#I’m rlly tired rn so I don’t know if this post even makes sense
purpelflurpel · 1 year
How to stop idealizing and falling in love with ppl whose personalities don’t exist the same way you’ve created in your mind?
Better yet, how to stop being disappointed when they don’t end up being who you’ve decided they are?
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crushcardvirus · 3 years
Malik and/or Ryou for the ask game??
YEAAAAAA THANK U i got ryou in another ask so i'll do mal
favorite thing about them
I believe malik's redemption arc is a contentious issue but i strongly believe his guilt and contrition were GENUINE even if it was pretty rushed. i'm such a sucker for recovery arcs and things where characters choose to live despite seemingly insurmountable past trauma and the weight of their bad choices... i just love that malik got that. especially how his love for his family and their love for him prevailed Despite Everything. The ishtars are all so good they mean so much to me.
least favorite thing about them
he's like. i'm mentally ill and evil. and i'm like. you are bad representation. but same
THIS GOT WAY OUT OF HAND i'm putting it under a readmore
favorite line
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I love this panel bc 1) all of his evil speeches are delightful to me 2) OVERWHELMING CHARISMA AND DOMINANCE 3) i think it gives some rlly interesting insight into his god complex & how the rod mind control works. Not to mention the ‘people can create an entire split personality’ honey you’ve got a big storm coming. Anyway i think malik ishtar reads psychology textbooks for fun
Honestly imagining malik being friends with the greater Nerd Herd is THE funniest shit ever like yeah he tried to kill them but that describes like half the people they hang out with so it’s fine. I never get tired of imagining him hanging out with them incredibly out of his depth trying to get used to not only being a normal person but being treated like one. He’s a little prickly and his sense of humour is really weird but he’s muddling through like a champ. Halfway through he escapes to the bathroom and texts Rishid like ‘hey you know what. I think i’m an introvert’.
WE POST ANGSTSHIPPING HERE SIR but honestly i like most malik ships with the exception of (see below). citron libera (hikari) irate all v good. But angstship is my Absolute Favourite
I don't really like most thi.e.fshipping :/ It’s like yeah okay fun miniboss mean couple antics but it just doesn’t usually Hit for me. No disrespect to people who like it though!
random headcanon
I’ve said before I don’t think he’s ever done laundry in his life and I would like to correct that. After Battle City he starts doing stuff for himself bc he feels really bad about how he’s treated his siblings and nobody gets within ten feet of his laundry on pain of death. Some of it is overcorrecting and he kind of has to relearn how to accept help from them again but he’ll manage it. Thank you
unpopular opinion
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently bc I’ve been writing fic with him -> I think wrt malik characterisation there’s a very fine line to walk between ‘highly strung super smart asshole who is pretty sure he’s the main character of life’ and ‘deeply traumatised teenage boy who genuinely has a lot of love in his heart and makes bad decisions’ bc he is. Both. I’m not trying to be like ‘I can do it’ because god knows I also find writing him difficult. But like. He’s not invulnerable but he would like you very much to think he is. He has more in common with Kaiba than he does YKura. He's extremely smart and mature in some ways and an idiot in others. Does this make any fucking sense at all
song i associate with them
I have a bunch but rn Disparate Youth by Santigold
favorite picture of them
Currently. The
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courtesy of tumblr user marikism
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frightgothcar · 3 years
Is it okay to ask for advice? Is it normal that I like .. when I see a character I feel their gender? like if I see a cute girl I’ll be like “I feel so much like a girl rn she/her are the best pronouns I’m so cute” but then I could easily turn around and see a boy and go “me I feel so he/they rn I feel like a boy and I’m happy abt it” like what does this mean... I’m rlly confused bc I feel like my pronouns and feeling on my gender change so much.. like I will feel really wlw at one time then mlm at the next and I want to embrace both but it won’t make sense to people... am I not rlly trans? obviously this isn’t the only reason I think I’m trans I’m just saying that this is rlly confusing me idk if anyone else experiences this.. it’s like I want to be all of these genders at once .. I feel like a different person! it doesn’t make any sense .. what is happening? it’s like I don’t have a solid grasp on my identity it just changes with these characters and I make these characters into my identity unconsciously and I can’t help it?? idk if that makes sense I will use a character as an icon and I’m like .. this is gender ... this is me... and it’s not that I relate to the characters at all I really feel different a different person and that it’s always changing so idk who I am?
Ofc you can ask for advice! Needless to say, gender is a complicated beast, but it isn't this whole concrete thing folks make it out to be.
To make that more clear, even in the trans community people tend to think of gender in boxes. Male, female, even if they're accepting of nonbinary people, it's just more familiar to add a third box rather than changing your perspective on gender as a whole. But, it really is more of a spectrum, and sometimes you might move around on that spectrum.
Personally I'm not nonbinary, or genderfluid in any sense, so I can't speak from experience here and I can't say that this speaks to everyone's, or even anyone's experiences, but from my understanding what you're describing sounds like genderfluid (or bigender, or a whole plethora of nonbinary identities). Our understanding of gender paints it as though it's some concrete thing, you sign up for something and you stick with it your whole life, and for some people that's right, but it isn't bad for your identity to grow and change as you do.
Relating to fictional characters was a really huge step for me early in my questioning days and early on. In order to understand myself and my identity I found it easier to go through a conduit, a lot of people do. It's normal to do that, it's healthy to use fiction to work through things, to try things out.
But all that aside, what you're going through is just plain questioning. It's normal, and you're gonna be just fine, you aren't "faking" anything you aren't "lying" to anyone, you're exploring your gender and it's confusing, as gender often is. The trick is to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. You like she/her pronouns today, awesome, we'll use she/her! He/they right now? Easy peasy, let me correct myself real quick. Changing the words to how you identify does not invalidate you as trans. Who you are isn't really changing, how you understand yourself is, and that's a beautiful thing!
What will make this better for you is time, which I know is a really frustrating answer but bear with me here. It's normal to not understand your identity, especially as a teenager (I'm assuming cuz you're following me you're a teenager?? sorry if you're not lol), gender or otherwise. Try out different things! Don't be afraid to switch labels if one doesn't fit or stops fitting. You'll figure it out, you will!!
What you need to be a real trans person is to identify as trans, as in identify as a gender different from your gender assigned at birth. My advice is to take off everything. Don't think of yourself as cis or trans or your agab or a comfort character, try and think about just plain you. How do you feel outside of all that? Getting a better grasp on that will help you with your gender, it certainly helped me :)
And remember that no matter where you end up, if you decide you're nonbinary, bigender, agender, genderfluid, binary trans, or even cis, your experiences are valid. Maybe you're into doing gender more as a costume or performance, like when people do drag. Try it out!
Right now you are figuring out who you are. Don't sweat it, it will come to you over time. Nothing you're feeling or doing is abnormal or weird or bad, you're just growing, and you'll come out the other side better for it.
I hope this all makes sense, it's late and I'm tired and ramble-y and I'm not sure this all makes sense, I just want you to know anon, it's gonna be okay. Seriously, you're gonna be fine, the distress you're feeling now will go away, you just need time and whatnot. Feel free to send in another ask or dm me or whatever you need to do if you've got anything else to ask or to talk about, I'll do my best! Also in the morning I'll rb this post with the @s of some enby, genderfluid, just people who are much more well spoken and knowledgeable in this than I am so you can get some other perspectives and shit.
just wantecd to get this posted asap so again, sorry if this isnt clear or anything, i'll be happy to clarify however you need. i hope you have a good night/day/afternoon/evening whatever timezone youre in. im gonna go to bed now but i /should/ be back on early tomorrow morning. no real gurantee tho sorry haha. but i will answer your asks as soon as i can i prommy
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karak9 · 5 years
Another stupid long post about how I don't know my own fucking gender
This is honestly just copied and pasted from a yt comment I made on an older vid and I figured I'd share it here bc tumblr loves this shit I guess lol. God damn I've been questioning my gender for so long and ik rn im prob not still in the best position to be thinking about deep life shit like where I am mentally and im dealing with a lot in my life and also very insecure about potentially being trans bc a lot of my friends don't seem like they would be very accepting and my bf is only really into girls. I asked him how he would feel if I was nonbinary or looked like a boy and he just said he wasn't totally sure but he's only attracted to girls :c he's the sweetest bf in existence and im honestly so afraid of losing him, so aside from obviously not wanting to deal with all the other trans shit, I definitely hope im not trans bc I don't wanna lose him. Anyways, ill start with my childhood I guess. I was always super tomboyish. My older sisters (im the youngest sibling btw) were always p tomboyish so maybe I kinda got it from them but I kinda felt like I was more tomboyish than them? I felt like I was the most boyish girl I knew, like even meeting other tomboy girls in elementary school I felt like I couldn't really relate to them or like they couldnt relate to me enough idk. I also remember once making up a song about being like so tomboyish that I was basically a boy or something along those lines and sang it to my best friend at the time who I copied like all the fkin time (it honestly wasnt healthy lmao I didn't have good parents, also I think I started making up songs bc she did that and I wanted to like impress her), but she thought it was stupid and weird so I just forgot about it and moved on. I was embarrassed to even enjoy playing with dolls or play dress up games online and was determined to play masculine games like runescape (even tho I ended up doing girly shit in runescape anyways lmao) and considered myself one of the guys. In 5th grade when I started needing to wear a bra I absolutely didn't want to, tho some girls in my class thought it was weird I didn't wear a bra when they found out and that made me more insecure about it, but since then I've p much only worn sports bras. I have bought some more normal bras bc I wanted to look attractive in them for my SO or whatever but I still highly prefer my sports bras and can't stand wearing the other ones unless I have to bc my sports bras aren't clean lmfao. I always hated talking about genitalia and breasts n shit but that could just be bc of how I was raised and how my family was always so strict and such radical Christians and anything sex related was a sin, idk if its dysphoria or not. I've never rlly liked my chest and hated showing cleavage like so god damn much and still do but maybe that's the same thing or maybe I just want smaller boobs and that's it idk??? Like I'd want to appear to have a completely flat chest at least, idk if I'd want to actually like have a guy chest or not? Also huge issue with ppl seeing me naked or touching my boobs but again idk if that's gender related or just a normal issue I have. Tho I had a friend in high school (a girl, a very weird lewd girl) who would occasionally grope my chest randomly and it wasn't a huge issue but kinda made me uncomfortable and more aware of my chest. I really like when I wear big hoodies or when I lean over so my shirt kinda poofs out and it looks like I have a flat chest underneath. Though im not super uncomfortable with my boobs, like normally ill want nothing to do with them but I don't mind my SO touching them especially if they're really into it. I wouldn't say im rlly dysphoric about between my legs either, like yeah I think its weird and I hate monthlies and stuff but I think that's normal. I think if i woke up one day and had a dick I would be fine with it, I'd prob even enjoy it tbh lmao. I once had a dream that i was, well, a male dog like,,, ya know, with a female dog, and not to sound weird af (hey we were both dogs ok) but I think i kinda enjoyed it? I don't really remember any other dreams where I remember actually having a dick or feeling it but I've had several dreams as a male person, but p much all of them were like, I was seeing through a character's eyes or smth, not really that I was a guy, so idk if that's normal. I have the same dreams about being other girl characters, I'd say its split about 50/50. Because of this game community im in, a lot of ppl assume im a guy, and a lot of people still think im a guy and I haven't really bothered to correct them but idk if I find it more enjoyable bc its funny or if I enjoy not being referred to as female for once. I'll admit I feel most comfortable referred to as they/them, like without a doubt, if I could go by only 1 set of pronouns for the rest of my life it would be they/them. But ik that's not enough to call myself trans. I definitely wouldn't want to be 100% male. Like if I imagine myself as a grown man vs a grown woman id prob choose to be a woman. I don't like my voice but I think that's mostly just bc I sound 10 years younger than I actually am, and wouldn't really want a deep/masculine voice. Like a "tomboy" voice would be fine if that makes sense? I don't want facial hair or want to have a masculine body, I like that I have curves and soft skin and small hands. Personally I like my hair long bc its soft and people love it, but sometimes I kinda wish I had short hair and could pass as a boy. Like I'd wanna be a typical cute kpop boy ngl lmfao. I like the whole cute androgynous/feminine boy look and wish I could pull it off. Tho I also like really girly things sometimes and am okay being seen as a girl, i just want to be cute and attractive. Ik whether im trans or not I like being a mix of feminine and masculine, tho I admit in the past I've been kinda insecure bc I used to be super sure I was nb and thought me liking girly things and wanting to still havd long hair and wear girly clothes made me seem like "not trans enough" or whatever. But i guess here I am questioning myself again anyways. If I am nb, it sucks that ill never really be able to be openly myself and all but I've accepted by now that I kinda have to pick a binary and choose what I want to be seen as for the rest of my life, and im ok with being female. There are some things I dont like about my body whether they're really gender related or not but I can't afford to transition and wouldn't like most of the effects of T and am afraid of surgery and not sure I want top surgery enough to ever get it anyways, but I think if we lived in a perfect world and I could magically change my body at will and I wasnt afraid of judgment or being unattractive or whatever, I'd probably want to look androgynous and itd be cool to be able to change my genitalia at will lmao. If I had to choose 1 genitalia over the over I honestly have no idea what I'd choose but I have no desire to ever get bottom surgery, at the same time tho I honestly wanna someday get surgery or w/e to never be able to get pregnant. I just could not handle pregnancy or giving birth and I don't even like babies and breast feeding sounds awful so if I ever have kids they will be adopted 100% and most likely be older and like not newborn babies lmfao, babies are honestly so weird to me and they stink and cry and they're so fragile and im so afraid of like dropping them when I hold them lmao. But I like my nieces and nephews and I like being the cool aunt (is there a gender neutral version of aunt/uncle?) who lets them use my art supplies and helps them do fun stuff even if I get tired of them sometimes lol. Idk if that's gender related either but yeah I guess. This if kind of a more recent thing but I often say I'd make a great bf kinda as a joke bc of how I am in relationships like being the stereotypical sweet bf type who makes things for their partner a lot and wants to be their knight in shining armor and their protector and all that, but again prob not rlly trans related lmao just thought I'd throw that out there I guess. So when I was 17 was when I really started getting into trans stuff, prior to that I mostly just learned from my parents that trans ppl were "against god" and all that bs, and eventually started realizing lgbt+ isn't as bad as my family said and later realized I was bi. But anyways I met an agender person online when i was 17ish and I'd never heard it before and thought it was really interesting and asked them how you know you're agender bc after hearing their explanation of it i thought it described how I felt, but ofc they weren't transmed and just described it as being like a deep feeling or whatever and since then i started calling myself agender (and switched between a few labels but basically nonbinary) until my transmed friend told me I was ridiculous and that I wasn't trans, and honestly he was a huge dick but im a huge pushover lmao and I thought well he's trans so he must know what he's talking about, and though I felt discouraged about it I stopped calling myself nonbinary. Then I began questioning it again after not too long and basically since then I've been questioning my gender off and on. I'm now 22 and god I fucking hope im cis but also I feel like a part of me doesn't want to be cis if that makes sense?? Idk if that's because I don't like being a girl for some weird deep reason I don't know about despite being pretty sure I've gotten a lot of my feelings and their reasons behind them figured out, or if it's because I am trans and dont want to force myself to pretend im a girl 100% forever. At the very least, whatever the fuck my gender is, I want to continue going by they\them wherever I can and pretending to be a boy to strangers online and I'd love to cosplay male characters and bind and occasionally just dress masculine for the hell of it and probably wear sports bras for the rest of my life. I feel like in a way I cang possibly be trans because I can live with all of those things and be fairly comfortable still being seen as female for the rest of my life. But idk, I have bpd and other mental shit so sometimes im not great with my feelings (tho I do try really hard to identify all of my feelings/emotions and stuff) but at the same time bpd can cause weird identity shit so maybe its just a weird mix of a bunch of crap and im not actually trans but just weird and tomboyish enough to question my gender for 5 years and still be unsure. Also I know a lot of ppl suggest talking to a therapist/psychologist/whatever professional and trust me I would love to but I can't currently and am unsure when ill be able to bc they're expensive and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere so finding a decent therapist around where I live rn is going to be very difficult. Also, I have fucking crippling social anxiety lmao like I'd be so afraid to open up about this stuff even to a professional. So if anyone could suggest anything online that could help that would be amazing
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
Omg hi <3 on the crush situation i put down a yeas but i’d say i’m more like. half way interested. like i read the posts on occasion and i don’t hate getting updates but i don’t actively reslly form strong opinions or await updates if that makes sense.... anyways will you be publishing the results cause i actually am curious on those
ahdhdh hi <3 nd yeah saying "invested" does have a lot of connotations with like. Intense Focus tied to it jgjgj. mostly im rlly just kinda tripping rn at the thought of this whole situation being Perceived by other people and was hoping to get some kind of Tally to get a sense of how many people like. just generally Know about it/enjoy hearing about it/have opinions on it/think about it from time to time yk. i mainly said "investment" due to the fact its probably the word most used when peopleve stopped by to say they like hearing about it/want to hear more/have opinions etc yk
but yeah no worries, "invested" by far isnt the Perfect word to fit the question i was getting at, its mostly just from a place of curiosity as to how many people at least think about it from time to time even when its not on their screens in front of them. this is definitely overthinking on my part but in fairness being perceived Is a trip and a half 💀
as for updates, ive really just started checking out emotionally, so thats why theres just been less and less posting about him. ill walk out of each class with some Thoughts but like halfway through the drive back i hardly find any of it worth talking about by that time yk. hes just disappointed me so much i dont even want to be with him and all i want from him is closure, and hes just not willing to look any of this in the eye which is ultimately whats kept me hung up over this :/ so yeah i still like Talk about him at times but like. yk the extensive summaries of each class are sth id call a thing of the past, ive just gotten really tired and all that drive is just drained out now :///
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imadethisatage11 · 3 years
Live-blogging my reaction to Spiral: from the book of saw
Spoilers under the cut
TL;DR: my overall review is that it was good but I’m going to go watch DPS to cleanse me
- ok so that woman got robbed and for what
- I had to pause to find out who this detective’s actor was Bc it was driving me nuts and it’s MCMURRAY FROM LETTERKENNY???
- love that they’re gonna fuck up this train conductors day lmao
- LOVE genuinely that we’re back to looking gritty and having an old tv play the video and having some rapid cut camera work early 2000’s vibes I embrace you
- why does the voice sound like that,, I wasn’t expecting John but why is it so non threatening now it’s literally just Some Guy™️
- I am glad I paid $15 to listen to Chris Rock talk about Forrest Gump. Worth my money and I mean it genuinely I love Chris Rock he’s great. Stream Everybody Hates Chris on Hulu
- “Z?” Zeke who just had his cover blown: this MF
- “do I look like a fucking Jamaican nanny?!” I- 😀🤚🏽
- ayo Max Minghella
- Chris Rock falling just short of being convincingly aggressively cynical Bc he is Chris Rock with the voice of Chris Rock
- it sounds like he’s setting up jokes that don’t have punchlines and instead they’re just like,, mediocre cynic cop dialogue
- while looking at some pretty fucking intact teeth: this bum is gonna be pretty hard to ID
- I mean I guess the homeless don’t have dental records but were you not even gonna try?
- I’m very pleased Chris Rock put on gloves before handling the strange package I love actually smart character choices that would make sense for them to make
- I.e. the cop knows how to properly handle unexpected unmarked packages delivered to the precinct
- “I thought the jigsaw killer was dead” “well if it’s another copy cat…” another wait is that referring to Logan (which Logan pinned on the other coincidentally crooked cop whose name I’ve forgotten) does that imply Logan only did like? The one trap? And hasn’t been active? Just waited ten years after John died recreates the one trap he was in and then stops?? I mean don’t get me wrong if movie wants to ignore Jigsaw (2017)’s existence I’m game but like what
- also why do the packages look like they’re wrapped in Tiffany boxes lmao
- oh yay they did run dental
- Chris Rock is an asshole but they should go with protocol if that’s what they’re doing
- ordering a man mid piss out of the men’s room to yell at Zeke
- does conflict of interest matter when the whole precinct knows the victim?
- uncomfortable stand-offs with your ex while at the home of a grieving friend
- Samuel L Jackson!
- “I could’ve killed you!” “What are you talking about, I have the gun!” *SLJ pulls a gun out* “I could’ve killed you”
- daddy issues
- “you think this is linked to John Kramer?” Bruh you think it’s NOT??
- ik this is SO far fetched but I rlly hope this movie tells us wtf happened to Dr Gordon. I’m sure it won’t but a girl can dream
- “should we tell Zeke?” “Fuck him” I get you guys don’t like to work w him Bc he’s an ass but like. You’re just not doing your jobs now you’re just proving he’s right that you’re untrustworthy
- splitting up and not telling ppl where you’re going is the number one way to get kidnapped or murdered but way to go cop instincts
- what is this Chinese finger trap ass shit
- love the blue tones tho very Saw
- all it needs is to become uncomfortably green
- fun fact I actually watched the first saw w my friend who is red green color blind and he said it looked AWFUL and I was like oh yeah everything is blue tinted like twilight blue tint and later it’s green just FYI (he thought that made significantly more sense than whatever shit ass color palette he was perceiving)
- being mad at your son for turning in a dirty cop Bc now you’ll have to mess with internal affairs
- and then assaulting someone??? SLJ is an even worse asshole lmao
- another Tiffany box bound in twine maybe it’ll be one of those cheesy diamond heart necklaces
- HELLO what is that ugly ass pig puppet
- also the voice is so stilted did the killer use fuckin text to speech so they couldn’t unscramble the voice like they did to Hoffman?
- cops finding dead pigs, a little on the nose
- oh so this dude has a history of “fuck it” ok well screw that guy then
- SLJ deserves to be pissed at that cop for letting Zeke get shot but like what an unhinged man he threatened to kill him and then actually assaulted him HOW did he EVER get in charge to begin with
- ok wait is Zeke actually the only decent cop (inc his dad but maybe excluding the newbie)
- that is a truly gruesome way to lose fingers tho I must say but he deserves that shit
- wait did the trap not go fast enough or was there a way for him to do that faster and I missed it
- like should he not have hesitated Bc there was a time limit or was it just rigged
- cuz the machine had to pull them off he couldn’t just cut them quickly
- so are they just gonna leave broken leg Dude there or
- also just now I tried to talk abt this movie (so far) vs Jigsaw (2017) to my mom and I got too excited and referenced some character names she didn’t know and she shut me down and said she didn’t care 😀
- live-blogging to my, like, five followers that compromise one one (1) person that knows me IRL, one (1) Sawtual, and a handful of ppl only here for my main DPS content to fill the void of emotional parental neglect. What a great website
- oh no did the rookie die :( he was actually sweet
- I feel like he was too important to kill offscreen tho
- like they’re TELLING us he .. was skinned.. but was he REALLY
- Chris Rock having a revelation: AH FUCK
- everyone else at the crime scene: ….
- favorite thing abt movies that were already gonna be rated R is when they’re like “well if we’re already at R we might as well say fuck”
- she has to SEVER HER SPINAL CORD? Why was she deemed the biggest asshole
- also how on earth was this trap portable it IS in their basement right
- transporting the hot wax is just what gets me
- Chris Rock rn: are you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?
- was this abt his dad the whole time???
- does it count as live blogging when I do one big post instead of several small ones lol I just want it to be avoidable for ppl who are just here for Dead Poets Society
- man’s fully abt to cut his arm off like barely even hesitated long enough to notice the bobby pin he could pick the lock with
- there’s a body here suspended
- not hanging mind you
- but covered and suspended
- and I bet it’s the newbie
- ah damn it’s Pete that’s disappointing
- it’s possible the trailers just made him seem more important than he was
- why are they punishing Zeke for reporting a dirty cop and having his career accordingly ruined like he did the right thing and already suffered for it? This killer doesn’t like crooked cops?? Why does Zeke have to be tortured by hearing this dude die like that’s what they want isn’t it?
- I think it’s too late pal
- the glass trap was pretty fucking cool though
- I didn’t think he was a MURDERER but I KNEW he was alive
- I’m terrible at guessing endings but it makes viewing more fun
- honestly,, do it Chris Rock ACAB
- “you want me to kill cops?” “No, fuck no, just the bad ones”
- what a fun villain though
- I have no idea what the Ultimate Game Plan™️ is here though is he gonna make him kill his dad? I mean his dad does suck but making a dude KILL his DAD? That is a tall order Max Minghella
- ok but literally why wouldn’t you listen to him here shoot the target??
- ANGIE! It WaS aNgIe
- killing this man is not correct justice anyway Zeke
- shot the target! Good man
- groovy of them to play the Hello Zepp soundtrack rn
- oh shit what’s going on SLJ knows what it is
- oh.. w o w. Brutal way to go. Very heavy handed imagery
- and that’s all I guess who the fuck knows what’s up w Doctor Gordon
- and I guess Max Minghella is just gonna get away now but tbh Chris Rock only seemed truly mad at him for involving his dad
- nice rap remix to the OG Hello Zepp score very cool credits music
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mogamifucker666 · 7 years
 cabana au plot thing maybe. i can’t write so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
premise: Mogami is an assassin/hitman, working at a tropical resort for cover. his mom is sick. he works with SG guy (Sargent) as assassins but also at the same tropical resort place. Matsuo is a rich gold digger, killed his last husband but was judged innocent in the trial. now he’s looking for thrills, doesn’t desire more money, just trying to have a good time. which for him means.. causing choas.
(this post is so long and dumb and gay i am so sorry for anyone on tumblr mobile RIP)
(edit: it’s even longer now and i tried to fix the typos from before. i hate how invested i am in this AU and yet i cannot stop.)
Matsuo comes to this resort regularly and the staff are Wary and particular about the staff they (somewhat) sacrifice to Matsuo. but Matsuo has MAD CA$H so they assign him like.. a personal attendant of sorts.
Mogami was hired between the last visit and this one, has been working there a lil while (some months but less than a year), Sargent is part of the resort’s management and works to cover for Mogam to give him alibis while he’s off killing ppl Just In Case
Mogami probably has an alias that he uses for like everything and that’s “Kai” bc he works by the ocean lmao. 
I guess Mogami works around the pool and beach? waiter/bartender type thing. trained as a lifeguard so he does that too.
Anyhow he gets assigned to Matsuo, is aware that Matsuo’s was on trial for the murder of his husband but wasn’t convicted, but doesn’t really know what to expect. definitely not the chaotic twinky gremlin that Matsuo is in this AU.
Possible first interaction: Mogami is just trying to serve some drinks  and Matsuo intercepts him and he's like "can i help you.....uhm........?" (can't figure out Matsuo's gender) 
Matsuo, "that would be sir, thank you. but in a different context you can call me baby." Mogam is internally like o no-- Matsuo, not missing a beat, "and i can call you daddy." and Mogami is like. CRIngiNG he's like this is it, this is the curse brought on by killing people, the bad luck has finally caught up with me-- etc
Matsuo has a thing about paying ppl with Mogami’s job 4 sex/seducing them
Mogam is not about it
Matsuo won’t ease up
Anyway. things r tense and assassin stuff is more difficult bc of dealing with being Matsuo’s attendant. but there r days when Mogam isn’t working, where he has leave to “see his mom” which are often used for assassin stuff but. sometimes seeing mom. sometimes both.
Mogam still maintains his cool and indifference to Matsuo’s attempted advances
it’d be ridiculous if Matsuo very obviously fakes drowning. standing in shallow water (literally standing) and just flinging water around and looking like a fool, calling out “help me lifeguard! im Drowning! oh the humanity! i am struggling to breathe oh lifeguard please help me!” mostly bothering the other people around so Mogami feels compelled to usher him away but Mogami does Not lol and Matsuo just looks like a desperate fool.
maybe he actually pretends to drown
“i think i need cpr”
“i’ll just call an ambulance for you”
“come ON” as Mogami gets up and Leaves
Matsuo: >;;;;^(  Mogami: B^|
Matsuo prObably goes for some other poolboys in the meantime. partly for attention, partly because it’s what he does.
Matsuo insists that Mogami has a secret (and he does) but Mogam denies that he has any secret of interest to Matsuo
somehow Matsuo finds out about his mom tho and Mogam is like “ah yes. my dark secret. i am indeed secretly tender at heart and love my mother very much. u got me.” but like. no it’s that he’s killing people. But there is some bonding and more respect from Matsuo. some but not much.
the Advances continue tho Matsuo is like still like  “if u need money then sleep with me??”. Mogam is like. No.
also, at some point, Mogami to Matsuo “has anything bad happened to you at all in your life?” (bad things have happened but it’s been a While and Matsuo is hella detached from that)
Matsuo is legit like. lowkey a psychopath probably and breaks into Mogam’s (place of residence) (apartment proabably?) and Mogam gets back from a nearby “job” (shady bloody job) and Matsuo sees him (Matsuo wasn’t hiding lol) and Mogam Very Clearly bloody (under the shirt he was wear and since removed bc he’s home now) and is internally like “i’m not prepared to deal with this. this is over my head, the disappearance would go noticed, and would obviously connect to me... i’ll call Sargent. i probably have to kill him, such a hassle.. could be the end of things. what i thoughtless greedy awful--”
i drew it:
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(evil gremlin pixie gets gay while dead-inside man contemplates the logistics of murder and disposing the body)
he glances down and Matsuo is like... sparkly heart emojis looking at the blood on Mogami and. Mogam is CONFUSED hE’s like “What.. are you doing looking like that?????”
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(the blood drawn on his face/hand doesn’t make sense now that ive thought about it but. i can’t be bothered now.)
(my fave Mogami reaction to Matsuo is “bitch what the fuck” honestly) 
Matsuo is rlly hot about the blood i but Mogam is just tired of this he’s like. resigned and kind of given up and legit just “I’m going to take a shower”
“can i come with u? ::::3c”
“you can do whatever you want” (figures Matsuo will follow him but doesn’t care if Matsuo leaves and tells the police he’s just tired rn)
Matsuo does follow him (he’s got his Eyes on the Prize)(the “prize” has gotten more and more interesting and enticing as time went by and now he is enthralled. Matsuo is chaotic and freaky and i love him. kinky(TM))
Mogam is trying to ignore Matsuo in the shower but eventually just Gives Up and like yeah wow sex huh
it is. a lot more good than Mogam anticipated and Matsuo is very :^)))))) after (satisfied and “i told u so” and still sneaky but also. more solidly attached now)(Mogam is endearingly passionate  and it’s hot i guess idk don’t look at me)
Matsuo is probably the only (alive) person besides Sargent who knows he’s killing people so like. that relieves tension and allows for more intimacy ok
(im gay don’t talk to me)
at some point after that Matsuo is like “you like killing people”
“no, it’s just a job”
except he does and something happening close to the time of the convo is like ‘wait yes i do enjoy it..’
At Some Point Matsuo gets a wound over his eye (so the scar matches canon lol), it’s somehow a result of hanging around Mogami
thanks @ Nick for this idea: maybe Matsuo gets kidnapped and Mogam has to go save him. Jokes on Mogami tho Matsuo knows how to use a gun and can handle i knife decently. basically Matsuo kills at least Some of his abductors, gets his face slashed, and escapes by the time Mogami arrives to save him.
probably a sobering experience for Matsuo like ‘o right actions have consequences that affect me. wow. strange.’
this isn’t a deterrent for him tho, he’s still having fun, but he’s gonna be less flippant and careless from then on.
idK eventually an agreement of commitment happens and like. Mogam quits and the resort and moved back with Matsuo to the US i guess and now he doesn’t have to worry about money for his mom’s care bc Matsuo is stacked.
so Matsuo has married twice and the latest one is dead but the other one (his first marriage) is to Toichiro.
Toichiro’s wife divorced him, he’s rich and is some important af person in a corporation idk, he and Matsuo r together for a while and then married briefly and then Matsuo divorces him and gets hella money (awful. cruel. rude boy. evil. i love it) 
(their relationship was like. probably kind of sad bc Toichiro is pretending he’s not torn up abt his ex-wife and maybe Matsuo like?? wasn’t just being a gold digger and actually cared about him, but was constantly eclipsed by the ex-wife n got tired of it and once they were married he was pretty soon like “Okay. That’s That. Bye.” dark. idk Matsuo is an energetic and wild person and Toichiro is cold and dead inside and Matsuo probably brought a lot of like.. joy to his life, and he took that for granted n Matsuo left. bye bish.)(lmao i h8 angst i’m sad now)
the current dynamic between him and Toichiro is like.. whenever they see each other they just drag the shit out of each other and r snide and that’s their point of camaraderie but Matsuo rlly doesn’t care abt him and always rubs Toichiro’s unsatisified life in his face.
but Matsuo is with Mogami now and they’re back in the US (some big city, probably Los Angeles or NYC.. or both. Matsuo has an unnecessary excess of wealth he can have a house on both coasts) but they end up talking with Toichiro and so Toichiro and Matsuo r doing their nasty banter thing and Toichiro starts talking dirty and about stuff he and Matsuo did and Matsuo is kind of pissed and internally like ‘wow in front of my boyfriend?? i know i have no class either but xcuse u bitch :^)’ but. also talks abt the stuff he’s been doing with Mogami. meanwhile Mogami is just there SEETHING quietly, tensely but politely smiling, thinking 'the nerve of this awful man with ugly eyebrows. abhorrent.' Matsuo is keeping an eye on him as the tension is rising and eventually.. 'wow my murder bf is about to fight my ex and while that's Hot that's not a good idea---' so he he cuts the conversation off like "well, i know who i've chosen--" wraps arm around Mogami's waist "--have a good life pining for your ex-wife" and like. leaves. bye.
or “have fun trying to fill the void left my your ex-wife for as long as you live”
Matsuo’s second marriage is probably to Ishiguro and purely for the money. but Ishiguro is gross and old and Matsuo was tired of waiting for him to die and took matters into his own hands. and ended up with a lot of money and no jail time.
idk what else. vague ideas kind of like. Mogam has a day of and Sargent goes to visit momgami in the hospital as a way to cover for Mogami going to do a hit. or doing a hit for Mogam so he can visit his mom. tru friends. 
the beginning aesthetic being like. tacky tropical beach and it changing into like. lavish but sleek spy-aesthetic by the end is funny to me. tropical pattern prints and speedos and petty drama and humar to dark clothes and a scar  and like. weirdly devoted and sexy dynamic. silly to serious. hilariously bad rom com to..  rich murder gays (NBC Hannibal stole my aesthetic)
im starting to fall asleep but ya this au was originally 100% shitpost and yet here. i am. thinking about it seriously.
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thankyoumskobayashi · 7 years
ex-aid ep 30
there is still no direct hint abt the accuracy of this post so i will go on to talk about what it means in terms of this post specifically my ep 30 predictions. then i will forecast possible content for episode 31 next week.
How I Was Right And Wrong Last Week:
ok the regrouping and planning thing happened less than the fighting pallad. i didn't expect that, but in the context it makes sense: fight pallad to give the others a few more seconds to live. i was totally right abt nico (she's the best, honestly XD) fighting pallad anyway.
in terms of powerups i was surprised taiga and hiiro weren't as enthusiastic abt the mighty lv. 0 gashat. they practically put together the maximum mighty x gashat for emu (or pre-assembled it before his bugster powers did the rest). it wasn't like snipe or brave had any gashats that could beat perfect knockout, either individually or as a team. still, i'm glad poppy didnt listen to that negativity and used the lv. 0 gashat anyway.
the gashat didn't destroy every bugster it comes into contact with, because that would be too easy for a toku show, but it disables bugster abilities within a specific radius. while poppy did not transform into genmu and genmu lv. 0's critical finisher wasn't shown, it is interesting that poppy can now control dan kuroto. whether this gashat will prove deadly to bugsters remains to be seen.
What's New This Ep:
ex-aid is at another change in its flow of power distribution. the mighty ult gashat has worn off its shine to be beaten by pallad's perfect knockout gashat. nico is the leading rideplayer in japan, with a squad of gamer driver users (legendary figures) ready to help her if she needs it. poppy's newest discovery and subsequent control over dan kuroto is about to change that. it makes me wonder if kamen sentai gorider and the other shorts were little prophecies to the next parts of the main plot....
i was pleased to notice that poppy and nico had their full transformations and fight onscreen, while hiiro (already an established male rider) had an implied transformation and fight that was cut for episode length. not to pick on hiiro or anything, but i thought that was cool of toei to do.
the poppy has blue eyes now thing was honestly confusing. pallad's eyes are red AND blue. does that mean he's a morally ambiguous bugster? we don't have any other humanoid bugsters' transformations to comare poppy to. but if we look at human riders, ex-aid's and snipe's are red. does this "blue eyes=good" thing apply to human gashat users as well?
nico commented on all that sciencey shit toei threw onto the cr set at the beginning of the series, and i could not agree more. it's A Lot, and no one ever uses it. i was also proud of poppy for getting serious abt the gashat when she needed to, and telling hiiro she could handle it bc even if she died getting it to work, she could just come back stronger bc she's a bugster. i'm glad she didn't have to die to do that, but i also got the feeling that the exaid writer was tired of the evil poppy arc and didnt want to go through resetting her w mighty ult again.
i thought the lv. 0 world effects were cool too, and the cinematic parallels between poppy and emu clicking their gashats to undertake a dangerous task within a minute of each other. i'll post screenshots after this, but it's rlly frcking cool. the Cinnamon Rolls rising to the challenge when pallad turns up the heat.
anyway pallad's choice of the abandoned lab to battle emu in was clearly there to throw him off. he made emu remember how they were separated, which was probably traumatic, then started fighting him. he also maintained that he was the better version of emu in every way: a better gamer, the source of his powers (including how he can fight), the fact that bugsters live forever even after being killed... he also copied emu's catchphrase, intending to rile him up even more.
the part abt the fate of the world.... pallad sounded like he was just taunting emu but im not so sure he was jokng. he tends to be the kind to say what he wants in a teasing/flirting way to emu, but be tight-lipped to everybody else, including dan early on in the show. as far as kr villains go, they give a few hints overall abt their endgame plan. somehow, i wouldn't be surprised if kr chronicle was distributed worldwide, similar to the demiaproject from ghost. however, i'm sure there is a much stronger endgame boss than pallad emu and the gang will have to beat before they save the world.
pallad was eventually cockblocked at the end of the episode, and vanished into blue and red pixels. he wasn't expecting dan kuroto to appear out of nowhere, controlled (somewhat) by poppy pipopapo and using the power to stop bugster powers. neither did emu expect to be saved like that. an argument xould probably be made (and further backed up by future episodes) that poppy made a mistake bringing dan back to life. i am not a fan of him myself, so i wasn't pleased by this development. but, it was the only option left to poppy in that moment. she, nico, taiga, hiiro, AND emu had all fought pallad amd none of their current gashats did anything. it was the only option available to them.
next episode will explore whether it is possible to bring kiriya back as a bugster just like kuroto was. i am hopeful that he will be, because i don't know why i'd watch the show (besides poppy and nico) if he wasn't. however, palladbs words after murduring a bunch of rideplayers might also be true: if you die in the game, you die in real life. i'd get a better sense of kiriya's return by looking at his actor's twitter than the next ep's preview tbh. he might have been ordered to keep it a secret nut he might also be dropping hints there. ya never know.
this also means that if pallad kills emu, emu can be brought back and kept at his beck and call. that would make it uniqely difficult for emu to defeat all the bugsters, as he'd have to fight off pallad, defeat the final boss, and then defeat himself???? i wouldn't be prepared for emu to die next ep but i also wouldn't get too comfortable with not having character death.
i give it t-1 episodes before pallad arrives at that conclusion to torment emu w that idea.
emu rn can't beat pallad, but dan kuroto can so he's safe for now. i hope that in addition to emu's inevitable powerup poppy, nico, taiga, and hiiro all get powerups too. and kiriya if he returns. i missed his smile.
that was a fucking long rant and thanks for reading any part of it if you did. phew
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fudeh · 8 years
Since I’ve got nothing better to do for the next half an hour while I wait to see the doc I’ll do that life update thing now
Long post /// bc mobile still don’t got read more
I’m picking up where I left off like… A month ago
-typed out at the end of jan- [I don’t even know where to start like so much time has passed since i started the service and i still feel like I’m being thrown around. My routine changed when military started so I’m gonna be up at 5am everyday until i fuck right off this hellish 2 years. Which means 1. I’m gonna be too exhausted to draw 2. I gotta sleep early so i can get a decent amount of sleep 3. I can’t stay up late to do anything like what the fuck. My skins gonna be complete shit as well bc of the lack of sleep and the new train station construction near my house for the next 6 fucking years. And I’m so afraid of losing touch with drawing bc of this and i only have 3-4 hours when i get back to do EVERYTHING before i go to bed it’s just not enough time and I’m so fucking pissed that this goddamn shite country is robbing me of 2 years of my life I’m basically a prisoner of the government for 2 years or an actual prisoner for a longer period plus the 2 years i gotta serve after like… Fuck
And within those 4 hours everyday i want to draw and catch up with everyone and tumblr and i don’t even have the energy to wash my goddamn lunch box once i shower let alone draw so i feel like i have to force it or I’ll fall into the shitty brain rot routine that my seniors have acclimated themselves to. I’m so afraid of not doing anything and falling behind bc of this i don’t want to forget all the ideas i have i want to be able to create as much content as i can DESPITE of this really suck situation but i can’t bc i don’t have the goddamn energy. Everyone in the office is like “oh youre gonna end up just sleeping, watching movies and playing games like the rest of us during our days” and I’m like “UM FUCK NO” bc i spent so much time accumulating momentum i don’t want to lose that, i don’t want to get rusty, i don’t want to waste my time more so than i already am??
Not to mention that everyone here is a sexist racist homophobic ignorant fool and we’ve got 2 extremely loud assholes who don’t shut up i swear one day one of us will die and it’ll not be by accident. It’s like going back to the /lovely/ environment of secondary school being surrounded by 16 year old boys who punctuate their sentences with slurs without batting an eye]
For most of January and the beginning of February I dealt with what I assume was depression and at this point I’ve decided to take a break from art mostly bc the more I feel that I have to do it the more stressed I get so idk I’m still fucking pissed but I tired myself out
Now for some good things
The past 3 weeks I’ve been… Incredibly busy tbh too busy to feel shitty even tho I’ve been on like 4 hours of sleep 6 days a week. I’ve been super involved in my Kristang group and they’ve literally saved me I’ve never met such a great bunch of people. I feel engaged and reconnected to my heritage and I have something to look forward to and friends who I feel safe around. They’re also so mature and such great critical thinkers it’s it’s hard to keep up at times but I’m gonna catch up and I’m gonna grow and I’m so excited. I’m facilitating one class and going for another and eventually I’ll be a teacher, of my own heritage langauwg and honestly that’s fucking cool ok. We’re creating a board game as well and I ended up being in charge of it?? The art aspect anyway
I’ve gotten so much closer to the group over the past 3 weeks I admit its a bit scary bc I’ve spent less time with my other friends and I’m afraid of losing them but I don’t think it’ll be a problem. Even tho I’m the new kid, the youngest with the least experience they still treat me the same and its both an honor but also scary bc they move so fast I cannot keep up. They think on their feet on a level I’ve never seen nor expected of 23-31 year olds. The age range is pretty diverse too bc with me it’s now a 10 year range. Also racially diverse (there’s me, eurasian, a Chinese girl, Malayali guy, javanese guy, Portuguese guy and a Chinese eurasian and its that typical diverse friend group that universities try to sell to students ) sbut only 2 of us aren’t linguists.
I feel like I belong there. I’m not in some weird liminal space. They get me. They energize me. I cried when I told my mum about them tbh
There’s gonna be a Kristang language festival in May too and its the first in the country??? The first festival to celebrate the language of my people??? And I’m a part of bringing it to life like?? It’s so unreal. I’ve also learnt that both the government and our race support group organization are a shitty bunch of ppl so that kinda sucks but lol what to expect
I’ve finally picked up embroidery and I’m enjoying it so much. it’s a good alternative to drawing bc I’m still creating in a sense. I’m looking forward to this I can’t wait to customize my shit like catch me with personalized jackets and shit
I told my parents about religion, came out to my cousin, had my first kiss with a friend and nothing got messed up emotionally (still Platonic and we’re both so thankful) ( I also rlly like kissing and we’re cool doing it again)
That’s p much all there is to it rn, national service is shitty, language saving my ass and I’m making progress on being open with my family
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lux--nova · 8 years
Bip bop it's the snurt stop (answer all the questions or shoku dies)
Shokus essentially dead to me anyway bc like is he even part of the story anymore?? But I'll do the asks anyway thanks snort💎Lavender: Name something that relaxes you.The rain💎Polaroid: Post a picture that makes you feel good about yourself.I'll post one if I remember after I'm done answering all these 💎Vinyl: What is some of your favorite music?I don't have favorite music bc I listen to different stuff like every week but rn I'm digging chill music like the Japanese house, john bellion, misterwives, and whatever Spotify has for me in my daily mix or w/e. Also I've been listening to willow smith 💎Incense: List your three favorite scents.Vanilla, rain, and baked goods like cookies or brownies when they're still in the oven but basically done, also srry I'm doing 4 but fires like bonfires or like when someone nearby has a fireplace going💎Roots: How do you ground yourself or recharge?Idk usually I just suffer but like I take naps or take a shower or hang out w friends 💎Silk Sheets: Any ways you treat or spoil yourself?Usually letting myself eat like shit or avoid responsibilities and watch shows and bein like it's okay treat yo self 💎Paintbrushes: Do you have a creative past-time?I love painting but I don't do it enough 💎Scars: Share something difficult you've been throughThis ones kinda personal I don't wanna like spill my whole life so uh idk times were rough before my parents split 💎Rainstorms: What helps you fall asleep?I'm tired all the time so I don't rlly need help falling asleep like I just need darkness and a warm blanket 💎Bones: Name one strength and one weakness.Strength: I'm funny & I like to think I'm overall optimistic?? weakness: I procrastinate on like everything 💎Teacups: Favorite beverages?Water & sweet tea 💎Sealing Wax: Have you ever received a letter or written one to someone else?I receive letters from my childhood best friend sometimes and I recently wrote a letter to a big nerd 💎Dragons: What makes you feel powerful, what breathes life into you?Fuck uh I'm not sure. I felt powerful back when I did guard but I don't do that anymore so idk I haven't felt powerful for a while. I guess I feel the most full of life when I'm with my friends like out & about usually at night like those kinds of moments make me feel rlly alive if that makes sense 💎Soup: Comfort food?Mac & cheese 💎The Moon: What's your favorite thing to do at night?Stay up too late and enjoy the silence and the calm of the world being asleep around me and like look at the stars & moon and just like be outside in general 💎Klosh: If you could go back to any three era's what would they be?Idk history's always been pretty shitty but like probably at some point in Egypt and like the Greek empire would be cool too & the Victorian era I guess like for the aesthetic as long as I was rich tho bc history is always shitty to poor ppl💎Lace: Your favorite things to wear?I love wearing hoodies & black pants like that would prob be my outfit if I was a cartoon character 💎Pocketwatch: If you could be immortal or have an extremely long life span what would you pick and why?Extremely long life span I literally can't imagine living in earth forever I'd rather just live a hella long time but know I'm gonna die 💎Honeybee: Name something positive you have done for yourself or someone else in the last two weeks.I've been trying to work out more and I've been trying to take baby steps to like just getting shit done and stop feeling sorry for myself and just do shit. Today wasn't the best day for that but I still did get some things accomplished which was good 💎Typewriter: If you had to come up with ten words to describe your life story so far, what would they be?💎Blue Hair Dye: One thing you like about your appearance?I love my septum piercing & I like my face generally like as a whole most of the time 💎Felines: Something that makes you feel better after a hard day?Taking a nap 💎Poetry: If you have one, name a favorite book or poem.I'm not sure I don't rlly have one :-/
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shitneytears · 7 years
taking stock of where I'm at
long ass ugly ass post but I'm just thinking about a lot of things rn so I'm just gunna vomit it all out here and deal with it………. never
if you know me irl feel free to read this y'all know I'm an open book anyway idc.
I need to go to a dentist p bad now, my teeth have been fine my whole life like pretty straight and healthy jus a lil stained but thats fine whatever I'm not after hollywood white anytime soon; but atm I'm noticing they look like they're slowly moving and starting to misalign and look BAD and i want to deal with it before it gets too bad. I don't mind if i have to have braces (even tho i cant afford that l o l) but i DONT want braces on for next summer because if i have to graduate and have my grad pic taken with braces in i will fuckin end everything i cant i caNT have that. Also i want a hygienist to scrape all the shit off my entire mouth and like, polish and blast it back to neutral bcus even when i am cleaning my teeth atm they're just… they never LOOK clean which is starting to……… get me down??? not rlly but its just another thing I'm thinking about.
my DIET fuck ME. It was fine when i started it and it was a LOT of hard work for me to try some new foods but I've done it and proud of that, like iKNOW thats a huge step for me! but now the initial novelty is worn away I'm very very over it. I've learnt there are some veg i don't mind eating, but they're not \GOOD/ they're just there, and id always rather cook a recipe without them, the things that are new that aren't veg are the only things I've tried that id want to adopt into my actual normal eating habits??? like I'm enjoying sushi, sea bass, and steak too! (yeh I've never had steak before I'm fucking poor we don't buy nice meats so fuck off) couscous is very dependant on what you add to it but hey it is good sometimes! carrots are evil and sweet potato is just not the same as normal potato its nowhere near as good stop pretending sweet potato fries are good they're weird. I like yoghurt lots and should buy it more often tbh. anyway its just another thing I've got to think about and I'm TIRED of having to think about so many things
on a related note to that, it is having good results! i am loosing a lil bit of weight and can see a difference and I'm enjoying seeing my arms and legs looking a little more defined even after just 3 weeks!!!1! but my workouts are starting to have a lot less energy and I'm finding it VERY hard to find the mental and physical energy to drag myself to the gym at the moment. I mean i also do rlly miss going with michael bcus those few weeks were like the gym golden times honestly. so much fun.
i keep just sleeping, then spending like 3 hours slowly dragging myself to the gym nd doing breakfast and stuff and getting back home with my food for the day to cook off. its just. a lot. then i tend to just sit on my phone doing NOTHING until going to bed… I'm just so sleepy and low energy its shiIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT
The house maintanence is ridiculous too, we are so nearly done, i NEED them to replace that awful carpet and ill be good, its become such a huge mental block for me i cant SETTLE in my own home because its not quite done yet which is yet aNOTEHR task
dont ask me about my dissertation don't ask me about it i want to work on it but i feel like I've got no time even tho i clearly do its just something i cant face when I'm this low on energy truly
men are all evil idiot babies so jot that down
helping nathaniel in london is still fun and even tho it takes a whole day away from my own life I'm really enjoying it and its a positive in this GLOOMY time!
i am SO grateful for the energy I'm getting from rebecca in this time honestlyyyyyy laughing and getting coffee with her so often is getting me THROUGH and my convo with amy last night uhhhhhhhh i miss me graphics buddies
i wanna be back at uni making work again, really bad, and i don't want that to end! and also balancing my work with my studies is gunna be hard but i wanna get back into my roles on the board and hopefully course rep again.
i just wish i wasn't so POOOOOOORRRRRRRRR, honestly its such a real thing being in uni and going through this experience I'm very clearly not from the same place as most of these people and I'm doing the very stereotypical gay thing of having to EXCEL in EVERYTHING to prove I'm worth being here whilst some of the other richer people can just waste away their days and squander the whole degree its so frustrating they have that sense of entitlement to their space here when 100000 working class people would happily take that place and work harder with it.
having to be UR OWN male role model is exhausting but i gotta keep going, even if i need a 4 month break, gotta keep pushing as hard as possible all the time, because i gotta prove to my family that studying art wasn't a waste of money and time and i gotta be the positive male energy my brothers need so bad that i didn't have.
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