#I’m sorry this took so long TvT
sprhinklesome · 1 year
Can i ask what language do you write in?
Vietnamese! I’m one of a rare Viet fans out there in this fandom hehe 🥰
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shimonerin · 7 months
Behind The Glitters
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Content: Idol! Gojo x Makeup Artist! Reader
Tags: fluff, slight angst/comfort, mentions of breakdowns and depression/anxiety, overall really mild (also really rushed and not proofread so I'm sorry TvT)
Word Count: 955
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Being the makeup artist of idol superstar Gojo Satoru is not a feat for the weak. Styling the embodiment of perfection to perfection isn’t the hard part of your job, however. It’s having to deal with the person underneath that sparkly facade that made millions of girls cry and faint in concerts. 
You’ve been with Gojo way before he was even scouted into the industry when he was a teenager with his looks and charm alone. Considering the time the music industry will take from him, you’re sure you were going to part ways as he gets ready to make his first solo debut on stage. Only for him to grab you by the hand and look at the CEO of the company with determination in his eyes.
“You better have an open slot because I’m not performing without them.” He said, a slight smirk plastered across his face. Gojo was far too talented and beneficial for the CEO to lay him off so they agreed to put you as a personal staff for the idol.
Your dreams of making a simple life for yourself was, of course, probably not going to happen anytime soon as long as he’s performing on stage. And God knows how long he’ll stay.
And maybe you’ll call yourself a hypocrite when you realize the job wasn’t so bad. It pays really well and the only idol you get to work on is Satoru, leaving you with plenty of free time. Plus, you get to meet famous people every day, something you deemed close to impossible.
Holding Gojo’s face so close to you, his chin perked up on your palm as he stared at you with stars in his bright eyes. Meanwhile, your gaze was critical and keen, careful not to smudge the soft mascara you put on him.
People wonder, including him, how you can possibly go on with your job with someone like him. How you can just effortlessly apply lip gloss to his plump lips like it was no big deal.
You’d have girls fighting for your spot while you continued to fight Gojo because he’s moving too much and now his eyeliner is uneven.
“Such a pain in the ass.” You’d often tell him while you squeezed his cheeks and forced him to look up and straight at you. He’d chuckle like the cocky bastard that he is before subtly leaning more into your touch with a smug grin.
But of course, the music industry is far from perfect.
Being the embodiment of perfection had Gojo attracting so many unpleasant experiences like a moth to the light. The grating pressure of the spotlight, the suffocating comments from thousands of faces behind the screen, the lingering fear of failure always perched on top of his shoulder. 
At one point, he faced a massive scandal two years into being an idol. One that completely shifted the course of his career. Senseless gossip turned into rumors. Until it turned into backlash and now, he’s still dealing with personal contract and defamation issues.
It took him countless nights for him to calm down and recover. You’d been with him through it all. Through all the breakdowns, the burnt-out states, and that phase of his where he couldn’t be bothered to eat or drink something in two days. You were there, holding out for him every step of the way.
You’d cook for him, you’d quietly distract him from his guilt-filled thoughts even for just a little while, you’d sit with him during his court hearings. You even confronted the director of the company for him. And finally, after three months of getting his idol image back together, he prepares for his solo comeback. And he can’t help but feel that anxiety constricting his chest.
Satoru would sit quietly backstage, in his own private room, holding tightly onto your hand before that very performance. You’d recognize that glazed look on his baby blue eyes everytime. 
“Satoru.” You called out to him in a firm yet gentle voice.
He seemed to have snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head towards your voice. He looks so perfect today. 
Flashing you a soft, cheeky grin, he shook at your hands as if trying to shake off that feeling of nervousness off his shoulder “What? I’m fine!” He exclaimed “I mean, it’s definitely better than the…last few months.”
The group out on the stage just finished their performance, and right after a quick commentary from the hosts, Satoru’s next. You looked at him closely before brushing off a stray white lock off his forehead, tucking it neatly just above his ear.
“I know you are.” You spoke in a rather hushed voice, wanting to keep this moment as intimate as possible, even if it’s just the two of you in the room “I just can’t believe the things that happened. And now I'm looking at you and I just can’t help but…”
Your fingers trailed off to his ear and down to his blush-covered cheeks and you can hear him suck in a breath, albeit quietly. You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence when one of the staff members barged in the room “You’re up in two minutes.” They said.
You retracted your hand from his cheeks and brought it to the pockets of your jacket “You should go. Promise me you’ll give it your best for your fans. I know they’ve missed you.”
Satoru hesitantly got up from the couch, brushing off his clothes and breathing deeply. Turning towards you, he asked the same question, as he always does before each performance “Promise me you’ll watch?”
“You know I always do, Satoru.”
“Then I’ll put on my best performance. For you.”
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vioartemis · 11 months
Friends? (Part 2)
(Wednesday Addams x fem! reader)
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Summary: Your friendship with Wednesday takes another turn after one of your night visits doesn't go as planned. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 Warnings: erm blood, werewolf attack (not described) a/n: I guess a part 3 is going to be written (I wanted to try something longer but woah maybe it's a little too long) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
After that night, Wednesday and you started texting, mostly exchanging about poisonous plants and outcasts. Her texts were well written, good punctuation, good grammar… Really in her style.
The average person would probably not particularly appreciate the way she texts -and talks- but you knew she wasn’t just that. You knew she wasn’t just the cold goth girl without a heart everyone seemed to believe she was.
You loved her personality and enjoyed her company.
Hence why you spent most of your nights in her and Enid’s dorm, or sometimes in the Nightshade’s library when no one else was there. The books they had in there were just amazing. You spent hours reading them, utterly fascinated, with Wednesday sat at the opposite side of the room.
Despite all her efforts, the raven couldn’t seem to be able to concentrate on her own reading; her eyes were glued on you. She had never seen someone so passionate while reading.
The way you were biting your lip when reading, feeling the pages under your thumb, turning the pages carefully not to tear them…
Even though she had said she only tolerated your presence, Enid could see she was looking forward to your visits. The blonde knew her roommate liked you more than she wanted to admit.
One night Wednesday even took you to the greenhouse to show you some of the plants you told her you would love to see.
For the first time since she met Enid, she really enjoyed spending time with someone. You were interesting. Not glued to a phone 24/7, not hating on others because they’re different.
You were a normie, but an outcast amongst the normies. In a sense you were just like her.
This night was another night out for you. You were on your bike, on your way to Nevermore.
Wednesday was waiting for you in her dorm. She had something she wanted to show you, which she was sure you would like.
She turned to her roommate’s side, about to ask her something, only to find her side empty. The raven frowned.
“Thing, where’s Enid?”
Thing tapped on the desk.
The raven’s eyes widened slightly.
Wednesday rushed to her phone. She forgot the full moon. And even if the werewolves were supposed to be locked away during this night, but accidents happen -already happened before.
For the first time since she gave you her number, she called you. No answer. She tried again. Still nothing.
She swore under her breath, and tried again.
“You have to go home.”
“What? Why? I didn’t even get to see y-”
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s the full moon, it’s not safe.”
“I’m already under your balcony! I just can’t go bac- Wait, aren’t the werewolves supposed to be locked up?”
“Sometimes the cages break. I’m serious, Y/n. You have to-”
She could hear a growl on your side, and heavy breathing.
“Y/n? Y/n!”
She burst out of her dorm and ran to Yoko’s, hoping to find Divina or Bianca there. She banged on the door, still on the phone with you.
She heard you swear, then a noise she couldn’t identify, and the call ended.
“Y/n’s in danger. I need your help. … Please.”
The three girls knew it wasn’t very Wednesday like to plead; the situation must be serious.
Wednesday explained the situation to the girls while they were going down to where you were. The raven hopped they wouldn’t find you. It would mean you were safe.
Sadly, a few meters away from the gate, an inanimate form drew her attention.
You were laying on the grass, blood all over you.
The raven was frozen in place. It reminded her of when she brought Enid to the Gate’s house the year prior. It reminded her when Eugene got attacked in the woods while she was at the Rave’N.
She was responsible. If you died she would be responsible. You would never get to finish your studies on outcasts. You would never get to experiment with Aconitum, or Nightshade, or every other plant you wanted to experiment on. Because of her.
Bianca was holding her by her shoulders.
“She’s alive. But we have to do something quickly.”
The girls carried you to the botanical class. They didn’t have enough time to drive you to the hospital, they had to use what they had.
Bianca and Wednesday were looking through all the plants around them, trying to find the right ones to use, while Yoko and Divina stayed by your side, trying to stop the bleeding.
After what felt like an eternity to the raven, they finally found something that could work.
“Are you sure-”
“No. But that’s all that we have” Bianca said
They prepared the plants, so they had a liquid, before taking a nearby syringe. Once everything was ready, they went back to you.
“Do you want to do it?” the siren asked the raven
She didn’t answer, and just took the syringe. She took a deep breath, noticing her hands were slightly shaking, before injecting you the liquid. She looked at you, eyes full of worry.
It wasn’t 100% sure to work. But it had to. You just couldn’t die like that.
A minute passed. Nothing happened.
Wednesday took your hand in hers, holding it tightly.
“If you die, I will kill you.”
The other girls looked at each other, concerned.
“No. She’s going to wake up. We just have to wait.”
She didn’t really know if she was trying to convince them, or herself.
You were part of her life now, she was used to talking to you every day, to seeing you almost every night… She couldn’t lose you. She liked you.
Wednesday’s eyes moved from your face to your wounds as Yoko pointed toward them. Your cuts were healing! The blood was like absorbed back by your body, leaving deep cuts and coagulated blood. You would have scars, but you were alive.
She let go of your hand to wipe some tears she hadn’t noticed had rolled down her cheeks.
“I’ll stitch her back up. … Thank you.”
The other girls gave the raven a little smile, relieved you were okay, and knowing how much it had cost Wednesday to ask for their help.
Thanks to the girls’ help, Wednesday could bring you back to her dorm and lay you on her bed.
While she was stitching you up, she couldn’t help but take a closer look at your wounds; she didn’t know exactly how the plants they used worked, but she was pretty sure they weren’t supposed to make the blood coagulate so fast. Maybe a sort of mutation happened.
Her pale hands were still tainted with your blood when you opened your eyes. You groaned as you tried to sit up, catching Wednesday’s attention.
“What are you doing?” she asked while she forced you to lay down as gently as she could “You’re hurt. Don’t move.”
She grabbed a bottle of pills and a glass of water, and brought them to you.
“Take that, it’s painkillers.”
You nodded and took the medicine with her help.
“… I’m sorry”
“What? Why?” you asked, surprised by her sudden apology
“I put you in danger, I’m sorry.”
She had learnt from her mistakes -from her fight with Enid after they got attacked at the Gate’s house. Even if she would never admit it, she didn’t want to lose you.
“It’s not your fault, I should have listened when you told me to go home…”
“… You shouldn’t stay close to me. All I ever do is destroy everything.”
You sat up, ignoring the pain, and grabbed her hand.
“That’s not true. Like I said, it’s not your fault. And I’m alive!” you looked directly in her dark eyes “I’m not leaving you. I like you. Maybe even a little more than I should…” your grip on her hand loosened a bit “Anyways, my point is I don’t want to stop spending time with you”
She felt her cheeks heat up a little at your words and at the look in your eyes. With Enid, you were the only one you ever fought to stay with her even though she pushed you away. Even though she put you in danger.
She liked you a lot, but it scared her; she wasn’t familiar with this feeling. Her only experience with love was what she saw with her parents -which she had always found disgusting. But maybe, maybe, with you it wouldn’t be disgusting. If you liked her back.
Because you said you liked her ‘more than you should’, but what did that mean exactly? It could mean a lot of things. And Wednesday didn’t feel like just asking you, it would be awkward.
But if you liked her back and she didn’t do anything there was a chance you’d fall in love with someone else, believing she didn’t like you. She did like you. And the thought of anyone else having you made her crazy.
You were still holding her hand. Your warmth was comforting.
She decided it was time to make a move and intertwined her fingers with yours.
Her action surprised you, to say the least. Your gaze was fixated on your linked hands, processing what just happened. After a second, you felt your cheeks burn.
“D-do you um… Do you want to go out with me someday…? Like for a coffee, or go to the library or anything else you’d like” you asked hesitantly
“Are you suggesting a date?”
Your cheeks heat up again at her words.
“Y-yeah… I mean if you want…”
Wednesday stayed silent for a second before cracking a little smile.
“I’ll pick you up at 4 tomorrow”
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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starryficsfinishwen · 2 months
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𑁍ࠬܓ [activation day special] ᴡᴀʀᴍ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ — lee x reader
ㅤㅤyour whispers, sunlight;
ㅤㅤcold hands feeling for mine
syn. ; lee finds comfort in your arms after a long war.
a.n. - I'm sorry I'm super late TvT its defo my fault bUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR COMING HOME TO ME I HOPE U GET A NEW FRAME SO I CAN SIMP MORE!! also I'm really sorry for the slow and bad updates, I was busy for the past few months due to busy sched (eyy thanks uni) and my poor baby lappy unfortunately had her fan broken down so pray she gets her swift recovery soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻 qna: will chrome get his own activation day special? a: HECK YA qna: when? A: yeah imnida
pairing - lee x f!commandant
words - 3,573
content warnings - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. NSFW content: cunnilingus, handjob soft sex eeeyyy. mostly soft lee cuz he deserves it after *TOOOT* HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE
divider/s by @/saradika-graphics
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Warmth. An unfamiliar word, an evading emotion; one that Lee was devoid of for the remainder of his human years.
It was something hard to find. If ever he had it, he would unconditionally give it to his younger brother, in order to make him safe and happy. Even in the darkest days of his human life, until he breathed his last, it was a feeling that avoided him. Would he ever find it? Who knows.
Maybe someone does. Maybe it would be manifested into someone he was long familiar with, apart from Murray, someone who makes his mechanical heart shake. Someone who was then standing by the doorway, whose figure he had long memorized in his M.I.N.D.
You, his precious commandant of the Gray Raven, stood there, bright eyes brimming with curiosity, shaking a familiar brown bag in hand.
“Lee, what is this?” You sighed, with a little laugh, “Can I have an explanation?”
“Good evening to you, Commandant. I am nearly done with my work.”
Sauntering to your desk, which Lee resided in, you eyed him carefully. “Right. Can I ask why you are here, then?”
He held your eye contact for a few seconds, before looking down at the papers, “I am merely just helping with your paperworks. You seemed to have some problems with it earlier.”
“So you decided to distract me with, this,” Shaking the bag, you continued, “... whatever you planned, it’s working quite well.”
It made Lee chuckle. “I’m glad you think so.”
You mirrored his laugh, before pulling out the little trinket in the bag. It was a little blue robot, L-33, one that seemed familiar—a mixed, mini version of Lee and Punchy—that seemed like a toy.
You tapped its head. “Good morning, Commandant.” Echoed an automated Lee's calm voice, “Here are your mission details for today.”
He smiled. “Oh, you found out its features.”
“Of course I did,” you puffed out your chest with pride, “I spent the whole two hours examining him. Watch this.”
Cerulean eyes intently watched as you expertly pushed around a few buttons, promptly triggering the secret sequence. The amusement on his face dropped.
“You…figured it out.”
“Commandant,” the robot cooed, its next few words that were dreadful for Lee to hear, “there’s something I’d–.”
When you blinked, L-33 had shut off, Lee pushing the off button. “–you heard enough.”
A small laugh escaped your lips, “we’ve been teammates for a long while now, Lee,” you teased with a wink, “You think I wouldn’t know your tricks? I also figured out that you purposely gave me L-33 to distract me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You distracted me so you could do my tasks. On your birthday. Traitor.”
The situation was funny. Activation dates—promptly called that way, not really birthdays—were just like any other day. For Lee, there’s nothing special about it.
“The Science Council may have said it’s considered a small break for Constructs. I took it, didn’t I?”
“And you gave that one to me. This is treachery! You were supposed to use that day to spend it with your loved ones!”
Lee pointed at the robot in your hand. “You can spend the day with L-33. Did you read my letter well? I modified its AI to fit your needs. He can answer well.”
“That’s true, Commandant,” chimed L-33, who somehow woke up halfway through, “Please, hang out with me.”
Lee knew you well. From the way your eyes would sparkle when you’re hit with a good idea, or how your eyebrows would knit together when you’re focused on your battle plan, to the shade of pink in your cheeks when you’re flustered by sweet words. The confusion in your face then was something Lee was also familiar with, and he knew how to counter that.
“You’ve rarely gotten any quality rest, Commandant.” Lee spoke, “please use today as a reward.”
Warmth, again, was something Lee had avoided, and if he had it, he was willing to give it to you.
But alas, like the rock that hindered the gears in your head, you were unshakeable.
Putting L-33 on your desk, you stomped your way to the nearest chair, sitting down. Bright eyes still not breaking eye contact to look at cerulean ones.
“Since you won’t heed my request,” Emphasising the word, you grinned, “I may as well just stay here, then. I am not in the mood to argue.”
Lee’s patience strummed a chord. Attempting to change your mind, you quickly raised your hand, shrugging, “Ah, didn’t I say I didn’t want to argue?’
Closing his mouth, Lee decided to just drop it.
It took a few minutes—the scratch of pen against paper, the flickering desk light, the soft hum in your lips, and his little childhood melody—before you shuffled to sit closer to the desk.
Knowing you, Lee decided to dismissed his thought, resuming to what he was doing earlier. It didn't take long. Your humming grew louder, almost ghosting in his ear. Lee sighed, leaning back to welcome you, slithering your leg across his lap, sweetly smiling at him.
“Lee~,” you purred, hands clasped on his broad shoulders, “thank you for the seat.”
Rolling his eyes, he smiled at you. “Whatever makes you happy.”
You were perfectly slotted in his lap, content in how tiny you were that he could still do his work with you. The smell of vanilla permeated his senses, your breathing music to his ear, even and comforting to Lee. He might have had to lie about it, but you were perfect, you were enough—like the piece in a jigsaw puzzle.
“...But I’m not.”
Lee stopped writing, opting to look back at you. “Really?”
Your lips were in a small pout, lipgloss shining in the lights, “Really. I mean, how could I? Imagine taking a break outside; walking around Babylonia, walking around the streets, but you’re here instead.”
“Commandant,” He shook his head, “We talked about this.”
The hands on his shoulders curled, nails rarely scraping his jacket. Seeing your face turn into a sad frown as you bite your lip, a hint of guilt knocks on Lee’s chest.
“...you gave me a gift even though it's your birthday,” Softly, in the cold light, you muttered, “shouldn’t it be the other way around?”
Lee prides in his stone heart. But oh, it was hard to say no when it comes to you. “Well, in a way, it’s still our duty as Constructs to bring our Commandant joy and happiness.”
You sighed, “But I don’t see you that way.”
Lee looked at you in confusion. “I’m sorry?”
“I don’t.” You smiled, “Lee, you may be a construct, but you are different to me.”
Your hands, dragging through his shoulders to his jaw, cupped his cheeks. Lee was a construct—blue blood, robotic joints and bodies, built for destruction. But you, human as you were—simple, frail, fragile—and yet, your warmth was far too contagious. He nuzzled your hand, afraid that he’d lose your heat.
“...[Y/N],” Lee rarely called you by your name, but when he does, his voice breaks, turning to kiss your palm, “[Y/N], you are too kind.”
You leaned closer to him, lips leaving butterfly kisses across his cheeks, “I am treating you the way you should be, Lee.”
Like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle, you were a perfect fit for Lee. Kisses on his cheeks, down to his jaw, to the shell of his ear. You breathed into him, ghosting his ear, that made Lee shiver in your touch. His hands found respite in your hips, kneading the area to aid in your movements.
“...by seducing me though?”
You giggled. “Is it working?”
“Mm, a bit.” He sighed in your shoulder, resting there, “But I still have to finish this.”
“No, don’t.” A small whine escaped your lips as you subtly grinded yourself on his lap, “Can’t you see your birthday gift needs your immediate attention?”
A sly little fox, that you were. You had, unknowingly, slipped closer to him, that your warm core was directly on his semi-hard bulge. As you shifted in your seat, Lee groaned at the friction.
“You will miss a lot of these paperworks if I—ugh—can’t finish this…” Lee’s grip on your hips tightened. “What should I do with you…?”
“Do me,” you purred in his ear, “Do me, your gift, Lee.”
Ah, he’d have to use his gift thoroughly.
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Warmth was the feeling, the light at the crack that separated your thighs. One that Lee could drown in as he diligently licks at your cunt.
With a harsh tug of his hair and the sultry whine that slipped past your lips, Lee could die in between your thighs and he’d regret nothing. In the dim light of your room, Lee was nestled nicely down there as you were spread in your bed. Small, kitten lips at your throbbing clit, before lapping at your folds. You forgot how long you’ve been at his mercy, yet the dampness that pooled on your bed could say otherwise.
“L-Lee, ha—haah—wait–” You moaned out loud, “slow down, p-please!”
Pussydrunk, Lee moaned at the feeling, eating you away with no sense. You cried out from the overstimulation, desperately trying to push Lee away. But Lee’s hold in your hips were relentless.
“One more,” he groaned, “give me one more.”
His pants were aching from the tightness, but he was better off rutting his cock at the edge of your bed, focusing on your pleasure first and foremost.
Lapping at your juices, Lee realized why addiction was so potent—if they had seen the way your pussy clenched as he licked you clean, they’d be a devout addict. But he’s lucky, this sight was only his. You, your pretty little, soaking wet pussy was all his. No one else could make you cry out this loud, or the way your face contorted in pleasure—it was all Lee’s.
“C’mon, [Y/N], you can do it, do it for me,” Lee whispered between your soaking wet folds, “be a good girl, you can do it.”
A sharp shiver ran through your spine. Bubbling deep in your stomach, you cried as you felt two of his fingers slip deep in your pussy. “A-ah, Lee, w-wait—”
Sucking at your pearl, Lee’s fingers curled upward, hitting a spongy spot that made your pussy clench hard. With a loud cry of his name, you cum hard for the third time, sticky liquid coating his mechanical fingers. Lee fucks you through your orgasm, mesmerized in the way your eyes rolled back, crying as you arched your back.
“Good girl,” he cooed, “good girl, [Y/N].”
Amidst your orgasm, your pussy answered by squeezing the fingers that were still inside of you. As Lee pulled away, you noticed his chin shimmered with your slick in between the haze, which made your heart flutter. Watching through lust-blown eyes, his cerulean eyes were glowing brightly in the dark, and your only thought was—
“Hmm?” Lee chuckled, taking your hand to his lips, “Who is?”
“You,” you lolled, “It’s you…”
You opened your arms to welcome Lee, kissing in spite of his state. It’s hot, brightly burning with passion, humming as you mindlessly kissed Lee again and again, fueled in the heat of the moment. Yet you realized soon that his fingers found themselves grazing your overstimulated cunt, lightly rubbing it.
“A-ah, w-wait,” you whined, weakly pushing Lee away, “not yet…”
“Why?” Lee kissed the shell of your ear, “Is there something wrong?”
Your wandering hands finally found the thing you were looking for. The prominent bulge, sensitive enough that made him groan even as you grazed it with your hand.
“It’s not fair,” you pouted, “let me take care of you, too…”
“[Y/N], I’d much rather help you—”
“—Lee, please,” you pleaded, fluttering your eyelashes, “I want you to feel good, too…”
The fly was already down before he could nod, springing his long, thick cock. Lee breathed out a sigh of relief, but the itch was yet to be itched. Fortunately, your fingers were already running through his shaft, cock twitching from your teasing.
“See,” you sat properly, urging Lee to mirror you, “doesn’t it feel nice?”
You grabbed his shaft, enclosing your hand and jerking him lightly. Lee could hardly contain his moans, cheeks and ears blooming red from your ministration. You couldn't take your eyes off, too—your pretty boy, your Lee, feeling the same kind of pleasure that he had always given you.
“Does it feel good, Lee?” You asked, moving closer, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Good, ugh,” Lee managed to say, “You’re doing so—hah, really, g-good.”
You’ve seen him naked a lot of times, no surprise to see his long and hard cock, heavy in your hand that you had to use your other one to help. Watching the way Lee’s face contorted as you jerk him off almost makes your own pussy throb, another set of wetness pooling in your thighs. Thumbing his slit, precum sliding off, you wanted to dip your head down and suck him off.
“You really should let me do this, Lee,” you hummed, leaning closer that your lips were leaving kisses on his jaw, “You should see how pretty you are when I’m touching you like this, mm?”
“[Y/N],” a sensual moan of your name rolling off of his tongue, your pussy clenched around nothing in response, “God—hah, don’t stop…”
Gritting his teeth, grasping your sheets as you jerked him harder. Your heart was beating wildly, like how you were too entangled with Lee—too wild, too indecent.
But your movements were halted, Lee’s hands wrapped tight around yours.
“No,” Lee shook his head, ignoring his hot red dick throbbing, moving your hands away, “I can’t cum like this…I need to be inside of you to do that.”
For what it’s worth, Lee had always been wanting to bury himself deep in your cunt before the fun was over. Giggling at his answer, you pecked his lips. “Okay, okay.”
Thinking it wasn’t enough, Lee pulled you closer to kiss you better. Blind hands sought for the dip of your hips, leading you to his own. With twin moans, your pussy was pushed flush on the shaft of his aching cock. You even had the nerve to drag your soaking folds against the sensitive pulsating vein on his shaft.
“You’re teasing again,” Lee warned as he pulled away for a moment.
“I’m only letting you know how much I want you.”
With lips never leaving yours, you reached for his manhood, angling the tip to your awaiting hole. Lee helped in grounding you, gripping your hips hard as you shallowly fucked yourself on the tip.
“I can taste how much you want me, [Y/N],” his voice dripped in your ear, making you shiver, “Look how desperate you are for me.”
“I am,” you whined, feeling the bulbous tip finally slip past your tight ring of muscle, “I am fucking desperate for you, Lee.”
You sobbed as Lee’s cock was fully sheathed inside of you, already hitting your sensitive spot. Burying your face on the crook of his neck, Lee took the time to caress your shaking back.
“Even after we’ve done this a lot of times now—ngh—you’re still too tight for me.”
Your pussy fluttered around his shaft. “G-glad you think so.”
Attempting to rock your hips to move, Lee stopped you. You pulled back, noticing his gaze.
“As much as I want to move,” He whispered, “I’d like to take the time to admire my gift, please.”
You awkwardly laughed, “I thought you’ve done that before.”
“Mm, yeah, I have.” He inhaled, “but it’s different like this.”
Thoroughly content like this. Amid the dark room, moonlight found itself splattered on the floor, on your bed. Lee took your hand and held it back to his lips, gently kissing the back of your hand. Without looking away, his glowing cerulean eyes held too much emotion; there was lust, but they were love and adoration. Watching as he kissed every finger, from the pinkie, to the thumb, kissing one particular finger, lips lingering longer there. A display of emotion, one that Lee has long reserved only for you.
“Did you enjoy your gift, Lee?” You whispered, minding the wild flutter of your heart.
“How could I not?” He said, “You are the best gift I could ever receive.”
Despite everything, Lee is yours. All the pain, all the fear—the Tower, the red tide, the war raging outside of your door—and all you could do was rest your other hand to his chest, the metal cool as you feel the mirroring throb of his mechanical heart.
“Do you know why I love you, Lee?” You asked. He shook his head.
“I don’t.”
“I used to think that we wouldn’t be able to have the luxury for love.”
Looking away, you watched the sea of stars outside of your window. They were twinkling, shimmering; somewhere, constellations blanketed the universe, but they were hiding. You couldn’t care less, but the thought made you think so.
“We’re always sent to battle, and you were made to fight the virus. I didn’t think I’d be able to make a valuable connection, unless it was for the better of the majority.”
Flashes of your graduation from the F.O.S., to your first mission, Kowloong, the church, the Tower—it made you curl your fingers, grasping for Lee’s hand.
“But the Gray Raven…but you, it all changed.”
In the haze of memories, the only clear vision was Lee. Cupping his cheeks, thumb grazing the outline of his jaw, you laughed.
“It’s honestly funny. Gray Raven changed it for the better. But you made me believe that love…it exists, even in this damned world.”
Lee mirrored the smile on your face, as you traced his eyebrows, the shape of his eye, the bridge of his nose. Grazing his lower lip, you lightly left a kiss.
“I’m glad you exist, Lee.” You whispered, “Everything you went through was proof of your existence. I cannot imagine how painful it muat have been, but I want to use all the years of my life proving you that you are loved, that you are deserving of it.”
You’re already pressed flush against one another, but if you could, you’d collide closer to Lee.
“I love you, Lee.” You confessed, “I love you, I will live for you. If you stay on Earth, I’ll crawl out of heaven. Wherever you’ll go, I’ll follow. I never want to be apart from you. Just let me spend all the years with you, to shower you with all of my love.”
Lee took pride in his stoicism. But for you, oh, may that be damned.
Warmth was something he’d not have, but sometimes he covets. But you, you who deserves it all, somehow wants to share this warmth with him, out of all the people. You, who selfishly, gave a warmth unlike others. You, you, you—warm blood, flows freely within you, and you were his, as much as he was yours.
“That’s my line.” He laughed, leaning forward to kiss you, “I’ll love you for all the years, too, [Y/N].”
Every kiss with Lee felt like healing. Grasping at whatever to hold, at whatever skin, you never want to be apart from him. Lee started to move his hips, causing you to moan in between your fervent kisses.
Lee loves you. Lee makes love to you, precisely and deeply plunging his cock inside of you, hitting your sensitive spots. It doesn’t take long though, when your pussy spasmed as you cum through the pressure, crying out Lee’s name.
Lee followed shortly, groaning as he painted your walls, filling you full.
Labored breaths echo throughout the room, two lovers entwined, without the need to break away from each other.
“I love you, [Y/N].” Lee nuzzled in the crook of your neck, “I love you so much.”
“Mm, I think you made me lose the ability to walk at the moment…”
“Consider it a reward. Thank you for being my gift.”
It took a while to settle back into your bed, with Lee wanting to wash you up, but you insisted to stay until the numbing feeling in your legs disappeared. For now then, you were content with Lee on his back, and you sprawled on his chest.
The thump of his mechanical heart was a lullaby.
“Don’t doze off, [Y/N]. I still need to clean you up.”
“Lee,” you yawned in response, “Let’s get married.”
“That’s quite random,” you heard him laugh, “Why the sudden proposal?”
You gently brushed his empty ring finger, “Well, I don’t know what will happen next time. I’d rather have the proof that I’m already taken, and I’d rather have the rest of my life with you.”
“...Unless you like another?” You smugly added, looking up.
But Lee, with a chuckle, only pulled you up, kissing you.
“...We’ll get married, then. Whenever you want.”
“What if I want it tomorrow?”
He’d have to humor you for now, noticing the droop of your eyes. “Alright, sure.”
“I love you,” you dawdled, the last echoes of your consciousness drifting into the sea of dreams, “Lee, tomorrow, okay…?”
“...mm, don’t forget tomorrow, too…spend your birthday with me…”
“...Yes, I will.”
Lucky for you, a certain ring awaits near your table.
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God pls give me a Lee I love You
— starry needs a bf
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passionpeachy · 6 months
You were in my dream. Im sorry if this text makes no sense, I just woke up. (Sapphic here, same one that compared you to decorated saints of catacombs)
I was living on a busy beach in a tiny round hut that looked like it was assembled from driftwood and heavily decorated with thin chains wrapped around it, shiny trinkets hanging from them. It was a sunny day.
You came up to me, wearing one of those long skirts you have posted, it was a darkish red skirt with little hollow gold stars embroidered on it, and a black crop top with a bow on front, tied from the edges of the shirt, topped with a see-through long-sleeved black shirt. I remember you had desatured dark purple lipstick, and your hair was open, flowing behind you so beautifully.
You started to chat casually with me, and smiled a lot. I knew we hadn't met before but you felt like a long time friend. We went to walk around in a nearby amusement park, just walking between those tent booths they have in carnivals too. We also took a bus to a big convenience store, but we didn't even go inside, just hanged around in the bus stop booth and helped an old lady to pick the correct bus so she can get home.
When we got back, you leaned in for a peck of a kiss, so I kissed you, and you asked if I'm gonna make you walk home.
Then the dream ended TvT
The picture your dream paints of me is so extremely kind and sweet, I'm very flattered. I’m not as confident in reality, but I’d like to be this way someday
I love the outfit you dreamt me in, too. I might have to get a shade of that lipstick now to see if I like it
P.S. you’re VERY gay 🤍
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theforgottencrow · 6 months
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Here you go @nightmare-verse, I FINALLY finished. Sorry if it doesn’t look how you wanted? I did the best I could with the gacha ref u sent me :”)
(I’m so sorry it took this long- I accidentally deleted the drawing the first time so I had to redo it TvT)
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hecs · 1 year
don’t apologize if a fic is ‘short’! you put so much work into it and it shows! great job babe 🩷
i’m trying to see the request info but the link won’t open? :( but if i could req some jealous!sakura?
OMG, THANKYOU SO MUCH 💌💌 I still haven't made the rules for requesting yet 😞 and of course you could!
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CUDDLES AND KiSSES - miyawaki sakura (requested)
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pairing: jealous!sakura x gn!reader
warnings: kisses, if there's more pls lmk
a/n: lowercase intended, not proofread, sorry if there's some grammar errors and if the story don't make sense
i think sakura hardly gets jealous, but when she IS jealous, she'll probably like get all touchy but will not show it to everyone !!
for example
sakura invited you to their movie night since the members requested it and she has been missing you a LOT
let's skip this part (I'm lazy 🙁🙁)
eunchae wants to watch a horror movie (she said it'll be fun) (spoiler: it's not)
you sat on the sofa in between kkura and chaewon, while the other three sat on the floor
the movie itself was good, but there's one thing that bothers her the most.
the way chaewon hugs you and hides her face in your neck whenever there's a scary part
she knows that chaewon doesn't have any romantic feelings for you, and she does that because she is scared
but she can't help but feel jealous :(((
by the end of the movie, you all part ways and say goodbye to each other
kkura instantly grabbed you by the wrist and took you to her room
when you both reach her room, she closes the door and hug you so tightly
“baby, what's wrong with you?”
she wouldn't respond and hid her face in your neck more
“let's get on the bed first yeah?”
she just nodded
you lead her to the bed and lay down with her, her hand on your waist hugging you close until her head is on your chest
both of you say nothing and you are playing with her hair, like always (she loves that)
something was off...
you were quick enough to know that your GIRLFRIEND is not okay !!!
“okay, what's bothering you? why are you so quiet? where's my kiss?”
sakura look at your face and then hid her face again
????? you were confused ?????
suddenly, you feel her lips on your neck, giving it a LOTS of attention (butterflies fr)
and she stops for a second, and for the first time in a while, she says, “i was jealous, chaewon kept on hugging you while we were watching the movie” she hides her face in your neck again
p.s: your baby is shy
you couldn't help but snort at her cuteness
Your hands reached for her face and wasted no time on giving kisses to every inch of her beautiful face
you pulled away, and say ”you're so cute, you know that?”
you two spend the night cuddling and kissing 💋💋
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© hecs, 2023
— I'm sorry if i took too long lol 😭 school is stressing me out TvT, and thank you for requesting and reading !! have a nice day!!
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yingjiaoyue · 6 months
So I've been wondering and because I'm also bored at school too now...
Did Jiao Yue aging in mortal years or demon/celestial years?
If she aged in demon/celestial years isn't that mean she'll aged like that since she awoken her senri spirit right?
Because I get this info from a research from a friend of mine
1 demon/celestial aging year = 20 mortal years
So that's mean like my previous conclusion
26 (the age she currently in) - 15 (age where she awoken her senri spirit) = 11 years of aging in demon/celestial years (because I also count her 15 years age)
And like you said if it July now, which is the 7th month
7/12 = let just say it's 0,58 years
So now let say...
11 + 0,58 = 11,58 demon/celestial years
So if she aging in demon celestial years since her senri spirit awoken
(11, 58 demon/celestial years × 20 mortal years) + (15 mortal years - 1 (cuz I count her 15th in demon/celestial years) = 245,6 mortal years
And because that
Her ages must be 245 mortal years plus 7 months by now right...
You can just ignore this, I just bored and need some entertainment
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Jiao Yue: “I’m fascinated by your intelligence, my dear. Though, my mom told me I’m more likely to possess more features as a mortal rather than my senri side. I suppose I age normally like the mortals, but I’m not sure if I also do have the same age limit as their mortality. Well, any ways…” *gives head pats to Keya*
Sorry this took so long, I got caught up in my school works TvT
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*sigh* okay i did it
here’s Crowley chapter three :’)
read my note at the end for more info
The Reunion- Crowley Ch 3
Crowley leaned into the kiss without a second, or first thought really. He gently wrapped his arms around Aziraphale’s waist. The kiss broke and the pair stood there on the step in silence for a moment.
“There! Kiss redemption. Now let’s go inside.” Azi exclaimed, holding the door open for Crowley. Crowley laughed lightly, he couldn’t argue with that. Once inside they sat down with a bottle of wine and talked.
They talked about silly, meaningless things. Just happy to be able to do that again. Crowley felt extremely lightweight, possibly from getting to talk to Azi or possibly from the wine. Either way, he felt better than he had in a very long time.
“I wonder how Jim an’ Beelzebub are doing.” Crowley slurred. Azi took on a look of guilt that Crowley didn’t quite understand.
“Probably really good…” He frowned. Crowley cocked his head to one side.
“Why so blueeee angel?” He asked, reaching for Azi’s hand. Azi took his hand, but still looked sad.
“‘M sorry I never went with you to the stars.” Azi said, looking at Crowley with disappointment. Crowley decided this wasn’t a conversation to have while drunk, so he sobered them up.
“Angel, you don’t have to be sorry. I don’t want you to apologize for anything else.” He said, stern but caring. Azi nodded.
“Okay, you’re right. But just so you know it goes both ways.”
The night continued and the pair sat and talked, reminisced about old memories, got drunk and sober and drunk again. Azi vented about work and Crowley listened. They sat together and apart and together again.
The sun rose and they knew they only had today before Satan knows how long. Crowley took him to the Ritz for breakfast. Azi got as many crepes as he could, Crowley forgot they don’t have food in heaven. They took a ride in the Bentley, listening to Queen love songs.
They went back to the Ritz for lunch and dinner, filling the time in between with small things. As the sun began to set it was time for Aziraphale to go back.
“I really don’t want to go back.” Azi admitted, making it even harder for Crowley to let him go.
“I know, but you gotta do your job. And I’m always a call away.” He planted a quick kiss on the top of his head. They headed outside solemnly. Azi took a deep breath and looked back at Crowley.
“Thank you.” He kissed Crowley one last time before stepping onto the elevator. Crowley watched as he left, a piece of his heart going with him.
But he would be back. He had no doubt this time.
The End
[for now… I realize this chapter is much shorter, and now the chapters are uneven because i don’t have an Azi ch 3… but I feel like i burnt out on this story really fast and I didn’t want the quality to suffer. (i’m already unhappy with the whole thing but i’m also my worst critic)
Anyways, I did my best to wrap the ending up nicely! Hope it wasn’t terrible TvT]
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shot-by-cupid · 2 years
Staci's chubbiness? Widow loves that. Her softness is the most charming thing she's ever seen. She finds the heat she generates intoxicating. When she has Staci in her arms, it brings back flashes of memories from when she was alive.
(*gives you a generally supportive nod*)
AWHHHHH :(((((((( this is so sweet- sorry it took me so long to get to this I’ve been like. Swamped with work; anyway I’m like. Super insecure about my weight and something that’s always helped is imagining my f/os not minding/enjoying it and loving me anyway TvT so I really appreciate this <3
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miramizar · 2 years
Greetings from your Santa again!
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, we had some issues in the factory cause some elves🧝🏼‍♂️ were too busy supporting Xiumin s mini album. Not to mention Kai's Dazed Korea photoshoot. Phew, it was a lot to handle but the factory is back on and everything is going swimmingly here!
I marked your answers and will let my elves know! Oh, my dear child, I can quite understand you. I feel the same, I miss the old days too. It hit different when they were all together.
Before I try to reply to your questions, I have another one for you! Which is your favourite track from Junmyeon s recent album and what's your favourite one from Kyungsoo? Frankly, I'm very curious about that. Perhaps, tell me more about what you love about them, their best feature, or something that catches your eye.
I'm not entirely sure which era is my favourite because it changes every time I think about it, silly isn't it? 🫢 Thinking of my bias, I think it's mainly Chanyeol (yes, it was another reason why all the things were postponed but I didn't want to expose myself in front of all the elves, so let's keep it our little Santa 🤫 secret), and Chen with D.O. When Happy virus raps I'm on my old and wrinkly knees checking the naughty list whether his name will pop out or not cause he's a real baddie. The song would be gravity I suppose? It's hard to decide, there are plenty of them.
I have to run now to deliver all the information gathered and I look forward to hearing from you again! Hope the factory won't burn down if some Exo elf gets carried away by any news. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for replying to my questions!💝
Your Secret Santa xxx
Hi hi! (^o^)💖 Oh, don't worry, I completely understand! I was also affected by those things you mentioned, and while things like that always make me very excited they also demand a lot of energy so I know the feeling hahah (I’m sorry for taking a while to respond too!)
Those are some good questions! 💜 For Junmyeon's recent album I have to say that "Grey suit" is my favourite track, it just grows with every listen and the MV is sososo beautiful (>^<) and for Kyungsoo's album... of course I adore "Rose", listening to it and watching the MV never fails to put a smile on my face, but I also like "It's love" very much~
Ahh did you mean Junmyeon's and Kyungsoo's features? Well, I love the general softness they both have to their faces, and the way they both show happiness - Junmyeon's eyes turning into crescents whenever he laughs (or when he's proud of a silly joke he just told) and Kyungsoo giving off such serious vibes and then suddenly his entire face transforms when he laughs... the brightness of them both pulls at my heart (;v;)💘
Oh no, I don't think that's silly at all - I'm like that myself! Some albums fit different moods and periods of time, so I'm totally with you there 💗 and wow, you've gotten a lot of content from your bias now then, I'm happy for you!! I missed Chanyeol loads as well (and Chen and D.O deserve all the love!), I'm so glad he's finally back with us (TvT) and don't worry, I'll keep it a secret~ (and I hope he doesn't turn up on the naughty list anytime soon hahah) Can I ask about what you love most about him? And do you have a favourite song of his?
And while I agree with you on there being plenty of amazing Exo songs, I have to say that "Gravity" is especially amazing!!
Thank you for sending this lovely message to me, I have lots of fun talking to you and I look forward to hearing from you again too! 💓💓💓 I wish you a lovely weekend as well, and the best of luck with everything at the elf factory~ ✨
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zibiscusloon · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to your last ten people in your notifs! You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! ✨
Uhhhh- well let’s see-
1. My fandoms. This probably ain’t a big shot but I’ve managed to find comfort in plenty of series. And being able to project and just have good hearted fun always allows me to smile ^^
2. My dogs and cats. Honestly knowing at the end of the day I get to go home and see my fluffy children is what gets me through most days 💕
3. Bubble wrap. That’s it. I like the pop-
4. Dr Pepper, granted it’s not the healthiest but yes I drink it frequently and it’s my favorite drink. It’s like coffee is to others for me (since I actually can’t stand coffee..)
5. My town. I’ve lived my whole life in a relatively small, safe, quiet country town. I’ve grown up peacefully and maybe I’m just a homebody but I love it just where I am an have no intention to leave.
@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @marshmallow-biscuit-blog @cephalopvnk @bunskero @weirdgirl92 @rubiloveschocolaste @fanoffandoms23 @astral-riddles @salilaoceania and anyone else if you’d like too ^^
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vioartemis · 10 months
Friends? (Part 4)
(Wednesday Addams x fem! reader)
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Summary: After your encounter with your mother, you go back to your time, and to your girlfriend Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 Warnings: none (?) a/n: this might be the last partttt (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
When you opened your eyes again, you were back in your room, in your girlfriend’s arms. She was awake already but seemed lost in thoughts. You tilted your head up and kissed her jaw softly, letting her know you were awake too.
She looked down to you and pressed her lips on your forehead.
“Good morning”
“Wends, you’ll never guess what I saw!” you started, so excited to tell her about your mom
“What did you see, cara mia?”
You both repositioned yourselves on your bed in a more comfortable position to talk.
Your eyes were shining the whole time you talked. You looked so happy to finally know who your mother was…
“And you? Did you see anything?” you asked your girlfriend, a bright smile still on your face
Wednesday’s eyes scanned your face for a split second, as if she was taking in your features and traits. Again, she seemed lost in thoughts.
She woke up in a room, in Nevermore, but it was certainly not yours. The decoration had changed, and you were nowhere to be found. The raven frowned, confused. You were in her arms just moments ago, you couldn’t have disappeared like that.
She took a moment to examine the room with attention to try to understand what was going on. The decoration was quite pleasant to her; she could’ve decorated her room like that. But it was clearly not her room.
She was about to look at a picture on a shelf when the door burst opened. Surprised by the unusual discretion of the person, Wednesday jumped slightly, and took out the knife she always had in her pocket. A knife you had gifted her on one of your dates after hers broke.
The other person didn’t seem to have noticed her yet. It was a girl, who was looking for something into a drawer.
The raven took a few steps closer, silently, but the other girl seemed to hear it because she quickly turned around. Out of reflex, Wednesday’s knife found its place close to the other’s throat.
Surprisingly, the girl had a knife as well and it was also close to the raven’s throat. That was very unusual now.
“Who are you?” the girl asked
“I was about to ask you the same thing.” Wednesday replied, unimpressed
“I asked first! You have to answer first, that’s the rules”
Wednesday held back a little smile. It was totally the kind of thing you could say.
“My knife is closer to your throat.” she simply said
The girl looked at the knife, and it was clearly closer to her. She rolled her eyes and mumbled:
“I knew I had to practice more” she then looked back at Wednesday “Truce? We put the knives aside and then we can talk?”
The raven considered the suggestion for a second, before giving her a slight nod. They both put their weapons down at the same time but stayed alert.
“So?” Wednesday said again, becoming impatient
“Yes, sorry. I’m Lilith”
“Do you have a last name?”
“Addams. With two D’s” the girl declared as if people made the mistake very often
The raven was surprised, to say the least.
“Does Fester have a child he never told us about?” she asked, raising an eyebrow
“What? Why are you- How do you know- What is happening?”
“I didn’t know there was another Addams in Nevermore…” Wednesday mumbled to herself
“‘Another’? What do you mean?”
“I’m Wednesday Addams.” she simply replied
Lilith’s eyes widen at her words, and her mouth formed a perfect O.
“That’s why you look so familiar! But- how- I mean-”
She didn’t have the time to finish her sentence and got cut off by the door opening again. Wednesday’s eyes shifted to the person who opened it. It was an older version of you in her mid 30’s.
“Honey, is everything okay? You’ve been gone for a long time, we-” Wednesday’s gaze met ‘yours’ “Wednesday…? What the-”
You turned to Lilith, confused, then back to Wednesday.
“What is happening here?”
“I don’t know! I just wanted to show you the snowball, and then she was in my room! I swear mom, I-”
“Mom?” Wednesday repeated with wide eyes
You ran a hand through your hair, biting your bottom lip, trying to figure out what to do. Wednesday noticed a ring on your left ring finger.
“Lilith, baby, can you find your mother and tell her she needs to come right now?” you finally said
The girl looked at you, then nodded before going out of the room, not without a last glance towards Wednesday.
“Okay um… Hi? I guess?” you said awkwardly “Do you know how you got here, maybe?”
“… Y/n?” was all that the raven managed to say
You smiled at the sound of your name.
“Yes, it’s me. I take it as I didn’t age badly” you chuckle softly
“Oh, you clearly didn’t…” she looked you up and down “I have… no idea how I got here.” she then admitted
“What do you remember? Anything in particular?”
“We found a ritual in Goody’s spellbook but it didn’t work. And then we went to bed. That’s all.”
“The… the ritual? Oh god… Oh god…!” Your surprised expression soon turned into an offended one “So you didn’t wake up yet? I didn’t tell you anything about what I saw yet?”
The raven shook her head.
“Oh my god…” you put your hands on your hips
She was about to say something when the door opened again, revealing an older version of herself this time.
“Cara mia? What’s wrong? Lilith told me-”
“Wednesday Friday Addams!” you said, not letting her any more time, your index poking at her chest “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
Confusion was visible on her face. Then she looked over to her younger self, and her expression changed to an amused one.
“Oh, so it’s today?”
“Don’t dodge the subject! You told me you saw nothing!”
“Sorry my love, I did not want to risk our future”
You rolled your eyes but had a little smile on your face.
“You were scared I wouldn’t marry you if you told me? I would’ve married you even if you had a third arm or something”
Her expression softened a bit more, and she kissed you softly.
“Let’s talk about that later, okay?” then she turned to her younger self “you have the answer you wanted, don’t you?”
“No. I didn’t see anything.” she gave you one of those smiles only you got to see “But it’s normal as I didn’t have any question.”
“Oh, right, sure” you said with a light chuckle, before your gaze fell on your alarm clock “Oh, shit! We need to go to class!”
You quickly got out of bed and ran to your bathroom to get ready.
Wednesday watched you from the bed, halfway between amused and exasperation, looking at the date on your phone: ‘Sunday 12 May’.
I am going to marry an idiot… My idiot.
[Previous part]
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sapphymayeyeplease · 4 years
forget-me-knot and bumble bee :3
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ahh!! thank u! :D
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askwhitelilycookie · 4 years
How Did You and Pure Vanilla First Met?
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vermillionbun · 2 years
Settling in
I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve been a bit busy recently with family and guests, so I didn’t have a lot of time to write TvT Also, sorry that this one’s a bit short,
Warnings: None
    Little by little everything set into place. Albeit the awkward interactions at first, both of you built trust as time went on.
     You’ve noticed that Xiao is hyper alert, tracking every little sound he could hear. From a random bug, to you simply approaching your apartment door, nothing escaped his ears. Every time you would come home he would just be sitting somewhere, staring at you as you entered, as if already knowing you were going to open the door that exact moment(which he did). 
    It creeped you out at first, but at this point you’ve gotten used to Xiao tracking your every move. You are unaware as to why he has such a habit, you’ve seen other catboys be quite relaxed and pay little to no attention to their surroundings unless it’s something painfully obvious, so what Xiao’s doing is a learned behavior.
    You’ve tried asking him if he had other owners and what they were like, but he tensed up immediately after the question, obviously not comfortable with the topic, so you never pried and just changed the topic immediately after.
    You also went shopping with him, he does need to change in his catboy form after all and mainly your pants weren’t very comfortable due to the weird bend Xiao’s tail would have to do, so it doesn’t get trapped in one of the pant legs. However, despite having his own clothing now, you’d catch him wearing some of your shirts and hoodies from time to time.
    You didn’t really mind, of course, but the first time you caught him with your hoodie Xiao went into panic mode, thinking he’d overstepped by using something he doesn’t have explicit permission to use. You spend a good half an hour reassuring him that you weren’t mad and that you don’t mind him wearing some of your clothes from time to time if he finds them comfortable.
    Since then, he’s become a bit more daring. At first he’d go up to cabinets and look at you, waiting for approval, but now he rummages as he pleases, unless you’ve told him he can’t open the cabinet. The only ones off limit are the medicine and cleaning supplies cabinet, since you’d prefer if he didn’t poison himself by accident(be it out of curiosity or mistaking it for something else entirely).
    You’ve also found out that Xiao doesn’t recognize a lot of everyday things. Sure he knows what plates and utensils are, but he didn’t know what to call a pan until now and couldn’t even begin to make out what mixers and other “odd shaped spoons” are for(ladles, spatulas, draining spoons, ect.).
    You were surprised by how little he knew, but you always explained to Xiao what it was for and how it worked. He listened carefully, trying to remember everything you told him, silently thanking you for the amount of patience you have with him.
    It may take a long while, but you’re willing to put in the work. You’re Xiao’s new owner now, both on paper and in his eyes, and you’ll stick to your promise of taking care of him. Who knows, maybe in the future you’ll be able to find him a friend, but for now you’re more than enough.
While not soon, I wanna add more characters, but I don’t know who TvT Sure, other anemo short guys as catboys make since, but I wanna spice it up a bit. Like let’s say a bearded dragon Zhongli(cuz dragons, sadly, don’t technically exist irl, so this is probably the closest thing) or a cockatiel Venti. I wanted to get your opinions on this, cuz 1. tbh I don’t have that many ideas for other animals, so I’ll have to give it some more thought and 2. I still can’t decide what characters to add.
Taglist:  @vault-of-reblogs @sweet-almonds @venyan @traumamakesmefunnier @nillajhayne @apyrose @crowbird @reisinnie @sweetsandwichgardener @mizutatoes  @clxudy-sky3z
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