#I’m going to start rewatching them in release order soon
simplysummers · 1 year
Sooo... Your obsession excitement about X-Men makes me want to watch/rewatch the movies. What do you think, in what order should I watch them? 🤔
Ahh!! And then we could talk about them!!! Exciting!!!
Okay so, watching them in release order can be a little messy because of the change in timeline, so what I’d personally recommend is watching them in chronological order, like so:
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(Thank you to my friend for making me this list back in Jan!! The blue highlights are just from me marking them off.)
The one change that I think can be made is you can watch Wolverine Origins after Dark Phoenix, which I know is what Jamie has done, as WO belongs to the original timeline, whereas Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are the new timeline. If you need the timeline explaining, just DM me! I know it probably sounds confusing, but it’s really not.
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Here’s my ranking of the movies. The Deadpool movies aren’t technically X-Men movies by style standards, but they are hilarious, so I had to use a fancy graph to make sure they got their justice.
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These are the five characters you should constantly be on the look out for because they’re hazardous icons:
Charles Xavier/Professor X (dad 1)
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (dad 2)
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (grumpy uncle who does not want to be there)
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver (hyper bio son)
Alex Summers/Havok (angry adopted son)
And I think that’s all of the important things out of the way! So just DM me when you get around to it!!!
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melefim · 24 days
What Dead Boy Detectives Analysis do you want to see next?
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Hello old and new followers! (And anyone else who happens to see this)
If you’re here, you’re probably familiar with at least one of my DBDA analysis or list posts (if not, you can find them all linked here).
We’re just about done with the Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives series, so it’s time for you all to choose what I’ll be doing next!
These are the next two I have in mind (and I’ve got a few more ideas percolating for after I’m done with these- more on that coming soon)
Whatever you all choose will be starting posting some time next week, after I’ve wrapped up the last few swearing posts and done a final check rewatch (Or two. Or three) for your chosen series.
Brills, Aces, Mint: Charles’ Favorite Words
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Description: Similar to the Swearing posts, I’ll be going through the show and noting every time Charles says some of his favorite words. Charts for usages of each word per episode, rankings for most popular, every line said listed and more.
Number of Posts: Between 10 and 19. 1 Masterlist, 1 overall analysis (like the swearing by character posts) 1 for each episode, 1 for each word. Number of posts may be lower depending on how many times each word is said. Some words may be combined into one post if they aren’t used very often, while others will get entire posts to themselves. I also might find new words to include that aren’t already on my list.
Music Part 2: When Each Song from the Score was Used
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Description: Like I did with the soundtrack, I’ll be going through each episode and finding where each song from the score was used throughout the season. Timestamps for each song will be included as well as links to each song.
Number of Posts: 29. 1 Masterlist, 1 for each episode, and 1 for each song. Potential bonus posts for themes and motifs not on the officially released score. Timestamps from soundtrack songs will also be included in the individual episode posts.
There will also be at least one ‘choose the order they post in’ poll for each option above! Individual episode posts will be going up in order, but posting order for individual words and songs will be up to you all!
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And if you have any ideas for posts you’d like to see from me in the future, please feel free to comment or add in a tag!
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
C2E66 - Beneath Bazzoxan - rewatch
Well, I got about an hour into the MLP oneshot before I gave up. That’s about par for the course with me for a lot of the CR one shots.  I’ve seen a handful of them in full, started a handful and watched between 1 to 2 hours before giving up, and just haven’t even started the others.  It’s a whole jumble of hit or miss.
Also something I missed from last episode – Travis jokingly asking Matt if there was a vestige of divergence in the roc nest.  My brain totally forgot that this was before Fjord got the star razor, so I was like ‘you want two??’   SOON.  SOOOOOON.
(I don’t even know how long it’s been since I look at this episode, oops!  It’s been a time, alright? But OMG ANIMATED MIGHTY NEIN COMING AAAAA)
...Document last saved, Jan 30th.  It’s now Feb 20th. … LOOK IT’S BEEN...It’s BEEN, okay?!  Anyhow, I finally have the energy and mental fortitude to get back into this!  (so annoyed at myself for falling apart right when we get a fantastic series of episodes) (omg also I’d only jumped on to freak out about the animated mighty nein???  My last C2 reaction was posted JANUARY 8TH omg.)  (I don’t know why I’m being apologetic though, this stuff is mainly for me to improve my analytical thinking, active watching, and writing abilities.  I know a few of you out there like reading it, but I’m sure you’re not chomping at the bit or anything XD)
I was only just past the intro, so I decided to go and rewatch the adbit and forgot that I was in the middle of the presidential campaign for dndbeyond!  (after the ogl shitstorm, anyone else notice that CR hasn’t mentioned dndbeyond by name once?  I wonder if they’re going to start up again at some point since the situation is now resolved, even though there’s a lot of bad taste in a lot of the community’s mouths.  Personally, I’d be fine with it, because I do feel like wotc made the right choices to fix things, even if it never should have gotten to where it was in the first place, and communication choices had been…..yeah.)
I miss them reading their bits off of sheets in front of them.  I fully get the appeal of the teleprompter meaning that they can keep their eyes up and looking at camera, but there’s a charm of them giving impassioned rants but also having to keep glancing down to check what their lines are.
See?  With the teleprompter, you don’t get the adorableness of Laura having a merch update but no sheet, so floundering through Sam’s papers until Matt gives her his.
Liam perched on his chair just making squawking noises!
I love how this group is so unafraid to make unoptimal choices. Jester uses Disguise Self to look like a giant leaf, but Laura knows that it only works for people so knows it’s basically just a leaf costume and Will Not Work, but still Commits To The Bit.
Oh fuck it’s been so long that I forgot we were still with Texas!Fjord!  Just got smacked in the face by the accent XD (controversial comment, but I don’t like it when I see people saying that they prefer the Texan accent, then other people saying that it means that they like pre-character growth Fjord, or hiding himself Fjord, lying to himself Fjord.  It’s just that the Texan accent is fun!  Given a choice between the two, I would have been happy if Travis had the Texan accent be Fjord’s natural accent and do the whole campaign with it, because I enjoy hearing it – especially since C1 was pretty much all English accents.  But in order for that to happen, Fjord would have been completely different, and I don’t want a completely different Fjord, I love the Fjord that we got!)
(also off topic, but I’m waiting for noon so that I can check the shop.  I want the Jester and Caleb dice so bad and they still haven’t been released. T.T)
god I forgot how much these idiots flounder in this nonsense, I love it so much!!!  Each campaign, they all have their own version of floundering, and the Nein’s is just SO dumb, SO wonderful.  Jester forgetting she could go invisible, Beau begging Fjord to take her with him with the Misty Step and Fjord saying he’s only got room for one, Beau trying to swim through the air to the tree, and then just curling up in a ball to make herself a smaller target IT’S SO GOOD.
And Caduceus and Yasha just watching all this go down like “yup” “yup”
Nein and Polymorph – nothing more iconic.
Fjord and teleporting – nothing more iconic!!  
Polymorphed enemies attacking Fjord – truly nothing more iconic
This group and communication, I love it!!  Caleb slides Beau off his wing, Matt describes her falling into the nest, Liam softly says that that’s not what he meant, Matt immediately asks him for clarification and Liam immediately responds with what he meant but ‘this is funny’ so keep going with it.
This is the first? time that Matt has done a skill check and not penalized the player for a nat 1.  It is a minor grumble of mine that he doesn’t count nat 20s as an autosuccess (which falls within rules) but tends to still count nat 1s as an autofailure.  I feel like you’ve got to play it all one way or all the other, not the half and half – especially not more penalizing the players.
Being an active part of the fandom now, I can image people bitching about this episode so far, about Matt giving them too much leeway, not enough consequences, making it too easy, the players getting distracted from their goal, etc. etc.  Makes it a lot easier for me to brush off the bullshit criticism that C3 is getting.  Critters have been complaining since C1, and sometimes it’s legit, and most times it’s bull.
I have such mixed feelings with Nott and Sam in regards to the rogue stuff.  Because most of the time, Nott skipping looking for traps genuinely just feels like Sam either forgetting or deliberately ignoring it because he thinks it’s funny.  I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s a struggle I have with Sam’s PCs, because a bunch of stuff that Sam does is just… well, Sam being Sam.  He’d make the same joke for Scanlan, or Tary, or Nott, or FCG.  So I can’t relate it to the specific PC, even when it’s the PC doing the action.  Either way, if this was a deliberate choice for Nott (even with Beau telling her to look for traps) or Sam just trolling, I’m glad Matt had consequences, and consequences that impacted the entire party, because everyone was hit from the fireball.  It’s a bit of a nudge (even though it doesn’t work.  Does Nott EVER consistently look for traps, even after she’s killed?).  Just looking at transcripts (not super accurate) 28 times within the first 50 episodes, 22 from episodes 51-100, and 21 from episodes 101-141. Sadly Critrolestats isn’t helpful for this, because they track the investigation rolls, but so many investigation rolls AREN’T checking for traps.
Ah ha!  This is where Jester steals Nott’s flask!  Laura tried to be sneaky, but Sam heard her right away.
Mmmrph...still not a fan of the jokes about Caleb sharing his loot. He never kept it!  Liam just likes to make it theatrical.  To be fair, I think this started because Vax hoarded loot?  Or at least Vax teased Vex a lot with loot.  Honestly, most of what I remember from C1 was Vax and Vex being silly over the boots of haste, one moment with loot where Liam asked Matt to make him and Laura roll for it, and then the drama over who gets whisper, which I honestly thing was more the fanbase than the players?
I kept getting confused that they weren’t sending to Essek, so I went and checked out my last post and yep there it was.  ALSO there is the exact same stuff that I said above about Sam.  -_-  I have no original thoughts.
Insect Plague!!!  *checks transcripts* Pike cast it in E5 and the battle royale, Umbrasyl cast it in E55, Jester casts in here in E66, and then again in E113.  This is one of the rarest used spells, to the point where I completely forgot about it!
(LOL the dice got released the day after I checked!  ...and I don’t like the sets.  Fuuuuuck)
(It’s now march 25th and I am in the MOOD.  LET’S GO!!!)
wait what the fuck did I literally stop for AGES at like, 30 seconds before the break??  That’s hysterical.
In the two/three months where I stopped watching C2, I forgot how much Caleb really did take the lead in a lot.
Wait wait wait….they’re putting the moorbounders in the stables, is this where they leave them???  Is this the last appearance of the kitties?!?!  *checks the transcripts* oh no it isssss.  Now I’m sad, I love the moorbounders so much.  (edit to add, rechecked the transcripts using the plural – looks like they technically have them as of e69 after the dungeon crawl, but then that’s the official last.  I wonder if by the time I get to that episode I will have forgotten I’d typed all this and re-express myself)  They seemed to perfectly bridge the difference between cared for and oft mentioned pets (Sprinkle, Frumpkin, Trinket) and mounts (barely ever named horses, the toilet horses, more unnamed horses).  I don’t even have a headcanon for what happens to them after the Nein leave. I’ve read some nice posts about people taking care of them, Verin taking ownership, the Nein getting them back, but they just….vanish. I don’t think? that they were mentioned during the wrap up. Flando’s splits don’t mention them, so I guess not.  I mentioned it way back, but I personally wish we could have gotten a second C2 wrap up.  With C1, we had the official wrap up, and then a second one because there were so many questions left over.  I can’t image that there weren’t enough questions left for C2.  Then again, pandemic times, and that also must have been right when Brian was either let go behind the scenes and just not officially announced yet, or on the cusp, considering it wasn’t a Talks format.
I have Thoughts that I can’t really articulate about how frequently Caleb shows the Bright Queen medallion, and how it’s both a bit defensive and a bit arrogant.  Thoughts about how it might be how Bren was trained to use the power of his station to get things he wanted.  Thoughts on how it’s making sure that it’s clear that he is In Charge, or at least has some level of Authority due to the medallion, and how it influences how he interacts with authority. Thoughts on how it may be due to his old training versus the more frequent attempt currently to lower his status to try to be unseen. Thoughts about how much could be Caleb healing and regaining confidence versus just using it at a means to an end.   I need someone else to get into my brain and actually write this up for me.
UGH I forgot all this cool Bazzoxan lore!  I really do adore Matt’s worldbuilding, especially the level of depth that he puts into every place.  He goes into it with the intention of making it feel real, and it really does.
I’ve mentioned it before and I know I’ll mention it again, but I so love how Liam handled spellcasting with his components.  With him leaning in to Caleb having to ask to purchase any item he needs, rather than just a general check with Matt, but pulling it so well into the roleplay really does inspire others.  Taliesin even in this scene!  Tal was good with black powder and such last campaign, but I feel like Matt had to prompt him more, advising that he was running out of materials and such, whereas Liam frequently initiates the conversation.
The humor of Liam having to explain to Laura that she needs Guidance to get the plus d4 to a check.  OH how times have changed.  (I’m also not a huge fan of how heavily Guidance is leaned on now.  When I was playing my druid, I made sure that Guidance was used sparingly, only where a magical boost seemed applicable.  Personal preference though.  I also wasn’t a huge fan of how for A Crown Of Candy on Dimension20 that familiars were constantly used to give advantage to rolls.)
Looking at the facial reactions when Matt says that Nott’s flask is missing, Sam and Laura obviously knew, and it looks like Taliesin overheard as well, but I think it’s a genuine surprise to everyone else.
Such a soft spot for the Wildbros.  Wildbrothers?  What’s the nickname for Fjord and Caduceus?  I think it’s Wildbrothers, but google isn’t helping me.  REGARDLESS.  Fjord reaching out to Caduceus for help is such a lovely moment.  Cad’s answer isn’t as straightforward as he would like, but it’s the first clear moment of Fjord changing paths to choose the Wildmother.  I know that Travis had been looking for possible options, but it did end up heavily steering this way, and I’m certainly pleased with the end result. PLUS!  A little bit from Caduceus as to what he is looking for! Still not a ton of detail but a place.  Honestly, I didn’t realize how long it took to actually get backstory for Cad.  I always consider him to be among the most open of the Nein (Jester being the most open, obviously), but I’ve seen very good meta explaining how he really isn’t that open at all.  Watching with that knowledge, it’s very easy to see how much he really doesn’t say.
There’s something a bit beautiful of Caduceus trying to guide Fjord into meditation/worship the way he does (slow breathing, name each sound that comes by) transitioning into Fjord’s own (wind becoming the sound of waves).  The Wildmother has always been a bit synonymous with Nature, but in my own failing, my interpretation of Nature was always plants and trees – very much the flora of the world. Fjord’s eventual worship of her being heavily based in the oceans, still very much a part of Nature, not only helped the character growth, but helped me recognize my own limitations that I was putting on her.  It also helped, once again, just confirm the realness of the world.  People practicing religion have so many variations to their worship and behaviors, to their interpretations of the religion.  In fiction, it’s very easy to take it Planet of Hats, and every follower of God A performs exactly the same way, and every follower of God B worships following this specific structure.  To have the gods in Exandria frequently worshiped differently continues to add depth to the world.
It’s very fun to see Ashley joke about Yasha doing some things which she quickly takes back, but will then fully play with as actual character traits in C3.
Oh FML.  I fully get into this, and all of a sudden I have a massive headache.  T.T  This episode is gonna take for-fucking-ever.  And it’s all good stuff!
Alright, two days later, no headache now, feeling good, got the time, lets see if I can make it through the last hour and half!
With the multiple instances of NPCs speaking Undercommon and Beau not being able to understand it, no wonder Marisha decided to take Undercommon the next opportunity she had.  Checking to see when she gets it (level 10) just makes me really miss Beau.  Her stats end up SO good, and she’s such an intelligent PC.  The roleplay decisions Marisha makes add such a level of depth to Beau’s desire for knowledge and a lovely contrast to how Caleb is intelligent and pursues information.   MY FAVS.
Once again, in my bad habit of underestimating Sam’s RP – I am really going to pay attention this time to Nott and her behavior when forced sober.  There’s quite a bit of it here that is played for laughs, but that doesn’t mean that the characterization is shallow or false.  Right away I noticed that Caleb immediately tries to sooth the situation by repeatedly saying that Nott has ‘misplaced’ her flask, ‘lost’ her flask.  While it’s a completely understandable take, especially as Liam doesn’t know that Laura had Jester take the flask, it’s a very obvious difference from Nott always believing Caleb, to Caleb disbelieving Nott.  He’s not cruel or harsh about it, and he doesn’t diminish her feelings at the lack of alcohol, but he does not accept Nott’s viewpoint that someone took the flask.
To be fair, a bit of that is metagaming.  Sam heard Laura ask Matt to take the flask, so he knows that it was taken from Nott.  I wonder how these scenes may have gone differently had he not overheard and thought that it was something Matt did in game, like how the Schuster kids stole their coin purses.  (also yes I did go to the wiki to confirm the spelling of the name, and yes I did get it wrong at first)
I love when the cast gets Sam to completely break.  Travis saying that Nott’s arms looked whiter than ever (Sam switched his shirt to a sleeveless shirt), and Sam just open mouthed WHEEZING for almost a solid 10 seconds.  Absolutely glorious.  And it’s Sam specifically because he’s the hardest to break.  Taliesin in pretty hard too, BUT if Taliesin gets hit then he’s just OUT.  Liam is by far the easiest to break and it’s delightful every time!
Downside of my massive delay in rewatching – they’re all discussing how Nott was doing really well without drinking and then started slipping up again when she picked it back up, and I can’t remember when this happened!  When did she stop drinking and pick it up again???  I have no recollection, and I feel really bad ‘cause that’s a pretty important thing!  Going back and finding my last post, I said that it might have been that she started getting drunk again to confront Yeza, but then I don’t recall why she would have been sober before that?  This is the big downside of not binging.
Oh wait, maybe the table does know?  Fjord suggests Jester scry on it, which SEEMS like Travis poking at Laura?  But I’m not sure! Could be a coincidence!
Dungeon crawl! Dungeon crawl!  I am hype for dungeon crawl!   CR doesn’t do many of them, and I definitely was bored by Kraghammer, but I think all the crawls aside from that very first one have been a blast.
I feel like this conversation of them trying to help Jester craft a message to Obann is the perfect summation of the Mighty Nein.  The absolute overlapping fuckery combined with SOME intelligence and a lot of goofing, but they get the job done.  Eventually.  Kind of. With sex jokes thrown in.
Aww, this is the doo doo doo doo moment, and Caleb legitimately laughing.   Iconic.  No donuts or pooping, but still good.
Talk about Beau/Marisha calling things!  “what if in your past life, before you lost your memories, you WERE an Iron Angel?”  well yes, yes she was.
Fjord preventing Nott from getting alcohol, then buying a bottle and essentially taunting her with it – it don’t feel good IC, but it always reads to me 100% of Travis teasing Sam.  It’s one of those moments where it DID happen in game, but it doesn’t tie into how I view the PCs interacting, because even though it happened it was more ‘above table’ then in game, if that makes any sense?  Like, Fjord and Nott have a very complex relationship, but Fjord buying alcohol when Nott is clearly going through withdrawal and then not letting her have it?  It’s hard for me to view that in their relationship, it just doesn’t feel right.  Like I said, too mean.
LOL when Sam sets down his flask and accidentally hits Matt’s camera.  Because it jostles Matt’s screen, I keep expecting him to jump or flinch like he’s being shaken, but of course it’s just the image so he doesn’t react.
After talking way too much about EVERYTHING, I actually don’t have much to say about the dungeon crawl.  It’s fucking awesome, Matt’s descriptions of celestial statues with bleeding eyes is amazing, everyone’s reactions are super fun to watch!  I suppose it’s harder for me to discuss because as much as I love the imagery, I kind of never really got the whole lore tie in.  The whole Angel of Irons plot, to be fair, is a bit fuzzy to me.  I kind of wish it had gotten explored a bit more, because the main takeaways that I have from it are that Obann thinks he’s serving the Angel of Irons (whoever he thinks that’s supposed to be), and gets undying champions – Yasha, The Laughing Hand, the Caedogheist or whatever her name is – and then….does something?  And it’s got to do with a cult?  That is releasing Abyssal anchors that just kinda open tears.  Like, I get from the wiki that he’s doing all these things and it’s supposed to release the Chained Oblivion from the Abyss (which oh, I didn’t realize he was there?  Because isn’t he behind the Divine Gate?), but it just never quite solidified for me.
ANYHOW.  FINALLY COMPLETE.  Let’s hope it doesn’t take as long to continue with the rewatch!
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
The OP Boys & Their Personal Dirty Secrets pt. 2
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A/N : Hey hun! I hope you like this! ( i can’t tag you idk why ) I saw you wanted a part two to this and decided to do it because it was fun. I guess, lol. anyways hope you like this! :>
Soooo, don’t judge the gif I couldn’t find anything else. Also I’m kinda tired ;-; alsooo. these ones are a LITTLE bit dirtier.
kid and mihawk don’t have specific dark secrets since I couldn’t think of anything that would yk connect to them. ;-;
Summary : All of these boys and their personal, hidden dirty secrets. PART TWO!
Oh boy, this male, despite his possessiveness, has a bit of a voyeurism kink. He hasn’t yet, but he DEFINITELY wants to turn on the country wide announcement, ( like those screens whatever used in Dressrosa when he talked ) and just fuck you as everyone watches throughout the island. He dreams of it, and one day, HE WILL make it a reality.
“How does it feel?” The lick of his lips and the shit-eating grin was on display all over the island for the people of Dressrosa to see, the image of Doflamingo’s hips thrusting and making contact with your rear.
“Does it feel good to have the whole island watching you being fucked senseless, by me? Their king?”
You couldn’t respond, lost in the insane amount of pleasure that ran through your body, specifically your lower regions. You didn’t even care that you were being watched, basking in the euphoria you were given at the moment.
Doffy’s strings suspended you partially in air, the material binding your body so you couldn’t move in the slightest as he took you from behind.
Arms wrapped around your bare figure, one holding you thigh tightly while the other wrapped around your torso, his hand grasping your throat and his fingers, pressing itself onto the flesh of your neck.
If you were fortunate, your face was cut off from the screen to be visible but your exposed body was seen by everyone who watched.
Doflamingo felt glory and power, as he continued to fuck you for all to see, your sweet, melodic moans echoing through the island as he did this.
What a fantasy that will soon become a reality.
Literally anything but also nothing. I couldn’t think of anything.. so here’s a kink he has! Dominant Submission. (?) basically, he LOVES the submissive ones, but those who really fight back. Feisty bitches yk? But like, he knows you’re all talk because he’ll have you begging for him on your knees once the two of you really get started. ;)
You’re teasing the hell out of Kid. You’re being bad by ignoring Kid and disobeying his orders and the Captain has had enough.
He barges into your room, slamming the door shut with the lock clicking on and before you could react, he has his hand around your throat and your back shoved to the wall.
“You think you’re being funny?” He growls into your ear, instantly using his free hand to rip your clothes off in a swift pull.
Despite the lack of air you had, your face still formed a sly and cheeky smirk in response. “I..I think it’s.. hilarious. Ha.”
Kid scowls before slowly smirking himself and tightened his grip on your neck a little bit more, but not enough to actually kill you. ( he cares after all :> )
“Tch. Looks like you need a punishment.” He drags you over to your bed and shoves you roughly done onto him, unbuckling his pants and pulled the belt out from the loops and pressed the two ends together so he had an able whipping belt. ( make sense? )
You merely grin at this and tilt your head. “Oh? Is that for me?” You hum and sat up, legs up and spread for him to see your already getting wet pussy, arms over you knees.
The sight of it made Kid growl lowly before he walks closer to you. “Time for you to face the consequences of pissing me off.”
With one hand, he forces you down onto the bed, breasts against the mattress and your ass forcefully in the air.
And with the raise of his other hand, it was only seconds before a loud whip was heard.
Tears stings the corner of your eyes but you still held strong, biting your lip. “Is that all you got? Guess you weren’t so angry.” You laugh and Kid didn’t respond, only whipping you once more, a little more force.
“Don’t you worry. I have all night long.”
[ I could write a whole OneShot about this, I had to stop lol ]
Little bit harder, buttt, come on. Sex in the air? Marco’s dream, for sure. And if he’s going to admit it, yes, he has done sexual activities in the air, where no one would be around.
The blonde doctor soars across the sky, a little ways away from the ship, not too far to lose sight but enough where he wouldn’t be seen, regardless of it being the time of night.
He’s only ever done it once or twice, but the no matter how many times Marco would do it again afterwards, the first time experience couldn’t ever be bested.
Sexual activities in the air.
Yet, that didn’t mean Marco didn’t love the thrill and excitement it brought him, especially when he did it so often in his younger days.
Extending his bright cyan blue wings out and around him, Marco palms himself through his pants, shutting his eyes before slightly lowering his pants enough to release his cock into the exposed cold air.
Marco shivers before reeling back and moving so he was laying down, his wings as support. One left propped up and his fingers wrapped itself around his shaft, his touch slow.
With nothing but the moon lighting down on him and the refreshing night breeze in the midnight sky, Marco felt at ease as he continues to rub his length in a teasingly slow motion, only increasing in speed seconds after.
Marco won’t lie, when it came to his release, he often did it into his hands and a bit dripping down onto his hips and chest,
but it felt good letting his cum spurt into the ocean.
It’s pretty known that Thatch is a real perv with large sexual desires. ( at least to me because of @ honeybakedthatch lol ) however, this personal secret is his dirtiest one yet.
Thatch bit his lip as he grunted out a soft groan, feeling the rest of his warm, bitter cum shooting out from his tip and into the leftover mixture of cream and condensed milk he made for the cinnamon buns.
Pulling his pants up and zipping it tight, Thatch made sure to thoroughly mix the cum and mixture together with a plastic spoon before drizzling it over the cinnamon buns he left out just for you.
The plastered grin Thatch wore merely widens as he watched the ordinary looking cinnamon buns look identical to the others, but he knew the pleasant surprise in taste that differed.
Just as he finished drizzling the cream, the door opened, you having walked in. “Thatch, I smell something good! What is it?”
The cheery, innocent smile you had made Thatch smirk a bit, the imagination all too pleasant, the thought of you eating his delicious cinnamon buns.
“I made cinnamon buns. Here, I made these especially for you.” Thatch holds out the separate plate he had and walks closer to you, placing a sweet kiss on your temple before letting you take the plate and fork.
“Enjoy. If it’s a bit too bitter, let me know and I’ll.. sweeten it up for you.”
This stoic ass man is such an intimate, romanticist, he doesn’t quite have very dirty secrets.. but, one kink he secretly has is bondage and slight corruption. He won’t ever mention it but if you bring it up, he’ll voice his opinions on it.
“Now, now, love. You should be careful.”
Mihawk’s strict but amused tone was evident as he sat in his chair and watched you writhe in the tight black silk ribbons that bounded you on the ground.
Your arms were tied behind your back, your vision blocked by a silk blindfold and your legs were forced spread by a ankle bar, exposing your bare heat towards Mihawk.
You were leaning against a table/chair, and the only thing you could hear were Mihawk’s praises and warnings, along with the humming vibration that came from the vibrator strapped to your clit.
“You might loosen the binds, and you know you don’t want that, do you?” Mihawk sternly questions and you shook your head, biting your lip to prevent yourself from moaning out too loud.
“Oh? You aren’t responding?” Mihawk smiles slightly as he leans on his hand, elbow on the armrest of his chair. “I asked you a question.”
You gasp out in realization and stammered out, trying to close your legs from the shock and orgasm you keep receiving.
“I-I mean no.. h-hah.. ah.. I, I don’t want it to loosen.” Your blush darkens at the embarrassment you held, but you loved this, just as much as Mihawk did.
I could come up with a bunch of things but the first thing my mind went to was — sex tapes. Shanks is all for EVERYTHING but I feel like sex tapes seal the deal. Especially since he hooks up with so many women, I’m sure.
Shanks watches as the woman below him arches her back and curls her toes in pure bliss and euphoria.
The loud moans escaping her lips and filling the motel rooms only edged him further.
His tight grip on the woman’s left thigh glides up to grab the soft mound flesh on her left, his fingers twisting the little perky bud as he thrusted his hips roughly into her, eliciting a louder pleasurable cry.
The sound of skin slapping was the only thing heard other than the heavy grunts of Shanks and the mewls of the woman being fucked into oblivion.
Shanks, despite having the time of his life and was nearing his climax as he continued to thrust into the two small and tight lips, it’s walls clenching around him, could only think about the recording camera on its designated position on top of the drawer.
As much as he loved the real experience at the current moment, he couldn’t wait to rewatch the recording of it and relive the experience that way.
A/N: here you go, hun! I know you wanted a part 2 with these characters and I hope this went out you expected and wanted! :>
A few don’t have proper endings but it’s gooddd enoughhh for me. :p
jus wondering, what do y’all think Kid has? Master, sir, daddy or captain kink? Or none and just his name?
Law def has a “doc/doctor” kink lol but since I’m at it, I don’t think Marco has that.
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ireneaesthetic · 2 years
The YR S2 tag game (by @youngroyalsrewatch)
Thank you for tagging me, @piginawig 💗 i’m late so everyone’s probably already done it, is you didn’t, i’m @ you!
I have been thinking about this a lot and want to hear what everyone is planning. Copy the questions and share your watch plan and pass it around. Tag them (#yr s2 watch plan) because I really wanna know.
Will you. . .
1. Watch a teaser if released? i wouldn’t resist to any new content at this point so yes.
2. Watch the trailer? absolutely yes (fun fact: i watched the trailer of season 1 for the first time one month after or so finishing the show - don’t ask me why - so i didn’t really know anything plot related when i first watched it).
3. Read the descriptions of the episodes? it’s not a thing i like to do so no, i won’t!
4. Are you going to start it midnight PST as soon as it’s available? it’ll be 09:00 am where i live, so if i make it to wake up that early YES.
5. Take a day off work/school? i’ll plan my uni agenda in order to take one day off for sure!
6. What device? computer.
7. Watch it alone? yes.
8. Sub, cc or dub? original language with english subtitles is my go-to.
9. Watch all episodes in a single sitting? yes, i’m so impatient i could never ever do any other way.
10. Wear your purple hoodie? sadly i don’t have one, but i’ll definitely wear my comfiest clothes.
11. Snacks? snacks, drinks and a lot of tissues!
12. Record your reactions? nope, i’ll probably just take a picture of me crying at the very first shot to, you know, capture the emotions of the moment.
13. What are you most excited for? honestly, everything. i don’t even know what to expect and i’m thrilled. i LOVE to experience the turning-point in a plot, season 2 might have more than one and yes, this is probably the thing i’m most excited for.
14. What are you scared of? a cliffhanger ending. it would scream season 3 but i truly won’t survive another full solid year of anxious waiting.
15. How long before rewatch? it depends a lot on my mood, but i want my first rewatch to be as soon as i’ll recover from the overload of emotions and my mind will clear up enough to focus on details and dive into scenes.
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winwinnns · 3 years
impress you (a) (s)
dancer! reader, dance teacher! yuta, hard dom yuta, sub reader (fem), degration, choking (kind of), exhibitionism? (they fuck in a dance studio) humiliation, minor spanking, mentions of edging, short aftercare
self indulgent. i love dancing and want to be apart of a group asap lol. maybe that’s sharing too much,,,,, anyways enjoy!
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you took dance very seriously. it was an escape for you. you loved the way it felt after you’d spent so much time learning the moves and it finally paying off. you liked seeing how good you were, rewatching videos people had taken of you or watching yourself in the mirrors as you performed. you were pretty confident about your skills to say the least.
that was until the studio hired a new teacher. yuta nakamoto wore your confidence down. you had always been able to impress your teachers, but he never seemed happy with you. if you glanced in the wrong direction he’d tell you to be more focused. even if you enthralled yourself in a dance he’d tell you to be more passionate. he wasn’t like that to anyone else and that got on your nerves
you had started practicing at 7am, it was now 11 am. you weren’t satisfied with how it looked. you knew there needed to be absolutely no flaws in order to impress yuta.
“we should run it again” you suggest. your group members groaned.
your group leader sighed. “y/n i know how much this means to you but you need a break. we all do. even if it’s for 5 minutes will you come sit down with us?”
how could you take a break when it wasn’t perfect yet? you were focused now and you knew taking a break would shatter your determined state.
“you guys take a break. i’ll be fine.”
“but y/n-“
“i’ll be fine.” you said, walking over to the sound booth to restart the song.
you stared yourself down in the mirror, analyzing every single move. your love for dance was soon buried by your determination to please him. you’d practice at ungodly hours of the night to make sure you knew what you were doing.
whenever you went to your group members to complain about him, they always said the same thing.
“hes hard on you because he knows your good”
were you? you know you definitely used to be, but with yuta’s unrealistic expectations of you, you thought of yourself as just okay. an average dancer. that’s not what you wanted to be, but you accepted that you were.
the next day, the groups performed in front of each other. when it was your turn to perform, you were ready. you stood in your spot, waiting for the music to start playing. you felt yourself move fluidly, feeling the music in your bones. the beats bounced around your skull, you felt like a part of the song. you’d surely impress him this time. for once in a long time you felt good, your energy filling you with confidence. you felt like the best. you made eye contact with him and smirked, remembering all the times he grilled you about facial expressions. you had this in the bag.
the music stopped, you nailed your ending pose, looking at him again. the other dancers in the studio cheered for your group. you bowed politely and moved to the side, making room for the next group.
“okay. time for critiques. will the first group come to the middle of the room”
you weren’t nervous like you’d usually be. you knew you did good. you were ready to experience the feeling of impressing him, rewarding you for your hard work. you really did work hard. you took this more seriously then any other dance you’ve done with this group.
after complimenting your group members on their flow and energy, yuta turned to you.
“y/n, you need to work on your form. it was a little sloppy.”
sloppy?! you wanted to talk to him privately. how could he say that about you? you were doing so good you were sure of it. you really felt connected to the music. you knew for a fact your form was not sloppy.
after it was done, you went up to him. he was in a corner of the room, swiping at something on his phone.
“you never seem happy with me.”
he looked up from his phone.
“every time i dance you always find something wrong with it. even if i do really good you never compliment anything. why?”
“because you’re not doing your best.”
you mouth hung open. what was he talking about? you have absolutely been doing your best. you were at the top of your game this week. you even reminded your partners of the moves you knew them so well. you had put all of your emotion into this performance and he still thought it wasn’t good enough.
“what do you mean? that was one of my better performances.”
“it was a good performance, but i know you can do better.”
do better? your all wasn’t enough for him. you wanted to punch him. that was your best. you knew it’d be hard to top it.
everyone had left the room, leaving you and yuta alone.
“your expectations are so fucking high. i know i came very close to being perfect this time. i worked my ass of. i put all of my free time into perfecting this and you have nothing good to say about it?”
you knew swearing unprofessional, and it wasn’t going to help anything. but you didn’t care. you were so pissed.
“all i wanted to do was impress you. i did my absolute best. it feels like nothing i do is ever good enough for you.”
he ran his fingers through his hair. “god will you just shut up.”
“excuse me?”
you were taken aback. he did not just tell you to shut up. no fucking way. he moved closer to you, faces only inches apart.
“i said shut up.”
you could feel his breath fanning your face. he was really really hot. what. you thought to yourself. what the fuck is going on.
“holy shit” you whispered.
he smirked. “what”
you stared at his lips. they were really nice. you wanted to kiss him. what has gotten into you? you gulped. his finger went to trace your throat.
“got nothing to say now, huh baby?”
he called you baby. holy shit. it sounded so hot coming from him. you wanted him to say it again. you just looked at him, his eyes were dark with something unknown.
you kiss him experimentally, your lips molding together. his hand wraps around your throat. you squeak, loving how it feels.
he bites your bottom lip, making you whine. he pulls away.
“needy already?” he scoffed.
he brought his hands to your hips, pulling you closer.
“you know, i hate dealing with needy sluts.” he licked his lips. “but i’ll make an exception this time.”
he pushed his lips against yours. this kiss was rougher. you squeezed your thoughts together. just kissing him was making you feel good, you wondered what else he would do. you hoped he wouldn’t leave you high and dry.
“take this off.” he said against your lips. he tugged on your shirt. you took it off quickly, returning to his lips. he smirked
“eager aren’t we? you want me that bad?”
you nodded. you really needed him. you didn’t care how you just wanted him to touch you.
“say it.”
“i want you yuta.”
“take your pants off.”
you pushed your sweats down aggressively tossing them away from you
he rubbed you through your panties. you immediately ground down on his hand, moaning at the feeling. he hummed and focused on your clothed clit, rubbing hard.
he leaned you over the sound booth, tearing your panties down. he fingered you for what felt like 4 seconds before taking his cock out of his underwear. he rubbed the tip up and down your slit, chuckling when you begged for more.
“does it feel good?” he asks
you nod.
“then why would you want anything more?” he teased “what if i only do this. could you cum from it?”
you shake your head “no yuta please give me more!” you push yourself backward against his cock.
he tsked. “now baby you need to be patient. i’ll fuck you when i want to.”
you whined and pushed back more. he slapped your ass before rubbing the pain away.
“what did i say?”
he laced his fingers in your hair and pulled your head up.
“repeat what i said.”
you moaned. “be patient and you’ll fuck me when you want to.”
“if you knew what i said why did you disobey? you’re such a needy bitch.”
you moaned again. you loved it when he degraded you. you never thought you’d be into something like that. it made you feel so good.
suddenly he pushed into you. you gasped. he was larger than you were used to.
“fuck you’re so big!”
he smirked and slapped your ass.
“i know. can you take it?”
you knew he wasn’t really asking. your walls swallowed him up. he thrusted into you slowly.
“how does it feel? you like it when i fuck you like this, where anyone could walk in?”
“yes i love it! please fuck me harder!”
“mm what would your group members think if they walked in on this? seeing you so needy and taking my cock. you’re just a horny little slut aren’t you”
you moan and nod. he fucked you faster. you felt so pliable in his hands, his words making you impossibly wetter.
“you’re so lucky we aren’t at my place. i’d edge you so much for being an annoying little brat.”
he pounded into you chasing his release.
“rub your clit.” he ordered
you complied and moaned as soon as your fingers make contact with your clit, back arching. he grabbed your hips, nails leaving indents in your skin.
“fuck yuta.” you whined. you were close. “please don’t stop.”
he chuckled and pulled your head up by your hair. his lips latching onto your neck. he bit and sucked marks onto you, the feeling making you that much closer.
“i’m close!”
he hummed against you neck. “you gonna cum for me? show me how good my cock feels in your slutty pussy?”
you whined. “please please please don’t stop!”
“wasn’t planning on it baby.”
there it was again. baby. the name rang through your ears. it made you feel warm. you wanted him to call you that all the time. it was the last thing you needed to cum.
you came on his cock. he thrusted into you faster before pulling out and releasing on your back. you both panted, catching your breaths.
“holy shit.” he said. “that was so hot baby”
he took off his shirt and used to to clean your back. he pulled you up and help you in his arms.
“you did really well.”
you flushed at his words, nuzzling into his chest.
“thank you.”
he rubbed your back for a little while before getting your clothes and handing them to you.
“we should do this again.” he suggests.
you nod furiously. “yes please.”
he chuckled. “oh, and i’ll try to go easier on you.”
with that he put on his hoodie and left, leaving you alone to put on your clothes. you felt some sort of satisfaction. you had pleased him. not in the way you were expecting, but it felt just as good.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hello there. my bday is around the corner and i was wondering how would random haikyuu boys celebrate it with u 💓
how the haikyuu boys will celebrate your birthday with you
a/n: my birthday is just around the corner too so this was really fun to write 🥺 i decided to do it by team bc i couldn’t pick who boys to do lmao
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— karasuno
i think they’ll definitely pull some intricate plan that will go wrong one way or another
like a surprise party maybe
it was fs nishinoya and tanaka’s idea to set one up after school in the gym where they tell everyone to pretend to forget your birthday just to add that special element of surprise
but then again, guys like tsukishima and kageyama don’t need to pretend they didn’t know your birthday because they truly didn’t until hinata brought it up to them (don’t take it too personally tho lmao)
speaking of which, hinata almost spoiled the surprise for you if yachi wasn’t there to distract you 💀
despite being the second year’s idea to throw this surprise party for you, it’s primarily the third years doing all the work since tanaka and nishinoya don’t know how to organize a party for shit
poor kiyoko is actually doing all the work while daichi and asahi are putting up decorations with the help of the first years (tsukishima had to be forced tho smh)
yamaguchi and yachi seem like the types to overthink what to get you for a birthday present, probably going all out while kageyama would just buy you your favorite drink and snack from the vending machine near the gym literally five minutes before the surprise
it’s the thought that counts ig
sugawara made your cake as well with the usual message, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N !!’
and since the surprise party was being held in the gym after practice, everyone had to hurry and clean up before setting out all the decorations. and can i just say, it’s chaotic™️
yachi had to distract you for a good ten minutes by asking you to walk all the way towards the other end of campus to ‘get something’ that didn’t exist in the first place
meanwhile in the gym, the second years were in charge of taking down the volleyball net to replace it with a badly homemade painting with tanaka’s messy ass handwriting wishing you a happy birthday
the third years and first years as mentioned before were setting up decorations, hanging up streamers, setting out balloons, and handing out party poppers
with kiyoko, takeda-sensei, and ukai set out a table for sugawara to place the cake he made for you (which it almost fell cause ennoshita bumped into him)
hinata was also on the lookout if you and yachi were nearby
and when you were, he shout so loudly that even you heard down the hall
finishing up any last minute details, the team sets out their presents for you with their party poppers in hand before shouting, “SURPRISE!!”
it’s all fun and games until nishinoya accidentally released confetti at your face by accident
he made up for it with his present though lmao
— aoba johsai
saying that seijoh probably won’t do anything as big as a surprise party is a complete lie
knowing oikawa and the moment he found out it was going to be your birthday soon, he’ll plan something more extravagant than some lame surprise party (albeit, badly planned without the help of iwa)
he’d probably rent out a party bus to drive around the city before stopping by at some random karaoke place downtown
he’ll only invite the third years and your close friends so it isn’t too big of a celebration that it doesn’t feel like it’s your own party
the best part of the night was mattsun absolutely outshining oikawa in literally everything
there was even a stripper pole in the party bus and he just started fucking around with you to pretending to make it rain on him,, it was hilarious
you love rewatching the videos you took of that night
your favorite (besides stripper matsukawa) was iwa singing a ballad for you and when i say that man has vocals i mean it
at the end of the night, all your friends got up to sing happy birthday to you on the karaoke machine
the second years would probably feel bad celebrating your birthday with you, so instead they take you out to get udon after school and just vibe
you were honestly just surprised that it was kyotani’s idea to take you out like this, not to mention the cute gift he gave you that he put a lot of thought into
meanwhile i think the first years are just too intimidated by you minus kunimi
like kindaichi knew of your birthday but he was just too scared to go up to you and wish you a happy birthday before handing you your favorite convenient store snack as a little gift
— nekoma
unlike karasuno and seijoh, the way the nekoma boys celebrate with you is definitely on the more laidback side, yet they still put effort in wishing you a happy birthday
kenma, kuroo, and yaku would definitely stay up with you the night before your birthday playing video games just to be the first ones to wish you a happy birthday the moment the clock strikes midnight
they’ll even set up a minecraft server that kenma spent hours setting up and building everything that you like with a gigantic banner made out of your favorite colors of wool saying ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
the rest of the night staying up playing party games on hypixel despite having school the next day
in the morning, you’d find kenma and kuroo waiting outside your house so they can walk the birthday celebrant to school, plus they had bags in their hands to which you assume were presents for you
it was then did you realize that you were going to get more throughout the day after kuroo mentioned how he told the team that it was your birthday
there was something embarrassing and a bit cringey being showered with attention for your birthday, especially at school, but you still appreciated the team’s efforts
throughout the day, people would notice the gifts in your hands and would wish you a happy birthday, definitely causing a stir in the school when yaku, lev, and yamamoto burst into your classroom to shout happy birthday
while yamamoto is literally showering you with birthday wishes and presents, lev would give you a cute plushie of your favorite animal along with a little cake
he’d probably ask to eat it with you during lunch lmao
by the end of the day, kuroo and kenma would help you carry all the presents you received as you guys end the day off getting ramen
— fukurodani
i don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of it knowing you don’t like making a big deal out of your birthday either
the only reason why they even found out that your birthday was around the corner is because bokuto couldn’t keep his mouth shut
it played out somewhere along the lines like this: akaashi would ask you if you were free this weekend so you two could study for the upcoming math exam
bokuto was there as well when you had to ask for a raincheck on studying as your parents were forcing you to go out on a celebratory birthday dinner (as by their words, “it’s the least you could do.”)
to which bokuto literally gasps and shouts, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND?” his words echoing throughout the gym and definitely catching the attention of the rest of the volleyball team
if that’s his reaction to finding out it’s your birthday soon, just imagine how shocked he would be when you tell him that you don’t really like celebrating it
akaashi would definitely understand and opted to buy you a little something for his appreciation and give it to you the following day, but bokuto wants to full on throw a party for you
“come on! it’ll just be a little get-together at the park!��� he would beg
“thank you, bo, but i’m honestly fine just going out to dinner with my family.”
he would huff, planning to throw one as a surprise party instead, but akaashi immediately shoots down his idea out of respect for you
instead, bokuto would channel all that energy to giving “the best birthday gift of your life!” (end quote)
even konoha would challenge him on that just to tease him, but would still give you a well thought out gift
and yeah, it’s honestly kind of embarrassing seeing him walk into school with a box full of things you’re into including a giant owl plushie (school spirit ig??)
poor bo was outshined by yukie and kaori when they made a birthday cake for you
— shiratorizawa
lowkey i feel like shiratorizawa is definitely one of those private schools that would announce when their student’s birthdays are when they come close
like no one of the vb team would’ve found out your birthday was in a couple days if it wasn’t for that overhead announcement made by the vice principal
however, i wouldn’t think they’d make a huge deal out of it besides tendou maybe
the moment you would walk into the gymnasium, he’ll immediately wish you a happy birthday loudly before nudging ushijima to do the same
instead of one big party, you celebrated with them almost individually
tendou and ushijima both took you to the aquarium and bought you a gift that you specifically chose out cause they’d probably wouldn’t be bothered to do so without you
and then you’d go out with semi and reon to which you three just get sushi after school
lowkey i feel like they would buy literally anything you show even the tiniest amount of interest in and they’ll buy it within a snap
you literally had to stop semi from buying you anything else as he’ll end up spending all his pocket change when the sushi was enough
and unlike their upperclassman, shirabu and goshiki would probably just celebrate with you by just hanging out at your house--watching netflix, playing video games, maybe ordering some pizza
it’s pretty simple, but they’ll be there all day cause the time spent together is just really nice
— inarizaki
the twins literally cannot keep their mouths shut
the team was already pretty aware of your birthday, but they have been keeping the surprise party for you on the downlow ever since the twins proposed their idea of doing a little picnic for you
but go figure that it would be atsumu and osamu exposing their entire plan in front of you after nagging their team not to say jackshit in front of you
they’d still follow through with their plans, however, despite not being a surprise anymore
the little celebration would be held at the park, suna being in charge of the picnic blanket, kita being in charge of bringing drinks, osamu being in charge of bringing the food, and atsumu being in charge of... well,, bringing you ig
aran would arrive late only because he had to get his bday gift for you (which btw was the best one fs) as well as picking up your birthday cake with the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH <3′ 
it’s so obvious that suna was the one who ordered the cake, but it’s literally the best you have every received
overall, it’s pretty chill but you couldn’t ask for anything more knowing their efforts and how you’ve been laughing your ass off the entire time
you guys would even watch the sunset as yall sat atop a hill, taking photos to put on your stories and to post on social media
out of the hundreds of photos taken of you with your cake or aran force feeding suna food, the group photo taken exactly at golden hour was your absolute favorite
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shelby-love · 4 years
I'm Holy. Get it?
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Requested: no
Prompts: none (all lines are from the movie save for the reader’s + some other)
Warning(s): I'd say if you haven't watched HP movie 7 don't read this but I mean...  
[Y/FN or Y/MN] is your father’s name or your mother’s name, whichever you prefer :)
Word count: 2.6K
Author's note: This is set directly in the first part of the ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1′ movie (Polyjuice scenes and arriving at the Burrow after the Sky battle). Reader reacts to George's injury kinda thing. I highly recommend rewatching those specific scenes so you get the feels:
Arrival at Privet Drive (watch first 50 seconds)
Full Polyjuice scenes
The Sky Battle (watch all if you want)
The Order at the Burrow after the Sky Battle
This is by far my favourite one-shot out of all of my work and it took me a while to write it so please like, reblog and let me know what you think! P.S. if you’re up for me to write a part 2, that one shot will be set before, during and after the wedding <3
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Darkness set around Privet Drive seemed to be rippling, the air wafting all around. The Dursley's house, home of the famous chosen boy Harry came into view only as the brooms lowered to the ground. Not only brooms, in three cases skeletal, black winged horses too. Hagrid dominated the scene, sitting in an enormous motorbike you had begged him to give you a ride on, with goggles and a helmet set on his bearded face.
Despite not arriving in the motorbike, you had flown on the next best thing - a broom, with arms wrapped around your boyfriend, face nested against his shoulder and a million sweet nothings whispered into your ears on the way over.
You were pleased to say the least.
One by one, you lifted the Disillusionment Charms, coming into view for Harry Potter to see through the window of his room.
George Weasley dismounted the broom with ease, helping you off by letting you put your hand on his strong shoulders.
Harry pulled the front door open, eyes wide upon hearing Hermione screech and fling her arms around him. Ron: the next best thing how George and Fred always say, clapped his best friend's back and waltzed into the house after Hermione.
You stood outside, holding George's hand, body molded against his and watched the scenes unfold with the rest of the Order - Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Lupin, Arthur, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley, Fred and George. You were accompanied by Mundungus Fletcher: a small, dirty man with droopy eyes and hair that was non-existent. Behind Mad-Eye stood a slender man in a dark suit, having just dismounted the third winged horse. He was handsome, so to speak, with black hair brushed behind and dark glasses shielding his eyes.
"Who wears sunglasses at midnight?" Fred had mumbled when he saw the man for the first time at the headquarters. You laughed immediately, agreeing by throwing a joke of your own.
George was protective; he made sure you weren't close to either of them as you followed the rest of the Order inside. As was Bill, his older brother, who had a hand on his fiancée's back, ushering her inside while placing himself as a human shield against Mundungus and the stranger. You were thankful for George, just like Fleur for Bill - you saw it in her eyes when you made it inside the small, family home that was once filled with furniture.
"Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley," said the oldest brother, hand extended for Harry to take.
"Ah, pleasure to meet you," this was the first time Harry had met the oldest Weasley and he shook his hand immediately and gave Fleur a hug right after.
"Wasn't always this handsome." Fred teased, pushing through the small crowd of people.
"Dead ugly," Your boyfriend added, holding your hand, and pushing you in front of him as the auror walked in right after you three did.
You released George's hand and came in to give Harry a hug, who you considered to be your close friend. "Are you going back to Hogwarts?" The boy asked you, knowing you were as old as him and his closest friends.
You shook your head, "My parents are in the Order as much as I am. I'll go when we defeat him. At least that's what I have planned."
"Of course, she'll go," Hermione interjected, not wanting to take the N.E.W.T. alone.
"No, she'll work with me," George butted in the conversation, grinning. "She'll be our salesman."
"Or saleswoman!" Fred voiced somewhere around the house.
Your lips spread into a grin instinctively as you placed a hand into George's already extended one and joined him somewhere else, letting Harry get to know a little bit more about Bill and his scar.
"-the joker," the last of Tonks' words made their way into your ears. The bubbly woman came to stand next to you. "By the way, wait until you hear the news! Remus and I are -"
"All right, all right!" Mad-Eye interrupted Tonks mid-sentence. You gave her a smile and a glance at her belly. She smiled in return. "You’ll all have time for a cozy catch-up later! We’ve got to get the hell out of here and soon!"
"What news?" George leaned in and whispered into your ear, Fred leaning in too.
"Doesn't matter," You told him. It was Tonks' announcement, not yours.
"Babe, pleasee," he whined, but you stood your ground and elbowed him in his abs.
George yelped behind you, drawing in attention. The adults turned around to look but he composed himself immediately, placing on a carefree smile and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, brushing them all off with the actions.
You missed half the conversation about the Trace the Ministry had on every underage witch and wizard. You thankfully didn't have the Trace for several months now but you did pity Harry in that aspect. The Trace was not an easy pill to swallow for an underage wizard like himself.
"The real one...?"
Moody drew a flask from one of his pockets.
"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew."
"No! Absolutely not!"
Hermione sighed, "I told you he'd take it well."
Harry, the always humble boy shook his head. You didn't see his face because you stood in the back, but you could imagine it very well. "If you think I'm going to let people risk their lives for me-"
"Never done that before, have we?" Ron mumbled, rather audibly so that everyone heard him.
"This is different. Taking that. Becoming me - no."
"Well, none of us really fancy it, mate." Fred said earnestly.
"Yeah imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as scrawny, specky gits forever." Your boyfriend added after him.
Harry didn't smile at that.
But you did - and that was enough for the Weasley twins.
You focused on the conversation that went on, cringing with George when Mundungus started to speak.
Suddenly, Hermione mercilessly grabbed a tuft of Harry's jet-black hair, yanking several pieces out and placing the strands into the flask.
"Blimey Hermione!"
Moody held out the flask in which the potion was connecting itself to the strands of hair. The mud like liquid gave an awfully displeasing imitation of brewing, but it turned to gold liquid soon and you let out a breath of relief.
But relief was soon replaced with dread as you realized what awaited you. Instinctively, you stepped back only to crash into George who had stepped behind you, knowing what you would do. Your boyfriend placed his hands on your shoulders and walked you to stand in line with the rest of soon-to-be-fake-Harry-Potters. "You aren't going anywhere luv."
George slapped your shoulders for effect.
"For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning. It tastes like goblin piss."
You visibly shuddered as you stood between the twins, Moody's fake eye catching you in a locked gaze.
"Have a lot of experience with that, do you, Mad-Eye?"
Moody's eye switches from you onto Fred. "Just trying to defuse the tension."
Fred gingerly took a sip, cringing in distaste immediately after.
He tried to hand the flask over to you, but you shook your head and dashed over to stand after George, not before him.
Why didn't he start from the other end of the line?
You were fine with standing next to Mungundus - the petty criminal, just not with taking a sip of that potion.
"My girlfriend's just scared," George smiled apologetically, still trying to defuse the tension just like his brother.
Both twins shrinked immediately after drinking it, and you swallowed the remains of your saliva and took the flask from your now very short boyfriend. "Cheers." You muttered, taking a small sip from the flask.
"That's not nearly enough! Blimey drink some more!" Mad-Eye barked at you and you did as he said, taking a much bigger sip this time round.
He finally nodded and stepped aside.
You felt your features bubble up uncomfortably, until the transformation ended, and 8 Harry Potters stood in the kitchen that had once belonged to Harry's evil muggle caretakers.
"Wow - we're identical!" Fred and George said at the same.
"Not yet you aren't," Moody mumbled, pulling out the sacks with eight identical sets of clothes.
You, Fleur and Hermione grabbed for the clothes immediately, your bras suddenly feeling everything but comfortable against your now flat chest.
"Don't have something a bit more sporty, do you?'" George asked, looking at the red shirt puzzled.
"Yes, don't fancy this color at all." Fred agreed.
"Fancy this: You're not you, so shut it and strip." Mad-eye exclaimed, turning to Harry. "You'll need to change too, Potter."
Harry looks around and self-consciously begins to strip. The other in takers of the potion had no concern when they stripped off their clothes. As for you, when you glanced underneath the shirt and indeed saw that your breasts were no longer there, you had no problem when taking off your shirt and bra. Any ounce of self-consciousness that was there disappeared once coming to terms that the body wasn't yours.
"Harry," you started, your voice the only thing left that was your own save for the clothes you were currently taking off. "Sorry for exposing you like this. But if it makes you feel any better...you have a nice body?"
You didn't really know to which Harry you were talking to, but one look at the Harry who didn't smile, the one that looked rather angry was enough to know he wasn't the real Harry. It was George. "I mean...that's kind of a compliment to you too... Right Fred?"
"It's a compliment," A different Harry but with Fred's voice said. "Take it or leave it George."
"Help me with this?" You decided to say instead, your cheeks flushing red as you turned around to give George space to unclip your bra.
"Never thought, I'd see the day Harry helps himself take off a bra," Ron mumbled with a laugh, having just finished commenting about his best friend's non existing tattoo.
"Shut it, Ron." Harry's voice came from somewhere amongst the crowd. Real Harry's voice.
George then helped you put on your red shirt in a haste, just now starting to smile. "I'm helping Harry Potter with his clothes the same way I would help my girlfriend."
"But it is me you dimwit!"
"Right then," Moody started to talk again, just after George helped you with your jacket. "We'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector. As for you, Harry..."
"Yes?" Every Potter, real and fake, said in unison.
"The real Harry! Where the devil are you, anyway?"
"Here." The real Harry raised his hand and Moody's eyes rotated onto him.
"You'll ride with Hagrid." He said, "As for [Y/FN or Y/MN]'s kid... Where in the bloody hell are you even?"
Hearing those words, you raised a shaky hand. "I'm here sir."
"Good," Mad-Eye took note. "You'll be going with Ren on one of the thestrals."
The dark figure you and George so desperately tried to avoid stepped into the room right at that moment. "Yes, Ren. He's one of our best Aurors. Good and loyal - exactly the ones that are the hardest to find."
"O-kay," You said uneasily and turned around to face George. As weird as it sounded, fake Harrys holding comforting hands weren't a weird sight if you imagined hard enough to see George and Y/N.
That's what you did at that moment at least.
Held Harry's hand and tried to imagine George.
"Let's go."
"I'll see you at the Burrow, okay?" You told George, voice laced with worry.
"I would kiss you right now if you didn't look like Harry," He said.
You nodded in understanding, "Me too George. Me too."
The two of you went to your respective protectors - George with Remus and you with Ren.
You ignored the man when you came up to him and only gave him a look when he was supposed to help you up on the calm horse like creature.
"Hang on tight," was the last thing he said before the thestral flew the moment Moody finished counting.
You did hold him, only not as closely like on the broom with George.
"Confringo!" You yelled, holding out your wand in the direction of the Death Eaters. A bright blast flew out of your wand, hitting one of Voldemort's followers and sending him off his broom to be eaten away by the wind.
They were catching up to you, not bothered by the aggressive sways of the wind. Whether the thestral was acting out in fear or in rage - you wouldn't know.
"We're almost there!"
True to his words, the two of you broke through the protective spells of the headquarters, landing somewhere on the land, away from the Burrow.
You heaped off the thestral immediately. "Do you really plan on walking all the way back?"
You didn't know what to tell Ren as you continued to walk on unsteady legs. Your brain was mushed, fried even due to the number of curses you evaded and had been struck with.
"I-I..." You started, but words weren't coming out. "We're the last ones to arrive. I'm sure of it!"
"What difference does that make?"
"What difference..." You repeated, not believing what he was saying. "They maybe think we're dead! George might-"
George might think I'm dead.
It crushed your whole being. The lingering thought that they might not be okay...
"Come back," Ren interjected, slashing through your mind with his words. "We'll be faster on the thestral."
As much as you didn't want him to be right...he was. And so you turned back around and grabbed his hand, sitting back on the thestral - cold and scared for everyone's lives.
Especially George's.
"Oi! Let her go! Let her go!"
Remus Lupin ignored everyone as he pointed the tip of his wand to you, sending your still very Harry looking body hurling to the ground.
In the end it was Fred, George's older twin, who had marched out of the house and pushed Remus away. Fred looked like himself again, making it all ten times scarier. You had tears in your eyes as he pointed his wand at you and never felt so threatened in your life. "What was the place where you first met George and me?!"
His screaming had you struggling for words. "Answer me!"
"Filch's office you bloody dung brain!" You screamed back, feeling your face return back to normal.
Fred's face softened instantly as he came down to help you up. He hugged you the moment you were back standing. "Fred, what's going on?"
"It's George."
"Where is he?" You barged into the cramped house, looking around the whole place frantically. You followed Fred into the sitting room, where Molly had tended to her injured son when he was first brought in.
George lied on the couch, his bleeding had stopped thanks to his mother, but under the light you saw a clean hole where George's ear had been.
You dropped to your knees by his side immediately.
You could practically see the struggle he had with opening his eyes which he never had trouble with before, especially not when he was trying to look at you.
"How is he?"
Fred answered glancing at the bandages, "It could have been much worse. We can't make the ear grow back since it was removed by dark magic."
You shook your head, wiping your tears with the sides of your index fingers before brushing George's hair out of the way. "He wouldn't want you to."
"Yeah," Fred agreed. "He's a tough nut."
You voiced your agreement with your laugh, "Yeah, he is."
The two of you admired George in silence for a few moments. The room has been cleared, leaving only the three of you there. "I'm sorry for jumping on you like that."
It wasn't common for Fred to be so serious, and because you didn't even want to think about your arrival, you gave him a small smile, "It's okay Fred. I would have done the same."
"I know."
"What did he say?" You asked quietly, "Before he passed out."
"That he was holy."
"Yep," Fred said, the teasing tone to his voice returning as he pointed to his ear for demonstration. "Holy. You get it?"
"Thank God! He's alright!"
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into-crazy · 4 years
horror and chill
Ledger!Joker x Female Reader one shot
Summary: You and J watch a horror flick. Eventually you both grow bored, turning your attention onto one another. You don't make it through the movie.
Warnings- Cursing, NSFW, SMUT, fingering, edging, orgasm denial, light knife play, spanking, use of the word daddy(once), unprotected sex, brief degradation, choking, light blood play, J style fluff, ages 18+
This sort of popped into my head while I was watching a scary movie. I'm a sucker for watching horror movies in the dark. Let's just say my self indulgences deff kicked in with this one whew! Also forewarning, it’s very long.
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The month of October has always been a favorite for you. That time of the year when Autumn is in full effect. The air outside is cooled down, where it's not too hot and not quite cold yet. Seasonal items return with a comeback, available to stock up on- whether they be edible goodies or scented candles. Then, of course, there's Halloween. Or spooky season, as the kids like to call it.
That special time where watching horror movies is an absolute must. Ordering takeout, nothing on but panties and an oversized tee, cuddling on the couch with a blanket, turning out all of the lights, and blasting the volume on the television to get the full effect. Yeah, it's one of your most prized traditions.
You and Joker have been together for well over year now. Let's just say he was around this time last year. He knew of your passion for this month, but he hasn't fully experienced it with you. Since that was a point where your relationship- if that's what you want to call it- was still fresh. Too early to establish complete trust and understanding in one another. Actually, you believe that still may be the case for J.
Not that you have anything against it. He's a highly complex and guarded man, he has a difficult time trusting people. In fact, he doesn't. But he's allowed you- and no one else- to come this close into his life, and it's pretty damn close. He trusts you enough and he's trying. There's nothing you'd ever do to betray that. You've come to accept it'll take a longer period before you'd get there fully.
Though it can be rough sometimes, you've had your fair share of fights. But he's never given you a reason to leave. You trust him, you've grown to love him. And while J would never confess to it, would never say it aloud, he adores you. He shows it in everything that he does for you. As for love, you've become aware and accepted that the word doesn't apply to him. He can't love. And that's okay.
Fast forward over to now, already a week into October. It's a Saturday night, and you're ready to continue your cherished routine, but with your beloved J. You've only watched two horror flicks thus far. Both nights had been alone, minus him and the takeout. He's been busy with his usual chaotic jobs, which kept him out later hours into the night. However you don't care about that right now, he called and informed you that he'll be home for tonight's showing.
"An' don't ah, don't ya dare start without me." J warned on the other end of the phone line.
"Well then you better hurry back," you playfully teased into the phone, "I already ordered the pizza and the movie is set to play."
That conversation ended about forty minutes ago. You sat on the couch in your shared apartment, waiting for him. Everything good to go, pizza has arrived, scented candles are lit, movie ready to proceed at the click of a button, and the lights are off- save for the small lamp by the entryway. The overall setting feeling eerily, just how you like it. It also feels quite romantic, which is a bonus.
You're wearing one of J's dress shirts with a blush thong underneath. Wrapped snug in a huge fluffy blanket in your designated spot(rightfully decided by you as this was your apartment first). Since he prefers to keep the apartment cold, you tend to get chilly a lot. Which was fine considering you have J and a vast selection of blankets to keep you warm. Currently, you have the blanket. All that's missing is J.
What's taking him so long? I'm gonna start the movie, I don't care. He'll just have to deal with it.. and I'm not rewinding it either.
You began to ponder while sitting in silence. Fingers tapping impatiently on the remote, debating whether or not you should carry on without him. With a loud huff, you glance over at the pizza box on the small table directly in front of you. In the amount of time you've waited, you managed to eat two slices already.
Then, you heard the familiar ruffling noise at the front door. The sound of the lock hurriedly being turned getting you to shoot your eyes towards it without moving your head. The door swings open and in walks J in all his glory, quickly shutting and locking the closure behind him.
"I'm home-ah!" A lilt in his voice as he exaggerates his arrival.
"You're late," you return displeasingly.
He narrows his glare at you, "well uh, hello to you too."
Rolling your eyes, you motion with your fingers, "I was this close to starting the movie without you. What took you so long?"
J works on shrugging off his plum trench coat. "What can I say? It was such a ah, easy breeze to get here." He throws sarcastically.
Shaking your head, you laugh, "I'm sorry J, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just missed you is all." You really do appreciate the extra efforts he goes through to make sure he gets here safe and undetected. To not be traced or followed. Be it by his fellow rivals, Gotham police, and in some cases- the Batman.
"Yeah doll, I know," he licks his lips, "I know." You watch him remove a few of his other articles to get more comfortable. His face paint isn't too disheveled which tells you his day went rather smoothly. Or as he prefers to call it- boring.
You open up the blanket to make space for him. Patting the empty spot right next to you, "hurry and get over here, pizza's getting cold."
Left in his purple slacks, dress shirt, and socks, he shuts off the last light before making his way over to plop onto the couch next to you. He allows you to snuggle against him. With the cover behind him, he doesn't feel the need to wrap himself in it. You, on the other hand, have your end burrito wrapped over you. Finally, you stick your hand out the blanket to hit play on the remote.
Twenty minutes in, you were beginning to grow less and less interested in the film. Nothing but a predictable storyline with a bunch of weak jump scares. Not to mention the overly cheesy acting. Though it wasn't completely terrible, it had a few good points to it. However this film probably won't make it onto your rewatch list. You failed to previously read the reviews for this one like you normally would when picking a new movie to watch. The plot sounded good when you had read it. Oh well, you gave it a shot.
J wasn't fond of the movie either. He's actually more bored of it than you are. Occasionally would he exhale blatantly or comment on one of the bad moments that came across. This. Is. Torture. He thought to himself staring blankly at the screen. And not the good kind. Alas, he'll bite his tongue and miserably sit through another hour because it is your movie night, and he knows how much this means to you.
You can't help but feel bad for having him sit through this with you- for you. Soon, you lost total interest in the film and your mind began to drift.. elsewhere. To his hand, resting freely between your soft thighs. His palm feels so warm against your flesh. But that's just J- always giving off heat. He's like your own personal heater. Sometimes warming you to the point you don't even need a blanket because it becomes too hot. Speaking of which, you removed the cover, preferring his signature warmth over the fabric's any day.
Your fingers start to brush lightly on his wrists and knuckles. The subtle touch earns you half smile followed with a pleased hum, which you see in your peripheral vision. He hasn't caught on yet, but your need for him is building fast.
You scooch closer to him in attempt to get his hand where you need it most without him catching on just yet. It didn't work, his hand isn't touching you. It's right there, mere millimeters away. Thinking about how amazing his hands feel when he touches you. When he grants you with friction as he rubs your throbbing clit. The wonderful spots he reaches when he relentlessly fucks you with those paint speckled fingers. Curling them deep, making you writhe and cry beneath him.
Clamping his wrist, your breath hitches at the thought. Shit. That was audible. For a split second, you thought you might have blown it. But Joker took it as something from the film frightening you.
"Quiet doll," he shushes, "you an' I both know the ah, movie ain't scary."
Fuck, you can't take it anymore. You want him to touch you. With a slight roll of your hips, you manage to get his hand to brush against your clothed heat. The smallest bit of friction causes you to release a muffled whimper.
J's arm stiffens and his face instantly snaps to look at you. You seize, halting your movement. No question, he felt what you did, sees the burning desperation in your eyes. Tossing his head back, he erupts in a delighted, high pitched cackle. "Oh-" more cackling laughter as he glances at you again, "so that's what that was." A malicious smirk spreads his scarred cheeks. He firmly grips the inside of your thigh, pulling you against him. "What happened bunny? Growin' needy?" Cupping your clothed mound, his fingers rub you teasingly.
"Yeah," you admit, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. Tightening your thighs around his wrist. Would've been no use lying to him when he'd easily seen and felt otherwise.
His rubbing comes to an abrupt stop. He taunts, "Ahh, this was your idea, hm. You were the one keen on a movie night, remember?"
"I know, but-"
"Ah-ta-ta," He cuts you off, "But nothing. This is what ya wanted, so that's what we'll do. We'll ah, sit here and watch."
Suddenly, he lifts you, effortlessly moving you into his lap. You yelp as your back is pressed flush against his torso. He separates your legs apart, you can feel his cock beginning to harden under you, pushing into the plush of your ass. One hand wraps around your chest, to roughly knead your breasts. The other slides under the shirt, gliding over your abdomen, down between your legs. To rub harsh circles on your excited clit through the thinly soaked fabric of your underwear.
"Ahh- fuck!" You whine, throwing your head back to rest on his shoulder, reaching around to grip his green locks.
J starts to kiss and nip his way down your neck. Leaving dark patches into your skin, accompanied by red and white splotches- completely marking you. Once he was satisfied with his marks, he leans closely by your ear. "You're dripping, doll," he whispers huskily, his hot breath brushing against your neck. "Now, you will sit here and watch the flick like a good girl, while I play with this needy little cunt of yours. No fussin' or fightin'. Got it?"
"Mhm, yes sir," you answer. Biting back the urge to smile at the thought of finally getting what you want. Fighting it off because, let's be real here, you know with J, it never comes along that easy. But he always makes it damn well worth it.
"Good, now sit still." He growls lowly onto your neck. With that, he pushed your panties to the side and began his torture. His fingers transitioning from fucking your aching hole to rubbing the drenched digits on your throbbing clit. Whispering twistingly sweet and dirty words into your ear while he slathers your own arousal all over your pussy.
He'd bring you close, on the verge of your orgasm, only to stop his movements entirely. Tearing it away from you before you could fall over that edge into pure ecstasy. You grew more and more frustrated each time he'd do that. Though you haven't fully, but you're rapidly losing your composure. Which already may be broken. Sweat is forming on your hairline, tears are prickling your eyes, your breath is starting to hitch. Starting to want it so bad you're teetering towards retaliating to get what you crave.
Joker's counting on it. He thrives on edging you, demands the control over you. As much as he prefers having you entirely at his mercy, he likes it when you lash back. Finds it rather amusing, makes for something a little bit more interesting. See how far you'll go before you snap so beautifully.
And that's now.
You start to buck your hips against his fingers that are going in and out of your pussy, along with his thumb assaulting your clit. Feeling that powerful knot reforming, you need to orgasm. "Oh f-fuck! Please!" You start pleading, "I-I can't take it anymore. Please J, l-let me cum!"
"You wanna cum?" He hints, removing his chin from your neck.
"Yes, God- yes please!" You cry out, clawing your nails into his thighs. Clamping down to gain better leverage. The wild rolling of your hips gets your ass brushing more against his hardened cock. Your arousal had already soaked through his pants a long time ago.
"Fuck," he hisses through gritted teeth, digging his fingers hard into your hip that's sure to leave an array of dotted bruises. He bucks absently into you, licking a wet, hot trail up your neck. "Mm, dirty girl. So you wanna play that game-ah?"
He moves his fingers faster and harder. Even over the loud volume from the television could the wet squelching sounds deriving from his ministrations be heard. The air filled with the scent of sex- your sex. So desperate and ready to let go and orgasm. It's driving you crazy.
"P-please- Ahh! Can I cum?" You plead. Hoping he'll reward you at least for asking.
"You can cum. Go on, babygirl. Cum on my fingers." He finally grants, fingers continuing to get you to ecstasy.
Well you didn't have to be told twice.
You release with a broken cry, orgasm gushing out onto his digits. Drenching the fabric of his pants beneath you. Your body spasming madly over his own while you ride out your high.
Coming down, J removed his hand from your pussy. His fingers are glistening, coated in your cum. He sticks them into your mouth. "Clean my fingers of the mess you made," he growls the command in your ear. Groaning in approval when you comply. Eagerly licking and sucking his digits clean of your juices. "Come here," he grabs your face, turning your head, making you look at him. "Give me a taste."
He kisses you, shoving his tongue into your mouth to savor the taste of your delectable juices. You kiss him back feverishly. One hand fisting in his hair, the other goes to stroke his cock. Still clothed, still hard. The action causing him to snarl against your lips, "such a greedy little thing. Always ah, wanting more. Ya just can't get enough of me, huh?"
"Never," you huff with a grin, "and telling by this-" you rub him again, "neither could you." His eyes snap to glare into yours viciously. Ohh, he's gonna make you pay for that snarky remark.
With hasty movements, J turns you around so that you're now facing him. Straddling his lap. He tears the shirt that adorned your body open, buttons flying to scatter the couch and floor. Someone's gonna have to sew those back on later, most likely you. He removes the shirt from you, carelessly tossing it aside.
With the large article gone, it granted him with a better view of the mess you made on his custom, pricey slacks. His entire crotch and thigh area is completely drenched in your juices. He gave a sigh which tried to make him sound annoyed or displeased. However, with the straining bulge pushing against you below, you know that was far from the case. His eyes traveled to land on your barley covered pussy, he groaned at the sight. The flimsy fabric of your thong sticking to one of your wonderful, wet lips. Your orgasm, still dribbling out your cunt.
He hooked a finger under the thin strap hugging your hip, pulling far enough only to have it fall and snap against you. Chuckling at your slightly startled reaction. "Bad girl. Misbehaving, talking back, making a mess of my pants? These aren't exactly 'buy at the store' ready. Maybe I should put your dirty mouth to use and have you suck your own juices up, hm?"
"I misbehaved?" You mock a pout, fully knowing what you did. Regardless, asking anyway.
His kneads the plush of your ass roughly. The callousness of his hands making you shiver in his grasp. You may think this position is in your favor, that you could use it to your advantage. But Joker's got you right where he wants you. The stern look in his blackened eyes and the firm hold he's got on you make that known. "You ah- were supposed to make it through the film without so much as a fuss. Remember that?"
"I was?" Your fingers ghost up his chest, "I don't remember that part." Now you're pushing it. He notices the smile threatening to creep your face. One of his hands shoots up to grasp a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back, exposing your marked neck.
"Yes," he acknowledges slowly trailing his lips up your throat, "yes you do. You just chose to be a brat and not listen." His tone is dangerous, and it would've been absolutely frightening had you been anyone else instead of the only person he cares about in his life. Even though he'd never verbally admit that, frustrating as it is for him, he does care. He does. Which is why whenever you feel that tingle dubbed as fear creep up your spine, you still hold assurance. The flesh of his scars brush the underside of your chin, making you moan unabashedly. "Ya know I gotta punish you for that."
J uses his hold on your hair and hip to guide you to lay over his lap, your naked stomach pressed against his wet thighs, and most of all, his erection. He reaches over to the small table beside the couch, plucking an item you assume to be one of his signature knives. The distinct clicking sound indicates you were correct. It's a switchblade.
He drags the razor sharp blade along your spine until it reaches your underwear, almost on the verge of slicing into you. The thrill gets your heart pounding faster in your chest and ears. You love it when he cuts you, and he's aware of that. But this is a punishment, so you won't be getting what you want.. least not yet. Placing it under the strap, he tears the article to shreds, carelessly nicking you a few times in the process. Alright, so the little nicks he can't control. Those just come naturally. Tossing the ruined fabric aside, he palms your ass cheeks, favoring a spot to start spanking. "Count. We'll ah, stop when I decide you've had enough."
His palm came down hard against your ass, sending an electrifying jolt through your entire body causing you to yelp. "One!" You count. The stinging grew worse with each spank. He hit you hard, but it wasn't anything you couldn't bare. Warm tears steamed down your reddened cheeks. It hurt in a wonderful way, your pussy leaking more arousal as it progressed. He continued to spank you until he grew bored of hearing the same cries and whines.
"Last one bunny," he subtly praised, soothing over the bright marks in your flesh that are starting to welt and bruise. With that, his hand came down a final time. This one stinging the worst.
"Fif- fifteen." You manage to rasp, mind overcome with the lust you had building up. At this point you need him inside you. You need his cock buried deep in your aching core and you need him now. "Please f-fuck me J. I need you!" Your body arched into his as you begged.
J snickered, "need me huh? How bad?" His hand went back to your abused ass to shove you forward, so that your pelvis was atop his as he purposely rolled his erection against your painfully heated sex. The friction drawing a long, strained moan from your lips which pleased him. "Tell me bunny. How, how bad do ya need my cock?"
"Bad- oh so fucking bad- I need your cock! P-Please J, please daddy, fuck me!" You practically shout, resorting to the word daddy. A word which you hardly use, but do when need be. And now was a time of great need.
A snarl left his lips as he yanks you off briefly to undo his pants and shove them down. His cock finally free from the uncomfortable confines, he sighs with relief as he takes it into his hand, pumping a few times. The tip, red and angry with his precum beading out. "Get over here now," he growls impatiently.
Wasting no time, you swing your leg over both of his, reclaiming your previous place of straddling him. You grabbed-rather pawed- his shoulders for leverage. His thick head lines up with your dripping entrance, then he pulls you down, driving his length inside with a powerful thrust. Knocking the wind from you as he filled you. Fuck, how he stretched you so good.
After a brief second for you both to adjust- you to his size and him to recompose himself- he instructs you to- "Move."
To which you do. Rapidly bouncing yourself up and down on his cock. Unashamed at the loud moans and whimpers continuously leaving your lips. This was exactly what you needed, and having been denied lots tonight it felt amazing to finally have this. You moved like your life depended on it.
J grunted as he met your thrusts with his languid ones, his hands guiding the movement of your hips. He held back from pounding into you, oh how he's going to pound into you, just not yet. Which means he's definitely in the mood to tease you to an extent, in any and every way that he can. What an asshole.. Your asshole.
Your arms went to wrap around him. To your surprise, he didn't shove them off. Instead, his chin went to rest in the crook of your neck, catching glimpse of the illuminated TV screen. The movie was still on.
"Mhm, you're just a horny little slut, aren't ya?" He sneered. "Can't even get through a movie without having my cock inside of ya."
There was no way you could give him a proper response. So wrapped were you in the exhilarating feeling of him that any words to a sentence you tried to form wouldn't come out. What did manage to slip out was muddled babbling. He snickered at your incoherence.
The female protagonist on the screen started to scream. The shrieking noise caught both your attention, though your actions didn't falter. "This woman's a terrible actor," J criticized the lady, "her scream is so fake, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes- ah," you return finding your voice, "It s-sure is."
He removed one hand from your hip, gliding it up the valley between your breasts to grip your neck. Glaring menacingly into your eyes momentarily before muttering, "I think you could give me a better one." You knew from his low tone that something malicious just popped into his head. His fingers tightened, "Let's see if you could scream louder than the girl on the screen. Can ya do that for me sweets?"
You nodded feverishly within his hold, "yes J."
Satisfied with the answer, he began driving his cock vigorously up into you. The harsh slapping of skin heard as his hips pound mercilessly against your own. The spontaneous change of pace left you almost completely breathless. Your orgasm was fast approaching. Eyes squeezing shut as he fucked you relentlessly. You screamed, "Oh fuck!"
Your beautiful screams rang harmoniously in his ears like a favored tune. That he could play on repeat over and over and never grow tired of hearing. Your screams and moans are definitely his favorite sounds, aside from explosions and gunfire. He can't help but want more. Crave more.
"Come on doll, get louder," he teases, "I know ya could do better than that." He went to tug your head to the side, exposing the junction between your neck and shoulder. Sinking his yellowed teeth in, biting down hard to draw blood. That was just the push you needed. Your eyes roll back and your walls clench tightly around his length, releasing a shattering scream as you cum violently around his cock.
J lapped the fresh blood from where he bit you. "Hm, that's it," he groaned, "now that's a real scream." He kept going, his pace never letting up. In fact, soon as your hands went to tug at his hair did his thrusts speed up.
You yank his head from your neck to look into his intoxicating eyes, moving to glance towards your blood on his lips. Crashing them with yours to taste that savory metallic flavor for yourself. You take his bottom lip between your teeth and bite down harshly, earning a rumbling groan from him.
He's getting closer and closer to his own peak as you're nearing another. When you feel his thumb move to rub rigorous circles on your sensitive clit, you release his lip with a sharp cry. "J!"
Your walls clamping painfully tight around his throbbing dick, vision blurring as you cum. Nails digging into his broad chest, probably creating tiny bruises under the shirt.
He relishes in the pinch of pain you give him. Combined together with your sinful noises, the sight of your face contorted in ecstasy, and the feeling of your tight warm walls. With that, he buries himself in you and cums hard. A moan mixed with a groan like noise slipping from his lips while he shoots his hot load into your cervix. So much, that some leaks out while you milk him of every last drop.
J collects his breath before lifting your weight up to slip out of you. Your pussy lips are so swollen that his cum isn't even able to drip down once he's out. He sets you onto the couch beside him, getting up to go into the restroom to clean himself and grab a damp rag to bring back to you.
As you regain yourself, you manage to sit a little more up on the couch. Wincing, trying not to sit up all the way due to the soreness already starting to form between your legs. You wrap the blanket around your naked form and silently contemplate. The sex was amazing sure, but you still felt bad for ruining movie night with a terrible movie.
The sound of J coming back in hadn't even registered with you until he waved his hand in your view, tearing you from your thoughts. You blink quickly, offering him a smile to hide it. But J had already seen the small frown when he walked back. And he wanted to know the reason behind it, since it was out of the ordinary. Usually you're always smiling in your post orgasmic state.
"What's carving a frown in ya, pumpkin?" He asks, a hint of concern in his tone as he hands you the small towel. The strange nickname causes you to giggle and he eases knowing you're alright.
"It's nothing J," you say shyly, "I'm just.. I'm sorry the movie sucked. I promise I'll pick a better one next time."
He hums, saying nothing else as he sits back down beside you. Draping his arm behind the couch behind you. Blankly watching the last of the movies end credits while you clean yourself with the rag.
You start to laugh again, "Well, now I really wanna carve a pumpkin. This place could use a couple. How about tomorrow I get some for us to carve?"
He grins sinisterly, "ya know, I'm usually carving into people."
"Pumpkins are less messy. Like, way less." You playfully respond.
"I like messy," he huffs.
"Yeah I know you do." You smile knowingly at him, lightly tracing the hexagonal patterns on his shirt. "I thought it would be fun. You don't have to if you don't want to."
J licks his scars as he ponders on it. Any activity having to do with a carving into something with a knife, count him in. "Ah, what the hell. Alright. What better way then to uh, help me spruce up on my slicing skills." He traces his hand out in front of him, as if he were carving a smile into something. This action causes you to release a genuine laugh. And in that moment, J relishes in hearing yet another one of his favorite sounds~
Woah, so that's the end! I hope you guys liked it. Again, sorry that it was so long. I can't help but make these super lengthy when it comes to smut😭
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
Hi! This isn’t an ask, but more of a rambling that I deemed too long for the comments, that stems from your post claiming Book of Circus as your favourite Black Butler episodes. and to that I say - YES. Book of Murder is a masterpiece. It houses one of my favourite scenes - the one where Sebastian says: "This wasn't a scenario decided by God or fate, but one decided on by my master, with timing decided by my master. I was killed by the criminal expected by my master, by the Hione who came to torment my master", which really captures the essence of whole 'Ciel vs God' dynamic that's woven into the duration of the show.
Throughout the plot, there are three major instances in which an offering is made to Ciel - offerings of redemption. The first is from Angela - a chance to purify himself and have an afterlife - which he so vehemently rejects in the knowledge that he quite literally *is* his darkness, and therefore refuses to rid himself of it.
The second is comes from Abberline in his death, where in his final words he tells Ciel he has a chance to take back his future. And Ciel has to watch him die with the knowledge that he has already made up his mind about his fate. I don't think he's so affected because he regrets selling his soul. I don't think he suddenly wants to live, or no longer wishes for revenge. But I believe the reason he is so affected by Abberline's death is because he holds a sentimentality for him that is not dissimilar to the one he feels for Elizabeth. Ciel is cruel, I don't think he regrets the steps he has taken to get to this point, nor the ones he knows he must take in the future. But though he is cruel, I believe he has a sort of fond curiosity for the untainted goodness that characterises those like Abberline and Elizabeth. Like you said before, he feels condescension towards the man perhaps due to the naivety his blind heroism implies, but I think his attachments to him come from an underlying curiosity to see if such goodness can exist in such a corrupted world - a silent hope to be proven wrong in his cynicism. When Abberline dies, that very hope he didn't even know he had gets shattered. It brings about a sort of forced perspective that makes Ciel question himself in ways we haven't seen before.
Abberline's death had been avoidable and it was certainly in vain. Abberline had died for someone who had already made up his mind - someone who had rejected God once before and would do it time and time again as proven in the anime. Ciel is such an interesting character because, although he is dark, he still values the light and makes some sort of effort to preserve it in spite of the contempt he feels for them. It is the thought of dying in vain that seems to bother him so greatly, not death itself. No, Abberline dying isn't enough for him to want to live again, or to even think about throwing away his revenge - that was never in question. But it is enough to extinguish the lingering flicker of hope he had for humanity (despite being so distanced from term himself).
This, combined with the disappointment he feels at Sebastian's actions, causes the existential haze of uncertainty that leads to the third and final offering. And the most surprising thing is that this offering comes from Sebastian himself. He senses the doubt in Ciel and, like every thought the boy experiences, fails to understand it. He mistakes it for him second-guessing his revenge and decides to discontinue their contract. But he isn't angry - that much is clear. Instead, he wishes him to "forget everything and have pleasant dreams", with a rather wistful expression on his face. What this line ends up reading as is a bittersweet  goodbye from the demon - an offering for Ciel to let go of his revenge and find happiness in the afterlife with his now soon approaching death.  There is almost a strong disappointment in him, but is not resentful of it - Ciel is human and he can't keep expecting him not to be. His offering almost acts as a thank you for the moments of excitement their contract had given his monotone life and I believe that is why he makes it.
He sticks around to see if Ciel accepts his offer, though already expecting him to, and is there to witness the very moment the boy rejects it. Gone is the uncertainty of Abberline's death and the Paris crisis, and Ciel, the Earl of Phantomhive, returns to him - sharper, colder, more ruthless than ever. Sebastian realises his misjudgement and returns to his side, ready for the final battle. Killing an angel. It's laughably symbolic.
The rejections of God, the evasion of the Hope Diamond's curse (where he even wore two rings as if to taunt the fates), the references in Book of Murder - they all depict this metaphorical sort of battle between Ciel and God. And the ending of Kuroshitsuji II is the depicts how he triumphs over fate, claiming his rightful place as an immortalised creature of Hell.
I know I've gone on a bit of a tangent here in your inbox, but that one quote from Book of Murder is so symbolic to me in the way it sets up the comparison between Ciel and God (in which 'God' represents power over fate).
Before I sign off, though, I just want to make light of the existence of the show's final offering, occurring in the last few minutes of the series. This last offering has nothing too do with God, nothing to do with any complex battle between the Phantomhive and fate, but is much simpler than that. In fact, the final offering of the show comes from Ciel, and he gives it to Sebastian - it's almost poetic, is it not?
"Are you sure you don't want to pull it any tighter?"
In this single, unassuming line, Ciel is asking Sebastian if he wants to kill him, and release himself from the eternal contract they've found themselves in. Such a noble and dignified soul as Ciel would always be sure to make through on his word and, despite the loophole that now extends their contract, he would still be willing to let Sebastian kill him should he wish to do so. The man may no longer be able to take his soul, but the boy can still give the order to kill him and free himself. Ciel's respect for Sebastian is complex and contradictory at times, but what never changes is his willingness to die by his hands and see through to his side of the contract.
“Is it over? The one who plunged me into bottomless darkness… I don’t even know why she did it.”
In the episode where Angela is crushed by the Church, Ciel offers his soul to Sebastian. Even when unsatisfied with the result, his unwavering nobility led him to make good on their deal and fulfil his end of the contract. The earl faced the demon, his expression calm, and with a steady voice said “A promise is a promise. Take it.”
This unwavering dignity and nobility he holds in himself I believe is the reason for this offering and Sebastian's turn to reject it is almost a 'love confession' (as you have brought me to see it) in itself.
As a final sort of note - I just wanted to let you know that, since reading your reply to my comment on TGSTLTH (from a while ago), I brought myself to rewatch Kuroshitsuji II with your interpretation in mind and ended up really enjoying it. You've singlehandedly made me do a complete 180 on a season I previously hated - looks like I had just watched it from the wrong perspective. So, for that, I thank you
Hey! Sorry for getting to your ask just now. I absolutely loved it :D And yes, Book of Murder is a masterpiece - I still remember watching it for the first time. It was late at night, I had to go to bed, everyone was sleeping, but I kept watching because stopping just wasn't an option, I had to know what happened next.
Ciel vs God is such an interesting topic. In some ways, Ciel and Sebastian exist in their own universe where there is no place for anyone else. There is a God aka Ciel and a demon aka Sebastian. And they are both allies and adversaries at the same time - they are tormenting each other and uniting to torment others.
I agree absolutely that Ciel holds a fondness for certain people, with Lizzy and Abberline being a good example. He has a degree of contempt and irritation for them, but they do mean something to him. Ciel's curiosity is a big and detached thing, and this places him on Sebastian's level in such an interesting way because sometimes it's almost like Ciel isn't human himself - humanity intrigues him as if he doesn't belong to it. His fascination with the light just underlines his affinity with the darkness.
I have many thoughts about Ciel's behavior during the days following Abberline's death, and you certainly introduced many excellent points! My general opinion on Ciel's motives is... complicated. I agree that he never felt like really giving up his revenge and trying to live a 'happy' life - he knew it's not for him at that stage already. However, I feel like Abberline's parting words affected him a lot, even if briefly. When Abberline tells him that he can start everything from the beginning, Ciel sounds absolutely heartbroken when he confesses, "I don't have a future." The way he acts later, telling Sebastian to stop and not kill the angel, hesitating, reinforces this idea to me. I think you described it best - Ciel is having an existential crisis. It's not like he suddenly regrets his decisions, but he's temporary unanchored and unsure what he wants and what he should do. Having a dream where Abberline urges him to give up his hatred also seems to affect Ciel, but it's so telling that he wakes up and immediately says, "Sebastian." It's a fascinating arc and I can't wait to explore it.
I love your words about three offerings - so true. And I'm so happy you liked S2 when watching it from a new perspective! I used to be so confused as to why people hated it: it's not perfect, but I thought it was amazing in many ways, especially its bittersweet ending.
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todorokibois · 4 years
Brat - Katsuki Bakugo X Reader {M}
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Disclaimer: Katsuki is aged up to about 21, as are all characters in my fics.
Genre: Smut (Dom/Sub themes, slight humiliation, Mistress, Bakugo is a brat)
Pairing: Katsuki X Reader
Words: 3,966
A/n: Came up with this idea while I was rewatching some bnha the other day, and I thought to myself, I think it’s time for someone to put Bakugo in his place. Thus, this idea was born. I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!
Summary: The one in which you’ve had enough of Bakugo’s shit and decide to teach him some respect.
He’s been pushing your buttons all day. Every time you would suggest a plan to capture the criminals you’ve been chasing, he would counter your ideas, or go off and do his own thing. The worst was when he stormed into the building by himself, yelling at the villains to ‘stop being such little bitches’ and fight him head on. To say you’re frustrated would be an understatement.
Due to his attitude in the past, many other agencies refuse to work with him, leaving only a select few you can count on. You’re just lucky you have friends in those agencies, otherwise hero work might be a little bit more difficult to come by, especially when he goes off on his own like this, ignoring your direct orders.
It takes you all twice as long to capture the goons this time due to him nearly collapsing the building they were hiding in, completely ignoring the fact that you told him to wait for backup. Eventually, you managed to catch up to him and apprehend the villains you’ve been after, giving them to the authorities shortly after capture. 
However, not only are you beyond frustrated, but you’re also embarrassed by how Katsuki has been acting lately. Given that you’re one of the top heroes working at your agency, your team is supposed to listen to your orders and follow them, especially when it comes to tasks like this. Katsuki, on the other hand, directly refuses to even acknowledge how you run things, which only makes you believe he has no respect for the agency’s code of conduct, nor you, especially when the two of you are at work. 
You’re sick and tired of it, especially since the two of you are supposed to be partners, in more ways than one. You can’t count the amount of times you’ve overheard people commenting on your relationship because of this. Enough is enough, and you’ve decided you’re going to do something about this. It’s like he doesn’t have any respect for your authority.
This won’t be for long, though. Not if you have anything to say about it. Someone is going to have to put him in his place, and you know just the person to do it. You.
When the both of you get back to the agency building, your superior gave you both a massive scolding. Katsuki received a larger one than you, but you were still told to get him under control, lest the two of you want to be out of a job. The last thing the agency wants is their approval rating to go down in the eyes of the public, and Katsuki is already dangerously treading the edge.
“It’s your job to keep him under control, (Y/n),” your boss scolds you once the two of you are alone in their office.
“Yes, boss,” you reply, a sigh nearly escaping your lips for the umpteenth time that evening.
“Now go home and get some rest, tomorrow’s another day!” They say, sending you a tight smile as you nod politely and leave their office.
You say nothing as you pass Katsuki, expression remaining blank as your eyes blaze in anger. If anyone saw you, they’d think you look quite normal, but one look into your eyes and they’d know how pissed off you really are.
He huffs and rolls his eyes as you walk passed him, arms crossed as he follows you out to the car, “what? I got the job done, didn’t I?”
The only response he gets out of you is a glance at him out of the corner of your already narrowed eyes, only causing him to click his tongue in annoyance, “what?”
Sliding into the drivers side of the car, you remain silent. Turning the keys, you register him sliding in the passenger’s seat, teeth gritting against one another as he clenches his jaw. He tilts his head slightly upwards, his nose in the air as he looks over at you from the corner of his eyes.
“Are you really going to ignore me now, dumbass?” He scoffs as you remain silent. “Fine, I didn’t want to talk anyways.”
Usually, you’d be cussing him out by now, voices raised as you argue your whole drive back to your shared house about what has transpired this evening. To say your silence is slightly unnerving to him would not be an exaggeration. He has a feeling that you’ll probably lay into him as soon as you get home, and that anticipation alone is eating away at him. Believe it or not, he can’t stand you actually being upset at him, and he can tell you’re furious.
Your grip is tight on the steering wheel the whole ride home. Every so often, you can feel Katsuki’s gaze drift over to look at you, though he still defiantly holds his head high. Each time you let out a tense sigh, he tenses slightly, waiting for you to blow up at him like he knows you can. 
The longer this goes on, the more nervous he gets. Did he finally go overboard? Will you forgive him this time like you have all the other times he’s disobeyed your orders? It’s not like anyone got hurt this time, so he doesn’t understand why you’re so upset. In fact, you should be used to this by now.
Each second that goes by with this tense silence lingering in the air feels like an eternity to him, and by the time you’re pulling into the driveway he nearly breathes a sigh of relief. As you’re unlocking the front door, he figures he’ll attempt to talk to you again, wanting at least some sense of normalcy to come back to the two of you.
Stepping inside, he lets out an irritated huff, “look, if you’re saving the big lecture for when we get inside, you should just-“
His voice dies in his throat as you push him against the wall, the front door clicking shut beside you.
“You never know when to keep that big mouth of yours shut, huh, Katsuki?” You tut, shaking your head in disappointment. “You know, if you actually put it to good use, instead of spewing your typical bullshit…”
“The fuck are you talking about, (Y/n)?” He counters, brows furrowed.
“I’m talking about how this is the last time you’re going to disrespect me like that, you fucking brat,” you spit, pushing him harder into the wall with your arm across his chest.
“Oh, please,” he rolls his eyes, “if I hadn’t gone ahead-“
“Enough, Katsuki,” you cut him off, eyes hard as your gaze meets his. “This is the last time you pull something like this. I’ve put up with it for this long because I care about you, and it usually all works out in the end, but not anymore. It’s time you learned some respect.”
He scoffs, “and I suppose you’re going to teach me?”
“Damn right I am,” comes your immediate reply, and you can tell he isn’t expecting it. “It’s time someone knocked you down a few pegs, brat, and I’ll be happy to do it.”
A humourless puff of air escapes him, “I’d like to see you try.”
“Oh, baby,” you grin, “I’ve already started.”
At your words, his brow furrows further in confusion until he feels you arm shift slightly, allowing for your hand to rest at the base of his throat. His eyes go wide as he feels your fingers gently brushing over his skin, almost teasingly against his throat, your body now pushing into his fully.
“Like I said, you’ve always had such a loud mouth, Katsuki,” you stare into his eyes, and you know he’s watching you, waiting to see what your next move will be. “You’ve always needed someone to discipline you properly, to tell you ‘no’ and actually mean it. To bring you to your knees and make you beg-”
Before you can say another word, he cuts you off, “like hell I’d ever beg for anything.”
Your eyes flash, grip squeezing slightly at the base of his throat in warning as he gasps, “don’t interrupt me again.” 
You notice his eyebrow quirk slightly, his Adam’s apple bobbing against your hand as he swallows subtly, yet he nods once in understanding. 
“As I was saying,” you sigh, “you will beg by the time I’m done with you tonight. After I’m done teaching you some respect. Though, I don’t think I’ll need to try very hard.”
To emphasize your point, you bring your free hand to his crotch, cupping his semi-hard cock in your hands and squeezing. He inhales sharply, gritting his teeth as he feels you gently caressing his growing erection, both loving and hating how much this is actually turning him on at the moment. You smirk.
“After all, I’ve barely done anything to you, and you’re already this turned on,” your voice is low as you lean in to whisper into his ear. A shiver runs down his spine as he feels your breath ghost over his neck, “pathetic.”
A small moan escapes his lips, immediately causing his eyes to widen, face turning red as you chuckle at his reaction. He attempts to get words out, but all he can do is splutter as you release your hold on him with a quirked brow, nails trailing down his chest teasingly until all he’s left with is the faintest ghost of your touch over his skin.
“Seems to me like you’re already begging for me to have my way with you,” you say as you take a few steps backwards and away from him. 
He catches himself as he takes a small step towards you, gritting his teeth in frustration at what you’re doing to him. You watch as his fists clench at his sides, a fire igniting behind his irises. He’s putting up a front, and you can tell, one that’s close to cracking.
“Like hell I would,” he’s still, spine rigid as he watches you with defiance still shining in his eyes, along with something else. Something you’ve never seen before.
“Oh?” You quirk your brow once more, now taking small steps towards him as if you’re a cat stalking its prey, “you mean you don’t want to feel my hands all over your body, leaving marks for everyone to see? You don’t want to know what it’s like to be rewarded for being my good boy? You’d rather me not take care of that little situation you’ve got going on down there?” You trail your eyes over his body, gaze focusing on the tent now visible in his pants as he shifts slightly at the feeling of having your eyes on him like this. “Damn, Katsuki, I knew you were masochistic, but you shouldn’t let your pride get in the way all of the time.” You’re close enough to him now to trail a teasing finger across his chest. “Especially not at a time like this.”
He scowls, but you can see it doesn’t fully reach his eyes. He’s intrigued by your whole demeanour tonight, for he’s never really seen you act this way before. He always knew you could be demanding, a true leader that he honestly wouldn’t mind following anywhere you told him to, but he’s never had this directed towards him. Well, he’s never felt you mean it like this before.
Maybe he wanted this to happen. Maybe he wanted to see how far he could push you before you snapped and put him in his place. Maybe he’s been desperate for you to use him like he’s used you. The countless times throughout your relationship where he’s made you weak for him, made you beg him for more has made him want the same from you. Maybe, just maybe, there’s something more to it. Maybe he just wants to see how far you’re willing to go. Maybe, he just wants you to make him beg.
“I don’t let my pride get in the way,” he grumbles, as you take a step back to distance yourself from him once more. His gaze darts to the side as he crosses his arms in front of his chest, just waiting for you to do something to him.
“Sure you don’t,” you chuckle, now standing right in front of him. 
The two of you stare at one another for a few moments, the tension of anticipation lingering in the air between you. He can’t help but hold his breath as he watches your one hand come back up to cup his face, patting his cheek affectionately in the next moment.
“Once you’ve swallowed that pride of yours, brat, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom,” with a final smile that simply screams nothing but trouble for him, you’re turning around and heading up the stairs, leaving him standing there, stunned, in the front entranceway.
Letting out a frustrated growl, he shakes his head. No way in hell is he leaving things like this. There’s a part of him that wants to march right into your shared room and show you who you belong to. To put you in your place for teasing him like that. However, there’s another part of him that cannot help the way his heart races in excitement as he thinks of what you might have in store for him once he makes it upstairs.
The fire behind his eyes is still burning once he throws open the door, only for his steps to falter as he sees you casually changing your shirt. His gaze trails down your torso, swallowing slightly as he watches you turn around, you not wearing anything at all on your upper half.
“Took you long enough, brat,” you tut, shaking your head as you walk over to him, now frozen in the doorway. He’s seen you plenty of times without a shirt on, hell, even without a bra for that matter, but there’s something about your aura this time that makes whatever retort he’s about to say die in his throat. This time, you look serious, and he just knows he’s in for a long night. “What, no smart-ass remark?”
Your lips tugs upwards into a grin, arms crossing across your chest, only serving to emphasize the curve of your breasts. His mouth practically salivates at the thought of finally getting to touch you after what you did to him downstairs. He’s never gotten this worked up like this in such a short period of time before, and he wants to see what you’ll do to him next.
“Are you finally going to listen to me for once?” You ask, tilting your head slightly as you continue to stare at him expectantly.
“I always listen to you,” he responds grumpily.
“There’s that smart mouth of yours again,” you shake your head in mock disappointment. “Now, see, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now if that were the case. So, we’re going to start at lesson one: do exactly what I say, without question.”
He laughs in disbelief despite feeling the way his cock twitches in excitement in his pants at your words, “like hell I’ll do that.”
“Did I fucking stutter, Katsuki?” Your hands are on your hips now as you stare him down. “Now, I want you to get on your knees.”
“Excuse me?” He shoots you an incredulous look, not believing what you’ve just told him to do.
“I said,” you breathe, closing your eyes briefly as you walk towards him, grabbing him harshly by the back of his hair and pushing him down onto the floor beneath you, “on your fucking knees.”
A gasp escapes him as he feels his knees make contact with the floor, loving the way your hand feels harshly gripping his hair, forcing him to look up at you. Tugging at his hair causes a low groan to escape his lips, causing him to flush red in embarrassment once more.
“What did I say?” You hum, “you’re practically begging to be put in your place.”
“That’s not-“ he begins to protest, but a strangled moan escapes his throat as you tug on his hair once more.
“You were saying?” You smirk, only receiving another scowl in response. “Lesson two: right here, right now, you will address me as your Mistress. Do I make myself clear?”
“What? Like hell I’m calling you tha-“
“Do I make myself clear?” 
Another tug at his hair has him biting his lip before conceding, “yes, Mistress.”
“Good boy,” you release the hold your hand has on his hair in order to bring your hand down to cup his face gently. He stares up at you defiantly, but you can see the excitement growing in his eyes. He’s wanted this for a while now, and he can feel his cock straining against his jeans, practically begging for your touch. “Now, I think you should make it up to me, given the way you’ve acted today, don’t you?”
“Yeah, right-“
“What was that?” Your hand grips his chin, forcing him to stare directly into your eyes as a sadistic smile rests on your face.
He huffs slightly, eyes avoiding yours now as he grumbles out, “yes, Mistress.”
“Glad you agree,” you hum, releasing you grip on him in order to undo your pants. “We’re going to put that mouth of yours to good use, and maybe by then I’ll have thought of a suitable punishment for a brat such as yourself.”
At this, it’s his turn to quirk a brow at you, watching as you strip yourself of the rest of your clothes in front of him. He smirks, drinking in your figure before him and admiring every curve you have to offer. If this is his punishment, he’ll gladly take it. After all, he can’t wait to have you begging for him later tonight.
“Lesson three:” you begin to say, positioning yourself right in front of him, your hips in his line of sight. His mouth salivates at the thought of getting to taste you as your one leg comes to rest over his shoulder, hand now back in his hair. Just as he’s about to bring his hands up to help steady your figure more, your voice is halting his movements, “no touching me if you still want to come tonight.”
“Huh?” He recoils slightly, eyes wide as his cock throbs, reminding him of how painfully hard he’s become already, and once again he’s reminded how you have still yet to touch him.
“You heard me, baby,” you smirk down at him, fingers tightening their hold slightly in his hair. “Hands behind your back; no touching unless I say so. Now, put that mouth to good use.”
Without waiting for a response, you push his head down. Putting his hands behind his back, his eyes flick briefly to yours before he’s attaching his mouth to you, sucking your clit into your mouth before flicking it a few times with his tongue. 
One thing you can always count on Katsuki for is his need to be the best. No matter what he does, he’s always proving to everyone that he can do anything better than anyone else. No one compares to him, and even if he’d rather you be sucking his cock first right now, he’ll prove to you that he does in fact, deserve to come tonight. That, and he can listen. He wants to make you feel good, always, and seeing this side of you has sparked a new flame of desire for you in him. He’ll be your good boy, but he’s going to make you work for it.
Throwing your head back, you let out a moan, feeling him lick at your entrance with his tongue before moving it back up to flick at your clit. Your sounds are music to his ears, and he never grows tired of hearing his name fall from your lips, especially during these times. He only wishes he could touch you back, to tease you like you’ve been teasing him. However, he’ll do what he can for now, eating you out like a man starved, moving his tongue just how you like.
By now, your hand is gently stroking the top of his hair, brushing it out of his face so he can maintain eye contact with you as you grind your pussy on his mouth. You can feel the rumble of approval he lets out from his chest as you tug on his hair every now and then, only causing you to smirk.
“See, baby,” you comb your fingers through his hair for emphasis, “you do know how to properly use that mouth of yours.” His eyes flash and he renews his efforts tenfold. Again, he wants to prove to you that he can do it, to please you in a way that only he can. A low groan escapes your lips, “that’s it, baby boy, just like that.”
The nails of his right hand dig harshly into the skin of his left wrist, wanting nothing more than to grip your thighs and pull you into him so you cannot escape the pleasure he’s giving you. He can feel his chest swelling with pride with each jolt of your hips into his face, letting him know you’re enjoying this, too. Except, he can feel himself becoming greedy; he wants more.
“You gonna make me come?” A growl is all you get in response. “Come on, baby, make me come all over that pretty mouth of yours.”
His chest is heaving as a feral look takes over his eyes. Seeing you above him like this has awakened some part of him he never knew he had, and he loves the control you have over him right now. All he wants to do is please you, to make you feel good and be your good little boy until you can’t take it anymore. This is what he deserves, what you deserve.
With a few more sucks of your clit into his mouth, you can feel yourself tipping over the edge. Your hands bury themselves in his hair, tugging harshly at the roots as you anchor yourself to him, his tongue continuing to work you through your orgasm as your eyes flutter closed. 
A breathless moan of his name slips passed your lips, and his whole body twitches, gut clenching in ecstasy. His eyes watch your every movement as you still above him, your head thrown back as you attempt to catch your breath.
“That’s my good boy,” you breathe, removing your leg from his shoulder as you steady yourself onto your own two feet. He smirks subtly as he watches you sway slightly, knowing that he’s the one who’s done that to you. “Now, on your feet, baby.”
As soon as he goes to move, the smirk is falling right off his face. His pants are no longer uncomfortably tight, but instead, he can feel stickiness pooling against his skin as the material rubs against his sensitive cock.
“What’s the matter, baby boy?” You tilt your head mockingly as your eyes glance down to see the dark wet patch on his jeans. A sadistic smile spreads itself across your lips, eyes glinting darkly. “How cute,” you hum, “was the thought of my wet cunt on your lips that tempting to make you come untouched?”
“Shut up,” he growls, cheeks flaring once more as he avoids you gaze.
“How sweet,” you purr, walking over to the bed and kneeling on it. You notice him starting to head towards the bathroom to clean himself up before your voice has him halting in his tracks, “where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you yet.”
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ayuuria · 3 years
Yashahime Translation: Prince Animage May 2021 Issue (Part 2)
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Due to the amount of content in the magazine, I have decided to the split the translation into three parts:
Part 1: Elder Son’s Resolve! Interview with Director Satou Teruo
Part 2: We Won’t Give Up On the Future! Father-Daughter Round-Table Talk with Narita Ken, Matsumoto Sara, and Komatsu Mikako
Part 3: The Strength to Overcome Destiny. Interview with Director Satou Teruo
Intertwining Fates
The curtains on the Yashahimes’ story briefly closed with the shocking scene of “Setsuna’s death”. With Towa and the others at its center, the complexly intertwined fates of various people continue into the second chapter (season).
The fire that tore Towa and Setsuna apart, the Dream Butterfly that stole Setsuna’s slumber, the sleeping Rin, and the Rainbow Pearls that possess demonic power; all these things that became key to the story were connected to Kirinmaru’s elder sister, Zero.
Zero previously heard the Shikon Jewel’s prophecy: “An existence that is neither demon nor human and can cross through time will destroy Kirinmaru.” Thinking that it refers to Towa, Setsuna, Moroha, and Inuyasha, Zero tried to eliminate them in order to protect her younger brother. However, that was just an ostensible reason. Behind her actions lurked a feeling of jealousy towards the half-demons and quarter-demon that carried the Dog General’s blood. It seems her unrealized love for the Dog General was the motivation behind her twisted emotions and actions.
Zero’s behavior rouses Kirinmaru’s anger and she disappears from his sight. However, the story does not end with just this issue being settled. As part of the “Rite of Courage and Cowardice”, Towa and the others end up having to fight Kirinmaru and unbelievably, Setsuna loses her life during the battle.
There is a heap of other issues such as Rin who still continues to sleep even now and the Grim Comet that has appeared in the modern era. It is now an anxious wait for the broadcasting to see how future mysteries will be unraveled in the second chapter (season).
Character Bios
Zero Kirinmaru’s elder sister. She was in love with the Dog General. Being that she was the one who created the Rainbow Pearls, she went to go look for the scattered pearls after her breakdown with Kirinmaru.
Kirinmaru The beast king of the eastern lands. Irritated by his elder sister, Zero’s, misconduct towards Sesshōmaru, they part ways as brother and sister as a result. He battles the three (Towa, Setsuna, Moroha) and kills Setsuna.
Sesshōmaru The son of the beast king who once stood on the same level as Kirinmaru, the Dog General, and Towa and Setsuna’s father. It seems he is searching for a child named Akuru but the reason why is unknown.
Higurashi Towa She treasures her younger twin sister, Setsuna, above all else. As she grieves over Setsuna’s death, she receives a broken Tenseiga from her father, Sesshōmaru… …?
Setsuna A half-demon whose sleep and memories were stolen by the Dream Butterfly. She loses her life while battling Kirinmaru but just before drawing her last breath, she calls Towa “Towa-neechan”.
Moroha Towa and Setsuna’s cousin. Despite being enraged by Setsuna’s death, when she turned into Beniyasha, she was able to maintain her (sound) mind and not get overwhelmed by the rampage of her demonic blood.
The Offense and Defense Concerning Half-Demons
Zero has attempted to eliminate the half-demons that carry the Dog General’s blood by doing things such as spurring Kirinmaru to kill Inuyasha or burning the forest that Towa and Setsuna were hiding in. Sesshōmaru was always by her side. Though he does not say much, Sesshōmaru may have seen through Zero’s intentions early and acted one step ahead.
Rin and Zero’s Connection
Zero can connect to others via “fate” and control them as she pleases. Those whose fates are connected to Zero will die alongside her should she lose her life. It seems Zero herself connected her fate to Rin and used that to keep Sesshōmaru in check. The details on how Rin and Zero’s fates were intertwined is of interest.
That Which Sesshōmaru Searches For
Sesshōmaru is someone who never appeared on the story’s center stage for long. During that time, he was searching for a child named Akuru. It seems that the pinwheel Akuru holds is somehow connected to the giant “Windmill of Time”. After Akuru appeared before Sesshōmaru, the Windmill of Time that had not moved for so long moved again but what does that mean… …?
Setsuna’s Seal
Zero wants Kirinmaru to exterminate Towa and the others but Kirinmaru, preferring to fight fair and square, realizes the difference in strength between him and the girls and decides to hold off battling them until they have grown (in strength). It is there that Zero forcefully releases the seal placed on Setsuna’s demon blood so that Kirinmaru will fight Towa and the others seriously.
A Broken Tenseiga
The Tenseiga that Sesshōmaru carries is a sword of healing that was created from the fang of the Dog General and is known as “the sword that saves the lives of the weak”. Sesshōmaru resurrects the dead Zero with Tenseiga but that enrages Zero and she breaks the blade. Will the broken Tenseiga be able to revive Setsuna who has lost her life?
Famous Quote Pick Up!
The role of Sesshōmaru, Narita Ken “Anymore will sadden Rin”
“Personally, the monologue in episode 24 “Anymore will sadden Rin…” struck me. Even though Sesshōmaru doesn’t show kindness, periodically he will suddenly say something like this. On top of that, he doesn’t even put a lot of emotion into it and it just comes out nonchalantly. I think that‘s what’s good about him.” (Narita)
The role of Higurashi Towa, Matsumoto Sara “We’re not alone now.”
“(the line) At the end of episode 16 “We’re not alone now.” I felt was just like Towa. She says that to Moroha but of course Setsuna is among those she’s thinking of. Towa came to the feudal era for Setsuna’s sake she has always held the feeling of “It’s okay because Setsuna is here” at her core. The strength of her unwaveringness really shows when the three of them are backed into a corner.” (Matsumoto)
The role of Setsuna, Komatsu Mikako “You can always change the way you live”
“The phrase in episode 16 “You can always change the way you live” left an impression on me. Even though Setsuna is a half-demon, she’s quite farsighted (philosophically) for a 14-year-old. I think her environment up until now and the blood that flows within her makes her that way. Having passed episode 20 which depicted Setsuna’s past, I once again feel how powerful this phrase is.” (Komatsu)
We Won’t Give Up on the Future! Father-Daughter Cast Round Table Discussion
Role of Higurashi Towa: Matsumoto Sara Role of Setsuna: Komatsu Mikako Role of Sesshōmaru: Narita Ken
Demanding “A Sense of Smell” From Playing Sesshōmaru
— Since this is after the recording of episode 23 today (the day of the interview), thank you all for your hard work!
Matsumoto: Thank you! You see, today is actually the first time I recorded with Narita-san for “Hanyō no Yashahime”. It’s like “we finally meet” kind of feeling and I’m very happy!
Narita: Finally, it was our first father-daughter meeting! I look forward to doing this interview together.
Komatsu: Likewise, I look forward to working with you as well. Narita-san went straight into recording episode 24 (the final episode) right after recording episode 23. The last episode is next week for us, but we read the script and it was completely shocking… …!
— The final episode had an ending that really made you wonder about the future. Having traversed through the story up to this point, what is everyone’s state of mind right now?
Matsumoto: After episode 20, going into the final stage, the vigor of the story increased. For viewers, I think their theories up to now were all overturned at one point. We also started recording not knowing what was going to happen in the future, so we progressed through recording while talking about “What’s going to happen next?” every time. It was a continuation of surprises. Just when I thought we finally got to interact with our father in episode 23, this time, something like that happens to Setsuna… … I was shocked like “To think they would end it like this!” and I immediately started thinking about how the second chapter (season) would connect from here. My current thought is that as I look forward to the second chapter (season), I want to rewatch season 1 one more time before the broadcasting (for season 2) begins.
Komatsu: Back when I didn’t know what was going to happen, when I asked the staff “How is season 1 going to end and what’s going to happen in season 2?”, they told me “Most of the questions that the viewers have will be answered in season 1. Around the last episode of season 1, you might be able to record with everyone in the Higurashi family again.” That’s why in my (mind), I had my hopes up like “I wonder if in the final episode, the whole Kirinmaru situation and Rin’s sleep would all be resolved and Setsuna and the others go to the modern era again, and in season 2 the three Yashahimes would start a happy school life?”
Everyone: (laughs)
Komatsu: And then it went in a completely different direction! Just when I thought the story was connecting in a line, there’s suddenly more questions. There’s still many unanswered mysteries and in the second chapter (season), what will happen (in regards to the those mysteries) … while having that anticipation, as Setsuna, I want her to be revived as soon as possible. In the Inuyasha world, you get pushed down many times, no matter what, and those intense developments where you fight as you climb back up are a distinct characteristic. Hence, I look forward to those intense developments in the second chapter (season)!
Narita: I don’t like calculating future developments and then think “I’ll do this part like this” so I go into the recordings without knowing the upcoming story or the movement of the characters as much as possible. Besides, it feels more fun to go into it without knowing the story. As such, all I use is my sense of smell. In this work, it feels like I’m using my sense of smell 1,000 times more than usual. That’s just how much concentration is needed, and I feel that this work is very stimulating in more ways than one.
— It seems that Sesshōmaru himself moves knowing what Kirinmaru and Zero are after but Narita-san, you were acting without knowing the upcoming development I see.
Narita: That’s right. Sound director Nagura Yasushi-san asked me “Would you like me to give you something that explains how things will turn out?” but I purposely declined. If I found out, it felt as though unnecessary emotions would come out of my voice. When I act, I aim for the middle between “Lines written in the script as is” and “my own considerations” like “It probably goes like this right?”.
Komatsu: Even though I think Sesshōmaru probably knows everything, his lines have various components mixed into them, so I always get a sense of “I wonder?”.  That’s why as a fan, I love speculating that marginal aspect.
Matsumoto: I’m the same way. (His lines) always leave room for pondering.
Komatsu: He doesn’t speak much to begin with, but I think it’s just like father to not say everything within those few words. Watching Narita-san record in person today, I was moved by how Sesshōmaru’s nuances were expressed with such finesse.
Narita: As expected, you two are “Inuyasha” fans (laughs). But it really is difficult. He won’t say things with words after all. Although, he would just become a boring man if he said everything. I think he himself knows everything, but suppresses giving out the answer and just highlights it a little bit… that kind of moderation is important. I’m always conscious of this when I act but it’s tough after all. I only have a few lines so I have this feeling of “If I mess these words up, when is the next time (I speak)?”. That’s why I act with this feeling of “I’m going to put everything into these words” every time.
— Narita-san, how did you feel when you first heard about the “Hanyō no Yashahime” project?
Narita: I never thought they would revive “Inuyasha” in this form. If they were going to do it, I thought naturally Inuyasha would be the center of the story. The setting of Sesshōmaru’s children being the main characters never crossed my mind. I thought something like that would be impossible and I wondered about a lot of things like “Then who’s the mother?”.  Rin (being the mother) was unexpected.
— It was unexpected?
Narita: I didn’t think he would ever touch upon that. I wanted to shake Sesshōmaru’s shoulders like “This isn’t like you~!” (laughs).
Komatsu: Love sprouted!
Narita: How do I put it, love is something far off to Sesshōmaru… I even think he had kids because he probably had some kind of objective.
— In other words, not because he wanted to create a family?
Narita: That might be true for Inuyasha, but for Sesshōmaru, I think there was an experimental aspect to it like “What sort of chemical reaction would happen in my heart if I had kids”. After all, I don’t think it’s necessary for him to be a dad.
Komatsu: Sesshōmaru certainly does seem like he would have that kind of desire to “want to know”.
— Then how did you feel when you saw the girls?
Narita: “Ah, so this is what they’re like” is what I thought. I thought they were brave, healthy looking kids. When color was added to the characters, I felt there were aspects similar to Sesshōmaru. But you know, the shock that he had daughters really is big. It was like “Will the Sesshōmaru up until now fall apart?” “I don’t want him to start ogling”. It was a little complicated there. It's just that it’s true that in the story of “Inuyasha”, he gradually showed his affection for Rin. In that case, something close to that may also bud for his daughters and that too may become a new appeal for him.
Reenacting Sesshōmaru’s Solitude for the Final Recording
— It’s been 20 years since the time of “Inuyasha” but Narita-san, do you remember the time you met Sesshōmaru?
Narita: I did not get the role of Sesshōmaru through auditioning. It seems there were actual auditions, but they couldn’t come to a decision, so they had Takahashi Rumiko-sensei, the author of the original work, listen to the voice samples of various candidates. It was there that Rumiko-sensei picked me is how the story goes. Until then, I did not have many appearances in anime works, so I think there are many young people who recognize me for my role as Sesshōmaru. I also felt that things changed after I played Sesshōmaru. That’s why to me, his existence is very big.
— His looks are androgynous but his voice is deep, so in the beginning, there may have been people who felt an element of surprise from that.
Narita: When I first saw his character appearance, I remember thinking he was woman dressed in a furisode. That’s why during the first test, I used a higher pitched voice. Like the pretty boy voice so to speak.  Then, the sound director at the time, Tsuruoka Yōta-san told me “Please make it deeper”. I lowered my voice while thinking “What?” yet he still said “Deeper” … That’s why it was very hard in the beginning. It was to the point that I thought “I can’t keep going like this!”.  That’s why I raised my voice just a little bit at time so that it wasn’t noticeable. Otherwise, I felt that I couldn’t express (things). When I did that, it gradually became easier.
Matsumoto: So that’s how it was.
Narita: Although, there was a trigger behind that. At one point, I received a letter from someone who was a fan of the work and it seemed that the Sesshōmaru that person imagined was a certain voice actor who was very popular at the time. When I read that, I thought “Whaaat!” (laughs). But if that’s the case, I thought “It’s fine if I do this more freely” and my shoulders relaxed instantly, and I felt better.
—  As in acting in a way that only you can?
Narita: Yes, that’s why I’m grateful for that letter. It’s thanks to that that I was able to reach a turning point after all.
Komatsu: Meaning you broke through that “Sesshōmaru has to be like this” kind of (mentality). When I first heard Sesshōmaru’s voice in the animation, I was able to grasp that “This is what Sesshōmaru’s scariness was”. To begin with, his beauty and contrasting calmness pierced through me and I had this scary image of him from when I read the manga. However, the moment that became a voice, I really felt that it made it convincing. That’s why from the start in my mind, I couldn’t imagine anyone else for Sesshōmaru other than Narita-san. It’s the complete opposite of Inuyasha’s high tone and he’s calm. He felt like a true greater demon. His rank is much higher than Inuyasha’s and I could feel that sense of him being beyond anyone’s power.
Narita: Afterall, his father (the Dog General) was Ōtsuka Akio-san and his mother is Sakakibara Yoshiko-san. The parents were amazing, weren’t they?
Matsumoto: For sure, the whole family is strong… …!
Narita: But Sesshōmaru’s strength is that he doesn’t flinch even before such parents. Like he has his own world. I thought I really should (act) that part without wavering.
— How did it feel playing Sesshōmaru again for the first time in a while in “Hanyō no Yashahime”?
Narita: It’s been 20 years since “Inuyasha” and 10 years since “Inuyasha the Final Act” so that amount of time is pretty hefty. I thought I could do it instantly but when I tried, it felt off. I was bewildered like “I did this originally so why?”.  I started acting while doing my utmost to recall the feelings from back then, but it didn’t go well immediately and even I was surprised. The stronger the emotional attachment, the closer to myself I got and I thought “This is a human”. I kept comparing and adjusting many times like “Gotta change it back, gotta change it back”.
— So there’s a certain feeling when playing a demon.
Narita: That’s when I thought I probably focused a lot more back during “Inuyasha”. The onsite studio for “Inuyasha” had a peaceful atmosphere and I felt that I couldn’t let myself get caught up in the atmosphere. Stubbornly, I strongly made myself think “I am solitary”. Until I stood in front of the microphone, I would create Sesshōmaru inside myself and carry on as such until the end. That may have been what I was missing. That’s why at the recording of the final episode today, I purposely told the girls “I want you out”.
— In other words?
Narita: Just as I said earlier, I recorded episode 23 with the girls but I recorded the final episode alone. During that time, the girls waited for me (until the interview started) and they could’ve stayed in the booth but I purposely wanted to do it alone. It probably wouldn’t have changed much whether there was someone inside or not but how to put it, I wanted to get closer to the me back then, even just a little.
— I see.
Matsumoto: There’s certainly emphasis on recording with a small number of people right now, so it might be a difficult environment to face your role in. It’s pretty much you get to the studio, immediately voice the scenes you appear in, and then immediately go home when you’re done. Even as a newbie, I can feel it throwing off my rhythm somehow.
— So even bout scenes get (cut up) into small pieces then.
Matsumoto: I think if we had recorded with everyone together from the top, we could’ve created time for each of us to focus on our roles while feeling the flow of the story. I think there’s definitely something that can be built with everyone onsite. However, there’s difficulty from not having time to build that.
Komatsu: When you can feel the flow of the whole thing onsite, the feeling changes a little from when you’re reading the script at home. There are times where you realize things for the first time. But right now, we’re only doing our corresponding scenes, so things come up that we just can’t grasp. There is merit in just doing your turn in a short time, but it feels completely different from doing it with everyone.
— So there’s a challenge that comes from the Corona crisis.
Komatsu: The staff have shown consideration for us by making it possible for us to interact with each other as much as possible, so I’m grateful. While taking in consideration counter measures against spreading the virus, they adjusted it so that those voicing scenes with character conversations can record in the same booth together. Thanks to that, the cast of the three Yashahime were basically able to record together.
Narita: They were limiting it to around 3, 4 people at most. I recorded with Kirinmaru (Yoshimasa Hosoya-san) and Zero (Sakamoto Maaya-san) many times. Then there was Jaken-chan (Chō-san). Jaken was the same old Jaken and he made me think that I had to do my best without losing. I didn’t (record) together with my younger brother (Inuyasha played by Yamaguchi Kappei-san). Not that I want to meet him or anything.
Matsumoto: It’s Lord Sesshōmaru! (laughs)
Komatsu: Thank you! (laughs)
Narita: (laughs) Also, I was able to record together with Rin (Noto Mamiko-san) in episode 1. It felt as though Noto-san had matured a little bit. Her growth as a woman came through a little in her acting, which I thought was wonderful.
Matsumoto: Us daughters haven’t recorded with Noto-san but I just happened to be able to watch the recording for episode 15, so that’s when I greeted her. When I told her “I’m your daughter; thank you for giving birth to me” Noto-san was like “Oh my god~! My daughter~!”. But we had to maintain social distancing so we were both like “I can’t hug youuuu~!” (laughs).
Komatsu: I’m so jealous. I can picture that situation (laughs)
Concern about Setsuna’s life and Towa and Riku’s relationship
— In regard to Rin, it was revealed in episode 23 and 24 that her “fate” is connected to Zero. Matsumoto-san and Komatsu-san, as daughters, what do you think?
Komatsu: I thought “what a cruel fate”. While the feeling of wanting to hurry and meet mother face to face grows stronger, currently the only way to prolong Rin’s life is to keep her asleep, and it’s there that Setsuna’s Dream Butterfly is involved. All that is linked to Zero.
Matsumoto: It’s a negative chain where in order to get Setsuna’s sleep back, you have to kill Zero but doing so would also kill Rin. Towa wants Setsuna to be able to sleep but she still doesn’t know about that connection. She tried to sever that in the final episode, but the result was…
Komatsu:  Setsuna, who was never able to sleep, was finally able to sleep via death. It was such an ironic plot twist… …!
Matsumoto: Seriously, I thought “You’d write this kind of script!?”! (laughs) In the opening for cour 2, there’s a scene where Rin catches a falling Setsuna but I want them to hurry and do this scene in the main story.
Narita: Setsuna will be in season 2, right? We won’t be able to sleep in Setsuna’s place because we’re so curious.
Komatsu: I have faith that she’ll appear… … For that reason, I look forward to Towa’s efforts.
Matsumoto: I’ll do my best! At the end of the final episode, Sesshōmaru takes out a broken Tenseiga and says “Shall you try, Towa…”. That was the first time father said my name. Earlier, I watched Narita-san record from outside the booth and that was truly unforgettable. Seriously, I think it was a scene that entrusted a lot of things (to Towa) so I want to carve that voice into my heart and take on the recording for the final episode.
— In regard to Towa, her relationship with Riku is also of interest.
Matsumoto: You’re right. The scene where she told Riku “I like you!” really surprised me!
Komatsu: Love made up a large portion within the story of “Inuyasha” but “Hanyō no Yashahime” doesn’t have a love component to that level. It was a scene where you saw a small sign of that.
Matsumoto: For the line “I like you”, Nagura-san directed me before the recording “It is absolutely not fawning. Please don’t go in the LOVE (romantic) direction.” I think it was a refreshing emotion and that she liked Riku as a person type feeling. I was also told “It’s okay to show happiness when Towa sees Riku like ‘Oh it’s Riku’”. Even though she doesn’t think it’s (romantic) love, it seems she’s always had this perception of “Riku’s not a bad person” and I think what burst out from that was “I like you”. The fact that Riku hugged her was something that lingered with her into the next episode, and it was very memorable.
Narita: Riku… … he can’t be overlooked in many ways (laughs). This won’t do, I can’t let him live. I guess I should cut him down in a single stroke!
Matsumoto: Fatheeeeer!! (laughs)
Komatsu: Like “I won’t forgive anyone who make a move on my daughter” (laughs)
— Riku’s wellbeing will be something to pay attention to in season 2 (laughs). Lastly please give a message to our readers who are looking forward to the second chapter (season).
Komatsu: First off, there’s what’s going to happen to Setsuna. I’m sure Towa, who’s been entrusted with things, will revive her in the second chapter (season)… … Personally, I want to see father-daughter interaction and a reunion scene with mother. I also haven’t given up on my dream of an exciting modern era school life! Just once is fine but I want an episode where everyone goes to the modern era, wears a school uniform, and takes Kirin-sensei’s class. Having it end as “it was all just a dream” is fine too (laughs). I believe there are issues as well like Inuyasha and Kagome being trapped in the black pearl, so I hope everything is included in the second chapter (season)!
Narita: Indeed, when I think about what all is going to happen, I can’t help but be curious. Coming to episode 23, I recorded with the girls for the first time but how are things going to be between (Sesshōmaru) and the girls going forward? I’m also curious about the relationships with Inuyasha and Kirinmaru. I’m just like the viewers in that I want to enjoy each episode one at a time. I’m truly happy to have encountered this work. I would be happy if everyone continued supporting us.
Matsumoto: In terms of hopes, I want Setsuna to be revived immediately at the beginning of the second chapter (season)… … Even if that doesn’t happen, I want Setsuna to be revived as soon as possible. I think there will be new encounters getting there. At the end of season 1, there was a character named Akuru that appeared along with the keyword “Windmill of Time”. I’m excited to see how those will connect into the second chapter (season). Another thing I’m curious about is the promise that was made to Mei, “We’ll come back for sure”.
Komatsu: Oh yeah
Matsumoto: I do feel that I want to see a scene where Towa says “I’m home” to the Higurashi family… … but right now I don’t want to go back to the modern era! Need to revive Setsuna and clean up everything before that! Riku, Zero, and Kirinmaru might show some new movement in the second chapter (season). Please look forward to it without missing the details!
Q. Who did you think was Towa and Setsuna’s mother?
Narita: I thought it was Jaken (laughs).
Matsumoto: The Mama Jaken theory! (laughs)
Komatsu: Even among the fans, there was the Mama Jaken theory in the beginning (laughs).
Narita: Well, Jaken stays close to Sesshōmaru the most and knows him best. If love was going to sprout, it would’ve been from Jaken. Plus, he’s a full demon.
Matsumoto: Master Jaken really looks at Lord Sesshōmaru after all.
Komatsu: In actuality, Master Jaken was both the educator and caretaker, so his position was like a wet nurse.
Narita: He might’ve been breast feeding them periodically. Demons seem like they can do anything (laughs).
Komatsu: I think Master Jaken guessed what Lord Sesshōmaru was feeling and thought “What is my role…”.
Narita: He probably can’t be by Sesshōmaru’s side if he doesn’t have that kind of anticipation (laughs)
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kirksfattitties · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering what order I should watch Star Trek in? I’ve watched tos before but that was a long time ago. I’m not sure if it’s best to watch it in the order it was released or if I should watch it in like the in universe order so it’s not confusing. Thank you! Sorry if I’m bugging you btw
i’m not sure if i can say which star trek you wanna watch them in EXACTLY but what i did was watch in order of characters i saw people posting about that i was attracted to and i mostly went from old to new, but there’s a few outliers
i did watch tng a couple of years before i decided to watch ALL of the star treks but i was never hyperfixed on star trek until i saw tos so i don’t really count my first watchthrough of tng
the order (i think) i went in was:
tos & tos movies
tng rewatch & first watch of the movies
aos (i think? i forget when i watched it for the first time)
dsc & short treks
(and then snw and prodigy when they come out)
honestly, i would look at peoples posts about the shows and/or at pictures of the characters and see which shows you think would be the most interesting.
for me personally, i like the fan content by tos/tas, ds9, dsc fans the most so i watched those relatively early on, whereas my boyfriend liked tng content more but then was sucked into also liking tos and then eventually other treks.
i would also look at if there’s any actors from star trek that you recognize and maybe start with whichever trek/treks they were in and then go from there.
my bf also is super organized and made a list of the different treks and movies for them to watch and checks stuff off as they go, but they’re also a little bit insane (complimentary) and went COMPLETELY out of order in a wild and wacky way that makes very little sense to me and would make me feel crazy to watch in that order. i’m not sure what exact shoe order they went in, but for the tos and tng movies, they went in the order of good movie, bad movie, good movie, bad movie, etc. so. you could do that if you want
for the most part i think going from oldest series produced to newest series produced series would be the best bet because it’s the least amount of work to research, BUT i have also seen a few people go from the IN-universe timeline (which seems confusing to me with all the time travel esp since dsc starts before tos but travels to after every other series)
i think it might be easiest if you go in order of how theyre made, specially since there’s like a bajillion new treks going on right now/gonna air soon, and that if you start going in-universe order, you might have to change that order when snw comes out?
you can honestly watch in any order and it will mostly make sense (or end up making sense eventually) but you should probably watch tng (&the movies and maybe aos) before watching pic if you want things to make sense for that show. lwd is a pretty good show to watch last because it references most other treks, but i think it’s done well enough that you could watch it alone and still understand it. this isn’t a continuity thing, but i also would suggest watching lwd after watching a particularly heavy trek (like pic or dsc or aos) because lwd is light and funny and will make you less sad. same thing with tas, its light and funny and it’s a great series to watch after finishing tos because it’s like BONUS tos
ANYWAY im not sure if answered your question (probably not! sorry!) but good luck and happy trekking 🖖
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Good Night (#little-butterfly-writes contest submission)
Heyy! I wrote the most fluffy self-insert entry I could muster for the #little-butterfly-writes contest hosted by @little-butterfly-writes! I haven’t written for self-inserts for a long time and I’ve forgotten how fun it is to be self-indulgent :)) 10/10 highly recommend you to write one too! I named my MC Athena so I’ll use that name :)  
Fandom: MLQC - Gavin & Athena 
Genre: Fluff 
Word Count: 1473 
At last, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
The entire company had dealt with the high workload for weeks in order to meet the strict deadlines. The heavy pressure was finally off my shoulders after wrapping up the filming and editing for the big project. 
The office became more quiet as the crew members left for the day. Currently, I was one of the last people there, Minor being the other. For the past few weeks, we had always been the last ones. I underestimated him and his work ethic. He would say the same phrase around sunset: “Hey, Athena! It’s getting pretty late. Think we should call it a day?”
Every day, I would encourage him to head out first and every day, he’d insist we both leave together. 
Minor watched me lock the front doors, shoving his hands in his pockets. “So! Any plans for tonight?” he asked.
Rattling the handle, I murmured, “Not really…” Suddenly rewatching my favourite shows didn’t seem as appealing as it did when I had been busy. The temptation of procrastination vanished when I needed it the most.
Minor glanced at his phone screen. “That’s great! I’ll see ya later, boss!” With that, he walked away.
“Huh?” I stared at his shrinking figure until he turned the corner of the block. He really zoned out, but I didn’t blame him. His expression held nothing but pride and relief that the project was finally over.
When I got home, I turned on my laptop. Although Minor never failed to get me out of the office, he couldn’t stop me from working here. Everything was done but revising some materials wouldn’t hurt. Plus, I should look over the reports that I needed to submit next week. 
Frankly, I wasn’t sure how much time passed when I got up to take a long shower. After drying off, I grabbed the first comfortable thing in the closet and realized it was Gavin’s white T-shirt.
Gavin had left for a mission a few weeks ago. The mission was highly classified so I decided not to bother him for the duration of the time. My workload started piling up then and I distracted myself as best as I could. Now that work was out of the way, Gavin’s gentle eyes were back in my mind. When I imagined him smiling, I couldn’t help but do so myself. If I couldn’t see him soon, at least I could meet him in my dreams.
I turned off the light and pulled the covers to my chest, staring at the balcony window as I waited to drift off. There were traces of clouds across the glowing moon and I couldn’t bear to turn away from the serene view. It felt like I was staring at it for eternity until a shadow suddenly appeared. His amber eyes shone against the moonlight and the night wind rippled at his STF jacket, sweeping his hood down.
Before I knew it, I was already opening the balcony door, letting the chilly breeze spill in. “Gavin! You’re back!”
He nodded. Despite the time of day, Gavin didn’t look tired. In fact, with his steady composure and uniform, he looked like he was ready for another day at the Special Task Force. “Mm. The mission finished just now. I wanted to see you,” he said matter-of-factly. 
No matter how long I hadn’t heard his voice, it was distinct and recognizable. I didn’t realize how much I missed him until I gave him a tight hug. It was then when I felt a sudden drop of temperature and I withdrew abruptly: “Geez, you’re freezing!”
Smiling, he tugged me close again, stroking my black hair. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. But you . . .” He furrowed his brow, noticing my loose-fitting ‘dress’. Even in the dim room, the familiar shade of red on his ears was evident. He shed his jacket and I tried to stop him, but he managed to wrap it around me.
“You need it more,” I insisted. “You’re gonna catch a cold.” 
“It’s alright. I have something better.”
His hand slipped into mine. I couldn’t help but hold it tighter in hopes of generating more warmth for him. I brought him to the bed and bundled the blanket around him.
“How long were you flying? You know it gets colder at night,” I scolded, embracing him as we laid over the pillows. He wasn’t shivering but I held him close, unwilling to let go.
He burrowed into my chest and I could feel his smile through the thin fabric. “I promise to be more careful next time.”
“You always say that! Especially about your injuries. Speaking of which, let me see them.” Before Gavin could react, I yanked the blanket away, inspecting his forearms and his torso. 
“Ahem, I’m-I’m okay, really,” he assured, his ears burning bright again when I pulled at his button up shirt. I only found old scars that had already been engraved into my memory. 
Gavin brought my restless hands to his face. His gaze towards me never wavered. “I’m telling you the truth,” he said earnestly and kissed the back of each hand. He wrapped the blanket around us, nuzzling into my chest again. 
Relief steadied my heartbeat until he looked up at me and spoke in a low tone: “Before I left for the mission, I swore I wouldn’t get injured.” He paused, pressing closer. “Do I get a reward for honouring this promise?” 
Whether he was intentionally giving me the subtle, big, ol’ puppy eyes or not, I couldn’t refuse. Brushing his soft, brown fringe back, I pecked his forehead. “There,” I said, a smile playing across my lips. “How’s that?”
He frowned and cleared his throat. “I also made sure not to skip any meals.”
I gave a peck on his cheek. 
“I kept my sleep schedule consistent too.”
“Eight hours?”
“Was it eight hours or not?”
He nuzzled deeper into the crook of my neck, hiding his expression. Gavin’s face seemed to have warmed up since his arrival. I started laughing when he playfully bit me.
“Okay, okay, I understand. Agent B-7 has a tight schedule and he works very hard. Here,” I leaned towards his mouth and he closed his eyes, waiting expectantly. His anticipation made my heart flutter, but I couldn’t resist messing with him. In the last second, I moved lower and pressed my lips to his own neck, nibbling it for good measure and for payback. 
His soft groan was barely audible before he pulled me back, pinning me down into the pillows. “I don’t think you’re being fair, Athena. Seems like you’ve forgotten about your own sleep schedule.”
I froze but I tried my best to keep my cool. “My sleep schedule is fine, thank you very much, Officer.”
Feigning doubt, he hummed. “I’m not sure. You’ve been working overtime ever since I left.” He narrowed his eyes, carefully examining mine for reaction. “If Minor hadn’t insisted any earlier, you’d be at the office until midnight every day.”
My eyes widened. “Minor?! Aw, why am I even surprised?” Now to think of it, Minor had started to work longer hours around the day of Gavin’s departure. All this time I was hoping it was because Minor had been engrossed with the Miracle Finder project, not because of a task assigned by Officer Gavin.
“It’s almost 1 am. I should’ve found you fast asleep by now. How do I know if this isn’t a bad habit of yours?” Gavin leaned in, his proximity repelled my fleeting thoughts. His blue and black uniform made him seem so much more intimidating. “So,” he murmured, “are you ready to confess?”
I hoped my face wasn’t as red as it felt, but his grin knocked down my wishful thinking. “Okay, okay. I lied. My schedule is terrible.”
“Mm.” Satisfied, he released his grip on my wrists. “Let me help you fix it. Is this okay?” He cradled me in his arms, snuggling close. “If not, I can count sheep with you again.”
I giggled, recalling that night with all the sheep. It felt like nothing yet everything had changed. Sighing contently, I leaned into his broad chest. His heartbeat was calm, lulling me to drowsiness. “I think it’s working,” I mumbled, “as always.”
Gavin chuckled as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. His steady gaze was genuine and pure. “I sleep better when I’m with you too.”
My eyelids grew heavy and with the last source of energy that I could gather, I lifted my head and kissed him. His lips were soft against mine and when his parted in shock, I deepened the kiss. I could hear his heartbeat racing as I slumped against him again. 
“There. For everything you’ve done for me.”
Final notes: I hoped you like it! A lot of things have changed in the MLQC fandom, but I hope everyone is doing well! Reading/writing anything about comfort characters really helps me so I had fun writing this!
I also write for luciensgunsee in Instagram --- it’s mlqc x reader stuff so if you’re interested in that, do check it out! I might put the extended, uncut versions of those scenarios here in Tumblr?? If anyone is interested, please let me know :))
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rebelcourtesan · 4 years
Supporting Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss
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I’ve seen a lot of people demanding when the next episodes of Hazbin Hotel is going to start.  Sad to say it’s going to be a while.  Hazbin Hotel has been picked up by A24 over the summer which is a HUGE accomplishment!  This is the first big step towards more episodes, but animation, especially with the skill we’ve see in the pilot is going to take time.
Which leads me to my first point.
1. Do not harass creators or VAs.  
Please, don’t litter their DMs or Twitter accounts with demands of when the next episode is coming.  Especially, the VAs who have no part in production other than providing voices to characters.  VAs are important actors, but the heavy lifting is done by the animators themselves.
Also, since Hazbin has been picked up, Vivziepop has to keep mum with details about the show.  We won’t be getting anymore crumbs about Hazbin Hotel itself for a while so please, don’t think her silence is her lack of interest.  Hazbin is her baby!  In order to protect the show, she may have signed contracts with A24 of not sharing information until the show is released.  Which is a GOOD SIGN!!!!  
Also, follow Viziepop, Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss on Twitter for the latest of any announcements or releases!  Why ask when an episode is going to be released when they’re going to announce it on Twitter in the first place?  Trust me, as soon as Vivziepop is certain of a release date, she’ll tell everyone via Twitter.   
2. Rewatch anything and everything from SpindleHorse.  
Another method of support is to give views and likes to Vivziepop’s shorts, Hazbin Pilot, and Helluva Boss episodes.  Even if its playing in the background while you do chores or work on a project, the number of views help show people are still watching and enjoying the animation.  The views are in the millions which is a great sign to potential networks that HH/HB already have a large fanbase waiting to subscribe and buy merchandise.  
3. Purchase the Merchandise
All profits from the merch sales goes into paying animators and everyone involved with Helluva Boss eps, comics, and etc.  More animators and artists, means Vivziepop has more people working on episodes which will speed things up.  If we want more stuff, then we have to buy more stuff to support the show.  I’ve bought two sketchbooks and a pair of socks to help support Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.  Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to be a problem as they often have items announced as sold out shortly after sales.  
4. Vivziepop has a Patreon
If the merch is too expensive or not selling anything you’re interested in, subscribe to Viziepop’s Patreon.  The money goes directly into production of shorts, animation, and other cool stuff.  For 5 bucks a month you get sneak peeks at upcoming projects.  We were even allowed to see the first half of the Alastor comic before it went live a few days later!  If five bucks is too much, there’s a 1 dollar tier.  Everything counts towards supporting the series.
5. Support Fan Creators
Between episodes of Helluva Boss and until Hazbin Hotel is released, fan creators are what keeps the fandom afloat.  There are AMAZING artists creating art and comics across Twitter and Instagram.  And there are quite a few popular fanfiction on AO3.  Follow them, complement their art, and best of all, pay for commissions!  With money!  Exposure doesn’t pay bills or rent.  With things as they are with Covid-19, there are lots of artists in need of money to help make ends meet or provide for their families.  If you can’t afford their art, support them on patreon or Ko-Fi.  Also, do NOT STEAL ART OR REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!  And even if it’s commissioned art, ALWAYS, ALWAYS give credit!  
This is a big one for me.  Being toxic, shipping wars, or ship shaming has chased people off from fandoms.  I’ve seen it happen in Voltron Legendary Defender, She-Ra, and now I’m seeing it in Hazbin Hotel.  I’ve seen VAs for Voltron being harassed and receive death threats from supposed fans and towards the end of She-ra there was some backlash towards the creator over Entrapdak pairing.  
As much as I love Hazbin Hotel, bottom line is these are FICTIONAL characters.  It is not worth making someone feel bad, threaten, or insulted over which character kissing another character.  And using a petition to push a ship onto a creator is very poor taste.
Let me be clear, Viviziepop already has a story planned for these characters.  She likely already has the first season of Hazbin Hotel written up and only she (and possibly a handful of people), already know who is going to end up with whom based on how she wants the story to go.  Just trust her and let her tell her story.  Even if Angel Dust doesn’t end up with Husk or Alastor, or Charlie stays with Vaggie instead of hooking up with Alastor, or they all fall for characters we haven’t met yet, you can STILL SHIP WHO YOU WANT!!!!  
People are still shipping Katara and Zuko from Avatar and that show ended a long time ago.  Even in Voltron, people still ship Lance/Keith and Shiro/Allura.  It doesn’t matter if your ship isn’t canon!  You can still ship it!!!!
We all love the show!  Agree to disagree and just be fans together for Hazbin Hotel and support the creators!            
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deonideatta · 3 years
hi hi i heard you like chief kim and i'm here to get all the intel on why it's a good drama 😊 and what you love about park jae bum's other dramas 😊 pls let me know if there's romance bc that's the oxygen i breathe when i watch a show 💕
Hello!!! Thank you for asking me about Chief Kim!!!! I can go on about it for ages lol. This got a bit long so i’m putting it under a cut
Chief Kim (aka Good Manager) is a comedy office drama with 20 eps, and it aired in 2017. There isn’t a main romance plotline, but don’t let that put you off! It’s an incredible drama in so many ways. (tho there is a subtle romance side plot, but it doesn’t involve the main character and it’s never the main focus, though it is cute). It does feature a bromance that was so great that the two actors literally won an award for it tho lol, so there’s also that!
In a way, the general premise is somewhat similar to Vincenzo in that it’s the main character and an unlikely team of others fighting a big corporation. The comedic tone is also more or less the same. The drama follows Kim Seong Ryong (the titular Chief Kim, played by Namgoong Min), a man with a talent for handling numbers who goes from running a seedy accounting firm to quite accidentally becoming a champion of employees rights in one of the biggest corporations in the country. He originally joins the company with the goal of embezzling a lot money and moving abroad, but he gets swept up in office politics surrounding high executives and the sinister goings on surrounding the position he was recruited for, as well as the shady things the higher-ups want him to do and the suspicion of the other members of his department. Eventually he starts to work alongside them to fight the corruption of the higher ups, and quickly becomes the bane of top management’s existence by being so incredibly annoying that they begin to regret hiring him.
It’s the kind of drama that really gets you to laugh, while still being incredibly heartwarming. The main character is so unashamedly funny, and the character dynamics are all so warm, and none of it ever seems forced. The first tag for the drama on MyDramaList is “character development”, and that says a lot! There’s so much growth that goes on for all the characters, even some of the villains! It’s especially funny because to begin with all the good things Kim Seong Ryeong does are completely by accident, and he’s annoyed but also pleased with all the attention it gets him. Over time he begins to own it, and begins to actively try to stand up to the corrupt people at the top of the company. The other highlight for me besides the humor is definitely the characters. From the eccentric main character, to the no-nonsense second in command in his department Yoon Ha Kyung, to the aggressive finance director Seo Yul who is always eating (one of my all time favourite characters, played by 2PM’s Junho), to the janitor lady who always roasts everyone, there isn’t a single dull character, whether good or bad. And Seo Yul gets one of the best character arcs I’ve ever seen in a kdrama. You get to watch the characters struggle and triumph, and you feel for them because their struggles feel so real, and the drama really gets you invested in them. You see the ways in which they fight to survive as normal working class citizens and you want them to win.
It differs from Vincenzo in that the main character isn’t considered evil and loses his less savoury traits over the course of the drama (his character arc is one of becoming a more upstanding citizen), and the message is one of fighting against corporate greed using the corporate system against itself in order to make things better for the average working citizen. But there’s the same plotting, and the same feeling of rooting for the protagonist team to win as you watch them plot and plan. I never rewatch things, but i’ve rewatched Chief Kim twice already and i’m looking forward to rewatching it again soon (just writing about it is making me want to rewatch it right now lol). It especially hits well for me because i love office dramas, and the humor and the bromance are just right. (Also, not entirely related, but it’s the first drama Kim Seonho was in!)
Another Park Jaebum drama i can definitely recommend is The Fiery Priest! It’s also a comedy action drama with 20 eps (released in 2019), and it follows Kim Hae Il (Kim Nam Gil), a catholic priest with a real temper, as he works to solve the mystery surrounding the death of a senior priest. No romance there either, but it’s got the same humor as Chief Kim and Vincenzo, and the same overarching found family trope (that really shines for this one). It’s darker than Chief Kim, but not as dark as Vincenzo. The plot is very intriguing, and it’s the kind of drama you feel compelled to keep watching to see what happens next. And the host of characters in that drama is still one of my favourites to this day. Every character was incredibly written, and they all played vital roles in the overall story. Again, lots of character development all round, and great character arcs not just for the main character (even for a few of the villains!). Plus it was lovely to watch the various characters interact, get closer, and build relationships. Such an iconic squad. Not to mention how funny it is?? And the fight scenes??? In fact, I enjoyed it so much that when I checked Park Jaebum’s page on MyDramaList after watching it around June last year and saw Vincenzo as an upcoming project, I added it to my plan to watch list immediately even though there was only a single line of synopsis lol. It’s also got an absolute banger of a soundtrack!
When you think about it, all three (Chief Kim, TFP and Vincenzo) can be simplified to “guy with dubious past sets out to fight corruption and creates a great support circle in the process”. All three are dramas of finding people who care about you and are willing to fight alongside you, and fighting for your convictions/what you think is right. Each main character starts out as a somewhat solitary figure, and you get to watch as they each find people who are willing to fight alongside them and support them. What exactly those specific convictions are varies in each drama, but Park Jaebum writes the character development arcs incredibly each time, and the relationships between the characters are so real and so satisfying to watch. And yet the integrity of the main character in each drama is never compromised either, it’s shown that they can grow and become better without losing themselves. The growth is also in the way that they learn to work with and rely on others, because teamwork makes the dream work. And then to cap it all off he lets them have victories, and he makes it SO satisfying??? There are highs and there are lows, and you feel all of those right there with the characters, which makes the victories feel so so good. In each we see the ensemble cast get involved with the fight and the plotting, and we get to see all their epic plans and their execution, and the victories they win that build up over time. And it’s so satisfying to me! I love it a lot, just thinking about it is making me smile lol. It also shows how well humor and darker/more serious plotlines/events are balanced in the dramas, neither is compromised in favour of the other, but it always works so well that the humor never feels forced or out of place. As someone who doesn’t like overbearingly dark shows, I really appreciate that. They all give you lots to laugh at, while not losing any of the plot to the funny.
Of course there are differences, notably the romance, and the fact that Vincenzo is bad vs bad rather than good vs bad like the other two. They deal more with redemption (especially The Fiery Priest), but that works for the stories that are being told, and it’s very well executed.
It’s worth noting that Park Jaebum also wrote Good Doctor and 4 seasons of God’s Quiz. I haven’t checked those out yet, but I’ve heard good things about all of them. He also wrote Blood, I haven’t seen that one either but opinions seem to be split on how good it was. All of those are medical dramas (which is the reason I haven’t watched them lol, i can’t stand medical dramas) from before 2017, when he wrote Chief Kim. It seems he’s been on a roll since then, good for him and good for us lol. You can see everything he’s written on his MyDramaList page.
Overall I enjoyed the Park Jaebum dramas I have seen for first and foremost the comedy, but also for the warmth of the character relationships and for how well developed/written each character is. And I love how he balances the humor with more poignant/darker moments, I laughed a lot watching all three dramas, but I’ve cried over each of them as well. It’s a good balance to have, it gives you a good plot to be interested in, but doesn’t keep you stressed and sombre the whole way through. I’ve seen people say that Vincenzo wouldn’t be as good if it wasn’t so wacky, and I fully agree. It’s the same for both TFP and Chief Kim, and that balance is definitely what I appreciate most in Park Jaebum’s dramas. I know I will laugh, but I also know I will get an incredible plot and incredible characters, and that’s really important for me. Plus I know I can trust that there will be a good ending because the writer cares about his characters.
I definitely recommend checking out both TFP and Chief Kim after Vincenzo is done, especially since they’re so similar in terms of comedic tone and basic plot direction. If you ever get to watching either of them feel free to hmu to chat about it!! There’s lots of plot stuff that can be can discussed.
lol this got v long (i have lots to say about how much i love these dramas haha), but I hope it’s helpful!!!
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