#I’m not sure if they’ve had a proper episode together yet
blaithnne · 1 year
Are you seriously telling me that people are starting to like Kagami only now that she’s being shipped with an angsty white boy 🙃
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Y’all let’s talk for a second. I rewatched ASIAS at the ER last night and I noticed something. Now forgive me, this might be a long post buttttt hear me out. I think of Willow wouldn’t have found out quiiittte yet that Hunter was the golden guard, the guard that Luz had talked about, she would’ve started liking Hunter. I think she actually might have developed a crush on him already, and here’s why:
On there first meeting, you know how the story goes, she’s looking for recruitments and sees Hunter playing flyer derby with a griffin for his boot. She’s immediately amazed by him. Ok? Now we haven’t had much throughout the series on Willow herself but we know she started off bullied, her best friend was forced to unfriend her- and she’s a powerful witch. She’s gained this new confidence now that she’s able to legally act on that.
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Sure, he’s a little wierd upon first meeting. But their meeting towards eachother is totally parallel! They’re both confused by eachother, hunter bc she didn’t think the was to uhm.. test the recruits was deathly courses, and Willow, bc of how he thought they should test the recruits.
And then the next scene we get, where he’s showing off the flying skills to help Willow,
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They both quote eachother. Not literally, but they’re impressed, even amazed by each others talents and recognize each others strengths. Both stating the the other would make a great edition/ and if there’s any others like them. Now ofc, Hunter is upset, like really upset that the so-called “best and brightest�� are what she presented to him. Now that upsets her, bc she understands what it’s like to be misjudged at one point, but then she hears what she’d felt her whole life. “If you’re considered a half-a-witch like me” and she understands.
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What I’m trying to say is, TOH producers and crafty and smart. They know what to create. I believe they did this parallel for a reason, I think it was for her to develop a crush on him this episode, just as I knowwwww he did as we see later on in future episodes. Now all of this stuff stuff you’ve probably picked up on your own, but I want to go to this one scene, that made me want to look into this.
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AINT NOBODY ELSE IN THIS SHOT LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT. I think she started to like him. I think she saw this scrawny, cute, cocky, a little judgemental at first(with reason she begins to understand), having fun, she was having fun with him. I think she developed her crush then. I think she still likes him. And here’s why.
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When she starts to put the pieces together after his grand introduction. She’s nervous, confused, and even upset. Very upset if you ask me. This was the golden guard LUZ had told them about. The right hand of belos that ain’t none of them like. She had let the golden guard join their team. She thought the GOLDEN GUARD was a very neat fellow. Maybe even thought he was rather cute.
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She’s hurt. She immediately puts her guard up. She quotes, “I made a bad call” implying, trusting Caleb. This new guy. Someone she’s never seen before and blames herself. She put her team at risk. And even goes to quote, again another parallel from earlier in the episode, “I’m just half-a-witch-Willow” I believe at this point, she put her guard up. As seen on the following episodes, she does what she can to help him, like in the episode where the school gets ilusioned up, can’t think of the name at the moment. She saved him, her and the Emerald Entrails (except for Gus ofc) but she still had that guarded look on her face. Sure, they’ve texted back in forth on penstagram, and o think she was ok with him, but I believe she didn’t want to put her friends in danger again by trusting what he said until proof. I believe once she fully trusts him, she’ll be able to develop proper feelings without having her guard up and the blushing and nervousness will begin. But there you have it. That’s my very bad grammar, not fluent and all take on Willows crush on Hunter.
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sonnetnumber23 · 9 months
Good Omens 2 Rewatch. Episode 4 (Now, this one seems to be even more impressionistic than the previous three. Anyway) *
I really can’t make up my mind whether Aziraphale can lie or not. It seems to me that maybe he actually can when it’s about something important.
We all remember him being very convincing as Crowley in the bath of holy water. He also was very calm while dealing with Furfur. In the Job’s story he was still very young, it was only his second lie. He seems nervous, but he does a pretty good job anyway. Then he somehow manages to keep the Arrangement a secret for millennia. Surely, the angels are dumb, but how dumb are they exactly?? Gabriel in the first season actually believed that Crowley “hasn’t spotted” Aziraphale yet. Demons are dumb too, but even they suspected that Crowley and Aziraphale “were an item”. 
So Aziraphale must have been very good at pretending.
And he kept doing that during the Apocalypse while he had to report more often, apparently.
He’s really bad at lying to the archangels though – both in S1 and here – about his “boyfriend in dark glasses” and about Gabriel.
He’s not very convincing here, in ep.4 when he’s talking to Shax. Shax knows he’s lying.
You know when else he’s bad at lying? When he’s lying to Crowley. On the phone and in the Bandstand about the Antichrist. About not liking Crowley. And so on.
So his bad lying might come from his nervousness. Or maybe he’s a bad liar when he wants to be found out. You know, even in that moment with the archangels: deep down he’s just felt really pleased that someone called Crowley his boyfriend, even though it’s dangerous and all. Who wouldn’t secretly want to be pulled out of the closet?
Anyway, I think Shax chose a really good technique here to get what she wanted from Aziraphale.
(I don’t know what this all means in terms of “Aziraphale Lied” theory and its plausibility. I still don’t think it’s very possible, but if somebody wanted to they could find proof. I wish they did, but…)
Lol, I love it that it’s Crowley who’s done the voice for Hell’s greetings. He’s a star down there. :D I hope they’ve kept it after he resigned because no one can do a better recording, and they’re too lazy to renew it, but they’re all constantly annoyed anyway. XD
“We’d like to apologize but we won’t” is my new favourite line next to Phoebe’s “I wish I could but I don’t want to.”
Aziraphale is so happy while driving through burning London, *facepalm*. And Crowley acts like he’s just remembered that he’s supposed to be angry with Aziraphale for the Holy Water incident. I love it, especially after he’s offered a lift home himself.
Crowley could have just as well miracled the whiskey bottles back together or something, he really didn’t need Aziraphale to replace the magician (and I’m not even saying that Crowley should be okay with Mrs H. and her girls being miserable, if he were a proper demon, you know, because, of course, he couldn’t be).
 I mean he’s just so straightforwardly allowing Aziraphale to do something that makes him happy – again! I wonder if he is fully aware that Aziraphale enjoys it twice more because he thinks he’s doing it for Crowley? I don’t think he’d be catching a bullet for West-End alone, do you?
Crowley is so composed again when they are in the shop.
A: “Oh, there’s no need to thank me. That’s what…” (Pause, he looks at Crowley, Crowley looks away.) “…friends are for.” (Aziraphale’s smile fades).
God, I bet he’s remembering their last meeting here. (Serves him right too!) The way he called it then – “fraternizing”. And good for Crowley to not immediately show him that he’s forgiven. The way he averts his eyes and changes the topic… He hasn’t got over the fact that Aziraphale refused to help him that one time that mattered…
Is there any meta on the significance of nuts in this season? I mean they come up twice in the coffee orders, and here we’ve got Aziraphale’s spell “with a dash of nutmeg” (which is repeated twice as if we should notice it) – that comes very closely to Metatron’s coffee order. I feel like I’m being shown all the evidence but can’t figure out who’s done it.
May it be that the whole Metatron’s order is something of a spell? To do what exactly? Aziraphale make’s a farthing disappear. Metatron makes Aziraphale disappear from Earth, but is there more to it? I bet there is, but I have no idea what it is.
(Not a fan of the whole “Coffee Theory”, but I bet it’s important somehow anyway.)
I love how Crowley immediately slips into “we” in this whole magic business: “We need something new, something dramatic. Is there anywhere we can buy tricks?”
It’s the same as with the Nina/Maggie situation. He is so easily involved in Aziraphale’s ideas and plans – even when they might seem silly. He takes them so seriously, god bless him.
[“My Nefertiti fooling fellow” – love-love-love the alliteration. <3 I am immediately teleported for a moment into 2017 when DT was doing Don Juan in Soho, that alliteration feast.]
I must say, I greatly dislike the zombie-Nazi storyline, it’s just beyond unpleasant for me for some reason. But at the same time I simply adore Crowley and Aziraphale in this minisode. They are both so much Them here, and they are so wonderfully in love.
The way Crowley is clearly torn between supporting Aziraphale in his hobby and being concerned for his safety! Or how he keeps the façade of his annoying demonic self, taking money from Aziraphale’s wallet to pay for the rifle, but at the same time it’s extremely soft because he’s making a statement: He can do it!
And how Aziraphale is clearly intoxicated by Crowley’s attention and support. He doesn’t drop his “holier-than-thou” exterior either: “As a demon you must have fired many guns”, – but only because he is sure that Crowley has, and he doesn’t want to look weaker or less cool. He talks about his firearms license and the gun in the book so casually, because he thinks it’s something ordinary, something that cool people do, and Crowley is definitely the coolest of them all.
Also I am obsessed with the fact that Aziraphale can fire a gun and Crowley can’t. I mean they both don’t need to, and Crowley must be just lazier and has more common sense (and doesn’t read romantic and adventure novels). But it’s still so symbolic. And that’s one of those characteristics which I think the fans of the original book might especially like. I mean, it looked as something very much like book!Aziraphale and book!Crowley to me.
God, Aziraphale is such a romantic! The way he’s all excited when he says he has “a perfect man for the job”, “a 100% reliable marksman”. He is so willing to show Crowley how much he trusts him. And then, the next second he loses his confidence (“At least I think I have”) – not in Crowley being reliable, but in Crowley willing to help.
This whole episode is (as many others) a miniature image of their relationship. They trust each other with their lives but they still don’t believe in each other’s feelings.
The way Aziraphale shakes Crowley’s hand with both hands warms my heart. He is so happy to touch Crowley, and so happy that Crowley’s initiated this – the whole thing really, starting with the church.
I feel like in this episode Aziraphale is so happy to have Crowley back after the holy water incident and to see him act as if he still wants to be around – it makes Aziraphale feel giddy.
The way he acts, the way he looks, and the things he says are all showing that.
And poor Crowley, he’s so deep in worrying that he even forgets to raise his hand when Aziraphale asks for a volunteer. And the way he’s then franticly reading the brochure! At the very last moment he’s shaking his head to Aziraphale as if asking: “Shall we stop this?” But Aziraphale even though he’s very nervous, scared even, wouldn’t back off. He said he trusts Crowley, and he does – even without miracles. And without miracles it makes this trust even more real. And Crowley is determined to trust him too, even though his hand is shaking horribly.
They’ve done this thing so many times before and after: like when Aziraphale gives Crowley the holy water he really has to trust him a great deal not to “go unscrewing the cap”. During the body swap they both endanger themselves to save each other, which required complete trust.
It’s interesting that they trust each other so much even though they both have a history of lying/withholding information from each other.
I wonder how much of it is that they know they can rely on each other more than on anyone in the universe and how much is that they just want it to be true because they both know that they would do anything for this one person.
This is the problem with acting instead of talking. When you act you think that your intentions are very clear, but the other person acts too and they are thinking about their actions and intentions and don’t necessarily read your actions correctly. Crowley and Aziraphale have both been so busy acting and trying to show something that they didn’t look and understand each other properly.
That’s why they so easily misunderstand each other in the Final Fifteen: they’re not used to talking and listening. They’re used to acting and hiding. They’re so used to this traumatic way of life that it will take more than one conversation with two humans to change it.
The whole scene with Furfur is hilarious! I saw wonderful meta about Crowley and his problems with memory which might be due to Heaven’s intervention. But really, it’s just so funny if Crowley simply didn’t care enough about Furfur to remember him. XD Or maybe he’s even saying that to annoy him – it would be quite in character too. :)
Now. Their conversation over the bottle of wine. Oh, the way Aziraphale says: “I knew you would come through for me. You always do.” And then after Crowley’s “You said ‘trust me’” – “And you did.” So soft and full of admiration. It’s like he really wants this talk here. He wants Crowley to admit what he feels. But Crowley isn’t fast enough this time. For him speaking about feelings doesn’t change anything (yet). So Aziraphale never gets the acknowledgment he needs to act on his feelings and Crowley can’t allow himself to acknowledge anything while he isn’t sure how Aziraphale feels about him (“fraternizing” and all that) and isn’t sure they would be safe if he even did.
I love them so much, if I think too much about them, I’m gonna expload.
Some less serious speculations.
Many people mentioned that in the first episode Aziraphale says that he did the “I was wrong” dance in 1941, but we never saw it.
So, what I think happened was: they went on drinking, and at some point Crowley, very drunk, started to lose control, dropped his cool mask and all the tension, the fear and nervousness of the past day caught up with him.
Aziraphale was shocked to see Anthony J. Crowley sobbing on the floor and repeating: “What if I’d missed? What if I’d shot you??”
The angel probably had to do the dance just to distract him and get him out of the spiral. Also he did feel a bit guilty (for feeling so happy about the fact that Crowley cared). Just kidding. Or not. Somebody, write a fanfic, pls, or I’ll have to do it myself.
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smol-jinyoungie96 · 3 years
Devil Judge - Episode 5 (i’m not okay)
Right! So review timeeeee this is a long one lol
I love the opening. Facts
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This man clearly carries a lot of burden but he loves his brother so much.
Watching the first part made me wonder if they are trying to make the viewers think if he really killed his brother and is guilty, hence the nightmares of his dead brother standing in the middle of his room, or is it because he feels guilty that he was only able to save Elijah and himself… either way they kinda show us that there is guilt somewhere in him.
When Elijah comes to his room she says about him not waking up like that before, could mean that Ga On’s presence is worsening his guilty conscious, or from my perspective, i just think that 10 years worth of forcibly trampled down trauma is threatening to explode.
Devil judge or not, no one can control that amount of severe trauma for long.
Next point! Kim Ga On is so sweet with a kind heart, he initially joined the court to spy on Yohan but just based on him clawing open unhealed wounds, he feels so deeply for Yohan to the point he is willing to quit the bench just so Yohan doesn’t have to look at him and see his brother’s face every time.
He tries to relate to Yohan on an emotional level that they both feel due to losing their loved ones. But a few things that I noticed is that when Yohan says,
“I certainly don’t want to hear that from someone that looks like him”
Again, being called the devil judge or not, but having someone who shares the same face as his brother accusing him of killing the said brother has to hurt deep down.
2. “I wonder how much you’ve discovered”
To me, i think that Yohan knew from the beginning that Ga On was looking into him, and yet he has Ga On in a place where Bambi himself admits to it.
3. “I don’t remember asking you to understand me”
I feel like he is intentionally pretending to push Ga On away because he knows that Bambi will do the exact opposite. It is literally in Ga On’s blood to always try and sympathise with anyone who has any sort of emotional baggage. He knows he can lure Ga On more towards him if he pushed the right buttons.
One part that stuck to me the most is when Ga On says
“hunters mask their scent completely, until the time is right”
Could it be foreshadowing?
It could hint towards him fooling Ga On to believing him until it is too late for Bambi to realise because well, Ga On falls for any heartbreaking story.
But at the same time it is also similar to the way Yohan is so close with the rich socialites to win their trust until the time is right for him to finally reveal that he is in fact a hunter and they’ve been his prey all along.
When Ga On leaves Yohan says that “it’s weird because I’ve never experienced that before”
That, being another human being connecting to him on such a deep emotional level and that’s something he hasn’t felt for almost ten years.
The way he talks about Ga On relating to him with an expression of awe makes me think that it could also be a fact as to why Yohan has this obsession with Ga On.
The minister’s interview was a clever way to show the people that despite being a mother she is a person who has her duty towards the country as a priority but also wanting to make the public question Yohan’s morals.
Please look at his fond little smile,
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it’s a genuine reaction to Ga On tricking him into eating proper food by mentioning wrinkles and his age 💀 but also, signs to say that the little annoying pest is growing on him.
The scene with Ga On and Soo Hyun, they talk about the fire and there’s one line that Soo hyun says,
“The list of attendees to the ceremony was covered up, that’s not something Kang Yohan could’ve done 10 years ago. That takes controlling the press and prosecution”
A clear indication that someone who held power over both media and the prosecution was involved in the accident.
Everything Ga On has seen so far after he joined the live show has terrorised him so much but he is still worried about Soo Hyun because he has seen things that she hasn’t.. even when she’s a cop.. even when the reason she became a cop in the first place is because she want to help him and to keep him out of trouble.
Their bond is so pure and cute.
The beginning was so cute with the sweetest welcome back to Ga On and then there’s Yohan giving him a fond smile as if Ga On was actually on death’s doorstep and not snooping around his house arguing with a nanny about not being sleeping beauty..
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The case was a set up from the get go. It was just a trap from the beginning to push Yohan to a corner.
They wanted him to have no where to turn to when prosecution suggested “physical castration” (gross) because if he gave into the requested sentence,
they would very easily twist it into making him look like a sadistic monster and if he didn’t give in and went with the 20 years of prison time requested by the defendant,
that would make him look like just another person who doesn’t bother with taking people’ opinion into consideration. Which would make his own statements from the first episode wildly contradicting to what he went with.
Even the stupid lawyer tries so hard to push him to this corner by repeating “this is what the majority wants” but Kang Yohan is definitely smarter than they give him credit for because he puts the pieces together as soon as Jung Sun Ah sets foot inside the court room.
I love that Ga On as a judge as come to a point where he genuinely relied on Yohan as to what they were going to do instead of directly challenging his authority like he had done in the first case. Another sign that Ga On is starting to trust his boss.
Jung Sun Ah thinks! That she has him helpless but then this man turns the whole game upside down. (Even here, it’s really just a game in the name of justice, it is a power play between two sides)
If the minister and Jung Sun Ah thought they were a step ahead of Yohan, he definitely proved that he is ten steps ahead of them when he gave that sentence.
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I completely adore the trust Ga On and Jin Joo has on their boss. Especially the way Ga On shares a real relieved smile with Jin Joo and the way he looks so relieved that things weren’t going to be as bad as he thought.
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Teen Ga On was definitely a delinquent. The sight is just ✨
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Another important point is that just when he learns to trust his boss, now he is struggling,
Because from one side there’s Kang Yohan asking him is he’s going to stand by him or stand against him,
And on the other hand there’s the Chief Justice asking him to choose between being an accomplice or an informant.
They’re both essentially asking him to pick a side and it looks like they’re pulling him back and forth between themselves. He’s struggling because as much as he wants to stand by Yohan, he can see that Yohan’s approach to justice is being adapted by the public,
For an example when those three kids were playing, it gives him a notion that the barbaric flogging system is now being used as a playing method by kids.. kids. It genuinely seemed to scare him that the way those kids were laughing and smiling while playfully hitting the small boy.
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Kim Ga On is shown as this impulsive, level headed judge with a black and white sense of Justice but he too carries a lot of pain and burden similar to Yohan. But in his case, he’s being put on the spot between the two sides, eventually it will be him who has to face the consequences if he chooses the wrong side.
And being on the wrong side of Kang Yohan doesn’t really seem to be the smartest thing at the moment.
Going back to Kang Yohan and Kim Ga On, i like the way Bambi calls Yohan out for implying that being a monster is better than being a victim when he’s not brave enough to face his own pain.
That genuine shock on Yohan’s face is enough to show that Kim Ga On is really out there pulling out this man’s traumas one by one like he’s pulling out grass from the ground.
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Again it shows how much Yohan is suffering inside because ultimately, that mansion is just a giant nightmare for him.
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first of all.
i felt bad for Yohan.
But Jung Sun Ah is really obsessed with him to the point she jumped from the second floor just because he said he to, when Yohan came to a place of power, she worked herself to her own place of power. Her obsession with him runs too deep.
Tomorrow’s episode is already making me nervous because i feel like Jung Sun Ah is going to use Soo Hyun to drive a wedge between Yohan and Ga On.
If he did his homework on Ga On. I’m sure she has done hers as well.
More or less, Episode 5 was like the calm before the storm.
Unsurprisingly, i hate storms.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for listening to me ranting.
Please send help
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tibby · 3 years
i've always wondered, why do you like dan x blair so much? i've only seen a few episodes of gossip girl but everyone i've seen that likes the show seems to really dislike dan and blair as a couple. why about their dynamic appeals to you?
i feel like most people that hate dan and blair are either obsessed with romanticising chuck and blair despite how much he abused her, or they think the last minute retcon of dan being gg makes sense, as if it doesn’t disregard the entire show. but imo, dan/blair has always been the best relationship on the show, and i’ve been rooting for them since late 2009.
dan and blair were everything the other had ever wanted in a relationship, the answer to all the problems they encountered with everyone else. dan was the pure and simple love blair had always wanted, he saw her for who she truly was and loved her anyway (people who claim dan didn't love blair's scheming side are wild, he schemed with her MULTIPLE times, he just knew she was better than playing games and hurting others), believed in her when she didn't believe in herself, matched her intellectually, and saw her as an equal. and blair was dan's soulmate. to borrow from the vows dan wrote for louis about blair himself: "you, blair waldorf. you have taught me how to live, how to enjoy everything the world has to offer. you have brought out this side of me i never thought existed. before you, i did not truly know how to live. i was expected to be a certain kind of person. but the truth is, that person was someone i didn’t actually like that much…" dan and blair LIKED who they were when they were together, and neither of them had truly liked themselves in a long time before that. they brought out the best in each other, and they could be their real selves together. no needs for lies or facades, because they saw who the other really was, and loved them because of that.
they also had the most believable and natural relationship progression on that show. dan and blair went from enemies to friends to lovers and it never felt forced or rushed, it took years of spending time with each other for their relationship to develop naturally. and they ENJOYED spending that time together in the lead up!!! even before they were friends, half of their interactions had them smirking and laughing at each other and trading witty barbs and they looked like they had fun together, even when they refused to admit it. it’s about blair asking dan for seduction tips and quipping “look who finally got a little interesting.” i’m sure it’s a fluke, dan tells her, because they have no idea what the future has in store for them.
and god!!! dan has always been there for blair, since one of the first times they met. the first proper conversation they have is in the fourth episode. they've spoken maybe three times by this point, and it's either been about serena sleeping with nate or blair insulting him and yet!!! he tells her about his mom in an attempt to help blair with her own. they barely know each other and yet he sees a side to her and understands parts of her that some people never do. and he keeps giving her advice over the years!!! i think it's incredible that so much of what he tells her parallels the development of their relationship later on ("keeping your pride and getting nothing, or taking a risk and maybe, maybe, having everything" / "what if these signs are here for a reason? and ignoring them just makes me a coward?")
speaking of parallels with dair, the fact that they had them directly parallel when harry met sally and the writer/socialite relationship from breakfast at tiffany's (blair’s favourite movie.) the writers knew what they were doing and it's one of the reasons i think they were going for a dair endgame at some point. 
they just wanted each other to be happy!! so many other characters on this show refused to accept others being happy with anyone other than them (namely chuck), but i think dair were the only two who wanted it for each other aside of like, nate, maybe? sure, blair's originally opposed to dan/serena, but by season four, dan's happiness is her priority ("i just want you to be happy" / "if you're that guy with serena, how could she not love you?") and dan has always wanted that for blair ("i do think you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy" and helping her with chuck and/or louis, depending what she thinks will make her happier.) so many gg relationships are so toxic, but dan & blair were probably the most genuine friendship on the show, especially in this sense. even when they were mad and hurt each other, they never let that resentment build like they were prone to doing with the others.
and that's the thing! they wanted each other to be happy and they MADE each other happy. dan was so good for blair back before they were just friends that people thought she joined a cult. blair made it clear multiple times that everything was chuck was exhausting and miserable for her, and spending time with dan made her light and happy again - and she returned the favour. 
he wrote a book about her!!! he wrote a book about her and everyone that read it could see that dan loved her from it. three years earlier blair didn't even KNOW that dan was a writer and then she became the star of dan's book. and he wrote another man’s vows for her, gave her fiance a speech that made blair felt like he peered into her soul. every other boy wanted to give blair the world, but dan was the only one who ever gave her what she really needed: his heart.
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kdramafeminist · 4 years
Performative Badassery & Women in Kdramas
When I said I wrote an essay, I meant essay. This is a long one! Grab a snack and venture below the read more. I’ll see you at the end!
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You know the feeling. The drama begins. Our female main lead walks onto screen. She’s a successful businesswoman, a hotshot detective, clever lawyer, smartass retail worker, etc, etc. She stares down a random man to prove she’s the powerful one here. Or kicks some ass. Or rattles off a bunch of demands to her workers. Or talks fast to show off her intelligence.
Then she meets the male lead. There’re fireworks. Slowly we find our female lead has a softer side. Good to know. 3-dimensional and complex characters are important. It’s nice to see women on-screen who are both capable and emotional. Kick ass and feminine. 
But slowly... something starts to go wrong. She seems to be crying more than showing literally any other kind of emotion. And is it just me or is she getting saved and manhandled and flustered quite a lot for a woman who we were told was so well put together? Sure, the circumstances are extreme. But they’re extreme for the male lead too and he seems to be managing just fine for some reason. Also, if both of them are ordinary people with no on-screen fighting experience, how come he’s so great at throwing fists out of nowhere and she’s busy keeping hidden or needing rescuing? Exactly how many times can one person just faint like that without anyone checking to see if she has a medical condition?
By the drama’s end our lead has gone through trials and tribulations. She’s fallen in love too, I’m happy for her. But... now that the story’s ending and she’s getting in one last chance to show us she’s a “badass”, why am I left feeling hollow? She’s showing us how tough she is but... we ALL spent this whole drama watching her have absolutely no agency or such a little amount that she might as well have been trying to put out a fire with a water-pistol. It’s almost like her previous badassery (in whatever form it may have been - I don’t mean badass only in terms of being able to throw a good punch) was just a façade. A way to hook in female viewers like me who want to see something more than a wilting wallflower or one-trick Cinderella. But the tiniest knock and the cardboard house collapses.
And no matter how many times we get throwaway lines about her being “the smartest/toughest/scariest/most capable one here” it doesn’t ring true compared to the actual character we’re watching.
Rom-coms, melos and sagueks especially (but many more genres besides), have a real problem when it comes to performative badassery in their female characters. The writers give us a female lead they claim is hyper competent, but the reality is totally different. Any plot that features romance, almost always features this. Honestly the way the start of the relationship in dramas actively MURDERS the female character’s agency could be its own essay so I won’t go deep, just know the two are 100% linked.
The “Faux Action Girl” Problem 
A Faux Action Girl happens when a writer wants the popularity that comes with having a cool action girl character, or they want the praise that comes with writing a lead that breaks gender norms, or they want to be lauded for writing a FL whose more capable & progressive than the female kdrama lead we’d imagine, but they don’t end up actually giving us her. Instead we get the fake or faux version. The reasons are usually a combination of:
Relying on outdated tropes. Wrist grabs, damsels in distress, a girl fainting so she misses some vital plot related moment to increase runtime etc...
Sexist worldviews. As a by-product of being Korean which is still a heavily sexist country because of the holdover of Confucianism mixed in with the Christianity westerners brought over that leads many writers to (often without even realising) inserting moments that inadvertently reduce their female leads because they think that’s what correct or natural for the female character based on their opinion of women in general. Even if it doesn’t actually fit the type of character they’ve set out to create.
Executive meddling. Producers who think their demographic wouldn’t be able to handle a real badass but also know their female viewers want more complexity and agency in their FLs these days and so give us the paper-version instead of the 3D model.
This character’s more “badass” traits are nearly always just an Informed Ability (the writers tell us via other characters what she can do but never actually show us on-screen these same things) or we only ever see her utilise them once/twice at the beginning and maybe if we’re lucky once at the end, but never again. 
It really hurts.
The “Badass Decay/Chickification” Problem
Sometimes she really is a legitimate action girl though. She’ll be a cop whose good at her job or an ordinary citizen whose well-versed in taekwondo. She has actual moments on-screen to prove herself. 
Well. She has moments in episodes 1 and 2. Then she almost always goes through Badass Decay/Chickification. Which means that writers (& producers) believe that if we don’t see her having a softer side, she’ll become unrealistic or unlikeable. 
They fix her. So she becomes more vulnerable. As the only girl on the team (usually), she becomes the one who ends up injured more often or needs rescuing most. Her life begins to revolve entirely around her romance and nothing else. (Meanwhile the male leads gets to have the romance and keep his side-quest - have you noticed that? If the FL is really lucky she gets to keep one side-quest too, maybe a dream job or solving some family mystery. Never more though.. only men get to be complicated here). Once she was competent... now it feels like she legitimately had a personality transplant. 
Is this even the same person we began with?
The “Worf Effect” Problem 
Worf Effect is when the danger/power level of a villain is shown to the audience by making him successfully attack/hurt/ruin the plans of someone that the audience knows is skilled. This isn’t a bad thing alone and writers use it all the time. We need to acknowledge the villain as a proper threat and this is a useful way to do it!
But in kdramas it’s something used almost always against the lead female character. The one we’ve seen is intelligent, or strong-willed or quick-witted. 
And because it’s always her, this character begins to look weak. If this writing trope is abused, her reputation as the "biggest, toughest" etc. begins to look like it never existed and we’re back to her having an informed ability. 
That this is something that happens to the female characters not only more often but almost exclusively is a sign of sexism. Plain and simple.
Competent, Real Badass Female Characters Aren’t Scary
 If you’re going to sell me a capable woman, give me her. 
Not someone who has one very unique, specialised skill but otherwise can do nothing else except for that one time when her one skill is useful. 
Or has built up her own empire, implying a certain level of smarts, business ability or networking skills, but then once she’s removed from it she becomes so utterly useless it begs the question how she built that empire in the first place. 
Or has a rep as the detective whose taken down the toughest guys off-screen, but whatever skills she used to do that seem to disappear the moment anything really challenging happens on-screen. 
I’m not saying she needs to win all the time. Of course she doesn’t, how boring is that? All I’m asking is that when she loses, it’s in keeping with the character I’m supposedly watching. A woman that can kick ass can still be outwitted. A clever woman can be physically beaten. A street-smart girl can be foiled by rules and regulations. A leader-type can be beat by someone whose more unconventional.
It’s not difficult to write someone like this. I know the writers can do it because every male lead is written this way. I’ve never once, whilst watching a badass male lead lose, get beaten and cry, thought “oh no, his badassery was fake all along!”
Because when he loses it makes sense. It’s in character. There’s a solid plot reason behind why it happens.
Meanwhile my ladies who are meant to be able to kick ass and take names somehow just got kidnapped out of nowhere?
Make it make sense!
Consistent Characterisation is Good Writing
I get wanting moments where one is injured and the other fusses over them. I love those moments! All I ask is more imagination taken to get us to that point. Make it in-character. If my taekwondo black belt is kidnapped, I want to see her really fight. I want the kidnapping to be shown as genuinely tough on the people trying to nab her. Imagine how much more satisfying it would be to see her fight off all these bad guys, yet still end up losing? How much more heart-breaking?
We’d be so much more invested in the mind games or politics the villain is playing if the female lead we’ve been told is good at that stuff is playing the game just as hard. When she loses it’ll hurt more.
Writers need to stop being afraid that her remaining capable in some way diminishes the masculinity, attractiveness, prowess or “hero” status of the male lead. Trust me. It doesn’t. Ever. 
It’s not a case of either/or. We don’t think less of the male lead because his partner is as capable as him in whatever way that may be. Instead, we think more of them both. Once a romance begins, the heightened worry both characters have for each other should only make both of them stronger in whatever area they’re skill lies in. Not just make the man a sudden defence wall and the woman a worrying mess. 
I’m sure everyone who reads this can immediately think of at least one drama with a FL who is a Performative Badass. I know I had about ten in mind as I wrote this. 
There are exceptions. Cases where the badass gets to stay a badass. Usually these cases happen in genres without romance because like I said above, those problems are linked. But I can think of a few romcoms/sageuks/melos where it happens too. 
But those are the minority.
Women in kdramas. Give them agency. Make their characterisation genuine, not just a bit-part for the sake of a cool trailer. Not just one moment someone can edit into a “badass multifemale” video edit - only for us to watch the drama from the clip and discover we’ve been sold a lie. 
How satisfied would we be?
Writers! Give us a story we enjoyed because of the excellent characterisation. A new female character we can add to our lists of faves. Women who proved themselves as consistently badass as their first scenes claimed. Women in kdramas who, no matter what problem they faced, don’t become echoes or paper-thin versions of who we were promised.
Actual, complex, layered, enjoyable, KICK-ASS AND BADASS female leads.
Wouldn’t that be a miracle.
PS. This is an open notice that it’s OKAY to reblog with added commentary/thoughts/rambles of your own. I would *love* to see it if you have anything to add.
(Disclaimer: This essay was written with a specific female character type in mind. I am not saying every FL needs to be a badass or hyper competent. Soft, shy, physically weak female characters exist and can be just as realistic and complex. There’s a few I can think of who I adore. Instead my essay is very specifically about characters who are *meant* to be badass from the start but then... don’t end up being. So, yeah, before anyone claims I’m some angry feminist who needs every FL to be some tough martial artist or something. Absolutely not! Diversity is amazing and interesting. All I ask is that when I am told I’ll be getting a badass in a drama I get her. Not have my heart broken by the fake wilting flower I find in her place. Ok. End disclaimer. ^^)
Also I’m tagging a bunch of you because you reblogged my post saying you wanted this so here! TY for making it to the end ^^
@kdramaxoxo​ @islandsofchaos @storytellergirl @vernalagnia-blog @lostindramas @salaamdreamer​ @planb-is-in-effect​ 
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
15x19: A First Ending
This was a good episode! Oh, I know, I know - we didn’t get Cas back. But oh, boy, that should mean that Misha shot for five of eight days for 15x20 and that makes me want to rub my hands together with the hope of what that might mean. All the good things!
Oh, don’t hang your hopes on mine btw. I had very high hopes that we’d get Cas back, or very strongly established as coming back (as per 13x04) with a final scene of him waking up in the Empty or something like it, and that didn’t happen, but omg I’m so glad they didn’t.
When Jack started praying and reaching out to Cas my heart almost stopped. 
If Dean doesn’t instigate Cas’ return, then oh it would take away too much!
But then Jack’s moment didn’t lead to anything, and now, the more I think about it, there more it feels like a plant. A reminder of how he prayed to Cas the last time, and woke him. We shall see, eh?
And then we got Dean telling Chuck to bring Cas back, which was a pivotal plant as well. I’d been worried if they hadn’t mentioned Cas more than once, with Dean telling Jack and Sam that Cas sacrificed himself to save him, yeah? 
If there had been no more Cas for the entire episode then, narratively speaking, I would have started wondering what role Cas might actually play in 15x20.
But Cas was mentioned more than once. We even got to hear his voice and have that fake return to stir our... I almost wrote loins, but that’s not appropriate so let’s change it to stir our... martinis. 
Ah yes. We could all use a drink, I’m sure.
The dog as well! Dean was so happy and he carried the dog and petted the dog and put it in Cas’ spot in the backseat and was all, yes, emotional substitute! And then... poof. Because it’s not going to be that easy to replace Cas. *fingers crossed*
Here’s mostly why I’m hopeful for something quite different as the actual finale of the show, the proper wrapping up of these character journeys:
This first ending is for those who have followed the show explicitly to watch these two brothers. (yes there’s a word for them but let’s not)
It ends exactly how these viewers -- and quite possibly the writers who wrote it -- always saw the show ending. It gives an emotionally satisfying wrapping up of all the thematic threads of the show and gives the brothers their hard-won freedom, and keeps the brothers riding in Baby, together, indefinitely. 
And these viewers and fans will always be able to stop watching the show there and keep that as their perfect ending.
Except it’s not the ending-ending. Is it?
This episode neatly and gorgeously wrapped up the Michael/Lucifer/Chuck storyline. It wiped the slate completely clean. Especially with Michael killing Lucifer and Chuck killing Michael. These characters just completely annihilating  each other because they’ve all served their purpose.
And Chuck being drained of his powers and ending up ignored, never to be worshipped again, or even remembered, is such a fitting ending for him! And with Dean refusing to kill him, leaving him to his fate, I’d call that Dean integrating his Shadow.
No more fearing it. It’s powerless. Thanks to Jack (Dean’s inner child) who now holds all the power in the universe.
I’d say Dean Winchester has reached a point of internal balance.
And for all of these good things: Chuck powerless, Jack the New God, surely helping to fix what Cas broke by restoring Heaven (I’m assuming Heaven will be repopulated or that God’s grace will level it out) and Jack stepping into shoes that Cas once tried to fill and failed to, to the detriment to so many of his kin, is simply stunning.
I cried, properly, at Jack’s speech. It was beautiful.
But for all these good things and wrappings up of stuff, didn’t the ending feel kind of superficial? Like stuff was missing in those final five minutes or so? Like... I don’t know... Sam mentioning Eileen maybe? Because surely she was brought back along with everyone else, and one episode ago he was losing his mind over the loss of her.
And they didn’t even mention Cas. Jack mentioned Castiel as a good influence, but Cas was just bunched in with “everyone we’ve lost along the way”.
Hey, it’s fine if all you care about is Dean and Sam and you think that they’re at their happiest when they get to drive along a road in Baby, listening to tunes and play-fighting and reminiscing about all those people that have come and gone, while they know they’ll always remain the same.
I mean, if we hadn’t gotten that montage at the end of this episode (a fucking MONTAGE ppl) I would’ve started thinking that maybe Misha was coming back to shoot flashbacks for 15x20, as we got to see the brothers remembering Cas (like with Mary), taking a walk down memory lane and driving around to well-known locales for a final hurrah.
But we got that fucking montage, ppl.
Leaving me to feel that they probably won’t also spend forty minutes rememberembering those same people. You know?
Also, dull. And Dabb is anything but dull. And Dabb loves pulling on stuff he’s hinted at in the first ep of the season. 
And I remember reacting to Sam being the one to escort the kid and her mother into the, what was it? The high school, right? For safety.
While Dean and Cas had that tense exchange by Baby, where Dean couldn’t not ask if Cas was okay and Cas saying, hopefully, that he was, but Dean remaining stone faced and distant. “Awkward” is what Belphegor called it.
Oh. Please let there be awkwardness in 15x20. I beg on bent knees. Beg, I say!
What is 15x20 going to be about if it isn’t about finally answering the question of what will make the brothers happy?
A balanced universe, of course! But freedom without love... sounds kind of lonely to me. 
So, have they answered the question of What do I want? yet? Is this what they want for themselves? More of the same? This season has hinted that it isn’t. It’s hinted very strongly that it isn’t.
So, I’m holding my breath that Dean’s final confrontation is to do with happiness and daring to want it for himself. Daring to admit to wanting it for himself. Daring to go after it... 
Cas does not belong in the Empty.
And hope that it’s telling how Jack didn’t even think to get Cas out of there and bring him home. God got Lucifer out of the Empty so Jack definitely has the power. 
And Dean didn’t ask him to get Cas out of there, not because he doesn’t still want Cas out, but because it would ruin the first ending for the people who want Cas to stay dead. Yeah? 
It’s kind of beautifully done, to my mind, as a nod and a thank you to the people who have supported one reading of the show. It’ll be difficult for them to go apeshit when Dabb and the writers can simply tell them they don’t have to watch further than 15x19 and be content that they’ve got an ending that lets them cling to the brothers as the begin all, end all.
And yes, I remain believing we will get Dean and Cas together-together before the end of the show. I have no clue how much of a together-together we’ll get, but for the show not to give us a clear understanding of how Dean loves Cas back is unthinkable at this point, and will stay unthinkable until the show tells me otherwise, because nothing but those two together makes even a lick of sense to me.
Dean’s feelings were in the subtext this episode because that’s where they always have been and hopefully fingers crossed because this ending wasn’t for us, it was for other sides of fandom, giving them room for denial, if they simply don’t want to see that what Dean wants is Cas back.
Our ending isn’t happening until next week.
Dean: It’s a helluva time to bail. There’s a lot of people counting on you. People with questions—they’re gonna need answers. Jack: The answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today, but someday.
For me this may be setting up for 15x20.
Dean could be said to be accepting the reality of Cas being gone this episode. He starts off not telling the whole truth about what happened with Cas (of course), he’s drinking himself stupid, he tries to demand of Chuck to bring Cas back, he finds that emotional crutch in the doggo and he moves into acceptance because what else can he do?
Especially if he’s still reeling and is struggling with his fear of happiness, with not feeling deserving, with it being easier to simply let it all go.
Letting go of the need is healthy, allowing it to make way for the real want that is about choosing Cas, not because he feels lost without him, but because Cas completes him...
That would be something. 
(oh shush let’s get with the romance) (Jerry always brings it)
The brothers love each other, but throughout this narrative there’s been hints that they both long for more. So much more. It would be so weird if it didn’t all wrap up with more being wanted and chosen and offered and had.
So if the answers are to be “in each of them -- someday”, then maybe Dean just needs to reach a moment where he’s ready to admit to himself that he can’t stand the fact that Cas died not knowing that Dean loves him back.
I wonder if Sam will push for this admittance... I’d like to witness that conversation, that’s for sure.
And Eileen. I hope she’s back sooner rather than later next episode!!
What’s next episode going to be about if it’s not about the breaking of old patterns to make way for new ones...? Are we going to follow the boys around as they do laundry and cook and make a few tentative plans for their unknown future? They won’t be hunting much in 15x20, at least if Dabb is anything to go by. I guess there might be something brief as a final The Boys With Their Weapons Doing Their Thing, but... it won’t be a case episode. And it would’ve been strange if it was, you know?
So then. Hope. One more week breathing eating sleeping on hopes and wishes and we shall simply have to wait and see what we get.
I have every faith it will blow us away, but I’m also sitting pretty. Reining in those horses lest they run away with me. And whatever comes our way, I’m so grateful for this show!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the first episode of the new season? And can we talk about all those parallels? Also I'm loving the summer vibes!
I'm LIVING for the summer vibes! Doesn't everything feel like a breath of fresh air? I definitely feel like new life has been injected into the series. And that new location is so beautiful, I LOVE IT.
As for the episode, I thought it was masterfully done. You could tell Ayse was back and bringing the perfect mix of comedy, romance and drama. And the sparkle! The show sparkles again. The almost two and half hours flew buy, I was on the edge of my seat, and the performances from Hande and Kerem were amazing. Plus I just adore every moment between Serkan and his new nemesis (aka his secret daughter).
On the sober side, I don't care how jerky Serkan got while battling cancer, or how he may have pushed her away, nothing they've shown us so far even begins to justify Eda not telling him about Kiraz, and it certainly doesn't justify her continuing to lie when he's standing right in front of her making overtures (and her daughter is clearly longing for her father). Obviously, there are still many things we don't know and I'm sure there are many flashbacks to come, and Eda has been though so much, but still...I don't see how they will thread that needle and have Eda come out unscathed.
That being said, with this first episode they executed this story so well and it really does give new life to the series, so I won't dwell on the fact that Eda never would have done this. Never. We just have to move past it, accept that it's a soap opera plot device designed to give us an amazing second season packed with all sorts of amazing scenes and just enjoy every minute while it lasts.
(More under the cut)
I'll get to more on Edser later, as for everyone else... silliness abounds.
First... Erdem cheated on Leyla? WHAT!?!?! With whom? But I guess that was a clean way to explain Leyla leaving.
Engin and Piril, I love that Engin is staying home with their son, and that young actor is a cutie! As for Piril... GRRRRRR... she is still on my shitlist. Last time it was for betraying Eda (and Serkan) by enabling Selin's reign of terror, this time it's by betraying her friend and business partner Serkan! Good grief. If Piril just found out recently at the start of this project I could accept on her holding off because it's not her secret to run off and tell, but what I can't accept is her actively working against Serkan finding out. Even if in this episode she had gently said to Eda... "do you think maybe it's time you told him?" it would be a lot easier to swallow... but nope! She's acting like it would be the end of the world if Serkan found out. I sincerely hope that when everyone finds out and Engin finds out Piril knew, it causes problems between them. She deserves that.
She remains my second least favorite character. Who was my least favorite character this episode? Oh you know! Awful Ayfer is back! We got a reprieve from her in the last arc, but she's back to her annoying, controlling, Serkan-hating ways. Eda is a mother, an international award-winning landscape architect and business owner and she still has to lie to Ayfer because she's such a pain-in-the-ass? Watching her is going to be a trial.
Even though it feels like both Aydan and Ayfer were reset to zero character development, and Aydan has done worse (keeping the fact that Serkan was alive from Eda) I still find her a much easier character to take. Probably because Neslihan is a much better comedic actress, so she's a lot more entertaining. But... Aydan's been with Kemal for 5 years and hasn't told Serkan? WHY? I can't believe Kemal didn't give her an ultimatum years ago. I was loving, however, Serkan being in the way for both Aydan/Kemal and Engin/Piril. GOOD. Those people caused problems for him at one point or another or were in the way, it was nice to see him return the favor. I like Kemal and am still hoping they'll do a parallel "not knowing your father thing" and reveal he's Serkan's bio dad while Serkan is finding out he had a child he never knew about.
Melo and Seyfi were their awesome supportive, funny selves. It was great to see both of them, I'm so glad they stayed.
As for the new characters, love the kids. The new hotel manager is apparently ditzy and starstruck over Serkan, and I don't really understand how she's going to be integrated into the cast, but I love that she was used as a device to show us that Serkan has zero interest in any woman who is not Eda Yildiz. Eda's assistant seems like he'll be a fine side character. As for Burak, he seems harmless, obviously he has feeling for Eda that she does not reciprocate (fuck off Ayfer trying to push her on him) but hopefully they don't make him a psycho like Deniz. I did think he was a bit out of line to Serkan. Isn't that his cafe? And a customer has his glass spilled by a child in his care, and he insults him instead of apologizing? That is the worst customer service I've ever seen! He's a character that could wear on me quickly, we shall see. Kiraz can't help but be sassy because of genetics, but some of the adults in her life seem to be modeling rude behavior!
Now on to Eda and Serkan, I can't say enough about Hande and Kerem's acting in this episode. Phenomenal! They were both brilliant. Plus both are doing a great job working off of Maya (especially Kerem) those scenes were priceless. I don't often enjoy kids on shows, but so far I'm loving this dynamic.
As for Edser, while we don't know everything yet it feels like Serkan got to a point where he couldn't stand to see Eda in pain and putting her life on hold, he outright mentioned that she might not have graduated if they'd stayed together, and so that was part of the reason he reverted to his robot self and pushed her away. I'm going to guess she tried and tried and he was just unyielding. Saying he didn't want to get married or have kids in the harshest way possible. Perhaps even she went to tell him that she was pregnant and he went off on not wanting kids before she could even tell him. Time will tell.
At this juncture, my best guess is Eda's fear is rooted in rejection. It can't be that she thinks Serkan is a terrible person that doesn't deserve to know his child, or would be detrimental to Kiraz. However, she knows what it feels like to be rejected by Serkan, I'm sure she was beyond devastated, so I'm guessing now she's bent on protecting her daughter from feeling that same rejection. She fears if he found out, but wanted nothing to do with her, it would feel worse than him not knowing. She's not thinking clearly and perhaps it hasn't even occurred to her that the man she fell in love with is still under there and that man is fully capable of opening his heart wide to their child.
The fact that this child, a stranger to him, already has him wrapped around her little finger to the tune of being late to meetings while he waits for her to pick berries, speaks volumes.
The lies that Eda is telling Kiraz though... there is a fairy tale poetry to Eda saying her father is among the stars... but there was no way this would ever end well. Such a bad idea. Eda.... has made mistakes.
As for Eda and Serkan, their reunion was so bitter sweet. The way Serkan was sure he was hallucinating her and couldn't believe she was real, speaks to the fact that his thinking he saw her that morning was not an anomaly. It must happen all the time. She's never left his thoughts in 5 years. Especially since Engin makes it clear that women throw themselves at Serkan all the time, and he never bites. That's a lot of years celebrate, pining after a love he lost through his own actions. Though it's not that surprising that he didn't pursue other women, as he's never been a character who was motivated by sex. Which makes it hilarious that during his presentation that's where his mind was at, remembering their intimate times together. Serkan Bolat is an Edasexual.
Serkan seemed to want to brush past what happened between them, how they ended, but from Eda's pain, it's clear it was gut-wrenching and tragic and that's something he's going to need to recon with in the coming episodes. But how refreshing that they actually talked! That Eda actually expressed her pain to him! Wowza, that's a change from recent episodes when they didn't even have a proper conversation after he got his memory back.
The flashback scenes were a combination of pure brilliance and pain. Just rip out my heart why don't you. Serkan's angry reactions seem very believable for someone suffering what he was going through. I think it's typical to lash out at the person closest to you. And their fear and pain, their commitment to getting him better and seeing it through... those scenes were made all the more heartbreaking knowing that they didn't make it out the other side intact.
On a lighter note, I loved how even despite their intention and best efforts to remain closed off to one another, and away from one another, they couldn't. Physically, Serkan couldn't stay away, and every time Eda was in his presence you saw her resolve slip and her start to feel that old pull towards him. The fact that Eda thinks there's any way to keep this secret and get rid of him, she must just be in full panic mode and not thinking clearly. She's never going to shake him.
Thank goodness Serkan came back and actually issued a sincere apology for what he said at coffee. He definitely owed her one, but what was extraordinary is that it showed that the growth he went through when they were together didn't regress. He was able to apologize and explain that he was angry and hurt and that's why it happened. If you remember from the first time around, saying sorry was something he was just unable to do, so this felt big to me. He's not the same robot Bolat, she left an indelible mark on him.
As for him making her present her proposal, it's really not out-of-line for the professional relationship, however, we all know he did it just so he had an excuse to be around her. That man will take any excuse, plus he likes to get a rise out of her.
The dinner scene was breathtaking. How beautiful and achingly romantic was that setting? Wowza. And what a roller coaster of emotion those scenes were. It was great to watch them talk and laugh. Who didn't swoon when he deveined her shrimp and when she gave him fries? But we had to know it wouldn't last. Eda's speech had me breathless. Serkan had that coming, it hurt but it had to happen. What a relief to see them get things out in the open. Now I hope we get to see them really talk about what happened and why. Explain yourself Serkan!
As for the next episode, I was so hopeful that the Kiraz secret would be out after the final scene, but the first fragman makes it look like that's not going to happen, at least not at the start of the episode. My fear is that if Eda outright lies to him that just makes everything worse. The longer she keeps it from him, when they're back in each other's orbits and it's clear he's not running away, it makes her more and more at fault.
In any case, it looks like we're in for some fabulous scene so I look forward to the second episode!
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astarryon · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence and weapons, slight language, short fight scene, etc.
Summary: The last thing you expect to find when you come home is the most important ghost from your haunted past.
A/N: Not really sure where this one came from, just something I dreamed up after watching the first episode of TFATWS! Let me know what y’all think!
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It’s the sharp, cloying scent of cologne that tips you off.
You don’t think much of it at first, initially having caught the trail of it down the hall from your apartment door. Automatically, you assume it belongs to one of your neighbors, or even one of the guests they’ve invited over for the night. Nothing to harbor any sort of significant concern over.
That changes the instant you reach your front door.
It’s locked. In addition to that, the hall light is off, and from what you can see there’s only darkness to be seen beyond the bottom crack of the door. For all intents and purposes, as far as you can tell, everything is exactly how you’d left it upon leaving your home earlier in the evening. But the closer you’d walked to your door, the more concentrated the scent had become –– to the point that it’s now the only thing your sharpened senses can focus on.
You didn’t used to be like this. Paranoid. Always instantly assuming the worst, to note something as simple as the smell of cologne hanging in the air and immediately jump to the conclusion that it meant someone had finally come to put an end to you. There’d been a time, once, when you trusted easily and laughed with everyone. When you would make conversations with strangers as you passed them by on the street, when you could spend ages soaking in the sun with your eyes closed with no worry of whether you’d open them to find a knife buried in your chest or a bullet lodged in your skull.
But you hadn’t been that way in a very, very long time. And as you crack the door to your apartment open, reaching for the knife hidden at your hip as the cologne’s stench only grows stronger, you can’t help but wonder if that isn’t as much a blessing as it is a curse.
Your apartment is dark, but that doesn’t make much difference to you. You’ve got the space memorized like the back of your hand, know where each corner is and where every weapon is placed –– home court advantage. Stepping inside and closing the door as softly as you can, you make sure to keep your back to the wall, clutching the handle of your knife ever tighter. You might know your way around, but you’ve been intentionally dulling your senses, your reflexes, in an effort to bury the past and leave it behind you. You’re not entirely sure where the intruder is in your home, and you’ll be damned before you let them get the drop on you before you’ve put up a proper fight.
And then you hear it. A creak in the floor boards with the shifting of body weight, just to your right. In your chest, your heart thumps so forcefully that you’re positive its bound to explode right through your ribcage, and you know you don’t have much time, but that doesn’t stop you from slipping your eyes closed for the single spare second you do have and steeling yourself for what’s sure to come before opening them again, sliding your gaze just over your shoulder to assess the present threat.
Your mouth instantly runs dry the moment you lay eyes on him.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” he says softly, but your reflexes kick in the moment he speaks and before you can blink, you launch at him in a flurry of fists and panic.
That face. How many hours have you spent trying to convince yourself you would never see that face again, never have that bone chilling, bloodcurdling voice rasping in your ear? How much time have you spent nervously glancing over your shoulder, moving from apartment to apartment because something in your gut told you he was on your trail? You didn’t want to believe it, had always tried to reassure yourself that he was gone –– that all of Hydra was gone –– but you’d never quite managed to convince yourself.
And, given that you’d just walked into your apartment to find the Winter Soldier staring back at you, that was apparently for good reason.
He blocks the first hit you throw at him easily, sidestepping out of its way. The second manages to clip him on the jaw, though it doesn’t succeed in knocking him back as it would on any normal person. He opens his mouth to speak again, but you don’t give him the chance to get a word out before you send a kick flying toward his face. He’s forced to duck and roll, which in turn gives you an opening to launch another kick, but he reaches out with a hand and clamps a vice like grip around your ankle.
All it takes is one decisive tug for him to put you flat on your back.
“Stop,” he snaps, reaching to knock the knife from your grip. Funny, that. In your panic to land a hit on him, you hadn’t even thought to make use of it. “Stop fighting. I’m not here to hurt you.”
It’s the second time the words fall from his mouth, but as with the first, they don’t leave much of an impression.
The Winter Soldier looks just the same as the last time you’d been in his presence, save for shorter hair and a clean shaven face. His skin is still pale as a sheet, turned ghostly in the few slivers of moonlight that manage to creep their way through the blinds hanging in the window. His eyes are still ice, a shade of blue that makes you grind your teeth and sets your nerves on edge. He’s got that same melancholy about him that had been there the first time you’d seen him, though now you knew better than to sympathize with it, to trust it.
Making that mistake years ago had cost you your life as you knew it.
“Get off me,” you command, struggling hard.
It’s no use –– his grip is much too strong. You won’t be going anywhere until he wants you to.
“Please stop,” he tries, an odd desperation in his words.
“Get off me!” you yell again, kicking with your legs like a helpless child.
The Winter Soldier clamps the hand not preoccupied with pinning your wrists above your head over your mouth, waiting for your muffled screams and swears to die down before trying to speak again.
“Look, this is simple,” he sighs tiredly, inexplicable sadness shining in his eyes. “I will let go of you as soon as you calm down. Alright? All I want is to have a conversation.”
You want to call bullshit, but his hand over your mouth still robs you of your voice. You aren’t sure what game he’s playing, but it doesn’t seem like he’s leaving you with much of a choice but to participate. And… well, technically up to this point, every move he’s made has been defensive. Perhaps playing along wouldn’t necessarily be the worst course of action.
He removes his touch from your body as soon as you nod and go still, making it clear that you have no intention to repeat your flurry of attacks from before. Part of you is tempted to make an attempt to pull one over on him, strike and get up and leave as fast as you can, but you know it would be in vain. He’s faster than you, always has been. It wouldn’t take more than a passing second for him to get his hand around your throat and squeeze.
The two of you sit together in silence for a few awkward minutes, trading nothing but ragged, adrenaline spiked breaths and charged stares between you. Just when you’re sure his ploy for peace had been nothing more than a cheap trick to allow him time to catch his breath before finishing the job and killing you, he opens his mouth, then closes it again, and repeats this sequence of actions two more times before actually giving a voice to his words.
“My name is James,” he tells you, casting his eyes down to the floor. “I’m… I’m not who I used to be.”
“You’re not?” you seethe, barely managing to keep your volume level in check. “You sure look the same.”
“I’m not,” the Winter Soldier –– or, James, as he’d introduced himself –– insisted. “Not at all.”
“That’s funny,” you spit, hands trembling where you’ve forced them to remain down at your sides. If you squeeze your fists any tighter, you’ll be sure to snap a bone. “Because I remember you. You and all the little lessons you made sure to incorporate into your training.”
“That wasn’t me,” James mutters lowly, jaw working hard enough that the grind of his teeth was audible.
“Oh, wasn’t it, though?” you hiss, flashes of red anger lacing your vision. “You weren’t the one who dislocated my arm and then forced me to spar without resetting it? You weren’t the one who taught me to lie by holding a blade to my throat and pressing the knife harder against my skin every time you saw a shift in my expression? Neither of those were you?”
“No,” he mumbles, but you hardly hear it, and you don’t care to.
You aren’t done with him. Not yet.
“Then you also must not be the one responsible for the deaths of my family,” you throw at him, the tang of iron souring the back of your tongue. “The one who took my parents away from me with the squeeze of a trigger? The same one who happens to be the whole reason that Hydra managed to get their hands on me in the first place? You knew what it was like, to be taken and turned into a monster, a–– a machine for them to build to suit their needs and use whenever they felt like they didn’t have enough power, but you didn’t care. You could have stopped that from happening to me, but you didn’t.”
“That wasn’t me,” James snaps, raising his hoarse voice at you for the first time all evening. The sudden outburst is so jarring it takes you aback, forcing a pause in the functions of your brain. All you can do is continue gazing upon the quiet anger which slowly boils into James’ features. “You were with Hydra for twenty years before Steve blew their cover, I was with them for seventy. Seven decades, doing the work of the people I enlisted in the world war to stop in the first place. Knowing that, do you honestly think the things I did were at all my own decisions?”
You cross your arms, swallowing hard as your gaze switches from his contorted expression to the floor. You don’t want to hear this. All these years hiding, trying to get back to some semblance of normal and carve out as much of a life as you could for yourself, it hadn’t been the faces of the Hydra operatives that haunted your nightmares each time you closed your eyes to fall asleep. It had been one with eyes blue as ice and twenty times colder, no compassion, compunction, or remorse to be found at all within their depths. One with a gaze deader than any of the corpses he’d been responsible for making.
That face was his.
“So why are you here then?” you sigh, still staring at the floor. You can’t trust yourself with anything else, not right now. Actually looking up at him holds the potential to yield very dangerous results. “To finish the job? I’m not stupid, I know none of the other agents are left. But if you think I’m just going to sit here all quiet and make killing me easier on you––”
“Oh, you people and your assumptions,” James mutters blackly under his breath, reaching a gloved hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “That is not why I’m here. Which I might have been able to tell you if you’d just let me get a word in edgewise.”
“You mean like you used to let me?” you scoff, rolling your eyes to the ceiling and doing your damnedest not to give into the rage rising in your chest. “You’ll have to forgive me for not buying that, considering the entirety of our past and all.”
“Christ,” he gripes, more to himself than to you, “and Raynor says I’m paranoid.” The name isn’t one you recognize, but to James its significance is clear. Speaking it seems to serve as a reminder to him, and he exhales deeply and loosens his shoulders in response to it. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he almost appeared to be counting himself down to his next sentence –– like it was so important he needed to work his way up to it. “I’m here… because…”
You blink, tilting your head to the side as you await his explanation. Actively refraining from attempting any guesses. Not exactly a challenge. If he truly didn’t come here to kill you, then his motive was a complete mystery.
Ages pass before he finally works up the nerve to say what he’s been meaning to.
“I’m here,” he sighs, carefully enunciating each word like he’s afraid they’ll break if he doesn’t pay them enough care, “because I am no longer the Winter Soldier. I am… I am James Bucky Barnes, and you are part of my effort to make amends.”
His words are small, crafted with the brittleness of glass and about ten times as fragile. They’re spoken so resolutely that you’re positive this isn’t the first instance in which he’s uttered them to another human, but they seem… choked, for lack of a better description. Judging by his grimace, they clearly don’t come easily, either.
You’re entirely unsure what to make of them.
“You don’t have to say anything,” James assures you, clasping his hands together in a manner that almost looks meek. “I don’t expect… What I’m trying to say is that it’s not transactional, this apology. There isn’t anything I want from you, or anything I’m looking to take. Just… My doctor, she had me write out a list of names of people to confront, and some to apologize to. That’s the one yours is on.”
You hear the words coming out of his mouth. What’s more, you understand them in a conceptual sense. But for some reason your brain lags in correlating the words and their meanings, in properly contextualizing them in accordance with his soft tone and the sincere regret in his eyes. Of all the nights you’d spent living in fear of this exact moment, that your mentor of once upon a time would one day appear to quietly finish you off, the last thing you’d ever expected to be met with instead was this.
Whatever this was, exactly.
You scan his body head to toe once more, searching more carefully this time. Dressed in all black as he was, it made it slightly more difficult to be certain, but you don’t see any telltale signs of a gun hiding anywhere beneath his clothing. That didn’t mean there wasn’t one, nor did it mean there was no knife strapped to his arm or tucked away in his boot, but you could spy no evidence.
So, no weapons. No yelling, other than to cut through your assumptions of violence. No hissed warnings or threats. No apparent sign he’s looking for a fight. Each of your senses scream at you to ignore all of this, to put no trust at all into the meaningless words of a man, a machine, who had only ever served to bring strife and suffering into your life. Even in spite of the realization that he’s likely unarmed, you still find yourself tempted to attack and flee before he inevitably makes his move.
But then…
The question catches each of you by surprise. James, because he clearly hadn’t expected much of a response, and if he got one, he didn’t think it would be simple as a posed curiosity, and you, because you hadn’t truly meant to ask the question aloud.
“Why…?” James echoes, brow furrowing in confusion. Certainly a sight to behold. Time away from existing as the Winter Soldier had evidently made his face that much more expressive.
Strange, that there could be so much to read in that face, yet so little at the same time.
You open your mouth to speak, carefully sifting through words in your mind before deciding upon the proper combination to convey your meaning. “Why would you want to do something like that?”
James squints in confusion. “Apologize?” he reiterates, gears in his head visibly turning a mile a minute.
“You had to know what I would think,” you explain, “seeing you after all this time. You say you have a list? Well, I can’t be the only one who instantly jumped to the worst case scenario. Why would you… why would you want to put yourself through something like that? A slideshow of the people you hurt? That’s painful, James.”
“No more painful than all the things I did to them,” James sighs, shoulders deflating. “To you. And anyway, it wasn’t me who did all those things. It was someone else’s will, I was just… I was just the tool. That’s not something I can change, and I can’t bring back all the people Hydra used me to kill. But I can apologize for it, because I am sorry. Just like I’m sorry for my part in what happened to you.”
You can see it more clearly, now. The human in him. Before, he’d been cold. Mechanic. Void of any and all emotion as far as the eye could see. That had made it easy to hate him, all those days he’d made you fight, spar, endure endless physical and emotional pain until you learned to be the tool Hydra wanted you to be. In your pain, your rage, your fear that all you would know for the rest of your existence were dark rooms and metal walls, the Winter Soldier had been the one to incur your wrath.
But this man was not the one you’d known. This man was different. This was a man whose eyes glimmered with remorse so bright it looked like unshed tears. This was a man with a face so expressive it was hard to believe you’d known its features for decades. A man who only wanted to talk, because if he’d had a more sinister motive in coming here, you would surely be dead by now.
Just as he’d told you moments ago, this man was not the Winter Soldier.
“Does it help?” you question, unable to force your words above a whisper. “Seeking people out, apologizing like this.”
“Not in the way you’re thinking,” James tells you, blue eyes wandering back to the floor. The light of the moon peeking through your window casts them an odd tone of silver. “It doesn’t take the hurt away, not for me or for them. But it helps to say it out loud, that I’m not that person anymore. Not everyone believes it, but all of this isn’t for them. It’s for me.”
“To what end?” you ask, words coming out harsher than you mean them to. “What’s the point, then?”
James shrugs a shoulder, head shaking. “My doctor says closure,” he supplies, reaching up almost nervously to scratch at the back of his neck with a gloved hand. “Making amends helps process difficult situations. It’s not easy, but I figure it’s as good a shot as I’ve got to move on from all of this.”
All James was looking for was a way to move on. Wasn’t that the same thing you’d been trying to do these past few years, when you laid down to sleep at night and did your best to push all the faces of the people you’d hurt at Hydra’s direction out of your mind? You certainly wouldn’t consider yourself the same person you’d been back then. Was it really fair of you to condemn James to his past in the way you’d been trying so hard to escape yours?
“I’ve been at this a long time, James,” you sigh, shaking your head. “Trying to move on from my past, trying to… forget. So far, it hasn’t worked out.”
“Forgetting isn’t the point,” James responds carefully, analyzing your face with marked carefulness. “You’ll never be able to forget. The past will always be there. It’s not something you can run from.” He pauses then, and the next time he speaks it sounds as if he’s been struck hard by a sudden epiphany. “But you can come to terms with all of it,” he goes on, “if you try. And you really gotta try, ‘cause otherwise all that bad will still be waiting for you when you wake up in the morning. Take it from someone who knows.”
And you don’t really know what to say to that. You’re not really sure what you can say. James’ certainty is tangible. You can feel it in his words, the way they tickle your brain like ribbons and set your mind rolling down a path you don’t altogether recognize. You want to ask him about it, make him elaborate further on all that he’s said, pick each and every one of his sentences apart until you understand the methods and reasonings for what he’s doing so you can know for sure if it will work for you the same it clearly seems to be working for him.
But he’s clearing his throat and running a hand through his dark hair before you get the chance.
“Like I said,” James tells you. “I’m very sorry for the hurt and the pain my actions have caused you. I can’t take it back, and I can’t change the past. All I can do now is try to be someone better. I hope… I hope you understand.”
And then he’s gone, out the front door so quickly you don’t realize until it shuts behind him.
You scan through your dark apartment, taking note of all your surroundings. James has left no sign of his presence, hasn’t disturbed a single one of your belongings. Even his footsteps over the floor on his way out had been remarkably silent –– though that, you supposed, was characteristic of his capabilities. Here and gone in an instant, fluid as a ghost.
The realization that you’d only been aware of his presence before entering your apartment because he’d wanted you to be strikes you dumb.
He hadn’t come here to cause you harm, hadn’t shown up at your home to kill you, rid himself and the rest of the world of the living reminder of the dark things which had gone on in the Hydra base –– though, doing so would have required such little effort on his part. No, James… James’ reason for seeking you out had been exactly what he’d told you.
Making amends, in an attempt to forgive himself for the things which others surely couldn’t. Perhaps that had been your mistake all these years. Rather than beating the past out of your mind with a stick, refusing to acknowledge it for everything you’re worth… maybe trying something else was the correct way to go.
Surely taking a page out of James’ book couldn’t hurt.
Your body took charge through no accord of your own, and before you realized it, you were standing in your kitchen beneath the glow of a single light staring down at a blank sheet of paper, fingers turning the pen in your grasp over and over again in your palm.
Names. You needed to write down names. But doing that would require you to actively delve into your past, and you weren’t sure that was something you could handle much of tonight. But there was one name which immediately sprang to mind, one repeating itself over and over in your head like a mantra. Sighing, you uncapped the pen and touched its point to paper, hastily scrawling out a single name before setting it back down on the counter.
James Bucky Barnes.
A list of names to make amends, half to confront, half to apologize.
You’d been on his. It only makes sense that he’d be on yours, too.
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jazy3 · 3 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X8
I freakin’ loved this episode! It was so so good! Which surprised me considering what they focused on. Based on the promo I knew that this would be DeLuca’s goodbye episode and so I expected to like the other parts of the episode we were shown in the promo such as Hayes talking to Meredith at her bedside, Richard’s storyline, and Derek’s return. However, I was not expecting to enjoy any part of DeLuca’s farewell storyline and I was pleasantly surprised. I think that’s because they focused on the effects of grief and guilt and how everyone processes those emotions differently.
It was a really interesting character study on how each person feels a loss in their own way. Despite not liking the character I actually found DeLuca’s memorial service quite moving. I think it was because they found a creative way to do it and because funerals in the real world like we normally do aren't possible right now. My grandfather died last summer and while he didn’t want a funeral my family and I weren’t able to get together to mourn his loss as we usually would and that’s been hard.
I wasn’t particularly close with my grandfather, but the loss of traditional grieving rituals in this time of COVID-19 has been frustrating. I liked that they found a creative way to have the characters mourn the loss of a fellow staff member. I expected to see Carina more, but as I understand it her storyline played out more on Station 19 which makes sense. I felt like they did a good job of showing the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) and how everyone experiences them differently.
Teddy and Owen displayed survivors' guilt and frustration that they did everything right and he still died. At the end we see Teddy in a catatonic state and it made me think that she might be sick with COVID herself or that there was something else wrong. While I've never been a Teddy and Owen shipper I did like the moment at the end where Owen noticed something was wrong and came over to her and told her that he would take her home and when she didn't respond he picked her up and carried her.
It reminded me of the Season 2 episode where Denny dies and Izzie refuses to leave his side so Alex picks her up and carries her over to a chair in her prom dress. Very different relationships, but a nice parallel in my opinion. This episode had a lot of those. Teddy seeing DeLuca in other people’s faces was freaky! I have to say that guy is way more interesting as a ghost then he ever was alive.  
I totally got Helm's reaction. I understand why she said and thought those horrible things about DeLuca. He was an ass for a really long time. I probably would have done the same thing myself, but that doesn't mean she wanted him dead. I thought what Maggie did for her was wonderful. My heart broke for Schmitt when he described his emotions. Richard was angry and Bailey went overboard trying to figure out what happened. Everyone's experience of a loss is different and I like that they showed that.
I’m glad that Richard told Bailey what she needed to hear. It was painful, but in trying to find an answer or a reason for what happened she was unintentionally hurting the people around her who were suffering too. The strength of Richard and Bailey's relationship is that they can tell each other the truth when no one else can or will. I loved his monologue to Catherine about trying to find a meaning in the puzzle of life and questioning his faith which is such a big part of his sobriety. James Pickens Jr. did a beautiful job in that scene.
Say what you want about Catherine, but I loved her response. Richard was trying to find meaning in the meaningless and in response she shared with him that her latest scans showed that the cancer hadn’t grown. Logically it should have, but it didn’t. Sometimes there are miracles and sometimes there are senseless deaths. Life is a puzzle. We don’t always understand it. That was exactly what Richard needed to hear in that moment.
On a more upbeat note, I loved the beach scenes this week! They were perfect! They were everything I dreamed of for my favourite characters and more! We got to see Derek and Meredith get closer and talk about the kids. When Meredith is heartbroken that Derek never got to meet Ellis or to know her he tells her all of these wonderful things about her. How she’s just like Meredith and makes it clear that he’s watching over them always.
He talks about Zola and how she writes to him in her journal and how Meredith taught her to ride a bike. I teared up! I've been waiting for them to discuss the kids and here it is! Hearing Derek talk about Ellis and knowing that he watches over Meredith and the kids was so emotional for me. I loved hearing him describe who she is and getting to learn more about her. I'm glad he encouraged her to go back. As much as Derek and Meredith miss each other she's needed back in the land of the living.
Her kids need her and so does everyone else. I loved Derek's gentle teasing. His facial expressions. And then there are her scenes with Hayes! God they were perfect! I've been waiting for this! I loved how Meredith kept joyfully asking him what he did to make Ellis smile so wide and laugh so loudly. She knows he can't hear her yet there she is dying to know what he said or did. The sound of her voice when she said that was everything for me. They already feel like a couple. So much in sync.
I love that Derek, who was shown to be extremely jealous in life, encouraged her to hear Hayes out. I really felt like he was giving her his blessing and the fact that they established that Hayes has met the kids virtually and they know who he is sealed the deal for me. Hayes has now received Cristina’s approval, Derek’s blessing, and is shown to have positive relationships with Meredith’s friends and family in Seattle. I loved that Hayes told Meredith to fight and talked about how her kids were doing and how everyone needs her.
I loved that he came and sat at her bedside and begged her to fight and not give up and that he talked to her even though he wasn’t sure if she could hear him. I love that he sat with her through the virtual memorial even though he wasn’t close to DeLuca and didn’t like him. The cheerful greeting and familiarity with which he greets Amelia and Zola and the stories he tells Meredith indicates that he’s been having regular video chats with Amelia, Maggie, Link, and the kids and that he’s chosen to stay by Meredith’s side when he just as easily could have left while she was on a call with her kids.  
It will also make the transition easier when do start dating because the kids will already know him. The music in this episode was really beautiful. Especially the songs that played during the beach scenes. I really enjoyed the drunken Link, Jo, and Jackson scene. I felt it brought much needed levity and humour to the episode the same way the beer scene with Jackson, Link, and Winston did in the previous episode. Their scenes were funny and raw and provided a good balance for the episode.
I also loved seeing more of Jo and Jackson's friends with benefits relationship and more of Jo and Link and Jackson and Link's friendship. I'd actually forgotten that Jackson and Link were friends so it was cool to see that dynamic again and that Link is supportive of their situation. The drinking game to me felt like a throwback to the Season 2 episode where Meredith and Cristina are at Joe’s Bar playing a game of whose life sucks the most and she tells them that Derek is married and Cristina tells her she’s pregnant. These revelations eventual lead to Cristina scheduling an abortion and declaring Meredith her person.
It was cool to see Maggie and Winston working together at Grey Sloan Memorial. Winston living in Boston was only going to go on for so long because as we've all found out this past year there's only so much you can do virtually. I knew he'd be moving to Seattle at some point and I'm glad to see him working at the hospital and hanging with Maggie's family. The scene where he danced it out with the kids was too cute! I'll be interested to see more of their dynamic moving forward as Maggie used to be his teacher and is now his boss. I'm also glad that both Winston and Hayes are finally getting the proper screen time they deserve.
Their storyline with the naked guy cracked me up! My two favourite lines of the episode were when the guy freaked out because he realized he wasn’t wearing his mask and Maggie said, “You’re not wearing much of anything.” And when Maggie and Winston went looking for him and Zander Perez, the resident from Pac North, told them, “If you’re looking for a naked guy he went that way.” I laughed so hard!
The scenes with Zola got me. She is a real trouper. She definitely is Meredith Grey's daughter through and through. I'm a big believer in found family and one of the things Grey's does really is show that there are many different ways to be a family and that family is what you make of it. True family is made up of the people who love and support you unconditionally not genetics. I really love that they've shown the strength of that bond between Zola and her family.
My favourite hidden moment of the episode was Tom! He appears in the background at DeLuca's memorial which means he's getting better. If he's well enough to be outside at the memorial then his condition has greatly improved since last we saw and that's great! Tom's a wonderfully complex character and I'm glad he's doing better. He appears in a bunch of deleted scenes that were released through the Grey’s Anatomy Twitter account which I highly recommend. The writing in this episode was excellent!
This episode was written by Adrian Wenner whose previous credits include the Season 16 episode ‘A Hard Pill to Swallow’ in which Meredith and Hayes work that vaping case together and get to know each for the first time. Honestly, my only complaint about this episode is that I wish they’d done it sooner! I wish they had bumped this and the previous episode up. The Mid-Season Finale felt very anti-climatic to me and was poorly received by a lot of fans. I wish they had just scrapped that episode or combined it with what we saw in the Mid-Season Premiere and then jumped into this episode after the break. But we’re here now and that’s the important thing.
Onto next week’s promo. Damn does it look interesting! We see that Owen has brought Teddy home and she’s not eating or speaking and he’s worried if her condition does not improve he’ll have to admit her. I’m sure he’s having flashbacks to when Cristina did the same thing after the plane crash. She appears to be experiencing some kind of nightmare sequence where she sees DeLuca as a ghost and Meredith speaks to her. Looks intense!
Until next time!
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freddieslater · 3 years
for the wip game: 2, 17, & 35?
Ahh, good choices!! So, “Sex Education Goes Camping” is... kind of exactly what it sounds like. The students of Moordale High are going on one last school trip before their school is closed down for good. Organized and supervised by Colin and Emily, of course. But there’s more than just the tension of the inevitable goodbye they’ll all have to say at the end of it; Adam and Eric haven’t talked since they broke up. Ruby is completely avoiding Otis, who feels terrible about hurting her. Maeve is leaving for America the moment they get back, and doesn’t want to make the goodbye any harder by letting Otis try and convince her to stay. Aimee and Steve have just broken up, but they’re working on being friends. 
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. Maeve frowns. Otis and Eric share another confused look, as do a lot of others.
Spreading his arms, Mr Hendricks loudly says, "You are all utterly fucked! As am I, and so is Miss Sands! Well, I mean we can obviously find other teaching jobs, but it's not exactly easy, so, technically speaking, we are all very much fucked, you're right, Jackson."
Jackson just raises an eyebrow, then looks away. Miss Sands quickly joins Mr Hendricks on the stage as the students chattering gets louder around the room.
"What Mr Hendricks means to say--" Miss Sands shoots him a quick glare as she leans into the microphone, making him take a few steps back from it (and her) "--is that it doesn't have to be all bad!"
"No offence, Miss," Ruby interrupts, "but you're not the one about to have your entire future turned to shit without your consent." 
Miss Sands nods, and says, "No, you're right. I'm only losing a job, but you are all losing the chance to finish your education comfortably -- or maybe at all. And I am... so incredibly sorry about that. I truly wish this wasn't happening to any of us. But it is. And we have to deal with that."
"We have to make the most of the time we have left together," Mr Hendricks chimes back in, taking a cautious step towards the podium. "Which is why us teachers and some of your parents/guardians have banded together to give you lot one last Moordale High experience!" 
More murmuring. Eric and Maeve are already groaning, while Otis looks cautiously hopeful. Many more of them are apprehensive, including the likes of Adam and Ola, but they're sitting up a bit straighter in their seats, waiting to find out the rest. 
They've all experienced many things at Moordale High, not all of them good, but not all of them awful, either. Some of them have been the best time of their lives, like the performance they put on just a few weeks ago to rid themselves of Hope. And some have an utter disaster like their trip to France.
Most of them are assuming it's going to be leaning more towards the latter. And it feels as though their fears are confirmed when Mr Hendricks excitedly, and dramatically, yells, "We're going camping!" 
I completely forgot I hastily named it “Uncle Shawn the Icon” for this asjkdhajksh okay so. Auggie starts experimenting with feminine clothes, something that Cory, Topanga, and Riley are more than supportive of. But, unfortunately, people at his school aren’t as supportive. When he starts acting different (like Riley in that one episode where she was being bullied), they know something is up, and Cory happens to mention it to Shawn. Uncle Shawn who, after spending that week as “Veronica” realized he actually liked presenting as a girl sometimes, and came out as genderfluid. He comes over to have a proper talk with Auggie, and let him see that it doesn’t matter what other people say about them. Bonus: Riley mentions it to her friends because she’s worried about Auggie, and most of them jump to Auggie’s defence. 
"Auggie's being bullied."
Maya blinks. Farkle sits back in his seat. Stunned into silence. Lucas is shaking his head, and Zay and Smackle share a confused glance at each other.
Then comes the eruption.
"Give me names and addresses," Maya demands, voice like sharp ice and scalding lava at the same time, retracting her hand from Riley's arm. Ready to storm out right now to track them down.
That's exactly why Riley doesn't answer her, but she does look at her like she's crazy, and she says, "Maya! They're kids!"
"I'm going to kill them, what do I care if they're twelve?"
Riley's about to tell her she should very much care, because when they were twelve, they benefited much more from being talked to rather than killed. At the same time, they never did anything even remotely like the kids bullying Auggie.
"Did he tell you why they're bullying him?" Lucas asks, sounding like he can't think of a reason why anyone would want to.
"We already had an idea, and Ava told us this morning. He wants to wear skirts. Not just that, but more feminine clothing in general." She drops her head back onto her arms. "He was so excited to wear one of my old skirts on the first day of school yesterday, and now he won't even come out of his room. I don't know how to help him because he won't talk to any of us."
"Those little b--"
"Language," Riley says flatly, not even having the heart to really care if she finishes her sentence or not. Honestly, she feels like doing it for her. "I know, Maya, I'm mad too. I just don't know what to do about it."
"Say something," Farkle says.
Riley lifts her head and turns in her seat to look at him curiously.
"Your parents could say something to the school," he suggests. "I can't guarantee it would stop them, but if we were vocal enough about it--"
"We?" Riley asks, eyebrows raising.
Farkle looks at her seriously, and says, "My dad could make the loudest noise, and I know he would do it if I asked him to. It's Auggie, Riley. Of course I'm not just going to stand by."
"Yeah, and besides, no one should be bullied for what they wear," Maya adds, throwing Farkle a small smile that he gratefully returns. Then she turns back to Riley. "Seriously, Riles, your parents should say something to the school."
Riley agrees with them. It had crossed her mind this morning, and she's sure her parents are already thinking the same thing. She looks to Lucas, Zay, and Smackle.
Without a question asked, Smackle is nodding immediately, and firmly, a look similar to Farkle's on her face.
"They're right," she says matter-of-factly. Then, with a softer note, adds, "It's unfair for them to get away with trying to stop him from expressing himself. People don't like different and it's..."
"It's wrong," Zay finishes for her. "Auggie doesn't deserve that. Going to the school about it might not help but at least it'll make some noise, right? That would do something good, make people aware that it's unfair the way he's getting treated."
Riley's heart is ready to burst from how apparant their support for Auggie is, and just how serious they are about wanting to help. She smiles at Zay, and he smiles back, reaching forward to pat her hand on the top of her chair.
Her eyes slide to Lucas. He hasn't said anything yet.
I really need to hurry up and finish “Clash of the European Boyfriends”, I feel like I’ve been writing it for years. I feel like I’ve summarised it before, but I’ll give another quick one just in case -- There’s a dinner party being hosted at the Salvatore household, set up by Stefan, Elijah, and Lexi. It was more a way of forcing Damon, Enzo, Klaus, and Stefan to get along, but also a good way to get Hope more familiar with the house for the longterm future. Some awkwardness and tension ensures because you just can’t have those four in a house together and not expect something to go wrong. I would love to be able to give a snippet for this but I’ve been rewriting it so much that I can’t decide on anything that might actually make it into the finished fic, so I’m going to skip this one if that’s okay. Hopefully I’ll actually decide where it’s going and what I’m doing with it soon. 
Thank you for sending these, I’m really having so much fun with it!! 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Final Four: Beaks in the Shell! or JESUS WEPT!
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This.. this is a big occasion for me. It’s a return to regular Ducktales coverage.. but it’s also the first episode of the LAST four of the series. It was thanks to Ducktales my blog got a following, first through in character chat things, then through my reviews of this very season. It was starting this last year that took my blog from something I was passionate abbout but did ocassionaly to a vital part of my being and my source of income via one lucky boy who just wont’ let me stop! I kid of course, I thank kev for it, though i’d gladly welcome any other review comissions from you fine folks and fit them into the schedule. There’s a page on my blog for how and if your on mobile you can simply send me an ask or submit to ask about comissiong an episode or episodes of an animated shwo you like and i’ll give you my prices and what not. But it’s thanks to these Kev started comissioning in the first place and thanks to you all clicking on these reviews every week I do them that kept me doing them early on. So I wanted to thank you all. 
Covering the last four episodes is really bittersweet for me. It’s not the end for ducks here: I have most of seasons 1 and 2 to cover, and will be covering a lot of season 1 next month so I can properly cover shadow war for my Lena retrospective, not to mention continuing to cover life and times when I have the space, various birthdays, including Carl Barks Next Month!, and so on and so on. But this is not only the first show I covered on a weekly basis but it’s the first show i’ve covered like that to end. To put it in perspective, Loud House won’t be leaving until it WANTS to and even then nick will probably prepare a second spinoff to follow it up in some form, Amphibia has both the rest of season 2 to go, starting next month!, and a third season renewal meaning while that probably WILL be it i’ll have had two full seasons to cover by the time it’s over, and I went into Close Enough FULLY expecting it not to make it past season 1 as it’s long and harried production cycle lead me to belivie Time-Warner was just going to dump it on HBO Max and be done with it.. and to my utter and everlasting delight the opposite has happened: It didn’t just get renewed but it’s become one of HBO Max’s most popular shows, the flagship of it’s adult animation lineup, and been given THREE more seasons, two of which are coming very soon, and likely will get as many as it wants for the forseable future. 
The point is.. I went into covering Ducktales expecting at least one more season and genuinely not knowing if i’d make it thorugh covering this one, and once this started to really work out for me, to the point from doubting i’d EVER be able to set up a Patreon to having one that nets me ten dollars a month, feel free to contribute if you enjoy these reviews even a buck a month helps, honest. Plus thanks to that ten bucks a month i’ll be covering the five part 87 Ducktales pilot in April and if you get it up to ten i’ll cover super ducktales. But I wouldn’t even had one without these reviews giving me something to start with, and I figured they’d be around for a few more years, at least one more season. I didn’t think the show would just.. end with this season and while the season IS a proper final season of the show, wrapping up arcs, introducing long overdue cast additions, giving us the biggest and best overarching plot thus far.. a good final season dosen’t make it hurt any less. But as a wise Synthizoid once said...
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It hurts it’s going.. I wasn’t prepared for it.. but it’s giving us one hell of a last act, and if this episode is any indication, just because the end is in sight dosen’t mean the last few eps before the finale are phoning it in. This is the end... so now i’ve got my emotional stuff and the weight behind it out of the way, for now i’m defintely going to be bawling come the finale and I’m not ashamed, we can dive into the begining of the end. Counting down.. because really when else am I going to get to use this...
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We’re at four and under the cut it’s beaks in the shell. Let’s get dangerous. 
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We open with a crime in progress as Gandra is stealing a thing for FOWL and Fenton has shown up on the scene to stop her as you’d expect.. along with Huey the boy wonder! He’s finally Fenton’s Sidekick!
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Seriously it’s just so sweet to see this little payoff, to see Huey, after talking about it and clearly wanting to assit Fenton however he can, actually participate. Granted he dosen’t have an armor, yet, of his own, but still he’s been through enough stuff to be helpful> plus, Gyro’s reaction to Fenton trying to ge the resources for another gizmosuit was...
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Gandra trips up his wheel, and im with 87 Scrooge in Ducktales Remastered, which I finally got to play recently! Horay!, what WAS gyro thinking with that design. Regardless she gets away, and our heroes return the loot off screen. Good day’s crime fighting. 
Except something’s off with Fenton as he’s been working extra late lately and lying to both Gyro and Ma’Ma about it with both suspcious, Gyro because he dosen’t like not knowing things and especially not knowing what his former intern’s up to because he’s a bit of a control freak.. and because he probably can’t go visit his new clone farm and work on speeding up the process of his replacement bodies after moonvasion used em all up without Fenton finding out as he’d tell Scrooge and Scrooge would be like “Stop playing God in ways that could get me a steep fine!”. It’d be a whole thing. The fact Fenton’s also using their now shared intern in Manny and neither is telling him why probably isn’t helping and i’ts only that workplace harassment seminar that keeps him from trying to strangle either of them again. That and Manny dosen’t have a neck.
Ma’Ma is more upset that not only is he lying to her again, more on that later, but .. that she’s figured out he has a new girlfriend and understandably thinks there’s some dark reason he’s not telling her, and unlike Gyro turns out she’s two for two. I mean she is a detective while Gyro is more worried about his clone army, his man horse and his robot son. I mean the last two are valid but still Mama just has to worry about her job and her socially awkward adult son. She has more time to focus on this.
But yes, not only is Fenton seeing someone.. but it’s Gandra again. A bit abrubt but honestly this isn’t the first Fenton episode to move his life fast.. and frankly i’m more lenient on final seasons, or seasons INTENDED to be the last ones in terms of offscreen stuff, as your trying to get everything you can wrapped up in the span of 13-24 episodes depending on how lucky you get, if not less. Sometimes you just gotta use a reveal and some exposition to hurry things along and if presented right it works.. and here it is a while the summary for this episode spoiled the reveal, i’ts still subtly dramatic that not only has hef ully forgiven her.. but their together.. despite the fact she still works for fowl. Wuh-oh.  After the credits we get an idea of what their working on, as Fenton used the gizmoduck suit to enter some kind of VR scape. This is the Gizmoscape! It’s a vast virtual reality landscape.. that looks like a fancy version of the VR Interface from community. Marble pillars, flowing water falls. Though ironically enough Jim Rash’s character is NOT a part of it and despite Fenton suggesting letting him in to help with their glitch problem she’s reluctant as it’s THEIR baby and she wants it to be perfect first before they allow other people in. Though i’m also sure part of it is that Gyro would start screaming JESUS WEPT! over and over. 
Meanwhile Mark Beaks is having a big flashy press confrence to announce the new Waddlephone. Only a 50% chance of exploding! And that’s not my dig at Samsung but the shows as that’s really Beaks sales pitch. Unsuprisingly only one VERY bored looking nerd is there at the confrence. As for why he’s finally fallen so low part of it is explalined in the episode: His attempted thefts of the Gizmoduck suit have gotten stale. As the bored nerd puts it he’s tried to steal it four times already, two that we’ve seen but i’m VERY unsuprised he’s tried again off screen. He’s made it PAINFULLY clear he has no ideas of his own, constantly steals them, and the public’s tired of it. As for why it took THIS LONG.. this is sadly realistic. As the throngs of “hardcore gamers” defending Cyberpunk 2077 before it was released can attest to, internet nerd culture can often be toxic, stupid and defend big personalities even when they’ve CLEARLY done something terrible as long as their doing something they like. Beaks was clearly pilfering enough good products and doing enough antics on social media to still be liked and for them to ignore his blanat and douchey crimes and had enough money on him during said crimes to walk away from it. 
Problem is.. while people can be awful and defend someone despite them not deserving their loyality, being a douche in public and doing VERY terrible things.. you have to have something to earn that loyalty. Waddle had that at first iwth project ta-dah, Waddleduck, various aps i’m sure... but it’s clear from context by this point Beaks has nothing left and no cult of personality to insulate him. Unlike say Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos he dosen’t HAVE some big product to mask his shadier wealth hoarding actions, he just has rampat supervilian attempts to steal someone else’s power armor and a hired hyjacking to get back at his cold unloving mother. Even when he does supervillian stuff like that.. he can’t be bothered to do it originally. The public will, and very sadly, defend you from terrible stuff, we’ve seen it with people supproting Gina Carano even though she’s actively spreading harmful disnfermation and then had the GALL to compare herself to jews hiding from the nazis, and one journalist trying to defend her had the gall to compare this to the hollywood blacklisting if the 50′s instead of you know, someone who woudln’t shut up about harmful dangerous shit finally getting fired for using teh platform said job provided to spread said harmful dangerous shit about masks and the vacine. But if you have nothing to offer.. thieri just going to forget you and move on. He has nothing to offer so they’ll gladly gravitate to some other jackass who can at leasat given them a neat phone instead of trying to steal a superhero suit for the 8th time. Mark realizes if he can’t steal something soon.. he’ll be forced to go with the Nuclear option: MAKE SOMETHING HIMSELF. 
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Back at Fenton’s toilet lab, Huey finds Fenton having some cyber makeouts with Gandra... which translates to him kissing the air and Huey feeling evne more awarkd than usual. As for why Huey’s here despite it being late, he got a piece of Gandra’s nanotech during the robbery and figures they can track her. Fenton is.. less than enthused about that for obvious reasons but things soon get worse for our hero as our other hero notices the linkup. And while sidekicks are a good thing in my eyes; They allow young heroes to get proper training, help nuture their talents and prevent assholes from telling them to stop it instead of you know helping them. It’s.. a more common trope than you think let me tell you. 
But Fenton’s discovered the Downside is they can show up anytime, want to hunt your criminal girlfriend down not knowing the full story, and if their a genius like you, figure out what your up to with no effort and really want to try it. Seriously Huey’s almost as smart as you Fenton and will no doubt surpass you one day, this was a matter of when not if and you shouldv’e been more prepared. But Huey wants to try, and while Fenton tries deflecting since he only has the gizmoduck helmet and it only works for him now... Manny comes in with a bunch of vr rigs and Huey dives in.  Naturally, Huey soon running directly into Gandra dosne’t go great.. and given this is huey his natural instinct is to have a panic attack over his best friend, mentor and the only person besides maybe his family, boyfriend and girlfriend that really gets him possibly betraying him and his entire family. Gandra is of course mad Fenton invited someone in when she didn’t want that, and even more someone whose clearly not happy with her and will likely tell on them because that’s basic hue-man nature. 
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Fenton explains he didn’t ask for this, so we get easily the best part of the episode: Gandra’s solution to the child having a mental breakdown.. is to summon a weighted blanket and throw it over him, which Huey mistakes for a trap and she explains helps with Anxiety.. and while he struggles.. it really does. Damn gotta get me one of those. Also while his Autisim remains vauge, likely on puprose, Huey having anxiety disorder, while obvious before, is now 100% confirmed. 
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So now he’s calm, though his Anxiety meter shows he’s still not happy and Gandra doubts he’ll listen, Fenton can at least try and explain: The two have been seeing each other and working on this in secret.. but it has NOTHING to do with FOWL other than Gandra embezzling resoruces to make it happen. Gandra also explains why the project is so important to her and Fenton via her own backstory: Super Science is a dangerous, unrpedictable field and accidents happen a lot, and given people tend to hate what they don’t understand, hence why the X-Men founded their own island  after getting spat on one too many times, it often gets an unfair bad wrap.. and she shows she’s had to put up with this her whole life, making an intresting lazer thing as a kid that lost to a volcano and getting glared at for it accidently destroying said volcano. And as an adult due to her work’s dangerous and experimental nature, no one would take a chance on it and like many a super villian she had to experiment on herself. It’s also why she worked for Beaks last season and works with FOWL now, only supervillians with thier grandiose ambitions and lack of care for property damage would fund her. 
That’s part, at least, of why this is so very important to her: The Gizmoscap eprovides an invorment where scientests and others can experiment unabated, where the only limit is imagination and those glitches they keep having and any accident can be frozen , dragged and dropped away with no damage. There’s no risk but all the reward and they plan to give it out for free, to let the public use this and let the world grow from it. 
It also fills in a lot of Gandra’s character and gives weight to her last apperance: Her working with Beaks, while hypocritical, now has a tragic edge as he was simply the only one who’d fund her work. Her hatred of Fenton’s corprroate job and people like Scrooge.. is that in general billionares like him usually aren’t good people, and even SCrooge has his clear faults, and she assumed he was just making Fenton shut up and do things just to beniefit him and make him more money.. when Scrooge was instaead paying him to do a genuine public service as gizmoduck, and gives him and Gyro a LOT of leway and a pretty bottomless budget and only turns things down if their way too dangeorus for public release. The tragedy here is if she’d gone to Scrooge.. she never would’ve had to work for FOWL. He wouldd’ve genuinely supported her and likely given her a full ride and a spot in the lab of her own, maybe as an intern but probably on her own merit given how game changing her tech is and how he of all people understands a ballance of risk and reward. It turns her from a very hypcoriticla techie who works with the very people she scorns.. to someone who has no choice and desperatley wants out.  And this is her way out: something new and bold that’, while not hers alone as Fenton co created it, could change the world and make it safe for people like her to do what they do without ridcule, scorn or risk. It’s everything she could’ve dreamed of and more and once it’s done she promises to leave fowl and as the end of the episode bares out, and as her tone makes clear, she’s genuine about it. She also TRULY does love fenton and vice versa and both are desspearte for Huey to keep a lid on things from Gyro till it’s ready, as she rightfully worries if it gets out unfisnished they’ll just be mocked agian.  Naturally being a good soft boy Huey is now entirely on board, because he loves science, and he loves love and this is both. And frankly given what we saw way back in Astro BOYD... .he knows more than anyone what its like to be laughed at and mocked for being diffrent and simply being smart. And even though his family lvoes him.. only one member is as smart as him in the same way, his mom whose still a very diffrent person, and it wasn’t till this season he really got to connect with people his own age like him. And both Violet and BOYD could benifit form this.. everyone could. So he’ll keep it secret for now.  This proves problematic as both Gyro AND Mama are there and both have questions. And while Huey ducks gyro, Mama.. interrogates a small child who she’s defintely met and likely knows has anxiety over something as trivial as her son having a secret girlfrined. You.. you guys might’ve wanted to remove this bit given last year. I”m just saying. Does not play well. The most Huey can come up with is a girlfriend in Canada which fenton plays along with... but given neither her nor gyro are really buying into things, though Mama has a check done on seamstresses in canada just in case because this bit was clearly written years ago and not rerecorded for whatever reason, Huey uses little bulb to fake a gizmo emergency so Fenton can get out of there, go home and work on this himself while Huey stalls and lies. But since his best on the fly lie was “a girlfriend in canada”, which is somehow worse than “who’s Dewey”, and while our boy is many things: excellent at opera, a good friend, a wonderful wingman, excellent at setting a mood, a good son, great at panic attacks, a genius, an expert woodchuck, knowledgeble on quantum mechanics.. the list goes on lying is not one of those things and he seems to be in a pickle. 
Meanwhile Mark is struggling to create, can relate, because he’s entirely creatively sterile. And that’s probably why out of Scrooge’s foes.. he stopped being a threat. He has no vision. And while true the Beagle BOys also don’t besides steal stuff and maybe get our deed back, that’s by design as Ma knows they can’t take scrooge or gizmoduck so why cry. Stick to petty crimes and stuff he isn’t aware of or dosen’t care about. But Magica and Glomgold do. Magica is cunning, if not subtle, and manipulative and when on full blast horrifyingly powerful, and it took everything Clan McDuck had to stop her at full, and she still nearly won without any powers when she came back, and even if Lena can keep her in check now, she still GOT her powers back and got her new arch enemy to defeat her old one. Glomgold while only slightly more comipitent than beaks, and even then VERY slightly, he at least has vision. His schemes are entirely stupid.. but he dosen’t stop coming up with them. They may be his first draft but damn if they aren’t entertaining and damn if one or two haven’t WORKED. Simply stealing a few cents from scrooge and gaslighting him in a devil costume NEARLY drove him insane and cost him his fortune.  Beaks.. has no ideas. He has ambiation.. but it’s to steal the same tech that even if he got it, he woudln’t know what to do with. The ONLY time he’s been a full on threat has been using someone else’s scheme, that Gandra clearly came up with and STILL required piggybacking on the gizmo suit. He has nothing and while it was fine for a while.. eventually h’es left iwth nothing. Glomgold at least has money, magica at least has power... Beaks HAD both.. but had no idea what to properly do with it and now is on his last legs. Even his idea for a coffee cups with aps is taken because of course “even the dumbest ideas are taken”, this is america. Making dumb shit for rich morons is our primary export. But he sees the fleeing fenton, has a breakdown and declares FINE if that’s what fate wants i’ll steal the armor I’LL STEAL THE ARMOR ALL DAY. 
So Fenton heads home to recharge in both senses of the word, and to tell Gandra the timetable’s moved and Huey can hold them only so long. And he seems to be wrong as Huey confidently prepares to answer their questions.. but is seemingly thrown when we get the real reason Mama is so upset: She’s just worried and still a bit hurt from Fenton not feeling he could tell her he was gizmoduck and it breaks her heart that her son feels he has to hide from her again. However while this is genuinely sad and emotional.. the reason he’s thrown is it’s NOT huey, but Louie, whose a bit miffed as he DIDN’T know Fenton was Gizmoduck, and can’t properly bullshit without full info. it’s also really nice that bit FINALLY came up as the rest of the four main kids have known for a while now. But Huey convincnes him to do it.. for 6 months allowance. Frankly the real shocker here is that they actually GET an allowance. 
However Mama.. is again a cop. One who REALLY needs to rethink her ethics.. but a cop, and the best one on the force, and thus has easily guessed this is not Huey, and given she’s probably ran into his schemes before, figures out which one he’d bring in to buffer for him and easily gets rid of Louie by asking him to tur informant on himself, since the REAL Huey would under pressure and Louie instead flees in terror not wanting to get arrested and leaves both the lab and the episode. Though I’m pretty sure i know where he went
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So yeah things are not great and only get worse, as Mark breaks into fentons house via the open window and upon finding out abotu the Gizmoscape naturally plans to hack into it and take it for himself. Before he does Fenton talks to Gandra and admits they may have to let other people in and we get another reason: She’s worried she’s not good enough. He reassures her.. and this tender moment is interupted by Beaks who imprisons them, hyjacks fenton’s security system aka a gizmo armor, and while still a creatively sterile douche, does have a decent if horrifically scummy way to profit all of this: use the open coloabreation concept to get the legal right to steal all this and say it’s his. 
Fenton bemaons the fact that Gandra was right, one bad apple spoiled the bunch and unveling it too qiuckly would’ve gone bad as she feared.. but Gandra’s grown and realizes Fenton was also right, and that they needed more people. While the wrong people can ruin a project, collaboration can help, finding perspectives you didn’t see and helping fine tune ideas. Huey, whose collapsed at Fenton’s due to the exustion of lying, wakes up to find Beaks crimes and being unable to just unplug him, as while Beaks is VERY dumb, even he’s not THAT stupid. But Fenton gets out an SOS over morse to tell everyone So Huey does.. and the calvary arrives, as Huey enters the Gizmoscape with Mama and Gyro. And while Mama is pleased to realize she’s right about the girlfirend thing they don’t really have time for that, so once Huey explains the basic concept, he uses it himself to give himself GIZMO ARMOR. AT LAST. 
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He also has extra long legs, because of course, just.. of course. Naturally Beaks steals it, and everyone else takes a stab at their own gizmotech armor: Mama daawns a stunning police themed one, Gyro goes for a bulb mecha based on the giant version of little bulb from the great dime chase, an idea brought up by LB, and Gandra goes for a sleek tron esque nanotech number. Beaks take sa bit from each and our heroes wonder how to beat him.. but Fenton realizes that’s simple: Beaks can only copy and steal... they can create. And Gandra uses this against him by pointing that out so he drops his super armor.. to look like Andross from Starfox.. which shows that EVEN when trying to come up with a cool final boss form... Beaks has to steal from something. The rest of the Gizmo Corps, my name for them I own that, Gizmo Legion would also be good, after Iron Man’s iron Legion, suit back up and kick beaks ass as a team. I smell second spinoff.. or first if darkwing ends up hyjacked by Seth Rogen.. who I have nothing agianst he’s just not the one who put in the work for a reboot. 
So our heroes win in an awesome sequence, seirously spinoff and Beaks is knocked the fuck out and presumibly will FINALLY go to jail for good to this as he can get away from a lot but directly breaking into an officer’s house and stalking her son, they can omit the gizmopart and even if Fenton went public.. no one would care and he and Mama can take care of htemselves, as can Huey, Gyro, Gandra and Manny, so it’s not like anyones in danger. Beaks is well and truly defeated: he has no idea, an imminet jail sentence, and no one to back him up. Fenton’s finally got the little boil off his back
So now the big fight is over, Gyro can actually process the Gizmoscape.. and is genuinely impressed.. he tries to hidei t because of course he does.. but it’s clear for someone who himself has constnatly been called crazy and had his ideas blow up.. this is paradise to him. a place where he won’t be judged and has unlimtied funds to experiment with his ideas without having to get yelled at when they destroy a city block or nearly choked to death by his own robot son, daughter or nonbinary person. He also easily fixes the problem and proves Fenton right for wanting to include him, as he points out they hadn’t been DELETING anything, simply downsizing it and it naturally caused stress on the server.  Fenton talks about Gandra and defneeds her to Mama.. whose just happy he’s happya nd someone can take her son. Alls well that ends well right. 
Final Thoughts:  So this was a... wait.. why are we cutting back to fowl.. why is bradford there. 
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Yeah turns out megalmanoical diabolical msterminds kinda monitor their employees so he knew she intended to quit and stole resources, and while she plans to leave, he simply calls in a bunch of eggheads who overwhelm her with sheer numbers and has her fined two weeks pay.. and taken to the lost library to indefintely lock her up. What’s that she asks “You have your secrets, I have mine”
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So yeah a bit of a downer ending
Actual Final Thoughts: 
This was an excellent capper to Fenton’s character arc. While the Gandra relationsihp is a bit rushed the rest is a masterful capper to his character arc: This episode shows off how he’s changed from EVERY one of his previous three focus episodes, while a major part of astro boyd and how he got his docterate it dosne’t quite contribute to his character arc,  and grown from them: From beware the buddy system! he’s learned to colaberate properly and taken his desire to WORK with other people, like he always did with Gyro but was constnatly shut out, and found a proper and brilliant way to that allows people like him, gyro, gandra and huey to really express themselvs. He’s grown from a niave rookie trusting the wrong people in who is gizmoduck.. to someone whose STILL fully trusting despite constant betryals, but now knows who to trust, and an experinced hero who once freed easily counters his nemisis.  And finally from Dangerous Chemistry, he’s finally got a ballance in his life: inastead of running from gizmo or treating his alter ego as something else.. he’s found a way to use the gizmotech for science, and FINALLY found his world changing invention one so good and so practical even his mentor, despite trying to walk it back, is genuinely proud of him and genuinely in awe.
Every step lead to his happy ending.. well okay his girlfriend still needs to be freed from her insane ex-boss, but that’s just a few episodes away. Fenton has everything he wanted when he started: his boss finally respects him and treats him as an equal, his mom not only knows who he is but is proud and supportive of him, he has a loving partner creatively and romantically.. and a best friend who while a good two decades younger, is there for him and who he genuinely apologizes too for putting so much on him. LIke all the endings so far this season.. it feels like a throughly satisfying end to the journey we’ve been following. This fits in nicely with Penny realizing earth could be her home and that she dosen’t have to constnatly fight to have a purpose, Lena finally accepting magic instead of running from it and thus gaining peace of mind and power to stop her former abuser from hurting anyone else, Goldie finally accepting how much she cars about Scrooge and his family and that she CAN change... all of this, except penny obviously has been built up through three seasons and while I DEFINTLY could see frank and matt returning to all of them.. i’ts nice to get some closure.  It feelsd earned and impressive. The episode is also.. REALLY fucking funny, from the weighted blanket gag to Beaks in general, to Huey yelling at fenton about Mama “She somehow broke Louie!”. It’s a masterful and throughly satisfying end to Fenton’s story. And again we’ll likely see him in the finale but character arc wise.. its a good place to end his. 
Tommorow: We return to the noiry furry world of John Blacksad as everyone’s favorite panther detective battles white supremacists to find a missing girl and we’re introduced to your faviorite sidekick and mine Weekly. 
Later on this week: The Lena retrospective continues with Jaw$, we celebrate Tex Avery’s birthday, and I tackle the awful original tom and jerry movie. 
So if any of that tickles your fancy see you at the next rainbow
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facelessfrey · 4 years
So...Wednesdays at 8 are just torture now. Cool. I realize I could stop watching the 100 at this point but I’m a glutton for punishment. And I have to see just how mad it makes me as it tries to justify Bellamy’s death...and wow did it deliver. 
Before I get to that, let’s review the end of this episode with Gabriel’s death:
So Gabriel got to die heroically saving Madi’s life and hang on until he was surrounded by all of his friends so he could refuse medical help because he was ready, it was his time. Gabriel got the “May we meet again speech”. You know who got none of that?
You know what he did get? Clarke tearfully telling everyone she shot him because she tried so hard to get the sketchbook that she didn’t even fucking take. That same sketchbook that Bill got his hands on anyway. That same sketchbook that is still a god damn mystery because none of the world building makes any kind of sense this season and I still have no idea what the fuck Bill is talking about 99% of the time. But if I have to hear the word “transcendence” again, I’m gonna lose it. Anyway...where was the trying so hard bit last week? She pleaded with him for five seconds and then shot him in the heart. She could have shot him in the damn hand or any other non fatal body part and taken the damn sketchbook and gone through the portal. It’s so fucking stupid. 
And then the worst part of it all is everyone being like “wow Clarke, I understand. Bellamy did suck now and he was never going to be able to handle everything we’ve done in the past seven seasons of this show so it was really for the best that you just murdered him in cold blood. Cool. Let’s give you a hug. That must have really been hard for you.” 
And the swelling music, making her seem down right heroic for her ridiculous actions?? I couldn’t handle it. I mean honestly, what a joke. 
Thank god for Madi calling her the fuck out on the awful choices she was forced to make by this dumb show. 
But also, I have nothing against Madi, but I also really truly hate what Madi has turned Clarke into in the past three seasons. I understand that Madi is her daughter and that she would do anything for her, but she continually just goes against everyone else and does insane things all of the sake of her. And you know what? Madi is always mad at her for it and rightly so. 
So then there was a period of time in which, if I pretended Bellamy wasn’t dead for no reason, this episode was actually kind of nice. I mean it was only like a ten minute period but it had some good stuff:
1 - Miller and Jackson reunited and they had a real scene together. It was strange. Haha. I think Miller had more characterization in that scene than he has in this whole series since about season 2. We’ll ignore the fact that they were talking about Bellamy being dead. It was still nice. 
2 - Indra and Gaia finally got to reunite and they had their nice little reconciliation moment where Gaia told her she was glad she and Octavia found each other and Indra gave her the equivalent of an “i love you” by calling her “her seda” and apologizing for being annoyed for years that she wasn’t a proper warrior. Of course, that meant I was fully worried one or both of them was about to die instantly but so far so good. 
3 - Octavia and Indra finally got a chance to talk and Indra did her best to absolve Octavia of all of the Bloodreina trauma. There was a Lincoln mention that was very nice. And I love a little snarky Indra with her “I was the best [teacher]” line. 
4 - Drunk Nylah. Good stuff. And I like Jordan and Hope understanding each other. Also Echo finally telling someone else her real name is Ash. It all seems a bit pointless now but it was still a nice moment for her. 
5 - Murphy, Emori and Raven being awesome together. 
Anyway...so ends the positive part of this mostly rage ramble because then Sheidheda turns up and the show turns into some sort of weird horror video game that was truly bizarre and also incredibly stupid. First of all, WHY IS SHEIDHEDA NOT DEAD?!??! They have had so many opportunities to just kill this infuriating man and they’ve decided not to every time and for what?! Just so he could keep popping up to cause more damage?! It just does not seem logical on everyone else’s part and it seems very contrived on the show’s part. And I’m still not over Bill getting the stupid sketchbook anyway. And I just do not care about these people’s motivations. These characters do not matter. 
But back to the weird horror video game because of course Sheidheda shows up wearing one of those nifty helmets that make you invisible so no one can see him yet they blatantly say that someone is there. HOWEVER, no one thinks to like shoot the gun and see if they hit anything? Or swing their swords around to check? Anything? They know what the helmets can do. They know someone came through the stupid portal and yet they still just do nothing and lead him right to Madi??? Sure. Fine. This show is dumb. 
So Madi ends up going all Elena Gilbert and being like “no one’s going to go to war and sacrifice themselves for me!” and stabs herself in the stomach, which I’m still not sure how that sends you back to wherever but okay. God the world building this season has been rushed. 
And now what?! They go to war?! I have to hear Bill talk about transcendence some more? I DON’T CARE!!!!! WHY SHOULD I CARE?! 
Really I just want Sheidheda dead. He should have died like 13 episodes ago and I need him gone now. 
Anyway, everything is pointless. This show is ridiculous and does not make any sense. The only content I liked was the section where they referenced all of the stuff that took place on Earth back when this show was a decent show. They really should just stay on Earth and just stop caring about everyone else. Hear that Murphy! I know you’re trying to be good now but NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE ELIGIUS THREE PRISONERS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! 
I hope they blow up all the planets at the end and everyone just dies. 
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
how would you rank the seasons from least to most favourite?
alright okay right off the bat worst season season 7. for starters i think this season has no staying power i mean like since i’ve been running this blog 4 so long now my knowledge of charmed is encyclopedic and insanely vast more than like it ever need be but for the longest time. i could not remember season 7. like wtf even happened there?? evidently leo became human??? cole returned? the avatars??? like all of it was just. it’s not even necessarily forgettable it’s just i straight up could not remember it for the longest time. and i’ve said it before the concept of utopia was way to advanced for a show like charmed to tackle i am not watching charmed for moral philosophy i am watching bc i love these girls ♥ hee hee hoo hoo magic adventure ✨ tho if i am to offer a single comment on utopia: it’s awfully rich for a show to go on about destiny and fate and then take a stand against utopia in the name of free will. but w/e. i don’t like leo in the avatars i don’t like his dynamic with piper in this season i don’t like whatever phoebe’s doing this season there’s like leslie?? maybe there’s someone else? boring & flavorless they should have been setting up her endgame instead of puttering around. and kyle. zoo wee mama. could have been a great antihero. morally gray. duplicitous. self serving. but no. they gave him all those traits and called him hero/love interest. s7 left a lot to be desired out of the characters and their relationships also gave us phat L’s such as the charmed ones are werewolves don’t worry about it and feminism peaked with naked women. shout out to zankou: demon, dilf, dub & the noir episode.
you know what? fuck it i’ll say it second worse season 5 genuinely fuck season five. this is probably a Very Specific beef 2 me But. i hate what they did to the charmed universe. this was the season that marked the transition of charmed from supernatural drama to campy soap which like. i love camp! i do! but fr. fuck this season and what it did to the worldbuilding. the early season have Such A Vibe to them man with warlocks and witches and just a couple niche monsters from assorted lore that the show took and made their own. season five opens with mermaids goes directly into fairytales then gives us superheros whatever the fuck was going on in that mummy episode the sandman leprechauns and nymphs. and i hate it for that. it takes away from this urban fantasy things that go bump in the night what lurks in the shadows of the back alleys of san francisco in favor of the ugliest cinderella dress ever put to television and an onslaught of horrible irish accents for a full episode. other issues with season five: cole’s still here? why? they don’t know and neither will you! we’re not redeeming him! phoebe’s not getting back together with him! yes he died we just refuse to let him go! the cherry on top of course being a cole-centric 100th episode. shout out to. hmm. lemme think about what i actually liked about this season. i like jason dean as a love interest i don’t remember what he did in s5 but i know he was there. the season finale i’ve talked about how stupid & shitty it was but idc i still love that episode and then shout out to bacarra the only original villain this season that was a proper serve. the crone gets second place.
next on this come on we all saw it coming season 8. it’s a bad season! and i get bts there was a whole lot happening budget cuts missing actor etc. but it goes beyond that. it was a bad season. billie and christie were bad. and i’ve said this before but billie in herself is not an inherently bad character. she was just the literal worst for the show. she was a dollar store buffy blonde confident cocky skilled and ready 2 fight evil But. we are not following her like we followed buffy we are following her mentors. it’s like if we had a show called giles that aired for seven seasons And Then buffy showed up. billie was insanely irritating to watch from our perspective and in general wasn’t like. well written. attempts to humanize her / give her more depth often fell flat. and then christy. oh nelly. oh my god. barely a character. not well acted but hey it would have been a miracle if she was. negatives include dumain who was a mess omg bringing back the triad bringing back the source billie & christy obvi and also involving homeland security. which is season 7′s fault which is why it’s the worst. dubs on the other hand include both coop and henry i really liked them the shoehorned love interests weren’t great but i like their characters i though the way the got rid of leo to save on the budget was really creative and gave us a great piper episode and of course the sugary sweet finale i love it i do what can i say.
yet another controversial choice aptly coming in fourth is season 4. i respect what season 4 set out to do. i think it was a good idea. long form narratives, keeping a darker tone, focusing on character-driven drama and growth. too bad it fucking failed miserably at all of this. cole as the source and phoebe as the queen of hell was just so so botched. they had a very unique opportunity following the death of prue to explore these characters and what it means to them to be charmed, to be witches. they saved the world but the cost is insanely high. they’ve lost an older sister. they’ve gained a new sister. how do you even begin to cope with all this? episodes such as hell hath no fury and brain drain fuck so hard because they work with exactly that. had the whole season been like those episode season four would sit at number one with flying colors absolutely no competition. but alas. we can’t have nice things. the show got so bogged down with phoebe & cole, in a way that was just so, so messy. for starters, whether you loved cole or hated him before, we can all agree source!cole sucked. he was such a strong 180 from what we had seen that the show had to make the source some type of possession to justify half the shit they were trying to pull. and then to pit phoebe and paige against one another over a man was just. disgusting. and the ending of course felt rushed because it was! they wrapped up that entire issue in a nice little bow much faster than they reasonably should have been able to. it could have been a great season. it was definitely not. shout out to the seer an iconic mastermind on barbas levels, as previously stated brain drain and hell hath no fury Specific shout out to piper’s scene at prue’s grave shout out to paige as a character i like what they did with her and um. yeah that’s it.
okay we’re exiting the shit tier in favorite of the good tier welcome to the upper half. kicking us off is season 6. season 6 did what season 4 could not in that it gave us a long form plot that still left plenty of room for like. normal demon of the week episodes. i love phoebe early in this season with her faboo haircut her brand new empathy power and her relationship with jason dean. obvious strikes against for whatever the fuck that baby crazy stint was and also the mata hari episode. yikes. i love paige’s hair color in this season nothing paige as a character necessarily stands out to me however i like how they seem to have hit the blend of work-magic with paige where she wants a life and career outside of magic however she still loves the craft and embraces is with an open heart and mind. season six also gives us chris who was a very fun male lead imo we really didn’t have many like him he’s bitchy. he whines and bitches a lot he’s got an agenda he’s a bit secretive but at the end of the day he just wants a family i like him. i like the character growth we see out of piper i like seeing her try to move on from leo i love seeing her get back together with leo i like her dynamic with chris and her fears about motherhood. i also liked richard but that one takes a lot of justification. L’s are witchstock hyde school reunion used karma off the top of my head also the paige/richard/addiction plotline was so tone deaf. also the girls were mean to darryl : ( he deserved so much better. dubs were chris as a character, tbh the episode little monsters, phoebe with empathy specifically saying i love you too to jason i could write a dissertation on that line alone also the courtship of wyatt’s father and i thought the reveals of evil wyatt and chris being piper and leo’s son were both fun and interesting plot twists.
coming in third is actually season 2 a season i really do love it’s just. it lacks structure. imo there is a lot to love about season 2 morality bites and pardon my past are both delightful time travel episodes we get jack sheridan and bane jessup two of my personal favorite prue love interests we get p3 h2o and a great prue plotline regarding the death of patty we get the super cute cupid episode it’s a great. collection of episodes. it’s not a great season. there’s just imo not a strong enough thread connecting the stories together it’s mainly held together by having the same characters in it over and over again i really liked dan personally but like. i knew we were wasting time there. he was just an obstacle. a super cute loving and caring obstacle who’s great with kids but lbr piper and leo were always endgame. wasting our time on dan was stupid. i do love the sister dynamics in season two “gotta hand it to those pesky little demons they sure have brought us closer together” but again. this season could have benefitted from a rex and hannah type or even like a cole or zankou. this season is less of a season and more of just like a handful of episodes, and while there are some fat dubs, there are also some definite swings & misses. shout out to the time travel episodes the prue centric episodes phoebe’s character growth and maturity throughout this season (e.g. her going back to college) and i also think the fashion got a lot more fun this season.
second place i’m saying season one season one was a really strong start and gave us these really compelling characters with interesting relationships between one another But. a lot of it just kinda falls flat. and credit where credit is due it was a brand new show getting its feet under it but the fourth sister feats of clay which prue is it anyway they just simply aren’t dubs imo. also i don’t like that 70′s episode bc again i am an asshole concerned about The Lore i can’t believe one bitch ass warlock caused the Charmed Ones to grow up without powers. it just really bugs me. all in all the plots as a whole like aren’t great imo they’re nothing to write home about (save for from fear to eternity) it’s really the characters that make this season so goddamn good.
first place congratulations to the one the only season three. this is just because it kinda hits all my requirements in that it has some banger one offs (e.g. all halliwell’s eve, the good, the bad, and the cursed) it has an overarching plot at the exact same time as the source becomes more prominent and obvi cole is also there with murderous intent i like the character growth we see especially from prue i like piper and leo finally get married overall i really like the aesthetic of this season that blends a darker urban fantasy tone with still some charmed fashion and whimsy. strikes against tbh phoebe and cole’s relationship i am insanely picky with my enemies to lovers and the do not come remotely close to cutting the mustard in fact they are almost immediately disqualified however from afar i can see and respect The Drama. shout out to recasting victor prue with pistols death as a character and shannen directing episodes
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longinglook · 4 years
hi anna!! can i ask what are your favorite fightor moments? i miss them ;(
ahhhh of course you can ask i’ll never get tired of talking about them! (I’m going to follow a chronological order because there’s no way I could rank them by which one I like the most)
-First meeting (ep 1)
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I loved that we got to see their first interactions from more than one point of view, first with a neutral interpretation and then from Fighter’s memories because it made everything feel even more special. Fighter messes up Tutor’s name and doesn’t know how to explain it (even to himself) so he reacts with annoyance and Tutor has no clue about what he just started in Fighter’s head and they don’t really understand what’s going on yet but Fighter definitely feels that there’s something about this boy that makes him interesting to him. I just love the general confusion of them both and the fact that it wasn’t love at first sight but something definitely clicked for them, but they had to spend time to figure it out.
-Accidental bench nap (ep 3 + 4)
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The premises for this scene were a bit silly because I am sure it’s not that easy to get locked inside a University, but it still gave us such a wholesome moment that I can’t complain about it. Once again they are both confused about what’s going on and how their bodies seem to be at ease with each other when they’re supposed to be enemies. One thing that I really liked is that they both fall asleep on each other, showing us that they are completely equal in the relationship right from the start. There isn’t a weak sleepy one and a strong protective one, they both at different points of the night lower their guard enough to fall asleep on each other’s shoulder. I adore how awkward yet soft they are with each other even then, when they were still arguing and bickering constantly
-Study dates (ep 5)
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I have been moderately obsessed with their study dates since realizing that in ep 5 we got an actual montage of many different sessions (i spent months thinking it was just one day). It’s not exacly one moment but it’s a great indicator of how their relationship evolved so quickly, it’s nice to see how playful Fighter is when he’s around Tutor, how they can be serious and focused together but also how much fun they have without really meaning to. And of course it’s an early taste of the domesticity to come, but mostly serves the function of showing how they fell for each other, in the intimacy of Tutor’s condo, studying together and getting to know each other session by session.
-Food spilling accident (ep 6)
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This is when Tutor begins to see through Fighter’s facade and realize there’s a lot more to it. Fighter is so surprised and moved by Tutor’s generosity, something that nobody has ever done for him, that he forgets about his walls and masks and finally shows his feelings on his face. I love that a gesture that looks so mundane and normal to Tutor, who has grown up in a loving and caring environment (at least on his mother’s side) manages to shake Fighter so much, it shows that they can help each other heal, with the proper communication. I also like that Tutor pulls back at the end, realizing that he is still confised and needs time to truly figure out what’s happening, what he wants and what Fighter wants.
-Ep 7 part 4
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This is more than a moment but it might be my favorite segment of any of the episodes. The airport scene is perfect, so incredibly well acted and emotional, I adore how Fighter has no clue what to do to cheer Tutor up because he’s never wanted or cared enough to do that for someone else, but he still tries his best and Tutor can sense it. I adore the small role reversal on the rooftop when Tutor is ready to give up on talking about it but Fighter stops him, but then Fighter is the hesitant one and Tutor has to lead him, and then again as they’re counting down Tutor looks like he’s scared while Fighter is determined. I just love how when it comes to them they never have fixed roles. (wow looking for a gif for this made me realize I never really giffed much from this episode, that’s unfortunate)
-Morning kiss krub (ep 10)
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I could easily list every single scene of episodes 9 and 10 but I’m trying to restrain myself and morning kiss krub is for sure my favorite moment out of them all. I love it sooooooooo much, I love the slowness and softest of it all, it shows us how much of an impact they’ve had on each other’s lives, how they are both happier and more serene now that they’re honest about their feelings. The scene shows us love and trust and affection and care and intimacy and ahhhh so many emotions, it’s my go to scene for when I want to get in my fttt feelings, it’s great motivation and inspiration to write.
-Final beach hug (ep 13)
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Definitely one of my favorite scenes, and it’s fitting that it’s right at the end of the series. It manages to incorporate every single element of their relationship in one kiss and hug, there’s needy Fighter asking for a hug, there’s the heat of their kisses, there’s Tutor gently stroking Fighter’s cheek and neck, and there’s Fighter stealing one last surprise kiss while Tutor laughs and pretends to complain, all in a beautiful setting with the sunset light making the whole scene feel even warmer. (I like it so much that it’s my sidebar gif and I have a few different gisets of it lol)
I could go on for hours about this but I tried very hard to limit myself and not make it into a super long post, but my brain is always ready to supply more commentary when it comes to Them
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letswreakhavoc · 4 years
I wrote my mad post already, telling people that are reacting poorly to stop but I wanted to actually write a post about my thoughts about this whole thing and see who it resonates with. This ended up very long, my apologies and many thanks to those who actually read it.
Full warning to my BeauJester friends, I fall more on the side of BeauYasha and my interpretation of a lot of the BJ moments read to me as not as intense as others read it. Which is totally fine, we all read into and interpret things differently to each other and each and everyone of those interpretations is valid.
So here we go
The original crush confession from Beau didn’t surprise me really, but the way it was worded through the whole discussion didn’t read to me very serious at all.
“It’s just- I don’t know- it’s just a crush!”
“She’s fun. She makes me laugh. I like her ridiculous plans. I think she’s complicated and layered. I don’t know.”
“I’m not gonna like act on it or anything.”
“I don’t think she thinks that I’m her type. She’s- she’s got a thing for Fjord.”
When Veth asks about it’s seriousness she confirms it’s just a crush.
“It’s not gonna change anything. Don’t let it change anything!”
All of this reads to me like Beau is sort of explaining “It’s Jester, who wouldn’t have a crush on her?” It read to me like Beau is explaining her crush on her straight friend that she knows she is going to eventually have to get over, no matter how enticing it may be to explore the possibility.
I can totally see where people are coming from in reading that Beau is pushing down or minimizing her feelings in a way. Which she very well might be, but even in that circumstance it still feels to me like Beau is confessing this crush on who, as far as she is aware, is her straight best friend so that she can maybe start to move past it before it becomes an issue within their friendship and within the party.
Taking this, alongside the fact that Beau has never even gotten close to exploring any part of her feelings towards Jester just cements this in my mind. She obviously is being respectful as Jester grapples with her feelings, exploring romance in a realistic sense, struggles with all of the god stuff going on with Artagan, but she never even speaks to someone else about it in any deep sense after the conversation with Veth.
Then, with the Talks Machina clip that’s been circulating again recently, this still doesn’t read to me as “Beau is in love with Jester” in any sense. It just reads to me that Beau isn’t just wanting to have sex with Jester, that her crush, however big or small it may be, isn’t the same as her messing around with Keg or Reani. This seems obvious to me, even with me casual interpretation of the crush in the first place. Of course the crush on your best friend that may or may not be that serious is different to your one night stands, you know?
Switching to looking at BeauYasha, we have flirting from the first episode onwards, consistently every time Ashley is at the table. At first Beau/Marisha talk about it in a simple view of lust. Beau finds Yasha hot, but she knows that’s not an attainable thing, and leaves it be. She doesn’t want to create tension within the group. And then close to 50 episodes on, where in these feelings may or may not have been growing, Beau finds out that Yasha is mourning a dead wife, and immediately starts to stamp down any feelings, however strong they are, because now it’s really inappropriate in her mind.
All the while though they keep talking, and flirting, and getting to know one another more and more as time goes on. Yasha goes through hell time and time again only to keep showing up, keep coming back, even after hurting Beau in altered states, always comes back to make sure she can try fix it.
We have things like
“I toss and turn hoping to hear thunder again.”
“I move all the way up to Yasha and I say.. ‘Hi.’“
“Beau is in front of me and I will very sheepishly put my hand over where I stabbed her and cast healing hands”
Yasha carries Beau away from Obann, taking an attack of opportunity in the process to protect her.
“You should be very proud of your daughter. You are very lucky to have her.”
“Those are beautiful...” “Well, so are you.”
“Beau you are so beautiful!”
The constant in battle flirting and banter
Do I even need to mention the flight?
And many many more moments, moments you can view here.
Up until we have Yasha breaking free of her shackles and letting go of her grief and pain. Ultimately letting Zuala go, and now it’s become all too real for Beau. It’s suddenly a distinct possibility in her mind and she can no longer contain the feelings she’s been ignoring for 7-9 months now.
We finally get to a point where Beau almost explodes, it reads to me like she couldn’t really hold onto it anymore and sought Fjord out to talk to him about it, and she mentions Jester in what I read as a respectful sense. Fjord admits that he is grappling with his feelings and Beau respectfully tells him that she also had some kind of feelings for Jester at some point, but she minimizes them again. Whether that’s because she didn’t want to upset Fjord, or because that’s just what Beau does, or whether it’s because her feelings actually HAVE minimized, we don’t know yet. 
But she ultimately admits that she’s felt something for Yasha for a long time, that she has been containing, that she hasn’t addressed because it wasn’t the right time, it wasn’t appropriate. In Beau’s mind it was not at all a possibility until now.
A lot of people have been interpreting the part where Beau says “it kind of transfers, you know” in a way that perhaps her feelings for Yasha, in her absence, transferred to Jester. Jester her first proper female friend in a very long time, possibly forever that cares for her, looks after her, etc. I can sort of see this interpretation but I also think it’s completely normal even if that isn’t the case. People can have multiple crushes, people can have feelings for more than one person. And now we have Beau grappling with which one is more serious for her, and which one she may want to act on, if any.
On top of this, something else that really caught my attention was Jester’s reaction to Beau and Yasha’s flight. Her investment into the situation immediately reads to me that Jester has an investment in Beau and Yasha’s possibility together, and ultimately that reads to me that Jester has no romantic inclination towards Beau at the moment. Not to say it couldn’t happen, but at the moment it doesn’t read that way to me. And it’s possible that this is also what Beau reads from Jester’s investment in her and Yasha being alone together rather than jealousy or similar.
What has been frustrating me the most in this situation is seeing people posting and alleging that BeauYasha has had no build up, that there is nothing there compared to BeauJester and other similar things that I find crazy because I, and many others, have been seeing these things from day one. They’ve been happening the entire time it’s just been few and far between until recently because of ABC’s Blindside.
I’m not saying this is everyone, but there is an unfortunately loud group being particularly awful and I hope that this very very long explanation maybe gives some perspective about how others have read into these ships and how they are playing out. Calling it “retconning” I think is immature and premature all at the same time. Beau is still grappling with her feelings and what they mean, as is Jester, and as is Yasha. Let’s just see how it plays out, without being nasty to one another?
Don’t forget to love each other, guys.
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