#I’m so fucking stoked to finally dove into this
allsystemsblue · 2 years
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This is one beautiful book. 🖤
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Drew starkey x reader where the cast is hanging out and swimming at the lake and it’s night. the cast notice the romantic tension between drew and the reader, they all slowly leave so they can be alone. Finally drew kisses her (can u do smut pls)
Hi, sweetness! I actually love this, so cute. And as a water girl/ lake lover, this is dreams.
Author's Notes: I just want to be friends with these people, so badly and this is basically one of my dream parties. And Drew Starkey can take me night swimming anytime... This one is long, but I think it's fun, it's flirty and I think it's kind of sexy. Please let me know what you think xoxo
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, Sexual references - sexual innuendos (I didn't do full smut, sorry. But it's still fun! I do have an idea for a potential second part...)
Requested? Heck yes! Requests for OBX are open!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
It was the perfect night for a swim. The sky was so clear it was almost as if they could reach up, grab the stars and count them in their palm.
Instead, they all decided it would be the perfect night to have a fire on the beach to accompany their swim. Everyone packed a bag, a cooler and drove down to the beach.
Drew drove her in his truck, just the two of them, down the to beach. His windows down to let the late night summer breeze hit their faces. He smiled over at her quickly when her heard he laugh, her hands pushing her long hair out of her face as the wind created a tunnel in the cab of the truck.
"Windows up next time?" Drew laughed softly as he adjusted his hat on his head then made the turn to the parking lot for the beach. The lot was empty except for the few cars that were waiting for the two of them to arrive.
"No. I like it." She smiled as she twisted her hair and held it to the side while he slowed his truck down, then parked it beside Chase's car.
"Good. I like the whole windblown look on you. It's cute." Drew smiled over at her as he pulled the keys from the ignition and undid his seat belt.
"Says the guy who doesn't have to brush his hair." She replied as she unfastened her own seat belt, then followed his lead and hopped out of the truck.
"You made it!" Madelyn squealed with a slight slur, her arms tossed around her friend's neck, their bodies hitting Drew's truck with a soft thud.
"We were like, five minutes behind you." Drew replied with a laugh as he reached into the back of his truck to pull out her backpack and his cooler. He kicked Chase in the shin as the wavy haired man walked up with raised eyebrows and a cheeky smirk.
"I didn't say anything, asshole." Chase grumbled as he reached down to rub his bruised flesh.
"You thought it." Drew replied under his breath as he lifted their items from the back of his truck and started to walk down from the parking lot towards the beach.
Drew walked next to Chase on the beach, the two watching as Madelyn drunkenly grabbed Her hand, and pulled her down to the shore. An eruption of giggles filled the quiet night air as the cold water of the lake touched the tips of their toes.
"So, you two?" Chase asked as both he and Drew placed their coolers down at the same time. Each man opened the lids of their respective coolers and pulled out either a can, or a bottle of beer.
"Getting there." Drew nodded with a sip of his beer, and another adjustment of his hat on his head. He kept his eyes trained on the shoreline as Madelyn grabbed Her hips and pulled Her down onto the sand.
"Guys! Sorry, we're late. JD forgot that cars need gas in order to function. So, we had to stop." Rudy called from the parking lot, before he came running towards them.
"S'alright." Drew laughed as he hitched at the waist, reached into his cooler and pulled out a beer to hand to the blonde man.
"Are they drunk already?" Rudy asked with a point the girls who wrestled on the beach as he pulled the tab on his beer.
"Madelyn is, yes." Chase laughed as he pushed his hand through his wavy hair.
"Ladies!" Madison yelled as she ran as fast as she could through the sand, stumbling only once, to get to the girls who still wrestled on the beach.
"She's drunk, too. Shotgunned a beer in the gas station parking lot." Rudy snickered while he watched all three women hug on the sand with a raucous of giggles.
"So, we lighting this thing? Or are we going to stand here like creeps all night?" JD asked as he finally made his way over to the rest of his friends and dropped down a pile of fire wood.
The boys took their eyes of the girls, letting them play in the sand for a bit longer, and took to building the fire in the stone pit on the beach. Drew tossed in the match and watched as the flames began to burn up the newspaper used for kindling. He jumped slightly when he felt arms wrapped around his chest from behind.
"Did you bring my bag down?" She asked softly in his ear, the sand from her body falling onto him.
"Yeah. It's right by the cooler. Going for a swim?" He smirked as he turned his body slightly to look at her. If it was possible, her hair was even messier than it had been when the windows were down in his truck.
"Yeah! The waves look like so much fun." She smiled as she ran her hands over his shoulders then made her way over to her backpack and began to rustle through it for her bathing suit.
"First of all, where are you going to change? Second. You're going to freeze your ass off in that water." Rudy replied as he crunched his beer can, tossed it into the garbage bag already full with a few empties courtesy of Madelyn and Chase, then grabbed a full can.
"Question one. I will change in Drew's truck. Question two. You don't know my threshold for cold, Pankow." She replied with a skip in her step as she carried her bikini in one hand towards Drew's truck to change.
Drew flicked a stone at Chase who mouthed a less than quiet "go" at his friend as the woman walked away.
"To help her put on a bathing suit? I'm sure she's fine." Drew replied as he finished off his own beer.
"She might need help tying those strings, Drew." Madelyn stated with a sing-song in her voice, her shoulders shaking from side to side.
"Fuck you, guys." Drew scoffed as he stood up, tossed his empty can then made his way towards the parking lot with his hands in his pockets to sounds of whoops and hollers from his friends.
He walked up to his truck and vaguely saw the shape of her body move around in the back seat of his truck. He bit at his bottom lip, then ran his thumb over it as he leaned against the driver side. It took all his conviction to not steal a peak through the open window.
"Good in there, hon?" He asked softly, his hands still in his pockets as he kept his eyes fixed on JD's license plate across the lot. He would not look at her bare back as she tried to tie up her bikini, one hand holding the triangles of her top to her breasts while the other reached behind her to tie the strings.
"No. I hate these fucking things. Can you help?" She grumbled from the backseat, as she reached to open the back door and shifted in the seat so her back faced him.
"Sure." Drew nodded as his bottom lip made home between his teeth again. He took the large step forward to stand behind her then took hold of the strings to her bikini and pulled them tightly around her chest.
"Thank you." She replied softly as his fingertips brushed over the back of her neck and tied the strings in a knot, his hands lingering over her shoulders for a brief second.
"You're welcome. This is a nice colour on you." Drew stated as he hooked his index finger in the top string of her deep purple bikini.
"Thanks, Drew." She smiled as she sat up on her knees in the backseat and faced him.
"Lady! Are you coming swimming or not?" Madelyn yelled from her spot on the sand, her bathing suit already on which led both Her and Drew to believe Madelyn changed on the beach.
"Yes, Madelyn! I'll be right there!" She laughed while she pushed her hair back from her face.
"Tell Drew to hurry up with your bikini! It's not that difficult!" Madelyn giggled as she took a swig from a wine bottle before she took off back towards the fire pit.
"Don't say anything back. She's more wine than woman at this point. Come swimming with me." She laughed as she reached for his biceps as he held his weight against the door frame of the truck. She pulled her body up close enough for a kiss but didn't give him the satisfaction of pressing her lips to his.
"Alright. I don't need help with my swimsuit, though." Drew grinned as he pushed himself off the truck and walked back towards the fire. He let out a heavy exhale when he knew he was far enough away from her earshot.
Drew, Chase and the girls made their way into the brisk water for a nighttime swim while Rudy and JD chose to stay and tend to the fire. Chase let out a loud yelp as a wave rolled in, cold water reaching up to his chest.
"You're a baby, Stokes!" She laughed as she began to tread water, then make the few front strokes over to Drew.
Drew took hold of her waist then pulled her close to keep her above the rolling waves. Their height difference apparent in the water.
"It's fucking freezing. What are you? A polar bear?" Chase replied, teeth chattered as he wrapped his arms around himself.
"You have to go under! Otherwise you're just two different temperatures." Madison giggled before she dove under the water, her feet splashing water high above everyone's heads.
"No. Fuck that. I'm not drunk enough for this." Chase shivered as he began to make his way out of the water. He raised his eyebrows at Drew as he looked at the woman in his friend's arms, her legs wrapped around his waist.
"I'm coming, too. I need more wine." Madelyn smirked as she swam over to Chase, her own eyebrows raised up at Drew.
"I'm going back up, too. Rudy is ruining that fire." Madison stated quietly as she pushed her long hair back from her face, and made her way towards the shore.
"They're all wimps." She smiled up at Drew, her arms around his neck as they both waded in the water as a large wave rolled over them.
"I don't know, hon. It is kind of cold in here." Drew laughed with his hands on her lower back to keep her close. It was the closest they had ever been, with the least amount of clothes on.
"I think it's nice. And you're warm, so I feel good." She stated softly as she placed her right hand on the back of his neck, her fingertips twirling the hair.
"Don't get me wrong. I'll deal with this cold water if I can have you wrapped around me like this. I really don't mind it." Drew grinned as he wrapped his left arm around her waist securely while his right hand grabbed at her thigh.
The two of them simply waded in the water for a bit, wrapped around each other and in the sexual tension they had created. She kept her hands on the back of Drew's neck, occasionally twisting a bit of hair at the nape.
"Drew?" She asked quietly after a few moments of sweet silence between them.
"Did you see anything when I was changing in your truck?" She smiled at him as she placed her hands on his shoulders, her eyebrows raised.
"I mean..I may have seen just the side of these." Drew replied as he tilted his head to the side, the hand he had on her thigh reached up to brush the underside of her breast.
"Drew!" She laughed as she tossed her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a hug, her legs tightening around his waist.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You're so pretty." Drew smiled while he nuzzled his face into her neck and tightened his grip around her.
"I forgive you." She whispered as he pulled his face from her neck and looked into her eyes, his nose brushed against hers.
Drew muttered a barely audible, "thank you" as his adjusted his hold on her, both his hands on her thighs to keep her around him. He felt her hands in his hair, giving the slightest of pulls and the other shoe finally dropped.
Drew pressed his lips to hers, closing the tiny space between them. He released a sigh of relief through his nostrils while she whined ever so softly in the back of her throat. The kiss between them had been building for weeks.
They finally broke apart, but only for air. Drew gripped at her thighs while he peppered her lips with kisses. Her hands pulled at his hair as she tried to catch her breath again.
"Drew?" She asked between pecks on her lips.
"Yeah, honey?" Drew muttered as he kissed his way from her lips to her neck.
"Do you think I could steal a peak at you in the back of your truck? It seems only fair." She asked as she released a heavy breath, her hands on his shoulders as his lips created a seal on her neck.
"You can have way more than a peak if you want, honey." Drew grunted as he lifted her higher around his waist, he pulled his lips off her neck so he could look at her face.
"Okay. Will you take me back to the truck to get warm?" She asked softly, her eyes downcast to watch as her fingertips caught the beads of water on his chest.
"Thought you'd never ask." Drew grinned as he adjusted her legs around his waist, then began to walk them back towards the shoreline. He placed her back on her feet softly on the sand and gave her backside a nudge towards the parking lot before he ran his hands through his hair.
"Are you guys finally coming back to the fire?" JD asked with a raised eyebrow as he poked the flames.
"In a second, yeah. She's cold, so we're just going to sit in the truck and warm up. Change out of these swimsuits." Drew replied as he shook the water off his fingertips.
"Whatever you say, Drew." Madison grinned as she rolled onto her stomach in front of the fire and cracked open another can of beer.
Drew muttered under his breath as he grabbed Her backpack then made his way through the sand towards his truck - the back door open. He walked to the front end of the truck, dropped the bag then made his way around the open door where his heart began to race.
"You're naked." Drew stated flatly as he looked at the woman sat up in the backseat of his truck without her purple bathing suit, the heat of the truck blasting.
"Can't sit around in a wet bathing suit, and you have my bag." She smiled over at him.
"Yeah, but you're naked in the back of my truck." Drew smirked as he held his weight against the frame of the door, his eyes scanning her body shamelessly.
"Do you want to come be naked in the back of your truck with me, Starkey?" She laughed as she turned to sit up on her knees, facing him.
"Uh huh. Sure do." Drew nodded as he reached down to untie his swimsuit then tugged it down to his ankles. He climbed inside the back with her and shut the door behind him, leaving his swim trunks in the parking lot.
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment Thank you for your support! xoxo
Requests for OBX are open!
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Fingering you - Matsukawa, Kuroo, Tsukishima
A/N: ahah...ha.. sorry, I'm bored, h***y, and I kinda wanted to practice writing smut :( so if this sucks, my bad
WARNINGS: NSFW, F!Reader, dubcon, my crappy writing
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You nearly drew blood from how hard you were biting your lip.
You were sharing a loveseat with Matsukawa, your back against his chest with a blanket draped over the both of you.
Iwa, Makki, and Oikawa were scattered in different positions across your living room.
You probably should have stopped Matsukawa when you felt his hand dip beneath the waist band of your shorts, but you were too startled to say anything.
It started with feather light touches, dragging along the seams of your underwear before lightly tapping his finger against your clit.
You wiggled a little against him, widened eyes darting to your friends that were just a few feet away
You attempt to pull Matsukawa’s hand out of your pants, but his other hand yanks you away by the wrist.
You were too afraid to make any more sudden movements; you didn’t want any of the other boys to notice your battle beneath the blanket
Suddenly, you felt Matsukuwa push your underwear to the side, slowly tracing his finger along your slit
You could practically feel Matsukawa’s smirk; why were you acting like you didn’t want this when your pussy was already so wet for him?
You could stop your body from shivering when he drew lazy circles around your undoubtedly swollen clit.
He placed a soft kiss on your head, grip around your wrist tightening before sinking his long digit into your sopping hole
Your eyes squeezed shut, letting out a shakey breath as Matsukawa slowly pumped into you, sending tiny shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body
The heat in your belly began as a small flame, stoked by each push of his finger, spreading the embers until you felt like your whole body was on fire.
An explosion sounded from the television in time with your jutting hips, Matsukawa chuckling as he let go of your wrist and held you down.
“Careful, baby,” he whispered in your ear, withdrawing his finger completely, “Wouldn’t want the boys to see you begging, now.”
In the next second, he plunged in two fingers, the only thing keeping you from jerking was the iron grip he hand on your hips
“Settle down,” he whispered, though the way he curled his fingers into you felt like he didn’t mean it Your head fell back onto Matsukawa’s chest, eyes hazing over as his fingers found slowly your sweet spot over and over again
His thumb found your clit, matching the rhythm his fingers set inside of you
Your legs began to shake violently, and you could only be thankful that Iwa insisted on an action move tonight
Your body tensed, and Matsukuwa could feel the way you clenched around his fingers
Matsukawa’s hold on you tightened, keeping you still as he drew out your orgasm, your knuckles turning white as you held on to his arm, all your willpower set on trying not to scream
“Y/N-Chan, you okay?” Oikawa asked, “Why are you so sweaty?”
Your head quickly shot over to the brown haired setter, afraid to open your mouth to reveal just how out of breath you were
“She’s fine,” Matsukawa answered, “Hey, can you pass me a tissue?”
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You could still feel your orgasm pulsate throughout your body, even after Kuroo pulled out his dick
“I just wanna taste it,” he murmured hurriedly, placing soft kisses on your skin, leaving a wet trail of his saliva down from your neck reaching down to your hips
“Tetsuro, stop, I’m sen- ahh!”
Kuroo didn’t wait for approval - he dove his tongue right into where he was just pounding into you, lapping up the juices that were gushing out only a minute ago
His nose bumped into your clit, and you attempted to wiggle away from the stimulation
Kuroo wrapped his arms around your thighs, giving you one strong tug back to his mouth, locking you in place.
He looked up at you. “Just where do you think you’re going?” His eyes darted back down, “I’m not done with this pretty pussy quite yet.”
Your body writhed against the sheets, Kuroo’s flattened tongue against your throbbing clit drawing patterns that made your head spin
“Tetsuro,” you groaned out, body twitching under his grasp, “Please...”
“Please, what, baby?” He disconnected his mouth from your pussy, but only so he could slide in three fingers, smirking at how easy it was to fit them into you
Your back arched at the sudden stretch, screaming out when he began twisting and curling, reaching for the sweet spot that he always finds way too easily
“Please stop, or please make you cum?” He asked, pumping faster with every word, “Tell me what you want.”
You bucked your hips up into his face, and Kuroo let out a chuckle
“I thought you were too sensitive,” he teased, the rhythm of his fingers never faltering as he gave your clit a soft lick
You could feel a tightness building in your stomach, fluttering throughout your body as your hands clutched the sheets. The ache between your legs only grew more with each pump of Kuroo’s fingers, greedily sucking in as much of him as you can
“Tell me,” he pressed, eliciting a whimper from your mouth when he slowed down his ministrations. Your hands flew to grab a fist full of his hair, pulling it to make him face you
“Make me cum,” you demanded, and the smile on Kuroo’s face could only be described as devilish
He plunged all three fingers in knuckle deep, curling them up so deliciously into your g spot, you nearly forgot to scream.
His hot tongue latched itself back onto your angry bud, expert flicks and gentle sucking finally bringing you over the edge
You felt yourself gushing all over Kuroo’s fingers, and he lapped it all up, slurping and sucking, your thighs clamped so tightly around his head, he couldn’t even hear the way you squealed his name
Before you could make sense of what was happening, Kuroo’s mouth was gone from your pussy, and his strong hands were flipping you over to your stomach.
“Get that ass up for me, Kitten.”
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“Look at yourself,” Tsukishima scoffed out, moving a hand between your thighs, pushing them apart until you had one leg on either side of his lap
Tsukishima’s other hand moved up to cup your chin, before his fingers gripped either side of your cheeks and forced you to look in the mirror set in front of you
“So fucking pathetic,” he cooed in your ear, a calloused hand caressing your inner thigh while another moved to cup your breast.
You hissed when he pinched your nipple, embarrassed to admit just how wet you were getting from watching Tsukishima handle your body
Your pussy glinted in the light, dripping down onto the chair and Tsukishima laughed
“Getting excited, aren’t you,” he taunted, using two fingers to spread your lips apart. You fidgeted under his hold, and he just wrapped a long arm around your waist, “Calm down. We’re just getting started.”
Your body arched against him as soon his touch reached your cunt, slapping your clit as he dragged his nails against your stomach
“Kei,” you gasped, hands behind your back pathetically struggling against the bindings Tsukishima secured before placing you on his lap.
“You look so,” he put in one finger, “fucking,” he squeezed in another, “hot.”
A low groan escaped your lips, and Tsukishima loved the way your pussy clenched around his fingers, almost pushing him out if not for his determination to ruin you
You watched his slender fingers disappear into your pussy, the only indication of their presence inside were the waves of pleasure washing through your body
Tsukishima moved his hand from around your waist, sliding them across the expanse of your skin before wrapping it around your neck when you tried to close your eyes.
“Don’t you dare take your eyes off of me,” he growled, pumping faster and harder
The pressure on the sides of your neck made your head feel light, coupled with the delicious feeling of his fingers, you felt like you were going to explode.
“Kei, I’m... I’m gonna -“
He cut you off by squeezing your neck just a little bit tighter
“Show me what this pussy can do,” he smirked, angling his wrist to reach even deeper
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your body thrashing as Tsukishima pumped and curled, his rhythm never faltering as it got faster and faster
You could feel him bite your shoulder as you felt yourself squirt all over his wrist, dripping onto the towel Tsukishima had thoughtfully placed beneath the chair before starting
He withdrew his fingers, flicking your cum onto your stomach
“You’re such a fucking messy bitch,” he murmured, lifting you up and throwing you onto the bed behind you. “Now, do that on my dick.”
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peachycheol · 4 years
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| breakfast in bed |
➸ summary: something tells you that seungcheol’s idea of breakfast is not a quick bowl of cereal and milk. not that you mind. ➸ genre: pwp, just pure smut here baybee ➸ pairing: brother’s best friend!seungcheol x reader ➸ warning: dirty talk, spanking, fingering, slight daddy kink, unprotected sex, perhaps a slice of a creampie, this is my first time writing smut so that is also a warning 👉👈 ➸ w.c: 2.4k
➸ author’s note: hi i’m dove! this is my first smut that i am publishing on my very new svt smut blog, @peachycheol​. tbh i’m reposting it because the tags didn’t work the first time 🥺 anyway, hopefully this works. i hope y’all enjoy!
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“Is that for me?”
You jump a little at the sudden feeling of Seungcheol’s lips brushing ever so lightly against your ear. The way the tenor of his voice sends small vibrations down your neck immediately has you pressing your thighs together. You bite back a smile and keep your eyes trained forward as you try to focus on pouring milk into your cereal. But it’s pretty difficult to focus on anything when your older brother’s best friend is standing so close you could feel the warmth of his body against your back. “Make your own breakfast,” you whisper back.
You feel, rather than see, his lips turn up into that cocky grin. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly you feel your arousal seep into your panties. His fingers teasingly graze up your thighs, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps, only to slip them underneath the waistband of your shorts so he can rub small circles into your hips. A soft sigh leaves your lips and you unthinkingly melt into his soft touches. “Can I have breakfast in bed then?” he asks, shifting closer so that his body presses yours against the cool marble of the countertop.
It was obvious that he wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath his pants and the thin material of your sleeping shorts certainly did nothing to conceal his growing bulge. You do your best not to whimper, instead scoffing playfully. “Seungcheol, that is so corny--ngh!”
His grip on your hips suddenly tightens, and this time, your back arches when you feel him grind up against your ass again. “I bet it still got your little panties wet though. It’s just so easy to get that cute little pussy nice and dripping for me. Isn’t that right, baby?”
Though you could feel your slick pooling in your underwear, you never liked to give in to him so easily. “N-No,” you manage to stutter out. “Corny jokes don’t make my panties wet.”  
“No?” Seungcheol turns you around, caging you between his arms so that you’re forced to meet his unconvinced gaze. Your defiance immediately crumbles at the sight of him; it was almost unair how hot he looked in a simple white t-shirt and sweatpants. His eyes bore down on you, dark and hungry, one of his eyebrows cocked in a challenge. “So you’re telling me that if I touch you right now, I won’t feel your pussy soaking through your tight fucking shorts? I find that a little hard to believe, considering our past exploits.”
In a last ditch attempt to keep up your cheek, you shift your focus to the chain necklace he always wears around his neck, but that only makes your mouth water even more. You were aching for him to get his hands on you again.  “I guess you’ll just have to touch me and find out.”
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“Mmh! Harder, please!” you cry out. Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Seungcheol brings his hand down to land another hard spank on your ass, leaving behind another bright pink hand print. ”A-Ah!”
Seungcheol chuckles as he looks at you bent over his knee, your shorts pulled down just enough to expose your ass. The two of you seemed to find yourselves in this position more and more frequently lately. He reaches between your legs and runs his thick fingers through your soft folds, nearly groaning when he feels how you gush out onto his hand.
“Even your punishment has you leaking all over my lap, baby. There’s no use denying it. I could probably even...” Rather than complete his thought out loud, he peels your shorts all the way off and eases two fingers into you. They slide in without any resistance, the lewd sounds of your wetness filling your room as he begins to fuck his fingers into your tight pussy. This time, he can’t hold back his low growl. “Fuck, your pussy’s always so wet for me. I can’t wait to make a mess of your tight little cunt, baby. You’re always making such a mess on daddy’s cock, isn’t that right?”
You clench around his fingers with each filthy word he utters, spreading your legs wider so that he can reach even deeper. “Y-yes daddy!” He stills his thrusts and simply rubs the pads of his fingers against your velvet walls, urging you to continue. “I a-always-- ngh-- make a mess on daddy’s m-massive cock. I c-can’t-- mmh!-- I can’t help it! It just feels too good. Hah-- please!”
“Such a good girl for me today.” His praise only makes you whimper and wiggle your hips needily. He rewards you with several deep thrusts that have your back arching in an attempt to feel him there again. You let out a shaky moan when he finally brushes against your g-spot, and Seungcheol watches in awe as you move your hips back to fuck yourself deeper onto his fingers. He is unbelievably hard. “Fuck.”
In one swift motion, he pulls out of you and takes a hold of your waist, flipping you so that you’re lying on your back underneath him. Any protests you might have had about the sudden emptiness are silenced when he pushes his digits, glistening with your slick, past your lips, and you don’t hesitate to suck them clean. You moan at the taste, closing your eyes as you sloppily lick his fingers. Seungcheol is intent on etching each detail of this moment in his mind, from the way your hair splayed on the mattress to the way you so willingly wrapped your lips around him. When you feel Seungcheol rub himself against your thigh, your eyes flutter open to see him watching you intently. It makes you clench around nothing.
Although he's obviously straining through his pants, Seungcheol still takes his time, slowly dragging his fingers from your lips and trailing them down your neck to the swell of your breasts. A dimpled smile spreads across his cherry red lips when he sees how your cropped tank top does nothing to hide your hardened nipples, which only makes it easier for him to rub them through the thin fabric with his moistened fingers. “O-oh,” you whine, arching into his touch. He pushes your shirt up to reveal your breasts, but he couldn’t be bothered to take it all the way off. There were much more pressing matters at hand, like leaning down to lightly bite on a pert bud, his tongue flicking at it teasingly.
You shiver when the cool metal of his necklace presses against your hot skin, as if it had sent electricity through your veins. “S-seungcheol,” you moan, your fingers tugging at his dark hair as you feel your own slick coat your inner thighs, making a complete mess of you. “Please, I need you so badly.”
Seungcheol’s cock throbs at your neediness. He always loved it when you begged. “Okay baby, I’ll take care of you,” he whispers, lifting up his head to press a burning kiss to your lips. He parts from you for a moment to  quickly yank his t-shirt off, and he smiles down at you when your hands automatically slide over his bare chest. His skin feels hot beneath your fingers and you grip at his shoulders to pull him down for another wet kiss, while he kicks off his sweatpants.
Your fingers dig crescents into his shoulders when you finally feel his hard member glide through your sopping folds. “Ngh!” You throw your head back when you feel the head of his cock nudge against your sensitive clit, jolting at the sudden ripple of pleasure.
“Do you like that, baby? You like it when my cock rubs your little clit?” Seungcheol’s lips brush against yours as he starts to guide his cock to grind into you with more fervor. You can only nod frantically, nearly delirious from how unbelievably good it feels. “Your clit is always so sensitive. You came so hard when I ate you out last week and we were alone in my car for only five minutes. I bet I could make you cum just like this, hm?”
At this point, only incoherent whines fall from your lips as Seungcheol continues to rub the head of his cock into your nub. There is no denying the heat simmering in your lower belly, and it’s only a few more moments until you cry out, squirming as your orgasm washes over you. “Mmh!-- O-Ohh!” Rather than sate you, it only seems to stoke the longing within you as it continues to lick up your insides until your aching is simply unbearable. One breathless ‘please’ from you is all Seungcheol needs to hear to grab your legs and spread them apart until your pulsing pussy is on full display.
He groans at the tantalizing sight and holds you open just so he can watch how his cock slowly sinks into your entrance. “Oh, fuck-- How are you always so fucking tight? You’re just sucking me in, baby.”
He bottoms out in one quick thrust that has you gasping for air. You whimper, relishing at how his thick cock seems to always fill you in the most delicious way. Seungcheol wastes no time and begins to fuck into you deep and hard, just like he knows you like it. “Mmh-- you’re so-o b-big!” The last word melts into a mewl when he suddenly pistons his hips up into you without warning, which immediately has you clenching down on him. “H-hah, Seungcheol!”
Seungcheol grunts in response, leaning forward to lick and nip along your neck and collarbones. In an attempt to somehow ground yourself, you wrap your arms under his shoulders, but if you’re honest, you had long been consumed by the rough drag of his cock against your walls. “You’re doing so good, baby,” he groans into your ear, tugging lightly on the lobe. “Does it feel good, sweetheart?”
“S-so guh!--good!” The new nickname makes your heart skip a beat, and a different kind of warmth spreads across your cheeks and fills your chest, but it leaves you attempting to clutch Seungcheol closer all the same. At this angle, Seungcheol’s hips hit deeper, pounding right into the spot that has you seeing stars.“Mmf-- F-fuuuck! Right there!”
Every one of your senses feel as though they have been dialed up to 10, and your thighs shake from sensitivity overload; the soft drag of his lips, the rough scratching of his chain necklace, the loud slap of his skin against yours, all have your toes curling and your hips moving to meet his thrusts.
“Shit, sweetheart, you look so good like this,” Seungcheol’s voice is hoarse, a little shaky as he continues to fuck into you with vigourous precision. When you can only answer in curses and pleas for more, he flashes you that dangerous smirk of his again. Then, his fingers dig into your waist, pressing you down as he begins to pound into you quickly. Each of your needy movements, each of your sinful moans, were bringing him closer and closer to his end, but he was determined to have you cum again before he did. The bed frame creaks along with his efforts as he continues to fuck you into the mattress, a light sheen of sweat forming at his temples. You keen loudly, your blunt nails scraping down his back.
“Ch-cheol-- unh-- I’m so-- oh! I’m so c-close, please,” you manage to say in between all your unintelligible moaning, and he brings one of his thumbs down to rub harsh circles into your swollen clit. The whole world seems to come to a halt, and all that exists is you, Seungcheol, and your insatiable appetite for the ecstasy only he can give you.
A broken sob gets stuck in your throat as your orgasm rips through you, your body going rigid as you cum hard. The force of your orgasm has your legs shaking and you whine in complete bliss, grasping for Seungcheol while you ride it out on his deliciously hard cock.
Seungcheol’s head falls to rest on your shoulder, his thrusts falling out of rhythm as he finally chases his own high. “F-fuck, baby,” he grits out. He fucks into you desperately, groaning into your neck, his orgasm quickly approaching. When he comes undone, he pushes deep into you and stills, shooting his hot release into your spent pussy, your name tumbling from his lips.
After a moment’s rest, he gingerly pulls his softening cock out of you and watches as his cum gushes out of you and onto your sheets.
“No!” you yell too late, and sit up to examine the dirtied covers. You pout at Seungcheol and flop back down in a huff. “I literally just washed these!”
“Told you you make a mess,” Seungcheol grins. Before you could make your own snide remark, you hear the front door open and close downstairs, and the both of you look at each other with wide eyes.
“Hey guys! I brought McDonald’s breakfast! With fresh hash browns!” Joshua, your older brother, calls out from downstairs. “Guys?”
You scramble to pull your tank top down, blindly grabbing Seungcheol’s sweat pants and pulling them on. Seungcheol makes a small noise of protest. “Those are mine! What am I supposed to wear?” he whispers loudly at you.
“You’re supposed to shut up and hide!” you say back as you pick up his shirt off the floor, which you quickly throw into the closet along with the naked man. “Now shh!”
Right as you close the closet on Seungcheol’s pouting face, you hear a knock at your bedroom door. “Hey, you gremlin! I brought some breakfast!”
“Okay I’m coming, jeez!” You swing the door open, and Joshua immediately covers his eyes in disgust.
“Oh my god, put a shirt on, you harlot!” he shouts. “This is a house of God-- it is no place for your debauchery!”  
You roll your eyes and snatch the McDonald’s bag from his hand. “This is a shirt!”
“For a toddler, maybe!” he grumbles, stubbornly keeping his eyes covered. “Did you see if Seungcheol left, by the way? He wasn’t in the guest room when I came home.”
You let out a very convincing hum. “Hmm, no I have not. I kinda just woke up.”
“Huh, that’s weird. Maybe I should call him,” Joshua’s eyebrows furrow, and he almost reaches down to take out his phone until he realizes that that would leave one of his eyeballs defenseless against your gag-inducing excuse for a shirt. “Ugh! Ew. I’ll just call him later. You can have his McDonald’s too, I guess.”
“Really? Sweet!” you say excitedly. “I’ll make sure to thank him for the breakfast!”
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jediknightobiwan · 4 years
Boba smut, you say?
Could I get some dad bod Boba love post-Mandalorian season 2, if you've finished the new episode? Because our man definitely deserves some love after that shit. I personally headcannon him as being dominant AF, with lots of pet names, and a tendency to be a little rougher. Maybe some post-battle fucking to wind down in Slave I.
OFC We love Dad Bods here I will NOT tolerate Temura hate like at all. We don’t expect women to stay the same all their lives and we shouldn’t expect the same of men.
In talks with @emilykjh we decided that Boba decidedly, is a brat tamer so I’m definitely going along the dominant caregiver route with him.
Also tbh and probably shockingly I haven’t watched the new season all the way through AT ALL it was emotionally too much for me when it started so now I can binge it whenever 😅 I just learn things through gifs cause I don’t mind spoilers! So things may be very Vague when it comes to plot or I’ll just go with what I’ve gathered happens after the last episode. But let’s do some Older Boba stuff yes, everyone who understood the significance of Boba’s appearance better say thank you Mr. Temuera for your service.
Boba Fett x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Caregiver/Little BDSM relationship, Daddy Kink, Age Gap (cmon he’s in his 50’s), slight drool kink, slight degradation, slight choking
                                                  [[READ MORE]]
Your ears perk up at the sound of heavy bootsteps on their way and you quickly rush to clean up your little area. Ever since Boba had taken his throne and conquered most of the underworld you and him and Fennec who you adored had made a nice little home for yourselves. What Boba teasingly called your nest was a corner of his throne room that you (and Fennec) had padded and stuffed with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, one very long and squishy pillow and a very very large cushion you called your tuffet. It was cute little safe space you sat, read and napped in when you wanted a little alone time.
It was usually a kind of organized chaos but lately you had let it get a bit wild and before Boba had left earlier he’d told you to have it cleaned up by the time he was back, and like a true Little who usually forgot orders once they were given and wasn’t reminded you had become distracted with other things. Which is why now you were slightly sweating under your soft robe as you scrambled to set everything in its proper place so he would never know you’d-
The steps had stopped echoing. You suddenly realized besides the slick of fabric between your fingers and your little pants that the room had actually been quiet for a minute or so. You swallowed a little hard but continued your work, spreading out soft blanket on your tuffet and then tucking it underneath. Finally, you smoothed your front and turned with a smile ready for your lover.
“Daddy! You’re home! See I uhm..I did my one chore today!” You were beaming, a little sweat on your brow and your voice was sweet and welcoming. In return Boba tilted his helmeted head at you in such a way that you knew what was he was saying without him needing to voice it.
Really? Did you? Is what that look said and you fidgeted slightly, lower lip jutting out every so softly.
Well-it still counts! Doesn’t it?? Your look said and after another moment of silence you hear a sigh come from him and he finally comes toward you with a gloved hand extended to cup your face.
“I suppose I’ll let it slide today,” he says, thumb gliding over your lower lip as his eyes bore into you from behind the visor. “I’m too tired to properly punish you for waiting until the last second anyway.”
The words were slightly worrying but if something was really wrong he would’ve told you, so you brushed it off and kissed his thumb gently.
“I’ll make it up to you,” you promise, reaching to cup his helmet in your hands and then bringing your foreheads together in a keldabe kiss. He hums deep in his throat, his way of saying that you’d better.
“What can I do tonight? A hot bath? A massage?” You gasped and jumped a little, grinning. “Both??”
Boba chuckles and removes his helmet, the smile still on his handsome scarred face. “How about just a massage pet? My old muscles could use it.”
“Ah you’re not old cyare.”
You giggle at his eyebrow raise and pat his cheeks then push gently on his chest plate to back him into the hallway and towards his bedroom. Once inside the large yet fairly bare room you begin the slow and intimate process of removing his armor for him. It was something you’d been doing for awhile now, ever since you’d settled into your roles. He did so much...it was one sweet thing you could do for him back.
The tension was practically melting out of your love’s shoulders as the beskar came off. Your arms had long since adjusted to the armor’s weight over the months of this sweet ritual and the warmth of Boba’s soft eyes as he watched you easily carry his prized possessions never failed to make you feel like the most important person in the galaxy. Your skin felt fully flushed by the time he was sitting on the bed and you’d removed his boots for him.
“My sweet little Dove...,” Boba murmurs, reaching out his now ungloved hands for your hips and bringing you closer, his face now level with your chest. You smile he nuzzles against your soft skin and hum happily, arms sliding into position around his broad shoulders without a second thought.
Dove. How you loved your pet name from him. You were his sweet thing, his Little, his pure (he insisted you were pure compared to him and you’d given up trying to convince him otherwise) darling treasure. Your soft lips pressed kisses to his head and you murmured, “My Daddy...,” to which you could feel his smile against your skin just stoking flames inside you.
You remained entertwined for awhile longer, both just caressing each other sweetly and basking in the loving bubble you created each time you were together. And then you remembered what you were supposed to be doing and gasped, pulling away to look down at Boba.
“Your massage!”
Boba blinks at you in confusion for a second and then laughs, keeping a tight grip on your hips even as you go to pull away and get the oil. He gently grips your chin -effectively stopping your struggling-and brings your lips to his. You sigh softly into the kiss and simply melt like wax beneath a flame into his arms-apt considering it immediately stoked the soft fire that had begun to burn in your belly the moment you saw him into a good sized blaze.
A whine escapes your lips even as Boba depeens the kiss and pulls you onto his lap fully with your crotches rubbing together sinfully.
“Don’t laugh at me Daddy,” you whine, kissing his broad nose and then going back to his mouth. Your arms slide down around his waist and you squeeze, taking petty pleasure in the way his breath escapes him when you do. “It’s mean!”
Your Caregiver seems to, funnily enough, care, very little about your plight since as you whine he just hums and runs his big hands down to your ass and squeezes none too gently. He grins devilishly as you jump and kisses you again, lingering longer this time and swiping his tongue over your lips before he pulls away.
“So what if it is? You like it when I’m mean Dove baby...you know you can’t lie to me.” Boba jerks you closer to him and ruts his hips upwards against you, causing you to whine loudly as want shoots through your core painfully.
“Yeah baby that’s what I thought....you like it when I’m mean. Big bad mean Daddy...ain’t that right?” The older man swats at your ass when you don’t answer, your brain becoming mushy already from the feel of his body beneath your hands and his impressive cock only growing harder and longer against the apex of your thighs. “I asked you a direct question little Dove. You know I don’t like it when you don’t answer.”
After shaking your head to clear it just a little and your hands balling up his undershirt to hang on for dear life you manage a nod with your mouth open just a tad, unnoticed by you but very noticed by your lover. His eyes drop to your lips and he growls slightly, strong hands kneading at the soft flesh of your ass before he delivers two hard, stinging pops to your backside.
“Speak, cyar’ika, speak when Daddy tells you to.”
Maker you are just gone for him. You swallow the water that had gathered in your mouth at the rough handling and say clearly, full of need that that’s right, Daddy is a big bad man...your big bad man...and you even elaborate on how you love him so for it. Wetting your lips you rock against him as he basks in your obedience and drinking in his soft moan like wine, your lips rubbing against his.
“Let me massage you Daddy...I said I would...cmon. Please? Let me help?” The groan Boba emits tells you that he’s thinking of something else now, something with him on top but before he can open his mouth to give an order your bratty, slightly manipulative side comes out and you use your saccharine please Daddy do this for me or I’ll be oh so sad voice to plead to him.
“Oh please Daddy? Let me make you feel better. You said yourself you’re tired! You need a rest, just a brief one and then...” You untie your robe and let it fall, your whole body bare to him now, causing the erection between you to pulse. Your fingertips graze his throat as you tilt his face up towards yours and bite his lower lip teasingly. “You can massage my insides with that big cock of yours~ How’s that sound?”
Judging by the growl in his throat and chest- Boba likes the idea very much, and you have to fight to keep the smirk off your face. Drawing on some confidence just to tease him more you get off his lap and order him to strip and lay on the soft king sized bed the two of you shared. You could see his brown eyes narrow, debating on whether or not to just grab you and throw you on the bed and mount you like a fucking animal, but when he stood something popped in his shoulder audibly...and he stripped without a word.
The control you had over your face slipped and your grin shined out in full force as your older boyfriend complied to your demands. Really he was just a big softy with as much love to give as he had muscles and cute love handles. While he disrobed you found the bottle of massage oil he’d brought you back from one of his excursions that had multiple uses when came to making things easier, and fluffed the pillow in the middle of the bed that he always used. Your bed was so nice and so soft with lots of room for the two of you and yet Boba always slept in the middle, arms right around you and you near the edge facing the bathroom.
But you didn’t mind, you thought as you watched him lay down on his stomach with his head cradled by the now fluffy pillow and his tan body stretched out of the dark sheets. However he wanted to sleep-even if he sometimes squeezed too hard during a dream-was fine with you, as long as you were together.
‘Not gonna stand around all afternoon lookin’ at my ass are you?” You blinked and focused on Boba who was now smirking at you.
“Pbbbbt,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “No of course not! But if I was, who could blame me? It is a wonderful sight.” You climbed onto the bed as he chuckled. Knowing it would be uncomfortable for him and his still hard cock if you sat on his hips, you opted to sit more on his juicy ass instead. He hummed at the weight of you and relaxed into the pillow.  
“Well if you think so it must be true,” he mumbles, “you are almost always right little Dove.”
“I am always right,” you corrected, dribbling the ever warm oil onto his broad back. He purred, and you knew it was because of the oil, but you liked to think it was because of you so you smirked. “That’s what I thought~”
You went to work then on his sore muscles, flexing your own to work the knots out with your skilled hands. Boba let his noises out freely as you worked; grunting, groaning, moaning and even at times whimpering with your palms smoothing over every inch of him you could reach.
The sun had sunk a bit by the time you were done and Boba rolled onto his back so you could finally straddle his hips. The evidence of your arousal from massaging him and his cute little noises was pressed against his balls. Your hands were on his chest and he was smoothing his own up your back slowly, sending shivers up your spine.
“My Dove...,” Boba starts on a soft sigh, his hands pulling down now to your hips to begin a gentle rocking. His cock was hardening again between the two of you and your own arousal was growing each second. “You love such a man like me? Old, a bit chubby, scarred?”
A soft sigh escaped you at the rocking, finally just a little bit of the release you had been craving since his return. You looked deeply, lovingly into Boba’s beautiful eyes. To you he was the most beautiful man in the galaxy, no matter how much he complained about his aching joints or how he was too old for you.
“Oh silly Daddy...” You sighed, taking the bottle of oil one more time and drizzling just a little on his perfect cock before taking it in your hand. His eyes darken as he watches you tilt your hips and line thick head of him up with your hole, his large hands gripping your hips tightly with anticipation. Taking the head of his cock you slap it against your hole before popping it inside and sinking down so slowly you knew his hands were going to leave bruises from gripping you so tight.
Once he was fully seated inside you you rotated your hips and opened your eyes just enough to give him a heady look. “As if I was destined for anyone else...”
You managed a wink before succumbing fully to your want for your lover, the fire he’d been stoking now turning into a raging storm with his thickness stretching you out perfectly. You both reached for each other at the same time and your mouths collided hotly as you bounced on him at an already quick pace. No time to adjust fully, fuck, Maker it just felt so good to be impaled on him again that you were frantic and starving for it. Teeth clashed, fingernails marks were definitely being left in sensitive areas and after just a minute or so you pulled away from the messy kissing to angle yourself better and slam onto Boba.
Your head was thrown back beautifully as you screamed your devotion to him, to his perfect fucking cock that was literally making you drool even while you were split open by it. Boba growled seeing the slick moisture on your lips and he sat up, yanking you close with a strong hand on the back of your neck. His hips met a bounce of yours and you cried out-only to have the noise muffled by a big thumb in your mouth. His other arm was right around you waist, keeping you on him but unmoving.
“That’s my sweet baby...suck on Daddy’s thumb...yeah just like that-fuck.” Even cockdrunk you knew how to work your lover up, sucking on his thumb dutifully and as enthusiastically as you did your favorite appendage of his. You even took his one hand in both your smaller ones to bring the digit further inside and you could swear Boba pulsed so hard inside you you thought he’d finished for a second.
He pushed down on your tongue hard and dragged your jaw with him, and much to your initial chagrin and then immediate arousal, let a long stream of drool pool out and fall where you were connected with him. You moaned at the filth of it and at the complete submissive state you were in. Literally, you were in the palm of Boba Fett’s hand.
Boba groaned and smirked at you, looking at the wet spot and then back at you. “Such a good pet aren’t you? I love it when you get me soaked little one~”
Maker you felt like exploding right then! But he wasn’t done with you, oh no. He pulled his thumb from your obscenely wet mouth, sucked your salvia from it and then rolled, pulling out of you with a wet echoing sound. He easily manhandled you with your hips popped up and grabbed your pillow to bury your face in. He slid back home with no resistance and you moaned freely, your eyes rolling back and your lower lip getting caught between your teeth.
“Mmmmm my sweet little pet...such a good slut for me aren’t you? Always so needy...so ready for Daddy to come home and take care of you...” As he spoke he’d started thrusting into you, gaining in speed. “Fuck...baby, I love you so fucking much, so, fucking, much!”
Now he was straight pummeling you. Your voice was going to be nonexistent when he was through with you if this kept up, your nails digging into your pillow so hard your knuckles were white and you could do nothing but spread your legs wider for him like the slut he’d called you. You were Boba Fett’s personal slut, his little Dove and his soulmate-nothing in the galaxy could be better than this.
As he neared his end he made sure to drag the fat head of his cock along those special spots inside you he knew so well while his mouth bit and sucked on the external spots until your toes curled so tightly he joked that they may never uncurl, the smug bastard. His lips found your neck again in a sweet spot as he bent over you, slamming so deep inside you could taste his precum on your tongue.
“Cum for me baby,” he murmurs, callused thumbs flicking over your nipples before one palm encloses over your throat and squeezes the sides deliciously. “Cum for Daddy little one.”
It was no question, no suggestion, it was a demand. And like the good Little you could be when you wanted, you obeyed. One last scream was ripped from your throat as you were pushed off that ledge into white hot pleasure so perfect it enveloped your whole body. Boba held you as you became tense and then limp, his own release coming not far after yours (not surprising given how hard your insides had been squeezing him) and as always overfilling you in a way you could only describe as obscenely delicious.
“Good job little Dove. I’m so proud.” Came a voice from above and behind you. You knew it was Boba, you knew yet somehow a little voice in your head thought it was the Maker talking to you. Your lips quirked in a little smile as exhausted gasps left your now limp body, only held up by Boba’s hands and his cock that was still pumping cum into you. You felt lips along your neck so lovingly and you sighed contentedly.
“I love you...” you whispered, beginning to fall asleep with him still cradled inside you.
He chuckled softly and kissed the tip of your ear, rubbing your back soothingly before very slowly sliding out of you.
“I love you too baby...go to sleep. I’ve got you.”
It would be hours before you woke, cleaned up and tightly nestled into Boba’s arms as always with the two of you so close it was like you had been born that way. And when you did you squeezed his middle tightly enough for him to softly grunt and then settled back with him, feeling for all the galaxy like you were the luckiest person alive because no one could love you like Boba Fett. And you couldn’t imagine loving anyone else.
@emilykjh @sailorsquadgoals @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @ohdeargodnotyouagain @ihaveashield @ezraslittlebirdie @labyrinth-runner @asaucecoveredsomething @thisainttheway @anakinswhore @sleepwithacommunist
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Sneaky Pete
Chapter Two: The Fucking
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Featuring actor Peter Gerety
It was day two as an extra on the set of Sneaky Pete. One day after I had sex with one of the show's stars, character actor, Peter Gerety. I couldn’t stop thinking about him as I must have jacked off eight times after our encounter. But most of all I thought about how much I wanted to fuck him. I can tell you a lot of emotions were swirling around in my head when I got on set. When Peter saw me, he smiled broadly and gave me a big hug. It was good seeing him again after the previous night when he had drained one of the biggest loads ever out of me.
After the shoot, I went to Peter's trailer and we all hung out. Just as I thought something was about to happen between us, the door opened and in came his agent. As they were talking, Peter placed his hotel room card on the edge of the table right next to me. He quickly turned towards me, said his goodbyes and went back to talking to his agent. I looked around to see if his agent had noticed, but he didn't, so I grabbed the key and headed out. I went back to my room and cleaned myself up for the night. I was getting rather excited about the opportunity to have sex with Peter again. I waited for almost two hours before heading to his hotel room. I was afraid he’d think I wasn’t interested, but when I entered the room, he was ready and waiting in a hotel bathrobe.
"Hope I'm not too late."
"Never." Peter said he got up to greet me.
I almost pounced onto him, locking my lips on his and taking a firm handful of his cock. Quickly, he started unbuttoning my shirt, unzipping my pants, basically tearing my clothes off as he moved his tongue around inside my mouth. We kissed and groped for who-knows-how-long, but we were both panting. The room was now ripe with our sweat and hormones when we both took a break. Goddamn he was sexy! I thought as I tossed his hair and said, “Come on, Peter, let’s have some fun!”
He laughed and said, “Nobody’s done that to me since I was a kid.”
“I’ll assume you mean patted you on the head and messed your curly hair, not given you a raging bone and promising to fuck you.”
He laughed, devilishly this time.
“I dunno, stud, could be both,” He shot back.
“If that’s the case Peter, then you’re out practice and you’re going to have one exceptionally sore ass afterward.” I said as I slipped off his robe before sitting him on the bed.
“Oh shit, I need to fuck you.” I shouted involuntarily as the heat of his mouth engulfed my engorged head.
His hands were on my balls and all over my torso and he momentarily took his mouth off my cock to say, “Oh, yeah, the fucking will come soon, but right now I want to make sure you really want it!”
Then he devoured my cockhead again and started to inhale my shaft. Oh fuck was all that was going through my head, but “Hell yes!” was what I exclaimed.
This man was a ferocious cock hound. He couldn’t get enough of sucking my cock. He one hand on my shaft working it and his mouth working the head of my cock. Nearing my climax, I was about to push him off my cock when he let go, both hand and mouth as his tongue went to my nuts. My moans were loud and continuous as he clearly knew how to read them, increasing the intensity of sucking on my nuts to match my grateful gasps, working them longer and longer.
Now wanting to fuck him badly, I savagely dragged him up onto the bed and shoved him over on his stomach. I dove into his hairy hole tongue first, my hands pulling his more-perfect-than-I’d-imagined ass apart. Peter whimpered and growled at the same time when I tasted his ass for the first time. His response was to shove his ass back into my face and clearly showing he wanted more. Peter's rim was tight, but gave way to my tongue finally, making me wonder how long it had been since he was last properly fucked. I gave him the rim job and tongue fucking he deserved. Peter was so tight I had no clue how I was going to get my fat cock into him or how he’d survive the fucking I was going to give him when I did. He was thrashing about and yelling when he was finally begged me to “Just fuck me!”
Peter stretched lazily and let a loud moan that was more like a big purr before spreading his legs wide, shoving his ass up into my hand. I had three fingers all up in him, working his hole until he was slick. I swear his ass was contributing its own lube by then. I swiped my spit filled hand around my thick cock and worked my cockhead slick before I mounted him, shoving my huge head against his pucker. I thought I'd spew right then and there.
"Fuuuckkk!" Peter said in a choking, husky voice.
“Breathe.” I said as I felt his muscle begin to give until my cock was enveloped in him.
He was panting like he couldn’t catch his breath, but somehow he managed, “Now fuck me, dammit.”
And I did. Slowly at first, then as his asshole loosened up with each thrust of my cock, I began to pound that hole in earnest. It was like a dream or movie. Pun intended. And the soundtrack was loud yelling coming constantly from him with a stream of epithets and commands that was filthy enough to stoke my jets and put my pounding hips on after-burner.
Wanting to see his face while fucking him, I turned Peter on his back and hoisted his legs up over my shoulders. When I reinsert my cock, the old man grabbed my shoulders and let out a deep moan as continue to pound his ass again, soundly. His cries were louder and filthier and I responded in kind.
“Pound me full of your cock, I wanna take your seed you fucking bastard!”  
“That's it, that's it, take that big fucking cock you cockwhore! You were born to be fucked like this!”
By the time I was getting close, the respected, highly-successful character actor was crying out in pleasure as my huge cock rammed forcefully in and out of his tight butt. Peter suddenly arched his back even more, trying to offer full access to his butt. By now his cock was leaking all over his belly and I knew from the look on his face that he was getting close himself.
"Oh fucking Christ!" Peter yelled as his cock suddenly started spewing his cum all over his belly, all without even touching his cock. His body convulsed with each spurt as he emptied out his seed onto his body.
This pushed me over the edge and I drove my cock into him even harder as my nuts exploded in blast after blast of cum deep into his guts. I collapsed onto him roughly with my cock still inside him, heaving for breath. Our torsos were mashed together with our sweat and our cum in a gooey mass between us.
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On His Knees (Charles Vane x fem!Reader)
Your new captaincy comes with self-doubt, and Charles Vane proves to you just how well you can take command.
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A/N: Oops, I tripped and this got waaaay kinky. Like, definitely rivals and probably beats my Kinktober stuff. But let’s be real, Charles Vane deserves the good shit.
Word Count: 2617
Rating: E(xplicit), very
Content Warnings: dirty talk, praise kink, begging, oral (fem receiving), hair pulling, biting/marking, beard burn, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, reference to bondage
Cross-posted to AO3
Taglist: @vice-versa-vane
The door closed heavily, and though you didn’t move to face him yet, you knew it was Charles entering your cabin. No one else would be so boldly presumptuous. The bolt clicked home, ensuring it would remain just the two of you.
“It’s Captain now, then?” he asked, though he already knew the answer. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think his gravelly tone was impressed.
Turning slowly, you leaned against the edge of your desk and folded your arms over your chest. The motion drew his eyes down before they flicked back to your face.
“Temporarily at least,” you acknowledged.
He scowled. “Mutiny’s rumbling?”
Your laugh was sharp, short, and bitter. “No. But I’m a woman in a man’s role. More than half of them think it, not to mention certain powers in Nassau. It’s only a matter of time before one of them decides to put me in my place, that I don’t have the…” you waved a hand vaguely, at a loss for the word you wanted.
“The balls?” A faint smirk of amusement followed the offering.
You rolled your eyes. “Physically or metaphorically. But I wasn’t going to put it that bluntly. Being in charge requires a...dominating personality. Doesn’t it?”
He had a way of putting you at ease, of making you want to drop the wall of spikes you constantly surrounded yourself with and admit your doubts, want to be vulnerable. Perhaps it came from the fact that he was one of the few in Nassau to treat you with respect as an equal, despite your gender, accepted your ability to hold your own. Or the way those ice chip eyes seemed to see right through you, leaving you bare and without secrets.
He stepped closer, invading your space and towering over you. There was a question in his look and your body answered it without prompting, leaning into him like a magnetic pull. One of his large, calloused hands cupped the side of your head gently. 
“A spirit you have,” he rumbled, still smirking, breath tickling your face, “if I recall.”
You flushed hotly, remembering the last time you and he had the opportunity to be this close, the way he had writhed and pleaded beneath your fingers, bound to your will and your headboard. 
“That’s not the same,” you snapped, averting your gaze, “at all.”
He laughed, and you felt warmth pooling in your stomach, knowing that you were one of the only people to ever hear him do that.
“You are one of the fiercest fucking pirates to sail these waters,” he said firmly, drawing your eyes back to meet his. “And any man stupid enough to cross you deserves whatever shallow grave he gets.”
“Charles...don’t do that. Don’t pick fights for me, or suggest fights for me.”
“I wasn’t. I don’t need to.”
His lips finally found yours, before you could say anything else, pressing harder and deeper with every second that passed. Your arms unfolded, clutching at his shoulders as he leaned you back, the sharp edge of the wood digging into your backside. 
“Charles,” you whined softly as he broke from the kiss to roam across your skin, stubble scratching as he mouthed at your jaw and the sensitive pulsepoint of your neck. “Please.”
You hated how needy you sounded, hated that any man, even him, could make you beg. But you wanted him, badly, and knew that it was only a matter of time before something would demand the attention of one or both of you on deck once more.
He hummed, all too pleased with himself, and hushed you, hot breath sending shivers down your spine before he sucked the spot between his teeth. Your knees buckled as the action brought blood rushing to the surface, just beneath the thin layer of skin, and pleasure shot through you. He was quick to catch you, hands dropping to your hips to hold you up as he journeyed lower across your body. Teeth skimmed deliciously across your collarbone where it peaked from beneath your shirt.
Then suddenly the contact was gone and the cotton material was being yanked over your head.
“Fuck, you are beautiful,” he growled, palming one of your now-exposed breasts and fixing his lips harshly to your other nipple.
You arched against him, every touch making you crave more. 
“Yes,” you moaned breathlessly as he rolled his tongue around the erect peak, laving and sucking at it. “Oh, yes, please…”
“Tell me what you want,” he murmured against your chest. “I’m yours to command, Captain.” 
Something in the way he said your new title, the promise of whatever you wanted that he could give, sent another wave of pleasure through you, dampening your undergarments and making you shudder. You could feel his smirk, and you hated it. He was giving you control for the moment, but he knew that really you belonged to him. 
“Anything. Everything. You,” you panted hazily, unsure what you were even asking for. “You make me feel so good, Charles, please.”
Your words drew a groan from his throat and now it was your turn to smirk. Slowly he continued his journey down your body, every inch of your skin mapped by tongue and teeth, alternating kisses and bites which made you hiss and stoked the flames of your desire. Your fingers tangled into his long locks, tugging at them as he drew nearer and nearer the waist of your trousers. The noises he made which mingled with your moans and whines were nothing short of sinful.
He stilled as he reached your hips, rocking back on his heels and looking up at you with hooded eyes.
“Well that’s a sight I never thought I’d see,” you purred. “Charles Vane on his knees. But what a pretty picture it paints.”
His Adam's apple bobbed noticeably as he swallowed, your words tightening the tent of his trousers. 
“Oh you like that? When I tell you how good you look, how good you make me feel?” you grinned teasingly at him, tongue poking out between your teeth. “Shall I say it again? My pretty pirate.”
The possessive made him whine your name, the unexpected sound needy and desperate, sending a spark of shock and delight through you.
“Tell me what you want from me,” he begged, head still tilted back by your hand in his hair. 
You withdrew your hand, far from gentle, enjoying the way his breath hitched with the tug. 
“Strip for me, Charles,” it was a question, more than order, but still he jumped to do as he was told.
You watched him hungrily as his shirt was tossed aside, revealing the hard, solid planes and rippling muscles that made him one of the most fearsome sights on the ocean. And yet here he was, scrambling to undo the button of his pants, leaping to follow your every instruction. It was a special kind of power and made your head spin drunkenly. Not wanting to waste any time, you shimmied off the rest of your own clothes and boosted yourself up, sitting on your desk, legs spread invitingly.
“I want your mouth, Charles,” you purred. 
It seemed no more than a blink before he was knelt between your knees. But Charles was still Charles, and for all he was under your sway, he still maintained some combative nature. He kissed and nipped at the inside of your thighs, beard rubbing deliciously against the tender flesh and sure to leave reddened marks, mouth everywhere but where you needed it most. 
“Stop teasing me,” you demanded, yanking harder on his hair, guiding his face to where it belonged.
“Yes, Captain.” He smirked at the way you shuddered, hot breath a rush of sensation against your damp core and the title another heady rush of power.
His hands circled your thighs, reverent in their touch as he pushed them further apart so he could dive in. At first it was a gentle, teasing brush of his tongue through your folds, circling your clit delicately, just enough pressure to make you need more. His grip slid higher, holding your hips and restricting your ability to buck up into his mouth like you wanted to do. You could feel the coil of pleasure gathering in your stomach, just waiting for the final push over the edge.
Without warning, his lips wrapped around your sensitive nub, sucking it and pressing with his tongue. The opposing push and pull sent shockwaves through you and you couldn’t help the scream that escaped your parted lips as your orgasm erupted through you. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over you as Vane licked and sucked you through it, never truly letting you come down from the high before working you back toward the edge. 
Your fingers dug in, nails scraping his scalp as you clung to him, your only anchor as you gasped for air and your muscles clenched and released in spasms. 
“Fuck, Charles, yes. You make me feel so good,” you panted, keening as he continued to tease at you. “Just like that...fuck...yes…”
Hiking one of your legs over his shoulder to adjust your angle, he dove his tongue into you. His tongue thrust and curled within you, the sensation threatening to drive you mad as your every nerve ending hummed with pleasure and need.
“Oh fuck!” you cried out, grinding down against his mouth. 
He hummed with his own pleasure at the way you writhed beneath him, the vibrations only adding to your desperation.
“Charles, if you keep doing that, I’m not going to last much longer,” you gasped and begged. “I need more, I need you. Fuck me, make me feel good like only you can. Please, Charles.”
His mouth withdrew and he let your leg fall as he got to his feet. His pupils were blown wide and his face was shiny with your slick and you were almost certain you had never seen a more perfect, pretty sight, and told him so, watching with devilish glee as his cock, already weeping pre-cum, twitched with the words.
He gave you only seconds to catch your breath before he kissed you harshly, tongue exploring your mouth greedily. You moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips. 
“That was incredible, Charles,” you breathed, “You’re incredible. Fucking perfect really.”
“Don’t,” he growled. “Keep running that pretty mouth of yours and I won’t last long enough to stuff your cunt like I know you want me to.”
You whimpered, walls fluttering at the promise.
“Keep talking to me like that and I’ll be finished before you can,” you countered, trying to get the challenge back into your voice.
“We both know you’re tougher than that,” he smirked. “Now, Captain. Turn around and bend over the goddamn desk.”
You bit your lip, resisting just for show.
“Now!” his barked command fanned flames even higher.
Slowly, making sure that he was watching your every move, you rolled your hips, spinning so that your back was to him and lowered yourself to your elbows, top half stretched across the cool, solid wood. You couldn’t resist giving your ass a teasing shimmy as you cast a glance over your shoulder at him. He was staring, face slack with aw and eyes burning with desire.
“Well, Charles,” you drawled. “Are you going to keep a lady waiting, or are you going to give me what I want?”
This seemed to snap him out of his trance as he stepped closer. You felt his thighs against yours, his hard cock rubbing against your ass. One of his hands tangled in your hair, pulling you into an arch that bordered just the right side of pain. The other gripped the base of his penis and lined it up with your entrance. Slowly, both of you groaning in ecstasy, he sank into your waiting hole, bottoming out, filling and stretching you deliciously.
“Fuck, Charles, you feel so good,” you whined, rocking your hips back against his pelvis as if there was any deeper he could go. 
Taking that as sign you were adjusted, he pulled nearly all of the way out before driving back into you with a sharp snap. Your body responded instantly, and the two of you set a punishing pace, his cock pistoning in and out of you with enough force to bounce you across the wood, every rock of his hips striking true on the spot within you that made you see stars. Your hands reached past your head, clawing at the opposite edge of the desk for purchase.
You could hardly breathe for the pleasure coursing through you, your moans and pleading a garble of unintelligible noises in harmony with his baritone grunts and groans. Releasing your hair, he took hold of your chin instead, his grip tight, just barely escaping bruising. He leaned closer over you, pinning you beneath his weight and kissing you hungrily. Your tongues battled for dominance, you at the distinct disadvantage, as you fucked, each desperately racing to bring the other to pleasure first.
“Fuck Charles...so good...I’m so close…” you whimpered against his lips. “Make me cum, please Charles. Please...feels so good.”
Your words seemed to stir him further and his thrusts became sloppy, faltering and stuttering in their rhythm. 
Your name fell from his lips in a groan as he thrust once, twice more and his orgasm exploded, hot spurts of cum painting your insides. The sensation stole one last orgasm from you as he rode out his own high with shallow movements and you screamed for him. 
The two of you laid there in silence, stretched across your desk, your body pressed beneath him and his softening cock inside you, for several minutes, head spinning and lungs burning for air as you recovered.
“Fuck, Charles,” you muttered. “Nobody can make me feel half as good as you do.”
“Good,” he growled. “I don’t want them even trying.”
“Didn’t take you for the jealous type,” you teased, shoving lightly to roll him off you and moving about the cabin to find something to clean yourselves off with.
“Why else would I have left that pretty mark on your neck, too high to hide,” he countered with a smirk. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
“I don’t know, Charles. You were such a good boy and did as you were told. I’d wager it’s you that belongs to me.”
“Looks like we’ll have to battle it out and see who comes out on top.”
You raised your eyebrows at his obvious innuendo. “And when do you propose to do that?”
“How about now,” he offered. “Jack and Mr. Maines can handle any disasters on deck while we have it out.”
“I’d much rather have it in,” you reclined on the narrow mattress in one corner, body open in an invite. Your limbs felt like jelly and you wanted nothing more really than to sleep, but he had made you feel so incredible, so blissed out, and you wanted more.
Sauntering over, his eyes travelled your prone form on the bed. Then he nudged you with one hand, effortlessly shifting your body against the wall. 
“A nap first,” he said as he flopped down beside you.
You tried to think of something clever to say, squeaking in surprise as he reached out to draw you against him once he’d settled. Instead of maintaining the banter, you relented to his suggestion, relaxing and snuggling down, laying your head on his chest. 
“Congratulations on the captaincy, if I haven’t said it already,” he stifled a yawn to speak. “I look forward to watching you give them hell.”
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writingpuddle · 4 years
Hello congrats on 500 followers! Do you think you would be interested in writing something about the foxes camping? Maybe as a team bonding trip or a reunion? Honestly whatever you feel like I love reading your fics and head cannons! They never fail to cheer me up!
ah anon, you get me. read it on ao3
The smell of campfire smoke saturated the night air. Neil’s soles scuffed against the gravel on the road as he followed the others, the breeze sending a zing of energy through him. The two apple ciders he’d drunk earlier glowed in his stomach like sunshine.
“No, I’m sure it was this way,” Nicky said, his voice too loud and blurry with drink.
“Oh my god, Nicky,” Allison said. “You couldn’t find the bathroom in daylight.”
“The map is confusing!” Nicky protested. “Oh look! The playground!”
Nicky’s shadow darted off the road towards the shadowy structure. The others laughed, stumbling after him. Matt tripped over the wooden frame and nearly hit the ground, but Dan was there to catch him. A second later he gasped softly, dashing towards a tiny wooden horse on a spring. He folded his giant frame down onto the horse and rocked wildly back and forth. Neil had to stifle a laugh at the ridiculous sight.
“This is stupid,” Kevin said peevishly. “You are acting like children.”
Dan and Renee exchanged a glance, then grabbed him by his elbows, dragging him over to a brightly coloured playground merry-go-round. He shouted in protest as Dan trapped him in one of the segments while Renee starting the whole thing spinning around.
“Neeeeeil,” Nicky called. “Teeter totter, now!”
“Don’t use him,” Allison said derisively. “He’s too small to balance.”
“That’s the point! I bet I can launch him clear off the—Neil, where are you going?”
The field sloped away beneath the park, the slightly overgrown grass dampening Neil’s shoes. Leaves fluttered in the breeze. Glimmers of moonlight off the lake peeked between the branches.
“Neil, don’t you dare—”
Neil’s feet had already carried him down the slope a few steps, the allure of the water drawing him away. At the sound of Nicky’s voice, he glanced over his shoulder. Nicky started towards him, and all the buzzing in Neil’s chest lit up at once. He took off at a sprint, laughter frothing in his chest. The grass under his feet was springy and damp and the playground dropped away behind him.
He ducked between the trunks of the trees. The lake loomed in front of him and his feet ripped up the grass as he sprinted towards the beach. The air whistled and he tipped his head up to the sky. His hair blew back from his face, the wind whipping moisture from his eyes.
A body barrelled into him from the side. He went down with a shout, tumbling across the grass and coming to a halt laying on his back. Allison rolled a few feet further, breathless with laughter. “Brat,” she gasped. Her hair had blown free of its braided crown and hung messily over her face.  
Neil snickered, dropping his head back against the grass. The stars overhead twinkled. The Foxes had planned this camping trip impromptu after getting booted from the last round of championships; the only person who had bailed was Aaron claiming “midterms” and “assignments” as his excuse. As if they didn’t all have plenty of those they were ignoring. Neil couldn’t say he was that disappointed at Aaron’s absence. Their relationship had gotten less tense over the past year, but they were a long way from friends.
The sounds of running feet and panting approached. Neil didn’t move, stretching his arms out in the grass. Vaguely, he knew the looseness in his limbs was at least partly alcohol, but right then it didn’t matter.
“Neil—you—rat—bastard—” Nicky gasped, stumbling to a stop and doubling over, planting his hands on his knees.
“Why?” Matt whined, leaning against a tree.
Neil shrugged, the grass beneath him tickling his neck when he moved. “I just felt like running.”
“Bitch,” Dan said, without heat as she caught up. A rather green-looking Kevin came up behind her and sat heavily in the grass.
Allison rolled over, a smug look on her face. “Alright, losers,” she said. “You know what’s next.”
“What now?” Kevin said despondently.
Allison looked at the lake, then looked back at them significantly.
“Ally, babe, I love you, but I am too drunk to read your mind right now,” Dan said.
“We’re going skinny-dipping, morons,” Allison said.
“It’s freezing out!” Nicky protested. Matt nodded earnestly in agreement.
“So you’re gonna have to be quick,” Allison said loftily.
“My gay ass was not meant to—"
“Shh!” Allison waved a finger, shushing them. “Nope! Y’all made me sleep in a tent, this is the price. Shut up, Kevin.”
“I didn’t even say anything that time,” Kevin muttered.
“We could’ve rented trailers, but no, we had to do this authentically—”
“Fine, fine!” Dan said. “Come on Matt, I need your furnace-butt next to me if I’m not gonna freeze to death.”
“But Dan—”
“You heard her,” Dan said, and her expression had gone from resigned to devilish now that she’d switched sides. “We’re getting the authentic camping experience. Up, on your feet, all of you.”
Neil rolled over onto his stomach, contemplating the silvery ripples on the lake. It really did look cold.
A shoe nudged his side. “Up you get, Josten,” Allison said. She’d already peeled her shirt off and stood there in only a lacy bra and her skin-tight jeans. Even Kevin was reluctantly stripping down.
“It’s dark out, and nobody is going to see you,” Allison said. “Shy doesn’t suit you.”
Neil poked her ankle with his finger and she jumped. “Fuck, ice fingers,” she snapped. “Get up and get changed, asshole.”
Neil considered pestering her a little more, but the others were already stripping down, so he pushed himself to his feet and ducked behind a tree.
After about a minute he heard Matt hollering, followed by Allison shouting, “Wait, you idiot, we have to go toget—”
“LEROY JENKINS!” Matt bellowed, and then a tremendous splash broke the night. Dan cackled as Matt came up gasping.
Neil leaned out from his hiding place just in time to see Matt’s bare ass poke out of the water before he dove down under again. Renee and Dan had already waded in to their hips, and Allison jabbed her finger at Kevin to make him move. He scrunched his shoulders as he pushed the water out in front of him before all of their attention was seized by Matt surfacing with a great spout of water.
They shrieked as it sprayed over the lot of them, thoroughly distracted. Neil watched as Renee slid smoothly into the water, her moonlit hair glinting before she slipped beneath the surface. A second later a shivering Nicky yelped and vanished underwater, coming up spluttering while Renee laughed like chiming bells.
A fond smile quirked Neil’s lips. He watched their antics for a minute longer before collecting up all of their discarded clothes and heading back up towards the campsite. He was halfway up the field when he heard an outraged shout behind him, and he broke into a trot, the clothes firmly tucked under his elbow.
They had needed two campsites between the eight of them; the fire still burned in the main one, shielded by Matt’s oversized truck. A single figure sat next to it with a flask in one hand. His blond hair shimmered, golden in the firelight.
Andrew looked up as Neil approached, but didn’t say anything. Neil dropped the pile of clothes next to his camp chair and dropped into the chair next to Andrew with a contented sigh.
Andrew flicked his gaze down to the clothing and back at Neil in a wordless question. Neil linked his pinky finger with Andrew’s. “They went swimming,” he said.
A single smooth eyebrow raised, and Neil couldn’t help smirking. He let his gaze drift back to the fire. Andrew had kept it well-fed in their absence, stoking it up to a lively blaze. His shoes were smudged with ash from where he kept propping them up to warm his feet.
“This was a good idea,” Neil said. “This was fun.”
The fire crackling was the only response he got. “I guess you’re not really into fun, anyway,” Neil jabbed.
Andrew’s hand shifted, turning Neil’s over and brushing away the bits of vegetation clinging to it. Neil was pretty sure he’d be picking grass out of his hair until they got back to Palmetto.
“I,” Andrew started, then stopped, a frown forming between his eyebrows. Neil’s attention sharpened at Andrew’s tone, his lighthearted smile fading. Andrew’s frustration was nearly palpable.
“I don’t know how,” Andrew said finally, tucking his chin and staring into the fire. His hand tightened on Neil’s, calloused and warm from being tucked in his pockets.
Neil’s throat tightened a little. Andrew’s control had always been his armour; he didn’t know how to set it down without being afraid. They’d found places where the walls could give, now, but Neil didn’t think they would ever really come down entirely. He dragged his thumb across Andrew’s knuckles, pulling them up and kissing the back of his hand. Andrew watched him with hooded eyes.
“That’s alright,” he said. “Someone needs to keep the fire going.”
Andrew let out a long breath through his nose, shooting Neil an unimpressed look, but Neil thought his shoulders relaxed a little, too and counted that as a win. He took a deep breath through his nose, tipping his head back to contemplate the thin patch of stars visible between the trees above them. “Alcohol, helps, though,” he said lightly.
Andrew snorted. “Lightweight.”
A flash of pale skin dashed past the entrance to the campsite.
Neil bit back a smile as a muffled curse came from behind the shadows, then Allison’s head poked up above the bed of the truck. Her bare shoulders were tense and scrunched up halfway to her ears, her arms tightly folded over her chest.
“Hey, Ally,” Neil said. “You look cold.”
“You slimy little son of a bitch,” she hissed. “Give me the car keys, now.”
Neil snickered and dug the keys out of Matt’s pants. He tossed them over the truck to her and she vanished around the other side. He heard the passenger door open and some shuffling, but he didn’t look up.
Allison emerged wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt Neil thought he remembered Seth wearing around the dorm. Her hair hung like seaweed in straggly tatters and she squeezed a towel around it, wringing out the worst of the water.
She jabbed a taloned finger at him. “That shows me for trying to be considerate,” she said. “I should’ve known better than to take my eyes off you.”
“Yeah, you should’ve,” Neil said. He nudged the pile of clothes with his toe. “Gonna go rescue the others now?”
She regarded the pile for a long moment, then shrugged and threw herself down in the nearest chair.
“They can walk,” she said, and grabbed a bag of marshmallows.
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theplumsoldier · 4 years
i wanna take a ride
summary: reader wants to ride donnie but he doesnt think you can handle it pairing: donald pierce x reader word count: 2459 warning: nsfw a/n: this is a part to the “minx!reader x donald pierce” series i have had planned for a couple of eternities. click here for the “minx” masterlist!
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“Sure you can handle that, baby?”
His question was not, in itself, what vexed you. No, it was the deriding snort that escaped him; it was the expression one would only ever use when gently scolding a child; it was the voice of pure skepticism. Donnie did not believe you could handle him.
Challenge accepted.
Instead of acting up over a - what Donnie would consider “petty” - reason, as you usually would have, you sighed and shifted, pouted your glossed-up lips, and concocted your best pretense of coyness mixed with dejection.
Donnie leaned closer to you, inspecting your suddenly meek mien. He then chuckled, for he knew all too well you were about the furthest thing from shy or even innocent. You were too confident in your allure, thinking you could have him any way you wanted, and although he was as good as wrapped around your manicured finger, he would not admit to that in any near future.
“Aw, baby. Come here now,” said he soothingly, brushing his hand across your cheek, caressing the soft skin, and just as he had you thinking you had deceived him, his large, calloused hand grasped you by the neck with an unexpected force. “You and I both know you couldn’t ride me to save your life. This little cunt—” his cybernetic hand cupped your pussy in a matter of seconds, “—can barely take me as it is; how’d ya expect to top me, hm?”
The cold pressure of digits massaging you through your panties made you writhe, whimper, and cling to his muscled forearm.
“This how wet you get for me? Thinkin’ you can handle my cock? Thinkin’ ‘bout me splittin’ you in two?”
“Donnie,” moaned you, mind racing. Tingling his flesh with the tip of your nails, you guided the hand on your throat up to your mouth, planting a wet kiss on his ring. He knew what you wanted.
At this point, frankly, you did not care how he would take you. On your knees, over his knees, against the wall, on the dining table, in the bathtub—as long as he took you.
And also, he may have a point. Riding him may have gotten your heart racing but so would a crashing plane, and
As Donald watched you take two of his digits into his mouth, he chuckled, a sweet, mischievous sound reverberating in his chest.
“Come ‘ere, baby.” Pulling you up, he made a swift movement to have your legs wrapped around his waist, immediately connecting your lips in a hungry kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close as possible while he carried you to your bedroom. Dropping you unceremoniously on the bed, he reached behind his neck, and first pulled off the t-shirt he wore, then his socks, his jeans along with his briefs.
Your eyes widened in excitement, chest heaving as you inhaled. His member stood tall, proud, and thick, and it took you no longer than a second to reach out for him, stroking him as you invited him to join you in bed.
For a man exuding such command and claiming to be a lifetime-top, he sure was rock-hard in your tight grip.
Smirking against his lips, you pulled him by the beck of his neck down on the bed. Straddling him, you secured a knee on each side of his body, grinding down against his aggressive hard-on. He felt your slickness through your barely clothed pussy, too grinding up into you.
To be fair, it did make you wonder if perhaps you had been a bit bold in your request. Surely, it turned you on to see a man usually being the one in control be controlled, but he had not been lying when he had taunted you. It was only a truth that his thick girth filled you to the hilt, barely leaving room to mold your insides to the size of his manhood.
But you were not going to back out now.
How at ease he looked lying beneath you, heavy-lidded, and chest heaving as he inhaled you smell of roses as he got comfortable on the many plush pillows that decorated your bed. Smirking at the sight, you leaned forward, persistently grinding against his cock and ran your hands up his broad, muscled chest, feeling the smoothness of what just might be God's greatest creation yet.
Peppering wet kisses along his jaw, his cheek, the corner of his mouth, nibbling on his earlobe, you hummed into his ear when he suddenly had a fistful of your hair in his hand, pulled you an inch from his face.
“Y’said ya wanted to ride me, baby doll. So get to work, yeah?” Though his voice was in the same stern tone which you imagined he used to order his team around, you could not help but turn your surprised expression into a giggle, for he looked oh so soft lying spread on your red and pink bedding.
“Patience, baby. Only good boys get to come,” hushed you teasingly, remembering all those times he had told you just that.
Donnie shook his head at you and chuckled, propping his arms behind the back of his head. He knew he easily could manhandle you by toppling you over and have you his way, but he had to admit - again, not that he would - it was pretty entertaining seeing you bite off more than you could chew. In any way, however, as soon as you started bouncing on his cock he would have front seat tickets to possibly the best show of his life.
Toying with the hem of your tight white top, you pulled it over your head, quick to swat Donald's hand away when he instinctively reached for you.
"Na-uh," tsked you, a sly smirk curling the corner of your plump lip.
Moving your panties to the side, you held his cock in your hand and lubricated his head between your folds.
You felt Donnie's hips jump at the sensation, and you chuckled cunningly, knowing he was about to go out of his mind at the sight. So you merely teased yourself with his throbbing hard-on, but then you were gone.
"Ah, c'mon–oh..."
Donald's eyes shot open and the crease between his eyebrows showed only a second before it faded again.
You offered him a dove-eyed glance through your luscious, and quite frankly expensive, eyelashes before you commenced the task.
Stroking him once, a kitten-licks from his balls and up his shaft,
then gliding a long flat-tongued lick along the prominent, pulsating vein, and then you took his leaking mushroom-head into your mouth.
A groan, a sigh, a moan, and a growl.
He did not know what turned him on the most—the way you looked while you sucked his cock as if your life depended on it, or the fact that just seconds ago you had wet him in your own juices and were now cleaning that very mess up by making an even bigger one.
"Fuck, baby—"
Then the obscene sound one makes when sucking hard while pulling the lollipop away. Although you licked and sucked it like he was candy and you were merely trying to satisfy your sweet tooth, this was Donnie's cock and he wantonly moaned, his hips stuttering.
Pumping his cock, he shifted and you looked up only to feel him pull you closer to him, ushering you to sit in his lap.
Holding you by the throat in his fleshy hand, Donnie tilted his head a tad, the light from the street and moon enough to make his gold tooth glimpse in the dim room.
"If I'm not wrong someone was awfully sure they could handle me not long ago," hummed he, dark eyes fluttering from your eyes to your inviting lips, licking his own. "You're not pussying out on me now, are ya baby?"
"No–no, Don—"
His bionic hand pulled you down by the hips, forcing you to feel just what you had done to him. A gasp got caught in your airway, the hand wrapped around your throat, no exactly threateningly tight, still entrapping you and compromising your air-intake.
"That's good, that's good, baby. 'Cause you're gonna take my cock, now, like the good little girl I know you are, and you ain't gonna stop till my cum pours out of this tight lil' cunt here, a'ight?"
Goddamnit, if you weren't wet before you sure were leaking now.
"I asked if you understand," hissed he through grit teeth, his hot breath fanning over your lips. You nodded, and he mimicked you, laying back down. "Walk the talk, baby, walk the talk."
Bracing yourself, you exhaled and lined him up at your opening. Ragged and uneven, you shuddered as he penetrated the slit, filling you up, little by little.
A sigh fell from Donald and he squeezed your hip. "That's it, baby, you're doing good."
You forced yourself down on him, whimpering as his length pressed into your stomach, and your manicured nails dug into his chest. Finally sitting flat against him with his cock buried deep inside you, a cry fell from your pouted lips when your walls clenched around him.
You were elated when a guttural groan, followed by a deep moan, escaped Donald; at least he felt the pleasure of your pain.
But as you slowly adjusted to the sore rapture, you too could neglect the stinging sensation and began to carefully roll your hips.
Donnie reached for you and pulled you down to connect your laps, thinking it might distract you from whatever discomfort you might experience.
Swallowing the angelic sounds he elicited from you, he sucked on your neck, enjoying the tight feeling the squeezed impressively. Goddamn, he could burst right now but the thing was, despite preferring to have you his way, he surprisingly enjoyed simply lying back, watching you get off on his cock.
He felt nice. Stoking the fire that was currently burning you up from the inside.
"Donnie," hummed you, gasping. "Fuck."
Both of his hands went to your ass, guiding you further down on him, encouraging you into a faster pace, and a string of sounds left you.
The wetness of your pussy could be heard over your whimpers, soon the obscene sound of slapping skin, too, filled the room.
Tears prickled in the corner of your eye, the concoction of pain and pleasure simply too much to handle. Add the increasing ferocity of his lust molding you to fit him to the mix and you were left with begging—no, pleading him to slow down.
"What's wrong, baby? Thought you said you could handle me."
"Ba–baby, I... I can't—" your vocal cord gave out when he twitched inside you, your mouth shaping an 'o'.
"Nu-uh, baby girl. You feel that? You feel how good my cock is filling ya?"
It seemed the roughness and pain and pleasure, as well as his southern drawl, all took your breath away.
"Donni—!" His name stuck in your throat as he lifted you by the waist and began pounding up into you, the most wanton sounds yet again filling the room.
"You got all bratty about wanting my cock, so now you're gonna be a good little brat and ride it out."
At this point you could barely assimilate his words, your mind entering a never-tried-before state of euphoria. It was official. He had successfully fucked you into oblivion. Collapsing on top of Donnie's chest, you cried, moaned, whimpered, and screamed as he fucked you through an orgasm so intense you could hear when your release gushed out of you. Perhaps it was because you had worked yourself up for hours, trying to convince Donald to let you ride him, or maybe it was simply because he felt impossibly good so thick inside you; nevertheless, it sure as hell did not help your course when he reached down to rub your clit in a pitiless motion.
A frenzy startled you, sending that which felt like a jolt of electricity through your body and guiding you towards hypersensitivity, and your walls contracted as Donnie hammered into you, chasing his own high. You knew he was close—his ferity was faltering, his hips stuttered, and with what strength he had left, Donald forced you even closer on to him, groaning as you milked his cock.
Rolling off of him, you struggled to gain composure over your breathing. It felt as if you had just imploded.
He sighed deeply, muttering: "Ah, fuck, baby..."
Tilting your head so that you could see how he was doing, you noticed his eyes flickered between your heaving chest and your sex before he caught you watching.
Following his gaze, a heat came to pool in your cheeks. Fuck.
"Oh... I—"
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You were wet. Soaking. Fuck. The luxury Chinese silk quilt that had covered your bed was wrinkled up, a big wet spot on it, the fabric completely engulfed in the smell of sex.
"Did... Did I—" stammered you, unable to finish your question before embarrassment made you cover your face. "Oh, God!"
"Hey, hey, hey. Baby, it's okay, c'mere. C'mere," hushed Donald and tugged you into his warm chest, soothingly stroking your back. It was no secret he was not a big 'snuggler' post-coitus, and although he prided himself on making you squirt over his fucking cock just now, he recognized your mortification. "You did so well for me, baby."
Your clit was stilling throbbing, a mixture of your juices leaking out of your cunt, and you hummed into his chest, trying to calm down. It felt like he had completely molded you to fit him.
"Don't cry, doll. You ain't done nothin' wrong."
"I made a mess," muttered you, too ashamed to even look him directly in the eye.
Donnie hooked a finger beneath your chin, cupped your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
"Baby, hey—" He paused to passionately kiss you, then made you look at him. "That–that was fuckin' hot, yeah? And you did so well for me tonight. Taking it like a champ, wantin' to make me proud, hm."
You smiled in his hands, exhaling before leaning in to kiss him again.
You were already feeling much better; the soothing caress calming you down, the tingling sensation wearing off, and the praise—oh! the praise doing its job beautifully. But as nice as it was to finally be able to nestle up together, you were beginning to feel sticky.
"Babe," hummed you, your voice soft. He muttered a response, eyes closed. "Would you perhaps draw me a bath?"
A little pause ensued, but then you felt him moving a bit, then a sweet kiss being pressed to your forehead.
"Bubbles or no bubbles?"
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
NOTE: The MSBY boys have arrived!! I hope yall enjoy this update!
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106​ @kasandrafaye​ @veggytaled​ @svtbitch​ @stinkyobeymerat​ @hollypastl​ @differentballooncollection​ @o51oc​ @sunboikyo00 @justxanotherxshipper​ @kaisemieita @rizamendoza808 @tomo-uwu​ @sugardaddykenma​ @celinafeng @ravioliplease​ @thatpersonwithissues​ @humanbobjeanpants​ @suteorra​
“You want the usual [y/n]?” Osamu called from behind the counter.
“Sure…” You were still preoccupied with the table of people staring at you expectantly. They were all wearing black sweats except for one guy with glasses who was in a suit. Taking a closer look, you recognized the logo to be the same as the one on the sweater you were currently returning to Atsumu. You’d been awkwardly standing staring at them while they stared at you for what felt like a solid minute.
“Oh [y/n]! Didja just get here?”, Atsumu stepped out of the bathroom, breaking the awkward silence.
Before you could say anything, the glasses guy spoke up. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend Atsumu.”
WHAT? Where did this misunderstanding come from? Sure you had his sweater, but agh!!!
“I’m not his girlfriend”, you quickly shut it down.
“Riiiight.” This time a dude with spikey gray hair piped in. “So, how long have you and Tsum Tsum been together”
“I just told you we aren’t together”
“I get it. I get it.” Spikey hair guy winked.
You let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t think you do”
“Wow so cute! Atsumu’s so lucky.” A guy with bright orange hair chimed in. “Your secret’s safe with us [y/n]”
What the heck? Did they all have selective hearing?
“There is no secret! Atsumu, tell them!”, You turned to Atsumu, raising your eyebrows.
“What can I say? I can’t help being this charmin’”, Atsumu held up his hands innocently.
“Oh shut up lemon head”, you sharply snapped.
The whole restaurant burst out laughing at that. Even the guy in a mask who'd been pretty quiet was chuckling. You quickly went around and did some introductions.
“If you aren’t dating, how do you know each other?”, the glasses guy, Akaashi, asked.
“A series of unfortunate encounters.” You cringed recalling the past few weeks.
“‘Tsumu crashed her blind dates”, Osamu called from the prep station where he was rolling onigiri.
“Why am I not surprised”, the guy with the mask, Sakusa spoke up.
“Yeah. Blondie over here has been wreaking havoc on my life.”
“I dunno what you’re talking about”, Atsumu said with a scoff.
“So, how do you know him?”, You turned the question around. You had a pretty good guess, but you didn’t want to let Atsumu know that you’d been stalking him online.
“Oh. We’re Tsum Tsum’s teammates, except Akaashi here who’s my friend from high school”, Bokuto answered.
“Yeah, we’re volleyball players for the MSBY Black Jackals”, Hinata said proudly.
“Wow! That’s pretty cool”, you tried to act surprised.
“You probably didn’t know, but I’m kinda a big deal. I’m even on tv.” Leave it to Atsumu to turn this into an opportunity to stoke his ego. You rolled your eyes.
“Lucky you ‘Tsumu, thanks to that all your lame moments are recorded on the internet.” You could count on Osamu to have a good clapback.
“Lame moments? Like what?”
Atsumu’s face went tense.
“You should’ve seen it,” Bokuto said excitedly. “A few weeks ago we were walking into a meet and greet and ‘Tsum ‘Tsum had the craziest fall. It was hilarious”
“Ah! Wait no-“, Atsumu tried to stop his teammates, but it was too late.
“Oh, the one where he tripped off the stage?”, Akaashi asked.
“And twirled in the air”, Hinata excitedly added.
“And ended up hanging there by his pants because the waistband got caught on the edge of the stage” Bokuto barely got the words out between his loud guffaws.
“It was awesome!” Hinata shouted.
“It was terrible.” Sakusa corrected him.
“There’s no way that happened!” You cackled.
“It totally did!” Hinata exclaimed.
“They got the whole thing on camera too. You should watch it [y/n]!” Bokuto added.
Atsumu’s eyes got wide. “No, she shouldn’t!” Atsumu desperately interjected.
“Here lemme pull it up,” Bokuto said. He frowned, “Aw man my cell service is really weak.”
Atsumu sighed in relief and lazily grinned “Well that’s a real shame-“
“I have it saved on my phone”, Osamu tossed his phone to Hinata, who caught it.
You all gathered around and watched the video. It was every bit as glorious and embarrassing as it Atsumu’s teammates described it as. By the end, you were wheezing.
You turned to Atsumu, “Can’t help being charming huh?”
“Aghhh!” He slumped over the table and buried his face in his arms.
“Wow you’re actually kinda cute when you aren’t being an asshole”
“Aww she called you cute”
“I’m pretty sure that was a roast Hinata”
After spending some time chatting and eating, everyone packed up and got ready to leave.
“You’re pretty funny [y/n]. We should hang out more often”, Bokuto grinned at you.
“You guys are pretty funny too”
“Oh [y/n]! You should come to our game tonight! We each get some extra tickets!” Hinata’s eyes lit up as he made his suggestion.
“Oh, I don’t know about that”
“It’ll be super fun!”, Bokuto followed up.
“And its an exhibition match, so there’ll only be three sets. It won’t drag on too long.” Akaashi added.
“It sounds cool, but it’d be kinda weird to go by myself-“
“You could hang out with me at my onigiri booth if ya like,” Osamu said with a shrug.
Well if they wanted you to come that badly…
“Thanks Osamu. Okay sure! I’ll come.”
“Yay!” Bokuto and Hinata cheered. Akaashi smiled. Sakusa sighed.
As the volleyball boys filed out of the restaurant, Atsumu called out to you
“Hey can I have your number to send the ticket link to?”
“Oh sure,” He handed you his phone and you quickly typed your number into it. You handed it back to him.
“Just watch [y/n]. Tonight I’ll show ya just how cool I can be.” Atsumu had a determined look on his face.
“You’re awfully confident”
“Meet me at the back of the stadium when I win. There’s no way you’re gonna be able to say I’m not charmin’ after you see me play.”
“Whatever you say.” You chuckled.
“Well, I gotta go then. See ya later [y/n]!” Atsumu smiled at his phone, tucking it in his bag, and turned to dash after his teammates.
Wait. Did you really just give him your number?
Sendai Stadium. FRIDAY 7:05PM
You’d pulled up a chair next to Osamu’s onigiri cart. You were both watching as the players made their way onto the court.
Tonight, Atsumu’s team, the MSBY Black Jackals, were up against the Eastern Japan Paper Mills Raijin. The players from the Black Jackals that you met earlier were being announced on court one by one.
“Number 13. Atsumu Miya!!!”
Atsumu jogged onto the court beaming. He surveyed the crowd until his eyes locked with yours then he shot a playful wink in your direction.
After some setup, it seemed like the game was about to start. Someone tossed Atsumu the ball, and he started walking toward the back of the court.
“He’s about to serve.” Osamu filled you in.
Atsumu turned and faced the court. Atsumu’s face turned serious. He raised his hand and clenched his fist. The crowd instantly snapped into silence. Hah??? What was that? Did he really just silence the crowd? Talk about fucking extra (and maybe a little hot).
Atsumu took a deep breath and tossed the ball into the air. He loped forward then leaped, sweeping his harm back. Looking up at the ball, he broke into a smile. It was a fun and childlike grin, the kind you couldn’t help but smile back at. He swung his hand forward making contact with the ball with a bang that echoed throughout the stadium. It shot across the net and slammed into the opponent's side of the court.
He turned to look at you again. You were still stunned with amazement. He smirked in your direction and jogged to pick up the ball again.
Osamu turned to you with a chuckle. “When it comes to volleyball, ‘Tsumu’s not bad huh?”
As much as you wanted to make some kind of snarky comment, there was no hiding the fact that was probably the coolest thing you’d seen recently, maybe ever.
And it didn’t stop there. He fired ace after ace, and even after his service streak was broken he didn’t stop pulling out smooth moves that captured your attention. At one point he went full-on limbo and got under an impossibly low ball while leaning back and tossed it perfectly to Bokuto, who slammed it down.
He lifted his shirt to wipe his sweat, revealing his midriff. You bit your lip. Okay. Fine. He was kind of hot, but you weren’t about to tell him that.
Soon, the Black Jackals had taken the first set. 25-18.
The second set was a much closer fight. 24-23. It was the Black Jackals match point on Atsumu’s serve. (Your favorite kind of point). He started his usual service route, silencing the crowd and tossing the ball into the air, but when he jumped something looked a little off. He didn’t smile at the ball like he usually did, and when his hand finally made contact it was a little awkward. The ball flew right into the net.
“Ugh.” Osamu frowned.
“Come on Atsumu…”, you muttered under your breath. He looked visibly disappointed.
A service ace from the opposing team.
The tables had been turned. The opposing team’s match point started. Hinata returned the serve and got the ball into the air. Atsumu tossed the ball to Sakusa who smashed it, but the opposing team managed to get it back in the air. The opposing team sent an attack flying back. It bounced off the blocker's hands and flew toward the back of Atsumu’s side of the court.
“A block out!”
Atsumu dove for the ball, but it was too late. It bounced just out of his reach. That dejected look on his face deepened.
As the final set started, the Black Jackals just couldn’t seem to grasp back the momentum. Any time they were about to catch up with the opponents in terms of points, the opponents would pull ahead again.
Atsumu set to Bokuto but failed to clear a path. The ball was met with a wall and crashed back to the court.
Atsumu dove for the ball again but couldn’t save it
Matchpoint. Atsumu’s serve again. He looked unstable as he launched himself up and slammed his hand into the ball. It flew over the net and kept flying.
The referee blew his whistle. “Out!”
Final Score. 1-2. MSBY Black Jackals Lose.
Atsumu told you to meet him behind the stadium when he won. Technically, he hadn’t won, but there’s no way you could just leave like this. It’s not like you were especially close to him, but you just couldn’t. He definitely didn’t need your help, and honestly it would be hypocritical for you, the queen of cynical perfectionism, to pat him on the back and tell him that losing is okay. Despite that here you were. You just wanted to talk to him.
You spotted him crouched at the bottom of the stairs leading to the back entrance. Cautiously, you called out to him, “Hey.”
He turned to look at you. He looked even more depressed than when he walked off the court. “What’re you doin’ here? I told you to come when I won”
“I…I didn’t want to leave you hanging.”
“Hah. Are you here to tell me being a loser is okay? Gimme a break. I don’t want your pity party”
You folded your arms and lifted your chin. “Who said I was here to cheer you up? Today, you’re a fucking loser.” He flinched.
“I know!” He buried his head back in his knees. “You don’t hafta rub it in.” His voice was muffled by his sweats.
“You’re a loser today, but”, You walked up to him and crouched down to his level, “this loss will pave the way for many more victories.”
He scoffed. “You don’t get it [y/n]! I wanna win today and the next time. I wanna win every time. Losers should just quit!”
“A competitive spirit like that is awesome. Nothing is more motivating, but Atsumu, that kinda energy is only useful if it’s powering you forward, not making you sulk and feel like you’re better off quitting. Am I wrong?” 
He lifted his face out of his sweats to look at you. “…”
You reached out your hand. “C’mon let’s get out of here”
“I don’t need your help”
You smiled, knowing just what to say. “I know you don’t. This”, you took his hand in yours, “is me being selfish.”
He couldn’t help but crack a small grin at that. “Can’t argue with that can I?”
He gripped your hand back. You both stood up and started walking away from the stadium.
“You might be a loser, but I thought you looked really cool when I first saw you serve earlier”
“Wow [y/n] was that a genuine compliment?”
“…but I silencing the crowd was too extra don’t you think?”
“Hah. I don’t need any pigs interruptin’ me, and I’ve heard people think it looks hot.”
“Hot? Says who?”
Just like that you two were back to your usual bickering. You almost didn’t notice that he was still holding your hand.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
From the Ashes We are Born (Part 5)
a/n: take fucking two of posting this bc tumblr likes to fuck me over djdjjdjd. something that always bothered me with evey is the fact she left V?? I get not wanting to be stuck with a stranger for an entire year but you were the one who maced the cop. you decided to do it not v. he did not ask u to. now v torturing her there's not rlly a jusitifed excuse even though i can see why but it's still not justified either way. anyways as always enjoy.
Summary: V is away tending to his daily anarchist duties, which leaves you facing the wake of a treacherous thunder storm alone! Fluff ensues.
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a/n 2: oh my god. i finally got the fucking gifs to work. had to navigate back and forth i stg I'm gonna dethrone the Tumblr god.
The music from your phone played throughout the deafening silence of the gallery. The infamously known masked criminal had left the gallery to commit his “righteous duties”. That’s how your friend, V, put it anyways. London was weeping over its people, at least, that’s what V had said once he heard the rain slapping the roof. Why can’t he just say it’s pouring, you thought to yourself as V fluttered about the house. “Dramatic as always V,” you snickered as you stood there watching him preparing to leave. You had been staying in the Shadow Gallery for a few months now. You weren’t very stoked to having to stay here for a year, but you had to. After all, you had sealed your fate after macing that cop. Even though you were upset about having to be stuck here away from your paints and gaming consoles, you understood. It was your decision to save him, he hadn’t asked you too.
  V’s underground home was deadly quiet as he got ready. The playful aura and laughter was now gone. It felt lonely and cold, something you guessed V had felt before you arrived. “Hey V,” you asked, fidgeting with the flowy skirt you wore. “Yes?” The man in question picked up his notorious black hat and put it on top of his head. He smoothed his hair and turned to you after looking in the mirror once more. “C-can I,” you started, cheeks flushing a bright pink, “Can I have a hug?” You felt awkward as you stood there playing with your skirt. V didn’t say anything as he stared at you. The smiling mask was unsettling to look at with the awkward air and embarrassment you felt. “Y-y'know what, forget I asked,” you stammered, starting to turn before throwing a “good luck and goodbye” kinda thing. You heard him sigh. V wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest. The scent of lemon and the smell of pine made you hum. Your arms snaked around his middle as you stood there, together in front of the T.V. You were thankful V couldn’t see your beet red face. His mask rested atop your head and you shivered at the rumble of his chest as he spoke. “Forgive me, I was taken aback is all.” You pulled away a bit looking at the eyes of his mask. “It’s alright, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “Nonsense my dear, you have yet to do so.” Oh we definitely have a crush. You pulled away giving him a smile. “Be safe okay V? I mean it. If you come home almost dead on the porch again, so help me, your bullet wounds won’t be the thing killing you.” V laughed, the sound of it making your heart giddy. “Of course, mademoiselle.” The tension between the two you was thick, neither of you breaking eye contact. Feeling bold, you grasped V’s shoulder with your hand and stood on your tippy toes. “D-dove-,” he started. You interrupted him, though. Your soft lips placed themselves on the cheek of his mask. “A good luck charm,” you said softly as you pulled away. Giving V’s shoulder one last squeeze, you let him go. “I shall return soon,” V said as he left. You scolded him again about being reckless, and to be safe . Your heart sank as V’s echoing footsteps faded away leaving you standing alone and cold.
“ I love you baby , and if it’s quite alright I need you baby,” you sang as you grabbed the acrylic paint V had gotten for you. The clock read 1:54 on the wall while the rain continued to pour outside into the night. V had yet to return from doing god knows what in the streets. The smears of white and red paint were splattered across your arms and thighs. The scent of paint and V’s musky smell mixed together as you painted. Your arms and body tingled from the warm embrace he had given you. Thoughts of V took over as your paint brush made graceful strokes on the canvas. Did he even like you back? “As if,” you huffed. “He’s a man with taste.” But what about the pet names? And the flowers! He brings us flowers once he comes back.  “He’s british, being called love and darling is something normal here. The flowers don’t mean anything. It’s not like an obvious red rose or anything,” you told yourself. Stop daydreaming and just accept the fact that V doesn’t like you like in that way. 
 4:33 . “Where the hell is he,” you muttered. The rain continued to pour outside. Your canvas was set drying on the table and you flipped through your phone to entertain yourself.  Thank god for a VPN. You laughed at a funny meme as you scrolled through your feed. The lights flickered. You sucked in a breath and waited. CRASH! You jumped at the loud bang of thunder. Trying to calm yourself down, you continued to scroll through Twitter. The anxiety in your stomach wouldn’t stop eating away. V was out there in this godforsaken storm. What if he got hurt? What if he died? “Stop,” you told yourself sternly. “He’ll be fine.” 
Pop! Darkness embraced you as you sat there. The lights are out. Your breaths became shallow; the dim white light of your phone providing some kind of light source. “Calm down,” you whispered. “We’re gonna be fine.” Turning on your phone’s flashlight and using it as a torch, you crept to the bedroom. Loud crashes and noises made your hair stand up on end. Loud noises meant trouble. Loud noises meant a tantrum from your dad had started or something was here, waiting . Silence meant peace. Silence meant safety.
There was some sense of relief as you made it to the room and closed the door. Diving under the blankets, you whimpered as lightning struck. You curled into yourself and laid there. Hoping that the storm would pass, or V would come home. His scent on the sheets was the only solace you had. He will come home, eventually. You wished for V’s arms to hold and comfort you like the very few times he did before. Usually after a panic attack or when you were at the lowest of your lows. You wanted him to finish reading Lord of the Rings to you and help lull you to sleep. But V wasn’t here. V wasn’t going to hold you, or read you to sleep. He was out saving the country he so loved from it’s awful dictator. You’re weak. V wouldn’t want someone weak. He wants someone brave, and courageous. Someone who’s willing to die for what they love.
A sob bubbled up in your throat and tears threatened to escape from your eyes. You couldn’t breathe; you felt suffocated under the sheets, but if you moved you’d be open, vulnerable. Vulnerability is a weakness, being sad and scared is a weakness. How disgusting you must have looked. Hiding like a small child from the scary monster in their closet. How disgusted would V be if he found you here, under his sheets that were now wet with tears. We need to calm down. We need to stop crying. How pathetic we must look right now. He should’ve left you in that station to die. You deserve to die, you deserve to- .
“Love?” V’s voice broke your thoughts. He sounded so soft and gentle. You cursed at yourself for not noticing the door opening. Now he was going to see how pathetic you really were. V’s black boots slid across the floor when he made way into the room.You felt the bed dip beside you as you laid there. Your breath caught in your throat as you laid there silently under the sheets. Please go away, please don’t uncover the sheets. The cool air hit you as V pulled the sheets back. Cursing at your luck, you took a peak. Funny how creepy the smiling mask was in the dark. V’s hat was still perched on his head, you realized. His gloved fist was curled around something in his hand. A rose. 
“My songbird, what is the matter,” V asked as he took in your tear stricken face. The moonlight shone onto your beautiful face, revealing the wetness of your cheeks. How beautiful you were. V felt guilty once he saw you huddled under the covers, hiding from something. Could it be from yourself? “You’re late,” you croaked, “it’s almost 5 am.” “I apologize my dear, something went a bit south.” You didn’t say anything. Your eyes clenched shut and your teeth sunk into your bottom lip from trembling. V’s head cocked to the side, his lips pulled into a frown underneath the mask. He called out your name. The softness and caring tone made your eyes snap back at him. Suddenly, a crash of thunder hit. You flinched and wormed yourself underneath the sheets even more. V simultaneously realized, at that very moment, how terrified you were of thunder. He felt stupid as he sat there, staring at your shaking form. Of course you would try to seek out comfort whenever you were scared or moody. Hiding was your last resort if there was no comfort to be found. A hand stroked your head causing you to tense up.
The leather of the glove felt cool, and smooth. Brows drawn, you looked up at V. His right arm extended to you, with the gift he had brought. “V,” you whispered as you stared at him with shock. You gently wrapped your hand around the stem, taking it from his hands. “An apology for returning so late…and to ask for a courtship. With you,” V stammered. Even with the mask, you knew V was flustered. “It’s about time,” you joked, your voice a bit hoarse. “Ah yes, well you see I was so nervous and I-I've never-” You cut him off with your lips. The odd but smooth material of the mask’s lips felt foreign against your soft, warm ones. 
V didn’t even have to feel your lips to know they were the softest thing to exist. He just knew. You pulled away slowly, your cheeks warming up a bit. You were bashful, a gentle smile swept across your lips. “Thank you for the rose, it’s beautiful.” “My beautiful maiden, it is quite dark in here. You could not be quite sure of such a thing.” “I’ll kiss you again, V.” You giggled, as he shut up.
“Close your eyes and keep them closed,” V said. You looked at him confused, “Why?”  “I have another gift.” A brow was raised in his direction. He just gestured at you, waiting patiently. “You’re acting pretty sus not gonna lie, but ok.” Your eyes fluttered shut. Time seemed to pass by awfully slow as you waited. Not to mention, the dark that encased you as your lids closed. “V?” “I’m right here love.” You heard something untying and felt something being placed on the bed. How badly you wanted to open your eyes, but you would not betray V like that. The smoothness of his gloves grasped both of your cheeks softly. His fingers stroked them and held cupped your cheeks. You screwed your eyes shut, fighting the urge to open them. What was he doing? Your breath stopped at a halt; his breath was on your lips. He’s going to kiss me! His mask is off! You swallowed nervously as you waited. That’s when you felt it. 
V’s lips were rough and felt scarred. The texture was very different from your own, but you didn’t care. In fact, you cherished it. A sigh escaped your lips as your fingers clutched his cloak, pulling him closer. Teeth nibbled at your lips playfully. V’s scent filled your senses and you felt your head starting to become dizzy. You almost whined once his lips pulled away from yours. Eyes still closed, you waited for the signal to open them again. Your ears perked up as you heard the rustling of cloth and a little grunt from V. “Thank you darling, you can open your eyes again.” There were little dots and squiggles as you opened your eyes, moving in the air. You were a little sad to see the mask on again, but knew better than to press. V would give you the world, but he was still insecure about his skin. You were curious to see him, especially after the glimpse of damaged skin you had seen on his hands. But, you knew better than to ask, let alone force him to show you.
V placed his hat on the bedside table next to him. He was surprised to find you had fallen asleep, though it was quite late. He quietly shimmied out of his cloak and set his knives down on the nightstand. A sigh escaped his lips as he got into more comfortable clothing, followed by discarding his gloves on the table beside him. You had wrapped V around your finger; encasing him with your humour and your kindness. He was at your mercy. You had captivated the man who thought he could no longer feel love. Oh how wrong he was. V wrapped his arms around you and held you close. His art swelled a bit at the sleepy hum you gave him. Your head rested lightly on V’s chest and his arms snuggled you tightly. Your soft snores filled the room once again and V couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Eventually, the masked vigilante fell asleep; the comfort of your love and beauty keeping him warm at night.
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
sick day.
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part · next part
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: swearing, smut in a dream (18+), heavy amounts of fluff
word count: 4.0k
a/n: i’m sorry for the delay, it’s been a weird week. i hopefully won’t make you wait as long for the next part. this is kind of a filler chapter, but i hope you guys enjoy it still! the poe dameron x reader tag hasn’t been working so if you’re missing updates, blame Tumblr. 
also thank you @dameronsgalaxygal for helping me when i was stuck <3
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“Baby, fuck you feel so good.”
Poe gripped your hips, sliding you to the edge of his desk and sliding his cock into you. The hand on the back of his neck tightened, grabbing some of his curls in its grasp at the intrusion. Your mouth was on the base of his neck, decorating it with different sized bruises. One particular bite to his pulse with a tight clench of your pussy made him groan loudly and you quickly pulled his mouth down to yours with a tug of his tie.
“Do we have to worry about you being loud?” You breathed heavily. Poe lifted your legs higher up on his waist, the new angle allowing him to drive deeper into you. A loud gasp left your lips as your eyes fluttered closed and a smirk crossed his face. He leaned down to your ear, taking the shell of hit in his mouth. 
“You know what I’ve thought about?” He said lowly, his breath hot against your ear as he slowed his thrusts. You gave a quiet, strangled moan as a response as he bit down on it. “Taking my tie, tying you up. Completely at my mercy.”
His hand was on the side of your neck, his thumb slowly rubbing up and down the front of your throat. You were a trembling mess, the thought of him putting just a little more pressure there enough to make you come hard right on the spot. 
“I could—fuck yes, Poe—get into that.” Poe’s mouth covered yours, swallowing the sounds coming from you. You giggled against his lips as an item fell off of his desk from the harsh movement against it. 
A knock on his office door made you both freeze, horrified looks on your faces as you looked at each other and then at the door. 
“Just a sec!” Poe yelled before dropping his voice to a whisper. “Get under my desk.”
You both scrambled as quietly as you could, pulling your pants up and fixing your shirts. You tucked yourself underneath his desk, feeling very grateful for the backing on the front of the desk. Poe tamed his hair the best he could as he unlocked his door and opened it, immediately greeting the person on the other side. 
“Ackbar, how are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good, I just wanted to run something by you.” Ackbar said, nodding towards the door handle. “Who are you trying to keep out, Dameron?”
His tone was suggestive, but Poe shut it down with a shake of his head. “Some of my students like to barge in and hang out in here because of my very lenient open door policy and I have several phone calls I’m taking today. Including one in five minutes, so you have to make it quick.”
Ackbar left the door open as he sat down across from Poe’s desk. Poe sat back in his chair, scooting all the way in so his entire lower half was underneath the desk to shield you. 
“So, what’s up?” Poe spoke, providing cover for the movement you were making under his desk to make room for his legs. 
“What do you think about forgoing a final exam for anyone who’s averaging a C in the class?” Ackbar asked. “I mean, if they want to take the final to try and raise their overall grade they can, but if they fail it’ll count against them.”
Poe squirmed in his seat as he felt your hands on his thighs, rubbing slowly and traveling higher. His leg hit the underside of his desk when he felt the vibration of his zipper being slowly pulled down, which he told Ackbar was a muscle spasm. 
“You’re teaching two hundred freshman over four lectures, you sure you want to do that?” Poe said slowly, the attempt to keep his voice level and controlled extremely difficult. 
“It’s definitely less grading for me to do, but I was also thinking that—“
Everything Ackbar was saying was going in Poe’s ear and right out the other as the soft skin of your hand made contact with his cock, applying firm pressure and pumping him. He wasn’t entirely soft yet and a few strokes of your hand brought him back to fully hard. He coughed to cover the groan that almost erupted from him. 
“Here’s my opinion,” Poe said, interrupting Ackbar, sucking in a breath as your thumb brushed over the head of his cock. “I’d do it for seniors but freshman? They’ll most likely take the easy way out and skip it. Don’t let them settle for mediocre grades. Not one of them will willingly take the final.”
“Alright, you’re right.” Ackbar put his hands up in surrender. Poe felt his cock start to tighten up, the thought of coming in your hand under the desk with Ackbar just a few feet away stoking a fire inside him. Instead, Poe felt you carefully tuck him back in his pants and skillfully disguised the deep groan he let out as one of agreement. “You catching the game later?”
“I’m going to try.” Poe looked at his watch. “Sorry man, I have to take a call in a minute.”
“No worries,” Ackbar stood up, Poe doing the same and straightening his shirt so it covered more of his groin area as he walked towards the door. “You wanna grab a beer at Maz’s later? Watch the game?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Ackbar shook Poe’s hand and patted him on the back. “Have fun with those calls. Take it easy, Dameron.”
As soon as the door shut and the lock clicked, Poe let out an exasperated laugh. You crawled out from under his desk laughing so hard that you had to lean against his desk to keep yourself from falling over. Poe came around to his desk again, laughing as he plopped back into his chair.  
“I can’t believe you did that,” he said in disbelief, though the smile on his face said he wasn’t the least bit upset about it. 
“Exhilarating though.” You leaned down and pecked his lips, your hands going back to his pants and unbuckling them for the second time as you got on your knees. 
“Let me finish what I started.”
Poe woke with a jolt as a cough rocked through him, groaning at the congested pain it left behind in his chest. His eyes screwed shut and his groan grew louder at how turned on he felt at that moment, knowing he had no energy to take care of it and no energy to enjoy you taking care of it for him. Poe looked up just as you came in, a cup of water in one hand and a sleeve of crackers in the other. You set the items on his nightstand and sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his back. 
“You ok?”
“No,” he said, shoving his head into the pillow. “I was having a good dream about you.”
“Oh yeah?” Poe pushed his hips into the mattress, looking for relief. You stifled a laugh. “Oh, that kind of dream. Do you want me to help you out?”
“No, ‘m too tired.”
You leaned down to his ear, your voice lowering. “You know, I have those dreams about you too.”
Poe reached over and squeezed your thigh. “Y/N…”
“Baby…” you mocked his whine. Poe shivered and you saw goosebumps appear on his skin. You placed your hand against his forehead and then the cheek that wasn’t resting on the pillow. “You might have a fever, do you have a thermometer?”
“I don’t think so.”
You went into his bathroom and looked for anything that would help. You found some ibuprofen and you helped him sit up enough to swallow them. Pulling the blanket up around him, you leaned down and kissed his head. 
“Sleep. I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
You left the door opened a crack, enough to hear if he needed you and for Beebs to come and go as he pleased. He was already snoring by the time you got to his kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. 
You knew Poe wasn’t feeling great when you talked to him the night before and you were surprised when you got an email saying he was canceling class. In the two semesters worth of classes you’d had with him, he’d never canceled a class without notice. You skipped your last class of the day and went straight to Poe’s. He tried to argue with the very little energy he had that you didn’t have to skip class to take care of him, but the minute you got him to lay in bed, he was completely submissive. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket with an incoming call and you grabbed it to see it was Jessika calling. 
“I’m at the grocery store, do you need anything?”
“Actually yeah, do you mind picking up some things to make soup and dropping them off at Poe’s? He’s sick and he has nothing here to help him feel better.”
“Yeah you bet, send me a text?”
“I will. I’ll send you his address too. Text me when you get here.”
“No problem, see you in a bit.”
You tossed your phone onto the table and grabbed your backpack, setting yourself up on his couch. You had a long list of things that needed to get done, midterms coming up quicker than you were prepared for. You also had to order your robe for graduation so you had time to get it hemmed if needed. But an assignment that was due the next day required your immediate attention. You opened your book and you’re notebook and dove right in. 
Fifteen minutes later and you’d read the same paragraph four times. You alternated between staring at your book and tapping your pen against the page to staring to scrolling through apps on your phone. There was no motivation to do anything productive. What you really wanted to do was curl up with Poe under his blankets and just sleep, but you were already risking getting sick by being there and cuddling with him would pretty much guarantee it. Throwing your stuff aside, you walked over to the shelves that lined Poe’s living room, seeing if there was maybe a book he had that would be far more interesting than reading about marketing and trade shows. You looked through all the titles of his books, some maybe’s coming to your head when you spotted a picture frame stuck between a book and the back of the shelf. You carefully moved the book, grabbing the picture frame and wiping the dust off of the glass. 
He looked just like her. Thick and curly raven-hair sat on top their heads. They shared the same eyes, deep brown like milk chocolate, though hers were just a bit lighter. Their smiles matched, easy and laidback like it took no effort at all. You recognized the ring on her finger as the one worn around Poe’s neck. In the picture, Poe was mid-laugh as his mother carried him on her back, his tiny arms wrapped around her neck and his head against hers. You felt a pang of guilt in your chest. The way Poe talked about her and seeing the picture that you found, they were clearly very close. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how devastated Poe must’ve been when she passed. 
Poe had said he’d forgiven you for what you said, but you still hadn’t forgiven yourself. If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know if you’d be able to. 
Your phone vibrated in your hand, the message telling you that Jessika had arrived. You told her the code to enter the building and a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. 
“Thank you so much for doing this,” you said as you opened the door, immediately taking the bag from your roommate. 
“No problem at all.”
Jessika looked around behind you, her eyes curious. You chuckled and held the door open.
“Come on in.”
“Inside a professor’s apartment,” Jessika said as she stepped in. She looked around the room when Beebs came up and jumped on her. You tried to apologize and tell Beebs to stop but Jessika just leaned down and picked him up. 
“Ah, the infamous Beebs,” she laughed as he licked her face. “You really are cute, aren’t you?”
You stepped into the kitchen and put a couple bottles of gatorade in the refrigerator, leaving out the ingredients to start making soup with and digging around the cupboards for the items you’d need to make it. 
“So, what’s he sick with?” Jessika asked. 
“A cold from what I can tell. He doesn’t have a thermometer so I don’t know if he has a fever.”
“How’s he doing?”
You sighed heavily. “Poe’s amazing and wonderful in many ways, but he is still a man who thinks he’s dying because he has a cold.”
“You hear that, Beebs?” Jessika said in Beebs’ pointed ear. “He’s got a man-cold. And they’re supposed to be the superior sex.”
“Yeah, supposed to be.”
Beebs wiggled in her arms and she let him down, watching him walk off. You watched Jessika laugh quietly at the adorable dog before looking back around the apartment, giving a small nod of approval. 
“Hey Jess?” You spoke quietly, your voice hesitant and unsure. You walked over to Jessika, who had been looking at you with a questioning look. “I’m sorry.”
Jessika opened her mouth to speak and you put a hand up. “I’m sorry for being a bitch, for treating you like shit, and taking forever to forgive you. You said things and I said things and even though what you said hurt, it doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person and I’ve been treating you like you were. And I’m really sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Jessika replied and you shook your head. 
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, I forgive you then. Because I’ve missed you.”
Holding your arms out, Jessika met you in a tight hug. You really had missed her too. She had been there for you when she didn’t have to be, and thinking back you were surprised she was because you felt you had treated her like shit. Beebs jumping up on both your legs trying to be included in the hug tore you apart, Jessika leaning down and scratching his ears. 
“When we’re done with school and all that and it’s fine for you guys to be in public together, I’d really love to sit down with Prof—Poe.” Jessika said, the use of his first name foreign on her tongue but the effort graciously appreciated by her friend. “You know, get to know him. As one of your best friends, it is my job to tell him that if he hurts you I’ll destroy him.”
You chuckled. “I’m sure we could arrange that if you really want to. I’ve met his friends, seems only fair that he gets to know mine.”
“Exactly!” Jessika said. “Alright, I have to get going. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, I have class a 7:45a.m and he needs to sleep, so I’ll be back later tonight.”
Jessika squeezed your shoulder as she passed and you thanked her once more before she left. You set to work, setting up everything you’d need and pulling up the recipe saved on your phone. 
Chopping vegetables in your boyfriend’s kitchen was oddly domestic, like you were waiting for him to come home from work and you were cooking dinner. You wondered what you would be doing at that very moment had you not pursued your professor that Halloween night. Would you have given Ben another chance? Would you be in a relationship at all? You pondered the what if’s, yet each scenario couldn’t bring you to the level of happiness that was your reality. You really thought you had lost it all during that fight and you would never go another day without being grateful to Poe for forgiving you.
As you added all the ingredients together, your mind went to the dark place you tried so hard to push to the back of your mind. Graduation was just two months away. What was going to happen after your relationship graduated and the lease for your apartment was up and you moved back home? Poe certainly didn’t act like he would dump the relationship just because you were done with school, but you couldn’t help but think that way. You copped it up to having developed a small fear of abandonment, no doubt thanks to the sudden departure of your father. 
Slow, heavy footsteps filled the empty silence as you adjusted the temperature on the cooker. Poe slid his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“You didn’t sleep very long,” you said.
“Can’t sleep anymore. Smells good,” Poe mumbled, leaning into you to see what was in the cooker. You gently bumped your head against his. 
“I’m glad you can smell,” you said. “It’s my grandma’s recipe. My mom used to make it for Tallie and I when we were sick. It’s done now, eat some. You need to eat.”
You moved around each other, him scooping up soup and you grabbing him something to drink. 
“Did I have all of this stuff?” Poe asked, looking at all the ingredients he could see in the soup as he walked to sit on the couch. 
“No, Jessika dropped off stuff. You have nothing here,” you teased, taking a seat next to him. Your expression turned a little more serious. “She wants to sit down and talk with you, you know. Get to know you. When the school year’s over. If that’s ok with you.”
“I’d like that,” he said, taking in a spoonful of soup and groaning at how nice it felt against his sore throat. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I still have some secrets left,” you smirked. “I’m glad you’re feeling better enough to eat something. I was starting to worry a little bit.”
“I’m hoping I can kick this in a few days. I’d hate to cancel class again.” You assured Poe that no one would be mad if he did, to which he laughed and then immediately coughed. You hoped he’d be able to get rid of it soon, too. “You’re going to Cabo for spring break, right?”
“Yeah, with a few girlfriends from high school. Why?”
“I just forgot.” There was something about the tone of his voice that sounded nervous, but he didn’t say anything else. You and him had discussed your spring break plans and you knew he was going to California for a few days with Finn and Rey. 
“So, I’m—“ Poe started, pausing to figure out how he was going to ask what he wanted. You urged him to continue. “After California, I’m spending a few days at my dad’s. If you can make it work, would you want to spend two or three of those days with me?”
Your mouth dropped and a small smile started to form on your face. 
“You want me to meet your dad?” Poe shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, but it was to him. And it was to you too. 
“Yeah, I do,” he said, putting his near empty bowl on the coffee table. You were happy to see he was able to finish most of it. “I was thinking you could fly out Thursday and we’d get a late flight back here on Saturday night so the chances of running into people from here are slim.”
“That’s very specific, how long have you been thinking about this?”
“Since we last talked about spring break. I just didn’t know how to ask you.”
“Were you scared to ask me?”
“I thought it might be too soon to be meeting family.”
“It might be,” you said softly and Poe nodded in understanding, but his face fell a little. You placed your hand on his leg. “But I still want to.”
You nodded and Poe’s face lit up. This was so important to him, like meeting his friends had been. And it stirred something in your chest that he already wanted you to meet his dad. It gave you more hope for your future together. “I’ll call my friends tomorrow and see if we can figure it out.”
Poe put his hand on top of yours and squeezed it, not exactly what he wanted to do but trying not to heighten your chances of getting sick. “I’ll get the soup put away, do you want to watch a movie before you leave?”
You nod and get up at the same time as him, grabbing the blanket from the floor and stretching out on the couch. You opened up Netflix and scrolled through, deciding on a movie that you’d both seen before in case Poe fell asleep. Poe turned a couple lights off as he came back, taking the blanket from you and settling between you and the couch. Half of his body laid on top of yours, legs tangled together and his cheek resting in the middle of your stomach. His arm laid along your other side, hand curved in so his fingers grazed against your side. You were his body pillow and you didn’t mind one bit. 
Poe was a physically affectionate person. He loved to be touching you in some way, from something simple like holding your hand or throwing your legs across his lap to wrapping you completely around him while you laid in bed together, limbs so intertwined you wouldn’t know where he started and you ended. You weren’t surprised to find out that Poe was extremely cuddly when he wasn’t feeling well. A lot of people got that way. 
You started the movie and brought your hand up to run your fingers through Poe’s hair, gently massaging his scalp as you did. You had learned pretty quick that his hair was a weakness for him, something that both relaxed him and excited him depending on what you were doing with it.
It had only been about a month since your first date but you were so incredibly happy with Poe. You adored everything about him, especially the way he treated you. He didn’t talk to you or see you or treat you like a naive girl in her early twenties. He respected you as an equal, an adult in an adult relationship. It was so early in your relationship, but you couldn’t help but think about a future with him. 
This was the real thing for you. You were young and very well aware that a lot of people your age didn’t get into serious relationships. But you really wanted this to turn into something long-term. You hoped he did too. 
He had your heart; completely, fully.
“You’re staring,” Poe mumbled. You chuckled. 
“I can’t help it. 
He looked up at you, his chin on your stomach. “Thanks for taking care of me,” he said quietly, placing a kiss on your stomach over your shirt. You smiled softly down at him.
“Of course,” you said. “If I wasn’t, you’d be curled up in the fetal position starving and dehydrated.”
“I would not.”
“You would too. You’re such a baby when you’re sick.”
Poe nuzzled your stomach, the action making you giggle when his two day old stubble made contact with your skin. You relaxed into him, the hand that was in his hair traveling down to rub soothing circles on his back. Within thirty minutes of the movie starting, you were both fast asleep. 
When you were sick with a cold a few days later, Poe was better prepared to tackle the cold. You slept in his bed all day in his bed and he took care of you the same way you did for him.
tag list [open!] - @ah-callie @darksideofclarke @leilei-draws @imaginecrushes @i-ievu @brianamaree @yeeintensifies @spider-starry @krazykatkay456 @fanfiction-trashpile @afootnoteinyourhappiness @easterncryptid @my-child-gaara @myrandom-fandomlife @onebatch--twobatch @the-cry-of-youth @p3nny4urth0ught5 @porgiez @umchrisevans @galaxy-of-stories @seeking-a-great--perhaps @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @dameronsgalaxygal @mserynlarsen @yougottakeeponkeepinon @linibirdimagine @goddamndameron
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
It’s Not Rabies, It’s . . . Ch. 2
Summary: With yet another demon on the loose in Egoton, King gets a lucky break when Dark finds them first.
A/N: This was a suggestion-request from the anon Nightfall on AO3. Which resulted in this story and since this one was getting a bit long it inspired a bit for the Visitation Day on Sunday which will be a lot less angsty.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Chapter 2: Airing Out Grievances
Lunky was following a specific trail now, the densest aura trail in all of Egoton: the Entity’s.
Fortunately for the entire city Dark was having an early morning. He’d been woken up early by the Host. The seer had warned him that he should be on the lookout for something coming to attack him. So he was braced in his warehouse.
Green noticed something first. His scans picked up something but he couldn’t see it. So Dark came to his location and saw that there was a new aura trail in the center of his territory. It was a new demon.
At first he was furious, the audacity of this vile creature! When Dark found them he would show them no—
Why was Kay’s aura here?
Anger turned to trepidation. At first he thought — was afraid— that Kay had been violently attacked because his aura was all over the place, meshed in a weird way with a new demon aura. He almost attacked it outright before realizing it was an infantile demon, and Kay aura wasn’t on it because it had attacked the young man. Kay’s aura was a part of this demon. Just like Wil’s aura existed inside all of his children’s aura.
In fact there was still a minute trace of Wil’s aura in the mix.
This was Kay’s child!
Dark felt a myriad of emotions. Confusion about how this had happened. When it had happened? Fear for the fact that this spawnling was wandering around a town crawling with demon hunters. And—
The Entity’s racing thoughts were cut off when the spawnling bit down on his aura.
“Hey!” Dark shouted, pinning the spawnling down.
Or at least he tried to. The spawnling had seen Dark teleport in and lunged out to bite his aura. But because Lunky wasn’t three-dimensional, Dark’s hands contacted with nothing. He had to use his aura to do it.
And no sooner did Dark’s aura come into contact with Lunky, did something in Dark recoil. Not because Lunky could do any real damage to him or was repugnant in some way.
But Dark aura naturally stuck to things. Kay would know Dark had been in contact with his child. And Dark couldn’t get his aura on the spawnling . . . he knew how furious that would make Kay.
The young man wanted nothing to do with him, hadn’t for years. Surely this would just be another part of Kay’s life Dark was not allowed to touch.
The Entity’s blue soul was already screaming in frustration and fury. Dark had to get the spawnling back to Kay before his blue soul threw another fit. Those were never fun to manage.
So with a quick spell Dark trapped Lunky into a small area without having to use his aura. He was trying to think of something. He couldn’t just leave the spawnling to their own devices, they were too new, too juvenile to survive in this city on their own.
Fortunately for Dark Illinois came running out and after a sharp order from Dark, Illinois grabbed a piece of printer paper and they trapped the enraged, screaming demon onto the paper.
Illinois cheered in triumph, chuckling, “So this is the new demon in town that everyone’s freaking out about? Seems harmless to me.”
“No, this is Kay’s spawnling,” Dark corrected. “I don’t think this one’s existed long enough. They don’t even have their own independent aura yet.”
“Wait, his what?” Illinois shouted in shock. “How did— When did Kay have a kid?”
“Less than a week ago,” Dark said, looking at the spawnling for a bit.
“Did he tell you he was having a kid?” Illinois demanded, wounded. “He didn’t tell me.”
“No,” Dark told him.
“Why wouldn’t he tell us? Is he seeing someone? There is some partner out there we need to threaten.” Illinois became more resolute by the second.
Dark tried to keep his face emotionless, ordering his red soul to keep her brother from acting out. A slow realization dawning on Dark: Wil’s children were even less human than he suspected. “Demons don’t need a partner to have a spawnling. Kay could have had this child with no outside help if the conditions were right.”
“Oh,” Illinois managed. Then his head started to spin and turn with the implications of that. “What would having other people’s aura in the mix do? Would that work or make something new?”
“Providing the aura was in significant amounts, I would think it would make something new, why?” Dark asked.
Illinois went beet red, “Uhhh, I . . . uh.”
Thankfully Illinois was saved when King came around the warehouses. He was in a warm jacket and gloves, slipping a bit on the ice. Yancy hot in his heels and the Host following at a bit slower pace.
“Hey Kay,” Illinois smiled, holding up the paper. “Lose something?”
King looked relieved when he saw that very familiar image. “You guys did find them.”
Illinois’s smile got more devious, “What happened to being responsible and adult, huh? Maybe you should have worn a condom when you let the forces of nature fuck you over?”
“Hey!” King dove in to take Lunky back. “Don’t teach them those words yet!”
“They got a name?” Illinois asked.
“Lunky,” King said, uncertain. “That’s what the Host told me anyway. They respond to it, which is good because they don’t know how to communicate with me yet.”
Illinois snickered, “Lunky, what kind of name is that?”
“Shut up, it’s their name,” King defended heatedly. “Your name is Illinois, we could stand here and make fun of each other’s names all day.”
Illinois held up his hands in surrender, “Fine, fine.”
Dark had internally balked at the name, but he kept quiet. Whatever the spawnling’s name was, wasn’t really any of his business. Or it shouldn’t have been.
“Is the little fella okay?” Yancy asked concern, before smiling sweetly at the spawnling. “Youse gave us the run around all o’er town, didn’t youse?”[1]
Lunky let out a chittering hiss that Yancy didn’t know how to understand.
“Uhh, Squirrel Whisperer, youse got a word ‘a that?”[2] Yancy asked.
“Yancy should allow the Host to help,” the Host offered, walking forward.
“Sure, why’s[3] the hell not?” Yancy shrugged.
The Host took the paper and with a couple words shook the paper and what appeared to be a human child shot out. King lunged to catch the child, they were heavier than he expected. They looked like an almost exact copy of King when he was about three-years-old. And they were screaming and hissing in rage.
“And voila,” the Host announced, making sure a little bit of his aura extended out so that Lunky could start nibbling at it, calming the spawnling down. “The Host has solved their problem now that Lunky is three dimensional.”
“This solves nothing,” King reminded him. “I have a kid. I haven’t got anything for them. Don’t people usually have like nine months to prepare for one of these?”
“Hey youse[4] got me,” Yancy smiled.
King managed a smile, and a nervous chuckle, “This kid is doomed, you know that though, right?”
“Hey, I’d be a great uncle,” Yancy defended heatedly.
“I know, that’s not what I meant,” King smiled.
While the three adults were talking the spawnling was looking at Dark, and the Entity was staring back at him. The two demons weren’t breaking eye contact; the contact wasn’t hostile, it just wasn’t breaking.
Dark tried to memorize the spawnling’s image, hoping that the next time he saw Kay’s child he would still recognize the aura. His blue soul’s screams were echoing off the inside of his skull, trying to claw his way to Kay’s child. But Dark had made sure that his echo stayed very close by.
King quickly noticed that Dark was staring at Lunky. He felt very defensive. When his and Dark’s eyes met that snapped something inside the animal magnet.
“We need to talk,” King told Dark, the Entity’s eyes slowly rising to meet his son’s eyes.
“Very well,” the Entity sounded disinterested.
“Is there a way we can have this “discussion” without screaming in front of the kid?” King asked the Host sharply.
“Yes the Host, Yancy, and Illinois can take King’s child for a bit,” the Host allowed. “The Entity and the King of the Squirrels should take their discussion inside.”
The Host’s eyes bled a bit and suddenly King and Dark were in Dark’s office, standing on either side of the Entity’s desk.
King finally hit the end of a long fuse that had been burning for a very long time.
“You were elated when you saw them, weren’t you?” King tried to keep his tone civil. “I’m a demon just like the rest of you.”
“Don’t be absurd, I didn’t feel anything,” Dark denied.
That just got King angrier. “I was always too human for you, your little white sheep you couldn’t get to do what you wanted.”
“Why would what you were matter to me?” Dark dismissed. “I didn’t bring you into the Manor to make a demon out of you. I did it because Bim needed siblings. I didn’t have any expectations for any of you except to stay alive.”
The last moment Dark had seen Arthur lingering haunting in his mind. A child he had failed to care for.
“I won’t involve myself,” Dark told King, eager to have the discussion over with. It would take forever to calm his blue soul down. Then he added when he saw the slight confusion on King’s face, “with . . . with Lunky. Besides it’s obvious that you don’t want me in either of your lives.”
“Why wouldn’t I let you near Lunky?” King demanded, angry but not furious enough to not catch what Dark was actually saying. “You’re his grandfather.”
That word punched right through all of Dark’s mental and emotional walls. He had to leave! He should have made himself scarce when Kaylor arrived. But he was too greedy and eager to see the boy again.
“Wil is his grandfather,” Dark bit back, stepping to the side of his desk and throwing open a portal. “Should you need anything, you know where I am.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” King demanded, his anger stoked again. “You always run off when I try to have a real conversation.”
“What else is there to talk about?” Dark demanded, his own frustration getting the better of him. He needed to leave. “You hate me, you don’t want me anywhere near you or your child. There is little to negotiate on the matter. I’ll tell Wil about them, unless you wish to do that yourself, and stay out of the way.”
It’s not fair! It’s not fair! He’s mine! It’s not fair! His blue soul was frantic and furious.
We need to leave! His red soul was no less desperate to be heard but pulling him in the opposite direction.
I know! What do you think I’m trying to do? And Dark was stuck somewhere in the middle of the two of them.
“I don’t hate you,” King snapped in frustration. “You always fucking make this about you. Do I think you’re an egotistical narcissist who would sooner kill himself than be a decent person? Hell yes. But I don’t hate you. I don’t regret being adopted by you, and I know the others don’t regret it either.”
“Don’t patronize me, Kaylor,” Dark scoffed, his tone was calm but the fact that his aura was pitching up and down betrayed the fact that he was furious. “I know the Host still needs me to cooperate with his plans. I’m not going to go back on that. You were always the smart one between all your siblings, you always knew what I was and you left the first chance you got.”
Then Dark felt it, his blue soul trying to shatter off a bit so he could reach out for Kay. Not to hurt him, never to hurt the boy. It had been years since Dark had set his hand on King and his blue soul wanted to hold the boy again and Dark snapped, grabbing his blue aura and slamming him back against the wall behind him.
While King couldn’t see anything he saw Dark’s shadowy aura lash out at something a couple feet in front of him and objects on the far wall rattle a bit when something hit the wall. He instinctively jumped.
I said no! Dark reminded his blue soul.
Dark was quick to subsume Damien’s blue soul back in. Something his soul did kicking and screaming, Dark couldn’t silence all the splintering and echoes, but when it was over Dark turned to King, “Ignore him, he’s been out of sorts all day.”
“What was that?” King asked, his anger cooled significantly.
“Nothing you need to worry about, I have it under control,” Dark told him.
“No, no,” King insisted. “We’re talking about this, were you about to attack me?”
“Don’t be absurd, if I haven’t attacked you even as a threat in almost twenty years I’m not going to start now. Sometimes my aura gets a bit presumptuous and I have to put it back in its place.”
“So what was it going to do?” King demanded.
That clearly got Dark defensive. “Why do you care? It wasn’t going to hurt or attack you?”
“I care because it concerns me,” King told him. “Why is it so bad that you can’t tell me?”
Dark considered just leaving. This wasn’t Kay’s problem, it was his. And he couldn’t just . . . he wasn’t allowed to . . .
With a deep exhale, Dark gave himself another second or two. Then his left hand had more of his light blue aura than his red and he reached out for King’s closest hand. He had his hand in a very loose half-hold where only the pads of his fingers were touching him, giving King more than enough opportunity to take his hand away.
King didn’t take his hand away, watching Dark in confusion a bit before he felt overcome by an emotion. It beckoned a memory in King’s mind, when Dark would hold the young man back when he was still a child. Whenever Kay was spooked or had woken up from a nap . . . but the feeling was reversed. The feeling of warm body heat against his skin and someone who needed him in that moment.
Kay felt his cheeks grow wet and Dark pulled his hand away, no longer looking King in the eye.
“There,” Dark said. “Like I said, I have it under control. I know you don’t like it when you’re touched without permission.”
“You asshole, you were going to hug me,” King told Dark and flew forward to wrap his arms around his chest.
Dark stiffened up completely. His red soul became less frantic and Dark was left alone to fight against his blue soul from returning the touch. But there was no one else to distract either of them and Kay was so warm.
Slowly, as if cautious — afraid — that Kay would push him away, Dark began to move his arms down until they were gently wrapped around King.
The young man’s embrace became a little tighter, a sad chuckle coming from his mouth, “See, you just should have asked.”
His chuckle turned into a sad laugh, “Our whole family is fucked up if neither of us knew you wanted a hug.”
“I didn’t—” Dark started to deny but was cut off. His blue soul was finally silenced, suddenly calm again. Even his red soul felt like she was in a better mood.
Sooner than Dark or his blue soul wanted, Kay slowly began to pull away, and Dark could feel Damien was getting unhappy again but there was little they could do. Kay was done indulging their momentary lapse of control and Dark swore to himself that it would not happen again.
“I’m not going to keep Lunky from seeing you, if I’ve got anything to say on the matter they won’t be joining the network, but I don’t want them not to know who you are.”
“If that’s what you want, they are your child,” Dark tried to act as chill and nonchalant as he always did, desperately trying to regain his composure.
“I meant what I said earlier,” King told him. “Both about not hating you and you being an egotistical narcissist. Both those things are true.”
“Anyways,” Dark ignored the barb. “We should find the Host.”
“Already done,” Yancy was standing at the door with the Host and Illinois. Lunky was in the ex-prisoner’s arms. None of which had been there a couple seconds ago.
Lunky was hissing at them but froze when he saw Dark. They began making some odd sounds as they reached out for Dark, clearly frustrated they couldn’t normally stretch.
King walked over and took Lunky, “Hey buddy, you okay.”
“They’s been cryin’ the whole time fer youse,”[5] Yancy told him. “Set ‘a[6] pipes on this kid.”
Lunky, the second they were placed in King’s arms calmed down for a second or two, before reaching for Dark.
“Oh is that how it is?” King chuckled, and walked back over to Dark. “You want Gramps, huh.”
“I’m going to get my aura all over him,” Dark tried to warn.
“I don’t see a problem with that,” King shrugged. “Unless you don’t want to hold him?”
“No, I can hold him,” Dark allowed, hesitantly taking the spawnling into his arms.
The instant Dark had them in his arms his aura instinctively latched on and the spawnling started just devouring his aura again, their eyes little more than round black circles.
Dark just let his aura wash over the kid, placing clear warning markers that despite not being his direct spawnling, Lunky was his and other demons and mages better not touch them.
“할아버지”[7] King told Lunky, having them look up at Dark. “That’s gonna be one of the first ones we learn, right?”
Dark rolled his eyes, but just soaked in the fact that he got to hold the spawnling. They stayed in the office for a bit until Lunky let themself be passed back to King and Dark opened up a portal right in front the heroes’ base.
It took a long, lengthy discussion to explain how King round up with what looked like a three-year-old but the heroes accepted Lunky into their group. Mini peeked around Bing, cautious as the two children looked at each other.
Before Dark could vanish off without Lunky realizing he was leaving, Silver walked over to him.
“Demon grandkid, huh?” Silver asked with a smile.
“You and your heroes allow the hunters to even come within sight of them, I will murder all of you,” Dark warned.
“Got it, got it,” Silver promised. “We’ll make sure they stay fed and everything.”
“Will you now?” Dark chuckled dryly. “You don’t even know what they eat.”
“It’s not another cannibal is it?” Silver groaned seriously.
“Don’t let them taste human flesh and we’ll see,” Dark suggested. “That’s how Bim started out. I took my eyes off him for five seconds and he started licking dead bodies.”
“You’re joking right?” Silver deadpanned.
Dark flashed him a sadistic smile and walked through a portal.
“Dark! Dark!” Silver called after him. “You’re joking right?”
With Dark gone all the heroes took their new edition inside and King proclaimed that the next time he saw either of the Jims he was going to stab them in return for stabbing him in the heart. Then he went to go and take Lunky to his park to show them what would become the spawnling’s second home.
Accessibility Translations
1. You gave us the run around all over town, didn’t you?
2. Uhh, Squirrel Whisperer, you got a word of that?
3. why
4. you
5. They’ve been crying for you the whole time
6. of
7. “Grandfather”; Korean. Specifically the informal way to address your paternal grandfather. Phonically read as halabeoji.
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paaradoxum · 5 years
BakuTodo Rec List of Fics Vol. II
It’s been a while since the last time I did the other list and many new, wonderful fics appeared (the dynamics will be the same: AO3 fics that includes top!Bakugou and bottom!Todoroki for those that are NSFW), so if you wanna check out here is Part I.
This time there are 32 fics in this list, I have more and probably I will make Part III soon.
Spoiler: EVERY SINGLE one of these stories are FUCKING AWESOME.
Rating: G
→ flowers die, feelings grow by kinneyb
Summary:  When Bakugo first visits a local flower shop with Jirou, he buys some flowers in a lame attempt to piss off one of the employees - a guy named Shouto. But then he gets a little too invested in keeping his flowers alive.
→ Pretty by doop-doop.
Summary:  Like so many things that had to do with Shouto, the question took Bakugou entirely by surprise. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
→ For a Single Moment by itsclowreedsfault.
Summary:  Katsuki shakes his head with a sigh and an unbidden smile. Shouto's always been like an overexcited kid when it came to cats; Katsuki should've known he didn't stand a chance against them in Shouto's first visit to a cat cafe.
Rating: T
→ Ruin My Life by justhavesex.
Summary: He's not a vengeful person, really, he's not.
But him and Bakugou have started this little on-going war of theirs back in middle school when they were 10 years old and Todoroki had accidentally—if you got Todoroki drunk enough and fed his ego well enough he would, in fact, admit that it was very much on purpose—accidentally fed Bakugou's limited edition All Might magazine to his cat.
→ Aesthetic Distance by llyn.
Summary:  This was around the time Shouto was appearing in all the blogs and rags and instagrams wearing a hideous faux fur coat of bright, hot neon like some awful crawling creature from an acid trip had been hunted and skinned, its pelt draped over Shouto's shoulders.
→ Dance To This by justhavesex.
Summary:  Bakugou has never cared much about being an alpha, not really, not until he met the most frustrating omega in all existence: Todoroki Shouto.
→ Welcome to the Mile-High Club by minhakos.
Summary:  In which Todoroki realizes that maybe airplanes aren't the only thing that should make him nervous.
→ Boyfriend Tactics by Esselle.
Summary: 'Shouto's eyes go impossibly wide. He seems to lose all powers of communication for a moment and just stands there, frozen, staring at Katsuki and the kitten. Finally, eventually, he utters the tiniest noise Katsuki has ever heard him make.
"Ah…" '
Katsuki comes to the aid of a small and fluffy civilian while on patrol.
→ Line by Line by Lillabelle.
Summary:  With half his sketchbook filled with drawings of the guy, Katsuki wondered if he’s already crossed the line of being insanely creepy. They’ve never spoken, and he honestly only knew the person’s name was Todoroki Shouto because of role call in class. Shouto was just… so unique to look at with his half and half appearance. It was hard for Katsuki’s eyes not to get drawn to him. Not to mention they shared several classes, so if Katsuki ever got bored and felt like drawing something, there he was.
→ a todobaku one-shot collection by kagehinataboke.
Summary:  all of my multiple, multiple, multiple todobaku one-shots. i stan two (2) dipshit boys that are obviously in love and hate with each other.
→ amaryllis by ?
Summary:  The amaryllis has come to symbolize pride, determination and radiant beauty. Somehow this all suited Katsuki a lot more than Shouto expected.
→ tell ourselves a good lie by ElmoIsSatan. (In-Progress 12/?)
Summary: For a straight guy with anger issues, getting a “boyfriend” might just be his only escape.
Bakugo makes an impulsive decision and suddenly gains a boyfriend just to prove his parents wrong... The only problem is it’s all fake.
→ how to register for a library card (and get a boyfriend in the process) by Kaleid369.
Summary: “Friends have each other’s numbers, yeah?” Bakugou shrugs. “I don’t hate you, I guess.”
“Lucky me.”
“Lucky you,” Bakugou snorts. “I gotta go. Text me so I have your number.”
“I will.”
He's already started walking away when Shouto blurts out, “See you tomorrow?”
Bakugou shoots him a smirk over his shoulder, as if to say, Duh.
Shouto stands and stares at his retreating back, and the thought of kissing him pounds along with the beat of his heart.
→ on brand by dinosuns.
Summary: Midoriya is honestly unsure what’s worse: the tragic fact that Todoroki Shouto can make anything look objectively incredible or the fact Kacchan has six versions of the exact same photograph saved onto his camera roll.
Nobody saves a photo that many times by accident.
Kacchan set the bar, Todoroki raised it. That is not a good thing.
→ The Journey Home by dinosuns.
Summary: “Your hair looks real fucking nice.”
“I thought it was about time I grew it out,” Todoroki says, something wistful caught in his voice. “You were always saying I should.”
That’s true. And Bakugou is satisfied to know he was right about it looking good, but it’s not like he can share that with the fucking class anymore.
Bakugou tells himself that he's fine with how things turned out between them. He also tells himself he's not still in love.
Rating: M
→ Zephyr by yeetin. (In-Progress 4/?)
Summary: The breeze that sifted gently through a golden sea of tall, dry grass brought the tiny spike of a different scent. An inconspicuous little prickle down the spine, barely even worth paying attention to. Something no one else would even imagine being able to notice.
But Bakugou did.
→ Objection, Your Honor by Myona. (In-Progress (8/?)
Summary: Shoto Todoroki hated Katsuki Bakugou. And he had plenty of reasons to do so.
But he didn't know that how things can change for the two of them who saw nothing but trouble in each other's presence and life altogether. Katsuki was a trouble from the first time Shoto heard his name, to the first day he met the man.
Rating: E
→ On Hot Blondes and Drunken Hookups by Crossfire. (In-Progress 4/?) I love this so so much.
Summary: “I’m Bakugou. What’s your name, Pretty Boy?”
Shouto looks at the drink in his hand, then back to the beautiful blonde boy, then back to the drink and downs it in one go, ignoring the slight burn as it slides down his throat, and while it would have been more suave to appear unaffected, he gives his head a little shake. He takes a quick breath and forces the words out before he has a chance to realize what a massive mistake this all is.
“Hot blondes I want to bang can call me Shouto.”
→ Tick Tick Boom by Ajaxthegreat. (In-Progress 6/?) THIS is so good, I’m in love.
Summary: An exhausted socially awkward violin prodigy and a deaf punk rock drummer walk into a bar.
→ Better Take a Mental Picture by chibibeeee. This is HOT HOT.
Summary:  The one where Deku watches Bakugou take Todoroki and their exhibitionist kink is unlocked.
→ Cover: Blown by darkanddank. (In-Progress 1/2)
Summary: Some undercover agents got hooked on drugs. Went full Stockholm Syndrome, flipped and joined up with the other side. As Bakugou’s palm went flat over Todoroki’s navel and dove beneath his closed zipper, Todoroki started to understand just how easy it might be to go rogue.
...aka cop Todoroki gets his world rocked so hard by bad guy Bakugou that he has an existential crisis
→ Just One Bite by Crossfire.
Summary: This particular fuckup begins when he saves a cat from a demon in a sketchy alley.
Well, maybe slightly before that when his esteemed hedge-witch mentor turned out to be an incubus who coincidentally turned him and his stupid nerdy neighbor into incubi.
Or maybe when he was born to a non-magic family, but early on developed minor magical inclinations that turned out to be not-so-minor and kind-of-hugely-destructive.
Wherever this fuckup was born, it’s culminated as follows: Bakugou has been an incubus for one hundred and twenty-two days, seven hours, and thirty-six minutes, has not had a single successful feed, and is essentially slowly starving to death. His mentor is suspiciously MIA and that stupid shitty nerd has managed to secure himself a two-person harem so it’s just Bakugou, starving. To death. Slowly.
→ Gangster by Brixxen.
Summary: Bakugou is a detective trying to solve a case that's been open for months. He ends up in a town and meets a man who could be his undoing...
Todoroki wasn't expecting the blonde at the bar to leave him wanting more...
→ How to spend a Friday night by veltana.
Summary: That's how Katsuki ended up on his bed on a Friday night leaning against the headboard with his laptop between his spread legs, his hard dick in his hand, watching Shouto open himself up for him on the screen.
→ Your Turn by doop-doop.
Summary: An extra scene/epilogue/continuation of smd.
Bakugou and Todoroki housesit for Bakugou's parents and take advantage of Bakugou's large bed.
→ Comfort by hellaradholly.
Summary: Katsuki agrees to be Shouto's roommate after UA despite having an unbearable crush on him.a gift for Katie for the BakuTodo Valentine's Day Exchange!
→ Empire of Dirt by castiiron, clairesail. (In-Progress 5/?)
Summary: There was something different about being with Bakugou Katsuki. Something that Shouto had been searching for tonight, to no avail. A consistent burn in his gut, the warmth of a fire that hadn’t been stoked in many years. Katsuki had been inexcusably rough with him. Harsh in a way that had pulled him back to reality. Shouto hadn’t realized he was missing out, being so used to what he knew; going through the motions, a means to an end. His life for the last few years had revolved around mediocre sex as a way to abate constant desire, always at the forefront of his mind.
Unhealthy coping mechanisms are easier to hide when you aren't screwing your ex-classmate.
→ Be Quiet by chibibeeee.
Summary: Katsuki and Shouto stay the night at Deku's. If only they had any self control, then they wouldn't have to keep so quiet.
→ Speak Softly My Sweet Villain by Brixxen.
Summary: Ask anyone in Tokyo and they’ll tell you the same thing. That the No.1 Pro Hero Todoroki Shoto is the perfect hero. He’s kind to everyone, always the first to arrive on a crime scene, always the calm and collected hero everyone wants him to be.
It was ironic how things happened to lead Shoto to his current situation. Him moaning and shuddering like a teenager, clinging to the strong perfect body of the most wanted villain in Japan, Ground Zero.
→ Peanuts and Wolves by cashmeresho.
Summary: “Yeah, man, okay!” The guy holds up his hands in surrender and Shouto shoots him another apologetic look. “I really didn't know you guys were married! I didn't see a ring!”
“Oh,” Katsuki says. He frowns hard for a minute and then grabs Shouto by the arm to whisk him away to his table with Izuku and Kirishima to guard him or sniff him or whatever weird territorial thing he wants to do.
→ College Roommates|BakuTodo by S_Kuro.
Summary: Todoroki is the son of the famous Todoroki Enji, also known as Endeavor, his father is a famous business man that wants Todoroki to take over his business, but Todoroki wants to become a photographer. He goes against his father's wishes and goes to an art university miles away from home. There he meets a certain explosive blonde, who turns out to be his roommate. what sorts of ridiculous shenanigans will they find themselves in and what relationships will they end up in.
a BakuTodo fanfic
This is my first fanfic with these two, so don't judge me and I hope you like it.
→ Locker Room by darkqueen_25.
Summary: There are worse things to walk in on in a locker room, Inasa thinks, than your two new friends fucking against the shower walls.
There's probably nothing better than being asked to join in, though.
234 notes · View notes
kiss me in the d-a-r-k .4.
Tumblr media
part 1 part 2 part 3
Warnings: non/dub con sex (oral)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: Our reader finds herself cornered.
Note: Alright, another part. So this is a fic with an old mean/younger woman dynamic. I’ve purposely played up that trope so if you’re not a fan of that, I recommend you avoid this story (not to mention the the other warnings.) This series is just a bit of fun and not a statement on age or beauty or anything like that. It’s just a fic.
That being said, I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think!
The next morning you awoke to banging. Distant but persistent. Your head was pounding. Your legs were cramped. You sat up slowly and braced yourself on the head board as you hung your feet to the floor. This was why you hated drinking. You had no control. One drink easily meant ten.
You rose and dragged yourself to the door. You creaked it open and peeked down the hall to the source of the commotion. Steve's voice carried back to you. 
"Kylie, I swear. Wake up or I'm coming in." He knocked again.
You reeled as memories flashed through your head. His silver streaked blond bent over you. The warmth of his fingers on your flesh. The tickle of his tongue, the nip of his teeth. You snapped your door shut and pushed yourself against it.
You heard Kylie's door open. Her groggy voice sounded worse than you felt. "What?" You could barely hear her through the wood.
"One of your friends puked on my rover," He said. "Thought I'd allow you the pleasure of cleaning up after them...and don't forget the backyard. This isn't a fair ground."
"Ugh, Dad," She bemoaned, "Just give me a little."
"I warned you. Be smart. And here you are," He retorted, "Hungover. I'm pretty lax but this is enough. You have your friend here so maybe you should start acting like a responsible host. She is not my responsibility."
"She can take care of herself," Kylie grumbled, "It was just a bit of fun."
"I know about Taylor," He chided, "I'm not that stupid. I just hope you're being smart about that at least."
"I'm up, okay? I'll clean it all up. Can I at least have a coffee?"
"I think you can manage to drink and clean at the same time," He scoffed, "I want the whole car washed, got it?"
You listened as heavy footsteps passed by your door and lumbered down the stairs. You slowly cracked your door open and Kylie's eyes were drawn by the movement. She smiled but it was more a cringe.
"Do you feel as bad as I do?" She laughed and gripped her head. 
"I'll help you clean," You offered, ignoring her drunken promise to do it herself. You felt too bad for that.
"Kay," She leaned on her door frame, "I'm gonna shower first. I'll meet you down there."
"Good idea," You said, "Think I could use one."
She gave a wave and closed her door. You retreated into your room and touched your temple with a groan. You stared at the bed. You could remember a little. Mostly just the sensation. The images were blurred in your mind. 
Had it really happened?
You pushed yourself away from the door and stumbled across the room. The shower was open and you reached in to twist the faucet. You cranked it but only a trickle came from the head. You shut it off and turned it back on. You adjusted the setting on the shower head but nothing change. You sighed.
You tried the sink and a similar result, even the toilet croaked and drained slowly. What the fuck? 
You changed quickly into a pair of sweats and loose tee. You'd be cleaning anyways. You stepped into the hall. Kylie must be enjoying her shower still. You were jealous. You descended the stairs slowly and the smell of coffee wafted from the kitchen. You followed it to find Steve in front of the fridge, his back to you.
"Good morning," He turned as he took out the carton of soy milk. "I made coffee...figured you'd need it." He kept the fridge open and pulled out assorted fruits, "Or I can make you a smoothie?"
You stayed quiet. He acted as if nothing had happened. Maybe it hadn't. 
"My shower's broken," You rasped through your dry throat.
"Oh, I can have a look at it," He assured you, "So, did you want that smoothie? It's great for hangovers."
You stared at him. He smiled. You shrugged and coughed into your hand. "Sure."
"You girls had quite the party," He rinsed the berries and peeled a banana. "I admit, I had some wild days myself. Me and Sharon...well, she hated when I got drunk but boy was she a load when she indulged. We fought like cats and dogs." He loaded the fruit into the blender and added milk. "Fucked like rabbits after."
Your mouth fell open and he took a jar of honey from the cupboard. He drizzled just a little into the blender. He smirked as he put the lid in place and hit the button. You gripped the edge of the island as he held your gaze. He raised a brow coyly.
"Ugh," Kylie's voice jolted you as she entered. "Can you stop?"
Steve took his finger off the button. "Smoothie?" He offered her and she gulped. Her face turned green as she fought her body. 
"Coffee's fine," She croaked and grabbed a mug from the cupboard as Steve opened it.
He took out two glasses and filled them. He walked around the island as he slid one across to you. "I'll finish this and have a look at that shower."
While Kylie hosed down her dad's car, you worked at gathering the plastic cups littered across the backyard. Paper plates and napkins were strewn around the bin meant for them. Why had you even bothered?
You tied up the full bag and tossed it just outside the sliding door. You folded up the table and leaned it beside the trash. You collected the used towels and took them inside. After you'd use the net to scour the pool. You found your way to the laundry room by chance and dumped the towels into the tall washer.
You found the soap in the overhead cupboard and measured out a scoop. The buttons beeped as you searched for the right setting. You were proud when the machine began to whir quietly. You stepped back with hands on hips. You still had a lot of work to do.
"Gonna have to call a plumber," You spun and almost tripped over your own feet. Steve leaned in the door frame. His body filled it easily. No escape. "I'll only mess things up worse. But there's another room. Right next to mine."
You rubbed your arm and tried not to fidget. The way he looked at you made you want to melt. The thought of sleeping on the other side of his wall stoked your nerves further. You'd rather bunk with Kylie. Besides, there were at least several other rooms.
"It's alright, I can use Kylie's shower," You offered.
"I wouldn't hear of it. I want you comfortable." He neared and his hand slowly closed the door behind him. "Happy."
"Steve," You backed up as he came closer. He didn't stop until you were against the vibrating washer. 
"Didn't I make you happy?" His fingers walked along your thigh. "It sure sounded like it."
"Stop," You caught his hand. He turned it easily and twined his fingers in yours. He pressed himself flush against you. Your could feel his arousal. 
"I'm better with my mouth," His voice was low. "How far have you gone? Have you even been touched down there before?" He licked his lips, "Before me?"
You glanced away in shame. He knew. He could tell so easily. You wondered how many women he had fucked? Maybe just his wife. That would hint at a sudden mid-life crisis that had him chasing you. Or maybe he had fucked dozens of women and you were just another piece of meat.
"No one," You whispered. "Can I please...go?"
"You're more than free to leave," He rubbed his erection against you before he raised his hands and backed away. "I've already moved your stuff for you."
You edged away from the washer and kept your eyes on him. He merely turned to watch you go as he lowered his arms. He grabbed his crotch as you opened the door and you dove out into the hall. You felt the same tingle as the night before. The ripple just along your thighs. It was wrong. So wrong.
When you had finally returned the yard to its usual perfection, you retreated to Kylie's room. She needed a quiet night in and you weren't complaining. Youtube videos, gossip, and the occasional but comfortable lull. It reminded you of the nights you'd spent studying on campus. This was the Kylie you knew.
By eleven, she was out. She hadn't really recovered from her hangover and your own was still a stone at the base of your skull. Her snores were low at first but grew louder. You thought of staying in her room but you'd sleep less as she rumbled like a bear. You turned off her television and tucked her in. At least one of you would be well-rested.
You pulled her door shut gently. You listened to the house. An airy silence met you. You looked down the hall to Steve's door. No light shone from the space beneath. You sighed. He was probably already asleep. Hopefully.
You tiptoed down the hall, careful not to knock the standing vase or step on the single loose floorboard. When you reached your door, you grabbed the handle and slowly pressed the lever it. A gasp escaped you as it was pulled open from the other side.
"Got your bed all made up for you," Steve caught your arm and yanked you inside. You squeaked as the door shut swiftly. "Found some fresh sheets at last."
"What are you doing?" You tried to wriggle free of his grasp but he was strong.
"It's my house, I like to make sure all my guests are comfortable," He played with the sleeve of your shirt. "You and Kylie sounded like you were having fun."
"Get out," You grabbed his wrist but he didn't budge. 
"You can deny me but you can't deny yourself. The little looks you send me say it all." He slid his hand up and brought both to cradle your face. "You want it as bad as I do."
You trembled. You felt the pluck within. The tugging deep inside. It wasn't him, it was merely longing. The desire for something you'd never known. "No…" You breathed.
"Why are you shaking? Tell me," He urged. "I know it's not fear. Not of me. Only of yourself. Of the way I way you feel."
You tried to shake your head. You reached up and grasped his hands.
"Fuck, I've been hard all day." He groaned, "Longer."
"I-I-I--" You stuttered dumbly.
"Come on, sweetie, I just wanna make you feel good," He purred, "Help you enjoy your vacation. You've only got a few days left."
He guided you back and you let him. Was it fear? Was it desire? You weren't quite sure. He turned you carefully and edged you to the bed. Your legs hit the side and you struggled to stay on your feet.
"Just relax, sweetie," He cooed and his hands went to your shoulders. He pushed until you sat down.  
He got to his knees between your legs and his fingers crawled down to your chest. He groped you through the thin cotton of your tee. Your bra did little to hide your hard nipples. 
"You really are beautiful," He said, "Really."
You gripped the duvet. Your nerves buzzed and you shivered as his hands slid down your stomach. He kneaded your thighs and you grabbed his hands. "I don't know."
"We don't have to do everything. Not tonight," He turned his hands over and held yours. "We'll take it slow."
You looked into his eyes. You had said no already. He wouldn't accept it. And despite your protests, your resolve was slowly fading as your flesh caught fire. He let go of your hands and his large fingers went around your waist. You let him push you onto your back, your legs still over the edge.
He pushed under the hem of your tee and you closed your eyes. He tickled your stomach and ribs. Your breath caught and he cupped your tits. He squeezed them through your bra before slowly dragging his palms back down your torso.
He hooked his fingers in the elastic of your pants. He pulled them past your ass and down your legs. He moved between your knees again. His fingers grazed over your panties and you looked down as he bent his head over you. You felt his hot breath through the cotton and your leg twitched.
He grabbed your thighs and nuzzled you through your panties. He inhaled and you let out a pathetic mewl. His hand whispered along the inside of your leg and he slipped a finger beneath the crotch of your panties. He pushed the cotton aside and you felt his breath against you. You gasped. 
His other hand went to your waist, almost comforting you. He slowly pressed his tongue to your lips and delved past them. He flicked it up and down and lingered on your clit. You arched your back without thinking as you leaned into him. He swept his tongue in circles around your bud and the air caught in your throat. His mouth sent a charge of electricity through you like no other.
He pulled away, just a little and looked up at you. "It feels good, doesn't it?" He purred. "It feels right."
You bit your lip as you watched him lower his head again. His blue eyes held your as he tasted you and you squirmed. He hummed in delight and closed his eyes as he lapped you up. He held aside your panties as his saliva mixed with your arousal. He lifted your leg over his shoulder and you held yourself up with your arms.
You let out a surprised cry as the flurry gather around the tip of his tongue. You recalled the hazy flashes of the night before. You gulped as the air tried to rush from your lungs all at once. Your pants grew to airy moans and your hand found its way around the back of his neck. You came into his mouth as you clung to him. Shocked by the sensation; by your reaction; that you were latched onto him so fervently.
You released him and fell back on the bed. You touched your forehead but he didn't slop. He kept on until you felt the thrill again. Your thighs closed around his head and you bit the heel of your hand. Another orgasm peaked as quickly as the last. 
Slowly he sat back on his heels and you looked up at him as he pulled the crotch of your panties straight. He patted your pussy with two fingers and the fabric dampened beneath his touch. He stood, his lips glistening and his eyes smokey. 
"Tomorrow," He rubbed your knee, "I'll show you even more."
You were dazed as he retreated to the door. You didn't miss the bulge in his pants or the way he rubbed it. He groaned as the door handle clicked and you listened to him leave. You rolled onto your side and felt the slickness along your thighs. 
Tomorrow, the word echoed in your head. Your heart pounded. Was it excitement or fear?
tags will be added in reblog (late bc i work)
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness: One shot
Easily a stand alone, but is tied to my Light In the Darkness fic.  Sorry if this was a bit short and not up to my usual smutty snuff but @thoughtfullyrainynightmare did some really awesome Yami face-sitting hc's and I was inspired. @thoughtfullyrainynightmare you made my Aizawa Shouta smut in one of my other fics wait because I needed to get this idea out of my system.  I hope you’re happy with yourself. lol
Rating: Explicit
Lesson in Shutting Up
Yami kicked the bedroom door open, lips never leaving Teris’.
Legs wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck, Teris’ hips rolled in a needy dance.  Her heated core bummed Yami’s aching cock.
Yami growled, strong arm cinching around her waist, pulling her firmly against him.
Teris moaned at the hard, rutting length.
Holding her weight with a single arm, Yami reached back and blindly slammed to door shut.  His hand buried in her hair pulling her head back and baring her throat.  Rough hungry kisses and sharp nipping bites were soothed by sloppy, laving licks.
Teris’ breathy voice was music to Yami’s ears.
Yami’s lips dragged up the column of her throat.  “Do you like those clothes?”
“Uh?” Teris blinked, righting her head.
Yami’s eyes glimmered with a lust and taunting that made her core clench.
“You better start removing some clothes if you don’t want them ripped off and ruined.”  Yami told.
Teris pulled him into a ravenous kiss, his words stoking her already flaming desire.  Grinding against his clothed erection, her hands left his neck, eager to comply.
Still carrying her with one arm, Yami pulled his sheathed katana from his belt with the other.  Eyes darting to the side, he placed the blade on a chest of drawers near the door.  He unbuckled his belt as he stepped to the bed.
Top and bra removed.  Belt and pants undone.  Teris shooed Yami’s hand away and opened his pants herself.  Never once did their kiss break. Hungry lips feasting on each others.
As soon as his pants were open, Teris’ hand dove inside groping his thick cock through his underwear.
“Damn.” Yami cursed under his breath, finally breaking the kiss.
The front of his legs leaned against the side of the bed.  The muscles in his legs jerking and tensing as she stroked cock.  He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his leaking length.
“I need you naked.  Now.”  He said and dropped her on the bed freeing his arms to pull off his shirt.
Teris yelped in surprise.  She slapped a hand over her mouth trying to quiet herself.  Her startled cry turned into a laugh as she landed and bounced on the bed.
Yami pulled her hand down wanting to see her smile.  “Did you forget? Everyone’s still at the festival.  We have the base to ourselves.”
“So I can make you scream then?”  Teris played, smile growing.
Yami hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pants and panties, pulling them off her in one go.  “You’re welcome to try.  But I got a better idea if you’re game.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
Hands on either side of her, Yami crawled into bed.  Teris clambered back from the stalking lion feeling very much like she was on the menu.
Kneeling over her on all fours, Yami suggested.  “Why don’t you make me shut up.”
Teris’ head tilted, brows furrowed in confusion.
Before she could say anything, Yami laid out over her and rolled them over. “Haven’t you said I need to learn when to hold my tongue?  Maybe if you gave me a lesson.”
Hands on his chest, Teris pushed up.  Now she was even more confused.  She had thought Yami was saying he wanted to go down on her.  But if that were the case, why would he roll them over and leave her straddling his waist?
Smirking, Yami told her plainly.  “I want you to sit on my face, Ikigai.”
A thrilling mixture of excitement and embarrassment flashed through her.  Yami’s smoldering, lust filled gaze only added to the blazing blushed on her face and quivering fire in her belly.
“Yami… I—I—“
Yami chuckled at her fumbling attempt of response.  “Look at you. Flustered and blushing like the first time we made out.  Damn, baby, you’re so cute.”
The thought had her hips rutting against him.  Her arousal smeared over his chiseled abs.  Yami groaned wanting to taste that sweet nectar.
Ignoring the growing damp spot of pre-cum in his underwear, Yami tugged at her hips.  “Come on, Beautiful.  Sit on my face and make me shut up.”
The crown of Teris’ head prickled at her growing blush.  “I—  What if I smother you?”
Yami’s laugh echoed off the bedroom walls.  That would certainly be a way to go.  Forget dying in battle or of old age.  He grinned up at her.  “A man can dream.”
“Yami. I’m serious.”
“You’re not gonna smother me.  If I can carry you squirming and writhing against me with one arm.  I can pull you off my face if I start to drown in your juices.”
Teris hadn’t thought her face could feel any hotter but she had been wrong.  She jumped slightly when Yami’s hands left her hips and trailed down her straddling thighs.
Her own hands traced the plains of his hard chest.  “You really want to do this?  To have me…  Sit on your face?”
“Yeah. But we don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable with it.”
Teris shook her head, nerves diminishing as the idea took root.  “I’m good with it.”
Yami’s lips parted in a sly grin.  “Yeah?”
Teris nodded again.  “Yeah.”
“Then get that pretty pussy up here and give me a lesson on how to hold my tongue.”
“Yami!” Teris’ embarrassed scolding ended in a startled squeak.
Yami gripped the back of her knees and pulled up from his waist to high on his chest in one strong tug.
“I haven’t even started and you’re already crying out my name.  Good thing this isn’t a lesson on making you shut up.”  Yami teased.
Teris’ eyes sharpened.  That’s it, she was going to shut his smug ass up. Embolden, she moved up straddling his head.  It struck her that was why he had taunted.
Yami’s hand glided up the side of her leg to her hip.  “You okay, Beautiful?”
Teris nodded.  “Yeah.  You?”
“Great.” Yami’s head nestled into the pillow.  “Be even better if you lowered down.”
Teris looked down.  Her breath caught seeing only the top half of Yami’s face.  His shining eyes crinkled, telling her he was smiling.  She lowered half and inch.  Then sucked in a breath as hot air rolled over her pussy at Yami’s chuckle.
Yami’s grin grew feeling her goosebumps erupt under his hand.  He blew lightly, watching her hips wiggle.
“Teris, even if you wanted me to work for it and get a stiff neck.  I can’t reach you from way up there.”  Yami lifted his head, hungry tongue stretching out to prove his point.
Teris blushed, trying to duck her head into her shoulder.
“Come on, Baby.  Lower down for me.”  Yami said, voice a cooing plea.
His hands panned up her body, rough callouses delightful against her soft sensitive skin.  Slowly, Teris sunk down.
Yami’s eyes were glued to her glistening cunt.  Sweet slick pearling on her lower lips in such large teardrops that he couldn’t believe her ambrosia wasn’t raining down on him.  His lips smacked in eagerness.  Tongue rolling in his mouth as saliva pooled.  He may as well have been one of his Saber Wolves waiting for a treat.
Patience gone, Yami grabbed her hips and pulled her down.
Teris’ gasping squeak ended in a moan.
Yami groaned, eyes rolling as her flavor exploded over his tongue.  If there was a heaven this was it.  His tongue licked out diving between her folds to lick a long thick stripe.
Teris’ legs tried to close.
Head sandwiched between her soft trembling thighs, the heady scent and heat of her intensified.  Yami could die a happy man like this.  His one and only regret would be not tasting and feeling her for another second more.
He had wanted to tease.  Wanted to draw this out.  But his insatiable hunger demanded more and he wasn’t about to deny his thirst.  Yami sucked her lips into his mouth.  His tongue dipped between her folds, swirling around her clit.
Teris’ hips bucked against his face.  “Sorry.  Sorry.”
Yami’s chuckle reverberated through her.  Hand smoothing along her side, he pulled back his head licking his lips.  “Relax, Ikigai. You’re not gonna smother or break me.  Just let go and ride my face.”
Her cunt clenched with a thrumming jolt at that.
Yami didn’t need to see her face to know she was a blushing mess.  But if he did this right he’d leave them both in a totally different kind of mess.  His lips wrapped around her clit.  Sucking on the sensitive bud, he flicking it with his tongue.
That set her hips to swaying.  But it wasn’t enough.  Yami wanted his wife to lose herself and full on fuck his face, humping her way to release.
His tongue plunged into her needy wet heat.  Teris moaned.  Her hips rolled against him without thought.
Yami hummed in pleasure.  The vibrations tickling her pussy in the best of ways.  She moaned again, her hips grinding down and rocking.
Yami’s tongue stretched as far as it could.  Dipping into her as deep as it was able.  The wet muscle pointed and flattened.  Wiggled and rolled. His head shook slightly.  Face nuzzling against her.  Nose rubbing against her clit.
It was everything wonderful and more.  The rough scrape of his stubble only added to the delicious feeling of it all.  And then his tongue curled, hitting that spot inside her.
Teris cried out, back arching.  Yami’s large hands held her upper back, bracing her as she rode his face.  Her hand buried in his hair, tugging him closer.
As soon as her hands grabbed hold of the headboard Yami gave her ass a firm spank.  The satisfying clap and her surprised cry of pleasure echoed throughout the room.  He grabbed her ass, rocking her harder against him.
“Yaammmiii…” Teris’ entire body trembled, the coil inside her spooling tighter.
Yami pulled his tongue out of her tight quivering cunt and quickly replaced it with three thick fingers.
Teris groaned, at the stretch.  Knuckles turning while at the punishing pace his long pumping fingers took up.  Joining the melody of her panting breath and mewling cries was a wet squelching that sounded with every hard thrust of Yami’s expert fingers.
The coil snapped with one last twisting thrust and roll of his tongue against her clit.  Lightning flashed in her veins.  Stars blinded her vision.  The headboard creaked under her trembling grip.  Her curled toes and pointed feet cramped.
“Fuck.” Yami cursed in heated appreciation at the way her quivering pussy clamped down and spasmed around his fingers.  He groaned at how her tight little cunt tried to suck his fingers in.  Damn if he wasn’t ready to feel her milk his cock like that.
Teris pulled up with a hiss, his hard rolling tongue too much on her over-sensitized clit.
Licking around his lips, Yami grinned like the cat that got the canary. “Well if that wasn’t the best lesson I’ve ever had.”
Teris moved off him.  Seeing his shining, slick covered face she grabbed a pillow burying her face.
Yami rolled over and pulled her to him.  His rumbling baritone a teasing coo.  “What’s the matter, Baby?”
“You’re a mess.”  Teris wailed, laughing at the tickle of his groping hands.
“You’re the one that did it to me.”  He nuzzled her playfully, trying to get between her and the pillow.  He was definitely getting her to give him another lesson on shutting up.
Hope you all enjoyed.  Comments are always appreciated.
And if you haven’t already, go give @thoughtfullyrainynightmare a follow.  I promise you’ll be happy you did.
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