#I’m mad because I can only narrow it down to 3
pitchsidestories · 7 months
10 Things I Hate About You (3) II Alexia Putellas x Reader
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Part 1 I Part 2 I Masterlist I Word count: 2070
The next day, you found yourself on the training pitch an hour before the actual training was supposed to start. Impatiently, you stared at the clock. Alexia should have been here ten minutes ago but there was no sign of her anywhere. Even your coach looked concerned, and you started to wonder if Alexia was the kind of person who would leave you hanging for your joint extra training. You were deep in thoughts when something scratching your leg made you look down.
A small fluffy dog was excitedly jumping up at your leg, hoping to get some pets from you. With a gasp you squatted down, stroking the golden fur of the dog; “Hi, little one.“ “Nala? Where are you?“, a voice called from farther away. In your mind, you made the connection that the dog must be called Nala but just as you were about to answer, the small dog started licking your face.
You giggled; “Excuse me?“ “Nala, no!“, the voice was now right beside you and someone tugged Nala away from you. You looked up to catch sight of Alexia in her training clothes with a look of slight stress on her face. “Oh, she’s yours?“, you asked curiously. Your teammate nodded plainly; “Yes, she’s my dog.“
Slowly, you stood up again, meeting Alexias eyes; “You’re shoelaces are open.“ To your surprise, she didn’t even look down, instead she only let out an annoyed breath; “I’m aware. I was just about to tie them when Nala ran off.“
“You should bring her more often. I’m sure the girls would love it.“, you suggested casually as you watched Alexia put the leash back on Nala and tied it to the fence. “She’s only here because my dogsitter cancelled on me today.“, Alexia explained, turning back to you. You could hear in her voice that she hated everything about this situation. Her dog, in contrast, was panting happily. “I see.“ You looked at your coach, changing the topic; “What are we supposed to do?“
“Guess what. Training.“, Alexia answered instead of your coach. It took you a lot of will power not to roll your eyes at her; “I know, genius. Still, we need to know what exercises we’re doing.“ “How about you warm up first, genius?“, Alexia hissed back at you. “I already did that while you were running late.“, you replied. Alexias eyes narrowed; “Calm down. I just told you that my dogsitter canceled. I would have been on time if it wasn’t for that little diva.“
You both looked over at Nala who had finally laid down and watched the field attentively. “You two seem to have that in common.“, you snorted. “Oh shut up.“ Your bickering was broken up by the coach who ordered; “Time for you to warm up, Alexia.“ “Sure.“, she answered, giving you one last glance and then reluctantly started to run.
When the midfielder returned from her warming up session you let out a relived sigh:” Finally.” Your attention moved from her to the man who was coaching you both:” So what’s next?” “I told you, you need to work better together, so you’re taking turns setting the other up to score goals.”, he replied in a serious tone. Slowly Alexia nodded in agreement:” With those injuries..” “We need more goal scorer.”, you ended the sentence for her.
For a moment the brunette seemed to be surprised that you were able to read her thoughts before her face turned emotionless again, fully concentrated on the task ahead of her.
With a sigh your coach looked at both of you, almost pleading:” Just do it, girls.” “Alright. You’ll try to score first, Alexia.”, you decided as you picked up the football from his hands to place it in front of you.
Nonchalantly she shrugged her shoulders: “Fine, pass me the ball then.” “Okay.” You did as the midfielder advised you but still somehow the passes did not reach her. Frustrated Alexia shouted at you:” Can you get the timing right just one time?!” “You’re way too impatient.”, you shot back equally mad. Trying to not let her emotions overtake her in front of the coach the brunette suggested: “Let’s switch positions. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
“Fine, if you think that’s better.”, you answered. Determination on her face, Alexia fixed her ponytail before telling you:” Yes, watch.” Much to both of your surprise you slowly started scoring more goals through the midfielder’s assist. The both of you were completely immersed in your game, so you did not notice your fellow teammates slowly arriving behind your back.  
Excited Leila let out a loud shriek: “That’s unbelievable. Mapi look!” “What’s going on here?”, the other defender looked baffled at what was unfolding in front of them.  Amazed the older player mumbled: “This is midfield magic.”  
“Told you, that’s how it’s done.”, Alexia smiled satisfied at you. Equally happy about the result the coach announced: “Now we can move on to the regular training.” “Oh my god, Mapi! Were you all seeing our little session?”, you exclaimed as you realized in the moment that your teammates already have arrived. A wide grin appeared on Mapi’s face:” Obviously, we have training here now too.” “Just great.”, you sighed.
During training Alexia was doing an exercise with the defender who was a friend to both of you:” Mapi, she’s too proud to admit that I know how it’s done properly.” “Is she?”, the defender’s eyebrow went up in amusement. Annoyed the midfielder was rolling her eyes:“Yes.” “I saw something else.”, the younger player winked at her. Interested Alexia glanced at her:“What did you saw?”
Mapi raised one eyebrow with a smirk; “I think you could be a deathly duo on the pitch if you keep working on it.“ “Yes! With you two, we could win the league. Would be nice if the winners name was not Atletico again.“, Leila added, her eyes bright with excitement. Mapi nodded; “I agree. Our time is about to come!“ Alexia grimaced unhappily, while you gave your teammates a wink; “With this team, everything is possible.“
When training was finished, you let yourself fall down onto the grass and took your cleats off. For a few moments, you let your breathing slow down and enjoyed the warm sun on your skin. Just as you were about to get up, Nala came running to you and jumped onto your lap, where it curled into a fluffy little ball. “Nala!“, Alexias voice was oozing with annoyance as she had to come get a dog a second time.
Mapi passed you with her water bottle in hand, grinning; “Seems like she found her favourite in the team.“ Alexia shook her head: “Absolutely not. I don’t know why she likes her so much.“ “Didn’t you say that Nala is a good judge of human character?“, Mapi asked innocently.
“Even she is wrong sometimes.“, Alexia replied. Mapi was lowering a voice, whispering to Alexia; “You don’t really believe that, do you? The connection you two could have on the pitch is undeniable.“ “There’s no connection.“, she answered cooly.
Even though, the two tried to be quiet, you could hear every word of their exchange and frankly, you weren’t surprised by Alexias statement. Carefully, you pushed the small dog off your lap; “Time for you to go back to Alexia, Nala.“ You stood up, giving your two teammates a weak smile; “Bye, girls. See you tomorrow for the home game.“ “Bye.“
The home game on the following day went better than expected and you had to hand it to your coach, the extra training seemed to have worked. The flow in the midfield was much better than in the previous games. In the 80th minute,
Alexia even scored after your assist, just like you have been practicing it. Without thinking, you ran to her, laughing; “See? You’re not the only one who can assist goals!“ Alexia embraced you in a tight hug and when you turned your head, you can feel her lips brushing against the corner of your mouth.
Alexia frowned; “Fine, you finally got it. But you need to work on your celebration.“ “Do you kiss everyone on the lips as part of your goal celebration?“, you asked, still laughing but you weren’t sure if it was just the adrenaline or the oddness of this situation.
“I was going to kiss you on the cheek but you turned your face.“, Alexia rolled her eyes. You pulled away from her, serious again; “No time for that, we got to keep going.“ “Sure.“, Alexia mumbled and followed you into your half of the field.
In the last of the minute of the game you scored, Mapi jumped on your back, her face beaming bright:” What a goal!” “Nah.”, you tried to play it down even though you did feel proud on the inside.
Cheekily Alexia commented: “I agree with her. Mine was better.”  “No, it was not!”, you disagreed loudly, even though her comment did not erase your smile it deepened even more because of that. Having different opinions made you two thrive now instead of blocking your football creativity. Widely grinning the midfielder replied: “Yes it was.”
Playfully annoyed you asked the dark-haired defender:” Leila, what do you think? Whose goal was better?” “As long as we win, I don’t care how pretty the goals are.”, Leila answered honestly. Amused you told her:“Very diplomatic.”  “I won’t get between you two.”, she stated with a knowing smiling.
Meanwhile Alexia begun with her captain voice to draw the attention of the teammates to her: “So team..” “Yes?”, Mapi looked expectantly at her. Equally impatient Leila interjected: “What’s up?”  “Yeah, what were you about to say, captain?”, you gave her a challenging glance. “It’s time to celebrate.” “Oh yes.”, the brunette defender cheered. “I’m in.”, Mapi nodded. A crooked smile appeared on your lips: “Me too.”
As it was a prestigious win for the team you and your teammates went wild at the club celebrating that victory. Worried Alexia observed you dancing on a table, men enjoying your drunk performance:” Is it just me or can’t she handle the alcohol?”  “Who?”, Aitana sounded confused.  Her captain had enough and moved towards you: “Whatever. Hey, come down there!”  
“Oh hi, why don’t you come up?”, you giggled. Sternly the brunette hissed: “Because I still have some self-respect.”  “You’re always so serious.”, you grumbled.  For a second Alexia’s vulnerability shine through before her serious mask was on again: “I have to be.” “But what about the fun?”, you wanted to know laughing. She bit her lip: “I have fun on the pitch.” “Yes, and you had fun kissing. Oops.”, you almost tipped over.
Luckily the brunette was there to catch you: “And you can’t handle your alcohol.” “Oh please.”, you rolled your eyes.  Earnestly the Barcelona captain shook her head:“ You’re ridiculous.”  “Why don’t you annoy someone else. Let me down.”, you commanded her. Much to your surprise Alexia seemed really upset:” Because no one seems to care about how drunk you are.”  “Alexia, stop-“, you begged her. “Stop what?” “I’m fine.”, you said. “You’re obviously not.”, she scoffed.
In the morning you needed a moment to realize where you were, but Narla greeted you with her wet kisses which gave you the needed clue: „Where am I?  Narla? Hello little one.” “Seriously? You blacked out?”, Alexia was standing in the frame, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Slowly you shook your head:” No, I remember you got me to this bed.” “I did. Because you were drunk.”, the captain nodded.
Quickly you pushed the blanket away, careful not to disturb the dog:“Thanks, I should go.” “You don’t want any breakfast? I’m sure you’ll need it.”, she offered. For a moment you stopped moving:” You’ve breakfast?” “Yes, why are you so surprised?”, Alexia let out a nervous laugh.
“Because you’re so nice and I thought you hated me.”  “Who said I don’t?”, she intervened. “Your gestures, what you did last night and this morning.”, you started to explain. The captain shrugged her shoulders:” I’m just trying to help a teammate.” “Appreciate it.”, you whispered. “Because maybe I still need this teammate to score.” More serious you agreed:” Right, we’ve more to win still.”
“Maybe our coach was onto something.”, the midfielder admitted.  Before passing her you padded her shoulder for a second:“We’ll see that in the next game.”
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broosterradley · 4 months
3 Is Better Than 2 - Pouts & Promises | Hangster x Reader
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Warnings: Rooster x Reader, Hangman x Reader, swearing, mentions of smut, Jake and Bradley both being whipped for you, established relationship, poly relationship.
WC: 2k
All Content is mine, do not post to other sites.
The house was concerningly quiet when Bradley entered it at three PM on a Saturday, a bouquet of pink camellia’s in his hand that he couldn’t resist buying on the way out of the grocery store. “Hey, Hangman,” he called out as he set the keys to his Bronco down onto the kitchen counter. 
He was met with more silence, and he wasn’t used to the place being so void of life. Is this what it felt like for you when the guys went on deployments? If so, he was never leaving you again.
“Jake?” He tried again, then glanced inside the garage and saw that the blond’s truck wasn’t in there. 
Great, now he had to bring the groceries in by himself. 
With a huff, Bradley made his way down the hall and peeked his head into your office, finding you sitting at your desk with your back to him. “Hey, princess,” he greeted as he entered the nicely decorated room. “I got you these.”
He held the flowers out in front of you since you had yet to turn and face him. “Thanks, Bradley,” you take them from him with a small smile. 
“Where’d that guy go, huh?” He asked as he looked over at the photo of the three of you at the Hard Deck you had on your bookshelf. “I got some stuff to bring in.”
You turned in your chair and set the flowers aside, giving Bradley the first real look at your face since returning home. “I can help you,” you offer and stand up, moving to walk past him but he reaches out and halts you. 
Bradley’s eyes narrow at the redness in your own, and he straightens up a bit as he gently grabs your waist with both hands. “What’s the matter, huh?” He softly asked when he saw the way your bottom lip quivered. “What’d he do this time, pretty girl?”
You shrugged, stepping forward and casting your gaze down at his chest. “Nothing, really,” you try to brush off his questions, but you knew by now that neither he or Jake take kindly to people upsetting you.
So on the rare occasion that it was one of them, the other didn’t let up. “Tell me, baby,” he coaxed, bringing his hand up and pulling at your lip with his thumb. “I hate seeing you look sad.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” you say quietly.
“Don’t be sorry,” he murmured and kissed your forehead. “Just tell me what the fucker did so I have an excuse to kick his ass.”
That had you laughing a bit, like he knew it would, and when you pulled away to look up at him, you both wore small grins. “He just said something that hurt my feelings, is all,” you tell him, and Bradley knew you were still holding back because you hated pinning the two guys against each other. 
“What did he say?” He asked and you gave him a wary look. “I won’t get mad at him too much, princess, promise. Tell me what he said.”
Bradley was definitely the softer one out of him and Jake, but he was also the one who is more protective over you. He wasn’t afraid to smack some sense into his fellow aviator, and he had on more than one occasion. 
Jake was newer to relationships as he slept around before settling down with you, and with Bradley by default, though the men had a small distaste for one another.
They put up with each other only for you, and you were well aware of the power you held over them. 
“It’s fine, Bradley,” you try to wave him off again, but he gives you a look that has you sighing in defeat. “He just said…that I’m ungrateful and that I should be more respectful when I talk to him. Maybe I was acting like a bit of a brat earlier…I didn’t mean to, I swear. I’m sorry.”
You spoke quickly as if you were scared that Bradley would lash out on you in the way Jake had apparently done earlier. 
He shook his head and wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling you up against his chest with a soft grunt. “I’m not mad, baby,” he assured you, kissing the top of your head when you relaxed in his hold. “Not at you.”
“Don’t be mad at Jake, please,” you begged softly, bunching up the fabric of his black tee in your hands. “He hurt my feelings, but I don’t want him to be ganged up on. Please, Bradley?” 
He looked down at your pretty face and held back a moan at how fucking cute and sweet you are. Jake had upset you earlier, but you still didn’t want him to receive the earful Bradley was already planning on giving him. 
He wanted to throw you over his shoulder and take you to bed right now, because how could you possibly be this perfect? “Okay, princess,” he agreed, brushing your hair out of your face and pressing a deep kiss to your lips. “I won’t be too mean to him, okay? But I am going to talk to him.”
You sigh but nod, knowing that he wouldn’t let Jake think he could hurt your feelings and not face the consequences. “Okay,” you place your hands flat against his chest and gaze up at him with wide eyes. “You said you have stuff to bring in?”
Bradley nodded and pulled you back to his chest when you tried to walk past him. “But you’re not going to help me with it,” he stated, and you pouted at him. He pulled on your lip again before leaning down to kiss you. Hard. “You’re going to go into the bedroom, okay? I’m gonna show you the respect you deserve.” 
You bite down gently on your lip as you press your thighs together. “Are you sure?”
Bradley nodded and kissed you one last time before guiding you out of your office and pushing you towards your room. “Wait for me, okay? I want to take those clothes off you myself,”
You whimper and nod, turning around and quickly making your way to the bedroom. 
Bradley watched you until he couldn’t anymore, and then he turned and went back outside. Once he brought the last bag in, he pulled off his top and dropped it onto the kitchen floor, leaving it for Jake to discover later as he headed towards the room, planning to get you off in all the ways he’s done before, but this time by himself. 
He made you cum on his fingers, tongue and cock over and over again until you were crying for him to fill you up, and when he did, you kept him close for a long time after.
He whispered soft praises to you as you came down, a light layer of sweat covering the both of you as you held each other until you fell asleep. 
It was still early in the evening, but Bradley decided to let you have a quick rest after the bad morning you had with Jake. 
He pulled his jeans back on and made his way into the kitchen, pausing by the living room when he saw Jake sitting on the couch, Bradley’s shirt in his hand and an unreadable look on his face. “Hey,” the brunet greeted in a stiff voice. “Dick.”
Jake huffed as Bradley began walking again, and he followed him into the kitchen. “I know, I’m an asshole,” he muttered as he threw the shirt onto the barstool. 
“Yeah, you are,” Bradley agreed as he started to put away the groceries. 
Jake sighed and sat at the breakfast bar, green eyes full of guilt as he asked, “Is she mad?”
“No, she’s not mad,” Bradley answered with a humorless laugh. “But you hurt her feelings. Why are you such a prick to her sometimes? Do you realize how fucking lucky we are? Because I do.”
“I know, I don’t deserve her,” Jake said under his breath as Bradley shoved the bags into a bigger one and tossed it onto the top shelf in the pantry cupboard. “You’re so good to her, it’s hard to compete sometimes.”
“No one’s competing, Jake,” Bradley scoffed, grabbing his shirt and walking towards the laundry room. “If you haven’t noticed, she’s ours. All ours. She isn’t expecting us to one up each other all the time.”
Jake huffed again and leaned back. “Where is she?”
It was silent for a few seconds before Bradley came back into the kitchen, this time wearing a white muscle tee and a Hawaiian printed shirt. “In bed. Where I left her after ensuring her that she’s not ungrateful or a brat,”
“She thinks she’s a brat?”
“Yeah, she even apologized for it and didn’t want me to go off on you like you deserve,” 
“Fuck,” Jake groaned as he stood up. “I’m such a dick.”
Bradley nodded with a tight smile. “Yep,” then pointed in the direction of your room. “Go say sorry, then get ready. We’re going to the Hard Deck.”
Jake nodded, pushing past him and going down the hall where Bradley assumed you were still sleeping. He went back into your office as he heard Jake open the bedroom door, and he took the flowers and put them in a vase with water as he waited for you and Jake to kiss and makeup.
“Y/n?” Jake asked as he poked his head into the room. You were propped up against the pillows with a frown on your lips, and Jake felt his heart break a bit at the sight. “I’m sorry, sweet girl.”
You huff and look away as Jake enters the room and sits down beside you on the messy bed. “For what?” 
“Everything,” he answered and took your hand in his, surprised that you actually let him. He had to give it to him, Bradley was damn good at putting you in a better mood. “I didn’t mean what I said, honey. I was out of line, I’m sorry.”
You don’t meet his eyes as you shrug, and you looked so cute in the shirt he recognized as his own. “It’s fine,”
“It’s not fine,” he rasped, kissing the back of your hand repeatedly. “You deserve better than me, sweetheart. I’m so sorry for what I said to you. You’re not ungrateful, and you’re so good to me. I love you, you know that?”
You look over at him with a small smile. “I know,” you say quietly, lacing your fingers with his. “I love you, too, I just…I don’t know. Maybe I was acting like a bitch earlier, I’m sorry-”
Jake shook his head and moved to wrap his arms around you. “You’re not a bitch, sweetheart,” he promised and kissed your temple. “You’re so sweet, far too sweet for me, but I’m so glad I’m yours, honey. I wouldn’t have it any other way; you, me…and I guess Rooster.”
You laughed and leaned up to kiss his jaw. “Roo helped me feel better,” you pointed out and Jake sighed. 
“I know, and he shouldn’t have to do that. I shouldn’t be acting like a prick to you in the first place,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your neck before standing up. “Bradley’s an alright guy, I guess. He wants to go out tonight, so you and I need to get ready.”
You grin at him and crawl over to the edge of the bed. “Shower with me?” You sweetly ask as you hold your arms out to him. 
Jake smiled down at you as he effortlessly picked you up. “How could I say no to that?” He smirked as you wrapped your legs around his waist. “I’ll do better, sweet girl. I promise.”
He knew Bradley probably wore you out while he was cheering you up, so he wasn’t planning on having a quickie with you in the shower. Instead, he massaged your hair and body as he washed you, telling you how much he adores and loves you as he did so. That alone gave him pleasure. 
And if you ended up in between both guys once you returned home, then that was just a bonus.
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whimsyfinny · 4 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: stalker/ unsuccessful kidnap, violence, depictions of blood and assault (let me know if I should add more)
Chapter Word Count: 2318
A/N: Sooooo I’m sorry it’s not spicy like I said it would be… But I absolutely promise the next one will be! Chapters 5 and 6 were supposed to be just one chapter but it got too long so I had to split it… And again please let me know of any errors because this is only proof read by myself.
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Please Read the Below First:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
I’m Not You’re F*cking Maid
Chapter 5
After thorough interviewing of the staff and regular patrons; long searches through copious auction records and meticulous studying of the items in the shop we narrowed our search down to one item: an old jade hairpin. The hairpin belonged to a young lady who was given the gift as a wedding present, however when she found out on her wedding night that her new husband was having an affair, she stabbed him to death with it before jumping to her own demise from their third floor balcony. That was just over a century ago, and she was still wreaking havoc on unfaithful men to this day.
“I mean I get where she’s coming from,” I shrugged as we walked back to the motel. Both brothers turned to look at me with concern smeared over their features. “OBVIOUSLY I don’t agree with all the murder,” they breathed a sigh of relief, “but you can’t hate her for being mad. I would be too.”
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows a little and holding his hands up. I gave him a look of bewilderment.
“What side do you think you’re on, Dean? Because this,” I gestured between us, “isn’t my good side.” He mumbled something incoherent as we got to the motel so I chose to ignore him completely.
“So what’s the plan? It’s getting late and we can’t really do anything now until that charity event taking place at the auction house tomorrow. We’re already pretty clued up on how to get rid of ghosts so there’s really not much to do except to get both your names on that guest list,” Sam patted his laptop, looking at both of us.
“Food?” Dean and I said at the same time.
“Food sounds good,” Sam nodded. The boys turned around to leave when I stopped them.
“Just whilst we’re still at the motel, I’m just going to freshen up real quick.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “really?” I flipped him the bird.
“I can just meet you there? There’s like only one diner in this town and I know the way. I won’t be long.” The brothers looked at each other for a few seconds before Sam looked at me and smiled.
“Sure ok, we’ll get a seat in the window so we can see you coming.”
“Great! I’ll see you soon,” I grinned at the younger Winchester before turning away and letting myself into my room.
I had the worlds quickest shower and threw on some clean underwear and a clean top, feeling better after getting the grime from the day off. I pulled on my jeans, socks and boots, applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara and tidied my hair the best I could before slinging on my jacket and applying some perfume to my wrists and neck. It was one of my favourite scents: I’d bought it from some lingerie store a year or so ago and it’s apparently one of those aphrodisiac perfumes, however I have no idea if it even works or not. It’s probably a scam, nothing works that well in real life.
After I’d finished sorting myself out - which took no longer than half an hour - I grabbed my phone and keys and left the room, locking up before making my way towards the diner. Night had descended, the air turning cold against my warm skin and the usually busy streets now lay deserted and car-free. It was only about a five minute walk or so from the motel and I was now only about a minute away when I noticed that I wasn’t alone. I’d caught a glimpse of a figure dressed from head to toe in black in the reflection of several shop windows, and they were following my exact trail. I sped up, walking faster down the empty main road and hoping it was all a coincidence as worst case scenarios started to race through my mind. It wasn’t long until the diner was in sight and I breathed a sigh of relief, however the relief was short lived when those footsteps were getting closer and closer, quicker and quicker right behind me. It dawned on me that this wasn’t a coincidence at all - I was definitely being stalked. I started to run, my legs moving before my brain had kicked into gear and I was only inches from the front door when the stranger caught up, slamming me against the wall of the building and putting a knife to my throat, covering my mouth with a gloved hand.
“Don’t make a fucking noise - you’re coming with me,” he said aggressively yet quietly. I could feel the blade of the knife pressing against the soft skin of my neck and I couldn’t help but feel tears well in my eyes, my breath turning shaky as my heart hammered in my chest. I couldn’t even get any words out as his hand was too tight over my lips.
I wanted to cry out for help so badly it hurt.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing that this was all a bad dream. My cheek was pushed into the rough brick which grazed my skin, and I silently prayed for my attacker to just let me go or for some hero to come and save me. At that very moment I heard the door to the diner and my eyes shot open, instantly connecting with Deans. I watched as surprise turned to horror which then turned to pure feral rage on his face and before I even had a chance to blink he was gone from my line of sight - but so was the pressure keeping me pinned against the wall. I spun around and I watched Dean throw the stalker to the floor with more force that I thought he could muster and tower over him. Dean didn’t say a word, but the stranger let out a sharp cry of pain as Dean instantly brought his boot down on his ribs. There was a CRACK. He did it again.
And again.
And again.
And then he got down and pinned my attacker flush against the tarmac before he brought a closed fist down on his face over and over and over again, cracking his jaw and breaking his nose. Dean didn’t stop until the man was totally unrecognisable and unresponsive. Standing up off of his limp body, he looked over to me, his furious, almost animalistic stare softening instantly, even through all the blood that now painted his face. He took one step towards me before my feet worked on their own and carried me straight to him. I put my arms out to reach for him and he grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest with zero hesitation, his arms circling me and his blood-soaked palms gently stroking my hair. I sobbed. I sobbed from the fear I felt, I sobbed for feeling like such a victim and I sobbed for the relief I now felt flooding my veins as Dean held me, not saying a word. Listening to his heartbeat with my ear to his chest, I felt so safe and secure that it made me want to sob even more.
Dean ended up taking me straight back to my room - he called Sam to tell him what had happened as he wasn’t going to be returning to the diner. I had my second shower of the day as soon as we returned, wanting to scrub everywhere that horrible man had touched. Whilst I was washing, Dean had headed back to his own room to shower off the layer of blood coating his skin. After I was satisfactorily clean, I dried myself and dressed in that old T-shirt I wore the night before, pulling on some fresh underwear and perching on the end of the bed. I picked up the remote and started mindlessly flicking through channels, hoping to find something to distract my racing brain.
I’d been sitting in the same position for around ten minutes when there was a gentle knock on the door. I held my breath as I got up and walked over, looking through the peephole. It was Dean. I released that breath as I opened the door and let him in. He’d changed from his usual gruff attire to something way more comfortable - a plain white T-shirt and a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms. He smiled at me. A kind smile, nothing like those teasing and sly ones we’d been throwing at each other since yesterday. This one was genuine, and it made my chest feel warm. He locked the door behind him as I padded back over to the bed and climbed on it, sitting right in the centre with my legs crossed. I pulled the T-shirt down to cover my dignity as Dean placed a carrier bag in front of me. I peeked inside. It was full to the brim of all different types of snacks and I grinned up at him.
“You sure do know how to treat a girl, Winchester.”
He let out a soft laugh and looked down at the floor before taking residence beside me.
“You’re the first one who thinks so”.
“Oh yeah?”
“There’s a long line of women who definitely think otherwise,” he smiled a slightly sad smile. We both paused before I continued.
“Well if it means anything, what you did for me today, I-” he held a hand up to stop me as he saw the look of fear flit across my features again, the horrid memory bubbling to the surface.
“It was the least I could do,” he said softly before his brows furrowed, “but to be honest I should never have let you out of my sight.” The almost protective tone of his voice made my heart flutter a little, but It was my turn to reassure him as I placed my hand on his shoulder delicately.
“Dean, none of us knew that would happen. I know you wouldn’t have left me alone if you genuinely thought I was in danger - after all, you DID promise to keep me safe from my own shadow,” I flashed him a grin which he quickly returned, chuckling. We sat for a few moments in a strangely comfortable silence before there was another knock at the door. I went to get up to answer it but Dean beat me to it, swinging it open to show a very concerned Sam stood in the doorway. He looked at me with those big ever-worried eyes and I shot him my best ‘please don’t worry’ grin.
“I’m fine, Sam” I called out to him as I tried to listen in on the hushed words Dean was speaking. They conversed for a while, occasionally throwing glances at me as I rustled around in the bag of goodies Dean had supplied. Growing bored of not being involved with their conversation, I scooted back on the bed to lean back on the headboard and proceeded to flick through dozens of channels until I found something decent to watch. A few more minutes had passed and I’d munched my way through almost half a bag of Doritos when I heard the door close and it was just me and Dean again. He had a paper bag that Sam must’ve passed him, which he held up and pointed to.
“The blood stains came out of my clothes, although Sam said the people in the laundromat were giving him strange looks,” he laughed slightly, those striking eyes of his looking down into mine as he took a few steps closer. I laughed slightly, only imagining Sam’s awkwardness in that situation. I broke my gaze away from Dean for a few seconds, looking down at my hands before looking back up. I could tell he was hovering now, just waiting for me to say something.
“Dean I’m fine, you don’t have to stay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind staying for a bit longer if you need me to” his hand ran over the stubble on his chin, his eyes not leaving me.
“Really, I’m ok. I’m probably just going to sit here and watch whatever this is-”
“It’s obviously Men in Black,” Dean scoffed. I smiled, finding comfort in the familiar snarky remark.
“Obviously - I don’t live under a rock Dean,” I rolled my eyes as I stood up, placing my hands on his chest. He was so warm to the touch that it was almost enticing me not to let go. The gentle thrum of his heartbeat was so soothing. But I did let go, and I spun him around to start ushering him to the door. As he was leaving, I grabbed my half eaten bag of chips and started munching again. He opened the door, stepping outside.
“Go back to your room Dean. I promise I’m ok. I don’t want you both hovering over me constantly making sure I’m fine; that will just make me feel worse,” I said as he spun to face me, nodding his head.
“Back to normal. Got it.”
“Great,” I said, sucking the tangy chip dust from my thumb. Dean suddenly reached out and snatched the half-eaten bag from my hand before quickly walking away.
“I’ll see you in the morning!” He shouted back at me before shovelling food into his mouth.
“You ass! I was eating those!” He shrugged in an overly animated fashion, not bothering to turn and look at me as he continued towards his room. I sighed, closing the door and locking it, sliding the chain across this time too. I padded back towards the bed and climbed in, pulling the covers up to my chin. As I started to drift off, the buzz of the movie still playing in the background, I smiled a little to myself:
Fucking Winchester.
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10
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Up Next:
Chapter 6
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callsign-fox · 4 months
Wingman - Rooster
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Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader
Been sitting in the drafts/Lightly edited
Written with @fanficgirl429 <3
18+ Only // Enjoy xo
When you sign on to be a pilot for the Navy as a female, you know you’ll have to put up with egotistical men on a daily basis, however, it’s not until you have to work with them that you realize how incredibly self centered they actually are. 
The canopy to my jet raised and I quickly climbed down the ladder. My wingman, Rooster, landed right behind me and he was currently maneuvering his jet into the assigned spot beside mine. Rooster was not my first choice for a wingman, he wasn’t my second or third either. It was near impossible to work with him and I was sure our superiors were getting ready to ship one of us off to Guam just to separate us from one another. Fortunately for them, we were two of the best the Navy had to offer and so for that reason alone, we were stuck together. 
I glanced up from my current conversation with my flight crew just as Rooster walked by, his head down and stupid aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes. I rolled my eyes as he continued by not saying a word. Of course he wouldn't say anything, he was the reason we failed the exercise.
“That was a disaster,” I mumbled to myself.
I turned behind me just as my friend Phoenix walked by. “What was going on up there?” she asked, watching    
Bradley as he disappeared into the locker room. 
“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask Bradley and report it back to me?” 
Phoenix shook her head. “No thanks. I’m slightly terrified of him when he’s angry.” 
I rolled my eyes. “Well, he’s an asshole.”
Phoenix glanced back at the locker room before looking over at me. She lowered her voice as she said, “I have to tell you something about Bradley and it’s probably going to make you mad.” 
“Well if it has to do with Bradley, of course it’s going to make me mad.”
Phoenix sighed and began, “Well, I was at the Hard Deck the other night and ran into Anders. Apparently there is a rumor going around about you back in the Academy.” 
My eyes narrowed in on her and I clenched my fist, “About what?”
“Now don't shoot the messenger, you can be scary sometimes too.” 
“Phoenix!” I yelled, losing my patience. 
“Apparently Bradley started a rumor that the only reason you got into Top Gun was because you…” Phoenix trailed off. 
My heart began to race and I felt my cheeks grow hot. “Because I what?” 
“Because you gave Admiral Rhodes a blow job.” 
“What?” I shrieked and quickly began to walk towards the locker room. 
When I reached the door to the men's locker room, I pulled it open and immediately locked eyes with Hangman. A towel hung off his hips, showing off his incredible abs. I tore my eyes away, feeling a blush creep up my neck. 
“Where is he?” I asked. 
Without hesitating, Hangman pointed towards the back, where I assumed the showers were. There was only one shower being used and I walked over and pushed the white curtain aside. 
“Hey!” a very familiar voice shouted. “What the fuck?” 
I took a step back, not wanting to get wet. Bradley reached out and grabbed his white towel from the hook and wrapped it around his waist. I couldn’t help but notice how well built he was. His six pack abs were on full display and I hated how much I wanted to run my fingers along them. 
“What do you want Y/N?” 
My eyes snapped away from his body and I stared into his brown eyes. “I heard a rumor about me. One that you might happen to know about.” 
Bradley narrowed his eyes and nodded. “Yea, I might happen to know what you’re referring to.” 
“Are you insane? What did I do to you besides tolerate you every damn day for the last four years!”
Bradley shrugged. “I’ve been a delight! You have done nothing but drive me insane.”
“You didn't know, the only reason I’m here is to drive you crazy!”
Bradley laughed. “Nope. The only reason you’re here is because you gave Admiral Rhodes a blow job.” 
My jaw dropped and I couldn't help but growl at him. “That never happened! I hate you so much.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, the feeling is mutual.” 
I took a step forward and shoved him hard causing him to stumble back into the shower, but before I could react his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me under the hot stream of water. To my amusement my hands were pressed against his chest, and before I could register what I was doing my nails ran down his toned abs to the top of his towel. The moment was over when I pulled my hands away and brushed them through my now wet hair. 
“Do you have any idea how attractive you are when you’re mad at me?” he said, his voice low. 
His words caught me off guard. “Wait, what?”
The hot water was still running over my body and I was becoming increasingly aware of just how see through my white t-shirt was when I noticed Bradley’s eyes looking down at my chest. 
“I know I shouldn't be this turned on right now, but I am.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed a piece of wet hair behind my ear. “You’re such a prick.”
Bradley ran his tongue along his lower lip and smiled. A moment later his lips came crashing into mine. The urge to push him off of me came and went as my hands snaked around his neck and I began twirling my fingers through his hair. 
His lips moved quickly as he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. My body was pressed against his and I could feel his erection against my stomach. My core slightly throbbed, begging to be touched by him. 
Bradley’s fingers toyed with the bottom of my wet t-shirt before he slipped them under and pulled the shirt over my head, barely breaking the kiss. My shirt dropped to the floor and I quickly pushed it away with my foot. By now the rest of the guys would have left, but I pulled the shower curtain shut just in case. 
His lips brushed softly against my neck before pressing against my ear and whispered, “Does that mean you want me to keep going?” 
My fingers toyed with the top of Bradley’s towel as I gave him a slight nod. His hands gripped my waist and he swiftly spun us around so that my back was pressed against the wall. Bradley hurriedly unbuttoned my wet jean shorts and pushed them down my waist before dropping them to the floor. He quickly turned off the water as it began to get cold, but not before our lips were once again intertwined. In the mess of clothes coming off, I hadn’t even noticed his towel dropped to the floor, proving to me that the rumors about how endowed Bradley Bradshaw was, were indeed true. 
“Well, well. I guess I won’t ever be able to spread anymore rumors about how small Rooster is.” 
He pulled back, slightly offended. “Wait, what have you been telling people?” 
I let out a small laugh. “What’s done is done, YOU told people I gave an admiral a blow job.” 
“And if you’re any good at it, I'll be sure to pass that on and your spot in Top Gun will have been well deserved.” 
I gave him a small smack on his arm before reaching over and placing my hand against his chest. My eyes locked with his as I slowly began to run my fingers down his chest and towards his stomach. My polished nails left faint red lines on his skin and Bradley looked all too amused as he watched me drop down to my knees. 
Bradley sucked in his breath as my hand wrapped around him. I slowly moved my hand along his length, which by Bradley’s reaction of pressing his hand to the wall to steady himself, was a good move. I gently grazed my tongue over his tip and his free hand instinctively moved to my long brown hair, giving it a slight tug. I smiled as his hips jerked forward, pushing his length further into my mouth. I didn’t miss a beat as I continued with my lips wrapped around him, causing him to let out a deep moan and pull tighter on my hair.
“Y/N,” Bradley breathed, “you need to stop…now.”
I let out a small chuckle before standing up and Bradley immediately pulled me against him. He placed his lips against mine, kissing me quickly. One hand wrapped around my waist, while the other moved up my stomach and towards my chest. His fingers played with my nipple, causing it to stand erect. With each touch, my core throbbed from being ignored by him. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ease the tension but Bradley noticed. His hand moved from my chest, along my stomach, and towards my core. 
His calloused fingers ran along my center, coming to a stop at my sensitive spot. Two fingers rubbed against it and I let out a moan. Bradley’s lips continued to move against mine and he slipped two fingers inside me. He moved them against me and I could feel my high quickly approaching with each movement. 
“I’m close,” I told him. 
His fingers continued to move and it didn’t take long before my walls were clenching around him. My legs became weak and Bradley placed his hands on my hips, helping me steady myself. It had been a while since I had an orgasm that intense. 
Once I was able to stand on my own, I reached down and placed my hand on his erection. He took a step closer to me. 
“Are you sure you still want to do this?” he asked. 
“If you ask me one more time, I’m going to walk out of here,” I told him. 
“You’re making it really hard to hate you right now,” Bradley said, while placing a hand on the back of my thigh. 
My leg wrapped around his waist, and without hesitation Bradley pushed his length inside of me, my walls stretching around him. A gasp escaped my lips and Bradley smiled.
“You’re so tight.” 
He gave me a moment to get used to the size before he began to move his hips against mine. 
Each thrust pushed me closer to my second climax of the day. I let out a loud gasp as his length hit the perfect spot. 
Bradley smirked as I continued to melt against his touch. 
“I’m so close,” I whispered. 
He reached down and pressed two fingers against my sensitive spot, rubbing it casually. 
Within moments my walls clenched around him and my legs became weak. The humidity from the shower made our bodies sticky and sweaty, which only helped my arousal. Bradley continued thrusting and seconds later he released inside of me, a moan escaping his lips. 
The two of us stood there for a moment, catching our breaths. Bradley stared at me and I smiled shyly, fully realizing that we were both completely naked. I reached for the towel he had hung on the side of the shower and wrapped it around my waist. 
“That was mine.” 
I stepped out of the shower, reaching down and picking up my soaked t-shirt and shorts that had lazily been pushed aside. “These are the only clothes I have with me. How am I supposed to get home?” 
He walked over to his duffle bag that was sitting on the bathroom bench and pulled out a gray t-shirt. “Here you go. I can get it back from you tomorrow, after training.”
“That would imply I am inviting you over to get it, and I haven’t.” 
“Oh,” Bradley said with a wink. “You will invite me over.” And once again there was that attitude I knew and hated.
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ajortga · 5 months
why try?
pairing: tara carpenter x fem reader
based off song request! thank you so much for your requests! many are being looked at now, another 3 are left to write. i'm not very good at song requests and i was actually feeling a little rushed this time, i just wanted to get this out there so i hope this can meet what you may have wanted.
??; was wondering if you’d take a song fic request ? mainly asking because i was listening to why try by ariana grande and i thought it might be good with like tara i think , i hope ,,, im not sure anymore lmfao
You and Tara didn’t meet each other in the best way possible, you met on bad terms, especially since she crashed into you while running and spilt hot coffee on you, screaming an apology as she ran to who knows what class, not even looking back.
For that whole day your white shirt was now a caramel brown, making you a little frustrated.
Tara was walking to her film history class, her hair in a braided half up half down, basically huffing as she opened the door, as she looked for a seat, the only left was a seat one away from the window. 
A pretty girl with her headphones in sat next to her, scribbling on her notes and wow, her writing was so neat. It reminded her of the poems that lovers would write to each other in neat curvy lines back in the olden days. 
Then she looked down at her sweater, it looked like a coffee stain.
Wait, a coffee stain?
The pretty girl was you, the one she crashed into and accidentally spilt steaming coffee on your sweater while she was running late to her next class, not even being able to make the face as she turned a corner and was gone.
Your gaze shifted from your words to the girl standing in front of you, your warm eyes looking at her, then recognizing Tara as yours narrowed.
“You owe me a new shirt. That was eighty dollars.” You mumble, pointing to the stain on your shirt, your voice soft, but trying to be a little annoyed, sour, and angry, Tara found it adorable.
“I was late to class.” She shrugged, making a small laugh as she sat down.
“That doesn’t mean you can spill your steaming coffee on me, I think I got a rash.” You basically flipped her off without actually flipping her off.
She groaned, “Okay I’m sorry, that must’ve hurt. My name is Tara.”
“Y/N,” you said simply, your voice wispy, sounds like a sweet and pretty sound, Tara could listen to it for hours-
“I’m still mad at you,” You murmur, turning your head away from her as your hair draped over your notes, writing.
She scoffed, a little angry that you weren’t quite talking to her, more like talking to her about the situation that she forgot about.
“Are you always like this?” She said, smiling, a little sarcastically.
“You’re mean Tara,” You turn to her, head laying against your palm. “Can I not be a little upset that you stained my favorite sweater, and basically burned me with your flaming coffee, what a memorable way to know you right? You were already late, why not just take your time?”
Tara huffs, seeing you like a kitten that doesn’t get what they want, saving your sweetness for her and squeezing out a little bitterness. She nudges you on the shoulder, making you shift a little and let out a small quiet giggle.
“Whatever Tickles.”
“Don’t call me that Tiny.”
“Excuse you?”
“Don’t think that teasing won’t jump back at you Tiny Toe Tara!”
“Oh fuck you!” She says sarcastically, “You drive me insane!”
Tara was right, you do drive her insane, but not the way you thought of.
Who would’ve known that her mind was you every night before she went to bed, the way she could feel her cheeks heating when thinking of your face. Your hair. Oh god, please don’t get started with your smile. It drove her crazy, in that way where she has seen your face as you talked to someone, just realizing how much of a listener you are. A good one especially, she sees your eyes as you nod, the way you tilt your head in a conversation, fully immersed.
Tara always wanted to have someone listen to her. She was always listening to others, good listening or not, she never got it back.
There were days where she’d tell Sam the things you did, basically screaming as she says how annoying you are. But at the same time, Sam sees the way Tara’s eyes dilate when she talks about you, gushing all her words at once and scrambling some words.
“She sounds like someone you talk about a lot.” 
“Excuse you? She is hot! I mean not!”
“Have you ever seen what she looks like? I think I stare at her too much.”
“Oh pfft, because she’s an atrocious looking pretty looking ogre that I can’t help but feel sorry for how she looks.”
“Pretty looking?”
“Oh yeah. No! You’re getting it all wrong. Pretty looking ogre like her looks pretty like one of an ogre.”
“That’s not what it sounded like.”
You and Tara throw insults at each other, she hates them.
“My Tiny!”
You annoyed her to bits, she was annoyed at the fact that she was desperate to see you, to talk to you, to see you smile. She was angry that she just couldn’t hate you. Even with your silly personality, teasing remarks, and playful nudges, there were moments where she saw you being you. Seeing you feed stray cats on the sidewalk when she walked to her apartment, your headphones in as she sees your pretty figure asleep on your desk as you took soft breaths, or the way your eyes are different than any other, different in the way that it was special.
She was so lovesick, but she would go through that phase every time if it meant seeing you for a second.
Why try getting her feelings for you to rip?
Knowing that you could still make her heart skip?..
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saetoru · 2 years
TEE MY BUMBLEBEE 🥺 how about headcanons of draken, mikey, chifuyu, ran, and shinichiro when you say you don’t want goodnight kisses
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☰ INCLUDES ⋮ hanma shuji, ryuguji (draken) ken, sano (mikey) manjiro, matsuno chifuyu, haitani ran + sano shinichiro
— CONTENTS ⋮ sfw + fluff + slightly suggestive @ draken’s
— NOTES ⋮ i added hanma because he’s my baby <3 also calling me your bumblebee made me sob THATS SO CUTE
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✰ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 waits patiently for you to lean down and kiss his lips before climbing into bed beside him, but you simply plop down on your side, back facing him as you pull the covers over your body. “baby, what happened to that kiss you always give me?” he asks, raising a brow—and there’s a barely-there pout tugging at his lips as you shrug. “don’t feel like it,” you mumble, trying your best to stifle a giggle as you imagine his eyes narrowing. it’s not long before the sheets are tugged off your body, making you gasp as you turn to see him hog the blanket and snicker to himself as you glare at him. “shuji, what the hell? give me the blanket back.” he only turns his back to you, mirroring your actions from earlier as he mutters “don’t feel like it.” it’s not until you peer over his shoulder and plant a few kisses along his cheek does he turn to face you, pulling you flush against his chest and he kisses your forehead. “next time i’ll let you freeze, baby.”
✰ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 climbs into bed beside you, leaning in to kiss your lips, only for you to roll over to face away from him. raising a brow, he clears his throat, lips curling into a frown. “you mad or somethin’? what is it this time?” huffing, you pout, shooting him a glare over your shoulder. “what do you mean this time? and i just don’t want a kiss right now. not in the mood.” he purses his lips, eyeing you tiredly as he sighs before shaking his head and pulling the blanket over his bare chest. “kay, you tell me when you’re in the mood for kisses then,” he grumbles, “can’t promise i’ll be in the mood though.” you know he’s pouting slightly, so you turn to face him before laughing and shuffling to his side, hovering over him as you litter his face with small pecks, grinning when you notice his lips fight back a small smile from tugging at the corners. “are you in the mood for other things?” you wriggle your brows, and he rolls his eyes, pulling you down to lay on his chest. “i’m in the mood for you to shut up and sleep.”
✰ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 leans in to plant his lips on yours, only for you to dodge at the last second. “hey, quit playing,” he huffs, glowering at you for a moment before trying again, this time being stopped by your hand covering his mouth and blocking him before he can. “i don’t really want a kiss right now,” you murmur, trying your best to keep the small giggle from escaping as his eyes widen in shock. “but we always kiss each other goodnight,” he insists, face turning sulky when you simply shrug in response. you feel his tongue lick your hand suddenly, making you gasp in shock before pulling away. “mikey! what the hell? that was gross—hmph,” you’re instantly cut off by his lips on yours when you’re distracted—and as if on instinct, your eyes close, and your hands cup his face. he pulls away with a cheeky grin, plopping himself on top of you as you scowl. “looks like you did want a kiss,” he teases, grabbing your hand to place over his head, silently demanding you thread your fingers through his locks.
✰ 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐘𝐔 grins when you slide under the covers of your side of the bed, excitedly awaiting for your lips to meet his before you murmur goodnight—but then you pull the blanket over yourself and lay down, ignoring his presence as a pout tugs at his lips. “hey, babe,” he whispers, poking at your arm gently, “did i do something wrong?” biting back a smile, you furrow your brows in faux confusion, shaking your head. “no, why do you ask?” his pout deepens before he grumbles something under his breath as he shuffles closer, tapping his lips expectantly. “why didn’t you kiss me goodnight then?” he huffs, watching with disbelief as you shrug. “don’t want one,” you tease, hand reaching to cup his cheek as he frowns at your words, “i’m kidding, c’mere.” you press a lingering kiss to his lips, and he pulls you back in each time you try to pull away, making you giggle against him. “not supposed to sleep without one,” he mumbles, pressing his lips to yours once more.
✰ 𝐑𝐀𝐍 chuckles when your hand blocks his lips from pecking yours, amusement lacing his eyes as he raises a brow. “what? you don’t want kisses anymore?” he hums. you shake your head, pulling the sheets over your body and settling into the mattress. “nope, don’t need one,” you mumble, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes to gauge his reaction. he simply shrugs, smirking as he chuckles lowly. “suit yourself, baby. you know you want one.” he turns, back facing you, making you pout to yourself. this isn’t supposed to be happening—he’s supposed to be the one who’s bothered, but you find yourself restless without the warmth of his arms. and more importantly, his attention. “hey, turn around,” you whine, shoving at his back gently, making him glance over his shoulder with a cocky grin. “you gonna let me get a kiss?” huffing, you nod, making his smile widen before he shifts, pulling you flush against his chest. “you’re so annoying,” you grumble, shooting him a glare as he laughs against your forehead—and then his lips find yours as he kisses you deeply, sighing against your mouth in content while his hand rubs circles into the small of your back.
✰ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐎 sighs dramatically for what feels like the millionth time, making you rub your temple before shooting him a glare. “shin, what is it?” you grumble, even though you know exactly what the issue is. he pouts, blush dusting his cheeks as he sighs again, hoping you’ll catch on. “it would be kind of nice to fall asleep after a kiss,” he glances at you expectantly, “they’re pretty great.” stopping yourself just before your snort, you turn to face away from him as you mumble, “i don’t really want one.” “what do you mean you don’t want one?” he whines, shuffling closer, arms wrapping around your waist and head digging into your neck, “i want one,” he insists. you give in, laughing quietly before turning in his hold, pressing a kiss to his forehead and brushing a few strands of hair from his face. “there, that good enough for you?” he pretends to ponder your words before he shakes his head, pointing to his cheek, “need one here. and you might as well give me one here while you’re at it. and here too.”
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© sakusins do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 6
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
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All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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Saturday Afternoon..
“This is so fucking stupid.” Joe mumbled to himself  as he drove down I-95. After another one of his text messages sent to Kiyana went unanswered. He was down bad. He just didn’t understand. Kiyana and Josh were divorced now, so there was nothing standing in the way of him and Kiyana being together now. The stupid part wasn’t even that he was driving to Pensacola because he could just play it off as wanting to see his parents, it’s that fact that this impromptu trip only took place because Kiyana was active on social media but not responding to his text messages.
6 hours down, 3 hours and 30 minutes to go.. 
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“How did Josh take the news?” Samara asked as she and Kiyana walked around the mall looking for stores to go in. Samara narrowed her eyes at Kiyana when she didn't respond back.  “Kiyana Marie…” 
“I didn’t tell him yet.” Kiyana muttered as they walked into a store. She could feel the heat of Samara’s stare as she picked up a dress from the rack and held it up to her body. 
“That’s ugly, put it down.” Kiyana rolled her eyes and put the dress back. “Why the hell not?” Kiyana huffed as she started looking through another rack of dresses.
 “I just don’t wanna spring it on him Sam,” Kiyana huffed out. “We’ve only been divorced for like what? 2 weeks is that not too soon?” It took everything in Samara to not knock her best friend upside her head. 
“Key, y’all were married and he was sleeping with that girl, it’s no such thing as too soon when it comes to y’all.  You don’t owe him anything..”  Kiyana sucked her teeth, but she knew Samara was right, she didn’t owe Josh anything. “Fuck Josh.” 
“You’re right,” Kiyana muttered as her heart started to ache in her chest. She knew she needed to move on.. She had to move on for her own sanity. Josh had proven to her that he wasn’t the man she thought he was, it was time for her to move on. 
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“I wasn’t expecting you back for another hour or two.” Josh stated as Kiyana walked into her living room. She eyed him, frowning her face up as he looked a little too comfortable in her living room, sprawled out on her couch. The boys weren’t used to him not being in the house yet, so he had been spending his days off at the house instead of his apartment. 
“I just wanted to pick a couple of things up from the mall.” She said and Josh nodded, his eyes peeking over at her bags, eyes narrowing as one of the names stuck out to him. 
“Damn, you got a date or something?” He jokingly asked, trying to peek into the lingerie store bag.  Now or never 
“Yeah,” She said, “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I need you to take the boys tonight.” 
“Wait.” Josh chuckled, sitting up and grabbing the remote, turning the t.v off. “What the fuck is you telling me right now?” He asked, feeling his stomach tighten and his heart start to pound faster. A date? Nah, he must’ve heard her wrong. 
“You’re not seriously mad right now are you?” She asked and he scoffed 
“What the fuck - of course i’m mad Kiyana. I’m your husband -” 
“Ex-husband!” She cut him off. “You’re my ex-husband who decided that he no longer wanted to be faithful. ” 
Suddenly, Josh couldn’t breathe. He drowned out whatever else Kiyana was saying and just stared at her pretty face. This can not be happening right now. The thought of Kiyana being with someone else made him sick to his stomach. “I’m gonna go.” He said, not looking at her as he put his shoes on and started walking towards the door. 
“What about the boys? Can you take them tonight?” Josh scoffed and shook his head. 
“Nah, not tonight.” 
“Josh!” She called out, leaping up from the couch and following him out of the house. “You being deadass?” 
“You think imma sit in the fucking house, filled with memories of us while you out on a date? You got me fucked up.” Kiyana threw her hands up and let out a long sigh. 
“So don’t stay here. Go to your place.”   Oh this bitch, Josh thought, knowing better than to call her that out loud. 
“Bye Kiyana.” Her jaw dropped open as she turned his back to her and stomped towards his car. 
“Fuck you Josh!” She yelled at him, not caring about the neighbors, flipping  him off as he got in his car and drove away. 
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Joe let out a sigh as he pulled up to his destination. Making sure he had his phone and wallet he exited his car and walked up to the front door, knocking three times. 
“Oh shit, big Uce! Whatchu’ doing here?” Jon said as he dapped up his older cousin. 
Joe smiled. “Just decided to take a drive and clear my head.” Joe lied and Jon furrowed his eyebrows. 
“From Miami?” He asked, moving to the side and letting Joe into his home. 
“Nah, I've been in town for a couple days.” He lied again. “Wanted to see my folks.”  Joe stated as he sat on the couch with Jon. “Decided to come and see what my favorite cousin has been up to.” 
“Now I know ya’ ass is lying.” Jon laughed. “Whatchu’ really doing here Uce?"
“Alright, Alright.” Joe muttered, wiping his hands on his gray sweatpants. “I know Josh is your brother and all but fuck, i’m here to see Kiyana.” Trinity, who just entered the living room, shared a look with her husband. “No. Don’t look at eachother like that. I just want to make sure she’s good. She hasn’t been answering my text or phone calls.” 
“I mean, can you blame her?” Trinity spoke up. “I’m pretty sure she is only still in contact with Josh because of their kids. Look,” Trinity sighed, sitting down next to Joe. “Josh is already making it hard for her, she doesn’t need you popping up and making it worse.” 
“How can I make it worse by checking up on my friend Trinity?”
“Y’all are not friends anymore Joe. The second y’all had sex, y’all stopped being friends.”  Joe opened his mouth to argue, but the sound of the front door opening and slamming caught their attention. 
“A fuckin' date! Divorced for 2 weeks and she has a fucking date!” Josh ranted as he stomped into the living room, stopping short at the sight of Joe sitting on the couch. Josh immediately jumped to conclusions, Kiyana had a date and Joe just so happened to be in Pensacola. “Imma kill you.” Josh muttered before lunging towards Joe. 
Luckily, Jon was quick and grabbed Josh before he could land a punch.  “Of fuck off!” Joe snorted standing up. “It was six months ago and y’all are divorced now. Get over it.” 
“Get over it?! You’re going on a date with my wife and you’re telling me to get over it!”
Oh my god.” Trinity muttered, rolling her eyes. “She’s not going on a date with Joe dummy. And even if she was, she’s a single woman now. You want her to be single the rest of her life? It’s stupid as hell. She’s allowed to move on Josh.” Josh sucked his teeth and pushed Jon off of him. 
“Whatever.” He muttered, throwing a glare at Joe  before stomping his way back out of the house, slamming the door behind him. 
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Kiyana stared at herself in her bedroom mirror. “You can do this.” She whispered as she took a deep breath, smoothing down her dress. She was beyond nervous for her date with Eli. This was her first date with another guy in twenty-three years. Her stomach was already in knots. 
 Walking into the living room, she rolled her eyes as Samara catcalled at her. After Josh’s little tantrum earlier, Kiyana called her best friend who was more than happy to spend the evening with her nephews. 
“Good, it looks easy to take off.” Kiyana rolled her eyes again with a chuckle. 
“I’m not having sex with him.” 
“Booo!” Samara threw a couch pillow at Kiyana. “Why the hell not? Just get it over with.” 
“Because it’s our first date Samara.” Kiyana laughed as she walked over to the bar cart to pour herself a shot of Hennessy. “I don’t want him to think I'm easy.” 
Before Samara could respond there was a knock on her front door, causing the both of them to look at each other in confusion. 
“I thought you said eight.” Samara said, looking at the clock on her phone. 
“He’s early,” Kiyana responded, before walking over to the font door and opening it, her heart rate picking up when she saw who was standing on the other side. 
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“Joe?” Kiyana whispered, shocked that he was standing in front of her. 
“JOE?!” She heard Samara yell out. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Joe shrugged and placed his hands in the pockets of his gray sweats, “I came to see if you were alright. You haven’t been responding to my texts.” 
“I’ve been busy.” Was all Kiyana said and Joe narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Kiyana -”  He was cut off by the sound of someone’s car tires screeching to a stop in front of her house. 
“You can’t go on the date.” Joe called out as he exited his car and made his way up to the house, standing right next to Joe. Kiyana looked between the two men with wide eyes. 
“Excuse me?” She asked and by now Samara had made her way to the foyer and was watching the mess unfold. 
“Uh, Is everything okay Kiyana?”  Oh what the fuck Kiyana thought as Joe and Josh turned to look at Eli who was walking up to them holding a bouquet of red roses. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Joe and Josh asked at the same time. 
“Elijah, who the fuck are y’all?”  Kiyana turned to glare at Samara when she started laughing. 
“I can’t do this.” Kiyana muttered, as she started to rub her temples.  This could not be happening to her right now. What were the odds of all three of them showing up at the same time tonight?!
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LMAO. I would probably just turn around and go back in the house if I was Kiyana 😭
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euphoricfilter · 6 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟐
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still mad
tags/ warnings: games designer! jungkook, non-idol au, established relationship, fluff fluff fluff, and a jungkook who’s feeling sorry for himself
word count: 1.3k
notes: you can’t be mad at him anymore pls
☆ epic crazy callob with @bonny-kookoo 💝 ☆
☆ series masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
The both of you stare up at the ceiling, long silence stretching out between the both of you.
The only tell-tale sign Jungkook was awake is him laying on his back without snoring.
Warm sunlight pools into the room where he’d forgotten to close the curtains last night in his evident rage. Neither of you make a move to close them, too wake to care about going back to sleep now, yet neither of you ready to get up yet.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you” you break the silence, swallowing to wet your throat. “I guess I didn’t think about how you would feel if I kept it from you”
You tilt your head to look at him, pillow cold against your cheek. Your eyes flicker across the side of his face, waiting to see if he would say anything.
“I never want to hurt you” you pull the blanket up a little higher over your chest, “I just assumed it meant a lot and I didn’t want to ruin that for you…”
Jungkook lets out a long drawn sigh, “I know… I’m still mad though”
A smile quirks onto your lips, “Okay” you hum, “I’m thinking of making breakfast… if you want some?”
Jungkook’s head snaps towards you, eyes narrowing “I’m not hungry”
“Okay” you chirp, “Love you”
You push the duvet off you, toes curling against the carpet as the chill of the room creeps up your body, one of Jungkook’s forgotten hoodies picked up from the floor and slipped over your head.
You only make it to the living room before you hear heavy footsteps thud behind you, Jungkook’s foot probably catching on the blanket as he stumbles out of the bedroom, straight past you into the kitchen.
“I’m still mad” he doesn’t even look at you as he says it, pulling one of the cupboards open. He then turns to look at you, silent question vibrating between the both of you.
“French toast” you say, pulling one of the chairs out to watch him.
An easy routine as he pulls open the fridge and cupboard doors, quick to whisk the eggs and have the bread in the pan. A breakfast he’d perfected after you’d asked for it time and time again, determined to make sure whatever he fed you was the best of his ability because you deserved no less in his eyes.
“Thanks” you murmur, eyes glancing over at his plate when he slides it onto the table.
You look down at your plate, “You only having one piece of toast?”
He swallows, clearly debating whether to open his mouth or not.
“Only 3 pieces of bread left” he mumbles, hunched over the table.
You pause, fingers curling around your knife and fork as you cut a slice of your toast in half, cringing when it flops onto his plate, syrup spilling onto the table.
You lean back in your chair, corners of your lips curling into a smile when you catch sight of Jungkook’s own poorly hidden joy.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
“Jungkook!” you call out to him from the living room, ears straining as you hear the clacking of his keyboard stop for a moment, “I’m gonna go shopping, okay?”
You don’t expect a reply, crouching down to tie your shoes. Only to be startled by your boyfriend stood beside you moments later, socked feet almost silent against the floor.
“You can message me if you want anything…?” you glance up at him, heart hammering against your chest at the scare he’d given you.
“I’ll drive you” he pulls the car keys from the pocket of his jacket, “I’m still mad though”
You nod, “You sure? You seemed pretty busy in there” your eyes cast over towards the door of his office.
He simply shakes his head, slipping his own shoes on before he’s grabbing your jacket for you, helping you put it on before he’s slinking out the door to call the elevator up to your floor.
It’s quiet in the car, though not uncomfortable. Because as much as he told you he was still mad, you’d known Jungkook long enough to know he held no resentment towards you. His own fickle, silly little way of moping in his own self pity barely a bother anymore.
Because even when mad, both at himself, and at you, there has never been a day he wouldn’t go to the ends of earth if you asked. Never not there to help you when you needed it.
No amount of burning awful anger ever enough for him to take your existence for granted.
He reminds you of his pity filled rage as he pulls out a shopping cart for the both of you, stretching out his hand to hold yours like he always does when the both of you get groceries. He remembers to tug you down the snack isle, always picking out your favorites before he even thinks to grab his own. Leaning over your shoulder to get a glimpse of the list on your phone, always grabbing things from the higher shelves.
He reminds you he’s still mad when you get home, though still helps you put all the shopping away, tugging you to sit on the couch as he puts both your shoes away, quick to cut up some apples for the both of you to snack on after a successful shopping trip.
You leave him to do some work in the afternoon, hoping the space helps mellow out the internal anguish he was feeling. Because you knew he was equally worried about how disappointed you must have been, and the weird awkward sort of embarrassment of failing what should have been something so easy, embarrassment that he’s never felt with you before.
He lingers in the doorway that evening, your attention stripped away from the film on the tv as you glance over at him, head tilting a little.
He nods towards the bedroom, ends of his hair still damp from the shower he’d just taken.
“Wanna go to bed?” he murmurs.
You breathe out a long sigh, switching the tv off before your slipping into the bedroom behind him. He tugs you onto the mattress, pulling you how he wanted you until his face is pressed into your neck.
“Are you still mad?” you dare ask, tone a little teasing. You feel his lips quirk against the warm skin of your neck.
“Yeah… but more at myself than you; I can never really be mad at you” he admits, “I just wanted it to be perfect”
You hum, fingers running through his hair, “I know. And it was perfect, even if it wasn’t how you planned”
He peels his face from your neck, eyebrows furrowed, “I didn’t even ask you the question”
“Ask me now then” you murmur, eyes flickering between his own.
His own eyes widen, “Huh?”
“Ask me now”
He swallows, fingers skimming down your arms, dipping into your warm flesh, “Baby” he presses impossibly closer to you.
You hum, hands falling from his hair to hold his cheeks.
“I don’t even have the ring” he whispers.
Your lips quirk into a gentle smile, “Doesn’t matter, I don’t need a ring to know how much you love me”
“Still…” his hands skim over your hips.
“Jungkook” you laugh, thumb brushing over the gentle skin on his cheeks.
He whines, his hands mirroring yours as he holds your face now too.
“Will you marry me?” he breathes, worried you could hear how hard his heart was hammering against his chest.
Your eyes flicker across his face, “Yes” you nod.
He lets out a long sigh, “I love you so much” his lips skim over yours, “And I think I will forever”
Your press forward, kiss gentle as you melt into him.
“And I love you just as much” you whisper, “this was perfect, thank you”
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jesterwriting · 7 months
Hellooo! I hope ur well !! Would it be a bother to ask for a head cannon/scenario list, with Zoro, Nami Sanji and Law? Reader’s lost in their own head, tries to let it out through battle- ends up with just needing to be in the comfortable, silent presence of their crew-mate/captain afterwards? You can take it however direction you want-!
Feel free to skip if it’s too much to ask!! Sending you lots of love and good wishes, hope you have a good day/night and take care of yourself 🫶💞
pairings: nami x reader, zoro x reader, law x reader, sanji x reader
word count: 1.8k words
contents: fluff, gender neutral reader, slight descriptions of depression, don’t fight when youre distracted or youll make your blorbos grumpy and worried
note: this was cute! my favorite way to spend time with someone is sharing a room with them hehe :3 i hope you enjoy these headcanons!!
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Cat Burglar Nami
She is so focused on her own fight, she doesn’t notice how lost in your head you are until it’s over. Once everything dies down, that’s when Nami scolds you. If you’re in a fight, you give it your full attention, you could get seriously injured if you don’t. Nami knocks you upside the head for it, with love, of course. You’ll be nursing a bump for the next few hours, though Nami will grab you an ice pack if you whine about it enough. She rolls her eyes, but loves how you lean into her touch when she places the ice on your aching forehead.
Your thoughts are still racing as you pace up and down the length of the Sunny’s deck. If you looked in the mirror, you would swear your eyes were spirals. You couldn’t be alone, not right now, not unless you wanted to go crazy. To make things worse, your head still hurt. Nami sure packs a punch, though you know it's only because she cares. You’re lonely, and while you know she is busy navigating right now, you want her company.
The first thing Nami says when you find her is, “I’m still mad at you!” However, she doesn’t make you leave when you sit on the floor and lean your back on the wall. You watch her hands move, fingers curled around a pen as she works on a map. She narrows her eyes at you when she catches you staring at her, reminding you, yet again, that she’s still angry about you putting yourself at risk. When you give her a sheepish grin, she sticks her tongue out at you before getting back to work. Neither of you speak. As time passes, she relaxes, shoulders slumping and brows furrowed as she focuses. The comforting sound of pen on paper soothes your ailing mind. By the time you realize the sun is dipping under the horizon, your ice pack has melted and is nothing more than a sack of water.
Nami looks at you out of the corner of her eye. “Do you need another one?” When you say yes, she smirks and calls for Sanji, who comes running equipped with dinner and another ice pack for you. Her food is so good, you have to try it, stealing a sneaky indirect kiss from you when you share her fork. With Nami as company, you feel a lot better than you did before.
Roronoa Zoro
He notices quickly that you’re lost in your own head mid-fight — Zoro trusts you, but he can’t help but keep an eye on you during battle — and barks at you to get it together. You were hoping to take out your frustrations on the enemy, only to have clumsy footwork because you couldn’t stop thinking about how upset you feel. Zoro is blunt, but his harsh words come from a place of care. If you get hurt because you’re not paying attention, it’s no one’s fault but your own. That doesn’t mean he won’t worry if something were to happen. After the fact, he will double down on his reprimands. Everyone on the ship is counting on you, not only yourself.
You’re even more frustrated with yourself because he’s right. It’s hard to keep his words out of your head, mingling with the thoughts from earlier until you feel absolutely exhausted. You need peace. Somewhere quiet to lay and stare up at the sky for a while to remind yourself how little you are in the grand scheme of things. To you, your problems may seem big enough to swallow you whole. To the sea, they are nothing. The moon doesn’t care how inadequate you feel, the stars cannot fathom how tired you are. You climb up into the crows nest to be closer to them, in hopes that their indifference will rub off on you.
That’s where you find Zoro. He’s napping, though he acknowledges your arrival by cracking open an eye and giving you a nod. You take that as a sign that it’s okay to join him. With a deep breath, you settle next to him and stared up at the sky, tracing the constellations with your pupils. Zoro’s breathing eventually evens out, his loud snoring filling the space enough to drown out any of the negative thoughts that threaten to spill over. No words are spoken between the two of you, they don’t need to be. You enjoy having the presence of another body next to you, the heat from his skin so close by warming you from the nighttime chill. With the white noise of Zoro’s breathing, and the warm blanket of his presence soothing your thoughts, you drift to sleep.
The next morning you wake up with your head on his chest. Zoro is awake, acknowledging you with a grunt before he scoots out from over you and leaves the crow nest. Not before sending you a smirk, as if he hadn’t been letting you cuddle him for the better part of an hour, “Sleep well?”
Trafalgar Law
He notices you’re lost in your own head before the fighting even starts. Law is observant, he knows you like the back of his hand, studying your expressions and mannerisms until he can name your emotions before you can even recognize them. It’s likely he recognized your frustrations the night before, choosing to give you time to work them out on your own. If you don’t, he benches you. Don’t try to fight him on it. Unless you’re able to work through what you need to work through in the next ten minutes, you’re sitting this one out. It’s not that Law doesn’t trust you or have faith in your abilities, he knows that the enemies you’re about to fight are strong and you need to have your whole head in the game. He can’t have you getting hurt on his watch because he failed to recognize the signs that you might be suffering under mental duress.
After the battle, the ship is loud and full of celebration, none of which you want to take part in. Maybe you don’t feel like you deserve it because you didn’t do anything, or maybe you were just too exhausted, being alone with your negative thoughts while the fighting went on. Unable to stand it, you left in search of somewhere quiet. Not alone, you weren’t sure if you could handle being alone right now, but with someone to breathe the same air. If there is one place on the Polar Tang that would be quiet, it would be wherever Law is.
Law raises an eyebrow when you slink into his office. He’s in the middle of reading a book, one leg crossed over the other as he lounges in his chair. “What do you need,” He asks. You shrug and say you don’t want to be alone right now. Law can understand that, gesturing quietly to the chair across from his desk before he’s absorbed back in his book. You share the silence well. While you count the ceiling tiles, you listen to the sound of Law turning the pages of his book. Occasionally, Law will clear his throat, but that’s the only sound you get from him. It’s comfortable, companionable even. You could do this more often. Law’s presence is sturdy and makes you feel safe, the thoughts that run rampant in your head quiet in your captain’s presence.
Hours pass like that, until finally, Law closes his book and announces he’s going to bed. That’s your cue to leave. Before you’re out of your seat, Law asks if you feel any better, smirking a little to himself when you confirm you are. He enjoys sharing a space with you, even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud. You’re welcome back in his office anytime.
Black Leg Sanji
He is always watching you during a battle, just out of the corner of his eye. Sanji is naturally protective, especially of those he loves. Asking him not to worry about you during a fight is like asking a dog not to bark. Due to this, he notices how lost in your head you are almost the second the fighting starts. He takes care to watch your back, driving back the worst of the assailants to make up for your worse than average performance. After the fighting dies down, he asks if you’re doing alright and reminds you to take care of yourself in case something happens. He won’t always be there to protect you. Sanji doesn’t know what he’d do if you got seriously injured on his watch. More than likely, he’d blame himself for not protecting you properly.
You don’t have to seek Sanji out. After the fight, he asks if you would like anything to eat, offering to let you spend time with him in the kitchen while he cooks. Whether you’re hungry or not, you at least take Sanji up on his offer to spend time together. You still can’t think straight, the battle being nowhere near satisfying in getting your emotions out. Being alone right now is not high on your list of priorities. The two of you fall into step with each other as you make your way to the kitchen, and already his presence is a balm to your racing thoughts.
Sanji is truly at home in the kitchen. You know that now more than ever as you watch him cook. It’s like a dance, one he knows perfectly, and there’s a certain sense of grace to his every move. At first, Sanji will try to make conversation, though he slips into a comfortable silence when you explain you would rather not talk right now. He understands, offering you a kind smile before he’s back to work at the counter, chopping vegetables and sprinkling spices into the food. The comfort of a home cooked meal is just what you need, especially since Sanji cut the vegetables into the shape of little hearts. So focused on your meal, and Sanji’s beautiful blue eyes, you can’t remember what you were so upset about.
After you finish your meal, Sanji is insistent that you let him know you feel better before you leave. Give him a big smile and watch him flush, starry eyed at your expression. He feels better now that he knows you feel better. Anytime you need, you can come find him and he will spend time in silence with you, happily cooking you a meal.
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gamerwoo · 8 months
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part Eighteen)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, ex-porn star/neighbor!hyunjin, generally inexperienced and painfully shy virgin!reader, fluff, humor, mentions of porn and sex work, hyunjin is stupid in love and also has a thing for tall girls (it doesn't necessarily say reader is taller than him but he does beg her to wear heels so interpret that how you want), hyunjin is very much not straight, lots and lots of flirting and teasing, mentions of kinks and stuff but no smut happens sorry <;3 (minors dni!!!)
Word count: 6,074
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
Previous | Next | Series Masterlist
He knew you’d have questions. Hyunjin expected nothing less, but you made sure to tell him you were curious but would only ask questions if he was comfortable with it. Considering you found out everything about him when he’d ended things, you never really got a chance to ask him anything. But he was 100% okay with answering any question you had, and he planned on being fully open and honest.
That first night that Hyunjin apologized, he was fully prepared to go home alone, but you told him he could stay. Even if you were mad still, you missed him. And that was where your questioning started.
“So then how did you get into porn?” was your first question, and it was the one he expected to be first.
He had gone to his apartment to change into clothes to sleep in, and the two of you were laying in your bed, inhumanly close. You missed each other and he didn’t know how to tell you that he still didn’t feel close enough even with your entire body on top of his without sounding weird.
“Changbin,” he stated simply.
“So you both got into porn when he said he was gonna do it?” you assumed.
He nodded, “I also really needed money, aaaaand I was basically going nowhere. I really liked art and I wanted to be an artist, but getting into that industry is fucking hard, so I just…went for porn. It was pretty easy for anyone to get into, anyway – at least in that area of Vegas. There were so many sleazeballs looking for amateurs.”
“So how’d it go in the beginning?”
“Honestly, shockingly well,” he scoffed. “I don’t mean to, like, sound like I’m bragging, but I kind of took off almost instantly. Directors and producers and shit were saying I just had the perfect face and a good body, and everyone wanted to have me in their videos. It was actually really overwhelming, but I needed all the money I could get so I just ran with it.”
“That actually sounds kind of terrifying,” you nodded.
“Oh, I think you would’ve gone into shock and died,” he nodded along with you.
You narrowed your eyes at him and he just grinned.
“Anyway,” you stated.
“Anyway,” he laughed.
“What about Changbin?”
“He was only a little salty that I was getting more jobs than him, but he worked his way up there. Plus, I paid most of our rent so he couldn’t complain that much.”
You suddenly realized something, letting out a gasp, “Wait, were you the mutual friend that got him and Kit together?”
“What happened?!” you squealed.
“‘Kay, so as I said, I got popular fast. I caught the attention of bigger producers and directors who worked with bigger names. Big names like…”
“Kat Valentyne,” you finished, saying her name with pizazz and doing spirit fingers to really sell her porn name.
He laughed and rolled his eyes, his laugh making you shake as you laid face-down on top of him, “She’s been a big name almost since she started. Word got out to the people she went to school with that she got hot and was in porn, so it got spread around along with old photos of her, so it kinda made headlines online.
“But anyway, I got cast in a scene opposite her, and I knew–”
“Hang on a minute,” you interrupted him, and that was when he realized what he’d just given away. “So you mean to tell me that you fucked Kit?”
He was quick to point a finger at you and look you dead in the eyes, “I never had feelings for her and I still don’t. Never will.”
“No, Hyunjin–” you sighed and shook your head. “You’re telling me that you were mad that she only flirted with me and looked at me a certain way, but you already had sex with her?! That’s not even fair!”
All he did in response was roll his eyes before continuing, “Anyway, so I knew Changbin had a fat fucking crush on her since forever, so I figured I’d throw his name out there. I showed her a couple photos of him and she thought he was cute aaaaand yeah. Rest is history.”
“I still can’t believe you got mad when you had sex with Kit…” you mumbled.
“Are you even upset that I had sex with her or just that I got jealous over her?”
“I know it was your job,” you scoffed, waving away his concern. “I trust you. I mean, she’s also dating your best friend.”
“I also just don’t want to date her,” he added.
“But how come you get to fuck her, but god forbid she look at me the wrong way?” you huffed.
“I think it’s suddenly bedtime,” he told you before he pulled the covers up over your head, and then rolled over on top of you.
“Hwang Hyunjin!” you squealed between laughs.
“Can’t hear you, goodnight!”
Hyunjin wanted to do the proper thing: take you on a fancy date. And what better way to do that than using your ex-boss’ certificate to go to that fancy restaurant? It seemed like a very fitting way to celebrate the two of you making up.
Unfortunately, the only fancy thing you owned was your old prom dresses, so that meant shopping.
As far as you could tell, Hyunjin would be an expert at fancy. While you mostly ever saw him in t-shirts and sweatshirts – you had still seen him in other clothes like jeans, button-ups, and such – they were always expensive. So he must’ve owned fancy clothing, right? He must’ve known what rich people considered acceptable since clearly the dude was loaded.
You were pretty sure you’d never seen someone look so goddamn good in just some black jeans and a baggy button-up shirt with one half tucked in, but Hyunjin was just another level. You were wondering if he was even human, actually. Maybe he was actually an android or something.
“You’re staring,” he noted as you watched him brush through his dark hair before leaving the apartment.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
He just laughed, eyes turning into crescent moons.
You missed his smile.
While you were browsing through clothes at a store you felt far too out of place in, Hyunjin mentioned, “Pick out whatever you like. I’ll cover it.”
“Um, no?” you turned around to tell him. “You’re already paying for my apartment – which, by the way, still stop.”
“I can afford it, don’t worry about it,” he promised, waving the worry away.
Which then sparked more questions about him.
“Did you just make a ton of money back then?” you wondered.
He shrugged, “More than most. I did save most of it, but– …Actually, we’ll talk more in the car. I gotta take you somewhere for you to get it.”
“Get what?”
You made a face at him and rolled your eyes before going back to looking at dresses, “So, uh…what’s considered…fancy?”
“Do you want form fitting or more flowy?” he asked as he started perusing the racks as well.
“Do you also want to pay for my shapewear?” you asked sarcastically.
He shrugged, “If you think you need it, I’ll buy whatever you want.”
You frowned, obviously not happy with his answer. But again, he grinned back at you.
Dress and shoes acquired, you were back in Hyunjin’s car, driving to an unknown location. All he’d said was, “I’m gonna show you something.”
You didn’t plan on getting shoes, but Hyunjin was quick to ask after picking out a dress if you had any shoes for the occasion. You’d said something about wanting to find just a cute pair of flats, but Hyunjin turned to face you with wide eyes.
“Please wear heels,” he begged, clinging onto your arms for dear life.
“I never wear heels,” you told him. “I’ll be too tall.”
“No you won’t,” he stated very seriously. “Wear. Heels.”
You did end up getting a pair of heels that you were totally not persuaded to get due to the fact you were very positive that Hyunjin found it hot when you were taller. As if he wouldn’t have bought them for you anyway because he liked how you looked in them. If the way he eyed you up and down and almost drooled on the marbled floor was any indication.
“Soooo,” Hyunjin began, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on your thigh, “have you ever noticed anything in my apartment?”
“Are we talking about the mirrors?” you asked.
“You need to get past the mirrors, baby.”
“So that’s a no. What was I supposed to notice?”
He chuckled, “Maybe something on the walls…?”
“Art!” you gasped, recalling the times you’d been over and noticed that large canvases were always evenly spaced across the walls of the hallway, and a few were put in his living room and his kitchen.
He nodded, “Very good. What about the art?”
“It’s…there!” you pointed out, much less enthusiastically. “It’s on the walls!”
Thank god he was stopped at a stop sign because he looked at you with an unamused look for a painfully long time.
“Hyunjin, when have I ever had time to sit in your apartment and look at the art?” you asked him, trying to prove a point. “We were usually in your bedroom, and even when we were on the couch, we were cuddling and watching something or laying down and watching something, or we weren’t even watching anything because we were doing other things!”
He scoffed with a wide smile and asked, “You can’t even say making out? You have to say ‘other things’?”
“What about the art, Hyunjin?” you asked sharply, wanting him to move on from the route he was about to take.
After a bit of laughing, Hyunjin replied, “Most of the art has the same signature.”
“That’s so interesting,” you deadpanned, still not getting it.
You also weren’t paying attention to where he was driving, but he finally pulled into a lot outside of what looked like another apartment building. He put the car in park and pulled out the key before he looked at you again. Again, he was unamused.
He eyed you up and down before noting, “You’ve gotten more sassy, huh?”
“I’m not trying to be, I just don’t understand!”
“Come on, babydoll,” he patted your thigh before he got out of the car. “I’ll show you.”
He took you into the building and into an elevator. You noted that he stuck a silver key from his keyring into a keyhole in the elevator, turned it, and pressed the button for the top floor. You and Hyunjin waited side-by-side at the back of the elevator. He was on his phone while you were watching the numbers on the LED screen above the doors.
“Have you talked to Kit or Changbin?” you asked him.
“They know everything,” he nodded, still not looking up from his phone. He assumed you were asking because you wanted to know if they were caught up. “I told them after you fell asleep last night.”
“After I was suffocated,” you corrected.
“Don’t be dramatic,” he scoffed, finally looking at you to smirk.
“Oh, says you of all people.”
Finally, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. The top floor seemed to be a penthouse, but it was all open space with large windows all on the back wall. The rest of the walls were exposed brick and covered in half-finished and fully-finished paintings. Scattered around the space were easels that either held canvases, white stained drapes, or nothing at all. There were a handful of stools around the area, and lots of art supplies. There were two large desks on either side of the room, with more art supplies and sketchbooks and canvases.
“Since we’re being completely open and honest now,” Hyunjin smiled at you, gesturing with an arm to the space while he guided you in with the other around your waist, “welcome to my studio. This is how I’ve made so much money.”
You looked at him, eyes bugging out of your head, “What, you’re some huge artist?”
He pointed at a painting that seemed to be finished, leaning up against the wall as it stood on the floor.
“There’s the signature. On most of the ones at home.”
You walked over and bent down to get a closer look. It looked mostly like a bunch of scribbles, but you could make out a large S and a large H.
“No offense, but what does it say?” you ask. “There’s no S in your name.”
“Sam Hyun,” he replied. “When I lived in Vegas, I went by Sam Hwang, and my name is Hyunjin. I combined the two.”
You turned around to face him again, head tilting slightly to one side as you studied him, “You actually do look like a Sam…”
He shrugged, “Thanks, I think.”
“It’s a good thing. Sam’s not an ugly name, y’know? You could’ve been something ugly like…Frank. Or you could’ve been a Kyle.”
He gave you a strangle look as he chuckled, “What’s wrong with Kyle? It’s a common name, no?”
“Kyle itself is a red flag,” you stated knowingly.
“Would you still love me if my name was Bartholomew?” he asked suddenly with a giggle.
“Fuck no,” you replied immediately.
“Just take a fucking guess what Changbin almost made his stage name.”
You gasped, “You’re kidding.”
“He’s so fucking lucky we went back to Vegas for our first auditions because he met one of my old buddies names Xavior and thought his name sounded cool, so he used that as his stage name instead. But he was dead set on Batholomew.”
“Why?” you asked with a disgusted face.
“His mind works in mysterious ways,” he shrugged.
“So…Kat Valentyne and Xavior…something?” you asked.
“Xavior Chang,” he scoffed. “He couldn’t come up with a second name but he didn’t want to copy me and use just one – even though I told him I didn’t think he was copying me, but whatever. But honestly, after the movie with him and Kit, she kept slipping up and calling him Binnie so now that’s basically all he’s known as now.”
You nodded slowly as you started to look around the large space. Hyunjin just stood and watched you, hands in his pockets.
“So…how did you come up with Sam Hyun?” you wondered. “Why not just use your name?”
“Because I was in porn and I was afraid of ever being connected back to it,” he explained. “Anyone could google my stage name and find out my real one. With being an artist, I wanted absolutely everything to be separated from what I was doing during the day. Nobody had a face to the art, either. Sam Hyun is untraceable. As far as anyone knows, Sam Hyun is my real name. Separate from Hwang Hyunjin, and therefore, separate from Jin.”
“So…you’re like Banksy.”
“Yeah, like Banksy.”
“So how’d it happen, then? The switch between porn and art?”
“I was doing art at the same time, but more as a hobby. I kind of gave up when it never took off. But one day, out of nowhere, I got really lucky. Something I made got noticed at a show by some big name and they offered a lot more than it should’ve been worth, honestly,” he laughed like he still couldn’t believe it. “That just kinda…put my name on the map, I guess. And once I had that break, I left the industry and focused full-time on this.”
A small smile broke on your face as you looked at him, “That’s kinda sweet. You get to do the thing you actually love.”
He nodded, “I got very lucky. Still am very lucky.” he added the last part with a warm, happy half-smile at you, just looking at you with the most lovesick expression anyone had ever seen.
You started looking around again, wandering between easels and canvases, looking around at everything Hyunjin had made. You never knew he could draw, but fuck, was he talented. It was mostly people and a handful of scenery pieces thrown in there, but everything you saw was so insanely good. 
You hadn’t noticed Hyunjin had wandered over behind you as you studied a seemingly random couple he’d drawn, their bodies filled in with a watercolor sunset, until he softly asked, “Do you wanna see something?”
You looked at him to silently say you were paying attention to whatever he wanted to show you, and he guided you over to an easel that was covered by a white drape. It was obvious that there was a large canvas underneath, but you weren’t going to uncover anything that was covered. That would be rude.
Hyunjin reached up to gently pull the sheet off so as to not knock over the painting. Your mouth fell open as your eyes widened in awe, seeing the portrait of you and Hyunjin. It was done in the same exact style as the piece you were just looking at – just the messy-on-purpose black outline from the shoulders up, and being filled in with warm tones that blended together – but this was very clearly supposed to be you and Hyunjin staring deeply at each other. Your lips were only inches apart as one of his hands cupped your cheek, looking at you with his signature smirk, but even in a picture, he was able to capture the way he looked at you like you were the entire universe. And you looked back at him in a way that very much mimicked how you looked at the piece: in pure awe. Your eyes were wide and your lips were parted, your hand holding lightly onto his arm just a couple inches down from his wrist. The colors used to fill in your bodies were similar to the first painting but the reds, yellows, and oranges were put in different spots. It was somehow more pleasing, but maybe you were being biased.
“The one you were just looking at was based off of this,” Hyunjin explained to you softly. “I made this one a while ago, but when things got…really shitty between us, I tried to replicate it to sell it. As you could probably tell, I gave up. Wasn’t as good as the original.”
“Holy shit, Hyunjin,” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off of it.
“If you think this is insane, you should see my most recent sketchbook,” he chuckled. “You’d probably think I’m a psycho.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you realized what he’d said before, looking back at him, “Were you going to sell this?”
He scoffed, “Absolutely not. I was gonna keep it, but I like the style of it and thought it would sell well. But this is priceless – even if it’s half a self portrait.”
You frowned at him and lightly whacked him in the stomach, making him laugh, “You’re literally a God, you freak.”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed as he draped an arm casually around your shoulder, “you really are your own biggest critic. Drawing myself took the longest fucking time.”
“You definitely look at me like that,” you promised, pointing at him on the portrait. “And I definitely look lost all the time like that.”
“You’re not lost,” he scoffed again, rolling his eyes. “I’m literally right there.”
You started laughing, “That was stupid cheesy.”
“The cheese gets worse, don’t worry,” he promised with a smirk as he started to lead you over to one of the tables. He brought you to a closed sketchbook that looked much less beat-up than the other ones. “This is my newer sketchbook. I got it a little bit before I met you, actually.”
He gently pushed you forward to stand at the table and open it. You flipped it open and started going through it slowly, seeing him use different mediums to make different things. It was mostly people – people you’d never seen before, but a couple that you’d seen at The Brooke. But after about 5 pages, you flipped the next page to see you, holding a moving box. It was a charcoal sketch from your thighs up, and it was only somewhat shaded. But it was very clearly you, laughing as you carried the cardboard box.
The next page was you again, but from the side, and only from your shoulders up. Your expression was neutral and you seemed to be looking at something. The next page was, again, you, smiling with your eyes closed. The next page was you, and the next, and the next, and the next.
“I like to draw people that I see,” he explained. “Clearly, I saw you once and couldn’t get you out of my head. I’ve drawn you a lot since I’ve met you.”
You kept flipping, and every single page was you. But then you got to the last few sketches in the book, and you only looked sad. You looked disheveled or upset. There was even one of you with tears on your cheeks with your eyes casted down.
“I kinda never stopped drawing you,” he admitted quietly. “Even when I was mad at you, I still thought about you all the time.”
There were a couple drawings of you scattered in the sad ones where you looked happy again, and it tugged at your heart. Even when you were both upset, Hyunjin seemed to still think of you when you were happy, like he wanted to see it again.
The last 10 pages or so were still blank, so you closed the sketchbook again and turned to face Hyunjin, cheeks feeling hot from seeing how often he drew you. He could tell you were flustered and grinned widely at you.
“I’m pretty cute, huh?” he asked with a modest shrug.
“How come I never knew you could draw?” you asked him, poking his chest with your finger.
“Changbin and Kit have seen me doodle on stuff here and there, but they don’t know about all this,” he explained. “This is top secret. Nobody knows about it because I don’t want there being any possible ties between Sam Hyun and Jin, y’know? They’re both me, but nobody else knows they are. I want to make sure it stays that way. But since we’re working on honesty, I figured you’d be a good first person to tell.”
You nodded, “I won’t say a word.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t,” he promised with a mischievous grin before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
You’d never seen Hyunjin dress up before, but boy did he dress up. There was a lot of black, but a lot of chains and silver and mesh. Everything just looked expensive and extravagant, and despite having Hyunjin help you pick out what to wear earlier that day, you somehow felt severely underdressed beside him.
Despite that, the way Hyunjin looked at you made you feel like the best looking person at the restaurant. When you first got dressed and you were doing your makeup in his bathroom, he was sitting on the counter by where your makeup was spread out, going between looking at his phone and glancing up at you with a soft smile.
But when you put on the heels, he was gone. His eyes only left you so he could drive, but he kept stealing glances. He looked at you probably the way you looked at him. Like you were God and had descended down in front of him. You weren’t even sure if you’d make it to the restaurant because you were almost positive there were a couple times he almost passed out.
“You’re oddly quiet now,” Hyunjin mused as he looked over the menu with you – he had to help you with some things because you’d never had a lot of the food they offered. It was all fancy stuff with big words.
You glanced away from the words that didn’t even seem like real words to look at him, “What do you mean?”
“You’ve rambled off so many questions today and now you’re dead silent,” he chuckled. “Feeling okay?”
You felt your cheeks warm a bit as you mumbled, “I’m not gonna ask those questions out in public, Hyunjin.”
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, “Oh, as if anyone is listening to us. They’re all talking about business and nannies and vacations and shit that’s important to rich people. Dates are meant for talking to get to know each other. You should feel comfortable asking me anything.”
You knew he was right about dates being made for getting to know each other, but you still felt nervous to ask questions about sex and porn where people might hear it. What if some rich person overheard and thought you were weird and got you kicked out?
It took a couple minutes of silent internal encouragement, but you finally asked in almost a whisper, “What…kind did you do…?”
His laugh was louder than your words but nobody seemed to notice, “Both. Gay and straight. Does that bother you?”
You shrugged like he told you it was a little cloudy outside, “Not really. I mean, unless you prefer guys, in which case, that would make me kinda insecure probably.”
“My preference is you, dummy,” he told you with a playful smile.
“I meant…sex-wise,” your voice got quieter on the last word, which made Hyunjin laugh again.
“No preference there.”
“Okay, maybe this is a dumb question–”
“No dumb questions.”
“Sure. How did you, like…not fall in love with every single person? I get it’s mostly acting and stuff but that’s some serious acting. I would be convinced everyone actually loved me and cared about me and would catch feelings everyday.”
“I learned how to separate my feelings from my work,” he explained. “To me, sex was just sex, and my feelings were basically shut off when I was doing it. But that was only when I was working. It’s different with you.”
“We’ve never…done that,” you reminded him.
“I mean with everything else. We’ve done other stuff. Unless you forgot about that when we were mad at each other,” he smirked.
“Trust me, Hyun, I remember,” you promised.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his smirk growing and making you feel things you did not want to feel in the middle of a restaurant full of a bunch of important and rich people. “Because I don’t mind jogging your memory.”
Despite the first conversation at the restaurant, the rest of the date was the most romantic experience you’d ever had. You were starting to learn that despite Hyunjin’s line of work and claiming he could turn off his feelings, he was a true hopeless romantic – not that you didn’t know before, but now it was painfully obvious. He ordered for you, held open doors for you, and asked a lot of questions about you. The two of you had already caught up on new happenings since you last spoke, but now Hyunjin was asking you questions about your future. What field were you going to look for a job in? Have you considered going to school for something? How did you get into nannying in the first place? Did that mean you wanted kids?
You learned more about him, other than just his previous job. You learned more about his friendship with Changbin, his life in Las Vegas, and everything outside and in between. How he got out of the industry and how he found himself living at The Brooke and befriending the two bellhops who worked the night shift. More about his early life pre-porn and even some stories from his life while he was in that industry, but about stuff that was separate from it.
You felt like the whole time, his eyes never left yours. You weren’t even sure if he ever looked down while eating his food to see what he was picking up with his utensils, but his plate was cleared by the end of the date. 
To be fair, you weren’t sure of many things because Hyunjin kept refilling your wine glass whenever it was empty. He got some fancy bottle brought to the table in an ice bucket and while it was meant to share, you weren’t sure if he had any of it or if you’d drank the whole thing. You saw him with a glass but then you were too lost in his eyes to notice much else. When his stare got too much and you felt nervous like you had to look away, you looked down at your own food instead of focusing on whatever he was doing.
Back in the car, Hyunjin drove with a hand on your thigh and the other on the wheel. Despite your tipsy state and him teasing you about forgetting the things you’d done together, he was being a complete gentleman. The most he’d done was just then as his warm palm rested on the exposed skin of your leg. 
“I have a follow-up question,” you announced suddenly between Hyunjin humming along with the music.
“Yes, angel?”
“Can you elaborate on the ‘sex without feelings’ thing?” you asked.
He chuckled and glanced at you, “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Just now. Just going over stuff in my head, y’know?”
“How much wine have you had, my love?” he continued to laugh.
“Whatever you didn’t drink, I did,” you stated surely.
After his laughter had died down, though, he replied, “The people I worked with, I never had romantic feelings for. When I was starting out, it happened a couple times until I learned. I had a couple…situationships, I suppose during my time in the industry, and I didn’t try to disassociate from my feelings because obviously they were supposed to be relationships. But with them, it always felt like they were trying so hard to make it like a scene that I just auto-blocked it all out anyway. It kinda sucked.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked over at Hyunjin, “That doesn’t happen now, right?”
“Absolutely not, angel,” he looked back at you with a soft smile before looking back at the road. “With you, everything is so much better than any sex I’ve ever had. Feelings really do make it. I actually get turned on and everything feels more intense. It just feels… I don’t know how to explain it other than everything is better because there’s feelings. I can’t not feel things for you, _____.”
“Awww,” you giggled as your cheeks began to warm. “Shut the fuck up, you’re too cute.”
“Not to say,” he quickly added, “if you did want to do anything a little…raunchier in the future, that I would hate it. I think in that case, it would be okay because the feelings are still there. It was just with those people, they made it seem like they only saw me as Jin and not Hyunjin, if that makes sense.”
You nodded, “No, I get that. That does make me feel better, though."
 The two of you fell into a comfortable silence for another moment until you thought of another question, shyly asking, "So, um…what’re you…into…?”
You could see the smirk growing on his face as the streetlamps flooded through the windshield as he drove, “I’ll do just about anything if that’s what you’re asking.”
“But what are you personally into?” you pressed curiously, though you were sure Hyunjin would be able to tell how flustered you were. “Like, if you didn’t have to worry about your partner.”
“Hair pulling,” was his immediate response. “I love having my hair pulled.”
You eyed his hair as it currently was. He kept it on the long-ish side and it was almost always half-up. Even in the one video of his you saw, his hair was at his shoulders.
“Yeah, that math adds up,” you nodded. “I think you like dirty talking, too.”
He let out a laugh as he glanced between you and the road, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You were smiling, too, because of his laugh as you replied, “You would always talk a lot to me. You’re just really vocal.”
“You react well when I do talk to you,” he pointed out before he leaned over toward you, his lips almost brushing your ear. “You like the dirty talk, _____.”
A shiver went down your spine as he pulled away, and you were pretty sure Hyunjin noticed from the way his smirk widened and his chest quickly rose and fell like he scoffed. But he didn’t say anything about it, and you were too shy to confirm or deny. So he went back to quietly humming along to his music.
Both Felix and Jeongin were behind the counter when you and Hyunjin returned back to The Brooke. When you left that evening, it was only Jeongin who was punching in for work and making a comment about how dolled up the two of you were. When you came strolling into the empty lobby with your hands intertwined, Felix’s jaw was just about on the floor as Jeongin started smirking.
“Nice to see the two of you still look presentable,” the younger boy noted. “I thought for sure Hyunjin was gonna pounce at some point.”
“I don’t blame him,” Felix choked out a laugh as he started to regain his composure. “Either of you. You both look incredible.”
Your face had already been warm from the wine and Hyunjin’s compliments, but Felix made it feel hotter, “Thanks.”
“What’s the occasion?” he wondered.
“Make up date,” Hyunjin stated, stopping at the front desk to chat with them. “We went somewhere nice for free, thanks to _____’s asshole ex-bosses.”
Jeongin nodded, “You love to see it.”
“Now,” Hyunjin released your hand to place his hands on your shoulders, “I need to get this one to bed since she drank almost an entire bottle of wine by herself.”
“You kept pouring!” you insisted.
“But you kept drinking,” he countered with a playful grin.
“You can’t start gaslighting her when you just got back together,” Jeongin told him with a sigh and a shake of his head.
“But it’s official now,” Hyunjin pointed out with a wide grin that made his eyes crinkle.
Felix nodded in understanding, “Oh, then it’s totally okay now.”
“See ya later, guys!” he chirped as he turned you and started leading you toward the elevators.
“Don’t be too loud, please!” Jeongin laughed after the two of you. “I don’t feel like getting a ton of noise complaints tonight!”
That’s where your mind was, actually. Hyunjin had done this big gesture for you. He made an entire day out of it, too. He brought you to his gallery and showed you all of the art he made, and half of it was of you. He brought you shopping and got you expensive clothes and accessories for the fancy date he brought you on. This all must’ve been leading up to him taking your virginity now, right? Hyunjin definitely seemed like the type of person who wanted to make that something big and romantic and special. You half expected to go into his apartment and see rose petals leading to his bed.
Even if it wasn’t that far, he’d probably want to do something, right?
But instead, he stopped with you outside your apartment. You looked up at him in confusion, “Are we staying at my place?”
“You are,” he chuckled.
“_____, it’s our first date,” he explained, still laughing softly at your confusion. “I’m doing things traditionally. It seems right. So you sleep here, I sleep over there, and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
You pouted but mumbled an, “Okay…”
Did you feel disappointed? Kind of. But did you also feel relieved? A little bit. You were pretty sure you were wearing some ugly cotton thong you’d gotten at the department store, anyway.
Hyunjin kissed your pouting lips, which brought a small smile to your face as he beamed back at you, “Goodnight, _____.”
“Goodnight, Hyunjin,” you replied before turning to unlock your door.
And once you were inside, you had to call your friends to tell them everything.
tag list (italics are unable to tag): @hyuneyeon @ack-aashi @rindomo @ihopeitrainstonight @castledy @broken-glowsticks @smollquokka @yeetfellx @fwess @zoe8stay @fleeingreality @might-be-a-rat @sluttysohn @eliserbt2001 @catskpop @diamondsvts @minaamhh @jaspriv @sankyg @straydhampir @hyunsungbased @7miroh @animefreak2112 @junsjuly @drrramaaaqweeen @accalus @bakedlilgoonie @So-Pe07 @drugerlime @shmooooo @hwangshoneycake @notmebutyouu @vampjin0 @stay-berry @kiribirien @beombeomlovesme @lockeansonder @jisungsbff01 @ppiri-bahng @hyunniethepooh @peachessandhoney @kpopssuregi @moondustmemories @artistic-rendition @lolli4me @s-u-n-z-e @levislifeline @certifiedmarkleetrash @simpxxstan @second0325 @linosjureumi @kyaa-q @hrtsforhyun @amaranthjimin [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
how you think peter would react to trouble being extremely jealous over some girl? (this is not a request! answer only if u feel like it <3)
i think he wouldn’t know at first. he’d just think you’re acting off and he thinks he may have done something to mildly upset you and he’s trying to do his best to be good to ease the tension some.
when he thinks you may need a breather he nods at a girl from his lab in the kitchen, they’ve talked a few times and he thinks she’s chill to talk to, so he kisses your cheek and tells you he’ll be back and tries to depart for his new conversation partner.
tries. because you tug him back by the wrist and hold him at your side, you scoff at him. ‘no you absolutely won’t be. you’ll be here all night. understand?’
peter looks down at your tight hold with confusion, it’s bordering aggressive, he’s never seen you like this before.
‘you alright, trouble?’
you have an icy glare towards his classmate.
when the staring contest becomes a war he goes silent, it’s a battle of dominance. you’re telling her if she wants him she needs to pry him from your hands.
you grunt, ‘c’mon, let’s go.’ you pull him behind you, he looks back to the kitchen and your ‘competition’ is watching with narrowed eyes. peter can feel how pissed you are by the grip on his hand.
he’s never seen you so possessive, he loves it.
when you have him outside you find a few friends of his, heading that way, because it’s a safe zone, peter can’t stop a bubbling laugh. it’s almost like a giggle.
‘what’s so funny?’ aka ‘is she why you’re so happy?’
‘i have never seen you so jealous. normally you just brush it off but i really thought you were about to pull out the cat claws.’
you grunt, ‘yeah, well, when a bitch goes around talking about stealing you, i have to make it known i’ll fucking kill her.’
you lag when peter stops walking, you try pulling him with you but fall back into place with him. peter looks confused and upset.
‘she said what?’
you look bitter, ‘she was fucking bragging to a friend about it and sarah heard it. fucking bitch was gloating about how easy you were to steal from me.’
peter’s head turns back to the house, he almost wants to go in there himself and set the record straight.
‘woah, woah, woah. was she really? i mean, are we sure it was her?’ his words make you sour, ‘yes.’
you hitch your voice like a bimbo, ‘all i had to do was bat my eyes and he did all the work for me, he’ll be under me in a week.’ you mumble under your breath, ‘fucking bitch.’
peter’s trying to think back and he winces, he doesn’t know how he didn’t see the signs. he used to be the number one flirter, but now all he has is tunnel vision for you.
you made him unaware to outside influences, his mind revolves around you.
‘oh. that’s not… she…’ peter squirms around, he feels uncomfortable. ‘that’s… yucky. it’s yucky.’ he doesn’t know how else to describe it.
you still look pissed, ‘yup.’
peter pulls you in for a hug, ‘you know you have nothing to worry about cause i had no idea she was even putting the moves on me.’ you smirk into his chest, you suppose it’s true. it’s not him you’re mad at, you can’t blame her for being interested. you can blame her for not respecting you and trying to swipe what you claimed as yours.
you still want to remind him, ‘i’m not mad at you. well, maybe a little, but only because you’re so pretty.’ peter squeezes you for three seconds before releasing, it’s like he wrenched all the frustration from your bones.
‘i can’t wait for our next lab, she’s gonna try to talk to me and i’m just going to walk away. that’ll hurt more than a gentle rejection.’
a smile breaks over your face, its the first one you’ve had all night.
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delcakoo · 2 years
enhas reaction to you being jealous *ೃ’
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✘ PAIRING ! enhypen x gn!reader
✘ GENRE ! fluff n crack !
✘ WC ! 3.3k.. woops
a/n: thank you sm for all the follows <3 pls enjoy and give feedback if u do!
read the sequel !
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seeing you all jealous honestly makes him,, a bit proud?!
not if you’re really upset or mad of course
just the fact that you love him so much to the point where you’d show you’re jealousy for him else y’know!
but being the good boyfriend he is, hee always makes sure that anything you don’t like doesn’t get very far
currently your boyfriend is playing some comp multiplayer game on his laptop
val or something <\3
meanwhile you’re relaxing on his bed eating popcorn and scrolling through disney+ trying to figure out which iconic movie to re-watch
heeseung has his mic off, but you can both still hear his teammates communicating and yelling call outs to each other
but the thing is
these are just random people he’s playing with
so when he unmutes to tell his team his current position, you listen carefully to what they say
listen, you’re a bit overprotective >:[
in your defence that’s your man and if they say anything mean to him they’re dead to you and you’ll probably figure out some way to get them banned
however you’re even more taken aback when one of the girls on his team goes “damn, whoever’s playing reyna? your voice is hot as fuck.”
you whip your head towards heeseung, narrowing your eyes at the screen threateningly as if the random player could see you
heeseung being the curious, cocky mf he is has to turn around just to see your pouting expression
this idiot even giggles before finally unmuting to respond
“thanks, but i’m taken.”
the girl laughs, “yeah? do they play? they should 1v1 me. winner gets you.”
your jaw drops in disbelief, and heeseung looks at you again, eyes widened
“uh, i’m good. they don’t play anyway.”
you desperately want to walk over there and yell some sense into the girl, but you calmly stay planted to your spot on the bed
“hm, your loss i guess.” she replies
as soon as the game ends, you begin whining, forcing heeseung to teach you everything about valorant
he tries to reassure you, letting you know that he already blocked the player for good and he’s all yours
but forget disney movies.
you swear on your life you’ll get all the way to platinum just to find that girl and fight her to the death
heeseung only laughs, shaking his head as you begin watching “top 10 tips for valorant beginners” on the tv
jay’s just like. why
mans is so confused
he’s literally obsessed with you there’s no need to be jealous!?!?
however he’s not one to be oblivious at all, if anyone does try to flirt with him he’ll just completely ignore them and let them know he is most definitely taken
you guys are out on a date and decide to chill at this small cafe for lunch
everythings going great, you take some amazing pictures of jay looking all boyfriend material as usual
when your waitress comes to take your order
she’s very pretty, and seems to be around the same age as you and jay, which is all cool
until you realize she’s just staring right at your boyfriend and is completely ignoring your existence
“hey there, can i get you started with a drink?” she smiles, continuing to only look at him
you roll your eyes, deciding to just focus on the menu as your mood has been soured
jay politely orders a water, as the waiter proceeds to start writing on her notepad for about five seconds before finally turning to you
her smile visibly drops, suddenly looking bored
“and for you?”
“just a water as well, please.”
this time, she only nods slightly before walking off into the back
you scowl and turn to jay, “so she has to write down your cup of water, because, for some reason she can’t just remember that, but not mine?”
jay sighs, “i know, just try to ignore her babe.”
the waitress quickly returns, and you can’t help but notice her new, bright red lipstick. you barely contain your scoff, watching her take out her notepad once again before smiling at jay
listen you knew he was handsome, but could she not see you right there
“what can i get for your lunch, sir?”
in the middle of ordering, jay notices your upset expression
he would never allow you to be frowning in front of him, especially on a date
while continuing to tell the women what he wants, he reaches over, intertwining your fingers through his
your eyes brighten at the touch, lips quirking proudly when the waitress notices, rolling her eyes
“is something the matter?” jay immediately asks
she looks back at him quickly, smiling, “oh, of course not, sir!”
“great, my partner is ready to order whenever you are.”
this man just laughs at you
jealous? pfffffft
as if anyone could be better than you?!
teases you for sure, but also reassures you by giving you lots of words of affirmation and cuddles
you’ve just woken up when you see a notification from enhypen’s twitter
oh wow you wonder who could’ve posted
perhaps it’s one of jungwon’s bed selcas
or maybe niki posted a picture of the sky for the 100th time
you click the notification and nearly fall off your bed
sim jaehyun.
good lord
your boyfriend has posted mirror selcas and you’ve never taken a screenshot so fast in your life
in your desperate attempt to click on the photos, you end up in the comment section
there’s a flurry of hearts and dog emojis, along with all sorts of comments asking jake to either date them or marry them
one engene is asking if layla wants a sibling and that they can bark
you laugh, shaking your head as you continue scrolling through the thousands of comments
you land at one retweet that has a picture captioned “i’m so jealous!”
it’s a signed manifesto album, where jake wrote “do you wanna go on a date?”
(he actually did that btw)
you pout, quickly closing twitter and calling the culprit of the crime
he answers after three rings, “hi babe, we’re at dance practise!” he says, and you can faintly hear paradoxxx invasion playing in the back
at the sound of his cute voice, you nearly forget your point of calling, “yah, why are you asking engenes on dates dumbass!?”
the line goes silent for a moment before he bursts out into a giggle, “yoi, are you jealous? i can take you on a date too.. i guess.” he teases
the audacity…
you scoff, “fine, maybe i should go on a date with another member then since you’ve found someone else.”
you can hear someone giggle in the back, most likely jungwon
“ay! that’s not happening,” he replies strictly, “i’m sorry baby. i’ll take you on the best date in the world tomorrow!”
“yeah you better dumbass, now stop flirting with engenes!”
“no promises~”
this cocky idiot is teasing the shit outta you
of course he’s being flirted with by every breathing life form
this only makes your life much harder
but if you really do get upset he always makes sure you aren’t insecure and know that he’s all yours
you and sunghoon are in the mall going christmas shopping
something you bOth suck at
so you decided to fuse your small brains together and hopefully get at least some gifts done today
your boyfriend recites the list you’ve made, “okay, next is a new cologne for jay hyung. but doesn’t he have enough of those?”
when he gets no reply, he worriedly turns around to check on you
you were very easily distracted so sunghoon was practically your babysitter at times like these
when he finally finds you, you’re practically drooling, staring at a churro stand nearby
he sighs, smiling slightly at how cute you look before walking over
“really? we’ve gotten two gifts and you want a snack break already?”
you look up at sunghoon, eyes sparkling and tugging his sleeve
“pleaseeee hoonie, they smell so good!”
he really couldn’t resist your pouty face, leaning down to give a quick peck to your lips grinning, “i’m going to go find jay’s gift while you wait then, if anything happens call me right away, okay?”
you nod, smiling as you watch him enter a nearby perfume store
by the time you’ve got yourself a bag full of the sugary sweets, you’re practically starving
you munch on them happily, skipping off into the perfume store to find your boyfriend and share them with him
until you see an extremely gorgeous women talking to him, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously
but the worst part is sunghoon is smiling
smiling, and talking to her!
you feel insecurity flash through you, watching him interact with someone so beautiful
you walk over nervously, wiping your lips of any churro crumbs
when sunghoon sees you, he waves you over happily while the girl only frowns in confusion
“jagi,” you watch as her eyes widen at the pet name, “this is nagyung, my old friend from school! we were just catching up.”
you wave over to her, offering a small smile, and she only looks at sunghoon awkwardly, “uh, yeah. it was nice seeing you hoon, text me whenever!” she winks before rushing to leave.
you pout, waiting for sunghoon to look at you once she left. when he sees your expression, he tilts his head
“what’s wrong?”
you scowl, taking out another churro, “you know what’s wrong. she was all over you.”
he immediately smirks, “are you perhaps.. jealous?”
you whip your head to him, “no way! i just…” you trail off
he laughs, taking a churro for himself, “you’re so obsessed with me y/n~”
you groan, watching him continue to laugh at your dismay, “she was just so pretty, and i guess i felt a bit insecure.”
sunghoon stops his giggling, looking at you sadly before pulling you closer, kissing the top of your head, “don’t be, while i may not show it, you have me wrapped around that tiny finger of yours,” he admits
you raise an eyebrow, your mood suddenly switching again, “oh really? so is it okay that i used your credit card to buy these churros?”
he sighs in utter defeat
sunoo is very observative
if you were jealous, he’d probably know right away and would make sure you’re okay
he might tease you about your pouty face a bit first though c:
he’s probably the sweetest about it even though he isn’t the jealous type himself
you and your boyfriend are walking back to the dorms after an amazing date at the amusement park
it was a chaotic day, mostly consisting of you dragging sunoo onto every ride big or small, including the roller coasters
sunoo would be screaming his dolphin ass off every time there was a drop, while you were just having a great time cackling next to him
then later, he tried to be all sappy and win you a prize from one of those rigged shooting games that was obviously a scam aimed towards dumb kids
either way, it was the thought that counted
as you were about to ask sunoo for a piggyback, being too tired from all the screaming and running around the park, a girl calls out to him from across the road
“sunoo, is that you?”
you tilt your head in confusion, looking over to see a gorgeous woman walking over to you
sunoo gasps, “jiwoo? wah, it’s been so long! this is my partner, y/n!” he introduces you, “jagi, this is my childhood friend and ex neighbour, jiwoo!”
you both politely bow in greeting, nodding to each other
and for the next ten minutes, sunoo and jiwoo spend catching up and talking about every little thing they can think of
you’re just nodding along every once in a while, but you definitely start to feel a bit needy and bored
sunoo, knowing you so well, could instantly tell that you were getting restless by your fidgeting, letting jiwoo know that he had to get going
once they’ve hugged it out and said their goodbyes, he skips over to you giddily, taking your hand in his
he sighs, “wow, i haven’t seen her in forever, i can’t believe this! turns out, she also had a crush on me! i thought it was one-sided the whole time.”
she what
he what
“you guys had crushes on each other!?” you whine
sunoo giggles, “yeah, but that was just silly childhood crushes.” he replies, kissing the tip of your nose fondly
“yeah, but that means she might still like you!”
sunoo only smirks, watching you frown curiously, “aww, you’re so cute when you’re jealous!”
“i am not jealous, where did you get that idea?!” you smack his shoulder, trying your best to maintain a stone face
he raises a brow, “you have the biggest pout right now, don’t lie to me jagi.”
he can read you like a book
“that’s it, i’m taking you back to the park so you can get scammed by those old salesmen again.”
this boy..
while he is mature in most situations, jungwon would find it hilarious
he would definitely start giggling at your jealous expressions and whining and make it worse
like hoon though, he would stop right away if he noticed you needed some genuine reassurance and offer you lots of kisses and words of affirmation
your boyfriend has come to visit you at work since he finally has a break from promotions
not that your job was very exciting, you just made bubble tea and other sweet drinks
but for some reason jungwon found it very endearing to just watch you interact with the customers while sitting in one of the booths like a proud mom
the worst part was when he took random pictures and sometimes even recorded you, your face always cutely furrowed in concentration
and every time you complained, he only started laughing, dimples appearing as he smiles in victory at his growing camera roll
luckily, today everything was running rather smoothly at the boba shop
besides jungwon changing his lock screen to you in the middle of spilling tapioca pearls everywhere
the doorbell suddenly rings as a woman walks in, you notice her staring at jungwon before ordering two regular milk teas with pearls
you were a bit confused, since she was alone
regardless, you began working on her drinks, glancing at your boyfriend who was on his phone, waiting for your break to start so he could steal you away
once you’re done making her drinks, your jaw nearly falls off when you watch her smoothly slide into jungwon’s booth across from him, offering the other boba to him, smiling
“hey, i got this for you since you looked lonely.”
you snarl, staring daggers at the woman
why did your boyfriend have to be so good looking just sitting on his phone
jungwon’s eyes widened in surprise, politely taking the other drink and nodding to her. “oh, thank you but,” he points over to you, who’s still standing behind the counter, flabbergasted, “i’m taken.”
the girl gasps, “oh, i’m sorry, i just assumed because you were— well, alone. you can keep the drink.”
she bows and apologises to you, before running out in embarrassment
you quickly walk over once she’s gone, snatching the drink out of your boyfriend’s hand and having it yourself, slurping it down angrily
he laughs uncontrollably, finding the whole situation hilarious
you shake your head, grinning slightly, “i can’t believe i just made a drink that someone used to flirt with my boyfriend. right in front of me.”
jungwon continues to laugh, “your face was so funny! i wish i could’ve recorded that!”
you giggle yourself, “at this point i need to get my name tattooed across your forehead so people back off of what’s mine.”
he only pats your head, ruffling your hair annoyingly, “don’t worry jagi, i’ll only accept boba from you~”
you whip your head to the boy, “yah! you liar, you were about to drink the one she gave you before i took it!”
he starts laughing once again, making you smile in adoration
he’s lucky he’s so cute..
oh no
the spawn of satan..
this man tries to make you jealous
all. the. time.
he goes out of his way to do stupid things like commenting on how a girl looks just to see your jealous pout and whines and even giggles after (before apologizing moments later)
and the thing is your boyfriend’s a whole ass hypocrite too!
whenever you even talk to one of his members for too long he gets all jealous and needy and says that you’re being stolen from him and demands your full attention
what to do with this boy..
you guys are on a arcade “date”
but this is no cute getaway where niki tries to get you the biggest teddy bear because he’s sooo in love with you
oh no
this is a war.
you and your boyfriend have been keeping tally on who can win the most games against each other (very romantic)
niki won basketball, bike racing, and one of the zombie shooter games
meanwhile you won the hunting game, piano tiles, and the giant crossy road game because niki kept jumping in front of cars
either way, it was tied and you are determined to win because the loser has to do aegyo for the other
something you both absolutely despised
you’ve been taking turns choosing the game, and now it was niki’s turn
“what game next?”
niki scans the room, pointing to something in the corner, “hammer game!”
you sigh, following him as he runs over to it like a toddler
it was simple, whoever hits the circle the hardest wins
the thing is a certain someone has been working out a bit too much and it wasn’t you
that didn’t stop you from trying though, “okay, let me show you how it’s done.” you say grinning, cracking your knuckles before picking up the hammer
“whatever you say babe.” niki replies, smirking and taking out his phone to record you
until he suddenly feels a quick tap to his shoulder
he powers off his phone again, turning around to see a pretty girl standing in front of him with a giant teddy bear
“hey, i just wanted to give you this because i thought it was cute like you!” she says, handing it over to him
meanwhile in the background you’re having a great time slamming the hammer down onto the target, completely oblivious to what's happening behind you
niki takes it, smiling, “oh, thank you.”
as he replies, you’ve turned around smiling proudly, “babe did you see th—“
your eyes turn to slits, watching the exchange before furiously stomping over
you smack his arm, making your boyfriend yelp out
then he starts laughing of course
“what the fuck is this?! i turn around for one second and girls are winning you teddy bears?” you complain, shaking him around
he continues smiling, “well i think it’s cute,” he says, showing it to you cockily, “like that girl~”
you throw the hammer down, rushing over to the prize stand as niki follows you, very amused, with his bear still in hand
“i’m going to win you the biggest, cutest teddy bear in this whole goddamn place.” you glance back at him, “and you’re throwing that out.”
in the end, you spend an hour collecting tickets for niki’s new and much better teddy bear from you, while he stood next to you giggling the whole time at your focused expression
when you got home though, he made sure to give you lots of cuddles and hugs as an apology
oh, and that teddy bear from the girl?
it mysteriously disappeared the next day when he woke up ;)
the end!! if you enjoyed, reblogging/comments are very appreciated and helpful !
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not repost, translate, cross post, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount
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My shift to Bnha
I’ll start with the basics. For starters my reality is a bit different. The legal age is 25, so therefore school duration is longer, and our ages are different. I start UA when I was 19 years old, which made me a year 1 student. my parents are both prominent figures in hero society, and I was an only child to them. I only add this because I think it’s important to acknowledge background information because it shapes your experience and your placement in society, especially in a world filled with heroes everything is ranked and merit based.
UA .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Contrary to popular belief, at least in my reality school is very much emphasized and just as important as hero work. For me a typical day looked like, getting up at 7:45 to prepare for classes that started at 8:30 and ending at 5. We do have a one hour lunch break, and a specific period to work on our specific quirks alone any way we see fit. A lot of people do use that time to slack off and hang out with friends, but they’ve recently become very strict about it. Credits to to Tenya Ida for informing the board of what people were really doing ! A lot of people were mad but honestly I am a teachers pet in this reality so I kind of appreciated it.
I can’t speak for the other classes, maybe it’s because of everything we went to, but we are not a class we are genuinely family. I am closest to Izuku, Sui, Ochacho, Mina, Todoroki and MoMo! Not in any particular order. I’m not going to talk about everyone but here are some of the reasons I love them <3
•Mina is just as extroverted quirky and bubbly as you would expect. Shes one of those people you meet and you can’t help but adore because they energy is so welcoming and they’re so loving. She’s kind of a prankster and a rumor starter and I find it hilarious. You can’t keep anything from her, though but once she has a narrative she has narrowed upon, you have a better chance of changing the devils mind.
For example i talked about this in a different post, but she started a rumour that bakugo is in love with izuku and that’s why he’s mad all the time. It got back to bakugo and he threatened to turn the cafeteria into a live bake oven. It’s honestly hilarious how she can make a whole room laugh. Or make anyone mad.. I guess it’s a talent regardless.
•Sui is the sweetest girl ever. She kind of keeps to herself but she’s honest and what you see is what you get. She’s also kind of emotional and I am kind of a cry baby too there so we get each other. We really just want to do our best and see everyone succeed. I would say both of us made friendships are bigger priority than hero training and we have both been called out for it too.
•Ochacho is very similar to Mina but she can also get down to business when she needs to. Everyone loves her, and her powers are super helpful in any situation, like for sneaking out quietly… but I wouldn’t know anything about that. I vividly remember having a conversation about our hero progress and she’s deeply insecure. She grew up impoverished and Monterey compensation is one of the reasons that really encouraged her to be a hero. I remember one time she was telling me how impressive I was during the first few weeks of school because I had a better handle on my quirk than her. She said something of how I was meant to be a hero. It made me sad because I admired her will and determination more than anyone. I had so many factors that put me ahead in some of my peers. My mother is a pro hero and I went to a profound middle school that molded me to be ready. I told her she was born to be a hero and I was made to be a hero. I was being honest and I didn’t think it meant anything but she always reminds me of how she thinks about that anytime she’s in a situation where she needs help. Nothing made me happier
•Momo and my quirks are very similar. My quirk is called clairvoyance somnium, and my hero name is dreamer. Kind of what she can do but I visualize whatever I need. I can also do more things that I won’t get into but a lot of it, I was inspired by my shifting methods ! Anyways she’s the sweetest and we live pretty close to each other so I’ve seen her around for a while. She’s honestly very gorgeous and we both struggle with insecurities and anxiety, so she really is someone I relate and rely on. Maybe it’s because our quirks or so similar or we have similar backgrounds and personalities but… she’s probably the person I am closest with! But I really do love everyone equally
Bakugo .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Ok lots of people ask about him so let’s go.
Yes he’s so loud and always angry. You know I thought i would be scared of him but I honestly even I even give him snarky remarks sometimes (in a nice way because I am so nice in this dr) but wow he is the loudest person I’ve ever met in any dr but his powers are amazing we all respect it
Contrary to popular belief..no one is scared of him. As angry, loud and aggressive as he is he has proven time and time again all he wants to do is be a hero. Honestly it surprised some of us but everyone knows he has kind of good intentions under his wrath ??
He also makes everything a competition and he’s actually good at eveything. He’s good at school I’m pretty sure he placed after me in mid terms ! I got third and he got fourth. He’s a great cook and baker. We had a baking competition and he placed after sato. We made ramen and he made the best ramen ! Like he’s not as dumb as he looks. He’s also in a one sided competition with Todoroki but as we have all noticed he doesn’t give a fuck.
Powers .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
This may be egotistical but I could not imagine not being a hero in a world with 80% hero. Don’t let the league of villains hear this it will fuel their fire. 🥲 in all seriousness we are lectured that we are not better than anyone, and we are simply stronger than other people and that is it so we shouldn’t let it conflate our egos. The only way we would be given the green flag to pat our own backs is when are abilities begin to save millions of lives. But then I guess if we’re only being heroes to look good then would that really make us heroes. At least that’s what I wrote about in my English essay. Present mic did in fact eat it up, I got an amazing grade on it. But that’s not the point. The point is it’s easy to get a big head but we were simply genetically lucky, not better, smarter, etc.
Now that philosophy is behind us, having powers is so cool and coming back here the limits of other realities having no bounds never fails to amaze me. Our quirks are an extension of ourselves and literally are us. It’s not second nature, it’s first nature after having these abilities for so long. Especially my quirk, if I wanted I could “dream” 500 million yen, and well I wouldn’t be able to put it in the bank but I digress. Finding out what your quirk can do and how far your cbs push your limits always allows us to be going through moments of self discovery. Having a quirk is honestly it’s own life alone, and I genuinely could not be happier.
My favorite classes .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
As a student in this incredible universe, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pursue many amazing topics of study.
One class I took was Hero Studies, where we learned about the many different hero theories and methods of justice, as well as what it takes to become an effective hero. We also discussed the history of the hero world and its evolution throughout the years. It was a fascinating subject and definitely one of my favorites!
The next class I took was Quirk Studies. Here we learned all about quirks, their effects on people and how they can be used to help protect civilians and stop villains. We even discussed how to best work with a partner with a different quirk, and how to combine two quirks to create a unique and powerful attack.
Finally, I also took a class called Combat Training. This class taught us all about combat techniques and how to use the environment and our natural abilities in order to survive any situation. We learned how to effectively dodge and block attacks, as well as how to use our quirks to create powerful attacks.
We of course also had the general classes of math, English, science, math, and music
The classes at UA High were some of the most interesting classes I have ever taken and I am so grateful for having the opportunity to explore them. Not only did I learn a lot about the world of My Hero Academia, but I also grew as a person and as a hero.
Random funny story .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
I’m going to tell you one of the funniest most embarrassing things that happened during the UA sports festive. This happened during the third event, when we were in teaams.
I was with Izuku, mei, Ochako, and fumikage. Everyone is trying to steal the headband from us because Izuku has all the points ! Everyone was targeting us and it was so unfair. during the last few seconds I started running to dream us a tower so we can hide and to grow into to the skies. Then someone came so they threw me the headband and i I was waiting for them but then they got attacked and they told me just go without them !?? I was literally shaking and my anxiety was at an all time high time so I quirked my tower or whatever and made it grow and then the time ran out! I had the headband and we thought we won and we were cheering but umm no. I was the only winner technically because I wasn’t with my team. BUT because that took away FROM the point of the team work part I was deducted points from my own Individual points because that wasn’t the point of the challenge. Honestly you win some you lose some. It was a fun experience regardless.
Also honestly i shifted here around the time of the World Cup, which I could not care less about, but I get the hype of sports witnessing Izuku’s fight against Shinso (manipulation guy.) it was so awesome !!! I was at the edge of my seat the entire time!!! So I guess Now I understand how some people feel about sports lol. By the end of the festival, I got third place overall and my mom was so proud of me. It was the honestly a great feeling.
Random dump with no correlation
my mother (Uwabami’s) Quirk gives her a trio of live snakes growing from her head. One of the snakes have acute senses, allowing her to locate hidden criminals and disaster victims.one snakes also has a scent that can make her victims mindless slaves, one snake produces poison and attacks her victims.
my father who also attended UA with my mom has Squirmy Fingers (can precisely bend and control his fingers, giving him great dexterity) As well as a High Scientific knowledge Skills IQ in engineering. I found this interesting because usually children are a combination of their parents quirks or either or, and mine has nothing to do with either lol.
Todoroki’s pretty smart though he places after Bakugou in the mid terms. he also loves to read ! He’s also politically educated and actually had profound knowledge on the history of heroes and how and why he believe hero’s and villains came to be so.. surprisingly he is more philosophical than I would think. He doesn’t really talk about it or bring it up because if you have a good conversation with him and get him to open up it is always worth.
Tbh to no surprise the food options were eclectic and varied. There was something for everyone! I had everything from traditional Japanese dishes such as ramen and sushi, to western and American-style dishes like pizza and burgers. I even had access to a variety of international cuisines like Indian, Chinese, and Korean.
One of my favorite places to get a good meal was the school cafeteria. Every day it was full of delicious options, from freshly-cooked dishes to the convenience of pre-packaged items. There were also lots of drinks and snacks available. On certain days, the cafeteria also served special meals such as curry or tonkatsu.
If I was looking for something a bit more fast-paced, there were several food stalls and restaurants around town. I could find an assortment of things like ramen, takoyaki, and okonomiyaki. There were also locations that offered more unique dishes such as Japanese-style hamburgers or omurice (Omelette Rice).
Although I often ate at restaurants, I also cooked meals in my dorm room. I could make simple dishes with ingredients from the local grocery store, like fried rice, or make something more complicated with ingredients from the nearby specialty grocery store. I even tried my hand (well with sato as well) at making dango, the traditional Japanese dessert.
Tbh No matter what type of food I was looking for, UA had it though. With all of the different options available, there was something to satisfy whatever cravings I had.
I also write and speak in English so don’t ask any language questions because I do not know
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gaybananabread · 6 months
Hii! I hope I'm doing this right 😅
The amazing digital circus, Lee Jax! Ler ragatha!
Banana,oranges,lemons please!! :3
Absolutely fine if your not able to do it but just a request :D
(oh no I forgot something 😅😭 Can the most focused on spot be the ears please!! Super sorry!)
Fruit(s): Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
You’re all good, Anon! Jax is such an ass and I’m here for it (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠◡⁠`⁠). I’ve been pretty sick this week, so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes or quality issues (ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ). Fair warning, the bunny man is quite the prick in this because I like bickering. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jax
Ler: Ragatha
Summary: Jax is being a total brat, sassing and picking on all the other characters. Ragatha has enough, giving him a lesson on manners he won’t soon forget.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The Amazing Digital Circus was…an interesting place, to say the least. If one could get over the fact that a likely-sentient AI entity ran a digital fairgrounds that nobody could ever escape from, their minds twisting and going down a deep spiral of paranoia and uncertainty until they lost their sanity, it was kinda cool. That first part was a pretty big hang-up for most, though.
Jax, however, had grown pretty used to the madness. He had his wit and sarcasm as a coping method. Why worry about your own misfortunes when you can laugh at someone else’s? The rabbit took every opportunity he could to quip, snicker and poke fun at his fellow characters. He got on everyone’s nerves. 
His antics really got to one being in particular: Ragatha. 
She felt as if she could tear his ears off some days. Jax would always bully the others, but he had been horrible that day. Pomni was still getting used to things; the poor thing didn’t need another reason to fret. His jokes were only putting everyone on edge, and that jester was already on a narrow ledge… It needed to stop.
“Wow Gangle, I didn’t know you could actually do something productive. Color me shocked.” Jax hovered over her, looking down at the ribbon being’s drawing. It was some sort of fan art, though he couldn’t name the media. It didn’t look that accurate, and he wasn’t that much of a nerd before he put the headset on… 
Before she could think to be shocked at the half-praise, he quickly put the dickery in his words. “Shame it’s too trashy to make out whatever you drew. This place is enough of an eye-sore as is.” 
The tears on Gangle’s mask rippled as she sniffed, trying not to let his mean words get to her. It didn’t really work; she’d put a lot of effort into that… She clutched the drawing to her chest as she ran away, her mouth line quivering. Jax just chuckled, not really caring that she ran off. It was just a joke. Not his fault she couldn’t take it.
Ragatha put her hands on her hips, marching over to Jax. He rolled his eyes, preparing for the lecture. “JAX! What is wrong with you?! Gangle worked really hard on that! You…you need to quit being such a jerky prick!”
The wide smirk stuck, though his eyes widened slightly. It was hardly a solid insult, though coming from such a typically passive-aggressive person, it was surprising. Didn’t know she had it in her…heh.
Jax’s snarky smirk returned, his eyes forming amused crescents. Hello, new source of entertainment… “Relax, dollface! Crybaby’s fine. Just havin’ another pity party.”
She scoffed, letting her typically suppressed temper show. “Seriously? You told her that those amazing drawings were trashy! Why are you such a bratty bully?” Her tone was as curious as it was disappointed. Eugh…
“I’m not a bully. I just say what I see; not my fault you babies can’t handle the truth.” Okay, maybe he was going a bit further than he normally did. He was bored, and the banter was actually amusing. As long as he danced on the right side of the line, he’d be fine. “Like you. I mean, I get this place knows our minds or something, but it really nailed you. Trashy scraps and frayed yarn.” 
This little…ugh! He was bringing out a side of Ragatha she didn’t know she still had. “Oh really? And what’s that make you, cotton tail? A bargain bin, carnival prize knock-off?”
Jax actually chuckled; finally, someone fun. “Nah, I’m just better. Taller, good-looking, not made of sewn together *boink*. I’d say it did me right.” He smirked, leaning in and getting to her level. “You found a nice 1830’s girl yet? They’re all about raggedy scraps.”
Oh, that was it! She glared, her upper lip curling as she reached for him. The lanky jerk leaned away just in time, taking off in the opposite direction. Okay, so it was possible to make her mad…totally worth it. 
Ragatha chased after him, going over revenge plans in her mind. She normally tried to avoid conflict, but Jax was out of control. Rabbit stew seemed delicious, even if it would only be a simulation… 
Jax tried to find literally any not-obvious spot to hide, but everything was ginormous and solid, a vengeful Ragatha on his heels. He just ran for his life. He might’ve made it, too, if he hadn’t tripped on something. “What the-” He went down, face-planting on the bouncy floor. Gloink…of course. He could’ve sworn it smirked at him, even though they had no mouths.
The doll was on him in seconds, quickly pinning him to the floor. For fabric and stuffing, she was pretty strong. Before he could think to fight back, his arms were pinned above his head, the girl straddling him and blocking his every escape. “W-woah doll! At least buy me dinner first!” That one was kinda stupid, but it was there.
The smoldering glare that comment received finally shut him up, if only for a moment. So many ideas, so little time… But she couldn’t do anything to hurt him. One, it wasn’t physically possible, and two, she was better than that. He still needed some kind of shove in the right direction… Ohohohooo, that’s perfect.
“I think you need to learn some hard lessons, Jax. Respect for your friends, and when to shut up.” The tone of her voice was surprisingly playful, even if it had a serious edge. He didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. 
He wasn’t sure what she was up to. That is, until he felt one of her mitten-esque hands on his stomach, wiggling into the furry surface. Unable to bite his lip, giggles slipped past his defenses, greeting the smug doll. “W-whahat the *bloink* ahare you dohohoing?!” 
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m showing you what happens when you’re a snarky dork.” Ragatha smirked, keeping his hands pinned firmly above his head. “W-whehen dihid you gehehet strohohohong?!”
She tsked, trying not to take offense to that. “You need a filter, Jax. Apparently Caine’s isn’t enough. My way is a bit more…hands-on.” Ragatha went to town on his belly, digging her fabric fingers into his midsection. 
Squealing, twisting and turning, Jax tried anything to escape. He might’ve had the height advantage, but when it came to strength and endurance, he was surprisingly out-matched. Also, apparently very ticklish. Shocks across the board.
Jax kicked his feet, the pads thumping against the floor. She cooed, teasing him further. “Aww, guess you really do live up to your character, Thumper.”
The tickling wasn’t even the worst part, though it did come in a close second. It was the teases. He honestly didn’t think she had it in her, but *sproing* he was wrong. Ragatha squeezed his hip, making him jolt and squeal. “R-RAHAhagathaha!” Okay, make that a tie.
His laughter, to Ragatha, was honestly adorable. Who knew a jerk like him could be so ticklish, much less have a laugh like that. It was bright, bubbly and uncontrollable. Hearing her friends laugh, no matter how rude, was something special. She could listen to it all day, though she didn’t quite plan on going that far. 
While the silliness wasn’t hurting him, his pride was being battered to bits. No matter how much he wriggled and writhed under her, he couldn’t manage to break her hold or knock her off. Beyond that, she just had to keep exploring his spots. “Youhuhu lihittle- GYAAAHAHA! NAHAT THEHEHERE!” Like that one.
Ragatha's eyes widened as she rubbed the base of his ear, not expecting the spot to incite such a reaction. She wasn’t complaining, though. “Geez, Jax. These floppy ears are so sensitive! I have got to tell the others.” The doll switched between each ear, making sure neither felt left out. They twitched and flopped, but couldn’t avoid her skilled hand. 
Even though he was the most prideful of all the characters, her tickling was really pushing his limits; he just couldn’t take any more. Abandoning his ego for a moment, he cried out. “O-OHOHOKAHAY! IHI’M SOHAHAHARRY! P-PLEHEHEASE NO MOHOHORE!” 
She took that as her cue to quit, releasing his arms and climbing off him. The rabbit man immediately curled into himself, giggling like a toddler. She did notice, however, that he was still wiggling slightly, his closed eyes moving as if he had a twitching nose. He was clearly happy, though she bet he’d never admit it out loud.
“Y-youhuhu…youhu’re dehehead!” The threat would’ve been a lot more menacing if he didn’t look and sound like he’d had the time of his life. “Uh-huh, sure. Just try to be nicer, okay Giggles?” Ragatha pat his head, walking away and going to find Gangle. Knowing her, she would need similar treatment, though for very different reasons. 
Jax took deep and giggly breaths as he tried to calm himself. That was…wow. He didn’t even think stimulation like that was possible in the Circus. Then again, Caine did say the only thing he couldn’t control were their minds. How his mind felt right then…he’d rather not talk about it. Her plan had worked; he’d definitely be thinking about that encounter for a while. Maybe not for the intended reasons, though…
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bloody-bee-tea · 10 days
June of (minimal) Doom 2024 Day 3 - Well, well, well...
Satoru impatiently taps his foot as he watches how the girl currently talking to Suguru hands him a piece of paper. It makes something twist in Satoru’s chest, something ugly and painful, and he turns away with a huff.
He wishes Suguru would snap at her, would tell her to get lost, that he’s actually busy and does not have the time to talk to her, but Satoru knows that Suguru is too polite for that. Suguru would never do that, would never tell off a complete stranger like that, Satoru knows that very well, but it doesn’t stop him from day-dreaming.
“Can we go?” Suguru eventually calls out to Satoru and Satoru heaves out a sigh.
The girl must have left, then, and he wonders what happened to the piece of paper that no doubt held her phone number. 
“I’m not the one keeping us,” Satoru grumbles out as he makes his way over to Suguru who frowns at him.
“You okay?” he wants to know and Satoru glares after the girl.
She’s turning back just as Satoru finds her in the crowd and the look on his face must truly be frightening because she visibly jumps and then hurries off.
“You gonna keep it?” Satoru asks, sliding his eyes over to Suguru only to find him still frowning at Satoru.
“Keep what?” 
“Her number?” Satoru clarifies and great, now he’s mad at Suguru too because he made him say it.
“Why does it matter?” Suguru wants to know, stuffing his hands into his pockets and Satoru imagines he can hear how the paper crinkles as Suguru clenches his hand around it.
“It doesn’t,” Satoru mutters under his breath because it shouldn’t. It shouldn’t matter at all, and yet it does. He’s not sure he can explain that to Suguru, though, so of course the next thing that comes out of his mouth is something so incredibly stupid that Satoru wants to knock himself unconscious. “You should call her.”
He wants to pluck the words right back out of the air and stuff them back in his mouth but of course something like that isn’t possible so Satoru can do nothing but watch how Suguru narrows his eyes at him.
“Are you being serious right now?” he demands to know and Satoru shrugs awkwardly.
“I mean–she was kinda pretty?” In a very bland kind of way, not that Satoru looked at her for long enough to really figure this out.
Besides. He doesn’t even know what Suguru’s type is, anyway.
Suguru only continues to stare at him and by now it’s unusual enough that Satoru squirms under that gaze.
“What?” Satoru defensively says because he doesn’t know what’s going on anymore and it doesn’t help when Suguru simply huffs and turns away from him.
“Maybe I will. Call her,” Suguru eventually mutters and Satoru is glad that he’s no longer looking at him, because Satoru is certain that his face just did a very not normal thing at hearing that.
His stomach certainly dropped down to the floor.
“Great,” he mutters and picks up the pace, hoping to leave Suguru behind him, if only for a little bit, just long enough for him to get himself back under control.
“Satoru,” Suguru calls after him and he sounds strange in a way Satoru can’t place and that alone is enough for him to slow down.
“I’m just hungry,” Satoru quietly says once Suguru catches up to him. “Can we go eat now?”
“Sure,” Suguru agrees and they don’t speak about the incident again after that.
It still takes Satoru most of the evening to banish it from his thoughts though.
~* ~* ~*
Satoru fights the acute urge to strangle someone with his bare hands. The guy Suguru is currently talking to is leaning in real close and Satoru can see his hand brush up against Suguru’s waist as if it has any right to be there.
And yet Suguru is not punching him in the face and telling him to get lost.
Satoru doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do with that.
Satoru snaps when the guy smiles such a flirtatious smile at Suguru that a shudder runs down Satoru’s back and he even leans in close as if he wants to make sure that Suguru doesn’t notice anyone but him.
And that’s totally a no go.
“Hey, Suguru,” Satoru calls out and he absolutely does not bask in the way Suguru’s eyes snap to him without hesitation, the guy right in front of him clearly forgotten for the moment. “We were supposed to meet Shoko, remember?” Satoru asks out with a pointed look at the watch he’s not wearing.
“Right, sorry, I’m ready, we can go,” Suguru immediately says, leaving the guy where he is and Satoru allows himself a triumphant smile at the confused annoyance he spots on his face.
Serves him right, thinking he could take Suguru’s attention away from him.
“What did he want?” Satoru asks once they are a good way away from the guy and Suguru shrugs.
“He was asking me for a date,” he gives back as if that doesn’t mean anything and Satoru goes strangely hot at hearing that.
“And is that something you’d want?” he wants to know, praying to every deity he knows that his voice sounds normal and not as desperate as he feels.
Suguru gives him a side-glance. 
“You–do know I’m gay, right?” Suguru carefully asks, clearly knowing just what Satoru is asking about and Satoru blinks in surprise.
“I did not know that,” he replies, voice faint and decides not to care too much about why his heart suddenly feels as if it’s going to beat right out of his chest. “Do you want him, then?”
He doesn’t know why he keeps asking, doesn’t know why he always keeps pushing when things like that happen, but he can never help himself. He has to know, has to know just how close Suguru is to slipping straight through his fingers.
“I–don’t want to go on a date with him, if that’s what you’re asking,” Suguru tells him, no longer meeting Satoru’s eyes and again, it almost feels as if something possesses Satoru because he simply can’t shut up.
“Maybe you should,” he hears himself say and immediately wants to punch himself in the face. Instead he keeps talking. “He seemed nice.”
“You–want me to go on a date with him,” Suguru repeats sounding just as surprised as Satoru feels and he wishes he could simply teleport out of here right this instance, but they are supposed to meet Shoko and both Suguru and her would skin him alive should he ditch them now.
“I mean,” Satoru trails off with a shrug, not really explaining what exactly it is he means.
It’s not as if he knows it himself.
“Right,” Suguru mutters, something bitter flashing over his face and Satoru hates this; hates himself for always prying, hates people for hitting on Suguru and he even hates Suguru a little bit, for not seeing him as a potential dating partner. 
“You never turn anyone down,” Satoru eventually says, with a bitter twist to his lips and Suguru huffs out a laugh.
“It’s also not as if I ever call anyone back or agree to go out with them. It’s called being polite, you know. But of course you wouldn’t know because you haven’t been polite a day in your life,” Suguru tells him and gently bumps their shoulders together.
And just like that, Satoru already feels much more like himself again.
“I wouldn’t know because you’re never polite to me,” he pouts and that, at least, makes Suguru laugh.
“Because I know you and you don’t deserve it,” Suguru shoots back, grinning brightly at him and even though Satoru easily falls into this banter with him, he can’t help the wistful stab to his heart.
If he didn’t know Suguru, if he were just a stranger on the street, then maybe he’d have a chance.
Satoru hates that thought.
~* ~* ~*
Suguru is out, on a date, and Satoru wants to claw his face off.
He hasn’t felt like himself ever since Suguru told him that he’d be busy this evening and even though it’s only been half an hour since he left, Satoru already feels like dying. He has been pacing the entire time, his hands tugging on his hair and he doesn’t know how he’s going to survive the next few hours.
Oh gods, what if Suguru doesn’t come back at all tonight?
Satoru cannot be on his own with those thoughts in his head, so he makes his way over to Shoko’s room, barging in without knocking out of pure desperation and very predictably it earns him a lighter flung straight at his head.
He takes it like a champ, because he knows he deserves it and also because like that he can pretend that his head throbs because of that.
“What do you want?” Shoko asks him, not getting up from her bed but she glowers at him and Satoru simply sits down in the middle of the room.
“Suguru is out on a date,” he desperately says and there’s a beat of silence before Shoko laughs.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your actions,” she then says and Satoru hates that he can’t even deny that. “I told you it’s stupid to always tell him to accept whatever advances he gets and this is truly deserved, you know.”
“Shut up,” Satoru grumbles out, because it’s not fair. Why could Suguru not go on a date with him? “It’s not–I wasn’t urging him to go. I was just–asking.”
“And subtly letting him know that it would be alright with you if he went on a date, Gojo, come on, you’re not normally this stupid. What did you think would happen if you always pushed him in that direction?”
“Not this,” Satoru whines out. “This wasn’t what I wanted at all.”
“But it is what’s happening now,” Shoko mercilessly says.
“Why couldn’t it be me?” Satoru whispers and Shoko snorts.
“Because maybe you didn’t make it clear that a date with you was on the table? Because you kept pushing him to accept these strangers instead of being the possessive bastard you wanted to be and now he thinks you want him to go on dates with these strangers.”
Shoko isn’t even looking at him anymore, too busy with her phone to give the situation the attention it deserves and Satoru glares at her.
“I’m having a crisis here, could you maybe at least pretend to care?”
“I didn’t throw you out yet, did I?” Shoko drawls out as her eyes slide back over to him. “That’s as far as I’ll go, seeing as this is a problem of your own making. You could have just confessed and asked him on a date yourself.”
“But–” Satoru starts but he’s not really sure how to finish that sentence.
Yes, he could have done those things. He also could have ruined the best friendship in his life like that.
“What if he hated me afterwards?” he asks, voice quiet and Shoko sighs.
“Not possible, and you know it. Gojo, you know he would have said yes, if you asked, right?”
“Is that why he’s out on a date with someone else right now?” Satoru shoots back and Shoko rolls her eyes.
“Goddamnit, do you maybe think that he’s out on a date because you kept pushing him to do that and he thinks he has no chance with you? Did that ever occur to you?”
In all honesty, it hasn’t, but he’s not about to tell Shoko that.
“You know what, get out,” she suddenly says, and Satoru knows her well enough to know that an argument right now would be futile. 
The best and only thing he can do right now is leave, before she starts to threaten him with bodily harm, so he gets up from the floor.
“Fine, I’ll go. Thanks for nothing, I guess,” he mumbles and Shoko gives him a viscous grin.
“Oh, you’ll thank me, alright,” she cryptically says and then expectantly looks towards the door.
“I’m going, I’m going,” Satoru rushes out and practically flies out of the door in his haste to get away from her.
Normally he would go hang out with Suguru now, but Suguru isn’t here, so there’s nothing left for Satoru to do but return to his own room, where he flops down on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.
Maybe wallowing in his misery is the way to go after all. He should have known better than to expect sympathy from Shoko, of all people. He should have gone there to get drunk, that would have yielded more results, he’s certain of that.
Satoru groans in his pillow, hating the thoughts Shoko put into his mind, the hope that comes with it. It’s all futile now anyway. Suguru is already out on a date; what reason would he have to agree to go on one with Satoru now as well?
Suguru might be out there, meeting the love of his life and there is nothing Satoru can do about that.
“Fuck,” he hisses, his voice muffled by the pillow and he wonders if he can suffocate himself like this. 
Might be easier than having to watch Suguru be lovey-dovey with someone else.
“Satoru!” Suguru’s voice suddenly calls out, followed by his door flying open and Satoru turns his head around in confusion.
Seeing Suguru stand in his doorway, panting as if he ran all the way here is not helping with that.
“What are you doing here?” Satoru asks when Suguru doesn’t say anything else, too busy catching his breath, it seems.
“What happened?” Suguru asks him, a hint of panic lacing his voive and Satoru frowns as he sits up.
“Shoko said there’s an emergency.”
Satoru’s mouth drops open as he remembers how she’s been on the phone during their talk. She must have messaged Suguru at that time and Satoru doesn’t know if he’s grateful for it or not.
“There isn’t. I’m sorry you rushed here all the way.”
“You didn’t answer your phone,” Suguru accuses him, finally stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. “You always answer me.”
“I didn’t hear it,” Satoru says with a shrug, and in all honesty, he doesn’t even know where his phone is at the moment.
“Satoru, you–” Suguru steps closer to the bed, his gaze fixed on Satoru. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Satoru glibly says and forces himself to give Suguru his best smile.
It must fall flat, because Suguru’s frown deepens.
“You don’t seem okay,” is the answer he gets, and that clears up exactly nothing for Satoru.
“It’s nothing.” Satoru has never been good at lying to Suguru, so he makes sure to not meet his eyes as he says it. Suguru is too good at reading him as it is, he doesn’t have to make it even easier for him. “I’m sorry you had to cut your date off short for nothing.”
“I’m not,” Suguru immediately replies and now that makes Satoru raise his gaze at him.
“I’d rather check on you than talk to someone I don’t really know yet.”
“But–you were there to get to know them,” Satoru argues and he doesn’t even know why.
He should just take this; Suguru just said he cares more about Satoru than the person he went out with and Satoru should be happy about that, should take it and bask in that feeling and instead his mouth keeps running off again.
“You can still call them, right? Tell them the emergency wasn’t one and then you can go back, continue your date.”
“You really want me to go on this stupid date, huh?” Suguru asks, and he sounds so bitter that Satoru immediately drops his head. “Fuck, I knew Shoko was spouting nonsense.”
“What does she have to do with anything?” Satoru mumbles and Suguru scoffs.
“Nothing. It’s nothing. I’ll just–not be here, seeing as you’d rather see me go on a date than spend time with you,” Suguru snaps out and his tone is finally enough to get Satoru to move.
His hand snaps out, latching on to Suguru’s sleeve.
“Don’t go,” he breathes out but then the words leave him and he frustratedly works his jaw.
“Why not? Give me one good reason, Satoru, please,” Suguru pleads with him and Satoru thinks back to what Shoko said, to what Suguru said and he thinks that maybe he might have a chance.
He just has to be brave.
“Because I want you to go on a date with me,” Satoru rushes out, speaking so fast that the words are all smashed together and he can feel how Suguru freezes.
“Don’t even–” Suguru’s voice breaks and Satoru’s heart breaks clean in two at that.
Being brave is stupid, Shoko is stupid and now he’ll lose the one person he loves.
“Don’t even joke about that,” Suguru finally finishes and turns around to look at Satoru.
There’s a faint blush on his face, but that could be anger, for all Satoru knows and he’s about to drop his hand when Suguru takes it in his, tangling their fingers together.
“You don’t get to joke about this, Satoru,” he says, his voice serious. “You better mean it.”
“I do,” Satoru breathes out, feeling faint with relief. “I do mean it. Suguru, go on a date with me.”
“Why?” Suguru demands to know and Satoru would accuse him of being dense, of being mean, but he thinks this might just be fair. 
He has been pushing Suguru on dates after all and maybe it’s time to finally confess like he should have done a long time ago.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
“Why push me on other people then?” Suguru whispers out, though he squeezes Satoru’s hand.
“You know I’m stupid,” Satoru says with a shrug. “I just–I just had to say something and all this garbage came out of my mouth. I just–” he takes a deep breath “—I think I just wanted you to tell me that you wouldn’t go out with anyone else.”
His voice shakes the slightest bit as he admits that and Suguru huffs out a laugh.
“Gods, Satoru, you are so stupid. I thought you weren’t interested in me.”
Suguru steps closer, until Satoru has to part his legs to make space for Suguru and when he finally looks up at him, Satoru’s heart threatens to beat right out of his chest.
Satoru has never seen Suguru smile so softly before.
“I am so interested,” Satoru blurts out and Suguru laughs.
If it were possible, Satoru would fall even more in love.
“Then let’s go on a date,” Suguru says and leans down, brushing his lips against Satoru’s forehead. “Because I am so interested in you, too.”
Satoru pouts up at him, unsatisfied with where Suguru’s lips have just been and he seems to catch on rather quickly because he moves in for a real kiss. Satoru hums happily when they part and Suguru cups his face in his hand.
“I’m in love with you,” he says as if Satoru could doubt that anymore, but it’s still nice to hear and he thanks Suguru with another kiss for it.
“Where do you want to go?” Satoru asks then and in answer Suguru topples them over on the bed.
“I think we stay right here. Get some take-out later because I didn’t get to eat yet and maybe watch a movie?”
“But that’s what we always do,” Satoru complaints and then has a little aha moment when Suguru nods. “We truly are stupid.”
“Speak for yourself,” Suguru immediately shoots back and Satoru pokes him in the side.
“Don’t even pretend, it’s not as if you were any smarter than me,” Satoru says and relishes in the way it makes Suguru laugh again.
“Fair point,” he agrees and pulls Satoru close, tucks him right into his chest. “We really should have known.”
“Better late than never,” Satoru mumbles and buries his face in Suguru’s throat.
“Indeed,” Suguru softly gives back and then they stay like that for a long time, right until Suguru’s stomach reminds them that they should be doing other things as well.
34 notes · View notes
jessicaloons · 8 months
Chapter 14:
And it’s coming over you like it’s all a big mistake…
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"That is narrow…" I said as I stopped my bike and looked around.
"Yeah, it’s really tight at some corners, but you’ll be fine!" Charles said and smiled at me encouragingly.
"But the track looks fun…" I began to cycle again, Charles next to me.
"It is! You’ll see! Now come one, the loser will pay for dinner!" he said and took off.
"That was unfair!" I yelled and he just laughed.
"The race leader decides the re-start… so hurry up!" he yelled back and I tried my best to catch up to him.
"That was pretty close, ma belle!" Charles laughed as I stopped next to him, almost out of breath "But I won anyways."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I mumbled and we left the track, both joining our hospitalities.
I gulped down some water and sat down next to Dad who looked up from his iPad, a little frown visible.
"What’s up?" I asked and he pursed his lips before he handed me the iPad. It was a Twitter feed. People were still discussing why Checo wasn’t able to fight me off.
"I don’t like what they’re implying… how they call you names…" Dad said and I looked at him, he was really tense "You didn’t go through hell and back again for a bunch of idiots to treat you like that!"
"I mean, we knew that this could happen, we saw the backlash throughout the last months since Audi announced me as their driver…" I began but he shook his head.
"Yeah, but by now? They saw how you raced last weekend! They saw how good you are! Podium in your first race!" he was getting mad.
"I know Pops, but we can’t change that… unfortunately. I’ll ignore it and you should too. That’s the only thing we can do." I sighed.
"But it shouldn’t be the only thing we can do… we should do more to protect you! And not just you! Everyone who is the target of these internet elf’s!" Dad said and I started laughing "That’s not funny! I’m serious!"
"And I totally believe you, but they’re called internet trolls… not elf’s…" I laughed and he grinned at me, before gently smacking my arm.
"Stop laughing at me!" he chuckled and snapped his iPad out of my hands, as he did the mail app opened up and I saw a mail from Michael Schüler.
"Why did Michael send you an email?" I asked and Dad looked confused for a second before he swallowed hard "Dad? Why is he writing to you?"
"He umm-… he wanted to check in on you…" he said meekly and looked apologetic "I didn’t answer him or anything!"
"What does he want?" Dad just sighed and shook his head "Michael isn’t the type of guy to just check in on someone!"
"He asked who’s your manager…" he whispered almost.
"Of course… now that I made it to F1 he would love to take me back, right? Unbelievable! After he kicked me out? 3 months after I was almost dying? Because he couldn’t afford to manage someone who wasn’t driving?!" I was furious and Dad took my hand.
"Lizzie, I’m not replying! I don’t care what he thinks he could offer you… he’s out! And with Rita I think we��re good! She takes care of everything that has to be taken care of but stays in the back."
"Yeah, she’s great! And I don’t want anyone else ever again!" I said, thinking of Rita who managed me since the beginning of the season, taking care of everything but staying as far away from everything public as possible "She just looks out for me and not for her own benefits. She’s great!"
"She really is! And we keep it that way, no slimy manager from the past will destroy that!" Dad smiled at me and I nodded "And now go to Julie, she was looking for you!"
"Aye, aye Captain!" I said and mockingly saluted at him, before I left, looking for Julie.
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P11. After a penalty and a 3 place grid drop. I shook my head as I walked out of the hearing with the FIA next to Felix and Pete.
"That’s ridiculous and they know it…" Felix said and Pete nodded.
"The data showed clearly that he didn’t slow down like he said he had to, that you were out of his way fast enough… a bunch of idiots!" Pete agreed and I was glad we were speaking German, I didn’t want anyone from the FIA or Ferrari to hear us talking shit about them.
"He’s such a cry baby! He impedes his fellow drivers all the time… and you weren’t even impeding him!" Felix said and I laughed.
"We can’t change it now, I have to make up for it in the race tomorrow! Valtteri is in a good position to get us some nice points, maybe I can snatch 1 or 2 as well!" I said and we kept on walking. In front of us I saw how Carlos, Mattia and Laurent were laughing and having a good time, on my behalf. Nice.
I sat in the car. Unbuckling my seatbelts. That wasn’t the result I was hoping for. Yeah sure, another podium wasn’t on my mind. I knew that last weekend I had some luck with Checo who couldn’t catch up to me after I was overtaking him because of his engine, then the late safety car and my set of new softs, which Lewis didn’t have. But still. P9? It could’ve been a P7 at least, but I made a mistake and my tires locked up. I could only make up 2 positions in the end. And that’s nothing. I slowly got out of my car and saw how Charles was walking away from his team and looking around, because I walked behind Nico and Alex, Charles couldn’t see me and took off his helmet, grabbed the towel to dry his face up. I slowly made my way towards him, following the 2 guys in front of me. After they congratulated him he pulled me into him.
"Well done, Charlie." I said and he shook his head a little.
"I had no chance in the end." he sighed.
"It’s still a P2! And you didn’t make any mistakes… unlike someone else…" I said and he cocked an eyebrow "Doesn’t matter. Go celebrate! I’ll see you later…"
"Lizzie wait!" he said but I shook my head and walked up to Max and Carlos, congratulating them, before I left. After my weighing I walked into my garage, where the team welcomed me warmly. Felix pulled me into his arms.
"I know it’s not the result you wanted. But it’s still in the points, Lizzie! You’re doing amazing! Be proud of yourself!" he said and I only nodded, helmet still on.
I walked into the back, clapping shoulders left and right. Saying we would come back stronger in Australia. I reached my space and sat down. Taking my helmet off.
"You look like you DNFd although you’re in the points!" Dad said as he crouched down in front of me "You did a good job."
"I did a shit job! Dad, my mistake cost me 2 positions! 2! That was just so stupid! I could’ve been in P7…" I rambled and dried my face off and drank some water.
"I know, but it’s only your second race! It’s okay to make some mistakes!" he answered but I shook my head.
"Dad, I can’t afford making mistakes like this!” I mumbled and he gently patted my back "Every mistake I make is another reason for the media to shoot me down…"
"I know Lizzie! But you have to show them that you won’t let them drag you down! Show them how strong you are! Admit your mistake, but it was just that, a simple mistake that can happen, next time you’ll make it better. Period." Dad said and he smiled at me.
"Yeah… maybe you’re right… ok, ok! You are right!" I chuckled a little and he got back up.
"Come on now, Julie is waiting for you, you have some interviews to attend!" he pulled me up on my feet and pushed me into Julie’s direction.
"Hi Lizzie, second race and a P8. Little lock up of your tires towards the end. Talk us through." Natalie Pinkham from Sky UK was the first on my list for tonight and I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"Yeah, it wasn’t the best weekend. The track didn’t suit our car the best I think. I was struggling slightly on Friday, yesterday was better but then the penalty came in… the race was okay, I managed to make up a few positions but then I made a stupid mistake that made me lose P7. I finished ninth so yeah. It’s 2 points but it could’ve been a bit more if I didn’t lock up…" I answered and she smiled at me.
"That lock up looked like you were avoiding making contact with Pierre and Lando?" she asked and I nodded.
"I wanted to overtake Esteban in front of me, but he defended quiet good and the track is pretty narrow, so when I went in for the overtake he closed the door pretty sharply and I tried it on the outside but Pierre and Lando were already next to me and I knew if I’m not braking I’m straight into Lando who would probably touch Pierre in the process so I braked and then locked up… I was too harsh on the brake." I concluded and she smiled at me sympathetically.
"But all in all it was a good performance! From P11 to P8, you gained 3 positions on a track that isn’t the easiest and also new to you?" she said and I looked at her confused.
"I finished in P9?" I asked.
"Yes you did, but Lando got a 5 second penalty, so you’re in P8 now." Natalie said and I nodded.
"Oh okay, yeah well, I only gained 2 positions because of my driving, the one because of Lando’s penalty doesn’t count for me." I answered and she frowned a little.
"You’re very hard on yourself, aren’t you?" she said, smiling sympathetically and I shook my head.
"No, I’m just very aware of my driving… Today wasn’t my best race, I know I can do better than that and I hope in Australia I can showcase that…" I replied and she smiled.
"I’m sure you will, thank you Lizzie!" Natalie waved me off and I walked to the next interview.
Most of them were all the same, talking about the penalty, how I managed to overtake some cars and lastly how I made my mistake. I answered over and over the same things, again and again.
"One last interview with ESPN Spain and then we’re good." Julie said and I followed her, stopping in front of the Spanish tv crew. I immediately recognised the reporter, he was sitting next to Salva Diaz in Bahrain.
"Hola Lizzie, tough weekend for you! First the penalty for impeding Carlos and then today your lock up. Compared to last weekend it’s a little set back, isn’t it?" the reporter asked and I took a deep breath.
"It wasn’t as good as last week, that’s for sure. The penalty was unfortunate, starting from P11 instead of P8 wasn’t optimal, but I managed to gain some positions, but then I made a mistake and that’s it." I answered and he nodded.
"Last weekend looked easier, compared to this weekend? What changed?" he asked.
"The track didn’t suit our car that well. I had some problems with the track. That’s it." I replied.
"It had nothing to do with the drivers and their cars you had to overtake this weekend?" he asked then and I was taken aback for a moment.
"What do you mean?" I looked at him confused.
"Checo with a damaged car was no problem apparently…" he began.
"But Lewis was and I managed to do that, today as well, I might add, I also overtook Pierre and Lando today. It was my own mistake that made me lose positions. Thank you. Bye." I had enough. Julie nodded and we left the slightly mad looking Spaniard behind.
"Sorry, but that was annoying! I’m sick of people telling me that last weekend was not my own doing in some way…" I sighed and Julie just gently rubbed my arm.
"It’s okay, he was an asshole! Let’s get back, have our team meeting and then go back to the hotel!" she smiled at me and we walked back into our garage.
As the door opened and Charles walked in I jumped off the bed and walked to him, hugging him.
"I’m sorry!" I whispered but Charles only chuckled.
"For what?" he asked.
"For walking away, for not attending the podium celebrations…" I sighed.
"That’s nothing you have to apologise for? I know the feeling all too well… after a race that wasn’t that good you just want to be alone for a bit… it’s fine, ma belle!" Charles pushed me a little off of him to look at me "Don’t worry, okay?"
"Okay…" I whispered and walked back to the bed, plopping down.
"I’ll take a shower, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Charles mumbled and I nodded, switching on the tv.
"Alright, what are we watching?" Charles jumped on the bed, sitting next to me, back against the headboard.
"I don’t know, maybe a movie, I’m not in the mood to party, sorry. But I’m sure you’ll have a good time without me!" I said, zapping through the channels.
"Nope, I’m good. I don’t want to party, staying in sounds perfect. But I’m really hungry…" Charles answered and I looked at him.
"You sure? I don’t want to ruin your evening, just because I’m in a bad mood after messing up my race with a stupid mistake…" I said and Charles groaned a little.
"Come on now! You’re way too hard on yourself! It’s only your second race! And you’re still in the points!" Charles said.
"But I don’t want to be still in the points! I want to be up there! Top 5 at least! Everything below isn’t good enough!" I mumbled and pulled the blanket over my head.
"Lizzie! You’re a freaking rookie! Stop that nonsense! You were good! Maybe not perfect, but you’ll get there! I know it! You made a mistake, now you can learn from it!" he tore the blanket away from my face and leaned over me "And can we now please order some food? I’m starving!"
"You know that you can go party with Max and Pierre?" I asked him but he shook his head "Just because of me you don’t have to stay in as well! You can go!"
"Nope, I’m exactly where I want to be… and now give me the menu!" Charles made grabby hands and I gave him the menu from the night stand.
"Thanks…" I whispered after a while and he pulled me close to his side.
"It’s like a family vacation again!" Liam cheered and made himself comfortable in Charles lap "Can we go see Koalas? And Kangaroos? Oh and Wombats!"
"We’ll try to see every animal there is to see in Australia, Bubba!" Charles replied and Liam beamed up at him "It’s really sad that Marcus and Benji couldn’t join in…"
"Yeah, after Lisa had the flu last week, they’re now both sick as well." Mum sighed and I thought about Benjis heartbroken face when we FaceTimed yesterday.
"They’ll join us next time!" Dad said and I nodded, looking out of the window.
"Are you okay?" Charles whispered, when everyone was still asleep and I turned to him.
"I have a bad feeling…" I whispered and he waited for me to continue "I don’t know, it probably is nothing… it’s just. I don’t know! It feels like something is happening!"
"You’re just nervous! That’s okay! You’ll be great! Albert Park is a track that suits not just your car, also your driving style! And you know it! Just relax and let us enjoy some quiet days together, okay?" he said and I nodded, as the flight attendant stopped next to us.
"Excuse me, Sir, we will serve breakfast in the next few minutes." she said, a flirtatious smile on her lips.
"Thank you." he answered and gently stroked Liams back "Hey little man, you need to wake up." he whispered in German.
"Nope, tell Mami I want to sleep a little longer…" he yawned and snuggled deeper into Charles' chest. I had to giggle a little and Charles looked up at me, smiling. I gently tickled Liams side and he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.
"Hey Bubba!" I cooed at him and he yawned again, looking around, his look stayed on the flight attendant that still stood next to Charles, glancing at him. He slowly turned around, looking at me confusedly climbing out of Charles lap into mine.
"Who is that?" he asked me and I laughed.
"I think she has a crush on Charlie…" I whispered and although I wanted to make a light hearted joke, there was a tinge of jealousy in my voice and I hoped Charles didn’t hear it. He chuckled at my words and turned to the flight attendant.
"Is there anything else?" he smiled at her and she shook her head abruptly.
"No Sir! Sorry!" and with that she disappeared.
"She’s weird…" Liam whispered and I laughed as Sissy walked up to us "Mami the flight attendant has a crush on Charlie!"
"Oh really? Interesting…" she chuckled "Come on now, they serve breakfast and you need to sit down in your own seat, so Charlie can eat in peace!"
"Okaaaay…" Liam pouted but followed his mum anyway.
"So, are you telling me now, where our first stop will be and why we’re flying to Brisbane first, instead of Melbourne?" I asked Charles and he just shook his head.
"You just wait sunshine, you just wait…" he said and smiled his adorable smile.
"Can we open our eyes now?" Dad said next to me and I couldn’t wait for whatever surprise Charles had planned for us.
"Okay, 3,2,1… open your eyes!" Charles said and I opened them.
I slowly blinked a couple of times to get used to the bright daylight as Dad next to me chuckled.
We stood in front of the Australia Zoo.
"Oh my god…" I whispered and Dad looked at me "Dad! You know where we are, right?"
"I sure do!" he said and he looked at Charles, pulling him to his side "Amazing, Charles! What a great idea!"
"I know that you are huge fans of Steve Irwin and watched his shows all the time and now the new show with his kids. So yeah, welcome to Australia Zoo…" Charles said and a van parked next to us "Oh and look who’s here as well…"
The door opened and Mick got out followed by Seb, Hanna and the kids.
"Heeeey!" I said and hugged first Seb then Mick "What a pleasant surprise!"
Next I hugged Hanna and high fived Emilie, Matilda and Philipp. As everyone greeted each other we headed inside. I was more than excited and the kids almost freaked out when they saw that we were welcomed with a bunch of different animals for us to pet. I crouched down next to Liam and Matilda who both looked at a lizard with big eyes.
"It has a blue tongue! That looks funny!" Matilda said and Liam nodded.
"Yeah! Why is it blue?" he asked.
"It’s a blue-tongued skink, their tongues are just blue, there is no specific reason for that." the zookeeper explained.
"Looks like it licked one of those lollipops that colour your tongue…" Liam chuckled and the zookeeper nodded.
"Exactly!" she smiled at him "His name is Oscar, you can pet him if you want to!"
Liam made big eyes and looked at me.
"Can you do it first?" he whispered and I swallowed, I hadn’t planned to touch that skink but now I had to. I slowly stretched out my hand and petted the back of it and Liam smiled, then he followed my lead.
"Good job, Bubba!" Charles said as he was crouching down next to us.
"Now it’s your turn, Charlie!" Matilda said and Charles' eyes widened "Come on! Oscar is cute!"
"Yeah… he really is…" Charles looked at the reptile and with a not so steady hand he carefully petted Oscar, the blue-tongued skink.
"You’re really brave, Charlie!" I chuckled and he pinched my side. "What about petting a snake?"
"No. Definitely not." he said immediately and I laughed. Charles and snakes. That was a big no.
"We have some special guests with us, I can see!" a young male voice behind us said and we turned around. Robert Irwin and his mum Terri stood in front of us, both with a koala bear in their arms.
"Hi guys, I’m Terri, it’s so good to see you all!" Terri introduced herself and I was a little star struck. We slowly introduced ourselves one by one and Terri and Robert smiled at us.
"Who wants to cuddle with Leia, our little koala joey?" Robert asked and the kids all made big eyes "Come on, she’s the cutest little koala girl."
"And this is Maxy, he’s Leila’s older brother." Terri rubbed the koala boy between the ears and the bear snuggled into her arm. I was in awe as I walked up closer "You want to hold him, Lizzie? He’s a good boy."
"Yes please! Oh god! Look at this cute little fella!" I was over the moon when Terri gently laid the koala in my arms and he snuggled into me "I will never ever let go of him! Oh god! He’s adorable!" I scratched the little head of Maxy and he made a cute little sound.
"He likes you!" Terri smiled at me and as Maxy climbed up a little towards the eucalyptus I held in my right hand, he lifted my shirt with his leg, turning it into a crop top.
"Hey little one, please don’t undress me!" I chuckled.
We spent the whole day with Robert and Terri, they were showing us around the zoo, the animal clinic with hundreds of saved wild animals that they will return back to their natural habitat once they’re healthy enough. The crocodiles where we could watch Robert feed a huge one for us. It was an amazing day and when we were walking out, after saying goodbye to Terri and Robert the kids were chatting excitedly and Dad and I were deep in a conversation about the crocodiles.
"Charles?" he looked up from his phone "Today was… incredible! Thank you…"
"I’m just glad you had a good time." he smiled and I nodded.
"More than a good time… it was perfect!" I replied and he sat up, careful not to wake up Liam who fell asleep after we watched a movie together, earlier.
"You and Pops looked so happy today… the kids loved it too… and you and that koala? Adorable! It was an amazing day for all of us!" he said and I smiled.
"Yeah, it really was! A very long, but incredible day. Thank you so much!" I said with a little yawn.
"You’re very welcome and now sleep! We’ll go to the beach tomorrow and then in the evening we’ll fly to Melbourne!" Charles said and I scooted down, cuddling up next to Liam, Charles switched the light off and then did the same.
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The Thursday in Melbourne started with the shooting of an episode of Grill the Grid, I was really excited for it. Watching it the last years was, apart from the races obviously, one of my favourite things about F1. Seeing the drivers out of their element was so much fun, even though some were clearly showing how big of a geek they are, Seb recalling all of the World Champions going back was more than impressive. I stood in front of a camera crew, next to me a chart, waiting for what I had to do, feeling giddy and ready to go.
"We’ve got a height chart for you and we’ve got magnets with all driver’s names and we’ll give you 2 minutes to put them in height order from tallest to shortest." Angelina explained and I nodded, taking the magnets from her "Ready for your first Grill the Grid?"
"Yup! Let’s go!" I answered determinedly and the crew laughed.
"Ok, your time starts now!" Angelina started the timer and I began to go through the magnets.
"Okay, easiest first, Yuki is the shortest, done. Who’s the tallest? Esteban, Alex, Nicholas and George are all pretty damn tall! I’ll put them together… okay then Max and Lance? They look the same? Yeah that’s fine… Charles is 1.80 that I know so I’ll put him here… Danny? He’s the same as Charles, no? Then Carlos, Pierre? They’re a little shorter than Danny and Charles? I think?" I talked more with myself and was trying my best to get through the grid mentally. I looked at the board and the magnets in my hand. "I think after Yuki I’m the shortest? I think Fernando is the same? Or is he maybe even slightly taller? Yeah let’s make him above me, don’t want to bruise his ego…" I chuckled and Angelina and the rest of the crew laughed.
"He’ll be delighted!" she said and I laughed.
"Who do I have left? Lewis? I think he’s also around Carlos and Pierre… yeah that looks about right… ok then I think Seb and Mick? They are the same I think? God! I was just spending some time with them! I should’ve paid more attention to their height! Yeah let’s put them under Lewis anyway… Kevin? How tall or short is Kevin?" I stood there and tried to remember a moment where Kevin stood next to someone else but my mind blanked.
"And that‘s time!" Angelina said and I was shocked.
"What?! Already? Nooo!" I put the last names on the board, in no real order.
"Alright. Let’s see!" Angelina began and looked at her clipboard "So Ocon is the tallest, then we have Albon and Latifi, both 1.86, then George… next we have Max then Lance. So far you were mostly right, technically you put Ocon higher than Albon and Russell and Latifi… so yeah we’ll give that to you. But Charles is taller than Danny Ric."
"Is he? By how much? A centimetre?" I laughed and she nodded.
"Yeah! Charles says he’s 1.80 and Danny 1.79… next up Carlos, then Pierre. Lewis is shorter than our next three drivers: with a height of 1.76 we have Vettel, Schumacher and Norris…" Angelina said and I laughed.
"Lando? 1.76? Did he wear platoon shoes when they were measuring him?" I said and they all laughed.
"That’s what he says…" she said.
"You should give that to the stewards!"
"We might!" Angelina chuckled and looked down on her clipboard again "Now we have Hamilton, together with Magnussen, then Checo and Bottas, there you were correct! And then our bottom three Alonso, you and Tsunoda…"
"I mean I aced that part for sure!" I laughed and Angelina nodded.
"That’s 14, no 15 points for you! Well done!" she said and they all clapped and cheered.
"Easy peasy, Lemon squeezie!" I laughed. When I left for the media pen I felt relaxed and was in a pretty good mood. If the rest of the weekend would go like this challenge, it would be amazing.
Charles POV:
As I walked past the Audi hospitality coming from the press conference, Lizzie walked out and spotted me, her face lit up and she sprinted up to me, hugging me tight and when she pulled away, she kissed my cheek.
"Hi to you, too!" I chuckled and she blushed a little "What was that for?"
"Felix told me… well showed me." she replied, her voice a little shaky.
"Felix told you what?" I was confused.
"The video!" she said and I realised what she meant "You and Seb! Oh well and Joris, of course! I know what your edits look like…"
"I mean, I told you that I would do everything to get you a seat… but funnily enough, Felix said they already chose you before the video, but they liked it, it showed them they made the right decision!" I laughed and she hugged me again.
"Thank you, Charlie! So, so much!" she whispered and kissed my cheek again, my skin tingling and heating up.
"You would’ve done the same…" I whispered back.
"Yeah and I would’ve edited the video myself!" she giggled into the crook of my neck, tickling my skin with her warm breath and I hugged her even closer, our bodies melting together.
After a while someone cleared their throat behind us and we pulled away.
"We want to leave…" Andrea said, grinning like a devil.
"Yeah, umm-I need my stuff…" I began and Andrea held up my backpack "Cool. Thanks Andrea!" I took it from him and looked at Lizzie "You ready?"
"Yup, let’s go…" she smiled at us and for the millionth time, it took me to another planet.
The free practices went by in a breeze, I felt good in the car, the best I felt for a long time. I was confident that this weekend could be even better than Bahrain, not to mention Jeddah…
I waited behind Max at the pit exit. Q3 was about to start and I felt how the adrenaline rushed through my veins.
"Alright Lizzie. You can push a little more in sector 2, data showed that the traction there was good and you could give a little more." Pete said.
"Whole sector 2?"
"How many warm-up laps?"
"Try 2."
The tires felt great, there wasn’t much traffic on the track and after my second out lap I breezed past the track. I almost yelled out in glee.
"S1, PURPLE! S2, PURPLE! S3, PURPLE! LIZZIE YOU’RE P1!" Pete shouted on the radio.
"No way?! Are you sure?!"
"Positive. Max is P2. Perez P3."
"Starts his warm-up lap now. Box now."
As I drove into the pit lane I saw Charles breeze past me and I hoped he would have an amazing lap as well.
"We use the used softs from this morning, you drove only one lap on them."
"Alright. Where am I now?"
"P2. Charles P1. Max P3."
"Let’s go."
I drove out of the pits. One last warm-up lap.
"With you on track Charles, Max, Perez, Russell."
"Will I get into traffic?"
"Not if you make it through in one go."
Let’s go. One last lap to put my car in the front row.
Sector 1 felt fast, Sector 2 felt even faster, as I breached into Sector 3 the yellow flag was waved.
"FUCK! WHAT HAPPENED!" I was fuming.
"Alonso crashed." Pete said.
"Damn it. Is he okay?"
"He’s okay."
"Is it over?" I was hoping for a no, but then I saw the red flag.
"Yeah." Fuck.
"Charles on pole. And then?"
"Max P2. You P3. Perez P4."
"P3?" I was disappointed.
"You were amazing! You had purple in S1 and 2. Probably could’ve had purple in S3 as well."
"It’s okay." It wasn’t. It sucked. But I had 58 laps to catch up to Charles. But for now I had to accept the defeat. Head back to the hotel and get a good nights sleep to be on top of my game for the race.
"Lizzie! What a weekend! Almost your first pole! P2 today! And it’s only your third race!" Mark Webber had to almost yell his questions because of the noise and I smiled as I saw Dad with Liam on his shoulders standing at the fence hugging Charles.
"Unbelievable! After the quali yesterday I had a good feeling that we could have an amazing race and everything worked so well! The guys at the pit wall, the pit crew, it worked all out in the end!" I answered and my team cheered even louder.
"You almost overtook Max instantly at the race start but then it got a little heated with Max, Sergio, Lando and Lewis?" Mark asked.
"I don’t know what happened exactly but yeah it got a little bumpy and then I had a puncture somehow and had to pit, but again the team did an amazing job and I didn’t lose too many positions." I replied and he nodded.
"What happened with Carlos? It looked like you two had a tough battle? Before his race ended?" he looked at me and I shook my head.
"I will have to check the footage to fully understand what happened… we had a tough battle indeed and when I tried to overtake him back he locked up and lost the rear I think? I don’t know, I have to look into it. But yeah I tried to go through the field as fast as possible and now I’m here." I concluded and he patted my arm.
"And you deserve it! Enjoy your P2!" with that I was ushered directly into the cool down room, where George was already sitting.
"I think after today there is no one who could doubt that you belong here!" he said and watched at the screen that showed how I overtook first Lando and Lewis in one go and later himself "You did amazing!"
"Thanks, George! You too! Checo had no chance!" I smiled at him as Charles walked in.
"I could get used to this. You and I, in here, together!" he chuckled and I laughed.
"Me too, believe me!" I said.
"Can I join?" George joked and I chuckled.
"Guys? Are you ready?" an F1 official picked us up for the podium ceremony. My second one in my third race. I couldn’t wait for the day where I could hear the German national anthem. Rather sooner than later.
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"You almost won! You were this close to beating Charlie!" Liam chirped and Charles scooped him up.
"She really was close, right? For a moment there I thought she would overtake me!" he said and Liam made big eyes.
"Yeah sure… how long did you have to wait for that jump scare? 20 seconds?" I asked.
"Something like that…" he laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.
"You’re a jerk!" I whispered and he pulled me to his side, giving me his puppy eyes while pouting "But you’re a cute jerk, I'll give you that!"
"That’s what I wanted to hear!" he answered and I laughed.
"Come on now little man, it’s late and you gotta go to bed!" Dad said and Liam whined a little.
"Can’t we stay a little longer? Mami and Omi are already gone! They won’t miss us!" he asked but Dad shook his head.
"Bubba, Lizzie and I have to go now anyways! We have team meetings! And they will take a long time! So you can go ahead and tomorrow at breakfast we think about what we’re doing until we have to leave for the airport at noon!" Charles said and I nodded.
"He’s right! The team meetings will take forever!" I agreed and Liam sighed.
"Okaaaay…" he said and I gave him a kiss on his cheek and hugged him.
"Good night, little one!" I whispered and Charles did the same, before passing him into Dads arms.
"Good night guys, see you tomorrow!" Dad gave me a kiss on the cheek and a side hug to Charles before he left with Liam.
"I’ll pick you up later and we leave together?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"Yep… see you later!" I smiled at him and walked back into the Audi garage.
After reviewing the fight with Carlos I was in a bad mood, although everyone said it wasn’t my fault, for some reason I wasn’t convinced. Charles opened the car door and looked at me.
"Come on, ma belle… Carlos DNF isn’t your fault!" he said and pulled me to his side "You can’t blame yourself for the mistakes of others!" he kissed my temple and gently nudged me to get in, then he closed the door, walked around the car and sat down in the drivers seat.
"But it was my mistake, I shouldn’t have tried to get past him there!" I sighed and leaned back into the seat.
"You’re too nice, I hope you know that." Charles started the engine and I rolled my eyes "I’m serious, he was this close to sending you into the barriers a couple of times. Wouldn’t you always leave him the space, he would’ve ended both your races."
"How do you wanna know? You were ahead of us." I said and watched how he effortlessly merged into the busy road.
"It has its perks being the race leader with no one behind you, you can watch the race on the screens." Charles chuckled and I boxed his shoulder.
"Ha-ha. Very funny!" I groaned and he just shrugged his shoulders "Do you really think so? That I’m too nice?"
"Lizzie, yes, the part of the track was narrow, but he turned into you when you were leaving him enough space trying to overtake him… and when he realised that this time you won’t back down, he locked up and lost the rear. So yes, I think you’re too nice. It was his mistake not yours. You defended your position like a lioness! And it got you a freaking P2!" Charles smiled at me proudly.
"Maybe I have to get my edge back, you know? Maybe I lost it a little." I said and looked out of the window.
"One thing is for sure, the old Lizzie would’ve eaten him alive… that mistake of his? You would’ve made him do that after his first attempt." Charles said and I looked at him "But it’s okay, it’s only your third race after over 2 years… for now I’m just so proud of you, ma belle!" he squeezed my knee and I smiled. Yeah maybe I had to try and get my edge back "Now we will have a nice shower, then dinner and then we’ll celebrate your P2! You’re coming closer and closer to that top step after only 3 races!"
"We’ll celebrate your win first and foremost! And then maybe my P2!" I laughed and Charles grinned "I would’ve never dreamt that this would happen one day… we’re celebrating your win and my P2 after our race in Formula 1!"
"I never ever had any doubts! You deserve this! And it’s just a matter of time until we’re celebrating your first win! I really believe in it!" he said with such determination that even I started to believe in it "But for tonight, it’s party time!"
And party time it was, the club was full, dark and loud, a whole lot of people grinding their bodies at each other, the table in front of us full of bottles of alcohol. Daniel, George, Lando, Max, Alex, Yuki and Pierre were celebrating with us.
"I’d like to say cheers to Charles for a dominating weekend and an amazing race, congrats winner! Cheers to our lovely Lizzie for defending like a lioness, sorry Max!, securing her P2! And last but not least, cheers to George for his P3, after a tough fight with Checo, you deserve it man! Cheers to that!" Daniel said and we all toasted our glasses. Shortly after we made our way onto the dance floor were I could feel my body tingle from the adrenaline and the alcohol. I felt hands on my hips and as I turned around Charles, with adorably flushed cheeks, smiled at me.
"Hey pretty girl, you come here often?" he said in an overly flirtatious tone and I giggled.
"No, but my best friend won’t like it when you’re coming this close to me, Monsieur!" I chuckled and Charles raised an eyebrow.
"I’m not worried about a best friend… would he be you boyfriend? Then maybe…" he whispered in my ear and his breath on my skin made me shudder.
"Yeah?" I replied and he looked me deep in the eyes.
"Yeah…" he answered, almost breathless, then he took my hand and dragged me with him in a dark corner.
And then it happened. My hands in his hair, his hand on my waist, the other carefully grabbing my chin. Charles pushed me slowly against the wall, his eyes on mine, then he closes them, takes a deep breath and his lips touched mine. I felt a shudder going through his body, like he couldn’t believe that this was happening. His kiss was soft, even a little shy at first and it coaxed a sigh of contentment from my mouth which he breathed in, a low groan emanating from his throat. He pecked my lips again, gently pulling away and looking deep into my eyes, as if he waited for me to pull away. Then he captured my lips in a fierce kiss again, my mind was reeling, breathing stopped, skin burned, butterflies created a tornado in my stomach. His tongue poked at my lips and I allowed him the entrance to my mouth. His tongue tasted like lime and ginger. I was high above the sky and the oxygen level in my body went down, until there was nothing left. And that was when I felt it. Fear. Panic. What were we doing? What the hell were we doing! I loved him, more than just a best friend, yes. But this could destroy everything, our friendship, our families, us. This was just the alcohol taking over. So I pushed him off of me.
"Lizzie…" he began but I brushed past him, he followed me but I was faster, losing him in the crowd. I walked out of the club, across the street and turned right and kept walking, bringing enough space between us. As I got my phone out to order an Uber I saw 5 missed calls and some texts. I ignored them and waited for the Uber.
I closed the door and sank down to the floor, trying to steady my breath. What happened? What the actual fuck just happened? For years I never acted upon my instincts, my feelings, even if they were yearning for me to do it. Even when every fibre of body was screaming at me to finally do it. The alcohol. It clouded my mind. I had way too much. My breathing ragged and I felt sick. Why did he do it? How many drinks did he have? Why didn’t he stop it? My mind was running wild and I leaned my head back at the door and took some deep breaths. I groaned and checked the time on my phone. 03:12. 17 missed calls from Charles, 6 from Pierre. 25+ messages. He would check our hotel first. I needed to get out of here. I had to book another room. I needed space. I threw all my belongings I could see in my suitcase, changed into leggings and a Hoodie, took my backpack and left the room.
"I’m sorry Miss Doetterer, there aren’t any rooms available. I could offer you one of our primary suits if you’re interested?" the lady at the front desk said and I shook my head.
"Can you order me a cab to the airport? Like now? I just book the first flight available at the airport that’s fine." I asked and she nodded and called a cab.
Charles POV:
"Where the fuck is she?" I stalked through our room into the bathroom but she was gone "Pierre, her suitcase is gone? Most of her stuff?"
"What happened back in the club, Charles? You guys were fine and then out of nowhere you weren’t anymore?" he asked and sat down on the bed.
"We kissed…" I sighed and plopped down next to him, my head was pounding, I was tired but also scared, not knowing where Lizzie was, was making me anxious.
"Oh… okay? And?" he asked and I closed my eyes.
"It was amazing… god Pierre! My whole body was on fire! And there was like a million of butterflies or whatever in my stomach going wild and crazy! Everything tingled! Her lips were so soft and that little sigh… It felt natural. It felt right. Like our bodies belong together… I can’t get enough of her… she’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of…" I said and Pierre laughed.
"Oh cabron. You’re down bad! But then again, you’ve always been for her! But it seems like she didn’t like it, or why is she gone?" he asked and I swallowed hard.
"Because she’s scared… I could see it in her eyes. She’s scared of this…" I said and he nodded.
"Let’s call the front desk? Maybe she asked for another room because she needed space?" this time I nodded, sat up and he took the phone from the night stand and made the call.
"Alright. Thank you, you too." Pierre hung up and I looked at him "So she asked for another room. There was non available, so she took a cab to the airport to check into the first flight to Europe, that was around an hour ago…"
"She’s gone?" I whispered and Pierre nodded. I fell back down again. Hands covering my face. I tried to take a deep breath but it didn’t work. My lungs were burning. Eyes stinging with tears. Because I couldn’t control my feelings, my instincts, my whatever, she felt the urge to flee the country. I pushed her into running away from me. Good fucking job, Charles.
"Charles? You ok?" Pierre asked and I shook my head, tears threatening to spill.
"What if I destroyed the one good thing in my life that I had? Lizzie gave her everything for me and I pushed her to the point where she had to flee the country?" I whispered, my voice hoarse, throat dry.
"Maybe she just needs some time to figure out her feelings for you, because even a blind guy could see that you two are in love for… basically forever?" Pierre said and I just nodded "Go to sleep now, Charles. Call her when you’re back home. You two will figure it out."
"Thanks, Pierre." I mumbled and sat up again as my phone rang, I grasped it from the bed and answered it without checking the ID "Lizzie?"
"Excuse me, who is this?" a male voice.
"Who wants to know that?" I ask confused and Pierre looked at me asking so I put the call on speaker.
"My name’s officer Matt Breckman, customs and border control, Melbourne International Airport, am I speaking to Mr. Charles Leclerc?" the male voice asked and I swallowed.
"Yes, Sir, that’s me." I answered "Can you please tell me what’s going on?"
"Are you in the possession of Miss Elisabeth Doetterer’s passport?" he asked then and before I could answer I heard a familiar voice in the background.
"He’s not in possession of my passport, I forgot it in our room when I left!" Lizzie said annoyed.
"Lizzie? What’s going on?" I asked nervously.
"Sir, we had to take Miss Doetterer into our custody after she checked in for a flight to Singapore without showing her passport, as we asked her to present it she broke down in tears. We assumed her passport was forcefully taken away from her as she ran away or something…" Officer Breckman began but Lizzie in the back interrupted him again.
"He’s not keeping it away from me and I didn’t run away from him! I simply forgot it in our hotel room!" she sounded mad.
"Officer Breckman, I can assure you her passport wasn’t taken away from her, in fact, I will get in the car and bring it to you, is that alright?" I offered and the Officer agreed.
"Thank you, Sir! Have a wonderful day!" I said and put on my biggest fake smile and he only nodded and walked away. I looked at Lizzie. Bloodshot eyes, pale, hair disheveled.
"I’m sorry that you had to come here. You probably were still partying or already fast asleep. I forgot some of my stuff while packing…" she began but I scoffed.
"You weren’t packing Lizzie, you were throwing your stuff in your suitcase and fleeing… because of me… look I’m sorry for overstepping the line… no, you know what, scratch that, I’m not sorry that I did what I always want to do near you… and you felt it t…" I began to ramble but Lizzie shook her head grabbing her backpack.
"Stop, I can’t!" she whispered and looked at me.
"Why are you running away from me? From this? What are you scared of?" I asked her but she only shook her head.
"Charles we… I need space." she whispered and with that she turned away, I gently grabbed her wrist, holding her back from leaving me.
"Don’t leave me, Lizzie. Please. Stay. Don’t leave me. Not like this. Please!" I pleaded, but she hung her head low, pulled her hand out of my grasp and walked to the security check in, not once looking back. Leaving me standing alone at the airport. And with my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces, she was gone…
Little Note:
That's it, chapter 14 is out - it FINALLY happened… Lizzie and Charles kissed… and then she left him 🙈 oooopsie. What will happen next 👀 theories anyone?
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Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @glitterf1 @janeholt3
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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