#I’m returning from like. only robots so I’m rusty with human faces n shit
abs0luteanarchy · 7 months
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it’s been a. while since I’ve drawn like non robots so uh here lady
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what was it like the first time Mc met Skull in the portal Au?
Is it story snippet time? I think it’s story snippet time.
The vent cover was loose.
You’d noticed, as soon as you’d rounded the corner. It didn’t matter that the facility was dark, quiet, deep in one of its night cycles... in the faint illumination of the safety screens and directional arrows left on, you picked up the silhouette of the cover. You were so familiar with the area of the lab around the room you slept in that you probably would’ve seen it anyway... but what immediately made all your attention snap to it was the fact that the glint of sleek metal in the darkness was, in fact, misaligned.
... Sans wanted everything neat. Sans wanted everything right. Red liked it that way, too, but Sans seemed to have the final say. And it showed- the entire facility was neat, angled, symmetrical and impossibly clean. It was so regimented and unnatural that you felt like an outlier yourself; a strange, curved, imperfect biological creature in a space that seemed to bleed robotic perfection from every corner.
... So... something about this one plating... this one vent cover, at a bad angle, tilted just against the grain...
... You were hyperfocused.
You moved over to it, bare feet cat-silent on the warm white floor, crouching down. You weren’t supposed to be out of your room at night, Sans didn’t like you wandering around when he was unaware, powered down for system maintenance and repairs... your fingers sealed around the loosened ends of the vent cover, and with the gentlest of tugs the whole thing came off, leaving a gaping hole in the wall large enough for you to crawl into. 
It was like you had a fog, separating one half of your mind from the other. Every day in this strange lab was confusing- and when you tried to ask yourself normal questions, like “where am I?” or “how did I get here?” or “why do I have no memories before this place?” your brain supplied you with absolutely nothing. And not only that, it couldn’t even supply you with the concern you knew you should be experiencing... the fear, the panic, it wouldn’t come. It was the most paradoxical and horrible sensation... the feeling of knowing something was wrong, of knowing you should be scared, but something in your head just not letting you access it.
... Maybe that was why the sight of the hole in the wall, the gap in the artificially perfect world around you, made your heart skip in excitement instead of fear. Maybe that was why you normally would have stuck to what was safe and not done stupid shit like going into vents...
... But this time, you got on your hands and knees, and crawled right in.
You weren’t crawling for a very long time; after what couldn’t have even been a minute of moving in a straight line through the smooth metallic system, the dark space opened up above you, more than enough for you to stand up to your full height in. Your eyes were wide, childlike in wonder- unlike the rest of the facility, that at least seemed to try and fake an air of safety, this place behind the walls... every surface around you was dirty, stained and rusty, there were tubes and buttons and tangled wires sticking out of the floor and ceiling, the whole place was lit up with an unnerving orange glow that was leaking through slits in the flooring. The air was filled with a nasty tang, metallic and almost blood-like, heavy and claustrophobic...
... It was like you’d crawled into hell. Like you’d gone from the head of the facility to the entrance of the throat. Another world...
As your gaze lowered...
... There was something in the room with you.
The hairs on the back of your neck bristled. Near the other end of the room there was a large, metallic box, most likely containing important wiring of some kind. From where you were standing you could judge that it was about your shoulder height... pretty big. 
... But it wasn’t the box that had your attention. It was what it was blocking from your view. A perfectly circular crimson light was peeking out from behind that box... a turret eye, bright and awake and alive, cutting through the murky coloured darkness. And the more you stared, the more you could make out, the more you could see the partially obscured hunched figure attached to the eye that was trained directly on you. 
“H-hello?” You whispered.
“sh-ouldn_t.. be.here.”
... The voice was like nothing you’d ever heard. Deep, deathly deep, you could feel it in your chest like standing next to a speaker- vibrating in your stomach, the palms of your hands, even tingling along your scalp. It sounded... automated, jittering and autotuned and with inflections no human would use, but so clearly with thoughts and feelings behind it, the unmissable edge of somebody who’s cautious, afraid... a downright uncanny mix of machine and man.
“... Should you?” Your voice sounded so... weak. So biological. Your heart was pounding.
... The eye noticeably changed; the dot in the centre became a fraction wider. It took an odd shape, too... from your distance it... looked like a heart...?
A soft, low “... no_.”
“... Then that makes two of us. Right?”
The owner of the eye stood up. 
He stood slowly, too. And as he did, the box he’d been crouched behind just got smaller, and smaller, and smaller... a beast, made of the facility’s leftovers. Large enough to crush you like a beetle. The dim orange light touched his silhouette to reveal thick tubes, misshapen metal plates, wires hanging off him like cut vines... a gaping cavity in his chest where a half-broken plasma motor was faintly humming and glowing. One of his hands looked vaguely humanoid but the other was just a badly affixed pincer claw... the plate on his face had been haphazardly cut away so his one red eye could see, and a skeletal nose shape had been carved into the centre. Everything about him was asymmetric, uneven, mismatched... 
You opened your mouth-
It floated through the room. A light noise, like a phone notification. You took note of the fact that you couldn’t hear it echoing through the rest of the facility... something that was only heard in the backrooms, perhaps? It was a very gentle little sound, nothing more than a light jingle...
... Except he flinched like a gunshot had gone off, eye blinking out entirely. Immediately, he turned around- you let out a little “H-hey, wait!” and raised your arm but it didn’t stop him. In a few giant steps he’d completely disappeared around a corner, clanging sounds moving so much deeper into the metalworks in such a short amount of time that you found yourself immediately disoriented. How... you were just standing there, how did someone that huge and heavy move so fast?
You wanted to pursue. You wanted to chase him deep into the bowels of the lab, down where you weren’t ever supposed to go, where no light would reach... you wanted to so badly you’d already moved a few steps without realising.
... But at the same time, you felt like you’d done enough for one day. Your nose stung from the strange smells in the air, your eyes were straining in the orange darkness... you wanted to go to sleep, back to your relaxation chamber, to rest for now and figure out what the hell you’d just seen.
What the hell you’d just spoken to.
... You turned, and clambered back through the vent. It took no time at all to re-emerge back in the regular facility... back to the whiteness, the cleanliness, the perfect and fake.
You had no idea why he’d reacted the way he had to that sound. What did it mean? You trailed your hand along the wall as you walked, making your way through the halls back to your chamber, the floor smooth and faultless under your bare soles. Was it... some kind of warning? An alert system? Was he running toward something, or away fr-
- You almost jumped out of your fucking skin.
You were never sure where Sans’ voice was coming from. It always seemed to just spontaneously exist all around you, disembodied and impossible to describe, surrounding you on all sides as if emanating from the air in the building itself. No matter how hard you searched you could never seem to find any speakers on the cold, unfriendly white walls or floor... just further adding to the confusion and dream-like quality of this whole place. You clutched your chest, taking a little breath, trying to disguise the wild flinch that you’d just experienced.
“Y-yeah?” You said, smooth as always, and totally completely not-startled.
Sans always heard you, no matter how quietly you spoke- and judging by passing comments he’d made he always seemed to be able to see you and your expression. God, you hoped he couldn’t read the panic in your face.
“the facility is in night cycle.” Calm, emotionless, slightly autotuned, as per usual... but a little softer than the norm. “why are you out of your relaxation chamber?”
You glanced up at the nearest camera, a small black orb close to the ceiling with a gently blinking blue light.
“I-I can’t sleep.” Was all you could think of.
“... perhaps it will be easier to sleep... if you are reclined in a position, in which you can actually sleep. you should return to your chamber.”
“... I’m just walking around.” You kept moving, hoping he wouldn’t think about where you’d come from. “I mean... N-not all of us have a ‘go to sleep instantly’ button. I’m clearing my head. I’m fine, I'm on my way back anyway.”
“you’re stammering. your heart rate is elevated.”
Shit. Shit. No, it’s-
“... did you experience a nightmare?”
“O-oh. Yeah. Uhm...” You rubbed the back of your neck, eyes drifting down to the floor. “You know about those?”
“i have access to the combined entirety of human knowledge. yes, i am aware of nightmares.”
“W-well... yeah. Yes. I... had one. I’m walking it off.”
... A pause, on his part. 
“... i can turn the lights back on. if... you’d like to walk around.”
“No thank you. It’ll just make me feel more awake.”
“i see. ... well. i need to complete some more system reboots. i will be partially offline again. if... you need me, just call.”
“Okay. Sure. I will.”
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
hi hi!! i love your work!! you're such a talented writer and was wondering if you could write something for either agatha harkness x reader or ursula gernsback x reader with number 14 ("Ew. Get away from me. No– not you. You stay.) from those grumpy affectionate starters? if not it's absolutely chill!! hope you're having a wonderful day!!! x
a/n: Here! I did Úrsula bc i got #14 for Agatha asked twice so, let's give some love to all our girls!! Hope you like it! (Also, thank you so much! You're so sweet 💜🖤💜🖤)
Grumpy prompt
Helping hand (Ursula x reader)
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When your brother told you that he had entered a store apparently destroyed by a fire, you had hit him hard with the first magazine you found on hand. He was fucking irresponsible! He could have ended up in prison and you would have had to go get his ass out of it. As always.
But fortunately he had managed to get home without arousing suspicion and he had left the things that he brought with him in the garage ... although you had been shocked when you noticed that what was in the bag looked like a body. How the hell is it that no one noticed that he was carrying a damn body with him?! Oh my God.
But he had assured you that it was not a body ... at least not a human one. He told you that he had found a couple of robots (which had made you roll your eyes. Of course your brother, a robotics engineer, would find robots in the rubble) dismantled in the store. Apparently the other robot hadn't been in good condition, so he didn't bother to bring it with him.
You'd rushed out of the garage, muttering that he could keep his Frankenstein shit to himself. There was no way you would help him play with a fucking stolen robot.
"I need your help" your brother said, entering the kitchen. You sighed and took a sip of your coffee before looking at him.
"No" you smiled at him
"Y/N, please"
"I told you I wasn't going to get into your Frankenstein stuff" you said
"But she won't let me get close! And I still have to connect the cables to her arms and-"
"Her?" you interrupted "... the robot?"
"She woke up, Y/N" he told you "she is ... like a real person, but robot ... I don't know how to explain it"
"... okay, that's it, I'm getting out of here" you said, coming out of the kitchen.
Your brother followed you around the house, pleading and promising all sorts of things in exchange for your help. When he offered to clean the entire floor downstairs, you knew he was serious.
"... okay" you sighed "Let's see the bride of Frankenstein" you said
"What’s with you and Frankenstein?" he asked
You just hit him on the arm and went out to the garage.
Okay ... your brother said there was a conscious robot woman there, but he didn't warn you of the scene you would encounter.
The woman was sitting on an old rusty iron table, with various cables going in and out of her body. She was missing both arms and one of her legs looked broken. Her skin looked so real, it really looked like you were looking at a dismembered person. She was a totally creepy image ... And yet her face caught your eye.
She had well defined eyebrows, rosy cheeks, pink lips, hair tangled but tied in two buns that reminded you of Princess Leia. And she had the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen.
The woman seemed to be as fascinated by you as you were by her, because immediately her eyes roamed over your body, making you blush deeply. She didn't say anything to you, but she winked at you.
"She seems calmer" said your brother next to you "Maybe now i can finish repairing her"
You frowned when you noticed the tone with which he said it. As if he was talking about a mere school project. yeah, maybe she was not a person of flesh and blood, but for you, she felt real.
"Maybe you should start by speaking respectfully to her" you snapped at him.
Both your brother and the woman blinked. One surprised, the other with a smile growing on her face.
"Wow, at least there's someone decent here" said the woman. Even her voice sounded like a real person "Ursula Gernsback" she told you "I would shake your hand but ..." she laughed
You giggled and looked into her eyes. Your brother seemed oblivious to the looks shared between you two, because he immediately started talking to himself ... something about artificial intelligence and proper names.
You approached the table where the woman's arms were and you shivered a little.
"Ew. Get away from me" the woman said suddenly. You jumped a little and started to walk away from her, but she stopped you with a "No– not you. You stay." she winked at you
It was then that you realized that your brother had also approached. You laughed a bit at the dumbfounded look on his face.
"Well you heard the lady" you said "Get out of here"
"But nothing. I'll take care of it from here" you said, pushing him out of the garage "thank you" you smiled as you closed the door in his face.
The woman looked at you amused when you returned to her side.
"I must admit that the company is certainly better than the last one" she said "but shouldn't he have stayed to direct you?"
"Oh, that idiot is not the only one who knows how to deal with robots" you now winked at her.
The woman gave you an almost wicked smile and raised an eyebrow.
"And may I know the name of such a beautiful and intelligent creature?"
"Y/N" you said "Y/N Y/L/N ... and I think we have a lot of work to do"
"Then get to work, Miss Y/L/N."
You loved how she said your last name and she must have noticed, if the smile on her face was any hint.
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geekydane · 6 years
More than a machine - Connor x reader - part 7
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Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 •  Part 4 •  Part 5 •  Part 6 
You went with Markus and the other androids back to Jericho. Most of them just ran and left you behind with Markus. It was hard to keep up with the androids as they didn’t get exhausted. Markus had been patient with you and didn’t complain when you slowed down. As you reached the harbour and you saw the giant rusty container ship you were a bit disappointed. You didn’t know what you had expected but you had hoped for something a bit more… more?
Androids sat all around, some needed to be tend to and others just looked afraid. The smell inside the old ship was intense and now you knew where Markus jacket had the smell of diesel from. It was mostly dark but they had lit a few fires in old oil barrels. It was a sad sight and you understood even more why they fought to get their freedom if Jericho was the only safe place to call home. You helped a few androids stop bleeding with the little supplies they had before Markus told you it was time to return to the city. He didn’t dare to near the area where you left your car, as the police would be everywhere. He led you to a train station and gave you a small hug before he left.
“Your jacket.” You reminded him and reached it too him. He took it but let it hang over his arm instead of taking it on.
“Thanks for everything, y/n.” he said and nodded at you.
“Don’t make it sound like we won’t see each other again.” You said and you could feel the tears start to well up in your eyes. You tried your best to blink them away, but they just started to run down your cheeks.
“hopefully I will see you soon.” He simply said and turned around and walked away. As you were left alone on the station in the middle of the night, all the memories of the same night’s activities seems to creep in on you. You could not stop thinking back to when Connor was having a minor breakdown on your couch and how you had hold each other like your lives depended on it. You could use Connor right in this moment. It would be nice to hold on to someone that would understand you. But… would you even be able to tell him? He was a deviant hunter at its finest. He was working against everything you worked for. You should actually be enemies, but just the thought of him made you feel a little warming in the snowy weather. As you boarded the train and you were high speed nearing the other end of the city you realized that you were shaking and you needed to get home soon. It wasn’t just for the snow that was soaking your clothes but also the events that you wanted to forget. All the lifeless faces lying around in front of your feet only few hours before.
It wasn’t until you got home that you let the tears run. Even though you felt so weak, you didn’t want to show it if there were an deviant hiding away on you property. They didn’t have to know about what you had seen. When they got to you, they were all so full of hope for the future. They could get those kind of news when they were safe in Jericho.
You threw your wet clothes around the living room, not caring about anything, before you went to your room and buried your head in your pillow. You tried your best to close out every emotion and just let the exhaustion overtake you and sleep. The extra energy you had used to fall asleep was enough for it to go faster.
You woke up to a crash of glass and bang of something hard hitting the floor. You shot up and were about to get up and see if someone was breaking in, but you stopped yourself before you did the most stupid thing you could have done. Walk right into the arms of someone wicked-minded enough to break in when it was light outside. And the fact that you were only in your underwear, made you an easier target for anything uncomfortable.
You slid down from the bed in a slow and silent motion and crawled under it and moved a few show boxes to the side in the process. You started to shake immediately but you tried your best to keep your panicked breathe in. You heard someone running around your house opening doors and it didn’t take long for the person to get to your room. The door was smashed open and it hit the wall with such a force that you weren’t sure it was still intact. The person stopped a few steps inside the room. You could see the person’s neat shoes. Not the shoes you would think a burglar would wear. But who knew these days. There were a lot of different people that were unemployed because of the advance androids that were build, so maybe it would be someone rich suddenly becoming desperate enough to break into people’s houses?
The person didn’t move for almost a minute. You tried to hold in your breath but you hoped that the hand covering your mouth took the most of that little sound that would be. Suddenly the person bent down and sat on their knees. You gasped. They had figured out where you were. You reached immediately and rolled out from the side and got up, only to see Connors surprised face. You froze and a train of thoughts went through your head until you relaxed a little bit. He wasn’t going to hurt you.
“What… the fuck are you doing, Connor?” You said under a shaky breath. Connor got up from the ground and corrected his tie before he spoke and strangely looked away.
“I… I was just informed that you weren’t at work and hadn’t called in sick. When I arrived at your house it looked like someone had tried to break in. The paint on the door was recently scratched off around the keyhole and when I looked through the window some of your stuff were scattered around the floor. I must have jumped to conclusions. I was just… Worried.” He said and looked up at you for a split second and looked down again. Was he flustered? It was like a slight tint of blue was on his cheek that wasn’t there before. When he gave you a quick look again you first realized that you had rolled out of bed the moment before. And the things that was scattered around your place were your clothes that you had violently thrown around the night before. So you were standing in front of Connor only in your underwear. You tried your best not to seem too affected by it and sat slowly down on your bed and covered yourself with your duvet.
“I… had a rough night. Emotionally. So I totally forgot that I had to call in sick. I went to bed really late. Connor, you scared the living shit out of me!” You half yelled at him and you could feel how your whole body was still shaking. It was a very intimate moment and you couldn’t lie to him. You were both exposed to each other in your own way. You physically without any clothe on but Connor was showing a lot of emotions, so it was like he had taking his robotic mask off. He told you he was worried about you and he showed that he felt embarrassed to have invaded your bedroom and seen you almost naked. He was shy about it. You almost wanted to smile by the fact that he wasn’t hiding it at all. The last time you saw him show so much emotions was because he was afraid to die. This was good even though the situation was messy.
“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Connor asked you and his LED started to blink in a yellow colour. But you realized that it didn’t go from blue to yellow. It was going from red. He was alarmed.
“Not really. I just need to calm down again. Jesus. But thanks for checking up on me, Connor.” You gave him a smile and you noticed how his LED flashed red a few times before it went back to the normal blue colour and he smiled back at you.
“I am sorry. I will go out and let you… Get into some clothes. Oh. Sorry about the door.” He backed out of the room like he wouldn’t miss a glans of you and closed the door to your room behind him. You could see that there was a crack in the door where the doorstop on the wall had hit it. It wasn’t all the way through so you weren’t planning on getting a new door anytime soon. You quickly found some clothes and found Connor sitting in your sofa. It was like he was deep in thoughts because his whole body jerked like you had surprised him and he dropped the coin he was fiddling with. You looked from him to the window near the couch that was now shattered.
“I already called for a replacement of it. You don’t have to pay for a new window now that it was my doing.”
“I can’t imagine your boss being very fond of that.” You said and stepped around the glass.
“So, Connor? Why were you even at my office this morning?” You went past him and out in the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Connor was silent for a while and without even looking you could sense that his LED was working hard on his temple to find a good answer. You spilled the hot water all over the kitchen counter because you wouldn’t stop shaking but you needed the tea to calm down.
“We are stuck I out investigation and we have some dead ends. Therefor I was checking up on everything that we have going through; including you.” He explained as you sat down next to him. He watched as you sat the cup of tea down on the table in front of the couch. His eyes were on your hands. You felt a little embarrassed about him seeing it, but you tried to stay calm.
“And it was so important, that it couldn’t wait until after work?” You said and took a long sip of the tea while looking him in the eyes, removing his attention from your hands. You could feel that there were more behind all of this. He was going more and more deviant, but he was the first one you had ever met, that fought so much against it. But maybe the consequences for him were much bigger than the others?
“I guess I couldn’t wait.” He said leaning forward and rested his elbows on his knees. A very human thing to do actually, because he was avoiding your stare now.
“That’s very sweet of you. Did you talk to James?” You tried to lead the conversation over to something that wouldn’t end in him snapping back into his android self.
“Yes. He was the one that told me you weren’t there. It was strange how he wasn’t concerned about your wellbeing. He said I shouldn’t come here.” Connors legs started to jump up and down under his elbows. It looked strange for someone like Connor to move so… much? He was always stranding straight or sitting up straight with his hands resting on his legs.
“Oh. Don’t think anything bad about James. He’s concerned about me.” And you were sure that he must have thought that there was a deviant coming to get help or something. If he just knew what you had been doing the night before he would actually have come running. That’s how James was.
“If I was him, I would have been here immediately to check up on you.” Connor spoke out in the room more than to you. Your heart skipped a beat at that statement and you could feel your cheeks started to heat. You had so many weird emotions at once. You were still shaking from all the trauma that you had experienced lately but at the same time you could feel the warmth spread inside. You felt the need to take Connors hand. To just touch him and being connected somehow. Something to calm everything inside of you.
“But you are not James. You are Connor and you actually came to check on me.” You said and without asking took his hand in yours. He didn’t even flinched back like you though he would. He actually reached out for you with his other hand too and stroke your knuckles with his thumbs.
“You are still shaking. I am sorry that I had this effect on you.” He said with sadness in his voice.
“It’s not only you. I just… had a rough night. I saw some things downtown that no one should ever experience. But it didn’t exactly help thinking I was going to be mugged.” You looked down at your fingers as Connors steady hands worked the tension out of you with only the touch of his hands.
“What happened downtown? Did someone assault you?”
“In a way. I don’t want to talk about it right now. I actually don’t want to think about it at all.” You said and took a shaky breath and concentrated on the movement of Connor’s thumbs on the back of your hand.
“I am sorry to hear that. Does this help? I can sense that your heart is regaining its normal rate.” Connor analysed and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“It helps a lot actually. Your skin is very soft.” You said smiling and observed his hand on yours.
“Would you mind if I hugged you? They say that human contact can help decrease stress.” Did he even think about what he was saying now? Human contact?
“Did it help you the last time you were here?” You searched his eyes for any kind of regret or doubt in what he was saying but his face looked gentle and kind. There was no sign of the robotic Connor at that moment.
“It did. Would you let me help you?” He let go of your hands to let his arms spread wide for you. For the first time ever you saw Connor smile so big that you could see his artificial teeth. Perfect white teeth. You let yourself fall into his embrace. The way that you were sitting on the couch - slightly facing each other – made the hug more like you lying on his chest with the arms around his middle. He squeezed you tight and you were engulfed in the smell of him. He smelled so clean. It made you wonder who washed his clothes. Did he have an owner? Or a home? Where was he when he wasn’t with you? At that moment you wouldn’t mind if he just stayed there forever.  It was so calming to know that someone like Connor was there for you, even though he wasn’t meant to be. He was there because he wanted to.
“I have to admit that… I felt scared again.” Connor confessed without breaking the hug. You closed your eyes and hummed.
“I thought you were hurt. Physically. I thought I would find you lying in here bleeding out. I wouldn’t have been able to help you. It was another kind of scared, but it felt the same.” You could actually feel the vibration of his voice in his chest along with the biocomponent. In all your years of experience with androids, you had never really let yourself get this close to one of them and really feel them. You knew how everything inside Connor worked, like a doctor knows about organs. But laying your ear against his chest made you forget that he was different from you.
“I’m pretty sure that a Connor hug would mend any wound.” You hummed and you felt so light when the vibration of a small laugh went through his chest.
“You think so? I haven’t had much practise. I don’t believe many would let me hug them.” There was something so sad about that sentence that you finally looked up at him. He was staring at you with a loving grin. Had he been looking at you all the time.
“Is it hard? Being an android at the police station I mean?” You didn’t want to push him to think that he’s doing anything wrong showing his emotions but you were really curious now.
“It does give a lot of complications and name calling. But I am used to it. I have many hours where people are home from work and I can be there in peace and reading through files.” You completely forgot your own problems for a bit. Listening to what Connor had to go through just because he was an android was heart-breaking. To think that he treasures the hours at night where everyone is gone? How can people be so cruel?
“So… You don’t have a home?” You asked quietly. His face slowly turned a bit stiffer and his LED turned bright yellow. Shit, you had been pushing him too hard.
“I… don’t.” He said simply.
“You can come here whenever you want. Not just for the investigation, you know?” His eyes twitched a few times before he went back to his smiling self again. He gave you a little squeeze.
“Thank y/n. It means a lot. But right now I think I have to go. Hank may soon wake up from his night at the pub. We have to go through some files before going to the new lead we got.” Connor explained but made no sign of wanting to stand up. But his words sure brought you back from cloud 9.
“New lead?”
“Yes. I have got a report that something happened close to the city centre last night. I have to find out what exactly but I have to pick up Hank first.” You were suddenly busy looking everywhere but at Connor. Why was he still interested in hunting the deviants. Maybe he doesn’t see himself as one of them or is still fighting against it? No matter what he couldn’t figure out that you were involved.
“So you can’t stay any longer?” You purred at him even though you were sure it didn’t help much. It did bring a smile to his face which you wouldn’t want to be without.
“I’m sorry, I have to work. The man who is going to fix your window is going to be here soon too. Did I mend all the wounds?” He said and you were surprised by his jokingly tone. ‘Please stop fighting against your deviant self, Connor’, your mind screamed.
“Not all of them.” You teased back and let him squeeze you one last time before he let go.
“Well. Then I must come back another time.” He confirmed and you both got up. Before he could do it himself you reached up and straightened his tie.
“I’ll see you soon Connor.” You said and watched him walk to the door. Yet again he backed out of the door to get a last glance of you before disappearing. You realized that this was going to be hard on you. You had to convince Connor to join the deviants at some point, or else he was going to find them soon and deliver them to the authorities and you couldn’t let him do that. In the end you would have to choose.
Part 8
tags:  @black-and-white-eyes @vda-writes @mundane-cup-noodles @superanonymousreader @aya-fay @dragonempress123 @talle-2002 @jamiethenerdymonster @i-resent-this-hellsite @i-do-wat-i-want @syrinxgm @queerfandomtrash @missjayi 
Sorry it took me forever to update! I’m back at work and i just had my 25th birthday which means a crazy amount of traditions in Denmark. I don’t want to taste cinnamon ever again in my life!!! x.x
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
I'm Not Your Toy
A/N: So I’m finally getting through my asks! This one was a request for an insecure reader and an over zealous flirty Bucky. I love writing him like this! So I got carried away and suddenly this was almost five thousand words so I’m going to have to split it into a two parter! Ugh, charming Bucky. You do things to my heart
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: A disgusting amount of pining, sailor like cursing, maybe triggering self doubt and insecurity, pretty SFW…for now.
Summary: You’d supported Steve and his decision to not kill Bucky. Fuck, you even supported Steve when he’d literally started a war over Bucky. Done jail time for him. But you what you couldn’t manage to do for the life of you, for the love of Steve, was get along with Bucky. Especially when he managed to make you blush every time you were in the same room as the man
James Barnes drove you absolutely crazy.
And not in the way that he drove most to madness. You knew that both he and Steve( And Sam, Tony, Thor and the rest of the guys on the team) had their fan clubs. You’d nearly coughed up a lung when you’d found that Tumblr page dedicated to “Daddy Clint: A daddy and a father”. You could still clearly recall Wada choking on her cup of soda when you’d shoved your phone in her face. Women loved celebrities, fuck it was in human nature to admire what you saw on TV’s and movie screens. And who didn’t love a superhero? Pst, everyone did.
At first, when Bucky had first come to live in the Tower with Steve after the reconciliation of “the time period that shall not be named” (the Sokovian Accords), he’d been stoic. Keeping mostly to himself, coming and going from therapy to the gym. Building himself up from the ground, with Steve as his foundation. Because Steve was the only thing he really knew.
And where there was Steve, there was you. The two of you had become more then close over the years of Avenging together. It had happened so…naturally. You couldn’t even remember when your friendship had even really begun. He just seemed so…lonely. And you couldn’t understand why no one else honed in on it the way you did. It gnawed you so much, you couldn’t help but butt in. Talk to him, be there for him. You’d helped him master the internet. You’d made a decent dent in that list of that he kept in his little journal; when you’d seen that Star Wars was on it you’d squealed and the two of you had spend an entire day curled up watching all seven of them. You’d been the one to encourage him to go the VA when he’d first met Sam, helped him decorate that apartment he’d had for a while. Followed him into battle over and over.
Steve had become your best friend. And you his. He wasn’t the Captain to you. He was Steve, you could lay on and watch draw for hours and who was way more sassy then anyone gave him credit for.
But- you weren’t his only best friend. You’d been there, when he’d discovered that Bucky was alive. You’d gotten your fair share of the Winter Soldier during that whole take down of S.H.I.E.L.D. You had the crook in your neck to this day as a reminder. Even though you agreed with Sam, that some people you just couldn’t save, you’d supported Steve and his decision to not kill Bucky. Fuck, you even supported Steve when he’d literally started a war over Bucky. Spent jail time for him.
But you what you couldn’t manage to do for the life of you, for the love of Steve, was get along with Bucky.
You tried, by god you know you did. First, you’d attempted to be warm to him, to get him to warm up to you. He would only acknowledge you with nods and gruffs. With one word answers and side ways looks. You didn’t take it too personally(that’s what you told yourself), you knew that he had been through seventy plus years of torture. He wasn’t going to turn into chatty Cathy over night. So you got used to him being push pop like frigid to you.
Until one day, after months of therapy, he wasn’t anymore.
He’d started to find himself again, surrounded by Tony’s top shrinks, the spark in his azure eyes came back…it happened to come back in his personality too. It started slow, him actually joining in on your and Steve’s teasing conversations. Putting his opinions, sharp ones. Funny ones. Looking at you straight in the eye with a confident quirk of his lips that you’d never seen.
And then it came all at once. Anoyone who spent a prolonged amount of time with the group had to be at least a little bit of a smart ass but the mouth on Bucky Barnes shocked you. Crude and dripping with 40’s charm. It was shocking, at first.
Now it just annoyed you.
Because some fucking how, you’d become the focal point of his affection.
You roll your eyes at the thought. It wasn’t affection. It was…attention. It was flirtation that made you squirm and blush. The blunt, outrageous kind. Where he’d compliment you(sometimes very raunchily) infront of everyone. It was mortifying. Not only because it got a rise out of the rest of the team but because you knew he didn’t mean it.
How could he?
When he’d regained a few puzzle pieces of himself, one of them happened to be his way with the ladies. And there was an abundance of them that would do just about anything to be seen with an Avenger. Even if he had been labeled an international terrorist only years before, you kept the bitter afterthought to yourself.
He never really dated any one, no he just flirted. With. Fucking. Everyone. He did it as easily as he breathed.
It was annoying and honestly a little insulting.
Especially when he did things like lean against the island in the kitchen, his biceps, both flesh and vibranium, flexing under the thin gym t-shirt as he complimented Natasha on her crazy fight skills.
“I like the way you move, Romanoff”
You literally couldn’t have scrunched your face harder at that moment as you grabbed a nectarine and tried to hurry away from the scene.
“Thanks Barnes. I’d return the compliment but your getting rusty, soldat” The redhead taunts and Bucky grins. It’s gross. Watching them flirt. Because they’re so perfect for each other. Beautiful and modelesque. You ignored the sinking in your stomach.
“Baby Doll, tell her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about” Bucky reached out and caught your waist as you tried to leave. He looked down at you with waggling eyebrows “You don’t think I’m getting rusty, do you?”
You frown and squirm away from his hand on your chubby waist “I don’t think about you at all, actually” You tell him before walking out of the large space.
Natasha full out, heartily laughs at the gob smacked expression on Bucky’s face.
Or what about when you walked around in your pajama shorts? You could never get by without a “You’ve got a gorgeous set of gams, doll. Anyone ever told you that?” You could literally feel his eyes burn holes into your thighs and it made you want to put on pants.
He could see the dimples from the cellulite. That’s what he had to be looking at. When Steve noticed that you were wearing pants a lot more he’d slapped Bucky on the back of the head and warned him to stop.
“Are you the sun? Cause your so beautiful it’s blinding me” that had earned him a little scowl.
“Your so cute it’s distracting, you know that, Sugar” You’d flat out walked away from him at that one.
“You look cold. You need me to warm you up?” He’d offered, genuinely but in that flirtatious voice as you stood in the frigid New York air. It was during one of Stark Industries many Fundraising Gala’s and you’d escaped out onto a balcony to get away from the politicians and socialites. You didn’t even care that the gown you wore was off the shoulder and it was twenty degrees outside.
“Thanks but no thanks” You grimace as you folded your arms over your chest, fighting shivers.
“C'mere, your shaking” He reaches out to you but you manage to shrug out of his grip and give him a warning look.
“Y/N” He teases back in the same tone and you cant help but crack a smile. You let him give you his suit jacket, allowed him to drape it over your shoulders. Happy that his broad ones were much larger then yours. You’d never really been the small one in a relationship, always the big girl. The smart girl and defiantly the funny girl. But the big girl none the less. The fact that the fabric of his jacket was oversized and loose on you made your heart flutter.
“Holy fuck it’s clear out, the stars are you gorgeous tonight” You distract yourself, change the conversation as you stare up at the unusually clear starry night sky. Your breath coming out in little puffs of steam that clashed with the cool night air. Your eyes wide and trained above you.
Bucky feels his chest ache as he looks at you. His mouth feels dry and he licks his lips before he responds “They’ve got nothing on you”
You don’t react the way he wants you to. You don’t giggle and blush. You frown and look over at him, your eyes shrouded and almost hurt looking. It feels like he’s making fun of you, honestly.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” He’s confused. He really truly is.
“That. Flirt like that. It’s- It makes me uncomfortable” You huff, your bottom lip jutting out in a way that made him want to reach over and nip at it.
“Why? You like it?” He’s using a hellu'va lot of self control. He wants to kiss that pretty pout of yours so badly
“No. It makes me feel pretty shitty actually, because I know it’s bull, Bucky” It comes out in a white hot run on sentence “You don’t have to…do that with me. I mean there’s plenty of women here who would die to hear this shit coming out of your mouth. So stop…lying to me-”
“Lying to you? Y/N I’m-” You interrupt him by shrugging out of his jacket and handing it to him, almost robotically.
“It’s fine, Bucky. I’m going back inside”
“Hey, I think you’ve got the wrong-” But you, for what feels like the thousandth time, leave him standing there wondering what the hell he could have possibly said to make you react that way. He knows going after you would just make it worse. So instead he goes to find Steve, and ask him what the holy hell your problem with him was.
You kept your distance from him for the following weeks after that. Discreetly…or so you thought.
Bucky could feel you running every time he came close. You barley looked at him. You laughed, and pretended like everything was normal but he could feel the distance from you and it felt like a bullet hole. He would know, he’d endured plenty. But you icing him out…he thinks it feels more awful then anything he’s ever felt. An icepick like pain that had him reeling because even though Steve had explained to him that you had, had issues in past relationships, that you had one hell of a body dysmorphic complex, he couldn’t get how you didn’t believe he was sincere. In everything he had ever said to you.
It’s almost to a breaking point when most of the team is assigned to a mission. You and Bucky just so happen to be two of the people assigned, along with Steve, Sam, Nat, Tony and Bruce. It was supposed to be an in and out. If anyone could have guessed just how wrong everything would go, just how outnumbered you all would be-
You sigh.
But there were no rewinds in life. Not even with all of the technology- Alien and Human alike. Time didn’t do take backs.
Your limping, dragging yourself like dead weight into the Tower. Your honestly a little delirious, but isn’t everyone? The mission had been extremely taxing, and everyone that had been on it had taken a hell of a beating. Even Steve and Bucky- the genetically modified super soldiers looked like they had walked straight through hell. Tony collapses into a heap onto the couch once you reach one of the many common areas. Natasha and Steve were both on the med floor with Sam who had taken it the worst. The fall he’d taken after a Hydra agent had launched a missile at him had been gnarly. Luckily Bruce had been able to stabilize him back in the Quinjet.
You blanch at the thought, at the memory of Sam falling from the sky. At your legs working hard, burning from the strain, as you ran to him and found him so still- so…dead.
You cant think that. You wont. You lift your chin high, in an attempt to steady yourself and make a beeline for the elevator, wanting to get to your floor and wash off the grime. Wash off the fear and the gunpowder. Your so wrapped up in your self yourself you don’t notice Bucky’s hawk like gaze, his pale eyes that follow you all the way out of the room.
He winces when your out of sight. It physically hurts, for him to not be able to see you. After everything, after that mission, he just wanted to grab you. Hold you tight against him, never let you go. His heart had almost fallen out of his chest so many times during the duration of the assignment. He didn’t know if he could ever be paired with you again for work. He couldn’t focus, on anything else but you out in the field.
Where the fuck had all those years of learning to compartmentalize go? Right out of the fucking window when he saw you get shot at.
“Oh Elsa” Tony gives a little exaggerated sympathetic sigh from his place on the couch “You’ve got it so bad”
Bucky cant even deny it, there’s no use. So he just mumbles about going to check on Sam. Tony chuckles at him, at the way he looks like a kicked puppy but grips his ribs as the cackle agitates what he knows must be a fracture.
After what feels like hours in the scalding hot waterfall shower you pull on a pair of barley there stretchy black shorts and an oversized heather T-shirt that your pretty sure you’d stolen from Steve at one time. It’s always like this after a particularly hard mission, you feel…drained. Like there’s noting under the skin and bone. Hollow- and yet still in pain.
Because you’d gotten a nasty side graze by someone’s knife at one point during the fight. You couldn’t even remember getting it- but it stung like a bitch. You assessed it in the bathroom mirror. It wasn’t too bad, it was big. Long and jagged. But not too deep. Plus it was on a meaty area of your body- your chubby love handles saving you from any major damage. You let out a humorless laugh and drop the shirt, grabbing a random bottle of pain pills that you’d acquired from another mission.
Battle wounds were nothing new.
Just another scar. Not like your body had ever, or would ever be perfect.
You’d swallowed the Percocet dry when you hear a knock on your door.
You figure it must be Steve. Or Nat. Or even Wanda. Coming to check on you. When you type into the key pad, opening it you cant fight the surprise.
Because it’s Bucky.
You can tell he’s just recently showered as well, his still wet hair is pulled into a little knot on the back of his neck and he’s dressed in a dark sweat suit, his feet bare.
“Hey?” Your voice wavers. You hadn’t really spoken to him much lately. He was the last person you’d expect to find on your door step.
“Hey” Bucky starts. It’s the first time you’ve heard him sound truly unsure in a long time “I thought I’d uh, swing by and make sure your doin’ alright”
You hadn’t even noticed he was holding a granola bar and a bottle of water in his hands until he holds it up, as kind of a white flag. You smile, sadly. Gratefully, as you take it.
“Thanks Buck, I really appreciate it”
“No problem at all. I figured ya’ might be hungry” He’s figuratively twiddling his thumbs as he speaks “I ate seven of those just a minute ago”
You laugh, even though your exhausted and hollow, he makes you laugh.
Bucky has never seen you look so…frail. Usually your bold and bright and now your pale and he doesn’t even know how your standing. His eyes trail down your body- and he only lets himself look because he’s trying to tally up all of your injuries. Every scrape and bruise- it just so happens that there’s a large blooming bruise on your right thigh. The plush flesh looks so- fuck he wants to grab it. He wants to grab you in his arms so bad.
The look in his eyes…scares you? Thrills you? God, it sets your nerves on fire because he’s never looked at you like this before. He looked at you a lot of ways, no doubt. But the way his steely eyes drink you in now is new.
“Have you been to the med bay yet?” Bucky knows you haven’t, so his brow is raised high.
“No, I’m fine” You wave him off, shaking your head. Your dripping hair swaying against your back.
“That bruise is nasty, Y/N. You should get it looked at” Bucky insists. You don’t know why he cares so much.
“I think they’ve got their hands busy, I’ll be fine. I’ve got my handy dandy pain killers” You try to not be affected by him or the pain in your side as he leans against the doorway. You can tell he’s not going away anytime soon. You don’t think you want him to. “Do you want to come in?”
Bucky answers embarrassingly quick.
“Yes! Uh- yeah. If that’s okay?”
Oh, the thrills this boy gives you. You hate them as much as you love them.
You just nod reassuringly and usher him in, the door electronically sliding shut behind him. You go over and take a careful seat on the edge of your bed, and he sits across from you on one of the accent chairs.
“Have you seen Sam, is he okay?” You toss out questions as you peel at the granola bar.
“He’s stable, they think he’s goin’ to be okay. Bunch'a broken bones, but his internal organs weren’t too shaken up. Bird brain got lucky…” Bucky trails off, giving one gruff laugh. For as much as he and Sam gave each other heaps of shit, they were close. He’d been worried- when the bird had been shot from the sky.
“I’m happy” You chew slowly, trying to absorb his words. “I really thought for a moment there-”
“I know. Me too”
That feels so good, hearing him say that. Me too. You weren’t alone. Bucky knows exactly how you feel, and at that moment in time, that’s all you needed.
Your phone chirps and your too fast as you go to grab it. The pained gasp that leaves your lips has Bucky’s head perking up. Of course him, with his enhanced hearing, had picked up on it.
Your hand flies to your side, because you know it’s reopened the scab. That more then likely your bleeding again.
“Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine” You hiss through the sharp pain as you stand.
Oh shit that hurts. Bucky jumps to his feet and goes to you, his metal arm going to your shoulder, and his flesh to the small of your back. “Obviously not. Where are you hurt, show me”
“No!” You protest at his demand, half because who did he think he was? And half because it would be a cold day in hell before you lifted your shirt and let Bucky look at all your jiggly bits.
“Your bleeding through your shirt. Did you even dress it, Jesus” Bucky tries to angle you so that he can get a better look at where crimson has begin to poke through the gray Tee. “Just let me clean it up and bandage it”
“No, it’s fine. I can do it”
“Why are you so difficult? Fuck, just let me help you, okay? Your bleeding” He’s almost yelling this at you…though at the end of the sentence he’s begging. Because he knew he shouldn’t have let you out of his sight.
“I-I” You stutter. Your terrified. Of him. Of this. Of your body, and of him seeing your body.
“Please” Bucky’s voice is low and his eyes hold you captive.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say no, or yes. So you just nod, and let him lead you to the bathroom.
You’ve never felt so exposed, as you hold up your shirt, it fisting right under your breast as Bucky bends don so that he’s eye level with your wound and tends to it. He’s gentle, but nimble. His fingers working fast as he cleans and bandages. You can feel your heart thundering against your chest. Is he looking at your tummy? At the stretch marks?
“I can hear your heart beat, doll. Calm down” Bucky sooths with a small chuckle, not looking up from his work. He’s not looking at your tummy or your stretch marks…he’s looking at how smooth for skin appears. At how soft it feels under his finger tips… “I’m almost done”
He never wants to finish.
“Your actually really good at this”
“Yeah, I had a little trainin’ back durin’ the war” He tells you as he finishes up, securing the bandage “Nothin’ too extensive, but I know the basics”
“Good for you” He looks up at your wit and shakes his head. “That sounded ungrateful. I’m sorry”
“No, it’s okay” Bucky reassures, his fingers trailing over the edge of the bandage…he knows he shouldn’t…but he cant resist leaning his head in and pressing a soft kiss atop the bandage. Quick, just a peck really but your head spins. He looks up to make sure your not about to slap him.
You don’t look angry in the least. You look…awed. He wants to kiss up your stomach. Wants to kiss every inch of exposed skin…but instead he reaches up and grabs the hem of your shirt from your grip, and pulls it down before patting you hip and grinning at you. Your in a haze, at his touch. At the intimacy of it all. Even when your back seated on your bed, your still…not all the way there. Your in your head, your thoughts going wild.
You decide you want him. Lord, do you want him. No one had ever been so…tender with you. None of your ex’s had ever shown that level of gentleness with you. You lay back against your pillows and he shifts unsurely at his place, standing at the end of the bed.
“I could go?”
“Please stay” You plead. The thought of being alone makes your teeth clench “I don’t really want to be alone…do you?”
“Nah, Sugar. I don’t” Bucky could scream. He’d wanted nothing but this for months. He goes to sit back in the chair but you sit up and reach for him.
“Lay back, you mook!” Bucky urges, coming to your side of the bed to place a hand on your chest “You’ll reopen that cut”
“Can you…lay with me?” It’s a big bed, it wasn’t like you two would even really even have to touch. Even though all you wanted was for him to touch you.
Bucky must be dreaming. He must have gotten shot during that mission. Maybe he’s dead?
He doesn’t ask twice though, after searching your desperate eyes for any sign of doubt, he climbs onto the bed next to you.
Part Two
————————————– @geekyweed hope you like this first part baby girl!
DUN DUN DUNNNN. Part two will be nothing but totally NSFW smut. Desperate and needy yummy smut. If you want to be tagged you know the drill, let me know! Leave me some feedback babies!✨
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imaginetwilight · 7 years
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(Requested by Anon) (Part 1 of this imagine here) (Part 2 of this imagine here)
“Why are you doing this to me?” You groaned out from your spot in the backseat.
Your brothers both looked back at you and rolled their eyes. “Because you’re acting like a child so we can’t trust you to go by yourself.” Sam replied before turning to face the front.
“Look on the bright side, there will be cake!” Dean said cheerfully as he drove to the fang nest.
You huffed and sat up to glare at your window. “I don’t want any cake.” You mumbled and crossed your arms. Maybe you were acting like a child, but you really didn’t want to go back to the leech’s nest.
After Cas dropped you off at the beach yesterday you were found by your brothers and promptly dragged back to the impala. They were going to take you to the Cullen home so you all could finally talk about this whole mate thing, but Sam had gotten a text from Alice saying it was better to come today. Why?
Because it was that human girl’s birthday.
If it wasn’t for her you would’ve been able to move on from this town by now. But noooooooo, you and your brothers just had to be worried hunters.
You still didn’t know how Bella was taking everything so lightly.
For all any of you knew, the Cullens could be faking being animal drinkers. Maybe you were the main course tonight!
“Y/N, stop thinking so hard. We can feel the wheels in your head turning from up here.” Dean looked at you through the rearview mirror.
You couldn’t take this anymore. Your brothers were being unfair about this. Were they really going to sit there and let those monsters take you?
“Why are you guys so casual about this? We find out that I’m supposed to get it on with a vampire and after a minute or two you guys are okay? Do you not realize that I’ll have to become a vampire too? That I’ll have to leave you?”
The car jerked to the side of the road and you yelped in surprise. “Dean? What the hell?” You frowned and tried to touch his shoulder.
Your oldest brother got out of the car, Sam looking back at you once before getting out as well.
Great, it was time for a family talk.
You slowly got out of the car, your heart in your throat as you joined your brothers. “Dean, I’m-” He held up a hand and started slowly pacing. “Do you know how safe you’d be with them?” He began.
You opened your mouth to speak but he wasn’t finished. “Did you see the leader’s mate? The woman looked like a genuine mother, one that could probably teach you a few things. You would be able to have a semi normal life, not worry about hunting or almost dying. You could be happy with them!”
He truly intended to leave you with those leeches. The thought made you tear up. “Dean, I’m happy here! We might not have a shit ton of cash or a fancy house with a white picket fence, but we have each other! 
“You are my only family, if you think I’m just going to sit there and let them turn me into what we hunt and leave you behind then you really don’t know me at all.” You crossed your arms.
“I don’t want to be without my brothers. I don’t care if I die pushing 90 or if I die next week. I won’t live without you two.” You said through gritted teeth. “Family is the only stable thing we’ve ever had. I wouldn’t give that up for anything. You got me?”
You were tired of Dean insisting that he was right, tired of them both treating you like a baby. You were younger than them both, yes, but that didn’t make you the weakest. The three of you were a team and dammit that was how you wanted it to be until you got your hunter’s burial.
Both brothers were silent. You bit your lip and waited, the three of you looking at each other like it was some kind of stand off.
After a few minutes and seven cars driving by, Sam took a three steps forward and pulled you both into a tight hug. “We’re not going anywhere Y/N. Where you go, we go.” He promised with a kiss to the top of your head. “Right Dean?” You both looked at your older brother.
Dean sighed and hugged both you and Sam. “Right. Family sticks together.”
You smiled and nuzzled into your brother’s arms. “Damn right, and you better not forget that.” 
When you all reached the Cullen home you saw the beefy one, Emmett, on top of Bella’s car. You raised an eyebrow.
“Installing a new stereo so Bella can’t return it.”
Dean walked over to the truck to talk with Emmett. “Why would she return it? This thing needs some TLC and a new stereo is a good first step.” Dean patted the hood of Bella’s rusty old truck.
You snorted as you made your way to the front door. “The only place that thing can get TLC is a junkyard.” You muttered. Though of course you might as well have screamed it because all of the vampires heard you, you could hear them laughing through the open window.
They know we’re here, too late to run. You thought bitterly.
The inside of the Cullen home was nicely decorated, candles and maroon streamers distributed around the room. You tried busying yourself with looking at the decorations rather than meet the eyes of the vampire who was practically staring holes into your skin.
“Good evening Sam, Dean, and of course Y/N.” Esme greeted with a warm smile. You had to admit, she did have a very calming and motherly feel to her. If you had known your mother it probably would’ve made you miss her.
“Hello Esme.” You greeted with as much civility as possible despite your longing to leave.
“Y/N. It’s nice to see you again.” You turned to see Jasper standing there, looking down at you with the smallest of smiles.
You took a deep breath and swallowed the insult that had been resting on your tongue. “I’m sorry for leaving so suddenly. That was rude. Thank you for being understanding.” The words felt almost robotic, but you had to be nice for your brothers’ sake.
Jasper’s smile got wider. “I’m glad to hear you say that darlin.” You could hear the southern twang in his voice and wondered what this guy’s story was.
You were going to say something else but the sight of Bella appearing with Edward at the top of the stairs caught your attention. You watched the only other human with hawk like eyes.
Yeah the Cullens had assured that Bella was safe, but you were a hunter whether they liked it or not. You couldn’t just get rid of your instincts.
Bella smiled and gave an awkward wave to you and your brothers. You didn’t wave back but you knew Sam and Dean did. You still didn’t forgive her for being involved with leeches.
The Cullens all gave Bella their gifts and you stared boredly at the wall until you heard the ripping of wrapping paper. Everyone went silent and you immediately looked to Bella.
Oh fan-FUCKING-tastic.
The human was bleeding from a damn papercut and almost all eyes in the room went black. The Cullens all looked at Jasper, who looked to be shaking and holding back a snarl.
“Y/N, get him out of here now!” Alice shouted.
“What? How the hell do you expect me to-” “Just go!” She cut you off.
You hissed and took a hold of Jasper’s arm. “Come on.” He let you drag him out of the house, his eyes closed and mouth screwed shut. He wasn’t breathing.
“Hey. Come on, let’s get out of here.” You tugged on Jasper’s arm.
In a flash you were being carried and the scenery was passing by faster than you had ever seen in the impala. You realized with a gasp that Jasper was actually carrying you and running at the same time. Each second carried you farther from your brothers. “Jasper, stop now!”
Jasper stopped in the middle of the woods and set you down.
Jesus Christ. You clutched your head to try and stabilize your dizziness. Jasper moved over to the trees in a blur, burying his hand into the trunk and taking deep breaths of air.
“What the hell was that back there?” Once you could stand upright you crossed your arms. “I thought your family had control over the thirst!”
He looked up, his eyes slowly returning back to gold. “I… am the newest to this diet. I haven’t drank human blood in a while, but it still burns a lot whenever I’m near them.” He explained quietly. “I think… If you hadn’t been there I would’ve attacked Bella.” He admitted.
You tilted your head and took a few steps closer. “What do you mean?” Was there something about you that made him not thirsty?
“We are very protective.” He murmured. “I was fighting my thirst to protect the one thing that was more important… my mate. We usually go into a frenzy when blood is around, so it can be dangerous. I wanted to protect you in case anyone else went crazy, but I was the only one.” He closed his eyes, looking ashamed of himself.
You watched the vampire stew in his anguish and frowned. You couldn’t just leave him like that, especially since he held himself back to protect you…
Before you could register what you were doing, you wrapped your arms around Jasper and pulled him into a hug. “It’s okay. You stopped, that’s what matters.” You assured quietly. To your surprise you actually meant the words you said.
Maybe you could try getting to know Jasper before you curse his family to hell.
…they were human once.
“Thank you Y/N. Would you like to go back to the house?” He looked down at you and from the way he held you it didn’t seem like he was fond of the idea of letting go. You smiled slightly.
“Yeah, but let’s walk back. It’ll give us time to get to know each other. Okay?”
The smile on Jasper’s face was all you needed to see to reassure you that this wasn’t a bad idea.
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