me.” 
He chuckles. “So into you I divulged to you the deep, dark secret of my favorite color?” 
“Mhm. Think he’ll buy it?” 
“He might, actually.” He takes another sip of his champagne, and you remember to have a bit of yours. You could probably use it. Remus looks perfectly composed, and surprisingly dapper in his suit, done up to the top button with the collar just barely brushing a thin, pale scar circling a third of his neck. Contrastly, you’re a jumble of nerves. “Sirius likes to think I’m holding out on them, it might fit into his narrative that I’d kept it a secret all these years.” 
“And if he does figure it out, we could probably just tell him, right?” you ask, and somehow your champagne is half gone. Damned duplicitous, narrow glasses. 
Remus’ smile softens as it bubbles down your throat, and you know he can read what you’re thinking on your face. You’re a shit actress, an even worse liar. You’re going to ruin this for him. 
“We could,” he says, “but he’ll only tell James.” 
“Really?” You look at the man still standing by the bar, now chatting with a blonde you don’t know but suspect in a few minutes will have to pretend you’ve heard Remus talk about a million times. Sirius has managed to wear a leather jacket to a wedding, thrown on right after the reception in what Remus has informed you is typical fashion for him. He grins with one half of his mouth as he talks, flashing canines when he really means it. “He doesn’t strike me as a narc.” 
Remus steps closer to you as someone moves past him, lowering his voice. You can smell his cologne, woody and vaguely sweet. “He’s not. He and James tell each other everything, though.” 
“Oh. That’s sweet, actually.” 
James is the one you’re really here for. It’s his wedding, and months ago when he and his fiancee sent out invitations he’d asked if Sirius or Remus would need a plus-one. Sirius said yes immediately, and by some manner you can’t say you understand but Remus assures you is very typical of them, this evidently devolved into a bet on whether Remus could actually find a date that met his standards and that he was willing to ask to come to the wedding with him. 
As it turns out, Remus is more competitive than you would have guessed. 
According to James and Sirius, no one is ever good enough for him. You’re here to disprove that, though you don’t love that your work crush asked you out because he couldn’t find anyone he wanted to actually date. Still, Remus is your friend, and you were never going to say no to helping him. If you’d known you’d get to see him in this suit, you probably would have said yes even faster. 
“Do you want another?” Remus asks, and you look down to find your champagne glass is empty. 
“Oh my gosh, sorry.” You set the glass down on a nearby table, embarrassment a tickle over your skin. “Yeah, probably best not.” 
“Don’t be sorry.” He tilts his head at you, smiling in that gentle, kind way of his. “You’re here not on a job, love, you should have a good time.” 
“I feel like I am, a little bit.” Your laugh bubbles out of you easily, fizzy like the champagne. “I want to at least act like someone your friends believe you could be interested in.” 
“Just be yourself,” Remus reassures you. “They’ll believe it.” 
Something in your gut flitters at what that could mean. You don’t let yourself think on it. “What if I wanted to dance?” 
He smiles. “Then you should do that.” 
“But would you dance with me?” 
“I would hold your things for you.” His grin takes on a sheepish quality. “Find a chair to watch with all the other lame boyfriends.” 
You tsk. “You’re not lame, Remus.” He looks like he wants to contradict you, but he kisses his teeth instead. “I think I’d rather stay with you, if that’s alright. We can go sit in chairs amongst the lame boyfriends if you like.” 
Remus considers you for a moment. The sky has turned a deep blue around you, the string lights hung up around the space casting a warm glow that filters through his hair and makes it appear more golden than brown. “I would go dance with you if you wanted me to,” he admits. 
You blink. “Really?” 
“Well, maybe not dance so much as hold both our drinks and stand near you while you danced, but I want to stay with you, too.” Remus glances away from your eyes for a moment, a shyness you haven’t seen since you first met in his expression. “If you want to dance, I’ll go with you.” 
You take his hand on impulse, the scars and calluses of his skin alternately rough and smooth between your palms. “I don’t want to make you,” you tell him earnestly, “but I really do want to dance.” 
Remus looks to the side, his smile almost begrudging. “You’re not making me,” he says. 
You end up getting another glass of champagne after all.
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skalfy · 5 months
A Poorly Planned Escape
Misa x Reader, ~2k words, part 1/?
hey so I wrote this and I thought why not post it. I've started writing the next part already, so I'll probably post that as well if there is any interest. It didn't start out as being about Misa, but I got partway in and thought "yeah that's definitely about Misa" so here we are. Don't be confused by María, it should become clear that it's misa, not one of the other marías lol. Also my spanish is limited to two semesters several years ago in college, so all dialogue is written in english, but in my mind they are speaking spanish.
I've written things before, but not like this and not posted, so apologies in advance for things like messed up formatting. Also not proofread, but such is life. Enjoy!
no smut, but some general descriptions of people hooking up
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting as shouldered your way into your flat, hands full of leftovers your mum had insisted you take back for Alma, your girlfriend. Probably her form on the sofa, tv bright with one of the Spanish reality shows she preferred. Maybe even a dark, quiet room if Alma was out with her friends, something she seemed increasingly inclined toward the last few months. You certainly weren’t prepared for the sight that did greet you.
Your girlfriend was draped rather artfully across the plush sofa, head thrown back and eyes shut, a position not unfamiliar to you. In fact, the only thing really unfamiliar at all was the stranger who knelt between your girlfriend’s legs. Her smooth, broad shoulders and bowed head obscured the rather intimate details of what was taking place, but between the sounds and the way Alma’s fingers were gripping the stranger’s dark hair, it wasn’t hard to guess. You were frozen in the doorway, watching the ripple of muscle under tan skin as she slid her palms up to your girlfriend’s hips to hold her down, pressing her firmly into the couch. You wondered for a moment what hands that big might feel like against your own hips, shaking your head suddenly when you realized the absurdity of that thought.
After a deep breath to compose yourself, you kicked your heel firmly back into the door, slamming it shut behind you. Both bodies stilled, but it only took a moment before Alma’s head snapped up and her eyes met yours. You turned away, willing your shoulders to stay down and relaxed as you walked to the refrigerator.
“Sorry to interrupt, but my parents say hello. I’m putting the leftovers from dinner in the fridge, please have some. I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite.” You said, back still turned and only a slight waver in your voice. “I think I’ll head out and stay with one of the girls tonight, just need to grab a few things.” Alma didn’t reply.
As you walked into your shared bedroom, you heard a soft voice ask “your roommate?” Alma didn’t reply to that either.
When you emerged a few minutes later, overnight bag over your shoulder, only Alma sat on the sofa. She had clothes on now, shorts she must have been wearing before and a hoodie of yours that had been across the back of one of the sitting room chairs. You resisted the urge to snap at her to take it off.
“I just don’t understand, Alma. I know things haven’t been great, but why didn’t you just say something?” Even as you spoke you knew it didn’t really matter. There was no going back from this and you didn’t need your feelings hurt by whatever reasons she gave. You sighed and turned toward the door again. “I’ll call you to sort things out once I’ve calmed down.”
You thought she wouldn’t say anything at all, but as your hand grasped the doorknob, she finally spoke, “Are we done?”
“Yeah, Alma, I think we are.” You pulled the door open and left.
When the elevator doors opened at the ground floor of your building, you were surprised to see a familiar figure. She was fully clothed now, but the broad shoulders and thick, wavy hair were unmistakable to you. She half turned as you stepped into the lobby, dark eyes meeting yours. You expected her to look away, but instead she held the eye contact. She was striking--beautiful, but intimidating, all heavy eyebrows and unreadable expression.
“I’m sorry.” She said, still not looking away.
“Did you know she had a girlfriend?” You asked.
“No.” She shook her head.
“Then it wasn’t your fault.” You gave a half smile. “I thought you might be trying to escape my wrath, but it looks like you didn’t get far.”
At this she finally looked away, shrugging a little uncomfortably as she answered, “My phone is dead, and I-- well, I’m still figuring the escape out.”
“I can give you a ride home.” You spoke without thinking, regretting it when the silence stretched afterwards. “I’m leaving anyway, and I promise I won’t try to kill you or anything.”
“If you’re sure, I’d really appreciate it.” She said, a smile breaking across her face, “I wouldn’t blame you if you tried to kill me just a little bit, though.”
For a moment, all you could do was stare at her face. The bright smile had turned it from intimidating to adorable, and you were having a difficult time collecting your thoughts with those particularly lethal dimples shining at you. You flashed her a soft smile of your own and gestured to the door.
“Come on then, follow me.”
Once the two of you were seated in your car, you plugged her address into the nav, then scrounged up a charging cable and passed that over to her. Fortunately, her home was near the friend you intended to crash with, so your extra passenger hardly took you out of your way at all. You sent a quick text to your friend letting her know you’d be at her place in around 30 minutes, then put your phone down and backed out of your spot.
The first couple minutes on the road were quiet, just the muffled sound from the city around you mixed with the playlist you’d started and turned down to play quietly. As you sat at a traffic light, you turned for a moment to the woman sitting next to you.
“You know, we haven’t actually introduced ourselves.” You told her your name, then held out your hand for a handshake with mock seriousness. She grasped your hand firmly, mirroring your serious expression and replied,
“I’m María, it’s nice to meet you.”
That opened up the conversation, and the two of you began to chat. It was mostly surface level, but you found yourself actually enjoying it. María was witty and interesting, but most of all she seemed to truly want to listen what you had to say. She was impressed when you described how you had moved to Madrid from London for work right out of uni, explaining that she had at times considered leaving Spain for her own job, but had worried about unfamiliar places and languages. She understood what it was like to live a plane ride away from family, with her parents back in Tenerife. You were happy to ply her with questions about her beautiful homeland, mentally planning a trip there after hearing about the gorgeous beaches and scenery. It wasn’t until María asked her next question that you realized there was a new predicament you were in.
“I think you mentioned dinner with your parents, are they visiting?”
“Yeah,” you replied, “they are here for a week, along with my sister and her husband and their daughter. They aren’t really here to visit me, but it’s a nice bonus. I’m actually taking my niece to-- oh fuck!” You cut yourself off with the exclamation.
“What, what’s wrong?” María asked, startled.
“I was supposed to take my niece to a football game this weekend, she is a huge Real Madrid fan, loves women’s footy. Except I’m now realizing this is a mess, because the only way I could get tickets was a favor from Alma. Her company has a box, and I begged her to get two seats for Luisa and I, but now even if she still lets me use them there’s no way we can sit with all my ex-girlfriend’s coworkers. If I know her at all then at least half of them will have heard all about this by lunch tomorrow, and I don’t think I want my eleven year old niece there to find out how much of the truth she tells.” Your eyes suddenly stung as you tried to take a deep breath. “Sorry, I just realized I’m not sure I can take getting cheated on and being a shitty aunt all in one week.”
“Please don’t apologise for being upset, clearly the only person in this car who should be allowed to say sorry is me.” You managed a sniffle and a small smile at her words. “Also, I definitely can’t fix the first part,” this caught you off guard and you couldn’t stifle a surprised snort, “but I think I can help with the second.”
“María it’s okay, you don’t owe me anything. Plus the game has been sold out for weeks, it’s El Clásico, I already tried to buy tickets before I asked Alma in the first place.” You could feel your voice wavering and fought against the tears. María was quiet in the seat next to you as you pulled up outside her building. You shifted into first and turned the car off, then felt a hesitant hand cover yours on the gearstick.
“I can get you two tickets if you want them, I promise. I work for Real Madrid and there are tickets set aside for us.” She sounded almost desperate.
“I can’t ask you to do that--” you started, then she cut you off.
“I wouldn’t have used them anyway! Please let me do this.” You looked at the big hand on yours, then up at her face. “Not for you, but for an eleven year old girl who loves women’s football.” She had you there and she knew it.
“Yes. Yes, fine!” You smiled at her. “Thank you, María.”
She smiled back at you, then lifted her hand from yours, reaching it up to thumb away the rebellious tear that had made it onto your cheek. You acted on instinct and reached both of your arms out to her shoulders, pulling her into an awkward hug across the car’s center console. She didn’t seem to mind the uncoordinated attempt, accepting it with grace and tucking your head neatly into her shoulder. As she held you there, the most ridiculous thought of the night crossed your mind. Why had Alma cheated on you with María? She wasn’t Alma’s type at all, she was yours.
The two of you separated after another moment, and María pulled her phone out.
“Can you text yourself so I have your number? That way I can let you know where to go to pick the tickets up.” You nodded and did as instructed, sending yourself her name, then replying with yours so neither of you would have any trouble identifying the new number.
“Please let me know if I owe you anything. I know you said the tickets are set aside, but if they cost you then please let me at least cover that.” You got the sense that she would be the type to not mention that if it were the case.
“They normally don’t charge me anything, but I promise I’ll tell you if they do.” She met your eyes and winked-- whether that meant she was trying to reassure you or just that she wasn’t going to make you pay either way you weren’t sure, but you let it go. “One more thing, does Luisa have a favorite player? No guarantees, but I might be able to leave something for her with the ticket agent. The players are usually happy to do something like that.”
“Only if it’s no trouble.” You leveled her with a glare. “She’s always on about Hayley Raso and Linda Caicedo, so either of them’s probably a safe bet.”
“Only if it’s no trouble.” She agreed, with what she must have thought was an innocent expression on her face.
“Please get out of my car before you offer to do anything else for Luisa that will leave me severely in your debt.” You pointed out toward her flat then made a shooing motion with your hand. She huffed out a chuckle then opened her door.
“Thank you for the ride… and for not killing me when you had the chance. Look out for my text!”
With that she hopped out and shut the car door. You watched as she walked up to the building entrance, turned and waved, then stepped inside. After a deep breath, you turned your car back on and drove the last few minutes to your friend’s house.
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arcanestage · 1 year
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characters: yuno / fuegoleon / nozel x gn!reader
summary: you keep having these brief but pretty intense allergic reactions when they come near you and perhaps the only cure is to confess and tell them about your feelings. (antihistamines won’t work sorry!)
a/n: inspired by marta cabrera from knives out (2019) where she literally vomits every time she tells a lie. this is 100% crack like i don’t even know what is going on
also hello sorry i haven't posted anything since *checks notes* january of last year ok anyways enjoy!
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the exact moment you felt your heart beating erratically every time you look at yuno, you knew it was over for you. you were in love and hated every second of it.
it started out as harmless little sneezes with you sniffing every now and then. but then as the days went by, your symptoms started to become bothersome and pretty intense. intense in a way that mere eye contact with him would set off your allergies. crazy, right?
at one of your missions, he flew right beside you on the way to the location. you sneezed so hard you fell off of your broom. yuno, of course, having lightning speed reflexes, swooped you up before you could hit the ground.
these feelings of yours will get you killed quite literally.
the very close proximity to him, however, triggered a massive wave of sneezing.
“y/n, are you alright?”
“fine, fine.” you waved him off with your hand. “must be the awful weather.”
you were so embarrassed you couldn’t even look at him. you needed to look unbothered though, so you got up but felt pretty lightheaded and with knees wobbling. yuno grasped your forearm to try and steady you.
“t-thanks,” you reeled back, suddenly feeling something itchy. true enough, rashes were forming on the area on your forearm where yuno had touched.
you muttered curses under your breath. yuno said nothing but was quite worried upon seeing you distressed.
you took a deep breath and clasped your hands together. “you can go on and catch up with the rest of the gang. i’ll just fly back to the base and get some rest,”
“let me accompany you th—”
“NO!” you blurted out a little too loudly.
“no,” you say again, this time more composed.
“okay,” he said, ever so stoically, and then handed you your broom. “page me if you need anything,”
what are you, my boyfriend? you thought.
so you might’ve said that out loud. whoops!
you pretended not to hear and instead tried to mount yourself on your broom. yuno is usually not one to pry or meddle into other people’s business. unfortunately for you, today is not that day.
“y/n.” he grabbed ahold of your wrist. “what did you mean by that?”
you pulled your hand back out of reflex but yuno’s grip only tightened.
rashes were forming on your wrist and they were starting to get itchy. you sighed really loudly.
“it means that you are not my boyfriend and therefore not required to act so concerned about me,” you huffed, your impatience growing each second. “can i go now?”
yuno glitched for a minute; no movement, no reply, nothing. he was still holding onto your hand but you felt his grip loosen.
“do you…” he hesitated for a bit. “do you want me to be… your boyfriend?”
oh you felt like you were going to be sick.
much to your horror (and yuno’s), you were caught up in a seemingly neverending loop of sneezing.
yuno kind of panicked, the shock very much evident in his features.
“let me call mimosa. i’m sure th—”
“no it’s okay! *sneeze* i know how to stop it,”
“okay. how can i be of help then?”
“just… listen,”
a slight pause and then…
“i like you. more than squadmates, more than even being friends. i wanna be with you but like if you aren’t into me that way then that’s cool too like i’d be okay with us being friends i guess—” you rambled nonstop, stumbling over your words.
before you could continue, yuno suddenly pulled you into his arms. you were pretty shocked at first but soon relaxed and let yourself melt into his embrace. he was so warm.
after a few moments, he finally released you. he cupped your cheek and looked at you ever so fondly. “let me repeat. do you want me to be your boyfriend?”
“yes,” you whispered then proceeded to close the gap between your lips and his.
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never in a million years did you think you’d develop feelings for this man.
you admired fuegoleon from afar like any of your squad mates would. every time he was around, you would subtly stare at him because let’s face it he’s good to look at! most of your squadmates admired him in a way that differs from yours but hey, they’re admiration all the same.
apart from being super good looking, he had an equally amazing personality too, reinforcing your infatuation with him all the more.
so now, the mere sight of him makes you feel sick — the butterflies wreaking havoc in your stomach non-metaphorically. you couldn't believe that a MAN could possibly have this much effect on you. you'd been so in denial for a few days, ignoring whatever feelings you were harboring for him. it was manageable at first. but then your darned body started to react violently in the form of allergies.
you and your team were summoned by fuegoleon for a post-mission report. while your other member was giving out theirs, you suddenly sneezed.
“s-sorry,” you apologized immediately, covering your face in embarrassment.
fuegoleon chuckled. “what a cute sneeze, y/n.”
your life has never been the same after that. these allergies of yours were so bad that sometimes you could feel your throat tighten seemingly not being able to breathe.
all these over a man? CRAZY
you were afraid of dying so you tried as best you could to avoid atleast being in the same room as him. every thing was going well until…
your friend made their way over to you during lunch break. they seem so giddy, like a toddler with too much sugar consumption.
“y/n, how come i never see you anymore?”
“well we somehow never get shuffled into the same team lately,” you laughed.
which was obviously a lie. you had always been in missions spearheaded by fuegoleon himself but ever since The Thing happened, you always begged off from anything with fuegoleon in them.
"i miss being team mates with you!" your friend sulked. "even captain fuegoleon notices your absence,"
you almost choked. the butterflies in your stomach were going feral.
"yeah, he's always looking for you. y/n this, y/n that."
needless to say, this whole ordeal changed your life yet again. so instead of being a pussy for eternity, you thought about telling him. no, you WERE going to tell him.
you lingered for a bit outside his office, suddenly not as confident as you were 5 minutes ago. but before you could completely chicken out, the door swung open revealing a startled fuegoleon.
"y/n, i didn't expect to see you here. did you need to discuss something with me?"
you stood there as frozen as a block of ice. you couldn't breathe, you couldn't say anything.
"y/n? is there something wrong?"
"no, i just...i--"
fuck it, you thought
"i'm here to tell you that i like you. that is all."
(that was embarrassing and did not go as planned but atleast you're now free from those dreadful allergies.)
you were about to run off but before you could move your feet, fuegoleon spoke up.
"you know," he cleared his throat, as if he was preparing to say something embarrassing. "i find myself thinking about you a lot these past few days,"
the allergies may have gone, but the butterflies were still there.
"oh. that's... that's nice?"
he said nothing. an uncomfortable silence then proceeded to fill the space between you.
"so um, is this the part where you tell me you like me but not enough to be in a relationship with me?"
"no, no. not at all. this is the part where i ask you out on a date." he chuckled. "forgive me for my silence, i was trying to think of places i could take you to for our dates,"
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it would be a lie to say that you didn’t look up to nozel. you’ve occasionally worked with him in a couple of missions and your relationship sprouted for nothing to casual hi-hello’s when passing by each other around the silver eagles headquarters. sometimes you’d notice him looking at you, his eyes lingering more than you think they should. that or you could be delusional or maybe even hallucinating.
the thing about him is that he notices EVERYTHING. he is quite perceptive, a characteristic fit for a captain of a well-renowned squad in the kingdom. so when you started showing up at his office looking sick, he was concerned.
“y/n, you look quite ill.” he put his pen down and frowned. “and you have rashes all over your face. have you had those checked?”
he got up and made his way to you to inspect your face. the closer he got, the itchier your face felt.
and when his fingertips touched your chin to tilt your head up little? you felt like you were about to combust, your heart banging around inside your ribcage.
that’s when you knew that your rashes were triggered by no less than nozel (and your feelings for him).
you backed up a little, a shaky laugh coming out of your mouth. “i-i should go and get this checked like you said, captain.”
with that, you sprinted out the door and headed towards your room. as if on cue, your rashes disappeared. you dusted yourself off as if nothing happened and continued with your day praying you won’t run into nozel by the corridors.
the whole afternoon went by without a hitch with you successfully avoiding nozel… or so you thought.
you were finishing up your last chore for the day aka cleaning up one of the rooms in the headquarters when suddenly someone entered the room.
you’d been sneezing like crazy a few minutes before that someone entered the room. you knew it was him.
“DON’T come any closer,” you spun around and held up your broom menacingly.
in his list of things he did not expect to occur today this was at the top. he was stunned, and gave you a “what is WRONG with you” look then proceeded to just roll with it.
“i do not know why you’re acting this way but i came by to ask about how your check up with the doctor went. hopefully those rashes of yours don’t pose any serious threat to your health?”
“they’re just allergies,” you quickly responded, still hypervigilant, watching him like he was a predator on the loose.
nozel ignored whatever the hell was going on with you and took a step forward.
you took a step back.
nozel quirked an eyebrow up. “are you perhaps in a delirious state because of your illness?”
“what? no!”
“bitten by a rabid animal?”
“then wh—”
“okay fine! i’m so in love with you and it’s making me sick!!!”
in the same list of things he did not expect to happen today, this was second. he was — yet again — stunned to say the least.
he was silent too. so silent you swear you could hear your confession echoing through the room.
after realizing he had spaced out for a while, he cleared his throat. you knew he was embarrassed.
“come have dinner with me at 7 o’clock. wear something nice,”
as turned around to leave, you caught a glimpse of his cheek and giggled. he was blushing.
guess that's enough proof that he likes you too!
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Late Night Assignment
CEO Jungkook x Fem!Reader 
Summary - Your boss asks you to stay late even though he knows you have a date. Things end up getting heated. 
Genre - Office AU/Smut 
Warnings - Smut, flirting, slight degradation and name calling, vaginal sex, nipple play, language, teasing, unprotected sex, cream pie, etc  
Word Count - 2.7k
Tag List - @kpoptrashlord-007 @justanotherstarlightmonger
A/N - Oops, this was meant to be posted for Jungkook’s birthday - I’m only a couple of days late
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    Desperate taps against the keyboard. Stolen glances at the computer's clock. A quick wave with a tight smile as your last coworker bids you farewell.
    You shouldn’t be here. It’s already too late. One more email and you’ll pack up.
    Nimble fingers glide across the table, one hand typing out your final salutation as the other digs into the drawer. Hooking a finger around the strap of your handbag, you press send and watch as your message disappears, on its way to another company, someone else’s problem.
    “There you are.”
    Your thumb hovers in front of the power button, your body leaning across the desk to reach it. Resisting the urge to run you instead take a deep breath of the office’s stale air. Closing your eyes tight, you compose yourself.
    “I wonder if you could help me figure out the Johnson case.”
    “The Johnson case?”
    Sitting back down you swivel in the black chair to face your boss. He’s smiling. Of course he’s smiling – he’s always smiling. His slicked back hair has loosened from the product he used this morning, his dark waves tumbling free to sweep across his face, giving him a more relaxed look.
    “Yeah, I need someone to bounce some ideas against.”
    “I can’t tonight. I told you I have a date.”
    “Oh?” There’s a flicker of amusement in his eyes before his face stills into a frown. “Was that tonight?”
    He knows it’s tonight; you told him last week and you reminded him this morning that you needed to leave on time. Why is he acting like this now when just this morning he seemed so uninterested in the whole conversation? It’s just like him to change his mind at the last minute. Something tickles at the corner of his brain about the advertisement mere hours before the company is due to arrive for the scheduled presentation leaving destruction in his wake. Every hand on deck. Or worse, when much like tonight, he decides to change something right before you’re about to log out for the weekend.
    “Well, I’m sure he won’t mind waiting.”
    “Who said it was a he?”
    Jungkook gives you a onceover before letting his eyes focus on your face, his features tight and unforgiving. “I’m sure they won’t mind waiting.”
    “Are you seriously asking this of me right now?” There’s no point in asking, he’s already turning away, beckoning you with a flick of his wrist, not bothering to turn and see if you’re following. You punch the air a few times with tight balled fists before pulling out your phone and sending a message of sincere regret. The career you fought so hard to obtain is destroying your dating life. If you don’t leave this job soon you may very well end up a spinster.
    Dragging your feet, you take your time, dawdling towards Jungkook’s office. Pushing the door all the way open you waddle over to the furthest chair with a pout on your lips, resigning to sulk until he finally lets you go home. What a waste of a Friday night.
    “You don’t have to stay if you really don’t want to.” When you shoot up and take a step towards the door, he continues, “I guess I’ll just do it myself. All alone. It’ll take twice as long but that’s fine.”
    This time you give in to your inner urges, your eyes rolling so dramatically you’re afraid they might pop out of your skull. Shuffling closer you sit in the chair in front of his desk, grabbing the file and browsing its contents.
    “What do you need? It looks like everything is in order,” you say as you turn the last few pages. It looks like it’s been read at least fifty times, the pages creased with a few coffee stains littering the crisp white paper.
    “So what’s this date of yours like?”
    “Excuse me?”
    “What does he do? How long have you been talking?”
    Your knotted brows ease as you realise what this is all about. “Are you jealous?”
    “Jealous? Of course not,” he says leaning back, arms crossed in front of his chest as he snuggles into the plush chair. “I just wanted to make sure you’re not dating some loser.”
    “Oh? You’re worried about me?” you tease, a smirk adorning your lips.
    “Worried about the company. It’s inconvenient to have to deal with the mess that comes from a bad relationship. Or worse, a good one.”
    “What mess comes from a good relationship?”
    “Marriage. Taking time off from work for the honeymoon. Then children usually follow and that’s maternity leave. You might as well just be a stay-at-home mother at that point.”
    “What?” You laugh and shake your head. Is he being serious?
    “Kids are always getting sick. They carry viruses. They’re practically a walking disease. If you’re not taking off time for them you’ll be taking time off for yourself. Years of illnesses and for what?”
    “A life changing experience filled with joy, unconditional love and new life lessons?”
    “No. After 18 years–no, let's be serious, these days it’s well into the 20’s–after all that time and effort you put into raising and loving them they just up and leave. After all that sacrifice you are simply abandoned.”
    “That’s what the spouse is for.”
    “Unless they leave, too? Probably for a newer model.”
    “A newer model? What are we, cars?” Scrunching up your face, you lean over and pat him on the shoulder. “Who hurt you?”
    He looks from you to your hand (now rubbing his shoulder) then back to your face, his fierce eyes betraying his poker face. Dropping your hand, you ease onto the edge of his desk in an awkward attempt to make yourself look relaxed. Instead your skirt ends up tangling up under your butt, the fabric pulled tight against your thighs, leaving nothing to the imagination. As you try to pull your skirt back down to an acceptable length in a nonchalant way you rock back and forth and end up knocking a stack of papers off of the desk.
    Jumping to the floor on your hands and knees, your arms flailing out in every direction, you scramble to collect the paperwork, jumbled in a puzzle of white. You have the worst luck. Jungkook clicks his teeth behind you as you mumble an apology and start the tedious process of piecing the piles back together.
    After a few moments, while wondering why Jungkook isn’t at least pretending to help, you sneak a look over your shoulder. Heat licks your cheeks and you snap your hand back around, pulling on your skirt. How could you be so stupid? The silky material of your skirt got caught up as you jumped to the floor exposing god only knows what to your boss. The way his eyes bore into yours with a distinct glimmer of lust makes you think he may have caught a glimpse of your lacy thong underneath.
    Scooping the last pile of paper together the heat of embarrassment spreads from your face to your core as you remember the look on his face. Raw. Animalistic. What is he thinking? It takes every ounce of your self respect not to turn and crawl towards him.
    The second hand ticks louder than before, bringing your attention to the large moon-shaped clock up on the wall. You’ve been here for only fifteen minutes yet it feels like an eternity.
    Standing you mutter, “Excuse me,” under your breath as you place the last stack back on the table. Refusing to look at him you instead hang your head as you continue, “Well, if that's all…”
    “You’re leaving already? But we haven’t even started.”
    “I think that’s enough humiliation for today,” you say, trudging towards the door.
    Before you can reach it however, you hear the familiar sound of paper plopping against the ground. With a snap of the neck you turn back towards Jungkook’s desk, your feet carrying you to the scene of the crime before you realise something. You were nowhere near the table when the new mishap happened and judging from Jungkook’s lazy grin as he continues to lean back in the office chair either was he.
    “Did you do that on purpose?” you ask from your half-squat position. Standing, you take a step back as he does the same, his steps quicker than your own, each stride bringing him closer until he is close enough to touch.
    “And what if I did?” His brow lifts on the last word as you back into the wall behind you. “Do you think I don’t notice your pitifully obvious attempts to catch my attention?”
    “What do you mean?” you practically scoff, turning your head to look away from him.
    “The slutty outfits.”
    “Slutty outfits! What outfits?”
    “The way you sashay around the office.”
    “We call that walking where I come from.”
    “The intoxicating perfume you adorn yourself with,” he says, his fingers twisting around your wrist to hold you in place as he leans close, his lips against your neck. “Every scent you wear is more exhilarating than the last.”
    His fingers dig into your flesh as he litters light kisses up your throat that leave a trail of fire against your skin, the rough and sweet a certain torture to your erratic heartbeat. A heartbeat that echoes under his very touch.
    This isn’t how you imagined him finally making his move. The slutty outfits, the tempting struts around the office, the scents. You had started to think he wasn’t interested. Who would’ve thought all it would take for him to notice was giving up?
    “Do you like it?”
    “Hmm?” His fingers entwine with yours above your head as he nibbles on your ear.
    “Today's perfume.”
    “I can’t get enough,” he says, a sly grin on his face as his fingers trace down the length of your arms. “You smell like spicy whipped cream. I want to take my time tasting every single inch of you but I can’t stand not having you another moment.”
    His teeth dig into your neck and you moan out from the pleasure and pain. Lifting you up he carries you over to his desk, leaning you against the edge as he shoves everything to the ground with a carnal growl. Papers flutter in the air and before you can fret about how long it’s going to take to get everything back in order your back knocks up against the cool mahogany wood beneath you.
    Agile fingers make quick work of your blouse. With a quick inhale of breath he takes a moment to drink you in as his hands explore your exposed skin. Your nipples perk up both due to his touch and the chilled breeze swirling down from the vent above Jungkook’s desk.
    “Is it always this cold here?”
    “I’ll warm you up,” he murmurs against your chest, one hand snaking under your skirt while the other cups your breast. While sucking on the supple skin, his fingers find your panties, damp and clinging to your throbbing cunt. His tongue glides across the rim of your nipple before rolling it gently between his teeth.
    Arching your back you grind your pussy against his fingers. Desperate for more you push against the constricting fabric as far as you can. He drags your lace thong down to your ankles and leaves them dangling on one foot as he turns his attention back to your core. His fingers trace messages against your clit as he continues to dine on your swollen breasts.
    “Stop teasing me, Kookie,” you moan the words, ignoring his raised brow as he kisses his way up the middle of your chest. “Just fuck me already.”
    “Patience is a virtue, beautiful.”
    “I don’t want to be virtuous,” you say, shifting back and forth under him. He pulls his fingers out from under your skirt and you let out a whine.
    “Suck,” he commands, his fingers hover in front of your mouth. Parting your lips he slips them inside. Your tongue glides against his digits a few times before you clamp down sucking on them like they’re an ice block. Almost as delicious. “Good girl.”
    Pulling them back he ignores your pout, shoving his hand back between your thighs. Biting your bottom lip you watch as he slips one of his fingers inside. Slow. Controlled. He has the power and he refuses to let it go. Not that you mind. You try to keep your eyes glued to his but by the time he slides in the third finger you’re writhing under his touch, the cool air from the vent no longer enough to keep the heat building between you at bay.
    “It’s okay, baby, you can come.”
    “No,” you sob, the pleasure continuing to build as he quickens the pace of his fingers. “No, I want you inside. I want to come with you.”
    He pulls out his fingers with a chuckle, the slick sound of your excitement quickly followed by the clinking sound of his belt buckle and the pull of his zipper. He stares down at you licking his fingers with a hum, his dick nuzzling up against your pussy before he pulls back. Before you can complain his lips are on yours, his hands in your hair pulling you closer. Bruising kisses follow tiny nips then his tongue dances along your lips before he pushes inside you, his full girth filling every inch of your cunt.
    “Oh my God,” you sputter out the words and it comes out distorted as he sucks on your bottom lip. He doesn’t give you time to adjust before he thrusts his hips against yours, his thick cock propelling deep within your tight walls.
    The musky smell of his sweat combined with the sweet aroma of his cologne fills the room as the sound of skin on skin rebounds off the walls. Sweat trickles down the back of your neck as his pace quickens. Raking your nails up the bulging muscles of his arms you toss your head back and forth unable to utter a word. Breathless.
    Savage hunger burns inside as you buck your hips up in time to meet his. Frantic desire fills you to the core, seeping out of every pore. It’s not enough. You want him to fill you more.
    “Don’t you dare stop,” you say, the words practically a growl from between clenched teeth. He smirks down at you but he doesn’t stop, instead his pace increases. He drills deep inside, each thrust eliciting a guttural moan.
    Curling toes and fingers digging into the taut flesh of his shoulders hint at your climax and somehow he hastens the velocity of his movements. You blink away tears as your body erupts into liquid fire, a demonic spark of pure ecstasy rippling waves of fire across your skin.
    You allow yourself to drown in the pleasure as your body jerks in unison with Jungkook’s soothing movements. His cock throbs and pulses inside of you, his body tensing as he cages you within. He rocks back and forth a few more times before he relaxes against you, pinning you under him. Panting you wrap your arm across his back and kiss his neck, the smell of his skin easing you back into a comfortable rhythm.
    “That was hot,” you purr against his ear, raking your fingers through his black waves. The mess on the floor catches your eyes and you make a move to get up.
    “Where do you think you’re going?” You motion towards the paperwork and office supplies scattered across the floor. “Leave it.”
    “It won’t take long to–”
    “It’ll just end up back on the floor again,” he says, his lips trailing across your neck down your throat.
    “Are you trying to fuck me until I can’t stand?”
    “I like the sound of that,” he says, a grin spreading across his face. He pushes his cock back inside with ease causing both his come and your previous arousal to drip down your cunt. “But don’t worry, I can carry you to my car when we’re done.”
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this content! If you did, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging and/or following, and check out my masterlist for similar content. Have a great day!
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beechersnope · 11 months
loscar sexting
trans oscar, fwb, mild feminization, 1284 words
(very open to continuing this if people want!)
“I hate this.”
“What?” Logan asks, sounding just as smiley as ever, though there’s no way for Oscar to know for sure over the phone.
Oscar flops onto his back and sighs up at the ceiling of his corporate flat. “Not having a girlfriend.”
“I thought you liked being single.”
“I do,” Oscar replies. He’s already regretting bringing this up, knows Logan will poke and prod until his curiosity is satisfied. “But….”
“But what?” Logan asks, right on cue.
“I dunno. I guess it was just nice knowing I could get laid whenever I wanted.” He mumbles through the last bit, a flush coming to his cheeks. He hides his face in the pillow instinctively, even though Logan isn’t there to see it.
“So you don’t need a girlfriend. You need a fuckbuddy.”
Logan’s voice is muffled now, and Oscar has to roll back over to reply.
“Kind of difficult to do something like that now that we’re like, on TV and shit,” Oscar points out. “I don’t want some random girl—or bloke—posting my nudes online.”
He’d had fevered nightmares about that exact scenario on occasion, though he knows it isn’t the sort of thing his ex would do. At the same time, there was a part of him that found the idea kind of exciting, his body becoming jerkoff material for strangers, being desired because of his body rather than despite it.
Logan just laughs. “What’s wrong with hooking up with someone you already know?”
“Like who?” Oscar wracks his brain trying to think of who is even available at the moment. The Venn diagram between his single friends and the ones he thinks would actually want to fuck him is narrower than he would like.
“Like me,” Logan says, and all the breath whooshes out of Oscar’s lungs like he’s been punched in the gut.
It takes him a few seconds to compose himself. “What?” Oscar says, voice shooting up an octave higher than normal.
“What?” Logan parrots back. “I’m single, you’re single. We both have busy schedules. We can just…sext each other or something when we’re horny. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.”
Oscar doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want to admit that he’s horny now, that this conversation has already gotten him wet and wanting, that he’s weighing the feasibility of getting a hand between his thighs and inside himself without alerting Logan to what he’s doing. But maybe Logan wants to know. Why else would he suggest something like that?
“Okay,” Oscar says at last.
“Cool,” Logan replies, sounding perfectly nonchalant about it, as though they’re just making plans to hit up a pub or something the next time he’s in England. “Anyway, I like, totally need to make dinner still and get some sleep, but I’ll text you, okay?”
“Okay,” Oscar says again, the words ‘I’ll text you’ rattling around in his brain like a bag of marbles. Does he mean texting like, texting? Or something more?
Oscar doesn’t get his answer until the following morning, while he’s in the gym with his trainer. His phone buzzes against his thigh; he ignores it until he’s finished with his reps and then pulls it out of his gym shorts under the baleful glare of his trainer, who would definitely ban Oscar from having his phone on him at all during their workouts if he could.
Oscar sees Logan’s name and nearly drops his phone. “I, um, need to get this,” he says before sprinting out of the gym and into the hallway, where he makes a sharp right and beelines straight into the nearest toilet.
It’s a gender-neutral toilet with a lock on the door. Oscar ducks inside and plants himself firmly on the seat before pulling his phone back out to read Logan’s text. He’s going to feel like a chump if it ends up being something stupid, like a screenshot of Logan’s K/D ratio in Call of Duty or something.
It’s not.
i really need to cum
hey u busy?
Oscar’s hands are shaking as he types out his reply.
no i’m not busy
He waits a minute or two, not sure what he’s supposed to do next. Finally, Logan replies.
can u send me something
A few seconds later, a picture comes through. It’s nothing particularly artistic, just a slightly out-of-focus photo of Logan’s hand framing the very obvious tent in his gym shorts. Oscar is doubly appreciative of the fact that they’re white, affording him a better view than if Logan had gone with a darker color. He wonders if Logan had picked them on purpose.
im already hard
Oscar gawps at the photo for a minute, basking in the warmth seeping down from his head to his toes, a pleasant throb making itself known between his thighs the longer he looks. Then he finally remembers that he needs to send something back.
And Oscar doesn’t really know what to send. He’s never sexted before, not even with his ex-girlfriend. She’d been content to follow him around everywhere during the F2 series, so they’d had sex whenever one of them was in the mood for it, and that was about it. Before her, Oscar had been a virgin, too afraid of being vulnerable to sleep around with anyone like all the other boys on the grid.
Oscar pulls his shorts down and stares at the wiry hair covering his crotch. He doesn’t think Logan would say anything bad about it, but it doesn’t feel like there’s much fanfare in sending someone a picture of just your pubes. He takes off his shirt instead, conscious of the softness of his pecs, his wide pink nipples, the gentle swell of his tummy where he should be flat, like Logan. Oscar doesn’t know if Logan will think he’s sexy; he doesn’t even know if he finds himself sexy, but he angles the phone camera down towards himself as he shoves a free hand past the waistband of his shorts and snaps a pic just as he strokes a finger down the hard ridge of his clit.
Oscar is too afraid to look at the photo before he sends it. He immediately goes back to the home screen as soon as the text goes through, and then he shoves his phone down between his thighs and closes his eyes.
It’s at least a minute before Oscar feels it vibrate again, the sensation coursing through him thanks to his phone’s proximity to his cunt—though he hadn’t intended for that in the moment. His breathing comes out in short bursts as he opens the newest message from Logan.
It’s a voice note.
Oscar takes one look at the door separating him from a gym full of professional athletes and makes a split-second decision. He turns the volume down on his phone almost all the way and hits play before quickly jamming the phone against his ear to hear whatever Logan had sent.
A hot thrill sizzles down his spine at the harsh breathing crackling over his phone’s speaker. There’s a hushed ‘fuck’ exhaled through a heavy sigh, then the unmistakable sound of Logan’s hand, slick with something, sliding over his cock, rough and fast.
“Fuck, your tits,” Logan groans into Oscar’s ear, and Oscar nearly drops the phone on the floor. “God, I wish I could come all over you. Fuck.”
It only takes two fingers roughly shoved inside himself under his shorts before Oscar is coming with a choking sob, and it’s only afterwards, as he slumps back against the wall and shudders through the aftershocks of his orgasm that he realizes he probably should have recorded a voice note for Logan, too.  
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ticklishprincey · 2 months
Tell Me What's Wrong
Did I just now notice there are no platonic tickle fics of my boys? Yes, yes I did. You’re welcome. Warnings: Cursing because this is Blitzo we’re talking about, tickling (obviously) if there’s any more let me know Blitzo sat in his office, pretending to be busy. Truth was, he wasn’t doing anything but staring at a blank google search bar, watching the cursor blink as the computer waited on his input. He had long forgotten what it was he had wanted to search for, and was staring off into space with his head resting on his hand. Normally, Stolas would have checked on him to make sure he was alright (as he did so often throughout the day) but he was off on some sort of business trip. Blitzo didn’t really pay attention to what it was for, but he regretted that decision now, as it might’ve eased some of the worry and anxiety eating away at him. He thought about sending him a text, but thought better of it, not wanting to bother the prince in case he was in a meeting. A knock on the door interrupted him from his thoughts. Did he not put the do not disturb sign on the door when he came in? He mentally cursed his absent-mindedness. “Boss?” “Fuck-” Blitzo thought. Moxxie would definitely notice his sour mood. He debated dismissing him, then thought better of it, not wanting to hurt the imp’s feelings if he really needed his help. “Come in, Mox, door’s open.” He said begrudgingly, once again pretending to look busy as Moxxie entered. The smaller imp looked him up and down before pulling up one of the office chairs to sit with his boss. A half-hearted scoff escaped Blitzo before he shut his laptop to look at Moxxie. “Is there something you need?” Moxxie shook his head, a look of concern evident on his face. “You haven’t been out of your office all day, sir. Is something wrong?” “Shit shit shit he noticed-” A brief look of panic, quickly transforming into a half-hearted smile from the older imp. “No, nothing’s wrong, just busy-” Blitzo was cut off by a scoff from Moxxie. “Bullshit. You’re never this busy, we have no clients and it’s Saturday. Something’s up and I don’t like you lying to me.” The look of worry on Moxxie’s face made Blitzo’s stomach flip in guilt- He hadn’t thought anyone would notice if he didn’t show up. “Mox, I really don’t have the time to argue-” The older imp was cut off by Moxxie tackling him to the ground, pinning his arms above his head with a sadistic smirk that seemed out of place on the usually composed imp. “Then don’t. Tell me what’s wrong.” With every word the smaller demon delivered a sharp poke to Blitzo’s ribs, drawing out surprised squeaks from the leader imp. “Mohohoxxie! Nohohothing’s wrohong, cuhut it oUT!” A loud squeal escaped Blitzo, immediately followed by a stream of childish giggles as Moxxie grinned and scribbled his claws all over the imp’s ribcage. “Big boss man can’t handle a few tickles? What’s the matter, can’t take what you dish out?” The teasing tone of his co-worker made Blitzo’s giggles climb in octave, a blush coming across the demon’s face. “FuhuHUhuHuck oFF!” Moxxie chuckled in response, gasping in mock-disbelief. “How rude! Maybe someone should teach you some manners~” Ignoring the other’s yells for mercy, Moxxie dipped his head down to blow a raspberry directly on Blitzo’s belly button, sending the older imp into hysterical laughter. “NONONONOOHOHO MOHOHOX OKAY OKAY I’LL TELL YOHOU JUHUST STAHAHAP!” Moxxie backed off immediately, climbing off of Blitzo and helping him back into his office chair. The older imp breathed heavily for a minute, then started talking. “I- I guess I just miss Stolas. Work is sort of a distraction usually, but I haven’t been able to get anything done-” Moxxie nodded in understanding, a look of sympathy crossing his features. “I get that. He should be back by tonight though, he sent his plane times in the group chat this morning.” Blitzo took out his phone not having noticed the messages before now. He happily read that his lover’s plane would be arriving home in less than an hour. “Thanks, Mox. I guess you’re not all that bad.”
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scriberye · 1 year
🔞Hot Dial
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         ➥  König x Reader     |     878     |     Ao3
⚠️ 🔞 Explicit Solo Male, Dirty Talk/Sexting König's relationship with the stranger on the phone takes an interesting turn. { a/n } I woke up and chose to be a pervert, using some prompts from here. Part 1 👈
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[ 📲 • sms ] —— just wondering … what is your sexual fantasy?
König’s on the roof of a skyscraper, hiding from the others, so he can chat with his friend in peace.
“Just wondering.. Got any fantasies?”
Oh, König had plenty. Many of the kinks he wanted to explore ventured into areas that weren’t so innocent. This, whatever this is, is still new, and he’s hesitant to speak his mind. König didn't want to scare them off, so he went with something tame.
“Want you to sit on my face.”
“Oh, yeah?” Their voice purrs in his ear, “How about I suck your cock when I do?”
“Nein! Nein.. Just sit on my face. Use me for your pleasure.”
The voice on the other end goes quiet, and all he hears is their breathing. Was it too much? He leans his head back against the wall. Scheiße. He always does this, he says something, and it creeps others out, and they cut him off.
“Lieb—? “
“I’m here!” They say with a gasp, “I’m here, it’s just — wow. That is so fucking hot!”
König can’t help but laugh in amusement and in relief. Maybe this could work out. He grinned as he looked up at the night sky, “What do you want me to do to you, liebling?”
“Oh, well, since you asked..”
[ 📲 • sms ] —— send me a pic ;)
“Hey. Since you’ve seen mine, can I see yours?”
“Why?” König texts back with a grin. The chance to tease them was too tempting. He knew why they wanted a picture, but he wanted them to tell him.
The minutes stretch out, and König worries that he may have overstepped. This was the end, and they probably thought he was stupid now. With a sigh, he drops into a chair, knee bouncing with nervous energy as he wrote out a new text.
“So I know what size toy to order.”
König’s brows shot up in surprise and he slams his finger into the delete button, erasing the long-winded apology text he was in the middle of composing. It wasn’t the response he was expecting, but they’d get no complaints from him!
In his excitement, he sends a thumbs up emoji in response.
He leans back in the chair, awkwardly fumbling with the phone in one hand and his dick in the other. Whoever designed these phones made them way too small — or he’s too big. It takes a few tries, but he eventually settles on one he thinks is impressive.
“Sorry,” He texted before sending two pictures after, “I could not fit it in one picture.”
[ 📲 • sms ] —— sucking on a blow pop right now and wishing it was you…
König is in the bathroom of what used to be someone’s house. His hand grips the edge of the counter as he frantically works his hand up and down his cock in a tight hold that skirts the edge of being painful. His groans drown out the sound of delicate moans coming from the phone propped up in front of him.
It plays a video on repeat that his little ‘friend’ sent. It was far from innocent. Their lips wrap around the popsicle, their tongue trails teasingly up the entire length of it. He can see how their throat works when they swallow it and it only riles him up more.
He’s wound up. He’s desperate.
König huffs, gritting his teeth as he finds his relief. Thick, white ropes of cum splattering onto the counter and dirty cabinets. His head swims as he catches his breath, stroking himself as he comes down from the rush before hastily cleaning up and stuffing himself back into his pants.
His radio crackles, “König, need you up front.”
“Heilige scheiße!” He fumbles for his phone, tapping to pause the video and closing it. Fuckers. König stuffs the phone back into a pocket and grabs his gun. He responds with a click, “On my way.”
[ 📲 • sms ] —— just bought new underwear and can’t wait to show it to you. ( & guess what color they are.)
“If you can guess the color, I’ll send you a picture.”
König smirks. “A nice color.”
“That’s cheating! Pick a color!”
He chuckles. They’re so cute when they’re fussy. A color, hm? König looks around the sparse room, gaze landing on his hood laying beside him on the bed. They’ve seen it before and the only color on it is the washed out, faded red from the eye openings.
König grins, palming himself through his trousers. That didn’t take long, and he suspects they had the picture ready to go regardless if he had the color right or not. He opens the attachment, and they do not disappoint.
It’s definitely red, a pleasant shade that looks nice against their skin. It clings to their body, all lacey and delicate, with a certain cut designed to tease — or provide easy access. König groans and squeezes his cock. He’s so glad that the money he sent them is being put to such good use.
They send another picture, legs spread wide and fully on display.
“Wish you were here.”
König wishes he was, too. Just one more day and he can be there.
“I’m going to rip it off when I get my hands on you.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Back Hugs You ~ Enhypen Reaction
Your head shook as once again you felt Heeseung hugging onto you from behind as you walked around the kitchen to try and start preparing to make dinner.
You could barely walk as Heeseung refused to let you go. “I’ve missed this,” he murmured behind you, knowing that you were staring back at him.
“I can’t move,” you laughed, “can’t you just let me go for five minutes?”
“I’m making up for lost time,” he told you.
Your smile was soft as Heeseung innocently stared back across at you. “I know you’ve just come back from tour, but we still do need to eat Heeseung.”
“You can still cook,” he protested, “I bet you can cook and I bet that you won’t even know that I’m here either too.”
You started walking again as Heeseung walked with you, in sync with every step of yours. “If dinner turns out rubbish, I hope you know it’s your fault for hugging me so tightly Hee.”
“Don’t worry, I will take full responsibility.”
Your head shook as Jay suggested that the two of you headed up to bed, knowing that he still had a little bit of work left to do before he could go.
As you went to sit back down on the sofa, a pair of arms snaked around your waist and pulled you back. “If you’re tired, then let’s go to bed.”
“I can wait,” you assured him, “you won’t be too long now, will you?”
“I’m not too sure,” Jay admitted in reply.
Your head carried on shaking as his eyes still remained watching you. “I’m not going to bed, not unless I get to go up to bed with your work all done.”
“You’re yawning,” Jay reminded you, not missing a thing that you did. “I promise that I’ll be up in no time at all Y/N.”
Your eyes turned back, still remaining stubborn with Jay. “You’re wasting valuable time working trying to get me to go to bed, because there’s no way that I’m going up yet.”
“I guess this is a battle I’m going to lose.”
The moment that Jake appeared and started hugging you from behind, your eyes couldn’t help but look suspiciously back at him behind you.
The look on your face had him chuckling as soon as he met your eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Jake asked you with a loud laugh.
“What?” You frowned, “what have you done to sweeten me up?”
“Can’t I just come over and hug you?” He quizzed.
Your head shook in response as you continued to study Jake closely. “You’re only nice enough to hug me when you’ve done something to annoy me.”
“I’m here just because,” Jake tried his best to explain, “you shouldn’t always assume the worst of me you know Y/N, I’m full of surprises.”
Your lips pursed together as you slowly began to turn away from Jake. “I’m watching you,” you warned him though, “I know exactly what you’re like, you’re not so innocent.”
“I really have done nothing, honest.”
Your eyes looked away as soon as Sunghoon came up behind you, feeling your heart race at his sudden appearance standing so close to you.
How shy you were didn’t go unnoticed by Sunghoon either as a laugh came from him. “Why are you looking away?” He asked, leaning in closer.
“Go away,” you whispered, “I don’t want to look at you right now.”
“You’re not getting flustered, are you?” He asked.
Your head shook, although Sunghoon could see straight through that as your eyes stayed looking down. “I’m fine,” you told him once you were a little more composed.
“What if I did this?” Sunghoon asked before quickly picking you up and twirling you around in his hold, leaving you in giggles.
As soon as he had you back on your feet, you looked away, hiding yourself away from Sunghoon. “I’m not letting you see me,” you told him, knowing he wanted to see your shy smile.
“I already know how I make you feel.”
Your figure jumped as soon as you felt arms wrap around you, glancing back to see Sunwoo smirking as he successfully managed to make you jump.
After a few moments he cleared his throat. “I’m guessing that you didn’t hear me come home,” he predicted, with your head soon nodding.
“You terrified me,” you scolded, “why are you trying to give me a fright?”
“I thought you heard me,” Sunwoo defended.
Your head shook as Sunwoo squeezed you closer into his chest, “I was just minding my own business, my heart is still racing after you made me jump.”
“Sorry,” Sunwoo replied, although his laughter let you know that he didn’t really mean it, “I’ll make more noise next time.”
Your head nodded in response to his suggestion, “and stop creeping up on me too, I love when you hug me from behind, but maybe it could come with a warning beforehand first.”
“I think that I can do that too.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Jungwon caught your hands wiping underneath your eyes, standing up from where he was sat and walking over to you.
His arms snaked around your waist as Jungwon peered over your shoulder. “What’s wrong?” He whispered, pecking a kiss against your cheek.
“I’m alright,” you calmly replied, “you don’t need to worry about me.”
“That’s not true,” Jungwon quickly corrected.
Your smile was soft, knowing that he wasn’t going to go away. “I’ve just been a bit busy and I guess that it’s all just starting to get on top of me, that’s it.”
“That’s it?” Jungwon smiled back at you, “you make it sound like nothing, but it’s not that if you’re having a hard time Y/N.”
Jungwon’s grip around you tightened as another kiss was pressed against your cheek. “Everyone gets busy and struggles from time to time, I’ll be alright, I think I just need a moment.”
“Take all of the time that you need.”
A smile formed on your face as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, with a head resting against your shoulder, peering around to face you.
The corners of Riki’s smile were up as his eyes stayed focused on you. “Isn’t it such a lovely day?” Riki joked, squeezing around your frame tightly.
“What’s that smile for?” You joked, “I don’t suppose it’s a special day?”
“Happy birthday,” Riki whispered across to you.
Your head tilted back to rest back against Riki, “thank you,” you whispered, drawn to the smile on his face. “Why do I feel like you’re up to something for today.”
“I’ve got loads planned,” he excitedly assured you, “there’s not a second of the day that hasn’t got something planned for it.”
Your smile was wide as you glanced back at Riki, “you don’t need to do anything for my birthday, just being able to spend my birthday with you is already more than enough for me.”
“I’ll make it your best birthday yet Y/N.”
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lesbehonestsstuff · 2 months
Chapter 10
Summary: Alex and Casey are called to the precinct where they find Olivia trying to get a little girl to open up.
I feel like this one needs a bit of explaining. I basically mixed episodes 16 and 20 from season 6. Alex got shot and went into witsec (I’ll write that one eventually) she came back because they caught Connors and Casey was attacked because of her relationship to Alex. It will make sense when you read it. I split this chapter into two and will post the second later.
Warnings: usual SVU things
Chapter 10/?
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Olivia sat in the dark hospital room, Casey was sleeping, the pain meds having taken her out after Olivia spoke with her. Olivia tried to remain calm and calm Casey when she hadn’t remembered what had happened, knowing it was normal but it still left her deeply unsettled. The last few weeks, scratch that the last few months had been a complete shit show. All of it starting the night Alex died; well, she wasn’t dead, but only Olivia and Elliot knew that. They had promised Alex and the Marshalls they wouldn’t tell anyone, not even Casey, much to the detective's surprise as the marshals had insisted that it was to keep Casey and Niki safe. Alex had asked them, practically begged them, to look over her family, to take care of Casey, to not let her fall apart, and not let anything happen to her or to Niki. Of course, they had promised, and they had kept said promise, watching over them after Alex was gone.
Now Olivia looked at the beaten redhead in front of her and couldn't help but feel like she had broken that promise. She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the door opening and closing until a gasp followed by a broken sob broke the silence. Olivia turned her head so fast she almost got whiplash.
“Alex?” she whispered, unable to contain the shocked tone at seeing the blonde again.
Alex walked towards the bed, her eyes never leaving Casey. She reached out carefully, running the back of her hand over Casey's bruised cheek. Olivia watched as Alex's eyes flooded with tears until a few fell out. A minute must have passed, Olivia's mind still trying to comprehend how Alex was in front of her until Alex quite literally stood in front of her, anger running through her. “How could you let this happen?” she demanded, her voice breaking with emotion. “You promised me you were going to take care of her,” she took a deep breath, and Olivia could tell she was trying to compose herself.
Olivia ignored the questions and instead fired one of her own. “How are you here?”
Alex looked towards the door that was now blocked by what Olivia assumed were a couple of marshals. “One of the marshals let it slip that an ADA had been attacked, so Hammond told me what happened, and after that, he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop me from coming. Now answer me, what happened?” She was using the voice she reserved for when she dealt with criminals, and if Olivia didn't already understand why everyone was so intimidated by her, she sure as hell did now.
Olivia sighed, knowing there was really no beating around the bush now. “We’ve been dealing with four murders, the bullets matched your open homicide. Donnelly pulled Casey out of it the moment we figured out that whoever killed them also tried to kill you. We weren’t allowed to tell her, but you know how she is, she went digging and found out.” The squad had no idea how Casey had figured it out, but a day after they told her she couldn't keep on with the case, she had stormed into the precinct pissed at all of them for not telling her that they were looking into Alex’s murder.
Olivia sighed and continued when she saw Alex was waiting for her to go on. “Alex, she's been in really rough shape, and I guess she just lost it. She went into court the day of arraignment and started screaming at Connors until we got her out of the room. Thankfully, it was Judge Preston, and she let it slide. We tried to calm her down, but she screamed at us to leave her alone and went home after.”
Alex rubbed her hand over her face a couple of times. She knew Casey was going to fall apart; hell, if the roles were reversed, she would’ve lost her mind. “So how did she end up here?”
Olivia knew it was all still an ongoing investigation and they were still trying to piece everything together, but she also knew that she wasn’t going to be able to keep much from Alex. “We knew she had made herself a target the moment she stormed into that courtroom and screamed about him killing her wife. When the prosecution decided to charge Connors with your murder to be able to hold him, they must have figured that they could go after her to try to scare the DA’s office off the charges. I stayed with her because she insisted she needed to look into Connors while Elliot went to get Niki. I stepped out to get us coffee for five minutes, Alex, and when I came back, she was-”
Alex interrupted her, trying her hardest to not raise her voice and wake Casey up. “How could you leave her alone knowing she had a target on her back, Olivia?” She was fuming and pacing the room; it would do her no good to startle Casey, all things considered.
“Alex, we were in the DA’s office, in her office. There was no safer place for her to be,” Olivia reached out, trying to comfort her, but was quickly pushed back by the blonde.
Alex shook her head, her anger palpable. “Well, that clearly isn’t fucking true, look at her!” a sob bubbled up in her chest and broke free before she could stop it, Olivia taking the chance to try again, this time successfully wrapping Alex in a hug.
"Hey, shh," Olivia murmured, tightening her hold on Alex knowing the pressure would help ground her. "She's going to be okay."
Olivia kept holding her tightly, slowly rocking them back and forth. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what was going through Alex’s head. She felt her let out a shaky breath against her shoulder before she spoke again. “What did the doctors say?”
Olivia pulled back slightly, still holding Alex close to try to keep her calm. “She’s got a concussion, bruising, and a couple of broken ribs. They were worried about internal bleeding, but they cleared that. She doesn't remember the attack yet.”
“He didn’t…did he?” Alex asked her, and Olivia didn’t even need her to specify because she’s been working this job long enough to know what Alex meant.
She gave Alex another squeeze. “No, honey, I talked to the nurses, and it was cleared,” she reassured her, giving her a small kiss on the side of her head.
Olivia could see the relief flood Alex’s features. “Thank God,” another wave of sobs made their way through the silence in the room, and Olivia would be lying if she said it didn’t freak her out slightly to see Alex so distraught. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen her cry that much, and it was breaking her heart.
“Liv, how am I supposed to explain this? She thinks I’m dead; my daughter thinks I’m dead,” this subject was one that had kept Alex awake for so many nights in the past months. Her anxiety at an all-time high over how her wife and child would react to finding out she was alive. She knew that she was in an impossible situation and that Casey might even hate her for this. This definitely wasn’t how she had wanted to come back, adding to the pain and trauma, both physical and psychological, that her wife was dealing with by having her come back to life wasn’t ideal, but Alex couldn’t stay away. She just hoped Casey would understand.
“There was nothing you could do, Alex, you had to protect them,” Olivia rubbed her back, trying to keep Alex from getting more distressed.
Alex let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, look at how well that turned out,” she pulled back from Olivia’s arms, wiping her hands below her eyes to get rid of the last of her tears, taking a deep breath, and schooling her features. “I want him charged with my attempted murder and her assault.”
Olivia’s brow furrowed with concern at the implication of Alex’s words. “Honey, that would mean you’d have to leave witness protection,” she tried to reason, not sure it was the best idea considering what was happening. “We already have him for the four murders.”
Alex shook her head and started to pace the room once more. “I don’t care, if I can help get him convicted, I may have a shot at staying. Besides, if they find out I’m alive, it will only fuel the defense to push for perjury charges.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to Abbie, see what she thinks,” Olivia nodded, already trying to figure out how she was going to tell Abbie that Alex was alive and that they had perjured themselves when they arrested Connors.
The mention of Abbie Carmichael seemed to catch Alex off guard; they hadn’t seen each other for so long she wasn’t even sure Abbie was still in New York. “Carmichael is back?”
A faint smile tugged at Olivia’s face at Alex’s disbelief. “You really think Donnelly was going to let a random ADA handle this? You two are like family to her; she basically speed-dialed Abbie when Casey was taken off the case.”
Alex paced across the room for a little while, seemingly calmer now that she knew Abbie was the one handling the case. She finally pulled up a chair and sat next to Casey, very gently holding her hand, careful not to disturb the cables and wires that ran around her.
“How has she been doing? How’s Niki?” Alex's voice was soft, mindful that she was now closer to Casey, her eyes never leaving her as she asked Olivia for updates on her girls.
Olivia took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, searching for a way she could tell Alex things that she was sure were only going to break her further. “Niki has been quiet. I don’t think she fully understood what was happening. She has lashed out at Casey a few times, but after, she just seems to go back into herself. After the funeral, she kept asking Casey when you were coming back. We’ve been taking turns taking care of her, making sure she’s with one of us whenever Casey is working.”
A heavy silence hung in the air as Alex absorbed the news, her expression a mixture of sadness and guilt. She knew the toll her death was going to take, and yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that was trying to consume her, the nagging thought that she had failed them in some irreparable way.
“Casey, she's not doing great.” Her voice was soft, as if it was aware of how easily it could cut through Alex. “I'm going to be brutally honest with you; if it wasn’t for Niki, I don't think she would be here. Donnelly gave her a month's leave, and she was just going through the motions for Niki. She was almost catatonic during that time, and now she just throws herself into cases until she’s almost drowning in them.”
The weight of Alex's guilt seemed to multiply the more Olivia spoke as she grappled with the enormity of the situation and how much her wife had suffered because of her. “This is a whole fucking mess; what am I supposed to do?” she exclaimed, the frustration at being in this situation clear in her voice.
Olivia reached out, her hand coming to rest on Alex's shoulder in a gesture of comfort. “You tell her the truth, tell her it was the only way to keep them safe and that you didn’t have a choice. She’ll understand.”
Alex's frustration boiled over, her anger directed inward as she berated herself for the decisions that had led them to this point. "I hate Hammond, I hate Connors, fuck, I hate myself for not listening and dropping the case," she confessed, thinking about how Casey had supported her as she kept working the case but practically begged her the night they blew up the car and the agent with it to let someone else handle it. She was too stubborn and too determined to listen, and that set all of this in motion.
“You were just doing your job, Alex,” Olivia tried to reassure her, seemingly aware of how much Alex was berating herself in that moment.
“Yeah, and it cost me nearly eight months of my life with my wife and our daughter,” Alex whispered, defeated by the weight of regret that had clung to her since the night she had to leave.
Olivia didn’t have an answer for that; she could only imagine how hard all of this was for them. When Casey shifted a little in her sleep, she got Alex’s attention again, knowing the redhead was going to wake up soon. “Do you want me to stay or do you want to be alone with her?”
Alex shook her head and rubbed her thumb over Casey’s hand. “Please stay; I don’t know how she’s going to react to seeing her wife back from the dead.”
Olivia pulled up another chair and settled in beside Alex, wrapping one of her arms around Alex and letting her lean her head against her shoulder. “Okay, honey, I’ll stay.”
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
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Forget pt.2
Suguru Geto x fem!Reader
Fluff, slight angst. Geto tries to make it up to you on your “date”.
First Person pov
Suguru Geto was about thirty minutes late and we were suppose to meet at 5:30. He promised me last night over text that he wouldn’t be late and that in fact I would be the one late. Yet here I am waiting on his slow ass. I can’t believe that guy. I decided to leave our designated meeting spot to do some shopping for myself. If he won’t take me out, then I’ll just treat myself. No use wasting a perfectly good day waiting on his flaky ass.
“Hey L/n!!” I heard from a distance.
I turned my head to find the voice and to my actual surprise I saw Geto running full speed towards me waving his right arm in the air frantically. A few seconds later he was by my side catching his breathe.
“You better have a good reason to be late Geto”! I exclaimed to him
“I know I’m sorry. My alarm didn’t go off and I rushed here as fast as I could.” He said while taking short breaths.”
“Yeah…sure” I said while rolling my eyes
“L/n I really am sorry. I overslept and I’m being honest about that. I really do keep fucking up our friendship don’t I?” He said as he composed himself and looked at me. His hair was down and he looked tired. I guess he really needed some sleep.
“Fine I guess. Well you’re here now, so what did you have in mind to do today?” I asked him still slightly pissed that he was late.
“Well I have a big surprise, but that’s for later today. So we can do whatever you’d like until then if you want.” Geto said with a smile.
“What’s the surprise?” I questioned
“It really wouldn’t be a surprise then if I told you.” He chucked
“I suppose it wouldn’t. Alright then I guess I’m a getting a little hungry if you wanted to go get something.” I told him
“Any place in mind?” He asked me
“Yeah, let’s go to that new restaurant just a couple of blocks from here.” I suggested
“Sounds good to me L/n. Lead the way.” He said.
As we walked to our destination I couldn’t help but feel comfortable with him. He was good company when he wasn’t late or being an asshole with Gojo. We passed many different shops that I wanted to go to. I expressed my desires to Geto and he didn’t even question why I wanted to go. He seemed to like to say yes to everything. I have a feeling he’s sucking up to me because he flaked on me during our mission and because he was late.
Just as we were about to arrive at the restaurant, I noticed an orange cat in a alley way. They were a bigger cat with a long tail and a missing ear. My heart hurt for the little guy. I bent down to pet him and so did Geto. They were as friendly as could be and I couldn’t help but smile at the cute creature. Turing my head to see how Geto was doing I noticed he had a big smile on his face as well. For some reason that made me feel fuzzy inside. And a faint blush graced my features.
“Damn this cat his cute.” Geto suddenly said
“Yeah. I wish I could take it with me. I don’t think Yaga would appreciate that though.” I said in a solemn tone.
“If he never finds out I don’t think it’ll matter. Geto responded
“He’s pretty good at finding out stuff like this. Remember that time Gojo found a dog and tried to keep it?” I asked laughing at the memory.
“Oh yeah how could I forget the look on his face when Yaga told him he couldn’t keep it. I think this is different though.” He said
“How is this any different from that?” I questioned him.
“Well for one Yaga actually likes you and you’re a responsible person. Two that dog was massive and had flees and who knows why else. Three I know for certain Yaga likes cats.” Geto spoke honestly
“Okay you got me there. And how the hell did you know that he likes cats?” I asked him while petting the cat.
“I may have over heard him talking on phone with someone. And he called that certain someone kitten.” He said with a serious expression on his face that caused me to laugh.
“Yeah sure he did Geto” I responded
“Hey I’m sure this cat will be here when we get back. So do you want to head out?” Geto questioned
“Sure, I’ve been dying to try that new place anyway.” I responded getting up
After we said our goodbyes to that cat, we made our way to the restaurant. Just like before it was a quiet comfortable walk. Today was beautiful as the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the day was warm. I loved days like this because they reminded me of my mother. We use to walk in the family gardens together when I was a child. That was so long ago. I smiled at that thought.
“Hey what’s got you so happy?” Geto asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.
“Nothing just enjoying the day is all.” I told him
“It is a lovely day.” He responded
“It certainly is.”
“Almost as lovely as you”he said in a whisper. This made me blush. I’m sure it was just him being kind to me. Yet I still couldn’t help but feel fluttery at his comment.
After a short amount of time we made it to our destination. Just as I was about to open the door, Geto beat me to it. Stating it was a gentlemanly thing to do. I rolled my eyes at his comment and walked in. The restaurant was simple yet elegant. As soon as I walked in I smelled a wonderful aroma of baked goods that a little giddy with anticipation. Geto and I then made our way to a table near a window so that we could enjoy the sun a little more. Opening our menus I noticed a lot of really wonderful dishes and baked items. Our waiter came up to as for our orders and I ordered (f/f) and (f/d) and Geto ordered a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake.
“So are you enjoying yourself today L/N?” Geto asked leaning back on his chair with crossed arms.
“Yes I think I am. I haven’t had a day where I can just do anything in a long time. My father is persistent that I do training whether I can do that I can reach my full potential.” I spoke honestly mimicking his posture.
“He sounds like a hard ass. He won’t give you shit for being here with me today will he”? He asked with sloughs nervousness in his tone.
“Nah and if he does I’ll deal with it later. It’s not like I do this everyday. Plus he thinks your strong so he won’t care that I’m out with you.” I said turning my head to look out of the window.
“We’ll me and Gojo are the strongest y’know.” He chuckled.
“I’m fully aware of that. However, I’m not too far behind you and I will surpass you in power. Or at least be able to rival you in my curse technique soon. I just need a little more time.” I told him Turing my head to look him in the eyes with a serious determined glare.
“Sheesh alright then I trust you. You have me beat with just hand to hand combat so hell maybe you will surpass me with your cursed technique. Just don’t push yourself too much.” Geto spoke reaching his hand out and giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“I’ll try but I can’t promise anything. Like you said my father is a real hard ass.” I said while softening my glare. Damn this boy he has some sort of hold on my that makes me feel so soft inside. I’m not sure if I hate it or not.
Just then our waiter came with our meals. The food was divine and the first bite left my body with goosebumps. Geto laughed at my reaction to the food, but then I teased him because he want any less funny. He had chocolate cake all over his lips. He looked like a toddler eating their first piece of cake. It was hard not to laugh. One of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers eating like a toddler was a sight to see. After my laughter and pointing out the sugary mess he quickly wiped his mouth. A little while later Geto paid claiming it was his treat for being so late. I don’t complain one bit considering he did owe me. As we left the sky began turning a deep orange with purple, yellow, and pink all blending into the heavenly sky. The cherry blossoms looked ethereal with the sunset cascading onto them. It was truly a lovely sight to behold. I have no idea how long I stared at them but I felt Geto tap my shoulder.
“You okay up there L/N”? Geto questioned.
“Yeah I’m just fine.” I said to him. I then turned my head to look at him only to be completely awestruck. Just as ethereal as the cherry blossoms was the sight before me. Getos skin had been kissed by the wonderful colors. His eyes were glowing with radiance. He was smiling at me and I swear I had never seen a more beautiful smile than the one graced before me. I couldn’t speak all I could do was marvel at the sight before me with a raging heat on my face.
Suguru Getos pov
A goddess. That’s what Y/N L/N was at this very moment. Todays sunset was particularly beautiful. However the ways the sunsets color had illuminated her. Her eyes seemed to glow with a raging fire. Her skin was radiating a godlike glow. She as an ethereal being I swear. I’ve met plenty of pretty girls but none of them compare to the goddess that stood before me.
Her lips in this moment seemed so soft and plump. All I wanted to do was kiss her, but would that be okay? Would I ruin what little grave I had left with her? Did today make her forgive me for my shitty behavior? All of these questions came flooding in yet left as soon as they came. She was leaning in so I did what anyone would do. I leaned in too. My hand found her cheek and I could already feel her breath on my face. Time seemed to completely slow down. Our lips barely touched and I was ready to take this next step with her. And then at the worst fucking possible time I hear this agonizing voice booming behind me.
“HEY YOU GUYS!” screamed the one and only Satoru Gojo. I’m normally use to his annoying behavior. He is my best friend after all. And yet I find myself wanting to strangle him right about now.
“Hello Satoru” I say irritated and gritting my teeth.
“Hey Gojo” L/N says in a similar tone
“Well damn are you guys both in a sour mood or something?” He asked innocently
“Nope not at all” I say facing him with a slight annoyed glare.
“Alright, I was just in town and knew you guys were here. It’s almost curfew ya’know. You guys don’t want Yaga on your asses.” He joked
“We were just leaving Gojo. I could also say the same thing about you. Why are you here?” L/N asked
“If you must know I felt a little peckish, so I decided to get some mochi. I heard this place was pretty good so I wanted to come get some before curfew.” He responded excitedly
“Well, it certainly was good. Hope you have a good time bud.” I said while patting him on the back and pulling on L/N’s arm indicating I wanted to go.
“Aww alright see you guys later.” Satoru pouted.
“Yeah later” L/N and I spoke at the same time.
After we had said our goodbyes, we began walking back to our school. I guess we spent a little long in the restaurant. I just hope I have time for the surprise I had planned. Hopefully she’ll like it. And as if on cue…
“So what about that surprise huh?” She said tugging on my arm.
“We need to go to the school in order to see it. Don’t worry I think you’ll like it.” I said confidently.
“Hmmm alright. I’m sure I’ll like it. It’s not too hard to please me.” She joked
“Hehe yeah I’m sure” I chucked nervously
“It’s a shame though.” She spoke
“What is?” I questioned
“We passed that alley that cat was at and he wasn’t there. I hope he’ll be okay tonight.” She said as her head was looking at the sky.
“I’m sure he will be. If you’re that worried, we can go look for him. Although I’m not sure you’ll get your surprise tonight if that’s the case.” I told her honestly.
“It’s okay. I’m sure you’re right about him. Plus I’m pretty excited about this so called ‘surprise’” she said while doing air quotations with her fingers
“Alright then I’ll race you there” I beamed as I began running.
“What the hell Geto!!!” L/N screamed as she began running too.
Your pov
Dammit all right to hell. I just ate and now I’m running. This is not exactly what I’d call fun. But at least I’m getting some training in today. Plus the school isn’t too far from here. I’m surprised at Geto’s attitude. I never took him for the randomly racing type but I guess you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.
I won of course. Even with a head start Geto can’t beat me. His cursed energy is a little stronger than mine, but I’m a hell of a lot more skilled than he is. Still I needed to catch my breath at the gates of Jujutsu high. Eating a lot of food and then running wasn’t exactly smart. I can tell that Geto is probably thinking the same thing as he is currently hunched over catching his breath.
“So, heh, L/N follow me would ya” he said in between breaths
“Yeah sure” I said in between my own breaths.
“You beat me again it seems” Geto spoke taking the lead
“Of course I did Geto.” I laughed
“I had a good time with you L/N” he suddenly spoke in soft voice
“Me too Geto. And you know you can call me by my first name, right?” I questioned him
“Yeah, alright then Y/N.” He said looking at me. This made me melt. His eyes were beautiful and to me they were more beautiful than Gojos.
A little while longer of walking and chatting about random things we made it to the rooftop of the dorm rooms. I was confused on what kind of a surprise could be on an roof top. It was now dark with only some lights hanging by the dorm building’s door as well as the moonlight that kissed the landscape below. I noticed Geto pulling down his sleeve to look at his watch and smile.
“It’s almost time for your surprise, so make yourself comfortable.” he said
“Alright just know if you’re planning on killing me, my father will hunt you down.” I joked or tried to.
“Umm yeah I’m not gonna kill you Y/N” he deadpanned
“Good because I really don’t feel like dying yet. I’ve still gotta get stronger.” I said as I say down and looked at the moon.
“Why do you want to get stronger” he questioned
“So I can protect the weak.”
“You mean humans?” He asked
“Yep” I said emphasizing the p
“Understandable although they are the reason that we have to kill curses in the first place.” He said in a slight malicious tone.
“You okay they can’t help it. I bet if they could they wouldn’t. We have the power to stop it and I think that we should if we can.” I passionately said looking into his eyes.
“Yeah I guess you’re right. By the way we’ve got less than ten seconds until your surprise. So close your eyes.”
“For how long?” I asked him raising my left eyebrow.
“Just until I say”
After those seconds go by I hear him tell me to open my eyes. To my surprise shooting lights were gracing the sky at lightning speeds. It was such a beautiful sight. I found myself smiling at the marvel above me. I have never seen a meteor shower and I’m happy that I’m seeing one now with him. His surprise definitely was worth the wait.
“Like it?” He asked sheepishly
“Yes of course I do!” I said excitedly moving over to hug him. I have no idea why I hugged him I just felt this was the best way to hug him.
“I’m glad you do” he responded wrapping his arms around me. This hug felt just as good as the last one we shared. I didn’t notice how cold I was until I felt his body pressed against mine. It was comforting and I felt like letting go would leave me with an uncomfortable chill.
“Yeah thank you for today and you’re forgiven by the way. Today was perfect.” I said holding him a little bit harder.
“Anytime Y/N I had a good time today too.” He said as I felt him hold me harder too.
As we finally let go I looked back up at the sky to marvel again at the sight before me thankful that I get to share it with Suguru Geto. After about an hour we headed back to our dorms.
“You know we should hang out more Y/N. I enjoy your company.” Geto suddenly spoke as we reached my door.
“I agree you’re good company.” I said honesty
“Anyway goodnight I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.” He said with a smile
“Goodnight Geto.” I smiled back looking in his heavenly eyes
After he left I did my nightly routine and got into my bed. My thoughts were consumed by my day and how well it went. I’m glad I agreed to spend my day with him. I hope that I can spend more time with him without him finding out about my crush. That might be a bit embarrassing. As I closed my eyes I was all but consumed with thoughts of Suaguru Geto.
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Thank you all for reading. Sorry this part took a little longer than expected. Please stay tuned for the next part. And please comment I enjoy reading them💜
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Part 1 Part 2
Not too sure if I’ll continue this fic or not. Please let me know if you’d like a part 3. Thank you!💜
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bronzeeditsx · 7 months
Maya fanfic part 8 🫶
As soon as the halftime whilst blew maya ran down the tunnel to find you.
Slowly you regained consciousness wincing at the bright light that was shining in your eyes.
The first thing you felt was a hand holding yours and you saw Maya’s face filled with worry.
“Y/n?”. She said nervously.
“Maya”, You replied, with a small smile at the sound of her voice.
Her name was then called by her teammates as the second half was about to start.
“I’ll speak to you soon”.
“Okay”, you said, sadly watching her leave the room.
- Full time -
The game ended 4-0.
Maya’s face appeared behind the door with a smile.
“How are you?”. She asked, placing a hand on your knee.
“I feel better now”. You replied with a weak smile.
The doctor then came over to you.
“These are some of the things you should do with a concussion, I read this list to every patient suffering the same injury”.
“Get plenty of sleep at night, and rest during the day.
Avoid activities such as contact or recreational sport, football in your case.
Don’t drink alcohol.
Only take prescribed drugs.
Avoid any activities that are physically demanding such as working out, housecleaning, sex.”
At the last word you and Maya both looked at each other at the same time.
Her face turned red as she was trying not to laugh, a smile formed on your face as you were trying not to laugh at her.
“Is that okay with you?”, The doctor repeated for the second time.
“Y-yes that should be fine”, You said, trying to make your face more serious.
“Good, your next check up is in a few days, you should get an email”.
“Okay thank you”, You replied, looking up at him, in the corner of your eye you could also see Maya attempting to compose herself.
“I’ll leave you two alone then, see you later”.
“Bye, thank you”. Maya said.
He gave Maya a weird look as he left.
“How do you feel about that list?”. You asked.
“I think it’s pretty reasonable”, Maya replied, giggling.
“You sure?”. You laughed.
“Yes whatever’s best for you”, She said, bending down kissing your head.
“I think it’s best if you have a shower”, You joked.
“Ughh, I just played a full 90 minutes worrying about you, thank you very much”.
“Aww how sweet”.
“Forget it”, She said, jokingly walking away.
“Wait, help me up”. You replied, reaching out an arm to her.
She helped you up and then brought you into a hug, her dirty shirt then rubbing against you.
“Ewww”, You joked, pulling away from her.
“I think we both need a shower”, she giggled.
- A few hours later -
You were now resting in Maya’s bed.
“Are you hungry?”, Maya asked, turning to you.
“Yes I am a bit”.
“I’ll look what we have downstairs”.
“I would help you, but my doctor says I should rest”, You said dramatically holding your forehead.
Maya laughed at you.
“Don’t worry, it will taste better without you”.
She giggled as she left the room.
- Half an hour later -
Maya came upstairs with a stir fry, Mocha also following.
“You are really treating me today”. You said sitting up, as she handed you the bowl.
“It’s not like I have a choice”. She joked.
“Wow, I’ll just go back to my apartment then”. You laughed.
“No, please stay”. She said with a smile.
“Fine, but only for the food…and Mocha”.
She laughed in response.
“Would you consider staying for a little longer?”. Maya said, more nervously.
“I guess i’ll have to in my condition”.
“More than that”.
“As in move in?”.
“I know you said you can’t afford it but…I can’t stay here much longer either”. She said messing with her food.
“Why?”, You asked.
“Y’know with…but if you don’t want to or can’t afford it it’s fine”. She said, quickly.
“No I understand sorry, I would love to live with you. I basically do now but…”.
“But, you can’t afford it”, Maya said, looking down.
You nodded your head.
“What if you just pay the same rent as you do now and i’ll pay the rest?”. She asked.
“I can’t do that, you’d be paying too much”.
“I don’t care, as long as i’m with you”.
You nodded your head.
“We can talk more about it when you feel better”. She said, reassuringly.
“Okay”, You said smiling, you felt bad as you felt like you didn’t give her the answer she wanted.
- A few hours later -
“Do you want to come on a walk with me and Mocha, it could clear your head a bit?”. Maya asked.
“Yes, sounds like a good idea”.
“Ok i’ll just be downstairs, come down when you’re ready”.
“Will do”.
Sitting up fully on the side of the bed, you felt the drugs the doctor prescribed you with start to wear off, but the next dose you could take was in an hour.
You sighed, softly rubbing your head hoping the feeling would die down soon.
Attempting to stand up after a few hours of lounging in Maya’s bed you felt slightly dizzy but not enough to fall over.
You made your way out her room and then downstairs holding on to the railing.
“You okay?”. Maya asked.
“Yes”, You replied, with a slightly forced smile.
“Here’s your coat”. She said, holding it out for you and wrapping it on you as you put your arms in.
Luckily the shoes you brought were uggs so you could easily slip them on your feet.
“Hopefully they don’t get too dirty”. Maya said.
“Yes, but they keep my feet warm”.
“That’s good, i think it’s like 5 degrees now”.
“Oh wow”.
“You up for it?”.
“Yeah, it will help with my recovery”.
Maya nodded her head.
You made your way outside and the cold hit you like a ton of bricks.
“We don’t have to be out for long”.
“Okay”. You replied, placing your hands in your pockets.
When you reached the park she let Mocha off lead and walked next to you.
The headache you developed just seemed to get worse and your body was freezing at this point.
“It’s getting dark so quickly now”. Maya stated, you were now half way around the park.
“I know right”. You replied, slightly shaking.
Maya watched her feet as she walked through a pile of leaves.
“Ahh”, You said out of physical discomfort, but not loud enough for Maya to hear.
“When we get back we could watch a film, if you want”. Maya asked, looking back at you, her facial expressions then quickly changed.
“Y/n, you alright?”, She said cupping her hands on your cheeks.
“Y-yeah”, You replied, keeping eye contact for less than a second.
“Please be honest with me”.
“My medication is just wearing off and i’m very cold”, You said quickly, then looked back at her.
“You should have told me sooner”, She replied, bringing you into a hug.
“Sorry”. You said, relaxing into her hug which brought some warmth.
“It’s okay, we’re nearly home…come on Mocha”, She called out.
She put Mocha on her lead and then wrapped an arm around you.
“We’ll be okay”. She said, rubbing your back.
By the time you were down her road, the pain was constant, her arm still wrapped around you tightly.
As soon as she opened the door she let you walk in first and you took your coat off, then she followed unclipping Mocha’s lead and quickly shutting the door.
The lights of her house were so bright compared to outside where it was almost pitch black, this made your vision worse and you felt light headed.
“Maya-“. You said before losing balance.
She quickly caught you before you hit the floor.
“Hey, it’s okay”, She said, worriedly holding you. Your body was still freezing.
“I’m fine, I just need to lay down”, You said closing your eyes.
“Do you want to lay on the couch?”, She asked, keeping a strong hold of you.
“I’m going to carry you, is that ok?”.
She picked you up with ease and settled you onto the couch where the lights were dimmer.
“I’ll get you your prescription”, She said, then ran up the stairs to get it from her room.
In no time she was by your side again also holding a glass of water.
“Can you sit up?”. She asked.
“Yeh”, You said moving up slowly.
You put the pill in your mouth and washed it down with water.
“Would you like some tea to warm you up?”. She asked.
“That would be nice thanks”.
But by the time she made it and brought it to you, sleep had already taken over you.
-A few hours later-
Slowly you opened your eyes, trying to take in your surroundings.
You noticed there was a blanket now over you and your ugg’s were beside the couch.
Slightly turning your head you saw Maya sitting on a chair looking at her phone whilst biting her nails. She only does this when she’s nervous.
“Y/n”, She said softly, looking over to you.
“Hi”, You replied, slowly sitting up.
“How are you feeling?”. She asked moving to the end of the couch.
“A lot better, thanks”. You replied, with a weak smile.
“Good”. A smile was now displayed across her face.
“What time is it?”.
“I slept for a while”.
“Yes, that’s good”.
You nodded your head.
The next few days consisted of resting in Maya’s house and some appointments helping you to recover as quickly as possible.
It was estimated you’d be able to start training again in a week. Which meant you had to watch the girls and Maya take on Leicester from the TV.
“Good luck May”. You said, before she left for the king power, meaning she’d be gone for longer as it was an away game.
“Thanks, we’ll get this win for you”, She replied, zipping up her suitcase.
“Me and Mocha will miss you”.
“I’ll miss you too, remember if you need any help just call my Mum”.
“Will do”.
She made her way out of the room carrying her suitcase and walked down the stairs, you followed behind her.
Placing her suitcase at the door she turned back towards you.
“Don’t have too much fun without me”, She chuckled.
“We won’t”.
“Come here”, She said, bringing you into a hug.
You wrapped your arms around her tightly, not wanting to let go.
Pulling away, you placed your hands on her shoulders and brought her into a kiss.
She kissed you softly, but shortly pulled away.
“Don’t start because then I won’t want to stop”, She said, smiling at you.
“One more”, You replied, placing a hand on her cheek.
“Fine”, She smiled, pulling you into a kiss.
Your tongue ‘accidentally’ slipped into her mouth.
Her smile grew bigger as she should have resisted as she was going to be late, but that was impossible.
After a bit, she had to pull away.
“I actually need to go now”, She said, now breathless.
“Fine”, You sighed, but with a smile.
She then quickly walked into the living room saying one last goodbye to Mocha.
Walking back to her front door she held her suitcase.
“I love you”. She said.
“I love you too”. You replied, smiling.
She then unlocked her door and made her way to her car, placing her belongings in the boot.
You watched her drive down the road until she was out of sight, then shut the door and locked it.
“She’ll be back soon”. You said to mocha stroking her.
Maya was now sat on the 2 and a half hour coach ride to Leicester and constantly texting you.
“Does y/n want to join in with this card game?, the amount you’re speaking to her she may as well be here”. Ella joked.
“Sorry…sorry”. Maya replied, picking her cards back up slightly blushing.
All Maya could think about was how you were, especially because you haven’t been apart for so long recently.
“How is she doing?, we haven’t seen her since it happened”. Ella said.
“She’s recovering well, so hopefully she’ll be back next week”. Maya replied.
“Oh good, that means we won’t have put up with you anymore”.
“Very funny”. She laughed.
You were sat on the couch with Mocha after just coming from a walk, and ready for the game at 3pm.
The game was quite scrappy both teams having similar chances but in the 33rd minute Nikita managed to get her goal.
It ended 1-0 not the best performance by the team but they pulled through, your absence could have made a difference.
‘well done on the win, can’t wait to see you later xx’ You text.
‘Thanks, missed you xx’ - Maya replied.
‘What time will you be home?’
‘Probably 8, it could be a long drive’
‘Ok, i’ll see you then’
‘How have you been?’.
‘Good thanks, about to take Mocha out again’.
‘I hope you’ve been on your best behaviour’
‘Are you talking to me or Mocha?’
‘You haha’
“Very funny May🙄’
‘love you really x’
‘love you x’
As soon as you were about to leave the house, you heard your phone ring.
You put Mocha’s lead down and answered, wondering who it could be.
It was her.
“Hi y/n”.
“What do you want?”, You asked her neighbour.
“I want you to stay away from Maya”.
“Not going to happen”.
“She doesn’t love you”.
“Yes, she does. leave her alone”. You replied and ended the call.
You understood why Maya wanted to leave this house.
Picking up Mocha’s lead, you put the key in the door, but your phone rang again.
Sighing you decided to just ignore it switching it on silent and walked out the house.
- 30mins later -
Walking down the road to Maya’s house you saw her in the window again but you just walked straight back into her house not even looking remotely over.
You fed Mocha and then put on a Netflix series.
- A few hours later -
Out of nowhere you heard a car speeding down the road, you thought nothing of it as it was only 7:20 and Maya wasn’t supposed to be here for another 40 minutes.
Until you heard a loud knock on your door.
You got up and paused the Tv and walked to the door. Saying you were nervous was an understatement.
Slowly you opened the door and there she was. Maya.
“Oh my God, you’re alright”. She said practically running at you and bringing you into a hug.
“Yes, why?”. You queried.
“I was trying to call you, but it just went straight to Voicemail”. She replied, sighing with relief.
Turning around you found your phone on the cabinet in the corridor where you must have accidentally left it.
10 missed calls.
“I’m so sorry May, my phone was on silent”.
“It’s okay, I was just worried something could have happened and there would be no one there to help you”.
“No i’m okay, I just didn’t hear your calls”.
“Why was your phone on silent?”. She asked, to be fair it never usually is.
“Oh um, I just kept on getting calls”, You said, avoiding eye contact.
“Who from?”.
You didn’t say anything.
“Who from?”. She repeated.
“Your neighbour”. You said quietly.
Anger was then all over her face.
Turning around she quickly walked towards the door breathing out a deep sigh.
“Maya don’t”, You said, trying to stop her.
But she was too strong for you.
You tried another attempt at holding her back on the course to her neighbours house, but this time she resisted and pushed you away more harshly due to the built up anger and frustration.
However she soon realised what she had done.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to-“.
“Doesn’t matter”, You replied shaking your head, walking back inside Maya’s house.
Maya stood still and placed her hands on her knees, taking a deep breath trying to weigh up who to go after.
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DAY 13 OF FLUFFTOBER: Wrong place, wrong time
Ship: Evan x Xiao
Words: 552
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Having a free day was rare for Evan. So when there was enough time, he always made sure to help. Today had been a fishing day. People at the mayor office had been asking for lot of fishes lately. He had spend the day running around to get the fishes someone asked at the city hall, meaning he had now around 20 fishes on him. That he was dragging around town back to the city hall.
As he passed near the benches near the Main Street, someone interpellated him. Evan’s eyes widened at the call of his name by this one person he really wished he would see later. But then he remembered. It was Sunday. Meaning no one was working at the city hall. Including Xiao.
Gosh, it was very not the best moment right now.
Evan turned to the black haired boy who was looking at him with a nice smile yet a serious posture.
« Hi Evan. You had asked to speak to me? » Said Xiao as he got up from the bench he had been on.
Evan’s cheeks turned pink as he tried to smile in a way that wasn’t showing he was panicking.
No, everything was fine.
« Y-Yeah, I did! » He started and an awkward silence raised itself, Xiao waiting for what Evan needed.
Evan cleared his throat and continued.
« I am so sorry, I must be stinking right now, hum… » He said and Xiao only smiled understandably.
« That’s entirely fine, due to the circumstances. » He replied, still waiting for Evan to tell him what was going on.
He seemed to notice Evan’s stressed state and worried eyes took over his face as he approached him.
« Is everything fine, Evan? » He asked worriedly and Evan nodded quickly.
« Yeah, I-I am! Sorry, I didn’t plan this to happen. » He tried to justify his state but was met with Xiao’s confused face and raised eyebrow.
« Planned what, exactly? » The secretary asked, suspicious.
Evan took a sigh. Well, there was no way getting out of it right now. Better rip the bandaid now instead of keeping digging his own grave.
«… Ask you out like that. I imagine it more proper. Less… like this. » He admitted, pointing at himself with a nervous chuckle.
« Oh! » He let out, surprised.
It was Xiao’s turn to get pink cheeks as he processed what the chemist just told him. A minute later, though, he was back to his composed self, still with a smile.
« Well… I guess this can wait for later then. I’ll be at the tavern around 5pm. If you do want to do it, as you said, « properly ». » He replied simply, with a simple teasing tone as he used the same word the chemist had said.
Evan nodded again, relieved, a genuine smile creeping on his face.
« Sure! I’ll see you later then? » He asked, questioning.
Xiao nodded as well, letting the chemist go for now.
« Sure. See you later Evan. »
As they separated for a few hours, Evan was feeling giddy. This seemed promising.
Xiao looked at him go, letting a chuckle escape him. He couldn’t wait to see what the chemist had planned for later.
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antebellumite · 4 months
I saw your post of the fanfic ideas and would like to kindly suggest the roommate au for my favourite antebellum ship, kingchanan.
But I just wanted to add, is it really an au if it actually happened? Wouldn't the au be them not being roommates?
[modern au roommates? i'm actually not well versed on my kingchan lore so this might be ooc]
It’s in the fourth month that James Buchanan realizes that he’s already garnered more than enough money on his own to justify not having to share the same room with William King. 
“So, I can move out now.” Buchanan says on the morning of the twelfth day of the sixth month of the year. Summer swelters, even in the morning, which is justification for King to not be wearing any top clothes. He serves scrambled eggs and bacon for two onto the table. “I have enough money for it– rent out the nice room next door, so we can still meet.” 
“That’s good to know. When are you moving out?”
King’s eyebrows furrow just enough so that there’s a slight glistening in the bridge of his nose.  Buchanan’s eyes shift from King’s face.
“Well, uh.” he says. “I haven’t really decided that yet.”
“Stay as long as you need.” is King’s response. Buchanan mumbles a ‘great’, stabbing his eggs ruthlessly as King starts going through the daily plans.
There are moments where Buchanan regrets having met his roommate. 
“I’m sorry.” King says from out of the pseudo doorway to the apartment bedroom. Buchanan glowers, his eyes wet with continuing tears. “It was a bad joke. I shouldn’t have made it. Do you want me to do anything to make it up to you?”
“Sleep on the rooftop.” Buchanan orders, and he shouts it.
“I might catch a cold from that.” King says. “Or tuberculosis.”
“I don’t care! I don’t want to see you here!”
“This is kind of my apartment-”
“Shut up!”
There’s a moment of silence.
There’s a moment of rustling from the other end, and after a few minutes of the same shifting, packing noise, Buchanan’s curiosity gets the better of him and he opens the door. His feet storm and he sniffs as he opens it.
“Are you really going to do it?” he asks. He realizes his eyes must still be a little puffy from crying because King’s amusement wavers a little too much.
“Well I’m preparing for it.” King answered. He arched an eyebrow. Buchanan realized that he was packing a sleeping bag. “Do you still want me to go? Because I checked to see if there was going to be rain tonight, and there isn’t, so I guess it isn’t that bad.”
Buchanan took a moment to compose himself.
“You aren’t afraid of falling off?” he asked. 
“I know how to do it.” King replied. 
He looked at Buchanan expectantly, watching as he swallowed a lump in his throat. After a second, he dared to sigh.
“Mind if I join?” Buchanan muttered, because he was starting to think sleeping on the rooftop is fun. There’s a moment where King looks like he wants to object, then he shrugs.
“Sure.” King beams. “I’ll show you how to not fall off.”
“I’m sorry for blowing up at you.” Buchanan mumbled. “What do I need to pack.”
“I’m your better half.” King agrees. “Get some toiletries.”
There are moments where Buchanan regrets a lot of things. 
They remain only moments.
“You know when I first met you,” King tells him. “You were the most disheveled, pathetic bastard I’ve ever met?”
“Are you supposed to tell me that you’ve changed your opinion since then?”
He’s not too upset, but there’s something endearing about the way that he’s able to make his roommate backtrack so quickly. Buck laughs, takes another drink.
“Relax.” he said.
 “I know, this needs maintenance.” He gestured at himself. “Not like you have to stress about it.”
“That’s not what I mean.” King mutters, his eyelids half-closed and teeth showing through his grin. “I just want you to know you still look like trash
, so if you ever feel that I might want to leave you one day because of your ugliness, just know that if I cared that much about that, I’d’ve thrown you out of my apartment years ago.”
“How nice.” 
“Mmm.” King agrees. Buchanan buys another drink, because it’s rather unfair for King to be more drunk than he is at this hour. “Hey, do you mind if I call you Buck?”
“Mind if I use up some more of your money?” All these shots of bourbon are out of King’s pocket, after all. Buchanan chugs down another glass. 
King shakes his head.
“Okay, Buck then.” he mutters, suddenly tossing his head onto Buchanan- Buck’s shoulder. “Do you mind if I call you Nancy?” 
“You really need a taxi.”  When King doesn’t respond, Buck reached over to set him up gently. He stops midway, partly because it looks like King’s already asleep, partly because… well.
“You can call me whatever you want.”
Buck orders another drink.
“I love you.” William says one day– not out of the blue. Buck grabs up his things on the way to work, and he looks back while opening the door. 
“I’m taking the car,’ he tells William, because usually, it’s him that takes the car on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays, but Buck has a conference today, so it’s not like he can spare much. 
“Okay,” William responds from the back. He’s setting up his computer for al ong day of meetings again.  “Love you. I mean it.” 
“Love you back.” Buck replies. “I’ll bring you donuts.” 
He’s already driving to work, before the words click into his brain.
When he gets back, William’s already finished with the day’s online interviews, his legs crossed on a couch while a book splays on his lap.
He looks up with a smile. 
“Strawberry.” Buck tells him. William squints, his dark hair messy in his eyes. It somehow doesn’t intrude on his collected posture and still perfectly-pressed suit.
“Didn’t realize I also asked for cake.” 
“Dating gift.” Buck replies. William’s eyes widen just a little. “Unless I misheard.” 
“No– you didn’t.” He gets up before smiling at Buck. In his hand, he’s already holding a spoon, dark eyes bright. “Are we supposed to share?
Clearly, he means it rhetorically.
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toujokaname · 1 year
A Handsome Man In The Midst Of Good Luck / Episode 7
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Author: Chitose Umeda
Characters: Niki, HiMERU, Kaoru, Rei
"Kukuku... As expected, you expertly dodged and put an end to the conversation, didn't you?"
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Season: Winter
Location: Diner
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Niki: I accidentally left my wallet and phone behind when I went out. I couldn't go shopping, and I was too hungry to go back to the dorms.
While I was in a daze, I heard a familiar voice...
I'm glad I was able to grab your leg before hunger got the better of me, HiMERU-kun!
HiMERU: HiMERU was wondering what on earth could have happened...
Kaoru: I know, right~? Because when we looked down at our feet, we saw Shiina-kun on the verge of collapse.
Rei: ...I was surprised at that, too. And I am also surprised at the amount of food Shiina-kun can eat.
Niki: Really? This is normal, right?
By the way, I've tasted everything before eating, so there's no need to worry about it!
Rei: My goodness... Dear me, just looking at it makes me feel full.
Niki: I mean. I'd be more surprised about HiMERU-kun than me! Did you see the lottery results attached to the package?!
If the campaign is to win between a free ticket and a discount ticket in a lottery, normally most of the tickets should be discount tickets―
But every time he flipped a ticket, he got a free one! With this many free tickets, you can have infinite french fries!
HiMERU: The exchange period will start at a later date, so you can't use them now, Shiina.
Niki: Oh, that's right. I guess I'll have to wait for the infinite fries another time, unfortunately... *Munch munch*
Kaoru: See?! Let's talk more about the results. This is too much luck, you know.
Rei: Well, considering HiMERU-kun's good fortune today, perhaps it's to be expected...
Niki: ? HiMERU-kun's good fortune?
Come to think of it, why are you two with HiMERU-kun? It's an unusual combination, isn't it?
Rei: Kukuku. It is a long tale, would you like to hear it?
Niki: Nah, I'm busy eating, so please make it quick.
HiMERU: ―Let HiMERU explain. It's not a big deal...
A few minutes later
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Niki: Huuh, so something like that really happened.
But I understand why HiMERU-kun went out to town. If he got caught by Rinne-kun, I'm sure it'd be bad for me too.
Kaoru: Would it really be as bad as you say?
After all, high school students can't enter pachinko parlors, and they can't buy betting tickets because they're under the age of 20... I think there'd be many restrictions.
Niki: He'd use every possible trick to get through them.
HiMERU: That man is Amagi, after all.
Niki: I'm sure he'd be happy to drag HiMERU-kun around with him, and take advantage of his good luck by squeezing it out of him.
Rei: I have heard a lot of things said about him from other people...
Niki: Nahaha. I wonder if Rinne-kun is sneezing somewhere because of the gossip we spread about him~
HiMERU: ...Shiina. You don't have to split the free tickets. HiMERU will give them all to you.
Niki: Ehh, why?! Don't you wanna have infinite fries?!
HiMERU: HiMERU is concerned about the carbohydrates and calories. And besides, you would be happier if you got to enjoy the french fries, Shiina.
Niki: I'm seriously super grateful, but... HiMERU-kun, you don't seem to be happy after winning so much.
Listening to the story, I felt that you weren't happy at all, even though you must've had a bunch of good luck.
Kaoru: That's right~ HiMERU-kun has been composed like this the whole time.
Niki: If someone said to me, "You are the five millionth visitor!" I'd be so happy and be like, "For real~?!"
Even if that didn't happen, I think I'd feel happy if someone just congratulated me.
And what's more, these free tickets! The thought of infinite fries awaiting me makes my heart skip a beat and my chest pound!
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HiMERU: ―HiMERU is glad that Shiina is happy.
Niki: ...But you're not saying that you're "also" happy. I want HiMERU-kun to be happy, too.
HiMERU-kun, why isn't your heart pounding with excitement?
Kaoru: ...I thought it was strange, too, so I asked him about it. But in the end, I didn't get an answer.
Rei: "I've not had the luck I desire..." He said something along those lines before meeting with Shiina-kun.
Niki: Hmm? So if HiMERU-kun gets the luck he desires, he'll also be happy, right?
The luck for HiMERU-kun, the luck that HiMERU-kun wants to have. What exactly is it?
HiMERU: .........
―For example, let's say this.
Suppose HiMERU finds a hat to his liking on this particular day. Or, suppose that he finds a delicious cup of coffee.
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Rei & Kaoru: ?
HiMERU: Due to that good encounter, HiMERU would have the feeling of joy that Shiina describes.... He would be happy.
But that's because HiMERU usually collects hats and drinks a lot of coffee...
It's because it's what he likes. A good hat, a good cup of coffee.
It is not luck that makes him think he has found "something good". HiMERU's happiness is based on his tastes and preferences.
Niki: ...Mmm~? Is it like when people who don't like spicy food aren't happy when they're offered all-you-can-eat spicy food?
Just because you can eat to your heart's content doesn't mean you have to be happy about it.
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HiMERU: ...Fufu. It's a Shiina-like way of thinking, but it's not wrong.
If HiMERU had met him by chance on his travels, he might have felt "lucky"...
Time is running out for HiMERU to embark on a journey to see if such an event could be a blessing in disguise.
After all, it's only today that HiMERU will be extremely lucky.
Kaoru: ...I've never thought about it like that before. Even though he's younger than us, HiMERU-kun thinks like an adult.
I'm sorry for getting excited around you even though I was just tagging along. It must've been annoying.
HiMERU: That is unthinkable. HiMERU appreciates the fact that you were happy on his behalf. He didn't want to ruin the occasion.
Besides. It may not have been the best of luck for HiMERU, but it was surprisingly not bad.
Rei: Oh?
HiMERU: It seems that there were moments when the senpai had fun and were happy. Shiina was also pleased.
Everywhere we went, people congratulated HiMERU. Everyone had a smile on their face.
Bringing smiles to many people's faces is a great honor for an idol.
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Rei: Kukuku... As expected, you expertly dodged and put an end to the conversation, didn't you?
In the end, we still do not know what good fortune is for HiMERU-kun.
For now, I think it is good to hear HiMERU-kun say that he is happy to see the smiles of those around him as an idol ♪
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
🦇Ronancetober Day 2: Vampire/Werewolf🐺
I know what you are
Parties are the perfect places for her to put an end to her thirst; the itchy, nagging hunger that gnawed at her insides and made her feel as if she would faint unless she gave in to it.
For as long as she could she resisted it; she hadn’t chosen this life, she didn’t want to be preying on people every time she got a bit peckish.
So she went as long as she could without a bite. She tried to tide herself over sometimes with raw red meats, though they did next to nothing to combat the decay she felt after she resisted too long, feeling fragile and hollow and like what she really was.
A walking corpse.
So, she found herself at another party. It was easy to take advantage of the drunkenness and confusion and quickly ease the clawing thirst that made her throat dry and tight.
She wandered into the bathroom of the house, away from the bodies that were bouncing to the music, leaning her head against the door and shutting her eyes, taking a minute to compose herself. She really, really hates doing this.
“Hey, d’you maybe think that this bathroom might be occupied?”
The voice makes Nancy jump, spinning around immediately to see a girl sat on the counter. She’s taller than Nancy, with short hair and bangs and freckles. Her fingers are adorned with rings and chains, and she wears a jacket covered in patches and a small part of Nancy wants to stay here with the girl and read all of them.
“Sorry, I’ll uh-“ Nancy starts, but she can see this girl’s neck and she’s so sick of being thirsty and they’re alone in here-
“No, you’re pretty,” the girl says, hopping down from the counter and taking a few more steps towards her, smirking, “you can stay,”
The air seems to leave the room as the girl is barely inches away from her now, needing to look down a little to meet Nancy’s eyes.
“You’ think I’m… pretty?,” Nancy lets her fingers wander up and down the girls arm, not needing to worry about staring at her neck now that she can’t draw her gaze away from the tall girl’s ocean blue eyes.
“Yeah, babe,” Nancy’s heart gives a flutter at the nickname, and the girl brings a hand up to her cheek, “What d’you think of me?”
“I don’t know yet,” Nancy drapes her arms around the girls neck as the taller of the two begins to lean in, and then she’s being pushed against the bathroom door as the girl kisses her, and she reciprocates. After all, it’s not often you find another gay girl in Hawkins, vampire of not.
Soon, the taller girl was trailing kisses along Nancy’s jaw, and then her neck, and Nancy’s thirst had all but become a dull background presence, blending in with the muffled beat of the music as she let this stranger kiss her.
“Still deciding what you think about me?” The girl pulls away from kissing her neck and holds her by gently by the chin.
Nancy smiles, and is about to speak when the girl’s eyes widen and she takes a sudden step back, the sudden space between them feeling like a void.
“Holy shit, you’re-“ She looks less startled than confused- or maybe betrayed?
“Wait,what? What do you-“ Then Nancy realises. She’s smiled straight at the girl, they had been so close, she must have seen her- but still, how could she-?
“Oh fuck no, I am not getting bit by a vampire girl tonight, I’m going-“ the girl starts for the door, but Nancy blocks her and locks it, keeping her hand tight on the handle.
“How did you know?”
The mood has drastically shifted from when they were making out a few seconds ago, the two of them glaring at eachother.
“Those pretty fangs of yours gave it away, sweetheart,” the girl grimaces, “not to mention you’re white as a sheet,”
“I know, but most people don’t connect those dots,” Nancy pushes further, “you’re not quite what you seen either, are you?”
The honey haired girl laughs a little, not breaking her stare from Nancy, “Guess that makes two of us, darling,” The girl closes the gap between them again, putting gentle hands on Nancy’s waist.
“Well, you’re not a vampire- what’re you, some sort of werewolf or ghoul or something?” Nancy interrogates, and something shifts in the girl’s face.
She exhales sharply through her nose, “Well, I’m Robin, for starters, and I think you’ll have to get to know me better before you find out what I am,”
“Hm, I guess I’ll take that as a challenge,”
“You’re on, gorgeous,”
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