#I’m literally gonna vomit
wideminded-dreamer · 2 years
Is that…..
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i hate supernatural and it's unfortunately beautiful yet poorly executed message about humanity being flawed but still worth saving because it's not about what you are born as but the good that you do
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cupiidzbow · 2 months
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tennessoui · 3 months
anakin should just cry on obi wan so that the old man can go through 7 stages of guilt for being such a fucking dumbass
to be fair to obiwan lmao anakin was literally married and supposedly in love with his literal wife like five minutes ago - that’s a pretty solid basis for assuming someone doesn’t love you back
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15-lizards · 6 months
My friend tried to be my wingman and was talking me up to my crush cause they were at the same party and my crush fully goes “oh I don’t like Hannah like that” and my friend had to save it by being like “oh nah she justs think ur chill and wants to hang” and he called me relaying all of this information and I have never felt so many horrifyingly embarrassing emotions at one time
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teenbiology · 1 year
eddie: would you still love me if i was a worm?
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1427 · 6 months
my anons are wildin’ bro I love all of it and trust me I’m gonna be working on ALL your ideas (I might combine some of them because they work together); but just trust.
Also love how dirty you guys are getting like??? It gives me life that people are requesting this stuff bc im just glad im not alone.
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adonis-koo · 1 year
Time heals everything so just let it do it’s work. If u can’t stomach the thought of love, then don’t force it. It will come when it’s ready.
Ik it’s sucks to think that maybe he wasn’t as into you as he said, but at least you were honest and loved them to the fullest extent which is really admirable.
And plz give him a side glare upon my behalf whenever u see him at work
my intention has been settled the entire day as ‘it’s okay to grieve what wasn’t meant for me’
i ended up talking to him outside at work yesterday and we talked about how we both felt, how it went down, it was…a very bittersweet feeling, but I understood where he was coming from and why he made his decision, I gave him my few thoughts in relation and spared him all the feelings I’m reconciling now.
we left things on good terms, because even if it wasn’t love, we still cared for one another deeply, and that still meant something.
does it still hurt? it does, but will I be okay eventually? I will, I do firmly believe it. another mantra I’ve been repeating is ‘I will never miss out on what is meant for me’
also I unfortunately don’t have the heart to sideglare him and it’s also no longer possible because yesterday was my last day 🎉 I’m off to get another job working with kids and I’ll be getting my licensing for it.
I’m very excited because this something I’ve been wanting to do for a long while and just didn’t realize there was a niche to get in to start. will it work out? hell if I know, I thought this would work out and it turned into a total dumpster fire 💀
but regardless I’m embracing the journey for what it is. anyways I’m gonna stop using this blog as my journal now, because I’ve accidentally projected on here for two months straight and if you scroll far enough you can watch this train wreck go down in 4K and I’d that isn’t embarrassing then idk what is💀
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stromer · 1 year
devils have the opportunity to do the most rational and normal thing ever tonight.
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boyczar · 1 year
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caterpillarinacave · 9 months
Hm. I’ve fucked up at work.
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kittenpinkamations · 11 months
God hecking. I’m too disabled for this
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teethpaste · 3 months
I hate when my brain gets broken again
I just go thru these periods where I feel so out of control and overwhelmed with grief and sadness and hating myself
Hating myself isn’t even the right thought it’s like , trying to give myself a warm hug and then revolting at the thought of that indulgence
This happens whenever I’m going on an huge trip, I go to Ireland 6/12-6/24
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basedandlovepilled · 5 months
someone tell me i’m being crazy for thinking that i got poisoned somehow
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lunaryuwu · 5 months
Ughhhh period cramps hughhhhh period cramps
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stinkbeck · 6 months
stop making me go 2 class these people are so fucking mean T_T
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