#I’m trying to do my marine science homework
sgraffitobonito · 2 years
I’m on a lofi coffee shop radio stream and this 12 year old kid is talking about their grooming trauma and I’m just sitting here flabbergasted with my nacho cheese Doritos like
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bajoop-sheeb · 14 hours
no pressure to answer if u don't feel like it, but if i may turn the question on YOU - what would you like to see in the next 10 yrs of speculative fiction? 👀
there is literally almost nothing i enjoy more than talking about media.
Much like you, I’d love to see more weird, genre-defying stuff. Over the past few years, I’ve realized that the lines between horror, romance, and comedy are paper-thin—they all try to make you feel something, and they all rely on tension. I want to be buried under unhinged, queer-as-hell science fiction horror.
I’m very much copying your homework rn but hard sci-fi that explores fields beyond physics and astronomy, even though I love them? Sign me UP. Give me marine biology. Give me mycology. Give me intricate alien ecosystems. (Have you seen Scavengers Reign, btw? I think you’d love it.)
I’ve been dipping my toes into literary fiction over the past year and I gotta say, some of that stuff slaps. I want more SFF to dig into the characters as deeply as books marketed as capital-L literary fiction get to. Yeah, there’s a space war going on but what’s your favorite TV show? I want to know what the starship captain’s favorite foods are. I want to know the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to the ambassador from Alpha Centauri. I want to know what keeps that android up at night. I want stories that, like The Murderbot Diaries, spend a ton of time exploring what makes the characters tick, even if they don’t know themselves, along with all the random stuff that makes each and every person unique.
More SFF that interrogates hierarchies, of all forms. I feel like 90% of human socio-politico-economic problems boil down to our obsession with sorting and ranking people based on shit that doesn’t really matter and then doing horrible things to realize and maintain that ranking.
This applies to literature/publishing in general, but I would like to see BIPOC and queer (and queer BIPOC) authors get more marketing support lmao
More (human) aroace and agender characters. Murderbot is pretty much the only example of a nonhuman aroace and agender character that doesn’t bug me at all—I’m tired of the only triple A rep being aliens and androids.
More friendship-centric SFF! I think there’s a lot out there already, but I’ll always want more.
No thoughts, head empty, pulpy science fantasy nonsense, but without all the racism and misogyny of so-called "Golden Age" sci-fi.
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Hello everyone my name is Allan James Bona Alansigan, I’d like to do many thing like to play many sports like basketball and baseball and also do some of my hobbies like playing mobile legends and pubg mobile with my friends and cousin. Some of the things I like about playing basketball with my friends as far as I can. Another thing I like about basketball is having the satisfaction of winning and making the other team know that my team is really good and wont quit until we get a win no matter what happens. One thing I love about football is putting on the hit stick and putting people on their backs. Another thing I like to do in football is put fear into the other players to make them scared to run the ball or catch the ball in the middle and just having me there for them to know im going to hit them ounce they get the ball. Some of my hobbies are hanging out with my friends and finding cool places to hangout that people wont really find. I also like to go hangout with friends on park street and walk around and see if we can find people we know that we could also hangout with. Another hobbies is to get pick up games of basketball and baseball and just go play at the park until we get bored. An Adventure I’d like to go on is to travel around the world ending in Hawaii and relaxing on the beach.
An adventure that I have gone on is going to japan and going around looking at some of the most important places in japan like a Buddhist temple and old castles that some of the leaders of japan had ounce used for their armies to defend japan and its people, and also ninja houses where ninja would hide out from the samurai and fight them off if they had to to give right to the people that were being treated unfairly. Some of my artistic endeavors are drawing graffiti and trying to draw thing that may look challenging but end up being easy and having the drawing come out better then it originally looked or sometimes worse. My educational history isn’t so good like in middle school and elementary school I liked to fool around and talk to my friends and not pay attention to the teacher also I wasn’t good at studying or getting good grades on test especially math and science. Grade wise they haven’t been as good as they could have been but right now that’s a work in progress with starting off a new year. And this year I’m going to try to make it the best year I have ever had in school academic wise and sports wise.I think this year will be a better year for me because it’s a nice clean and fresh start and im going to try to make it a good year no matter what I half to do whether it’s a lot of homework or having to study when im tired.
•Where do i see my self 10 years from no? Was my learning in SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
I see my self successful bucause through my effort and also through my teachers who i get more learnings from them and also sharing thier experience to motivate me also make me working hard to my study. Additionaly, i see myself a good person who like a responsible citizen in our country also because of st.paul university i learned how to respect others and also help others. Lastly, That's i know what my life after 10 years from now.
Why STEM the best choice after all?
For me, stem is the best choice for me because this is strand where connected to my course and also stem is a good strand that can help me in advance to my course because when you say stem is study of science, mathematics, technology, and engineering that why, this is the best choice for me because in the future i want to be a marine and stem strand help me become a advantage in my subject in college.
•What course will you take in college and why?
I'm planning to take marine engineering in my college, because i know this is my dream course since in my high school and also marine engineering is demand and good salary in this time and i know that this course is not easy but i continue taking this course in my college because through my hard work, efforts, and study hard i know i commit this challenges to become a marine engineering and that's all.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: You’re failing your marine biology class and your best friend Youngjae recommends you sign up for tutoring. When you walk in to the tutoring center and your eyes land on the handsome boy who claims to be your tutor, you grow excited to start your sessions but you don’t know whether it’s because you have hope to pass your class or because you get to spend time with Mark. As the weeks go by, you end up developing feelings for the older boy and little do you know, he ends up falling for you too.
A/N: My last day of class was yesterday and I wrote this story last week the day before my finals and I was failing my marine biology class (please do not sign up for marine biology unless you’re passionate about science because I did not understand a fucking thing but ya girl got a C GOD BLESS) the thought of Mark as a tutor makes me cry I would purposely fail a class just to have him tutor me
“Y/n, it’s really not that bad. A 64 is still passing. D’s get degrees—“ 
You yanked your quiz from your best friend’s hands and began to walk away out of frustration. You had taken your midterms just a few days ago and you‘ve been studying for all five of your classes for the last month. There was no problem with any of your four other classes. However, science was never your forte; specifically marine biology. 
When you were first signing up for classes, the idea of learning more about the ocean and marine animals intrigued you. Therefore, you didn’t hesitate to add Marine 465 to your schedule. Unfortunately, once you began the class you were ultimately regretting your decision. 
For the most part, you considered yourself to be pretty smart. Sure, some classes were easier than others but you always tried your best when it came to your education no matter how hard the subject was. You’d put in more time in studying and went the extra mile to make sure you succeeded no matter how difficult the class was. 
As soon as your professor started with his lectures, you felt extremely lost and no matter how hard you studied, you weren’t retaining any information. It was as if everything you learned about sea level rise, coral bleaching and erosion went through one ear and out the other. When you received the exam a few days prior, your heart immediately sank like it normally did whenever you’d take the first look at an exam and did not understand a single thing. 
You were sure you studied for this midterm the longest out of all your classes but no matter how hard you tried, you just weren’t meant to do well. You answered every single question to the best of your ability and you had a tiny bit of hope that you did decently; but when your professor passed back your graded tests right before ending class, you were on the verge of tears.
“Youngjae, I am a nursing major. I can’t get anything lower than an A. This is so disappointing. Might as well turn in my scrubs now and drop out of the program. There’s no use! Nothing is going to help me at this point. There’s only one more assignment and that’s the final exam. Even if I do well on my exam, the highest grade I’ll get is a B. A B isn’t good enough Jae. Fuck science. What does marine biology even have to do with nursing? I don’t recall having to give shots to sea turtles!” 
The older boy caught up to you and pulled you into his embrace in attempts to calm you down. After six years of friendship, he was completely aware of what a goal driven person you were. Whatever you set your mind to, you’d do anything in your power to achieve it. After taking a look at the grade you were given, Youngjae knew that chances of you getting an A were extremely slim; but it didn’t mean it was impossible. 
Your best friend saw you through both your highest and lowest points and he knew you could handle anything negative that life threw at you. Your marine biology class was no exception. 
“I really don’t know what to do other than withdrawal and retake it again next semester.” You released an exhausted sigh before taking a seat on the nearest bench. 
“Have you ever thought about tutoring? Oh come on, don’t give me that look. What? Is the great y/n y/l/n too good for tutoring? Even the smartest students ask for help sometimes y/n, it wouldn’t hurt for you to ask for help once in a while. Maybe you’ll have an easier time learning from someone one on one rather than when your professor teaches your entire class. I’ll even go with you if that’ll make you feel more comfortable.” 
You gave him a soft smile before ruffling his hair. “Fine. We’ll go tomorrow. But if one of those nerds wants to get smart with me, I won’t hesitate to throw hands.” Youngjae’s laughter engulfed throughout the front lawn as the two of you continued to make your way to your last class. 
The next day, you found yourself hiding in the library and began ignoring Youngjae’s calls and texts to find out where you were. Right after he dropped you off to your apartment the night before, you decided that you did not want to go along with having to seek help with your studies. To say you were a stubborn person was an understatement and you knew you were being childish trying to refuse Youngjae’s attempts at trying to help you with your grades; but you hated the thought of having to be tutored because it reminded you that maybe you weren’t necessarily great at everything as much as you wanted to be. 
Knowing how you could be, he knew exactly why you weren’t answering his calls and he was well aware that you were planning on running away from his recommendation. One thing Youngjae loved most about you was your confidence and how you had such a good head on your shoulders. It was also something he cared about the least seeing as how you refused help from others no matter how much you obviously needed it. He began to search for you throughout the entire campus and since he knew you like the back of his hand, it didn’t take him long to find you. 
When you felt an arm on your shoulder, you jumped in surprise but released a frustrated grunt when you realized who it was. “Youngjae—“ he shook his head before gathering up your things and reached for your hand. 
“You’re not getting out of this. Y/n, just because you’re receiving help from someone else, doesn’t mean you’re any less smarter than you are. Stop being so stubborn. The tutors are genuinely nice people and they just want to help you. If you keep this act up then just take the F already. I don’t know what else to do for you!” 
Seeing your best friend so upset over something that wasn’t even his fault made you feel like a terrible person. He was only trying to help you because he hated seeing you beat yourself up over something he knew you tried your best at. Which is why you pulled him in to your embrace and leaned your head on his shoulder while whispering countless apologies against the juncture of his neck and finally agreeing to receiving help from a tutor. 
You’ve never been to the tutoring center before because you instilled it in yourself that tutoring was the last thing you ever wanted to go through but you were desperate. 
“Hi, how can we help you today?” 
For a moment, you felt like a little kid. Since you only agreed to be there a few minutes ago, you didn’t really understand how the tutoring center worked. You turned around to Youngjae and gave him a knowing look to which he sighed.
“She’s not doing too well in her marine biology class and needs a tutor.” 
The girl at the counter nodded in understanding before taking a look at her computer. After a couple of seconds, she picked up her phone and dialed whom you assumed to be your tutor. 
“Mark will be here in a few minutes. Please sign in and have a seat over there.”
You did as you were told and sat down on one of the couches before beginning to pick at your nails nervously. Youngjae gently squeezed your thigh before gently shoving you. 
“Hey, it’s just tutoring. You’re acting as you’re going for a job interview or something. It’s going to be just fine.” 
You heard some sneakers against the ground and when you looked up, your eyes widened in shock. He wasn’t someone you’d expect to be a tutor. As much as you didn’t want to be stereotypical and assume that all tutors were someone who wore glasses and suspenders, that was your idea of what your tutor would look like. 
The boy standing in front of you was wearing converse, a pair of gray sweats and a flannel. His hair was dark brown with soft, fluffy curls and the toothy grin he flashed you made your cheeks warm. 
“Y/n? Hey, I’m Mark. Follow me.” 
Youngjae gave you a wink before shoving you towards the extremely good looking boy. 
“So, I was told you need some help in marine biology. Do you mind taking out some of your homework and maybe some of your notes so I can get an idea of what you might need help with?” 
You sat down at the table with all of his things and began to pull out everything he was asking for from your backpack. After you took out your work and handed it to him, he started to look over your papers and began writing something down. 
“These are really good notes, but I think you’re having a hard time with analyzing and understanding the material. That’s why I’m here.” 
For three hours, Mark tried his best in making the lessons easier for you to comprehend by drawing out some key terms that he thought would help you get an idea of marine life. Once he felt you had enough for the day, he handed you back your papers and gave you a soft smile. 
“Good work today. I’m sorry if you still are having a hard time understanding, but I’ll be glad to help you up until your finals. How does that sound?” 
The idea of spending more time with him sent a warm feeling to your tummy. Throughout your entire session, he was extremely patient with you and even threw in a couple of jokes to make the atmosphere more relaxing. He even let you take a couple breaks as the two of you began asking each other a couple of questions to become more familiar with one another. 
You found out he was an engineering major but he was minoring in marine biology. From the time he was younger, he was always fascinated with the ocean and wanted to find ways to help preserve it. Hearing him talk about how passionate he was in finding solutions for climate change and coral bleaching brought you in a daze. Before you could leave, you both exchanged numbers and planned another day to meet up again. 
Once you began making your way back to where Youngjae was, you could feel your heart rate increase at the thought of seeing Mark again. 
“So, how did it go?” You shrugged before motioning for him to get up. 
“It was okay. He’s nice and you can tell he’s very passionate about marine biology. But I just have a hard time grasping the information. I don’t know about this Jae. It’s useless. I don’t want to waste his time.” 
Youngjae grabbed your backpack and your books as the two of you began walking towards his car. If there was anything Youngjae hated, it was hearing you talk so negatively about yourself. 
“Y/n, you’re not wasting his time. He signed up to do this for a reason. You’re not going to retain all this information in one session. You’re going to have to meet up with him multiple times in order to complete understand everything your professor is teaching you. I wasn’t there to see how he goes about with teaching you, but I’m sure they don’t let just anybody become a tutor. Don’t give up before actually trying okay? He could be the reason you’ll get an A at the end of the semester so just hang in there.” 
You weren’t afraid of Mark not being able to help you raise your grade. It was obvious he knew what he was talking about. You were afraid of gaining feelings for him because you felt that he would only become a distraction. It was already hard enough for you to learn about marine life, what more if you were to develop a crush on the person whose supposed to be teaching it to you? 
Over the course of a month, you’d meet up with Mark on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s from 2:30 to 5:00. It didn’t take you long to finally get the hang of understanding the lessons your professor would teach you in class and you were excited when you found yourself catching on to the information Mark was giving you. 
Unfortunately, your feelings for Mark only grew more and more with each and every session. You’d catch yourself stealing glances at him every so often and daydream about what it would be like to kiss his cute little heart shaped lips, to run your fingers through his curly locks, to hold his pretty hands and to be held by him. But it was dangerous to think like that. No matter how kind he was to you, he never showed any interest in you and you had to accept that all you’d ever be to him was just another person he’d tutor. 
There were a couple of times Mark attended class with you in order for him to find out why you were having such a hard time learning and the thought of him taking time out of his day just to sit in on your marine biology class made your heart flutter like a school girl. He only wants to see how the professor is teaching so that he can make the lessons simpler for you stop giving yourself false hope y/n. 
Finally, the day of your final exam came and you were extremely nervous to say the least. No matter how long you’ve been preparing for this, all the sleepless nights you’d stay up studying on top of your tutoring sessions with Mark; you didn’t think you were ready to take it. 
As you made your way in to the lecture hall, you could feel your palms getting sweaty as your heart rate began to increase and it wasn’t a good feeling. Right before class could start, you felt a vibration coming from your bag and when you checked your phone to see the notification, a huge smile rose on your face.
Mark🤓: Good luck today y/n. You’ll do great! I believe in you. Let’s meet up once you’re done with the exam. You got this!👍🏻
Most people would consider it such a simple text of encouragement, but to you it meant the world. He had faith in you and with that knowledge alone, a burst of confidence ran through your veins and as soon as your professor passed out the exams, you began answering every single question without hesitation. It felt as if Mark was right next to you, cheering you on and it was such an amazing feeling. 
Everything he’s been teaching you for the last two months just kept flowing through your mind and before you knew it, you were finished. You took a few moments to go over your test to make sure you answered them to the best of your knowledge and once you were done you handed in your exam and dialed Mark’s number. 
“Hey y/n! How did it go?” You hummed cheerfully as you made your way down the hall. 
“I’d like to think it went well, but we won’t know until next week. Where are you? I wanna treat you to lunch as a small thank you for all your help.” 
Although you couldn’t see him, you knew he was probably smirking at the idea of food. A lot of your sessions were held at the cafeteria and the coffee shop on campus because Mark loved to eat. His love for food was adorable, and so was he. Only then did it hit you that you would no longer be needed Mark’s help and you felt your chest getting heavy when you realized you wouldn’t get to see him anymore. Other than Youngjae, Mark was one of the only people who genuinely made you happy. In fact, he was one of your only sources of happiness and you wanted to be with him as much as you could. 
“I’m in the library, but I‘ll make my way to you so you don’t have to walk so far. Are you still in the science building?” You absentmindedly smiled knowing he wanted to make things easier for you by meeting you half way. 
“Yeah. I’ll be sitting by the front door. See you soon.” While you were waiting, you took out your phone and texted Youngjae that you were finished with the exam. He was quick to respond and asked you if you wanted to go out and celebrate to which you let him know that you were treating Mark to lunch. Knowing how your best friend could be and how he’s been teasing you about Mark ever since the day he began tutoring you, you weren’t surprised to read the messages he sent you.
🦦: Can I tag along? Or are you finally going tell lover boy how you feel about him? Come on y/n, it’s been months. The worst he can do is tell you he doesn’t feel the same and you can go back to being strangers. The y/n I know is an extremely courageous person who will do whatever she possibly can to get what she wants and a boy is no different.
🦦: But I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not looking. He gets all starry eyed and shit. As if the sun shines out of your ass.
🦦: make me proud y/n 😉
It didn’t take Youngjae long to realize you had feelings for Mark. You’ve never really had a crush before, so Youngjae knew there was meaning behind the blush on your cheeks and how flustered you’d get after every session with Mark. He was also quick to notice how you were always holding your phone as if you were waiting for a text from someone. When he confronted you about it, he was shocked when you didn’t try to lie about it and he was also secretly very excited. He’s been rooting for the two of you ever since Mark introduced himself for the first time two months ago. 
If Youngjae had it his way, he would’ve went up to Mark and confessed your feelings for him a long time ago, but he was never one to get involved in your personal life if you didn’t want him to.
“Hey, ready to go?” You nodded in agreement as he grabbed your books and slung your backpack over his shoulder like he normally did. It was little gestures like this that made you feel like he had reciprocated your feelings but then again, he was a gentleman to everyone. You’ve witnessed how he’d hold doors for everyone, how he always greeted someone he knew and how he’d always lend a hand if he felt like someone was in need. It was just who he was and you couldn’t confuse his acts of kindness for romantic feelings. 
The walk to his car was quiet, but it was a peaceful kind of silence. However, once he opened your door and you both got inside, he turned on the radio and began to sing along. He did this every time the two of you would go somewhere off campus. Mark was an actual ray of sunshine and sometimes he’d even get you to sing along. 
Sometimes, you’d find yourself dozing off at the thought of holding his hand that he wasn’t using to drive and leaving a kiss on his cheek at a stoplight. A lot of the times you would day dream, it would be made up scenarios of him and what it would be like to date him. You were suddenly broken out of your thoughts when he softly tapped on your thigh to let you know that you both arrived to the restaurant. 
Lunch was amazing. He made you go over the test questions and your responses for a small portion of it before beginning many conversations with you about anything your hearts desired. Conversation flowed smoothly between the both of you as if you had been friends for years and every time he laughed at something you had said, you could feel butterflies fill up the entirety of your tummy. Mark had such a distinct laugh and for someone who looked as manly and broad as he did, you wouldn’t expect such a adorable and extremely high pitched laugh to come out of him. It was your favorite sound and you were happy knowing you were the cause of it. 
To your dismay, your time together was soon coming to an end and you were surprised to find out that you’ve been at lunch with Mark for almost three hours. People weren’t kidding when they say time flies when you’re having fun. After you finished paying, you walked back to his car and he began to drive you back to your apartment. The confession was at the tip of your tongue. Youngjae’s words filled your mind. The worst he can do is tell you he doesn’t feel the same. 
As much as you wanted to know whether or not he harbored the same feelings for you, you didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself if you found out he didn’t see you in that way. 
“Hey, everything okay?” You looked at him in curiosity and gave him a fake smile. 
“I’m fine. Just nervous about what I got on the exam but I’ll be fine. Thanks for dropping me off.” 
He playfully pinched your cheek and made his way out of the car in order to open your door for you. Sometimes you hated how much of a gentleman he was, it only made your feelings for him grow stronger. 
“Of course! Thanks again for lunch. By the way, you have nothing to worry about y/n, I’m sure you did great. Don’t forget to text me as soon as you get the results. Until then, good luck with the rest of your exams. Have a nice rest of your day.” 
As you watched him drive away, you felt your heart sink. I like you. Why was it hard so hard to say those three words? Now you’d never know how he felt about you nor did you know when the next time you’d see him is. But if he liked you, wouldn’t he have made a move on you already? 
Exactly a week later, your professor emailed you and the rest of your class that grades were posted. Your fingers hovered over your log in but a part of you was hesitant to see what grade you were given. You were sure your heart was about to jump out of your chest and you had wished Youngjae was at your side when you were to find out the results. Or even better, Mark. 
You sent him a quick text to see where he was and what he was up to and he let you know that he was at his apartment. He asked if you wanted to go over causing heat to rise upon your cheeks. You’ve never been to his apartment before, so the idea excited you and you couldn’t wait to see him again. One week away from him was torture and you didn’t know how your life was going to be now that you no longer needed his help. He gave you the directions to his apartment and you quickly got ready so you could go and give him the news. The drive to his place felt like forever and you knew it was because you were on your way to see the boy who owned your heart. 
Once you parked your car and made your way up to his apartment, you could feel your palms getting sweaty and you soon grew nauseous. You giggled when you saw his doormat; of course he’d get one with marine animals on it. After taking a moment to breathe, you softly knocked on his door and waited for him to open it. 
As soon as he opened the door and you saw that he was only wearing basketball shorts you coughed up a bit and internally screamed at yourself for doing so. You knew Mark was built, but you didn’t think he was hiding a six pack and a very defined v-line under all of those flannels and sweatshirts. 
“Hey y/n! Sorry about the lack of clothing, I’m doing a load of laundry. Can I get you something to drink or eat?” You were still so focused on how attractive Mark was and how you were alone with him in his apartment to the point where you almost forgot the reason for being there. 
“No thank you. I um, I actually came here because I got the exam results and I didn’t want to look at them by myself so I thought I’d look at them with you. I’m sorry if I interrupted you.” He shook his head in disagreement before taking a seat next to you on his couch. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’m never too busy for you and I wanted to know what you got! I’m not even the one who took the exam and I’ve been anticipating your grade the entire week. But I know it’s because I saw how much time and effort you put in studying for this exam. So let’s see what your score is.” 
He sent you a wink and you were sure you were now red as a tomato from both the gesture and his words. You took out your phone and logged in to your school account. After you pulled up your name, you immediately handed him the phone and covered your eyes. 
“You look at it, I can’t do it.” He giggled softly at your worried expression before scrolling through your phone. When you didn’t hear anything from him after a few moments, your heart began to sink. That was all until you were being lifted off of the couch and pulled in to Mark’s arms. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and spun you around. 
“Congratulations y/n! You got a 98! See, I told you there was nothing to worry about! I knew you had it in you. I’m so proud of you.” 
Right as you were about to respond, his lips were on yours. It was as if time stopped and the room began spinning. You could’ve sworn you were dreaming yet you found yourself deepening the kiss as your arms made their way around his neck. His lips tasted like a mixture of mangoes and Cheetos puffs; an odd combination but one that you were now in love with because it was unique, just like him. All too suddenly, he pulled away and placed you down while beginning to pace back and forth around his living room. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. That was so uncalled for I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t tell your boyfriend—“ 
You looked at him in confusion before asking him what he was talking about. “That guy you’re always with. The one who waits for you during our tutoring sessions. Is he not your boyfriend?” It all made sense now. The reason why Mark wasn’t taking things further in your relationship was because he thought Youngjae was your boyfriend. That took a weight off of your shoulders. 
“No. That’s my best friend Youngjae. He’s been telling me to confess my feelings to you for over a month now but I was afraid you didn’t like me. I’m hoping that kiss meant that you do or else I’ll be taking my leave now.” 
You began walking towards the door but you were soon colliding with his broad chest while his hands made their way down to your waist. 
“I like you a lot y/n. More than I’d like to admit if I’m being honest. I just assumed you and Youngjae were a couple when I first saw the two of you together. I realized I was developing feelings for you around our third meeting when you went in to detail about why you want to become a nurse. Seeing how wide your eyes got in excitement as you described your love for helping others made my heart combust. You’re so adorable, you know that? Extremely beautiful too. And as I got to see how dedicated you were to your studies and your education, it made me come to terms with my feelings and I finally accepted them even if I felt like it was wrong having a crush on you while thinking you had a boyfriend.” 
He stole one more kiss from the corner of your lips and placed some hair behind your ear. “I looked forward to every single tutoring session and I don’t know if you noticed, but I would throw in some topics that had nothing to do with what I was teaching you that day just to prolong our time together. You are the most unique and interesting person I’ve ever met. You do this thing with your nose when you’re deep in concentration and the image would never leave my mind. You’re an extraordinary person y/n and it would mean a lot to me if you agreed to being my girlfriend.” 
You grinned at his confession before nodding in agreement and reconnecting your lips together. 
“I’m really glad Youngjae forced me to get tutoring.” He snickered before bringing his fingers up to your face and tracing your features. 
“And I’m really glad you suck in marine biology—ow—what? I’m just being honest babe—stop that!” He pulled you on to his lap and placed his head on your shoulder. “Since were a couple now, can I use some pickup lines on you?” You playfully rolled your eyes before sarcastically groaning. 
“Are you an octopus? Because you octopi my thoughts.” 
You hid your face in his neck from embarrassment. “What? You have to be honest y/n, that one was cute. And it’s the truth! Okay fine, how about this one, let’s cuttle—don’t look at me like that, I thought that one was pretty clever. What about whale you be mine—“ 
You brought your hand up to his lips to prevent him from talking. This boy was honestly going to be the death of you. But you couldn’t wait to see what the future held for the two of you. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute because those pick up lines are terrible.” He let out a scoff before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Let’s go baby, we have some celebrating to do.”
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llamamicrowave · 4 years
My Big Family on AO3
Jojo sibling AU Stands still exits. Jonathan has a slightly stronger version of hermit purple. And to compensate for such a weak stand he and Joseph learned Hamon. Johnny and Gappy are their cousins who live in America. Ships in tags
Pure cringe. Beware..
Chapter 1
School Sux PT.1Chapter Text
Ships (Minor but exist)
-JonaErina (The only important one)
-Joseph x Suzi Q x Ceaser (Leave me alone)
-Very minor GioTrish
-Jolyne x Ermes
Jonathan POV
Hi! My name is Jonathan Joestar! A little about my self? Well, I'm 26, I have 4 younger siblings that I take care of since my father is always working. But it's fine I love taking care of them! I have a girlfriend, her name is Erina Pendleton and I'm planning to propose to her soon! Please don't tell her that, or any of my bothers, I don't want them to roast me for being a softy again.
Even though I am the oldest I can't be there some times, so when I'm not there my brother Joseph is in charge. But Joseph sometimes can be... How can I say this without sounding rude? Stupid? Immature? Idiotic? Well, yes to all of those.
Since Joseph can be a bit dumb at times, dad gives responsibly to Jotaro. He's pretty chill but sometimes can come off as rude. It's all a fake though, he loves marine life (especially dolphins lol) and when he was ten he told me he wanted to be a Marine Biologist! So in short, he's a dork.
Then there's Josuke and Jolyne the twins. There the youngest in the family. Josuke is the oldest by a few minutes. He's a goofball but can be serious if needed. Like if someone insults his hair he could go as some might say, Apeshit.
Jolyne, our only sister. Her personality is much like Jotaro. She just says whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I can't really say much about her since I'm being blackmailed by her and Jotaro. They're so alike it's scary.
I know I said I only had 4 siblings but there's another I didn't mention. 3 years before Joseph was born my father adopted a "friend" of his's son, Dio Brando. Dio was, excuse my language, a dick ever since we were kids. He ran over my dog Danny with one of his "friends" cars. As soon as Dio turned 18 he moved to Italy to become a lawyer. But that wasn't the last time I saw him.
While in Italy Dio, had a child with a woman he didn't even know. That woman neglected her son and allowed her husband to abuse him.
"She would leave days at a time and leave little food for him." I looked at the toddler sleeping in his arms, he had black hair and a cute bowl cut. "He's only a kid, he can't survive like that," Dio said to me.
"I can't let him have the same childhood as me." he looked dead into my eyes. I finally understood where he was coming from torturing me all these years.
"..." I stayed quiet.
"But I'm not taking care of this kid."
And now he lives with us! His name is Giorno Giovanna-Brando-Joestar. He is only a year younger then Josuke and Jolnye. And that's my family!
And remember when I said my dad works a lot, that was a lie...
He died on Jotaro's 11th birthday. He and my stepmother were hit by a drunk driver. Jotaro blames himself for the crash. It's not his fault though, he had no control over it. He was only a kid. I'm sorry to drop this on you now but with my father's death made me like a father figure to them. Dad would be proud.
Jonathan- 26
Johnny- 22
Joseph- 20
Jo2uke- 19
Jotaro- 17
Josuke- 16
Jolyne- 16
Giorno- 15
Narrator POV
Jonathan woke up first as normal and recapped his schedule,
Ok, so I have to make breakfast, Make sure they're ready for school, go to work, and meet up with Erina, and? What else do I have to do? ...Oh yeah! Take away Joseph's phone for getting arrested yesterday! Next time he should, you know, not try and run over his WHEELCHAIR BOND COUSIN! Goodness, I got angry again, sorry about that.
Jonathan arose from his bed and began his morning routine. He showered, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.
He then started to make breakfast for his big family.
Joseph likes bacon with coffee.
Jotaro likes toast with coffee.
Josuke likes eggs with juice.
Jolyne likes yogurt with coffee.
And Giorno likes vegan pancakes with tea.
Oh yeah, Johnny, and Gappy and/or Jo2uke are staying with us! I wonder what they want? I'll just make them eggs.
A door opens from upstairs. Giorno walks out from his room to the bathroom to get ready for school. He liked waking up before the rest of his family.
When Giorno was done getting ready he walked down the stairs, and greeted Jonathan as he sat down.
"Good Morning, Jonathan."
"Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, I think s-" He was cut off by a door slamming shut. Very loudly.
"Must be Jotaro. Jolyne must have gotten in the bathroom first." Giorno commented.
Jonathan laughed. "I guess so."
"Good Morning, retards!" Jolyne came prancing down the stairs.
"Jolyne, that isn't nice," Jonathan said sternly.
"You're right, Joseph isn't here right now." she sat down. Jonathan sighed. saying nothing back to her, defeated.
"Where is Joseph anyway?" Giorno asks.
Jonathan scoffs, "I told him to be awake at 6:00 sharp."
"Why 6:00?" Jolyne asked
"That's his punishment for trying to run over Johnny yesterday."
"Ohh yeah! I remember now!"
"Your next line will be, 'The things he'll do for 20 bucks,'!" a voice from inside the pantry spoke.
"The things he'll do for 20 bucks- JOSEPH!" Jolyne yelled.
Joseph popped out of the pantry fully dressed and looking proud.
"I've been up since 4 am!" he said proudly.
"Did you have another nightmare?" Jotaro said sarcastically walking down the stairs.
"Yes actually, Ocean Man!"
"What did you say?" Jotaro asked sternly. Even though Joseph was 3 years older than him they were about the same size.
"He called you, OCEAN. MAN! O-C-E-A-N M-A-N!" Josuke called from the upstairs bathroom.
"Fuck off." Jotaro sat down. "Langage, Jotaro!" Jonathan told him.
"Joot, you seem more pissy than usual, are you on your period?" Jolyne asked smugly.
"Jolyne, I'm not in a good mood and I want you to know I will not hesitate to choke you out and then feed it to your simp."
"Anasui is not a simp!" Jolyne defended.
"Funny, how you knew who I was talking about without saying his name."
"Have fun at school!" Jonathan yelled at his younger siblings.
"Yeah, fun and school don't mix well," Jolyne yelled back.
Joseph usually carpools with Ceasar and Smokey. Jotaro drives him and his friends to school with Jonathan's car. (Jonathan drives there dads car to work). Jolyne caught a ride with her girlfriend Ermes. Josuke walked with his friends Okuyasu and Koichi. And Giorno either walked by himself or ride with his older friend Bruno, today he was alone with his thoughts.
Joseph POV
"Ugh, collage sucks!" I groaned. "Suck it up buttercup It's only the beginning of the year," Ceasar said, reading a book.
We were in the library supposed to be studying but I got a bit distracted. See Suzi Q was also in the library, by herself. Nobody around her, the perfect opportunity to ask her out, but this blonde bubble-blowing bitc-
"Stop staring at Suzi, it's starting to get creeping now," Ceasar said still looking at the book.
"And why should I?"
"1. We should be studying, and 2. Your so small no girl wants to date you." that asshole wrote something in his notebook.
I. Was. Annoyed to say the least. I mean it's true, BUT YOU DON'T SAY IT! So I did the only rational thing, put him in a headlock.
Good thing the library was empty except for a couple of people who were used to our bullshit by now.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUFFOON!?" Ceasar said, or at least tried too.
Ha, get rekt, bitch.
Jotaro POV
"Ugh, I hate school."
"Can you stop being edgy for 5 seconds?" Polnareff asked.
"Can you guys stop arguing and actually help!" Avdol said while he was doing the science assignment, I don't know why. Fucken dork.
"Kakyoin is literally sleeping!" Polnareff wined.
"Kakyoin has had a long day."
"Yeah... what are we talking about?"
"So, sleeping beauty is finally up," I say.
"I know you meant that as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment, Aurora was fabulous!" Kak laughed like the maniacal little gay shit he is.
"Aww, you guys are so cute!"
"Polnareff focus on the experiment!-" the test tube cut him off, by exploding.
"Finally something exciting," I said because it was fucking epic.
"I mean this would not have happened Joot and Kak weren't flirting with each other."
Josuke POV
"Math is hardddddd."
"It's not that hard, Oku."
"Okuyasu, you should probably pay attention to my lesson instead of complaining." our math and gym/Hamon teacher Lisa-Lisa said to my friend Okuyasu, and trust me no one wants to get on her bad side, the last person to do that was Joseph, he still has nightmares, and he graduated.
"Yes, Josuke?"
"Is this going to be on the test?" I ask so I could know what to remember.
"Most of it will. But if you're asking me if you should listen in class or not, the answer is yes." it felt like she stared into my soul at that list part.
The bell rang
Lunch finally! Freedom at last!
"Your homework is to study for the quiz I'm giving you on an undisclosed date!"
Giorno POV
I walk over to bleachers outside of school where my friends (And Abbacchio) usually eat.
"Hey, guys." I quietly say. Right now there is only, Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, and... Trish. Anyways as soon as Fugo and Narancia get here the peace will be ruined. Right now Bruno was talking to Mista and Trish about some party this Friday, and Abbacchio was on his phone with headphones on.
"Hello Giorno, how was your morning," Bruno asked.
"Eh, it was fine. Jolyne almost got ORAed."
"What else is new," Trish said drinking her mineral water. Wow shes really pretty, what?
"SUP BITCHES!" Narancia ran up to the bleachers with Fugo following behind him, sighing. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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I have a kid brother. He’s nine.
I remember the day he was born, I skipped school to go the hospital and meet him. My grandmother helped me, because I couldn’t drive yet. He wrapped his tiny hand around my finger and I held him as long as our mother would let me. I loved him before he was born, but holding him and knowing I would get to watch him grow up solidified it for me.
We moved to Nashville when he was 3. He couldn’t talk. We took him to a bunch of doctors. He has Childhood Apraxia of Speech. He has Autism. He has Sensory Processing Disorder. He wasn’t the perfect baby boy for them anymore. He needed therapy to be normal to survive in an ableist world. By four, we had it figured out. He got therapy. He got an iPad, to speak with.
The first thing he did, was tell us he loved us. My mom cried for attention, because he couldn’t say it and that’s terrible for her because she didn’t get to hear her kid speak the words. I cried, because he told me he loved me. I said I love you too. I cried, because he could communicate. He could tell us now, why he was crying. Why he was having a bad day. He could tell us when he was happy, and what he wanted for dinner. I knew he loved transformers, and the color blue. I knew he hated the texture of athletic shirts, and swings scared him. But now, I could get to know my brother even more.
Then he was 6, and he was going to Kindergarten. He made his first friends. I helped him learn to write, so he could write them cards for their birthdays. He still hates athletic shirts, he still uses the iPad to talk a lot, but he’s beginning to speak. I love the sound of his voice, I love his smile when he says something right and he’s proud of it. He doesn’t need to talk, I love him with or without speech. But he’s happy, talking. And I’m happy for him.
Flash forward 3 years. He talks all the time now, he doesn’t need the ipad; even if he does still struggle with some words. (“I femember when...” Remember is one he struggles with a lot. But he’s trying, he’s doing his best.) He graduated from speech therapy. He was proud, he showed me the medal he got and he asked if that meant he was like the other kids now. I cried. I was proud of how hard he worked to be able to say what he wanted to, but I had hoped I had shielded him from our parents talks of how he needed to be like the other kids. Normal. He’s fine just the way he is, thank you.
They don’t love him for him. They love trying to shape him into the child they wanted. They should love him for him, but I’m selfish; I don’t mind that they stay out of the way mostly. Unlike them, I love him teaching me about marine iquanas and lemon sharks in my truck on the ride home. I love his laugh when I tell him he’d better have gotten on a good color at school, or I’d make him listen to Taylor Swift on the way home (I never would. I love her, he hates her. I couldn’t enjoy her music knowing something was up with him, though.) I love his smile when we stop for a cherry coke slushee and caramel m&m’s. I love talking to him about superhero’s, and why he thinks Flash is the best. I love helping him with his homework, and the way he scrunches his nose in joy when I bring him a little bowl of Mac & cheese to eat while we work.
I love our shared laughter when I call him out for eating 2 tins of blueberries in one sitting (they’re his favorite), and joke about not being able to keep with his appetite. I buy four more tins on my way to pick him up from the babysitter the next day.
Nights like tonight, where our parents just keep talking over him and yelling and not listening when he’s trying to explain what our 14 year old sister was asking about. (He’s smart, smarter than me.)
Nights like tonight, when I tell him to go to his room and wait for me. Where I tell our parents to leave Kara alone, to let her work. And they focus their anger on me, on how much of a failure I am. At least I’m not a failure as a parent.
Nights like tonight, where they finish yelling and walk outside to drink and smoke. Where Kara goes downstairs to be alone and work. Where I put away the dishes, and meet Caleb in his room.
Nights like tonight, where he tells me what he was trying to teach Kara. Electromagnetism. I know nothing about it. He cuddled with me, and taught me about it for 15 minutes. He thanked me for listening. He said he loves me more than he loves science. That’s more than a lot. That’s equivalent to ‘I love you infinity’ for him.
Nights like tonight, I glow with pride at how smart he is. At how loving he is. I hold him and I wonder why our parents could never appreciate and love him for who he is. I tuck him in, and I tell him I love him. As I leave the room, I watch him cuddle with his stingray and seal stuffed animals under the light of the projection of the universe on his ceiling. He’s given me science lessons with them too. (And with the microscope on his nightstand, and with the books I take him to check out at the library, and with pictures he drew of animals during art)
Nights like tonight, I know my parents will yell at me for protecting him. For ‘babying’ him. But I don’t care, not if it means making sure they can’t make him change. I hope he never changes.
He’s my kid brother, and I wouldn’t have him any other way.
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zacchdempsey · 7 years
7th grade science (Zach Dempsey, 13 reasons)
Other than being on the badminton team to get out of having to take a gym class, you steered clear of sports. You hated the people, the double standards, and most importantly the fact that most of the school’s budget went to sports. You took part in theater and choir and dance and art and practically any visual/performing arts activity the school had to offer. By the end of your freshman year, you were helping out at the local elementary and middle schools that were putting on plays. Star basketball player, Zach Dempsey’s little sister was apart of play productions at her school.
After coming to one of her plays that you’d helped put on, you noticed Zach has made an effort to come over and speak with you. He seemed a little shy, but the two of you carried on a conversation perfectly fine. The week after that, you noticed Zach making an effort to talk to you every day. You didn’t think anything of it on the first day. Or the second. But things got suspicious after that. His friends started being nice to you. Justin started walking you to some of your classes, Sheri complimented your makeup. Marcus even offered to help you study. None of these people had really talked to you before. You stayed guarded. Your best friend had a history of dating jocks, but other than that, jocks had nothing to do with your personal life.
On this day, your best friend had gone home sick, the two of you didn’t drive, so you usually walked home together. With her absence, your earbuds became your friend for the walk home. You were still walking down the street in front of the school when you were jolted by a honk. You looked over to see a car driving by you slowly. The back seat held none other than Zach and Marcus. Justin filled the passenger seat, while Bryce drove.
“Need a lift home, Y/N?” You hear Bryce say, laughing under his breath. All the boys were staring at you, obviously waiting for an answer.
“Um, I’m fine, but thanks.” You went to put your earbud back in and continue on your walk.
"Got homework to do?” Justin asked. You swallowed. Not making direct eye contact with any of them.
"A lot, which is why I’m gonna get going.” You put the earbud in quickly this time. Walking off at a fast rate. They were, of course, in a car though, and you couldn’t exactly speed walk away from a car under most circumstances.
"We could get you there faster.” Marcus laughed. You could hear their various comments no matter how loud you played your music. Finally, you yanked both earbuds out.
"I’m really not trying to be a bitch. Really, I’m not. And I know none of you are used to hearing the word no. But there’s a first time for everything. No, I do not want to ride with you. I want to walk home, alone, listening to the music I want to listen to. I’ll see all of you at school tomorrow.”
You looked up at the sky, dark clouds were taking over, as well as winds. You, being in a short sleeve T shirt, crossed your arms over you chest and sped up, wanting to get home before the rain started. A minute later, you looked over and they were gone. You breathed a sigh of relief.
"Uh, Y/N?” You jump, startled once again. You look up to see Zach walking next to you. He grinned at you.
"I’ve been here for a solid minute, and you haven’t noticed. What is that you’re on, twitter?” You glared at him, walking even faster now.
"This could probably qualify as harassment. Where’d the car go?” You look around in the surrounding Parking lots and on the streets.
“I told them to go on without me. I wanted to talk to you.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, still looking at you.
"Yeah, okay.” You mumbled, staring at the ground. You suddenly felt drops on your arms and on your head. It was beginning to rain.
“Shit.” You found yourself mumbling again.
You walked faster, not wanting the papers in your backpack to be completely drenched. You soon realized that Zach was a lot faster than you and could keep up with you. And suddenly, you had his letterman jacket draped over you.
"I’m fine.” You grumbled. He simply chuckled.
“You’re soaked.” He corrected. You rolled your eyes.
"And now you will be to.” He was in a tight blue T shirt, his arms crossed like yours. He smiled at you.
"Better me than you.” You gave him a side eye glance. He wanted to play gentleman, did he?
"Since when do I exist to you?” You adjusted the jacket to where it covered your head.
“What are you talking about? We’ve been friends since elementary school.” You scoffed, pursing your lips.
"Aren’t we friends?” You could feel him looking at you. You walked faster, he knew you weren’t friends before this. He knew you hadn’t talked since you’d been paired up in seventh grade science for a project.
"Do you really think we qualify as friends, Zach? Do you really think that?” You looked up at him. He looked a little hurt, but maybe like he knew you were right.
"Look, I know we just started hanging out but-” you stopped abruptly, catching him off guard.
"Hanging out? You call you and your friends following me around for a week straight ‘hanging out’? I call it creepy.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. He hadn’t expected you to be so harsh and brash.
"I’m sorry okay? It’s just, my sister loved working with you so much and it just reminded me of some stuff.” He pushed his now sopping hair out of his face. You were a block away from your house, so you started walking again.
"Stuff being?” You persisted, though you walked ahead so you couldn’t see his reaction.
"It reminded me of why you’re the only girl I’ve ever really had a crush on.” You stopped. Sure, you were in front of your house, but you also couldn’t move. Zach Dempsey had a crush on you? Key word being had, but still.
"How? When? Where? W-” he cut you off this time. You were still in front of him but you heard him let out a sigh.
"Justin and them- they’re better than they seem. But they don’t get biology, or why I love it. Do you remember when we were paired up in Ms. Milton’s class in middle school for a project?” Zach looked at you. You opened the white picket fence that shut you away from your yard, walking inside the property.
"You can come in, Zach.” You held the fence open. He shuffled quickly inside. He looked surprised that you’d even invited him in. You walked up the path way and up to your porch, unlocking your front door.
"It’s not fancy like yours, but it’s home.” You held the door open for him once again and he walked inside, looking around.
"I’ll get you a towel.” You ran up the stairs, soon coming back down, handing him the towel. You gestured for him to follow you as you walked into the living room to sit on the couch. He sat next to you.
"What were you saying about Ms. Milton?” You didn’t want to let on that you knew exactly what had occurred in Ms. Milton’s class.
"Well- we were partners for a project. And- I let you pick the animal we’d do the project on. You picked whales. And I became so interested in sea life after that project. Now I wanna be a marine biologist. It all started in Ms. Milton’s.” He stared at you. He was serious. He’d been in love with you since the seventh grade.
"Yeah? Well you stopped talking to me in high school. I stopped mattering to any sports player once high school hit.” You didn’t make eye contact with him.
"Okay. Well, I thought I’d never have a chance as soon as I became a basketball player. But I’ve liked you so much- ever since middle school.” You looked up he was scratching the back of his neck.
"You do that when you get nervous.” You pointed out. He laughed a little.
"Oh yeah? When you’re anxious or nervous, you pick your nail polish off.” He was right. That was a nervous tick you had. Maybe he wasn’t such a liar after all.
"Listen, I’m sorry if the boys started to bombard you. They just- they hook up with a ton of girls and they were worried because I wasn’t into any girls they sent my way. When I finally told them about my.. thing for you, they went a bit nuts.” You laughed a little. Justin and Marcus fucked anything that walked at parties. Bryce’s dad set it up so he could order strippers and prostitutes to come whenever he wanted. Zach was different from his friends. Everyone in the school knew it.
"Do you wanna stay for dinner Zach?” You blushed a little as you looked his way.
"Sure, but can I take you out for some food tomorrow night? Just us?”
You felt yourself blushing again. Defensive? Sure you were. But your heart was already fluttering at the idea of going to dinner with Zach Dempsey.
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bunny-lou · 8 years
heyo!! your jaylos prompts are rly cute and i read that you said to request if we wanted you to write them, so can you write the one where jay needs help in science and wonders if he can fluster carlos more than he can learn anything???? it's super cute!!
Thank you!
Rated PG-13 for some intense language from Jay
Initially, Jay was pissed, he didn’t need some nerdy tutor to bore him for hours after school everyday. He didn’t need to know bullshit chemistry or biology.
But Fairy Godmother insisted. “You’ll be getting help from Carlos De Vil. He’s the president of the the Science Club.” She added that last tidbit smugly, as if being King of the Nerds made this De Vil guy any less of a nerd.
Jay just groaned.
But if he didn’t bring up his grades, GM would kick him off the tourney team and prohibit him from going to his prom in a few months and Jay sure as hell wasn’t missing the biggest bash of the year because he didn’t know the parts of a cell.
Enviously watching the last of the students skip out of the doors, Jay takes his time getting to the library. He doesn’t want to go or dedicate even more time learning something he’ll never use.
He pushes open the doors to the library, a room he is just familiar with to at least know where it is, but nothing beyond that, and glares around it. A handful of library workers are there, some kids at computers, some doing homework.
Jay has had a couple of classes with Carlos De Vil before, but they’ve never spoken to each other before; they had no reason to socialize with one another. That was a couple of years back though, before De Vil got put into advanced classes and special lessons. Even if Cruella is batshit crazy, her son is suppose to be some sort of genius.
He recognizes the De Vil hair, thick and curly, two different colors just like his infamous mother. Jsy slouches in annoyance but still makes his way over to the table, already lined with books and packets and other shit. De Vil doesn’t look up until Jay loudly drops his backpack in the seat next to him; the smaller student jumps in his seat, whipping his head up in alarm.
Wide eyes look up at Jay and the pen leaning against his lips moves when he gives a small, nervous smile. It’s cute, kind of. “Hi, I’m Carlos. You’re Jay, right?”
“The one and only.” Jay plops down into the other seat, kicking his feet up right away and smirking when De Vil pouts.
“Please don’t put your shoes on my books.”
“No problem.” Jay toes off his shoes, leaving just his socks on top of the text books.
De Vil snatches his books back, letting Jay’s feet drop on to the desk, and scowls in annoyance.
Heh, maybe this will be fun?
“Okay, I got your last test from Professor Aquata,” De Vil starts after a deep sigh. “You guys are on marine biology right now and she’s wickedly pissed that you failed. She takes it as a personal offense.”
The indignance that this kid went out and got Jay’s own test before even meeting him dies at hearing De Vil swear. Even if it is just ‘pissed’, it isn’t a word Jay expected him to use and he snickers, half in amusement, half in shock.
“We’ll start with coral reefs, since Professor Aquata has a personal connection to them, it’s really important to know those.” De Vil moves his chair closer to Jay and pushes the open book toward him. “I’ve highlighted this section because it references the impact…”
Jay tips his chair back to balance on two legs and allows his head to fall back over the top of his seat, seeing the library upside down. He catches sight of Lonnie packing up and walking past the librarian desk. “Hey Lon,” he calls, not abiding by the rule the library had about whispering, “looking good!” Jay whistles at her and winks, but Lonnie just shakes her head with a smile. She had never given into Jay’s advances, but his attempts have built an odd friendship with her.
“Hey!” A quick push has his chair flat on the ground again. “Pay attention!” De Vil sounds irritated and snaps his fingers in front of Jay’s face
Jay groans and drops his head. “Relax, dude. You can’t blame a guy for trying to get a bit of tail, right?”
A sputter and stammering voice has him looking up at De Vil, his cheeks turning pink and eyes avoiding contact. “Th-that’s not what you’re here for!”
A shit-eating grin splits Jay’s face at De Vil’s embarrassment. “Why’re you getting so nervous, man? Got the hots for Lonnie?”
The blush doesn’t fade as he trips over his words again. “Of-of course not!” He hisses, but looks Jay in the eyes. “She’s an-an excellent graphic de-designer. I admire her work and nothing more!” De Vil finishes quickly, speaking as if he’s defending Lonnie’s honor and making it very clear he has no impure thoughts about her, and crosses his arms.
Jay chuckles. It’s kind of cute he wanted to defend Lon. “Why so defensive then?” He asks, leaning forward, still grinning. “You’re high-strung, maybe you’re the one who needs to get laid.” Jay winks.
The open mouth and horrified silence are so worth his wasted afternoon in the library, Jay decides. “That’s none of your business!” The blush spreads from his cheeks to his ears, the tips as red as the enchanted rose King Beast keeps in the museum.
“Maybe I’m making it my business,” Jay all but purrs and De Vil gives him a spooked look, leaning away. “Are you a virgin?” De Vil’s mouth clamps shut immediately, and Jay’s smirk becomes predatory. “I’ll take that a yes.”
Trembling hands reach for his books again, almost as if they were an object of comfort as Jay suspects they might be. “L-let’s get b-b-back to cora-. Hey!”
Jay steals the book away and holds it possessively. He ignores the fact that he’s actually holding a book for the sake of the fun he’s having. De Vil eyes him warily, breathing erratic and short.
“I think I’d rather learn about you, Mr. De Vil.” The blush, a delicious shade of pink, travels down his throat and Jay lets his thoughts wander about where else this kid is turning red.
“There’s not much to know.” His words have an act of finality to them, but Jay pushes.
“Ever kiss a girl?”
De Vil purses his lips around his pen and eyes his book in Jay’s arms, fingers twitching like he wants to grab it back. After a pause, he nods.
“A guy?”
Another nod. It has to be impossible for his face to get redder.
“Which one did you like more?”
A shrug. De Vil lowers his pen and puts a hand to his mouth, covering half of his face, and Jay thinks it might be the most adorable sight he’s ever seen.
“Has anyone ever told you how hot you are?”
Eyebrows shoot up, as if that is a line Jay isn’t suppose to cross, and he inhales deeply and shakes his head.
“I just,” his voice is hoarse. De Vil swallows before continuing, “I just get called ‘c-cute’…a-a lot.” He sounds annoyed at that, but he pouts in a way that only confirms his complaint.
“Well you are cute,” Jay murmurs, resting his head on his hands and staring at the other teen. “Especially when you blush.” He winks but De Vil scowls at him. “But, Carlo-os,” Jay drags out the last syllable of his name and the scowl fades into trembling lips, “you’re also hot as hell.”
His face stays just as red, but the corners of Carlos’ lips quirk up, as if he’s fighting a smile. Jay wonders how no one has ever told Carlos that he’s hot. It’s a shame for the other boy not to realize it.
“And, I think most people would agree that I am hot as well.” Carlos rolls his eyes, but Jay continues. “And I think you and I could do something very hot together.”
Carlos blinks at him, clearly taken back by the invitation. “Huh?”
Jay laughs a little at the noise; he’s reduced one of the smartest students to a confused, flustered mess. He leans closer to Carlos, whose eyes flicker downward before he leans closer too and their faces are nearly touching. “How about you and I get out of here and enjoy each oth-. Hey!”
“A-ha!” Carlos proudly holds his book that he has just snatched out of an unsuspecting Jay’s arms.  An annoyed librarian shushes them and Carlos ducks his head in embarrassment.
“As I w-was saying,” Carlos began, voice becoming more confident as he opens the book, allowing it to be the distraction instead of himself. He pays no attention to Jay staring at him with his mouth hanging open. “Coral reefs protect shorelines from the damage of storms. They take most of the damage themselves from the waves that a storm creates and lessens the destruction done to the shoreline.”
“Dude, seriously?” Jay whines. Part of him is impressed that Carlos managed to grab his book back, but he had been enjoying teasing Carlos and he was about to (hopefully) enjoy many other aspects of him.
Carlos sneaks a glance at him, his face still flushed in a way that Jay finds very appealing now. 
“Tell you what,” Carlos whispers, softer than anything else he’s spoken thus far. He taps the end of his pen against his mouth and in between his lips. (Jay bites his tongue and reminds himself that he can’t be jealous of an inanimate object.) “Pay attention now and get at least…a B on your make-up test,” Jay scoffs, “and then you and I can go be…hot together or whatever,” he finishes, avoiding his gaze.
Jay raises a brow at him. “I know what I meant by that, but what do you mean by it?”
“We’ll work out the details of our agreement later.” Carlos stares intensely at his book while Jay stares intensely at him.
He leans close, so close that his lips touch a still very red ear as he speaks. “Does that mean I’d get to change that virginity status for you?” 
Carlos shivers in his seat and Jay pulls away to watch him squirm.
“I-I-I don’t kn-know about that.” He stutters. “I m-mean, you’d need at l-least an A for that.”
Jay laughs, loud and excited and surprised, and waves off the librarian that shushes them again.
Maybe this tutoring thing wouldn’t suck as much as he thought it would.
(Or, taking another look at the way Carlos’ lips moved around his pen cap, hopefully it does.)
Whew, kind of long, but I liked it! And I think I ended it way better than most of my stuff.
If you enjoyed, please like this and if you loved, please reblog! If you have any more Jaylos prompts, throw them at me!
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boletus-edulis · 8 years
Hi! I'm a sophomore and I go to an arts high school for visual art. I'm really conflicted about whether or not I wanna go to an art college or not and pursue it as a career in the future. do you enjoy going to college for art? also do you think u will have an art related career in the future? thanks! :^)
I swore I had answered the question ‘do you enjoy going to college for art” in the past, but I realized I actually haven’t and I’m honestly shocked that I haven’t made a million posts about it! The answer is absolutely, yes, I love going to college for art. I think I would have had an okay time at a regular university but I wouldn’t have been truly happy. Everything here feels like a dream; that’s what I keep telling people when they ask me if I like it or not. That’s not to discount the amount of work we have here though. I’m doing homework almost constantly when I’m not in class, or sleeping. I do have some time to have fun but I find that my friends and I try to hang out and do homework simultaneously. 
I’ve known almost my whole life that I wanted to have a career in the arts, just as I knew I wanted to go to art college as soon as I knew that art college was a thing! I will however say: do not go to art college if you don’t feel like you’ll be able to handle drawing almost constantly, and high amounts of stress. Art school, or ringling specifically, is no joke. It’s a college that’s meant to push you to your limit in order to prepare you for getting a solid job. I’m only a freshman and I know this.
If you aren’t sure about pursuing art, I would do your best to take some serious art classes, and if you love them and feel that you could do that tenfold--art college is for you. Read websites of potential art colleges, and don’t necessarily trust “college review” type websites that people write into (it’s the people who don’t have a good experience that tend to write reviews). 
A little additional fact: I also considered following a path in marine science, but god I am glad that I chose art instead. I still love and try to learn more about marine science, but art is where my passions lie. 
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homeschoolbase · 4 years
Is it a good idea to homeschool a sibling?
Is it a good idea to homeschool a sibling?
I don't know if I'd actually do this, but is there any advice for if I were to? He does have autism, but he is a very smart kid and I know he can do more than his teachers are letting him.
My little brother is about to go to 7th grade and I realized he hasn't learned anything new since we moved to this new state. He learned this stuff back in 4th grade, but is being retaught in 6th grade. He isn't memorizing anything and I don't know what to do. I realized how they are barely teaching him through this distance learning.
He never got homework and I realize that it is because his teachers gave him the answers instead of letting him try during his study hall in school. He has only done about three math assignments since distance learning began, and I would barely call it math, it was just choosing things off of a menu and writing the numbers down. There was no actual math. He only had one thing that was actual math and it was a placement test for a website he hasn't used since.
He hasn't done ELA at all, but his teacher called me and said he would be doing such for the next two weeks, so he has to do his other subjects now. I haven't seen any examples of his schoolwork since he started at this school and if these distance learning assignments are similar, I am really worried. I feel like his public school is putting a limit on his learning because he has autism. In Florida he was being given work that was too hard in grade-level classes, and here in Maine he is being given work that his teachers are doing for him or are just very easy.
I looked at one of his social studies assignments and his teacher answered every other question literally, they were even highlighted.
I'm really worried for him. I feel like he learns more from youtube videos he likes to watch than his classes. He is really interested in biology, plant geography, evolution, cavemen, astronomy, and game design. He is constantly coming up with creative alien environments and species and theorizing about space travel and life outside our solar system. He loves to watch CrashCourse and other educational videos. I did a lab experiment for my marine science class for my homeschool and he joined in and loved it.
Is there any advice on what to do?? I don't think my mom would allow me, but if she did let me, what do I do? I would be balancing my schoolwork with teaching him, but I feel like I could do that because majority of my classes might honestly be similar to what I'd like to teach him other than my calculus and physics. I'd like to sign him up for a club or have him volunteer somewhere with me so he still can be social. He hasn't made any friends in his school and that worries me.
Would it be okay to try this out over the summer and see how it goes?? I want to be a teacher when I am older too and I really want him to learn. I'm about to go into 11th grade. I am in dual enrollment and I am willing to take some teaching courses if it helps to better his education. He really has no life skills and I am worried he will end up living with my mom his whole life working in fast food. He has so many dreams for the future and I don't think he will be able to do anything if things don't change.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
(RF) Part 1 - Love is Overrated (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2 – My Life is a Mess
You have to understand something, I didn't want this to happen. I didn't try to meet someone, I just stumbled upon her. My life was a mess before she came into it. Most of my friends are ex's and they all talk to each other in a passive aggressive manner. I'm a pushover and I do nothing to make them stop. I actually just ignore it and let it run its course. Well, things were going well with Chelsea. I would talk to her and just see how her day is going or we would just play games but not say anything. It was just the mere presence that made everything that much better. I went to an amusement park with some friends, they really wanted to go and I had extra tickets and fast passes to let us ride anything we wanted without having to wait in lines. I remember telling Chelsea I was going and she said she would miss me. "I'll still have my phone on me, don't worry, I'll respond to your messages." She wasn't actually texting me, just using a group messaging app. We hadn't swapped phone numbers yet. "Oh, ok! But I don't want to bother you! You should enjoy your rides." "I'll enjoy them but I still want to talk to you." "That's fine with me. I love that. When are you leaving?" "I'm already on the way there, I'll meet the others there and give them the tickets and armbands so they can come in with me." "Well, what kind of rides are there? Are they really scary?" At this point the conversation became very detailed, describing each ride and telling her I hate heights but I'm still doing it. After a couple of them my fears subside. She hinted at the idea of wanting to come and I told her I would buy her a flight and a hotel room if she wanted to come, she just had to tell me when. What was I doing?! I felt as if I was being pushy and really forward but yet she responded with great joy. It was at this point I found out she couldn't really leave home because she was taking care of her mother that had recently received a triple bypass. I don't actually know the underlying issue but I remember her being upset and telling me it was at the point where her mom had to receive a tube placement in her lungs to drain fluid build up. A thoracostomy, that's the procedure. I'm a PA with four degrees and I was still deciding on whether I wanted to go to medical school. I knew what she was talking about and she felt comfortable telling me this and asking me questions about how things would go because I understood all the medical jargon.
As the day came to a close we had already talked about everything that had to do with the park and I had to drive home at midnight. She was drunk and wanted to stay awake until I got home and we could talk some more. I still messaged her as I drove home and she eventually stopped responding the closer I got to home. She had fallen asleep, there was nothing I could do about that and I couldn't really ask for more. She had already stayed awake all night to just talk to me. Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic but I actually think I loved this girl. I didn't say like, I meant love. In my life I have fallen in love 4 other times in life. The first one was with a girl named Madison, she was amazing and we were essentially the same person but in different genders. The second was a girl named Amanda. She worked at a fast food restaurant I worked while I was in high school. The third was a girl named Callie, I met her in high school. The fourth was named Elke, she was German, I had also met her playing games online but I hadn't taken to this relationship until later on life, after I enlisted.
People always kept their distance from me, I never had many friends. I was terrible at talking to people and when I tried I didn't really have anything to talk about. Everyone seemed to have interesting conversations but everything was meaningless, even in high school or younger than that. I remember being 12 years old and hearing other kids at school talk about homework and rant for a whole day about how to figure out how to do certain problems. I knew the answer already, I just didn't say anything. I thought to myself, "if you guys don't know how to do it by now then you're dumb, just give up, it's meaningless." Needless to say, everyone was right to stay away from me. Throughout the years I met others in different classes, still didn't engage in conversation, even during groupwork. I was always asked out on dates and I knew people liked me because of that but I could never go. My mother was way too…protective, let's say, of me. She wouldn't let me go anywhere, wouldn't let me have sleepovers, I couldn't even play sports. I was stuck inside and I was beaten almost daily. I actually don't have many memories of being young and not getting hit.
A week had gone by and I hadn't really spoken to anyone because the anniversary of my friends' death had just passed and I tended to keep to myself. Chelsea thought I had a problem with her and we basically ignored each other. We would play something and I would be drunk and say something dumb like "I'm bored…I have to find something else to do…"
I remember exactly what she said. "You don't have to be here if you don't want, sorry we're boring."
I felt bad, I didn't mean to make her feel that way but I didn't see a way to come back from that. I brushed it off and kept playing. After we finished the mission I left the group and went to watch TV. She messaged me and asked if I had a problem with her. I told her no. I told her about my friends and that around this time I always get this way and I'm sorry for treating her like shit. "I understand…I just thought I did something wrong." "No, you could never do anything wrong. I'm sorry about that. I just need a little bit of time." "I'm here if you need to talk." "I know. Thank you."
A few weeks went by, I didn't really talk to anyone but my nieces. We had spent our time learning to cook and doing homework. I hold 4 Bachelor's of Science in Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry and Neuroscience which they insist I use to help them with her homework. Their geometry homework…but that's beside the point. We were trying to make braised pork ribs and so we marinated our ribs for 24 hours. We had no idea what we were doing, we guessed! The ingredients were some I can't recall and they were mixed in ratios I couldn't remember. After cooking them over a wood fire we realized they tasted horrible! We tossed them out where some racoons had made a home in our backyard and let them eat. The little bandits, they were adorable.
I've had ex girlfriends get beaten by their husbands or boyfriends and they called me to help them out. I always say yes, I can't ever say no to someone in need. One of them, Shauna, did call me and tell me her boyfriend, Angel, hurt her. She needed help. I bought her a flight here to Ohio and paid to have a moving team go pack her stuff. I just can't say no to someone in need.
My exes that live near me always come over and hang out with my nieces. They'll take them out shopping and come watch movies with them. What am I supposed to say? Stay away? Don't ever come by again? They're helping me out by entertaining the girls so I can get some work done – I still need to finish patient charts.
Chapter 1 - https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/gh79uk/rf_part_1_love_is_overrated/
submitted by /u/TheBaitAndTheSniper [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2xZ2DgI
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clavehell6-blog · 5 years
Host of Hawai‘i Public Radio’s “The Conversation” Catherine Cruz
Photo by Joseph Esser.
Catherine Cruz is host of Hawai‘i Public Radio’s “The Conversation.” Before taking part in a Zócalo/Daniel K. Inouye Institute “Pau Hana” event panel discussion titled “What Can Hawai‘i Teach the World About Climate Change?” she spoke in the green room about long-distance swimming, living through typhoons, and overcoming her natural shyness.
What’s hanging on your living room walls?
A lot of my husband’s relatives—oil paintings from folks that live in Philadelphia, where his family came from. It’s a great way to know that my kids have a connection to American history, because we have a lot of furniture from Philadelphia and the paintings of people who lived out there.
What’s some of the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
My parents raised us to be resilient, because I grew up in Guam, “Typhoon Alley,” so we get hit by typhoons a lot. And I’ve lived through several super typhoons, with winds in excess of 200 miles an hour. Once I was in a concrete house and the walls started to crack because the winds were so strong, and we were without water for a month and without power for like three months. So I think that the community that I grew up in is pretty resilient. Like my parents always said, “You’ve just got to be able to take care of yourself.”
Was there a teacher or professor who really helped influence your career?
Not really, because I kind of got into [this line of work] by accident. I went home after a couple years of college, and I applied to a TV station, just to actually work cameras and edit. And they said, “Gosh, we don’t have any openings, but can you help out in the news department?” And then I kind of got hooked on news.
This was at a TV station here?
No, in Guam. But there was a marine biology teacher—because I originally thought maybe I’d go into marine science—and I took lots of classes when I was back there at home. I didn’t go into marine biology, but I use all of that because I kind of have this interest in the ocean.
Do you have a particular water-related activity?
I’m a swimmer, I do long-distance swimming.
What’s the longest you’ve ever done?
I go out on the weekends with my swim group, we’re a pod, and we usually do about two miles. We go all over the island [Oahu]. I’ve done the Waikiki Roughwater Swim, where you go from one end of Waikiki to the next. I thought that was really cool stuff. Then I found out there was a double Roughwater, so you go four and a half miles. We go all over.
Actually, I never imagined I would be doing long-distance swimming, because I kept flunking my beginner’s swimming lessons because I could just not get myself to dive in the water. And so they would just keep flunking me. This was in Guam, growing up at the USO [United Service Organizations].
How’d you overcome that?
I usually try to work on the things I’m weakest at. So I figured I needed to work on this swimming part. And I’ve always thought that writing was hard for me, and being in front of people—because I was always very shy—and so I had to work on those things. And so this job—and [before that] I was a TV reporter for about 35 years—and so it forced me to just kind of forget myself and just kind of go after the story.
I wouldn’t have guessed about the shyness.
When I was a little kid my teacher used to say, “You know that you know the answer, but you just don’t want to raise your hand. So your homework assignment is to go into the boonies and stand under banana trees, and scream at the top of your lungs. Because you have to get over being so quiet.”
Yeah! I was a good little girl.
Source: http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2018/10/29/host-hawaii-public-radios-conversation-catherine-cruz/personalities/in-the-green-room/
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taylorwells13 · 6 years
My First Semester of College
My First Semester of College in a Blog Post
My first semester of college was full of learning experiences. These experiences included educational and social experiences. Throughout my classes I gained a better understanding of what majors I may be interested in and career paths I can choose. Socially, I joined a sorority and gained new friends. Although I was afraid of not being able to make new friends and finding a major I could see myself having a good job with I managed to clear up all of those thoughts in just a semester. Capital has made me learn a lot of new things and has cleared up everything I was afraid of during the summer before I came here.
One class in particular that helped me was Biology 151. This class made me realize that I wanted nothing to do with Biology! This class was very difficult and I knew that going into it but I had to take it anyway. This helped me out because I’m an undecided major and ever since I was little I had always wanted to be a marine biologist which requires a lot of science. I’m sure if I really applied myself and tried harder I could do it but I have lost interest since this class. I read an article about the requirements of marine biology and it says “Students in biology programs study biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, and evolution in addition to taking courses in physics, chemistry, calculus, and statistics” and also “Like all scientists, marine biologists pursue a vigorous education that includes undergraduate and graduate study. As undergraduates, most prospective marine biologists study biology or zoology, and some choose majors in marine biology. Studying marine biology as an undergraduate is not a prerequisite to becoming a marine biologist, however. Marine biologists may find it useful to develop a strong background in engineering, mathematics, or computer science in addition to pursuing a natural sciences education” which is a lot of difficult courses.
Other than classes, I also participate in a social sorority. Phi Sigma Sigma has taught me a lot of things such as leadership, empowerment, and how much the work you do in the community helps out. Some of the messages Phi Sig try to send out is “We are a dynamic, principled, passionately committed group of women from around the world who define ourselves not by our distinct differences, but by what we have in common. And that common bond is a firm belief that women of different religions, cultures, backgrounds and viewpoints working together can and do make a difference in our communities, and in the world, everyday” it’s about empowering women and service. Other than all the stuff we do I have already made a lot of new life time friends that I can talk to about anything and share the struggles of college classes with. I can go to them about anything and I think that’s a very important thing to have at college because being in a new place can make you feel alone at times. In an article by ECPI University it talks about how having friends in college is important. It says “Students stand to gain a lot by befriending their classmates. These students can form study groups, discuss ideas for projects, commiserate over mistakes, and celebrate victories and good grades. When you need to talk to someone who gets it, who knows better than someone who attends your school, possibly even a member of your class?”  This is true because your friends at home don’t know what’s going on at your school. Only the people who are actually there with you. Friends help you through a lot and I love the friends I have made here, I can already tell they will be there for me through everything.
College has taught me several different things. It has taught me how to study better and how to be more independent. An article about how college makes you more independent it talks about how you make your own grades. It says “Students learn how to become independent when they start managing their time according to their own capabilities. They soon realize that they learn at a different pace compared to their peers, and the carefree studying they did in high school is no longer applicable in college” this is true because the teaching methods are so different compared to high school. College can make you independent in many different ways, it teaches you to clean your room because you don’t want to bother your roommate, teaches you how to do laundry and most importantly teaches you to decide when it’s important to either do your homework or go out with your friends.
Although coming to college undecided was stressful for me I have then grown to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m so thankful for all Capital has done for me and all of the good friends I have met.
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jakehglover · 6 years
How Activating Your Body's Cell Repair Processes Can Improve Your Health and Well-Being
By Dr. Mercola
Naomi Whittel is the former CEO of Twinlab and has written an interesting book about how to achieve radiant health by activating your body's natural autophagy processes. In "Glow 15: A Science-Based Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin, and Invigorate Your Life," she shares a number of valuable strategies for doing this naturally. Her deep-rooted interest in healthy living was an outgrowth of her lifelong struggle with eczema, an autoimmune deficiency.
"The inflammatory process just ravaged my body," she says. "My skin would bleed, it would pus. My parents were so conscious, they would even be aware of the kinds of material I would wear because our skin needs to breathe — it's our largest organ — and the foods that I ate. I was born on a biodynamic farm, and yet this autoimmune disorder and so many [other health problems] that I developed over time controlled my life.
So, I have always been trained to eat specific foods and drink certain types of water. My parents never let me have fluoridated water. I was never vaccinated. So much thought went into what I was putting on and into my body, and yet I couldn't squelch the inflammation. When I was in my midteens, I would constantly cover myself with long sleeves, kind of like what I'm doing today. But it wasn't for the same reasons.
I would cover myself because I was so ashamed of what I really looked like. It was the spring dance, and there was a boy that I really wanted to go to the spring dance with. My mother said to me at that time, 'You know, you shouldn't always cover yourself.
You have a lot of friends. You can have some more self-confidence.' I listened to her, and I wore short sleeves and shorts. My skin was exposed, and he got a glimpse of me, and he didn't invite me. That was a defining moment, because I had been so rejected by the way I looked."
From Natural to Conventional and Back
Following that spring dance rejection, Whittel decided to try the conventional route for a change. For a time, she used steroids to control her eczema, but the side effects prompted her to return to her all-natural roots. In her early 20s, she was able to eliminate about 95 percent of her eczema using a combination of Chinese herbs, acupuncture and fasting to detox.
Alas, when she was preparing for pregnancy a few years later, she discovered she had heavy metal toxicity, which her doctor attributed to the Chinese herbs she had taken, due to the soil they were grown in and the way they were processed.
"I had poisoned my body through these herbs that had been so therapeutic," she says. "That was the other defining moment for me. I decided I needed to know, from that moment forward, exactly where things came from. So, I started the process of always going to the source … Ultimately, I built a company called Reserveage, where we aimed to find where things come from.
I started with the polyphenols, the antioxidants, that come from the red wine grape, and I searched all over the world for the grapes that had the highest levels of these different polyphenols, including resveratrol … I ultimately landed in Bordeaux, where the organic and biodynamic vineyards are so rich in these powerful nutrients.
I was in Calabria, Italy, when I first started to really learn about the citrus bergamot fruit. The researchers over there were teaching me about drinking whole citrus bergamot tea. The lead researcher, Dr. Elzbieta Janda, was drinking four or five cups of this every day, and while I was there, I was doing that with her. I asked her, 'Why?' … She said to me, 'I use it to activate my autophagy.' That was the first time I had heard the word."
"Auto" in Greek means "self," and "phagy" means "to eat," so autophagy refers to a self-eating process in which your body digests damaged cells. It's basically a cleaning-out process that encourages the proliferation of new, healthy cells. Reserveage, which was later sold to Twinlab, was founded on the principle that each and every ingredient is carefully sourced and processed in such a way to ensure the highest quality and purity possible.
This includes doing soil testing and working with the farmers and middlemen to understand and clean up each step of the process from farm to bottle. Unfortunately, few companies actually invest the time and resources necessary to do this. "It surprises me, because it's a disconnect," Whittel says. "Ultimately, there's so many things that can go wrong along the way."
Fish Oil's Dirty Little Secret
Whittel recently worked with Jeff Bland, Ph.D., on a trip to Alaska to investigate the manufacturing of cod liver oil. "For me personally, fish oil is an important part of my health. Because of my autoimmune disorders, I grew up drinking a little shot every morning of cod liver oil … But when I built my company, Reserveage, I never could find a source other than krill, that I was comfortable bringing out into the market," she says. What's the problem with most fish oil? Whittel explains:
"What happens is the fish are caught in large nets. Even if you think the fish oil is coming from Norway or Europe, it's caught in Central and South America in these large nets. The fish are then brought onto and thrown into the bottom of the boat … [where] they go completely rancid. They're just left there. By the time they get to Europe, the guts are so rancid that in order to get the omega-3s out, they have to go through a process of extracting these poisons and this rancidity.
[In the end], you're left with something that has none of the cofactors. It's been so heavily contaminated to clean out the rancidity that if you want to get any of the benefits of the vitamin A or vitamin D, they have to be added back. So, there's a huge disconnect … When I learned about this, it just ruined my relationship to fish oils."
Finding Pure Cod Liver Oil
Bland told her he'd partnered with David Little, an engineer and fisherman who owns six large fishing boats in Alaska. Little built and implemented a flash freeze process on his boats. As soon as the cod are caught, they're flash frozen. The fish are sold to the Japanese, but they weren't doing anything with the livers and guts of the fish, which is where the fish oils are extracted from. So, Bland and Little partnered up to extract the fish oils from the fish guts, while the rest of the fish gets shipped off to Japan.
The beauty of this process is that it preserves the specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) in the oil — many of which are powerful anti-inflammatory components — along with the vitamin A and D. "I was able to literally take the oil right out of the processing equipment and drink it, right there in the factory," Whittel says. "It smells fresh, and it [tastes] good. That's why I, for the first time in my career, felt confident enough to bring a cod liver oil into the market … There's nothing like it, from a cod liver perspective, out there."
This story is just one cautionary story of many, showing you really need to do your homework when it comes to food and supplements. Whittel estimates about 98 percent of the omega-3 products on the market are inferior due to the way the fish are caught and processed.
Aside from this Twinlab cod liver oil, krill is another excellent source of marine-based omega-3 fats. Contrary to cod, krill are also a far more sustainable source of these valuable oils. You can learn more about the safeguards in place to ensure the sustainability of krill in this previous krill article.
The Importance of Cyclical Autophagy
Like myself, Whittel also reached the conclusion that it is  important to cycle many lifestyle choices to improve your health. For her, it began with the intuitive understanding that cells are either building or detoxing, and each phase has its own requirements. Fasting, meaning abstaining from food altogether, turned out to be a crucial component that ultimately allowed her to control the inflammation in her body, and she's been doing cyclical fasting for nearly 25 years.
Again, one of the things fasting does is activate autophagy, your body's cleanout process that cleanses and detoxifies the cell and recycles the parts of the organelles that are no longer needed, so that your cells behave more youthfully. But autophagy cannot remain continuously activated all the time. You also need to allow the cells to rebuild and rejuvenate, which occurs during the refeeding phase.
In her search for experts on autophagy, Whittel came across the work of Dr. Richard Wang, a dermatologist and autophagy expert, Dr. Beth Levine, whose focus is on exercise, and William A. Dunn, Ph.D., at the University of Florida, who has been researching autophagy for 30 years, among others. She then put together a protocol to build up her own health.
" … David Sinclair at Harvard … was sharing with me a lot of the insights around how we can reduce the impact of these accelerated agers. When you look at all the ways that we age — the effects of the DNA impact, the inflammation, the telomere shortening, all of these things — autophagy and the way that autophagy slows down as we age due to these accelerated agers, is at the foundation of the way we age.
So being able to activate [autophagy], and then also deactivate it, is something that is fundamental to the aging process. 'Glow15' is that protocol. What was so fascinating, when I first did it on myself, was that my energy skyrocketed. I increased my lean muscle mass and reduced my body mass index by about 6 percent, so I went from 24 to 18 percent [body fat].
I wasn't doing anything other than activating my autophagy. My energy, my mental focus, my sleep improved, and I just felt so much better. And I looked younger, for sure, so everyone in my world said, 'Hey, what are you doing?' Then I started to try it on my friends and family. Then some of my friends at Jacksonville University, some of the researchers there, said, 'Why don't we create a lifestyle study?'
So, we took a group of 35 participants, and we put them through this lifestyle. Every single participant achieved results … in 15 days, and that's how the book got the name 'Glow15.' They lost weight, they reduced their fine lines and wrinkles … they got off medications. It was truly remarkable, the benefits. So that's how the protocol was developed."
How to Activate Autophagy
So just how do you go about activating your body's autophagy mechanism? Here's a summary of four of the 11 strategies detailed in her book:
1. Intermittent fasting coupled with protein cycling (IFPC) — Intermittent fasting every other day (16 hours of not eating, which is the time needed to activate autophagy, and eight hours of scheduled eating). On days when you're not doing the intermittent fasting, eat the regular amount of protein you would normally consume, and on your intermittent fasting day, cut protein to about 5 percent of your calories for the day.
"So, for somebody like me who would normally eat about 45 to 50 grams of protein … [on low protein days] I'll take about 5 percent of my overall caloric intake, which is about 25 grams of protein," Whittel explains.
2. Timing of nutrients — Eat fats first and carbohydrates last, whether you're intermittently fasting or not.
"On a low [protein] day, when you've done an intermittent fast, your first meal will be about fat, and fat first. Then at the end of the day, you'll have carbohydrates, and we talk about the quality carbohydrates that we need for health.
Also, when you're eating carbs later on in the day, in the evening as your last meal, you're getting all of the benefits, from recovery to helping you relax and get ready to go to sleep. So, fat first and carbs last is my second principle," Whittel says.
3. Cyclical exercise — Every other day, do 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training or resistance training. "It could be as simple as walking faster for a minute and then slowing down, and doing that back and forth for 30 minutes. Resistance training could even be doing yoga," she says. "It's that acute stress, that good stress, that has a beneficial impact on autophagy."
4. Eat more autophagy-activating foods — Whittel includes 140 different types of foods that help activate autophagy — such as citrus bergamot tea, green tea and turmeric — and different ones are recommended depending on whether you're doing intermittent fasting and low protein that day or not. For example, on a fasting, low-protein day, she recommends removing the egg white (the high-protein part) when eating eggs. On nonfasting, high-protein days, eat both the egg white and the yolk.
Cyclical Autophagy Activation Is Crucial for Optimal Health and Longevity
"In 2016, the Nobel Prize in medicine was given to the Japanese biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi for his research around autophagy … It's going to be such a big part of our health and well-being over the next decade, and now the research is really starting to come together," she says. Her book is an outgrowth of diving into the available research, so to learn more about autophagy and how to activate this rejuvenating process, be sure to pick up a copy of "Glow15."
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/06/17/how-to-activate-autophagy.aspx
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allyouzombies · 8 years
Part two of the series "if I ever have kids" If I have kids I am gonna try so hard to help them not be held back from their dreams by difficulty with a subject. I am very happy with being an English student, because I love it. But I also spent all of my late childhood wanting to be an astrophysicist or a marine biologist who focused on freshwater marine life. I was in honors classes for everything, but I still really struggled with chemistry and math of all sorts - especially pre calculus and calculus. It was disheartening and part of the reason I pursued an English degree over a science degree - I've always had the easiest time with English-related stuff. I'd say I'm even pretty good at it. I have to work at it just like anything else, but it's not killer. Math and chem were killer and I still did a poor job. My parents would have helped me if they knew how much I struggled or how to do those subjects, but I didn't tell them and they didn't know how to do it anyway. I know they would have tried if I asked. So I gave up on those dreams and while I'm happy, I still yearn for that science-y end of things that I've always admired and wanted. And I never want a kid under my guardianship to have that same dilemma. Idk I'm procrastinating homework/getting dressed and asking my boyfriend if he wants to go to an aquarium in cincinnati with me and I'm thinkin about fish
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