#I’ll survive but damn
lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
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yuneu · 11 months
i might be home alone for the worst of the healing process &.:&//$/)@/@/
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ssreeder · 5 months
Omg Ssreedy <3 saw you going off in my tags, you're the sweetest! ToT You have no idea how much i cherish your kind words, they really motivate me
Also congrats on the new chapter! It made me appreciate Reho so much, I keep growing fonder of this guy!! (Morrak absolutely wrecked him with his diagnosis tho, haha, my man didn't deserved to get dragged so hard)
Anyway that made me remember that I cooked something up last year, but never posted it. (apologies, I probably got some of their details wrong, I did this purely from memory ////) my headcanons of what Ara & Reho look like
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GENTLE TREES NOOOOOO you can’t drop OC art in my inbox and expect me to be even the SLIGHTEST bit normal about it.
You’re so amazing, going off in your tags is a damn honor *salutes*
Dude Morrak WRECKED Reho last chapter, and I guess there’s not patient dr confidentiality in this AU because Morrak totally slandered the poor man to Katara of all people lol. At least Reho didn’t have to hear yet another person try to figure out what’s wrong with him haha.
Thank you Gentle you’re so amazing!!! I can’t wait to gush over your art some more in the tags
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
God I wish I had something coherent to say about hunger as one of spn’s core themes but unfortunately my brain just loops back around to “Sam should have eaten more weird supernatural things to see if they also gave him powers.” (Like maybe Lucifer’s blood idk idk)
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innko · 3 months
looking at the calendar seeing i’m moving in ~20 days is making me feel sick. i know nothing good at all will come in terms of my health if i stay in osaka, no hospital will really help manage my pain or even get me disability support or accommodations and trying to find a job in this place like this would be hell too. but the fact that i’m moving away from my family has just fallen on me like a pile of bricks and is absolutely crushing me.
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yellobb · 5 months
I am doing unwell ✨psychologically✨
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chromaji · 1 year
now that i’ve suffered a leg injury, I wonder if I let siegril off too easy with his more dangerous leg injury in the Cernunnos fight 🤨
…i’m kinda kidding, but anyway, part of the reason the healing process goes quicker in OtL is because healing magic is often combined with standard medical recovery procedures (first aid, hospitalization, surgery, etc) for the quickest recovery time.
Healing with ONLY healing magic will technically make the recipient recover faster, but depending on the severity of the injury, rushing the recovery with magic may have long-term complications & side effects. I wanted to give props to both styles of recovery, & have characters who dont use magic to heal (like Flynn, Luxes, Ruki, Tyr), ones who use magic to heal (like Kor, Yun, Leo), or ones who use both styles (like Oz, Biscotti, Uriel, & Jaune).
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andiaquarium-moved · 6 months
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syntheticmask · 1 year
Well, I just found a pretty fucked up Swallowtail butterfly. From what I can tell, its wings are intact and it doesn't look terribly injured, but- and I’m being serious- it's missing four of its legs, has a tiny extra mutated one up by its face (no, it's not an antenna), and its proboscis appears to be malformed or broken in some way that it can't feed. It's curled up all wrong and the end is frayed.
What. The actual. Fuck.
Turns out my mom found it lying in the middle of the road yesterday and put it in a bush. I saw it lying on the sidewalk and thought it was dead.
I'll post some pictures of it in a bit. I'm just trying to figure out if I should euthanize it or not. I'll see if it can drink, but if not, I think sticking it in the freezer will be the best method as they can't feel pain (repeating this from a single article I read as though I'm suddenly an expert on this shit).
Any suggestions?
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
I don’t know what the medical system expects of us doctors
I have mid specialty family medicine exams in mid August but those are preceded by a solid five weeks of non stop work except for one (1) Saturday off, which was two days ago
I’m working 80 hour weeks (normal working days with two 28 hour shifts added on top per week) for all of these 5 weeks.
When, precisely, am I supposed to get time to do my taxes and buy groceries, let alone REVISE FOR AN EXAM THAT COVERS EVERY SPECIALTY WE’VE ROTATED TO IN THE PAST TWO YEARS?
I’m done.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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rainecreatesstuff · 11 months
the only good thing abt there being a big gap between seasons of good omens is that I know I’ll have time to finish this fic I’m working on before canon comes along and makes it totally inaccurate
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Does anyone else in the whump community watch Brave Wilderness, or….
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kunosoura · 1 year
it’s funny how Roland was just despised by seemingly the entire TS dev team… he spends most of the story getting kicked and fucking up, you have an unparalleled amount of chances to screw him over, his ending is the most evil one and the ending where he’s exiled has him falling in with the most evil person in the setting… and he isn’t even a very good unit LOL he’s got zero situations he excels in compared to everyone else and once you unlock his mentor you have a unit filling his exact niche 10x better and without his downsides
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plinkcat-gif · 1 year
crawls out of the grave i dug i’m alive
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rooolt · 2 years
Something i think shows should start doing is if they center around kids/teens going through a big adventure I want a whole seasons worth of that kid just trying to go back to school or something and see how fucked up they are in that context. Not even anymore adventure, just aftermath
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