#I’m so hype for this new ‘series’ of shorts
they fed us so good man
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plumppies · 4 months
Where it Began
 Jude Bellingham
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Word count: 900 I think
Drea’s note: Wrote this a while again. Kinda short but I could turn it into a series if requested. Enjoy!
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Different coloured lights emanate from outside the busy club building. It’s been booked by a few footballers from Real Madrid and you happened to be invited.
You were somewhat reluctant about joining the boys at the club as you fixed up your hair and headed out of your hotel room. You got into the car that would be taking you to the club and as soon as you got there Vini was first to greet you and walk you in. The loud hip hop music thumps around the packed building and the rhythm slowly merges with your heartbeat.
Clubbing is definitely not your thing. The mere thought of having sweaty, sticky bodies pressed against yours made your skin crawl but you pushed it away as Vini led you by hand and passed a large number of drunk bodies to the football group.
“Y/n!” Jude yelled your name excited as you appeared behind his good friend. His eyes darted to you holding hands with Vini but he pushed any assumptions away as he approached you. Jude was the one who invited you out for the night. You’d much rather spend time with your close friends watching a movie in a small cosy area like your apartment or theirs.
“Jude!” you smile and wrap your arms around his middle as he pulls you in for a hug. You and Jude were not friends per say. He met you through Vini and as you saw him more, you became more knowledgeable of each other but no clear friendship came out of it.
“How are you?” You ask as he passes you a longneck beer, you gladly take it and take a long swig of the bitter liquid awaiting his response.
His eyes concentrate on your lips enclosing the opening of the glass bottle; how he’d love to have your lips on his- concentrate Jude.
“I’m alright,” he shakes himself out of his fantasies, moving his focus back to you, “ how are you, y/n?” he yells back over the loud music but before you could answer, you’re dragged away from him by another one of his teammates who take you to a new group of people.
To your lack of knowledge, Jude curses under his breath at the disturbed opportunity to talk to you.
You mingle around the large group of footballers as the hours go by. You dance and sing to your favourite tracks that the hyped DJ plays and chat to the boys and a few girls that they brought along. You’re dancing to a slower track now, Vini’s hands are playfully wrapped around your waist with yours playfully around his neck as you mock a typical romantic dance moment. You giggle as he makes kissy faces to you and you slap his chest jokingly.
Jude’s watching all of this. He is quite tipsy. A mix of jealousy and anger churn in his gut as he thinks of how he should be the one holding you like that, how he should be the one making you smile, how he should be making you giggle. At some point the jealousy has gotten too much for him to handle. He’s fed up with himself for dragging what churns in his heart, so he gets up and strides to you. He places his palm to your shoulder and you turn your head with an arched brow.
“Can I talk to you?” he yells over the increasing volume of the music. You nod confused and leave Vinicius who makes his way to his friends. You follow behind Jude, pushing through the crowd of sweaty, intoxicated bodies before you finally reach the club exit.
He pushes the door open for you and you walk out. The loud music is now only a timid background noise. It’s cold outside. You wrap your hands around your chest to try to warm yourself up.
“Here,” He says, handing over his hoodie, you smile softly and accept it. His rich scent swirls in your nostrils as you put it on and look up at him. You’ve been around him long enough to know when something isn’t sitting right with him so you ask and he looks away.
“So what did you want to talk to me about, Jude?” you stare at him as you play with the hem of his oversized baby black hoodie. He turns his back to you, rubbing the back of his neck and then faces you again.
“There’s something I really, really need to tell you, y/n and I don't know how you say it.” He huffs. “I’m not very good at expressing my feelings and I might ramble and-” he huffs again.
He takes a few steps closer to you and looks down at you. You can feel the heat of his body. His heart is beating hard, so hard he fears you can hear it but he continues.
“What I’m trying to say, y/n is that I have feelings for you…romantic feelings for you and I don’t know how to deal with them,” he sniffles and rubs his nose nervously.
You look up at him and a slightly surprised expression and smile.
“Yes…” he’s regretting coming out tonight now. He should have kept his mouth shut and maybe gotten drunk instead.
His eyes dart away from you and his body stiffens. You don’t say anything else and before Jude could process what was happening. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your body to his. His own body relaxes around yours and his arms wrap around your waist, completely looking forward to the new relationship that would blossom after tonight.
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drak3n · 9 months
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ꨄ. SYNOPSIS: the launching of a new platform magically re-connecting seperated people has shaken the entirety of social media. after many months of contemplation and denial, you give in to your urges.
ꨄ. SENA’S NOTE: this merely serves as a way to introduce all eight parts of the mini-series! as they’re all characters from different fandoms, there clearly won’t be names or any specific action in this! so this is a little short :)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
it was everywhere you went. following you around like it was your shadow, cornering you at any given possibility.
you knew the drill. once something went viral anywhere, it would stick around for some time and then be forgotten.
that wasn’t the case with this damn live show. not at all. the first time it had been announced on international tv must have been ages ago, like around the beginning of the year. yet, the hype never seemed to die down, with more and more people freaking out online and in real life about how it changed their lives.
you were convinced it was a scam. like come on, who even believed in a fairy tale like that? being reunited with a lost lover, or any kind of lover who it didn’t work out with?
there was a reason it hadn’t worked out. because if there wasn’t, you’d still surely be with that person.
it started with trailers being shown on every channel you zipped through, announcing free slots for their newest season and putting emphasis on their confidentiality. how people had the choice to stay anonymous while spilling their private and embarrassing matters to so-called love experts.
such bullshit.
now, it went way past that. you ended up avoiding watching tv, just to literally be haunted by that cursed show in other ways. through flyers and stickers flying around, through posters hung up on subway stations and even inside of said subways, hell, a couple of days ago, there was even an airship promoting it.
TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE. a silly name for a concept just as silly as that.
what did you have to do again to apply?
right, as if there was any way of forgetting with how much your coworkers were babbling about it. they made sure to remind you of that every day.
“i’m still thinking if i should just call them the next time and try my luck,” you heard one of many tell another while you were waiting in the line for your lunch. “i really, really want to make up with my ex. they’re my only hope.”
their conversation went on for many more minutes, and you were glad when you finally were next in line to greet the lunch lady with a tired smile. as she filled your tray in a halfhearted manner, your smile quickly faded away upon hearing her talk to a fellow worker behind the counters.
“my son and his teenage love reconciled after he applied there. they are awaiting their first child soon!” the elderly woman gushed while placing a cup of pudding onto your tray, waiting for you to scan your employee id before you shuffled away from the line to plop down on an empty space in the crowded lunch hall.
it was all the same. love, love, love. always those same old problems. getting dumped, being abandoned, or doing the dumping and abandoning.
regret, sadness, frustration, desperation.
you came home that sane evening with thoughts plaguing your mind; with the big question if those were all signs for you to see. if everything you’d been hearing and seeing for these past couple of months were meant to open your eyes, somehow. to get the hint.
making a beeline to your bedroom, your eyes darted to the package placed on your bed. still untouched and waiting to be sent. the pastel pink stamp had been placed on the corner of the box yesterday by you. those fuckers made so much money with their hit show that they distributed stamps, to force them to send more drama their way for them to indulge in.
it was stupid that you had even put in the effort to package what was meant to have been tossed away long ago. it might or might not have been long yet, but why did you keep that?
as a writer, you couldn’t contain yourself. even back then, you had always known you’d end up becoming anything connected to writing, journaling, whatever. it was almost annoying how you used to document all those feelings you couldn’t put into words.
specifically writing letters had always been your passion. writing down your heartbreaks and grief into words and making them come to life on paper.
words you failed to tell him.
the recipients were all written on the envelopes inside the box, some years ago, and some recently, and you didn’t even know if they were still the same addresses.
for some, you knew for sure they weren’t.
even if the cast of TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE — if they picked you, that is — wouldn’t find their current addresses, you were for sure going to be relieved. those letters had been a significant burden on your heart ever since you had written them.
for the first time in your life, you didn’t feel any kind of satisfaction from writing. these letters existed to be sent. and you were realizing it just now.
they were meant to be read aloud, understood. they had to be read by others for you to be at peace with your unresolved feelings.
the very next morning, you handed the package to the post office, bidding farewell to years of bottled-up and hidden feelings.
it wasn’t until a week later that you received a letter, with the same pink stamp and sender the same you had sent your letters to. you found yourself reading it in front of the door to your apartment:
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
dear contestant,
we thank you for your package and were enthralled to read about your experiences. upon short discussions within our team of experts, we soon decided to choose your case to present in our next live airing, which is going to be this saturday!
the letters have already been sent out to their respective addresses — some of which we had to adjust as there have been changes.
it is up to you if you want to join us for our next airing — it be via call or even by showing up at our studio! we will welcome you in any case and make sure you will reunite with one of your lost loves.
please do not worry, as we will handle all of your data with the utmost care and make sure that none of it is leaked for other purposes.
up until then, stay lovely and trust the process!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
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syddsatyrn · 8 months
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Chapter 1 ⛤ Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤ Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking / smoking, fluff, friends to lovers. This is probably gonna end in smut.
⛤Words: 1.4k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old highschool crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. Special thanks to @hellfiremunsonn, I am a wreck without her, lol. This chapter is a little short. We are doing a slow burn, ladies , gentleman and nonbinary friends. Next Chapter will have Eddie in it I promise! Please check out Chapter one before you start this one. Thank you!
⛤Chapter 2: Pulling Strings You walk into work early and meet up with your manager. You explain that you need a week off to visit family in Hawkins. They calculate your vacation time and approve it, it's official! In two weeks you're going back to your childhood hometown. You asked a couple of coworkers to help cover your shift and got lucky, they both agreed they could use the extra hours. It was the longest two weeks that you've ever experienced. You passed the time with some shopping for your trip. You made sure to get all the essentials, and a couple of new cute outfits to bring too. You visited your mom and told her all about your plans, she's excited for you! She even sent you off with a little extra money, just in case.
Everything appears to be falling into place. The anticipation is killing you. But you start to find yourself thinking about Eddie quite often. You thought about his dark brown eyes, and how shockingly cute he was when he smiled. Back when things got difficult with your family, Eddie was always down for some late-night talks, listening to you vent for hours sometimes.
The night before you left, you spent time packing, calling Steve, and confirming some minor details. You took a shower before bed and watched some late night TV. When you finally decide to turn in, you crawl under the comforter and try your best to get some rest. Even if you still feel a huge pit in your stomach.
You're beginning to think you should have packed lighter as you hauled your bags down to the car. You load everything into the trunk and settle into the driver's seat. You take a deep breath and start the car, the engine roars and you hit the gas. There's no next time, it's now or never. Time to take a leap of faith and do your best to be a better friend. You might not get another chance. The sun shines through your windshield as you turn the bend, the fresh Indiana air is crisp and clean. As you see the “Welcome to Hawkins” sign, your body starts to tense up. You try to recall the directions Steve gave you in the correct order. You turned onto main street and kept on until you saw the blue apartments named “Hawkin’s Heights”. You pulled into the parking lot and backed into a parking space carefully and cut the engine. 
It took you what felt like forever to get out of the car. But after a few deep breaths and some time to mentally hype yourself up, you are ready. You walk upstairs and follow the numbers until you find apartment 106. You knock on the door and it instantly opens.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you made it!” Steve looks completely thrilled to see you. He scoops you up into a hug and pulls you inside the apartment, shutting the door behind you.
“Hi Stevie” You laughed “It’s so nice to see you!” Steve finally lets go and you recognize the other familiar face in the room. It was none other than Dustin Henderson.
“Oh my god, Dustin?! You’re like…all grown up!” You can't believe how mature he looks now. You give him a massive hug, he's taller than you now. Time sure does fly, kids sure do grow up fast. The boys head downstairs to help you lug your bags inside, thank goodness you didn't have to do that alone.
Once you get inside you notice the boys are taking your stuff down the hall, and you follow them. Once you walk through the threshold you immediately know whose room this is.
“You’ll be staying in Eddie's room. He comes back from tour in two days so you’ll see him then. I’m sure he won’t mind at all.” Steve explains so casually like it's no big deal.
“Oh god, I couldn’t just take his room. I would feel so bad. What if I take the couch?” You ask with a nervous laugh.
“Can’t, Dustin is on the couch. His mom went on this singles cruise. Even now I’m still somehow babysitting.” Steve laughs and Dustin scoffs at him. Your face turns a little red at the thought of sleeping in your high school crush’s bed.
“Don't listen to him, Y/N, my mom is just paranoid.” Dustin retorts as he follows Steve to the kitchen.
They both leave you to order some pizza and give you time to settle in. The room is truthfully very clean, there are Metal posters all over the walls, along with flyers from shows he’s played. He has some Christmas lights hanging for some ambiance. You take a seat on his queen-sized bed, it feels really comfy. The back comforter and black pillow cases were so him. There are guitars hanging on the wall, a couple of guitar stands, and amps off to the side.
I guess it can't be helped. You'll have to deal with it for now, maybe you can crash at Robin’s later. You shut the door and find yourself some lounge clothes to wear, settling on a pair of shorts and a large Metallica t-shirt. After brushing out your hair and setting out some clothes for tomorrow, you decide to join the boys in the kitchen.
“We got two large pepperoni pizzas,” Dustin announces, Steve opens two beers and offers you one. You gladly take it and grin as you see the label.
“Did you buy my favorite beer on purpose?” You ask, poking fun at how much of an accommodating host Steve can be. When the pizza arrives you all settle down in the living room and watch some late-night sitcom. Steve tells you all about the lengths he's gone to get everyone to gather here.
Nancy is coming to visit with Johnathan, they are staying with her parents. Robin has no idea you were here, Steve had to come up with some ridiculous excuse for her not to show up today. Eddie called to tell him when he would be returning in a couple of days and Steve had to play it cool like nothing was going on. He told them we were throwing a get-together at the Hideout but didn't mention you in the slightest.
“Wow…Look at you pulling all the strings.” You clapped softly and Steve took a little bow. You were truly impressed with his ability to put all of this together. “Thank you, Steve. This is so cool of you.”
“It was nothin’ really. You called and I had to make it happen.” He shrugs with a half smile. You hug your friend and decide to excuse yourself. You had a long drive and it was exhausting. You walk back to Eddie’s room to turn in for the night. When you look over at the nightstand you see a pack of cigarettes, half empty. Eddie used to bum you cigs when you hung out at his trailer. You flash back to the time your Dad was drunk and acting out, arguing with your mom. You ran off to Eddie’s place and your mom almost called the cops.
You grabbed one out of the pack and used the lighter next to the ashtray. You opened up a window and placed the cigarette between your lips and lit it. The taste was like shaking hands with an old friend. It was smooth and you almost feel bad for breaking your 3 year streak but also, one won't hurt…probably. That same nostalgic feeling you felt opening those boxes came flooding back in.
We were just teenagers, there were so many signs that he was head over heels for you but you were naive, oblivious, and it hurt you a little. Neither of you had the guts to say anything to each other. A regret that made you feel shameful to say the least. You’ve wondered if he still has feelings for you or is he off having the time of his life with his groupie fangirls?
When you try to define this feeling it's next to impossible, you feel a sense of anticipation. It's like you’re eager to relive some feelings, or longing for a simpler time. You take a few drags and try to wave the smoke and your insecurities out the window. You can't wait to see Robin tomorrow. It's time to get some sleep, you have a feeling you won't be getting much for the rest of the week.
You put out your cigarette and shut the window, turn out the light, and finally crawl under the covers. You have to admit, his bed smells really good, like fresh linen and men's cologne. It made you feel especially comfortable, and it didn't take long to ease into a deep slumber. You could get used to this kind of contentment. 
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angy-grrr · 2 months
I am actually extremely disappointed with this announcement. I understand many ppl could be excited and the amount of work and coordination put into it -but they didn’t need to make it sound like it was a secret project. This is a last popularity poll like they always do, and this time they will accept way more votes, choose a protagonist from this, and give signatures to people who participate the most. That’s it. It’s just a bigger popularity poll in the end. What was the need to make this a “secret” thing?
I just don’t give a fuck about a popularity poll. I enjoy the illustration and all of that but that’s it, there’s nothing exciting about this to me. If they announced this along the others I would go ”oh cool I guess”, but this was misleading. I don’t feel like this celebrated the ending of shit, I don’t feel excited or encouraged to do shit. I don’t think I will participate in any of that in the first place, it might have crossed my mind a little if they announced it before but now I just feel bitter. This made me actually… angry? I don’t think that fits, I’m just like “wtf are you even talking about?”. I was preparing myself for anime adaptations or, you know, actual projects in general, and I already felt like those were disappointing -an adaptation of TUM for example- but we don’t even get that? A worldwide popularity poll? A fucking worldwide popularity poll?
I understand there could be new announcements in the future especially considering the popularity of the series, but this made me feel so bitter for no reason. Whoever decided this was a great thing, to tell us “psss! There’s a special big project too! You will know about it in the 5th! Stay tuned!”, was so wrong. If they said it today without trying to hype us i don’t think I would be mad or anything like that. With the possibility of getting more, especially considering how the volume is extremely short (123 pages, last two or three were 200), i wanted to hear what would they do to it, or what else is planned for the story, not a fucking poll. Good luck to everyone who participates but I just need to cool myself.
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*Vibrating with excitement* would you like to share opinions on tlt characters zodiac signs. Because I have so many
(Naberius is a Virgo sun Taurus rising imo)
I have a lot of opinions. Bear in mind that I am not an astrology expert and I personally consider zodiac signs simply a fun, sometimes humorous thing and not an end-all, be-all thing. I don’t know a thing about rising signs or moon signs or all that. I don’t even know my own full chart! I’m friends with a very big astrology buff and they—in all seriousness—told me I was born the wrong sign 😂. According to them, I act like a Sagittarius.
But as for my TLT zodiac opinions, I’ve included my thoughts in the tags of each poll I’ve posted. So far, my prediction have been 50/50. I’ll go into more detail about my thoughts in this post, though.
Past polls:
Gideon is an Aries. Two of my best friends are Arieses and they give off the same energy as Gideon. It’s a kind of ‘fuck you if you’re rude, fuck me if you’re hot’ energy. They don’t give a flying fuck what society thinks of them. They’re also incredibly gay. Do I also happen to fall for Aries a lot? Yeah. Am I in love with Gideon Nav? Also yes.
Harrow is a Scorpio. I’m a Scorpio and so is one of my other best friends. I identify a lot with Harrow (we have the same genre of religious trauma/Catholic guilt, as well as a shit ton of grief and loss in our lives), but honestly, I just go with vibes. Incidentally, I’m related to one of people who helped discover Pluto (the planet that rules Scorpio) which is also the Ninth house. Like, legit these bone lesbians are from Pluto. I’ve seen several posts joking about that why Harrow’s so short. Because she’s from a dwarf planet.
Palamedes is a Virgo. This is based solely on one guy I knew in high school. Dude was a walking encyclopedia and had a pair of Pikachu sunglasses. I feel like Pal would wear Pikachu sunglasses.
Camilla my love. I thought Leo. Again based on one person I knew in high school. But Tumblr at large thinks she’s a Virgo and after some thought, I agree.
The Tridentarii are either Leos or Geminis. I said this in the tags, but Leos for personality, Gemini for the meme. My friend from high school is a Leo and she is one of the most driven and determined people I have ever met (so Ianthe it hurts). But she’s also one of the biggest romantics I’ve ever met. Like romantic as in the art/literature movement. She wrote me a fucking poem hyping me up because she saw that I was going through a tough time (self image issues). She compared me to the goddess Athena and I have never been more honored. Ray of fucking sunshine is the most wonderful sense (CORONA AF).
Babs. He was a fucking asshole, but he deserved better than what he got. Taurus. Yet again, based solely on a dude I knew in high school. Voice of an angel that boy. Bust out into a rendition of “A Whole New World” on an escalator one time and no one complained because it sounded so good. But a low key asshole. Not entirely unexpected as he was a tenor. Yes I am throwing shade at tenors. Most tenors (and many sopranos) in my experience are bitchy as fuck. Naberius Tern has tenor energy. Polls ended with Leo taking the win, with Aquarius a close second.
Dulcinea. The real Dulcinea. My other love. She’s horny for revenge and I love it. Chronic illness Queen. Like, can we please talk about the representation in this series? We have all manner of queer representation, mental illness rep, and chronic illness/disability rep! I know that *spoilers* it’s actually Cytherea in GtN, but then the real Dulcie shows up to be a bad bitch in HtN and I am in love with yet another TLT character. She’s a Libra and I love her.
OUR LADY OF FUCKING PASSION. Pash. TLT’s John the Baptist (take a look at Alecto Theory 11 for more on that). Capricorn. I don’t think I know any Capricorns irl, but from what I know of them, she’s a classic Capricorn.
So yeah, those are my thoughts.
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Natsuyaki Chihiro
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
Full TL note at the end of the interview due to its length! But as an opener:
Chihiro refers to himself as ちぃ (Chii) at times. This is kept as is when explicitly mentioned, other times regular first person pronouns in English are used.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Chihiro: Let's get it popping!
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What’s your name?
Call me Natsuyaki Chihiro.
How old are you?
22 years old! Still got the pep in my step!
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m an Alpha Dazzler on social media ☆ You better hit that follow button and share my posts!
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
The full course of washing my face, putting on a beauty mask, and brushing my teeth!
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
Snapping pics with filters that make it look sooo yummy♪ is a must!
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
Um… looong shadows.
What’s your routine before bed?
Can’t skip out on updating my socmed & checking my notifs~ Gotta give each and every Dazzler that sweet “Like”!
Where do you start with washing your body?
My hair persnaps~ Hair treatment for super silkiness!
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Toooootes my phone!!!
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I like, so gotta check where all the fancy spots are.
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
Don’tcha just wanna go with the flow and hop on whatev’s the local transport there~?
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
My phone… ah, but like, a deserted island doesn’t have signal, does it?
Please give us some fanservice! 
✧・゚: *Welcome, little kitten. Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest*:・゚✧ How’s that~!? OMG, did Chii just like, serve and eat that!?
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
That's gotta be Taotao~ He’s easy to talk to!
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Morning Squad’s Ten-chamu!
What would you want to do as them?
Ten-chamu’s style of dancing is lil’ bit of a diff genre, right~ So I wanna try breakdancing like that!
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Taotao~ Chii wants to also like, get master rank in Anigun’s new season so plz carry me ‘kay♪
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
A super duper hype meeting!!! I want all the people I see for the first time ever to recognize Chii’s charm~☆
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Chihiro: Oatscurry! See ya at Chii’s stream laters!
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Chihiro: Natsuyaki Chihiro! HAMA’s 12th Ward Mayor. Leave all the hospitality to Chii the Commanding Officer of Hype to deliver you the bestest of best!
TL notes:
よろぴく (yoropiku) is outdated slang for よろしく (yoroshiku). Has been turned into various slangy ways to represent it.
トリメ is short for トリートメント, aka hair treatment.
イケカテ is short for “ikemen voice category” which is a way to classify what kind of voices you prefer. If you hear someone that makes you go, “Kyaah~ such a handsome voice!” you file him away in ikekate. If it’s like “Woaaah, so cyoot!” you file him away in kawakate (kawa being kawaii). Chihiro also makes a pun with this: ikekate rosen demo ikenjanee (lit. can’t I like, go down the ikekate route!?). While this has been reworked into something else completely, I included it in the TL note simply as an FYI. 
あげぽよ (agepoyo) is Gyaru slang for when something is super duper extra mega hype poggers, etc.
There’s more quirky stuff, but he drained me of all my braincells for now.
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thecalvinistkat · 3 months
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I’m so glad the Descendants movie series is continuing on! While it first seemed like movie 4 was repeating the storyline from the first movie, the time travel aspect and fun twist ending breathed fresh new life into the Descendants series! The Rise of Red showed that the Descendants cast and crew are both looking forward to the future—Descendants 5 hype!!!!!—as well as fondly and respectfully acknowledging the past. May you be resting in the LORD’s hands, Carlos/Cameron Boyce. ❤️ Here’s to a WONDERful future for the Descendants series! And maybe bring back Brandy as Cinderella for Descendants 5??? 🙏
Speedpaint: https://youtube.com/shorts/I3xyuX806po?si=Nltfs4o6IURcLZUQ
Available on my Redbubble page as a sticker or shirt here: https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Red-and-Blue-by-TheCalvinistKat/162747093.EJUG5
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 1: #J3 vs #J6
#J3: Cat demon stuck in cat form, gets adopted as a pet.
XiaoHei is a young cat demon training to be an Executor, someone who maintains the balance between humans and demons. His first mission as a trainee was to steal the Sky Pearl. He succeeded, but he also got injured enough to be unable to revert to his human form. Stuck in his cat form, he gets adopted by the human girl XiaoBai as a pet. The story then follows XiaoHei’s adventures as a pet cat in a human home while also evading the pursuit of his enemy, Diting.
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#J6: Students transported to bizarre new realities
Thirty-six students find themselves and their school building suddenly adrift in a void-like dimension. When supernatural powers awaken in some of them, a sense of detachment begins to divide the group. Despite the student council's attempts to impose order, they clash with the students possessing special abilities, who rebel against their strict control.
This conflict leads them to discover that this world has its own set of rules—and following them is necessary for survival. After one of the students decides to take a leap of faith, the school switches dimensions once again. While they deal with the unique challenges and circumstances that each world presents, the students must unravel the mysterious phenomenon and find a way back home.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#J3: Legend of Luo XiaoHei (series) (Luo XiaoHei Zhan Ji)
[Submitter: Now, I could not find a single trailer for season 1, and this show doesn’t have an opening sequence either, so I’m sharing the s2 trailer instead. It’s not spoilery, so you can watch it.]
Demons try to coexist with humans and maintain balance; however, most humans aren’t even aware of their existence. XiaoHei himself has had little interactions with humans aside from his master—who doesn’t count since he’s feared by both humans and demons alike. It isn’t until XiaoHei meets XiaoBai that he actually learns more about them and their way of life. Slowly, he gets drawn to the human life and also learns to have fun just like the human kids his age.
But then there’s the antagonist, Diting, who’s out to retrieve the stolen Sky Pearl. As XiaoHei battles with him, we, along with the human characters, learn more about the magic in the world—And I absolutely love this gradual way of unfolding the lore to us viewers. The worldbuilding is quite intricate, but not once does it ever feel overwhelming.
The fight scenes of this show are also very immersive. I don’t know what technical terms to use to describe it, but I love how it’s not just the characters moving around but also our perspectives. It feels as if we’re also fighting along with the characters.
But although there are a lot of fight scenes and supernatural stuff thrown in, at its core, LXH is a story about a young demon learning that there is more to life than magic and fighting. It’s about XiaoHei discovering what it is he really wants to do without fear of losing what he calls his home, for home will always be with him.
The s2 trailer I shared may be action-packed, but s1 is actually more of a slice-of-life. And oh, don’t be mistaken by the fantasy-looking setting in the trailer; this story is set in modern times. The plot of s2 is XiaoHei continuing his training through a virtual reality game (like the Greed Island Arc in Hunter x Hunter), but this time, he brings his human friends with him.
Both S1 and S2 combined, there are only 40 episodes. That may seem a lot, but each episode is only 5-10 minutes long. You can binge everything in a day. But even though it’s short, the show does not lack anything. There are colorful characters, amazing animation, hype fight scenes, interesting supernatural stuff, and also a cute cat. The art style is also nice, reminiscent of Studio Ghibli (and there’s even a Howl’s Moving Castle reference in S1E1!)
Both seasons are something that you can watch when you don’t have much time and energy for plot-heavy stuff but still want something exciting. Even if you end up not voting for this show, I really hope you consider checking it out, as well as its movie. It really is such a beautiful and comforting show.
P.S.: This series takes place about three years after the events in the movie (which has the same title in Chinese, but is more known as simply “Legend of Hei” in English). The series aired first before the movie, though, so it doesn’t matter (still, I recommend watching the movie first).
Trigger Warnings: Child death (it’s fake, but the characters’ reactions feel so real), teens/adults fighting children. XiaoHei is a great fighter, and the people that can match with him are only those older than him.
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#J6: Sonny Boy
Sonny Boy is one of the best shows to come out in recent years. The setting and plot is very fantastical, with superpowers and dimension travel, but fundamentally the story is about the characters. The character writing is really unique. Even the side characters feel like real people, not just cheap gimmicks.
But the main draw for a lot of people are the visuals. Sonny Boy looks like no other anime. The backgrounds are just absolutely stunning, and the realistic character design helps contrast the unreality of the world. There are these amazing visual sequences that just blow you away with how creative the writers must be.
I can't say much without spoiling but it's the kind of show you just have to experience. This is the kind of show where people either love it or hate it. If you are looking for clear, linear storytelling, this is not the show for you. If you're looking for a straight mystery where everything is solved in the end, you might be disappointed. If you want to cry, and feel something, and think about what it means to be alive, then I cannot recommend a better show.
Trigger Warnings:
Animal death - a bird died and is used as a metaphor
Flashing lights - many weird kaleidoscope effects and other sequences
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I think what really puts into perspective the likelihood of ST5 premiering in 2025 (I’m gonna predict March 21st for fun), is that a year from now is just barely Summer 2024, and yet as of now, they have not even started filming.
Are fans really expecting them to have season 5 filmed, fully prepped with marketing and promo ready, with everything ready to be released within one year from now (roughly speaking, give or take a couple months)?
In all honesty it's very much the norm for Stranger Things' to have promo leading up to an upcoming season last for months. And I'm not talking like 3-5 months I'm talking a year+.
This isn't like s1 where they put out a trailer and a release date and some low budget marketing roll out on social media, which is something they do for every new Netflix show. This is a $35 million + budget per episode series and thats just to budget for the literal episodes... There are dozens of partnerships they have going on with merchandise and things like that which are discussed and planned for months/years. There are music rights negotiations which go on for months upon years. Shit, post-production has the capacity to take, at the very least half of the time it takes to film, and in some cases as much time or even more. This shit takes time!!!
The build up to a new season is so huge, that each month leading up to it, there are different things dropping, creating the hype that guarantees millions of fans engagement for a long time.
Like 1 year up to the 6 months before the release, promo starts heating up officially. The main accounts for the show will start posting stuff, initially it'll be cryptic using old footage to kind of recap the characters and get us refreshed on where we left off. This time could have some really awesome surprises, but it's mostly casual. If we're lucky we can count on Atlanta filming paparazzi bc those people are insufferable...
6 months up to the one month mark is when it starts to get more real. At this time we're likely to get an episode list announcement, along with sneak peeks and teasers that are quite short, being that they're still likely in the editing process when they are releasing these so it's very much in part them trying to tide us over and keep us interested.
The final 3 months leading up to it is when it gets REAL real. This is at the latest when we'll get a release date announcement, but that's a worst case scenario. I feel like it took so long for them to announce s4, and not until like Feb 2022 bc they wanted to be certain certain. And that could apply to s5 as well. The state of the world isn't like awesome I would say... Look what happened last time? Like it sucks to be the person to say that but I think also considering delays in general, for any reason are a possibility, is also what contributes to my open mindedness about an early 2025 release.
And so based on what we should be expecting for marketing, that means that assuming s5 would somehow premiere in summer 2024, means we are already close to the one year mark, which means promo should be ramping up right now, with literal content to share? And yet we have nothing filmed...?
A lot of people have this idea that s5 is going to take as much time to film as s1 took, which is just not the case. Not saying it will take as long as s4 took, however it's still going to take a while. One of the main factors for this is an in demand cast with conflicting schedules. In a perfect world, everyone would be available all the time throughout the entire production run. Instead what you have is certain actors not available at this time, and so you have to overlap those that need scenes together and schedule according to all of that. And so even if it wouldn't take more than 7 months to film literally, adding another 4+ months might be necessary to accommodate everyones schedules so that they can have these A/B list actors be able to film scenes together.
And then there’s editing and VFX to account for, happening during filming yes, but also with them needing months to focus on AFTER filming is complete. S5 is arguably going to have more VFX than any other season, as most of the season is expected to be surrounded by UD conditions and with the final battle being pretty epic with a 3 headed dragon potentially. Editing is more likely to be 7+ months post filming AT LEAST, vs. like the 4 or less, which is what I think everyone is imagining and telling themselves.
This is also the last season and so they obviously want to focus on the quality, not their ability to churn it out as fast as possible. Rushing for a quick release is just setting themselves up to flop.
The story is over forever after this (excluding spin-off prospects). It would make sense for them to give themselves the wiggle room to make it perfect (the stakes are so fucking high you guys), as opposed to rushing the entire time just to have it release as early as possible.
This also reminds me of what Noah said when asked about s5 premiering in 2024, where he basically just deflected and said that they want to focus on quality… essentially hinting at the fact that it’ll probably not be soon as we’re expecting, but we’re better off for it bc it gives them time to ensure it's the best that it can be and also is just realistic in terms of considering potential unplanned delays.
And then there are the strike implications. While I think the ST production is lucky in that they wouldn't be impacted as much as other productions, that doesn't mean the solidarity won't impact other parts of the production beyond just the writers. This is an industry where people are extremely overworked and underpaid, where a strike could be on the horizon at any moment. And we’re out here telling them hey i know the conditions are horse shit, but I'm gonna need you to step it up and experience even worse conditions bc I need s5 asap... which is just, it’s asking too much if I’m being honest.
Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here. I know it sucks hearing that it could be another 1 year and 10 months. But lets be serious right now.
All the action that happens in the fandom, building up to the release is arguably just as exciting as the actual premiere and I think we overlook that. Again, once it premieres, it's over. So being so hellbent that it comes as soon as possible, is built on this idea that getting it is the only worthwhile part of this experience, which couldn't be further from the truth. Hiatus and all of the activity that happens during that time is what makes this experience so unique and without it, none of us would be here.
I think realistically, the timeline for s5 production is likely to look something like filming taking place from May 2023-Feb 2024 (giving them AT LEAST 10 months, but if you ask me srs i think it'll take 12...). We should get an announcement post from the official Netflix/ST social media accounts the very day filming starts.
As time passes and they're filming more and more, we will start to get teasers and sneak peaks from the little bit they have filmed from the earlier episodes in the season. Technically they can't spoil that later stuff too much in promotion, so it does work out for us in that sense.
But in all honesty, well planned out and detailed promo is likely to not start getting official until this fall when they’ll actually have at least (hopefully) over half of s5 filmed, and be planning ahead plenty in advance so all of the promo leading up to the release is well thought out.
I won’t rule out Fall 2024. But there are no Friday dates in fall 2024 that ring any bells to me as being the perfect day? Maybe Winter 2024? Or like January/Feb 2025?
The problem is Netflix loves ST for their summers... But summer 2024 is too soon and Summer 2025 is too late imo...
So what it will likely come down to is them trying to be realisitic about their options, and how to ideally get it to match with the setting of the show, which is something they have tried to do with s2-3, but couldn't in s4 (for obvious reasons), and so I definitely see them thinking ahead to try to bring back that approach for s5 if they are able to.
So filming, best case scenario, ends maybe Jan-Feb 2024. If we give them at least 7 months, which is still arguably rushing to me, that lands them in September 2024.
BUT if they were smart they would be realistic and just plan for late 2024/early 2025 so that they don't have to keep delaying... also why they haven't announced a date/year... if it was for certain going to be 2024, they would say it. But they aren't. That alone should tell us they are not willing to make that commitment bc it's not something that can be made when there are so many impromptu factors at play.
I imagine a scenario though honestly, where it takes them a year (12 months to film), so they won't be done until May 2024, which means that they would have until January 2025 to edit with 7 months for that strictly. And that just honestly feels realistic to me to look at instead of hoping that everything just is swift and fast as possible.
Not to mention ST5 2025 just fits.
However, I don't see anything wrong with hoping for late 2024, since as of now I think it is still possible.
But I also think, keeping all of the factors in mind, most notably a potential strike and also them ensuring quality over a speedy release, I think 2025 is something people should also be prepared for as a possibility.
The good news is that we'll know eventually as s5 starts filming and as time goes on.
If filming is complete in 2023 then we could definitely hope for a fall 2024 release. If filming isn't complete officially until early/mid 2024, then pack up your duffel bags bc we're going back to spring break...
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fandomfluffandfuck · 5 months
i have to scream ab this somewhere bc ive just posted the first chapter of a new fic and im SO. EXCITED!!!!!
as well as this, i wanted to know - are you working on anything right now? if so, maybe you don't mind sharing a couple lines of dialogue as a teaser (bc i miss your writing alot especially after you can('t) teach an old dog new tricks)!! think of it as an ask game that i unofficially started lol.
hope ur doing good! xx
I just saw the post you made on your writing account for that, yeah!
I've had a very busy day, so I was hyped to log back onto Tumblr and see that! Hopefully, I can carve out some time to read it soon. It looks so, so good!!
"espresso" by bvckysarm
(Everyone better go read 😤)
Hell yeah, I'm always working on something 😏
Although, admittedly, it's nothing as long or grand as You Can('t) Teach An Old Dog New Tricks. I'm having fun messing around with short (for me) one-shots after spending, what,, five or six months on that series? I love it to death, I do, but, Jesus, yeah, over the length of the average novel, and half a year of writing (more than, behind the scenes, I'd been planning and researching for much, much longer)... I am relishing in noncommittal one-offs, haha.
Here's your teaser 😘
“Aw, you miss me, Stevie?” He needlessly teases, gripping his waist hard enough to bruise him like a soft, overripe peach.
“Uh-” Steve starts to answer him, but he’s cut off by a reverberating moan when Bucky shoves him back and viciously re-spears him on the fake cock he’s got suctioned to the wet, wet tile wall, “-huh.”
Steve stays slumped forward against him, clinging to him, shaking all over still, but now he clings harder; his blunt nails dig into Bucky’s skin and he hisses, enjoying the heat that shudders through his veins from the other man’s touch.
“Missed my cock, that’s what you missed,” Bucky husks into his ear, grabbing his little hips meaner, digging his fingers into his flesh, pushing him back tight onto the toy, making him fucking take it.
He gasps so cutely, so obscenely when his ass thickly presses to the cold tile—taking that toy to the wide, wide base, swallowing it whole—how could he not do it to him? Bucky just wants to fuck. ‘im. up. Vicious.
“M-missed, uunnhh, missed all a’you,” Steve protests weakly, pawing at him uselessly, not as weak and sweet as he thought. Not as weak and limp as he wants to get him—he wants to make him so fucking fuck-dumb.
“Nah, I don’t think you did,” Bucky’s grinning so wide, the muscles in his face already are starting to ache, sharp, “I think I’m just a cock with legs to you,” he tweaks one of Steve’s peaked nipples, just to admire how he shudders, “aren’t I? Isn’t that how it’s always been? Could barely get you off of my cock when you were smaller, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I never understood where you put it even though I could see it, bulging through your tummy, so tight and little around me.” Bucky presses his palm there now, dragging his nails down from the swell of his tits to his clenching abs. With the right angle, he can still do it, sometimes, he can spear Steve on his dick and bend him up in a cute little knot and see his dick through his stomach. Bulging. Thick and deep inside him, fucking him until he forgets how to beg for more.
Fucking him until he forgets his own name.
“Still, fuck, I couldn’t ever believe you could fit it in that tiny hole.” Bucky shakes his head, half in disbelief, half in predatory instinct, wanting to bite Steve and tear through him, shaking his head like a fucking dog with a toy, ravenous and slobbering, “then you went and got yourself all big and your need just got bigger, didn’t it, honey?”
“S-so did you, you guh-got bigger, too!” Steve whines, trying to retort but falling flat when he starts to pant, overwhelmed.
“I did,” Bucky purrs, grinding into his hip leisurely, enjoying how hot and feverish he is, God, he really worked himself up into a mess, didn’t he? “And ain’t that good for you, honey? Anything else and you’d’a died, ‘cause you need cock like you need air, don’t you, dollface?”
I hope you're excited for the rest 😈
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shenji-yei-v2 · 2 months
honestly, as a dedicated rebirth+bunker fan, I barely visit the dark descent tag. maybe amfp, maybe justine. but the dark descent? nah. I mean once a month I look for it on Tumblr and I’m like « oh, headcanons. Oh, juliabeatrice animations. Oh, Alexander or Daniel. cool. see you next month ». And it’s over. it’s just a bit weird. my entire group of fandom friends usually sends the dark descent related posts in the chat and I’m like oh? something happens here? it surely does ofc. it’s just so weird to find yourself so uninterested in… like, the main amnesia series game, the first and the most popular one. it’s just so weird that back in 2015 I knew only Alexaniel stuff, memes with Grunts and Peediepie, and now I barely follow the tag of my current game series hyperfixation. Like I never even expected there could be amnesia game I love more than TDD. back in 2015 I was like « yeah Justine is short and AMFP is sad and not meme-able, so TDD it is, yaoi angst letsplays memes material », and now I’m like « what? There are other games besides Rebirth and the Bunker? What? There’s someone else than Leon de Vries? » lol. Its just surprising how much can it change for you as a game series fan in… ten years, who am I kidding, this game is a relic. I mean, in modern terms, when a mainstream dies in a week. Well, to conclude, it’s a pleasure to be in the same fandom with you guys who still make stuff about Alex, Daniel, Agrippa, Mandus and Justine, after all these years. I may seem like I’m a newbie (and it’s not bad honestly, I’m happy to see amnesia series receiving a new wave of hype after the Bunker’s release) but I’m actually here since 2015 and I’ve waited patiently for Rebirth’s release since the trailer, because I remembered how good was TDD and AMFP. and how good was the internet around these two games ten years ago. Maybe now it’s not the same and it won’t be the same, we won’t have impact shitty memes with Rebirth and Bunker’s characters, we won’t have funny Pewdiepie videos (man has a BABY, he became Rebirth’s protagonist himself lol, congrats tho), but we have a completely new era of fandom stuff. And it’s nice to see new people and old fans being brought together by the legend of why the hell Alexander was kicked out at the first place Frictionals are you kidding we wait for like 14 years already and you’re still silent about it what did he do did he fart during Empress coronation or what
anyways il ove yall hehe you’re cool thank you for getting old with me
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iam93percentstardust · 7 months
Pop Star Fics
In honor of the Eras Tour movie finally being complete on streaming, here's a rec list of (mostly) Stevetony pop star and pop star-adjacent fics 💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤🩷🩶🤎💙🤍 Anyway, we don't have enough of these in this fandom so I'm hereby declaring that we should all write more of them (I'm doing my part; I'm almost done with the Fearless era for This Life Is Sweeter Than Fiction)
Written by Others
One Step Closer by scottxlogan (E) Tony Stark was pushed into popstar fame by his ambitious father early on, but over the span of more than two decades Tony has seen the highs and lows of stardom hitting rock bottom in more ways than one. Through it all there was always one person that Tony felt was his saving grace. Steve Rogers was always the one that got away and no matter how many times they tried to cross that line into love they couldn't quite get there. As Tony's once close friend and brief roommate, Steve turned Tony's world around in all the right ways until fate intervened and they were pulled in separate directions. Now fresh out of rehab on his 45th birthday and looking to keep from making the same mistakes, Tony reflects on his past and follows his heart to new beginnings hoping that it's not too late to find his way back to Steve in his hopes for a second chance. -I love that this Tony is closer to his canon age. It's a look at the pop star life from the other side once you're not the shiniest, brightest thing on the block anymore. The smut is great, the romance is lovely, and the ending is delightful ❤️
Baby, Just Say Yes by betheflame (M) In a world where Tony's life looks a lot like Taylor Swift's, Steve realizes there always more to omegas than meets the eye. -Everything flame writes is always amazing, even the things I never in a million years thought I would like, but this is just so lovely. It's soft and sweet, and I love the take on second gender dynamics that flame explores 💛
at his side by areiton (M) He meets Steve on a Sunday, wearing his old Eagles jersey and shorts so short his Mama fusses at him, and he grins, tousled curls and a devil may care grin, bare-faced and bare foot. “Hi,” he says, and then, like an introduction is necessary, like the whole world isn’t learning his name, he adds, “I’m Tony.” -I love bodyguard AUs so much, and arei absolutely delivers with this one. Top-notch pining, great use of the non-linear narrative (which arei is always fantastic at, in my opinion), and I love how the eras were changed to fit this story 💙
Written by Me
This Life is Sweeter Than Fiction (series) A series of interconnected fics, following Tony Stark from his time as a country singer to the world's biggest pop star. Loosely inspired by Taylor Swift. -I feel weird hyping up my own fics, but if you're willing to follow me as I explore multiple relationships, second gender dynamics, and reinterpret the fandom's hatred for Tony after Civil War through the lens of the Reputation era, I feel like you'd really like this series. Like I said, I'm almost done writing the Fearless era, so that'll be coming in the next few weeks 💚
False God (E) The first time Steve meets him, Gillian has all sixteen dancers sitting in a circle on the floor of the rehearsal studio, where she makes them go around the room and introduce themselves. Tony is the youngest of them at nineteen, has two cats currently in his sister’s custody, and got his start in ballet before being so inspired by the 1989 tour that he cross trained just in the hopes that one day he could dance with Sharon. Steve had made a note of it in the way that he makes a note of everyone he works with, felt a little old because he had been a dancer on the 1989 tour and now this baby is saying he was inspired by them, and then gotten distracted by the next girl. -In which neither of them is the pop star! They're backup dancers for pop star Sharon instead, which I think is very fun of me 🩷
When Emma Falls in Love (G) “Nice?” Kamala exclaims. “It’s way past nice! It’s the cutest thing ever because his bracelet had his phone number on it! He was hoping to ask you out!” Tony blinks. Steve Rogers, All-American good boy and quarterback extraordinaire, wants to throw his hat in the ring? He wouldn’t be the first person to toss his name out there, but most of them have just tried to DM him or tag him in their posts. No one’s shown the kind of thought and effort that Steve apparently put into his declaration. It’s a level of understanding and appreciation of who Tony is and everything he’s cultivated in his career that no one else has put in. It is, to use Kamala’s word, cute. -In your life, you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team... or maybe not? Anyway, this is just a very fluffy romance with instantly smitten Steve and Tony 💜
Glitch (T) “Ms. Potts, my name is Steve Rogers, and I’m Justin Hammer’s roommate," Steve says. “Oh, what does that asshole want now?” she asks. “I don’t think he wants anything—except to make a quick buck and ruin Mr. Stark’s reputation.” -This is a pop star AU in the loosest definition of the word. Tony is a pop star but he doesn't get to do anything pop starry things in this AU. It's mostly about Steve, but if you like throwing popcorn at the screen whenever Justin Hammer shows up, people getting their comeuppance, and Steve being the standup guy he is, then this is the fic for you 🖤
Death by a Thousand Cuts (T) “Tony?” Pepper asks, and he can tell just by the look on her face that whatever she has to tell him, it isn’t good. “What?” he asks. She looks uncharacteristically hesitant. Pepper isn’t supposed to be hesitant. She’s supposed to be barge-in, guns-blazing, unapologetically confident. “The news leaked,” she says eventually. -One of my favorite tropes, breaking up and making up! Idk I just really like writing stories where neither of them did anything wrong, they just couldn't work things out in those circumstances, but turns out being apart is even worse 🩶
Aaaaand a bonus winteriron fic for you!
Kissed by a Muse (E) Two years ago, Bucky returned home from the war, disillusioned, injured, and angry. Two months ago, he started working at Rogers Records, recording other bands when all he wants is for his band to be the one performing. Two minutes ago, he ran into a mysterious stranger at the grocery store who argued with him over the last box of Eggos, kissed him, and ran off with the waffles. And now he can't stop thinking about him. Bucky sees him everywhere: on the album cover he's recording, walking by his sound booth. And then, as he's staying late at work one night, he hears someone singing down the hall. But that can't be right - because that's his song, one that he's never performed for anyone. He isn't really surprised though to find that it's the stranger who kissed him in the grocery store that night. Only someone who can seemingly appear and disappear like this stranger can could possibly be singing a song he's never sung for anyone. The stranger offers him a chance: a chance to get his life back on track, to perform for the owner of the biggest record company in the world, a chance to get his band back and make it big. With an offer like that, how could Bucky refuse? -If you're familiar with the 1980s film Xanadu with Olivia Newton John, Gene Kelly, and that guy from The Warriors, this is that but with Bucky and Tony being, well, Bucky and Tony 🤎
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Surprise surprise
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A/N: here’s a random Drabble I wrote because of a few conversations with @jamneuromain after seeing this and many of this guys TikTok’s https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxkxWJn/ he’s on my fyp all the time. Like. Really. And for some reason this gave me major Stripper Steve vibes.
This Drabble is a part of the series “it’s all about the…”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Sugar Mommy Reader
Warnings: none
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Grinning, Steve walked into the kitchen where you’ve been drinking your coffee for the past few minutes, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. You still didn’t understand the hype behind Instagram but you did use it to follow some celebrities and movie updates. There were even some accounts that posted interesting facts about literally anything.
Seeing Steve’s huge and cheerful grin made you lower your phone as you already knew this meant he had something to show you. Or share with you some news. He definitely wanted your full attention.
“Look what I did-”, with that he held up his phone right to your face, nearly making you spill your coffee with the sudden move. The short video was him lip singing to a song. You looked up at him, noticing how he was watching the video with you, seemly proud of it. A big smile was on his face as he nodded his head to the beat of the music.
While taking a sip you watched it before it quickly turned into many short, slowed down clips of Steve in various positions, outfits and poses, everyone one of them sexier and more appealing than the other one. Not having expected this you coughed up your coffee, nearly choking on the sip as you spilled the drink over your clothes and nearly Steve’s phone but he pulled it away just in time.
After you stopped coughing you looked up at Steve with red cheeks from what just happened and Steve was also darkly blushing.
You looked at him for a second in silence before slapping his arm. “Steve-” “ouch why did you do that!” “A warning next time! Jesus, boy. What is that? Why did you make this video?” You still sounded a bit horse from the coughing, making Steve wince lightly. He really hadn’t expected for this to happen.
“No particular reason…just thought it’d look cool…and hot…I thought you’d like it”, he mumbled, looking down at his feet like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie glass. It actually made you chuckle. His sweet behavior. You really loved Steve for this.
“Baby, of course I like it, just…a warning next time, okay? You can’t just come up to me and show something like this without preparing me-I mean, look what happened. I’m wet and dirty”, as soon as you said those words you noticed the unintentional meaning behind it, making Steve’s head shoot up, a teasing smirk on his lips.
“So you’re saying it made you wet, mommy?”, he grinned cheekily, coming closer to you and wrapping his arms around you.
You both laughed at that quietly, Steve kissing your cheek and hugging you tightly, his head buried against your neck. “Sorry for making you spill your coffee…and making you choke, too. Did mean that. Just wanted to show you what I post-”
“You posted this?? Baby, I thought it’s just for me!”
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Thank you for reading!
Support your writers and leave some feedback and reblog!<3 let me know how you liked it (and how you like the series so far)
Questions? HC ideas? Drabble ideas? Thoots? (For this au or in general) -> flood my inbox!😋❤️
Taglist: @slutforchrisjamalevans @joannaromanoff @marvel-wifey-86 @buckysteveloki-me @patzammit @barnesboo1967 @sebsgirl71479 @sapphire-rogers @hayleysimp @kestrafagnor wanna be tagged? Be active (FEEDBACK AND REBLOGGING) and let me know!
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msweebyness · 6 months
Weeby Announcement!!!
Exciting news, ya’ll! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
I’m sure you all remember my short Barbie movie series in my Random Thoughts™️, and I’m happy to announce I will be adapting each movie I used into a full AU post, using my chosen characters, in Weeby’s Miraculous Barbie series! I plan to go in chronological order of the movies’ release, so here’s the list!
Rapunzel (Nathaniel) (Ship: NathMarc)
Swan Lake (Ondine) (Ship: Kimdine)
Princess & The Pauper (Marinette & Socqueline) (Ships: Adrinette, SocqueJess)
Magic of Pegasus (Zoe & Chloe) (Ship: Zosette)
The Island Princess (Mylene) (Ship: Myvan)
Diamond Castle (Juleka & Rose) (Ship: JuleRose)
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! Get hype, y’all!
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dre6ming · 2 years
No cause I’m taking a break from studying and writing down a layout for the next few chapters in “The delicate beginning rush” series and you guys….. I’m getting myself so hyped up about it.
All I can say is that this series will be long and probably the most slow burn one I’ve ever written.
Hope y’all are ready because I’ve been listening to Evermore, Plastic Hearts and Emails I can’t send, so ofc I’m unpacking all that drama into this fanfic😈
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19 and taking hearts left and right
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The 19 year old actress, more recently turned singer and songwriter, seems to be going through men faster then we can keep up. And no, just because they have a girl, doesn’t mean she won’t make a move!!
Last week the Met Gala, happened and as every other year, the event was full of A-listers, with thick pockets and a vague notion of the real life. On the guest list was also (Y/n) a 19 year old actress who’s known for her role as Ana and Christian Grey’s daughter, Phoebe. But that first role of hers was not what got her the invitation, it was her most recent role as Amelia Baron, a troubled teenager who’s death is a mystery. The movie ‘Reconstructing Amelia’ resulted in (Y/n)’s career to skyrocket, as it was well received by critics and even scored 5 Oscar nominations, one of which is for best lead actress.
(Y/n) has been slowly going up the ladder of fame, making friends left and right, while keeping a good private life. Her fans describe her as relatable and sweet, always respectful and friendly. But they might be wrong, no one gets an Oscar nomination, unless they really know how to act, right?
In October last year the actress's parents, who are not famous people, divorced. The whole thing was carried privately and the reasons for it happening are still unknown. Some close sources say it's been a long time coming, but they restrained from going into specifics. When the divorce was finalized, (y/n) was photographed outside the courthouse house crying (pictures below). Now it's said that the actress is no longer in contact with her parents and that they've moved out of New York, leaving the 19 year old all on her own.
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Now you might be wondering how does this all link to our article? Well some people speculate she’s still picking up the pieces of whatever happened between her parents and to do that she chose dating. Serial dating, to be specific.
As we mentioned earlier she was at the Met, dressed in Prada, so she was sat at the same table as the cast from the upcoming biopic ‘Elvis’. According to her instagram she met and chatted with the entire cast, but there’s only one person that’s 100% sure she talked to. That person being none other then the 29 year old actor Austin Butler, the two of them posed for a hot picture together, you can find it on her instagram. If you didn’t know he has a girlfriend, who was also his plus one at the event that night, but judging by the picture him and (y/n) it would never cross your mind they aren’t together.
The drama didn’t stop there as two days later they were photographed hanging out at a cafe in Brooklyn, no Kaia Gerber (the actor’s girlfriend) in sight. Fans came to their defense fast, saying they are just friends, but the incident repeated on Sunday when they were again caught by the paparazzi.
The plot only thickens, if on Friday they were seemingly far apart from each other, Sunday, fans reported they were close, laughing and joking around, until their walk got cut short by a rude fan. People who were there said the fan, a man in his fourties’, asked (Y/n) for a picture and she denied. The man went on to call her names and bring up the famous lingerie photo shoot she did when she was 18, for the movie ‘Reconstructing Amelia.’ Butler apparently came to the rescue, defending her and then driving off with her, in what fans claimed to be her car.
Why we say she’s taking hearts left and right? Well… cut to Monday this week. She and Joshua Bassett, were spotted together at a restaurant on the upper east side of Manhattan, enjoying lunch. The two of them were not shy to share some PDA with us, as Joshua kissed her on the forehead. At this point she seems the have moved on from Austin : “from rock’n roll music straight into pop” said TMZ.
The 20 year old actor was a full gentleman and bought her a gift, a 300$ silver bracelet with a Purple Heart, this let’s us to believe they have probably been together for a while now.
And while all that was happening between (Y/n) and Joshua, Austin was photographed with his girlfriend, Kaia out in Boston, after he took a last minute detour flight to see her. Fans noted that there seems to be tension between the two and Kaia looks rather sad in the pictures.
Now the teams have formed, some of the fandom supports the relationship of (Y/n) and Joshua, while the others side with Butler. We are of course to be reminded of the 10 year age gap between the latter and her. Some say Austin went so deep into method acting that he’s now searching for his Pricilla and that the 9 year age gap he has with his current girlfriend, doesn’t quite fit.
We want to hear your thoughts on this? Is she dating Joshua or Austin? Is Austin a cheater as some fans claim?
We’ll do some more digging of our own, but let us know your opinions.
Oh and lastly let’s not forget she has a song coming out in a few weeks, dedicated to her long time best friend, Timothee Chalamet. And fans believe this is only the first song out of an entire album, that she might have in the works. Why is that important? Because she’s a swiftie and has worked closely with Taylor as a backing singer for her re-recorded albums, so fans expect heartbreaking, cryptic songs form (y/n). She proved she’s a great songwriter, when writing a full verse for Taylor’s song ‘Nothing new’. Now with every day passing and every new post from (y/n), Jack Antonoff of Finneas O’Connell fans find tones of Easter eggs in true swiftie fashion.
Maybe she’ll explain everything in a future song. Some say she’s working on her Red/Speak now era, dating older man, comparing Austin Butler to John Mayer and Jake Gylenhaal, requesting that she writes her own ‘Dear John’ and ‘All too well’. I guess we will see!
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina @samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog @fangirl125reader
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