#nice that nature means that everything you don’t want to take care of is actually stuff that I’m automatically wired to take care of
purpelflurpel · 1 year
How to stop idealizing and falling in love with ppl whose personalities don’t exist the same way you’ve created in your mind?
Better yet, how to stop being disappointed when they don’t end up being who you’ve decided they are?
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idontknowanyonesblog · 2 months
Guys I’m so sorry for my inactivity, I know that I have a few requests and I’m working on those but I’ve just been super tired lately 😭
As a little apology I’d like to present you my general head cannons for the bayverse bots (AOE and TLK)
•Super sweet like I mean this mech would travel galaxies for you. He takes I love you to the moon and back to a whole other level.
•Once he accidentally saw you changing and he literally covered his eyes and ran away while making embarrassed little wiring sounds
•He LOVES taking you out on drives. It’s his favourite way to spend time with you. Drive through the countryside? YES! Drive through the mountains? ALSO YES! He just loves driving around with you.
•He seems like the kinda mech to play some corny ass love song if you’re upset. You could balling your eyes out and he’ll just start playing a song and you just look at him like “Are you actually serious right now?” But it’s okay cus he loves you so much and you love him.
•This one’s just for fun
One time Crosshairs mentioned something about having more “fleshies” around here and Bumblebee through a very large piece of scrap metal at him. Crosshairs literally tumbled down to the ground.
•He’s such an asshole like it’s really infuriating. Not asshole in like a mean way but if you do something remotely embarrassing he’s gonna remind you about for months. If you have allergies (like me😕) he’s probably gonna laugh his ass off as you repeatedly sneeze and say something along the lines of “this isn’t funny…” and the fact that your voice is all is all messed up just makes him laugh harder.
•He can actually be really romantic. I know he can’t take you out for a candle lit dinner but he’ll take you to beautiful places in nature and you two will just sit there and talk. He loves to take you stargazing, it’s just so peaceful. Half the time he isn’t even looking at the stars though, he’s just looking down at you with a smile.
•He’ll pick a fight with anyone, like I mean anyone. He even gets into fights with Drift (and normally looses). His favourite person to pick a fight with is Bumblebee though, he just loves to terrorize that poor yellow mech. You have apologized to Bumblebee on multiple occasions for Crosshairs actions.
•He’s actually super lovey dovey but won’t admit it. He’s constantly complimenting you and asking if you wanna spend time with him, he’s always carrying you around and holding you as if your going to disappear if he doesn’t cling to you for dear life
•This one’s just for fun
He stole one of Hounds grenades once and was like “Hey watch this!” and when you told him that it wouldn’t be a good idea to throw a literal explosive at a bunch of old cars he was just like “Nah I got this.” Well he blew up a large quarter of the junkyard that day and Cade was very pissed.
Drift (MY MAN😘😻):
•Drift is everything you could possibly want in a man. He’s so nice, caring, charming, nonjudgmental, handsome, intelligent, considerate, loyal and excellent at listening. However he does have a bit of a temper problem and can be quite stubborn.
•Drift hates seeing you upset, he will never forgive himself if he makes you cry. He’d do anything to make you feel better. If you’re upset he’s there to listen and give you advice.
•He loves taking walks with you, it’s his favourite thing to do and if you don’t wanna walk he’ll gladly carry you on his shoulder. If you wanna meditate or be with him while he’s meditating you better get ready for your wedding day because you basically just asked him to marry you.
•He adores you with all his spark, he thinks that he doesn’t deserve such a beautiful being like you. Get ready to constantly get showered by compliments and poems about how much he loves you. If you ever for once say something about how your insecure Drift will fix that in seconds! He’ll kiss you softly while murmuring praises to you until you have to say that you’re 100 percent fine now.
•For fun:
The mini dino bots were annoying him once and he tried to slice them in half. He almost succeeded until you walked by and all 3 of the little creatures hid behind you. Drift just kinda stared at you with a guilty expression, his sword still high in the air ready to strike. He sighed put his sword back as you scolded him for trying to kill the poor things.
He’s not very romantic sorry guys😭
But he tries…sort of. He just doesn’t see the need in taking you out somewhere for a date night. If it bothered you and you told him about then he would actually put in some effort. He wants you to be happy so he’ll put aside his feelings on sappy romance and start taking you out on long drives through the countryside.
He’s really funny so if you ever feel sad just talk to him. He’s also good at giving advice, like surprisingly good at it. He’ll just give you a really good piece of advice and then act like he didn’t even say anything at all.
Sometimes he just drops random lore whenever you tell him story. Once you’re done talking he’ll just say something like “oh yeah that reminds me of the time I once killed 3 decepticons with my bare hands.” And you’ll just stare at him dumbfounded.
For fun:
One time Drift was pissing him off with his haikus and stuff so Hound grabbed his sword and just chucked it as far as he could. Drift just stood there, watching as his sword flew to the other side of the junkyard.
Once they heard the sword crash down into a pile of scrap metal Drift just gave him a nasty look and sighed before walking away to go get it back.
Bonus points because the sword almost Crosshairs.
He’s romantic but not in a cheesy way, more of in a “Let me buy you a very expensive bottle of wine so that we can take it back to your place and drink it over a candle lit dinner.” kinda way. Definitely a gentleman through and through.
He cares about you so much that it’s almost a little too much. He wants to know that you’re safe and sound, that you can sleep peacefully every night without a worry in the world.
He loves listening to you. He loves your voice so much. He’ll put you on his shoulder and let you ramble for hours. No matter what you wanna talk about he just wants to listen and be there for you.
For fun:
One time Bumblebee convinced you to go on a drive with him but he ended up speeding and running away from the cops. You called Cade and told me what happened and of course he snitched to Optimus. When the two of you got back Optimus was not very happy with you guys. Bumblebee got scolded for a good 20 minutes and you just ran away before Optimus could even bring up the situation.
Hot Rod:
Hot Rod is such a cutie, he’s so kind, loving, caring and romantic! He’s the definition of a true gentleman. “Hey Hot Rod can we go on a dri-“ you don’t even have to finish your sentence because he’s already in his alt mode.
He always talks about how much he hates his French accent but you love it. It’s charming, cute and it just sounds so good to you. He knows you love it and he uses that to his advantage. Whenever he wants something he’ll start calling you by amour and chérie.
He’s SO romantic, he could possibly be even more lovey and sappy than Bumblebee. Since he lives in a big ass castle where he can roam freely it gives him a larger variety of things you guys can do.
For fun:
You were in your room once and he came to see you, he tapped on the window and it just completely shattered. You jumped up from your bed and looked over at him and he stared at you awkwardly. For a while you just gave him a disapproving stare until he apologized and said he’ll find a way to fix it.
By the way guys I’m so sorry for not being active for a few weeks, but I promise I’ll get back to writing very soon!
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crystallizsch · 3 months
“Oh? *I* get to be in charge of our lovely Princes? Hehe. I graciously accept the challenge.”
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[SR] Yuusha Tala -> GROOOOVY!! Glimmering Soirée (fan event by @starry-night-rose)
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Groooovy!!: Hehe. If you want to dance with me, you’re gonna have to keep up with me first.
Set Home: Yeah, yeah… I know I’m just a glorified attendant and I don’t really have any say over the Princes... Look, just let me have this.
Home Idle 1: Helping Deuce act like a Prince has been really hilarious. But credit where credit is due, seeing him try his best is really charming.
Home Idle 2: Wow. Somehow Azul became less insufferable after being trained as a Prince. ….Wait. Nevermind. He’s still the same.
Home Idle 3: Kalim and Hornton seem to be a natural at this. I guess I should have expected that. It’s really nice to see them shine.
Home Idle - Login: Has anyone seen Grim? I swear I saw him lurking around here somewhere…
Home Idle - Groovy: I could go for "Belle of the Ball" if I really wanted to, especially since I'm the one who helped take care of everything after all. But alas, why would you vote for the magicless prefect..? Wait, unless.….
Home Tap 1: Where did I put that ghost camera? I was just holding it just a while ago… Huh? It’s around my neck? Well, that’s embarrassing. Oh stop laughing at me, will ya?
Home Tap 2: The others say I’m like a different person when I go into "manager" mode. …And they say it either like a compliment or an insult so I’m getting mixed messages.
Home Tap 3: Ugh. This cape is cool and all but people keep getting caught by it. So annoying.
Home Tap 4: Would I compete in being the Belle of the Ball if I wasn't taking care of the Princes? Depends. Would you vote for me? ~ ♡ …What do you mean you’ll give me a "pity" vote.
Home Tap 5: No, I’m not staring "longingly" at that band! …But hypothetically, do you think they’d let me play an instrument with them?
Home Tap - Groovy: Oh, wow. Crazy that they totally just left this violin here. Hmmm…..
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i had fun with the voice lines aaah but it might have some changes when i’m done with the groovy (and i’ll properly put her in an actual card template)
also slight lore drop from one of the voice lines: yuusha has experience hosting formal parties pre-twst. basically she just locks in (a bit too heavily) when she has hosting duties.
(some of the voice lines also foreshadow the groovy 👀)
anyways i was just messing around a lot with the outfit design and the colors hgsdfjds
i tried my best making her purple color scheme agree with the limited color palette and i think it worked out??? idk idk--
also the cape was supposed to have patterns similar to the ceremonial robes so as to label her as someone from nrc.
i wanted to include a LOT more ruffles too but i had no patience for lining all of that 🤧
(bonus sketches/concepts below)
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at first i based off her suit on hans frozen but then (because of pinterest giving me ideas) i realized i wanted a more fun outfit and so here i am-
(also help me i meant to have the voice lines to be just talking to anyone but it just hit me that it sounds like she’s talking to jamil 💀 girl they just can’t leave me alone they live in my head 24/7 rent-free)
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cinnamonest · 5 months
May I present to you... innocent playgirl reader x modern au incel scara??
Like reader is just a sweet gal that thinks this boy who she's in a project with is pretty and despite his weird and creepy behaviour, it's a good thing she's trying to make a move, because y'know! it's actually women's fault that men get so frustrated and depressed since they never give the short guys a chance! Only go for the top 1% and all that.
Unfortunately after scara naps her, noncons the absolute, living daylights out of her, and continues to terrorize her ass does she realize that being nice and sweet to the degenerate, sexist incel in hopes of fixing him wasn't the brightest idea 😔
(If you can't tell I love the idea of kind n sweet MC who doesn't know any better getting her shit wrecked for no good reason because incel scara is just that much of an asshole)
Ohhhh my God bless you for this
Precisely, it’s so unfair. It’s just extra inches of leg bone, it means nothing. And yet day in, day out, the oppressed class (sub-6-foot males) have to deal with unjust discrimination. All because you have the most superficial desires and can’t compromise on such a silly thing. No, you’d rather whore around with some guy that will just use you and cheat on you because your dumb girl brain seeks that out like every other. And in spite of being smarter and better than the neanderthals you choose to date, which should entitle him to pussy, he’s left with nothing but porn and his hand. The world is an unjust place.
He’s pessimistic as all hell, so he can’t take any kindness or attempts at getting closer from you at face value, there has to be an ulterior motive.
You’re only pleasant to him when you talk to him because you want something. You probably expect him to do work for you, or help you cheat on tests for you or fork over money. You think he’s the sort of loser that will salivate over any girl that gives him a shred of attention, don’t you. That he’ll run himself ragged doing whatever for you just to get your approval. Well. You’re not going to get that.
It goes along with this greater idea of you he’s crafted in his head, one that fits a similarly pessimistic image. It doesn’t matter how “innocent” you are, literally anything you say or do, he’s projecting this stereotype of a secretly not-so-innocent, ultra-promiscuous college girl onto you and using it as both justification for his disdain and as a means of rationalize not leaping at this rare chance for female interaction — it’s not that he’s too afraid of rejection, it’s just that he knows that talking to you is a waste of time anyway, you undoubtedly have guys lined up you're fucking on a regular basis.
Besides, even if he tried, you’re far too dull-brained, so any conversations you’re capable of aren’t going to be stimulating anyway. You’re in college, of course you’ve spent all this time racking up a body count because God knows girls only use college as a means to get dicked all the time, they don’t actually care for academics in any way.
And poor you, you're completely oblivious to his bitter seething. You just think he's just quiet. And surely he doesn’t come off as rude and cold on purpose, no, you tell yourself that he probably just is one of those guys that is naturally like that, it’s not malicious.
But then you have to start going out of your way to be actively nice. Trying to make conversation and say nice things — you must think he’s stupid, that he doesn’t know that it’s actually just fake niceness so you can lure him in and get him to say something you can then mock him for in that faux-sweet tone of yours. In the exact opposite of your assumptions on him, he assumes malice in everything you do and say. He won’t give you the satisfaction of giving you leverage, so, he stays quiet, gives you one-word answers and shrugs.
What plans do you have for the weekend?, you say, in your attempts to make conversation. Ugh.
Not only are you trying to jab at him by reminding him that he has no plans other than staying inside and wallowing, but clearly you do have plans, undoubtedly ones that end with you stumbling home in a walk-of-shame on a Sunday morning.
And the nicer you get, the more you irritate him. What makes you think you can just be like that? All smiley and sunshine-like, and for what? To mock him? Acting innocent and sweet as if you don't know what kind of power you inherently hold just by having a hole between your legs, as if you're not actively abusing that power when you're clearly trying to get him to be attracted to you.
Each and every class period, he ends up so infuriated by the few words you exchange that the only way he can even stay sane is by immediately going back to his apartment after class and releasing all the pent up frustrations via exceptionally violent porn. He's got a few specifics pages bookmarked now, girls that look just like you getting slapped around and choked and manhandled and skull-fucked and gaped… but it's just not satisfying enough, there's still this lingering irritation, a skin-crawling malice that won't go away.
It's not good enough to imagine. If anything, the post-orgasmic clarity just makes the whole thing feel pathetic — it's not really you, you get to be all happy and safe and sound when it should be you, you should be the one being brutalized and put in your place, you deserve it for being so damn nice. So pleasant and upbeat and kind and what gives you the right?
In the end, once the burning fury becomes too much and no one else is going to do it, the only option is to take matters into his own hands…
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Kirishima Eijirou’s daily shenanigans!
Summary: You work in a little coffee shop (secretly owned by your uncle Crimson Riot), which resides next to Red Riot and Dynamight’s agency. Needless to say, the Crimson Riot signature on the wall lures in the red haired hero on the first day after opening.
Long story short, this a really cute story about a barista and his favorite customer falling in love and becoming a couple. (The only problem is that Red Riot is a himbo and he does not realize you two are actually dating. But that’s a problem for another day.)
Genre: Comedy, strangers to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life
Estimated chapters: Around 10?
Warnings: Swear Words, one or two chapters with smut but they will be skippable, mentions of injuries, depression, blood, fight scenes, one or two chapters of angst around the end but it’s mostly just fluff and shits and giggles. New warnings on every chapter!
About The Reader: SHE/HER, related to Crimson Riot, has red hair but it’s dyed, not natural. She has a really cool quirk and went to hero school when she was young, but she doesn’t work as a hero.
This story is a spin-off to Bakugou Katsuki’s Daily Shenanigans but you don’t need to read that story to understand this one.
Also, English isn’t my first language so please be kind, I’m trying my best!
Chapter 1 - A wild Red Riot appears!
A lovely jingle announces Kirishima’s grand entrance to the brand new coffee shop he decided to visit on this lovely afternoon.
It’s manly to try new things, you know; the old coffee shop he used go to might be nice and cosy but how is Kirishima supposed to know if it’s the best coffee shop or not if he doesn’t try the other places in the area? Right?
… Right?
Okay, Kirishima has a confession to make.
He doesn’t care how the coffee tastes like at this place. He really doesn’t. The only thing he cares about is Crimson Riot’s signature framed on the wall.
That’s why he’s here, the traitor.
“Ahh, hello!” Kirishima scratches the back of his head shyly; he doesn’t even look at the poor barista, he’s too busy looking around, searching for the sacred signature. He feels blessed to be able to step into this beautiful, crimson colored coffee shop which conveniently opened almost next to from his agency. Well, his and Katsuki’s agency, but that doesn’t matter.
“It’s on the left side, darling. Do not touch the glass, I just cleaned it.” The barista giggles and… oh hello, that giggle was absolutely adorable?! But first of all, what does she mean he can’t touch the glass?! He wants to touch the glass!
Kirishima makes a pouty face, clearly heartbroken by the sudden plot twist; he’s so close to Crimson Riot right now, yet so far away…
“Okay, you can touch the glass. Go on. You have five seconds. One… two…” The barista counts and Kirishima sprints to the little framed signature and does what he does the best; act like a fifteen years old fanboy seeing naked boobs for the first time. Man, boobs are nothing compared to the thrill he feels right now; Crimson Riot is a legend, no one has seen the man for decades, he’s manly and mysterious and Kirishima really likes that about him; sometimes he wonders if Crimson Riot is real at all; that man is so perfect, kind and chivalrous, he’s everything Kirishima wants to be when grows up… well, technically, he is 25 and he doesn’t have too much “growing up” going on anymore but he still feels like he’s twelve. He also acts like he’s twelve. So yeah, he wants to be like Crimson Riot when he grows up. He’s not there yet.
“Would you like to have a coffee or salivating over a framed signature is enough to start your day off with a kick?” The barista suddenly appears behind him and Kirishima jumps.
Well, that’s awkward.
“Yeah, I’m just about to… oh hi.”
To all the Gods and deities up in Heaven, thank you. - Kirishima mumbles as he takes in the beautiful sight in front of him. No, he is not talking about the beautiful signature on the wall this time; that one was demoted to the second most beautiful sight in the world.
“Good morning, sir.” The barista giggles again, and Kirishima swears an angel descended from above in front him.
Kirishima is known to be a ladies man; he loves ladies, he adores them, he cherishes them, he wants to tell every single one of them how beautiful they are; but this one is on another level. This lady here is the most perfect human being Kirishima has ever seen. This lady is the type of lady Kirishima would never have the balls to actually woo. Not like he ever had the balls to woo anyone, to be honest, he’s more like the funny uncle who flirts with everyone but no one takes him seriously and will probably end up alone with 6 dogs 8 cats, 3 bearded dragons because they are really manly and a house worth of Crimson Riot merch. He already has the latter and he’s working on the rest.
“Is the red hair a part of the work uniform or do you just happen to have a good taste?”
Why did he say that?! Why?!
“If that was supposed to be your way of flirting, you have a long way to go, Mr. Red Riot.” She grins and oh my god, Kirishima is in pieces. Literally. He’s quite sure he accidentally hardened his arms under his super tight-fit turtleneck and the fabric just shred to pieces.
At least it’s not something else that hardened…
Eijirou, no.
Do not go there. Do. Not.
“Ahh, you know me.”
“Our staff room window looks at the private parking lot of your agency. There is a massive poster with your faces by the VIP entrance. I need to say, you look much nicer with your hair down though.”
Why is this angel standing so close to him?! What did he do to deserve this beautiful sight?!
“If that was your way of flirting… it completely worked.” Kirishima admits with a crimson face.
You get it? Cuz he’s in Crimson Coffee? Next to Crimson Riot’s signature?
… Nevermind.
“I don’t mean to break your heart so soon, but I wasn’t flirting with you.”
“Y/N, are you bullying our precious customers again? I already told you… oh hello there, young man!” The random lady went from a loud yell to the most pleasant customer service voice he’s ever heard in five seconds. Well that’s a talent. “That’s Red Riot honey, give him a friend and family card, will ya?”
“I guess that’s alright.” The barista, Y/N, rolls her eyes playfully and gives him the little card. “Now order, I’m getting bored.”
And Kirishima does.
Kirishima orders 13 coffees even though he only needs one just to keep this beautiful angel entertained. He gets 2 massive coffee holders with 6 coffees in each and gives the spare one to Y/N with a shy smile on his face, because he’s a gentleman.
“You know I can drink our coffee for free, right?” Y/N raises her brow with a mischievous smile on her beautiful face and he might not have a shot with her after he embarrassed himself in every way possible, but it was completely worth it for that smile.
Kirishima made a great decision today by trying out new things.
Being blasted out of the window by Katsuki after he arrived late, juggling 12 cups of coffee while spilling half of them in Katsuki’s office was absolutely worth it.
(He also landed in the parking lot and was able to see Y/N in the staff room laughing at him. Best day ever.”
“Does he come here often or was that a special occasion? Come on, tell me! Please!”
You have all the respect for heroes but this Red Riot guy… is an absolute himbo. In the best way.
First of all, he has no idea how handsome he is. He takes your hand in a begging way, trying to get information out of you and you really need to concentrate to not show any kind of emotion on your face; thankfully, your family is blessed with amazing poker faces. The biggest master of them is your uncle who’s -surprise!- is actually the person Red Riot is asking about right now with perfect puppy eyes. He was able to keep up his mysterious persona for decades even though he’s also an absolute himbo in real life.
Second of all, Red Riot embarrassed himself at least ten times this week but somehow he always leaves with a proud smile like this is what he wanted to do in the first place.
Personally, you really want to smack this man in the head and tell him to be ashamed of himself because by the look of it, his self-esteem is so low he thinks this is just him being himself. Which isn’t true. Red Riot might be a himbo, but he’s also a well respected himbo… you mean hero, and he should definitely act a bit more… confident.
“So what do I get if I tell you this information, sir?” You ask cheekily; you can’t help it, okay? Red Riot is a handsome guy. And he’s also really sweet and gentle. Who would NOT flirt with him?
“I would like to say my number on a napkin but I feel like you would use it as a filter for the coffee.” Red sighs dramatically.
“That’s highly unlikely.” You retort; he looks up at you with eyes full of hope and you already hate yourself for doing this to him, but… “The napkin would melt into the coffee and it would be absolutely disgusting. I can’t serve that.”
“You are such a heartbreaker, miss Y/N! I would like to speak to your manager!” He yells, fake-offended, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Just order your bloody coffee and leave, Red. Seeing you being blasted through the window because you were late is really fun but I kinda hate listening to the drilling noise when your window gets fixed. It ruins my chi.”
“You’re a chi.”
“Well that’s just rude, sir. I might need to ask you to leave.” You giggle, and you can’t help but realize how the air just changed around you two; there is definitely something there, a tension you can’t describe but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s kinda nice to banter with him like this.
“You already did. But you also told me to order first.” Red retorts with a massive smirk on his face and you kinda want to put him into your pocket and keep him in there.
Finally, Red orders and he’s just about to leave when you decide to give him the tiny present you got him.
Yes, you got him a present. Shut up.
“Hey, Red!”
“Yeah?” He looks back with a massive grin on his face.
���I got something for the most handsome customer in this shop.” Red’s face contorts into a frown at that. Would it be rude to kiss your customer’s cheeks to give him some confidence? It’s just a kiss on the cheek, no biggie. Just one kiss. Come on.
“Lucky gal.” He mumbles, trying to fake a smile, but failing miserably.
“I’m talking about you, you himbo.” You laugh and run to the back; it’s a signed Crimson Riot poster. Your uncle was more than happy to throw one at you when you told him about Red Riot being your loyal customer; he’s kinda obsessed with the guy since his first appearance in the sports festival. Long story. He loves to be loved.
Kirishima pales as he rolls the poster out, his eyes misty by the time he rolls it out completely.
“This is a limited edition poster from 30 years ago. One of the first posters… what the hell, man…”
“Look closer.” You wink and Red starts to cry like a baby. He’s so fucking adorable, it’s ridiculous.
“Watching you grow up made me realize why I was a hero for so long. I’m proud of you. Stay manly! Crimson Riot.” Red mutters under his snotty nose. “Y/N, can I marry you?”
This man will be the death of you.
“Okay. Thank you. Bye.” Red mumbles with red rimmed eyes. Working in your uncle’s secret coffee shop was the best decision of your life.
“See you tomorrow, himbo.” You giggle and the redhead disappears; one day, you’ll tell him that all the flirting you do is actually serious but that day is not today. You really want to see him gain some self-respect by himself before you shower him with praises every day. You can only hope you don’t ruin your chances by playing with him for too long but that’s a problem for later; for now, you are just happy to be around this mysterious, funny man.
… Next Chapter!
Want to be on the tag list? Just ask me in the comment section or a message me!
The second chapter will be out in two or three weeks depending on your reception of this chapter then I’ll try to post a new chapter every 7 - 10 days!
If you want to see my other works, check out the Master list for Deku x Reader, Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader and Aizawa x Reader stories!
TL: @porusuniverse @sixxze
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ryukatters · 1 year
kaaatttt 😭😭😭 i need some satoru headcanons to heal my soul... what is he like as a bf??
ask and you shall receive my love (writing this to heal my soul)
content: modern AU, fluff, nsfw headcanons at the end
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“mmm..i think i deserve a little treat right now.” 
except he says that at least 5 times a day and you will also be given a little treat. he does not care if you don’t want to eat kikufuku right now, you will be accompanying him to get some. 
speaking of, this man is basically eating 24/7. if gojo leaves your side for any reason while you guys are home, just know he is scavenging the kitchen for scraps like the raccoon he is. 
food is one of satoru’s main love languages. there’s something oddly satisfying and strangely warm about his loved ones eating and sharing a meal together, even if they tend to make him the butt of the joke in every single dinner conversation. 
will force you to become a sanrio girly idc (if you aren’t one already)
“babe, look!” "satoru, we have enough cinnamoroll plushies at home." "so you hate me then?"
the type to pick you up and spin you around whenever you two hug. he’ll spin and spin until both of you are dizzy and crash onto the couch.
attention whore. also just a whore in general but mostly a whore for (your) attention. will absolutely do the MOST to make sure your eyes are on him— i’m talking about poking your cheek, locking your phone if you’re scrolling through tiktok next to him, and it doesn’t even take much for him to start begging. he’s a loser like that.
scarily in tune with you. satoru is a lot more emotionally intelligent than he likes to let on around others, but he picks up on a lot of things. both of you are at a function and he can take one look at you and know that it's time to pack it up and go home.
is very sentimental about the things you give him/the things you two do together. before you started dating, satoru wasn't really one to collect tiny trinkets or keep ticket stubs because he thought they were just a waste of space. after you two got together, he started keeping virtually everything in a little box hidden in his closet. he realized that it's nice to give sentimental value to the little things, because then the memories associated with them live on in something physical.
he just... can't keep his hands to himself LOL. and like not even in a sexual manner either (sometimes), he just naturally gravitates towards you and is almost always touching you somehow— hand fiddling with your jewelry or hair, arm around your shoulder when you're sitting, arm around your waist when you're standing, playing footsies, whatever.
this man is painfully in love with you, and he makes it everyone's (mostly nanami's) problem. manages to bring you up in every single conversation with a lovesick grin on his face.
you will rarely ever hear satoru address you by your actual name. it will always be some variation of baby, babe, sweetheart, love, etc. uses snookums, cupcake, sweet cheeks, cinnamon sugar roll, my little sausage mcgriddle <3 on a rotating basis to annoy you
you know those couples that just have this pent up sexual tension between them for no reason? like y’all could just be looking at each other but to everyone else it feels like you two are just eyefucking ​​😭 that’s you and gojo
no matter how long you guys have been together for, that spark between you just doesn't go away. people can see the immense physical attraction between you two.
is somewhat of an exhibitionist LMAO. he literally gets horny at the worst times and will drag you to the nearest supply closet, even if it means breaking the door in the process. who knows, maybe his real kink is vandalism
enjoys when you put up a bit of a fight/act like a brat. it makes putting you in your place so much sweeter.
very vocal— talking, moaning, whimpering. he sounds very pretty. he's extremely receptive to your touch so simply rubbing your hand along the bulge in his jeans has him moaning like a pornstar.
say it with me: satoru gojo is a pussy👏🏻pleaser👏🏻!
really likes going down on you. he thinks he could stay in between your thighs forever if you'd let him.
nasty. will cum inside you and clean it up with his tongue.
oscillates between wanting to overstimulate you and deny you. sometimes he does both. the way you get this hazy look in your eye and become so pliant, so needy for him gets him going.
he gets strangely possessive during sex. maybe it's a way for him to affirm that you really do love him and find him attractive.
"i'm the only one that can fuck you like this, right? make you feel this good?"
is a fan of snacks during aftercare LOL. you could have just had the most wild sex of your life, with the two of you panting as you lie in bed before satoru rolls over and opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a pack of oreos before shoving one into your mouth
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Some of these aren't even bf headcanons they're just how I think he'd be LMFAO
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juuuulez · 8 months
📰 | part thirteen: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader, no pronouns/no use of (y/n), FINAL CHAPTER, canon divergence (i rewrote the ‘wrath’ episode), non-descriptive violence, blood.
summary: The Saviour-Alexandria war comes to a close in one, final battle.
guys i just wanted to say thank you all SO MUCH for loving this story, because it’s truly my favourite thing i’ve ever written….these two mean the world to me and i’m so glad everyone understands my vision
i actually loved writing this chapter, and i think the ending is really appropriate to the themes and nature of their relationship
i’ll publish an epilogue next, which will be the 6-year timeskip, and just wrap things up nicely so you know what the future held for carl and reader :,)
-> masterlist <-
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Truthfully, you were a little nervous. It had taken a week for these negotiations to settle, and you were worried as to what state the Saviours were in. You hoped that Negan was doing alright. Strangely enough, you’d never been away from him for this long, not since getting stuck together all those years ago.
A meeting spot was decided, though everyone was still wary. You’d been cuffed again for safety, and carefully transported alongside Rick, Carl and Michonne. They kept a close eye on you, wanting to ensure that nothing went haywire at the last minute.
It was a large clearing, a small grassy hill with an oak tree. Hanging from a branch was a beautiful stained glass panel, the intricate design having become slightly rusty with time and lack of care.
As you stepped from the car, the adults left your side, trusting you in Carl’s watch for now. He held onto your forearm, walking a few paces behind everyone else, allowing you to gain your bearings.
But something didn’t feel right.
“Carl,” You whispered, garnering his attention. “I don’t.. I don’t think this is a good idea.”
There was a look of worry on your face, one that made Carl’s heart break a little, wanting to assure you that everything is okay, though he didn’t know if that was true. He knew how risky this plan was: a plan that he couldn’t tell you, for you’d absolutely loose it.
“It’ll be okay.” He ends up saying, giving you a small squeeze and continuing to usher you forward.
It wouldn’t. Not for the Saviours, at least.
Fortunately for them, Eugene was still on their side. He’d expressed how the Saviours intended on sabotaging the deal, in hopes of taking power and taking you. This awareness led Eugene to rig the bullets with an explosive mechanism.
Carl had been uncomfortable to hear it at first, but knew that it was necessary in defending their stance. He couldn’t tell you. There wouldn’t be a single universe in which you’d hear him out, and see their side of the argument.
Yet, he understood. If someone was threatening his father’s life, he’d react similarly. So, Carl kept his mouth shut.
As you approached the hill, the Saviours became visible, and it seemed Negan had certainly brought backup. You could identify a few of them as Simon’s men, and wondered how loyal they’d been since his death. Or… murder, you suppose.
The more you focused, the more you realised the sheer amount of guns they’d brought. All standing defensively, weapons at the ready. It started to settle in, and you remembered your long history with the Saviours. They didn’t do things peacefully. They didn’t take deals, there was no such thing as compromise.
“Carl, Carl, I’m serious,” You urged him, suddenly stopping in your spot, causing Carl to stop with you. “This isn’t right. They’re gonna fire, I know they are. We have to—“
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Carl interrupted, trying to calm you. “Trust me, okay? I know. And it’s alright.”
Something about that sent off an alarm in your head, a look of confusion crossing your face. You stared at Carl, eyes darting back to the others, then to him.
“You know?” You repeat, “What do you mean? Carl, they’re gonna shoot you, shoot everyone here. This is bad.”
The more you spoke, the more you seemed to panic, so Carl tried to quiet your tangent with a hand over your mouth. It worked, and had this been another situation, you would have laughed at the irony.
His hand doesn’t move, looking subtly nervous despite trying to calm you down. “You need to listen to me, okay? Just breathe, and—“
Whatever he was suggesting doesn’t matter, as suddenly there is crackling in the distance, loud pops as the Saviours attempt to discharge their weapons. Several guns break down into pieces, flames overtaking their inner workings as the mechanisms shut down and killing several of their owners. Those who survived were injured, their hands crippled and burnt.
You’d cover your ears to protect from the noise, if not for the handcuffs, but Carl seems to have a similar idea. He’s looking around, looking for something, before he pulls you down against the grassy hill, trying to duck and shield your body from something unknown.
“Carl!” You yell over the gunfire, “What the fuck is happening!”
Finally identifying a group of Oceansiders in the distance, Carl cups his hand over your ear, the one uninjured and still intact. You try to squirm away, but to no avail, confused and freaking out, unsure whether his hold was supposed to be comforting or threatening.
As you realised what was happening, it was too late to do anything. Molotov cocktails were used to alight the remaining of Negan’s army, the alcohol splashing at their feet and soaking into the grassy hill, spreading with reckless abandon.
“No! You asshole!” You scream, jerking your head away from Carl and trying to find your bearings. But being handcuffed, and your current lack of balance since the injury, you just end up falling back against the dirt.
“Hey! Listen to me,” Carl interrupts your protests sternly. He clasps his hands on either side of your face, keeping you still despite your attempts at moving away. “It’s over, okay? This is it. It’s done.”
You’re panting, looking practically feral, sweat beading on your brow and skin. Dirt is in your hair, stuck to your bandage, marred over the flannel you still wear. Carl’s flannel. Instinctively, you want to bite his hands, to do anything to get away.
But after everything, you know better. There’s nothing you could do to change this. Whether it be him, or you, someone had to face the music. Someone had to loose.
“Uncuff me.” You demand, chest rising heavily with each breath you suck in, still lying flat against the grass while Carl leans over your form.
He shakes his head, “I can’t do that. Not until we get back to Alexandria. You’ll get a house, your own place, and—“
You interrupt him with a scream, “Uncuff me!”
Though your pleas don’t work, Carl pulls your body up against him, trying to get you into a seated position. If you had control, you’d probably be able to hold yourself up, yet you remain helpless to his control.
“I don’t have the key.” He finally reveals, holding you up by your arms, unconsciously rubbing away some of the dirt that’s stuck there. “Even if I did, we have to wait, alright? I’m on your side, I promise.”
You’re on the brink of agreeing, of finally calming yourself, of accepting that this really is the end. Even your head begins to nod, a small motion, still looking a little breathless and confused.
Meanwhile, the battle isn’t entirely over. The remaining Saviours had seemingly submitted, abandoning any semblance of control under the promise that they would live, if they left for good.
You catch the end of that speech, confusion flooding your featured as they’re commanded to leave. The pair of you still sit in the grass, away from the main commotion.
Carl must have similarly picked up on the sudden shift in tension, his mind finally catching up with everything happening.
The realisation clicks instantly: if the Saviours are disbanding, they had no leader.
At the same time, you’re trying to stand once more. “No, no! Let go of me!” You scream, jerking yourself away from Carl even when he tries to help you up. You only make it a few steps before lack of coordination hits, and despite your hostility, Carl wraps his arms around you in assistance.
Carefully, he helps you over the hill, standing right on the crest. From here, the two of you can see everything. His breath caught in his chest as he realised that Rick had been shot, though he stalled himself from doing anything, understanding there was a much more dire situation at hand.
Everyone stood in awe as Negan essentially choked on his own blood, the liquid seeping from a slice in this throat, no doubt a critical wound. Rick stood above him, hands soaked red, dropping the shard of glass he’d used as a weapon.
It felt like there was no more air in your chest. Like you’d been thrown into space, the oxygen sucked from your form. You stood there dumbly, watching, mouth open but nothing came out. Next to you, Carl was saying something, but you couldn’t hear him.
You couldn’t hear when Rick ordered for Negan to be saved.
Nor could you hear Maggie’s shrill screams, begging and accusing Rick of betraying her.
Everything sort of just stopped moving. All of the noise had stopped, leaving this deafening silence and overwhelming feeling of pure emptiness.
Whatever happened after that didn’t sink in. Somebody had spoken to you, but you weren’t listening, nor did you have any clue where they’d taken Negan. Or where they’d take you. It was likely that you were told, but it didn’t stick.
The entire time, Carl was by your side. After getting into the car, he slid in next to you, a small metal ringlet in his hands. He unlocked the handcuffs from behind you, however had been instructed to cuff you once more from the front, shooting you a sympathetic look as he did so. At least now, he could hold your hand, which he did for the whole trip.
It was mildly comforting, some place in the back of your mind appreciating the gesture, despite the numbness that had worked itself into every corner of your body.
Eventually, you’d arrived at Alexandria. They took you towards the back of the community, to a house standing far from the others. It had been emptied of any objects that could be deemed weaponry, and was fairly bare-bones, but contained the minimum for survival. It was the first time you noticed Carl wasn’t around, a notion that allowed your senses to return slightly, offput by the sudden seclusion.
You allowed yourself to explore the area, opening each drawer only to find them all empty. The windows were barred, the door locked, leaving the house to feel more like a prison than a home.
Unsure what to do, you sat down on the couch, facing the door. It was comfortable. You poked at the fabric with your fingertips, trying to gain your bearings and come back to a place of consciousness, but everything still felt fuzzy and far away. Like you just couldn’t reach reality.
Hours past, though you weren’t too focused on the time. The only way of telling was when the sun had lowered, shadows being cast through the partially obscured windows. You hadn’t turned the light on earlier, causing the room to just become darker and darker, as you had no intention of getting up.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door unlocked with a distinct click, before creaking open. You hoped that Negan would walk in, that he’d be alright and he’d hug you and say you’re going back to the Sanctuary. Together. But that was wishful thinking.
Though when Carl entered the house, you didn’t have the energy to be angry. You probably should have been.
“It’s dark, isn’t it?” He comments, having instantly spotted you sitting on the couch. When he doesn’t get a reply, Carl knows that small-talk won’t cut it, that he’s messed up.
So, he comes over, sitting next to you on the couch. In another life, you would have probably punched him. Screamed and accused him of lying to you. But you couldn’t be that person anymore.
When he wraps an arm around your side, you don’t protest, allowing Carl to pull you against him. You’ve finally begun to realise just how tired you are, as you rest your head down on his shoulder, tucked nicely into his side.
“He’ll live,” Carl whispers, “And they’re gonna keep him in a cell. I dunno how long… but probably a long time.”
You give a small nod, just to acknowledge that you’re listening. It makes sense. As long as Negan was alright, that they’d help him get better, then you could deal with the rest later.
“Can I see him?” You ask, voice coming out a quiet whisper. They’re the first words you’ve uttered since everything went down.
Carl feels guilty for his answer. He wasn’t even supposed to be here, with you. “No. Not for a while. Someone’s gonna come here, live in this house, just to keep an eye on you,” He has to swallow to clear his throat, “And.. it’s gonna be weird, I know, but… you’re here, and that’s all that matters.”
There’s little protesting you can do, not in this state. The shock still hasn’t fully worn off, Carl knows this, so he tries to move away from the heavy conversation.
He shifts on the couch, laying down and pulling you with him. You settle there easily, head resting over his chest, though he’s wary of not putting any pressure on your injury.
“We should get you something to eat.” He suggests quietly, brushing back some hair so he can see your face.
You shake your head, not having much of an appetite anymore. “Can we just stay here?” You whispered, lifting your head slightly to look at him.
Carl feels himself getting choked up again. He doesn’t quite know why, as he’s glad that this is over, that Negan will be confined to a cell, unable to harm anyone. This was the best-case scenario for his community.
But he knows, in another life, this could have ended badly. That he shouldn’t have been so lucky as to survive. The idea hurts, a deep ache in his chest, though he tries to keep the emotion out of his face.
“I’m just glad that I’ve got you.” Carl ends up whispering, the words slightly vague and confusing, but they mean everything they need to mean.
For Carl does, quite literally, have you in his arms. It didn’t matter where your relationship stood, or all your differences, for he had you.
You seem to realise this, a smile finally making its way onto your face. “Dork.” You mumble, the slight jab helping Carl to smile as well.
That numbness fades, as you lift yourself up a little, hovering over his body as your lips connect in a kiss. It’s the first one since weeks ago, after your fight in the alleyway.
This time, it’s softer, and Carl places one hand on your hip and the other to the back of your neck. Your breathing slows to match his own, lips moving together in an almost tired manner whilst your fingertips stroke the sides of his face.
Tomorrow will likely be difficult, as will the next day, and the next. But right now, things felt alright.
That night, you fell asleep on top of Carl, the pair of you tangled on the couch. You’d wake up to his voice in your ear and lips against your cheek, and though neither of you knew it then, you’d spend many, many more mornings together.
Eventually, the noise would fade, and you’d find some sense of peace in Alexandria with Carl. Years from then, you’d even help Negan find his peace, too.
Life would never be easy, but it certainly felt a little better with each day. That was enough.
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licorice-tea · 8 months
The Way Things Go
Pairing: Kaku x reader
Content: strawhat reader, kaku calls reader “miss”, mild smut/ implied smut, sexual innuendoes and things, huge spoilers for water 7 and enies lobby!!!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: probably 2-3 more parts after this one… but idk yet… he’s so sleazy actually and i’m OBSESSED. anyway hope you enjoy! oh and if you want to be on the taglist (for this one or any other fics of mine) i have a post about it linked on my pinned!
Part 1
As promised, you meet Kaku in the small harbor where the Straw Hats hid the Going Merry when you all first arrived to Water 7 earlier that day. He’s already there when you arrive, and praises the craftsmanship of the ship from a distance. You answer all his questions about the ship- or as many as you’re able to, at least. Which brings about the question of “Who takes care of the damages?” so you have to explain how you haven’t really been able to get any repairs as long as you’ve all had her.
The two of you board the Going Merry, only to find Zoro “sleeping.” He cracks an eye open as the two of you walk by and almost says something to Kaku, who’s a stranger to the swordsman, then sees you and simply shrugs before dozing off once more.
Kaku observes certain parts of the ship, like the mast and even the floorboards, eventually having assessed nearly every area of the deck. Then he asks you to show him below deck, which you do, and give him a tour of the various rooms. He mainly just checks out the port windows and things like that, until you’ve gone through every room in the lower levels- well, all except one. When you reach the end of a particular hall and then turn back without letting him in to the room behind you, he points and asks, “And what might that room be?”
“Oh, that’s just my room.”
“Ah… I’d hate to intrude but, I do need to see all of the ship.” He doesn’t. He already knows this vessel is past the point of no return- it’s a miracle it’s even floating on the water right now. However, Kaku doesn’t want to tell you that quite yet. He’d hate to disappoint you and…. ruin his chances. Plus, he’s a little very curious to see what your room is like.
“… Um, just give me a second then, ok?” You excuse yourself into your room, and begin tidying up at a shocking speed. It’s already pretty neat actually, but you still go around the entire room making sure nothing is out of place. Once you’re sure there’s nothing lying about that shouldn’t be, you open the door to find him leaning in the frame. “Sorry about that, you can come in now.”
“No need to apologize, miss y/n. Kaku slips past you into your room- “Gosh, what a treat!” he thinks. Like this little glimpse into your private space is really a view of your mind, too. He makes his way over to the port window in slow strides, taking the opportunity to look at all of your little trinkets and decorations.
“Nice place you’ve got here.”
“Thanks… I don’t usually bring guys straight to my room on a first date.” You mean it as a joke, but he takes it in full stride.
“Oh yeah? I guess I should count myself lucky then.”
“I… mhm.”
Kaku laughs, “So, maybe I’ll get extra lucky later on. “
“Don’t be.” He looks over at you, pausing his inspection of the port window and how stable (?) it is. “Just joshing you, miss, I should be the one apologizing for my… crude joke.”
You shrug and mumble under your breath, “It wasn’t that bad.”
“Oh?” He walks closer, trapping you in the space between your bed and the wall and himself. It’s barely enough room for one person to stand in if they’re perpendicular to your bed, since it’s just a narrow space. (You have a sort of rational fear of waking up to water leaking through the wall and straight onto you and your sheets, so pushing the bed out a bit was a natural solution.) “Not a bad idea, or not a bad joke?”
“Not a bad-“
He cuts you off with his lips on yours, it waiting to hear your reply. Kaku wants you, and he knows he won’t get much time with you between everything that’s about to go down with CP9 (unbeknownst to you.) It’s sudden, and already quite deep right off the bat. His head is tilted more than a person usually would tilt their head upon entering a kiss to compensate for the length of his nose, but he’s anything but embarrassed- so long as it brings him closer to you and faster, it’s worth the strain on his neck. You would giggle if you weren’t so caught off guard by how he seems to overtake all your senses in mere moments. As proof of the shock to your system, the immediate closeness of the kiss leads you to open your lips in a slight gasp. Kaku sighs contentedly before sucking at your bottom lip, and you to hum in surprise. His hands find their place on the small of your back, and the tips of his fingers travel up and down your spine. You accept him, letting him continue sucking and smothering your lips with his while throwing your arms around his neck. It’s all happening very fast- but you like it.
After a few moments he pulls away, breathing heavily with a thin line of saliva still connecting your lips to his. He swipes it away by brushing his thumb over your lips, and wiping it off on the side of his pants (though still holding around your back with one hand.)
“I hope you’ll excuse my-“ he pauses due to his panting, “rushing into things.”
“Y-yeah it’s fine, I was just…” his lips ghost over yours once more, so close you can feel his breath fanning over your skin. “Surprised.”
This time, you’re the one to close the distance and tighten your arms around his shoulders. There’s an underlying sense of need, somewhere deep within you, that hadn’t been there when you’d first walked onto the ship. No, it was his actions and words- the way he looked at you now with such a want in his eyes- that caused this. Of course, you’d already been attracted to him, but you certainly wouldn’t have been the one to make the first move like he had so early on. Yet here you are, making out with a man you just met earlier in the day.
But then you feel his knee slotting itself between your legs, and whine before you come to your senses. You push down his thigh, “We can’t.”
“Mmph- why not?”
“I just met you.”
He chuckles, though it’s more evident in the shake of his shoulders than any audible laughter. “That would be a mighty fine reason.”
“Yeah… I- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, y/n. Is it ok if I just call you that?”
You smile and nod. Two seconds ago his tongue was in your mouth, now he’s asking for permission to drop formalities- funny guy.
“Well, y/n, I don’t know how long you’ll be in town for, nor how busy I’ll be with work. I want to make the most of this time together.”
Kaku had known this was a bad idea from the start, in all honesty. But when Robin begged Spandam for safe passage for her crew-her friends- out of Water 7, and he’d seen your bounty poster along with the others, he was “struck by Cupid’s arrow.” And getting to meet you in person by coincidence was even better. He had fallen hard and fast, and now he wanted to keep things moving that way before you were gone from his life forever.
However, in fear of making you uncomfortable, he pulls away. Kaku makes it all the way to the other side of the room before you do something that surprises even yourself. You grab his wrist and walk backwards to your bed again, this time lowering yourself to sit on the plush comforter.
His hand interlocks with yours as you let yourself fall back completely. “You… are you sure, y/n?”
You nod. “I’m sure.” And, like the comedian you are, ask “Why? Do you not want to anymore?”
Kaku’s eyes roam over your body, all laid out just for him. His fingers trace your side and come to rest on your hip, giving you a gentle squeeze. “N-no, I want to. I want you.”
With the hand he isn’t inadvertently pining to the bed, you draw his face closer to yours so you can kiss him again. He exhales shakily and all but climbs on top of you, slotting his knee between your legs once more.
You pray, for Zoro’s sake above deck, that he isn’t too loud a lover.
Taglist: @imaginarydreams
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searenbound · 2 years
alpha bakugou w a ddlg kink… 🫶🫶🫶
Oh darling, you’ve got no idea what you’ve done by giving me two, well actually three, of my most self indulgent topics to talk about
Warnings: omegaverse, dd/lg kink, praise kink, degradation, fem pronouns and afab reader, bladder control/piss kink, breeding kink, cockwarming and bath sex, written with chubby readers in mind
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
-I’m simply here to spread my Bakugou is a huge ass simp who spoils his s/o absolutely rotten agenda
-Alpha Bakugou is so much worse too, it’s programmed into his nature to prove himself as a good mate and provide everything they could ever need or want
-And trust me, Daddy deliverers on that
-Princess stays wanting for nothing because he keeps them in luxury and all he asks in return is she takes care of herself
-Though he’s more than happy to encourage that too
-She won’t drink her water?
-Fine here’s a cute brand new sippy cup and he expects her to drink 8 cups of water or he’ll have to punish her, but if she’s good get a nice reward
-He knows she won’t, and he’ll get to punish her for braking a rule
-And as much as he’d love to watch her ass jiggle under his hand, she’d enjoy a spanking too much
-Holding a vibrator against her clit and forcing her to try and hold both the need to pee and cum in for as long as he tells them sounds perfect
-And if they end up pissing all over themselves/ cumming before permission was given he’s gonna be so mean about cleaning them up
-“Dumb little crybaby, don’t start! You went and made a fucking mess for me to clean, maybe I should put you in diapers? Can’t be a big girl and hold it like I told you to”
-Oh but if he’s pleasantly surprised she drank everything then she gets to be eaten out until she’s all floaty and babbling nonsense at him
-He’s a lot nicer about her “accident” too
-Encouraging her to just let it out and he’ll clean it all up for her this time
-Hates bath time? Looks like Daddy has to sit his Omega on his cock and make her hold still while he washes her
-“Don’t argue with me, only good, clean girls get Daddy’s knot” “But—” “But what? You don’t want your Alpha’s fat knot in your pretty little pussy?” “I do!—” “Then shut up and let me wash your hair and then we’ll see if you deserve it”
-Sometimes though she’ll do things just to get him started
-There’s no reason for them to be wearing that tiny nightie without panties if she wasn’t trying to get him to breed her
-Speaking about the breeding aspect of their relationship though god their menaces
-There’s no inch of their apartment that he hasn’t knotted her
-The minute he discovers her trying to play with her sopping cunt in her nest instead of looking for him to plug up with his knot to keep his cum buried deep in her pussy is the minute she finds herself gagged with one of her pacis and clinging to her largest stuffed friend for dear life while Daddy breeds her relentlessly and spanks her for not telling him so he can help
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koralinewrites · 2 months
I saw a post on your main account that you listened to DAYLIGHT! If you don't mind, could you let me know what you think of it?
Okay so, just to preface this, I’ve ONLY ever listened to Laito’s audios, so his is all I’m gonna be talking about. Obviously there’s gonna be a few spoilers- I personally REALLY loved his tracks. I know there are people who don’t like it because of the storyline and such, but I don’t really care about all that. I loved it for two things. 1) It shows off Laito’s thought processes and what goes through his head and 2) Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance was amazing.
I LOVE angst. I love reading it, writing it, everything. And this has a lot of angst. I mean, the one person who he’s fallen in love with is dying, and there’s quite literally nothing he can do. I think Track 4 was the one that actually got me to cry at the end, when he’s having a mental breakdown. We get to learn more about how he views himself. He doesn’t think of himself as someone who should HAVE these feelings. He’s Laito Sakamaki: a vampire who lies and manipulates his way through life (basically a direct quote, btw). He doesn’t know what to do about these feelings. Lust and pleasure was all predictable, it was second nature. But when someone he genuinely cared for showed up? He had no idea. And then to pile onto these confusing feelings, that same person was going to die. And he couldn’t do a thing. His default was to get rid of the root of the problem, aka you.
This is where I got kinda confused , because a similar thing was happening in More Blood but he didn’t want to kill Yui because he loved her. The way I understood it was he’d rather be the one to kill you than to see you die slowly and painfully without him being able to do anything. Plus, if he was the one to try to kill you, you’d probably resent him and it’d make his life easier. You wouldn’t be nice to him anymore. It’d be something normal, predictable. Something he’s used to, because, let’s face it, he doesn’t know how to handle genuine compassion. But then you don’t. You don’t hate him for trying to murder you- in fact, you welcome it. And this confuses him. You’re not supposed to act like this, it just makes his job harder. Why aren’t you doing anything the way it’s supposed to be done? The way he’s used to. And so, he thinks it’s a problem with him. So he turns that knife on himself, and it takes you getting hurt for him to realize that getting rid of himself wouldn’t accomplish anything either.
Also, as I said before, Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance is AMAZING in this. I’m obsessed with, I can’t remember if it’s Track 3 or 4, but the scene where you’re in the school infirmary and have a coughing fit. He obviously freaks out and his voice deepens in worry. But then. When he leaves, he puts on that happy mask. His voice lightens, and it’s back to that higher-pitched sound it was originally. And that made me want to SMACK him. Like, sir- STOP. Stop hiding behind that mask, it’s obvious you’re worried. Come on.
When Laito’s thinking to himself, when he has that mental breakdown in Track 4, the way his voice shakes and deepens and how he yells and curses and punches a wall and just- AUGHHH. This man. He so obviously cares, but he doesn’t know what to do with all of these feelings he’s never had to deal with before. I just…. God.
Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted. If you can’t tell, I’ve had this rant in my head for a WHILE. He just makes me so ILL. Please, people, send in more Laito related asks, I have so many thoughts-
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
reader somehow manages to escape the cabin in the woods where serial killer ghoap is keeping them, and stumbles across two park rangers on patrol. ranger price is so, so kind, wrapping you up in a blanket and giving you water and assuring you that everything will be fine, it'll be ok. ranger garrick listens to your sobbing, almost incoherent story of what happened to you with sympathetic eyes. they load you into the back of their jeep, garrick sitting in the back with you gently holding your hands in his to soothe you and calm you down. the gentle touch gets hard and solid when you realize they've brought you right back to soap and ghost's cabin.
FUCK yeah dude. Hell yeah. This is the only idea ever actually. I want to crush it up into a blender and drink it for breakfast everyday. This fucks so hard
They’re so nice :( And Price has that paternal thing going on - you showed up naked and he took the shirt right off his back for you to wear, he just immediately makes you feel so comfortable. And Gaz is such a good empathizer, he makes you feel like he’s really feeling your horror, and he’s so familiar in a way you can’t really describe, it feels natural to relax with him
And dear fucking God the BETRAYAL!!!! You’d see the cabin and just start screaming, looking at them through the mirror with wide eyes. Gaz would maybe laugh a little, maybe coo to you and reassure you it’ll all be ok. Price is rolling his eyes, telling you not to be so dramatic, they’re just taking you back where you belong. And the worst part is you fight to stay with them when they drop you off - you cling to the interior of the car, then to Gaz, then to Price, desperate for anything but Ghost and Soap.
Maybe a few weeks later Gaz and Price come over for dinner. And you’re not nearly broken enough to have no spirit, so you spend the entire evening just fucking glaring at them like they killed your dog, refuse to talk to them, refuse to do anything but stew in your anger.
Gaz is a little condescending, a little pouty maybe. Does that C’mon, you still angry? We took you home, you don’t like us for that? Were we supposed to just leave a stray on the side of the road? And you fucking hate his tone, it takes everything in you to bite your tongue and not just shout in his face.
But Price is a lot condescending. He rubs a hand over your hair, smirks down at you with a mean little glint in his eyes. Says Don’t like your men, girl? You mad at us for putting you back where you belong? What, did they punish you real rough? Don’t take that shit out on me. Chin up, with a little chuck to your chin that has your growling like an animal You’re better off here than anywhere else. Your men take nice care of you, could at the very least treat their guests with some respect.
Johnny and Simon don’t push you to be nice. You sit in Simon’s lap for the meal and the most he does is smirk a little when you get particularly grouchy, but he doesn’t make you talk to them. He does make you kneel between his knees in the living room when Gaz and Price linger to chat. Runs a hand through your hair until you very unwillingly fall asleep with your face on his knee.
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cherry-pop-elf · 8 months
Weasley Siblings React To Their Partner Who Age Regresses
Now I myself do not age regress, but I may be trying it out! To help cope with trauma. There is something so comforting about it, so some cute and pure fluff!
((Also, people in the agere community, hi! You are valid, real, and loved. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’ll be ok, sug!
Writing Commissions open
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William ‘Bill’
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He doesn’t really fine it odd. He’s been through multiple tips of therapies, as he is a curse breaker. Curse breakers need to make sure their minds remain sharp, and clear, so they have to keep mental health a priority. There is also the fact he was attacked by a werewolf, so he’s been through even more. And lastly, he is the eldest sibling to six. That means when you go into his little space you are in safe hands. He will make sure you are very safe, and taken care of. It comes naturally to him. He doesn’t really need to know a thing, because his body just knows. He knows what to do. Given his werewolf quirks as well you get to have a boyfriend that can sense your needs far easier. So when you need your care giver, he’s already holding you close. Also, well, big puppy stuffy.
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He’s also an older brother, and works with infant dragons all the time. So dealing with someone who goes into a little space isn’t as difficult as you would think. He is rather curious by it all, however. Not weirded out, but curious. He’s a man that’s traveled the world, somehow more so than the likes of Bill. It’s dumb to not live life with an open mind. He’s willing to learn, and wants to take care of you. You develope a rather maternal nature, when you work with new borns all the time. It’ll be nice to have a more human little to work with. Given his strength, and warmth, he makes for a wonderful cuddle bug. He makes you feel so small, with how easy he can pick you up. It helps you drift into your little space alot easier, and doesn’t feel as weird. Just into his arms you go, and you know you couldn’t be safer
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He’s found it very strange. He’s always been very prissy and uptight, after all. What do you mean you just act like a child? Fred and George do that already! He’s honestly a big ass about it, until Bill pulls him aside. Trying to explain it more properly to him, before he goes and says something he will regret. It takes a while, but he’s soon reading up on it. Might as well learn about it. That’s kinda how it started, really. You would come to him, when you needed your moment, and he would read you stories. He won’t lie, it was comforting. Reminded him of when he helped teach his younger siblings how read. Maybe there is something to this age regression thing. There’s a weird comfort. How he can just take care of you, and you trust him enough to know he will. It takes a while, but he is willing to learn. For you
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He runs a joke shop. If anyone is going to know how to handle a kid, it’s him. Also, older brother quirks. Doesn’t really phase him either. You act younger sometimes? Don’t we all? He’s going to be the best care giver. Especially since he did mature a bit, from running a shop. So don’t think you weaseled your way into endless candy. Can’t have his precious kiddo sick! As being a bit more mature, he also has things a bit more calculated. A designated toy box’s to keep your kid stuff secure, and private. Willing to drop everything if you need him. Even happily have you play with your toys, in his office, as he works. Very much taking on a very solid dad role. Wouldn’t be to surprising if he knew about age regression before he met you. He likes to keep up to date with the kids, so he can better care for them. Such as what products they would like. He’s calculated, but not like a robot. Like an actual dad, wanting the best for his kids after all. You included. Oh and don’t you dare forget, they are two for one. Uncle George is going to steal you, when Fred needs to work. Never fear!
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Much like his twin, you are in safe hands. However, he has a bit more of an emotional approach. He likes to be a bit more hands on with it all. The type to make you chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, and always have a bottle of apple juice ready. He took on the food love from his mother. So you are given plenty of sweet snacks for every occasion. Always finding a way to make sure you meet your nutrient needs, even when small. That way you stay healthy, but not sacrifice the things you love. He knows how that can mess with you. Especially after losing Fred. So, to take care of someone is helping him take care of himself. The ability to just take time out of his day, and be with you, it’s healing. It really is. Your bravery in admiting to this is helping him live such a better life. Just able to hold you, and know that he can protect you. He couldn’t save Fred, but he was able to save you
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Hope you don’t mind, but his ass went running to Hermione for advice. She’s the smartest person he knows. If anyone knows anything about anything, it’s her. He finds it a bit confusing, but Hermione does a beautiful job in explaining it to him. Such as how his brothers do certain things to cope, or do things different because of trauma and stress. You were the same. That helps him figure it out better. Still, it’s a bit complicated for him. He’s worried about messing up, because you are in a rather vulnerable position. Luckily, similar to how the twins are two for one, he’s a three for one. Hermione is more than happy to help you, and Harry is in the same boat as you. He had to cook his uncle, aunt, and cousin, breakfast every morning by the time he learned how to walk. If anyone’s going to understand, it’s going to be him. a pair of parents, and an uncle sometimes sibling. you would be in safe hands.
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She, more so, went running to her older siblings for advice. Especially Bill. He knows stuff like this after all. It’s confusing, until he explains it. Much like how Hermione would with Ron. After some time, she figured out how to make it work. She didn’t really know if she could pull it off, but she is a Weasley. She is too stubborn to back down from a challenge. Her care taker role would follow more of an older sibling dynamic. She’s found it pretty nice, really. She was always jealous that her brothers got to have younger siblings. She had to be the last one, and that takes a toll after a while. Especially in a family so big. It’s a nice way to live out something like that. You can’t complain about it. Especially since, similar to Charlie, she’s yanking you into the air. All that Quidditch sure pays off. A older sibling is rather comforting. Familia love is soothing to the soul. You both get that gentle moment. She gets to be a big sister, and you get one. So warm, and safe.
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dewracle · 2 years
Dom? Sub? Switch?
Some NSFW for the Sleep Token boys..Bro I honestly don't know...<3
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Vessel is a dom-leaning switch, only begrudgingly allowing you to dominate him if you ask nicely enough.
As a dom, he follows whatever he feels is natural, yes he cares about you and checks in but he takes and takes whatever he wants. 
His favorite thing to do is to have you coming on his cock over and over again. Your sobs of overstimulation are music to his ears as he pounds your cunt like he owns it. 
Because he does, he owns everything of you, owns your body, mind, soul, and orgasms. 
The room is filled with the sounds of your wet cries, body burning up with pleasure. The wet squelch sound of your cunt adding to the ensemble of moans and groans. Vessel’s hands tighten around your throat, staring you in the eye while plunging his cock deeper into you. His sadistic chuckles drawing you closer to his demand. “Think we can hit 6, pet? Give it to me. Give me it now.”
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Pure dom, but a lazy dom if anything. But not in a bad manner
He’ll just sit back and watch as you struggle to get off on his thigh, uncaring if it's taking forever or not. He just enjoys the view of your wetness ruining his black jeans.
Maybe he’ll help you by bouncing his leg to add that extra bit of sensation
Maybe he’s decided it's enough and he wants the real fun of feeling you wrapped around him. But yet again, he’s only guiding your hips in a slow grind.
A gentle sigh falls from his mouth, head tilted back with a gentle hum. II’s grip on your hip releases to take another long hit from his vape. “C’mon darling, don’t keep me waiting… Don’t have all night.” You whine and crawl forward to rest between his legs. His cock stood proudly, precum beading at the tip, anticipating the warmth of your mouth. With a small eye roll, he leans down exhaling and blowing the flavored smoke into your face. “Atta girl…”
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This creature, yes I called him a creature, is a switch. His energy allowing him to bounce back and forth between whatever he feels at the moment.
Most of the time this is sub but sometimes it is him wrapping his hand around your throat with a gentle squeeze. 
For the times he actually wants to sub, III is a whiny mess of a person. Begging for you to touch him, touch his leaking cock. 
He craves anything you’ll give him and more, wanting to feel your mouth around him as he’s edged for hours on end. 
The tears pooling out of his tears, his sobs for you to stop mean nothing but a strong encouragement.
His eye rolled back at the tight grip you had on his cock, his legs kicking in an attempt to squirm away. III’s pathetic whimpers doing nothing to affect the hold you have. His cock kicks and twitches with the sensation of needing to come. “Fuck please! Please! No more I’ll be good!” You chuckle and move your hand, letting his throbbing cock hit his stomach. “No sir, you said that last time… 3 more edges, and then I’ll think about it.”
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Pure dom, pure soft dom. It’s always the shy ones too…
When the two of you are together, he’s filling your holes and head with soft praise telling you how well you’ve done. 
IV will lay kisses all over your body, worshipping you as he would Sleep. But also punishing you if you were to disobey him.
He doesn’t like brats, or so he says. 
Brats are… well he’s a tamer, forcing you to submit and obey his words with praise and rewards. 
IV’s fingers gently brush your hair behind your ear, eyes holding so much adornment for you. “You’re doing great baby, such a good girl for me…” You mewl at his words and raise your hips to meet his gentle thrust. He chuckles and shakes his head, pushing your hips down. “You’ll take whatever I give to you… Just sit and let me take good care of you”
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Switch, there’s no leaning or anything. V sits directly in the middle.
As a sub, he’s more of a puppy than anything, following orders with only a little bit of a bite back. 
Gentle whines and twitching when you fuck your strap into him, he’ll try to hold his noises back but can’t when you hit the perfect spot.
As a dom, he is laid back. Allowing you to do whatever you want till it pisses him off. 
Then he’ll wrap you by the throat and stare you in the eyes, dragging the submission from you.
His favorite thing to do when domming? Collar you and decorate you real pretty with his cum and show you off to the others. 
“Look at you, such a slut for me huh?” V grins, smile shown due to his masked being pushed up. The studs of his prince albert drag across your face, precum and cum spreading at the action. “Yeah can’t wait to show you off to the others. Give them a turn at that dripping cunt of yours.”
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angelicribbons · 2 months
Do u have any Vox caregiver headcanons? And Adam too ^_^
yesss!! :D (I’m hoping you mean sfw agere, if you don’t just correct me and I’ll make another post lol)
Vox, despite his busy work schedule, is EXTREMELY nervous about you being alone without him. He lets you sit on his lap and play with your stuffies while he works<3
Even then, he still consistently looks over to you to make sure you’re okay. When work gets stressful, he’ll take a break to go and play pretend with you for a bit. Naturally, a little is curious. So he’s very used to you poking around at his screen and antenna, and asking questions if you’re old enough to speak clearly.
Spoiled. To the MAX. Literally given anything and everything. Your room is stuffed with plushies, tablets, toys, snacks, literally everything you’ve ever asked for.
If you’re a baby regressor, he just adores hearing you babble on about stuff. He’d play along.
Stuff he’d say- “Oh, really? That’s nice, little one. What else?”
“Little spark, how about we play for a little bit? Yes, daddy has time for you. Come on, baby, let’s go.” “Sparky, sweetie, I told you not to mess with the other stuff in my office. How about you sit on my lap and play your tablet for a little while? I can turn on your shows on one of my monitors.”
Whenever you go out without him, (which is rare and of course you’re accompanied by his employees) he has you take a little stuffie of him. You don’t know that it’s because he has an AirTag in it, just in case. He constantly has cameras on you, anyway, but he wants to be safe.
He’s literally a walking heating pad. Most of your naps are taken curled up on his chest, either on the couch when he’s finished working or in his office chair. Nobody insults his baby. One demon almost slyly insulted you during one of Vox’s interviews where he had you curled up in his arms. “Ahaha..” He laughed, trying not to sound furious. He made sure you were asleep before his left eye was filled with red and black swirls. “TALK ABOUT MY LITTLE ONE ONE MORE TIME AND I’LL FIND YOUR ADDRESS AND BREAK EVERY VOXTEK PRODUCT IN YOUR PATHETIC RANCID SHITHOLE. YOU SHOULD STOP FOCUSING ON OTHER’S PERSONAL LIFE AND FUCKING FIND YOUR OWN YOU PATHETIC SAD EXCUSE FOR A PEASANT.” His eye turned back to normal and he pushed the interviewers away to get you back home snuggled up in your bed.
Adam is a new hyperfixation of mine so this one probably won’t be as long as Vox’s but I’ll try lol!!
Adam is a proud caregiver, he shows you off to the other angels almost weekly when you’re small.
Things he says: “Fucking look at my little rockstar!!” “Oh, this little cutie? Yeah, they’re mine, bitch! They’re my fucking little superstar!! You haven’t heard? Well—“ (then rambles about you) “Heh! You’re cute as fuck, kiddo.” (Then proceeds to pick you up and squeeze you in the biggest bear hug imaginable)
As much of a foodie he is himself, he’s probably never cooked once in his life. Or tried and failed. He’ll get Lute to make you and him both food and rant to you while he eats. You probably don’t understand a word about it, but he and you don’t care.
After he’s done rambling, he loves to hear you babble, even if he doesn’t understand sometimes. He’s an actual good listener and gets into the story.
Tickle monster. Would play the role of “big scary tickle monster” until you’re genuinely gasping for air and pauses. “You good, kiddo?” Once he gets confirmation, he’s right back to running his hands all over you to get a giggle.
I get such “girl dad” vibes from him. Like the Rock. Letting his little one put him in makeup and outfits for their amusement.
“Alright, now it’s my turn!” He’d say once you finished dressing him up. Put you in his large robe(the one from extermination day, the black one), and gave you a sick black and gold spiked collar with his name on the front to match the robes. Put his guitar in your hands “Oh, fuck yeah! Now fucking look at you! My sick little fucking rockstar!” Did not touch the makeup at all, was like mildly scared of it because he had no clue how it worked and didn’t wanna mess his precious little’s face up.
Tunes!! Plays electric guitar covers of your favorite TV show’s theme songs. Will put on a PERFORMANCE about it, like will get on top of boxes and such to mimic a little stage. He gives you a mic to sing along if there’s lyrics to the theme song.
Probably a bad influence on you, you get into a bunch of mischief alongside him. His little superstar wants to prank someone? “Oh, fuck yes!! Let’s go get the shit ready! You are such a damn menace, I love it!”
When your fun turns a little too reckless, he snickers. “Yeah, no, kiddo. We ain’t doing that. How bout’ we go annoy Lute for a bit?”
TEDDYBEAR. LITERAL TEDDYBEAR. All naps are spent on top of him or being held by him. As for him? Loves feeling how small you are compared to him. Wraps his wings around you until you both doze off.
Uh, insulting HIS little?! Why would they?! My little menace is awesome! He thought internally and scoffed as someone DARED to talk about his baby. “Uh, the fuck? They are way cooler than your stupid fucking uh..asshole ass! Obviously they are, I’M their dad. That’s like..insulting me! ME. Like I fucking made humans! My little is fucking awesome, you’re just a petty loser!!” He stuck out his tongue. Nobody insults his baby! It’s HIS little one. They don’t fucking deserve that. He shoved the random angel aside to bring you back to his place, you probably need to be put down for a nap by now.
There’s all my headcanons for now!!! raaaa I love them !!!! I just wanna be held and fed a bottle by Vox<33 qnxduedwsnwnwamsoqakakkaaaaaa hope you like them ^u^
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Okay I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about discduo anymore, and I meant it. I did. But then I saw the clip of cc!Tommy [post] talking about them and a few people saying how clingy duo didn’t know that they hurt c!Dream, and how c!Dream was just this unreasonable psychopath who drove c!Tommy to want to kill himself… and well I just feel like I can’t stand by while Dream gets slandered after I was being nice to c!Tommy.
So... that brings us here, where to the best of my memory and ability, I’d like to look at c!Tommy as being part of the Antisocial Personality Disorder spectrum. Because here’s the thing, I’ve seen people refer to him as some golden boy, who’s caring and has a good heart, but I’m gonna just be honest, I just don’t see it. From what I can tell, we accuse c!Dream of having no empathy, but I don’t think I’ve really seen c!Tommy show any.
Now granted, I’m definitely no psychologist or whatever, and in the real world diagnosing these disorders is a very intense and extensive process. Especially because there is no true way to know whether an individual has empathy or not since we can’t exactly read their minds or feelings. So we really only have their behavior to study. Having said all that though, here’s why I actually think c!Tommy is perhaps the “psychopath” or since that term is no longer medically used, has Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) in which psychopathy is sometimes considered a subtype of.
And yes, while I am more than aware that I clearly have dsmp favorites and therefore am biased, I have to say when I was rewatching lore I didn’t expect to come to this conclusion, but something about this scene specifically in the finale bothered me.
[clip] Dream: “Why are you–why are you trying to—ruin everything all the time?” Tommy: “Cuz that was just me having fun with my friends, Dream, but I didn’t–I didn’t…” Dream: “Ah-you just stealing my shit and a—griefing my friends’ houses and breaking shit?” Tommy: “I just didn’t realize how much that hurt you.”
Because c!Tommy essentially just straight up admits to enjoying harming others. In fact, is so clueless he doesn’t grasp that killing and breaking and stealing and griefing hurts people. And like how can you possibly tell me that someone at the age of 18 years old can be so oblivious to other people’s suffering. Because he sure didn’t like it when people griefed or trapped his house, stole from him, and killed him, but somehow didn’t know that other people also didn’t like that. I mean, there’s just no way someone can be that clueless, I don’t care how old they are, even children know better than to just push their friend down the stairs because it’s funny. 
Like I don't think this is just the behavior of some flawed teenager, but of someone with a lack of empathy or ASPD, which the National Library of Medicine says this about, “Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive and enduring pattern of disregarding and violating the rights of others, typically emerging in childhood or early adolescence and persisting throughout an individual's life. This disorder significantly impacts interpersonal and occupational functioning, often leading to profound impairments in overall quality of life. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder frequently engage in criminal behavior and struggle to learn from the negative consequences of their actions” [source], And I don’t know about you, but doesn’t that sound like c!Tommy? Even further the Millon Theory has this to say about Antisocial (ADAntis) individuals, “Prone to lessened emotional resonance and a marked lack of empathy, those individuals evidencing ADAntis patterns actively seek out what they feel is their entitlement. ADAntis individuals often feel slighted by their circumstances and believe they must take in order to receive. They are impulsive by nature and uncaring about any damage they may inflict on others or themselves” [source].
In other words, someone who does and takes without thinking of others as if they are entitled to it. A great example of this is c!Tommy just up and killing c!Purpled for no reason and stealing c!Tubbo’s resources before they battle c!Dream again for the discs, where c!Tubbo notes that c!Tommy has a ‘shit moral compass’ [clip]. There is also the stream I love to bring up of c!Tommy stealing from c!Tubbo, killing his bee and then burning his house, and not giving anything but a half assed apology of 'I didn’t mean to burn your house down that much’ and ‘I didn’t mean to kill your bee I was just giving him a high five’ [post] and that’s how he treats his best friend, one he drags into war after war. c!Tommy more than once highlights how pain is real in the dsmp whether a non-canonical death or a punch and yet shows no regard for holding back hurting others, whether that's burning c!Techno [clip] or throwing a harming potion at him when he’s found in the basement [clip], lighting c!Dream on fire with a bucket of lava on the first day of Exile [clip & clip], killing c!Alyssa just cuz she’s there and a woman [clip], stabbing c!Dream as he fills in a creeper hole in c!Tommy's yard no less [clip], how bout just dragging c!Tubbo into wars to risk his life and experience pain over some replaceable discs… etc just as some examples off the top of my head or have seen recently. 
I mean he doesn’t seem to care about others. When c!Tubbo needs help, where’s c!Tommy, like when he goes after c!Sam after he killed his husband and kidnapped his son he teams up with all the people who have killed him. Where the freak is c!Tommy - the one he fought so many wars with. Heck in the finale, c!Tubbo charges into what might be certain death, even after disagreeing with c!Tommy and reasoning that maybe they shouldn’t kill c!Dream [clip]. Oh and then of course, I've talked about his behavior towards c!Punz in the beginning too, of him helping clingy duo and then c!Tommy plotting to stab him the next minute [post]. 
And he struggles so hard to separate the value of items over the living [clip], seen no clearer than his struggle multiple times with putting the discs over c!Tubbo. And as I talked about when looking at c!Quackity at some point, people without empathy can love but it’s more like loving chocolate where they can enjoy it but there is no consideration for a candy bar’s well-being or feelings - people are more so just there to be used than cared about, and isn’t that what he does with c!Tubbo? With c!Techno? With c!Dream? Using them as a weapon and for their resources and then tossing them aside. Certainly not having their back when they need it, something c!Techno highlights pretty well in his speech about being a person [clip].
Perhaps our biggest clue should be how revolved his character arc is about understanding the value of items and how people are more important, as he finally in the finale gives up his discs for Tubbo’s life…
I don’t know maybe I’m wrong, but all I’m saying is I have yet to see a scene that really shows c!Tommy as caring or empathic, instead I see more so the telltale signs and behavior of someone with Antisocial Personality Disorder… who’s the psychopath now? *mic drop*
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
what are the guys reactions to being spoiled with a spa day, fave foods, etc?
ooo, interestinggg I like it. ok ok,
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna.
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Satoru Gojo
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Early in the relationship Gojo is apprehensive. 
He’s not used to being spoiled, he’s used to doing the spoiling. 
But, as he gets more comfortable with the relationship Gojo loves to be spoiled!
He’s babygirl god damn it, and he LOVES to be treated as such! 
Hell yea he wants to go get facials! Yes, lets get manicures, he wants his nails blue 💙
He comes home and you’re making his favorite food? What did he ever do to deserve you?
Now, of course he’s going to repay the favor. You give him a day all about him, he's going to give you a day all about you
But on his day he’s basking in it! 
Honestly it just makes him feel loved and wanted. Like, he can do all of this himself, but the thought of someone else wanting to spoil him is intoxicating for him
Being spoiled makes him feel like you actually listen to him and pay attention, because you have to to know how to spoil him! It means you actually want him for him
Does it make him a little bit emotional? Yes. It’s ok though because he can be vulnerable around you
His love language is gift giving and acts of service, ok? This literally sings to his love language
In conclusion: Yes, Spoil Gojo
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Suguru Geto
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“No no darling, let me cook for you!” “Let me put a face mask on you, you deserve it” “Let me paint your nails instead, that color looks better on you”
Suguru straight up won't let you spoil him. He’s going to spoil you first.
Genuinely, being showered with unending affection and love makes him feel a little bit uncomfortable. He thinks he doesn’t deserve it
So any of your attempts to spoil him, he’s going to take over to try and spoil you instead
And this DOES. NOT. CHANGE. Even late into the relationship. 
Even once he’s comfortable with you, and knows you love and cherish him. Then there's no need to spoil him because he knows you love him!
He still spoils you though because at this point it’s second nature to him and he thinks it's nice to remind you how much you mean to him.
Yes he knows he’s a hypocrite.
No he doesn’t care.
If you really want to spoil him, just spend time with him. It will honestly have the same effect on him, minus all the other feelings
And maybe make him a spotify playlist
Spoil him with music, that he will let slide.
I feel like so much of my Suguru characterization is rooted in the fact that he loves music but I CAN’T HELP IT!! He reminds me of So Many People I‘ve seen in the scene, I can’t see him as anything other that a music loving metal head LMAO
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Kento Nanami
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Nanami is not opposed to being spoiled but it has to be on his terms.
What I mean is like, It has to be in small doses so he doesn’t get overwhelmed, not a whole day of spoiling
And if it's something like a really expensive gift, he’d want to talk about it first. He’d rather not have a lot of surprises. 
If you can do that, He’d actually rather like being spoiled
I feel like it makes him feel appreciated
And for almost everything you do for him he does something to match is I promise you lol
Nanami is a caretaker at heart, but that doesn't mean he isn’t willing to be taken care of
The best way to spoil him is with food though
Nanami is a foodie, cook him his favorite meal and it would make him feel really really special
Or sharing a nice bottle of wine with him. That's another way to make him feel special and loved, spoiled if you will
Honestly I don’t think Nanami would necessarily crave or need to be spoiled
But I do think that he very much appreciates it and appreciates you
It just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Don’t. Don’t do it besties DON’T
Ryomen DOES NOT TRUST being spoiled, AT ALL
If he comes home and finds you cooking his favorite food, he’s going to assume you're poisoning him. “No, You can’t give me a facial, but I can give you one.” You ask to do his nails and he just holds up his black talons like “They’re already done.”
Sukuna has no idea how to love. He thinks love is possession, and as a wicked person he loves wickedly. What that means is everything comes with expectations when it comes to him, nothing is free.
So while you’re just trying to spoil him, he’s trying to find the catch. 
If you give him a gift he’s going to straight up ask “What do you want from me?” 
Back to the love is possession thing, He’s going to think you’re trying to possess him and he is not a fan of that. He owns you! Not the other way around!
He will honestly probably straight up tell you to stop LMAOOO. 
Does he want you to return his affections? Yes absolutely, You would want your pet to behave too. But actively trying to spoil him and bathe him in material affection is not going to do it for him, LMAO
He just reacts so badly. Like, have you ever tried to pet a feral cat? It doesn’t end well. Being spoiled just feels so opposed to his soul.
He’s tried his hand at spoiling you before and found he was actually quite good at it, ngl. Where his words fall short often his small actions and gifts speak louder. But He only really tries to spoil you when he’s trying to apologize for some wrong. If you spoil him, He’s going to think you wronged him somehow my guy 
The best way you can spoil him is by spending time with him. Just being around him and indulging in his, honestly much quieter version of love, that’s as close as you’re getting to spoiling him
Oh, that and just like, indulging him in sexy times, but THAT My dear reader is a set of headcanons for another day!!
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