#I’m broke as hell
house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Medical Rant!
Bruh, you’re telling me instead of just giving me the medication I was previously on for 3 years with my last insurance, my new insurance decides I need to try other things first (if they bothered to read my chart, I’ve tried everything else already and half of them made me violently I’ll, which is why I was on the fancy expensive medication in the first place), and charges me fucking $85… for a god damn partial perscription!!!
They didn’t even give me a full dose of this medication that I already know doesn’t fucking work (so I’m not even gonna take it), for $85… that like an entire days of work at my job before they take away tax… this is bullshit.
To people who think disabled people are “lazy” and “leeching off the government” no the fuck we aren’t! They continuously punish us for not being able bodied, and then call us sensitive snowflakes for being upset about shit like this.
This is the 9th month in a row they’ve denied me my migraine medications. I get migraines so bad I have seizures and partial paralysis (this can last a few hours, or the worst one, a few fucking months). The reason for them denying it “you need to have more than 3 migraines a week” wanna take a guess as to why I don’t meet the requirement? Because when I was on the fucking medication, it was working. I’m being punished because my medication was “working too well” so now I don’t get to have it.
I fucking hate the medical system in America, it’s a god damn joke: I say this with confidence having been in medical school and worked in a hospital. This is literally the main reason I’m moving out of state and just upending my life right now. (Hence not writing as much, but once I’m settled I’m bring back all my old series and a few new ones, don’t worry 🥰)
The hospitals have just decided I must be faking everything (even though you physically cannot fake symptoms like seizures, low oxygen, bleeding in the intestines, ect…) and they want me to go to a specialty hospital because they’re too lazy to just test for rare disorders. But the specialty hospital has been ghosting me for 3 years. And I decided I’m sick of just waiting around to die since apparently no one’s gonna take my health seriously but me.
I can’t wait to start feeling better, and Hopefully when I move and get new state insurance and reapply for disability, I won’t have to work myself to the bone just to afford to function and live like a normal human. I’m done being a pushover, next health official to ignore or gaslight me, is getting fired off my medical team, and I’m going to report them. I don’t care if I’m “ruining their job” maybe they should treat patients like fucking people, they’re doing it to themselves and I no longer have any sympathy.
I promise, most people aren’t trying to swindle the system or trick you. Disabled people just want to feel better and not be in pain and constantly on the brink of death all the time. That shouldn’t be too much of an ask. Yet everyone still treats us like we’re in their way and making the world worse somehow.
If this racist as hospital treats me like I’m “drug seeking” one more time, when I’ve never asked for pain meds, and have literally denied them before so I wouldn’t be seen as a “pill junkie” and hopefully get real help. Also if they give me one of the medications I’m fucking allergic to one more time, despite it literally being AT THE TOP OF MY FUCKING CHART!!! I’m gonna scream. Stop trying to murder me!
Fuck the government!
Fuck the health care system!
And more importantly, fuck ableism and inaccessibility!
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hellbadhellhole · 1 year
How much money in my already empty wallet would it cost to make a Levi cosplay?
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phoenixmetaphor · 8 months
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Oct 13 &
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Oct 14 - Chreon Aquarium Date (prompt from @cerul-skyefrost ‘s ask to @thebrandywine 😛)
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coconut530 · 4 months
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#Nevermore#Nevermore Webtoon#Webtoon#Funny episode liked it a lot#Monty playing with Prospero’s cravat funyyyyyy#“I’m anybody” HE’S SO DONE IT’S HILARIOUS#Prospero Monty relationship who thought#He’s the dad of the group it’s hilarious and all the kids and his wife are giving him troubleeeeeeeeee#Doctor’s bag??????? What did you use it for in life my guy#“We couldn’t just leave Montresor to die!” …it was an option and omg their faces on the bottom panel 🤣#LENORE STOP YOU’RE TOO HOT OH MY GODDDDDDD *FANS SELF* “LOOK WHO IT IS GENTS” LENOOOOOORRRREEEEEEEEEEEE#I want to redraw but life be busy so soon ish#Episode 25 “Stains are so hard to get out of mahogany!” I knew it before Duke even said it 😂#He saw a ghost and it hit him on the head smacked his face sliced his shoulder sliced his side and broke his leg 😂#Lenore is unfaaaaaaazzzzzzeeeeeddddd also Duke wanna protect his bestie#“…A little bit. Maybe” I THINK IT’S MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT#MAZE TRIO LAUGHING BEING FRIENDS LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT#LENORE AND MONTY SHOWDOWN MY FAVE IT ESCALATES SO WELL ALSO ANNABEL’S THE ONE WITH A BULLET IN HER GRAVE SORRY TO SAY#“Go to hell” 😂 this is the best#Annabel did NOT prepare for her to say that#Will doesn’t even have a roommate just throw Monty in there Will likes him enough and Prospero’s kinda wary of people it works out#Although Prospero you gave Annabel your key with ZERO hesitation or question so mayyybe you should’ve been more careful#Very funny episode I liked it a lotttttttttt oh no we’re heading into the formal divorce arc oh nooooooo
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boag · 22 days
I can’t sleep my insomnia has really been kicking my ass lately and it is finally at the point where the situation is DIRE again . I’m gonna take 100mg of hydroxyzine and roll a blunt and listen to Ocean Blvd
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deityofhearts · 3 months
god gives his toughest battles to his most whimsical warriors
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lilyoffandoms · 5 months
Detective Lilah Rose for @storyofmychoices
For Day Two of the @choicesjanuary2024 challenge (Theme Prompt: Resolutions)
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Lilah got me back into arting a few weeks ago when I was laid up and I got this idea in my head for her (kinda went for a detective noir + femme fatale combo). Then got to thinking that maybe I’d share my things again. Maybe I’ll post a few and run for the hills like I did last time. Who knows haha. But the fandom is quieter and I think I’ve blocked most everyone that likes to whine lol. Guess time will tell.
So here is me dipping my feet back into the Choices art pond. Wish me luck.
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ohitslen · 1 year
My favorite pieces of media are Trigun, Monster, Princess Tutu, Strangers From Hell, Link Click, Beyond Evil, the webtoon Guardians of the Videogame and Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
It’s a very elaborated way of saying I choose to make myself depressed and being gay is also a choice
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clowfish · 1 year
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my favorite 9 year old vigilante
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mossflower · 7 months
how many breakdowns should you have about dropping out before you seriously consider dropping out. asking for a friend teehee
#shock horror. i am not asking for a friend#turns out going to uni bc you had no idea what else to do + taking a course you’re mostly interested in bc you like space#is not necessarily a good idea. who would have thought#see the thing is if this didn’t cost money i wouldn’t be so worried. but i don’t want to keep having this breakdown and eventually drop out#in like a year’s time with twice the amount of debt or whatever#rn now i keep looking on indeed like hmm. i could totally drive trains that would be an amazing idea. driving a milk float!! so slay!!#bc i realised shortly after getting here that i do not want to do a phd which basically rules out any astrophysics jobs#my mum suggested looking at summer placements but quite frankly i need to get a job over summer if i stick with my degree bc i am ✨broke✨#rn i’m saying shit like oh i’ll just write a book and get it published. totally feasible way to make some quick cash (delusional)(knows it)#november has been hell i do not have a draft let alone a book#and i’m tired and i haven’t had a proper meal since thursday and my room is a tip#i‘ve had like three conversations with my friends in the past fortnight and none of them lasted longer than five minutes#i was so fucking excited for uni!! it was going to be so good!! i feel bad for wanting to drop out bc i don’t hate it!!#i just don’t really like it either#god fucking damn it. this shit is worse than a sexuality crisis. at least they had zero real world impact bc i was an antisocial fucker#this is the rest of my fucking life!! the hell!!
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haknom · 5 months
removing myself off this planet.
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mistspinner · 2 years
last Sandman observation of the night but I like how all the moments of Morpheus being a dick are, from his pov, just him telling it as it is
“Joanna I can’t do anything for your ex” she’s dying! That’s Death job and even she can’t interfere here!
“yeah Lyta I’ll be taking your baby later” that’s how this works! It’s going to happen whether any of us want it to or not!
“sorry Rose I will be killing you now” it’s literally that or the universe ending. Sucks but it’s gotta happen!
there are The Rules and that they Must Be Followed and he has a hard time understanding why humans get all upset when he tells them this
he treats people terribly, but (for the most part) he’s not doing so maliciously. He just…doesn’t think
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I’m so fucking tired
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redhotarsenic · 7 months
I dunno I’m trying very hard to not be a sad shithead online but it’s getting increasingly difficult
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autistic-katara · 8 months
all my ao3 tabs got deleted i’m going to fucking kill myself
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Jackie, you haven't published a fic since the 4th. Are you ok?
i am so sorry everyone 💀💀 idk how many of y’all were here when i was originally writing eighteen (crazy), but what essentially happened was that i didn’t get a full fic finished on lance’s bday, so i tried to update every day to get it finished as quickly as possible while still being good, and i wouldn’t let myself post anything else or think about anything else really, and at one point i was getting dms and asks from friends and moots that were like Hey Bitch What The Fuck Are You Doing To Yourself and i was like yeah wait hold on wtf am i doing?? so i took a break from the fic and the stress went away pretty much immediately.
now. since i don’t learn from my mistakes, i did the exact same thing basically with the time loop fic, only this time i pushed myself farther AND i feel bad as hell because i said i would finish it for once 😭😭 unfortunately that fic compacted with the fact that it is march and i struggle in march freaked me out so bad that felt like i was going to explode so i ditched tumblr for a bit. i needed to Take A Breather so i dipped.
anyways i’m sorry for freaking you guys out, i def should have posted something. that’s on me. i promise i’m fine and i’m sorry to say that i will be pausing the time loop fic for a bit. but on the bright side, i’m gonna have a different fic for tonight!! i waited to come back until i came up w something bc i didn’t want to come back empty handed :))
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