#I’m afraid I won’t survive when this scene happens
kajecoyle · 6 months
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ดาวหมุน (Orbiting Star) Ost.23.5 องศาที่โลกเอียง - Sarah Salola
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krirebr · 9 months
Because I’m an ass another what if ask for your Kris-mas:
In More than This - Steve deserves the world. That’s a fact. And I will not be taking questions. So my what if:
What if readers mom and Steve’s dad didn’t get together until they were adults?
If you don’t already know where I’m going with this…what if Linda was actually onto something about Steve and readers relationship (again they did not grow up together, etc.)
Ok, first off, I'm answering your 2nd ask before your first and just ruining all continuity. 😂 I just love this question so much and couldn't wait to get it posted!
So, I thought very long and hard about this and I knew I wanted to rewrite a scene from More Than This with this alternate alternate universe in mind. I considered doing their Ch 2 conversation together right before the wedding with Linda as a kind of looming specter, but Steve let me know that in these circumstances, he would have taken control long before then. So instead, here is a rewrite of their first scene in Ch 1. This happens right after Joseph makes her sign the contract. I hope you like it!
This is also about 1.2k and really pushes the limits of the definition of a drabble.
Tell Me One Thing
Pairing: Steve Rogers x f!reader
Warnings: Explicit language, angst, hopeful ending
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You let yourself into Steve’s apartment, using the key he’d given you on the day he’d moved in. He wasn’t in his front room, so you moved all the way to the back, to the spare room he used as an art studio. As you entered, you lightly knocked on the doorframe, trying not to startle him. He was standing with his hands on his hips, staring at a half-finished painting, but looked over his shoulder as soon as he heard you. There was a warm, loving smile on his face, but it dropped as soon as he took in your expression. “What happened?” he asked as you stepped into his arms.
“I think we might be really fucked, Steve,” you muttered into his chest. You knew you shouldn’t be taking comfort in his body right now; you should be starting the process of pulling away, putting distance between the two of you, but you just couldn’t. He was all you had and you didn’t know how you’d survive losing him.
He took your face in both hands and made you look at him. “Tell me what happened,” he demanded seriously, as his eyes searched your face. You were freaking him out.
You sighed. “Your dad–” you blinked away tears as Steve’s face darkened. Another sigh. “I’m engaged.”
He dropped his hands and stepped back, looking at you carefully. “You’ve been engaged before,” he said, his voice purposely measured, trying not to show he was upset. “Nothing ever comes of it.” 
“I think this one is real, Steve.”
“What makes you think that?” his voice was harsh, but you knew it wasn’t directed at you. Never at you.
“They set a date.” His eyes widened and he pursed his lips. You took a deep breath and continued, “A month from now.”
“A month from now?” he almost shouted, and your resolve finally crumbled, unable to hold back the tears anymore.
“I’m sorry,” you shook your head while you tried to wipe the tears away. “I can’t– I–”
You were in his arms before you realized what had happened. “Hey, hey,” he soothed. “You’re okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“How?” you asked. “How is it going to be ok? I’m getting married, Steve!”
He gently sat you on the couch and then pulled a chair from the corner to sit across from you, close enough that your knees touched. “I’ll talk to my dad. Buy us some time at least.”
You shook your head, remembering the most damning detail. “It won’t work. Everything’s already signed.” You squeezed your eyes shut. “I signed. They made me sign, Steve. I’m so sorry!”
You felt him grab your hand and you reluctantly opened your eyes, afraid of what you’d find on his face. But when you made yourself look at him, all that was there was concern for you. How had you been so lucky as to find this man? Four years ago when your mother had finally been desperate enough to accept another arrangement, you’d only expected more of the same. Just another old man with a say as to what your future would look like. Joseph was exactly who you’d thought he’d be. But Steve, you never could have dreamed up Steve. Kind, attentive, generous, and so beautiful. The two of you quickly became very good friends, and then, after a drunken night out, something else. As you found yourself repeatedly falling into his bed, you knew you should stop. You both did. But you couldn’t. How were you supposed to resist him? He was your one good thing. So you kept it between the two of you, knowing your family would never stand for it. And before you knew it, you’d fallen in love with him. You’d kept that a secret too. 
His voice brought you back to the present, his thumb gently moving over the back of your hand. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, softly. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“What are we going to do, Steve?” you whispered. “I don’t think I can lose you.”
“You’ll never lose me,” he said, in his most serious voice. “Not ever. No matter what.” Neither of you said anything for the next several moments, Steve seemingly lost in thought, while you just tried to remember how to breathe. Then, finally, he spoke again. “Maybe nothing really has to change. We’ve kept this a secret for so long. We can just keep doing that.”
You took a deep breath, still not ready to confront the worst part of this. “He lives in Boston,” you said quietly. “I’ll be moving to Boston.”
 Steve’s face fell, his hold on your hands getting tighter. “Who.” he said, without any inflection.
“Ransom Drysdale.”
Steve stood up so fast that the chair tumbled over behind him. “No,” he growled. “Absolutely not!”
“Steve,” you sighed, suddenly so tired, looking up at him from the couch. 
He didn’t say anything, just stood there with his hands on his hips, shaking his head, his jaw ticking, staring into the corner. 
You sank into the silence, holding your head in your hands. You couldn’t believe how quickly everything had fallen apart. You should have been more prepared. Of course, this day would come.
Finally, after you didn’t even know how long, Steve spoke again, still staring into the corner. “We could just go.”
Your head shot up. “What?”
He turned his attention back to you. “We could go. Tonight. Why not?”
“A thousand reasons why not!” You were suddenly shouting. What was he thinking? Where had this come from? You couldn’t keep up. “I– What? Where would we even go?!”
He shrugged. “Somewhere. Anywhere. I have a little money put away, don’t you? Anywhere we want.”
You wanted to shake him. “Steve, that’s not–” You shook your head. “That isn’t a plan!”
“You want a plan?” he asked.
You stood up, throwing your hands in the air. “Yes! At minimum!”
“Ok,” he nodded and then grinned at you. “Come back in an hour and I’ll have a plan.”
“Steve,” you breathed, helplessly. 
He stepped back into your space, taking your face in his hands. “I love you. More than anything. Do you love me?”
Your eyes fluttered shut for just a moment then looked back at him. “Yes. You know I do.”
He nodded as a genuine smile lit up his entire face. He was so beautiful. “I think, I’ve always known we might have to do this. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it’s always been there. I’m not losing you. Especially not to Ransom Drysdale,” he growled the name. “Go home, get Lola. Maybe an overnight bag. Then come back here and I’ll have a plan for you.”
You searched his face, for what you didn’t entirely know. He was confident, resolute. Sure. Despite yourself, you nodded. “Ok.”
You started to pull away but his hands on your face wouldn’t let you. You looked at him in question and he shook his head. “I can’t believe you’ve been in my home all this time, and I haven’t kissed you yet. What’s wrong with me?” He leaned in and kissed you, gently at first, but as soon as you started kissing him back, he made it more passionate, filthier. It felt like he poured everything he wanted you to know into it. How much he loved you. How sure he was of a future together. This, of all things, had you believing, too, that maybe it was possible.
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Nova’s Notes - DD - May 8th
That’s right, I’m deciding to give my thoughts a cheesy name because why not (also it’s late oops).
So this may be one of my favorite entires of the entire book. My first go-around it was for the mirror-yeet scene (because that’s iconic) and Dracula being The Housekeeper of all timeTM, but now it’s also one of my favorites because of how much we learn about Jonathan.
They say you learn the most about a person when they’re in crisis mode, and while I don’t always think that’s true, Stoker definitely wanted to let Jonathan’s personality shine through here.
From the first passage, he’s literally guessed that Dracula is undead. “I fear I am the only living soul here.” Sure, he might mean that he’s the only present soul, if Dracula’s left the building, but since he describes the mirror yeeting scene right after…idk, I’d like to think he knows way more than we ever gave him credit for. “Clueless Jonathan” who? Is the clueless in the room with us?
Also going back to the first sentence where he describes worrying he was getting too wordy, but now being glad he did…oof. I feel for him here. If my theory is correct that he was initially writing in a more detailed way for Mina so he could remember his travels for later…I’m sure it’s hitting him now that while it may be saving his life that he’s more detailed, it’s so twisted that something he did as a note of affection has soured. I wonder if he’s thinking about how he may never get out of this, or if that hasn’t fully hit him yet.
Moving on to everyone’s favorite mirror-yeet scene, think about how Jonathan reacts when he’s caught off guard by Dracula because he didn’t see his reflection. How would most protagonists react? Probably laugh nervously and brush it off. Attribute it to some mistake on his part, which is exactly what Jonathan does *at first*. But after, he looks at Dracula and then looks back at the mirror to confirm his suspicions are correct, which they are. It’s an interesting moment and not one I think we see often at the beginning of a horror story (I don’t consume much horror though, so correct me if I’m wrong!). Usually, a character won’t get to this level of observation until towards the middle/end, when more supernatural elements have occurred. Jonathan may have second guessed his instincts, but checking them again is what makes him more likely to survive Castle Dracula.
Plus, when Dracula makes a move to attack him, his first instinct is to dodge the attack, showing that he’s not just going to freeze up at the first sign of trouble (which I want to emphasize isn’t a problem normally, but he is dealing with a thousands-of-years-old vampire…so, he has to be quick on his feet to survive).
Afterwards, he says he is annoyed at losing his mirror rather than disturbed, but I saw another post saying he’s repressing his panic as annoying (I’ll link it if I find it again) and I definitely think that’s true!! I can totally see that as his coping mechanism. Plus, compared to the rest of what happens for him today, it really is more of an annoyance than anything else. Would you rather your host throw away your mirror or lock you in a castle?
So after that horrific scene of terror, Jonathan is proactive in searching the castle. After finding a beautiful — but slightly horrifying landscape (you know it’s bad when he doesn’t stop to describe the view) — he decides to explore further, which leads him to figure out almost every other door is locked, including the front one to find, yep you guessed it…he’s a prisoner in the castle.
As I imagine most people would, at first he reacts by frantically running around trying to open locked doors like “a rat does in a trap.” The fact that he admits this in his diary (and, by extension to Mina/us) is admirable because it already shows he’s not afraid to be open about his emotions, even if it makes him look weak (which — unfortunately, he would, considering the time period). Most heroes of this period were expected to accept their fates with stoic determination, but that’s not human and that’s not how Jonathan is, either. We’ve already seen that he’s more open-minded than most English men by accepting the crucifix even if he doesn’t understand it and of course the way he shows his love for Mina is atypical for Victorian men as well. Most men wouldn’t go to the trouble of writing down descriptive notes just to recount it for the benefit of his fiancée later. It’s sad, but true.
Once he’s able to regulate himself a bit, it’s time for thinking and strategy, determining that he needs all of his wits to get through this! Once he sees that the Count does the cooking AND the cleaning, though, is when my love for Jonathan reaches an all-time high. He comes to a series of conclusions most protagonists don’t figure out until the end of a novel after way more obvious clues have been laid out for him and it’s only his 3rd day of being in the castle!! They go as follows:
A) Dracula = servants
B) Dracula = driver
C) Dracula = control wolves
D) Villager’s concern/gifts = this is worse than I thought
E) Crucifix = actual help?
F) Get Dracula to talk about himself (not hard) = find more information, but not in an obvious way
I also love that he questions his own biases about the crucifix he was given!!!! When else do you see an Englishman do that in the 1890s of his own volition (aka without someone snarkily telling him to - see BBC’s Dracula if you want an example). I certainly haven’t!
He also noticed that Drac talked about his “ancestors” as if he had been present for their battles (hmm wonder why that is). Hasn’t quite figured it out yet, but there’s evidence that he doesn’t write something down as a fact until he knows it is a fact, so perhaps we’ll see him write more on this later.
Final thought - his reference to Arabian Nights and Hamlet is significant and tragic, but also relatable. I too like to relate my life to my favorite blorbos, Jonathan!
All in all, we learned that Jonathan is very good in a crisis. He’s not stoic like most protagonists of his time period, but he is instead strategic and observant, willing to play the part of oblivious to keep himself alive another day and keep Dracula’s trust. This is likely what’s keeping him alive right now, as an aggressive approach would get him killed. Dracula is all about playing with his prey and keeping the illusion of benevolent host and willing guest — it’s a game of control for him. Breaking this game would mean it’s no fun and no fun would mean Jonathan is no longer needed….
While I know how this story goes, I’m as excited as first time readers to see how Jonathan plays what is, essentially, 4D chess with Dracula!
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rey-jake-therapist · 9 days
I see a lot of fellow fans putting too much trust in “confirmed” stuff by The One Ring, The Fellowship of Fans, and Reddit, when all of their “leaks” have been proven wrong so far. If they were wrong about simple stuff as casting actors, how would they be correct about the actual plot? That being said, the Elrond kiss isn’t happening, and I don’t think we’ll see Rivendell this season, either. We have to forget about the timeline from the books, because RoP isn’t following it.
I believe Sauron forging the One Ring will be the final scene of S2, and he will give the 9 to men next season, as “poisoned gifts” (I don’t see him giving the rings away without being able to control them). Not sure how they’ll handle Adar, if he’s surviving this season or not, but I’m afraid he won’t be around when Sauron finally controls the Orc legions.
I got a feeling Celeborn might only show up after Lothlorien/Rivendell (I’m betting late S4). I’m really unsure how the showrunners with deal with his character, because he’s been missing for thousands of years (First Age). S2 pretty much confirmed he’s not a Orc prisoner, and we already saw them raising from darkness into Mordor, and no Celeborn. Him being “forgotten” in some dungeon is not possible; he would have died of starvation by now. I think the only possible option is having Celeborn returning alongside Glorfindel, with them both re-embodied in the Halls of Mandos and going back to Middle Earth. I don’t think RoP would have Celeborn before Galadriel “shuts the door” on Sauron, either, because that would be awkward for viewers.
On one hand, the forging of the One Ring seems like something far too big to be kept for the ending of a season. On the other hand, it would nicely mirror the forging of the three Elven rings of season 1, as this first scene was seen from the Elves' POV, while the forging of the One Ring would be seen from Sauron's POV...
I hope Adar survives this season ! I've come to really like the character in season 2, it would be a shame to kill him off so fast... I hope that when he dies, we'll get to see an epic fight between him and Sauron at least.
There's no way Celeborn was just kept prisoner in some dungeon indeed. What would be the point, for Sauron or Adar, to keep him a prisoner? Obviously not to blackmail Galadriel/the Elves, or it would have been done much sooner. This theory doesn't work on any level, imho. Sauron didn't even mention him to Galadriel when he had the chance... I can see the Glorfindel/Celeborn returning scenario happening, though. Great idea !
And yeah, agree, it would make for a weird Celeborn/Sauron/Galadriel love triangle. Maybe I'm biased because I hate love triangles in general (except maybe Adar/Galadriel/Sauron lol), but it would be indeed awkward and again, for what point? I doubt that Celeborn will ever become a major character in the show. I think once he returns, he will become Galadriel's emotional support, and he'll be of course involved in the war against Sauron, win battles etc. Like he is in the books, basically.
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neonshrike · 6 months
Thank you for the tag @corvosattano!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
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“Am I really ready to go?”
“I’m twelve, almost thirteen, I can take care of this,” she sighed, pushing up her glasses and getting ready to leave.
“Yeah, but we did it together! I warned you about that crash and found you a detour, and I had the best playlist ever.”
“That’s me,” she awkwardly smiled as she got an affectionate pat on the head.
“Not really, all I know is I want to help people.”
“But they’re my grandparents, I deserve to know!” she retorted.
“Yeah, where are you going with this?” Brenna asked, sitting up a little, now concerned with what he’s about to tell her.
“Maybe our family’s not really normal, but it’s not broken.” 
“Are you going to be okay? Both of you?”
“I have questions,” she said bluntly.
“Love you too,” she responded with a chuckle. “This is kind of awesome.”
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“I’m Agent Daniel Bergman of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I’m hoping for a minute of your time?”
"And you look just the same," he said, sipping his espresso.
“LINK. I’m using my talents in neuroscience and chemistry to help this broken world now."
“Let me be honest with you, I didn’t just come here to connect with an old friend."
“That won’t be necessary,” he spoke, voice unwavering.
“Isn’t that better?” he asked in a cold, condescending tone, his voice slowly becoming muffled.
“Another concoction of mine, just for you. It takes your speech and hearing, paralyzes, then kills you in 18 hours,” he explained, obviously proud of his invention as he tapped the empty syringe.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure your new friends will try to save you, but I wouldn’t count on being useful to them after, if they manage to, of course.”
“And if you survive, consider this a warning. I’ll just kill you instantly next time you get in my way.”
“Just throw her out in the street.” 
You’re doing much better than I expected,” he calmly assessed.
“Nothing. I’m smart enough to see that I’m losing and I’d rather not get involved with anyone else,” he explained as he looked back up at her.
“I’m giving it all up, and I’m happy to do that as long as you go down with me.”
“You think I wouldn’t know you would just use brute force? I’m taking the oxygen out of the room, and there’s only—”
“They’ll remember me through you.”
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“Oh shit,” she whispered to herself, astonished at how powerful the gauntlets were.
“Hi, Scott. Spying on me?” she greeted.
“You’re not going to take me away again."
Lucille couldn’t help but laugh at his fear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to curse you.”
“I hear everything,” Lucille smirked, turning to see her putting them back.
“They’re gone now, but thanks,” she said, not making eye contact with him.
“It’s just hard, being like this. I used to be so strong,” she sighed, looking down at herself.
“Ever since I got out, it’s just been about running and surviving, and trying to right my wrongs. The only time I actually got to rest, without any nightmares, was when I almost died."
“Every day I was gone, I thought about you and I worried about you,” she confessed while looking straight at him, tearing up as well.
“Maybe not, but I have to try,” Lucille responded quickly, then made a running start, turning off her boots at the last second. 
“I don’t know if I’m ready,” she admitted to both Bruce and to herself. “But if this doesn’t happen now, I’m afraid it might be too late.”
“Then open it, and let’s start walking out.”
“Don’t move, or I’ll drag you out of here myself,” she warned as she moved closer, wanting to see him unlock the room.
“I didn’t want things to end this way, I swear.”
“I would be more than happy to fight by your side,” Lucille accepted as she held out her hand.
Tagging @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @inafieldofdaisies @marivenah @nightbloodbix @shellibisshe @cptcassian @thedeadthree @cloudofbutterflies92 @the-lastcall @the-laridian
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lilithspade · 5 months
Spoilers The Bad Batch finale
So I finally finished watching The Bad Batch this weekend and I already feel like an orphan.
First things first I am sooo proud of my baby Echo, because he has negative plot armor and yet he keeps on living like the damn survivor that he is. So proud!!!
I was really afraid for Wrecker during this last episode, but I’m so happy that he, Hunter and Crosshair survive peacefully living in the island for years.
Another scene that was giving me anxiety was the one with the modified troopers. I was so afraid that they were going to reveal that one of them was Tech and then they started killing all of them like… ‘No! That could be Tech! I won’t survive if they show it’s Tech after they kill him!’
Love that Omega doesn’t shy away from the Rebellion and goes to join them in the final scene, but at the same time this series finale brought me so many more questions!
What the heck happened with Cody? And Howzer? Did Emerie get along with her other siblings? Is Echo still alive when Omega is grown up? Will we ever know what the f*ck happened to make Rex ‘retire’ with Wolffe and Gregor? Will we see Omega in the live actions now? Like, will she just show up one day to say ‘hi’ to Hera and end up meeting Ezra? Will we have any mention of her with Boba and Fennec if they show up again in the live actions? (I doubt that Book of Boba will get a season 2) Id Nala Se blew up her whole research than how the heck we get to Palpatine clones in the new trilogy?!?
I just want another show following what happens with my favorite clones until Rex just decides to ‘f*ck it’ and retire, you know. Is it asking too much? Is it just wishful thinking to want to know what happens to Cody and Echo and hope that they are still alive during the events of Ahsoka? Is it asking too much for Rex to show up next season? Is it?
Don’t mind me. I just had an existencial crisis 😭. I’m not ready to let my babies go! The Batch is doing fine in Pabu. Now give me Rex, Howzer, Echo, Emerie and Cody!! Please!
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder Will Never Let Go
The last part is here at last-- here we go!
We pick up with either Maurice or Lyda popping on a background vinyl as the ghosts prepare for the FBI agents' lethal gun down (my bets are on Lyda.)  
Scully wakes with another flash of lightning and crack of thunder, turning her head and slowly coming to life. Immediately, she gets up and starts crawling back to her escape: she’s a fighter, she won’t give up, she won’t let this thing beat her. 
Mulder, meanwhile, crumples his way downstairs… which means he somehow crawled up that ladder, mounted the second story, and wobbled his way through the door, down the hall, and to the stairs with a gunshot wound (perhaps that should have been the giveaway.)
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Also: I noticed brown patches on the front of his pant-thigh… did he have those before? They disappear after this scene... so, are they blood stains or padding for David Duchovny? 
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Fatigue and desperation warring for supremacy, Mulder drags himself face-first down the rest of the steps; and, after scraping himself along to the main foyer, finds Scully’s snail trail of blood nearly beating him to the exit. 
The song the ghosts chose just happen to be singing “From now on our troubles will be miles away--” as the two agents' paths collide with their weapons handily close by. 
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Even with all this bad blood between them, Mulder still calls out a hesitant “Scully?” when he sees her collapsed body. This effort is too much for him, and as he collapses as well.  
Snail Scully is on the move, not responding as adrenaline gives her a little boost to get going again… especially since Mulder-- the (as she currently sees him), raving lunatic-- is inch-worming his way closer. 
“Scully,” he calls out again in agony.
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She knows she’s not going to make it out of the house; but that doesn’t mean she won’t go down without fighting for her dignity, even against Mulder (perhaps even for Mulder.) Scully may not live, but her death will be on her terms; and she’s not going to let Mulder make that choice for her, half out of his mind or not. 
Abdominal crunches are no joke, and a shot to the gut on top of it makes everything worse… but none of that matters to a Scully in survival mode. 
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As Scully pulls up her gun, Mulder raises his own gun-- not surprised so much as stressed and frustrated with the seemingly insane choices his partner keeps making. 
“Pfff… I’m not gonna make it,” Scully admits, eyes fluttering in defeat. 
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“Nno, you’re not,” Mulder snaps, repressed anger surging to the surface; and he refocuses with deadly intent, “Not without me you’re not.” 
And here we see the touch of madness to old Spooky: drawn to the romanticism of a Lover’s Pact, he was betrayed by the only person he trusted; and his corpse was about to be left for dead. Maurice so effectively got into his head and twisted his darkest fears-- Scully leaving him-- that he cannot see past his own pain and fear to notice that he’s acting out what his partner is afraid of: dragging her down into the depths of madness with him.  He WILL be avenged: Scully’s shot (unlike Anasazi) was an act of selfishness which robbed him of a chance to find closure for his sister, the ultimate treachery. The one person he relied on to be selflessly steadfast and loyal (which the ghosts spun into purely consuming and self-absorbed motives) was, again, the one who gutted him, like all the others before her. 
But does that stop Mulder from wanting Scully for all haunted eternity? No: just as Mulder fell for Phoebe’s tricks and settled for Diana, so too will he cling to Scully until there is nothing corporeal left. And Scully, ordinarily, feels wanted and needed and “whole” being consumed; until she looks about, finds half her life gone and nothing to show for it except an ouroboros. Mulder is satisfied with second (in this case, hundredth) best, clinging unhealthily to what he believes makes him happy, or at least secure… or at least is close enough to happiness that he can endure it and try to be content. 
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Scully lets out a gasp of pain (and fear); and decides to get to the heart of the issue. It takes guts (heh), but there’s no denial left to hide behind. “Are you afraid, Mulder?” 
Maurice has told her he is; Lyda has told her he is; and Mulder has been told he is (and he is, to an extent.) But Scully asks him if he is: she must have proof, yes, but she also will always ask and listen to Mulder when no one else will.
He says nothing, only grips the gun with both hands and inches even closer. 
With another gasp of pain, Scully falls back and, metaphorically, breaks the first part of the curse with her courageous and trusting admission: “I am.” 
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Mulder turns away, his hands loosening their grip as her confession seeps in, hurting and healing at the same time. “I am, too,” he says in a soft, vulnerable murmur. 
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Scully takes another first step, clunking her gun down (with safety in mind) and fully giving in to the pain of death. Mulder turns on his back, too, mirroring his partner’s actions.  
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His anger has not abated, however, redirecting itself into chastisement-- bickering over the truth to the last. “You should have thought of this.” 
“You should have,” Scully bites. She is not taking the blame for this sordid misadventure when she did nothing wrong and advised him against it.  
“YOU SHOT ME,” Mulder yells, enraged that the truth is being denied even on Death’s doorstep. 
“I didn’t shoot you, you shot me,” Scully counters, her voice even, unwilling to be taunted into a screaming match during her final moments… but not willing to have Mulder’s ridiculous assumptions be the last word on the matter.
This is a full-blown domestic fight, courtesy of Chris Carter. 
Mulder’s brilliant mind makes all the connections in literally four seconds, staring at himself, then Scully; then back at himself to test his theory. Poking at bloody, gooey crime scenes has always been a pastime of his, anyway. 
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“Scully,” he perks up, way too much zest in his voice for a man who took a slug to the stomach. After Scully’s “What?”, he upgrades from inchworm to upright seal, plopping his gut to the floor with careless abandon; then rises to his knees, a jubilant smile on his face as he slaps the illusion blood on his chest. 
Ahh, Lyda, you almost got ‘im.   
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“Get up,” Mulder commands, slip-sliding his way to his feet. 
Scully immediately protests. “I can’t,” she stresses, emphasizing the last word as a pointed reminder. 
Looming over her triumphantly, Mulder visually demonstrates: “We’re not shot." 
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Scully, covered and rolling around in her own leaking blood, asks, “...WHAT?” 
Ecstatic (and a little bit crazy with relief), Mulder gently reaches for her. “C’mon,” he cajoles, helping his partner off the floor.  
Her mind starting to implode with all the hoops it's jumped through in the last hour, Scully passively lets Mulder hoist her dying body up and slap his bloody mitts to her wound, proving to her rational mind that this, at least, is real enough.  
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And now for a tenderly romantic scene from Mulder’s perspective and an absolutely mind-melding one from Scully’s: 
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Mulder has a dark thought-- this happy ending might have a twist to it-- and leaps for the door, pulling a barely-processing Scully firmly along with him. 
By the time they bolt outside, she’s gained her independent stride, both awed and spooked with her partner over their fresh, clean clothes. He, wisely, continues their winning streak and runs with her across the lawn, booking it to his car without looking back (but waiting until Scully’s car is turned on before hightailing it away from the mansion.) 
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Midnight strikes-- another failure for the year. 
“Two such lonely souls…” Lyda ruminates, contemplative and moody. 
“Can’t let our failures haunt us,” Maurice says amicably, self-awareness at an absolute zero.  
Lyda admits to the game: “Do you wonder what they were really out here looking for?”
“Hard to say. People now… this is just another joyless day of the year.”
“Not for us,” Lyda reflects, the bitterness of her talk with Mulder melting away. She’d rather be dead and old with Maurice than playing eternal mind games with handsome, haunted young men. 
“We haven’t forgotten the meaning of Christmas,” he agrees. 
It’s Lyda who reaches out first, Maurice clasping her hand tenderly with his own; and the two vanish, awash in the glow of love and Christmas joy. 
It’s their own twisted way to bring love together, seeing eternal restless and devious acts as a conspiracy all their own; one that Mulder and Scully had to beat together.  
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Back in Mulder’s lonely apartment, he’s interrupted from his dreary, morose mental contemplations (where he sits in front of while not watching an old black-and-white Scrooge laugh over not deserving so much happiness) by an unexpected knock on his door. It’s so unexpected that Mulder’s sudden happiness is doused with suspicion. He peeks from his living room warily, mulls over his next move, and decides to investigate. 
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Doubling back, Mulder clicks off the tv, taps his living room doorway posts (for good luck-- knock on wood? nervous energy both?) before launching into the unknown. 
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It’s Scully-- and she looks both annoyed and amused with herself over her inevitable pitstop. 
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“I, uh…” she casts about for an excuse, pivoting her eyes away from Mulder while scrambling. Finally she gives up, surrendering to the clumsy truth (hunching her shoulders up, squinting at her smooth ineptitude, knowing her upcoming question will be awkward for them both.) She heaves a big, dramatic sigh-- “Can I come in?” 
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“Yeah--” Mulder says too quickly, guiding Scully in by her shoulder, a soothing gesture for the both of them (in fact, for him it passes from soothing straight to thinly concealed joy.) 
Still. Mulder has to know, ever dedicated to finding the answers: “Aren’t you supposed to be opening Christmas presents with your family?” 
And here’s the set up to unwrapping presents between the two of them as an acknowledged family. Mulder and Scully have yet to claim or label the family tag-- Mulder because he doesn’t know what he can claim of Scully or even what he can offer, and Scully because she doesn’t know how much Mulder will let himself claim and she’s not going to be rejected ala The Beginning again-- but their confessions and unspoken affirmations by the end of the scene seal the deal in a way only the two of them can do. It's a little extra gift of their own. 
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“Mulder,” Scully begins, swinging away from his dark and undecorated living room (another sacrifice to his Spartan living for his quest-- better to chase aliens or look into haunted mansions than to wade the holiday lines at the nearest department store. Besides, who would stare at the tree with him? His fish?) “None of that really happened out there tonight. …That was all in our heads, right?” 
Mulder can work with denial, especially because he was gutted (metaphorically, but also) all night; and he’d rather not get into his new, sinking opinion of his actions. 
“Y…must have been.” 
“Hm.” Scully mulls over her next thought, not too satisfied with her own experience but feeling she owes Mulder at least a half-baked apology… though for what, she isn’t brave enough to say (yet.) She may be filing the ghosts under hallucinations or paranoia, but Scully is going to dismiss what she thinks are repressed and untrue thoughts of her partner. She pokes a little at herself-- “Not that, uh… my only joy in life is proving you wrong”-- and hopes that Mulder will reassure her that those thoughts never entered his head. 
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Her teasing brings out Mulder’s natural banter-- “When... have you proven me wrong?”-- but it, too, butts up against Maurice and Lyda's poisonous words. Mulder can be stubborn about his opinions, willing to chase them and ditch Scully if need be; and it leads to her hurt at his dismissals and his anger at her scoffing (ex. The Beginning and Field Trip) That selfish tendency to forget all for the chase ultimately tightens the noose of stagnation around Scully's throat: when he does so, it leaves her foolishly floundering for answers, feeling like she contributes nothing and only slows down Mulder's work.
But tonight is not about the noose for Scully: tonight is about stamping out Mulder's joy just to get a cheap thrill of self-importance: “Well… why else would you want me out there with you?”  
Fascinating: it’s early S6-- after The End shattered her confidence and FTF restored it, after The Beginning struck away her importance to the work and Drive reestablished it, after water boy tossed an “I love you” in Triangle but dropped the “normal life” cue in Dreamland I-- so this episode isn’t about Scully’s stagnation like Never Again-Milagro-All Things are: it’s about realizing her lonely, lovely man knows that, yes, she’s sticking around… but can only guess at how long. 
Mulder is touched by her Starbuck-ism: wanting to always be there, his helping hand, lovingly spieling away about the connections between lonely people and footsteps in the attic while waving her gun ready to cap anyone that threatens him. 
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But her lukewarm, unsteady answer only sloshes at the wound’s vicinity rather than cleaning it: “You don’t want to be there?”  
Scully sees two options before her: 1. wiggle her way out of a confession or 2. admit. While she is ruminating, torn on her next action, Mulder misinterprets her silence. 
“Oh, that’s…um,” he pauses, closing his eyes to search for Maurice’s exact wording. “...self righteous and…  narcissistic of me to say, isn’t it?” Mulder adds in a low and burdened voice as he grimaces and swivels his head in self-reproach. 
The manipulation of his higher impulses cuts deep, casting his need for Scully in the same box as his thoughtless, single-minded actions. They are not equivocal; but the camaraderie he was enjoying melts away as he sinks back into that self-lashing low his partner had interrupted. 
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“No, I mean…” Scully trails off, diagnosing the problem she and Mulder are suffering and, like a good doctor, deciding to disinfect it as quickly and efficiently as possible. She’s not used to being the candid open-book in this partnership; but some of the blame does fall on her shoulders; and she won’t let Mulder take his undue share (while she shoulders perhaps more blame than she deserves, too.) “Maybe I did want to be out there with you.” 
She turns her earnest little face up, giving Mulder a complete and unprotected look into her soul.
Mulder here completes the role-reversal: he keeps his guard up-- a defensive half-smirk cloaking his reserve-- as he tensely probes Scully’s expression. When she doesn’t waver, he softens, loosening his tense posture and smiling more deeply, touched and honored. 
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Scully’s had enough ungainly revelations for one night, scrunching her face in discomfort and briefly opening her mouth to answer her partner’s “You know…” while Mulder takes the opportunity to nip over and grab a surprise Christmas present. 
“I know we said we weren’t going to...“ Mulder begins sheepishly, swiping it off the tv and shyly avoiding his partner’s eyes, “exchange gifts…but, uh…” 
Scully melts, posture slumping and face shifting to touched and inept in the face of his tender-hearted little gift. 
“It’s, uh, a little somethin’,” he beams, a little less embarrassed at her reaction. 
“Mulder…” she croaks, turning up his gigawatt smile even more. 
“Merry Christmas.” 
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Scully has a little surprise of her own, too-- and boy, does she love surprises-- but not before rolling her eyes, again, at her own antics. She’s hopeless. 
“I gotta a little somethin’, too,” she adds, digging his present from her coat; and Mulder’s contentment at her happiness transforms into conspiratorial delight, chuckling deeply in anticipation and of course we both did, Scully.  
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Shaking the present like a teasing little boy, Mulder entices Scully to the couch-- who takes after him with the same gleeful, naughty delight she had when unwrapping presents with Melissa-- where we get a glimpse of his only decorations: a stocking hanging by the fish and what appears to be a reindeer paperweight to hold it down. Ever a hopeful man, is Mulder. 
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The camera pans out as Mulder continues to rattle his gift until Scully smiles; and the two of them begin their celebration by tearing into their gifts together-- as it should be. 
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Thank you for reading~
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jenyifer · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 12 initial reaction
It’s over am I happy? Not particularly. It is interesting though. Let’s go over it and then I’ll make my rating post for the whole series
Disclaimer upfront I get triggered by blood so I did watch some scenes with my hands covering the top of the scene so maybe I missed things.
Okay so let’s get into the ep
I find it interesting that Top, Jin, and Fluke all include their ‘friends’ in their hallucinations. While White, Phee, Tee are more self solo focused. I imagine if Por was alive his nightmare scenario would be group based because he wanted to be cool or if it was solo maybe it would be man he’s a really big asshole personality wise. Probably good he didn’t live to this last scene would have been redundant or abhorrent.
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So Fluke was afraid of being bullied by Top and Tee. He never really felt a hundred percent with the group. I find it telling that Por and Non convince him to take his eyes out because people felt like he had no guilt for both of their deaths. Realistically if Fluke had stood up to Top and Tee when the camera got broken I do think because Fluke and Por were good friends Por might have believed Fluke over Top but maybe not. Por was an asshole. But him doing anything in the other scenes won’t have really helped. He didn’t have any power in the group dynamic. He wasn’t even particularly close to Jin the reason they both found non and the teacher was because they were in the same class.
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I started to get suspicious we might be in dream sess for Top’s he’ll scape. 1 idk how he is still alive 2 he’s still very much on drugs anyways. Also the fear of being betrayed by his friends them not listening to him was an interesting motivation. We saying top was a people pleaser I guess? Idk I wanted more from his character. Did find it poetic he and Fluke offed each other when their fears were so routed in their friendships their bonds. Then that’s what threw them down the stairs.
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Tee 😭😭😭😭 even in the nightmare trying to help Non over and over trying to give him hope. Trying to do all that he could. Trapped and trying his best. Shows that he deeply fundamentally didn’t want to be a bad guy. A caged animal tortured animal doesn’t run when you open the cage you have to show it the way out first. I think Tee was hoping seeing Non escape would mean he could go for his freedom too. I cried during his and White’s scene. Also how beautiful are they? I hope Tee survives
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Once again I think something bad happened to White to make him feel like he’s dirty that he’s automatically a slut for making friends. Yes Tee gets jealous but I won’t say it’s abnormally so White puts that pressure on himself. He desperately wanted to be Tee’s above all else a very sweet motivator. I once again cried watching what happened. I’m glad Tan had second doubts about his death at least.
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Jin stalker/unhealthy obsession? Idk it’s just what the TV imagery and the cell phones make me think of Because my mind goes to BTS Suga’s solo MV for Shadow. Jin’s certainly ashamed of what he did. He also had his friends in there saying he was scared they’d hate me. Very interesting. Jin is MAJORLY insecure. He values his perception and hates who he really is and the pleasure he desires. I was disappointed to see him still alive but then again if he had that injury I was curious if he would survive just based on blood loss to the hospital. Really really hated the visuals on that so… maybe I missed something
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Found it heartbreaking that New’s Non was a good little brother. Ugh I can’t imagine losing my sister and this scene really hurts. That New has done all this shit but deep down he knows what New really felt about him and New’s scared he’s done the wrong thing.
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Found it sus we see New die of a gut injury when the shot hit his shoulder. But was sweet that Non came back to thank him in his head. A good end although doubting it happened.
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Wow Jin being the human one in this scene of the future. I guess he’d be an idealized version of Jin.
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Uhhhhh yes? In that Tee would need to accept what happened and seek help. But also no? Phee showing his double standard here. Phee didn’t you just learn you would have been there for Non if you could? Well if Tee was suffering like that Phee you should visit him even if it’s hard it’d be his duty. Phee is partly responsible for what happened. Phee you can care about people you ain’t fucking and or their family members. It’s okay to have friends naturally and support them.
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Season 2!!!! Big reveal? So how much of this ep was a dream?? Whole thing? From when new used the gas? I also wonder would New’s protections for himself actually work? Yes he has those cure smoke things but the nightmare stuff is still in everything. I would like it if maybe Non had survived and some how drugged them all? I don’t think he did but 9th person Mr Keng? Non? White? Steps in and all of this outcome has been Phee’s interpretation of the truth ep 12? Maybe idk. I can’t wait for season 2
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daitranscripts · 6 months
Blackwall Cutscene: What Pride Had Wrought
Are You Ready (High approval)
Blackwall Masterpost Related Quest: What Pride Had Wrought
The PC approaches Blackwall in the barn, where he is looking over the rocking horse he built.
PC: So it’s done?
Blackwall: Just about. The little ones in the camps don’t have much. I thought this might cheer them up. Even in the midst of war, they deserve to be children.
PC: It’s almost time. Are you ready?
Choice dependent dialogue:
Free to atone [1]
Free to atone (romance) [2]
Sent to the Wardens [3]
Sent to the Wardens (romance) [4]
1 - Free to atone
Blackwall: I am. I’ve been ready for a long time. Things become clear on the battlefield. It’s where I truly know myself. Everything else fades.
Dialogue options:
General: You seem happy. [5]
General: No fear? [6]
General: I agree. [7]
5 - General: You seem happy. PC: You’re content. I’m glad. Blackwall: I am. [8]
6 - General: No fear? PC: Shouldn’t you at least pretend to be afraid of Corypheus? He is an ancient magister darkspawn with untold power. Blackwall: There is fear, but also exhilaration. [8]
7 - General: I agree. PC: It’s simpler in a fight. Enemy? Kill. Blackwall: I, too, am a soldier. [8]
8 - Scene continues
Blackwall: There has always been one constant. I am a soldier. I am trained to kill, to follow orders, and to ask no questions. But this time, I’m fighting for something I believe in, for people I care about. I chose to stay with the Inquisition. I chose this fight, and the difference is profound. I have only you to thank. Scene ends.
2 - Free to atone (romance)
Blackwall: No. Not at all. I already lost you once. Now I might lose you again.
Dialogue options:
General: Have faith in me. [9]
General: Would hard liquor help? [10]
General: It won’t happen. [11]
9 - General: Have faith in me. PC: I won’t let us be torn apart a second time. Blackwall: You have some power, my lady, but not even you can thwart death. [12]
10 - General: Would hard liquor help? PC: Maybe a drink is in order. Blackwall: Yes, we’ll approach Corypheus in a stupor. Won’t feel a thing when death hits us. As much as I like the idea, I might have to decline. [12]
11 - General: It won’t happen. PC: Corypheus can’t stand against us. Blackwall: I will draw strength from your conviction. [12]
12 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: One thing’s certain–I’ll fight harder than any man out there. I’ll fight harder than I ever have. There’s always something to die for. But something worth living for? That doesn’t come every day. Scene ends.
3 - Sent to the Wardens
Blackwall: You know I am. I welcome the battle and what comes after. I will end up in Warden custody. It was what Blackwall wanted, more or less.
Dialogue options:
General: They will be merciful. [13]
General: More or less. [14]
General: Focus on the battle. [15]
13 - General: They will be merciful. PC: I’m confident they won’t overlook the work you’ve done for the Inquisition. Blackwall: That remains to be seen. Best not to presume.
14 - General: More or less. PC: Blackwall wanted you to be a Warden. Who knows if the surviving Wardens will agree… They may not appreciate you impersonating one of their number.
15 - General: Focus on the battle. PC: Corypheus is our priority. Keep your attention on him. Blackwall: I won’t be distracted from our enemy.
16 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: I don’t fear the Wardens’ judgment. It will be no worse than what Orlais had in store. And I’ve made my peace with that. Redemption doesn’t come easy, but perhaps killing Corypheus will be a start. You’ve been a true friend when I haven’t deserve it. I am honored to fight by your side. Scene ends.
4 - Sent to the Wardens (romance)
Blackwall: You know I am. I welcome the battle and what comes after. My only regret is that I have to leave your side.
Dialogue options:
General: It’s not an end. [17]
General: Not for long. [18]
General: We still have some time. [19]
17 - General: It’s not an end. PC: The Wardens will be a new beginning for you. But we could still use your sword here, if it’s allowed and you wish to return. Blackwall: You know I do. I will always return to you. Scene ends.
18 - General: Not for long. PC: I’m not letting you go that easy. Once you’re a Grey Warden, you get right back here. I need my Warden advisor. Blackwall: Advisor? PC: Let’s just call it that. Scene ends.
19 - General: We still have some time. PC: It’s not over yet. We still have time together. Blackwall: And I will cherish it. Scene ends.
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
Hey T! “i’m afraid i can no longer remain professional” from the Smut Prompt List coz this screams Tarlos 💜
Hey friend! Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy this!
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Rating: explicit Warnings: dirty talk, semi-public sex, carlos reyes in his fucking uniform, blow jobs Word Count: 481
TK is convinced that Carlos purposely wears his work uniform a size too small just to ruin him. 
He stares unabashedly at Carlos, or more specifically his bicep, and how his work shirt is struggling to contain the muscle. He is surprised that the shirt hasn’t ripped with how tight it is. He wonders how the shirt survives him flexing.
“TK, if you stare at him any longer you’re going to be drooling,” Nancy says, snapping her fingers at him. “And I don’t think the patient wants drool all over their face.”
TK pulls his eyes from Carlos, which takes immense strength, and looks at Nancy.
“I wasn’t staring.”
She rolls his eyes and gestures to the person they’re working on - who thankfully wasn’t badly injured and TK’s lapse in thirsting over his finance didn’t impact anything too much.
“Just do your job,” Nancy says, but she has a playful smile on her face.
Once everyone is patched up and the scene is clear, TK makes a beeline for Carlos.
“That shirt should be illegal, Officer Reyes,” TK says, trying to maintain a professional tone.
Carlos looks at him, then down at his shirt, and back up to him, “Is there a reason you think that, Paramedic Strand?”
“Yes, it’s barely containing you. I’m surprised it hasn’t ripped with how tight it is on you.”
Carlos smirks and flexes his bicep, causing TK to bite back a moan, “I think it’s the perfect size.”
TK groans and glances around to make sure there’s nobody near before stepping into Carlos’ space, “Then I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.”
TK cups the back of Carlos’ neck and yanks him into a filthy kiss. He licks into Carlos’ mouth, moaning softly and not caring if anyone happens to catch them. He can’t control himself when Carlos is looking like a walking wet dream.
He shoves a leg between Carlos’ thighs and grinds it up against his cock.
“TK,” Carlos says roughly, grabbing his hips and trying to still him. “We can’t be doing this here.”
“Then you shouldn’t be walking around looking like sin,” TK argues, dropping his lips to Carlos’ jaw to press soft kisses.
“TK,” Carlos groans and TK feels him rock his hips, knowing that he was getting to him.
TK kisses up to his ear, “How about we disappear for a little bit, take a detour and you let me blow you in the backseat of your car?”
Carlos groans, dropping his head back, “We shouldn’t…”
“No, we should.”
Carlos whines as TK grinds his thigh up against his cock again.
“Come on baby, you’re already so hard, can’t be having you go back to the station like this.”
“If we get caught…”
“We won’t.”
Ten minutes later TK finds himself on his knees behind the cop car, swallowing down Carlos’ cock as if he’ll die without it.
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
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by  @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady
Day 1 - Bodyguard AU
Angsty - Warnings for blood and injury
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Worth Protecting
Ikemen Vampire - Napoleon x OC (Amy)
How do you actually make a short AU? I'm not sure, my plans for most of these were too big to finish even one in time, so what I am posting are only scenes from the middle or end of bigger plans.
Why do I always finish everything so late? (nearly midnight where I live, and until I finished editing the post it was already past that) it is always a bad time to post things...
AO3 Link / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Napoleon never felt much like a vampire. Of course he had already died once and lived over a century after that, but only for not needing blood to survive he already felt more human.
That illusion of humanity was shattered when he got deeply wounded during a bodyguard job. The loss of blood and the scent it left in the air were making him thirsty. The taste of his own blood did nothing to quench his desire. Instead, it burned his throat, making it worse. And it got worse when Amy ran up to him with a first-aid kit.
“That’s why I told you I didn’t need a bodyguard.” Her angry tone didn’t match the worry in her eyes.
But Napoleon’s attention strayed from them to her neck. The urge to bite her was almost unbearable. Before he could control it, Napoleon found himself grabbing her by the arms and pulling her into the hotel bed with him.
He would wonder, later, how they had gotten inside without anyone realizing he was bleeding.
“Napoleon?” She asked, with surprise and hesitation.
He had to resort to every shred of self control to stop himself. His hold on her tightened, but Amy didn’t even flinch, looking him in the eyes instead.
“What are you saying, nunuche?” Napoleon forced himself to laugh, but his voice came out weak. “I saved your life... like I was supposed to.”
“I know. I probably wouldn’t be alive if you weren’t here. But I don’t like the idea of people getting hurt because of me. Just look at you!”
“This is nothing.” Napoleon coughed up blood, his mind becoming dizzy. His hold on Amy relaxing enough for her to pull away and return to trying to stop the bleeding.
“Just because you’re alive doesn’t mean it’s nothing. I’m sure even a vampire can die from blood loss, and you aren’t even fully one.”
Her hands and voice trembled, but, Napoleon would remember later, Amy seemed to know what she was doing, with surprising calm and precision.
But Napoleon was losing the remains of control he had recovered earlier. He could barely think straight.
Nails scratched at the sheets and fangs bit on his own lip in a last attempt at keeping hold of his sanity. Of his humanity. Napoleon was afraid of the monster he could become if he gave in to his instinct.
And it was Amy, the person he was bound to protect. It was his duty, but not only that. At some point, she had become someone he wanted to protect for who she was and what she meant for him. Because at some point she had come to mean more to him than a simple charge.
“Amy… leave…” he managed to whisper.
Amy shook her head, and even with his vision getting unfocused, Napoleon could see the glint of tears in her eyes.
“I’m not leaving you here to die. You’re telling me that because you’re afraid you’ll bite me. But if it is because of your job, you don’t need to hold back. If that’s what it will take to save you, think of this as an exchange. I will save you and you keep guarding me.”
Amy adjusted her body on the bed, fully leaning over him, and Napoleon reached out to her. She caught his hand in hers, pressing both to his chest.
“What if… I kill you?”
“You won’t. You’re my bodyguard. You would never let something bad happen to me, even if you have to protect me from yourself.” She crossed the distance between them to kiss his forehead. “I trust you, and I always will.”
Napoleon gave up. Silently apologizing to her, he kissed her neck before sinking his fangs into the soft flesh, getting his first taste of blood. It was warm, sweet, and intoxicating, unlike anything he expected. Intoxicating enough for him to lose himself in it.
When Napoleon came back to his sense, Amy had gone limp into his arms. She was weak, but alive. They both were.
Hugging her to his chest, Napoleon closed his eyes, sighing. He didn’t need any proof to know he had fully become a vampire after that, something he had always feared.
But if it was his way of continuing to protect Amy, he wouldn’t regret it. And he would make sure she was never put through a similar situation ever again. That he would swear to her when she woke up.
Because Napoleon couldn’t deny he loved her anymore, and he felt like this was a love worth guarding.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Sam & Jay Fight
This is the next scene in the pilot - the one where Sam and Jay fight.  I’m excited for this one, but no Trevor :(
Gifs and Discussion below:
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Side note - I’m amused that Sam is writing her article (I assume) on the ladder.  
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Two things are interesting here - they originally decided to go to the Woodstone for the weekend, so we’ve lost a whole day unless they only came up Saturday to Sunday.  
Also, interesting - Sam has clearly already decided on living at the mansion (probably before they ever got there) while Jay is far more practical about moving into a rundown old house.  
I definitely wonder if her quick acceptance had to deal with being miserable in the city?  (I assume she was by later comments, like ‘we barely saw each other”, “we worked so much - never home”, Ect.  
She also blends into the country life way easier than Jay does into the mansion and I don’t believe that it’s solely due to the ghosts - she never mentions the city life, friends or missing anything about it in the way that Jay clearly does.  
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Okay - so, this is funny.  Jay’s like “I’m going to say it - mumbles���.  
Jay, that is just not how this works!  Also, did Sam not expect to have this conversation?  She sounds surprised even though that is literally what they agreed to do.  
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Okay - multiple things here - AGAIN it’s the 4 OLDEST ghosts that have chosen to watch Sam & Jay.  Now, is it because they’re worried about losing their free rein of the house?  (They were the most concerned about new comers).  Is it because they’re very bored?  But then, wouldn’t the others be bored, too?
We know that Trevor & Pete are having a war with the Vase, but what about Flower & Alberta?  Why aren’t they invested in their possible new livings?
Also, they’re all excited that Jay’s saying “Damn it, I don’t want to uproot our entire lives” - is this exciting because ‘nothing better than a husband/wife fight’ or is it because they’re like - maybe our lives won't change after all?  
Lastly, THE LOOKS ON THEIR FACES when Thor compares it to ‘Finding a new type of cod’ - OMG.  It’s freaking hilarious.  I love it.
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Okay.  Sam, I need you to listen to me - this isn’t about ‘Change’ - it’s beyond crazy to uproot your lives on a dime and take out all of the money to RISK losing everything.  Yes, change is scary, but you didn’t answer the question - and you definitely decided that you wanted to move before you ever saw the house.
I wish they had let Jay truly explain what the issue is - it’s more than being afraid to change - this isn’t just changing jobs, moving someplace or having a baby, this is quitting your jobs and suddenly deciding to open a business on a dime.  It’s kind of insane.  
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LOL, Isaac.  He’s just like so smitten - Jay was not even trying to be funny.  I do love that Sass is giving Isaac a look like ‘who you kidding’, Thor doesn’t care, and Hetty’s smiling - given the story in Whodunnit, do we think Hetty realizes what’s going on with Isaac?  
She could technically believe he’s into both (or be hopeful) given what happens in Thorapy.  It is believable since she knows that he was once married.
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This is the EXACT moment Hetty decides that she likes Sam despite her ‘hideous pants and saucy hairdo’.  She’s like “Woodstone - connection - Family, love it.”
It does explain her reaction later on (at the end of the episode) when she originally opted haunt them out of the house and get rid of her.  
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LMAO - Sass is like “Our home sucks” and Hetty’s like “Damn it - give the house more respect”.  It’s a funny exchange.
ANYWHO - Jay is absolutely right.  They were barely surviving in NYC and NOW you want to dump money you don’t have in house out in the middle of nowhere?  Nah.  That’s nutty.  
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THIS IS AN EXCELLENT POINT JAY!  When you become a couple you should make decisions JOINTLY!  This is WAY too crazy an idea to give into on a whim - you could at least take more time to decide!
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WHAT EVEN IS THIS???? Like Sam - this makes no sense.  Jay’s right, she’s learned nothing.  OTOH this is apparently what she does - storm out.  Which is interesting.  Also interesting, having this discussion naked in a bathrobe.
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Awww, Hetty’s watching her storm out - probably surprised, she never would have considered doing that with Elias because she didn’t have the power Sam has in the 21st century in the 19th century, but also, she just seemed to warm up to Sam (because she wants to raise a family in the family home), so she’s like ‘now I'm going to lose her’.  
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LMAO - what an ending to the scene.  Thor’s probably thinking ‘damnit no sex show’ and laughing because Jay won’t be getting sex, while hurting Isaac who’s like ‘Damn it man’.  Sass just rolling his eyes.  ‘Ya’ll are idiots’.  
Anyway, that’s it for this scene - I agree with Jay (he’s being the logical/rational side - which he ruins at the end of the episode) while Sam’s being the emotional/irrational side, which ironically changes at the end of the episode.  
Obviously there would be NO show without Jay caving, but he isn’t wrong for his perspective on things.  I do wonder just how miserable Sam was in NYC to make this drastic of a change in the blink of an eye.
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just saw the newest ep of Gwitch and oh boy it’s a wild ride!
Suletta’s insecurities are extremely relatable to me—the stuff about needing to be useful or else nobody would want you, how she gives up on something she wants because someone else wants it too, and the way she’s trying to convince herself that it’s not a big deal if there’s no lunch for her really tugged at my hearstrings (and like, the few times I did say something in a similar situation, I always feel like everyone else is judging me for ‘overreacting’, and it makes me feel like i’m a petty bitch for claiming my fair portion? idk). luckily my parents are genuinely supportive and aren’t planning to use me in their revenge scheme lol
I’m so pleased Mio and Suletta’s misunderstanding is resolved, and in such a cute way too! ngl i wished Miorine didn’t hit her like that, but over all the reconciliation scene is very heartwarming. i appreciated that Suletta was able to express her feelings, and Miorine is able to tell her clearly that she’s happy to have met Suletta and glad that Suletta is a part of her life... istg i’ll be soo mad if they aren’t reunited by the end of next episode!
Onto other characters: Delling and Prospera’s conversation is really intriguging, because it seems like they’re... collaborating? Delling not having a visible reaction to the “Elnora Sayama” name drop is kinda funny, either because he knows who Elnora is, but doesn’t care/already knows, or because he honestly doesn’t know who tf this Elnora person is—both possibilities are interesting. So I guess the thing is: what is Point Zero? Given that Prospera brings up Aerial reaching Parmet 6, it’s probably something to do with surpassing the limits of raising Parmet scores? Delling is pretty obsessed with the “curse of Gundams”, as well as having been “afraid of witches”.
I also wonder how Shaddiq, Jeturk, and Guel will come out of this coup, if they come out at all—I think it’s very likely that Jeturk Sr. won’t survive, since it’d force Lauda and Guel to take action; at the very least, if it was known that Grasseley was involved, then Lauda, as the de facto successor of Jeturk Heavy Machinery, would have to declare hostilities against the responsible parties (assuming Jeturk’s involvement isn’t leaked and Guel hasn’t resurfaced in public—even if Jeturk Sr.’s involvement is leaked, the companies would still be enemies).
As for Guel, he had already noticed that the terrorists are piloting Jeturk machines—how long before he realizes his father is involved with arming them? What actions will he take, when his controlling father is endangered by these same terrorists? (Like, I really want Guel to become a communist and decide to fuck off from the corporate world, but. who knows what’s gonna happen. Probably form a rivalry with the Earthian Witch who isn’t Sophie, since Sophie is gunning for Suletta as her rival?)
Now, Shaddiq. For all his supposed fondness for Miorine, he’s stone cold with the whole “if luck is with her, she’ll survive” thing. That said, I personally don’t think it’s because of her rejection of him—or at least, I hope it’s not. Given that Shaddiq had apparently been planning to destroy the Benerit Group for a while now, and had recruited followers for that purpose (his girl posse), I don’t think his motivations are decided by a failed relationship. Even in another universe where he did get together with Miorine, I think he’ll still put her in danger if it was useful to his goals.
I’m really interested about his exact relationship with his squad—who are these girls? how did he find them, and why are they loyal to him? while he only trusts himself to deliver the final blow, why does he also seem to trust them with his ambitions?—as well as his motivation in breaking up the Benerit Group, and whether he perceives that to be beneficial to his adoptive father, Grasseley as a group, or both (or neither!)
it’s also interesting that Grasseley and Jeturk will potentially suffer losses (leadership, the public’s trust, etc), so Peil Tech might emerge as the winner of this coup—while the Benerit Group would splinter without Delling’s tyrannical influence, it’s possible that both Grasseley and Jeturk might lose a lot of market value if certain things about the coup come to light.
Nika... i honestly don’t know if she’s gonna get killed off (after all, the leader of the terrorists is apparently her father figure, so that’s another prime opportunity for “parents harming their children”), or if she’ll survive to either move away from their ideology, or to double down on it after tragedy happens. I hope she survives, but I honestly don’t know if the writers will kill her for drama/tragedy next episode.
(as for the Earth House kids other than Nika and Chuchu... i feel like they’ll be wiped out, to underscore the tragedy and seriousness of the entire situation—it’d give Suletta and Chuchu + Nika motivation to fight against whoever was responsible for their deaths too.)
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x19 spoilers
* the flashbacks at the start of the eps are actually quite cute and emotional
* Daryl is such a protector. I don’t remember the last time he interacted with Eugene and he jumps right in to save him
* The titles having more and more blood on them each ep is pretty cool too
* I literally do not give a shot about the Pamela story line
* Okay Lydia and Elijah are the fucking cutest. LET THEM BE HAPPY AMC
* Bit of a side note- I really think Aaron is an underrated character. He’s been around fo so long and he’s literally not done anything wrong ever and I LOVE HIM
* Rosita, my queen. I want to be like you when I grow up.
* Absolutely feral for Daryl Dixon.
* Daryl and Rosita’s friendship is one of the better things we’ve had in s11. I love their dynamic
* Eugene telling Daryl that he is not leaving without his love…👀👀… idk man I’m gonna remember this scene just incase it’s a bit of foreshadowing
* What an odd zoom in shot. But this place the road group are holding up at seems pretty cool.
* LYDIA MY GIRL I LOVE YOU. You bag that sweet boy and don’t let him go. Don’t feel guilty about it
* Im actually enjoying seeing Aaron in a bad mood. Nothing better than seeing the placid nice guy get irritated.
* Pamela, just kill him. I don’t care that your son was a monster of your own making. He was a twat.
* HEY PRINCESS WELCOME BACK. And yes girl you protect your friend. I get Mercer is doing his job and he doesn’t owe our group anything at all but like COME ON MAN.
* “I don’t think I can, again, you know” I know that Aaron is thinking about a) losing Eric and b) losing his chance at happiness with Jesus in this moment
* AARON MY MAN IM SOBBING. “I’d do anything to take back one of those no’s just to have one more day together” IM OUT IM OUT
* “He would’ve been ashamed of you” yes girl drag him
* NOT EUGENE TRYING TO SQUARE UP TO DARYL IM DEAD. Nah the second hand embarrassment from this scene I am cringing so hard. Daryl has had enough of his shit and knows that Eugene to his core won’t be the one to put himself on the line, it’s his survival strategy
* Daryl is a better man than me. It still shocks me how level headed Daryl has become
* YES YOU DO DESERVE MORE PRINCESS. I love her and Zekes little bond too
* Lance is actually an interesting character but like… why are they making him such a bottom I’m crying
* Princesses trauma is so fucking heartbreaking. I love her. And yes, yes it should be better.
* “Because of what happened to me- when I see a man, I see a monster” I think every woman can relate to that line to some degree Jesus Christ that hit hard
* Hell nah this music with walkers approaching Aaron and Lydia is so creepy
* Jerrys fight scene is amazing. Very cool
* Hell nah these ain’t whisperers Aaron
* I’m thinking the same thing Jerry, how the hell did a Walker do that
* I absolutely love the idea of different types of walkers but at this late stage? All I can think is that they’re introducing the idea here and will explore it more in one of the spin offs because there’s not enough time to unpack all of that
* KING JERRY YES GIVE IT TO ME. And the fact he instantly said “Queen Nabila?” That man is so pure.
* Okay the passing on Eugenes necklace thingy for Coco made me more emotional that I thought I ever could be toward Eugene
* Mercer realising that Eugene is being braver than he is
* WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK. Who are these guys jumping Rosita
Preview for 11x20
* Caryl heavy ep LETS GOOOOOOO!
* Daryl sounded so afraid when he was telling Carol that they took the children. I’m so ready for them to light shit up and get their babies back
This ep was probs my least fave so far but I didn’t hate it. Not a massive fan of Eugene and he was quite central to this ep so that’s probably why. Super excited for next week
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wcmcink · 2 years
everything went black/ bad town/ genre death
i know one’s the name of an album & one’s the name of a track but who gives a fuck about continuity anyway?
i’m editing this one again... make a billion false starts & you’ll make a real one. its already broken why fix it, nothing to do- live with the mistake because there are no mistakes in the real (turn off your television & turn on the radio!), learn, grow...listening to music a bunch of kids made in their basement when they were teenagers, let me tell you i’m 36 now... someone told me these where the meditations of an adolescent, they do say in the rooms you stop developing mentally when you start using narcotics, that might just be a myth to propogate addict shit... don’t worry its just me in my fashion, into an idea about life, a belief? never! its the anarcho-punk of london, d.i.y. capitalism of the south-bay, the gathering in the east-bay... the jazz at the mid-century mark...where the ego adorns only itself & is the object of its own desire (sorry i’m reading freud right now). something abstract towards the politics of living, make your trades, by all means survive bro. change yourself, change your relationship to others, ideology must be practiced in our vocabulary, in our attitude (we’ve got that p.m.a! some d.c. for you in case we forget), how we relate to others, it must be presented & performed. 
i heard a song coming from the radio in a grocery store right off the blue line years ago around thanksgiving “queer-sex momma get down on me, i’m the baddest fly-daddy you’ve ever seen...” co-opt your desire to live, co-opt peace, make your amends, who knows i was also pretty high... i’m a voice hearer, i hear & see things in the interstices of the real, between spoken word & the practice of daily life i hear it, you know letting someone reveal one where one is there already...not even a little bit... sum zero/ every single one... all the names you can throw at reality, a better definition, beyond the realm of the magicians...
(end of edit...)
be careful of gentle democratic suggestions, they might become mandates, & mandates become compulsory. who says you can’t like both east-bay & south-bay punk? east-bay as in the berkley scene back in the 80s & south-bay as in the beach cities in l.a. & orange county in the 70s & 80s. its true as far as philosophy they are fundamentally at odds with one another... i don’t know where i was going with that...ska bro its all real... what it takes to be a californian, know your city, love your city, grow your city... i take it to the heart of me... don’t be afraid to practice your life in the streets, don’t let them tell you that horrible things happen to people who practice their philosophy... its institutional propaganda to quiet the resistance...
i’ve had a flurry of activity with poetry, i mean i’m always writing but this is getting excessive... i started this blog again, guess i got the old name back, that was a relief. i used to facilitate a creative writing group for a mental health organization before i started smoking meth again & went back to the streets, i’m a smoker, you know... i quit, i pick it back up, i get clean, i get my life together then i tear it up... i’m quitting this time... back to the creative writing, i still have my free-writes i did in group that prolly won’t be anything anytime soon, so while i’m trying to publish my other work, i’ll update some of that. not that it’s a toss-up... who give a fuck anyway (here’s an equivocator that couldn’t equivocate to heaven) its 3:30 in the morning--
a pair of live bombs in the attic grave dirt from your dear aunt sally white sheets stained with blood toads some egyptian witchcraft polluted by the sun the earths gone round itself in a minutes time the connection’s unstable i think i’m going through seeing it as it really is now radical very like life itself but not quite it sounds different it looks different than it used to be the folks here perform spontaneity mechanically like they thought of it hours before they decided to go through with it i remember watching invasion of the body snatchers on the little portable television in kay’s kitchen in black & white/ the original  it would not have significance for me for many years when i had my first nervous breakdown the faces i recognized the people inside i didn’t the soul of the matter had evaporated replaced with a cruel alien mechanism 
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yandere-chocolate · 2 years
Yandere Collector x human Reader ~(Platonic)~
(There is absolutely 0 demand for this character as a yan & in general, but we’re still here.)
(Sorry for any grammar mistakes/misspellings)
(Btw, the Collectors age wasn’t entirely revealed yet, so they’re a teenager in this. Doesn’t make a difference, but thought you’d wanna know.)
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(Scenerio: You are a human in the Boiling Isles. The Collector has been reduced back to their shadow form after the “Day Of Unity”)
TW: yandere content, implied abandonment, kidnapping
You were walking alone in the forest. You were lost & trying to find shelter, but it was too dark & the sounds of the creatures in the dark pulsed adrenaline through your veins. You had to get out of here. Out of “the Boiling Isle”.
You have no idea how you got here, you swear that you just woke up here, but that didn’t matter right now. Surviving did.
As you found some warm shelter you fell asleep there. You didn’t even notice the two glowing eyes on you.
“Hehe…a human! A human!” The Collector laughed excitedly, “a new friend! Oh, I won’t be alone anymore!” The large, glowing shadow ran across the room, spinning themselves in circles & loops. “After heartbreak, betrayal, & abandonment once again, finally I have found a brand new friend!” The Collector spun into a shadowy version of you, laughing. The shadow began making poems & rhymes, praising you for simply…existing.
When you woke up the next day, you almost screamed when you saw a glowing, moving shadow. Somehow…it was still dark. This can’t be normal….
“Hello, new friend!~” the shadow giggled, dancing around you. “What is your name?” You didn’t want to tell the strange being your name. “Don’t be afraid!” They said, “I’ve learned my lesson! Killing people makes you lonely…” he finished, hanging their head low. “W-What do you mean…?” You asked, the shadow perked up.
“Belos promised me a land with nine bright hues! Of fun & games, where no one would lose! But alas, I was deceived! betrayed, abused & left out to bleed. Beings still live here, though they had embark, for Belos & I have turned this land completely dark.” Throughout the poem, the shadow was dramatically throwing themselves everywhere, making extreme gestures & using their inhuman body to show scenes of what had happened, with “left out to bleed” & “of fun & games where no one would lose!” being just some examples.
“Now…” they started, “why don’t you tell me your name? We can’t be best friends if I don’t even know your name!” You backed away, a little nervous. “C’mooonnn!” he whined, “I showed you my trauma through rhymes & acting, the very least you could do is tell me your name!” It seemed as though the shadow was annoyed. “O-Okay…I’m (y/n)…” you muttered out & the shadow spun around in delight, “(y/n)! A human name! A real, human name! Hehehe! Oh, I haven’t had a human friend in so long!” They continued giggling, but smiled & held out their hand once they settled down. “I’m The Collector!” He said cheerfully. You tried shaking his hand, but you just ended up touching the wall. “Hehe! You’re going to so fun to play with! What games do you like?! Hopscotch? Tag? Red Rover?! Hehehe! Human games are so fun!” The Collector laughed, twitching a little. “I won’t be alone anymore! I WON’T BE ALONE ANYMORE!” Suddenly, you felt physical hands grab you, “BECAUSE OF YOU MY FRIEND! We can play forever, & ever, & ever, & ever—it’ll be SO much FUN!” You tried to loosen his grip, but they wouldn’t budge. “Why are you….are you trying to get away…?” The Collector asked, seemingly hurt. “You…you do want to be my friend, right? I promise I’m fun! I promise to keep you happy!” The Collector’s grip tightened, feeling a swirl of extreme emotions, namely desperation. “I’ll protect you! We can play whatever games you want—talk about whatever you want! I can get you a home—a-a real one! A big one!—just-just…j-just…” The Collector was shivering, “breathing” heavily, eyes wide & on the verge of tears, “JUST DON’T LEAVE ME!! PLEASE!!” The Collector finally let go of you, backing away on the wall, hiding their head in their hands. “I-I can’t handle being alone! not anymore! NOT ANYMORE!” Vibrant stars swirled around the room, along with blue hues. “YOU’RE NOT LEAVING ME! I…I woN’T LET YOU!” The Collector screamed & you felt yourself pulled into the shadows.
…As you slowly woke up, you saw that you were in some black water, surrounded by glass-like cubes. “Ugh…” you groaned.
“Hello, friend!” You heard a familiar, cheery voice. This time, they appeared to be a more human-like entity, with just their half-yellow-half-blue skin being the only visible non-human trait. That, & their white hair.
“Who…are you?” You asked, rubbing your head. “I’m The Collector, silly! Hehe! Humans are so weird!” You froze. “WHY AM I HERE?!” You asked, upset. “Oh! Well, you can’t leave me here! Hehe! Oh, you’re cute when you’re mad, (y/n)!” The Collector then booped you, smiling.
“So…what game do you wanna play first?” Stars appeared in his eyes as he said this.
Well, there’s no going back now.
But you’re getting out.
You refuse to stay with this insane kid forever.
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