#I’m going through a music taste overhaul.
bodybeyondstories · 1 year
dicks keep growing around me - 1 (Myron)
(I couldn't get this phrase out of my head and I thought it was funny, so I'm seeing where it leads.)
Until recently, Myron was oblivious to the fact that dicks would get mysteriously bigger the longer someone hung out with him. He begins putting the pieces together as his boss, Miguel, starts going through all too familiar changes below the belt.
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“Dicks keep growing around you?”
“Yes,” I said. “Or at least I think. It’s not exactly an airtight theory, but there are some examples.”
“And it just…happens,” responded my supervisor Miguel.
“And it’s happening to me?”
“Pretty sure.”
So I have a theory. Maybe just a hunch, I don’t know. And I’m not doing it on purpose, but I’m pretty sure I’m the cause. For lack of a better way of saying, dicks keep growing around me. And I don’t mean chubbing up, I mean literally growing. Like adding on real, tangible inches with no end in sight. It’s very slow, and I think it comes down to how often we’re in close proximity, but if you spend enough time around me, you may end up with more, sometimes much more, below the belt. I don’t have any idea how this works, but I wish I did. I’m still just piecing clues together.
So I guess Exhibit A would be my boss, Miguel. I do a lot of temporary contract work, which isn’t ideal, but allows me to string together rent while working on some of my own creative freelance stuff. I was hired onto this project six months ago to restructure the data management system of a small, local startup and they miscalculated the resultant shift in office space. After a series of awkward corners and at least one broom closet, they decided to just stick me in Miguel’s office. Miguel requested it actually. He figured I would be of more use working in tandem with him than I would blocking everyone’s path to the bathroom. 
I was less than pleased to look like his makeshift corner secretary, and honestly I’ve dealt with much worse, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he seemed to welcome the company. Miguel kept a tight beard and even tighter fade, always perfectly put together in what looked like one-step-below-designer business casual, with the cherry on top being the neon purple and green barefoot shoes he tended to wear to work. I would’ve been annoyed if not for the fact that he was a genuinely nice, thoughtful guy, and more than just a captivating smile. Plus, I came around on his use of a balance ball chair once I was introduced to his tight butt clad in well fitting slacks. Not that I ever really thought about him that way.
So we shared a space and had a congenial enough dynamic. We both had similar tastes in some of the experimental music scene locally and would even go out to some shows together. Also he’s a self professed menswear expert and started systemically giving my wardrobe a much needed overhaul. So I found it odd when his usual form fitting, modern pants began to lose their flair.
At one point, he chalked it up to seasonal shifts, trying out some new, looser looks for the spring. Not to mention baggier, boxier styles had been taking the place of slim fit jeans and tight shirts, at least according to him. A few times he texted me in the morning, saying he was running late because of a ‘wardrobe malfunction,’ which I never thought much of. I had come to expect him cycling through three or four outfit changes before he finally made it out. 
For a while it seemed like he might’ve just been getting the wrong fit, since he developed a habit of adjusting his crotch often, or even wincing slightly when he sat down too hard. And I had had multiple friends and partners with similar issues, so offered some tailoring tips, but he didn’t want to dwell on it.
I got a good idea why when we went to a show together one evening. A DJ we both liked was playing a set at a warehouse on a Thursday night, and we figured we had to go. We’d bring a change of clothes, work late on Thursday, then roll into the office late Friday morning. We could even call it a team meeting or professional development or something. 
The show was euphoric. I felt like I was rising up and outside of myself as our bodies bounced on the packed dance floor, in so small part due to the haze of surprisingly strong drinks and party drugs. While Miguel seemed to be enjoying it, he was still preoccupied with the constant need to readjust his crotch. I had seen him in this pair of skinny leather pants–his ass alone was unforgettable–but they seemed especially constricting. 
“Told you you’d look great in those pants,” came Miguel’s familiar voice in my ear. He never missed an opportunity to brag about being my personal stylist, but I had to admit I looked better than expected. However, I didn’t expect Miguel’s strong hands to linger on my hips, nor did I expect myself to close the rest of the gap between us. I’d been catching guys checking us out all night and I was feeling myself, so I thought Fuck it, as we began grinding to the rhythm. Maybe it was the fantasy of the moment or whatever I was on, but the bulge in Miguel’s pants felt major, and his crotch was radiating heat.  
Suddenly, Miguel’s hands tensed up and he pulled away, his hand trailing against my lower back as he turned to leave. I asked if he was doing alright and he sputtered something about needing to piss, quickly disappearing into the crowd. I didn’t think much of it, and quickly got lost in the crush of moving bodies, and more than a few lingering caresses just below my hips. To say I was getting hot and bothered was an understatement and eventually I realized that I also needed to relieve myself, aiming in the vague direction of the bathroom but quickly getting lost in the crush of the crowd. Eventually I stumbled into a back alley, a rush of chill spring night air hitting my lungs as the party thumped through the wall behind me.
I turned my head at the sound of a deep sigh of visceral relief, looking to the left to see Miguel, eyes closed and head thrown back as he pissed loudly against the side of the wall. I wasn’t exactly in my right mind, and didn’t stop myself from glancing at his cock, which, semisoft, was hanging halfway down to his knees, jiggling comically as he shook off the last drops. It wasn’t just massive, it was beautiful, majestic under the streetlight, draped in shadow by Miguel’s outstretched arm, other hand bracing against the wall.
“Sorry,” he said, making me quickly realize that while my eyes were hyperfocused on his schlong, his were on me watching me hyperfocus on his schlong. “There was a line to the bathroom and it was about to be a photo finish,” a slight smile turning up his lips as he saw me finally draw my eyes away from his stunning dick.
“I, uh, was just about to join you,” I replied, deliberately keeping my eyes on his as he struggled to fit his prodigious cock back into his pants, by some miracle getting the zipper up after a few tries.
The awkwardness must’ve been my own anxious imagination, as the next day at work he actually seemed more relaxed than he had in a while, his bubble butt perched on his exercise ball chair as he sat with a leisurely spread, his bulge plainly visible. I guess the secret’s out, I thought. At least between us.
When the summer sun had come to stay, and my contract was wrapping up, he proposed an office hiking trip at one of his favorite trails, a moderately strenuous 3.5 mile track that led to an impressive waterfall tucked away just outside the city. I hadn’t been, but was familiar with it because my roommate, Ty, worked in the kitchen at a bar nearby that was kind of the post-hike spot. My apartment, according to Miguel, was “on the way” to the trailhead. I begged to differ, but he insisted on the kind gesture of giving me a lift, until we reached the compromise of me getting a ride home with Ty when their shift ended. So Miguel picked me up from my place, decked out in hiking boots, thick socks, a breezy short sleeve button down, and some five inch linen shorts with a sizable bulge. I had already caught a glimpse of his dick, so I wasn’t surprised by what looked like rolled up tube socks tucked into his crotch, but this looked bigger than I remembered. 
And I don’t think I was the only one who noticed either. Miguel was certainly the center of attention when we met up with the others at the trailhead, albeit delightfully oblivious in his excitement to take us on this outing. And it looked like I may have missed the memo about the dress code. All the other guys were wearing similar short shorts, showing off their own respectable bulges–though not as impressive as Miguel’s.
As we set off down the trail, Miguel took an early lead, looking like he had no intention of slowing down. As we settled into a rhythm, I found myself consistently a few steps behind him–admiring more than the view of the scenery–with the rest of the group farther back but still within earshot. I began to think that Miguel should’ve stuck to the breezy bottoms he had fallen into wearing, because he was constantly adjusting the hem of his shorts as they dug into his meaty quads. At times, he seemed visibly uncomfortable. 
As we reached a bend in the trail with a makeshift bench, we decided to take a breather and let the others catch up. Miguel’s shirt was glued to the middle of his back by a trail of sweat that ran down to his butt crack. I had trouble noticing anything else as he bent over and rested his hands on his knees, pushing his tight butt in my direction as he caught his breath.
From behind, the crotch of his pants looked overstuffed and straining at the seams. I thought it must have been my exhausted brain and overactive imagination until with a soft rip, the crotch of his shorts gave out, his dick gracefully bobbing two thirds of the way to his knees, definitely bigger than before and paired with some proportionately huge nuts. Miguel, his cock now freed of its constraints, let out a sigh of relief before apparently coming to the realization of the cool breeze on his oversized genitals. 
Hearing the others approaching, I sprang into action, pushing him off the trail and just behind a stand of bushes, hoping passers by would assume he was relieving himself and keep moving. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I brought up a backup pair just in case, give me one second.”
“A backup pair?” I asked, wanting to respect his privacy but also betraying my own fascination with this super dick that I had now been introduced to twice.
“Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t have an issue yet with these pants, but wanted to be careful.”
“What do you mean issue?” I asked. “And what do you mean yet?”
“I don’t know, I think I need to see somebody about this, it’s like–” he was cut off by one of their co-workers catching up to them on the trail. He quickly finished changing and stuffed his cock back in his shorts, shooting me a brief look of thanks.
Thankfully, the rest of the outing passed without incident. We actually had a great time, and Miguel was certainly correct about the waterfall being worth the aggravation. A few of the guys even waded in to cool off, inadvertently revealing some very heavy bulges through the thin, wet fabric of their shorts. Miguel hung back. 
We got drinks afterward and it was obvious Miguel was a post-hike usual. As the afternoon wore on to evening, everyone fell away slowly, until it was just the two of us. He insisted on hanging around until Ty could take me home, and I would’ve staunchly refused if not for how much I enjoyed his company–and how he would’ve stayed against my wishes anyways.
He hadn’t really been drinking–concerned about everyone else having a good time, in typical Miguel fashion–but I had maybe had more than I should. During a lull in the conversation, he leaned in slightly and said “Thanks for the save back there. Would’ve never lived it down at work.” 
“To be honest, I was not expecting all that,” I said, trying to be careful not to push boundaries too far too fast. 
“Honestly, me neither,” Miguel responded, his eyes widening slightly as he glanced into the distance. “TMI, but I’ve been kind of having a late growth spurt the last six months. Or something.”
And well, this is when the pieces finally started to come together. I had had hunches and musings over the years about my propensity to meet some truly noteworthy cocks, but something deep in my brain felt compelled to ask “When did it start?”  
With a thoughtful look in his eye, he glanced at me and said, “Around when you showed up. You might be my lucky charm.”
This is when it finally clicked.
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12, 22, 29, 35, 50 & 69 for the ask game please 💖
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines? How far do you stray from them?
For my long form fics I do!! I’m currently working on my RivKo mainfic outline (it needs a complete overhaul), and my RToB outline! Happiness will have an outline, and so will the small town horror fic.
I tend to do VERY thorough outlines with pinned moments of symbolism/significance, but I purposefully keep the passages butt ugly and plot-movement dense. That way I can get into writing and just scream through the scenes bc I don’t have to pause and think about laying down tracks for the scene, it’s already there and I don’t have to figure out logic.
I do sometimes tend to stray when I get into it and I feel like a moment needs more fleshing out—for example, in the RivKo long fic there’s a cooking scene between König and arguably the most plot important character outside of him and Rivka, and originally it was supposed to be one third of a chapter. But it became a turning point of the entire plot, so it widened into a whole chapter that’s going to be very long. So I try to stay flexible!!
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
My titling process is so random and useless honestly dghhd 😂😂 I generally don’t title until after the fic’s started, but only if the title isn’t what inspires the fic. I try to nail it down early though, bc it doesn’t feel anchored in my head otherwise and for some reason that makes the fic feel like. Less ready to be worked on?? The RivKo mainfic has been renamed four times and currently doesn’t have a title, so it’s sitting backseat while I try to find one that grabs me by the throat. Rising Tides of Blood literally just popped in my head while I was remembering the dream it was based on, and Happiness is a Warm Gun came on shuffle and I went OH YEAH? DGHJF
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Gsgsh this is actually a really good question bc I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever sat down and tried to think about it. I like the rhythm of my writing, and how musical it can be, and I also like that I can convey big images or feelings (good bad horrific painful or ecstatic) simply with small words and scenes. It’s taken decades of work, but actually I’m really proud of myself for pouring the energy into my writing and for loving it as much as I do.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
DFHFD as far as CoD goes, I am so CRUSHINGLY pleased with For the Sake of Having You Near. I’m like over the moon with the small details of it, the like complete lack of grandiosity in the dynamic—just the way they’re real people outside of warfare, with lives that are often dull or mundane or unremarkable and small. I want the fic to feel as simultaneously comfortable/stifling as the rectory feels to Price and Prem and I think I’ve been succeeding.
50. How would you describe your writing style?
Big concepts with little words!! Also like. Smth smth an endless grinding mill of processing emotions that society deems ugly? Not sure, it’s been A Day dghd.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
As far as CoD goes, easily my favorites are anything by the server friends ( @parttimeprophet @alittleposhtoad @dotcie @kastlequill 🥰 ), but outside of the circle I’m very guilty of not reading all that much fic within the fandom 💀💀
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gothicprep · 4 years
it’s honestly very odd to me that disney has been retconning their iconic properties for 7 odd years now, if my memory is serving me correctly & maleficent was the first time they’d done this, and their fans, the Disney Simps, if you will, seem pretty unaffected by this. the decision to do a cruella deville backstory is stupid for obvious reasons – let’s turn the woman who’s name is effectively Cruel Devil into a girlboss – but i dont really get what their angle with the remakes is in general, aside from trying to ensure they keep their shit copyrighted until Yellowstone explodes.
I would sincerely love to sit in the focus groups wherein they decide what elements of the source material to doctor – “we have to cut the pink elephant scene from dumbo, even though it’s the only one that anyone remembers, because we can’t have an... underaged elephant... get turnt. and the circus eventually becomes cruelty free and stops using animal performances. jasmine already marched to the beat of her own drum in the animated aladdin, but we should throw a musical number in there to drive home how Fierce she is. gay representation is what people want to see right now, so let’s make a minor character from beauty and the beast that everyone forgot about gay and call it a night.”
the things they choose to overhaul aren’t details that anyone was criticizing to begin with. like someone in the marketing department saw “disney princesses drawn as CEOs” clickbait and just assumed the entire representation debacle online was a question of revisionist mad libs.
I spent an irresponsible amount of time yesterday binge watching YouTube essays about how the simpsons declined and atrophied, and the one thing I didn’t see pointed out in any of them was that the simpsons was very inherently a product of its time: when it aired in ’89, it served as an absurd and caricatured portrayal of an american family, but close enough to the actual picture to remain relatable. but the simpsons is still airing in 2021, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense when viewing it through the lens of homer being born in the mid-80s and growing up with an N64 and being raised on nickelodeon. a millennial homeowner supporting a family of five on a singular income. and since the in-universe canon has surpassed the point where you could just say “well, the 90s just never ended in springfield” you couldn’t effectively modernize it without burning the whole damn thing to the ground
it also calls to mind the old joke about comics (“the only one who stays dead is uncle ben”) which are similarly repackaged and rebooted with each new generation of consumer. batman gets meaner, or nicer, gets a new batmobile, a touchscreen batphone, whatever, but there’s never going to not be a batman.
and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. im not even going to get into stuff like dark fuck archie, aging disgruntled powerpuff girls reboot, the ill-conceived television adaptation of heathers, and the rest of it. there’s this weird phenomenon going on right now, like media necromancy or something. I don’t even know what to call it. endless retooling of existing properties even when they’re inextricably products of their time, to some extent. It’s like executives just threw their hands in the air and exclaimed “welp, this is as good as its ever going to get”
i dont know if it speaks to the purchasing power of nostalgia, or that people are generally creatures of habit and their media tastes reflect that to an extent, or that these corporations are just banking on these familiar titles knowing they’re a safer bet than something new. maybe a little of all of it to varying degrees – im not going to pretend I know the full answer to this. maybe I’m just getting old and becoming one of those old people who bitches about “aint used to be like this...” from my wooden rocking chair on the porch. either way, i wish people would stop, like, enabling this stuff with their wallets. it’s difficult for good media that makes contemporary sense to get as much traction as it deserves when the waters are this polluted
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ibiitsu · 3 years
Amajiki Tamaki + big 3 [bnha] x gn reader hc’s + drabble
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Amajiki Tamaki with a gn reader at a cat cafe hc’s (platonic) (^∇^)(and big 3 at karaoke) [07/02/2021]
Warning(s): not proofread
Picture credit: BUBBXRRY (?) on Pinterest
A/n: was meant to be a small birthday gift for @pigeonwithbigdreams and their twin brother (June 30th) but I didn’t have a lot of time, so happy belated birthday!
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Note: reader is just a friend of Tamaki who doesn’t go to UA
Cat cafe obsession
You would drag tamaki to a nearby cat cafe every afternoon after school to eat sweets and relax
Eating takoyaki and clams everyday sounds extremely saddening, no matter how good takoyaki is so you always make sure to buy a lot of sweets and desserts for him
Tamaki always kept trying to pay for the sweets and desserts but you would push him off saying that you ate them as well
He has serious social anxiety so spending hours studying in a quiet cafe (excluding the soft music) with cats and someone he felt comfortable with, really let him relax and enjoy those precious hours
Over time, Tamaki started inviting his other friends like Mirio and Nejire which made it louder but he enjoyed the other’s company regardless of that
Cant think of anything else rn sooo I’m adding karaoke stuff with big 3👍
You and Nejire are the BEST singing duo (although that’s just what you like to think, in reality it’s just Nejire being amazing)
Tamaki always finds the best drinks and food(?idk I’ve never been bothered to go)
It took you guys pretty long but you, mirio and Nejire finally convinced Tamaki to join and sing with you all. He didn’t want to sing his own part so you all sang the same words.
Sounded like a mess but Nejire was still the loudest and singing the best like the absolute QUEEN she is (I love her <3)
Anyways, Tamaki actually started singing and got more comfortable. It took a few karaoke trips but he started singing more (although only with duos)
Ever since you started taking him and his friends to places, Tamaki’s gotten better with people, especially you, Mirio and Nejire :))
Small cafe Drabble
The afternoon light streamed through the half- closed blinds, giving a light orange glow to the inside. A soft Lo-fi song was playing in the background and the soft scent of lavender was in the air. Tamaki was busy reading his English text book, one hand tracing the words and the other reaching out for his fork. Pausing for a moment, he took a small chunk of cake and swallowed it, savoring the sweet taste in comparison to the takoyaki balls that he had everyday. It wasn’t that he hated takoyaki, it was just that it was tiring to eat day after day.
Thank god y/n started bringing me to this cafe
The said person yawned slightly, their eyes glancing at the ticking clock. A cat brushed its tail against their legs and they chuckled quietly before leaning down to pick up the cat.
“Hey! This cat looks kinda like you!” They held the black and indigo cat in their arms, waving its paws around. The cat was pretty tall and quite energetic as it jumped out of y/n’s arms and walked on the table.
“Me? Really…? I think I’m more like that one over there.” Tamaki quietly pointed to a small cat curled in a corner.
“Really? I mean, I guess you could be but I think you’re more like this one. Ya know? I’ve seen you on tv fighting overhaul and it was so cool! You were so strong and brave like damn, I could never.” Y/n laughed, smiling at his friend. “You’re a really cool person Tamaki,” Tamaki hummed in reply, smiling softly, and not denying the statement.
“Well, it’s going to be dark soon so we should probably get going. And no, don’t try and pay for the sweets, I ate some as well” y/n stood up, heading towards the cashier.
“But- I also-“ Tamaki sighed in defeat, shaking his head in sadness. It felt good though, not someone paying for him- no, not that part. He just never thought that someone would think that he was cool and brave. And that, was enough to leave a smile on him the next morning.
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A/n: hope ya enjoyed, I went a bit overboard and added a bunch a stuff
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~A Literal Nightmare~
(Omg I fell asleep after writing that last post for Hawks. Anyway, I’m continuing clearing my drafts now with this one. Please enjoy me bringing back my “Chrono can’t drive” headcanon lmao)
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The white car sat at the end of the entryway as Nemoto and lugged out some suitcases into the trunk while Mimic sat atop his hat. Kai went ahead and got into the back seat while awaiting Mimic to sit on the other side of him and Nemoto to sit in the front. “Why sit in the back Overhaul?” Hari asked from the driver seat. “Because I have the most personal space with Mimic on the other side behind Nemoto.” Just as he said that, Irinaka interrupted him while pushing his small stature up into the seat. “It’s because it makes him feel special when riding in the back.” Nemoto and Chrono chuckled while Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Nevermind all this small talk. Nemoto, I trust you secured all the money and left it in the suitcases. We can’t even fall short by a dime. This deal has to go through for the Hassaikai’s sake.” Kai was pleased when Nemoto nodded. “Fall short?! I stayed up for an extra 4 hours to recount everything! If anything, we’re over by at least a couple tHoUsAnD yEn!!!” Mimic shouted and Kai groaned loudly. “Be quiet Irinaka, I’m begging you. It’s 10 in the morning and I’m already getting a headache. Chrono, pull off and let’s go please. 
From that very moment it was clear that the others made a mistake...
The way Hari whipped the car out of the driveway and literally sped to the stop sign (which was only a few feet away) was alarming on its own. The way he also abruptly stopped at the sign way too short before taking off again...it was a red flag. 
Kai was in the backseat wondering when he had gotten to this point. When they were teens, Hari’s driving was questionable but never this bad. Irinaka was gripping on the seatbelt for dear life. It was his desperate attempt to not become a crash test dummy. Nemoto was already online googling ‘how to create a last will and testament’. Meanwhile Hari was vibing like it was any old day. Not to mention he had already switched the radio on under the opinion that ‘its too quiet’ which it wasn’t. Now they were doing almost 20 over the speed limit on back roads while Hari was spouting off Chopper City. Thank God Nemoto toughened up a bit and turned the radio off suddenly. “My apologies but I think it’s best if we calm it down so early in the morning. We don’t want to get pulled over and lose all the money.” Hari sighed but he complied nonetheless. “Nemoto if the music wasn’t your style then you could’ve just said that.” He teased with a smirk. “My taste??? Please, I can...handle it. Just not so early. Besides, Master Overhaul already mentioned a headache earlier. And if I may add something, this is a 2016 Honda Accord, NOT a Hellcat. Please stop pushing it like one.”
“Nemoto you literally drive an Altima. Please don’t speak to me.”
“Excuse me!?” Before they could break into an altercation, Kai reached forward and overhauled his glove so they could get the message to shut up. The men both fell silent and within 15 minutes they started small talk as if they weren’t fighting earlier. Mimic groaned every time Hari rounded a corner too fast and mumbled something about being carsick. Kai started to consider taking an Uber back to the base instead of stepping foot into this car again. And before you know it, Hari got into a wreck...no not a wreck going almost 100 on the highway. No not a wreck from rounding the corners without slowing down. No not a wreck from merging without using his signals. He got in a wreck trying to pull out of the parking lot after the meeting with the rival gang. Instead of waiting to sort out the dent he put in the car, he quickly sped off. “Eh, I’ll get that fixed eventually.” He mumbled carelessly while the others stared at him with wide eyes. That wasn’t even the worst of it. The worst situation of the evening is when they stopped to get food on the way back home and Hari locked his keys in the car. Overhaul had to handle the business in freeing his keys, but in all honesty Kai considered just getting that Uber and abandoning the men. It became increasingly clear by the time they got back home that they would NEVER consider Hari to be the driver ever again. “I would soon get in the car with Rappa behind the wheel before I ever set foot in a car with Hari Kurono ever again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go kiss the ground.” Nemoto grumbled as he stepped out. Kai went shower and Mimic probably ended up going to go vomit somewhere. 
“I don’t know why you guys are overreacting. That’s not even my normal driving. I took it slow for yall.”
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Wow, do you write to Overhaul? if you want i would like overstimulation with Overhaul, I just want this raven to overstimulate me until dawn
C/n: a spicy request👀👀 same, anon. Overhaul can rail me. Also this is a fem!reader.
Again. (An Overhaul x Reader NSFW Oneshot)
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You should’ve seen this coming. You should’ve known that teasing Kai would get you tied up to the headboard, naked and anxious.
Overhaul stood at the end of the bed, untying his tie and removing his mask. After two years, he was finally comfortable with removing it with you. You would think that he would hate the idea of sex because of how unsanitary it would be, but when you called him “Daddy” and gave him a blowjob something clicked in him and he wanted to fuck you every night if he could.
“Kai..,”you whisper his name trying to catch his attention but he ignored you and continued to remove his gloves. “Kai, say something.” You say, moving your wrists against the restraints. “Is that my name, slut?” Overhaul says deeply. You gasp when you hear that. God you loved him saying that. “No, daddy.” He scoffs. “You really are such a tease, huh? Can’t keep your hands to yourself even during meetings. I would’ve fucked you then and there but no one else gets to see you like this. Bare and needy.” Overhaul says as he unbuckles his belt.
“Daddy, I’m sorry. I’ll be a good girl for you. Please touch me.” You say, moving your legs together trying to create some friction on your already soaking pussy. “Mm. I need you to do better than that, baby. I need you to beg like you mean it. Then maybe I’ll give you what you want.” Overhaul says softly to you. “Daddy...I need you. I need your cock in me. Please, please.” you squirm around and lock your eyes with his. He smirks and turns around. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but when he turned back around with that white vibrator, you widened your eyes. Oh god.
Kai turned it on and placed it softly against your clit and you moaned. It felt so good. “Daddy..”you called out and closed your eyes. Kai turned the setting up and you could feel yourself get close. “I-I’m close!” You say and he puts it on the highest setting and you came. It was so fast. And so sudden. While you too caught up on that, Kai started vibrating you again. “Ah! Daddy, no. I-, can’t-, I’m not r-ready” you squeal out and he just chuckles at your words. Kai turns up the setting and you pull your restraints. You were close again.
“I’m..cumming!” You shout out and your stomach flexes while your orgasm washes over you. Kai loved this, see in you all sweaty and flushed. You would think he hated it, but he loved you too much to not enjoy this. He was rock hard already but he wasn’t going to stop. You were still shaking and Kai spreads your legs to see your wet cunt. He looks at you and carefully blows onto your sensitive clit. You gasped at the sensation and he chuckles lowly. He shoved his index finger into you and immediately found your g-spot. He rubs his finger on the rough, soft spot and you moan. You knew exactly what he was going to do. “Come on, baby.” He whispers and places a kiss on your inner thighs. “Daddy..” you say and he inserts another finger. To add to your stimulation, he turns on the vibratior on the highest setting and places it on your clit. “Too-, much.” You sigh and he looks at your face.
Your eyes were screwed shut and a tears pricked the corner of them. He moved a bit faster and you clenched around him. “Cum.” Kai simply says and you explode. You squirt on over his face and it drips onto the floor and bed beneath you. “Tch. Disgusting.” He says as he pulls out. You gasp for air and breath heavily while trying to open your eyes. Kai wipes his face and woke up to look back at you. He controls his breathing and need to fuck you senseless and licked his lips, tasting your flavor. “Again.” He says and you shoot your head up. “Wha-, daddy I can’t.” You plead and he just shakes his head. “Again.” Kai takes a small vibrator and slowly inserts it into your twitching hole. “Aah~” you sigh and indulge in the feeling of the cool vibrator inside you. Kai had another toy that he got that he was going to use on you at the end, but now he wanted to make you cum a few more times.
On his phone, he plays with the settings of the vibration. Starting slow, he builds up your orgasm. It slow but as he sees you squirm, he steps in between your legs so you won’t be able to close them. Your pussy was wet and slick and now you were so damn close again. This was going to be your fourth time cumming and Kai pushed you into your orgasm.
Your moans were so loud and it was music to Overhaul’s ears. He leaned down and kneaded your breasts while kissing your neck. “There’s one more thing I want to try, princess.” He whispers into your neck and you sigh. He leans back up and goes to get his last toy.
You shiver in anticipation. Your body was exhausted but you wanted to know what Kai had in store for you, so you closed your eyes and waited. Before long, he came back into the room and ran his hand along your leg. You opened your eyes to see a weird thing in his other hand. Kai places it down and moves in between your legs to remove the vibrator from you. You moan at the loss of it and Kai bites his lip. He takes the clit pump and places it on yours. It was cold and you had no idea why he was up to.
He clicks the switch and it sucks in your clit and this new sensation makes you yell out. “Ah! What is that?” You ask him and he lets go of the pump letting it swell your overstimulated clit. “A clit pump. Got this a couple of days ago and wanted to try it on you. How does it feel?” Kai asks and you groan. “Ah, it feels different.” You say and he nods. He leaves it on for a couple of minutes as he strips from his clothes. Kai kneels down; in-between your legs and removes the pump. You were ready. You look at him and see his eyes widen slightly. Your clit was swollen and it looked amazing. Beautiful, even. Kai wasted no time in devouring you and as soon as his tongue hit your clit, pleasure shot through your body. “F-fuck! Ah~, daddy.” You moan and Kai groans. The vibration of his groan added to your stimulation. You were so fucking sensitive, that it wouldn’t take long for you to get close. Kai felt you jerk your legs and he bit your clit adding pressure to the little button and pushed you over the edge.
You came so hard and Kai rubbed your legs while you came down from your high. Kai looked at your fucked out state and smiled. Thinking he was done, you look at him and squirm around. “Daddy, please untie me.” You make your best puppy eyes at him and he’s face turn into a dark expression.
Suddenly, he slams his hips into yours making you yell out. “Ah! Daddy! Wait!” He doesn’t listen to you and his thrusts come long and hard. The sound of skin slapping against each other and your moans mixed with his groans filled the room. The bed shook and you pulled against the restraints wanting to hold your man. To run your fingernails along his back, leaving red marks in their wake. “Oh fuck.” Kai says and leans down to capture your lips in his. He pulls out, for a second, then slams right into making your tits bounce with the force. Finally, he got to indulge and feel you around him. He couldn’t play with you any longer, knowing he wouldn’t last.
“Cu-cumming!” You say and throw your head back into the pillows. “Do it. Cum on my cock, princess.” He says, breath hitching a bit. You clenched deliciously around him and yelled out his title. Kai wasn’t far behind, your release pushing him into his. With one last, hard thrust he came inside you filling you up. He stayed inside you for a few more seconds, catching his breath, before slowly pulling out of you. He grabs the wet cloth he left on the side of the bed in the beginning and cleans you up. Properly wiping your legs. He still was Overhaul, the man who hated a mess. After that, he saw your sleeping face and softly chuckled to himself. He undid your restraints and massages your wrists, wincing at the marks that formed.
“Princess.” He calls to you, gently shaking your shoulders to wake you up. “Mmm?” You hum and turn to him. “Come on. Let’s take a shower then you call sleep.” He says, gently picking you up bridal style. Walking to the shower he quickly checks the time. He had to be up in five hours.
“If anyone knows how a secondary blog works please tell me cause I’m lost.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
hi, can i request a angst scenario, chisaki's angel went for a walk alone, chisaki's angel went for a walk alone, so she alerts chisaki that she feels that someone is following her but the call is cut off... surprise it's the lov, so f for chisaki's angel, but toga drinks angel's blood to impersonate her. how this situation ends I leave it to your liking. thanks you.
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"Kaaaaaiiiii." You whined while rolling your eyes, still following Chisaki like a pouty child. "I can take care of myself you know?"
"I beg to disagree." He said nonchantly while handing the papers he was holding to Chrono before the man stormed out in hurry. "Not only you have affiliations with me, but also you are clusmy and can hurt yourself very easily." He said in a manner of a fact tone as he entered his office while you deadpanned.
"Says the one that stubbed his toe on the table and overhaule-"
"I thought we weren't going to talk about this incident." He growled while sitting on his chair "Why do you even want to go out alone in the first place?" He gestured his hand towards you as you shrugged with a small smile.
"Ever since we started dating I wasn't even able to walk alone anymore, just that. I love you and like the guys company but... a little bit of privacy is needed sometimes." You went to his side and pouted with the puppy eyes as he scowled "Pretty please?"
He looked at your ring finger adorned with the ring he bought for you some months ago before he sighed.
"Dont be out for too long and call me any time, got that?" He smirked at your squeal and rolled his eyes when you hugged his neck and peppered his face in kisses with lots of "thank you's". He could pretend he disliked or was disgusted all he wants, but lord he couldn't lie to himself that he lived for those sweet gestures of yours, and only yours.
"I will be back soon! Thank you again honey!!!" you squealed while getting out of the room as he shocked his head with a chuckle.
Not even minutes later, his ringtone allerted him and he picked quickly.
"Kai, I am coming home now okay?"
"What is that?" He asked smugly "Didn't you wanted to go out alone?"
"Yeah but... it feels like I am being followed or something, I dunno. Maybe I am getting a bit crazy over it."
"I did not send anyone to look after you..." he said in a worry tone. You quickly catched that and you started to giggle to ease his worries.
"Dont worry hon, everything's oka-"
The call ended and he almost felt his heart stopping as he started to call back desperately until a message of you appeared on his screen, telling him that the calls went off but you were fine.
Desspite this... he felt something was off.. yet he didn't wanted to press it much, since he knew already you must have felt suffocated.
Then he let it go... with a knot on his stomach, but he let it go.
He was done with work, checking his phone ever once in a while before he heard the sound of humming. He looked over his shoulder only to arch his eyebrow at your figurine jumping up and down like a school girl and humming a music he never once heard you singing neither hearing it.
"Someone had fun? Is not every day I will allow it." He asked nonchantly and you eyes locked with him as you opened a smile and twirled your way towards him.
"Hiiii honeeyyy~" something in your voice made him... uncomfortable. He shocked his head at it, no. It was only his imagination...
Yeah... until you sitted on his lap shameless as your giggles seemed a bit... out of you.
"Whaaat? Dont recognize your sweet little (Y/n)?" You tilted your head with a innocent look and a finger on your chin.
He narrowed his eyes at you, feeling that something wasn't right as he tried to push you off gently.
"What's gotten into you brat?" He hissed as you giggled and cupped his cheek, finger only partially brushing over his skin...
He gasped and slapped your hand away when he felt something started to erupt on his skin... something red and that only happened when other people touched him... ever time you touched him it didn't appeared his hives.
He glared at the figurine in front of him whose was smilling innocently at him as he growled.
"Who are you?"
"I'm (Y/n) silly! What's the matter?"
"... say my name." He said coldly while puffing up his chest and staring down at you. Your face twitted in a mix of confusion and shock at his statement as he growled again "Say. My. Name."
"... Overhaul? Is your villain name sweety!"
"My other name. The one I abandoned and only allowed you my dearest to say it." He said one of your nicknames in sarcasm... Suddenly your shock leaved your face as you started to laugh in a psyco way, goo falling off from your face and showing half of the face of his love and half of that brat he meet from the league of villains.
"So you two are that close huh?" She said while smilling before he shouted "now!" To both Chrono and Mimic to hold her down on the ground.
"aaaarhrhrgrhagsie gross." Mimic hissed as Chrono only deadpanned at him.
"Where the heck is my angel you little prick?!" He hisse dthe words as Toga only refused her laughter to small giggles as she looked up at him.
"Maybe you should talk to Tomura about that~?"
"Gladly." He growled the word with a twitch on his left eye as hives appeared more and more due to how much the wrath consumed him.
He glared back at the blue haired villain as he only made a signal to let go of Toga.
He gave a nod to his subbordinates while she giggled and went back to Twice saying how much fun it was before looking over her shoulder to smile at Overhaul.
"The taste of (Y/n) was very yummy sir!" He went to attack her but Chrono luckily prevented him to do it.
"Now. My (Y/n)." He extended his gloved hand as Sbigaraki started to tip his bony finger on father's before he snapped his two fingers with a dark chuckle.
"Oh! That's right. (Y/n) is dead."
His eyes widened and his gloves exploded away from his hand as he stared at Shigaraki with horror.
His whole world was spinning the only thing that seemed to have stopped was him, Shigataki and the time.
"P...pardon?" He muttered, hands twitching as his whole body trembled.
"Your little thing was just too much of a fighter... I just couldn't keep them down. They always screamed and yelled "let me go!" Or even "you're not going to get away that easy!" Or even my favorite..." he chuckled as Kai gritted his teeth "They said they wanted you! They called! Cried for you! And you were distracted!" He started to laugh as Chisaki puffed in and out of air.
His legs moved before him, his mask had disappeared as he aimed his bare hand at Shigaraki with a bloddy murdered shout-
He woke up with a gasp before he breathed in and out looking at the ceiling with wide yes.
All... just a dream..?
He wiped the sweat out of his face before extending his arm only to find cold sheets... realizitation hitted him soon enough.
It wasn't a dream. It was reality. You had been gone for the last two months...
He had been having those nightmares every single night ever since your funeral... During his outburst the league of villains was located by some heroes and they got to jail.. All thanks to Overhaul acting like a beast on trying to kill all of them...
But... you weren't back. You weren't coming back ever...
With a sigh he got up... his skin itching to take a shower and clean his own sheen of sweat.
The drops of water hitted him as he stared blantly at wall he went to pick the soap but only saw his matching ring on his hand... He only stared at it for a moment before he started to hyperventilate before he let out a shout and punched the wall, enough times to make it bleed...
His anger soon melted by misery as he feel to his knees and shouted in his hands and sobbed... the water only muffling his kiss and grief as the tears fell from his amber eyes to the cold title of his bathroom.
"(Y/n)...." was the only word that passed through his lips through sobs, shouts and cries until the powerfull and strong yakusa boss knocked out on his own shower.
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dabis-devil · 4 years
Could you pretty please do Shinso, Dabi, Overhaul, Kirishima, Shiggy, Bakugo and Tamaki with an S/O with is a ballet dancer and looks fragile but can actually kick ass? Sorry for the long ask but I just really adore you’re stuff!!!!!
Pretty Poison
Aw, thank you anon! Okay, I'd just like to apologize for holding off on my asks. I've seen busy and not feeling well lately, but I'm getting to my requests now! Love you all 🖤
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Shinsou is an observational guy
He figured you weren't as innocent as you looked before you proved him right
All of which he figured out with distance.
When set to spar together, he was avoiding all of your agile moves, each one of your attacks
You were pressed to do give it your 100%
With a swing, you attempted to go for his neck with your fist, the purple haired man catching your fist.
He tried to get a blow at your torso, you swatted his fist.
when you tried a strike with the other, he caught that one too.
His leg scooped in the back of your knees, the two of you toppling to the ground.
Toshi is a good boi, he made sure you wouldn't get hurt before he went through with such a calculated move
“ oh kitten- ” he chuckled, tired eyes lock in onto your own. “ nobody expects this of you. . Only fools will underestimate you. ” his tone was eerie
You used your propped up knee to push yourself over. Turning the tables, Toshi on bottom now. “ nice to know. ” you mumbled with a savage smile.
Next thing you know you were helping each other up and leaving the training grounds.
Its when you and Shinsou went on your first date that he learned you were a dancer.
He didn't seem too phased honestly, but he thought it was cool!
“ Can I go to your next recital? ” he asked, thumb brushing against your cheekbone.
You said yes
Before the start of the recital, your eyes wandered endlessly around the stadium.
' where is he? ' your lips curling into a frown.
Maybe he decided he didn't care?
Little did you know, he was in the front row. Just dressed in a suit. . Classy Shinsou is rare
When you leaped across the stage, his large purple orbs followed your angelic form like a puppy eyeing a treat.
He isn't one to pump you up with compliments, but when you finally realized he was staring with a strong force of admiration, that said all.
He would stand and applaud afterward, meeting you in the back room for a bland congratulations and soft hug.
He'll be at every single recital
Every. One.
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Your innocence was cute, don't get him wrong
But his goal was to corrupt you.
He would place wondering hands on your body, expecting you to become a shell of a human and color to drain from your face
Instead your expression turned playful as you prompted him
Sinful things probably followed
And that's how he learned you werent fragile
With that in mind, this man had nO control
You already know a relationship with him entails dirtiness to keep it sPiCy
And I kid you not, your gracefulness drives him over the edge
Your movement was so controlled it's just- *chefs kiss*
The part of the town the compound was in definitely wasn't a good part of town
So you got harrased :((
“ hey pretty lady, ” a drunk man cooed, his large and sweaty hands running down your arm. “ come with me to the back. . ” he smiled and roughly tugged at your arm.
You could have easily shown this man a piece of your mind. The ghastly shrieks that filled the air stopped you though.
Dabi melted his face off, then left with you like nothing happened.
This why people don't mess with you anymore
Again, this is what makes the two of you a good team. He has your back, you have his, but you can both take care of yourselves.
He didn't really care to know you danced
It's just a hobby, when should he care? Do what you want.
If you dragged him off to recitals or anything don't be surprised if you see him playing on his phone or otherwise not paying attention.
Gives 0 fucks.
If for any reason he is watching
Probably because he think you look sexy.
Maybe it's the outfit, maybe it the way your body flows, who knows?
If you come to him bothered that he doesn't like your dancing, he will either
reassure you that he thinks you look incredibly sexy when you dance, and try to pay a little more attention to your routines
No promises^
Brush off your feelings and move on
Really isn't his cup of tea but A for effort
Bonus: he's asked you to dance on/for him
You're a dancer, of course you know how to lap dance. Of CoUrSe.
“ doll, why don't you come show me some of those moves? ” he asks cheekily, already leading you back to the bedroom.
You still did. And you did well. So that's a win on his part-
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Kai could appreciate your dancing, there was some sort of elegance in it.
The way your body moved from one figure to another just had his eyes drawn to you like magnets.
The fact that he kidnapped you for entertainment was besides the point
Well initially
You were given the option to leave, but you didn't.
Same offer does NOT apply now that you made your choice
The reason you were taken is for your doe eyes and soulful smile
You put up a damn good fight
But in the end you were being jumped by a few gang members.
Not to mention your escape attempts?
So thought out, and you came this close to busting out of the secret door each time.
Kai’s eyes burned holes hrough your skull when you were restrained to your bed.
“ love, why would you try to leave me? You know bad things could happen. . ” his tone sent goosebumps down your back
He's just possessive
Other than that, you can pretty much do what you want
So long as you stay in base
He turned a room into a dance studio for you
That's just how he shows affection.
he wants to sit and watch you dance until your knees buckle.
You bet your ass he will too.
“ where are you going? ” his eye brows knitted. “ I'm not done watching. ” he growled lowly, as you returned to your craft with a pout.
But that's fine,,,,
Even though he's not a huge fan of touching you
He gives the best massages.
(I'm actually so so sorry for this one, I haven't written Kai and oh my gOd I need to fix this characterization)
Eijiro Kirishima
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This beautiful rock man
He thinks you are so adorable.
Literally precious okay, even before romantic ties developed
But when you become a badass out of nowhere, he's kinda stunned
You turned to Mineta and told him off for objectifying you, finishing that confrontation with a kick right to his crotch.
The grape boy wheezed and began to cry, but you walked off unbothered.
Of course Kiri, who had been on his way to save you from his perverted classmate, was like- “ huh?? ”
You being anything but reserved was a new emotion.
He didn't mind of course, he was excited to learn more about you.
And when he learns you're a dancer?
Oh boy.
Eiji supports you. Without a question!
And that's on being manly.
He shows up with roses to every single recital you have, dressed in fine attire, and will be the loudest person in the crowd.
“ WOoOOo!! YOU DID AMAZING Y/N! I LOVE YOUU!! ” He shouted from the top of his lungs.
Actually the first time he said I love you
Lowkey has good moves himself
You'll see that when he's dancing around the dorms to some cheesy music denki or Mina played
If you need help with a move he will put sweat, blood, and tears into perfecting it with you.
He literally won't shut up about you
When he's with his friends?
“ she's so beautiful! You should see her dance too! ” he gushed
“ y/n is so amazing. . (More babbles about you) ”
A wall?
“ I love y/n so much- ”
Just love him back okay
Tomura Shigaraki
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This crusty man has his head in the game and all, but he totally swept you to the side.
He wants things to be blunt and direct
So when you were over there looking like a pure angel he just thought you were
As apart of the liberation front, he expected you to be there for covert missions, and not throw yourself into battle
But when you were over here taking out three heroes simultaneously??
It dawned on him that you were so much more useful.
It had been a late night and Shigs couldn't sleep, so he planned to hang out with you.
Your light shone under the crack of your door, prompting him to ask for your company
He placed a soft knock on your door to which there was no reply.
Instead, the melody of soft classical tunes drifted to his ears. The door creaked open, allowing the blue haired man a peak of insight as to what you were doing.
He saw your figure parading around the room in small leaps, harmonious twirls, and gentle hand movements.
His crimson eyes widened at what he saw. Not only did he realize how beautiful you are, but you were so soothing to watch?
For a little while he will beat around the bush
“ y/n, what were you up to last night? ” he asked, sounding as innocent as a mere child. “ hmm? ” his hands weaved together under his chin, leg swing in under his barstool.
Like when you already know something but you ask somebody anyways just to see what they would say yknow
He would make this one of his favorite things to do, watch you dance.
Over time you caught him staring through your door, and you weren't exactly happy about it
“ tomura! ” you squeaked, catching a glimpse of his florescent red orbs.
You raced over to the door, pausing your music with a fast tap to the pad of your phone.
“ why were you watching me? ” you frowned at your boyfriend, your shoulders building tense.
“ y/n. . ” he mumbled, hand searching for his agitated neck. “ I just couldn't look away. ”
Katsuki Bakugo
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Bakugo did not underestimate your abilities. Ever.
From his experiences, he knows not to judge a person's abilities until you get a taste of what they can do.
He tried so hard to manipulate you into using your quirk, or just not being the peaceful person you came off as.
He faaaaailed
When you got to knew him better, you didn't hesitate to mop the floor with him.
He's impressed by your effort, so points there
He definitely liked your soft persona, on the contrary to his.
He won't tell you that though.
The closer you two got, the more he would step in to defend you and stick by your side.
The one time you snapped on somebody, he was left shaking in his boots.
He hasn't seen you behave like that. . He liked it 😏
Now don't get me wrong-
Baku didn't care for your dancing.
He didn't give a single fuck, okay
But whenever he actually saw your graceful dances on stage???
Consider him your biggest fan
But you wouldn't ever find that out. At least he thoughts so.
“ I have another recital tonig- ” you were cut off by an irritated Baku.
“ if you want me to go, just ask, dumbass! Stop whining. ” he snapped, leaving you blinking and dumbstruck
go off lord explosion murder-
He's in the front row just sitting there like
You already know he'll praise you for your preformance, whether those compliment were backhanded or of pure intent.
And if anybody dare thinks about down talking your dancing? They will be ripped. ..He would tear them apart with him bare hands. no cap.
If you absolutely amaze him, you will get the one in a lifetime chance to watch him stand up and scream your name with a proud grin, something along the lines of-
“ LOOK AT Y/N! (pronoun)'S DOING FUCKING AMAZING, JUST FUCKING LOOK AT MY BABY- ” his hand directed towards you, and you couldn't help but burn a shade of deep rose.
Tamaki Amajiki
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Before you two were in a relationship, you had him fooled.
Like Tamaki, you look like a cinnamon roll, but can murder somebody.
You are commonly underestimated, which gives you the upper hand. A lot.
Tamaki taught you how to use that
Training with him was just so sweet.
He'd be scared to hurt you though
Let's add to the fact that since you like like an easy target, you would probably get messed with.
He would be the first to step in and protect you
Despite the fact his hands are shaking, and he stutters a mess.
“ my suneater. . My hero. ” you planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
Here lies Tamaki Amajiki, Rest In Peace
Don't even get me started on your dancing.
He loves it! Absolutely melts his heart.
When he watches you at recitals, rehearsals, maybe even in the dorms, he feels the depth of your movement.
He becomes a flustered mess in the distance,,,,
“ I can't believe thats my bunny, she's doing so well! ” he quietly cooed from the audience.
He will not miss any of your recitals. Unless it's an emergency.
Even then, get prepared for massive cuddles when he gets back.
He'll feel guilty about not being there, he's more upset than you are.
“ Tama it's fine- ” you chuckled softly, cradling your boyfriend in a hug.
“ are you sure bunny? I'm sure you did amazing, and I missed it! ” he whined, fighting the urge to plant his face onto a wall and never look back.
Other than tons of extra love after a missed performance, he will without a doubt dress fancy and bring you a bouquet and some little gifts.
100/10 will pepper you with compliments
Honestly he's an angel
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.24
a/n: last of the fluff before we head back to the main arc :*
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 25
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​ @o-dragon05 @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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“I’ll be back in about 30 minutes.” Chisaki said as he stood up from your bed. Pressing his palm against your forehead, he felt your fever had only worsened. The vomiting had stopped, which he was more than thankful for, but it was now replaced with fever and chills. Though Gei had stated this was normal and that you should be fine within a day or two, he was still advised to stay till the end of the week.
“You don’t have to, Chisaki.”
“It’s fine.” He waved off. “I have something to do as well.”
Which was true. Hearing that you were craving for onigiri that only that store sold, he took that opportunity instead of having to sneak out. With Kurono now on his way, the quicker they settle things the better. Grabbing his surgical mask, he put it on before stepping into the hallways.
Being extra cautious, he exited your building as if it were something he did often. The security guard merely tilted his hat as a bow before opening the doors. Checking the surroundings, he took out his phone and made his way toward the shop.
It only took about 10 minutes to reach Onigiri Atsamu. When he entered the small establishment, he was greeted by the cook and saw the white hoodie of his right hand man. Before taking a seat he ordered what you had been craving for and took a seat.
“The bullets are ready for testing.” Kurono said with his voice low. Reaching into his pocket, he placed a prototype between them. “Mimic also reported that the heroes are wondering why activity has been low lately. Overheard them saying they might send in more heroes to keep watch.”
“Good. Things should be back to the way they were next week.”
“How is she, by the way?” Kurono took a calculated risk. Strike up a conversation to make things look normal. Though, he was genuinely curious for the turn of events. Especially for that minute second where Kai’s eyes widened. “A pain in the ass?”
“On the contrary, things have been moving quite well.” He shrugged and stared at the man making his order. His black cap hung low enough to cover his face. “Recovery is fast and her friend would be more than pleased at the results.”
“Hmm…” Kurono nodded and quickly eyed his boss. “Aight. Well, that’s it for me. I shall take my leave.”
“Sit.” Overhaul spoke up.
Not expecting that sudden outburst, he sat back down and stared at the man across him. Was there a request he forgot to fulfill? Or was he not truly satisfied with the report he had just given? Every single fault he could have missed ran through his mind till a steaming plate of onigiri was served on their table.
“Order up ya two. Hope ya like it. Added a bit more ingredients since I’m already closin’ up shop.” The cook said as he fixed his hat. His droopy eyes complimented his dark hair.
“Eat up.”
“Eh?” Kurono’s eyes went from the rice ball to Chisaki and back to the rice ball. “I’d rather not. You have more than earned my respect but I do not like to be tested.”
“What are you on about?” Chisaki commented. His face morphing into disgust. “You like onigiris, right? Or have your taste buds changed these past few years?”
“You’ve gotten soft.” He had to comment before grabbing one and savoring the goodness. “Shit these are good.”
“Take your time. I’ll be taking my leave now.” Grabbing the to go bag, he adjusted his mask and left a rather confused but contented arrow-haired man. Recalling that rather shocking moment from last night, he cringed at the memory and exited the shop.
True to his word, he came back within his stated time frame. Expecting to find you still in bed, it was a confusing surprise to find the kitchen filled with sounds of chopping and the speaker softly playing music. Taking a look at the entryway, he saw your back busy with whatever it was you were doing. Putting the bag down on the dining table, he proceeded into the kitchen.
“You’re back~” You finished rolling the last of the sushi. “And right on time too.”
“You’re supposed to be resting.” He leaned on the counter and took his mask off. Tossing it to the counter, he looked at you once more. “What’s with the sushi? We already had dinner.”
“I, uhh, I made these for you.” You lowered your head in an attempt to cover your reddening cheeks. “As a thank you, for taking care of me. I know you were forced to do it but… I appreciate it. I could’ve done it myself and do just as fine b-”
“You’re rambling, problem child.” Tucking in your hair, his touch was as soft as the word could get. Seeing how you jumped a bit at the sudden contact made his chest tingle. It was weird, the sensation, yet your reactions were always worth it. “Don’t bother hiding your flustered face.”
“You can’t just command people to show courage.” You huffed and took a piece of sushi. It was rolled just right and the stuffing placed perfectly. Offering it to him, your heart picked up pace when he leaned down and ate it from your hand.
“One of the best. Not bad, problem child.” He smirked before heading out to take out the onigiris.
Blinking yourself back to life, you cupped your heated cheeks and shut your eyes. You didn’t take any medicine but these past few days, yet you’ve been bolder when it came to your advances.
Recalling the conversation you had with Gei (Of course you called Gei when he left to get those onigiris), your best friend had ushered you to make the most out of your time. If it meant making the move, then you should make your move because it’s the modern times. Nothing but his usual speech when it comes to luring men.
Except this person wasn’t just any man. He was Overhaul.
Then again, the way he casually takes his mask off or comes out of the guest room wearing a shirt and sweats will forever be sketched in your mind.
Arranging the sushi on a plate, you walked to the dining table and caught sight of the onigiris. Putting the plate down and sitting across him, you said thanks and immediately grabbed one. The taste of Atsamu’s Onigiri was always the best. The consistency of the rice was perfect, the filling just right, and the nori thick enough to sustain the weight of savory goodness.
“By the way, I’m feeling much better now. I guess it’s fine if you take your leave tomorrow. I’ll handle Gei. Don’t worry.” You spoke up after the last grain of rice had been devoured.
“Alright.” Chisaki replied as he observed your fingers fiddling with each other.
For a moment, the air between you two grew rigid. Not a single eye contact made. When you told him that you would take care of the dishes, he found himself walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
As he was brushing, he couldn’t help but think. It had only been a few days but he had adjusted rather well to your company. Sure, he still managed the Shie Hassaikai but it was with your knowledge and you respected it.
Finished with everything, he headed back to your room and stopped when he saw your figure waiting by the sofa. The faint tint of red on your cheeks made him question your motives. But mostly due to the hideous pink hairband you held in your hands. Taking slow and careful steps forward, he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
“What in quirks name are you planning to d--” He was cut off when you hopped a bit and slid the hairband onto him so easily. His breath did a mini hitch when you pulled him down to your height and adjusted the band to pull back his hair.
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“Keep your mouth shut, Chisaki.” You were beaming.
“And why should I?”
“Because I’m about to give you the best ‘thank you’ gift you’ll ever receive~” Before he could protest, you took a hold of his hand and dragged him to your bedroom. Pulling him in front of you, though he almost lost balance, you held on to his shoulders and pushed him till he found himself sitting on the floor by your bed.
Not sure what was bound to happen, he observed as you jogged towards your bathroom and came out holding a rather large sachet of something.
Sitting with a bit of distance, you opened the sachet and asked for him to turn around.
“What exactly are you planning, (y/n)?” He let out a sigh but followed instructions. With his back facing you, he did a small jump when he felt his body being pulled down. Realizing that his head was now resting on your lap, he couldn’t help but smirk at the circumstances. “Well, aren’t you unpredictable?”
“What can I say? Gotta keep you on your toes right?” Putting the mask on, you had to admire how long his eyelashes were. Not even Gei was blessed with that kind of length. With his eyes closed, you smiled to yourself. He looked so peaceful and much younger like this. “Give me your hand.”
“Not scared of me overhauling you?” He peaked and lifted his hand. Savoring the heat of your palms as you began to massage. He could get used to this, he kept to himself.
“Why should I be? You’ve fed me, saw my vomit, damaged and fixed my unit, and a whole lot of other shit. I trust you enough.” You replied effortlessly as your fingers kneaded his palms. “Besides, you saved my life. It’s the least I can do.”
Silence hugged the both of you for a few good minutes. By the time you finished massaging his other hand, you asked him to sit down and turn to face you.
“You can overhaul the face mask if you want, I’m gonna be throwing it anyway.” You told him and he did. This would have to be the third or fourth time you’ve seen his quirk in action but it still mesmerized you. “May I?”
“What will you do now?” He squinted his eyes but his actions showed something different. It had not occurred to him that he had scooted closer. When your hands cupped his cheeks and began to gently rub the remaining oils into his skin, he let out a long sigh.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” Once again, the foreign sensation hit his chest. The way you were massaging his face, the soft and careful movements you made, clouded his judgement. Seeing how your eyes widened when he held onto your hands was electrifying. Taking a deep breath in, he saw how your eyes landed on his lips… Not knowing that he mirrored your action as well. “Why?”
“Why, what?”
“You know nothing good will ever come between…” The want to say the word ‘us’ had never been stronger, “This.”
“You’re right.” You looked away. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t indulge from time to time, right?”
Knowing this would lead nowhere, you slid your hands away from his and stood up. If there was one thing you needed, it was space and a good splash of cold water to your face. He was right. Nothing good would come whatever the hell was going on between you two.
“Heh.” You chuckled to yourself as you wiped your face. Rubbing your face as you stepped out of the bathroom, you opened your eyes to Overhaul sitting cozily on your bed. Fingers typing away in his laptop. The pink hairband still showing his pretty face. Glancing at the bedside table, he had also prepared your remaining medicine.
“I have made my decision.” He closed the laptop and put it away.
“Which is?” You adjusted your position and faced him. He was still seated but not too long before he too lay down.
“I’ll take my leave tomorrow.”
“Alright.” You gave him an earnest smile before turning around.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“It all depends on you.”
“Just say it.” He moved closer to your body. The mattress dipping behind you.
Facing him once more, you were met with blazing gold eyes that seemed to shimmer in the dimness of your room. Closing your eyes, you welcomed the brushing of his finger against your cheek. When you opened your eyes, blood came rushing to your cheeks at the closeness of his face.
“I want you to stay. But, my intuition tells me I have visitors tomorrow.”
“I can always come back when they leave.”
“I can’t risk them cornering you.” Taking his hand, you intertwined your fingers with his. Surprisingly enough he didn’t protest. “I think video calls will do the job.”
Pulling you closer, the small yelp that filled the room was music to his ears. Having your chests pressed against each other, he was sure you could feel the rapid beating of his heart. The fact alone that his heart was reacting this way only solidified his need. But you were right. The plans have been postponed, any more delays and things could go to waste.
“Okay. I’ll video call you.” Smirking at your widened eyes and red cheeks, he pulled your head to rest on the crook of his neck. “Good night, (y/n).”
 - - - - -
-we have reached the final fluff chapter so be we will now be going to the Shie Hassaikai Arc :') -this story is now reaching 50% completion! -i hope you guys liked the drawing <3 lmao -thank you all so much <3 me and my fam are doing much better! we're scheduled for a swab test later in the day and our results will arrive 3 days from now! :')
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straykidsupdate · 4 years
How Stray Kids ‘Naturally’ Created Their Debut Full-Length & Achieved New Career Highs
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All musicians wrestle with the balance between authentic artistic expression and clear commercial viability—with that heat all the more intesified for a boy band like Stray Kids navigating the fast-paced, real time results-focused K-pop industry. The eight-member outfit is known for their message-driven, self-produced work that stand out from their peers not just for taking such strong ownership in their output but for the experimentation that’s led to everything from increasingly irregular song structures to a small dictionary’s worth of newly coined vocabulary. It all makes their newly released Go Live full-length album even more remarkable as how it was not just their most organic output to date, but also led to a slew of new career highs too.
After two-and-a-half years and nearly a dozen EP releases since hitting the K-pop scene, Go Live has already become Stray Kids’ biggest-selling record to date in their native South Korea a month out. Songs like the bombastic, self-assured lead single “God’s Menu,” as well as the equally aplomb follow-up single “Easy,” shot up the download and streaming charts in a way past SKZ tracks have not, all indicating that the general attention and interest in the band was expanding as their core fanbase continued to be all the more impassioned.
While the powers above could have required a Stray Kids musical overhaul after the rollout of 2019’s Clé: Levanter saw a member depart the group, music videos need to be re-edited and songs re-recorded, Go Live instead doubles down on what makes up Stray Kids and reclaims their story in no uncertain terms.
I speak with Stray Kids members Bang Chan, Changbin, Han, Seungmin and Felix while they’re in the midst of promoting the album, energized from the positive response but also aware that their unique inner-workings and structures undoubtedly helped . They hold close to the importance of practice, communication, the community they’ve created for themselves and for fans—as well as their love of television and food—to create something that undoubtedly speaks for them. Some topics are still off-limits for the band, but what’s clear is that they’ve reclaimed their narrative and proven there’s undoubted commerciality in allowing for their organic creation.
Stray Kids say this album came out naturally, but what these humble creators likely don’t realize is the power in being able to not have your most natural expressions become something connects with so many people. That’s good business no matter the industry.
Jeff Benjamin: Congratulations on the response to Go Live. It’s your best-selling album, you’re rising up the charts, how are the promotions?
Bang Chan: We’re actually really, really excited, and we’re still really excited. Performing our new songs and showing people our music is really big honor. We’re just really, really happy. The fact that people are giving attention, particularly to our songs, we just want to say thank you to everyone. And thank you to you too, Jeff. [Laughs]
Jeff Benjamin: Oh, of course! I’m really happy for you guys, particularly because I’ve been reading you feel this album is the best representation of Stray Kids to date. Why exactly is that?
Han: With this album, everything went out naturally. From the preparations to everything we made, we just went all in—especially with our song “God’s Menu.” The inspiration came from different dramas we watched in our everyday lives. Every song on this album just came out the way it came out, really naturally.
Bang Chan: And for me, I’ve always liked experimenting with my lyrics with cooking metaphors.
Jeff Benjamin: Right. I mean, you, Changbin and Han are 3racha.
Bang Chan: Yes but with this album, a lot of things came out really naturally and on the spot. I think that made this album a little more special. Before, with the I Am series or the Clé series, we would think about what we wanted to deliver as a message and then make the music. But with this album, it just came out—I’m not sure how—but it just came out from within our soul.
What are everyone’s favorite songs?
Felix: “God’s Menu” is mine because it’s not only a song with a concept of cooking, but the way we’re cooking is all genuine. We’re trying to make it sweet, sour, all kinds of tastes we want to show through our genuine color. That’s just something we’ve been doing from the start and so this concept really does match to our goal in life.
Seungmin: My favorite is the b-side is “Blueprint,” I know Lee Know and I.N have the same opinion as me too.
Han: I really like “Phobia” because it’s a song that was a neat challenge for us, it’s kind of emotional while also showing the color of Stray Kids.
Bang Chan: It’s really tough to pick a favorite because I think everything is really really good. But I’ll add one of Hyunjin’s is “TA” as well.
Changbin: “God’s Menu,” I really feel that it’s one of our best. When it finally got released, I got a surge of energy and confidence.
Jeff Benjamin: I feel your confidence “God’s Menu!” Even on “Pacemaker” I see references to past works; lyrics about going at your own pace remind me of “My Pace.” Are there purposely connections to past Stray Kids music?
Felix: From the start, we wanted to produce music genuinely. Even to this day, we’ve kept our pace steady to get to where we are now—we just want to keep what’s genuine to us.
Seungmin: We always try to be more confident through practice. To be honest, there were times that we weren’t confidence but through various attempts we found our own color and gained more confidence.
Stray Kids’ R&B side came out on “Another Day,” which was written by Han. The pressures of time is once again referenced like in the past tracks, but is time still scary to you?
Han: When I wrote “Another Day,” it talks about how we and the time we had when we’re preparing music and how we’re always feeling pressed by it. But when it came to this album, we felt really really confident with our goals and what Stray Kids had to show. While we were writing, we really had a lot of confidence.
“Haven” was written by Bang Chan and brings this message of breaking molds to really clear terms. As a leader, how do you inspire your team to take the road less traveled?
Bang Chan: With the song “Haven,” the concept itself, I think of it as a safe place for Stray Kids and our fans, Stay. Basically, a place everyone can gather, they can do whatever they want—they can sing, they can dance, they can do whatever they want and not worry about anything. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, when you’re in this special district we have, everyone matters and everyone is special. I talk a lot about how we’ve grown, but for me the reason why I’m able to have the opportunity to lead in this way is because the boys give me a lot of strength. I might be the leader, but I don’t tell them, “OK, do this, do that, we’re going to do it like this, guys.” It’s more of a “what do you guys want to do? What do you guys think is right?” and as the leader I gather all the opinions and go with the best option for everyone. That’s what’s most important about being the leader. It’s because of the members I can lead.
The first full-length album appears to be so important at your label, JYP Entertainment. You had the full support of senior label artists like 2PM, DAY6 and TWICE. Did anything feel special or different in that regard?
Bang Chan: It is our first first-length album, we released a lot of EPs, but what felt like such a big thing to me, gave me goosebumps and made me feel so great was having seniors like [2PM’s] Jun.K, [DAY6’s] YoungK and [TWICE’s] Sana come and cheer us on. It gave us a lot of strength and a lot of confidence for the album. A full album is really special, and because it’s a special opportunity, we wanted to put in what Stray Kids are really all about right now.
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. Are there any messages, causes or words of comfort you’d like to share with readers right now?
Bang Chan: We are really aware of all the things that are happening around the world and we know our Stays are going through it as well. We may not be close distance-wise but, luckily because we have the Internet and our music, we want to say that we’re always there for them. You can always come find us for comfort—just like I said in “Haven”—and know that we never forget about you. We’re always, always there.
The conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Source: Forbes
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spriteandnicotine · 4 years
The Thing You Love
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Pairing-> Kai Chisaki xFem!  Reader
Genre-> Fluff
Warnings-> Drinking
a/n-> Yes; I understand Overhaul is a sociopath and a germaphobe but it is quite possible this <could> happen
My name is Y/N and from a young age I’ve known I was different from others. By simply looking at a person, I could tell what the thing/person they love the most in the world is. As I got older, I gained the ability to cast multiple illusions of what that person loves in order to surround and overwhelm them. The quirk only works on one person at a time, and only that person can see the illusions. The person I use my quirk on immediately forgets who I am. Once I told my father about my quirk, I could no longer cast illusions of my mother around him. Through trial and error, I discovered if I so much as utter what my quirk is to someone, they are immune to my illusions, so it is very important that I keep it a secret.
Because my quirk must be kept a secret, I decided against going to a high school that would help me harness my quirk. Instead, with my father’s permission, I worked to fight crime from the shadows my senior year. One of the most memorable days was when I helped out the hero known as Endeavor to take down Shin Nemoto. I cast illusions from the side of the room, and while Nemoto was freaking out, Endeavor took him down and placed him in handcuffs. Endeavor put the villain up against the wall and moved on to the next room. 
I took the chance to step out from the shadows. Nemoto turned to face me, and from the scrunching in the corners of his eyes, I could tell he was smiling. 
“And who do we have here?” he asked, an amused tone in his voice.
The prior battle being so short, I was still unsure of what his quirk was, so I responded, “Y/N.”
“And what’s your quirk?” he asked, chuckling softly. 
“I cast illusions of the thing or person people love the most, which I can find out by looking at someone,” I blurted out before I had the chance to cover my mouth with my hands. My eyes widened with horror. He must have the ability to make people confess anything-- but how?
As I finished saying this, a new figure appeared from the doorway. Recognizing the figure as a second villain, I tried to run from the room, but as I reached the doorway, I felt an immense pain where my foot meets my leg. I collapsed immediately, and upon looking down, realized that my foot had disintegrated. 
While I was screaming in agony, the figure made his way over to Nemoto and got rid of the handcuffs. He told him something quietly, but I could feel myself fading from consciousness. 
When I woke, I saw more villains with masks sitting around, waiting for me to regain awareness of my surroundings. 
Nemoto looked me dead in the eyes and asked, “How did you find us, and who do you work for?” 
Not wanting to give them any more intel, I quickly covered my mouth with my hands, thus muffling my words. 
“Kendo, tie her hands to the chair,” the man from before ordered.
Wanting to get out of there, I stood up, losing balance due to my peg leg, and fell into the glass coffee table which was directly in front of me. I felt strong hands on my back as the guy I can only infer is Kendo picked me up and sat me in the chair, tying my hands to the handles.
“I’ll ask you once again: How did you find us, and who do you work for?” Nemoto repeated, his cold eyes bore into my skull. 
“I spent months working with pro heroes who don’t know me. I work to fight for my own definition of justice. I worked from the shadows, and simply followed Endeavor on this case because it seemed different from the others I am used to working.” I responded, biting my tongue once I had blurted out the relevant information.
He quickly followed up with another question. “How does your quirk work?”
“If anyone knows what my quirk is, it won’t work on them. I can tell what they love the most still, but the hallucinations won’t work,” I responded, the copper taste of blood slowly spreading throughout my mouth. Shit. Now I can’t fool anyone in this room.
The man that took my foot dismissed everyone from the room, taking the opportunity to sit across from me. He undid my restraints slowly and carefully, keeping surgical gloves on the whole time, his plague doctor mask still covering his nose and mouth.
“My name is Chisaki. I’m the leader of the Shie Hassaikai. If you work under me, I will restore your foot, and if not I can and will take you out of existence.” As he said this, a feeling of dread filled me. 
My heart raced as I responded, “I’ll do it.”
A year later, the Shie Hassaikai decided to throw a party to celebrate the day I joined them. I made my way to the punch bowl and chugged as much of the beverage as I could manage. I sat in the corner, watching everyone celebrate around me. 
As the buzz began to kick in, Kai came down from his room. He was wearing a red suit with a white undershirt and black bowtie, along with the mask I had learned to love throughout the year.
I stood up and walked over to him, curtsying as a joke. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, Chisaki?” I asked- nervous that he would say no due to his germaphobia. He shook his head no, his shoulder colliding with mine as he brushed me off.
Fine. If he won’t dance with me, I’ll show him what he’s missing out on. I went up to the DJ and asked him to play something I could head bang to. As the song came on, I turned to the closest person to me, dancing violently. Within the next few seconds, a mosh pit had formed, the only person not taking part being Chisaki.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Chisaki moving quickly towards me, being careful to avoid contact with others. I got out of the crowd and made my way to him, slowing down my movements. After the song ended, there was a slight pause before “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis began to play. 
Chisaki surprised me by placing his gloved hands around my waist, causing me to blush. As my cheeks turned a strawberry hue, I placed my hands on his shoulders, not wanting the moment to end. 
As the song switched from chorus to verse, we turned in one swift motion and I lost my balance, stepping on his foot with all of my weight. I could sense his blood begin to boil. 
He picked me up, placing one arm in the crook of my knees and the other along my back. Due to the loud music, it appeared that no one noticed him stomping up the stairs. Once he reached the top, he swung open the door to his bedroom and slammed it shut behind him. He threw me onto the bed, his eyes hungry for revenge.
Trying to regain my composure, I propped myself up against the pillows, smoothing the skirt of my dress down. Without warning, he removed his glove and placed his hand on the same foot I had lost about a year ago.
Screaming out in pain, I pleaded, “Please Chisaki. I need my foot back. You don’t understand how much it hurts to not have a foot. I can’t walk. I can’t go anywhere. Are you just going to throw me back out to the streets?”
He scoffed, turning his back to me and walking towards his bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet with his remaining gloved hand, pulling out a new surgical grade glove and snapping it into place. He quickly made his way to the door. After opening it, he turned around to look me in the eyes. 
“Chisaki,” I mumbled out between deep breaths. “How am I to help your cause if I can’t go anywhere?”
I could see the gears turning in his head as he mulled over whether or not I deserved to get my foot back. The phantom pains grew the longer I went without it. As I screamed out in pain again, salty tears streaming down my face, I could feel his warmth hover over me. His hand reached out to the knob and within mere seconds, my ankle and foot were back in place, the pain gone.
The feeling of the foot being replaced disgusted me, and I brushed past Chisaki, mumbling a, “Thanks,” as I made my way down the hall to my room. I locked the bathroom door, and turned on the hot water; then I grabbed a towel and washcloth from the cabinet next to the sink. 
Part of joining the Shie Hassaikai was that I had to move into the hideout, leaving behind my father and friends altogether. On the plus side, I got a nice bedroom with a built in bathroom, and all necessary things to survive.
I turned on the speaker in the bathroom, trying to drown out the music happening downstairs with my own. Soon after, I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower, taking special care to scrub my foot and the point where it joins my calf. 
After the shower, I got out and wrapped myself in my towel. I made my way to the sink, grabbing the toothbrush out of its holder and the toothpaste from the medicine cabinet, scrubbing my mouth from top to bottom, front to back.
While scrubbing my tongue with the brush in my dominant hand, I grabbed the floss from the still open cabinet in front of me. I followed up brushing my teeth with flossing, then brushing my hair after spraying a leave-in conditioner in it, making the room smell mildly of coconut.
Satisfied with my appearance, I turned off my music and unlocked the door, opening it to find Chisaki standing in the door frame without his gloves or mask on. His smooth face took my breath away, and he leaned in for a kiss. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck as our mouths collided, sparks of electricity shooting through my body. His tongue passed against my lower lip, and I opened my mouth. As our tongues melded together, I decided to use my quirk to look into his mind one last time. The thing he loves the most is no longer a quirkless world --- it’s me.
Taglist: @megalodon-writes
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therappundit · 4 years
Best of the 1st Half: 2020′s Best Rap Projects (*so far*)...
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“I’ve had, the halftime of my life...!”
*record scratch*
2020, WHAT THE F**K. 😳
Ohhh what a first half it has been. If 2020 ended today, it would still be one of the most historic years in a century...and NOT in a pleasant way. Years from now 2020 will be studied for the long-term damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the potential breaking point (hopefully??) of this country’s ignorance to systematic racism and the need for a complete overhaul of our police departments, and of course, whatever the hell comes from the November Presidential election....and, not to mention whatever additional ‘tbd’ chaos rings in the second half of ‘20 that we haven’t even heard about yet!? These are trying times, folks.
My whole life, I have tried to use humor and entertainment to help me with processing high levels of stress and anxiety. This year, that process has felt more daunting than usual. I am writing less and less, and often find Twitter to be too dark of a place for me to navigate. It’s anything but a fulfilling “escape”. Still, I am constantly inspired by all of the new music that fills my headspace during life’s precious little moments, and it really keeps me grounded in the day to day. 
At the end of 2019, I wrote the below in one of my posts. It took me back to a special feeling that I had, at a moment when the future seemed more like an opportunity, rather than a worrisome question mark. I’m going to work towards finding that place again, and I wanted to re-share this because it speaks to how the love of any art can be a healthy reminder of what we have to be thankful for in our daily lives:
“Regardless of how you feel about this list, I hope that you visit (or re-visit) any one of these pieces of strong work and find the same level of enjoyment that I did. I loved so much rap music this year and I could not be more excited about what the future holds. On a personal note, in 2019 I found myself even more in love with my wife, feeling luckier than I have in a long time, more satisfied with my hobbies and passions, and above all else, more in awe of my child (and anyone that ever raised a child) than ever before. I became a father for the first time in 2019, so as my baby daughter continues to fill my heart, I am beginning to wonder what she will think of her father’s love for this art form that has brought him so much joy over the years…I suppose time will tell.”
This list is long, because I think the talent that went into these projects is worth your time (and I put a lot of thought into creating this list as well...I do not work in the industry or know anyone that does, and I do not have any real platform - I just do this because I love the music).
If you are an artist on this list, I want to thank you, because you helped me stay positive and focused on a brighter future that I hope will soon come to us all...because everyone has been through something this year, and we deserve better.  So salute to you and many, many others. 🙏🙏🙏
- THE Rap Pundit
The “Rules” for my list of the Best Projects of Q1-Q2 2020:
- the album/mixtape/EP/project/whatever you want to call it had to be released this year, by June 26, 2020
- the project must have at least 6 songs 
- these rankings are a combination of my own personal preference, my take on overall quality of the project (whether it speaks deeply to my sensibilities or not), and how the final product compares to other work from the artists’ peers that occupy the same lane/‘sub-genre’ of rap music
So here we go 👀...
1. The Price of Tea in China by Boldy James and The Alchemist
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Sometimes the greatest albums are not the most ambitious or flashy, they are remembered based off the strength of artistic chemistry and execution. Basketball fans know the beauty of a perfectly timed chest pass to a teammate streaking towards the basket can be more impressive than a behind the back pass that’s simply done for the sake of showing everyone that you can do a fancy pass. Staying with that theme, The Price of Tea in China is The Alchemist doing his best John Stockton impression, serving to Boldy James’ Karl Malone, and by album’s end you realize that Boldy scored a quiet 40 points while making this rap shit look like an easy lay-up.
TPOTIC finds Boldy sprinkling every ounce of his Detroit seasoning into Al’s pot to yield one of the most Mobb Deep-esque collaboration albums since Mobb Deep was dropping albums. In turn, this project is not only Boldy’s greatest work, but it serves as a re-introduction of a veteran MC that is suddenly more relevant than ever.  Much like what Freddie Gibbs and Madlib did with 2019′s Bandana, this project is a great lesson on what MC and Producer chemistry can sound like when both parties are 100% on the same page when it comes to message, tone, and aesthetic goals. 
It would make sense that Boldy James would fall into the Griselda fold, because much like Westside Gunn, Conway The Machine and Benny The Butcher, he comes from a city with a rich rap music scene that still struggles to reach the level of exposure that the NYCs, L.A.’s, Chicago's and Atlanta’s have basked in for so long. He writes from a place of “been there, done that”, showing a rich attention to detail that separates his street tales from that of his peers in the same way someone telling a story second or third hand can’t match the level of detail that an eye witness has saved in the memory bank. Boldy has survived both real world and music business challenges to rise from the ashes of “hey whatever happened to so & so, he was about to blow” conversations to reach a new peak in his mid-30′s. He deserved this suite of incredible Alchemist soundscapes (Al is deep in his bag here, delivering some of his most low-key impressive instrumentals in years), and like his super-producer buddy, Boldy is looking down at us from atop an already prolific 2020 at its’ midpoint.  
I’m not sure anyone can match the chemistry that Prodigy and Mobb Deep had with The Alchemist, but in 2020, The Price of Tea in China delivers some of the most brutally subdued, occasionally humorous, stripped down rap records since P was throwing TV’s at us like he had nothing left to lose. If The Price of Tea in China isn’t holding the championship at year’s end, it still deserves to be mentioned as an impressive work by one of the strongest title-worthy unions running the pick and roll in the genre today.
2. Àdá Irin by Navy Blue 
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Okay let’s be honest: the “sub-genre” that is often referred to as lo-fi rap music (whether you consider it an actual lane or not, I know you know what I’m talking about...which I suppose proves its’ existence, right?), is beginning to suffer from the same affliction that all other sub-genres tend to suffer from once the word is out that this is “the thing” that the kids find trendy right now. A lot of folks in this lane sound *exactly* the same to the average listener. I’m not even the average listener, and I often feel that way. The irony that comes with being part of the sound that’s supposed to be bucking the mainstream clone machine turning into a mini-clone machine itself, means that the window is in danger of closing to avoid over-saturation of the artists that are already thriving between the gravelly, whisper-welcoming walls of Soundcloud URLs and Bandcamp EPs being slid to their heady fanbase with zero promotion. So with that all being said...why give Navy Blue a chance?
Navy Blue lacks the name recognition of many of his peers (for now), but he has now been thriving in the lo-fi pocket for some time as both a MC and producer, a young artist that’s closely connected to the lane’s most famous figureheads (Earl Sweatshirt, and to some extent, Mach-Hommy), as well as less heralded trailblazers like MIKE and the whole sLUms collective. Sure you can check out Navy’s Soundcloud page to get a taste of his work, but with this Àdá Irin album, we don’t just hear raw snippets of a freshly discovered unsigned talent. With this album we hear Navy as a self-assured solo artist, capable of sharing an inspirational song with the likes of Ka and sounding like every bit of the veteran next to the iconic soft-spoken lyricist. This is a very, very impressive debut full length album that showcases the best that the (sub)genre has to offer: some experimentation, jazzy loops, the diary-like intimacy of words that sit like dust on an old basement book shelf, and the raw emotions that come from working through love, pain and loss in real time. In 2020 there may be nothing completely new under the sun, but it’s the aesthetic choices that Navy Blue makes with every verse and every instrumental that make Àdá Irin feel like a perfect balance of beauty and sadness. If you want to dip a toe in this water but you’re not sure you can get into the mumblecore-ish world of MIKE, MAVI, Medhane or Earl’s work from the past two years, this Navy Blue album might actually be the perfect intro.
3. A Written Testimony by Jay Electronica (featuring JAY-Z)
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Not a lot of positive breaking news in 2020...but when Jay Electronica surprised Twitter with a few cryptic Tweets back in February, implying that he was dropping an album (and Jay-Z would likely be involved), the rap game was set ablaze with excitement, skepticism, disbelief, and hope (albeit with some measured caution there as well). 
This is something that fans, and arguably the entire rap world, had been clamoring for for a decade, many long since moving on believing that Jay Elec’s debut album had gone the way of Detox, sharing “1a & 1b” status as the most eagerly anticipated projects none of us seriously expected to hear. 
Then it dropped....and then it went. In a Twitter-run rap world, quality is too often measured by how long a piece of art stays within the “trending” mix, as opposed to...well, whether or not it’s actually good! The truth is, A Written Testimony is not just good, it’s very, very good, and while it’s not the “Illmatic 2″ that some may have been expecting, realistically it’s superior to what I imagined a new project from such a reclusive artist would sound like in 2020. If you at least try to table the expectations laid out when “Exhibit C” came out in 2009...I think you will find a project (it’s up to you whether or not you want to count this a “solo debut” or not, but at this point, it’s new Jay Electronica - can we just leave it at that??) stacked with memorable moments, quotable gems throughout, stellar production (this is one of the best produced projects of 2020 by far, not sure how/why this piece of the puzzle would receive anything less than acclaim), and some moments of questionable preaching made more palatable by a strong overall voice and package.
Jay Electronica raps with conviction throughout, and while the project feels brief, it lasts long enough to be more than a quick feeling, even if many feel that it’s not long enough to feel like a full album. If "Exhibit C" was the teaser then this is the redband trailer, flashing enough skill and details to resonate for far longer than its’ duration. Much has been said about the heavy hand of JAY-Z on most of the project’s 7 tracks, but let’s be clear, this is not Watch The Throne 2 (even though at points, it may feel like something along those lines). Yes, in impressive fashion, Hov comes through riding shotgun to show a deeper shade of one of his more complex dimensions, with many of his rhymes begging for dissection with every bar. However, AWT features a JAY-Z that’s rapping through Jay Electronica’s lens, not by any means where 4:44 or Everything Is Love left off. This is definitely a Jay Electronica album. AWT dives in and out of Jay Electronica’s beliefs in broad strokes that appear and disappear rather quickly, but even when certain verses raise more questions than provide answers, every song still has at least a handful of the gripping words that remind us of what made Jay Elec-Hanukkah sound like the chosen one in the first place (his tussle with writer’s block and hesitation to put out any art make for some of the projects most engaging moments).
If A Written Testimony is the last Jay Electronica album we ever here - which I truly hope it is not the case - it is still a memorable piece of work. So if you were one of the folks that moved on from it after the “surprise” of Jay finally dropping a project subsided, I hope you change that stance and revisit it once again.
4. Descendants of Cain by Ka
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“Quiet and frigid disposition, growin' up in the cold /  Surprised I ain't get high from what I was low enough to behold /  Like when Pops shot at the neighbor's shop, put one in his head /  He knew how he grew me, threw me the gun, a hundred, and fled /  Didn't play, 'fore po' arose dispose of exhibit A / I was raised to age a few years in a day /  If not elite, didn't eat if you didn't pray /  As much as I heal, had to deal, all my scars are here to stay /  Our senseis spent days peddling /  Our heroes sold heroin.” - Ka, “Patron Saints”
He makes it seem almost too easy. If the writing wasn't so gripping, you might not even revisit it. Ka’s Descendants of Cain arrived with little fanfare, except for the collective awe of his humble but religiously devoted fan-base. The religious devotion is an important piece here, as Cain adds to Ka’s quietly impressive discography another strong album that leans on classic scribes as inspiration to spin poignant metaphors on Brooklyn street philosophy. 
This time, the classic work is the Christian Bible, and Ka being the brilliant MC/poet that he is, seems to have little trouble working with the medium to preach without sounding preachy, and wax familiar-sounding nostalgia over wax that sounds as dusty as it feels fresh, rich, and urgent. Producing much of the album himself, along with a few trusted collaborators, the album’s strength is in its’ density, as each song feels like it requires a pause to unpack every bar...and to be honest, that’s exactly the type of attention this work deserves. If you missed this one in the first half of 2020′s feverish dump of new releases, you need to remedy that immediately.
5. Pray for Paris by Westside Gunn 
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If The Alchemist is the overall rap music MVP for his many contributions to 2020 thus far,  Westside Gunn may deserve at least a few honorable mentions. From becoming the ambassador of Buffalo New York to stepping up as an ambassador of the underground rap resurgence, I don’t think any other rap artist has done more to run with the torch that Roc Marciano has been waving for a damn decade than the Griselda mastermind. If you happened to hear Gunn name-dropping to Peter Rosenberg on Rosenberg’s long-standing Real Late show on Hot 97, you know exactly what I mean. Shouting-out close allies and lesser known peers alike, Gunn’s presence proudly announced the underground movement’s invasion of the highly known New York City radio station. It felt like ECW invading WWE’s Monday Night Raw all over again. Of course Gunn’s voice was met with more ears than usual during that interview, since that appearance came hot off the heels of the release of his much discussed side project turned full-blown album, Pray for Paris.
By now most fervent rap fans know the story behind the album (a project that miraculously arrived to completion while Gunn was suffering from the affects of coronavirus), but for many Pray for Paris is the introduction to the story of Griselda Records and the world that they revel in. If Conway the Machine and Benny the Butcher are responsible for the Griselda team’s grittiest street tales, Westside Gunn’s success leans on his ability to blur the line between all-too-real violence and cartoon violence, splattered with elite luxury references and shout-outs for his fellow wrestling addicts. The song titles are merely scattered trains of thoughts that may or may not have anything directly to do with a song’s actual meaning, it’s like naming your child ‘brunch in Williamsburg’ just because it was the last meal you happened to have that day. An audience brought up on Lil Wayne as the God MC may be completely lost at the appeal, but audiences brought up on Wu, DOOM and Sean Price know exactly what vibe Westisde Gunn is going for.
At times Gunn can come across as more of a talent curator than a stand alone MC, so if this is the album that takes Gunn to the next level as a rap star, it would make him the most unselfish rap star to come along in some time. A rapper doesn’t jump on an Alchemist produced track with the likes of Freddie Gibbs and Roc Marciano and expect to leave with anything but the Bronze medal. The same can be said for his chopped and screwed contribution to “Claiborne Kick”, which clearly belongs to Boldy James. That’s not to say that Gunn’s verse is a weak moment on any of the joints on Paris, but the fact that he consistently surrounds himself with high caliber writers confirms that he is well aware that the quality of the final product will be determined by the team involved, not just the artists’ name on the album cover.
For someone that considers himself more of an artist than a rapper, he continues to paint intriguing collages with every album, featuring him at the center of an ever-expanding portrait of MCs, producers, singers, designers, and dancers. Pray for Paris is a typical Griselda project that also happens to sport the potential of something larger than most of their fanbase ever imagined. Yes we get the dark backdrops, elite underground production, and quotables throughout, but we also get a few additional shades, as Gunn dabbles with a “beauty and the beast” dynamic that cleanly pairs his violent imagery with fashionista pomp and circumstance (which no doubt helped draw the likes of Wale and Tyler, the Creator to this project). But t’s all less of a solo album to push a mainstream solo career forward, and much more of a cannonball through the mainstream wall, just to allow some sunlight to shine on his people...and his city, for that matter - because best believe, Paris may be the inspiration behind the project but Buffalo, New York is still with him every step of the way. 
6. Alfredo by Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist
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A highly enjoyable surprise drop from two-thirds of the potent combination that gave us the fan favorite project that was Fetti (shout-out to Curren$y, though), Alfredo feels like the perfect treat to hold us over during these trying times. It feels rushed, but simultaneously sharp and activated. It has the feeling of a controlled experiment that was slapped together in separate rooms, rather than carefully curated by multiple artists hunched over the same mixer for days on end. Alfredo is more of a display of two power hitters putting on an impressive showing at a Home Run Derby, rather than the collaboration that has been slowly simmering for years...but that’s also part of the fun, because it feels like Al & Fredo (eh?) were just as excited to release it as we all were to hear it.
Neither party is reinventing the wheel here, but if you are going to have a rapper and a producer connect for an album of great rapping over great beats, you would be hard pressed to find a more natural pairing than these two. The Alchemist delivers with samples that channel the speakeasy jazz of an old piano, and Freddie is simply the king of hard-rap soul right now, so he excels on every song. There are moments of darkness, moments of hope, and moments of self reflection (Gibbs is a logical choice to swing haymakers back at cops abusing their power), all delivered by Freddie at a break-neck speed over Al's significantly less urgent production....as if Gibbs frantically spilled his guts to his buddy over the phone while Al was kickin’ back with a joint saying “uh-huh...yup, I hear ya man.” The final result is an effective one, if not a quick teaser of what a lengthier amount of collaboration time between the two might sound like. It should also be said that the guest verses on this album (especially those from Tyler, The Creator and Conway) took this album up a few spots on this ‘best of’ list. Alfredo is easily one of the strongest surprises of 2020.
7. Reasonable Drought by Stove God Cook$ and Roc Marciano
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There is a tradition in the rap music biz that newer/younger artists are often shepherded along by more seasoned artists in order to insure that the less experienced artist is blessed with the built-in audience that comes with a co-sign. It doesn’t always work, but typically the initiation comes with a solid musical foundation on a debut project accompanied by a greener MC still finding his/her way. Not the case with Stove God Cook$, he is perhaps the most unexpectedly fresh MC to be cut from classic rap cloth since Griselda & Mach-Hommy began to build cult-like followings.
While Reasonable Drought (and seriously, how bold of a title is that for a debut!?) is blessed by the impressive production and mentorship of underground rap icon Roc Marciano, it truly is the lesser known MC himself that captures the imagination right from the get-go. When I say that in my life time, I cannot recall such a strong debut performance by a MC that I have heard virtually no work from prior to his 2019 emergence, with the help of minimal publicity/ad budget (if any? Cook$ was barely on social media until *after* his album had already been released) on his way to dropping an album with zero features...then you should take my recommendation very seriously. Fresh style, some of the most rewind-worthy quotables in recent memory (an Uncle Buck reference!? Bow down, people), and a new following built exclusively on the word of mouth of equal-minded folks that were blown away by a project many copped on a passing whim... it’s clear that this moment could be the beginning of an amazing, fascinating career. 
Similar to Roc Marciano before him, Cook$ possesses a rare flare with his wordplay and delivery that makes even the ugliest tales of coke dealing and disrespectful criminal activity sound like the colorful exploits of a post-Blaxploitation hero. He delivers every bar with the uber-specific word choice of Roc, but the outgoing swag of a Max B. The man that has people that never touched cocaine in their life singing that they’re “smelling like a brick right now”, is smelling like a winner in 2020 and beyond.
8. Battle Scar Decorated by Monday Night & Henny L.O.
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Last call to board the Mutant Academy bandwagon! 
I have been saying that this deep underground collective of MCs & producers has been low key having a banner year all year long, and scrolling through this list you can see exactly what I mean. Henny L.O. is too good to be slotted as just a battle rapper, while Monday Night is far too strong of a presence to be considered a mere associate of the core Mutant team. When you think of Mutant Academy and their respective affiliated acts, think of them as a gathering of solo artists that happen to make dope rap music together, but all parties involved are capable of standing on their own two. I think that’s what consistently impresses me about their projects...hat, and the lack of filler material.
Along with a deep Rolodex of mostly under-the-radar talent, the hunger and confidence of a thriving Richmond, Viriginia rap scene is present on every track of Battle Scar Decorated. Much like many of my favorite albums of 2020, there is no reinventing of the wheel here, the triumph is in the execution. Monday & Henny tag in and out, each with the confidence that they have spit the best verse on the song before they have even finished. It’s that level of ability combined with a shocking amount of production talent that makes Battle Scar Decorated essential listening to anyone that wants to be reminded of a vibe that hasn’t been in abundance in the underground rap scene since L.A. in the late 90′s. It wouldn’t be fair to talk about how much I enjoyed this project without including the great producers involved, so a big s/o to: Sycho Sid, C.R.I.S.T.E.N, James Couch, Savvy, Heather Grey, and Ewonne.
9. Eastern Medicine, Western Illness by Preservation
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Accompanied by a who’s who of underground hip-hop’s finest (Roc Marciano, Mach-Hommy, Your Old Droog, Quelle Chris, Nickelus F, Tree, Navy Blue, Billy Woods, Ka *and more* - I mean seriously!?), Preservation has assembled an impressively cohesive compilation album both sonically and thematically. 
Incorporating record samples from his travels in China, Eastern Medicine, Western Illness feels born in simplicity even though it is anything but a casual collection of dope verses over tightly wound production. A quietly gifted producer, Preservation knows how to squeeze the best out of his guests without shouting the results through the speakers, the choices are more subtle but yield a high impact and replay value. Listening to the project feels more like listening to a secret, unreleased project, because it’s hard to believe that this much talent would gift this much high caliber writing to a compilation of songs...although that was not uncommon in the 90′s and early 00′s (ah, I’m showing my old age again). Perhaps that’s a testament to Preservation’s vision, a DJ/producer with a relatively small catalog built on curated quality (see his fantastic 2015 collaboration with Ka on Days With Dr. Yen Lo). Eastern Medicine has enough talent involved that it could have been a worthy listen even if it was just as a hodgepodge of donated loosies, so the fact that the final product is so much more than that makes it an album that warrants a great deal of more attention.
10. The Allegory by Royce Da 5′9″
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No accomplished lyricist makes life harder on himself than Royce Da 5′9″. Be it his tendency to cram personal observations and disclosures in and around his punchlines, or experimenting production wise, the Detroit veteran is intent on finding new ways to approach fine wine music, tossing more complex offerings into his catalog over the past few years. Things are no different with The Allegory. 
Not only did Royce once again pen an album that speaks to his ability to cope with his own past and present, he inserts himself in the producer chair as well, addressing the trials and tribulations of the increasingly problematic world around him, over backdrops crafted by only his hand a a few trusted peers. The effect is mostly successful, with the production exceeding the expectations of many (myself included), while the writing is at times both thought-provoking and in need of further exploration on Royce’s part. The guest features range from effective to scene stealing (not because Royce ‘s verse is outshined, but there are moments where it seems as if the guest is better suited over Royce’s own production than he is). If you’re Royce Da 5′9″ and you release an album titled The Allegory, no one should expect a simple quick fix of bars over easily digestible instrumentals. The highs come in abundance, and while the lows come in small trip-ups and the occasional skit that the listener probably could have done without, you get the sense that with some editing and further focus of his lofty goals, his sermons could have been sharpened into a more effective analysis of many of his topics (the music business, being black in America, history, conspiracy theories), resulting in an incredible album instead of a very good one. Nevertheless, it is all worth the ride to hear the latest work from one of rap music’s most gifted MC’s from the past decade. If The Allegory isn’t a home-run, it’s at the very least a strong base hit.
Top 50 (all belong in the Top 10-25, but...there’s only 25 spots in the Top 25, soooo):
11. Cold Water by Medhane
12. Shrines by Armand Hammer
13. Bag Talk by yungmorpheus & Pink Siifu
14. Try Again by ovrkast.
15. RTJ4 by Run The Jewels
16. Noise Kandy 4 by Rome Streetz
17. Innocent Country 2 by Quelle Chris
18. Weight of the World by MIKE
19. Sages by Henny L.O. & Ohbliv
20. Milestones by Skyzoo
21. Carpe Noctem by Big Ghost Ltd
22. Lake Water by SeKwence
23. At the End of the Day. by Fly Anakin
24. Sole Food by Deniro Farrar
25. The Oracle 3 by Grafh
26. The Blue Tape by Tree
27. lo&behold by lojii
28. Infinite Wisdom by Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon
29. FULL CIRCLE by Medhane
30. UNLOCKED by Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats
31. The Throwaways by The Opioid Era
32. Anyways by Young Nudy
33. PTSD (Deluxe) by G Herbo
34. Holly Favored by Monday Night & Foisey
35. THE GOAT by Polo G
36. Demon & Mufasa by Yhung T.O. & DaBoii 
37. The Face of Jason by ANKHLEJOHN
38. My Turn by Lil Baby 
39. No One Mourns the Wicked by Conway & Big Ghost Ltd.
40. Two4one by Jay Worthy 
41. Free Drakeo by Drakeo
42. Alone Time by YL
43. Assata by CV$ a.k.a. Con$piracy & Teller Bank$
44. Thug Tear by Big Kashuna O.G. & Monday Night
45. Ways and Means by Rasheed Chappell & 38 Spesh
46. IMMORTALKOMBAT by Al Divino & Estee Nack
47. Young & Turnt 2 by 42 Dugg
48. Sleeper Effect by Sleep Sinatra
49. Juno by Che Noir & 38 Spesh
50. LULU by Conway & The Alchemist
THE REST OF THE BEST (all belong in the Top 50 releases of 2020, but..what can I say, blame 2020 for being such a stacked year for music/events I guess):
Black Schemata by yungmorpheus,  The Smartest by Tee Grizzley,  Polly by the Powder Keg by Chuck Chan & Pad Scientist,  High Off Life by Future,  Gotham City Album by Plex Diamonds,  Memphis Massacre 2 by Duke Deuce, Poetic Substance by RIM & Vinyl Villain,  Styles David: Ghost Your Enthusiasm by Styles P,  MF Bloo by Bloo & Spanish Ran,  LSD by The Leonard Simpson Duo & Guilty Simpson,  Funeral by Lil Wayne,  RAW UNKNOWN by Spectacular Diagnostics,  Nezzie’s Star by Eddie Kaine,  ShrapKnel (self-titled),  The Bluest Note by Skyzoo & Dumbo Station,  WUNNA by Gunna,  Get Money Teach Babies by Heist Life & Spanish Ran,  Open Casket by Killer Kane,  6 Rings by Yung Mal,  The Beauty of It by Eto,  Meet The Woo 2 by Pop Smoke,  Fresh Air by UFO Fev & Statik Selektah,  Vito by Vince Ash,  GRIMM & EViL by GRiMM Doza,  RUDEBWOY by CJ Fly,  Rocket to Nebula by Killah Priest,  EVERYTHING by Kota the Friend,  NO Blade of Grass by V Don,  Eternal Atake by Lil Uzi Vert,  I’m My Brother’s Keeper by Yella Beezy & Trapboy Freddy,  Carhartt Champions by Tree Mason,  Viral Viral! by Dunbar,  Rowhouse Whispers by Ray West & Zilla Rocca,  Magneto Was Right #4 by Raz Fresco,  DUMP LIFE by Tha God Fahim, Jay NiCE & Left Lane Didon,  Burn One, Tap In, Zone Out by Dot Demo,  FNTG: From Niggaz to Godz by Squeegie O,   PANAGNL4E, Vol. 2 by Los and Nutty,  Death 2 All Haterz 2 by Rigz & Symph,  Thank You For Using GTL by Drakeo & JoogSzn,  Adjust to the Game by Larry June,  Martyr’s Prayer by Elcamino & 38 Spesh,  BETTER by Deante’ Hitchcock,  Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 by $ilkMoney,  No Cosign Just Cocaine 3 by Ty Farris,  Hear No Equal by Chuuwee,  MSYKM by Tsu Surf,  Your Birthday’s Cancelled by Iron Wigs,  Spring Clean by Curren$y & Fuse,  Arctic Plus Degrees (The Sun Don’t Chill Allah) by Planet Asia & DirtyDiggs,  Psychological Cheat Sheet by Vic Spencer, Glass 2.0 by Meyhem Lauren & Harry Fraud,  Trust the Chain by Planet Asia & 38 Spesh, Director’s Cut (Scene Two) by Ransom & Nicholas Craven, and Son Of A Gun by Key Glock.
55 notes · View notes
amoosewritesfanfic · 5 years
Prompt 3: lingerie and a fur coat
[Overhaul; Kai Chisaki X Female Reader]
[Warnings: lingerie, crossdressing, cunninglings, hand job]
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This man was unbelievably smart, he knew exactly what he wanted and exactly when he was going to get it.
But there was one person, no one woman that he would fall to his knees for, no matter what it was she asked this woman was you.
Y/N L/N, you were both fearless and gorgeous.
You had more power in your pinky than he did in his entire body.
Another member of the Yakuza that no one bothered to mess with.
You were elegant, but one thing you enjoyed was when Kai dressed pretty for you.
This was one of those nights, you were in VIP at a club you owned sipping a martini, losing yourself to the thumping of the music coming from outside the VIP room.
Dressed in a simple black dress and heels, hair done up and make up was not too thick but it almost looked like you were wearing none.
The door opened and shut daring your attention to Kai who walked in with a purple fur coat, it was buttoned up, he didn't have his usual beaked mask, instead he had a normal face mask on which he removed.
"Hey baby boy~" you cooed happily
"Did you put on my little gift I left you?~" you had then quickly asked.
"Yes ma'am." He breathed out unbuttoning his fur coat and removing his pants.
Beneath it was some lingerie.
Purple and green to match the tones in his usual outfit.
Seeing his bulge in the panties you made him wear sent shivers up your spine.
"Oh God yes baby boy~ c'mere~" you cooed motioning for him to come over to you.
He did walking over to you with a strut of confidence.
He had the fur coat hanging off his shoulders as he straddled you, his arms wrapping around your neck as he looked down at you.
One more finer detail to add was that you were slightly bigger than him. So it made topping him that much more fun~
"My baby boy looks so good in his little outfit~ I think you should wear it more often~" you cooed licking at his neck which had a pretty little choker around it.
"I-I might just for you..." he mumbled.
Your left hand trailed down his chest and rubbed lightly against his lingerie covered cock.
Of course you had captured his lips in a deep kiss, loving his taste.
He always tasted of oranges and cinnamon, you loved that taste especially on him.
Your tongue slid into his mouth, running your tongue up against his, he did the same.
But you felt him tense up the moment your hand started rubbing him off. A quiet groan escaping his lips.
"Hmm~ you better not cum~ I know it's been a while since we've seen each other baby boy~ but I'll be so mad at you if you cum~" you threatened as your free hand threaded through his hair before wrapping around his throat.
"Y-yes ma'am... yes ma'am... I won't.. I promise I won't.~♡" he moaned.
"Theres a good boy~" you hummed as you went back to kissing him your hand working his cock through his panties, but you eventually pulled the panties down letting his cock and balls hang out.
His cheeks were flushed as a shiver ran up his spine from the feeling of your soft hand against his cock was almost like heaven for the male.
He groaned against your mouth as your hand started to jerk him off, your hand which was wrapped around his throat moved to start tugging and teasing at his nipples causing him to shiver.
You had broken the kiss only to start trailing kisses along his neck, giving it a few nips here and there leaving marks.
His body was shaking under your touch.
The way he whimpered and moaned for you had your body becoming hotter.
"Is my baby boy gonna cum soon?~" you teased licking at his ear since his head had dipped down and buried itself in your neck as your hand pumped him off more.
"Y-yes..." he said in a breathy moan.
You had grabbed an empty glass as your hand kept pumping him off.
You waited for a moment before he came, sliding the glass near his cock so he could release his load into the empty glass, he moaned your name as his hands had a tight grip on your dress.
"Theres a good boy~" you cooed.
"You wanna eat me out~ hmm?~ you wanna eat me out baby~" you asked and he gave an eager nod shifting to get onto his knees the moment he had recovered from his release.
He used the fur coat as a cushion for his knees as he got between your legs.
You had lifted your dress a little and your hips so he could pull your panties down.
He first started placing soft kisses along your thighs, feeling you up knowing that's the way you liked being touched.
His hands squeezing at your thighs and his teeth nipping at the skin before his face was buried in your cunt.
His tongue already lapping up the slick between your folds, your legs were spread slightly as your fingers threaded through his hair.
You moaned quietly as he started working his tongue in your hole and on your clit, stimulating the nub as much as he could.
You leaned your head back slightly as your fingers tugged at his hair.
"Fuck baby just like that~♡" you cooed happily as he ate you out.
Your hips almost bucked as he touched on your sweet spot.
You whimpered his name as you started cumming for him. Your love juices squirting out which he eagerly lapped up.
"Hmm~ fuck baby boy~ you always treat me so well~" you cooed as you leaned down and kissed his lips, tasting yourself on his mouth.
"And God I cant get enough of you~"
You cooed.
[I'm keeping this one short but there are gonna be more with Kai! So dont worry, I hope this one was good cause I wanted to make him submissive to the reader.]
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
This isn’t exactly Queen-related, but since this is my “bandom” blog y’all are getting this post over here instead of on my main so. sorry about that I guess lol.
I mentioned this a little bit in my post about the sale Tim Staffell is having on his bandcamp right now, but I also want to talk about this in it’s own right too: Music artists, especially independent creators, earn hardly any money from streaming services and it’s important to actually buy their products to support them!
I know there are other posts going around talking about the problems with Spotify’s payment model right now, but a) I can’t find them to reblog at the moment and b) I think it’s easy to get confused when you look at “average amount paid per stream” because that’s not actually how streaming sites pay out their artists at all.
Rolling Stone did a breakdown in August 2020 of what Spotify most likely pays out to artists, based on the available revenue information. If you don’t want to read the whole article, the long and short of it is that:
The conservative estimate for the number of artists on Spotify is 3 million - of which only about 43,000 artists account for the top 90% of streams on the site. 
Spotify doesn’t technically pay artists per stream. All the revenue that it distributes to artists each month is pooled together, and artists are paid out from that pool based on popularity of individual tracks. 
As this separate Rolling Stones article explains, if five hit new songs by one artist pull in 2% of all the streams in December, that artist (and everyone with rights to those five songs) gets 2% from that pool of money. But that means that if you listen to nothing but small, independent artists the money Spotify makes from you is going first and foremost to top-name artists and not the people you actually listen to.
Here’s a breakdown from that first article that makes this a little clearer: The top 43,000 artists make about $22,000 per artist per quarter. Everyone else (over 98% of all artists on Spotify) averages $36 per artist per quarter, or roughly $12 per artist per month.
You can also see that in breakdowns of what artists with high stream numbers actually make. Just over 1 million streams earned one group just under $5,000 across three months. Although to be clear, this is not a problem with only Spotify and buying digital copies of albums from places like iTunes and Amazon also doesn’t result in high profits for artists - usually netting them less than $1 per album, or about 9 cents per track downloaded. 
Here’s the thing, though: If you buy directly from the artist themselves that percentage of profits goes way up. 
That should be obvious, but it’s easy to rail against how unfair Spotify and other streaming sites are and lose sight of the fact that there is a very clear way to support independent and/or less popular artists and it’s by simply buying their stuff without using a middleman!
Not to keep talking about Tim Staffell but that’s exactly what we’re going to do for a moment here: He sells his music and limited merch through Bandcamp which takes 15% of each sale of digital downloads and 10% of each sale of merchandise. 
His albums are priced a little more expensive than a $9.99 iTunes purchase, but you can buy digital copies of his entire discography for £24 and he’ll make about £20.40 on each sale. If you buy a physical copy of one of his albums for £20, he makes £18. Hell, even if you buy a CD during his 50% sale he’ll still take home about £9 from it and that is still a significantly higher profit than what either streaming sites or iTunes pay out. 
This article talks more about how much more money artists earn selling through Bandcamp than they do through streaming sites. One example given is a band who made $4,200 releasing a new album on the site, vs maybe making $100 a year in streaming. 
From a broader ethical standpoint, that same article talks about some of the charity donations that Bandcamp makes from their revenue and the fact that since the COVID-19 pandemic started Bandcamp has launched “Bandcamp Days” where they waive their percentage from each sale entirely so all profits go directly to the artists. (There’s also the fact that Bandcamp simply pays out artists faster than streaming sites do, so they aren’t waiting for their money to be released.)
It’s also worth noting that Bandcamp requires artists to set a minimum amount, but you can also choose to pay more if you want so if you have some extra cash to burn you can, in fact, give it directly to that small indie artist whose music you fell in love with if you so choose!
And the thing is, it can be really easy to look at a group and see that they have their music on iTunes or Amazon or whatever and just buy from there out of habit, but I guarantee that if you look at their website they’ll also have a link to their Bandcamp page - but you do have to go looking for it!
If you follow my main blog, a few weeks ago I was waffling over whether I wanted to buy merch from The Longest Johns (yes, you’re getting a real glimpse into my musical tastes today). I spent well over an hour looking through their store and I was so tempted by the vinyl copy of their newest album. And I’m still tempted by it but y’all, I live in the US and conversion from £ to $ plus international shipping is not always the kindest so I didn’t buy it. And I will never judge anyone for not having the money to pay for international shipping to support independent artists.
But here’s the thing: The Longest Johns also have a Bandcamp page, which I never went looking for because I’ll admit that I found their music to stream and I just did that and never looked further into it. But now that I know that I can buy digital copies of their albums for £10, of which 90% of that is going directly to them, I am definitely going to be doing that instead.
I get that not everyone has the money to do this, and I fully understand that streaming sites are sometimes the only way that people can listen to the music that they love. If you don’t have the money to spend on something, then of course that’s fine!
But if you do have the money, considering spending it to directly support an independent artist!
Look, Queen is a multi-million dollar enterprise. It’s one thing to advocate for supporting new album releases, like Live Around the World, because that can influence future projects that they might release - but at the end of the day, I genuinely don’t care if you illegally download their music or stream it or anything else. (Seriously, I don’t care if you stream Queen, because the issues with Spotify’s payment structure don’t matter to them when they’re that rich already and there needs to be a massive overhaul* across all streaming platforms anyway in order for smaller artists to make a reasonable profit off streaming sites.)
But if you have an independent artist that you love - be in Tim Staffell or The Longest Johns or Omnia or anyone else - how you engage with their music does matter a lot more. And if you’re financially able to do so, look into buying their music or their merch from them directly, either through Bandcamp or whatever other storefronts they may use. They’ll get a much larger share of the profits if you do that than any amount of time you could spend streaming them on Spotify.
*If you want to do something to start forcing changes with how streaming sites pay out artists, the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers has a list of demands for Spotify specifically which includes paying at least one cent per stream, adopting user-centric pay models, revealing existing payola and then ending it altogether, and crediting all labor in recordings, among other things. You can sign on to support them and read more information HERE and there’s a tumblr post you can reblog HERE as well.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference Ch. 12
A/N: ssorry for the late-ish upload, I got married yesterday! :D
On that note, this chapter is a bit cuter than usual so I hope you enjoy. As always, thank you for all the really sweet comments and kudos <3
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09 |  10 |  11
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Nanami undressed carefully and ran a bath, wincing as she slid in, the soapy water reminding her of all the nicks and bruises she’d accumulated that night. Exhaling for what felt like the first time in hours, she leaned her head back against the rim of the tub and felt a tear roll down her cheek. Before she could register the action, the emotional dam burst open and tears continued to fall one after the other as she tried to stifle a whimper.
It had all come to a head and the pain she’d been suppressing bubbled upwards and down her flushed face. She had an inkling of what to expect when she got involved with his world. She knew there would be consequences, but the confirmation and reality of said consequences were another story entirely. This is... a lot. Even for me. She thought almost laughing to herself again at the predicament, attempting to steady her breath, But I can—I will handle it. We’re gonna accept this feeling and then let it go. If I let this take over, then what was all this for? I’m gonna keep going. I have to… But for just a little while longer, I’m going to rest.
She sighed, healing her wounds and scrubbing herself gently with her favorite lavender scrub. If she was going to rest, she was going to do it right. I’ll finish up here, light some candles, put on my favorite pj’s, play some music in the living roo—just then she remembered she wasn’t alone and sank down into the tub, suddenly feeling very exposed. As nervous as she was, there was also a strange sense of comfort. If he’s still there, that is.
Accepting she couldn’t hide in her bubble fortress forever, she exited the tub, toweling off and going to her room through the adjoining door in the bathroom. She was still committed to the favorite p.j.’s idea, putting on a matching black and white short sleeve shirt and shorts. Before the thought of “what’s Overhaul gonna think?” could rear its head, she cut it off. It’s my house, I wear what I want. Why would I care what he thinks anyways? She thought, trying to convince herself, rolling her eyes at the notion while also giving herself a once over in the mirror before exiting the room.
Her confidence waning with every step she took down the hallway to her living room, she sheepishly peeked from around the corner to see if he was still there. He was on her couch, focused on whatever was on his phone. He hadn’t moved from the spot where she’d left him.
“If you need something, feel free to come and get it. There’s no need to sneak around your own house.”
“Wha—I was not ‘sneaking around’. Just… checking to see if you were still here is all.” She sputtered, holding her arm, avoiding eye contact as he’d turned to address her.
“Like I said, I’ll be here.” The look he was giving her made her shift nervously.
She simply nodded, briskly making her way to the kitchen to make her nightly cup of tea. Realizing she should probably be a decent host, she decided to offer him some. He’ll probably say no, but what the hell.
“I’m making some tea, you want some?” Yup. Nailed it. Host of the year, here I come.
“No, thank you.” Knew it. Why’d I even ask. She chastised herself inwardly.
Accepting defeat, she filled the kettle with water and placed it on the stove to warm as she gathered the rest of her ingredients. The water now hot, she poured a bit into the bowl, discarding it after she swished it around. She opened the cannister, taking a small scoop of the powder to press through the sieve. An equally small amount of water was carefully poured into the bowl before she began whisking, now calmed by the familiar routine. As she lost herself in the task, a small voice cut through her thoughts.
“… is that Sei-un?”
She paused, turning to look at him, pleasantly surprised. “You can smell that through your mask?”
“Yes… it’s my favorite.”
“Mine too! I mean, I enjoy it. A little.” She said pulling back her excitement. “Would you like some tea now?” she tempted, raising a brow. It was nice to meet a fellow matcha enthusiast, though the circumstances may not have been ideal.
“… Yes. But I need to see you make it, so you do it properly.”
“Oh, so you don’t trust my expertise?” she asked, slightly offended, but used to his fussiness by now.
“I trust your taste, but no I do not trust this alleged ‘expertise’ when it comes to preparation.” He began as he walked into the kitchen to stand next to her at the counter.
“Pssh. Nothing ‘alleged’ about these moves. Watch and learn.” Nanami expertly sifted the powder and  whisked until a layer of foam formed at the top, letting her know it was ready to be served. She took a teacup and gracefully poured the mixture, sliding it over to him triumphantly. He picked up the cup, bringing it up to his nose to take in the aroma before Nanami realized he would have to take off his mask to enjoy her concoction. “Oop! Sorry,” She said covering her eyes with one hand as she motioned him to drink with the other.
“You know you don’t have to… Nevermind.” He said before pulling his mask down to take an appraising sip.
She heard a content sigh and rustling as she spread her fingers to peek through, catching a glimpse of his now-serene gaze, “…So?” She asked eager for his response.
“This… is good.” He responded sincerely and Nanami found herself beaming at the confirmation of her expert moves. “But let me show you how it’s really done.”
He went through similar steps, his movements precise and measured as though he’d done it a million times before. There was a peacefulness in him she’d only seen glimpses of in the lab as he carefully prepared the cup for her. She found herself wishing she could see this side of him more often.
After finishing, he confidently, slid the cup over to her waiting to gauge her reaction. She grasped it with both hands, taking in the scent before sipping. She closed her eyes, relaxing for what felt like the first time today. There was nothing like having a hot cup of tea after a long day but having someone else make it for you made it that much better. “I can’t lie, this is great. Nice and smooth.” She replied earnestly. Their eyes met and there was a contentment in his gaze she was happy to see. Realizing they were once again too close, she broke the eye contact, to her dismay finding it was getting harder with each time.  She walked over to the couch to sit and enjoy the rest of it, hopeful she could shake off the growing tension before they had another repeat of whatever had happened earlier in the lab.
She heard footsteps from behind her as he returned to sit on the couch, leaving a safe amount of space between them.
“So… have you ever tried using a milk frother?” She began.
He turned to her, an incredulous look in his eyes, “Are you trying to insult me?”
“What? No, I just had a friend recommend it since it’s faster, but it kinda defeats the purpose to me. Making it is half the fun, so why rush?”
He regarded her, pleasantly surprised, “I couldn’t agree more…”
They continued trading tips and tricks for the next hour, Nanami going on a tangent rather passionately, as he listened intently to her speech about the best tea snacks and why they weren’t pickled plums. Overhaul himself becoming rather animated as he rated and critique how adequately (Kurono) or terribly (Rappa) each of the Precepts prepared tea, unsurprisingly rating himself the highest. The caffeine began to wear off and she tried to stifle a yawn. “I think I’m going to try and get some sleep.”
“That would be wise.” He confirmed, politely shooing her off.
Rubbing her eyes, she took her cup to the sink to rinse it off, swearing she’d clean the rest in the morning. Before she made it down the hallway, she had an epiphany and turned back to the living room.
“I’m so sorry, there’s a guest room here you can use. It’s right down the—”
“No need. I won’t be sleeping.” He responded, cutting her off as he glanced out her window.
“Oh. Well, in case you change your mind or doze off,” she said, her voice trailing off as she went into the spare room, coming back with blankets and pillows placing them on the sofa, “these babies are freshly laundered.” She began walking towards her room before turning again, “Thank you for coming by…Goodnight.” It was almost a whisper as she found herself too nervous to raise her voice further.
Before she closed her bedroom door, a voice called back, “You’re welcome, goodnight.”
Saturday morning came and Nanami awoke, feeling surprisingly well-rested considering what happened the night before. Stretching, she rolled out of bed, checking her phone for texts while making a b-line to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Walking into the living room, she saw him perched by the window, checking his phone. Hearing footsteps, he glanced towards her, doing a double-take before assessing the visage fully.
Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her chestnut skin smooth and glowing from a good night’s rest. The skylight in her apartment let in a stream of sunlight that made her silver hair shimmer as it cascaded down her shoulders. She stood in the doorway, relaxed, looking every bit an angel with bed head and silly house shoes. Slowly pocketing his phone to give her his full attention, he cleared his throat, now reassured that staying the night had been the right decision.
Judging by his stunned silence, Nanami was sure she must have looked like a hot mess. I knew I should’ve changed first, but no I just had to listen to my stomach and waltz out here. Who even wears bunny slippers anymore? She cringed inwardly knowing he would never forget this sight, though she had thoroughly misjudged why. Quickly brushing her hair into a more socially acceptable state with her fingers, she fidgeted under his gaze, wishing he would say something—anything—and put her out of her misery. She decided to strike first, unable to stand the silence any longer. “G-good morning! I’m gonna put on some coffee,” she spluttered, “I was also going to make some breakfast too—nothing crazy, of course—would you want any?” She sincerely hoped he would throw her a lifeline and respond, but his eyes were glued to her.
After letting her squirm a bit longer, he rose “There’s no need. I have to head back as there’s an interrogation to conduct. Keep your phone on your person this time. I’ll be in touch… Thank you for your hospitality.” He gave a subtle bow, leaving before she could form a response. Nanami watched him go, a part of her wishing he’d stayed a bit longer.
Brushing off his abrupt departure, she began texting Hitomi to coordinate their joint errand run. Remembering she still had a normal life to get back to.
H: You ready?
N: Yeah, just gonna throw on some clothes real quick
H: Cool. Be there in 15 😊
N: Like... actual 15 or “I just rolled outta bed” 15?
H: … Be there in 30
N: Mmhm~
Deciding it would be more fun to pick up breakfast treats with her friend, Nanami went back into her room to change. She picked out one of her favorite old band tees, some loose ripped jeans, and her favorite chunky sneakers, putting her hair into a ponytail with a fluffy scrunchy. It had been about 20 minutes since Overhaul left when she heard her other phone buzz on her nightstand. Pretending she wasn’t eager to answer, she casually walked over to the phone answering on the third ring.
“Answer on the first ring next time.”
“Wow, well hello to you too, sunshine.” A sigh could be heard on the other line and she would bet money he was already massaging his temples, “What’s so urgent?”
“Have you heard the name Dr. M?”
“Hm… no, doesn’t ring a bell. Why do you ask?” in the background she heard distinct cracking and whimpers. “… Overhaul, why are you asking me this and what is going on in the background?”
“If this interrogation goes well, then soon we’ll both know. Until then, keep your phone on you.” The line clicked. Having to set broken bones before, the cracking noises she’d heard in the background weren’t much of a mystery.
Before she could let her mind wander about the “interrogation”, her doorbell rang. Putting both phones in her bag, she went to the door, seeing through the peephole that it was Hitomi. She opened the door, giving her friend a warm embrace.
“Ready to go?”
“Actually, need to use your bathroom first, if you don’t mind. My bladder and I have not been on the same page lately.”
Chuckling, she let her friend through, “No problem, have at it.”
As Hitomi stepped through the door, her face dropped. “Something’s different.”
Thankfully Hitomi had her back turned to her or else she would have seen Nanami’s dodgy glances as she prayed her friend didn’t investigate further. Getting her involved was dead last on a very long list of things she wanted to do. “What are you talking about? Nothing’s changed,” she laughed nervously.
Hitomi began eyeing the place suspiciously before taking in a big whiff. Nanami watched the scene unfold in slow motion as she was powerless to stop it. Her eyes fell on the pillows and blankets on the couch, then the genkan where her shoes had been displaced by another pair, then—the final nail in the coffin—the set of tea cups that had been cleaned and neatly placed on the counter. Before she could appreciate that he’d cleaned up for her, Hitomi spoke, “… Who is he.”
“N-no one! I mean what are you talking about?”
“I smell…” she inhaled and paused for dramatic effect, “a man.”
“That’s me. I ran through the men’s section of a department store earlier. Got bombarded with samples.”
“The stores aren’t even open yet, you have your best linens folded neatly on the couch, and you have not one—but two—cups out that you only drink your special matcha tea in. Spill. The. Beans.”
“You can’t make me as there is nothing to spill.” Nanami deadpanned, as her phone rang. Judging by the ringtone, she knew it was the one she only used for Overhaul. Shit.
“… You gonna answer that?”
She knew she had no choice as she reluctantly retrieved the offending object, answering the call. She looked down, refusing to make eye contact with Hitomi who was already thinking of a million questions to ask. “Hello?”
“Ok. I know you’re intelligent. So why after I ask you to answer on the first ring do you then wait an additional three rings the next time I call?”
“Oh hey, Mrs. Ito! How are you?”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, I’m so glad to hear that! I’m doing great as well, thank you for asking.”
“Ok, I’m taking back my intelligent comment.”
“Well aren’t you a hoot n’ a half! But can I call you back later? I’m about to go out on a girl’s day with my friend here.”
“… You’re really bad at this.”
“Oh, thank you! You’re too kind!”
“Text me when you can talk freely. Until then, get acting lessons.” She could hear a slight chuckle under his breath.
“Well that sounds great, I’ll talk to you soon! Oh, and I’ll be sure to put a big ol’ mark in my planner for you, ok? Buh-bye!”
“Wait, that didn’t even cou—” he began to protest as she hung up.
As she was already writing her Oscar acceptance speech for the performance in her head, she confidently pocketed her phone. Though when she glanced back up, Hitomi gave her a pitiful look, “He’s right, you are really bad at this.”
“Ok look, I can explain, I—”
“Hey, if you’re going this far to try and hide him, then I’ll take the hint and wait until you’re ready to tell me. I know you’re not very experienced with dating and all so I’ll give you a break for now… though judging by your glow this morning I’d say someone already came to give you a break, or should I say to ‘break you off’.” She said wiggling her brows.
Nanami narrowed her eyes in confusion for a beat, before she caught on, “What do you—OH NO. NONONO. Nu uh. None of that happened—or ever will happen.”
“Calm down, I’m just teasing. But when it does happen, just let me know if you need any tips. No need to make your first time your last, amiright?” Hitomi said much too suggestively for her liking as she tried to get his voice out of her head.
“Let’s… let’s just go.”
“Anything you want sweetcheeks,” she winked as she went to the restroom before they left.
As they got into the car, Hitomi listed off where they needed to go and decided it’d be best if she went to the post office first. While Nanami waited in the car, she texted Overhaul she had a moment. Almost instantly the phone rang.
“Well aren’t yo—”
“We need to talk.”
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jihyosforehead · 5 years
can we pls have dubchaetzu fluff please
i like how super polite u were and said please twice omg absolute cutie uwuuu (also im so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for 72 years)
“hey dude, did you need to grab any food?”
chaeyoung looks up from her laptop to peer at nayeon.
“what?” chaeyoung asks, sheepishly.
“i asked if you needed to buy any food. you know, from the line?” she says patiently. she throws a hand behind her, and chaeyoung’s eyes follow the movement; jeongyeon and momo are waving so frantically at them that they’ve begun to cause a scene.
“nah, i brought something from home. it’s leftovers day,” chaeyoung tells her with a bright grin, happiness coating her voice. nayeon is completely unable to help herself from patting chaeyoung’s head affectionately. she leaves with a final head pat, storming over to grab momo from backing into a group of bystanders.
chaeyoung pulls out her lunchbox from her bag and a small blue post-it note flutters down to rest on the table in the most dramatic way possible. black ink lettering the paper in careful, delicate strokes.
i think you’re eggcellent :)
there’s a drawing of three eggs in a sizzling frying pan with smiley faces.
a goofy grin creeps across her face and doesn’t leave even when she’s home in bed, staring at the ceiling.
dahyun sighs heavily. she was so run down from assignments and homework. there was a six page essay about like? space or something? a group assignment about pollution. and her personal favourite: studying for the end of unit chemistry test. but for now. dahyun is going to eat some lunch.
sana and mina are sitting across from her chatting. or flirting. who knows with these two sometimes. dahyun is eating in peace. dahyun is chewing. dahyun is enjoying her chicken. dahyun is not thinking about homework -
“what’s that, dahyunnie?” sana asks suddenly, ending her train of thought. dahyun looks up at her mid-chew, making a confused noise.
sana snatches a blue post-it note at dahyun’s elbow and her eyes scan over it quickly and then holds it to her chest and sighs theatrically. mina shaking her head exasperatedly before handing the note over.
all you knead is love.
under it, is a drawing of a bag of flour kneading a ball of dough.
dahyun somehow powers through her study guide and gets started on the essay.
saturday morning finds chaeyoung two hours into an eight hour shift at the local music shop. it’s been a really hectic day, an almost unending stream of customers keeping her occupied since opening.
“excuse me do you have this poster in stock?” “well, can you check in the back?” “why don’t you carry one direction vinyls?” “by the way, someone knocked down the display stand with all the christmas CDs. yeah i didn’t see.”
she barely had a second to breathe. and plus her co-worker had called in late so now chaeyoung was behind on inventory.
it’s leftovers day again and chaeyoung is looking forward to her ham and cheese sandwich. but mostly she’s interested in the strawberry tart she’s going to eat for dessert. there’s another blue post-it note, this time it’s stuck to her apple.
chaeyoung grins widely at the familiar careful, black lettering.
i’m soy into you. :D
there’s a carefully drawn piece of sushi and a bottle of soy sauce directly under it.
chaeyoung feels her day immediately brighten, warmth tightening across her heart. a shitty customer isn’t a match for a truly solid pun.
there isn’t really a word to describe how much dahyun detested group assignments. her team members had all conveniently forgotten to email their drafts by the agreed on date.
“dahyun i’m sorry, i just haven’t had time” “i totally forgot about that my bad” “i had practice all week!”
and now. they were running behind. (not really).
but they were running behind according to dahyun’s very well put together, well-crafted, truly excellent planning board! (they were two days behind). she’d have to completely overhaul it and adjust everything.
(the assignment wasn’t due for another two weeks).
dahyun slumped in her uncomfortable plastic chair, pretending not to look put off by how animatedly her group members discussing something completely irrelevant over their uneaten lunch. she pulls out her juice-box with a huff, stabbing the straw in aggressively. she yanks out her cutlery and a blue post-it note floats out gently behind it. dahyun snatches it out of the air, brows furrowed.
i lava you!
there’s a picture of a volcano with red lava spilling from the top to form a heart. dahyun feels her frustration leave, warm affection in its place. okay so maybe, she could probably loosen up her deadlines. maybe.
dahyun’s definitely seen this pun. it has chaeyoung written all over it. 
chaeyoung’s perched at the edge of her seat, munching absentmindedly on carrot stick, occasionally dipping it into an unidentifiable sauce. it tasted vaguely like mayonnaise and pickles but it was kind of good so she’s not really going to question what’s in it. instead she’s typing rapidly at her laptop, sighing every few minutes.
she was so so so behind on the written section of her portfolio. she’s not really sure why she left it last minute knowing full well she had a whole twenty pages of her own work to analyse. she chews more aggressively at her carrot sticks.
jihyo pokes at her shoulder. hard.
“you have to relax.”
“i can’t!” chaeyoung tells her, obscurely aware that she sounded very panicked, “i have so many words to shit out! and so few minutes to shit them out in!!”
jihyo gives her a deeply unamused smile. chaeyoung can’t find in her to care that she’s cursed in front of her mother.
“you’ll be fine,” jihyo says, firmly. “when’s it due anyway?”
“in two days!”
“you’ll be fine.” jihyo says, sounding completely unconvincing. chaeyoung leans back in her chair and stares at the ceiling. “here, eat something.”
she’s digging in chaeyoung’s bag and then holds out a banana and a neatly packaged container of salad. there’s a blue post-it note stuck to the lid.
i’m always thinking a bao you :P
there’s a picture of three baos, lined up in a row, with tiny pink hearts between each one. jihyo’s lips are twitching into a smile at chaeyoung’s enamoured expression. chaeyoung thinks dahyun’s really outdone herself this time.
(chaeyoung hands in her portfolio in on time and also gets a 97%).
dahyun’s aware of the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. she’s in the bathroom, back against the door, breathing heavily. like she’s escaped a murderer or something. She catches her reflection in the mirror and her hair is sticking up in sixteen different directions, she’s got a weird green stain on her collar and she’s holding a bar of chocolate protectively against her chest.
she’s locked herself in a room away from screaming children. okay. so the children were her cousins. but. they were screaming and she needed a break. there were only so many times she could watch the elmo’s world theme song on repeat. it’s ingrained so deeply in her brain that if aliens kidnapped her and wiped her memory completely, she’s sure that the elmo song would still be embedded in there somewhere. like a sesame street sleeper agent.
and also she wanted to eat her chocolate in secret. if she’d learnt anything, is that kids take the sharing lesson very seriously. especially when it comes to chocolate. especially when it comes to dahyun not sharing her chocolate. there’s a blue post-it note stuck to the back of the packaging.
dubuuu !
you always make me hap-pea :o
there’s a drawing of three peas in a pod and an almost ridiculous amount of emoji faces surrounding the picture. dahyun feels her heart swell at least three sizes. the kids are somehow easier to face.
tzuyu watches chaeyoung stick another blue post-it note into her journal, gluing it down to the page carefully, tongue sticking out in concentration. she tries not to notice the intensely deep affection warm her entire body when she notices that the entire page are those post-it puns she’s been giving secretly. chaeyoung’s filling in the blank spaces, seemingly at random with pops of purple and green and little drawings of cookies and yoda.
dahyun is tilting her head to one side, blonde hair falling down her back with her movements; kind of like a puppy, tzuyu thinks, her nose scrunching up at how adorable the sight is. and she tries not to notice the affection grow when dahyun holds both hands up, her index fingers and thumbs forming an L-shape, lips jutted out dramatically, one eye closed, she’s crouching on the floor.
dahyun’s spent the whole afternoon rearranging her blue post-it note collection, and blue-tacking her favourites to her wall.
tzuyu’s aware that dahyun thinks chaeyoung’s been giving her the post-its. and vice versa.
(but she’s completely unaware that dahyun and chaeyoung have known it was her from the second a dopey, proud smile crossed her face when they first showed her their post-it notes.)
they think tzuyu’s proud, dopey smile is their new favourite thing.
right up there with tzuyu’s heart.
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