#I’m gonna be the same age as most of 1A from MHA
my-faymelodyz · 2 years
Each month that passes by
The closer I get to becoming 16
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creatingquirks · 4 years
HII!!!¡? IM SO EXCITED YOUR ASKS ARE OPEN FOR Q/As also CONGRATS ON 300!!!! I'm gonna slap a whole heap of different questions here so uh... Sorry in advance? Okay so first of all J LOVE your writing and quirk matchups it's so cool SKFHAJDJAJ okay so I my first question is what aspects specifically from a description sent in for a quirk matchup do you use when making a quirk? Who are your favourite bnha characters!?? I have way too many, but if I were to simplify it then basically Tsu, Shoji, Tamaki, Eri, Tokoyami, and Toga!!! If you had a quirk, what would it be!!??? What would you do in the bnha universe!!?? Like hero work, villain stuff or some more normal type jobs!!?? What is your personality type!!?? I'm em enfp which often makes me laugh because it means that I have the same personality type as twice which is AWESOME what is your favourite colour!!!???? What is your dream job and what are you doing to help pursue it!!?? Okay I think I'm gonna have to make myself stop before I ask too many ANYWAY I hope you have an amazing day, don't forget to take a break, DRINK SOME WATER!!!!!!!!!
Wow this was a lot but I’ll gladly answer.
First of all when I’m writing quirks for people I take randomness into account so that they are unique, and I’ll also take into account the general type of things and activities that they like to do to narrow it down.
My favorite character in mha is most definitely tsu, and my runner up characters are momo and jirou. My favorite boys in mha is shoji and kiri.
For my quirk, I tend to change it a lot because I’m pretty indecisive about some things. However, the one that I currently see myself with at the moment is kamatiachi . Which is the most recent quirk I’ve written if you would like to look at it.
In tha mha universe I would be a student at UA! And I’m actually the age of the rest of the characters in class 1a, so I tend to see myself as a classmate. And I would definitely be kinda split between the deku and Baku squads!
My personality type is an intj, but I’m definitely ambieverted.
My favorite color is Blue! It doesn’t really matter what shade I love blue in general, I see it as a happy color because it’s the color of the sky, however my favorite colors to where are monotones and neutral colors because they almost always go together.
I’m not really sure what my dream job is to be honest, but I’m really interested in architecture and structural engineering because there so many different things you can do with those.
Hope this is what you were looking for!
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thought-not · 4 years
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This is my first MHA fic so please be kind with any feedback! 
Description: Rai Kotori is the new psychologist for class 1A. Principal Nezu thought it good for the new class with strong quirks to have help. Along the way, her and Shota Aizawa grow closer. Could the past Rai thought she left behind interfere with that? 
Warnings: none 
Chapter 1
       Spring is definitely the best time of the year. The way the sun warmed my skin, flowers bloomed all around, and the air crisp as ever made the season enjoyable. It set the mood wonderfully for my walk to the school I was to start at today. Today is the day I start as the psychologist at my old high school. I skip down the sidewalk leading to the doors of the building, taking in everything all at once. Not much has changed in the 10 years since I’ve been here. The trees are still the same and the building design is a constant for the staple hero school of Japan, UA High. 
        Entering the building I make note of all the halls and where rooms are placed. The layout may be the same, but my memory was never good. I look down at the paper with directions Principal Nezu had given me to see where I went wrong and bump into someone as I walk. Both of us drop our papers and I feel myself stagger a little. I feel something wrap around me and see white bandage looking things around my shoulders. I look up and there’s a guy with long black hair and tired eyes staring at me. 
        “Oh sorry! I obviously wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking,” I muster out.
        “It’s okay just pay more attention,” he grunts and let’s go of me with his scarf thing. I squat down to pick up my papers and hand him his. 
       “You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to Principal Nezu’s would you?” 
       “I’m going there now.” He takes the papers and starts walking down the hallway. I stare for a moment then quickly walk to catch up to him. I take a moment to look more at the man and see he is wearing baggy clothes and looks like he just rolled out of bed. His hair hangs around his shoulders and his face is partially covered by the scarf. He very much gives off don’t-talk-to-me vibes so I stay silent for the walk. 
        When we reach the office he walks in and I go to take a seat in one of the hallway chairs. He raises an eyebrow and beckons with his head for me to follow still. Following, I breathe deeply and walk through the door. Inside, there is a panda mouse bear animal in a suit typing away at a laptop on the desk. He’s small and white and looks cuddly. Upon us entering, he looks up and smiles. 
       “Oh good! I see you two have met,” the animal speaks enthusiastically.
       “Not formally,” the guy I ran into mutters. 
       “I’m Rai Kotori. The new psychologist for the students,” I say to the both of them. The man scoffs.
        “I’m Principal Nezu, the one you’ve been corresponding with! And this is Shouta Aizawa, the teacher you will be working mostly with this upcoming school year!” Nezu stood and walked over to us. “I’m so glad you both arrived at the same time. I think this year's newest are strong but they will need extra guidance as well.”
       “If they don’t get expelled,” Aizawa mumbled.
       “I’m excited to start,” I say smiling at the two. 
       “I already reviewed my students' information and their test scores. Here are their backgrounds for you to look at.” Aizawa handed me the papers he had been carrying. I nodded and he looked at the clock on the wall.
        “Class starts soon.” He walks out of the office without another word. 
       “Good luck today Kotori!” Nezu calls as I once again follow the man. I find him already down the hallway. I struggle to keep up and after a few turns he crawls into a sleeping bag. I pause and look at him in confusion and he just zips it up more. I shrug and put the papers into my bag.
        “So where’s the classroom?” I ask. In response, the grown man, who looks to be my age, starts scooting down the hallway and towards a class room. I raise an eyebrow and follow him. He very obviously does not want to talk so I stay silent and run down the list of students in the class and their quirks. We arrived at the classroom not long after. The door was open and the voices of the children talking carried down the hall. 
        “I wonder what we’re doing today besides orientation? I wonder what our teacher is like? I can’t wait to meet everybody!” a high pitched voice exclaimed. 
        “If you’re just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now,” Aizawa stated dryly. The students stopped talking and turned around to look at us with shocked eyes. “Welcome to UA’s Hero Course.” The man on the floor then unzipped the sleeping bag slightly and sucked on an applesauce pouch and finished it in 2 seconds. All of us stared at him incredulously. He stood up and unzipped the rest of the sleeping bag. 
        “It took 8 second for you all to shut up. That’s not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that.” He stepped out of the sleeping bag. All of the students stared at him. “Hello, I’m Shouta Aizawa, your teacher.” After a stunned moment of silence he pulled out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag and told the class, “Right let’s get to it. Put these on and head outside.” I sighed deeply and then followed the exhausted man out to where he wanted the kids to meet us. 
        “So what are we missing orientation for?” I asked him as we walked.
        “I want to see what their quirks are like in action and how it affects them. If they can’t use them, and if they have no potential, then there’s no point wasting my time,” he huffed. I nodded and we sat on a bench until the students started showing up. Once all there, he explained what they would be doing. The girl, Uraraka I think, spoke up about missing the orientation. 
        “If you really wanna make the big leagues, you don’t waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA we’re not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit.” A collective gasp went over the class. “You’ve been taking standardized tests most of your lives, but you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country is still trying to pretend we’re all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. That’s not rational. One day the ministry of education will learn. Bakugo, you got the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest softball throw in junior high?” 
        “67 meters I think,” a blonde boy with a scowl on his face spoke up. So that’s the one Nezu wanted me to keep an eye on most this year. 
        “Right, so try using your quirk.” Bakugo stepped into the circle on the ground. “Anything goes, just stay in the circle.” He waited a moment or so. “C’mon, you’re wasting our time.” Bakugo wound up his arm and threw the ball using his fire to push it. Everyone was in awe. 
        As the class went around and did the different tests showing off their quirks, I sat on the bench taking notes. They all had varying personalities, some more concerning than others. I stop paying attention after a couple tests and focus on my notes. My attention is called back when I see Aizawa use his quirk on Midoriya. I can’t hear what they’re saying but Midoriya looks shaken up. I watch as he is released and Aizawa steps back. He comes over to me and sits down. 
        “Midoriya needs to get control over his quirk, otherwise he can’t help anyone,” Aizawa shared, leaning over to look at my notes. I added what he said along with some other notes. We both watched as the boy in question threw the ball. Midoriya focused his quirk into his finger and threw the ball just barely farther than Bakugo. We both smiled and continued on with the last test.
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blxckdamask · 5 years
Trashcan’s Fic Rec: June ‘19
2nd month of fics I've read this month, and the same as last month, I've read a fuck ton of bnha fics (mostly bkdk whoops), with the exception of a couple of marvel fics. Yall this list is gonna be long as fuck so buckle the fuckle in. also sorry for the wait my dumb ass forgot to actually finish this.
Bakudeku Fics: 
Persephone by nikk_pfefferneuse | 70k | 7/7 | au | izuku has a quirk | OOC 
"Stop killing my dad's tulips, stupid!"
The boy looks up, and Katsuki is greeted with the biggest, greenest eyes in the whole entire world. Round baby cheeks dotted with freckles. Petals in his hair.
The air is stolen from his lungs. Words leave him. The world stops moving.
how he should’ve known (and how it turned out) by  vannral | 43k | 13/13 | fake dating | fluff and angst | eventual nsfw
Izuku should’ve listened and known and watched out for this so he wouldn’t be here, in this position. But he is, and everything is awful.
In which Katsuki and Izuku pretend to be a couple to avoid journalists, the plan backfires magnificently because of course it does, and the act goes on. Includes feelings, pining, domestic fluff and jealousy.
Little Sh*t (Kidfic) (series) by  Saysi | 42k | 5 works (unfinished series) | deaging quirks | fluff | these fics are so soft oml | like the smallest possible amount of angst 
When Midoriya Izuku gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, the last thing anyone expected to find out is that Toddler-Izuku is a little shit.
Except for one Bakugou Katsuki, who has seen this phase one too many times already.
And apparently his "Kacchan" is the only one who can deal with Izuku's screaming fits.
Soft Spots by Saysi | 86k | 45/45 | fluff | nsfw | porn with plot | this fic is so cute i've reread it like 8 times 
Midoriya and Bakugou don't have the best of relationships - except when they find themselves alone.
Bakugou quickly finds himself developing a soft spot for the nerd.
Happy birthday Midoriya!
100 Ways to Say by yabakuboi | 49k | 41/100 | fluff | domestic fluff | all the fluff | dorks in love | getting together | established relationship 
I Love You; or, alternatively, Katsuki and Izuku say what they feel in entirely different words as the years go by.
How to Train Your Shitty Omega by deanvspanties | 293k | 33/33 | abo | fluff | getting together | alpha!bakugou & omega!deku | very nsfw | mpreg | angst with a happy ending 
Izuku will have Bakugou's knot. He's Izuku's alpha after all.
I'm sorry for this, but I just had an image in my head of omega!Izuku destroying the school, hunting down Bakugou, and demanding his knot.
Run Into the Unknown by NightGivesWayToLight | 52k | 15/? | kidfic | fluff | slow burn | angst | future fic | hurt/comfort 
Kaitou shyly reaches up to touch Bakugou’s face. A second later, he changes from a boy with gray eyes and black hair to a mini Bakugou, blonde explodey hair and all. Bakugou almost drops Kaitou in shock. “W-what the--?” “My quirk,” Kaitou says in explanation, smiling a little at the shock on Bakugou’s face. ----------------- When a young boy is found in the wreckage from a building collapse, Izuku and Bakugou's lives change forever.
Chalk and Stale Coffee by Synnie | 45k | 15/15 | au | teacher!midoriya & prohero!bakugou | single dad!bakugou | bakugou is eri’s dad | slow burn | domestic fluff | eventual nsfw 
Raising a little girl wasn't easy, but pro hero Katsuki Bakugo felt he owed it to her after an accident in the field left her parents dead and him shouldering the blame.
But now she was starting school and her teacher was a lot cuter than Katsuki had been expecting.
Vicious  by feelslikefire | 105k | 13/13 | fake/pretend relationship | nsfw | fluff | slow burn | angst | angst w/ a happy ending | friends with benefits 
Midoriya and Bakugou wind up in the very last position either of them thought they'd be in: Hero Partners. It's not fun, but they learn to cope. Their first big assignment together takes them undercover to infiltrate a cult, but the situation turns out far more sinister than they first thought.
(Or: Midoriya and Bakugou pretend to be Fake Married, join a cult, start having sex, and learn not to suck as partners, not necessarily in that order.)
Second Chance by Saysi | 84k | 42/42 | midoriya has a quirk | slowish burn | canon compliant | suicide (kinda) | major character death (kinda) | angst but not really | this fic is soft and fluffy its just hard to summarize the tags 
"If you are still breathing, you have a second chance" - Oprah Winfrey
Izuku Midoriya's life has been plagued with mistakes. People have been hurt, friends have been lost, accidents have happened. When the country is nearing imminent destruction, he remembers every bad move, every wrong word, and wonders if he could have changed things.
Then time stops.
Izuku Midoriya grew up thinking he was Quirkless - turns out he just needed to face death to activate it.
Holding On To You by gg17writes | 10k | 1/1 | fluff | soft bakugou | slow burn | hurt/comfort | angst 
Izuku is touch-starved. Intricate rituals ensue.
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie | 51k | 20/20 | no quirks au | tw abuse | tw domestic abuse | hurt/comfort | angst | fluff | angst with an happy ending
Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn't expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
Other Fics:
Kit Kats by  Rosae | todobakudeku|11k |3/3 | fluff (kinda | bakugou gets kidnapped | tw panic attacks | dadzawa | hurt/comfort | angst
Katsuki Bakugou hasn't been okay in awhile. But he's trying. It'd help if one of his boyfriends didn't eat Kit Kats like a monster. Or if a certain group of villains would take a hint and stop trying to kidnap him into joining their boy band. Somehow the first thing still bothered him more.
for the first time by  RedHalcyon | iidabaku | 1k | 1/1 | fluff | domestic fluff | this fic is just fluffy i love it so much 
Now they stand together at twenty-five, gold bands on their ring fingers, hand in hand in front of their first house as husbands.
“This… this is ours,” Tenya whispers beside him, probably in awe of making it this far. Katsuki can relate.
“Yeah. Got our names on the lease and everything.” Katsuki squeezes Tenya’s hand, rubbing his ring with a thumb.
A Dangerous Lifestyle by  matchsticks_p (matchsticks) | sambucky | 18k | 3/3 | nsfw | slow burn | secret relationship | kinda pwp | fluff 
They're fugitives, on the run from not one but several of the most powerful and dangerous organizations in the world. And that's not even what's going to be the death of Sam.
(It's Bucky. Bucky is going to be the death of Sam.)
MHA Adventures in Parenthood by Minglisabeth | multi | established relationships | fluff | kid fics | yall this and the next rec are probably the best parenthood aus this fandom has holy fuck | not mpreg the same sex couples have kids through quirks | 5 works some works are incomplete and so is the series
Through various circumstances, some of the former 1A students become parents.
Parenthood AU Oneshots by  Minglisabeth | 20 works | fluff | angst | domestic fluff | a whole buncha fluff yall 
Oneshots from my parenthood AU. Main series is called MHA Adventures in Parenthood
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