#I’ll say anything abt him idc
ardentpoop · 2 months
literally they don’t make shirts for sam’s torso. massive shoulders massive boobs teenytiny waist
yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women :(
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sweet1delusi0ns · 1 month
Nicknames Naruto boys call you—☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋, choji🍥,gaara⏳, kankuro🪆
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He always calls you complimenting nicknames such as beautiful, gorgeous and pretty ect. He doesn’t care about your looks honestly you could be the ugliest person alive and he’s still love you. He just needs you to know your attractive no matter what! But also calls you the classics like babe n sweetheart!
“Good morning gorgeous!!” “I look like a fucking raccoon babe.” “Your still attractive no matter what y/nnnn” side note he loves giving morning kisses~
Darling. Without a doubt he calls you darling or love. He’s not sure what he would call you at first other than your name but it soon came to him. He is soooo soft for You idc what anyone says I can just imagine his soft voice “oh love” “anything else darling?” “I have a surprise for you my love” (I’m crying)
He will genuinely start crying if you called him sweet nicknames like that. (I’m writing abt that later😋)
Hes so Basic yet so complex honestly he will call you the most basic nicknames like babe or sweetie but then go on for hours how your the only one for him and how your were like a missing piece in his heart that he has finally found, yet he can’t come up with any better nicknames😭
“Babe have I ever told you how I feel like I’m missing apart of myself every time your away. Honestly just going to bed without you pains me so much. I’m so happy I found the one for me~” “not even baby just babe?” “I’m trying to be sincere and sensitive y/n!”
He mainly called you dear like a old couple (LOL). Other than the sweet compliments he gives you about how hot you are n such he’s similar to kiba, basic nicknames but a lot of meaning
“Dear, I have put together a small picnic for us. I finally have time to treat you right so I figured I’d take you on a date” “Aw your the sweetest old man ever~” “anything for you dear!….HEY.”
Call me stereotypical but he totally calls you love bug, cuddle bug or flower, cuz your his little love bug yk just full of happiness (mostly). He isn’t one to just use nicknames every sentence, he thinks nicknames should be special not matter how many times he uses them!
“Shino! I’m so happy your back home ugh I’ve missed that face! Cmon give me a hug~” “of course, I’ve missed you too love bug, or should I say cuddle bug” “either one is fine Shino~”
Destiny (ha get it) I’m jus joking. Similar to shikamaru he talks you like you guys are an old couple but still romantic, so names like sweetheart, love and gorgeous. He uses them frequently thought so throughout the day you get to hear his pretty voice
“Sweetheart how was your day?” “Love do you want to tag along with me to the store? Or just for a walk” “you look gorgeous as always” AGH
Ez he calls you precious. He finds it complex enough to show the love he truly feels for you without the nickname being overwhelming. “You are my precious! I will spent my whole life protecting and serving you! You deserve the best!!” I love him.
“So pretty! You are so special y/n! You are the most precious person to me!” “My precious I have a surprise!” “Precious, do you care for some tea, I’m making it fresh!”
Also ez he calls you either honey, sweetie, or pretty. Honey and sweetie for obvious reasons, he finds you as sweet as candy and as yummy as honey, but he also finds you VERY attractive.
“Honey! I’m making dinner I hope your hungry pretty~” “your so nice to me y/n, like sweets! Ooooo that’s a good name, sweetie!”
He just calls you by your name, he doesn’t know what he’s doing LOL. You’ll have to coerce him into calling you cute nicknames by either promising him a reward or explaining how it’s normal to call loved ones names other than their name.
“You can call me anything you want gaara!!” “Can I Call You raccoon?” “No.” “Oh.. then what can I call you?” “Oml I’ll give you cuddles if you start calling me darling~” “sure thing y/n…uh darling..?” “Your so cute when you get flustered!”
Flirt. So names along the lines of hotty, sexy, doll. Pretty self explanatory he thinks your fine asf so he’s gotta make it known. “Oo whos that hotty? Oh my gosh that my lover~” he teasing you, well atleast tried you but you just end up giggling at his attempts!
“Doll do you want to come help me in my work shop?” “Danm your so sexy~ honestly I’d let you do anything to me” “what’s your problem weirdo!” “Your hot thats my problem”
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xotication · 10 months
idc what anyone says, i lowk feel like kaneki is such a slut, & he doesn’t even realize it.
like he’ll send you shirtless pics when he wakes up but he means no harm. he just wakes up that way & stretches his arm out to snap a quick pic. you’ll NEVER complain but it’s just so mmm. what’s more is that he doesn’t even think he has a great body or anything, but you drool over every picture.
when you sleep over at his house, he always wakes up before you so he can cook the two of you a nice lil breakfast.. it’s just that when you walk in & see him with no shirt & black sweats hangin from his v line, you damn near drop to the ground. he looks so fucken good with his hair shaggy & his lil puffy sleepy eyes nd swollen lips. you could DIE for this man.
omg nd when he showers, he’ll wrap the towel around his waist & not even like tuck it in. he’s just loosely holding it nd his hands look soso pretty. plus he doesn’t mind if you’re in the room or not.. he’s gonna get changed. & don’t get me started. HIS BACKKKK?! it’s not huge or anything but it’s just nice to look at; the way that his shoulder blades move nd everything. you’ll never feel ashamed for snapping a pic of it either.
when you guys go out, he will not keep his hands off of you. especially if you’re wearing a dress or a skirt..? his full attention is on you. not even just because you look good, but bc he’s making sure that shit doesn’t ride up in the slightest. if it does? he’s wasting no time in running his hands down your body & pulling it down. & he’ll give you a “be mindful, sweetheart. there’s people around” AAAHHHH!!!
you just melt at this. because deep down you know you don’t have to be mindful of shit. his eyes are on you like a fucken hawk. don’t even think abt leaving his line of sight.
kaneki also can never pull you in for a kiss normally?! like when he wants it, he’ll get it. he fucken grabs you by the neck nd pulls you in for one. either that or he’ll lift your chin up & then let his hand rest on your neck. it’s so dwkfjeksk. your mind goes hazy.
one thing abt him is that you literally don’t have to do anything but breathe around him. you’ll be trying to open a water bottle, he’ll come & open it for you. someone’ll ask you a question & he’ll answer it for you. you need to go somewhere? he’s driving you. you’re tired? he’ll carry you to the bed. going out with friends? he’s putting your socks nd shoes on for you. he’s quite literally told you “when you’re with me, you barely have to think baby” like HELLO?! stop that.
also unpopular belief but. he SENDS YOU NUT VIDS!!! like he’ll outwardly tell you he’s horny bc he doesn’t gaf abt tmi. your his partner nd 1,000% the reason he’s feeling that way anyway. so he’ll be sitting pretty in front of his mirror, making the most prettiest noises too. nd he’ll send that shit to you like it’s nothing.
“fuck y/n” “you’re so fucking pretty baby” “making me feel so good— shit” “can’t wait to touch you— gonna fucken cum”
LIKE?!?! i need to stop. i’m fainting.
ugh. i could go on & ON about this man but i’ll leave it here.
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sunnysoulzz · 7 months
I need some Rodrick x ftm reader if you can!! Mbe some smut? I'll take anything no one makes ftm reader stuff with Rodrick :(
I’ll try my best 🫶🫶 I’m not an expert so I’m very sorry if I get stuff wrong :’(
Rodrick x ftm!reader
Contains: reader in diff stages of transitioning, smut, lmk what I missed lol, also not proofread
Smut under the cut!
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Idc what anyone says, HES SUPPORTIVE ASF. He’s punk asf bro, he fell in love with YOU, so he really doesn’t care how you present yourself. (Also he’s SO bi, he fell in love with you before you started transitioning AND after you started transitioning, like bro fell in love twice)
If you started dating him before you transitioned he’d gladly accept you, though he’d probably use the wrong pronouns at first. Plz slap him, he feels really bad abt it :(
If you started dating after you transitioned he’d probably be taken aback, but still absolutely adores you, it doesn’t change anything for him.
100% let’s you wear his clothes, he’d probably just hand you his shirt when you are hanging out at his house because he’s awkward but lovesss seeing you wear them.
He’d help cut your hair (it probably ended up uneven but yk-)
Definitely calls you handsome when he’s flirty, he’s so the type to lean in the door frame and just say “hey handsome”
If your family wasn’t supportive he would help you sneak out 🙏
I can imagine you helping him put on makeup, because you had the experience from before you realised you were trans, and plus he likes it when you do it.
Before you had surgery he’d 100% eat you out while calling you a pretty boy. And after you got bottom surgery he’d call you a pretty boy while sucking ur dick lol
He’s so touchy, he’s always trying to get his hands on you so when you got top surgery he was a lil sad because that meant he couldn’t touch ur nipples for a while :( but once it was healed he would definitely touch them non stop LMAO
You guys probably tried anal even before you got bottom surgery, he wanted to experiment yk and was just like “well once/if you get bottom surgery, that means we are gonna switch to anal right? So why not try it now?”
If you don’t feel like having penetrative sex because you just don’t like your body atm, he’ll gladly fuck your face instead :)
pretty sure this is my first time publishing a male!reader FIC? I can’t remember 💀 but! Definitely first time I’ve written for a trans reader :) I hope this works, sorry it’s short I didn’t know what to add 😭
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huggybearhughes43 · 4 months
I need a Gabe Perreault imagine. Idc what it's about I just need a Gabe fic.
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‼️all credit to @ghostfacd for this idea‼️
Summary: You and Gabe have been fwb since the beginning of college. You mention your mom’s famous cookies that you were helping with over text and he can’t help but rush over to your house.
Warnings: suggestive but no smut (surprise), kissing, Gabe is definitely joking through most of this, L bomb (he wasn’t joking abt that) 😇😇
Word count: I forgot to put a counter 🤭
As I finish putting in the second batch of cookies my phone chimes with a notification. I clean my hands then look-
*three notifications from “Gabe 🤓”*
I smile and open the messages, having time to text him back as my mom mixed the ingredients for the next batch.
Gabe 🤓: watcha up to?
Gabe 🤓: helloooo?
Gabe 🤓: fine Ykw? I’ll find another best friend to fuck 😇
I roll my eyes at my phone before replying.
Me: you know damn well you have no game
Me: I’m making cookies with my mom
Gabe 🤓: cookies? Like your mom’s famous cookies? I’m coming over
I put down my phone and shake my head at the last message. My mom hands me the bowl to lay out the cookies on the parchment. “Hey mom,” I look at her, “Gabe’s coming over if you don’t mind… he’s crazy for these cookies.” I laugh and shake my head. She smiles, soft wrinkles forming around her eyes, “oh he’s welcome whenever he wants, he’s a good kid.”. I laugh and agree.
I put the batch in the oven and my mom starts mixing her last batch of cookies. About five minutes later the doorbell rings. I walk the door, shaking my head before opening it. I smile seeing Gabe’s huge grin but before I can say anything he pushes past me and into the kitchen. “How’s my favorite lady?” He practically skips up to my mom and hugs her softly. I laugh and close the door, rolling my eyes at his dumb but funny actions.
“Yeah it’s good to see you too.” I smile, shaking my head as I enter the kitchen. Before Gabe can reply to me my mom sticks a spoonful of cookie batter in his mouth. I cover my mouth to suppress a laugh. “How does that taste? Does it need more vanilla?” She asks in a Boston accent. He swallows the cookie dough and wipes his lip before shaking his head. “Perfect” he mumbles with a nod. She smiles and hands me the bowl again.
I begin to line up pan with cooking spray when I feel gentle arms hug me from behind and a chin rest on my shoulder. I scoop some dough and place it on the pan, using my thumb to make sure it’s the right shape. “You know I was joking right?” He whispers softly into my ear. “Hm?” I assumed he was talking about my mom being his favorite over me. He smiles into my neck “I could never find another best friend to fuck.”. I snort out a laugh at his words. “And no it’s not because I have no game.” He rolls his eyes with a smile as I giggle. “It’s mostly because you have no game.”
I finish scooping the dough onto the pan. My thumb that I was using to shape the cookies were covered in remanence of the dough. I look over my shoulder at Gabe and bring my thumb to his face. I was only half joking, not expecting him to actually do what I was thinking of but he does. He wraps his lips around my thumb and sucks the dough off. I drop my hand down to my side and shake my head. “You’re so gross” I laugh. He smiles and kisses my shoulder “what can I say? It tastes good.” He shrugs. I shrug him off of me and he backs up. I look at him and smile “wow, would you look at that, now it’s your job to put the cookies on the oven.” He scrunches his nose at me and grabs the tray and puts it in the oven.
I make my way into my living room and sit down on the couch before turning the tv onto a random show. Gabe comes in after he was done in the kitchen and crawls on top of me and lays all his weight on me. I gasp and laugh as he lays his head on my chest, watching the tv. “Jesus, Gabe, you trynna crush me?” I furrow my brows at him and run a hand through his curls. “You’ll be okay” he smiles and looks up at me, his chin now resting on my chest.
“You know, I didn’t just come for your mom’s cookies.”
“Yeah? Beats me, you’re more passionate about those cookies than hockey, and that’s saying a lot”
Gabe smiles softly and stares at me for a bit too long before speaking
“I might love those cookies, but I love you more, promise”
He leans up and presses a soft kiss to my mouth, pulling away with a huge shit eating grin.
“If you think you’re getting in my pants tonight, you’re delusional”
“Worth a shot”
He shrugs and lays back down on my chest. I smile and think for a moment, my hand still running through his hair.
“I love you too”
I whisper and I feel him smile against my chest, silence falls between us until the oven dings, signaling that the cookies were done and he was up and running into the kitchen, causing me to laugh, not even caring to suppress it with my hand.
Ohhhh this was cute, I love Gabe
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lightininglydia · 2 years
Some ST Headcanons of Mine <3
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- Max let’s Lucas braid her hair sometimes even if he’s bad at it
- Steve and Jonathan secretly call each other but hang up before either one can talk because they are too afraid to say they kinda miss having the other around ( Joyce is the only one that knows and thinks it’s funny )
- Mike secretly thinks Max is the coolest person he’s ever met ( besides Will & El ofc )
- Robin has a key to Steve’s house and let’s herself in with no notice whatsoever as if she lives there
- Dustin also has a key ( he stole Robin’s and got one copied for everyone )
- Moms approach Steve all the time asking him to babysit and he’s just so confused because why are they doing that?? ( as if he doesn’t parade around town with at least 1 of 7 children at all times )
- Max has a seashell from California that she puts up to her ear every night before going to bed because it reminds her of her dad :(
- Lucas pretends to hate having Erica around all the time but is actually relieved because he knows she’s safe when she’s with him and his friends
- Steve has showed up to all of Lucas’s games in hopes that he would get to see him play ( He was SO proud when he scored the winning shot )
- Max listens to all of Lucas’s games
- El and Lucas have a weekly call where they catch one another up on everything and gossip about drama and their friends 
- When Will misses home he calls Dustin so they can talk about dnd :(
- Nancy takes Max shopping every couple of weeks to help get her out of the house and take her mind off things
- Max thinks Nancy is the coolest person in the world and actually looks up to her a lot
- Steve picks the boys up after every dnd session because a small part of him is always going to be worried abt the upside down and he can’t stand the idea of anything bad happening to them
- Jonathan has several letters he’s written to Nancy over the last 8 months that he’ll never send ( some are break up letters that he can’t bring himself to send because he just loves her so much but he knows he can’t go with her to college )
- When El misses home Jonathan let’s her go through all the pictures he’s taken of everyone over the years to make her feel better ( Her favourite is the one of her and Max making silly faces behind the boys )
- Will and El have weekly movie nights
- Argyle helps El with her English homework after school and is surprisingly really good at it
- Dustin secretly LOVES cats- he was devastated when Dart ate Mews but he wanted to look brave in front of Steve
- Steve knew he was devastated which is why he bought Dustin’s mom a new cat ( This is literally canon idc- he got Claudia that cat and I’ll die on this hill )
- Jonathan is secretly an ABBA lover ( His favourite is Take A Chance On Me because it reminds him of how he felt when he first fell in love with Nancy )
- One time when everyone was in The Wheeler’s basement Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac came on and everyone danced and sang horribly off key to it ( Jonathan and Mike tried their hardest to stay out of it but Nancy outright refused this and made them join in )
- Will is the personalized gift giver of the group… he spends so much time making everyone the sweetest and most personal gifts ( Max cried when she first got one )
- When Max is avoiding Lucas and Will is avoiding Mike they’ll hide out at each other’s houses because the party doesn’t think they are that close ( They are actually best friends they told me themselves )
- Steve thinks Robin is the best friend he’ll ever have
- Robin thinks the same
- When El and Will moved away Max convinced the party to make them a going away present- it was a box filled with comics, pictures, letters and small things that would remind the two of them of everyone ( Max gave it to Jonathan and told him to hide it until they got to California- the two cried when they opened it )
- Steve called The Byers residence the night before they moved and apologized for not being able to be there when they left but thanked them for giving him a second chance
- El has the pictures of her and Max from the mall hung up on her wall in frames that Will decorated for her
- Mike makes Max tell him all about her day at the mall with El whenever he misses her knowing it was one of the happiest days of her life
- Mike also pretends to think Max is a bad influence on El but has actually come to the conclusion that she’s probably the best person for El to be around because she’s the one person who helped El truly become her own person instead of a shell of what other people wanted her to be
- Eddie thinks Max is the coolest out of the kids ( He loves Dustin the most tho )
- Mike cried after his fight with Will, he hates it when he screws things up like that but sometimes ( most of the time ) his mouth moves faster than his brain and he can’t help what he says
- Lucas has a box under his bed filled of pictures with Max and love letters he’s written to her but never given to her ( Erica found it and now threatens to expose Lucas whenever he won’t do what she wants him to do )
- She thinks it’s really sweet though and absolutely adores Max ( Lucas was horrified when they first met because within the first twenty seconds they had already started conspiring against him )
- Eddie secretly feeds the dog outside ( Him and Max ran into each other once and he lent her his favourite mix after deciding she was a pretty alright kid )
- She gave him one back and he was absolutely horrified that he was actually super into Kate Bush ( Max knows this but refused to tell another soul ) 
- Dustin was the most hurt when Max shut herself away from everyone, it made him feel like he wasn’t doing enough as a friend
- In her letter to him she assures him that there was nothing else he could have done and that she was tired of feeling like she was bringing them down with her and figured they were better off without her
- Dustin cried so hard after reading his letter before he was hit with a violent wave of anger, cursing Vecna for taking away two of his best friends in such a cruel and unforgiving way
- Steve gave Dustin Eddie’s vest
- Nancy knows it was El that brought Max back but hasn’t said anything about it
- Robin calls Nancy every night before bed after Vecna to make sure she’s alright
- Nancy calls Robin every morning after she wakes up to make sure her nightmares weren’t too bad
- The moms try and give Steve money for stuff like gas and snacks but he always refuses because he takes care of the kids because he loves them and not because it’s an obligation
- Karen still manages to slip him some money every once in a while ( Mike literally just throws it somewhere in his car and leaves him to find it )
- Nancy thinks it’s funny that most of the town sees her as some pretty princess that lives in her own little world when in all reality she’s out fighting inter dimensional monsters, saving the town every other day and owns several different guns
- Steve and Nancy take turns driving the kids to the hospital to visit Max
- Steve read his letter from Max out loud to her before bursting into tears. It was the first time any of them had seen him cry ( excluding Nancy and Robin )
- Steve feels extremely guilty and at fault when anything bad happens to anyone- Robin is the only one who knows how horrible he feels about Max and Eddie ( She held him as he cried and softly reassured that he did everything he could have done given the circumstances)
- That doesn’t stop him from blaming himself for what happened
- Mike is fully prepared to fight Lonnie if he so much as looks at Will, Jonathan or Joyce the wrong way ( This is the first time Hopper has been in full agreement with Mike )
- Lucas finds a box in Max’s room filled with pictures of the two of them and notes he never received ( He breaks down and has to call Steve to come get him )
- One Christmas the kids all come together to get Steve his own Walkie-talkie ( it’s always on and set to their channel in case there’s a code red )
- Nancy’s not sure if she was jealous of Robin or if she was jealous of Steve when she thought the two of them were together ( Ronance <3 )
- Will hasn’t played dnd since he left Hawkins
- Jonathan doesn’t take as many pictures anymore ( he’s been so distant from everyone and everything he loves for the last 8 months )
- Dustin thanks the universe everyday for sending Steve his way ( he really does love him so much and sees him as an older brother <3 )
- Lucas misses Will the most ( he would have somehow convinced Eddie to move dnd and then forced them all to go to Lucas’s game )
- Mike wanted to call Nancy after his fight with El because he knows she’s the only person that understands why it’s so hard for him to say he loves someone
- If they can’t find Susan or any other member of Max’s family Steve fully intends to legally adopt her ( Even if it means sacrificing his pride and going to work for his dad so he can afford it )
- Mike goes to visit Max when no one else is there because he doesn’t want anyone to know how guilty he feels ( He cries every time he sits there and talks to her, silently praying that she’ll wake up and he’ll get another chance to be her friend )
- Steve calls Joyce or Karen when he needs some sort of motherly guidance ( The two treat him like one of their own )
- Robin and Jonathan actually get along really well despite their clashing opinions on Steve ( They are also Will’s biggest protectors )
- Steve redecorated the guest room that’s across his bedroom for the kids ( His Father was furious but his mother couldn’t help but be proud that her son cared so much for the kids )
- He never really talks about it but his relationship with his parents really messed him up which is why he makes sure he’s a stable figure in the kids life ( It means the world to Dustin, Max, El and Mike because Steve really had nothing to do with the upside down but he sticks around regardless and is constantly jumping head first into danger for them )
- Erica always calls Robin after she has a nightmare about the Russians ( Robin always takes her out for ice cream the next day )
- Everyone thinks Lucas’s favourite memory with Max is when they first kissed but it’s actually the night on top of the bus because he knew he made her feel safe and at home in Hawkins
- Robin and Dustin have grown to hate Fast Times but they still watch it once a month because it’s one of Steve’s favourite
- Writing Steve’s letter hurt Max the most because it was everything she wanted to say but never could and he would only know how much she truly cared about him if she died
- After Eddie died Dustin started sleeping over a Steve’s house a lot more
- Max thinks Steve is the best person she knows. The comfort and safety she feels with him is one she’s only ever felt with her dad before.
- The older teens love all the kids but they all have their favourites! Steve’s are Dustin, Max and Lucas, Nancy’s are Mike, El and Dustin, Jonathan’s are Will, El and Mike, Eddie’s are Dustin and Max and Robin’s are Erica, Lucas, Dustin and Max ( and eventually Will )
- Dustin is very loved by the older teens!
- They never say it enough but they all love each other so much and despite how they all came together they are eternally grateful that the universe threw them all together as one big ( Hopefully one day- happy ) Family. 
Anyways these are just a handful of headcanons I have! The overall message is that they all love each other very much <3
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jadedrrose · 11 months
I finished the Law novel so here’s random shit from it I wanna talk abt:
-Obviously I already made a post for this one but him getting his first tattoo AT THIRTEEN is crazy 💀 and the fact he looked at normal designs and then was just like “I like these but I’m an edge lord so give me death on my hands” (this is a lie he got the word death because it reminds him that people’s lives are in his hands when operating)
-Wolf makes a roomba and then it explodes ??
-Law had been doodling ideas for the Heart Pirate’s jolly roger for years, and apparently wrote “adopt” on one paper (I’m not sure bc of translation issues but my best guess is that bc the logo is a smile like Cora, he’s basically saying Cora’s like an adoptive father? I could be wrong tho) He ended up throwing them away but Wolf found them in the trash and painted it on the polar tang for him :)
-Law admits he’s a bad cook, but he was also 16 and that’s just how 16 year old boys are, so…. My point on that one official art meaning Law can cook still stands. Idc
-Shachi’s dream job was to become a hairstylist. He worked in a salon for 3 years and now is the crew’s official hairstylist 😭
-Sulong Bepo has been a thing for years, apparently 👀
-From the time he was 16 up til 23 (my best guess to due reasons I’ll explain next), Law/Heart pirates were going around the North Blue helping people and freeing countries much like Luffy/Strawhats. The specific one mentioned is that they discovered another pirate group was kidnapping children, and the Navy wasn’t doing shit, so Law decided that they’d just do it themselves. It mentions that they return the kids to their parents which puts the image in my head that they had a bunch of kids on the Polar Tang at one point lol
-Law leaves Swallow Island at 16 and I’m guessing they head for the Grand Line when he’s around 23 ish due to the fact that in Saboady they mention that the worst generation are all pirate groups that quickly made their way up, so 7~ years is definitely too long to fit that description. Since Luffy got there in 3 months, I’m gonna assume that at the most Law spent a year getting there (after having stayed in the North Blue for 6 years)
-kinda disappointed that it never explains how he got kikoku. That would’ve been cool :(
-It basically confirms his scan ability allows him to see everything inside a person’s body. Which is kinda scary lol
-he’s definitely not 100% emo 100% of the time because there’s tons of moments where he’s making jokes/laughing/smiling/having fun with Shachi Penguin and Bepo.
-it mentions that Law prays before performing a surgery, which I find kinda interesting? I wonder if he still does that or not
I can’t think of anything else rn, it’s late af lol
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checkadii · 27 days
Holy shit, hi, I wanted to say thank you so much for your tags on your reblog of my fic 💙 I so appreciate it and you're too kind! I was a little nervous at times about the way I was characterizing Vash, so I'm really glad to hear it worked for you! Fics like this can be so hard to get eyes on so I really appreciate you taking the time to reblog and say what you thought!
GRABBING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS for a one shot the way you characterized him said a LOT . To me at least. It might be the hot weather getting to me idk . Characterization is such a doozy though I agree
THERES SOOO many aspects of Vash’s character that I’m so like. Picky abt when it comes to fanfics, I have about a dozen and some tabs opened on chrome rn that I scroll through every day,,, Usually he’s written as whiny, near childish, stubborn, generally babied, etc and that’s canon (to an EXTENT) but holy crap . He’s also angry, pent up and repressive, he’s frustrated, he’s living for an ideal that someone who left him long ago had, what does he have aside from that like ghfjnghn. He was the one who lashed out first in both 98 and trimax, and even if that’s tamer and more restrained, faint and maybe not with the fire it once had now and he’s mournful if anything,, he lost so much, and everything that was lost was meaningful to him,, for something nigh immortal (if he doesn’t drop dead like. 280 or smth idk) with so much time it fucking sucks to know that others close don’t have a fraction of it
the impact he had on the people around him even if he doesn’t know it, the impact the people has on him over the course of centuries,,, the way he felt unsure wether the right to be called uncle was his,,, but times changed. things changed
Another thing is that god. Yea. He would have vague knowledge of LR from wolfwood, and no matter the influence of that he’s still going to be wary I feel like. He should be. Hide it idc but there’s going to be some level of conflicted emotions towards him ghjngmnnnh .
AND MILLY!!! THAT WAS REALLY SAD TO READ BH THE WAY AHJSJD!!! Her becoming the family’s matriarch did put a smile on my face,,, aloof as she is she can be dependable and stubborn I feel like augh,,, and meryl :( her accepting the cane without much fight had me rolling around . IDK YOU JUST. vague hand gestures captured it really well in such short writing??
Living as someone else’s ideal turning into living for someone else entirely just. Myh. There isn’t much he can do, and that just. Leaves that. Carrying their memories. Keeping by their side to stave off their loneliness. Mourn those that passed, will pass, together. It really would be worth living the life he’s always lead
In short I’ll be rereading it along with that dozen and some tabs everyday thankyou for your work actually HOLYYY SHIT IM GIDDY THINKING ABT THE FIC AGAIN GELP 🗣
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
oh damn.. ok jc thing… couldnt he just be trying to see if someone had leaked stuff and where jt mightve come from? the ty feet thing is hilarious.
zach… uh zach lol id love to know what he said bc i don’t see him being intentionally racist. maybe just a bad joke that didn’t land.
oh more k drama… lovely lol at this point i want them to go live and just start making out with snc and really give something for people to be mad abt lol is kat rly making tiktoks abt her? bc that’s petty if she is lol
I will say ive noticed a lack of xplr merch since the boys have been in australia 😂 at least last time i looked lol
Im curious what batshit craziness will go down once snc are state side again… 👀
- aussie anon
the jc thing… idk what’s going on there tbh. it’s really surprising to that he would do that to women he knows. and idk how he’s gonna apologize or explain himself. it’s just gross either way you slice it.
with zach, idc about him and don’t watch him so idc or know really anything. i was just kinda told about it lol
yeah the k stuff is a wee bit silly, and her kinda egging it on is funny, so i’ll give it to her there. but other than that??? i don’t get it
and to my knowledge kat hasn’t acknowledged k so… idk what she was referring to with that now deleted tiktok.
and snc have been commenting on the girls’ stuff so clearly things are still working out for them. and i can only imagine the crazy once they get back home lol
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Kk 👍👍
Then may I ask if you could write lee and ler headcanons for Mujika and Sonju? I couldn't find really anything t-word related abt them and they're my favs 🥲
The Promise Neverland Tickle HC’s
A/N: im sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it
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🦋-secondly she’s a lee all the way idc idc
🦋-Adores tickles
🦋- HELLA TICKLISH neck, hands especially the palm, her horns, and her knees
🦋-She’s not shy to ask for them either
🦋-She has her ways of getting tickles
🦋-Whenever a tickle fight is going on she’s normally one she purposefully doesn’t fight back
🦋-Normally when she is in a 1v1 tickle fight most of the time it’s with Emma, Gilda, Don, Ray, and Sonju
🦋-She’s fr everyone’s favorite lee
🦋- She is indeed ticklish but not as ticklish as Ray and Emma
🦋-It’s easy to get her giggling but once you hit the right spot she’ll start squirming but not enough to get away
🦋-teasing is a hit or miss you could say something that you think is a tease but it won’t be to her
🦋-Or vice versa you’ll say the most non teasing thing and she’ll start squealing calling you a tease
🦋-She can easily turn the tables she’s very sneaky
🦋- SHES SNARKY she’ll do just to provoke you and the saddest part is that everyone knows this and it still works
🦋- if you can’t find her she’s somewhere getting wrecked
🦋- She’ll tickle you when you look down
🦋- Or for you to come hang out or cuddle with her
🦋-She can be a evil ruthless Ler or she can be a soft nice Ler it depends on how you got in this predicament
🦋- if you asked she’ll create a safe word that you both agree on
🦋- Or if you provoked her SHE WILL TEASE YOU SO BADLY
🦋- She’ll act like she’s gonn tickle you and doesn’t and then when your not paying attention she’ll ruthlessly yes RUTHLESSLY tickle the most ticklish area on your body and will scold you (jokingly ofc☺️)
🦋- “see y/n this is why you should’ve just asked nicely” “nah uhn you brought this onto yourself” “you can’t get away from me”
🦋- “hmm should I go for your worst spot?” “Yep Emma told me about how ticklish you are”
🦋- And some classic teases
🦋- “you’re giggles are so cute” “wait did you just snort? DO IT AGAIN” “where am I gonna tickle next you’ll never know” “you should smile more and I can help with that”
🦋-She’ll poke your neck, swipe up your neck, or blow on your neck atleast 5 times throughout the day
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🥀-Ler leaning switch 100%
🥀-He doesn’t mind tickles. but will he admit it ? Nope
🥀- he is hella ticklish especially on his feet, sides, his collar bone ,and under his arm.
🥀- His laugh is charming and if you tickle this one spot near his armpit his knees will buckle and he squeals🥹 (the cutest thing ever oml)
🥀-He does get really flustered when asking for tickles “Hey y/n can you T- you know the word”
🥀-Bro is soooooo DAMN COCKY until he’s a giggly mess or till someone says “let’s test it out*
🥀- “Nah I’m not ticklish” “Heh well we don’t have to test it out i-it’s not like I’m lying”
🥀- Whenever he’s in a bad mood Mujika is there to cheer him up
🥀- Despises whenever he gets thorns stuck in his foot because it TICKLES SO FREAKING BAD hurts
🥀- he may squirm around a lot but he never says stop
🥀-he doesn’t care what’s going on who’s getting tickled he will insult you 😭
🥀-“yohohou suck ahahahat tickling peoplehehe” OKAHAHAY okahaAhAy I’ll say ihit…. Your hair look stupid ahahaha WAHAHAHAIT”
🥀- lmao get wrecked
🥀-He mostly does that to ray whenever he’s in a cocky or lone wolf mood he’ll tickle some sense into him
🥀- tickle hugs are his specialty. he'll wrap you in his arms then next thing you know you're getting tickled
🥀- After watching a scary movie he’ll tickle you just to spook you even more
🥀-He’s known for tasering people’s sides
🥀- He will poke your side causing you to yelp before quickly turning away and acting just as confused as you before you catch him in the act
🥀-None one can stand his teases
🥀- He enjoys playing the tickle monster with the younger kids
🥀- dude just likes tickling people for shits and giggles
🥀- and he likes da power
🥀- when ever someone had a nightmare he’ll let them sleep next to him for the the rest of the night and anytime they’re scared before bed
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handsome-kakigori · 2 years
So, what are your thoughts on the first ep??
Btw it di disney + belum ada ya? Mau nonton di situ ga ada sampai ke situs bajakan wkwkwkwk
Kyknya ga ada di disney+ aku pun akhirnya jd kaizoku wkwk
Hooo boi, my thoughts on ep 1 huh? *cracks knuckles* this is gonna be long im sorry—
Ok maybe I’ll start from the beginning, i forgot this noob shinigami’s name so i’ll call him imoyama junior. Seireitei needs to train their shinigami better fr. He ran from a hollow into a building?? That’s stupid, what if someone lives there bruuhhh— and he ran so far, he spreads so much property damage across the town AAAAUUGHH. THE STREETS, THE CABLES, THE WALLS, WINDOWS, ETC
But Ichigo gets a free pass hehe. Aww darling wants to show off and use his bankai on a small fry hollow, the knockback causes some streets and buildings to get destroyed, but shhh it’s ok bby u do u, i’ll pay for ur war crime prison bail muach 👁💋👁🤌💙✨
I’m also lowkey salty that Ichigo’s freeze frame is so ugly like he just got dropped on a pavement. IT’S SO UNFAIR, EVERYONE ELSE LOOKS PRETTY BUT HIM!! WHY CAN’T PIERROT YASSIFY MY WIFE AGHH
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The karakura gangs’ interactions really warms my heart tho— they make me miss my classmates fr! “WHO LET YOU GUYS IN? WTF! ALSO CAN YOU KNOCK?!” “We met yuzu on our way, she let us in lmao” RELATABLE!! Who doesn’t barge into their friends room unannounced bc their family members invites us in before we can say anything lmaoo. Also the part where he said “u sure u wanna claim that bread as delicious? They’re leftovers, they don’t sell well” -> “here’s your share eat it, it’s good” BRUH ICHIGO’S SO PRECIOUS AARGHh. And then the fact that they all ganged up on him telling him that he’s ungrateful even tho he’s the one he eats the breads most 👁💧👄💧👁💙✨
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He’s gonna suffer a lot, so i shall enjoy this small peaceful reprieve he’s having 🥹
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The iconic window kick looks more dynamic in the manga imo, but i still love it nonetheless. “Idc who u r, get off my fcking bed” HELL YEAH, TELL THAT GERMAN BOI, KING!!!
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OH AND THERE’S THIS SCENE WITH ARSON GRANDPA THAT MADE ME CHUCKLE— "I am here. There is no greater security than that." Gitu2 tp 1 detik kemudian sasakibe bolong di tembok 😭. Security macem apa itu, eyang?!
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Everyone else: “omg so cool! It’s only ep 1 but we’re already getting fire quotes 🔥”
Me: “Security my ass! Sasakibe became a donut the next second, he clearly don’t guard the place as well as he claims it to be tsk tsk”
In conclusion i have almost no opinion regarding the ep, i only have opinions on ichigo and some rants regarding imoyama jr lmaooo. I’m the wrong person to ask abt thoughts/analysis, i lose my braincells when ichigo’s involved 😭🤧
P.S. The ending scene has that beliau meme so im content
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TLDR: ichigo pretty, karakura gang interaction = precious, imoyama jr’s property damage is thru the roof, arson grandpa being the worst security guard in existence, and beliau meme.
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bryceslahela · 2 years
i have a fun idea, do you know the tiktok trend where they decide whether they think romcom couples stayed together after the movie ended? could you do that but with your choices mcs and their lis after the book ended 😇
OOOOHHHH this sounds fun 🤭🤭 ok i’ll do them but also warning for spoilers and stuff.
dakota + amelia - he died so…. no <\3 i have a hc that my weh mc went to college and after college met someone and they fell in love <3 she never forgot abt dakota tho
luna + bryce - bitches r ride or die for each other. if it wasn’t for the whole stupid arc in oph where they couldn’t be official bc of ethan then they woulda been official end of book2 and started thinking abt moving together end of book3. they’d be married with one kid by now and bryce would be a dilf. also luna lahela is such a pretty name omg.
sereena + gabe - sereena is enjoying the whole secrecy thing but honestly i think sereena would have dated someone else if they were available. she isn’t really a glutton for punishment and if you date someone you work with you kind of have to be.
blaine + lilliana - i want to say yes? but also i feel like they’d definitely be one of those on and off celeb couples. she’d break up w/ him and then he’d be like ‘you’re not rocking w/ me ⁉️ imma kms’ meme. im joking but honestly they’d definitely have some rocky parts - i think they’d come out stronger though.
donovan + esme - YES but i also think donovan would want esme to have ‘the college experience’ so he’d break up w/ her but he hasn’t clocked on to the fact that she would rather do anything else than party and drink. so they’d do long distance i think.
arine + marc antony - HELL NO!! they were just using e/o. both are extremely attractive but they honestly do not care for e/o genuinely in the slightest. in my main hc, she stays single because revenge is her bf <33 but in another, she married syphax.
lucas + deena - she loves that man. she is not leaving him and he wouldn’t want to leave her. after college, she moves to the big city w/ him and he becomes a hot nd sexy president in the future. i think deena would be a good first lady, she is firm and doesn’t care abt bullshit. lucas’ first law as president is to exile losers so bye bye parker and connor 😘
athena + thomas - that man is not going nowhere. they’re married now and had a little boy to complete their family of five. ava and luz aka best sisters ever.
flora + cas + gabe - they’re all dating each other idc what flopberry says. also they turned my good sis into a vampire so the bare minimum is that they’re all together for eternity now.
trystan + clara - trystan was on his knees for a crumb of attention and you think he’s leaving??? that man has just gotten comfortable. clara had sex w/ him once and now he’s already got her a closet cleared out. he’s probably already got a ring somewhere.
solana + beckett - bro gets no bitches. he did manage to bag solana tho… how u go from no bitches to bagging the baddest one? anyways…. they get married and have a magical kid or wtvr.
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baraqi · 2 years
adding my two cents abt the sunoo situation bc i didn’t wanna bring it up on his bday + i’m an overweight shawty (tw for disordered eating thoughts n stuff like that)
idc if they make those remarks to him in private if sunoo really doesn’t care. we’ll never know unless he says himself which prolly won’t happen lol. but what i do have a problem with is that this is not the first time they’ve made comments abt his weight for the world to see. i see a bunch of ppl being like “well it’s a cultural thing they don’t know better” it’s still inconsiderate. i don’t think the other members should be getting d3ath thr3ats over it but they should know better. they aren’t children, most of them are adults, and should know better.
this whole thing has taken a bit of a toll on me honestly. ever since the sunjay graduation live where jay brought it up, it def rubbed me the wrong way. but the most recent instance did it for me idk why. since then i have been feeling a bit more self conscious and paranoid abt my eating than i did before. i’ve had this problem before but it resurfaced. i’ve been picked on by peers and my family (mostly family) for my body/eating, i hate clothes shopping bc nothing fits and it ruins my day (all my friends are skinny too so when we go in american eagle or smth i just stand there), i can’t eat in front of ppl unless i trust them, it’s an instinct to suck in my stomach when i’m in public, i dread doctors appointments bc they constantly act like i’m so obese i’m gonna die bc i’m 200 pounds and last time i checked. i come home from check ups crying most of the time. i feel like i gain weight with every bite i eat of anything. the scale in my house is dead which is probably for my own good bc i’d be checking every few hours if it wasn’t. i’m not tryna sit here and be like “enha brought my disordered eating back🙄🫵” bc no tf they didn’t it’s not their fault. their words affected me bc of my current situation/past experiences but that can’t be said for everyone. but it’s annoying to see a bunch of ppl being like “everybody’s so overdramatic it’s not that serious” just bc it’s not serious for them.
i still love them all but i’d be lying if i said this didn’t leave a dent in how i see them. if i’m able to see them in concert, i wanna try and lose weight bc damn if sunoo’s fat to them then i’m a fucking cow fr. i already feel ashamed of how i look so what if one of them sees me n thinks i’m fat and nothing else. what if ppl laugh at me. i preordered a manifesto: day one set from weverse and i’m praying i don’t get into the fansign bc i don’t want them to see me. ik it’s a stupid thing for me to say but that’s what social anxiety paired with body image issues does to a mf ig😭. and jay’s one of the main ppl who’s made weight jokes abt sunoo and he’s my second bias, next to sunoo being my ult. like imma be real i teared up writing this a couple times🧎🏻‍♀️. but seeing someone u admire weightshaming another person u admire, when u urself have been in that position, hurts?? jay’s a huge comfort for me but recently not really. but i never wanna say anything bc i don’t wanna seem dramatic bc at the end of the day they’re just some dudes who don’t know me but idk i’ll probably get dragged for this.
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bl00dysexpxrty · 19 days
What’s up people on the internet
Hi hi you can call me H or Hank or whatever the fuck you want
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As you can tell I’m an irl of Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat (and Sanford but it’s a weaker kin)(and Dr. Gonne but kin or irl is still unknown). I cannot control this either so I’d rather you not harass me over it thanks
Taken with @deimosisgay and kissing @th3wholecircus mwah mwah we smash 😩 (if you say any shit abt him I’ll call you out on my blog I know I don’t do discourse but that’s what you fucking get for dissing my man’s)
I’m gonna try to keep it brief here this is mostly gonna be a madcom based account but sometimes I will post other shit because why not (or at least reblog other posts from my other accounts)
Lots and lots of dark content ahead (I mean what did you expect from madcom the show with a fuck ton of violence) and maybe sus? So please enter with caution or don’t interact entirely, the block button and back button are free to use. You may also blacklist certain tags (such as g/ns, bl//d, bl/des and anything else)
I use tone tags a lot to let people know I’m not being rude, but there WILL be sarcasm in this blog so be prepared
I have no dni but if I see something I don’t like in your bio/profile I will block sorry (and overall don’t be a whiny little bitch because idc about discourse on this blog)
If you have made it this far thank you and have fun here ig 💣
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loud-sturniolos · 2 months
So I need to ramble about my ex “friend” bc this mf did some horrible shit recently and I have no one to talk to abt it‼️‼️ This is rlly long, and may not make sense, but yk drama is drama, read if u wanna🤷‍♂️ Also, ngl, I’m also toxic in this argument but idc😞‼️
Also I’ve said like a bajillion times but nobody does it; my asks are open for literally anything, like pls talk to me I’m lonely af😞 U can literally ask for drama and I will tell y’all some random ass drama from my life if u want js pls talk to me LMFAO🙏
SOOOOO This kid that I was “friends” with (more like acquaintances, I dont rlly do friends) is such a fucking bitch like if I see him im gonna fucking beat the shit out of him. He messages me like every few weeks out of nowhere about random shit as if we’re friends, so the other day I kinda snapped when he asked “how are you” and i was like “idk why you care, you literally never talk to me at all, you left me on delivered for 3 months when I had nobody then randomly showed up again and tried to act as if nothing happened” and that kinda started an argument but he was to much of a pussy to argue w me😞 (Haven’t had a proper argument in a good while icl). Anyways next day this snapchat accoumt messages me that I’ve had added since december but like idk who it is, they message me w a snap using a random ass filter and the caption “Damien you gave me an eating disorder” so OBVIOUSLY I’m fucking confused asf, bc what?? Who randomly claims someone gave them an eating disorder??? Like especially claiming I gave them one whilst I’m recovering from my own?? back tf up. but anyways im like “wtf, who r u? idk u” and they listed like a few basic things that anybody on my snap knows, and i said anyone would know that, and then this mf bitch goes “Well ik your real parents are druggies” (Long story short, im adopted bc my real mum was addicted to her dads meds, idk abt my real dad) and obviously im like SHOVKED bc i’d only ever told like 4 ppl abt this that I trusted (idrc now tho, ill tell the world tbh😞‼️) so im instantly like “wtf who r u??” and he tries to make a guessing game out of it?? Like what the actual fuck?? Making a game out of my personal life is like a straight up no? Anyways I start yk, stalking n shit bc bro wont tell me who they are and I see their user name has “bl00dy” in, what do I see on my quick add? Ex friends full name, on a different account BUT the username has “bl00dy” in (btw im not like censoring that, thats literally how they spell it in the user💀), so I’m instantly like Who does this ugly mf think they are adding me on a fake account to talk abt my real parents n shit like that, so I head on over to whatsapp bc thats where we message and i send a ss of the fake acc and i say “is this you”, he deny it, I tell him all the proof I have that it’s him (Same hair colour/length from the snap, identical usernames, same humour, same typing style) and he denies it.
Guess who messages me 20 minutes later confessing? he does. If u gonna lie at least keep up the lie like tf? Anyways, he confessed and I was obviously pissed off bc I trusted him with personal info abt my real parents yk?? And I basically tell him he’s a stupid fuck that needs to get a life and he goes “Maybe I went a bit too far.” A BIT?! A BIT TOO FAR?! No mf you went WAYYY too far. Anyways idk what happened adter that part bc whatsapp wont let me back on it bc my storage is HORRIBLE. But I have some screenshots and can remember a bit of it sooo..
Next thing I have is him telling me “Human error is a think yn, you might not be autistic” so obviously I go off at him for that umh.. I wrote a lot so I’ll js put in the screenshot
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so yhh.. that part happened😽
Next thing I have screenshotted pissed me off so much y’all dont understand omg. So first, he called me a high school drop out and called me special n told me i got sent to a “special school”, basically mocking my mental health and autism?? When I tell you I know so much about his trauma, and his mental health that I could have brought up in that argument i swear. anyways, i told him how the school i go to now isnt a special school, and that I didnt get “sent” i literally chose to go there, and also I haven’t dropped out of high school bc im still enrolled in a school??? then he suddenly starts asking me abt what job I wanted to do when I’m older, so I tell him (Child protection officer or a detective) and he starts telling me how 1. I’d probably brag about making a child cry and thats a whole other fucking thing if i went on abt that this would be way too long. and 2. How I can never get the jobs bc I need science. Keep that shit in mind, SCIENCE. He starts telling me abt how to get the job i want, the job i’ve been researching into for 3 years, he js starts telling me abt how ill mever get it. Then he brings up how I need psychology for it. And he says how psychology is a science. When I tell u this mf stupid istg😞 So I have to go explaining to this dumbfuck that i do not, in fact, need a science degree i meed a psychology degree. Then he tries to tell me how detectives use chemicals and stuff and I’m like… you mean the forensics team need chemicals? Bc detectives and forensics teams are two different jobs bae😨.
anywaysss, next thing I have screenshotted is me mocking his dumbass but idk the messages b4 it. but the SS is just this:
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so thats cute. Anyways, the next thing that happened is when I got my older sister involved bc mf should not have brought it up!!
So I told him at some point to sort his memory out bc he was telling me things that didnt happen, then this mf tells me to basically stop being a hypocrite and tells me that the pills im on fucks up my memory. So, then im confused bc.. I’m not on meds? So I’m like “where tf did you get that from? i dont take pills” and this little fucker i swear i will kill him if he comes near me again, he fucking says “You failed an overdose, hence why I thought you took pills”. Who the fuck does this fucker think he is to bring up MY mental health? To bring up MY suicide attempts?!?! Like actually, he can shut right up bc he’s attempted too, so????? Anyways I was like fully gobsmacked rhat this stupid little fuck thought he could bring up my mental health like that, so I gave the phone to my sister bc shes a toxic bitch and she will gladly argue w anyone🤗
Heres a lil list of things I remember happening but don’t remember the whole thing(that dont make sense but oh well):
He brought up (to my sister) that she hangs out with “druggies” (People in her friend group smoke, vape, do ket, and weed etc. but she only smokes and vapes)
He sent a very quickly deleted message that I managed to read that was basically him 1. calling me a she (transphobic little shit) and 2. telling someone else about MY overdose. Honestly💀. Me and my sister know who he was most likely telling anyways bc he only has one friend😽
Anyways rhats all I rlly rememberrrr.. I can probably remember skme other things, or drama that happened before this argument so if you want more of my drama filled life js ask‼️😽
0 notes
not 2 exaggerate or anything but youre my absolute fav writer on tumblr 💥💥💥💥💥 im a big fan of domestic/comfort/simple, warm moments type of genre in fics and your works just rlly scratch that specific itch in my brain. whatever fics u post im like yo.... this is everything im looking for in a fic..... wheres the source from..... r u sucking them out from my brain be honest have u dug a hole already and using me for popularity 🤨🤨🤨 (/J)
might be bc im on my period or wtv but i was gg thru your masterlist ytday night before gg to sleep and i cried while reading "i've alw loved the way you eat," "i dream now of a normal life with you," and "ask me to leave and i'll stay forever." like jfc theres such a specific type of intimacy and soft moments you convey through your words SO WELL i physically feel my heart melting reading them. like UGH esp in "i dream now of a normal life with you" where suguru is just so soft and sappy over reader im just like UGHHHH I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME LIKE THAT AND FOR ME TO RETURN BACK THE SAME LOVE, IF NOT MORE TOO!!!!!!!!!
u get it, u rlly do - honestly u have the best fanon hcs and characterization of suguru i love that man sm so to see him so accurately represented rlly makes me so happy tq for understanding him....... sometimes i see a mischaracterization so bad in a fic i just have to close the app and touch grass LMFAOOOO but u get it.... u rlly do.... never once posted a wrong hc about suguru.... op ur brain <333 u make me so happy i love u sm thanku for creating such beautiful fics i alw come back to reread a bunch of ur stuff, they never get old, it's literally everything im looking for. idc how "boring" hurt/comfort fics r, like even if there's no drama, sometimes simple is best and u do it so, so well thanku op i lov u muacks ❤️
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anon ……….
you are . the sweetest in the whole wide world. in the universe. u genuinely don’t UNDERSTAND how big my smile was when i saw this…. melted into a tiny little puddle on the floor
I LOVE YOU….. 🥺🥺🥺 i love you forever and ever and i’m so thankful for your support!!!!! i don’t even know where to begin i’m so overwhelmed pbdkdbdj (AFFECTIONATELY)…. YOU CALLING ME YOUR FAV WRITER? IS SO INSANE??? AND SUCH AN HONOUR????? i cried a bit ngl i’m just. very very thankful T_T but anon.. you can’t expose me like that </3 how am i supposed to get my daily dose of clout if you go around telling ppl abt the ideas i steal directly from your brain???? smh /j ily <3
I’M. just. so unbelievably happy that my writing can mean something to you 😭 and make you feel something!!!! when i hear that ppl cried reading one of my fics i always get so . emotional. it just means so much!! i don’t want you to cry but i’ll accept your tears happily :’3 i hope they were sappy tears and not Sad Tears…..
ON THAT NOTE. THE SAPPINESS. THE SOFTNESS. YES. i’m so happy you could feel it bc most of my fics rlly are just intimacy and nothing else and!! i rlly like writing them that way….. m just happy you enjoyed reading them too :’’’3 i dream, now, of a normal life with you is very near n dear to my heart so!!!! i’m overjoyed that you liked that one in particular 🥺🥺🥺 it just makes me feel so happy and appreciated and . i want to explode a bit. soft sappy sugu is best sugu!! i’m sure you’ll find a love like that some day anon <33 we all deserve it!!
ON THE TOPIC OF SUGU. there truly sincerely is nothing i love hearing more than anons who tell me i do sugu justice. IT MEANS SM TO ME…. he’s so complex and multifaceted and knowing that my own take on him can resonate w anyone makes me soooooo happy…. 🥺🥺 and you saying i have the best characterization of him????? just makes my soul want to ascend. sniffle. thank you!! he’s our golden boy and i love him very much…. honestly i’m way more picky abt gojo than sugu when it comes to mischaracterization but i understand you completely anon…. sometimes i see a take that my brain won’t even let me conceptualize bc i disagree with it so much and then i just have to close my eyes and reboot </3
op ur brain <333 u make me so happy i love u sm thanku for creating such beautiful fics i alw come back to reread a bunch of ur stuff, they never get old, it's literally everything im looking for. idc how "boring" hurt/comfort fics r, like even if there's no drama, sometimes simple is best and u do it so, so well thanku op i lov u muacks ❤️
sorry had to copy paste this bc it made me want to CRY. you make ME so happy hello???? you have no idea the pure amount of endorphins this ask gave to me 😭😭😭 I’M HAPPY I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY…. you have my whole heart and soul anon atp let’s just get married i think . my heart is yours to keep!!! i can’t tell you how mushy i get knowing there are people out there who read my fics not once but multiple times….. yeah. i’m just. very grateful for you anon <3333 thank you so much for your support and for sending me this lovely ask. i’m gonna be reading it forever n ever !! :((((
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