#AND THEN ACT LIKE I SHOULD BE HAPPY WOTH THE WAY THINGS ARE BECAUSE DOING EXTRA IS “just wht your role is bcuz we’re wired differently ^_^
purpelflurpel · 1 year
How to stop idealizing and falling in love with ppl whose personalities don’t exist the same way you’ve created in your mind?
Better yet, how to stop being disappointed when they don’t end up being who you’ve decided they are?
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poodledeer · 2 months
The timeline....
Dean 5 string bass, trans amber
First Act classical ( borrowed from a friend, first time really playing songs, noodling, recording)
First Act black strat (BORROWED from same friend electronics broken, use at practice with bass amp and clip-on contact pickup, first time hearing gain but not really. )
S*l's unbranded strat, BORROWED SOMETIMES he impresses me by being able to play Heat Seeking Ghost of Sex effortlessly, and some Asking Alexandria
Anthony's parts strat (BORROWED at a few practices with jazz people from school)
pointy black ibanez shredder (BORROWED AND RETURNED ALL THE TIME at every practice while a certain friend is playing music with me, then leaves it with me and i record everything using it and a 1/4 in to 1/8 in adapter and a usb sound card. I'm not saying these recordinfs were good or good songs lol) I learned hammer ons and tapping on this and my friends are surprised that i know how to do downtuned chugging because i spend all day doing chromatic bullshit that sounds bad instead
Gozart butterscotch tele (First one that is mine!!!!!!!)(I mostly record demos direct-in, then simple ones miced up to an Orange Crush mini that i get gifted by karen. During uni i dont have anyone to play music with :( but i noodle to myself and do math tapping on this)
Squier bullet tele surf green (First university job.... This was a looker and i felt less bad being seen with it than the Gozart, but i never was seen anywhere with it except 2 times in the dining hall practice rooms with people i dont end up forming anything with :/) (When i remember moving dorms, moving all of my stuff by hand during covid bc i cant drive, i mostly remember holding this one, by the neck, walking up and down campus)
Ibanez artcore (Karen got me this while we lived in bay area together!!!! I'mpretty sure the action was fucked and it was my fault. It didn'tplay well after ending up on the east coast again and I didnt bother getting an allen key. It did remind me of the classical i started with though, and I played Brand New for my apartment mate to sing along to in my senior year [I don'tcare for Brand New] )
Unbranded sunburst strat from Karen's friend (he was graduating and I magnetically attract people to leave their unplayed guitars with me)
Mikael's dad's vintage tele (At practices with him; I severely don'timpress him, too razzled, not used to having amps or a drummer. My biggest L)
I get rid of all the ones i have, to instead use
Hello Kitty Squier (that was in my partners house already, probably second most recorded?)
Karen's bass (It says Bacchus on it, which is kind of amazing)
70s Epiphone restoration from the attic in this house... Its fretboard is dry as hell... not a player. Rubber rolling saddle bridge
eBay parts vintage white thinline tele (After hating the experience of the Kitty for nearly a year, I make this. In cruel irony i never get the setup to be as smooth, the strings as low, as hello kitty woth higher gauge strings on it, but at least i dont get blisters while using it, lol. The hello kitty went crazy up in value during this year because of youtube memes [I hate knowing this, but i found out about it] so we traded it into guitar center to get the parts money. Hey, nearly 20 years to get a little profit from a faceless corp?)
When i got rid of everything in 2023 got a trade in deal on a used huge Orange. I'm happy with it. Orange is the face of post hardcore scene kid bands and emo and whiners so it fits me. The stock speaker is excellent (I don't like how the v30s sound comparatively) but fizzles and tears way quieter than I expect. I guess i should mix it with a cab or get a better speaker and try to match it to this one with EQ. Don't really want to toy with buying things unless i can get rid of something to do it though
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meili-sheep · 3 years
☆ Darn, first of all, that sucks, and I wish you the best. I can try to provide a small idea? For Cryo Diluc, going for the popular "feeling unloved/alone" or sth like that to get a Cryo vision, just imagine how Diluc got it. Kaey's been part of his family for a few uears now, and he loves him, so does Crepus, clearly. Diluc really shouldn't feel jealous of his little brother, he certainly deseves some love after everything he went through, but it still stings. Man, what if Crepus started losing hope for Diluc to get a vision, and Diluc can really feel his disappointment. And he tries to get one, he really does! Hell, he prays ny Barbatos statue almost every day! But still nothing. And he just feels so bad at never being able to make his Father happy, and maybe sth happens & he decides to leave. Idk, maybe he's still trying to get a vision or he just runs away, up to you. But he gets stuck somewhere, and he can't help but thing that maybe it's for the best. This way he won't be disappointing anyone, and Kaeya won't have to deal with having such a bad older brother who's only ever jealous of him. Even Barbatos doesn't eant him. It's probably for the best if he's never found... / Do what you want woth the rest, but in general I imagine that even after getting a Vision, finally, a little part of Diluc dies that day. *salutes*
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I am so on board with this because it fits my weird brand of CEO of Crepus Slander. Because I think this is something that happened Crepus did focus more on Kaeya but Diluc might have already had his vision. The timeline there is foggy.
But let's say Diluc didn't get his vision. And the pressure from Crepus is real and his jealousy of Kaeya isn't fun. He hates that he just can't live up to being a true Ragnvindr. He really hates himself. And all of this while people around him are praising him for being so smart, and so strong. But all Diluc can see is his father's disappointment.
Maybe one day he overhears.
"Master, please... that thing has vile energy. You can't give that you the younger master."
"It's for the best. If Diluc can not earn a Vision. I will have to give it to him."
Diluc suddenly feels so sick. He can see or really hear anything else. But know he knows father is planning something awful if he can not get a vision.
So he runs away, maybe that's not his intention to start. Maybe he was planning to try and take out a Hilichurl camp, maybe that would finally prove his strength enough for a vision. Of course, this did not go well.
Diluc had to run away. He was hurt and sobbing. And he knew, he knew no one was going to come and help him because he doesn't matter unless he has a vision. He probably should just die.
Then it's suddenly in his hands a Cyro vision. It's cold. But suddenly he feels a little else alone. Maybe little birds of ice form and start flying around him. Suddenly he was numb. The cold has a hold and he suddenly can bring himself to care anymore about his father's wishes anymore.
I can either see it taking 2 paths from here. A) Diluc fully runs away. And doesn't return. I see him becoming a Catalysts user (Good with The Widsith) and a sort of bard who just enjoys traveling with his little birds around who are made of ice but never melt. B) He returns but is very different. More like Adult Diluc is now. Cold. Especially towards his father. His father noticed his vision and tries to bring it up and express how proud he is, but Diluc will only turn away from him. He's still ok with Kaeya and actually plays with him over trains. Totally gives up on being a knight. Starts just wandering by himself. Starts reading the playing chess more, or playing with his ice birds. Definitely acts more like the child he honestly is. I think he takes up a Catalysts because he likes reading storybooks and it eventually translates. He doesn't notice or care when his father disappointedly sees him with the first catalysts that Diluc saved and bought himself. He makes more and bigger bird friends now. He is not nearly so lonely anymore.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
44 and 45 for writing prompts?
44) Close Your Eyes
45) Will You Marry me
Your Favorite Suprise
Warnings: fluff
Characters: Your favorite God of Mischief, Nat, Clint (brother, I know I have a weird problem ok?), Steve, Tony, Thor
Summary: you and Loki had been dating for a while now it only made since that he wants to take the next step.
Announcements: Ah yes, while I should be working on the next chapter of my series Im doing a Loki Request list...makes sense to me. I have decided to start posting a chapter a week and I have decided to start posting The chapters on Fridays. But I'll probably still be doing one shots and drabbles randomly during the week along with request. *its like really early in the morning here so if I am not making any sense i will probably post another update soon.* love you guys, thank you for the request! 💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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Loki had been distant all day, he wasnt in any of the normal places that he normally would have been. You had checked in the library, his room, even the lab none held signs that the god had been there all day.
"Guys, have you by any chance seen Loki?" You asked walking into the living room where your brother and Nat were wrestling, for some unknown reason, Thor and Steve sat watching.
"Tall guy, wears to much green, pointy hat?" Clint choked out from a chokehold. Sometimes you wondered if you were really the oldest with the way he acted.
"Last time I seen my brother he was heading out to the large balcony on the top floor with a rather heavy looking box." Thor called over his shoulder. "No no no Hawkman, you odviously doing it wrong. Let me show you." He said getting up walking over to the two on the floor.
"Whatever, he'll know where to find me I guess." You said jumping over the back of the couch sitting down next to Steve.
"Hey! No jumping on the furniture. I swear its like I live in a house full of kids between you and Parker jumping and flying around." Tony yelled from the kitchen door.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you. "Thor is trying to show them some Asguardian fighting moves. Nat picked up pretty fast, your brother on the other hand..."
"He does better in a roost high above the ground. Only reason I use to hate fighting with him is because he could climb higher than I could." You laughed.
"Ok Lord Thunder if you can do better be my guest." Clint took a step back allowing Thor to stand in. Thor gave a bellowing laugh and got in a fighting stance.
"My people invented these moves I can easily take down Nat."
After a few rounds and Thor definitly losing causing the room to howl with laughter at his confusion Loki walked in.
"So the man of mysteries returns. Where have you been darling." You asked as he came to stand beside you.
"Just working on a suprise for you my dearest." He laughed leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
"Please stop, there are young eyes in the room." Clint groaned from a recliner across from you causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yeah, if your going by shoe size." You mocked. Turning to Loki you looked at him. "What does the god of mischief have up his sleave for me?"
"Come dear, I would rather show you." He offered you his hand and you walked from the room.
He lead you to the room where the balcony was located and turned to you. "Close your eyes."
"Ummm why? You planning on pushing me off?" You laughed realizing that he had a serious look on his face. "Nevermind." You closed your eye, as soon as they were shut you felt a cloth wrap around your head. "If you wnted something like this all you had to do was ask." You smirked.
"Oh nine realms y/n. Get your mind out of the gutter for just a little bit." You couldnt see it but you knew he was rolling his eyes. "This is serious." You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Ok fine, serious, I can be serious for like 5 minutes. I cant guarantee the comments that will follow after the time is up though." You laughed.
"Sometimes I feels like I'm dating your brother." He huffed taking your hand and leading you onto the balcony.
"We are basically the same person, I just look alot better than he does in a cat suit." He let go of your hand just after walking out of the door and disappered.
"You know that mouth is one of my favorit things about you." He whispered in your ear cauing your heart to flutter. "Always quick to the punch, it never fails." He said kissing the side of your mouth.
"But my absolute favorit thing about you is your willingness to over look a persons flaws, to give everyone a chance, even if they dont deserve it. You have such an open mind forgiving everyone that you feel need forgiving. Looking for the good in a person and giving that person hope that maybe there is hope left for them." This time he brushed your hair from your neck kissing you behind the ear sending a shiver down your spine.
"Loki you was never a bad person-" you saod trying to defend him aginst hisself
"I brainwashed your brother." He countered. "You didnt just do it for me though. You stood up for Wanda, for Bucky, you stand up for the underdogs that wouldnt have a chance other wise."
"Wanda needed a family, Bucky was Steves best friend and I seen how it hurt him for eveyone to be aginst him. Also brainwashed. Im kinda seeing a pattern here though." You smiled.
"Y/n, honestly would you jusy be quiet for a few more minutes." He sighed.
"Ok, lips are sealed. Continue telling me how great I am." He sighed again pulling you closer to the middle of the balcony.
"You have been my light in the darkest tunnel I had ever been in. When the others shut me out you were always there to let me know I wasnt alone. I could travel to all nine realms and never find another soul as caring and as trust worthy as you, who holds me at night when nightmares wake me up, who actually seen good in me and who has made me a better person." You felt him reach behind you and untie the knot from the blind, you kept your eyes closed as you felt him grab your hand again this time there was a slight pull. "Darling you can open your eyes."
When you opened them you were awestruck with the sight in front of you. Farie lights had been hung from the rafters causing a warm glow around the balcony, ivy and white flowers hand been drapped on the walls givingbthe whole place a cozy feel. You looked at Loki noticing him kneeling in front of you, you opened your mouth to make a comment but quicky shut it not wanting to ruin the moment.
"Y/n Barton there is no one else I would rather travel the nine realms with but you, I would walk across time and space to see you smile. Would you please do me the honor of being my princess? My Queen? For all eternity? Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small black box for his pocket and opened it revealing a silver band entwind with a beautiful type of black metal a small emerald sat nestled between the two holding the jewel in place. Your eyes shot up to his and tears started to flow. You didnt trust you voice in that moment son you simply shook your head.
He was on his feet in no time easily slipping the band on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. You placed your hands on either side of his face pulling him into you for a kiss. "Yes." You mumbled aginst his lips as he smiled into the kiss. "A million times yes!"
"We are going to have a wedding!" Thor yelled from the open door causing you both to jump. You looked up in time to see everyone that had been in the living room crowed around watching the two of you. "Lady y/n, a fine sister you will make!" Thor beamed picking you up into a crushing hug.
"You can have her! Ive had her as a sister long enough." Clint said beside you as he leaned down to kiss you cheek. "Congrats sis."
"You knew didnt you?" You smiled.
"Of course I did. Hes kinda old school, asked if it would be ok if he asked you. Nice guy, once you get past the whole mind control thing." You smacked his in the chest.
"In my defence you did try to shoot me woth an arrow that exploded." Loki said wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Ill take back the approval to marry my sister." He saod looking straight at him.
"No you wont, ive already said yes. Besides he really makes me happy. Truly honestly happy." You smiled looking up at Loki giving him another kiss.
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ivarsshieldmaiden · 3 years
Am I ready for real love? - Part II
Modern Ivar x reader
So you lovely people. Here it is. Part two. Thank you for your kind words about Part I and the hearts - I really appreciate it. ❤
You two sat there for a few hours and talked. You totally ignored your friends, because it just felt so good to talk to someone who felt the same. You were definitely on one level. Sometimes time doesn't matter. You've known Ivar for a few hours and you already felt connected.
He even asked for your number and wanted to meet you at the festival on the next day.
Lying on your bed you were smiling until someone knocked on your door. Nina.
"Hi y/n, I'm sorry for today. We didn't think about it and how you feel."
"Yeah Nina. I understand but thats the reason because I always say that I don't fit in anymore. You don't even care if I'm all alone on such a big festival."
"No.. it was just. We're really sorry. But tomorrow is a new day. So tell me about that fuckboy." Nina grinned.
"Oh see, He is not a fuckboy we really had a nice conversation and it just clicked. I really like him and I will meet him again tomorrow."
"Okay we will see. He definitely looks like one. But I'm happy for you. Maybe it's something serious" Nina smiled shyly.
Tomorrow has come. You're really excited to see Ivar. But he isn't a fuckboy you thought.
Please don't be a fuckboy. He was so nice.
"Hi y/n, nice to see you. I already bought you a drink. Mojito. I hope you like it."
"Hi Ivar. Yeah thank you. Its actually my favorite cocktail." You smiled.
The day went on. You had a nice time. You were chatting with some of ivars friends, dancing and drinking. It was just the perfect festival day.
Until you heard some of ivars friends whisper: "do you think he really likes her? The last one was way more attractive. I mean she's from Germany how would that even work? She's just another one from his list i think. Just watch - he will take her home and after that directly to the airport to fly home..."
He had told you that he never really was the guy for a real relationship but seeing is friends with girlfriends he wanted one too, like you. But somehow you thought that he said these things because you wanted to hear them. Tell you the same story.
You don't even know this guy. Could you trust him? Was Nina right and he just wanted another fast fuck?
"Is everything ok, y/n?" Ivar asked worried.
"Oh yeah sure. I was just thinking. Maybe I should leave and go back to the hotel. I'm a little tired." You stuttered.
"No don't go just yet. The night is young. Stay by my side. We've got so much to do tonight." He said, raising an eyebrow.
Okay. That was enough. You just walked away. How could you think that this guy would really come up to you because he was thinking "this could be her, I want to get to know her". Nina was definitely right. He was a fuckboy. Or were you back with your old habit: overthinking.
You just walked in your room. And did something you never did. CRY your fucking eyes out. You cried about everything.
You are a person that is falling for someone really fast, not in love, but with the persons acting, voice, eyes and body. You just felt like a little teenage girl who needs to listen to Jojo's song "get out". You felt so stupid.
Why can't you just find a guy who really likes you. For your friends it always looked so easy.
You couldn't understand yourself anymore. You just wanted to pack your things and start a new life somewhere else. These words of his friends just brought up everything from the last years. Why did you even let yourself use from these fuckboys, why did you do it..over and over again?
No. Your phone rang. Ivar. Ivarrrrr. Should you pick up? Yeah sure..You totally picked up.
"Hi. I'm sorry y/n. I just found out what my friends were talking about. It's just i told you that I've never been the guy for a real relationship. But I really felt that I like you. Even after these two days. And I didn't talked to you just because I thought you were a good fuck. That's not right. Don't listen to them.
Are you still there y/n ?"
"Yeah I was just listening. I don't know, Ivar. I don't know you. I don't know if you are telling the truth." You said with a sad smile.
"No stop. I want to make it up to you. I really like you. I never said that after just two days, but you know what - sometimes time doesn't matter. So as I said before. The night is still young. Would you message me the adress of your hotel and we can have a great evening together in Copenhagen?!" Ivar asked shyly.
And after that he hung up. And let you all alone with the decision.
Maybe you just give it a go. You haven't seen much of copenhagen so far and it seems to be a wonderful city. And most of the cities are even more wonderful by night. you thought and texted Ivar the adress of your hotel.
Okay. Get ready. I'm already there. Give me 20 minutes.
Ok.ok wow. What should you wear. A dress. Hotpants ? No no. You decided to were a crop top and a long skirt.
You heard a knock on your door. It was Ivar.
Suddenly the vibes between you to got very shy and awkward. Nobody really knew what to say.
Ivar walked with you to Tovoli. A park in the middle of the city, even with rollercoasters.
It was beautiful. Everywhere you looked were candles and lights. That's something the Danes like, you thought. Ivar told you it's kind of hygge. To make everything cozy and learn to appreciate the little things in life.
That was what you felt. You two talked about these misunderstandings and wanted to start from the beginning with the time that was left until you would fly back to Germany.
Ivar got you a tea and you were sitting on bench under a big tree with lots of colourful lights in it. You again started to feel like a teenage girl in some sort of a high-school movie. But this was your life right now.
"I really like it here, Ivar. It's just wonderful and so calming. I also want to say sorry. I overact so fast because I think I don't really know how the react in such situations. It's because of my whole experiences woth boys and relationships in my past."
"Yeah. Don't apologise. It was their fault. I don't know why the always have to tease. And I was just so dump for letting you go. Alone in the evening. I really like you and want to get to know you for real, y/n."
With these words he looked closely into your eyes. You were melting from these beautiful blue skies you were looking at. He came closer and so did you. He caressed your cheek with his thumb and pressed his lips on yours.
From your feels, fireworks were starting everywhere. It just felt so magical and for the first time it felt real..even after just two days and a lot of trouble. But you knew.. Time doesn't matter..
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s-fellows-art · 4 years
Simplified tips on how to improve your art.
.putting under cut because its long but thats cause i explain these and not just list stuff. 
1)  Flip/mirror  your canvas when working. - it allows you see anatomy and other errors you may overlook. 
2) before uploading look at the image on a different screen or the next day. - this give you time away from it, and as tempting as it is to upload as soon as your done, if you wait  you will see stuff you can improve on and be able to look at it with “ fresh” eyes. 
3) Stop shading with black or grey scale colors- shading with inly these colors make the imAge look muddy, if you shade with a color that is a darker hue of the same color your adding shading to it one in the same tempters ( warm= R Y O cool = B G I V  on the Rainbow ) you get more vibrant art and you don’t muddy what your working on. 
4) Learn to grey scale BEFORE coloring as a draft p2- learning how to shade in black and white can help you identify lighting points and details. When digital painting simplifying something out to a grey scale can help you keep track of what your doing. 
5) Use the tools you have access too- References to learn anatomy , taking time to learn amniotomy will help you a lot in the long term, but doing everything off the top of your head your bond to get something wrong early on, or even later on in art.  Use the sharpen tool around highlights if your program offers it. It saves time. Also play with your filters and line art colors. These will ad detail to your work and takes less time. If you mess around with the brushes in your program and stuff before starting it will help you later on. Its not cheating professionals use it all the time. 
6) practice drawing random stuff- it teaches you the shapes and trains your hand ti make the strokes/motions needed for basically everything. Art studies can be very helpful. Even if it feels stupid drawing 500 eyes on a note pad, it helps. 
7) Simple is good, complex is chaos- over complex art is hard to look at because your not sure what to focus on so the areas you want the eye to go to is where you should focus your details rather then make every single little thing detailed. Another way to do this is to brighten the colors where you want the eye to go at first glance in an image, but make the other areas muted in color, or blurred slightly.  
8) Don’t be afraid to look up tutorials and take breaks if you get stuck - I personally only learned how to shade faces from watching makeup tutorials. And there is nothing shameful in not knowing how to do something and needing to look it up or ask, its how you learn you can just power you way through it all the time, and somethings your wasting your time if you do for something not worth it in the end run. Also the act if stepping back and away to go do something else is sometimes all you need, sometimes looking at the same file over and over again can be mentally exhausting. Take a break. Drink some water. Stretch your wrists. Look away from it for a while then come back. 
9) Stretch your wrists before working- save your self years if pain trust me. I regret not doing this. Also draw from your shoulder not your wrist unless detailing, less stress on your arm and more precision. 
10) Use different line thicknesses - i find using thicker lines for areas that touch the outer parts of your drawing or more important areas, and using thinner for detailing adds a bit of detail and quality to your work even if the line art isn’t clean. Inner face  parts (other then the top bracket of the eyes), lines between fingers, lines marking clothing folds, and things like that should be done in thinner lines then eyebrows and what not. 
Next two some will role your eyes at but honestly makes a huge difference, even if you got to force it at first. Its hard to break a bad habit.
11) don’t look for flaws in your work, look for what you like about it,- if your constantly pointing out what is wring with what you are doing your not gonna go any where, bare minimum go “ okay im not too happy about this, lets see how we can improve it” instead if “ this looks like garbage I hate it”. If you stay in the mentality of I don’t like this , your never gonna be happy with what your making or improve because subconsciously your telling you self you can’t. This slight change in mind set of trying to find at least one thing you like will make a big difference in the long run because slowly you will be moving towards finding a style your comfortable with and going from there, you will be finding things you
12) don’t compare you self to other artist- its one thing to want to take influence in your fave artist, its another to constantly out yourself down because your not like them. Everyone art started as shit. Everyone. We all were that crappy 1 year old can barely hold a pen person at one point. like learning how to read and write or ride a bike....  No one starts as a perfect artists, its something you learn, so comparing your self to people around you is not gonna help you improve and putting yourself down just because your not perfect yet. Even if its something as little as “im happy I finally finished this” is better then “I wish i was like _”. You are slowly moving towards a goal, some people just move quicker then others because they learn different techniques, instead if putting energy into hating everything you do why not try to learn how the people you like the art of got there by learning some techniques your self? 
13) Ignore the notes enjoy the journey-  Regardless , you making art is amazing in itself . Its something only you have made. There may be other things like it but its not like how you did. Your unique and honestly ignore the notes, if your constantly pushing yourself based off of numbers, your gonna burn your self out and give your self impossible expectations to try to complete. Everyone has different tasted and are not always gonna like what you do the same way, if at all, there is nothing wrong with what you made you simply just can’ please everyone and its not your job to. The notes are a bonus, not a goal, you don’t have to try to compete for them the only person you have to create for for is you. Do what ever the hell you want and if people like it, great, if they don’, then they like a different cup of tea then yours, don’s make it bad tea.  Edit 1 as i thought of more : also the reason your sketch looks better then your line art is because your line art is too neet. If you use difrent thicknesses in lines (thicker for outter areas and important areas) and thinner for areas with more movment (bottom crese of eyes or outline of area around puple inner part of mouth clothing inner parts or what ever u feelis needed) it will look better because it will show your brush strokes which is what makes your sketch look good. -You can also add a 3d effect woth the red and blue outlines on areas that are not the central focus of the peice. Blurring has the same sort of effect to where it forces the eye onto the clearer area if the photo and makes it more visually intresting. Having this effect everywhere however can make stuff hard to focus on and diffcult to look at so only keep it on non focus points (most common focus point is the face so wouldnt put it there) .
Idk how helpful these will be but they made a big diff in my progress over the past year. The last bunch made a significant difference for me, though it was really hard to force myself into that mentality. And i still skip doing some of these in occasion ill admit but i hope this helps none the less. 
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Demon/Yandere Ateez reaction to to their s/o is dating someone else
Warning: strong language, abusive behavior, blood, death, Torturing, stalking and rape. Don't like it? Don't read it
A/N: I choose another member for you to date and placed in right under the members reaction to it.
Requested: Yes.
You are dating Seonghwa
He was not very happy when seonghwa told him that he is dating his crush
Of course Seonghwa didn't know that he has a crush on you. Because he is quiet about it, just stalking you without letting anyone know this
Hongjoong would take his time with your relationship
Super super nice to you everytime he sees you and Seonghwa. Flirts with you and uses his charm to get you.
As soon as Seonghwa realizes how he is flirting with you, he tries to confront his best friend with this. But the other demon is not listening.
,,See seonghwa. You should have thought about this, before you started dating the love of my life!"
He explains to seonghwa that you are his and just his. That he will get you, and that he will take you as soon as you fall in love with him.
Tells you lies and comforts you.
Manipulates you into leaving Seonghwa
,,Hey little one why are you crying? " Carefully and protectively Hongjoong wraps his arms around your crying and trembling body, listening to your sobbing and explaining about the thing Seonghwa did. Or at least what you thought he did.,,A.. And then.. Then he kissed.. Her.. I-" your sobs went louder again and you couldn't do something else than hiding your face deeper in Hongjoongs chest, not seeing the victorious smirk on his face.
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You are dating Jongho
He doesn't understand why you choose the younger over him. It doesn't make sense.
But since he is the oldest in the group, he has the most experience.
And he knows exactly how he gets what he wants.
All demons have a terrifying and cold, almost cruel side. You can hide this side, but it will always be a part of you. So he will make Jongho that angry to show you this side.
And once you saw this side you will be terrified and scared of the youngest.
To his disappointment you reaction wasn't like he planned it. No you told Jongho that you love him even with this side, because it's a part of him.
Seonghwa tried to be nice, but once this doesnt helped, he will use some more cruel methods.
He kidnaps you, breaks you, makes you his mindless little doll. Tells you that this is just because of you little boyfriend and that he is the reason you suffer. In the end you are not only terrified by Seonghwa but also by Jongho
,,Aww don't cry doll. Everything is good as long as your master is by your side. Don't forget that this just happens because of you little, sick boyfriend and not because I want it."
And when he tries to save you, you will not go woth him. But stay with your master.
Yes, seonghwa gets everything he wants.
Jonghos bright red hair is swaety and messy, just like his cloths and whole appearance. He came to save you, to get you out of the claws of the monster, he once called his brother. Just in the moment he wants to tell you that everything is fine now, that he came to save you, your loud screams filled the room. Trembling and loudly crying for Seonghwa. It breaks his heard into a thousand pieces, and he can't understand how you could not feel save around him anymore. Tears threatened to leave his eyes and just in time Seonghwa entered the room. An arrogant and cruel smirk laying on his face. ,,Oh Jongho. I never thought you would make it. But you see. It's already to late for you. "
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You are dating Mingi
Yunho meets you through Mingi. He gets introduced to you as Mingis significant other. But this isn't a reason to not fall in love with you.
You are an angel in his eyes. So small and fragile. But he knows that Mingi can't protect an angel like you.
No Mingi will just stain your innocent, pure soul and ruin you. He can't let that happen.
He tried to tell you this, explain why mingi is bad. But you didn't listen to him. No you run to mingi and from this day on, Mingi hates him and doesn't let him talk to you anymore.
,,What do you mean you don't believe me that Mingi is bad for you?"
But his love and sickness soon is enough to get you through violence actions. He even has a plan to kill Mingi if it's necessary.
He doesn't care that they are friends. You are more important than any friendship.
Once he eliminated Mingi you are his. And he will take you, train you into loving him and he will protect you. He will do everything Mingi couldn't do in his eyes.
And you will love him. If you want it or not.
,,N.. No Yunho please." your pleading met deaf ears and Yunho just smiled down at the now lifeless body of your boyfriend. His blood is flowing on the ground and everything is drawn in a bright red color. Your face showed pure horror and cries mixed with screams echoed through the room. Once he finished everything Yunho slowly approaches your crying form and squatted down next to you, offering you his best smile. ,,Don't cry angel. Don't cry. Everything is good now."
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You are dating Wooyoung
They are best friends, they know eachother for such a long time and still San catched feelings for the s/o of his best friend.
He doesn't know why or when, but it happened and he doesn't even feel guilty.
You are just soo gorgeous, so innocent and also so shy. He can do literally everything with you, tease you in any possible way and you will show him the sweetest giggle with your red cheeks.
You are pure, way too pure. And he wants to corrupt you. He wants to be the first one to make you sin.
Just like Seonghwa, San gets everything he wants. Doesn't matter how hard it is.
Wooyoung trusts San, and leaves you two alone. But this is a huge mistake.
It started with a innocent pillow fight and ended with you pinned under San with a red face. He didn't stop when you told him too. And to be honest soon you felt very good under Sans touches.
Little do you know that the succubus used his powers to manipulate you.
Wooyoung caught you in the act, saw your crying and pleading to stop, but also your moaning and begging for more.
,,Aww Wooyoung don't be sad. Don't worry once I trained my kitten right, I will think about sharing with you."
He felt betrayed, his heart ached and he cried. But San just laughed at him, cums into you and soon you felt nothing for Wooyoung anymore. Your whole thoughts just spinning around the hot demon hovering over your petite body.
,,N.. No San stop! Stop.. Wooyoung is my boyfriend and not youahhhh"another moan interrupts your pleading and with watery eyes, you looked into the red ones of the demon. His smile sick and arrogant. ,,You really don't want that kitten? Then tell me why are you so wet/hard. Just from this little kiss hm? You can scream all the way you want. I won't stop."
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You are dating Yunho
Hates it. Everytime he sees you two, he gets angry.
Mingi can't control his anger very well and it shows. He didn't mean to hurt you, but he did.
And Yunho never let you go near mingi again after that. This annoys him even more.
He would forcefully take you, but because Yunho took you away from him, he needs a lesson too.
So he will torture him infront of you. He takes his nager out on him and threats you to kill him if you don't submit.
In the end there is no other option but submit to Mingi. You don't want him to kill Yunho so you have to do it.
,,So you choose to love me? Good decision baby."
What you didn't know is that he will kill him anyway. Doesn't matter if it's his friend or not.
,,See baby. We have two options. One you submit to me and we can finally live together in peace or two I will torture your little boyfriend more till he is dead. You want that?"agerly you shake your head, your mouth still filled with a gag so you couldn't do more than that. ,,What was that? I couldn't hear you." your eyes widden in fear and not understandable words came out of your mouth, trying to tell Mingi to stop. But the demon just smirked at you sadistically, his eyes glowing in red and filled with pure anger. ,,No verbal answer. No decision baby it's easy. So I will just continue with torturing him."
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You are dating Hongjoong
He saw you at first, you should be his. That's what he is thinking. But he can't have you.
Hongjoong is way more powerful than him and fighting against him means death. But he wants you. He wants you so bad.
He acts very cold around you, barely showing emotions, but in his inside he is noticing any small behavior of you. He also has a room full of pictures from you.
Stalks you and imagine things with you. In his head your are his little pet, doing anything he wants without thinking twice.
He is the master in manipulation and once he gets a chance he takes you.
Hypnotized you into being brainless. Just a brainless pet for him and just him.
He once liked Hongjoong, but at the moment he approached you the friendship was over. He just feels pure hate against Hongjoong. Nothing more.
If the other demon tries to get you back, he can't do anything against your hypnotized state. Because he may be stronger than him, but no one beats Yeosangs hypnotic.
,,What are you?" His dark, deep voice whispers in your ear. Letting your shiver and falling deeper in his manipulation. ,,your pet sir. Your pet created for your pleasure and love." the word left your mouth like a mantra and with a satisfied smile Yeosang looked down at you, taking another photo of you sitting on the ground like a good trained pet.,,That's right pet. That's right."
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You are dating San
He loves his best friend, but he loves you more.
And he wants you, more than anything else.
His demonic side is very teasing and more on the side to make you crazy than actually breaking you.
Nightmare over nightmare of San cheating on you, every night for you. Not even San can do something against it.
He makes you believe that San actually does something. Letting him stay out late and secretly placing clothes and other suspicious objects everywhere in his bedroom and house.
You and San argue, break up with eachother and Wooyoung takes advantage of this situation.
,,No San. I wasn't out with you yesterday and this lipstick is very suspicious. I believe that Y/N is right. I'm disappointed in you.. I never thought you would do that."
Not standing on Sans side but on yours, betraying him and luring you into his trap.
He will make you fall in love in with him.
And forgetting over San.
,,Pssht Y/N. Don't cry don't cry." he wrapped his arms tightly around you and kissed your forehead. ,,I know that you are sad.. Im sad too. I never thought that he would do soemthing like that. I-I wish I could have protect you. I wish I could have seen that he does something like that."
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You are dating Yeosang
You are dating one of the cruelest demon in the world. While Jongho exist.
Jongho is always nice around you and sweet. He tries to make your life sweet.
While yeosang is not that nice to you. He is cruel and your relationship is toxic and Jongho will save you.
And he will take revenge on yeosang for you. He will kill him.
,,Don't worry y/N. I will save you. I will take revenge for the way he treats you. "
Doesn't hesitate to torture his friend and kill him, just to save you.
No one will ever touch you again
,,You.. You really hurt my little baby. My love. " jongho looked down at his tied up friend. ,,You will regret it yeosang. You will regret it." in the palm of his hand a flame formed and he smirked sadistically down at him.,,I want to hear your screams. Just like you made my baby scream."
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ss-wingman · 4 years
Hi there ^u^ if I could I’d like to ask for hcs with a cop!abba who finds a young girl during an investigation who ends up becoming really attached to him and even following him into passione👉👈 im a sucker for this man being a protective softie hehe have a nice day my friend wherever you may be☺️💕
Leone Abbacchio
- Younger Abbacchio is always happy to help. He wants to make the world a better place, no matter how small or large the difference is. It's all a part of his job.
- He doesn't mind the girl being grateful fot him saving her; it's a natural reaction, after all. It's an entirely new reaction to how he's used to being treated and hes not fully sure how to process it.
- He does get a bit wary if she tries to follow him around or gets very close.
- After his fall and joining Passione, he doesn't really think much of his little fan. Hes sure she, like everyone else, is disappointed and abandoned him. Hearing she joined the gang like he did is absolutely not OK with. He tells himself all the time that it was her choice, not his and that he shouldn't be to blame for whatever other dark turns this dumb kid's life is going to take but dammit if he doesn't feel at least a smidge bit responsible.
- He yells at her straight away that it was a mistake in following a screw up like him and joining a gang like it's a good thing and that she should try to get out while she can. It crushes her, not only hearing the harsh truth of what she's just done but someone she considers her self close to act as cruelly and dismissively as he was. Could he have put it in a nicer way? Yes, but it was necessary.
- He can't do anything to help her being just a grunt under another grunt. Bruno figures put waht happened pretty quickly. Seeing the heartbreak on that kid's face really took a number on abbacchio. Bruno agrees that she shouldn't have joined but there's nothing to do, now.
- Abbaachio isn't good about facing his mistake but Bruno convinces him to at least apologize. He does and offers to put in a good word woth Bruno if she promises to focus on going back to regular life. Bruno would definitely be willing to help keep her out of trouble and danger because Passione isn't a place you want to be. It's the least he could do.
- Whether she chooses to take the offer and leave or if she decides to stay is her choice. Abbacchio acts very cold and dismissive so he doesn't get attached but he does secretly support and help her out where he can. Just in little ways. He doesn't care for being the center of attention. Can't have anyone thinking he's nice.
- The girl just becomes a part of the family after a while. Fugo helps with schooling if she still goes and Narancia and Mista become good friends, too, when they join.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
Oh yeah, titles are totes valid. I like yiling patriarch cos when you think about it it doesn't make sense. He didn't create the town of yiling, and he technically doesn't even live there. He sould be called burial mounds patriarch or smth.
Anyway, enough about titles (also if I have made a mistake due to translation error or misunderstanding, whoops). Which OG sect leader do you think was the worst, and which one was the best? And which next gen sect leader is best and worst?
I dislike jgs most, cos yikes. Wrh might have been a tirant and war criminal, but at least he wasn't as big of a dick as jgs. Can't really decide who the best is, cos they all had issues, you know?
Worst next gen would have to be jgy, not cos I dislike him as a person but because he definitely commited war crime and genocide. Idk best here either cos once again, *slaps top of cgl* these cultivators can fit so much trauma and issues. I do like imagining how the now sect is run. One twink mastermind and his hunk retinue? Love that for them
-the axe cultivator
Argh, 🪓-cultivator (there's an emoji! :D). I'm so sorry! I'm terribly behind again in answering you. I promise, I like your asks but I want to give them proper attention and the holidays were surprisingly busy this year.
That question is very creative! And hard ^^ I had to think about all my answers, even the seemingly easy "worst sect leader of the OG". Because while jin Guangshan is definitely a pompous ass and overall shitty person who is more concerned with sleeping with every woman in Lanling than his duties and who didn't step up during the sunshot campaign and then decided to use the power vacuum afterwards to his advantage, he at least, you know, did some sect leading. Which is not something that can be said about one Qingheng-Jun. That guy just left his brother and eventually and increasingly his teenage son in charge. Now what is worse? Bad sect leading or no sect leading at all? I don't know if I can decide ^^
Ah yeah and Wen Ruohan ... 🤷‍♀️ obviously he wasn't great, but he's also the least three-dimensional "villain" so I never really bother with him ^^
The best og sect leader? Does lan qiren as an acting sect leader count? ^^ obviously he too has issues, as you said. I believe lan qiren, as a leader, as an uncle and as an educator was deeply influenced by the things that happened with his brother. I can only imagine how deeply it must have hurt him to see his brother abandon both his people, him, his brother and his own children for the sake of one woman. Whatever your opinion on qingheng-jun, I believe we can all agree that his actions must have deeply hurt and disappointed lan qiren. We don't know what he was like before those events, so we don't know just how mich of his extreme rigidity is due to those events, but I do believe that they hardened him and made him more inflexible. Maybe he was much more of a free spirit before. Maybe he was a lot like Lan Wangji, but instead of loosening and expanding his understanding of the relationship between morality and rules, the events that shaped him let him to harden them. We don't know. But we do know that he picked up the pieces his brother left him. My point is, you can think about his style of leadership and teaching what you want but you cannot deny that he is devoted to the people in his care and that's not something you can say about a lot of the leaders of his generation.
Now, to the next gen leaders:
This is, in a way, even harder to decide ...
I wouldn't call jiggy the worst sect leader so easily. His record, imo, is very much mixed. The watchtowers, if I recall the novel correctly (it's been 6 months since I last read it ^^), were a pretty good way to get help to people who usually fall under the radar of the cultivation sects. So while he definitely sacrificed a lot in his rise to the top, he seems to have tried to help the common people (something that cannot be said about his two predecessors).
But ... who then? I thought a lot about it and I think I'm inclined to say Nie Huaisang. Don't get me wrong, I love him as much as anyone, but I also remember the part in the novel where, when wangxian investigate the "man eating bunker" (i wonder how accurate that translation is) a town's person sais that they don't expect help from the nie sect because ever since Nie Huaisang took over nothing gets done and they neglect to help the people within their territory. Now, we know that Nie huaisang cultivated a reputation of general incompetence so people wouldn't suspect him to scheme against jin guangyao, but in doing so, he obviously neglected his duty to the people under his care. Which is, imo, pretty consistent with his character. Nie Huaisang us ruthless when sufficiently angered and has no qualms to cause casual damage to achieve his goal (see Mo Xuanyu's suicide to bring wei wuxian back). His revenge was his first priority and so he placed being a good brother over being a good sect leader.
Best? Is also dificult. I honestly can't decide between Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng? There are so many factors to consider here! (There were already woth the ones above, really): what actions count towards the assessment of their leadership? What makes good leadership at all? (Which is funny because I'm doing my masters in political science rn and that's one of the biggest questions in political theory. But I only really know "Western" political theory. Chinese philosophy i have only ever graced the surface of) which is to say ... I can't really decide.
Jiang cheng put his sect above all else. While there's a lot of debate about whether that was morally right, it's certainly what helped him rebuild his sect as quickly as he did. He is brash and sometimes cruel, but his deciples clearly trust him and admire him.
Lan Xichen is an incredible diplomat. He is calm, fair (i.e. when he decides to listen to wangxians accusations against the sworn brother he loved and investigated them himself) and proactive when he needs to be. (I know, he is often accused of being too passive within the fandom, but I don't think that is necessarily the case. In a world where most leaders seem to base their judgement on rumor and hearsay more often than not, he withholds judgement until he listened to all sides. That is not a flaw in leadership) Now, in the end, he seemingly follows his father's footsteps by going into seclusion. I would argue, that still doesn't place them on the same step leadership wise. A. The situation with Jin Guangyao and madam lan, imo, aren't equivalent. It's hard to judge madam lan because we don't know what let her to kill the lan teacher, but I think it's unlikely she deceived qingheng-jun in the process. Jin Guangyao actively deceived kan xichen for years. When lan xichen learned this, he decided to investigate and was badly hurt in the process. The outcome, seclusion, may be the same, but the reasons are different. Also, the novel heavily implies that lan xichen will eventually emerge and take up his duties again.
All of this is to say... I can't decide ^^
I'll answer the other putstabding ask tomorrow. It's past midnight now and I should really sleep. Thank you for being so patient 💙
Btw, happy holidays, if you celebrate 🥰
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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Something about that man didn't sounded right.
He didn't flinched when he sended a hot glare, but still nodded as a greeting when you had introduced him as your boyfriend.
He didn't know who he was, he didn't knew what he did for living, he didn't know anything about him; but still was treating him... like that?
What type of father was he?
As much as he hated to admit... his kindness remind him of not only his angel but Pops as well...
Maybe that's where you get such a kind heart, but no, this man was sick. He, different from you, had a illness, a quirk, not a surpring neither intriguing one but instead a very... boring and unseful if he would say.
But you had a close relationship with him, so he at least had to have the decency of meeting one of the responsible for bringing his angel to this sick and despicable world.
Although his suspicions had not faded, only increased even more as the time passed by.
Not even mentioning that the way you talked with your father was so cheerful and... content, happy. He felt a bitter feeling growing on his chest only at the thought that he wouldn't be able to make you just as cheerful as that old man made you with even a boring talk about the weather.
The freaking weather.
"I am glad that things are going well on your new home my dear, but I have to say that I kinda miss your company on this house." He looked at Chisaki with a honest smile that made him cringe "You really did stole my child huh young man?"
You giggled while Chisaki scoffed, alrhough the man still maintaned his smile at him before returning to tall woth you.
Miss your conpany on this house? Keep missing them because it took AGES to him to get you to move in with him.
Not ages he is being overdramatic.
"Sorry, I will have to leave you two for a second." You said while getting up and carreseing your father's shoulder while he carresed your hand on response "Be right back!"
....okay, he knew how he acted towards touch, he knew about his mysophobia/germophobia but... your touch is different dammit!
Why didn't he got any? Bastard.
The moment you left the room Chisaki left out a sigh before straightening up his back, getting disgusted at the look of adoration on your father's face.
"What's your deal sir?" The man turned his head with a confused but also serene voice "Don't play dumb. Is almost impossible of not already knowing that I am part of the Shie Hassaikai, and you didn't even opened your mouth about the issue neither of making a comment about me dating them."
The man stared at him before chuckling, subsconciously making Chisaki's blood boil.
Was he mocking him? How dare-
"Yes I do actually have this knowledge... Overhaul. But you still has a heart and the same organs that I do. Resume, a human still." He averted his eyes from him to look at the door you got out a few minutes ago.
"You still didn't answered my question old man." He growled while.the man dreamily sighed.
"Despite not having much contact as I was used to my child, (Y/n) say always wonderful things about you, how you protect them, cherish... give them joy." His eyes meet Chisaki's cold ones but still didn't faltered his smile.
"Even if I don't have my kid with me anymore, knowing that they are dating a monsters; a man from the one of the most dangerous yakusa from Japan; make me rest at ease because the man in front of me genuinely loves and wants to protect them."
Chisaki blinked at that, still very uncertain about the man but somehow feeling more at ease at his words.
"I honestly don't care of what you do or what the rumors tell about you or the yakusa... as long as mine (Y/n) is treated like the rare jew that they are, I'm happy. Their happiness is enough to leave this old man here at peace."
"... So you have good morals in the end despite being ill huh." Chisaki pointed out loud as the man chuckled.
You came back shortly after and instead of sitting besides your fatger you took a seat besides Chisaki and looked up at him with the most shinning eyes that he ever saw.
He glanced from the coner of his eye at your father, whose even with the hint of dissapointment that you haven't returned to his side, showed his purest joy at seing the scene in front of him.
He couldn't help but nod in his direction before you comented that both of you should go after noticing it was night time.
The way you hugged your father and him in return was... actually a different sign than he expected.
After this little conversation, it was now his job to be the only men in your life that will make you just as happiest and safe.
You were his angel, so it was the least he could do after all.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #32: Nice Dinner at a Nearby Barn (RWBY AU)
Oscar: (Placing Most of his belongings into a box) Thanks again for helping me cleaning out the barn and house, you guys.
Ruby: (Smiles Brightly) No Problem. I'm just glad you're were able to have a place to stay. Speaking of which, how's living with Jaune, Ren, and Nora so far?
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) Amazing. It's already been a week and I feel like I'm part of a pretty cool family.
Nora: (Smiles Brightly as She hugged Oscar) I told you we be one happy family together. Thank you so much for moving in with us, Oscar.
Oscar: (Happily Hugs Nora back) Thank you for doing whatever you can to look out for me. I'm love being with you guys.
Nora: Me too.
Ruby begins to smiles softly at this adorable display when suddenly....
Ren: (From the other Room) Guys....You might want to come in here!
And with that, The trio began rush towards the kitchen where Ren is certainly at.
In the Kitchen
Ren: (Having a look at the inside of Aunt Pine's top fridge) Interesting.....
*Door Opens*
Nora: (Walked I the kitchen along woth Ruby and Oscar) Ren, is everything alright in here?
Ren: Yes, but...well...(Turns to Oscar) Oscar.
Oscar: Hm?
Ren: Have you by any chance looked inside the top of refrigerator before your Aunt's passing?
Oscar: Not really-(Eyes Begin to Widened once Took One Look at all of Frozen, Contained Foods inside the top of the fridge) ......where the heck did all of these meals came from?
Ren: (Took Each of these meals from the fridge one by one) If I had to guess...I'd say she made these quite a while.
Nora: You think we should bring these to our apartment and put 'em in the freezer?
Ruby: I don't think that's a good idea, Nora. Refreezing these would not only removes moisture, but it could also create ice crystals and the fibers of the meat that could easily compromise their taste and texture.
Ren and Nora: (Look at Ruby sideways)........
Ruby: (Blush a little while sighing) My dad's been taking Culinary Science in his freetime lately. I think I might be rubbing off on him...
Nora: Well if we can't put these foods into a freezer, what are we gonna do with them then?
Oscar: (Looking over the last bit of Frozen Foods his Aunt made before her passing) ....................
Ruby: (Looking Over towards Oscar with a Worried Look on her face) Oscar? Sweetie, are you okay?
Oscar: .....This maybe too much to ask for but....(Turns Around and with Small Smile) How about we invite our friends over here for dinner? It'll be like Aunt Elm would be feeding us...one last time, you know?
Nora: (Almost Feels like She's Moving in Tears) Oscar..... That sounds like a wonderful idea!
Ruby: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. We would love that very much.
Ren: I'll help prepare the meal for the evening. I know I'm nowhere near as good as your aunt or anything, but it's still worth a try.
Oscar: (Smile Grew a little more bigger) Thanks, you guys. (Sighed as he took one look at one of his Aunt's Frozen Meal) You know it's funny...My aunt would always try making meals for the both of us whenever each of us gets tired from a long day of Farm work.....(Begins to Frown a little) Can't believe that this is going to be the last time we'll ever get to see her cooking again for a long time....
Ruby, Ren, and Nora immediately gave Oscar a loving group hug.
Oscar: (Taken Aback from a Sudden Group Hug) H-Hey. You guys don't have to worry. I'll be okay.
Ruby: We know you will, Oscar....
Ren: ...And we're going to do whatever we can to be by your side....
Nora: ...Because you mean the world to all us, sweetie pie.
Oscar: (Can Feel a few Tears Falling down his face as he Smiles again) (Where would I be without you guys?...)
Later That Evening.....
Nora: (Enjoying Aunt Elm's Food that Ren Prepared for) Oh my gosh, Renny!~ These taste Amazing!!~
Jaune: (Enjoying the Food as well) Eating Mrs. Pine's cooking mix with Ren's cooking skills....('Sigh Dreamingly') It's like I'm already in heaven.....
Oscar: (Satisfied with the Food Ren prepared for them) All of these came out great, Ren. Thank you.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) It's really no problem at all, Oscar. I'm just glad I was able to prepare something you all would love.
Sun: (Smiles Brightly) You gotta tell your secrets on this, dude! How are you able to cook THIS good?
Neptune: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, bro! Have you been some kind of Grandmaster Chef this entire time?
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, I'm not really much of a bragger or anything, but I will say that I've learned how to cook ever since I was a-
Blake: I still can't believe you would try and take all credit like that!!
Weiss: ('Scoffs') Please. Like you actually came up with the idea to begin with!
Oscar: (Whispers Towards Ruby and Yang) Okay am I missing something here or...
Yang: (Facepalms while Sighing) Weiss and Blake worked on this Science Project a couple of days ago and Weiss got more praise for it than Blake did yesterday. They've been at each other's throats ever since...
Weiss: (Crosses her arms) Don't mind us, everyone. Blake here is just making a huge deal about nothing yet again.
Blake: You always do this to me, Weiss. Whenever we get paired up together to do a project, I would do all the work, while you did little to nothing and try getting credit for it.
Weiss: That is absolutely not true! I'll have you know that I've done a lot of work as well.
Blake: (Crosses her arms in disbelief) Really? In which project?
Weiss: Well there is one project we'd....uh....o-or how about the one where we.....er.....I-I mean....
Blake: See? You're already proving my prove.
Weiss: (Blushes in Embarrassment) Am not!! I...I just... couldn't think of one as of right now....
Blake: (Rolled her Eyes) I swear....You think just because your a daughter of a millionaire family that you could get away from doing actually work by popularity status...
Weiss: I have the grades to back that calm up! And besides, at least I don't cause my parents any stress because of your little rebellious and gothic attitude.
Blake: (Pick up a plate of her food) You wanna go right here, Schnee?
Weiss: (Picks up her plate as well) Bring it, Belladonna!
Ruby: Guys!!
Nora: (Slam Both of her hands on the table) ENOUGH!!
Blake/Weiss: (Immediately Stop what they were about to do and gave Nora their attention)
Nora: (Got up from the table) Weiss. Blake. In the kitchen. NOW! (Walk Towards the kitchen door and open it)
Weiss and Blake Silently got up from the table and walk towards the kitchen where Nora is waiting.
Weiss: (Whisper to Blake) She said your name first. That must rubbed you off the wall, doesn't it?
Blake: (Rolled her eyes as she and Weiss made her way into the kitchen) Oh shut up.
'Door Close'
Nora: (In the Kitchen) I don't know what the hell is into you two toady, but this is a very difficult time for my baby right now!! We're eating the last dinner that his aunt has ever made, and you two were going to throw it at each other like a bunch of children?!!! Whatever it is you're fighting about, put that aside, go back in there and be respectful towards everyone including my son, AND THERE WILL BE NO DESERT FOR EITHER OF YOU FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!!! Hey!! Blake Belladonna, LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!! And don't think just because we're almost the same age that you could.......(Continues Yelling)
Oscar: (Hearing Every Bit of Nora's Yelling from the other side of the room) Hey so.....I never really thought about this until now but....you guys ever think that Nora is starting to become like an actual mom lately?
Ruby: Now you mentioned it....She has been acting a lot motherly as of late...
Jaune: Tell me about it. Ever since Oscar moved in with us, she's been taking that role pretty well....A little too well if you ask me...
Yang: Judging by the way she's yelling at Weiss and Blake's ears off in there, she is doing one hell of a job being one right now.....
Ren: (Shrugged) She's only doing what she can for Oscar.
Oscar: Wait... She's acting this way...for me?
Ren: Exactly. Before we decided to ask you to moved in with us, Nora made a vowed to be a good Role Model and Mother Figure to you to this day forward. (Smiles Softly at Oscar) You mean the world to her, Oscar.
Oscar: (Slowly Begins to Smile Himself after Thinking about the times Nora was always there for him) Yeah....I think I'm starting to believe that too....This has to be weirdest thing I'm gonna say but.....I think Nora's going to be a great mom someday.
Everyone that is still present at the Dinning table happily agrees to that statement as they finish their food while Nora continues to yell at Weiss and Blake in the kitchen for almost ruining her baby's dinner.
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dpdoggie · 4 years
(2/2) And apparently a friend of mine has decided that I am her FP because she's borderline and I blew the fuck up on her because I got tired of how she acts and how she will be like hey I'm going to hurt myself if you don't reply to me and shit like that but at the same time internally Im sitting here screaming because my FP cant talk to me RN and hasn't been able to for a while. I don't even know if I have this I had somebody suggest me to look into this. And I can't tell if it's from ADHD :\
So that’s definitely not a part of ADHD, (but im not a professional). And regardless if your friedn has bpd or not she should not be gult tripping you like that to respond to her. Like yes it’s true people woth bpd are highly emotionally dependent on attention from certain people but we have the common sense to know that threatening people with our mental health and saying “i’ll do this if you dont” is toxic as hell and not excused by anything we go through. I have bpd and have been super suicidal, to the point of hospitalization and never once did i think it was okay to threaten someone with the fact that I might self harm cause I wasn’t getting attention. You should cut that “friend” out snd move on.
And as far as dealing with dependent feelings. One thing my therapist told me that blew my mind, but really worked for me, was to remind myself that I was safe. I take a step back, evaluate what I’m feeling, what I’m assuming and compare it to what I know and what’s actually happening currently around me. It’s a good way to ground yourself.
The deep emptiness when you miss someone is really hard to deal with and is actually soul sucking. I suggest distraction by focusing on other things like a youtube video that makes your happy, going out for a short walk or focusing on a not too stressful task you WANT to do. Having some time to just be in the moment instead of looking at your phone and waiting for that text can help a lot.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
After view some behind the scenes/pages stuff from Joel Gennari's Instagram and Facebook, I've decided to dissect what I've found
From what we were given on the character previews, of the SGE cast, aside from Agatha, Sophie, and Tedros because they're a given, we will be seeing Hort, Hester, Anadil, Dot, Dovey, and the School Master (Rafal), and of the Red Queen cast, aside from Cal, Mare, and Maven, we will see Elara, Tibe, and Evangeline. I'm not sure if we'll see any of the other characters from the two series, but given how book 1 is 25 pages long and this is a 2 part story, I don't think we'll be seeing characters like Ravan, Sonya, or anyone in the background.
In the AddLib challenge posted on the SGE website, the preview page shows that Tedros's shoulder is bleeding, that or his wound healed and his shirt is still stained, in the fist panel. Either way, my prediction is that before meeting Cal, perhaps there was a fight of some kind that the Evers and Nevers had that left Tedros with a small reminder. Maybe the two paired up and met up afterwards and are officially meeting face to face.
There is a sketch of Cal woth his head lowered like he's taking a deep breath or is about to cry or say something emotional, which leads me to think he may have a heart to heart with someone.
Maven's sketches, however, have me VERY concerned because of what he did in his respective series.
The only SGE character to get a sketch pgae shown so far has been Tedros, and his hair seems to be shorter than in the preview page.
So far, chronologically, the characters that got sketch pages are Evangeline, Maven, Cal, and Tedros.
After Maven's picture was released, Sophie's was released, followed by Cal and then Tedros today. I predict we might see Mare tomorrow and Agatha the day after that.
Not speculation, but I want to line Cal, Maven, and Hort along a wall to see their height differences, the three look like half brothers to each other 😁😁😁
I predict Cal is going to have a very easy time getting along with Tedros. Whether they're both in line for a throne or have a dead parent (father for Tedros, mother for Cal), I feel like the two will just click together and get along well.
I have a feeling Mare MIGHT get along with Agatha, but only as an "I'm here for a little bit, so I might as well" thing until Agatha tslks about wanting to go home or how Sophie believes they were put in the schools, and Mare softens up and talks about how she also has a home she wants to go back to.
With Evangeline in this, there is going to be tension between Cal and Mare. A lot of "I want to, but I can't because I'm supposed to be with someone else."
I can see their meeting going like this: With Cal and Tedros gone and no other prince who wants to talk to her, Sophie spots Maven as he looks for Mare and thinks, "at least he's still a prince," because Maven isn't the CROWN PRINCE, but still a prince nonetheless, something Sophie wants in Books 1 and 3 of SGE. The two "just so happen to" bump into each other and Sophie does her best princess act until Maven drops the ball that he's betrothed to Mare, which makes Sophie very upset. The two talk- Sophie does most of the talking while Maven listens- and Maven picks up on some very "Evil" traits of hers that seriously contradict why she's in the wrong school and should be in Good. He notices her watching Tedros and asks if he's the REAL reason Sophie wants to change schools, to which she tells him EVERYTHING that the School Master told her and Agatha, how she keeps trying and faili g to show how hood she is, amd even recounts all her good deeds to get into the School for Good, going into detail on being Agatha's friend, and finishing her monologue with a stare at Tedros and something along the lines of, "In Good, I'll be the best princess anyone's ever seen. And I'll be the best queen Camelot's ever had. I have to be in Good. He's my prince."
Yeah, as far as I know, we're in Book 1 of both the SGE and Red Queen series
I predict the School Master will have had something to do with the two worlds crossing paths, the scheming bastard.
I hope we see the other Ever characters like Beatrix, Kiko, Tristan(R.I.P. you beautiful soul😢) and Chaddick, beacuse Agatha and Tedros are kind of outnumbered here by the coven, Hort, and Sophie.
The Silvers are going to lose their marbles when they see the students of Good and Evil using MAGIC
Book 1 will end on a cliffhanger. That's not a rule, it is one of the 10 two-parter commandments that most, if not all, two-partes must follow
That is all I have as far as speculation goes. A week or so left to wait and I am SO excited for it! I love SHE and Red Queen and I cannot even begin to imagine how these two worlds are going to interact with each other!
Hope you enjoyed and
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aykio411 · 5 years
I just had a nightmare about a stalker
Right so, this is a weird nightmare I had and I’m pretty startled by it;
I was in a grocery store with an old japanese couple, I seemed to be shopping with them and helping them around, the old man (om) was decent in structure. He could walk and talk without assistance. The old woman (ow) was also like this for now. I walked around the store with them sweating bullets because I’m taking Japanese as a class but I really don’t know much at all so if they ask me a question I’m gonna look dumb and stupid.
Of course on command om begins to speak Japanese but I just give him a I’m sorry I don’t understand look, he then handed me a candy and I said thank you, thinking that’s what he told me and ate it. They continue shopping while I feel bad about not helping more. I decide to chew some gum as they begin to pay, remembering how you have to offer some to your elders as respect I offer some to ow and she takes it, I try to give some to om and he is more hesitant. Then I remember you have to reject something three times before you accept it in Japan culture so I proceed with that, not getting the hint he doesn’t want to. OW comes in and in Japanese (I can’t understand) says something along the lines of its good, take it. He takes the gum and we walk outside and down the block to a house.
The old man as we walked into the house told me he also spoke Spanish (which I know) so I began to joke around and get to know them from there. He tells ss something like my wife is so old I’m glad for your help. I look at the old woman and she seems way older and way more fragile than she was. She was oddly holding on to me for support and seemed like she was on her last week of a long life. I freaked out and helped her inside.
The house was their house, is had large stairs going up about two floors; the stairs lead to a living room and from there the house. The room was light up by sunlight from the windows. The house had an old feel to it, the couches were covered in clear plastic, you could see dust in the sun rays. It looked old, but the old when embroidery was everywhere, the laps were in tables and small, the had glass with another lightbulb as the stand for the actual light source that’s covered with the hat thing. The carpet was a weird shade of brown, the paintings of the sea covered with dust. The cabinet filled with fancy plates and cups sat in the corner. It was a comforting yet stuffy feeling like something wasn’t right.
The old man looking younger than he was a few seconds ago, takes the weak old woman to her room. I put down my backpack as sit on the couch waiting for the man to come back. When he came back we had a conversation about something but I can’t remember what it. He suddenly got up and started to yell at me in perfect english. I was scared but I don’t remember why he started yelling, but at the end, I remember he said, “I TRIED TO WARN YIU BUT YOU DIDNT LISTEN. NOW YOU PAY THE PRICE WOTH THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS.” And
Everything went dark
I’m not sure what happened, I think I fainted? But I woke up still on the couch with the man no where to be seen, I remembered the old lady and felt like I should get her out of there too. I went into her room and took her outside, telling her to stay put and I’ll be back. I went back to get my backpack but I felt someone starring at me. I got my backpack, put it on and sprinted out once I knew someone was in fact creeping.
I helped the old woman up and we began to walk away from the house twords a bus stop. I looked around and realized it was the path I take from the school to the bus and that I have passed that house almost every day for three years now. I freaked out and picked up the old woman and ran to the Main Street only to find two things had happened; the old woman I was carrying turned into a baby, and the bus stop and street had turned into a market place much like a flea market. I weaved pass the crowd as I still felt in danger. I looked behind me and there he was. It was a teen, around my age, he looked insane, his pupils small, his face smiling, his movement mimicking mine. I freak out more and being to just push people out of the way trying to get away from him. I eventually bump into a woman who just knows something is wrong. She gets into a car with another woman and tells me again if something is wrong. I look back to see the guy still following me so I hand them the baby, they act happy and comment on what a beautiful baby she is and with that I start running again.
I run against the crown for a while and the market turns into a bee and hornet market. I’m stepping in peoples honey and wax combs. I run into swarms of hornets, into more people. I wanted to stop but I was too scared to stop, I know someone is behind me, he’s gonna do terrible things to me out of “love”. I end up running into my aunt and my old elementary/middle school crush. My aunt gives me attitude for bumping into her as she does and I just start crying, I ask her to help me because I’m being chased. She gives me a pitiful look and gets on the phone. My old crush (crush) comforts me and looks around to protect me in case he shows up again. My aunt gets off the phone and tells me to get into this big black SUV.
My uncle is in the driver seat and is concerned out of his mind, my aunt takes shotgun while me and crush take the backseat where he continues to attempt to protect me. We drive off into a high way, I get a glimpse of the stalker. He looks devistated and angry. Our eyes making contact, his almost said betrayal. We continue down the highway and it’s turning into night.
We were cursing for a few minutes when the car gets hit from behind. My uncle is trying to get control of the car and I look back to see a couple in another SUV with the stalker in the back. He looks enraged and psychotic. He said something and I only saw his mouth move but I felt as if he said he was going to have me, on way or another. I start to cry again with crush hugging me to comfort and protect me. My uncle gains control of the car and somehow we lose the couple.
We are now driving down some streets instead of the highway and I determine we are driving to my school. My aunt looks back and says we are here but when we get out, it’s just a random building. It looked like the back of my school but it just wasn’t it. We walk to the building hoping it can help but it didn’t. Then the back door opened, and my stalker came out.
He began to walk twords me, eager to take me away. He moved too smoothly for the look in his face. It was the same as the first time I saw him. His eyes intense with his smile wide and cheerful. He was dressed well which made me all the more uncomfortable and afraid. He walked closer but just then, he tripped an alarm for the building and was attacked by the security system. Me and the group ran to the car and sped away, I looked back and there he was in the middle of the road. Sad and alone.
We drived to my school, and actually got there, we were at the back of it and when I got out of the car, I saw my friend group there, they all turned to look at me and they all looked worried. I was relived to see them but I felt it, he was back, crush was behind me but quickly hugged me and shielded me from him. I didn’t see his because I began bawling into crushes shoulder but I knew the stalker was there. I looked at my group of friends and saw my boyfriend get up and walk to me and crush, I immediately went to him and cried on to him instead.
I looked up to see my stalker, and I regret it. His face, was crying too, he was sad and jealous, he had regret and anger in his eyes. He looked almost done, like his world had been shattered. He stood defeated but I knew he wanted me. He wanted to do terrible things. He wanted to keep me forever no matter how I felt. He would stop at nothing to get me. The more I looked at him the more scared I got. The feeling becoming intense, I couldn’t breathe, it felt like I was drowning in the feeling of fear and disbelief. I began to cry and that’s when I woke up, I was sweating and I had tears in my eyes.
And that was my nightmare. I don’t think I’m getting any sleep tonight, I still see his face in my head and I’m really scared. I know it’s just a nightmare but. It seemed to real?
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Adrien Augreste: Fencing
Had to introduce Kagami somewhere and what a better chance than now? But I've used her friwndship woth Mari to let her develop some new traits of personality. This is set after Ikari Gozen (like really past that) and a few days after the reveal, continuing with the Cosplay fic.
There are times when Adrien hates and curses his father for the rather busy schedule. However, on some very special and uncommon ocasions Adrien actually thanks his father for giving him such a schedule and making him go through several activities that envolve excersising his body. Precisely now was one of those rare ocasions, with everything from the reveal on his head, he couldn't focus or concentrate and it was easily noticeable.
Thankfully, today he had fencing and fencing had always helped him to clear his mind. On top of that, he had a really talented oponent to push him out of his limits and out of his comfort zone, Kagami. Sparring with her would pretty much help him to focus and solve all of his problems.
The problem was that Adrien was too unfocused and couldn't even engage a combat stance. On a side note, Kagami still had that cheerful mood of her she had been expressing since that incident where her mother was akumatized. Adrien knew she had been participating on that buddy program he and Adrienne had sponsored andguessed that she was happy to have made a friend, but he wondered who was that friend that cheered the girl so much.
"Come on Adrien, you've been unfocused lately" scolded Kagami with her usual cold tone, but a bit warmer than normally. "Is this a joke to you? You need a better partner perhaps?"
"Of course not Kagami, I'm just distracted by something. I was hoping to focus with some sparring, but it seems rather difficult today" said Adrien standing up once more.
"Oh, those kind of problems I see" said Kagami with a misterious tone, one that Adrien had never heard, as she engaged her dueling stance.
"What do you mean with that?" said Adrien launching a frontal attack.
"Oh you know, those kind of problems" said Kagami with a sly smile as she defended and counter attacked.
"What do you mean? What kind of problems do you think I have?" said Adrien a bit annoyed, blocking the counter attack.
"You should perfectly know of what I mean" said Kagami, pressuring Adrien's defense with some attacks.
"What?" said Adrien blocking. "What do you know?" said more agressively as he fenced of the attacks and attacked Kagami.
"Now this is what I'm talking about. Want to know what I now? You should better focus on winning me first!" said Kagami fully smiling as she defended and countered Adrien's attacks.
"Oh you're on Kagami" said Adrien determined.
The following duel was utterly amazing, with everyattack there was a counter attack that pushed the rivals further with each block, exciting everyone that watched it, evenmore than the duel Adrien and Kagami had when Kagami first arrived. Even Monsieur D'Argencout was astonished by the demostration of the two teenagers who were showing a level of swordsmanship far better than some professionals he knew. Because of that, all the other students stopped their duels just to contemplate the passionate battlethey had in front of them.
Whenever it seemed that one had cornered the rival, the rival did an spectacular maneoubre and freed themselves, balancing again the match. The fighters had both pure and genuine smiles on their faces and a fiery determined look on their eyes, putting emphasis on their wishes to outwit their oponent and win while they fully enjoyed their duel at its fullest.
In the end, Kagami slipped and Adrien, instead of using that chance to win, he went forward and grabbed Kagami's hand before she fell. Kagami, eventhought she was thankful of Adrien, was wise enough and used the chance presented to score a point. I stantly, everybody in the gym roared and heavily cheered the combatants with pure excitement.
"Great fight Kagami" said Adrien while trying to breath.
"Not bad of yourself Agreste" said Kagami with a smile.
"You know, I haven't seen you smile like that before" teased the model and recieved a soft punch on the shoulder.
"Are you better now?" said Kagami.
"Actually I'm Adrien Agreste and I feel exhausted, but yes, I feel better now" said Adrien with a smug smile.
"I didn't know you had those bad jokes in you" said Kagami, punching his shoulder again.
"What can I say, I'm a box of surprises" said the model shrugging his shoulders.
"Sure thing Agreste, let's get changed and we'll see what can I do to help you with that lady problem of yours" said Kagami heading to the girls changeroom.
Adrien was, of course, confused and curious of why did Kagami knew he had a problem with a girl. Regardless, the boy did as he was told and went to the boys changeroom. While he showered, his fencing classmates congratulated him and praised his skills on the previous match. He felt a bit awkward about it and simply hurried to put on his clothes and got out of the room.
Kagami was waiting for him on the phone, probably informing her mother that she'd be a bit late helping her friend. When she saw Adrien hoing out of the room, she gestured him to follow her and went off without waiting for him to react. Adrien was surprised of that behaviour, but he hurried to catch her. They kept walking silently until they arrived to a coffee shop and Kagami sat down.
"Take a seat Agreste, I don't usually bite, just fence" said Kagami with her usual expresionless face.
"Okay" said Adrien sitting down. "What has happened to you lately? You're clearly different".
"A great friendship, but we're not here to talk about me. Spill, who's that lady that troubles you so much and what's your problem?" asked Kagami inquisetively.
"I don't have any problem with no lady" said Adrien blushing.
"Right, and I'm the most expressive girl you know" said Kagami sarcastically. "I know there's someone, spill".
"I- Fine, yes, there is a girl, true" said Adrien resigning.
"That's better. Now, who is her and what happens with her?" pressed Kagami.
"It's... Marinette" said Adrien blushing a lot and whispering the last part.
"Who? I just heard mumbling and not a name" said Kagami.
"It's Marinette!" said Adrien embarrased.
"Marinette? What happens with her? Wasn't she a great friend?" asked Kagami curiously and confused.
"Yes, she is a great friend, but I want more..." confessed the boy blushing a lot.
"I see" said Kagami in a sad tone.
"I'm sorry Kagami, but I've realized recently my feelings for her" apologised quickly Adrien, remembering that Kagami liked him as well, or at least she used to.
"There's no need to apologize Adrien, I understand. Mari it's a great girl and it's not that strange that boys fall for her. After all, even I feel a bit of love for her, not in a romantic way thought, just friendship" said Kagami.
"Since when are you friends with Mari?" asked Adrien confused.
"Since that buddy program of yours. She was my partner and she ended up being the friend I've always needed" said Kagami.
"That's great! I'm glad the project worked for you" said Adrien smiling.
"Thanks. For now thought, what about her is troubling you?" asked Kagami, not leting him drop the subject.
"I discovered she likes me... Well, it was more that I pressed her to tell me who she liked and she has been avoiding me since. I want to tell her that I like her as well, but I can't concentrate or act normal whenever she's around or I think of her" confessed the boy in utter embarrassement.
"So you can't tell her due to... Your indisposance and she is actively avoiding you. No wonder you couldn't focus on the match".
"I know, that's why I'm struggling" lamented Adrien.
"But I don't see you struggling right now" pointed Kagami.
"That's- That's true!" said Adrien surprised.
"You just needed to order your thoughts. Now you only have to corner her and confess" said Kagami proudly.
"But, what if she's avoiding me because she now hates me?" regretted Adrien.
"Please, now you are acting like a teenager girl of those American movies" said Kagami. "As I see it, she doesn't hate you, or at least I think so. She's avoiding you because she's just as embarrased as you are, probably she's also afraid of rejection".
"Wow Kagami, you've turned into an expert of relationships" said Adrien perplexed. "I think you might be right".
"Of course I'm right. You should stop being a cry baby and confess. It's pretty much like fencing, all you have to do is corner her and break her defense to attack" explained Kagami.
"That's probay the best advice I've get so far. Thank's Kagami, now I know what to do" said Adrien smiling determined.
"I'm glad to help you to get Mari. You helped me to get her friendship" said Kagami smiling. "Now go and get her lover boy".
"Will do" said Adrien smiling as he stood up and left the coffe shop.
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jizemderler · 5 years
I don‘t hate you (Steve Rogers)
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A/N: Being a Stark isn´t easy. Especially not when Tony is your big brother and Steve is your lover. No spoilers. As always, enjoy!
“I don´t like him.”
“You don´t have to.” you said not interrupting your meal prep and Tony went up and down the kitchen like a restless tiger.
“We´re not on speaking terms.” he tried again but you just chuckled.
“It´s a pitty that I don´t care.” you overly pronounced the last word and turned around to look at him. Finally he stood still and crossed his arms infront of his chest. “He´s going to get you killed.” he said and knew that it was a low blow. “So could you, brother. So can I, for godssake. But we can´t do anything about it, can we?” you scooped a bit of batter with your finger and licked it off. “Mmh. Doesn´t that come with the contract of being a hero? I´m pretty sure it does.” you said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. “Your Stark is showing. If your going to become a Rogers you might as well act like one.” he said and acted like a petty little kid. “I leave the overly optimistic part to Steve. He´s really good at it.” you answered not bothered which bothered him even more. 
“If he hurts you in anyway...”
“You´ll kill him. I know. So will I, believe me. Can we eat in peace now?” 
You were standing infront of the big mirror looking at the white dress that was hugging your body. “I think I liked the last one better.” Nat said and you looked at her through the mirror. All the woman who lived in the tower came with you to shop for a wedding dress. You sighed and turned around to them and put your hand against your forhead. “This is stupid. With everything what is going on...I´m here picking a dress.” you said now feeling guilt rise up in your chest.
“You should enjoy every minute of it. We´re not going to press pause on our lives just because of a few aliens. Now shut up and tell us if you like it.” Wanda said and sent you an encouraging smile. “I don´t think Steve will like the beats on your shoulders. Maybe try on something a little more 1920s?” Peter suggested ignoring what you just said and you looked at him with a raised brow. Peter was the only male allowed to tag along because A he was still a boy and B he was really usefull. He seemed to know Steve and Tony better than anyone out of the group which was a bit concerning but really helpfull. “I mean he would´ve married back then if he hadn´t got frozen for 70 years. I think the style from back than stuck with him.” he rambled and put a smile on your face.
“Alright kid. You have a point.” you said ignoring the little sting in your chest remembering Steves past. 
You were lying in bed with Steve, snuggled into his side while his arm was wrapped around you. You closed your eyes and let your other senses take over. He came out of the shower half an hour ago so the smell of his shampoo was still lingering around. His firm chest under your fingertips moved up and down with every breath he took. His heartbeat was right under your ear and was the only sound in the room beside your breathing. You inhaled deeply before placing a kiss on his neck and looked up to him. He had this peacefull expression on his face that you saw not enough of lately.
„Steve?“ you interrupted the silence and he looked down to meet your eyes. He had a soft smile on his lips and it made you rethink your question. But you asked him anyway.
„Did you talk to Tony?“
He closed his eyes and groaned while massaging his temples with his free hand. „We‘re not on speaking terms right now.“
„He said the same thing.“
„Because we‘re not.“
You reached up and cupped his face with your hand and stroke his cheek gently with your thumb. „I‘ll leave it to you. Just know that I want you both at my wedding.“ you teased him while rolling off the bed. „Where are you going?“ he asked you and the peacefull expression was turned into a troubled one.
„Peter asked me to help with his project. I‘ll see you later.“ you said and leaned down to kiss him on his lips. „He doesn‘t like me.“ he said suddenly and made you chuckle. „He‘ll get around. He secretly really cares for you. He‘s just hurt. But being Tony, he will die before he admits that.“
„You Starks are stubborn as hell. And fucking petty.“
„Watch your language, Cap.“ you teased him knowing that he normally never swore.
„You‘re forgiven. Talk to him.“ you said before blowing him a kiss and leaving to meet up with Peter.
„...and I guess I should‘ve brought a flower but MJ was so pretty that I forgot it in the car and aunt May drove off before I could even remember that I had bought..“
„..her flowers. But you know she can be really intimidating sometimes. Which is also..“
„..why I was so nervous to go to the dance woth her. She‘s just so..“
„Parker. If you don‘t shut up.“ you interrupted him as you reached the front door of the tower and unlocked it to walk in, „I‘ll never help you again.“
„Sorry. I‘m just so happy and thankfull.“
„You’re welcome Peter. Anytime.“ you said while shrugging your coat off.
„More thankfull. Or more happy. Well I guess more thankfull towards you and more happy for myself. But really..“
„Alright Peter. Bye.“ you cut him off and smiled to yourself after ending the call. There was no project you could help Peter with. He was a really intelligent kid. A genius really. But because May was out of town for the weekend so you were the first one he turned to for advice on his second date with MJ.
You were walking towards the living room, well much more like a gathering room for all the superheros, when you heared heated voices come through you. You hid behind the wall when you realized that it was Steve and Tony talking.
„She‘s my little sister for gods sake.“ Tony hissed and you knew inmediatly that the conversation wasn‘t going very well.
„I know Tony. She wants us to get along and so do I. We will become a family after all.“ Steve said and you shut your eyes out if instinct waiting for your brother to make a snarky remark.
„Don‘t go there lover boy. I might take her to another planet just to prevent that.“
Steve rolled his eyes and made a huffing sound while turning away from Tony and shook his head.
„She‘s my only family Rogers.“ Tony said after a long pause and it hit you like a truck. Tony wasn‘t so hesitant about the wedding because of Steve or whatever beef they were having. It was because he felt like you were leaving him. Alone. He was left behind several times and you marrying anyone, Steve or not, was horrible to him. He might not express his love and gratitude like other people but that didn‘t mean he wasn‘t feeling it like other people.
That definetly caught you off guard and sent chills down your spine.
„Mr. Stark, Miss Stark has arrived.“ F.R.I.D.A.Y.s voice echoed through the tower before you could gather yourself and you damnd the technology in this household.
„How long have you been there?“ Tony asked as soon as you stepped out of your spot.
„Not long.“ you said and Tony raised a brow.
„Long enough.“ you added and he rolled his eyes in a very Tony stark way. After a few silent seconds you walked over to emrace Tony in a hug and squeeze him as tight as possible. „You‘re a stupid ass brother if you believed I would forget about you.“
„Do you kiss your man with that mouth?“ he asked meaning your language but when you rose your eyebrows with a grin on your lips he shook his head and looked away.
„Nevermind. Don’t answer that if you want him to live. Wrong choice of words.“
„I love you Tony. Don‘t ever forget that.“
„I love you too, kiddo.“ he said before placing a kiss ontop of your head and letting you go.
„I don‘t hate you, Rogers.“ he said pointing at your fiancé. „But I can‘t like you too much either because you are taking her away from me. So stay in your lane, capice?“ he said half jokingly half threatening but you knew that his heart was in the right place. And you loved him for that.
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