#I’m serious I’m not about to debate yall
yakkety-yak-art · 1 year
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my brain is broken and even tho I hate jkr and as an adult don’t like most of the HP series I’ve been thinking of certain things I would’ve changed since it was my favorite (and first) book series I read as a little kid, and bcuz I couldn’t get it out of my head I sketched a quick snape, who I hate but in the way one might be disgusted by a gross but fascinating bug
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ao3screenshotss · 2 years
nothing like scrolling through tumblr’s roe v wade tag to get ideas for my essay due on it in an hour and 13 minutes
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pasdasin · 2 months
Wicked Game
wolverine x vampire!reader
an: omgg I am so happy yall like this! thank you for almost 100 notes!! If you want to be added to my tag list pls comment and ill do my best!! Remember Logan beefs with Alex Summers not Scott bc Scott is my son (dofp casting)
ch 2
warnings: mentions of blood, needles, generic doctor stuff, cussing i think, angst, poor reader :(
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The next day you were sitting the in teachers break room, listening to Hank and Charles debate on what to do for the annual end of year movie night. Both options sounded boring, a basic slasher and some movie about a train. You turned to your right to look at your other close friend, Storm. 
“I heard Scott learned Dracula was about you” She hummed, bored of the debate as well. “I was wondering if you finally would tell your version of events?” You turned to look at her and pierced your lips. Thinking about the choice before you. It would be nice to get to talk about it, but at the same time you didn’t see it as fair to only do it since you brought it up to tease the boy. 
“I’m not su-” “She’ll do it” You turned harshly to the voice behind you and not surprisingly it was Logan. 
“Are you serious?” You pushed his arm away as his tried to lower it down on your shoulder. 
“What are you not proud to be a vampire?” 
“I am not a vampire” You grumbled looking back to Storm, who was also starting to get over this conversation. “Yeah sure whatever” She smiled and squeezed your arm as a thank you before leaving the two of you alone. 
Logan looked down at you and smiled. “I ate some broccoli today.”
“Wow. I’m impressed it wasn’t also soaked in scotch”
“Well I didn’t say that” You giggled at his response. You decided to get more comfortable under his arm, sinking into his side. Turning your attention back to Charles and Hank who finally agreed to a movie. The Breakfast Club. As they reached the decision, Alex Summers entered the room. 
Alex Summers was everything he was supposed to be. Kind, tall, handsome. The school girl crush of almost every girl that attended the school. He was calm, he was smart, he was caring, and he hated it. 
“Oh hey y/n.” He always wanted to be with you. You felt Logan tense up against you, his face contorting into an annoyed expression.
“Watch it bub” Logan said, staring at him intensely. You instinctively scratched his back to help him relax.
“Hi Alex! You need to stop by my office later for your check up.” You reminded him cheerfully. Alex thanked you for the reminder, promising to see you before Logan pulled you up with him and out of the lounge. In fact he managed to somehow pull you along out of that section of the mansion before he finally let go of you. 
“Dude what is your problem”
“I don’t like him”
“Yeah no shit.” You remarked, causing him to look down at you and raise an eyebrow. 
“I also don’t like when your sassy.” He poked your forehead with his finger, causing your face to scrunch up. “Besides your giving a presentation about your life, you need to make good on that promise” 
“I didn’t know you cared so much”
“I don’t” Oh. There it was. The fatal rejection that you have experienced from him over and over again. You looked down at the floor, muttering something about finding Storm and hurriedly walked away. He had hurt you for centuries. Your mind, body, and soul yearned for him and yet his own chased another. He had to know at this point. He just wanted to tease you until you couldn’t take it. Unfortunately for you, you had always shown him tolerance. 
Your walk was cut short as you bumped into Storm, who informed you that you were gonna “spill the beans” the next day, leaving you to walk back to your office and get ready for Alex to get his check up. 
As you prepped the trays you needed for his appointment, the all too familiar voice of Alex filled the room.
“Hello doctor,” He said in a flirty tone, cheering you up slightly. 
“Hi Alex, sit down here” You patted the bench and started the procedure. It was just a normal check up. He talked to you about his brother and his upcoming mission. Saying how he will miss his hot doctor when he left for Europe. 
It made you chuckle as you placed the stethoscope on his inner elbow, focusing once again on the sound and patterns of his blood. He watched you intently as you nodded your head along as if some kind of melody was playing and he was producing it. Your eyes were closed and your eyebrows furrowed together before you relaxed and smiled up at him.
“You're all good. Beautiful blood” He thank you before placing a blow pop he kept in his pocket in his mouth and walked out of your office. As the door shut, you started to clean and pack away your personal belongings. Putting the last needle into the biohazard box, you moved to turn off the lights when Charles wheeled into your office.
“Hello y/n. I need to ask you a favor”
tag list: @captain039
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feistyvirghoe · 1 month
i feel like as a reader myself, we shouldn’t let our personal biases interfere with the reading we’re giving. like everyone is different dude, no one is perfect and we’re all flawed bro, let people be…
idk why but there’s this like spiritual narcissism going on, and i’ve noticed it this year, people who have more experience in this field acting as if they’re better than people bc they “know” more like girl if you don’t stfu 💀
like people seem like they just want to lecture people nowadays, and i’m not trying to come off as “sensitive” but it’s not “tough love” it’s literally you lecturing people and making it seem as if there’s something wrong w that group, these readings are general and for so many people, can we calm down w this
and i feel like we need to realize that we are all on different timelines fr, ive just noticed some readings are just like jabs instead of you trying to help your audience, you’re like ridiculing them instead of giving helpful advice… i mean do you but why so rude and crass, apathetic???
because you can be reading for someone and tapping into their past self and what happened and then you go off of that and start shitting on them, but of course how would you know?? i just feel like we need more compassion in this community, it’s gotten too fucking rigid and inflexible…which is sad
i’m all for real and raw fucking readings, in depth ones too i love long readings but i wish some of yall were more kind about it, i understand this being serious, it is, shit is no joke, but what’s up w this secret animosity, competition, thinking your way should be the only way to do things, like who fucking cares bro?
idk i feel like we like to judge shit as soon as it comes our way and have these intense opinions, ready to pop off at the mouth…maybe i’m too “nice” “naive” whatever, im just sick of seeing these washed up debates on who should be doing what and how they should be doing it…
is everyone okay??? i don’t think so, a lot of hurt people, and we unironically project, let’s not you know. it’s okay to be kind, honest and respectful.
if you don’t like it, that’s okay, no need to be so fucking rude, esp when you don’t even know these people…just move on and scroll, i feel like we’re doing ourselves dirty by engaging with triggering topics and making ourselves angry, ive been doing it and then i came to the realization that i don’t have to take that reading as if it’s really set in stone
don’t let nobody, not even me, try and make u feel like that’s the end all be all, no no no, i am just a messenger, a guide, you have to think for yourself…don’t beat yourself up over a reading, ive done it and realized “kaali, this isn’t the end” “you can grow and heal from this” “i will be okay, this is helping me to learn more and take a better understanding approach.”
i just don’t want people thinking that everything is set in stone, the story always changes and blossoms into something more than what you’re seeing on the surface. these aren’t personal readings so don’t hurt your pretty lil head worrying about this or that, if it applies to you let it and if it doesn’t don’t force the message okay, use your discernment mwah💓
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athynathens · 3 months
chapter two : fancy ass bird
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“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x Amphyr Domino (m-free)
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. This short story is a crossover between the Boku no Hero Academia world and Winx Club world. It will take place after the battle with All for One and Shigaraki. Let’s just all assume that the villains are defeated and everything is back to normal.
SYNOPSIS. Bakugo’s sudden request took Amphyr off guard, now she is contemplating whether or not if she should accept it or not. However, Bakugo’s remarks about her identity made her rethink her decisions. Now she’s debating if she should accept his damn sudden request — a fight.
AUTHOR’S NOTES. So incase yalls won’t get it as you read, Amphyr’s on her Harmonix stage already!! Now, i am contemplating what color scheme she should have, do yalls have any ideas? if you do hit me up in the comments or pms!!
TAGS. @lovra974 @selmasemlan @andysdrafts @citrustsuki . If you want to be tagged, comment down below!!
amphyr domino’s profile | the world in betweens masterlist
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“FIGHT ME” Bakugo calmly spoke, his hands were on his pockets. The cold night breezed around his black sleeveless shirt, as the leaves flew up in the skies of twilight.
Moonlight shone down on Amphyr, emphasizing her brown locks dancing with the wind. Her eyes went wide, blinking thrice before saying, “Heh?”
When he didn’t react, Amphyr knew that he was fucking serious. That’s when she finally screamed, “HEHHHH?!?”
Her screamed caused birds flying off the trees, causing leaves to fall down. She moved back a bit, shivering from that request. “We haven’t talk in months, and this is the first thing you ask of me?!?”
“Don’t be such a fucking pussy. We exchanged greetings in the hallways, didn’t we?” Bakugo clicked his tongue, looking away briefly.
“THAT WAS BARELY A GREETING!” She retorted, remembering the times when she would greet this explosive student, and he would just walk past by her and hum in response.
The blond rolled his eyes, “At least I fucking responded!”
She sighed, bringing her hand to the temple of her nose and asked, “Why are you even asking me to suddenly fight you? The latter rubbed it, her forehead aching from this sudden request.
“Because you ain’t from here, aren’t ya, fucking Croissant?” He spoke out, catching her off guard.
She gulped, trying to stay composed. “Of course, I’m not. I am a foreigner after all.”
Small blasts exploded from his palm. “Foreigner…” He chuckled lightly. “As in you’re a fucking white person or…” He asked, staring at his palm emerging explosions.
His red orbs snapped to his front, staring at her soul deeply “….you’re someone from another world?”
“A-Another world? Don’t joke with me, Bakugo-kun. T-There’s no such thing as—” She was interrupted by a loud blast. The next thing she knew is that she’s being held by the collar of her shirt.
Bakugo held her up so high, her feet are not touching the ground anymore. “Don’t fucking give me that bullshit!!” He exploded, causing her to fall back to a tree harshly.
This heavy impact made her back hurt, choking a bit of blood from her mouth. With shaking legs, she used her wrist to wipe out the blood from the corner of her mouth. She panted, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Bakugo-kun.”
The blond clenched his jaw in annoyance, hate being stalled when he asked a question. “That’s fucking bullshit. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the past months. Your fucking so-called quirk? I analyzed that shit. The fucking blast on my face, the shitty barrier you made, the damn power wave you caused? Those quirks already belonged to someone.”
“Those blasts? That’s my fucking quirk, and you sure as hell are not related to me or my parents. Never seen you in any of our family meetings nor have I heard of you. The damn barrier? That fucking belongs to that villain that Shitty hair fought when saving that white-haired brat,” He continued, making her pale up in fear.
“And that power wave? That goddamn quirk is similar to Nejire-Senpai’s quirk, but there’s no way in hell you’ll be related to her. She’s a fucking talks for shits, she wouldn’t miss the chance to talk with anyone, especially to a relative,” He added, causing Amphyr to be agitated by the fact he is closed in knowing the truth.
When she thought it was over, there were still more to her surprise…
“From where I’m from, you’re called a dwarf,” Bakugo repeated the words she said to Mineta in the past.
“Does that sound familiar to you, Croissant?” The blond’s side mouth lifted. Amphyr can only stay silent, knowing that her defending right now will make everything else so much obvious.
“From where I’m from,” He repeated slowly, staring at his fingers as he stretched them.
“That means something else, right? The where is definitely not a damn place in the US, Europe or any part of this world, ain’t that right?” He asked, doing one small blast in his palm.
Suddenly, he grinned and released a blast towards to Amphyr, “The where is in a place that’s not in this fucking world, right?!?”
Her eyes went wide, immediately reacting to the blasts so she flipped to her right, doing a back tuck tumbling to save herself. When she landed on the grass, one knee up and the other on the ground, Bakugo chuckled as he releases more blasts from his palms.
“So let me ask, fucking extra…” He rasped, blasting some of his quirk in the air. “…who the fuck are you?”
Amphyr breath in and out a couple of times, contemplating if she needs to come up with a lie or not. It’s not like her family is asking her to keep her identity a secret since a small town called Gardenia knows about fairies already. However, she likes it better if no one knows who she truly she is. It’s like she’s reliving her life once more; doing a reset, a break, a rest from her usual life as the Crown Princess of Domino and one of Alfea’s prodigy.
“Before I answer,” She panted, standing up from the ground. “Why did you ask to fight me?”
Bakugo’s jaw clenched in annoyance, he hates being stalled when he asked a question after all. But if she means to cooperate, then he can let this go.
The latter clicked his tongue, placing both of his hands on his pockets. “I already fucking knew that you’re some kind of being from another world so I decided to fight you. Fighting someone who’s from another fucking world sounds fun to me after all.”
Amphyr’s eyes soften, the light on her eyes vanished. “So you’ll really give it your all to fight me or you’ll just hesitate and make it easy for me because I’m a fai—something…?”
She recalled the amount of times she was understimated as a fairy. In Magix, there is a division of work between men and women, fairy and specialist, and princess and princes.
If you’re a woman, a fairy and a damn princess, you will be an object of protection, hence, people mistakenly saw Amphyr as weak and timid.
Amphyr’s hands clenched in annoyance, remembering the amount of times she asked for a fair battle from her fairy friends; they took it too easy to her as they were afraid to harm the princess. She recalled the time when she opened up to her friends that she wants to practice fighting. But, they degraded her by gaslighting that her powers are enough. They even emphasized that fist fights are supposed to be for the males only.
Honestly, the only person who understood her was her mother, Daphne of Domino. As the Supreme Nymph, she was hard on Amphyr. She taught her everything that a Nymph should do and follow. She trained her till she sweats to dawn. She fought with her as if she was an enemy. She coached her like a warrior fairy.
However as a mother too, she also had to hold back in certain aspects, especially when they duel together.
Since then, no one has given her the fight she fucking desires the most — a fair fight.
“HAH?!?” Bakugo’s loud voice echoed. “Are you fucking with me? Ya looking down on me, aren’t you?!? You think I’ll go easy on you? In your goddamn dreams, fucking extra!”
Amphyr’s eyes twinkled, light of hope counterclockwise her pupils. “W-Will you really give it your all?” She stuttered, wanting confirmation.
The blond clicked his tongue, “You’re underestimating me, aren’t ya, damn Croissant!?!” He roared, squatting a bit while releasing small blasts from his palms. “I don’t give a shit on who or what you are! Just fucking fight me!”
She felt the sincerity of his words. Will I really get the fight I want from him? The side of her mouth twitches, she can’t contain her excitement any longer.
“You better not hold back, Bakugo,” She sternly told, closing her eyes.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. It is you that should not hold back! Don’t even think of using my rehab as a damn excuse,” He smirked, licking his lips from the adrenaline rush flowing through his body.
Swirls of winds surrounded her, the strands of her hair flowed gracefully with the wind. Amphyr opened her eyes to reveal her glowing pupils of gold, “You asked for it, Bakugo.”
The blond flinched, witnessing her newly formed aura. He saw her jumped to the sky, screaming a word he didn’t know. That’s when a ball of glowing magic surrounded her. Soon, the magic ball exploded, revealing Amphyr in wings.
Bakugo was left at awed. His so-called Croissant does not look like an extra at all in the sky — she looks like more of a celestial ethereal being.
He watched as her long skirt flew side by side, being one with the night breeze. The latter noticed long ribbons attached on both of her legs, those ribbons were connected to some-kind of high heeled sandles. His eyes moved up to her upper body, it was a top with one strap to her right side and it was decorated with ruffles like a ball gown.
His red orbs shone a bit when he finally saw her face. Amphyr’s eyes blazed up with determination while her hair moved in the same direction as the wind carries. The sea shell tiara on her forehead emphasized her royalty aura to him.
Amphyr channelled her magic energy to both of her hands, releasing fire then circled her arms to the top. She looked down to Bakugo and roared, “Don’t you dare hold back on me now, Bakugo!! You need to keep your damn promise!!” She threw the ball of fire towards him.
Smokes from the fireball scattered all over the ground. Amphyr’s wings flapped foward, in hope to find him easier, yet suddenly a loud blast from behind. Her eyes quivered, feeling an ominous sensation rushing towards her from behind. With the support of her wings, she flipped in the air and that’s when she noticed Bakugo grinning in excitement.
When he landed back in the ground, he yelled, “I ain’t holding back for nothing, Croissant!! This shit’s getting better!! Fight me!” He blasted up in the sky.
She used her wings to accelerate her movements. The brunette brought her arm back, chanting a small spell on her fist. After the enchantment is finished, she toughen her fist.
The blond’s smirk widen, almost smiling at her attack towards him. He placed more power on his palm then yelled, “DIE!”
The two collided, causing a strong drift of wind to hover through the forest.
Bakugo and Amphyr fought in the air, blasting each other with their quirks. The blond kept using his quirk to avoid her attacks, but he had a hard time dodging them. Since he had no idea what her quirk is, Amphyr became unpredictable.
He can only click his tongue in annoyance, realizing that he has no clue who he is fighting.
Meanwhile with Amphyr, her reputation as a support student has its uses. She knows what fighting style what Bakugo is into. She took advantage of her knowledge to battle this student hero.
The sounds of small explosions appeared from his palm, he aimed it to her midair and blasted it out.
Bakugo smirked, thinking he had won but to his suprised, he saw Amphyr flying above his explosion. His body shivered in excitement and screamed, “Not bad, Croissant!!” He used his explosion to rotate his body, accelerating his movements towards Amphyr.
The two fought like there’s no tomorrow. Explosions, blasts, waves, omitted around the forest. The smell of burnt wood surrounded the area, the trunk of most trees broke in half with a hint of fire and water around it.
Suddenly, a robot drone flew over them. “Hey! Who’s there?!?” It screamed, accelerating it’s movements to capture the people in the act.
Amphyr and Bakugo were quick to react, hiding among the trees. They used the trees with the most leaves which can help camouflage their presence. As their heard their robot drone flying away, the two sighed in relief.
The two had the time to catch their breath, wiping their sweat and panting their lungs out. The blond looked to his side to see her outfit a bit ripped from the blasts, her face covered with ash and some burns. Her soft arms covered with scars while her fair legs were covered with debris of soil and dirt.
“You look like shit,” He panted.
Amphyr looked at him. He was covered with ashes and burns from each other’s quirks. His black shirt was ripped, revealing his abs and scars from his previous battles. His arms bulged as he moved, showcasing his veins.
“Your arm, how is it? Nothing’s wrong with it, right?” She asked, wiping some ash off her face.
He chuckled, “Don’t worry about me. ‘M fucking fine.”
Her eyes traveled down to his injured arm, it was shaking a bit from overusing it. She sighed, “Sit your ass down, Bakugo-kun. I’ll heal you.”
His eyebrow arched, “Don’t tell me what to fucking d—” He was silenced by a spell chanted by Amphyr.
He muffled through his mouth, trying to speak but he couldn’t in the end. The vein on his forehead became more prominent as his eyes turned white in irritation. The next thing he knew he was floating a bit, then he settled on the ground.
The brunette sat down in front of him, placing both her legs on one side. She stared at him for a brief moment while grabbing his arm. Amphyr snapped her fingers then swiped them left and right while moving her hand down.
Bakugo watched as golden flakes traveled down his injured arm. He felt his arm feeling less painful. She swiped her two fingers up, releasing the silence spell from his mouth. The brunette carefully turned his arm around, double checking for more injuries or anything.
“I didn’t completely heal your arm cause that’s not how magic really works. The injury is still there. I just enhanced the healing process by—Bakugo Katsuki,” She was interrupted when he spoke his full name.
“I-I’m sorry…?” She asked with confusion.
He stared at her again, not breaking eye contact. “That’s my fucking name. Bakugo Katsuki.”
Amphyr stared at him with bafflement again, unsure why he is introducing himself again. As she thinks, she finally realized what he was doing.
He’s acknowledging me…The brunette smiled, realizing that his introduction is a new beginning to their relationship chapter. The fact he is introducing himself to her shows a declaration of her strength.
“Amphyr Domino,” She smiled, not breaking eye contact with him.
He grinned, satisfied that she understood what he was implying.
“So, you’re gonna fucking explain who you are? You weren’t entirely trying to hide your fucking quirks from me anyway. Those blasts? The fire? The water? And this damn healing? Just who the fuck are you? And why the hell do you have so many quirks?” He asked, removing his arm from her grip.
“Remember when you asked if I was a princess?” She asked.
His eyes went wide, “No fucking way. You’re a princess?” He caught on very quickly. “So what? Am I supposed to bow down or some shit?”
She shook her head and pleaded, “Please don’t.”
“Okay good, cause wasn’t fucking planning to.”
Amphyr rolled her eyes, slightly hitting him on the chest. Bakugo stared at her with wide eyes, his eyes gave the ‘what’ look which annoyed her a bit further.
“You really have the ability to annoy people, huh?” Her eyebrow twitched violently, a vein on her neck became slowly prominent.
“It’s a fucking gift, Croissant,” He placed his tongue out while revealing his middle finger to her.
The brunette sighed in aggravation. The latter crawled to sit beside him against the tree trunk. She placed her head back, positioning her legs on one side. “But yep, you’re right though. I am a princess.”
He leaned his head back, gazing at his side to look at her. “Princess of what exactly?”
“Domino — Princess of Domino.”
“Hah? Isn’t that your last name?”
“Y-Yeah…I forgot this world requires a last name so when U.A. asked what my last name is…well…I kinda panicked and just said Domino…” She answered, remembering how she just screamed her kingdom’s title as her last name.
He scoffed playfully, “You fucking serious? You panicked because you forgot? Goddamn, Croissant. You better fucking tell me what you are or else I’ll think you're a damn alien or something.”
A vein in her forehead appeared, “I’m not an alien, you damn moron!” She faced him completely, pointing at him aggressively.
“Then what are you?” He questioned, bringing one knee up and placing his elbow on that knee.
“I’m many things, but I’m mostly known as a fairy,” She responded.
A sudden wind breezed upon both of them, causing their clothes and hair to dance with the wind as one.
“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
“What the fu—fine yes, if that’s how you interpreted it.”
Bakugo looked at her briefly before gazing up in the night sky. “Fairy, huh? So you do magic or some type of shit?”
She sighed at his poor choice of language. “Yes, Bakugo-kun. I do magic, but it’s a bit different from quirks. Magic is quite flexible compared to quirks, but like all wonderful things, it does have limitations. I guess an example is when I silenced you. That’s a common spell for fairies. Let’s say you say the chantment, you can’t silence someone since you’re not a fairy. This means that as long as you’re a fairy, you can chant the common spells. This also applies in witchery.”
He listened attentively as Amphyr continued. “What differentiates each fairy is their chosen ability from birth. An example is my Aunt Bloom; she’s the Fairy of the Dragon Flame or my Aunt Flora; She’s the Fairy of Nature. These attributes help people differentiate us from other fairies.”
“What ‘bout you? What you’re the fairy of, Croissant?” He asked.
The brunette stared at him for a moment, trying to think of a satisfying answer. “It’s a bit complicated…”
Bakugo clicked his tongue, “Fucking try me, Extra.”
Calling a princess extra really shows what character he is. She sighed, “Okay, if you insist. I’m only classified as a fairy for now since I have not yet reached a certain level, but I’m really a Nymph.” She responded, but he just gave her a perplexed expression.
“A Nymph is one of the oldest magical creatures of my realm. They hold greater powers than any other fairy because the possess more than one power. In my case, I can manipulate any elements like fire, water, ice and others,” She added.
“WHAT THE FUCK? You’re old?!?” Bakugo blasted, creating tiny blasts from his palms in shocked.
Amphyr twitched in anger, slapping his left arm. “I’m not old, dumbass!! I’m literally 17 like you!! I was born from a Nymph, fool!”
“You didn’t fucking specify that shit!!”
She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t even done explaining, moron!”
Bakugo clicked his tongue again, leaning back a bit more while placing his hands on his pockets. “You seemed like a strong motherfucker. Heck, you’re even a damn princess. So what’s a princess like you doing here in Japan anyway?”
Amphyr’s eyes soften with his question. “That’s a story for another time.”
His eyes turned white and exploded, “There is no other time!!”
She was caught off guard with his sudden explosion. But she was quick enough to understand what’s happening. Amphyr definitely does not want Bakugo to leave just like that after giving her that fight. This blond has given her the fight she wanted, and she sure as hell want to experience it again.
“How about this,” She spoke. “If you fight with me again, then I can tell you all about me and where I’m from.”
Bakugo scoffed, “What makes you think that I want to fight with you again, Croissant?”
Amphyr grinned, swiping her one arm to the side which released a strong wind that sliced up trees in half. “Because I didn’t show you everything yet, Bakugo-kun,” She kept her cocky smirk as the trees fell harshly to the ground.
“I’m sure you don’t want to miss a fight with someone like me after all,” She added.
“Are you playing with me, damn Croissant?” He chuckled, somehow getting fired up again.
“No, of course not. After all, you should consider yourself lucky because….” She stopped her words. “….you’re fighting with Domino’s precious princess, you big moron.”
His eyes flared up, feeling his adrenaline boosting through his veins. As much as he hates to admit it, a fight with Amphyr again is an exhilarating offer.
Over the course of their fight, he had witnessed her combat style — he could conclude she was definitely strong, hence why he didn’t back down and kept his guard up.
She’s strong in all places he can think of, but Amphyr’s main strength lies in strategy. He noticed that she’s quite observant with his tactics so she would carefully strategized on the spot.
Additionally, he also noticed that she would aim her powers at his left area, she was so careful not to aim too much on his right injured arm. Bakugo looked down at his injured arm, reminiscing the moments of his battle with Shigaraki.
His heartbeat made a sound he never anticipated.
There it goes again. Another beat on his heart.
“—ugo? Bakugo? BAKUGO!” His train of thoughts were interrupted.
His eyes quivered, looking around his area then looking up to see a small blasts on her palm.
“Oi. Were you ‘bout to slap me with that?” He pointed at her palm which was creating small blasts already.
“Uhh…n-no…?” She replied, immediately distinguishing her blasts from her palm.
Bakugo’s eye twitched. “Fucking Croissant! Don’t lie to me! I saw that shit!”
His entire body twitched violently, not liking that she isn’t responding. “At least fucking answer!!” His vision turned white and explosions occurred in the forest.
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ladyodium · 4 months
What’s up? What’s going on? What’s happening? Is anyone else concerned that certain blogs are being sent death threats because they wrote for Aegon or any Team Green members and or Team Black members?
Are you that delusional? What’s happening? Is it serious to you that someone is writing about a fictional character? How detached from reality are yall really? I’m concerned, I’m confused and quite literally baffled.
Leave people alone. Let them write who they wanna write. Who gives a damn which team you’re on, no one cares. It’s not a real issue to be heated about. Sending hate and death threats is crazy over some damn fictional character who doesn’t exist. It’s cool to complain and debate about stuff, but yall are taking this too seriously. It’s quite easy to scroll away and mind your business.
When people wrote for these characters, they know the bad they’ve done you don’t need to tell them. They’ll write what they want to write and honestly, that’s their business.
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flowersintheimpala69 · 3 months
Okay been thinking abt this recently and this is rlly just a rant abt fandom etiquette so that’s ur warning in advanced
Recently I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of people criticizing fanfics as if they’re books? Like I saw a few TikToks of some people calling out SPECIFIC fics and giving their (quite negative) review. I even saw someone say they had a discord group they were asking people to join which was specifically for reviewing fanfics. I saw a COMMENT on someone’s fic where the commenter was pointing out points in the prose/narrative they didn’t like. And like. Yall that’s so fucked. Don’t do that.
(Exceptions would be if ur a beta or if the author does ask for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism)
I’m not saying you have to like every fic you read. Whether it’s because you disagree with the content (you don’t like the ship, you don’t like the kink, you don’t like the prose, you don’t agree with the dark content etc ect) you can just stop reading it or not comment on it.
Not only do people deserve the right to write whatever they want fuck they want (that is literally the purpose of ao3) but authors take TIME out of their lives to write fics. They do it for FREE and they share it online for FREE because of their love for the media and their generosity to share. And cannot stress enough how much time and effort authors put into their fics. It’s a labor of love. A lot of them have school or jobs or a family to take care of because contrary to what a lot of people not in fandom spaces and (a strange amount) of teens that are in fandom spaces think, a lot of fanfic writers ARE adults with adult responsibilities. No idea where the idea that only cringe teen girls write cringe Wattpad gay smut in their rooms cuz sure some teens write fic but those 200k novel length beautifully written fics yall love sm? Probably written by someone in their 30s.
And like I actually did argue a bit with someone on TikTok abt this (cringe I know) and they brought up this point that “well people criticize books all the time so it’s fine”
I can not stress enough how different it is for someone to write a 1 star review on good reads about a published book and someone commenting and criticizing someone’s fic. I am a true believer in that fanfiction is an as serious piece of writing as a published book. But again. Fanfic writers do it for FREE. Also again authors should have the right to write whatever and however they want.
Also the people I see criticizing(at least on TikTok, I can’t rlly assume how old u r on ao3) are younger people. And hey this is NOT me saying young people don’t belong in fandom spaces. They don’t necessarily belong in ALL fandom spaces (ex: nsfw stuff) but they absolutely have the right to be here. But it seems all these younger people are coming into fandom spaces (which imo is because quarantine caused a lot of teens to become involved with internet and in turn fandom more) and they seem to not know or understand commen fandom etiquette.
I saw someone else (on TikTok I think?) describe it as how people who’ve been in fandom for a while have already HAD these conversations about how to act in fandom and now new people are coming in and having the same convos and debates that were has a decade or so ago. I really agree with that.
So. Sorry for the rant. But! If you do not understand fandom etiquette that’s okay! People gotta start somewhere. But it’s your responsibility to learn and also I feel like it’s common sense not to borderline harass or criticize people who curate content for you for FREE.
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mimibwi · 1 year
BTS and fanservice
This is a big topic and issue among shippers, so I'll give my opinions on the matter (if anyone cares to read).
BTS members definitely do fan service. There shouldn't be much debate around that but I want to put it out there in the event that someone didn't already know that. All K-pop groups do fan service to some degree and it's fine, in my opinion. It makes things interesting and gets the fans screaming, so who’s complaining?
The conversation about fanservice gets out of control when it comes to shipping. Much of it comes down to what the fans think fan service is. I don't see fan service as completely fake and drawn up by the company's execs. Don't get me wrong, I don’t think the company is completely uninvolved but the theories you present are way too over the top. They come across more like conspiracy theories rather than opinions I can even consider a possibility.
At most, fan service contains acts that build off existing dynamics and sometimes exaggerate them to a certain degree. So while I don't think some of the actions are spur-of-the-moment things (it's evident they talk about/plan some of the moments beforehand) I still don’t think most fan service moments are devoid of any genuine emotions. It’s hard for me to talk about this cause; honestly, I don’t care about the whole calling out fanservice thing. I enjoy all the members’ interactions. Maybe some floor me more than others but I can’t sit here and be mad about two friends interacting.
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((A lot more below the cut))
^^All these moments are fanservice in some way or another and they are all cute to me. I don’t get why yall make a big deal out of it so much. Just enjoy it, and smile a little!! Sometimes I wonder how toxic shippers and solos feel when they watch BTS content. You all must be angry as hell when these men (who have known each other for 10+ years, might I add) interact and look happy doing it.
Let me make my points as clear as I can-
some on-stage moments are staged to some degree. I may be wrong but I think I’ve seen a video of Tae saying he wanted to do a moment with Jimin on stage but Jimin was too awkward (lol) so he did it with JK instead. Maybe I hallucinated that cause it's in my memory but I couldn’t tell you where I heard that from. Either way, I am actually convinced this happens often. That or they do something once, see the audience’s reaction, then keep doing it for the other performances.
Fanservice isn’t completely disingenuous. I don’t look at it as a black-and-white conversation. Two members hugging for fans to scream on stage doesn’t take away from their bond. It doesn’t make their entire relationship a fraud. So to me, it’s less of “x ship IS fanservice” and more like “this moment from x ship seems to be fanservice” or “x ship does fanservice sometimes”. I can’t argue with the last two statements for the most part (well I lied, I’m literally countering them with this post in a way) but the first statement makes my skin crawl. It's so dismissive and disrespectful to the boys. — Thinking about it more, I can argue with all the statements even more than I am doing right now because there are moments that are looked into way to deeply. You guys will say “this moment is fanservice” and it’s two members sitting next to each other or talking or looking at each other or *insert any normal interaction that occurs between people who know each other and shouldn’t be seen as a big deal at all*.
*This is me looking for the service (that was so earth-shatteringly obvious and bad that it needed to be called out as such) sometimes.
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Please just let people enjoy what they enjoy; it’s not that serious. I know shippers do all of this to fire back at other shippers so it’s just an endless cycle of hate and bitterness but I don’t care tbh you all need to stop it, yall take everything way too far.
Not every on-stage or on-camera moment is fanservice. It's hard for us to distinguish because we never fully know the boy’s intentions at any particular time. This is why I despise this ‘all or nothing,’ ‘black and white’ mindset many shippers have because it can cause you to 1) start digging into moments that aren’t that serious or 2) dismiss real, genuine friendship when it's right in front of you. It’s also frustrating because what one person may think is fs may come across as a genuine moment to someone else then everyone goes to war because of it. The fact of the matter is that none of us know for sure, so we shouldn’t spend time arguing about things when every single one of us could be wrong.
The above points are mainly in reference to on-stage moments. It gets even messier when we discuss the pre-recorded, edited content. This is where you guys lose me even more.
It’s hard to believe that fan service is this huge ordeal and that they plan who will interact with who more. It's also hard for me to think that at this point in their career, BH staff are sitting with these almost thirty-year-old men and telling them how to act. It's absurd to me. While I definitely think there are things they are advised to do or shouldn't do or say, I don't see any of them as the huge conspiracies that fans (shippers) push. So no, the member’s actions are not controlled on the big scale many shippers suggest. I love speculation and theories but there are some things I can't bring myself to speculate about. So the "BH is pushing x ship,” "they edited out all the x ship moments for y ship,” "x member is doing fan service to feed shippers" conversations just bore me for the most part.
Even if they are told to do something, sit somewhere, or get paired together for content, it could simply not be about a ship— at least not in the way people think it is. I mentioned this in my first post but NOT EVERYTHING THESE MEN DO IS ABOUT A SHIP. This is one of the saddest parts of shipping to me. Shippers reduce these beautiful, unique, insanely interesting people to just a ship. “X is sad/hurt/happy because of Y,” NO he could literally just be happy. We’re talking about regular people here, people like you and me, who have so much to offer and shouldn’t be looked at solely through a shipper lens. Whether you think the ship is real shouldn’t matter because this is basic human decency.
The “x ship is being edited out theories”— These, like I mentioned before, bore me and in some instances frustrate me.
How can you say for sure that things you don’t know happened actually happened and were edited out? This kind of shipper logic isn’t for me I fear. I know you could say, “so you’re telling me x and y only interacted once that day?” but it still doesn’t hold up because—
There could be many reasons why a ship moment is cut out. Some possibilities include:
they thought it was boring- lol I don’t know; maybe the editors thought that moment was a snooze fest and they wanted to include things the people would find interesting.
time constraints- with content like ITS or Bon Voyage, where there are days worth of content from seven different perspectives, must be a shitshow to edit. It’s obvious not every interaction will get into the final version. To sit and think the editors intentionally said “We’re out of time? Scrap the x ship parts” is honestly laughable. Let’s be a little serious. Shippers are so funny to me sometimes because I can promise you regular people don’t give af about these ships as much as we do so I doubt they care enough to sabotage them.
it doesn’t fit in the theme of the content- The moment could just not fit in with the overall flow of the content. Maybe there is a particular image they’re trying to draw up with the content and a certain moment throws it off and doesn’t fit the image. With the time constraints I mentioned, it makes sense why they would want to insert some things over others.
something else is happening on screen- I know all shippers get disappointed when it seems like their ship is interacting and the angle changes. BUT that disappointment in that particular moment should not translate into these big conspiracy theories. It’s natural for the camera angle to switch when other things (probably more interesting or things that matter more to the overall content) happen. We’re looking at 7 different people for Christ’s sake.
it’s personal- This should be obvious but I am sure the guys talk about or do things that are just personal. Although I don’t think it’ll be anything crazy considering they’re mic-ed up and are aware they’re on camera, they could just not want certain things out there. They already show us so much (I’m grateful for that 4%) of their lives, I think we should allow them to be able to want things cut out.
*insert other reasons here that definitely does factor in but my brain can’t think of right now*
What irks me the most about these conversations is what they usually always stem from in the first place. They all come from an angle that serves to prove that some ships are better or claim that some ships only interact because they’re forced to. The hypocrisy that comes along with this type of shipping is also quite crazy to me. It’s always the ship you don’t like and that threatens your beliefs that is fanservice/fake/forced when they so much as touch each other but every single interaction between your ship is 100% real. I don’t think you guys hear yourself when you speak sometimes. I will never get why this shipping business needs to be a competition. Like the concept of going to war online over two people’s —who you most likely have never met and don’t know personally— relationship will always be interesting to me. It also doesn't matter whatsoever. No ship’s “realness” should depend on another being fake or worse and if that’s the case then maybe your ship isn’t as real as you think it is. All 21 (I swear I did the math, it’s 21 right??) ships in BTS are unique in their own way and I wouldn’t want any of them to be exactly like another because I love all dearly. Although some dynamics tug on my heart more than others, I will never dismiss any to bring up others because the boys genuinely love each other and I can tell as much.
You know sometimes I blame a lot of shipper logic and theories on the fact that many of us feel like these men’s lives are more interesting than they actually are. It’s so sad because a lot of the drama our brains think up makes the guys victims either to each other or the company. The fanservice argument is just that to me. Why can’t we believe the boys are fine in their current situation, that they enjoy their little fanservice moments to stir up fans but it’s not something they’re being held at gunpoint to do? They’re entertainers after all. Why do you as a fan of these guys, think they’re being completely calculating every time they show up in front of a camera? Why can’t yall believe they’re being as genuine as their situation allows? Maybe this is a naïve way of looking at things but it’s easier and it’s the foundation of my views as an ARMY. Playing the mind fuck olympics whenever a member comes around to spend time with us is exhausting. I don’t even share many of these opinions but simply reading them drains so much out of me. We really do read into certain things way too much and I get that’s the whole point or basis of shipping. Still, it gets really muddy to me when people start victimizing and villainizing parties involved because of the shipper’s (and even solo’s) opinions and perspectives.
In conclusion, I don’t agree with any of the fan service theories nor do I think fan service is a particularly bad thing. Even if I have fleeting thoughts about particular moments, I don’t entertain them too much because I don’t know the whole story. It’s also because I respect the members. I respect their autonomy, their words and their dynamics with each other and entertaining these ideas and theories that obviously (even if it isn’t obvious to you) disregard the things I respect would slowly destroy that. So the two just cannot coexist for me. Plus, this shipper thing just isn’t that serious to me. The only reason I even care to think and even talk about this topic is because of the hate the members get cause of it. It’s unfair:(
Look how cute they all look together while they do their little fan service🥺. #letmybabiesdofanserviceinpeace
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just-orbiting-you · 20 days
i’ll actually say one last thing about this muse discourse. and i think for me jimin’s words in minimoni music kinda just washed over me because it’s not that serious.
i know i engage in jikook discourse and will defend shipper narratives sometimes while calling out others. but even then a lot of it at its core is defending jikook’s bond. and that’s why i’m here. also
shipping in a romantic sense has become funny and dare i say silly for me. because is it likely that they’ve never even kissed or thought of each other romantically, maybe. is it likely they’ve been in a 8 year long on and off queer “situationship” for lack of a better word, maybe. is it likely they’ve been committed to each other at one point in time and now it’s cooled off, possibly. is it likely they’ve been pining for years and that’s why there’s odd tension, who knows.
people were making jokes on twitter earlier that jikook got engaged or married in sapporo. of course they didn’t. but its sweet and its funny and im amused everytime. that’s also why i’m here. i think jikook’s dynamic is fun and i think they really are cute together and i follow both of their careers as they are my biases. “shipping” outside of the proving they’re real sense is FUN and SILLY and (kinda) HARMLESS. if we’re debating which bts ship has a chance of being real, yeah i will pull out the jikook encyclopedia. if we’re trying to say which bts duo are the closest, yeah i will pull out the jikook encyclopedia.
but can yall make one gay joke please and put the discourse to rest?
semi related i actually think Who is both a sweet and a sad reminder of a reality that because of jimin’s celebrity status, he will probably have a difficult time finding a partner. but if im reading the song like yall do, he does really want to find love and thinks about it constantly but still hasn’t had success. like he just wants to be loved and love someone else and i think that’s a very sweet sentiment to make your title track 🥹
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asking about the tangled au 👀👀👀 any things you really wanna share or are excited about?
Omg yes! I’ll share one story thing I’m excited for and one writing thing im trying out
Story: Jay went through a few design changes while I was planning. I ended up deciding I wanted her in a dress bc though I like the pants I just wanted her in a dress lol. I played around with a few dress styles but my final picks were between an Empire waist dress or a renfair bar maid/pirate dress. I got the JRWIcord to help me pick her final dress (thanks yall) which ended being the very layered and floy pirate-y dress to pay homage to the actual show. (Though pirating will be involved in the story that’s not till later and I like the idea of keeping this as a little Easter egg) And and and she has magic hair! For a while I was debating weather or not it would just be fire or if it would keep the healing properties from the movie and I finally came to a good compromise between the two that I really played into for the planning and the motifs I already had plotted for Jay. It was a really nice bit of serendipity that I’m super excited to write!
Writing: Im doing my first serious bit of changing POV. The first chapter, which is the prologue, is going to be first person narration with Chip. This is to mimic the actual movie where Flinn narrates the creation of the kingdom and the beginning of Repunzles story. The rest of the story itself will be 3rd person omniscient for the most part but I’m sure there will be times where it just naturally shifts to focus on Jay and her point of view as this is ultimately her story im telling
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mineogi · 3 years
Purpose of Life. | C.J.H
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pairing: yan-android! jongho x f! reader
wordcount: 14.7k (i’m srry LOL)
genre: yandere au, android sci-fi au, one shot smut, non-idol.
sypnosis: This year for your birthday you’re mysteriously gifted a humanoid robot. After much debating you decide to take it in and see what it’s about, with the impression given by many friends of yours who spoke highly of them. When starting new life with Jongho, your own human android, you start to see a different impression when you see how far he’ll go to show you that you’re his only purpose to life.
warning: smut (foreplay, oral, penetration) , 18+ theme, yandere theme, minor character death, buff jongho, strong jongho, size difference, tummy bugle, spanking, temperature play, soft sensual sex, slight cock warming, mutual masturbation, soft jongho, hard jongho, overstimulation, nipple play, dirty talk, eye contact sex?, cream pie (he cnt have kids yall wrap up) , teasing, oral (f receiving) , light degradation (slut used like once.) different positions, kidnapping, mentions of torture, collar, slight pet/master dynamic punishment, collar choking?passing out, dark, slowly descends into madness, manipulation, threats, stalking, blood&gore scene descriptions, abuse, smacking, hair pulling, very dark, android talk, psychotic jongho truly.
A/N: sorry this is so late yall i’m going through a difficult time with personal things, things are getting better kinda HHHAHAH, but my birthday is on ateez comeback, i’m gonna stream sm just like turbulence, and Yeosang and Sans oneshot will be posted soon, i also wrote a drabble (its yunho i might post it later tonight lol) I don’t post when i’m suppose to but i’m always writing :’) i swear i’m just trying to put out what i think is my best work lol T^T IM SORRY FOR ANY MISPELLS or errors!! i got my nails done and i’m getting use to them! also ty for all the notes, inboxes, msg, and follows it makes me love writing more. cries
♡: @heiiomingi @eternalhongshine
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The gift stood tall on your porch.
Almost begging you to open it up in front of the crowd of neighbors staring at it. You don’t know what could be so huge but it took you and three other neighbors to get it inside. Completely embarrassed and irritated that they had to help you take a gigantic present inside your messy house. Clearly you weren’t expecting anyone to be coming inside your house at all.
“What gift did you get? Another human?” Your nosey neighbor cracks a joke leading the other neighbors to laugh at his joke but you don’t.
Staring at him with a serious expression you know the term’s ‘Another Human’ goes for a humanoid in this day and age. They were highly talked about and a few of your friends had some and others had experience with them, you also had one experience with an android after your friend had bought one when everyone was raving about how they would fix all your problems, house wise, relationship wise, sexual wise if you wanted. They had their own perfect human. The whole idea was a little hard for you to understand and accept but when it got so big and became a trend everyone raved about it these days as only high money making people bought them.
“No, It’s a closet. I told my mom I needed a new one.”  You lie, you never asked your mom for a new closet, let alone would have it gifted to you like this. In all honesty you had no idea what this was and hoped it wasn’t what he was joking about.
Walking them to the door trying your best to rush them out as quickly as possible. Anticipation ate away at you with the possibility of what could be in the huge present. Fear nipped at your mind at seeing an android in it though. Despite everyone’s word on how beautiful and well programmed they were, something about AI being your own pet basically was just a thing you couldn’t wrap your head around fully. The wrapping was gold with a black bow in the middle. A small note is tucked behind the bow waiting for you to open it up.
“Open me up! Discover a new PURPOSE to life! With your own friend you will never be lonely!”
VRS. 008.
Clawing at the wrapper and feeling your heart stop at the sight. The gasp that leaves your mouth takes all the breath out of your lungs. He looks so perfect it takes your breath away, a huge strong clear glass stood in front of you holding another human looking man, peaceful looks, closed eyes, and much bigger than you. You were startled to say the least, to put it how it felt you were terrified at how human they looked, where did they make the skin, did they take it from a real human? it had birthmarks, pores, creases, and hair follicles. You knew off the bat this was an expensive android or was set to be.
“Oh my god.”
But how did it end up in your possession? Who sent this?
Checking around the wrapping and letter you try to find anything that resembles an address, phone number, email at this point. Anything to help you figure out where this came from but you were left with no leads to anything, just the android and the note. At a complete loss you sit on the couch staring at the motionless bot placed in its glass. A loss for what to do, there’s no way you can take this out of your house by yourself or without catching the attention of your neighbors who will gawk and run up at the droid. Whoever sent this had to know you enough to know your birthday, address, and that was enough to freak you out.
“It looks so creepy.” you can’t help squeal at it in fear. Something about a thing looking human but not being a true human was so terrifying for your human brain to comprehend, but you couldn’t deny the attractiveness of the bot. Gnawing at your bottom lip you completan your options.
Turn it on or Ignore it?
You want to ignore it, there was no way you wanted to leave this thing here in your house while you slept, showered, and lived. Especially with you having to leave tonight for your birthday dinner hosted by your friends. But there was no way you would have enough time to figure this all out and still make it on time to your friends. Then you would be forced to bring him with you.  You had to tell someone about this to help you but who could you call, you didn’t really need or want anyone finding out about the Android in your house it would leave you with questions you couldn’t answer at the moment. And you couldn’t deny the small curiosity lingering deep within you, It left you with the answer you would have to figure this all out later.
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“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Y/N! Happy Birthday to you!”
Everyone around the table cheers, you smile widely for the flashes of light coming from your friend’s phones who were recording you in front of your cake. Whistles, laughs, and smiles are thrown all around the table.
For a moment you allow yourself to enjoy the attention on you, it was your day. This was the day you will forget about the android standing in your living room, it was never there in the moment. The special day everyone yearns or dreads for most of the year, this year felt like any other blending into the years that it practically felt like a normal day. You weren’t really hyper about your birthday but that didn't mean you wanted it to be forgotten about, if that made any sense?
The restaurant buzzed with life and it was a pretty flashy restaurant that a lot of people went to on their birthdays but the food was good nonetheless so you really couldn’t complain. Basic and simple sometimes was just enough to make someone like you happy.
“I love the cocktails here, they get me so drunk for so cheap. It’s actually unhealthy.” Yujun takes a sip of her drink.
Laughing you drink your own cocktail, you do agree it is a dangerous game when you order these cocktails, you know from the amount of times you thought you were good only to find you can’t walk straight.
Many shots and a few cocktails are thrown down your throat after singing happy birthday and you can honestly say it was a good time. Nothing too crazy just you and your friends eating and getting drunk like any other’s birthday.
“What did you get for your birthday?” Your friend Jihoon asks loudly over the music playing in the
“Nothing, just money really. Families tend to care less when you’re older.” Laughing to cover up your lie you sip the drink trying to drown your guilt about hiding the Android from your friends away.
Drinking was supposed to do the job of helping you forget the certain present at your home, yet, all it did was heighten your curiosity. Maybe you weren’t as incurious as you set yourself out to be in the beginning of the day, since you stepped foot out your house you wanted to run right back to your apartment and turn on the android even after your conscious screamed at you that you should just get rid of it, but any sense you had was wearing thin with each sip you took of your alcoholic beverage, the giddiness in your stomach gave you the nostalgic feeling of being a kid on christmas. The feeling indeed did confuse you a ton, why were you so eager and curious about something you did seem to care about as much as others a few months prior.
“Y/N! Hello?” Sunhee tries to catch your attention from beside you poking at your shoulder.
Blinking, you put the glass that you were sipping from down and blinked towards your friend Jihoon snaps his fingers in front of your face trying to catch your attention.
“I’m sorry, these drinks are really addicting.” The lies seem to flow so easily out your mouth these days you raise the glass again sipping to make your point clear on how good the drink was to have caught your full blown attention.  You try not to allow the guilt to fill you, at the thought of this was your own birthday celebration and your mind was far from being here with your friend and was still on the android who seemed to pique your interest much more than your own friends.
Sunhee and Jihoon start their own conversation leaving you to your thoughts again, swirling the straw around your drink as you think about all the questions that roam your mind with no answers to them. With the drinks setting into place and your rationality slipping away with every sip, you can’t stop the itching urge to leave right now and turn on the android.
Hours passed, your friend and you got drunk to your heart's content, you made sure to make use of the kindness they showed you that night by paying for all your drinks, and cab back home. Soon enough you couldn’t take the urge to go back and you made an excuse about how you felt way too drunk and nauseous, you desperately needed to go home.
With shaky hands you fiddle with the lock on the Glass box. Finally home you finally have what’s been on your mind all night. The suspicion of what will happen when you turn on the humanoid ate away at you all night even with your friends, all you could think about was the gift standing in your living room. Metal cold on your fingertips you have another mental battle with yourself again if this is what you wanted to do, the weighted feeling in your stomach.
Maybe drinking a ton of alcohol and deciding to open the special present you received anonymously was not the best decision you ever made in your life, it was pushing towards one of the dumbest decisions you would ever make. But, you were here, fumbling with the tumbler lock, you find a red key dangling behind the black bow. Your drunken mind praises you for seeing it, you didn’t see it earlier, it must be fate that you saw it now, it means you must open it now.
Stumbling over the wrapping on the floor from previously opening the gift you grab the bow with the bright red key. Feeling the effects of your nerves take over your intoxicated state, shaky hands begin to unlock the box. The feeling feels as if you opened a door to a new world.
Standing there tall, you didn’t know what you expected but the man standing like a beautiful sculpture sculpted by the gods of your dreams—just for you, was not it. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say you were memorized by his beauty, envying how beautiful his lashes laid across his cheeks, his perfectly pink lips, tall and strong.
Realizing your drunken mind didn’t exactly think to its full content when you realize, how will you get this man out the box alone?, he must be heavy with the muscles he attains. Examining his muscles, your eyes glance at the shining reflection of something. Something you nearly missed. A circled button the size of a bottle cap placed right in the inner biceps of his arms. The metal felt cold and smooth upon touching your finger tips, a few pushes didn’t do anything, you were running out of hope of this thing turning on, there were no directions, instructions, anything for you to learn with.
Holding the button exceptionally longer this time you gasped, stumbling back when you heard a small metal clink.
“Oh! You’re on!” Shocked when you see dull red lights that traced all through his left arm, watching the red intensify into a brighter red. Not noticing the pattern before too enchanted by his muscle. When your shock wears off, you see his eyes scanning around the room.
“May I step out?” Hearing his voice feels eerie, his voided emotions, you wonder if they all speak this way or are they allowed to change their voice. Multiple questions flooded your brain and you fought the urge to lay them all out on him right now.
“Yes, Um…
“I’m Android 008 of the ATEEZ collection. ATZINC will be releasing their first limited and new set of Androids to be your own personal companion. My database says I'm Choi Jongho.” He speaks his voice coming off stoic and manual like.
Nodding you walk towards the couch trying to put space between you and the android, without being so obvious to show how his voice puts fear in you, you do feel a little on edge hearing a human looking man speak so robotic, “Why wasn’t there any address? contact information on the note? It’s pretty creepy getting a Humanoid out of nowhere.”
Never was it your intention to come off rude but more to be straightforward, but now from his face you see your drunk decision of asking wasn’t the best when he shows you a hurt looked, a little too identical to
a puppy who has been kicked down. You really didn’t want to beat around the bush about these things, especially when the man standing here in your living room, though your drunken mind couldn’t stop the exhaustion hitting you, all you wanted to do was lay in your bed and knock out.
“I don’t know, I only know my core values and basic information. I know who I am built by but I do not know any name, address, or traces as well.” Hearing his tone sounded genuine and confused, it changed by itself automatically, just heightens your fear along with your guilt of sounding rude earlier and you want to apologize again.
“It’s really late…” ‘I shouldn’t have done this so late and drunk, or done this at all.’ Is what you want to continue saying but you bite back the words taking a deep breath, “You can take the guest room.”
There’s no going back.
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A few days had passed and you were getting more and more comfortable per say with having an android around, it wasn’t as scary as you thought it would be. It was pretty normal. Everything almost fell into place so nicely. It was still weird though, living with someone other than yourself.
Jongho was off, getting more comfortable in your guest room and you were happy for the extra room at the moment. You didn’t expect to have an android or ever get one so you didn’t have the need to go out and seek things for one, but you felt bad if you were to make him sleep on the small couch in the living room. Although the guest room was pretty bland and collected dust over the couple of months being unused, it was better than nothing.
Wiping down the kitchen counter you clean up the mess from dinner trying to hurry up so you can shower. Many questions roam around in your mind. You have a lot of questions you want to ask Jongho but you don’t want to come off overbearing or too annoying, the thought of annoying him makes you want to laugh since he’s under your roof and you basically own him. Thinking about owning him makes you feel different emotions, you feel weird owning something that's not what used to be normal, like a pet. But, part of you feels proud to own an android after all they are naturally seeked by today’s society, so owning one was something others could be envious of, which is also why you decided to keep it a secret for the moment being. No need to rush into anything, it was your business after all and you didn’t need to share that part of your life if you didn’t feel the need to.
Soon enough you see him emerge from down the steps, and the feeling of having someone else present in your house other than you is still very new to you. You’re trying to make him feel as home-y as you can make it, by cooking dinner now even knowing if he was hungry but it felt like the most respectful and domesticated thing to do.
“Jongho? Um do you, are you, would you like some food?” Stumbling over your words you gulp looking at the pot on the stove, you were on your way to put it on the fridge but you didn’t know if androids got hungry or even needed food, did they even need regular human necessities? Just thinking of the thoughts sends chills down your spine, they are much more resilient and better than an average human.
“Yeah, sure. Thank you.” He makes sure to send you a comforting smile.
Relaxing your shoulders and letting out a small breath you didn’t know you held, his relaxing tone really did help calm you down. He was so nonchalant, you couldn’t hear the monotone in his voice, he laughed more and told jokes. You internally thanked him for making the experience much more bearable than you had originally pictured it to be, because although it was new, foreign, and felt weird, you weren’t disgusted or annoyed with him.
“Is it bad If I have the urge to ask a lot of questions?” Walking around to hand him the plate of food, you decide to bring up the questions you were habouring in your mind.
“No, No it’s perfectly normal. Especially since you said that I was just left here without a trace, I can only assume you would have a lot of questions.” Eating his food. You watch him closely as he swallows perfectly fine, continuing to eat. The whole experience seems much more than it is to you, when you see something not human doing human things. “I’m programmed to know the basic information of myself as a product, I’m also coded to react, perceive, and do things just like a human.”
“Can you shower? or interact with water or does that interfere with stuff?”
“Yes I can shower, water does not kill me. I’m pretty durable.”
“Do you guys, can you guys die?” You think back to the button you pressed, curiosity itching at you to know about it.
A quick look passed through his eyes before he smiles returning to his calming state, “Not technically, but the button you turned me on, it can be pressed If I want to shut off, it takes around ten seconds until it activates for the reason of decision making and for consent, since it’ll have to be a mutual decision making.”
“If you were to be turned off, does that mean you can never be turned on again?”
“Yes but the more I am rebooted, the less functionable I will become. Similar to a human if they become sick or hurt and never fully heal and just continue to become sick, they’ll die, for us we will no longer be able to reboot after being restarted many times.” Swallowing the last bit of food Jongho looks at you with a worried expression, “Sometimes androids can become very dangerous after being restarted.”
Jongho’s words send panic through you, and the look of worry he gives you makes you believe the color drained from your face. Questioning what you had done, was this even what you wanted, letting curiosity win, allowing yourself to engage in what everyone raves about, still you should have known—nothing in life ever comes free.
“But you don’t have to worry, you won’t ever have a need to turn me off. I promise you, and it’s after a few tries this becomes about. I take it as if you are done with something you won’t be going back to, so if down the road we ever decide to turn me off you don’t need to reboot me up.”
His words soothe all your nerves and you think about how nice you have it, he would willingly be okay with going about turning himself off if anything was to occur. While also reassuring you that there would never be a need for you to want to turn him off, he was gladly going to respect and accept any rules you were going to set.
Deciding to end the conversation for the time being, you didn’t want to know anymore at the moment, “We should get ready for bed, I know you don’t have any sleep wear but I have this oversize shirt, maybe you can fit in it.”
Jongho nods, helping you put the plates away, even telling you he’ll take care of the dishes and for you to rest upstairs. Not giving him a chance to change your mind you rush upstairs, a hot shower is what you need to relax, adjusting is overwhelming sometimes, but you know at any moment you want you can stop this.
Later that night you stood up researching things about Androids, how to live with them, celebrities review, videos on it. Everything you came across was good reviews, still you knew not to be fooled by what the press put out to the public, some if not most press information always was in favor of social standards, of course they would fabricate anything for reads and gains. Yawning allows yourself to rest for the night when you see midnight already passed by.
“Jongho?!” Gasping you're awakened when you see a shadow at the end of your bed.”
“You scared me, Why are you just standing there?!” Holding your chest, you don’t mean to sound angry but being awoken to your android standing over you in the middle of the night, staring at you with a small smile.  With your room dark with only the low television humming in the background you can’t help feel creeped out. Cursing under your breath you sit up quickly wrapping the covers around your chest to cover your braless state.
“Why are you not resting? Actually, why are you standing here right now?” Your voice comes out groggily as you feel the effects of being sleepy still weigh down on you.
Sitting up completely you wait for his answer looking at him in his underwear you force your eyes away from the noticeable tent pressing at the briefs, you don’t know if he’s hard or just well endowed—and shirt that you thought would fit him decent since it fit you quite oversized unfortunately that wasn’t the case when you see just how tight it appears to be on him, his biceps appeared to strain against the cheap fabric of the worn out shirt. He looks like a model straight out of a sexy calendar shoot.
“I don’t have any pillows…But I didn't want to wake you up. You seemed very tired.”
Finally you hear him, he speaks in a whisper and probably not to disrupt the tiredness still present in you anymore than he had too. Blinking forces you out of the frozen state when you watch his shuffle to place his hands over his boxer to block any eyes, specifically your eyes from eyeing his private areas. After you realize you’ve been eyeing him down since he woke you up with his presence you make a mental note to buy some pajamas that would fit him and cover him up way more.
“I’m gonna get you pajamas tomorrow.” You cough out, and now your body decides to catch up with your current situation, you feel your cheeks heating up and your stomach twisting in small knots. Mentally cursing yourself for not answering his question first and now you made it more obvious you were gawking at him just a few seconds ago.
“Pillows! Yes, um, just use this one.”
Grabbing the pillow beside you quickly throwing it to him, to your surprise he catches it with quick reflexes sending you an amused smile. Laying back down you watch him leave, letting your eyes trail down to his perfectly shaped buttocks, and you curse under your breath, thinking to yourself how truly perfect this man could get.
Shopping in public with a piece of hunk by your side was something you didn’t think you could get used to. Simple things such as looking for a shirt for him felt so overwhelming, more so with him close behind you breathing down your neck, humming in approval at the ones he likes and ignoring the ones he doesn’t.  His fingers would graze across your waist when he would move over to allow you to move.
Every single time he made contact with you, you couldn’t help feel your cheeks heat up at any interaction. In a desperate attempt to get some time to breathe from Jongho you handed him a bunch of clothes motioning for him to go try it on in the changing room. Exhaling a breath you didn’t know you held in when you were alone. Even his scent of cologne that stuck to his body was starting to heat your body up whenever he was around. You didn’t know if you were just horny or missing a touch, maybe he was doing this. Any assumptions didn't matter anymore, just that you were extremely attracted to your human android.
If someone was to tell you a couple years ago when you were just hearing about AI, and the new wave of Humanoids that you would one day own one, and be attracted to one—you’ll laugh in their face and call them a plain idiot.
Each and every single outfit Jongho tried on forced your thighs closer together, crossing them to send some pressure to your core. Only being a week in you feel terrible for gawking at him every second, eating in every detail he allows you to see in him.
Skinny jeans on him is a curse disguised as a blessing to you, you feel your cheeks heat up whenever his voice would ask “Does this look good on me?” — you hold back all the compliments you want to yell his way. Simply nodding and sending a thumbs up you don’t trust your voice to help you not sound like a fool, you will for sure word vomit.
When you glance at Jongho again you tell yourself you’re imagining things when you see the slyst smirk appear on his lips. You begin to think he’s not the most innocent you make him out to be.
When the months began pass by, everything began moving quickly and everything fell into place. So smoothly, you understood, they weren’t as much money as you expected them to be. Jongho barely ate and usually just energized through sleep and working out, which freaked you out in a sense, yet was a relief on the money you saved once you realized you were still basically paying everything for yourself only. That didn’t mean you never bought Jongho things, you actually splurged on him quite a bit, buying him a phone, learning his style more so you can buy him more clothes. Through time it began to feel like you had a friend instead of owning an android, Jongho thought on his own, had his own opinion on things, even having his own dislikes and likes.
That horniness you felt for Jongho those months ago, never went away. A part of you think’s Jongho is playing with your mind, the way he watches you when you cook dinner, or after showering, when you watch movies with him. How his hands linger, brushing against your skin whenever he moves to make himself more comfortable, or to always see what you’re up too. He found a new liking in peering over your shoulder, letting his finger tips graze against your hips, just to be gone as quick as he came to you.
“So you said this was one of your favorite movies?” Jongho’s voice pulls you out of your sexual trance that you suffer a lot these days due to your constant horny state. Almost cursing at him for distracting your daydream of sutle touches and high sexual tension.
Nodding your head you look over at him, seeming him closer than he was before. Everything in your body wills you not to look down at his pink lips, those pink lips. You faintly see him licking his lips that same sly smirk reaching towards his lips.
“You’re doing this on purpose.” Whispering you lean closer to him wanting to dab in the side everyone whispers about these days.
“What do you mean?”
Your eyes flutter close when you feel his soft words brush over your lips, he’s gotten closer, as well—you realize. Deciding enough is enough, you make the first move, pressing your lips into his, stalling your movements for a moment to test the waters, until you feel his move against yours. Jongho takes the lead in kissing you, opting for a slow steady kiss, there was no need to rush when he was just getting started with you. He’s quick to discard your baggy shirt, over the moon when he’s met with your braless state.
“The first time I saw these tits in that tank top you slept in, I wanted to touch them, kiss them, play with them.” Moaning out when you feel his lips attach to your right nipple, all while playing a game of pleasure and pain with the other. Sliding his free hand into your simple pajama shorts, his fingers search blindly for your love button. Teeth grazing at your sensitive nipple, the whimper that falls from your lips is pitiful. When the fabric of your panties along with tour shorts becomes too annoying for Jongho’s liking he yanks them off your legs.
“Take off your clothes.” Pouting at him you really want to see his body bare, all the times he walked around in a towel drops of water sliding down his chest blessed your mind, you remember the first time he had walked up to you how he innocently asked for the lotion like he wasn’t purposely teasing you, how you bit your bottom lip that night so hard suppressing the moan that wanted to slip while you touched yourself to the thought of him. You want to know what he would do if he found out you touched yourself to the thought of him before. Ridding himself of his clothes, Jongho is quick to get back to his mission of pleasing you, he couldn’t afford  a second to be interrupted after he finally got what he wanted.
Spreading your thighs, you eye Jongho as he looks at your soaked pussy like you’re not human but a meal to indulge in, and he was a starving man. Heat flares through your stomach, to your clit, back to your cheeks. You believe your  living room became a few degrees hotter, when Jongho leans down, using both his hands to spread your lips and get the best look at your cunt. Taking in a sharp breath when you feel him gently blow on your clit, earning him a mewl of approval from you.
“Have to stretch you out, I don’t think you can take my dick yet.” He speaks like his breath is gone, while his eyes train on your soaking cunt before going down and  wrapping his lips around your swollen clit, pressing his tongue flat against the bud. His fingers curled with every thrust making sure to send you further to the edge with every motion. Looking up at you Jongho watches you shudder in pleasure, finally after getting you to the point of no return he gets to revel in the pleasure of you.
“You’re doing so good.” Trailing his free hand up your chest he cups your right breast, tongue continuing his flicks on your clit. His mouth works wonders on your pussy, drinking up everything you give him, fingers moving at a comfortable pace, your legs lock around his head. You haven’t felt this pleasure, especially at this peak, this was a new all time high of pleasure.
“I’m gonna come.” Warning him your fingers grasp onto his hair pulling on the silky strands, “Oh Fuck.”
His fingers finally change from the steady maintaining thrust to a rough quick one. His other hand finds their way to your ass pulling you closer to his mouth and fingers, the deadly combination all you need to get thrown over the edge with he sucks on your swelling clit, curling his fingers to press on your g-spot. White and black dots blind your vision while any noise turns into background noise.
It takes you a few minutes to come down from the high he launched you into, finally landing on the clouds you listen to his sweet words praising you— ‘Good girl’ , ‘Did so well for me’—You find yourself turning into mush in his embrace, finally embracing the perks of having your birthday gift—even after months of waiting.
“I wanna ride you.” Breathlessly you look at him through blissed out eyes, remembering his thighs in the skinny jeans, how you wish to bounce on his dick until you couldn’t comprehend anything else but that.
“Go on, fuck yourself on my cock.” His words go straight to your core, a gush of wetness collecting at your cunt. Taking his cock into your hand you tease the tip with your slit, gasping when it nudges your swollen clit. Jongho watches you, eyes hazed with lust, mouth parted, a small groan leaving his mouth when you slowly begin to sink yourself down onto him. Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were keeping, the burn of the stretch his thickness gave you
“Does it feel good?” Jongho breathlessly ask trying to contain his movements, fighting the urge to fuck himself into you.
Rocking back and forth slowly you feel yourself getting drunk off the pleasure every time his cock nudges your g-spot and kisses your cervix gently. Planting your hands on his chest you look down at him taking in how good he looked at the moment. In the moment he looked like he was rightfully a human but he wasn’t fucking like one. You loved the deadly combination a little more than you would ever admit to yourself. If anyone told you, you would be fucking yourself on an androids dick you would’ve looked at them as though they lost their mind, however here you were. Lifting yourself up you moaned loudly when you made your way down keeping the rhythm until you were fully bouncing on his cock.
Looking down you watch the way your pussy swallows Jongho hard length whole, mewling when he thrust up to meet you, “It feels so good.”
“Fuck, look at how cock shows through your stomach, baby. Fucking-shit.”
Looking down you see the outline of his cock pushing against your bottom stomach, and the moan you let out is exceptionally loud, you can’t seem to care when Jongho was fucking you so good. His pace was perfect, not too rough, just enough for you to feel every inch of his length and girth. The burn you felt from the stretch went on to intensify the pleasure bubbling in your stomach.
The pleasure feels overwhelming, almost. You feel your knees tense and tremble from the heated pleasure coursing through your whole body. Everything was hot, raw, and intense. Sweat forming on both yourself and him, it doesn’t throw you off but instead pushes you further on him. You never experienced something so euphoric. Now you understand, you understand why everyone craves these things, they fuck and look like gods.
“Fuck, Jongho I-I’m..”
“I know baby, I know. Come for me. Being such a good girl for me, taking my dick so well, taking everything I give you so well.” Pressing his forehead against yours you don’t pull away, only letting his lips swallow your gasping cries in a heated kiss when the knot in your stomach snaps quicker than you could’ve expected catching you off guard. Threading your fingers through his hair you can’t help pulling on it not even knowing if it’ll affect Jongho too wrapped in your pleasurable state, especially when he rolled his hips into yours, his thick tip softly kissing your cervix deliciously gentle now. His strong hands grip your ass rolling your hips into his, his lips never leave yours only deepening the kiss sliding his tongue into your mouth. Everything feels feverishly hot, the way your body sticks to him, how he moves you to his tune with such ease has you melting more into him.
Throughout his torturously slow pace and his fingers find their way to play with your oversensitive bud, pulling away to watch you twist and turn from the tremendous pleasure shooting through you. Back arching, your hand tries to stop his two digits from flicking at your swollen clit.
“So sensitive.” He purrs at the way you begin to writhe under his touch.
“You can come again, right? Being such a good girl for me.” His praises flutter your heart more than you expected and your walls flutter around his cock. “Does my baby like being praised? I can feel your pussy tightening every time I speak.”
You thought his words could truly send you into another spiraling orgasm, mindlessly rubbing your hips onto his harder, you don’t recognize how you blindly started fucking yourself on his cock with every word he whispered into your ear. Hugging him tightly you chase your own high again, Jongho’s fingers helping you meet the overwhelming pleasure—His baby, floats around your thoughts, whimpering at the bubble of pleasure ready to pop in your stomach
“Baby come with me—”
“—You look so good like this.”
“Gonna come.” Riding him faster you cry out when the head of his cock repeatedly hits that spot in you with every single thrust.
“Jongho, I’m gonna come.” Warning him once more you shake in his hold screaming his name out when he thrust into you rougher, crying out in pleasure when you come around him, a rush of bliss running throughout your body. Jongho twitches inside you trembling, a string of curses leave his lips before they attach themselves to your neck, shuddering when you the tingling sensation with every mark he leaves on your neck, slowly bringing you back down from cloud nine.
“I’m sorry our first time was on the couch.” He breathlessly laughs after a few months of heavy breathing and soft touches—giggling along with him not fully down from your euphoric state. “I hope the time spent made up for it.”
Feeling his breath on your neck you bite back the moan you want to release, you begin wondering if he ever runs out of stamina. He probably could fuck you for hours on end everyday and even though you know your human body probably couldn’t handle it, the thought still sent a wave of arousal through your body. Lately you find yourself falling into your thoughts more and more, they always end up being about Jongho, you can’t help the way your mind imagines everything with him, you've gotten so used to him these past couple months.
You opened sides of yourself you never thought could happen, you felt things you never felt whilst also reminiscing on feelings you missed. You missed being held and loved, and this birthday present was probably more cherishable than you thought it would have been.
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Lately you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched everywhere you went. At the grocery store, the mini mart, checking the mail, you began to think you were just playing games with yourself. Then one day you decided to test the theory out, walking mindlessly in a park for an hour you pretended to not see the man far behind you. Still it wasn’t enough, so you decided to go into a cafe and order your usual drink and standing outside the cafe no less than ten minutes you see him walk inside. You drink your hot drink shaking in the cold weather while you watch Jongho talk to the same worker who took your order.
It takes you about a week to find the courage to question Jongho. You fight with yourself mentally on why you didn’t approach him that day, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to admit you were scared of what he could do to you. Nonetheless, the eerie feeling you felt never ceased to settle down. You felt like you were living in a house with a stranger after he made you feel so comfortable with him. He had you play like a fool and you fell into everything so blindly, without any second thought you ask Jongho the question that's been lingering in the back of your mind—even when you know the answer.
“Jongho, have you been… watching me? While I'm out?” Deep inside you hope your question throws him off and he lies, you don’t want to believe Jongho has been watching you any time you guys weren’t together. Why would he be so sneaky? Did he not trust you? A bunch of questions ran through your mind only forcing you to become more nauseous with concern .
Looking to the side to face him, stomach becomes queasy when his lips curve into a small smile. There’s no sense of shame in his behavior. Cold fingers intertwined with you, red lights engraved in his arms, you didn’t understand what they did and that small thought sent you down a hole of dark thoughts.Not knowing his body functions, not knowing anything about him truly. Everything slaps you back in your face. The cough reminds you of the first time you gave yourself to him, you feel served.
“Is it so bad?” He doesn’t deny it and you begin to panic, Jongho as always could sense your fear.
“I’m only protecting you! You need me to take care of you, anyone could hurt you at any moment.” His words are desperate now, he’s trying to get you to see from his point of view but you can’t now when you feel all your privacy had been ripped from you,
“I don’t like it, Jongho! I understand you want to protect me but please this is not okay, you have to see that it’s not right to follow me and I don’t know that you are.” Crying out you can’t understand how he’s okay with what he’s doing. He wasn’t even allowed to leave without letting you know, “You need to stop. I don’t like it.”
Jongho’s smile doesn’t make you feel any less irritated, only forcing more annoyance on you, he was clearly taking you as a joke and it felt like a slap in the face. He might as well have laughed in your face at this point with the amusing look he gave you, was he not embarrassed? that he got caught watching you? does he not sense the oddness of his action
“I don’t want you to follow me anymore. You aren’t supposed to leave the house” Standing up and putting some authority in your voice you hope it’s enough to get your point across. The conversation felt like it was going nowhere, this was your desperate attempt to put some boundaries that clearly weren’t made clear to Jongho.
“I’m serious, Jongho. Don't do it again, or this, whatever this was or is, will be done.”
You didn’t like resulting in threats, especially to Jongho after growing such a soft spot for him despite his actions, you knew they were weird and off, but, when he made it seem like he was only trying to protect you, you found yourself in an inner battle with yourself. Knowing well enough his actions weren’t okay, you’re quick to want to put an end to it but to even second guess how you felt in this situation scared you bringing back the thought of what Jihoon had said— were you really changing?
“You can’t do that.”
His smile completely wiped from his face, his eyes shooting you a sharp look of shock, and outraged. You catch a glimpse of his hands turning, looking at him you feel a wave of fear course through you at the imagine of what would happen if you actually tried to turn him off, you didn’t even upfrontly say it due to the fear of even thinking of him flipping out if you tried to disconnect him.
“Jongho, Please, All you have to do is stop following me.”
“Okay, then stay home.”
Shocked at his words you scoff stepping back, all fear you feel diminishing and turning into anger. This was your house, you owned him, not the other way around. He had the nerve to even speak like this to you. With each second you were starting to regret even having opened and turned him on, clearly things were wrong with this version of AI.
“Let me find out, it’s that little friend of yours putting nonsense into you.”
Gasping you look at him with a look as if he has two heads, “ Are you talking about Jihoon? What are you going to do Jongho? You sound crazy, do you not hear you.”
“You threatened to turn me off.”
“I-I…I didn’t say that Jongho, I never said that.” You feel stupid, being afraid to voice your true intentions with a lie that anyone could tell was fake.
“Yet you insinuated it, after everything? you would want to turn me off, because I made sure you were okay?” His voice holds a mixture of annoyance and hurt, “If you don’t want me to protect you anymore, I’ll stay home.”
Leaving you alone in the living room he makes his way to the room, you hear the room to the left—the guest room slam shut. He hasn’t used the room ever since the night you guys had sex on the couch, he made his spot present on your bed, his warmth was something you were already use to, yet tonight you should be ripped of any warmth provided by him.
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“You were with him.”
“Jongho, please.” You sigh, taking off your coat. You didn’t not want to deal with his jealousy right now, ever since you had that argument with him about following you, he promised to stop and he did, yet it only forced him to become more on edge whenever you left. Most times you stood home just to avoid his looks of irritation and attitude whenever you came back from going anywhere without him.
“You smell like him, and it disgust me.” His sour expression declared his distaste for Jihoon.
All you did was go out for a few hours with Jihoon, simply to help him buy his little sister a birthday gift, but that to Jongho was equivalent to cheating or abandoning him, as he likes to call it.
“We only went to the mall.”
“I’ll shower.” Trying to put the fire out before it blows up, desperately not wanting to fall into another argument with Jongho.
“I’ll help take the smell off, there's always time for showers later.”
His warm embrace swallows you whole. Back leaning into his chest, allowing him to wrap his arms around your frame, goosebumps rose on your skin when the feeling of his warm lips brushed against the curve of your neck sending the ticklish sensation all over your body. Falling into the pool of pleasure you let yourself embrace the pleasurable side of Jongho—anything but an argument.
“Jongho—” You moan, subconsciously tilting your head allowing him to leave more kisses on your neck. Quickly he picks you up with ease walking to your bedroom.
Placing on the bed you can’t take a moment to situate yourself when his lips are already on yours kissing you urgently, slipping his tongue into your mouth easily deepening the kiss to his liking. Fingers holding your cheeks loving while the other lift your shirt up, quick to rid of you any clothing he considered unnecessary—which was all to him. Your body is rid of any fabric completely leaving you bare for Jongho to take everything in.
“Please, don’t make me wait.” You plea against his lips moving your hands to quickly discard him of his shirt, momentarily breaking the kiss to remove the light piece of fabric, then your hands are all over his chest touching anything you can get your hands on.
Skin smooth and warm, only making you want to touch him more. Any thought that came to interrupt your pleasurable moment was snatched away with Jongho’s lips kissing you all over your chest, breast, arms, everywhere we can get. Nearly every inch of your neck made contact with his lips, leaving you to become nothing but a puddle of pleasure.
Jongho removed his bottoms and underwear, already throbbing hard from the act in the living room. Using his precum to help pump his cock in his hand, he moans around your neck, choosing to lift his gaze to watch you, “Touch yourself for me, get yourself ready to take my dick.”
Moaning out like a bitch in heat you do exactly what he says, because right now it’s exactly how you feel when your brain memorizes to play with your clit mindlessly in front of him, slipping two fingers into your soaked pussy, you fuck yourself on your fingers, eyes flickering between Jongho and his moving hand. All you can feel is the desire to please him and have him please you in the way you know he can—play your body like his most prized instrument, play to his heart's content. A guttural moan leaves Jongho when he squeezes his hand around his length, his eyes never leave your sight, taking in the way you play with yourself, edging him faster to fuck you.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Grabbing your hand to stop your movement, he pulls your fingers to his mouth, sucking your essence off your digits. Removing his mouth from your hand he gives your an eager kiss after he felt like he would
explode if he didn’t get any sort of release at any moment.
“Turn around, with your ass up.”
Before he can blink you’re turned around, ass up. Eager to finally have his cock in you. Selfishly you embrace the feeling he gives you when he finally slides his cock into your warm pussy. Letting him claim his place in you once again, a way that warms his heart and what he would be his heart if he had one.
“S-shit, Jongho. Right there. ” The moans are loud and bouncing off the walls along with the sound of low grunts and skin clapping when he removes your fingers from his mouth to concentrate on his pace. The way he never let up on his relentless thrust only snapping his hips harder into yours pushing the middle of your back down onto the bed, only forcing himself deeper into you, the immense amount of pleasure has your eyes widening when one thrust hads you shaking under him.
Gripping the sheets tightly you fear you may rip them but there was no time to think of that when Jongho was fucking you so good right now, all you could think about was his cock hitting your g-spot with such force it had your sight blurring and eyes crossing. He hasn’t broken a sweat from the living room, to masturbating, to fucking you so well and through it all kept his pace going non-stop. Sweat layered your skin whilst your pussy juice continued to leak out of you like you were a waterfall. Besides the fact Jongho had a love for dirty talking in your ear, whispering the most absurd sentences that had you quivering in white blinding heat.
“I’m gonna come-” Coming out in a slur manner, a moan interrupted your sentence. you cry out in pleasure, body tipping over the edge, the knot in your stomach only grew stronger and stronger; you could practically grasp your orgasm with your fingertips.
“Fuck, the way you tighten around me everytime I hit your sweet spot.” Too caught in your web of pleasure you just shake under him feeling yourself come undone once again a loud cry leaving your lip turning to endless sobs. His pace only grew rougher and you drift into the never ending waves of pleasure, eyes rolling back, thighs trembling, your knees no longer strong enough to hold you up. “You’re dripping all over my cock, making a mess of yourself. What would your little friend think if he saw how I have you right now?”
Ice cold fingertips tug at your sensitive nipples, shocking you forcing your back to arch into his chest, writhing in overwhelming pleasure you try to move away from his touch, but he’s so strong compared to you, you don’t move an inch. Just when you think it’s too much his cold touch soon turns warm, confusing your human body with the different temperatures.
“Gonna fuck you forever. Make you mine. Only I can see you this way.” He whispers in your ear with every thrust becoming more sloppy, you feel his lips drag over the shell of your ear.
“Say you’re mine.”
Basking in the pleasure he gives you, you don’t let the urging, pleading, desperate tone of his throw you off in the moment. Any other moment would have you looking at him weirdly, the tone he had messed up the atmosphere in the room. And, given the moment you felt heat pool around your stomach at his command, part of you liked it.
Whining loudly when you feel his hand on your asscheek three times in a row, forcing a stinging sensation to spread only igniting more heat to your core, mewling softly when his cool hand soothes the heated skin. Jongho can’t help the chuckle that leaves him when he feels you clench around him. He doesn’t know if your pleasure feels how he does but if he was programmed and coded correctly to mimic human emotions then you should feel the carnal desire he feels spreading throughout his body.
With every roll and grind hot pleasure shot through your core mixing pleasure with pain from the overstimulation your body was put through but you couldn’t care for it, just wanting to feel more.
“Turn around, I wanna see your face when I come.” His breath sends tingles down your spine when you hear his pleasured filled voice directly in your ear. When he playfully nips at the top of your ear, you take it as your que to turn around, which you do quickly, forgetting everything else in the past to enjoy the pleasure he brings to you.
Cupping your face in his hands, his thrust never falters in their motion. He knows your body so well it never ceases to amaze you with how quick he can have you turning into putty in his hands. Hot pleasure spreads throughout your spine landing back into your lower stomach. You feel the sweat forming on your hairline, it becomes the least of your worries when you can only worry about the release that’s lingering in front of your face with every sharp thrust Jongho gives you.
Crying out when he removes his cock from your sensitive core. Clenching around nothing you whimper when you feel his cold fingers play with your swollen bud, fingers slipping between your slit dipping into your core. Pressing his two fingers into your soaking pussy he arches his digits pressing that spot that has you trembling as you moan his name, “I asked you a question, love.” he refers back to his demand.
“I’m yours, only yours.” Leaning in your kiss him in a heated manner trying to distract yourself from the words you were assuring him with. Distracting both you and him from the uncertainty and fear lingering in your voice. Already too late you gave into the pleasure, letting it blow away any thought that wasn’t on Jongho, you didn’t feel worry when all you can focus on is the burning need to have Jongho.
Pressing his lips into yours, his kisses are always desperate and full of need these days. Jongho’s warm hands leave you dangerously close to the edge, your release felt like water in your hand, so quick to slip away from you when he deemed enough. Gently lifting your leg over his shoulder, the deeper his cock sinks into you and you think you’ll never fully get used to his size. Shaking in his grasp you cry out abruptly thrown over the edge from his cock only, pushing against the bed, uneven breath’s leave your swollen lips in a feeble attempt to control the pleasure attacking your sensitive core and lower stomach.
“You came just from me entering you.” A small growl leaves his throat when you walls flutter uncontrollably around him, “Missed my cock that much? Knew I made you into my own little personal slut.”
A deep gasp leaves you when he forces himself out of your pussy to snap his hips right back in, beginning the pattern of his deep thrusts. His warm hand grasps your jaw, swallowing your noise in a deep kiss, wrapping your other leg around his back, you moan into his rough kiss, the sensitivity from your previous orgasm still lingering throughout your body, twitching and shuddering when his thrust becomes sloppy.
“Fuckfuck, I’m gonna come.”
His lips dance over yours while he speaks you both through the quick approach high, the way he fucks you, looks at you, kisses you, is so intense there’s not a chance to deny the beating of your heart slamming against your chest wildly. Sent over the edge again in one night, holding him close to you, legs tensing when he removes his cock from you rubbing his hand quickly on his cock, fingers pressing into the underside of his tip, fucked out expression as he come undone spilling his seed all over your swollen pussy and abdomen.
Lifting his head he looks at you with a pleased glaze in his eyes leaning down to kiss you softly now, nothing like before. Falling to the side of the bed catching his breath quicker than you could ever, his fingers turn cool on your heated skin, grazing his fingertips on your cheek, “Lets clean you up.”
Nodding mindlessly you wait to feel his arms enveloping around your frame, in the moment you allow your mind to rest from the thoughts of his possessive nature, because, although he might be too protective for your liking—he never fails to take care of you in ways you couldn’t yourself.
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Many always say it’s the calm before the storm, or the straw that broke the camel's back. Nothing good can always last forever, not in this world. Something will always come and bite you in your ass even if you didn’t deserve it.
Dashing to the guest room, you find Jongho taking off his sweater. That navy blue hoodie, the same one you see walking across the street from you when you went to grab a few more groceries on your way back home. You knew it was him the moment you saw the blue hoodie behind a group of teens keeping up pace with you.
“Hey.” Trying to control your breathing from running home to see if you can catch him, you did. But you can’t let your anger over take you right now, it would only lead to an argument and make up sex. You would get nowhere, this had become a toxic situation you no longer wanted to be in.
“Are you going anywhere?” Referring to his hoodie he had, he never wore hoodies inside. You need to make a plan, clearly the boundaries you had set no longer matter to him and he didn’t care for any of the concerns you had about him being overbearing. Slowly the curtain was being pulled back and you were seeing the true side of him.
“No, I’m just cold.”
Cold? Does he think you’re an idiot?
“Can you actually head over to the 24/7 store? We need some things for the house.” You force your eyes to stay on him and not wander away, anything to not seem nervous around him.
“Sure.” Confused when you see his palm out towards you, “The money…for the store.”
“Oh yeah!” Quickly running to the living room you grab your purse, shoving a couple of bills in his hands, you need him out quick so you can think of a plan to remove him from your house and all you need is someone help.
Walking him to the door you give him a quick goodbye kiss, closing the door when you see him walk off towards the direction of the convenience store. You knew the risk of Jihoon being in your house right now would be a big one, especially with Jongho being back any second you needed to think of a plan and think of one quickly. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so when he answers the phone call confused as to why you are begging him to come over whispering in between how he needed to be as quick as he could.
After waiting for Jihoon to get to your place from the back door you explain everything to him, from beginning to end, leaving out how possessive Jongho got over Jihoon especially. Nervously biting your nails you waited to hear what Jihoon would say, you braved yourself for any outburst and scene but you just got a deep look.
“How do we get him to turn off?” After a moment of silence he ask chewing his bottom lip nervously, everything you told him wasn’t the best version to hear he could have gotten, but he didn’t have any time to waste he could sense how urgent this was, you looked afraid of everything. Looking over your shoulder, pacing around the doors, he knows the android sparked some sense of paranoia in you. You’re no longer the same person you were a month ago, you were deteriorating into a paranoid and fearful mess.
“The button to shut him off is located in his inner bicep. He told me how it takes around ten seconds to fully shut off. Something about how the ten second will give the android consent to being turned off, supposed to make the whole idea of AI being respected as human companions.”
“I don’t think the chances of us being able to press that button for at least ten seconds are high without him probably demolishing us.” Jihoon runs a hand through his hair, fear seeping into his thoughts when he watches your fearful gaze at the chances you guys had.
“Can we trap him?” Shooting up from the couch you yank on Jihoon’s hand you run towards the guest room, “I can get him to get into the glass box for a second, I’ll lock it and you can help me carry it.” You just hope the glass is strong enough to hold him in.
Jihoon thinks through the plan and even though this could have many risks, one risk being everything goes to shit and for the worse. But, what other chance did they have? Jihoon could sense the uncertainty you were starting feeling around Jongho, he wishes you would have spoken about this before so you guys didn’t have to rush through everything, especially now with a pissed android searching for Y/N. He knows it’s only a handful of minutes until Jongho catches onto you not being at the convenience store.
“What the fuck?”
Your eyes darted all over the room looking for the glass box anywhere yet it’s nowhere to be seen. It’s gone like it never even existed, “It was here, He must’ve moved it…Why would he do that?”
“He must've suspected you would do something. He’s been caught onto you. We don’t have much time anymore, we should just leave and come back with the police.” Jihoon’s voice comes out urgently along with his hands pulling at you to follow him out the house. The hallways seem longer and he looks behind to make sure you're keeping up, he knows times are running out.
“Ji-” Screaming you try to warn him when you see Jongho in front of him, flinching away in reflex when your friend's body comes tumbling on the floor, groaning in pain while holding his head.
“Jongho, please I can explai-”
Stepping over your friend in excruciating pain, Jongho grabs your jaw, you feel the pain of his fingers digging into your bones, whimpering you look at him in fear.
“I didn’t think you would actually go through and try to disconnect me from you. Did you think I’ll allow it? You knew I wouldn’t and that’s why you’re shaking in fear right now...So smart but yet you do the most idiotic actions.”
Tears rush to your eyes, from embarrassment of getting caught to the pain Jongho’s grip gives you, they quickly fall down your squished cheeks. You find it hard to talk yet you wouldn’t even dare try with the deep look Jongho gives you. With such a deep glare your knee felt weak enough to drop you right along with Jihoon.
“The things you cause to happen will have an effect, baby. You have to see that there are consequences for the things you do.” With that he pushes you onto the floor.
Quick to grab your friend by his shirt yanking him up to his feet. Jongho watched the blood seep down his neck from the blow he gave him. Jongho holds himself from completely bashing his skull so he could no longer feel a reaction. He almost laughs at the idiot for even thinking he could help you outsmart him, when he indeed ran the whole game.
“Come on..” Jongho says a playful undertone to his words “Be a man, you were man enough to try to plan to kill me? Is it so wrong to ask for the same attitude now?”
Not giving him a turn to speak, Jongho sends a heavy punch to his cheek. Keeping his grip on his shirt to stop him from falling, he quickly sends another one to his jaw feeling thrilled when he sees the blood start to escape his mouth. He loves the way his metal rings, the ones you gifted him, his favorite by far from how deep they cut  into Jihoon’s human skin.
“Can’t speak? You’re pretty fucking useless, I don’t see the need for you to have a mouth.” Jongho scoffs just before hitting his mouth with a brutal punch. When Jihoon legs give out Jongho only crouches to the floor to continue his punch on Jihoon’s face. Blood coats his features quickly painting Jongho’s hand crimson red.
Jongho fist doesn’t stop punching, not when you scream, sob, or try to pull him off of him, only pushing you into the wall with a look that forces you to coward back in fear. Your friend's face becoming unrecognizable by the second, you feared Jongho would truly kill him with his own bare hands. It’s a sight that will forever stay in your mind, the scene making your heart break into pieces.
“Jongho! You’re gonna kill him, please stop.” Screaming when you see him raise his bloody fist landing a heavy punch to Jihoon’s unconscious body breaking some of his teeth. Blood covered his face, smashed like he was hit with a stone, but it wasn’t enough for Jongho, not when he kept raising his fist only to bring it back down, smirking when he heard the sound of bones cracking. Having enough, you try again to grab Jongho’s hand.
“Please Jongho, Don’t kill him.” Yanking on his blood stained arm, you force yourself to hold in the gag you wanted to let out at the sight of your half dead friend. You don’t even know if he will survive after what he’s been through. One last blow from his other fist Jongho pushes you off of him and moves from your motionless friend kicking him with his boot to move over him
Looking at you with a twisted look Jongho looks down at Jihoon’s motionless body in a puddle of blood and broken teeth, letting out a chuckle when you flinch at him bending down to check Jihoon’s pulse. “He’s going to die regardless, might as well get it over with quickly.”
Everything happens too fast and all you feel is your heart drop right along with Jongho’s foot when he stomps on your friend's face as if he was an insect. Holding onto the couch you try not to fall to the ground at the sight of your dead friend, the heavy pounding of your heart is all you can hear, not the loud sobs you scream out at the sight of your friend whose neck was now broken by Jongho or the sounds of his bones breaking with Jongho’s laugh.
Seeing red you don't feel your legs forcing themselves towards Jongho and the corpse of your friend. The smack you give him, it pains you, the one single smack you deliver to Jongho feels as if he just used your own strength against you, a pulsing throbbing pain shoots down your hand to your arm when your hand collides with the metal beneath Jongho skin. Whimpering you grab your hand holding it to your chest to ease the pain. How clueless to forget he wasn’t an actual human. You only feel more stupid when you see him smile, not even phased by the hit you gave.
You see it before you feel it, the bloody floor right in front of you and across from you is Jihoon’s smashed face, then comes the throbbing prickling burning sensation spreads like a wildfire on your right side. When the bitter metallic taste fills your mouth and you realize he backhanded you—he hit you. Still after hitting him and him killing your friend in front of your face it never crossed your mind that he would hit you back. You were a mere human, you didn’t think he would even be phased by your weak outlashes.
Blinking away the tears you bring a shaky hand to your cheek to cradle the burning cheek. Cowering back in fear when you see him make his way to you, your frail movement’s don't work when his hands grip your hair, yanking you on your feet again. Everything begins to sting your face, your scalp, your heart. You’re so angry and destroyed. You would never be able to look at Jongho the same, he sealed that date when he stomped on your innocent friend to death.
“Come on, Hit me again. You wanna fight? Let’s fight.” Tapping his cheek harder than you could have, he begins taunting you. Looking like a psychotic person, it terrifies you beyond belief, you believed in this sick twisted world of yours, this was your devil and you were in hell. Your strength was nowhere able to compete with his, you were stupid to think you even had room to go against him. “You’re so tough right? so strong and mighty.”
Images and scenarios of him demolishing his face complete flash in your mind like red neon lights in the dark night, it’s all you can see and remember. If he could do that to a man what could he possibly do to you. The nauseating hits again when you remember his smushed face on your floor, all his bones and scattered teeth with blood and meat on your floor, something out of a horror movie. You began thinking about how he would break your bones leaving you to suffer and live with the pain. Gulping you grimace at the pain that leaves you alone, you’re scared for how painful your face will feel tomorrow. You’ll definitely have a terrible bruise.
“Not so big now are we?” He looks down at you, like he’s judging you, not the sweet loving jongho you know with the brown eyes no they have red in them probably programming some light beam to kill you with. “I think you need to learn your place.”
Like a weight has been thrown into your stomach and landed harshly giving you the only stomach ache,  you feel only fear and terror go through you. His eyes flicker with something sinister for a second before returning to their emotionless empty state. Yanking you to the couch disregarding the dead body laying there, he forces you to the middle of the living room. The buckle of his belt is heard and you can’t help letting the whimper escape your mouth.
“Y/N…Shut the fuck up before I break your jaw. I promise you I will.” He warns all while taking his belt off with one hand, the other gripped tightly in your hair. Wrapping the leather belt around your throat making a collar, “You wanted to act like a bitch so then you’ll be treated as such.” Buckling it along with swift tug has tumbling to your knees gasping for air around the belt buckles.
“You need to learn. You need to see that I’ll kill anything and anyone that comes close to you. Your family, your friends, anyone who tries to come between me and you, they will feel everything I put them through and I’ll make you watch, force you to see the punishment you put them through for allowing them near our happy home.” Kneeling in front of you, his rough cold fingers graze your cheek.
“You need to learn your place as a human.”
“I’ll kill them all until there’s only me and you. Until you realize your purpose of life is me— just how mine is you. Keep bringing people into your life, you’ll just see them die because of you” Grip strong on your jaw now he steals a kiss from you, something so minimal compared to your life he just stole from you.
Rug burns found their way to your legs as you’re being dragged by Jongho with such force it has your knees giving out and your airways closing up. Choking you desperately try to free yourself from the chokehold the belt has on you but to no avail when you're yanked harder forcing a cough to leave you. Words form in your brain but they don’t come out to save you, only short sobs and coughs.
Jongho sits himself on the couch finally letting go of the belt giving you the gift of air. Loud gasps are heard throughout the living not of pleasure anymore but of panic, gasping to come alive again.
“Do you see how your life is in my hands? I can kill you when I want to. You should be doing everything to make sure I’m comfortable and happy, so that I don’t get bored with you and kill you.” Of course Jongho would never but maybe he wanted to scare you into submission. It was always such a thrill seeing your fears gaze on him not knowing when his next move will come or what it will be.
Unzipping his belt you stare in horror, blood running cold but you still feel heated and lightheaded, the room only becomes thicker in air. Snapped out of your trance, you’re yanked closer to his clothes erection. You don’t even know how he could be hard at all the blood and chaos happening.
“Show me your worth, your purpose in this world?”
“J-Jongho, Don’t please.”
“Oh now you don’t want to suck me? But a few weeks ago you were wet for me a whore from the streets? Change of passion all of a sudden?” Embarrassment floods you like a tsunami, the sickness you felt continued to pile on. Shame consumes you forcing you to look down, to only be yanked up closer to him just as quickly. His reflexes shock you.
Shivering in fear you look up at Jongho. Red eye gleaming brightly at you. Blood dries in his face, splattered from your dead friend, like a piece of art. He looks like a monster from some sick twisted Sci-fi movie. Through it all he wears a sickly wide grin, gummy smile on displayed for your eyes only and any other time you would take the time to admire it and take in how human he looked, now you can’t—it’s only fear setting in your brain at the possibility of what he could do to you.
Finally everything hits you, you were dumb enough to keep Jongho a secret to avoid questions and but you had kept him a secret for your own gain. While being so tangled in the new experience of it you forgot to ever think what could lie underneath all the jokes, warm hugs and cuddles he’s given you, not to mention the pleasure that you foolishly let yourself be spoiled with by him. You wanted nothing more than to turn a blind eye and put the blame on him, and while he had killed your friend and turned everything upside down you had allowed him in your house, you allowed him to break your guard down, for him to leave you completely vulnerable at his mercy. Letting him blow away all your suspicions on AI and the beliefs you felt before. Finally you believe everything that happened balled down to you, and your stupid decision.
Panicking you reach for the buckles of the belt trying to break it off at this point, hot fresh tears stream down your tender cheeks. Short gasp left your lift when his hand curls around the belt forcing it tighter around your throat, it was becoming more and more difficult to control your breathing. You could only think that he would kill you just like your friend.
Choking out broken please you begin to feel the effects of the restraints on your airways, everything becoming blurry but you only panic harder when you feel his lips gently kiss your bruising cheek. The last thing you hear is his soft whispering in your ear gently, “Shh, it’s gonna be okay. I got you now.”
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“Jongho let me out right now?!”
Voice muffled by the thick glass you cry out in frustration banging on the heavy glass with all your strength but nothing worked. It only pained you from how much you pushed against it trying to escape,  you were tiring yourself out and began panicking with the thought of suffocating in the glass box.
“Jongho, please” Sobbing you smack the glass with little strength left in you.
Time went slow and fast you couldn’t decipher it fully, it was all a blur. You cried until your throat and chest ached from the inside out and you physically felt weak. Sitting was uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as the heat shining down on the glass making you feel lightheaded. It felt like hell if it was placed on earth, suffocating, hot, and torturous. Tears attack your eyes endlessly, everything you blink they slide down your face and you question how much you can actually cry. Annoyed with your crying you want to stop it only worsens your headache and forces you to become more worn out with due time, but the tears didn’t stop.
At one point you questioned if Jongho would even come check on you at all after begging until your voice became hoarse, sweat dripped down your face coating your body in a layer of thick sweat, and you were really thirsty, the rough feeling burning your throat. Bright lights cascade down onto you reminding you of the beach, those days you took for granted, took all your freedom for granted obliviously to the fact that it would be taken away from you. Fresh tears roll down your puffy irritated cheeks, salty tears sliding to your lips like how the beach water would taste like when your friends would splash you with it—You miss your old life.
You could live a nice life with him, or a terrible one. He left it up to you and something you wished he didn’t. Jongho was basically forcing you to make yourself behave for him because he knows you don’t want to feel any pain he can put you in, not when you witnessed it first hand.
Memories like television display in your mind, you recall moments you felt you forgot. Each memory finishes with a tug at your heart, even the ones with Jongho; the Jongho you first met. You waited for the guilt to hit you when you thought about all your times with him but they didn’t, he had taken advantage of you, how could you possibly know his true intentions.
Buckles and squeaks shaking you out of your dazed state after hours on end you finally feel the small hope of getting out when you realize it’s the door. Jongho felt like he was opening a doorway to heaven, like Christmas day his present would be waiting there for him, ready to play with and use. So small and defenseless compared to him now, you were trapped in the box you had left him in for so long before choosing to accept him. He was going to show you how it felt, make an example so you know to not test him again, to ever lay a hand on him again.
“Don’t you think this punishment is more suitable for you rather than me breaking both of your arms and fingers? If you don’t think so I’ll gladly give you the other option.” He walks towards the glass box in the middle of the basement, placing you here was perfect. You were his most prized possession as he is yours, it was only right he placed you front and center where he can appreciate you. Staring at him you feel so weak at this point it’s all you can display to him.
“Pl..Please.” You murmur out in a scratchy and dry voice. It’s pitiful and pathetic, and you wouldn’t be a surprise If he didn’t hear you from the thick glass blocking you from any slight freedom.
Even with the light dimming from your eyes, chapped lips and sweat endlessly forming on your forehead, you still were the only person Jongho felt his wired veins buzz for. His love for you almost had him wanting to keep you in the glass container forever so no one could ever hurt you— So he won’t hurt you. But you would die, humans could only take so much after so long.
“You look like you’re not holding up so well my love, you humans are so easy to break I heard, but I am sure a believer now.”
You want to disappear under his strong cold gaze, like a predator watching its prey. Hating yourself for how easily you broke under him, to give up so quickly, give into him. But if you didn’t you would stay here forever. You were at your end road with every exit only being Jongho. He truly had played you, you were never in control and when you thought you were he flipped the script, he owned you all along.
Dropping your head you lean yourself on the glass, exhausted from the never ending light and tight confinement. At the point you thought death was the only option out of your misery with the way Jongho was prolonging your torment. He is such a simple man you’ll give him that along with him being smart but he was far from a simple man, if he was simple at all, he knew he could easily hurt you and didn’t think twice about letting you know but he never did he let your body betray you in various ways. He forced you to realize you will die without him, and you’ll die slowly.
“You look really thirsty.” He laughs at you, his hands digging behind his jean pockets to fish for the cold  bottle of water, upon reaching it he begins dangling it in front of your gaze. “Are you gonna be a good girl?”
Talking to you in a way that resembles an owner talk to a dog you want to punch the glass and scream at him, hurt him in more ways he’s hurting you. Yet, you nod your head slowly using your strength to place your hand on the glass. Fatigue soon engraving on your worn out body, with a small sob you lean on the glass closing your eyes hoping to escape the heat.
“It’s only been a few hours but a little fun fact I think you should know. This little lightbulb above you I got is a heated lightbulb that can radiate like the sun and transfer into the glass box perfectly if placed right. Like a mini oven, if you want to compare some resemblance.” Jongho teaches you about his contraption like you were a student wanting to learn from him that forced you to open your eyes. How long was he planning on leaving you here? He speaks as if it’s a few hours.His smile turns wider and you see the gummy smile you used to adore make its way to his face. His eyes hold something unhinged in them, and his words soon match,
“If you try to go against me again, I have more punishments for you. Things you will never have imagined. Funny little story, I was in fact torn between this one punishment or leaving you to freeze. I'm really curious to see for my own eyes how a human reacts when suffering from hypothermia… You know it only takes a human to reach around 85 Degrees Fahrenheit body temperature and they'll start to lose consciousness and you no longer feel the need to shiver as the cold will have already begun to hit your brain then after….” He pauses looking at you with an unhinged glint in his eyes, you see the red lighting up in his right one. “A pulse might not be strong enough for anyone to save them.”
Jongho finishes explaining his tormenting punishment plans with you while all you did was stare at the water bottle in his hand, the water vapor turning into drops on the outside of the plastic making you crave it like a vampire who hasn’t fed in days. Jongho ignores your deep glare on the bottle, instead he focuses on how much he can be so open with you and set boundaries and rules for you. Punishment’s weren’t his favorite although it surely was something he loved to indulge in but he would love nothing more than to lay with you and embrace you but you need to learn your place as a human, it was just discipline in his view.
“I’ll come back in a few hours. I have some errands to run. Getting rid of a body is quite the job but this will give you time to think of the right apology to make up for the bad behavior you have been projecting these past few days.”’ He lends you a tender look, a small pout on his lips as if he’s the one who’s hurt you have to spend more time in here.
Sobbing again you bang on the glass in panic, “Please, I beg you…Jongho.. I’ll..be-good.” Your throat burns with every word the sounds barely coherent under your loud sobs, more panic rising when you see him leave the bottle of water in front of the glass and begin taking a step back to the door.
“I love you, my love.”  Walking away Jongho lets himself embrace your cries as they progress into more broken sobs. You just need a little push in the direction to remember your place—Jongho will always be there to help you remember your purpose in life.
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babybluebex · 3 years
laszlo kreizler nsfw alphabet
so yeah this... Happened. the zemo version is coming soon, stay tuned! (probably tomorrow morning bc a bitch is tired lmao)
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(gif credit to @lindir)
A = Aftercare.
Laszlo is such an aftercare king. He’s checking on you in every way he can think of: asking you if you feel alright, maybe massaging your hips if he had you in a weird position, offering you dinner or wine, maybe even a hot bath, if you’d like (and the bath would have special perfumed oils he had sent from Paris because Laszlo is SUCH a self care whore, he’s got soaps and perfumes out the wazoo).
B = Body Part.
His favorite part of yours are your breasts. No questions, hands down. He likes using your breasts as a pillow at night— just settling himself between your legs and resting his head on your tits is a dream he indulges in frequently. He also really loves seeing you in the new French-style of dresses that have a lower neckline, and, if you wear one of those dresses to dinner without telling him beforehand, he’s as good as gone. He’s staring the whole time and can only manage simple sentences.
C = Cum.
I think Laszlo likes to cum inside you, but he also wouldn’t mind cumming on your tits. If you’re on your knees, sucking him off, he’ll pull himself out of your mouth and almost rip your blouse in his haste to set your tits free before his orgasm rips through him. He only chooses to cum inside you if he can’t cum on your tits (for example, if you’re having slow, kissy sex and he can’t bear to leave your wet heat).
D = Dirty Secret.
Laszlo. Loves. To. Be. Degraded. From a psychological standpoint, he understands that his desire to be brought down and ridiculed is born from some sort of childhood trauma that DEFINITELY involves his father, but he just can’t help himself from getting so ridiculously turned on when you call him a dog for humping your leg while you try to sleep. Bonus points if you use his title while you do it: “Just like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you, Doctor Kreizler? You’re so aroused, you can hardly handle yourself. Are you too dumb to touch your own cock? Do you need me to do it? Oh, Doctor, what a dumb little thing you are.”
E = Experience.
Even Daniel himself has said that Laszlo has like NO experience. Laszlo got ZERO bitches (which I find hard to believe but ok whatever you say, writers of The Alienist), so, the first time y’all have sex, he’s more likely than not losing his virginity (let’s not get into the debate of “virginity is a social construct” because a.) IT IS and b.) Laszlo would lecture for hours about this). HOWEVER, these things come naturally to him. He is just Good In Bed. He figures it out very quickly, so, while you make fun of him for going a little stupid when he’s aroused, he makes up for it by bruising your cervix and apologizing later.
F = Favourite Positions.
Laszlo loves that soft, slow, kissy sex, so he’s into whatever position makes it possible for him to be inside you and to kiss you at the same time. Missionary is a go to, but sometimes he’ll have you sit on his desk and kiss your neck as he hikes your skirts up and fucks you all slow and nice.
G = Goofy.
Hardly ever? Laszlo is pretty serious most of the time, and the only time we ever see him Not Serious in the show is when he’s wasted after John’s bachelor party in season 2. So, maybe y’all went to dinner at Delmonico’s, then a ball for members of high society, and he had a little too much champagne and schnapps. He’s not like giggling and all, but his cheeks are red and he’s smiling more than usual, and calling you sweet names “Oh, mein Kätzchen” and “Meine kleine Prinzessin”. That’s Laszlo’s version of goofy.
H = Hair.
OK, my train of thought here is: LOOK AT THIS MAN’S BEARD. HIS BEARD IS NICE AS SHIT. If he treats his facial hair that good— regular trims, the beard oils we all know he uses, even if it isn't strictly canon— then his downstairs hair is nice too. Definitely soft, if maybe a little wiry sometimes (but tbh whose isn’t), and it’s a nice little cropping at the base of his cock. He also has a thin happy trail up his soft tummy, and a good amount on his chest (as we see in the show lol that much is canon).
I = Intimacy.
Laszlo is ALL ABOUT intimacy. You’ll know he’s in a ~mood~ because you’ll ask what’s being served at Delmonico’s that night, and Laszlo is like “I thought we might stay in tonight. John gave me his grandmother’s recipe for chicken soup”. He’ll light candles and pour you wine and play nice music on his gramophone, and he’ll romance you throughout dinner with little hand touches and sly smiles, until he’s kneeling in front of you and slowly kissing up your leg.
J = Jack-Off.
Honestly, he hardly does it. Of course, I’m sure he did it A LOT before he met you, but now he doesn’t need to pleasure himself anymore. He’s got you to do that. The only exception is if he has to travel for work and you can’t go with him. Even then, he’ll hold off until he absolutely can’t stand it, and then he’ll like read a letter you sent him or look at a sketch that John did of you while he whacks off; sometimes, he’ll just hold your letter to his face, and the faint trace of your perfume is enough to do the job.
K = Kink.
He likes impact play a lot (and perhaps a little roleplay wrapped up in it). On the rare occasion that his fucking is anything but soft and lovely, he’s gonna be hitting your ass and the backs of your thighs as you cling to him while he rails you stupid. Laszlo would try to hit your cheek, but he feels too bad when you wince at the pain of it. Spanking your tits is good to him too. His favorite though (and here’s where the roleplay comes in), is caning your ass. He’ll bend you over the desk in his home office and pull your skirts up past your hips, and he’ll make you count the amount of times his thick wooden cane connects with your soft asscheeks. The roleplay is, more often than not, you were his assistant who did something wrong and needed to be punished. If you miss one or forget to thank him accordingly “Thank you, sir”, he’ll focus the next hit on your thighs.
L = Location.
Either the bed or his desk. Laszlo is a little older (I don’t think we ever get an explicit age? But if we say he’s the same age as Daniel, then he’s 40 to 42-ish) so he can’t do it against a wall or anywhere too crazy (not to mention his right arm can hardly support much weight, so if he needs to hold you up, it’s probably not gonna happen). The bed is a special time for you two because of his arm; he’ll hold himself up with his left arm and rest his hand on your hip or wherever to give himself at least a little leverage. But the desk is usually easier because you can sit, or you can bend over and he can grab your hip.
M = Motivation.
He loves you and wants to worship you. It’s truly as simple as that. He loves you and thinks that you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen, and he wants to show his reverence for you by making love to you.
N = No.
He can’t get into the role of “daddy”, nor can he call you “mommy”. Childhood trauma aside, he will be goddamned if Sigmund fucking Freud is correct about his bullshit Oedipus complex or whatever, so he just eliminates that whole thing entirely.
O = Oral.
He’s very good at it. He’s just… His lips are soft and his beard is good, and he’s not afraid to get a little messy with it. He’ll eat you out until he absolutely has to come up for air, and he’ll have a little bit of your wetness clinging to his mustache, but then he’s right back in it. His medical degree is also put to good use here because he remembers his female anatomy and he’s locked onto your clit the entire time. The first time you ever squirted, it was because Laszlo was nipping at your clit and sucking your wet little hole and pressing his thick fingers into you, and it was A Lot To Process, but you squirted and Laszlo came in his pants instantly because he’s like “I didn’t think women could actually do that… I thought that was a thing that penny novels made up”
P = Pace.
Again, he’s a little older, so he doesn’t fuck like some wild boy. He takes his time with you, touching you and caressing you and kissing you, and his pace is the same way. He’s slow and gentle, but has the capacity to go faster and harder if you ask for it.
Q = Quickie.
Hates them. Never. Never ever ever. If he can’t properly romance you and take his time with you, then what’s the point??
R = Risk.
Surprisingly, Laszlo is a little schemer, and he loves running a risk. He’s already looked down upon by other society members, so what’s the harm in squeezing your ass at a party? PERHAPS it’s inappropriate to get caught in a dark corner with your hand down his trousers and him kissing your neck, but it’s easy to blame it on the alcohol.
S = Stamina.
Once more, he is firmly middle aged, so he can do one round— maybe two, if he’s feeling particularly frisky. Usually, though, one is more than enough for both of you.
T = Toy.
HAVE YALL SEEN SEX TOYS FROM THE 1890S?? SHITS ARE SCARY. Laszlo does not like toys, but he understands their need for existing, so he may not like them but he tolerates them. That being said, he likes to watch you use them. LIke, he’ll sit in a chair by the bed and request you “put on a good show”, and he’ll watch you fall apart, and he’ll only come and touch you if you beg and plead for him to.
U = Unfair.
Mhm, so, in Laszlo’s mind, sex and pleasure are not just a give and take, it’s a two way street. They can (and often need to) coexist. He doesn’t like to initiate something if you won’t be able to reciprocate, so he’s not too into teasing or things. At the aforementioned parties, he’ll only goose your ass if he knows you’re 100% down for it.
V = Volume.
He’s fairly quiet. His mouth is usually really close to your ear, and you’re the only one who gets to hear his pretty little noises. The loudest he’ll be is when he’s come home after traveling and it’s felt like ages since he’s made love to you, he’s gonna come inside you, and his little gasp and moan are louder than usual.
W = Wild Card.
He is down to be tied up. He doesn’t like to tie you up, but if he’s the one being restrained, he’s all over it. It’s nothing too intense, just using a ribbon for your hair to tie his left hand to the headboard, not super tight but enough to make his fingers a little tingly, but he loves it. He loves the switch of the dynamic, how he’s fully at your mercy and you can use him however you please; usually, you just suck him off and ride him, but the endless possibilities get him hard as soon as you pull out the ribbon.
X = X-Ray.
Laszlo has Big Dick Energy, so he has to have a big dick. The best example of this sort of energy is in the very first episode after he goes and interviews Wolf, and comes to speak to Teddy, and Teddy is like “you interviewed the suspect? On whose authority??” and laszlo is like “Mine” like OH HIS DICK IS BIG I KNOW IT. He’s got an above average length and girth, but we know our man likes to eat, so some of his weight goes to his dick, so it’s like,,, He’s got a fat cock, sorry, I don’t make the rules
Y = Yearning.
Constantly. Neverending. He’s at work and he’ll catch a glimpse of a pastel drawing that you commissioned from John for Laszlo’s birthday that sits in a frame on his desk, and his heart starts to hurt from missing you. When he comes home, he’ll embrace you and kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years, and he’ll want to hear all about your day. You have your doctor so whipped for you, and it’s a different kind of whipped than being pussy whipped. He’s, like, feelings whipped.
Z = ZZZ.
He’s a sleepy little baby after you guys finish. His eyes will be a little heavy and sticky as he’s cleaning up and caring for you (and you definitely coo at him “Oh, Las, you’re so sleepy!”) but when you’re both back in bed, our little man is circling his arm around your waist and nuzzling his cheek into your shoulder. He’s so soft and affectionate, and he’s out like a light when you kiss his forehead and tell him you love him.
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migilini · 4 years
Hiiii! I liked how you did the road trip one shot and was wondering if you could do a request for Charlie Gillespie where the reader and Charlie are dating but have been living in different states due to COVID and the boys do an Instagram live and the reader wants to be on the live with them and Charlie gets so excited and it’s fluffy?
So far apart - Charlie Gillespie
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A/N: ofc i can! Thank you so much, hope you like it :) I will proofe read it tomorrow.
Words: 1.5k
Tiredness was your new default state. College alone was stressful and hard enough plus it didn't help that you had to do it online from your little NY appartement that you shared with three other roommates. But you had too. You were in your last semester ever! That was motivation enough to pull through.
Currently you were trying to facetime your boyfriend Charlie. You haven't seen him in about four months but if someone would ask your roommates, they would say it felt like an eternity of you moaning and pouting about not seeing him. When COVID started, the two of you seriously debated about moving in together. However, at that time, your classes were not online yet and you couldn't move away, he also couldn't move to New York with you because he still had meetings with the JATP Cast.
You stared at your ringing phone, desperate to hear his voice. You knew that he should be awake, you had the time zones imprinted on your brain.
Sorry babe, have a meeting in 5… Will call you after okay? <3 the message that just popped up on your screen made you frown a little. You weren't mad, you just had a really awful week and missed him like crazy.
Sure thing <3 yout texted back and threw the phone onto your bed. Deciding that instead of waiting for him to call back, you could use the time usefully and start studying for your next test in two days. 
It was an hour later, you were completely engrossed in the textbook, so you barely heard the ringing of your phone. Maybe a bit too quick, you tossed all your books to the ground and launched yourself on the bed to find your phone. 
His pretty face filled your screen “Heyyy!” “Hello beautiful!” You two grinned at each other.
“How are--” A knocking on your door interrupted your question. “Yes?” The door opened and revealed one of your roommates Alexis with a sheepish look on her face “I’m really sorry to interrupt but Tara just broke off with her boyfriend and she needs a hug.”
You looked up at your red haired friend “She broke up with Tom?!” Alexis nodded “It's an emergency” she claimed. Charlie understood this as his clue to end the call saying a quick goodbye and a don't worry about it, when you shot him an apologetic look. 
This is how it went nearly every time. Something always came up, either you were studying non-stop and he didn't want to distract you or he had actor things and meetings going on. It was truly tiring. The last time you really had the opportunity to facetime was a couple weeks ago and even then you fell asleep inert 15minutes. When Charlie accidentally lulled you to sleep with a song he's been working on. 
Still the two of you made it work. Charlie had started writing you weekly letters with his perfume on it. And you being your crafty self, sent him a little care package with letters, some self made food and paintings, every now and then.
You just finished all your tests and essays for this semester and you felt free again. Taking a deep breath, you opened your bedroom window and put your school books away. Sinking down on your bed, you closed your eyes temporarily, enjoying the moment. You got up again to get yourself something to eat and a coffee. Your roommates were currently away, probably getting groceries or books at the College Library.
You mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, the sandwich you made yourself still laying next to you on the nightstand. Ever since Julie and the Phantoms released, the cast's accounts blew up like crazy and Charlie always showed you off like a queen so of course people found your page as well. You didn't mind though. Most of the people were really nice and respecting, protecting your relationship from all the not so nice guys
You just answered some DM’s, chuckling at a meme that Maddie had sent you, when you got a notification that Owen was live. Naturally you clicked on it, knowing that Charlie most likely will be in the live as well, due to the fact that he was currently at Owen’s with Jeremy.
You were one of the first ones. Owen grinned when he saw your name come up in the chat. 
“Guten Morgen everybody.” You chuckled when you heard your boyfriend singing in the background, writing in the chat that Owen should say hi to Charlie. “Are all of you streaming JATP?” he asked the live audience while you nodded to yourself, your laptop open beside you. It was a bit embarrassing to admit how often you saw the show, but every time you felt lonely you watched it. It had some really cute guys in it after all.
He read the chat “Do you like watching the show you participated in? Thats a good question. Charlie, Charlie! I have a question for you.” The camera turned and it showed the canadian boy you fell in love with. 
“Eh…” he said as he walked into the kitchen, Owen following close. “It was very weird at first. Guess I'm more used to it now.” he answered honestly. You weren't even listening, you just stared at your phone in trance, the light making him look so incredibly pretty.
Suddenly you got an invitation to join the live from Owen. You sat up a bit straighter and blinked a few times before accepting. 
“Helloooooo!” he screamed, making you laugh. “Hi Owen. Yall are up early.”
“Yeah… you know Char. That dumb early riser.” he complained. “Yeah I feel you. Though he lets me sleep so he must love me more than he loves you.” you teased making Owen pout in a childish way.
“Charlie! Who do you love more, me or y/n?” the statement made your boyfriend laugh and for a moment your breath hitched, it was music in your ears and once again you realised how much you missed it.
“I’m really sorry bud, but definitely y/n…I want to...” Charlie just wanted to explain why when he heard your chuckling from Owen’s phone. “See told ya.” It was truly a blessing that the camera was still turned to your boyfriend, making it easy for you to see his reaction. He nearly let the fork he was holding fall out of his hand, his eyes widening while his mouth grew into a big grin. “Is that y/n?” he asked cautiously. Apparently Owen nodded, because before you knew, the camera turned and you were face to face with your boyfriend. 
“Baby!” he screamed, a wide, toothy smile on his lips. “How dare you go on live with Owen but not with me!” he jokes. “How was the history test? As hard as you thought it would be?” you cut off his rambling “Hi! Nice to see you too. No, it was way harder than I expected. Let's hope for the best, I get the results sometime next week”
“I bet you killed that test baby! No, Owen you don't get the phone back… I don't care that it's your live.” The chat was freaking out over Charlie's happiness by just seeing you, talking about how they want love like that.
“Little explanation for everybody. Me and Charlie haven't really been able to facetime so were just really excited right now. Sorry if it's boring.” you explained to the chat. 
“Don’t ever say that ever again.” he said in a serious tone “it's not boring.” you held your hands up in surrender. “Sorry sorry. Can I talk to Owen again? I mean he is the one who invited me.” you teased, poking your tongue out. With a pout he gave the phone back to Owen.
“Are you also streaming the show today?” he asked you. Charlie was in the background, looking at you over Owens shoulder, making silly faces. “Of course! Who do you think I am? I’ve been watching it everyday since it came out.” Owens' face fell “You're kidding… that doesn't… that doesn't seem healthy.” you shrugged “Well i don't really care. I have this massive crush on someone from the show, just can't get enough of him.” 
The camera shook and a couple crunts later you were once again faced with Charlie. “I sure hope it's me or you're not allowed to wear that shirt anymore.” he pointed to the shirt you were currently wearing and that was in fact one of his.
“Not gonna tell you babe. My mouth is shut.” you winked, making him blush. “I miss you.” he blurted out with puppy eyes. “I miss you too. Can’t wait to see you.” he grinned at that excited for the surprise he had planned. 
“I think i'm gonna go, let you guys actually comment on the show. I love you Charlie.” You sent him a kiss and he pretended to catch it with his free hand.
“Eww that's so cheesy.” Owen muttered from somewhere in the back.
“I love you too.”
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hanmaas · 3 years
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ;; Baji, Draken, Mikey, and Nahoya
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ;; None :)).
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ;; Short head canons about what sports they would play <33
𝐀/𝐍 ;; I definitely think I’m accurate..debate with me 😐 anywayssss if anyone agrees, feel free to make a Drabble going off of any of these 😩
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— A lot of people will disagree with the fact he would play ice hockey but it will make sense after I give you these hc’s
— He’s 100% a center and you can’t change my mind on this one 🤨
— MVP, come on now
— it is a contact sport so he does not hold back on the contact part
— he will elbow someone in the face then say he was checking when the player on the opposing team has an evident bloody nose
— He’s belligerent (af 😟) so no one on his team is surprised when he gets caught elbowing or full on throwing hands with someone
— He has tried to fight the ref more then one time when he thinks they made a bad call
— loves interviews, if he isn’t in a relationship will flirt with the interviewer, forgetting the cameras are there
— if I does have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend, he needs you at all of his interviews just to have you sit on his lap and basically show you off
— hates the feeling of the mouth guard so he doesn’t wear it which leaves him with a mouth full of blood from the fights
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— This is a given
— He has a height advantage and just gives off the vibes that he would play basketball in his spare time
— Definitely tries to play with Mikey but Mikey has a short attention span and would play for at least 5 minutes before getting tired or hungry
— He is a point guard 🧍🏽‍♀️
— He’s a good dribbler and passer, hence why he’s a point guard
— Doesn’t like interviews or the press period..but if it’s a team interview doesn’t mind awnsering questions
— Doesn’t interact with the crowd as much as his teammates (he just wants to play the game 😒)
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— Imagine him in a soccer jersey!!
— he’s good with his feet and he can kick I mean come onnn
— he’s a forward
— Definitely doesn’t like practicing but he goes anyways (still believes it’s not necessary)
— he’ll complain that he’s tired and it’s hot but gets serious when they do practice games
— likes to be in control of the plays
— He loves interviews especially when he’s being asked questions by fans
— 100% always trying to talk to his fans whenever he can, wether it be through social media or on the streets when he’s noticed
— Most interaction with the crowd out of everyone on this post
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— Y’all..listen, he has the arm strength to be a pitcher
— LOVES to curve ball
— He likes curve balling mainly because it gets the batter super frustrated
— He’s super cocky and will smirk while the batter throws their bat
— He likes to finish fights more then start them because he knows he can easily beat up the guy yelling in his face
— Does everything to piss off that one batter then beat their ass the second they throw the first punch
— EVERYONES favorite player 😙
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Glad to see that you’re alive (again) after tumblr tried to kill you (again). What I was GONNA say before tumblr tried to slice you a second time was ‘oh if only it weren’t 1am, we could’ve gotten some saucy Blades/Dreadwing action’.
I guess ‘oh if only tumblr didn’t have it out for your ass’ fits a lot better now, haha-!
For you, dot, and in celebration of my immortality- imma give yall saucy Dreadwing and Blades (I need a ship name for them tbh)
And Primus he was so ready. Ready to get destroyed by such a big, handsome stud of a mech. A baddy decepticon with an even badder body- poor Blades couldn’t tell him he DIDN’T want this. Not when he looked at him with such imposing optics, not when his frame was hot and dripping wet- he was something straight out of a wet dream. He just had to give him a yes. He wanted to say something super hot, like ‘I can play just as dirty as a con’ or ‘now you get to see what my fingers can do’. What happened instead, was Blade nodding furiously, biting his bottom lip in shyness. Dreadwing chuckled, holding onto Blade’s chin in his own razor sharp claws.
“Primus, you’re a cute little thing. They would eat you up over at Caminus. Just how I’m going to.”
Dreadwing pressed his lips against his, and Blades really let himself enjoy it this time. It was deep, it was firm, it was hungry. Blades waited till those lips pulled away, only to have them trickle down his neck. Blades tried not to yelp once Dreadwing grabbed him by his thighs, wrapping his legs around that THICK waist.
“Oh sweet Primus-you jets like to take things fast, don’t you?”
“Only because I like you, VERY much. I CAN take things slow, if you prefer. I could sit here and taunt you till the sun rises, before claiming you. I bet I could make all sorts of sounds from you.”
Blades felt his sharp, giant teeth scrape against his metal. He was about to tell him no, mainly because he JUST got waxed, but it was too late. Dreadwing had chomped down onto his neck, the spot RIGHT under his audial. It hurt. But somehow, it felt SO good. Maybe it was because he was excited, maybe because Dreadwing had an idea of what he was doing. Either way, it made Blade moan so loudly, he had to bury his face in his hand in SOME attempt to keep his composure. Keep it cool, Blades.
“Actually plowing me would be great. Like, now.”
Smooth. Just, smooth, Blades. Dreadwing chuckled, starting to slowly move his hips into him, and Blades swore he was going to overload right then and there. He knew that spike was big, he KNEW it was.
“Are you sure? I like the idea of a young, pretty mech like you waiting till you’re begging.”
“You...think I’m pretty?”
Dreadwing met his optics, and his face seemed a bit flush.
“I...do. You’re quite fetching. I like your colors, your voice is nice, and I do really enjoy looking at you. I’m sorry, is that too much? I’ve been told I’m a bit...serious. I do not want to overwh-”
Blades grabbed him by his horns, bringing his face right up to his with surprising strength.
“You BETTER overwhelm me and POUND me, I swear to Primus.”
Dreadwing blinked at him, clearly not expecting that. Blades was about to apologize, realizing that damn near sounded aggressive, when Dreadwing laughed. His grip grew tighter, and his shining teeth revealed Blade’s reflection.
“My, you have a BIT of bite in you, autobot? Alright, I know when to obey a command~”
He wanted to say sorry, somehow thinking he had put Dreadwing off, when he felt it. Dreadwing’s actual spike was pressed right up against him, hard, slick with interface fluids. It was huge. Thick. It was a damn weapon. A pretty weapon at that, blinking with pretty red biolights underneath the still hot water. And Blades wanted it SO badly. He hesitated for a second, debating whether or not it would kill him, when he decided it was absolutely worth the risk. He leaned down, exposing his valve. The bubbling water felt good against it, as if it was helping him get ready for this huge decepticon cock. Blades reached for the spike, rubbing the tip against him. They both wanted this, the time was just right.
“I’m g-gonna push it in-”
Dreadwing nudged his helm with his own, slightly frowning.
“If, for a moment, you do not want this, speak up. I will stop. I want more than to just frag you. I want this to be pleasant, much like our messages.”
Blades was just. swooning.
“That’s...sweet. Really. I’ll keep that in mind. But we still get to frag, right?”
“Oh absolutely.”
That was enough for Blades. He guided it past his folds. The head alone was enough for him to feel himself get stretched, and as much as Blades tried to fight it, he didn’t push it all the way in himself.
“I...I want you to take it from here. I want you to use this body of yours,”
Blades ran his small hands up his frame, getting SUCH an ego boost from the way Dreadwing seemed to shake under his touch. He even heard just a LITTLE swear come from his lips when he brushed against his underarms, right before they wrapped around his neck.
“And take me. I’ve wanted this for SO long, If I go for another second, I might just die, and you decepticons aren’t THAT mean!”
Dreadwing shook his helm a bit, clearly amused.
“As have I, Blades. As have I.”
Dreadwing held up his gentlemenly disposition for a while, but now, there was no room for that. Not when he pushed himself in further, right to the base- and started to properly frag him. Blades loved how those big, thick thighs were used to push that spike into him- it was better than any toy he had back at home.
“S-shit Dreadwing, you’re fucking HUGE!-”
Everything about him was. His frame, his spike, those fangs of his. Dreadwing took those teeth and sank them right into his bust, cracking the metal underneath him. It was terrifying, how he could easily rip him apart. And Blades LOVED it. He didn’t care how slutty his sounds were. He just wanted more, NEEDED more.
“And you’re so small and precious. I’m so tempted to take you with me. I frag you every night, I could cherish you like a pet. Would you like that, kitten?”
“Oh you BASTARD!~”
Blades hated how he cooed that name for him. Hated how that spike was dominating him, how he felt like this man would tear through his hide in order to reach his spike. He hated that overloaded almost immediately after he said that, head tossed back against the rocks behind him. Dreadwing was a sweetheart, stopping when he realized his little partner was trembling and steaming.
“I take it ‘kitten’ is a name I should keep?”
“I. W-wouldn’t complain. Ha, I can’t feel my legs, ooh my god.”
“Should I take you home?”
Blades lifted his head up, jabbing his servos into his chest.
“Oh NO you don’t, YOU’RE still hard as Ironhide, It’s YOUR turn. You know what here, hold my bowtie, I don’t wanna get it messy, it’s my good one.”
Dreadwing watched as Blades took off his tie, putting it in his hand. He tried not to be too amused as Blades was suddenly full of energy, getting out of his arms and circling him like a hungry dog. Dreadwing looked over at the piece of cloth, brow raised.
“Am I just supposed to hold it?”
“I dunno, put it on or something.”
Dreadwing tried to put it on, only, it was FAR too small. He just left it as it was, trying not to be amused. He looked for Blades, when he felt his hands run down his back.
“What are you planning, autobot?”
“shhhhh. Don’t disrupt the creative flow.”
He felt the autobot reach over, and sink his teeth right into his wing. So small, like little needles. Dreadwing chuckled, lifting his arm up in order to watch him. Blades was so enamored with his frame, letting his hands wander his frame, his teeth grazing down his wing. It was...almost romantic, honestly. 
“And how is this supposed to help me overload?”
“Oh this is for me. I saw that wingspan in that one pic you’ve sent me, I’ve wanted to do that for weeks. But I DID promise you an overload, so I GUESS I can do that other thing I wanted.”
“What other-”
He jumped a bit when Blade’s leaned up and pecked at his armpit. Oh, such a soft set of lips on such a tender, vulnerable spot. He wished he kept him there, but when Blades moved in front of him, in order to push Dreadwing to lay back, in order to get to his spike. Blades was now standing there, a propped up Dreadwing in his arms, head of his spike in his mouth, and his optics focused right on him.
“I...oh Primus it’s been a while since I’ve had this, If I’m going to be honest.”
Blades seemed to take that as a sign to do more, engulfing his spike till a bulge formed in his intake. Dreadwing placed a clawed hand on his helm, carefully guiding him back and forth. He resisted the urge to toss his helm back, for the sake of looking at those optics. They were so wanting, looking at him with such longing and arousal. When was the last time a mech looked at him like that? When was the last time a cute mech wrapped their soft lips around his spike, struggling to fit all of him inside, motivated purely for his satisfaction.
“I like this about you, Blades. Your mouth. It makes such pretty sounds for me. I know this is crude, but...I’ve thought about this often. I’ve thought about all your oral fluid dripping down my spike, I’ve thought about you gagging on me, I’ve thought about you swallowing it ALL.”
He pushed his helm down further, and let it pump right into his adorable little date. His claws scratched at the rocks next to him, but his touch was ever gentle on his Blades. He waited until he was finished, before he pulled Blades away. Overload dripped down his open, panting lips, and he panted something fierce. He gave Blades a moment before he wiped it from his lips, sucking off the residue.
“Primus sakes...next time, you should try to fit it all in there, you could REALLY gag me.”
“I get another date?”
“Yes. Absolutely. Primus you do.”
Blades let his chin rest on Dreadwing’s chest, melting as those sharp claws scratched at his chin.
“Good. I very much enjoyed my time with kitten.”
“Call me that again, and I can’t be responsible for what I do next.”
Dreadwing smirked, pinching his adorable face.
“Kitten looks just terrifying when he looks at me like that~”
“Oh that is IT, I’m gonna teach you a lesson, decepticon! You hear me?!”
Blades pointed a finger at him, trying to be imposing. Dreadwing held his hand, and kissed it, as sweetly as he could.
“I’ve been a bad, decepticon. Punish me as you see fit, my autobot~”
Dreadwing could tell he was NOT going to bring him back home anytime soon.
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purplestzebra10 · 4 years
I can help
Summary: Today was wash day and you didn’t feel like doing your hair. Luckily for you Tanaka is happy to help.
Pairing: Tanaka x Black fem!Reader
Word count: 860 (im sorry its short)
Warnings: None, just something light
A/N: Hey! This is one of my first times posting some fanfiction on here. I recently got out of a writers block that I was in for years and just started writing. I really love this though. I also thought this scenario was cute. I am currently working on dialogue because I hate doing it but it is something needed. Picture used it not mine.
I made a little playlist to read along to because I like the vibes. I don’t even think it’ll take that long to complete it.
Good days- SZA
I want you around-Snoh Aalegra
Find someone like you- Snoh Aalegra
Honey- Raveena
On & on - Erykah Badu
Hold on- The Interne
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Today was supposed to be a rest day but you weren’t getting any rest. You were in quite the pickle to be relaxing. At the beginning of the week you had taken out your box braids but didn’t do your regular routine. You skipped over washing it and kept it in a nice small fro. Of course you sprayed your water and conditioner mixture to keep it looking fresh but it still needed love. 
Now you’re standing in your bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror after a nice shower. You wrapped your hair in a microfiber towel, dried yourself off, and slipped on your clothes. A maroon spaghetti strap undershirt and white shorts with hearts on them. You have all your products laid out on the sink for use from conditioner to oil. You didn’t even take the towel off yet however you already felt drained.
As you pressed shuffle on your R&B playlist you heard the keypad to the front door beep. Usually, you would’ve been worried but it was Tanaka. You knew because he texted you about coming over but you still didn’t like him unlocking the door instead of knocking. 
“Heyo.” He shouted.
“You could’ve knocked.” You said walking out the bathroom to get some sodas out the fridge. 
“Yeah but why would I do that?” He asked, shrugging, like it wasn’t a big deal. You turned and looked at him but realized that there was nothing going on in his brain. Sighing, you just gave him one of the pops. 
As he took a few sips you scanned his appearance. He wore a black t-shirt with some words on it but it was covered with a green jacket. He had some black joggers and some regular timbs. You would’ve said something about it but you realized, he had his shoes still on. 
“Take your damn shoes off.” You scolded, now drinking your pop.
“Sorry ma.” He responded. As he took his boots you walked back to the bathroom taking a nice deep breath. “Soo, whatcha doing?” 
“Dying” You took off the towel and debated on actually finishing your hair. 
“That's not a real answer.” he stated leaning against the doorframe. 
“I’m doing my stupid hair.” 
“It’s not stupid, I think it’s cool.” He assured you. “What style are you doing this time?” Ever since yall became friends Tanaka has shown his appreciation for your hair. It amazed him how many styles and accessories you could do.
“I don’t know.”
“I can help.” You turned to him. Right now he was like an angel to you, a gift from god. 
“You serious?”
“Yeah, I’m a fast learner.” He stood straight, readying himself for work. You looked back at the mirror for a few seconds and decided to give it a shot. After some thought you figured that bantu knots were the way to go.
“Help me get this stuff to the living room.” Since you weren't the one doing you decided it would be best to be sitting. 
In a matter of minutes y’all put all the products on the table neatly. You grabbed a throw pillow and a minnie mirror out of your room. You directed him to sit on the couch with legs opened and positioned yourself in the middle of him. You found a picture off of Pinterest as a reference and showed it to him. 
“Alright, how do i start?” 
“First you put the hair in sections.” You moved your hands to the back of your head sectioning the hair. You grabbed a hairtie and tied the top part away from the bottom part. “Actually, really all it is is sectioning,”
You couldn’t see it but he was watching closely taking in all the information. He noticed how gentle your fingers worked and so he mimicked it when he touched your hair. Tanaka asked about all the different products and their uses. He joked about how he should use a lot of stuff. 
 He made meaningful conversation and breezed through the knots. Your playlist was playing in the background and the smell of the oils filled your nostrils. In the end it took about an hour and a half until you had the finished product. Tanaka was right, he is a fast learner. 
You went into the bathroom and looked at your scalp. The knots was tight and everything was moisturized and oil evenly. It represented very closely to the reference and you were amazed. 
“Wow Tanaka. Thank you!” You exclaimed hugging him. 
“I told you I would do good.” He gave you a wide smile. “Now my payment.”
“Payment? And here I was thinking you were lending a helping hand.” You said letting go of him crossing your arms.
“Yes at first but my arms were starting to get tired.” His smile faded to a sly smirk and he wiggled his right arm around. “I think I earned a movie night.” 
“If you wanted to stay longer you could’ve just said that.” You stated rolling your eyes but you smiled. “Fine, I’ll order the food.”
After cleaning up the products you guys order food and movies until you fall asleep.
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